
directhexmrooney, run "requestsync" from ubuntu-dev-tools00:00
mrooneydirecthex: okay, now if I am the ubuntu maintainer but don't have upload rights, is there anything special I should do?00:01
directhexanakron, the version number of a package in debian/changelog should be appropriate. if it's an ubuntu-specific package based on 1.0-1, it should be 1.0-1ubuntu100:01
directhexmrooney, nope00:01
mrooneydirecthex: excellent, thanks!00:01
anakronping directhex : and if i got "Patch 10_remove_encoding_from_desktop_file does not remove cleanly (refresh it or enforce with -f)00:03
anakronafter applying patches00:03
anakronthen i must remove them?00:03
directhexanakron, patches must be removable as well as addable00:04
anakronbut, what i must do now00:07
directhexanakron, check your patch - it might be slightly buggy00:08
directhexanakron, if in doubt, regenerate the patch. it can help00:08
anakronit's not mine00:08
anakroncan you check it? its qtpfsgui00:08
anakroni want to add some changes00:09
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dholbachgood morning06:08
fabrice_sp_Good morning dholbach !06:08
dholbachhiya fabrice_sp_ :)06:10
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dholbachhiya stefanlsd07:01
aramorning dholbach :)07:07
stefanlsddholbach: Is there going to be an official gbj close meeting...07:07
dholbachstefanlsd: what would you expect to happen there?07:07
stefanlsddholbach: just maybe people who attended or had concerns to  raise them. problems we encountered or things we thought worked well07:07
dholbachstefanlsd: I didn't plan anything of that sort yet - maybe we could ask for feedback on ubuntu-bugsquad@ and loco-contacts@?07:08
didrocksI have to microblog about the bugjam in Paris... Let's say this evening to have my photos :)07:13
stefanlsddidrocks: FR did great!07:14
didrocksstefanlsd: for a first officiel participation, yeah, little pride about it :)07:14
didrocksbut most important: Paris wins over Toulouse :)07:14
didrockstake that huats :p07:14
dholbachdidrocks: on a bug-per-inhabitants basis? :)07:16
didrocksdholbach: no, that's not good stats. I can assure you ;p07:17
didrocksdholbach: how did you compute this stats? It's not the number of touched bugs?07:17
dholbachwhy isn't it?07:18
didrockshum, I was just wondering, seeing yesterday that there was some bugs like Toulouse having 23 000+ points ;)07:18
dholbachthat was a bug I fixed07:19
didrocksI am just impressed by the number of touched bug by us, Didn't realize it was so much07:19
stefanlsddidrocks: yeah, us neither07:20
didrocksdholbach: I am sure it's huats who asked you to do such a bug ;)07:20
dholbachdidrocks: no, I broke it just myself :)07:21
didrocksstefanlsd: you too? apparently, it's hard to count/estimate number of touched bugs ;)07:21
didrocksdholbach: :)07:21
stefanlsdDid we have a blog for ubuntu dev stuff? Was it on fridge, or was that only developer news?07:35
mok0stefanlsd: we don't. It was proposed but never decided on07:36
didrocksstefanlsd: yes, there were an open thread about it07:37
mok0Someone mentioned we might use the fridge07:38
stefanlsdmm. yeah. i think it would be a nice feature to have07:39
stefanlsdi think often there's alot of stuff going on, and guys could help, just you dont have a good way of putting it out there, or asking07:39
mok0stefanlsd: yep07:40
xakepwell there is one way07:40
stefanlsdand things like a common thing that biting everyone at the moment. maybe some big api change or something that would help a bunch of people hitting the same issue07:40
xakephow about a forum07:41
mok0stefanlsd: and important information like the python 2.6 upgrade07:41
xakeppython is pretty nice07:41
xakepwhy not use the 3.0.2 stable version07:42
mok0xakep: that's an understatement...07:42
xakepno thats not07:42
directhexxakep, pythono 3 is incompatible with 2.x by design07:42
xakepcause ScITE much better07:42
stefanlsdmok0: yeah. stuff like that.07:42
mok0oh, here comes my cat...07:43
xakeppython 3 will eventully be compatable07:43
stefanlsdi dont mind hosting a drupal site with a blog with openid to LP for this. Who would be the right person to check with?07:43
mok0xakep: nonsense07:43
xakepwell i counld open something like that07:44
xakepin a matter of minutes07:44
xakepwhat would it be called07:44
xakepgood urls are hard to find these days07:44
xakepmaybe wordpress would work07:45
dholbachdidrocks, stefanlsd: I'm just checking the code - it might be that I counted some bits twice :-/07:45
mok0If it's meant to be for the -devs, you need the blessing of a MOTU meeting07:45
dholbachdidrocks, stefanlsd: will let you know07:46
didrocksdholbach: don't cheat to make ubuntu-berlin the first one :)07:46
* didrocks keep an eye on dholbach ;)07:46
xakepthere is a beta verison of python that might work07:46
dholbachdidrocks: let's continue in #ubuntu-bugs :)07:46
xakepthat is strange code thou07:47
xakepbeta versions seem to crash allot07:47
xakepI have been having allot of luck with Ruby07:48
xakepwell im trying to repair damaged driver files07:49
directhexwell that was odd07:50
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araHey MOTUs! Today is an Ubuntu Testing Day!: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/2009022308:19
arahelp us testing the new features!08:20
AnAntHello, can someone review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webstrict ?09:14
slytherinanyone here with access to an ia64 machine.09:16
directhexno comment09:16
slytherindirecthex: mjpegtools fails to build on ia64 with error that libquicktime-dev is not installable because some particular version of libquicktime1 is not installable.09:19
directhexslytherin, can you phrase that in the form of a SLES10 question?09:20
slytherindirecthex: I don't think so.09:21
stefanlsdAre blueprints meant to be discussed before proposed, or proposed and then discussed?09:23
AnAntpersia: ping09:29
AnAntpersia: I have fixed the issues you mentioned in webstrict09:29
Koonstefanlsd: I would say both09:29
Koonstefanlsd: some blueprints are well advanced when discussed at UDS... for some others its the UDS discussion that sparks the blueprint09:31
stefanlsdKoon: mm. ok. I was wondering about a opt in / out notification for new merges / syncs to the last uploader. Also some way of that uploader saying, i will do this / i dont have time and feel free to take it.09:32
Koonstefanlsd: interesting.09:34
Koonsince the merge/sync window usually starts before UDS I guess that should be discussed well before09:35
stefanlsdI think it will make the merge/sync stuff alot smoother.  I often didnt realise that there was a new merge available, and the merges that were there ,I didnt really wanna 'steal' someone elses merge.. - mm. i could register a blueprint i guess. (i actually already have done the python code to check for updates and notify if new merges are available).09:37
LaibschIs this the right place for motu-sru?10:20
HobbseeLaibsch: on irc?  Yes.10:23
devfil2Laibsch: what do you need?10:35
LaibschI'd really like bug 221010 to be pushed10:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221010 in mailgraph "homepage for mailgraph has moved" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22101010:36
Laibschoutstanding for dapper and gutsy10:36
devfil2Laibsch: ah, I forgot to ack it10:37
LaibschHere's your reminder ;-)10:38
devfil2Laibsch: the problem is only the icon?10:38
Laibschicon and url10:39
Laibschthe debdiff should be taking care of both10:39
Laibschurl icon and the url where the image links too have both changed10:39
Laibsch /10:39
devfil2Laibsch: why is it so important?10:39
LaibschDid I say it is important?10:40
Laibschit is a question of user experience, though10:41
LaibschAnd now that I've gone to the trouble of preparing the patch, I guess I want to see it released10:41
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DktrKranzLaibsch: gutsy will reach EOL very soon, so I guess it won't be processed in time (speaking with former motu-sru hat)10:42
Laibschtoo bad10:42
Laibschit lingered for a while10:42
Laibschall the more reason to release dapper quickly ;-)10:43
devfil2Laibsch: uhm it's ok10:43
LaibschThat being said, I still see feisty around10:43
DktrKranzLaibsch: huh? Feisty is EOL since october10:44
Laibschoops, you're right10:44
LaibschBut it wasn't taken off pages like http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=aptitude immediately10:44
devfil2DktrKranz: can you upload the debdiffs?10:45
DktrKranzdevfil2: no gpg key handy right now10:45
DktrKranzLaibsch: probably it's still displayed, but I'm not sure we can actually push packages to a "obsolete" distro with success10:46
DktrKranzsoyuz could reject them10:46
LaibschI'm not suggesting to push packages to already eol'd releases10:48
LaibschI was merely trying to point out that although eol is looming, releases sometimes have a bit more room to breath even after official eol10:49
LaibschDktrKranz: can I ping you when you are around your GPG key or would it be better to ask somebody else?10:49
=== korn_ is now known as c_korn
devfil2Laibsch: I'm uploading your debdiffs10:54
Kamping_Kaiseri know this is slightly OT here, but how long can i expect a build of Linux to take in a Launchpad PPA?10:56
Kamping_Kaiseri'm at 3 hours, I'm wondering if it'll be another hour, or another 15 :)10:56
slytherinKamping_Kaiser: check how much time it takes for the official builds.10:56
geserlinux == kernel?10:56
Kamping_Kaisergeser, yes.10:56
Kamping_Kaiserslytherin, where can i look for that info?10:56
slytherinKamping_Kaiser: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/linux/+builds10:57
Kamping_Kaiserslytherin, thanks10:58
devfil2Laibsch: I'm changing your debdiffs to use the patch system10:59
Kamping_Kaiserinteresting. I cant view https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/linux/+builds11:02
Kamping_Kaiserjaunty kernel will have to do.11:02
geserKamping_Kaiser: I don't know if the package was already named linux in hardy11:03
Kamping_Kaisergeser, aaah. I'll go and look. thanks for that pointer11:03
Kamping_KaiserI can view the builds via https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/linux/2.6.24-24.50 , but +source/linux/+builds i cant view. would this be worth asking about #launchpad ?11:07
geserKamping_Kaiser: just checked myself, I see "not allowed here" too, will ask in #launchpad11:11
Hobbseei get a 404 there11:12
Kamping_KaiserHobbsee, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/linux/+builds11:12
Hobbseeoh, right11:12
Hobbseeforbidden, even here.  strange.11:13
Kamping_Kaiserhiya, btw.11:13
Hobbseeno one shall have access to that page!11:13
slytherincan anyone provide any insight in this build failure - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22998337/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-ia64.mjpegtools_1%3A1.9.0-0.0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:21
slytherinI checked the archive (ports.ubuntu.com) and both libquicktime-dev and libquicktime1 are present on ia64.11:21
wgrantslytherin: It could mean a conflict of some sort.11:26
LaibschI'm working on bug 139661 and have prepared patch http://oss.leggewie.org/wip/LP139661.diff11:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 139661 in aptitude "[tribe 5] aptitude ncurses interface refers to su vs sudo in status bar notes" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13966111:27
wgrantlibquicktime1 could well not be installable on ia64.11:27
LaibschI'm not terribly familiar with translation.  Do I even need to patch all those .po files?11:27
slytherinwgrant: I am not able figure out the problem from log.11:27
Laibschor just ui.cc and possibly the .pot file?11:27
wgrantslytherin: It's not too useful for debugging things at that stage of the build. You need to try to resolve the deps yourself, I suspect, and see what's broken.11:28
wgrant(ideally in an ia64 chroot)11:28
slytherinwgrant: I don't have access to ia64 chroot. :-(11:29
directhexslytherin, debootstrapping, just for you11:33
slytherindirecthex: thanks. :-)11:33
slytherinAnd I now have a hunch where the problem could be.11:33
directhexNOW you tell me, after messing about with debootstrap rpms...11:34
geserdirecthex: can you install libquicktime-dev?11:35
slytherindirecthex: I believe libquicktime needs a rebuild. Because I can see libavcodec51 as runtime dependency in libquicktime1 package for ia64. But libavcodec51 is not a package anymore in jaunty.11:37
directhexThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:38
directhex  libquicktime1: Depends: libavcodec51 (>= 3:0.svn20080206-8) which is a virtual package. or11:38
directhex                          libavcodec-unstripped-51 (>= 3:0.svn20080206-8) which is a virtual package.11:38
slytherindirecthex: right, so libquicktime needs a rebuild.11:38
directhexthat what you were after?11:39
slytherinNo. I wasn't sure before.11:39
slytherinI will do the rebuild today.11:40
directhexcan i delete this chroot? it's a production box...11:40
slytherinor if any motu free enough to upload a build1 source package for libquicktime, that will be great. :-)11:40
slytherindirecthex: sure, thanks for your help.11:40
DktrKranzLaibsch: if you're online around 20 UTC, sure11:41
directhexi wish i knew why the test box wasn't booting11:41
devfil2DktrKranz: I've already uploaded Laibsch packages11:42
LaibschDktrKranz: most likely not, I'm in Japan11:43
Laibschdevfil2: oh, thanks!11:43
devfil2slytherin: a rebuild of libquicktime?11:43
slytherindevfil2: yes11:44
slytherindevfil2: to pickup correct dependencies (libavcodec).11:44
ScottKdevfil2: Your koffice upload FTBFS.11:45
ScottKYou going to fix it?11:45
devfil2ScottK: it FTBFS on i386 due to sh script if I remember right, feel free to check it11:46
DktrKranzLaibsch: oh... pretty incompatible, then. But they're already in unapproved11:46
ScottKdevfil2: Your upload FTBFS.  I don't find telling me to check a very responsible attitude.11:47
devfil2ScootK: ok, I can look at it11:47
Laibschis this the mailgraph package?11:48
james_wanyone have any items they think would be good for the Developer News?12:02
directhexmono 2.0 app transition done? ;)12:03
DktrKranzdirecthex: can you read my brain? :)12:03
directhexew, you disgusting child, is that even legal? :o12:04
DktrKranzit's legal given that you don't disclosure my password to launch nuclear missles12:04
savvasThis is weird - I'm listed as subscribed in most of the packages I submitted in revu-ubuntuwire, but I don't receive the comment updates12:14
james_wdirecthex: yeah, that will be on there12:18
james_wsavvas: I think you have to enable email notifications12:18
devfil2ScottK: koffice ftbfs due to kdelibs changes12:18
savvasjames_w: I have that checked! I think I have to subscribe to each package I upload, or was that supposed to be done automatically?12:22
savvase.g. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/u/medigeek shows I'm subscribed to "Own packages, fatrat, fspy", whereas I am listed in the subscribers at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/lxsplit12:23
RainCTsavvas: have you checked your mail address?12:26
RainCT(hint: preferences page)12:27
savvasRainCT: yes, I've just unchecked and checked it again - but why am I listed in subscribers at the package page http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/lxsplit and not shown in my user page?12:28
savvasRainCT: also at the lxsplit page I have a "Subscribe" link on the top menu, not "Unsubscribe"12:30
RainCTsavvas: because it's your package12:31
RainCTsavvas: so in the profile it's displayed as "Own packages"12:31
RainCTsavvas: the link says "Subscribe" because you can still subscribe to that package and then you'd remain subscribed if later you uncheck the "get notifications for all my packages"12:32
RainCT(btw, if REVU stops working access it from revu.ubuntuwire.org.. just heard in #ubuntuwire that the .com has expired)12:34
savvasok at my preferences page I have checked "Yes, I want to receive email notifications about everything related to my uploads."12:34
savvaslxsplit package page says I'm a subscriber: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/lxsplit (at the bottom of the page)12:34
savvasI've just sent a test comment12:35
savvaswait, .org ?:P12:36
RainCTsavvas: did you get email before?12:36
RainCT*did you get email notifications before, ie. is it just failing today?12:36
savvasI used to get them some time ago12:37
RainCTperhaps it's because of the domain then12:37
savvasI think it was fspy12:37
savvasRainCT: this is the last email I got (or I know I got) from revu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121804/12:40
savvasoh anyway, perhaps there was a database update12:42
savvaslet me click on Subscribe, and see if it works then12:42
RainCTuhm I'm not getting mail either12:43
RainCTeither it's the domain or I broke something :P12:43
savvasdo you see a "Subscribe" on top or "Unsubscribe"?12:44
savvashm.. same here now12:47
RainCTok, it's the domain12:48
savvashttp://revu.ubuntuwire.org/p/lxsplit - didn't receive neither of the last 3 test comments :(12:48
AnAnt_Hello, I'm making a package for some CAD tool, the upstream makes a lot of shared libs, and I get this lintian warning: herb: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libAbe0 libAbl0 libAbt0 libAbv0 libAut0 libBdd0 libBeh0 libBhl0 libBtr0 libBvl0 libCst0 libCtl0 libCtp0 libElp0 ...13:02
AnAnt_is that alright to override ?13:03
JontheEchidnayeah... I wouldn't expect you'd need binary packages for each of those13:05
JontheEchidnathat'd be crazy13:05
AnAnt_ok, thanks13:07
AnAnt_I still need to make shlibs & symbols control files ?13:07
RainCTsavvas: you didn't get any email, did you?13:16
savvasRainCT: nope13:22
AnAnt_do I still need to make shlibs & symbols control files ?13:30
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sistpoty|workhi folks13:58
DktrKranzhi sistpoty|work14:01
sistpoty|workhi DktrKranz14:02
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bddebianHeya gang15:07
geserHi bddebian15:07
bddebianHi geser15:08
sistpoty|workhi bddebian15:10
bddebianHeya sistpoty|work15:11
slytherindirecthex: openjdk on armel is surely taking ages. :-)15:23
directhexslytherin, it's STILL there? o_o15:23
directhexslytherin, no matter, moonlight is built for armel now ;)15:23
slytherindirecthex: yes, it has been five days now15:23
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mok0OT: Anyone here familiar with R17:24
* sistpoty|work calls it a day... cya17:35
ScottKmok0: There's a guy on planet.debian.org who blogs about it a lot.  Dirk something.  Also maintains the R packages in Debian.  Seems very knowlegable about it.17:38
mok0ScottK, thanks a lot, I guess I can find his name then. I solved my problem, though :-)17:39
ScottKmok0: If you care about R, there are a fair number of R packages that are FTBFS in Jaunty.  Mostly just need a retry I think.  I looked into it a bit, but then it exceeded my caring factor to get it all done.17:41
mok0ScottK, you are talking about r-cran-* packages?17:41
ScottKAnd some others too.17:42
mok0ScottK, I will take a look at those17:42
ScottKI just started looking through the r-base rdpends.17:42
savvasI made some transitional packages for boost (1.34) to boost1.35 - bug 332120 - I don't know if it was required, but it was a good practise :P17:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332120 in boost1.35 "jaunty - boost (1.34) to boost1.35 transitional dummy packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33212017:42
ScottKsavvas: I uploaded your boost1.35 FTBFS fix the other day.  Thanks.  I also used it as a model to fix boost and boost1.37.17:43
mok0ScottK: R's coolness never cease to amaze me :-)17:43
* ScottK doesn't know much about it.17:43
savvasScottK: sure, no problem :) by the way, I think boost 1.34 needs an update for it as well - unless ubuntu jaunty is going to be without boost 1.3417:44
ScottKboost == boost1.34.17:44
savvasah it's renamed now?17:44
ScottKWe are actually only about 3 packages away from being able to remove boost entirely.17:45
savvaslet me guess.. deluge?17:45
ScottKNo luabind, cgal, and btk-core unless I missed some.17:46
ScottKmok0: Are you still interested in btk-core?17:47
savvasany takers? I have an hour or so to play around :)17:47
mok0ScottK, I have to check again, but I'm afraid it's been abandoned upstream17:47
ScottKmok0: Would you mind taking a look at Bug 331896?17:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331896 in btk-core "FTBFS on Jaunty" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33189617:47
savvasI mean, any non-taken :P17:47
mok0ScottK, of course17:47
ScottKmok0: I think we should either fix it or remove it then.17:48
mok0ScottK, yes17:48
savvasbtw, a guy has ported glife to gtk+ 2 - bug 20521817:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 205218 in glife "[unmet dependencies] glife requires libglade-gnome0, but that doesn't exists" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20521817:48
mok0ScottK, can you fill me in on the boost1.35 transition?17:49
ScottKsavvas: I think rather than add more transitional packages, I think it'd be better to work on fixing luabind or cgal.17:49
savvasScottK: will try :)17:49
ScottKmok0: Main transitioned from boost (1.34) to boost1.35 and so I was hoping we could push the older version out of the archive.17:49
mok0ScottK, you are looking at versioned rdepends?17:50
ScottKWe currently have boost, boost1.35, and boost1.37.17:50
ScottKmok0: It's different package names.17:50
ScottKAnd then boost1.38 hit Sid too late for Jaunty, but it'll get added the next time around.17:51
ScottKSo we need to work on getting rid of the old one....17:51
mok0ScottK, I will see what I can find out about upstream of btk-core... I've emailed them a couple of times on their sf.net email accounts17:51
ScottKmok0: Thanks.17:51
savvas"  * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.0 (explain in debian/copyright why package18:01
savvas    is in non-free)."18:01
savvasyet in debian/control: Standards-Version: 3.7.318:01
savvasoh sorry, cgal package :P18:02
savvasI guess the debian maintainer forgot to bump it, cgal 3.4-2 is 3.8.018:05
ScottKsavvas: Don't change it.18:06
ScottKUpdating standards version from Debian is a pointless change that Ubuntu policy says not to do.18:06
savvasalrighty, thanks for the tip :)18:06
* savvas notes18:07
savvasScottK: Should I change the maintainer, since it's the first ubuntu change? If so, should I note in changelog that I changed the maintainer or is that unnecessary?18:09
ScottKChange it, but don't mention it.18:09
savvaslpia is an official arch?19:20
savvasE: Package libatlas-base-dev has no installation candidate19:21
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hyperairhmm it would seem that some people managed to get exa working properly with i915 with driconf19:31
LaneyI think something is up with udev on my Jaunty upgrade19:40
Laneythe last thing before it hangs at boot is renaming wlan0 to wlan119:40
geserbug 332270 perhaps?19:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227019:40
jdong_popular bug of the day :)19:41
jdong_I'm on a livecd sorting out that one on my macbook19:41
* Laney tries disabling watch then19:45
Laneyof course, x is broken, but still19:56
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=== wgrant changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Jaunty Feature Freeze in effect - Go fix bugs! | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Fix RC bugs: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/bugs/rcbugs | Help to clear NBS list: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/
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RainCTjdstrand: hey20:55
savvasdarn, can't get past this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23016291/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.luabind_0.7.dfsg-5ubuntu1~ppajaunty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz20:56
RainCTjdstrand: just to be sure, about bug #292923, is backporting the version from Jaunty the Right Thing?20:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 292923 in libphp-snoopy "CVE-2008-4796: missing input sanitising" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29292320:56
* RainCT is mentoring Vincenzo20:57
jdstrandRainCT: heh, I *just* clicked 'Save Changes' in LP on that bug :)20:57
jdstrandRainCT: he needs to patch the version that is in intrepid20:58
jdstrand(and hardy if he is interested)20:58
RainCTjdstrand: OK. The version in Hardy is the same as in Intrepid, the only change being a Standards-Version bump and the addition of a watch file. It still needs a different patch, though?20:59
jdstrandRainCT: the upstream version is the same, but the Ubuntu/Debian version is not21:01
jdstrandRainCT: eg, intrepid is 1.2.3-2, and hardy is 1.2.3-121:01
jdstrandRainCT: so intrepid becomes: 1.2.3-2ubuntu0.1 and hardy become 1.2.3-1ubuntu0.121:02
jdstrand(this is also in SecurityUpdateProcedures)21:02
RainCTjdstrand: Yeh. Just asking because I find stuff like this rather pointless (the packaging changes done between both revisions are absolutely *not* going to cause any impact, and having the same version in both will make successive maintainance easier), but after all doing it twice isn't that difficult (and in this case perhaps even good as he'll get more practice by doing it twice)21:05
RainCTjdstrand: Anyway, thanks :)21:06
savvasScottK: Here's cgal debdiff for boost1.35: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122044/ - however there is an lpia dependency problem: https://launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive/ppa/+build/880368 (amd64 and i386 were built fine in my PPA)21:06
ScottKRainCT: The build system won't let you upload the same revision twice.21:07
ScottKsavvas: Thanks.  Looking21:07
jdstrandRainCT: in this case, the change may be minimal, but very often there are more significant changes21:07
jdstrandRainCT: tbh, it is easier to create the extra patch than to review all the changes between versions and decide if they could cause a regression21:08
RainCTScottK: changing the version number is still easier than doing a new debdiff (and optimally there should be an option to copy the package from one distro to the other).. but anyway, ignore my rands, I'll actually get used to it ;)21:08
savvasScottK: And about luabind - I got stuck at a problem while compiling, I'm not that code-literate to fully understand it: https://launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive/ppa/+build/880369 :)21:09
jdstrandRainCT: and it doesn't save you anything in terms of testing, because all need to be tested on each Ubuntu release that will get the patch21:09
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anakronHI RainCT21:10
anakronHI all21:10
RainCTjdstrand: good point (the review time), but I still think SRU and Security updates are overly bureaucratic (surely for packages in main with lots of rdepends it makes sense, but not that much in the case of standalone universe apps where the risk is minimal..)21:12
ScottKsavvas: The missing package failed to build on lpia (and armel), so not your problem at all.21:13
jdstrandRainCT: well, perhaps. But IMO I'd rather err on the side of caution than to risk a regression. Regressions are no fun21:14
RainCTbut I guess I'll get over it once I get used to them.. right now I'm still in the initial fase of trying to make sense of the system :P21:14
RainCThi anakron21:14
anakroncan you look this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qcad/+bug/31147621:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 311476 in qcad "qcad menu entry lacks a category" [Low,Triaged]21:14
jdstrandRainCT: this is an exceedingly longstanding 'bureaucratic' measure to minimize risk (it started with Debian a *long* time ago)21:15
anakronI'll test it and now i'll send it to debian maintainer too21:15
savvasScottK: oh, great! 1 out of 2 isn't bad :P21:16
RainCTanakron: Looks good! (though the changelog entry isn't really clear.. adding a "debian/qcad.desktop:" in front of it would make it more understandable)21:17
RainCTanakron: please wait a few days to see if Debian reacts and we can request a sync before subscribing u-u-s21:17
anakronim looking for desktop bugs...but it's too difficult to find them with LP21:18
anakronyou can't got an exact search from lp21:19
savvasqcad has a weird versioning21:19
savvasI thought I was seeing double because I'm tired heh21:20
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savvasDoes anyone see anything weird in this debian/rules? http://paste.ubuntu.com/122054/21:24
savvaslet me check if it builds ok with boost 1.3421:25
anakronwhy are you looking for something weird21:28
savvasanakron: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23016291/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.luabind_0.7.dfsg-5ubuntu1~ppajaunty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:28
savvasit fails to build and I'm playing around with patches and boost include directories :P21:29
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anakronthats weird21:30
anakronRainCT, im doing a "nice" debdiff file21:31
anakronand then ill sent it to debian maintainer21:31
savvasRainCT: the emails are back :P21:32
savvasah no wait sorry21:32
savvasit was from google code21:33
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anakronsomeone here knowns something about emma? im wanna know how is her icon21:48
anakroni found one and it's mysql dolphin with "emma" writed21:49
savvasanakron: /msg memoserv send emma yadda yadda yadda :p21:51
savvasoh, I thought you mean emma/em, with nickname emma21:52
savvassorry :)21:52
anakronits a project21:57
anderskCan someone sync open-vm-tools 2008.11.18-130226-1lenny1 into Jaunty (bug 289921)?22:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289921 in open-vm-tools "network interface does not come up after installing open-vm-tools" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28992122:17
james_wthanks nhandler22:24
nhandlerjames_w: For what? The News page update?22:25
nhandlerjames_w: No problem. It is a great resource. I just keep forgetting to update it.22:25
james_wthe problem is there has been LOADS happening in the last month :-022:27
nhandlerjames_w: Do you want to mention the stuff going on regarding the MC? Or do you want to wait until after the election?22:28
james_wI didn't find any announcements about that, except the long-expired call for nominations, did I miss something?22:29
nhandlerDaniel's membership expired22:29
nhandlerSo currently, we only have 4 people on the MC22:29
ScottKThe did do the first new style MOTU application.22:30
nhandlerscottk: That is already included22:30
james_wnhandler: I'm not sure that's really appropriate22:33
POXis Gabriel Ruiz here?22:33
POXanyway, please remember to check the newest Debian package before you'll duplicate the work ;P22:35
POXandersk: did you see emma 0.6-3 ? :-P22:36
anakronsomeone can review it?22:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 301603 in firestarter "Impossible to launch firestarter" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:36
anakronlook it22:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 333049 in emma "Missing .desktop file" [Wishlist,Confirmed]22:36
POXandersk: sorry, wrong nick22:37
POXanakron: ^^22:37
anakroni was doing a patch for emma22:38
POXplease check -3 then22:38
anakronhi Piotr22:39
POXhi :)22:39
anakronit was a patch for 0.6-322:39
anakronbut i sent it like 0.6-222:39
anakroni was doing a patch for emma source package for jaunty22:39
POXbut the .xpm file is already there22:40
POXor do you want to change it?22:40
anakronforget it22:40
anakronor there is an icon, but it doesn't get loaded?22:41
POXok, just remember to check Debian or you'll waste some time ;P22:41
goshawkhi, am i the only one that couldn't reach REVU?22:41
anakron:) ok22:41
POXUbuntu has -2, so you probably want to sync it22:41
anakroni'll fill it22:41
nhandlergoshawk: revu.ubuntuwire.org22:41
nhandlergoshawk: ubuntuwire.com is down right now22:42
goshawknhandler: wasn't it .com?22:42
goshawkah yes :)22:42
nhandlerIt was .com until the domain name expired ;)22:42
goshawki'm packaging an application which is licensed as gpl v2, but there are some parts in other licenses (artistic and MIT/X11), should i write all the licenses in the debian/copyright file?22:46
goshawkthe package is dsss and it's in REVU22:46
goshawkoki so it will be a long copyright file :)22:46
nhandlergoshawk: Just so you are aware, we are now in Feature Freeze, so we are focusing on making Ubuntu more stable. Your package most likely will not make it into Jaunty22:47
goshawknhandler: yes i know22:48
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superm1nhandler, its a popular item to use with mythgame, so there is a vested interest22:55
goshawkdput ppa seems not working due to ubuntuwire.com down, can i switch to ubuntuwire.org?22:55
goshawks/dput ppa/dput revu22:56
jpdsgoshawk: revu.ubuntuwire.com not working?22:56
james_wthe domain expired22:56
goshawkyep : [23:42] <nhandler> goshawk: ubuntuwire.com is down right now22:56
jpdsjames_w: Gah!22:57
james_wgoshawk: and yes, you can switch to .com22:57
james_w.org I mean22:57
goshawk.org you mean :)22:57
goshawkand i like .org more :P22:57
james_wyeah, I need more beer or less, it's not yet clear22:57
* jpds really think we should get it registered with the -eu.org guys.22:57
nhandlersuperm1: But is it a mythbuntu package that would fall under your delegation for a FFe?22:59
superm1nhandler, no it wouldn't.  that's why i didnt comment on it22:59
superm1nhandler, we have an interest in it, but in the end it's a regular ole' universe package22:59
superm1so i certainly dont want to overstep my bounds with it23:00
nhandlersuperm1: Ok, then I'll take a look. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't stepping on your toes here23:00
jpdsgoshawk: Point dput at revu.tauware.de23:00
superm1nhandler, i seem to think it makes sense to at least bring in that patch if we dont jump versions personally23:00
superm1and maybe that's better until upstream does a "formal" release including the patch23:01
nhandlersuperm1: By any chance is the package in a PPA?23:03
superm1nhandler, i seem to doubt joel put it in one, but you can check his ppa i guess23:03
nhandlersuperm1: Ok, it isn't a huge deal. It just would save me a few minutes23:04
superm1nhandler, the versioning in his packaging might need to be looked at anyway. i didn't give it that much of a look, figured it's more important to see it's right on principle before looking much into it23:05
goshawkjpds: why?23:07
jpdsgoshawk: Nevermind, I thought that domain had been pointed there.23:08
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salty-horsehi. why does flashplugin-nonfree still uses nspluginwrapper on amd64 instead of the native 64-bit beta?23:58

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