
tritiumHello.  I'm guessing the partitioner is common to ubuntu and mythbuntu.  I've tested daily builds 2/16 through 2/22, and I can never get past the partitioner.00:39
tritiumMy setup is rather simple: 4 primary partitions (swap, / (ext3), /home (ext3), and /var/lib (XFS), setup manually.00:40
tritiumUnless formatting a 1 TB drive takes longer than 24 hours, in which case I'm just not being patient enough.00:40
tritiumThe only way I was able to even run ubiquity today was to first install python-numpy, by the way.00:41
tritiumEven going with the automatic partitioning just hangs.00:48
aramorning all :)07:07
araRemember that today is an Ubuntu Testing Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/2009022308:18
eeejayara: I remember!08:24
davmor2Good Morning All08:37
aramorning davmor208:40
davmor2eeejay: What attached program?08:54
araeeejay: cool test cases08:54
eeejaydavmor2: Follow "Attachments" link on the top of the wiki page08:55
eeejayara: I wrote them before I saw the actual spec, they could use some further work now that I have08:55
araeeejay: I was thinking about doing a checkbox + notification-osd testing day next Monday: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/2009030208:56
araeeejay: do you want to help?08:56
eeejayara: Yes! Henrik told me it would be today, but I am glad it will be next week, don't feel ready yet. The testcases need wrk08:57
davmor2eeejay: Now the system is actually in Jaunty I think it would be better to tell tester to alter volume etc to trigger the notify-osd but it is a good testcase for what it is worth :)08:58
araeeejay: OK. I will talk to Mirco today and I will be announcing the new testing day tomorrow if he agrees08:58
eeejaydavmor2: i agree. although different kinds of notifications should be tested, the volume one just has a giant graphic, need to test the text too08:59
eeejaydavmor2: if you could think of an easy way of bringing up a text notification..08:59
davmor2eeejay: how about sending an email to yourself? disconnect wifi? I'm not sure what else is plugged into it.09:01
eeejaydavmor2: there used to be a System->Preferences->Notification app09:02
eeejaydavmor2: it was for notification-daemon (what we replaced), but it brought up test notifications09:03
davmor2eeejay: bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/33201409:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 332014 in notification-daemon ""Notification Settings" is available but has no effect when Notify OSD is used" [Medium,Triaged]09:03
eeejaydavmor2: your quick!09:03
davmor2eeejay: spotted it a gbj on friday :)09:03
davmor2brb breakfast :)09:04
* ara takes a break to prepare coffee09:09
davmor2eeejay: What does notify-osd plug into exactly?09:17
eeejaydavmor2: how do you mean?09:18
eeejaydavmor2: notify-osd implements the notification daemon spec, it is a dbus service09:18
araalready found 2 bugs on screen-profiles as part of the UTD09:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 333189 in screen-profiles "Selecting the plain profile might confuse the user when trying to change the configuration" [Undecided,New]09:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 333180 in screen-profiles "screen-profiles menu appears always I run screen" [Undecided,New]09:19
davmor2ara: can you add the url for the bugs page to the channel header?09:20
davmor2eeejay, ara: What I mean is which apps use it sorry.  So one of the instant messaging services do correct? as does evolution (which I've seen in action) Wifi is meant to but I've not seen that yet :( and volume and brightness.  Is that all or are there more?  It might be an idea to have a word with mirco before next week to get a full list of apps that support notify-osd so they can all be tested to ensure that rele09:24
eeejaydavmor2: don't want to take away the attention from screen.. but there is a list here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD09:25
=== ara changed the topic of #ubuntu-testing to: Testing of Ubuntu | Please join us in the Ubuntu Testing Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/20090223 | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing | Reports: http://qa.ubuntu.com
davmor2eeejay: cool so tying the apps currently supported into the test plan is a great way to test notify-osd so an idea might be to use pidgin, evolution, rhythmbox, volume/brightness and wifi which I think would cover pretty much the whole range on text and icons that notify-osd would use is that a fair assumption?09:31
eeejaydavmor2: yup!09:32
eeejaydavmor2: the dillema I have (I am new at test creating), is how do you test collab apps like evolution and pidgin without a willing victim09:34
davmor2eeejay: the testcases are there for  willing victims that's their job :)09:35
eeejayit would be nice if we had some sort of bot that would initiate conversations and participate in XMPP09:35
eeejayah, but it would take two willing victims!09:35
davmor2eeejay: or someone with more than one test box I wonder what geek might fall into that category :)09:36
eeejayi keep on unwillingly starting more and more screen sessions09:37
davmor2ara: lvm sizing seems to be in place just running through the install to be certain10:17
aradavmor2: cool10:17
davmor2ara: ubiquity is screwed today :( so no live cd install tests bug 33297810:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 332978 in ubiquity "missing dependency on python-numpy" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33297810:28
aradavmor2: :(10:29
aradavmor2: how was the lvm testing?10:29
davmor2just finished10:29
davmor2lowered it to 20% so should be much smaller but we will see :)10:30
davmor2meh fail10:40
davmor2ara: not having much fun here with 20% resize of lvm10:45
aradavmor2:  :(10:46
* cjwatson reports for LVM assistance in the testing day as ordered :-)11:07
davmor2ara: by the looks of it I'll be working with keybuk and cjwatson to fix this lvm issue for a while just to keep you up to date :)12:18
aradavmor2: is there a bug number?12:19
davmor2maybe bug 33227012:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227012:19
davmor2might not be though12:19
davmor2part of what we're chasing I think12:20
cjwatsonthere's something a bit wrong with the LVM size question as well, although by and large I don't think these problems are its fault12:21
* ara -> lunch12:44
bFoorhey all so im reading the testing day wiki is the a set time for this to start?12:54
davmor2bFoor: It's started :)12:59
davmor2just jump in and get involved :)12:59
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arabFoor: if you have any questions, please, feel free to ask at any time14:02
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davmor2morning cgregan14:37
cgreganmorning davmor214:37
bFoormorning all15:09
brunogirinHi everybody, I'm trying to do my share testing day by taking UNR for a spin on my EeePC 701 but as it's the first time I do so, I have a newbie question: what essential info would you like to see in a bug report?15:21
charlie-tcaHere is a pretty good layout for the bug report: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Bug-Report-Layout15:22
davmor2charlie-tca: I know :)15:26
brunogirinThanks charlie-tca! Bug report on its way :-)15:27
bFooris today for any bug or are they wanting to test certain things?15:28
davmor2brunogirin: always check to see that there isn't already a report out there that you can add info to rather than creating a new one :)15:29
brunogirindavmor2: will do15:29
charlie-tcabFoor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/20090223#Which%20is%20the%20goal%20for%20this%20testing%20day?15:31
bFoorwow this screen profile thing kicks ass15:41
davmor2ara: add bugs moving onto something more interesting instead :)15:45
aradavmor2: hehehe15:45
davmor2cjwatson: oh by the way see if the lvm removal tool works cleanly for you it locks up for me I knew there was something else15:48
arabrunogirin: also, cgregan is around, and he is the best person to help you testing the UNR images. Feel free to ask him ;-)15:51
cjwatsondavmor2: which LVM removal tool?15:52
davmor2cjwatson: in the installer if it spots you have an lvm setup it triggers a screen to remove it even when you select whole drive installs15:54
davmor2cjwatson: taking a photo now15:54
brunogirinara: no problem, all basics are working well so far but I'll ask him if I run into problems15:54
arabrunogirin: :)15:55
manjocr3 ping15:56
cjwatsondavmor2: photos rarely help me15:56
cjwatsondavmor2: just logs will do, assuming the whole machine hasn't locked up15:56
davmor2it does15:57
cjwatsonnot my problem then :-)15:57
cjwatsonwhole machine locks up => kernel15:57
davmor2maybe not I just get a blue screen with grey bar at the bottom15:58
davmor2but this time it's gone through15:58
cr3manjo: pong, I have a conference call so I'll repong you in a bit15:58
davmor2cjwatson: I'll have a play with it after and see if I can get the logs for you :)15:59
cjwatsondavmor2: to tell whether the whole machine has locked up, press Alt-F216:00
cjwatsonif VT switching works, the kernel is still alive16:00
davmor2cjwatson: np's will do when I try to recreate it :)16:01
davmor2ara: you know the screen profiles is that actually necessary?16:23
davmor2in jaunty?16:23
aradavmor2: well, it is a new feature. it was agreed as spec + blueprint in the last uds16:24
aradavmor2: what do you mean by necessary?16:24
aradavmor2: I think it is very useful16:24
davmor2can you take a screenshot for me and I'll take one of screen running without profiles16:25
aradavmor2: sure16:26
davmor2ara: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/screen.html16:27
aradavmor2: I sent mine to you by email16:28
davmor2ara: that's without the sudo apt-get install screen-profiles16:28
davmor2so they are the same then ponders on the difference between the 216:29
arano, you have the bottom line with information, and you have options to scroll back and create new windows16:30
arahave you read the test case?16:30
aradavmor2: it is not a graphical tool, is a text tool16:30
aradavmor2: gnome terminal remains the same16:31
davmor2ara: I just checked synaptic screen-profiles is installed by default16:34
davmor2that's the bit that had been throwing me it's been in by default for a while16:35
davmor2so the sudo apt-get install screen-profiles is superfluous on jaunty16:35
brunogirincgregan: ubiquity crashes when trying to install on EeePC 701 4G with today's USB image build: what can I do to debug and provide more info?16:43
cjwatsonthat's known16:43
cjwatson'sudo apt-get install python-numpy' first as a workaround16:43
cjwatsonbrunogirin: ^-16:43
cgreganbrunogirin: I'm not sure...at that stage...we are getting any logs.16:47
cjwatsoncgregan: please see what I said above16:47
cgregancjwatson: Ah....16:47
cgregancjwatson: good16:48
davmor2cgregan: Then do what I did and gingerly slap ones forehead and say D'oh16:48
cgregandavmor2: :-)16:49
brunogirincgregan: ok, you've got everything that apport collected and some info I added here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/netbook-remix/+bug/333381 but I'm wondering if there's any more info I can provide such as hardware details, etc16:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 333381 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,New]16:49
brunogirindavmor2: done that too :-)16:50
cjwatsonthere is no need for further details on that bug16:50
cjwatsonit is not hardware-dependent16:50
davmor2ara: screen look better on a reboot and drop into console :)16:50
brunogirincjwatson: good to know, thanks, I can keep tinkering with other things then16:51
cjwatson(I've marked it as a duplicate of the relevant master bug now)16:53
davmor2cjwatson: so tomorrow the lvm hd size and ubiquity will work just need to kick the box till lvm install does too :)16:55
davmor2yay now I've add openssh-server it works over ssh too :)16:57
davmor2davmor21: evil twin enters room16:59
davmor2ara: what do you think to the new media codec installer17:26
davmor2eeejay: Notifications works well with rhythmbox anyway :)17:31
fuller9box"The display server has been shut down about 6 times in the last 90 seconds, it is likely that something bad is going on, Waiting for 2mins before trying again"17:43
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