
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:14
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:14
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:14
jribbazhang: yeah, I removed the ban after talking with him01:05
voriancan we get an ubottu in #kubuntu-bugs please?01:20
vorianit would be great if we could get an announce on https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs too01:20
jussi01vorian: annoy jpds or nalioth for that.01:42
ubottuETie called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:11
ubottujoot called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:11
redvamp128I think joot called about afroman 03:13
bazhangjrib, ok, just wanted to be sure after what you marked in bt :)05:37
elkygah. mteck needs to stop using me as his personal answer service. it's not just ubuntu channels he does this in, either07:46
jdongelky: how do i install new unbunto karma koala?07:47
elkyjdong, i'm talking about someone who recently became a member. who is using me, freenode-wide, as someone to whine to and use as an answer machine08:05
elkynot answering... answer08:06
jpdsvorian: ubot4 now in #kubuntu-bugs.08:35
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, Nytrix said: !foo is foo10:06
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, Nytrix said: !bar is bar10:07
ikoniahey ladies11:18
Myrttio hai11:18
* Tm_T hides11:19
Tm_TI really really need new workstation11:19
ikoniaTm_T: performance issues 11:20
Tm_Tthat too11:20
Tm_TI also have to upgrade to jaunty, and in this machine I cannot11:21
* jussi01 prods ikonia11:22
ikoniawhy ?11:22
Tm_Tikonia: my wife uses this pc too11:23
Tm_Toh boy, even Jaunty isn't up to date enough11:24
* Tm_T adds Karmic repositories to her sources.list11:24
Tm_Tikonia: if I get a job soon, first thing I do is pay my bills and then buy new hardware11:30
Tm_TI'm tired of constant waiting11:30
jussi01jaunty with lvm is currently borked, so anyone running it dont update ;)11:31
ikoniaI'm talking with some of the guys about lvm at the moment11:41
ikoniathe solution changes are flawed in my view11:41
elkyugh. i'm so tired of paddy12:06
elkyaprilhare is wearing thin too12:06
topylipoor paddy does have a foul mouth12:07
topyliand plenty of Wrong(TM) opinions12:08
elkyhe's an idiot.12:08
elkyso is gordonwhatever12:09
* Gary waves12:09
elkysssh! stop talking about gary!12:09
bazhangmuch worse imo gordon12:10
jussi01Gary: why do you always come out when the word idiot is mentioned? :P12:10
* elky waves back to gary, "HI GARY!"12:10
GaryI'm at work!  meh12:10
Garyjussi01: no idea, maybe it's me :p12:10
* Myrtti prays IPU a bit for elky12:11
elkyi'll freaking swim to new zealand and catch a plane from there12:11
elkyi think siberia should be safe.12:12
Tm_Telky: it's around here, so not safe12:19
elkyTm_T, it's far far away from him either way.12:21
Tm_Tbut not from me, I can bite12:21
elkybut i can sic Myrtti or topyli onto you12:22
bazhangmob[st]er trolling?12:56
ikoniathat ident is familier12:59
bazhangtalking about editing apache mysql, yet claiming to be totally new to linux13:00
ikoniawell, mysql and apche are cross platform, so could be genuine13:00
ikonialets watch and find out13:00
vorianjpds: thanks 13:15
bazhang@bansearch jewbacca13:48
ubottuMatch: *!*@bzq-84-109-85-193.red.bezeqint.net by ikonia in #ubuntu on Feb 21 2009 16:37:26 (ID: 10277)13:48
bazhang@bansearch hareldvd13:48
ubottuNo matches found for hareldvd!n=hareldvd@bzq-84-109-196-58.red.bezeqint.net in any channel13:48
Tm_Twho is authoring ubot3 ?13:57
jpdsTm_T: Runs? nal.13:58
Tm_Tso if I have to get it ignore other bot, he's only one?13:59
jpdsProbably, yeah.14:00
Tm_Tnalioth: we need to get ubot3 to ignore fibubot thanks14:00
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:07
bazhang<Incarus> echo_, ubuntu is crap, use opensuse14:52
bazhangmissed that14:52
* Myrtti giggles at her own trick question16:34
Tm_TMyrtti: what was it?16:35
MyrttiTm_T: "which membership board meeting were you approved as a member?"16:36
Tm_Tah, someone is not behaving and/or trolling?16:36
MyrttiTm_T: no, someone asked for an Ubuntu cloak16:37
jussi01ikonia: ping17:15
MyrttiI edited the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Cloaks -page to highlight the fact the people that can have the member cloak actually need to be members.17:23
MyrttiI just ran the script on that page18:01
jussi01which page?18:02
Myrtti20+ names18:03
Tm_Tjussi01: he has been told not to over 10 times now, and that was third remove because of it18:30
Tm_Tnext time banforward to here I guess18:30
jussi01Tm_T: right18:31
Seeker`I'm still not an ubuntu member18:35
MyrttiSeeker`: tsktsk18:38
jussi01Seeker`: pull your finger out!18:39
Seeker`meh, got close a couple of times, just never quite made it18:44
ikoniapop79 is REALLY starting to annoy me now19:08
ikoniahe can't have a conversation with you without going on about random stuff19:08
Seeker`ikonia: I hate it when people...oooh shiny19:13
Myrttiooooohhh shinyyyy19:22
Garyshiny, where?19:39
Seeker`Gary: over there! In the middle of the M11!19:54
Myrtti[22:00]  * pop79 is trying to act like an operator, but is not lucky :(20:01
ikoniaMyrtti: he's annoying me20:02
Myrttihe's ticking me off too20:02
Seeker`time for the kickstick? :P20:02
ikoniaok - he's never visiting another channel again - so he can be banned next time he's in 20:02
ikoniathat's his childish stance20:02
* ikonia watches pop79 in debian now20:04
MyrttiI'm really tempted to put a banforward though20:06
ikoniaI would - I'm tired of his childish attitude20:07
ikoniahe went off at me in +120:07
ikonianow he's just threw his toys out of the pram saying he's not coming back20:07
MyrttiI'll put a banforward at #u too20:08
MyrttiI just *hate* wannabe ops20:09
ikoniahes just a kid20:10
ikonia(not that being a kid is bad) 20:10
Myrttidoesn't change that I hate wannabe ops20:10
ikoniaI suppose not20:10
ikoniajust rejoined #ubuntu20:11
ikoniabefore I could BF20:12
Myrttihe rejoined before I BF'd him20:13
ikoniadelt with now20:14
* Myrtti counts seconds20:14
ikonianah, he was checking to see if he's banned20:15
ikoniahe did this last time - he won't be back for a few days20:15
MyrttiI wonder will he find other channels for output20:16
ikoniahe was already in #debian20:16
ikoniabut didn't get a good response so left then came back to #ubuntu20:17
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
Garymight want to check the global21:21
topylitoo late to take ops :(21:25
jpdsNot really.21:27
jpdsChanServ back.21:30
* jussi01 was just leaving so opped people21:31
Myrttiwhat's going on at #u?21:35
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
jpdshey tritium.22:16
tritiumhi jpds 22:16
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey

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