
pittiGood morning07:45
didrocksmorning pitti07:48
huatsmorning everyone08:24
seb128hello there08:42
didrockshi seb12808:49
seb128hello didrocks08:49
didrocksseb128: I saw you were working in bugs this week-end :)08:50
seb128didrocks: not really no, I tend to just read my emails evey now and then to not have a 600 bugmails backlog on monday, I do that every weekend08:50
seb128ie I just clean a bit my mailbox but don't do active triage or forwarding, just comment on duplicate quickly a few bugs08:51
didrocksseb128: ok, I understand that having hundreds of mails on Monday, you can fell depsair :)08:52
didrocksseb128: during the bug jams, I just saw once a recent comment of you :)08:53
seb128ah ;-)08:53
seb128how was the bugjam btw?08:53
seb128I guess that's one of the reason the bugmails count was already high on saturday afternoon and why I spent some bugs reading bug mails to not have too many today ;-)08:54
didrocksgreat, 30 people in Paris, large public but some of them will continue to triage bug, I'm sure of it08:54
didrocksyeah, certainly08:54
didrocksso, the goal is reached :)08:54
pittihey seb12808:55
seb128hello pitti08:55
didrocksoh, between 2 bugs, I merged pidgin (not really between 2 bugs, more on saturday evening, but well ;)) bug #31663608:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316636 in pidgin "Please merge to pidgin 2.5.4-2" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31663608:56
seb128didrocks: ah good, will look at it today, thanks08:56
didrocksseb128: if you want the full story: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DidierRoche/MOTU/bugsaction08:56
seb128you keep taking notes there? ;-)08:56
didrocks(some things that I dropped, and no more in the changelog, and so on)08:56
didrocksyeah, and there is one question, as usually ;)08:56
didrocksabout the epoch in pidgin package08:57
seb128didrocks: the epoch was a mistake at some point I think and we can't downgrade versions once done08:57
didrocksthere is none in debian, so, I think that someone made a mistake ?08:57
didrocksok :)08:57
seb128"* deleted in debian, so make the same for ubuntu: (2.4.3-1) "08:57
seb128what do you mean there?08:57
seb128ah you want to disable nm in ubuntu? we discussed fixing nm support in desktop applications at uds and decided that the pidgin one was working mostly fine, it does disconnect and reconnect correctly08:58
seb128there was some issues they fixed in the 2.5 versions08:58
seb128 08:59
seb128* "Add Build-Deps on liblaunchpad-integration-dev, intltool :" intltool are needed for launchpad strip? Why it is an ubuntu change only?08:59
didrocksseb128: as I made a manual merge (MoM didn't make it appears), I just listed every changes that have been done in common ancestor -> debian version08:59
seb128-> intltool is to run the intltool-update which is for ubuntu languagepacks08:59
didrocksso, if something was dropped, I dropped it in Ubuntu, it's just to inform you08:59
didrocks(one sec, will be back in 2 min)08:59
seb128"* why dropping libpurple0 depends on libpurple-bin, as the latter add some extra functionnalities to the first one. "09:00
seb128that's a debian change no?09:00
seb128"* file .symbol: can there be particular version to create one manually and not using dpkg-gensymbols (by dh-makeshlibs, for instance) during the package build? " what do you mean?09:00
seb128 09:00
seb128"* X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain seems to be used to ubuntu rosetta. Is there some documentation on that in the wiki? I found nothing useful. "09:01
seb128-> the glib and gnome-desktop ubuntu changes to use gettext do use this key to know what gettext file to use09:01
seb128ie upstream behaviour is to read the Name[locale]=... in the desktop directly09:01
seb128and we do change that to call gettext so we can use language packs09:01
didrocksseb128: ok, so, we don't drop nm support, contrary to debian09:02
seb128but the gettext call needs to specify the domain to use09:02
seb128so we write this information in the .desktop at build time09:02
seb128 09:02
seb128didrocks: right what I was saying, did you drop it in this update? your comment is not clear09:02
didrocksseb128: yep, I dropped it, I can make it back09:03
seb128right, please do09:03
seb128it works fine on 2.5 versions09:03
seb128or mostly correctly, ie works fine in the most current setup where you have one connection09:03
didrocksok, great. Never had troubles to with pidgin, but I don't use it very often09:03
didrocksok for gettext explanation :)09:04
didrocks"* why dropping libpurple0 depends on libpurple-bin, as the latter add some extra functionnalities to the first one. "09:04
didrocks[10:00] <seb128> that's a debian change no?09:05
didrocks-> yeah I found just that strange09:05
seb128didrocks: one reason could be to avoid dependencies cycle09:05
seb128and what functionnalities does a binary add to a lib?09:06
didrocksseb128: maybe, ok. and I just relied in the package name, so, this may not be sure.09:07
seb128dpkg -L libpurple-bin09:07
seb128it has command lines tools09:07
didrocksok, so, the name is misleading :)09:07
didrocksabout symbol file: dpkg-gensymbols will create symbol files, normally? Why put int manually?09:08
seb128it will?09:09
didrockshum, I understood that from my "libraries classroom" reading :)09:10
seb128I didn't really use it, but my understanding is that you can to create the file manually using the tools09:10
didrocksso, you think that the DM create it manually with this tools?09:10
seb128ie when you build a new version which has new symbols it will stops the build and show you a symbols diff that you can review and apply to the debian .symbols09:10
seb128I never created one but I do apply the diff displayed during the build manually when doing package updates09:11
didrocksis it a hook? what's the name of the tool?09:11
seb128it's not09:11
seb128it's the dh tool which does list the things which are depends and not needed too for example09:12
seb128edit the .symbol and drop some symbols09:12
seb128and run a build you will see ;-)09:12
didrocksoh, ok, it's really a manually process :)09:14
didrocksI will test this. First I upload you a new version with nm support back \o/09:16
seb128ok good09:17
didrocksseb128: btw, what this "nm support"?09:17
seb128network manager09:17
seb128ie going offline when you network drops09:17
seb128and reconnecting when you are online09:17
didrocksthat sounds great. So, it doesn't timeout really09:17
seb128no, it just listens to network manager events09:18
didrocksthat's seems smarter :)09:18
seb128"deletion in debian/rules:09:18
seb128    * CFLAGS = -fstack-protector09:18
seb128    *09:18
seb128      -V "libpurple0 (>= $(major).0)" "09:18
didrocksgrrrrrrr :/09:18
seb128those are documented09:18
seb128I expect the first on to be an ubuntu security team change09:19
seb128and the second one is a recent debian changes, they described something about dropping version and using symbols09:19
seb128"   * Remove version-specific shlibdep generation, and add libgnt to09:19
seb128     libpurple0.symbols09:19
seb128that's the second one09:20
didrocksseb128: so, libgnt use symbols to achieve the same purpose than -V "libpurple0 (>= $(major).0)"09:21
seb128sort of yes09:21
seb128.symbols have a better granularity over shlibs versions09:21
seb128shlibs version makes you depend on the version which ships the current abi version09:22
seb128where when using symbols you depends on the version which has the symbols you require09:22
seb128so that's an optimization09:22
didrocksok, I see. Don't sure to find it again easily, but it's understandable :)09:23
didrocksthanks a lot seb128 for all those explanations :)09:23
seb128you're welcome09:24
seb128the "* Undocumented changes in debian/changelog: "09:24
seb128seem to be debian cleaning09:24
didrocksseb128: I saw that at the end, but cleaning can be everything :)09:25
seb128didrocks: btw http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-maint/deb-maint/pidgin/09:25
seb128didrocks: you can see they dropped the -fstack-protector in rev 10111 because it was making pidgin crash on arm for example09:27
didrocksseb128: sorry, my irssi has frozen09:29
seb128didrocks: re, read my comments just before?09:29
seb128<seb128> didrocks: btw http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-maint/deb-maint/pidgin/09:29
seb128<seb128> didrocks: you can see they dropped the -fstack-protector in rev 10111 because it was making pidgin crash on arm for example09:29
didrocksseb128: no, just had "didrocks: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-maint/deb-maint/pidgin/"09:29
socseb128: hi09:29
seb128hum, somebody joining the chan and pinging me immediatly09:30
seb128that's going to be work or questions, I should probably start running ;-)09:30
didrocksseb128: does every packages and intermediate work is uploaded in the svn?09:30
huatsmorning seb12809:30
seb128didrocks: they use the svn for packaging so I would expect so09:30
seb128lut huats09:30
didrocksseb128: ok, thanks. I will know now where to get the explanation of a change :)09:31
socseb128: i just wanted to say thank you ...09:31
seb128soc: oh? about?09:31
soci was the one annoying you for days about that "autodetect dpi" :-)09:31
seb128that was not really annoyance09:32
seb128I'm still not convinced the change is better though09:32
soci can at least confirm, that it now works on a few displays09:32
seb128the first reaction from the mobile team has been to revert to a fix value because the change was making font ugly on their devices09:32
socthat's kind of weird, isn't it?09:33
seb128no it's not09:33
socusually you could assume that the font appearance would improve ...09:33
socat least that's my impression09:33
seb128if you assume that screen give correct value09:34
socyes, of course09:34
seb128we have some people mentionning connecting ubuntu on a tv09:34
seb128and the change making font unreadable there09:34
socthen the mobile team should bug the device makers about it ...09:34
seb12816 dpi fonts or something and 10 points by default09:34
seb128= something you can't read09:34
socmhh, i can't imagine that is possible09:35
seb128the issue is that GNOME and the way fonts are used is to make thing look correctly assuming you have a standard dpi value09:35
socdpi values under 50 are automatically set to 9609:35
socthat was part of the fix09:35
seb128see that doesn't make sense09:36
seb128you have 48 dpi and you go to 9609:36
seb128and you have 50 and it's 5009:36
seb128there is no logic or consistency there09:36
seb128anyway let's see how it goes09:36
soci don't know what the mobile team has done, but getting 16 dpi is just not possible from the viewpoint of the actual code09:36
seb128no, the mobile time had just font which looked bold09:37
socseb128: of course that 50 dpi is just an ad-hoc solution09:37
seb128ie slightly not fit for the screen09:37
socah interesting09:37
seb128whoever tried on a TV didn't try on jaunty I think, he might have been running a version which didn't have this workaround low dpi = 9609:37
socseb128: they shouldn't use that bytecode hinter, it is patented!09:37
soc*runs for cover*09:38
socseb128: they probably should adjust the font size09:38
soc(assuming that the dpi is correct)09:38
socchanging from 9,0 to 8,9 or something like that does wonders soemtimes09:39
socthe whole size selection is probably nonsense ...09:39
socthe rendering library should present choices itself, not just some arbitraty values09:40
seb128the issue is that people and software right now are made assuming a fixed dpi value09:40
seb128so nobody changes font size but people tweak dpis to scale things09:40
socmhh, did i already file a bug about that? :-P09:40
socremoving the dpi value from the font tab?09:40
seb128that has been discussed I think09:41
* crevette does both to tweak the fonst shape09:41
seb128that should be raised on the lists or upstream though09:41
socif it should be changeable by the user, it should be somewhere on the resolution widget09:41
socbest thing would be imo, if the font renderer would have an algorithm to decide which font sizes look good and only presents them to the user09:42
socso instead having a value, the user just gets a button "bigger" and a button "smaller"09:43
=== glatzor_ is now known as glatzor
asacArneGoetje: do you have a minute?10:25
didrocksseb128: new pidgin version uploaded (bug #316636)10:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316636 in pidgin "Please merge to pidgin 2.5.4-2" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31663610:52
seb128didrocks: ok thanks10:52
asacsigh. how long is bugzilla.g.o supposed to take to accept a bug submission ?11:06
* asac waits for more than a minute already11:06
asacdone ;)11:07
asacmvo: bug 301474 ... can you take sponsoring bug as a ride-along change for next compiz upload? do you have any branch where we could commit that to?11:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301474 in compiz "maintainer field points to MOTU for package in main" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30147411:16
seb128asac: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=572839 you didn't attach the patch to the bug?11:17
ubottuGnome bug 572839 in locations "add bangalore/india location" [Normal,Unconfirmed]11:17
asactimed out or what ;)11:28
seb128asac: thanks11:40
mvoasac: sure, I take it12:25
asacArneGoetje: #329435 -> sponsoring needs feedback12:42
seb128asac: thanks for cleaning the sponsoring request list ;-)12:43
asacseb128: what about all those screen sizing submissions (for netbook); do we want to tell them to go upstream with that?12:58
asaci mean ... in general i dont feel inspired enough to say for apps i use whether thats a good approach or not12:59
asacs/i use/i don't use/12:59
seb128I don't like the approch12:59
asacseb128: which? there are more than one bug open ;)12:59
seb128but I think we should just get those into jaunty12:59
seb128I did upload the gnome-control-center ones12:59
seb128I don't think adding random toolbar is the way to go12:59
seb128but dialog redesigns discussion should go upstream13:00
asacthats what i ment. i would at least have some feedback from upstream13:00
asaclike a) great, b) ok, c) almost sucks, d) worst idea ever13:00
seb128asac: I think we should upload those changes if they concern only small screens (ie if they condition the change on a screen 640 value for example) but make sure they start an upstream discussion too13:04
asacok. we can do that13:08
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
mptasac, Anmar has asked me to review all those to see how upstream-worthy they are, so I'm planning to do that today13:40
mptHe also asked me to redesign Evolution. ;-)13:41
asacmpt: great. maybe look whether they have been forwarded yet.13:41
mptbbl, installing Jaunty13:41
asaccu ;)13:41
* kenvandine is doing that too :)13:41
kenvandinegotta get it installed on a faster build box :)13:42
pittihey kenvandine, good morning13:53
kenvandinehey pitti13:54
kenvandinemorning rickspencer314:16
mptbah, no trackpad in Jaunty, that's no fun14:17
rickspencer3good morning kenvandine14:17
andreasnmpt, do you remember we spoke about User testing in Boston and we agreed it would be cool to have something like Silverback?14:19
andreasnmpt, http://www.andreasn.se/blog/?p=9614:19
andreasnmight be of some use14:19
* mpt watches the screencast14:20
andreasnI have lots of people who earn me favors, so I guess I can tell people to code stuff for me for years and years to come14:20
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
mptandreasn, that's very cool14:22
andreasnhttp://live.gnome.org/Pongo <- if you have any ideas for what you would need out of such a software, put it here14:26
dobeyandreasn: dude!14:27
dobeyandreasn: http://launchpad.net/deskscribe :)14:27
andreasnyou'll have to intergrate the code yourself, you know I can't do this14:27
dobeyi know14:28
dobeyi wish i had time to concentrate on it14:28
dobeyi'll trade you some code, for some artwork :)14:29
andreasnI wish I had more people who owe me code, I mean, it must be like only 500 people now14:29
dobeyyou never did finish that encompass icon :)14:30
andreasndid you finish the app?14:30
dobeyencompass? no14:30
ArneGoetjeasac: scim-anthy -> go ahead. Just need to change the Maintainer field in debian/control.14:31
andreasndidn't ulisse, hbons or someone draw a icon for it?14:32
asacArneGoetje: did enough sponsorship for today ;)14:32
asacso its free to take again14:32
ArneGoetjeasac: he. I cannot.14:32
dobeyandreasn: no, though hbons owes me icons for my neverwinter nights stuff :)14:32
asacArneGoetje: i have something else though. can you install the fontconfig stuff from mozillateam ppa and then tell me whta regressions you see?14:33
ArneGoetjeasac: later... need to finish language-selector first.14:33
asacseb128: how can we get network-manager connection editor ... into gnome-control-center? is there some .desktop magic?14:37
seb128didrocks: do you still have some updates to do or are you looking for new work?14:37
asacoh i found it14:37
asacits under "others"14:37
asacseems to be the old thing14:38
asacoh ... i think its actually connman ;)14:39
seb128asac: you screwed the OnlyShowIn change14:40
seb128asac: you use a , between GNOME and Xfce where it should be a ;14:40
seb128it should be14:40
seb128it's correctly listed once that fixed14:40
asacoh right ;)14:41
asacjust found that OnlyShowIn is the intruder and then i see that oyu already ansewred ;)14:41
* asac hugs seb128 14:41
* seb128 hugs asac14:41
seb128hello hggdh14:47
fta2seb128, do you have time for gwibber?14:54
seb128I though it got refused by somebody else during the weekend?14:55
fta2seb128, 0.8-0ubuntu3 is in the NEW14:55
fta2seb128, sorry about that, the initial packaging was not mine14:55
seb128that's ok don't worry14:56
hggdhhi seb12814:56
fta2seb128, you can reject ubuntu2, it has the same problem as ubuntu1 (if fact, it's ubuntu1 that has been rejected twice)14:57
seb128fta2: there is 0ubuntu3 in the queue so either somebody has been quicker or it's not there yet14:58
seb128seems that somebody has just been doing some new cleaning though14:59
fta2hold on, i didn't get the email from lp14:59
seb128it's in new now15:00
fta2yep, just got the email, took a while15:02
seb128pitti: can a package distributed under GPL have MIT and BSD3 sources?15:04
seb128asac: ^ you maybe know about that too ;-)15:04
pittiseb128: uh, I'm afraid I don't know off-hand15:05
asacseb128: MIT and BSD3 are compatible, so yes15:05
seb128I'm not really into license, I usually just new "easy" case, ie all under the same license15:05
asaclet me look up the compatibility website from fsf15:05
seb128asac: thanks15:05
fta2pitti, just got my PRS-700 back from repair, I got a new one, mine was apparently out of luck15:05
pittifta2: cool, does that work with calibre now?15:06
asacso MIT == Expat License -> compatible15:06
asac Modified BSD license == modified BSD -> compatible15:06
asacit was also compatible with GPL 215:07
asacwhich had a simple rule: only if and if you can relicense a license under GPL 2 its compatible15:07
asacso either GPL 2 or GPL 3 license is ok for the combined work15:07
fta2pitti, yep, it's correctly detected; excellent!15:14
seb128asac: ok, COPYING is GPL2, debian copyright says 2.1 or newer (which is a bit weird not sure if that's an issue or should only be 2 and not 2.1), it has sources under dual MIT-GPL and one BSD-clause3 source ... that should be ok?15:15
seb128fta2: ^ see the copyright, COPYING, GPL 2 against 2.115:15
didrocksseb128: no, I have some packages that are waiting for sponsoring (and when you will have the time, there is the gnome-pyton-extras merges + update to fix)15:16
fta2seb128, upstream updated the gpl part of debian/copyright, not me15:16
seb128didrocks: I commented on pidgin some details to fix for you15:17
didrocksseb128: appart from that, feel free to give me some work (I just don't understand your remark on the changelog, you told in the bug?)15:17
seb128didrocks: do you want some extra updates?15:17
didrocksseb128: of course :)15:17
fta2seb128, so i guess they knew what they were doing when they wrote 2.1 ;)15:17
seb128didrocks: don't merge all the previous changelog entry, that do extra CD use for no good reason15:17
didrocksseb128: I copied in the bug, the content of debuild -S -vLastVersionSinceMerge15:17
seb128didrocks: when rebasing on debian I usually keep the changelog entry which summarize changes only from the ubuntu set15:18
didrocksseb128: ok, so, I just kept ubuntu version and paste the new debian changelog since then?15:18
seb128didrocks: ? not in the bug, in the source15:18
seb128didrocks: just take the debian changelog and run dch -i15:18
seb128didrocks: don't recopy all the ubuntu entries15:18
didrocksseb128: ok, so we dropped old ubuntu changes description15:18
seb128I usually do that15:19
seb128that's not really useful and takes CD space15:19
didrocksoki, I saw other way of work, that's why I did that diffenrently :)15:19
didrocksthat's right15:19
fta2seb128, or that's a remnant of when it was wrongly referring to LGPL 2.1.. what do you want me to do? yet another version??15:19
didrocksseb128: so, I just fix that later, but you can give me more update during this time :)15:19
seb128didrocks: you can do gedit-plugins if you want, it's universe good opportunity to test your upload rights ;-)15:20
seb128fta2: not sure let me check15:20
seb128pitti: is COPYING being GPL2 and debian copyright listing GPL 2.1 or newer an issue (the version mismatch)?15:20
seb128asac: ^15:20
didrocksseb128: yep, the first one \o/15:21
didrocksseb128: I was planning also to work on pidgin integration with new notification system, if needed15:21
seb128didrocks: also nautilus-sendto to update if you want and eel which is a lib15:21
asacseb128: 2.1 ?15:21
asaci dont know GPL 2.115:21
seb128"   gwibber is free software; you can redistribute it and/or15:21
seb128   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public15:21
seb128   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either15:21
seb128   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.15:21
didrocksseb128: ok, some work to do, thanks :)15:21
seb128debian copyright snippet15:22
seb128didrocks: you're welcome15:22
asacseb128: thats in copying? thats a copy-paste issue then i guess15:22
seb128asac: that's in the debian copyright15:22
seb128COPYING is15:22
asacseb128: if its just that let it in and file a serious bug ;) (rather than another round)15:22
seb128"                       Version 2, June 1991"15:22
asacyeah. thats the one i know ... LGPL has 2.115:23
asacbut GPL has not15:23
seb128fta2: can you just fix the debian copyright to list 2 and not 2.1 and reupload using the same revision15:23
seb128I will accept it then15:23
seb128sorry for the extra review upload rounds15:24
fta2he missed 1 line :P15:24
fta2seb128, done15:29
asacmvo: you had the "cannot save global" thing ... do you have keyfile system settings enabled on that machine? (see: /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf)15:32
asacnm that is obviously ;)15:32
mvoasac: I never touched that file15:33
mvoasac: I have "plugins=ifupdown,keyfile"15:33
asacmvo: thats ok15:34
asacmvo: are you running an admin user?15:34
mvoasac: yes15:34
mvoasac: (as in part of the admin group?)15:34
asacwill come back afer looking at code15:40
asacmight take a day or two15:40
asacFeb 23 16:28:26 tinya NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyUSB0): detected GSM modem via udev capabilities15:44
asacFeb 23 16:28:26 tinya NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyUSB0): new Modem device (driver: 'option')15:44
asacpitti: ^^ ;)15:44
mvoasac: no problem15:55
loolseb128: Thanks for updating pygobject and sorry that I didn't come to it16:03
seb128lool: no problem don't worry ;-)16:03
pittiasac: rocking!16:34
pittiasac: so we can stop the 10-modem.fdi madness? :-)16:34
asacpitti: hopefully ... of course, there might be a few more pitfalls ;)16:36
asacfor instance we are currently looking how we can see that a AT port that responses with "yeah i can GSM", doesnt really work ;)16:36
asac(my option card has that issue)16:36
pittiasac: yes,  I don't plan to drop it, but it's nice that we can by and large stop playing catch-up with it16:37
kenvandinehey jono17:02
jonoheya kenvandine17:04
kenvandinejono: you happy now... i am using jaunty now :-D17:05
jonokenvandine, nice :)17:06
fta2seb128, evolution is throwing some "evolution-indicator" popups at me with Cancel/Ok for each new mail, instead of the expected notification. I have notify-osd and evolution-indicator, do I need something else?17:12
seb128fta2: disable the mail notification upstream option17:12
seb128fta2: there is a bug about that and kenvandine is working on it17:12
fta2ok, thanks17:14
fta2hm, still the same, should I restart evo?17:20
seb128fta2: could be17:21
didrocksseb128: if I remove all previous ubuntu changelog, I cant do debuild -S -vOldUbuntuVersion. It takes the whole changelog…17:35
seb128didrocks: why do you want to use -v?17:36
didrocks(not very important, as I won't upload it myself, but when you do it and to not make angry archive admin) :)17:36
seb128didrocks: just don't use -v and it will take the current changelog entry17:36
seb128there is archive admin involved there17:36
didrocksseb128: yep, but I learnt that during a merge, the best pratice is to use it :)17:36
didrocksseb128: you are one, IIRC17:36
seb128right when you keep old changelog entry that we don't do for desktop17:37
seb128the idea is to list debian changes you are merging or syncing too17:37
seb128you can -v on the most recent debian version which is in the current jaunty version17:37
didrocksseb128: I understood this. So, we don't keep ubuntu changelog during a merge only in, say, desktop packages?17:37
seb128I don't think they is a strong policy about that17:38
seb128other people tend to use merg-o-matic and keep those apparently17:38
seb128we don't often for desktop since it doesn't work for experimental17:38
didrocksyes, MoM keep it17:38
seb128and when doing it manually I tend to not copy the old changelog entry that's extra work and disk space for nothing17:39
seb128we drop those when syncing anyway17:39
seb128so that's like syncing and redoing ubuntu changes ;-)17:39
didrocksseb128: that's right, good point :)17:39
didrocksseb128: ok. let me upload the new version17:39
seb128didrocks: ok, I've to go now but I will look at sponsoring after dinner17:41
didrocksseb128: have a nice dinner :)17:42
seb128thanks, you too17:42
asacanyone knows whether builders run stuff as root?18:21
asacor fakeroot?18:21
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geserasac: you mean the buildds? as fakeroot gets installed I assume that it also gets used19:39
maxbPick a buildlog, any buildlog: It says  /usr/bin/fakeroot debian/rules binary19:48
asacgeser: yeah. thanks19:48
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ftacan I change the font size in the notifications? it's unreadable here (metacity)20:52
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