
[reed]asac: "bloody dailies" hehe00:36
[reed][06:44:05AM] <asac> but we also want folks like [reed] that like to run the bloody dailies ... we want to help discover and track down regression for instance00:43
ftathat would be nice indeed.00:43
gnomefreaki really hate today14:16
gnomefreakwe really need to shut liferea up. it tells you its updating feeds. if you have alot (like me) it keeps asking i had over 20 of them cleared them and the panel(task panel) was filled up and still coming15:02
fta?? i have 50+ feeds in liferea, it's not asking me anything15:04
gnomefreakfta: it tells me that it is updating feed would i like to view it continue and so on there are maybe 5 choices15:08
ftaeh? is that a new option? could you screenshot it?15:09
gnomefreakthere is an option it looks like15:09
gnomefreakyes new option check if you have the first choice marked in prefferences>GUI15:10
gnomefreaki cant show it since they are all updated15:10
gnomefreakim gonna try again15:11
gnomefreakok let me find a place to paste it to15:12
gnomefreakpost it to15:12
gnomefreakfta: here is some of them i kills liferea right after screenshot http://www.flickr.com/photos/26378196@N05/3300572344/15:16
gnomefreak1.4.23-0ubuntu2 is he version15:19
ftajust uncheck the pref, it's unchecked here, i don't see that15:19
gnomefreakok i wasnt sure if thast was it or not15:19
gnomefreakwould be nice if it was just one popup15:20
ftafile a wish bug :)15:22
asacfta: any chances to get v8 on amd64 ;)?15:23
ftaasac, with ia32 libs, yes15:23
ftanative, no15:23
asacfta: yes, but can we properly build with ia32-libs?15:24
BUGabundo1what's v8?15:24
asacfta: what do i need? ia32-libs-dev?15:24
ftaBUGabundo1, the javascript engine used by chrome/chromium15:24
BUGabundo1ahh I thought so15:24
BUGabundo1if you guys build it, let me know15:24
BUGabundo1I would like to test chromium on Ubuntu 64 bits15:25
asacBUGabundo1: look in ~chromium team ppa15:25
asacthere is no PPA :)15:25
asacso i guess its fta ppa15:25
ftaasac, it's tricky to do because between hardy, intrepid and jaunty, the content of the ia32 packages changed15:25
BUGabundo1asac: I have another user on our locoteam that  is aving trouble getting pptp vpn working with PPAs NM15:26
ftathe problem is libnss15:26
asacfta: yeah. i am only interested in jaunty++15:26
BUGabundo1I'll ask him to open a bug for it (ibex)... what do you need for debug?15:26
LLStarkshey guys.15:26
LLStarkshow's your sunday so far?15:26
asacBUGabundo1: do i already ship latest crack for ibex? or still 0.7 final?15:26
asacLLStarks: i tried a computer ban, but failed miserably ;)15:27
ftaasac, now that my i386 build is back on track, i'll see what i can do for amd6415:27
asacthen i tried IRC ban and found that i needed to ask fta about something ;)15:27
BUGabundo1no idea asac15:27
BUGabundo1I'm on jaunty15:27
LLStarksare you insinuating something?15:27
asacBUGabundo1: let me check15:27
BUGabundo1Feb 22 12:12:31 hjrocha-laptop pppd[26722]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid15:27
LLStarksor have i not gotten enough sleep?15:27
asacLLStarks: no. just chatting unimportant things ;) ... feel free to ignore me15:28
BUGabundo1pppd 245 ? that one is recent15:28
BUGabundo1I remember it was the one you forgot to update until last week15:28
LLStarksfontconfig still giving you the blues?15:28
asacBUGabundo1: so i didnt update NM for ibex yet15:28
BUGabundo1I guess that could be the reason15:28
asacBUGabundo1: better wait till final stuff is there15:28
BUGabundo1why his VPN is falingin15:28
asacerr .7.1 i mean15:28
asacLLStarks: yes. do you know something about fontconfig?15:29
BUGabundo1asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121444/15:29
LLStarksand neither do the ubuntu devs.15:29
BUGabundo1here is what he emailed me15:29
LLStarksis 3.1 going to be default in jaunty or karmic?15:29
asacLLStarks: right, we are still hoping for wisdom or bravery15:30
asacLLStarks: karmic15:30
asacso we still have some time left ;)15:30
asacwell. if ffox suddenly was final in the next two weeks we might reconsider the 3.0 decision15:30
LLStarksbug 305394 = depressing read15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305394 in fontconfig "No subpixel smoothing" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30539415:30
asacbut i dont see that happening15:31
asacLLStarks: dont read it then ;)15:31
asacLLStarks: i will have to bug our debian fontconfig maintainer I guess15:31
asacif he doesnt know, nobody will15:31
* BUGabundo1 would really like to see 3.1 as default15:32
BUGabundo1I can't use 3.0 anymore... to slow!15:32
LLStarksgoing through debian is going to be the death of ubuntu. people want to ship jaunty with ext4 support in key applications.15:32
asacLLStarks: our current problem is that we need to understand why we made those changes in the psat15:32
LLStarksto hell with debian merges!15:33
BUGabundo1asac: so the anwser to the user is : "wait a few more days until fix is uploaded to PPA"?15:33
asacLLStarks: well. in fontconfig case its Keith Packard <keithp@debian.org>15:33
asacdont see how that can be the death ;)15:33
LLStarksbetter put in writing and submit it to the debian bug system.15:34
LLStarksevery debian packager i've ever spoken too has been apathetic towards the issues i  report.15:34
BUGabundo1fta: so no deb yet on https://launchpad.net/~chromium-team ?15:35
asacLLStarks: well. it requires some exercise to talk to debian folks.15:35
asacyou need to know the right buttons and handles ;)15:35
ftaBUGabundo1: no, i'm still unhappy with the status of the package, so it's in my PPA only for now. I will do dailies soon like for mozilla15:36
LLStarkswell, their bug submission process is needlessly labrynthine and commandline based. that speaks volumes about them.15:36
BUGabundo1on your ppa?15:36
* BUGabundo1 checks it out15:36
asacLLStarks: it helps to not get bugged by shitloads of crap15:37
BUGabundo1asac: so the answer to the user is : "wait a few more days until fix is uploaded to PPA"?15:37
asacyes. thats better i think15:37
asacBUGabundo1: ^^15:37
LLStarksmea culpa for distracting asac.15:37
asacthere are a few things broken in 0.7 about noauth parameter ;)15:37
BUGabundo1fta: I'll need to force --i386 right?15:37
asacLLStarks: all fine :)15:37
asacjust dont be pessimistic all over the place15:38
asacthat wont make things better for sure15:38
asacand even feels bad for yourself and everyone around you ;)15:38
BUGabundo1asac: FYI this is on Interpid...15:38
asacBUGabundo1: yes i know ;)15:38
BUGabundo1so archive NM fails to connect with PPTP, and the PPA version needs a bump in version15:38
LLStarksits hard when you run into the stupidest bugs and have to jump through hoops to find the proper person to complain to.15:38
asacBUGabundo1: get the pppd command line he sees15:38
asacwhile connect attempts15:39
asacps -eaf | grep pppd15:39
asacBUGabundo1: ^^15:39
ftaBUGabundo1, i won't advertise these debs just yet, please don't.15:39
asacthen you see a command line.15:39
BUGabundo1asac: just making sure... a lot of stuf and versions go under our nails... we get confused15:39
LLStarksthe linux community universe is by design, very bureaucratic15:39
BUGabundo1fta I won't of course (/me looks at google spider eheh) but non the less I can test it, right?15:40
ftayes, but it's only 32bit for now.15:40
ftalet me work on the ia32 thing15:40
asacLLStarks: just be nice and constructive and things will move easier in every part of life. same is even more true when working with mostly volunteers15:42
asacin FOSS15:42
LLStarksi do. but my patches always get buried in lists.15:42
LLStarksand that pisses me off royally.15:42
LLStarksso, i turn passive-aggressive.15:42
asacLLStarks: thats a sad thing then.15:43
asacLLStarks: what patches do you have that went unattended?15:43
LLStarksnot really my patches.15:43
LLStarksi do a lot of advocacy for shy devs.15:43
ftaLLStarks, that was my case 2 years+ ago too, i joined some teams and contributed directly, now i'm happy15:43
asacwe are working on improving our sponsoring every day15:43
asacbut its like keeping your room clean - if you are overloaded it happens that things stack up.15:44
LLStarksbasically, if community X has a patch for problem Y but is incapable of communicating with dev team Z, i step in and connect the chain.15:44
asacLLStarks: thats great. thanks for doing that15:45
LLStarksthat's how i got libass support into VLC.15:45
asacwe need more folks doing just that15:45
asacbut we also need more folks goig through endless list of bugs to find the gems15:45
LLStarksi know jack about coding though.15:45
LLStarksi can't say that i make up for it by being a mighty fine tester.15:46
LLStarksheck, i find bugs even when i'm not looking for them.15:46
asacyou should become a bug triager then. if you can formulate stuff in a developer-understandable fashion thats a huge win15:46
asaclook at manyb ugs in ubuntu, there is so much noise in there that you just work on a different bug because you dont uderstand what its about after looking a few minutes15:47
LLStarksi've thought about it. even though i've been using for a few years, i'm still quite a linux newbie.15:47
BUGabundo1LLStarks: I do the same.... im a really nice alpha/beta tester15:49
BUGabundo1but instead connecting devs to devs15:49
LLStarksthen there's the issue of draconian entrance barriers *cough*amo editors*cough*15:49
BUGabundo1I make a liason between users and devs15:49
asacLLStarks: if you feel there are entrace barriers too high thats a problem15:49
asacLLStarks: which entrance did you try?15:49
LLStarksamo editor. my extension has been in review hell for months for a simple version bump.15:50
LLStarksand then my friend's extension has been trying to leave the sandbox for almost a year.15:50
asacLLStarks: yes, i think AMO has process issues. they know that and work on improving that afaik15:50
asac[reed]: ^^ ?15:50
LLStarksthey are grandly understaffed but require such high demands to even become an editor.15:51
asacLLStarks: well. there is always a trade-off15:51
LLStarksobviously they need to lower their standards.15:51
asacthey are overloaded, but dont want to lower the quality of reviews (if that is what editor is about)15:51
LLStarkswell, my beef is how slowly they approve updates.15:51
asacLLStarks: i am not sure how the process works, but it could be redesigned to be two staged15:52
asaclike "junior-reviewers" doing the first round and then the "senior-folks" working only on the already filtered/reduced list15:52
LLStarks6 months for an approval to update your extension is just plain wrong.15:52
asacwhen thats done they could more easily stack up the first level and also get those to senior level after a while15:52
asacLLStarks: agreed. there are individual problems for sure, but thats not true everywhere15:53
LLStarksthat is kind of reflected in my current liaison work.15:54
asacLLStarks: you should talk to dholbach and jcastro15:54
asacabout your community work and ideas how to improve inter-project collaboration15:55
LLStarksi'm acting as a go-between for  interested parties and the mplayer devs15:55
LLStarksbut whenever i submit patches from the shy devs, they are glossed over and ignored while other things are approved with barely a glance.15:55
asacLLStarks: right. maybe you need someone to get you better connected before being able to effectively mediate patches15:57
LLStarksi'm not mediating really. i'm just an advocate submitting patches to a dev list and trying to explain their importance.15:58
asacLLStarks: where do you submit to?15:59
LLStarksa mailing list15:59
LLStarksa highly inefficient mailing list.16:00
LLStarkssure, it's a pipermail setup. but they're very little transparency on progress.16:00
asacLLStarks: concrete examples ;)?16:00
LLStarkseh? i'm not naming names.16:01
LLStarksi'm just saying that if a patch or issue is not immediately addressed by the list subscribers, you have nag it to the top.16:02
LLStarks*have to16:02
LLStarksit's like pissing in an ocean.16:02
asaci agree that its not always obvious how to get developers attention16:03
asacbut its different by project16:03
ftawhat is the green plus sign at the bottom left of some messages in gwibber?16:05
LLStarksif you bump your patches, you come off as an ass. if you try to do 1-on-1 with specific people, you aren't transparent with the other subscribers.16:05
LLStarksit's a double-edged sword.16:05
BUGabundo1fta:  its to expand the networks16:05
BUGabundo1I got a message sent to you from multiple places16:06
asacfta: thats when you have the same message through multiple channels16:06
asace.g. if i send to twitter and identi.ca i get that16:06
BUGabundo1and jorge is a naughty boy16:06
ftaoh, but i'm only on identi.ca16:06
LLStarksnevertheless, i enjoy doing what i can. heck, if it wasn't for linux, i would be going to law school instead of go for a masters of computer science.16:06
asacfta: so was it arnegoetje who added the hints to fontconfig?16:06
BUGabundo1he closed ALL jaiku bugs on gwibber16:06
BUGabundo1saying jaiku is DEAD16:07
asacfta: thats strange ;) ... maybe you sent two time the same message in the same minute and thats a bug?16:07
BUGabundo1fta: that is strange16:07
BUGabundo1screen shot?16:07
ftait's not my message16:07
asacfta: then maybe he did that ;)16:07
BUGabundo1asac: I've seen it merge 2 messages wrongly16:07
asacfta: check on the website if tehre are two messages from him16:07
BUGabundo1there are 2 bugs on LP for that16:07
asacBUGabundo1: ah ok. could be that then16:07
* BUGabundo1 checks fta profile16:08
asacfta: ? at lest the hinting medium patch was added by him16:08
BUGabundo1there are two DUPELICATED messages from this guy16:08
BUGabundo1maybe gwibber out smarted it self and merged them16:08
BUGabundo1first time is see it doing so...16:09
BUGabundo1but good non the less16:09
ftaasac, no idea about fontconfig, i've spent enough time on this already :P16:13
ftaasac, http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/41e9154311779e1a16:15
asacfta: ok. i will try something for fontconfig16:19
asaclets see what happens here16:19
asachow can i reproduce the issue? ffox 3.1 -> bad fonts?16:19
asacfonts look the same on 3.2 for me16:19
asacso using that16:19
ftaall the details are in the mozilla bug16:23
asacfta: try the mt2 fontconfig build from the mt ppa17:36
asacfta: not sure when it finishes ;)17:36
asacsince mt1 is still building17:36
asacfta: can you plesae run:17:36
asacdpkg --query fontconfig-config | pastebinit -i - ;)17:37
asacerr i mean --status ;)17:37
BUGabundodpkg: unknown option --query17:37
asacBUGabundo: read last line ;)17:37
BUGabundoyou are too fast 4me17:37
asaci cannot really say, but for me everything seems much faster after i did this fontconfig mt2 ;)17:38
asacBUGabundo: that looks quite ok. when did you install that system?17:39
BUGabundoa few days after ibex come out17:39
asaci mean not ok wrt what my package fixes.17:39
asacBUGabundo: ok thats good17:39
asacat elast you dont have a bunch of obsolete files lying around17:39
BUGabundoand then distupdate to jaunty when archives were open17:39
asacthats what i had17:39
asacthats why i wondered if you had obsolete too17:39
BUGabundoI try to keep my system clean17:39
BUGabundo10GiBs / makes me do it17:40
asacmy system dates back to edgy i think17:40
BUGabundoI don't know how you guys manage that!17:50
asacBUGabundo: heh17:51
asacBUGabundo: just think twice before installing something17:51
asacand remember to uninstall when you see that it has no sense what you wanted to try17:52
asacautoremove is your friend too17:52
asacsudo apt-get autoremove17:52
BUGabundoasac: I never think twice while testing17:52
asacsee ... there we found the culprid.17:52
asacsee ... there we found the culprit17:52
asacat least we you now know how to fix it ;)17:53
asacfta: i really think its good now. at least it honours all gnome settings ;)17:53
asacfta: if there are regressions with non-gnome apps with this update let me know17:53
asacfta: i think i regressed some default font though ... so instead of Bitstream it should be Dejavu ... i just dropped the patch ;)17:58
* asac feels blind wrt fonts and their appearence18:13
* asac always found that best shapes is the best on his LCD ;)18:13
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/121527/19:05
ftaasac, oh, a bunch of obsolete files, so it's a packaging mistake and it's not visible on fresh installs19:31
asacfta: yeah. please remove them and test with the mt packages19:52
asacfta: seems you have the same files as i do19:52
asacfta: did you install edgy?19:52
asacor even dapper?19:52
asac(ihad pastes from feisty and hardy ... those were just the conf.avail ones)19:53
[reed]asac: ah, he's gone19:54
[reed]yeah, AMO team is working on improving that19:54
[reed]I can poke people if needed19:54
asacbug 33299219:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332992 in fontconfig "fontconfig-config installs have accumulated obsolete config files that can lead to unpredictable results" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33299219:56
asac[reed]: not needed. just wanted you input as he claimed amo as an example where contributing is blocked by unresponsive devs19:56
asacfor outsiders19:56
[reed]completely different group19:56
asacbut this was part of a broader complain that those folks having power and knowledge to apply changes/fixes/review usually dont look at outsiders19:57
asacwhile giving folks with credits a higher prio19:57
asac(which is normal imo)19:57
asacof course could be improved. in the end i think he had a few unhappy experiences because he didnt know the right buttons/lists19:58
asacand hence thinks that we dont care for outsiders19:58
emgentasac: i have some question about firefox in hardy/intrepid about branding, have you little bit time ?20:14
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacemgent: ?21:50
ftaasac, cdbs now runs lintian if it's available21:55
asacfta: hmm. i use debuild which runs it anyway21:57
ftai wonder if i should bump gwibber once again22:08
ftaubuntu3 ?22:08
ftabecause it has been rejected once again (twice)22:09
ftaarch all vs any22:09
ftai fixed the python 2.6 bug btw, but then they fixed python so the fix is no longer needed22:10
BUGabundoI saw22:10
BUGabundo"they"= doko22:10
ftaasac, what do you think?22:11
BUGabundothat what happens when one reads all apt-changes22:11
ftaasac, ubuntu1 rejected twice, ubuntu2 still in the queue: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=gwibber  should i name the fix ubuntu3 or 2 or 1?22:12
ftamaybe not 1 as 2 is still there22:12
asacfta: ask seb22:24
asacthought it didnt work with all22:25
asacbut maybe i mixed that up when looking22:25
asacmakes no sense to have it any though22:25
ftaseb only made the 1st review22:30
ftawell, i'll keep it open for now22:30
dtchenbumping the version is always sane22:53

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