
macodtchen: how's this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/AlsaInfoOutput00:00
nemodtchen: reverting to libqt 4.4 from apt cache seems to have worked well and fairly painlessly. thanks.00:01
nemohopefully 4.5 gets unbroken00:01
maconemo: what was wrong with qt 4.5?00:01
nemomaco: 100% CPU usage in Qt event processing00:01
sridupdate-grub says 2.6.28 kernel is found, but then menu.lst is still the same (with only 2.6.27).00:01
maconemo: ouch00:01
nemomaco: ^^^00:02
nemomaco: couldn't get any respone in #qt00:02
nemoand found no open bugs00:02
nemobut apparently event processing has plenty of similar issues in the past00:02
sridah. using the newest kernel fixed the wireless issue00:07
tritiumWell, daily builds from 2/16 through 2/22 all hang at the partitioner so far for me.  No getting past that point.00:37
macotritium: live or alternate?00:38
jpdstritium: Might want to bring that up in #ubuntu-testing00:38
tritiummaco: mythbuntu live, actually00:38
tritiumjpds: good suggestion00:38
jpdsAh, right.00:38
jpdsNot sure if they do mythbuntu tho.00:38
tritiumjpds: perhaps not.  I'll idle a while, and see if there is a response.  I would assume that partman is common to both.00:42
tritiumI'm  using dailies in part because there was no alpha 4 for mythbuntu.00:43
charlie-tcaI spoke with cjwatson earlier about the issues witht eh dailies not working. He said the fix probably would be out in two days01:26
charlie-tcaAll of the live cd's seem to be broken today01:26
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
rwwI'm using Virtualbox on a Windows host with a Jaunty guest, and installed the Virtualbox Guest Additions into Jaunty. When Jaunty gets a kernel upgrade, will I have to reinstall the guest additions, or will they get applied to the new kernel automatically?02:32
Ahmuckrww: check #vbox02:48
nemodtchen: in the end, was not that successful switching to 4.402:58
nemokept getting mysterious linking errors :(02:58
nemooh well. guess I'll file a bug against 4.5 and hope it gets fixed.02:59
DanaGAnyone know how I can optimize my boot any further?03:33
StralyticDanaG, compile your own kernel and disable initrd03:37
DanaGoh heck, the kernel has my AHCI driver compiled in... it just needs a root=/dev/sda503:40
DanaGinstead of uuid.03:40
* DanaG goes to try it.03:41
billybigriggerDanaG, sup03:54
DanaGodd, look at my latest boot log.03:54
DanaGIt actually took _longer_ without initramfs.03:54
billybigriggerhow'd you make out with your boot times?03:54
DanaGAnd the bootchart is really odd.03:54
DanaGwtf.. the ones from today aren''''''t there.03:55
billybigriggerfeb 19th are the latest03:55
DanaGah, fixed it.03:56
DanaGhad scp'd them to the wrong dir.03:56
billybigrigger41secs is your best time?03:56
billybigriggernot bad :P03:56
DanaGoh, might be bridge_maxwait.03:57
DanaG35 is my best, actually.03:57
billybigriggerjust saw that03:57
DanaGWhat's with the thing on the left, though?  Nothing happening.03:57
billybigriggernot sure...when does bootchart start measuring?03:58
billybigriggercould it be grub wait time???03:58
DanaGNope, that's too early for bootchart.03:58
billybigriggerim not all that familiar with bootchart, just installing it now03:58
* DanaG tries again.03:59
billybigriggerjust making an educated guess i'd say that's a good 3-4 secs of nothing03:59
keith_I am running Alpha 4 with full updates in VirtualBox and when I install Guest Additions, I only get a text login screen after I reboot. Does anyone know what is causing this, and if there is a workaround?04:00
billybigriggergdm isn't started/starting04:01
keith_billybigrigger: Presumably, would it be an issue with the graphics driver the Guest Additions is trying to use?04:01
billybigriggerpossibly, i dont use vbox...but i would guess that yes there might be a gfx problem04:02
billybigriggerlogin and check your logs04:02
rwwI just installed Guest Additions on a Jaunty guest today and it works fine o.O04:02
rwwkeith_: are you using the latest version of VirtualBox?04:02
keith_No. I was considering upgrading, but I wasn't sure if that would help.04:03
rwwkeith_: it might. I'm using the latest version, and like I said, it works fine for me.04:03
keith_rww: Do you think that just upgrading would work? Or would I have to re-install the guest additions after?04:04
rwwkeith_: no idea, I'm not that smart about virtualbox04:04
keith_ok, well... I will try that. :)04:05
keith_rww: Thanks for letting me know it is at least possible04:05
DanaGSTill a big wait.04:07
billybigriggerDanaG, thats odd04:07
billybigriggerit's getting bigger haha, no good04:07
billybigriggerwhat did you change?04:07
billybigrigger15s wait, you'd have a nice boot time without that wait04:08
DanaGNot sure.04:08
DanaGI think I took out "quiet splash"04:08
DanaGor just "quiet"04:08
DanaGX_PM1a_EVT_BLK.bit_width (16) does not match PM1_EVT_LEN (4)04:11
DanaGX_PM1a_EVT_BLK.bit_width (16) does not match PM1_EVT_LEN (4)04:12
=== rww is now known as meoblastOO1
DanaGand later: [    0.004000] CPU: Processor Core ID: 104:12
DanaG[    0.160620] CPU1: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P8600  @ 2.40GHz stepping 0604:12
DanaGNote the big gap.04:12
=== meoblastOO1 is now known as rww
billybigriggeri get a gap too04:13
billybigriggeronly about 3 secs though04:13
billybigriggerlook at your charts dana, you had that gap down to 3 secs, and i think when you removed "quiet splash" is when you added 10+s to your time04:15
DanaGPerhaps just lag on printing messages?04:17
DanaGOh yeah, does Fedora 10 have KMS?  If so, I might wanna' try native-booting it.04:17
DanaGKMS for Radeon, more specifically.04:17
DanaGStill has a longer total boot time than with initramfs.04:19
DanaGwtf?  sudo gpt --help04:53
DanaGgpt: opção inválida: --04:53
DanaGah, it's not the gpt I think it is.04:54
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DoYouKnowthis is weird... I'm getting an issue where after upgrading from 8.10 to jaunty, then installing stellarium, windows "shine through" onto the stellarium planetarium screen05:44
DoYouKnowfrom my desktop05:44
DoYouKnowjust for a fraction of a second05:44
ali1234DoYouKnow: i may have a solution for you05:44
DoYouKnowanything is worth a shot05:44
ali1234i had a similar problem with a program called eagle05:45
ali1234have a look on that screenshot... is it similar?05:46
ali1234anyway the solution for eagle is just a little down that thread05:46
DoYouKnowthis is more like a flicker05:49
DoYouKnowI tried the environment variable trick05:49
DoYouKnowand it didn't work05:49
Stralyticare you using compiz?05:49
WT-Udevmmm what a nice PCB program.05:51
DoYouKnowok, I'll try that05:52
WT-Udevali1234: Are those test-points in the upper right? http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=48636&d=1193867373   It looks like you might have gnd/com slightly seperated (which I -really- like)05:53
ali1234WT-Udev: not my thread nor my circuit :)05:54
DoYouKnowyeah, that works... awesome... now I can see the sun rise in france from my laptop in chicago :)05:57
=== maco_ is now known as maco
woody86does anyone know if there's an easy way to make the calender week in Ubuntu start on Monday instead of Sunday?06:00
WT-Udevcalendar in what?  Also, have you looked through the region settings?06:00
ali1234woody86: for me it starts on monday by default?06:02
woody86well, I want to keep en_US, but just have the week begin on Monday. In just the Clock applet I guess, or all of Ubuntu06:02
woody86ali1234-  what language and locale are you using?06:02
ali1234en_UK i guess?06:02
macowoody86: for the clock applet, change it in evolution06:02
woody86ali1234-  ah, thanks06:02
woody86maco, ok, let me try. Is it just in the normal settings in Evolution?06:03
macowoody86: i think in gconf-editor in /apps/evolution/calendar/display if you change week_start_day to 1, you can avoid opening evolution at all to do it06:03
ali1234maco: that's handy since i uninstalled it :)06:04
woody86maco, ok, cause Evolution was set to start on Monday by default, but the regular calender still starts on sunday06:04
maco>< the clock applet's supposed to always match evolution06:05
woody86well what does it go by if you uninstall Evo? I usually don't have it installed06:06
ali1234woody86: you can't full yuninstall it, only really the front end06:06
woody86ali1234-  ah, ok, well let me try gconf06:06
macothe clock applet's gconf preferences dont have a settiing for that06:07
woody86maco, well I'm trying out Evo's gconf06:07
woody86and it shows it starts on day 1? Is that Sunday or Monday?06:08
woody86ok, nvm, "Sunday(0) through Saturday(6)" so 1 would be Monday06:09
woody86but Clock applet has never shown Monday as start of week?06:10
DoYouKnowjust tried installing selinux on ubunut+1 with sudo apt-get install selinux. Noticed that load_policy was not found in the sbin directory during boot06:11
DoYouKnowdo I need some other package?06:11
WT-Udevwoody86: it's precicely that kind of issue that drives me away from Gnome.  There aren't dials for sensiable things (let alone the stuff that should get tucked on to an 'advanced' tab... like Xine's configuration levels).  Also, the filesystem dialogue SUCKS... it's way too constraining.06:12
ali1234woody86: i think you may have to restart to make the calendar applet change? (or at least restart the applet)06:13
woody86WT-Udev-  true, but I'm not really a hard-core tweaker, and outside of this, I haven't had to deal with anything else that was this diffucult to change, so it's been fine by me. And I've just gotten used to the interface :)06:13
quassel104can i run the install kubuntu restricted extras on 9.04?06:14
ali1234gnome made me 200% more productive. when i was a KDE user i just used to sit and tweak settings all day :)06:14
woody86ali1234-  well I didn't change anything. Evo was already set to start on Monday, but the Clock aplet shows Sunday06:15
WT-Udevwoody86: well it's little things.  Like x-mouse behavior (focus following mouse... generally.  -ideally- I like focus under mouse, UNLESS a dialogue pops up (Please drop the first 1-2 seconds of input you snag) which would preferably pop up without focus anyway, left click to raise window, any other clicks interact with it.)06:15
ali1234woody86: i can't think why mine shows monday. i mean you only select your location in the installer... that's all i have ever dne06:15
ali1234woody86: and i'm pretty sure that the british default is supposed to start on sunday06:16
WT-Udevali1234: the idea behind having settings is you tweak them once, an initial investment, then don't have to touch them again06:16
woody86ali1234-  yeah, I think there is some minor differences in the calenders, clocks, etc between en_US, en_UK, etc06:16
quassel104how do i install nonfree codec on 9.04?06:16
ali1234WT-Udev: i know but i can't help it :)06:16
woody86ali1234-  haha, I'm the same way :) I love to tweak little things all the time06:17
WT-Udevhttp://www.medibuntu.org/ << quassel104 You'll want to start looking here.  Make sure you understand exactly what it is you're doing before you proceed... (Yeah right, as if windows users ever do that...)06:17
woody86I have my panel clock now showing ISO Time: "2009-02-23  00:18:04"06:18
quassel104thanks, but isn't there a one command to install all nonfree codecs?06:19
woody86quassel104-  possibly try this out? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668306:20
WT-Udevquassel104: nope, there's not 'one command' but there are a few good places to start. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu has instructions.06:21
quassel104thanks, will take a look06:21
woody86ali1234-  well I logged out, switched my session to en_UK and logged back in, now calendar starts on Monday :) I wonder what other differences there are between UK and US?06:29
Stralyticthe colours are probably different06:31
woody86huh ?06:31
ali1234color vs colour?06:31
Stralyticthe colours on the UK version have U in it06:32
Loungehay guys i have the bug #325690:06:32
LoungeThis report is public06:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325690 in udev "udev has wrong name for devmapper devices, cryptsetup initramfs hook fails" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32569006:32
LoungeThis report is public06:32
woody86ali1234-  ok, added color to dictionary06:33
Loungei haven't been able to patch it - so udev is still not able to name or map my encrypted lvm root06:33
WT-Udevis that bug 332270 again?06:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227006:33
woody86and my time zone is still correct, and my toilet still flushes in the right direction ;)06:33
ali1234of course, same hemisphere06:34
woody86oh, man, I should try en_SA! see what happens :)06:34
LoungeWT-Udev: yes that's is totally what it does after i put in the password during boot up06:35
Loungesomeone made a patch for 65-dmsetup.rules but it didn't help06:36
woody86oh man, it thinks cheque is a word ;P06:36
WT-UdevLounge: you need 65 AND 60 rules fixed06:36
LoungeWT-Udev: is there a link to the patches?06:36
Loungethis was also right after i did a full fresh install of jaunty on the lvm partitions06:37
WT-UdevLounge: It's either manual or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/332270/comments/31  << That plus maybe 65.   Manual >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/332270/comments/53  Don't forget the update-initramfs -c -k $(uname -r)06:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged]06:38
WT-UdevAs mentioned in other poists the initrd retains the faulty udev settings otherwise06:39
Loungeokay thanx ^^06:39
Loungethankfully i know how to chroot06:39
Loungewhat version is udev supposed to be at the moment?06:43
Loungemine says 138-106:43
WT-UdevThat's the latest normal one06:43
WT-UdevThere's a PPA with some of the patches you need06:43
Loungethe intructions say to so sudo update-initramfs -c -k all but i've already done update-initramfs -u all many times :/06:45
WT-UdevI find -c works better than -u for me06:45
WT-UdevThe important thing is rebuilding it06:45
Stralyticjust dont use initramfs, problem solved :P06:46
Loungeokay im gonna execute that and then try to reboot into it normally and see06:46
Loungei didn't know that -u was error prone06:47
Loungek gonna reboot brb06:47
WT-UdevIt broke the cryptosetup in initrd for me one time06:48
anderskupdate-initramfs -c and -u use the same code path for generating the initramfs.  The only difference is that -u does extra checks and backups.06:51
Loungestill no-go06:51
Loungeum i didn't patch the rules correctly i guess06:52
WT-UdevProbably, grep them, rebuild the initrd06:52
LoungeWT-Udev: cna you send me those links again? sorry06:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged]06:52
Lounge"sudo grep -ri watch /etc/udev" shows nothing :/06:56
WT-UdevLounge: you've got to do /lib/udev/ too06:56
WT-UdevThey moved the files, unlike every other dang linux dist06:56
Loungeyes but it returns with "File descriptor in bad state"06:56
WT-Udevremove the file, aptitude reinstall udev06:57
Loungechrooting might be the cause, maybe?06:57
Loungeokay i'll remove the 60-persistent-storage.rules and reinstall then?06:58
Loungereinstall udev*06:58
Loungeoh actually06:59
Loungei did grep -ri watch /lib/udev/rules.d/07:00
Loungenow i see the entries07:00
WT-UdevIDK why they even moved the files.   Config items should go under /etc.  It's not like they moved the udev files to another partition.07:01
Loungeokay commented them out with nano07:08
WT-Udevcrdlb: they're text, control system behavior, are distribution dependent defaults which can be altered by the user, and are at least as 'config' as the /etc/init.d/ scripts07:08
crdlbthe users is supposed to override them via /etc/udev.d/07:08
LoungeWT-Udev: is this gonna get corrected in the next update of udev?07:09
WT-UdevLounge: we can only hope07:10
Loungek im gonna reboot again07:10
loungeokay its fixed now07:27
loungejust had to install irssi07:27
loungethanks for the help WT-Udev07:28
loungewell this is different - the lvm partitions are showing up as /dev/mapper/group-names instead of /dev/dm-*07:29
loungebut that's how it was in hardy07:29
FinnishI'm trying to install Kdenlive, but APT can't find frei0r-package08:25
FinnishDo I have to enable all software sources?08:25
tgpraveenhi guys I just now upgraded to jaunty and one strange thing I noticed is that epiphany got installed automatically. how I sthat?08:33
tgpraveenis ubuntu moving from firefox to epiphany?08:33
crdlbI don't think so ... possibly a bad dep somewhere08:35
tgpraveenok. and before upgrade I was using  darkroom theme08:38
tgpraveenand now although I have the same theme the text seems to be different08:38
tgpraveenI have different text globally08:38
crdlbthe text size?08:39
tgpraveenno the font08:39
crdlbwell, jaunty attempts to use your monitor's real DPI for font sizing08:39
crdlbI did notice a big difference in the font hinting from intrepid -> jaunty08:39
crdlb(a big improvement for me)08:40
tgpraveenwell like I am saying the font has changed not the size08:41
tgpraveenand I liked the intrepid font better and was used to it08:41
tgpraveenanyway to change it back08:41
tgpraveenwhat was the name of the font in intrepid08:41
tgpraveenalso overall the system seems to be much slower and less responsive08:42
tgpraveenthe cpu usage goes high very frequently now08:42
crdlbthe default font in both releases should be DejaVu Sans (and the GUI shows just Sans, since it's the default)08:43
crdlbwhat video card?08:43
tgpraveenok. the font issues is resolved yeah its size was increeadsed which I thought made it look like another font so decreased and its alright now08:48
tgpraveenbut the issues of high cpu usage is still there08:49
tgpraveenon nvidia card with proprietary drivers enabled08:49
crdlbthe one vendor for which I have no idea08:49
tgpraveendamn does anybody else know anything08:51
crdlbcould be a problem with the 180 driver over the 177 or 173 that you were using on intrepid08:51
crdlbor it might not be GPU-related at all08:51
tgpraveenhmm. lets say it wasn't gpu prob then what else could it be?08:52
tgpraveenyou kwn I remember  ubuntu when I started using it with feist fawn damn that was such a slick and fast system but then on each vrsion seems to be slower08:53
tgpraveenand slower08:53
scizzo-tgpraveen: keep in mind that jaunty is still alpha08:58
scizzo-tgpraveen: have you checked the running processes and so on for things that might stick out a little more when it comes to cpu usage?08:59
tgpraveenseems I have found a bug report which matches my problems according to that bug report the cpu used is only 35 mhz or something instead of 2.4 ghz which I have09:00
tgpraveenlet me check that out09:00
WT-Udevtgpraveen: make sure you're using nvidia 180.29, not that it's just 'installed' but not in use.09:00
crdlb35? oww09:00
tgpraveenWT-Udev: yeah it is09:02
WT-Udevtgpraveen: ubuntu, xubuntu, or kubuntu (I have the middle)09:06
tgpraveenI have ubuntu09:07
WT-Udevtgpraveen: start the 'System Monitor' if you have that.09:08
tgpraveenyes I do have it.09:09
WT-UdevGreat... I login after a couple days of remote console use during this udev stuff... and the desktop flicker rapidly for a few min before subsiding.09:09
tgpraveenstartyed now wht?09:09
WT-Udev... what the hell, even ssh is laggy?09:09
WT-UdevSort by CPU usage09:09
WT-UdevWell this is pathetic, X idling should not eat 20% cpu09:10
WT-Udev 4635 root      20   0  842m 401m  36m D   26 20.2   0:33.21 Xorg09:10
WT-Udevtgpraveen: set view to All Processes, sort by CPU usage, tell me what you're seeing.  If there is one eating a LOT of cpu, or a lot of duplicates...09:17
tgpraveenno. nothing like that09:17
tgpraveenlike I said my bug is09:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 332017 in linux "Significant performance regression in 2.6.28-8.24 due to p4-clockmod" [High,Fix committed]09:18
WT-UdevOh, I don't have a p409:18
tgpraveenbtw I have upgraded to jaunty and have all updates and I get the new notification systems09:19
tgpraveenbut I don't have that message indicator applet09:19
WT-Udevtgpraveen: can you sudo echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor ; cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies09:23
WT-UdevThat -may- make your system respond more with more dynamic CPU use.09:24
WT-Udevtgpraveen: reading the bug-thread, it seems that you've already tried something like that.  Aside from experimenting with the ondemand and conservative scaling govs and their control files there's not much I can suggest.09:26
WT-UdevOh, it seems I made a slight copy error, there's a cpu1 in there that may not work for you, use cpu0 in that case.09:27
tgpraveenWT-Udev: yeah thanks for trying . I think I have that under control. btw I have upgraded to jaunty and have all updates and I get the new notification systems09:28
tgpraveentgpraveen: but I don't have that message indicator applet09:28
* WT-Udev shrugs, doesn't use that stuff anyway so can't comment on it.09:29
jimmyspark1I've come up with the next ubuntu mascot for L : a Liger!!09:40
WT-UdevLost Lion-tiger?09:45
jimmyspark1It can't be 'Lost' - that not very inspirational now is it?!09:46
WT-UdevIt's better than lazy, lathargic, etc09:46
idorock89guys i just now upgraded to jaunty and am having problem of stuttering audio with some video files in totem. though they play fine with smplayer10:10
scizzo-idorock89: is it the same with music files?10:14
idorock89not till now. but in totem also some files10:15
idorock89have this problem some dont10:15
idorock89but those which do they alwasys have it10:15
scizzo-rather strange behavious10:15
scizzo-I had that also however that was for _all_ files in totem and other players also10:16
scizzo-after adding my user to pulse-rt group then it went away10:16
scizzo-not sure if it will help for you10:17
scizzo-NOTE: if you do try that remember that you need to logout and login again10:17
Tecumsehhi there, is there a known problem with kubuntu jaunty in regard to plasma not starting (black screen)10:28
WT-UdevTecumseh: don't know my self, maybe search the bugs for plasma?10:28
WT-Udevor kde4?10:28
Tecumsehi searched all day but no sollutionn found yet10:32
WT-UdevDid you find any BUGS that match though?10:33
Tecumsehyeah, but that was one from december 200810:34
WT-UdevEither add your info to it, or open a new one if you think it's different.10:36
Tecumsehwait, here's one on the forums from yesterday. Let's try that one10:36
idorock89scizzo-: i seem to have narrowed the problem down10:39
Tecumsehback, removing plasma-appletrc helped10:39
idorock89it seems mainly avi files10:39
idorock89are giving me the stuttering audio in movie player10:39
idorock89while in intrepid i used medibuntu site codecs so wwill that be causing a problem?10:40
urkkiHow can I install Kino to Jaunty? It seems version 1.3.2 is in the repos, but I need 1.3.3-version, and it is only for Intrepid10:41
Hewurkki: 1.3.0 is in both Intrepid and Jaunty. See bug 31347010:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313470 in kino "please update Kino to version 1.3.2" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31347010:43
urkkiWhat about these GetDeb-packages?10:52
=== urkki is now known as Finnish
HewFinnish: Getdeb is a third-party project, and not part of official Ubuntu. On saying that, I reckon if you just install that 1.3.3 package on Jaunty, there's a good chance it will work.10:57
FinnishI'll try that10:57
* Hew hopes he finally defeated bug 332270. Restarting...10:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227010:58
idorock89guys which gstreamer plugin has support to play mkv files?11:03
idorock89as i seem to have lost it or messed it up when i upgraded from intrepid to jaunty?11:03
cumulus007Where can I find the translation of KPackageKit?11:03
BUGabundoidorock89: AFAIK none11:04
BUGabundoI instaled medibuntu mplayer to be able to open them11:04
BUGabundo !medibuntu11:04
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:04
idorock89BUGabundo: then how does one play mkv files in totem coz i used to play in totem mkv files in intrepid dont remember what codecs i installed11:04
BUGabundohumm maybe medibuntu has more ugly codecs that you can install ?11:05
BUGabundoI have them all, so I don't know.... I just know I OPEN anything11:05
idorock89BUGabundo: i also could do that in inepid going to jaunty seems to have messed it up11:06
BUGabundono idea11:06
HewDoes anyone know a workaround on how to recover from bug 332270? I cannot boot to use apt.11:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227011:07
BUGabundoHew: live cd and then chroot to disk ?11:07
HewBUGabundo: I'm on a LiveCD atm and have just tried chroot but it doesn't seem to have fixed the problem (I probably did it wrong).11:08
WT-Udevwb Hew11:09
HewBUGabundo: I just used chroot, then ran dpkg on the old udev deb. Does that sound right?11:09
HewWT-Udev: Thanks, unfortunately I'm not back on Jaunty..11:09
WT-UdevHew: Yes, there midway down in bug 332270 there are instructions involving grep and update-init...whatever11:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227011:09
Hewhmm I missed that earlier, I'll give it another go11:10
HewI'm definitely getting rid of lvm for good in the near future, too much hassle11:11
WT-UdevMy words are frequently missed or misunderstood.  Sometimes I wonder if that is because I'm trying to convey the ideas rapidly instead of concisely.11:11
HewWT-Udev: I just meant I missed the relevant comment in the bug report, I must have skimmed over it :-)11:12
WT-UdevThe problem is... it's a triage, there's still an underlying issue11:14
HewWT-Udev: I understand, but Jaunty is my main system, and at this point I just want to workaround the issue. It's silly for all Jaunty development to stop for one bug.11:16
BUGabundoWT-Udev: maybe the OP desc should be changed to mention all steps?11:16
BUGabundoinstead having them on the mid of the bug11:16
FinnishWhat do I need to do to enable in MPlayer?11:17
HewBUGabundo: Yes, a WORKAROUND section is very helpful once one is known, especially for high/critical bugs.11:17
FinnishTo enable video in MPlayer11:17
BUGabundoFinnish: go to settings11:18
BUGabundoand change the video output11:18
BUGabundoto X11 or something that works11:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged]11:18
WT-UdevThat has the fix anythign instructions in it11:18
WT-UdevMore or less11:19
WT-UdevAlso, the bug isn't mine, and I don't have anything like mod pwoers... so I can't really put the instructions anyplace good.11:25
Hewand my keyboard died for some reason, great11:30
WT-Udevmaybe ctrl+s ?  Type ctrl+q11:31
HewI restarted11:31
HewThis bug is one of the most frustrating I've ever come across, it has wasted my whole afternoon.11:32
FinnishAny mencoder-experts around? How can I extract audio from avi, I want wav-files11:32
HewFinnish: You may find more help in #ubuntu since that question is not Jaunty-specific11:32
WT-UdevFinnish: you don't need mencoder, you can just use mplayer and -ao pcm11:33
HewI get various "not found" errors in the chroot, as well as complaints about not knowing the "ubuntu" hostname11:34
WT-UdevHew: it's chroot11:34
* Hew apt-get installs lvm2 again11:34
WT-UdevI'm saying chroot's different11:35
Hewso I can ignore those messages, or does it indicate something's wrong?11:36
WT-UdevHostname issues, source /etc/profile issues, no startup script variable assigned.11:36
WT-UdevDepends what the messages are unfortunately11:36
WT-UdevSome have multiple paths that they could be fixed with11:36
HewI'll try again, just installing / mounting atm, hopefully my keyboard won't die on me again11:36
Hewand thanks for your help WT-Udev11:36
WT-UdevHostname for example, you could add whatever it thinks the hostname is to etc/hosts (localhost hostname)11:36
Hewsudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu11:38
HewWarning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output.11:38
HewThose are probably all secondary problems though11:39
WT-UdevHew: did you forget to mount -o bind /dev proc and sys before you chrooted?11:39
HewWT-Udev: I did. I haven't used chroot before, and haven't stumbled across a howto guide11:39
WT-Udevhttp://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentoo-x86+raid+lvm2-quickinstall.xml#doc_chap2_sect8 << Rough guide, don't know if ubuntu has env-update11:41
WT-Udevit doens't11:41
Hewmeh, I'm going to leave this until tomorrow. If there still isn't a fix I'll just reinstall. This is too frustrating to deal with.11:47
WT-UdevHew: You'll -still- have it in the re-install.11:48
WT-UdevHave you tried booting an older kernel?11:48
WT-UdevThey may have clean initrds and if the rules on the hard drive are clean too it should work.11:48
WT-UdevAt least long enough for you to regenerate the main initrd.11:48
HewWT-Udev: I won't reinstall anything with udev 138-1. I'll probably use my Intrepid iso11:48
Hewand I only have the latest kernel11:49
Hewthanks for your help WT-Udev, I'm going to get some rest11:49
Hewnite all11:49
transsouphi: "huge" problem jaunty doesn't boot anymore. Waiting for root file system /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 (increasing number)12:00
transsoupmounting the lvm with a different (debian) system still works with no errors12:01
WT-Udevsee 33227012:02
WT-Udevsee bug 33227012:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227012:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged]12:02
transsoupthx a lot I'll take a look12:02
WT-Udevtranssoup: you -may- be able to boot with an older kernel (because it may have an older initrd)12:03
transsoupWT-Udev: thx as soon as I'm able to install another kernel version to my jaunty lvm I'll give it a try12:06
cumulus007Who can tell me where I can find the project website of KPackageKit?12:07
cumulus007I want to translate it12:08
WT-Udevcumulus007: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/kpackagekit/0.3.1+20081211-0ubuntu3 is incomplete...12:15
cumulus007It's upstream12:16
WT-Udevyes, shouldn't you submit translations to the source?12:17
cumulus007Of course, but I didn't know it is upstream ;)12:17
idorock89guys i dont seem to have the message indicator applet though i have the new notification and all12:20
idorock89and all the latest updates12:20
idorock89any idea why and how to get it?12:20
WT-Udevidorock89: wait... what exactly do you mean?  It's not in the taskbar anymore?  (that's normal, they screwed around with it)12:22
idorock89well i upgraded today and havent got it. i remember seeing it in marks mockup video12:22
idorock89or have not implemented it at all.12:23
idorock89that applet which is supposed to store all the notifications so taht they12:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about updates12:23
idorock89can be reviewed if we missed them12:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 332945 in update-notifier "[Jaunty] Removal of Update Notifier is WRONG" [High,Confirmed]12:24
idorock89WT-Udev: no this si not what i am talking abt . see mark's mockupo there he gets im msg which then gets stored in a envelope shape looking applet in panel12:27
savvasAnyone using kvm and qemu emulator for a x86_64 debian? my installation stops at final step, grub installation (50%). Using qemu x86 emulator and a 32-bit debian works ok12:27
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BUGabundoLOL #u-bugs is having a nice discussion on our bug 33294512:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in update-notifier "[Jaunty] Removal of Update Notifier is WRONG" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294512:32
WT-Udevidorock89: actaully it's pointless to discuss it with me further.  I never use it or bother with that app.12:34
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rippsFor the first time, a bug I filed and proposed a workaround for has been passed to upstream. Even cooler, it was passed by Mark Shuttleworth himself.13:33
siegiesounds cool :)13:34
WT-UdevIndeed.  What was the bug?13:35
rippsWT-Udev: https://bugs.launchpad.net/notify-osd/+bug/33138313:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 331383 in notify-osd "notify-osd needs icons in GNOME default otherwise volume changes are hidden" [High,Confirmed]13:40
PiciOoh. I was looking for that bug. /subscribed13:44
idorock89what package do i need installed if i want pidgin to display notfications?13:54
syockitthey're not pushing the new notifier into jaunty as default, right?13:55
idorock89syockit: oh they definetely are13:56
WelshDragonidorock89, pidgin-libnotify13:56
syockitso far what is supported?13:56
syockitI know evolution is13:56
idorock89rythmbox,pidgin,network manager etc13:57
idorock89WelshDragon: what does pidgin-guifications do then?13:58
idorock89WelshDragon: i installed both and yet dont seem to get notifications with pidgin13:59
WelshDragonidorock89, not sure. I use pidgin-libnotify, that's what works with the notify-osd and should be installed by default for jaunty (bug 332719)13:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332719 in pidgin-libnotify "pidgin-libnotify should be installed by default in 9.04 " [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33271913:59
WelshDragonidorock89, in pidgin, Tools > Plugins > Libnotify Popups14:00
WelshDragonCheck it's ticked =)14:00
rippsDoes anybody know if it's worth converting my filesystem to ext4 yet, or should I wait. Is it even worth it?14:01
idorock89WelshDragon: it is still no popups14:03
idorock89WelshDragon: never mind it does now14:03
idorock89anyidea if empathy will support it14:04
idorock89/join #telepathy14:04
syockitI wonder why there are so many projects registered on launchpad which do not fully utilize lp.net.14:05
ronnymy ubuntu still fails if tracker is generating high io loads in the background14:08
ronny(random apps hang at times)14:08
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FinnishWhats a good tool to make mp3 from wav?14:26
WT-UdevI rather like lame... but what you probably want is a frontend of some kind.  Finnish what are you trying to do in a more generic but larger context?14:30
FinnishGot it.. ffmpeg -i Apassi\ alku.wav -ac 2 -ab 192 Apassinalku.mp314:31
FinnishWell whats a good GUI for lame?14:40
scizzo-Finnish: seems to be a program called soundconverter that works15:00
serengetihi, I'm just curious if there's going to be a gui for installing fonts in jaunty?15:02
WT-Udevserengeti: I'm not sure about ubuntu, but gentoo has fonts in it's package management software.  Ubuntu might have the fonts in that as well.15:03
serengetiWT-Udev, there's fontypython which is a really nice app, but I think there should be some basic way to add a font to the system without having to download additional software15:06
SiDisoundconverter tends to fail at making ogg15:06
serengetior play around with console15:06
macoyou can just drop it into ~/.fonts15:06
macolike, in nautilus15:06
SiDiserengeti: in fact they're packaged.15:06
SiDiyou should use font packages, or either put them in .fonts15:06
serengetiI see, thanks for the tip. (sorry for the delay ;)15:26
jpedrozaHas anyone reported a bug with the current updates breaking all networking? I have lost eth0 as well as wlan0 connectivity.15:31
charlie-tcadidn't break here15:32
cwillusomething changed from 2.6.28-7 to 2.6.28-8 to make intel worse than it was (or rather, makes rendering performance horrible even on the -server kernels that didn't have that problem before)15:34
SiDihey charlie-tca you're everywhere :)15:38
charlie-tcaI monitor the channels I need15:38
cwillucan anyone check if the latest uswsusp's "sudo s2disk" segfaults immediately when run?15:40
cwillu(it'll get the chvt, and then crash, but chvt'ing back to 7 will work fine)15:40
LaibschWhat is the current way to track bugs affecting jaunty?  The jaunty tag?  Nothing?15:43
LaibschSeems like the latter to me.15:43
macoLaibsch: any bug reported is assumed to affect the current development release15:44
macoif it doesn't, it's closed as fix released15:44
Laibschwell, that is true15:45
LaibschBut doesn't help in testing out bugs specifically *known* to be in jaunty15:45
macoif it doesn't and there is the intention of fixing it in an older release, a task for the older release must be opened15:45
macorelease notes?15:45
Laibschmaco, I've been triaging bugs for a long time15:45
macoso um....release notes?15:45
macothose list a few common annoying ones15:46
LaibschI want the list that devs look and say "we need to fix *this* before release"15:46
LaibschThere are milestones15:46
macobut those arent what you want?15:46
LaibschAnd I think that is a way some devs track it15:46
LaibschI wouldn't set a milestone15:46
LaibschI'd feel OK suggesting one, but not setting it15:46
Laibschmaco: Are you doing bug triaging for jaunty?15:47
macoa bit15:48
* cwillu is buggled, why whould 2.6.28-8 break stuff, but not seem to have anything relevant in the changelogs?15:49
LaibschAlright, fair enough.  How do you pick out the bugs you want to verify or wfm?  If you have no particular strategy, then maybe let somebody else answer.15:49
cwilluLaibsch, I typically poll the irc channels for issues people ask about, and look up relevant bugs, confirming or wfm'ing as appropriate15:50
cwilluLaibsch, on that note, mind installing uswsusp and checking if s2disk segfaults? :)15:51
LaibschOK, working strategy, thanks for reporting15:51
DrHalancan i request a closed source package to be included into ubuntu?15:51
Laibschcwillu: But not the one I want15:51
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:51
Laibschcwillu: I want some list out of LP15:51
LaibschDrHalan: the restricted answer from cwillu was directed at you15:52
cwillubut was unhelpful, and so I didn't point it out :p15:52
DrHalancwillu:  the app is http://zattoo.com/de/download/linux?download=115:52
DrHalanthey already provide debs for ubuntu15:52
cwilluLaibsch, I presume you mean something more than https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?advanced=115:53
cwillunew/incomplete with response is probably a reasonable start15:54
cwilluassignee:nobody might be relevant too15:55
charlie-tcacwillu: segfaulted for me15:55
cwillucharlie-tca, it did?  okay, it's not just me then :)15:55
charlie-tcayeah, I just did it here on 64-bit15:56
cwilluthey put a new version of uswsusp in, closing bug #13260315:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 132603 in uswsusp "Please sync uswsusp 0.7-1 from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13260315:56
cwillubringing back s2ram, but completely breaking s2disk/s2both in the process15:56
Laibschcwillu: That is not focused enough.  The relevant field seems to be "Nominated for Jaunty" as I was told in #ubuntu-bugs15:58
BUGabundocwillu: hey... I'm affected by that!16:01
BUGabundomy s2disk is broken16:01
cwilluBUGabundo, yes, I just marked my bug as a duplicate of yours :p16:01
cwilluit was the upstream sync that broke it16:02
BUGabundoI think bug 33110116:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331101 in uswsusp "s2disk[3330]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000000000 sp 00007fff942ccdf8 error 14 in s2disk[400000+8000]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33110116:02
cwilluas I said, I just marked mine as a duplicate of 331101 :p16:02
BUGabundoah thanks16:02
BUGabundoI was going to test it again today, but it seems its not fixed yet16:02
BUGabundomine could need a better description16:02
BUGabundolet me see what I can make of it, now that we now what is causing16:03
BUGabundoactually we only know what lead to it... not the prob inside it16:03
cwilluwas a _big_ version jump though16:03
BUGabundoI don't care16:04
BUGabundoas long as it works16:04
BUGabundokernel mode is SLOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW16:04
BUGabundoI asked in the devel ML to improve that on koala16:04
BUGabundogot a single reply from maco16:05
BUGabundo"they" just care for speed boots, not speedy resumes!16:05
cwillubug #33227016:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227016:05
WT-UdevTuTUXG: a set of restoration instructions is being prepared by IntuitiveNipple right now16:06
TuTUXGWT-Udev, i havent updated yet16:07
TuTUXGthanks anyway16:07
sridis there a command line cline to notify-osd? or a python wrapper?16:08
BUGabundocwillu: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2009-February/007165.html16:08
sridis notify-osd a replacement for libnotify?16:08
BUGabundosrid: no16:08
sridhow do I use notify-osd myself in my programs?16:08
BUGabundobut libnotify is being patched to use it (libindicate0)16:08
BUGabundosrid: you can invoke it with16:09
sridBUGabundo: I don't have notify-send!16:09
sridthere is `notification-properties', but no `notify-send'16:10
sridok, it is in libnotify-bin16:11
PiciIts a cli tool16:12
sridhmm, no text wrap in notify-send16:14
BUGabundoI have a BT GPS and can't pair it!!! Gnome BT ask me to enter a PIN on the GPS16:19
* BUGabundo *stupid*16:19
maxbBUGabundo: It asks you to input a *generated* PIN? Or to enter the same PIN into gnome and the GPS?16:21
IntuitiveNippleUsually the default PIN is 0000 on GPS devices.16:26
cwilluwell, uswsusp fails to build from source16:27
cwilluso, how we have a package at all, I'm not sure :p16:27
cwillu'splash.c:104 error: too many arguments to function usplash_open'16:28
cwillupasses a mode, but the definition is void16:29
IntuitiveNipplecwillu: Was it originally copied across unchanged directly from Intrepid? I saw another package recently that FTBFS on Jaunty, but is in the Jaunty archive16:29
cwilluIntuitiveNipple, was 0.6 in jaunty, just got merged with debian up to .8 a month ago16:30
cwilluintrepid is still on .616:30
IntuitiveNippleHow about build- dependencies ? The same applies to them.16:31
cwilluI should have all the dependencies.  Doesn't look like one's missing from the error at least16:32
BUGabundoluckly there's a workaround https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez-gnome/+bug/284994/comments/9016:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 284994 in bluez-gnome "bluetooth-wizard unable to pair to fixed pin devices" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:44
BUGabundo1head count: how many of you are affected by bug 333366 ?17:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333366 in nautilus "new nautilus windows stays in background due to "unfocus" policy in jaunty" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33336617:30
BUGabundo1need a confirmation for seb12817:30
DrHalanhey, was teh new mixer-applet removed again?17:38
cwilluBUGabundo, debian's uswsusp package installs and works fine if you install libsplashy by hand first, as a workaround17:40
danbhfive_jauntyBUGabundo: well, Its a strange bug for me.     One way I get it is to switch focus from pidgin to firefox, then goto places and a folder.  Exactly every 3rd round of this, the window opens unfocused17:46
danbhfive_jauntyor maybe not17:47
danbhfive_jauntymaybe its every 4th time?17:48
cwillubtw, who was wondering about the alt-f1/f2 (apps menu and 'run') shortcuts the other day?17:48
billybigriggeropening a folder from places opens unfocused all the time for me17:52
billybigriggerseems every 3rd time for me it opens focused17:52
billybigriggerhmmmm nope17:53
billybigriggernevermind, lol now they're opening all focused17:53
billybigriggerthats random, going from audacious to xchat, then places, then opening a folder.....sometimes opens unfocused..17:54
billybigriggerdanbhfive_jaunty, hmmmm your right, about the 4th round for me is when it goes unfocused17:55
billybigriggerwhat a wierd bug....4 rounds of this, then 3, and 3, and 217:57
billybigriggerit seems kinda random17:57
macoDrHalan: "again"?18:07
macoit was removed, yes....because it didnt offer a way to adjust individual channels, and it only worked for people using pulseaudio18:07
DrHalanhmm is there a way to install it anyways?18:09
DrHalanmaco, or was it removed completely from gnome?18:11
macoits in upstream18:11
DrHalanso are there debs that make me get it back?18:12
DrHalanwhat do you mean with individual channles maco?18:16
DrHalanlike PCM etc?18:16
cwilluDrHalan, it's still in the repo's, and I think it might still be installed by default, just not in the default layout of the panel18:35
DrHalanhm i dont find it in the repos18:36
DrHalanactually there is /usr/lib/gnome-applets/mixer_applet2 is taht the new one? But it seems to be al ib how do i start it?18:37
DrHalanwell it seems to be  the old one :(18:38
transsoupI'm suffering from bug 332270. How can I reinstall jaunty - without losing all my data stored inside the crypto LVM? I ran update-initramfs inside a chroot from a rescue system and now the kernel doesn't ask for the crypto PW. after 3 min a initramfs shell is droped :-( Any help appreciated18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227018:43
WT-Udevtranssoup: you don't need to reinstall18:44
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: has a working temporary solution and method of getting in (t's slow but works)  Just read the very top of the bug page.18:45
WT-Udev... transsoup Oh that's harder18:45
WT-UdevYou've lost the cryptsetup part of the initrd?18:46
WT-Udevtranssoup: the good news: Your data isn't -inherently- lost.  The -bad- news.  It's going to be difficult to get it back.  You'll have to operate from within a recovery CD/usb of some kind, and then -manually- open everything.18:47
transsoupyes - problem is the IntuitiveNipple workaround didn't work18:47
WT-Udevtranssoup: do you have an older kernel?18:47
transsoupso I tried to install an older kernel from within a chrooted enviroment18:48
IntuitiveNippletranssoup: The chroot was run from a live-CD?18:48
transsoupno from another debian system on another HD18:48
WT-Udevtranssoup: x.x That's what broke it... You have to use the ubuntu system's one.... wait... what kind of system setup do you have?18:49
transsoupand then from a live rescue cd18:49
transsoupokay I tried a few things - I think the initramfs is broken now18:49
WT-UdevGood news, you probably haven't broken it to the point of loosing your data -yet-18:50
WT-UdevThe bad news.  You have to get inside of it manually18:50
WT-UdevWhat -exactly- is your partition layout?18:50
WT-UdevExample, mine:  sda4 == boot, sda3 -> LVM -> CryptoVolumes -> Unlocked devices.18:51
transsoupsda5 == boot       sda1 -> LVM -> Crypto18:52
WT-UdevOk, you an boot a normal recovery dvd/cd/usb that knows about crypto, or work through this the same way you installed it (if the install disc doesn't have crypto support on it you install the packages from a network connection).  Once you've got that you can manually run the cryptsetup commands to unlock your devices.18:54
IntuitiveNippleThe problem will be the initramfs build scripts didn't catch the crypto hook, and therefore the crypto binaries and scripts weren't added to the initrd18:54
WT-Udevroot@host:~$ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop/0 testfs18:54
WT-UdevReplace the /dev/loop/0 and test with /dev/mapper/whatever whatever  << the whatever's being the cryptedLVM partition and then the mapper name you want your root partition to show up as.18:55
transsoupWT-Udev: thx a lot - this is what I've done already - IntuitiveNipple: how do I add those binaries?18:56
WT-UdevThen you can mount that someplace, and follow the normal chrooting steps to get back inside of it where you'll be able to FIX your initrd18:56
transsoupsry, but I haven't found a well documented explanation how to enable the ubuntu crypto lvm binaries and scripts into the initrd, yet :-(18:57
WT-Udevhttp://www.debuntu.org/how-to-encrypted-partitions-over-lvm-with-luks-page-3-install-and-config << THERE that's what I was looking for18:58
IntuitiveNippletranssoup: crypsetup package will install initramfs-tools hook scripts so that each time the initrd is updated, they check if the system is using crypto, and if so, install the scripts/binaries automatically18:59
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: that page I just linked... that even tells you how to chroot nicely19:00
WT-UdevIt's missing things like the resolv.conf and possible hostname fixes19:00
transsoupand that's exactly the point where I'm stucked now, damn. I think I've done exactly those steps, but I'm not asked for the pw anymore :-( Okay thx a lot for your help - I'll try it again, perhaps I missed a step...19:01
WT-Udevtranssoup: are you sure you're chrooted inside of your hard drive?19:02
WT-Udevaptitude reinstall lvm2 cryptsetup19:02
WT-Udevrun that19:02
WT-Udev(in # (root) obviously)19:02
transsoupokay - I'll try19:02
WT-Udevhttp://www.debuntu.org/how-to-encrypted-partitions-over-lvm-with-luks-page-3-install-and-config <<  Then make sure the files it talks about after that are setup correctly, like /etc/crypttab19:02
transsoupfound a "new" /etc/defaults/cryptmount ? which hasn't been on 8.1019:02
WT-Udev# update-initramfs -k all -c << then that19:03
WT-UdevI don't have a cryptmount there19:03
WT-Udevhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/ << if it's not sensitive can you paste anything that's in there to here?19:04
WT-Udevdpkg -S /etc/defaults/cryptmount19:05
transsoupthx again - I'll get back to you when the rescue system is up and running again...19:06
WT-UdevIf you see something like this, that means you own the file: dpkg: /etc/crypttab not found.19:06
WT-Udevtranssoup: I'll try to remain awake, if not, someone else can repaste the link19:06
WT-UdevYou know...19:10
syockitWhat's wrong with galago's implementation of notification daemon that made ubuntu opt for new OSD design?19:10
WT-UdevI've got the most terriable suspission that transsoup may have created a fresh initrd from whatever environment they were trying to chroot out of.19:10
orbisvicishi, im trying to downgrade a package, no idea how to do it smoothly.. apt, dpkg .. or even some other tool19:33
kuaeraorbisvicis: This is likely an issue for #ubuntu or #kubuntu, but I'm fairly certain that if you reference the exact version of the package, you can downgrade to that version19:34
ikoniaorbisvicis: I'd suggest you re-install your system19:34
kuaeraorbisvicis: i.e. apt-get install package-1.4.519:34
IntuitiveNippleorbisvicis: apt-get install <package>=<version>19:34
kuaeraIntuitiveNipple: Thank you19:34
ikoniaorbisvicis: you have forced jaunty packages onto intrepid19:34
ikoniaorbisvicis: your repos will be corrupted and dependencies will be out of sync19:34
kuaeraikonia: Where are you extrapolating this information from?19:35
orbisvicisikonia: no forcing was done ...19:35
ikoniaorbisvicis: I'd then strongly advise you not to mix packages out of different repos19:35
ikoniakuaera: he was asking in #ubuntu19:35
kuaeraikonia: Ah.19:36
ikoniaorbisvicis: it must have been forced, as jaunty packages would complain of unmet dependencies on intrepid19:36
orbisvicisi just installed apache2 from jaunty and I didnt know how to get apt to see an older version to install19:36
orbisvicisikonia: well yes I also built gcc/c-classpath/c-linker from jaunty but I want to keep those19:36
orbisvicisbasically I built the entire tree to not force anything19:37
ikoniaso you've messed up your install19:37
orbisvicisdid I?19:37
ikoniayou're going to have mixed package dependencies19:37
ikoniawell you've just said you did ?19:37
maxbikonia: You're being slightly over-alarmist with "<ikonia> orbisvicis: your repos will be corrupted and dependencies will be out of sync"19:38
orbisviciswhat exactly do you mean by 'mixed package dependencies' and what could this lead to ?19:39
maxbsystem potentially broken? Yes. Corrupt "repos"? What's a "repos"?19:39
sadamis it a known issue to not have gnome-panel or nautilus running after login?19:39
maxborbisvicis: apt-get install packagename/intrepid is likely the syntax you're looking for.19:40
maxbHowever, you MUST be aware that mixing packages from intrepid and jaunty repositories is *emphatically* not supported.19:40
maxbi.e. if if breaks, you get to keep the pieces :-)19:40
orbisvicis; )19:40
maxbAnd don't expect support on fixing it19:40
maxbAre you running a mostly-jaunty system with a few intrepid pkgs? Or vice versa?19:41
orbisviciswhat exactly could happen if I have both gcc-3.3 and gcc-4.3 and i try to upgrade (which I probably wont anyway)19:41
orbisvicismaxb: hardy with a bit of jaunty19:41
orbisviciswhen I tried to upgrade feisty->hardy it didnt go so well, used space doubled19:42
orbisvicisso I manually upgrade packages I want now19:42
WT-Udevorbisvicis: you need to purge the old ones19:43
maxborbisvicis: Well, see, this is the problem. No one tests upgrades from ambiguous mixed states. It *might* work, on  the other hand.... if it doesn't, it's up to you to fix it or reinstall19:43
maxborbisvicis: waaait you tried to go directly feisty->hardy?19:43
WT-UdevHum... that should be automatic though19:43
orbisvicis(the feisty upgrade was completely fesity, though granted I had installed lots of feisty packages)19:43
maxbDo you like playing with unsupportedness? :-)19:43
transsoupWT-Udev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122008/ I created a new initramfs. Removed and backup the /etc/default/cryptmount file. Still: Gave up waiting for root device... The kernel doesn't ask for the PW to unlock the crypto lvm19:44
orbisvicismaxb: oh typo, and im forgetful with version numbers.. no it was feisty -> version after feisty19:44
orbisvicisheheh oh theyre alphebetical19:44
WT-Udevtranssoup: are you inside the thing you're chrooting in from right now?  It's pointless to talk unless you have the chroot open. (or are trying to opne it)19:44
kuaeraIntentionally, too.19:44
ikoniaorbisvicis: I suggest you do a resinstall of a sane system19:45
orbisvicisikonia: unfortunately ... remotely ... not really possible19:45
WT-Udevtranssoup: what devices are sypposed to be crypted?19:45
ikoniaorbisvicis: your doing this on a remote machine ???19:45
* cwillu giggles19:46
orbisvicisunless I install in a chroot and replace the filesystem with the installation19:46
WT-Udevtranssoup:  update-initramfs -k 2.6.28-generic -u -v19:46
cwilluorbisvicis, might I ask, (dear god) why?19:46
orbisvicisi want newer releases...19:46
PiciThis is a trainwreck19:46
WT-Udevtranssoup:  update-initramfs -k 2.6.28-generic -u -v   <<<   update-initramfs -k 2.6.28-generic -c -v   << Do the second one instead.  Tell me if it then works.19:46
orbisvicisi got stuck way back when with a release-based distro and now I dont have the time to switch19:46
salty-horsehi. I can't get my music player to mount automatically when connecting it, unless rhythmbox is working. I have set "ask me what to do when connecting a music player" in nautilus. any idea why that happens?19:47
orbisvicismaxb: in any case, theoretically, with gcc3.3 and gcc4.3 installed on the same system and I upgrade, what could theoretically happen?19:48
maxbIt'll probably be fine.19:49
WT-Udevtranssoup: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-encrypted-partitions-over-lvm-with-luks-page-3-install-and-config << You will also want to make sure things are sane like this is saying.  It also explicitly tells you to put the mapper name in place of the device's uuid in your fstab.19:49
orbisvicisi mean, i see problems with modular packages like perl/python in which upgrading perl might break every module + every script that depends on every module ... so I dont do that19:51
orbisvicisbut since gcc3.3 isnt in januty, the upgrade wont affect any gcc3.3 related packages, and only upgrade the gcc4.3 packages, so ill be fine19:51
cwilluorbisvicis, python 2.4/2.5/2.6/3.0 are all installable concurrently19:53
M25anybody know if the gnome font display app is going to work in Jaunty?19:53
orbisviciscwillu: but python3.0 conflicts with python-xml... b/c there really arent any modules for python3.0 avail. yet. So if I install python-default and set my default python to 3.0, probably python-pased packages will fail19:55
* cwillu has both python3.0 and python-xml installed19:56
orbisvicisbasically scripting languages updating != good b/c scripted programs arent built against a specific version and assembled to binary, but rather use the default interpreter19:57
orbisviciscwillu: ??19:57
orbisvicispython-xml depends python >>2.6019:58
cwilluand we aren't using python3.0 as the default python afaict19:58
* cwillu doesn't have 2.6 installed, and removing 3.0 doesn't remove anything else19:59
* orbisvicis is incredulous cwillu removed 3.0 on a whim20:00
orbisvicisah well, ok thanks anyway20:01
orbisvicisnow I know how to downgrade/regress a package20:01
WT-Udevorbisvicis: yeah... you have to specify a version20:01
maxbor a distro20:03
cwilluorbisvicis, you can mark a package for removal without actually removing it to check the dependencies, and you can do all sorts of things on a whim in a vm20:03
transsoupWT-Udev: okay I changed all the uuid to the dev mapper name, also the vol_id didn't change. Running  update-initramfs -k 2.6.28-generic -c -v  hopefully from inside the chroot: Cannot find /lib/modules/2.6.28-generic. ls -la /lib/modules shows the directory20:04
WT-Udevtranssoup: Sorry, try to use.... Ah right.20:04
WT-UdevThis one is probably easy20:04
transsoupWT-Udev: hopefully ;-)20:04
WT-UdevYou're chrooting, so uname -r won't work, because you're telling it ot use the kernel from the thing you're chrooting in from20:05
WT-UdevAre -all- your normal boot-menu entries broken?20:05
WT-UdevIf that's the case, use the keyword all to have the initrd rebuilt for everything.20:05
cwilluorbisvicis, dpkg-divert is a good thing to have some familiarity with if you have to work with sketchy packages, allows you to prevent modifications to particular files, or at least hold the changes in a different file until you can check them (vaguely like how anything in /etc is handled by default)20:05
WT-UdevYou might also want to: grep watch /lib/udev/rules.d/*20:05
WT-Udevif you have any matches that don't start with # you will need to fix those before making the initrd20:06
=== JanC_ is now known as janc
=== janc is now known as JanC
WT-Udevtranssoup: If that still doesn't fix it, please use http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-encrypted-partitions-over-lvm-with-luks-page-3-install-and-config and help from others to resolve things.  I've got to go to bed... I'm nodding off very badly.20:07
orbisviciscwillu: like pacman.pacnew in the arch system ; )20:07
orbisvicisdpkg-divert and pacman are reasons ubuntu should go rolling20:07
transsoupWT-Udev: watch is already commented out. Thx again for your time!20:07
WT-Udevorbisvicis: I rather like gentoo's slots system.  though they require the use of a selector system to cope with switching system defaults for things like 'gcc'20:08
orbisvicisWT-Udev: wouldnt the changes be placed in /etc/default/file.new ... or whatever manages the switching20:10
orbisvicisbtw, how do I find the package owning a particular file20:10
WT-Udevorbisvicis: no, I mean switching -slots- like having gcc 3.3 and 4.3 installed at the same time.20:11
orbisvicisoh, like an environment variable (slot) declaring which version of java you want ?20:12
WT-UdevI think it uses symlinks20:12
orbisvicisi dont know gentool, im sorry ; (20:12
WT-Udevbut yeah20:12
orbisvicisi kind of think using an env-var and then replacing the actualy binary with a script to select the current runtime to be a pain20:13
WT-Udevorbisvicis: it isn't an environment variable.20:15
WT-Udevlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jan 25 03:39 /usr/bin/java -> run-java-tool20:16
orbisviciswhatever the implementation the distro devs still have to write their own selector20:16
orbisviciswell, its better than tacking an extra start-up script per package that uses java20:17
WT-UdevJust as an example, since I seem to only have one gcc20:17
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WT-Udevanyway, 15 min later than I wanted, ngiht20:17
transsoupWT-Udev: Ah,ha after generating the initramfs doesn't contain the nessesary Cryptroot file which causes the problem   conf/conf.d/cryptroot - which is reported as bug 317442. Interesting. Have a good night!20:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317442 in cryptsetup "initrd does not contain conf/conf.d/cryptroot file for encrypted root (dup-of: 325690)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31744220:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325690 in udev "udev has wrong name for devmapper devices, cryptsetup initramfs hook fails" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32569020:18
Laneytext looks different somehow on Jaunty20:21
Laneywhat's changed?20:21
bruce89Laney: slight hinting?20:21
LaneyI don't think so20:21
* Laney changed it to full20:21
Laneyit might even be a different font20:23
bruce89shouldn't be20:23
LaneyI mean maybe it changed my profile or something20:24
LaneyDPI? /me shrucs20:24
bruce89a screenshot would be useful20:24
LaneyI doubt it - it probably looks how it should20:25
Laneyit's not bad, just different20:25
bruce89could be one of a lot of things anyway20:26
* bruce89 the noticed ligatures such as "fi" are smaller than they used to be20:27
jonaskoelkerhow do I see which of my installed packages are from jaunty?20:34
bruce89they should all be20:34
jonaskoelkernot when I'm running jaunty-1 plus a few packages from jaunty20:35
jonaskoelker(jaunty-1 being intrepid)20:35
bruce89that doesn't sound like a good idea20:36
jonaskoelkerthat's why I want to know which packages are problematic so I can downgrade them20:36
jonaskoelkersuch that I'll end up with a pure intrepid system20:36
bruce89perhaps aptitude may class them as locally created or something20:36
jonaskoelkeruh... okay...20:37
jonaskoelkerso how do I do it? ;-)20:37
bruce89$ aptitude20:37
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide20:37
maxbapt-show-versions, also20:38
bruce89that looks more like it20:40
jonaskoelkernone of $(apt-show-versions | grep -v intrepid) have anything to do with my crashing20:43
jonaskoelkers/$/ firefox/20:43
bruce89I thought jaunty packages were the issue20:44
jonaskoelkerI thought so to20:45
jonaskoelkerbased on a description of an identical problem someone posted on the web20:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mixing20:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cocktails20:48
jonaskoelkermy firefox crashes whenever I play flash video; here's some firefox output: http://rafb.net/p/eB2SJt64.html20:52
jonaskoelkerit doesn't seem to happen with embedded wmv-files (which are played back with totem)20:52
jonaskoelkerwhat gives?  How do I play flash stuff?20:53
bruce89where are your pulseaudio and firefox packages from20:53
jonaskoelkerfirefox/jaunty upgradeable from 3.0.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 to 3.0.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu120:55
jonaskoelkeraccording to `apt-show-versions firefox`20:55
Laneyxorg is chewing my CPU like it's going out of fashion20:55
bruce89jonaskoelker: get rid of the jaunty entries in sources.list20:56
jonaskoelkerpulseaudio/jaunty upgradeable from 0.9.10-2ubuntu9.3 to 0.9.14-0ubuntu720:56
* Akgraner waves to BUGabundo finally got a image to boot for me..:)20:57
BUGabundoAkgraner: humm please remind me of the background20:58
* BUGabundo memory is empty20:58
jonaskoelkerfirefox/intrepid-security uptodate 3.0.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.120:58
jonaskoelkerpulseaudio/intrepid-updates uptodate 0.9.10-2ubuntu9.320:58
AkgranerBUGabundo: the Chronicles.....20:58
bruce89jonaskoelker: flashplugin-nonfree?20:58
BUGabundothe lovelly mum20:58
AkgranerBUGabundo: yes that is me....20:58
BUGabundoAkgraner: nice to meet u, irc to irc20:59
jonaskoelkerflashplugin-nonfree/intrepid-security uptodate
BUGabundowho is your Discovery going?20:59
Akgranerharder that I thought...20:59
bruce89jonaskoelker: nothing unusual there20:59
BUGabundoalready decided between virtual machine or dual boot?20:59
Akgranerdual boot20:59
BUGabundoAkgraner: you come to the right place20:59
Akgranerbut not today21:00
BUGabundonot that others would not be as good21:00
BUGabundosure... you have time21:00
BUGabundotook me years to use DB21:00
BUGabundoand you have been using a 3rd OS just for a few days21:00
BUGabundoits AMAZING what you have done21:00
BUGabundoalready started using a cheat code document to store all usefull comands?21:00
BUGabundoall us GEEKs have one somewhere in some form21:01
AkgranerI looked through some wiki pages...21:01
* bruce89 quite likes messaging21:01
BUGabundohummm that will not sufice21:01
bruce89private that is21:01
orbisvicishow do i list packages installed on my system by release version ?21:02
* BUGabundo wonders if bruce89 is telling me to shut up21:02
jonaskoelkerso... what to do next?21:02
BUGabundoorbisvicis: dpkg -l ?21:02
* Akgraner was wonder same thing...I am sorry21:02
bruce89och, I'm too evil21:03
BUGabundoI rather like doing this stuff in public... it's a bit noisy, but others can intervin and provide extra ideas21:03
BUGabundoeither that, or I'm to used to µblogging21:03
AkgranerI can't keep pidgin up21:03
AkgranerI log in and it goes away21:03
BUGabundoby the way WHO in here on Identica?21:03
orbisvicisBUGabundo: what search string should i use to only list jaunty packages ?21:03
BUGabundoAkgraner: humm bug with Pulse Audio?21:03
BUGabundoor some plugin you may have enabled21:04
BUGabundopidgin is quite temperamental21:04
bruce89Empathy isn't21:04
Akgranerso I need to unplug something then...21:04
BUGabundoorbisvicis: don't you tell me you are using multiple sources !??!21:04
BUGabundothat's madness!21:04
Akgranerok disable it is the right term the yes21:04
bruce89Ubuntu isn't like Debian where you can do that with unstable and experimental21:05
BUGabundobruce89: empaty still doesn't do IRC (and yes I know that pidgin isn't supposed to be used with IRC)21:05
BUGabundoand I like pidgin better!21:05
BUGabundoI found in the likes of it!21:05
bruce89BUGabundo: that's interesting, I'm using Empathy right now21:05
BUGabundoempathy UI is not as good21:05
* BUGabundo has to retest big E then!21:05
bruce89telepathy-idle by the way21:05
orbisviciswell, i might be a bit mad, but its probably a valid question21:06
BUGabundoorbisvicis: its RECOMMENDED that you just use on version21:08
bruce89orbisvicis: what's the question21:08
BUGabundohaving multiple distro versions can and WILL cause big trouble21:08
orbisvicisid like to only show packages of a certain release21:08
BUGabundoon your system, correct?21:08
BUGabundoif not, visit package.ubuntu.com21:08
BUGabundo !packages21:08
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!21:08
bruce89someone else mentioned apt-show-version21:08
biouser libgpod4-nogtk: Conflicts: libgpod4 but 0.7.0-1 is to be installed. libgpod4: Conflicts: libgpod4-nogtk but 0.7.0-1 is installed.21:09
biouserstopping my other updates...21:09
bruce89the apt:// url in KDE? Sounds nice (if GVFS did the same)21:09
BUGabundobruce89: that will not list ALL packages21:10
BUGabundobiouser: you have to wait for it to finish building21:10
BUGabundoDON'T FORCE IT21:10
bruce89Debian would have need for something like this, as people use unstable with some experimental packages21:12
BUGabundobruce89: I'm pretty sure APTITUDE can do it21:13
bruce89hang on21:13
BUGabundoso who is already in love with the new notifications21:14
bruce89BUGabundo: If you're being sarcastic, yes21:15
* charlie-tca thinks it doesn't matter21:15
orbisvicisyoure right, with selector systems this can be a bit of a pain21:15
BUGabundobruce89: im not21:16
BUGabundoI like them21:16
anderskSomehow my dpkg managed to lose the state of all its diversions recently.  Anyone know what could have caused that?21:16
* orbisvicis isstalking dangling symlinks21:16
BUGabundoandersk: humm you are screed sir21:16
bruce89BUGabundo: you like dialogues then?21:16
BUGabundoAkgraner: piece of advice: NEVER post long content of terminal to IM... it sucks21:18
BUGabundo !paste Akgraner21:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste Akgraner21:18
BUGabundobad ubottu21:18
AkgranerBUGabundo: Ack21:19
bruce89I didn't see any "long content"21:19
Akgranerbruce89: it was quite just for you...:)21:20
BUGabundobruce89: pvt... not in public channel21:20
BUGabundoAkgraner: just flooded me21:20
BUGabundoso, I had to come here to warn her21:20
* bruce89 thought that telepathy-idle had a flood remover21:21
macoi think we mentioned pastebin in -women before, but when it's in a PM it doesn't really disrupt everybody else...21:21
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BUGabundobruce89: Freenode has one too21:21
bruce89/nick plaque21:21
BUGabundoI get hit by it a loot21:21
BUGabundowhen I do the wrong pidgin execution command21:22
BUGabundoempathy doesn't interpet irc commands21:22
bruce89I just wondererd21:22
bruce89with extra "er"21:22
BUGabundomaco: yeah, I just let Akgraner know about it again21:22
BUGabundoby the way, there's this wonderful app, called pastebinit21:23
BUGabundoAkgraner that will allow you to paste content of files to pastebin21:23
BUGabundoand give you back the link21:23
* BUGabundo wonders if gnome do can do the same for PASTE content!?21:23
macoBUGabundo: there's a pastebin applet21:24
macoi think gwibber just crashed since i dont see its window anymore; however, i'm still getting gwibber notifications. freaky.21:24
BUGabundois there?21:24
BUGabundodon't know about it21:24
BUGabundomaco notifications get in queue21:24
BUGabundoI get some even 15 min AFTER gwibber is closed21:24
BUGabundoI just kill notifications-osd a few times a day21:25
BUGabundothe 1000 queue is too big for IM21:25
BUGabundoUM no longer tells me the number of updates to be installed21:27
BUGabundomvo please revert that....21:27
* bruce89 always uses aptitude anyway21:27
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
BUGabundobruce89: WHY?21:29
BUGabundoUM is so good...21:30
BUGabundowhy do ppl like aptitude so much?21:30
BUGabundoI'm more of an apt-get/cache kinda guys21:30
bruce89'cause of its automatic dependency thingy21:30
bruce89I know apt has that a bit too, but I've used aptitude for years21:31
BUGabundohumm that's not aptitude21:31
BUGabundothat's the APT protocol21:31
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide21:31
BUGabundoaptitute, aptget, UM, packagekit, are ALL front ends to it21:31
BUGabundoand to dpkg21:31
bruce89I know21:31
crdlbhe means automatic depclean21:32
* BUGabundo looks to chart about it21:32
* BUGabundo recommends EVERYONE to read: http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/blog/entry/apt-system-diagram/21:32
macocrdlb: you mean like apt-get autoremove?21:33
BUGabundomaco: Akgraner: ^^^^^^^^^21:33
* crdlb uses apt-get21:33
macowhy is aptitude a front-end and apt-get isn't? is it because aptitude offers a tui?21:34
BUGabundomaco BOTH are front ends21:34
SiDimaco: no21:34
BUGabundodpkg is the middlewere21:35
SiDiaptitude does the same thing except a few details21:35
Akgranermaco: BUGabundo thanks...21:35
macoapt-get is not listed in the front-end part of that chart21:35
macothough aptitude is21:35
* BUGabundo checks again21:35
macothe tui is the only explanation i can come up with21:35
SiDiit doesn't have the source command (well, at least i didnt find it), and it removes unused packages after a package depending on them is removed21:35
macoaptitude sorts alphabetically!21:35
macowhen you search21:36
bruce89aptitude has now a GUI too (in experiemental)21:36
bruce89why not21:36
crdlbwhat kind of gui?21:36
crdlbthat's funny21:37
macobecause we already have a bunch of GUIs for it...21:37
macothey missed one: tasksel21:37
bruce89well, GTK+ and cwidget21:38
macoi think that's a frontend to dselect...right?21:38
macoseriously kmail, it'd be really nice if you could stop crashing21:39
BUGabundomaco good knews: it should be fixed in trunk21:40
BUGabundojust have to wait some k/ubuntu dev ports the patch21:40
BUGabundo'cause upstream kontak will not patch 4.221:40
* BUGabundo tips Akgraner: every advice started with '$' is meant to be executed on a terminal21:41
BUGabundoits a major bug and "they" don't fix it21:42
macoAkgraner: if it starts with #, that means it's supposed to be run as root, so use sudo21:42
BUGabundomaco: can you use your super powers (of persuation) to get one of our guys to backport it?21:42
bruce89tasksel appears to be a frontend to aptitude actually21:42
* BUGabundo maco I didn't know that abreviation!!!21:42
BUGabundosee Akgraner we all learn something21:42
macoBUGabundo: sudo -i, and you'll see it21:43
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
* BUGabundo "Akgraner: says waiting for headers"21:43
BUGabundohumm where the heck does that happen?21:44
BUGabundoany idea guys?21:44
BUGabundoI just asked Akgraner to install pidgin-dbgsym21:44
macoapt-get update21:45
macodid you do that first, Akgraner?21:45
BUGabundo$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pidgin-dbgsym21:46
BUGabundomaco: I guess her network is just slow21:46
* BUGabundo loves the new vino server.... it has UPNP21:48
bruce89where Avahi already seemed to work21:50
BUGabundodoes gdb show a copyright?21:52
BUGabundoAkgraner is seeing one every time she runs it21:52
BUGabundoI don't see it21:53
ph03n1kscan anyone help me with the jaunty alpha 4 netbook remix install?21:53
macoAkgraner: gdb? you're trying to read gdb output? *shudder*21:53
Akgranermaco: important word it trying...21:53
macoAkgraner: well good for you. i dont even try. im just like "yep. there's a backtrace. *attach to bug report* let someone else try to figure that out"21:54
BUGabundomaco: from my experience21:55
macoi never learned to use a debugger for any of the languages i use. i just printf and see when it stops printing21:55
BUGabundopidgin devs really enjoy getting full bts21:55
ph03n1ksim trying to do the netbook remix install but the gui window is too big for the acer one screen, someone here suggested moving the screen with alt but that didnt work21:55
BUGabundoso I just wanna know if hers is the same as one of mine21:55
macooh i submit the bt with the bug. ijust dont try to read it myself :P21:55
BUGabundoI don't either21:55
Alexia_DeathOk. time for another round of is it a known bug21:56
BUGabundoI'm just giving a ADVANCED crash course on out to use gdb21:56
BUGabundogdb --args PROGRAM21:56
* Alexia_Death just updated21:56
BUGabundobt full21:56
Alexia_DeathPlasma not startig with KDE. Known or not?21:56
Alexia_DeathKnetworkmanager broken(wont connect to anything, wireless anyway) known or not?21:57
LLStarks|BoredIs it just me, or is Jaunty being treated like a bastard son?22:00
BUGabundoLLStarks|Bored: big question: WHY?22:02
LLStarks|BoredIt seems to be underdelivering.22:03
BUGabundoAkgraner: thank you so much for Confirming that annoying bug on gedit22:04
LLStarks|BoredDebian is holding back a lot of things.22:04
LLStarks|BoredAnd we aren't breaking off enough.22:04
BUGabundowhy isn't there a bug for in on launchpad? doesn't anyone else get a crash after closing gedit (from cli) ?22:04
BUGabundofilling now a new bug against gedit22:05
BUGabundook bug filed against gedit22:08
BUGabundoshould I file it against glibc6 too?22:08
billybigriggerbah what do i need to enable to have my ctrl-alt-bkspace active again?22:08
cwilludontzap --disable in a console22:09
billybigriggercommand not found22:09
billybigriggereven as root22:09
ph03n1kscan anyone suggest how i can get alpha 4 installed on my netbook?22:11
ph03n1ksthe gui window is too big :(22:11
cwillualt drag to move it as necessary22:12
ph03n1ksthats what someone said here yesterday, i tried alt but it dosent do anything22:12
billybigriggeralt clicking on the window should move it22:12
cwilluyou know what we mean by that though?22:12
BUGabundobug 33355822:12
cwillualt-drag is a shortcut to moving the window22:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333558 in glibc "glibc detected *** gedit: double free or corruption (fasttop):" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33355822:13
BUGabundoAkgraner: I you want, you can subscribe to that bug too22:13
ph03n1ksdo i have to click on a topbar or can i click on the body?22:13
billybigrigger  ph03n1ks body22:13
ph03n1ksok, thanks, will try again,22:13
billybigriggerhold alt, click on the window and move it22:13
billybigriggerhold alt, and hold your mouse click too22:14
cwillualternatively, changing the screen dpi in appearances -> fonts might make it small enough to view, although I don't know for sure that the it'll help22:14
ph03n1kscool, thanks22:14
cwillualt-middledrag will resize a window too :)22:14
bruce89found upstream22:14
ubottuGnome bug 535241 in general "Launching gedit with a file specified in the command line leads to a crash" [Normal,Needinfo]22:15
BUGabundothanks bruce22:15
BUGabundowill link both22:15
bruce89I've done it already22:15
BUGabundooh ok22:16
bruce89though this may not be the same issue based on the backtrace22:16
BUGabundomy 3G just went 2G22:16
BUGabundoso _everything is slowwwwwwwwww_22:16
billybigriggeranyone here running 9.04 on an ext4 partition?22:16
bruce89as of today, yes22:16
billybigriggerhow much quicker is the boot time? im getting 0:25 on my ext3 install22:16
bruce89I don't know, I upgraded from ext3 in place22:17
BUGabundobillybigrigger: if you have a free 200GiBs disk, send it my way, so I can backup and format mine22:17
BUGabundobruce89: did you "thouched" all your files?22:17
bruce89I can't be bothered22:17
BUGabundoif they are needed, they will eventually be touched22:18
* billybigrigger has a spare 500gb seagate 7200.10 PATA disk sitting here....doing nothing22:18
BUGabundoand then, performance will show22:18
BUGabundoohh don't mock me!22:18
BUGabundoI need that22:18
BUGabundoall my 4TiBs are fulled22:18
BUGabundoneed to buy a new 1TiBs22:18
billybigriggeryour desktop has 4tb of storage? you do lots of video work or what haha, or just a big movie collector?22:19
* Alexia_Death is willing to bet BUGabundo has a decent p0rncollection :P22:20
* charlie-tca got all the way up to a 400GB drive this month22:21
BUGabundoAlexia_Death: it aint that big!22:21
BUGabundotv shows and movies is bigger22:21
Alexia_DeathBUGabundo: On 4TB of space, 1/3 p0rn makes a lot of porn:P22:22
SwedeMike1080p uses a lot of drive space22:22
bruce89Dirac springs to mind22:23
Alexia_Deathalmost nothing off the net is that quality22:23
SwedeMikeand if you don't have a 1080p screen you probably don't want it anyway.22:23
ph03n1ksim back :(22:24
ph03n1ksalt didnt work for the netbook remix install22:24
ph03n1ksfor moving the oversized window22:24
Alexia_DeathYou cant use the alternate installer?22:25
ph03n1kswhats the alternate installer?22:25
ph03n1ksis that txt mode?22:25
ph03n1ksi cant remember the menu, is that available for the netbook remix?22:26
Alexia_DeathI dont know...22:26
Alexia_DeathNetbok remix has its own repros?22:26
ph03n1ksi dont know about repros, this is the alpha4 image i got from the cdimages place22:27
bruce89what kind of a window manager is that?22:27
Alexia_Deathnot a window manager22:27
BUGabundobruce89: Maximized22:27
BUGabundolast time I talked to ogra22:28
* bruce89 has no knowledge of netbooks22:28
Alexia_DeathIf you only have a CD image youll just have to see if you have the alternate installer there. I havent installed my ubuntu off CD since I installed thiis machine. with a broken edgy netinstall using feisty repros.22:29
ph03n1ksok, ill reboot again and see if there is a txt install, brb22:30
kane77I just read about new notification in 9.04 is it already in? (I am running 9.04 in vbox, but haven't updated in a while)22:34
=== le_bilou1e is now known as le_biloute
charlie-tcakane77: yes, they are already in22:36
kane77wohooo.. am updating now22:36
ph03n1ksback again :(22:36
ph03n1ksno text mode available on the netbook remix image.22:37
kane77it is great, I think something like that is needed in linux, to unify all the popups22:37
ph03n1ksis there a dedicated channel or something for the netbook remix?22:37
ph03n1ksthis seems lke a big problem imo...22:37
charlie-tcaph03n1ks: you could try in #ubuntu-installer, since the installer seems broken22:38
ph03n1ksok, thanks will try and join that now22:38
* billybigrigger is tempted to go try out a fresh ext4 install23:05
teh_plaguecan someone tell me why jaunty switches between mysql 5.0 and 5.1 so often in the past weeks?23:14
bugabundodidnt see anything on the team meetings23:16
bugabundomaybe this week will let us know a bit more23:16
teh_plagueit stopped some days ago23:16
teh_plaguebut before there were at least 3 switches in each direction23:17
bugabundodidnt noticed23:17
bruce89bad planning, look at mysql-server's version number23:19
bruce89there should be a sort of soft epoch thing for Ubuntu23:20
teh_plaguei updated the system two hours ago, mysql-common is the only package with that version number23:21
teh_plaguemysql-server has 5.1.31-1ubuntu123:21
teh_plaguebtw, mysql itself is really version 5.1, so i'm really wondered why mysql-common still has this versioning23:24
cafuegobillybigrigger: be careful; my install stopped mounting root when i added it as ext4 with noextents23:30
bruce89I've had no problems with ext4 with extents23:32
* cafuego doesn't want to use it withe xtents, as that would then prevent fedora, debian and windows from moutning the fs23:38
bruce89fair enough23:45
macohow do i get my pidgin buddy list?23:50
markginter24just installed Jaunty and after updating the System-->Logout/Shutdown options disappeared - is this just a broken package?23:51
bruce89markginter24: nope, it's gone now23:51
macoi can tell pidgin's running because i'm getting notifications23:51
macohowever, pidgin is not in my alt+tab23:51
markginter24bruce89 - so it's a 'feature'?  Hmmm...23:51
charlie-tcacould come back in a day or two, though23:52
bruce89markginter24: allegedly fusa "replaces" it23:52
macomarkginter24: its in FUSA23:52
markginter24what's fusa?23:52
macothe fast user switch applet23:52
markginter24oh - that fusa23:52
bruce89fast-user-switch-applet, Ubuntu messed it up big time23:52
markginter24I usually remove that from my panel --23:52
markginter24but I've had to keep it there because the shutdown/restart option disappeared23:53
bruce89its main purpose would be pointless with the new GDM anyway23:53
markginter24how soon will the 'new' gdm hit the street...?23:53
bruce89never probably in Ubuntu23:53
BUGabundo1maco those are CACHED notifications23:53
markginter24eh?  b/c of this fusa?23:54
BUGabundo1kill notification-osd23:54
BUGabundo1and you will be fine23:54
bruce89there were regressions, loads of features removed23:54
macoBUGabundo1: no, i just rebooted, remember?23:54
bruce89Fedora uses it anyway23:54
BUGabundo1markginter24: there is a version for testing in a PPA23:54
crdlbfedora used it even before gnome released it23:54
BUGabundo1should be in koala (jaunty+1)23:54
macoBUGabundo1: i booted up, launched pidgin. no windows ever opened. i did begin to get pidgin notifications though.23:54
BUGabundo1maco: pidof pidgin ?23:55
markginter24got a quick link BUGabundo1?  I'm not afraid to break things :)23:55
macoi can *receive* IMs23:55
BUGabundo1markginter24: no Im sorry... its on the devel-discuss ML23:55
macobut i cant reach the buddy list to send new ones23:55
BUGabundo1maco log in into gnome23:55
* BUGabundo1 ducks23:55
crdlbbtw, will there be any way to switch off notify-osd?23:56
markginter24I must say I like the transition from boot to GDM - desktop in Fedora 10 - but the ati driver on my laptop is too unstable23:56
bruce89crdlb: not as such23:56
crdlblike uninstall something, install something else ...23:56
Stralyticcrdlb, gnome-stracciatela-session23:57
macouse the gnome vanilla system23:57
macoits some italian name23:57
macothere we go23:57
bruce89crdlb: see that package which ends in session, with an unpronounceable name at start23:57
bruce89I might use that normally if they insist with this notification nonsensce23:58
BUGabundo1I like it23:58
* BUGabundo1 hands the postal address to get his check for making free pun23:58
bruce89I don't mind the black boxes, but dialogues are bloody barmy23:59
crdlbI don't like that they're empty :<23:59
macobruce89: strack-ee-a-TELL-a ...i think23:59

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