
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
bcurtiswxi is back00:03
BUGabundo1how was dinner?00:05
bcurtiswxhaha, a 10 minute side dish00:06
bcurtiswxim on a grad student budget ya know :P00:06
BUGabundo1I know what you mean00:07
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BUGabundo1maco: ==1035==      possibly lost: 2,270,681 bytes in 49,352 blocks. isn't good is it? (taken from kmail via valgrind)00:43
BUGabundo1full log00:44
BUGabundo1I have no idea00:44
BUGabundo1still learning on how to look at it00:44
Rocket2DMnbug 48151 - I am going to just set this back to New unless somebody thinks I should just close it?01:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 48151 in grub "dapper upgrade, grub-install wrote to pcmcia storage, made laptop unbootable" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4815101:14
charlie-tcaWhy not just close it as invalid, since no one has reproduced it since it was reported in 2006. Chances are good it has been since been fixed01:23
Rocket2DMncharlie-tca, i've been yelled at for doing that in the past01:25
Rocket2DMni already marked it as new again01:25
Rocket2DMnthanks though01:26
Rocket2DMncharlie-tca, how about bug 22494 though, that one would be easier to mark as Fix Released, even without feedback from the OP and original confirmer01:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 22494 in netcfg "Incorrect wireless access point detected - no way to override" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2249401:26
charlie-tcaYes, with the "closed based on the last comments above as fixed with an update" type statement?01:30
Rocket2DMnYeah, that would be my normal response, I just got chewed out a bit the other day for some stuff, so I'm taking it slow01:31
charlie-tcaI know that one.01:31
charlie-tcaYou could always say I said so, and let them chew on me.01:32
Rocket2DMnI just might :)01:32
charlie-tcaOf course, that doesn't apply to network-manager at all. I still haven't quite figured that out01:33
Rocket2DMnhehe yeah, i have yet to figure out much about networking in linux, esp wireless01:33
* bugabundo raises eye browns01:44
bugabundowifi what?01:44
charlie-tcawifi that did not work in 2005/200601:45
bugabundohumm that was a nasty bug01:46
bugabundoglad to see it fixed01:46
slick666Hi everyone03:13
slick666I have a question about a bug and I'm not sure what to do next03:14
slick666I'm kinda new03:14
slick666no one active?03:21
Ryan52slick666: you need to ask your question.03:26
Ryan52and then wait.03:26
slick666This bug seems ligitimate03:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 332211 in acpid "Cannot change screen brightness on Lenovo X61" [Undecided,Incomplete]03:27
slick666what should I do next03:27
slick666should I mark it confirmed, or new?03:27
Ryan52only mark confirmed if you verify that it happens for you.03:28
slick666ok, then this should go from incomplete back to new?03:28
Ryan52see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status03:29
slick666the person filing seems to have added all the data necessary03:29
Ryan52then Triaged fits.03:29
Ryan52"Use this when you are confident that it should be looked at by a developer and has enough information "03:29
slick666I see03:30
slick666so I should bring this to the attention to a member of the bug control group03:31
Ryan52yep. so ask here. you should also recommend an importance for them to set.03:31
Ryan52see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance03:31
slick666cool, my first triage :)03:32
Ryan52hmm...how do I check when my bug control powers are going to expire? they're going to expire soon, I think.03:32
slick666this bug looks like a it's a low priority03:33
slick666"Ones that affect unusual configurations or uncommon hardware"03:33
slick666I had someone at the bugjam try it on his two IBMs and he couldn't reproduce it03:33
slick666is there someone in the channel that can update this bug from incomplete to triage as a low priority bug?03:36
Ryan52what's jaunty+1 gonna be called? has it been announced yet?03:42
slick666Karmic Koala03:43
bcurtiswxnot a lot if dictionaries have karmic in it03:49
bcurtiswxbut Karmic means "of or relating to Karma"03:49
bcurtiswxIm going with laxidasical llama for the next one03:50
Ryan52o noez.03:50
Ryan52I will never be able to spell that right.03:51
macoRyan52: thats ok, im not sure bcurtiswx did to begin with03:52
macolet's not make it be Lepper Leopard, k?03:52
bcurtiswxmaco: lol, actuallly http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=laxidasical03:53
macourban dictionary isn't a real dictionary!03:53
Ryan52pffft. close enough. :P03:53
bcurtiswxi know, i was totally playing around with that one03:54
macoyeah yeah03:54
bcurtiswxlonely larvae ?03:54
bcurtiswxlegendary locust?03:56
bcurtiswxok ok, im deviating from reality03:56
bcurtiswxcan you tell its my bed time?03:56
bcurtiswxLamassu (Assyrian winged bulls and lions, with       human heads.)03:59
bcurtiswxlets stick with mythical creatures (like the jackalope)03:59
bcurtiswxA       huge sea serpent mentioned in the Bible. The name means       "coiling" At the End of Days, the Behemoth and Leviathan will       battle, destroying each other.04:01
macowhats the snake that eats its own tail? i think it might be at the start of the alphabet though :-/04:05
macoomnipotent ouroboros...2 years from now?04:06
maco(thats the snake that eats its own tail)04:07
Ryan52is it correct of me to close (as in "fix released") a bug against hardy that's is not reproducable in Jaunty? do FTBFS bugs count too?04:14
Ryan52bdmurray: hmm. can you extend my bug control membership? I really haven't done all that much, tho I do respond to incoming bugs on my packages, and try to work on the backlog of them. which is all I really intended on doing in the first place anyway...and my number of packages is growing, so ya..04:23
macook im trying to figure out what the heck is going on with pidgin04:32
cactaurHey, I was wondering if someone could look over this bug. I have this bug, and I found a report which was similar to it, with the same symptoms, but I'm not sure about the root cause, and I'm not even sure it's in the right package. Should I change the first report to reflect what I think, file a new bug report, or just leave my comments for someone else to handle?04:33
cactaurThis is the report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/29342404:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 293424 in linux "intrepid: iwl3945 won't connect with WEP passphrase" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:33
macoi mean, the symptom is "there's no visible buddy list on any workspace" but itd be really nice if gdb showed what was going on04:33
dholbachgood morning07:06
YoBoY#333675 -> wishlist07:44
YoBoY#333659 -> wishlist08:27
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savvaswhere's the global jam after-party? :P09:36
dholbachsavvas: on loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com :)09:36
dholbachfeel free to weigh in with your thoughts09:37
savvasI didn't participate much unfortunately, ubuntu-cy is working on a linux presentation for the government09:37
dholbachsavvas: still it'd be nice to hear what you have to say :)09:37
* savvas looks09:38
savvasdholbach: by the way, the pending merges will be reviewed again once the new dev release is prepared, right?09:38
dholbachsavvas: yes - if there's anything urgent, we'll merge it beforehand or you can do it, if you like :)09:39
dholbachsome might need a freeze exception though09:39
savvasok thanks09:40
dholbachhttp://qa.ubuntuwire.org/bugs/rcbugs/ might be a good indicator for that09:41
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Hewanyone know what desktop environment this is? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22960711/Screenshot.png I'm not sure if it's broken, or it's XFCE or something. bug 33249113:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332491 in mail-notification "Message popups show up as dialogs" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33249113:04
james_wHew: it could be Xfce13:08
Hewjames_w: Ok, thanks.13:08
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BUGabundoFoo Fam Fim I smell a BUG. Ill crash BUGs15:14
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
bcurtiswx_bug #333651 , will bug control please set to wishlist?16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333651 in s3cmd "Please upgrade s3cmd to 0.9.9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33365116:13
MrKanisterbcurtiswx_: done16:15
bcurtiswx_MrKanister: ty16:16
MrKanisterbcurtiswx_: You are welcome16:16
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thomasdelbekeHi people16:59
thomasdelbekeare u offline now?16:59
thomasdelbekeor can u take a look at this:16:59
thomasdelbekeand this:17:02
dholbachthomasdelbeke: if I'm not mistaken it seems to be waiting for something in both cases17:02
dholbachseb128: can you confirm?17:02
thomasdelbekeI had a fatal display crash17:02
thomasdelbekeI do not know what it was waiting for17:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 323694 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "xorg + VGA driver + BIOS incompatibility ; Symtom: right keypad does no longer work." [Undecided,New]17:03
dholbachanything in Xorg.log or gdm log?17:03
seb128confirm what?17:03
seb128(in a meeting)17:03
thomasdelbekeI think it is a duplicate of that bug17:03
dholbachseb128: the two pastebin things above - looks like gdm is waiting for something there and probably not a real crash of gdm17:03
thomasdelbekeI broke my arm so I am slow17:03
thomasdelbekeI look now17:03
seb128is it crashing or hanging or what?17:04
seb128could you describe your issue rather than just give stacktraces and log?17:06
thomasdelbekeok sorry17:07
thomasdelbekedisplay crashed17:07
thomasdelbekedid alt+ctrl+F517:08
thomasdelbekegot command prompt17:08
seb128login screen? desktop? crashed, ie your session closed and you went back to login screen?17:08
thomasdelbekeyes it froze up17:08
thomasdelbekeI got a pink brown screen17:08
thomasdelbekewith nothing on it17:09
thomasdelbekethen i did:17:09
thomasdelbekedid alt+ctrl+F517:09
thomasdelbekelogged in17:09
thomasdelbekepidof gdm17:09
thomasdelbekeattached both to gdb17:10
thomasdelbekeI always have one child17:10
thomasdelbekei just did backtrace full + info registers + thread apply all backtrace17:10
thomasdelbekegdm2 is the child process17:11
thomasdelbekeafter that i killed both17:11
thomasdelbekeroot kill -9 pidof gdm17:11
thomasdelbekeroot startx17:12
thomasdelbekethis gave me a total black screen17:12
thomasdelbekeI had to reboot17:12
thomasdelbekethe log files are there17:12
thomasdelbekeI do not have gdm log (?):17:13
thomasdelbekeAny ideas?17:14
chrisccoulsonthomasdelbeke - i don't think i caught your whole conversation and i don't know if you were speaking with anyone specifically, but your GDM log is in /var/log/gdm17:15
thomasdelbekeI cannot set logging for gdm (?):17:15
thomasdelbekeok thanks, I have 4:17:16
thomasdelbekeSo should I file a separate bug?17:24
tuxmaniacThe battery charge goes down rapidly below 35% . Using a Dell XPS M1210 and this has started to happen fairly recently (for the past 1 week or so) and I remember an acpi update for it. Has anyone come across similar bug?17:59
tuxmaniacor is it that my battery is screwed17:59
dantuxmaniac, does your battery have one of those external meters you can use to check the charge level on the battery itself?18:01
danyou could compare what the battery thinks to what is being reported in software18:02
BUGabundotuxmaniac: or just test it from BIOS18:02
BUGabundodoes your laptop has a "format battery" option?18:02
tuxmaniaci havent gone deep into this stuff yet becauseone thing I was very happy with this machine of mine was the Laptop Batter life of 4.5 hrs (it dropped to 3.5 hrs after a year and a half which I guess is pretty normal)18:04
tuxmaniaci will check these and get back. thanks. I am using a M1210 and yes it has a battery meter at the back18:04
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bdmurraymvo: should bug 330687 be assigned to cups-pdf?  I just moved it there18:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330687 in cups-pdf "Update server from 8.04LTS to 8.10 crashes" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33068718:53
mvobdmurray: let me check18:54
mvobdmurray: yes18:55
mvobdmurray: I think its a duplicate18:55
bdmurrayI didn't see one right away18:55
bdmurraymvo: how can I find out what held broken package someone has installed?19:02
mvobdmurray: that is most likely a mislanding error message :/19:04
bdmurraymvo: is there something else I should look for in bug 332040 then?19:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332040 in update-manager "Upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 impossible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33204019:07
mvobdmurray: let me check19:07
mvobdmurray: hm, tricky, I need to invstigate this further, looks like a problem of the resolver19:12
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bcurtiswxholy new login screen batman23:04
bcurtiswxme likey23:04
jbuncherapw:  It's John from Bug #327431.  I thought this might be a quicker way to communicate if you have the time.23:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327431 in linux "iwl3945 cannot connect to hidden ssid WPA enterprise with Hardy 2.6.24-23 - Regression" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32743123:34
apwjbuncher, hi23:35
jbuncherapw:  I hope it's not rude of me to msg you like this.  I just commented on the bug:  there's a missing dependency, "wireless-crda", but that package doesn't seem to be in the repositories (it is for jaunty though).23:36
apwjbuncher, yeah thats plain wrong.  will have to look at getting rid of those23:37
apwyou should be safe to just force that thing on23:37
apw(and no its not rude, if i was busy or not here, you'd not get hold of me nothing more)23:37
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apwjbuncher, did you manage to shoe-horn that image on?23:41
jbuncherapw: I apparently do not know how to install a deb with apt-get23:41
jbuncherapw:  should I just use dpkg -i debtobeinstalled ?23:42
apwif you wget the file down, you should be able to dpkg -i foo.deb on it23:42
jbuncherapw:  due to the missing dependency, it said it was leaving it unconfigured.  Is there a way to force that?23:44
apw--force-depends might do it23:45
jbuncherthat's doing it23:45
jbuncherapw:  they're installed now, I'll reboot and test them one by one23:49

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