
=== tor is now known as Guest71538
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Huntzdaskreech: so in adept click main, universe, restricted, multiverse from main server00:00
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=== Ghoststri is now known as Silentstri
SilentstriHow old is Kubuntu v 6.06 LTS?00:02
DaSkreechIt came out June of 200600:02
Silentstrioh, so it's still maitained... ty00:02
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.00:03
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.00:03
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Silentstrihow do you set afk? srry im nub00:05
matissenot important, nobody cares about00:06
Silentstrilol k ty00:06
Silentstrii started the install process... now I wait -_-"00:07
matisseHow do I smooth my fonts? After installing (recommended) "msttcorefonts" and "ttf-xfree86-nonfree" nearly every font looks pixely. (Already removed those packages, didnt help)00:08
DaSkreechSilentstri: wait you are install 6.0.6 ?00:09
matisses/every font/every displayed text00:09
DaSkreechHmm 6.0600:09
GWildmatisse: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/enable-smooth-fonts-on-ubuntu-linux/00:09
GWildmatisse: that will help w/ smoothing00:09
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Silentstriim goin for dinner... *AFK*00:10
khalidmiani would like to install realvnc since krdc doesnt work can anyone help?00:10
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DaSkreechSilentstri: why not Hardy ?00:10
Silentstriwhats hardy?00:10
DaSkreechThe next LTS after Dapper00:10
khalidmianor do i need to install vncviewer by using sudo apt-get install vncviewer inorder to use krdc00:11
DaSkreechDapper is supported for a few more months as desktop00:11
DaSkreechSilentstri: No Not Kubuntu but the Kubuntu team will keep patches going for it unofficially and in any case it's supported longer than dapper is even as a Non LTS00:11
Silentstrii dont have live cd, and im having problems making one00:12
DaSkreechSilentstri: how are you installing then?00:12
Huntzdaskreech: anything under third party soft or updates00:12
Silentstriim gonna stick to 6.06 until i get the hang of kubuntu00:12
Silentstrii have live for 6.0600:12
Silentstribrb dinner00:12
DaSkreechHuntz: no third party. I think that recommended updates should be on00:12
DaSkreechSilentstri: Ok Fine00:12
Huntzbetter hurry fore it goes EOL...lol00:12
DaSkreechEnjoy dinner00:12
Huntzgonna check security also00:13
DaSkreechI'm gonna say don't bother00:14
DaSkreechDo that post update00:14
khalidmianany help/suggestions?00:14
DaSkreechSince part of the update rules is to change all the security servers00:14
DaSkreech!info krdc00:14
ubottukrdc (source: kdenetwork): Remote Desktop Connection client for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 378 kB, installed size 708 kB00:14
DaSkreechkhalidmian: krdc will install all the libraries it needs00:14
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DaSkreechIt will suggest other libraries it can use00:14
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DaSkreechIf you would like to use vnc or nx by all means install them00:15
khalidmianDaSkreech: cantseem to connect to remote desktop using krdc00:15
ubuntu_Khalidmian: Remote Support activated?00:15
khalidmianhow do i activate that?00:16
ubuntu_In windows under the settings of your workstation00:16
khalidmianDaSkreech: i seem to be able to connect to remote desktops using realvnc under window00:16
ubuntu_but then you need to have vnc server installed under windows00:17
khalidmianubuntu: i am able to access remote desktops using realvnc under windows environment00:17
ubuntu_sorry, are you guys trying to access via rdp or via vnc?00:17
khalidmianubuntu_: realvnc server are in the remote desktops already00:18
ubuntu_sorry, thought you wanted to connect via rdp...00:18
khalidmianyes i do00:18
khalidmiando i need krdc server installed in windows?00:18
ubuntu_I don't know much about vnc, sorry00:18
ubuntu_@khalidmian: not if you want to connect via vnc00:19
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khalidmianwhat if i wish to connect via krdc?00:21
Huntz> daskreech:00:21
Huntz> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main universe restricted multiverse00:21
Huntz> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates universe main multiverse restricted00:21
Huntz> deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security universe main multiverse restricted00:21
khalidmianwhat do i need to install in widows remote desktops to connect via krdc00:22
DaSkreechHuntz: ok00:22
ubuntu_depends if you want to connect via rdp protocol or via vnc protocol00:22
Dragnslcrkhalidmian- nothing00:22
Dragnslcrkhalidmian- krdc can do RDP just fine00:22
Huntzdaskreech: so now that perl command?00:22
DaSkreechsudo perl -p -i -e 's/feisty/gutsy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list00:23
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dash84sudo apt-get girls_in_bikinis_wallpapers00:26
Huntz> daskreech:00:26
Huntz> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe restricted multiverse00:26
Huntz> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates universe main multiverse restricted00:26
Huntz> deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-security universe main multiverse restricted00:26
Exilantdash84: i remember some debianis scoffing buntu for exactly that00:27
Exilantmust have been some gnome wallpaper calerndar or so00:27
Silentstriim back00:27
dash84google image search / right click / set as wallpaper00:27
dash84i cant have that though my girlfriend gets mad :[00:28
dash84so i got giraffes instead rofl00:28
dash84how does a wallpaper calendar work?00:28
Silentstrido I need internet to install kubuntu?00:29
WalzmynSilentstri, do you have a cd?00:29
dash84you could order the cd :/00:29
Wargasmno, but you will for updates.00:29
Silentstriso if its updating, Im done the install?00:29
Walzmynthen no, but you won't be able to update, Silentstri00:29
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DaSkreechHuntz: Yes00:29
DaSkreechContinue the rest of the upgrade00:29
lupineSo, I've shoehorned an ext3 partition into a space about 200 blocks shorter than it should be00:29
WalzmynSilentstri, did you use a net install disk?00:30
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lupineresize2fs fails (even with -f) complaining of short reads00:30
Silentstria wha...?00:30
DaSkreechExilant: When Ubuntu started the calendar would change the wallpaper each month00:30
HuntzHere we go, engage...lol00:30
WargasmSilentstri: you can install kubuntu with the cd alone, but there are updates you can only get online.00:30
DaSkreechsabdfl wanted "strong human imgery" Which most people read as porn00:30
lupine(it's a non-raid to a raid-1 setup)00:30
DaSkreechThe idea was dropped after three months00:30
WalzmynSilentstri, that's probably a no. You're proabably done with the install, just let the update run00:30
lupinesuggestions? :P)00:31
dash84strong human imagery is porn00:31
Silentstrii can get internet AFTER i install an op. system00:31
dash84unless its some artsy crap00:31
DaSkreechSilentstri: What do you mean ?00:31
Wargasmstrong human imagery isn't necissarily porn, dash8400:31
Huntzhmmm, to bad I didnt know that there was know output00:31
dash84what would it be then?00:31
khalidmianhow do i install a rpm/tar file?00:31
HuntzI would have been done awhile ago00:31
Wargasmlike you said, it could be art.00:31
SilentstriI have a wireless antenna... the laptop im trying to install on is 7yrs old, the original wifi is shot... problem with the antenna is I need to install the driver..........00:31
Wargasmnot everyone sees porn when they see the human body, some people just see beauty00:32
dash84in some circumstances, yes.00:32
Huntzcan I upgrade with kde running?00:32
DaSkreechHuntz: yes00:33
dash84so the porn industry wanted a bail out00:33
dash84you guys remember that?00:33
Wargasmi think thats awesome00:33
DaSkreechSilentstri: What chipset?00:33
Silentstrii r nub XD00:34
dash84chipset dood00:34
bishopzDaSkreesh: whats up :)00:34
bishopzwow -just woke up00:34
Silentstrichipset = intel?00:34
Wargasmwhat chipset does your mobo have00:34
DaSkreechSilentstri: Who makes the wifi?00:34
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DaSkreechhi bishopz00:34
Silentstrioh.... uhm, the external one?00:34
Wargasmlike 965p or whatever00:35
bishopzalmost got my laptop running correct !00:35
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dash84running what os00:35
bishopzextrnal works great no bugs no lags in the movies00:35
DaSkreechSilentstri: The external one is the one you need working?00:35
Silentstriya, but I need an OS to install the driver :/00:35
WargasmSilentstri: do you know what brand/model the antenna is?00:36
Silentstrilinksys is the external one00:36
bishopzwrong button00:36
DaSkreechSilentstri: Good observation! And you said U r nub!!00:36
Wargasmdo you want to get that one working? or the interal one?00:36
Silentstriidk what the internal one is, but its shot00:36
Silentstrifunny -_-00:37
WargasmSilentstri: you should be able to figure that out somehow. But the external one will be easy.00:37
DaSkreechSilentstri: So why were you asking if you needed to install kubuntu ?00:37
Silentstrithe install worked this time00:37
Silentstri3rd times the charm00:37
Silentstrior ..... 5th time ._.00:38
bishopzits tricky like that sometimes00:38
Wargasmusually if it's popular hardware, the driver will be automatically detected.00:38
dash84i usually quit by the second try00:38
dash84then i bbq da cpu00:38
Silentstriim restarting, so we're about to find out00:38
ExilantDaSkreech: thanks for clearing that up for me, thanks. used ubuntu the first time with hoary, so missed out on the first three months00:38
Wargasmalright, good luck00:38
bishopzim on ubuntu right now00:39
contrastGreets, everyone...00:39
lupineah, inelegant solution time00:39
bishopzcontrast: hi00:39
dash84would you guys say ubuntu is the best linux os00:39
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bishopzi like it so far, its very user friendly, but user friendly for people who are used to complexity00:39
bishopzisnt allll that friendly00:40
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DaSkreechdash84: You mean best distro00:40
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:40
dash84linux os00:40
dash84sounds the same to me00:41
SilentstriAND THE VERDICT IS...........................................00:41
dash84ive been wanting to try out slackware00:41
dash84last time i used that was version 700:41
contrastanyone have an idea why Xorg would be using 20-30% cpu?00:41
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DaSkreechdash84: Seriously if you like it it's the best for you00:41
richiehow do i view the OS i ran with vmware server?00:41
dash84it depends man00:42
SilentstriI officially have my linux comp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:42
lupinerichie: mount disc image, browse00:42
lupinegenerally speaking00:42
Silentstrisrry for spamming random junk00:42
bishopzlol congrats silentstri00:42
richielupine: huh? disk image? i wanna view the gui?00:42
lupineoh, right. not a clue00:43
lupinewith the workstation thingummy?00:43
Silentstrity bishopz00:44
DaSkreechwelcome to Linux and kubuntu Silentstri00:44
Silentstrity ^^00:44
Silentstrii feel 0.1% less nubby XD00:44
DaSkreechdash84: Yes it does. On if you like it :)00:44
Silentstriwow this made my old comp run fast00:44
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Huntzeh bishopz did you find themes to dl00:44
bishopzlinux = 100x's smaller than windows00:45
bishopznah nothing worth it yet00:45
bishopzu got anything?00:45
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contrastwhat kinda themes you looking for, bishopz?00:45
Silentstriawesome... so whats the best IRC client for kubuntu?00:45
bishopztech stuff, clean00:45
lupineSilentstri: irssi+screen, of course00:45
lupinepossible bitlbee00:45
Silentstrikk ty00:45
contrastbishopz: i mean themes for what?00:45
bishopzoh desktop00:46
bishopzwhole package00:46
bishopzubuntu 8.1000:46
DaSkreechSilentstri: try konversation first00:46
contrastbishopz: already try gnome-look.org and/or kde-look.org?00:46
Silentstrithat was what i was going to ask :P00:46
bishopzactually no , brb checking into it00:47
contrastkonversation has fulfilled all my irc needs in the two years i've used linux without a problem00:47
Silentstrioh wait, gotta get internet workin00:47
Silentstri*crosses fingers*00:48
contrastany ideas as to why xorg would be using 20-30% cpu when idle (desktop effects disabled and compiz isn't running)? this just started today out of nowhere00:48
Silentstriknocks on table00:48
bishopzbad news?00:49
Silentstriinternets not workin00:49
bishopzSilentstri: whats wrong/00:49
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Laeborganyone who knows a good ftp client ?00:49
Silentstriim fixing, hold on00:49
bishopzwifi or hard wire?00:49
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bishopzis it a laptop silent00:50
contrastLaeborg: filezilla00:50
bishopzhang on00:50
Silentstrimy encryption is tkip, how do I set that on my laptop00:50
contrastLaeborg: if you *just* need a client, konqueror works too00:50
Silentstriits only giving me option for WEP00:50
bishopzi use putty with my ftp00:52
bishopzsilentstri: whats the options in networks00:53
Silentstriits encrypted with a TKIP00:53
SilentstriWPA personal00:54
Silentstriand TKIP00:54
bishopzhave u tried wpa00:54
bishopzHold thought kids running loose00:54
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Silentstriits only giving me option for either shared or open system wep modes00:56
Silentstriwould ASCII make a diff?00:57
EtFbHere's a funny one.  I'm on Kubuntu 8.04 with an ATI graphics card.  Used to be that I couldn't suspend or hibernate, but something in the recent updates just fixed that for me with no effort on my part.  Now, I can't log out!  If I change my video drive to vesa instead of fglrx, I can log out, but if I leave it as is, the whole laptop crashes when I select Log Out from the menu.  Advice welcome!00:57
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Silentstricrap i hit ctrl+alt+f8 what happened?01:01
Silentstriwhat does ctrl+alt+f8 do?01:02
Huntzwhat the ggrrrrr01:02
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Huntzmy upgrade crashed01:05
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Huntzdaskreech: you good with error logs?01:10
[TCK]quick question: reinstalling kubuntu over the old partition, I'm gonna need to install a new bootloader aren't I?01:11
Huntzdepends on your setup01:12
[TCK]just realised how stupid my mind is, of course if the bootloader is on the same partition and you've formatted the partition, not backed up menu.lst and decided not to install a bootloader then you're a dumbass01:14
[TCK]it's late01:14
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DaSkreechHuntz: Sure01:15
DaSkreech[TCK]: It iwll install one01:15
[TCK]I went into advance and deselected that01:15
[TCK]go me!01:15
[TCK]just finished, grub error 1501:16
[TCK]there a quick way to install a proper bootloader without reinstalling kubuntu again?01:16
Huntzdaskreech: here it comes01:18
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:18
DaSkreech!grub | [TCK]01:18
ubottu[TCK]: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:18
Huntz> 2009-02-22 18:30:49,396 DEBUG lsb-release: 'feisty'01:18
Huntz> 2009-02-22 18:30:49,396 DEBUG _pythonSymlinkCheck run01:19
Huntz> 2009-02-22 18:30:49,904 DEBUG checkViewDepends()01:19
Huntz> 2009-02-22 18:30:49,905 DEBUG getRequiredBackports()01:19
Huntz> 2009-02-22 18:31:29,365 ERROR IOError in cache.update(): 'Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu$01:19
Huntz> '. Retrying (currentRetry: 0)01:19
Huntz> 2009-02-22 18:31:30,377 ERROR IOError in cache.update(): 'Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu$01:19
Huntz> '. Retrying (currentRetry: 1)01:19
Huntz> 2009-02-22 18:31:32,358 ERROR IOError in cache.update(): 'Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu$01:19
Huntz> '. Retrying (currentRetry: 2)01:19
Huntz> 2009-02-22 18:31:32,358 ERROR doUpdate() failed complettely01:19
Huntz> 2009-02-22 18:31:44,766 ERROR Can not find backport 'release-upgrader-apt'01:19
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DaSkreech!paste | Huntz. Please use this01:19
ubottuHuntz. Please use this: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:20
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Silentstrii have a problem, can someone help me?01:21
yowshihi i have just moved from gnome to kde and i need a little help01:21
Huntztry that...lol01:21
Silentstrioh nvm01:21
Silentstrianyone can help a nub with wireless problem01:22
Silentstrianyone can help a nub with wireless problem01:23
yuu_hello everyone01:24
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=== tor is now known as Guest73289
Huntzhmmm, I wonder if tor is gonna be back01:26
[TCK]Silentstri: fire away01:27
Silentstriok, i just learned that my wirless card (WPC54G) doesn't have a Kubuntu driver....01:27
Silentstrican I do anything about that?01:27
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bishopzit might not be that01:28
DaSkreechHuntz: DEBUG?01:28
bishopzit might be that youre laptop is trying to run both drivers01:28
bishopzat the same time01:28
[TCK]there's always ndiswrapper, though I've never had much luck with it01:28
Silentstrino, I checked on the site01:28
Silentstrino driver for anything other then windows.... :/01:28
anarchysilentri have you tried ndiswrapper?01:28
DaSkreechyowshi: With?01:28
DaSkreechhi yuriy01:28
[TCK]apparently ndiswrapper has got better since I last tried it out01:29
Huntzdaskreech: debug where?01:29
anarchydifferent drivers can work better than others01:29
bishopzoh damn, i know on mine, i had to re update the drivers, and disable the laptops actual driver and let it run off linux default01:29
Silentstrii r nub, plz go slow ._.01:29
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ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:30
yowshiDaSkreech:  well firefox has buggered up and i am trying to figure out how to get app launchers from the panel in gnome into kde. i understand a direct copy is not possible but i realy do need some of the custom command launchers i made01:30
[TCK]ndiswrapper basically takes windows drivers and uses them in linux, sort of like a wine project for wireless drivers01:30
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Silentstriso, I should google ndiswrapper01:30
yowshiDaSkreech: also i have an issue with pidgin but it isnt as big or important as any of my other issues01:30
DaSkreechHuntz: The update is throwing Debug messages. what was the command you used to get this?01:30
Silentstriput it on memory card, and put on other laptop?01:30
[TCK]follow the wifi link from ubottu01:30
anarchyuse that link silentstri01:30
DaSkreechhow is firefox bugerd?01:30
Silentstrity anarchy01:30
Huntznothing, I pulled it out of the ditro upgrade logs from the main log01:31
DaSkreechHuntz: Did you do a sudo apt-get update ?01:31
Huntzooohhh, wait mind needs to catch up01:31
Huntzno I didnt01:31
anarchydon't worry about the compiling from source part most of the time you don't need to do that with ndiswrapper silentstri01:31
DaSkreechI think that you also need to do an upgrade but that might not be smart since you are already running Gutsy repos01:32
bishopz-kicks compiz-01:32
Huntzdaskreech: just the frontend distupgrade01:33
DaSkreechHuntz: That's from in the /tmp directory ?01:34
Huntzbut it looks like its looking for the backports repo, doesn't it?01:34
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Huntzthe log or the upgrade file?01:34
dash84hey is it easy to hack someones computer on your wifi network01:34
Huntzthe error log is from var/usr/tmp?01:35
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DaSkreechHuntz: Yeah it does. Good call01:35
Huntzthe error log is from var/log/distupgrade01:35
DaSkreechdash84: maybe01:35
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yowshiDaSkreech: any idea why my addons which worked perfectly fine in gnome stopped working after i switched over?01:35
bishopzlol @ maybe01:36
bishopzi had my desktop pimped01:36
bishopzall sorts of addons01:36
DaSkreechyowshi: No there should be no difference01:37
bishopzthan went nah i want the plain look01:37
Huntzhmmmm, I dunno how its gonna like that, the repo for the backport is dogfood/launchpad01:37
yowshiDaSkreech: and yet there is. firefox says they are installed but none of them will activate. i cant even uninstall to reinstall tem01:37
[TCK]wow, fresh 8.10's a lot nippier than dist-upgraded 8.1001:37
DaSkreechHuntz: in feisty?01:38
yowshi[TCK]: nippier?01:38
Huntzdaskreech: yes01:38
[TCK]well, it takes a lot shorter time to boot if nothing else01:38
DaSkreech[TCK]: Of course01:38
DaSkreechHuntz: What's the backports line ?01:39
HuntzI wonder if I should let adept do that and try to put one in manually that match us.archive.ubuntu01:39
[TCK]I was expecting it to be a little quicker, just not as drastic01:39
DaSkreechYeah I would say01:39
DaSkreech[TCK]: The longer you use a computer the more it gets gunky01:39
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DaSkreechHa ha ok fine roll with it01:40
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yowshiDaSkreech: oh wait i think i know why. kubuntu doesnt ave firefox 301:40
DaSkreechyowshi: They are pulling from the same repos01:40
DaSkreechThey all come from one server. So in short yes it does01:40
yowshiDaSkreech: well firefox 3 isnt listed in the kick off app launcher01:41
[TCK]DaSkreech: true, not that I was expecting linux distros to be immune to that, but Windows still gets it worse01:41
DaSkreechyowshi: type firefox it should give you an option to run it01:41
yowshiDaSkreech: though i did have it as an app launcxher in the panel in gnome01:41
nemesisalguien habla en español01:41
DaSkreech!es | nemesis01:41
ubottunemesis: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:41
nemesises que tengo un problema01:41
DaSkreech[TCK]: The problem with Windows is you can't clean it without wiping it.01:41
DaSkreechI can spruce back up a Linux install to brand new. I can make it faster than brand new if I like01:42
yowshiDaSkreech: there is a firefox button with no title under it but that loads something wierd looks almost like a window window and it isnt the firefox 3 i ave installed01:42
[TCK]DaSkreech: I assume it isn't as simple as typing one word into cli :P01:42
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bishopzthe kis underlined01:45
DaSkreechyowshi: strange01:46
DaSkreechyowshi: press alt+f2 and type in firefox01:46
DaSkreech[TCK]: one command possibly01:46
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yowshiDaSkreech: it's in the system i just launched it manually. it just isnt in the kick start list. possibly because i took it out of the gnome app launcher list and put it on the top panel01:47
DaSkreechyowshi: sounds likely01:47
yowshiDaSkreech: how do i put it on the kde panel or back into the kickstart app launcher?01:47
DaSkreechWell I think there is a more approved way of getting launchers on the panel but I just drag the executable there and it makes a button01:48
bishopzhow would someone on regular irc get in here. like on windows01:48
yowshiDaSkreech: i did that in gnome and it moved from the launcher l.list onto the panel01:49
DaSkreechbishopz: Regular IRC?01:49
DaSkreechI've been using irregualr IRC?01:49
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bishopzi mean whats the channel01:49
DaSkreech#kubuntu on irc.freenode.net01:50
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bishopzty sir01:50
DaSkreechyowshi: alt+f2 and dolphin /usr/bin01:50
DaSkreechDrag what ever you want to the panel01:50
DaSkreechThen in the properties just give it an icon01:50
DaSkreechI know there must be a better way that's just what I did01:50
yowshiDaSkreech: huh01:51
bishopzDaskreech, can u type me a walk thru to get in here ... my girls new to irc, and im on konversation01:54
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Silentstriwhy i quit?01:55
yowshiDaSkreech: i could use a little bit mnore then that because i have on idea what i am looking at in dolphin01:55
HuntzI thought I had it but I thinks it was qrong01:57
DaSkreechyowshi: That's the list of commands (programs) on the computer01:59
DaSkreechjust type firefox01:59
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DaSkreechIt should take you to the firefox binary01:59
DaSkreechyou can press enter to run it and see if that's what you want01:59
yowshiDaSkreech: i already did that drag pasrt i did it right from the folder browser02:00
DaSkreechJust drag it to a panel and it makes a button02:00
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Huntzwell this is getting frustrating, It doesnt like them links02:01
DaSkreechHuntz: grr ok make it look live everything else but use feisty-backports02:02
DaSkreech or gutsy-backports02:02
DaSkreechwhichever it's using now02:02
yowshiDaSkreech: one app launche down 12 to go. is there a file where gnome put the app launcher button data so i dont have to log into gnome to find it?02:03
yowshiDaSkreech: also i'd like to move the vlock and open app icons to the top panel but leave the open windows and kickstart at the bottom how do i do that02:03
Huntzhold on, I am gonna post the new log02:04
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bishopzOk how do i instal downloaded themes02:05
DaSkreechyowshi: in ~/.gnome I would guess02:06
DaSkreechyowshi: Hmm ? You want two panels?02:07
Huntzdaskreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121649/02:07
yuriyDaSkreech: hmm? what's up?02:07
DaSkreechhi yuriy02:07
DaSkreechHow are you?02:07
yuriygood, you?02:07
yowshiDaSkreech: yes one for the apps that are running my clock and the various app launchers i am going to add for it and one for the windows thatare open. two just makes everything actually viewable02:07
DaSkreechHuntz: Bleh lets recreate the file and start over02:08
DaSkreechyuriy: Pretty decent. had a nice weekend02:08
Huntzrgr that02:08
yowshiDaSkreech: i have a second panel just a matter of moving everything around though some of it i dont know what it is called to move it02:08
DaSkreechyowshi: right click the desktop and add panel02:08
DaSkreechHuntz: Wait02:09
DaSkreechHuntz: Wait wait. Why is it feisty-backports and gutsy everything else ?02:09
DaSkreechThe error02:09
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DaSkreechEverything is gutsy except the backports. That's feisty02:09
DaSkreechLets start over :)02:10
Huntzrgr, I was half deleted already02:10
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DaSkreechHuntz: how do you 1/2 delete ?02:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!02:10
HuntzI was holding hte delete key02:10
DaSkreechHuntz: just mv it to something else02:11
DaSkreechmight be helpful to look back into it02:11
nixternalDaSkreech: ?02:11
DaSkreechnixternal:  can you temp ban tor?02:11
DaSkreechhas been logging in and out for hours02:11
DaSkreechWith nick collisions02:11
bishopzyea he has02:11
DaSkreechI'm pretty sure if someone is on the other end they would have noticed by now02:11
nixternal_tor: are you OK?02:12
yowshigrrrr is there no way to make the clocks in kde show non military time?02:13
DaSkreechLogs in with _tor changes it to Guestsomething changes it back to tor collides logsout logs back in with _tor02:13
DaSkreechyowshi: There is. I can't remember how. I think it's in system settings. Let me try find out02:13
yowshiyou'd think it would be in the clock settings :)02:14
Huntzdaskreech: ok backed up faulty one, clean slate02:14
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nixternalhehe, watching him02:14
yowshialso the panel entries arent in .gnome :(02:14
DaSkreechUse adept to make a new one. with backports then do the do-release-upgrade02:14
nixternaltor: speak up now or forever hold your peace02:15
bishopznixternal: good evening02:15
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amazedhi bishopz02:15
nixternalforever hold that peace!02:15
DaSkreechpeace. OUT!02:15
bishopzamazed: hi wanna connect ? ;x02:15
bishopzlol _tor go buhbye02:15
* DaSkreech high fives nixternal02:16
bishopznixternal: tyvm02:16
DaSkreechnixternal: I owe you a Buju Cd :)02:16
bishopzhey wheres mine02:16
bishopzdahell is this crap02:16
Silentstrihow do I view the contents of a CD with a kubuntu v 6.06 non-update?02:17
Silentstrican someone tell me what program i should use to open CD's on kubuntu02:18
DaSkreechSilentstri: Konqueror02:18
Silentstriits giving error02:18
DaSkreechWhich error?02:18
bishopz-kicks my vlc- STOP FREEZING02:19
bishopzsorry emotional outburst02:19
EtFbyowshi: Did you solve your time display problem?02:20
yowshinot yet02:20
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* EtFb wrote tiem instead of time at first. Too many LOLcats!02:20
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Silentstri"could not mount device. the reported error was: Mount:block device /dev/hdc is write protected, mounting in read-only. MOUNT: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on dev/hdc missing codepage or other error in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so02:20
yowshiquery whats the dasboard thing02:20
EtFbyowshi: It's in regional settings (or whatever it's called) in System Settings.02:20
bishopzkeyword for today: mounting02:20
Silentstrii dunno what that means...02:21
EtFbyowshi: Change the format for how short time is displayed.  There are examples in the drop-downs.02:21
GWildadept is stating there is an error removing an installed package (gvim). Is there a way to remove this manually?02:21
PeeeeeetHey all02:21
Silentstriso how do I fix?02:21
bishopzhonestly, mounting - not my thing, daskreech saved my neck with mounting my drive02:22
Silentstrii gotta go to bed.... school 2morrow02:22
Silentstrik thanks for everything to everyone who helped me, especially anarchy, daskreech and bishopz02:23
yowshihow do i change something position on a panelk?02:23
Silentstriright click02:23
DaSkreechyowshi: It's a collection of widgets you want to see quickly. by default it's your desktop02:23
Silentstri:P gnight all02:23
Peeeeeetso is there any niceties to asking a question here?  (the irony of asking that is not lost on me)02:23
bishopzsee ya tomorrow02:23
bishopz(most likely)02:23
Silentstrilol ciao02:23
yowshiDaSkreech: but my desktop used to have all my often used files and most used directories. i used it to store stuff on02:24
PeeeeeetI've been in plenty of support irc channels that get crabby if you ask a question "out of turn" or something02:24
EtFbPeeeeeet: Ask your question.  If anyone can think of an answer, they will probably answer it.  If they can't, think about it from a different angle and try again.02:25
yowshitjhough kde has the reall cool drop down menu for seeing whats on the desktop02:25
EtFbPeeeeeet: A lot of IRC channels are populated by people with no (a) life, (b) clue, or (c) chance of ever getting out of their parents' basement.  This is not such a channel.02:25
evan_Anybody know how to disable plasma as part of the startkde sequence?  Or where it gets called?  I run KDE4 atop ion3, and don't use any desktop whatsoever.  I just want to comment out the exec of plasma itself.02:25
bishopzwow, reality just kicked in... its 9:25, im watching fricking madagascar2 and coding..02:25
bishopzi need a life=02:26
DaSkreechyowshi: What version of KDE are you using?02:26
PeeeeeetEtFb: glad to hear it :)02:26
yowshiDaSkreech: i am guessing the last one to come out 4.2 something02:26
DaSkreechyowshi: open dolphin and help -> about KDE02:27
PeeeeeetWell I just installed Kubuntu 8.10 AMD64 then after starting up the first thing I do is activate the proprietary nvidia driver and when I restart it lands in command line.  How would I "deactivate" said proprietary driver from command line?02:27
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evan_(Incidentally, for anybody who cares, most plasmoids run perfectly nicely in the frames of a framing window manager)02:27
yowshiDaSkreech: 4.2.0002:27
DaSkreechyowshi: ok cool02:27
DaSkreechYou have two options for your files02:28
DaSkreechYou can put a folder view on your desktop or you can make your desktop a folderview02:28
EtFbPeeeeeet: I'd love to know that too.  I fiddled with 8.10 for a while and the stupid changes to xorg.conf were a major reason I went scarpering back to the safety of 8.04, which still has KDE 3.5, the last known functioning version of KDE...02:29
yowshii had a desktop folder view thingy on the desktop before but i closed it i didnt know what it ws other then a folder02:29
yowshiand now i dont know how to get it back02:29
yowshithe desktop folder view was open when i launched kde02:29
SlartibartfastPeeeeeet, can't you just change nvidia in xorg.conf to nv ?02:29
EtFbyowshi: This is KDE 4?02:29
yowshiEtFb: yes 4.2.0002:30
EtFbSlartibartfast: xorg.conf is dead in KDE 4.02:30
yowshikde 4 doesnt use xorg.conf?02:30
EtFbyowshi: Click on the cashew (the stupid little icon in the top left of the desktop) and fiddle with the settings there.02:30
JontheEchidnait has nothing to do with KDE4, but rather that xorg.conf is dead in the New Xorg02:30
JontheEchidnaand if you still have an xorg.conf it will use it02:30
Peeeeeetyeah KDE 4.202:31
Slartibartfasti still really have         Driver  "nvidia"02:31
PeeeeeetI'll try changing nvidia to nv02:31
yowshiEtFb: cool02:31
EtFbJontheEchidna: Bugger.  Really?  I was hoping it was yet another stupid KDE 4 decision that would be reversed.  And my experience is that it won't use the xorg.conf unless you put in the right stuff, and there's no way any more to know what that is, because the comments and helpful defaults are gone.02:31
JontheEchidnanah, xorg changes all the way02:31
yowshiEtFb: the show desktop widget thingy doesnt actually minimize any windows :(02:32
DaSkreechyowshi: Do you want that view or all the icons on your desktop as before ?02:32
gustavobuenas  no puedo  ver  videos  online  alguien me puede  ayudar?02:32
yowshiDaSkreech: yeah etfb told me how. i put all my most used apps onto my panel i dont need a widget dashboard02:32
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:33
EtFbyowshi: I was understanding your problem as follows: there used to be a black square on your desktop (top left quarter or so) that had the desktop icons in it.  It's gone.  You want it back.  Is that right?02:33
gustavosorry  thanks  =)02:33
yowshiEtFb: nope02:33
DaSkreechEtFb: KDE can't really decide not to us xorg.conf without not using X which is kinda dumb02:33
yowshiEtFb: though i like that drop down menu for the desktop folder and i am keeping it.02:34
EtFbyowshi: Well, then!  I've solved a problem you didn't have!  Aren't you grateful?  Now you don't have that problem twice!02:34
DaSkreechthe xorg.conf changes are fully Xorg's choice. They are trying to get to a point where if you delete xorg.conf X will still work and all changes will be in the GUI02:34
Huntzdaskreech: so how should i do this02:34
EtFbDaSkreech: And in the process are Gnome-ifying X, ie making it so simple that only an idiot would/could use it.  Very un-KDE.02:35
yowshiEtFb: mno my problem was i wanted my folder and stuff i had on my desktop back on my desktop. when you said the little cashew thing i minimized all windows and atrted looking around and changed desktop to folder view02:35
yowshiEtFb: now i need a way to minimize all windows02:35
DaSkreechHuntz: run the sudo do-release-upgrade. lets take it from the top02:35
yowshia mouse action would nbe nice02:35
EtFbyowshi: That works too.  I'd forgotten that option.02:35
DaSkreechHuntz: pastebin your sources.list first02:35
Peeeeeethm, changing it to nv didn't do it02:35
PeeeeeetI'm thinkin the suggestion to go 8.04 is a good one02:35
yowshialso would be ince o know how to move icons around the panel to put them in the order i want02:35
EtFbPeeeeeet: Try vesa.02:35
Huntzwhere am I gonna pull a source list from02:35
DaSkreechEtFb: Xorg is neither Gnome nor KDE. Both have very little say in Xorg though they both have influence02:36
EtFbPeeeeeet: I gave Intrepid a good couple of weeks, and when kubuntu-experimental got 4.2 I really thought it might work.  But too much is broken.  I'm sticking with Hardy for a while.02:36
PeeeeeetEtFb: tried that before I came here (that's what's in xorg.conf.failsafe... not so failsafeish after all)02:36
DaSkreechyowshi: click the cashew at the end of the panel and then just drag them around02:36
DaSkreechHuntz: did you remake it in adept ?02:37
yowshiDaSkreech: thanks02:37
EtFbDaSkreech: Not saying they're the same, just that they're tending toward the Gnome attitude (make it simple) instead of the KDE one (make everything configurable).02:37
Huntzno when you said start over I thoughwe were gonna do somethin different02:37
EtFbDaSkreech: The trouble with that is that sometimes I want to be able to make changes that disagree with what their software thinks is best.02:38
SlartibartfastPeeeeeet, just apt-get remove the nvidia stuff won't help?02:38
DaSkreechEtFb: the idea is it never disrespects the xorg.conf02:38
DaSkreechif you put one in with all sorts of stuff it will follow it02:38
DaSkreechbut if you don't even have one it should still work02:39
bishopzim ready to drop kick ubuntu02:39
PeeeeeetSlartibartfast: i don't know what the nvidia stuff is, how do u get apt-get to list what stuff is instaleld?02:39
yowshihow do i change the [panel colours02:39
DaSkreechso the first thing is to make the xorg.conf as minimalist as possible02:39
bishopzand forget about compiz and themes02:39
SlartibartfastSee what is installed with dpkg -l *nvidia*02:39
DaSkreechyowshi: Themes02:39
EtFbDaSkreech: I guess I just need to know more about the xorg.conf syntax then.  I could never get it to behave.02:39
DaSkreechunder appearance settings02:39
yowshiDaSkreech: where is thta located?02:39
DaSkreechRight click the desktop and appearance settings -> themes02:39
bishopz-perks- themes02:40
SlartibartfastPeeeeeet, whats listed with a ii in the first column is installed02:40
DaSkreechbishopz: What do you want from Compiz?02:41
russlarso, how long should I expect it to take to rsync 160GB of data from one USB disk to another?02:41
bishopzsomething nice. i dont know02:42
Peeeeeetyeah, i see em, nvidia-177 and such, that's the ones i installed in KDE02:42
DaSkreechbishopz: Did you try kwin ?02:42
bishopzlol. i cant seem to get it right02:42
russlarbishopz: I'm a fan of snow02:42
DaSkreechIt has somethign nice :)02:42
bishopzwhere is it.02:42
russlarin kwin02:42
SlartibartfastPeeeeeet so remoce them ... with apt-get --purge remove02:42
russlarand outside02:43
[TCK]anyone have any reasons why upgrading to KDE4.2 from a fresh 8.10 would result in broken dependencies and an unusable system?02:43
bishopzwait kwin is diff from compiz?02:43
bishopzapt-get kwin02:43
yowshibloody fade out names in the window tabs02:43
yowshii like aya but i dont like the nam fade thing02:44
russlar[TCK]: some of the 4.1 packages need to be removed in order for 4.2 to work02:44
russlar[TCK]: try upgrading from a terminal session02:44
bishopz3d wrap and all on this?02:44
PeeeeeetSlartibartfast: That did it, thanks.02:45
[TCK]that makes sense02:47
PeeeeeetSo is the general consensus to stay with 8.04 / KDE 3.5 for the time being?02:47
[TCK]do it tomorrow though, need to be awake in 4 hours02:47
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russlarPeeeeeet: it;s up to you02:47
[TCK]Peeeeeet: stability wise, yes02:48
russlar4.2 is very close to where 3.5 was02:48
[TCK]4.2 is close though02:48
russlarquestion for those running already 4.2: is there any real reason to upgrade when jaunty comes out?02:50
russlarI don't need ext4 on a laptop02:50
bishopzanyone know the sudo for gnome-themes02:50
[TCK]russlar: of note, can't actually get into a terminal application, most of what's broken is core kde stuff such as window decorations that won't let me type in terminals or password request boxes.  Probably just re-reinstall02:50
russlar[TCK]: crtrl+alt+F1?02:51
russlarquestion for those running already 4.2: is there any real reason to upgrade when jaunty comes out?02:51
bishopznot really... mostly bug fixes02:52
[TCK]ah yes, forgot about that, thanks russlar02:52
OxDeadC0deanyone else here use Qt 4.5 with kde 4.2?02:53
DaSkreechwhat's aya ?02:53
russlarOxDeadC0de: if I am, I wouldn't know it02:53
russlarDaSkreech: the default theme in opensuse02:54
OxDeadC0derusslar: plasma --version02:54
DaSkreechrusslar: 4.302:54
OxDeadC0de(or if using kde-nightly/trunk plasma-desktop --version)02:54
OxDeadC0dewell, duh, if you're using trunk/nightly you have to be using 4.5 (kde won't compile without it now)02:54
DaSkreechrusslar: I'm saying a good reason to be on Jaunty os 4.302:55
Wargasmhowcome after all updates it still says 4.1?02:55
Wargasmisn't 4.2 official02:55
Wargasmhow do i upgrade02:55
OxDeadC0de4.2 isn't in the official 8.10 repo's02:56
OxDeadC0desee topic02:56
Wargasmok thanks02:56
OxDeadC0de http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.202:56
russlarDaSkreech: kde 4.3 won't be out until june though02:56
OxDeadC0de4.3 will rock though..02:56
russlarjaunty lands in april02:56
SlartibartfastOxDeadC0de, how you know :-) ?02:57
russlarOxDeadC0de: it'll be rock if they code-name it granite02:57
OxDeadC0deSlartibartfast I try to follow some of the development, specifically in #plasma and plasma mailing list02:57
russlaranything else is just a dot release02:57
OxDeadC0dehaha russlar02:58
SlartibartfastOxDeadC0de, can you share with us a little about these rocking new features ?02:58
DaSkreechrusslar: Yes but when it comes out jaunty will get the updates02:58
DaSkreechIbex likely will not02:58
bishopzbex def wont02:58
yowshinote to self. do not run compiz on kde02:58
DaSkreechAt least it's the reason I update02:58
OxDeadC0demainly qt4.5, bugfix's up the wazoo, new programs, new containments, Amarok is going to have some special accoustic based dynamic playlists (analyzes songs in your playlist to find others that match accoustically)02:58
DaSkreech It's kinda fun every 3 months I have something to look forward to02:59
bishopzyowshi: what happened02:59
bishopzDaSkreech: LOL02:59
DaSkreechMajor kubutu update then major KDE update then major kubuntu update02:59
DaSkreech It's fun :)02:59
Slartibartfastmmmm ok :-) ...02:59
russlarif only they'd sync02:59
yowshibishopz: mouse locked. i could move the cursor but the buttons didnt do anything.02:59
DaSkreechNot going to happen unless Gnome blinks02:59
russlarmajor KDe release, then a month later major kubu release02:59
bishopzyowshi: wtf!03:00
Huntzhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/121660/ it hasnt changed much03:00
DaSkreechand Gnome's thing is it doesn't blink03:00
OxDeadC0derusslar I wish... would have saved a ton of heartache over 4.1 :P03:00
yowshibishopz: in actuality that happened after i tried to shut down compiz03:00
DaSkreechyowshi: if you can alt+ctrl+F1 and then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart03:00
bishopzyowshi: thats an odd glitch, when i tried to run them both, my screen just went completely black03:00
Slartibartfastisn't kde 4.3 planned for june ?03:00
russlarSlartibartfast: yup03:01
yowshiDaSkreech: thanks i didnt know about the kdm resxtart problem is i am neve going to remember the folder thing that goes befoe the kdm rewstart03:01
OxDeadC0dethe kde website would be the best resource to find release dates slartibartfast03:01
russlarmy guess is that it'll show up in the expermental ppa03:01
russlarthen backports03:01
OxDeadC0deslartibartfast, I like the name btw ;)03:01
yowshiDaSkreech: thats the kind of thing iwould normally build an app launcher for03:01
OxDeadC0dereminds me of a trilogy I read once03:01
russlarI was going to comment on the name, but it's not that important03:02
OxDeadC0deand there were 5 books in it.. oddest thing ever03:02
OxDeadC0dehow improbable.03:02
yowshiok everything is in working order except the tiny pidgin thing and the fact i dont have any of my gnome panl app launchers03:02
Slartibartfasthehehe ... no other book made me laugh that loud03:02
DaSkreechyowshi: no good if you can't click it :-P03:03
Huntzdaskreech: you catch that link03:03
bishopzohno! my mom was on03:03
russlarI liked the part where they saw the entire universe, with a little box that said "you are here"03:03
russlarthere are worse things she can catch you doing03:03
amazedyeah there is.03:03
bishopzlmfao. man my moms been thru hell with me behind a comp03:04
bishopzina 5 year span...3 federal raids03:04
bishopzi think when she passed away, she actually whispered.. leave the comp alone03:04
OxDeadC0degod the whole damn thing was awesome, the movie didn't give it justice but was still fun to watch..03:04
russlarthat may not be somehting to be proud of?03:04
DaSkreechHuntz: You have two backports lines03:04
yowshiDaSkreech: know what else resarts kdm? alt + crtl + backspace :)03:04
bishopzwell , intelligence + boredom+ drugs = not always the best combo03:05
amazedyeah and being your wife isn't a walk in the park. just saying.03:05
Huntzya for some reason adaept isnt changing it03:05
russlaryowshi: that restarts the entire X server, too03:05
bishopzbaby u love being my wife  ;/03:05
yowshii know it does03:05
Huntzsomehow we got tainted donuts03:05
yowshicouldnt i just go alt + ctrl + f1 sudo killall kdm then kdm?03:05
OxDeadC0deHe's the most important man in the universe.... according to the machine that analyzes (what was it.. buntcake?) and calculates the entirety of the universe from it... at least.. that universe..03:05
Slartibartfastthe answer is still 42 :-P .... after those millions of years :-D03:06
OxDeadC0deyeah, but what's the question my friend?:P03:07
yowshithe infinite perspective machine03:07
yowshior was it just the perspective machine03:07
DaSkreechyowshi: yes :)03:07
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OxDeadC0dehey, someone has to give nagging house-wifes perspective somehow...03:07
yowshii want a cup held up by art03:08
DaSkreechyowshi: yes but my way is more humane :)03:08
russlargood luck with that03:08
yowshiDaSkreech: meh humane is for humans i kill my machine any way i please :)03:09
yowshiDaSkreech: and i can actually remember the commands i use03:09
DaSkreechHuntz: ok that one doesn't resolve on a sudo apt-get update anyway right ?03:09
OxDeadC0debishopz mix in alcohol witht hat combo you listed above, and you  have me right now..03:09
Huntz!effects of dynamite on EOL03:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:09
Slartibartfastwhat is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything03:09
DaSkreechyowshi: for information sakes all daemons are in /etc/init.d03:09
yowshiDaSkreech: yeah i am probably ont gonna be able to remember that either03:09
DaSkreechIf you look in there all stuff running in the background and at startup are in there03:09
yowshiDaSkreech: in order to remember something i must understnd it03:10
DaSkreechyowshi: It's the same directory03:10
DaSkreechyowshi: That's why I'm explaining03:10
yowshiDaSkreech: yeah but what the heck is init.d?03:10
DaSkreechWhen you initalize your computer it runs the scripts in init.d03:10
DaSkreechthe initiliaztion directory03:10
russlaryowshi: init is the startup script from unix03:10
=== primary is now known as BattleStarJesus
yowshithen why is there a .d in it?03:11
DaSkreechTo show it's a directory03:11
DaSkreechlike .jpg shows it's a jpeg03:11
OxDeadC0dethank god for the guide or I'd never laugh.. Well, maybe not "God", but you know what I mean....03:11
DaSkreechit's different from the init file03:11
russlarhe proved himself not to exist03:11
DaSkreechyowshi: All scripts in there take either start stop or restart as an option03:12
bishopzmy eyes, feel heavvvvy03:12
yowshii see so there is an init file and it calls up the init directory but so keep confusion down they added a .d to the directory03:12
DaSkreechso /etc/init.d/mysql start will start the mysql database03:12
Huntzdaskreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121662/03:12
DaSkreechwhich has a bunch of scripts03:12
BattleStarJesusDo any of you know how to change miro settings?03:12
yowshiwell now i will probably rmember it03:12
Huntznow we losst the Fin backport again03:13
russlarif you write it down, you won't have to remember :-p03:13
yowshii like how after rebooting kde keeps the windows open that were open03:13
OxDeadC0dehmm ogre3d in the repo's is quite old.. 1.4.9 , the latest release is 1.7.003:14
DaSkreechHuntz: you clicked backports in Adept ?03:14
OxDeadC0de(well, trunk is 1.7.0 at least...)03:14
yowshigrrr what is with the pidgin posting stickiness03:14
DaSkreechyowshi: Yeah it's cool eh?03:14
Huntzthat was the one with that dogfood/launchpad.net03:14
Huntzstill think roll with it?03:15
yowshiit should just show the new post not scroll the new post onto the screen03:15
yowshiis there a kde alternative to compiz?03:15
russlaryowshi: kwin03:15
OxDeadC0deyowshi it's not new, but it's upgraded to compete with compiz03:15
OxDeadC0dewhat they said03:15
DaSkreechHuntz: in adept for updates you had checked backports?03:16
DaSkreechyowshi: kwin03:16
DaSkreechbishopz: tried kwin ?03:16
PeeeeeetYeah, I just noticed that, it still says KDE 4.1 when I'm starting up03:16
yowshiarg why isnt kwin in adept?03:16
bishopzim checking it out now, as far as requirements03:16
bishopzand such03:17
* OxDeadC0de recompiles ogre3d from trunk03:17
bishopz-on ubuntu 8.1003:17
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bishopzso im reading a little.03:17
DaSkreechyowshi: it's probably installed already03:17
DaSkreechyowshi: run kwin --replace03:17
bishopzthatll replace the compiz config.03:17
yowshithat worked how do i adjust what effcts are used by kwin?03:18
yowshiah alt f2 and find the desktop effects editor03:18
DaSkreechyowshi: alt+F3 Window Properties03:18
DaSkreechIt's easy after that03:19
DaSkreechWindow Behaviour03:19
yowshiDaSkreech: alt + f3 does nothing03:20
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »03:21
bishopzbrb sidhes to be done03:21
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faileasi got an error massage sayin "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable" i tried the usual thing ( as above) but it dosen't seem to help. any ideas?03:22
yowshiDaSkreech: there isnt much guidance in how to set this up is there03:22
faileasoh, fixed it ;p03:23
Huntzarg, it keeps on shrinking every time I try and put backports on I loose one rep03:23
khalidquiero ver el escritorio en forma de cubo y no me funciona. También en la pestana efectos visuales de Sistema/Preferencias/Apariencia me aparecen sólo 3 opciones y me dicen que debe haber una más llamada personalizar o algo así, pero no me aparece. Desde ya muchas gracias.03:25
HuntzI am thinking of entering in the old one from edgy and changing it to feisty and starting the 7.04 to 7.10 from the top03:25
amazedif only I could respond in spanish appropriately.03:25
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:25
DaSkreechyowshi: you have kwin running?03:25
faileasHuntz: i suspect you'd be better off backing up and reinstalling03:26
khalidno  mi han ayudado de nada03:26
faileasthats just me03:26
yowshiDaSkreech: yes and i sed alt + f2 to run the desktop effects configurer but i cant make much out of it03:26
DaSkreechyowshi: press alt+space03:28
DaSkreechwhat happens?03:28
DaSkreechHuntz: Ok where are we?03:28
HuntzI ahve just enter the old repo list from edgy03:29
Huntzand I am looking at the perl line thinking I need to input some stuff03:30
yowshiDaSkreech: nothing03:31
yowshiDaSkreech: but i have other effects like the flip screen for desktops when i move my mouse to the midle bottom03:31
DaSkreechyowshi: When you click the right most corner of a window what happens03:31
yowshiDaSkreech: nothing theres a cashew there for the top panel03:32
HuntzDaSkreech: sudo perl -p -i.ORIG -e 's/(?:(?:\w+.)?archive|security).(ubuntu.com)/old-releases.$1/' /etc/apt/sources.list03:32
DaSkreechyowshi: not the screen. The window03:32
Huntzdoes that line read right or do I need to put in some of my own info inplace of something03:32
Huntzthat or else I go through and hand edit it like I did last time03:33
yowshiDaSkreech:  the maximize button?03:33
DaSkreechyowshi: You have a maximize button on the far right corner of your window?03:34
DaSkreech :-)03:34
DaSkreechHuntz: Where did you get .ORIG from ?03:34
yowshiDaSkreech: thats where the close button is03:34
DaSkreechyowshi: on the left?03:34
Huntzthe very first perl command for changing edgy repos to feissty repos03:34
yowshiDaSkreech: top left corner03:34
DaSkreechSerious? that's where the close button is?03:35
yowshiof this window anyway03:35
yowshiyes thats where it has always been03:35
DaSkreechHuntz: sudo perl -p -i.feisty -e 's/old-releases.ubuntu.com/archive.ubuntu.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list03:35
yowshiyou wantg me to close a window?03:35
DaSkreechyowshi: No I'm trying to figure out what window manager you are running03:35
yowshiisnt there a command for that?03:36
Huntzbut its not old releases yet03:36
DaSkreechHuntz: You did the do-release-upgrade ?03:36
HuntzI cut and pasted the first repo list in the site because I know it works03:36
DaSkreechok just copy that line03:36
DaSkreechthen have feisty-backports03:36
Huntzwell its all the way back to edgy03:37
DaSkreech then do a sudo apt-get update to see if it likes you03:37
Huntzso I have to convert edgy to feisty03:37
DaSkreechHuntz: What? How are you on edgy ?03:37
DaSkreechHuntz: lsb_release -a03:37
Huntzjust borrowed the repo list03:37
PSiL0hmmm, I wonder when ati can come up with decent drivers for linux (specifically for (k)ubuntu).. 9.1 was a disaster for me, 9.2 thankfully fixed most of the really glaring bugs, and xv video output finally looks seamless, but dpms is crippled :(03:37
HuntzI am still in feisty03:37
DaSkreechyowshi: not really. ok open a terminal03:37
yowshiDaSkreech: alt + f3 just popped up some kind of menu03:38
DaSkreechyowshi: with window behaviour ?03:38
DaSkreechat the bottom ?03:38
yowshiDaSkreech: yes03:38
DaSkreechOk you are in kwin choose that then play with your effects03:38
PSiL0back to 8.543 fglrx (10/08 release) which has the flickering bug, but it is still more stable03:38
Huntzso I am not gonna update apt until I change it to fiesty03:38
DaSkreechHuntz: Ok03:38
Huntzor just to gutsy maybe?03:38
DaSkreechHuntz: No lets do this as slow as possible03:39
PSiL0I wonder what happened to 8.55x?  must've never made it out of pre-release...03:39
DaSkreech I just read the frst line of the instructions03:39
DaSkreechThis upgrade did not go as smooth as I expected.03:39
yowshiDaSkreech: but i dont see any spot for changing what activates any particular effect03:40
DaSkreechyowshi: When you click window behaviour you get adialog with Desktop effects?03:41
DaSkreechyowshi: you can play with all the effects in the All effects tab03:42
DaSkreechHuntz: Where are we now?03:45
DaSkreechIt's downloading ?03:46
DaSkreechNo errors?03:46
DaSkreechHuntz: btw did you upgrade the system first?03:46
Huntzit doesnt say to do that btween 7.04 to 7.1003:48
DaSkreechHuntz: Grr do that first03:48
yowshiDaSkreech: no scroll wheel for the alt + tab thing?03:48
DaSkreechyowshi: Hmm?03:48
Huntzthe EOLupgrade we been using03:48
DaSkreechScroll wheel works for me03:48
Huntzmy scolly works03:48
yowshiDaSkreech: when you alt tab you have the the flip or cover thing but you cant rotate through the optiosn with the scroll wheel. or i cant03:49
HuntzI know why we didnt need to daskreech, there nothing to upgrade03:50
DaSkreechyowshi: Flip doesn't work Cover does03:51
Huntzdo-release-upgrade again?03:51
Huntzor go with the one I got?03:51
Huntzbah rolling with step by step03:52
yowshiDaSkreech: yeah i have cover switch active i was wondering if there was a way to get the scroll wheel to scroll through the availablew windows03:52
SiVA__how do I make the clock/calendar widget display the time in 12hour format? So simple...03:52
SiVA__Its the "Digital Clock" widget03:52
yowshialso where do i change the number of desktops so i can get an actual cube going03:53
DaSkreechyowshi: I just scroll wheel on the taskbar normally03:54
DaSkreechHuntz: yeah lets try this step by step03:54
yowshithats a bit nifty03:54
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yowshii need a good minimize effect and there is no burn :(03:54
Huntzok up to perl line for changing diesssssty notations to gutsy03:55
DaSkreechyowshi: Yeahno burn03:55
DaSkreechHuntz: Hmm?03:55
DaSkreechyowshi: Right click the desktop pager on the panel and configure desktops03:56
Huntzok ready to try frontend distupgrade command again, Cross you fingers and toes03:56
DaSkreechHuntz: This really shouldnt be this hard :-(03:58
Huntzthere has got to be something missing03:59
Huntzthat is not my fault somewhere03:59
yowshihow do i get it to let me drag windows from one desktop to another?03:59
DaSkreechYeah I know03:59
DaSkreechyowshi: If you have edge detection just drag to the edge of the screen03:59
yowshiwheres edge direction?04:00
DaSkreechhi russlar04:00
DaSkreechHold on let me find it04:00
DaSkreechHuntz: same error?04:00
yowshiDaSkreech: draging it to the edge doesnt work it just stop where the cursor stops04:00
Huntzhere Is the distupgrade command http://paste.ubuntu.com/121673/04:00
DaSkreechyowshi: Advanced -> active Window borders04:02
Huntzbrb smoke break04:03
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yowshigrrr cant drag a window from te 1st desktop to the third ah well04:04
russlaryowshi: can you use the application icon in the top left corner of the window decoration?04:05
russlaryowshi: that menu should have "To Desktop" options in it04:06
DaSkreechyowshi: huh?04:06
yowshiDaSkreech: i tried to drag a window around the "cube" but it just kept bouncing between 2 deskotps04:07
DaSkreechHuntz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121674/04:07
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yowshiand russlar while that may get the job domne it isnt the same thing. for one dragging it there is way cooler04:07
PeeeeeetHere's another question, kubuntu x86 or 64 bit? I know in windows land, x86 is more mainstream and better for compatibility but is that the same for kubuntu (linux in general)?04:08
DaSkreechyowshi: hmm how do you have your desktops setup ?04:08
russlarPeeeeeet: used to be true, but flash now works natively in x6404:09
yowshiDaSkreech: what do you mean?04:09
Wargasmtry 64 if you don't mind wasting a lot of time.04:09
Wargasmbut if you want it to work without a hitch go with 32bit04:09
DaSkreechyowshi: How many rows are they in ?04:09
yowshii dont know for starters the top desk bar mysteriously got blanked out and now nothing will add to it afyter i moved it to one of the side edges trying to find this menu thing you were tallking about way back04:11
HuntzDaSkreech: where did you dig that up04:11
yowshii was hoping it would settle when i rebooted kdm later04:11
DaSkreechHuntz: Shhhh the magic man does magic04:11
SlartibartfastPeeeeeet if you don't have more then 4 GB of RAM there is no need to run 64bit04:11
yowshiDaSkreech: theyare now in one row04:12
Huntzlol, so you want me to past that into sources?04:12
DaSkreechyowshi: ok so just drag from left to right04:12
DaSkreechHuntz: use that as your sources04:12
Huntzdid it happen to say anything about a patch file04:13
Grannysenility set in - was capable in MIRC - this is first time managed to arrive here04:13
yowshiDaSkreech: that still just bounces between 2 desktops04:13
DaSkreechyowshi: ok drag all the way to the bottom of the screen04:14
DaSkreechHuntz: The sources.list?04:14
yowshithat works04:15
Huntzno in paage where you got that04:15
DaSkreechyowshi: Good04:15
DaSkreechHuntz: I found someone with a feisty machine and got that from them04:15
khalidmianhow do i connect to konversation using proxy server or do i need quassel for that04:16
faileaskhalidmian: depends on the kind of proxy you want04:17
faileashttp is a protocol on its own, as is irc04:18
faileasso... no, you can't i think04:18
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines04:19
russlarwell, that didn't help04:19
russlar!irc proxy04:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about irc proxy04:19
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks. If you're using mibbit, please try joining #ubuntu again. Mibbit takes a long time to connect, so you may have missed a message to do this.04:19
ubottu"Proxies" are services acting as intermediate agents in various sorts of Internet connections. Examples are TOR, !apt-proxy, and HTTP proxies (such as "squid"). It is possible to install and use Ubuntu via some proxy connections: see FIXME04:20
faileaskhalidmian: what do you need to do?04:20
khalidmianeh ....hide my ip for eg04:20
faileasthen i have no idea04:21
* faileas would generally use proxies to get around blocks ;p04:21
* socceroos_ watches proxies to fight against each other - the pulse of awakening.04:22
DaSkreechHuntz: blah?04:22
HuntzDaSkreech: smaething04:23
DaSkreechah ok04:23
Huntzthe upgrade tool must be fualty also04:23
DaSkreechHuntz: what was the steps you did?04:23
Huntzfrom the top04:24
Huntzput in the repo04:24
Huntzchanged old-releases to archive like it says04:25
yowshihmmm fiefox titlebar is now blocking the tabbed window bar. i know i saw a fix option for this where was it04:25
Huntzthe archive to security for security like it says04:25
Huntzand fiesty to gutsy like it says04:25
Huntzthen from the tmp file the distupgrade like it says04:26
Huntzand it all end in the same stuff04:26
yowshihow do i turn off kwin?04:26
bishopzhes not on my bl04:27
DaSkreechHuntz: You did sudo update and sudo do-release-upgrade ?04:27
DaSkreechyowshi: in favour of what?04:27
yowshiDaSkreech: as in when i am done playing with it turn it off04:28
yowshiDaSkreech: in case of glitch or whatever04:28
russlaryowshi: you can turn off composting (kwin) in the desktop section of System Settings04:28
DaSkreechyowshi: In favour of what? :)04:28
russlaryowshi: there's a widget available that puts an on/off switch on the desktop04:28
DaSkreechyowshi: It's a window manager if you just turn it off you can't move any windows04:29
DaSkreechyowshi: Do you want to turn off the special effects?04:29
yowshiDaSkreech: in favor of the default manager04:29
DaSkreechkwin is the default manager04:29
russlarkwin is the default manager04:29
russlarif you want to turn off the effects, you can do that in system settings04:29
yowshididnt i have to kind of turn it on to get any effects with kwin --replace?04:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kwin04:29
yowshiyes how do i turn off the effects04:30
russlarunder desktop04:30
DaSkreechyowshi: Thats cause you had compiz04:30
russlarin system settings04:30
yowshiwithout going through the lengthly process of deselecting every effect]04:31
DaSkreechyowshi: press alt+shift+F1204:31
russlarthere's a checkbox right at the front04:31
DaSkreechyowshi: Turns off everything till next reboot04:31
DaSkreechyowshi: to turn of everything until you say when just uncheck desktop effects04:31
yowshiwhere the heck was that fire fox fix *grumbles*04:32
russlaryowshi: which one?04:32
russlarthe scrollbar fix?04:32
yowshithe titlebar fix04:33
russlardidn't know there was one04:33
yowshiwell the firefox titlebar is covering up the tab bar04:33
russlarnever seen that before04:33
yowshii saw it mentioned sowehre in my early wanderingsbut since my firefox worked perfectly i didnt pay much atention to where04:35
bishopzgoodnight to all04:58
bishopzswee ya tomorrow, most likely04:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:12
gothpawPlease Help.. I'm having issues mounting a USB drive....  See here for details -->  http://rafb.net/p/ydmBYw60.html05:13
russlarwhat sort of issues?05:13
gothpawrusslar: too much to put here which is why I added the link to nopaste05:15
PeeeeeetDid I hear people recommending "Kwin" over compiz?05:15
russlarPeeeeeet: yes05:15
russlargothpaw: can you summarize?05:16
gothpawrusslar: sure, drive wont mount and gives me errors05:17
russlarwhat sort of usb drive?05:17
russlarstick or hard drive05:17
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DaSkreechgothpaw: leave out the -t05:19
Peeeeeetah, but only for KDE 4+05:19
DaSkreechPeeeeeet: compiz isn't that good a window manager05:20
gothpawDaSkreech: ok I'll try that now05:20
=== stealth_tty1 is now known as kira\
gothpawDaSkreech: removing the -t means I have to remove the vfat as well, else it mount just tells me the proper way to use the commands, and removing -t vfat just tells me I must specify the filesystem type05:22
DaSkreechgothpaw: ah try -t auto05:22
brad__how can i get kde 4.2 ?05:23
gothpawDaSkreech: -t auto says I must specify the file system type05:23
russlarbrad__: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.205:24
DaSkreechgothpaw: ok05:24
josewell from synaptic05:24
joseany know how kerel compile 2.6.2805:25
brad__no idea when they will be in the main resp ?05:25
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages05:25
DaSkreechbrad__: When Jaunty ships05:25
russlarthey won't05:25
russlarnot in ibex05:25
russlarthey'r ein backports now05:25
russlari think05:25
joseok thanks05:25
gothpawjose: see the ubottu msg05:26
josei will see05:26
DaSkreechgothpaw: what does dmesg say?05:26
gothpawDaSkreech: dmesg is huge, is there something particular I should paste at nopaste?05:29
DaSkreechgothpaw: not sure. what ever happens when you try mount05:30
=== kira\ is now known as kira
=== kira is now known as \kira
brad__that was fast05:33
brad__I'm going to test the new kde 4.2 now05:34
gothpawDaSkreech: not sure what I'm looking for but so far I dont see anything relating to mounting the ISB drive05:34
gothpawerr, ISB=USB05:34
gothpawDaSkreech:  not sure if this helps -->  http://rafb.net/p/DGMYFq42.html05:38
brad__it say's I've got packages held back.05:40
brad__http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2, trying to install kde 4.205:40
DaSkreechbrad__: which ones?05:41
russlarignore them05:41
brad__looks like core kde05:41
DaSkreechyou did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?05:42
brad__no, I'm only trying to install kde 4.2 from 4.1 in interpid05:42
DaSkreechgothpaw: ok I think all I saw was the drive get recognized at the end.05:43
DaSkreechgothpaw: What are all those device not accepting address errors?05:44
brad__of course I've ran it NOW that you mentioned it05:44
DaSkreechbrad__: :-) What did it say?05:44
brad__now it's only hold back one.05:45
russlarignore that05:46
russlarhtere's a new gwenview05:46
russlaryou can remove gwenview, then upgrade05:46
brad__cool, what's it's package name ?05:46
brad__not orginal05:46
russlarit'll get the rigt one after you upgrade05:47
brad__I have to unstall or it's automagic05:47
cupcake_Does ubuntu have a rc.conf file? I'm looking for my current system config05:47
skeptKDE sucks!05:47
russlarcupcake_: which part of the system config?05:49
russlarcupcake_: startup services?05:49
cupcake_russlar: modules/daemons05:49
russlarcupcake_: /etc/modprobe.conf05:49
russlarcupcake_: runlevel05:50
cupcake_xorg.conf also seems minimal for my laptop..05:50
russlarthel ls -l /etc/rc{that runlevel}.d/05:50
cupcake_Id like to know how the keyboard/mouse is made05:50
russlaribex doesn't use xorg.conf05:50
cupcake_ohh.. I'm generally an ARCH user05:50
russlarno worries05:51
russlari spend my days in RHELHELL05:51
gothpawDaSkreech: yea, think I pasted it wrong, sorry... as for all the other devices not accepting addresses, I have no clue what to say about that as all other devices are working on the box05:54
DaSkreechlooks like the Mouse05:54
cupcake_Sorry, where abouts is the X conf hiding?05:55
socceroos_cupcake_: its not used05:55
DaSkreechcupcake_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:59
cupcake_DaSkreech: I doubt it. thats pretty much empty...06:00
DaSkreechcupcake_: That's the file. Xorg is downplaying it06:00
cupcake_well, I'm interested in what mouse options are used. anyone aware of that location?06:01
dash842 da east side06:02
DaSkreechcupcake_: Same file06:04
Wargasmjust finished installing kde 4.206:11
Wargasmso far it looks fantastic06:11
Wargasmvisually it's a lot better than 4.106:11
gothpawDaSkreech: still can't find anything relevant in the dmesg, but I did find this at the end of kern.log -->  http://rafb.net/p/fxt9MM94.html06:12
ScottK-laptopping ScottK06:13
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DaSkreechgothpaw: sudo fsck.vfat /dev/sdd106:20
gothpawDaSkreech: ok... gave me 2 lines of txt06:21
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about snack06:21
gothpawDaSkreech:  line1 = dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN   line2 = Currently, only 1 or 2 FATs are supported, not 234.06:22
DaSkreechgothpaw: can paste those here I think06:22
DaSkreech2lines shoudln't be bad06:22
gnuman_hei guy, I'm unable to install google toolbar in firefox06:27
DaSkreechgothpaw: What did you use to get those lines ?06:32
DaSkreechthe same command I gave ?06:32
gothpawDaSkreech: yes exactly as you posted to me06:33
wildbatquestion: how do i set the power button to show a shutdown menu instead of shutting down ?06:34
gothpawDaSkreech: http://rafb.net/p/PjqtqJ21.html06:35
DaSkreechgothpaw: and it won't automount or be forced to mount?06:35
gothpawDaSkreech: nothing I have thrown at it will mount it06:36
gothpawforgive the terminology :)06:36
sorsethi, i cant change the clock of system... "Unable to contact time server: north-america.pool.ntp.org." why?06:37
gothpawsorset: have you tried a different ntp server?06:37
sorsetgothpaw: yes06:38
sorseti have same error change when i unckeck "Ser date and time automaticly" !!06:39
travis_I am new to KDE and having some trouble.06:40
gothpawsorset: not sure what to say there. The reason I asked that was I had the same issue once, but changing the ntp server fixed it for me06:40
travis_When I change my resolution all of the fonts have become huge.06:40
gothpawtravis_: if it is a KDE issue I would first try asking in #KDE06:41
travis_ok, thank you gothpaw.06:41
sorsetgothpaw: i'm not using automatic set,06:42
sorsetbut it says "Unable to contact time server: ."!!06:43
sorsetand dont specify any server!06:43
navetzhey guys06:44
navetzi have a weird issue06:44
navetzwhere my background wallpaper wont change06:44
navetzit says I am using a different wallpaper06:44
navetzbut its still the old one06:44
navetzany ideas on how to fix it?06:45
gothpawnavetz: well the wallpaper I would imagine would be related to the desktop your using (if KDE try in #KDE if gnome try in #Gnome ... etc)06:46
navetzk thanks06:47
gothpawsorset: have you tried setting the time/date with the "date" function in a console?06:47
sorsetgothpaw: no , now, w806:48
sorsetgothpaw: !! Mon Feb 23 10:18:43 IRST 200906:49
gothpawsorset:   man date06:49
sorsetgothpaw: what you mean?06:50
sorsetgothpaw: can i change date?06:51
gothpawsorset:  open your console and type in  'man date' ... without the '' of course... this will tell you how you can manually change the time/date using the date function06:51
wildbatquestion: how do i set the power button to show a shutdown menu instead of shutting down ?06:52
sorsetgothpaw: ok, i'll try06:52
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gothpawwildbat: more details please.... which desktop, which power button, etc...06:59
wildbatKDE 4.1 , power button of pc or laptop >.>07:00
wildbati see ~ i will take a look on that07:07
gothpawwildbat: you could also try using kpowersave (apparently it has a feature for changing the button configurations)07:07
gothpawwildbat: don't quote me on that though, just going from memory07:07
wildbatand how do i fix the lidbutton for my laptop ? it won't work before i do suspend to RAM once.....07:08
zeltakhi, is just in my computer that the pager boxses are alwaus empty (no desktop number/name) or is this a known bug?07:09
mikorn2Anyone have experience installing a Brother printer on 8.10?07:10
gothpawwildbat: that I am unsure of, sorry07:10
gothpawzeltak: have you setup your pager to show the name/number?07:11
zeltakbut no matter what i choose the tiny boxes are empty07:11
zeltakyeah strange..o h well at least i know its not aknown bug thx :)07:12
zeltakwill wait for kubuntu juanty to see if its fixed...come to think of it it happens on my laptop to...so i guess its some kinda bug07:12
gothpawwell, I'm gone for the night....07:13
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Wargasmanybody know if x-fi cards truly work in ubuntu yet?07:33
StR|Sangrealhello... my boot is slowed down due to an non-critical error and i have no clue what is wrong... could pls someone attend this?07:34
WargasmStR|Sangreal: when does the error come up?07:34
StR|Sangrealwell i use kubuntu, cca at the 30% of the bootscreen it switches into tty prompt and stays there until launching of kdm07:35
StR|Sangrealand the error is right after some kernel check or so if i properly understand. yet the fact why does the bootscreen not continue is odd, but i think there is some failure that could be fixed07:36
Wargasmhmm, ive never come across that. did you install something on the third party/unsupported repos?07:37
StR|Sangrealyes i did07:38
Wargasmi haven't had very good luck when doing that...probably depends on what it is though07:38
SlartibartfastStR|Sangreal: maybe "/var/log/messages" gives some more info .....07:38
StR|Sangrealbut i think that this error ocurred after a system crash not an installation of restricted sw07:39
Slartibartfast"some kernel check or so" is not really helpful in determine what might be wrong07:40
Wargasmsee what the log says, might give you enough info to  see what caused it07:40
kingtiger_anyone know anything about syncing the a windows mobile pda?07:40
kingtiger_or a "not fully set in Hal" error07:43
SlartibartfastStR|Sangreal: maybe remove "quiet splash" from the kernel line in your /boot/grub/menu.lst will give you also more info during the boot process what might go wrong07:43
StR|SangrealSlartibartfast ok i will pastebin the log... i said i dont know how to treat such problems, i use linux just for usual work07:46
SlartibartfastStR|Sangreal: ok ... not sure if i can be of help, but will take a look07:47
QWonderhi, i just installed 8.10 and i'm having some video problems. i have an agp nvidia 5200 card and at first i did not have resolutions above 800x600 available so i installed the restricted drivers, now i only have 640x480 and 320x240 as available07:47
QWonderi was using ubuntu, installed 8.04 and updated to 8.10 and didn't have problems with either of those07:50
SuperMootis it possible to use wget for --load-cookies file along with --http-user=user --http-password=pass , and have it login to two places (one with the cookie) and the other site with the user:pass ?07:54
StR|SangrealSlartibartfast : http://paste2.org/p/15242307:55
arshadwhat is DSL Damn Small LInux08:12
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE08:13
Slartibartfastnot that08:13
SlartibartfastDSL is a damn small linux as far as i know ... :-) ..... a distribution to fit on a business card sized cd08:14
arshadwhat r d advantages08:14
Slartibartfastunder the 50MB08:15
Slartibartfastit's memory usage is also small08:15
SlartibartfastBut more comprehensive info about DSL you'll find on http://damnsmalllinux.org/08:16
kingtiger_so anyone know anything about syncing kubuntu and windows mobile08:18
kingtiger_I'm getting a "not fully set in Hal" massage08:19
Slartibartfastpersonally i like thai massage more :-P08:20
kingtiger_ya me to much more relaxing then trying to find a salution to a computer problem that seems to be shared by me and um me08:22
arshadDSL on usb pendrive n dsl on cd are two different options . . . . . . . . ???08:22
Slartibartfasti don't have a win-mob phone ... but maybe this thread helps http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-954103.html08:22
arshadHelp plzz. . . . . . . . . .   is DSL avaliable for download08:24
noaXessin which package is the mail command included?08:30
Slartibartfastmailutils ?08:31
noaXessSlartibartfast: aha.. :) thanks.. simple :)08:31
thedarkhello everyone08:39
thedarkI get the following error whenever I try to start mnemosyne:08:40
tedygood morning ladyes08:42
thedarkI have uninstalled and reinstalled it08:42
thedarkI still get the same error08:42
QWonderhi, i'm having a problem where my resolution is very limited in 8.10 with an nvidia card and the restircted drivers, can someone please help me?08:43
cairohey all08:43
cairodownload your hardware drivers08:43
tedywhat for drivers08:44
cairoI was talking to Qwonder08:44
cairoYou need to go under system08:45
kingtiger_thanks for the link Slartibartfast. had i bunch of info including some people that had the same problem but noone ever gave any idea how to fix it08:45
cairothen administration08:45
cairothen hardware drives08:45
QWonderi have found various forums postings where people have the same problem in 8.04 and 8.04 ubuntu, i had the newest restricted drivers installed, i tried an older version but they do the same thing08:45
cairohave you restarted your computer08:45
QWondercairo: that sounds like it's for ubuntu, i don't have a hardware drivers section there?08:46
QWondereither way, i already have the restricted drivers installed08:46
cairowell i had to rstart my computer after I installed the drivers08:47
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cairowhat version of linux do you have08:47
Slartibartfastkingtiger_ ... welcome ... i did see there was also a special channel for the software they spoke of08:47
QWonderwell, so did i08:48
QWonderthanks for being so eager to help08:48
cairolol sorry i was probably more of a pest then a help then08:48
SmokeyDhey people I just get a bunch of kde updates in Kubuntu, but they cause digikam to be removed due to update of libexiv2. Digikam seems to depend on the old version, which is removed with the update. Does this mean digikam is not part of Kubuntu anymore?08:49
doktoreashello everybody..after today update all my plasmoid are gone08:49
doktoreasit says that can't find "frame"08:49
cairono clue08:49
WargasmSmokeyD, doktoreas, i had something similar happen08:50
Wargasmi had to change the session to console, and then had to do a "sudo apt-get update" "sudo apt-get upgrade"08:51
Wargasmafter i upgraded everything worked fine, before that, nothing showed up when i logged in08:51
Wargasmtry doing an update through console08:51
thedarkI cannot get mnemosyne to start08:51
doktoreasWargasm: ok!08:51
thedarknobody here uses this program?08:51
sujrhi! is ubuntu using /dev/dsp for audio input and output or output has i different device name?*08:52
cairoanyone know how to find other channels other than looking through a web list08:52
thedarkgod in heaven why are my problems always so unsolvable... everybody else gets a suggestion so quickly, but I always have to wait hours until one guy has some vague idea that usually doesn't pan out08:54
Wargasmcairo: yeah are you using konversation?08:55
Rioting_pacifistnothing will run this morning, last thing i did was install some tools and run prelink, (but ive run prelink -ua since) yet just about everything is segfaulting on me08:55
cllaudyuthedark you arent the only one08:55
* thedark hadokens Kubuntu08:55
Rioting_pacifistthedark: whats your problem?08:55
thedarkI can't get this program called mnemosyne to start08:56
thedarkI uninstalled and reinstalled08:56
thedarkthere is the error I get08:56
cllaudyuwhat is it for? thedark08:56
Wargasmcairo: go to window, click on channel list near the bottom.08:56
thedarkit is an SRS, a spaced-repetition-system08:56
cllaudyuthedark and you get only errors?08:57
thedarkyou make flash cards, and it schedules how frequently to repeat their appearance based on how well you remembered the answers08:57
thedarkright, it doesn't even start08:57
thedarkit was working recently08:57
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cairohmm on Konversation Application or different IRC08:57
Wargasmon Konverstaion08:58
Wargasmxchat also has a channel list feature08:58
cllaudyuthedark, i can say that i have a similar problem... after using programs they stoped responding...08:58
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:58
QWonderhow do i change from my monitor being pnp to generic?08:59
thedarkI am using it to well that is something08:59
thedarklol forgot I had started a sentence08:59
ActionParsnipQWonder: isnt pnp generic?08:59
QWonderwhat? pnp isn't picking up my monitor, and i believe that may be why i'm so limited on resolutions, how do i manually set my monitor model?09:00
ibuffywhat's a pts for?09:02
ibuffydoes kubuntu have a ipvs enabled by default?09:22
ben_glaz1I cant get past the login screen in intrepid/kde4.2 this morning.  I think I did a package upgrade the last time i used it.   I have tried apt-get update, etc, and I have tried mv ~/.kde to ~/.kdebak, can anybody help me please?09:24
Rioting_pacifistall my programs keep segfaulting, i think it may be due to file corruption (my laptop is pretty screwed) how can i check which files i need to reinstall09:26
ActionParsnipQWonder: have you installed video drivers?09:27
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: can you log in as another user?09:27
ben_glaz1ActionParsnip: I am the only user setup up on the machine09:28
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: then drop to root recovery console and make a new one09:29
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: its just to test09:29
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo09:29
ActionParsnipRioting_pacifist: i'd read dmesg | tail when it next happens, you can also check your hdd and memory to make sure they are ok09:29
thedarkokay I fixed mnemosyne09:32
Rioting_pacifistActionParsnip: dmesg just shows the segfaults, the HDD is ok (for now, the slightest movement can make it unreachable, but if the laptop is stable the HDD will stay readable)09:32
thedarkbut I have another lingering problem....09:32
thedarkever since I upgraded from Kubuntu 8.04, all videos in all programs have a slight hiccup every ten seconds or so09:33
thedarkany idea how to fix this?09:33
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ActionParsnipRioting_pacifist: is your ram healthy?09:36
ActionParsnipthedark: have you installed codecs?09:36
Rioting_pacifistActionParsnip: only way to check that is running memtest from grub right?09:36
cllaudyucan someone tell me why is plasma crashing so often? i disabled almost every graphics but it's stil crashing09:37
thedarkhow do I know which to install/use?09:37
thedarkI mean it is for every video09:37
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thedarkeven flash videos in websites09:37
ActionParsnipRioting_pacifist: yeah its part of grub09:38
cllaudyuhow can i disable moause effects?09:38
thedarkand I know it isn't power issue, I never had this problem in previous versions of kubuntu09:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:38
cllaudyuto put graphics to zero09:38
ActionParsnipcllaudyu: systemsettings09:39
ActionParsnipcllaudyu: mouse is my guess, or desktop effects maybe09:39
ben_glaz1ActionParsnip: ok, i created new user, and got a different result, this time instead of returning to login straight away, this time i get kwin (x-window-manager) crashed.09:39
cllaudyui can't find desktop effects09:39
cllaudyui mean mouse effects09:40
cllaudyuonly for mouse pointer09:40
cllaudyui did not found anything09:40
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: it may not be named "mouse effects" exactly09:41
ActionParsnipcllaudyu: see above09:41
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: sorry dude wrong target09:41
ben_glaz1ActionParsnip: second time, it is just as before, straight back to login09:41
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: ok drop to root console: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kwin09:41
ben_glaz1ActionParsnip: ok, i try that09:42
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ben_glaz1ActionParsnip: sorry, reinstall kwin did not work09:47
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: did it actually reinstall though?09:48
RiotingPacifistActionParsnip: memtester (testing all my freemem isnt showing any problems with ram) i will reboot and use the utility from grub but i think my memory is fine.09:49
RiotingPacifist*reboot later09:49
ActionParsnipRiotingPacifist: only one way to know for sure09:49
eddie_hi..all.. i have a problem here.. i have connected my lap to internet through gprs connection and the connection is working fine .. but the page is not loading in konquerer09:58
eddie_can abybody help me09:58
ActionParsnipeddie_: is konqueror et to offline mode?09:58
ActionParsnipeddie_: can you ping sites by name, can you ping this ip:
eddie_yes the page is loading through w3m browser10:00
thedarkokay I have all the codecs it says to install already10:01
thedarkjust to recap, all videos hiccup every 10 seconds or so10:01
thedarkit is very slight, but annoying10:01
thedarkevery video from flash videos to avi in mplayer10:01
eddie_how to change the mode  of konquerer10:01
thedarkI have all the codecs installed10:01
ben_glaz1ActionParsnip:  kwin (4:4.2.0-0ubuntu~1intrepid1~ppa7) was replaced from the package kwin_4%3a.4.2.0-0ubuntu~1intrepid1~ppa7_amd64.deb10:01
ActionParsnipeddie_: http://fixunix.com/suse/260500-konqueror-offline-mode.html10:02
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: ok, if you install a different DE, like fluxbox is it ok10:03
Azazel_Pazuzuguten tag10:04
Azazel_Pazuzusprechen Sie deutsch?10:04
ben_glaz1ActionParsnip: euh.  now i am getting "could not resolve gb.archive.ubuntu.com" on apt-get install fluxbox.  Should I manually edit the sources.list?10:06
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ben_glaz1that was   gb.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid universe10:07
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: should be fine, I use the same and use fluxbox10:07
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ActionParsnipben_glaz1: if you are at the log in screen you can change to a command line login then run startx from there10:08
ben_glaz1ActionParsnip:  x starts but goes no further showing an x, thats it10:09
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: then its loading10:10
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: have you checked your drive for errors and checked your ram for errors?10:10
ben_glaz1ActionParsnip: can I do that from the command line10:11
lokaican I get libx11-devel through apt?10:13
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: bring up logon window, bottom right buttons one will say command line login, login there then type: startx10:13
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: if it crashes you will get info onscreen10:14
ben_glaz1I get nothing, except an x cursor10:14
ben_glaz1and mesh background10:14
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: ok try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:16
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: then restart x10:16
Rioting_pacifistI ran the 1st 4 memtests and they all came back ok, but it would take hours to do all of them on the entire range, and i need to use my laptop today10:17
lokaiah, its just called libx11-dev ;)10:18
mattCan someone answer a quick question? Using KDE 4, read that slideshow wallpapers were possible in KDE but can't find how to do that. Any help?10:21
Rioting_pacifistmy hdds gone again need to reboot brb10:22
shryke2ahello, is thunderbird able to open a linuxmail mailbox?10:22
dim3dro1hi all10:24
dim3dro1I'm running kubuntu 8.1010:24
dim3dro1 "/etc/rc2.d/S20kde-guidance: 31: /usr/share/python-support/guidance-backends/displayconfig-hwprobe.py: not found"10:25
dim3dro1what does this message mean?10:25
dim3dro1it appears on startup10:25
mattconfig-hwprobe.py file is missing, patch is available at http://patch-tracking.debian.net/patch/series/view/kde-guidance/0.7.0-1/12_force_python2.4_script.diff10:27
mattany help on the slideshow wallpapers>10:31
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franichi all10:45
RiotingPacifistim getting "0x0000003000009a1a in ?? () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" from gdb, hwo do i reinstall ld-linux-x86-64.so10:45
RiotingPacifistubottu: ld-linux-x86-64.so.210:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:46
mattCan someone please tell me how to do slideshow wallpapers? I can't find the plugin that forums keep saying I need, can't find the settings to enable it. Can someone please tell me where this is?10:47
RiotingPacifistmatt kde4 or kde3?10:48
RiotingPacifistin both i think its just an option for bkground apearance though10:49
mattcant find the option for it10:49
mattinstalled ubuntu with gnome then installed kde and switched to kde, but still looks the same with different apps installed. is that normal or did i fuck something up?10:50
RiotingPacifisti dont have kde4 atm but last time i was in 4.2 it was under apearance when you right click on the peanut in top right10:50
sortealmatt : Do you mean it still looks like gnome10:51
mattyes, thats what i mean. sorry if i wasnt clear, been up for awhile10:51
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sortealdid you install the kubuntu-desktop package?10:51
sortealor just straight kde10:51
sortealAnother question (may sound like a stupid one) did you switch your session at login to kde?10:52
mattsudo apt-get install kde-nightly, whichever that installs. still really new at this, sorry for the lack of info. when i installed that package i checked the box that made kde default at startup then rebooted10:53
Riddellyou still need to select kde at the login screen (from the session menu)10:54
mattreally, bc the kde login screen came up and it booted into kubuntu instead of ubuntu. did i really just miss an option box at login?10:55
sortealI'd install the kubuntu-desktop package and then make sure you have kde selected at login10:55
matthow do i install desktop package?10:56
sortealsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:56
mattthanks for the help sorteal10:57
sortealwait what ubuntu version10:57
mattyes, 8.1010:57
dim3dro1matt: how can I apply this patch?11:09
dim3dro1should I download sources and unpack?11:10
dim3dro1can anyone help me, how can I apply this patch: http://patch-tracking.debian.net/patch/series/view/kde-guidance/0.7.0-1/12_force_python2.4_script.diff ?11:11
PhilippePis there a way to redirect the text output of the 'kcmshell4 display' to a file  ?? the > does not work :(11:12
earleHey peeps. My Weather Forecast plasmoid's been broken since 4.2. Is there a known fix?11:13
kalum__Hello, I am running  kubuntu latest version with kde 4.1.4. I am very satisfied with it overall, except one problem, when i try to play divx movies with mplayer or any movie player for that matter, the movie misses a few FPS every 10 seconds or so, ie there is a sudden pause in playback. could anyone tell me why this is the case?11:19
PhilippePkalum__: it could be a lot of things11:23
kalum__hmm..no response to my question about skiiping full screen movie playback under kubuntu :-(11:23
kalum__Aha.....i spoke too soon :-)11:23
PhilippePkalum__: does it only happens full screen ??11:24
kalum__PhilippeP: Well my computer is upto the task speed wise, 1gb of ram, and 1.8 ghz dual core CPU which should be suffiecient, the chipset is a intel  945GM/GMS11:24
kalum__It only happens in full screen, windowed it runs perfectly11:25
sortealAre you running any kind of desktop effects11:25
kalum__Just the default desktop effects that the native install of kubuntu would have, nothing else enabled, just a vanilla kubuntu install11:26
kalum__Kubuntu has enabled the 3d accelerated effects if that it what you meant...11:26
wersfonts on my gtk apps on kde 4.2 dont render like my kde apps and how they do on gnome. how do i fix this?11:27
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:27
sortealTry turning that off I've noticed mplayer and vlc tend to get "choppy" even on fast machines when in fullscreen with effects running11:27
StR|Sangrealhi i need to install following package to my kubuntu intrepid with kernel .27 and kde42 but i cannot handle source codes... pls some advice?11:28
sortealI think it's more a compiz-fusion issue than mplayer, vlc, or kde issue11:28
PhilippePkalum__: you can try desactivating compositing before viewing : Alt+Shift+F1211:28
ActionParsnipStR|Sangreal: theres a deb for it: http://danakil.free.fr/linux/packages/panelspacer-plasmoid-intrepid-0.1_i386.deb11:29
ActionParsnipsorteal: thats common11:29
StR|SangrealActionParsnip > i use amd6311:29
sortealwhat's common11:29
ActionParsnipsorteal: compiz borking stuff11:29
kalum__ok......thx, I will try that......11:29
ActionParsnipStR|Sangreal: i see11:29
sortealyeah I've kinda noticed that lol :)11:29
ActionParsnipStR|Sangreal: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:30
PhilippePkalum__: same keystroke to reactivate after ! :)11:30
ActionParsnipStR|Sangreal: and you can compile the source11:30
kalum__PhilippeP: Thanks very much, If i may not trouble you once more, is there anyway to autohide the panel in 4.1.4 or should i update to  4.2 using the PPC debs11:31
ActionParsnipStR|Sangreal: if you'd read down a bit you would have seen tis: http://smihael.bplaced.net/plasmoids/binary/panel-spacer_0.1-1_amd64.deb11:31
ActionParsnipStR|Sangreal: ;)11:31
StR|Sangrealpls offtopic: my kde launcher is messing up, it doesnt display all suitable results, icons are overlaping and e.g. i sometimes canot run opera via altF211:31
StR|Sangreal0.1 is buggy, its not compatible with kde4211:32
PhilippePkalum__: no for 4.1.4 , for 4.2 activate intrepid_backports 4.2 is in it now !11:32
StR|Sangrealhave tried11:32
ActionParsnipStR|Sangreal: good11:32
kalum__Thanks very much11:32
PhilippePyou're welcome11:33
StR|Sangrealcan sb advise me for this? :pls offtopic: my kde launcher is messing up, it doesnt display all suitable results, icons are overlaping and e.g. i sometimes canot run opera via altF211:33
StR|Sangreal* : Pls11:33
ActionParsnipStR|Sangreal: try finding where the config file for the launcher is an rename it11:35
StR|Sangrealok i get the idea but i have no clue where it usually is11:35
StR|Sangrealbuild-essential is in latest version; build-essential is set to manual installation... what now?11:36
ubottukde4 is KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 | 4.2 packages http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 | Support in #kubuntu11:37
boubbini cant have 4.2 in hardy ?11:37
ActionParsnipboubbin: sure11:38
boubbinany walkthrough of installation, i would like to install it beside oh kde311:39
boubbini couldnt find any relevant guides with google...11:39
ActionParsnipboubbin: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/tag/ubuntu-hardy-install-kde-42/11:40
boubbinnice, thanks.11:41
boubbinwell i cant find the package kde-nightly11:48
boubbinbut i can just select the "kde4" and it will also install all the dep's ?11:48
boubbin179 deps, 199mb11:49
ActionParsnipyes the package managers will install any required deps12:04
vmt1Hello all :) I tring iptables and I want to forward only google.de. with -d google.de it isnt working. Which parameter I have to use? Or is not possible with DNS- names? Can someone help?12:06
=== darked is now known as DarkED
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:07
DarkEDquestion. if i've added the kde4.2 repo, updated apt list, and did an update using adept, i should have kde4.2 on next login?12:07
felix46how can i go to irc of ubuntu in spanish?12:08
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:08
DarkEDfelix46: type /join #ubuntu-es :D12:09
felix46i went to ubuntu-es, thanx ^^12:09
felix46is posible change the language of Konversation?12:10
felix46is posible change the language of Konversation?12:12
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sujrhi! do twinkle sip can call from pc-to-pc?12:18
thaisfrom were you are?12:18
felix46you can use openwengo12:19
felix46is a sustitute of skype12:19
ben_glaz1ActionParsnip:  I managed to get fluxbox installed ->> Couldnt connect to Xserver.  I did a apt-get remove nvidia-glx-177 to see if i could start xserver with foss drivers.  But, now im stuck for ideas again.12:19
thedarkall videos skip slightly about every 10 seconds... youtube, avis, mpegs, I have all the media codecs installed... any ideas?12:19
thedarkI have Kubuntu 8.1012:19
felix46this use the system of VoIP12:19
thedarknever had this problem with previous versions12:19
white_hatranyone know when Ubuntu 9.10 will be officially released?12:20
ben_glaz1 I managed to get fluxbox installed (for testing)->> Couldnt connect to Xserver.  I did a apt-get remove nvidia-glx-177 to see if i could start xserver with foss drivers.  But, now im stuck for ideas again.12:20
downandouthello all12:21
downandoutis there any software applet for ubuntu that displays a word a day in the taskbar or something along those lines?12:21
downandoutlike a vocabulary trainer ?12:22
thedarkso no ideas about what could cause videos to skip?12:23
downandoutmany things depend on video12:23
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thedarkthe strange thing to me is that it is _all_ video...  youtube, daily motion, avis on my hd, everything... and it is very slight, but relatively frequent12:24
thedarkhigh res, low res, everything12:24
thedarkin VLC, Mplayer, Dragon player... everything12:24
white_hatrdoes the audio also skip?12:24
thedarkand I didn't have this problem in previous versions12:24
thedarkaudio is fine12:25
AndrewMohawkhi, i have an ATI card, lspci says "VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 [Radeon X1200 Series]", i just got a 24" widescreen, but when setting the resolution to "1920x1200" the image is very distorted12:25
AndrewMohawkunder hardware in kubuntu the gfx driver is "fglrx" and monitor is "LCD Panel 1920x1200 (widescreen"12:25
white_hatri had a similar problem about skipping video but the aduio too was skipping12:25
AndrewMohawkanyone have any idea how i can fix this?12:25
downandoutthedark: are you sure you have your drivers for your video card properly installed?12:26
thedarkhow do I check?12:26
white_hatrAti or nvidia12:27
white_hatror intel12:27
thedarkyou there downandout?12:32
downandoutthedark: what type of video card?12:32
thedarkhmm what is the CLI command to get my hardware profile?12:33
thedarkfound it12:34
thedark00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)12:35
downandoutok are you using compwiz?12:36
thedarkis that not what I am looking for>12:36
downandoutcompiz :)12:37
thedarkI typed that in that is what I got12:38
downandoutcompiz doesn't like your card12:39
yaa_what's up12:39
downandoutapparently its blacklisted12:39
DarkEDin konversation how do i configure proxy settings? i just cannot find it12:40
karhi. i want to return from suspend without unlocking with my password the session. What could i do?12:40
thedarkso what does that mean?12:41
ben_glaz1Intrepid/kde4.2.  I got serious problems logging into kde.  Kde login screen comes up as normal, but nothing else happens except jumps straight back to login screen.  I have tried to install fluxbox as a test, and it retruns couldnt connect to  xserver12:41
khalidmiani seem to have issues with java under firefox in kubuntu any help/assistance the system shows that i do have sunjava as i did install kubuntu extras12:41
ben_glaz1I have added a new user.  Run apt-get update, dpkg reconfigure xserver.  Nothing seems to work.12:42
thedarkdamn its rush hour in this room12:43
downandoutthe dark read that link12:43
thedarkokay I read it12:44
Walzmynkar those settings are in system settings, i'm not sure where12:44
karYes, i checked there but nothing happens. i tryed everything in login manager12:45
AndrewMohawki seemed to have got mine working by using the ATI driver rather12:46
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:47
thedarkso I don't get it12:51
thedarkwill creating that file and adding that line of text fix my video problem?12:51
thedarkdo I have to install a distro with a different window manager?12:52
thedarkI didn't have this problem in 7.1012:52
ben_glaz1ActionParsnip:  Please, can you help me again? I am still having problems.12:55
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: ask away, the room will answer12:56
ActionParsnipben_glaz1: dont target me just because i'm here12:56
ben_glaz1i installed fluxbox as requested.  on startfluxbox  i get could connect to xserver12:57
ben_glaz1Earlier i  removed the nvidia-glx-177 i thought that might be causing problems12:57
ben_glaz1looking at xorg.log, everything seems ok using the nv driver12:57
* thedark ddts this new kubuntu that has been nothing but trouble from day 112:58
ben_glaz1startx just gives me the same blank screen with an x cursor12:58
thedarkugh I had that exact same problem Ben12:58
sujrhi! i'm compiling twinkle and got this error: configure: error: Set $QTDIR to the Qt directory, eg. /usr/lib/qt3where should i change this? i'm using ubuntu 8 hardy12:58
thedarkI had to do a complete reinstall12:58
thedarknobody here was able to help me, though one dude tried12:58
ben_glaz1thedark: i was hoping not to hear that. euh12:59
thedarksorry, maybe somebody else will have a solution, but I hung out here for almost two days and it was the best I could do12:59
ben_glaz1i am on day 2.  I have tried everything i can think of.13:00
thedarkupgrading to 8.10 has been such a pain, so many problems that I didn't experience from 7.10 to 8.0413:00
thedarkinlcuding THE SKIPPING VIDEOS ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh13:00
ben_glaz1thedark: everything was fine saturday night, started up on sunday, and no kde13:01
thedarkah well that is different13:01
ben_glaz1other than login screen13:01
bazhangturning off effects generally fixes skipping videos13:01
thedarkmy problem was right after upgrading13:01
thedarkhow do I turn off effects, even youtube videos skip13:01
ben_glaz1ahh, i did an update on saturday.13:01
thedarkyeah same as me then13:02
bazhangwhat version of kde413:02
ben_glaz1using the update manager, that why i removed the nvidia glx drivers.  I thought they might be causing the problem13:02
ben_glaz1intrepid with 4.213:02
bazhangthe experimental one?13:03
ben_glaz1thedark: did you update on saturday too?13:03
sujr i'm compiling twinkle and got this error: checking value of $QTDIR... not setconfigure: error: Set $QTDIR to the Qt directory, eg. /usr/lib/qt3hi!where should i change this? i'm using ubuntu 8 hardy13:03
ben_glaz1bazhang:  i am not sure.  I guess it is.  As per kubuntu website (ppa7?)13:03
khalidmiani seem to have issues with java under firefox in kubuntu any help/assistance the system shows that i do have sunjava as i did install kubuntu extras13:03
bazhangben_glaz1, yep13:03
thedarkthis was weeks ago13:04
ben_glaz1thedark; right, ok13:04
ActionParsnipsujr: http://lists.debian.org/debian-qt-kde/2006/04/msg00033.html13:05
thedarkso bazhang, any other ideas about the videos?13:06
bazhangthedark, flash? or others13:06
bazhangthedark, which apps if others13:06
thedarkthat is what is so weird13:06
thedarkflash videos, avis on my hd, DVDs13:06
thedarkeverything does that slight hiccup every 10 seconds13:06
rpfrsystem found the webcam13:07
bazhangwhich apps to run them thedark13:07
rpfrbut not working in skype13:07
thedarktry installing skype-static13:07
thedarkyou have to add the medibuntu repositories13:07
thedarkI had this problem just two days ago13:07
thedarkmake sure you have the right qt libs installed as well13:08
thedarkgoogle that stuff, some helpful threads should show up with the details13:08
thedarkbut if you have skype-static and/or the right qt libs installed, that should fix it13:08
thedarkI have tried everything13:09
thedarkvlc, dragonplayer,mplayer,xine13:09
rpfrI will try thanks13:09
ben_glaz1ok guys, looks like i need to wipe and reinstall.  I got console access and network connection.  What the best way to backup my home dir?13:09
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs13:10
ActionParsnipthedark: we have a factoid for that13:10
thedarkI have the codecs installed13:10
thedarkI went through that before with another guy13:10
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:10
thedarkI don't have any problem with audio13:10
thedarkyes I bookmarked the common tasks page13:11
thedarkand I have the codecs installed13:11
ActionParsnipso wassup?13:11
thedarkthey all show up as installed in synaptic13:11
thedarkI don't know!13:11
thedarkall videos hiccup13:11
thedarkit is super slight13:11
thedarkbut it is getting annoying13:12
shadeslayerthedark: tried vlc yet??13:12
thedarkI didn't have this problem13:12
thedarkI am running VLC as we speak13:12
bazhangare the vids on another drive13:12
ActionParsnipthedark: have you installed video drivers for your graphics card?13:12
thedarklike I said, I have tried almost every player13:12
shadeslayerand it hiccups?? yeah i had that problem13:12
thedarkit could be a driver problem13:12
thedarkskips, whatever13:12
shadeslayernope,just restart13:12
shadeslayerworks for mr13:13
thedarkyes, videos on my hd, flash13:13
ActionParsnipthedark: you could renice the player app13:13
thedarkokay its been a problem from day 1 with Kubuntu 8.1013:13
thedarkif restarting fixed it, I wouldn't have a problem13:13
shadeslayerhow do i force a mount of a NTFS partition??13:13
ActionParsnipthedark: ok i'll fill you in13:14
ActionParsnipthedark: all processes have a nice value13:14
shadeslayerlike i said it worked for me13:14
ActionParsnipthe default is 013:14
JuJuBeeCan someone help me with a resolution problem? I have a laptop with 9600M and dual head setup.  Each screen/display has its own desktop with its own launcher/K-menu (using kubuntu).  My external monitor is the problem.  I want to set the resolution to 1280x1024.  Using xrandr on that screen shows maximum of 1024x768 resolition.  I know this monitor does better than that, in fact it was set way higher than that by accident once.  Here are m13:14
shadeslayerActionParsnip: nice value ?? lol13:14
ActionParsniplower makes the app get more cpu time, higher it gets less13:14
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: read and learn13:14
thedarkI see13:15
ActionParsnipthedark: the lowest nice value you can get is -20 which will put 100% of system into the one process and will cause a tonne of problems13:15
thedarkokay I high prioritied it13:15
ActionParsnipthedark: the highest is 20 where its practically ignored by the cpu13:15
thedarkI don't see a number scale13:15
ActionParsnipthedark: by giving a nice value of say -5, the cpu will give it  little more power and hopefully will iron it out13:15
thedarkI see a cpu scheduler and an i/o scheduler13:16
ActionParsnipthedark: its a command line command13:16
shadeslayerhe did ctrl+esc13:16
thedarkah... there is renice option in the system monitor13:16
shadeslayerActionParsnip: any idea how to force mount a drive13:16
ActionParsnipthedark: renice -n -5 <pidofvlcplayer>13:17
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: what filesystem, what dev and what mountpoint13:17
ActionParsnipthedark: obv you'll have to work out the pid first13:17
shadeslayerNTFS,/dev/sda3,mount point i do not know13:17
thedarkhow do I do that?13:18
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: ok i'll make one up13:18
ActionParsnipthedark: pidof vlc13:18
thedarkwow so simple, amazed :)13:19
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: sudo mkdir /media/sda3; sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/sda313:19
ActionParsnipthedark: it is in linux13:19
shadeslayerboth commands?13:20
ActionParsnipthedark: once you run that command i gave with renice it will give vlc more cpu time13:20
darkenergyshould you be creating folders in /media?13:20
thedarkit tells me that isn't the proper usage13:20
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: its the command you need, copy it in one and paste to terminal13:20
ActionParsnipthedark: what is the pid?13:20
thedarkrenice priority [-p|--pid] pid [... pid]13:20
shadeslayerthe command was13:21
shadeslayermount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 -o force13:21
thedarkbut I still don't get what to type13:21
ActionParsnipthedark: renice -n 5 -p <pidyoufound>13:21
ActionParsnipmake that 5 a -513:21
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: sure, you dint say you wanted ntfs3g, you may need some extra options13:22
ActionParsnip mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 -o force,uid=100013:22
thedarkstill gave me the usage list13:22
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: makes it user writable13:22
thedarkand I don't see a difference in the cpu % in the system monitor13:23
ActionParsnipthedark: what command are you using exactly?13:23
shadeslayerdo i run the command again??13:23
shadeslayeri get it13:23
ActionParsnipthedark: it wont increase in there, its not labouring the system, but the process will be attended more often13:24
ActionParsnipthedark: can you give me the command you used please13:24
shadeslayeri need to unmount the device first13:25
shadeslayerwhats the command for that13:25
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: sudo umount /media/sda313:25
ActionParsnipthedark: try: renice -5 -p <the pid>13:25
ActionParsnipthedark: or try it with sudo13:25
thedarkokay that last one worked13:26
thedarkno sudo needed13:26
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ActionParsnipthedark: good enough13:27
thedarkthank you13:27
thedarkbut it is still skipping13:27
thedarkI changed it to -1013:28
thedarksame problem13:28
thedarksound is fine13:28
thedarkGOD this is so frustrating13:29
thedarkbut I do appreciate your help13:29
darkenergythedark: have you got enough RAM?13:29
ActionParsnipthedark: if you run ps -ef | grep vlc13:29
ActionParsnipthedark: is the 4th column your nice value, just curious13:30
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:30
ActionParsnipthedark: try closing vlc13:33
ActionParsnipthedark: nice -7 vlc13:33
ActionParsnipsets its nice value at startup13:34
* thedark nods13:34
ActionParsnipany better13:35
thedarknah it didn't work13:35
* ActionParsnip used to renice nspluginwrapper to get better performance in flash before 64bit flash13:35
thedarkI mean videos are watchable, it is just annoying13:35
thedarkand sound is fine13:35
thedarkbut no change13:35
ActionParsnipthen its the video codec, have you been into vlc's settings to play around13:36
ActionParsnipthedark: are you running compiz?13:36
thedarkI don't see how that could be it, seeing how flash videos and videos in other players skip as well13:36
thedarkuhm, I dunno13:37
* shadeslayer wonders why his USB speed is 909 kBps13:37
bazhangturning off effects usually fixes that13:37
shadeslayerno effects13:37
ActionParsnipthedark: do you use that retarded desktop cube and all the bells and whistles that makes your computer look "pretty"13:37
bazhangreferring to thedark 's issue13:38
* ActionParsnip hates beryl almost as much as Apple13:38
thedarkI actually toned down that crap because it was giving me tons of issues13:38
bazhangturn it off completely13:38
thedarkcrashing and such13:38
shadeslayerlooks that the force mount reduced speed13:38
thedarkI have Desktop effects set to No Effects13:38
darkenergythedark: hardware specs?13:38
bazhanghow much ram,etc13:38
ActionParsnipand cpu speed13:39
thedarkhow do I get a list of all that?13:39
thedarkI mean I have my comp documentation13:39
darkenergycat /proc/cpuinfo13:40
ActionParsnipthedark: dont you know your system spec, like cpu speed and ram13:41
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darkenergy"free" shows how much ram you've got and how much is used. and swap too13:41
bazhangis this a wubi install?13:41
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ActionParsnipoh i hope not13:41
darkenergysomeone is being evasive13:42
ActionParsnipor use: cat /proc/meminfo13:42
ActionParsnipbit more info13:42
bazhangstill can't figure out how to add the little icons to my kde4 panel :)13:43
darkenergyActionParsnip: he's gone13:43
bazhangie firefox, terminal etc13:43
ActionParsnipbazhang: drag them from kmenu13:44
ActionParsnipbazhang: make sure they are unlocked first13:44
darkenergyanyone figured out ad-hoc networking yet?13:45
bazhangActionParsnip, thanks!13:45
ActionParsnipbazhang: np man13:45
thedarkthere is my cpu info13:45
thedarkI got 2 gigs of ram13:45
ActionParsnipshould be fine13:45
ActionParsnipthedark: you could apt-build vlc13:46
thedarkbut man, what about flash videos and all that13:46
ActionParsnipthedark: it wil compile the softwre using deb-src13:46
* shadeslayer is sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop :)13:46
ActionParsnipthedark: flash videos use a flash plugin for your browser13:46
thedarkright, but they have the same problem13:46
darkenergythedark: cat /proc/meminfo13:46
thedarkhow would apt-building vlc fix that13:46
shadeslayerbtw gnome will use the same kernel,configs,etc as Kubuntu right??13:47
bazhangthedark, is this a wubi install?13:47
thedarkI don't even know what a wubi install is13:48
bazhangthedark, or inside a vm?13:48
thedarknah no vm13:48
bazhanghow many processes do you have running thedark13:49
shadeslayerthedark: did you try reinstalling VLC??13:49
bazhangthedark, any memory intensive ones?13:50
thedarktop 3 are firefox, xorg, and python13:50
thedark58,36, 13 M13:50
thedarkI don't see why it would be a specs problem unless KDE 4.1 is really that big of a problem13:51
thedarkas I didn;t have this issue in previous versions of kubuntu13:51
thedarkand upgrading has made me miserable ever since13:51
shadeslayerhow do i change nvidia's power management13:51
bazhangthedark, what video card, what drivers, and how installed13:52
shadeslayerlike its set to max performance right now13:52
thedarkI didn't install any video drivers13:52
shadeslayeri want to set it to powersave,the video card13:52
thedarkjust what came out of the box, plus the media extras stuff13:52
thedarkto watch dvds and videos with codecs and all that13:52
shadeslayerany idea??13:53
ActionParsnipthedark: you will need video drivers installing and configuring to get a smooth display13:53
ActionParsnipthedark: lspci | grep VGA13:54
shadeslayer!nvidia | thedark13:54
ubottuthedark: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:54
shadeslayerubotu seems extremly slow today13:54
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:54
bazhangubottu lag13:54
ActionParsniphe's ok13:54
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag13:54
shadeslayerim installing ubuntu so maybe13:54
ActionParsnipthedark: what does that output?13:54
thedark00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)13:55
shadeslayerstupid card is heating to much13:55
shadeslayerIGP yayy13:55
shadeslayerno card :)13:56
ActionParsnipthedark: there are some xorg.conf snippets here for your card, it uses the intel driver which comes with a default install https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/12083413:57
JuJuBeeAny opinions on nVidia 9650M vs. 9800M ?13:57
ActionParsnip!ot | JuJuBee13:57
ubottuJuJuBee: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:57
shadeslayerJuJuBee: ##hardware13:57
thedarkso I don't have to fiddle with the drivers, just the xorg.conf file?13:59
maartenwhi, I've a problem with bluetooth support14:00
maartenwI'm running kubuntu 8.1014:00
shadeslayermaartenw: go ahead14:00
ActionParsnipthedark: correct you already have the driver installed in a package14:00
maartenwwith all recent updates14:00
ActionParsnipthedark: !info xserver-xorg-video-intel14:00
JuJuBeeI was more concerned about which card is better supported with kubuntu than which card works better for graphics.14:00
maartenwand kdebluetooth14:00
shadeslayermaartenw: even with KDE 4.2??14:00
maartenwI can send files14:00
ActionParsnip!hcl | JuJuBee14:00
ubottuJuJuBee: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:00
maartenwI can make a NAP connection14:01
maartenwbut I cannot receive files14:01
maartenwthe other device is a wm 2003 ipaq14:01
shadeslayerdid you try this??14:01
maartenwI had the same problem with the gnome utils14:01
shadeslayerdid you try this??14:01
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:01
ActionParsnipmaartenw: i have that too, i think the gnome one is ok but you'll need to install the GTK14:01
thedark!info xserver-xorg-video-intel14:02
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.4.1-1ubuntu10.3 (intrepid), package size 411 kB, installed size 900 kB14:02
shadeslayerive not even tried bluetooth since its been fixed lol14:02
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: no mention of 9650, that's why I asked here.14:02
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: let me websearch14:02
JuJuBeeI will aks elsewhere.14:02
thedarkwell I am confused and exhausted14:03
thedarkI'm gonna hit the sack and get back on this tomorrow14:03
thedarkmaybe I just need to try Xubuntu, this new KDE stuff is just trouble :(14:03
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: seems supported by the 180 driver but i'd probably go for the official nvidia driver14:03
pinpowerwhats going on14:03
ActionParsnipthedark: you just need video drivers configuring14:04
JuJuBeeYou mean the 9650?14:04
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: yeah seems that way14:04
maartenwshadeslay: I know the things mentioned on the webpage you mentioned14:04
shadeslayer:) then no idea14:04
thedarkokay I bookmarked that page14:04
thedarktgabjs again AP14:04
ActionParsnipnp man14:04
thedarkbest of luck in all of your computing14:05
thedarkfarewell #kubuntu14:05
maartenwmight obexpushd be needed for receiving files?14:05
maartenwit is not a requirement for kdebluetooth414:05
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: what did you search for? I can;t find anything specific.14:05
maartenwshadeslayer: might obexpushd be needed for receiving files?14:06
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: nvidia 9650 nvidia-glx14:06
shadeslayermaartenw: you certainly have to use that,i think'14:07
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shadeslayer!hi | felix4614:12
ubottufelix46: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:12
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JuJuBeeThanks ActionParsnip.  Seems the 180.22 drivers supports the 9800M GS as well which is a common GPU for laptops.14:14
shadeslayerJuJuBee: 180 :O14:14
shadeslayernothing beyond 177 here14:15
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: then you got a winner14:15
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-glx-18014:16
shadeslayerJuJuBee: in restricted drivers i dont have 18014:16
ubottunvidia-glx-180 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 180.11-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 9046 kB, installed size 26444 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)14:16
ActionParsnipits in intrepid too14:16
shadeslayermy ' 7 ' key seems to be stuck14:16
felix46how can i colour my nick on irc?14:17
shadeslayerhaha something was stuck below ' 7 '14:19
shadeslayerfelix46: please please use #defocus and #freenode for such queries14:19
felix46chanel defocus?14:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about defocus14:21
ActionParsniphaha its a random chat room for idle natterings14:21
shadeslayerubottu: damn you14:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about damn you14:22
felix46i can't join to defocus14:22
shadeslayerfelix46: you have to wait for a voice14:23
ActionParsnipfelix46: try: /j #defocus14:23
felix46[15:22] <felix46> hi14:23
felix46[15:22] [404] #defocus Cannot send to channel14:23
shadeslayeryeah,you have to wait for the beautiful antiope to voice you14:24
felix46okok thx14:24
felix46i understand14:24
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords14:25
loreleihi lols i am a gnom user14:31
loreleiha ha kedofils14:31
shadeslayerlorelei: welcome to the candy world14:31
ActionParsnipno candy here14:31
shadeslayer*eye candy14:31
ActionParsnipkde, but not kwin14:31
ActionParsnip!hi | lorelei14:32
ubottulorelei: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:32
* shadeslayer thinks he lost one chance to !hi14:33
khalidmianhow can i install webdwing font under open office in kubuntu14:33
shadeslayerkhalidmian: System settings>install font maybe14:33
shadeslayerkhalidmian: find it??14:34
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer14:34
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bishopzMorning :D14:38
akventurehow do i move a file from one directory to another in an ubuntu terminal?14:41
arshadHelp PLzz. . . . . .  . . . . .  .    mouse is not working in Damn Small LInux DSL bootable from CD on start14:42
akventurei want to move the .avi from its current directory to ~/Desktop14:42
shadeslayermv old path new path14:42
shadeslayer!konsole | akventure14:43
ubottuakventure: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:43
shadeslayerall commands there14:43
akventurewill do some dilligence14:43
ActionParsniparshad: read dmesg | less to see why14:44
ActionParsniparshad: and this is ubuntu support, not DSL support14:44
shadeslayeranybody know a good imaging software14:44
shadeslayerk3b wont read my DVD14:45
arshadany self help sites for DSL. . . . . . .14:45
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: can you clarify "imaging"14:46
* shadeslayer has shown the height of dumbness14:46
shadeslayerActionParsnip: nm, i was opening " Copy CD" for a DVD14:46
ActionParsnipok so whats this of "imaging" or is it related to the above muckup?14:47
shadeslayerwell i wanted to make a ISO14:47
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
ActionParsnipdd if=/dev/scd0 of=~/image.iso14:47
shadeslayerso instead of a DVD i chose a CD in k3b14:48
shadeslayerand i was copying a DVD14:48
shadeslayeri like GUI's14:48
ActionParsnip1damn battery14:49
shadeslayerActionParsnip: that you??14:49
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: battery dies14:49
shadeslayerhehe,6 cll??14:50
ActionParsnip1dell d420, no idea14:50
* shadeslayer has a 9cell battery,never dies14:50
ActionParsnip1its my work lappy, its ok14:50
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: you didnt join my channel ##Dell,:(14:50
* shadeslayer is sad14:50
ActionParsnip1anyhoo, yeah you can access /dev and output to a file to make an iso14:51
ActionParsnip1using dd14:51
shadeslayerim learning konsole step by step,no high tech stiff right now14:52
ActionParsnip1its hardly high tech14:53
ActionParsnip1wait til you meek awk, sed and grep14:53
ActionParsnip1that gets mesy14:53
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macoa few days ago, plasma wouldn't start. ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc seems to hold the problem (moving mine out of the way fixed it). i'm trying to figure out what setting broke plasma (debugging), so i've been bzr'ing the file and copying over little bits of the config at a time to see to get a diff where it breaks. can anyone help me figure out which part of this diff is the cause?15:00
arshaddo we have a chatting room with preferences or likes15:02
arshadin IRC15:02
jussi01arshad: err, what do you mean?15:03
arshadi mean chats based on locations or preferences or people15:03
arshadto make friends15:04
arshadto network15:04
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:04
macomy current plasma-appletsrc is http://paste.ubuntu.com/121892/ and the diff that got it there is http://paste.ubuntu.com/121891/15:04
macoi moved the panel's screen edge (manually, couldnt figure it out in the config file) and changed the geometry of showdesktop to be on the other side of quicklaunch (by copying the geometry from my broken config). lots of geometries changed seemingly on their own though. should messed up geometries cause plasma not to start though?15:09
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setpasshow i can change my pass?15:15
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LjL /msg nickserv help set15:16
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felix46its shows info15:18
felix46but i don't understand how use this15:18
bdr__hi, i have problem with kubuntu15:18
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sujrhi! what are the command line sip on linux which can have 3 way conference?15:20
arshadhow do i join this forum  #ubuntu-in @ irc.freenode.net15:20
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nagios15:22
bader-alfai make k run for usb but when start kde desktop i get weird pixle on scrren, and nothing happen15:22
bader-alfai make k run from usb but when kde desktop start  i get weird pixel on screen, and nothing happen15:23
jussi01Hi all. trying to make kmail system tray entry only display new messages from the inbox (ie. it currently shows unread ones elsewhere... like in trash). anyone know how to acheive this?15:29
shadycyborgany idea when KDE 4.3 will be out,an ETA perhaps??15:30
linexshadycyborg: I think at the earliest July with rc in June.15:39
shadycyborglinex: talking in #kde15:39
shadycyborgthey told me everything15:39
linexshadycyborg: what did they tell you. I'm interested too .15:39
shadycyborgfeature plan15:40
shadycyborgrelease plan15:40
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:41
shadycyborgTelepathy-specification compliant Account Manager using KWallet to store account data15:41
ubuntu_hi everyone15:43
ubuntu_I'm trying to installa Kubuntu on my laptop....15:44
shadycyborgubuntu_: and??15:45
ubuntu_I start it with kubuntu dvd in live mode and then install...15:45
ubuntu_but to have someproblem ...15:45
shadycyborgwhich is15:45
shadycyborgubuntu_: get to the problem15:45
ubuntu_ok ,nowI'm trying again ...., it was just froozen ....15:46
ubuntu_well actually just the installation ....15:46
ubuntu_ok right now is Calculatingfiles to skip copying 15%15:47
shadycyborgubuntu_: if youre sure youre gonna install then simply use the second option during boot15:47
ubuntu_and looks it's stopped there ....15:47
ubuntu_so is better to do wothout live ?15:47
shadycyborgless of a hassle15:48
ubuntu_ok , and I'll get the same tools to do partiotion hopefully !?!15:48
kaddihi, i'm trying to set a symbolic link, so that i can simply enter "l" instead of "ls -l"... but i can't seem to find the right command to do that... i don't see how to add the option to the link15:48
shadycyborgubuntu_: everything will be same15:49
shadycyborgjust no live session15:49
shadycyborgor IRC15:49
ubuntu_ok thanks, I'll try15:49
shadycyborgthats the only downside15:49
shadycyborgubuntu_: be sure to upgrade to 4.215:49
mefisto__kaddi: you mean an alias?15:50
kaddimefisto__ possibly.. what does this do? i tried to use ln, but that didn't work15:50
mefisto__kaddi: a link is like a file that points to another file or folder15:51
rainDoe anyone know why i have such problem?15:52
rainrain@rain:~$ su -15:52
rainsu: Authentication failure15:52
rainI type right password15:52
kaddimefisto__ google says alias is the command i want to be using :D15:52
macorain: you set a root password?15:52
jussi01rain: what are you attempting to do?15:52
rainand if I try it with other programs  then it works correctly15:53
macorain: the root account is locked by default. if you want a root shell, use "sudo -i"15:53
jussi01rain: sudo -i15:53
rainI am trying to execute *.sh installer15:53
rainsec i try15:53
mefisto__kaddi: if you want l = "ls -l" you would do this: alias l=ls -l15:54
rainit seems like it works but15:55
mefisto__kaddi: if you want it to be permanent (that is, you want that alias to work after a reboot) you can create .bash_aliases in your home dir and put all your aliases in that file15:56
rainroot@rain:/home/rain/limewirepro# sh Crossover-Pro-7.0.2.sh15:56
rainVerifying archive integrity...OK15:56
rainUncompressing CrossOver Linux Professional15:56
rainNo protocol specified15:56
rainSetup requires an X display to run.  There is a display variable set, however15:56
rainyou have no permissions to access the X server (:0.0) it points to.15:56
rainTry running xhost +localhost before su'ing to root.15:56
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:56
mefisto__kaddi: you could also put your aliases in .bashrc (you probably already have that file in your home dir)15:57
rainI have problem with installing crossover office15:58
rainwhat should I do?15:59
kaddimefist__ i'm looking at this right now :)15:59
nalvarezhow do I change my screen resolution?15:59
nalvarezI have a widescreen LCD, but System settings -> Display only shows 4:3 resolutions15:59
nalvarezeverything looks stretched16:00
kaddijust figuring out what the proposed aliases in bashrc do and if i want to use them :D16:00
nalvarezhighest listed (the one in use) is 1024x768, the LCD native res is 1280x72016:00
mefisto__kaddi: that example I gave you was wrong. sorry. it would be: alias l="ls -l"16:03
mefisto__kaddi: you need the quotes to include the space16:04
nalvarezor use functions instead of aliases16:04
JuJuBeeWhere are the KDE focus stealing prevention settings in System Settings?16:05
ZombineMorning everyone :D16:05
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mefisto__JuJuBee: window behaviour?16:08
* skulev smotrit16:09
ZombineDoes Ubuntu have some daemon that automatically mounts removable media?16:10
JuJuBeemefisto__: yes, thanks.16:12
rickestZombine: yes, autofs.  most desktops include that automatically or you can add it yourself if you're using aminimal desktop16:14
arshadhow do i use command in IRC16:14
rickestarshad: /help16:15
arshadburst , closae , cloide, connect16:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kommander16:15
Zombinerickest: I see. Thanks16:15
altrortlathere's a tutorial to learn "kommander" application... or a channel?16:16
rickestZombine: full-blown desktops (KDE, etc) include that functionality automatically16:16
mefisto__rickest: do you have autofs? I thought it was HAL that detects removeable media16:16
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java16:16
kaddi!hi |slacr16:17
ubottuslacr: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!16:17
slacrepic, i have a question regarding a bug with kde4.216:17
rickestmefisto__: I think dbus in KDE, yeah.  on my kubuntu box that happens automatically; on other distros I have autofs installed manually16:18
altrortlaanybody has a Kommander tutorial?16:18
slacrafter following the guidelines on the official page for kde 4.2 i ended up with frameless windows that could not be moved, does anyone know what causes this bug?16:18
rickestslacr: sounds like no window manager is running; i.e., kwin or whatever 4.2 uses16:19
slacrhm, okay, is the windowmanager in kde4.2 different from 4.1?16:20
rickestslacr: I'm not sure if kwin got upgraded or replaced16:21
macoslacr: kwin16:22
macosame as always16:22
=== shadycyborg is now known as shadeslayer
brad_I'm looking at downloading the 64bit version, but  I only see it for amd.16:23
slacrbrad_, the amd version supports core2duo and such16:24
brad_the amd version supports xeon processors ?16:24
SlimeyPetebrad_: it's for AMD64, which is the common name for both AMD64 and EMT64 (intel)16:25
astrommeYes, it's just named amd because amd invented the technology16:25
brad_i guess that works.16:25
SlimeyPeteit's just that AMD64 got their 64-bit extensions out into the world before Intel did, so everyone adopted the AMD64 name for all 64-bit x86 processors16:25
shadeslayersecond that16:25
shadeslayerim using it right now16:25
astrommeand had amd64 processers almost 2 years before intel did... so by the time intel comes out with its tech (based off of amds), everyone was on amd6416:25
shadeslayeron Intel Centrino16:25
astrommewell Pentium M, eh?16:26
astrommeiirc Centrino is a platform16:26
astrommelike amd Spider16:26
ghostcubePentium M != centrino16:27
brad_I've got 16gig of ram, so I figure a 64bit os would be better than pae16:27
astrommeThe Pentium M processor is a required component of the Centrino Platform16:27
spawn57does intel license the 64 bit extensions from amd?16:27
astrommeagain, this is iirc16:27
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astrommespawn57: I think so... but intel/amd cross license so much16:28
astrommethey're pretty much linked at the hip16:28
spawn57amd doesn't seem to be doing so good lately though16:28
brad_my new server will be here today16:28
astrommeeh, it's always in cycles16:29
Slartibartfastbrad_: this link might interest you then http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/09/08/xeon_amd64_fix/16:30
macoastromme: i thought centrino was "whatever intel's current cpu line is + whatever intel's current chipset is + whatever intel's current wireless is"16:30
Slartibartfastwith 16 GB RAM you really need to have a 64bit system16:30
astrommewell, sort of16:30
astrommefor their moble platform16:30
astrommeand it's versioned16:30
zer0ohi guys, in need of an mp3 and mp4 renamer, a software able to rename LOTS of files (tags included) according to certain parameters, at the same time, could u suggest some? the ones that ive found dont work for mp4 and dont have many parameters to choose among, plus it seems they dont work well with LOTS of files, any suggestions? thanks16:31
jonesnew dolphin on kde 4.2 is so much slower than in 4.1.4, is it possible to install the older dolphin in kde 4.2??16:35
venikI am resizing a partition on a 500 gb drive (kubuntu 8.10- 64 bit).  It is taking a VERY long time-- saying 0% finished for the last hour.  Is that normal?16:36
venik1/3 of the partition has Vista on it, so I do not want to reformat16:37
venikzero, Isn't mp3tag good for that?16:39
=== dox is now known as Guest18958
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bishopzwho knows how to uninstall a program (america online) out of wine16:41
mefisto__bishopz: do you have a wine submenu in Kmenu? or kickoff?16:43
bishopzactually im on ubuntu right now16:44
bishopzbut yea theres a submenu16:44
mefisto__bishopz: is there "uninstall wine software" in there?16:45
bishopzthe thing is, i go to uninstal applications in wine, andd it attempts to look for aol, but i guess because its a virtual16:45
bishopzit wont find it16:45
bishopzyea .. it brings up the prompt box "uninstal ..."16:45
bishopzi click aol, it says searching for versions16:45
bishopzand than crashes and i have to force quit it16:45
franicbishopz: have you tried "uninstaller" ?16:46
macoi'm left wondering why install aol in wine to begin with16:46
macos/in wine//16:46
mefisto__maco: too late now :)16:46
mefisto__bishopz: if wine doesn't uninstall it, you can remove the installed files from ~/.wine/drive_c (or wherever you've set wine to install things if you changed defaults)16:47
bishopzbecause i couldnt find an aol to run on linux16:48
bishopzmefisto__: thank you16:48
macobishopz: the s/in wine// was meant to imply "or rather, why install aol at all?"16:49
macoare they still an ISP?16:50
bishopzmaco: boredom16:50
bishopzyea they are lol16:50
bishopztheyre now free16:50
macobecause nobody would pay for their dialup that's half the speed of other dialup and requires software that's harder to remove than your average virus?16:51
bishopzHaHa. mhmmmm16:51
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kaddi!hi @felix6417:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi @felix6417:05
kaddi!hi |felix6417:05
ubottufelix64: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:05
felix46i need translate Konversation, i have file .po of the language, what i did?17:05
bishopzOk i removed the folders manually completely uninstalled wine, and wine still shows under applications? wwith AOL17:09
SlimeyPetedid you use adept/apt-get to uninstall wine?17:10
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bishopzno just did it from repos17:10
SlimeyPeteoh... you downloaded the package file manually?17:11
SlimeyPeteif you did that, you need to use dpkg -r to uninstall it17:12
bishopzlet me try hang on17:12
meif i installed a program from a .deb file how do i remove it?17:12
SlimeyPetein the future it's best to use adept/apt-get :)17:12
SlimeyPeteme: dpkg -r packagename17:12
=== me is now known as Guest42987
SlimeyPetee.g. dpkg -r wine17:12
SlimeyPetewell, "sudo dpkg -r wine" to be precise17:12
dr_WillisYou mean to say that the applications you Installed with WINE are sjhowing up  in the users menus?17:13
slacrany of you fellas use MATLAB with simulink regularly in X11?17:13
bishopzwarning: ignoring request to remove wine, only the config17:14
bishopz files of which are on the system.  Use --purge to remove them too.17:14
Guest42987ahh.. thank you17:14
Guest42987wow the .deb package system is by far the best.. had i installed an rpm i would have been stuck forver17:14
Guest42987i am new to ubuntu came from opensuse and mandriva.. so far it has been wonderful thanks to all your help!17:15
Guest42987if i download a program that is in a tarball how do i turn it into a .deb so that i can install it17:16
dr_WillisYou would need to compile it  and do a bit of work.17:16
slacrGuest42987, its likely you must compile it yes17:17
dr_WillisYou dont have to turn it into a deb.. but it may be a good idea17:17
SlimeyPeteGuest42987: that's difficult. Is the program not available via Adept/apt-get?17:17
SlimeyPetethose are the preferred methods for installing things17:17
Guest42987well it is vuze.. and there is a really old version of it in apt-get.. and the updater is broken17:18
Guest42987i want to use the newest version and apt only has like 3 in there17:18
SlimeyPeteGuest42987: what version do you want?17:18
Guest42987i think 4.1 is out now?17:18
SlimeyPetethere's one on getdeb: http://www.getdeb.net/app/Vuze17:18
SlimeyPete^^ 4.017:18
bishopzok did dpkg, it still leaves a folder in my applications17:19
bishopzand aol is still showing even tho the folders have been removed and deleted17:20
SlimeyPetebishopz: have you tried logging out & back in again?17:20
SlimeyPetethat forces a menu refresh, I think17:20
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=== Ilu is now known as Ilu-
Guest42987how do i download form that site?17:20
Guest42987must i sign up?17:20
jalshi guys i'm getting regular firefox crashes on Intrepid with kde 4.2, anyone else finding this?17:21
SlimeyPeteGuest42987: just click on the 4.0 link next to your version of Ubuntu17:21
SlimeyPetethen click on the download link17:21
PhilippePjals: with me it crashes only when I close it so not very annoying17:22
dr_WillisI recall a lot of people in here the otehr day saying they MUCH perfered the older  vuze,. or whatever it was called befor it became vuze :)17:22
jalsPhilippeP, for me when it does happen i seem to be scrolling with the mouse wheel at the time17:22
SlimeyPetedr_Willis: Azureus17:22
Guest42987haha nm i got it.. thanks..17:22
SlimeyPeteit used to be a bittorrent client, now it's an all-singing all-dancing media client that brings your PC to its knees17:23
Guest42987the older version doesn;t support as many transfer protocols such as freenet17:23
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=== Guest31585 is now known as bishopz
bishopznope still a folder there17:24
Guest42987hmm what was that site you just sent me to? and is it a pretty safe site as far as getting software17:25
Guest42987i have been looking for some stuff that isnt availabel through apt-get17:26
Guest42987cool thanks once again for the help guys ubuntu community support rocks!17:30
jalsanother problem i'm having is every rar file i download from firefox is corrupt17:33
jalsi think firefox in general is having issues17:33
jalshow can i do a completely fresh install, remove firefox and the .mozilla directory?17:33
dr_Willisuse the package manager to remove firefox.. and delete the users .mozilla directory17:36
dr_Willisbut i find it hard to belive thats the problem17:36
dr_Willistry a different browser like opera perhaps?17:36
jalsyeah i guess i should test that first17:36
dr_WillisWhere are you saving the rar files to?17:36
dr_WillisI also recall some odd rar files i found once that i had to use winrar to exctract17:36
jalsit's been about 5 in a row17:37
mefisto__try wget17:37
Piciunrar-free cannot handle multi-part rar files or 3.0 format files.17:37
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alarmhello, i am trying to install the java plugin for firefox. but i do not see any available package with the name sun-java6-plugin . (i got jdk installed , but i do not see anything about the plugin)17:38
alarm* maxagaz has quit ("Leaving")17:38
Picijals: The nonfree(non-open source) unrar tool should be able to open it.17:38
jalsin synaptic?17:38
Pici!info unrar17:38
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.8.2-1 (intrepid), package size 96 kB, installed size 244 kB17:38
jalscheers, installing now17:39
jalsincidentally the free version didn't seem to be installed either17:39
jalshey i think that was the answer Pici, thanks!17:39
slcrwhile on the subject of rar, how well supported is shell integration?17:40
PiciI don't know. I don't use KDE.17:40
slcrbrb, xorg restart17:41
slcrre :)17:42
dr_Williswine winrar.exe :P17:42
slcrthat works? (for shell integration?)17:43
dr_Williswhat does 'shell integration' actually mean?17:43
dr_Willis!info unp17:43
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (intrepid), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB17:43
silentxmy os is ubutnu Gnome but i have installed kopete 0.60 and i want to update17:44
silentxcould help me ?17:44
slcrits like, right-click-drag -> select unrar here in a dropdown menu17:44
slcrthose sort of things17:44
mefisto__slcr: if I double-click a rar, it opens in ark17:45
slcrmefisto__: yeah, thats "okay" but comming from a world where you can dragdrop things its still slightly annoying17:46
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dr_WillisI rarely ever extract archives via the GUI. I tend to use the command line and the unp command. :)17:46
slcri may get to that stage one day, but it will take some time17:47
dr_Willisthats 'shell' integeration. :)  heh.17:47
dr_Willisunp whateverrandiomarchivename.whatever17:47
jalsnow i just need to figure out these constant firefox crashes17:48
dr_Willisrun it from a terminal.. look for error messages17:48
dr_WillisI would guess flash or java  or javascript to be the blame17:48
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slcrthat will still drop it where you're at, which is ok, but wanting it somewhere else, even with the sweet tab shortcuts, takes more time than click done17:48
dr_Willisi find the gui stuff takes longer.17:49
dr_Willisor it uses some lame name.. or it goofs stuff otherwise17:49
silentxpeople can you help me :(17:49
dr_Willissilentx,  what was the actual question. Yiou want to update? update what?17:49
mefisto__jals: try starting in safemode (no extensions or themes) firefox -safe-mode17:49
alarmany idea with the java plugin ?17:50
silentxupdate Kopete17:50
dr_Willissudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade17:50
silentxwhile i'm using gnome interface !17:50
dr_Willisthat should get the latest version in the repos.17:50
jalsmefisto__, i don't have any extensions installed17:50
dr_WillisIf you want a newer version then whats in the repos.. thats harder.17:50
jalsbut i will run from CL in a minute17:50
silentxyea that's what i mean17:50
PhilippePsilentx: upgrade to wich version ??17:50
dr_Willischeck the PPA repos perhaps.17:50
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.17:50
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper17:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about java-plugin17:51
PhilippePsilentx: it's in intrepid-backports17:51
silentxinterpid-backports >> what do you mean ?17:51
silentxi'm new on linux17:51
PhilippePsilentx: you should activate the intrepid-backports in your repo manager ...17:52
silentxumm could tell me how :$17:52
mefisto__!info java-plugin17:53
ubottuPackage java-plugin does not exist in intrepid17:53
slcrin the aptitude package manager you can look for something along the lines of "repositories"17:53
mefisto__!info sun-java6-plugin17:53
ubottusun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-10-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1 kB, installed size 100 kB17:53
alex_hi , I just finish to install and update Kubuntu,...... there are few importantrepository to add on the list '17:53
slcrsilentx: there you could find checkboxes for adding addtional repositories17:54
silentxaptitude >>  i think this on KDE i'm using Gnome :S17:54
alex_I mean, where I can get a good list of repository for Kubuntu ?17:54
slcrsilentx: you have aptitude on gnome also, it may be called "package manager" or so though17:55
silentstri16how do I log into my nick again?17:55
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PhilippePsilentx: somewhere in your menu the should be a repository manager or something ...17:55
silentxsynapatic pacakage manager :D17:55
slcrthat one it is :)17:56
silentxoky then ?17:56
silentxwhat should i add ?17:56
mefisto__silentx: look in the settings menu, repositories17:56
silentxyep i found it17:56
PhilippePsilentx: there is alsoo a direct entrance to the repo manager but since I'm on KDE I don't know the correct name17:57
silentxyea i know from the sofware sources17:57
mefisto__silentx: or better still, settings, preferences :)17:57
mefisto__silentx: no, that's not what I thought it was17:58
alex_yeah there is, but if I don't mistake afriend of mine said that there are a lot more repo, to add on the third part software, is right ?17:58
silentstrihow do I log into nickserv again?17:58
silentxoky i will go to setting , preferences in the package manager17:58
silentxThen what should i add ?17:59
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mefisto__silentx: kdesudo software-properties-kde (for kde). the gnome equivalent I think is gksudo software-properties-gtk18:00
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silentxalready installed :)18:01
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Silentstrihello all18:02
Silentstrianyone can help me with setting up ndiswrapper and a WPC54G driver on my laptop?18:03
slcrupgrading to kde4.2, wish me luck :)18:05
Silentstrianyone can help me with setting up ndiswrapper and a WPC54G driver on my laptop?18:05
Silentstriciao then ..18:07
slcrnot sure what that is, sorry :) suppose it has something to do with WLAN?18:07
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solifugusTwice, recently, kubuntu somehow changed my input to as if the shift key were being held down.. and I had to reboot to fix it... loosing work18:11
solifuguskde4 has serious problems.. now I am typing normal again.. what's going on?18:12
Wargasmkde4 is working ok for me so far :P18:14
mefisto__solifugus: like the capslock key is on?18:15
Wargasmlol, that's what i thought...18:15
Wargasmkde 4 is cruise control for cool18:15
girevikmotonewbie here18:16
Wargasmwelcome, girevikmoto18:16
girevikmotoim trying to share a folder on my linux box with my roommates xp box18:16
girevikmotoive configured samba18:16
girevikmotodo i need NFS to export the samba share?18:17
Wargasmi'm not sure...but you might.18:17
Wargasmi'm no expert on samba, but i've used it with windows before18:17
solifugusmefisto__: no.. the caps lock doesn't fix it.. I just noticed that hititng the ! key fixes it, until a minute or so later when it comes on again.18:17
girevikmotoor rather... ive created the samba share, do i need NFS to export the directory filesystem, or is that a function of Samba18:19
Wargasmtry installing NFS if you don't mind using the space18:19
mefisto__solifugus: what kind of keyboard? see if there is a keyboard layout that matches your hardware in systemsettings > regional & language18:19
solifugusI really don't want to switch to gnome, like Linus says he did after realizing how messed up kde 4 is..  but I might have to go back to kde 3.  Linus used to praise kde and criticized gnome.18:19
solifugusmefisto__: standard u.s. english.. HP laptop..18:19
Wargasmwho cares what linus thinks18:19
girevikmoto(kde4 is still not worth using? havent tried out the new revision yet...)18:20
Wargasmkde 4.2 is good so far, i've had it for a couple days18:20
fosco__kde4.2 is ready for a real use18:20
solifugusWargasm: it's an illustration of how hard it is for long-time kde lovers like me are having a really hard time.. not only with bugs but design issues, too..  It's tragic.. I am hoping things get better..18:20
mefisto__solifugus: do you have kde 4.2 ?18:21
Wargasmsolifugus: things will get better, 4.2 is proof of that imo. since 4.0 i've seen improvement.18:21
Wargasmget 4.2 if you don't have it18:21
solifugusmefisto__: I don't know..  how can I find out?18:21
mefisto__solifugus: konqueror help, about kde (for example)18:22
Wargasmshould show your version name in about18:22
Wargasmor version number18:22
solifugusWargasm: 4.1.4... how can I upgrade to 4.2 ?18:22
Wargasmsolifugus: you have to add a repository to the third party tab in sources18:23
Wargasmlet me find the repository18:23
mefisto__solifugus: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 (or enable backports and update/upgrade)18:23
jalsright, firefox finally crashed and gave me an error18:23
Wargasmsolifugus: also let me give you a warning18:23
Wargasmi had an issue when upgrading18:24
jalsthis is the error http://pastebin.com/m22a205a18:24
Wargasmwhen i was upgrading it must not have updated everything. i logged in and nothing showed up on the desktop. so i restarted x and changed the session to "console" in console i did "sudo apt-get update" "sudo apt-get upgrade" everything was fine after the upgrade ran in console.18:25
jalsis there anything useful there?18:25
solifugusWargasm: I've never had an version upgrade without major problems on any distro since I started with Slackware 97, back in 1998.18:25
solifugusWargasm: I just backup my data and install fresh.18:25
Wargasmthen you haven't been using ubuntu gnome18:25
Wargasmbecause i've upgraded numerous times18:26
Wargasmwithout issue18:26
solifugusI've always issues18:26
Wargasmbut i wasn't worried about data. i backup everything important.18:26
bishopzmk im pissed, bout to reinstal18:26
Wargasmso i can be reckless18:26
slcralright! almost painless upgrade to 4.2 ;)18:27
gothpawPlease Help.. I'm having issues mounting a 250GB USB drive....  See here for details -->  http://rafb.net/p/ydmBYw60.html18:27
bishopzGothpaw: whats your issue18:27
gothpawtoo much to paste here, hence the link in my request for help :)18:28
bishopzlol didnt even see that18:28
bishopzhold on18:28
Wargasmgothpaw: hang on i had an issue similar before18:29
Wargasmgothpaw: check out that link18:29
bishopzGood call war18:29
bishopzit should auto mount.18:29
Wargasmit worked for me last time i had a drive that wouldn't mount18:29
girevikmotojoin #samba18:30
WalzmynHow do you edit the favorites in kmenu?18:30
Wargasmyeah i had a WD external drive that refused to auto mount, so i had to manually do it18:30
bishopzrofl i just had a WD issue lastnight18:30
slcrWalzmyn: 4.something? just rightclick?18:30
Wargasmbishopz: wouldn't mount?18:30
bishopzmy WD usb external, would mount, but wasnt reading shit, now i can only access through dolphin18:30
Walzmynslcr, right click allows me to remove, I want to add something18:30
Wargasmweird, bishopz, my WD worked fine after i manually mounted it.18:31
mefisto__jals: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=953000&page=218:31
bishopzyea, mine doesnt. i can use the files off the disk, cant move anything to it, its saying registering as read only18:31
slcrWalzmyn: any link you find in other apps or so, you can right click and add to favourites18:31
Wargasmoh i see, so it's a permissions issue18:31
bishopzidc i was really only pissed about the 100+ movies on it18:31
Walzmynslcr oh18:31
Wargasmdid you sudo mount it? does that make a difference?18:31
jalsmefisto__, i actually found a link suggesting it's a problem with the gtk engine18:32
bishopzyea to /media18:32
bishopzand everything18:32
jalsthis describes it exactly https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-qt-engine/+bug/27924018:32
gothpawwargasm: unfortunately that link does not help nor apply to me....18:32
Wargasmit doesn't work, gothpaw?18:32
Wargasmdid you try running the first command listed?18:32
bishopzProbably not.18:32
gothpawWargasm: everything in that link I have done numerous times18:32
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Wargasmok gothpaw, make sure you aren't just putting in "sda1" make sure the "sda1" is correct18:33
bishopzwhen you plug in the drive via usb , doees it appear on your desk top?18:33
Wargasmit could be "sdb" or something18:33
gothpawWargasm: please see the link I added to my request18:33
bishopzi believe its adb118:34
gothpawWargasm: yes  I know, in this case the drive is sdd118:34
bishopzi are shmart18:34
gothpawbishopz: sdb1 is another drive.... sdc1 is also another drive, the one in question is sdd118:34
bishopzgothpaw: does the icon show on your desk top when u plug it in18:34
bishopzyes im aware18:35
gothpawbishopz: I don't use those icons, so I couldn't tell you18:35
bishopzok, places18:35
Wargasmdid you try /mnt/sdd1 instead of "/home/gothpaw/extras2"18:35
Walzmynslcr, thankyou, that helped a bunch18:35
AndySpainfolks, why is there absolutely no protection for root account??18:36
fosco__what do you mean Andry_Sleeps ??18:36
SlimeyPeteNo protection?18:36
SlimeyPeteThe root account is disabled by default...18:36
gothpawWargasm: the path of mounting should be irrelevant, considering all other drives are mounting properly (outside of /mnt/ ) ... ie, my other USB Drive is sdc1 and is mounted to /home/gothpaw/Extras .... but yes I have tried other mounting locations18:36
AndySpainWell, when starting the computer18:36
mefisto__jals: what theme are you using for gtk apps?18:36
fosco__andy---, in ubuntu there is no root account18:36
AndySpainyou can select Recovery mode18:36
slcrWalzmyn: glad to help :)18:37
AndySpainand there you can enter a root shell18:37
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AndySpainwithout ANY pw being required18:37
PiciAndySpain: So remove that entry from grub.18:37
jalsmefisto__, gtk style?18:37
alex_How I can get automatically mounted all the partition I have in my system !?!18:37
fosco__AndySpain, same as almost all distros, you can pass protrect grub if you want18:37
jalsi was using GTK style but i've switched it to Raleigh now at the suggestion of someone on that link18:37
gothpawWargasm: just for the sake of trying your help.... no I get the same error when trying to mount it to /mnt/sdd118:38
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Wargasmok, thanks gothpaw18:38
gothpawthe error doesn't pertain to a mounting point though, it is relevant to the filesystem18:39
AndySpainPici, dosco:: I would prefer having a pw there. I don't wanna remove it from grub, for sometimes i already needed it. For instances when on login screen I could not enter kde anymore and neither could i enter konsole from the login scrren, but in recovery mode i could18:39
AndySpainthere is no need to have recovery mode pw-free18:39
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AndySpainis there?18:39
Wargasmyeah, i'm trying to figure out what could be wrong if it isn't a mounting issue, gothpaw18:39
AndySpainfosco__ how can I pw-protect grub?18:40
fosco__AndySpain, modify your menu.lst or use any GUI like startupmanager to put a password on grub18:40
Wargasmgothpaw: does the drive work on other pcs?18:40
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silentstrihey everyone :P18:41
Wargasmhey, silentstri18:41
bishopzgod that was stupid of me18:41
bishopzwargasm any idea how to get manually removed icons out of wine? ;x18:42
gothpawWargasm: only other PC's I have currently produce the same error (they are all Kubuntu 8.10 PC's)18:42
Walzmynwhat is a .desktop file?18:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about destop18:42
Wargasmnot sure, bishopz, sorry. not familiar with wine.18:42
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors18:42
Wargasmgothpaw: do you think the drive could be broken/corrupt?18:43
silentstrianyone can help me install ndiswrapper and a driver really fast?18:43
WalzmynI know what the heck a desktop is. I asked about a XXX.desktop file18:43
bishopzshit, this sucks im too much of a perfectionist to not reinstal ;x18:43
gothpawWargasm: I surely hope not as there is some seriously Vital Work data on the drive18:43
Wargasmlmao, i hear you bishopz18:43
jussi01!ohmy | bishopz18:43
ubottubishopz: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!18:43
shadeslayersilentstri: sudo apt-get install <program>18:43
Wargasmgothpaw: don't abandon hope yet, i'm nowhere near an expert on this issue.18:44
bishopzShadeslsyer: whats up ;)18:44
jussi01!ndiswrapper | silentstri18:44
ubottusilentstri: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:44
shadeslayerGNOME is up18:44
silentstrii have a super nooby question.......... what do I do with these comands?!18:44
Wargasmsilentstri: what device is it for? i've had a lot of experience getting wifi drivers.18:44
shadeslayeror rather going UP18:44
bishopzlol everything coming along?18:44
Wargasmopen terminal and paste the command in, silentstri18:45
shadeslayersilentstri: lol,RUN in konsole18:45
silentstrii c i think18:45
shadeslayersilentstri: its like a DOS command18:45
bishopzmy laptop + wifi issues = Grrrr18:45
Wargasmif you have trouble, PM me, silentstri18:45
silentstriok, so I have ndiswrapper and I have the driver for my WPC54G wifi card, how do I make them work?18:45
shadeslayerwell DOS commands run in DOS,these run in Konsole18:45
jcrthe kernel 2.7.x will be available for 8.04 anytime?18:45
Wargasmit's the same concept though, shadeslayer18:46
shadeslayersilentstri: deb package18:46
shadeslayerWargasm: obviouxly18:46
shadeslayerbrb in GNOME18:46
bishopzfuck it fresh instal18:46
silentstrishadeslayer: whats a deb package?18:46
bishopzcoming tonight18:46
silentstriwhat with the red chat ??18:46
Wargasmred chat is highlighting, it helps get your attention when your name is written18:47
gothpawsilentstri: it's called highlighting.... used when your name is typed18:47
silentstriill ask later xD18:47
Wargasmyou can add more words to be highlighted18:47
silentstriso is there a command I need to install ndiswrapper? or is it hella complex?18:48
AndySpainSlimeyPete  why is root disabled? isn't sudo the same as being root - i mean having the same privileges?18:48
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:49
AndySpainthx, mefisto__18:49
silentstriso is there a command I need to install ndiswrapper? or is it hella complex?18:49
Wargasmsilentstri: did you try "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper"18:49
silentstriin konsole? brb18:49
jcrsome solutions in ubuntu forums, suggest to uninstall the ndiswrapper package, and install it from tar.gz18:50
bishopzThats what i did18:51
Wargasmi've always had good luck with installing from repos18:51
bishopzBrb tho18:51
silentstriWargasm: It didnt work, gave me a list of errors about cannot mount etc18:51
Wargasmlet me pm you, silentstri18:51
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shadeslayerGNOME is uh.... nice18:55
bishopzWargasm: quick question i dont know realllly how to answer it to a friend correctly18:55
bishopzgnome <318:55
* gothpaw sighs ...... grrrrrr18:55
shadeslayera welcome change18:56
AndySpainfosco__ still i think it's a problem for security. many unexperienced users like me, install kubuntu, set the passwords, and think, now the system is safe.18:58
bishopzIf my friend is doing a fresh HD ... no windows... loading ubuntu, on the partion, she wants to choose "entire disk" right?18:58
AndySpainand until the try the recovery they will not now, that there is root access to all the system at no expense18:59
fosco__AndySpain, if you do not like that way just change it18:59
raptorhey guys18:59
jcrbishopz> that's correct18:59
AndySpainfosco__ I mean for other users. who do not know that they should change this18:59
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shadeslayerguys wont user switcher work with GNOME alongsside KDE??18:59
bishopzjcr: ty18:59
AndySpainI have already changed it18:59
Guest95319i got de 8.10 installation19:00
Guest95319and now i am  configuring my website server19:01
Guest95319this is so cool19:01
AndySpainbye folks19:01
=== Guest95319 is now known as raptor_
raptor_where are you from?19:02
raptor_i amd in mexico19:02
silentstrilol 2o more minutes in class for "research" xD19:03
jcri'm in mexico too19:03
silentstricanada ftw19:03
silentstriwargasm still around?19:03
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!19:03
Wargasmhey, silentstri, still here19:04
silentstriok, so im opening adept again19:05
Wargasmtry refreshing your lists19:05
raptor_i dont know how to access my website remotely19:06
silentstrinope, nothing19:06
Wargasmno ndiswrapper?19:06
raptor_is there anybody can help me with???19:06
silentstrii dled it19:07
silentstriif that makes a dif...19:07
Wargasmit should still show up in your adept package manager19:07
Wargasmcan you click on sources, then "edit software sources"19:07
Wargasmyeah, it's ndiswrapper-common19:08
gothpawPlease Help.. I'm having issues mounting a 250GB USB drive. See here for details -->  http://rafb.net/p/ydmBYw60.html19:08
Wargasmmake sure on the first tab that proprietary drivers box is checked19:08
slcrnot working still gothpaw?19:08
shadeslayeri cant get the user switcher applet to work in gnome19:09
silentstriehhhhh where is sources19:09
sortealtry your question in ##gnome19:09
sortealor #ubuntu19:09
Wargasmok here's the problem silentstri, there's like 3 package managers, each are slightly different19:10
silentstrioh ya I havent installed ndiswrapper yet, or is that what adept should do19:10
gothpawslcr: nope.... and I'm starting to get worried as I need the data that is on the drive19:10
Wargasmthat's what we're trying to do through adept, silentstri19:10
silentstrio ok19:11
Wargasmsilentstri: click on the k menu, go to computer, then go to adept installer19:12
Wargasmjust so we're on the same page here19:12
silentstrii did19:12
silentstriim running 6.0619:12
Wargasmnow, do you see sources with the globe icon on the left?19:12
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silentstriwait computer?19:13
silentstrii have "system"19:13
Wargasmthird tab over on the menu19:14
Wargasmmain tab19:14
Wargasm"favorites" then "applications" then "computer"19:14
Wargasmare you using kde4 or not19:14
silentstriuhm, dont think my kmenu is the same19:14
mefisto__Wargasm: silentstri is running 6.0619:15
silentstrior my adept19:15
Wargasmok, i'm not familiar with that sorry. but if you can figure out if you have the proprietary driver repo active19:15
Wargasmdo that19:15
slcrgothpaw: i only have a faint recollection of this, but is it not possible to spec fat32? or add some other flags19:15
silentstrido the whatsit with the hoosit?19:15
Wargasmshould be in software sources or something similar19:16
silentstriok.... shall look19:16
Wargasmsee if you can find the thing called software sources in the menu19:17
bishopzsome see if they can dig up how to remove icons out of wine that have been deleted already19:17
mefisto__bishopz: edit the menu and remove them19:18
bishopzhow so19:19
bishopzim new towine and such19:19
mefisto__bishopz: right-click the menu icon, then "menu editor"19:20
bishopzbrings up main menu19:21
bishopzI SEE19:21
bishopzmefisto__: ty very much19:21
silentstribrb taking notes -_-'19:23
bishopzlinuxwiz: =) whats up19:25
sortealDoes anyone use konqueror as their standard web browser?19:27
Wargasmid like to, but firefox is just too nice.19:28
sortealWell I would too but I've noticed it has issues loading some images in kde 3.5.  Any ideas on what might cause this or a possible plugin/patch I'm missing?19:29
mefisto__sorteal: loading images in firefox?19:30
Wargasmdo they load in firefox but not konq19:30
kuaeraI use Arora as my standard browser, here19:30
mefisto__sorteal: what kind of image?19:30
kuaeraArora runs on qtwebkit, and is focused on KDE integration right now19:30
kuaeraIt does require Qt4.4+, however19:31
sortealI'm pretty sure they're PNG images19:31
silentstriugh history >.<19:31
mediamanis there a program that is similar to windows media center for linux? i found elisa but is that the only one?19:34
altrortlathere's a tutorial to learn "kommander" application... or a channel?19:34
fosco__mediaman, there are many of them, the one i like is xbmc, but not sure if it is in repos19:35
Exilantmedia center, like amarok with video?19:35
Wargasmamarok is such a nice player compared to most of the stuff available on windows19:36
mediamani want something that will work with a remote and occupy the whole screen such as elisa does but elisa isnt very stable19:36
Exilantmplayer works with a remote. dunno about kaffeine (and dunno if it is available on ibex)19:37
Exilantbut kaffeine is really nice for dvb-t and dvds19:37
Wargasmpretty sure kaffeine works on ibex19:37
Wargasmhaven't tried it though19:37
bishopzit does19:37
bishopzfunniest moment of my day19:38
bishopzmy little cousin gets on my laptop19:38
bishopzand goes19:38
bishopzWTF IS THIS SHIT19:38
bishopzhe 1319:38
Wargasmfirst non-windows experience?19:38
bishopzWTF IS AIM , AOL,? WTF19:38
bishopzim just cracking up19:39
Wargasmlinux de virginized19:39
jcrhe/she saw the light! lol19:39
bishopzhes watching certain things19:39
bishopzgoing OHHH i like that19:39
fosco__bishopz, please stop that, this is a support channel19:39
bishopzwhy do i have a feeling ill be dual booting his laptop19:39
mediamanxmbc looks pretty nice does it work with a remote and will it run from gnome?19:39
fosco__mediaman, yes19:39
bishopzfosco: with all due respect . i wasnt disturbing ANY suppport discussion nor was it an over drawn convo19:40
bishopztake it how u wanna19:40
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!19:40
* cuznt agrees19:40
mediamanhmm how do i get it?19:41
bishopzWhy hello there cuznt19:41
mefisto__language also, bishopz19:41
mediamanfosco__: there is a ppa available it says on there site but im unsure what that means/19:43
fosco__mediaman, ppa is a not official repo19:43
fosco__use it at your own19:43
cuzntthey abreviate it because it is a naughty word19:43
=== root is now known as Guest90978
mediamanhow do i use it or better yet what is the best way for me to get xbmc19:43
gothpawslcr: fat32 is specified via vfat, so other than that I am unsure what you mean19:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbmc19:44
mefisto__!info xbmc19:44
ubottuPackage xbmc does not exist in intrepid19:44
mediamanfosco__: u said you use it right? how did you install it?19:45
cuzntwhat is xbmc mediaman?19:45
silentstriok, so about installin ndiswrapper19:45
mediamanit is a media center fosco told me about19:45
bishopzStill messin with the wrapper?19:45
Wargasmsomeone help this guy install ndiswrapper19:45
Wargasmever find software sources?19:46
silentstrimeh schools out, shall return19:46
Wargasmnvm lmao19:46
bishopzI think i might instal a 3dwrapper19:47
fosco__mediaman, i did it following xbmc webpage instructions19:47
bishopzany suggestions?19:47
mediamanfosco__ which intailed installing the ppa?19:48
alex_dolphin take a decision, when he is running, I can't seeanything else ....19:59
alex_it' s onfuulscreen mode,without bar and I can't do anything19:59
alex_how can be...19:59
alex_someone can help me please ?20:00
bishopzanyone know if ubuntu has a google earth comparible?20:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:00
=== erwin_ is now known as vaiursch
Wargasmtry holding down alt and dragging, alex_20:00
alex_doesn't works ...20:01
* rgl salutes the gang20:02
alex_it's unbeliavable ....20:02
bishopzrgl: hello there20:02
alex_where is the profile file of dolphins !?!someone knows ?20:03
mefisto__alex_: try alt-F3, then advanced menu, and turn off fullscreen20:04
ct529:( .... I cannot have ktts work properly on my laptop20:08
alex_my connection was down ....20:09
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alex_so what should I do inorder to fixtheproblem with dolphin ?20:11
ct529lex_: what problem?20:11
mefisto__alex_: try alt-F3, then advanced menu, and turn off fullscreen20:12
alex_when I open it , is a kind of full screen mode .....20:12
J_A_Xif I were to try to find out which xserver session name I'm currently on, how would I do it?20:12
alex_I try Alt-F3 but doesn't do anything20:13
Kiberlynxwhere I've installed a few programs with wine in a user, now I want to move those programs to another users wine, which is no problem, except for the kickoff icons which I don't know how to copy, how do I do it?20:14
mefisto__alex_: is the dolphin window in the panel?20:14
alex_which panel do you mean?20:14
mefisto__alex_: the panel that shows the windows you have open20:15
KiberlynxI've installed a few programs with wine in a user, now I want to move those programs to another users wine, which is no problem, except for the kickoff icons which I don't know how to copy, how do I do it?20:15
ct529what is alt + f3 supposed to do???? it does maximise20:15
alex_actually not,it's covered by dolphin20:15
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mefisto__alex_: any other windows open? alt-tab?20:16
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Kiberlynxalex_ has quit20:16
mefisto__ct529: alt-F3 does the same as right-click the titlebar of a window20:17
ct529mefisto__: thanks20:18
=== Guest80072 is now known as peter__
ct529mefisto__: do you know anything about ktts?20:18
mefisto__ct529: no. what is it?20:19
ct529mefisto__: text-to-speach in kde .... and in kubuntu .... :)20:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ktts20:19
Kiberlynxwhere's the k-menu xml file?20:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kttsd20:19
ct529ubottu is useless20:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is useless20:19
alex_I'm back..20:19
alex_shit...., I push somethingwrong..:)20:20
jussi01!ohmy | alex_20:20
ubottualex_: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!20:20
jussi01ct529: it would help if you knew how to address her! respect the bot!20:21
jussi01!info kttsd20:21
ubottukttsd (source: kdeaccessibility): a Text-to-Speech system for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 1613 kB, installed size 3240 kB20:21
alex_ok sorry ....20:22
alex_but I'm a bit angry for that problem , I just finished to install one hour ago ....20:22
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mefisto__jussi01: it's a her?20:22
jussi01!gender > mefisto__20:23
ubottumefisto__, please see my private message20:23
alex_can I use some other file manager as a default filemanager ...., I really like dolphin but it's unusable in this way ....20:24
sortealyou can switch to konqueror20:24
ct529jussi01: well, it is rather a $%&@ useless bot .... half of the time just requests the ! command20:25
jussi01alex_: system settings, default apps, file manager20:25
jussi01ct529: careful. constructive critiscm only please.20:25
mefisto__alex_: you're in konversation now?20:26
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
ct529jussi01: it is very constructive actually .... if MORE people were allowed to program the bot, it would probably have more factoids20:26
=== zo is now known as zooli
Reformer81I just installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop.  Now, when I rebooted, the startup halts with errors that fsck could not check /dev/sdb6 (which is my /home/ partition).  I need to press Ctrl-D to continue booting.  Also, when logging into Gnome, now the "User Switcher" applet crashes immediately.  What happened and how do I fix this?20:27
alex_.......ok , likely I fix it right now....20:27
alex_likely the dock bar remained on the foreground , so from there , just right click , advaced and I swithed off fullscreen mode20:27
alex_there is a way to disable full screen mode for dolphin ?20:27
ct529are you sure you do not have aspecial configuration for the dolphine window?20:27
jussi01ct529: feel free to join #ubuntu-bots if you care to discus it.20:27
alex_yeah , I'm pretty sure ....20:28
alex_anyway now it works....20:28
mefisto__alex_: any window can go fullscreen, not just dolphin20:29
tablahi ppl20:29
alex_ok , I got it , so I have just to be very carefull with that .....20:29
tablai have huge error with sound i dont have any im using creative lab soundcard there is 1 unofficila driver installed it but nothing happends so pls can somone help me how to install alsamixer or smthn like that20:29
ct529alos, you can configure the initial window for any application20:30
alex_and it's quite funny m because I didn't switch never to full screen ...20:30
th1Can anyone help with this:  I upgraded Kubuntu from 7.10 via 8.04 to 8.10 and now Firefox doesn't have any file associations and even "Open containing directory" doesn't work, how can I fix this?20:31
alex_now another think I'd like to do is to automount my partition on startup ...20:31
alex_how should I do it .... ?20:31
HappySmileManalex_: /etc/fstab20:32
mefisto__Reformer81: sounds like your disk needs checking with fsck20:32
HappySmileManNot sure exactly how to do it, haven't done it in a while, but google for guides20:32
alex_yeah I know the file but ....20:32
HappySmileManBasically you just enter partition and fs-type and stuff20:32
alex_ok , so I'll search on google ..:)20:33
tablai have huge error with sound i dont have any im using creative lab soundcard there is 1 unofficila driver installed it but nothing happends so pls can somone help me how to install alsamixer or smthn like that20:33
macotabla: alsamixer is always installed. just run it. but as to the fact that you're using creative, first *shudder*, second...i recommend asking in #ubuntu-audio-help in a few hours20:34
HappySmileManNot sure if there's a graphical way, there probably is, but I've only ever done it on gentoo20:35
maco(not right now, as i dont think dtchen is in right now, and i dont know anything about creative)20:35
mefisto__tabla: do you need this unofficial driver for your card?20:36
bishopssilly questioncan someone walk me thru getting screenlets running?20:36
tablamefisto__: im really new on this linux stuff i dont know even where to begin20:37
tablamefisto__: all i have readed has fail20:37
tablamefisto__: in terminal if i type alsamixer it gives me No mixer elems found20:38
tablaso where ican turn it or or smthn if its installed20:38
mefisto__tabla: type:  cat /proc/asound/modules20:38
mefisto__tabla: lshw -C multimedia20:39
kavurthow to see what version of kubuntu I'm using?20:40
tablamay i pm20:40
mefisto__tabla: ok can you pastebin that? http://paste.ubuntu.com/20:40
mefisto__tabla: or pm if you prefer20:40
macotabla: download http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh and save it to your desktop. "cd ~/Desktop ; bash alsa-info.sh" it'll give you a link. post the link here20:44
DaddyLonglegsHow can I completely disable the system beep?20:45
tablamaco http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=74f45bc39a13738d3c93d07b2b58fdceb1d3daaa20:52
QWonderhow do i enable all the fancy graphics stuff where the windows have physics and all that in 8.10?20:53
macotabla: blergh. yeah...mixers'll be no help. what driver did you try to install? can you find the howto?20:54
tablathere was just 2 commands make and make install20:55
tablanothing more20:55
drostieQWonder: there's some stuff (for me in KDE 4.2) in K > System Settings > S20:55
drostieK > System Settings > Desktop20:55
QWonderhmm, i'm actually just trying to check it out from the live cd of 8.1020:56
drostieGet the Jaunty live cd if you want to see KDE 4.2.20:56
tablamaco: you saw any errors or smthn?20:59
macotabla: can you try a jaunty live cd?21:00
tablai have to burn it?21:00
tablanever used one21:00
macotabla: i see stuff online about that card not being supported as of july but that support was expected to come soonish. knowing when freeze happens in ubuntu, its possible that current versions of alsa have support for it, but youd have to try a jaunty live cd21:01
dashi to everyone! it's my first irc start..21:01
macotabla: yes, you can get the daily image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ and burn it with the "burn image" option in brasero.21:01
drostiePython gives me headaches. ;_; ... I seem to have just discovered that in Python, all integer arithmetic is arbitrary-precision and you need to write your own casting.21:02
mossgixhi there21:02
drostie!hi | das21:02
ubottudas: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:02
mossgixis there someone that have played NWN2 on kubuntu?21:02
tablamaco jaunty-desktop-i386.iso       23-Feb-2009 08:20  693M  Desktop CD for PC (Intel x86) computers (standard download)21:02
tablathis right?21:02
macotabla: yep21:03
drostiemossgix: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=411821:03
tablamaco k download takes like 1 mins burning other 4 so what i do with id into pc and trying to update on that?21:03
macotabla: that's jaunty as of today. if that works, you can just install a newer version of alsa while you wait for jaunty to release in april. though i dont actually remember how to compile new alsa modules, so you'll probably have to ask someone else for help with that21:04
mossgixdrostie i've already seen that page, but i have some question about nvidia drivers21:04
macotabla: dont update to it because it's a development release and you're a beginner. this is just for testing purposes21:04
mossgixi'm using drivers by ubuntu repos, but when i start NWN it says that i havn't 3d acceleration21:05
macotabla: if it works in there, its possible to install the parts you need. if it doesn't then :(21:05
tablamaco so you mean i have run this live cd as new ubuntu after reboot right but just as testing right?21:05
drostiemossgix: well, then you should have asked about getting nvidia drivers working ^_^;; -- umm, nvidia is still on proprietary drivers, but some people have reported problems with them. I'm on a laptop, so I don't know much more. sorry.21:06
macotabla: yes, just as testing21:06
tablai try that one21:06
tablathnks for help21:06
mossgixyep... i'm trying to use only free software but man, gaming is so fucking tight with winz21:07
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ikoniamossgix: control your language please21:07
Rioting_pacifistloads of my binaries are segfaulting, i think its due to prelink, how can i comfirm/check this21:07
ikoniaRioting_pacifist: what makes you think it's pre-linking ?21:07
Rioting_pacifistikonia: well last night i updated prelink and since then many of my programs spit out seg faults21:08
ikoniaRioting_pacifist: how did you update prelinking ?21:08
ikoniaRioting_pacifist: pre-linking is something that happens, not a package21:09
Rioting_pacifistikonia: first prelink -a then prelink -au to undo, no its definatly a package21:09
ikoniaRioting_pacifist: I meant as a task21:10
ikoniaRioting_pacifist: why did you re-do prelinking ?21:10
rgreeningRiddell: ping21:10
Rioting_pacifistikonia: because debsums was complaining about it alot21:10
rgreeningRiddell: qtjambi in my ppa. Just testing it out, and noticed that the demos dont launch if libqtjambi-dev is not installed. It's looking for the libqtjambi.so and fails if not present.21:11
Rioting_pacifiste.g "/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/libtasn1.so.3.0.12: at least one of file's dependencies has changed since prelinking"21:11
=== root is now known as Guest81456
ikoniaRioting_pacifist: why would pre-linking change a package dependency21:13
rgreeningRiddell: I was wondering if adding a dep on -dev to the demos was appropriate, or should the .so's move around? If I add a dep, then this forces qt4-x11-dev and qt designer to be also installed21:13
gothpawPlease Help.. I'm having issues mounting a 250GB USB drive. See here for details -->  http://rafb.net/p/ydmBYw60.html21:14
rgreeningwrng chan... oops21:14
Rioting_pacifistikonia: i figured it meant since the last time id prelinked the package had been updated, so i ran prelink again, im just running debsums now then ill try sudo prelink -u -a and see if that helps21:15
ikoniaRioting_pacifist: ahhh21:15
drostieRioting_pacifist: that's what it sounds like to me, too.21:15
drostieRioting_pacifist: why isn't updating prelink a cron job on your system?21:16
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
[TCK]jockey-kde's activate button won't work when trying to install fglrx, anyone know if this is anticipated behaviour?21:16
Rioting_pacifistdrostie: dunno i figured it would do it mannually on updates21:17
Rioting_pacifistgothpaw: what happens if you try sudo mount -t auto21:17
ikoniaRioting_pacifist: what sort of stuff is segfaulting ?21:18
Rioting_pacifistikonia: everything firefox, kdesktop, kalarm, (ive only found konversation, konsole & konqeror working)21:19
=== topias is now known as topsu
topsuis there any goos video player for kubuntu21:20
Rioting_pacifistthe errors are "general protection rip:7fffea6f8a1a rsp:7ffff290ab70 error:0" and "[ 3342.822158] kalarm[17634]: segfault at 7f33ac5a800c rip 7f3332a71a1a rsp 7fff3ac83ef0 error 4"21:20
ikoniaRioting_pacifist: if you asked me without saying the problems you're having I'd say "no way" but the problems your having certainly sounds like it has effected it21:20
[TCK]topsu: vlc21:20
topsuhow to install?21:20
[TCK]should be able to do it through adept, just search for vlc21:20
[TCK]or sudo apt-get install vlc21:21
drostiegothpaw: that page recommends that you do a dmesg | tail. What does that tell you, if anything?21:21
gothpawRioting_pacifist: when I try -t auto I am told to specify the filesystem21:22
gothpawdrostie: not sure how to do that exactly, however I have looked in the dmesg log file and found nothing useful21:23
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topsudoes anyone have Warhammer online on kubuntu?21:24
Rioting_pacifistgothpaw: what happens if you try to mount /dev/sdd instead of sdd1? i doubt it will work but i vaugly recall it working on a flash drive at some point21:25
[TCK]I figure it would mount all partitions on sdd, but no idea21:26
drostiegothpaw: hm. well, type [man fsck.vfat] into a console (minus the square brackets, of course) to read about how to do an integrity check on a FAT32 drive.21:26
Rioting_pacifisthttp://rafb.net/p/HXBGCI33.html < a list of my failed debsums (probably not due to prelink, but generally my system had hdd problems) how can i convert that into a list of things to reinstall?21:26
[TCK]man, jockey-kde searching endlessly for drivers, there must be a better way!21:27
gothpawdrostie: I've done a fsck.vfat last night when someone else was helping21:27
gothpawRioting_pacifist: /dev/sdd doesn't work in this case21:27
=== ubuntu_ is now known as alexmlw
Silentstrihey everyone21:28
drostiegothpaw: geez. I know that my 80GB IPOD is vfat and works okay, so the problem probably isn't drive size on vfat drives. Is there a bunch of data on this drive?21:28
Silentstristill tryin to get ndiswrapper on 6.06 XD21:28
Silentstriany ideas anyone?21:29
drostie("a bunch" meaning "near or more than 50% of the drive space," I suppose, if we're going to be technical.)21:29
gothpawdrotsie: see here for the fsck.vfat -->  http://rafb.net/p/3LmnAO59.html21:29
gothpawdrostie: see here for the fsck.vfat -->  http://rafb.net/p/3LmnAO59.html21:30
gothpawdrostie: there is a ton of data on this drive that I cannot loose (Vital business info, and sadly all other backups are useless so this is the last remaining backup)21:31
Silentstristill tryin to get ndiswrapper on 6.06 XD21:32
Silentstriany ideas anyone?21:32
Silentstriim nub21:32
gothpawdrostie: a bunch as in about 180GB of data needs to be saved21:34
gothpawdrostie: so I guess that is about 85% of the drive, roughly (it's a 250GB External USB Drive)21:34
gothpawforgive my math if 85% is wrong.... my math is not so good21:35
=== super-admin_ is now known as Algerois
drostieGoogle says 180 / 250 = 72% ^_^21:36
yowshi1how do i get the panel to let me put the windows in the order i wnt instead of alphabetically?21:36
gothpawdrostie: :) I was close at least, heh21:37
gothpawyowshil: that I imagine would be a #KDE question, assuming you're using KED21:37
=== fernando is now known as Guest3492
Silentstrianyone can help me? I dunno how to install ndiswrapper .<21:40
mefisto__Silentstri: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common21:40
Silentstridoesnt work21:41
Silentstrii tried it, somone else gave me those instructions21:41
Silentstrii dled ndis from the site21:41
Silentstriand put it in my main file.... home folder thingie21:42
gothpawSilentstri: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46158721:42
Silentstriit says it cant find the Ndiswrapper common21:43
Silentstrii used command again21:43
Silentstrishould I replace Ndiswrapper-common with the name of the file?21:43
gothpawSilentstri: another link to help -->  http://swik.net/NdisWrapper+Kubuntu21:45
Silentstrioh ty gothpaw21:45
Silentstrii have a question for mefisto though21:46
Silentstriafter it says21:46
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Tabla_
Tabla_maco with this live cd21:47
Tabla_wav starts to play but still no sound21:47
macoTabla_: any sound?21:47
Tabla_but now there is some master mixer or smthn like that21:47
Tabla_with older ubuntu there wasent any21:47
macoso can you run the alsa-info.sh thing again?21:48
Silentstriok, I used the comman sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common, put my pass in and it said "reading package lists... Done, Building dependency tree... Done, E: Couldn't find the package ndiswrapper-common"21:48
Tabla_i try to find it21:48
Silentstriis there a easy fix for this21:48
Tabla_aa i mean give me link again pls21:48
macoTabla_: http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh21:49
Tabla_what was the command maco sudo &bash alsa/info.sh_21:51
Tabla_shit different keyboard now21:51
jussi01!language | Tabla_21:51
ubottuTabla_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:51
Silentstriok, I used the comman sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common, put my pass in and it said "reading package lists... Done, Building dependency tree... Done, E: Couldn't find the package ndiswrapper-common"21:51
Silentstriis there a easy fix for this21:51
macoTabla_: save it to your desktop, then "cd ~/Desktop ; bash alsa-info.sh"21:51
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:52
macoSilentstri: run apt-get update first21:52
macoSilentstri: it seems not to know how to find what you're looking for, so updating the package list should help21:52
Silentstrido I need interwebs for that?21:53
gothpawyes, you do21:53
macoSilentstri: yeah....21:53
macoSilentstri: where were you intending to install from...?21:53
drostiegothpaw: I am seeing very little headway to be made on your problem, other than to create two different partitions on the drive and start resizing the boundary between them. But since Linux is not recognizing your file systems, I think the file transfers would have to be done in Windows (assuming that Windows gets right the 200+ allocation tables scenario).21:53
drostieSo the resizes would also have to be done in Windows, and all of the software I know that does FAT resizes under windows costs money.21:54
gothpawdrostie: well, that's gonna be extremely hard to do21:54
Silentstrifrom my... uh.... hardrive?21:54
gothpawdrostie: I don't have any windows machines21:54
gothpawSilentstri: apt-get works via internet21:55
Silentstriso, how do i install ndiswrapper if I dont have internet? like, I have ndiswrapper in my home fil21:55
gothpawSilentstri: you're gonna have to do it manually in which case I suggest those links I posted to you before21:55
drostiegothpaw: neither do I, but they're remarkably plentiful in my part of the world. It's not too hard to find a friend with a laptop. But I don't know the software that you'd need.21:56
Silentstriok, ty21:56
gothpawdrostie: no-one I know runs Windows.....21:56
drostieHow were you accessing this drive beforehand?21:56
mefisto__Silentstri: how are you connected now? why don't you have internet access?21:57
gothpawdrostie: from one of my older (now gone) Kubuntu pc's21:57
Silentstrii have 2 laptops ._.21:57
Silentstrione has windows21:57
macoSilentstri: do you have ndiswrapper and its dependencies? if so, put them all in one directory, cd there and do "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"21:57
macoSilentstri: apt-get is the net-based dependency-resolving installer21:58
drostiegothpaw: hm. Okay, so Linux *can* read this filesystem, it's just not mounting for some reason or another? That's very different from what I thought the problem was ^_^;;21:58
Silentstriim trying to install on linux21:58
gothpawdrostie: well in the past yes.... but right now it can't as it can't seem to mount it21:58
drostiegothpaw: and just to make sure: the drive hasn't been dropped brutally down a flight of stairs or anything like that?21:59
Silentstrior is CD on kubutu too and I just havent figured it out ._.21:59
gothpawdrostie: not "yet", lol ....21:59
drostiegothpaw: does your /etc/fstab have entries for another drive as /dev/sdd1 that might be getting in the way?22:00
gothpawdrostie: nope... I wish it was that easy t hough22:00
drostieyeah, as do I. ^_^;;22:01
Silentstricause I have ndiswrapper + dependencies in one directory on my linux laptop, all in my home folder, but I cant use the sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common22:01
Silentstricause you said apt-get was internet-based right?22:01
gothpawSilentstri: see the message maco sent you on  how to do it manually22:01
Silentstriok ty22:01
mefisto__Silentstri: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=ndiswrapper22:02
mefisto__Silentstri: ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 and ndiswrapper-common22:02
gothpawPlease Help.. I'm having issues mounting a 250GB USB drive. See here for details -->  http://rafb.net/p/ydmBYw60.html22:02
Silentstriput them all in one directory, cd there and do "sudo dpkg -i *.deb {this prompts questions from me, what does cd mean? like, cd..}22:03
Silentstrio wait22:03
Silentstrii figured it out22:03
=== root is now known as Guest34772
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
drostiegothpaw: does the mount call give you anything useful when you [sudo mount -v /dev/sdd1] ...?22:06
gothpawdrostie: I'd have to say I don't know as I am unsure of the -v option and what it does22:08
drostiegothpaw: [man mount] to find out that the -v option stands for "verbose" ^_^22:08
drostieSometimes in various applications more v's are more verbose. for example, [aptitude moo], [aptitude -v moo], [aptitude -vv moo]22:09
SilentstriIn the comman sudo dpkg -i *.deb what do I replace * with?22:10
gothpawdrostie: ok, the sudo mount -v /dev/sdd1 gives me the very same error as when I try to mount the drive normally22:10
drostieSilentstri: bash (the command line shell) automatically fills in [*.deb] with all of the files in the current directory that end with ".deb".22:11
drostieSilentstri: see, for example, [ls -l *.deb] to list permissions for only those files that end with the .deb extension.22:12
drostiegothpaw: but doesn't tell you anything new? :-(22:12
Silentstriso I need to find the file thats .deb.... ty22:12
Hammergood evening22:13
mefisto__gothpaw: you could try smartctl -a /dev/sdd1     to check for hardware problems22:13
gothpawdrostie: --> http://rafb.net/p/S7lD1Y38.html22:13
gothpawmefisto__: hang on, I have to install smartmontools first22:14
mefisto__doesn't fat32 have a partition size limit? how is it 250GB ?22:17
drostiegothpaw: dude, that drive has got to be in fstab or mtab. Check those files again. (If you don't specify options, it should say opts: "(null)" or so. At least, in the current version of mount in the repos.)22:17
drostiemefisto__: That's... complicated. Windows won't format natively about 32 GB, but the actual limit is in the terabytes. It doesn't matter, though, because this particular drive used to Just Work (tm).22:18
drosties/about/above about/22:19
gothpawit is in fstab as follows -->  /dev/sdd1       /home/gothpaw/Extras2   vfat    defaults,user   0       022:19
mefisto__drostie: it worked with linux vfat?22:19
drostiemefisto__: yep.22:19
drostiegothpaw: delete that line. Maybe a "defaults" or "user" option isn't supported by vfat? I dunno.22:20
drostieOr comment it out by prefixing it with a hash character (#).22:20
HammerI have a question regarding 8.10, specifically graphics corruption on nvidia quadro fx cards22:20
gothpawdrostie: those options are supported, I use them on other drives too that are Fat3222:21
HammerIs anybody familiar with this?22:21
mefisto__gothpaw: what about just   sudo mount /dev/sdd1   ?22:22
gothpawmefisto__: says I have to specify the filesystem when I try to mount it any other way except -t vfat22:23
drostiegothpaw: still, try mounting this drive without those options. If the drive's firmware locked the drive in read-only mode, for example, maybe it would get annoyed. I'd like to see the -v output when there's no fstab entry at all.22:24
noaXesshave a problem... sudo apt-get update shows me some "Could not resolve" problems..22:24
noaXessbut normal internet connection works.22:24
noaXessa dig to security.ubuntu.com will work22:25
noaXessi have that only in one machine in my network... a new one..22:26
drostienoaXess: could you paste the [sudo apt-get update] output into http://paste.ubuntu.com (or similar) and then send the url of the pasted content to us?22:26
noaXessdrostie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122074/22:27
gothpawdrostie: without the fstab entry I get this -->   mount: can't find /dev/sdd1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab22:27
Hammeron kubuntu 8.10 (new installation) on a dell precision laptop with a nvidia quadro fx 3500 graphics card every once in a while the display becomes completely corrupted.22:27
Hammerthis does not happen under windows xp, nor 8.04, so its not a hardware isssue I believe22:28
drostienoaXess: and you can still [ping ch.archive.ubuntu.com] ok with this computer?22:28
noaXessdrostie: no.. no ping..22:28
mefisto__gothpaw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/2768922:29
noaXessbut dig ch.archive.ubuntu.com will get me correct results22:29
Hammeri suspect either the x-server or the nvidia graphics driver is to blame, but reinstalling did not seem to help22:29
Hammerhas anyone heard of this type of problem before?22:29
gothpawmefisto__:  see here please -->  http://rafb.net/p/43lScA97.html22:29
StR|Sangrealwhere can i find assistance with cairo dock;22:32
drostiegothpaw: I apologize, my earlier recommended code was a little bad. You want to first [sudo mkdir /media/test] and then [sudo mount -v /dev/sdd1 /media/test], specifying both the source and the destination.22:32
drostieIf you don't specify the destination, then it looks in /etc/fstab to find that out.22:32
=== Hammer is now known as Hammer_42b
Hammer_42bhello anybody?22:33
drostie!hi | Hammer_42b22:33
ubottuHammer_42b: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!22:33
StR|Sangrealwhat is your issue hammer?22:34
Hammer_42bI have a problem with 8.1022:34
StR|Sangrealgo ahead22:34
gothpawdrostie: here you go -->  http://rafb.net/p/tZaS2i32.html22:34
Hammer_42bon a fresh install on a dell precision M90 with a nvidia quadro fx 3500M graphics card22:35
drostienoaXess: it sounds like something is going wrong with DNS in particular, rather than your internet connection in general. If you configure your connection to use OpenDNS, does the problem still happen?22:35
Hammer_42bmy display will become completely corruped every once in a while22:35
Hammer_42bonly a reboot helps22:35
Hammer_42brestarting X is not enough22:35
Hammer_42bhowever, this does not happen with win xp pro nor 8.04, so I don't think its a hardware issue22:36
noaXessdrostie: i have a internal DNS that works an all other 10 machines.. only on this one it won't.. and if i setup /etc/resolv.conf to the dns of my provider, same problem22:36
Hammer_42bis suspect the nvidia driver or the x-server itself22:36
mefisto__gothpaw: here's more reading: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/25178122:36
StR|Sangrealhave you modified the xorg.conf file?22:36
drostiegothpaw: hm. So it's not auto-recognizing it as vfat. What does -v -t vfat tell you?22:36
StR|Sangreal!nvidia | Hammer:42b22:36
ubottuHammer:42b: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:36
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: I ran nvidia-xconfig with the --no-logo option, nothing else..should be all standard22:37
StR|Sangrealhmm is this the very fresh install?22:37
drostienoaXess: what I'm asking is, can you get it working with some external DNS? if so, then we can maybe try to figure out why the internal DNS is borked for only this one machine. If not, then we can maybe isolate the problem to DNS in general.22:37
StR|Sangrealdo you have enough ram and cpu? since plasma consumes much more resources22:38
noaXessdrostie: it won't work with an external DNS.. same problem as with internal..22:38
noaXessdrostie: strane is, that a mail command works... postfix can resolv the externam mail-address..22:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:39
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: the install had to be completely new, as the upgrade process from 8.04 to 8.10 borked itself22:39
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: the machine got 2gb of ram, 2gb of swap and the gfx card has 500mb ram. its fairly beefy.22:39
Hammer_42bthere is enough diskspace22:39
StR|Sangrealyou mean you have translated .04 to .10 and of course it failed, and now you have some problems with kde?22:39
Hammer_42balso, as long as its running (for hours on end sometimes) everything seemes fine22:40
gothpawdrostie: http://rafb.net/p/V06LAz96.html22:40
StR|Sangreali wouldnt recommend to use distro-upgrade... it doesnt work, especially if done with x running22:40
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: no. after the failed upgrade, i reformatted and installed fresh from cd22:40
=== eric is now known as Guest61427
mefisto__gothpaw: if you do " sudo tail -f /var/log/messages " and then plug in the usb, do messages appear to recognise the disk?22:41
Hammer_42bits very weird22:41
StR|Sangrealif it is totally fresh, i would recommend to reinstall once again22:41
Hammer_42bI had this problem with 7.10 and compiz installed, but by the time 8.04 rolled around everything was stable22:42
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: how would another fresh install help?22:42
StR|Sangrealit happened to me that i got network problems after a totally intact install22:42
StR|Sangrealand another reinstall didnt cause the error22:42
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: so what caused that problem? corrupt cd?22:43
noaXessdrostie: i got it..22:43
StR|Sangrealif the problem is in kde, go to tty and install ubuntu-desktop and try if it is odd too22:43
StR|Sangrealhmm a good point to start is to autohash the cd if it is ok22:43
StR|Sangrealbut my case was probably a sudden temporary disconect of some HW media since the install ran ok but the result was corrupted22:44
drostienoaXess: :D22:45
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: hmm22:45
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: if i really have to reinstall i will probably wait till 9.04 comes around22:45
noaXessdrostie: i configured today a samba with domain controller enabled and follow the howto on samba.org .. and one of them was configuring /etc/nsswitch.conf to hosts: files wins22:45
noaXessand then no DNS works ;)22:46
StR|SangrealQUESTION: pls what do i need to integrate GoogleGadgets to plasma?22:46
StR|SangrealHammer_42b > i will wait till Karmic :)22:46
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: no idea :)22:46
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: still this is pretty annoying...also that means that i will not be able to use kubuntu as my primary system for a least another 6 months22:47
StR|Sangrealyou may reinstall to hardy heron22:48
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: though 8.04 with kde3 was stable on my machine and worked great22:48
StR|Sangreali understand you i thought the same since i use radeon mobility X1450, an unsupported notebook vga22:49
StR|Sangrealand fortunately 2 weeks ago a semicompatible driver appeared so i could run plasma again22:49
gothpawmefisto__:  please see  here for 'sudo tail -f /var/log/messages'  -->  http://rafb.net/p/sj5lwh22.html22:49
drostiegothpaw: you've officially stumped me. I wouldn't know what to do more without reading Microsoft's FAT32 spec and carefully comparing it to [sudo xxd /dev/sdd | more] until I found out what the heck's going on with the tables themselves. It sounds like maybe there was a tiny bit of corruption somewhere in one of them, though,  and it's making fsck and mount reject the drive. :-/22:50
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: neither the new xerver nor kde4 should have been included in 8.1022:50
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: ahh well....it also seems to be a pretty rare problem, since i could not find anything in any other newsgroup. but i believe my specific nvidia card is not very common22:51
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: i think dell only sells it in its precision series, which is not mainstream22:52
Hammer_42bstrsangreal: anyway, thanks for your help22:52
mefisto__gothpaw: does it mount in windows?22:53
StR|Sangreali bought of first asus books with centrino duo... then they decided that the card isnt suitable22:53
drostiemefisto__: gothpaw has no windows. no windows of judgment. no windows at all.22:53
gothpawmefisto__: don't have a windows machine, and I don't know anyone whom actually uses windows22:53
mefisto__gothpaw: public library? internet cafe?22:54
drostiegothpaw: that /var/log/messages section is interesting though; I'd be curious to find out what's trying to access sector 488407970.22:54
mefisto__gothpaw: maybe try booting livecd and see if it mounts22:54
gothpawmefisto__: where I live, they don't allow you to plug in "foreign" hardware (that's what they call it anyways)22:55
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
gothpawmefisto__: that I could try, I do have a LiveDVD of 8.10 and 7.1022:57
mefisto__gothpaw: I'm wondering if you could somehow shrink the partition just a little, maybe it would mount22:57
mefisto__gothpaw: that might be risky for data though, of course22:58
gothpawmefisto__: then I can't do it.... as the data on here is vital data22:59
drostieand I have no clue how well gparted resizes vfat. But you might be able to get more info by using vfat on a USB key with nothing important on it.22:59
gothpawmefisto__: I'm gonna try the LiveDVD's and see what I get there, I will return as it's this system I am using drostie23:00
gothpawbe back shortly23:00
drostierogers.com ... gothpaw is apparently canadian.23:02
drostieI wasn't aware that Windows was so hard to find in canada ^_^23:02
Wargasmhow much do you want to bet the drive is broken?23:02
Wargasmi'll put down $9001 internet dollars23:03
drostieWargasm: I'd bet against the drive being broken, I think. It's seriously messed up in its partition table, but the logs suggest that the kernel is getting *something* and is trying to work with it.23:03
Wargasmwell, i agree with that.23:04
Wargasmbut still, "broken"23:04
Wargasmquick reformat it and run data recovery program on it23:05
torkianovote for improving kubuntu browser: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/18204/23:05
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir
mefisto__drostie: I think you're right about partition tables. probably got disconnected during a write or something23:06
Wargasmbecause he's been trying to fix it for several hours now23:07
Wargasmand nothing has helped23:07
mefisto__drostie: sudo fdisk -s /dev/sdd1 would be interesting to see if the size reported is what /var/log/messages reported23:07
=== rick_ is now known as Uby
ctwHi! Does anyone here know a good (preferably free and kubuntu compatible) program that lets you build graphs with weighted edges using a GUI? I tried JGraph, but it doesn't seem to allow weighing the edges.23:11
drostiemefisto__: his fdisk -l output was available here: http://rafb.net/p/ydmBYw60.html23:13
drostiemefisto__: there's a really interesting claim in his /var/log/messages though: "Feb 23 15:47:44 ShadowWalker kernel: [247297.580251] sdd: p1 exceeds device capacit"23:15
amgarchIn9hi, after upgrade to 4.2 my laptop ignores the "do nothing on lid close" setting in power management. What could it be? This is ubuntu 8.10 kde 4.2 from intrepid-backports23:16
mefisto__drostie: and that series of "attempt to access beyond end of device"23:16
drostiemefisto__: well, that just tells me that the machine thinks there's something interesting at #488397168. The only good that does for me is to maybe search the entire device in binary for that number written in little- or big-endian bytes.23:18
drostiemefisto__: but if /dev/sdd1 is really bigger than /dev/sdd, then the problem is maybe just in the MBR, which is an easy place to poke around.23:19
drostieamgarchIn9: is ths setting turned off for all of the available profiles, or just for the first one?23:22
gothpawmefisto__: sadly I got the exact same thing when trying to use a LiveDVD (both 7.10 && 8.10)23:24
=== kira\ is now known as stealth-tty1
santhi all :)23:25
drostiegothpaw: it would be really interesting to see [sudo xxd -l 512 /dev/sdd], which will print out, in hex, the master boot record of your drive. ^_^23:25
amgarchIn9drostie: oh, they seem to not differentiate any more. There is a section for "Mains powered", a section for "Battary powered", and a separate seciton for "When Laptop Lid Closed"23:25
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
gothpawdrostie: well I could pastebin it if you desire23:26
santi can formule a question?23:26
drostieamgarchIn9: I'm also running KDE 4.2, and it's still an option for me. I dunno. YMMV.23:26
drostiegothpaw: that'd be the idea ^_^23:27
drostie!question | sant23:27
ubottusant: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:27
santanyone have webcam messenger plus on ubuntu 8.10 corrected configured?23:27
santsoz for my english :D23:27
drostiecan't help with that ^_^23:28
=== dox is now known as Guest57040
gothpawdrostie: --> http://rafb.net/p/AeBR7r14.html23:29
DaddyLonglegsCan anybody help me please? I can't find the menu from which I could choose to hide icons in kubuntu 8.10 tray.23:29
=== Guest57040 is now known as dox_
=== dox_ is now known as bishopz
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:31
amgarchIn9drostie: are we talking about the same config? Here is the window: http://imagebin.ca/view/hcKE5L.html23:31
bishopzAnyone got any decent eyecandy type mods for ubuntu?23:31
gothpawDaddyLonglegs: that would be a #KDE issue, try there23:32
DaddyLonglegsgothpaw: In OpenSUSE I can right click on tray and hide icons, but in kubuntu 8.10 I can't find it. I think it's not a KDE issue.23:34
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: right-click system tray (it's a bit tricky to do - try the very top few pixels above the icons) and system tray settings23:34
bishopz!info KDE23:35
ubottuPackage KDE does not exist in intrepid23:35
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:35
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: do you have kde 4.2 ?23:35
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: I think it is 4.1, but I'm not sure.23:36
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: konqueror help menu, about kde23:36
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: What I get is just "panel settings". No way can I get "tray settings" :(23:37
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: not sure if it works in 4.1, but it does in 4.2 here23:37
DaddyLonglegsAw. It says 4.1.423:37
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: right-click just above the kmix speaker icon is easiest for me23:38
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: as high up as you can without leaving the panel23:38
drostieamgarchIn9: try K > System Settings > Advanced > Power Management23:39
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: I tried everywhere but it's just giving me "panel settings"23:39
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Isn't there any file which I can edit in order to set them to be hidden, or any commands which launch the same window from konsole?23:40
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: seems like it's a 4.2 thing: http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.2/   (see under heading "Desktop Improves User Experience")23:41
drostiemefisto__: (and gothpaw:) the 488397168 in the /var/log/messages is 1D 1C 59 70, the MBR says that /dev/sdd1 has length 1D 1C 82 2823:42
bishopzCan i ask a stupid question, really fast?23:42
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Aw! Thanks man!23:42
drostiethe rest of the MBR looks well-formed.23:42
bishopzWhen i download a theme, i dont unzip it i just move it into home/themes right?23:42
amgarchIn9drostie: do you have powerdevil installed?23:43
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: If I want to upgrade to 4.2, should I do it manually? Isn't it gonna ruin anything?23:43
gothpawdrostie: unfortunately I have no idea what that means, sorry23:44
amgarchIn9DaddyLonglegs: with intrepid-backports it is enough to "aptitude full-upgrade"23:44
drostieamgarchIn9: possibly.23:44
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: probably won't ruin anything, but might not be "graceful". lots of people get errors when packages try to overwrite existing files23:44
bishopzok cool thanks for the help23:45
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: the solution is to remove the old package, install the new one, then continue the upgrade23:45
amgarchIn9drostie: thanks! your way it does work23:46
DaddyLonglegsSeems a bit risky. I prefer to do that after my project deadline :-)23:47
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: if you don't want to risk enabling all the backports, you can add the ppa repo for 4.2 so you just get those 4.2 packages. but probably not a bad idea to get your work done first either way23:49
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Awesome. Thanks for help :-)23:51
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.223:51
drostiegothpaw: it means that your Master Boot Record is reporting that /dev/sdd1 is longer than the kernel is comfortable with in /var/log/messages.23:56
ubottufabio_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!23:56
gothpawdrostie: is there some way to fix this; at least long enough to copy the data I need, then I can format it and start fresh?23:57
mefisto__drostie: so you mean editing the length to be 1D 1C 59 70 would make it consistent and therefore mountable?23:57
fabio_ao que parece não ha muitos brasileiros aqui23:57
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:57
mefisto__drostie and gothpaw: I've never used it, but there23:58
talviksince the last update my kde 4.2 apps (kubuntu pakages), are trying to access libs from my kde svn build. and then fail to open23:58
mefisto__drostie and gothpaw: I've never used it, but there's a util called testdisk that might be able to fix it. drostie?23:58
talvikcan anyone help23:58
khalidmianneed toknow if there is  a client in kubuntu which allows voice chat23:58
fabio_thank you23:59
khalidmianlike msn messeger23:59
khalidmianor yahoo messenger23:59

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