
DBOdoes anyone know when a good time to catch macslow might be?00:07
directhexwhen he's awake & on irc. that's a good start00:07
beunoDBO, he's in germany00:08
DBOmmmm, probably sleeping...00:08
beunoso mon-fri 9-17hs UTC aprox00:08
RAOFasac: I've just run across bug #331849; you were the last commenter on it.  It's the reason people are still hitting bug #331311.  Basically, notify-osd should be installing those icons in the hicolor theme, rather than them being shipped in Human.01:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331849 in notify-osd "Notify-osd icons should be installed for hicolor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33184901:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331311 in gnome-settings-daemon "volume notifications are all black" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33131101:32
abc2xyzhow to join the team?03:00
RAOFWhat team?03:00
abc2xyzi mean the developers03:01
RAOFBy doing packaging work.03:01
ubottumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU03:01
RAOFIs what you want to see.03:01
ubottuA great place to start your MOTU adventure is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted03:01
abc2xyzthanks :D03:02
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dholbachgood morning06:08
pittiGood morning07:43
pitticalc: 332578> good idea, will look at it07:44
directhexmorning pitti07:44
pittislangasek: could you please ack/nack bug 326989 ?07:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326989 in libopenobex "FFE: Please update to 1.5 in Jaunty" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32698907:45
pittikirkland: oh, I just saw screen-profiles the first time, nice! however, is it really intended to always show that menu when you run "screen"?08:19
pittikirkland: I'd expect it to come up only the first time08:19
pittikirkland: also, F3/F4 don't work for me, do they for you?08:20
pittikirkland: nicely done!08:20
Koonpitti: last time I checked, the menu came only once and F3/F4 were working properly08:21
pittikirkland, Koon: hm, I have08:22
pitti-rw-r--r-- 1 martin martin 0 2009-02-23 09:18 .screenrc08:22
pittimaybe it isn't supposed to be empty? I'm fairly sure it only got created this morning08:23
pittiyes, confirmed, it's not in yesterday evening's backup08:23
Koonpitti: ah, *that* menu08:28
Koonpitti: it's a new one, and I agree it's a little painful08:29
Koonpitti: F3/F4 work here though, once you created a new tab with F208:29
pittiKoon: hm, I only tried it under X, and still doesn't work for me08:31
Koonpitti: the 0-sized .screenrc is apparently normal08:31
arapitti, kirkland: I experience the same. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/screen-profiles/+bug/33318008:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 333180 in screen-profiles "screen-profiles menu appears always I run screen" [Undecided,New]08:37
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slangasekdidrocks: you uploaded a totem that build-depends on a gtk-doc-tools newer than what's in the archive; any plans to upload that too?08:56
didrocksslangasek: I requested a sync request and FFe08:57
didrockslet me find it08:57
didrocksslangasek: bug #33120108:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331201 in gtk-doc "Please sync gtk-doc 1.11-3 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33120108:58
slangasekdidrocks: ah didn't notice that you needed sponsorship, ok08:59
slangasekthanks, I'll have a look at that08:59
* slangasek reads the very bottom of the bug description and coughs, realizing he should have already known about this ;)09:01
didrocksslangasek: thanks a lot :)09:02
didrocksslangasek: yeah, I am just a MOTU, not a core-dev :)09:02
arakirkland: another one on screen-profiles: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/screen-profiles/+bug/33318009:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 333180 in screen-profiles "screen-profiles menu appears always I run screen" [Undecided,New]09:08
arakirkland: I meant https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/screen-profiles/+bug/33318909:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 333189 in screen-profiles "Selecting the plain profile might confuse the user when trying to change the configuration" [Undecided,New]09:08
slangaseka|wen: why is kile building a -dbg package in Ubuntu?  Is this a change pulled from the Debian svn tree?09:20
a|wenslangasek: we've upgraded to an svn snapshot of the kde4 version ... so right now we are ahead of debian in that sense09:21
slangaseka|wen: so why are we building a -dbg package?09:22
a|wenslangasek: for the same reason we are building kde*-dbg packages... is there any good reason not to build it?09:23
slangaseka|wen: because it should be redundant relative to our automatically-generated -dbgsym packages09:25
slangaseka|wen: which are stored in a dedicated archive, where they don't take up space on the mirrors09:25
slangaseka|wen: -dbg packages are tolerable as a lesser evil when they're synced from Debian; but I don't see any reason we should be creating new ones in Ubuntu09:26
slangasekso I'm inclined to reject these packages out of binary NEW09:27
a|wenslangasek: i see; as it is a kde4 app, i was mostly just looking at how the other kde4 applications was made09:27
a|wenslangasek: i think the package is already in the archive (the 0ubuntu1 version is there)09:28
slangasekthe binaries aren't09:28
slangasekcan you upload a -0ubuntu3 version dropping the -dbg package?09:28
a|wenslangasek: yeah, no problem09:29
slangasekok, thanks :)09:29
a|weni can't upload myself, but maybe you'll be keen on the debdiff?09:30
slangaseka|wen: sure09:30
a|wenslangasek: http://awen.dk/packages/kile/kile_2.1~svn20090217-0ubuntu3.debdiff09:38
slangaseka|wen: <yoink> :)09:39
slangaseka|wen: uploaded, thanks!09:41
a|wenslangasek: no problem; thx for spotting it and correcting me09:42
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geserKeybuk: I'm here if you need me for some udev testing/debugging09:47
* Ng is curious if there are any arguments against bug #157345 - and more importantly, who would be worth advocating it to09:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 157345 in cupsys ""show printers shared by other systems" should be on by default" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15734509:48
dholbachNg: tkamppeter?09:51
Ngdholbach: yeah I added a comment last night asking if he had any objections. It seems like it probably ought to have some input from team securitah09:52
dholbachmaybe pitti knows about it too?09:53
pittiNg: in fact I'd like to do that as well, but IMHO bug 314408 should be solved first09:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314408 in qt4-x11 "Please separate autodetected from locally configured printers" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31440809:53
pittiNg: this would then comply to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DefaultNetworkServices09:54
Ngthat is exactly the kind of argument I was looking for :)09:55
pittiNg: there's no principal blocker, other than finding the time to do it for GTK and Qt09:55
Ngpitti: I'll add appropriate commentary, thanks :)09:56
didrocksslangasek: thanks09:59
pittiNg: cool, Qt upstream scheduled fixing for 4.6.010:00
Ngpitti: given that we're post-FF, assuming a patch existed, would this be likely to make it for jaunty?10:01
pittiNg: the gtk/qt patches fall under UIF10:01
pittiNg: but the cups change itself is FF, of course; it'll probably be accepted if it lands by UIF, but not later10:02
Nghmm, just over a week10:02
bigonhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/22770218/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.openerp-server_5.0.0-3-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz << does anybody know where this FTBFS comes from?10:07
Hobbseepitti: darn.  why does that immutable page have to have a typo on it?10:07
cjwatsonDefaultNetworkServices? doesn't seem immutable - are you logged in/10:07
Hobbseeer, apparently not10:07
Hobbseehrm.  perhaps it isn't a typo either, but something i've never heard of10:08
slangasekbigon: appears to be an objection from pkgstriptranslations?10:08
cjwatsonif you mean "DCHP", I've just corrected that10:08
Hobbseecjwatson: yeah, that's hte one ;)10:08
slangasekbigon: which is pkgbinarymangler10:09
cjwatsonpitti: perhaps at some point you could propose a diff to ubuntu-policy encompassing that specification?10:09
pitticjwatson: added to my todo list10:10
cjwatsonno rush, thanks10:12
Siliciumhi there10:18
Siliciumi have created a bootsplash with gimp, 16 indexed colors, and compiled into a shared object, but it wouldnt be loaded, the bootscreen is just black with a blinking cursor while booting...10:19
pittiKeybuk: wrt. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/elisa/+bug/315704/comments/23, I tend to agree (both that it's better suited in universe, support-wise, and that the user experience would be better); do you still remember why you wanted it in main in the first place?10:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 315704 in elisa-plugins-ugly "FFe and merge for Elisa 0.5.28-1 / sync request for elisa-plugins-{good,bad,ugly} 0.5.28-1 from Debian experimental" [Wishlist,Confirmed]10:19
seb128pitti: ask lool I think that was a mobile thing?10:19
seb128pitti: lool has been working on it previous cycle for sure10:20
pittiseb128: request came from Keybuk, lool helped a lot to implement it, though10:20
seb128ignore me I was just mentionning it in case that was useful ;-)10:20
pittiseb128: merci10:22
seb128pitti: de rien ;-)10:22
ogracjwatson, partman complains, but you can go on iirc10:23
ograwhich means you die with oom on the slug10:23
cjwatsonogra: sure, I regard that as the user's fault :)10:24
cjwatsonit warned you; if you ignore it you get to keep both pieces10:24
* ogra will do so too then, i'll m,ake sure its in the docs10:24
ograKeybuk, any idea about the weird behavior udev shows on my slug install ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/121199/10:31
ograKeybuk, the uuid's that end up in /target/etc/fstab dont match anything in the system until i call udevadm trigger which then changes the complete set of uuids for the target partitions10:33
ograbeyond that the first uuid in the mkinitramfs error doesnt exist at all10:34
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Knivesjoin #ubuntu-offtopic10:44
cjwatsonKeybuk: davmor2 has a problem with a fresh LVM installation that I speculate might be bug 332270. What's the easiest way for him to confirm that it's the same bug?11:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227011:11
davmor2cjwatson, Keybuk: Does this only effect certain disks or does it only effect certain type of partitioning?  Also removing quite and splash from the kernel line might give me more info wouldn't it?11:21
Keybukdavmor2: absolutely no idea11:21
KeybukI still can't replicate it11:21
Keybukpitti: -mobile wanted it in main11:22
pittiKeybuk: ah, thanks11:22
pittilool: does that still hold? (elisa in main for mobile)11:22
davmor2Keybuk: I got it doing a LVM install test that I used the new d-i lvm resize feature on, at 20% of a 250gig hd11:23
Keybukdavmor2: got what?11:24
davmor2Keybuk: bug 332270 if it is that bug11:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227011:24
Keybukdavmor2: no, I mean what _happened_ when you got to 20%?11:25
davmor2Keybuk: no I used the resize feature and set it to use 20% of my 250g hd11:25
Keybukand then what happened?11:25
cjwatsonit's not *re*size, BTW, it's setting the initial size11:26
davmor2cjwatson: sorry :)11:26
davmor2Keybuk: it wouldn't reboot11:26
Keybukdavmor2: why not?11:26
Keybukdid you see an error message?11:27
Keybukwere there messages on another console?11:27
davmor2Keybuk: two ticks I'm just removing quite and usplash from kernel line as it doesn't provide me with any other consoles11:29
geserdavmor2: which architecture are you using? i386 or amd64 or something else?11:32
davmor2Keybuk: Disk activity is constant it seems to of detected most of my hardware and now lists /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sda  new line /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1 and repeats11:34
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wgrantThat's the one.11:35
Keybukdavmor2: great!11:35
davmor2geser: I38611:35
Keybukcan you explain the steps you went through to do this?11:35
KeybukI'll try and replicate in vmware11:36
davmor2Keybuk: i386 alternat install.  Select guided - lvm whole drive for partitioning.  hit enter on the next screen and then on the next screen change -12-1 to 20% and hit enter complete the install11:38
Keybukerr, can you explain the -12-1 to 20% thing?11:38
Keybukpretend that I've never seen the alternate installer before11:38
Keybukwas the disk blank when you did this?11:38
Keybukor was there an existing operating system there?11:38
Keybukdid you remove the existing operating system?11:38
Keybukor did you select resize?11:38
cjwatsonKeybuk: I can help here11:40
davmor2Keybuk: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/AlternateLvm after the guided - use entire disk and set up LVM you now get the option to not use the entire disk for more flexibility (new feature)11:40
cjwatsonKeybuk: the installer recently gained a feature whereby, if you choose guided LVM partitioning (i.e. erase whole disk, stick LVM on it), then rather than just munching the entire volume group for logical volumes, it asks you how much of the volume group you want to use11:41
davmor2I told it to use 20% of the 250GB drive rather than -12-1 (the whole drive)11:41
cjwatsonKeybuk: the structure of the resulting volume group should be the same11:41
Keybukok, so whole-disk LVM11:41
Keybukno MD?11:41
cjwatsondavmor2: "-12-1"? that makes no sense to me11:41
Keybukno encryption?11:41
cjwatsondavmor2: is that literally what you saw?11:41
davmor2cjwatson: I think that is what it said I can re-run it to check for you11:42
davmor2it was something weird like that11:42
cjwatsondavmor2: if you do see that, it's a bug, and I'd like syslog and partman; it should be more like "250 GB"11:42
davmor2Keybuk: no not encrypted11:42
cjwatsonit could be some kind of overflow bug11:42
davmor2I think I got the logs from installer hang on11:43
cjwatsonhmm, the partman test suite probably ought to test some bigger numbers11:44
cjwatsonthough it does test 4.3GB11:44
cjwatson$ longint2human 250000000000011:44
cjwatson2.5 TB11:44
cjwatson*seems* fine ...11:44
cjwatsonmy only guess is that vgs is outputting garbage11:46
cjwatsondavmor2: I'd like the output of 'vgs -o vg_free --units K --noheading --nosuffix'11:47
* Keybuk sees "8.3 GB"11:49
KeybukI selected 50%11:49
Keybuknow it's installing the base system11:50
davmor2cjwatson: logs for partman and syslog should be http://www.davmor2.co.uk/syslog http://www.davmor2.co.uk/partman11:51
Keybukdavmor2: are you doing this in vmware or on a real machine?11:51
davmor2Keybuk: really hw11:51
davmor2real even11:51
Keybukare you able to do it again?11:52
davmor2Keybuk: Restarting now11:52
Keybukdavmor2: when partman is up, can you switch to Alt+F211:52
Keybukthen run11:52
Keybuk# killall udevd11:53
Keybuk# udevd --debug --resolve-names=never > /var/log/udev 2>&111:53
Keybukthen continue with your test11:53
Keybukif it hangs, let it for 15-30 seconds or so11:53
Keybukthen ^C udev11:53
Keybukand give me that log file ;)11:53
davmor2cjwatson: from where would you like the vgs -o .... line typing ?11:54
davmor2Keybuk: problem kicks in upon restart the install works fine11:57
ograKeybuk, ny< idea for my uuid prob ?11:57
Keybukdavmor2: oh, you're saying that the install worked fine before?11:57
Keybukogra: what uuid problem?11:58
Keybukogra: I can suggest some cream?11:58
ograKeybuk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/121199/11:58
ogracream is always good11:58
davmor2Keybuk: yes it's at the end of the install it reboots only then nothing happens11:58
Keybukogra: *shrug* your UUIDs in your fstab are wrong11:59
Keybukdavmor2: this is what happened last time too?11:59
Keybukdavmor2: the install absolutely definitely worked, and it was after the reboot you had the problem?11:59
ograKeybuk, so you say thats a d-i failure ? even if the uuids change to the proper ones after running udevadm trigger manually ?11:59
Keybukogra: I'm not saying anything12:00
davmor2Keybuk: yeap the install log is the one I posted for cjwatson12:00
KeybukI'm just saying that all your pastebin shows is that your fstab is clearly wrong12:00
ograi would expect them to be exactly whats in fstab on forst boot12:00
Keybukdavmor2: ok, interesting12:00
Keybukdavmor2: so you can boot that system now, and it hangs on boot?12:00
ograKeybuk, well, the fstab matches what i see after the uuids change when i call udevadm trigger, my question rather would be why are they different at all ?12:01
Keybukogra: no idea, why is the sky blue?12:01
davmor2Keybuk: grub works then detect hw works then you get the never ending stream of /sys/devices12:01
Keybukogra: please find out :)12:01
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Would it help if you can watch it happening?12:01
Keybukdavmor2: ok12:01
Keybukdavmor2: could you boot, get to grub, replace "splash" with "init=/bin/bash"12:01
Keybukand then run the following12:02
Keybukmount -o rw,remount /12:02
ograKeybuk, because the pink paint was out12:02
Keybukedit /etc/init.d/udev12:02
Keybukrewind that12:02
davmor2Keybuk: hang on mid install to confirm I can reproduce it12:02
Keybukjust boot with init=/bin/bash12:02
Keybukand see if you get to a root prompt first12:02
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: unless you have a serial console, I'm not sure how you could set that up ;)12:03
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: I do, and I can give you shared SSH/screen access to view as it happens12:03
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: that would be helpful12:03
cjwatsondavmor2: tty212:04
davmor2cjwatson: there isn't one on the installed system12:05
cjwatsondavmor2: no, I mean during install, at the point where it gives you the LVM size prompt12:05
davmor2cjwatson: np's12:05
cjwatsonalthough there most certainly is a tty2 on the installed system :-012:06
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: OK. I'll set it up. Just so you know what you'll be seeing: It's a lab PC with a clean install on Sunday. I've just downgraded udev/dmsetup to the pre-issue versions so it is possible to get control.12:06
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: I assume it's ok for me to upgrade them again while the system is running?12:06
* cjwatson peers at davmor2's syslog12:06
cjwatsonFeb 23 10:09:31 main-menu[1756]: (process:11141): .12:06
cjwatsonFeb 23 10:09:31 main-menu[1756]: (process:11141): TB12:06
cjwatsonthat's ... odd12:06
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Yes, it's a lab PC. I downgraded it specifically so we can see the initial reaction. You can also kick into the initrd by using kernel command-line "break" to stop before premount kicks off12:07
davmor2cjwatson: by the way I think it is wrong to now call guided - use entire disk and setup lvm if you can set it to not use the entire disk :)12:08
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: and how do I install a package? ;o)12:08
IntuitiveNippleThey are in the /root/ directory of the installation, for use with dpkg. I'll show you once you're attached12:09
cjwatsondavmor2: maybe, though I'm reluctant to change the translated string12:09
cjwatsondavmor2: it does use the entire disk in the sense that it erases everything there before and puts an LVM volume group over the entire disk12:10
cjwatsondavmor2: one thing that may address your problem is that I've changed the text in the size question to talk about the amount of the volume group you want to allocate, rather than the amount of disk12:10
davmor2cjwatson: Right still listed as -12-1 and vgs line reads 159782010.8812:11
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: OK... this will get you onto my laptop, from where you can attach to the screen multiuser session where the serial console is running: ssh -p 2222 remoteop@alexandros.tjworld.net12:11
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: The remoteop password is: letmein12:11
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Once logged in, attach to my screen session using: screen -x tj/Multiuser12:12
* davmor2 right Keybuk s line next12:12
cjwatson(you realise this is a publicly logged channel?)12:12
IntuitiveNipplecjwatson: I should hope so :)12:12
Keybukweird, X-Chat just decided to crash there12:13
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Did you miss my connection instructions?12:13
KeybukI've connected, and I can see the root@jaunty:~# prompt12:13
Keybukthis is the lab machine?12:13
geserKeybuk: I can confirm the last comment on that udev bug: when I disable one core, restart udev then the udevadm trigger doesn't cause any loop12:14
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: That is the console to the lab machine... I'll send some commands12:14
davmor2cjwatson: was that directed at me?12:14
cjwatsondavmor2: no, IntuitiveNipple (which I can only assume is intended to mean "completely unintuitive" ...)12:14
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: You have control... snoop around... do you want to see it reboot with 137-1 so when we install 138-1 you can see the difference?12:15
Keybukno, I know what a booting Ubuntu machine looks like ;)P12:15
IntuitiveNipple :)12:16
IntuitiveNippleDo you want to update dmsetup?12:16
cjwatsondavmor2: hmm, when you have a chance, it would be good if you could run through the installer, stop at the hostname prompt, 'nano /bin/perform_recipe_by_lvm' and stick 'set -x' at the top - then I need the resulting syslog after the rest of the installation12:16
cjwatsondavmor2: sorry, I know each iteration takes a while12:16
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: no, just going to take this one step at a time12:16
davmor2cjwatson: np's it's better to get it fixed now :)12:16
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: ok... just there was a package dependency issue12:16
cjwatsondavmor2: there's clearly an arithmetic bug somewhere but I can't reproduce it at an ordinary shell12:17
* Keybuk hates screen12:19
Keybukit's like it *tries* to get being a terminal completely wrong12:19
Keybukon purpose12:19
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: no swap? on purpose?12:19
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: correct12:20
Keybukwhat's /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda4 ?12:20
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: sda2 is formatted for swap but not in fstab12:20
Keybuksda2 is not properly formatted for swap ;)12:20
Keybuksomeone didn't use parted for it12:20
IntuitiveNipplesda3 is /   sda4 is the demo LVM area, but nothing in it gets mounted.12:20
highvoltageogra: I'm surprised that not more people agree with you on the long-term-reminder thing12:20
Keybuk"demo LVM area" ?12:20
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: I had to build it using deboostrap - Sunday's live-CD ubiquity failed on starting12:21
ograhighvoltage, well, cjwatson's mail showed me that i probably didnt formulate it right12:21
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: demo as in, it's not used but is 'there' to demo the bug.12:21
ograso people might not have understodd what i meant12:21
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: if you don't have that, do you not see the bug?12:21
cjwatsonyes, ubiquity has a missing dependency at the moment (which probably needs to be fixed by removing the dependency, otherwise I'd have fixed it already)12:22
cjwatsonKeybuk: how does sda2 manage to be improperly formatted for swap?12:22
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: I'm not sure tbh... don't think I did that test. I know without the lvm2 package installed the bug doesn't show, but thats different. Do you want to delete sda4 ?12:22
Keybukcjwatson: not wiped first, so looks like it has swap and ext3 metadata12:22
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: can we rewind this conversation please12:22
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: sure12:22
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: your system is not set up "normally"12:22
Keybukhow you've set this up could be VERY important12:22
cjwatsondoes parted actually get that right, I wonder?12:23
Keybukso, please explain your system's setup - and why it is the way it is12:23
Keybukcjwatson: yes12:23
cjwatsonnote also that d-i sometimes falls back from libparted to mkswap when formatting swap partitions12:23
cjwatsonah yes, libparted memsets the header12:24
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: It had to created using deboostrap, since Ubiquity failed. So, from the live-CD I fdisk-ed the 4 primary partitions and set their types, then used mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda3, mkswap /dev/sda2, and pvcreate/lvcreate for sda412:24
Keybukso what is sda4 for?12:24
Keybukwhy did you do that?12:24
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Then used debootstrap to install Ubuntu into it12:24
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: sda4 was there to test that LVM would trigger the bug12:25
cjwatsonas, I think, does busybox mkswap (not explicitly but effectively)12:25
Keybukso sda4 is an LVM with a bunch of logical volumes in it12:25
Keybukdo you mount those volumes?12:25
cjwatsonutil-linux mkswap also does a memset, so if ext3 metadata is left around, it must be outside the swap header region?12:26
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: No. I was about to create an alternative boot option using them a few minutes ago (which is why it is mounted on /target/) but its totally unused12:26
Keybukno you don't mount those volumes?12:26
Keybukor no I'm wrong?12:26
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: It's a sacrificial system set up just for testing this bug scenario12:26
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: nothing in LVM is mounted12:26
IntuitiveNipple(unless I am playing about)12:26
Keybukcjwatson: we should start a campaign to import "doch" into the English language12:27
cjwatsonvery annoying omission from English12:28
Keybuklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Feb 23 11:54 0c3390a5-9d90-460d-bc8d-10ff5d02a6f4 -> ../../dm-012:29
Keybukthat's odd12:29
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: The disk is 'thrashing' at this point12:30
Keybukwell, that definitely loops ;)12:30
IntuitiveNippleThat's the same as happens at boot-time in initrd as soon as udev starts12:30
IntuitiveNippleand it never seems to stop... at least after leaving it 15 minutes it hasn't12:31
* Keybuk hates screen12:32
IntuitiveNippleWell, while you hate it, I'll go grab a cuppa12:33
geserIntuitiveNipple: how many cpus/cores does this lab PC has?12:33
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: this computer has no internet access?12:35
* Keybuk needs to get that log file off12:35
IntuitiveNippleThere you go12:38
IntuitiveNippleRemember I've also attached some full debug LOG_DEBUG logs to the bug report12:38
Keybukyeah, but you cut the important bit off ;)12:39
IntuitiveNippleThe gzip logs are the full capture from start... nothing was edited12:39
davmor2Keybuk: init=/bin/bash doesn't work :(12:41
davmor2cjwatson, Keybuk: I can confirm though that it is reproducible12:41
Keybukdavmor2: good to know, thanks12:41
IntuitiveNippledavmor2: No, it won't, since the issue starts in initrd... you need to do "rdinit=/bin/busybox" or just add "break" to stop initrd at the premount point12:42
cjwatson<cjwatson@sarantium ~>$ wcgrep rdinit /usr/share/initramfs-tools/12:42
cjwatson<cjwatson@sarantium ~>$12:42
Keybukcjwatson: which init inside the initramfs to run12:43
cjwatsonbesides surely /bin/busybox will just print a message about how you should have nominated an applet to run12:43
Keybukbreak=top would have been just as good12:43
cjwatsoninvoking /bin/sh would be more normal12:43
IntuitiveNipplecjwatson: sorry, yes, I was thinking and typing at the same time... always a dangerous thing to do (sh is provided by busybox was in my mind)12:45
davmor2cjwatson, Keybuk: I'm off for lunch in a second so cjwatson I'll try your other request when I get back.  Keybuk is there anything else you'd like me to try?12:47
Keybuknot at this time12:47
KeybukIntuitiveNipple's machine is proving a useful study so far12:48
davmor2Cool :)12:48
IntuitiveNippleFirst time it's been useful in 5 years :)12:48
IntuitiveNippleIt's damned noisy! How do fans get noisy when they're never used!?12:48
Keybukso in your case, it's lvm12:51
Keybuklvm scans all the drives12:51
Keybukand that is causing inotify events on them12:51
Keybukquite why lvm is opening them writable is anyone's guess ;)12:51
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: I did wonder, with the vscan && vgchange12:58
IntuitiveNippleThe timing issue is interesting too... as I said before. With debug logging there seems to be sufficient delay between actions to avoid the inotify trigger12:59
Keybuklvm vgscan beats inotify watch13:00
Keybukit's only the inotify watch on the block device that has the LVM PV that really matters13:00
Keybukmaking it not watch the LVM PV fixes the problem ;)13:02
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: I think I broke it - it's not responding?13:05
IntuitiveNipplelet me check13:05
IntuitiveNippleI think you did :)13:05
IntuitiveNippleNo response on the physical console13:06
IntuitiveNippleI'll try to force a restart13:06
IntuitiveNippleBooting with "break" to stop at pre-mount else we'll be stuffed13:07
Keybukno we won't13:07
IntuitiveNippleYes were are... disk is thrashing madly13:07
Keybukah, it's thrashing inside the initramfs13:07
IntuitiveNippleI must hav mistyped the kernel command line13:07
Keybukok, can you reboot it again ;)13:07
IntuitiveNippleYes, as always13:07
IntuitiveNippleThis break-top13:09
* IntuitiveNipple bites fingers13:09
IntuitiveNippleThis *is* break=top13:09
Keybukthrashing again or not?13:11
IntuitiveNippleOK you broke it again :)...I have noticed that when the udev issue occurs, the next warm-boot locks the PC at this point. I'll have to do a cold restart13:11
IntuitiveNippleNo, it's froze up... give me amo13:11
loolpitti: No, we didn't really use elisa in main after all; I was interested in doing the work back then because there was a chance of including it in the seeds and it was used by OEM13:11
loolpitti: Nowadays, I think it's a blocker to have elisa* in main; so please demote if you feel like it13:11
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
Keybukgrr, busybox sed is weird13:14
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: what have you set the usual ^A to on this?13:17
IntuitiveNippleI've not changed anything; it's the default settings.13:18
IntuitiveNippleI think you want Ctrl+]13:18
pittilool: ok, thanks13:20
slangasekpitti: libsmbios-bin is NBS in favor of smbios-utils; and it looks like some of the command names have also moved around - do you know which commands hal wants from this package?13:28
pittislangasek: I know at least dellWirelessCtl, let me check for the others13:29
slangasekok; dellWirelessCtl is still present13:30
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: I have to shut everything down. Got an appointment with the electric company - they are here to replace the meter so everything has to go off for about 20 minutes.13:30
Keybukok, np13:30
slangasekpitti: oh hmm, superm1 has already committed the change to bzr, just not uploaded yet :)13:31
pittislangasek: can do13:31
pittislangasek: confirmed that it's just dellWirelessCtl13:31
Keybukisn't smbios-utils all written in Python?13:32
pittiyes, that sucks, performance-wise13:32
KeybukI'd like to object on boot performance grounds13:32
Keybukthis change shouldn't go ahead13:32
slangasekoh, there's a change of implementation language here?13:33
pittiC++ -> Python13:33
kirklandmvo: hi, i see that bug 319438 has a fix committed, any idea when it'll release?13:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319438 in update-notifier "update /var/run/updates-available immediately following an apt-get upgrade" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31943813:34
slangasekKeybuk: the libsmbios-bin binary has already been dropped from the package; if we're trying to avoid the change in implementation language, it needs to be resuscitated since it's in NBS right now13:35
Keybukslangasek: indeed, I would recommend reverting to the previous version of the package13:35
Keybukchanging things run on boot to be written in a large, expensive language like Python just is *not* on my list of things I like to see13:35
Keybuknow, I realise I can't actually enforce that13:36
Keybukbut I can make nice puppy eyes ;)13:36
* pitti melts13:36
slangasekKeybuk: well, I have no objections to a revert; perhaps you want to discuss it with superm1 and come to a consensus?13:38
* pitti has no objection to a 2.2.13+really2.0.3.dfsg-0ubuntu113:39
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pittiwe can probably get away with that for jaunty, but long-term upstream should do that as well13:39
Keybuk"do that" ?13:40
pittiKeybuk: I doubt it's actually that difficult; old libsmbios was C++ lib/binaries; new libsmbios is C library, python bindings, and python scripts13:40
pittiKeybuk: do that> provide compiled binaries13:41
Keybukit's only the bits run on boot I care about13:41
pittiwe only care about dellWirelessCtl13:41
pittiand in fact, hal-system-killswitch-set-power-linux only calls it in three different methods13:44
slangasekmethods that are called at boot time?13:44
superm1Keybuk, pitti: I can speak with mebrown about writing a C binary to be used in place of the python smbios-wireless-ctl soon13:44
superm1it shouldn't actually be too difficult13:45
pittimy preferred option would be to just rewrite that hal addon in C and use libsmbios directly13:45
pittiit's some work, though13:45
pittislangasek: yes, they are13:45
superm1yeah I would agree that's the right long term strategy at least13:45
pittisuperm1: directly using libsmbios2 from hal, you mean?13:45
superm1pitti, yeah that's what I think should be done13:46
superm1that's one of the reasons it was rewritten in C, so it could be lightweight for other apps to use13:46
asacwhat do i need to run in postinst if i install a udev rule?13:51
asaccool ;)13:51
Keybukyour udev rule will be used next time the device is plugged in13:52
asacthats perfect13:52
Keybukwhat's the rule?13:52
asacKeybuk: the udev-extras modem prober was internalized by NM13:54
asacso we dont need the rest of experimental stuff13:54
Keybukah, interesting13:54
asacKeybuk: ^^13:54
slangasekdoko: heh, seen bug #332978?13:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332978 in ubiquity "missing dependency on python-numpy" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33297813:57
pittiasac: modem-prober> rock!13:58
dokoslangasek: ugh ... does ubiquity really need to use numpy? ok, no wonder that I didn't find that, not having ubiquity installed by default14:01
slangasekdoko: no idea if it does or doesn't - just saw the bug pop up on the blocker list for alpha-5 and thought you might want to have a look14:01
cjwatsondoko: it shouldn't, I mentioned the same to evand earlier today14:01
cjwatsonnumpy seems like total overkill there14:02
cjwatsoni.e. I didn't just commit a change to add the dependency because I reckoned the code ought to be changed14:02
evandindeed, working on it14:02
dokoyep, 20 elements arry14:02
directhexare we headed towards another alpha?14:06
james_wdirecthex: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000534.html14:08
james_w"Our next testing milestone, Jaunty Alpha 5, is scheduled for next14:09
james_wThursday, February 26.  Jaunty Alpha 5 will again use a "soft freeze" for14:09
james_wmain[2].  This means that developers are asked to refrain from uploading14:09
james_wpackages between Tuesday and Thursday which don't bring us closer to14:09
james_wreleasing the alpha"14:09
directhexright. slangasek how do you feel about a bodge job on gmime, to eliminate all the mono 1.0 stuff from the cd (pending the gmime 2.4 stuff meebey spoke with you about)?14:09
slangasekdirecthex: uh... I already did that? :)14:10
directhexdid you? oops ^_^14:10
meebeyslangasek: apropros, gmime2.2 is now in pkg-gnome14:10
slangasekmeebey: alrighty14:11
directhexslangasek, neat! so mono 1.0 classlib stuff is now gone from the cd?14:11
slangasekdirecthex: yep14:12
seb128slangasek: btw how many language packs did you manage to add with the recent changes?14:12
directhexslangasek, excellent! any early indications on space savings?14:12
meebeyslangasek: when I got some spare time I will migrate gmime2.2 to mono 2.0 and start packaging gmime2.4 as extra source package14:12
directhexmeebey, grab slangasek's 2.0'd 2.2 from patches.ubuntu.com?14:12
slangasekseb128: 10 on i386 alternate, 6 on amd64 alternate, 7 on i386 desktop, 5 on amd64 desktop14:13
slangasek(incl. en)14:13
seb128slangasek: excellent ;-)14:13
meebeydirecthex: if merging would be simple with sucky svn ;)14:13
slangasekdirecthex: well, we were at the point where corlib and i18n were the only bits left, so... that's how much we saved. :)14:13
meebeydirecthex: I will take a look though, but its will be probably just build-deps + configure params14:13
meebeyslangasek: btw tomboy includes tons of translated images (pretty stupid)14:14
meebeyslangasek: wondering what the ubuntu policy is on translations14:14
meebeyif they should be split etc14:14
slangasekseb128: I guess we can squeeze one more on alternate i386, too; I'm confused by what I've been seeing in terms of alternate CD sizes, the CD size fluctuations as I add/remove don't seem to match the output of the langpacksize script for some reason14:15
meebeyslangasek: 5.7M    /usr/share/gnome/help/tomboy14:15
slangasekmeebey: ideally they would be split, but AFAIK we don't have good general infrastructure for splitting documentation currently14:15
meebeyslangasek: you can make libmono0 optionally, I found out why its pulled in14:16
directhexmeebey, yeah, was about to talk about monoposixhelper14:16
meebeyslangasek: the compression streaming api uses it14:16
slangasekevolution just had its docs split which was a big savings, but I think that required a bit of manual effort14:16
meebeyoh true, there are 2 libs in it14:16
meebeyand the other one is really needed IIRC14:16
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: How are you getting on?14:20
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KeybukIntuitiveNipple: about 2/3rds the way through my sandwich14:20
IntuitiveNippleI'm trying to make the new meter go backwards14:21
IntuitiveNippleSystem's back online if you need it14:21
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davmor2cjwatson: back do you still need this doing ?  'nano /bin/perform_recipe_by_lvm' and stick 'set -x'  and does go below the #!/bin/bash line doesn't it?14:33
cjwatsonwhat #!/bin/bash line? :-)14:33
cjwatsonit's /bin/sh - but yes14:33
cjwatsonput it on the second line of the script14:33
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davmor2cjwatson: yes sorry :)14:34
arakirkland: ping14:37
seb128slangasek: are you doing source new today? I've been pinged about reviewing gwibber but I don't want to work conflict with you15:01
Keybukso the reason I couldn't replicate the bug in VMware is annoyingly simple15:01
slangasekseb128: I'm unlikely to get all the way through the NEW queue, feel free to take it15:02
seb128slangasek: ok15:02
directhexKeybuk, how's your DH7 wrangling? trying to get the gdb addin for monodevelop ship-shape, but hitting a wall15:02
directhexdebhelper 7, minimal rules format specifically15:03
Keybuknever used it15:03
directhexhm. the quest goes on, then15:03
geserKeybuk: so you finally managed to reproduce that udev problem?15:04
Keybukgeser: not completely15:05
KeybukI know _what's_ causing it15:05
Keybukwhat I can't work out is why it only happens for certain people15:05
macothe lvm one?15:05
macoits not hitting all lvm users?15:10
davmor2cjwatson: logs http://www.davmor2.co.uk/partman1 http://www.davmor2.co.uk/syslog115:11
Keybukand I _think_ it's just limited to lvm too15:12
Keybukmdadm looks sane15:12
munckfishasac: if you've got a sec I'd like to quickly discuss LP #289982, I've had a breakthrough with it, but discovered another issue - wireless only works when the ethernet cable is unplugged :)15:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289982 in ubuntu-ps3-port "PS3: NetworkManager cannot connect to WPA/WPA2 wireless networks" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28998215:13
geserKeybuk: is it a bug in udev or lvm and udev simply triggered it?15:13
Keybukgeser: arguably a bug inside lvm15:14
ccmhey, is there a known bug in qt for Jaunty that prevents all qt applications to display correctly?15:14
Keybukmade worse by lvm not being designed to work with udev15:14
ccmi checked launchpad but don't know where exactly to look15:14
Keybukbasically each time we find an lvm device, we have to tell lvm to scan for new physical volumes and activate any volume groups found there15:15
Keybukto scan for physical volumes, lvm opens every single block device to take a peek15:15
Keybukthe bug is that it opens them O_RDWR instead of O_RDONLY15:15
Keybukmeaning that when it closes them, you get an IN_CLOSE_WRITE event15:15
Keybukwhich is what udev reacts to15:15
Keybukas a change to the underlying block device15:15
Keybukso it rechecks the block device15:15
Keybukand because lvm doesn't quite support udev15:16
Keybukit has to run lvm scan again15:16
Keybukwhich reopens the block device O_RDWR, ...15:16
cjwatsondavmor2: thanks, reproduced - could you file a bug on partman-auto-lvm with a skeleton description of what happened and I'll get it fixed? I don't need the logs any more15:18
davmor2Keybuk, cjwatson: out of interest would it be worth me run a standard lvm using the whole disk rather than part and see if it is still an issue?15:18
Keybukdavmor2: it will be an issue if you have any LVM anywhere15:19
Keybukeven if you're not mounting it15:19
cjwatsonbusybox printf is interestingly broken15:19
cjwatson$ busybox printf "%i%s%i %s\n" . 2 TB >/dev/null15:19
cjwatson(yes, it has the wrong number of arguments, which is the real bug here15:19
davmor2ah okay15:19
Keybukcjwatson: err, how is that broken?15:20
Keybuk. isn't an integer15:20
cjwatson$ printf "%i%s%i %s\n" . 2 TB15:20
cjwatson-bash: printf: .: invalid number15:20
cjwatson-bash: printf: TB: invalid number15:20
cjwatsonis slightly more reasonable behaviour than outputting random inscrutable junk to stderr15:20
Keybukcjwatson: telling me what bash does doesn't mean busybox sh is broken :)15:20
asacmunckfish: which NM version?15:21
Keybukand busybox sh is sufficiently minimal that reasonable behaviour isn't necessarily expected15:21
cjwatsonKeybuk: I wasn't arguing that the arguments being passed to printf here were correct - they're clearly wrong15:21
Keybukcjwatson: does busybox set the exit code15:21
cjwatsonto 015:21
munckfishasac: 0.7.1~rc1-0ubuntu215:21
munckfishasac: Jaunty15:21
pittitjaalton: out of interest, what does 102_dont_vblank.patch in mesa do?15:21
munckfishasac: Thing is wlan0 and eth0 both have the same MAC address on PS3, I wonder if that's causing the problem15:22
cjwatsonKeybuk: maybe "broken" was a bit strong, but it certainly failed to provide any assistance in debugging until I saw the set -x trace :-)15:22
macoccm: might be better in #kubuntu-devel15:22
munckfishasac: does NM try to bring up both when a user logs in?15:22
cjwatsonalthough the exit code is clearly wrong15:22
ccmmaco: okay. actually i am using ubuntu, but i will investigate further, thank you15:23
Keybuk    *15:23
KeybukIf an argument operand cannot be completely converted into an internal value appropriate to the corresponding conversion specification, a diagnostic message shall be written to standard error and the utility shall not exit with a zero exit status, but shall continue processing any remaining operands and shall write the value accumulated at the time the error was detected to standard output.15:23
Keybuksounds "broken" to me15:23
tjaaltonpitti: disables vblank again, to work around bug 32081315:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320813 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[drm] compiz animations cause temporary freezes with vblank" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32081315:23
KeybukPOSIX says it must output diagnostics and exit non-zero15:23
cjwatsonI would argue that simply printing the argument does not really qualify as a diagnostic message, too :-)15:23
macoccm: the kubuntu folks will know qt though15:24
pittitjaalton: ah, thanks15:25
Keybuk$ printf "%i%s%i\n" . 2 TB15:25
Keybukprintf: 1: .: expected numeric value15:25
Keybukprintf: 1: TB: expected numeric value15:25
asacmunckfish: trying WPA enterprise?15:25
pittiKeybuk: how is '.' a number?15:25
Keybukpitti: that's the point15:25
davmor2cjwatson: bug 33334915:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333349 in partman-auto-lvm "Jaunty: 20090223 partman-auto-lvm has an issue with displaying correct size" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33334915:25
ion_zsh: bad floating point constant15:25
pittiKeybuk: ah, nevermind, just saw scrollback15:26
Keybukwe don't need a comparison of how shells handle this ;)15:26
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Keybukthe only reason dash was relevant is that busybox's sh is theoretically dash15:26
cjwatsonI would not generally make that comparison because it's too confusing15:27
cjwatsondavmor2: thanks15:27
ion_dashish sounds like something you’d smoke.15:27
asacmunckfish: i mean the issue is that pkcs11 doesnt work. thought that is only used for enterprise. maybe consider to start with a new connection?15:27
cjwatsonthe real cause of the bug was that I'd misremembered how shell variable assignment deals with leading whitespace15:27
cjwatsonI thought it was stripped when you did foo=$(bar), but it isn't15:28
davmor2Keybuk, cjwatson: Is there anything else you need before I move onto testing something else15:28
cjwatsondavmor2: not from me, thanks15:28
munckfishasac: well the original issue was it couldn't connect to any type of WPA network. I've now proved it will connect to my WPA Personal network here at home, but like I said, only when the ethernet cable is unplugged and eth0 cannot be brought up.15:29
munckfishasac: Now I know that the eth and wlan interfaces use the same MAC address on PS3, now if they are meant to be brought up exclusively then that could be why this is happening15:30
asacmunckfish: definitly. can you please paste the output of lshal ?15:31
munckfishasac: when it fails the wireless driver in the kernel fails to associate and just times out.15:31
munckfishasac: ok 1 sec15:31
asacmunckfish: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121904/15:33
asacthats really looks like both devices are treated as the same on your system15:33
asacmost likely driver issue15:33
asac(copy paste?)15:34
munckfishasac: exactly. lshal output http://paste.ubuntu.com/121905/15:34
munckfishasac: also relevant is the "Wireless" section of this description of the Linux kernel on PS3:15:35
munckfishasac: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/geoff/cell/ps3-linux-docs/ps3-linux-docs-08.06.09/LinuxKernelOverview.html15:35
davmor2Keybuk: Out of curiosity is the issue link to bug 332270 or is it something different?  Need to log it15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227015:35
Keybuk"the issue" ?15:35
davmor2lvm issue15:35
Keybukthat is the lvm issue bug, yes15:35
asacmunckfish: are both both drivers in mainline kernel tree?15:36
davmor2Keybuk: Thanks15:36
asacmunckfish: seems its the same driver actually ;)15:36
munckfishasac: yes, drivers/net/ps3_gelic_*15:36
asacmunckfish: what time in the daemon.log do you plug in the wired?15:36
munckfishasac: my understanding/knowledge is very sketchy here, but looking at that article I linked to above15:37
munckfishasac: it sort of implies that both should be able to run concurrently but using some sort of vlan control to direct packets ??? not sure how that affects things15:37
munckfishasac: I'm afraid that log is out of date, and only documents the issue when the cable is connected and NM is trying to connect to my wifi network15:38
cjwatsonKeybuk: I think POSIX's text could be read either way regarding the intended exit code, actually15:38
asacmunckfish: can you caputure a fresh log just with the "connect wired" ?15:38
cjwatsonKeybuk: you could read it as meaning that it shouldn't exit immediately, but should continue with the rest of the arguments15:39
Keybukcjwatson: but it still shall not exit with a zero status15:39
Keybukoh, I see what you mean15:40
munckfishasac: I've recompiled the kernel this morning with all the debug prints enabled in the gelic driver. I can get a copy of that log for you.15:40
Keybukyou can read "shall not exit (with a zero status) and may instead continue with arguments (and then exit however it wants)"15:40
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: We're got someone who has no LVM or RAID on the PC, but is using LUKS encryption on multiple file-systems.15:40
cjwatsonyeah. I don't *think* this is the intended reading, but it's not entirely unambiguous15:40
KeybukI think that reading it that way would be simply attempting to justify a stupid behaviour15:40
cjwatsonyou're probably right15:40
cjwatsonit's certainly less helpful to exit zero15:41
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: then at this point I assume they have a different bug15:41
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: They have the 65-dmsetup.rule - taking the "watch" out of that and 60-persistent-storage fixes it15:41
Adri2000Keybuk: hi. did you file a rt ticket for mod_python support on casey?15:42
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: the bug you have is very specific to LVM15:42
KeybukAdri2000: weeks ago15:42
zulslangasek: ping can you have a look at 330626 when you get a chance?15:43
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IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: 65-dmsetup.rule runs "/sbin/dmsetup export"15:44
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: so?15:44
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: So, it looks like that triggers the issue the same way lvm vgscan does15:45
Keybukdmsetup only looks at /dev/mapper/control15:45
Keybukstrace it if you don't believe me ;)15:45
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: The reporter is MichaelEvans, comment #9 and many others in the bug report.15:46
slangasekzul: looks to me like that should be referred upstream15:46
KeybukMy setup:15:47
zulslangasek: yeah I have done that im just trying to get more debugging information and kind of busy with other things15:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged]15:47
Keybuk ...15:47
KeybukAn LVM partition15:47
KeybukMichael Evans has LVM15:47
macoare "Unknown media type in type 'all/all'" (various other mimes as well) messages when dpkg installs various packages something to ignore or something about which to file bugs?15:51
rgreeningArneGoetje: ping15:51
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Yes, thanks for that. I'm querying that with him now since he had just said there's no LVM on the PC he's testing now15:52
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: OK, he's trying to confuse me... he *does* use LVM :)15:53
Keybukit won't matter whether or not it's mounted or used15:53
rgreeningArneGoetje: I have a question about the language-support-translations-en package and a hard dep for evolution-documentation-en. COuld this be changed/updated to be a suggests or can we make it nicer for Kubuntu by making it an '|' with an equivalent Kde package.15:53
Keybukjust as long as the PV is there15:53
ArneGoetjergreening: does it hurt on Kubuntu?15:56
rgreeningspace on the disk for one is very limited ArneGoetje15:59
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: question: when the 60- rule activates does it setup the watch before the 85-lvm2 rule is processed?16:00
rgreeningand I dont think it will fit. plus we use Kontack and not thinderbird ArneGoetje16:00
rgreeningKontact I mean.16:00
alex-weejxev doesn't list any key event when using the eject key on computer_model could anybody help me to debug this?16:00
rgreeningso, logically, it should be either a suggests or and "or" with equivalent KDE package ArneGoetje16:00
alex-weejmacbook pro 3.116:00
seb128pitti, bryce, slangasek: is there a documented procedure to debug such issues nowadays?16:01
rgreeningArneGoetje: the hard dep pulls in 38 new packages, 13 meg16:01
macoalex-weej: did you check the hotkey wiki page? if it doesn't show anything in input_events either, might need a kernel quirk for it. you're talking about a keyboard-type eject button right, not the thing on the tray?16:01
seb128ie multimedia keys not triggering an xevent16:02
rgreeningall of which are Ubuntu specific and not Kubuntu related.16:02
macoseb128: pgraner told me to check the dsdt to try to figure out my keys16:02
alex-weejmaco: yes, keyboard.16:02
slangasekseb128: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting16:02
seb128alex-weej: ^16:03
alex-weejok thanks16:03
macoseb128: ive got 2 keys which don't make it through what's on the page slangasek linked. near the end of the page it says if all else fails, kernel quirk. pitti and pgraner agreed.16:03
slangasekrgreening: it definitely shouldn't be a suggests.  If it needs to be an 'or', then so be it16:03
cjwatsonrgreening,ArneGoetje: perhaps evolution-documentation-en should Depends: yelp | language-support-translations-en16:04
cjwatsonthat's what the OOo translation packages do; it's ugly but we have no particularly good solution here in the dependency system :-(16:04
cjwatsonthat would make the overhead a mere 200KB16:04
rgreeningsounds good, as long as we aren't required to pull in all these extra bits unnecessarily.16:05
ArneGoetjecjwatson: +116:05
rgreeningstill not sure why we need evolution docs in kubuntu16:05
slangasekcjwatson: I thought evolution-documentation-en is one of the packages they want to avoid pulling in along with language-support-translations-en, so this would be inverted?16:05
cjwatsonslangasek: on its own, though, it's pretty tiny16:06
cjwatsonI think it's the size impact of its dependencies that is the bulk of the practical problem16:06
cjwatsoncf. openoffice.org-help-en-gb Depends: openoffice.org-writer | language-support-translations-en16:06
cjwatsonrgreening: you don't, it's just that we have no way at the moment to say "install language support packages of type 'translations' *that apply to Kubuntu*"16:07
seb128what is the issue you try to solve?16:07
slangasekseb128: kubuntu wants language-support-translations-en, just like ubuntu, but doesn't want GNOME deps pulled in with it16:07
cjwatsonseb128: dependency explosion on Kubuntu CDs due to dependencies language-support-translations-en -> evolution-documentation-en -> yelp16:07
cjwatsonseb128: and language-support-translations-en at the moment (perhaps unfortunately) has to account for both desktops16:08
rgreeningcjwatson:, ArneGoetje: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/121915/16:08
rgreeningthats the list of new packages...16:08
cjwatsonseb128: the standard solution to this, as deployed in the last eight Ubuntu releases, has been to have the dependencies of language-support-* use "| language-support-foo" where appropriate16:08
seb128can't language-support- have that | directly?16:09
rgreeningI liike having a lang pack for -kde16:09
cjwatsonseb128: consider the semantics of language-support-translations-en Depends: foo | language-support-translations-en ;-)16:09
seb128what is wrong is to install evolution-documentation-en there16:09
cjwatsonseb128: true, but on its own evolution-documentation-en is a fraction of the size16:09
seb128well the | choice being a kubuntu package16:10
cjwatsonseb128: I'm all for designing a better system, but in the meantime I would recommend deploying the existing solution to this until we figure out something better that provably works16:10
seb128ie  language-support-translations-en Depends "evolution-documentation-en | kubuntu-something"16:10
rgreeningseb128: the ways its packaged, see the paste above. 38 packages get pulled in unecessarily.16:10
seb128rgreening: I understand the issue16:10
cjwatsonrgreening: thanks, we understand the problem16:10
rgreeningAnything you can do to assist, would be awesome16:11
cjwatsonseb128: I think the problem there is that we don't have an obvious candidate for the kubuntu-something - kubuntu-desktop is removable in ways that still leave you with something that's basically Kubuntu, much like ubuntu-desktop is16:11
rgreeningkde/kubuntu uses kontack for its groupware client, so I suggest a "|" on kontact docs.16:11
rgreeningor something like that16:12
seb128cjwatson: I'm fine with your yelp | ... suggestion feel free to do an upload to change that if you want16:12
seb128we should really split those by flavor at some point though16:12
rgreeningthanks for your help :)16:12
ArneGoetjeseb128: register a blueprint for karmic :)16:13
seb128ArneGoetje: I don't think I care enough for that ;-)16:13
ArneGoetjeseb128: :P16:13
cjwatsonseb128: will do when I've finished caning my computer with upgrades ...16:14
cjwatsonrgreening: is there a bug number for this?16:14
rgreeningcjwatson: nope, I just noticed it and thought I come ask about it16:19
cjwatsonrgreening: could you please file one so that we have an audit trail of why we did this when we come back to figure it out later?16:20
cjwatsonrgreening: just a paste of the IRC log is fine if you want16:20
rgreeningcjwatson: sure. do you want a tag added to the bug report (if so what?)16:20
cjwatsonno, I don't care16:20
rgreening1 min16:20
rgreeningcjwatson:  bug 33340116:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333401 in language-support-translations-en "language-support-translations-* installs evolution-documentation-* and should not be required." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33340116:32
cjwatsonsigh, I meant a bug on evolution about evolution-documentation-*'s heavy dependencies though. I'll reassign16:33
Keybuka lot of the commenters seem to be of the impression that inotify is somehow recursive up16:33
Keybukwhich is ironic, since it's not even recursive between directories ;)16:33
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: I've found a solution. Will attach a patch to the bug-report in a moment.16:43
peciskpitti: updated patch for lastest sl-modem package version on Jaunty, also attached my working init.d script fully, if patch doesn't work out again16:43
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: "a solution" ?16:43
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Yes. Instead of setting OPTION+="watch" in any script, I've done ENV{inotify}="watch".16:44
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Then I have a 99-inotify.rules that matches that and adds the OPTION after all rules have been processed16:44
KeybukI have a patch to udev to do the same thing16:44
Keybukit's not the complete fix though16:44
Keybuksince if you ran "udevadm trigger" at any point, it would all kick off16:45
pittipecisk: thanks16:45
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/udev.inotify.patch  posted on Sunday16:45
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: I'm trying with trigger - it won't provoke the bug16:45
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: it will, because the watch already exists16:46
Keybukso lvm vgscan will trigger the change event16:46
IntuitiveNippleTesting on the lab PC I can't get the bug to show issuing a trigger or vgscan16:46
Keybukthat's because you've now entered the strange situation I have16:47
Keybukwhere I just can't replicate the bug16:47
Keybukdespite all the conditions being true16:47
Keybukand this seems to be linked to the observance that adding/removing udev_log changes the outcome16:47
Keybukas well as adding/removing cores16:48
KeybukOOI, could you test the patch and see if it has the same effect as your rules change16:48
asacstgraber: pastebinit manpage doesnt really say where and in which format a user can set defaults.16:48
asacstgraber: also in jaunty it doesnt use paste.ubuntu.com by default anymore. is that intentional?16:48
KeybukI can see lvm vgscan opening the block devices O_RDWR16:51
Keybukand closing them again16:51
Keybukbut no inotify event is firing in udev16:51
Keybukwhich is a bit odd16:51
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: I have a build of the package with that patch included from yesterday; let me find where I put it16:51
munckfishasac: sorry I took so long. I have a log now that documents the problem. I closed the original WPA related bug as I'm fairly certain that's solved. Have attached to bug 30945716:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309457 in ubuntu-ps3-port "[ps3_gelic] [2.6.28-rc8] Networkmanager does not autoconnect/connect on first try to wireless" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30945716:52
asacmunckfish: ok. there is no successful association in it16:58
asacbut thats ok i guess16:58
munckfishasac: what do you mean?16:58
munckfishasac: I can get a log with the successful association too16:59
asacmunckfish: no all fian ;)16:59
asacdid you say in the bug that it works with wired unplugged?16:59
kirklanddoes anyone know if apport in Jaunty works through proxies?17:00
munckfishasac: ok. Yes that's right. I unplugged the eth cable. Rebooted to follow the same sequence of steps, and as soon as I hit the desktop the wifi connection was up just fine.17:00
asacmunckfish: did you say so in the bug too (that was my question)?17:01
asacotherwise please add that info17:01
munckfishasac: I think I forgot, I'll add an extra note17:02
asacmunckfish: thanks. i am in a meeting now (~30 minutes)17:06
munckfishasac: ok thx for your time, I've added extra notes now. Let me know if you have any thoughts on it. Cheers17:07
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: any luck?17:10
IntuitiveNippleHad to rebuild the package, just done, and moving it to the lab PC17:11
dokoRiddell: please have a look at bug 30462217:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304622 in mudlet "Please update qscintilla2 package to fix crashing" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30462217:15
Riddelldoko: hum, it says "Error: Unable to find either PyQt v3 or v4." during configure17:28
Riddelldoko: hmm, python2.6 can't import PyQt4.pyqtconfig17:29
Riddelldunno why, I have /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PyQt4/pyqtconfig.py17:30
dokoRiddell: the error message is in the python2.5 build17:33
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Just tested the patch on a clean source of 138-1 and it appears to have solved the issue.17:33
Riddelldoko: not for me it isn't17:35
dokoRiddell: my python2.6 changes are at http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/tmp/q.diff  could you recheck with these?17:35
dokoRiddell: I tried on i386, if that makes a difference17:36
Riddelldoko: I'm missing /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PyQt4/__init__.py17:38
dokolooking ...17:38
geserIntuitiveNipple: that patch http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/udev.inotify.patch ? I tried it but it didn't solve the issue for me (but I can retest just to be sure)17:39
IntuitiveNippleDo you want the binaries to save time?17:40
IntuitiveNipplegeser: http://tjworld.net/ubuntu/bugs/lp332270/17:40
geserIntuitiveNipple: I've debs, just want to double check that I'm testing the right patch17:41
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: MichaelEvans is testing the binary patch with encrypted and he stills suffers the thrashing disk, although the root got opened/mounted without early incident. With the 99-inotify.rules version, his PC started without any issues17:47
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: your claims make no sense ;)17:59
Keybukthe patch does what you're _trying_ to do with the ENV stuff17:59
Keybukexcept what you're trying to do with the ENV stuff doesn't make any difference17:59
IntuitiveNippleMakes a lot of difference. With the 99-inotify.rules and changes to 60-pers... and 65-dmsetup, the systems start okay18:00
kozzjust a stupid question about the new dialog in transmission when a torrent is completed, what is the "cancel" button supposed to do?18:02
kozzI didn't want to test right now :) but just realized that is seemed strange now when I say it18:02
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: then there must be a bug in your rules18:03
Keybukbecause moving the OPTIONS to 99 or to 01 won't make a blind bit of difference ;)18:03
IntuitiveNipplewell, it has on two separate systems with reinstalled 138-1 and dmsetup's 65- manually altered.18:04
Keybukwithout seeing exactly what you've done, I can't comment precisely18:04
Keybukbut I suspect you've simply ended up with no inotify watches18:04
Keybukeither by a typo or a mis-assumption18:05
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: I'm guessing that you're assuming that by moving the setting to 99, "after" LVM, that udev won't set the watch until later?18:07
Keybukudev doesn't work that way18:07
Keybukit processes the rules in the same manner, no matter what order things appear in18:07
Keybuk  01.rules  RUN+="foo $name"18:08
Keybuk  02.rules  NAME="bar"18:08
Keybukit will actually do18:08
Keybuk  mkdir /dev/bar18:08
Keybuk  foo /dev/bar18:08
Keybuknot the opposite, as you might expect18:08
Keybukbecause the opposite is actually stupid18:08
Keybukso no matter where you put the OPTIONS+="watch", it will always add the inotify watch after mknod() but before all the RUN rules18:08
IntuitiveNippleHmmm... the lab PC has your binary package installed right now. I'll put the other one in and check what watches are set up after it starts18:11
* pitti hugs tseliot18:12
pittitseliot: thanks for figuring out bug 329410, this is driving me mad18:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329410 in gnome-settings-daemon "does not set configured resolutions at GNOME startup any more" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32941018:13
ScottKpitti: I see you are somewhat behind in your blog reading.  I wrote that one on notifications a long time ago.18:22
ScottKpitti: I think giving users the easy option to get the more upstream experience is a great thing.18:23
pittiScottK: sorry for that, I just added a missing title today; I wrote that one weeks ago18:23
ScottKpitti: OK.  That makes sense.18:24
ScottKNow that you mention it, I think I even remember it.18:24
pittiyeah, we talked about it on IRC18:26
ScottKPersonally, I'm pretty happy with what Knotify provides in KDE 4.2.18:27
* Keybuk facepalms18:27
pittigood night everyone18:27
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
* Riddell can list half a dozen issues with Knotify18:37
NCommanderIs there a way to put an alternate CD on a USB stick?18:38
maxbNCommander: usb-creator?18:46
NCommanderit doesn't work for me with alternates or server CDs; I was on the impression it was just for liveCDs18:47
maxbI'm sure it worked for me, but I seem to recall it only fixed up *some* of the boot options18:47
* maxb hunts bugnumber18:47
maxbLP 31336618:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313366 in usb-creator "cdrom-detect/try-usb=true not inserted on all relevant menu options" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31336618:48
KeybukNCommander: WFM18:48
maxbWorks For Me18:49
KeybukWorks For Me18:49
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/hotplug/keybuk/udev.git;a=summary18:49
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: top 10 patches18:49
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: I'll pull it to my local repo and build the package from that18:49
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: I meant to ask... is the repo supposed to also contain the test/sys/ ... tree ? it plays havock with any grep18:51
Keybukit's the udev test suite18:52
* soren needs "An idiot's guide to dpkg-statoverride"18:54
soren$ dpkg-statoverride --list '*euca*'18:54
sorenroot eucalyptus 04750 /usr/share/eucalyptus/euca_rootwrap18:54
soren...yet when a package comes along and provides that package, I get:18:55
soren-rwsr-x--- 1 root root 6176 2009-02-20 09:40 /usr/share/eucalyptus/euca_rootwrap18:55
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: okay, because there are endless "recursive directory loop"18:55
tseliotpitti: np18:58
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: well done... 18 seconds to boot19:13
sorenI thought statoverrides were supposed to be applied any time dpkg put the file in question in place?19:16
cjwatsonthey ought to be, yes19:16
sorencjwatson: So the stuff I pasted 15-20 lines up doesn't make any sense, does it?19:17
cjwatsonsoren: err, the permissions in your dpkg-statoverride match those in ls -l19:17
sorenNot the ownership.19:17
cjwatsonoh, right19:17
cjwatsonsounds like a bug then, assuming that the package isn't doing anything else funny19:17
cjwatsonmaybe if you're replacing an existing file you need an explicit chgrp? not sure without looking at the code TBH ...19:18
cjwatsondpkg-statoverride does have an --update switch which may be relevant here19:18
sorencjwatson: I tried removing the file, and "dpkg -i package.deb" again... Still no luck.19:18
sorenWhat if...19:18
cjwatsonjust a quick check, does that group actually exist?19:19
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soren$ getent group eucalyptus19:19
sorenAnd if I pass --update to dpkg-statoverride, it dtrt.19:19
soren...but dpkg seems to not care much.19:20
sorendpkg-statoverride does it directly from perl, so it's an entirely different codepath.19:20
cjwatsonI'm happy to investigate given sample packages and a tarball of /var/lib/dpkg19:21
sorenI'll look into it myself for a little bit. I just wanted to check if I was obviously doing it wrong.19:21
jdong_are there any known jaunty issues with lvm+dmcrypt boot?19:22
sorencjwatson: I'll take you up on the offer if I can't work it out. Thanks :)19:22
IntuitiveNipplejdong: Yes: bug # 33227019:24
jdong_where is the best place to break to diagnose a "volume group 'main' not found"?19:24
IntuitiveNipplejdong: Looks like we have a fix; I've just tested Keybuk's upstream patches and it seems to do the job19:24
IntuitiveNipplejdong: bug #33227019:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227019:24
jdong_IntuitiveNipple: thanks19:26
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jdong_ha. silly me. breaking on top with a USB keyboard.19:28
sorencjwatson: False alarm.19:33
jdong_ok that's it. LiveCD time.19:34
sorencjwatson: dpkg dtrt. Immediately afterwards, the daemon I start from my postinst helpfully calls "chown root:root" on it.19:34
* soren pats strace on the head19:35
jdong_I guess USB keyboard with broken udev is not going to work out well for my laziness.19:35
IntuitiveNipplejdong: Doesn't BIOS offer an option for "Legacy USB" to cover that period? I know many do19:35
jdong_IntuitiveNipple: not helpful when the kernel loads the EHCI/UCHI modules which seems to kick off the BIOS emulation19:36
IntuitiveNipplejdong: the wonders of modern technology :)19:37
jdong_lol, indeed :)19:37
jdong_oh how helpless are we all when udev dies19:37
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: not a complete fix19:44
Keybukif you have multiple PVs, they'll just trigger each other19:44
sorenI have multiple pv's, but am not affected. What am I doing wrong? :)19:45
Keybuksoren: there's another bug in udev I found in the process19:47
Keybukif lots of inotify events come in at once, then it only processes the first one19:47
Keybukif you apply the patch to fix _that_ bug19:48
Keybukthen you'll be affected by the other ;)19:48
sorenOh. Erm.. "Thanks" :)19:48
Keybukstupid dump question of the day19:50
Keybukhow do I build an i386 binary on an amd6419:50
jdong_package or binary? gcc -m32?19:52
Keybukjdong_: that complains about missing libgcc.a19:53
ScottKdoko: Is there documentation yet on pycentral.mk?  Should it be used by any CDBS using pycentral package?19:53
KeybukI only have x86_64-linux-gnu in /usr/lib/gcc19:53
jdong_is that lib32gcc1's job?19:54
Keybukahh, gcc-multilib19:55
dokoScottK: not yet; I think it's better to move this into the python package, maybe with a better name. but I'll keep this one in python-central. Just didn't want to hard-code this in every dir19:55
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: so this package fixes it for you?19:57
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: It appears to have done, yes.19:57
LaneyIntuitiveNipple: Do you have a deb?19:57
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Do you want to provoke/test it at all?19:57
LaneyI am having this too19:58
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: now that I've fixed the bug that stopped me from being able to replicate it, I'm quietly confident19:58
Keybukie. I can fix that bug, replicate it every time in vmware, apply the other patches, and it goes away again19:58
Keybuknow, in theory19:58
Keybukif I add another disk, with another LVM PV on it, it will explode19:58
LaneyI have multiple PVs19:59
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: OK... well if you need it, just shout19:59
IntuitiveNippleLaney: http://tjworld.net/ubuntu/bugs/lp332270/20:00
Laneythanks muchly20:00
Laneydo I need both?20:00
IntuitiveNippleudev and libvolume-id120:00
Keybukjust udev actuall20:00
IntuitiveNippleThese are builds of Keybuk's git tree tip20:01
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IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Confirmed. I deleted the PV here and created an extended in its place, and added 3 PVs inside it. As soon as I'd run partprobe the disk started thrashing20:10
LaneyI am getting "unable to create db file" errors with this udev deb20:12
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: Deleting the PVs whilst udev is thrashing cures the problem... a bit drastic though :)20:12
IntuitiveNippleLaney: which arch?20:13
KeybukLaney: it helps if you run it as root ;)20:13
Laney*run* it?20:13
IntuitiveNippleHmmm, there were some glitches on the 'net when that was being transferred, but I did an md5sum check and it matched the source20:13
LaneyI just restarted my machine20:13
Laneyand yeah, I have multiple PVs and it still doesn't boot20:14
* Laney snaps a pic20:14
IntuitiveNipplemultiple PVs will trigger the bug20:14
Laneyit just moved on before I had the chance20:14
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: The obvious fix is upstream lvm, so vgscan doesn't open RDWR, but for now, could we work around it by having the rules add an attribute that would prevent the vgscan on any volumes that had already been scanned?20:17
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
KeybukIntuitiveNipple: I'm looking into the obvious fix now ;)20:18
mathiazslangasek: re bug 305264 and your comment https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnutls12/+bug/305264/comments/33 - do you have reference to the discussion you mention in your comment?20:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305264 in gnutls26 "gnutls regression: failure in certificate chain validation" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30526420:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 305264 in gnutls26 "gnutls regression: failure in certificate chain validation" [High,Fix committed]20:19
LaserJockis there a kees-replacement while he's on vacation?20:22
Keybuk"kees-replacement" ?20:22
Keybuksoren is watching back episodes of Doctor Who, does that count?20:23
mathiazLaserJock: mdeslaur may be able to help you - as well as jdstrand20:23
Keybukpitti grew the "evil clone" beard a while back, so he's on "evil clone" duty20:23
Keybuk(either that, or pitti *is* now his own evil clone from a mirror universe)20:23
LaserJockKeybuk: is that a Multiverse clone then?20:24
mdeslaurLaserJock: yes?20:24
LaserJockmdeslaur: are Launchpad bugs filed for CVEs or are they handled separately?20:26
jdstrandLaserJock: I've been told you were looking for kees20:27
jdstrandLaserJock: I somehow dropped off Freenode20:27
LaserJockI'm looking at http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve20:27
jdstrandLaserJock: we track CVEs in ubuntu-cve-tracker20:27
mdeslaurLaserJock: you're asking if you should file a bug?20:27
LaserJockand there are a number of CVEs on a package I'm trying to work on20:27
LaserJockI think some are going to get fixed, but I'd like to be able to track everyting, figure out which releases are effected, etc.20:28
tdomhanthe REVU is down? any information when it will be up again?20:28
jdstrandLaserJock: LP doesn't have enough flexibility for us to track everything in it20:28
jdstrandLaserJock: so we have ubuntu-cve-tracker, which that page you mentioned is generated from20:29
LaserJockso I noticed there are https://launchpad.net/bugs/cve/ links20:29
jdstrandLaserJock: we are getting close to being able to sync uct with LP20:29
jdstrandLaserJock: we do add LP bugs to uct as we see them20:29
jdstrandLaserJock: feel free to add bugs to LP, along with CVE links, and we'll get them in sync with uct20:29
geserthekorn: use revu.ubuntuwire.org instead of .com20:29
geserthekorn: sorry, wrong tab-completion20:30
LaserJockjdstrand: ok, but what if they're already on uct, does that mean they have an LP bug?20:30
gesertdomhan: use revu.ubuntuwire.org instead of .com20:30
jdstrandLaserJock: if you want to do triage in uct yourself, go to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-cve-tracker/master. check out a branch, read README and ping us when ready20:30
tdomhangeser, thanks, is that a permanent domain change?20:31
jdstrandLaserJock: being in uct does *not* mean they have an LP bug20:31
jdstrandLaserJock: when a couple of bugs are fixed in LP, that will change20:31
LaserJockjdstrand: ok20:31
gesertdomhan: I don't really know, I guess the .com will come back when it gets renewed again20:31
cjwatsonsoren: haha, excellent :-)20:32
LaserJockjdstrand: so in debian/changelog what's the best reference to say that we're fixing a CVE, just using the CVE number?20:32
jdstrandLaserJock: yes. please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityUpdateProcedures#Preparing%20an%20update for details20:32
jdstrandLaserJock: it is good to reference the CVE number, the LP bug if there is one, as well as the patch url. The above link has details20:33
LaserJockjdstrand: ok cool, this package has 10 CVEs on the tracker, hopefully we can get that number down20:36
jdstrandLaserJock: excellent20:37
LaneyKeybuk: Here (http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/udev.jpg) are the new messages that I get after installing IntuitiveNipple's .deb. They don't seem to affect the boot20:46
Laneyalso my interfaces have been renamed :(20:46
Laney(but I see there is a bug for this already)20:46
asomethingjdstrand: Bug #316550, Debian's 0.1.1-10 only fixes CVE-2008-5620, my fix for CVE-2008-5619 comes from upstream. 2008-5620 isn't actually fixed in Testing it's fixed in unstable by using the new upstream release. i'm really not sure how to make it less invasive20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316550 in roundcube "[CVE-2008-5619] [CVE-2008-5620] - Roundcube vulnerable and actively exploited" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31655020:49
LaneyKeybuk: Is udevd hosing the CPU a part of this bug?20:51
asomethingjdstrand: err....  2008-5620 is fixed in testing not  2008-561920:52
jdstrandasomething: aren't both? I also looked upstream and couldn't find the changeset that matched the debdiff.20:53
jdstrandasomething: if this is in error, can you comment on the bug and update the patch to reference the upstream commit that fixes this?20:54
jdstrandasomething: I thought 5619 was fixed in -9...20:54
asomethingjdstrand: ahh, i see now, sorry. I'll use the debian fix. upstream provides new files here: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=89854220:56
jdstrandasomething: that link isn't super useful. it would be best if you could find the svn commit. however, if you go with Debian's changes, then no need20:59
KeybukLaney: that would be the primary symptom of the bug, yes21:04
jdstrandasomething: thanks for your work on this :)21:04
LaneyKeybuk: Ah, I thought it was just slowness in the boot. Good to know, thanks21:04
slangasekmathiaz: the upstream discussion?21:05
mathiazslangasek: yes21:07
mathiazslangasek: was it an discussion with gnutls upstream or openldap upstream?21:07
slangasekmathiaz: gnutls upstream; linked to from the referenced Debian gnutls bug report21:08
mathiazslangasek: ok. So openldap upstream hasn't been consulted21:08
slangasekindeed not21:09
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KeybukI wonder21:41
Keybukcan you re-open a file descriptor with different flags?21:41
slangasekwell, I guess freopen() can, but I imagine it just closes and reopens as necessary?21:43
cjwatsondup2 + fcntl?21:43
cjwatsonoh but you can't fiddle with O_WRONLY etc. with fcntl21:43
Keybukcjwatson: yeah, sadly21:44
Keybukclose() and open() it is21:44
directhexKeybuk, we almost have a gdb addin package for monodevelop ready. and it already supports some source control systems directly. since you mentioned it on the blogosphere21:46
Keybukdirecthex: \o/21:47
Keybukdoes monodevelop have an equivalent of C-x 4 a21:47
Keybukand does monodevelop support autoconf/make yet? :)21:48
directhexit has autofoo integration, although i haven't used it21:48
directhexand i know it has vi bindings - dunno about emacs21:48
directhexs/bindings/keyboard &/21:48
KeybukI don't want vi or emacs bindings21:48
Keybukwhat I mean is does it have an add-to-changelog functionality21:48
Keybukie. I'm editing source code21:48
KeybukI press a key or two21:49
directhexoh. i think so. let me check21:49
Keybukand it takes me to the ChangeLog file, with the date, my name, e-mail address, the current filename, and function all filled in already21:49
racarrKeybuk: A little late, but I think you want dup321:49
Keybukracarr: sadly again, you can only add O_CLOEXEC to the flags21:50
RAOFKeybuk: It does have autofoo integration, but I always end up writing the autofoo myself; it generates only semi-sane autofoo.21:50
Keybukthen again, knowing the kernel, to actually change the flags from O_RDONLY to O_RDWR would involve an fput()/fget() so it's a close()/open() anyway21:51
KeybukRAOF: don't want it to generate it - just use what's there21:51
RAOFI think that works, yeah.21:51
RAOFHonestly, I use monodevelop as a glorified text editor.21:51
racarrKeybuk: Ah. Nevermind.21:52
RAOFIn part because it doesn't respect PKG_CONFIG_PATH, and I'm always developting against stuff installed in ~/.local21:52
directhexKeybuk, no default key binding, but yes, changelog adding is a bindable menu option21:56
Keybukdirecthex: nice21:57
Keybukdirecthex: so when does the gdb stuff arrive?21:57
directhexKeybuk, when meebey, hanska & i manage to beat git into a bloody pulp..... and a nice friendly MOTU uploads it... and it passes NEW21:58
KeybukPPA :p21:58
Keybukand a valgrind addin? :p21:58
directhexKeybuk, patches welcome!21:59
* Keybuk would have to learn C# properly21:59
directhexwell you want the mdb addin if you wanted to learn c#21:59
directhexi thought you were happy enough with c/c++-like things21:59
directhexoh, wait, for patches21:59
* directhex si teh dum22:00
directhexyou can write addins in any mono language, if you're in the mood - e.g. monodevelop-boo is written in boo22:01
directhexboo's a cute language22:01
meebey22:48:51 <Keybuk> what I mean is does it have an add-to-changelog functionality22:01
meebeyyes it has, all VCS commits gets added to a changelog automatically22:01
Keybuknot quite what I meant22:01
directhexand non-vcs commits too22:02
meebeyso whats add-to-changelog then22:02
Keybukit's a top-level file in most projects22:02
meebeyyes thats what it does22:02
meebeyyou can set it to top-level or deepest22:02
KeybukI write that as I go22:02
directhexi'd take a screenshot but, y'know, effort22:02
Keybukthen when I commit to a vcs, I just use the diff of the top-level ChangeLog as the log message22:02
cjwatsonmeebey: some of us prefer generating the VCS commit message from the changelog rather than the other way round :)22:02
Keybukdirecthex: I can't actually find the option22:03
cjwatsonit's easier to write that as you go along rather than being forced to do it all at the end when you're committing22:03
meebeyyou have to enable changelog integration in the solution or project first IIRC22:03
directhexKeybuk, Edit menu, near the bottom, to add an entry. project options bottom section lets you configure format22:03
meebeybut AFAIK its bound to the VCS actions22:03
directhexmeebey, nay!22:03
directhexnot in 2.0b1 anyway22:03
Keybukdirecthex: no option there, just "Insert standard header"22:03
meebeycjwatson: then you dont commit often enough!22:04
* meebey runs22:04
directhexKeybuk, is this 1.0 or 1.9.2?22:04
meebeydirecthex: even 1.0 has changelog integration22:04
Keybukdirecthex: 1.9.2 from your PPA22:05
directhexKeybuk, and it might be in the monodevelop-versioncontrol package, if you don't have that22:05
Keybuknot that I can figure out how to create a project in monodevelop anyway ;)22:05
cjwatsonmeebey: my commits are about as granular as I can possibly make them, actually ;)22:06
cjwatson(sanely, anyway)22:06
meebeycjwatson: excuses excuses! :-P22:06
cjwatsonI can't help it if you like a crackful changelog generation method ;-)22:07
directhexif my request for UDS sponsorship gets approved, then there'll be an opportunity to play in a group environment :D22:07
meebeyso you switch between the changelog and the source while you are working on it?22:07
meebeyI usually read the diffs when I commit and then write what I changed..22:08
meebeyas it might need a few cycles till it works (by testing)22:08
Keybukdirecthex: actually, quite seriously22:08
meebeyso the code is written but not working and maybe the approach was all wrong22:08
Keybukhow _does_ one open an existing piece of code in monodevelop? :p22:08
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RAOFKeybuk: file->open ?22:10
directhexKeybuk, the root unit is a solution, a solution contains projects. you should be able to file/open individual files, but need a solution for useful interaction22:10
Keybukso how do I create a solution/project for an existing program?22:11
directhexnew empty solution, preferably of the language type that your project is, and add files22:13
cjwatsonmeebey: not all the time, but sometimes it is useful not to write the whole changelog message right at the end22:13
directhexanyway, feel free to beat upstream with a stick if you don't like it ;)22:14
cjwatsonmeebey: I often find that, while I'm describing what I did, I notice mistakes, pare down the diff somewhat, etc.22:14
cjwatsonmeebey: and I prefer to write the changelog with reference to a diff (i.e. bzr diff | view -, :spl ChangeLog) rather than with reference to a VCS commit editor22:14
Keybukdirecthex: how does it know to use autoconf, etc.?22:14
directhexKeybuk, i don't think it has much in the way of existing-autofoo ability. it can create its own, but i don't know about importing existing22:15
directhexKeybuk, i forget which menu it's in, but there's a clicky option in a menu to create makefiles, which lets you pick autofoo22:16
RAOFHm.  That's changed since 1.022:17
RAOFThere used to be a box "run autogen.sh before build"22:17
Keybukright, but I have the complete existing project22:17
Keybukand just want to edit things22:17
Keybukcan't you just go "here's a project, it has existing Makefile.am files, go figure it out yourself"22:17
Keybukideally that would result in a complete solution already22:18
RAOFNo.  But that _would_ be pretty awesome.22:18
RAOFIt sounds quite hard, though.22:18
KeybukMakefile.am are eeeeasy to parse22:18
KeybukProject for each bin_PROGRAMS type entry22:18
Keybukand lookup the SOURCES for them for the files22:18
RAOFI suppose if you don't want to support people doing crazy stuff, it'd be easy.22:18
Keybukcrazy stuff they can just Add File, etc.22:19
RAOFIt'd work particularly well for C/C++ projects, because they do crazy stuff least frequently.22:20
directhexKeybuk, could be a fun challenge for someone who's a little bored22:20
RAOFdirecthex: How do you make "Edit->Add ChangeLog Entry" be not disabled?22:20
directhexRAOF, um... have you enabled it in project options?22:20
RAOFdirecthex: Yes.22:20
directhexehm..... ya SUUUUUUUUUUUUURE?22:21
directhexi dunno. poke lluis or mhutch? it worked in my brief tinkering22:21
RAOFdirecthex: YES.  In both the default policies, and in the solution.22:21
RAOFAnyway.  Importing projects from a top-level Makefile.am would be pretty cool, and hopefully not too hard if you do it simple-mindedly.22:22
* Keybuk breaks lvm22:31
* geser will wait a few days before he updates udev and lvm22:39
Keybukgeser: yes, that's helpful22:39
Keybukthat way we won't know whether or not the bug is fixed22:39
geserKeybuk: I'd test the new packages but I currently don't have time to "break" my jaunty before Thursday22:41
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nhandlerDoes anyone here know when elmo is usually online? I've been trying to contact him for a few weeks now. I have tried sending him /msg's and emails, but have not gotten a response.23:37
cjwatsonhe was travelling last week and thus working hard at fairly unpleasant times for him. Do you really need elmo specifically?23:39
nhandlercjwatson: I'm still trying to hunt down a status update of people.ubuntu.com. The response from everyone I have talked to has been to talk to elmo23:40
* cjwatson looks for an RT request about this23:42
cjwatsonnormally, I would expect to be able to find elmo during UK working hours23:44
nhandlerI have tried sending him a /msg at around 12:00 UTC (before I leave for the day). I have also tried sending him emails. It is nothing urgent, but I would appreciate a response23:46
cjwatsoncan't really help you further, sorry ...23:47
nhandlercjwatson: No problem. But if you see him, please let him know that I have been trying to contact him.23:48
KeybukDisplaying first 80 comments.  View all 114 comments or add a comment.23:49
Keybukholy launchpad misfeature!23:49
jdong_It should say "Displaying summary. Add a comment, add a comment, post on Digg, or view all comments" right?23:50
Keybukit needs a link to send whatever Jono's just blogged about to the PRESS23:50
LaserJockjdong_: no slashdot or technocrati?23:50
Keybukbut y'know23:51
KeybukI'm usually interested in the _most_recent_ comments on a bug23:51
Keybuknot the _oldest_23:51
jdong_IMO there should be karma attachable to posts23:51
jdong_a la digg, with a developer/driver-tickable "bump up +9000" button.23:51
jdong_if you look at recent comments you are more than likely to see "yeah I get that too" times 10023:52
Keybukwe should give the posters a "bump up +9000" button23:52
Keybukthat when you click it gives them a big box saying "your post has been bumped"23:52
Keybukbut NOTHING ELSE23:52
Keybukthey'll click on it for weeks happily without realising23:52
directhexjdong, what, 9000?23:53
ScottKdoko: Since python-celementtree and python-elementtree are incorporated in Python 2.5+, should be be getting them removed or do you need them for Zope?23:58

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