
kwwiilol, he lasted 9 minutes before he gave up00:01
dashua_MMA_: Got the Menu Bar to my liking, darker, not as bright and obtrusive.00:41
dashuaJust testing different glazestyles on it.00:42
_MMA_dashua: Ahh... Cool. Seems better.00:43
dashuaYeah, the other was a bit too bright.00:48
dashuaThis fixes the highlight over the GNOME clock.  Was silver before.00:49
_MMA_I'm gonna be out of channel from now through tomorrow. Gonna spend more time with Gabe (my son) and take care of some things around the house. I'll be on Freenode or you can email if it's important. (I'll attend to anything on the list)02:18
savvasis it just me or do drop-down boxes appear pitch black in dust?08:10
savvas(the text too)08:10
savvasI think I need dustfox enabled :\08:38
dashuaWow! Nice new gdm.11:56
* tretle groans at the new gdm in jaunty :(17:16
tretlepanel at the bottom looks like vista or windows 7 and the 3d ubuntu logo looks dated, even worse is the fact its placed in the bottom right corner with everything else black giving it the feeling that its going to keel over :(17:18
tretleno symmetry to it :(17:18
thorwilgot a screenshot?17:30
savvasthorwil: I think this is dust-theme related, I got a black background with black text colour in drop down list boxes: http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs536&d=09092&f=black-drop-down-box-list618.png18:22
thorwilsavvas: i meant a screenshot of the new gdm ;)18:23
thorwilnothing i can do or say regarding issues with dust18:24
=== Cimi_ is now known as Cimi
tretlethorwil - http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=104500&d=123548287020:03
thorwiltretle: thanks20:03
tretlesoz for the late reply, had to at lots of pancakes20:03
tretleso far my favorite artwork for the gdm and wallpaper was for the hardy release20:04
thorwiltretle: i have the suspicion mr. shuttleworth is a sucker for lighting from below. orangish, preferable20:05
thorwilit's in the human folder, was in the briefing for the entirely new theme for hardy that didn't happen20:05
thorwiland here we have it again20:05
tretlethe start page for google was also allot nicer than intrepid20:05
tretlebut the gdm panel at the bottom looks like the windows 7 one20:06
tretleI'm hoping the new gdm lands in time and the greeter rewrite gets done so macslows clutter gdm can replace this20:07
thorwilcan't let them have a monopol on glassy transparency ;)20:07
thorwiltretle: won't happen for jaunty20:07
tretleI know20:07
tretlekarmic though20:07
tretledont like that 3d ubuntu logo20:08
thorwilwouldn't hold my breath for it20:08
thorwiltretle: i withhold judgement until i see it on my own screen ... allthough it looks cheap on that shot20:09
tretleomg........ I was wondering what the 3d logo reminded me of20:10
tretlethe gentoo logo20:10
tretlejust as cheap looking20:10
* tretle is going to be pissed if the new ubuntu icon theme is based off oxegen20:11
* thorwil had 3 glasses of wine and now works with alcohol-based markers ... oh oh20:12

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