
pittiGood morning07:18
didrocksmorning pitti07:51
pittibonjour didrocks07:53
wgrantWhat is this new notification applet, and why does it look so utterly non-native?08:59
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
maxbAt least they reconsidered naming it "alsdorf"10:16
maxbBut yeah, I hate it, and it's going to become my number one thing to customize on a new Ubuntu install10:19
maxbWhich is slightly worrying since I've not found any way to do so without root access, for all users, yet.10:19
didrocksHi seb12810:29
seb128hello didrocks10:29
didrocksseb128: I was just wondering if I only open a bug on LP "implement better notification" for pidgin and link it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD10:30
seb128didrocks: what do you mean?10:30
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
didrocksseb128: it seems that there is some work to do for pidgin and the new notification system https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#Pidgin10:31
seb128didrocks: I don't understand the bug question, what change do you want to request?10:31
didrocksso, I just propose to handle it, and for that if I only open a bug on LP and assign it to myself to tell "I'm working on it"10:32
seb128didrocks: pidgin-libnotify in jaunty doesn't use actions and use the message indicator, it's installed by default and autoactivated10:32
seb128what other change is required?10:32
didrocksseb128: oh, ok, from the wiki text, I thought there was still actions on the message indicator and so, have to remove them10:33
didrocksok, so, nothing to do with it10:33
seb128talk to ted when he's around10:33
wgrantmaxb: What is it meant to do?10:33
didrocksseb128: oki10:33
seb128I'm not sure about it but from my point of view that's working correctly10:33
james_wwgrant: he's talking about the notifications, not the applet10:33
james_wwgrant: the applet will show recently received messages and the like.10:34
wgrantjames_w: Ah, I see. But it is the ugliest thing on the desktop, and leaves this strange dark grey bar when it has nothing to show...10:35
didrocksseb128: I will check with him, thanks :)10:35
asacArneGoetje: if you dont test my fontconfig packages, I will be forced to just upload it after next alpha :)10:39
ArneGoetjeasac: sorry, I was busy.11:43
asacArneGoetje: no problem. was ment to be a gentle reminder ;)11:52
asacthere are still a few days left until freeze is lifted11:52
asacArneGoetje: i expect some regressions with non-latin fonts and i already have some feedback that it gets worse for ttf fonts11:53
asacwould be good if we could find which cases needs to be fixed11:53
asacwithout reintroducing the major rules.d hackfest we had before11:53
ArneGoetjeasac: I got a bug about Chinese fonts in iceweasel on debian... if that is related?11:54
asacArneGoetje: i am not sure. i know that i dropped most of our tweakage ... just preserving the fontconfigurator ones for now11:54
ArneGoetjeasac: Look at this: http://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~cyt93/images/Iceweasel-3.0.6_broken.png11:55
asacArneGoetje: hmm probably unrelated11:55
asacArneGoetje: the main issue we had is that fontconfig doesnt honour gnome settings anymore11:55
seb128slomo: could you have a look to backport https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-base0.10/+bug/252237 for debian (would be better to sync that to upload that to ubuntu only)?11:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 252237 in gst-plugins-base0.10 "gstreamer alsa mixer renders gnome volume controls useless" [Low,Triaged]11:55
seb128slomo: ie the change you did to fix alsamixer11:56
asacArneGoetje: which happened because we just fixed various values11:56
asacall over the place11:56
asacso i dropped all that and want to readd the minimum really required11:56
ArneGoetjeasac: AFAIK fontconfig never honored gnome settings. Gnome should honor fontconfig settings instead.11:56
asacalso performance has somewhat boosted for me after dropping the ANY metrics patch11:56
asacArneGoetje: well... whatever11:57
asacArneGoetje: we even overwrote user settings11:57
ArneGoetjeasac: ...11:57
ArneGoetjeasac: you are giving me a headache...11:57
ArneGoetjeI will test your package tonight.11:58
asacArneGoetje: not honour gnome settings == not honour user settings11:59
seb128asac: what setting are you speaking about?11:59
asacbut lets look which rules we really need to add11:59
asacseb128: font ;)11:59
ArneGoetjeasac: user settings belong into ~/.font.conf11:59
seb128asac: dpi, font name, points?11:59
asacArneGoetje: right. still ;)12:00
asacseb128: look at /etc/fonts/fonts.d/12:00
ArneGoetjeasac: problem with that is, you need to copy everything in /etc/fonts/conf.d/ into it and then change the bits you need to tweak. Otherwise it won't work :(12:00
asaceverything that comes after 50 is overwriting user settings12:00
seb128asac: that's fontconfig yes12:00
asacat least if they dont have proper tests12:00
asac(which some of them dont)12:01
asacArneGoetje: lets look at it. i thin my package is not really worse than before12:01
asacexcept for some ttf and non-latin fonts12:01
asacbut those can be done properly imo12:02
ArneGoetjeasac: should be everything < 50 which is overwritten...12:02
asacArneGoetje: user settings can overwrite everything below 50 ... but not something that is greater 5012:02
ArneGoetjeasac: s/overwritten/overwriting/12:02
ArneGoetjeasac: other way round. The lower the number the higher the priority, IIRC12:03
asacArneGoetje: i am really sure that the rules are applied in alphabetic order12:03
asacso if you set property1 to XXX in 20 ... you can still overwrite it in 4012:03
asaci can verify that in fontconfig code12:04
asacbut not now12:04
asacArneGoetje: bug 305394 and the upstream mozilla bug 45861212:06
asac  "every file within that directory starting with an ASCII digit (U+0030 -12:06
asac   U+0039) and ending with the string ‘‘.conf’’ will be processed in12:06
asac   sorted order"12:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305394 in fontconfig "No subpixel smoothing" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30539412:06
ubottuMozilla bug 458612 in GFX: Thebes "(Ubuntu) system fontconfig settings override GNOME font rendering screen settings" [Normal,Resolved: invalid] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45861212:06
asacseb128: oh i replied with @canonical.com to -desktop list12:09
asacseb128: can you moderate that in and whitelist that address12:09
asacRe: gnome-control-center12:09
seb128asac: let me look if I can find the moderation password somewhere ;-)12:10
asaci should just remove the magic that picks @canonical.com if someone from canonical is in the addresses ;)12:10
seb128asac: ok got it12:13
asacseb128: thanks. and please whitelist asac@canonical.com for future (in case i forget again)12:13
seb128asac: done12:14
* asac hugs seb128 the great12:14
seb128and checked the "whitelist this address" option too12:14
* seb128 hugs asac12:14
seb128lunch time now12:15
asacwhen is meeting today?12:31
asac1630 UTC. good12:31
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
maxbThe new GDM theme is pretty!12:38
maxbHowever, the colour of the background (which is what's shown on secondary monitors) is still set to a traditional Ubuntu brown/orange/beigeish colour, which doesn't look so good12:39
seb128right, the colour will be changed12:41
seb128pitti: let me know if you do an upload to sponsor the gtkrc thing you can tweak the color in the same upload ;-)12:41
pittiseb128: the background one? sure, is that easy to find, or do you know where it's defined?12:42
pittiseb128: btw, I uploaded a gnome-settings-daemon yesterday, with Alberto's fix for randr configuration12:42
pittiseb128: I know you don't like such "quick" uploads, but that bug was driving me mad12:43
seb128pitti: there is a 35_gdm.conf.patch or something12:43
pittiah, nice12:43
pittiright, I guess switching it to brown was a patch :)12:43
seb128pitti: we change the color there, just set #00000 instead that's what dxteam asked some days ago12:43
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
seb128pitti: for g-s-d no problem I would have commented if a new GNOME was scheduled this week but it makes sense to get that for the alpha CD ;-)12:44
pittiseb128: while I'm at it, I should also check if I can easily disable the input line popup12:44
seb128pitti: just comment the tooltip12:46
pittiyeah, should be simple12:46
pittijust listing the things to change12:46
seb128greeter/greeter_canvas_item.c:    tooltips = gtk_tooltips_new ();12:47
pittianything else?12:47
seb128greeter/greeter_canvas_item.c:    gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, GTK_WIDGET (entry),12:47
seb128I guess that's only that12:47
seb128pitti: bug #264834 is sitting in the sponsor queue since before intrepid, not sure if we should just upload that12:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264834 in gdm "RFE: Add gesture to start onboard and mousetweaks at login (patch supplied)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26483412:47
pittiseb128: ah, that; I really don't like patches like those :/12:53
seb128yeah, me neither, there is a reason why it's sitting there for a while12:53
seb128just ignore that for now if you want12:53
pittiwell, bigger problem is that I don't know what to do with that file, it's not a patch12:54
pittiI'll ask again and do the current upload12:54
fta2seb128, hi, i see gwibber is still in the NEW queue? is that expected?13:28
seb128fta2: hello, yes, I've way too much to do and pinging me on IRC every day is not making that goes smoother13:29
seb128will do in a bit I forgot yesterday afternoon too many other things and people pinging me all around the place during the day13:30
kenvandine[work]seb128: when you have a few minutes, i want to chat about evo13:30
seb128kenvandine[work]: don't ask to ask just ask -)13:30
kenvandine[work]got a few?13:30
kenvandine[work]i have a patch in my ppa, but i didn't do quite what we talked about13:30
* didrocks is sure that seb128 has a shorcut for this sentence :)13:30
kenvandine[work]seb128: basically, i am just   changing the default settings in gconf, so it doesn't display the icon13:31
seb128kenvandine[work]: I've lot to do as just said but I can have a look, can you give me some details?13:31
fta2seb128, well, it was not my intention to ping you, i thought you did it yesterday when you asked me to resubmit but i still see it in the queue, maybe i misunderstood, sorry. i'll redirect all the requestees that keep asking me to a PPA.13:31
seb128fta2: sorry just got a bit too many people pinging me for a while and I've difficulties to get work done, nothing against you13:32
kenvandine[work]seb128: that plugin now sends the dbus events on new mail... which some people are starting to use in other apps13:32
kenvandine[work]so disabling it completely will probably not be popular13:32
seb128kenvandine[work]: hum13:32
seb128kenvandine[work]: and the new dx plugin doesn't do that?13:33
fta2seb128, np, i understand ;)13:33
kenvandine[work]i don't think so13:33
kenvandine[work]i think it just monitors13:33
kenvandine[work]not sure though13:33
seb128fta2: I meant to do it but got sidetracked in a zillion of other things13:33
kenvandine[work]this was a new feature in 2.25.x13:33
kenvandine[work]sends a dbus event for new mail... other apps can listen for it13:33
seb128kenvandine[work]: the only thing I don't like about the gconf change is that the vanilla session will not get the applet since that's user config13:34
seb128applet -> icon rather13:34
seb128but that's a detail13:34
kenvandine[work]yeah... i know13:34
seb128pitti: ^ what do you think?13:34
kenvandine[work]the vanilla session isn't that vanilla yet :)13:34
kenvandine[work]i am sure lots of packages tweak gconf defaults13:34
kenvandine[work]so that is a harder problem to solve13:35
seb128I think that's ok13:35
seb128just checking what pitti thinks13:35
kenvandine[work]i think we need to have 2 sets of schemas installed... one default and one ubuntu... and root a different one depending on session13:35
kenvandine[work]just an idea13:35
kenvandine[work]pita to implement...13:35
alex-weejqt isn't using the system font hinting settings in 9.0413:38
alex-weeji've got unhinted set in both systemwide fontconfig settings and in gtk's xsettings13:38
seb128kenvandine[work]: we do have default and ubuntu, that's /var/lib/gconf/debian.defaults and defaults13:40
seb128alex-weej: no clue about what qt is doing13:40
seb128kenvandine[work]: the system path is not dynamic though, we could perhaps change that though13:41
seb128mvo: let's not troll? ;-)13:44
seb128mvo: should ping josselin about it rather13:44
seb128ups wrong chan13:45
kenvandine[work]morning rickspencer313:57
rickspencer3kenvandine[work]: good morning13:57
kenvandine[work]that reminds me i owe rickspencer3 an email...13:58
pittihey rickspencer314:02
pittikenvandine[work]: good morning14:02
kenvandine[work]hey pitti14:02
kenvandine[work]good afternoon :)14:02
seb128hello rickspencer314:05
rickspencer3hi seb12814:05
seb128rickspencer3, pitti: sorry for the duplicate activity email14:05
seb128I got some mailer issues14:05
pittiseb128: hehe, no problem14:06
rickspencer3seb128: I assumed that you had automated the generation of your activity reports, and had a bug in one of your loops ;)14:06
asacah, finally a mailbomb bug ;)14:06
seb128ah ah14:06
seb128asac: not so many emails dont worry ;-)14:06
* asac (late-)lunch14:23
calcpitti: filed another bug on apport-collect :)15:26
pitticalc: will I ever be able to close that one bug? :-)15:26
calcpitti: i think after it is fixed that it will be perfect.. for my use anyway15:26
calcpitti: filed it as a new bug so i wouldn't keep beating the same old bug report ;-)15:26
calci noticed the new issue after i had someone use it for a bug report15:27
rickspencer3asac: ping15:32
asacrickspencer3: just go ahead ;)15:33
rickspencer3funny how customs are different over the years and in different communities :)15:33
asacrickspencer3: since my client is always online you can just ask and i will reply when i see it (given time constraints)15:34
asaci think thats mostly true for the "always on" folks15:37
seb128vuntz: hello16:05
seb128vuntz: how much feedback do you need on those gnome-session svn change?16:06
seb128vuntz: and how likely is a svn snapshot going to create issue on normal session if you don't try to store a session?16:06
didrocksseb128: oh, thanks for pidgin sponsoring btw (just noticed now)16:06
seb128didrocks: you're welcome thanks for the update16:06
rickspencer3desktop team meeting in 15 minutes16:14
ArneGoetjeasac: I will continue to test your fontconfig package tomorrow... this takes some longer time...16:17
asacArneGoetje: thats ok. i had a debugging session with some community guy in my mozillateam channel a few hours ago16:19
asacso i already know a few regressions due to too aggressive rule dropping16:19
asaci will try to address those issues and provide an updated font. anyway, i still need feedback on no-latin fonts16:20
ArneGoetjeasac: that's what I also expected... but I will try to figure out what we can do to improve the situation... and I need to test on Kubuntu as well.16:21
asacArneGoetje: right. kubuntu feedback much appreciated16:23
asacArneGoetje: we can also have a call if that helps to get things started ... i think we will end up with a quick fix for jauty, but should review this whole complex for karmic imo16:23
asacmaybe the quick fix will be as conservative as removing obsolete/cruft config rules that seem to have accumulated for various folks16:24
ArneGoetjeasac: I do some testing first. that will take already some time as I need to test multiple language environments...16:24
asacArneGoetje: right. thats much appreciated ... just wanted to kick this off16:25
asacalso to get myself used to this whole thing a bit16:25
rickspencer3desktop team meeting in 1 minute16:29
seb128ok, enough nm testing for me for now16:29
seb128asac: evo 2.25 doesn't react to nm changes correctly for me not sure if you were keeping track of how buggy applications are in this regard16:29
asacseb128: i am supposed to. i tried to test that a few times, but it wasnt obvious to me what means "correct"16:30
asacseb128: what issue do you see?16:30
asacseb128: hmm. lets discuss after the meeting or in -devel16:30
asachi all!16:31
seb128asac: it doesn't react to any change, ie doesn't get offline if I reselect the wireless connection while the applet spins16:31
rickspencer3no pitti?16:31
seb128or if I unselect enable wireless or enable network in the applet directly16:31
seb128asac: I'm discussing it upstream, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=572962 for the record16:31
ubottuGnome bug 572962 in Shell "no longer goes offline when network disconnected" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:31
asacseb128: maybe upstream patched out the behaviour because too many complained about being offline (i think finally some upstreams gave in)16:32
kenvandine[work]seb128: that works in 2.24.x16:32
rickspencer3let's start the team meeting16:32
rickspencer3hi pitti16:32
seb128asac: right, they stopped using the lib and listen to dbus directly now16:32
seb128anyway meeting ;-)16:32
rickspencer3outstanding issues16:32
rickspencer3ACTION: bryce to re-sponsor xorg.conf editor in time for feature freeze.16:32
rickspencer3that's done, right?16:32
rickspencer3I think everything else has been done16:33
rickspencer3ACTION: Riddell to move individual work items that will not get done for Jaunty to new blueprints/specs for later releases.16:33
rickspencer3done, right?16:33
brycerickspencer3: yep done16:33
rickspencer3btw: I want to call out ArneGoetje for his awesome fortitude16:33
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: ?16:34
rickspencer3we have a meeting in what was last night for me, and here he is again16:34
pittiextending those to mvo, who helped a lot with l-s16:34
rickspencer3that's a long day for ArneGoetje :)16:34
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: normal working hours. ;)16:34
rickspencer3pitti: ack - thanks to mvo for helping us get the language selector spec done16:34
Riddellrickspencer3: mm no, but https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo is keeping track of the individual items, I'm not sure new specs are useful yet I'd rather just look at the Todo page at next UDS and write specs from there16:34
* seb128 hugs mvo16:35
rickspencer3moving on16:35
pittiRiddell: WFM16:35
rickspencer3Release Bugs/Release Status16:35
pittiRiddell: we just need a clear status on the jaunty specs, to be able to chalk them off as implemented16:35
rickspencer3As of 23:30 UTC yesterday, we have no opened alpha-5 milestoned bugs16:35
* mvo is happy and congrats Arne for finishing the spec16:35
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus isn't entirely up to date, though16:36
* ArneGoetje hugs mvo16:36
rickspencer3so looks like we aren't blocking alpha at all16:36
pittiit's the status from last Friday16:36
rickspencer3pitti: ack16:36
pittibut since then, at least the two nss bugs were taken off the radar16:36
rickspencer3pitti: anything regarding release status that we should be aware of or helping with?16:37
pittimeh, disconnect again16:37
asac17:37 < rickspencer3> pitti: anything regarding release status that we should be aware of or helping with?16:37
pittithe remaining issues on ReleaseStatus are pretty icky driver problems16:37
pittiasac: do you need help for bug 199140?16:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 199140 in network-manager "Network manager shows and connects to virtual interfaces" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19914016:38
asacthats rather simple ... even though a followup hack for a hack we have for a bad driver ;)16:38
pittibug 331618 should land before UIF16:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331618 in firefox-3.0 "make new tab behaviour consistent in Firefox" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33161816:38
pittithat's my biggest thing on my radar so far16:38
asacblocked on paperwork16:38
pittiwith C or Mozilla?16:39
asaconce we have a go, we can make that happen at the same day16:39
rickspencer3pitti: we are in a wait and see state on that16:39
pittiokay, thanks16:39
asacpitti: discussion/decision pending16:39
asacthey promissed to get back in 24h hours ... which was 23h ago ;)16:39
asacbut well. lets hope we get something this week16:39
rickspencer3move on?16:40
asacfrom my side yes16:40
rickspencer3looking at work items, we are slightly above the trend line if I draw the line to beta freeze16:40
pittirickspencer3: nice graph!16:41
rickspencer3this suggests that we may not get everything done in Jaunty in terms of work items16:41
asachopefully you publish your scripts in a bzr branch ;)16:41
calcrickspencer3: split build is post beta freeze, well likely will be anyway16:41
rickspencer3asac: right16:41
rickspencer3in any case16:41
kenvandine[work]rickspencer3: at least the graph shows we are mostly tracking the line, we just need to get below it16:41
rickspencer3kenvandine[work]: ack16:42
* kenvandine[work] likes burn down charts16:42
rickspencer3one way to get below it is to postpone things now that we know won't get done16:42
pittirickspencer3: it doesn't include the blocked things?16:42
rickspencer3pitti: blocked, started, not started are all the same as far as a burndown chart is concerned16:42
rickspencer3postponed and done are also the same16:43
pittirickspencer3: OTOH, I have such funny things as16:43
pittipitti:Advice Dx Team Regarding playing sounds to provide volume control feedback:not started16:43
rickspencer3though I just realized I put the postponed bits in the wrong place, I'll update later16:43
pittithose account for some "noise" which doesn't affect the release cycle really16:43
calcshould we change blocked items to postponed or should they be treated as the postponed/done bits?16:43
rickspencer3pitti: ack16:43
calcthe items i marked as blocked are blocked for the forseeable future16:44
rickspencer3calc: if they are not going to get done this cycle, we should go ahead and communicate that now where possible. That way we can a) identify if we break anyone by not doing it when there is time to adjust, and b) we can stop tracking or generally worrying about the item16:44
rickspencer3on a side note, please follow the syntax as my script is ridiculously brittle :)16:45
calcrickspencer3: ok in the kde4/gio cases those are blocked on upstream issues16:45
pittiso maybe everyone of us should go through their blocked issues and try to resolve/postpone them this week16:45
calcrickspencer3: ah so note them to the left of the : (in the description)?16:45
rickspencer3calc: I'll add some comments to the next one that describes the syntax and allowable values16:46
brycewill do16:46
rickspencer3moving on ...16:47
kenvandine[work]feature freeze exception?16:47
rickspencer3we already discussed bug 331618 make new tab behaviour consistent in Firefox16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331618 in firefox-3.0 "make new tab behaviour consistent in Firefox" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33161816:47
pittikenvandine[work]: yes16:47
rickspencer3the only other one I saw that might be relevant is bug 329161 Transmission 1.50 should be considered for inclusion in 9.0416:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329161 in transmission "Transmission 1.50 should be considered for inclusion in 9.04" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32916116:47
rickspencer3any other FFEs that we should be aware of?16:48
brycerickspencer3: I'm expecting to have one for -ati 6.12.0, which will bring R6xx/7xx support16:48
calcfor the firefox case would that be opening tabs causes the home page to load?16:48
brycerickspencer3: oh and one for -fglrx16:49
pittirickspencer3: transmission> already acked by me, sponsoring pending16:49
calcah i see at the bottom of the bug page16:49
rickspencer3pitti: schweet16:49
bryceboth are awaiting upstream releases to get out16:49
rickspencer3pitti: do we need to get bryce 's on the release team radar?16:49
asacbryce: can we pre-test them in some PPA?16:50
rickspencer3bryce: could you please add these to the team meeting wiki?16:50
pittirickspencer3: I think that's bug 31302716:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313027 in fglrx-installer "MASTER: fglrx does not support xserver 1.6" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31302716:50
bryceasac, yes on -ati; for -fglrx it probably is irrelevant, since we'll get what we get and that's all we'll have (and we have nothing now)16:50
asaci think fglrx sounds essential16:50
asacso there is no way around. right16:50
bryceI can do a git snapshot of the 6xx/7xx branch for -ati16:52
kenvandine[work]bryce: is nvidia working with xorg 1.6 now?16:52
rickspencer3while bryce is working on that16:53
rickspencer3our next gate is UI Freeze on March 5th16:53
rickspencer3any concerns there (other then the firefox new tab change)?16:53
brycekenvandine[work]: yep16:54
kenvandine[work]bryce: great16:54
rickspencer3looks like UI Freeze is not a concern, so moving on16:55
rickspencer3these next few items are more like announcements, I suppose16:55
rickspencer3Performance Reviews and Goals: everyone should revisit these to ensure that the work they have been doing is reasonable in line with their goals ...16:56
pittirickspencer3: UIF> well, there will be some more patches to applications wrt. notifications16:56
rickspencer3typically, change the goals, not the work16:56
rickspencer3I understand the goal setting web site is a tad, shall we say "tempermental"16:56
pittiasac: is nm-applet already changed, notification-wise?16:56
rickspencer3so please eel free to use text files and email16:57
asacpitti: yes. all done in ubuntu. upstream will commit it after rc216:57
pittiasac: rocking16:57
* rickspencer3 hands mike to pitti for UIF discussion16:57
pittirickspencer3: sorry; I'm done16:57
asacpitti: oh. text changes are still  missing16:57
asacpitti: wanted to apply them in a batch once we have all16:57
asacplan was to look later this week16:57
pittirickspencer3: goal changes> hm, doesn't that somewhat defeat setting goals?16:57
rickspencer3pitti: some of them should still be relevant, some of them won't be, and you probably have added some goals16:58
rickspencer3that's all16:58
vuntzseb128: (sorry if this is a meeting) gnome-session trunk is basically 2.25.91 + the session saving patch. So it shouldn't cause any major issues for people not saving their session16:58
rickspencer3my intention is to make review time as easy as possible on us, as it will clash with UDS, etc...16:59
asacrickspencer3: thanks for taking a practical approach about goals ... which often change in our interrupt driven environment16:59
seb128vuntz: (that's a meeting indeed) want to get feedback on it?16:59
vuntzseb128: of course we want ;-)17:00
pittirickspencer3, kenvandine[work]: did you hear anything pending from DX which we still need to integrate?17:00
seb128pitti: we still have quite oem patches pending review17:00
kenvandine[work]not directly... but there is that wiki page of notification related stuff that needs some work17:00
pittiI also think we still need a new desktop background, and a new gdm/usplash theme17:00
seb128I've uploaded the g-c-c ones some days ago17:00
seb128pitti: but those should not an UI change on normal desktop use17:00
kenvandine[work]pitti: i got a new gdm theme in todays update17:00
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to follow up with design team regarding artwork and UIF dates17:01
rickspencer3I want to ensure they are well dialed in17:01
pittiah, ubuntu-gdm-themes (0.31ubuntu5) apparenlty then17:01
rickspencer3kenvandine[work]: could you please try to generate a list of all the UI changes driven from the dx work that will happen before UIF, and also a list of ones that may come later?17:01
kenvandine[work]yes... should i focus on the items in main?17:02
kenvandine[work]it is quite a mix now17:02
rickspencer3ACTION: kenvandine[work] to organize dx changes wrt UIF timing17:02
rickspencer3kenvandine[work]: do it however makes sense, I just want us (the desktop team) to be hyper aware of what changes they are planning when17:02
brycehttp://www.junauza.com/2008/11/ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope-mock-up.html ;-)17:02
rickspencer3moving on ...17:03
rickspencer3All hands ... everyone on the desktop team should plan to do a presentation at all hands17:03
rickspencer3(at least one)17:03
davidbarthrickspencer3: we're triaging all dx bugs, and setting as HIGH all that need to be fixed before UIF17:04
* pitti submitted one proposal, but didn't hear back anything17:04
* rickspencer3 checks off pitti on list17:04
pittikenvandine[work]: usplash/other artwork> kwwii (Ken Wimer) is best contact for that17:04
* davidbarth thinks that pitti's proposal is fine and quite balanced17:04
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to email reminder to team about all hands, along with links, etc...17:05
davidbarthpitti, kenvandine[work]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&field.tag=dxteam+notifications&field.tags_combinator=ANY17:05
rickspencer3next quick announcement ...17:05
pittidavidbarth: oh, I meant a proposal for a talk at allhands, not for u-m, but that's urgent to solve as well :)17:05
rickspencer3I'm experimenting with just splatting my weekly goals on my blog: http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/17:05
brycerickspencer3: suggestions for topics would be welcomed; I'm afraid most stuff I would talk about would bore people's socks off17:05
rickspencer3feel free to comment, let me know what is missing, etc...17:06
rickspencer3bryce: I think a discussion about open source drivers catching up with and replacing proprietary drivers would be quite interesting17:06
pittiheh, was just typing something similar17:06
* kenvandine[work] agrees17:06
tedgbryce, or architecture changes of kernel/driver relationships by DRI2.17:06
rickspencer3also, just the breakdown of the X infra-structure and landscape, along with the companies involved would be good17:07
pittisome performance comparisons, upstream plans, hw comapatibility, etc.17:07
rickspencer3bryce: you might use the opportunity to educate people about how much work and churn is involved, and make some progress wrt controlling expecations, etc...17:07
brycemmm, wow thanks for writing my talk for me guys :-)17:07
bryceok, all those should be easy to do17:07
tedgbryce, or I'd clap for 50 minutes of you could demo plugging in a few Wacom tablets and have them "just work" ;)17:07
kenvandine[work]me too17:08
brycetedg: you can dream ;-)17:08
rickspencer3moving on17:08
rickspencer39.04 Feature List17:08
rickspencer3marketing is ready to put this blog together17:08
rickspencer3we should provide input regarding what are cool new features in Ubuntu17:08
rickspencer3note that they are keen to credit upstream features when appropriate17:09
rickspencer3I already added stracciatella-session17:09
rickspencer3other thoughts?17:09
pittinotify-osd and indicator, certainly?17:09
kenvandine[work]the obvious, notify-osd :)17:09
seb128new notifications? ;-)17:09
pittiI think we should mention the focus on bug fixing, too17:09
pittiOO.o 3 is also a major improvement17:10
rickspencer3pitti: two good ones17:10
tedgCan we put in the gnome-session might actually do sessions this release? ;)17:10
kenvandine[work]rickspencer3: gnome 2.2617:10
rickspencer3tedg: if they did, we could17:10
kenvandine[work]tedg: i won't believe it until i see it17:10
seb128there is a first patch in svn17:10
kenvandine[work]rickspencer3: in theory it will17:10
pittiwe should transform https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+specs (the "release note" sections) to that, too17:10
rickspencer3kenvandine[work]: anything in particular about 2.26 that you would call out?17:10
seb128I would not restart this discussion before getting that working though17:10
bryceala bug fixing, the hotkey improvements are worth a mention17:10
kenvandine[work]rickspencer3: that is hard... release notes haven't been written yet :)17:10
rickspencer3bryce: good one17:11
pittirickspencer3: oh, boot/session start speed improvements17:11
rickspencer3pitti: good one too17:11
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to ask foundations team for measure of improved boot time for feature list17:11
kenvandine[work]i think just GNOME 2.26, with a link to the gnome.org release notes17:11
seb128I don't think there is anything fancy in 2.2617:11
seb128extra stability ;-)17:12
kenvandine[work]mostly fixes...17:12
pittikenvandine[work]: PackageKit in Kubuntu17:12
kenvandine[work]load times are a bit improvved17:12
rickspencer3kenvandine[work]: these are end user oriented, so they should be benefit oriented, not technology oriented17:12
seb128the only new thing is the audio changes we rolled back in jaunty17:12
rickspencer3though the update to 2.26 is quite an achievement and important work17:12
pittirickspencer3: PackageKit in Kubuntu17:12
rickspencer3pitti: good one17:12
rickspencer3probably a few Kubuntu improvements we should call out17:12
pittioh, and17:12
* pitti grabs asbestos pants ...17:12
pitti... xorg-ctrl-alt-backspace17:12
kenvandine[work]ewww :--D17:13
kenvandine[work]bit glad we did it17:13
tedgI think that alexl is going to put in his "foreign .desktop file detection" stuff in Nautilus.  That might be a good thing to mention as it was on the Internet as a "virus vulnerability".  I'm not sure how many users saw that though.17:13
brycewell X stuff is probably too low level for marketing team17:13
asachow can i enable that again ? :-P17:13
bryceasac: dontzap17:13
asacbryce: any UI?17:13
rickspencer3kenvandine[work]: note that *we* didn't do it, it was an upstream change17:13
pittiasac: yes, gnome-terminal :)17:13
bryceasac: got nixed by TBTB17:13
Riddellasac: kcmshell4 display17:14
bryceasac: however there is xorg-options-editor which is a GUI you can install to do it17:14
asacRiddell: you knwo that i almost migrated to kubuntu if there wasnt this "white screen" issue17:14
rickspencer3moving on ...17:15
seb128asac: enable what?17:15
asacseb128: dontzap17:15
asacerr zap?17:15
rickspencer3looks like we have seb128 pitti and asac doing some sponsoring, but I can't make much sense of dholbach's chart17:16
rickspencer3am I reading that right?17:16
pittirickspencer3: do you want further input for the marketing team?17:16
seb128rickspencer3: what chart?17:16
asacrickspencer3: chart?17:16
pittirickspencer3: chart?17:16
rickspencer3pitti: yeah17:16
asaci only see a table17:17
pittirickspencer3: (further input> per mail, perhaps)17:17
rickspencer3I meant table17:17
asacand that doesnt give much hints about who does the work17:17
seb128rickspencer3: that's a list and not a chart?17:17
pittirickspencer3: the names there are "last commented"17:17
asacrickspencer3: look at my activity for details17:17
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to start a wiki page for brainstorming features for marketing17:17
rickspencer3seb128: yes17:17
james_wdholbach can tell you who was been commenting on sponsorship bugs or uploading sponsored things17:18
james_wdholbach KNOWS ALL17:18
rickspencer3ok, I think I'm supposed to encourage you guys to do ever more sponsoring, so I encourage more sponsoring17:18
james_wabout sponsoring at least17:18
* kenvandine[work] needs to get some things sponsored17:18
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to follow up with dholbach wrt sponsoring and what the team should be doing17:19
james_wthe desktop team are great at sponsoring as I understand it17:19
james_walmost as good as foundations :-p17:19
pittiso let's just get a tad better to surpass you :)17:19
pittiugh, queue is quite long again17:19
seb128james_w: almost as good means much better in your locale I guess? ;-)17:20
asacbtw, i planned to go through the SYNC bugs and remove sponsors if they dont address critical issues17:20
james_wseb128: heh :-). You're just jealous that you don't have t-shirts17:20
seb128asac: new versions you mean?17:20
brycepitti: long?  Looks like about the same length it always is17:20
asacseb128: yes17:20
seb128james_w: how guys get t-shirt? how come!17:20
rickspencer3moving on ...17:21
rickspencer3everyone provided their activity reports (except for Till who is on holiday)17:21
rickspencer3so thanks for that17:21
rickspencer3any other business?17:21
tretlemacslow - what do u think of the new gdm in jaunty?17:21
asacrickspencer3: do you look at the agenda paragraph?17:21
asacnow i noticed that you go through the individual sections you prepared and agenda is just a toc17:22
rickspencer3yes, but it's locked because *someone* is editing17:22
asacrickspencer3: look at the MozillaTeam page to get a proper toc17:22
asacthat is auto created17:22
asaci added something to the agenda ;)17:22
asacbefore meeting: "enable metacity compositor by default? just on specific hardware? (asac) "17:22
rickspencer3enable metacity compositor by default? just on specific hardware? (asac)17:22
asacis that properly covered?17:22
rickspencer3not covered17:23
MacSlowtretle, it's on the right path17:23
rickspencer3go ahead17:23
* rickspencer3 hands mike to asac17:23
asacfor me metacity notifications are really ugly without compositing17:23
pittithat's right17:23
asaci wonder if we can auto migrate users17:23
pittibut don't we need a fallback for X drivers which don't provide compositing?17:23
asacand whether that depends on some hardware capability we would need to probe17:23
pittilike nv, vesa, etc.?17:23
calchow do you turn on compositing in metacity?17:24
asacpitti: yes. thats what i wanted to discuss. how can we do that? i would have ended up with ugly notifications ... but it would have worked for me17:24
kenvandine[work]calc: gconf key17:24
asaccalc: gconf17:24
asaccalc: /apps/metacity/.../composition_manager or something17:24
rickspencer3may I recommend opening a bug on this, and asking kenvandine[work] to drive this on our behalf?17:24
tretleI like alot of the work being done on user experience by canonical atm but the new gdm reeks of windows vista/windows 7, and the 3d logo looks a bit dated and not very symmetrical down in the bottom right corner of the screen17:24
asacok. kenvandine[work] can you open the bug or do you need me to do that?17:25
kenvandine[work]i can do it... an "investigation" bug?17:25
asacwell. for me its a blocker17:25
calccool the neat effects of compiz with metacity magnetic (shift) borders :)17:25
rickspencer3no, I think it's a bug bug17:25
kenvandine[work]and get the dx team to look into it?17:25
asacat least we should try our best to not make anyone seeing the ugly notifications ... unless its really the last resort17:25
* kenvandine[work] thinks it might be hard to do the right thing17:25
* tretle remembers posting a brainstorm idea months ago on enabling metacity compositing as default in alpha builds to see how it goes17:25
asackenvandine[work]: we do something similar for compiz17:26
kenvandine[work]yeah... i don't know how  yet :)17:26
asacsure. maybe talk to mvo about ideas17:26
seb128talk to mvo17:26
seb128changing that is not trivial17:26
kenvandine[work]ok, i will create the bug and gather some ideas17:26
rickspencer3pitti: seb128: if you are agreeable, could one of you help kenvandine[work] with creating the bug?17:26
seb128building a database of graphic cards which it works correctly will take a while17:26
kenvandine[work]seb128: and doing the right thing when people change  drivers... etc17:27
brycecalc: afaik metacity compositing is limited in what effects it shows.17:27
pittirickspencer3: I don't know much about the tech backgroud of compositing, but MacSlow and mvo_ can certainly provide more well-founded input there17:27
seb128rickspencer3: I think kenvandine[work] deals with bug filing in launchpad just fine now ;-)17:27
calcit seems that notifications don't fade out even with compositing enabled at least on intel17:27
asacseb128: maybe it just helps to see if xorg support composite. i mean i see "Composite" in Xorg.0.log for ages; still metacity didnt use it17:27
rickspencer3seb128: I thought that's what he was asking for ;)17:27
calcbryce: ok17:27
MacSlowrickspencer3, what's up with compositing-questions?17:27
pittiPersonally I don't think that metacity+compositing is suitable for jaunty, FWIW17:27
seb128asac: you get some case where you get a white screen, or desktop too slugish to be used, etc though17:27
tretleit might be a good idea talking to njpatel about it, awn works great with metacity compositing and the awn dialog does a great job of looking pretty with it17:27
bryceasac, kenvandine[work]: at this point any drivers that do not support compositing at this stage are going to be pretty hard to get support on.17:28
pittiasac: if that's all it takes, that'd be great17:28
rickspencer3MacSlow: asac described ^^^^^^^17:28
asacseb128: if you just force compiz (i have that bug), but still metacity with composite works.17:28
asacfor me17:28
MacSlowpitti, I've still not had the time to debug the metacity+compositor case ... notifications worked under that back in Berlin :/17:28
seb128asac: on your config, I did read bugs about similar issues though17:28
kenvandine[work]bryce: yeah... i just don't think metacity handles it well, if say you us intel, but for some reason fall back to vesa17:28
seb128asac: we are one for surprises on quite some hardware17:28
pittiMacSlow: right now we are still discussing whether/where to enable that in the first place17:28
seb128asac: and building a good database of "what works where" take a while17:28
seb128one -> on17:29
tretleseb128 I was using metacity compositing on my old ibm t30 which had a really really really bad graphics card and even that was able to manage it well17:29
pittibut given that we only use metacity (by default) where we know that compiz *doesn't* work, this seems like a moot point to me17:29
asacseb128: yes, but we should try and decide based on data imo. its just too ugly to keep it untried imo17:29
kenvandine[work]pitti: good point...17:29
pittitretle: does that work (in principle) with compiz?17:29
seb128there is a difference17:29
MacSlowpitti, I mean ... we're committed to compiz after all for compositing17:29
seb128compiz needs 3d17:29
rickspencer3I gots to run to a call17:29
rickspencer3pitti will finish up the meeting17:29
rickspencer3thanks all17:29
kenvandine[work]thanks ri17:29
kenvandine[work]thanks rickspencer317:30
brycetretle: it's a function of the driver, not a function of the graphics card17:30
calcso this composite issue is to get notifications to fade out when hovered over, instead of just going away entirely?17:30
MacSlowseb128, well support is getting better and sofar lack of things like DRI2 hasn't stopped us going for compiz in the past, right :)17:30
seb128those compositor don't work the same way so they don't have the same class of bugs17:30
calcif so it seems that it currently doesn't work for metacity even with composite enabled17:30
brycecya rickspencer317:30
tretleno the ibm graphics card would not run with compiz, though I got it working in a hacky way a few years back but the performance was dismal compared to metacity compositing17:30
pittiok, so that's techinical discussion we should separate from the meeting17:30
dobeyi'm using metacity compositing on my desktop pc right now, because i can't seem to make it switch to compiz17:30
seb128MacSlow: right but it took us several cycle to enable compiz only on hardware where it works and we still need regular tweaking to the list17:30
pittibut I really would like to avoid tinkering with it in Jaunty at this stage17:31
pittiI doubt that we'll get a lot more hw support anyway17:31
kenvandine[work]i'll file the bug though and we can take it from there17:31
brycepitti: agreed17:31
pittikenvandine[work]: thanks17:31
pittikenvandine[work]: I rather think we should make non-composited bubbles "less ugly" then17:31
pittiwe need that in either case17:31
asacwell. least we could do is sent a call for feedback. as i said: if its not doable, so be it, but just doing nothing sounds wrong for this ugly thing17:31
MacSlowpitti, seb128, rickspencer3: of course I'll try my best to get notify-osd to work again under metacity+compositor ... but that I won't do _before_ UIF17:31
pittiasac: agreed17:31
pittiMacSlow: right; also, as I said, it still needs to look reasonable on non-compositing17:32
seb128asac: fallback to old notification in this case? ;-)17:32
* seb128 runs17:32
asacseb128: haha17:32
asacsomeone attends dxteam meetings?17:32
pittiseb128: that's a valid option17:32
asacpitti: ?17:32
seb128rick does17:32
tretleThis is the graphics card in the ibm I used metacity compositing with - ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 AGP  with 16MB of DDR SDRAM17:32
tretleyes 16MB :D lol17:33
pittiasac: rickspencer3, and in the future kenvandine[work], I expect17:33
kenvandine[work]i should be17:33
pittiok, AOB for the meeting?17:33
pittiseb128: shoot17:33
asacACTION: whoever attends dxteam meeting to raise the metacity concern and discuss ways to move forward17:33
seb128pitti: oem team changes review17:33
seb128could somebody help me on those?17:33
rickspencer3asac: kenvandine[work] should handle that for you17:33
pittiasac: I like that better than to make metacity+compositing work with a crowbar :)17:33
seb128I'm not sure what to do with the evolution stack17:33
seb128they dropped a tarball in the bug with a stack of changes17:34
pittiseb128: the "small resolution" patches?17:34
seb128some changing glade files which is not optimal17:34
seb128pitti: yes17:34
seb128not sure what to do17:34
MacSlowpitti, well to be honest ... the design team mostly spent time on the composited case ... everything that's in non-composite is my own fallback-approach ... accepted by the design-team17:34
pittiseb128: my personal recommendation would be17:34
seb128but I don't want to go the "change a zillion glade files" way17:34
pitti- apply patches now17:34
pitti- ask them to submit upstream17:34
asacpitti: right. but one way forward seems to be to make a smart composition enablement ;) if there are other options: even better17:34
pitti- drop them as soon as they don't apply any more and ask them to re-do the patches17:35
pittiwe shouldn't have the responsibility to defend them, they need to submit them upstream17:35
pittiasac: I thougt we already do (white/blacklist in compiz)17:35
asacpitti: its a different requirement: metacity compositor works on more than compiz (like for me)17:36
pittiasac: ok, let's discuss that in the bug17:36
asacpitti: i dont think they use 3d17:36
asackenvandine[work]: can you subscribe me to the bug when you open it please?17:36
pittikenvandine[work]: me too, please (and bryce, MacSlow, and mvo)17:36
pittiseb128: do you think that's a reasonable appraoch?17:37
bryceright will do17:37
seb128pitti: ok, I guess I can do that17:37
asaci think we should really be hard about patches that dont get properly pushed upstream17:37
seb128pitti: I still dislike having those wokarounds17:37
pittiasac: yes17:37
kenvandine[work]asac: sure17:37
asacjust dropping them when they dont apply will give us bad reputation17:37
asaceven if its the oem team fault17:37
pittiseb128: oh, and a requiurement shoudl be that they don't break the appearance on "real" screens17:37
bryceasac: very true17:37
asacso i would say that adding volatile patches now is wrong approach17:37
kenvandine[work]asac, pitti, rickspencer3, bryce, MacSlow, and mvo?17:37
asacwe should at least have a sign that the upstream process is properly started17:38
asacand on track17:38
pittiasac: well, they should apply to the current version, and if the OEM team files them, upstream will ask for updates, too17:38
pittiI'm sure that most upstreams are happy to fix their programs for small screens17:38
seb128pitti: right, I'm trying to make sure they do that which is not the case right now, they added some double frame because of their scrollviews17:38
pittibut I think many patches which introduce scrollbars aren't suitable for upstram inclusion17:38
seb128pitti: anyway thanks for your opinion ;-)17:38
pittikenvandine[work]: sounds right, we can always subscribe more people17:38
pittiok, I think we are done17:39
* pitti -> confcall17:39
pittithanks everyone17:39
seb128pitti: thanks17:39
kenvandine[work]great... i am hungry :)17:39
* kenvandine[work] -> lunch17:40
seb128pitti: be carreful you are turning into a manager ;-)17:40
* ArneGoetje -> bed17:40
pittiseb128: update-manager flamewar, you should join that call, too :)17:40
seb128pitti: I don't think I would be really useful, I hate this change17:40
pittiseb128: I'm arguing for changing the change :)17:41
seb128did you see my suggestion on the list?17:41
seb128ie display the icon17:41
seb128and auto-open only for users who don't use it17:41
seb128ie if users are pro-active and click on it don't do anything17:41
asacthe update-manager should fly in with a great animation and then sink down to the taskbar ;)17:41
seb128if they didn't do upgrade for a week auto-open17:41
pittiseb128: yes, saw that17:41
asacpitti: also maybe just auto-open when user a) re-logs in ... or b) comes back from screensaver ;)17:42
tretletime for pancakes :D17:43
asacmight be annoying if you want to get work instantly done, but at least you are not right in a battle when it pops up17:43
calcpitti: for the update-manager change, perhaps they should do something like xp during the installer have the user determine if they want to install security updates automatically, etc, which would reduce the need to show the screen at all?17:43
dobeycalc: definitely, but i guess that option wouldn't show up when doing an upgrade to jaunty?17:45
calcdobey: no, but maybe somehow the user could be prompted on upgrade via update-manager? i dunno17:47
calci'm not sure if that is actually doable though17:47
dobeycould be. maybe via debconf?17:48
calcmaybe, we generally disable debconf aiui but for something like this it might be the lesser of the evils :)17:49
brycekenvandine[work]: so how's your first week been so far?17:56
* bryce --> breakfast18:12
kenvandine[work]bryce: a bit hectic... still getting my debian/ubuntu legs18:39
tretledoes packagekit not allow that functionality?18:44
dobeytretle: allow what?18:47
* pochu waves19:05
didrockshey pochu o/19:07
pochuhi didrocks :)19:08
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
mvo_didrocks: I take your libgtop merge19:52
didrocksmvo_: ok, tell me if anything's wrong :)19:54
mvo_didrocks: checking, but the update looks harmless19:55
didrocksmvo_: yeah, it was an easy one IIRC :)19:56
=== asac_ is now known as asac
didrocksvuntz: here?21:25
vuntzdidrocks: yep21:26
didrocksvuntz: lut ;) petite question, je mets à jour nautilus-sento vers 1.1.2, tu sais à quoi ça correspond le "Add an evolution plugin to allow sending arbitrary attachments through nautilus-sendto" ?21:27
didrocksje vois qu'évolution a un nouveau greffon, mais je ne vois pas trop son effet :/21:27
didrocksok, j'arriverais à quoi sert cette saleté checkbox ;)21:28
didrocksvuntz: merci quand même ^^21:28
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
maxb<maxb> This is a bit perplexing. Many times today, I have: right clicked the update notifier, chosen "install all updates". Waited. Brought the "Untitled window" of synaptic to the front. At this point compiz crashes.22:18
maxb<maxb> metacity seems to autostart in its place22:19
maxb<maxb> any thoughts on things I could include to make a useful bugreport?22:19
seb128asac: evolution bug has a working patch upstream now so that's no issue, will be fixed in the next tarball22:32
Laneymetacity's compositor makes gnome incredibly slow in Jaunty22:33
Laneythis a known bug?22:33
seb128not sure, better to ask upstream, ubuntu uses compiz by default so this one didn't get a lot of testing22:34
seb128that's not the first time somebody mentions a such issue though22:35
seb128depends of the 2d drivers for you card22:35
seb128the speed can depend of the card generation you are using22:36
seb128that's #ubuntu-x territory again now22:36
seb128we are bouncing users between channels ;-)22:37
seb128could also be the compositor code not being optimized22:37
seb128there is not a lot of people who worked on it22:37
seb128and ubuntu focussed on compiz for compositing22:37
seb128so I'm not sure this code get lot of work and testing22:38
seb128you can probably look to upstream bugs about that though22:38
GeorgeAScottanybody have an aiptek tablet working on ibex?22:40
=== aguai1 is now known as aguai
jonoohey all22:56
jonoupgraded to Jaunty and the OpenOffice.org fonts look odd and blurry22:56
jonocalc, any idea? ^22:56
brycejono, check your dpi settings maybe?23:12
seb128bryce: already done; cf #distro discussion23:17
seb128bryce: and he's not on the channel right now23:17
bryceseb128: not my fault if people don't stick around to hear the answer to their question.  ;-)23:19
bryceseb128: so far I've been surprised we've not gotten nearly as many complaints about the dpi change as I expected23:20
seb128right, me too23:20
seb128users have been busy complaining about the update-manager auto opening :-)23:20
brycemost comments have been that it's not wrong exactly, just different from what they were used to (which of course it is different...)23:20
brycehehe, or ctrl-alt-backspace23:20
seb128we should have a really annoying change by cycle and undo this one before beta23:21
seb128so users can complain about it for a while and are happy when it's changed back ;-)23:21
jonohey all23:21
seb128and so they don't complain about other changes ;-)23:21
seb128re jono23:21
jonosorry, I asked a question about OOo fonts in Jaunty, anyone know how to fix it?23:22
jonohey seb12823:22
seb128<bryce> jono, check your dpi settings maybe?23:22
jonohmmm, DPI is now 9723:22
jonofont DPI that is23:22
Laneywait, dpi chnged?23:23
LaneyIs that why text looks a bit different?23:23
jonoLaney, for me it did, I had to set it back23:23
Laneywhat was it before?23:23
jonono idea23:24
Laneywhat the hell?23:25
Laneykeys are reeeeepeatig23:25
Laneyjono: Well what did you set it back to? (was what I was trying to say)23:25
seb128dpi used to be forced to 96 dpi until intrepid23:25
seb128in jaunty the xorg detected value is used23:25
jonowhat he said :)23:25
* Laney shakes fist at change23:26
brycexdpyinfo | grep resolution  gives what X.org thinks your dpi should be23:26
bryceuse System > Preferences > Appearance if you wish differently23:26
Laneyhah, interesting gnome-terminal bug23:27
LaneyI cannot start a text selection in the bottom 15 lines23:27
LaneyOK, now I can...23:28
Laneynurse, it's time for my pills23:29

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