
emmais the GBJ officially over so that the current stats page is the official results?00:40
duanedesigncould someone who is good with X bugs please take a look at Bug #260847 it was reported 6 monyhs ago and the reporter is still having an issue. Thank You!02:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260847 in x11-xserver-utils "xrandr reports wrong resolution" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26084702:36
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dholbachgood morning06:08
fabrice_spHi. I've been notified that Bug #331519 has been marked as duplicates of Bug #322049, but this last one is marked as private. Could someone mark it as public? Thanks!06:15
ubottuBug 331519 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/331519 is private06:15
ubottuBug 322049 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/322049 is private06:15
fabrice_spstrange: 331519 is marked as private, but I can see it :-/06:16
stefanlsddholbach: guess we should talk here rather :)07:09
dholbachstefanlsd: maybe we could ask for feedback on ubuntu-bugsquad@ and loco-contacts@?07:11
stefanlsddholbach: not sure im on either of those. i was thinking like we ran an those sessions before with you about the planning, just to do another online session. but mailing list could work07:12
dholbachI'll send out a mail about it later on07:13
dholbachgood idea! :)07:13
stefanlsddholbach: kk. cause i have a couple of things :)07:13
dholbachgreat :)07:13
stefanlsddholbach: what happens now with 5 a day stats  since Events arnt there? are you just gonna query everything?07:21
dholbachstefanlsd: I'll put up some more statistics soon, there just wasn't enough time to do it before07:22
stefanlsddholbach: just was wondering about 5-a-day stats without the applet. Will you be able to query LP to do stats without a specific event?07:24
dholbachstefanlsd: yes07:24
stefanlsddholbach: kk. is it a big performance hit?07:24
dholbachstefanlsd: I'll do another 5-a-day upload that drops all functionality, just leaves the ~/.signature bits07:25
dholbachstefanlsd: I get it from the ubuntu-bugs@ mailing list07:25
stefanlsddholbach: aah ok. nice. i thought you were doing LP api stuffs07:25
dholbachthekorn: are you fine with the above? :)07:29
thekorndholbach, sorry, I did not follow this discussion, but doing some packaging magic to remove/block the applet etc. is a good idea07:34
dholbachnow it's enough to just join ~5-a-day-participants07:35
thekorndholbach, is it possible to temporary participate on 5-a-day, let's say only on hug-days or bug jams07:41
dholbachthekorn: I'm going to add statistics for teams/people/etc. soon - right now I just wanted to have stats for the global bug jam - there wasn't time to do more than that07:44
thekorndholbach, and another question is: is it 5-a-day or total-count-of-bugs-per-day ;)07:46
dholbachthekorn: I was thinking of having something like "amount of weeks in a row where you managed to do 5-a-day" :)07:47
dholbachso it's not huge bug number of seb128 / pedro against of the rest of the world :)07:47
thekornok, that's good especially when you think about motivating new contributors by this initiative07:48
Hobbseethat sounds good07:55
araHey people! Do you want to find bugs in new Jaunty's features? Please, join us in the Ubuntu Testing Day: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/2009022308:21
Ryan52ara: you sound like a radio advertisement (:08:22
araRyan52: yes, yes, yes, here in KLM Ubuntu Testing Day station08:22
* thekorn tries to find out how to get this screen-profile thing for intrepid08:25
LaibschHow do I reset bug 331222 to just affect ubuntu and not any package?08:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331222 in python-apt "quite a few asian mirrors malfunctioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33122208:40
LaibschAh, got it08:41
Ryan52so this screen-profiles thing...what happens if you want to install gnu screen also?08:46
Ryan52oh, am I confused?08:47
Ryan52yep, I am. weird.08:48
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gnomefreakmvo: something is really freaky with update-manager starting on its own when i use apt-get dist-upgrade12:02
BUGabundognomefreak: did you lose the discussion on the ML?12:03
BUGabundognomefreak: bug 33294512:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in update-notifier "[Jaunty] Removal of Update Notifier is WRONG" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294512:03
gnomefreakBUGabundo: i havent checked email in a few days12:03
BUGabundoahh that explains It12:03
BUGabundothis 2 will intereset you12:04
gnomefreakupdate-notifier is installed here12:05
BUGabundoit should have been removed12:06
BUGabundoby recent updates12:06
gnomefreakit is from  notification area the titles of bug is a bit misleading12:06
gnomefreakadded my 2cents that people left out ;)12:08
gnomefreakthis is a feature :( feature == bug with purpose12:13
gnomefreaki highly doubt they are on the right page. it notifies you only ones updates strated downloading not once update is done12:15
savvasubuntu-desktop still depends on update-notifier here as well12:17
savvasoh.. dist-upgrade :P12:18
BUGabundosavvas: update-manager -d12:21
savvasBUGabundo: I've updated to jaunty a month ago unfortunately12:24
savvasBUGabundo: sudo aptitude why-not update-notifier; sudo aptitude why update-notifier12:26
gnomefreakthey say time is the reason but since i stay updated i cant state it is 2 days12:26
gnomefreakthey handle depends differently however this should be the same for both.12:26
ogragnomefreak, you are aware that that actually deserves its own bug ?12:28
gnomefreakpinning gives an error that it is not a command or something like that but it still pins the package12:28
ogra(lauching u-m if you call apt-ge dist-upgrade is totally out of discussion in the above bug)12:29
ogra(though i agree its not noce either if it does that)12:29
ogra*nice even12:29
gnomefreakogra: i can file another one but it can be every 2 days but i notice it most of the time i run dist-upgrade i never even thought of not doing updates every 2 days but i will try it the next few days12:31
ogragnomefreak, hmm, i read your comment as: u-m launches if i type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in a terminal12:32
BUGabundoI do my updates 4+ times a day12:32
ogragnomefreak, if you talk about resetting the counter you should probably mention that ;)12:32
gnomefreakogra: looking back on it it never happens with upgrade for me, and im not sure if it is "everytime" but i caaaaan say it only happens with dist-upgrade for me12:33
ograit sounds like dist-upgrade launches the gui12:33
ogra(doesnt happen here though)12:33
gnomefreakit didnt happen yesterday when i did updates but did on saterday nad today, maybe it is time released but why dont i notice it on upgrade i will look at iut the next few days (i do updates when i boot up and close up and sometimes in between but i will look at it. personally if people dont notice icon in notification-area maybe the bubble should be used but u-m should never open>check updates while you are upgrading using term12:37
gnomefreakdamn that was longer than i thought :(12:37
ograerm, the point is that ther is no icon anymore, its gone for no replacement12:40
BUGabundognomefreak: the prob there, as mpt said is that the buble has no interaction12:40
BUGabundoyou can't click on it12:40
gnomefreakthan bubble should be fixed dont auto start any app just command12:41
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* ccooke realises he's writing a minor dissertation into a comment on that bug report. 13:18
ccookeoops. I should find somewhere better for this.13:18
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ubottuUbuntu bug 286050 in gtk+2.0 "Cannot change volume with keyboard volume dial while in drop down menu. " [Low,Invalid]15:23
cprofittWhen a person marks a bug as invalid and claims there is a duplicate shouldn't they mark the bug as a duplicate?15:24
seb128cprofitt: I did that and I could spend my day looking at numbers or actually work on fixing bugs15:25
seb128cprofitt: I decide to not spend my days looking at number for hundred of duplicates files every week and let users do that15:25
seb128which is suboptimal but since that's either that or having a buglist we can't work correctly on ...15:25
cprofittseb128, There is no need to defend yourself seb128 - I was asking about the procedure....15:26
kirruscan we have a list of bugs which need to have their dups found... possibly a tag?15:26
seb128cprofitt: ideally yes, in practice what I said15:26
kirrusthat way we can add it as an easy-level triaging task for those just starting, and getting used to LP15:26
cprofittwhile the reasons for my asking is indeed your bug... I am relatively new to this so wanted to make sure my understanding of the procedure was correct15:27
seb128we got quite some discussions about that15:27
cprofittI would like to find the 'root' bug that there is for this and ensure that the functionality is added as a "wish list"15:27
seb128and some people disagree with the "closing duplicates without marking those duplicates"15:27
cprofittlow priority as it really will not affect a lot of people....15:27
cprofittbut 'wish list' none the less.15:28
seb128the bug is on gtk and closed15:28
cprofittI agree currently it is close to impossible to find duplicates due to how people describe their problems....15:28
seb128upstream has closed their equivalent bug as not being one but how gtk works15:29
seb128there is no point to reopen an ubuntu task we are not going to change that over the gtk guys15:29
cprofitthow would that get wish listed then?15:30
cprofittI am going to try and figure out if the difference between my T61 / T42 / T500 is hardware or not... it still seems odd the both the OSD does not work on the T500 and the button is still functional with a menu, but on the T61/T42 I get OSD and the button is not functional with the menu open...15:32
cprofittmore a curiosity for me than any high-priority issue though15:32
cprofittkirrus, I think we could add the information about (frequently reported 'bugs' that are really just the current state of functionality)15:33
cprofittthat would help with having new people like me know that these are repeat 'non-bugs'15:34
cprofittseb128, do you think that is an option - modifying the wiki pages to deal with those situations? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses)15:35
cprofittor maybe even make a sep. page for frequent 'non-bugs'15:36
* cprofitt is nervous he is the victim of a netsplit and all his typing has gone unheard15:37
seb128cprofitt: sorry I was busy on other things15:37
cprofittno problem...15:37
cprofittjust got a ping response...15:37
cprofittI too often get net split and my client hangs out for minutes...15:38
seb128cprofitt: gtk grabs key events for menu if the action is working that's an hardware one15:38
seb128ie it's some hardware logic doing the change and not the software reacting to key events15:38
seb128you can't wishlist something against the willing for people writting the code15:39
seb128argue upstream if you think that's worth starting a battle15:39
seb128I think that's such of a detail than we have better to do15:39
cprofittseb128, what about the suggestions above for the frequent non-bugs?15:39
seb128what do you want to write a stock reply?15:39
seb128the issue might be a design decision15:40
seb128or something to take upstream15:40
seb128or not a bug15:40
cprofittI was thinking more of having list of things that get reported as bugs - that are non-bugs15:40
cprofittobviously you knew this one is a frequently reported bug...15:40
seb128gnome bug #10090315:40
ubottuGnome bug 100903 in general "Screenshot will not work when any menu is active." [Normal,Resolved: wontfix] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10090315:40
seb128bug #28704015:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287040 in gtk+2.0 "Can't take screenshot when right click menu active" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28704015:41
maco*snort* like the bugs that are filed for gcalctool by people who can't do math?15:41
cprofittif there was a list of those then people like me could mark them as invalid much more easily15:41
cprofittmy team was about to mark it as invalid until we saw the inconsistency of the results with the T42/61  and the T50015:41
seb128I've no real opinion about such a list I will let bugsquad people comment about that15:42
cprofittbut if there was a list on the wiki we would have felt more comfortable with the 'that is the way it works' initial response we had15:42
seb128I think we have enough to do to not waste energy on non bugs15:42
seb128but bugsquad is about triaging bugs so they might have an another opinion15:42
seb128my opinion is a package manager who tries to get work done one ;-)15:42
cprofittseb128, well if we have to deal with all reports -- then it would make sense to make it easier to do so.15:43
cprofittthe canned responses do that...15:43
cprofittand a list of non-bugs would likely make the bugsquad more efficient too...15:43
charlie-tcacprofitt: I think the results would depend greatly on the size of that list15:44
cprofittas a community member who wants to contribute I certainly do not want to waste my time trying to  confirm items that will never get looked at.15:44
cprofittcharlie-tca, the size of the list should really not be an issue - though making the list easy to sort through  and the information easy to find should be15:44
charlie-tcaTrying to run 700 bugs through another list makes triaging a lot slower!15:45
cprofittnot following charlie-tca15:45
cprofittwe already use the canned responses.... how would this be any different?15:45
charlie-tcaYou would have to run every bug reported through that new list, however big it becomes15:45
charlie-tcaWhat happens when you have 1000 bugs on it?15:46
cprofittDo you run every bug through canned answers?15:48
charlie-tcaI look at the answers when I need to.15:48
cprofittWouldn't a list of frequently reported non-bugs be the same then?15:49
charlie-tcacanned responses has a limited size it will become. Does that list?15:49
cprofittI am considering the people that are just getting started... that might spend 1+ hours working on a non-bug because there is no resource15:50
charlie-tcaMaybe I just don't understand15:50
cprofittcharlie-tca, canned responses still lack responses for several areas....15:50
cprofittso it could grow15:50
cprofittbut it likely deals with the 'frequent' areas 100%15:50
charlie-tcaYes, and still leaves for you to think and act on your own15:51
cprofittI am not sure how many frequently reported non-bugs  get reported as non-bugs...15:51
kirrusCould we have a bot that automatically checked through all new/incomplete/confirmed bug reports, to see if they look like another 'non-bug' bug report, and then list them on a page with an option to ignore or close with a potted reply?15:51
seb128cprofitt: I think charlie-tca doesn't understand what canned reply you want to use, did you suggest have a list of all those non-bug issues? which means somebody would have to read the whole list to know if the supposed bug is there?15:52
LaibschHow are jaunty bugs being tracked in LP?  I mean, what is on the radar of "this ought to be fixed before release"?  I'm not talking bugs of importance critical.15:53
LaibschI upgraded to jaunty yesterday and want to help with jaunty bug triage15:53
BUGabundohumm milestones?15:54
LaibschI want to do it efficiently and with focus15:54
seb128Laibsch: bugs to be fixed are nominated for jaunty and importance > high15:54
Laibschcan I set milestones or would that be frowned upon?15:54
seb128you can use milestone for non nominated bugs15:54
LaibschI guess I wonder as much as to which bugs to pick as how to "nominate" bugs15:54
LaibschOK, thanks15:55
seb128if you use those for a nominated bug that will be consider as a blocker for this milestone15:55
LaibschI'll nominate and set a milestone here and there15:55
seb128which is likely not up to you to decide15:55
LaibschOK, that is what I figured15:55
LaibschCan I "nominate for a milestone"?15:55
seb128no, you can nominate for jaunty15:56
LaibschMaybe I'll just set the milestone and leave an appropriate comment "feel free ..." directed toward the one who should accept or reject my proposal15:56
cprofittI would think that if a person like seb128 sees several 'reports' that are being worked on and they are really 'dead issues' (either upstream or that is how they work) that they could reach out to bug-control and have us make a wiki entry... that entry could be added to the page already in existence for that 'area'15:56
cprofitthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI - adding the commonly reported 'issues' that are not really bugs to this page for instance15:57
LaibschI'll use the milestones sparingly, if at all15:57
alex-weejhow do i debug keyboard shortcuts? my eject button doesn't work, but my volume ones do15:57
cprofittI do not think charlie-tca and seb128 that that list would become too huge....15:57
seb128alex-weej: talk to slangasek or pitti on #ubuntu-devel about it15:58
cprofittbut I am not a developer or package manager so I do not know how many 'issues' that are not bugs get up to their level15:58
seb128alex-weej: I would guess that first step is to see if xev gets an event when you use it15:58
alex-weeji get told off whenever i go in there and say "this doesn't work"15:58
alex-weejxev doesn't see it15:59
cprofittI just saw some of the frustrations of the folks working on the global bug jam and would like to, if possible, come up with a way of giving them some guidance similar to the canned responses15:59
seb128alex-weej: so it's an xorg bug I guess15:59
Laibschcprofitt: what are the frustrations?15:59
Laibschsorry if this was raised during earlier discussions, I scanned through the backlog, but only quickly16:00
seb128alex-weej: well, join and say something around the line of "xev doesn't list any key event when using the eject key on computer_model could anybody help me to debug this"16:00
seb128alex-weej: that's usually better than "doesn't work" comment16:00
alex-weejseb128: :)16:01
seb128alex-weej: computer_model was supposed to be your computer ;-)16:01
cprofittfrequently reported 'issues' that can be 'confirmed', but area actually 'how it works' not bugs16:01
Laibschalex-weej: I also think in your case it would be better to report to the freedesktop.org bug tracker16:01
Laibschcprofitt: You mean, things that are unintuitive to configure?16:01
LaibschAnd thus generate a high number of bug reports that aren't really valid?16:02
alex-weejLaibsch: takes too long to test fixes that way16:02
cprofittYes, or items like the bug we were discussing above16:02
Laibschcprofitt: Here's what I would do16:02
LaibschLeave open one bug report with wishlist: "XY is hard to configure", that is valid.  There you can document workarounds and whatnot.16:03
LaibschEverybody gets what they need16:03
LaibschThe bug stays open and thus visible16:03
Laibsch"XY hard to configure to do ABC"16:03
LaibschTitle should be as specific as possible16:03
LaibschDupe the others to this bug16:04
cprofittthat is one option -- though a wiki  addition under the canned responses could make it easier to find...16:04
cprofittboth would work...16:04
Laibschalex-weej: I don't follow you.  That is actually the quicker route16:04
alex-weejmost of my bugs get ignored on fdo16:04
cprofittperhaps Laibsch - have a wiki that links to the bugs as examples could help too...16:04
alex-weeji have to sign up to mailing lists, and i hate email16:05
Laibschalex-weej: Then you should about what that is the case.16:05
Laibschalex-weej: Did you offend anyone? Are they actively ignoring you?16:05
cprofittalex-weej, take a look at this page -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses16:05
cprofittthere are some great tips in there to assist you with bug reports...16:05
BUGabundoalex-weej: you can always just read feeds, or check the archives16:05
Laibschalex-weej: If just nobody picks up your reports, then you should consider maybe how to improve your reports with more data or clearer language or whatnot16:05
alex-weejor i could just use launchpad...!?16:06
Laibschalex-weej: And you will need someone gateway'ing for you16:06
cprofittthey will help make sure that they are complete and you can get a digest for the lists or you can use your launchpad site to follow your reported / triaged bugs16:06
Laibschalex-weej: Better is to gateway yourself16:06
Laibschwhich is also why this is quicker16:06
LaibschBecause most xorg bugs won't be fixed in ubuntu, but in upstream16:07
alex-weejit's a pain in the arse dealing with upstream trackers. even if it does get fixed upstream i'd have to dig out the fix to test it on my system16:07
alex-weejor compile upstream sources16:07
alex-weejobviously the fix will go upstream but it's probably just a quirk, it's not like i'm going to fix it wrongly16:08
alex-weejworking upstream just takes it longer for the results to show in ubuntu16:08
BUGabundoalex-weej: can't you link the bug upstream to LP?16:09
alex-weejif i did this for every bug i found i wouldn't have enough time in the day to eat or sleep16:10
BUGabundoalex-weej: you are not alone16:10
BUGabundothat means you can't find all the bugs16:11
BUGabundoI find a bunch of them my self16:11
BUGabundoand many, I send upstream16:11
BUGabundoother (when I don't have an account upstream) I just mark it as "needs upstream bug"16:11
BUGabundoso that a new bug triager can do it for me16:12
alex-weejthe day that i can just click a button to send upstream in launchpad without an account on one of 1000 bugzillas/sourceforget/whatever, is the day i am a happy man :)16:12
BUGabundodo as I do16:12
Laibschalex-weej: A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.  Better to make that step in the right direction than to try and do it all.  Look up Kaizen.16:13
LaibschAnd follow BUGabundo's advice16:13
LaibschIt will make for a lot more happy users, you included, I assume16:13
LaibschLP users16:13
alex-weejhaha i know what kaizen is. but the thing is, i am supposed to be doing other things. i just wanted to do a quick 2 minute debug of a broken eject key and get a bug reported16:14
alex-weejbut now i sit here 15 minutes later with the CD still inside my computer16:14
alex-weejand no bug reported :P16:15
LaibschI don't understand what you are looking for16:34
Laibsch@ all: Can anybody help me understand why the Debian task in bug 236041 is still open?16:34
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
charlie-tcapeers to be because Debian couldn't find the package and so never updated the bug16:37
Laibschbug #23604116:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236041 in pastebinit "please support paste.debian.net" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23604116:38
Laibschcharlie-tca: Where do you see that?16:39
Laibschfrom the Debian BTS:16:40
charlie-tcaabout halfway up before I finished reading all of it.16:40
LaibschFound in versions 0.10-1, pastebinit/0.10-1 Fixed in version pastebinit/0.11-116:40
charlie-tcaBut the last comment is : We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of16:40
charlie-tcapastebinit, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:16:40
Laibschcharlie-tca: Are we talking about the same thing here?16:40
charlie-tcalaunchpad bug 23604116:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236041 in pastebinit "please support paste.debian.net" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23604116:41
charlie-tcadebbugs 48338116:41
Laibschclearly marked as closed16:42
Laibschor fixed16:42
charlie-tcadebbugs has the comment I referenced, which leads me to think it isn't quite there yet16:42
hggdhdebian bug 48338116:42
ubottuDebian bug 483381 in pastebinit "pastebinit: Please support http://paste.debian.net as pastebin" [Wishlist,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/48338116:42
Laibschthat is a standard comment16:42
charlie-tcaYou could close it manually if you want to16:43
Laibschsee, the tracker has it closed ^^16:43
Laibschcharlie-tca: I'm trying to understand what happened first16:43
Laibschhggdh: Do you have an idea?16:43
hggdhtrying to figure it out16:43
hggdhwell, the debian bug clearly state this was resolved on the specifed version16:44
hggdhwhich does not seem to be the case...16:44
hggdhdid you look at the diff?16:45
Laibschhggdh: I'm the maintainer, reporter of the bug all in one16:45
LaibschI know what is going on in that bug16:45
Laibschand it is fixed ;-)16:45
LaibschI just don't understand why it's still on my radar16:46
Laibschwell, of course because the Debian task is still open16:46
hggdhOK. Actually, the LP bug should not have been closed16:46
LaibschAnd LP seems to have tripped over itself here.  Trying to understand why..16:46
Laibschwhy not?16:46
LaibschIt's fixed in Jaunty version16:47
Laibsch-> LP bug can be closed16:47
hggdhit is already fixed? the last comment states it was still going to be installed16:47
LaibschOr should it have been closed by some automagic when 0.11 hit Jaunty?16:47
hggdhif the changelog for Ubuntu states (LP: xxxxx) then LP automagically closes it16:48
Laibschyes, it was fixed in 0.11 which is in Jaunty16:48
LaibschI think the Debian changelog has only the Debian bug number16:48
hggdhthen OK. Sorry. What put me off is the last comment statings "when it reaches Jaunty)16:48
LaibschStill does not explain why LP can't track Debian BTS here16:48
hggdhah. It was probably merged, then16:48
LaibschYes, I think I closed it later without putting in another comment16:49
LaibschIt was synced16:49
Laibschno Ubuntu changes (of course, none are necessary, I'd put them in the Debian package)16:49
hggdhthe upstream task in LP should have been marked closed by LP as soon as LP re-read the bug comments16:49
hggdhthis seems to have been a failure from LP to notice it16:50
LaibschI wonder why16:50
LaibschLet's see if the guys in #launchpad know anything about it16:50
hggdhLaibsch, I think the best is to open a LP/Malone bug on this, and ask them why the upstream was not closed16:50
hggdhthis is wrong16:50
Laibschyeah, eventually, I will16:51
LaibschLet's see if the lp guys have a quick answer16:51
hggdhon #launchpad?16:51
seb128thekorn: hey, what would you recommend to use nowadays to do simple things as "what is the title for bug number nnn"?17:09
LaibschWhat's the commonality for bugs listed in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/ ?17:11
LaibschI nominated bug 327386 for Jaunty, for example, yet it does not show up in that list.17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327386 in ubuntu "[jaunty] Font becomes far too big" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32738617:11
seb128nominations need to be accepted17:12
charlie-tcaLaibsch: thanks for the launchpad thing. It explains what is happening to my xfce bugs too17:12
seb128you don't have the power to do direct nominations17:12
Laibschseb128: IOW, those are the accepted nominations?17:12
Laibschcharlie-tca: You mean upstream tasks being left open?17:13
Laibschseb128: OK, thanks17:13
thekornseb128, you mean in a script? - definitely launchpadlib17:14
LaibschI guess that still leaves looking for a sane way to collect and group hardy bugs17:14
Laibschleaves me looking17:14
Laibschjaunty bugs17:14
thekornit's fast and easy once you found a way to handle the credentials17:14
seb128thekorn: do you have a small example somewhere? is there an easy way to deal with the credential thing?17:15
Laibschseb128: Is there a way to list jaunty nominations irrespective of acceptance status?17:15
Laibschget a long list of bugs17:16
LaibschLP search functions really suck17:16
charlie-tcaLaibsch: yes.17:16
Laibschand have sucked ever since LP was created17:16
seb128Laibsch: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+nominations17:17
BUGabundoLaibsch: I have a bug opened that should be a dupe of that one of fonts17:17
Laibschseb, great. thanks17:17
seb128362 bugs listed there utch17:17
thekornseb128, lp:~thekorn/+junk/launchpad-shell is a ipython like shell which tries to help you with credentials etc17:17
BUGabundoLaibsch: if lp search fail, use google17:17
Laibschwell, not looking for a particular bug17:18
thekornseb128, and also in ubuntu-dev-tools there is a script to create such credentials17:18
seb128thekorn: thanks17:18
LaibschBUGabundo: I'm more after a task list17:18
thekornit is called manage-credentials17:18
james_wseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121952/17:19
LaibschBUGabundo: I think https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+nominations from seb128 might be workable17:19
LaibschI can even search inside that group17:19
LaibschBUGabundo: It is a very visible and often reported bug.17:21
LaibschBut yours is not listed in http://tinyurl.com/ajs8ed :P17:21
seb128james_w, thekorn: thanks17:21
BUGabundoLaibsch: the techical notes *asks* for it to be reported17:22
BUGabundoso that it can be fixed17:22
thekornjames_w, ubuntutools is this lib which is part of ubuntu-dev-tools, right17:22
BUGabundomine was closed by the bug triager17:22
BUGabundoand then I had to open it again17:22
* thekorn always gets confused by the naming and different places of all these libs17:23
james_wthekorn: yep17:23
BUGabundoseb128: on bug 33336617:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333366 in nautilus "new nautilus windows stays in background due to "unfocus" policy in jaunty" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33336617:25
BUGabundosure its reproducible17:25
thekornone day we should create a wiki page (maybe on help.lp.net) to show all this tips&tricks around launchpadlib17:25
BUGabundoevery single time I use the menu or from a cli17:25
seb128BUGabundo: I still fail to see what nautilus has to do with notifications17:26
BUGabundoits the other way around17:26
BUGabundoI fail to get the link from the wiki17:26
BUGabundobut some where it says that some apps will now open in the background17:27
BUGabundoand nautilus is doing just that17:27
BUGabundowhile it should be on foreground17:27
seb128BUGabundo: nautilus is a file manager17:27
seb128ie it browse directories17:27
BUGabundothat's what I'm talking about17:27
seb128it's not doing anything to something else17:28
seb128not doing notifications17:28
BUGabundowe are not seeing eye to eye17:28
seb128not handling focus17:28
BUGabundoseb128: when you open an app, you expect it to be foreground17:28
BUGabundo1_I thought_ it may have to do with the changes to set some apps as *unfocus*17:29
BUGabundo1like UM now does and a few others17:29
BUGabundo1doesn't anyone else here on jaunty see this?17:30
seb128BUGabundo1: ok, I get it now, when people don't know they should not try to guess but describe their issue otherwise  that just confuses things17:30
seb128that's a compiz issue17:30
seb128nothing to do with nautilus nor notifications17:30
BUGabundo1I'm not using compiz17:31
BUGabundo1I'm on metacity17:31
BUGabundo1but have composite enabled17:31
BUGabundo1have to go17:34
seb128composite is not revelant there17:34
savvasseb128: any chance that we'll have bug #208750 for jaunty? the patch for it was released upstream17:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 208750 in gvfs "gvfsd-ftp - Pure-FTPd Error: Invalid reply" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20875017:34
BUGabundo1I'll follow the bug17:34
seb128I got the issue until opening a mount and now that works again17:34
seb128weird bug17:34
seb128savvas: upstream will roll new tarballs next week and we will do the update17:34
savvasah great, thanks :)17:35
james_wchrisccoulson: hey18:20
chrisccoulsonhi james_w18:21
james_wchrisccoulson: I think I remember a bug you triaged where the policykit gnome authorisations tool in the System->Administration menu basically didn't work any more18:21
james_wI can't find it now, am I imaging things?18:21
chrisccoulsonit's assigned to gtk+2.0 at the moment, although it might be assigned back in a few minutes. I'm just about to test a fedora patch18:22
chrisccoulsonbug 32892118:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328921 in gtk+2.0 "PolicyKit Implicit and Explicit Authorisations Not Being Applied" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32892118:22
james_wchrisccoulson: heh, you found the patch18:22
james_wthe patch works18:22
chrisccoulsonah, you tested already. thanks!18:23
james_wI just found it from a different direction, and just requested sponsorship18:23
james_wand remembered the bug and so tested, and it fixes that one as well18:23
james_wso I wanted to clean it up18:23
chrisccoulsoncool. i just reassigned the bug back again18:24
james_wthanks for working on it18:26
james_wit seems there was a gtk+ component as well18:26
chrisccoulsonyeah, it seems that a change in gtk broke it. I tested it with the old 2.14.x version of gtk, and it worked ok18:27
chrisccoulsonthanks for sorting out the patch anyway - that's one less thing for me to do this evening :)18:28
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maxbIf a bug is regression-potential, and it's an important regression, should it be "Nominated for release"-ed for Jaunty?20:09
asomethingmaxb: what bug? my understanding is that at this point, only blocker should be targeted at jaunty20:18
maxbHow about bug 319825? I'd say all Acer Aspire One's deciding they can't connect to wifi using networkmanager is fairly blocking20:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319825 in linux "acer_wmi in Jaunty on Aspire One exposes non-functional (always disabled) rfkill device" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31982520:18
asomethingmaxb: sounds fair to me, especially since it's well triaged. I'd say go ahead an nominate, the worst that can happen is that someone from ubuntu-release declines it20:22
hggdhasomething, would you be willing to package Evo 2.24.4 for Intrepid?20:25
asomethinghggdh: sure, but probably not until Wed20:26
hggdhoh, no prob. We just had an unhappy user on the evo ML...20:26
hggdhasomething, thank you20:27
asomethinghggdh: no problem20:28
* bcurtiswx waves to room20:47
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bdmurraymaco: If I found bugs with alsa-info output would that help you with the AlsaInfoOutput wiki page you started?22:12
macobdmurray: i think dtchen wants jaunty ones, but if yes22:13
macobdmurray: he says theyre all broken, so he needs these to get a listing of cards in existence and go through fixing 'em all. im not sure quite how literal "all" is22:13
bdmurraymaco: isn't codec and ssid not kernel specific?22:13
macosome codecs arent supported in older kernels so they wont have output22:14
BUGabundomaco: is this a Request for Logs?22:14
BUGabundoI can send mine22:14
macobdmurray: he told me before that codec output changes based on what quirk is in use22:15
macosince it shows how the nids are connected up22:15
macoso its possible for it to change across kernels if a quirk is added between kernels. then again, he wanted to see what was in a gentoo codec dump before dismissing it as "I've already got that one" so it probably wouldn't hurt to have older ones22:16
macoi just know he asked people to take jaunty daily cds to their nearest computer store and start recording :P22:16
seb128BUGabundo: would be nice if you could describe bugs22:18
macoi think he's gonna be here soon-ish.  he just asked if he could come borrow my internet...something about a 2.6.29-rc5 bug wiping out his entire lvm...22:18
seb128BUGabundo: a non debug glib stracktace with no description is of no use22:19
BUGabundoseb128: yeai lack that... I tend to just paste crash logs22:19
BUGabundoseb128: give me 5 mins to install gbd for it22:19
BUGabundoI just have to wait for my 3G modem to know its 3,5G and not 2G22:19
seb128BUGabundo: no gdb but valgrind, and what do you do to get the crash?22:19
BUGabundoseb128: eheh just opened gedit and closed22:20
bdmurraymaco: okay, let me know because I could help find reports like bug 329741 which is Jaunty and has alsa-info in it22:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329741 in rhythmbox "pulseaudio[5955]: module-alsa-sink.c: ALSA woke us up to write new data to the device, but there was actually nothing to write! Most likely this is an ALSA driver bug. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers. We were woken up with POLLOUT set -- however a subsequent snd_pcm_avail_update() returned 0. (dup-of: 320875)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32974122:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320875 in linux "pulseaudio produces lots of log messages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32087522:20
BUGabundoakgraner just confirmed it to me on a clean install of jaunty22:20
seb128BUGabundo: do you use the seahorse plugin?22:20
BUGabundohave to check22:20
bcurtiswxbdmurray: i would be happy to help look too22:20
seb128BUGabundo: bug #32725222:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327252 in seahorse-plugins "seahorse-plugins make gedit do a double free on exit" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32725222:21
macobdmurray: hahah oh that log flood...can we mark dtchen as "this bug affects me"?22:21
BUGabundoseb128: I don't see seahorse on the list of gedit plugins22:21
macoBUGabundo: encryption22:21
BUGabundoseb128: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53524122:21
ubottuGnome bug 535241 in general "Launching gedit with a file specified in the command line leads to a crash" [Normal,Needinfo]22:22
seb128BUGabundo: different issue yours is a memory corruption or double free or similar22:22
BUGabundomaco: seb128 again, I don't see any encryption plugin on my gedit list22:22
BUGabundooh ok22:22
macoi can open gedit with a file specified on the command line in jaunty22:22
seb128BUGabundo: you don't get a segfault but a glibc incorrect memory usage22:22
BUGabundoa user on +1 thought it was the same22:23
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: you should look at that report again. How does "right click a file" "open with text editor" open on a command line?22:23
seb128BUGabundo: do you have seahorse-plugins installed?22:23
macoi have document stats, insert date/time, modelines, spel checker, and text encryption plugins enabled. so what do you have enabled that i dont?22:23
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy seahorse-plugins  Installed: 2.25.90-0ubuntu122:23
BUGabundoahh maco now I see it there22:24
* BUGabundo scrashs eyes22:24
BUGabundoits "text encription"22:24
BUGabundoand it would seem its ON by default22:25
BUGabundocause akgraner has the same crash log22:25
macowait does it crash on load or on exit?22:25
BUGabundoI can't disable the plugin maco seb12822:25
BUGabundogedit just crashs22:25
BUGabundoit used to crash on exit22:25
macobecause i just clicked the X and yeah...core dump22:25
BUGabundosame or new bug?22:26
seb128BUGabundo: gconftool --set /apps/gedit-2/plugins/seahorse-pgp --type bool false?22:27
BUGabundodiff backtrace22:27
seb128BUGabundo: that should disable it22:27
macoseb128: still crashes22:27
seb128ok no clue then22:27
macooh wait22:27
BUGabundostill on22:27
macothat didnt disable it22:27
BUGabundoand still crasing22:27
seb128uninstall seahorse-plugins? ;-)22:28
BUGabundoand there I went22:29
* maco tries22:29
BUGabundomissed something?22:29
macono crash22:30
maco(after removing seahorse-plugins)22:30
macoholy crap seahorse-plugins is a buggy package22:30
bcurtiswxwhat isn't it default for bug reports to have the version of ubuntu effected.  Is there a reason why its not asked for in a drop down menu when people fill out bug reports?22:30
bcurtiswxwhy* not what..22:30
macoi think to be simple22:31
macobut then it does say under (why not above?) the text box to include that stuff22:31
macoin small text22:31
charlie-tcaalso because the bug can be in all versions22:31
nhandlerCould someone take a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lyricue/+bug/277889/comments/14 ? I have no clue what the user is requesting22:31
bcurtiswxbut i think it would help to know which version the bugs being reported under22:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 277889 in lyricue "Please upgrade lyricue (universe) to new upstream version (1.9.8)" [Wishlist,Fix released]22:31
macook how about checkboxes? this bug affects __ 6.06 __ 7.10 ___ 8.04 __ 8.10 ___ 9.0422:32
bcurtiswxthat would be great22:32
bcurtiswxlike searching now.. if im interested in bugs that effect alsa and jaunty22:32
bugabundoback now from empathy22:32
bugabundopidgin doesnt work on 2G networks22:32
bcurtiswxi can search alsa.. but not even in advanced search is there a jaunty specific search22:33
macobut the rest of the net does?22:33
bugabundomaco it will crash22:33
bugabundogot pleanty of gbd logs for it22:33
macobcurtiswx: bugabundo you could switch off of pidgin for irc while on 2g...22:33
snap-lPIdgin has been pretty flaky lately22:33
bugabundosnap-l: no.... really ? /sarcams22:34
macooh wait..i forgot...i cant get pidgin to launch22:34
snap-lNot crash crash, but more not hooking up to Google Talk and showing me people I want to talk to22:34
bugabundobugs with NM, PA, etc22:34
bugabundomaco: that was what was happening with akgraner22:34
snap-lSeeng similar behavior with empathy as well22:34
bugabundowhen i confirmed the gedit bug22:34
bugabundosnap-l: so far empathy is up and running22:35
bugabundobut back to bug one: what is the current status of this gedit crash?22:35
macoso much of my chatting is in irssi i barely notice the lack of pidgin. i can only think of 1 person i talk to in pidgin that's not on this server, so... draw your own conclusions. i think it means i dont have any ungeeky friends22:35
snap-lMaybe I'm not waiting long enough22:36
bcurtiswxim sorry i missed the steps.. what are we doing to get it to crash again?22:36
bugabundosnap-l: i spoke to soon.... apport just fired agaisnt empathy butterfly22:36
macobcurtiswx: gedit afile.txt22:36
macobcurtiswx: when you hit the X, it crashes22:36
bcurtiswxintrepid? jaunty?22:36
bcurtiswxk, lemme fire up the VM22:36
* bugabundo empathy UI sucks22:36
macomeanwhile pidgin crashes from pulseaudio stuff and 2G networks apparently, and just hangs on start for some of us22:37
bugabundoahh 3G is back....22:37
bcurtiswxbugabundo: agreed22:37
macough yeah22:37
bugabundoinstalling gdb for gedit and glibc22:37
macoempathy's ui is like kopete22:37
bugabundoto help seb12822:37
macoforced alphabetization22:37
bcurtiswxi havent updated my vm in a bit.. im gonna test that gedit problem before and after an upgrade22:37
bugabundo14MiBs.... xeee22:37
bcurtiswxi gedit from gui load and terminal.. clicking the X doesn't bring apport or anything suspicious up (before an update)22:39
macobcurtiswx: did you load it from terminal with a file?22:40
bugabundobcurtiswx: seb128 uploading gdb trace to bug22:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 333558 in glibc "glibc detected *** gedit: double free or corruption (fasttop):" [Low,Invalid]22:41
bcurtiswxmaco: i type "gedit afile.txt" then x'd it out, no problems22:41
bugabundo121MB for valgrind? wtf22:42
bcurtiswxlet me update and  i will test out those actions again22:43
macobcurtiswx: note what version you currently have22:44
* bugabundo 2G suck > 4487B/s 2h 19min 13s22:44
macoapt-cache policy gedit22:44
macoand apt-cache policy seahorse-plugins22:44
bcurtiswxthat was gedit22:45
bugabundoumm i need to post that to the bug too22:45
bcurtiswx2.25.90-0ubuntu1 for seahorse22:45
macoseahorse or seahorse-plugins?22:47
bugabundo$ apt-cache policy seahorse  Installed: 2.25.91-0ubuntu122:47
bugabundo$ apt-cache policy seahorse-plugins  Installed: 2.25.90-0ubuntu122:47
bugabundo$ apt-cache policy gedit  Installed: 2.25.7-0ubuntu122:47
bcurtiswxbugabundo: i have the same versions before a software update22:48
bugabundosee the bug22:48
bugabundoi have it all there22:48
bcurtiswxi am reading it yes22:48
bugabundobut me and maco have text enc ON22:49
bugabundoand cat disable it22:49
bcurtiswxhmm, lemme try that out, idk if its set that way in mine or not yet22:49
bugabundoseb128_: is that bt good?22:51
seb128_bugabundo: which one?22:51
bugabundovalg is still donwloading22:51
bugabundomaco can u try it?22:51
macotry what?22:51
bugabundoseb128_: the new one i added from dbgsym22:51
macovalgrind on gedit?22:51
bcurtiswxbugabundo: i am able to reproduce your bug now22:51
bugabundomaco val22:52
macobcurtiswx: what was updated?22:52
bcurtiswxmaco: nothing22:52
macooh you had the plugin disabled22:52
bugabundoi bet it rurned on text enc22:52
bcurtiswxmaco: yes22:52
maco5mb of memory leak...nice22:53
* bugabundo has now a new debug toy heheh22:53
bcurtiswxbugabundo: same problem trying to disable plugin too22:53
macoseb128_: so what are we looking for in valgrind?22:53
bugabundoadd that to the bug22:53
bugabundoso other users find it22:53
bugabundoi cant open LP right now22:54
macoum....am i supposed to have gedit-dbgsym?22:54
bugabundoi have it22:54
seb128_maco: yes, that's usually what is useful for double free issues22:54
bugabundoif i add enough free disk, i would have it for all packageds22:54
bcurtiswxset to confirmed, for everyones information22:57
bugabundoi would like to update the bug, but its 404 for me22:59
maco_valgrind and irssi are on my other workstation, and my kbd is dead in X :(23:00
bcurtiswxbugabundo: its fine for me, no 40423:00
bugabundo94% [1 valgrind 39961640/42.2MB 94%]  woot23:02
bugabundobcurtiswx: its not LP prob... its my 3G mode23:02
bugabundoits stuck on 2G mode :(23:02
bcurtiswxaww, what comp u using?23:03
bugabundoNM 7.123:03
bugabundoseb128_: should the upstream bug link be removed from this bug?23:03
seb128_bugabundo: the new stacktrace is good23:03
seb128_bugabundo: well, I would tend to think that the bug is a duplicate of the seahorse one23:04
seb128_but yeah the watch is wrong23:04
bugabundolet me try and remove it23:04
* bugabundo bad bruce23:04
bugabundorunning  valgrind now23:06
bugabundoseb128_: bcurtiswx how do i read valgrind log?23:09
seb128_read or get?23:09
bugabundointerpet it23:09
seb128_you search for invalid read or write errors which are not ld or python ones23:10
seb128_those tend to be valgrind noise rather than errors23:10
bugabundouploading log to bug23:10
bugabundou guys can now see it there23:11
bcurtiswxbugabundo: yes23:12
bugabundoOT question if wanna run gwibber (python app) on valgrind, how would i do it?23:13
bcurtiswxbugabundo: i don't beleive the title reflects what the bug is about anymore..23:13
bcurtiswxbut then again.. we're still determining the root cause... so nvm23:14
bugabundofeel free to edit it23:14
bugabundoi'm on 2G23:14
bugabundoso any access to websites is painfully slow23:14
bugabundotook me a while to upload that log23:14
bcurtiswxi was just about to, but im going to wait until the root cause comes out, since you're busy woking on some debud23:14
bugabundoalready did23:15
bugabundountil u or seb128_ask for anything else23:15
bugabundothat bug is done for me23:15
bcurtiswxbugabundo: i just assisted by testing out the bug to see if its reproducable.  i am not all that great with debugging23:16
bugabundook refraising: until seb or any desktop dev pings on that bug23:17
seb128_the log confirms that's a seahorse issue23:18
seb128_would be nice to get a new one with seahorse-plugins-dbgsym installed23:18
bcurtiswxbugabundo: edited title to reflect bug best IMO.23:18
bugabundoseb128_: installing23:19
bugabundoseb128_: val or  gdb ?23:19
bugabundorunning now23:20
bugabundoseb128_: uploading now23:22
bugabundoseb128_: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23022329/valgrind_gedit2.log23:23
seb128_bugabundo: thanks23:23
seb128_it has the required details now23:23
seb128_you can look to the23:23
seb128_==6915== Invalid free() / delete / delete[]23:24
seb128_snippet in the log23:24
seb128_it has the codepath for the incorrect free call23:24
bugabundoseb128_: what i lack on descriptions, i make up on debug eheh23:24
seb128_still would be useful to write in the bug that you get the crash on closing23:24
bcurtiswxseb128_: i edited the title to reflect that i beleive23:25
seb128_bcurtiswx: ok, I didn't reopen the bug I just looked to the valgrind, thanks23:26
bcurtiswxseb128_: no prob23:26
bugabundoshould this bug also affect seahorse or seahorse-plugin ?23:27
bugabundohi maco23:27
bugabundowhat happened?23:27
bcurtiswxwb maco23:27
macoi switched workspaces then X decided i had no keyboard23:28
macohad to reboot23:28
macoalso, mysterious horizontal scrolling23:29
bugabundoseb128_: can u please take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/122094/ ?23:29
bugabundoits a pidgin valgrind log23:29
bugabundoi still need learn how to read it better23:29
bugabundofunny gedit will not open it.... just kate23:30
seb128_nothing useful there23:30
seb128_seems too short to be a real log23:30
seb128_are you sure you didn't have an already running piding instance in which case it didn't start it under valgrind since it was running23:30
bugabundopidgin just kiled it self23:30
bugabundocan i run valgrind and gdb at the same time?23:31
bcurtiswxis there still any though of replacing pidgin with empathy?23:31
bugabundobcurtiswx: postponed to koala i think23:31
bugabundocant find the blueprint to be sure23:31
bcurtiswxbugabundo: yeah i think theres been a forums topic on this forever23:32
bugabundoif only "some" pidgin dev were nicer!23:32
bugabundothey are so rude...23:32
bugabundothey beat them self up.... its crazy reading their ML23:32
bcurtiswxsounds like my community.. scientists... can never agree with each other23:33
* bugabundo tries to get pidgin running23:33
bugabundowhile i'm on 2G pidgin will not start :(23:34
bugabundo$ gdb --args valgrind pidgin -n --debug23:35
bugabundoaint any good23:35
bcurtiswxwell, i need to put some food in this belly of mine.  i will be back later all23:35
macoah! wait pidgin IS running!23:38
macoi can see notifications from it23:38
macoit just doesnt have any open windows ???23:38
BUGabundo1maco it started to be minimized23:39
BUGabundo1a while a ago23:39
macoit doesnt show up in alt+tab23:39
BUGabundo1$ valgrindB kmail23:39
BUGabundo1<unknown program name>(22347)/: Communication problem with  "kmail" , it probably crashed.23:39
* d-b notes people who have added responses "stock / as per wiki" to closed bugs.23:41
d-bon own bug.23:41
d-bwhich was closed.23:41
macoand if i add a task manager to see the window list..no, there's definitely no open pidgin window23:41
macod-b: wait they closed their own bugs for not answering themselves?23:41
d-bno i had a bug. and some guy goes and adds useless info to it23:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 288966 in launchpad-registry "Openid description above "(What’s this?) is wrong. " [Low,Incomplete]23:42
d-bit was complete ... meh. not important23:42
BUGabundo1new bug triagers (from events like GBJ) commit lots of mistakes23:42
BUGabundo1I had to fix a few of them this weekend23:42
d-bBUGabundo1: in that case i hope some one checks the ones i commented on- >i tried to be as helpful as possible.23:43
BUGabundo1"they" have to learn from their mistakes23:43
BUGabundo1we have been here way longer then them23:44
d-bBUGabundo1: not me. i'm new23:44
BUGabundo1I've been fileing bugs and learning since 200523:44
BUGabundo1and still learn new stuff every day23:44
* BUGabundo1 checks LP profile23:44
d-bBUGabundo1: ah ?23:45
BUGabundo1Member since:       2006-06-1023:45
macobdmurray: dtchen says yes the kernel matters23:51
bdmurraymaco: otay23:52
macobecause the codec dump varies by driver23:52
maco(like, as the driver changes, so will that)23:53

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