
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3058 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):02:11
CIA-3ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: partman-base 128ubuntu8,02:11
CIA-3ubiquity: user-setup 1.23ubuntu13.02:11
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3059 ubiquity/debian/changelog: remove superseded changelog entry02:19
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3060 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.11.1302:29
tjaaltonhas the debconf option to remove an existing lvm setup been renamed again?07:53
tjaaltoncan't install jaunty atm because it fails to remove the old vg07:53
cjwatsontjaalton: not AFAIK ...09:13
tjaaltoncjwatson: ok, I wonder why it fails then09:14
tjaaltoncjwatson: partman failed on a server that doesn't have any disks on /dev/cciss: http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/foo/partman-cciss10:14
tjaaltonbut removing the module made it continue10:14
cjwatsontwo problems here: one is that /dev/cciss/c0d0 appears to exist (why, if you have no disks?), one is that parted_server has some bogus exception handling10:29
cjwatsonthe latter is within my ability to fix, but I'm not sure about the former10:29
tjaaltonok, the first one might be a driver bug10:51
cjwatsontjaalton: you should have got a select-type question with "Ignore" and "Cancel" options - did you? if so, which option did you select?11:00
tjaaltoncjwatson: I did, they both resulted in the same11:09
tjaaltonhmm, or maybe "cancel" threw me in the menu, where I could spawn the shell (and modprobe -r cciss)11:09
cjwatsonvery interesting, clearly exception handling is busted11:10
cjwatsonbut you didn't select some kind of blank option or anything?11:10
tjaaltonI could try again to be sure11:11
cjwatsonif you could try with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer, that wouldn't hurt11:12
cjwatsonjust to make sure I know exactly what I'm seeing11:12
tjaaltonyeah, will do in a minute11:12
cjwatsonoh, and is this jaunty?11:13
cjwatsonI was wondering if r120 in lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/partman-base/ubuntu might be at fault, but I think it will just change the error message in the log (from 'No data in infifo' to 'Bad option: ""')11:19
cjwatsonhmm, although error_handler claims that it writes the string "unhandled"11:20
cjwatsonoh, I wonder ...11:21
cjwatson-        if (1 != iscanf(" %a[^\n]", &str))11:21
cjwatsonand elsewhere11:21
cjwatson+                iscanf("%a[^\n]", str);11:21
cjwatsonnote the missing &11:21
cjwatsonoh, no, never mind me, str is a different type in the latter case11:21
davmor2evand: when's the new wubi/umenu going in?11:46
evanddavmor2: I'm in the process of sending a mail to xivulon about it.11:48
davmor2evand: Ah okay cool :)11:49
* evand kicks Google Apps Gmail - quite down at the moment.11:49
evandoh, well then11:52
evandglad to know I'm not the only one then11:52
* davmor2 is happy he now has a dedicated server :011:53
davmor2:) even11:54
cjwatsontjaalton: right, caught it in the act with strace ...12:11
tjaaltoncjwatson: cool12:11
tjaaltonI'm still fighting with iLO, so didn't get the log yet12:14
cjwatsonoh, looks like the problem is that parted_server doesn't block on infifo - it just sees that there's nothing in the fifo and gives up straight away without waiting12:15
cjwatsongoodness, there must be a zillion bugs about this. I wonder where they all are12:15
tjaaltonhehe .)12:16
cjwatsonbug 317435 is certainly the same thing though12:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317435 in debian-installer "Unable to install on a system with an empty cciss board" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31743512:16
tjaaltonindeed it is12:16
cjwatsonthe weird thing is that strace doesn't even show it *trying* to read from the relevant fd12:20
cjwatson10230 write(3, "parted_server: OUT: \n\n\n"..., 23) = 2312:21
cjwatson10230 write(3, "parted_server: exception_handler: Bad option: \"\"\n"..., 49) = 4912:21
cjwatsonand yet it unconditionally goes through fgetc(infifo)12:22
sorenfgetc wouldn't result in a syscall if the FILE was already closed. Could that be it?12:24
sorenAt least I don't think it would.12:24
cjwatsonno, I've figured it out with the help of #chiark12:29
cjwatsona previous fscanf pushed back the trailing newline from a previous comment, so fgetc just gave me that, which confused iscan_line into seeing a blank line12:30
cjwatsonwhich leads me to wonder how the hell I rejig parted_server so that I can unambiguously tell when I get a blank line, which was half the point of r12012:31
cjwatsonmaybe I just have to arrange for that not to matter12:32
davmor2evand: gmail should be back up now :)12:37
evanddavmor2: it's up and down for me12:37
evandbut thanks12:38
cjwatsonsomething like http://paste.ubuntu.com/122365/ might do the trick12:53
CIA-3partman-base: cjwatson * r133 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog parted_server.c):12:59
CIA-3partman-base: Deal with leading newlines while reading exception options and partition12:59
CIA-3partman-base: flags passed to SET_FLAGS; regression introduced in partman-base12:59
CIA-3partman-base: 128ubuntu4 (LP: #317435).12:59
CIA-3partman-base: cjwatson * r134 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 128ubuntu913:01
cjwatsontjaalton: ^- that should do it, thanks for the nudge and the logs13:01
tjaaltoncjwatson: great, thanks for a quick fix. I'll try it out once it's available13:01
CIA-3partman-target: cjwatson * r747 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog finish.d/fstab_hd_entries): Use labels rather than UUIDs if they exist (LP: #320871).13:11
CIA-3partman-target: cjwatson * r748 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 58ubuntu413:12
kirklandcjwatson: could you have a quick look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23052247/331085.debdiff13:25
kirklandcjwatson: fix for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/33108513:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 331085 in ecryptfs-utils "prevent ecryptfs-utils from being uninstalled if in use" [High,In progress]13:25
kirklandcjwatson: please leave any comments in that bug;  i'm working on site at a partner's office today13:27
evandcjwatson: Given the removal of /etc/adjtime, would it be ok if I add "|| true" in the clock-setup finish-install script to guard against the file not existing?13:42
cjwatsonevand: yes please, or perhaps better explicitly check for its presence to avoid error message noise13:43
evandwill do13:43
kirklandcjwatson: thanks.13:49
CIA-3clock-setup: evand * r203 clock-setup/ (debian/changelog finish-install.d/10clock-setup):13:51
CIA-3clock-setup: Check for the existence of /etc/adjtime before running sed over it,13:51
CIA-3clock-setup: given util-linux 2.14.2-1ubuntu4.13:51
CIA-3clock-setup: evand * r204 clock-setup/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.97ubuntu214:05
davmor2cjwatson: did the lvm issue from yesterday get resolved do you know?  I know you said the numerical display did.14:33
cjwatsondavmor2: Keybuk believes he's fixed it, although we haven't yet uploaded a new d-i so it may be a bit wonky during installation still since it'll use the old udev. It should be happier after the first reboot now14:38
davmor2I'll give it a try then be nice to get it in before a514:39
davmor2Meh no lvm is the same :(15:50
davmor2cjwatson: when you get chance I've replicated the lvm removal and the install folder is here http://www.davmor2.co.uk/install16:07
cjwatsondavmor2: so would an example reproduction recipe be to do two guided LVM installations in a row?16:08
cjwatsonI think it will be easiest to fix this if I can reproduce it16:08
davmor2yes or just a whole guided - whole drive after an lvm16:09
cjwatsonthe logs don't seem all that informative, I'll see what I can do by way of reproduction16:09
davmor2cjwatson: I did the lvm at 20% as before in yesterdays tests.  That didn't work again and I want to test apps so I did a whole drive after16:10
charlie-tcalive cd is failing towards the end of an install; clock setup. Is this known?17:05
cjwatsonyes, fixed in bzr17:06
cjwatsonevand: are you going to upload this before end of day?17:06
evandcjwatson: indeed, was just waiting for clock-setup to build17:07
evandI'll start the process now17:07
davmor2please say yes testing starts tomorrow :)17:08
cjwatsonFWIW ubiquity uploads don't need to block on d-i elements building, only on source being available in the archive17:09
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3062 ubiquity/debian/po/ (79 files): debconf-updatepo17:15
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3061 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):17:15
CIA-3ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: clock-setup17:15
CIA-3ubiquity: 0.97ubuntu2, partman-base 128ubuntu9, partman-target 58ubuntu4.17:15
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3063 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.11.1417:29
CIA-3apt-setup: cjwatson * r161 ubuntu/ (3 files in 2 dirs):18:16
CIA-3apt-setup: Allow preseeding apt-setup/partner to enable the partner repository;18:16
CIA-3apt-setup: requested by Brian Thomason.18:16
CIA-3apt-setup: cjwatson * r162 ubuntu/debian/po/ (60 files): debconf-updatepo18:17
CIA-3apt-setup: cjwatson * r163 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1:0.37ubuntu1018:20
CIA-3debian-installer: cjwatson * r1051 ubuntu/debian/changelog:18:59
CIA-3debian-installer: No-change rebuild to pick up new components (particularly udev and18:59
CIA-3debian-installer: rescue).18:59
cjwatsondavmor2: ok, reproduced a hang on attempting to remove existing LVM19:00
cjwatsondavmor2: I'll look into it some more tomorrow19:00
cjwatsonvgremove seems to be blocked on stdin19:01
davmor2cjwatson: do you want me to throw a rough bug together?19:01
cjwatsonprobably wouldn't hurt19:01
cjwatsonthrow it on debian-installer19:01
CIA-3debian-installer: cjwatson * r1052 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu2019:04
davmor2already one in place19:04
davmor2bug 31915019:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319150 in debian-installer "[jaunty] Unable to remove pre-existing LVM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31915019:04
davmor2cjwatson: I've confirmed and updated with todays info19:06
cjwatsonI wonder if that is in fact the same bug19:07
cjwatsonit is *similar*19:07
cjwatsonyou're using automatic LVM removal, Chris is doing it manually19:07
davmor2no chris did it manually because automatic didn't work19:08
davmor2I was unable to simply remove the LVM immediately19:09
cjwatsonsure, but the automatic and manual symptoms are not necessarily the same cause ...19:09
cjwatsonanyway, whatever, I have to go now :)19:09
davmor2sort it out tomorrow then bye19:09
davmor2hey evand did you hear back from xivulon?19:10
xivulonevand hi, do you have further questions on wubi progress?21:21
CIA-3wubi: Agostino Russo * r67 trunk/ (763 files in 72 dirs):22:22
CIA-3wubi: * Compile grub4dos from source as opposed to using precompiled22:22
CIA-3wubi:  binaries22:22
CIA-3wubi: * Added source files for grub4dos and grubutil22:22
superm1xivulon, is python wubi going on live disks as of yet?  when should the mythbuntu folks start trying it?22:31
xivulonshould be not sure what version though22:32
xivulonr67 should be ok (haven't fully tested yet)22:33
superm1xivulon, okay well i'll tell folks to give it a brief look and see how things are looking and what needs changing at a5 then22:33
xivulonsuperm1 thanks, in case the version on the live cd is not up to date, it should be possible to compile wubi from source and use the exe with the CD or ISO (in the same folder)22:35
xivulonbzr branch lp:wubi && cd wubi && make22:35
superm1xivulon, okay we'll see how things are looking22:35
superm1i'm thinking the preseed will need some adjusting likely since there have been a lot of changes in the mythbuntu ubiquity frontend22:36
superm1mostly tearing out unnecessary questions that just cause confusion22:36
xivulonneed to edit the mythbuntu preseed template slightly one sec22:36
CIA-3wubi: Agostino Russo * r68 trunk/ (data/preseed.cdboot data/preseed.mythbuntu debian/changelog): Updated mythbuntu and cdmenu preseed templates22:39
xivulonsuperm1 you might want to use r68+22:39
superm1xivulon, okay will try to take a look22:40

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