
mereoWoW is a drug...00:00
abc2xyzpresshere:  sorry :P newbie00:00
redvamp128md22:  You should ask that in #winehq - but from what I understand-- there are some tweaks... a little wine... turn off compiz ... and use the -opengl fix to render more frames.00:00
meditatingfrogmy question:  having an issue with volume control, when I turn up the volume using the keyboard shortcut volume wheel the volume control graphic/"widget" doesn't stop either turning up or down the volume (depending what direction I go).  After this occurs, the keyboard no longer types...00:01
mereoWine is developed enough to play WoW without transgaming?00:01
meditatingfrogWoW is boring00:01
sisifTry EVE00:01
doc``trying to run a poker program via wine, it starts but cant really use it00:02
mereomeditatingfrog, what's your keyboard?00:02
redvamp128mereo:  - Wow can run in opengl mode so no need to use the wine directx layer-- you just add that to the .exe -opengl in the wine menu00:02
LaciHello everyone!00:02
meditatingfrogI'm on a laptop, Toshiba u305-s744800:02
mereoredvamp128, good to know00:03
rakudavedoc``: perhaps someone in #winehq can help you...00:03
meditatingfrogmereo:  I'm on a laptop, toshiba u305-s744800:03
sisifNow .. regarding that pppoe issue, does anyone have that slitest idea on what may be causing it ?00:03
redvamp128mereo:  if mikeshollen were here he could tell you what he did to get it to run with good frame rates (other than the -opengl )00:03
doc``ok ty rakudave ill try there00:04
Fundafternet@3464:~/nefarious-1.2/tools$ gcc -o mkpasswd mkpasswd.c -lcrpyt00:04
Fundcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status00:04
Laciwould anyone like to help a girl out getting past this little hump in the installation of Ubuntu?00:04
mereoredvamp128, interesting... because I have a fresh XP partition only for games... but I would like to play certain games in Linux. So if there isn't a big a performnace hit, then I guess it's worth it00:04
Cpudan80Laci: gotta tell us what the problem is first00:04
redvamp128!pastebin | Laci00:04
ubottuLaci: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:04
meditatingfroghow do I ignore enters and exits in pidgin?00:05
sisif!pastebin pppoe00:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin pppoe00:05
wildbatanyone know how do i use skim in Konversation?00:05
LaciCpudan80, I was installing on a laptop when I was dumped to the command prompt, I fixed the xorg.conf file to recognize the display adapter and was able to startx00:05
redvamp128mereo:  if you have xp then I would run it native (much less troublesome) there are about 3 or 4 registry changes - plus some other changes to get it to run and install00:05
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Lacibut once I got the GUI up, I receive the error "User Switcher" has quit enexpectedly and I can't run the Install icon on the desktop00:06
Lacibecause I'm not in as admin I guess00:06
Lacidue to the user switcher problem00:06
mereoSo... one of my idea is to include a feature where one can hibernate and restart the computer. Do you think I can add this idea in Ubuntu's launchpad website?00:07
abc2xyzlaci why not login as root00:07
redvamp128mereo:  then on a side note-- if wine gets updated it could possibly break wow00:08
Laciabc2xyz right now I'm essentially running live00:08
mereoredvamp128, Yeah, I think its' best if I run the games in XP00:08
abc2xyzlaci its not installed yet?00:08
meditatingfrogmereo:  are you joking?00:08
Laciabc2xyz no, that's what I'm trying to do00:08
redvamp128mereo:  there is already something like that -- in the pannel == THe inhibit appelet00:08
mereomeditatingfrog, no, because XP is my gaming os. And I would like to leave Ubuntu's as it is to return to it after I finish playing00:09
abc2xyzlaci which distro?00:09
Laciabc2xyz ubuntu Ibex00:09
mereoredvamp128, the inhibit applet?00:09
meditatingfrogmereo:  I wouldn't know, I don't use XP on my system00:09
LulkatFor some reason I can't change my resolution, I changed it once, and after that it won't change to anything else00:10
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LulkatHow do I fix that?00:10
Pandahmereo, It's also incorperated into the "switch user" applet :P00:10
yowshilets see how long the mouse lasts with a xfixed xorg.conf00:10
redvamp128mereo:  right click on an empty space on your task bar choose add to panel-- then look for the inhibit00:10
DarkKnighti have two hard disks.. is it possible for me to make one installation of ubuntu00:10
meditatingfrogLulkat:  what steps have you taken so far?00:10
LulkatSystem>Screen Resolution00:10
LulkatThat's all I've tried00:10
MelindaCaliHi all.00:11
mereoredvamp128, ok... I have it but no preferences00:11
meditatingfrogLulkat:  I think you'll have to modify your xorg.conf file in /etc/X1100:11
HuufartedAnybody know of a good app to act as a network bandwidth monitor?  Text and/or graphical please?00:11
LulkatCare to tell me how?00:11
meditatingfrogLulkat:  did you try clicking "detect displays" in "monitor resolution settings"?00:11
meditatingfrogLulkat:  try that first00:11
LulkatYup, that didn't do anything00:12
redvamp128Lulkat:  Do you have ati or nvidia? because if you have those drivers installed then you have to use a different way to change resolutions.00:12
mikewuHuufarted: do you want realtime stats or more like averages/day00:12
mereoPandah, I know I can hibernate, but I don't want the system to shutdown00:12
redvamp128Lulkat:  try this -- sudo nvidia-settings00:12
MelindaCalii would like to know how to get ubuntu applications sources . For example i want the exact source package for the Epiphany source code found on my distro00:12
kira\how can I find out whic program is using the most bandwidth?00:12
Pandahit dosent it just goes into powersave move..00:12
abc2xyzlaci are u suing the beta image?00:13
LulkatWill do, thank you00:13
zsquarepluscMelindaCali: apt-get source  and apt-get build-dep00:13
omgfux!stopspy ?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 000:14
meditatingfrogforgot about nvidia-settings...I have an Ubuntu system with an Nvidia card...it was tough getting the video card working00:15
Huufartedmike, realtime.  The normal system monitor draws a LOT of resources00:15
Laciabc2xyz not sure, is there a command to check the version?00:15
MelindaCaliok zsquareplusc I did apt-get source file-roller00:15
redvamp128meditatingfrog:  I figured that one out when the person said -- I changed it there and nothing changed.00:15
MelindaCalinow where is the source package at00:15
abc2xyzlaci i don't know sorry00:15
mereoYeah, I wonder why system monitor is so system intensive00:15
meditatingfrogredvamp128:  I remember modifying the xorg.conf to add the capabilities of the monitor in there00:15
Huufartedmikewu, a real-time monitor.  The normal System Monitor watches all aspects of the system and thats a fairly large system draw00:16
meditatingfrogredvamp128:  I think that's what nvidia-settings does00:16
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meditatingfrogredvamp128:  are you running Intrepid?00:16
zsquarepluscMelindaCali: in the directory you did it. it downl oaded the 3 filese there and probably unpacked the tar.gz and diff to a subdirectory00:16
meditatingfrogHuufarted:  have you tried "top"?00:16
Laciabc2xyz no problem, basically I'm here: Put in Live CD, selected INSTALL, was dumped to command prompt because xorg could not find the display, EDITED xorg.conf to recognize display, ran STARTX and now I'm at the GUI but unable to run the INSTALL icon on the desktop00:17
redvamp128meditatingfrog:  I am currently on Hardy -- but I do have a hard drive with that istalled just not in a system currently -- for me it broke more than it was worth00:17
Huufartedmeditatingfrog, I'm looking for a realtime network monitor, not process monitor00:17
meditatingfrogredvamp128:  I would agree with you...in a way, I think I upgraded more for the challenge...the one thing that it "fixed" was the wifi driver for me...I don't have to use ndiswrapper anymore00:17
redvamp128meditatingfrog:  I was actually going to wait to put it back in when Jaunty hits heta00:17
steve``how do you set the colours that ESC]R resets to?00:18
zsquarepluscLaci: sounds like you're a candidate for the alternate install cd. that one installs in text mode and you can fix X.org once it is installed on the disk.00:18
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abc2xyzLaci press F4 and select the Install a command-line system option00:19
abc2xyzlaci or burn another copy of ISO00:20
redvamp128Laci:  if you choose to install the alternate cd-- just make sure it is connected to the internet and when prompted type = "cli" to start the install00:21
newt-homeLaci, you cant find drivers for your video chipset can you?00:21
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cs_studentboxee froze on me.  How can I kill the process.  The task manager doesn't kill it.00:21
meditatingfrogredvamp128: I should probably install Intrepid on my desktop, I used it to netboot this laptop which was pretty cool00:22
ifroogIs bluetooth broken on 8.10?00:22
DarkKnighti have two hard disks.. is it possible for me to make one installation of ubuntu00:22
LulkatWell the resolution problem is fixed, but the text looks weird00:22
RaufDarkKnight: Yes it is.00:22
meditatingfrogcs_student:  ps aux to find the process id then kill processid00:22
meditatingfrogcs_student: sorry00:22
abc2xyzcs_student: killall -v name00:22
LulkatBut the same resolution on vista looks just fine00:23
PandahDarkKnight, Yes it gives you the option to install on a single drive or partition your existing system one00:23
redvamp128meditatingfrog:  I found intrepid broke for me the following= webcam= nvidia drivers (scrambled text) wine, and also flash00:23
koshar2meditatingfrog i run both myth and xbmc00:23
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup00:23
DarkKnightRauf, Pandah; so that means one installation covers both the disks?00:23
islanhmm ... I don't suppose anyone can help me with using wine's regedit, could they?00:23
meditatingfrogredvamp128:  best not then00:23
Pandahonly one of them00:23
RaufDarkKnight:  No.00:24
redvamp128islan:  try room - #winehq00:24
PandahJust make sure it is installed on the hardrive you want it on and Not Your existing system one00:24
DarkKnightRauf, Pandah; why so?00:24
RaufWhat he says ^00:24
meditatingfrogredvamp128:  I think 8.10 is faster with Flash movies and scripts...but that's probably just the new ver of flash from adobe00:24
PandahDarkKnight, Because it only requires the one drive to boot from..00:25
meditatingfroghas anyone compiled their own kernel?00:25
jatthow do I delete an entry from the applications menu?00:25
yowshii need help getting my graphics drivers working00:25
redvamp128meditatingfrog:  you may want to ask someone in the #ubuntu-developer room about that one00:25
DarkKnightPandah; then what's the solution...can i make installation on one drive and create directories in the other00:26
Armag3ddonhello all00:26
hikenbootI issued the following commands and got insufficent free extends any ideas http://www.pastebin.ca/134401700:26
RaufDarkKnight: Do you have vista installed now?00:26
yowshian nvidia 8800 gts00:26
Armag3ddoni installed Bittorrent using synaptic but i cant find it in Applications any help ?00:26
yowshiimachine: you still around?00:26
DarkKnightRauf, Pandah; i have a 8GB disk and a 160GB disk00:26
Plughmeditatingfrog: Done that a lot in the past. Just not recently. What is the problem?00:26
DarkKnightRauf, Pandah; i have XP on 80GB and ubuntu on 160GB00:27
abc2xyzArmag3ddon: under internet?00:27
PandahDarkKnight, You can but that would be a pain in the ass meaning you'd have to make a partition on your existing drive and format it to something it like ext3 and then format the other drive so you can read your files inlinux from it00:27
Armag3ddonabc2xyz, ? i dont understand00:27
Armag3ddonabc2xyz, yea through synaptic :/00:27
ifroogAny one here got bluetooth working in 8.10?00:27
meditatingfrogPlugh: not really a problem...thought it might be a worthwhile project00:27
PlughArmag3ddon: IIRC, that is just the command line tool. Check for a bittorrent-gui package00:27
abc2xyzArmag3ddon: try restarting00:27
RaufDarkKnight: So what is your problem exactly if you already have ubuntu and xp?00:28
Armag3ddonabc2xyz, i did00:28
DarkKnightRauf, Pandah; wanted to cover both the disks with ubuntu and then use VirtualBox to install XP, Open Solaris00:28
meditatingfrogifroog:  what are you using bluetooth for?00:28
DarkKnightRauf, Pandah; and maybe even fedora00:28
Armag3ddonPlugh, it is installed00:28
ifroogSend files to my pda.00:28
Pandahthen do it it wont hurt00:28
LulkatAfter changing my resolution, everything looks fine except the text.  It looks like everything is bunched in too closely, how would I fix that?00:28
RaufAhah, well, that is not my thing. I never did that00:28
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  are you talking about RAID?00:29
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; nope; I suppose thats only for a back up00:29
ScottG489Whenever i sudo nautilus it changes my background to the default and gets rid of compiz's. But even when I close it, its still there. How can I get it to reset or to stop this from happening?00:29
meditatingfrogifroog:  Have you synced your pda with a Linux distro before?00:29
redvamp128Lulkat:  try going to system- prefereces- appearence - then fonts - I have mine set for Subpixel Smoothing-- I think default is set for Monochrome00:29
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  Raid 0 is for speed00:29
meditatingfrogI think00:30
tabidachiScottG489, why are you #sudo nautilus?00:30
McShaneScottG489, gksudo nautilus; don't use sudo for graphical apps00:30
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; and the others?00:30
ifroogmeditatingfrog, I Used to send filed for kde using kbluetoothd in gutsy, now i moved to gnome and it just wont send files.00:30
PandahDarkKnight, If you want to install ubuntu on both drives then do so.. format the other hardrive you Don't want ubuntu to be installed on and then partition it when linux is installed on the other that way you can use it no problem00:31
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  redundancy...I think raid 5 is supposed to offer both...Striping with Parity00:31
ScottG489McShane: Tabasco: Ill keep that in mind from now on. However, the results are the same either way. I have tried it both ways.00:31
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  Raid 0 for speed, and do daily backups of your critical data, like word documents etc.00:31
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  I shouldn't say daily...perhaps nightly00:31
EdSquareCati just used the shortcut "ctrl + alt + ++" to change my resolution and now everything on my monitor is huge.  my resolution is listed as 1280 x 1024 but its actually not. how do i revert?00:32
meditatingfrogword...what am I saying?!00:32
redvamp128!language | meditatingfrog00:32
ubottumeditatingfrog: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:32
Muffinatorhehe, I was about to say that too.  lol00:32
meditatingfrogpardon my french00:32
yowshii need help getting my nvidia graphics drivers working00:33
Pandahoh god my wireless on ubuntu is horrible :/00:33
nclifehey. I need to set to native two .dll files on wine. I added them to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 and the hit winecfg > libraries, but they are not there. Did I do something wrong?00:33
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog, Pandah,meditatingfrog; i am only aiming to use multiple distros... i thought on making seperate installation but then i was worried of disk performance.so i thought using VirtualBox was better00:33
redvamp128nclife:  ask in #winehq  (but to answer your question you need to put those files inside the program folder (or the where) the program is that you want to fix)00:34
ScottG489McShane: Tabasco: What should I do to fix this problem or prevent it frm happening in the future?00:35
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  are you saying you're going to emulate an OS in Ubuntu instead of having separate installs?00:35
redvamp128nclife:  just make sure you don't overwrite the native ones inside the /.wine/drive_c/windows folder00:35
n2diyI'm cloning this box to some newer hardware, so far I've moved my /home directory, but that didn't bring my apps, with it, what else should I copy to the target box?00:35
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; whats emulate...00:35
McShaneScottG489, dunno, haven't heard of that one00:36
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  like WINE, WINdows Emulator00:36
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; not exactly, but on VirtualBox...00:36
ncliferedvamp128, mh. The howto I read said I should add the to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32, is that the same than ~/.wine/windows/system32?00:36
redvamp128nclife:  NO that will Break Wine00:37
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  is VirtualBox an emulator?  generally speaking emulation is less efficient00:37
nclifeheh, I'll erase them then :p00:37
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ncliferedvamp128, how can I acces C: ... from the cl then?00:37
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  and if you think Raid 0 (striping) will offset the performance, I would bet that isn't true00:37
redvamp128nclife:  I just hope you didn't overwrite them or else you will have to reinstall wine00:38
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; yes kind of...when i have virtualBox.. i can access a Widows desktop on the Ubuntu itself00:38
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; yes kind of emulator...when i have virtualBox.. i can access a Windows desktop on the Ubuntu itself00:38
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  what do you need the windows desktop for?00:38
ncliferedvamp128, hehe, i did overwrite one... :s00:38
ilioscio_hey all00:39
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; there are some functons which a windows can perform and ubuntu can't00:39
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redvamp128nclife:  basically simple easy-- lets say you want to use fix dcom38.dll (just a fake example)- and you choose use native dcom38.dll you just put it in folder of the program you are trying to fix in the program folder or the folder where you are trying to run it.00:39
nilson Are a lot of people experiencing a huge performance hit with X.org in Jaunty lately?00:39
crdlbnilson: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty, please00:40
yowshican i get some help getting my nvidia graphics drivers working00:40
redvamp128nclife:  and then you use the wine configure to point to the .exe of the file and choose the use native dcom38.dll  (then if it is in that folder where the .exe) it will then use it00:40
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  I would think in terms of performance having separate installs would be best...BUT it might be worth it, if you can get virtualbox running, but I would think that striping would not offset the performance decrease, have you got VirtualBox running on your Ubuntu install now?00:40
redvamp128nclife:  you may want to reinstall wine00:40
ncliferedvamp128, yep. What's the command for that agian?00:40
nilsoncrdlb, thanks00:40
redvamp128nclife:  what version of wine did you have?00:41
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; no. i have made seperate installs00:41
crypto5Hi guys, have problem -- using 8.10 and have audio sync problems with mplayer. Maybe somebody can advise me how can I investigate that?00:41
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  I don't even use WINE...there is nothing that I need that windows offers...just speed and...I realize this is sad for me to say since I'm not a hacker, reliability00:41
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  do you have VirtualBox installed on your Ubuntu install?00:41
plythemandoes anyone have a minute to help me make a chart in open office... no one is active in the oo.org channel00:41
ncliferedvamp128, 1.0.1 I believe00:41
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  are you in Ubuntu now?00:41
redvamp128nclife:  you could try sudo apte-get install wine00:42
bluequijotesomeone could tell me how could I listen mms radio stream in amarok? amd6400:42
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; ya in hardy..but no virtualbox00:42
redvamp128nclife:  sudo apt-get install wine00:42
meditatingfroganyone want to help me write my novel in openoffice?  :)00:42
sagredohi, how can I set mplayer to not start with pulse audio? it errors everytime I open a video stream00:43
ncliferedvamp128, says wine is already the newest version00:43
redvamp128nclife:  though you should probably -- go into synaptic package manger and uninstall wine there then reinstall it.00:43
nclifeyes, that's what I'll do00:43
axisyshow do you create a nfs share folder?00:43
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.00:43
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  what I'm recommending is set up virtualbox in Hardy, now, then see how it performs...if you install Ubuntu across two hard drives (RAID = Redundant Array of Independent Disks), it is my judgement that the performance benefits won't be considerable enough00:43
redvamp128nclife:  do you understand now-- how the use native works?00:43
kristian2can anyone recommend me a sfv checker. :-)00:43
ncliferedvamp128, to be totally honest, not quiet. :p00:43
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:44
redvamp128nclife:  pm?00:44
musikgoat|mainkristian2: cksfv00:44
n2diyI'm cloning this box to some newer hardware, so far I've moved my /home directory, but that didn't bring my apps, with it, what else should I copy to the target box?00:44
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; ok and is RAID really necessary?00:44
kristian2musikgoat|main : thanks! :-) will check it out. long time, no see.00:44
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  You talked about installing Ubuntu ACROSS two physical hard disks, right?00:45
musikgoat|mainkristian2: :-) sure thing00:45
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meditatingfrogbless me00:46
jtraghi guys00:46
kitohey all00:46
zacktupytheman: what are you trying to do?00:46
kitoi'm new user for ubuntu  system00:46
musikgoat|main!hi | kito and jtrag00:46
ubottukito and jtrag: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:46
jtraganyone have an idea why my sound isn't working with ubuntu 8.10 on a nforce 680i motherboard with onboard sound?00:46
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meditatingfrogjtrag:  is it all sounds?00:47
jtragyeah, nothing works00:47
jtragI went into the hardware config and tried to detect it and it wont00:47
meditatingfrogjtrag:  did you do system pref sounds?  then do test?00:47
jtragI even manually selected the drivers00:47
jtragyes, the test fails00:48
meditatingfrogjtrag:  error message?00:48
zoltroni just got a new atheros wireless card. how do i enable it for use in Ubuntu? it doesn't show up in iwconfig00:48
jtragno errors00:48
kristian2musikgoat|main : E: Couldn't find package cksfv - know of any on the repo? or maybe i should just install manually.00:48
jtragit just don't work00:48
meditatingfrogzoltron:  is it a 5xxx card?00:48
meditatingfrogjtrag:  what happens when you hit test?  nothing?00:48
jtragnothing at all00:48
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; ya..but its only for increasing disk space00:49
meditatingfrogare all the volume controls turned up?00:49
Z0Eim tyring to open up a port but cant, could someone tell me how i guess im doing it wrong00:49
jtragit's odd... with opensuse, it detects my nvidia raid and my soundcard automatically00:49
rdw200169Z0E, what are you trying to do?00:49
jtragyeah, volume controls are all turned up but most aren't available00:49
jtragjust the master volume even though it's a 5.1 surround system00:50
n2diyI'm cloning this box to some newer hardware, so far I've moved my /home directory, but that didn't bring my apps, with it, what else should I copy to the target box?00:50
meditatingfrogDarkKnight: hmmm, well it would increase disk space, but you would have to get your windows software working in Virtualbox00:50
rdw200169Z0E, are you trying to open a port for someone to access something on the internet... if thats the case, are you behind a router?00:50
jtragin hardware, it's not even showing a card at all00:50
jtragif I manually try to add it, it gives an error00:50
musikgoat|mainkristian2: wierd, it was available in fiesty and before... I'm checking if its in some other package00:50
Z0Eno im on backtrack trying to set up a database to use with metasploit00:50
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  it's an interesting project...if you have the time...and if you're only expecting an increase in diskspace out of it...00:51
meditatingfrogDarkKnight:  and how critical are your windows apps?00:51
musikgoat|mainkristian2: looks like it was deleted from hardy :-(00:51
danbhfivehow does one fix resolution?00:51
kristian2musikgoat|main : alright. how come? know of any other sfv checkers that are good and in repo?00:52
yowshican i get some help getting my nvidia graphics drivers working00:52
danbhfivehow does one fix wrongly detected screen resolution?00:52
McShanejtrag, try this thread:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957800:52
Z0Ecould someone tell me how to open up a port for tcp connections00:53
quiksilverplease help me i am so frustrated with ubuntu, settings are always changing somehow00:53
meditatingfrogquiksilver:  why are you frustrated?  are you unable to get your work don?00:53
quiksilvereverytime i open firefox to browse, the minimise/maximize tab is gone and the window takes up the full screen00:53
quiksilveri cant access applications, places, or systems at the top00:54
zoltronmeditatingfrog, AR5007G00:54
quiksilverthis magically happened when i restarted00:54
redvamp128quiksilver:  do you have compiz running?00:54
DarkKnightmeditatingfrog; and i have a dual processor that means 64 bit..i have a 64bit ubuntu but i feel using 32bit is still better00:54
alen_how to turn off the connection lines(when somebody gets online or offline) in irssi?00:54
meditatingfrogquiksilver:  f1100:54
mikewualen_: /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS00:54
wizzeris it possible to restart WINE00:54
musikgoat|mainkristian2: well, to be honest, thats what i used in the past, i haven't had any reason to check them as of late... give me a sec to keep looking00:55
meditatingfrogzoltron:  there is a package that might help you in synaptic package manager, I wrote a blog about it00:55
meditatingfrogI will pm you the blog00:55
alen_mikewu: tnx00:55
quiksilvermeditatingfrog: you're a god, thank you so much00:56
zoltronmeditatingfrog, ok. the driver shows up in the Hardware Driver control panel and says it's active... i'm just unsure how to use it...00:56
Zenethok so i type cp /boot /media/fd and i get cp: omitting directory `boot/' any reason why this isnt working?00:56
kristian2musikgoat|main : i can't find anything, how do you search the repo for specific tools, like a sfv checker like now?00:56
Zenethi am root via sudo bash00:56
mikewuZeneth: add the -r flag to make it recursive00:56
meditatingfrogquiksilver:  it was a shot in the dark00:56
sfireI am having trouble with my wireless on resume... I have modified the ifup script in /etc/acpi/resume.d to include the fix that I have found but for whatever reason it doesn't seem to be running it on resume.. any ideas?00:56
langmuirI used to be able to forward X by doing ssh -X host, and now it has stopped working, I get Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keycannot open display:00:56
Zenethdoes that go before or after the /boot or /media...00:56
jribZeneth: use « sudo -i » instead of « sudo bash » if you need a root shell00:56
musikgoat|mainkristian2: aptitude search stringname00:56
meditatingfrogzoltron:  the driver you are trying to use probably isn't the right one...I have atheros 5406 on my laptop...I used to have to use the ndiswrapper to get it working00:57
musikgoat|mainkristian2: there is aparently cfv00:57
LaciI'm back! Got knocked offline *blah*00:57
mikewuZeneth: cp -r /boot /media/fd00:57
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Laci^-^ still can't this thing installed00:57
cs_studentI guess boxee doesn't have too good of support for linux?  It looks like abc.com streaming,a and a few other streams don't work on linux with boxee.00:57
MrWizeGuy1983is there a good room to get help with wireless?00:57
meditatingfrogzoltron:  be patient, have to look it up, taking time to recall what package you need that adds functionality to atheros 5xxx drivers00:58
zoltronmeditatingfrog, so if it were the right driver, it would show up properly in iwconfig?00:58
MrWizeGuy1983a friend of mine just downloaded linux mint 6 (based on ubuntu 8.10) and her linksys wireless card isn't working00:58
meditatingfrogzoltron:  with the right driver you can use the network settings in the system tray00:58
MrWizeGuy1983any idea how to fix it or who to ask?00:58
LaciOK, when Installing Ubuntu where xorg.conf needs to be manually configured to display the GUI, what do I do next to complete the install??00:59
jrib!linuxmint | MrWizeGuy198300:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about linuxmint00:59
jrib!mint | MrWizeGuy198300:59
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ubottuMrWizeGuy1983: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes,   please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in   #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate00:59
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org00:59
kristian2musikgoat|main : thanks. will have a look. :-)00:59
Harold_pa_what does it mean if i'm the only user coming up under 'who' but in netstat i can see another ip ssh'ing established??01:00
grobda24Hello. I have a USB drive mounting to a persistent mount point (for music library, etc) using an ID in fstab ... but I get weird behaviour. Mount point keeps changing. Some dirs' disappears and files are unreadable. I've run fsck with no errors.01:00
joe-macit means a socket is open Har01:00
meditatingfrogzoltron: try installing linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic package01:00
joe-maca socket is established before a login session is established01:01
Harold_pa_joe-mac: so it could be they're trying to login atm?01:01
zoltronmeditatingfrog, ok. anything i have to do next?01:02
steve``Harold_pa_, or sitting at a login prompt01:02
Harold_pa_ahh awesome, thanks so much for the response :)01:02
Zenethok how do i make a copy of the entire filesystem and copy it over to a share mounted at /media/exhd?01:02
Harold_pa_so for now i'm safe?01:02
wizzerwhat in the01:02
Harold_pa_but if they appear in the user list then there's trouble?01:02
steve``Harold_pa_; kill the connection and see what happens ;)01:02
wizzercan anyone explain why my sound randomly started working01:02
Harold_pa_nice, thanks steve :)01:03
meditatingfrogzoltron:  administration -> hardware drivers, disable the old driver, and enable the new one for atheros 5xxx01:03
yowshican i get some help getting my nvidia graphics drivers working01:04
jribyowshi: system -> administration -> hardware drivers01:04
musikgoat|mainkristian2: did you figure out how to use cfv?01:04
zoltronmeditatingfrog, ok, done. it has a little reboot icon next to the disabled driver. reboot now?01:04
meditatingfrogzoltron:  go for it01:05
zoltronmeditatingfrog, alright, brb.01:05
yowshijrib: tried that didnt work01:05
meditatingfrogalright, zoltron01:05
jribyowshi: then you might want to be more specific01:05
meditatingfrogis there anyone in here that has work they need to get done, but can't because Ubuntu isn't functioning?01:05
jribmeditatingfrog: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support discussion please01:06
squarebracketwhat's that command to see what programs have a drive in use?01:06
jribsquarebracket: lsof? fuser?01:06
meditatingfrogjrib:  I was trying to categorize who I should try to help first01:06
kristian2musikgoat|main : i need to unzip a file to come to the .sfv.01:06
adaptrjrib: he asked a very astute meta-question01:06
squarebracketthanks jrib :)01:06
meditatingfrogI have some experience with Nvidia drivers, whoever asked01:06
yowshijrib: i have tried the hardware driver option. i tried going into synaptic and reinstalling all the drivers but for some reason i can get opengl to work which is needed for some games i play on wine. this probably isnt a ine problem though sincxe they worked before i started altering my xorg.conf file as per ecomendations to get my usb mouse working01:06
meditatingfrogthank you adaptr01:06
kristian2musikgoat|main : tried to unrar-free but it didn't work.01:07
jribkristian2: you want "unrar", not "unrar-free"01:07
kristian2musikgoat|main : it's zipped because its a small app, if you know what i mean.01:07
musikgoat|mainkristian2: pm me01:08
Harold_pa_wow there's alot of time_waits from them too on ssh01:09
kristian2jrib : xxxxxxxxx.zip is not RAR archive - this is what unrar gave me.01:09
Harold_pa_i'd say they're trying to brute their way in01:09
Harold_pa_still, i guess it'd be boring if noone tried to get in01:09
kristian2musikgoat|main : ok01:09
jribkristian2: what does the « file » command tell you about it?01:09
zoltronmeditatingfrog, connected via the wireless card now :) thanks for your help!01:09
meditatingfrogzoltron:  you are a god and you are welcome01:09
kristian2jrib : no files to extract01:10
jribkristian2: run « file PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE »01:10
kristian2jrib : ah! :-P xxxxxxxxxxx.zip: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract01:13
jribkristian2: so did you try "unzip"?  (or just double clicking)?01:13
kristian2will do it now.01:14
kristian2works. using cli, didn't know unzip worked. :-P thanks.01:14
varmitDose anyone know were i can find a good page on how to set up wow on wine or crossover?01:15
unclemikecan i take a distro that is built on ubuntu..and ..like opengeu...take out there main repo..and put ubuntu's main repo...and upgrade it to ubuntu01:15
squarebracketsometimes when i restart my media server via ssh it drops to a root shell instead of restarting... help?01:16
redvamp128unclemike:  which distro are you talking about-- because you can for example make a xubuntu into an ubuntu -- also a kubuntu to ubuntu01:16
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newt-homewell as long as they are all gnubuntus I guess that'll be ok01:18
nijanHello all, I'm trying to set up my wireless connection for the first time. I ve alread installed the proper kernel and drivers for my card and from iwconfig it seems to be working well, but dhclient always exit with an annoying no dhcp offers; am I missing something? the connectio is not encrypted and no authentication is required; I ve also tried tomanually set the ssid I got from both the router and iwconfig. Any clue?01:18
unclemikeredvamp128, its OpenGEU, previously known as Geubuntu01:18
newt-homenijan, have you restarted the machine yet?  sometimes that is helpful01:18
nijanyes, something like a thousand times01:19
newt-homenijan, I guess this means it wasnt automatically recognized and configured?01:19
newt-homenijan, are you using gnome?01:19
meditatingfrogis beyond linux from scratch a good manual to read?01:19
redvamp128unclemike:  then you should be able to add the ubuntu the ubuntu desktop01:19
jribyowshi: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:19
nijannewt-home: iwscan reveal it and ifconfig is showing the connection01:19
newt-homenijan, so you arent using networkmanager?01:20
redvamp128unclemike:  then just log off then choose the options- window manger -- gnome01:20
yowshijrib:  http://pastebin.com/f16f421fa01:20
nijannewt-home: no, no networkmanager, Im Xless :)01:20
Aeosynthhow do i set ubuntu to not lock the screen when i come out of hibernation?01:20
jribyowshi: you aren't using the nvidia driver01:20
musikgoat|mainnijan: could there not be a dhcp server on the network you are connecting to?01:20
unclemikeredvamp128, ok thanks...all opengeu is is taking the power of gnome and adding the icandy of E1701:20
redvamp128unclemike:  I think the command line to it  is -  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:21
yowshijrib: yeah that might be the problem the question is why isnt it being used when i have tried both methods to reinstall it01:21
jribyowshi: it's not setup to be used in xorg.conf.  Hardware Drivers does this when you enable the driver01:21
newt-homemusikgoat|main, that would be very unusual but possible01:21
nijanmusikgoat|main: no, it works fine via eth and with windows, I have also tried with a static ip, but nothing01:22
Aeosynthhow do I keep screen unlocked when I come out of hibernation?01:22
musikgoat|mainnijan: just had to ask :-)01:22
nijanwhat is frustrating is that I cant get any log error01:22
yowshijrib: but i tried the deactive driver reactivate driver thing first01:22
newt-homenijan, what does ifconfig show ?01:22
musikgoat|mainnijan: what wireless driver?01:22
nijanor at least I dont know where to look for01:22
jribyowshi: you did that now?  before pastebinning your xorg.conf?01:22
nijanit's 5100 intel, but I have the driver and .28 installed01:23
unclemikeredvamp128, i think your right.... for some reason i have trouble installing ubuntu and ubuntu based distro's...always geting a error message saying something read or write..maybe drive bad....when i know drives are good01:23
muxomornjan: dmesg | tail shows messages01:23
yowshijrib: yeah before pastebining it like an hour ago maybe a little less01:23
newt-homenijan, thats the new abn mini pci card .... hmmm01:23
jribyowshi: so Hardware Drivers says the driver is enabled?01:23
yowshijrib: when that failed i went to synaptic and marked it for reinstallation01:23
tulexxhi all01:23
muxomornjan: then you can see, if all is going ok, may be hardware or module problem#01:23
newt-homethere have been issues with that one in other distros01:23
nijanADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready01:23
newt-homenot familiar enough with ubuntu to say01:24
yowshijrib: yes itg says it is active and currently in use01:24
jribyowshi: what package are you using for the driver?01:24
redvamp128unclemike:  you may have to enable the multiverse (or add the apt lines for the same distro)01:24
yowshijrib: ???01:24
jribyowshi: what version of ubuntu are you using?01:24
nijanthe hardware is fine, it actually works well on win01:24
yowshijrib: 8.1001:24
newt-homeyou shouldn't have to add any drivers though iirc nijan as the intel pro wireless cards are usually included in the installation driver set01:25
jribyowshi: aptitude search '~i~nnvidia-glx'01:25
dustyHey guys I am having some trouble getting dual monitors working with one big desktop setup.  I have enabled the restricted fglrx driver, and then performed the following: aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=left then aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-type=Xv and then restart X and it goes into X with my desktop wallpaper  but nothing else happens just two monitors with the wallpaper on cant click etc.. can anyone help me01:25
dusty with this?01:25
danes_need help. I changed some settings in compiz, and now the entire screen is black. Even when I restarted, the screen is black, how can I deactivate compiz?01:25
muxomornjan:  and how you established connection? via iwconfig? then  - is channel set to yours, correct interface name (from ifconfig)01:25
newt-homeI am sure of that nijan no questions as to your hardware01:25
nijanwell, i have to say that once, and only once it worked...01:25
yowshijrib: i   nvidia-glx-177                                                         - NVIDIA binary Xorg driver01:25
* amshake is having a HUGE problem with Samba and NFS shares between 2 ubuntu machines... can anyone help?01:25
danes_need help. I changed some settings in compiz, and now the entire screen is black. Even when I restarted, the screen is black, how can I deactivate compiz?01:26
nijanmuxomor: what does it mean channel set to yours?01:26
ClintegerCan I use Ubuntu with GNU Hurd?01:26
newt-homechannel 6 or 11 are the usual choices01:26
jribyowshi: lsmod | grep nvidia01:26
mercutio22danes_> run metacity --replace01:26
danes_mercutio22, how?01:26
newt-homeand are you in the right bandwidth such as a,b,g ,or n?01:26
muxomornjan: one can establish connection with iwconfig, you must then write channel, on which youtr router is sending signal, essid and interface name01:26
yowshijrib: a number of entires01:26
jrib!anyone | dusty01:27
ubottudusty: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:27
jribyowshi: so the "nvidia" module is loaded?01:27
yowshijrib: one of them is nvidia01:27
mercutio22danes_> alt+F201:27
amshakeIt really shouldn't be this hard to share files between to ubuntu machines01:27
ClintegerCan I use Ubuntu with GNU Hurd?01:27
dustyjrgp, I already asked the question...01:27
dustyHey guys I am having some trouble getting dual monitors working with one big desktop setup.  I have enabled the restricted fglrx driver, and then performed the following: aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=left then aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-type=Xv and then restart X and it goes into X with my desktop wallpaper  but nothing else happens just two monitors with the wallpaper on cant click etc.. can anyone help me01:27
newt-homeI didnt know that muxomor01:27
sfire I am having trouble with my wireless on resume... I have modified the ifup script in /etc/acpi/resume.d to include the fix that I have found but for whatever reason it doesn't seem to be running it on resume.. any ideas?  I need to run a few commands on each resume01:27
dusty with this?01:27
FloodBot2dusty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:27
lstarnesClinteger: I don't think so01:27
jribyowshi: ok, use http://paste.ubuntu.com/121269/ as your xorg.conf01:27
n2diyhow do you tell if a process is still running?01:27
nijani just did a ifconfig down, up; iwconfig wlan0 essid and mode managed01:27
Clintegerokay :(01:27
yowshijrib: if it's nvidia in the output of that command then yes01:27
voixhi all01:28
yowshijrib: *sighs* alright breaking my system again01:28
musikgoat|mainn2diy: you can check in the output of "ps aux"01:28
jribyowshi: if it breaks, pastebin the /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:28
muxomornewt-home: serious?or you think, that i am saying worng info? i personally get my connection with iwconfig wlan0 essid xxx channel xxx key s: for wep in ascii01:28
danes_mercutio22, so I just press "alt+F2" then type "metacity --replace"? Remember, the screen is black, so I cannot see anything01:28
mercutio22danes_> yep01:28
muxomornjan: essid your_essid channel your_channel01:29
yowshijrib: could i just paste it into my xorg.conf?01:29
muxomormyay be so?01:29
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nijanOk, i ll try and restart it01:29
newt-homemuxomor, I never heard that but again I dont use cli to set up my wireless.  I specifically choose my hardware to be linux compliant and it automagically configures by installing the os01:29
voixcan i get some help for my intel graphic card01:29
jribyowshi: replace what is currently in yours with the pastebin, yes01:29
mercutio22danes_> yea, maybe there's a smarter way01:29
whileimhereWhen is the next upgrade for Ubuntu scheduled?01:29
jribwhileimhere: april01:29
newt-homeI am going to have to do some reading up to be of any help  so actually I as asking...really??01:29
whileimhereAhh any major improvements?01:29
muxomornewt-home:  well, it works also, but njan said he is in tty, so...01:30
jrib!jaunty | whileimhere01:30
ubottuwhileimhere: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:30
jribwhileimhere: you can get more info there01:30
yowshijrib: full reboot now or just restart x?01:30
jribyowshi: either01:30
danes_mercutio22, yeiiii you rock dude!!!01:30
newt-homeI dont understand why he's cli only but thats his choice muxomor01:30
whileimhereThanks jrib01:30
danes_mercutio22, thanks a lot!01:30
voix#join ubuntu+101:30
mercutio22danes_> welcome =]01:30
musikgoat|mainvoix: its    /join #ubuntu+101:31
yowshijrib: thanks that seems to have fixed it01:31
RockmanFLNeed simple instructions to get Ubuntu to share folder on windows network...Configuration: 3 computers: Linux Mint (Ubuntu 8.10), XP LapTop (wireless), and Vista Desktop, hard wired with linksys router...windows network named Rockswork has worked for years with windows PC's..ubuntu is dead in the water after hours of trying to fix...just installed Mint due to reviews that it worked out of the box...hmmm not really still dean on network...FYI01:32
jribyowshi: no problem01:32
whileimhereI know that this is not really a direct Ubuntu question but I was used to using Adobe and Macromedia products. Is there a similar text editor for linux?01:32
danes_mercutio22, if I want to restore the effects later, do I just restart and that's it? Will compiz wil work again?01:33
Nytrixwhileimhere> msg me01:33
Aeosynthhow do I keep the screen unlocked when I come out of hibernation?01:33
gajophello, i'm having a problem with my wireless device, it seems applications such as wifi radar don't detect it01:34
Nytrixwhileimhere> like which adobe products?01:34
gajopand i don't think it's being detected with "iwconfig",  it does however appear in "Hardware devices"01:34
mercutio22danes_> try launching compiz by the terminal to see what is wrong. compiz --replace01:34
yowshii hope that now both my mouse and my graphics problems are solved till april01:34
sfireI need to run 2 commands on resume from suspend..  modprobe -r ath_pci && modprobe ath_pci  ..  my wireless doesn't want to work unless I do it.. I've tried modifying the scripts in /etc/acpi/resume.d but they don't seem to do anything01:35
gajopreally would appreciate someone helping me out with that, got to go to a conference in about 3 hours and i don't think ill have ethernet there01:35
nectarhey guys01:35
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams01:35
=== Orphis_ is now known as Orphis
nectarafter lastnight upgrading iam having issues with qt401:36
danes_mercutio22, I got it :) I just dissabled a bunch of fancy effects, and stayed with the ones that work :]01:36
nijan_Hello, it works fine now, even if the led up the keyboard blinks. Just joined to say thanks;01:36
nectarwhen ever i run an application which uses qt4 i am getting some errors01:36
mercutio22danes_> good =]01:36
nectaris there anyone can help me about it?01:36
mercutio22danes_> now you can enable them again one bu one to learn which is the faulty one01:36
muxomornjan: /etc/init.d/networking restart restarts network service01:37
muxomorbtw :)01:37
mercutio22danes_> * one at a time I mean01:37
muxomorso its unnecessary to restart whole system01:37
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams01:37
danes_yes, maybe, but I prefer to leave it like it is right now. I don't wanna mess with it again :S01:38
nijan_muxomor: I know, but I should configure network/interfaces first01:38
nijan_ok, I ve restarted just in case :)01:38
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danes_any distribution similar to ubuntu for an old laptop running on 64 ram memory?01:39
nijan_ubuntu xfce?01:39
nijan_also known as xubuntu01:39
muxomordanes_: with openbox  without de it will run  very fast01:40
Draciedanes_, build off of ubuntu server01:40
whileimhereWould xubuntu help out even on a 1 gig ram system?01:40
danes_Dracie, ???01:40
Draciedanes_, get ubuntu server and build a system to your needs around it01:41
danbhfivedanes_: I think Damn Small Linux might be what you are looking for01:41
danes_Dracie, ohhh I see01:41
DracieDSL is not good for everyday use01:41
exodus_msdanes_, have you looked at fluxbuntu --> http://fluxbuntu.org/01:41
Dracierepo's are limited...01:41
danes_yeah, I tried it, but its very limited01:41
RockmanFLanyone know how to get ubuntu to appear on windows network to share folder? I love Linux and the community...understand open...don't feel "entitled" to get the answer...but 20 + hours now of reading, research, forums, to get a simple thing like files sharing with windows is getting to be nuts.01:41
meditatingfrogis there anyone here that's a member of a loco team, or a starter of a loco?01:41
danbhfiveRockmanFL: what version are you running?01:43
danes_exodus_ms, do you think fluxbuntu will run ok with such a limited ram memory?01:43
danbhfivedanes_: no01:43
exodus_msdanes_, you really should think about upgrading that ram to 128 if possible01:44
danbhfivedanes_: well, last I heard, fluxbuntu could run off 92mb of ram01:44
danes_besides dsl, do you have any other suggestion?01:44
muxomorRockmanFL: i heard samba makes somrthing like communication with windows01:44
exodus_msdanes_, at least 128, DSL will probably work but it will be nothing like what you are used to with ubuntu/gnome kubuntu/kde01:45
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RockmanFLdanbhive I was running ubuntu 8.10 during all of the time trying to get the network to work....I just installed Linux Mint 5 hours ago (based on ubuntu 8.10) due to reviews saying it worked out of the box...still dead in the water01:45
sanvarinCan anyone tell me how to upgrade from 5.04 to 8.10 from the console (while X isn't working)?01:45
sebsebsebsanvarin: you can't just do that01:46
RockmanFLmuxmomor: I have samba installed and configured to share01:46
sebsebsebsavvas: you can't go from 5.04 straight to 8.1001:46
sanvarinI meant 8.04...01:46
exodus_mssanvarin, you will need to do a fresh install or upgrade from 5.04>5.10>6.04>>7.10>8.04>8.1001:46
muxomorRockmanFL: so you have now problems with configuring it?01:46
danbhfiveexodus_ms: LTS upgrades to LTS :P01:47
sebsebsebsanvarin: oh can't do the  GUI way or the sources list editing way?01:47
exodus_msdanbhfive, cool, 2004 wow, that was a long time ago :P01:48
sanvarinsebsebseb: source list?01:48
^Cheekyhello how can i detect an unformated external usb hdd,  it does not have a file system in it.01:48
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:48
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:48
RockmanFLmuxomor: I am not kidding when I say 20 plus hours...reading, testing, I think I have it configured based on lots of research...still dead....I have a feeling it is one simple stupid thing I am missing...I need someone that could give me step by step...in lay terms...I am new to linux but leanred PC's before windows and am learning termina commands as I leanred basic long before DOS01:48
gajopdoes AR5007 (Atheros wireless card) work for Ubuntu 64bit? I remember it not working on 64bit linux a long time ago, but it got fixed, so i'm not sure which version ubuntu's using01:49
Nytrixtest it with livd01:49
exodus_mssanvarin, If you use the GUI way you will need to change this to 'normal release' system>administration>software sources>updates>normal release01:49
danbhfive^Cheeky: I think gparted will detect it01:50
RockmanFLmuxomor: I am still a greenie so lots of the forum's I have read is in dialog over my head01:50
^Cheekydanbhfive, oh ok never used it, thank you01:50
muxomorRockmanFL: http://www.europe.eclipse.co.uk/Ubuntu/Ubuntu-on-win-network.htm step by step with screens, were you here already?01:50
Helpneeded911hello can anyone help me someone i know which i highly suspect keep hacking into my hotmail account. I dont know how they can hack into because im very sure they dont know my password.is that brute force ? can anyone please help me.01:51
RockmanFLmuxomor: I do not think so..let me look01:51
joe-macRockmanFL: is this active directory or workgroup networking01:51
sebsebsebHelpneeded911: this is really the wrong channel, but no proper channel for that I guess anyway01:51
sebsebsebHelpneeded911: Hotmail is pretty insecure I think01:51
sanvarinexodus_ms: The problem is that my HD is a  bit trashed and lots of libs oare missing.  It boots, but only into console.  Since the packages were trashed I want to just upgrade from the LiveCD, but it would be nice not to have to fic X first or lose data....01:51
syockitHelpneeded911: follow general guideline for creating passwords. mix numbers, small letters, capitals, also all possible symbol01:52
sebsebsebHelpneeded911: change your password and secret question and answer01:52
nclifeis there a way to know the mount point of my dvd? it isn't /media/cdrom0 or cdrom1.. instead when it mounts itself, it is /media/050524_2026. Now, if I want to mount an .ISO image, what should I type for the mount point?01:52
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null__does ubuntu x64 have a 32b gcc package ?01:53
syockitHelpneeded911: if your account is set to send password reminder to another mail address, check password of that mail address too. Also, make sure you don't make an easy to guess password reminder question01:53
ardchoillenclife: I use /mnt/iso for .ISO files01:53
muxomorRockmanFL:  in iorder to have some help it would be fine, if you can provide errors, which appear in process - from terminal, for example01:53
joe-macafaik you need to cross compile null__01:53
exodus_mssanvarin, you can backup what you need in console with 'tar' then continue on with the upgrade, is that what you are saying? Your afraid to dist-upgrade because you judge you might lose some data?01:53
joe-maclike you do when you compile sparc shit on othetr arcs01:53
^Cheekydanbhfive, hey, how do i start up gparted ?01:53
syockitnclife: you can select any empty directory for mount point01:53
VesaythHello, I have a relatively small but annoying problem. I recently reinstalled Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit, and when I installed jEdit, I noticed that there is annoying extra line space in-between each line. I don't know what's causing it or where there might be an option to fix it (I've looked all through the options). Also, there doesn't appear to be any threads on it from googling about it. Anyone have any idea where this setting might be (if it's a 01:53
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danbhfive^Cheeky: do you have it installed?  if so, gksuo gparted, or from that admin menu01:54
syockitnclife: if your dvd is auto mounted, use df to list mounted partitions/media01:54
null__joe-mac: ok, thanks01:54
jftsangHello. I am on command-line Ubuntu. Is it possible to set my compose key in the command line?01:54
muxomorRockmanFL:  then you can investigate it, or may be some1 would know, what this or that error mean,m because common "it doesnt work" just doesn't provide any useful information01:54
^Cheekydanbhfive, i don't see it under administration, ill apt-get it01:55
nclifesyockit, like for example I can mount the iso on /media/cdrom0 as well as in /home/sinclair/NewDirectory?01:55
jftsangAll the tutorials that I have found refer to using GNOME01:55
sanvarinexodus_ms: not quite.  I know that something went awry with my drive and now libstdcc is gone (!)  That's why I can't run X or the package manager or anything like that.  But it seems that I ought to be able to do something like apt-get --upgrade all01:55
ardchoillejftsang: isn't there a dot file in ~ for that?01:55
ardchoillejftsang: ~/.compse  or something?01:55
jftsangThanks. I'll take a look at that.01:56
syockitnclife: if it is already mounted, you cannot mount it to somewhere else (unless using mount --bind or symbolic links). Check with df to see if it's mounted or not01:56
exodus_mssanvarin, have you tried   sudo dpkg -reconfigure --all   or   sudo apt-get -f install01:56
sanvarinexodus_ms: or boot from the livecd and just reinstall all that packages without  backing up,reformatting etc....01:56
RockmanFLmuxomor: That site I have not been to but I have followed the steps....it is for version 7 but I assume it relates to 8.10 as well...Question: My windows network is named Rockswork not MSHOME or WORKGROUP that Samba defauts to...I added a network connection and it does say it is connected to Rockswork but did not change aything else as far as Sambaconfig etc...could this be the reason?01:56
sanvarinexodus_ms: I'll try that.  That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out, but apparently man also needs libstdc...01:56
nclifesyockit, I haven't mounted the .ISO file.   I checked with df, it says it is on /dev/scd001:56
nclifesyockit, that last mounted thing is my dvd01:57
RockmanFLmuxomor: BRB in 10 min gotta get the kiddies in bed01:57
dbboltonthe only thing i can get to boot on my laptop is damn small linux in safemode. i just replaced the hard drive. is there any way to figure out what's wrong?01:57
nclifesyockit, so to mount my .ISO file, I should mount it in /dev/scd0?01:57
jdsandesonIs it possible to install ubuntu to a raid aray?01:57
syockitnclife: the iso is mounted? maybe some application might have automounted it01:57
monoswimHi to everyone...01:57
syockitnclife: you don't need a dvd drive actually to do iso mounting01:57
syockitnclife: You use loopback device for mounting iso01:58
jftsangNo, I can't find anything on ~/.compse01:58
monoswimyo use this chat I have to use LANG=C xchat-gnome from console, because from menu doesn't work01:58
nclifesyockit, so I'll just mount my .ISO like this: sudo mount -o loop <.iso file> /home/<myusername>/NewDirectory. is that okay to do?01:59
^Cheekydanbhfive, oh nice, i formatted it using fat 32 .. but i have this error : DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.NotFound: The given volume was not found01:59
cbilljonesim having trouble stopping my mic from coming from my speakers, any suggestions? using creative x-fi card01:59
^Cheekydanbhfive, should i have to restart X  for it mount now ?01:59
danbhfive^Cheeky: I think you can ignore dbus errors if they are ignorable01:59
exodus_mssanvarin, is this what you are looking for, I'm not sure what you said was missing --> http://packages.debian.org/stable/base/libstdc++502:00
syockitnclife: yes. you can unmount later when it's not in use by sudo umount <mount point i.e. the new directory>02:00
officedo you hear about public virtual pc machines ?02:00
Aeosynthhow do I keep the screen unlocked when I come out of hibernation?02:01
syockitnclife: also, files in iso is usually owned by root, so if you are doing some copying, make sure to check ownership afterwards (refer man chown)02:01
moneybags1234I installed xfce4 to run in ubuntu. I ran into a bug and uninstalled via sudo apt-get purge then used synaptic but it did not get rid of all the xfce files as when i reinstalled xfce the gdm wasn't the original how can i be sure that I've removed allt the files?02:02
sanvarinexodus_ms:  I believe that is what I'm looking for.  The problem is that apt-get needs that library to install that library (i think..)  I was hoping there would be some way to fix it from the liveCD or just upgrade all my packages and not touch /home02:02
redvamp128cbilljones:  you could try either muting it-- or turning down the gain on the mic -- that would be the volume control for the microphone (otherwise known as sesitivity.)02:02
syockitAeosynth: I think there's a gconf for that, but I haven't tried02:02
nclifeok. thank you syockit02:02
muxomorRockmanFL:  being honest, i don't have any experience with samba :) What i am trying to help: localise an error, from terminal output(if started from a terminal) and then search how to make it work. In what i am concerned: both windows and linux comp must be in the same workgroup, it can be specified in samba.conf. Couple of links: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/configuring-samba.html  http://samba.netfirms.com/sambconf.htm02:02
redvamp128exodus_ms:  are you sure these packages are not more suited to what you posted above-- they are for ubuntu - Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- libstdc <http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libstdc&amp;searchon=names&amp;suite=all&amp;section=all>02:03
Aeosynthsyockit: where would you expect the setting to be? login? power management? just give me some keywords to scour gconf with02:03
cbilljonesredvamp128, all i see in alsa settings is capture feedback, if i mute it it mutes it all together, dont see a sensivity setting02:03
casualshey guys. i had 1 hdd with windows and later installed ubuntu . now i have 2 hdds and i want to install ubuntu at the second hdd. if i'll format disk where currently ubuntu installed, will i reset my boot record ? i mean will i able to load windows then?02:03
ardchoilleAeosynth: check /apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/hibernate in gconf-editor02:03
danbhfivesanvarin: why don't you create a separate /home, move over your files, and then just reinstall?02:03
redvamp128cbilljones:  that would be the volume control for the microhone02:03
syockitAeosynth: see gconf entry for /app/gnome-power-manager/lock . But frankly I tried enable locking for suspend but didn't work. you can try removing lock from hibernate and see if it works02:04
exodus_msredvamp128, is libstdc++5 not the same for both debian and ubuntu?02:04
redvamp128exodus_ms:  these are actually built for ubuntu -- the other is a debian and may or may not work02:05
cbilljonesredvamp128, thats all there is in playback though, in recording it is called microphone and just fully mutes it as well02:05
^Cheekydanbhfive, okay thats weird i mounted it, and umm .. it was detected .. showed the stupid error again .. but the icon is very weird ..02:05
sanvarindanbhfive: I don't have a spare drive to make /home and copy to, and was to dumb to partition things that way in the first place.  Will the installer let me do that in the repartitioning phase?02:05
exodus_msredvamp128, cool,02:05
redvamp128cbilljones:  you could click on the volume control then the recording tab-- then move the slider down02:06
danbhfivesanvarin: I start up the livecd, and see if gparted can do it.  I like gparted much better than the currect POS02:06
syockitsanvarin: probably no, you have to resize the partition, make a new one and copy them manually.02:06
casualsheeelp meee(02:06
casualsi had 1 hdd with windows and later installed ubuntu . now i have 2 hdds and i want to install ubuntu at the second hdd. if i'll format disk where currently ubuntu installed, will i reset my boot record ? i mean will i able to load windows then?02:07
cbilljonesredvamp128, it mutes it all together when i do that02:07
redvamp128exodus_ms:  I linked you to that page so you can also click on the correct version you want to download and the correct distribution02:07
syockitcasuals: hmm that depends on where the bootloader is installed...02:07
redvamp128cbilljones:  for me the slider moves up and down.02:07
muxomorRockmanFL: logs are in /var/log/samba/*02:07
exodus_mssanvarin, ^^02:08
cbilljonesredvamp128, hmmm im stumped then lol02:08
syockitcasuals: ... which i think is on your second disk if you installed using default. so you'll have no bootloader :(02:08
casualshow can i check it ? i had only windows..and then i cut some space from windows disk and installed ubuntu there02:08
cbilljonesredvamp128, what sound card are you using?02:08
glandonok does any one else have an issue with VLC reading .mkv files? and if so how do you fix it02:08
danbhfivecasuals: I think you should be ok02:08
redvamp128cbilljones: audigy ls+202:08
syockitcasuals: oh, now I see the situation02:08
exodus_mssanvarin, from redvamp128 --> Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- libstdc <http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libstdc&amp;searchon=names&amp;suite=all&amp;section=all>02:09
syockitcasuals: disk 2 is new disk right? if you install ubuntu to that disk, it should be ok02:09
redvamp128cbilljones:  when I click on it this is what I get http://imagebin.ca/view/aXbg3rcx.html02:10
casualssyockit..well on the second hdd there are few windows disks already too..and there is some unformatted space where i want to install new ubuntu..and to kill one from old hdd02:10
cbilljonesredvamp128, thats what i see too, but mine fully mutes it - from speakers and recording02:11
glandonis anyone in her good with VLC or Codecs in general?02:11
syockitcasuals: the important thing is to determine where /boot (the default folder for bootloader) will be put, as the boot record will point to that upon installation02:11
redvamp128cbilljones:  then I am stumped too (I had to tick mine down) because when I have it all the way up It picks up distortion from the speakers- You may have your mic in the line in instead of the mic02:12
ScottG489What exactly does debfoster ask you if you want to keep? I thought it just asked for packages that weren't relied on by anything? But its asking me for huge things on my server like apache-common, openssh-server, phpmyadmin, etc... Hell it even asks if i want to remove debfoster02:12
casualsi'll determine it while new install?02:12
redvamp128cbilljones:  if that is the case when switch them (or visa versa)02:12
cbilljonesrevamp128, kk sec ill try02:12
kristian2just wondering what programs people use to "open" rar's with, just unrar or other alternatives? and is unrar freeware or shareware?02:12
syockitcasuals: so if you install ubuntu on a new partition, and let it use default folder settings, and then install grub to mbr (this is by default), your new bootloader will be at the new partition. then you can delete the old ubuntu partition without bad consequences02:13
arghh2d2syockit: wtf?  NO!02:13
syockitarghh2d2: wrong?02:14
arghh2d2mbr isnt realy a partition02:14
casualssoo u recommend install new ubuntu first and then format disk with old ubuntu ?02:14
arghh2d2it's a tiny little partition at the beginning of the entire harddrive02:14
syockitarghh2d2: no, mbr is still mbr. will be written during installation02:14
Bridger987kristian2 >  There is an obsolete open-source version of UnRar, and an up-to-date restricted (closed-source) freeware version.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unrar02:14
danbhfivecasuals: yeah, you should install the new ubuntu first02:15
syockitcasuals: you're going to format the disk? then mbr will be gone to....02:15
syockit(would it?)02:15
casualsi want to kill old ubuntu and stick thet space back to windows )02:15
casualsso i need to format it )02:16
arghh2d2casuals: sorry bout yer BAD luck02:16
casualswhat do u mean?)02:16
syockitcasuals: then you can just delete the partition and resize windows partition02:16
casualswithout formatting ?02:16
syockitcasuals: without formatting02:16
casualshmm but firt install new ubuntu ?02:17
sfirepartition magic would do it02:17
zackenresezise need defrag?02:17
danbhfivecasuals: yes, first install the new ubuntu02:17
syockitcasuals: yes. 1. install ubuntu -> 2. delete old ubuntu -> 3. resize windows02:17
casualsemm how to delete old ubuntu this way? just change file system or so ? without formatting02:18
syockitzacken: my experience says yes, but maybe the newer ntfs-3g thing does this for you02:18
zackenSylphid, ah ok02:18
syockitzacken: I had to use many defrag tools to resize my vista partition back then02:18
cbilljonesredvamp128, mine just has a shared linein/mic, so its the only input that works, still no luck :(02:18
zackensry syockit02:18
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kristian2Bridger987 : alright. thanks. :-) i guess ill just stick with unrar then. it's not to bad since it's freeware, the strange thing is that if you go to rarlab.com and look at the download page, it says that unrar is trial only for linux as well. but i guess the unrar i downloaded with apt-get is not trial, just closed source?02:19
syockitkristian2: i think the closed-source one is rar, and open-source unrar. and yes, I never saw the program saying its trial or anything, so maybe it's as you've guessed02:20
redvamp128cbilljones:  the thought behind the last one is that sometimes the line in will accept mic input but output through speakers -- but the mic will only take input-- That was my though02:20
^paradox^what command can i use at a terminal to get full system specs for my computer?02:20
casualseee dont forget me)02:20
casualsemm how to delete old ubuntu this way? just change file system or so ? without formatting02:21
muxomorsyockit: and unrar-free?02:21
cbilljonesredvamp69, could be that since this card uses a shared input perhaps im screwed lol02:21
syockitmuxomor, kristian2: hmm I was wrong02:21
danbhfive^paradox^: lshw is one command, but I think you might be looking for something else02:21
arodwhy is ubuntu showing 2g ram when I have 3gb installed?02:22
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^paradox^i was looking to get all the specs for my hardware02:22
Bridger987kristian2:  The one that you downloaded with apt-get should be the freeware/closed-source version.  There's also a mirror buried on the rarlab.com website (http://www.rarlab.com/rar_add.htm) that is rather hard to find.  The free trial being offered on the site was for the commercial product "RAR".  The free product is "UnRAR".02:22
danbhfivearod: does it work in windows?02:22
redvamp128^paradox^:  you could try lspci or dmesg02:22
kristian2syockit : yeah! seems like the download on rarlab.com for linux is only rar, not unrar. so i guess rar is trial, while unrar is free, as you said. :-)02:22
syockitmuxomor: thx for pointing out. unrar-free is the open version02:22
muxomorsyockit: aha, and it can be integrated in archiver-programms (for example ark)02:23
syockitkristian2: apparently I was wrong. unrar-free is the open source version. I don't know what purpose unrar has, as rar also can extract archives02:23
aroddanbhfive: if works on debian with amd64 kernel. any 86 kernel kernel shows 2gb only02:24
muxomorbut Can't handle some archives in the RAR 3.0 format, only the non-free "unrar" package can do that.02:24
arodno windows sorry02:24
^paradox^ok thanks both of u02:24
^paradox^ill give those a try02:24
nclifehello. I'm installing aoeIII on my comp, but I get this error which is supposedly due to not enough space on my temp directory. How can I move it to a drive with more space?02:24
Bridger987nclife >  Under wine?02:25
nclifeBridger987, yes02:25
racecar56if anyone sees this please /msg me02:25
kristian2Bridger987 : a-ha! your right. so unrar is the same as rar except free, and i guess it can only unrar and not create rar's. correct me if im wrong. thanks for your help. :-)02:25
Bridger987nclife >  I was getting a similar problem in trying to install something else, I can't remember what lol02:25
Bridger987kristian2:  That was my impression.  :-)02:26
nclifeBridger987, heh. How did you solve that? my error specifically is this "Error:- 1603 Fatal error during installation"02:26
Bridger987nclife >  I didn't.  I was just being redundant (or maybe helpful in showing that there is really a problem) in saying that I had the same thing happen.02:27
nclifeheh, oks :)02:27
redvamp128nclife:  you could ask in #winehq02:27
nclifeoh, hey again red02:27
nclifeyes, I'll do that02:27
kristian2syockit : yes. apparently you have rar, for creating and extracting rar's, but it is trial and closed source. then you have unrar which is free, but still closed source, which can only extract rar's, not create them. so i prefer this one since it is not trial and i dont often create rar's. and then there is the opensource version free-unrar, but it is outdated, since rarlab made a new version of rar, v3. this is what i've understood so far02:28
* muxomor checking new word redundant02:28
kristian2Bridger987 : yeah. :-) thanks! ill just stick with unrar then. :-)02:29
syockitkristian2: !!! I didn't see that (checks aptitude show rar) aaaa, it's 40 days shareware!!!02:29
kristian2syockit : yeah. :-/ oh well, im ok with just being able to unrar, dont need to make rars. :-P02:30
Stilgar_anyone know a good place i can ask about cars?02:30
arodfree -m shows 2gb but I have 3gb of ram installed. any hint?02:30
arodbios show 3gb02:30
Bridger987kristian2 >  That was my decision when I looked into all of this.  If you get into the habit of needing to create .rar archives, then you may do well to support them and pay the fee (or, if you're a cheapskate, I believe there's a large collection of pirated linux software over at The Pirate Bay... but you didn't hear that from me)02:30
Sylphidarod, sudo lshw -C memory02:30
kristian2Bridger987 : this conversation never took place!02:31
bonhofferwhenever i do sudo pm-suspend i lose all right on my file-system -- i.e. i can't write to _any_ directory02:31
bonhoffereven if i sudo su02:31
Bridger987kristian2:  I'm taking my harddrive and a sledgehammer out to the back yard right now.02:32
kristian2Bridger987 : anyways. :-P yeah, im ok with unrar for now. :-) thanks for your time/help. :-)02:32
bonhofferi can't connect to the network since a temp file has to be written02:32
Bridger987kristian2:  No problem.  :-)02:32
TheDude_hello everyone02:32
TheDude_is anyone avial to give me some help?02:32
kristian2Bridger987 : you should do that, you never know who might be watching. :o02:32
bonhofferany way to figure out what is going on here -- "read only filesystem" or something like that?02:32
rdw200169!ask | TheDude_02:32
ubottuTheDude_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:32
Daft_Punk!ask | TheDude_02:33
orbisvicishow do you think itll take me to compile libc ?02:33
Daft_Punkaww u beat me haha02:33
rdw200169Daft_Punk, hey, i'm listening to Daft Punk right now, woot02:33
Daft_Punkme too02:33
arodSylphid: lshw shows 3Gb. so is that ok? even if free shows 2gb only?02:33
TheDude_thank you ubottu, my question is this... im currently running ubuntu on the disk and do not have it installd i am trying to install this to a "maxtor one touch 4" usb drive and i am not sure if i have the correct one in my list02:34
bonhofferseems to be a pretty serious bug02:34
TheDude_i see one device and i dont want to format my windows internal lap top drive02:34
bonhofferanyone ever lost ability to write to your file-system from all users02:34
rdw200169TheDude_, if you install ubuntu to an external hard drive, it will be *really* slow02:34
TheDude_i only want to install th is to my external HD and i want the mbr on the external to have the grub thing so that when i unplug the external i wont be prompted to choose an OS02:35
arooni-mobileLilArooni ~/Documents: scp david@foo.dyndns.org:~/Documents/My\ Values.vym .  .... how do i escape the space when doing a scp command?02:35
Sylphidarod, lshw shows that ubuntu is recognizing that your computer has 3G but if free is only showing 2 that means that 1G is not being utilized02:35
arooni-mobilein quotes!02:35
bonhofferi am talking every directory, every mount, every user -- read only02:35
bonhofferall caused by sudo pm-suspend02:35
Sylphidarod, grep MemFree /proc/meminfo02:35
rdw200169TheDude_, do you know if your BIOS supports boot from USB?02:36
orbisvicisbonhoffer: fstab mounted read only? no more free space ?02:36
TheDude_yes it does02:36
Sylphidarod, oop sorry .... grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo02:36
TheDude_its a new laptop02:36
TheDude_assu g1sn to be exact if you need secs02:36
arodafaik with a 32bit kernel any app sees only 2gb of memory02:36
bonhofferorbisvicis, fstab mounts fine -- it is only after suspend that there is a problem -- i have lots of free space02:36
arodSylphid: anyway: MemTotal:      2051328 kB02:36
bonhofferin any case, there should be an error -- not a total denial of any mods to the filesystem02:37
TheDude_infact i tried to install fedora but the screen got all whacky when i loaded from the disk so i came back to ubuntu02:37
orbisvicisbonhoffer: oh I dont use suspend, no idea02:37
Sylphidarod, you may want to run a memtest against your ram.... 32 bit kernels support up to 4G of memory (sort of)02:37
TheDude_all distorted and grainey and i couldnt select any options much less read them02:37
bonhofferorbisvicis, thanks anyway -- anyone here who does know?02:37
att0running Ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell Optiplex GX260 (intel 845g chipset) and the screen started to flicker pretty badly...any ideas?02:37
bonhofferthis is a serious problem -- is there an ubuntu dev room where someone can look into this02:38
bonhofferor a bug submission site?02:38
bonhoffer(if that is the way to go)02:38
VesaythHello, I have a relatively small but annoying problem. I recently reinstalled Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit, and when I installed jEdit, I noticed that there is annoying extra line space in-between each line. I don't know what's causing it or where there might be an option to fix it (I've looked all through the options). Also, there doesn't appear to be any threads on it from googling about it. Anyone have any idea where this setting might be (if it's a 02:38
maxhoustonyo does anybody know how to make an app open into a specific workspace?02:39
kristian2i just did: sudo apt-get install vlc, will only vlc be installed, or will more videolan things be installed as well? just wondering, think its only vlc though, but want to be sure.02:39
jdsbluedevlhi, can anyone help me with getting the proper programs to sync my new Blackberry Curve?02:39
Daft_Punkkristian2, its just vlc02:39
jdsbluedevlI'm trying to configure Barry, but it says to use Evolution, and for some reason IMAP isn't working with Evolution.  Works fine with Thunderbird02:40
RockmanFLmuxomor: FIXED!!! WOW..I knew it was simple...I called a friend who is not a big Linux guy but he works for our company (software firm) I have 2 routers for the company at my home...Main Linksys plugged into a VOIP router....the Linux box was plugged into the Voip router...swapped the plug and BAM! Computers can all see each other....sometimes the answer is so simple it can be overlooked....Thanks for the time..If HLM is in here Thank you as02:40
Bridger987kristian >  I believe it's just VLC, although if it's the first time you're installing "Community Maintained Software", there might be a process of installing a few other things as well.02:40
ScottG489Has anyone tried the new ubuntu?02:40
RockmanFLhlm: see above and thanks02:40
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kristian2Daft_Punk : alright thanks :-)02:40
hlmRockmanFL, what did I do to deserve thanks?02:41
RockmanFLyou tried to help me the other day02:41
hlmRockmanFL, your welcome I suppose02:41
att0what is a safe graphics card I can buy that will let me watch HD videos on Ubuntu?02:41
Daft_Punkatt0, anything geforce 6 series and higher, more than 256mb recommended02:42
RockmanFLhlm: just wanted to get back to you on the solution as well02:42
hlmRockmanFL, okay02:42
jdsbluedevldoes anyone here have experience with setting up Blackberry syncing on Ubuntu?02:42
att0Daft_Punk, how would I install the graphics drivers?02:43
what_ifjdsbluedevl: define "syncing" for your case02:44
nclifehello. I'm installing aoeIII on my comp, but I get this error which is supposedly due to not enough space on my temp directory. How can I move it to a drive with more space? And also is that a wine or linux issue, in other words is it wine that has to be moved or /tmp of linux?02:44
Daft_Punkatt0, it should recognize the new hardware and say that the driver is part of restricted software and you can choose to enable it or not02:44
Daft_Punkatt0, and there is ways to manually install the drivers as well02:44
att0Daft_Punk, excellent thanks02:44
Peloevening folks02:44
att0Daft_Punk, I'm just a newb though, I02:45
Pelowhat's the command line to launch an install-sh file again ?  ./sh install-sh ???02:45
jdsbluedevlwhat_if: well, I'm trying to read the procedure for using Barry (which I don't even know if it's user-friendly or not).  It's asking to use Evolution, but Evolution seems to be having problems with IMAP right now02:45
ericstewartI'm running UbuntuServer 8.10 inside VirtualBox. When I duplicate the virtual machine and boot the OS, eth0 is changed to eth1.02:45
jdsbluedevlas opposed to Thunderbird, which is fine02:45
orbisvicisatt0: i might be wrong, but hd on linux is more a matter of cpu than gpu b/c the video drivers dont support gpu decoding of x264 streams (though X has a pipe for mpeg2 now, i think)... and ffmpeg x264 decoders are single threaded anyway, so02:45
ericstewartHow do I get it to go back to eth0?02:45
n8tuserfericstewart -> look into /etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent*  rule02:46
what_ifjdsbluedevl: hmmm... never used evolution02:46
jdsbluedevlwhat_if: you use Thunderbird with Blackberry syncing?02:46
PowerE_ Timing cached reads:   1230 MB in  2.00 seconds = 614.40 MB/sec02:46
PowerE_ Timing buffered disk reads:  266 MB in  3.01 seconds =  88.39 MB/sec02:46
PowerE_seem slow?02:47
PowerE_I'm used to 100+ in windows02:47
what_ifjdsbluedevl: I have attempted to use kdepim... emphasis on attempted02:47
orbisvicisnice, check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDPAU never heard about that till now02:47
jdsbluedevloy, ok02:47
ericstewartn8tuserf: Okay. I see 70-persisent-net.rules.02:47
jdsbluedevlI'm also trying to set it up so that I can upload pics and vids from Blackberry and download apps02:47
jdsbluedevl*apps that aren't available OTA02:48
ETieHey, I am at "Edit Partition, Use as:"02:48
ETieWhat should i pick?02:48
dartdlquien hay02:48
jdsbluedevlall I know is that I could probably do this on my MacBook with PocketMac, but it's in the shop right now and I'm impatient02:48
ETiewait, nevermind02:48
ericstewartOh. Okay. Delete the new one and remap it back to the original.02:49
dartdlquien hay02:49
ericstewartn8tuserf: Thank you sir. I think I know how to fix it now.02:49
FloodBot2dartdl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:49
Daft_Punk!spanish | dartdl02:49
ubottudartdl: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:49
dartdla ok02:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about deusche02:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about deustche02:50
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.02:51
arghh2d2i love de02:51
Scunizi_dartdl: type /join @ubuntu-es02:51
zackeniam too02:51
ericstewartn8tuserf: Thank you. That solved the network problem.02:57
=== hlm is now known as hlm-AWAY
Epihi, can somebody told me how can I recover files from /lost+found ?02:58
xSlackHow do i edit a log file to be -rw for all users02:59
officesudo chmod 0777 file03:00
xSlackoffice: ty03:00
steve``i usually use chmod a+rw file03:01
steve``so i don't 0 the first part by accident if it's not 0 already03:01
steve``eg:  g+w to make it group +w03:01
steve``o-r to make it other not readadble03:01
steve``only toggles the bits i want03:02
steve``w/o needing to know the current chmod03:02
officels -las file03:03
steve``why waste time with that? ;)03:03
ThellraI'm trying to install ubuntu server on a virtual pc, and its getting stuck on Configuring apt at 50% saying scanning the mirror03:04
Thellrais it because I'm installing it on a virtual pc?03:04
=== logan is now known as Guest95120
steve``Thellra, does the vm have access to the net?03:05
Guest95120I just scanned images with xsane, saved them as .pnm files, and now I can't open them. It is kind of really important that I can see these ASAP (homeworks due in less than 2hrs)03:05
steve``Guest95120, got the right permissions to view them?03:05
Guest95120PNM loader expected to find an integer, but didn't03:05
Guest95120Is what I see when I try to load it.03:06
steve``check the file permissions03:06
Guest95120I would assume so I saved it to my home folder03:06
steve``and file owner03:06
afromanA-E-I-O-U, and sometimes W. 'Cuz I'm high, cuz I'm high, cuz I'm high.03:06
steve``afroman, i thought it was Y03:06
Guest95120Owner has Access: Read and write03:06
Qutozhi, I want to install postgresql-8.3-postgis on ubuntu gutsy, can any one tell me what is the repository include that package to add to source list03:06
meoblast001does Ubuntu come with the BadRAM patch?03:06
steve``who's the owner?03:06
Guest95120My account03:06
Guest95120the only account03:06
ericstewartI'm running UbuntuServer 8.10 in VirtualBox. Is there a way to set Ubuntu to increase it's screen resolution when you're running headless?03:07
afromanno it's w03:07
chu_Don't spose anyone has tried a Canon i550 from 8.10? I had difficulties getting 64bit Vista to work with it (it still doesn't), I am fearful Linux will be an equal challenge.03:07
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Guest95120I've tried opening it in Image Viewer, F-Spot photo viewer, and GIMP with no luck03:08
afromanLadies and gentlemen, homosexuals, lesbians, and transvestites,03:08
afromanallow me to introduce myself as the Hungry Hustler, Afroman.03:08
ZachFlemhi folks, have just installed cli from minimal install iso, installed xfce4 and some other apps, but would now like to get my wifi working, i have bcm4311 wifi card, can someone point me in the right direction?03:08
stipi can install gnome-do or avant-window-navigator using "sudo apt-get install gnome-do" but i can't use synaptics to do it; i search for it using synaptics but it couldn't be found, please help..03:08
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steve``Guest95120, maybe it didn't scan in properly03:08
ETieso many newbies in here!03:09
chu_stip, repos?03:09
Guest95120it scanned just fine, I saw the scan on the screen, then saved the files03:09
afromani was gonna eat cho pussy too03:09
stipchu_: yes, i already added to the repos..03:09
Guest95120now I dont have the book and need these images to open desperetly >_<03:09
ETieListen, i have 100GB of free unpartitioned space, now i need to instal xubuntu, how do i partition taht space?03:09
chu_mmmm, weird stip...03:10
afromanLET ME RUB U03:10
steve``ETie, one big partition :)03:10
ZachFlemETie, fdisk =)03:10
stipchu_: i know.. any input why?03:10
steve``you ALWAYS run out of space on the wrong one when you split it up03:10
ETiesteve``, uh what filesys?03:10
ETiexfs? reiser?03:11
afromanmy mom's tittys have hawiian punch03:11
ETiedoes buntu make its own swap space?03:11
Guest98978Q: i am compiling my own kernel (don't ask! (former gentoo user )) and my nvidia driver causes errors! can anyone help>03:11
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:11
Sylphid!ot | afroman03:11
ubottuafroman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:11
chu_Nah, I'm sorry stip - I mean, if you have added the correct repos, I don't understand why it wouldn't work.03:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about opas03:11
mikewuGuest95120: try using pnmtopng03:12
ETieI did it already joot!03:12
jootEtie. TY03:12
ETieso what should this ext3 mountpoint be03:12
steve``/ ?03:12
ZachFlemcan anyone help me to get my bcm4311 working on a bare intrepid system running xfce?03:12
doc``have some choppy playback when i play fullscreen flashvideo in firefox with ubuntu03:13
Sylphid!broadcom | ZachFlem03:13
ubottuZachFlem: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:13
ETieokay steve!03:13
ZachFlemthanks Sylphid!03:13
cyziewhy is repos from ubuntu so f**king slow?03:13
steve``cyzie, try a different repo... some are slower some are faster03:14
chu_I usually get 1mb/s from Ubuntu repos....03:14
ETieIf you do not go back to the partitioning menu and assign a swap partition, the installation will continue without swap space.03:14
ETiethe thing never asked me for swap space03:14
Guest98978psst ubottu! we don't need anymore retard^H^H^H^H^H^H i mean new users...03:15
cyziesteve``, did that with all the servers, uk, us, ru, my and so on, just slow.03:15
ETiewell, i got 2 gb or ram here, will that be enough to run things without a SWAP?03:15
steve``i don't seem to have swap on my xubuntu install03:15
chu_ETie, I didn't realise I wouldn't have a swap.03:15
n2diyI'm cloning this box to some newer hardware, so far I've moved my /home directory, but that didn't bring my apps, with it, what else should I copy to the target box?03:15
stipchu_: i tried searching for "gnome" and it would only list the package i've installed; maybe this clue will help?03:16
chu_I tend to idle around 30% ram on gnome, I've been told xfce will at least get 10% better, so probably 20% I don't think it's such a big deal with 2gbs03:16
steve``cyzie, try the main repos03:16
cyziesteve``, archive.ubuntu.com ?03:16
SylphidETie, swap is always a good thing to have even if your computer doesnt use it03:16
redvamp128stip:  gnome is listed as ubuntu-desktop (will not be listed as gnome because that is ubuntu's default)03:16
jootETie, chu. I think ubuntu adds swap by default in install03:17
chu_Possibly, because I only added a /home and a / :p03:17
ETiejoot, i doubt that if it actually told me i would be installling without aswap03:17
stipredvamp128: hmm...?03:17
Guest98978Q: i am compiling my own kernel (don't ask! (former gentoo user )) and my nvidia driver causes errors! can anyone help?03:18
jootETie, OK I has never done that to me..03:18
ZachFlemSylphid: i dont seem to see any info about Intrepid, any further suggestions?03:18
SylphidZachFlem, the instructions for hardy should work for intrepid03:18
chu_joot, is there a simple cli command to list partitions?03:18
ZachFlemSylphid: thanks again =)03:19
n8tuserfchu_ -> sudo fdisk -l03:19
steve``cyzie, not quite sure, could be archive.canonical.com/ubuntu03:19
stipi just searched for "game" but it too couldn't be found03:19
Riverra1Q: has anyone had a problem with the the kernal v 24? I update and when it starts to boot up it pukes...version 19 works fine though.03:19
cyziesteve``, yes, that oen is slow as well.03:19
steve``maybe it's your connection?03:19
jootYes but I dont remember exact one moment03:19
Guest98978better way: echo $(ls /dev/ | grep [ many newbies in here!03:19
Guest9897819:09 -!- acidicbase [n=acidicba@c-67-161-190-115.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu03:19
chu_Awesome, yeah it did add a swap.03:20
Guest98978better way: echo $(ls /dev/ | grep [hs]da[0-9])03:20
SylphidGuest98978, what are the errors03:20
jootETie, fdisk03:21
steve``Riverra1, i'm on 2.6.27-11-generic, and it's working fine03:21
craigeCan I get some help with setting up ndiswrapper.03:22
rootrun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/nvidia-common03:22
rootrun-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/nvidia-common exited with return code 2003:22
rootFailed to process /etc/kernel/postinst.d at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.28.postinst line 1181.03:22
rootdpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.28 (--install): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 203:22
FloodBot2root: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
jootETie, Be carefull read twice avtion once03:22
=== root is now known as Guest6332
ETiejoot? avtion?03:22
steve``oooo, someone's irc-ing as root :o03:22
ETienot me03:22
ETieoh that guy03:22
jootETie, spell action03:22
Riverra1steve``, yea im on 19 right now and its ok. Why would 24 be broken? has anyone else seen this?03:23
illumin8Hello, is there a terminal command to list my partitions uuid?03:23
jootETie, I thought gparted was a gui03:23
steve``isn't it?03:24
craigeIt is03:24
n8tuserfillumin8 -> sudo blkid03:24
craigeI thought03:24
illumin8n8tuserf, thanks03:24
steve``i thought so too03:24
chu_Hey DBO03:24
=== cjones is now known as usrlocalbin
craigeI used a copy a couple months ago, and it was GUI03:24
craigehence the 'G' in it03:24
ETiejoot gui for what?03:24
ETiefor fdisk ? i guess it is03:25
n2diyI'm cloning this box to some newer hardware, so far I've moved my /home directory, but that didn't bring my apps, with it, what else should I copy to the target box?03:25
=== Guest6332 is now known as anarrayfulofperl
ETien2diy,  /03:25
=== cary_ is now known as Commie_Cary
curtisWat it do03:25
craigeSo, can somebody help me debug my wireless setup?03:25
chu_root drive03:25
steve``n2diy, just install the apps on the new box03:25
n2diyETie: funny03:25
Sylphid!clone | n2diy03:26
ubottun2diy: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate03:26
=== curtis is now known as Guest42338
ETieReiserFS, Because He killed his wife.03:26
ThellraWhen you install ubuntu server, does it have no GUI buit into it?03:26
craigeThellra, why?03:26
steve``ubuntu desktop has the gui03:26
chu_You can of course apt-get ubuntu-desktop though03:26
steve``or xubuntu03:26
steve``or kubuntu03:27
ETiewho oversees these packages?03:27
jootETie, partion editor03:27
B14CKH4They guys i needt install mi NEXXT PCI WIRELESS  IN MI UNBUTU 7.403:27
n2diysteve, that is a lot of apps, thanks anyway.03:27
tom760_I have my local Ubuntu setup with a single monitor / X server.  Is it possible to attach a client X app to a new (remote) X server without restarting the program?03:27
chu_Not use caps, perhaps?03:27
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning03:27
ThellraSo, to get anything other then a black screen I need to install desktop ubuntu?03:27
ETiewho oversees these packages and why do we trust him?03:27
craigeThellra, are you doing this becaues you cannot use Linux from the command line?03:27
chu_Not quite Thellra, you can put a GUI on your server install...03:27
Sylphid!motu ETie03:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about motu ETie03:28
ETieThellra,  you can run any server even on desktop ubuntu. why the hell would you even want server?03:28
Sylphid!motu | ETie03:28
ubottuETie: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU03:28
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
ThellraI'm trying to install an eqemu server and wanted to see if I could do it in ubuntu03:28
Thellraand server seemed like the right thing to do :(03:28
mimiloonhi everybody, i need some help creating an image of ubuntu using norton ghost03:28
chu_!clone | mimiloon03:29
ubottumimiloon: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate03:29
chu_Not quite, clonezilla?03:29
ThellraSo I need to download the non-ubuntu?03:29
WindsilkCould someone help me out when they get a chance?  I just had some error and now I can't do anything in Kubuntu, I loaded it up off the boot cd I made so I could get on here03:30
steve``Thellra, just do: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (or kubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop)03:30
ThellraI'm not even getting command line, its got green lines going down half the screen, and text that I can't read at the very top03:31
mimiloonubottu: i have no idea what you just said, lol, because i'm new to linux03:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:31
steve``depending if you want gnome, kde, or xfce03:31
steve``that sounds bad03:31
SylphidWindsilk, please post the error message you are seeing so people know if they can help you or not03:31
steve``Thellra, can you ssh in?03:31
anarrayfulofperli need a bit of help getting kernel 2.6.28 on intrepid03:31
KurtKrautCan Ubuntu be natively installed on a Asus Eee or it requires some workaround ?03:32
chu_mimiloon, basically are you looking for a way to "back-up" of Ubuntu?03:32
Sylphid!EEE | KurtKraut03:32
ubottuKurtKraut: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC03:32
chu_Have a look at clonezilla. Though I have not used it myself.03:32
redvamp128KurtKraut:  you may try Get Easy Peasy <http://www.geteasypeasy.com/>  (used to be eeepc)03:33
Riverra1Q: has anyone had trouble with the kernal v 24? with it not booting?03:33
WindsilkI'm not seeing the error message anymore, I clicked ok when it happened and then everything broke.  Right now it's working because I am using the trial Kubuntu thing off the cd03:33
ETiev 24 ?03:33
redvamp128Sylphid:  They changed the name it is not eee anymore-- it is now Easy Peasy03:33
ETieare they not at 2.6?03:33
mimiloonchu_: i can't use norton ghost; (that sucks)03:33
chu_Well, mimiloon, you *might* be able through WINE... I'm not sure.03:34
jribmimiloon: why not use partimage?03:34
njdubeWhen did ubuntu stop shipping 64 bit disc?03:34
Riverra1Etie, yes its 2.6 -2403:34
ETieoh, hehehehehe03:35
Riverra1Etie, sorry about the confusion03:35
KurtKrautthanks Sylphid and redspike03:35
steve``Riverra1, why are you trying for 2.6.24?03:35
chu_Last year some time njdube - I think? I remember reading something about it.03:35
KurtKrautredvamp128: thanks03:35
njdubechu_, Any idea why?03:35
mimiloonjrib: i've tried partimage in knoppix but was having problems with it because i'm a complete noob03:35
Sylphidmimiloon, partition image  http://www.partimage.org/03:35
kolbyI'm having problems with "apt-build world"03:35
chu_Probably because they were producing CDs that no one wanted, or a very small subset of people wanted.03:36
WindsilkI think it's that I must have installed the wrong driver for my video card or something, I installed and tried to run Nvidia x session or something and that's when I got the first error03:36
ETieRiverra1,  nothing to be sorry about. its my fault, really! :)03:36
=== anarrayfulofperl is now known as AnArrayfulOfPerl
ThellraThanks for your help, I can't even see the command line, so I'm going to DL the Desktop Version03:36
njdubechu_, That blows!03:37
Riverra1Etie, so heard anything about it?03:37
chu_You should still be able to get a 64bit ISO?03:37
chu_Unless, uber slow net?03:37
jootkolby, What does apt-build do??03:37
^Cheekyhellow is there a way to have tansmissions running on the top right (i think its called the task bar(in the back ground )) in ubuntu 8.1003:37
craigeWhat might I have to do to make wlan0 link "ready"03:37
njdubechu_, Yeah, but it's nice having the real printed copies.  I'm running 64 bit now from a burned copy from the ISO.03:37
mimiloonSylphid: i've tried using partimage and followed instructions on the internet but i'm not able to save the image anywhere; i have two external HDs03:37
steve``apt-build - Fetch sources and build packages optimized for your architecture.03:37
JohnWittleso I just installed ubuntu 8.10 from a cd I had lying around, and I am interested in reducing it to the terminal, with no desktop interface. Is there any list of packages that I need to remove, or do I have to figure it out on my own?03:38
chu_Yeh, I feel the same njdube.. At least if you have a problem, boot up LiveCD03:38
jootsteve``, thanks03:38
chu_JohnWittle... You could just download Ubuntu Server install, no GUI by default.03:38
JohnWittleI could but03:38
kolbyjoot: it builds things... but then it hangs up after 15 minutes and informs me of dependencies that are no longer necessary.03:39
JohnWittleI don't have any blank CDs03:39
JohnWittleor usb sticks03:39
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:39
JohnWittleor other computers03:39
FloodBot2JohnWittle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:39
jootkolby, ty03:39
mimiloonSylphid: it gives me an error when i try to save it at a location03:39
Sylphidmimiloon, whats the error?03:39
chu_JohnWittle, I guess sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop might work? I wouldn't try it though.03:40
cyziewhy is repos from ubuntu so f**king slow?!!!??03:40
njdubechu_, They should make a DVD iso with both 32 and 64 bit.  That way no matter what computer I stick it in it automatically detects the architecture and installs the appropriate packages.03:40
JohnWittleyeah I wouldn't either03:40
steve``lol kolby03:40
ETieJohnWittle, man that sucks! i remember being in your position.  bhahahaah03:40
JohnWittleI'm trying to turn this into a file server03:40
JohnWittleand I really wouldn't like to have GNOME running ontop of it03:40
tritiumcyzie: watch the language, please.03:40
steve``cyzie, maybe it's your connection that's slow03:40
kolbysteve``: huh?  what was funny?03:40
cyzietritium, No! i have spend 24hours just to upgrade but FAIL.03:40
jootcyzie, you were given an answer before03:40
tritiumcyzie: no, really03:40
cyziesteve``, no,  i have debian box , update bleeding fast.03:41
tritiumcyzie: so pick different mirrors03:41
steve``when i updated my fresh xubuntu install, it maxed out my cable with the downloads...03:41
hmwcyzie: whats the approx. download speed?03:41
JohnWittleETie, what did you do?03:41
cyzietritium, i did, hundred tiems i tried. same slow,  205B/s03:41
chu_I hope I haven't dled >12gbs Ubuntu updates.03:42
cyziehmw, ^^03:42
tritiumcyzie: have it pick the best server for you03:42
ThellraIs it a bug if its going to the green vertical lines after it says "loading hardware drivers"03:42
Thellraor is that my fault?03:42
ETieJohnWittle, i used windows :p03:42
hmwcyzie: you could try a traceroute to the server(s)... there might be some bottle neck03:42
mimiloonSylphid: i can't remember but heres what i typed when selecting the location: "/mnt/sdb3/Ubuntu"03:42
kolbydoesn't "apt-build world" download the source code for all packages and recompile them?03:42
JohnWittleWow. I sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop'd and the ONLY package it removed was ubuntu-desktop03:42
hmwcyzie: was it you, who complained about slow speed several hours ago, too?03:42
cyzietritium, how ot pick the best server?03:43
tritiumJohnWittle: correct.  It's a meta-package.03:43
cyziehmw, Yes!03:43
cyziehmw, cause i tired of trying many servers, just slow!03:43
njdubeDoes ubuntu ever plan on making their disc so I can easily install an encrypted / and swap?  When ever I get a laptop I don't want to have to call on the powers of Grey Skull just to encrypt everything but /boot03:43
hmwanyome know the address of the d/l servers?03:43
tritiumcyzie: System -> Adminisration -> Software Sources, then in the pulldown menu for "Download from" select 'Other'03:43
Sylphidmimiloon, was a partition mounted to that location and if so was it the partition you were trying to image?03:43
tritiumcyzie: it'll open a dialog box, and you can hit the button that says "Select Best Server"03:44
cyzietritium, anyway to do it in cli ?03:44
mimiloonSylphid: i had unmounted the partition which i was trying to backup and mounted the partition to which i was trying to save03:44
tritiumcyzie: there may be03:44
kolbythe man page for apt-build says it recompiles "the system" when you enter "apt-build world"03:44
chu_hey napoleon.03:44
napoleonhow to use ekiga, please ?03:44
mimiloonsave to03:44
JohnWittleOdd. I searched for GNOME in synaptic and marked all packages for removal, and it did, and my system is still running.03:44
cyzietritium, what's the command?03:44
tritiumcyzie: you'd have to search for it.  I'm not sure.03:45
chu_JohnWittle, can'r kill what's running? Try ctrl+alt+backspace?03:45
JohnWittleWill it boot into a terminal?03:45
napoleonhow to use ekiga, please ?03:45
chu_It *should*03:45
JohnWittleSo all that stuff I just removed is just running from ram now?03:46
tritiumJohnWittle: ubuntu-desktop is simply a metapackage.  Removing it does not remove gnome.03:46
chu_Yeah, I believe so..03:46
tritiumnapoleon: please don't repeat03:46
ciggarhelou ppl03:46
JohnWittletritium, I marked all packages with gnome in the description or title for complete removal in synaptic03:46
chu_napoleon - http://linux.die.net/man/1/ekiga03:47
ciggarany body help me pls03:47
tritiumJohnWittle: well, that's different from removing ubuntu-desktop03:47
JohnWittleI know03:47
cyzietritium, OK, synaptic has that tooo.03:47
Sylphidmimiloon, without an error it seems like it should have worked03:47
chu_hey ciggar - any questions?03:48
ciggarany help me pls to instal in ubuntu 8.10 usb modem novatel mc 990d03:48
cyzietritium, ok, am tyring taiwan servers03:48
cyziebleeding fast nwo03:49
tritiumcyzie: good03:49
cyziesuch a nightmares! archive.ubuntu.com should be fast!03:49
cyziei might consider switching back to debian03:49
JohnWittlechu_, it didn't actually remove the packages i asked it to03:50
JohnWittleand it produced no errors03:50
JohnWittlethis is why I wanted to avoid guis :(03:50
hmwhmm... can anyone explain this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121302/03:50
hmwis it round robin?03:50
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_VIM_!details | hwm03:52
ubottuhwm: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:52
hmwi tracerouted archive.ubuntu.com03:52
hmwwhat more? i just dont know that message "has multiple addresses" - is this due to round robin?03:52
Bridger987*Problem:*  Does anyone know why I may be having trouble playing music downloaded with frostwire?  It seems that whatever format I download, ubuntu can't play it.03:52
_VIM_!codecs | Bridger98703:54
ubottuBridger987: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:54
chu_Is there an Ubuntu-Spanish channel?03:54
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:54
=== James_N` is now known as James_N
Bridger987_VIM_ / ubottu:  Thanks for the resources, although I already have all restricted codecs in place and working.  Maybe the files that I have are dummy files that are sending my info back to the RIAA.  :D03:55
SuidogIs this then end-user support forums or only dev's?03:55
_VIM_i wouldn't put it past the RIAA to do such a thing03:55
Scunizi_Suidog: end user support.. every one here is a volunteer03:55
_VIM_!welcome | Suidog03:55
ubottuSuidog: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.03:55
_VIM_Bridger987: what player(S) have you tried, and what version of Ubuntu are you on?03:56
SuidogI have a question about my wireless bridge I setup.  it's all working correctly but I'm wondering if I can plug a hub into the ethernet inface and have it work.03:57
Bridger987_VIM_ :  Ubuntu 8.10, and I have tried playing the files on both the generic ubuntu Movie Player and VLC.  I've found a few files that have worked, but not many.  So maybe it's just FrostWire.  Or the RIAA.  Or both.  ^_^03:57
jootBridger987, ubottu is a robot... There is a very helpful couple of pages in ubuntu forums listed under multimedia with cut and paste instuctions for all vers...03:57
hmwmade 3 traceroutes, just the last hop shows loosing 80ms - might there be something wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/121309/03:58
Bridger987joot:  yes, I know.  ^^  I included ubottu in my post (I had said " _VIM_ / ubottu" because VIM was giving me instructions through ubottu.03:58
lepineDo we know when subversion and related libs for 1.5 will be available in stable?03:58
jootBridger987,  10. 403:58
Suidogso.. br0 contains ath0 and eth1 and I'm able to use my wireless card as an AP.  Works great.  I also want to hook up a wired network and have it serve up dhcp to my wired network on the same subnet as my wireless network.. is this possible?03:58
_VIM_!players | Bridger987 (many more players to try)03:59
ubottuBridger987 (many more players to try): Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs03:59
yowshifrag my mouse is gone again. only now i think i have an addition symptom. as soon as i touch anyhing to do with mouse buttons my physical mouse stops working03:59
Bridger987_VIM_  :  Thanks. ^_^03:59
Suidogso.. br0 contains ath0 and eth1 and I'm able to use my wireless card as an AP.  Works great.  I also want to hook up a wired network to eth1 and have it serve up dhcp to my wired network on the same subnet as my wireless network.. is this possible?03:59
hmwSuidog it should be04:01
SylphidSuidog, yes its possible04:01
Suidogcool.. I have a autosenseing nic but do I still need a hub?04:01
Suidogit doesn't seem to work when I just plug in a device.04:01
SylphidSuidog, what do you mean auto sensing04:02
konamcan someone tell me a good C IDE for ubuntu, and please don't point me to gedit, vi or emac04:02
SylphidSuidog, you mean auto negotiating?04:02
ZachFlemhi folks, i have my bcm43x card working now, i can connect to my wifi network, but once connected, i cant connect to any websites etc.04:02
Suidogwell it's autosense if it's a cross-over connection04:02
hmwkonam - lol - i have heard, eclipse would be great04:02
Suidogso I don't need a cross-over cable04:02
SylphidSuidog, if your going from one host to another host directly you will need a crossover04:03
Suidogat least I think it is..04:03
_VIM_well that leaves out VIM, konam... You might tell by my nick that I was about to suggest it. :)04:03
SuidogI get a green connectivity light..04:03
hmwSuidog - pastebin output of ifconfig and route, pls04:03
SuidogI just want to make sure that it should work before I by hub04:04
SylphidSuidog, are you running dhcp on the wireless interface or the bridge interface?04:04
JohnWittlesudo apt-cache search lib returns no results. my sources.list file is intact. what?04:04
_VIM_!IDE | konam04:05
ubottukonam: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, netbeans, pida, monodevelop04:05
tritiumJohnWittle: it should return hundreds of results unless you've never updated your package list (sudo apt-get update)04:06
JohnWittletritium, I have04:06
JohnWittleI think this is fatal. I'm gonna reinstall.04:06
Suidoghmw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121311/04:06
JohnWittleand be careful as to what I unselect next time04:06
w0x01Fare there real humans04:07
hmwSuidog - were you able to connect the two pcs without a hub, without the bridge active?04:08
Suidoghmw: Anything04:08
Sylphidw0x01F, nope only us artificial ones04:08
martin_henryhi all, i've just installed 8.10 x86_64 and i'm trying to get my netgear wg311v3 wireless card working like it did in 32bit 8.04. it installs via ndiswrapper but DMESG doesn't ever say "driver loaded" any ideas?04:08
Suidoghmw: haven't tried04:08
=== ndfsck is now known as ndf
RunesaberHello Ubuntu users -- Is there an easy way to specify a custom block size for ext3 during install? I'm trying to install on an SSD with 4k blocks, and I'm a little stumped04:08
Barridushi, question about kernel headers if anyone can help.  during a hardy update, kernel 2.6.24-23.48 gave me kernel panic with ACPI.  since i did not want to disable ACPI on a netbook, i rolled back to .46.  i notice my linux headers-generic is still at .48 and force version is grayed out.  the netbook seems to be working ok, but the fact they're slightly different versions bugs me.  anyone have thoughts/insights?04:09
ZachFlemhi folks, i have my bcm43x card working now, i can connect to my wifi network, but once connected, i cant connect to any websites etc.04:09
hmwfirst thing, i would like to check, is that your "crossover" works. Remove the ath and the bridge and check out. A 'tail -f /var/log/messages' might give more clues about whats going on04:09
ndfhi, i have a file that's growing in size, how can i watch the size grow? i don't want to keep right-clicking the file and opening properties and closing it repeatedly04:09
MronoI'm having some issues with fstab04:09
ndfor even selecting/unselecting to read size in bottom left of nautilus04:09
Mronotrying to mount a seperate drive and i added the following line to fstab04:10
martin_henryndf: doesn't the Properties window update?04:10
SylphidRunesaber, easiest way i can think of is to manually partition the hard drive from a live cd then just install to the partitions without reformatting04:10
ndfmartin_henry: doesn't seem to04:10
Mrono/dev/sdb1       /data   ext3    auto,rw,user robert        0       004:10
Suidoghwm:  ok.. I can't do that right now cuz the wife is using the internet right now on the wireless.. .. and you know I was planning on getting some this weekend..04:10
martin_henryndf: oh ok, then i don't know.04:10
IzinucsBarridus: usually when you get a kernel update you have the previous one and the new one at the same time.. on boot the newest is at the top of the list and used.. if you want you can use synaptic and uninstall the newer kernel or rearrang grub list to show the one that workd on the top.04:10
Mronois there a way to make the system reread the fstab file or do i have to reboot04:11
RunesaberSylphid: can I do that from the standard install CD just by hitting 'try ubuntu' instead of 'install'?04:11
SylphidRunesaber, sure can04:11
IzinucsMrono: sudo mount -a04:11
SuidogI may be incorrect in the cross over thing.  let me check to see if the card supports it in the docs.. brb04:11
Mronois there anything wrong with this line in fstab "/dev/sdb1       /data   ext3    auto,rw,user robert        0       0"04:11
Mronosays it's bad04:11
RunesaberSylphid: mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 /dev/sda2 ?04:11
BarridusIzinucs, that doesn't seem to be the case with this since i upgraded from 2.6.24-23.46 to 2.6.24-23.4804:12
SylphidRunesaber, assuming sda2 is the correct partition that should do it04:12
Runesaberyeah, second partition on my ssd. thanks alot!04:12
SylphidRunesaber, no problem04:12
IzinucsMrono: this is the first line in fstab that I've seen with a users name in the line04:12
Barridusmy grub only lists other older kernels that aren't in the "24-23" family04:12
wolteris there another window manager that is not metacity or compiz ?04:12
wolterlike something in between04:12
martin_henryhi all, i've just installed 8.10 x86_64 and i'm trying to get my netgear wg311v3 wireless card working like it did in 32bit 8.04. it installs via ndiswrapper but DMESG doesn't ever say "driver loaded"...any ideas?04:13
CentHOGGhi, does anybody here use one of those 3 antenna PCI wireless adapters?04:13
PlughMrono: I do a mount where I need to set the user. I use "uid=username" in the options portion04:14
Izinucswolter metapiz... :)04:14
SylphidBarridus, sudo update-grub04:14
PlughMrono: I think the problem you have is the space between user and robert04:14
Mronoi removed the name now it's saying bad superblod or wronf fs type but i know it's ext304:14
Barridussylphid, what does that do please?04:15
hmwSuidog - too bad. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_crossover_cable claims, that you dont need a crossover cable for gigabit, not below.04:15
_VIM_wolter: you want something lighter than Gnome? there's Xubuntu04:15
wolterIzinucs, ,,,04:15
SylphidBarridus, rebuilds /boot/grub/menu.lst04:15
wolter_VIM_, no, I just want a window managwer04:15
IzinucsMrono: hang on and I'll pastebin mine.. you can use it as an example..04:15
Mronok thanks04:15
wolter_VIM_, I can handle compiz, but i want something else when I am not on AC, but not as ugly as metacity04:15
_VIM_wolter: try fluxbox, openbox, icewm04:15
finer_reclineranyone know how to tell which video driver my computer is running?04:16
_VIM_wolter: maybe LXDE then04:16
Barridussylphid ok cool.04:16
wolter_VIM_, ok04:16
Barridusi'm just curious why i can't roll back the headers though.  do things get removed from repos?04:16
Sylphidfiner_recliner, look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:16
IzinucsMrono: http://pastebin.com/f4ee99eaf04:16
finer_recliner@Sylphid, i already tried looking at my xorg.conf, but its more or less empty, all it has is an "identifier" line in the "device" section04:17
IzinucsMrono: I'll do another from another machine .. hang on.. that last one was from my server..04:18
Sylphidfiner_recliner, you are probably using the vesa driver then04:18
wolter_VIM_, but LXDE is for gnome right?04:18
Mronojust so i know i'm not going retarded, how do i check the partitions?04:18
the7thmagushi. I mounted an iso image of a DVD using Archive Mounter. how do I play this using Totem/VLC?04:18
IzinucsMrono: http://pastebin.com/f5756291b04:18
finer_reclineris there a command to force my computer to use the intel video driver04:18
lstarneswolter: lxde is a separate desktop environment.  I think it also uses gtk for its widget toolkit but it can work without gnome04:18
_VIM_LXDE is it's own Desktop environment wolter04:19
wolterlstarnes, _VIM_, i want something of the type of compiz and metacity, but like in between: no cool effects, but nice window moving--smooth.04:19
IzinucsMrono: the first harddrive is sda  .. the first partition on the first drive is sda1 the second sda2.. the second harddrive is sdb then the first partition sdb1 and the second sdb2 etc..04:19
_VIM_wolter: LXDE should provide that at least04:20
Mronoi know it's sdb104:21
hmwwith my power cable connected to my notebook, my ubuntu often claims, i would be running on battery. doesnt happen in win. Is this a know bug or just a crappy notebook? unplugging and replugging "repairs", but the message will come up again some time later. anyone else expiriencing this?04:21
JohnWittleI have ubuntu without a desktop environment installed. Is there any way to adjust the font size?04:21
wolter_VIM_, can I do lxde --replace to use it?04:21
godzirraHow do I figure out what version of ubuntu I'm running?04:21
wolterthats what I want. something simple. Something I don't have to boot in.04:21
IndyGunFreakgodzirra: in a terminal "lsb_release -a" no quotes04:22
Izinucshmw: on a rare occation on my dell vostro 1400 .. mostly I think that it might be a cold solder joint.. but you might have the right idea.04:22
Barridusi've been been messing around with various repo packages trying different things to see what ubuntu can do.  i'm sure there's a few things that got installed as dependencies that i no longer need.  is there an easy way to locate/clean some of that off?04:22
markhukHello All :)04:22
godzirraIndyGunFreak: thakns04:22
godzirraTrying to get virtualbox running on an HP Mini.04:22
IzinucsBarridus: sudo apt-get autoclean04:22
hmwIzinucs - since it never happens with windows, hardware is not under suspicion04:23
_VIM_wolter: you can try, im not totally sure on that one sorry04:23
IzinucsBarridus: sudo apt-get autoremove  .. something like that04:23
cobra-the-jokerHey there guys.....i just installed ubuntu ...but i am having a problem here04:23
godzirraIndyGunFreak: Uh, that gave me some info, but didn't say anything like "Ubuntu Hardy" or anything.04:23
godzirra iguess because its hp and they don't want it to say ubuntu.04:23
wolter_VIM_, but, metacity and compiz are window managers right? Or am I using the wrong term?04:23
cobra-the-jokerwhen i search for anything to install with apt-get install ....  i cant find it :(04:23
=== lstarnes is now known as sheep
godzirraOkay googling found it.. its based on hardy heron 8.0.404:23
IndyGunFreakgodzirra: it shoulda told you what version it was....04:23
Izinucshmw: like I said.. not sure where it comes from but if you know how to fix it.. good.. you might consider filing a bug but against what package I don't know.04:23
_VIM_wolter: yeah04:24
IndyGunFreakgodzirra: what type of PC is it?04:24
Apple43Hi all04:24
hmwwolter: compiz is a composite manager (think of an additional 3d layer for window managers) - but i think, i saw something about using compiz as a window manager, too, but it would have to be configured that way04:24
godzirraBut when I try and install a deb, its telling me that "dpkg: error processing virtualbox-i386.deb (--install): package architecture (i386) does not match system (lpia)"04:24
bluefox815cobra-the-joker:  Try going to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager04:24
godzirraIndyGunFreak: Its an HP Mini.04:24
godzirraIndyGunFreak: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9125653&st=hp+mini&lp=1&type=product&cp=1&id=121802886751504:24
Apple43anyone know a linux command which will get the contents of a file between two line lines... ?04:24
hmwIzinucs - lol. well... okay. its not really killing me. thx04:24
markhukCan anyone help me get finish my server set up on my Ubuntu 8.10? I am 75% there already, just struggling :(04:24
Mrononow i've just got /dev/sdb1       /data   ext2    defaults        0       0 but when i try to access it i get permission denied04:24
cobra-the-jokerbluefox815 ....found only the installed packages on my system04:25
redvamp128cobra-the-joker:  depends on what you are looking for-- for java , flash and things like that you have to goto software sources and enable multiverse04:25
_VIM_it's still a window manager hmw according to Wikipedia04:25
wolterhmw, oh ok04:25
BarridusIzinucs, thanks that removed some stuff (although less than i thought) gonna reboot, cross your fingers please :)04:25
IndyGunFreakgodzirra: i see...04:25
wolterhmw, so i need a composite manager, not a window manager04:25
godzirraIndyGunFreak: and i'm trying to install virtualbox on it so that I can run GSAK (geocaching software)04:25
cobra-the-jokerredvamp128 ..ok ...will try04:25
=== Jobec is now known as Jocbec
bluefox815cobra-the-joker:  What version of Ubuntu do you have?04:25
Mronowolter : compviz i think04:25
godzirraIndyGunFreak: but it seems to think I don't have an i386 system.04:25
Pavlzi got one problem04:25
cobra-the-jokerdidnt had this problem before though04:25
IndyGunFreakgodzirra: what is the output of uname -a04:26
_VIM_!enter | cobra-the-joker04:26
ubottucobra-the-joker: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:26
hmwwolter: you could simply turn off all the unneccesary plugins for compiz. you can even make it look like no compiz would be running at all.04:26
wolterMrono, nah, I need something not as ugly as metacity, but not as cool as compiz when I am on battery power04:26
transporterdoes anyone know how to take a screenshot while the cube is in motion04:26
Pavlzi don't find the add-ons to download a movie about censorship in Italy04:26
wolterhmw, yeah, but when I want to use them? Thats too complicated.04:26
godzirraIndyGunFreak: Linux shawn-umpc 2.6.2419-lpia #1 <date> i686 GNU/Linux04:26
SylphidApple43, awk should be able to do it... though i dont know the syntax off the top of my head04:26
usserApple43, tail and head ie tail -100 filename | head -2  this will get you two lines 99 and 10004:26
_VIM_!codecs | Pavlz04:26
ubottuPavlz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:26
IndyGunFreakgodzirra: well, thats 32bit04:27
transporter does anyone know how to take a screenshot while the cube is in motion04:27
godzirraIndyGunFreak: and that means..?04:27
hmwwolter: using a composite manager means, that every window gets its own memory area for drawing itself onto, and the composite manager composes those images to one screen, therefore 3d transformations can be done. without a composite manager, every window will get "redraw" commands from the system, once they need to be refreshed. composite means slower.04:27
bluefox815cobra-the-joker:  That's strange, did you perform any major/minor system changes before this started happening?04:27
cobra-the-jokerredvamp128 .... should i choose to download from the main server ?04:27
IndyGunFreakthat the error youre getting, is incorrect04:27
Izinucstransporter: hit print-screen04:27
transporterIzinucs: lemme try it04:27
Pavlzi convert in ogg then04:27
godzirraIndyGunFreak: Well crud.04:28
cobra-the-jokerits in the ubuntu software tab --(software sources)04:28
Pavlzi use ffmpeg2theora04:28
yowshijrib: what would cause a usb mouse to work only with mouse buttons activated but then only as long as none of the mouse buttons were acxtually touched?04:28
godzirraIndyGunFreak: Should I force it and see if it works?04:28
redvamp128cobra-the-joker:  for me I have the first 4 checkmarked04:28
yowshijrib: and how do i fix that04:28
wolterhmw, no problem. I understant that. I just said I want something not as minimalistic as metacity, and not as resource hugging as compiz, to use it either when I am low on battery power or want to run 3d games.04:28
IndyGunFreakgodzirra: I don't have much vb experience to really give you a good, informed answer04:28
cobra-the-jokerbluefox815 ....none .... just installed it04:28
Pavlzi need only to download a movie about the censorship in Italy that is on youtube and is a file *.flv04:28
transporterIzinucs: well to initiate the cube its set to ctrl + alt + button1 so its difficult to press the print screen button04:29
hmwwolter: you could install "fusion-icon" and simply turn off compiz when needed. it also lets you access compiz config more conviniently04:29
godzirraWell crud.04:29
godzirraGSAK is the only windows program I actually need.04:29
markhukCan someone who knows a little about webservers pleas PM me? Its a little busy here :D04:29
wolterhmw, i know....04:29
godzirraAnd I'd rather not run windows just so I can use gsak.04:29
hmwwolter: ic. cant help more, then.04:29
Barriduswhee, thanks Izinucs04:29
redvamp128markhuk:  you could try #ubuntu-server04:29
wolterhmw, i want a composite manager, not a composite manager switch04:29
_VIM_Pavlz: youtube videos are located in /tmp when you view them, it gets saved there04:29
yowshiwhat would cause a usb mouse to work only with mouse buttons activated but then only as long as none of the mouse buttons were actually touched? and how do i fix it?04:29
hmwwolter: to save energy, you would most likely not use a composite manager04:30
Mronook now when i mount the drive i can't access it, says permission denied04:30
cobra-the-jokeri checked the archive.canonical thing in the third party ....its now i think downloading repo information or something04:30
Izinucstransporter: if you want to capture it "mid turn" then use ctrl+alt+mouse button and drag.. when you have the cube in the position you want you can let go of ctrl+alt but not the left mouse button.. then hit print screen04:30
redvamp128markhuk:  that room should be able to help you with webservers04:30
transporterIzinucs: lets try that too :D04:31
cobra-the-jokerok ...it worked04:31
ETieATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver04:31
ETiefor real ? i need a driver?04:31
ETieis this risky?04:31
=== logan is now known as Guest54513
Guest54513I'm about to install windows so I can dual boot linux and windows, what can I do to keep installing windows from messing up GRUB?04:31
Apple43anyone know a linux command which will get the contents of a file between two line lines... ?04:31
transporterIzinucs: cool thanx it worked04:31
Izinucstransporter: cool04:32
RolcolHow can I mount a virtualbox shared folder so a user has full read/write access04:32
transporterIzinucs:  thanx a lot u have a great day :D04:32
RolcolI have read/write from root04:32
hmwGuest54513 - nothing. windows blindly overwrites the MBR. you can repair the MBR after installing windows, not very difficult.04:32
wolterwhat i hate about metacity is the bad rendering of moving entities through screen and icons..04:32
chu_Apple43, you could use a combination of cat and less I guess?04:32
Guest54513How do I do that?04:32
Guest54513I have a year old Super Grub disk04:32
hmw!grub > Guest5451304:32
ubottuGuest54513, please see my private message04:33
kereshow do you make gedit the default text editor inside of a desktop enviroment such as xfce?04:33
cobra-the-jokerlol ....and also the wirless card worked04:33
chu_replace mousepad with gedit? Sorry, stupid answer.04:33
topgun17 heelo04:33
yowshiwhat would cause a usb mouse to work only with mouse buttons activated but then only as long as none of the mouse buttons were actually touched? and how do i fix it?04:34
_VIM_replace them all with VIM!04:34
hmwyowshi - sounds strange, maybe a hardware failure. Does the mouse not move, without pressed buttons?04:34
ETiedamn this driver wont download!P04:35
chu_I want acpi support for asus *50gl series laptops to be added to Intrepid :(04:35
hmwyowshi - or is it the other way around - mouse no longer moving, when button pressed?04:35
topgun17 I Turn twenty-one on friday04:36
yowshihmw: i just had the usb mouse working for a couple hours or so i thought it was done but i forgot mouse buttons were active so i reflexivly went to use the num pad and it stopped workinfg. when i turned mouse buttons off and then rebooted the mouse worked but only for a couple minutes or so04:36
kentuckybigfootWhat's the command to list all of network devices detected?04:36
yowshihmw: by mouse buttons i mean the keyboard function that allows you to use the numpad for a mouse04:36
SylphidApple43, awk 'NR>=LINENUMBER&&NR<=LINENUMBER' file04:36
hmwyowshi - explain "mouse buttons are active"04:36
_VIM_keres: go to Applications>Settings>Settings manager> Preferred Applications04:36
usserApple43, tail and head ie tail -100 filename | head -2  this will get you two lines 99 and 10004:36
Mronohow do i set a user in fstab04:36
Mronouid=robert didn't work04:37
SylphidApple43, where the first LINENUMBER is the lower limit and the 2nd is the upper limit04:37
hmwyowshi - battery empty?04:37
usserAppiah, do you even read what people tell you04:37
arvind_khadrihi, lbltld3 isnt there in the repo's , how i install it? am on 81.0 shall i use the repo of 8.04 ?04:37
yowshihmw: system _. preferences -> keyboard. in there is a tab called mouse keys or mouse buttons. you activate that and your numpad now moves the mouse pointer04:37
hmwyowshi - i honestly dont know. but it sounds like a hardware issue to me.04:37
keres_VIM_, thanks. text editor isnt listed there :/04:37
yowshihmw: it isnt a wireless mouse04:37
_VIM_its not? O.o ok hold on keres04:37
yowshihmw: i doubt it is the mouse or the usb port.04:38
kentuckybigfootWhat is the command to list all of the detect network devices?04:38
arvind_khadrikentuckybigfoot, lshw -C04:38
kentuckybigfootthank you :D04:38
kentuckybigfoothad s and h backwards04:38
hmwyowshi - hmm... mouse working for a couple of minutes and then stops? maybe looking into the system logs might give you hints04:38
usserApple43, head -10 filename | tail -2 gives you line 9 and 1004:38
hmwusser - do you per chance know, how to extract line 2, 3,  7, 8,  14, 15 or similar?04:39
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ghotliusser: that's a handy syntax. i'll be using that in the future. thanks.04:40
Sylphidhmw, awk 'NR==LINENUMBER' file04:40
hmwSylphid usser thx04:40
prologicQ: Ubuntu 8.10 installer. Brand new PC with SATA II dick. In the "Prepare Partisions" window, all of the options are greayed out. I can't select anything. Why ?04:41
usserghotli, no problem04:41
_VIM_keres: check out this last post, It might help, but I haven't tried it yet so I can't be certain... http://www.nabble.com/change-default-text-editor--td1223679.html04:41
Izinucsprologic: is this the live cd?04:42
usserhmw, what Sylphid said04:42
prologicQ: Ubuntu 8.10 installer. Brand new PC with SATA II disk. In the "Prepare Partisions" window, all of the options are greayed out. I can't select anything. Why ?04:42
prologicIzinucs, yes the live cd downloaded from ubuntu.com 8.1004:42
yowshiwhat would cause a usb mouse to work only with mouse buttons activated but then only as long as none of the mouse buttons were actually touched? and how do i fix it?04:43
prologic$ md5sum ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso04:43
prologic24ea1163ea6c9f5dae77de8c49ee7c03  ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso04:43
=== smartasstronaut is now known as smartasstronaut_
Izinucsprologic: ok.. on the screen that comes up on boot before hitting enter to get to the actual live desktop.. hit f6 and at the end of the kernel line enter lspci=nomsi .. then hit enter to continue to load the live desktop.. see if that makes a difference at the partitioning section.04:43
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Mronogrr this is really annoying04:44
prologicIzinucs, ok thanks I'll try this.04:44
burl_deani installed ubuntu using wubi is there anyway to partition the root disk so I can add another linux distro?04:44
tiedaoyouhunonly the  root can  use usb   ,what can I do04:44
Mrono/dev/sdb1       /data   ext2    rw,users,owner,umask=0000        0       004:44
Mronoi get the bad superblock error04:44
MrMacPlusHello, I would like to install Ubuntu on my spare PowerMac G3, but it has no internet connection. Is there any practical way to install applications on Ubuntu without having to use the package manager and it's apparent need for internet?04:45
tiedaoyouhunAnd the /etc/group  have not the usbuser group04:45
redvamp128MrMacPlus:  Only way I see is here if no internet - Ubuntu -- Ubuntu Packages Search <http://packages.ubuntu.com/>04:45
Izinucs!aptoncd | MrMacPlus04:46
ubottuMrMacPlus: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers04:46
ddccdoes a dmidecode response of "Type: EDO DIMM" and "Type Detail: Synchronous" indicate that i'm using sdram or edo dram?04:46
redvamp128MrMacPlus:  that and also here Medibuntu -- Medibuntu packages <http://packages.medibuntu.org/>04:46
Mronoanyone know about fstab?04:46
MrMacPlusIs it possible to use Apt-on-CD on an x86 liveCD?04:46
tiedaoyouhun only the  root can  use usb ,And the /etc/group  have not the usbuser group   what can I do04:46
IzinucsMrono: check out www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html#what04:48
roadrocktiedaoyouhun: try system - preferences - removable drives and media, adjust permissions. works on hardy.04:48
=== Nytrix is now known as Guest79076
Mronoliznucs seen it lots of times, doesn't help my problem04:49
hmwmrono - maybe this helps: http://sblinux.org/pages/fstab01.html04:50
gordshi all! what are the free rtmp server which runs on ubuntu 8?04:50
Mrono/dev/sdb1       /data   ext2    defaults,umask=0333       0       004:50
IzinucsMrono: I'm confused then because I've obviously missed something. what are  you trying to do?04:50
Mronomounts it but i get permission denied04:50
Mronomount a seperate drive into /data04:50
ddccdoes a dmidecode response of "Type: EDO DIMM" and "Type Detail: Synchronous" indicate that i'm using sdram or edo dram?04:50
Mronothat line will mount the partition, but i can't access it04:50
Mronosays permission denied04:50
entro_Hey everybody, anybody think they could help me out with Compiz? This is my first day on ubuntu btw :D04:51
IzinucsMrono: so let's see.. the easy way is.. sudo mount /dev/<partition> /media/data  .. this is assuming that you've created a directory/folder in /media called data.. sudo mkdir /media/data04:51
_VIM_!yay | entro_04:52
Mronoi have04:52
ubottuentro_: Glad you made it! :-)04:52
Mronoi'll issue that command 1 sec04:52
arvind_khadrientro_, sure ask man :)04:52
arvind_khadri_VIM_, :P04:52
IzinucsMrono: then if this is a perminant drive and not a usb drive you'll need the uuid which can be discovered with sudo blkid04:52
entro_Well, I got compiz installed, but when I try and change my appearance preference from extra to custom, it keeps going back to extra04:53
caustin_Anyone here tripple booting with Ubuntu, Vista and XP?04:53
entro_I used the compiz script to see if my computer supported it and it said I passed everything too04:53
arvind_khadriIzinucs, Mrono sudo mount -t ext2 is the safer way to do it04:53
Izinucsarvind_khadri: but give the whole thing to mount to /media/data04:53
arvind_khadrientro_, you using ccsm-simple?04:53
entro_not sure04:54
entro_I think I might have installed ccsm04:54
entro_if that's possible04:54
arvind_khadriIzinucs, oh :) sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/<drive number> /media/<name>04:54
entro_I typed sudo apt-get install ccsm I'm pretty sure04:54
abarai_renjihi, i have an on board VGA in my motherboard (nvidia GeForce 6100) in ubuntu 8.10 64 bit, what and where do i have to download the driver for it?thanks04:54
arvind_khadrientro_, as far as my knowledge goes custom and extra have the same effect :)04:55
Izinucsarvind_khadri: and to make it persistant in fstab? this is for Mrono .. .04:55
Mrono"sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb1 /media/data" tried to cd into /media/data and i get 'permission denied'04:55
entro_is there a way to test to see if it's working?04:55
arvind_khadriabarai_renji, from the repos04:55
entro_I've been trying to get the fire animation working04:55
entro_but I sure as hell haven't seen any flames :D04:55
arvind_khadrientro_, try enabling cube and stuff...04:55
redvamp128abarai_renji:  you could try going into system- administration- then restricted drivers and see if it is listed there -- to use the nvidia drivers04:55
entro_alright I'll give it a try04:55
arvind_khadriIzinucs, he will need to add uuid in the fstab04:56
redvamp128abarai_renji:  correction - system- administration - then hardware drivers04:56
abarai_renjiarvind_khadri, yes but its on my Bro's PC it's not online04:56
rcscompHow do I get the kernel source for a 8.04 server install?04:56
roadrockMrono: sudo chown -R user:user /media/data   try that using your username or user:root will give you perms too.04:56
ETiewhat the fuck04:56
ETieokay, i install ubuntu right?  the live cd runs gnome and all04:56
_VIM_!language | ETie04:56
ubottuETie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:56
Izinucsarvind_khadri: yep.. gave him the command to discover that.. but don't you have to put something in the line regarding file sys type?  ext3?04:56
ETiebut now that ubuntu is INSTALLED. ----     X wont run04:57
forceshow can I update xfce 4.4.2 at xfce 4.4.3 in intrepid?04:57
abarai_renjiarvind_khadri, where do i can downloads it's full package04:57
arvind_khadriroadrock, no he need not do that... he needs to add his UID in the end... with -o04:57
_VIM_!latest | forces04:57
ubottuforces: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.04:57
rtc443hey guys i ve been havinf this problem with firefox, i think it is know but its the one where firefox opens fullscreen and u have to hit f11 in order to fix it....just hopin someone can help or point me in the right direction....greatly appreciated04:57
arvind_khadriabarai_renji, pacakages.ubuntu.com04:57
roadrockarvind_khadri: perhaps you're right, souns better.04:57
Mronoroadrock: no such luck, still permission denied04:58
_VIM_!PPA | forces (try this too)...04:58
ubottuforces (try this too)...: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.04:58
arvind_khadriIzinucs, no he just has to edit the file for UUIDS... the entries would remain the same04:58
Izinucsarvind_khadri: thanks04:58
arvind_khadriIzinucs, oh :) sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/<drive number> /media/<name> -o <uid> ... uid is generally 100004:58
cobra-the-jokerHey guys .... What is the best media player for ubuntu ?04:58
arvind_khadri!best | cobra-the-joker04:59
ubottucobra-the-joker: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:59
_VIM_!best | cobra-the-joker04:59
forcesxfce 4.4.3 just have a update04:59
_VIM_:P arvind_khadri04:59
arvind_khadri_VIM_, jinx :P04:59
Izinucsarvind_khadri: Mrono is getting permission denied when he tries to mount04:59
Mrononot when i try to mount, when i try to access the mount04:59
cobra-the-joker_VIM_ ......the prefered ...or the most popular maybe04:59
arvind_khadriIzinucs, aah... Mrono are you the only user of this machine? do you have root access?04:59
_VIM_!players | cobra-the-joker (Try these then...)05:00
ubottucobra-the-joker (Try these then...): Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:00
keresanyone know of any light weight text editor with syntax highlighting?05:00
hmwMrono - how do you trigger the permission denied message? ls, vi, ...?05:00
Mronocd /media/data05:00
arvind_khadrikeres, gedit05:00
Mronofresh machine, only user05:00
forces"As usual, the stable branch only contains bug fixes, and no new features."05:00
_VIM_forces: you prolly have to get a PPA05:00
IzinucsMrono: use nicks.. that way the person will know when you're talking to them..  did you see the above arvind_khadri05:00
hmwMrono - can you "sudo ls /media/data" ?05:00
arvind_khadriMrono,  sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/<drive number> /media/<name> -o <uid> ... uid is generally 1000 tried this??05:01
arvind_khadriIzinucs, ya i saw..05:01
forcesxfce 4.4.2 = many bugs, 4.4.3 = bug fixes05:01
_VIM_!ppa > forces (incase you forgot the link)...05:01
ubottuforces, please see my private message05:01
Mronohmw: yes that works05:01
Mronoarvind_khadri: i did try that, still get permission denied05:01
hmwMrono - mount the partition, "sudo chmod 0777 /media/data" should open access, too, i think05:02
arvind_khadriMrono,  please paste your fstab05:02
arvind_khadri!paste | Mrono05:02
ubottuMrono: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:02
=== Nytrix is now known as Guest46304
arooni-mobileis there a better stopwatch program for ubuntu than 'stopwatch'? :p05:03
sparkyMy sound doesn't work at all, how do I fix that?05:03
arvind_khadri!doesntwork | sparky05:03
Izinucsarooni-mobile: you want a count down timer?05:03
ubottusparky: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:03
ZachFlemcan anyone suggest why i cant access the internet via wifi even when the network says its connected sucessfully??05:03
cobra-the-jokermmmm.....annoying ...i installed the adobe flash player and still nothing to be mentioned (youtube videos still dont work )05:04
arvind_khadriZachFlem, look whether you can ping yahoo ?05:04
sparkyarvind_khadri: there's no sound when I play anything?05:04
=== Guest46304 is now known as Nytrix_
arooni-mobileIzinucs, that would be interesting too;  but i also would like it to count up.    i'd like really to time how long a given tasks takes05:04
arooni-mobileIzinucs, also countdown would be interesting;  if you have suggestoins there05:04
forceshow can I see all the packages in intrepid-backports?05:04
arvind_khadrisparky, look into the sound levels... open the terminal and type alsamixer05:04
ZachFlemnope, cant ping anything, eth works fine (using it now)05:04
Sylphidcobra-the-joker, did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package05:05
=== Nytrix_ is now known as Guest62277
hmwarooni - time commandname05:05
Izinucsarooni-mobile: ah. hang on and I'll find a reference for both05:05
cobra-the-jokersylphid ... i will now05:05
arooni-mobileIzinucs, you rock!05:05
arvind_khadriMrono, which drive did you mount?05:05
Barridusdo packages stay on the repos "forever" (aka a while) even after they've been updated?05:05
arvind_khadriBarridus, ya05:05
Mronoarvind_khadri: bottom one /dev/sdb105:05
McShanesparky, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957805:05
cobra-the-jokerSylphid , E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-extras05:06
Barridusarvind_khadri, so downgrading something you upgraded should always be possible?05:06
arvind_khadri!downgrade | Barridus05:06
ubottuBarridus: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.05:06
Izinucsarooni-mobile: one is "timer-appelate"05:06
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging05:07
meoblast001oh no05:07
meoblast001Ubuntu populated my entire harddrive in 1 night05:07
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports05:07
cobra-the-jokerSylphid , i installed the flash player from adobe ....i was redirected there when i opened a video in youtube05:07
arooni-mobileIzinucs, Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "timer-appelate"05:07
Barridusarvind_khadri, no i didn't mean the ubuntu version.  i just meant from package v2 to package v1?05:07
arooni-mobileIzinucs, timer-applet perhaps ;p05:07
Sylphidcobra-the-joker, do you have the multiverse repositories enabled?05:07
Izinucsarooni-mobile: yes.. just misspelled05:08
meoblast001i want debian back05:08
Barridusi apologize if i'm not using the right terminology05:08
arvind_khadriBarridus, no the older version wont be there05:08
cobra-the-jokerSylphid , i guess not ...i didnt find it there05:08
stiphow do i set compiz settings?05:08
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion05:08
Nytrix is there something like norton ghost clone for ubuntu?05:08
cobra-the-jokerwhen i was enabling the repos ...i only found caninical repos05:08
_VIM_also Clonezilla05:09
Nytrixvim is that 4 me?05:09
stip_vim_: thanks again :-)05:09
Nytrixwhich is better?05:09
Joramwhat command displays kernel version?05:09
_VIM_!best > Nytrix05:09
ubottuNytrix, please see my private message05:09
McShaneuname -a05:09
meoblast001has anyone else had that problem?05:09
_VIM_lol sorry05:09
arvind_khadriMrono, rmove the word defaults and add rw. save the file and then sudo mount -a05:09
_VIM_best i could do! ;)05:10
meoblast001i think i need to format my server05:10
Izinucsarooni-mobile: sorry the other I cant seem to locate05:10
hmwmeoblast001 - sounds very unusual. how large is the partition?05:10
_VIM_Clonezilla is nice, but im sure partimagic and Fog is too05:10
arooni-mobileIzinucs, there is gtimer;  but its a bit raw in terms of UI05:10
Sylphidcobra-the-joker, system > administration > software sources05:10
Joramhow do I know if I have x32 or x64 version?05:10
meoblast001hmw: 71 gigs05:10
dtchenJoram: dpkg --print-architecture05:10
Sylphidcobra-the-joker, make sure multiverse is checked05:10
Barridusarvind_khadri,  i'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing.  i'm just saying you know how ubuntu (version whatever) comes with packages that eventually get updated via updates.  that's what i'm talking about. can an update always be rolled back to default like it was off the live cd installer?05:10
McShaneJoram, 32-bit is "i686," 64-bit version is "86_64"05:10
cobra-the-jokeri think i enabled it from sources.list05:10
Izinucsarooni-mobile: no the other I'm trying to find allow you to set "to do's05:10
Mronoarvind_khadri: still error05:11
entro_Hey, so I figured out compiz, and I used the draw fire animation, however my desktop is on fire and won't stop burning05:11
meoblast001why does the world hate me05:11
entro_any help :D?05:11
hmwmeoblast001 - do you know, what file(s) eat(s) up the drive? use du for checking05:11
Sylphidcobra-the-joker, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:11
arvind_khadriBarridus, no you cant rollback05:11
meoblast001they designed ubuntu to die on me05:11
Joramawesome. faster than dell's customer service05:11
arooni-mobileIzinucs, that would be cool05:11
meoblast001just like kingston designed ram to die on me05:11
Izinucsarooni-mobile: to do's or chores that you time individually for billing purposes.. but can be used for personal use too..05:11
arooni-mobileIzinucs, yes that would be rad05:11
meoblast001hmw: it's printing out a lot of stuff05:11
Izinucsarooni-mobile: can't remember the name or find it in synaptic05:11
meoblast001hmw: i was supposed to do du / right?05:12
arooni-mobileIzinucs,  oh wells thanks for looking; if you rmeember, please let me know05:12
entro_anybody know how to stop the fire animation with compiz?05:12
JoramMcShane, I get "i386"!05:12
prologicIzinucs, your suggestion of lspci=nomsi did not work :/05:13
Izinucsarooni-mobile: actually you already had it.. gtimer.. looks basic but dive into it and see what it can do05:13
McShaneJoram, that's the 32-bit version too05:13
Barridusarvind_khadri, ok we were on the same page.  let's say i wanted to anyways, is it possible through another way?05:13
SylphidEneloop, shift + super + c05:13
hmwmeoblast001 - read the man page for finding how to use it... i dont know it by heart either. look for something not showing stuff recursively and approach the file this way. look into your system log files, maybe you find anything there, that might give you a hint. might even be some sort of attack/crash/abuse05:13
Mronoarvind_khadri: any ideas?05:13
heavyarms123hey guys quick question, is there a way to disable the transfer file window from popping up in xchat??05:13
entro_thank you soooo much05:13
Sylphidentro_, shift + super + c05:13
arooni-mobileIzinucs, yeah the UI is a  bit wonky; but it seems good enough05:13
entro_thanks a lot05:13
meoblast001hmw: i'm so lost05:13
hmwmeoblast001 - i can imagine05:13
JoramI have Intel Core 2 Duo T5550 (2 Mo cache/1,83GHz), shouldn't I be better off with 64-bit version?05:13
entro_my laptop was burning up05:13
Izinucsprologic: sorry 'bout that.. sould be that you're suffering the bug that can't figure out the layout of the drive.  search launchpad for the bug05:14
cobra-the-jokerSylphid , is this command updates the hole system?05:14
Izinucsshould = could05:14
prologicAnyone have any ideas why in the "Prepare Partitions" screen of the Ubuntu 8.10 Live CD, the options are all grayed out ? This is on a -brand- new PC with a SATA II disk. A previous suggestion of adding lspci=nomsi to the kernel boot options did not work.05:15
meoblast001hmw: how would i reinstall my forums and such with backed up sql files?05:15
McShaneJoram, in a nutshell: Not necessarily. 64-bit doesn't make things "faster." It just makes certain, very specific tasks faster, like converting audio and video files.05:15
prologicIzinucs, would it perhaps have anything to do with buggered up BIOS settings for the drive ?05:15
Sylphidcobra-the-joker, no sudo apt-get upgrade gets the system update just refreshes the cashe05:15
hmwmeoblast001 - i think its "du / -s -S -h" (its still running here *g*)05:15
raheemprologic: can u right mouse click on the partition & select unmount .. may be that's the issue05:15
hmwmeoblast001 - there is some sort of export for databases, would have to ask google on how to.05:16
arvind_kMrono, can you ls /media/<whatever> ??05:16
McShaneJoram: Also, unless you have more than 4GB, it's just not really necessary. Plus, some 64-bit apps in Linux are flaky or non-existent05:16
Izinucsprologic: maybe but unlikely.. some motherboards have 2 different types of sata connections where one will work only when something is in the other.. I have that on a xfx board I run.05:16
meoblast001hmw: wth permission denied05:16
hmwmeoblast001 - sudo05:16
prologicraheem, you mean it's possible the live cd mounted the partision(s) ? (being a brand new disk I wouldn't think it would have any!)05:16
Izinucsprologic: they're color coded..05:16
meoblast001hmw: i'm too stressed to think of that on my own :P05:17
Mronoarvind_k: i can ls it but i get permission denied spam for every file05:17
elvedinAdobe doesn't make a Flash player for x86-6405:17
hmwmeoblast001 - hmm... didnt work as expected here... i am still trying to find the correct switches05:17
meoblast001hmw: still get permission denied05:17
prologicIzinucs, I have a single SATA II disk and an IDE DVD/RW. I'm guessing it matter which SATA port I plug the HDD into ?05:17
Mronobwahaha i got it now05:17
meoblast001hmw: how do i get the size of a directory?05:17
Mronohad to do it with naut05:17
prologicmeoblast001, du -s -h05:18
hmwmeoblast001 - thats the big question... i read the man page, you could try google meanthilw05:18
Mronobrb rebooting to make sure it persists05:18
meoblast001i'm deleting ~/.gvfs05:18
yowshigrrr i was wrong mouse just stopped working while i was playing a game in wine05:18
meoblast001rm *05:18
roadrockmeoblast001: du -h dir/05:19
elvedinOr they do make a flash player and mine doesn't work05:19
yowshii guess oi will just have to return this usb mouse and get a ps/2 mouse05:19
meoblast001it's 005:19
meoblast001device or busy resource my ass05:19
Izinucsprologic: no.. what I'm saying is that some motherboards have 2 differently colorcoded sata inputs.. if that is your case then look in the manual for the difference.. one will probably work only if the other has something in it..05:19
hmwmeoblast001 - try "sudo /* -xsh05:19
dooggicamhallo  are woman heeers05:19
zirodaydooggicam: yes, do you have something we can help you with?05:20
meoblast001hmw: that's not a command05:20
_VIM_dooggicam: who cares?05:20
prologicIzinucs, hmm ok :) if that -is- in fact the case, I don't really have anything to put in it :)05:20
meoblast001hmw let me reboot05:20
prologicIzinucs, I may have to buy another disk!05:20
* Izinucs gets the briss sheers out05:20
hmwsudo du /* -xsh05:20
meoblast001hmw: i think the server is going crazy05:20
Sylphidelvedin, yes they do however the sun flash player is not in intrepid's repos yet ... you have to download from their site05:20
hmwmeoblast001 - it might be some log file that grew05:20
Sylphidelvedin, intrepid x64 repositories use icedtea05:21
Izinucsprologic: you'll just have to move the connection from one color to the other to make it work if that is the casee.. no need for another drive.05:21
skate2where's the rsyslog.conf file in ubuntu?05:21
MellowDudeim getting this error E: timidity: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 105:21
MellowDudeE: exult: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured05:21
MellowDudehow i fix it05:21
prologicIzinucs, k thanks for your help btw *fingers crossed*05:21
Izinucsskate2: sudo updatedb  then locate <filename>05:21
skate2i tried that Izinucs05:21
meoblast001hmw: stupid server.. .doesnt read cronjobs05:22
Barridusis there a iso mounting program that will allow me to mount the ubuntu livecd as a source for packages?  i've tried gisomount and fuseiso, but the package manager is not fooled XD05:22
meoblast001hmw: i told it to run supybot when it starts05:22
Izinucsskate2: then you either don't have the file on your system or you did something wrong in the search05:22
meoblast001hmw: but no it's retarded05:22
MellowDudecan anyone help or not05:22
Sylphidskate2, i dont think there is an rsyslog.conf05:22
Joramwhen I look at the system monitor, is it normal that there's always 1 CPU working 100% and they switch around every now and then?05:22
Sylphidskate2, only a syslog.conf05:23
hmwmeoblast001 - in most cases computers do exactly, what you tell them to do. thats why so many people hate computers.05:23
=== chili is now known as Guest38688
MellowDudeE: timidity: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 E: exult: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured05:23
meoblast001hmw: i made a cronjob and a bunch of people in #ubuntu-offtopic said i made it right05:23
Sylphidskate2, what are you trying to do?05:23
mcnellisis it possible to have the gnome-drawer to automatically expand all the way out instead of just showing the first item for the first 3 seconds and then expanding?05:24
McShaneBarridus, you'll want to set that in Software Sources -- there's a box to check that enables the CD as a package source05:24
hmwmeoblast001 - i would like to find the big file(s). did you sudo du /* -xsh already?05:24
FrijolieI need some help writing data to an external USB hard drive05:24
FrijolieI'm getting "permission denied"05:24
McShaneBarridus, System>Admin>Software Sources05:24
arvind_kMellowDude, sudo apt-get install -f05:24
meoblast001hmw: after the restart it's working right now05:24
Barridusmcshane yeah, but it's not allowing me to select a mounted iso (with gisomount or fuseiso).  i have no cd-rom hardware.05:24
arvind_kFrijolie, check whether you have permissions to use an external drive or not?05:25
Frijolieit's automounting via HAL so there's no entry in fstab05:25
MellowDudeSetting up timidity (2.13.2-19ubuntu1) ...05:25
MellowDude * Starting TiMidity++ ALSA midi emulation...                            [fail]05:25
Barridusi think it just polls a nonexistant drive05:25
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ....is there is a package for Java development that contains IDE's and stuff like that for a java programmer ?05:25
Frijoliearvind_k, where do you do that?05:25
hmwcobra-the-joker - my friends like eclipse05:25
MellowDudeit still gives theerror when i dot that05:25
arvind_kFrijolie, System->Adminstration->Users and groups05:26
MellowDude Package timidity is not configured yet05:26
MellowDudehow i config it05:26
Frijoliearvind_k, "Access external storage devices automatically" is checked05:26
Frijolieunder my user account05:27
cobra-the-jokerhmw ...ok ....but what i meant by a package is that a collection of programmes ..something like ..development suit or programmers suit ...something like that :D05:27
arvind_kMellowDude, sorry i havent been following you... the use sudo dpkg --configure <package name>05:27
MellowDudehang on05:27
cobra-the-jokeris there something like that in ubuntu ?05:27
arvind_kFrijolie, ok then .. try using a different port...05:27
hmwcobra-the-joker eclipse is an IDE for several languages and people say, it's cool. somewhat slow due to being written in java05:27
meoblast001does anyone know the mysql server 5 dev package off hand? i'm looking for it and cant find it05:27
McShanecobra-the-joker, the Java JDK is in Synaptic05:28
Frijoliearvind_k, and right-clicking on the drive's icon on the desktop, under the Permissions tab states "The permissions of "disk" could not be determined"05:28
McShaneI guess "Java JDK" is redundant, but you get me05:28
arvind_kFrijolie, hmmm use it on different port...05:28
MellowDudedpkg: error processing timidity++ (--configure):05:28
MellowDude no package named `timidity++' is installed, cannot configure05:28
MellowDudeErrors were encountered while processing:05:28
MellowDude timidity++05:28
FloodBot2MellowDude: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
MellowDudethats what it gives me05:28
Barridusso nobody has any experience with iso mounting in ubuntu?  i miss daemon tools in windows XD05:28
arvind_kMellowDude, try sudo dpkg --configure -a05:29
Frijoliearvind_k, it was working about 30 minutes ago until I reformatted the drive05:29
arvind_kBarridus, you can mount it...05:29
Frijoliearvind_k, plus, that brings up another question05:29
Barridusarvind_k, with what?  or how?05:29
roadrockBarridus:  sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 <file.iso> /media/mountpoint05:30
arvind_kBarridus, there you go ^^05:30
Barridusok i'll try that05:30
Frijoliemy hard drive is a 320GB however Nautilus says that it's only got 278.3 GB Free space and 15.1GB is being used05:30
Frijolieafter freshly formatted drive05:30
MellowDudeit will not do thateither05:30
MellowDudewhat is timidity++ any ways05:30
MellowDudedo i need it05:30
arvind_kFrijolie, i feel its a issue of the port05:31
Frijolie~278 + 15 != 320GB05:31
MellowDudecan i uninstall it05:31
arvind_k!info timidity | MellowDude05:31
ubottutimidity (source: timidity): Software sound renderer (MIDI sequencer, MOD player). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.13.2-19ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 554 kB, installed size 1752 kB05:31
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
McShaneFrijolie, that sounds about right05:32
lepineFrijolie: there's a difference between how HD manufacturers advertize the size, and how most OS's do ...05:32
PowerE_Frijolie: 8 bits in a byte05:32
=== Myxb is now known as Guest60855
lepineManufacturers assume 1000 == KB, OS's 1024 == KB05:32
MellowDudeSub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:32
FrijolieMcShane, lepine, PowerE_ : ah...05:33
Frijoliebut what's the reserved ~15GB for?05:33
arvind_khadriMellowDude, could you please brief me again what happened ??05:33
lepinedepends what you've got installed05:33
lepinecan't say right off the bat05:33
FrijolieI have nothing installed05:33
Frijoliejust reformatted as ext305:33
lepineoh, ?05:33
hmwmeoblast001 - du still running?05:33
Frijolienothing else..should be just a blank drive for backups05:33
lepineand it says there's 15gb used?!05:34
Frijolielepine, yeah05:34
Frijolieformatted it in gparted05:34
roadrockFrijolie: sudo fdisk -l  the drive, see what the 15gb is labeled as.05:34
MellowDudewhen i install stuff in ad/remove it gives me this error every time E: timidity: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 E: exult: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured05:34
lepinedoes it list anything when you mount it?05:34
MellowDudeand i dont know why it does05:34
MellowDudei need it fixed05:34
arvind_khadriMellowDude, what did you remove the last time?? had you killed apt when it was running?05:35
doloanyone know when the newest wine will be ready on ubuntu?05:35
Barridusroadrock or arvind_khadri. ok that mounted it, but software sources refuses to see the livecd iso05:35
MellowDudei havent removed nothing at all05:35
Frijolie   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System05:35
Frijolie/dev/sdb1               1       38913   312568641   83  Linux05:35
arvind_khadri!latest > dolo05:35
ubottudolo, please see my private message05:35
MellowDudeand no i havent kill any app while it was runing05:35
arvind_khadri!aptfix | MellowDude05:35
ubottuMellowDude: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »05:35
Barridusneither in the first pane under "installable from CD" or under "add cd" under "third party"05:36
kindofabuzzFrijolie, how big is the hard drive, because when you format using a journaled file system, soem of the hard drive is used for the fs05:36
Frijolieroadrock, I was thinking that it may be a separate partition05:36
roadrockBarridus: ls /media/mountpoint  see anything05:36
Frijoliekindofabuzz, should be a 320GB05:36
roadrockFrijolie: i think so too, time for gparted imho.05:36
kindofabuzzlike i have a 40G drive, but when formated with ext 3, like 350M are used up for the fs05:36
Frijolieand it mounts (as an icon on the desktop) 320.1 GB05:36
MellowDudei did that it keeps saying timidity is not configured yet05:36
arvind_khadriBarridus, why do you want to use the live-cd's repo05:37
MellowDudehow do i config it05:37
Frijolieroadrock, how do you do it from cli? I did it in gparted 30min ago05:37
Barridusroadrock, yeah the contents are shown.  i can also browse the contents through nautilus05:37
arvind_khadrisudo dpkg --reconfigure timidity05:37
doloanyone here playing fallout 3?05:37
kindofabuzzfdisk or cfdisk05:37
meoblast001i cant take this anymore05:38
MellowDudedpkg: unknown option --reconfigure05:38
meoblast001i'm so pissed05:38
kindofabuzzmeoblast001, what happened?05:38
arvind_khadriMellowDude, :S use a single -05:38
MellowDudehold on05:38
meoblast001every fucking time i try to compile anope it makes ubuntu think the harddrive is full05:38
PowerE_Does anyone here use the "Monaco" font in linux, and if so do you have this problem: http://www.ubergeeked.com/monacoproblem.jpg05:38
arvind_khadri!ohmy | meoblast00105:38
ubottumeoblast001: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!05:38
kindofabuzzmeoblast001, maybe because it does get full?05:38
MellowDudedpkg: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove)05:38
hmwmeoblast001 - whatabout du05:39
meoblast001and my cronjob "@reboot supybot mgBot.conf" is being completely ignored05:39
kindofabuzzmeoblast001, how much space you have before compiling?05:39
Barridusroadrock, however, the software sources thing is not fooled and does not treat it as a cd-rom05:39
meoblast001kindofabuzz: let me turn the thing back on05:39
arvind_khadriMellowDude, just hold on for a sec05:39
roadrockFrijolie: is this hdd empty? i would boot a gparted disk and redo the whole drive.05:39
meoblast001kindofabuzz: i get my space back as soon as i shut the machine off05:39
Frijolieroadrock, yeah the drive is empty. I just ran gparted on it ~45min ago05:40
roadrockBarridus: what iso are you trying to use? software sources shouldn't be an issue really.05:40
meoblast001the PoS is trying to say the harddrive is full05:40
=== x-erth64net-Auto is now known as x-x-erth64net-Au
arvind_khadriMellowDude, am extremly sorry its sudo dpkg-reconfigure timidity05:40
Frijolieroadrock, was just looking to do a "quick format" but I think it ran a full format now I'm getting permission denied and the 15GB of space taken up thing05:40
* arvind_khadri hits himself, i must know better05:40
Barridusroadrock, the ubuntu hardy livecd05:40
MellowDude timidity is broken or not fully installed05:41
meoblast001i can't stand computers05:41
MellowDudeit gives that error when i do tht05:41
MellowDudecan i remove it and reinstall it05:41
roadrockFrijolie: then its probably just a factor of using the power of 1000 versus 1024 as one megabyte. its ok.05:41
arvind_khadriMellowDude, just hang on05:41
Frijolieroadrock, the math still doesn't add up05:42
arvind_khadriMellowDude, sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install timidity05:42
Frijolieroadrock, 258 + 15 != 320 even with the math that they're giving me05:42
Deathserverlooking for easy irc terminal client any suggestions05:42
Frijoliedoes the drive have to be mounted before running gparted?05:42
arvind_khadri!poll | Deathserver05:43
ubottuDeathserver: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:43
sammmmy1357i just downloaded and installed a theme from gnome-look.org. it installed correctly but the appearence preference says gtk 2 engine is needed for this theme... where am i wrong ppl????05:43
cuddlefishFrijoile: It can nevar be mounted!05:43
roadrockFrijolie: i tend to agree with you. i always use a separate gparted boot disk for hdd preparation. it doesnt lie to me.05:43
meoblast001how do i install ubuntu without a monitor?05:43
hmwmeoblast001 - your drive space was ok after reboot, and is "full" after an compile attempt?05:43
cuddlefishit has some evil side effects on mounted volues.05:43
Frijolieroadrock, so boot to a liveCD with gparted?05:43
meoblast001hmw: no now it's alwasy full05:44
cuddlefishF=Frijolie: Yeah05:44
hmwmeoblast001 - so that cron job would free up the drive?05:44
meoblast001lol @ cronjobs05:44
Frijoliecuddlefish, why would that make a difference?05:44
meoblast001hmw: i can't even get "@reboot supybot mgBot.conf" to work05:44
hmwmeoblast001 - maybe you should check file sys integrity05:44
meoblast001hmw: that's the simplist cronjob ever and it wont run05:45
roadrockFrijolie: ive never used a livecd and gparted, i d/l a gparted boot iso and burn and boot it, however i believe the livecd gparted program -can- do it.05:45
meoblast001hmw: maybe i should reinstall ubuntu05:45
hmwmeoblast001 - this way you wouldnt find the error and take away the chance to learn. your call.05:45
TehLaserwould anyone like to help a poor noob?05:45
cuddlefishbecause addressing a mounte FS in block device mode causes crashes and DATA LOSS05:45
arvind_khadri!ask | TehLaser05:45
ubottuTehLaser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:45
JoramAnyone has a Dell XPS M1330n?05:45
Frijoliecuddlefish, roadrock, why would a boot/liveCD make a difference as opposed to doing it with my primary installed OS?05:45
Daft_Punkhow can you get the text on the desktop icons, to be clearly visible with both light AND dark backgrounds?05:45
arvind_khadriMellowDude, ?05:45
MellowDudeits saying its locked now05:46
MellowDudelet me restart my pc and come back ok05:46
cuddlefishFrijole: It is just the fact that filesystems don't like to be modified while mounted.05:46
Barridusthe livecd's gparted worked fine for me, i've used it a dozenish times05:47
=== Joram is now known as PeakOil
roadrockFrijolie: when you boot a live cd it creates a temp filesystem on the drive you want to work on, as far as i know. = not a good thing.05:47
Frijolieroadrock, so maybe the 15GB is a "swap" file?05:47
Frijoliecuddlefish, I unmounted it before I ran gparted the first time05:47
cuddlefishrock: it is done in ram, with a ramdisk05:48
roadrockFrijolie: probably. what was the drive originally? new?05:48
Frijolieroadrock, brand spankin new05:48
hmwmeoblast001 - i would be interested in finding out, what happened. did you find anything in the logs?05:48
Barridusgparted should say "linux-swap" if that was the case, wouldn't it?05:48
PowerE_Frijolie: du -hs /05:48
Frijolieroadrock, direct from the manufacturer. 1.20.09 stamped on the sticker05:48
PowerE_what does it say?05:48
cuddlefishpastebin it, of course.05:48
meoblast001hmw: no i shut it down.... i feel like killing someone about now05:48
meoblast001hmw: let's just say the past month of my life hasn't been going so well and this is not making it any better05:49
kinja-sheep_How do I remove the latest kernel? o.O05:49
meoblast001i don't play these games with my computers05:49
hmwmeoblast001 - i see. i recommend formatting this ubuntu drive very, very slowly and enjoy watching.05:49
unopkinja-sheep, that's an unusual request ... why would you want to do that?05:49
meoblast001i don't even know where i'm going to put my backup files05:49
meoblast001my flash drive is outragously mangled05:50
FrijoliePowerE_, 128G05:50
meoblast001linux nor windows can even format it05:50
=== kinja-sheep_ is now known as minja-sheep
hmwmeoblast001 - what??05:50
quantumkennyRunning a Dell Inspiron E1505 that has (4) usb 2.0 ports - lsusb shows them as 1.1 - using ibex 8.1005:50
arvind_khadriminja-sheep, sudo apt-get remove it05:50
roadrockFrijolie: in gparted you see only one partition on this disk and no free space? i'm kinda lost05:50
meoblast001hmw: linux nor windows can format my mangled flash drive05:50
arvind_khadriminja-sheep, sudo apt-get remove <it>05:50
cuddlefishkinja-sheep: sudo apt-get remove "kernel-version", raping the kernel-version with the package05:50
hmwmeoblast001 - uhm... wait... flash drive? server? 71GB???05:51
meoblast001hmw: the flash drive is 1 gig05:51
hmwmeoblast001 - uhm... what flash drive?05:51
meoblast001hmm.. i think the washer might have formated my flash drive05:51
cobra-the-jokerSylphid  , i did what you told me ....youtube videos still not operatable05:52
Frijolieroadrock, ok, so when I run gparted and view the drive /dev/sdb it shows as one partition size = 298Gib used=4.86Gib and unused=293Gib05:52
minja-sheepcuddlefish arvind_khadri :  What do you mean?  I configured something and now the internet isn't working on the latest kernel so i went with the old kernel.  it's working.  so im trying to figure out how to remove the latest one... and well update/upgrade again?05:52
cuddlefish!flash > cobra-the-joker05:52
ubottucobra-the-joker, please see my private message05:52
PowerE_298 is your actual size05:53
arvind_khadriminja-sheep, you can use synaptic to remove the kernel you dont want to keep05:53
PowerE_thats the exact number you would get if you calculated your "actual size"05:53
arvind_khadri!synaptic > minja-sheep05:54
ubottuminja-sheep, please see my private message05:54
Frijolieroadrock, however, once it's mounted nautilus mounts it as /media/disk and the right-click > properties sees it as a "320.1GB media" with 15.1GB "used" and 278GB "free"05:54
arvind_khadriMellowDude, any progress?05:54
FrijoliePowerE_, yeah I get that much..that's due to the 1,000 vs 1,024 thing05:55
MellowDudehang on i uninxtalled it now reinstalling it05:55
MellowDudethat fix it05:55
MellowDudeuninstall then restart pc05:55
MellowDudethen reinstalled it05:55
arvind_khadriMellowDude, oh ok..05:55
MellowDudedo i even need that thing any ways05:56
arvind_khadriMellowDude, no idea05:56
cuddlefishwhee, netsplit!05:56
arvind_khadricuddlefish, cant see it happening05:56
* cobra-the-joker directs every one to --->http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/LxG+Mirror?content=98431&PHPSESSID=f7da3eb484651b8d58ca2152a7928736 (Icon Theme ).05:56
* meoblast001 panics05:56
meoblast001MySQL wont start05:56
FloodBot2meoblast001: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tinyurl05:57
coz_anyone here have an xorg.conf for intrepid  64 bit?05:57
roadrockcoz_: yes05:57
MellowDudewell thanks for you're help arvind_khadri05:57
roadrockFrijolie: i dunno man, i'd get a gparted boot disk.05:57
arvind_khadriMellowDude, i wish i could have been of more help...np05:57
cuddlefishbye MellowDude05:57
meoblast001oh no..... how do i backup SQL files WITHOUT starting mysql05:57
coz_roadrock,  would you mind pastbinning that ? :)05:57
meoblast001i need to do NO writing to the harddrive05:58
MellowDudebye u all be good and be safe05:58
meoblast001i just need to copy from the harddrive onto a flash drive05:58
roadrockcoz_: sure, what the pastebin addy again05:58
quantumkennywhere can I ask about USB issues?05:58
coz_roadrock,   http://pastebin.ca05:58
arvind_khadri!ask | quantumkenny05:58
ubottuquantumkenny: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:58
hmwmeoblast001 - maybe you should really find that large stuff for deleting it05:58
PowerE_Could someone look at this: http://www.ubergeeked.com/monacoproblem.jpg and tell me if they have seen this before with the monaco font?05:58
quantumkennyI see, I did ask when I entered05:58
quantumkennyRunning a Dell Inspiron E1505 that has (4) usb 2.0 ports - lsusb shows them as 1.1 - using ibex 8.1005:59
coz_roadrock,  are you also running compiz fusion? with which video card?05:59
chu_Nice cobra-the-joker :D05:59
unopmeoblast001, all mysql data is at /var/lib/mysql*05:59
quantumkenny!ask | quantumkenny05:59
ubottuquantumkenny, please see my private message05:59
meoblast001unop: does that contain my databases?06:00
roadrockcoz_: http://pastebin.ca/134417706:00
coz_roadrock,   thanks guy :)06:00
roadrockcoz_: anytime06:00
shaft0I'm having some issues with an mdadm array.  There are 5 disks in the array, sdb1-sdf1.  I rebooted the server and the array didn't automount.  I ran mdadm --assemble and it assembled, but it said it was assembled from 4 drives and 1 spare, which didn't make much sense.  Anyway, rebooted again, didn't mount.  Tried assemble again, and now it says assembled from 3 drives and 1 spare, and that it couldn't start the array.  All of the drives06:00
shaft0 show up in gparted, what gives?06:00
unopmeoblast001, yes06:00
meoblast001unop: i'm hoping this thing is really writting to my flash drive06:01
roadrockquantumkenny: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB06:01
Frijoliehow are permissions handled for devices that are mounted via HAL?06:01
minja-sheepcuddlefish: What's it I'm looking for in kernel? I can't find something like "2.6.27-11-generic" ?06:01
dr_WillisFrijolie,  i belive theres various hal config files that define them.06:01
cuddlefishlinux-kernel-image or something like that, followed by version06:02
roadrockcoz_: no i disable compix but it does work.06:02
hmwPowerE_ no idea. maybe the font is broken. did you already try to remove and reinastall it? does it happen with other fonts too? what do you see, when the font is not installed?06:02
PowerE_it's the actual font, I sure of this06:02
Frijoliedr_Willis, cause I can't write to an external USB hard drive which has been automounted. I'm getting "Permission Denied" error messages06:02
PowerE_but I can't find another one that works06:02
PowerE_It's a common enough font that most should have one that works06:03
coz_roadrock,  ok thanks   I have a fellow with a very short xorg.conf it just wasnt right  thanks again :)06:03
PowerE_but I haven't seen anyone else with the problem06:03
roadrockcoz_:  ATI Technologies Inc RV380 0x3e50 [Radeon X600]  is mine06:03
KazimirHey, I have a question about audio06:03
quantumkennyroadrock: thanks, I'll check it out06:03
Frijolie!ask | Kazimir06:04
ubottuKazimir: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:04
MystHello all, I am trying to limit internet access to a specific range of IP addresses and am wondering if there is a tutorial on how to do that... Right now i have an Ubuntu server v8.10 setup with DHCP3 DNS UFW allowing mail/web/ssh ports and Samba Fileserver06:04
wershow do i install notify-osd on intrepid? :D06:04
dr_WillisFrijolie,  if its ntfs/vfat filesystem - i belive you can insdtall/run the ntfs-config tool. and check a few check boxc's and then it will let users fully access the eternal media06:04
KazimirI'm trying to get my USB headset to work with Ubuntu Studio, and when I click "test" next to it in Preference->Sound, it says "Could not open device for playback". How do I "open" it?06:05
dr_WillisFrijolie,  if its ext2/3 - then you must set the permissions/ownership - after its mounted06:05
Frijoliedr_Willis, na, it's ext306:05
dr_WillisFrijolie,  same as if it was an internal disk06:05
dr_WillisFrijolie,  shareing ext2 Thumbdrives btween systems/disrtos can  be annoying due to this06:05
Frijoliedr_Willis, Nautilus says "permissions could not be determined"06:05
dr_WillisFrijolie,  use the shell.  Mount the thing,  then sudo chown Youruser.youruser /media/MOUNTPOINT06:06
dr_WillisYou must chown it AFTER its mounted. :)06:06
Frijoliedr_Willis, and the chmod u+x /media/disk runs (no errors) and still get "Permission Denied"06:06
Frijoliedr_Willis, alright I'll try the ownership thing instead of permissions06:07
dr_Willisyou may of just chmod'd the mount mouint.. BEFOR it was mounted.. that wont apply after its mounted.06:07
Frijoliedr_Willis, yeah its automagically mounted upon insertion06:07
dr_WillisFrijolie,   You may want to cd to the device. and as root chown/chmod the files/dirs on the device  not the 'root' of the device06:08
KazimirSo..can anyone help me?06:08
hmwdr_Willis - i think, the permissions of a dir before mounting something over it dont matter after the mount...?06:08
arvind_khadri!studio | Kazimir06:08
ubottuKazimir: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org06:09
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ...How do i know my hardware profile06:09
dr_Willishmw,  correct.. the permissions of the 'direcory' you are mounting to - dont matter.06:09
hmwdr_Willis - aah... i didnt read carefully enough...06:09
Gneacobra-the-joker: lshw06:10
ubdcan ubuntu run from usb hd?06:10
arvind_khadriubd, ya06:10
Gneaubd: sure06:10
ubdi mean boot/run06:10
arvind_khadri!usb | ubd06:11
ubottuubd: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:11
mijrelaxcan you speak chinese06:11
Frijoliedr_Willis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/121323/06:11
Gnea!cn | mijrelax06:11
ookzAnyone know if you can get steam to work with wine?06:11
ubottumijrelax: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:11
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Frijoliedr_Willis, brian is my username06:11
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mijrelaxthank you06:12
Frijoliedr_Willis, wait....i'm copying stuff to the drive now, hmm...06:13
roadrockFrijolie: youve got part of a filesystem on that disk it looks like.06:13
Frijoliemy first bash script is working! I feel like a l33t h4x0r!06:13
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=== johnfdhs is now known as mrono
mronostill having the problem aparently06:14
Frijolieroadrock, yeah, why the lost+found and the ".."?06:14
fhoifmax file descriptors on linux 64bit ?06:14
mronocan't get into my /media/data06:14
roadrockFrijolie: the lost+found yes06:14
arvind_kmrono, use chown on it06:14
ookzCan anyone help me really fast what is the search command for folders in the term06:14
ubdi would like to setup a ubuntu server on a usb drive on monitorless laptop, i would like to control the linux box from xp machine and use it to download torrents. which torrent client and 3rd party programs do i need?06:14
hmwmrono - try "sudo chmod 0777 /media/data"06:14
arvind_kookz, ls06:14
arvind_kookz, ls will list the folders...06:15
fhoifwhat's the max file descriptor limit in Ubuntu 64bit ?????06:15
meoblast001i want to kill myself06:15
arvind_kookz, you can use find too06:15
mrono/dev/sdb1       /media/data     ext2    rw,auto,uid=1000        0       006:15
fhoifwhat's the max file descriptor limit in Ubuntu 64bit ?????06:15
mronogives me a bad superblock error06:15
mronowhere's the error in nit06:15
Frijoliewhat's the benefit from having HAL mount devices instead of the good 'ol trusty fstab?06:16
hmwmrono - what about my suggestion... did it work?06:17
hmwmrono - its meant to be done after manually mounting06:17
fhoifwhat's the max file descriptor limit in Ubuntu 64bit ?????06:17
mronolemme see06:17
Sylphid!repeat | fhoif06:18
ubottufhoif: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:18
MystDoes anyone know how to have the DHCP server assign a specific IP address depending on your mac address?06:18
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fhoif!answer | Sylphid06:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about answer06:18
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arvind_kfhoif, lolzzz06:18
arvind_kfhoif, google about it :)06:19
fhoifdid, no luck06:19
unopMyst,   hardware ethernet de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe;06:20
roadrockookz: find path -name 'name'   e.g.  find /boot/ -name 'grub'06:20
unopMyst, have a look in your /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf06:20
mronohmw: no luck06:20
shaft0I'm having some issues with an mdadm array.  There are 5 disks in the array, sdb1-sdf1.  I rebooted the server and the array didn't automount.  I ran mdadm --assemble and it assembled, but it said it was assembled from 4 drives and 1 spare, which didn't make much sense.  Anyway, rebooted again, didn't mount.  Tried assemble again, and now it says assembled from 3 drives and 1 spare, and that it couldn't start the array.  All of the drives06:21
shaft0 show up in gparted, why won't mdadm see them???06:21
hmwmrono - no error message when mounting, and root can still access it?06:21
mronowhen i view permission in naut root is owner06:21
hmwmrono 0777 means access to anyone06:22
hmwmrono thats a little strange06:22
mronoand it doesn't change a thing06:22
arvind_kfhoif, ulimit has it06:22
mronoi chowned it06:22
hmwmrono you could also try sudp chown username:username /media/data06:22
mronothat worked06:22
Mystunop, im in the dhcpd.conf file, do i need to add a line in the range or...06:22
mronohmw, what about this fstab line, why doesn't it work06:23
mrono/dev/sdb1       /media/data     ext2    rw,auto,uid=1000        0       006:23
hmwmrono - okay... so we need to find out, how to make the fstab use the right owner... did you verify, that your user is uid 1000 ?06:23
SylphidMyst, http://paste.ubuntu.com/121325/06:23
mronohmw, i have not, i assumed since the user and system is fresh as of tonight06:23
arvind_kmrono, id -u06:23
roadrockfhoif: man getfdprm06:23
Mystsweet thx guys06:24
hmwmrono - pls try to determin that while i google for fstab stuff06:24
mronohmw, it's 100006:24
hmwmrono ok06:24
acfrazieris anyone alive in here?06:25
aniienahow can I turn up my screen's brightness in ubuntu?06:25
arvind_kacfrazier, nope... he just passed away :P06:25
aniienamy monitor is old and the backlight is beginning to fade06:25
acfrazierWell I have a bit of a complex problem06:26
hmwmrono what does ls -l show, when you mount it via fstab?06:26
hmwmrono i mean user:group and rights06:26
arvind_kaniiena, use your monitor's keys...06:26
mronohmw, can't mount via fstab, i get an error06:26
unopaniiena, you could try xbacklight ... but i doubt it would help if it's a hardware problem06:26
arvind_k!ask | acfrazier06:26
ubottuacfrazier: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:26
mronohmw, wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,06:26
hmwmrono - what file sys format is it? it is the superblock message, right?06:26
acfraziereven with my sound turned all the way up, the volume from the speakers is still very low, and when I plug in headphones to the front headphone jack, it doesn't work. I'm using a laptop.06:26
reboRany live help?06:26
acfrazierHow can I fix that?06:26
mronohmw, yes, and it's ext206:27
arvind_kacfrazier, type alsamixer in the terminal and see the level of mic06:27
roadrockacfrazier: is the cdrom volume thumb wheel cranked up per chance?06:27
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ...How can i update a specific program that is installed on my system ?06:28
meoblast001why do my computers always break?06:28
arvind_kcobra-the-joker, sudo apt-get install <package name>06:28
mronohmw, brb testing something06:28
acfrazierroadrock: There's no volume wheel on my cd-rom drive06:28
unopcobra-the-joker, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install package_name06:28
roadrockmeoblast001: user error, and sun spots06:28
roadrockacfrazier: wild guess.06:28
cobra-the-jokerunop , for the pre existing packages ????06:28
arvind_kacfrazier, check alsamixer...06:29
arvind_kcobra-the-joker, ya06:29
unopcobra-the-joker, right06:29
acfrazierarvind_k: I did, it shows it as 100% master volume, all the way up in the red06:29
reboRSorry to break in, I just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my backup drive. After installation it loaded fine but i've tried to start it up few times afterward but it loads the background image but not the rest of the desktop or menus.06:29
arvind_kacfrazier, see it for the mic06:29
cobra-the-jokerunop , arvind_k , ok ...thanx06:29
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
acfrazierarvind_k: how?06:29
arvind_khadriacfrazier, cant you see it there?? in alsamixer...are you using ALSA or pulseaudio... it will be mentioned on the top pf the window06:30
acfraziersays PulseAudio06:30
arvind_khadriacfrazier, hehehe...toasted... want to use ALSA?06:31
cobra-the-joker:@ ...urgh ..firefox doesnt want to make videos work06:31
acfrazierarvind_khadri: if it will fix my problem, then yes06:31
arvind_khadriacfrazier, ya it will ... http://techitipsandtricks.blogspot.com06:31
arvind_khadriacfrazier, the second blog there...06:32
acfrazierI clicked that link and it said blog not found06:32
arvind_khadriacfrazier, sorry ... techietipsandtricks.blogspot.com06:32
acfraziermk, I will try this now06:33
Mronohmw, it worked, should be fine now06:33
hmwmrono - what did you do to solve it?06:33
frg22hello, I am trying to setup a custom context menu item, but it won't work. Settings can be seen here: http://s5.tinypic.com/212s6kn.jpg06:33
frg22I was wondering if there was perhaps a nautilus error log or any log that might report why it's not working :|06:34
acfrazierarvind_khadri: when moving the directory I get this error "mv: cannot stat `/ect/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio': No such file or directory"06:35
acfraziermade a typo06:35
acfrazierjust caught that06:35
arvind_khadriacfrazier, :)06:36
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reboR Sorry to break in, I just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my backup drive. After installation it loaded fine but i've tried to start it up few times afterward but it loads the background image but not the rest of the desktop or menus.06:36
hmwgah - now my ubuntu cant update, too. it says 404 on ar.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/postgersql-8.3.5-0ubuntu0.8.4_i386.deb06:37
diuneighcan anyone help me on a fresh install of 8.10 ubuntu?06:37
frg22diuneigh: what do you need help with?06:37
hmwmrono - what did you do to solve it?06:38
diuneighI'm installing it on my p4 machine.. but I get a ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ prompt with the live CD and install options..06:38
Droopsta915What format does a file have to be to burn and watch a dvd?06:38
ericstewartDroopsta915: Depends on what your using to burn it. Normally its an ISO.06:39
Droopsta915I have a wms file, madefrom a dvd06:40
diuneigh•frg22• any ideas?06:40
Droopsta915wma, sorry06:40
arvind_khadriacfrazier, after the 3rd step make sure in Sounds everything is set to alsa06:40
acfrazierarvind_khadri: I was just about to say after doing all that it still says PulseAudio06:40
frg22diuneigh: hmm, not sure why gnome or kde wouldn't boot. Are there any errors?06:40
diuneigh•frg22• nope...I even d/l and burned it on another disc.06:41
cobra___is there is another browser better than firefox .....coz firefox dont operate videos :(06:42
acfrazierarvind_khadri: Where can I find this to make sure it's set right?06:42
ericstewartDroopsta915: You'll need to find an application that can convert that WMA to an ISO before you burn it. Or it won't play in most DVD players.06:42
kalvin_i dont know if anyone would know this..but is there a program that will let me stream music from my computer to a windows mobile phone?06:43
acfrazierarvind_khadri: if you mean in the volume control it says Playback: ALSA PCM on front:006:44
acfrazierarvind_khadri: Will I need to reboot for this to take effect?06:45
CarbOonHii Rooom06:47
CarbOonHelp me in Enabeling CGI / perl script from Apache in Ubuntu..................06:47
Droopsta915Does ubuntu have a program to convert files to iso?06:47
CarbOoni hav configured all thngs but dont know what is prob its not executing.. :(06:47
CarbOonany body know .. how to enable CGI script in apache ?06:49
blahblehhaven't done anything like it myself, but have you tried http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/cgi.html ?06:50
MronoI need to play WMA files, how do i do that06:50
NFischerMrono, you could install vlc player06:51
Mronowhat about amarok06:51
CarbOonthanks i read it06:51
NFischerMrono, it deals with wma files06:51
abraMrono, use Media::Player :)06:51
blahblehhello ubntuers :) is there any reason why detection of a USB just plugged in could be slow? I'm using pam-usb to authenticate, so it'd be nice if it was fast, but it takes a few seconds for it to realise I've plugged in a USB. is there some HAL polling option i can change or something?06:52
hmw!codecs | mrono06:52
ubottumrono: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:52
Mronohmw, thanks06:52
onatsis there a sun/open office channel?06:52
click170How do you get the main menubar in gnome to go from the right side of the screen back to the top?  What the fuck are you supposd to grab onto?06:53
acfrazierGah, no dice. Switched to ALSA, volume still low even at 100%, plugin headset and no volume from it06:53
hmwclick170 - its tricky but doable... keep trying to find a place. close programs, if you can06:53
blahblehclick170: one way is to right click RIGHT on the edge of the panel, and go into panel properties, otherwise close programs as hmw said, or delete an applet and put it back later06:54
=== timburke_ is now known as timburke
Mronowhat's the best way to rip dvd's into .avi files06:58
blahblehseeing as no-one's replying, mrono: http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/10/07/how-to-rip-a-dvd-in-ubuntu-to-avi-the-easy-way/ or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVD::Rip perhaps? i don't know myself, though07:00
hmwmrono - there is no best way of doing things, because it relates to your taste. i like mencoder the most.07:01
ianm_is it possible to apt-get older versions of a package?  to see a list of versions with release dates?07:01
kindofabuzzis it possible to turn off visuals in the totem firefox plugin?07:01
Mronoalright i'll check it out07:01
owen1any lightweight browser that support JS and flash and is not FF?07:01
kindofabuzzff rules07:02
arghh2d2owen1: not free07:02
hmwowen1 - hmm... not sure, but maybe konqueror07:02
owen1if not exist, only JS support will be tolerable as well.07:02
kindofabuzzor whatever it's called07:02
kindofabuzzopera is not lightweight07:02
ianm_owen1: http://projects.gnome.org/epiphany/07:02
hmwowen1 - konqueror has JS for sure. go to synaptics and examine the internet section to see more browsers.07:03
hmwkindofabuzz - lynx has no JS07:03
kindofabuzzhmw, it was a joke07:03
Droopsta915mrono:I'm playin a  wma movie right now using vlc media player07:03
hmwkindofabuzz - sure, but it would be real lightweight *g*07:03
kindofabuzzis it possible to turn off visuals in the totem firefox plugin?07:03
arghh2d2 ya not gonna find much in the way of "lightweight" playin flash.07:03
kindofabuzzflash is heavy as you can get07:04
owen1hmw: i know of epiphany and dillo . not sure about JS.07:04
hmwkindofabuzz - be very cautious making jokes here. newbies might take you seriously07:04
kindofabuzzhmw, true dat07:04
Daft_Punki try playing secondlife on my laptop on linux and it is very slow, is it the beta client or is it linux, or is it my comp?07:05
Mronohmw, how do you rip it with mencoder, i installed mplayer, is it in the documentation?07:05
blahblehDaft_Punk: to see if it's your comp, i guess you could compare it to: http://secondlife.com/support/sysreqs.php ?07:07
Daft_Punkblahbleh, i have at least double those specs07:08
Daft_Punkblahbleh, actually i have the recommended specs for vid card and ram, proc is better07:08
arghh2d2great, now go break something07:08
acfrazierhey um07:09
acfrazierI have a new problem, I changed sound to ALSA so my sound wouldn't be so low at 100%, this is now fixed. A new problem cropped up and the 2nd one isn't resolved. The new problem is when I turn the volume down it turns off the volume way before it reaches the bottom of the meter. The 2nd problem was plugging in a headset doesn't work, you can't hear anything.07:10
blahblehDaft_Punk: perhaps the second life support might be of more help? http://secondlife.com/support/07:11
Daft_Punkk thx07:11
acfrazierSo does anyone know how I can resolve this problem?07:11
tiger_90__my sound just quit. what do I do?07:12
r00tb33rCan anyone help me with my acer aspire one?07:13
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne r00tb33r07:13
tiger_90__my sound quit? how do I fix it?07:15
r00tb33rThanks bazhang I have been to that site and done what they said but it never fixed my problem07:15
hmwtiger_90__ you are looking for a way to restart your sound server, but i cant tell you how. google might know the answer.07:15
mib_3e77plhello, my laptop (compaq r3000) does not seem to come out of standby when running ubuntu 8.04, it just stays at a black screen07:16
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acfrazierMine doesn't go into standby at all, I just get a blinking _ when I press Fn + Sleep07:16
tiger_90__hmw, it quit after the latest update for 8.1007:17
iCondoulohow would I start GDM in low graphics mode?07:18
ianm_how can I use an older version of my video driver (intel)?07:18
mib_3e77pliCondoulo: do you mean use the vesa xorg driver07:18
iCondouloyeah. So I can get in, install Ubuntu, etc, etc. because Ubuntu wants to use a resolution/refresh rate my monitor doesn't support07:19
hmwtiger_90__ as a last resort, reboot will repair your sound usually. better google and learn how to restart it via terminal07:19
mib_3e77pliCondoulo: are you booting from the live cd07:19
PeddyWhen I select my Windows installation from the GRUB menu, I get the error "A Disk Read Error Occured, press ctrl-alt-delete to restart". Windows is on a different hard drive, and when I set it to boot from the windows-hdd in the BIOS, it boots fine. Could someone please help me get this working?07:19
iCondoulomib_3e77pl, yeah. I'm currently in a command line.07:19
acfrazierI have a new problem, I changed sound to ALSA so my sound wouldn't be so low at 100%, this is now fixed. A new problem cropped up and the 2nd one isn't resolved. The new problem is when I turn the volume down it turns off the volume way before it reaches the bottom of the meter. The 2nd problem was plugging in a headset doesn't work, you can't hear anything.07:19
mib_3e77plok, well if you put in your cd, i think one of the F keys lets you specify the low graphics modes07:20
kurrataPeddy:  is your windows on master or slave disk?07:20
mib_3e77pli think its F4 or F507:20
Peddykurrata, they're both SATA.07:20
acfrazierPeddy: Are you by chance the same Peddy from #itouch?07:20
Peddyacfrazier, why yes I am.07:20
tiger_90__hmw, ive rebooted a couple of times and it still wont work.07:21
mib_3e77pliCondoulo: press the F5 or F4 key after you enter the language07:21
arvind_khadriacfrazier, didnt the blog help?07:21
hmwtiger_90__ oh, thats a different problem then. but i dont know about sound, so i cant help really. sorry. maybe someone else here can help you.07:21
PeddyI've done both an mbrfix on the Windows partition, done a fs check from withing the Windows recovery thing, and done fixboot.07:21
acfrazierarvind_khadri: It resolved the issue of the sound being too low, but when I go to turn it down about 2/3 of the way down the sound is muted completely when it shouldn't be. Also plugging in a headset generates no sound.07:22
tiger_90__hmw, thanks for your help though!07:22
arvind_khadriacfrazier, type alsamixer and check the levels for the mic...07:22
AscavasaionHOw do I check what release of Ubuntu I am running?07:22
arvind_khadriAscavasaion, lsb_release -a07:23
acfrazierarvind_khadri: Master is 82%, PCM 100%, front 100% I see no entry for "Mic"07:23
tiger_90__arvind_khadri, I am using headphones and I get no sound either.07:23
Ascavasaionarvind_khadri: Thank you... I am running Hardy... is that correct?07:23
arvind_khadriAscavasaion, you would get to know that from the command i gave07:24
arvind_khadriacfrazier, go to sounds and check whether you have an entry for mic.07:24
Ascavasaionarvind_khadri: I got it from that command you gave.  Is it the current version?07:24
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arvind_khadritiger_90__, first check the levels in alsamixer. and see whether you have plugged the jack correctly or not07:25
acfrazierarvind_khadri: No, there is not. Not under any of the 3 things in the dropdown menu either.07:25
arvind_khadriAscavasaion, its the current LTS release ..the latest stable release is ibex...07:25
Ascavasaionarvind_khadri: And how do I upgrade to ibex?07:26
arvind_khadriacfrazier, change the default mixer to alsa...07:26
kurrataPeddy:  you boot from ubuntu or windows hard drive when you trun on pc?07:26
Ascavasaionarvind_khadri: Or is Hardy the latest?07:26
tiger_90__arvind_khadri, everything is plugged in correctly. it just quit without me even messing with the sound.07:26
acfrazierarvind_khadri: Still dead in the water. No sound from headphones, there's no entry for Mic either in Sounds nor Alsamixer.\07:27
blahblehAscavasaion: to do a distro upgrade, you can run "sudo do-release-upgrade" in a terminal. intrepid ibex (8.10) is the latest07:27
meoblast001how do i make ubuntu avoid broken sections of my ram?07:27
Mronohow do i get a init.d script to auto start07:27
GumbyDoes anyone here know why I can not adjust the size of the "Name" column in Nautilus to be smaller?  I can make it larger but not smaller07:28
Ascavasaionarvind_khadri: Thank you so much.07:28
Ascavasaionarvind_khadri: I get a "no new release found" message.07:28
arvind_khadriAscavasaion, you can update to ibex if you like07:30
acfrazierarvind_khadri: There isn't an entry in Sounds for Mic07:30
acfrazierarvind_khadri: I'm using just headphones, sound is my primary concern07:31
arvind_khadriacfrazier, check the levels of your mic07:32
arvind_khadriacfrazier, using the hardware07:32
PeddyI accidentally deleted a partition table, now a disk shows as unallocated space... Is this reversable/recoverable?07:32
GumbyPeddy, what filesystem?07:33
PeddyGumby, NTFS07:33
aboSamoorHi, every time I start pidgin it uses the same status message ! how can I change that ?07:34
acfrazierarvind_khadri: Where?07:34
GumbyaboSamoor, prefs->status/idle->status at startup07:35
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quibbleraboSamoor: right click on icon choose change status then new07:37
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PeddytGumby, hehe, testdisk seems to have re-made the partition table, trying it out.07:38
aboSamoorGumby, Thanks it works :)07:38
FirerougeIs it possiable to download the development copy of ubuntu 9.0407:38
acfraziertheres an ubuntu 9.04?!?!07:39
arghh2d2Firerouge: yeah, the current stable release07:39
kurrataFirerouge:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/07:39
FirerougeThanks for the link07:40
acfrazierWhat's the name of the commandline download tool?07:41
kurrataacfrazier:  wget07:41
arghh2d2acfrazier: apt07:41
lianimatoris there any editor in Ubuntu that allows you to copy text as RTF?07:42
ThomasWaldmannWarning: This image is oversized (which is a bug) and will not fit onto a standard 700MB CD. However, you may still test it using a DVD, a USB drive, or a virtual machine.07:42
=== Frogzoo_ is now known as Frogzoo
acfrazierIs http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/jaunty-alternate-i386.iso < a livecd as well?07:42
* ThomasWaldmann had strange I/O errors with 8.10 alt install cd, likely same problem07:42
mstksgcan i cancel a package download/installation07:43
mstksgfrom the command line?07:43
kurratamstksg:  ctr+c or z07:43
mstksgi figured. but i was afraid it'd damage something07:43
Draciekurrata, not ctrl z07:43
mstksgwould apt-get remove fix it?07:43
mstksgthanks, Dracie.07:43
Draciemstksg, control c sends the end signal to a process07:43
Draciecontrol z just suspends it in the background07:43
Draciei made the same mistake a year ago too07:44
arghh2d2what if he's using synaptic! shit yall are some sorry assed tech support07:44
mstksgi'm not using synaptic from command line.07:44
blahblehi don't know about anyone else, but i've had problems cancelling things when they're installing (not when they're downloading, but when it's actually installing the program)... i normally try to cancel before it starts installing07:44
mstksgcan i apt-get remove the half-downloaded/half-installed packages and fix everything? or will they just go away by themselves07:44
acfrazierapt-get clean07:45
acfraziershould do the trick07:45
n2diyI'm cloning this box to some newer hardware, so far I've moved my /home directory, but that didn't bring my apps, with it, what else should I copy to the target box?07:45
arghh2d2mstksg: they should go away, but this is ubuntu after all07:46
mstksgis there a force-quit escape sequence?07:46
mstksgjust for future reference07:46
n2diymstksg: ctrl+c or ctrl+z07:47
mstksgctrl+c just sends an end signal; ctrl+x suspends it07:47
hmwn2diy - boot from live cd, mount the drives and cp the whole / structure07:47
mstksger, i'll just keep on opening a new screen and running htop.07:47
hmwn2diy - read the man page of cp for furter info about neccesary switches (permissions) - i think its "-a"07:48
arghh2d2mstksg: there's also: killall whatever07:48
kurratamstksg:  ctr+alt+backspace kills all grapish stuff07:48
boot_loopsup folks07:49
mstksgthanks, all07:49
n2diyhmw: roger that, I was hoping for something less drastic. :)07:49
cooldduuuddeguys i got a prob running google earth07:50
cooldduuudde  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  Could not create directory:07:50
cooldduuuddeany ideas?07:50
DIFH-icerootcooldduuudde: why running that as root?07:50
cooldduuuddeI'm not07:50
hmwcooldduuudde - dont login as root. some apps dont work when logged in as root07:50
cooldduuuddeI'm running it as a normal user07:50
acfrazierIs there a way to fix the problem of no sound with a headser07:50
mstksgso i'm booting ubuntu from my flash drive.  1.5 of that is reserved for actual files, as a portable file bank.  my suspicions are confirmed, and i can't access those files while running ubuntu.  any ideas/solutions?07:50
hmwcooldduuudde - /root is the home dir of the root user07:50
DIFH-icerootcooldduuudde: cant be, because a normal user can not create content on /root/07:51
arghh2d2gotta love an operating system with a command as basic as "killall"07:51
dr_Willisacfrazier,  i would say cjheck the forums. and find out your exact sound card chipset.  ive seen others in here ask about that. but never seen a definitive answer on it.07:51
cooldduuuddeyeah. so can i make some config changes after wich it will make that directory home or sumthing, that can be accessed by a normal user?07:51
NFischerPanjiHitam, Ointment?07:52
ecoasianwhere can i find help with file permissions on external drives07:52
Gnea        07:52
BesogonHI! Well, I have installed gnome and xfce. After that main menu in xfce big knot. What can I doing with that?07:52
cooldduuuddeim waiting for an answer guys07:52
acfrazierdr_Willis: are there people on the orum at this hour?07:53
Gneabah, wrong key07:53
BesogonAnd what for have I ~/.cache/xfce4 in my home dir?07:53
Gnea!patience | cooldduuudde07:53
ubottucooldduuudde: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:53
hmwecoasian - external drives should work normally regarding perms. maybe its not ext3 but ntfs?07:53
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dr_Willisacfrazier,  the forums are not 'irc' chat. :) itsmessage boards. Its very very  likely that your question has been asked on the forums befor.. and proberly answered..07:53
cooldduuuddesry i didn't mean to sound impolite07:54
ecoasianhmw, latest updates have removed all of the file permissions. Can read but no write. Previously I could.07:54
mstksgit's chill.07:54
Dracieecoasian, what file?07:54
Gneacooldduuudde: as long as the directory and permissions are set right on it, you can change it in the /etc/passwd file07:54
hmwecoasian - ic. i have no idea what could have happened. maybe you want to look into the way, how it is mounted. fstab maybe? hmm.07:54
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.07:55
cooldduuuddehmmm..lemme try dat, gnea07:55
hmwgnea cooldduuudde - better not. find out, why google earth runs as root07:55
ecoasianI cannot write any file to the USB harddrive. Was fine before updates.07:55
NFischerubottu, easy man07:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about easy man07:55
Gneahmw: pardon?07:55
ecoasianDracie: I could write to USB drive before updates.07:56
Gneacooldduuudde: although, I'm not sure what purpose it would serve, other than potentially messing up your system07:56
hmwgnea - his program tries to use /root as home dir. this seems not to be intentionally, cooldude said, he didnt log in as root. well.. maybe he has and didnt notice somehow or there is another reason, why google earth wants to write to /root. so changing permissions would not solve the real problem and probably introduce new ones.07:57
Gneahmw: probably due to sudo07:57
hmwgneat cooldduuudde - sudo might be the reason. did you start g-earth with sudo?07:57
Dracieecoasian, you need to change the ownership of it probably sudo chown username:username /media/jumpdrive07:58
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hmwcooldduuudde - enter "whoami" in a terminal to determine, as what user you are logged on07:58
Gneacooldduuudde: then forget my suggestion, the error you recieved was correct.07:58
x_Odeathly pissed07:58
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Gneax_O: because?07:58
cooldduuuddeI'm not able 2 run it as root as well07:58
mstksgpoor guy07:59
mstksghe was a pretty cool dude, too.07:59
dapperhello can I need some help here07:59
Gnea!ask | dapper07:59
x_Onumber one because my sisters white trash girlfriedn drank half a gallon of my milk which was for ME and MY cereal07:59
ubottudapper: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:59
ecoasianBoth terms and thunar show it as belonging to all users for read/write.07:59
x_Oi try to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.1007:59
x_Oand nvidia RAPES my computer around07:59
x_Osaying it doesnt have any compatible drivers07:59
kurrataecoasian:  tried writing as root?08:00
ecoasiankurrata: Yes, sure did08:00
* Gnea never knew that nvidia had the physical capability to 'rape'08:00
x_Owell it does08:00
Gneagot a picture?08:00
dapperI want to uninstall squid proxy from my server how can I do that??08:00
dapperI want to uninstall squid proxy from my server how can I do that??08:00
Gneax_O: I mean, we can solve the nvidia issue... but crying over spilled milk won't get you anywhere.08:01
Gnea!repeat | dapper08:01
ubottudapper: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:01
mstksggnea: sudo nvidia rape now08:01
Gneax_O: okay, what nvidia card do you have?08:01
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ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:02
kurratadapp3r-drak3:  did you tried apt-get remove?08:02
dapp3r-drak3already hev..but the script on init.d....is lost08:03
dapp3r-drak3how can I returned08:03
cobra-the-jokeri am tired ..... i cant play flash videos :((08:03
x_Oubuntu is a rapist08:03
x_Owhy the hell cant i keep my same driver?08:03
x_Ois that too much to ask08:03
* dr_Willis wonders why people feel the need to rant and rave on the channel.08:04
ecoasianx_0, that's not funny in the slightest. You are skirting the rules regarding propriety on the channel.08:04
dapp3r-drak3can someone help me out??08:04
* Gnea wonders why other people feel the need to disrespect other people and then bring it in here08:04
Barridusdid you try the adobe flash on medibuntu repo, cobra-the-joker?08:04
ecoasianout like trout!08:05
cobra-the-jokerBarridus , dont think so08:05
acfrazierdr_Willis: I found something on the forum but it didn't help in the slightest08:05
lcukx41hi, very annoying but hopefully simple bug:   all apps start minimized, google tells me nothing, any ideas how to make apps open normally again?08:06
quibblerGnea: no breakfast...a very important meal08:06
Gneaquibbler: cereal can easily be substituted with something else08:06
lcukx41like wine08:06
quibblerGnea: yes it can08:06
Barriduscobra-the-joker, what adobe flash sources have you tried?  the ubuntu repo, the downloadable installer on adobe.com?08:06
rohani am using (k)ubuntu 8.04. somehow from a few days my splash on bootup ends prematurely, and i am presented with the init messages. when the messaged "Reading files needed to boot" appears, splash screen dies. how do i prevent that from happening?08:07
endbossMy external drive is no longer detected and mounted correctly, i think the power went off today, dmesg log - > http://pastebin.com/m18f1c130 any help?08:07
nmlinuzhello. Is anyone working with p45, ich10 chipsets?? i want to buy a motherboard with this chipsets. Are these supported???08:07
endbossdefault 7.10 2.6.22-16-generic08:08
lcukx41nmlinuz: i find chipset searches better with google - people give nice walkthroughs of the troubles they had08:08
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nmlinuzlcukx41: i searched at google but i didn't find any final result :\08:09
quibblernmlinuz: look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//HardwareSupport08:09
lcukx41heh likewise, try using the motherboard model or machine model08:09
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Gnealcukx41: never heard of gnome/metacity doing that before... what version of ubuntu is that?08:09
lcukx41err latest, the closest i read was that when 3d drivers go on they alter the setting, but i havent got that driver on any more08:10
lcukx41theres no mention of the setting being user configurable..08:10
hmwlcukx41 gnea - maybe its some compiz setting? i am checking mine now08:11
lcukx418.10 ibex08:11
lcukx41it drives me potty everytime i open this laptop08:11
Gneahmw: doubt it, compiz only controls how the graphics on the screen are displayed, not now the windows react08:12
prabuddhacan anyone help me turn on my wireless?08:12
hmwgnea - compiz has some possibilites that one would expect of a window manager. i didnt find any settings anyways.08:13
prabuddhai have a asus n50v08:13
acfrazieranyone know how to kill a wine process, I just accidentally ran a virus in wine08:13
kalvin_hi can someone help, i installed a program called edna that streams music, but i can only do it within my network, how can i set it to stream using any connection?08:13
endbossport forwarding on router set?08:14
Incarusacfrazier, "ps -u username"08:14
kurrataacfrazier:  ps -x find wine processes and then kill08:14
unopacfrazier, killall wine08:14
Incarusacfrazier, if you can't kill it: "kill -s KILL process"08:14
hmwlcukx41 maybe this brings you further in your investigation: Unfortunately Gnome doesn't manage the state of windows at all. It has to do with the back end being metacity. However, there is hope. There's a program called devils pie that is supposed to allow you to accomplish the kind of window management that you're looking for in Gnome. Just search for devils pie on Google and it comes up at the first result.08:15
acfrazierIt doesn't appear to be running anymore, Wine crashed because it didn't emulate it right probably08:15
lcukx41thanks hmw, ill have a look now08:16
hmwlcukx41 - that was a response to someone actually WANTING the minimized start08:16
lcukx41heh i keep missing things and know its not normal behaviour, ive been in and out of every dialog in the system hunting for the ellusive tick!08:16
Shendelzarehi, I've got a trouble08:17
Shendelzareno alsaconf on my computer08:17
Shendelzareapt-get install alsa-utils08:17
Shendelzaredoesn't help08:17
wadihel-ghossoubdoes ubuntu work on parallels in mac?08:17
Shendelzareremove && install doesn't help either08:17
aolkoHello all!08:18
wadihel-ghossoubhi aolko08:18
IncarusShendelzare, you mean asoundconf08:18
aolkoHow to install themes on COMPIZ?08:18
wadihel-ghossoubits easy aolko08:18
wadihel-ghossoubjust do some google search aolko08:18
Incaruswhere is no alsaconf, Shendelzare08:19
ShendelzareIncarus, omg, thx :\08:19
aolkoi founded themes,but i not founded articles "how to..?"08:19
IncarusShendelzare, no problem08:19
wadihel-ghossoubin compiz08:19
wadihel-ghossoubthere is a section for themes08:19
wadihel-ghossoubaolko: a 5 year old can do it08:19
link0lnhi all )08:20
hmwlcukx41 also look at this: https://www.redhat.com/archives/phoebe-list/2003-January/msg01259.html08:20
quibbleraolko: maybe try in #compiz-fusion08:20
kurratawadihel-ghossoub : http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=18336808:20
Incarusaolko, this could help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24471008:21
kurrataaolko:  http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=183368 it says you can instal emerald to manige your compiz themes08:21
lcukx41hmw, the nuke it from orbit approach to configuration management!08:22
lcukx41thanks though, ill dig into gconf and see what i can find08:22
hmwlcukx41 - huh? meaning, you did it?08:22
dayo2i disabled pulseaudio and switched everything to alsa, and now my ff3 flash videos have no sound. what to do?08:23
hmwlcukx41 - ah ic08:23
taz_white95has any one had any problem is pidgin on Ubunut 8.1008:23
lcukx41hmw, meaning the guy fixed his problem by deleting all his settings.  looking at devilspie it looks like a band aid, if nothing else ill check there, but its likely some hidden registry setting.  ill spend a while browsing the tree.  thanks for tips08:24
Incarusdayo2, do you use the adobe's flash player?08:24
dayo2Incarus: yes i do08:24
Incarusdayo2, do the other apps work?08:24
dayo2Icarus: kaffeine, totem, pidgin... the apps i use seem fine08:25
dayo2Incarus ^08:25
hmwlcukx41 - didnt you say, some install seems to be the cause? what did you install? any idea, what it could have done?08:25
MystHello, i am trying to configure the UFW firewall for Ubuntu, the default is set to allow but whenever i enable it all clients lost all internet access... is there another text based Firewall or does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? I am trying to only allow internet for specific IPs08:27
lcukx41hmw, the only non standard thing ive done was switched appearance/visual effects on, saw the wobbly windows for a bit, then turned it all off cos it was wasteful08:27
dayo2Myst: Firehol08:27
dayo2Myst: it's in the repo. also: http://firehol.sourceforge.net/08:28
IncarusMyst, ubuntu got the iptables firewall08:28
magnetron!firewall | Myst08:29
ubottuMyst: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:29
Mystthx ill look into both iptables and Firehol08:29
hmwlcukx41 - does it happen with compiz disabled? (install fusion-icon to turn off compiz without loosing the settings)08:30
hmwlcukx41 - did you ever use the "save session" feature?08:31
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CybixI use Ubuntu 8.10 and I would like to be able to run my current windows partition as a virtual machine (i'd prefer qemu). Is there a way to make an image file for qemu from that partition? When i google I can't find anything about this.08:32
lcukx41hmw, i have compiz disabled, and ive never saved session, every reboot things are back to start08:32
hmwlcukx41 - oh. how do you trigger the error then?08:32
lcukx41i open an application, instead of starting where i expect (like normal windows or other linux systems) the app starts and flashes in the task bar and is never shown properly08:33
quibbler!enter | mozart08:33
ubottumozart: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:33
silfпривет всем08:33
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:33
diuneighcan anyone help me on a fresh install of 8.10 ubuntu?08:33
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:33
Incarusdiuneigh, sure, whats the problem?08:34
diuneighI'm installing it on my p4 machine.. but I get a ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ prompt with the live CD and install options..08:34
kos_hi to all08:34
Incarusdiuneigh, try "sudo xinit"08:34
kos_sudo xinit08:35
diuneighok.. will do..08:35
kos_ping -c 2 google.bg08:35
diuneighwill that bring up the GUI?08:35
Incarusdiuneigh, i hope so08:35
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arvind_khadriacfrazier, the cd you had asked for isnt a stable release and its not a live cd08:37
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Incarusdiuneigh, The Ubuntu Live CD does not have the an option to install to the hard drive.08:38
hmwlcukx41 - i am out of ideas. maybe looking at the source of the devil thing (for finding out, how it does the positioning) might give you a clue, where to look for the error.08:39
shabgardhi Dear08:40
joel1im new :)08:40
joel1first time linux user08:40
Incarusjoel1, never say hello in an irc with 1319 users08:40
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shabgardI have a problem with client LDAP08:40
lcukx41hmw, yeah im following up on a number of things you mentioned and related searches, thanks for looking08:40
shabgardMy client problem is this :08:41
* lcukx41 will get to the bottom of this soon :) (or throw laptop through the window) ;)08:41
shabgardI coudn't join  with LDAP server But when in terminal tiped08:41
Nytrixjoel how can we help u today?08:41
shabgardldapsearch -H ldap:// -b ou=qaz,dc=unileveriran,dc=com -x uid=mansoor.amiri08:42
felixsullaWhat is an alternate to firefox on Ubuntu?08:42
IncarusNytrix, he is off08:42
shabgardthis message saw:08:42
Incarusfelixsulla, opera: www.opera.com08:42
shabgarddn: uid=mansoor.amiri,ou=People,ou=qaz,dc=unileveriran,dc=com08:42
felixsullaAnything besides Opera?08:42
quibbler!browsers | felixsulla08:42
hmwfelixsulla - opera, konqueror, ... go to synaptic and examine the "internet" section, there are stile more browsers08:42
ubottufelixsulla: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)08:42
shabgarduid: mansoor.amiri08:42
shabgardloginShell: /bin/bash08:42
chu_hey guys - what's the general thought of xmonad?08:43
Incarusfelixsulla, oepra is the best08:43
shabgardshadowMin: -108:43
shabgardshadowMax: 99999908:43
felixsullaHmm, that !browsers shortcut makes me think that gets asked a lot :)08:43
Nytrixfirefox vs opera08:43
shabgardcan you help me?08:43
shabgardfor join with LDAP08:43
elnanoalguine de barcelona???08:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xmonad08:43
Lukemobhi, each time I start up apache2 deamon it asks me for a password of RSA used in SSL certificate.. how can I cross that, so it wont ask again08:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:44
shabgardyooohoo...any thing else?08:44
chu_I believe it's a WM Nytrix - if you're interested.08:44
chu_http://xmonad.org/ - sorry Nyrtix08:44
Nytrixwhats a WM?08:45
shabgardhi dear08:46
shabgardI have a problem with client LDAP08:46
olskolircI had to give myself permissions to edit my kmenuedit sudo chown -R username .config/ and now that I can make an entry, the entries aren't showing up in my kmenu...how do I fix this08:46
chu_It sounds pretty good for a laptop (lightweight), just wondering if I'll ever have to bust out some foo, cause my Haskell is terrible.08:46
olskolircand don't tell me to ask in #kde they are all sleep08:46
shabgardMy client problem is this :08:46
shabgardI coudn't join  with LDAP server But when in terminal tiped08:46
Incarusshabgard, ask in one line08:46
benschwarzhey folks08:47
shabgardldapsearch -H ldap:// -b ou=qaz,dc=unileveriran,dc=com -x uid=mansoor.amiri08:47
shabgardthis message saw:08:47
benschwarzHow can I background a process? nohup doesn't appear to work on this process..08:47
shabgarddn: uid=mansoor.amiri,ou=People,ou=qaz,dc=unileveriran,dc=com08:47
chu_<process> & ?08:47
shabgardcan you help me?08:47
Fudged_that_upHi guys! I have a problem that might be easier to solve by re-installing. I just installed and the drive i have is 1tb but it's only partitioned to use 4.6gb - clearly this is not right - qtparted gives me an error - "Error: File system was not cleanly unmounted! You should run e2fsck. Modifying an unclean file system could cause severe corruption." whats the cure?08:48
felixsullaIs Opera available in synaptic? If so, what do you search for?08:48
IncarusFudged_that_up,  have you parted with ext3?08:49
Incarusfelixsulla, no at opera.com08:49
kurrataFudged_that_up:  run e2fsck?08:49
Fudged_that_upit should be, and tried that i had error too, i'll see what it says this time08:49
quibblerfelixsulla: http://www.opera.com/download/08:49
chu_He's on the partition though, how would he unmount it?08:49
ReAnIs there any docs availiable about ubuntu's init scripts? im trying to re-write one and i can't find some functions referenced... there a doc page?08:50
IncarusFudged_that_up,what filesystem you've got, ext3?08:50
shabgardany thing else that response for me?08:50
Fudged_that_upI get thge error: device or resorce busy......08:50
Incarusi think you need ext4 for 1tb, Fudged_that_up08:50
Fudged_that_uppartitioned with ext308:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oh!08:51
Fudged_that_upnew install would be easier wouldn't iut08:51
hmwfelixsulla - i just found it in my synaptics - package name "opera"08:51
narancoflash stopped working since the last update cycle. no audio, video sometimes works (when it doesnt, doesnt advance)08:51
Incarushmw, opera isn't opensource08:51
narancoothers with similar issues?08:52
chu_Well, wait until Jaunty - which comes with ext4, or you can play risqué and try Jaunty alpha 4, updating your kernel etc.08:52
shabgardanything else help for me?08:52
Incarusnaranco, do you use firefox?08:52
hmwIncarus - uhm... maybe i have it due to some extra repositories...08:52
shabgardanything else help for me?08:52
Incarushmw, yes08:52
narancoIncarus: I DO08:52
shabgardanything else help for me?08:52
morphlesi installed ubuntu on a laptop, everything seems to be fine, except one weird and annoyng thing: when i switch on and ubuntu "starts" to load it seems to actualy do nothing, but if press and gold some key it loads (the bard that moves left right is stopped if no key is pressed) and after progress bar appears i can release the key and loading continues normaly. Any suggestions how to repair this (ubuntu 8.10)08:52
hmw!patience | shabgard08:52
ubottushabgard: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:52
Fudged_that_upchu_ when is it released and if i try it now would i get to go proper without complkete re-instal?08:53
rvni need a way to either play a sound every time a key is pressed, or else run a command every time a key is pressed08:53
Incarusnaranco, do "ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins"08:53
narancoit was working before Incarus08:53
narancolet me c08:53
Incarusi know08:53
olskolircI had to give myself permissions to edit my kmenuedit sudo chown -R username .config/ and now that I can make an entry, the entries aren't showing up in my kmenu...how do I fix this08:54
chu_April it will be stable... Have a look at #ubuntu+1, but pay attention to the title - I'm staying on 8.10 ('cause it works), even though Jaunty offers some fix.08:54
Incarusolskolirc, change permission back08:54
narancoflashplugin-alternative.so  libtotem-mully-plugin.so libtotem-basic-plugin.so    libtotem-narrowspace-plugin.so libtotem-gmp-plugin.so Incarus08:54
olskolircand then what Incarus I don't know what it used to be08:54
olskolircthrough out alll the directries08:55
Incarusolskolirc, don't know08:55
ReAnQuestion: Quickest way to figure out what runmode i'm in @ console ?08:55
Fudged_that_upwould a jaunty cd over write everything or allow an upgrade?08:55
Incarusnaranco, you can try to reinstall08:55
olskolircwo I have kmenuedit halfway fixed----how do i get my entries to show up now08:55
Fudged_that_upand allow a fix to my problem as my 4.6gb is full and i have wasted my whole day08:55
chu_You could update through your manager, go to #ubuntu+1 they will tell you :p08:55
narancore-install what Incarus08:55
diuneigh•Incarus• I typed sudo xinit but I got a series of errors. ... I read your other message.. how can i install 8.10 to the hdd then?08:55
Incarusnaranco, try "sudo killall -s KILL firefox" and retry08:55
rvni need a way to either play a sound every time a key is pressed, or else run a command every time a key is pressed08:55
Incarusnaranco, reinstall flash player08:55
chu_I can't answer that Fudged_that_up, I don't know.08:56
shabgardI don' know ..but I have one big broblem08:56
Fudged_that_upthank you guys will try there. your help has been really appreciated. I know a little more i understand a bit more08:57
Incarusrvn, do you want to programm a keylogger?08:57
shabgardplease help me for this problem08:57
Incarusshabgard, nobody got an idea08:57
nomadixCould anyone help out with a php/mysql question?08:57
Incarusnomadix, wrong chat08:57
Shendelzarewell, my audio card outputs sound correctly from audacious and vlc, if i select OSS as output device, but alsa / pulse fails to perform it's job. How can i reconfigure alsa/pulse to make them work properly? I've tried reinstalling, but this didn't help08:58
nomadixyou are correct.08:58
shabgardwhat is it?08:58
chu_shabgard - I can only say read http://swoolley.org/man.cgi/ldap - I have no experience with ldap (and I assume most people here are the same).08:58
Shendelzarekupa@microlab:~$ lspci|grep device08:58
Shendelzare00:06.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP55 High Definition Audio (rev a2)08:58
hmwReAn "runlevel"08:58
IncarusShendelzare, turn up the volume from alsa with the alsamixer08:59
narancokillall firefox seems to have done the trick Incarus. very strange, after the update i did reboot.. video remains very choppy though08:59
narancothx Incarus08:59
hmwReAn or "who -r"08:59
ShendelzareIncarus, it's up :)08:59
Incarusnaranco, the flash plugin did stuck with firefox09:00
tuna-fishHi, how can you change the language setting of an user?09:00
Incarusnaranco, seems to be a bug in adobes flahs player09:00
badytoHi! can someone help me? I just got the new Live CD but the window manager doesnt start :(09:01
chu_badyto, is it 9.04?09:01
Incarusbadyto, do it print an error?09:01
fixiushey guys does anyone use ssh tunneling09:01
badytono its 8.10 but my video card is ati hd 385009:01
chu_The new ati update?09:02
shabgardI'm sorry...i don't interesting thoes...thoes are diffrent for me...:::(((09:02
badytonope, no error, just black screen09:02
Incarusbadyto, try "sudo xinit"09:02
hmw!ask | fixius09:02
ubottufixius: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:02
badytobut where to type this? my screen is off09:02
Incarusbadyto, first control+alt+f109:02
homeskillwhere should i set system wide environment variables, /etc/profile?09:02
shabgardI don't know09:02
badytook, im going to try the "sudo xinit" :) thanx09:03
Incarushomeskill, i think with "set"09:03
chu_Fudged_that_up - you may find this (http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome) interesting.09:03
fixiusalright when i connect to a ssh server on a remote network using the ssh vpn tutorial from ubuntu i get tunnel device open failed could not request tunnel forwarding and yes i did use sudo09:04
Fudged_that_upI did a default install telling it to use the whole disk. it says there is no space left it says it's formated to 4.6gb09:04
Incarusfixius, firewall is active09:04
fixiusIncarus, yes there are two nat firewalls in between there however it has worked in the past09:05
IncarusFudged_that_up, yeah, i think 1tb is to big for ext309:05
Incarusfixius,k, don't know09:05
Fudged_that_upI did a default install telling it to use the whole disk. it says there is no space left it says it's formated to 4.6gb!!!!!09:05
chu_Well, he did say 1tb is too big for ext3. You probably installed with ext3?09:06
Incarustry another file system, fixius09:06
chu_Being a default install...09:06
Incarusups, wrong name09:06
Fudged_that_upook ta. i have used a seperate home drive with my opensuse instal but didn't get on with opensuse09:06
shabgardi coudn't join with SERVER LDAP09:07
fixiusIncarus, kk09:07
Incarusfixius, no, my mistake09:07
Fudged_that_upsorry messages for one window appeared in the wrong window (here)09:07
olavimmanuelHello. Any one know a good free DNS service?09:09
Incarusolavimmanuel, opendns.com09:09
olavimmanuelIncarus: Thanks :D09:10
badytohi! i still cant start my live cd :(09:14
badytothe window manager is just not working or something09:14
hmw!details | badyto09:14
ubottubadyto: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:14
Incarusthx, hmw09:14
badytoi tryed the "sudo xinit" like you advised but nothing happened.09:15
badytook the full problem09:15
hmwbadyto - i would like to hear about your hardware09:15
badytoi start the live cd, the loading screen is ok, but then my monitor shuts off09:15
aolkopeople,tell me program in rep. for DESKTOP recording09:15
hmwbadyto - nvidia?09:15
hmwbadyto - i mean nvidia on a notebook?09:16
badytoim hearing the start sound though... i have 22" monitor and ati hd 3850 pci-e card09:16
Incarusbadyto, try these commands: "sudo killall kdm" + "X" and "kdm" and "sudo xinit"09:16
aolko. . .09:16
badytowith the "+" ?09:16
hmwbadyto - is your graphics adapter dualhead?09:16
badytowhats a dual head? its a standard mainstream gpu09:17
lcukx41aolko: ive used vnc2swf in the past09:17
hmwbadyto - does it have 2 connectors for monitors?09:17
badytoyes it has...09:17
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
badytoyou thing that...09:17
hmwbadyto - can you try09:17
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badytook i will go ahead and try the other plug09:18
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badytobut why doesnt this work like on win?09:18
aolkoand how about "fresh" programs?09:18
badytothanx though... i will go try this now09:19
Incarusbadyto, because linux got his own drivers09:19
Incarusaolko, ?09:20
bullgard4Does the directory /tmp have a special role in Linux or Ubuntu? Where can I find a description about that role?09:20
hmwIncarus - more like gou vendors want to hide the fact, that they often sell drivers, that dont provide full functionality. you shall buy the more expensive "version of the card" which is in fact the same chip with drivers that activate more features. thats why we have problems with opensource gpu drivers - nobody knows how to program them09:21
aolkoi asked about new progs09:21
Incarusfor what?09:21
aolkowith graphical UI09:21
Incarusbullgard4, yes09:21
aolkolook like snagit e.t.c.09:22
Incarusaolko, a firewall?09:22
aolkoscreen  reconrding09:22
aolkovideo recording09:22
rvni need a way to either play a sound every time a key is pressed, or else run a command every time a key is pressed09:22
bullgard4Incarus: I asked " Where can I find a description about that role?" and you are answering: "Yes".09:23
diuneighhello incarus: I typed sudo xinit but I got a series of errors.09:23
Incarusdiuneigh, cant help you without the errors09:23
diuneighok.. just a moment09:24
hmwdiuneigh - you could also pastebin Xorg.1.log09:24
Incarusbullgard4, no, you said "Does the directory /tmp have a special role in Linux or Ubuntu?", and i said yes. i dont know the second09:24
bullgard4Incarus: Thank you very much.09:24
Incarusbullgard4, e.g. if you play a video in youtube it will save it in the /tmp directory09:25
aolkohow use Darwin?09:25
Incarusbullgard4, a couple of apps use the dir09:25
M1DLG(was fudged that up) I have found the cause of my problems! I am running livedisk and GParted. The drive is showing 925gb corrupted filesystem (about the same size as was used before i told it to format all!) then i have 7.8mb swapspace then ext3 of 5.3 followed by another 298mb of swap space, if i have 2 swap spoaces i assume it's safe  to remove one of them09:25
Incarusaolko, you mean the darwin kernel?09:26
badytoim back again... nothing doesnt work, im thinking about giving up on linux, whats the point when i cant even start the freakin liveCD... i cant imagine fixing a real issue...09:26
rwwbullgard4: http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/tmp.html09:26
Incarusbadyto, try another distri09:26
lcukx41badyto: which livecd are you trying, and its possible that you have non standard hardware.  the livecd is there to help test compatibility, obviously you have less luck than most with it09:27
badytoi heard that ubuntu has most support and users09:27
Incarusi also had problems with opensuse (and my sis graca), but all-in-one its a good distri09:27
badytoim trying 8.1009:27
diuneigh•Incarus• I got the linux prompt and types sudo xinit... then more text flashed at the end Fatal server error: addscreen/screeninit failed for driver 0 giving up.. unable to conect to x server09:27
M1DLGbadyto i had issues with my other pc -0 nothing worked until yesterday when i removed a usb device and everything works.09:28
badytoi have standard mainstream HW09:28
aolkoIncarus: yes09:28
Incarusbadyto, have you got a x64 system?09:28
Incarusdiuneigh, driver problem09:28
Incarusaolko, i wouldn't do that09:28
loller hi , can u suggest me text editor for linux , i want to request object`s method to be highlighted if it`s possible09:29
badytoi dont have no system, i cant even start the live cd, i cant see anything, and i cant install anything...09:29
bullgard4rww: Thank you for your information.09:29
DigitalKiwigeany, loller09:29
M1DLG(was fudged that up) I have found the cause of my problems! I am running livedisk and GParted. The drive is showing 925gb corrupted filesystem (about the same size as was used before i told it to format all!) then i have 7.8mb swapspace then ext3 of 5.3 followed by another 298mb of swap space, if i have 2 swap spoaces i assume it's safe  to remove one of them09:29
badytogues ill stick to putty09:29
diuneighok.. thanks.. what can i do?09:29
aolkoi heared, it's linux with mac os UI and "plugins"09:29
lcukx41badyto: what is your standard hardware?09:29
badytovga: ati radeon hd 3850 (doesnt get mainstreamer than this)09:30
lollerDigitalKiwi thnx09:30
badytoand no other fancy stuff, simple sataII old HD09:30
Incarusdiuneigh, google it09:30
rww!cn | Simon_09:30
ubottuSimon_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:30
aolkoWho have Wine?09:30
lcukx41and it just goes blank after a while whilst starting?09:30
Incarusbadyto, have you got an x86 computer or an x64?09:30
lcukx41aolko: i do, but the bottle is nearly empty09:31
badyto loading is visible, and than goes blank and nothing happens09:31
Incarusaolko, everybody09:31
diuneigh•Incarus• is that a video driver problem?09:31
badytomy procesor supports both x64 and x8609:31
lolleraolko бг?09:31
Incarusdiuneigh yes09:31
aolkololler, what бг (чеееего?)09:31
badytoits a standard old e2160 intel procesor09:31
Gumbyhow is 64bit ubuntu these days?  I havnt bothered for some time now09:31
rvnhow do you edit schema entries in gconf09:31
rww!en | loller, aolko09:32
ubottuloller, aolko: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:32
Incarusdiuneigh, you can try to start the xserver with vesa video driver09:32
rwwGumby: Works fine for me.09:32
Gumbyrww, how are browser plugins like flash etc working?09:32
lolleraolko where from09:32
TecR0chey, how do you enable the universe repository in ubuntu 8.10?09:32
IncarusGumby, they work, and sometimes really good09:32
rwwGumby: flash crashes very occasionally (with an npviewer error), but apart from that, they're fine.09:32
Daft_PunkTecR0c, go to software sources under system > administration09:33
contrawarsGumby: they're functional now, lol I know where you're coming from with that question.09:33
TecR0cDaft_Punk thats where i am looking. but i don't know what to do after that ?09:33
somebeewhat does swap_cache and cache mean in munin memory-monitor?09:33
Incarussomebee, but you know what the swap is?09:34
Daft_PunkTecR0c, it is on the first tab, it should say "community-maintained open source software (universe)" just make sure the box is CHECKED next to it, then click apply and reload the sources by typing 'sudo apt-get updates' in a terminal09:34
TecR0cDaft_Punk thanks heaps ! :)09:35
somebeeIncarus: thats what I'm asking :)09:35
badytocan anyone else help me? Im trying to start live CD, i see the load screen, but when the window manager should start my screen goes blank and stays that way... i hear the starting sound though. i have standard desktop computer, a mainstream ati radeon hd 3850 vga and a 22" monitor. no fancy HW... my cpu is intel e216009:35
Daft_PunkTecR0c, sorry its sudo apt-get update (not updates)09:35
aolkowhy gnash is sooooo slowly?09:35
somebeeIncarus: I know what disk-swap is, but it cannot be that (on the graphs)09:35
Incarussomebee, it have to09:35
TecR0cyep thanks :)09:35
Gumbybadyto, install using command line maybe.  sounds to me that X cant detect the card or the monitor.  you might need to edit xorg.conf manually or try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:36
somebeeIncarus: can I send you link to munin in a pm? The machine uses ~2gb mem, and has 8 total (all of which are detected and supported)09:36
mstksgwhen you create a USB boot version of ubuntu, you can specify an amount of reserve space to save files/settings09:37
Incarussomebee, sure09:37
mstksgis there any way to change the size of that reserve space?09:37
mstksgafter the fact, that is09:37
hmwbadyto - you could try another linux distro for checking, if it also refuses to boot09:37
IncarusGumby, you cant edit the xorg on a live cd09:37
Daft_Punkbadyto, try starting the live cd in low graphics mode, when you are given the live cd boot options menu, there should be an option to start ubuntu in low graphics mode09:38
blueraven1I just don't know where to ask this..I have 3 partitions on one drive...one for ubuntu, one for vista, one for win 7..I can't seem to see anything on other partitions in any operating system..only in its own partition..how do I look across partitions?09:38
GumbyIncarus, why not?09:38
IncarusGumby, because its an cd09:38
dude7064I want to use the internet to establish my own phone calls and connect me with my friends abroad (in other foreign countries), I was planning to buy a sim card or maybe rent a phone line in the other foreign country where my friends reside and have it connected to the internet all the time. Then on my end I do the same. This way, whenever I call my local phone line number, the call gets forwarded over the internet to my number which I 09:38
=== duni is now known as fire-fox
GumbyIncarus, have you tried?09:38
IncarusGumby, no09:39
badytoim not that experienced to wirite down the xorg.conf manualy... i will try the other thing. and than i will try to look for low graphics thingy, and than the old ubuntu cd somewhere deep in my desk...09:39
Daft_Punkdude7064, why dont you just use skype?09:39
lcukx41dude7064: people generally use skype for that09:39
IncarusGumby, cd's are readonly09:39
dude7064Skype is expensive for the country I'm calling09:39
GumbyIncarus, you do know the OS is running in memory right? And that its an image that is loaded when running the livecd09:39
lcukx41dude7064: only for skype out09:39
Incarusdude7064, or ekiga09:39
lcukx41get your friends to use computers as well09:39
cyziedude7064, skype is free if you do pc-pc09:39
GumbyIncarus, hell, you can install packages if you like assuming you have enough memory09:39
Daft_Punkdude7064, and computer-computer calls are not available to you?09:39
dude7064I am already using skype,,09:39
IncarusGumby, he can also start the xserver with vesa drivers, i dont knwo the command09:40
cyziedude7064, so wht is yoru problem?09:40
dude7064but not all my friends have PCs,, and internet is costly in the foreign country09:40
GumbyIncarus, 1 line needs to be edited in xorg.conf and it is writable.  try it09:40
mstksganyone know how to change the size of the reserve space in a USB installation of Ubuntu after the fact?09:40
hmwdude7064 - what is your actual question? you might want to look into asterisk09:40
GumbyIncarus, running off of a livecd is not like reading a file from a cd09:40
IncarusGumby, he cant always do that09:41
cyziemstksg, use fdisk09:41
GumbyIncarus, and why not?09:41
Daft_Punkdude7064, well unfortunately your question is not 'really' ubuntu related so I am not sure you will get what you are looking for here, I would suggest going ahead with the plan you mentioned earlier or talking to someone from a phone company for the cheapest options available to you09:41
acfrazieris there a commandline IRC?09:41
cyzieacfrazier, irssi09:41
Gumbyacfrazier, yes  irssi09:41
Gumbybeaten to the punch!09:41
hmwacfrazier - irssi or epic09:42
dude7064Any networking channel here ?09:42
ari_stresswhat is 3.4×10^38 in english?09:42
mstksgcyzie -- there seems to be no actual partitions on the usb drive09:42
Daft_Punkdude7064, no I don't believe so09:42
cyziemstksg, then format it09:42
cyziemstksg, ext309:43
=== acfrazie1 is now known as acfrazier
rohdefhow do I get kde4 back in kdm after upgrading?09:43
hmwdude7064 - maybe my client didnt show all your text. it ended with: " forwarded over the internet to my number which I"09:43
Daft_Punkari_stress, what?09:43
Daft_Punkhmw, no, it was his client that didnt post the rest of the text since it was too long09:43
halyconDoes anyone know why it is that the open dialog box in gnome sometimes opens really small like in the following picture: http://members.shaw.ca/halycon/EO/openbox.jpg09:43
mikebeechamhi guys...I have a notification area setup, but nothing is displaying in it...is this a bug?09:43
hmwwhat is dude7064's question then?09:44
ari_stressDaft_Punk: it's ipv6 max address. i'm interested in how many in english, trillion, godzillion? 3.4×10^3809:44
Incarushalycon, bug, just resize it09:44
acfrazierDoes anyone know how to fix the problem of no sound when I plug in my headset? It mutes the laptop speakers properly but nothing comes out of the headphones. It worked in Vista but I've moved to Linux and miss the headset functionality.09:44
Daft_Punkhmw, i believe he is looking for cheapest option to talk to someone in a foreign country, where they have no internet or PC and he wants to use his internet connection to call them, and he thinks skype is too expensive for the country he is calling09:44
cyzieacfrazier, check setting using alsamixre09:44
cyzieacfrazier, check setting using alsamixer09:44
halyconIncarus, oh ok thanks09:44
Daft_Punkari_stress, ask google calculator?09:45
badytohii! im on linux finaly!!! the graphics safe mode helped me :)09:45
hmwDaft_Punk if youre right, then i cant see any way to solve the problem... dont you agree?09:45
Incarusdude7064, if you want to call for free, you can hack it, or use a black box09:45
Daft_Punkhmw, well it's not really an ubuntu support question...09:45
acfraziercyzie: There appears to be no entry for the headset volume, even with Master at 100 nothing comes out09:45
badytothx for help :)09:46
Daft_Punkacfrazier, what kind of headset, USB or RCA jack09:46
dude7064Inarus> black box ? can you please clarify ?09:46
lcukx41hmw, he could rent a storage facility with power, buy some hardware and a cell connection, dial into that using the net connection he pays for monthly and then out via an automatic old style dialer modem and voice stuff, but its way OTT and will cost 10x more than skype ;)09:46
cyzieDaft_Punk, he said headset09:46
Incarusdude7064, no, its illegal09:46
Daft_PunkIncarus, i don't believe giving the advice of hacking or stealing is a viable resolution in this support channel09:46
acfrazierDaft_Punk: RCA09:47
IncarusDaft_Punk, rightä09:47
acfrazierDaft_Punk: Plugs into the front09:47
Daft_Punkacfrazier, ok, it could potentially be an issue with your sound card then, not having proper drivers for that port09:47
Daft_Punkacfrazier, is this a laptop or desktop09:47
acfrazierDaft_Punk: laptop09:47
lcukx41acfrazier: check the headset works now, it mightv worked before with vista, but you mightv broken the headphones since09:47
Daft_Punkacfrazier, ok yeah it might be the drivers then i would assume09:47
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:48
hmwbadyto - you can boot into normal mode, then switch to the console (ctrl-alt-f2) and examine /var/log/Xorg.0.log - or even pastebin it09:48
acfrazierlcukx41: The headset works with my iPod, just not with the computer09:48
Daft_Punkacfrazier, do you know what your sound card is09:48
acfrazierDaft_Punk: Not off hand, but I can go look it up09:48
lcukx41ok acfrazier that diagnoses that problem09:48
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Daft_Punkacfrazier, what version of ubuntu are you using and what current sound drivers are you using?09:49
hmwacfrazier - headphones are normal analog ones? sounds like a broken connector to me09:49
Incarusacfrazier, try to turn up the volume with the alsamixer09:49
Daft_Punkhmw, he said that he just installed ubuntu (if im correct) and it was working fine in vista09:49
meoblast001i'm using webmin to ease my fixing of a busted system....... i tried copying mysql files over but got this "SQL show index from `mg_adminlog` failed : Can't find file: './mybb/mg_adminlog.frm' (errno: 13)" where should ./mybb be?09:49
acfrazierDaft_Punk: 8.10, and I'm using ALSA for sound09:49
acfrazierIncarus: Tried that, no dice.09:49
Daft_Punkacfrazier, did you just upgrade to 8.10 or did you do a fresh install09:49
acfrazierDaft_Punk: fresh install09:50
Incarusmeoblast001, in the current working directory of the app09:50
Daft_Punkacfrazier, have you tried the pulseaudio sound server for your sound?09:50
meoblast001Incarus: where is "the app"?09:50
hmwDaft_Punk acfrazier - oh, i see. thats strange, the system doesnt get notified about a headphone plugged in (assumed its a normal analog one) is it usb or bluetooth?09:50
Incarusmeoblast001, try "sudo find / -name mybb09:50
meoblast001Incarus: in the working directory of mysql?09:50
Incarusmeoblast001, could be09:50
Daft_Punkhmw, he said it is analogue, its a laptop, plugs into the front09:51
meoblast001mybb is forums software09:51
meoblast001Incarus: do i have to copy my forums over first?09:51
acfrazierDaft_Punk: Yes, I switched from that because I was experiencing an extremely low volume problem, even at 100% it was barely audible09:51
Incarusmeoblast001, just the missing files09:51
sinanI cannot adjust the brightness of my screen. Using the function keys, or the brightness applet results in no change of brightness. Any ideas?09:51
Daft_Punkacfrazier, so the pulseaudio server was working for your headset then? it was just low volume?09:51
meoblast001Incarus: and would those be in the same location as my forums?09:51
acfrazierDaft_Punk: No, it wasn't working for that either.09:51
aniienais there anything else I can do to lower my cpu utilization? I've installed the xubuntu desktop09:51
Daft_Punkacfrazier, so you did not get the headset working at any point with ubuntu?09:52
acfrazierDaft_Punk: Nope.09:52
Daft_Punkacfrazier, ok, can you tell us which sound card you have?09:52
Daft_Punkacfrazier, or at least your computer make/model09:52
Incarusmeoblast001, i think so, where is a dot before ("./xyz"09:52
acfrazierDaft_Punk: AlsaMixer reports it as a SigmaTel STAC9205, computer is a Gateway T-161609:52
Daft_Punkacfrazier, ok ill check into that09:52
Incarusaniiena, you can install the lxde desktop09:53
DPCPHey guys, I need help with a problem, I'm not getting any sound out of my speakers..09:53
thijs_Hey all, is there a way to get a USB disk to synchronize with a certain folder/partition automatically when it connects?09:53
TecR0chow do i create a symolic link between folders ?09:53
thijs_DPCP: are your mixer settings correct?09:53
IncarusTecR0c, with link09:53
hmwDaft_Punk - do you have any idea, what could be causing this? according to my knowledge, the symptom should not be possible.09:54
thijs_TecR0c: also: see "man ln"09:54
DPCPYea, they are fine, my friend suggested that my speakers weren't set as the default playing device but I'm not quite sure how to set them..  Running: xubuntu09:54
Daft_Punkhmw, i believe it would be an improper sound driver09:54
hmwacfrazier - open 2 terminals and tail -f /var/log/messages and tail -f /var/log/syslog - do any messages appear upon plugging the headphone?09:54
Daft_Punkhmw, or perhaps the sound driver is not fully supporting the hardware09:55
hmwDaft_Punk - but the system doesnt do anything with the plug... thats completely mechanical, as far as i thought09:55
acfrazierWell there is a "Front" volume, even when that's all the way up no sound plays from the headphones09:55
Incarushmw, yes09:55
DPCPthijs_ Yea, they are fine, my friend suggested that my speakers weren't set as the default playing device but I'm not quite sure how to set them..  Running: xubuntu09:56
hmwIncarus: ?09:56
acfrazierAnd I know it's not a port issue because I can plug the headset into the ajacent mic port on the same connector and get static09:56
Incarushmw, right09:56
hmwIncarus - what right... the mechanical thing?09:56
rohdefanyone who knows how to get kde4 into kdm?09:56
Daft_Punkhmw, the system doesnt do anything with my plug either... it just xfers the sound from laptop speakers to my headset09:56
lcukx41thanks for tips guys09:56
Incarushmw, yes, the mechanical thing09:56
thijs_DPCP: Ah, i wouldn't know where in X these settings are, can you configure your sound device through the soundspeaker icon in your tray?09:57
acfrazierhmw: I know it's doing something because I can plug the headphones in and the laptop speakers correctly mute09:57
TecR0cIncarus this is what i am trying to do . create a directory into a globally accessible location (/usr/local/msf) and then create symnbolic links from the msf* applications to a directory in the system path (/usr/local/bin)09:57
DPCPthijs_ Hang on a second I'll check.09:57
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.09:57
TecR0ci have created the /usr/local/msf and copied all the directories that i need to.09:57
IncarusTecR0c, "link --help"09:58
TecR0cbut i am unsure on what i am ment to link between the msf and the /usr/local/bin09:58
DPCPthijs_ Good call, I was able to set it as the default device alright.  I'll just test it now, brb.09:58
hmwIncarus - well. then the problem is really interesting. maybe there is a partly broken cable involved? acfrazier: the mute is also a simple mechanical switch built into the plug, so i am not surprised about the mute. if you wouldnt have said, it works in vista, i would say, its defentively a broken connection somewhere on the board09:58
thijs_DPCP: good luck :)09:58
wersi want my all my fonts to have the same rendering settings like the ones i have for my gnome desktop. what do i put on my .fonts.conf to do that?09:58
Incarushmw, no, it seems to be a software problem09:58
ubottuUNIX is an operating system created in the '70s, which has many direct derivates and inspired systems like Minix and !Linux. Most "UNIX-style" systems try to somewhat adhere to the POSIX standard.09:58
Daft_Punkhmw, acfrazier i think its a bug read: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/30675509:58
DPCPthijs_ No luck :(.  Could it be a problem with gstreamer?09:59
donattПодскажите просмоторщик картинок ... ?09:59
TecR0cIncarus would i do link /usr/local/msf /usr/local/bin/msf ?09:59
acfrazierDaft_Punk: But I didn't upgrade, it was a clean install.09:59
IncarusTecR0c, try it09:59
TecR0cis that what it wants me to do09:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libcrss09:59
TecR0cIncarus this is what i am trying to do . create a directory into a globally accessible location (/usr/local/msf) and then create symnbolic links from the msf* applications to a directory in the system path (/usr/local/bin)09:59
Daft_Punkhmw, acfrazier it seems the issue is with gateway t model laptops (doesnt mean you have to have upgraded)09:59
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:59
Daft_Punkacfrazier, if you read the comments, other users with gateway t model laptops have the same problem, have you tried booting the system with the headphones plugged in?10:00
TravelByHumanI have 3 virtual machines. 2 running Windows XP Pro, 1 running Server 2008 Enterprise. I have a quad core CPU with 4GB of RAM. I have 2 questions: 1. What specs should I give my virtual machines? 2. Which host OS should I use? Windows Vista x64, Ubuntu 8.10 or Mac OS X Leopard? (VMware Fusion vs VMware Workstation)10:00
acfrazierDaft_Punk: No, I have not.10:00
thijs_DPCP: Are the settings for all devices you can configure through that interface set correctly? try messing with different setting combinations for the devices, I'm runing gnome, and I've found that only some configurations work correctly (especially when you have multiple sound outputs)10:00
IncarusTecR0c, http://help.hardhathosting.com/question.php/9510:01
Daft_Punkacfrazier, it could be a bug with 8.10, i would say boot the computer with the headset plugged in, then if it works, try downgrading the system to 8.04 and it would potentially work10:01
DPCPthijs_ I'm a noob to linux, and I'm afraid I didn't quite follow that..10:01
acfrazierDaft_Punk: I was considering trying the development build of 9.04, but as far as I know there's no way to upgrade from what I've got10:01
DPCPthijs_ How do I mess with the settings?10:01
thijs_DPCP: ah, ok, well, are the volume levels for your device set correctly?10:01
Daft_Punkacfrazier, well, 8.10 is "fairly" new release, 8.04 would have less bugs...10:01
DPCPthijs_ I think so.10:01
IncarusTravelByHuman, linux is a good choose10:02
Daft_Punkacfrazier, also 8.04 is long term support until 2011 so we would still support you in this channel10:02
Nytrixlinux rules10:02
acfrazierDaft_Punk: I tried 8.04 when it was initially released, it didn't support my wireless, that's primarily why I didn't switch to Linux back then10:02
thijs_DPCP: for instance, if you select the proper default device for playback, are all the switches set to full volume?10:02
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:02
TravelByHumanIncarus: Okay... what about the specs (question 1.)10:02
IncarusTravelByHuman, don't know10:02
Daft_Punkacfrazier, well that was since its initial release, it could have been resolved by now10:02
DPCPthijs_ NOpe they aren't all set to full.10:02
IncarusTravelByHuman, i dont use virtual things10:02
acfrazierDaft_Punk: But is the actual .iso image updated?10:03
Daft_Punkacfrazier, before jumping to conclusions, try booting your system with the headset plugged in and give that a go10:03
TecR0cIncarus when i try to do that command i get, link: cannot create link /usr/local/msf to /usr/local/bin/msf: file exists ?10:03
thijs_DPCP: try setting them to full, on all possible devices, and then go through each device, testing whether the sound works10:03
Daft_Punkacfrazier, no i dont believe so, do you not have access to a direct connection to the internet via ethernet cable?10:03
DPCPthijs_ oh god lol..  Brb.10:03
acfrazierDaft_Punk: Not at the moment, which is why I would refrain from downgrading as I wouldn't be able to update to fix my wireless problem10:03
IncarusTecR0c, is /usr/local/msf empty?10:03
acfrazierDaft_Punk: there's one more problem I've been having with sound10:04
Daft_Punkacfrazier, well, boot your system with the headset plugged in, then let me know how that went, we can go from there10:04
acfrazierDaft_Punk: I'll try that, then we can work on resolving the problem I've been having with the volume control.10:04
IncarusTecR0c, or do you try to symlink directorys?10:04
Daft_Punkacfrazier, if you had issues with pulseaudio server, i would still assume this is all an issue with the driver10:04
acfrazierDaft_Punk: Thankfully this isn't a 5 hour reboot, I'll be right back.10:04
DPCPthijs_ I'll get my friend to come up later and have a look at it :P  Thanks for all the help though! :)10:05
quibblerTravelByHuman: it maybe better to try in #ubuntu-virt10:05
thijs_no worries10:05
thijs_Hey all, is there a way to get a USB disk to synchronize with a certain folder/partition automatically when it connects?10:05
IncarusTecR0c, try it with /.   :   /usr/local/msf/ to /usr/local/bin/msf/10:05
InDaLivingRoomis there anything else except for libdvdcss2 that ineed to install in order to be ableto play dvds?10:05
IncarusInDaLivingRoom, no10:06
IncarusInDaLivingRoom, libdvdcss2 is the dvd encryption decoder10:06
InDaLivingRoomIncarus: why dont i get to see any content then?several different mnedia....10:06
TravelByHumanquibbler: Just did10:06
IncarusInDaLivingRoom, ?10:06
chrisp1am having issues getting screen resolution changed. am used to specifying in xorg.conf but things different with ubuntu. help please...10:06
InDaLivingRoomIncarus: i know... when i try to mount the rom manually it tells me no media found10:07
Incarusthijs_, you can write a script10:07
InDaLivingRoomIncarus: and nothing popsup asking me how to open the media...10:07
IncarusInDaLivingRoom, the dvd? it have to work10:07
harlemdavveyguys is it normal that my HOME folder is my Desktop??????10:07
InDaLivingRoomincarus dvds nd music cds alike...10:07
IncarusInDaLivingRoom, which command did u use?10:07
thijs_Incarus: I know, i'm using rsync, but how do I invoke it on connection of the device?10:08
harlemdavveyDaft_Punk were you answering to me?10:08
hmwhralem no, but there is a way to make it so. its strange that you dont know about having it set that way10:08
InDaLivingRoomsudo mount /media/cdrom   /cdrom0 which usually does the job just fine...10:08
Daft_Punkharlemdavvey, yup10:08
thijs_Incarus: is there a trigger I can use?10:08
Incarusthijs_, don't know10:08
hmwharlemdavvey no, but there is a way to make it so. its strange that you dont know about having it set that way10:08
InDaLivingRoomIncarus: that was supposed to mean either cdrtom or cdrom010:08
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IncarusInDaLivingRoom, dvd's are /dev/dvd, not cdrom10:09
acfrazierthis seems to resolve the issue10:09
Daft_Punkacfrazier, does your headset work10:09
hmwacfrazier Daft_Punk seems like he rebooted10:09
chrisp1screen resolution, how do i set?10:09
Daft_Punkhmw, i told him to, lol10:09
InDaLivingRoomIncarus: that would bethe block device which is still being mounted to /media/cdrom...?10:09
harlemdavveyhmw i know i had set it someway but i don't know how to revert the things xD10:09
hmwDaft_Punk yea i saw10:10
harlemdavveycould someone help me?10:10
acfrazierDaft_Punk: yes, and leaving it plugged in before booting, I heard the boot sound through the headset10:10
acfrazierso yes, it works10:10
Daft_Punkhmw, if his headset does work now, then its the bug that was reported in that link10:10
IncarusInDaLivingRoom, try to mount /dev/dvd and insert the dvd first10:10
TravelByHumanWhat's the best file-system for holding VMware Images? (for running on Linux, Mac and Windows) - Ext3, HFS+ or NTFS?10:10
acfrazierlet me get out of the terminal10:10
Daft_Punkacfrazier, ok its the bug in the link i gave you, so it was reported already10:10
InDaLivingRoomIncarus: anyways mount /dev/dvd also states no media found...10:10
Daft_Punkacfrazier, not much you can REALLY do about that sorry10:10
IncarusInDaLivingRoom, hm10:11
InDaLivingRoomIncarus: indeed:D10:11
IncarusInDaLivingRoom, did you insert a dvd?10:11
InDaLivingRoomIncarus: sure    did10:11
ahmed5482Hello, i installed Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid 64 bit , the ubuntu recognize only 3.2 GB out of 8 GB ?10:11
acfrazierwent into pidgin10:11
IncarusInDaLivingRoom, k10:11
quibblerharlemdavvey: open configuration editor go to apps-nautilus-perferences uncheck desktop is home dir10:11
Daft_Punkacfrazier, ok, so you are a victim of the bug in the link i showed you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/30675510:11
acfrazierDaft_Punk: this seems to be the case10:11
InDaLivingRoomIncarus: k?10:11
Daft_Punkacfrazier, unfortunately it doesnt seem resolved through any updates yet, and it was reported already10:11
chrisp1ahmed5482: it is most likely a limitation of your bios10:11
IncarusInDaLivingRoom, no idea10:12
hmwharlemdavvey - maybe this post helps you: I accidentally changed the name of the desktop folder from Desktop to desktop. Then next time I logged in, the desktop was my home directory. The fix it to go to edit ~/.config/users.dirs.dirs and change the line XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/" to XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/Desktop". Log out and back in. Using Ubuntu 7.10.10:12
acfrazierDaft_Punk: I also have another sound issue, I have no idea if it's related, but10:12
Daft_Punkacfrazier, options would be to not use the headset, or to make sure you reboot before using them and just keep them plugged in, or downgrade to hardy heron10:12
InDaLivingRoomIncarus: gawd... thanks for the attempt anyways...10:12
Incarusahmed5482, it could be broken space, try to part, or free space wipe10:12
rdzhi all. do i need the virtualbox-ose-modules, if ubuntu is the host system? or is that package required to provide certain host capabilites for ubuntu?10:12
ahmed5482Incarus: how i can do that ? i am new to Ubuntu10:13
chrisp1ahmed5482: you are talking about physical ram right?10:13
acfrazierDaft_Punk: The volume control built into GNOME doesn't seem to be entirely accurate, the sound is muted about 2/3 of the way down the slider10:13
harlemdavveyhmw: do you think this will work good in ubuntu 8,10?10:13
ahmed5482chrisp1: yes]10:13
acfrazierDaft_Punk: same applies to AlsaMixer10:13
Incarusahmed5482, ask somebody else10:13
hmwrdz - is required. must match kernel version. maybe you will want to keep older kernels, because the modules arent always available for the newest kernel (you can still compile them yourself)10:13
Daft_Punkacfrazier, the jog dial for your volume is part of your sound card, and it would probably be related to the sound driver not working properly for your sound card10:13
TravelByHumanWhat's the best file-system for holding VMware Images? (for running on Linux, Mac and Windows) - Ext3, HFS+ or NTFS?10:13
chrisp1ahmed5482: it has to be your bios... i see this all of the time... what is your MB?10:13
hmwharlemdavvey - i dont know, but i guess yes. if you find that setting, its very likely, that it will work10:13
Daft_Punkacfrazier, until a patch or upgrade for the driver is released to resolve this issue, it doesnt seem like there is much you can do about it except live with it10:14
IncarusTravelByHuman, they are all good10:14
harlemdavveyok, i'm trying now;) hmw thnks so much nayway10:14
TravelByHumanwhich is the better of the 3?10:14
IncarusTravelByHuman, ntfs10:14
acfrazierDaft_Punk: Well the slider isn't that big of an issue, I got the problem of the low volume resolved by switching to ALSA10:14
acfrazierDaft_Punk: So I can live with it definately10:14
ahmed5482chrisp1: Intel DG965WH10:14
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shavinI have installed intrepid on my 8gb pen drive. I store all my documents and videos etc on it. how do i find out how much space if left for my use?10:14
Daft_Punkacfrazier, well, the people that posted the bug, they said that it works fine in hardy heron (8.04) so you couuld try that, but potentially be faced with a wireless issue10:14
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Daft_Punkacfrazier, one way to CHECK is to burn 8.04 onto a LIVE cd and boot to it and see if your wireless works out of the box10:15
IncarusTravelByHuman, ntfs is compatible with windows, linux and mac10:15
* TravelByHuman goes to give his Server image 2GB of RAM, his XP Pro images 512MB of RAM (each) & to format a hard-drive partition (100GB) to NTFS10:15
=== sean is now known as Guest20373
acfrazierDaft_Punk: The huge turn off for linux was not being able to hear stuff clearly due to the low volume, and yes, I'll give that a try. The one thing I checked off the bat in Intrepid was the wireless10:15
sky_can i write data from linux to ntfs secure ?10:15
Incarusshavin, just right click10:15
Incarussky_, secure?10:16
shavinright click the usb drive?10:16
Gumbysky_, by secure do you mean safely?10:16
sky_oh yeah10:16
sky_my en suxx sry :D10:16
Gumbysky_, yes, you can10:16
harlemdavveyhmw: is it normal that my users.dirs.dirs file is blank??10:16
Incarusshavin, right click the usb device folder in /media/10:16
Daft_Punkacfrazier, well it's not really the fault of linux so much, because the companies that make the hardware for your computer only support windows officially, so whoever makes the hardware, releases a driver for WINDOWS, but not for linux, so one has to be coded... which of course can lead to bugs10:16
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:16
rdzhmw, yeah.. i actually asked because of the fact, that sometimes the newest kernel version is missing.. thanks a lot for the info10:16
diuneigh•Incarus• I googled it but not getting anywhere...10:16
chrisp1ahmed5482: board supports the total ram... are all of the chips the same or are they mix and match? same speed, inserted as pairs for the DDR?10:17
Incarusdiuneigh, what was your problem? i forgot it10:17
Daft_Punkacfrazier, some computers work better with linux than others, luckily i use an old laptop and everything that i need works... probably some stuff that doesnt tho like the card reader but i dont use it10:17
acfrazierDaft_Punk: Would it do me any good to post inside that bug report saying I can confirm the issue, or would that not contribute to the final resolution of the problem?10:17
diuneigh•Incarus• video driver... basically.. it seems that there is no fix....http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81010:17
sky_Daft_Punk: you are offtopic10:17
Daft_Punkacfrazier, but the pros do tend to outweigh the cons, for instance: no viruses, ever10:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:17
shavinIncarus: strange. the /media/ is empty!10:18
hmwrdz: think *g* its user-dirs.dirs10:18
Incarusdiuneigh, try another distri10:18
Daft_Punkacfrazier, it wouldnt hurt to say what model you have of computer and what card you have, saying that the bug applies to you as well10:18
Incarusshavin, you have to mount your usb device first10:18
acfrazierDaft_Punk: That was one of the main reasons I switched to linux, no viruses unless you're stupid enough to let them install10:18
acfrazierDaft_Punk: Do you have the link to the bug report?10:18
shavinBut i am running ubuntu from it. is it safe to do that?10:18
diuneigh•Incarus• so I am out of luck with Ubuntu then? how about debian lenny then?10:18
Incarusdiuneigh, no!10:19
Incarusdiuneigh, don't use debian10:19
sky_diuneigh: switching between distros you can solved your problems10:19
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sky_diuneigh: you cant10:19
Incarusdiuneigh, you can try opensuse10:19
diuneigh•Incarus• what do you suggest?10:19
tehKittenI have installed Ubuntu with Wubi, so now i have an Dualboot, but can i now install Xubuntu with Wubi to make an tripleboot?10:19
Gumbydiuneigh, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and make your video card use a vesa driver10:20
IncarustehKitten, yes, but backup grub file10:20
diuneigh•Incarus• ok... the problem is the nvidia GeForce driver..10:20
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2110:20
chrisp1Gumby: I am having a screen resolution issue and that just caused the display not to come up10:21
shavin_I try to mount my boot pen drive but it says cannot mount volume10:21
Thisdudehey my computers gotten a bit slow and hangs up it never used to anyone got any tips10:21
Gumbychrisp1, thats nice. what would you like me to do about it?10:21
diuneigh•Gumby• i'll try that.. thank you..10:21
Incarusdiuneigh, yeah, try another distri10:21
diuneighthanks too incarus10:21
TravelByHumanCan someone please repeat everything after the colon word for word (it's for my log): TravelByHuman: Will go to give his Server image 2GB of RAM, his XP Pro images 512MB of RAM (each) & to format a hard-drive partition (100GB) to NTFS10:21
sky_Incarus: thats fail :p10:21
chrisp1sorry... I have been having similar problems and looking for help10:21
Gumbydiuneigh, there is no reason you cant get X running with your setup10:21
Daft_Punkacfrazier, see private msg10:22
Gumbychrisp1, you are going to have to be a bit more specific10:22
hmwThisdude - we wont be able to help without more information. what software did you install recently, changes to hardware, configuration changes?10:22
Incarusdiuneigh, if ubuntu dont support your graka you wouldn't be happy with the vesa driver10:22
shavin_is it because the OS has been booted from the pen drive? because if i plug in other pen drives they mount fine10:22
Incarus 8-)10:22
chrisp1Gumby: i just installed ubuntu on a sony laptop and the display is only centered in the screen and not using all of the real estate10:22
tehKittenThankx for the help ppl! Bye!10:22
hmwTravelByHuman: Will go to give his Server image 2GB of RAM, his XP Pro images 512MB of10:23
hmw      RAM (each) & to format a hard-drive partition (100GB) to NTFS10:23
Gumbychrisp1, which laptop model?10:23
TravelByHumanThanks a heap hmw10:23
Incaruschrisp1, you can change it manually in the xorg10:23
jerome_join #ubuntu-fr10:23
chrisp1vaio pcg-991l10:23
Incarusjerome_, /10:23
Incaruschrisp1, which graca?10:24
chrisp1Incarus: i tried that and then my x would not start10:24
quibblerjerome_: tapes  /jpoin #ubuntu-fr10:24
chrisp1Incarus: graca?10:24
Gumbychrisp1, post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to a pastebin10:25
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:25
Incaruschrisp1, graphic card, do you have got a laptop?10:25
pop79hi everyone10:25
acfrazierAlright, well I have a new question now. I was trying to get my dad to switch to Linux, but I went through the process of installing it, importing all his data, then his computer reboots and we got GRUB error 22. The Ubuntu installation was installed to a secondary internal hard drive, as his Windows installation was intended to be preserved.10:25
pop79acfrazier: I got that problem too, i have a solution10:26
Incarusacfrazier, i think its a problem with the windows boot loader10:26
pop79Do you have any flash drives imported?10:26
acfrazierpop79: No, but his Zune media player was plugged in at the time10:27
chrisp1!pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/121373/10:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:27
Daft_Punkacfrazier, that is a problem with the boot loader for grub10:27
pop79Well, anything like a flash drive, like the Zune, should be first plugged out10:27
acfrazierDaft_Punk: is there any way to resolve it?10:28
pop79Hey Daft_Punk, are you really Daft Punk?10:28
hmwacfrazier - error 22 means that the proper partition wasnt found by grub. it is possible, that you need to change the entries in /boot/grub/menu.lst to make grub use the UUID of the partition instead of the /dev/sdXY thing. This can happen, because the BIOS sometimes swaps drives.10:28
Incarusacfrazier, grub and windows boot loader annoying each other10:28
Daft_Punkacfrazier, yeah you would have to go into the xconf file and change some options around to fix the grub bootloader, since its on a second driver10:28
Daft_Punkpop79, offtopic10:28
Incarusacfrazier, post your menu.lst10:28
Daft_Punksorry i didnt mean xconf i meant menu.lst10:28
acfrazierIncarus: I don't have access to his computer right now10:29
pop79acfrazier: plug out your zune, then try to load GRUB again. When ubuntu is on, plug it back in10:29
Incarusacfrazier, dont you have a live cd?10:29
hmwacfrazier - a quick and dirty solution is to change the entries hd(0,0) to hd(1,0) - but it might switch back later.10:29
acfrazierIncarus: Yes, I do10:29
Incarusacfrazier, boot it10:30
aniienawhich uses less cpu, midori or Firefox?10:30
entroooAny recommendations on what IRC is the best in ubuntu10:30
entroooI'm using xChat gnome right now10:31
hmwaniiena - i dont know midori, but a big part of Firefox is written in JavaScript, which is interpreded on the fly. This consumes a lot of CPU10:31
porter1entrooo, xchat10:31
pop79aniiena: that is an offtopic question #ubuntu-offtopic10:31
Incarusentrooo, im using opera, but chatzilla is also good10:31
entrooothe one that comes with ubuntu or should I go download the one off of xchat.org10:31
pop79i use chatzilla10:31
sheepentrooo: use the version of xchat in ubuntu's repositories10:31
Incarusim afk10:31
pifhi, a friend would like to install the latest ubuntu on his xp netbook (no cdrom), can he do that directly from windows xp ? or must he use a usb stick?10:31
hmwpop79 aniiena - it is likely, that you will get flamed when asking technical questions in #ubuntu-offtopic. this channel is ok to ask that10:31
sheepentrooo: but not xchat-gnome10:31
chrisp1Gumby: did you get a chance to look at that conf I pasted?10:31
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entroooI'll take a look10:32
entroooone second10:32
pop79hmw: i saw a lot of technical chat going on in there... :*10:32
entrooowhen you say repositories you mean the add/remove applications?10:32
aniienaI've changed my desktop env from GNOME->lxde10:33
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hmwpop79 - well... depends, who is there and why. some guy flamed me, because i *answered* a tech question there. he said, he goes to offtopic, when his head is full after being here supporting people.10:33
aniienacpu still gets eaten opening some webpages, anything else I can do?10:33
hmwaniiena - how bad is it really?10:34
Incarusaniiena, make a swap10:34
aniiena100%, page stutters10:34
pop79anyone have graphics problems?10:34
chrisp1pop79: I am10:34
hmwaniiena - if you dont have a very fast computer, flash is quite slow10:34
pop79chrisp: whats up?10:34
acfrazierpop79: I have static when i use 3D effects, tolerable, but that's about it10:34
hmwaniiena - you could try freeing up some ram by disabling unneeded services, even disabling compiz.10:34
aniienaIncarus: I have a swap10:35
hmwaniiena - FF gets slower, the more plugins you have10:35
pop79i mean.... chrisp1: whats up?10:35
aniienait's a base install of FF10:35
Incarusaniiena, or vou can by ram. ram is 30 x faster then swap10:35
acfrazierIs it more efficient to install Opera from the site or from the repositories10:35
chrisp1pop79: i am trying to change the resolution of my screen, but when i edit the xorg.conf file my x will not restart10:35
aniienaram utilization never goes past 55%10:35
Incaruschrisp1, which driver?10:36
pop79hmm... on minute chrisp110:36
hmwaniiena - if you have more than 1.2GB RAM and at least 1.5 GHz, you should be able to surf quite normally. but fullscreen youtube wont really work with such hardware10:36
pop79*one* minute10:36
Incarusaniiena, is kde installed?10:36
aniienahmw: it's not that I can't surf normally, it's just the one site this computer needs to use10:37
aniienathat site stutters horrribly. (the site is flash heavy)10:37
chrisp1Incarus: that's just it. there is no driver specified in the file. just this line:10:37
chrisp1Section "Device"10:37
chrisp1Identifier"Configured Video Device"10:37
hmwaniiena - i have flash plugin under suspicion. in my expirience, the open source flash plugin is very slow. try the proprietary flash plugin, if you dont have it already10:37
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:37
lianimatorwhere is the trash folder located?10:37
Incaruschrisp1, and what graphic card?10:37
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rww!trash | lianimator10:38
ubottulianimator: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash10:38
sfirewow.. turn off compiz and the media players work so much better :o10:38
pop79chrisp1: go to #xorg10:38
chrisp1Incarus: it is builtin on the laptop... sony vaio... looking it up...10:38
lianimatorsfire: how to turn off media playes?10:38
entrooohey sheep, are there themes for xchat somewhere?10:38
entroooI remember there being themes in the windows version10:39
pop79!hi |vineeth10:39
ubottuvineeth: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:39
Incaruslianimator: ir you turn of compiz the media players works better10:39
porter1entrooo, there still are10:39
Incaruschrisp1, ...10:39
entrooowhere are they located?10:39
harlemdavveyhow can i make my menus and panels transparent??10:40
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Scixwhere is the best place for putting a bash login script wish applies to all users that logs on to a desktop? The script is suppoed to mount some NFS shares based on user name and groups10:40
harlemdavveyin particular the menus, i have a transparent panel yet10:40
chrisp1Incarus: Intel 82815 graphics chip10:40
=== Sniper is now known as Guest82688
aniienahmw: adobe-flashplugin is already the newest version :\10:41
Incarusentrooo, /home/username/.local/share/Trash10:41
hmwaniiena - i was talking about gnash. i didnt like it.10:41
Incaruschrisp1, google it10:41
quibblerharlemdavvey: right click on a panel choose properties-background10:41
aniienadon't gnash and adobe-flashplugin do the same thing?10:41
Incarusaniiena, no10:42
hmwaniiena - yes, but gnash is open source10:42
harlemdavveyquibbler: no, i'm interested in having the menus transparent10:42
hmwIncarus aniiena - gnash is not OS flash??10:42
Incarusaniiena, gnash couldn't do as much as adobes flash player10:42
entroooincarus what are you talking about?10:42
aniienaif I have adobe's plugin, I don't need gnash.. right?10:42
rwwaniiena: gnash doesn't work very well; adobe's flash player isn't open-source.10:42
hmwaniiena - right.10:42
rwwaniiena: correct10:42
Incarusentrooo, the trash10:42
aniienaso anyone have suggestions on a browser that might use less cpu than FF?10:43
hmwaniiena - can i check this specific web site?10:43
quibblerharlemdavvey: then no10:43
hmwaniiena - is that page using flash at all? or java?10:43
harlemdavveyaniiena: you mean a web browser?10:43
entrooowhy should I be looking in my trash?10:43
Incarusdont know10:43
aniienayes, web browser10:43
harlemdavveyquibbler: what about themes, can theme make your menus and panels transparent?10:43
aniienahmw: it's almost fully flash10:43
Incarusentrooo, sry, it was lianimator10:43
hmwaniiena - should i see the "slowlyness" on the first page?10:44
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harlemdavveyaniiena: then you can go with seamonkey or epiphany10:44
aniienaone second, let me get the exact link10:44
rabidweezleanyone know the command line to make 7zip use the best compression?10:44
Finnish_Where can I get the latest version of Jaunty?10:44
lianimatorIncarus: hehe, that was kind of funny10:44
harlemdavveyyou can install by terminal: sudo apt-get install ephiphany-web10:44
Incarus 8-)10:44
harlemdavveyaniiena - you should have seamonkey as default browser if you're using ubuntu 8.1010:45
quibblerharlemdavvey: i told you how to make your panels transparent it also works with drawers on your panels but not menus...as to theme that do that i have no idea\10:45
rwwFinnish_: 1) Jaunty discussion and questions belong in #ubuntu+1, not here. 2) http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha410:45
IncarusFinnish_, "update-manager -d"10:45
harlemdavveyquibbler - yes, i know, thanks anyway :)10:45
hmwmharlemdavvey - isnt seamonkey the same as firefox, but rebranded for some reasons?10:45
Incarushmw, it is10:46
harlemdavveyhmw: i think yes, but it uses less memory10:46
aniienamemory isn't the issue10:46
Incarusopera uses less memory then both10:46
hmwaniiena - the first page takes quite a while to load on my linux (fedora). i fear, you will have to live with slow speed, if its just that little slow as it is here (took about 15 seconds, windows was faster)10:46
harlemdavveyaniiena: i told you seamonkey because i better in general10:47
rwwhmw: no, they're different entities. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SeaMonkey10:47
harlemdavveythen guys, why don't give a try to netscape?10:47
aniienaI'm not really concerned with how long they take to load10:47
contrawarsiceweasle = firefox10:47
aniienait's the quality of the games once loaded that is the issue at the moment10:47
hmwrww thx10:47
harlemdavveyaniiena: look, if you want a great borwser, install epiphany10:47
harlemdavveyit works great10:47
harlemdavveyi'm using it jusst right now;)10:48
Incarushmw, the page is slow, but aniiena's pc is slow, not just the page10:48
harlemdavveyguys what's the best office suite to work with? Koffice or Open Office??10:48
Incarusopen office10:48
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:48
abraCan anybody explain me how banshee works via proxy?10:49
aniienasudo apt-get install epiphany-web ?10:49
harlemdavveyi just have to write, i do not usually work with excel stuff or numbers, or whatever.. i just have to write something sometimes.. maybe i could only use abiword don't you think?10:49
harlemdavveyaniiena - yes;)10:49
aniienacouldn't find package epiphany-web10:49
Incarusaniiena, dont use epiphany, its unsecure and buggy10:49
rwwaniiena: no, epiphany-browser10:50
harlemdavveyaniiena - try epiphany-browser10:50
rwwIncarus: Do you have a citation for that?10:50
harlemdavveythx rww10:50
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Incarusrww, yes10:50
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aniienaif someone wants to root my nephew's box, more power to them. he is 13 years away from getting a credit card.10:51
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rabidweezleany nice new window managers lately?10:51
Incarusaniiena, i would buy r more ram10:51
aniienait has 1.5gig10:51
harlemdavveyaniiena : that's quite interesting;)10:52
hmwIncarus aniiena 1.5G is not much, but also not too less. Its just flash being very slow, especially in linux10:52
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hmwaniiena what is your cpu type and clock rate?10:53
aniienajust as an aside10:53
harlemdavveywhat do you suggest me to use to play my music??10:53
harlemdavveyi have VLC10:53
aniienaFF runs nickjr's flash better than epiphany10:53
Incarusharlemdavvey, vlc10:53
aniienaAMD 2500+10:53
hmwharlemdavvey - xmms is similar to winamp10:53
forcesharlemdavvey, Rthymbox10:53
abmodithe original version..not xmms2 :)10:53
Incarusaniiena, "ps -u username"10:53
pop79is real player available for linux?10:54
Incaruspop79, yes10:54
Incaruspop79, but its bad10:54
pop79oh... well, ill try it anyhow10:54
pop79does it have the video downloading feature?10:54
pop79deadly, im definatly trying it out10:54
Incarusbut doesnt work on my computer, it cant play anything10:54
aniienaIncarus: some gnome stuff, lxde-settings, openbox, etc10:54
Incarusaniiena, paste it10:55
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:55
pop79i can't get real player via add/remove... gonna have to go to reals siter10:56
Incaruspop79, yes, not opensource10:56
chrisp1pop79: , Gumby: , and Incarus:. Thanks for the moral support. I got it working.10:56
Incarusaniiena, k, and now "ps -u root"10:57
rwwpop79: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealPlayerInstallationMethods10:57
harlemdavveydo you have problems with your firefox?10:57
harlemdavveymine is not usable10:57
hmwIncarus why not ps -aux10:57
aniienaIncarus: reload10:58
Incarushmw, didn't know10:58
Incarusaniiena, reload?10:58
aniienai appended it to the same pastebin10:58
harlemdavveyIncarus: what is that command?10:59
rwwabmodi: xmms 1 isn't being developed any more, has several major security bugs, and isn't in Ubuntu's repositories. Please don't recommend it in here.10:59
rww!xmms | abmodi10:59
ubottuabmodi: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.10:59
hmwaniiena - please give us ps -aux10:59
Incarusaniiena, was the last "ps -u root"?11:00
Incarusaniiena, but its the same11:00
aniienaubuntu user followed by root11:00
wullverin1join #5on5.de11:01
Incarusaniiena, "glxinfo | grep direct"11:01
Incaruswullverin1, /11:01
aniienadirect rendering: Yes11:01
Incarusaniiena, i have no idea11:03
aniienaahh well, FF works ok11:04
aniienahe will just have to deal with it being a little slow when he draws11:04
Incarusaniiena, you can also try "sudo kill 8301"11:05
hmwaniiena - look at the column "time" of "ps -aux" - it shows, how long a process was running by itself. maybe you find something, that causes too much backround load11:05
Incarushmw, i did,11:06
pop79Incarus: Realplayer for linux actually is opensource, look at the bottom of this page http://www.real.com/unix/download/?action=CheckUpdate&playerVersion=
hmwaniiena - what is the load average, when no app is open? what with FF showing the slow page? (type "uptime")11:06
FloodBot2pop79: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:06
Incarusaniiena got two xorg11:06
aniienaload average: 1.13, 1.32, 1.0011:06
jpdspop79: tinyurl.com is your friends.11:07
hmwaniiena - that the load without apps running?11:07
Incarusno, pop79, real player is based on the open source helix player11:07
pop79jpds: what is tinyurl11:07
aniienaok after killing 830111:07
aniienait's 0.44, 1.07, 0.9311:08
hmwaniiena - aha!11:08
aniienafirst number is at time of poll, then over the last 5 minutes and the last 10?11:08
hmwaniiena - not exactly, but basically like that. i think its average 1minute, 5 and 1511:08
rwwhmw: correct11:09
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incubiihmw, aniiena, it is 1, 5 & 15 minute averages11:10
hmwaniiena - i am wondering, how 2 xorgs could be running on the same tty11:10
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aniienano idea11:10
hmwaniiena - did it speed up FF?11:11
aniienacould it be that I changed from Xubuntu's desktop to LXDE?11:11
aniienawithout rebooting or restarting x windows?11:11
idiotequehmw, simple... one xorg got pregnant... and gave birth to another xorg11:11
illumin8aniiena perhaps creating a new user account created two seperate files for xorg11:11
boshheadaniiena: how much memory do you have?11:12
aniiena1.5 gigs11:12
hmwidioteque aniiena - i dont know X well enough. idi: you think its due to the change anii just mentioned?11:12
illumin8if one of them was a root based xorg conf its possible it launched two11:12
* idioteque shakes his head. i dont know anything what you are talking about... :D11:13
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idiotequeas far as i know... there could be one, and only one... xorg for a single tty11:14
idiotequehey Gawen11:14
GawenI've got a tiny problem with my new Ubuntu 8.10 freshly installed on my computer.11:14
illumin8aniiena, had xubuntu, if for some reason it created a seperate location for xorg its possible when it was altered to the new desktop gui that another was created. thats all.11:15
aniienalet me reboot and see if it decides to start two xorg's again11:15
illumin8although im not sure how that would have happenend without user invervention.11:15
idiotequeaniiena, good idea!11:15
=== heroin is now known as Guest69488
GawenI'm using a Macintosh keyboard with a French keyboard map, and ubuntu confuse the key "< >" and the key "² ~". My question is how can I reconfigure the keyboard layout (map ?) manually to swap the both key ?11:16
GawenI searched on the Internet, but I only found how to change of keyboard language, keymap, etc...11:17
aniienaps aux | grep xorg ?11:17
GawenYes, it exists (uh ^^')11:18
anonusing1gawen, ya i think there's a way.. just not sure how11:18
anonusing1gawen, did u try any other french layout options?11:18
Incarusha, i think i was right11:18
Gawenyes, indeed all, and there has all the same problem.11:19
aniienaI've got two Xorg's running again11:19
anonusing1gawen, sorry, i really don't know how but, i believe there is a way.11:19
Incarusaniiena, shit11:19
Incarusaniiena, but now we know the problem11:19
Gawenanonusing1: I imagine too. I'm going to post a forum message I think...11:19
deanyaniiena, I used to have as well11:19
anonusing1gawen, ya i would also search something like "remapping keys"11:20
deanyaniiena, whe i was using the repo ATI driver.. Switched to latest from ATI/AMD and there is only 1, and its faster11:20
skurakaihi. is possible burn alcohol image file on ubuntu?11:20
t0r9ad0Hello, I installed nokia pc suite in virtualbox in intrepid...........but it is not detecting phone11:20
aniienahm, I how do I check with ATI driver I am using?11:20
deanyt0r9ad0, do you have USB enabled11:21
skurakaiis possible mdf/mds image burn on ubuntu?11:21
Incarusaniiena, double xorg, know problem: (german) http://www.unixboard.de/vb3/showthread.php?t=3497011:21
deanyt0r9ad0, also are you using the non ose latest version.... if not, use it11:21
aniienaopengl vendor string: ATI technologies Inc11:21
Incarusaniiena, can you paste your xorg.0.log11:21
deanyaniiena, did you use the Hardware drivers util in ubuntu to install it?11:22
aniienaI think so, yes. When I was using the GNOME desktop11:22
skurakaiiaf converter cut mdf iso from 699 MB to 600 MB :( any other way?11:22
dr_Willisskurakai,  you can convert them to iso - but you may lose any 'special' information on them - IF they are like copy protected games and so forth.11:22
aniienauhm, /var/log/xorg.0.log?11:22
skurakaidr_Willis: i try IAF but ...11:22
Incarusdr_Willis, and so forth?11:23
deanywell you are using the older repo driver then...11:23
t0r9ad0deany: yes, i am using non-ose version11:23
Incarusaniiena, yes11:23
skurakaino protection think11:23
dr_Willisskurakai,  thats part of the reason the mdf files are larger - they have exra info in them.11:23
deanysearch ubuntuforum there is a guide to install latest from ati11:23
aniienano such file11:23
Incarusthe x capital11:23
illumin8capitol x11:23
aniienacat Xorg.0.log >> file.txt11:24
aniienawill spit it out to a file?11:24
deanyt0r9ad0, do you get usb warnings when you start up vbox11:24
Incarusaniiena, use cp11:24
t0r9ad0deany: no11:25
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:25
deanyt0r9ad0, usb is enabled in your virtual machine?11:25
deanyt0r9ad0, and you are giving control over to the virt machine ?11:26
aniienaI am half tempted to install synergy on this machine11:26
bubusHi guys! How can I find out which is the FSB of my computer?11:26
t0r9ad0deany: yes, both usb and usb-ehci are enabeld11:26
dr_Willissynergy  can be very handy11:26
deanyt0r9ad0, "Devices/USB Devices - select the device you want to give to virt machine when its powered up and your usb device is plugged in11:27
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Incarusaniiena, look at the link11:27
aniienathe one in german?11:27
deanyyou still may need to set permissions for usb in fstab.. its now i get usb to work in vbox11:27
Incarusaniiena, no, oyurs11:28
illumin8aniiena, you sent ascii art to the pastebin.11:28
Incarusaniiena,its a bad text11:28
bubusis there a tool that indicate me the FSB speed?11:28
aniienaI am having to type all of these urls out11:28
aniienasorry, typoed11:28
ZachFlemHi Folks! I can find my WIFI network & connect to it, but I can't access any websites etc. Card is BCM4312, have installed B43 firmware etc. using custom xubuntu.11:29
illumin8look at line 132 on the machine11:29
aniiena(WW) Falling back to old probe method for fglrx11:29
aniienathat ?11:29
t0r9ad0deany: in Devices/USB Devices Nokia N81 is listed...........when i click on it....a check mark appears but when mouse pointer gets away then the check mark is automatically removed11:29
Incarusline 13711:30
illumin8The ati11:30
aniienano idea what line 137 means11:30
deanyt0r9ad0, try adding none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=125,devmode=664 0 0  to fstab.  replace devgid=xx with whatever your vbox group IS is11:30
Incarusupdate your driver11:30
deanyIS = I.D11:30
Incarusaniiena, your ati driver is too old11:30
badytoHi! i just installed ubuntu, i love the compiz thingy :) but something is terribly wrong with my video playback :( can anyone help me? i have radeon hd 3850 vga11:30
aniienahow do I do that?11:30
illumin8(WW) This ATI Proprietary Linux Driver does not guarantee support of video driver ABI higher than 2.011:31
Incarusbadyto, "glxinfo | grep direct"11:31
deanyare you using latest version of vbox?   2.111:31
illumin8theres another error down below11:31
illumin8(WW) fglrx(0): Only one display is connnected,so single mode is enabled11:31
illumin8do you run 2 monitors?11:31
badytoIncarus: in says direct rendering: yes11:32
illumin8is it standard incarus for it to scan for multiple monitors through fglrx?11:32
acfrazieris there any way I can kill X entirely? I want to experiment with the command line only11:32
badytoIncarus: should i switch it to "no" ?11:32
Incarusillumin8, dont know11:32
Incarusbadyto, no11:32
Incarusbadyto, its right11:33
badytoso what can be the problem? the video si flicking11:33
acfrazierHow do I kill X? I want to use a commandline interface?11:33
dr_Willisacfrazier,  stop the gdm service11:33
dr_Willissudo service gdm stop11:33
dr_Willisthat will CLOSE X inztantly11:33
badytoacfrazier: try ctrl+alt+f111:33
Incarusi would update ati, illumin811:33
Incarusi am afk11:33
illumin8Yea updateing the ati would only help11:34
illumin8aniiena, the errors are all connected and revolve around your ATI drivers.11:34
badytoCan someone help me plz?11:34
aniienathat is what I need to update?11:34
acfrazierat the command line now, thanks guys11:34
badytocompiz + video playback doesnt work right11:34
hmwbadyto - huh - maybe his computer didnt like switching to the console LOL can happen sometimes11:35
illumin8aniiena, yes without question.11:35
acfrazierDo I just startx to get it running again?11:35
dr_Willisacfrazier,  thats one way11:35
dr_Willisacfrazier,  or restart the gdm service11:35
t0r9ad0deany: still same problem11:35
badytodoes any of you use compiz??11:35
illumin8i have badyto11:35
acfraziermk, I'm going to mess with this for a bit, I want to learn terminal commands and such11:35
badytoillumin8: and your video playback is correct?11:36
deanyt0r9ad0, you may have to reboot for the setting to take affect...11:36
illumin8yes your using 8.10 right?11:36
acfrazieryes, I am11:36
mollyringwaldokay, so ubuntu doesn't like me all that much11:36
aniiena# Use the restricted-driver management system that comes with Ubuntu to install the drivers (envy/jockey/"restricted" packages).11:36
illumin8acfraizer sorry ment that for another. i have a link you will adore.11:36
deanyt0r9ad0, not sure if mount -a is good enough11:36
kristian1what program can i use on linux that is similar to mp3tag? (mp3tag.de) i need to be able to remove id tag from all .mp3's in a dir, and then retag them all by using filename --> tag, such as %artist% - %year% - %album% - %track% - %title%. thanks for any suggestions. :-)11:36
aniienahow do I get to the management system in Ubuntu?11:36
acfrazierI'm not running X11:36
t0r9ad0deany: ok11:36
Myrttikristian1: ex falso11:36
Myrtti!info exfalso11:36
acfrazieris there a commandline web browser?11:36
ubottuexfalso (source: quodlibet): audio tag editor for GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.ds1-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 517 kB, installed size 2160 kB11:36
Myrttiacfrazier: several11:36
t0r9ad0deany: mount -a did not work///11:36
badytoCan someone HELP ME PLZ?11:37
deanyKrimZon, easytag11:37
badytomy video playback doesnt work with compiz11:37
ZachFlemcan anyone help me with my wifi problem? can find & connect to my network, but have no internet access??11:37
Incarusi  have to go11:37
kristian1Myrtti : thanks empress! :-)11:37
illumin8acfrazier, http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/05/ubuntu-referencecheat-sheet.html11:37
Incarusbadyto, change from xvideo to something else11:38
acfrazierlet me get into X so I can browse that11:38
acfrazierone min11:38
mollyringwaldsomeone! come rescue me!11:38
badytoIncarus: i did that but it cant go fullscreen now :(11:38
illumin8badyto, if your on 8.10 theres been a few issues with video playback if thats what your asking. Some people suggested trying to install smplayer which didnt seem to have the same problem11:38
hmwfirefox claims, there would be one already running and it cant start therefore. how can i "repair" this?11:38
badytoillumin8: thx, will try11:38
acfrazierillumin8: What was that link again?11:39
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ubottuI have no seen command11:39
hmwoh... it just repaired itself...11:39
aniienaillumin8: in Hardware Drivers it says that my proprietary drivers are activated and currently in use.11:39
gix_,mmhvuyillll nm,huitffooinytd11:40
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illumin8aniiena, are you using the recommended pack?11:41
shavinhow can i click my own pics using a web cam on ubuntu?11:41
aniienaI believe so11:41
illumin8aniiena, does it give multiple options with (recomended) following one of them11:42
aniienanope, just the ATI/AMD proprietary one11:42
acfrazierif I install the package "kubuntu-desktop" while running ubuntu, can I switch to KDE?11:42
acfrazieror will that mess up my system11:42
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:42
mollyringwaldbooting up ubuntu for the first time and it freezes on startup WHAT COULD BE CAUSING THIS OH GOD11:42
illumin8aniiena, hmm.11:43
angeliunisAnyone is willing to help with SD?11:43
kristian1acfrazier : w3m11:43
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:43
acfrazierI'm installing Kubuntu-desktop, so we'll find out11:44
Sajuukhey guys I want to access my server from university (its at home) how do i find its 'global' ip so to speak and not its local ip on my network?11:44
angeliunisthis chat is f**ked up11:44
illumin8aniiena, check this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI11:44
JoSSeTeSERVERSajuuk, search en google  "my ip"11:45
angeliunisDoes someone want to help me with SD ? :DD11:45
incubiiSajuuk, your external IP address will be assigned to your Router/Modem. You will need to find out what it is on that and allow port forwarding on it to the services you want to access on your server11:45
MAGhello. is there any programs in ubuntu for MANUALLY controlling the laptop fan?11:45
aniienaI have no idea what video card is in this system11:45
hmwillumin8 - in my expirience (4 computers) the OS drivers werent any different regarding to speed than fglrx. What is your exp.?11:46
illumin8aniiena, type lspci | grep VGA11:46
yogi_hi there?11:46
hmwaniiena try "lspci"11:46
Sajuukincubii: alright, ssh stuff is port 22 yeah?11:46
JoSSeTeSERVERaniiena, in terminal write lspci to view all hardware11:46
yogi_can only help with ubuntu resolution problems?11:46
chelz1anyone mind tipping me off to where one might find the ubuntu dictionary files?11:46
illumin8hmw, you believe its dependant on fglrx?11:47
aniienaahh ok, Radeon 955011:47
chelz1Sajuuk: by default, but it can be easily changed11:47
incubiiSajuuk, yes, you will need to port forward port 22 to your internal servers address11:47
illumin8hmw, if the drivers are updated wouldnt it resolve the fglrx issues?11:47
hmwillumin8 - well, no. on my machines it wasnt any faster, only different possibilities regarding multi head setup11:47
illumin8hmw, hmm...11:47
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cyziehas anyone got gtk-gnutella connected?11:47
angeliunisDoes anyone know how to mount SD11:48
yogi_ubuntu is only recognising 2 resolution modes...11:48
aniienasudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`11:48
aniienasudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko11:48
aniienawill that work in intrepid?11:48
cyzieangeliunis, mount /dev/sdx /mnt/somewhere11:48
Sajuukincubii: ok that seems easy i just change my my router stuff for internal between the gateway and the server but what about when I ssh to the server itself?11:48
mollyringwaldbooting up ubuntu for the first time and it freezes on startup WHAT COULD BE CAUSING THIS OH GOD11:48
JoSSeTeSERVERyofel_, you need instal driver and configure xorg.conf11:48
incubiiwow, rythymbox's random/shuffle is poop. its always plays the same 'random' songs o.O11:48
illumin8aniiena, hold on, hwm is saying its not going to make a change to your fglrx file which is causing the heavy load.11:48
yogi_there is nothing in the .conf file either11:48
perlmonkeyim in fdisk and want to create a partition on my 320GB drive that uses all the space apart from 500MB for swap. Questions: is 500MB sufficient for swap, and if so, how should I specify the last cylinder or +size in disk to use remaining space? system has 1GB of ram11:48
diuneighwhat is the syntax to d/l in terminal?11:48
yogi_what shold i do?11:48
hmwmollyringwald real freeze? can you switch to console with CTRL-ALT-F2 ?11:49
t0r9ad0deany: thanks....it worked11:49
hmwperlmonkey - use at least as much swap as you have ram (suspend, hibernate stuff uses swap)11:49
yogi_how do i do that?11:49
perlmonkeydiuneigh: download? off the web? you can use wget or use ftp for ftp server11:49
yogi_do you have any solid links?11:49
t0r9ad0deany: bye11:50
perlmonkeyhmw: ok11:50
incubiiSajuuk, You will SSH to the external IP address on the router/modem. It will then forward all the SSH traffic to the IP address of the server. You will need to specify this of course on the Router/Modem. How? i do not know. There will more then likely be a Port Forward option or NAT option. Both should allow you to do this11:50
diuneigh•perlmonkey• yes off the web.11:50
perlmonkeydiuneigh: wget url11:50
diuneighthank you11:50
mollyringwaldhmw just tried it then; nothing. the background is black and the grey loading circle in the middle is the screen is stuck11:50
Sajuukincubii ok is ssh traffic tcp or udp? i do not know11:50
hmwmollyringwald sounds like a real freeze. can be virtually anything. try booting in safe mode (or similar)11:51
nety350hi all11:51
incubiiSajuuk, TCP11:51
mollyringwaldrecovery mode?11:51
illumin8aniiena, i really am unsure on how to proceed here. updateing your ati drivers may resolve the problem, then again it may do nothing but give you more control options. im sorry but i should bow out on this.11:51
nety350anyone have an idea for print many files html in one time?11:51
aniienaI am just going to kill the second Xorg whenever I reboot11:51
hmwmollyringwald you could boot in single user mode (ask others for how to) and examine /var/log/Xorg.0.log (single user for not booting X again)11:51
incubiiSajuuk, this may help you http://portforward.com/11:52
nety350konqueror --help11:52
nety350sorry lol11:52
MAGhello. is there any programs in ubuntu for MANUALLY controlling the laptop fan?11:52
hmwmollyringwald you could even try to get SSH up for the next normal boot and login from outside. sshd still works often, when you think the box is frozen.11:52
aniienathanks for the help guys11:52
perlmonkeynety350: if you run cupsys there must be a way to pass a command, interesting one11:52
hmwaniiena - any progress?11:52
sven_the szstem account is in all different server ubuntu editions invisible and the later firmware who made monez with this Gernabn linux todaz chabged the authenticic logIn mode11:53
yogi_anybody know what driver i need too install driver and how do i configure xorg.conf?11:53
aniienanot so much and it's 6am, I will deal with this another day11:53
sven_we have here scam11:53
mollyringwaldif only i knew what either of those options actually entailed >_>11:53
sven_ubuntu has a securitz and credibilitz problem11:54
sven_it is aa scandal11:54
sven_the szstem account11:54
hmwmollyringwald try recovery mode. if it comes up, install the ssh server, so you can login next time the machine freezes11:54
sven_controled bz gangsters11:54
yogi_what would u recommend?11:54
sven_and the videos proof it11:54
olskolircwhat language are the plasma themes written in?11:55
hmwmollyringwald "freezes" - in many cases i still could log in, when the box seemed to be dead11:55
sven_ubuntu h szstem account hidden11:55
mollyringwaldalright i'll give it a shot, the pc in question is upstairs so here comes exercise!11:55
sven_thez probe anz smart kid11:55
sven_and then if zou log in todaz thez )gangsters=offer support11:56
sven_meSSz microsoft and controled ubuntu bz canonica11:57
Fougnerhi, is there a way to reset my config files for the sound ?11:57
smev81any idea why dolphin and terminal will not show the filenames correctly on my ext3 partition (eg. Vermögen.odt is shown as Vermħgen.odt)11:57
Fougnersmev81, wrong charset ?11:58
sven_Zou have NO szstem account and therefore ubuntu is a scandal11:58
hmwsmev81 - wrong character set in use. probably UTF-8 instead of the windows ISO-something. look into fstab stuff.11:58
hmwsmev81 or mount with the right params.11:58
smev81okay i try11:59
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
hmwsven_ there is a root account, but not activated. man sudo on how to become root, if you really need to.11:59
sven_canonica pesens is fmeAllevll  count12:00
sven_canoia presents its meSSages after mz login in mz linux12:00
bazhang!ot > sven_12:00
ubottusven_, please see my private message12:00
dr_Willishmw,  falling for the troll bait? :) lol12:00
bazhangsven_, take it elsewhere12:00
mollyringwaldrecovery mode had no option for ssh server. ran a couple of other commands from it and now when i boot up i can see the cursor but it's still frozen12:00
hmwdr_Willis oops :-/12:00
smev81can i do defaults, locale=de_DE.utf8 then? on ext312:00
dr_Willishmw,  heh :) i was waiting for the ops to chime in.12:01
hmwmollyringwald you will need to install it first... sudo apt-get install sshd12:01
kristian1what program do you people use to play .mp3 files, etc with?12:02
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:02
zashkristian1: quodlibet12:02
hmwkristian1 either the usual players (totem, vlc) or xmms12:02
mollyringwaldhow do i go about installing it?12:02
kristian1thanks will have a look. :-)12:02
hmwkristian1 either the usual players (totem, vlc) or xmms12:03
hmwmollyringwald you will need to install it first... sudo apt-get install sshd12:03
bazhanghmw, audacious replaces xmms12:03
hmwbazhang ic thx.12:03
lucky711xhttp://datdirt.com is looking for moderators of their new programmer/webdesigner forums if anyone is interested12:04
lucky711xsite just launched yesterday12:04
bazhanglucky711x, this is the wrong place to post12:04
lucky711xbazhang,  where is the right place12:05
mollyringwaldwait what does ssh even do?12:05
bangalibabuthere is a channel named #php-job12:05
bangalibabucan't remember the network name12:06
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:06
bangalibabubut you can search on ircsearch.com12:06
mollyringwaldlooks like it's used for remote access12:07
mollyringwaldother pc is not connected to a network12:07
hmwmollyringwald yes. its remote shell access (like the terminal but over ip) - in case your x freezes, you often still can connect from outside and investigate. thats why i recommended it12:07
MAGhello. is there any programs in ubuntu for MANUALLY controlling the laptop fan?12:07
mollyringwaldsee above12:08
mollyringwaldi wouldn't be able to access it12:08
mollyringwaldas it is not connected to a LAN12:08
hmwmollyringwald too bad, this makes things a little more complicated. can ANYONE ELSE HERE help on how one could get the Xorg log of a crashing boot, when rebooted in recovery mode?12:10
illumin8mollyringwald, did you run the livecd to install (not the alternate)?12:10
mollyringwaldi ran the alternate, desktop wouldn't load the graphical interface12:10
__ddrx__MAG, for thinkpads theres tpfancontrol (available at sourceforge.net)12:10
perlmonkeyim in fdisk and want to create a partition on my 320GB drive that uses all the space apart from 1GB for swap. How should I specify the last cylinder or +size in disk to use remaining space?12:10
hmwmollyringwald - possibly a GPU driver issue. what GPU do you have?12:11
illumin8mollyringwald, he beat me to it :)12:11
Incarusperlmonkey, use gparted12:11
MAG__ddrx__, i have a compaq pressario 792ev.12:11
mollyringwaldjust integrated graphics12:12
shavinmy web cam is working but how do i click my own pics with it? is there a software i can install?12:12
MAG__ddrx__, isnt there anything i can do for it?12:12
mollyringwald(don't laugh, the PC cost me AUD$200 last year >_>)12:12
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys12:12
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illumin8mollyringwald, you could try booting it in safe mode does grub menu come up?12:12
TanXcan intrepid connect wireless with 64bit wep?12:13
hmwillumin8 mollyringwald - molly could boot safe mode (right?)12:13
mollyringwaldhow do you boot in safe mode, all i see at OS select menu is regular & recovery & memtest12:13
IncarusTanX, yes12:13
__ddrx__MAG, dont know, sorry12:13
ohletmeinnowjesuI have a question with regards to Bluetooth compatibility on a vostro 1400 running intrepid12:13
hmwmollyringwald we are talking about recovery12:13
TanXhow can i make it so incarus?12:13
=== art4k is now known as Art4k
mollyringwaldtried, didn't work12:14
quibblershavin: look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam12:14
IncarusTanX, dont know12:14
illumin8hmw,  so its not booting even in vesa?12:14
Incarusmollyringwald, you have to add failsave mode in grub12:14
illumin8the default for recovery is vesa right?12:14
Incarusshavin, streamer12:14
TanXanyone know how i can connect wireless with 64bit wep in intrepid?12:15
Incarusillumin8, yes, vga12:15
Incarusshavin, yes, a tool12:15
dio444Hi. I'm trying to move users from 1 ubuntu hardy install on an old machine to a new hardy install on a new machine. The new machine MUST be a transparent change to the users (besides being faster that is). I tried copying /home and /etc/passwd /etc/shadow and /etc/group, but the new machine gives a strange error, and doesn't allow admin users access to the GUI admin tools, though sudo access works correctly. Any Ideas what I need to do?12:15
mollyringwaldhow do i add failsafe move?12:15
shavinokay thanks i shall explore12:15
hmwillumin8 Incarus i would like to get mollyringwald's Xorg.0.log, but it seems to be somewhat difficult12:15
Incarusdio444, where are more config files12:16
illumin8hmw, indeed, if they cant even get in vga its going to be very complicated to see anything.12:16
Incarushmw, whats the problem?12:16
acfrazierHow do I completely obliterate kubuntu-desktop and KDE from my computer? I've made a terrible mistake installing it, my distro changed to Kubuntu, I booted back into GNOME, but I want KDE and kubuntu gone.12:16
bazhang!puregnome | acfrazier12:16
ubottuacfrazier: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »12:16
Incarusacfrazier, and install ubuntu-desktop12:16
bazhangacfrazier, that is for intrepid12:17
=== Acidic32 is now known as Acidic32|Gone
ohletmeinnowjesu(10:43:43 PM) ooaaooaa: I have a question with regards to Bluetooth compatibility on a vostro 1400 running intrepid12:17
incubiihuzzah! fixed my Rythymbox not shuffling correctly12:17
illumin8Incarus, mollyringwald is having an issue with the system freezing on a new install, a livecd alternate was used to install it, but no graphics are comming up without freezing, includeing recovery12:17
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=== Acidic32|Gone is now known as Acidic32
hmwillumin8 mollyringwald recovery does freeze, too?12:17
illumin8hmw, yea12:17
=== Acidic32 is now known as Acidic32|Gone
perlmonkeyincarus: thanks for the tip12:17
Incarusillumin8, do the term work?12:17
Incarusperlmonkey, np12:18
mollyringwaldthe actual dos recovery menu doesn't, but when i try to boot the os through it it freezes12:18
ohletmeinnowjesuI have a question with regards to Bluetooth compatibility on a vostro 1400 running intrepid, anyone?12:18
illumin8Incarus, havnt checked with them yet.12:18
Incarusillumin8, k12:18
dio444Incarus: I'm not sure what you are asking there. I'm sure the issue is that I need to copy over more config files to make it work, but I don't know what they are. The new machine is totally different hardware from the old, and I don't want to copy too many config files and possibly break something else.12:18
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MannyZHello.. I would like to know does PC TV usb work on ubuntu?12:18
perlmonkeyincarus: is that only available for X enviro? I'm working on a remote server thru shell :-/12:18
Incarusdio444, yeah, dont do this. its difficult12:18
hmwIncarus illumin8 how to get molly into single user mode for retreiving the log file? how to pastebin it from command line?12:18
Incarusperlmonkey dont know12:19
illumin8mollyringwald, your default f10 recovery key wont work that way, when speaking of recovery were talking about the bootup menu known as grub, there would be an option to get it to move to recovery boot instead of the default top line of regular bootup12:19
bazhanghmw, install pastebinit12:19
=== TanX is now known as SexyPony
rhalffhi, how do I reconfigure/reinstall the network tools for ubuntu, I tried to make networking work the old way through /etc/nework/interfaces, but there seem to be a new way to configure the network ?12:19
dio444Incarus: It must be done. The old machine ( a key business machine ) is too slow (celeron 600).12:19
Incarushmw, copy it on an external device12:19
shavinafter every synaptic installation i get this: E: linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1712:19
amikropHello. How can I find the driver my webcam uses?12:19
Incarusdio444, you could backup the users12:19
amikrop!webcam driver12:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about webcam driver12:19
hmwIncarus gah, i cant give instructions blindly for that...12:20
=== SexyPony is now known as TanX
Incarushmw, but i can12:20
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Kaboeshkahi, I have "load "vnc"" in my xorg.conf, but when I connect with a VNC client to it, nothing happens, anyone can help me with enabling VNC?12:20
dio444Incarus: sure, I can back them up. But how is that differnet than what I already did when it comes time to restore them to the new machine?12:21
Incarusmollyringwald, have you got a linux live cd?12:21
mollyringwaldlive cd being the standard install?12:21
Incarusdio444, hm, no idea12:21
perlmonkeyi need to partition my hdd12:21
tjoenerhello everyone12:21
Incarusdio444, google it12:21
Incarusperlmonkey, gparted12:21
tjoenerI've seem to have run into a crappy problem12:21
jurismI have virtualmin/webmin on Ubuntu 8.04SE and it shows that my amd4600+ runs @ 100MHz speed (normally it would be 2400MHz). Is this related to Ubuntu or it is BIOS problem? Thank You! I have only remote access to my server.12:21
perlmonkeyIncarus: it's only available for X enviro and I'm working on a server shell12:21
dio444Incarus: heh I did. and read for 8 hours before trying what I did the first time. Nobody seems to have the info I needed.12:22
Incarusmollyringwald, ?12:22
adam7perlmonkey: try parted12:22
jurismnot 100MHz but 1000MHz12:22
illumin8mollyringwald, a livecd will give you the option to try ubuntu without making changes to your system.12:22
perlmonkeyadam7: cheers12:22
Incarusperlmonkey, hm12:22
hmwbazhang hey thanks - pastebinit is very cool12:22
tjoenerwhenever I update my system with a fresh install of hardy AMD64 it says a few packages failed and it wont boot anymore12:22
SexyPonyim trying to get my wireless set up, anyone know how to use 64bit wep in intrepid?12:22
hmwillumin8 it would probably crash again. i want molly to get into single user mode and use pastebinit12:22
mollyringwaldillumin8 alright, i'll give it a shot12:22
illumin8mollyringwald, no thats not the end. hes veryfing you have a way in, hang tight.12:22
shavinIncarus: i installed the streamer but it does not have a GUI does it?12:22
tjoenerany command I run afterwards it says it cant find the file, so I'm guessing ld.so got screwed up or something12:23
Incarusdio444, you can copy all the documents and and something like this, and then just add new users to the new machine with the same name12:23
illumin8Incarus, mollyringwald has a livecd12:23
tjoenercannot even chroot into my old environment12:23
Incarusmollyringwald, can you start the live cd?12:23
adam7tjoener: if you type your problem all on one line it's easier for us to read12:23
Incarusshavin, no, it dont have, you can google for another app12:23
amikropHow can I find the driver my webcam uses?12:24
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tjoenerwhenever I update my system with a fresh install of 8.10 AMD64 it says a few packages failed and it wont boot anymore. any command I run afterwards it says it cant find the file, so I'm guessing ld.so got screwed up or something. cannot even chroot into my old environment12:24
Incarusmollyringwald, do you speak german?12:24
quibbleramikrop:  look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam   maybe asl say what sort of webcam you have.12:24
perlmonkeyamikrop: best to google for "linux driver" and make/model of camera..12:24
mollyringwaldIncarus not at all12:24
Incarusmollyringwald, k12:25
mollyringwaldgive me a sec, will try the live cd12:25
adam7tjoener: it might be possible to install the deb for the messed up files on top of the old system without chrooting12:25
dio444incarus: yeah, that's actually what I'm doing right now, but the problem with that is that there are 78 users who will need to be added, and have their passwords work on first try before I can bring the new system online.12:25
amikropperlmonkey, quibbler: Actually, I have a Logitech QuickCam Chat.12:25
hmwcan one use apt-get install in single user mode?12:25
adam7hmw: don't see why not12:25
perlmonkeyamikrop: find out what chipset it uses with lspci and then search for driver by chipset12:25
Incarusdio444, yes12:25
perlmonkeyamikrop: that should be supported12:25
tjoeneradam7: how do I do this? I'm on the live CD again12:25
Incarusillumin8, the system doesnt freeze12:25
maxbtjoener: *exact* error messages are immeasurably more useful for understanding what's wrong than an outline description of the problem12:26
illumin8Incarus, sorry? it sounds like not enough grapic capability to me.12:26
illumin8Incarus, or ram for that matter?12:26
perlmonkeyamikrop: i bought a cheapo unknown cam and it worked right out of the box in Ubuntu feisty12:26
adam7tjoener: I don't know what file you are missing or what package it's in, but something like dpkg --root /path/to/mounted/broken/system some_deb.deb ought to do it12:26
amikropperlmonkey: you mean lsusb12:26
Incarusillumin8, no, it dont recognize the mouse and the keyboard and the graca12:26
perlmonkeyamikrop: sorry yes12:27
LuXorguys need help, my ubuntu cannot read KDE.... i have installed it month ago and now it cannot read it12:27
illumin8Incarus, mollyringwald said the got no picture?12:27
Incarusillumin8, yes12:27
illumin8Incarus, im confused. :)12:27
Incarusillumin8, i know12:27
Leissi`what's the function of the 'lost+found' folder? D:12:27
amikropperlmonkey: Bus 003 Device 004: ID 046d:092e Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Chat12:27
tjoenernow I need to find out which package failed, and why12:27
adam7tjoener: or if it is even a problem with a package12:28
amikropperlmonkey: What part of this info I should search the Web, with?12:28
LuXorguys need help, my ubuntu cannot read KDE.... i have installed it month ago and now it cannot read it12:28
Incarusillumin8, if we've got the xorg log we can say more about12:28
tjoeneradam7: yeah, I think there has to be a serious error int he system somewhere when I trash it by updating...12:28
Incarus 8-)12:28
illumin8Incarus, watching and learning :)12:29
tjoenerbut I cannot figure out where or why, because 8.10 x86 runs fine, only the AMD64 variant pulls this crap on me12:29
quibbleramikrop: try: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=200261&package_id=237741&release_id=649807        it works for my logitech pro 400012:29
hmwmollyringwald i got a procedure for you. want to try to get your log to a pastebin?12:29
adam7tjoener: do you have a specific error? all my x86_64 systems work fine12:29
LuXorsomeone will help me???????????12:29
amikropquibbler: OK. Thank you.12:29
Incarusillumin8, can ne go to the term with ctrl+alt+f1?12:29
pop79LuXor: please be patient, if someone can help, they will12:30
tjoenerwell, the package installer failed, then it went haywire, could not start terminal or any other program, so now I have to find the error from the live cd12:30
adam7tjoener: surely it printed some type of error when you tried to start these programs?12:30
IncarusLuXor, what is the exact error?12:30
skurakaihi. is in ubuntu some burner with support alcohol image mdf/mds?12:31
Ademancan *.desktop files' exec line have a full bash one-liner ?12:31
skurakaimounting and convert make me trouble12:31
perlmonkeyamikrop: http://www.linuxcompatible.org/Quickcam_Chat_c12344.html <-- maybe useful12:31
Incarusillumin8, can ne go to the term with ctrl+alt+f1?12:31
tjoeneradam7:  cannot run command `<command>': No such file or directory, replace command with anything you feel like (gnome-terminal, firefox, ...)12:32
olavimmanuelHello. A free service to get domain name on my server?12:32
LuXorIncarus: i cannot remember exactly12:32
olavimmanuelIncarus: opendns dont seem to suport domain name...12:32
adam7tjoener: did you check your $PATH env. varialbe?12:32
amikropperlmonkey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libv4l/+bug/260918 :S12:32
Incarusolavimmanuel, search something else12:32
pop79olavimmanuel: That is more offtopic, #ubuntu-offtopic12:32
IncarusLuXor, write it down next time, without i cant help you12:33
quibbleramikrop: you can also look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51661412:33
olavimmanuelok, will do12:33
hmwmollyringwald you still there?12:33
illumin8Incarus, Sorry i was semi afk, the system "locks up" in mollys words and being i didnt know how to proceed by command line i didnt suggest that yet.12:33
Incarusolavimmanuel, https://www.dyndns.com/ , http://www.freedns.com/12:33
illumin8hmw, the pc in question is in another room12:33
Art4ki need some tar.gz compuler..12:34
hmwillumin8 i got a procedure for extracting the xorg.log12:34
tjoenerwell, can I check it from the livecd?12:34
illumin8hmw, nice!12:34
Incarusillumin8, if he can't change to the term, it is the bug i think12:34
k44d33is it possible to install ubuntu 8.10 when using a CentaurHauls core?12:34
IncarusArt4k tar.gz is an archive, not a programming language12:35
quibblerArt4k: look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo12:35
pop79Hey, when i installed ubuntu 8.04, about last year sometime, i think it installed two bootloaders, one for my windows drive (the internal drive) and another for the ubuntu drive (the external drive. Is this meant to happen?12:35
Incaruspop79, you just need one bootlader12:36
mollyringwaldtried selecting the try option on the live cd and it won't load the gnome display manager12:36
pop79i know, but it installed two12:36
Incarusmollyringwald, the try option?12:37
illumin8Incarus, live mode.12:37
Incarusmollyringwald, try it with vesa drivers12:37
tjoeneradam7: I can't check environment variables of my installed system from the livecd?12:37
Incarusillumin8, k12:37
amikropquibbler: alright12:37
adam7tjoener: no, you'll need to boot into the system12:37
hmwmollyringwald i have a procedure for extracting the xorg log for you - does the machine have internet access?12:37
mollyringwaldnot at all12:37
Incaruspop79, and whats your question?12:37
tjoeneradam7: well, I can't boot into it anymore, that's the problem :)12:37
hmwmollyringwald gah.... some usb flash disk available?12:38
pop79Incarus: why did it install two bootloaders?12:38
hmwmollyringwald or a floppy disk?12:38
adam7tjoener: and you said you can't chroot into it either?12:38
Incaruspop79, oh12:38
adam7tjoener: does chrooting give you an error?12:38
quibbleramikrop: i take it something worked.12:38
Incarusmollyringwald, do you have got an installed windows?12:38
illumin8mollyringwald, at the bottom of the screen prior to selecting try option, there are selections, one will say "vesa" you should try running the try option with vesa selected12:38
mollyringwalddon't have a flash drive on hand/haven't seen a floppy in ages12:38
mollyringwaldxp home is installed yes12:38
Incarusmollyringwald, boot into windows12:38
tjoenerchroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory12:39
ikoniatjoener: look at the libraries it's linked against12:39
ehloreverseHi, who is ubuntu.com irclogs staff ?12:39
Mob[ST]erHI !12:39
int256a software to use my tv-tuner card ??12:39
hmwahh Incarus mollyringwald this situation is truly challenging12:39
amikropquibbler: no, I 'll start trying now :P12:39
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tjoenerlinux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fffb6dfe000)12:39
tjoenerlibncurses.so.5 => /lib/libncurses.so.5 (0x00007fc3ae8d6000)12:39
tjoenerlibdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x00007fc3ae6d2000)12:39
tjoenerlibc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x00007fc3ae360000)12:39
tjoener/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007fc3aeb11000)12:39
FloodBot2tjoener: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:39
tjoener(sorry for the large paste)12:39
pop79!howdy |Mob[ST]er12:39
ubottuMob[ST]er: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:39
Incarushmw, yeah12:40
amikropquibbler, perlmonkey: OK, then. Thank you both. :-)12:40
pop79tjoener: that happened me once, i nearly got banned12:40
Mob[ST]erCan anyone please tell me how to stop ubuntu from asking me the root password for every single stupid thing I wanna do like Opening a file or a folder12:40
kristian1i just installed quod libet and want to add all my music from ~/Music. how can i do that, it doesn't want to when i try. :o12:40
tjoenerforgot I was on IRC :s12:40
ehloreversei'm search irclogs.ubuntu.com staff12:40
tjoenerbut lib64 is not in the root of the installed file system12:40
shavini tried camorama but when run it errs ans says 'unable to take picture'12:40
pop79Mob[ST]er: i wanted to know that as well12:40
hmwshavin cheese might be able to do it12:41
Mob[ST]erplease tell me it's possible ...12:41
shavinactually it says 'unable to capture images'12:41
IncarusMob[ST]er, pop79, you can change the linux security settings12:41
bazhangMob[ST]er, there is no root password enabled; use sudo12:41
ehloreverseAre you there LjL ?12:41
pop79Mob[ST]er: anything is possible...12:41
pop79Incarus: how12:41
ashwiNNi want to load a module at boot time how do i do that12:42
perlmonkeyhardware particularly USB/cams is a nightmare in Linux, it's very hit and miss. the advice I would give is to check compatibility and driver availability BEFORE you purchase12:42
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Mob[ST]erIncarus: can you tell me how can I do this or where I could get the info ?12:42
hmwMob[ST]er you can use sudo for becoming the root user (see man page)12:42
pop79Incarus: yea, how?12:42
shavinthe thing is camera is working in ekiga. does that mean the driver is fine?12:42
Incaruspop79, dont know12:42
perlmonkeywell a driver in one dist may not be available or working properly in another12:43
perlmonkeybut generally if it works in one distro it should work in most12:43
pop79Incarus: tut tut tut.....12:43
adam7pop79: sudo -i12:43
ashwiNNi want to load a module at boot time how do i do that12:43
Incarusadam7, right12:43
tjoeneradam7: I checked the root of the installed system, but the lib64 folder is missing in its entirety12:43
adam7tjoener: on my system lib64 is a symlnink12:44
danbhfive_jauntyshavin: did you say cheese works for you? or not?12:44
adam7tjoener: a symlink to /lib12:44
perlmonkeyoften you can get hardware to work but it requires a degree of fiddling around and hardware may only work partially or not reliably12:44
kristian1i've just installed quod libet and want to add all my music from ~/Music to the quod libet library. i've tried: Music - Add a folder... - Browsing to the folder - Open. doesn't work. any thoughts?12:44
tjoenerAnd I think its a symbolic link, so I made one, ln -sv lib lib6412:44
pop79adam7: worked... sorta12:44
shavincheese is working. but the image is veryyy dark12:44
tjoenerbut the ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 is missing too12:44
perlmonkeythis is not a problem of Linux or any distro, but rather an unwillingness of manufacturers to provide open source driver support for their hardware12:45
shavinthe pic is much better in ekiga i wish i could click my pic over there in ekiga12:45
tjoenerprobably when upgrading libc it went haywire12:45
venuhi. I am trying to install ubuntu server and configure raid 1. I have 3 disks (all IDE) a 250GGB and an 80GN configured as a master and slave and another 250GB configured as a master.12:45
hmwshavin - install v4l2ucp12:45
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shavinhmw: okay12:45
venuubuntu does not allow me to configure the the second hard disk as for raid.12:46
int256has any one tried to install parallels in ubuntu 8.1012:46
adam7tjoener: on my system I have /lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.212:46
perlmonkeyvenu: you drives need to be the same size, unless you're using partitions of equal size12:46
Art4kwhats the problem "error: openssl/ssl.h: No such file or directory" ?12:46
adam7tjoener: did you try resymlinking lib64 to lib?12:46
IncarusArt4k wrong compiled12:46
erUSULArt4k: you need the openssl dev package12:46
venuperlmonkey: yes, I am trying to configure raid1 on two drives of 250gb each :)12:46
tjoenerjep, I did12:46
perlmonkeyvenu: ok sorry i misunderstood12:47
erUSUL!raid | venu12:47
ubottuvenu: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:47
venuperlmonkey: unfortunately, ubuntu does not allow me to see the second hard drive as a raid partition.12:47
shavinhmw: is it v 4 l 2 u c p ?12:47
tjoenermaybe copy the ld-linux-x86-64... to the root fs /lib?12:47
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hmwshavin yes12:47
Mob[ST]erbazhang: I use sudo but the thing is, let say I have to edit 10 files ... I don't want to sudo every single file ! How can I do that ?12:47
shavinit is not there in synaptic?12:47
hmwshavin a little GUI tool that lets you set brightness and stuff12:47
Incarustjoener, you can install the x86 ubuntu12:47
perlmonkeyvenu: i had a similiar problem with raid 1 as you, i just gave up in the end I decided it wasnt work the extra layer of complexity in my setup for the redundancy it offered12:48
adam7Mob[ST]er: sudo EDITOR_NAME file1 file2 file3 file4 file5 etc12:48
adam7tjoener: did you try resymlinking lib64 to lib?12:48
perlmonkey*work = worth12:48
shavinhmw: i mean i cant find it in synaptic. should i try apt-get?12:48
tjoeneradam7: yes I did, but the so loader for x86-64 is missing12:48
venuperlmonkey: interesting, thanks.12:48
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Mob[ST]eradam7: this is far from beeing effecient .... Thanks for the help but ...12:48
tjoeneradam7: I think libc update screwed it up12:48
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Incarusshavin, no, wont worj12:48
hmwMob[ST]er - you can become root with sudo (not only for each single line) - adam7 told you how to12:48
int256can i upgrade ubuntu 8.10 to ubuntu studio12:48
perlmonkeyvenu: saying that, I ran soft raid-5 for 5 years without any problems at all in Debian back in the day before SATA when i had 18.2GB SCSI ;-)12:49
adam7Mob[ST]er: well, I don't know what files you want to edit, but if they all start with the same thing, you can do sudo EDITOR_NAME prefix*12:49
Mob[ST]erit's unfortunatly not the case ... :S12:50
hmwshavin - uhm... not sure. i have additional repos, so i cant tell easily. maybe you can get a .deb file for download12:50
adam7Mob[ST]er: well, then how do you expect the computer to figure it out? just use tab completion and type them in. it won't take long12:50
Mob[ST]erI tried sudo -i and the opened the files with double clicks and Ubuntu still doesnt let me edit the files12:50
IncarusMob[ST]er, you need to be root to edit sys files12:51
Mob[ST]erI simply want to be able to click on the files I want to edit and "voila"12:51
adam7Mob[ST]er: just out of curiosity what files are you trying to eidt?12:51
jribMob[ST]er: sudo -i gives you a shell in which all your commands have superuser privileges.  It does not affect your gui environment12:51
IncarusMob[ST]er, add a option "edit as root"12:51
Mob[ST]erhosts, my httpd.conf file, the content of a mysql folder ... etc. etc. etc.12:51
IncarusMob[ST]er, do you use nautilus?12:51
int256i have ubuntu install on my HDD and now using it. i want to install Windows XP on the same partition without uninstalling ubuntu, is that possible ?12:51
hmwMob[ST]er - not very reccomendable method is "gksudo nautilus" - but this way you might damage your system easily. use with caution12:52
adam7int256: yes, but it's difficult12:52
Mob[ST]erIncarus: no .... and as you can see, I'm very new at this ;)12:52
int256adam7: how ? pls explain.12:52
adam7int256: XP will want to be the first primary partition and it will overwrite the boot loader12:52
IncarusMob[ST]er, -> hmw12:52
maverick340how do i remove messages from the outbox queue in evolution ?12:52
int256adam7: ok12:52
hmw!grub | int25612:52
ubottuint256: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:52
adam7int256: if you have an extra hard drive, you may want to consider backing up your ubuntu system, installing XP, and restoring the ubuntu system12:53
Mob[ST]erIncarus: hmw ?12:53
hmwint256 - you will have to let windows destroy grub, unfortunately12:53
IncarusMob[ST]er, look at hmw's comment12:53
cooldduuuddeits pretty easy 2 reinstall grug12:53
acfrazieris x-chat free?12:53
adam7acfrazier: yep12:53
quibbleracfrazier: yes12:53
int256adam7: can i recover the ubuntu bootloader after installing xp12:54
adam7!grub | int25612:54
ubottuint256: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:54
hmwint256 - yes12:54
Mob[ST]erhmmm... cool app :)12:54
adam7int256: it's not hard, you just need to follow the link above on a live cd12:54
Mob[ST]erthanks guys !12:54
tjoeneradam7: I'm trying some stuff here, but when I try to unpack libc6_2.8~20080505-0ubuntu9_amd64.deb it says: "tar: skipping to next header \n tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors"12:54
shavinhave to go. thanks for all the  help guys12:55
tjoenercould my mirror be screwed?12:55
Incarustjoener, install the x86 ubuntu12:55
adam7Incarus: that's not a solution12:55
rdakini need to install the sqlite 3 client on my Hardy box, but apt installs 2.8.17 -- is there a way to do this?12:55
adam7tjoener: try this: dpkg -i --root /path/to/messed/up/install libc6<tab>12:55
Mob[ST]er..... I still can't open any files with this12:55
tjoenerrdakin: apt-get install sqlite3 If i'm correct12:55
Incarusadam7, he got problems with the x46 files, or?12:55
rdakintjoener: ty, trying...12:56
adam7Incarus: I think he just got a bad package12:56
kristian1i've added ~/Music to Quod Libet library. then i select all tracks and right-click and press edit tags. now how do i remove old tags and replace tags with %artist% - %year% - %album% - %track% - %title%, which all the .mp3's are named as. example: a filenamed - "Bruce Springsteen - 2009 - Working On A Dream - 01 - Outlaw Pete.mp3", remove old tags and add tags according to filename?12:56
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int256i installed ubuntu in ext2 type partition. then how can i install xp there.12:56
jribint256: you mean virtualized?12:56
Incarustjoener, try "sudo apt-get -f install"12:56
adam7tjoener: try downloading the deb from a different mirror12:56
int256jrib: no12:56
tjoenerI'm gonna try that12:56
Incarusint256, make a new partition with linux12:56
hmwMob[ST]er - enter root with "sudo -i" and use nano for editing. but be extremely cautious, a simple typo may mess up your whole sys. always triple check befor hitting enter.12:56
Mob[ST]erit's unbelivable how complicated it is to do a very very simple task with linux :S12:56
tjoenerI'll be back in a few mins, searching for a mirror12:56
Incarustjoener, try "sudo apt-get -f install"12:57
Mob[ST]erhmw: thanks again .12:57
rdakinwhat is the difference between apt-get install FOO and aptitude install FOO12:57
int256Incarus: using gparted ?12:57
jribMob[ST]er: you should explain exactly what you are doing12:57
Incarusint256, yes12:57
Incarusrdakin, different software12:57
Incarusrdakin, apt get is better12:57
rdakinIncarus: same effect?12:57
jribrdakin: not much nowadays12:57
rdakinIncarus: ty12:57
int256Incarus: ok. i which format ?12:57
Incarusint256, ntfs or fat12:58
Mob[ST]erjrib: that's the thing , I simply want to open some files and a folder but ubuntu says I don't have the permissions to do it :S12:58
McQueenhi, i have got a intel centrino 1.6 notebook.... which version can i install? i586 or i386 or an other?12:58
Incarusint256, then boot the win cd12:58
adam7!sudo | Mob[ST]er12:58
ubottuMob[ST]er: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)12:58
adam7!root | Mob[ST]er12:58
ubottuMob[ST]er: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:58
cooldduuuddeint256, ntfs is better12:58
Incarusint256, and install win from the cd (on the right partition)12:58
Mob[ST]erthanks a lot guys, I'm gonna read all this.12:59
hmwcool factoid, adam712:59
Incaruscooldduuudde, it doenst matter, because windows will part it in ntfs12:59
adam7Mob[ST]er: as a regular user, you don't have permissions to edit random system files -- you need to be the root user. this is what makes linux secure12:59
McQueenhi, i have got a intel centrino 1.6 notebook.... which version can i install? i586 or i386 or an other?12:59
jribMob[ST]er: I haven't been following your conversation, but I've seen sudo mentioned a few times.  Running « gksudo gedit /path/to/file » or just « gksudo nautilus » and editing from there shouldn't be difficult.  The point though is that what you are doing should be an *uncommon* thing.  So it shouldn't be a burden to have to type sudo to edit these files12:59
cooldduuuddeincarus, XP can install in fat32 as well12:59
IncarusMcQueen, i56812:59
hmwadam7 Mob[ST]er - and it is the reason, why we dont need antivirus software12:59
McQueenIncarus: thanks12:59
adam7jrib: earlier he said he is trying to edit httpd.conf, some mysql something-or-other and some other things13:00
Incaruscooldduuudde, k13:00
Incaruscooldduuudde, but he have to choose later, because windows should just recognize the partition13:00
cooldduuuddeincarus, agreed13:01
* int256 will be back in 5 mins13:01
adam7McQueen: there are only two versions afaik --- you need the x86 one13:01
toddoondoes somebody use turboprint, how can i get a key?13:02
bazhangtoddoon, not here13:02
IncarusMcQueen, x64 and x86, you need x8613:02
jribtoddoon: buy it?13:02
toddoonwhy i hace choosen canon ?!!?13:03
jrib!print > toddoon13:03
ubottutoddoon, please see my private message13:03
cooldduuuddehmw, there was a google earth problem that i spoke of some time back13:03
hmwcooldduuudde yea, any news?13:03
jribtoddoon: my canon printer "just works" after I plug it in and turn on the power.  Check ubottu's links13:03
toddoonjrib: ok thanx13:03
Atlantesi just installed ubuntu 64bit, i have a few questions what the best option is to install flash and java, someone knows the answer ^^13:04
tjoeneradam7: you are a hero13:04
cooldduuuddehmw,i ran it using sudo. it doesn't show any errors but quits as soon as opens13:04
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
IncarusAtlantes, yes13:04
adam7tjoener: you get it?13:04
hmwcooldduuudde as stated before, some apps dont like to be run as root. cant you run it normally??13:04
jribAtlantes: install the "flashplugin-nonfree" package for flash.  Install whatever java you want from the repositories (there's sun and free versions)13:04
jrib!java > Atlantes13:04
ubottuAtlantes, please see my private message13:04
adam7Atlantes: the best way to do it is to go to a site that needs flash or java and when firefox asks "do you want to install the plugin" click yes13:04
tjoenerjep, I extracted the GOOD downloaded package, cp -av the entire thing over the fs root, then did an install to be nice with -i --root ... and now I can chroot13:04
cooldduuuddehmw, the problem was when i ran it normally i am getting errors13:05
tjoenerso I think I'm going to edit my mirrors :)13:05
adam7tjoener: good idea.13:05
hmwcooldduuudde what ubuntu version do you have?13:05
tjoeneradam7: I thank you for your help13:05
cooldduuudde8.10 interpid13:05
Atlantesjrib, adam7: does that work for 64bit version of ubuntu?13:06
Incaruscooldduuudde, paste the errors13:06
adam7Atlantes: yep, I'm using it now13:06
cooldduuuddehmw Could not create directory:13:06
IncarusAtlantes, you can install 64 bit plugins13:06
BrixSathello friends13:06
cooldduuuddeincarus Google Earth could not write to the current cache or myplaces file location. The values will be set as follows: My Places Path: "/home/akash/.googleearth"13:06
cooldduuuddeCache Path: "/home/akash/.googleearth/Cache"13:06
hmwcooldduuudde thats definetively wrong, a user has no business in /root. the german wiki says, that google earth would be broken, and one can get another version... stand by13:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Incaruscooldduuudde, "sudo mkdir /root/.googleearth/Cache"13:07
BrixSati have an old dlink de-220pct rev-d2 card and cant work with it on my ubuntu server 8.1013:07
cooldduuuddelemme try it13:07
cooldduuuddeincarus it says the file already exists13:08
IncarusBrixSat, search in the net13:08
jribAtlantes: yes13:08
Atlantesadam7: flash works, thought that didn't worked with 64bit great :D13:08
hmwIncarus cooldduuudde - german wiki suggests: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.googleearth ~/.config/Google13:08
BrixSatIncarus i have done that13:08
BrixSatim living in google for 2 houres and nothinhg13:08
Art4kPackage gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH13:08
jribArt4k: what are you compiling?13:09
IncarusBrixSat, most of us (everybody) cant help you13:09
hmwcooldduuudde - maybe this helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth13:09
jrib!compile > Art4k13:09
ubottuArt4k, please see my private message13:09
BrixSatIncarus i know but maybe some one had that problem also in the past ;)13:09
adam7BrixSat: if you give us some idea of what an old dlink de-220pct rev-d2 card is even supposed to do, there might be more help13:09
cooldduuuddehmw i am not so familiar wid most commands. i understand it will alter permissions. are you sure it will work?13:09
jribArt4k: you need the corresponding -dev package for gtk+ from the repositories (ie use synaptic or apt-get)13:10
BrixSatadam7 dlink de-220ptc is an ethernet card13:10
hmwcooldduuudde absolutely not. never used google earth and just got it from the german ubuntu wiki. try the link i gave you13:10
BrixSatwith old bnc conector and rj45 connector13:10
cooldduuuddehmw okay thanks man13:10
hmwcooldduuudde google is your friend ;-)13:10
adam7BrixSat: have you ever gotten this thing to work in the past in ubuntu13:11
kristian1im in ex falso right now and i have browsed to ~/Music, and clicked the dir twice so that all songs come up on the right side of the screen. now i want to delete all the .mp3's id tags and retag them according to filename, because the filenames are correct. example: "Bruce Springsteen - 2009 - Working On A Dream - 01 - Outlaw Pete.mp3". so i want to id tag all my mp3 in the following format: <artist> - <year> - <album> - <track> - <title>,13:11
BrixSatadam7 nope it is virgin to me13:11
adam7BrixSat: it might be worth a small amount of money to get a new ethernet card -- that said, generally, the older it is, the better supported it is13:12
IncarusArt4k, why dont you install the hydra deb?13:12
BrixSatbut the store is closed on sunday :p and i was wondering if it could do the job why a new one?13:12
Art4ki dont know13:12
simon_hi i use readeon driver and have freeze when using compiz or a game. hard freeze have to press power button. any help?13:12
adam7BrixSat: it should work if it is just a normal ethernet card13:12
adam7BrixSat: can you put your lspci in the pastebin?13:13
BrixSatAdam7 yes it is but it does not work, on /etc/network/interfaces i dont see nothing13:13
cooldduuuddesimon_ you sure you have a gud grafix card?13:13
BrixSatlspci ok 1 minute13:13
hareldvdhow to install google earth?13:13
hmwhareldvd https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth13:13
adam7!googleearth | hareldvd13:13
ubottuhareldvd: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository13:13
=== laptop is now known as ikz
simon_cooldduuudde: what?13:15
=== Acidic32|Gone is now known as Acidic32
cooldduuuddesimon_ you gotta have a gud grafix card 2 get all 3d frm compiz13:15
simon_cooldduuudde: I didnt have freezes before...13:16
adam7ColdFyre: but not having a good graphics card shouldn't hard lock the computer13:16
=== CyberCop is now known as Guest86115
cooldduuuddesimon_ hard 2 say. may b you messed up some values in compiz13:17
cooldduuuddeset it all back 2 default simon_13:17
simon_cooldduuudde: did not change anything in compiz13:17
rfauthi am trying to use sudo cpufreq-selector -f 1000 to set the cpu frequency. this is not working. i have tried setting governor to userspace first and then setting the freq but it still does not change it. man cpufreq-selector states using -f or --freq= but --freq is an unkown option. any ideas. i am not using the applet because i want this set at boot and options for setting the governor have been removed from the applet13:17
adam7rfauth: they haven't been removed from the applet, you just need to setuid some binary. also, make sure that the speed you are trying to set it to is a valid step13:18
cooldduuuddesimon_ no idea13:19
rfauthadam7: you know what, maybe it is not 1000, dang it13:19
rfauthadam7: heh, 1000000 not 100013:21
hareldvdRegarding google earth, those who answered me, Lost contacts due to IRC client crash. Can you refere me again?13:22
dayo2how do i extract a tar in dir_A to dir_B ?13:22
rfauthadam7: i did the conversion to mhz not gigahertz13:22
erUSULdayo2: tar xf file.tar -C dir_B/ afaik13:22
adam7rfauth: oops :P13:22
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:22
dayo2erUSUL: awesome. thank u! :-)13:23
hareldvddayo2: first make sure you know the name of the directory and if it was stored with full pathname. Use tar xvf for that.13:23
hareldvddayo2: sorry tar tvf13:23
dayo2hareldvd: what do u mean?13:23
merlotI am coming from gentoo where I used "rc-update add ..." to schedule things to start at boot. Whats the Ubuntu equivalent please?13:24
taylor04im having problem with wireless internet on a dell 1501, have gone through the tutorials trying ndiswrapper etc etc and none of its working, when i try seing the status of my driver it says its disabled, on the top of my labby the wifi light is off and fn + f2 doesnt do anything13:24
adam7taylor04: what card?13:24
hareldvddayo2: if the files were stored with full pathname that is all file names start with a / then no matter where you will be it will extract according to the full pathname.13:24
adam7taylor04: broadcom?13:25
giuliociao a tutti scusate, ho installato warrock con wine e quando lo apro da wine programi -> warrock mi fa clikkare "ok" nel launcher ma poi non si apre il gioco, sapreste aiutarmi?13:25
adam7!it | Guidoo13:25
ubottuGuidoo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:25
adam7!it | giulio13:25
ubottugiulio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:25
adam7Guidoo: sorry13:25
dayo2hareldvd: aah i see. thanks!13:25
taylor04broadcom 431113:26
adam7taylor04: what revision?13:26
taylor04not sure13:26
yinonehhi, cannot ssh -X "error in locking authority file". removing .Xauthority doesn't help, the permissions are - me only. any ideas ? Thanks in advance13:26
adam7taylor04: find out -- use lspci | grep Broadcom13:26
taylor04rev 113:26
taylor04 Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)13:27
=== jxander is now known as jxander_
KevDogtaylor04: whats the problem?13:29
taylor04im having problem with wireless internet on a dell 1501, have gone through the tutorials trying ndiswrapper etc etc and none of its working, when i try seing the status of my driver it says its disabled, on the top of my labby the wifi light is off and fn + f2 doesnt do anything13:30
taylor04im using bcm431113:30
KevDogFirst -- dont use ndiswrapper13:30
KevDogLet me see what you can use--brb13:30
KevDogtaylor04: What about the b43 driver?13:32
art4k_How to install GF drivers13:32
BrixSatadam7 thanks but i wont be able to fix the problem now familiar problem to solve ;) thanks for helping13:33
jribart4k_: GF?13:33
taylor04i installed b44 driver with ndiswrapper at first because i couldnt use the ndiswrapper wiki, so then that didnt work and uninstalled and used a supported one with ndiswrapper, but obviously thats a no go too13:34
KevDogtaylor04: b44?  You mean b43?13:34
art4k_jrib: i mean geForce13:34
jrib!nvidia | art4k_13:34
ubottuart4k_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:34
taylor04nah, i got it from dell, i just did a search on b43 and checked it out, its got linux support already?13:35
taylor04i feel like an idiot now, let me try that out13:35
diuneighI'd like to thank everyone who helped me get ubuntu installed on my machine.. I appreciate your time and generosity..13:36
diuneighthanks again!!13:36
KevDogtaylor04: b43 should work if you downloaded the firware independently -- The firware is the actually binary code to power the code.  The reason you have to download the firmware independently is b/c its actually closed source13:36
taylor04so if i downloaded the firmware idepentdently how would i get it to work with b4313:37
KevDogtaylor04: Correction: power the card13:37
hareldvdPlease, those who helped me regardin installing Google earyh, come again. I lost your info due to IRC client crash.13:37
jribhareldvd: just install it from the medibuntu repositories13:37
taylor04im new to this, where can i get the firmware? do i run it with b43?13:37
jrib!medibuntu | hareldvd13:37
ubottuhareldvd: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:37
adam7!googleearth | hareldvd13:38
ubottuhareldvd: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository13:38
jribtaylor04: have you tried System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers?13:38
KevDogtaylor04: Everything should just work13:38
taylor04yea jrib13:38
jribtaylor04: and was there a driver there?13:38
KevDogjrib -- Nice call on that one13:38
tjoeneradam7: I changed the repositories from be to nl, and everything works fine now. I probably should file a report that they have a corrupt file on their server?13:39
art4k_In my "System->Administration->Hardware Drivers" no drivers to select...13:39
taylor04i just tried it, said system error, failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock13:39
hareldvdubottu: Installed from your link (did before asking you) application crashes.13:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:40
KevDogtaylor04: do you have synaptic running in the background?13:40
taylor04i dont know13:40
jribhareldvd: ubottu is a bot, talk to the humans13:41
KevDogtaylor04: That errror usually implies you were trying to update packages before and something crashed13:41
dustyHey guys I have just installed Ubuntu 8.10 and when I Put a DVD in the drive it does not automatically recognise I put a disk in there and mount it, how do I get it to do that ?13:41
taylor04yea, i am downloading wine now, ive updated everything and rebooted though13:41
jribdusty: is it a commercial dvd with css?13:41
dustyYes I bought it from the shop.13:41
KvitrafnA movie?13:42
KevDogtaylor04: ?13:42
dustyI also bought a lovely new monitor so want to test it out13:42
dustyYes a Film.13:42
jrib!dvd | dusty13:42
ubottudusty: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:42
taylor04i did all system updates last night and rebooted13:42
io_New install of ubuntu , sound card not funtioning. request enhancement13:42
hareldvdthe bot is wrong.13:42
hareldvdWho attends the bot??13:42
dustyThank you.13:42
Jack_Sparrowdusty It works better if you keep your comments and responses all on one line.  it makes it easier to read for all13:42
Kvitrafnhareldvd, the bot is wrong? how?13:43
JoeLowdo most people use NetworkManager?13:43
Jack_Sparrowhareldvd We do, what is wrong with the bots response13:43
JoeLowits just that it seems to be stoping me setting interfaces manually from console?13:43
mobilixhi to all13:43
dustyJack_Sparrow, ?13:43
taylor04well, if im getting this error message, whats the best way to fix the problem?13:43
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:43
KevDogtaylor04: Ok so no synaptic or aptitude?13:43
KevDogJoeLow: WICD13:43
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:43
taylor04i honestly have no clue man, im new to ubuntu13:43
KevDogDo as ubottu stated :)13:44
hareldvdKvitrafn: Nice to takl to human. Bot is not entirely wrong. only on updated machine as mine. with whatever packages I already have installed, google earth from the bot link crashes. Do you want the error message?13:44
KevDogAnyone tried the video stuff with pidgin?13:44
Jack_Sparrowtaylor04 that is one of two problems,  another package manager is running, or you need to clear the lock manually after a crash or stopping an upgrade etc13:44
jribhareldvd: ubottu gave you more than one link.  Be specific.13:44
adam7KevDog: pidgin has video stuff?13:45
taylor04would a reboot clear the lock?13:45
Jack_Sparrowtaylor04 no13:45
=== jxander_ is now known as jxander
JoeLowKevDog: what is WICD?13:45
KevDogadam7: supposedly the mt build (which is like the cvs/svn build) maybe has the capabilities13:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about WICD13:45
hareldvdjrib: Sorry, thought the first was someone else. The second gave me trouble:  http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html13:46
KevDogJoeLow: Just an alternative to NWM13:46
jribhareldvd: so now be specific about the trouble13:46
JoeLowah right,13:46
KevDogtaylor04: run these commands in a terminal: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock && sudo dpkg --configure -a13:47
hareldvdjrib: With pleasure. The error: ./googleearth-bin: relocation error: /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8: symbolBIO_test_flags, version OPENSSL_0.9.8 not defined in file libcrypto.so.0.9.8 with link time reference13:47
dustyjrib, I have followed those articles but it still does not automatically recognise the disk ?13:47
jribhareldvd: remove that.  Use the medibuntu package13:47
JoeLowshould i be able to set my wireless netowkr using "iwconfig eth1 essid "Belkin54g"13:47
taylor04wait, i just tried the driver manager and its working now, thanks for all the help kevdog and jack sparrow, i appreciate it13:48
KevDogJoeLow: you are doing a manual configuration for your wireless card.  What do you want to do!13:48
JoeLowyes, when i do that nothing happens, as if NetworkManager was stoping me?13:48
JoeLowso i need to startx, then use NetworkManager to access my wireless13:49
KevDogadam7: Have you tried the mt build?13:49
jribdusty: pastebin the output of « apt-cache policy libdvdcss2 »13:49
adam7KevDog: no, but I might have to13:49
dustyGUy's why won't it read this DVD??13:49
KevDogJoeLow: Are your simply at a terminal right now?  I mean you don't need a gui or really any package if you configure your wireless card manually13:49
zgmf-x20ahey all, having an issue in evolution, why do all my rss feeds no longer have a window underneath so i can see the material in the feed???13:49
Jack_Sparrowdusty all dvd's or just the one13:50
JoeLowyeah im at a terminal13:50
KevDogadam7: I take it you have compiled things befoe?13:50
adam7KevDog: a few times :)13:50
dustyJack_Sparrow, all.13:50
hareldvdjrib: Only if I knew how to remove the package installed from  http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html13:50
JoeLowKevDog: i want to be able to configure my wireless without having to startx13:50
dustyjrib, http://rafb.net/p/3Cd44L68.html13:50
JoeLowwhich is the case at the moment13:50
dustyJack_Sparrow, I've tried 4 and neither load.13:50
KevDogJoeLow: Does running iwlist scan show your network?13:50
dustycdxs work.13:50
dustyOh and it is  DVD RW13:50
KevDogadam7: Ok, sorry, no mean to insult you.  Do you need a cookbook?13:50
adam7dusty: this is a film?13:50
bazhangdusty, a commercial dvd on dvd-rw?13:51
jribhareldvd: read its documentation?13:51
dustyyes a movie (the escpaist)13:51
adam7KevDog: no insult taken :) sure13:51
Jack_Sparrowdusty Stop hitting the enter key...  Complete sentences on one line  Please13:51
dustycommercial dvd13:51
adam7dusty: a commercial dvd that ships on a dvdrw?13:51
KevDogJoeLow: Do you see your netork?13:51
JoeLowKevDog: yes i do13:51
netsnooperhallo zusammen13:51
hareldvdjrib: All you get is a shell script executabe. Do I need to dig into it?13:51
KevDogJoeLow: Do you have any encryption on your wireless network?13:52
JoeLowit is unsecure, so should iwconfig eth1 essid "Belkin54G" ...work?13:52
dustyNo its a real dvd that i bought from a shop!13:52
JoeLowKevDog: no13:52
dbu_hi, I am using svn 1.4.3, and I have checked out a repository, but when I run svn up it wants me to re-authenticate each time (btw: have run co as user www-data, and want to run up as www-data) how can i prevent re-authentication?13:52
dustyadam7, ^^13:52
KevDogJoeLow: Do you want dhcp or a static IP?13:52
adam7dusty: but you just said it's a dvdrw...13:52
netsnoopergibt es auch einen deutschen chat? und wenn ja wie komme ich dahin?13:52
jribhareldvd: google has documentation on its website13:52
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:52
KevDogJoeLow: Ok: sudo iwconfig essid "Belkin54G"13:52
KevDogJoeLow: Then: sudo dhclient eth113:53
netsnooperic/join #ubunutu-de13:53
hareldvdjrib: Thanks will do.13:53
jribhareldvd: you can try shell_script --help  too13:53
JoeLowKevDog: yes i know, thats what im doing, but it doesnt seem to be joining that network, i thought it was a NEtworkManager problm?13:53
JoeLowor stoping me setting mine myself13:53
hareldvdjrib: Thanks. Much better.13:53
* KevDog thinks is it me or am I the only one who doesnt know adam7?13:53
bazhangdusty, commercial dvd's never ship on rw, unless it is pirated.13:54
KenBW2whenever i tranfer music to my phone with ubuntu the atrists' and albums' names don't  show up as they should (for example Even, Evanesce, Evanescence). is this a problem with the transfer?13:54
io_any hel with my sound card available?13:54
KevDogJoeLow: What does lshw -C network show about the wireless chipset and driver?13:54
adam7KevDog: JoeLow: you may have to set the channel too13:55
JoeLowoh right13:55
adam7sudo iwconfig eth1 channel 3 or w/e the channel is13:55
JoeLowmaybe i should just disable networkManager13:55
KevDogadam7: Never had to do that before, although I guess you could13:55
KevDogadam7: Never had to do that before -- except with aircrack13:55
adam7KevDog: on some cards you don't have to, on others you do13:56
kernel: )13:56
adam7some drivers set the channel from the essid automatically I think13:56
KevDogJoeLow: I dont think NWM isthe problem.  What error are you getting after the dhclient command?13:56
KevDogadam7: Do you know of any specific driver types for this -- I main a thread about this topic?13:57
JoeLowKevDog: nothing, no error, after i do "iwconfig eth1..." i get no error, but it has not joined that netowrk13:57
adam7KevDog: no, sorry. I don't even remember where I saw that at13:57
KevDogJoeLow: You do the iwconfig statement followed by dhclient13:57
KevDogadam7: cool13:58
KenBW2whenever i tranfer music to my phone with ubuntu the atrists' and albums' names don't  show up as they should (for example Even, Evanesce, Evanescence). is this a problem with the transfer?13:58
JoeLowbut if i do startx and use NetowrkManager, it works, so the driver and everything is fine13:58
adam7JoeLow: try this: sudo iwconfig eth1 essid my_essid channel 99; sudo dhclient eth1; <-- obviously, replace my_essid with the essid of your network and 99 with the channel number13:58
* KevDog thinks Is adam7=imdano?13:59
wiijiiHi guys, is anyone else having issues reverting back to ath5k after the latest update changed wireless to ath9k? If someone has succeeded, could you please help?13:59
adam7KevDog: I know him, yes. I'm not him though :P13:59
KevDogadam7: Ok that was just a wild guess!14:00
=== Kvitrafn is now known as kultom
KevDogadam7: This pidgin is taking forever to compile14:00
adam7KevDog: do you have a link to it?14:00
Lasivian6cI have compiz installed and want to "tile" windows automatically, but there is no tile option, ideas? thanks14:00
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion14:01
laputaIs there any one use jaunty and dpkg got error?14:01
amikropHow can you check if you have 32bit or 64bit version of Ubuntu?14:01
adam7laputa: try #ubuntu+114:01
adam7amikrop: uname -a14:01
KevDogadam7: I do, but there was a hack just to let you know.  Not sure if it was the right thing to do, but I needed 3 packages for jaunty's repository on intrepid.  I temporarily added the repository to grab the 3 packages. Not sure if this will lead to breakage?14:02
bazhanglaputa, #ubuntu+1 for that14:02
KrispyQCsalut (tlm)14:02
adam7KevDog: never can tell for sure, but I've done that before without too much trouble14:02
Jack_SparrowKevDog Yes that will lead you to breakage..14:02
adam7depends on the packages I think14:02
laputaIs there anyone got dpkg error?14:03
Jack_SparrowKevDog adam7 Yes that will lead you to breakage.. Usually at the next upgrade if not now14:03
jriblaputa: you need to be more specific14:03
bazhanglaputa, wrong channel for jaunty14:03
KevDogJack_Sparrow: I know the risk, however I had no choice.  Ive also heard others doing this however -- it was my belief IT MAY lead to breakage.  Try at your own risk14:03
Jack_Sparrowlaputa Ask in the right channel14:03
mm2_slhi, anyone know to mount hfsplus iso image in ubuntu ?14:03
mm2_slit gives this error14:04
mm2_slmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,14:04
mm2_sl       missing codepage or helper program, or other error14:04
mm2_sl       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try14:04
mm2_sl       dmesg | tail  or so14:04
FloodBot2mm2_sl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:04
KevDogJack_Sparrow: Even you then put those packages on hold?14:04
Jack_SparrowKevDog it will lead to breakage, just not always instant14:04
laputaJack_Sparrow:my dpkg has much error!14:04
bazhanglaputa, this is not for jaunty.14:04
Jack_Sparrowlaputa Go to the right channel as we have asked14:04
KevDogJack_Sparrow: What's the workaround then?14:04
laputaJack_Sparrow:and I can't startx.14:04
JampiterHow do I write a bootable .img image to a floppy?14:05
adam7Jampiter: dd if=image.img of=/dev/floppydrive14:05
adam7Jampiter: I think the drive is something like /dev/flx but I don't remember for sure14:05
Jampiteradam7: Thank you :)14:05
KevDogadam7: here is the link -- the last couple of pages talk about the mt portion.  I guess based on the above, try at your own risk:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97578314:06
adam7Jampiter: and use the dd command with care -- it can destroy your system if you point it at the wrong device14:06
tompon hardy 8.04, i cant copy a 4.2g file with MC, then i saw i coudnt do it with Nautilus 2.22.2. i'm tryong cp right now. it reports the fiee is too big on 3 different partitions, all way bigger than 4.3. cp jusyt failed 'file too large'14:06
Jampiteradam7: ...ok, how do I find out my floppy drive for SURE? Mount?14:07
adam7Jampiter: if it is mounted, sure14:07
Jampiteradam7: I don't think it's mounted.. it's not showing up, anyway. How can I mount it?14:07
KevDogadam7: The packages I needed to grab from jaunty were the following: libgstfarsight0.10-0 libgstfarsight0.10-dev gstreamer0.10-plugins-farsight14:07
quibblertomp: what file system are the partitions?14:08
Craige_Hey guys. I need a hand with a few things. First one being that by Ubuntu 64bit is running hot (can get upwards of 80C)14:08
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap14:08
Craige_It's rediculious.14:09
adam7Jampiter: you can also do ls /dev/f?0 which should show you14:09
adam7KevDog: actually my laptop is upgrading to jaunty as we speak so I might try it on there14:10
LasivianI have compiz installed and want to "tile" windows automatically, but there is no tile option, ideas? thanks14:10
Jack_SparrowLasivian I linked ccsm for you earlier, did you get and install that yet14:10
Jampiteradam7: It says "bash: /dev/fb0: Permission denied" IS fb0 right then?14:10
KevDogadam7: When I need to hack packages -- had to do this before -- sometimes I wish I was running Arch14:11
LasivianJack_Sparrow: sorry, I must have missed your message14:11
tompquibbler i just used fdisk to see 'linux' 83   how can i chck the fs?14:11
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion14:11
KevDogJack_Sparrow: Any proposed workaround?14:11
Jack_SparrowKevDog No idea what you were working on, but adding jaunty repos,, isnt an answer14:12
adam7Jampiter: fb is not correct14:12
Jampiteradam7: I tried dd with fb0 and it says it wrote it, but.. ah, It's not correct14:12
adam7Jampiter: It should be either fd0 or fl014:12
quibblertomp: how are they formated ext3 ntfs fat??14:12
Jack_SparrowJampiter fd0 is normal14:12
adam7Jampiter: fb might be a framebuffer or something14:12
KevDogJack_Sparrow: How do I get newer packages that are not in the repository because they are needed to compile from source?14:12
Jampiteradam7: It did make the right hand side of the sceen fuzzy for a second14:13
JampiterJack_Sparrow: I'll try that14:13
Jack_SparrowKevDog Chasing dependencies is up to you when installing from soureces ourside the supported repos14:13
tompquibbler: ext3 i th9nk, but how do i check? fisk gave lame 'linux' answer14:13
adam7Jampiter: that's probably what it was then14:13
Jampiteradam7: Will that have harmed my computer?14:13
taylor04kevdog: i activated the b43 drivers and got the wifi light on my labtop on, rebooted, on the connection tab on the top right wireless stuff is all grayed out so i cant use it14:13
adam7Jampiter: shouldn't14:13
KevDogJack_Sparrow: Hmmm, I guess that is an answer, but I'm sure others have had this problem before.  Any proposed strategies?14:13
kristian1hey! all my music is stored in ~/Music and is named according to this example: "Bruce Springsteen - 2009 - Working On A Dream - 01-14 - Outlaw Pete.mp3". the "-14" indicates how many tracks are on the specific album. the tagging of these mp3's are wrong, so i want to remove all mp3 tags/album art/all the additional information, and then retag the album according to the mp3 filename format: <artist> - <date> - <album> - <tracknumber> - <tit14:14
adam7KevDog: maybe apt-get source from a jaunty package and then recompile for intrepid?14:14
KevDogtaylor04: I take it you are using the gui14:14
quibblertomp: if they are ext3 then you should be able to copy also ntfs but not if they are fat (windows)14:14
Jampiteradam7: Ok, that's a relief. I'm trying it with fd0 and it says Permission denied. How do I grant it permission? Would sudo work?14:14
Jack_SparrowKevDog stick with supported repos and be safe..  Learn to compile, run dual boot so you can have a system for testing and always have a backup14:14
adam7Jampiter: you'll need sudo14:15
Jack_SparrowJampiter sudo14:15
KevDogadam7: I thought about that, but then started chasing dependencies -- need to compile gstreamer -- then needing to compile another package --14:15
Jampiteradam7 & Jack_Sparrow: Thanks14:15
adam7KevDog: I see where that is going14:15
KevDogadam7: You catch my drift :)14:16
Jampiteradam7: It says it's done it again, but there was no activity from the floppy drive and it was very fast14:16
adam7Jampiter: how big is the image you're trying to write?14:16
Jampiteradam7: 1.4 MB14:17
tompquibbler: i have copied 3.8g filles ( dvd imgs) from these partitions to XP NTFS partitions andd vicversa, i hit a snag on this, the largest of the at 4.2G.14:17
KevDogJack_Sparrow: I do know how to compile.  Thanks for the advice anyway.14:17
taylor04KevDog: yes im using the gui14:17
adam7Jampiter: yeah, you would have noticed that14:17
quibblertomp: is the drive full?14:18
Jampiteradam7: I'll try it with fl014:18
KevDogtaylor04: So gui is greyed out.  Do you know how to use CLI to test things?14:18
adam7Jampiter: don't14:18
adam7Jampiter: fl0 is incorrect, it's fd0 you need14:18
taylor04KevDog: Ill google it14:18
Jampiteradam7: Ok14:18
KevDogtaylor04: Now you are thinking, but perhaps your /etc/network/interfaces file has some entries inside this file thay may need to be deleted14:19
Jack_SparrowLasivian Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse14:20
Jack_SparrowLasivian For Animations like Burning windows..Open CCSM  Under Effects.. Enable Animations and Animations add-ons... Close CCSM, Reopen CCSM, Double click Animations.. You will see tabs for Open, Close, Minimize etc... On the tab marked Open Select.. New.. Where it says open Effect Select... Burn.. Set Duration to 150.. For Window Match.. Type (type=Normal | Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog)14:20
taylor04KevDog: hehe, im not afraid to help myself, ive spent a day on this with no luck though. I'm new to linux so im not sure what all i need and dont need or even about going how to do it14:20
LasivianJack_Sparrow: yes, got all that working so far, but I didn;t see any option to force windows to tile14:21
hikenbootcan anyone explain to me why when i take snapshots of my system I only see one snapshot listed under lvdisplay. is there another command to see the full list of snapshots14:21
Jack_SparrowLasivian /join #Compiz for details on setting up and using compiz14:21
KevDogtaylor04: About 2 years ago  I ws like you.  I had a working system quickly, but it took about 1 month to become comfortable with things.  Knowledge of using the command line really helped, and I had had that from college14:21
KevDogI about got thrown out of the forums last night!14:22
taylor04KevDog: im willing to learn but this wifi thing is killing me!14:23
KevDogtaylor04: Can you use the command line at all?  Its very easy to troubleshoot things using the CLI14:23
CopperHello, how do i enable opengl support with nvidia drivers?14:24
taylor04KevDog: i can copy and paste, haha14:24
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IgramulCopper: System -> Administration -> Hardware driver14:25
KevDogtaylor04: You might be in luck since with the gnome-terminal you can cut and paste commands into the terminal14:25
taylor04yep, i have been all day14:25
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KevDogtaylor04: Open a gnome terminal up for me just for kicks!14:26
HSO_SadiQany other yahoo messenger like app besides pidgin,gyache and kopete for 8.10 ???14:26
taylor04KevDog: ok14:27
KevDogtaylor04:  A few things. I just want you to look at things14:27
McQueeni downloaded ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso then i sent it to winmd5sum.... there are 2 text box. md5 sum text box is 24ea1163ea6c9f5dae77de8c49ee7c03 and compare text box is empty... so what do i have to do now?14:27
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KevDogtaylor04: do lspci -nnm and then look at the output.  Don't get freaked out.  Find your wireless chipset and tell me what it is14:27
geirha!md5sum | McQueen14:28
ubottuMcQueen: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more14:28
taylor04KevDog: i wont freak out, getting used to this, hehe "Network controller [0280]" "Broadcom Corporation [14e4]" "BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [4311]" -r01 "Dell [1028]" "Device [0007]"14:29
KevDogtaylor04: lshw -C network -- Find your chipset and tell me what driver is listed14:29
adam74311 rev 1 is supported by b4314:30
KevDogadam7: I'm liking that new openfwwf driver14:30
mjbraunI'm a bit confused. I'm trying to recreate kernel 2.6.22-14-generic, but I can't figure out the naming conventions. If I do "git tag | grep Ubuntu*" I get options like Ubuntu-2.6.22.[41-53]. How do I know which version was used to create the stock kernel?14:31
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AlanJenkinsHSO_SadiQ: you could try empathy14:31
KevDogtaylor04: It should say like driver=b43-pci-bridge14:31
AlanJenkinsHSO_SadiQ: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy14:31
taylor04b43 driver14:31
Jack_Sparrow!kernel > mjbraun14:31
ubottumjbraun, please see my private message14:31
taylor04just found it hehe14:31
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KevDogtaylor04: Cool -- now if you do a  - iwlist scan - do you see networks14:32
adam7KevDog: should do sudo iwlist scan otherwise it'll just give you the cached results14:32
taylor04lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.14:33
taylor04eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.14:33
taylor04wmaster0  Interface doesn't support scanning.14:33
taylor04wlan0     No scan results14:33
taylor04pan0      Interface doesn't support scanning.14:33
FloodBot2taylor04: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:33
MadsyI want to make a video of some slides and post to YouTube. Any recommendations for video software I could use? OpenOffice doesn't seem to support avi as a container format.14:33
Jack_Sparrow!paste > taylor0414:33
ubottutaylor04, please see my private message14:33
taylor04dont kill me, please!14:33
Incarustaylor04, whats the problem?14:33
KevDogtaylor04: Dont post the results -- Just look -- A lot of this is thinking about the output:  sudo iwlist scan14:34
dayo2what is the command line path to Trash?14:34
taylor04i flooded, lol14:34
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ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash14:34
taylor04KevDog: same thing14:34
dayo2Jack_Sparrow: thanks! :-)14:34
mjbraunJack_Sparrow: Yes, I've gone through those steps, and I'm trying to identify why certain older kernels work on my system, but not newer ones (see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4482542 )14:34
adam7taylor04: the wireless card is on, the switch on the laptop is on, too, right?14:35
adam7an amazing number of people run into trouble because their switch was accidentally off14:35
Jack_Sparrowmjbraun What isnt working with the stock kernel from ubuntu14:35
KevDogtaylor04: Ok now examine your system log files.  Do a dmesg | less - use the space bar to advance to the next page.  Do you see any errors about the b43 stuff. Just read them slowly --14:35
Incarustaylor04, if the device is not under /dev/ it the device or driver dont work14:36
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mjbraunJack_Sparrow: Essentially, versions over 2.6.22-14-generic won't boot on properly with my SCSI 200 disc CD changer attached14:36
cooldduuuddeguys what exactly improves wen you upgrade kernel?14:37
KevDogIncarus: My device wlan0 isnt listed in /dev14:38
Jack_Sparrowmjbraun Interesting..  but not surprising..  try /join /kernel14:38
InterNutOS ubuntu 8.10 problem: Deluge only gives me "Segmentation fault"... help?14:38
IncarusKevDog, k, driver doesnt work / it don't got a driver14:38
mjbraunJack_Sparrow: Ok, I'll check in with those folks. Thanks!14:38
KevDogIncarus: Unclear -- my wlan0 interface works perfectly and I dont see it under /dev unless I'm looking in the wrong place (which I probably am!)14:39
raboofthe livecd, if i remember correctly, has a 'install to harddisk' feature.14:41
raboofcan i also invoke that from a 'normal' installation?14:41
raboofI'm running from a USB disk and would like to install ubuntu on the harddrive14:41
Jampiteradam7: It's worked now, thansk for your help earlier :)14:43
Rods_Tigeron my usb memory livecd stick usb thingy, it boots then leaves me at a command prompt. What's wrong?14:43
zgmf-x20ahey all, can i setup text specific coloring somehow?14:44
adam7Jampiter: gald you go it14:44
IncarusRods_Tiger, the graca driver doesn't work14:44
Rods_TigerIncarus: ah. So what should I do?14:45
Incarusthe quy with the network card: try ndiswrapper, try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" and print the output. Which Ubuntu and which kernels version you got?14:46
zgmf-x20ahmm ok, more explaination.  currentyl my theme is DarkRoom.  BUT in evolution, with RSS feeds, the text is white for somereason, how do i change it to be black??14:46
echo_Hey, I dunno if anyone can answer this, but the Ipod software that comes stock with Ubuntu screws up the song index and after I put a song on there it says there are no mp3s anymore..14:46
echo_I have to go back to windows and throw an mp3 on there and then the index is back14:47
IncarusRods_Tiger, mount your stick and edit "/etc/X11/Xorg.conf" and change graca driver to "vesa"14:47
BobPenguinHello guys. All of a sudden my my ubuntu 8.04 does niot recognize the numeric keypad of my keyboard. All other keys are ok but the numeric pad. I tried to change the keymap to no avail. Any hints on how to solve this?14:47
taylor04kevdog: sorry about that kevdog, my internet was acting up, i get a lot of problems in china...:(14:48
hikenbootis there a command besides lvdisplay to see a series of snapshots of an lvm volume or does lvcreate overwrite the snapshots that exist with the new one? thanks for all your help14:48
jshippbob, turn your numlock on...14:48
IncarusKevDog: try ndiswrapper, try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" and print the output. Which Ubuntu and which kernels version you got?14:48
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KevDogtaylor04: just check dmesg | less and see if you have any errors14:48
magnetronBobPenguin→ did you push the "num lock" button?14:48
dustyHey guys I am using Ubuntu 8.10 with Gnome and dual monitor setup.  I purchased a commercial DVD (The Escapist) to test out my monitor and graphics card... got a HD tv/pc monitor (Samsung).  WHen I put the DVD in the dvd drive, nothing happens, I try going to places->removeable media -> cdrom/dvd drive.. but again nothing happens.. I have installed the neccessary dvd packages what am I doing wrong ?14:48
BobPenguinyes magnetron14:49
BobPenguinI tried both with the numlock on and off magnetron14:49
KevDogIncarus: Why do I need to restart networking?  I have 2.6.27-1114:49
tompis there a 4G file size limit in ext3? in ISO?14:49
mikewuBobPenguin: does pressing the numberpad keys move the cursor or anything else?14:49
bazhangdusty, this is the dvd-rw you referenced earlier?14:49
echo_ANyone? Maybe I should try other software?14:49
taylor04kevdog: as far as i can tell no errors14:49
jshippBobPenguin: is it only affecting the command line, or gui too?14:49
KevDogIncarus: Ndiswrapper -- yeck14:49
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IncarusKevDog, because of the output14:49
raboofis 'ubiquity' the application that installs to the harddisk?14:49
bazhangdusty, as has been mentioned, commercial dvds dont come on dvd-rw14:49
gmorrisonhey guys, just installed ubuntu 8.10 last night (first time ever) and i got my drivers done, but all my music seems especially quiet, dvd's  also, any ideas? is there a mixer sort of thing in ubuntu where i can turn everything up?14:49
echo_I know Ubuntu is free, but it always seems like such a battle to get even the simplest of things to wokr some time14:50
Richaeeraboof:ubiquity is the installer...14:50
Incarusecho_, ubuntu is crap, use opensuse14:50
BobPenguinnope mikewu. jshipp it does affect the GUI14:50
raboofRichaee: i have ubuntu installed on an usbdisk but want to install it on the harddrive. sounds like ubiquity is what i'm looking for then, no?14:50
KevDogtaylor04: Ok try this each command on a new line:  sudo ifconfig wlan0 down  - sudo rmmod b43  - sudo rmmod ssb -- sudo modprobe b43 -- sudo ifconfig wlan0 up14:51
jshippBobPenguin:  tried rebooting yet?14:51
zgmf-x20aok, in evolution, when using rss-evolution, how do i set the text color in the rss feeds in the bottom right window??14:51
Incarusi have to go14:51
BobPenguinmagnetrons, jshipp and mikewu, I did reboot already to no avail14:51
Richaeeraboof: There should be an install icon on ur desktop??14:51
mikewutomp: 16 GiB max file in ext3, 4 GiB in iso14:52
raboofRichaee: no, the installation on the usbdisk is basically a normal, full-blown installation, not the livecd iso14:52
Richaeeraboof: ubiquity gets delted after installion14:53
taylor04ok did that kevdog14:53
tompmikwu, i made a 4.2G iso with bchunk, what to ddo?14:53
Richaeeraboof: You may be able to install it again in synaptic, i dont no14:53
raboofRichaee: looks like it14:53
IncarusKevDog or taylor04 (the person with the problem): the wlan0 SHOULD NOT be in /dev!14:53
tompmikewu, i made a 4.2G iso with bchunk, what to do? orig dvd is gone14:53
adam7tomp, mikewu: max file size is 16 GiB – 2 TiB on ext3 according to wikipedia, I don't know how you know what it is though14:54
Richaeeraboof: ive checked ubiquity is available from the repo's ... sudo apt-get install ubiquity14:54
raboofhmm, 'ubiquity: debconf: DbDriver "targetdb": could not open /target/var/cache/debconf/config.dat'14:54
raboofindeed i dont have a /target14:54
BobPenguinmagnetrons, jshipp and mikewu, should I just buy a new keyboard? I would like to be sure its the keyboard and not the OS...14:54
KevDogtaylor: type dmesg on the command line, and then you may need to scoll up but look sections in regards to b43-phy0: Loading firmware -- or something like thiat14:54
adam7tomp, mikewu: ah, it depends on block size14:54
KevDogIncarus: I know -- I told you that before!14:54
IncarusKevDog, ok, i was off14:55
Richaeeraboof:U wudnt jus do a fresh install from a livecd??14:56
Incarustaylor04, try "iwconfig"14:56
raboofRichaee: i guess i could do that, but it's a hassle :)14:56
adam7taylor04: you did install the firmware with the Hardware Drivers window, right?14:56
raboof(download iso, find cd, blah blah)14:56
taylor04yes adam14:56
Incarusraboof, you cant install ubuntu from the live cd14:56
tompadam7 mikewu, well cdrecord burned the .iso and didnt complian, it mounts and looks ok, now off to XP to see if that other os can see it14:56
KevDogadam7: I hoping dmesg may clarify some things!14:56
el-perrillohi everybody, does anybody know how to make the vpn client work in intrepid???14:57
taylor04kevdog: i could only find b43-phy1 stuff it says radio hardware status changed to disabled14:57
orbisvicislibc6 depends on beloc and beloc depends on libc6, how can I use dpkg to install their debs ?14:57
Richaeeraboof: i know, i think u can mke a livecd from ur install tho?14:57
adam7taylor04: check the switch on your laptop and make sure it is on?14:57
taylor04incarus: iwconfig and then what?14:57
Richaeeraboof: 8.10???14:58
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Incarustaylor04, without parameter14:58
tktkhi all - is there any way to take a default 8.04 install and remove all the GUI stuff from it (i.e. turn it into more of a "server" install)? leaving X intact but no gnome, evolution, firefox etc.14:58
taylor04adam7: its on14:58
taylor04adam7: wifi light is on14:58
KevDogtaylor: Disabled -- means nothing else is going to work.  Really examine the dmesg file -- Are there any other clues contained in dmesg to help you -- we are getting somewhere know!14:58
adam7taylor04: ok, good. how many access points are within range of your computer?14:59
Incarustktk, yes, but use ubuntu server edition14:59
taylor04incarus: what do you mean without parameter14:59
Incarustaylor04, just iwconfig14:59
adam7tktk: why do you need X if you remove all the programs that use it?14:59
taylor04incarus: done14:59
tktkIncarus: I've already got a (rather difficult to configure) machine set up as 8.04 desktop - would rather not have to reinstall it.14:59
el-perrilloDoes anybody know how to make a pptp VPN connection work in intrepid???14:59
taylor04adam7: several, and i know they work for a fact15:00
adam7tktk: just open the package manager and start removeing15:00
tktkadam7: occasionally want to VNC into it15:00
Incarusel-perrillo, google, we dont know15:00
KevDogtaylor04: Examine dmesg again!!! There are clues in this file about what is not working15:00
victoriahello guys, i need help installing something... i try so hard but i was not able to15:00
el-perrilloI have tried everything but nothing seems to woork, I am desperate, I've spent 3 days allready on this thing15:00
tktkadam7: isn't there a way to remove everything that the "ubuntu-desktop" package brings with it?15:00
Incarusvictoria, k15:00
hlm!ask | victoria15:00
ubottuvictoria: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:00
adam7tktk: probably, but I don't know what it is15:01
KevDogtaylor04: Or just do the following to limit the output  --- dmesg | grep b4315:01
Incarusel-perrillo, you have to add a new rule to iptables15:01
tktkadam7: thanks15:01
el-perrilloIcarus, how do I do that?15:01
Incarusel-perrillo, find it out15:01
victoriaIncarus: can you send me a private?15:01
taylor04kevdog: i think i got it maybe, i installed b44 with ndiswrapper before, and i went up, right now my wireless card is running off of b44 eth0 instead of b43, maybe software conflict15:01
el-perrillook, thanks15:02
adam7taylor04: b44?15:02
adam7taylor04: get rid of ndiswrapper15:02
taylor04adam7: windows driver15:02
tomeoWill Ubuntu be able to access a drive formatted in hfs+?15:02
adam7taylor04: try this: sudo rmmod ndiswrapper; sudo rmmod b43; sudo modprobe b43;15:02
KevDogtaylor04: sudo rmmod ndiswrapper15:02
KevDogtaylor04: Then dmesg|grep b4315:02
IncarusMendig0, english15:03
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:03
taylor04b43phy1 status changed to enabled15:03
KevDogtaylor04: b44 is a wired driver -- b43 is a wireless driver -- quit confusing the two.15:03
taylor04got it!15:03
taylor04let me try to boot up a wireless connection15:03
adam7taylor04: iwlist scan works now?15:04
KevDogtaylor04: Hold on!!!! In dmesg: What firmware version are you loading?15:04
taylor04no scan results...15:04
el-perrilloYo hablo espanoel15:04
adam7!es | el-perrillo15:04
ubottuel-perrillo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:04
dustybazhang, I meant that the dvd-rw is the cd drive it is an actual dvd player.. the dvd is a proper dvd from a shop?15:04
=== Nicholas is now known as Guest95765
dustybazhang, How do I play it ?15:05
el-perrillomendig0 yo hablo esanol, que deseas?15:05
Guest95765Can some one help , networking in ubuntu fails after the first restart but if if i use a live cd and boot in live mode it will work any idea's ???15:05
KevDogtaylor04: It should say something like b43-ph0: Loading firware version...  or something like that!15:05
taylor04kevdog: b43-phy1: loading firmware version 410.216015:06
kennyyuwould it be difficult to do ssid scanning if not using network-manager?15:06
IncarusGuest95765, try "sudo dhclient3"15:06
Garepjotr1hi guys.. anyone experience with ubuntu 8.10 + broadcom wireless?15:06
Guest95765thanks ill do that15:06
KevDogtaylor04: good, now look at ifconfig, is a wlan0 interface shown?15:06
n8tuserkennyyu-> nope, use sudo iwlist wlan0 scan  in cli15:06
MyxbGarepjotr1: what chip?15:06
taylor04kevdog: yet15:07
satrixhi to all15:07
kennyyun8tuser: wow cool :)15:07
Garepjotr1rev 0215:07
el-perrilloHas anybody been able to connect to a pptp VPN using Ubuntu intrepid?15:08
BobPenguinmagnetrons, jshipp and mikewu, problem solved! ---> preferences ----> keyboard ------> mouse setting: uncheck "alloe to control the pointer using the keyboard"15:08
KevDogtaylor04: Does lshw -C network show anthing funny under the wireless section like Disabled?15:08
Garepjotr1i'm connected to the wireless but any ping to the gateway or beyond says network unreachable15:08
MyxbGarepjotr1: i have bcm4328. works out of the box.15:08
metajemoi've been trying to access to a remote machine using remote desktop. unfortunately i think it is configured to ask for confirmation and that's the reason not to connect to it.i have a ssh access.does anybody know if there's such a think like a configuration file for it,where is it and how to modify it?15:09
KevDogtaylor04: In fact can you use pastebin to show your lshw -C network?  Google for pastebin -- cut and paste your output, and then just post the link here!15:10
taylor04kevdog: nwireless sections is ok15:10
taylor04one second15:10
mikewumetajemo: what remote desktop program is running15:10
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hikenbootnever mind figured it out ls /dev/<Volume name15:11
taylor04kevdog: http://pastebin.com/m12dbd3d15:11
el-perrilloHas anybody been able to connect to a pptp VPN using Ubuntu intrepid?15:13
KevDogtaylor04: Looks good -- and sudo iwlist scan does not show anything?15:13
mikewumetajemo: my mistake, what is the remote machine running? vncviewer is a client program15:13
oCean_el-perrillo: on my laptop (as a client) I can connect to pptp vpn, yes15:13
taylor04KevDog: it shows a bunch of interface things now15:13
KevDogtaylor04: pastebin that!15:14
el-perrillooCean: How in the worl did you do it? I've tried for days and I can't15:14
el-perrilloIt keeps telling me, connection failed15:14
el-perrilloover and over again15:14
FinnishI'm not able to install this daily build15:15
anonusing1does any one know any good sites for .tar fonts?15:15
KevDogtaylor04: Looks good -- sudo iwlist scan15:15
oCean_el-perrillo: Using the gateway I was told to use. Besides that in Advanced I had to tick MPPE and stateful encryption.15:15
taylor04i got my router15:16
metajemomikewu:ubuntu 8.10. openssh-server Remote Desktop...if i have understood the question correctly15:16
FinnishWhen I click install-button, nothing happens, first time it gave me an error crash15:16
KevDogtaylor04: Ok so you can "see" your router".  I take it you want to connect next?15:16
Jack_SparrowFinnish If you are talking about Jaunty.  Please /join #Ubuntu+115:17
taylor04kevdog: yea! hehe15:17
FinnishSorry, wrong channel15:17
Garepjotr1if the systray thing says i'm connected doesn't that mean that the driver is working?15:17
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter
nicholasthgreyCan some one help me , Sudo has stopped working  ('Myusername" is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.'15:18
nicholasthgrey) ????15:18
KevDogtaylor04: Although not in the strictest sense, but to avoid some debate, you cant have your wired connection up and running at the same time as your wireless.15:18
jribnicholasthgrey: what is the output of « groups »15:18
hackerany bdy here15:18
oCean_!pm > el-perrillo15:18
ubottuel-perrillo, please see my private message15:18
taylor04kevdog: ok, so can you tell me how to go about doing it15:18
mikewumetajemo: disconnect from the ssh, then ssh -XY user@ip that will allow x11 forwarding15:18
nicholasthgreyjrib: sorry iam a newb what do u mean ?15:18
KevDog Everybody is sleeping!15:19
mikewumetajemo: then run vino-prefrences15:19
jribnicholasthgrey: run « groups » in a terminal and tell me the output15:19
nicholasthgreyjrib: ok ill do that15:19
mikewumetajemo: vino-preferences*15:19
ubuntu__Hi, I'm Martin from Germany. I got a problem with Networkmanager. When I klick on NM-applet in Gnome/KDE, there is the text "not managed" for wlan0 and eth0. But I can see the AP with "iwlist wlan0 scanning"15:19
KevDogtaylor04: Ok don't freak out.  You have the network manager icon at the top right of the screen?15:19
KevDogtaylor04: Have you tried using that?15:20
nicholasthgreyJrib: ok its say myusername dip15:20
taylor04well ive enabled wireless when i right click on it but when i left click wireless and all that is grayed out15:20
jribnicholasthgrey: so the next question is: have you run some commands to modif the groups your user is in?15:21
kristian1i need an alarm program. small program that will play an mp3 at set time and repeat the mp3 if not stopped. anyone know of such a program?15:21
Cycomcron, rythmbox on repeat.15:21
KevDogtaylor04: Ok try taking down your wired connection -- you will lose internet when you do so -- sudo ifconfig eth0 down  -- then retry.  To get your wired connection back up its two simple commands: sudo ifconfig eth0 up   sudo dhclient eth015:21
JohnWittlekristian1, google15:21
kavitykristian1: kalarm, xmms-alarm plugin.15:22
el-perrilloocean_: is there any way of starting the VPN using a command line? so I can see where I am getting stuck?15:22
ghisI need to be able to remote control my machine from another vista machine... is there some other way i can do this without vnc... (unlocks the current login... not good if you forget to turn the screen off)15:22
hey_joewhats the status of the intel 845g under 9.04?15:22
nicholasthgreyjrib: no way of noing it was sum1 elses doing lol15:22
Richaeekristian1, cron and ur own shell script15:22
kavitykristian1: Or use sleep15:22
hey_joecompiz working? or must i revert to 8.04?15:22
n8tusertaylor04->  use  sudo ifup eth0  instead to bring up the interface15:22
ubuntu__taylor04: seems that we have the same problem :)15:22
jribnicholasthgrey: huh?15:22
Cycomhey_joe: pretty sure that goes in #ubuntu+115:22
kristian1thanks all :-)15:22
hey_joecycom, thanks15:22
el-perrilloDoes anybody know how to start a VPN connection using a command line?15:23
oCean_el-perrillo: ehm... not sure, never done that.15:23
Cycomhey_joe: np15:23
KevDogn8tuser -- ifconfig up and ifup are not the same thing!15:23
metajemomikewu:great!!!it works, thanks a lot.lame yet,arent i...15:23
el-perrillooCean_: ok15:23
nicholasthgreyjrib: iam speaking for some else . some1 told him to run this command:15:23
nicholasthgrey sudo usermod -G dip USERNAME15:23
n8tuserKevDog-> two steps you are asking him to do, that can be done with one step15:23
jribnicholasthgrey: why?  that command removes the user from all of his groups15:24
nicholasthgreyjrib: no idea , any way for him to reverse it15:24
KevDogn8tuser - ifup = ifdown -- how do you know what state the adapter is in?15:24
sky_how i can delete user which was created in home ?15:24
n8tuserKevDog-> i dont think his will work, the driver of bridge something is not the bcm43xx driver as far as i know15:24
KevDogn8tuser - What -- b43 driver not bcm43xx15:25
Garepjotr1if the systray thing says i'm connected doesn't that mean that the driver is working?15:25
n8tuserKevDog-> please dont argue, read line 315:25
speedmastersky_, userdel -r username15:25
speedmasteryou will probably have to sudo for that though15:26
jribnicholasthgrey: reboot, choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu, add your user back to the default groups (syntax: sudo adduser USER GROUP)15:26
KevDogn8tuser -- Im not arguing -- what is line 3?15:26
sky_speedmaster: ofc..thank you15:26
cosmodaddoes anyone have any idea why my 25 GB partition (according to fdisk and cfdisk) only shows up as a 10 GB partition in df? See pastebin for details: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121442/15:26
jribnicholasthgrey: erm, you can drop the "sudo"15:26
anonusing1if i want to get "ttmkfdir", can i just type "sudo apt-get ttmkfdir" into terminal?15:26
n8tuserKevDog-> read what he posted, line 315:26
nicholasthgreyjrib: thanks alot15:26
mrglinuxhow to set getwaye with terminal ?15:26
mrglinuxwhich with command ?15:26
RussManonusing1, sudo apt-get install ttmkfdir15:27
yowshigrrr still having that bloody mouse problem15:27
KevDogn8tuser --product: BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN - line 3?15:27
anonusing1russM, TY15:27
n8tusermrglinux-> why do you need to change the gateway?15:27
speedmasterhey guys, i'm trying to extract a .rar file (it's actually many rar files to make up one file to be extracted) i've installed unrar via synaptic and it seems to work fine however it's just making a directory and i don't think it's even touching the other rar files, it's the same deal with the ubuntu installed archive manage. Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?15:27
=== ubuntu__ is now known as rhinux
n8tuserKevDog-> correct, and i said bcm43xx yes?15:27
mrglinuxn8tuser: I other system want to have internet conection15:28
n8tuser!ics | mrglinux15:28
ubottumrglinux: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php15:28
mrglinuxmy getway set to but is correct15:28
yowshiimachine: you around?15:28
KevDogn8tuser -- Where you getting bcm43xx?15:28
n8tusermrglinux-> how did you get that  anyways? and how you know its really ?15:29
n8tuserKevDog-> generic term, bcm43xx includes 4311 4312 etc15:29
mrglinuxn8tuser auto dhcp define it15:29
techsupp0rt-MOSmy pc is slow how to uninstall all but the basic packages?15:30
MaT-dgthe chatclient pidgin updated to 2.5.4 on the 12th of januari, when will the repo's have this version?15:30
Garepjotr1KevDog: also problems with wireless?15:30
KevDogn8tuser: What are you getting at?  I'm running 430615:30
KevDogKevDog: no problems with my wireless15:30
mrglinuxn8tuser my server is and in my notebook getwaye must be not the refer to modem15:30
nicholasthgreyjrib: what must the group name b15:30
KevDogMaT-dg: compile from source if you dare!15:30
n8tuserKevDog-> there drivers are so called infamous bcm43xx15:30
jribnicholasthgrey: the default ones.  Create a new fresh user and copy those15:30
KevDogn8tuser: bcm43xx were the old drivers, b43 are the new drivers15:31
nicholasthgreyjrib: o ok i see thanks15:31
n8tusermrglinux-> did you get a chance to read that ics? let me repaste it to you15:31
n8tuser!ics | mrglinux15:31
jribnicholasthgrey: « adduser FOOBAR » will create the user named FOOBAR15:31
MaT-dgKevDog: I have compiled it before, but I want to stay within the package manager15:31
sikaHow Can I make Network between Windows and Ubuntu?15:31
n8tuserKevDog-> okay15:31
mrglinuxn8tuser: yes15:32
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
KevDogMaT-dg: grab the deb from getdeb15:32
speedmasterignore my last question - i'm completely retarded15:32
n8tusermrglinux-> follow that then, it shows how to share an internet connection15:32
speedmasterwas opening the r01 files non the rar archive15:32
KevDogn8tuser: That is my point, was using b43 drivers -- and not the bcm43xx drivers.  bcm43xx drivers were for old kernel versions15:33
n8tusersika-> you have router or switches in between them?15:33
bbelt16aghey peeps15:33
mrglinuxn8tuser:  sudo route add default gw  it's for add if I want remove last getway what shall I do?15:33
bbelt16agI am running Ubuntu 8.04.2 hardy15:33
n8tusermrglinux-> change  add to del15:33
bbelt16agI was wondering if I change my apt sources list and dropped to root can I upgrade my whole system to the  proper testing version w/o a hitch?15:33
bbelt16agserously I don't want to spend 3 hours  debuging if I do this..15:34
jribbbelt16ag: no.  That isn't how you should upgrade between release15:34
KevDogbbelt16ag: you could do that, however there are never guarantees15:34
n8tuserbbelt16ag-> testing without a hitch?  isnt that the purpose to find out if there will be a hitch? :p15:34
bbelt16agshould I just download the disk15:34
jribbbelt16ag: add to that the fact it's the development version...15:34
bbelt16agso there is no newer version15:34
anonusing1hi, can someone please assist me with step 4 -> http://mywebspace.wordpress.com/2006/04/06/how-to-add-ttf-fonts-to-your-linux-box/15:35
KevDogn8tuser -- see your around15:35
n8tuserKevDog-> okay, seems we lost taylor eh?15:35
jribbbelt16ag: but jaunty support in #ubuntu+1 please.  The latest released version is 8.10 intrepid.  Jaunty is the development version (for devs and testers)15:35
KevDogn8tuser -- yes -- was shot dead or something crazy like that15:35
jribbbelt16ag: what exactly is your question?15:35
PandahIs there anyway i can disable compiz fusion from the terminal i've set something and it won't let me click any buttons or anything lol15:36
bbelt16agwell, some of my packages are old in this  repo like from 2007 and I wanted newer packages so I could install the latest centerim.15:36
jribbbelt16ag: what version of ubuntu are you using?15:36
n8tuserKevDog-> before you leave, your driver is b43-pci-bridge too?15:36
bbelt16agI am running Ubuntu 8.04.2 hardy15:36
jrib!upgrade | bbelt16ag15:36
ubottubbelt16ag: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:36
jribbbelt16ag: you can upgrade to 8.10 then15:36
bbelt16agdownload the iso and install then?15:37
KevDogn8tuser -- That is what it reports however I actually using b43 -- with the opensource openfwwf firmware.15:37
jribbbelt16ag: if you want to upgrade (retain your current configuration and data) the follow ubottu's upgrade instructions15:37
bbelt16agI got it15:37
n8tuserKevDog-> oh you compiled your own? did you have to put a copy of that in /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/  dir?15:38
KevDogbbelt16ag: Just a comment -- I always find clean installs better than upgrades -- but your mileage may vary!15:38
sky_how i can create user which can browse only in /home ?15:38
anonusing1hi, i am trying to add fonts and, am supposed to add a directory to a file system... not really sure which directory tho..15:38
jribanonusing1: use ~/.fonts15:38
n8tusersky_-> not good if he has to use tools within your system like /bin/ls15:39
Lint01user-specific fonts?15:39
KevDogn8tuser: Here are the instructions I followed: http://linuxfans.betaserver.org/15:39
sky_n8tuser: so how ?15:39
anonusing1jrib, thanks15:39
KevDogn8tuser: And yes I guess I did some compiling you could say:)15:39
n8tusersky_-> you dont it like you suggested, what exactly you want to accomplish?15:40
Daniel_Gwhen i do 'ifconfig' as a regular user, i get: Warning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output. - obviously this is a security measure but is there a way to get rid of this so that a regular user can use 'ifconfig'? im on ubuntu 8.04.15:40
n8tuserKevDog-> oh okay, i guess broadcom has not been quite helpful yet ..i tried to avoid bcm43xx chips if possible15:40
FougnerDaniel_G, I can use ifconfig as a normal user15:41
jribDaniel_G: you should be able to by default, so something is wrong15:41
sky_n8tuser: ok nothing :D15:41
Daniel_Gjrib: its a non-custom kernel, i think the person who deployed the server made a few changes to it, but i'm just trying to figure out how to restore that15:41
Daniel_Gassuming something must have been changed to get it that way, any idea how to change it back?15:41
Daniel_Geh, i mean, its a non-default kernel15:42
KevDognt8user - Actually with the last few kernels, Ive been pleasantly surprised with bcm.  I used to hate the chipset, and now they are more tolerable.  I have an Atheros chipset also, however I have to say the bcm is "faster"15:42
mib_371v01xahii to all15:42
anonusing1how do i add fonts.dir to xorg.conf? do i just copy and past, and if so, where exactly should i past to?15:42
n8tuserDaniel_G-> if only the command ifconfig  is okay with normal users, if the options is to modify then you need escalated priviledges15:42
starfruiti want to backup emails, which is the best client.  in regards to versatile format, that can be ported to many other email clients15:42
mikedraven28one question  haw can i add new effects in compiz15:42
jrib!compiz | mikedraven2815:43
ubottumikedraven28: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion15:43
Daniel_Gn8tuser: what? i dont follow you...15:43
n8tuserKevDog-> curious as to what you meant by faster? really a measured one or a perceived better speed?15:43
mikedraven28i saw some window flip effects i woander were can i eneble it15:43
Fougnermikedraven28, window flip?15:44
Fougnernot the desktop cube?15:44
mikedraven28on filp on the axe  180 `15:44
mikedraven28whait a sec15:44
n8tuserDaniel_G-> if your normal user issues  ifconfig its okay, no need to have escalated priviledge, if you  ifconfig -options here  you may need escalated priviledge, man ifconfig for more details15:44
BravewolfI am trying to install claws-mail (3.7.0) from PPA repository (https://launchpad.net/~claws-mail/+archive/ppa) to my Ubuntu Hardy
BravewolfI receive always an authentication error (http://pastebin.com/m54e9b7cf), even if the correct key is in my keyring (http://pastebin.com/d229b4b18).15:44
BravewolfIt's very strange! What could be the problem?15:44
sky_i want create directory for user and make for him passwords...he can only use this directory and nothing more ...how i can do that this ?15:45
n8tusermikedraven28-> xrandr,  man xrandr to see more options15:45
Daniel_Gn8tuser: your not really making any sense, the problem is that a normal user cant use 'ifconfig' at all, i'm trying to figure how to let them...15:45
Jack223hey when i have streaming music set up on firefox and i close it, it still runs until i close the firefox process why is that. btw im using windows xp15:45
bonhofferafter suspend my root filesystem is only remounts in read-only mode -- what can i do?15:45
n8tuserDaniel_G-> sorry if you dont understand what i just explained15:45
sky_Jack223: this is ubuntu channel :D15:45
anonusing1does anyone know how to add "font.dir" to "xorg.conf"?15:45
Daniel_Gn8tuser: what you just 'explained' it crap and makes no sense15:46
jribanonusing1: why?15:46
Daniel_Gnothing to do with me not understanding it15:46
Jack223yes, its also the only channel with people on it at this hour15:46
n8tuserDaniel_G-> up yours, you dont like my explanation15:46
sky_ i want create directory for user and make for him passwords...he can only use this directory and nothing more ...how i can do that this ?15:46
anonusing1jrib, that is what these directions say http://mywebspace.wordpress.com/2006/04/06/how-to-add-ttf-fonts-to-your-linux-box/15:46
jribDaniel_G, n8tuser: let's try to stay civil15:46
kultomIs there a quick way to add a folder ( or rather its content ) to the Wallpaper folder of gnome without moving/copying? Like adding a folder to the "wallpaper repository" or somehitng15:46
Daniel_Gits not an explanation, its jibberish, english obviously isnt your first language and thats fine, but dont talk downt o me15:46
FougnerJack223, people helping people with ubuntu-related problems, yes =)15:46
jribanonusing1: ok, but why aren't you just using what I said?15:47
BoomKINGCan anyone help me , if i install ubuntu The wireless and cabled network works , but then if i restart it stops working , but if i put in the live cd and boot with live mode it works ???? any ideas15:47
n8tuserJrib can you tell Daniel_G to stop it?15:47
KevDognt8user: that would be perceived.15:47
n8tuserDaniel_G-> what part do you not understand?15:47
KevDognt8user: but at least you can do aircrack with broadcom now!15:47
n8tuserKevDog-> i dont spelll well, i have wide thumbs too15:47
sky_BoomKING: delete auto eth0 there ?15:47
sky_ i want create directory for user and make for him passwords...he can only use this directory and nothing more ...how i can do that this ?15:47
anonusing1jrib, i did do that15:48
mikedraven28so .. let me explain .. 2 problems ... with my ubuntu15:48
jribanonusing1: you added you .ttf to ~/.fonts?15:48
bonhofferwithout read access, i can do nothing -- including connecting to the internet15:48
n8tuserKevDog-> even older ones or only newer chips?15:48
bonhofferwithout write access .  . .15:48
anonusing1jrib, i had to create that folder15:48
Daniel_Gn8tuser: your saying 'if a normal user issues ifconfig its okay', but the problem is that a normal user *cant* issue ifconfig, its been disabled, so i'm trying to figure out how to enable it...15:48
mikedraven28my effects and compiz works but i can't play anithing in full screen15:48
metajemomikewu:another question if i may....i am not able to see the whole desktop, most probably because it is 17 inches15:48
jribanonusing1: yes and then log out and back in15:48
anonusing1jrib, "~" means like, my home folder right?15:48
jribanonusing1: yes15:48
mikedraven28i know there are problems with ati graphics but ...15:48
KevDognt8user: Not sure what you are asking? newer chips?  My 4306 chipset is probably 8 years old15:48
anonusing1jrib, okay, i'll try that. they should be in gimp then?15:49
jribDaniel_G: so you are running "ifconfig" with no options and receive the error you pasted before?15:49
jribanonusing1: did you log out and back in?15:49
Daniel_Gjrib: correct15:49
anonusing1jrib. ok, i'm going to do it now. thanks15:49
n8tuserKevDog-> really, i dont know the newer model numbers, thats why i asked you15:49
jribDaniel_G: I think that's all n8tuser was asking15:49
Fallen[q]Hello, does anyone have a minute to help me? Ive installed Ubuntu, on the Live cd I was able to enable Wireless via the network manager but as I have installed it to my HDD Im not able to do so, the enable wireless check box is faded out and im completely lost. Ive been pulling my hair out for the last 4 hours15:49
Daniel_Gok well thats been clarified then, anyone got any ideas?15:50
sky_ i want create directory for user and make for him passwords...he can only use this directory and nothing more ...how i can do that this ?15:50
Who_cares_hi, Ubuntu suddenly stopped supporting higher resolutions for me. can anyone help me with this?15:50
n8tusersky_-> i explained to you, if he has to use /bin/ls which is to list the directory, how is he going to access that tools if he can not get to it?15:50
Who_cares_it supports a max res of 1024x76815:51
KevDognt8user: Any b43 related chipset can do aircrack.  The wl driver -- which is the Broadcom STA driver for some chipsets can not be put into monitor mode -- so a no go for these!15:51
n8tusersky_-> there are tools within the system that a user needs access to, you follow?15:51
bonhoffero.k. room looks full -- i can't do anything, no write access to my root filesystem, please put this in the queue for someone who is skilled with ubuntu internals15:52
sky_n8tuser: he will only need to download / upload there data15:52
anonusing1jrib, i don't see the new font in gimp15:52
blizzkid_lo all, anyone could help me getting started cross-compiling for mips?15:52
Fallen[q]Hello, does anyone have a minute to help me? Ive installed Ubuntu, on the Live cd I was able to enable Wireless via the network manager but as I have installed it to my HDD Im not able to do so, the enable wireless check box is faded out and im completely lost. Any thoughts?15:52
jribDaniel_G: you should assume the room has 0 lines of memory.  Unless you're in a conversation with someone, you should just repeat the question (with a pastebin to your user running "ifconfig" and the output15:52
n8tuserKevDog-> thats nice to know, am going to dust clean my old bcm43xx nic and see what this new driver can accomplish15:52
Fougnersky_, how is this person supposed to use the system? FTP, SSH?15:52
blizzkid_Fallen[q]: have you enabled restricted modules?15:53
sky_Fougner: FTP15:53
KevDogn8tuser: Here is a pretty good up-to-date list on what chipset and what drivers -- Please note that the old bcm43xx driver (the one everyone used to use) is dead!15:53
Fougnerwhat FTP daemon do you use?15:53
Fallen[q]blizzkid_; I have not; how would I go about doing so15:53
Fougnersky_, above15:53
Daniel_Gjrib: i think you highlighted the wrong perso15:53
n8tuserKevDog-> cool15:53
jribDaniel_G: nope15:53
jamesclayden1983hi All, i have a problems with my wi-fi connection. It was working fine for months now when ever i try to connect to my router the connection speed is always 1-2 Mb/s. on the same computer in windows i can connect at 54Mb/s and i have tried connection to un-locked routers near me and i am getting the same slow connection speed problem. i think i have looked in all the obvious places to fix this with no luck.15:53
Daniel_Gjrib: google'ing right now, not getting much results but i'll ask again if i dont get anything on the interwebs15:54
blizzkid_Fallen[q]: in the menu, choose preferences (or administration) and look for restricted drivers15:54
BoomKINGCan anyone help me , if i install ubuntu The wireless and cabled network works , but then if i restart it stops working , but if i put in the live cd and boot with live mode it works ???? any ide15:54
jribDaniel_G: unless your question was directed at me in which case, no, I don't have any ideas :)15:54
blizzkid_Fallen[q]: (not using gnome atm, so have to do this from memory)15:54
KevDogn8tuser: Here is the list: http://linuxfans.betaserver.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46:broadcom-guide-for-ubuntu-hardy-and-newer&catid=34:guides&Itemid=6115:54
KevDogn8tuser: You'll be surprised with b43 on the newer kernel -- full 54mbs support15:55
n8tuserKevDog-> good find. ill bookmark this15:55
bonhofferi think this is a major kernel issue -- is there a better room for more technical problems> my problem:  ( can't do anything, no write access to my root filesystem, please put this in the queue for someone who is skilled with ubuntu internals15:55
anonusing1jrib, i logged out and logged back in but, i don't see the new font in gimp or open office15:55
Fallen[q]blizzkid_; under system/preferences I do not seem to see something resembling restriced drivers15:55
jribanonusing1: try « fc-cache -fv » followed by restarting those programs15:55
n8tuserKevDog-> my mind is running wild, i can contemplate of things to do with like 3 doz ap near me..hehe15:55
anonusing1jrib.okay thanks15:56
blizzkid_Fallen[q]: and system/administration?15:56
amaureaHello, what is the easiest way of seeing if my usb gamepad works?15:56
KevDogn8tuser: Never used the STA driver !!!  But at least you can dump the unreliable bcm43xx -- and ndiswrapper -- had its day but now its done!15:56
Fallen[q]blizzkid_; does not seem to be15:56
blizzkid_Fallen[q]: ok, might be you don't need a restricted driver, hold on, I'll msg you15:57
n8tuserKevDog-> am glad you were persistent in looking for a solution, I've lost far too many hair.. hehe15:57
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RussMbonhoffer, Someone here might be able to help, but I think you'll need to supply more  detail. You obviously could get to your root filesystem in the past - what changed? And, are you seeing this when you boot? What errors are you getting, and when?15:58
* rhinux is away: Zur Zeit abwesend15:58
KevDogn8tuser -- The jaunty kernel will be even better since you wil be able to use channels 12.13,14 with a workaround :)15:58
bonhofferRussM, sorry, all that changed is sudo pm-suspend15:58
BoomKINGAny IDea's networking working after fresh instalation , stops working after reboot , works with live cd tho  ????15:58
bonhoffertouch test.txt gives me : Read-only file system15:58
bonhofferas root, as my main user in all directories15:59
n8tuserKevDog-> fcc allowed it? or you'd get your behind hauled off for using those channels here in north america?15:59
KevDogn8tuser: Dont tell anyone!15:59
n8tuserKevDog-> i didnt here nothing, what?  :P15:59
KevDogn8tuser: And of course I was referring to use in Japan BTW :p16:00
jribbonhoffer: pastebin the output of « mount »16:00
RussMbonhoffer, Ah, a problem with suspend. I run primarily on servers that are always on, so I haven't dealt with that much. While you could try the command to just remount your root filesystem as writeable, it's likely that the problem goes deeper.16:00
bonhofferdifficult to pastebin -- no ability to get to internet without write access (some temp file must be written)16:00
Guest48236Does anyone know of a python IRC channel that doesn't require registration?16:01
bonhofferi can type mount -- what am i looking for?16:01
bonhofferjrib, ^16:01
jribbonhoffer: you are on a different machine?16:01
jribbonhoffer: what does the line for / say?16:01
RussMbonhoffer, try typing just the line with the root filesystem (/) on it.16:01
bonhoffer/dev/sda6 on / type ext3 (rw, relatime,errors-remount-ro)16:02
bonhofferjrib, RussM, is that what you need?16:02
jamesclayden1983hi All, i have a problems with my wi-fi connection. It was working fine for months now when ever i try to connect to my router the connection speed is always 1-2 Mb/s. on the same computer in windows i can connect at 54Mb/s and i have tried connection to un-locked routers near me and i am getting the same slow connection speed problem. i think i have looked in all the obvious places to fix this with no luck.16:02
chattanHi , gus16:02
chattanhi guys16:02
GhoneI borked a USB thumb drive by unplugging if without unmounting it first.   I would like to regain use of the device, what should I do?16:03
lupine_85Ghone: probably reformat it, assuming it still shows up in dmesg as an sd device16:03
n8tuserjamesclayden1983-> you tried fiddling with iwconfig command ? using  channel or freq and bit rate? man iwconfig for additional options16:04
tul_Ghone: plug it back in or restart computer with usb inserted16:04
RussMbonhoffer, I think you're getting errors on your hard drive. I can't tell why - it's possible the filesystem was messed up somehow. Can you boot off of a live CD, then fsck the filesystem?16:04
oCean_Ghone: how important is the data on the drive for you. It might be possible to mount using 'force' option, however that also migth get you a corrupted filesystem.16:04
bonhofferi have a eeepc with no cd16:04
jribbonhoffer: check dmesg16:04
bonhofferperhaps i could boot off thumb-drive16:04
jamesclayden1983will try16:04
bonhofferhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67223 <-- looks similar16:05
bonhofferjrib, what am i looking for in dmesg16:05
jribbonhoffer: anything interesting16:06
Ghonesaving the data is not necessary.16:06
bonhofferAMI bios detected: BIOS may corrupt low RAM, working it around16:06
oCean_Ghone: then plug it in, and try mounting the device using "-o force"16:06
jribbonhoffer: nothing else?16:07
RussMbonhoffer, Look for  anything involving root filesystem, /, or /dev/sda616:07
bonhofferwow its big16:08
bangalibabuhow can i download codecs for the built-in media player?16:08
KenBW2can dpkg doiwnload from the internet?16:08
jribbonhoffer: I think it goes without saying by the way that you should have backups of data you care about on here16:08
jribKevDog: that's what apt-get is for16:08
bangalibabuplease, mention my nick16:08
KenBW2jrib: @ me16:08
Lint01How can I download some already installed *.deb package with its dependencies?16:09
sky_Fougner: sorry my internet fail16:09
bonhofferjrib, i don't know how much i have backed up16:09
bonhofferbut not sure how reliable this os is . . .16:09
sky_Fougner: how i can view which daemon type i have ?16:09
jribKenBW2: yeah, sorry16:09
rohanhi.. could someone help me with this problem - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107727316:09
KenBW2jrib: i mean deb's that arent in the repo's16:09
rohanbasically on ubuntu 8.04.2 my splash screen stops too early16:09
n8tuser!clone | Lint01 perhaps techniques from this..16:09
ubottuLint01 perhaps techniques from this..: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate16:09
bonhoffernothing about /dev/sda6 in dmesg16:09
jribKenBW2: no16:09
YaitanesHello, I just need some english skill in private16:09
jribKenBW2: those should be avoided anyway16:09
KenBW2jrib: meh, i dont want the old version of opera16:10
Pir8Has anyone installed Ubuntu on a Raid 1 configuration?16:10
Pir8I am a total newbie when it comes to RAID config.16:10
bonhoffero.k. looks like i need a recovery cd16:10
Ghonemounting with '-o force' worked.  Thanks.16:10
el-perrilloPir8: Raid is independent from ubuntu16:11
el-perrilloare you talking about software or hardware raid?16:11
YaitanesAnybody to help me about a english lexical problem?16:11
Pir8el-perrillo: you are right, it is independent. My mother board supports RAID setup, I am trying to find out whether it does hardware or software16:12
kb3ienanyone here using fetchmail?16:12
sky_n8tuser: are you here ?16:12
el-perrilloPir8: I don't recomend Software Raid, it is a huge pain, and gook luck recovering it if a hard drive goes down16:12
Segajais it possible to give start-stop-daemon a pidfile with more than one pid in it? and what will it do?16:12
n8tusersky_-> yes sir..sipping a cup of joe16:13
Pir8el-perrillo: I see16:13
jribKenBW2: it's probably easier to download it and double click.  You could run wget and dpkg, but I don't really see the point16:13
KenBW2jrib: i want to set it all as a mass command for setting my PCs up16:13
Pir8el-perrillo: thanks for the info. :)16:13
kb3ieni'm looking to FetchMail, i see a -S to set where the mail is going, but not and option for which mailserver to connect to. do i need to do this from the netrc file ?16:13
sky_n8tuser: well so how i can create those users ? they will only need upload and download data from their folders via FTP...and they cannot browse other folders16:13
el-perrilloif you can do it hardware raid,then that RAID is totaly independent from any operating system16:13
nite_johnboyTrying to find a certain song in Places/Music folder - What would be best app to use for searching all of the sub folders in the music folder ? ?16:14
el-perrilloPir8: no problem16:14
n8tusersky_-> use a server like proftpd or similar16:14
nite_johnboyI know title of song.16:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about proftpd16:14
n8tusersky_-> can you google for a tutorial on that, i dont know it off hand, i have to refer myself to google too16:15
Pir8el-perrillo: I dont think it can do hardware, I would have to buy pci cards to do that, I think.16:15
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Fougnernite_johnboy, should be easy with find or something16:15
el-perrilloPir8 depends on the motherboard16:15
amaureaI am trying to get my joypad to work in intrepid. It is a logitech chillstream. When I plugi it in, it seems to be recognized, but I am not sure it is recognized as the correct kind of device. None of the buttons have any effect (but I am not sure what program I should use to test if they have any effect), but I can move the mouse pointer around with it16:15
oCean_Segaja: sure, in startup script one could echo more then one pid, but what's your actual question?16:15
=== Cassonetto is now known as Nike95
oCean_Segaja: one daemon has one pid16:15
Pir8el-perrillo: so how do I find out if it can do hardware/software ?16:15
nite_johnboyFougner; Using Terminal?16:15
amaureaAny ideas of how to find out if it works, and what do to if it doesn't?16:16
Fougnernite_johnboy, yeah, "find" for example16:16
FougnerI'm trying it out right now16:16
Segajamy question is, does start-stop-daemon stops all processes which are listed by pid in the pidfile?16:16
el-perrilloPir8: also some cheap cards are still software based16:16
Pir8I see16:16
imachineyowshi, more mouse isues?16:16
oCean_Segaja: various daemons stop their processes in various ways.16:16
imachinesoz, not as helpful today16:16
bonhofferjrib, i am trying to create a bootable usb drive to rescue things16:17
el-perrilloPir8: usually hardware RAID cards are expensive and big with lots of chips and they have adaptec chipsets16:17
nite_johnboyFounger; Forgot command to use "man" to see options of using "find"16:17
anonusing1hi, can anyone recommend a good way to add fonts to gimp?16:17
bonhofferhow do i tell (from nautilus) what the mount point is?16:17
adredhi, just wanna if anyone here knows a very good internet cafe management software other than ccl? i have friends who own cafe switching over to ubuntu..16:17
bonhofferit is listed as 8.0 GB Media16:17
yowshiimachine: the same one as yesterday. :( tommorow i will get a ps/2 mouse16:17
anonusing1i have more fonts in open office and wondering if there's a way to just transfer them into gimp16:17
bonhofferjrib, is it /dev/sda1 for example? (how do i check?)16:17
nite_johnboyFougner; I got it man find - thx16:17
Fougnernite_johnboy, good16:17
anonusing1and there seems to be a few tutorials on line about adding fonts to gimp but they all differ16:18
jribbonhoffer: is what /dev/sda1?16:18
el-perrilloPir8: It also depends on the RAID level, RAID5 capable cards are usually bigger and more expensive16:18
adredhi, just wanna ask if anyone here knows a very good internet cafe management software other than ccl? i have friends who own cafe and they're switching over to ubuntu..16:18
bonhoffermy usb drive?16:18
_VIM_!repeat | adred16:18
ubottuadred: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:18
bonhofferjrib, my usb drive (that i am trying to make a rescue device)16:18
Pir8el-perrillo: in that case I dont think this one does hardware raid :)16:18
adredubottu: awtz, my apologies.. i made a mistake ;)16:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:19
LiYaHey, ppl I dont undertsand something in Ubuntu : There seems to be some problem in displaying small fonts, in Ubuntu! .. I mean the default setting is very large look and feel ! .. Which is what I dont want !16:19
nite_johnboyFougner; have gui alternate you might suggest?16:19
Pir8The specs state: 4 xSATA 3 Gb/s ports Support RAID 0,1,0+1,5,JBOD16:19
jribbonhoffer: mount it and check what is inside?16:20
el-perrillopir8: take a look at this.. http://cgi.ebay.com/Dell-PE750-CERC-SATA-1-5-6ch-RAID-CONTROLLER_W0QQitemZ290296723506QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCOMP_EN_Networking_Components?hash=item290296723506&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A5016:20
kb3ienor fetchmail.conf16:20
bonhofferjrib, sorry, it is mounted -- i know what is inside -- how do i find out what /dev/foo it is ?16:20
jribbonhoffer: the output of « mount » will tell you16:21
el-perrilloPir8: if you can configure the card without ever having to do anything inside the Operating System then you are OK16:21
RussMbonhoffer, Sorry I abandoned you, real world called. Looks like you're getting somewhere, though.16:21
Pir8el-perrillo: yes, however I think this motherboard supports RAID in the Just A Bunch Of Disk configuration16:22
Fougnernite_johnboy, sorry, dunno. but we can search one together.. I'd like to find some music library sorting/searching/naming thingy for linux =)16:22
Pir8which tells me it isn't "true" raid16:22
anonusing1what is a good source of information for adding fonts? or if anyone can help me to add fonts to gimp?16:22
Lint01liya: try some Windows fontrs, Tahoma looks nice16:22
jribanonusing1: I told you how16:22
jrib!fonts | anonusing116:22
ubottuanonusing1: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer16:22
=== heroin is now known as Guest12381
Garepjotr1so i installed and configured ndiswrapper and again i get to connect to the wireless network and again i can't ping anthing but myself on the network16:22
jribwhich will tell you the same16:22
anonusing1jrib, yes i tried that but, it didn't work16:22
anonusing1jrib, what's "1fonts|"16:22
jribanonusing1: it tells the bot to give you information16:23
anonusing1ubottu is really a bot?16:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
grkblood13im currently tryin to type a paper for my spanish class so i switched the language to spanish16:23
el-perrillopir8: it all soud like you have a hardware raid there. a JBOD is totally software independent16:23
anonusing1omgosh, lol16:23
grkblood13but i dont know how to use the extra characters16:23
mike3hey guys, just curious if anyone knows when MythTV 0.21 will be available for Ubuntu?16:23
grkblood13can any1 help?16:23
anonusing1jrib. okay, thanks again16:23
Pir8el-perrillo: how do you figure?16:23
AmendmentHello, is there way to increase OpenGL performance with Intel GMA drivers?16:24
Pir8Isn't JBOD simply spanning across a bunch of disks ?16:24
rohangrkblood13: use a character map?16:24
Nike95Unless I have a hard disk divided into two partitions. on the other hand I have Xp and Ubuntu ... on the wiki I found a guide for me to see the partition of Xp, but with a command entered from the terminal can not remember what time I renamed the XP partition and now I have a big problem .. ie I can not uninstall most programs on windows because it changed the way help16:24
Pir8not RAID in the true sense16:24
FloodBot2Nike95: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:24
grkblood13im using openoffice16:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about awesome16:24
rohangrkblood13: or you can use www.typeit.com16:24
jribanonusing1: did you try running that command I gave you and restarting gimp?16:24
nite_johnboyFougner; Yea - you just don't know how many times I have looked and looked for certain song - real pain - know what i mean? I have Wine and Crossover might find something to install with them.16:24
el-perrilloPir8: I have never seen a jbod running an operating system, it is just a bunch of drives16:24
Garepjotr1so i installed and configured ndiswrapper and again i get to connect to the wireless network and again i can't ping anthing but myself on the network.. what else can be the problem?16:24
anonusing1jrib, yes the command... i took off the  >> symbols on the side and pasted it into terminal16:24
rohangrkblood13: sorry, it's typeit.org , but you are better off using a character map program16:24
jribanonusing1: any output?16:24
anonusing1mmm :/16:25
kb3ienfetchmail  is giving me /root/.netrc : unknown token 'poll'    any idea how that can be?16:25
anonusing1jrib, i can't remember16:25
grkblood13where can i get a character map16:25
magnetronmike3→ according to my sources, mythtv 0.21.0 is available in Ubuntu 8.10 (intrepid)16:25
Fougnernite_johnboy, ever tried xbox media center?16:25
el-perrilloPir8, just try it16:25
jribanonusing1: :/16:25
anonusing1jrib, but the tutorial i was follow said the last step, #4 was to add the font.dir file to xorg.conf16:25
Pir8el-perrillo: if I do install ubuntu on the RAID 1 config, is there a way to verify that the RAID is working?16:25
jribanonusing1: that tutorial is broken16:26
Pir8again, pardon my newbie type questions!16:26
Amendmentis there way to increase OpenGL performance with Intel GMA drivers?16:26
jribanonusing1: pastebin the output of « ls -l ~/.fonts » (including the command you ran)16:26
Nike95help me please!!16:26
anonusing1jrib. ok16:26
slabbehHi, I have a clean ubuntu install, I have just enabled fglrx drivers. After enabling the fglrx drivers, it looks like my screen is overscanning. The edges of the login screen are cropped and then when I log in I can't see the top or bottom panel. Do you know how I can solve this?16:26
netsurf3Amendment, i agree also interested in this possibility...16:27
anonusing1jrib, no such file in directory16:27
mikebeechamHi guys,16:27
mikebeechamSomething quite strange has happened to my notification area.  It's there, but there are not minimized tasks on there.  I've tried adding a new notification area, a new panel with new notification area, I've restarted X, rebooted the machine...nothing. It's just not working.16:27
mikebeechamCan anyone suggest anything else I might try.16:27
anonusing1jrib, it's in ~/anon/fonts16:27
FloodBot2mikebeecham: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:27
jribanonusing1: that's not the same as ~/.fonts.16:27
el-perrilloPir8: if you make drives one and two a RAID1 then you are mirroring the drives16:27
Garepjotrk i'm back.. any idea's?16:27
Pir8el-perrillo: yup that is how I have it configured right now.16:28
el-perrilloPir8: Which means that you will only see the space for one hard drive16:28
nite_johnboyFougner; Would be a luxury item - as do not do any gaming - how boring huh? getting off topic here - thx for idea's.16:28
anonusing1jrib, yes, i said i created a folder in my home folder... well, it's in anon, in the home16:28
Pir8el-perrillo: but how can I make sure that the data is infact mirrored and if drive 1 fails drive 2 will be able to take over ?16:28
Fougnernite_johnboy, no, I mean for the computer =)16:28
anonusing1jrib, oh wait, yes anon and home are the same folder16:28
el-perrillopir8: if you have two 500GB drives, then you will only see it as one 50016:28
anonusing1jrib "/home/anon/fonts"16:28
jribanonusing1: if you ran the command I gave you and you got "no such file or directory", then you have not create ~/.fonts.  The "." is not optional16:29
el-perrilloIf you do RAID0 then you will see 1GB but you won't have any redundancy16:29
anonusing1jrib. i see... so i should create a ".fonts" folder in "~" ?16:29
RussMPir8, What are you using for the RAID? md? Or a RAID hardware raid controller>16:29
jribanonusing1: yes16:29
anonusing1ok ty16:29
el-perrilloPir8: I use raid5 at work on all my servers16:29
mikebeechamhi guys...can anyone help me with restoring my notification area?  The notification is there, but there are no minimized tasks there?16:30
Pir8el-perrillo: I am doing RAID1, so I should see 1X160GB16:30
Amendmenteverything with OpenGL just plain sukks currently on my laptop :/16:30
slabbehHi, I have a clean ubuntu install, I have just enabled fglrx drivers. After enabling the fglrx drivers, it looks like my screen is overscanning. The edges of the login screen are cropped and then when I log in I can't see the top or bottom panel. Do you know how I can solve this? "sudo aticonfig --set-pcs-val=MCIL,DigitalHDTVDefaultUnderscan,0" Had no effect16:30
Pir8RussM: my motherboard has RAID capabilities "4 xSATA 3 Gb/s ports Support RAID 0,1,0+1,5,JBOD"16:30
el-perrilloPir8: If you have two 160's then you should only see them as one16:30
Pir8yes I do see that16:30
RussMPir8, Ah, OK, I use software raid. For that I just look in /proc/mdstat to see if it is working.16:30
nite_johnboyFougner; Are you in the OffTopic forum as well? Like to ask more about what you mentioned.16:31
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Fougnernite_johnboy, what to join?16:31
Pir8RussM: ok let me set it up and install Ubuntu and see16:31
Pir8Thanks el-perrillo and RussM  :)16:31
el-perrilloPir8: Sure... anytime,,, take care, I am lkeaving now16:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:32
bostomanis there someone here?16:33
nite_johnboyFougner; I have #ubuntu-offtopic & #unbuntu start up When I start my x-chat - Thought it would be best to ask more questions in the offtopic area16:33
user1hi, I was playing with BUM and after reboot, my mouse and keyboard doesn't work at GUI but only at CUI16:33
AmendmentHow can i find out what graphics driver i am using16:33
bostomanI don't get networking to work :(16:33
orbisvicishow do I find unconfigured packages ?16:34
ForcefireCan anyone help? Quite along time ago i had downloaded ubuntu and didnt have to burn to a disk, and i just restarted my computer and selected ubuntu and it worked, where do i get that again?16:34
user1Amendment: check this http://techspalace.blogspot.com/2008/06/screen-and-graphics-in-hardy.html16:34
braddcaddAmendment: lspci in the terminal16:34
bostomananyone an idea on how to troubleshoot my network issues?16:35
user1Forcefire: do you mean network boot?16:35
metajemocan anyone help please?i am trying to configure vncviewer geometry on a remote machine.../etc/vnc.conf doesnt exist...16:35
user1!ask | bostoman16:35
ubottubostoman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:35
bostomanI don't get an ip address16:35
Lint01actually we don't16:35
ForcefireI don't think so, I downloaded an exe and installed ubuntu as a program on windows, then rebooted and it was on the boot list16:35
Lint01do you have DHCP16:35
ubuntistasany new ubuntu game?16:35
user1Forcefire: oh you mean WUBI,16:35
user01hi does anyone know if the free service for receiving faxes in a format that i can read for linux?16:35
dtcrshri liked the one world of goo16:36
dtcrshrvery nice 2d game16:36
Forcefireuser1: Maybe? Is that Ubuntu?16:36
RussMboshhead, Wired or wireless? DHCP or static address?16:36
user01Forcefire, yes in ubuntu16:36
ForcefireOk thanks16:36
bostomanwired with dhcp16:36
bostomanthe cable is working fine for other laptops16:37
user1forcefile open windows c:\boot.ini and check16:37
ubuntistasi know about the game i played the demo16:37
anonusing1jrib, is this alright? "/home/anon/.fonts"16:37
RussMbostoman, If you run "ifconfig", do you see your ethernet interface?16:37
user1anonusing1: /home/anon/.fonts/16:37
bostomanyes I do16:38
jribanonusing1: yes16:38
user01does evince handle jfx files?  maybe ill try this service16:38
ubuntistasany cool game for ubuntu?16:39
RussMbostoman, Do you see "UP" in the output associated with the ethernet devicie>16:39
anonusing1jrib, ty... i will check out what u mentioned earlier now.16:39
user01ubuntistas, frozen bubble 216:39
user1ubuntistas: frozzenbubble16:39
slabbehHi, I have a clean ubuntu install, I have just enabled fglrx drivers. After enabling the fglrx drivers, it looks like my screen is overscanning. The edges of the login screen are cropped and then when I log in I can't see the top or bottom panel. Do you know how I can solve this? "sudo aticonfig --set-pcs-val=MCIL,DigitalHDTVDefaultUnderscan,0" Had no effect16:39
anusiaI installed ubuntu on new empty hardidsk. On the old disk I have Windows - I want to copy its partition to new disk. What I have tried: I created partionion on new disk with size of old-disk-win-partition and copied data using dd. Any ideas why windows doesn't boot from this copied win partition?16:39
bostomanyes the interface is up16:39
ThomasWaldmannslabbeh: flgrx is crap16:39
user01user01, and koules :)16:39
joe-macslabbeh: are you going to a tv or monitor16:39
RussMbostoman, But no inet address?16:39
ubuntistasuser01 i played that one16:40
Lint01thomas, do we have an alternative?16:40
Garepjotrhow do you check wich wireless channel you're on?16:40
slabbehThomasWaldmann, what should I use then?16:40
Onestwhat is this server..?16:40
joe-maciwconfig will show you what essid you're on and all that jazz, chans too i believe16:40
slabbehjoe-max, TV, im using a DVI -> HDMI cable16:40
user1garepjotr iwconfig16:40
user01ubuntistas, i gues it depends on your system too16:40
ThomasWaldmannslabbeh: for simple apps, radeon/ati OSS driver16:40
slabbehThomasWaldmann, for 3D acceleration support?16:41
user01ubuntistas, check out http://www.linuxgames.com/16:41
ThomasWaldmannslabbeh: for that, I prefer to get some other chipset. saves my nerves. :)16:41
ubuntistasuser01 512mb16:41
Nike95help me!!!16:41
dustyHey guys can anyone help me get a dvd working on ubuntu 8.10 - It won't recognise its there, its a commercial dvd from a shop not a copied one.. i have all the right packages installed ??16:41
slabbehThomasWaldmann, thats what I will do when the bank lets me :P16:41
Lint01Nike95, can you clarify your issue?16:42
anonusing1!installing fonts|16:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:42
jribanonusing1: ?16:42
anonusing1jrib, i'm tryin to figure out what to do next16:43
user01ubuntistas, there is this handy list . . . it depends on yoiur video card too http://icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php16:43
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo16:43
anonusing1jrib, i guess just put the fonts into the .fonts folder and restart everything?16:43
Nike95Unless I have a hard disk divided into two partitions. on the other hand I have Xp and Ubuntu ... on the wiki I found a guide for me to see the partition of Xp, but with a command entered from the terminal can not remember what time I renamed the XP partition and now I have a big problem .. ie I can not uninstall most programs on windows because it changed the way help16:43
Lint01anonusing, you don't have to install TrueType fonts16:43
jribanonusing1: yes16:43
anonusing1lint01, ok thanks. i just have two tff files16:43
bostomanRussM: my syslog does give this: DHCPDISCOVER.... send_packet: Message too long16:44
anonusing1jrib, ok thanks16:44
user1hi, I was playing with BUM and after reboot, my mouse and keyboard doesn't work at GUI but only at CUI16:44
slabbehjoe-max, TV, im using a DVI -> HDMI cable16:44
Lint01"renamed the XP partition"? How's that?16:44
ubuntistasis the latest wine  stable?16:45
bostomanI just fiund a forum post about this issue, let me try some suggestions from there16:45
ubuntistasis it good for installation?16:45
Lint01And what you want to do? Save Linux, delete Windows? Vice-versa? Keep both?16:45
Nike95i do not remember16:45
RussMbostoman, Try running dhclient yourself, see if you get the same error: sudo dhclient eth016:45
joe-macwine is good ubuntistas but if you don't wanna jump through hoops and need support like you use it for work, crossover kicks aass16:45
ubuntistasexplain better i don't get it16:46
dustyanyone ?16:46
bostomanyeah, same issue16:46
Lint01OK, and what you want to do?16:46
Nike95i want to return everything as before because windows so I do not work ie I can not remove programs16:46
ThomasWaldmannbostoman: you are sure your eth0 is lan and not firewire?16:46
bostomanyes 100%16:46
Lint01Can you boot Windows?16:47
olleolleolleProblem: All menus in Qt3-using apps are "invisible", when hovering over them, they quickly flash and go invisible again. (On Intrepid.) Qt4 apps do not display this problem. Ideas?16:47
RussMbostoman, Hmmm. Same issue here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1029575.html16:47
jonkenny007does anyone know how I can make my default player "smplayer" rather than tothem?16:47
joe-macubuntistas: sorry man i do a lot of things at once, include my name at the beginning of everything you say if we are in conversatgion16:47
RussMbostoman, No help there, unfortunately.16:48
anom2Hi, I'm new to Linux.  I'm compiling my kernel (for fun), and my PC is screaming that it's overheating. Is there a command (like renice, but stronger) that can severely make a task consume less CPU cycles, say reduce from 80% to 40%?16:48
joe-macubuntistas: crossover is analogous to RHEL... they take wine, dress it up, make a few more of the manual things streamlined and do a bunch of QA on it and offer support16:48
bostomanyeah, I'll keep on googling16:48
Lint01If you open Disk Management snap-in in Windows XP, what do you see?16:48
joe-macanom2: if your pc is overheating on a kernel compile, something else is really wrong16:48
joe-maci would shuit down, open it up, and spray it out with a can of air. also make sure cables are neatly pushed away from where the cpu gets/puts air16:49
RussMbostoman, Is your MTU 64 like in the link I sent?16:49
ubuntistasjoe-mac can i download it is a agood one ?16:49
bostomanyeah it is16:49
mikes_anyone know why synaptic doesn't show packages that I can use apt-get to install/uninstall ?16:49
ikoniamikes_: such as ?16:50
mikes_xchat for one :D16:50
joe-macubuntistas: crossover, like RHEL, costs money because of the value-add. that's why i said if you need it for work or something... i bought it at work because i am an SA and have to compile a bunch of stuff for the management in excel but refuse to load windows on my workstation16:50
ubuntistasi mean joe-mac is it a stable version is it good for my system?16:50
ActionParsnip1mikes_: i've seen a few folks ask that. i can't advise as I dont use synaptic but you are not alone16:50
ikoniamikes_: if you search in synaptic for xchat you'll find 3 packages16:50
Nike95when I will open the local disk C on the operating system to xp I see an error16:50
joe-maci guess you can jump through hoops in wine to get mso2k7 working, but i'd rather not go through a bunch of stuff for it16:50
Lint01What says an error?16:50
bostomanlet me try the mtu stuff16:50
joe-macubuntistas: just get wine if you're looking to test it out... there are tutorials and stuff all over the net on how to get things working16:50
neodemiim having problems using file-roller and rar archives16:51
Spl0it_I had a question about the 64 bit version of Ubuntu, is it only for the AMD platforms?16:51
ikoniaSpl0it_: no16:51
mikes_not here :( and if I search for IRC only pidgen shows up, i will try the older package manager16:51
eighthoursomeone gave me an old laptop i want to put ubuntu on for my daughter but some asshat set a bios password....any suggestions....???....i have ubuntu on a flash drive if there are any tools that will help me there....16:51
ikoniaSpl0it_: x86_64 platform16:51
Spl0it_hmmm ok16:51
anom2joe-mac: understood with thanks. it's already open and the cables are already tied away. is there a stronger command than "renice" that can severely force tasks to consume less CPU (say max 40%)?16:51
user1neodemi: !rar !unrar16:51
Lint01latest wine is 1.14 development build16:51
ikoniaeighthour: no - game over, get the bios reset16:51
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free16:51
ikoniaeighthour: bios resetting is not covered in #ubuntu support issues16:51
ActionParsnip1eighthour: depends on the type(Phoenix, award) they usually have a failsafe password16:51
newt-homecrossover is as good as it can be considering what it is.... the best option is to dual boot if you cant do that us a vm and load windows in that providing your equipment can take it... emulators like crossover cedega or wine are not very effective16:51
anonusing1jrib, it worked! wow, so simple. thanks A LOT!!!16:51
Planet_xhey all just had a quick question sorry its not related to ubuntu exactly, was just wondering what program language Ettercap Filters are written in, if anyone can help thanks16:51
ubuntistaswill u sen me your crossover joe-mac?16:51
erUSULSpl0it_: supports both amd and intel (and the via nano i guess)16:51
RussMbostoman, Which version of ubuntu are you running?16:51
ikoniaPlanet_x: not ontopic for here, - this is ubuntu related support only16:51
eighthourActionParsnip1: thanks, but i tried all those....16:52
Spl0it_ok I just wondered because of the file name16:52
Nike95the error tells me that she can not find a file (RECYCLER / numbers)16:52
Nike95"numbers" that is, there are many numbers16:52
salmondoes anyone know of a program like fruity loops for ubuntu, gnome16:52
ActionParsnip1eighthour: if that fails, disconnect power, battery and bios battery and leave it overnight, all bios settings will be lost16:52
bostoman8.10, but hey, changing the mtu did fix the issue16:52
oskar-eighthour, try a bios upgrade with the flag for resetting the nvram set16:52
Lint01RECYCLER/{numbers} is your Recycle Bin16:52
joe-macubuntistas: that would probably be illegal, anbd because i believe software developers who put their sweat into things deserve to be reimbursed with either beer, women, or money, i cannot do that.16:52
Nike95what can i do?16:53
ActionParsnip1eighthour: no, each bios manufacturer has a failsafe, its not always the name of the type, sometimes its something weird16:53
bostomanI wonder why it got set to 64 initially though16:53
Lint01you should rin checkdsk c: /f16:53
RussMbostoman, Strange that it should have been 64 to begin with.16:53
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free16:53
newt-homeActionParsnip1, thats a bit drastic dont you think?  There is a bios reset on almost every laptop model made16:53
Spl0it_thx konia & erUSUL16:53
erUSULSpl0it_: amd deserves the credit linux devs give for creating the architecture16:53
ubuntistasjoe-mac your not fair at all16:53
Lint01damn, chkdsk :)16:53
magnetron!piracy | ubuntistas16:53
ubottuubuntistas: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o16:53
Spl0it_ah ok16:53
Spl0it_thank you again16:53
ActionParsnip1newt-home: well its not much of a password if its that easy to remove16:53
RussMbostoman, you'll have to make sure it gets set properly on boot every time. Not sure  of the right place to  do that.16:54
newt-homeActionParsnip1, well duh...16:54
Nike95and how is it done?16:54
bostomanI'll figure it out, thanks16:54
newt-homemfgrs do not discourage theft because that would slow down their sales16:54
Lint01Go to start menu, choose Run16:54
salmondoes anyone know of a music generating program similar to "fruity loops" for ubuntu, on gnome, i can only find them for KDE16:54
Lint01Type there chkdsk c: /f16:55
ActionParsnip1salmon: lmms16:55
newt-homeyou cant use the os if the system is password protected... bios protection is not to keep out crooks16:55
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RussMbostoman, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/4977316:55
* kennyyu yawns16:55
salmonActionParsnipl: thank you16:55
neodemithe link in !rar and !unrar is broke16:55
newt-homesalmon, if it works for you.16:55
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free16:56
ubuntistasany cool ubuntu game16:56
ubuntistasany cool ubuntu game?16:56
ikoniaubuntistas: look in the games menu, see what you look16:56
ikoniaubuntistas: check the package manager for games16:56
newt-homelmms is the best offering Ive seen but so far only ardour actually worked on my systems and it was choppy, not accurate and usually glitchy16:56
marko-_-ubuntistas, openarena is a cool game... like quake 316:56
Lint01Nike95, when you're done with chkdsk, download and run this thing: ftp://ftp.drweb.com/pub/drweb/cureit/launch.exe16:56
bostomanthanks RussM16:56
marko-_-or maybe ut16:56
salmonnewt-home, huh?16:56
Ranakahubuntistas urban terror is cool game16:57
Guest31507hi i need a hand to change my Amsn skin how do i do it??16:57
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: tuxracer, uraban terror, frets on fire, penumbra (penumbra is AWESOME)16:57
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php16:57
neodemithe problem i was having with rars is that some of them appear empty, while others work. they all work in windows, so its not a case that the files are corrupt/broken16:57
quenchi've got a xfs filesytem (GPT partition label) on hardware raid that i can't figure out how to resize (i'm not using lvm)?16:58
ActionParsnip1neodemi: unrar e <rarfile>16:58
newt-homesalmon, I run production sound on my computers and believe me your best bet is to use cubase or adobe audition 3 on a windows or mac bases system16:58
Lint01How can I replace that awful Nautilus for something really usable?16:58
ubuntistaswhat's frets on fire?16:58
ActionParsnip1newt-home: lmms isnt too shabby16:58
ActionParsnip1!info fretsonfire16:58
newt-homei love linux salmon but honestly the sound production arena kind of stinks16:58
erUSULubuntistas: is like guitar hero16:58
ubottufretsonfire (source: fretsonfire): game of musical skill and fast fingers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.512.dfsg-3 (intrepid), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB16:58
jribLint01: well what is wrong?16:59
newt-homeActionParsnip1, ok ...16:59
salmonnewt-home, yeah i know there is better programs out there, but im just looking for something free to mess around with.16:59
ActionParsnip1newt-home: its worth a look, its not something i do a lot but its pretty quick to bash stuff out16:59
newt-homelmms and qjackctl16:59
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: sudo apt-get install fretsonfire16:59
newt-homeActionParsnip1, I do this professionally I cant afford the sloppy stuff16:59
Lint01It's just look awful and clumsy. Is there some alternative?17:00
ActionParsnip1newt-home: i see, well it could give you another option17:00
salmonso i have another question and this happens to me all the time. so i downloaded something from synaptic and now i don't know where it went. how do i find it17:00
newt-homeused it know how it works17:00
ikoniasalmon: it will be on the application menu17:00
newt-homedoesnt work for me in ubuntu but it did work in mandriva17:00
salmonikonia, i know it should be17:00
newt-homeardour worked in fedora17:00
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: you play guitar hero style game but use F keys as frets and enter to strum, there are torrents of songs you can dro ponto it and play, or make your own17:00
salmonikonia, but it's not17:01
ikoniasalmon: what are you missing ?17:01
ikoniasalmon: as in what application17:01
jribLint01: if you don't like the way it looks, use a different theme.  If you don't like the widgets, try dolphin, thunar or pcmanfm I guess17:01
salmonikonia, just downloaded lmms. and it's no where17:01
ActionParsnip1salmon: type 'lmms &' in a terminal17:01
ubuntistasyou mean frets on fire and guitar hero is just for music?17:01
neodemiActionParsnip1, unrar e doesnt do much, it throws out the error "No files to extract", from a 400 meg archive.17:02
Ethosserguys, I want to copy a folder over to a windows 2003 share everynight17:02
Ethosserwhats the best way to go about this?17:02
salmonActionParsnip1, thank you17:02
jribneodemi: usually I use "unrar x file.rar"17:02
ActionParsnip1neodemi: you could always run winrar via wine :(17:02
joaopintoEtherael_, just mount the share using samba17:02
joaopintoops, was Ethosser17:02
amaureaOk, I have found the solution to the problem I had with my chillstream gamepad. I need to place the file https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joystick_lshal_outputs_done?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Logitech_Chillstream.fdi in /etc/hal/fdi/policy. Pretty simple. Except that I can't seem to download the file. Does anybody know of a mirror?17:02
neodemieww, i was hoping not to resort to that17:02
EthosserI want to do it nightly though17:02
Lasivianis there any way to make a "group" of panel icons in gnome?17:03
LasivianI hate moving them one-by-one all the time17:03
ikoniasalmon: interesting it looks like it doesn't have an application menu icon, I'm surprised by that17:03
Garepjotrhey guys when i trype my key into the network settings using the gnome tool i can't use the wireless... but when i do "iwconfig eth1 key s:stuff" it works17:03
ubuntistashow can i install penumbra?>17:03
deanyLasivian, try making a drawer. and add them into it17:03
BULLEapt-get install penumbra ?17:03
ubuntistasor urban terror?17:04
nectaris there anyone who uses spice under ubuntu?17:04
Lasiviandeany: hrrm, didn;t know about that, thanks17:04
nectari need an how to about installing spice17:04
KrimZonsalmon: also, anything installed you can find in synaptic, you can right click and choose properties, then click the 'installed files' tab. then have a look what it puts in any /bin directory17:04
Garepjotrso what do i have to enter into the tool that would work the same as iwconfig eth1 key s:stuff17:05
KevDogGarepjotr: key s:  This is the ASCI based text key correct?  Do you know the hex equivalent?17:05
Garepjotryeah but i can't click ok when i enter the hex17:06
M1DLGHow do I mirror a partition in ubuntu 8.10? I wish to save everything of mine and then reinstall repairing my earlier screw up (partition errors)17:06
Garepjotrwith or without the 0x17:06
jrib!pm | Lint0117:06
ubottuLint01: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:06
KevDogGarepjotr: Weird, have you tried actually entering s:key in the box?17:06
n8tuserM1DLG-> use of dd17:06
ubuntistashow can i install from terminal urban terror and  penumbra?17:07
ubuntistasis guitar hero for music?17:07
GarepjotrKevDog: yeah17:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about penumbra17:07
M1DLGn8user: ???17:07
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.17:07
KevDogGarepjotr: Not sure why, but I'm going to answer the question by not answering the question.  Have you tried WICD?17:07
zand3rHi... Is anyone using rdesktop with Ubuntu Interpid? I get an 'Initializing sound-support failed' error and Google suggests others have had the same issue but I couldn;t find a resolution. Is anything other than alsa required? Sound in general works on the machine.17:07
n8tuserM1DLG-> you asked what tool,   dd  if=/dev/sdax of=filename.iso  bs=512    man dd for correct options17:08
GarepjotrKevDog: you're not the first to suggest that.. i'll try now ic an actually install stuff17:08
=== n8tuser is now known as n8tuserf
M1DLGn8user: i'll have a play and see if i get lucky17:09
C-S-BI use Rdesktop, do you need sound to work? try disabling it17:09
ubuntistashow can i install from terminal urban terror and penumbra? <ubuntistas>is guitar hero for music?17:09
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: urban terror is a 400Mb download which you extract and run the installer17:10
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: penumbra has an installr too17:10
GarepjotrKevDog: is that the full name? i can't find it in synaptic17:11
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: penumbra has a free demo, the full game is paid software17:11
silvexHi all, i'm trying to fix a nautilus.sh script to do mpgjoin. I cannot get zenity to do progress. It's piped from eval command.17:11
ubuntistasiam downloading an urban terror of 700 mb17:11
ubuntistasis that good? actionparsnip117:11
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: here is urban terror: ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/games/urbanterror/UrbanTerror_41_FULL.zip17:12
* bostoman screams and idles17:12
ubuntistasactionparsnip can u send me the links for the 2 games?17:12
ubuntistasactionparsnip that's what i was downloading man17:13
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: penumbra is a killer game, really innovative control system: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaXDvR2sw-417:13
boot_loopTo an end user who does want to setup a few personal servers (web, ftp, etc...) is there a big difference between Ubuntu and Debian? I have always used Debian in the past, but have been using Ubuntu on my workstations and am curious if anyone knows real differences.17:13
ubuntistasthat i cannot play it easily?17:14
magnetron!debian | boot_loop17:14
ubottuboot_loop: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!17:14
aolkoWhere can i get screenkast???17:14
M1DLGn8user: Or would I be better just coping the /home directory as this is nearly all my customisations ? isn't it?17:14
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: http://cdn.gamezone.com/pub/gamezone/31/3/89/PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh17:15
=== Cassonetto is now known as Nike95
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: btw, to open the hatch, you need to pull the hatch UP ;)17:15
Garepjotrhow do i install wicd in ubuntu?17:15
sexcopterhi, has anyone recently run into dependency problems with some kde apps? I have some in the backports repos that can't be updated.17:15
ActionParsnip1!info wicd17:15
ubottuPackage wicd does not exist in intrepid17:15
ubuntistashow actioparsnip?17:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd17:15
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: you click an move the environment like you are really in it, like to hit stuff you have to actually swing melee weapons etc17:16
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: you'll see, it gets scary17:16
ubuntistasaction parsnip the 2 links that u send me how can i install the games then?17:17
TheLevy23can anyone help me?17:17
CorallI've got a strange problem. When I connect to another irc server (ircnet) in xchat, i can't see any other users on the channel I usually am on. On this Ubuntu server I can though see all the other users on the channel.  Does any one know what the problem is?17:17
olleolleolleSolution: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-burning/2008-December/006758.html led to the fix for my missing menu item problem with Qt3.17:18
ubuntistasare these 0ne installers?17:19
rakudave!anyone | TheLevy2317:19
ubottuTheLevy23: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:19
ubuntistasactionparsnip are these 2 links installers?17:19
ubuntistasor i have to do anything else?17:19
epswing_ubuntu 8.10: sometime the system "open file" dialogue window is really small and scrunched up, anything i can do about that?17:19
TheLevy23i can't seem to get 5.1 speakers17:20
TheLevy23and on windows they work17:20
TheLevy23here all i can hear is 2.117:20
EsparianHey, I just deleted a 700 MB file with SHIFT + DELETE (so that it isn't placed in the trash), and the file is gone, but the free disc space shown by nautilus hasn't increased a bit even after a refresh. the trash is also empty. what could be the reason?17:20
=== lbe_ is now known as lbe
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: yep, just run the script, the zip file will need extracting17:21
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:21
SeveasEsparian, something still has the file open. Disk space will not be reclaimed until all applications closed the file17:21
ActionParsnip1Esparian: check in that folder17:21
guerbyhi, how do I make /var/log/messages world readable in a permanent way (that survives rotate)?17:22
joe-maclsof or fuser will tell you what has it open17:22
joe-mackill the process then run sync17:22
Esparianokay, thanks guys.17:22
Lint01lint01: 017:22
Era`Hi. I installed ubuntu ( dual boot, ubuntu + xp) but now i formatted xp and that boot screen where i could choose which os i want to boot is gone. Do i have to install ubuntu again?17:23
aolko no17:23
rakudave!grub | Era`17:23
ubottuEra`: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:23
aolkoconfigure GRUB17:23
* rhinux is away: Zur Zeit abwesend17:24
sigp226Is there anything special about the "Guest" user that Ubuntu uses?17:24
Lint01actually it could mean installing in Windows...17:24
eseven73!away > rhinux17:24
ubotturhinux, please see my private message17:24
lectroni have a serious question and do not want to start a flame ;)17:24
Era`rakudave, unfortunally the url is not workin17:24
lectronwhy is the ubuntu gnome so slow compared to the debian gnome?17:24
oscillocamut oh, suddenly can't write to a normally Shared drive /home/Shared with plenty of extra space. Error on client says, "not enough free space" and turning off quotas on root filesystem *fixed* it. Is it me, do  I need to run a quota check? or what's going on with Ubuntu Server and root filesystem quotas? did I miss an update? (btw: quotas are fine [for users] on my other filesystems on the same server)17:25
Garepjotrhas anyone else installed wicd on ubuntu?17:25
lectroni tried both with out changes after the installation17:25
Fougnerlectron, how can we know? :P17:25
mrwesLectron: that's a support question? :)17:25
Garepjotri tried the steps on the site for ubuntu but the synaptic package manager won'twind it17:25
Fougnerlectron, I'm thinking about installing Debian on my machine, is debian faster then? :P17:26
rakudaveEra`: ubottu must be out of date... ops? try http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html17:26
mikebeechamHI...I dont suppose anyone might have a solution for this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107715117:26
aljosaanybody using intrepid on imac? i can't get sound to work although it worked from live cd. everything looks ok (alsamixer all un-muted) but there is no sound.17:26
ubuntistasactionparsnip after extaction i install the zip file?17:26
TheLevy23please help me17:26
ViOnEteae galeraaaaaaa17:26
JarvellisIs there some easy way to switch window managers without closing all my apps?17:26
lectronmrwes: yeah, maybe you could tell me how i can speed up ubuntu?17:26
dupondjeSince I did some upgrades, I totally doesn't have any sound on my Ubuntu pc anymore :( any id what could be the cause ?17:26
TheLevy23i only hear sound in two of my speakers17:26
lectronFougner: it will be... really alot faster17:26
mrweslectron, well you might look into turning off any services you might not need17:27
rakudaveTheLevy23: double-click on the speaker-icon in the tray and check if all sliders are up17:28
TheLevy23they are17:28
TheLevy23i'm not that n00b17:28
=== maxime_ is now known as maxXMB
maxXMBtraceroute ?!17:28
lectronmrwes: ok. how should i proceed?17:28
ramvi1How can I check if my compiled wifi driver / kernel module is loaded or not?17:29
rakudaveTheLevy23: happens all the time though ^^ google "ubuntu your-soundcard" or something... i don't know :-/17:29
roadrockramvi1: lsmod in a terminal17:30
ViOnEtdo you speak portuguese?17:30
TheLevy23already done that17:30
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:30
TheLevy23i can't  seem to get it to work17:30
=== Fraeon^2 is now known as Fraeon
olegbJarvellis: yes, metacity does something like that with --replace. try to look into the manual of the windowmanager you want to use17:30
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:30
ubottuלשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:17:30
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il17:30
what_ifhow do I find what modules my soundcards are using ??17:30
newt-homegotta install an ubuntu hdd again.... honestly Im not sure  which of the distros is any better if you can say that but I do know that for my first time customers they choose ubuntu 3 to 117:30
newt-homeubottu, shalom17:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shalom17:31
Jarvellisolegb: thanks, i wasn't sure if there was a generalised way17:31
KevDogGarepjotr: WICD is not in the official repositories (I dont think) I think you need to add a repository to your /etc/apt/source.list.  Its explained on the WICD home page:17:31
oskar-what_if, cat /proc/asound/modules17:31
newt-homeubottu, excuse me?   you are advertising Hebrew yet you dont know shalom?17:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:31
what_ifoskar-: ty17:31
heartsshalom dude.17:32
KevDogbots are stupid!17:32
Esparianjoe-mac: I followed your instructions, killed the process that had the file open, sync'd my buffers, free disk space still hasn't increased.17:32
heartsif you tell a jewish person shalom17:32
dupondjeIf u mount a .iso within the gui, where does it get attached to ? Cause I can't find it to open files in VLC then17:32
heartsthey have to say it back17:32
sigp226How does the Ubuntu guest account work?17:33
Lint01. /media/CD-Name-Here17:33
bonhofferjrib, o.k. i am trying to get further but not able to boot off of the rescue CD, please see http://www.theboohers.org/news/2009/02/22/ubuntu-troubles-lost-write-access-to-root-filesystem/17:33
dupondjenop Lint0117:33
bonhofferdo you see anything i might have missed?17:33
oskar-dupondje, look in the output of "mount", else look in ~/.gvfs17:33
sigp226I'm trying to get information on the feature in Ubuntu that allows guests to log in.  Where is info on that?17:34
what_ifdupondje: if all else fails do a: cat /proc/mounts   and it will be listed there17:34
GarepjotrKevDog: it's instaled now thanks!17:34
sanjidum... where's the 9.0.4 alpha channel?17:35
dupondjeits mounted in ~/.gvfs it seems :)17:35
KevDogGarepjotr: Does it work?17:35
what_ifsigp226: lookie here. http://www.linuxjournal.com/video/using-guest-account-ubuntu17:35
Garepjotryes :D17:35
Fallen[qas]Ubuntu is alot nicer then I had expected, hehe17:35
what_ifsigp226: theres even a video17:35
KevDogGarepjotr: Awesome -- I knew it would -- works for me.  Its very reliable17:36
joe-macEsparian: what are you using to judge free disk space?17:36
joe-macand you ran sync as root correct?17:37
quibblersigp226: http://www.linuxjournal.com/video/using-guest-account-ubuntu17:37
KevDogWhat were you expecting?17:37
* what_if waves17:37
toresbeHey guys.17:37
Esparianjoe-mac: yes, and I'm using nautilus and df... both say only 30 MB left on disc.17:37
lectronmrwes: no idea?17:38
dupondjewhat_if, oskar-: if I open the folder in VLC, VLC crashes :(17:38
toresbemezcalero: /wc17:38
joe-macEsparian: is this a usb disk?17:38
joe-macon the USB disk at the root of it type sudo du -hm | sort -n17:39
what_ifdupondje: what are you trying to opn? the iso of a dvd ?17:39
toader_Hi, are there online radio software like WinAmp in Ubuntu? thanks17:39
joe-macit will show in increasing order what is taking up the space17:39
joe-macand a summatry at the end17:39
joe-macsee if they match up, i'd help you more but i gotta run and do some food shopping17:39
toader_Hi, are there online radio software under ubuntu like WinAmp? thanks17:39
dupondjemounted it in gui, and opening the VIDEO_TS folder from ~/.gvfs ...17:39
what_ifdupondje: erm... I dunno why that would not work, but that may not work17:40
what_iftoader_: I use realplayer...17:40
KevDogMy gnome fonts constantly become corrupt and I need to reload them.  Why?17:40
{g}Hey People! In my terminal, I can create some interesting characters. For example "→" when I hit ALT+i. Is there a list of characters and how to create them? For example I would like to type "»" and "«".17:40
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:40
oskar-dupondje, try totem, xine or mplayer17:40
toader_what_if: realplayer is only a player. does it have radio?17:40
what_iftoader_: I assume you mean streaming radio stations? Then yes.17:41
what_iftoader_: I listen to shoutcast streams with it all day17:41
KevDogLike this: «»17:42
rakudave{g}: « is AltGr-Z and » is AltGr-X17:42
KevDogAlt-174 Alt 17517:42
what_ifdupondje: here is an example from the commandline to play unmounted dvd iso's in VLC: vlc dvdsimple:///videos/Buckshot/10_Homemade_Traps.iso17:42
dupondjenice, but u can't do that from gui ? :D17:43
BladieBlahello can someone please help me with a problem?17:43
BladieBlathe start bar is gone i dont know how to get it back17:43
KevDog½ the solution is here: http://www.tedmontgomery.com/tutorial/altchrc.html  Good luck17:43
ActionParsnip1dupondje: youu can just point it at the iso file, you dont need all that dvdsimple stuff17:44
schivhi i tried installing ubuntu to usb with dd for windows..i found out i can do that with gui so i emptied my usb. but then i found out i no longer have 8GB (my usb size) but around the size of an iso/img. how can i recover?17:44
BladieBlai can only see the start icons the rest is gone17:44
what_ifdupondje: I have never tried, I rip all my stuff to divx. But from what I read it has something to do with the menus not working correctly17:44
somedudeis it easy to upgrade between ubuntu versions17:44
rvnhow do you edit schemas in gconf-editor, as gconf-editor doesn't allow you to itself17:44
ActionParsnip1what_if: vlc ~/videos/Buckshot/10_Homemade_Traps.iso17:44
ActionParsnip1!upgrade | somedude17:44
ubottusomedude: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:44
epswing_why isn't python 2.6 in synaptic?17:44
BladieBlacan someone help me with my start bar problem?17:45
=== epswing_ is now known as epswing
somedudeThe requested URL could not be retrieved17:45
imachineepswing, perhaphs because it is too new17:45
schivrecover the rest of the space* (btw disk manager in windows reports the rest of the space as unallocated but right-clicking doesn't allow me to format it)17:45
arvind_khadri!latest > epswing17:45
ubottuepswing, please see my private message17:45
BHYCHIKÂñåì ïðèâåò!17:45
felixsulla!latest | felixsulla17:45
ubottufelixsulla, please see my private message17:45
dupondjeActionParsnip1: but its not possible from gui ?17:45
BHYCHIKHello everybody!17:45
BHYCHIKcan somebody help me17:45
ramvi[MODULES] 1. sudo depmod -a vntwusb  2. lsmod. What are possible reasons for vntwsusb not showing up?17:45
BladieBlathe start bar is gone i dont know how to get it back17:45
ActionParsnip1dupondje: is what possible?17:45
imachineepswing, 2.5 is there. wait for 9.04 I guess.17:45
dupondjeto load iso :) but it works now, needed to select show all files :)17:46
BHYCHIKI had got Ubuntu 8.10 and Windows XP on my laptop17:46
felixsullaepswing, you can compile it from source.17:46
ActionParsnip1dupondje: please put my name at the start of the line, you can tab complete it17:46
imachinethat too.17:46
felixsullaWhen I compiled 2.6 from source I couldn't get readline working, though :/17:46
imachinefelixsulla, but that's awesome overhead.17:46
BHYCHIKthen i have reinstalled XP17:46
epswingfelixsulla: heh, rather not, i'd botch it17:46
ActionParsnip1dupondje: try right click -> open with vlc17:46
jrib!sru | epswing17:46
ubottuepswing: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates17:46
felixsulla!sru | felixsulla17:46
ubottufelixsulla, please see my private message17:46
BHYCHIKBut my multiboot list had disappeared17:46
hickophello , i'm looking for a sofware that can print text on screen and overlay everything , does it exist plz ?17:47
imachineepswing, you can always launch vbox and use a virtual machine to play around.17:47
BHYCHIKHowever, volumes with ubuntu ae on my harddisk17:47
BHYCHIKhow can i boot my ubuntu?17:47
SHyx0rmZIs there anyone who wants to help me with a serious Xorg problem?17:48
CTA`can someone help me to setup a wireless connection?17:48
CTAlike step by step?17:48
ramvi[DRIVER] What are possible reasons for vntwsusb not showing up in lsmod? 1. sudo depmod -a vntwusb  2. lsmod17:48
what_ifSHyx0rmZ: I love xorg probs... whats up17:48
hlmwhat ftp servers are in the repos that have a GUI?17:48
CTAI tried clicking on the thing on the top and then like making new thing but it kept saying something about encrption and then giving me a really wierd pass.. and not working17:49
ActionParsnip1!wireless | CTA17:49
ubottuCTA: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:49
ActionParsnip1hlm: most are configured with a config file17:49
BladieBlathe start bar is gone i dont know how to get it back?17:50
hlmActionParsnip1, I know, but I need something with a GUI, its just how I am :-\17:50
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:50
andypls1what the heck was that?17:50
SHyx0rmZwhat_if: I finally got xorg to start up fine with the ATI fglrx drivers after ~8 hours. Last problem was to configure my input devices. I use a dual head configuration, or rather intend to use, because I get two separate desktops.17:51
ActionParsnip1!info glftpd17:51
ubottuPackage glftpd does not exist in intrepid17:51
ActionParsnip1hlm: once its setup you dont have to touch it dude, i'd suggest proftpd17:51
quibblerBladieBla: by start bar do you mean the apps button on the panel?17:51
SHyx0rmZIt's like I have 2 machines running and use them via a KVM-switch, only that it's 1 machine17:51
ActionParsnip1hlm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5161117:52
BladieBlathe normal menu bar at the bottom17:52
BladieBlaand top are gone17:52
Led_ZeppelinWhat is the program to configure Wireless networking on Ubuntu?17:52
BladieBlai can only see icons on the screen17:52
CTAisnt there a simple way to do it? like some way to create new something and then scan for available routers?17:52
rayne_What is the name of the application that monitors internet traffic (something like htop)17:52
=== Sniper is now known as Guest6831
ActionParsnip1BladieBla: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4164017:53
=== Guest6831 is now known as markus_
=== blouf__ is now known as blouf
rayne_What is an app that monitors internet traffic like 'top' monitors system processes?17:53
ActionParsnip1rayne_: ntop17:54
ActionParsnip1!info ntop17:54
ubottuntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-11 (intrepid), package size 4442 kB, installed size 14904 kB17:54
rayne_ActionParsnip1, thanks17:54
=== Dragnslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
sanjidrayne_: netstat17:54
enraptureHello I need help installing a microscope cam17:54
rayne_sanjid, thanks17:55
pop79entrapure: what is your problem?17:55
enrapturewell, I've installed it17:55
enrapturehold on17:55
Led_Zeppelinwhat is the gnome tool that lets you configure wireless NICs?17:55
zand3rI know that rdesktop was updated for the latest Ubuntu release so that it supports alsa sound. Does anyone know if there is now a conflict between rdekstop and the tsclient gui? I get local sound working with rdekstop but not when i run it via tsclient.17:55
ActionParsnip1Led_Zeppelin: you could use wifi-radar17:55
nightrid3rLed_Zeppelin network manager or wifiradar17:56
ActionParsnip1!info wifi-radar17:56
ubottuwifi-radar (source: wifi-radar): graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.9-1.1 (intrepid), package size 38 kB, installed size 232 kB17:56
pop79!info metwork-manager17:56
ubottuPackage metwork-manager does not exist in intrepid17:56
pop79!info network-manager17:56
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7~~svn20081018t105859-0ubuntu1.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 260 kB, installed size 1940 kB17:56
enrapturepop79, it's not showing the microscope's view after installing the program17:56
enraptureI had to install WINE17:56
enrapturebecause it's a PC/MAC thing that ubuntu was not reading17:57
pop79what model of cam is it?17:57
tv7497guys little help in signing ubuntu code of conduct using gpg . i downloaded the text file of COD signed it using pgp and when tried to open cod.asc it shows no valid keys were found . here is the screen shot of whats happening so that you guys could get a better idea
enraptureit's a Carson zPix 1.3M digital viewer17:57
Led_Zeppelinnightrid3r, nice. Thanks!17:57
Led_ZeppelinActionParsnip1, thanks!17:57
pop79entrapture: one minute17:58
enraptureI heard there was a microscope program called "hornets eye" but I can't find it.17:58
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Era`Trying to reinstall grub, how I can mount linux partition ? I cant get access to the terminal....17:58
Led_Zeppelinhow do I know what Accesspoint I am connect to via CLI?17:58
hlmActionParsnip1, how do I configure proftpd?17:58
ivan_hi everyone17:59
tv7497ivan_: hey !17:59
ivan_tv, do you know the best dvd player in ubuntu??18:00
pop79!hi |ivan_18:00
ubottuivan_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:00
ActionParsnip1tv7497: i'd email the address in your terminal for help18:00
ivan_thx obottu18:00
ivan_thx pop7918:00
pop79ivan_: totem18:00
ActionParsnip1hlm: i gave you a link on how to configure it, by default users are chrooted to their home directory18:00
tv7497ivan_: go with vlc thats the best you could find18:01
pop79ivan_: totem comes with ubuntu18:01
enraptureoh, the other name or cereal number (don't know what it is) on this device is "MM-740"18:01
ivan_my totem cant load any subtitle18:01
ActionParsnip1ivan_: best doesnt exist in life18:01
hlmActionParsnip1, okay, I got it thanks18:01
pop79oh... try realplayer then, www.real.com18:01
ActionParsnip1ivan_: an app is only best to an individual, there is no single best any thing ever18:01
ivan_owh ic18:01
nightrid3rivan_ asking for a "best" aplication will probably give you the full contents of the repo, its all a matter of taste18:01
ubuntistaswhat's new about ubuntu 9.04?18:01
ivan_ActionParsnip1 : ok18:02
tv7497pop79: real sucks in ubuntu :D18:02
ActionParsnip1ivan_: millions like vlc, i prefer mplayer personally. some think both are garbage and use totem18:02
fearfulubuntistas, that's off topic this is a support channel try #ubuntu+118:02
pop79i know, but at least it works :)18:02
ivan_mplayer is it guud?18:02
ActionParsnip1ivan_: try a few then settle on one18:02
tv7497ActionParsnip1: err i didnt get you in your previous post18:02
quibblerubuntistas: ask in #ubuntu+118:02
ivan_ok2 then18:02
quibbler!players | ivan_18:03
ubottuivan_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:03
ivan_ill try real , mplayer vlc18:03
bbelt16aghi peeps.  how would I  go about  backporting to kde 3.5 I am using  8.10 atm.. and I despise kde 4.18:03
pop79entrapture: sorry this is taking long...18:03
Dr_WillisI play rmvb videos in mplayer all the time18:03
ivan_thx ubottu ^^18:03
enraptureit's okay.. I'm having a hell of a time finding help for this on line through searches alone18:03
ivan_ill try18:03
ActionParsnip1tv7497: nm, i misread18:04
tv7497ivan_: !ubouttu18:04
ActionParsnip1!players | ivan_18:04
ubottuivan_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubouttu18:04
tv7497ActionParsnip1: how do you tell ivan its a bot :d18:04
ActionParsnip1ivan_: theres a good list to try18:04
ivan_BOT :|18:04
ActionParsnip1!ubottu | ivan18:04
ubottuivan: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:04
tv7497ActionParsnip1: thanks mate18:04
ivan_ActionParsnip1 ok218:04
ActionParsnip1np man18:04
ivan_ActionParsnip1 , thx brader18:05
shadeslayerhi im on kubuntu and want to install gnome18:05
ivan_ActionParsnip1 , thx brother18:05
shadeslayerbut the install should be less than 20 MB18:05
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  install the ubuntu-desktop package.18:05
tv7497ActionParsnip1: any idea whats going wrong with those keys ?18:05
nightrid3rshadeslayer sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:05
shadeslayertoo large18:05
Era`Trying to reinstall grub, After clicking install ubuntu, choosing manual partition type but what next? How I mount appropriate linux partions? What I should choose from there? I cant get access to the terminal....18:05
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  then do without i guess?18:05
fearfulEra`, it depends on how you wanted set up, dual boot all this18:06
ivan_Era` : im using LILO, can i change my boot loader into GRUB???18:06
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  or rephrafrase and  clarify the question? :)18:06
ivan_Era` : im using LILO 22.8, can i change my boot loader into GRUB???18:06
operationhavok1once you boot into your distro after you install you should be able to edit the grub from the gui18:06
nightrid3rshadeslayer shipit.ubuntu.com18:06
shadeslayerwell, i want it alongside KDE18:06
pop79entrapture: is your carson cam an MM-740 or MM-640?18:06
tv7497ivan_: lilo is better take my word18:06
WebcamWonderIs there a way to disable the Fast User switcher applet from showing Pidgin's status? It annoys me a lot18:06
Dr_Willisivan_:  install the grub package and confgure the menu.lst - yes you can. :) I never use lilo in years.18:06
BladieBlai have a problem with my web browsers it gives me wierd lettertypes18:06
Dr_Willisivan_:  how did you get lilo anyway?18:07
ActionParsnip1!grub | ivan_18:07
ubottuivan_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:07
ivan_lilo takes much times when computer starts :|18:07
shadeslayerwell ill rephrase18:07
ActionParsnip1!info lilo18:07
ubottulilo (source: lilo): LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can load Linux and others. In component main, is optional. Version 1:22.8-4ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 356 kB, installed size 1136 kB18:07
Dr_WillisGrub is the default.. did you some how tell it to use lilo?18:07
hmwwhat does it mean, when i see "ratelimit: 40 callback supressed" in messages (trying to set up adhoc wlan) - does it mean, something is not yet implemented?18:07
codeshahhey guys, I have tried several things from google, but my ubuntu 8.10 volume is still very very low! Any clues? I think this is a common problem.18:07
shadeslayeri want gnome alongside KDE,so i just require gnome not the whole of ubuntu18:07
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Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  ubuntu-desktop will just download/install the gnome portion of ubuntu.18:08
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: seems if you install gdm it should be ok, not sure18:08
hmwcodeshah - open mixer and make PCM louder, if not already at max18:08
=== ubuntu_ is now known as alex-weej`
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  proberly a few 100 mb in download size18:08
ActionParsnip1Dr_Willis: he doesnt want gedit etc18:08
WebcamWondercodeshah: Type: alsamixer, in a terminal, it should let you adjust PCM18:08
shadeslayerDr_Willis: no,its 973 MB18:08
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:   seems odd it can all fit on a 700mb cd then dont it...18:08
ivan_Dr_Willis : i get LILO from ubuntu 8.0418:08
shadeslayeroh sorry18:09
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  i think you may be confused.. but you could alwys fire up the package manager and install the parts of gnome you want.18:09
ivan_Dr_Willis : i get LILO from ubuntu 8.04, it has 2 boot loader, GRUB and LILO18:09
fearfulivan_, thats not possible 8.04 brings GRUB by default18:09
enraptureok, I'm back.... if that makes  a diff :P18:09
fearfulivan_, ok I did not know that :p18:09
shadeslayerstill 200 MB is too big18:09
ActionParsnip1fearful: its installed by default but any bootloader can be used18:09
shadeslayerill do it tommorow night then18:09
codeshahhmw, when I run 'alsamixer' I just see master18:09
shadeslayerbye all18:09
ivan_fearful : not live cd18:09
Dr_Willis219mb of download.. 918mb of space needed here for the full ubuntu-desktop18:09
pop79Entrapture, is your cam an MM-640 or MM-740?18:10
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hmwcodeshah open the gnome mixer18:10
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  then i guess you got some hard choices to make.18:10
shadeslayerDr_Willis: ill install it tommorow night18:10
codeshahhmw, what is the command for that?18:10
WebcamWonderIs there a way to disable the User switcher applet from showing Pidgin's status? It annoys me a lot18:10
hmwcodeshah a doubleclick on the volume icon on the top18:10
codeshahhmw, thx18:10
Dr_Williswere we suppose to give shadeslayer some magic answer to his problem? heh...18:10
* enrapture hopes she doesn't have to return the damn thing18:11
fearfulWebcamWonder, try right clicking it and removing it from panel and add the ones you had before from the "Add to panel"18:11
bbelt16aghi peeps.  how would I  go about  backporting to kde 3.5 I am using  8.1018:11
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nightrid3rDr_Willis no but we are feeling nice today :)18:11
bbelt16agdo I need to uninstall kde 4 and then download the packages or  add another  repo?18:11
tv7497ActionParsnip1: totally forgot why i came here know any wizard around here who are good with sounds ? mine is broken i mean its audible but its like a dj inside my system i even reported this bug in launchpad but no use its still in confirmed status and importance undecided https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/32915318:11
Dr_Willisbbelt16ag:  there were some unofficial 3.5 repos being worked on.. but im not sure they ever got actually made/useable.18:11
* pop79 thinks entrapture might have two :(18:12
pop79to, i meant18:12
Dr_Willisbbelt16ag:  so as far as i know.. you could use the source.. but that may conflict with the 4.x kde.18:12
WebcamWonderfearful: The logout applet doesn't include a shutdown anymore :(18:12
pop79entrapture, apparently, there is no linux support what-so-ever for your cam, sorry :(18:12
bbelt16agI don't want to keep  kde 4.x18:12
ActionParsnip1tv7497: crank everythinng you can is all i can suggest, dig around18:12
fearfulWebcamWonder, well you have the option under system, thats what I use I removed it too18:12
ActionParsnip1tv7497: im not so good with sound stuffs18:13
fearfulWebcamWonder, I didn't add anything I just click the System menu when shutting down18:13
bbelt16agis there  any way to make my confg files use full again18:13
bbelt16agit totally  destroyed my gui and konsole  setup18:13
enraptureDamn.  can't even work with WINE.. :(18:13
Dr_Willisbbelt16ag:  Huh?18:13
WebcamWonderfearful: And what if you want to actually switch users?18:13
pop79entrapture: i might be able to.. well... 1/2 help you18:14
ActionParsnip1bbelt16ag: if you don't want to keep kde 4, uninstall it after installing another DE18:14
fearfulWebcamWonder, it's under the system menu 'Log out'18:14
ivan_be rite back after reboot18:14
ivan_be rite back after reboot ^^18:14
WebcamWonderfearful: Ahh, thanks. That kinda solves it. Awesome :)18:14
enraptureOk.. well.. I'm willing to return it in favor of a device that definitely works though...18:14
tv7497ActionParsnip1: there was this guys called nyaa is suppose he totally helped me out fixing this stuff couldn find him its been a week searching him here18:14
fearfulWebcamWonder, no problem18:14
bbelt16agmy configuration is totally messed up  . it was all set for 3.5  not for  418:15
pop79entrapture, ill think of a solution...18:15
ActionParsnip1tv7497: all i can suggest is itry later18:15
enraptureI have been having a helluva time finding a microscope that is "GO" for linux :(18:15
Dr_Willisbbelt16ag:  backup all your configs i guess and reinstall the older ubuntu with 3.5 is what some people do.18:15
ActionParsnip1bbelt16ag: you can compile kde 3.518:15
enraptureI greatly appreciate your efforts pop7918:15
bbelt16agI go  grab the source then and compile it.18:15
ActionParsnip1bbelt16ag: theres a project to get 3.5 in intrepid18:16
bbelt16agwhat's the link?18:16
ActionParsnip1bbelt16ag: you will need the -dev packages for its deps18:16
pop79entrapture: thanks, helping is what im good at... i think :)18:16
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Ethosserhttp://pastie.org/private/6lvkgxel96ru0slxvobvxq <- anyone see what i'm doing wrong there please18:17
ubuntistasactionparsnip how ccan i install urbanterror?18:17
pop79entrapture, open a terminal and type in the command sudo apt-get install camorama xawtv18:17
ubuntistasi extracted it now?18:18
gfatherguys how can i add more desktops ?18:18
gfatheror windows , i dont know what are they called :)18:18
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: run the script that is ini the zip file I gave you the link to18:18
ikoniaEthosser: what error are you actually getting ?18:18
enraptureok.. one moment18:18
fearfulgfather, Right click where you can see them in small and add more columns and rows18:18
ActionParsnip1gfather: do you mean virtual desktops?18:19
ubuntistaswhat script?18:19
Ethosserikonia: i'll run it again now and see what it says18:19
ubuntistaswhat its name?18:19
pop79gfather: right-click where you see the desktops and then click properties18:19
quibblergfather: right click on desktops choose preferences18:19
fearfulgfather, right click the workspace switcher18:19
pop79quibbler: I just said that :)18:19
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/games/urbanterror/UrbanTerror_41_FULL.zip18:19
gfatherthanks allot :D18:19
pop79welcome gfather18:20
ActionParsnip1ubuntistas: extract that and run the script therin, it will download the game and install it18:20
enraptureshoot!  I need to sudofy myself.. this user name I'm on isn't certified18:20
pop79!hi |mirak18:20
ubottumirak: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:20
mirakcan I use -march=athlon64 with a core2duo ?18:20
ikoniamirak: I wouldn't18:20
quibblerpop79: so you are a faster typist ;-)18:20
ubuntistasactionparsnip yes dude i downloaded it and extracted18:20
mirakikonia: on 32bit18:21
mirakwhat should I use for a core2duo ?18:21
ikoniamirak: I wouldn't use it full stop18:21
pop79quibbler: don't count on it ;)18:21
ikoniamirak: read the gcc docs for arch support18:21
quibblerpop79: i bet you use more than 2 fingers18:21
pop79entrapture: command worked???18:22
enrapturethis user name is not under sudo18:22
Ethosserikonia: http://pastie.org/private/bzwhxjwdsxyr4aplasy8sg18:23
Ethosserthat's what it gives me18:23
kristian1whats the command to download/install open office? sudo apt-get install ?18:23
mirakikonia: I think it's core218:23
enraptureI need to close out, switch users and come back18:23
enrapturebrb :(18:23
ikoniamirak: I would use i686 for 32bit - however this is offtopic for this user18:23
ikoniamirak: for this channel sorry18:23
ikoniaEthosser: the directory you want to create does not exist, so can't create the subdiretory, make the directory or do a mkdir -p18:24
gfathersmall question18:24
gfatheri have the 3d desktop now18:24
gfatherbut lets say i have firefox open18:24
git_how big can a file be in Ubuntu?18:24
EthosserI assumed the mount/remoteback was just a mount point not a directory as such18:24
gfatherwhen i view the 3d box18:24
ikoniagit_: many gigabyes18:24
ikoniaEthosser: a mount point is a directory or file18:24
gfatheri see firefox on all the windows18:24
Ethosserah ok18:25
cuddlefishdepends on the filesystem18:25
git_i have a VM that's growing about 4GB per day18:25
ActionParsnip1git_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext318:25
pop79hey does ubuntu count into TB's?18:25
git_default ubuntu fs18:25
fearfulgfather, right click the firefox on the panel and click "Only on this workspace"18:25
ActionParsnip1git_: Max file size, 16 GiB – 2 TiB18:25
ikoniagit_: ext$ and resier and XFX support well over 32GB by default18:25
gfatherand even when i change windows from the toolbar i see firefox on all of them18:25
gfather<fearful> its already cheked18:25
pop79entrapture: you there now?18:25
gfather<fearful> ah ok thanks ;)18:26
fearfulgfather, your welcome18:26
erUSULgit_: Max file size → 2TiB Max filesystem size → >8TiB18:27
cuddlefishwhat's the IRC command to leave a room?18:27
ActionParsnip1cuddlefish: /leave18:27
ikonia /part18:27
git_cuddlefish, /quit18:27
ikoniagit_: it's not quit18:27
ikoniacuddlefish: not /quit18:28
pop79cuddlefish: that should not be asked here, ask it in #irc18:28
Ethosserso what should I change this code to do ikonia18:28
EthosserI dont think that is right18:28
ikoniaEthosser: mkdir -p18:28
Ethosseri'm doing all of this from /home/administrator18:28
ikoniaEthosser: mkdir -p18:28
Ethossermkdir: missing operand18:28
enraptur1it's sudo apt-get camorama xawtv -- right?18:29
ikoniaEthosser: you need to use the path too as you did in the original18:29
ikoniaEthosser: apt-get install18:29
ikoniaenraptur1: sorry apt-get install18:29
jbmigelgrr its so hard to find the application you want with synaptic18:29
erUSULenraptur1: lackas a install or remove18:29
Ethosseri've already run that iirc18:29
ikoniaEthosser: then you don't need to do it again18:29
fearfuljbmigel, why don't use the search feature?18:29
quibblerjbmigel: what are you looking for?18:30
enraptur1should I restart before I plug the cam in?18:30
jbmigelfearful, quibbler; i'd kinda like some simple application that helps me make millions in the stock market... do you know what ones called?18:30
pop79entraptur1: is that entrapture?18:30
TonikHi, how can I upgrade to a newer version of a package than what's available in the official repository (the package I need is pulseaudio (0.9.14-0ubuntu6))?18:31
syzothermyhey all, anyone know why network-manager won't reconnect after losing a connection?18:31
enraptur1I need to kill the old enrapture maybe18:31
hmwshould i kill the people who designed wlan?18:31
quibblerjbmigel: lotto18:31
moijkhi. I've installed apache2 and sat my router to point 80 and 8000 to my webserver. for some reason neither worked. I added 8080 and that worked. is there any place beside ufw that might block the 80 and 8000?18:31
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cuddlefishiptables, possibly.18:31
fearfuljbmigel, why not18:31
ikoniaTonik: wait for it to be released and upgrade to 9.0418:31
pop79hmw, that question is not suitable for #ubuntu, go to #ubuntu-offtopic18:31
enraptur1forget how to change nicknames.. It's been aeons since I've been in IRC18:32
n8tuserfsyzothermy-> no? wifi or ethernet?18:32
pop79Tonik: #ubuntu+118:32
syzothermywifi, wep, connection works until it disconnects18:32
cuddlefishenraptur1: /nick18:32
ikoniapop79: no it's not18:33
ikoniapop79: he's asking for 8.10 upgrade packages18:33
pop79I thought he was talking about Jaunty DOH! :)18:33
Guest38053Hey guys, I need some help18:33
gfatherfearful can i import compiz profile from someone else  ?18:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:33
n8tuserfsyzothermy-> put the settings in your /etc/network/interfaces file18:33
Guest38053Ive just installed ubuntu on my laptop18:33
Guest38053However, everything seems to work fine but my wireless18:34
Guest38053Can someone help me?18:34
fearfulgfather, I don't know about that I just set up compiz the way I wanted :\18:34
=== Guest38053 is now known as pingdom
jbmigelGuest38053 got system>>administration>>restricted drivers18:34
boot_loopDoes anyone know how to disable the little touch stick mouse in the middle of my laptop's keyboard?? every time i type and accidentally tap the touch stick i lose focus on my text box and it freaks out18:34
cuddlefishGuest38053: What laptop?18:34
pingdomeeepc 1000hd18:34
erUSULgfather: yes you can. ccsm has options to dump and restore tghe conf to a text file18:34
syzothermyn8tuserf: thanks, i'll try18:34
Tonikikonia: do you expect the new package to have unsatisfied dependencies in my system?18:35
tv7497guys anyone using irssi here i am planning to chuck pidgin out and tty irssi and Guest38053 whats your model sir ?18:35
ikoniaTonik: totally18:35
pingdomjbmigel,  I only see hardware drivers in there18:35
pingdomNo restricted drivers18:35
maximilian-schrocan anybody tell me how to mount a MTP Devic manually? I only can access it via Rhythmbox so far. Bu ti would like to mount it manually to browse it18:35
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gfather<erUSUL> i press super + m now i see the negative of my windows damn18:36
pingdom01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)18:36
pingdomThats what I see in wireless with lspci18:36
burkmatGah, had an excellent link for the AR242x just a few days ago... Where did I put it... ><18:36
pingdomI also have a USB wireless adapter plugged in and it detects that fine, thats how im  online18:36
IndyGunFreakpingdom: is this a new install?18:36
* enraptur1 is having too many technical difficulties at once18:36
ActionParsnip1pingdom: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html18:36
HSNewsHow to set default network interface18:36
* enraptur1 has an episode =-O18:36
n8tuserfpingdom-> dont try to have two nics on same subnet unless you know how to get your route table working18:37
HSNewsI have two network interfaces18:37
ActionParsnip1pingdom: thats gonna be the one18:37
ikoniaenraptur1: the channels busy, it's better if you can just keep the dicussion to support requests pleasse.18:37
n8tuserfHSNews-> same with you,  dont try to have two nics on same subnet unless you know how to get your route table working18:37
pingdomthanks ActionParsnip118:37
pingdomlet me try18:37
IndyGunFreakpingdom: "method 2"... is really the best way to do that, on ActionParsnip1 link..(i've got 3 laptops w/ that device)18:38
pingdomis there a known issue with these cards18:38
maximilian-schrohi everybody. i have another problem with the fglrx driver for my ati card. i could install it but after reboot it takes along time to see the loginwindow of gnome. Sometimes it doesnt even load at all. After login it seems to be very slow. What could be the problem of this?18:38
ActionParsnip1pingdom: the ubuntugeek is pretty awesome18:38
gfatherwhere i can download a compiz config ?18:38
ActionParsnip1pingdom: nope, just needs a driver18:38
erUSULgfather: not sure anyone shares that kind of stuff18:38
HSNewsI have two nis, and differents networks18:38
gfather<erUSUL>well it would be nice18:38
hmwgfather - i could give you mine... but i need to check, how to export it18:39
McQueenhi... i installed ubuntun at the soon.... i tried kget for my downloads.... but i couldnt find an option for my rapidshare acount on kget... any idea?18:39
hmwgfather any idea how to?18:39
ActionParsnip1gfather: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager18:39
IndyGunFreakpingdom: does the machine have internet access w/ linux at all,18:39
pingdomIndyGunFreak,  yes the ethernet port works18:39
maximilian-schroMcQueen,  do you want to use kget or any progrem that works with rapdiashre?18:39
wolterhow can i check the version of a package? say, capplets-data18:39
HSNewsDamn! How to USE eth0 for Internet Traffic only, eth1 for Network traffic?!?!?!?!18:39
pingdomright now im connecting with usb wireless device18:39
pingdomit detects that fine18:39
ActionParsnip1McQueen: try using it from command line maybe18:39
pingdomjust not the one built into the system18:39
gfather<hmw> yes its easy18:39
McQueenmaximilian-schro: any18:40
sd32I wonder why all the new distros are abandoning live cd's, was it just  a fad?18:40
gfather<hmw> go to preferences18:40
hmwgfather just found the export buttin... flat file?18:40
IndyGunFreakpingdom: ok... those instructions should get you going, i've got that device on 3 different laptops18:40
cuddlefish!offtopic |sd3218:40
ubottusd32: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:40
ActionParsnip1McQueen: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-556449.html18:40
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gfather<hmw>  flat file ?18:40
hmwgfather - oh.... only option... strange... i will try to make a download for you...18:40
maximilian-schroMcQueen,  google jdownload. its java based and works with all one-click hosters.18:40
maximilian-schroMcQueen,  it uses captcha aswell for automatich download etc18:41
McQueenmaximilian-schro: thanks...18:41
McQueenActionParsnip1: thanks18:41
maximilian-schrocan anybody help me with fglrx?18:42
hmwgfather - http://harald.ist.org/home/zeugs/cool-config18:42
gfather<hmw>  ?18:42
HSNewsDamn! How to USE eth0 for Internet Traffic only, eth1 for Network traffic?!?!?!?!18:42
gfather<hmw> go to preferences18:42
gfathersorry >:)18:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about family18:42
_VIM_HSNews: having a complete meltdown won't help you any,18:42
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:42
gfather<hmw> ill try it now ;)18:42
ActionParsnip1!ohmy | HSNews18:43
ubottuHSNews: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!18:43
syzothermyn8tuserf: what all should I add to /etc/network/interfaces to get it working properly?18:43
ActionParsnip1!ics | HSNews18:43
ubottuHSNews: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:43
HSNewsSimply, In debian I do it very ease18:43
HSNewsbut in ubuntu I can't do it18:43
ActionParsnip1HSNews: its nearly the same18:44
_VIM_then stick with debian if it's so great18:44
jo2Hello everyone. I'm trying to get my wireless adapter to work with Ubuntu. I'm using Intrepid Ibex, 8.10. I've downloaded ngdiskt, or whatever it's called, and installed the drivers that came on the adapter's CD using it. It says, regarding the drivers I installed, "Hardware present: Yes". And while that is the case, i.e. the adapter is plugged in, the green light on the adapter isn't on, and I'm unable to detect any wireless networks. 18:44
ActionParsnip1HSNews: just chill and keep it P in here or ops will start dishing punishment18:44
n8tuserfsyzothermy-> can you post your interfaces file contents? also results of  ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n; cat /etc/resolv.conf18:44
hmwgfather - my conf is not opted for eyecandy but for usability - clicking left or right edge of screen turns cube, pressing mouse-wheel-button rotates18:45
n8tuserfHSNews-> is you like follow same advise am telling syzothermy18:45
syzothermysure, the interfaces file has just    auto lo    iface lo inet loopback18:45
syzothermyhang on, i'll just post this into pastebin18:45
n8tuserf!wireless | syzothermy   you have read trough this yet?18:46
ubottusyzothermy   you have read trough this yet?: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:46
gfatherhmw yes worked ;)18:46
gfatherthanks allot18:46
hmwgfather i hope its good for you18:46
syzothermynot yet, I guess i'll go do that :P18:46
fearfulhmw, do you know the keyboard shortcut for "initiate window picker"?18:46
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts18:47
fearfulActionParsnip1, I know...18:47
hmwfearful no gotta look... what the heck is that?? lol18:47
hmwfearful advanced search!!18:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kr18:47
ubottuFor Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko18:47
hmwfear shift alt up18:48
fearfulhmw, its a fun feature like Mac's when all the windows are shown on the desktop smaller, I was wondering how can I shortcut it so that when I hover my mouse to the top left it will go in this feature18:48
erUSULfearful: configure the scale plugin18:48
erUSUL!ccsm | fearful18:48
ubottufearful: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion18:48
hmwfear in my conf its moveing mouse to top right (no click)18:48
fearfulhmw, are you on kde tho?18:48
hmwfearful nope18:49
fearfulhmw, mine needs a key combination how can I change that18:49
gfather<hmw> thanks allot ;)18:49
erUSULfearful: already told you. see the ubottu factoid18:49
dolohey i've got a question should be easy , how do i make a shortcut to my homefolder on my desktop18:49
fearfulerUSUL, I know but that feature is not there18:50
hmwfearful install compiz-settings-manager (or similar) and fusion-icon (for conviniently accessing config and also temporarily deactivating compiz without loosing settings18:50
erUSULfearful: what feature?18:50
doloI'm not sure what im doing wrong, when i go to create launcher then location it keeps me browsing for a file to launch18:50
fearfulerUSUL, "Initiate window picker" on the gnome keyboard shortcuts18:51
erUSULfearful: to configure compiz use ccsm18:51
fearfulerUSUL, I do have this18:51
HighAndDryi've got some trouble installing pulseaudio in ubuntu18:52
fearfulerUSUL, just can't find that feature on the options18:52
HighAndDrythe server throws this two error messages when i run the command18:52
erUSULfearful: have you opened it? go to the scale plugin and configured there the shortcuts or mouse gestures you want??18:52
HighAndDryW: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.18:52
dolo(create launcher) (Location) Name: Home , Command /home18:52
HighAndDryALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL front:018:52
ActionParsnip1fearful: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager; ccsm18:52
=== anthony is now known as pingdom
HighAndDryW: alsa-util.c: Cannot find fallback mixer control "PCM".18:52
pingdomHey guys18:52
HighAndDrythen it starts anyway, and everything seems to be fine but i can't hear any sound18:52
thirsthi guys18:52
thirstwanted help in  filing a bug report on bugzilla by email. I tried sending the email, but bugzilla says no valid version. Does anyone know how to send an email to bugzilla to return a list of all valid versions18:52
HighAndDryany ideas?18:52
bbelt16agwell all I gotta  say is I  hate kde  4  I lost  features and I am not happy with it at all. I am moving  back to fluxbox  until they see the err in their ways18:52
fearfulerUSUL, Which one scale addons or the other one?18:52
hmwfearful gfather try alt-tab and super-tab (also with shift)18:52
ActionParsnip1bbelt16ag: good choice ;)18:52
pingdomIndyGunFreak, just came back to say thanks alot18:52
pingdomThat link helped me out! :)18:52
hmwfearful gfather i mean with my conf18:52
fearfulerUSUL, I got it thanks so much18:53
doloanyone on gnome can help me make a desktop link to my home folder?18:53
erUSULfearful: the scale plugin is the one that gives expose like behavior to compiz18:53
IndyGunFreakpingdom: ActionParsnip1 posted it.. i just knew that #2 worked the best (at least it always does for me)18:53
ActionParsnip1bbelt16ag: if you keep the libs, you can run kde apps in fluxbox18:53
bbelt16agthey took out the  picture background for konsole! and the remove the  gradiant two one colors for  the  desktop back ground18:53
kronicKoHWe have any designes in the room? (Graphic)18:53
=== jforte is now known as jena
ActionParsnip1!ot | kronicKoH18:53
ubottukronicKoH: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:53
bbelt16agand it  screwed up my ssh custom keyboard shortcuts for konsole.18:53
hmwdolo: browse to /home with nautilus, drag icon to the desktoip, and hold alt before releasing the button18:53
fearfulerUSUL, thank you again finally I found it!18:53
erUSULfearful: no problem18:54
persepthow do I check what video card driver xorg is using? (other than looking at xorg's conf file)18:54
=== [perry] is now known as [pErry]
erUSULpersept: looking at /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:54
quibblerdolo: right click on desktop create launcher name it Home command is nautilus18:54
kronicKoHActionParsnip1: Yes it would be a support for ubuntu graphic design18:54
ActionParsnip1persept: lshw -C video18:54
dolohmw: thank you18:54
kronicKoHso.... back up ;-)18:54
kronicKoHwith all do respect18:54
roadrockdolo: issue this in a terminal use your username instead of 'linux', ln -s /home/linux/  /home/linux/Desktop/18:55
ActionParsnip1!anyone | kronicKoH18:55
ubottukronicKoH: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:55
kronicKoHubottu: Thank you, :-)18:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Thank you, :-)18:55
what_ifcold hearted machines...18:55
kronicKoHActionParsnip1: cut that out haha18:55
Mr-Woofhas anyone managed to get sopcast working on 8.10?18:56
ActionParsnip1kronicKoH: i didnt do the last one, ubottu simply reacted18:56
kronicKoH!anyone | Mr-Woof18:56
ubottuMr-Woof: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:56
Led_Zeppelinhello HighAndDry18:56
ActionParsnip1!hi | HighAndDry18:56
ubottuHighAndDry: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:56
HighAndDryi've got some trouble installing pulseaudio in ubuntu18:56
kronicKoHActionParsnip1: I know, heheh18:56
persepterUSUL: for some reason my xorg config file is almost completely blank, other than just section names for each type of device18:56
kronicKoHthe bot has overpowered us18:56
ActionParsnip1!info sopcast18:56
ubottuPackage sopcast does not exist in intrepid18:57
kronicKoH!info ubuntustudio18:57
ubottuPackage ubuntustudio does not exist in intrepid18:57
HighAndDrythe server throws this two error messages when i run the command18:57
ActionParsnip1!find sopcast18:57
ubottuPackage/file sopcast does not exist in intrepid18:57
HighAndDryW: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.18:57
kronicKoH!info 64studio18:57
enryi need a c# compiler!18:57
ubottuPackage 64studio does not exist in intrepid18:57
erUSULpersept: newr xorg do all configuration at runtime they do not need an xorg.conf18:57
HighAndDryALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL front:018:57
HighAndDryW: alsa-util.c: Cannot find fallback mixer control "PCM".18:57
HighAndDrythen it starts anyway, and everything seems to be fine but i can't hear any sound18:57
erUSULpersept: if one is present it will follow it though18:57
persepterUSUL: ah ok, i didn't know that18:57
perseptgot it18:57
HighAndDryany ideas ?18:57
perseptit's using the right driver so that is good18:57
ActionParsnip1enry: install monodevelop18:58
jo2Can someone help me with my wireless adapter? I downloaded ngdistk and installed the correct drivers, and Ubuntu claims that the device is recognised, but I don't think it is.18:58
enryActionParsnip1, mono is good? nocrash etc...18:58
ActionParsnip1enry: i just got it off a forum, try it18:59
what_ifMr-Woof: I'm trying sopcast now...18:59
Mr-Woofthanks what_if19:00
ActionParsnip1enry: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2905519:00
bombshelter13Is anyone using Linux in Boot Camp on a Mac without reFit?19:03
Led_Zeppelinok, I have a problem with 8.10. My mouse is suddenly not responding. I can move the cursor around but no clicks are working...19:03
Led_Zeppelinthis is keep happening, and not sure how I can fix this.19:03
Led_ZeppelinI am using KDe4 as my desktop19:03
f_newtonis this a wireless moust Led_Zeppelin?19:04
SimonSLed_Zeppelin: are you using an nvidia video card?19:04
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, yes! I am using a Nvidia card.19:04
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, how did you know? :-)19:04
Led_Zeppelinf_newton, wired mouse. PS/219:04
SimonSi have the same problem with the 177 nvidia driver19:04
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, yep, thats what I am using 177 driver too19:04
Led_Zeppelinany fix?19:04
SimonSbut i think it doesn't apear with the 18019:04
f_newtonstop using nvidia?19:04
pingdomHey guys, is there any good doc on customizing desktop switching? Ive seen some cool features online that id  like to do for example rolling19:05
Led_Zeppelinf_newton, wht about graphics?19:05
ActionParsnip1nvidia ftw :D19:05
SimonSi had the prob under fedora, and now again under ubuntu, so i installed the 180 from the package management, maybe it will work, otherwise install the driver from nvidia.com19:05
SimonSthats the fix ;)19:05
Led_Zeppelinso, is your system all ok now, SimonS ?19:05
IzinucsLed_Zeppelin: SimonS the 177 driver doesn't work well on some of nvidia cards.. little buggy and SLOW.. I'm using the 180.29 and it's a night and day difference for my 8200 card & chipset.19:06
qos_j #Ubuntu-fr19:06
SimonSi don't realy know, it was last time19:06
Led_Zeppelinhow do I install nvidia180 thru apt-get? apt-get install nvidia-180-modaliases ?19:06
Led_ZeppelinIzinucs, I hope that fixes it :-)19:06
bbelt16agcan somebody point me in the right direction of  finding my old config files for kde..19:06
f_newtonwell even though the kernel dev team building linux kernels are unfairly biased towards nvidia ... nvidia makes very poor products and color schemes that are no where close to reality.... they fail to release adequate drivers and cause all kinds of problems... they also purchased voodoo corp which has the patent for 3D rendering and that is why no one else has as effective rendering for under 500 dollars19:06
f_newtonthe nvidia team is the most proprietary in the business.... they even put microsoft to shame19:07
lollerhi , can u suggest me editor for javascript and ajax and want highlight of the function and auto finish19:07
IzinucsLed_Zeppelin: I came in late so I don't know what you're experiencing.. however if the repo's have the 180 it's probably the 180.11 which is much better then the 177.  try it and see if it fixes whatever you're experiencing.. if it doesn't then you might need to go to the 180.2919:07
Led_Zeppelinf_newton, they acked linux though. Thats all that matters19:07
erUSULloller: aptana19:08
erUSUL!ot | f_newton19:08
ubottuf_newton: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:08
Led_ZeppelinIzinucs, my mouse is freezing. Its a Ps/2 mouse. The pointer is moving but no clicks.19:08
f_newtonacked linux?  what do you mean Led_Zeppelin?19:08
SimonSdifferent question, same area...    does anybody know, how to make kde4 work with xinerama ?? (and displays with different resolutioN)19:08
what_ifMr-Woof: its working fine so far, using the 64 bit version. What did yours not do ?19:08
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, using Nvidia? I can help .19:09
The_Joe_Is there a way to stop the cursor showing up in screenshots?19:09
SimonSyes using nvidia19:09
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, nvidia-xconfig19:09
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, enable xineerama19:09
Mr-WoofI installed in wine, but i couldn't get any channels to run. If i remember it gave me a video style error. I'll try it again now and post the error message19:09
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, thagts how I am using it. It rocks. except this mouse thing :-(19:09
SimonSwhait, i just have to enable it in the nvidia-sttings tooll..19:09
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, yes. and restart X19:09
ActionParsnip1The_Joe_: use imagemagick and draw a selection, no cursor19:09
Led_Zeppelinbrb. got to reboot.19:09
what_ifMr-Woof: there is a linux version and a deb package, why do a wine version ? t19:10
IzinucsLed_Zeppelin: might do it.. I had just terrible performance with the 177 driver.. my machine I built recently.. amd am2+ 4 gigs ram. etc. and it was much slower then an old 256 meg celeron single core19:10
The_Joe_ActionParsnip1, I'd rather do it quicker than that - but thanks anyway19:10
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, yes, thats all you have to do..19:10
Mr-Woofah that's probably the problem then :P19:10
Mr-Woofis it in the repos?19:10
pop79anyone have any graphics problems?19:10
what_ifMr-Woof: see http://code.google.com/p/sopcast-player/19:10
SimonSLed_Zeppelin: i allread tried, and then i just had one screen, the other just had no kwin etc. pp..19:10
SimonSarg he left19:10
what_ifMr-Woof: not in the repos, still very beta19:10
ActionParsnip1The_Joe_: or move the pointer off the screen to the right ;)19:10
The_Joe_ActionParsnip1, I was zoomed in.19:10
The_Joe_Nevermind then.19:11
olavimmanuelhello. I need evice3dfx-module in intrepid.. dont seem to be available... what shall i do?19:11
Mr-WoofI'll have a look what_if, cheers for the information19:11
ActionParsnip1!find 3dfx19:11
ubottuFound: device3dfx-source19:11
ActionParsnip1olavimmanuel: install the source via that package and compile it19:12
what_ifMr-Woof: no problem, took me 2 minuts to install, no config, just worked. Now ia get free espn!19:12
obi_can anyone tell me how to better setup a dual monitor in intrepid? i can setup through screen resolution but the options are crummy. the only set up that functions remotely well is to mirror screens and the resolution options are poor. any suggestions?19:12
ActionParsnip1!info device3dfx-source19:12
ubottudevice3dfx-source (source: device3dfx): Linux 2.2+ device driver source for 3Dfx boards. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.06.24-1 (intrepid), package size 20 kB, installed size 56 kB19:12
Mr-Wooflol :19:12
porter1abi_, do you have a nvidia card?19:12
olavimmanuellink to package?19:12
porter1obi_, do you have a nvidia card?19:12
olavimmanueloh, ok19:13
obi_porter1 i really couldnt say, its a gateway laptop.19:13
dexterHello. I use v8.10 with rdesktop I have tried to connect to all win server version, but i have no sound. Anyone have the same prob? plz PM19:13
porter1obi, it probably won't get much better19:14
bbelt16agfound em yay19:14
obi_porter1: i would also like to avoid editing xcongfig if at all possible19:14
Mr-WoofI've got an ATI Radeon x300 card in this machine and i can't enable the visual effects, would you guys recommend getting the Linux drivers for the card straight from the ATI site?19:14
obi_porter1: thats a shame. is there any talk of that being fixed in upcoming releases of ubuntu19:15
porter1obi_, Not sure. Is it just that the resolution options are bad?19:15
shausam27i have a problem with boot up the line cman  ccsi  4425 ccs  unable to connect to cluster   i hit the atl ctrl delete and it boots but all 3D  and muitiable  desktops are gone  what do i to repair this this happen when i up dated some flies19:15
Led_ZeppelinSimonS: back19:16
Led_Zeppelinso, whats up?19:16
SimonSled_zeppelin: i allready tried like that, it worked with gnome, kde just ignores the second screen for plasmoids and wallpaper ....19:16
night_hey, does some1 know winetricks?19:16
Led_Zeppelinhmm. what is your default DM? gdm or kdm ?19:16
porter1night_, are you trying to install extras?19:16
SimonSso the second screen is empty, gra  background an no plasmoids etc.19:16
imachinenight_, what's there to know.19:16
SimonSgdm at the moment19:16
imachineyou just alunch it.19:16
imachineit works.19:16
ActionParsnip1shausam27: do you mean multiple desktops in compiz or actual desktops in standard gnome?19:16
StustophI can't load into ubuntu 8.10 anymore, every time I try I end up stalling at a screen that reads Alert! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist19:16
FloodBot2imachine: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:17
Stustophany ideas19:17
obi_porter1: well yes and no, i would be fairly content with the ability to have better resolution, but i would also ideally like to have the second monitor setup with better res and have it function just like multiple destops do, with all my icons and menu bars.19:17
Led_ZeppelinSimonS: right. Use gdm as your default display manager. Then try to use kde19:17
night_imachine, i have installed wine and wanna know if winetricks is good 4 it19:17
Tucker1979Enter text here...Hello19:17
ActionParsnip1!grub | Stustoph19:17
ubottuStustoph: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:17
blackjakguys what should I type as a source in kismet configuration file?19:17
Tucker1979i need some help with Ubuntu 8.1019:17
maxhaxi installed utorrent with wine but now i dont know how to use it19:17
night_use gtorrent19:18
Stustophubottu any way I can access my usual ubuntu files I have on there with this live cd???19:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:18
porter1maxhax, get deluge19:18
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
ActionParsnip1!torrents | maxhax19:18
Imranhey all19:18
ubottumaxhax: Intrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).19:18
maxhaxwhtas that19:18
Mr-WoofShould i install the ATI drivers for my card straight from the ATI site?19:18
StustophI mean some files I downloaded19:18
ActionParsnip1!torrent | maxhax19:18
ubottumaxhax: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P19:18
Tucker1979when i boot up my pc, it dual boot, i can a mess of a screen and can not move on less i turn it off19:18
ImranI have a small issue with a sh file19:18
shausam27yes but i can boot in to gnome19:18
maxhaxsi i cant use utorrent?19:18
SimonSLed_Zeppelin: does the nvidia 180 work?19:18
blackjakguys what should I type as a source in kismet configuration file?19:18
ActionParsnip1maxhax: there are lots of torrent clients that are native to linux, theres no need to run a windows client19:18
Imranit doesn't seem to throw the expected output19:19
porter1obi_, if it doesn't run a very good res thru the second monitor, it's probabl a limitation of the onboard graphics19:19
Imranwhich is to create two zip files19:19
maxhaxok then wich one do you think is th best?19:19
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:19
Led_ZeppelinSimonS: so far yes. I guess I have to wait for the mouse to become unresponsive. Unless you a way to test this bug out19:19
Stustophoh your a bot damn!!19:19
Tucker1979how do you boot to gnome from start up, i need to sort out the display19:19
ActionParsnip1maxhax: i use ktorrent but there is no best. try a few19:19
obi_porter1: oh i see, even though i can run the higher resolution on the main monitor?19:19
SimonSLed_Zeppelin: if it freezes again, install the driver from nvidia.com, it worked for me..19:19
porter1obi_ yeah19:19
ActionParsnip1Stustoph: yes, he sasys stuff that we get asked loads to save us typing19:19
maxhaxok thanks19:19
fearfulActionParsnip1, Transmission works fine19:20
Led_ZeppelinSimonS: ok. So far so good though.19:20
Stustophoh right not so good when I have a hard time explaining19:20
ImranUsage /home/imran/create_package.sh {clear_packages|clear_main|clear|create_main|create_packages|create}19:20
Imranthis is what I get19:20
obi_porter1: is there anyway to check that for sure, how do i figure out the card i have19:20
roadrockTucker1979: provided gnome is installed, use 'options' at the login screen.19:20
SimonSkdm does some strange thing on my second display..19:20
ActionParsnip1fearful: i use ktorrent for its web interface :)19:20
maxhaxdoes anyone know of a good program that syncs with an ipod sound / video19:20
porter1obi_ check the gateway website for you model19:20
blackjak: Unknown capture source type 'madwifi-ng' in source 'madwifi-ng,wifi0,DWL-G650'19:20
Tucker1979i can not see the login screen, it a mess of colour, i can not see anything19:20
roadrockobi_: in a terminal type 'lspci'19:20
Stustophaction you got any ideas if I can access some files I download on usual ubuntu 8.10 desktop with the live cd because usual ubuntu is failing to load???19:21
Tucker1979i need to configure the display but i try safe mode and it does not work19:21
fearfulActionParsnip1, I guess, I don't really use that just to download :p19:21
ichbinesderelchStustoph: you just have to mount the hdd in the livecd19:21
tobywukstunatra, if the files are on your hard drive you can, need to mount19:21
Stustophhow do I do that19:21
ActionParsnip1Stustoph: sure, just mount the partitions in the live environment19:21
Imranam I invisible to you guys?19:21
Stustophit is appearing & can access19:21
Stustophthe hdd19:21
ActionParsnip1Imran: wassup dude?19:22
Carstairs1i see you imran19:22
Stustophbut can't find files when I click through ubuntu folder19:22
roadrockTucker1979: try booting to safe mode from your grub boot menu and try re-installing gnome-desktop19:22
Imranthanks for responding actionparsnip119:22
ImranI can't run a sh file19:22
ImranI run it and it seems to execute19:22
ichbinesderelchImran: chmod +x file19:22
Stustophany ideas19:22
Imranbut doesn't throw out the two zip files it is supposed to create19:22
Tucker1979the problem is that if i book from Safemode, i can the dos style screen19:22
ActionParsnip1Imran: chmod +x <file>; ./<file>19:22
ImranUsage /home/imran/create_package.sh {clear_packages|clear_main|clear|create_main|create_packages|create}19:22
Imrantried that19:22
Imrantried all that I could find at Ubuntu forums19:23
obi_roadrock: xpress intergrated graphics controller?19:23
Stustophor do they get hidden?19:23
Atlantes_i use ubuntu 8.10 x64, i changed sources.list so i had medibuntu. Then i installed skype. In Sound devices in skype i set sound in and sound out to pulse. in Ubuntu i set all the microphone sliders to 100%. I hear everyone but they don't hear me. Maybe someone can help me19:23
roadrockTucker1979: right, from the cli screen use apt-get or aptitude19:23
xie041glad to see you19:23
ActionParsnip1Stustoph: sudo fdisk -l; sudo mkdir /media/test; sudo mount /dev/<partition name> /media/test19:23
xie041i am from china19:23
night_i am from austria :)19:23
Tucker19798i got kick out19:23
roadrockobi_: lspci -v will give you extra info19:23
Carstairs1i am from outer space19:24
Stustophthanks I will try that19:24
dayo2!cn | xie04119:24
ubottuxie041: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:24
ActionParsnip1Carstairs1: technically we all are19:24
xie041i come in first time19:24
obi_roadrock: what should the heading be? do you know19:24
maxhaxI first tired installing ubuntu 8.10 on my computer but it wouldnt work. then when i tried with 8.04 it worked perfectly19:24
maxhaxdoes any one know why?19:25
night_can some1 tell me what are the advantages of winetricks when i have installed wine?19:25
roadrockobi_: why don't you pastebin lspci -v19:25
Carstairs1true but some more recently than others19:25
=== DeCo is now known as Netcowboy
Tucker19798can anyone help with the graphic problems19:25
obi_roadrock: not really sure how to do that.19:25
roadrockobi_: try lspci |grep VGA19:25
darren_hi can some one help please, i have just installed ubuntu on my system but on start up i have ubuntu 2,6,27-7 and ubuntu 2,6,27-11 is this normal or can i delete the older version and how.....Thanks in advance19:25
ActionParsnip1Tucker19798: ask away19:26
xie041night call you19:26
Ethosserdoes crontab have sudo / need sudo to run .sh?19:26
dayo2darren_: it's normal, but if u want u can delete19:26
ActionParsnip1darren_: you can uninstall the old kernels you dont need19:26
Ethosserand would this entry work, (every day at 7 pm)19:26
maxhaxwhat is sudo?19:26
night_superuser do19:26
Ethosser0 19 * * * /home/administrator/backup.sh19:26
dayo2Ethosser: depends on what your cron does19:26
Ethosserthat ^^ :)19:27
obi_roadrock: lspci |grep VGA19:27
roadrockdarren_: thats normal, and you can un-install the old one, use synaptic and be careful.19:27
xie041i just want learn lunux19:27
ActionParsnip1darren_: dpkg -l | grep linux-image19:27
cosmodaddoes anyone have any idea why my 25 GB partition (according to fdisk and cfdisk) only shows up as a 10 GB partition in df? See pastebin for details: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121442/19:27
xie041could you give me some suggestion19:27
ActionParsnip1xie041: use it, you will learn19:27
Stustophok my line button won't work19:27
GaeelI messed up and changed my resolution to 640*480, and now it won't let me change it back... How can I get the 1024*768 option to come back in the menu?19:27
maxhaxis gimp good for making websites?19:27
darren_ActionParsnip1, do i do that in package manager whats it listed under19:27
Stustophvertical line symbol19:27
Will_MHey I have a problem. I am running Ubuntu 8.10 on a PC and when I type with CAPS lock and use it to type in Capitol letters, the second letter is always capitol also: e.g. HEy instead of: Hey. Anyone know about this? Same on more then one computer.19:27
darren_ok thank you all for your help19:27
xie041i know19:27
Stustophis coming out >19:27
xie041but it's hard19:27
roadrockmaxhax: its good for making graphics for websites19:27
Tucker19798Hi, when i boot up the OS on the Dual Boot menu, i just get a mess of graphics, i can not see the login screen19:28
dayo2Ethosser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto19:28
maxhaxbtw how do you get your name to appear yellow to me?19:28
ActionParsnip1darren_: in terminal19:28
StustophI obviously set this keyboard up well lol19:28
dayo2maxhax: that's how.19:28
ActionParsnip1darren_: then you can sudo apt-get --purge remove <old kernel name>19:28
maxhaxdayo2 cool19:28
maxhaxdid that come as yellow to you19:29
Carstairs1anyone know how I register my nick on here?19:29
pop79anyone have graphics problems?19:29
dayo2maxhax: every post that has your name in it, appears yellow to u, to make it easier to spot messages meant for u19:29
dayo2maxhax: yes it did19:29
Will_MHey I have a problem. I am running Ubuntu 8.10 on a PC and when I type with CAPS lock and use it to type in Capitol letters, the second letter is always capitol also: e.g. HEy instead of: Hey. Anyone know about this? Same on more then one computer.19:29
ActionParsnip1darren_: then after yoou remove the ones you dont need (keep linux-image-generic) run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove19:29
pop79Carstairs1: yes, but don't ask it here, ask it in #freenode19:29
FedeUBScan someboy help me?19:29
dayo2maxhax: u're welcome19:29
xie041is night here?19:29
FedeUBScan someboy help me?19:29
Carstairs1t tghanks pop7919:29
dayo2!ask | FedeUBS19:30
ubottuFedeUBS: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:30
shadeslayercan i use a Ubuntu live CD to install GNOME alongside KDE??19:30
nightrid3rCarstairs1 msg nickserv register <password> <e-mailaddr>19:30
darren_ActionParsnip1, thank you very much for your help19:30
ikonia!register > Carstairs119:30
ubottuCarstairs1, please see my private message19:30
Tucker19798can anyone help with the graphics problem, when i bootup, i get a mess of graphics, i can not see the login screen,19:30
FedeUBSis there a ubuntu support man?19:30
FedeUBSis there a ubuntu support man?19:30
roadrockshadeslayer: why not use the net?19:30
Will_MI suppose no one can answer my problem? Ha19:30
GaeelAbout my resolution problem, if someone could /msg me possible fixes, it'd be good, my resolution is so low that text scrolls up too fast just due to people connecting and leaving19:30
ActionParsnip1darren_: make sure you dont remove your current kernel too19:30
ikoniaFedeUBS: pardon ?19:30
ikoniaWill_M: didn't see your problem19:30
shadeslayerroadrock: 128 kbps connection19:30
ikoniaWill_M: if you ask I'm sure someone will be able to help19:31
nightrid3rFedeUBS nope we're here for the pron19:31
Will_Mikonia: Hey I have a problem. I am running Ubuntu 8.10 on a PC and when I type with CAPS lock and use it to type in Capitol letters, the second letter is always capitol also: e.g. HEy instead of: Hey. Anyone know about this? Same on more then one computer.19:31
pop79fude: what do you mean19:31
ikoniaWill_M: I've never seen that problem19:31
pop79ubottu ask19:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:31
FedeUBSi have a problem with my resolution19:31
adaptrWill_M: yes, CAPS lock will force all letters to upper case19:31
xie041anyone could help me?19:31
Will_Madaptr: I understand that19:31
ikoniaWill_M: do you get the same behaviour if you use shift instead of caps lock19:31
Atlantes_i use ubuntu 8.10 x64, i changed sources.list so i had medibuntu. Then i installed skype. In Sound devices in skype i set sound in and sound out to pulse. in Ubuntu i set all the microphone sliders to 100%. I hear everyone but they don't hear me. Maybe someone can help me19:32
Will_Madaptr: but when I type it makes the next letter Capitol even though it I already undid CAPS lock19:32
dayo2looks like19:32
_VIM_maxhax: has anyone answered your ipod question yet? If not I found this might help..http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/itunes#ipod.19:32
ikoniadayo2: nope19:32
Will_MNo, not when I use SHIFY19:32
shadeslayerguys and gals any idea??19:32
adaptrWill_M: you typed too fast19:32
roadrockshadeslayer: ah, well that calls for apt-get a 12 pack of beer and wait. sorry i never used a livecd, try the ubuntu doc sites or keep asking. if your sources file uses the cdrom then yeah it oughta work.19:32
ikoniaWill_M: so the shift key behaves normal, but caps lock doesn't19:32
Tucker19798can anyone help or point me in the right direction19:33
maxhax_VIM_ thanks19:33
Will_MWell, ok, I usually just use CAPS though. Ha. JUst wanted to see if anyone knew what the problem was.19:33
shadeslayerhehe,well ill rather download then19:33
Will_MThanks anyway19:33
_VIM_maxhax: np19:33
shadeslayerThanks anyways19:33
ikoniaWill_M: worth logging a bug for19:33
Will_MYa I will definitely do that19:33
mrhi all19:33
Will_Mikonia: do you have the link to submit bugs?19:33
=== mr is now known as Guest18649
ikonia!launchpad > Will_M19:33
ubottuWill_M, please see my private message19:33
Will_MNever had to do that before19:34
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:34
GaeelAnyone know how to force a 1024*768 resolution? The "screen resolution" tool in the preferences isn't giving me that option19:34
ActionParsnip1Gaeel: have you installed video drivers?19:35
ActionParsnip1Gaeel: you can set it in xorg.conf19:35
Tucker19798what do i type on the dos style screen to sort out my graphics problem19:35
GaeelActionParsnip1: it was working at 1024*768 about an hour ago, and then it stopped working when I changed the resolution for a game...19:35
xie041_could not play rm and rmvb19:35
xie041_just voice,no graphic19:36
Guest18649did anybody use lampp?19:36
GaeelWhat folder is xorg.conf in?19:36
dayo2Guest18649: yes19:36
Izinucs/etc/X11/xorg.conf Gaeel19:36
LasivianI'm running Gnome and I can;t figure out how to list wireless networks by strength19:36
nightrid3rGaeel /etc/x1119:36
driesTucker19798: hehehe, funny question. Did you try right-clicking the desktop and selecting "change desktop background"19:36
FedeUBSI have installed the nvidia drivers ver 177, and I can't set the resolution to 1280x1024, because a black screen appears when I set it, my monitor is a tft 1719:36
Guest18649how do i get the rights for using it?19:36
ActionParsnip1Gaeel: if a game screws your res, restart the x server19:37
zashGuest18649: llp ftw19:37
pop79FedeUBS: good, thats the way to ask :)19:37
dayo2Lasivian: have u tried clicking on the networking icon?19:37
IzinucsWeird problem.. I ripped a dvd and it plays in mplayer fine.. it will not show the video in vlc or totem but does have sound.. any idea why?19:37
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.19:38
=== doppler|zzzZZZzz is now known as dopplerdeffect
Guest18649the lampp folder lies in /opt/lampp19:38
GaeelActionParsnip1: how do I restart the x server?19:38
ActionParsnip1Gaeel: ctrl+alt+backspace19:38
GaeelAnd if I've rebooted my computer already isn't that already done?19:38
IzinucsGaeel: or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart19:38
_VIM_Guest18649: that sounds more like an Xampp setup than Lamp19:38
Guest18649and i can't open the htdocs folder19:38
_VIM_why not just use Lamp? xampp sucks19:39
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:39
ActionParsnip1_VIM_: some users like an x server19:39
Condoulook, I have a question. I have Compiz Fusion enabled, and I am having a bit of an issue where video playback in totem player (or any media player for that matter) is sorta flashy. Is there any way to fix this?19:39
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
Guest18649i use lampp but i can't work with it19:40
ikoniaGuest18649: why ?19:40
IzinucsCondoulo: I fixed that with a better video driver for my nvidia19:40
CondouloIzinucs, eh. I use ATI.19:40
FedeUBSI have installed the nvidia drivers ver 177, and I can't set the resolution to 1280x1024, because a black screen appears when I set it, my monitor is a tft 1719:40
IzinucsCondoulo: sorry don't know much about the ATI's..19:40
ActionParsnip1FedeUBS: try adding more info about your monitor in xorg.conf19:40
Guest18649because i haven't got the rights for editing or something19:41
Condouloanybody here experienced with ATI?19:41
Cpudan80Is there a command line way to add deb source lines to /apt/sources.list ?19:41
carloshello can someone help me installing screensavers please?19:41
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, it happened again!!!!19:41
driesGuest 18649: use the sudo command?19:41
=== carlos is now known as Guest40107
ActionParsnip1Guest18649: make sure you use sudo /gksudo when accessing19:41
ikoniaCpudan80: echo $line > /etc/apt-/sources.list19:41
SimonSLed_Zeppelin: nvidia.com19:41
ikoniaCpudan80: or open it with a text editor19:41
Cpudan80ikonia: shouldnt it be >>19:41
IzinucsFedeUBS: also check xorg for what driver is listed there.. gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  on the driver line it should show nvidia not vesa or nv or anything else19:41
ikoniaCpudan80: all lwell done >>19:41
ikoniaCpudan80: well caught19:42
Cpudan80ikonia: hehe19:42
Cpudan80Im not a newb!19:42
dayo2carlos: sudo aptitude install gnome-screensaver19:42
Cpudan80Do you really need the src lines?19:42
ikoniaCpudan80: that could have been bad - well spotted19:42
Lasiviandayo2: that pops up a list of located wireless networks, but does not seem to have sorting options19:42
ikoniaCpudan80: if your not building source packges, remove them19:42
ActionParsnip1Cpudan80: they are used with apt-build :)19:42
ikoniaCpudan80: that's all they are there for apt-get source $package19:42
FedeUBSit says nvidia19:42
Led_ZeppelinSimonS, how do I figure out my graphics product type and series?19:42
dayo2Lasivian: yeah19:42
Guest40107dayo 2 donesnt matter if i have kde 4.1?19:42
SimonSi think nvidia-settings tells you19:43
ActionParsnip1Led_Zeppelin: lspci | grep -i vga19:43
dayo2Guest40107: ?19:43
=== Guest18649 is now known as mr_greeb
=== mr_greeb is now known as mr_green
Guest40107dayo2 im carlos, they change my nickname19:43
Guest40107i have kubuntu19:43
FedeUBSI have this:    Option         "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0"19:44
FedeUBSif I put 1280x1024 +0+0"   a black screen appears19:44
Cpudan80ikonia: ok so how about importing the key file19:44
Cpudan80ikonia: like the little screencast for the PPA says to save it to a file then import it... blah19:44
dayo2Guest40107: oh. well i don't know what screensaver kde uses. maybe try: sudo aptitude install xscreensaver19:44
badpcanyone use clamav?19:44
driesbadpc: why do you use it?19:45
ActionParsnip1FedeUBS: have you install nvidia drivers19:45
driesno need to in Ubuntu.. (unless you want to be nice to windows users :P-19:45
FedeUBSversion 17719:45
badpcdries: no was just wondering if i need to?19:45
Led_ZeppelinActionParsnip1, thanks19:45
=== Anakin- is now known as Anakin
Led_Zeppelinit seems I have to goto CLI mode. I am not sure how to get into CLI mode SimonS19:45
driesnop, you don't19:45
masiddiquii need some help here19:45
driesno virusses19:45
SimonSLed_Zeppelin: init 319:45
driesjust make shure no one lurs you into formatting your partition :D19:46
Wezhey folks, can someone point me at docs on automated (like kickstart) installs for ubuntu 8.10 server?  I've found docs for an older version and I'm having trouble making that work with 8.1019:46
Led_Zeppelinhmm. just run that?19:46
Led_Zeppelininit 3 ?19:46
Guest40107ok thanks i have this question because im really new and i dont know whats happens if i combine kde with gnome19:46
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:46
_VIM_| badpc*19:46
mr_greenhow can i get the right for the folder /opt ??19:46
_VIM_forgot the pipe command sorry19:46
driesguest40107: you use one of the two19:46
ActionParsnip1Guest40107: you get a load of stuff on your system and you can run both kde apps and gnome apps19:46
driesbut the apps should run on both19:46
rewtdoesn't that cause a rift in the space-time continuum?19:47
driesrewt: last time I tried it did ..19:47
f_newtonkde apps run ok in gnome but gnome apps dont run so well in kde19:47
ActionParsnip1Guest40107: one will be the running DE but the other apps can be used19:47
mr_greenhow can i get the rights for the folder /opt ??19:48
FedeUBSif I tried to change the resolution it says 1280x1024(5:4), and not 1280x1024(4:3)19:48
badpcdries: so theres no need for defrag or malware on linux?19:48
driesmr_green: sudo su?19:48
ActionParsnip1mr_green: ls -l /opt19:48
driesnop, both aren't nescesarry19:48
mr_greendoesn't works :S19:48
mohmed064506270641064a0634 06390631062819:48
ActionParsnip1dries: sudo su is not advised, it doesnt setup the environment. sudo -i is advised19:48
driesokay, will remember19:48
f_newtonlol no need for defrag but its a good idea to get rkhunter on a separate disk to run independently of your hard drive and use chkrootkit occasionally to check for things19:49
badpcdries: how about disk cleanup?19:49
f_newtonsorry to butt in19:49
Guest40107other thing, when i put an icon in my desktop put in the top left side, do i have an option like in windows to have all icons in a row?19:49
driesdon't even know if we have that in Ubuntu.. I don't need it anyway19:49
=== kostas__ is now known as ntinos_
blackjakis there anyone who can help me configuring kismet?19:50
ActionParsnip1badpc: temp is emptied on reboot, sudo apt-get clean will remove old debs19:50
f_newtoncleanup is in ubuntu19:50
blackjakis there anyone who could help me configuring kismet?19:50
driesguest: right mouse on desktop / check "keep aligned"19:50
wirelessdreameranyone know of a way to blacklist devices from using hid, without patching the kernel module before compile?19:50
rdw200169badpc, generally, for cleanup, all you have to do is clean out a very small amount of directories19:50
ma5t3rw1ttHey guys, I have a little problem that maybe someone can help me with. I have a 1gig USB flash drive. I used the Live CD of Ubuntu 8.10 to create a Bootable USB Stick. Well it completed successfully and when I boot into it the first time, it works like a charm. Now after I do some changes, like say change the wallpaper or download something, I boot into it a second time to see if it works and all I keep getting is the B19:51
=== jhattara_ is now known as jhattara
rewtma5t3rw1tt, you were cut off at "... and all I keep getting is the B"19:51
shadeslayeris the??19:51
rdw200169badpc, your trash, in ~/.local/Trash (or something like that, they moved it), then the stuff in /var like log files and stuff, but 99% of that isn't an issue, and then there's /tmp which gets cleaned out every time you restart19:51
driesma5t3rw1tt: it's supposed to be a live-cd.19:51
maxhaxhi. whats the problem when i put su in to terminal and put my password it says Authentication failure19:51
mikedraven28pls help problem with my ati x1200 card in ubuntu 8.10 ... all works fine except full screen games it gives scrambled image19:52
driesyou should install a complete version of ubuntu on it to keep your changes, or make them recursive (dunno exactly how to do that)19:52
ActionParsnip1ma5t3rw1tt: make sure you are the owner of your home folder and its chmodded 755 throughout19:52
f_newtonsudo in ubuntu19:52
dolohey i get a wierd error when i logg in now19:52
f_newtonsudo -i for root path19:52
rdw200169badpc, and for the packages thing mentioned, apt is configured by default to swamp out the big downloaded packages regularly19:52
ThanatoastAfter giving up on Network Manager for a static IP, I uninstalled it and installed wicd, now I have no network: "current network not found" Any suggestions on how to get my network back and hopefully set a static IP?19:52
doloit says home /.dmrc is being ignored19:52
mikedraven28i've got stuck twice in alien arena19:52
maxhaxhi. whats the problem when i put su in to terminal and put my password it says Authentication failure19:52
shadeslayer!ati | f_newton19:52
ubottuf_newton: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:52
cirno__wrong password?19:52
jrib!root | maxhax19:52
ubottumaxhax: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:52
badpclinux rules!19:53
ma5t3rw1tt@dries: Well I watched a video on Revision3.com called Systm and they even had a video showing you to do it.19:53
shadeslayeryeah we know19:53
doloanyone know what that could be?19:53
doloshould i delee the .dmrc file?19:53
maxhaxisnt root password my normal log in password19:53
jribmaxhax: no19:53
rdw200169badpc, most of your wasted space ends up in /usr/share and that's due to installed packages that you don't need...19:53
dolomaxhax: no your just a user19:53
=== sdfsdfs is now known as Gayling
rdw200169badpc, and that's always kinda19:54
maxhaxso instead what should i do19:54
rdw200169badpc, 'user dependent'19:54
maxhaxi want to extract an file19:54
f_newtonmaxhax ubuntu uses sudo for most things and if you need root path without /sbin/ you need to use sudo -i19:54
FedeUBSI have installed the nvidia drivers ver 177, and I can't set the resolution to 1280x1024, because a black screen appears when I set it, my monitor is a tft 1719:54
FedeUBSin my xorg I have this:    Option         "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0", if I put 1280x1024 +0+0"   a black screen appears19:54
FedeUBSif I tried to change the resolution it says 1280x1024(5:4), and not 1280x1024(4:3)19:54
jribmaxhax: double click on it19:54
maxhaxon what19:54
driesma5t3rw1tt: did you try a google search on that? should be a lot of walktrougs out there (dunno how to myself thats wy I say google it)19:54
jribmaxhax: on the file you want to extract?19:54
iD_J!help when i report bugs on launchpad with apport, it says my packages are outdated when i have more recent ones than it states19:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:54
badpcrdw200169: you know anything about the ext4 filesystem?19:55
dolomaxhax: root is not given to help with security so even if someone did hypotheticly figure out your password they could not have root access to do anything melicuous to your system on a side note with root privlages new users have an easyer time breaking things19:55
f_newtonext4 is not ready for prime time19:55
ifroog!find klauncher19:55
ubottuFound: xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin19:55
cooldduuuddeis der an ext4 also?19:55
rdw200169badpc, note, though, that if you want to know whats wasting your space, that you can use the Disk Usage analyzer, Applications -> accessories19:55
ifroog!locate klauncher19:55
sebsebsebbadpc:  that's an option in the next one19:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:55
sebsebsebbadpc: next Ubuntu19:55
sebsebsebbadpc: in April19:55
maxhaxso whats the point with a root password if you dont know it ? =P19:55
rdw200169badpc, i read a little about it, but i have not tried it... i'm pretty happy w/ext319:55
ifroog!find klauncher19:55
ubottuFound: xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin19:55
ifrooghuh ? :S19:55
sebsebsebbadpc: it will be faster than Ext319:55
ActionParsnip1maxhax: there isnt one19:55
f_newtonlol maxhax19:56
driesifroog: jup, and it runs fine for me.. (but not yet mainstream: more testing is advised)19:56
dolomaxhax: use sudo its basicly the same thing19:56
ActionParsnip1!root | maxhax19:56
ubottumaxhax: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:56
maxhaxok next problem19:56
=== Don is now known as Guest57503
FedeUBS I have installed the nvidia drivers ver 177, and I can't set the resolution to 1280x1024, because a black screen appears when I set it, my monitor is a tft 1719:56
FedeUBSin my xorg I have this:    Option         "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0", if I put 1280x1024 +0+0"   a black screen appears19:56
FedeUBSif I tried to change the resolution it says 1280x1024(5:4), and not 1280x1024(4:3)19:56
maxhaxi typed sudo - 119:56
Ethossercan I rename my hostname by simple editing etc/hostname ?19:56
ifroogdries, THing is i get a klauncher error when i run amarok.19:56
Ethosseror will it kill my install? :D19:56
badpcsebastien_: yeah thats what i heard!19:56
doloapt -get a life19:56
maxhaxand put  my password then i putted tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.tar.gz -C /opt19:56
maxhaxto extract the xampp file19:56
ifroogso, i was wondering if i have to install that applications, but then again. why is amarok using klauncher which is in a xfce wm.19:56
stroyandolo: Your error message is discussed at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/7296 .  Perhaps you to have a file permissions problem.19:56
driesifroog: what dous it say?19:56
rdw200169badpc, i'm one of those ubuntu users that likes to stay 6 months behind so i can stay nice and stable...19:57
maxhaxand it said: tar: xampp-linux-1.7.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory19:57
maxhaxtar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now19:57
maxhaxtar: Child returned status 219:57
maxhaxtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors19:57
FloodBot2maxhax: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:57
rewtFedeUBS, 1280x1024 is 5:419:57
f_newtonwise decision rdw20016919:57
rdw200169badpc, so 6 months after you have ext4, i *might* actually take a shot at it (after all the problems are works out)19:57
jribmaxhax: why don't you install lamp through the repositories?19:57
drieshmm, dunno if it runs fine in a xfce..19:57
maxhaxok how?19:57
jrib!lamp | maxhax19:57
ubottumaxhax: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:57
badpcrdw200169: i like to try all the new stuff unstable19:57
f_newtonext4 not recommended at this time.... check back later please19:57
woodybI can't login at all.  I keep getting thrown back to the brown login screen. I am using 8.10 for awhile now. any help please?19:57
rdw200169f_newton, that, and i absolutely hate setting up a new version with my 1,000,000+ customizations19:57
ifroogdries, It says "cannot talk to klauncher"19:57
cooldduuuddebadpc rdw200169 would it be possible to make est3 into ext4 without formatting?19:58
FedeUBSah ok19:58
f_newtonlol build your own install rdw20016919:58
rewtFedeUBS, what's the lcd's native resolution?19:58
rdw200169badpc, now, don't get me wrong, i do that too, but its on a case by case situation, for example, i use many applications that are cutting edge from the PPA's19:58
rdw200169cooldduuudde, i sincerely doubt it19:58
maxhaxil read the website.19:58
f_newtongood choice maxhax19:58
rdw200169f_newton, now lets not get crazy here... i'm not into 'linux from scratch' stuff *heheh*19:59
badpcCool_Nick: i believe there is a way to do so though im not sure how yet19:59
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rdw200169f_newton, what i do is more like "a little bit of enhances regularly over a long period of time"19:59
f_newtonrdw200169: you can build a quickstart or something that will automagically pull down your desired apps w/ubuntu ...19:59
BesogonWhere can I find icon files in Linux? (I need name icon for edit menu)19:59
driesifroog: if you use xkfc I don't think you can use Klauncher..19:59
f_newtonthat depends on the distro used Besogon in ubuntu Im not sure19:59
rdw200169f_newton, oh, i know, stuff like dpkg --get-selections, etc...20:00
Ursinhaifroog, klauncher is a kde stuff thing20:00
=== Don is now known as Guest434
stroyandolo: You should check the ownership and permissions of ~ and ~/.dmrc.  "ls -ld ~ ~/.dmrc"    They should be owned by your account name.  .dmrc should have -rw------- permissions.20:00
Ursinhaifroog, if you run a kde app, it will use it20:00
f_newtonwell Im a redhat oldtimer rdw200169 and not too familiar with ubuntu except for very early deb20:00
maxhaxI putted sudo tasksel install lamp-server in treminal and it opened some blue thing20:00
maxhaxwhat is happening20:00
rdw200169f_newton, but that doesn't make me hate it any less!  problems *always* come up... that, and you *never know* if your /home will upgrade well...20:00
ifroogdries, ah, ok20:00
maxhaxim total noob i know20:00
FedeUBSrewt: when I put that resolution, a black screen appears,20:00
doloit does i followed the tutorial and ima logg out and logg back in20:00
ubuntu810hi guys20:00
Ursinhaifroog, when you installed amarok it certainly installed a lot of kde-* dependencies20:01
ifroogdries, Never mind that, do you know how i can change kde theme from gnome?20:01
f_newtonbuild your /home on a separate partition rdw200169 and custom partition on new installs20:01
Ethosserwhat's the best way to rename a ubuntu server? I head it can mess alot of things up ;o20:01
Besogonf_newton, Im use ubuntu (with installed xfce) Do you know it? Where can I get names of icons?20:01
driesifroog: you have to install the KDE packages20:01
stealth_tty1while trying to change my drivers to get better fps in wow under wine, I seriously messed up my system. After running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" it wouldnt start up my X server :| It complained about not being able to find a usable screen. Ive found that happens when I turn on the kernel frame buffering device, if I turn it off, I get graphics, but no opengl. Wich makes wow pointless :| any help PLEASE?20:01
rdw200169f_newton, that's what i do.  i just wonder many times, if a new version of know will trash my gconf settings (for example...)20:01
Lasivianis there any way to sort the list of wireless networks in Gnome?20:02
ifroogdries, yes, i have kde installed too.20:02
f_newtonheh I am not in the xfce corral at all Besogon sorry I cant help20:02
rdw200169f_newton, *gnome not know20:02
stroyanBesogon: There are a lot of icons under /usr/share/icons/*20:02
ifroogdries, But i cannot run kcontrol.20:02
ifroogto configure the theme.20:02
driesk, then logg off and choose KDE environment for this session20:02
ifroogbash: kcontrol: command not found20:02
driesyes, but you don't have to run klauncher to log off no?20:02
rdw200169f_newton, it should be *strongly suggested* by the installer to set up a separate /home for that specific reason, but i understand why it isn't20:02
f_newtonrdw200169: thats anyone's guess.... but the good news is as linux matures it becomes more reliable during upgrades etc which I always recommend clean install20:03
cambazzhello. how do I tell if one package is installed or not20:03
f_newtonrpm -q (package)20:03
ThanatoastAfter giving up on Network Manager for a static IP, I uninstalled it and installed wicd, now I have no network: "current network not found" Any suggestions on how to get my network back and hopefully set a static IP?20:03
cooldduuuddecambazz using synaptic20:03
ifroogdries, never mind, the klauncher issue, i fixed it by running kdeinit20:03
Reformer81I'm trying to unmount a partition, but I get an "in use" error.  How do I find out what process is using that partition?  I have no open files and/or file browsers pointing to that location.20:03
rdw200169f_newton, I, also, always do a clean install.  i find that dist-upgrades never quite turn out the way i want them to20:03
D99Is there anyway I can install the Java 6 update 12. The PM only has Java 6 update 1020:03
driesifroog: glad it works now20:03
ActionParsnip1Reformer81: lsof | grep /dev/<partition name>20:04
f_newtonrdw200169: that is true for every distro linux or not20:04
Besogonstroyan, I know it. but there only system icons (for themes I mean)...20:04
ifroogdries, Yeah :) but i dont like the white kde theme on my black gnome theme.20:04
cooldduuuddehow can i get shockwave in ubuntu?20:04
ifroogits a contrast and it looks ugly. i wish i could change that.20:04
Reformer81ActionParsnip1: That does nothing.20:04
rdw200169cooldduuudde, i don't think its possible, yet.  we do have flash 10 player, but not that (i think)20:04
ubuntu810i have a Q about ubuntu 8.10 32-bit how do i stop it from keeping in list of every video and picture i look at using movie player and f-spot ?20:04
Myrttif_newton: since when have you been able to use rpm -q (package) in UBUNTU?!20:04
ActionParsnip1cooldduuudde: you will need to run a browser via wine, shockwave is windows only20:04
dyhexi try to install20:04
FloodBot2dyhex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:05
rdw200169cooldduuudde, yeah, i was gonna say that, you *can* get IE in wine, and use shockwave that way20:05
ActionParsnip1Reformer81: you need to change the command to name the partition you are wanting to unmount20:05
stroyanBesogon: What icon do you seek?  What do you mean by "name icon for edit menu" ?20:05
FedeUBSI have installed the nvidia drivers ver 177, and I can't set the resolution to 1280x1024, because a black screen appears when I set it, my monitor is a tft 1720:05
FedeUBSin my xorg I have this:    Option         "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0", if I put 1280x1024 +0+0"   a black screen appears20:05
cooldduuuddeActionParsnip1 rdw200169 i tried it wid firefox windows and shockwave but it crashes often in wine20:05
Reformer81ActionParsnip1: I did.   When I hit enter, it just goes to the next line and sits there.20:05
dyhexi try to install openvpn i got a problem on the configuration20:05
rdw200169cooldduuudde, you could also, if you have a fast computer, use VirtualBox w/ WIndows, and do it that way20:06
dyhexcan anyone help plz20:06
driesifroog: I prefer gnome, so I didn't test KDE very touroughly. But can't you change the collor in the settings?20:06
f_newtonsounds like wine to me cool20:06
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Reformer81ActionParsnip1: Ah... it's just slow :P20:06
f_newtonlol I meant cooldduuudde20:06
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dyhexi got this erro r20:06
rdw200169dyhex, it would be best to try #openvpn20:06
cooldduuudderdw200169 can i get virtualbox thru synaptic?20:06
ifroogdries, im talking about apps like konqueror, amarok that i love. Im on gnome though. But i like to make those kde apps darker to match my gnome theme.20:07
dyhexi got this error20:07
dyhexno one help20:07
Reformer81ActionParsnip1: But it returned no results.20:07
dyhexi think there is no buddy on line20:07
NativeAngelscan anyone tell me how to set up the login info for webhosting20:07
driesifroog: hmm, that I don't know how to do it20:07
FFEMTcJhow can I search via cli for all files that are bigger than X size in MB20:07
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rdw200169cooldduuudde, yeah, check the ubuntu wiki on how to get it working20:07
ActionParsnip1Reformer81: hmm then its not open, are you trying to access / partition?20:07
ifroogah k20:07
HSNewswhere I can watch which DNS parameters gives DCHP server?20:08
joaopintoFFEMTcJ, man find20:08
cooldduuuddeokay thanks guys:)20:08
dyhexwhat i have to do to solve this error plz s ?20:08
enzotibFFEMTcJ, find /path -size +100MB20:08
abc2xyzany good book on linux kernel?20:08
Reformer81ActionParsnip1: I'm trying to umount /dev/sda120:08
rdw200169cooldduuudde, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox20:08
stroyandyhex: Did you source the "./vars" file?20:08
ikoniaabc2xyz: amazon.com - this is ubuntu support only20:08
driesifroog: google this please "20:08
cooldduuudderdw200169 ty20:08
driesshould help you out..20:08
ifroogi did, they say to edit threw kcontrol20:08
ActionParsnip1Reformer81: what mount point is that used for?20:08
abc2xyzikonia meaning?20:08
Reformer81ActionParsnip1: It's mounted at /media/Temp20:09
dyhexi don't know how to do ?20:09
Reformer81ActionParsnip1: I've tried umounting the mountpoint and the device itself.20:09
Reformer81umount: /media/Temp: device is busy.20:09
ikoniaabc2xyz: meaning this channel is for ubuntu realted support - if you look on amazon you'll find lots of good books20:09
rdw200169cooldduuudde, and, if you want *all* the features VirtualBox has to offer, you *could* use the svn version, but that's a *lot* of work :(20:09
stroyandyhex: sudo will clear environment variables such as set by "./vars" unless given a -E option.  The directions may not allow for that.20:09
ifroogi did, they say to edit threw kcontrol20:09
* f_newton wonders if its too early to start drinking beer 20:09
Besogonstroyan, I installed xfce afte I had gnome. And need change main menu. So I need all icon. (I can looking name icons in files of gnome menucertainly, but it too bad)20:09
stealth_tty1with kernel frame buffer device on, I get no GUI, with it off, I get no OpenGl. It was working before I reconfigured xorg20:10
ikoniaReformer81: make sure you have no terminals or windows using that file ssytme20:10
driesifroog: hahah, okay, srry then: just picked the first thing off google :D20:10
ActionParsnip1Reformer81: i'd boot to root console and do whatever there, lsof should show open files on partitions. try lsof | grep temp20:10
Reformer81ikonia: I have.  Nothing is using it.... that I can see.  And lsof doesn't show anything using it either.20:10
abc2xyzikonia:  ok20:10
cooldduuudderdw200169 ok20:10
ikoniaReformer81: fuser ?20:10
dyhexsorry what have to do ?  stroyan20:10
Reformer81ikonia: I don't know what you mean by that, sorry.20:10
ikoniaReformer81: fuser the file system20:11
dyhexe option for what ?20:11
Reformer81ikonia: That wasn't any clearer lol20:11
driesokay, gotta go20:11
dyhexthis is my first i face this kind of error20:11
ikoniaReformer81: the command fuser, run it on that file system20:11
ThanatoastIs there a better channel to ask about Net Manager and wicd in Ubuntu?20:11
Reformer81ikonia: Hmm... I got it.20:11
dyhexhello stroyan20:12
FedeUBSI have installed the nvidia drivers ver 177, and I can't set the resolution to 1280x1024, because a black screen appears when I set it, my monitor is a tft 17, in my xorg I have this:    Option         "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0", if I put 1280x1024 +0+0"   a black screen appears20:12
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maximilian-schrohi. is there a way to get the current x / y position of a winow?20:13
stroyandyhex: The directions in you error message tell you to edit ./vars to set variables and then "source ./vars" to get those variables set in your shell.  Do that.  But you will also need "sudo -E ./build-ca" to preseve those variables when running build-ca20:13
mchamplainHi, when I install Ubuntu i find it really slow when it connect to the internet... I tried to load the live CD and change the 'software source'  before I start the installation but it doesn't seems to make anything faster, I think the installation still use the canadian default server and it's really, really slow (like 50kbps instead of 800kpbs I can get with another server)...  Ideas?20:13
NativeAngelshow to you setup the ftp login for different users in ubuntu20:13
dyhexthis my actual./vars file configuration20:13
Ethosserwhat's the best way to rename a ubuntu server? I heard it can mess alot of things up ;o20:14
dyhexwhich line i have to modify ?20:14
NativeAngelsso they can upload webpages20:14
fearfulHow can I check if my drivers were installed correctly everything seemed to work fine by default but everyone is having problems with nvidia graphics card, and I have one20:14
mchamplainFedeUBS: do you have the black screen only with that resolution or every time you change it no matter the resolution?20:14
dyhexi don't any line with source indication20:14
FedeUBSonly with that20:15
linny1fearful: it if aint broke dont fix it :)20:15
stroyandyhex: It looks like you won't need to modify the defaults.  You will need to source the file to set the environment variables.20:15
fearfullinny1, true, but it says no propiteray drivers found for this system, that means?20:15
Lasivianis there any way to sort the list of wireless networks in Gnome?20:15
linny1fearful:that means that it cannot find propritary drivers the ones you are using currently are prolly open source and they are fine for most things what gpu do you have ?20:17
stroyandyhex: "source ./vars" is a literal shell command.  You type it at the prompt.20:17
fearfullinny1, gpu?20:17
dyhexdesktop:/usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0$ source ./vars20:17
linny1fearful:graphics processing unit or graphics card20:17
dyhexNOTE: If you run ./clean-all, I will be doing a rm -rf on /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0/keys20:17
dyhexit give that one20:17
HSNewswhat is 'metric'? in Nic20:17
fearfullinny1, nvidia accelerator, but how can I check exactly20:18
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Kerry_Ki810hi all20:18
dyhexis it normal ?20:18
fearfullinny1, I have  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)20:18
stroyandyhex: That is the script warning you that you are working on files in that directory.  You probably want to copy that aside to your own local directory instead of the original.20:18
rewtHSNews, 'metric' is sorta like "how much it costs to use this route", so if there's multiple routes to the destination, the lower metric wins20:19
Kerry_Ki810somebody help me please - trying to get skype to work in Kubuntu 8.1020:19
linny1fearful:ok let me see what drivers you should be running 1 sec20:19
Kerry_Ki810i can chat for a few minutes then my mic sound just 'dies'20:19
fearfullinny1, well I'll dialog you because I have to eat lunch I'll brb in 20 mins20:19
ActionParsnip1Kerry_Ki810: when it dies, run: dmesg  tail20:19
Tucker1979hi, more help with the graphic problem with Ubuntu 8.1020:19
ActionParsnip1Tucker1979: sup20:20
dyhexwhat is the next step ?20:20
Tucker1979i can not config the video card, still getting a mess up graphic interface20:20
Kerry_Ki810action,  what does dmesg do - create a log file?20:20
Tucker1979do not know what to do or to type into the dos style screen to sort it out20:21
ActionParsnip1Tucker1979: what video card does: lspci | grep -i vga20:21
kira\how can I stop the graphical server (and start it up again?20:21
harlemdavveywhere can i talk and advertise my blog about ubuntu????20:21
ActionParsnip1!ot | harlemdavvey20:21
ubottuharlemdavvey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:21
stroyandyhex: It looks like you are working your way through a howto document.  You can follow that.  But if you are told to use sudo you will need "sudo -E" in order to get those environment variables to the command.20:21
FedeUBSI have installed the nvidia drivers ver 177, and I can't set the resolution to 1280x1024, because a black screen appears when I set it, my monitor is a tft 17, in my xorg I have this:    Option         "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0", if I put 1280x1024 +0+0"   a black screen appears20:21
Lasivianhow can I stop the mouse scroll wheel from changing workspaces?20:22
fosco_kira\: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and close session20:22
FedeUBShere is my xorg http://www.ubuntu-es.org/index.php?q=node/111903#comment-31711820:22
kira\fosco_: thanks20:22
fosco_kira\:  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start to restart X server20:22
SnoverI am hoping that someone a little more experience might be able to help me sort this out so I can submit a proper bug report. I installed the new KDE packages that were available in intrepid-backports, and now X is crashing randomly when playing fullscreen video. Xorg.0.log.old says "X: client n rejected from local host" (several times, with different pids), kdm.log says "X: intel_context.c:1020: UNLOCK_HARDWARE: Assertion `intel->batch->20:22
ActionParsnip1FedeUBS: did you add info in xorg.conf about your monitor?20:22
Tucker1979any help20:22
FedeUBSI add my refresh rates20:22
Tucker1979i need a simply guide to do it, step by step would be nice20:23
FedeUBSis something missing?20:23
calwiganyone know of a good web hosting service??20:24
tibroxCould someone give me a hint as to when the linux sound system will be jacked enough to handle Skype?  I'm using Intrepid and my sound recorder works fine.  I just can't skype, except on nasty pulse audio :(20:24
skate2calwig a vps20:24
FedeUBS I have installed the nvidia drivers ver 177, and I can't set the resolution to 1280x1024, because a black screen appears when I set it, my monitor is a tft 17, in my xorg I have this:    Option         "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0", if I put 1280x1024 +0+0"   a black screen appears. here is my xorg http://www.ubuntu-es.org/index.php?q=node/111903#comment-31711820:25
tibroxI think linux sound must be given priority for ubuntu to be taken seriously as a working desktop20:25
ActionParsnip1FedeUBS: try the modes like the ones in nthis post http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-723334.html20:25
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Snovertibrox: What sound card do you have?20:25
tibroxSnover, I'm using an HP/Compaq laptop20:25
newt-homelinux has never had quality sound tibrox and that is mostly because of the proprietary sound drivers of hardware mfgrs20:26
Izinucs!resolution | FedeUBS20:26
ubottuFedeUBS: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:26
Tucker1979So can anyone help me if my graphics problem, like a step by step guide, it just a graphic mess on start up and i need to sort it out inside the dos style screem20:26
tibroxnewt-home, It's driving me nuts!20:26
ActionParsnip1Tucker1979: wasup?20:26
Snovertibrox: The best advice is to get a different card with support for hardware mixing, but obviously that can be a bit more challenging with a laptop :)20:27
linny1Tucker1979:what card have you got20:27
zap1do you know if there is a way to run apple apps into ubuntu ?20:27
newt-homeI understand tibrox... I do all my sound production work in windows or mac because of that but other then that I am completely linux based20:27
Tucker1979it a Nvidia g72 card20:27
tibroxYeah, and now when I want to chat on Skype I have to go to my windows partition :(20:27
newt-hometibrox: iirc there is a way to make skype work with linux but I have no clue about it20:28
tibroxnewt-home, I've googled the problem silly20:28
tibroxnewt-home, I even intalled esound :(20:28
newt-homeI was referring to audiophile sound production for producing masters for copy20:29
newt-homewuttup perlmonkey?20:29
Tucker1979i try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that did not work20:29
perlmonkeyhow do you carry out cronjobs which require root?20:29
perlmonkeywith sudo20:29
newt-homesudo -1 ?20:29
perlmonkeyoh, thanks20:30
Tucker1979and it a DVI cable as well20:30
perlmonkeynewt-home cool nick20:30
newt-homeheh  its a runner up20:30
perlmonkeywhats your nick normally, just newt?20:30
newt-homef_newton dude20:30
jhgi have a question, the system doesn't see/mount any cdroms (audio nor data) i insert, when i try to mount a data cd manually it says no medium found. any idea?20:30
jhgi also rebooted btw but that didnt help20:31
skate2does sudo in other linux distros work the same as sudo in ubuntu or do they have diff options?20:31
Snoverjhg: Are you sure your CD drive isn’t broken?20:31
usserjhg, sounds like a hardware problem? did u install using cd?20:31
newt-homemost distros dont use sudo but it is available skate220:31
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cwurmskate2: No, it's not the same in other distros.20:31
usserskate2, it works the same20:31
ActionParsnip1jhg: i'd have a read through 'dmesg | tail' when you put a cd in20:31
lhoerstenwhenever I log out of gnome, my screen turns black (backlight still on) and my computer becomes unresponsive. ctrl + alt + backspace/delete do nothing. I don't see a cursor in the top left either. Anyone have any ideas how to debug this?20:32
cwurmusser, skate2: It does not. Fedora uses su -c 'command' or su -20:32
jhgSnover: it still worked yesterday, its a possibility but i thought id first check if there are any known issues concerning this20:32
newt-homeimho it provides an uneeded layer of complexity but I dont make the distro20:32
Ethosserguys how can I take a complete image of ubuntu server without a) affecting anything on the system b) paying for software :D20:32
EthosserNeed it so if the hdd fails I can just re-image it20:32
ussercwurm, im just saying if u enable sudo on fedora/centos/redhat it'll behave the same, su is entirely different beast20:32
skate2cwurm can you install sudo on fedora?20:32
newt-homeyou can20:32
newt-homeits available for all linux distros20:33
rewt!clone | Ethosser20:33
ubottuEthosser: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:33
rewtoh maybe not20:33
cwurmYup, it's no problem skate2.20:33
usserEthosser, boot into live cd find out the name of your harddrive, and do sudo dd if=/dev/sourcehdd of=/dev/target20:33
jhgActionParsnip1: it displays various things, no errors i think20:33
usserEthosser, where source and target are harddrive names ie sda or sdb, target have to be at least the same size as source20:34
newt-homethe basic purpose of sudo , skate2 , is to allow varying degrees of root access for different users and groups20:34
Snoverjhg: I would recommend putting in a known working boot CD (eg. a CD you have tested in another machine already). That should tell with certainty if it’s a hardware problem or not20:34
Ethosserok, thanks20:34
rewtcouldn't the dd target be a file (for easy transport)?20:34
newt-homeit is totally unnecessary for a single user skate220:34
ActionParsnip1jhg: if you manually mount it from command line, can you give us the error in a pastebin20:34
skate2newt-home,  single user?20:34
newt-homeyeah how many people use your machine skate2?20:35
skate2just me20:35
newt-homeyou are one single user arent youi?20:35
perlmonkeymkisofs -V LABEL -r directory | gzip > backup.iso.gz20:35
skate2newt-home, yeah but i still have to use sudo because i cangt login as root20:35
jhgActionParsnip1: when i do mount /cdrom it says: mount: No medium found and when i do sudo mount /dev/sda /cdrom it says: mount: /dev/sda already mounted or /cdrom busy20:36
rewtskate2: "sudo passwd" then give a root pass, and login with that20:36
newt-homeits a protection issue skate2 but one that is more of paranoid prevention rather then necessity20:36
boot_loopIf I ran the command 'sudo modprobe -r psmouse' because someone told me this would only disable my touch stick mouse and not my touchpad, but it disabled my touchpad as well, how do I undo that change? or how do I get my touchpad back working??20:36
skate2rewt well i was told that i should still use sudo because running as root causes processes i start to run as root, such as open office, and that makes the program lesss secure20:36
newt-homeit actually makes it easier to take over your machine through the keyboard skate220:36
Ethosseris http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page any good?20:37
Ethosserlooks easier20:37
rewtyeah, don't run as root20:37
rewtonly login as root if you need to do a lot of root-needing stuff20:37
newt-homeskate2: you should only run as root when not network connected and for maint purposes20:37
rewtor just "sudo -i" if you need to20:37
skate2why login as root then i can just sudo -i20:37
newt-homewhat rewt saide20:37
ScottG489I just changed my fstab and uswsusp.conf file to /dev's for my swap instead of their UUID's. Now it seems to start to work but after a lot of disk activity it just brings me back to the GUI. What should I do?20:37
ActionParsnip1jhg: wrong command20:37
hayesow do i get a backtrace of a perl module20:38
ActionParsnip1jhg: sudo mount /dev/sdc0 /media/cdrom020:38
skate2rewt if i want to switch to a user who doesnt have a login ability do i have to su to root then su to them?20:38
skate2cause i cant sudo -u non-loginable users like apache20:38
rewtskate2, i "su thatuser -c /bin/bash"20:38
* newt-home goes back to getting drunk20:38
rewtnot sure if it's "proper"20:38
rewtbut it works20:39
newt-homethats pretty good rewt20:39
IzinucsI'd like to slocate all wma files in my ~ and move them to <new directory> from the terminal.. doing it this way will save me hours of locating and copying.20:39
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skate2rewt but i take it loggin in as a nonloginable user is bad and i should just temporarily sudo -u them20:40
usserIzinucs, use find command20:40
usserIzinucs, hang on20:40
boot_loopI need help. I used the 'sudo modprobe -r psmouse' command because i was told it would only disable my touch stick and not my touchpad, but it disabled both, how do I get my touchpad back?20:40
newt-homeunauthorized users are not recommended period20:40
Izinucsmaybe something like .. slocate *wma | -exec cp <something here> <new directory> *  usser *20:41
ScottG489Does the kernel patch for Tuxonice come with 8.10?20:41
rewtskate2, i've only done that briefly to double check the user has permissions to exec/read/write/whatever20:41
hayesdid i get caught in a flood of activity?20:41
skate2rewt if i say 'sudo -i postgres' it says '-bash: postgres no such file or directory'20:41
FMIzinucs: try this: find ~ .name "*.wma" -exec mv {} /newdirectory \;20:41
usserIzinucs, more like find ~ -name *.wma -exec mv {} /path/todirectory \;20:41
hayesdid i get caught in a flood of activity?20:41
newt-homeall anonymous users should be limited to user access only skate2 never give then any root access sudo or other wise20:42
jhgActionParsnip1: i have no sdc*, only sda, sda1, sda2 and sda520:42
hayesdid i get caught in a flood of activity?20:42
hayes did i get caught in a flood of activity?20:42
FloodBot2hayes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:42
iamjayhey there.. how can I switch from software rendering to my intel 965 one?20:42
usserIzinucs, find ~ -name "*.wma" -exec mv {} /path/todirectory \; sorry20:42
rewtskate2, "su postres -c /bin/bash"20:42
rewtsu, not sudo20:42
FMIzinucs: sorry, that should read: find ~ -name "*.wma" -exec mv {} newdir \;20:42
IzinucsFM & usser can I use cp instead of mv..?20:42
pitwalkerhi all, anyone has problems with network manager under Jaunty?20:42
hayeshow do i get a backtrace of a perl module20:42
usserIzinucs, yes sure20:42
skate2rewt that says authentication failure20:42
fearfulMy screensaver is disabled but it still goes into it any ideas?20:43
PariahI started network upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10. the network upgrade was cancelled in the middle. now i try to upgrade again but "new upgrade 8.10 is available" is not showing up.20:43
rewtdid you put int he g i missed?20:43
Pariahcan anybody help20:43
skate2rewt do i have to be root before i do it?20:43
skate2rewt yeah i spelled it right20:43
FMIzinucs: yes you can20:43
IzinucsFM: usser thanks.. I'll give it a shot. :)20:43
mrastyUK top on ubuntu bug jam20:43
rewtumm, maybe20:43
hayeshow do i get a backtrace of a perl module???20:43
felixsullaI fyou have WinXP on a box already, what is the best way to also have Ubuntu on it without overwriting/changing XP?20:43
rewttry:  sudo -u postgres /bin/bash20:43
newt-homePariah: try cleaning your synaptic buffer and trying again20:43
rafa_hello people20:43
hayesLook! A retard!20:43
Pariahthanks newt-home20:43
Pariahi'll do that20:44
SiDiPariah: you should just try to update your packages. It's likely that it'll finish downloading what it was downloading. Either, i think the command line is "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" for upgrading, but do a normal update before20:44
FMIzinucs: good luck20:44
Tucker1979can i use a Viritul Machine to test some things20:44
skate2rewt that worked :D20:44
hayesLook! A retard!20:44
usserfelixsulla, repartition your hdd to have some space for ubuntu and just install it into empty space it will find your xp installation and will add a boot option for it20:44
vatjahello people, I have one question. I'am not able to find amarok2 in synaptic, but I added the line from the installation-instructions to the sources: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-
Pariahi tried normal update before many a times20:44
vatjaany ideas?20:44
rafa_hey guys, do u know how to burn ps2 games on ubuntu???20:44
FloodBot2vatja: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:44
Pariahbut showing no new updates20:44
ma5t3rw1tt@ActionParsnip1: Are you there?20:44
rewthayes, maybe #perl would be better for that?20:44
pitwalkerPariah: gksu update-manager -d20:44
pitwalkerPariah: !!! important !!! if you start under a terminal dont close it!!!!20:45
Pariahsudo apt-get dist-upgrade showing 0 everything20:45
newt-homeoh lordy..... I am not part of that one pariah20:45
rafa_how to burn ps2 games on ubuntu???20:45
Pariahyeah newt i'll try to clear the buffer now20:45
ma5t3rw1ttI need some quick help. What would be the command where I don't have the busybox when I boot from a bootable USB stick. I was talking with ActionParsnip1 but he don't seem to be here at the moment.20:46
Tucker1979i still need help with this graphic problems, i need a easy guide to sort this problem out, i got a Nvidia, DVI Cable, Ubuntu 8.1020:46
newt-hometry man apt-get Pariah20:46
skate2rewt i can also 'sudo -i; su - postgres'20:46
ma5t3rw1ttSomething about making sure the permission is 755 on my home directory so it can properly save20:46
=== john is now known as TnEt1
hey_joei get segmentation faults and rc-default main process errors when booting from my pci ati video card instead of my onboard intel.. running ubuntu 8.04, any suggestions?20:46
rewtyeah skate2, but then you're starting up more processes than necessary20:46
hey_joeboots fine to the onboard video card20:46
skate2rewt true20:46
boot_loopFolks, if I removed my touchpad device by typing modprobe -r psmouse, how do I get it back?? How can I reinstall my touchpad?20:46
Tucker1979i just get a graphic mess, when i boot up Ubuntu20:46
TnEt1Hi all...any one notice that web surfing in Ubuntu is slow?20:47
newt-homehey_joe: try booting in to a recovery kernel and making sure your display info is correct20:47
fearfulMy screensaver is disabled but it still goes into it any ideas?20:47
boot_loopTNEt1: not at all, much faster surfing than any windows PC I've used of late20:47
ma5t3rw1ttTnEt1: Are you using wireless?20:47
TnEt1No, wired20:47
sagredohi, after moving to 8.10 my system hangs at about 50% looking boot for what seems like a full minute20:47
CondouloTnEt1, switching from Chrome to Firefox, yeah. I feel the difference.20:48
rewtTnEt1, are you surfing linux sites or windows sites?20:48
ma5t3rw1ttTnEt1: hmmmm, maybe its your network20:48
* Condoulo is about to install Chrome in Wine or something.20:48
sagredoanyone know a fix?20:48
newt-homeneed more info sagredo20:48
TnEt1I will try it. No issues on my OpenSuse PC or XP.20:48
boot_loopDoes anyone know that the command would be to add the module 'psmouse' to my kernel using modprobe??20:48
AdamS42I don't use nfs and /etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs appears to be causing me trouble. Is there a proper way to remove mountnfs?20:49
shausam27cman will not open durng boot20:49
ElmaronI read about ubuntu netbook remix20:49
Elmaronit is supposed to have good asus eee support20:50
Pariahnewt-home plz. tell how to clear the synaptic buffer20:50
Cpudan80!eee | Elmaron20:50
ubottuElmaron: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC20:50
Pariahi tried to search the help20:50
Elmaronbut it also ships with specific programs to get "easy into the net"20:50
Elmarondoes the normal ubuntu also support eee that well by now?20:50
wolteris there a free software which can calculate formulas i write?20:50
upfwnv03TnEt1 did u disable ipv6 in firefox ?20:50
usserwolter, octave20:50
newt-homePariah: not sure Im more familiar with yum but synaptic is a graphical front end for apt-get so if you open a terminal and do either apt-get --help or man apt-get you will find a cli way of doing it20:50
TnEt1Yes I did...I will review the steps in case I missed anything.20:51
ma5t3rw1ttI need some help. I just created a bootable usb stick using a guide over at pendrivelinux.com where you use the live cd to create a bootable usb stick and then you can boot Ubuntu from it. Well upon first boot, everything was fine. Then when I made some changes, like I changed the background & things and then closed out my session then later tried booting from it again, I keep coming to a busybox. I was being told earlier about if20:51
ma5t3rw1ttI come to busybox again, is to enter a command or something to make sure my home directory is 755. What would the command b so my settings are properly saved when I close my sessions from the USB flash stick?20:51
newt-homeyou will have to  close out synaptic first though20:51
Pariahthanks a ton20:51
upfwnv03Elmaron try CrunchEEE based on ubuntu but made for the eee20:51
Pariahi'll try20:51
newt-homenot much help I know Pariah sorry20:51
ubuntu810hi guys i asked about ubuntu 8.10 and privacy with movie player and f-spot how to get not to keep a list of every movie and picture i look at ?20:51
IzinucsFM ok.. another issue.. some of these files have the wrong permissions and won't move.. so I tried "sudo find ~ -name "*.wma" -exec chown <name:name> {} \;  and the same thing again with chmod 777 but it looks like I need to do it recursively. where would I put the -r to make it recursive?20:52
shausam27cman will not open durng boot i have to ctrl-alt delete to finsh boot20:52
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iio 8-)20:52
upfwnv03Emaron here is a link http://crunchbanglinux.org/wiki/downloads20:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:53
FMIzinucs: hmmm, the "-r" will not help you there....20:53
daxrocHow do I revert a packages configs to default ?20:53
FMIzinucs: let see...20:53
IzinucsFM: there's gotta be a way to do it.. :)20:53
ma5t3rw1ttI keep getting a busybox on a USB flash stick bootup, how do I fix this?20:53
ma5t3rw1ttWas being told ealier that my home directory might be 755 or something like that20:54
FMIzinucs: what is the exact message you're getting while trying to copy those files?20:54
FedeUBShi again20:54
ElmaronI read the ubuntu eee-related pages20:54
FedeUBS I have installed the nvidia drivers ver 177, and I can't set the resolution to 1280x1024, because a black screen appears when I set it, my monitor is a tft 17, in my xorg I have this:    Option         "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0", if I put 1280x1024 +0+0"   a black screen appears20:54
Elmaronbut it's still not completely clear to me if the default ubuntu does come with eee acpi support or not20:54
Elmaronor if only the netbook remix does20:54
FedeUBSsomeone help20:54
IzinucsFM: yada yada ... permission denied20:55
IzinucsFM: yada yada = file location20:55
skate2how can i tell if a user has a password or not20:55
IndyGunFreakElmaron: i had ubuntu 8.10 on my eee 900.. and it worked fine... i sold it however, and bought an AAO w/ a hard drive... and 8.10 works fine20:55
ubuntu810FedeUBS are you using onboard video ?20:55
Izinucsskate2: unless you go to great lengths.. every user on linux has a password20:55
ElmaronIndyGunFreak: does it "just work fine" or also provide acpi support?20:55
raboofi have a machine that has 2 disks: 1 removable and 1 fixed.20:55
Elmaronso will the shutdown button and the sleep mode work etc?20:55
ugliefrogis there a program for ubuntu that allows voice chat  like ventrillo20:55
fearfulMy screensaver is disabled but it still goes into it any ideas?20:55
Elmaronsuspend to disk etc20:56
FloatingAppletsHello, could anyone help me with a problem I have with my applets such as "NetworkManager Applet" and "screenlets-daemon.py" floating in seperate windows rather than stick to the top panel? This happened when I changed to a multiple screen config.20:56
FMIzinucs: try with "sudo find ~ -name "*.wma" -exec cp -p {} newdir \;"20:56
IndyGunFreakElmaron: honestly, i don't remember...20:56
Elmaronbecause on archlinux they don't20:56
Elmaronand that's lame20:56
raboofi'd like to install ubuntu on the fixed disk, but the machine has no functional cd drive - however, i have a fully functional ubuntu installation on the removable disk20:56
skate2iziinucs well for instance apache and stuff dont seem to have passwords, they're not loginable20:56
Elmaronto enable them on archlinux I need a custom kernel20:56
IzinucsFM: what's the -p option?20:56
ubuntu810it may be a limitaion of the onboard video20:56
Elmaronthe only distribution where this seems to work is debian eee edition20:56
Elmaronbut it's based on etch and the software is sooo old20:56
ugliefrogis there a program for ubuntu that allows voice chat  like ventrillo20:56
Pariahapt-get autoclean is this the command to clear the synaptic buffer20:56
raboofi apt-got 'ubiquity' (the installation application from the livecd), but it appears to expect a '/target' directory20:56
raboofwhat does that mean?20:56
Elmaronso I'd prefer ubuntu, but only if the support is at least as good as debian eee's20:56
FedeUBSin 7.10 it works20:56
FMIzinucs: It should preserve the permissions after copying the file. It is not mandatory though20:57
FloatingAppletsHello, could anyone help me with a problem I have with my applets such as "NetworkManager Applet" and "screenlets-daemon.py" floating in seperate windows rather than stick to the top panel? This happened when I changed to a multiple screen config.20:57
Pariahi used this command but still upgrade 8.10 is not available20:57
meoblast001ubuntu says i have permissions to the directory "/var/www" and even says i own it, but when i try to upload files i get "Cannot Make Directory" errors....... why would that be?20:57
laughzillaheya :) anyone know why a my ubuntu box doesn't detect my boss br-1600 digital mixer when i connect them via usb?  i can't find anything that answers that question online.20:57
ubuntu810what is the chipset for the onboard video ?20:57
FedeUBSnvidia 410 with gforce 610020:57
raboofmeoblast001: upload how? ftp? www?20:57
illumin8ugliefrog, look into teamspeak.20:58
met_hello there...20:58
ugliefrogok ill try that20:58
ubuntu810i am using GF8200A but i installed a GF8800GT PCI-E 2.020:58
FloatingAppletsHello, could anyone help me with a problem I have with my applets such as "NetworkManager Applet" and "screenlets-daemon.py" floating in seperate windows rather than stick to the top panel? This happened when I changed to a multiple screen config.20:58
RussMPariah, If you bring up System / Administration / Software Sources and go to the "Updates" tab, what does it say for "Release Upgrade"?20:58
ubuntu810i had to change a bios setting to get a higher res.20:59
HirogaHey, I have a question:  I'm trying to run winetricks with sudo, but it tells me that I don't have permission to edit the files.  I have edited files that require root permissions with sudo before.  Any ideas what may be wrong?20:59
PariahI'm using Normal Releases options RussM20:59
PariahPer the instruction20:59
ubuntu810in your bios change the setting from 200 MHz to auto20:59
CaMasonhi guys. I just tried to ran the software update and my system has frozen. Should I hard-reset or wait?20:59
RussMPariah, OK. That's what got me the last time. :)20:59
IzinucsFM: do wma's need an execute bit set?  seems weird.. almost all the wma's copying have either 777 (the ones that I changed) or 333 permissions (-wx-wx-wx)21:00
FedeUBS200 Mhz from the video card?21:00
fearfulHow can I make xscreensaver default and stop gnome screensaver for ever21:00
PariahRussM I've followed all the instructions correctly for the Network Upgrade21:00
ubuntu810no its under HD Audio if you have high def audio21:00
usserIzinucs, executable bit usually gets set when you copy files of fat partition cause fat doesnt know any better.21:00
FMIzinucs: No, they don't need it. Probably some messy permissions due to copy procedure from a windows file system21:01
Elmaronnobody here who knows if ubuntu supports asus eee 1000h acpi or not?21:01
FedeUBSubuntu are you talking to me?21:01
PariahSo how can I get the "New Upgrade available" back21:01
FloatingAppletsCan anyone help with floating applets?21:01
illumin8Elmaron, someone suggested using crunchbang linux21:01
Izinucsusser: FM that would explain it.. obviously what happened here with wma files.. certainly didn't create them on linux ..21:01
PariahCan Anyone help21:01
usserFloatingApplets, just restart xorg, that happens sometimes21:01
FloatingAppletsok, I'll try21:02
ubuntu810one sec i will try to paste a screen shot for you21:02
Elmaronillumin8: I dunno about crunchbang linux, I only know debian eee pc works perfectly fine21:02
Elmaronbut it is based on debian _etch_21:02
Elmaronand etch is so old21:02
met_can anyone help me with getting my intel graphic card to run, I'm trying to install some drivers here: http://intellinuxgraphics.org/install.html... but I get the following error message http://pastebin.com/m151ccc83  how can I get dri2proto to the latest version...21:02
RussMPariah, I have no other suggestion, unfortunately. It worked for me, so I never had to dig deeper.21:02
illumin8Elmaron, crunchbang is a ubuntu based distro, they have a version specificly for eee21:03
IndyGunFreakcrunchbang will probably work fine on an eee.. i've had it on my AAO w/o problems, and they have very similar hardware21:03
illumin8indeed, im using it now21:03
illumin8extreamly fast.21:03
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dayo2Screen version 4.00.03 (FAU) 23-Oct-06. ubuntu 8.04. on an empty line when i repeatedly press Backspace of LeftArrow, i get:    g  g  g  g21:03
dayo2how can i get rid of that?21:03
Elmaronillumin8 how different is it from ubuntu?21:03
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felixsullaIs there any potential hazard with GRUB overwriting the windos installer?21:03
felixsullaOr windows startup I mean?21:04
NativeAngelsive installed vsftpd on my linux box but when dreamweaver goes to transfer files its getting permisons error how do i fix this21:04
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dayo2!grub | felixsulla21:04
ubottufelixsulla: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:04
ARCKEDAmet_: Pm.21:04
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IndyGunFreakfelixsulla: if you mean the windows master boot record, no, there's no real harm in it.21:04
HirogaAhh, ok I found the problem21:04
illumin8Elmaron, it uses openbox as a window manager instead of gnome, so its slightly diffirent but much more customizable. it comes preinstalled with most of the ubuntu restricted. (flash works out of the box(21:04
HirogaI shouldn't have run it with Sudo in the first place21:04
=== erik_ is now known as Guest49354
Elmaronillumin8 does it have ubuntu repositories for software?21:05
felixsullaI mean, if the machine has XP now, and you add Ubuntu as a dual boot option21:05
Elmarone.g. can I install kde 4.2?21:05
illumin8Elmaron, yes it is able to interface with the gnome-app-install (the add remove tool)21:05
Elmaronno, I mean what is the packaging base?21:05
felixsullaThis tutorial says grub overwrites the xp loader, and there is no way to get it back. Should I be concerned about taht?21:05
Elmaronapt-get again? and does it have the same repositories?21:05
jlevyAnyone familiar with php configuration on a ubuntu server LAMP install?21:05
illumin8Elmaron, ubuntu 8.1021:05
IndyGunFreakElmaron: if you want kde 4.2, why not just install kubuntu?  but yes,... you could install it on crunchbang (crunchbang is more or less ubuntu 8.10, with openbox gui)21:05
Elmaronand is KDE in those repositories?21:06
ElmaronIndyGunFreak: because ubuntu fails on eee?21:06
illumin8Elmaron, yes apt-get package.21:06
Elmaronat least that seems to be the case21:06
IndyGunFreakElmaron: in what manner?.. ubuntu 8.10 worked fine on my eee21:06
IndyGunFreakwhich eee do you ahve?21:06
illumin8Elmaron, you should join the crunchbang channel here they have one and could answer many questions21:06
ElmaronIndyGunFreak: I have 1000H and I just wanted to know if ubuntu also has the proper acpi drivers21:07
Guest49354Eeek! I've been battling this ubuntu problem for like a month! I could only login in failsafe mode and my .xsession-errors log says "Executing /usr/bin/gnome-session failed, will try to run x-terminal-emulator "fatal IO error 111"21:07
Elmaronand nobody here was able to answer... and illumin8 sounded a bit as if no21:07
PariahI've followed all the instructions correctly on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading for upgrade to 8.1021:07
IndyGunFreakElmaron: oh thats right.. sorry.21:07
HirogaThanks for the help guys21:07
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Guest49354This happened after upgrading to 8.1021:07
Pariahbut to no avail21:07
TiCPUis there a way to control fan speed on HP laptops?21:07
The_Joe_Exactly what does " sudo killall -9 peer " do (don't ask why)21:07
jlevyDoes anyone here use the zend sever debugger on an ubuntu LAMP server?21:07
Guest49354Is there a number I can call that will charge me to fix this? I really just want this problem fixed21:07
Pariahthe network upgrade was cancelled on an earlier occassion21:07
illumin8Elmaron, #crunchbang? been logging all night dont see you in the histrory?21:08
ubuntu810FedeUBS go here its the first setting under advanced:21:08
ugliefrogteamspeak way to complicated21:09
Guest49354I tried completely removing ubuntu-desktop, every package that starts with gnome-* and removed my graphics drivers, and I still could not log into gnome without failsafe! I need some help21:10
WunderbarI think I may have just had my first denial of service attack...:(21:10
FedeUBSI will triy it21:11
RussMWunderbar, Any chance you can create a new user and try logging in with that?21:11
the_dark_warrioI've chosen the Tango Icon pack, but the icons in Places top menu haven't changed. Any tips?21:11
Wunderbarhave done...21:11
Wunderbarmore than once..21:11
IndyGunFreakWunderbar: even cheap routers protect against that21:11
RussMWunderbar, Same on the new user, eh?21:11
Guest49354If I start failsafe terminal, I can then enter "gnome-session" and it'll start up fine, but according to .xsession-errors it was unable to start when I first logged in21:12
IzinucsGuest49354: do you have an Intel 8200 chipset board?21:12
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jlevyanyone familiar with "wrong ELF class" errors?21:12
Guest49354Izinucs: I am on an M1530 laptop21:13
Slartjlevy: sounds like you're trying to run something that is not compiled for your current system21:13
IzinucsGuest49354: k.. nevermind..21:13
Slartjlevy: like trying to run a 64bit binary or a 32bit system21:13
Pariahwhat should i do to upgrade to 8.10. An earlier network upgrade to 8.10 was cancelled. Now I cannot upgrade to 8.1021:13
PariahAnybody with solution21:13
IzinucsGuest49354: since you've removed all gnome- pkgs.. how about, from failsafe,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to make sure that everything is put back correctly?21:14
adaptrPariah: what do you mean that you "can't" upgrade21:14
Guest49354Izinucs: I did that and it didn't work21:14
Pariahadaptr. I don't get any upgrade notification21:14
IzinucsGuest49354: ok.. missed that part of the conversation..21:14
Pariahi don't get any 8.10 availabe21:15
jlevySlart: the error happens when I try to load the ZendDebugger.so php extension.  The version i downloaded is marked x86_64.  I am running Ubuntu 8.10 LAMP sever on a virtualbox vm21:15
Slartjlevy: are you running a 64 bit virtual system?21:15
PariahThis is happening since on an earlier occasion 8.10 network upgrade was cancelled21:15
adaptrPariah: so do it manually : sudo update-manager -c21:15
jlevySlart: I don't think so, how can I check?21:15
Slartjlevy: start a terminal in the vm, run "uname -a"21:16
EdSquareCatwhy does ubuntu load with so many kernel versions? (which one should i use?)21:16
Sajuukhey guys I wish to be able to connect to my ipod through ubuntu 8.10 server but it doesn't see the ipod, whats wrong?21:16
TommasaI saw an article on reddit the other day that explained a command I could pipe anything to to show a little progress bar in the console, but I can21:16
SlartEdSquareCat: depends on what you want to do with it21:16
PariahadaptR it's not working either21:16
Kingsy101can someone tell me how to run a .jar file on ubuntu?21:16
Tommasa't seem to find it... anyone know what it is?21:16
jlevySlart: i68621:16
Guest49354Izinucs: .xsession-errors says executing /usr/bin/gnome-session failed, gnome-terminal: Fatal IO error 111( connection refused) on X server :0.021:16
g0thI bought two Zyxel NWA570N wireless ap's to connect my appartment with another appartment on the opposite side of the street. The zyxel ap should be able to make 300 Mbit/s, but I would be ok with the g standard (54 Mbit/s). But at the moment I always have around 1 Mbit/s instead (not even 1/10th of 11Mbit/s). I also tried to set it up when I had both machines opposite to each other (1m). It never achieved great speed. We have quite a few aps21:16
RoastedTiresXEd - the most recent one, which is normally at the top. The reason they have multiple kernels is sometimes if you have problems iwth a newer kernel, the older kernel is in the list which gives you the abilitiy to boot to what works for you.21:16
SlartEdSquareCat: the regular desktop kernel is ok for most occasions21:16
PariahIt's showing your system is up to date21:16
SjimmieEdSquareCat: just pick the generic one and it will automatically select the correct kernel version21:16
Fallen[qa]blizzkid; Im back again hehe21:16
prince_jammysTommasa: pvm maybe21:16
Slartjlevy: then you have a 32 bit ubuntu system running in your vm.. so you should download a 32 bit version of that file21:16
prince_jammysTommasa: excuse me, 'pv'21:17
EdSquareCatgeneric one? there are just a bunch of different kernel versions to choose from.21:17
PariahI've chosen Normal Releases option for UPdates21:17
blizzkidwb Fallen[qa] any luck?21:17
Tommasaprince_jammys: Thanks21:17
FedeUBS1Ubuntu810, I've checked the bios and there is nothing21:17
Kingsy101can someone tell me how to run a .jar file on ubuntu?21:17
EdSquareCati chose the "highest" one and it just booted in text-mode. i chose another and it booted normally21:17
Slart!java | Kingsy10121:17
ubottuKingsy101: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository21:17
jlevySlart: that's what I thought, but the only version is x86_64, which seems like it should work for both21:17
ubuntu810you changed it from 200 MHz to auto ?21:17
Guest49354Kingsy101: -java -jar <jarfilename>21:17
FedeUBS1I can't21:17
Slartjlevy: it won't.. you can run 32 bit files on a 64 bit system.. not the other way around21:18
Guest49354Can someone help me get logging into gnome working?21:18
FedeUBS1send me the screen shot21:18
Guest49354I tried reinstalling ubuntu-desktop to no avail21:18
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raphaCan you help me get my Logitech QuickCam to work?21:18
jlevySlart: which would you dl? http://downloads.zend.com/pdt/server-debugger/21:18
Slart!webcam | rapha21:18
ubotturapha: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:18
usser_better get op now :)21:18
jlevySlart: i386?21:18
raphaThanks Slart21:18
mkokotovichHello everyone, does anyone know what the default sound server in 9.04 is going to be?21:19
Slartjlevy: one of the ones marked "i386"21:19
SjimmieEdSquareCat: all you need is this package -> linux-image-generic21:19
Slart!jaunty | mkokotovich21:19
usser_mkokotovich, still pulse yes21:19
ubottumkokotovich: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:19
jlevySlart: I'll give it a shot, thanks21:19
Slartmkokotovich: but I'm guessing pulseaudio21:19
g0thanother question: what could be a reason that rsync -rvP --size-only /dir/file /media/usbstick/file is over 5 times faster without "sudo" then it is _with_ "sudo" in front...21:19
SjimmieEdSquareCat: that will slect the right version and type of kernel21:19
Slartjlevy: you're welcome21:19
FedeUBS1I'll check again21:19
ubuntu810ok good luck21:19
raphaSlart: I got Logitech QuickCam Express, which uses module "qc-usb". The page you gave me says compile module yourself, but the link it gives does not work ... where should I take it from then?21:20
willy_hey guys, my wireless is not showing up how can i regain it21:20
kira\does openbox have 3d support for games like wow yet?21:20
Slartrapha: you'll need to find the original site for that module.. google might help21:20
raphakira\: openbox does not have to support them. it's not a question of the window manager.21:21
usser_kira\, what does openbox have to do with 3d21:21
Guest49354gnome sometimes makes me so sad21:21
hemimaniachello, im an ubuntu noob21:21
matrixsometimes i loose my sound on ubuntu i need to reboot and i get the sound back what is wrong with my pc21:21
raphaSlart: oh found it in Synaptic :)21:21
hemimaniacneed a wee bit of advice21:21
Slartkira\: virtualbox has some start for 3d support... it's only been available for a short time though.. only works with opengl also, I think21:21
RoastedTiresXmatrix - do you have two sound cards in your computer?21:21
IndyGunFreakhemimaniac: ask your question21:21
NativeAngelsive set up a ftp server on my linux box, and want to use dreamweaver to ftp files, it logs on fine, but then get a permision error how do i fix this21:21
matrixnope just one21:21
Slartrapha: even better =)21:21
kira\rapha, usser_, Slart: lol, sorry I meant virtualbox21:21
RoastedTiresXit may be an issue related to pulse audio, something I'm not too familiar with. I've only ahd trouble with it with multiple sound cards...21:22
kira\Slart: okay, thanks21:22
hemimaniacim using ubuntu 8.04 and id like to update the ktorrent version to 3.2, cant seen to find help in this area21:22
Sajuukhey guys I wish to be able to connect to my ipod through ubuntu 8.10 server but it doesn't see the ipod in /media/, whats wrong?21:22
Guest49354can someone help me be able to log into gnome without failsafe? I tried reinstalling ubuntu-desktop and every package starting with gnome-*21:22
blizzkidis anyone in here who's willing to create me a rtorrent binary for mips?21:22
Slartkira\: also, it's not available in the version from the repos.. you'll have to download it directly from the virtualbox site21:22
rdw200169hemimaniac, have you checked the PPA's on launchpad?21:22
Daniel_Give got a linux box that comes with some stupid custom kernel thats being a total pain in the ass, whats the easiest way to install a standard server kenel?21:22
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usser_kira\, oh virtualbox, i tried running max payne2, openarena a couple of other games, google earth all seem to work fine, cant say about perfomance penalty all those games are not that demanding21:22
kira\Slart: okay, thanks for the tip21:22
hemimaniach???? rdw20016921:22
raphakira\: i doubt it ... VMWare Workstation or even Player *might* work, I think both have an experimental 3D mode21:23
SlartDaniel_G: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic or something like that21:23
jlevySlart: that worked.  Given the amount of time I wasted using the wrong version, I feel pretty dumb.  Thanks again for your help!21:23
Kingsy101after I have installed something like openjdk-6-jre can I just double click on a .jar file and it will run?21:23
raphaSlart: But it doesn't compile :-(21:23
kira\usser_: okay, thanks. lol, ive tried everything for getting better linux fps in wow (I only get about 8, painfully slow), so virtual box is my last attemtp21:23
Daniel_GSlart: i thought as much, once ive done that do i need make any other changes? or will it boot into the new kernel on the next restart?21:23
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rdw200169hemimaniac, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=ktorrent21:23
usser_kira\, you have to run wow in opengl on wine, ie wine wow.exe -opengl21:24
matrixcat /proc/asound/modules21:24
matrix 0 snd_intel8x021:24
matrix 1 snd_mpu40121:24
prince_jammysg0th: maybe when you run as normal user some directories and files are skipped because you don't have read rights? i guess you'd see error messages21:24
Kingsy101hmmm has anyone got any pointers... I have just installed openjdk-6-jre how can I run a jar file?21:24
kira\usser_: I am :| Trust me, ive tried about everything21:24
Kingsy101double clicking it still just brings it up as a archive21:24
rdw200169hemimaniac, https://launchpad.net/~baudm/+archive/ppa/+build/877653 there's 3.221:24
usser_Kingsy101, right click on jar file open with type java -jar in the box21:24
erikccI need help logging into gnome without failsafe. Already tried reinstalling ubuntu-desktop and every package starting with gnome-*.21:24
SlartDaniel_G: you'll be able to select the new kernel when you reboot.. in the grub menu.. you might have to press esc while booting for it to show up21:24
Slartrapha: error messages?21:24
Xikkubdoes anybody have a dictionary file that contains REAL words from the dictionary21:25
Daniel_GSlart: its a server mate, i only have SSH access and no KVM21:25
icons-noobi've downloaded some icons from gnome look - and i'm struggling to install them even after googling.. could someone help?21:25
jriberikcc: create a new user.  Are you able to login with the new user?21:25
FedeUBSI don't have that option on my bios21:25
matrixsometimes i loose my sound on ubuntu i need to reboot and i get the sound back what is wrong with my pc21:25
FedeUBSubuntu810:  I don't have that option on my bios21:25
prince_jammyserikcc: did you change the permissions of any dotfiles in your homedir?21:25
SlartDaniel_G: then it's off to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and make sure it's setup right.. but usually it will boot the ne kernel by default21:25
Sajuukhey guys I wish to be able to connect to my ipod through ubuntu 8.10 server but it doesn't see the ipod in /media/, whats wrong?21:25
Xikkubi need a REAL dictionary file :(21:25
Kingsy101usser_ - I cant see that there21:25
Daniel_GSlart: yeah i figured, last time i tried that i broke the server :P21:26
Daniel_GSlart: cheers21:26
morphlesi have 8.04 and i want to upgrade to 8.10, but i have slow connection, and quite a lot of apps installed. is there a way to perform upgrade in parts or best using torrents, to be able to stop/continue package downloads since i dont want to keep my pc on for like 3 nights?21:26
jribXikkub: we need a REAL question to answer :)21:26
erikccI did not change permissions of any dot files and let me see if a new user is able to login21:26
Kingsy101usser_ - I have Open JDK Java 6 web start but that just asked for where I kept cache files and then did nothing21:26
Slartmorphles: download a iso file of 8.10 and use that to upgrade21:26
icons-noobwhere would i go to install new icons i've downloaded21:26
Xikkubdoes anybody have a dictionary file with REAL words from the dictionary excluding fake words21:26
Slartmorphles: you can download the iso using torrents if you want.. check the download page21:26
jribXikkub: what do you mean by "real" words...?21:26
usser_Kingsy101, in gnome right click on the file, there should be open with menu, click that in the new window theres a text field at the bottom type java -jar in that and press ok21:27
Xikkubjrib: the dictionary files i haev contain real words, but they also contain strange, not-real words like IGN and stuff21:27
Xikkubi need one that is just like the Merian dictionary used for scrabble or something21:27
Kingsy101usser_ - thanks :)21:27
morphlesSlart: yeach i have iso, bet the peroblems is i have lots of apps that are not in iso. when i upgraded from 7.<something> to 8.04 i had to download like >3Gbs, and now it probably would be even more21:27
IndyGunFreakicons-noob: is the icon pack a tar file?21:28
timahvo1Xikkub: you mean like aspell ?21:28
hemimaniacso rdw200169, i just take the commands from the text page and run them in terminal?21:28
ubuntu810FedeUBS ok then your bios is older them mine21:28
Xikkubisnt that just a program to spellcheck?21:28
ubuntu810mine is the GF8200A21:28
Slartmorphles: oh.. ok.. I see.. there are also dvd's available.. those contain even more packages.. not sure if that will help you21:28
Xikkubi need a plaintext doc that has each word on a different line. does apsell haev that21:28
icons-noobIndyGunFreak: Yes i extracted it into ~/.icons21:28
FedeUBSubuntu810:but, did you have the black window problem as me?21:28
ubuntu810yes i did before21:29
ubuntu810the max res i chould get was 1440x90021:29
rvnwhen i try to use kazahakase with webkit it will not load pages, and if i had already loaded a page with gecko and then switch, then refrehs, it crashes the browser21:29
SlartXikkub: I think spellchecks are a bit more advanced than that.. you have endings, plural/singular etc.. I've never really looked into it but I think spellcheckers use something more like a database21:29
icons-noobIndyGunFreak: would i go through the Art Manager?21:29
ubuntu810once i changed that bios setting i was able to get 1680x105021:29
Xikkubi never said i was making a dictionary21:29
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Xikkubi just need a dictionary TXT FILE that contains english words21:30
FedeUBSbut in another monitor I can reach 1440x90021:30
IndyGunFreakicons-noob:  you *usually*, don't even need to do that.... system/pref/appearance/theme tab.. drag the tar ball there, if all is well, it will say its installed, then clcik customize, then the icon tab, and see if the icons you added are there21:30
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FedeUBSwithout problems21:30
timahvo1Xikkub: I would guess there must be a db of words in aspell-en, aspell-de etc21:30
morphlesSlart: tjust befor release of 8.10 forrentfreak wronte an article about updating with torrents, but i thought maybe there was some official way for this, couse i dont really want to use scripts from that site, and they dont talk about stuff like donwload interuptions21:30
icons-noobIndyGunFreak: let me try that21:30
Xikkubi will download it and ttr21:30
OrsI am unable to play an ogg stream radio with Rhythmbox.  I can only play it with VLC. Any suggestion will be appreciated21:30
SlartXikkub: although there are word lists out there.. used for password checks etc.. but I've never seen anything in the repos so I guess you'd have to talk to mr google and see what you can find21:30
rvnwhen i try to use kazahakase with webkit it will not load pages, and if i had already loaded a page with gecko and then switch, then refrehs, it crashes the browser21:30
imaginativeonehow do I install mono?21:30
Xikkubive been searching but all the dictionarys are used for hacking and contain weird words21:30
Slartmorphles: there might be a way but I've never heard of it.. besides download the large iso-files, that is21:31
Xikkubi need a true dictionary :0 but i will look21:31
porter1imaginativeone, it is probably already instaled21:31
imaginativeoneporter1: thanks21:31
SlartXikkub: perhaps there are some language research sites out there.. those usually deal with counting words and such..21:31
icons-noobIndyGunFreak: It appeared to work then told me it failed21:31
IndyGunFreakimaginativeone: its probably in the repos, if its not already installed.21:31
icons-noobIndyGunFreak: its a .tar.bz221:32
ma5t3rw1ttI need some help. I made a ubuntu bootable usb stick using a tutorial over @ pendrivelinux.com. Well my first boot was fine, but my second boot to see if any changes were made after I did them, it keeps bringing me to a Ubuntu Busybox, does anyone know why this is. I really need some help with this. I would like to have a portable OS21:32
IndyGunFreakicons-noob: that shouldn't really matter, i've used them before no prob, i think it just depends how the tar file is written21:32
Xikkubslart: please read. i just need a file with WORDS. i am not making a program to count words and such21:32
timahvo1Xikkub: aspell-en has it installed at /usr/local/lib/aspell I think21:32
imaginativeoneIndyGunFreak: thanks21:32
rvnwhen i try to use kazahakase with webkit it will not load pages, and if i had already loaded a page with gecko and then switch, then refrehs, it crashes the browser21:33
erikccneed help logging into gnome without failsaife. Tried reinstalling ubuntu-desktop, every package starting with gnome-* and tried creating a new user to no avail21:33
guntbertXikkub: what are you really trying to accomplish?21:33
prince_jammyserikcc: what happened when you created a new user?21:33
jriberikcc: describe exactly what happens.21:33
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SlartXikkub: I didn't say you were.. but the language people might be =) perhaps they have some of their stuff online somewhere.. I know the swedish university in Göteborg has a language division that has all kinds of nice things online.. statistics for words, letters and such21:33
Xikkubi just need a text document with nearly every english word!21:34
Xikkubnothing fancy21:34
Xikkubyes, like a dictionary21:34
bruenigI hope your brute force attempt works21:34
ma5t3rw1ttCan someone plz help me out?21:34
guntbertXikkub: how is this a ubuntu-support problem?21:34
jribbruenig: note he only wants real words21:34
Xikkubim not bruteforcing >: o21:34
SajuukI wish to be able to connect to my ipod through ubuntu 8.10 server but it doesn't see the ipod, whats wrong?21:35
bruenigonly real words, hmm21:35
erikccNew user was created smoothly, I tried logging in with the new use and I get the error message that goes something like "failed to start ..... session, starting failsafe xterm in upper left window...". With the new user this command like terminal actually shows up, with my typical login it doesn't, if I type in "gnome-session" then it starts up fine21:35
guntbertXikkub: if it is not, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic21:35
SlartXikkub: looked here? http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/21:35
usser_wtf unixes had words file for ages!! where is it in ubuntu???21:35
Crewsr3_1I'm getting an error while trying to I am coping files from one ubuntu computer to another ubuntu computer on my network, the only details are "failure" is there away to get more information behind the failure? most of the file transfer with no problems21:36
rvnWhere can i get help regarding Kazehakase?21:36
jriberikcc: can you copy down the exact error?21:36
erikccjrib, sure, I'll do that and log back in, one sec21:36
jriberikcc: pastebin ~/.xsession-errors for the new user too21:36
bruenigXikkub: report back if your cracking works out21:36
Crewsr3_1I'm getting an error while trying to copy files from one ubuntu computer to another ubuntu computer on my network, the only details are "failure" is there away to get more information behind the failure? most of the file transfer with no problems _edit_21:37
erikccjrib: ok, one sec21:37
Slartrvn: google suggests http://kazehakase.sourceforge.jp/21:37
touchdownkidI just got Ubuntu, and I noticed my sound is really quiet, even at max it only sounds about half-way. What can I do to fix that?21:37
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hmwCrewsr3_1 check out "sudo less /var/log/syslog" and "sudo less /var/log/messages"21:37
Xikkubthank you for the sourceforge link. i think i have it21:37
Slarttouchdownkid: on board sound? Intel ICH chip?21:37
Xikkubthanks a ton, guys21:37
Slarthmw: you need sudo to read the syslog?21:37
hmwSlart not sure21:38
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Daniel_Gok ive just installed a new kernel via apt-get, the /boot/gub/menu.lst shows only the new kernel but it still boots into the old one. any suggestions?21:38
Slarttouchdownkid: I think it's a known problem.. not sure if it's a bug or something else.. afaik there not a lot you can do about it.. perhaps donate some money to whoever is working on the drivers21:38
SlartDaniel_G: did you run "sudo update-grub" ?21:39
RussMhmw, Slart not if you're in the adm group.21:39
SlartRussM: ahhh.. didn't think of that.. thanks21:39
touchdownkidAlright, I'll look around some more. Thanks.21:39
Daniel_GSlart: ah i just did and it looks positive, thanks i'll brb ;)21:39
avisma5t3rw1tt, there is a package in the repo that will make a bootable ubuntu drive from a ubuntu iso, i believe its "usb-creator"  does all the work for you21:40
guntbertRussM: how do the two things (adm and need to sudo) connect?21:40
RussMguntbert, If you're not in adm group, then you'd need to sudo in order to read /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages, because they're owned by root:adm and have permission set to be readable by only owner and group.21:41
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tomvolek_can anybody suggest a free web hosting site for a small web site ?21:42
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fearfultomvolek_, www.freewebs.com21:42
guntbertRussM: but if you are not in the adm group you cannot sudo root, can you?21:42
Slarttomvolek_: I heard people talking about that in #ubuntu-offtopic, try going there21:42
tomvolek_thanks all21:42
Slartguntbert: you could config sudo.. but not by default, afaik21:42
prince_jammysguntbert: yeah, you could if you were in the admin group but not in adm21:42
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RussMRussM, That depends on whether you've convigured sudo.21:42
erikccjribhere is all the info --> http://pastebin.com/m7d0b95721:42
Daniel_GSlart: i did that, and it gave back some info and specifically mentioned the new kernel, but alas it still boots into the old one...21:43
erikccjrib: Here is the error message I get when I first login wit the new user and what is in my .xsession-errors file -->  http://pastebin.com/m7d0b95721:43
guntbertprince_jammys, Slart: thx, those to similar names mixed my brain up :-))21:43
prince_jammysguntbert: on a single-user installation with only one sudoer, you wouldn't need to sudo21:44
SlartDaniel_G: if you check the menu.lst file, is it still pointing to the new kernel?21:44
jriberikcc: you haven't changed any files outside your /home?21:44
SlartDaniel_G: update-grub will change that file..you have to edit it at the right place21:44
Crewsr3_1hmw, thanks for the suggestions I did not see anything in the logs with the right time stamp.  I went and tryied to copy the files again and then opened the logs again and nothing new seems to be there....Any other ideas21:44
Daniel_GSlart: the menu.lst file *only* contains the new kernel, there is no mention of the old one in there at all21:44
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erikccjrib: I upgraded to the latest ubuntu when all this started, but I didn't personally change any. I messed with the xorg.conf file but I've since deleted it and reinstalled other drivers21:45
guntbertprince_jammys: in standard ubuntu?21:45
hmwCrewsr3_1 - besides filesys integrity check ...21:45
prince_jammysguntbert: in standard ubuntu, there's one sudoer, who is in the adm group by default21:45
amen51hi, has anybody used farsi/arabic/etc. in console? I need to have farsi support in mutt, the bidirectional thing works out well using fribdi, but character shaping is not21:45
RussMCrewsr3_1, how are you copying the files?21:45
SlartDaniel_G: well.... then I don't really know..  afaik there are no other secret settings.. perhaps reinstall grub?21:46
guntbertprince_jammys: exactly, so this one has still to sudo :) (my brain is not *that* mixed up ;-))21:46
Crewsr3_1RussM, hmw I'm using Nautilus and have a sftp connection from the computer I'm on to the other ubuntu computer21:46
prince_jammysguntbert: huh?21:47
Daniel_GSlart: http://pastebin.com/d7e6b36f - can you have a look and tell me if theres anything wrong with that?21:47
SensaeI borked my X system. What is the default open source drivers for nvidia cards?21:47
RussMCrewsr3_1, Ah, OK, sftp. I haven't used sftp much.21:47
erikccjrib: it's been one wild goose chase after another trying to find the solution on google.21:47
hmwCrewsr3_1 - simple things like enough free space, loose cable, did you try again? uhm...21:47
jriberikcc: what ubuntu version are you on now?21:47
hmwCrewsr3_1 i dont really know, how to track this down21:48
RussMCrewsr3_1, I think last time I had to do that I used rsync21:48
erikccjrib: the latest one 8.10 I believe21:48
SlartDaniel_G: it looks correct to me.21:48
jriberikcc: what does « lsb_release -c » return?21:48
Crewsr3_1hmw, RussM what is the CLI way to check for enough disk space, I have a ssh into the box21:48
usser_Sensae, nv21:48
hmwCrewsr3_1 maybe problems with character set and some files containing strange chars21:48
usser_Crewsr3_1, du -h21:48
RussMCrewsr3_1, df would be a good start.21:48
DanielCardf = disk free21:48
guntbertprince_jammys: I'm afraid we are drifting off topic - and its not so important, anyway you were correct in pointing me to the difference between adm and admin groups21:48
usser_Crewsr3_1, du -h /path21:49
erikccjrib: it returns "intrepid"21:49
Sensaeusser_: ty, fixed it21:49
RussMCrewsr3_1, df will show you how full each filesystem is.21:49
erikccjrib: it returns "Codename:       intrepid"   to be exact21:49
jriberikcc: have you ever been able to login on intrepid?21:49
erikccjrib: At first I was, then when I upgraded nvidia drivers is when this happened21:50
Daniel_GSlart: ffs, it seems the machine has both grub and lilo installed, and its boots off lilo21:50
Crewsr3_1hmw, RussM the drive is full, thanks for your help!21:50
touchdownkidFixed my sound problem.21:50
erikccjrib: I think it asked me at one point if I wanted to stop using xorg-config or have it automatically managed or something like that. I thought this was a new cool thing in Intrepid so I said yes21:51
DanielCarIs there a doc page that says what is the best way to udpate to a later version of a piece of software?  I would like to update to a later version of subversion.  Currently it is 1.5.1, Jaunty is at 1.5.4  Suggestions?21:51
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hmwCrewsr3_1 lol. at least you got a (hopefully) easy solution21:51
psywipedhi linux people21:51
SlartDaniel_G: hehe.. weird but I guess it's possible.. reinstall grub then.. or config lilo21:51
Crewsr3_1hmw, you can never have to much disk space, thanks for your help!21:52
psywipedtap tap tap "is this thing on?"21:52
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Slartpsywiped: yes.. just ask your question21:52
Droopsta915t tool should I use to place a clear blue color over a picture in gimp?21:52
jussi01psywiped: yes, can we help you with something?21:52
Slart!hi | psywiped21:52
ubottupsywiped: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:52
psywipedhow do i make the super key act like a modifer insted of just another key21:53
Slartpsywiped: there are lots of settings in system, preferences, keyboard, layout, layout options21:53
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jriberikcc: well if you get to the gdm screen I doubt it's an X issue21:54
erikccjrib: Since I reinstalled every gnome-* package and ubuntu-desktop, I figure this problem is caused by something that persists outside of gnome21:54
WaelwulfI'm troubleshooting an Ubuntu install for a friend of mine. He runs a different network manager than what's included in the usual Ubuntu. It's just called "Network" in his menu. Is there anyone here that can identify the package name for the manager (not NetworkManager) and tell me if it supports wpa-supplicant?21:54
Wunderbarso it appears it wasn't a denial of service attack21:55
Wunderbari was just paranoid21:55
Daniel_GSlart: so i should be save in removing lilo and then reinstalling grub? that wont break the machine?21:55
thx1138ubuntu and dial, i have a usb serial modem? us robotics? any special condciderations?21:55
SlartDaniel_G: unless that special kernel is needed somehow it should be fine21:55
Daniel_GSlart: cheers21:55
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thx1138paranoid? LOL welcome to my computing world LOL21:56
erikccjrib: X issue or not, I just want this problem gone.21:56
psywipedso how do i adujust the windos key in ubuntu 8.10 to make it act like it doesn in windows like hiting windows+L to lock the screen?21:56
erikccjrib: it's been so annoying for so long :-(21:56
erikccjrib: I'm at the point where I'm willing to pay to have it fixed21:57
Slartpsywiped: xmodmap perhaps.. not sure what to type though.. but I think it's possible21:57
marko-_-how do i find a zombie process ?21:57
jriberikcc: well try using the nv driver instead of nvidia just to see if it makese a difference21:58
Slartmarko-_-: top will list them I think21:58
marko-_-top just tells me21:58
marko-_-1 zombie process21:58
psywipedset out brains and see what shows up21:58
guntbertpsywiped: use xev to find the key-code21:58
erikccjrib: I tried removing all the drivers and running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg which pretty much does that, right? that didn't work21:58
imaginativeonedoes anyone program with monodevelop?21:58
erikccjrib: I can use the nvidia drivers fine even under failsafe21:59
thx1138i have a netbook acer, anyone tried ubu on it, i'm thinking of giving it a wack21:59
jriberikcc: if nvidia gets used during failsafe, then you didn't set it to use nv, no?21:59
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psywipedthx1138 yea it works on it22:00
erikccjrib: that was after, at one point I had nvidia drivers completely removed from my system and even under the crappy resolution that resulted, the problem persisted22:00
C-S-BThx1138: I'm running ubuntu on my acer aspire one.22:00
teaguycool deal22:00
NativeAngelshow do i create a ftp user in ubunut22:00
queixumealgún galego?22:00
jriberikcc: how did you upgrade?22:00
teaguywell i actually ordered it's on it's way, but  cool,22:01
psywipedinstall open ssh native22:01
psywipedwhat is xev and how do i use it?22:01
teaguyshould be here by wed.22:01
erikccjrib: I went to "system" and there was a nifty new tool for that. I didn't just change the names to "interpid" in the sources list22:01
NativeAngelspsywiped ive installed a ftp server but when i go to transfer files to the public_html folder keep geting permisions error22:01
jriberikcc: do you have kde installed?  If so does that work without issue?22:02
CaMasonNativeAngels: check who owns it22:02
psywipedyea you have to chmod it22:02
teaguyi'm excited it's a neat little book22:02
NativeAngelsits my linux box22:02
erikccjrib: I don't have kde installed22:02
psywipedthink its 777 native22:02
NativeAngelsive setup 2 users on it22:02
guntbertpsywiped: xev is a little program to show x-events, you start it from the terminal22:02
NativeAngelshow do i do that22:02
gnosisistichello :)22:02
NativeAngelswhat command22:02
gnosisistichas anyone seen any CD boot issues when installing ubuntu 8.10?22:03
C-S-Bteaguy, you may need to do a bit of configuring, but it's working swell, just make sure you stop power manager dimming the scren :)22:03
C-S-Bteaguy, the bios does it better22:03
erikccjrib: any more ideas? :-(22:03
NativeAngelspsywiped how do i set the 777 to a user then22:03
psywipednative right click on the folder and change the permissions22:03
teaguyaah wow thanks for the tip :D22:04
gnosisisticlinux+laptop guides seem straight forward, but my CD wont boot the live system and will not install either... the cd room boots to the install screen, but will not do anything when i select the Live boot or installation22:04
NativeAngelsfrom the shell22:04
NativeAngelsnot the desktop22:04
queixumegora eta22:04
psywipedsftp in to root native22:04
C-S-BI'm using a different network card in mine, as you'll have to swap the driver for the wifi that is auto loaded for madwifi22:04
teaguywill do it C-S-B ty :)22:04
psywipednative what program are you using?22:04
siduxSIDUX RULES22:04
C-S-BI'm using a broadcom with b43, hacks wep wifi good :022:05
guntbertgnosisistic: are you sure the iso wasn't damaged?22:05
teaguyoh ok that's good to know22:05
gnosisisticyes, the checksum was fine22:05
NativeAngelsim using vsftpd22:05
* teaguy writes this down22:05
jriberikcc: not really.  Tried disabling compiz?22:05
gnosisisticim having this issue on 3 separate laptops -- 2 dells, and 1 HP22:05
siduxubuntu = buggy sidux = smooth22:05
erikccjrib: yes :-(22:05
NativeAngelsbut im using dreamweaver to transfer the file22:05
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NativeAngelsit logs on fine but wont allow the file to be transfered22:05
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psywipednative you should be able to right click on the folder and get a option for preffrences22:06
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gnosisisticguntbert: those replies were for you :)22:06
guntbertgnosisistic: maybe a bad burn, then?22:06
raboofin ubiquity, can i skip the 'prepare partitions' step?22:06
erikccjrib: I guess I'll have to reinstall all of ubuntu again from scratch. I won't upgrade again, I'll always just do a clean install22:06
gnosisisticyeah, i had similar problems trying to boot Knoppix 622:06
raboofit doesn't seem to work (doesn't show partitions), and I already have a partition ready22:06
C-S-Bteaguy,  theres a whole community page on the acer one, I suggest you read it to get the best out of it.22:06
jriberikcc: incidentally, are you up to date with your packages?22:06
gnosisisticguntbert: ill try reburning the image with a different computer22:07
erikccjrib: yes, I do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade all the time22:07
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NativeAngelsis it chmod 77722:07
cyrus__questin, when you type in a command at shell that isn't found, it will sometimes tell you what package to apt-get install to get that program. How is that done? Was a code change made to Bash or is it something that you can dynamically change (ie: add additional features if you like)22:07
jriberikcc: and right now, no more updates?22:07
psywipednative its chmod 77522:07
guntbertgnosisistic: good idea, btw you can check the CD from the menu too22:07
oHnoezHi people22:08
guntbert!who | psywiped22:08
ubottupsywiped: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:08
rewtcyrus__, it's an additional shell script22:08
erikccjrib: nope22:08
oHnoezWhy Grub gives a Error identifieng win7 ??22:08
psywipedbad bot bad22:08
oHnoezyeah. i`ve lost my mbr when i tryed to install mac os x22:09
jriberikcc: do you have the -proposed repositories enabled?22:09
teaguyheading there now C-S-B, thanks again :)22:09
cyrus__rewt: do you have any more details. Basically I was looking to add my own feature where if you say type the filename of a mp3 file, it launches off the mp3 player for it22:09
oHnoezand i`ve had to install ubuntu for restore-it22:09
cyrus__rewt: how is this additional shell script called when you type a command that isn't found22:09
guntbertpsywiped: there is noone around with a nich 'native'22:09
rewtcyrus__, i came across it a couple days ago, lemme see if i can find it again22:09
Carstairsdoes it ever get wuiet in here?22:09
erikccjrib_ let me see22:09
C-S-Bteaguy, I should be about here over the next week, give me a message when ever I'll try to help if needed.22:09
unopcyrus__, it's actually a python script using a bash hook .. have a look at the source for command-not-found22:10
cyrus__rewt: thanks22:10
psywipedthat may be but i was talking to NativeAngels and native is a shortcut because no one else in here has that in ther SN22:10
unop!info command-not-found | cyrus__22:10
ubottucommand-not-found (source: command-not-found): Suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions. In component main, is standard. Version 0.2.26ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 104 kB22:10
guntbert!ask | Carstairs, no its always so22:10
ubottuCarstairs, no its always so: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:10
fearfulsince I moved to using xscreensaver everytime I sleep the computer won't lock when it comes back how can I get it to lock?22:10
teaguyok i will, i hope to be here :)22:10
gnosisisticguntbert: for some reason, none of the menu options work.  the drive spins up and the light comes on, but then it dies down22:11
gnosisisticthe help pages and function keys work, and im able to type additional boot parameters22:11
guntbertpsywiped: type nati <tab>, its shorter :)22:11
HuufartedQuestion about partitions:  Hard drive with 80 GB NTFS, 70 GB Ext3, and 300+ GB FAT32.  I want to drop the FAT32 and resize the Ext3 to fill the rest of the drive however there's an 8 GB recovery partition that would have to be moved.  I am not TOO attached to the recovery partition, but would it instead be possible to shove that partition to the end of the drive and then expand  out the Ext3?22:11
Huufartedsorry for the block-o-text22:11
gnosisisticbut they dont have an effect once the cd/dvd drive shuts down :(22:11
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TommasaI'm trying to cp -a my /home directory to a USB drive with pv so that I know it's working properly, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it work. It copies properly, but pv just sits there.   Can someone tell what the right syntax would be to do that?22:12
guntbertgnosisistic: the you will have to try a slow burn/on another machine/... :(22:12
cyrus__unop: do you know of a site that lists any additional bash hooks (if there are any)22:13
erUSULTommasa: pv works on pipes cp -a does not create a pipe... how are you invoquing the two programs ?22:13
prince_jammysTommasa: pv apparently works with pipelines. cp doesn't produce output22:13
bobbob1016how would I make a script that takes a file and a string for inputs, and then uses them internally?  I want to make an scp script and call it like "scpscript foo.bar /path/on/remote/machine"22:13
CarstairsI have installed new version of ubuntu and now my open arena is playing up. I play in windowed mode and it is too dark to play. In full screen it is washed out. Any ideas? It worked fine on earlier version.22:13
guntbertpm | oHnoez22:14
ArancaytarHi. I'm in a bit of a pickle. I set my screen resolution to something too high, and now I can't get into the desktop. How can I reset my resolution in the shell? Thanks... :/22:14
fearfulsince I moved to using xscreensaver everytime I sleep the computer won't lock when it comes back how can I get it to lock?22:14
guntbert!pm | oHnoez22:14
ubottuoHnoez: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:14
gnosisisticguntbert: gotcha.  thanks for the slow-speed recommendation :)  ill brb -- trying that22:14
Tommasaprince_jammys: Ok... is there another way I could do that?22:14
prince_jammysTommasa: you can maybe use rsync if you'd like to see progress bars22:14
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bobthefishhello. I am having a sound problem. I had to reformat, and no sound is working at all. I followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 as i did in the past, and it didnt work this time22:14
guntbertgnosisistic: good luck22:14
Tommasaprince_jammys: Thanks22:14
x2ohow do i do i update from hardy to intrepid?22:14
Fallen[q]Anyone know of a good Ndiswrapper tutorial?22:14
rewtcyrus__, type "set"... you can probably add to that command_not_found_handle sub22:15
C-S-Bx2o, easily22:15
fearfulx2o, open the software sources in the System Preferences menu22:15
Droopsta915How can I make Rhythm box play the songs in numerical order?22:15
unopTommasa, you could use it like this with tar tho.   (cd somewhere && tar cf - .) | pv .... | (cd elsewhere && tar xf -)22:15
fearfulx2o, Administration*22:15
Fallen[q]Anyone know of a good Ndiswrapper tutorial?22:15
psywipednope fallen your boned22:16
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ArancaytarHi. I'm in a bit of a pickle. I set my screen resolution to something too high, and now I can't get into the desktop. How can I reset my resolution in the shell? I have to use ircii right now, so please be patient with me. Thanks... :/22:16
homeskillin vista can i just open explorer and type '\\<ip of ubuntu>' to share files, since ubuntu is on my network?22:16
erUSULTommasa: use two tar commands... something like « tar cf - /home/$USER | pv | (cd /media/disk && tar xBf -)22:16
fearfulx2o, Administration*22:16
Fallen[q]psywiped; Awesome22:16
fearfulsince I moved to using xscreensaver everytime I sleep the computer won't lock when it comes back how can I get it to lock?22:16
C-S-Bx2o, just set in software sources what kind of upates to accept22:16
rewtcyrus__, it's in /etc/bash.bashrc22:16
TommasaerUSUL: Thanks22:16
C-S-Bunder the updates tab22:16
C-S-Bits set by default to only update LTS releases22:17
psywipedwhy is a LTS better?22:18
bobthefishI cant get audio to work after a format. I did the PulseAudio fix (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578) and it didnt help at all22:18
spozenhey how do i check for dependencies, before installing a package?22:18
Iceman_B^Ltophow can I mount a dir from my Ubuntu system into Windows XP ?22:18
psywipedspozen it tells you22:18
Seveasspozen, apt-cache depends packagename_here22:18
bobthefishspozen: it should do it automatically with synaptric22:18
rdw200169Waelwulf, gnome-network-admin is the package22:18
spozenah thanks22:19
psywipedice man look up ext3 for windows22:19
rewtIceman_B^Ltop, you need samba to share your dir22:19
psywipediceman is it the same system or a remote cliant?22:19
rewtheh, that'd be a good q to ask :)22:19
bobthefishanyone mind helping he repair (the very broken) pulse audio on my system? I get no audio output at all22:19
Iceman_B^Ltoppsywiped: remote22:20
RussMpsywiped, I think it only defaults to "LTS Release Only" for upgrades if you fresh install on an LTS release. I guess the thought is that if you installed an LTS, then stability is what you want. When I installed a non-LTS release from scratch, it set the default to "Normal Releases"22:20
rewtremote = samba22:20
Iceman_B^Ltopive got another box with 8.10 (normal) running somewhere in a dark room22:20
psywipediceman in termanal22:20
psywiped"apt-get install samba"22:20
Iceman_B^Ltopdid that already22:20
Iceman_B^Ltopbut, where do I go now ?22:21
guntbert!ask | oHnoez22:21
ubottuoHnoez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:21
Iceman_B^LtopI want to make like 5 GB free and share that with all my housemates here22:21
Iceman_B^Ltopthey all have WinXP clients22:21
unjusticeanyone here know how to setup RAID 1 after installation?22:21
psywipediceman its all right clicking from there22:22
unjusticeI have 3 hard drives...trying to figure out how to setup a RAID 122:22
rdw200169Waelwulf, here's where the file is that explains how to use wpasupplicant w/ /etc/network/interfaces: /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes.gz22:22
NativeAngelsis this right to change the permisions of i directory users can ftp to it > chmod 775 -r /home/username/public_html is this right22:22
psywipedunjustice raid one is for 2 dirves22:22
kavehhi all22:22
Iceman_B^Ltoppsywiped: I'm not vncing to the Ubuntu machine, if thats what you assume22:23
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kavehi have an external usb hd i get input/output error i can not mount it22:23
Iceman_B^Ltopim working on my laptop(XP pro) right now, can I do it from within windows? or do I need to configure something in Samba?22:23
psywipedNativeAngels looks right i tend to change premmison in my ftp cliant tho22:23
unjusticepsywiped: I know, I want two of them to have RAID 1 mirror...but only one is setup22:23
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: You'll need to configure your samba.. I mine to allow un-authenticated access, as a specific user, and set a disk quota for that user.22:24
psywipedunjustice do you have 3 drives or 422:24
kavehany one22:24
RussMunjustice, I dunno if this is the most recent, but... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40846122:24
Iceman_B^LtopMoTec: alright, I'll take a look at the documentation22:24
unjusticepsywiped: I have 3 now, and a 4th one that I have not put into the comp yet22:24
bobthefishkaveh: you most likely wont get a response here22:24
Zloggerhi guys, is there a way to tile windows in gnome?22:24
Iceman_B^Ltopim such a noob with linux :)22:25
bobthefishIve been asking about an issue 2 and im ignored22:25
kavehbobthefish: where should i ask22:25
Iceman_B^Ltopbobthefish: not nessecarily true, but if nobody is answering, then they dont know, msot likely22:25
rvnsup, i love gnome, but hate the gnome logo. i'd like to replace it or remove it from it's position in the top right of most windows (specifically nautilus and epiphany), how could i go about this22:25
fearfulmy computer not prompting for password after awakening from suspend any ideas, I already checked the gconf and all seemed correct22:25
bobthefishkaveh: no idea, but try www.ubuntuforums.org22:25
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sebsebsebIceman_B^Ltop: what do you want help with?22:25
Iceman_B^Ltopsamba, but i'll take a look at the docs22:26
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: This is a good reference: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260522:26
Iceman_B^Ltopmy initial question was answered22:26
Jordan_Ukaveh, Can you pastebin the output from "dmesg" ?22:26
Iceman_B^Ltopoh, thanks again MoTec22:26
Fallen[q]Anyone willing to help me get ndiswrapper up and running?22:26
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: it shows the samba.conf and some settings like force user = whatever, force group = whatever, etc..22:26
psywipediceman i a little confused at what your trying to do22:26
Jordan_UFallen[q], What chipset is your wireless card?22:26
MoTecpsywiped: he's trying to setup a public samba share with a 5gb quota.22:27
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; how would I find that? I had it written down but lost the notecard >_<22:27
psywipedmotec but he was saying hes on xp22:27
kavehJordan_U: yeah just as ec22:27
MoTecthe clients are xp22:27
Iceman_B^Ltopyeah, the share needs to be accesible from WinXP machines22:27
Iceman_B^Ltoppreferably automagically mounted, if that is possible22:27
psywipediceman whats the server runing22:28
MoTecyeah, xp will remember the connection.. it helps that the share is unauthenticated.22:28
Iceman_B^LtopUbuntu 8.10, the Live CD install22:28
psywipediceman is it just a standerd ubuntu desktop or is it the server?22:28
Jordan_UFallen[q], It would be in the output of lspci ( don't paste the whole output, it would flood the channel, if you need help finding the chipset in the output use pastebin )22:28
Iceman_B^Ltopbut ive installed openssh server and samba packages22:28
MoTecnano /etc/samba.conf and get busy :)22:29
psywipediceman you need to select a folder to share on the ubuntu system22:29
kavehJordan_U: http://rafb.net/p/NkSSMo13.html22:29
MoTeccp /etc/samba.conf /etc/samba.conf.original first :)22:29
psywipedand with ssh you can just sftp in to it iceman22:29
MoTecyeah, he wants a windows share, tho22:30
Iceman_B^Ltopyeah, its easier that  way22:30
Iceman_B^Ltopalso, I dont have a screen hooked up to the ubuntu system22:30
psywipedsftp ftw22:30
Iceman_B^Ltoponly a UTP :)22:30
oHnoezplease help me with grub. Why does it give Can`t identify Device when i select Win7 ?22:30
Jordan_Ukaveh, Are you sure it's not a hardware problem?22:30
bobthefishok, so i dont have sound right? no playback at all. i Followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 but it did nothing. what the hell am i suppost to do?22:30
Mike_921How can I go about overriding an IP address with Ubuntu, back when I was in Windows I would do it at C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, however I've tried /etc/hosts and it didn't work for me. Is there something I'm missing?22:30
psywipeddam iceman reinstall it as a server verson much easer22:31
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: I have an ubuntu server doing just that for 5 lawyers, heh..22:31
unjusticeRussM: have you setup RAID before?22:31
MoTeca public share they all.. um, share.22:31
Iceman_B^Ltoppsywiped: ah, yeah, but Its running now already, and I like having a GUI as backup, should I really need to get into the machine locally or whatever22:32
RussMunjustice, software RAID, yes, I had a RAID1 for a while, just got some more disks and now I'm using a RAID5. I don't boot off of it, though, I just use it as a large storage for all my photos.22:32
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.22:32
homeskillwhy does the /etc/sudoers file say it MUST be edited with the visudo command as root. cant i just 'sudo vim /etc/sudoers'?22:32
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: check out ebox :)22:32
Iceman_B^LtopI managed to get xforwaring working with xming as well so yeah, I'll stck with this for now22:32
Iceman_B^Ltopthanks though22:32
ZloggerMike_921: you went about it the right way if you are trying to force a domain to a specific IP22:32
bobthefishwell, thanks for nothing everyone! bye!22:32
Iceman_B^Ltopah yes, I was in the middle of ebox, but got distracted, heh22:32
MoTecI tunnel the webmin (yeah, don't use webmin, use ebox) thru ssh, currently.. it's awesome.22:32
psywiped1bobthefish have you have you checked the prefrences settings and made sure that the voulme is turned up?22:33
ZloggerMike_921: sometimes my POS router will cache and that override doesnt work22:33
fearfulmy computer not prompting for password after awakening from suspend any ideas, I already checked the gconf and all seemed correct22:33
Fallen[q]how do I find my adapter chipset through my lspci output?22:33
Zloggernot exactly sure why though22:33
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homeskillis ebox free22:33
oHnoezWhy does GRUB give a Can`t identify Device error when i select Win7 ?22:33
psywipedmotec how is ebox ive heard that webmin opens a lot of hackables22:33
Zloggerpsywiped: webmin just Sux in general22:33
Mike_921Zlogger: I'm trying to force an IP onto another IP, but it didn't work for me.22:34
MoTeci've not tried ebox.. i use webmin... but webmin is depreciated in ubuntu and we should use ebox instead. :)22:34
Fallen[q]how do I find my adapter chipset through my lspci output?22:34
psywipedyea gave webmin a try but didnt find it that usable would love to get cpannel on it but herd thats not supported22:34
MoTeci do my maintenance using a shell, tho.22:34
ZloggerMike_921: shoot, im not sure then ;/22:34
MoTecwebmin with the stressfree theme is nice, heh.22:35
Iceman_B^Ltopoh, nano, I forgot I need to learn that as well22:35
Iceman_B^Ltopgrowing up with windows ftl :p22:35
Mike_921Zlogger: Okay, thanks anyway.22:35
psywipedyea ebox is free from what i was22:35
psywipedyea ebox is free from what i saw22:35
Jordan_UFallen[q], "Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)" is the line concerning your card22:35
fearful!flood psywiped22:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flood psywiped22:35
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: it's simple.. just read it's bottom two lines :)22:35
fearful!flood | psywiped22:35
ubottupsywiped: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:35
fearfulmy computer not prompting for password after awakening from suspend any ideas, I already checked the gconf and all seemed correct22:36
psywipedfu fearful i was just croecting a miss type22:36
mike3hey, question guys. I just updated to the newest version of Ubuntu but when I go to System/About Ubuntu it's showing the old information...22:36
psywipedmike did you restart yet?22:36
mike3psywiped: yes... It says i'm using Hardy 8.0422:37
Jordan_UFallen[q], It looks like that card should be supported without ndiswarpper, why do you think you need ndiswrapper?22:37
mike3That's not the newst right?22:37
Cpudan80mike3: what did you upgrade from?22:37
psywipedno 8.10 is22:37
mike3Cpudan80: The updater in Ubuntu22:37
Mike_921mike3: He means what version of Ubuntu did you upgrade from22:37
Cpudan80yes but what version were you at before you ran the upgrader22:37
fearfulmike3, he ment what you had before the upgrade22:37
psywipedmike3 what verson of ubuntu were you upgradeing from22:37
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; Myself and Blizzkid have been going at it for quite awhile on possible solutions and after everything failed we figured that would be the problem22:38
* Cpudan80 hears an echo22:38
oHnoezWhy does GRUB give a Can`t identify Device error when i select Win7 ?22:38
mike3Cpudan80: I have no idea. :) To be honest...22:38
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Cpudan80mike3: run the upgrader again, it'll get Intrepid since you're now at Hardy22:38
Iceman_B^Ltopcan I get nano in colors via putty ?22:38
psywipedmike shoud check that lts isnt selected22:39
Cpudan80you have to step through all the intermediate released (unless you go from 6.06 to 8.04)22:39
homeskilli think putty handles its own colors22:39
mike3Cpudan80: I did and it says my system is completely updated22:39
Jordan_UFallen[q], Can you not see any wireless networks, not connect to them, etc. What isn't working22:39
homeskillive gotten vim in color in putty22:39
wolteri installed a non-ubuntu compat-wireless because my m1530 was failing.. it gave system stalls with blinking lights. So, I compiled and installed one but now I can't use it.22:39
Cpudan80mike3: since Interpid is not an LTS release, you cant see it in hardy22:39
Cpudan80!upgrade | mike322:39
ubottumike3: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:39
dkgCan I use ntldr as my boot loader? if so how?22:39
RussMIceman_B^Ltop, I get "ls" output in color, so I would expect nano could use color, too.22:39
Cpudan80mike3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades22:40
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: I've not seen any color in nano.. like color-coding for sourcecode22:40
Iceman_B^Ltopmonochrome here though22:40
Iceman_B^Ltopno matter22:40
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; I had been able to connect to my Wireless network while using the LiveCD but after installing I was and still not able to connect to my network. Aswell as WICD can not identify any22:40
MoTecI've never seen nano do any color22:40
fearfulCpudan80, not even if he chooses Normal Update not Long Term Support?22:40
Cpudan80fearful: well yes that is what he has to do22:40
MoTecmy irssi does color and bold.. as does my prompt and my ls22:40
psywipedfearful were not sure he did22:40
Cpudan80fearful: by default it is set to LTS only22:41
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: you know about 'screen' yet?22:41
Jordan_UFallen[q], That's odd, can you pastebin the output of "iwlist scan" and "lsmod" ?22:41
MoTecSince you're apparently going to use ssh :)22:41
Mike_921How can I go about overriding an IP address with with another IP in Ubuntu, back when I was in Windows I would do it at C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, however I've tried /etc/hosts and it didn't work for me. Is there something I'm missing?22:41
fearfulCpudan80, yea I thought so22:41
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; of course22:41
RussMIceman_B^Ltop, vim and xemacs certainly are in color in putty.22:41
mike3Cpudan80: okay cool i'm upgrading now.22:42
psywipedmike_921 are you trying to change where one ip address sends you to?22:42
dkghow do I use windows ntldr instead of grub? or have ntldr load grub as an option?22:42
fearfulpsywiped, did you read my pm?22:42
Cpudan80mike3: great, have fun! :-P22:42
psywipedyea its cool fearful22:42
mike3Cpudan80: are you being sarcastic?22:42
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m30a29a8722:42
Cpudan80mike3: lol well... take it as you will22:42
fearfulI'm having troubles finding where to get this prompt for password on awake, I changed from gnome-screensaver to xscreensaver and no password now any ideas?22:43
Mike_921psywiped: I think, I'm trying to connect to a server through a port but I want to override the IP of the server to another server with the same port.22:43
psywipedmike-921 you just made my head hurt22:43
Jordan_UFallen[q], I assume that if there is a wireless switch on your laptop it is set to on / enabled ?22:43
Cpudan80fearful: system --> prefs --> screensaver --> Lock screen when active22:44
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; I believe it is22:44
fearfulCpudan80, that's the problem I stopped gnome-screensaver from running, I'm running xscreensaver as default now22:44
Iceman_B^LtopMoTec: yea, ive played with screen before22:44
Mike_921psywiped: okay well let's say that it what I'm trying to do, how would I go about doing that?22:45
Iceman_B^LtopMoTec: only used irssi in screen though22:45
Jordan_UFallen[q], Can you try booting from the oldest kernel in your grub menu ( which would be the one that the LiveCD used ) ?22:45
psywipedmike im still not sure what your trying to do22:45
Cpudan80fearful: ehhh no idea22:45
RussMMike_921, Are you trying to change the IP address that a name resolves to?22:45
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
murphydactylHi I am getting weird redraw problems in hardy after installing latest nvidia driver (180.29). Gnome menus hilite but then don't unhilite.   Anybody know what's up?22:46
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; 3 are listed, any way I can tell which one that would be?22:46
Jordan_UFallen[q], It would be the one farthest down the list that does not say "recovery"22:47
psywipedi like the os loader that windows uses is that bad?22:47
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; including the one with memtest at the end?22:47
Jordan_UFallen[q], No22:47
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; Ok, be right back22:48
Iceman_B^Ltophow can I tell what services are running?22:48
Iceman_B^Ltopor, daemons22:48
wolter-ubuntu810can somebody help me with this? http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download#DownloadlatestLinuxwirelessdrivers22:49
McShaneIceman_B^Ltop: try htop22:49
Mike_921RussM: I'm not really sure. Let's say I can connect to and I can want to connect to by overriding
Mike_921and I want to*22:50
Iceman_B^Ltopwell actually, I want to check if a specific service is running; ebox, samba and any webserver that ebox might have installed22:51
RussMMike_921, I think you'd need to write some iptables rules to do that...22:51
Mike_921RussM: How could I do that?22:51
psywipedmike_921 are you trying to get around a FW?22:51
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; out of the 3 listed one was Recovery, the other Memtest and the first one the one that normally boots22:51
RussMMike_921, That's beyond my experience. I've read a little about it, but haven't actually tried it. Unless someone else here has some experience, you're probably going to have to follow some iptables guides.22:52
psywipedmike_921 are you trying to get around a FireWall?22:53
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: top22:53
Mike_921psywiped: No, it's just the only way I can connect to the server22:54
taz_white95Ubuntu 8.10 UDF Valume on a CD Any one know how to mount the beeb22:54
MoTecsorry, i'm slow.. ehhe22:54
RussMMike_921, Are you running some piece of software that has an ip address hard-coded into it, and you can't change it?22:54
fearfulAny ideas why no password is prompted after suspend?22:55
psywipedmike_921 we kind of need to know why your trying to do what your trying to do so we can figure out how to do it22:55
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; out of the 3 listed one was Recovery, the other Memtest and the first one the one that normally boots22:55
Jordan_UFallen[q], OK, I don't particularly like using ndiswrapper if it's not necessary but it might work. First we should find if there is a windows driver for your card that is known to work with ndiswrapper22:55
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: ps -ef | grep Whatever22:55
psywipedfearful because your not making use of the screen saver22:55
Jordan_UFallen[q], I am looking now22:55
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; Thank you I appreciate it22:56
fearfulpsywiped, I'm back to using gnome-screensaver and having the same problem22:56
taz_white95Any know how to mount a UDF format22:56
fearfulpsywiped, was fine before I installed xscreensaver22:56
psywipedbecause it goes to the lockout screen when the screensaver starts not when you suspend the comuter fearful22:56
Carstairsany one help me with open arena problem?22:57
slash3si need help22:57
slash3si cant change my screen resolution22:57
slash3sand i need it in 1024...22:57
credoCarstairs: whats the problem?22:57
fearfulpsywiped, I'm not sure I understand, before this I used to suspend or hibernate and everytime no matter if it was 1 minute or 2 hours I would get prompted for a password upon awake.22:57
Carstairsscreen is too dark cant see other players22:57
wolter-ubuntu810how do i start the wpa_sufficient service?22:57
credoCarstairs: try open up the console ant type /r_gamme 1.522:58
psywipedfearful have you looked in the forum yet?22:58
credoCarstairs: r_gamma *22:58
fearfulpsywiped, to be honest no22:58
credoCarstairs: you can set it via graphic option in the menus22:58
Carstairswill try it thanks credo22:58
slash3ssomeone help me22:58
Iceman_B^Ltopah MoTec: that was what I waslooking for22:59
Carstairsno tried all those options22:59
Carstairsin full screen it is too light22:59
slash3shello ?22:59
credoyou want windowed?22:59
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: You're welcome... And I'm using irssi in screen right now :)22:59
russian_ulysses!ubottu c++22:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottu c++22:59
DiDiVphi people22:59
slash3shelp me22:59
FloodBot2slash3s: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
credoits a bug in q3 engine where it will set gamma to 1 when windowed23:00
slash3si cannot change my screen resolution23:00
DiDiVpslash3s, how?23:00
credomaybe not a bug, a feature23:00
Carstairsbut it worked fine on earlier ubuntu23:00
JampiterIS there a way of viewing my current CPU temperature in Ubuntu?23:00
slash3swhat's matter with you23:00
tritiumJampiter: with lmsensors23:00
DiDiVpslash3s, what happened?23:00
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: you can filter out the grep itself by doing: ps -ef | grep -v | grep whatever23:00
Mike_921psywiped: The server I'm trying to override is a server for a game and I'm trying to replace it with a server that I normally wouldn't have access to. The two servers have different IP's but the same port.23:00
slash3si need help23:00
slash3si cannot change my screen resolution23:01
credoit acts randomly for me- sometimes it keeps the gamme, sometimes not23:01
MoTecor use pgrep instead23:01
slash3sis too small23:01
Jampitertritium: How do I do that?23:01
slash3sand i need other23:01
tritium!fixres | slash3s23:01
ubottuslash3s: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:01
tritium!lmsensors | Jampiter23:01
ubottuJampiter: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto23:01
Carstairswonder if it might be better putting earlier ubuntu back on?23:01
mike_hurleyi'm not sure what the term is for what i'm trying to do, but i want a ssh connection to bring my computer out of suspend23:01
mike_hurleyor accessing a samba share23:01
Jampitertritium: Thanks23:01
itsatrickThat was weird...I installed updates, but now my KDE is gone.  What happened?23:01
tritiummike_hurley: wake on lan?23:01
MoTecIceman_B^Ltop: hmm, forget what I said.. it doesn't work for me :)23:01
credoCarstairs: i dont suggest this23:02
mike_hurleytritium: i don't know if that's what i want23:02
credoCarstairs: just play fullscreen, that a problem?23:02
ugliefrogok anyone know of a program like yahoo messenger i could use...i want to be able to use the mic so i can chat by voice23:02
Carstairsyes full screen fps is 523:02
Iceman_B^Ltopisnt skype now available for linux ?23:02
DiDiVpslash3s, There is a Gnome's tool to this23:02
sebsebsebIceman_B^Ltop: yes it is23:02
psywipedyep iceman23:02
mike_hurleytritium: i've read up on it and is that something ssh or samba would have to send to the machine?23:02
DiDiVpIceman_B^Ltop, I have skype here23:02
sebsebsebSkype though lol23:03
sebsebsebI know how to phone loads of countires for free23:03
Iceman_B^Ltopwell ugliefrog, there you go23:03
RoyallHow would I start the CUPS service?23:03
credoCarstairs: you have drivers installed for gpu?23:03
Carstairswouldnt know what they where?23:03
MegaMetalsWhat is something like "Speedfan" in windows ?23:04
MoTecRoyall: /etc/init.d/cupsd start23:04
credoCarstairs: well you should know better23:04
roadrockRoyall: in a browser http://localhost:631  ...if cupsys is running you'll see it23:04
tritiummike_hurley: no, it is separate from both23:04
=== techsupport is now known as orudie
Iceman_B^Ltopim looking for that too MegaMetals23:04
DiDiVpRoyall, You can use the tool Services too23:04
furenkuAfter upgrading to Intrepid, the system hangs 90% of the time when shutting down... I already performed the suggested changes on the /etc/init.d/alsa-utils, but now am getting a blinking cursor, does anybody know about this?23:04
Royallsudo: /etc/init.d/cupsd: command not found23:04
credoCarstairs: nvidia or ati drivers23:04
Iceman_B^Ltophm, ebox seems to do exactly nothing23:04
Carstairsim a noob to linux23:04
orudiehow do i unzip a .zip file  in terminal ?23:04
MoTecsounds nonoptimal23:05
ganymedeorudie, unzip myzip.zip23:05
DiDiVpRoyall, System/Administration/Services23:05
mikewuorudie: use the command unzip23:05
Carstairsno proprietry drivers instlled at all23:05
roadrockRoyall: /etc/init.d/cupsys start23:05
Carstairsall ubuntu23:05
psywipedcarstairs you should install them23:05
Jordan_UFallen[q], Unfortunately I need to go, good luck23:05
credothey you will have more fps in games23:05
Royallbash: /etc/init.d/cupsys: No such file or directory23:05
Carstairswell i did that once before and it blew my video card up23:05
RoyallI may have disabled it somehow23:05
psywipedcarstairs the drivers are from the vid card maker23:06
Fallen[q]Jordan_U; Ok thank you23:06
Carstairsi know23:06
roadrockRoyall: apt-get install cupsys   not sure of the package name, search in synaptic23:06
fearfulpsywiped, can't find the answer anywhere23:06
Carstairsput them on and card stopped working23:06
psywipedther not gona make your card go poof23:06
Carstairswouldnt even boot23:06
credoCarstairs: without them you can forget about gaming23:06
Carstairsmight have been a coinsidence23:07
Royallcupsys is already the newest version.23:07
Carstairsok will try that23:07
yowshigrrr i cant install kde from synpatic23:07
f_newtonand why not?23:07
Carstairsjust an after thought23:07
psywipedyes you can yowshi23:07
Carstairswhats best video card that works with ubuntu?23:07
yowshiapprently not psywiped i just tried nd it said there were some dependencies i couldnt meet23:07
psywipedi like my 9600gts carstairs23:08
f_newtonlol you are going to get a wide range of two basic brands Carstairs ... you have the nvidia school and the ati school23:08
roadrockRoyall: try looking in system - administration - services unlock it, and check cupsys23:08
Royallcupsys isn't there23:08
yowshipsywiped: oh i want kubuntu right? not kde?23:08
roadrockRoyall: im in hardy your mileage may vary23:08
Iceman_B^Ltopokay, if I run aptitude right now, Im getting a red line in the bottom23:08
Carstairsi have a radeon 700 in a box but it smells of burning23:08
f_newtoneventually ati will be but AMD still has a long way to go23:08
furenkuAfter upgrading to Intrepid, the system hangs 90% of the time when shutting down... I already performed the suggested changes on the /etc/init.d/alsa-utils, but now am getting a blinking cursor, does anybody know about this?23:08
Iceman_B^Ltopprobbaly because installed vim next to vim-tiny23:08
Iceman_B^Ltopwhat is it telling me ?23:09
yowshitrying to get both gnome and the new kde on so i can judge which one i ultimatly want23:09
f_newtonCarstairs, check the fan make sure it works23:09
Carstairsit dont23:09
f_newtonwell change the fan23:10
Carstairsnor in another computer23:10
psywipedok yowshi repeat after me23:10
psywipedsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:10
yowshino new taxes?23:10
Carstairsthrows a shoe at yowshi23:10
Royallok I got it23:10
yowshipsywiped: cool thasnks installing kubuntu-desktop now23:10
f_newtonlol yowshi trying to impersonate gw bush?23:10
Mike_921RossM: No, the server I'm trying to override is a server for a game and I'm trying to replace it with a server that I normally wouldn't have access to. The two servers have different IP's but the same port.23:10
yowshireagan said it first :)23:10
yowshii think23:11
roadrockRoyall: in a browser http://localhost:631  ...configure it.23:11
psywipedyowshi i like gnome much more than kde23:11
n8tuserffurenku-> during shutdown, can you get to ctrl+alt+f1 to see the status of shutdown?23:11
f_newtonwell they were both fascists from the same cloth so.... find a soup line that still has soup and lets move on23:11
yowshipsywiped: i did too last time i looked kde felt over cluttered ut they recently made kde 4 and i've been meaning to check it out23:11
roadrockRoyall: you may need to start it manually or reboot23:11
Royallno I got it23:11
indilugedDoes anyone have stickam working in firefox?23:12
^Cheekyindiluged, get flash 1023:12
psywipedkde still takes tomany click to get to the programs23:13
Carstairsoff to try new graphics drivers thabks for the help23:13
indiluged^Cheeky, i'm using the most recent version...yet when i go in the chat, the chat box isn't up and the mic doesn't work..23:13
tritiumsniper: in #ubuntu-es23:14
=== sniper is now known as Guest34766
Guest34766your help me for install theme for ubuntu?23:15
zerkoHHelo, I had an issue where the Wireless on my EEEpc 1000Hd was not working, I followed this guide http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html on fixing it, however now when  I connect the connection is VERY lagged and close to nothing, can someone help me resolve this?23:15
Guest34766your help me for install theme for ubuntu?23:15
Guest34766your help me for install theme for ubuntu?23:15
tritiumGuest34766: stop repeating23:15
HuufartedGuest34766, what is your native language?23:15
f_newtonits not english thats for sure23:16
MoTecprobably l33t23:16
crdlbzerkoH: which 'method' did you use?23:16
f_newtonewww  a braindead eh?23:16
psywipedi was thinking special23:16
latit!es | Guest3476623:16
ubottuGuest34766: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:16
zerkoHcrdlb I used the second method23:16
Huufarted!fr | Guest3476623:17
ubottuGuest34766: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:17
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl23:17
Huufarted!de | Guest3476623:17
ubottuGuest34766: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:17
Huufartedwe'll get it eventually.  :)23:17
zerkoHShould I try method 1?23:17
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indiluged****** thing sucks23:17
crdlbzerkoH: ok, that should be the right approach, though you don't need to blacklist anything23:17
zerkoHWell, its working23:17
zerkoHIts just VERY lagged23:17
zerkoHwhere should I start troubleshooting?23:18
psywipedzerkoh at the begining23:18
=== Charitwo is now known as no
MoTecif you skip right to the end of the troubleshooting you're done23:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about comedians23:19
=== no is now known as Charitwo
zerkoHright but how would I troubleshoot the lag.23:19
psywipedzerkoh do you have another computer to do knowen good testing?23:19
psywipedand is it good?23:19
zerkoHif whats good23:20
zerkoHthe other computers internet connection?23:20
cdwho use debian23:20
meoblast001i just read mysqldump's help page and it doesnt say anything about specifying where you dump to...... is it possible to set this?23:20
zerkoHits not the network23:20
cdwho use debian23:20
zerkoHits the laptop for sure, this specific ubuntu laptop23:20
f_newtoncd this is a debian type of distro23:20
cdis it easy to learn23:20
f_newtoncd as easy as any other but it has good documentation in a wide range of languages23:20
erUSUL!ot | cd23:21
ubottucd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:21
psywipedcd go play with gentoo23:21
cdoh  thank you23:21
cdi use ubuntu23:21
cdbut i want to use debian23:21
erUSULcd: ask in #debian then23:21
cdno  i will not23:21
cdi get  thank you23:21
f_newtoncd, then install deb and get on with it....23:21
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cdyeah it's same in install23:22
psywipedcd hit your drive up with gpart and install it23:22
f_newtonthat will work psywiped23:22
thesaint4444hi guys, I am trying to install ubuntu on top of vista on my laptop and having some trouble. has anyone done this successfully? thanks.23:22
cdsorry could you speak it with easy english23:23
psywipedyea i did thesaint666623:23
f_newtonthesaint4444, yes I do it frequently23:23
meoblast001where does mysql dump databases to?23:23
thesaint4444f_newton, which method works best for you? thanks.23:23
psywipedcd you put the lime in the coke you nut23:23
roadrockmeoblast001: use mysqladmin ...last time i used it.23:23
Iceman_B^Ltopwhats the command to start the gui control panel ?23:24
meoblast001roadrock: i need to do this with 100% command line23:24
thesaint4444f_newton, I need to use the vista partition shrink function but it does not seem to work to create some space for my ubuntu partition.23:24
psywipedthesaint wubi is good to start but then if you can just resize your partition and install23:24
roadrockmeoblast001: exactly what i assumed yes. cli23:24
f_newtonI cut the hdd in half leaving the second half unpartitioned... I install the ubuntu cd then click on manual partition when that screen comes up.  I choose the unpartitioned space and partition it ext3 using / as my root partition23:24
n8tuserfIceman_B^Ltop-> clarify what you wanted done?23:24
f_newtonthesaint4444, do you have the original restore disk for your laptop ?23:25
meoblast001roadrock: doesnt mysqladmin use php?23:25
cd  i think i should change my name23:25
roadrockmeoblast001: not that i know of.23:25
psywipedcd that would be a good idea use /nick23:25
thesaint4444f_newton, it is a thinkpad x200 so I believe there is a built in restore partition...23:25
latitwhereis mysql?23:26
cdjust like this23:26
cdoh no23:26
psywipedlatit on your computer23:26
Iceman_B^LtopI want to check my disk usage, but I'm not at my ubuntu box right now. I have X forwarded to this winxp machine im on and I have putty running. how do I see the disk usage thingy ?23:26
meoblast001roadrock: ok... i'm reading through it's help and cant find one to backup databases23:26
roadrockmeoblast001: you're thinking of phpmysql or something23:26
thesaint4444f_newton, can I use that to change the partition sizes?23:26
meoblast001roadrock: ahh yes23:26
psywipedthesaint go to controlpannel23:26
prince_jammysIceman_B^Ltop: the graphical one is called 'baobab', i think.23:26
thesaint4444f_newton, and still keep my existing vista data and setup?23:26
cda try23:26
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: DISPLAY=host:1 baobab &23:27
n8tuserfIceman_B^Ltop -> disk usage == du   so on command line you type  du,  also look into df -h23:27
f_newtonwell you need to use that to create your restore dvds and then you use something like a dos partitioner to wipe the drive and then separate it in to two partitions both primary... then install your restore disks on part one and when thats done install ubuntu on part 223:27
meoblast001roadrock: how do you make backups23:27
psywipedyes thesaint23:27
roadrockmeoblast001: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/administrator/en/index.html  i forgets.23:27
f_newtonvista hogs the whole partition and misrepresents it23:27
thesaint4444f_newton, yes that would certainly be a way to do it. I was hoping it would be easier.... lol23:28
psywipedthen go to administrator tools23:28
roadrockmeoblast001: the syntax is tricky remember the -p for password. and definetly set one23:28
f_newtonyou can defrag it and then try to shrink it through the system tools storage snap in thesaint444423:28
=== Sniper is now known as Guest76194
psywipedthesaint Control Panel\Administrative Tools23:28
thesaint4444f_newton, that is a good idea, I looked at that but could not find the defrag option - is it an add on or 'snap in' thanks...23:29
psywipedthen go to computer management thesaint23:29
n8tuserfmeoblast001 -> you said you read the manual for mysqldump?  did you somehow missed this:  shell> mysqldump --master-data=2 --all-databases > dumpfile23:29
Iceman_B^Ltopprince_jammys: you were right, thanks23:29
meoblast001n8tuserf: let me check again and see if that's in there23:30
thesaint4444psywiped, that does not work, you have to defrag first I believe or disk shrink does not function.23:30
f_newtondefrag is in system tools right next to disk clean up thesaint444423:30
thesaint4444f_newton, got it thanks... - will give that a go now.23:30
psywipedshrink works without a defrag it just wont give you as much space23:30
f_newtonhope you have time23:30
wermseI have an Intel DG45FC motherboard with Ubuntu 8.10 running on it right now.  All is working fine but I am unable to get the optical audio or HDMI audio to work.  the normal audio jacks on the motherboard work fine.  Any idea where I could look to figure out how to make optical audio work?23:31
thesaint4444psywiped, thanks - I could not get it to work...23:31
f_newtonpsywiped, that is very dangerous and generally causes you to lose important registry info23:31
nephishhey there all23:31
psywipedno issues for me when i did it23:31
psywipedhi nephish23:31
C-S-Bwermse, I have a similar issue on my vaio, I think audio over hdmi is pretty hit and miss23:31
meoblast001n8tuserf: i really wouldnt calll this much of a backup23:32
f_newtonthesaint4444, you also need to check your hardware for compatibility w/linux23:32
meoblast001n8tuserf: i don't see any of my data in there23:32
wermsei'm mostly trying to make the optical audio work.  I've read in numerous places that people have it working but i cant find anywhere explaining how they managed to get it to work23:32
sridhello there - I upgraded to Jaunty (9.04) and everything works except wireless: Network Manager shows list of available network, but when I select my wifi network, the connection keeps happening.. after 3 mins or so.. it failes. any idea why?23:32
yun-haowselamat pagi,,, salam kenal buat semunya, salam kenal saya baru pertama kali main dsini,,23:32
n8tuserfmeoblast001 -> read the manual for more description23:32
psywipedsrid how strong is the sig/23:32
sridpsywiped ?23:33
thesaint4444f_newton, yes done that - seems to be good from what I can gather...23:33
erUSULyun-haow: language?23:33
psywipedthe wifi signal srid23:33
sebsebsebsrid: wrong channel you want  #ubuntu+1  also  Jaunty hasn't been properly released yet, and not even beta, so expect bugs23:33
n8tuserf!bahasa | yun-hao23:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bahasa23:33
C-S-Bwermse, triede compiling the latest alsa drivers?23:33
sridpsywiped, signal is normal. it used to work with 8.1023:33
nephishhey again23:33
erUSUL!in | yun-haow23:33
ubottuyun-haow: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India23:33
C-S-Bwermse, whats the audio chipset23:33
wermseC-S-B: I haven't tried yet.  I may give that a go23:33
erUSUL!id | yun-haow23:33
ubottuyun-haow: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia23:33
erUSULyun-haow: got it?23:34
C-S-BI had to use the lastest alsa to get as good as I have now, not perfect as no mic input but better23:34
wermseC-S-B: Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller23:34
psywipedi have the same issue on my hp system23:34
sridsebsebseb, thanks, i'm asking in #ubuntu+123:34
TarawnehHi there . sorry for interrupting. I have to sudo /etc/init.d/networking start and sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start ever time I reboot my ubuntu  . networking is not started automatically23:35
sebsebsebsrid: no problem23:35
n8tuserfTarawneh -> look at your /etc/network/interfaces   then man interfaces for explanation23:35
nephishTarawneh, do you have the network-manager or did you remove it?23:35
Tarawnehnephish: I removed it23:35
yun-haowbagaimana saya masuk ke #ubuntu-id23:36
psywipedlater ubuntu people23:36
Tarawnehn8tuserf: I will23:36
nephishTarawenh what is in your /etc/network/interfaces?23:36
Brucehow do i know what version of ubuntu server i have?23:36
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
Brucewhats the command to see the version?23:36
erUSULyun-haow: you will have to use english here....23:36
fearfulBruce, lsb_release -a23:36
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »23:36
nephishTaraweneh, i dump mine too because i like to have static ip23:36
Tarawnehnephish: I have a static IP23:37
erUSULyun-haow: join #ubuntu-id to get help in indonesian23:37
Brucei have it to ubuntu 8.04.2 can i update it to 8.10 ?23:37
yun-haowbagaimana saya bisa bergabung ke ubuntu-id?23:37
erUSULyun-haow: do « /join #ubuntu-id » on your irc client23:37
Tarawnehnephish: same here23:37
n8tuserferUSUL -> the national indonesian language is called bahasa23:37
erUSULyun-haow: without the «»23:37
McShane!id | yun-haow23:38
ubottuyun-haow: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia23:38
sebsebsebBruce: yes you can  upgrade 8.04.2 to 8.1023:38
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:38
erUSULn8tuserf: nice to know but the channel is #ubuntu-id23:38
yun-haowhow i can join it?23:39
rwwyun-haow: type /join #ubuntu-id23:39
yun-haowbagaimana saya bisa join ke sana,,23:39
Iceman_B^LtopMem:    254104k total,   243556k used,    10548k free,    66392k buffers23:40
Iceman_B^Ltop^thats not good, right ?23:40
aroonifor those of you who use unison..... if i want to ignore all paths that begin with . EXCEPT for a few (such as .tomboy)... can i do this? if so which one do i put first (the ignore on .* or explicit path on .tomboy)?23:40
pegasus3000hola a todos23:41
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rdw200169!es | pegasus300023:41
ubottupegasus3000: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:41
ice_creamhi, having some difficulty joining an ms workgroup.. i have smbfs, i can access ntfs shares, set group in /etc/samba/smb.conf  , restarted networking, still cant join group23:44
nephishhey all23:47
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
ice_creamdo i need another package, like the bulky samba, just to join a workgroup23:48
Reformer81I'm currently running Amarok 2.0.1 and would like to update it to  But following the instructions on the Kubuntu website still only gives me
=== tabidachi_away is now known as tabidachi
ikoniaReformer81: if there is not an ubuntu package available it won't updat23:50
meoblast001is it safe to have a mysql password listed in cleartext as a script my server will run to backup data?23:50
Reformer81ikonia: The website says there is.23:50
ikoniameoblast001: your call23:50
ikoniaReformer81: what website ?23:50
meoblast001ikonia: is it outragously dangerous?23:50
Reformer81ikonia: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-
dufourjhas anyone used the linksys gigabit nic with ubuntu 8.0423:50
ikoniameoblast001: only as safe as your servers setup and the people who use it23:50
meoblast001ikonia: i'm the only one who logs in23:51
TruthTacowhat does i386 mean23:51
dufourjplease help!23:51
meoblast001ikonia: i plan to store it in a home directory or something like that23:51
meoblast001ikonia: most likely /root23:51
ikoniameoblast001: depends how secure your server is23:51
meoblast001ikonia: its a backup cronjob script23:51
dufourjI need help using a linksys EG103223:51
ikoniaReformer81: are you using kubuntu ?23:51
meoblast001ikonia: is there a way to mysqldump without the password or do you need it?23:52
dufourjplease help23:52
McShaneTruthTaco: in what context?23:52
ikoniameoblast001: you can setup root so it doesn't need a password from local host23:52
Marine_Is there a copy of the breezy repo's anywhere?23:52
sebsebsebdufourj: wireless?23:52
ikoniaMarine_: old-releases.ubuntu.com23:52
dufourjsebsebseb: no23:52
meoblast001ikonia: how do i do that?23:52
TruthTacowell i was looking at the add/remove software thing and it says this wont work with your computer type (i386)23:52
ikoniameoblast001: "grant" mysql command23:52
Reformer81ikonia: No, gnome.23:53
theacolyteTrying to install build-essential on my ubuntu 8.04 server machine, and it says the package isn't found23:53
theacolyteany ideas?23:53
meoblast001ikonia: ?23:53
sebsebsebTruthTaco: 32bit computer23:53
ikoniaReformer81: po1ssibly why you're having a problem - that repo is for the KDE 4.1 archive and it's aPPA23:53
Marine_thanks ikonia23:53
Brucehow do i know who is the root user?23:53
sebsebsebTruthTaco: 32bit proccessor23:53
McShaneTruthTaco: then that means 32-bit, and the app you want may be 64-bit, or Power PC, etc.23:53
Brucei forget account in ubuntu23:53
Reformer81ikonia: It's the exact same repo I used to install Amarok 2 in the first place.23:53
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:53
ikoniameoblast001: grant no paassword to root@localhost23:53
dufourjsebsebseb: it is wired23:53
sebsebsebBruce: by default the root user is not enabled,  and sudo and gksudo are used instead23:53
roadrocktheacolyte: enable all the repos in/from synaptic should do it, then hit reload.23:54
meoblast001ikonia: is that more secure or less secure than storing it in clear text?23:54
sebsebsebdufourj: which bit of hardware? a router?23:54
ikoniameoblast001: again - your call, depends on how your server is setup for security23:54
roadrocktheacolyte: sorry, server version, check /etc/apt/sources.list23:54
sebsebsebvictoria: hi23:54
dufourjsebsebseb: a nic23:54
DVA5912Will ports blocked on the host computer be blocked on the virtural client pc? ubuntu and windows xp rpo client in vmware23:54
ikoniaReformer81: have you done a sudo apt-get update ?23:54
sebsebsebdufourj: I don't know23:55
dufourjsebsebseb: replacing my 10/100 with 10/100/100023:55
dufourjanyone else?23:55
dufourjplease help!23:55
ikoniadufourj: with what ?23:55
dufourjikonia: installing a nic23:55
Reformer81ikonia: Yes.23:55
sebsebsebvictoria: you want help with something?23:55
ikoniadufourj: what's the problem23:55
dufourjikonia: a linksys eg1032 on ubuntu 8.0423:55
ikoniadufourj: what's the problem ?23:56
sebsebsebDVA5912: yes I think  ports are blocked in the vm, that are blocked on the host.  your on about router ports?23:56
theacolyteroadrock: think that's it... cdrom got commented23:56
ikoniaReformer81: check the package with dpkg -l23:56
ikoniaReformer81: see if your on the current23:56
dufourjikonia: the website doesnt list it as supported but neither is the one i am currently talking to you on23:56
DVA5912sebsebseb: no my dell axim X5 wont sync with active sync on the client23:56
ikoniadufourj: ok, so what's the problem ?23:56
theacolyteroadrock: yep, thanks23:56
Reformer81ikonia: Oh23:56
sebsebsebDVA5912: remind me what active sync is23:56
DVA5912How do i add port execptions in ip tables23:56
Reformer81ikonia: Apparently I am lol23:57
ikoniaReformer81: there we go then23:57
DVA5912sebsebseb: it allows you to syncornize betwen you device and the windows machine23:57
DVA5912and vise versa23:57
dufourjikonia: will it work at 1000mbps if i install it?23:57
ikoniadufourj: try it23:57
sebsebsebDVA5912: other ways to share stuff between the host Ubuntu and  your guest VM windows23:57
sebsebsebDVA5912: I am talking about files23:57
victoriasebsebseb: yes, and no :).. i mean maybe.. i am just confused, i let you know if i need help23:58
DVA5912sebsebseb: i would use them but, my wirless card needs drivers that only windows can provide23:58
ikoniadufourj: I wouldn't wory about 1000mbps if I was you as disk writes and reads on a home user kit will slow it down to 20mbps-ish at best23:58
sebsebsebvictoria: confused with what?23:58
DVA5912sebsebseb: all i need to do is open the ports23:58
fearful!hi | NoNick3423423:58
sebsebsebDVA5912: ndiswrapper is for  using Windows drivers with Linux23:58
ubottuNoNick34234: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:58
zambai need a tool to organize cd-roms, the contents on the different ones.. anyone know of such a tool?23:59
sebsebsebNoNick34234: hi23:59
dufourjikonia: but the wireless transferrs at 300 wireless N23:59
DVA5912sebsebseb: your not following. i think i just need to open ports23:59
mrpocketstheres a line that i need to replace with something involving emerald in CCM to get emerald window manager working yes?23:59
NoNick34234i'm trying to install the ubuntu alt. cd, from a USB stick, and its not detecting a CD-ROM. is there a trick to fix that?23:59
zambaone that scans the cd-/dvd disc and then creates a searchable index of the contents23:59
dufourjand the NIC is 100023:59
WarriorSlayerguys there's any problem if i try to compile my own kernel under ubuntu?23:59
ikoniadufourj: I doubt that - I think you'll find it's connected at 300mbps - not transfering23:59
sebsebsebWarriorSlayer: I woudn't recommend it23:59

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