
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
=== j1mc is now known as _j1mc
rockowhen using cdrecord with the option tsize= do  you have to put an s after the numbers ?01:22
s19113iround circle, (dotted when clicked)upper left corner of each open window, what does it do?01:46
_j1mcs19113i: it takes the app you're working with, and places it onto all of your workspaces.01:49
s19113iThanks, I would have never figured that one out!01:49
_j1mcs19113i: no problem01:50
=== _j1mc is now known as j1mc
Gershwinload 7.04 on a PIII 128Mb RAM 20Gb HD a couple weeks ago02:06
Gershwinwas pretty snappy02:06
Gershwintried the same thing with 8.10 last week and 8.10 was significantly slower02:07
j1mcGershwin: 7.04 isn't supported anymore02:07
Gershwinwould you say that my experience is to be expected?02:07
Gershwingiven the machien specs--PIII 1GHz, 128Mb RAM, 20Gb HD02:07
j1mcGershwin: yeah - 8.10 did have a few more gnome-related applications, and the ubuntu-base is a little slower in 8.1002:08
j1mc9.04 should be faster than 8.10.02:08
Gershwini understand j1mc, was just curious about performance on dated hardware w/default CD install02:08
j1mcyeah... what you experienced is to be expected.02:08
Gershwinthank you j1mc02:09
j1mcyou're welcome, Gershwin02:09
Moodwhy is 9.04 supposed to be faster than 8.10?02:09
owen1i just asked to do 'partial upgrade'. anyone received it as well?02:17
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=== Gershwin[AWAY] is now known as Gershwin
IradiehIs there a way to see what is included in Xubuntu, because I am having a hard time choosing between Debian Xfce and Xubuntu02:31
j1mcMood: they are doing work to improve boot times in ubuntu for 9.0402:35
=== primary is now known as BattleStarJesus
BattleStarJesusdo any of you know how to change miro settings?03:12
IradiehIs there a way to mount SFTP disk's in Xubuntu/Thunar?04:05
IradiehDoes anyone here mount their OSX disks with sshfs? OR similar, I am trying to mount my macbook on Debian using SFTP04:20
j1mcIradieh: i think you'd need to do it through fuse, but I wouldn't know how to do it exactly.04:21
j1mcthat should give you a bit of a start, though.04:21
IradiehI did04:21
j1mcoh, ok04:22
j1mcno luck?04:22
Iradiehseivan@subby:~$ sudo sshfs seivan@ /home/seivan/sMacBook/04:22
Iradiehread: Connection reset by peer04:22
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allen_Great Gods of the Xubuntu IRC chat08:36
allen_how may I query your infinite knowledge08:36
R1cochetwith another question08:37
allen_cpuinfo is showing i have 1800 mhz cpu speed08:38
allen_but system is only running at 120008:38
allen_ive tried a few things but to no avail08:38
allen_setting the on demand to performance resulted in no change08:38
allen_very new to linux so i dont really know what to do08:39
TheSheephow do you know that the system is running at 1200?08:39
allen_ill try to paste it here08:39
Myrttiplease use pastebin08:40
TheSheepuse a pastebin if it's more than few lines08:40
Myrtti!pastebin | allen_08:40
ubottuallen_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:40
allen_paste bin08:41
allen_never heard of that08:41
* allen_ doin stuff08:41
allen_dell inspiron 8200 laptop08:44
allen_id like to keep the power saving, i just need a little more go juice when im running virtualbox08:45
TheSheephmm... wikipedia says: Running with very low average power consumption and much lower heat output than desktop processors, the Pentium M runs at a lower clock speed than the laptop version of the Pentium 4 (The Pentium 4-Mobile, or P4-M), but with similar performance - a 1.6 GHz Pentium M can typically attain the performance of a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4-M.08:51
Myrttidoesn't it have speedstep or similar as well08:52
allen_not sure its an old ass laptop08:52
allen_i can run xp pro in virtualbox alright08:52
allen_its just a little sluggish08:52
allen_i was hoping those few other cpu cycles might help08:53
TheSheepah, sorry08:53
TheSheepit's not pentium-m08:53
TheSheepit's Pentium 4-M08:53
TheSheepintel makes it confuxing on purpose XD08:54
allen_also unrelated to the processor speed08:54
allen_might have to swing by the virtualbox forums08:54
allen_transfering files via usb to blackberry08:54
TheSheepallen_: I'm looking at it, because at one point the name of the processor (1.8Mhz) didn't reflect the actual speed08:54
TheSheepallen_: at least not the actual frquency08:55
allen_so 1.8 does not = 1.8 operating speed08:55
TheSheepallen_: they used other optimizations and then claimed that it 'feels like 1.8' because of that, but I'm not sure this is the case with your particular model08:55
TheSheepallen_: can't find any information about that08:56
allen_i was just wondering if there was a simple way to control throttling08:57
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
charlie-tca!hi | slow-motion15:28
ubottuslow-motion: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!15:28
slow-motionhi charlie-tca15:28
wormsxullahello hello. i have xubuntu gutsy with python2.5 installed on it, and for a game, i'd like to also install python 2.4. may i do that without breaking python 2.5?16:15
SiDii dont know if it'll let you install both..16:16
wormsxullathat's my question :)16:16
wormsxullaon windows, i did it with no problem, but i don't know enough about xubuntu to tell16:17
SiDidoesnt work with python 2.5 ?16:17
wormsxullanah, i get mismatch errors like that:16:17
charlie-tcawormsxulla: I don't know if it is still possible. I did it in the past, but not recently16:19
wormsxullaany directions you could give before i break everything? :)16:20
charlie-tcaI will look for it. Give me a minute to research16:20
wormsxullasure, thank you16:20
charlie-tcawormsxulla: Should be okay to do it16:32
wormsxullacharlie-tca: so just using synaptic and choosing python 2.4? will it let me choose a location to install it (i'd like it on my sdhc card if possible, as the hard disk of the eee pc is very crowded16:34
charlie-tcayes. It should not overwrite the 2.5 and programs should be able to use it. I don't know that it will allow you to chose the location16:35
viddwormsxulla, it will install on the / directory16:35
viddyou cannot change the install location with synaptic....16:35
wormsxullacould i use apt-get then? (with your help)16:35
viddyou'd have to compile it by hand, and then add its path16:36
wormsxullayikes yikes16:36
viddbut its small16:36
wormsxullaok, so let's go :)16:36
wormsxulla(gggggrrrr @ synaptic)16:36
viddyou'd be better off moving you /home (or a portion of it) to your external drive16:37
wormsxullai should do that!16:37
vidddo that and you can synaptic your heart away =]16:38
wormsxullahehe :)16:39
viddmost of my systems only have 5GB or less allocated to the / partition16:39
wormsxullathat's what i have too, 4gb on the ssd disk and 4gb (still free) on the sdhc card16:40
_Pete_I have both python2.4 / 2.5 installed on my desktop and both from repositories16:41
vidd_Pete_, only reason i mentioned compile was because he wanted it in a strange place16:42
wormsxullawhen it will be installed, will the game automagically find the right python?16:42
wormsxulla<--- girl16:42
viddok (s)he =]16:42
wormsxullavidd: not "a strange place", a "place still available" :)16:43
* vidd meant "strange" as in "not where linux normally looks for stuff"16:43
wormsxullai know, i'm strange16:44
viddstrange is a GOOD thing....wierd is bad =]16:44
wormsxullaoff-topic; i fell in love with the linux australian conference mascot, it's a tasmanian devil plush disguised as a penguin16:46
wormsxullathat's how strange i ma16:46
viddwormsxulla, what game you trying to use?16:46
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
wormsxullaconnection hickups16:53
wormsxullaalright, so python2.4-minimal installed with success17:08
viddwormsxulla, your game work?17:09
wormsxullano, i still get the same exact errors, so i guess "python vroomDemo.py" wasn't able to find the right python version17:10
wormsxullai do have python2.4 and python 2.5 in /usr/bin, though :)17:12
wormsxullamaybe "python2.4 vroomDemo.py" would work?17:13
wormsxullamuch better!17:14
wormsxullabut not yet :s17:14
wormsxullahttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/627920 is all i get now17:15
wormsxullai'll ask in #python-fr about that :)17:16
viddwormsxulla, unfortunantly, python is not my cup of tea17:20
wormsxullayou prefer other animals? ;-)17:20
SiDikoalas maybe ? :o17:26
* charlie-tca prefers llama17:28
SiDiapril 2010 then :)17:28
charlie-tcaand then I will be happy?17:28
SiDii'll compete for lobotomized lemur personnaly17:29
SiDierr, w/e actually *17:29
SiDitired :(17:29
Southside_CortezQuick question, i have a Canon Multipass F60 Print/Copy/Scan that i just was given. anyone have a clue how i can get it to run. i'm currently using Xubuntu Dual Booted on a Inspiron 850017:57
viddhave you tried the printer setup?17:59
Southside_Cortezi currently dont have the CD for the device at all.17:59
Southside_Cortezwhere would Printer Setup be located in the Applications?18:00
Southside_Cortezor is is under a special menu?18:00
=== Southside_Cortez is now known as PrntError
viddPrntError, its in the settings menu18:05
PrntErrorin printer configuration?18:06
viddif you cant find it, open terminal and type system-config-printer18:07
* vidd does not see "printer configuration" in the settings menu =[18:08
charlie-tcadepends on the version of Xubuntu18:08
PrntErrorlatest one from Ubuntu website18:08
charlie-tca8.04, 8.10, 9.04?18:09
viddPrntError, since your stuff and mine are different, just open teriminal and type system-config-printer18:09
viddand if it says "not found" instrall it!18:09
PrntErrorinstalling it is the issue18:09
PrntErrorit's on currently and plugged into a USB port18:10
viddsudo apt-get install system-config-printer18:10
viddsame way you install any linux app18:10
PrntErrorPackage system-config-printer is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:11
PrntErrorThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or18:11
PrntErroris only available from another source18:11
PrntErrorHowever the following packages replace it:18:11
PrntErrorsystem-config-printer-gnome system-config-printer-common18:12
PrntErrorE: Package system-config-printer has no installation candidate18:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:12
PrntErroris what came up in T18:12
PrntErrorsorry bout that'18:12
viddinstall the -gnome then18:12
viddor, rather run it as it should already be installed18:13
PrntError1 tidbit to add in i'm completely new to Linux in general18:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:15
PrntErrorthat's what came up18:16
viddPrntError, so it is already installed....18:19
viddjust run it (dro the "sudo apt-get install"18:19
PrntErrordro ?18:20
PrntErrorwhen i go to print something it will only let me print to file18:21
PrntErrorit's not listed.18:21
PrntErrorCanon MultiPASS F6018:21
viddrun the printer setup utility!18:21
PrntErrorwhere is that located?18:22
viddi thought we just went over this!18:23
PrntErrori typed everything you told me and it didn't install anything.18:24
dojeroHi all.18:24
viddPrntError, type system-config-printer-gnome18:24
charlie-tca!hi | dojero18:25
ubottudojero: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!18:25
PrntErrorbash: system-config-printer-gnome: command not found18:25
dojeroI've just been trying out xfmedia (I've used vlc for a long time).18:25
viddPrntError, it didnt install anything because the printer configuration tool is already installed...now you just have to RUN the tool18:25
dojeroCan anyone tell me about keys that can be used in xfmedia?18:26
dojeroLike volume control?18:26
PrntErrorwhere do i go to run said tool. :( i' sorry for being a pain.18:26
dojeroSpace bar works for pause.  And up and down arrows seem to either slow or speed up the video.18:26
dojeroRight and left arrows move forward and reverse.18:27
viddPrntError, in terminal....18:27
dojeroBut I can't find a volume key.18:27
PrntErrori'm in Term' what do i type to run it?18:27
charlie-tcadojero: We don't install it. Maybe ask on #xfce18:28
viddhit the up arrow key until the "sudo apt-get .... " line comes up......18:28
PrntErrori have Xubuntu 8.10 btw18:28
viddPrntError, remove the "sudo apt-get install"18:28
viddhit enter18:28
viddpastebin the results18:28
dojeroThanks charlie-tca.  I'll check there.  I don't need to make the switch to xfmedia, but it doesn't look bad to me.18:28
PrntErrorremove the sudo apt-get install?18:29
PrntErrorwhat do you mean?18:29
vidduse the delete/backspace key and arrows to select and remove "sudo apt-get install"18:30
PrntErrorso just delete the line and type in what?18:31
viddnot the line18:31
viddthe WORDS18:31
PrntErrorso now there's no command at all.18:31
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:32
PrntErrori pasted my entire terminal18:33
charlie-tcaPrint settings in 8.10 is in Applications -> Settings -> Printing18:33
PrntErrorit's connected to USB and it's not coming up in the Menu for Printing when i select New Printer18:34
PrntErrorit's USB but the option to select USB isn't appearing18:35
charlie-tcaDo other USB devices work? Did you try all the USB ports? sometimes changing the port you plugged into helps18:36
viddif the printer configuration tool is not helping....its outside my ability (this is why i only use HP printers---they are the ppl that MAKE CUPS)18:37
PrntErrorthis printer was given to me. NOT my choice TRUST ME lol18:37
PrntErrormy USB mouse works. in every usb port and i'm plugging the printer into another port now.18:38
charlie-tcaSome of the ports have higher power than others18:38
viddis the printer plugged into the wall?18:38
PrntErrorit's on and everything18:38
viddpastebin the output for lsusb18:39
PrntErrorGreen Lights on printer.18:39
viddyou have a usb hub?18:41
PrntError2 ports in the back of the dell laptop18:41
PrntErrori'm on Inspiron 850018:41
viddthere are 4 usb slots?18:42
PrntErroronly 2.18:42
PrntErrori dont know why it shows 4 diff bus.18:43
PrntErrorinstalled xubuntu 3 days ago18:43
viddi dont suppose your printer is net-enabled?18:43
vidd(has a NIC)18:44
PrntErrordon't think so. it looks older than me18:44
PrntErrori tried it in XP but the website's drivers dont even work on XP when they say there for XP18:44
charlie-tcamaybe the printer doesn't work?18:45
viddif the thing wont work on XP with XP drivers....its quite possible the pinter (or usb cord) is broke18:45
PrntErrorit came up in the Auto Installation Wizard when you plug something in.18:47
PrntErrorname of it and everything18:47
PrntErrori'll try a diff cable though i have extra18:47
viddPrntError, just out of curiosity...what happens when you press the "scan" button?18:47
charlie-tcaThat only means windows detected the usb device, not that it actually works18:47
enoztlanei cannot change language with alt_shift.what should i do?18:48
viddalt-shift changes language?18:48
PrntErrorwell when i click scan that button lights up and says it's in scan mode. THEN i click Start but nothing..18:48
PrntErrormaybe busted....18:48
PrntErrori hate hand me down electronics18:49
enoztlanein windows changes.in xubuntu?18:49
vidduse the "language" applet18:49
enoztlanewhere i should go?18:49
PrntErrorthanks anyway. thank you everyone for your help18:50
viddright-click on a panel...add....[name of language switching applet]18:50
enoztlaneyou mean language support?18:51
* charlie-tca needs a coffee break now18:51
viddtbh...i only know english...so i havent played with it18:51
enoztlanewhich panel?18:52
steve`rogershi guys18:52
steve`rogersi've problem with installation of xubuntu 8.10 in my ibook G418:52
steve`rogersthe cdrom is not detectred18:53
steve`rogersduring installation18:53
enoztlanevidd can you help me?18:53
viddenoztlane, where ever you want the applet to be18:54
enoztlanewhat should i do analytically18:54
steve`rogerssomeone could help me?18:54
viddsteve`rogers, is your ibook PPC or Intel?18:54
enoztlanevidd please help18:54
viddsteve`rogers, use the PPC version18:55
steve`rogersvidd I'm using that18:55
viddenoztlane, you need to install the language switching panel app you want to use18:55
steve`rogersvidd: I've this18:55
enoztlanehow can i do that?18:56
viddsteve`rogers, did you set bios to boot from cd?18:56
steve`rogersvidd: yes, cd boot18:56
viddenoztlane, have you LOOKED into the panel apps?18:56
steve`rogersvidd: but after configure keyboard the installation doesn't find cdrom device18:56
viddsteve`rogers, ah18:56
enoztlanethe only thing i find is language support18:57
steve`rogersvidd: what do you think could be the problem?18:59
viddsorry guys....19:01
viddhad to step away for a sec19:02
viddsteve`rogers, i believe there is a known issue with the cd rom detection failing...but i dont know the cause or cure19:02
viddenoztlane, try selecting the language support panel app and see if it does what you expect19:03
steve`rogersvidd: oh,19:03
enoztlaneok.see you guys i cannot find a solution19:03
steve`rogersvidd: is possible to find this issue?19:04
viddenoztlane, i know there is a solution19:04
viddi just dont know it myself19:04
viddcody-somerville had suggested you go to #ubuntu-installer19:04
steve`rogersyes done19:05
viddthe PPC is no longer "officially" supported...and I have never personally laid hands on a MAC19:05
steve`rogersah :(19:06
steve`rogersmaybe some old version of xubuntu could work?19:06
viddi believe 6.06 was the last official supported19:06
steve`rogersI mean xubuntu...19:06
steve`rogersnot ubuntu19:07
viddthere is a direct upgrade from 6.06 to 8.0419:07
viddsteve`rogers, do the sever install first19:07
rockoof course  this is xubuntu isn't it steve`rogers19:07
steve`rogershow can I do server install?19:08
zoredachedebian was just released its ppc port is supported, and will be relatively up to date19:08
viddwith the alt cd, choose "cli-only"19:08
steve`rogersok I try19:09
steve`rogersvidd: cli-powerpc is ok?19:10
viddonce it is installed....run the gauntlet of updates19:10
steve`rogersvidd: what's does it means "cli" ?19:10
viddgo from 6.06 to 8.0419:10
viddcli = Command Line Interface19:11
viddthen go 8.04 to 8.1019:11
viddthen install the desktop environment19:11
steve`rogersI've choosen cli, but same problem19:11
viddwith the 6.06 install disk?19:11
viddthat was a quick download and burn19:12
steve`rogersI've it burned19:12
viddthen im out of ideas19:14
steve`rogersI'm retrying with 8.1019:14
steve`rogers/dev/cdrom it says is not good19:15
steve`rogersbut i don't know where is cd19:15
viddwhat did -installer say?19:15
steve`rogersls /dev don't reveal anything19:15
viddsteve`rogers, have you looked http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=133?19:17
steve`rogersnow check19:18
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as worms_food
viddsteve`rogers, any luck?19:49
steve`rogersvidd: not now, how can I check the integrity of image?19:49
viddsteve`rogers, when you boot, there should be an option to "check cd for defects"19:50
brandon6In Ubuntu.......I can right click an icon and select "Add to Panel".......but i've seem to lose that functionality in Xubuntu, anybody know the work around?19:59
charlie-tcaclick add a launcher and fill in the blocks20:00
charlie-tcaXubuntu does not have the quick add thing20:00
charlie-tcaOh, click on the Panel, add new items, Launcher20:02
brandon6sweet! thanks charlie-tca ... hmm, what's the command to open terminal..........terminal nor sh works20:10
worms_foodhello hello. i have file-roller installed, and synaptic says it supports .7z files, but it actually doesn't see them as archives20:11
charlie-tcabrandon6: xfce4-terminal20:11
brandon6sick! thanks charlie-tca20:11
charlie-tcaYou are welcome20:11
steve`rogerscharlie-tca do you know if xubuntu 8.10 image for ppc has some bug? I've problem during installation, can't detect cd device20:12
rockohello all20:12
rockoall to have a good night20:12
rockofor christmas20:13
rockolet it snow let it snow20:13
charlie-tcasteve`rogers: I don't know of any off the top of my head. If you file it on launchpad, it will get linked if it is a duplicate20:13
charlie-tcarocko: NOOOOO snow here, please20:13
rockocharlie-tca where yo ufrom?20:14
charlie-tcaBoise, Idaho, USA20:14
steve`rogerscharlie-tca: yes we can :D20:15
rockoYES WE CAN OBAMA20:15
charlie-tcaworms_food: did you install p7zip ? You might need it to handle .7z files20:16
viddlets keep politics out of this!20:16
steve`rogersok vidd20:16
charlie-tcaworms_food: looks like it should be p7zip-full20:17
worms_foodcharlie-tca: yes, i'm installing it right now, thank you20:18
charlie-tcaYou are welcome20:19
worms_food:) you're always helpful20:19
charlie-tcaWhen I am not wrong, anyway.20:19
worms_foodit works now, at least file-roller sees the archive20:21
charlie-tcaYeah, we don't install all the format files, to save resources20:22
worms_foodstupid question: how do you enter a file name which has a space (e.g. second game.py) in command line. "second game.py" with quotation marks?20:28
TheSheepor second\ game.py20:28
Pres-GasThat or second\ game.py20:28
TheSheepor 'second game.py'20:28
worms_foodoh :)20:28
worms_foodthanks all!20:28
TheSheepworms_food: use tab-completion20:29
TheSheepworms_food: type the beginning and press tab20:29
worms_foodnice trick to know!20:29
TheSheepworms_food: it also works with package names with apt-get and many otehr places20:29
TheSheepeven on irc20:29
Pres-GasIf you have a bunch of similarly named files, pressing tab twice will list all matches to what you have, worms_food.20:30
Pres-GasTheSheep does that work in the package managers and what not?  I have not thought to try it.20:31
* Pres-Gas tries20:31
Pres-GasYep, sho do.20:32
TheSheepit even works with remote files with scp20:32
worms_foodunveiled secrets!20:33
TheSheepnext will be 'apt-get moo'20:33
worms_foodthis brings TheSheep to every computer? ;)20:34
worms_foodoops, TheCow, i meant20:34
Pres-GasThe only thing for me is when I am in a room and trying to type a path for someone and I attempt to tab complete in the IRC window for the file path...I have been doing that alot lately.20:35
TheSheepmy irssi does it20:37
Pres-GasNice, TheSheep.  By default or an extra script?20:37
TheSheepby default20:37
Pres-GasYou are tempting me....20:37
Pres-GasI have been using finch for all my IM needs...and I know it is not the ideal IRC client, but it gets the job done.20:38
MyrttiI use irssi for all my IM needs :-)20:38
* charlie-tca uses XChat20:39
Myrttibitlbee ♥20:39
Pres-GasElaborate, Myrtti for the class...ahhhhh, yeah, that has tempted me too20:39
* worms_food is a great fan of chatzilla (which supports bitlbee too)20:39
Pres-GasI used to use xchat and then went to weechat20:40
zoredacheirssi + bitlbee is only true way to im...20:41
Pres-GasUnfortunately, there are people that I wish to talk too that are Luddites and think Facebook IS the internet.  Instead of proslytizing to them about the wonders of jabber or OSS, it is sometimes easier to just get the Pidgin FB pluggin.20:44
Pres-GasAt least with the pluggin, I do not have to actually log in to that damnible page.20:44
viddfacebook has an IM?20:45
Pres-GasYeah, and the pluggin allows me to make FB just another IM protocol20:46
Pres-GasI don't have to necessarily log in to do other things...just to accept friend requests for now.20:46
Myrttividd: it's in backports in intrepid20:47
Grraihelloes! how come I don't find any java packages in synaptic? I have all repositories suggested in the list enabled... (intrepid)20:48
Grraiand btw, via add/remove software I did install java... so there they were listed...20:49
viddFB is evil20:50
viddGrrai, what java package are you trying to install?20:50
Pres-Gasvidd, I agree, but sometimes you have to go into Gehenna to rescue the fallen sometimes.20:51
charlie-tcaclick search, java, got over a hundred20:51
Grraii thought I did install java 620:51
charlie-tcaIt is listed in Synaptic-Package-Manager as sun-java6-???20:51
charlie-tcaAre you installing the jre or jdk?20:52
viddPres-Gas, if the fallen have bitten into FB, they cannot be saved20:53
SiDividd: Pres-Gas what are you speaking about ? :)20:53
Pres-GasSiDi, FaceBook20:53
Grraicharlie, as I said, to my big surprise neither quick, nor normal search deliver me any java-packages in synaptic. "add/remove software" does, now, why is that? and besies, I must admit that I don't really know which of those you suggested I should install20:53
SiDiPres-Gas: makes even less sense now :(20:53
SiDiGrrai: do you have universe/multiverse ?20:54
charlie-tcaDon't know why. Perhaps need to hit reload in S-P-M .20:54
SiDiThe package for Java is sun-java6-jre and i think it's in multiverse20:54
SiDisince you added the repos, did you update your packages ? (just incase, don't slap me plx :p)20:54
SiDiupdate your package list *20:55
Grraihehe, yes, I did20:55
* charlie-tca wants to know if light taps are ok?20:55
Grraiand no, I won't slap20:55
SiDiNeither bite, huh ?20:55
GrraiGrrrrr :P20:55
Grraihmm, well20:55
SiDiWhat if you just type sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre ? (be sure you removed openjdk before)20:56
GrraiI reloaded the package list, and there is NOTHING20:57
Grraicould it be that main server is down?20:57
zoredachethere are many mirrors, it is unlikely that all of them are down20:57
TheSheepGrrai: make sure you have the restricted repository enabled20:57
TheSheep!repos | Grrai20:57
Grraioh, "main server" means, it checks all of them?20:57
ubottuGrrai: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:57
rockomi nomo estas tajlero20:58
GrraiTheSheep: thanks, I thought I knew about that, but I surely will read through it again :P20:58
TheSheeprocko: yeah, we get the point20:58
rockoI had to much sugar20:59
rubenDoes anyone know how to monitor system health (temperature etc...) on xubuntu 8.10?20:59
charlie-tcaGrrai: main server means main repository enabled, normally20:59
rockoin my french toast20:59
rockoadded to much20:59
TheSheepruben: there is a 'sensors' panel plugin20:59
TheSheepruben: in the repositories20:59
SiDirocko: was your 4th phrase an attempt to speak spanish ? :)20:59
rockono SiDi20:59
rockodo you speak spanish SiDi ?21:00
Grraicharlie-tca, ok. (then I wonder, why I had to install pkg-config and xserver-xorg-dev manually)21:00
SiDiruben: i think you can use cpuinfo for the temp. screenlets also have sensors for that, but only for GPU temp. either, cronky (or conky ?) should have such sensors info21:00
SiDirocko: i speak spanish (more or less)21:00
* TheSheep looks towards #xubuntu-offtopic21:01
rubenwould xfce4 sensors plugin work?21:01
TheSheepruben: it worked when I last tried it21:01
charlie-tcaI don't know the whys, but check in Applications -> System -> Software Sources, first tab Ubuntu Software and make sure they all have checks21:01
TheSheepruben: half a year ago21:01
charlie-tcaGrrai: just to humor me21:02
* Grrai nods at charlie-tca "Had that done."21:02
charlie-tcaMaybe there is a problem right now with the servers, too21:02
rubenhat my PC only works for more than half an hour without the case on21:02
charlie-tcaThat has happened before21:03
rubenAnd I think it may the temp.. But I'm not sure21:03
SiDiGrrai: where do you live?21:03
SiDiMost likely your country's servers are down21:03
Grraiand using a finnish mirror doesn't help21:04
SiDiI think you can change them in software sources21:04
Grraiokies, I'll try that21:04
SiDitry the french/german ones, we have strong servers :>21:04
rubenNo luck there21:04
SiDiruben: did you ever clean your fans inside your pc ?21:05
rubenThey look clean21:06
rubenThe CPU one is fine, and that's the only one I can see21:06
rubenI can't get to the one inside the PSU21:06
charlie-tcaShould be a fan inside the powersupply21:06
rubenYe, how do I get to it?21:07
TheSheepruben: you didn't remove the heat sink from the cpu? if you did, did you use that gel when you put it back?21:07
rubenI haven't touched it, it just looks clean21:07
charlie-tcaI just blow canned air into the power supply, from the inside of the case21:07
TheSheepruben: you might want to check the logs from the previous sessions in /var/logs21:07
rubenI'll try that charlie-tca21:08
rubenWhat I really want is a new fan21:08
TheSheepwe don't have any spare one:(21:08
charlie-tcaTake the house fan and blow it at the case21:09
charlie-tcaThe air movement will tell you if something is overheating21:09
SiDior put your hand on it21:10
charlie-tca(when the time is changed)21:10
Grrai>.< hehe... I was stupid... I missed a mouse-click.... so, I can see the packages again, but still no java *sigh*21:10
SiDii suggest you call the hospital BEFORE though21:10
SiDiGrrai: what ubuntu version do you have ? :/21:10
SiDidamn that's so weird21:10
SiDiinfo sun-java6-jre 22:11ubottusun-java6-jre (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-10-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 6213 kB, installed size 14232 kB21:11
SiDiTry to download it from packages.ubuntu.com21:11
Grraiwell, I guess there is nothing wrong with add/remove software app?21:11
Grraior well, I'll do apt-get21:12
charlie-tcaI use the Synaptic-Package-Manager instead21:12
SiDiits the same actually21:13
SiDii use aptitude in command line :>21:13
charlie-tcaThe only thing I see in Add/Remove is java-jdk, which you need if you develop programs21:13
charlie-tcaOh, that is OpenJava, too21:14
charlie-tcaSun-java is not listed21:14
Grraihmm, I have java jre installed21:16
Grraionly, it doesn't work, that's why I asked all that fuss21:16
GrraiI also have java-plugin installed21:17
charlie-tcaMaybe you have to remove the OpenJava from Add/Remove21:17
Grraibut... does it maybe simply require a reboot?21:17
TheSheepor run update-alternatives21:17
charlie-tcaAre you on 64-bit ?21:17
Grraino, 32-bit21:18
Grraiaccording to add/remove openjava is not installed21:18
Grraium, openjdk21:19
charlie-tcathat's the one. Then it should be a restart or run update-alternatives, like TheSheep suggested21:19
Grraihmm, I'll just reboot and see if anything changes21:19
Grraihow do I run update-alternatives?21:20
charlie-tcaA reboot takes care of it21:21
* TheSheep always does --all, because I can't remember the names21:21
* charlie-tca restarts, because I can't remember run-alternatives21:21
SiDisun-java6-jre is in multiverse for 32/64 bits for sure21:21
GrraiI'll do the reboot. See you in a min or 2.21:21
Grraiheya again, SiDi , TheSheep and charlie-tca. XD reboot made Java work21:29
charlie-tcayw. That is kinda what we are here for21:29
SiDiGrrai: that's weird :P21:29
SiDicharlie-tca: make java work ?21:30
Grraihmm, but I still don't see java things in synaptic21:30
charlie-tcano... help with Xubuntu doing what he wants21:30
Grraihmm, do I need to add any third-party software repos?21:30
charlie-tcamedibuntu for restricted codecs, if you want them21:31
SiDiGrrai: multiverse should be enough for java21:31
GrraiI only have archive.canonical.com... ah ok21:31
* Grrai scratches head21:31
SiDifree (in terms of cost) proprietary is in multiverse, and medibuntu is for non-free or sometimes illegal packages21:31
viddGrrai, what java packages are you looking for?21:32
viddif we know what you are looking for, we can help you find them21:32
Grraiwell, actually now I don't need any, because Java works... but I am just very confused that I see and can install Java jre ( and openjdk) from "add/remove" (which I did), but synaptic doesn't list any java-related packages21:33
viddGrrai, are you hitting "search" or "quick search"?21:33
GrraiI tried both.21:34
SiDihonnestly, open a terminal and type "sudo aptitude update && aptitude search java6"21:34
charlie-tcaIt's working, isn't it?21:35
Grraiit is, charlie-tca21:35
Grrai(don't fix anything unless it's really broken :P)21:36
* charlie-tca nods21:36
SiDiWould there be gentoo users, they'd shout at you for saying this :)21:37
Grraioops :P21:37
GrraiSiDi, ok, I really need to do all software related stuff via terminal :)21:38
SiDiGrrai: i do it just because it's much faster21:38
charlie-tcaAh, well. This is Xubuntu instead21:38
SiDiand when i see a windows user having trouble to install an app21:38
SiDii go next to him, and tell him to look at how apps should be easy to install21:38
SiDi(that's my evil side..)21:38
viddGrrai, i just did a search for "java" in synaptic and it returned 1154 packages21:39
SiDitry java6-jre instead :P21:39
GrraiI can so understand you... I am unfortunately still more close to that windows user21:39
* charlie-tca when asked about windows, explain they are in the wall, where they belong21:39
Grraialthough I have learned...21:39
worms_foodtsk tsk :)21:39
SiDihehe charlie-tca21:39
SiDimy mother got dualboot windows/ubuntu on her laptop, each time she asks me about windows i say : dunno, but on ubuntu it's like that21:39
=== worms_food is now known as worms_dual
Grraividd, I have like ... *count* ... 13...21:40
charlie-tcaI tried putting windows on by computer, they would not balance21:40
charlie-tcaso I put it back in the wall21:41
GrraiI actually now have a dualboot again (vista >.<, which I left on my new laptop), and I find windows really annoying21:41
viddcharlie-tca, the old lady says she wants her next machine to have windows....i said im not cutting open the case, and she needs to pick out her own drapes for it =]21:41
Grraibut well, off topic.21:41
* charlie-tca agreed, bidd21:42
Grrai*sigh* next step would be to get my graphics card driver21:42
keresGrrai, that's easy. if you're on #ubuntu type !nvidia or !ati and ubottu will guide you through it21:43
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:43
SiDior just go to jockey-gtk and click on activate \o/21:43
worms_dualnext i need to move stuff from my /home to the sdhc card, safely21:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about relocate21:44
racecar56__omg the code how to remove gnome and install xfce actually worked without breaking my install!!! w00t21:44
SiDii wish it could for me too : half the apps i'm using are gnome ones xD21:45
Grraiwell, late here. I guess, I'll continue tomorrow...21:45
SiDiAre you currently reinstalling ubuntu Grrai ?21:46
viddworms_dual, try this:21:47
viddcreate a new user.....21:47
viddlog in as that user....21:47
* worms_dual reads vidd21:48
viddmove all files from /home/[original user] to /home/[new user]21:48
vidddelete /home/[original user]21:49
viddcreate fstab entry for /home/[original user] on the other drive21:49
viddmove files from /home/[new user] to /home/[original user]21:50
viddlog on to original user21:50
viddbelay that....21:50
GrraiSiDi, I did yesterday, after wrecking several things, so bad ( I thought), that a reinstall seemed the best21:50
viddCOPY...not MOVE21:50
viddvery all is well....21:50
vidddelete /home/[new user]21:51
worms_dualcopy files from /home... to /home, not move them? does it make a difference?21:51
viddya want to make sure it works...right?21:51
worms_dualif i move them, linux will remember their paths or stuff and throw errors :)21:52
SiDiworms_dual: if it fails you still hhave stuff21:52
SiDidamn, having 2 vms running just killed my battery21:52
* vidd has to go home now21:52
SiDime too in 5 mins21:52
SiDitime to figure out how to install and setup a DNS server :(21:52
SiDiif anyone knows..21:52
worms_dualyes. one thing worries me though. i have to click on the icon of the sdhc card for it to mount, so having /home on it won't be a problem at bood?21:53
worms_dualthank you, vidd21:53
worms_dualtoo late21:53
charlie-tcaworms_dual: put the mount for it in /etc/fstab, and it should be okay21:53
zoredacheworms_dual: what filesystem is on that shdc card?  You probably won't really want your homedir on fat21:54
* worms_dual goes to see what is in /etc/fstab right now21:54
worms_dualthere is a 4gb ext3 partition and a void 4gb21:54
* Grrai waves21:55
worms_dualgoodnight Grrai21:55
zoredachepersonally, I would set it up through autofs so the card is only mounted when it is needed, but that may be more work then it is worth21:56
worms_dualhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/627956 is what i have21:57
worms_dualin /etc/fstab21:58
SiDibye peeps, out of power21:58
zoredacheworms_dual: post the output of 'sfdisk -l' as well21:59
worms_dualin french, sorry about this :)22:01
zoredacheno worries... so what you would need to do is add a line to your /etc/fstab that looks like this '/dev/sdb1 /home  ext3  defaults,noatime 0 1'22:03
zoredachebackup/move everything in /home to you shdc drive first though22:04
worms_dualwhat does the "noatime" mean?22:05
* worms_dual tries to read 'man fstab"22:06
zoredacheit makes your filesystem access a little faster because it doesn't update the 'last access time' whenever you look at a file22:07
zoredacheyou don't have to include that if you don't want.... It is just what I always use for any flash based storage device22:08
worms_duali want to include everything that makes my life easier. may i also include in that line that i want every user to be able to mount the card?22:09
zoredacheby adding the line I mentioned, the card will be mounted when the computer boots... users will not be able to mount/unmount the card at all.22:10
zoredacheremind me again, about what you are trying to do?22:11
worms_duali'd like to move some things from my /home on the ssd currently, to the sdhc card, because i'm running out of space on the ssd, because xubuntu _insists_ on installing programs on it :)22:13
zoredacheright, but are you trying to move everything from /home onto your sdhc card, or just some stuff?22:13
worms_dualso in /home, i have ./things (applications data i guess), some documents, and two applications (seamonkey and another one)22:14
worms_dualzoredache: i don't know... some, maybe the two applications?22:14
worms_dualwhich are "big"22:15
zoredachewhere did you install those applications from?   Anything you got from the repository would not install programs into /home22:15
worms_duali got seamonkey from the mozilla ftp and the other one is a mobile phone theme creator which i got from the sony website22:16
worms_dualbecause i needed seamonkey 2.0xpre and not the iceape installed in xubuntu, which is old and doesn't do svg as well as the 2.0xpre22:17
worms_dualnow you know all my secrets and i can die! :)22:18
=== worms_dual is now known as wormsxulla

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