
ScottKOK.  Test building that version.00:02
jjessequick question on the current daily live cd kde wallet doesn't allow me to save the password, no matter what i try so i can't connect to my wireless00:30
JontheEchidnahaven't seen that one00:31
jjesseaslo on the keyboard layout section i have selected USA and can't select back or forward, just have the little two balls spinning waiting00:31
jjessealso in the root of my home drive is a file called screen-configurations.xml wat's that for?00:32
jjesseintesting now it won't boot all the way on the bootable usb drive :(00:38
jjessecpufreq; no nforce2 chipset00:38
DaSkreechjjesse: !!!00:39
DaSkreechhow are you?00:39
jjesseDaSkreech: doing well00:39
DaSkreechHow goes Writing?00:40
jjessenot very well00:40
jjesseJontheEchidna: do you get sick of responding to the nepomuk crash bugs00:46
JontheEchidnaI just go straight to the dupe link :P00:46
* DaSkreech still has the proof reading/ quality control invite open if you like jjesse00:47
JontheEchidnabut yes, I wish it didnt suck so much00:47
jjesseDaSkreech: yes but that means i have to write00:47
jjessegot a note from the editor today that i need to respond00:47
scott_evwhat package is akondai a part of00:48
ScottKSo I've discovered than using the box switch effect and then holding down alt-tab long enough for auto-repeat to kick in is a bad thing.00:49
ScottKHow do I convince the effects to turn back on?00:50
DaSkreechScottK: alt+shift+F1200:52
jjessewow this is slow in the paritioning/formating part of the install00:52
ScottKDaSkreech: Thanks.  I missed the shift before the notification went away.00:53
DaSkreechScottK: Great lil keyboard shortcut I can shut it off if I need memory or I'm starting a game then just flip it back on00:54
DaSkreechScottK: There is plasmoid that allows you to flick them on and off as well00:54
ScottKSo I retried kdebinding on amd64 after python-qt4 was rebuilt.00:56
ScottKFTBFS due to some smoke stuff.00:56
ScottKNCommander: ^^^ If you want to build your FTBFS reputation ....00:57
RiddellScottK: there's a patch in bzr for smoke01:16
Riddelldid you include that?01:16
ScottKRiddell: No, it was just a retry of the last upload.01:16
ScottKI was curious if it'd build better after doko redid python-qt4.01:17
ScottKThinking through a kdebindings upload is probably more than I have in me tonight.01:18
seeleNightrose: lol i love that picture in your dent01:36
seeleidentica, it got crossposted to twitter01:38
seelealthough sometimes the links get screwed up01:38
ScottKJontheEchidna: kdebase-workspace uploaded.01:54
* DaSkreech is readin through the usabilty meeting02:00
jjessewhats the link for the usability study?02:12
jjessethanks DaSkreech02:14
ScottKBTW, I'm updating kdebase-workspace in intrepid-backports too.02:49
jtechidnathe lights are flickering....02:51
jtechidnaand the router turned off, but luckily not my desktop or the modem02:51
* jtechidna should probably turn off the computer02:51
Quintasanrgreening: you're up?04:09
rgreening hey. ya04:09
Quintasanrgreening: recived my patch?04:11
rgreeninghmm.. checking04:11
rgreeningQuintasan: ya. got it. I'll review and upload04:12
Quintasanrgreening: ok :)04:12
rgreeningty for your contribution :)04:12
Quintasanand Hi, first of all :d04:13
Quintasantime to school :O04:14
ScottKRiddell: I've uploaded an updated backport for kdebase-workspace that clears up a number of package conflict errors and generally brings it up to date with Jaunty.  Would you please accept it.  The LP U/I is timing out now, so I can't.04:57
rgreeningscottK: can you redo05:09
ScottKrgreening: ?05:09
rgreeningI just updated kdebase-workspace with another patch05:09
rgreeningand it needs to get in05:09
ScottKHow much needs to get in?05:10
ScottKIt takes over an hour for that to build and I'd have to test it.05:10
rgreeningoh, nm... just realized you said backport05:10
ScottKI already uploaded kdebase-workspace a couple of hours ago for Jaunty.05:10
ScottKWhat's your patch?05:10
rgreeningI updated the bzr branch with a patch for quicklaunch crash05:10
rgreeningfixed LP: 33223305:11
rgreeningfixes bug 33223305:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332233 in kdebase-workspace "Quicklaunch plasma applet causes Plasma crash w/ Qt 4.5 rc1" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33223305:11
ScottKAh.  Yeah, definitely not for a backport.05:12
rgreeningnope. unless we bp qt4.505:12
rgreeningthen its required05:12
rgreeningscottk: are you able to push out a new kdebase-workspace for jaunty then05:13
ScottKI'm actually just about to go to bed.05:13
rgreeningah. ok05:13
rgreeningRiddell: ^^ If you get this... can you do it?05:13
rgreeningscottk: so you released 0ubuntu7?05:18
rgreeningI dodnt realize it was05:18
rgreeningand not I've messed up the changelog05:19
rgreeningand the LP bug comment05:19
* ScottK points to the commit message for his last bzr commit for the package...05:19
rgreeningI see it now. Never saw it when I did a bzr up05:20
rgreeningwell, we'll need a ubuntu8 right away then05:21
rgreeningcause this patch is important05:21
rgreeningScottK: Ok, update changelog :)05:31
rgreeningimean I updated it .05:35
rgreeningdid anyone get the lancelot bug fixed yet for qt4.5?05:52
rgreeningRiddell: can we get kdeplasma-addons (4:4.2.0-0ubuntu3) pushed out? Lancelot is currently broken and this updated version has the fix from 3 days ago. ty06:00
rgreeningTonio_: yo06:04
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
* Lure is happy that kubuntu is behind ubuntu/gnome for once (notifications) ;-)09:13
hungerIs it only me or does the kde 4.2 (intrepid) konqueror ignore click on links sometimes?09:35
hungerWell, make that clicks on everything:-) One side I am seeing this is LP.09:36
=== glatzor_ is now known as glatzor
* smarter waves10:57
Riddellmorning smarter10:58
Riddellkdebase and kdeplasma-addons uploaded10:58
smarterhey Riddell10:58
Riddellkdebase-workspace and kdeplasma-addons uploaded  rather10:58
smarterjust received the sticers10:58
smarterand HOLY HELL! That's a *lot* of stickers! :p10:58
Riddellisn't it just, I was only expecting a sheet or two10:59
smarterI got fifty.10:59
Riddellgo and stick everything then blog about it :)10:59
smarter(fifty sheets, that is)11:00
smarteryeah, I was  wondering what to do with all these I <3 kubuntu :p11:00
* smarter starts by replacing the ubuntu stickers he has :P11:00
Riddellfabo: the more I think about it, the more I recon phonon should be built from Qt11:00
* smarter sticks the little one on the windows keys of his keyboard :P11:02
Riddellgood idea :)11:07
ScottKRiddell and rgreening: I can confirm that dropping kubuntu_57_panel_notifications_conf in kdebase-workspace cured the double notifications.11:13
ScottKMorning all.11:14
RiddellI wonder why it didn't affect everybody11:14
Riddella|wen: that was your patch I believe, want to check if upstream changed something since?11:15
a|wenRiddell: sure, i'll check if there are any changes in the upstream svn when i get back11:22
Quintasanrgreening: I hope my patch worked12:42
QuintasanJontheEchidna, EagleScreen: \o13:07
JontheEchidnaGood morning13:07
EagleScreeni am trying to package kmess2 (KDE4) from scratch13:08
Riddellgood luck!13:11
seelei wonder how long stickers take to get across the pond13:41
rgreeningdenpends on who is mailing them :)13:48
ScottKemail would be faster.13:48
rgreeningRiddell: Im working on qtjambi preview now.13:49
ScottKRiddell: I'm thinking we ought to have the kdebindings FTBFS fixed before the next Alpha.  Had you planned on uploading your patch todayish?13:50
RiddellScottK: oh yes I knew there was another one needing uploaded13:51
RiddellI should test build it first I guess13:51
ScottKOK.  I'll leave that one to you then.13:51
rgreeningRiddell, ScottK: and the new kdebase-workspace and kdeplasma-addons as well should be uploaded from bzr (plasma crash fixes fro quicklaunch and lancelot)14:17
Riddellrgreening: did that14:18
rgreeningScottK: when is next alpha due?14:18
rgreeningRiddell: cool. both?14:18
ScottKrgreening: This Thursday.14:18
Riddellhmm, kdebindings fails14:19
Riddelland so does amarok14:19
rgreeningScottK: ok. Riddell: I'll see if I can get qtjambi ready for then.14:19
ghostcubeanyone playing shooters in here14:40
ghostcubelike et or so14:40
ghostcubei have a nice loader that adds sdl sound  i found it in the wild wild web14:40
Tm_Tghostcube: loader?14:41
ghostcubealsa support14:41
ghostcubeinstead of oss support14:41
Tm_Tshow me14:41
ghostcubejust get the file extract the tar.gz and make it executable14:42
ghostcubeworks like charm14:43
ghostcubeyeah i searched weeks to get something like this14:45
Tm_Tthough, might not be good with punkbuster14:45
Tm_Thave to be checked14:45
ghostcubecause et isnt working on intrepid kde 4.214:45
ghostcubeTm_T: it isnt editing the settings14:45
ghostcubepunkbuster works14:45
ghostcubeits just oulling the preloads for sdl14:45
ghostcubeyou see if u open it from terminal14:46
Tm_Tghostcube: it does not alter executable?14:46
ghostcubei thnk its just an preloader14:46
ghostcubelike for windows tools to get hacked14:46
ghostcubei dont think its capturing the whole file14:47
ghostcubehavent looked inside the code14:47
Tm_Tlet's see then when I test it14:47
ghostcubebut i could play on my ET box14:47
Tm_Tif I get heavy sanctions due this, who I should crucify?14:47
ghostcube:) not me14:47
Tm_Tanyway, later I will try14:47
ghostcubeit works for me14:48
ghostcubei tested it already14:48
Tm_T"worksforme" doesn't make me feel safe14:48
Tm_Tthat isn't enough when you do official matches for example14:49
ghostcubeyeah but if it works on my patchwork intrepid it shoul work for you too14:49
Tm_Teven punkbuster bugs are enough to make me feel unsafe14:49
ghostcubeTm_T: even the fact thats PB on linux is stressy to be running and updated makes me feel bad14:50
jussi01JontheEchidna: thanks for the update (dunno if it was you, but lancelot works now :)14:54
JontheEchidnaThank Quintasan14:55
jussi01Quintasan: ++14:55
QuintasanJontheEchidna: I'm going to apply for members, but I'm going to do something more first :315:02
QuintasanHow is the fgrlx package numbered? The lastest drivers available form amd is 9.2 (20th February) and the package version is 8.57315:17
Riddell~twitter update grump15:24
kubotustatus updated15:24
ccmhey, is there a known bug in qt for Jaunty that prevents all qt applications to display correctly?15:26
ccmi checked launchpad but don't know where exactly to look15:26
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK-desktop
macoa few days ago, plasma wouldn't start. ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc seems to hold the problem (moving mine out of the way fixed it). i'm trying to figure out what setting broke plasma (debugging), so i've been bzr'ing the file and copying over little bits of the config at a time to see to get a diff where it breaks. can anyone help me figure out which part of this diff is the cause?15:27
macomy current plasma-appletsrc is http://paste.ubuntu.com/121892/ and the diff that got it there is http://paste.ubuntu.com/121891/15:27
macoi moved the panel's screen edge (manually, couldnt figure it out in the config file) and changed the geometry of showdesktop to be on the other side of quicklaunch (by copying the geometry from my broken config). lots of geometries changed seemingly on their own though. should messed up geometries cause plasma not to start though?15:27
maco>< is not making sense to me15:27
rgreeningmaco, it could be. However, if you update today, kdebase-workspace and kdeplasma-addons are updated with fixes for some applets. Maybe those fix your issues15:28
rgreeningfabo: ping15:28
macook i'll try installing updates15:28
JontheEchidnaquicklaunch was known to cause a crash15:38
macogot today's kernel panic out of the way pretty early15:40
QuintasanJontheEchidna: I've sent a patch to rgreening yesterday so it should be in queue or something15:40
rgreeningQuintasan: its in and done :)15:40
rgreeningQuintasan: package was built and deployed afaik earlier today15:41
rgreeningRiddell: any reason why language-support-translations-en is pulling in gobs of gnomish15:42
rgreeningand why we need it?15:42
Quintasanrgreening: good to know :D15:42
rgreeningRiddell: 34 new gnomish packages required for an en lang pack for Kubuntu is not pretty15:43
JontheEchidnargreening: is this with the --no-install-recommends flag?15:43
rgreeningI was doing a dist-upgrade15:44
rgreeninglike anyone else would15:44
JontheEchidnayou'd want to use that flag since apt now installs recommends by default15:44
JontheEchidnaa boneheaded decision imo15:45
Riddellrgreening: nope15:45
rgreeningJontheEchidna: Its not a recommends issue. And we def shouldnt see this (even if it was) under Kubuntu.15:45
rgreeningRiddell: language-support-translations-en has a Dep on thunderbird and evolution (a hard dep). thats not right.15:46
Riddellno it's not15:46
rgreeningsomeone brok'd it.15:46
* JontheEchidna wipes a tear away from his eye15:46
rgreeningUbuntu automatic language-pack builder <language-packs@ubuntu.com>15:47
rgreeningwhat kind of name is that?15:47
rgreeningdunno who it was that did it15:47
Riddellarno is incharge of that15:47
rgreeningRiddell: ok. I'll ping...15:48
rgreeningRiddell: is the nick arno?15:49
Riddellrgreening: ArneGoetje (and it's probably late where he is)15:50
Riddellrgreening: and obviously check your facts first, what's changed since intrepid and aa that15:50
rgreeningchangelog says it all 2 entries15:51
faborgreening: pong15:57
rgreeningfabo: hey. do yo uhave a qtjambi package?16:13
sianis-develI have a little problem with KCmdLineArgs16:28
sianis-develKCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData)16:28
sianis-develsys.argv contains: ../βετα/gdebi-kde_0.4.2_all.deb16:28
sianis-develso there is utf-8 chars16:28
sianis-develafter parsing, i get back ../????/gdebi-kde_0.4.2_all.deb16:29
sianis-develwhat can be the problem?16:29
Riddellsianis-devel: I'm afraid that's not something I have experience with, one of the joys of being an English speaker16:37
Riddellsianis-devel: but the contents of sys.argv are probably not unicode16:38
sianis-develRiddell, it should be: print 'sys.argv:' + sys.argv[1] give back: sys.argv:../βετα/gdebi-kde_0.4.2_all.deb16:38
Riddellsianis-devel: try converting the contents to unicode or qstrings?  (just a guess)16:41
sianis-develafile = unicode(afile, 'utf-8')16:41
sianis-develtried : give back ????16:41
RiddellSime: any thoughts? ^^16:41
sianis-develwithout it : UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 9-12: ordinal not in range(128)16:42
=== doc_ is now known as doc___
faborgreening: no. Debian doesn't have qtjambi (and I'm not a java fan).16:43
rgreeningfabo: hahaha16:49
ScottKIt seems it would be handy if someone would fix the amarok FTBFS before the Alpha 5 freeze ....16:57
* ScottK is stabbing at koffice again.16:57
RiddellScottK: I was looking at amarok, it's not looking good, upstream has updates but they don't fix it and they don't seem to have many ideas on how to fix it17:00
macoScottK: you stabbed koffice and rats came out? O_O17:01
ScottKI have a new idea to try.17:01
Riddellthe problem code in amarok is just copied from qt17:02
faborgreening: are you a java fan ? :D17:07
rgreeningRiddell: qtjambi preview packaged and in my PPA. I still have a couple of issues 1) had to disable qtjambi_phonon and 2) some list missing stuff to update (shortly). Any ideas on if disabling the phonon is ok?17:08
rgreeningfabo: nope. Not at all. Though the qtjambi is nice all the same. and fast.17:08
ScottKNice comments on k3b: http://ttgnet.com/daynotes/2009/2009-09.html#Mon17:09
rgreeningRiddell: bug 33340117:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333401 in evolution "language-support-translations-* installs evolution-documentation-* and should not be required." [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33340117:10
devfil2Riddell: can you please upload http://paste.ubuntu.com/121947/ ?17:12
Riddellrgreening: sorted17:13
RiddellScottK: seen that from devfil2?17:13
rgreeningRiddell: that bug should help somewhat. I am waiting for the update to verify.17:14
rgreeningRiddell: what about the qtjambi question :) I had to disable qtjambi_phonon to make it build... is that going to be an issue?17:15
devfil2Riddell: the build log is on my ppa (~d.filoni/+archive/ppa), I just changed the changelog17:15
Riddelldevfil2: uncomment should be "comment out" ?17:15
devfil2Riddell: yes17:16
ScottKRiddell: No.  Looking17:17
ScottKRiddell: That's similar to what I've got test building right now.  Let me see if mine works and if it doesn't I'll use that.17:18
hungerAnyone having issues with kde 4.2 in intrepid/backports?17:18
* hunger can no longer click on anything in konqueror.17:18
ScottKhunger: I know we have some additional conflicts/replaces stuff we need to do, but not that.17:18
seelergreening: how is kpackagekit coming?17:18
* hunger sighs.17:19
rgreeningseele: on hold for a bit. Awaiting Tonio_ to package 0.417:19
seelergreening: does 0.4 have the changes you made to the application list or will you need to repatch it?17:20
seelewas kgrubeditor re/moved because it doesnt support grub2?17:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kgrubeditor17:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kgrubconfig17:24
jussi01!info kgrubeditor17:24
ubottukgrubeditor (source: kgrubeditor): graphical editor for GRUB boot manager settings. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.5-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 250 kB, installed size 760 kB17:24
jussi01!info kgrubeditor jaunty17:24
seeleoh, heh. thanks jussi0117:24
ubottukgrubeditor (source: kgrubeditor): graphical editor for GRUB boot manager settings. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 250 kB, installed size 760 kB17:24
seeleRiddel: Arby: any more work on system-config-printer-kde17:26
seeleoops, arby isnt here17:26
seeleNightrose: ping17:27
Riddellseele: kgrubconfig got into technical discussions about its approach https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kgrubeditor/+bug/26230917:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 262309 in kgrubeditor "kgrubeditor MIR" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:34
Riddellseele: nothing yet on system-config-printer-kde, maybe next week, it's pretty high priority though17:34
Riddelloh I should fix the current bug though17:34
devfil2Riddell: any news about integration about applications in jaunty? I mean how gtk will be in kubuntu etc...17:36
seeleRiddell: does that mean kgrubeditor will not be in jaunty by default?17:36
* seele wonders if Artemis_Fowl is working on it at all17:36
Riddelldevfil2: huh?  why would we have gtk?17:38
Riddellseele: I guess it would take Artemis_Fowl to argue his case more17:39
devfil2Riddell: for example koffice17:39
seelehum.. oh well. it was a bit of work, too bad he's disappeared about it.17:40
devfil2Riddell: s/koffice/openoffice/ . In kubuntu there is openoffice but it looks horrible17:42
Riddelldevfil2: openoffice has the kde/qt 3 integration still17:43
Riddellseele: has he disappeared entirely?  I would still like to see it in, I'd be happy to help him argue the case if he's still around17:45
devfil2Riddell: there is no a way to show gtk and kde/qt3 applications beautiful using kde4?17:45
seeleRiddell: i'm pretty sure the semester has started for him by now and so he isn't available. i'll ping him and see what he's up to17:47
Riddelldevfil2: I'm not sure what you're seeing but openoffice still has the kde 3 integration for me and it looks a bit out of place on the kde 4 desktop but it looks the same as it always did17:47
devfil2Riddell: I'm talking about the "bit out of place on the kde 4 desktop"17:48
Riddelldevfil2: well there's no working KDE 4 integration yet, there's some patches but they need work, and there's no oxygen icon theme yet either (long boring job digging out all 7000 icons that OO.o uses)17:49
seelethere are really 7000 OO icons?17:52
Riddell>lesspipe /usr/lib/openoffice/basis3.0/share/config/images_crystal.zip | wc -l17:55
Riddellsome are probably the same icon at different sizes17:55
macowhat about the bug where OOo on KDE ignores the fact that a file extension will be appended and says it'll overwrite a file named foo because you entered "foo" in the name box (though the actual name will be foo.odt)?17:58
maco(it doesn't happen in gnome with the gtk or nautilus or whatever it is file browser)17:58
macobug 27075017:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270750 in kdelibs "OpenOffice with KDE 3 behaves like saving will overwrite another file, even though there's the automatic file extension" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27075017:59
Riddellmaco: unfortunately the KDE 3 openoffice integration isn't maintained currently.  and if anyone did work on OO with KDE they should work on fixing up the KDE 4 stuff17:59
macoer oh....didnt pay attention to the version # in there sorry18:00
macowait it wasnt tested on kde418:00
shtylmanRiddell: I did some more fixes in ubiquity (the changes are in my branch) just letting you know if you want to bring them into main18:00
devfil2Riddell: did you see http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=56776 ?18:01
* maco goes to test18:01
rgreeningseele: I had to get the packagekit team to add some support in the back-end. There's a new app-install specification that we wrote to support this.18:01
Riddellmaco: there is no (working) kde 4 version currently18:02
Riddellmaco: so nothing to test18:02
rgreeningseele: So, I have to update my patch to work with our new specification and add in the remaining missing bits. I am hoping to do this from 0.4 rather than backporting individual bits.18:02
macoslightly confused, but ok...18:02
Riddelldevfil2: hum, that's really not a nice solution18:03
glatzorrgreening, have you already worked on a library to access the desktop cache?18:03
rgreeningglatzor: nope. I was waiting on Tonio_ to package KPackageKit 0.4 to continue my work.18:04
glatzorrgreening, I added support to the postinst to fill the desktop cache with the app-inst data18:04
Riddellmaco: in short, OO KDE maintainers needed18:04
rgreeningglatzor: awesome.18:04
lex79ScottK: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-adjustableclock/+bug/328112 you are the last in changelog, conflicts and replaces are wrong18:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 328112 in plasma-widget-adjustableclock "package plasma-widget-adjustableclock None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/plasma-widget-adjustableclock.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_adjustableclock.so', which is also in package plasmoid-adjustableclock" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:04
ScottKCould be.  If you would propose a fix I would sponsor it.18:05
rgreeningglatzor: was that in app-install-data? And what is the file it generates.18:05
glatzorrgreening, furthermore I will add a small python module to access the desktop cache to implement the application filter as soon as possible18:05
glatzorapp-install-data ships all the desktop files in Ubuntu18:06
rgreeningglatzor: cool, packagekit has the filter definition in there, so, the back-end is what I am assuming you are writing for apt?18:06
glatzorthe postinst script called update-packagekit-app-install-data extracts the information and writes it to the desktop cache (sqlite database)18:06
seelergreening: ok sounds good18:07
rgreeningglatzor: what is the file name/location? not the same one packagekit writes, correct?18:07
devfil2lex79: hi18:07
rgreeningseele: :)18:07
rgreeningglatzor: btw, great work on all this. It's really appreciated. I assume packagekit-gome will want to take advantage of this too.18:08
lex79devfil2: hi :)18:08
glatzorrgreening, there will be only one desktop database18:12
glatzorrgreening, Just run the update-packagekit-app-install-data script from backends/apt to create the db18:12
glatzorrgreening, actually you can already start working, since the application filter will only reduce the number of returned packages18:15
rgreeningglatzor: will that conflict with the one packagekit provides/uses?18:15
glatzorrgreening, which things should conflict?18:16
rgreeningIn the spec we wrote, it does say there will be two files (iirc). I could be wrong.18:17
glatzorrgreening, We are talking about implementing the spec.18:17
rgreeninglet me look at app-install-date. has it been uploaded/promoted already?18:17
glatzorrgreening, there is another file which holds a mapping of desktop-files/installed packages18:18
glatzorrgreening, it is located in /var/lib/PackageKit/desktop-files.db18:18
rgreeningglatzor:yes, that's not being touched correct.18:18
glatzorrgreening, right. this is managed by the packagekit daemon18:19
Tonio_hi there18:19
* Tonio_ polishes k3b packaging...18:19
Tonio_glatzor: hi ! I looked at kpackagekit yesterday, but couldn't find your update on the ppa...18:19
Tonio_glatzor: is there a technical issue on that poinr ?18:19
rgreeningglatzor: ok, I'll start modifying my patch for Kpackagekit to use the new filter18:20
rgreeningglatzor: when will the new app-install-data be uploaded18:21
glatzorTonio_, I will check18:21
Tonio_glatzor: super :)18:21
rgreeningglatzor: oh, I just realized, you added this to packagekit apt backend and not app-install-data.. correct?18:22
glatzorrgreening, the app-install-data is not yet involved.18:23
glatzorrgreening, so yes. This will be part of the packagekit-backend-apt18:23
rgreeningglatzor: ok, so, I assume packagekit-backend-apt will need to run this script on a trigger of some sort...18:24
kuaeraI still cannot boot into a KDE session from KDM due to freezing after the "network" icon on Kubuntu Jaunty18:25
a|wenRiddell / ScottK: i can see that rgreening played with upstream updates to the kubuntu_57_panel_notifications_conf.diff ; that didn't fix the double notifications that some had?18:26
kuaeraTonio_: I was informed that you are likely the most knowledgeable about this particular issue, as it's likely related to the new version of NetworkManager18:27
rgreeninga|wen: wasn't me18:27
rgreeninga|wen: JontheEchidna18:27
a|wensry, it's getting late here, you're right18:27
ScottKa|wen: Unknown.  I tried his changes and got an FTBFS.  Gave up and pulled the patch.18:27
a|wenScottK: he did changes multiple times; one of the times caused FTBFS which was corrected by him again a bit later18:28
ScottKOK.  I'd given up by that point.18:28
JontheEchidnaI never got it to build18:29
ScottKI'll be glad to test changes, but don't have time to really consider the patch.18:29
rgreeningsend the patch to me, I'll give it a kick18:29
glatzorTonio_, the upload seemed to have failed18:30
glatzorTonio_, I reuploaded the package to the ppa18:30
JontheEchidnaluckily I still have the patch :)18:30
Tonio_glatzor: great, thanks18:30
glatzorrgreening, the use of a trigger is already the case18:30
a|wenrgreening: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/download/36/kubuntu_57_panel_not-20090122155643-25zkq8oirt0wqtaj-1/kubuntu_57_panel_notifications_conf.diff?file_id=kubuntu_57_panel_not-20090122155643-25zkq8oirt0wqtaj-118:31
kuaeraTonio_: I tried PMing you, but... I was informed that you're involved with the new version of NetworkManager in Kubuntu Jaunty18:31
Tonio_kuaera: yup, any question about that ?18:31
rgreeningglatzor: ok, cool. What's the new filter called again?18:31
kuaeraTonio_: Is it already in the repo?18:32
kuaeraIf so, I don't believe it's working properly for me.18:32
Tonio_kuaera: yeah, the package is plasma-widget-network-manager18:32
glatzorrgreening, you don't need the new filter. it is also not yet implemented.18:32
a|wenrgreening: and the original one prior to more upstream changes http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/download/17/kubuntu_57_panel_not-20090122155643-25zkq8oirt0wqtaj-1/kubuntu_57_panel_notifications_conf.diff?file_id=kubuntu_57_panel_not-20090122155643-25zkq8oirt0wqtaj-118:32
Tonio_kuaera: wel afaik it works very nicelly work most people18:32
glatzorrgreening, you should just implement the application view without the application filter18:32
kuaeraTonio_: Odd... I thought this was related to some of the networking stuff that takes place on KDE boot18:32
glatzorthe application filter will just limit the returned packages to ones which provide applications18:33
Tonio_kuaera: it's a plasma applet, but in jaunty it should be present in the bar by default18:33
kuaeraTonio_: As, after the networking icon appears on KDE boot, it stops and I have to go to terminal and kill kdm18:33
Tonio_hum.... weird...18:33
glatzorrgreening, but you would still have to get the applications from the desktop db18:33
Tonio_kuaera: have you removed knetworkmanager in the first place ?18:34
Tonio_kuaera: looks more like a plasma issue than the plasmoid itself...18:34
kuaeraTonio_: I have not yet removed knetworkmanager18:34
Tonio_kuaera: you can try to remove your plasma-appletsrc file and restart kde18:34
rgreeningglatzor: ultimately, it should be able to use the filter, correct?18:34
glatzorrgreening, so you would need most preferable a library which can access the sqlite database and gives you the application names and summaries in the correct language18:34
a|wenrgreening: and thanks a lot ... just kick it along to me if you don't get anything good out of it it before tomorrow, and i'll see what i can do18:35
rgreeninga|wen: np18:36
rgreeningglatzor: the filter is the long term goal though.. so that the back-end apt would support this filter and talk to the db. I can do it in the front end app for now though.18:36
rgreeningglatzor: the filter is already available and supporting functions created in packagekit18:37
glatzorrgreening, from my understanding the backend will only use the database to query for packages which contain applications and to make additional use of it in SearchDetails18:38
glatzorrgreening, but it will always only return packages and not applications18:38
rgreeningglatzor: that seems not that useful ... maybe I misunderstood18:39
rgreeningglatzor: I though that the filter would simply return a list of desktop entries from app-install-data which is == applications.18:40
kuaera_Tonio_: Sorry for disappearing; I got the Network Management plasmoid up, but could not connect to any networks18:41
Tonio_kuaera_: I suspect there are issues with reusing existing cache....18:42
a|wenScottK: btw. we should refrain from making -dbg packages as often as possible; just for the next time someone (like me in kile) does it in a package18:42
kuaera_Tonio_: Uninstalled knetworkmanager, restarted KDE [the regular kdm session failed, and had to start it up manually], and now the plasmoid works18:42
Tonio_kuaera_: have you tried with a livecd session to confirm this isn't due to soem config at some points ?18:42
kuaera_Tonio_: I have not - but I'm connected to my wireless through the Network Management plasmoid, and knetworkmanager is uninstalled18:43
kuaera_Tonio_: That's one of two issues down; the other is how KDE boot is halting after the network icon18:43
rgreeningglatzor: I think I am lost :)18:44
glatzorrgreening, sorry but I have to get my train.18:48
glatzorrgreening, we can talk tomorrow again. cheers18:49
ScottKa|wen: I don't understand, why?18:53
ScottKFixored koffice uploaded.18:53
kuaera_Yay \o/18:54
ScottKRiddell: (re your comment on #ubuntu-devel) - Sure knotify has issues, but I think it's much improved over KDE4.1 and working on continuing improvement is better than replacing it with an Ubuntu unique alternative.18:55
Tonio_kuaera_: can you try to killall plasma && plasma18:56
Tonio_in a shell18:56
Tonio_kuaera_: then you'll show the applet output18:56
Tonio_that can tell us more...18:56
kuaera_Okay, I'll put it on a pastebin18:56
a|wenScottK: [10:25] <slangasek> a|wen: because it should be redundant relative to our automatically-generated -dbgsym packages [10:25] <slangasek> a|wen: which are stored in a dedicated archive, where they don't take up space on the mirrors [10:26] <slangasek> a|wen: -dbg packages are tolerable as a lesser evil when they're synced from Debian; but I don't see any reason we should be creating new ones in Ubuntu18:58
kuaera_Tonio_: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/134513618:59
a|wenScottK: an eye-opener for me too, so thought i would share ... but kile is ok, i made a new version without the -dbg and slangasek uploaded18:59
* ScottK too.19:00
ScottKSo how do I get my inbox back in Kmail with 4.2?19:00
a|wenyou lost the inbox?19:01
a|wenScottK: if it is the "local folders" inbox, you should simply get it back by adding an account (pop3) using it19:03
ScottKIt was there, just buried by the aggregation feature (note: I think that's a slight typo).19:04
a|wenahh, another way of loosing it19:05
glatzorhello rgreening. I missed my train.19:07
RiddellScottK: well I can think of many continuing improvements I'd be happy for the DX team to make19:07
ScottKRiddell: I agree, but replacing components not a good way to do this.  I'd be thrilled to have them engage the community and KDE upstream and see what's actually wanted.19:08
ScottKSo far they appear to me to be open to implementing anything we want as long as it's what was in Mark's blog post.19:09
Riddellit's a designer led process and not the normal open source process which obviously causes tensions, but I think the outcome will be far more positive than not19:12
RiddellI've not heard of any components due to be replaced (although I'd be really happy to see the Amarok OSD gone in place of a normal notification)19:12
Riddellcomponents added maybe, the messenging indicator19:12
ScottKWell in Gnome notify-osd is being used as an alternative to the standard (I think libnotify).19:13
ScottKIt's hard to tell what they have envisioned for us.19:13
ScottKAnd the wiki page spec sounds to me like it's intended to be an alternative to Knotify at some point too.19:14
Riddellthey've only done minimal looking at how the technical implementation would be done on KDE since the KDE/Qt guys havn't started yet, but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be just patches to the normal plasma notifier19:14
ScottKI suspect that what I am experiencing here is just process difference, but my impression is that they have been pretty consistenly less than forthcoming about their plans.19:15
ScottKI week or two after I get told there is no spec, a spec gets copied to the public wiki that mentions 137 (IIRC) revisions before being made public.19:16
ScottKA week after being told here there were no plans for a Kubuntu implementation, they announce in a release team meeting that they are still considering it.19:16
ScottKSo I what I have experienced so far comes at best very close to being actively decietful.19:17
ScottKThis does not inspire trust.19:17
Riddelloh wow, do stop looking for conspiracy theories19:17
ScottKRiddell: Those are the facts.19:17
Riddellthey really wanted to do Kubuntu stuff, Canonical management wanted them to do Kubuntu stuff, but in the end they didn't have the manpower for the timescales, that's just how development can work19:18
Riddellthey have notes on the canonical wiki which get made public when Mark OKs them but they're not all made public because plans are led by designers who work as a team in an office19:19
ScottKAnd I'm glad.  I'd much rather it be done in a thoughtful way than rushed.19:19
Riddelland they don't want to put out ideas which turn out to to be wrong19:19
ScottKSo far I've detected very little "yes, we want that" from the Kubuntu developer community, but that doesn't change the fact that there are KDE apps all over their TODO list.19:23
macoat least right now the combination of notify-osd and knotify results in all of the notifications being the same color19:23
ScottKI don't think I have any non-KDE apps that do notifications.19:24
RiddellScottK: I've been hearing for years that people would like Canonical having KDE developers19:24
Riddellhi apachelogger19:24
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  It'd be great, but if they want to land something in Kubuntu, then they ought to engage the Kubuntu community.19:24
ScottKIf they want to get stuff upstream, it's great to have them work with upstream.19:25
apacheloggerRiddell: hey, thanks for the card :)19:25
ScottKSo far there is precious little indication they intend to do anything other than implement their own solution regardless of how it's received.19:25
* apachelogger hugs Riddell, jussi01, ScottK, rgreening, nhandler, smarter and JontheEchidna19:25
RiddellScottK: I'm quietly confident they will when they start (one of them has been hanging out on this channel for some time but I think he's too shy to be named yet)19:25
apacheloggerand everyone else as well, while I am at it :)19:25
* ScottK waves to apachelogger.19:26
ScottKRiddell: I hope you're correct.19:26
macoScottK: i use gwibber, so now the notifications from gwibber are black and thus sorta-match the black notifications kde throws up...unlike the old yellow gnome notifications19:27
kuaeraRegarding Amarok using knotify: They are waiting for certain features to be implemented in knotify19:27
ScottKRiddell (and whoever you are): I'm quite open to working with people to make things better, but that means work with, but just get the result pushed at us.19:27
* jussi01 hugs apachelogger back19:27
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
ScottKMissed a not in there...19:27
Riddellkuaera: and wouldn't it be nice if there were some developers who could spend time adding features to knotify :)19:27
kuaeraRiddell: I'll try to pick on them a little bit about it :P I'm only now learning basic OOP, so I'm pretty technically useless19:28
apachelogger\o/ knotify19:28
Riddellooh ooh, I got kdebindings compiled!19:28
apacheloggerthat OSD stuff should have gone there anyway ... konversation and amarok mostly use the very same code19:28
ScottKRiddell: Currently https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD describes an intent to be an alternative implementation of the KNotify API.19:29
ScottKI think working with us and KDE upstream to improve KNotify would be great, but that does not appear to be the plan.19:29
kuaeraRe: Amarok: <Hydrogen> kuaera: we've talked a little about it,  waiting for the osd notifications to get merged into knotify, mostly19:29
apacheloggerScottK: knotify is KDE 319:29
apacheloggerknotification is KDE 419:30
apacheloggerso I suppose that makes sense ;-)19:30
ScottKIt says KNotification19:30
* ScottK copied wrong.19:30
ScottKSo KNotify/KNotification throughout above.19:30
apacheloggerin this case I find it weird19:31
ScottKAs I've been saying, I am against Canonical developing an Ubuntu unique replacement for KDE upstream code.  They should work with upstream to improve.19:31
kuaeraI agree, ScottK19:32
* ScottK says enough and goes to do some $WORK.19:32
Riddellhave fun19:33
kuaeraHrm. Whatever was in the KDE4 update this morning fixed some of my Qt4.5 slowness issues, too. I'm happy about /that/19:43
JontheEchidna\o apachelogger19:59
smarterapachelogger: \o/20:03
rgreeninganyone using Firefox here? Do you have any java+FF issues (i.e. crash) under Jaunty?20:09
ScottKAnyone looking for another project, updating minirok from Git might get us that much closer to getting rid of python-kde3. http://chistera.yi.org/~adeodato/code/minirok/20:13
JontheEchidnargreening: you mean like bug 326078?20:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326078 in kdebase "nspluginviewer crashed while trying to load a Java applet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32607820:28
rgreeningya. thats prob it.20:28
rgreeningmy buddy is testing Jaunty and crashing on some sites.20:28
rgreeningJontheEchidna: that's konq, but similar issue.20:29
JontheEchidnamaybe it's a java problem20:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yo20:42
apacheloggerkde svn 93039420:42
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=930394&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 930394 | Allow users to change mimetype icons if they use shared-mime-info >= 0.40 BUG: 15889520:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ^20:42
apacheloggerworth backporting for the 3 users that would such a feature ;-)20:42
JontheEchidnaI saw that in my morning bugmail drip :P20:42
JontheEchidnaIt also requires some kdelibs changes in another commit20:43
QuintasanScottK: I've cloned the git, and it looks like it's a ready for debuild >_>20:47
QuintasanScottK: I'm just going to add a get-orig-source to rules, could you tell me how do we name the packages from git/svn?20:55
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK: we should compress kdelibs and all kdebase with lzma20:56
apacheloggerthat should free up loads of space on the CD20:56
ScottKapachelogger: Can that now?20:56
apacheloggerDEB_DH_BUILDDEB_ARGS := -- -Zlzma20:56
ScottK... we do that ...20:56
ScottKDoes LP support it?20:56
apacheloggerooo for example comes with lzma20:57
apacheloggerbesides, it's just dpkg-deb foo anyway20:57
Riddellhow much space does it save?20:57
apacheloggerdidn't test it yet, but it should be a lot20:57
ScottKCertainly worth tossing at a PPA and seeing.20:58
apacheloggersaves about 50k for choqok, but since the better part of kde* is a lot bigger than choqok it should free up quite a bit20:58
* apachelogger thinks ubuntu should default to it anyway20:59
apacheloggeror at least bzip220:59
apacheloggergzip is just one big fail20:59
JontheEchidnaThe only downside I can see with that is that build times would be ever so slightly longer :)21:01
JontheEchidna<3 lzma21:01
apacheloggerlike we would care a lot about that :P21:01
JontheEchidnabtw, upstream removed 60 MB of oxygen svgs is trunk21:02
apacheloggerwhere to?21:02
* apachelogger saw a discussion about moving oxygen to a seperate repo outside kdebase21:02
apacheloggersomething seemed flawed about the reasoning though ;-)21:03
JontheEchidnakde rev 92266021:03
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=922660&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 922660 | -60 mb: we don't need to install SVGs because no one needs to render Oxygen SVGs. I will not backport this commit but I hope ...21:03
apacheloggeroh just a cmake change21:03
JontheEchidnaah, they're still there just not installed21:03
JontheEchidnawe should backport that21:04
apacheloggerwe don't install the svgs21:04
ScottKWe need those in the tarball though (they're the source)21:04
JontheEchidnaYeah, they just removed them from being installed in the binary packages21:04
* apachelogger thinks that change should have been a cmake option rather than just removing it21:04
JontheEchidnaOh, did you hear that google-gadgets failed MIR? :(21:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why?21:05
JontheEchidnaMain Inclusion report21:05
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: they don't have a stable api/abi policy or something dumb like that21:05
ScottK"If it's going to be in Main, we actually want it to be maintainable"21:06
Riddellupstream says we should be able to package the plasma-google-gears stuff separately21:06
apacheloggerthey know aboutl kdepim's api/abi stability? :P21:06
JontheEchidnaOh, and 4.2 is in backports now21:08
* JontheEchidna tries to think of other news21:08
JontheEchidnaWe haz Qt 4.5 now21:08
Riddelland amarok won't compile :(21:09
JontheEchidnalet me guess, Qtscript?21:09
Riddellmm hmm21:09
JontheEchidnaI just hope the packaging's in fairly good shape then...21:10
Riddellpackaging?  it's all upstream strangeness21:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that would explain all the brokeness :P21:10
JontheEchidnayeah, but we can't update the packaging until we can build amarok21:10
apacheloggerScottK: are you giving lzma a try?21:10
JontheEchidnaso I hope there aren't any serious packaging bugs still around21:11
apacheloggerguess, just libs and workspace should be good for starters21:11
ScottKNot presently.21:11
apacheloggerwell, when you have time, otherwise I will try to toss them up at the weekend21:11
apacheloggerbtw, we probably should move that builddeb var to kde4.mk and use a bool21:12
apacheloggermuch clearer :)21:12
apacheloggertime for bed21:12
* jussi01 wonders if rgreening is a little mixed up where he is...21:14
rgreeningthought I click -devel21:15
jussi01rgreening: *g*21:15
rgreeningstupid quassel. I miss tabs on the bottom21:15
jussi01rgreening: hehe21:15
rgreeningRiddell: ping21:15
rgreeningI have an issue with qtjambit to discuss when you have some time./21:15
Riddellsorry about to go out21:17
rgreeningRiddell: np. later or tomorrow21:17
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
rgreeningRiddell: I think we need to seperate the designer-qtjambi into a seperate package than libqtjambi-dev.21:19
rgreeningwell, qtjambi-demo package now seems to require some of the .so files from libqtjambi-dev. If I add a dep (which I can do), it will mean installing the .dev and qt-designer and a lot of other things just to view the demos. makes no sense really.21:21
rgreeningso, I need ot seperate something...21:21
rgreeningRiddell: try the package in my PPA and see what I mean.21:21
Riddellrgreening: sorry no time, but go ahead if it needs to be separated21:23
rgreeningRiddell: ok. Just wanted your input :)21:23
rgreeningJontheEchidna: any idea on what is required to use webkit in Konqueror not that we have Qt+Webkit?21:30
Riddellrgreening: webkitkde21:31
jussi01flash still no worky tho21:31
Riddellworks in arora21:31
jussi01yeah, just not in konq21:31
rgreeningthough, I need to refresh sometimes21:32
rgreeningwhere is webkitkde?21:32
rgreeningand I assume it needs an update21:32
Riddellin the archive, and you assume wrong21:32
jussi01rgreening: it was updated today...21:32
rgreeningomg. cool21:32
jussi01least ways it hit my mirror today21:33
Riddellthat doesn't mean it works well :)21:33
QuintasanScottK: Done, but I had some errors, you will need *.changes file?21:35
rgreeningjussi01, Riddell: how do you enable it? I remember a menu option before, but I cant seem to find it.21:36
jussi01rgreening: go to a web page, then view, view mode, webkit21:37
rgreeningoh, you have to open a web page for the menu to show... doh21:37
ScottKQuintasan: No, the uploader generates their own -changes.21:38
rgreeningRiddell: yay. Webkitkde crashes konqueror21:39
ScottKrgreening: But webkit is so much better than khtml we should switch anyway.21:39
QuintasanScottK: So what I should do with it?21:40
rgreeningis there a way to set webkitkde by default so I can really test it?21:40
macoi heard a rumour that kmail trunk doesnt crash constantly. any truth to that one? and if so...when's it expected to reach jaunty?21:41
ScottKQuintasan: Did you test it?21:41
rgreeningscottk: we cant switch if it constantly crashes. Happened a couple of times already. I guess the webkitkde plugin piece still needs much work.21:42
ScottKmaco: Trunk is 4.3, so not until Karmic.21:42
ScottKrgreening: There was some sarcasm is what I said.21:42
macoScottK: so um...cherry picking possible? to fix the crashes?21:42
rgreeningha. my brain est tres retarded today21:43
ScottKmaco: Possibly.  Some of that should happen automatically when we get
macoby the way, i like kontact :D21:44
ScottKThe best thing for right now is to make sure upstream has relevant bugs so we have a shot at seeing a fix in 4.2.2 or trunk.21:44
* ScottK too.21:44
rgreeningdisney.com under Khtml is much better than partly working and slow webkit.21:58
ScottKYou consider disney.com working a feature?21:59
QuintasanScottK: Hmm, I can't compile it, it works but there is no configuration, it tells me to use make ui in the top directory so I added it to debian/rule but it throws out: pykdeuic4: Permission denied22:01
ScottKDid you build-dep on python-kde4-dev?22:02
QuintasanScottK: yes22:04
ScottKOK.  Dunno what to tell you. It may be it's not done enough to be usable.22:05
Quintasanhmm, ok22:05
QuintasanI'm off, night guys22:05
* nhandler returns apachelogger's hug even though he isn't here22:09
neversfeldeknemo is back for KDE4 and it works for me. Is it possible to get an exception from feature freeze for that?22:21
ScottKneversfelde: If Riddell is will to say so.22:23
neversfeldeScottK: ok, I will ping him, when he returns22:24
neversfeldeit is so windows like, but I love it :)22:24
neversfeldeScottK: thanks22:24
ghostcubeTm_T, and ? have u tested :D22:36
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
ghostcubehmm kubuntu isnt still suuporting google-gadgets with plamsa or ?23:15
JontheEchidnafor the moment23:15
JontheEchidnait'd need to be packaged separately as it stands23:17
ghostcubethx i was discussing in plasma :)23:22
macowhomever mentioned installing updates for kdebase as a potential fix for plasma not starting with my config, it seems to have fixed it. thanks23:35
ScottKRiddell: cheers - kdebindings built on i386.23:59

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