
loic-msalty-horse: Last time I checked, Jaunty uses the native amd64 beta00:01
salty-horseloic-m, http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/flashplugin-nonfree says it depends on nspluginwrapper  (>= [amd64]00:02
loic-msalty-horse: I dunnon, i just now it dl and install the amd64 beta00:03
salty-horsedo you have nspluginwrapper installed?00:05
loic-mon my system, it doesn't depends on ndiswrapper00:09
salty-horsehow odd00:11
loic-mhowever I've got 3ubuntu2, not 3ubuntu3, there's been a change, see the changelog and you'll get your answer00:11
salty-horseI don't see the answer.. :) it still claims to require nspluginwrapper ...00:13
salty-horseoh oh00:13
salty-horsehaven't looked at 3ubuntu2 :)00:13
salty-horseI wonder why the change was reverted. asac?00:14
asacsalty-horse: thats ok. when it is final we will pull the native binary from archive.canonical00:15
asacthe native thing comes from adobe.com which is error prone00:16
asacas there is no stable link for versions00:16
salty-horseI'm using it, and getting a better experience than with nspluginwrapper00:16
salty-horsesomtimes the sound stops and I have to restart it, but still a better experience00:16
directhexsalty-horse, you don't like grey rectangles?00:16
loic-msalty-horse: the change wasn't reverted. If you look at the changelog, it's still using native amd64 flash, the problem was AFAIU that it still need ia32 libs00:16
asacyou didnt listen what i said ;)00:16
asacnative has no stable link ;)00:16
asaclike in URI00:17
asacsalty-horse: which version of nspluginwrapper are you using?00:17
salty-horseasac, well, I'm reading you, and I didn't understand :)00:17
asacworks nice here in its latest form ;)00:17
asacsalty-horse: good. understood?00:17
salty-horseI'm not using it ever since the native client came out :)00:17
asacsalty-horse: right. try it and you will see ;)00:17
asacbetter than native ;) ... you can kill npviewer if it consumes too much mem00:18
salty-horseasac, that's right, but then I don't have flash in *any* website.. not just the offending one :) besides, now I have a new computer and I don't mind restarting firefox with all of it's tabs.00:19
loic-msalty-horse: are you on Jaunty amd64 now?00:19
asacsalty-horse: reloading pages should start it again. doesnt it?00:19
loic-msalty-horse: do you see grey rectangles instead of video?00:19
salty-horsedidn't use to, AFAIR00:20
asacloic-m: you see that with native or our package?00:20
salty-horseloic-m, I put the native one in ~/.mozilla/plugin and it works just fine00:20
salty-horsethat's ~/.mozilla/plugins00:20
loic-msalty-horse: do you see grey rectangles with -3ubuntu3?00:20
salty-horseloic-m, never used it. want me to test?00:21
asacfor me youtube works ;)00:21
loic-masac: grey rectangles are there when using 32bits flash on amd6400:21
salty-horseasac, I always test with homestarrunner.com :)00:21
loic-msalty-horse: if you can, yes please00:21
salty-horsedownloading the specific package..00:21
asacloic-m: you mean you dont see anything or just artifacts?00:22
loic-masac: 32bits flash on amd64 works once out of ten, which means you need to reload the page at least 10 times before you see anything00:22
loic-masac: 64bits flash on amd64 works all the time00:22
directhexctrl-f5 is your friend!00:22
asacdidnt experience something like that for ages00:22
loic-mdirecthex: that, and unlimited patience00:23
salty-horseloic-m, why aren't you using the latest version?00:23
loic-masac: me neither since i've been on native flash ;)00:23
asacloic-m: maybe your install is wrong?00:23
asaccould be that the wrapper took your native plugin and tried to wrap that miserably ;)00:24
loic-msalty-horse: I'm on intrepid. i use backported packages, and didn't even know there was a new version in Jaunty00:24
directhexflash in general has exploded much less for me since i worked around bug 28611900:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286119 in samba "firefox 3.0.3 crashes (no SIG) on most pages w/ images when using nss_wins: 8.10beta AMD64" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28611900:24
asacloic-m: if you are on intrepid you should try the jaunty nspluginwrapper00:24
asacthat should work mostly flawless ;)00:24
salty-horseloic-m, so do you still want to test it? :)00:24
directhexif you're on jaunty you should try the jaunty moonlight-plugin-mozilla!00:24
loic-masac: nope, that's flash 32 bits expected behavior on amd64, since ages. Don't know if it's better in Jaunty though00:24
salty-horsedirecthex, is that  moonlight 2.0?00:25
directhexsalty-horse, nay, only 1.0 for now00:25
asacloic-m: its for sure. as i said i havent seen something like that for ages here00:25
loic-masac: why would I when -3ubuntu2 is native and works flawlessly?00:25
directhexsalty-horse, i'm in daily contact with upstream - trust me, 1.0 is best for now00:25
salty-horsedirecthex, well, it's already packaged nicely as an extension :)00:25
asacloic-m: until adobe changes the binary ;) ... then things blow up. thats why we cant use it yet00:26
loic-msalty-horse: nope, if it's confirmed -3ubuntu3 uses 32 bits flash, I'd rather stay far from the pain.00:26
salty-horseexplosions are pretty00:26
salty-horsethank you, loic-m :)00:26
asacloic-m: take nspluginwrapper too ;) and you will like it00:26
asacbackports i mean00:26
loic-masac: I've got the binary on my install, and adobe ain't gonna change it00:27
asacyes, but not for new installs or upgraders00:27
loic-masac: I don't support running 32bits app under amd6400:27
directhexsalty-horse, also an option. depends on whether you want to use the MS binary codecs, really00:27
loic-masac: that's ok. For me, if there's no reason to share the pain, I'd rather enjoy web browsing instead00:28
salty-horsedirecthex, I'm not that much of a purist to mind00:28
loic-mI'm not a purist either, but we've been asking for 64 bits flash enough not to  want to go back to square one00:29
loic-m32bits flash is so 200800:29
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
fruchtixslangasek: and because you asked for a statement like that in such a nice way: Catspaw (insanecats.com) is a modern woman who stands up for women rights. and she qualifies for that role. because she does not play with men like your darling helix01:05
slangasekfruchtix: that would be off-topic here01:05
fruchtixslangasek: as i said, you asked for it in such a nice way01:06
fruchtixslangasek: maybe you should swing from girl (helix) to a real woman who teaches you about the power of feelings, emotions and social behaviour01:07
ubottuHelp! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpatrick!01:07
ajmitchthanks Hobbsee01:08
Hobbseeslangasek: nice timing!  I just managed to poke holes thru the uni firewall, too01:08
ajmitchslangasek: fwiw chanserv says you can boot trolls from here as well01:09
* Hobbsee dumps the guy on ignore01:09
slangasekright, someone did stick me with ops here, didn't they01:09
Hobbseethat was probably me01:09
* slangasek files that away in a different part of his brain for reference01:09
slangasekI believe so :)01:09
Hobbseeman, this guy is a complete nutter01:10
directhexand seems to hate erinn for some reason01:11
Hobbseehates me too01:11
mrooneyShould I be using requestsync for packages not in Debian and if so, how?01:11
directhexmrooney, how "not in debian" is "not in debian"? some major third party repo?01:11
mrooneydirecthex: I mean, it is in Jaunty universe as an -0ubuntu1 package01:12
mrooneyand I need an upstream sync01:12
directhexmrooney, oh, well no, you need to prepare that yourself01:12
mrooneydirecthex: okay, any instructions for that?01:12
directhexprobably on the wiki. my helpfulness tails off past 1am. sorry01:13
mrooneyOkay, I am looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess, I don't see anything for non-Debian packages01:25
mrooneyI can file a sync request and see what happens!01:25
RAOFWhere is it that you're syncing from?01:26
directhexwhat happens: bug marked invalid?01:26
directhexRAOF, nowhere. he wants an uupdate01:26
directhexRAOF, on a 0ubuntu101:26
directhexmrooney, did you notice feature freeze? is this a bugfix release?01:27
slangasekmrooney: "sync" refers to "there is an existing package that we can pull into the archive".  If you're updating a package to a new upstream version, how is that a sync?01:27
mneptokslangasek: ooo! OOOOOO! i'll teach you! PICK ME!01:32
slangasekmneptok: about the power of feelings, emotions and social behaviour?01:32
* Hobbsee snorts01:32
* mneptok preens Hobbsee 01:33
mneptokslangasek: mrf mmmff hrrmmm yeah *preen*preen*01:33
* Hobbsee pets the crazy mneptok01:33
directhexi'm confused :|01:34
mneptokor we could click like dolphins. or the ant-thing (but i hate the exertion).01:34
directhexi think i'll just go to bed01:34
josephpicheI have a question: there is a package (gnugo) that I would like build a deb for and put in a PPA. I know how to build the software normally (using make), but I don't know how to actually package it01:36
josephpicheis there a wiki page or or something that would help me?01:37
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports01:37
RAOFjosephpiche: Yes. ^^^01:37
josephpichesweet, thanks01:37
mrooneyslangasek: well it is a sync with upstream01:46
* Yagisan catches up on the scrollback and wonders how anyone could hate Hobbsee 01:46
mrooneyI assumed the term "sync" derives from synchronizing the ubuntu version with its source01:46
StevenKBut it isn't a sync in Ubuntu nomenclature01:46
HobbseeYagisan: because he's paddy frank, and i'm female.  There is no other reason01:47
StevenKmrooney: No, the term sync is synchronizing from Debian01:47
mrooneyokay, that makes sense, now that I know01:47
mrooneyso what should the bug report look like before subscribing universe sponsors?01:47
mrooneyhere is what I came with: bug 33363901:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333639 in wxbanker "Please sync wxbanker" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33363901:47
mrooneyI see now I should change the title01:47
slangasekHobbsee: s/female/an op/, I think :)01:48
YagisanHobbsee, oh - I know your female - I vaguely recall meeting you when I was still young and optimistic ;)01:48
Hobbseeslangasek: oh, was that it.  I got targetted in a very "you are female" way in PM, so i just assumed it was that01:49
HobbseeYagisan: heh :)01:49
mrooneyStevenK: should I use "update" instead of "sync"?01:50
slangasekHobbsee: I believe that's tactical rather than indicative of his agenda01:50
ajmitchYagisan: back many years ago?01:50
Hobbseeslangasek: you might be right there01:50
StevenKmrooney: Yup01:50
slangasekmrooney: that would be clearer, yes; and that would go through the generic sponsorship process01:50
Yagisanajmitch, yep - way back then. I must say, my beloved Ubuntu shirt is starting to wear out. Time for a new one I think.01:50
StevenKI'm still trying to work out his agenda, but I don't think even he knows01:51
mrooneyslangasek: okay so, sync -> update, and subscribe u-u-s?01:51
slangasekmrooney: yes01:51
mrooneyexcellent, thanks!01:51
slangasekmrooney: as mentioned earlier, please check that if your request needs a feature freeze exception, that the bug report includes all of that relevant information01:52
* Yagisan 's eyes glaze over as all these messages about update-manager pour into his inbox.01:52
slangasekStevenK: I know but I'm not telling01:52
mrooneyslangasek: okay, it is only a bugfix and translation update, I assume it doesn't require one?01:52
slangasekmrooney: "bugfix" is fuzzy - but I assume a sponsor will take it up with you if more detail is needed :)01:53
mrooneyokay thanks again :)01:53
mrooneyslangasek: okay one last question, I see people add comments when they subscribe sponsors like "subscribing u-u-s...", should I add one afterwards as well, or is that not important01:54
Yagisanajmitch, it's been so long since I last saw you - my little girl started school (and my $%#$%#%$#%$ uni degree still isn't over :( )01:55
slangasekmrooney: not important - the subscription itself triggers mail to the appropriate parties01:55
slangasekmrooney: if *I* subscribe u-u-s to a bug, I comment to let the submitter know why it's happening01:55
ajmitchYagisan: yeah, it has been awhile01:56
Yagisanajmitch, /me had, then come x-mas, didn't have a nice job as a sys-admin for Ubuntu boxes. People are still running Fiesty boxen on their networks.01:59
* ajmitch thinks the oldest install here is probably gutsy by now02:00
ajmitchthough last I looked, that computer didn't even boot :)02:00
Yagisanajmitch, well, suggesting they go to hardy instead of making a franken-fiesty box didn't go down well. OTOH was nice to have an Ubuntu related job02:01
ajmitchapart from that, you've just been studying?02:02
ajmitchplenty of time to work on ubuntu then...02:02
Yagisanha - I wish02:02
Yagisanenough time to realise jumping on jaunty right now would probably annoy me02:03
StevenKDoes Jaunty want you jumping on it?02:03
YagisanStevenK, it sure does. Isn't that how you fit it onto a CD ?02:04
ajmitchyeah, my laptop is still running hardy02:04
StevenKYagisan: I'd have to ask slangasek02:04
* Yagisan is mixed hardy/intrepid here.02:04
slangasekStevenK: jackalopes love nothing more than jumping02:05
StevenKThat's *them* jumping, not them being jumped on02:06
ajmitchdoes it blend?02:06
StevenKMy laptop was running Gardy at UDS Prague02:06
* Yagisan can imagine a rabbit in a blender actually. buzzzzzzzzzzzz chunk chunk buzzzzzzzz ....02:08
* Yagisan now needs to make an important decision - save some money and get a Phenom x3 for my virtual machine server, or bite the bullet and get a Phenom II x302:10
tomhinkleHi all -- I'm an upstream developer who recently has (inadvertently) gotten into a conflict with the upstream packager of my software (i.e. a MOTU) and I was looking for some advice. Is this an okay forum to ask questions of this kind?02:14
RAOFtomhinkle: What is the problem?02:18
tomhinkleThe packager of my package is upset that I provide .deb files of my bleeding-edge releases for users on SF.  Is this generally discouraged? I find I have a large number of users who want to try the newest packages (more than once every 6 months) and it's handy.02:18
RAOFThat should be fine; we should be able to easily filter out those bug reports.02:19
RAOFPerhaps the packager was annoyed that you have a debian/ directory in the releases you ship?02:19
tomhinkleHe asked me to get rid of that when he first packaged and I did.02:20
tomhinkleThen after I realized my users were struggling to build from source, I used his debian/ directory as a basis for my own releases (he'd made a number of fixes to the packaging that I took on)02:20
tomhinkleSo now I'm releasing tarballs + .debs upstream, but the tarball has no debian/ directory.02:20
RAOFHm.  That seems strange.  I don't know why a MOTU would be complaining about that.02:20
tomhinkleYeah, that's what I thought. He's been upset about it for a while and we exchanged e-mails -- now he's said he's going to stop packaging the software. I wanted to check if I was breaking some established norms or something.02:21
RAOFNo.  Not from what you've said here.02:22
Hobbseeer, that seems reasonable02:22
tomhinkleHrmph. Well, that's good and bad for me I guess. Good because it seems reasonable, bad because it doesn't give me any information about why he's so mad.02:22
* Hobbsee agrees with RAOF about it being strange that a MOTU is complaining about it02:23
ajmitchthe main reason I could see him complaining would be if the packages broke upgrades02:23
ajmitchbut the packager should be able to sort through that with you02:24
tomhinkleThat may be what's happened -- he mentioned the package being broken, but didn't get into specifics. He seemed to think I would just stop releasing them.02:24
Hobbseeif that's gourmet, are you aware of https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/grecipe-manager/+bugs?02:25
tomhinkleIt is and I am -- is there something in that list that sticks out as a particular problem.02:25
Hobbsee(as a somewhat unrelated statement)02:26
Hobbseeno, i just noticed it existed02:26
tomhinkleah, I see.02:27
tomhinkleAlright -- well thanks for your input. It doesn't look like there's too much I can do at this point. I'll offer to fix any packaging errors he points out in my .deb if the problem is that they're breaking updates.02:29
tonyyarussowhat's the page for figuring out what's causing a segfault again?02:32
anakronping Laney : hey, can you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qcad/+bug/31147606:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 311476 in qcad "qcad menu entry lacks a category" [Low,Triaged]06:18
anakronpersia, can you look it please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qcad/+bug/31147606:18
anakronhi all, hi persia and Laney06:18
anakronor this one06:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 301603 in firestarter "Impossible to launch firestarter" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:20
anakronif someone can see them and review my patches06:21
anakronand the last one06:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 309740 in qtpfsgui "no menu icon" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:26
* RAOF should, perhaps, not have picked beagle as my first evolution-sharp transition upload.06:45
tonyyarussoHow can I figure out the value of a variable (in C) while my program is running?06:53
tonyyarussoIt's not crashing, but I suspect something isn't being set right.06:53
StevenKUse gdb?06:54
dtchen_and your friendly print06:55
tonyyarussodtchen_: I don't really have a good place to print it, so while I could, it would likely be more work.06:56
tonyyarussoStevenK: I figured that would be involved, but I'm not familiar with gdb beyond the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace.  Looking through output from that now to see if it's already there.06:56
dtchen_huh? meaning not even setting breakpoints is feasible?06:56
StevenKtonyyarusso: gdb supports 'print <var>'06:56
tonyyarussooooooh, sweet06:57
StevenKtonyyarusso: Set a breakpoint and poke around06:57
tonyyarussoerm, breakpoint?  like, just 'break' in the code and kill it?06:57
fabrice_sptonyyarusso, when needed to set a breakpoint, I use DDD07:00
fabrice_spit's a gdb frontend07:00
tonyyarussofabrice_sp: that's another package?07:01
fabrice_spcalled DDD :-)07:01
dholbachgood morning07:06
fabrice_spgood morning dholbach ;-)07:06
dholbachhiya fabrice_sp! :-)07:06
tonyyarussofabrice_sp: man, that interface looked more confusing, not less...07:15
fabrice_sptonyyarusso, I myself find it more useful to go through the source, but it's as you want07:17
tonyyarussofabrice_sp: maybe once you know how to use it?  dunno.07:18
tonyyarussoalthough in gdb proper I can't manage to define a break either.07:18
tonyyarusso(gdb) break save_pounce_cb07:18
tonyyarussoFunction "save_pounce_cb" not defined.07:18
tonyyarussoMake breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n])07:18
StevenKtonyyarusso: No, specify the file and line number07:21
tonyyarussoStevenK: that gives me "No source file named gntpounce.c"07:24
tonyyarussooh, I suppose it needs a path to it.07:28
tonyyarussonope, not that either07:28
tonyyarussoStevenK: do you know what that would mean?07:36
hyperairhey what happened to revu? it seems to have disappeared07:41
hyperair$ host revu.ubuntuwire.com07:41
hyperairHost revu.ubuntuwire.com not found: 2(SERVFAIL)07:41
savvasScottK: any other packages in order to remove boost 1.34 completely?:)07:58
mok0hyperair: try revu.tauware.de08:07
Tonio_what happens with revu ? is it down ?09:36
dholbachTonio_: http://revu.tauware.de/09:37
* Yagisan suggests someone update the topic to pint everyone looking for revu to the .org address09:37
ajmitchYagisan: you've just volunteered yourself09:37
slytherinTonio_: use .org instead of .com09:37
Tonio_slytherin: oki09:38
dholbachslytherin: aha!09:38
Tonio_dholbach: yeah that was my problem...09:38
Yagisanajmitch, you really want to give me op's etc ??? I may even have time to google up how to keep it09:39
Tonio_slytherin: is that permanent change ?09:39
ajmitchYagisan: topic isn't locked09:39
geserTonio_: AFAIR someone is working on getting .com back (it didn't got renewed)09:40
dholbachTonio_: the .com address expired - I think sistpoty and siretart talked to imbrandon about it09:40
Yagisanajmitch, O-o09:43
=== Yagisan changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Jaunty Feature Freeze in effect - Go fix bugs! | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Fix RC bugs: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/bugs/rcbugs | Help to clear NBS list: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/ | Revu is at http://revu.ubuntuwire.org/
Yagisanajmitch, better ?09:44
Tonio_dholbach, geser: oki09:44
ajmitchYagisan: I guess :)09:45
savvasis there a team for lpia builds?09:54
hyperairmok0: okay i will thanks09:58
mok0hyperair: .org works too10:00
slytherinsavvas: AFAIK, no.10:05
slytherinsavvas: What builds you are talking about, by the way?10:05
savvasslytherin: http://launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive/ppa/+build/880883 - libatlas-base-dev dependency is missing10:17
slytherinsavvas: the build has failed on lpia - https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/atlas/+builds See if you can debug the build failure.10:22
savvasslytherin: ah, thanks, I'll take a peek :)10:22
* slytherin loves solving recursive FTBFS. :-D10:45
=== korn_ is now known as c_korn
ScottKsavvas: cgal and btk-core I think are the only two.11:15
hggdhdholbach, ping11:17
dholbachhggdh: pong11:17
hggdhgood morning -- question: a get-orig-source is expected to be a manual target, correct?11:18
hggdhdholbach, ^^11:19
dholbachhggdh: yep11:21
hggdhdholbach, k. another: although a build usually is not expected to run automake/conf/etc, should I adjust configure.in also?11:24
dholbachhggdh: in which way to you want to adjust it?11:24
hggdhdholbach, bloody thing recreates ./debian/changelog, among others11:25
hggdhso I wanted tp make sure it does not11:25
hggdhand I was getting  tired of seeing my ./debian/changelog vanishing on each make11:26
dholbachahhhhhhhhh, that's that thing where upstream does their own debian/ stuff11:27
dholbachsounds like a good idea to add a patch that modifies configure.in to not do that - indeed11:28
hggdhdholbach, thank you. Should have a new source package in a few11:29
savvasanyone else having problems with gmail?11:29
dholbachhggdh: excellent11:29
hggdhsavvas, gmail is working here (3 accounts)11:33
hggdhsavvas, correction: *was* working :-(11:33
savvashggdh: 502 error?11:34
savvasScottK: ok, sent patch for cgal: bug 331911 - I don't know how much luck mok0 had with upstream about btk-core, but I'm trying out a patch for boost1.35 anyway: http://launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive/ppa/+builds?build_text=&build_state=building11:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331911 in cgal "FTBFS on Jaunty" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33191111:38
hggdhsavvas, I do not know (did not try via HTTP) -- I am getting  SSL negotiation failure on POP311:38
hggdhhum. Now I am getting generic DNS resolution errors across the board11:42
stefanlsdsavvas: my gmail doesnt work either11:42
savvascc1plus: warning: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-long-double"11:43
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
AnAntHello, can someone help me with generating symbols control file, I understand that I should use dpkg-gensymbols, but dunno how12:45
james_wdirecthex/Laney: are you familiar with the evolution-sharp 5.0 transition? stefanlsd has posted debdiffs, and I just wanted to check if there was anything special to be aware of before I sponsored.12:49
Laneyjames_w: I think RAOF is the man for that12:49
directhexjames_w, i've not been dealing with it... i think RAOF is your man12:50
LaneyHIGH FIVE!12:50
james_wheh :-)12:50
directhexin his oh-so-useful timezone12:50
stefanlsdi think thats an unanimous agreement.12:50
stefanlsdalso kinda weird actually12:51
james_wstefanlsd: would you do me a favour and install the tasque that you built and have a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tasque/+bug/313683 and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tasque/+bug/319385 to confirm they are fixed?12:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 313683 in tasque "Tasque 0.1.8-1 does not provide any backends" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:52
stefanlsdjames_w: will do12:52
directhexsniff sniff, smells like mono-addins 0.4-212:52
directhexno, actual evo# bugs. wheee!12:53
directhexi assume errors about things missing are caused by that ;)12:53
james_wyeah tasque could use some triage love, I suspect several of the newer bugs are this problem12:54
directhexbam! @ monodevelop12:55
directhexthe last 2 addins are there now, only an ickle bit past FF12:55
Laneyworketh it?12:56
directhexjust in need of a loving sponsor (yes, i test-built in pbuilder)12:56
Laneydid you remember to update-maintainer?!12:56
directhexfor once! :o12:56
james_wLaney: are you going to sponsor those?12:56
Laneynot now, at work12:57
Laneyfeel free12:57
stefanlsdi wonder if i work more on work or more on ubuntu at work12:57
Laneyactually maybe not even today if I can't fix xorg12:57
directhexstefanlsd, shhhhhhhhh!12:57
Laneythere's some kind of pancake cooking going on right outside my office door12:58
Laneybut I haven't been invited :(12:58
directhexooh, pancakes!12:58
LaneyI'll just walk through reeeeeeeally slowly12:58
Laneylooking hungry12:58
stefanlsdmm. tasque is actually pretty cool12:59
Laneyis evo# in debian?12:59
Laneystefanlsd: please forward patches13:00
stefanlsdLaney: the rebuild patches for lib-evolution3.0-cil to debian?13:07
Laneystefanlsd: are there changes? I didn't check it out13:08
Laneyno-change rebuilds will be ok13:08
stefanlsdLaney: yeah, no change. Just build-deps13:08
Laneycheck whether RAOF will just do it himself then13:09
stefanlsdjames_w: both those bugs appear to be fixed.  I do get backends.  ie.   EDS, local file and something called remember the milk13:10
james_wstefanlsd: thanks for testing13:11
james_wstefanlsd: I'll add the bug numbers to the changelog13:11
directhexstefanlsd, RTM is a website13:13
stefanlsddirecthex: yeah. figured it was some backend that would keep a task list for you13:13
stefanlsdasac: were you doing something with google gears 64?13:14
asacstefanlsd: not sure. do we have a package?13:15
stefanlsdasac: heh. someone was saying something about it. thought it was you. (i also wanna get it in actually)13:19
asacstefanlsd: i think i commented on a packaging request?13:20
asaccant remember13:20
slytheringmail is back. :-)13:28
RainCTjpds: I've just asked - "shouldn't be a problem" if I skip classes for UDS \o/13:33
directhexRainCT, the last day of UDS is my wife's birthday, which doesn't bode well for attendance :|13:33
LaneyRainCT: did you apply for sponsorship?13:33
Laneydirecthex: bring her!13:33
RainCTLaney: Nope. I wouldn't feel well doing so being only 30 minutes away from BCN :)13:34
* Laney will apply13:34
stefanlsdfta: do you know of any work on packaging  google gears for 64?13:36
RainCTstefanlsd: I have it on my TODO :)13:36
RainCTfeel free to take it if you want, though13:37
slicerI could use a bit of advice on bug #333573 . It fails to build since we've added Qt 4.5.0-rc1, which changes the way qmake works. I have a workaround ready, which I'll submit to debian, which should eventually result in a new package version available for syncing. At that point, I'll request a new sync. What do I do with the sync request I already have? Just mark it Invalid?13:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333573 in mumble "Please sync mumble 1.1.7-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33357313:37
RainCTnhandler: about your merge request, that's not a bug but a feature :P13:37
stefanlsdRainCT: oh cool. yeah. I think i'll start it out and get it into revu at least.  Did you say you possibly had a ffe for it?13:37
directhexLaney, if you get to UDS and i don't, then you're gonna have to be the pkg-mono spokesman!13:37
Laneydirecthex: I will be your mouthpiece!13:38
Laneywe should both go and crush the free desktop dream for good13:38
RainCTstefanlsd: not yet, but 64 bit support is (according to asac) a good rationale :)13:38
stefanlsdRainCT: kk. thanks13:38
directhexLaney, why are we asking canonical for sponsorship? getthefacts@microsoft.com!13:38
directhexLaney, they'll help!13:39
slytherindirecthex: Laney both of you should now take the microsoft certification for .net developers. :-P13:43
directhexslytherin, i don't believe in vendor certs. they lack "heart"13:43
directhexslytherin, i'd gladly make a macaroni picture depicting my work with c# for any prospective employer, though13:44
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hyperairwhen there's stuff in debian/tmp or wherever, just run dpkg-gensymbols | patch bla.symbols13:49
james_wslicer: you can just edit the old sponsorship request to request the new version13:52
RainCT«Ggfgf says: Oh look a Growl ripoff       Mark Shuttleworth says: Oh look, an anonymous coward.» lol13:57
slicerjames_w: Ok, thanks :)14:01
ScottKRainCT: Where is this?14:10
savvasScottK: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/26514:11
ScottKsavvas: Thanks.14:12
savvasnp :)14:12
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AdamDHhi all, what's the best way to find out what dependancies my package requires in order to be built from source?15:08
bmmThe wiki states revu.ubuntuwire.com and my default /etc/dput.cf also states .com but it seems to be revu.ubuntuwire.org is that correct?15:09
directhexbmm, yup15:10
directhexAdamDH, a new package? try building it in a pbuilder, and keep fixing control until it works15:11
bmmK, then somebody needs to have the default dput changed and the wiki should be changed. Somebody with rights should get on it ;)15:11
bddebianHeya gang15:12
directhexafternoon bazza15:13
AdamDHdirecthex: its a new package, will do that and keep modifying as required15:16
bmmNew packages should be set to karmic instead of jaunty, right?15:24
rexbronbmm: we are in a feature freeze, so unless you file for an exception, that is correct15:25
bmmrexbron: thought so, thanks!15:25
AdamDHthe .PHONY tag do I need to list each example: I use in my rules? say if I use one called extract: does that need to be listed?15:34
directhex.PHONY is your friend15:37
hyperairAdamDH: i don't think it's required, but it's good to add all rules that don't refer to a file to .PHONY15:39
hyperairAdamDH: as in, if i have a rule foo, that generates a file called foo, then don't add it to .PHONY, otherwise do so15:40
directhexe.g. clean15:40
directhexyou really want clean in .PHONY ;)15:41
AdamDHclean is the rule I am having problems with now hence my question as what ever I do it does not seem to run15:42
savvasAdamDH: try clean:: instead of clean: :)15:46
AdamDHwhat does the extra : do?15:46
savvasI have no idea, I'm still learning, but it makes it run :)15:47
savvasgood question though, what does it do?15:47
AdamDHim still learning as well, I am good with shell scripts just learning the way debian handles creating packages15:49
savvaswell, debian/rules is a makefile15:50
savvasit's better to wait for someone else to reply, I'm really not that good :)15:51
hyperairadding rules to .PHONY basically means run the rule even if there is a file by that name15:51
AdamDHwhat about if its not ran when added to .PHONY?15:53
savvasthere should an error message then about it15:53
AdamDHi will take a look at the logs once once in case I missed something15:54
AdamDHthis is my rules: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122435/ I get no error on clean16:01
ScottKsavvas: I fixed the depends problem on lpia for cgal.  Now there's a header path issue: https://launchpad.net/~kitterman/+archive/ppa/+build/88115816:02
hyperairhmm is it possible to create a karmic pbuilder yet?16:03
hyperairAdamDH, savvas: rule:: means that you can declare it multiple times, and they're appended16:03
hyperairbasically i can have somerule:: something at the top, and then somerule:: somethingelse at the bottom, and then it'll just append everything16:03
hyperairit's used a lot in CDBS16:03
hyperairbasically CDBS declares the rules with ::, so you can hook onto the end of them and run some stuff16:03
ScottKI notice now that there's a rules change needed too.16:04
AdamDHthis is my rules files, http://paste.ubuntu.com/122435/ not sure why clean is not been ran16:06
AdamDHwill append a :16:06
AdamDHjust not seen a clean: in the examples so was looking to see if anything else was wrong16:06
AdamDHclean:: sorry16:07
stefanlsdyay. built a x86_64 xpi of google gears. seems to work ok.16:08
AdamDHah got it to work16:13
Laneystefanlsd: can you hax it to work with ff 3.1 at all?16:14
AdamDHif I paste my working rules files in a mo can some one just take a look to see if I missed anything? I will then add it to my ppa so I can get a few people to try it16:14
stefanlsdLaney: can have a look at it. i was just gonna start packaging a .deb now so we can maaaybe get it into jaunty16:15
stefanlsdLaney: do you want to try this xpi in 3.1?16:16
AdamDHmy clean rule is ran at the start of the build but not after the build so it leaves temp files lying about any ideas why?16:18
RainCTAdamDH: that's the expected behaviour16:19
AdamDHah did not know that16:19
RainCTAdamDH: you can run   fakeroot debian/rules clean   to clean up the source directory16:19
Laneystefanlsd: I will later. I tried it from google's site and it wasn't compatible. I just wondered if you haxed the xpi whether it would work16:21
RainCTif someone from motu-sru is around please have a look at bug #33390216:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333902 in webboard "Please upgrade webboard to version 0.2.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33390216:22
AdamDHthanks RainCT I was not expecting that behaviour16:26
RainCTAdamDH: No problem. It's useful in case you have to debug something, etc.16:26
AdamDHthis is my final rules file and it creates a working deb http://paste.ubuntu.com/122444/ can any one tell me if there is anything I could improve?16:28
RainCTuhh nice :)16:29
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* RainCT falls asleep waiting for Launchpad to load a page :'(16:38
RainCToh, it opened16:39
AdamDHRainCT launchpad seems slow today, trying to upload a package to my ppa seems to be taking its time16:51
RainCTnot only today, it feel it like this since a few weeks already16:53
AdamDHwell we are on alpha4 so probally the reason why!16:54
RainCTnobody uses alpha 4 (compared with the amount of people who will use the final version..)16:55
maxbAdamDH: for the sanity of everyone else who ever needs to look at that rules file, *please* use standard 1-tab indentation16:58
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maxbalso, as I've said before, the entire concept of remove-patch-stamp is fundamentally invalid16:59
maxbfurthermore, use CURDIR16:59
AdamDHmaxb, forgot I still have the clean patches in there I will remove that, I will clean up the rules a little17:01
maxbAlso, cd-ing just to exec rm is overcomplicating things, rm -f $(CURDIR)/whatever17:02
AdamDHI always considered cding more robust17:04
AdamDHI will alter all these small things and get it put into my ppa17:04
AdamDHmaxb I am using msp430-binutils-2.18-msp430-cvs.0.0.20090224 as my version as I am applying a patch to the upstream binutils. If my next package is msp430-gcc-3.2.3-msp430-cvs.0.0.20090224 in control for the next package how do I tell it to depend on msp430-binutils? just put msp430-binutils-2.18?17:09
maxbmsp430-binutils-2.18-msp430-cvs.0.0.20090224 is not a version, nor a package_version fragment of a dpkg filename, please clarify what you actually mean17:10
AdamDHI used msp430-binutils-2.18-msp430-cvs.0.0.20090224 as the version for my package, where msp430-binutils-2.18 was the upstream version and the rest showing the patch came from cvs17:11
AdamDHI came up with that after asking for advice here17:11
maxbNo, 2.18 is the upstream version17:11
AdamDHyup thats what I said?17:12
maxbYou said msp430-binutils-2.1817:12
AdamDHsorry yes see what you mean17:12
AdamDH2.18 is the upstream version and msp430-binutils is the package17:12
maxb2.18-msp430-cvs.0.0.20090224 is a bad version because versions should not contain multiple - characters unless the upstream version does17:13
maxbs/does/contains any/17:13
AdamDHmy version should be 2.18-msp430-cvs.0.0.200902217:13
maxbIs the patch contained within your .diff.gz? Or is part of the patch applied in the .orig.tar.gz ?17:14
maxbWhere is the cvs repository in question?17:15
AdamDHmspgcc.sf.net is where the CVS repository is17:16
AdamDHI am applying it to the upstream source and the patch is contained within the tar.gz I do not have have a .orig.tar.gz I just called it binutils-2.18.tar.gz and applied the patch to that17:17
AdamDHI created the patch from CVS sources17:17
maxbbinutils-2.18.tar.gz is horribly misleading because that is a name that is used by a real upstream binutils release17:18
AdamDHyup maxb I agree but my patch is applied to that upsream release to create a cross compiler17:19
AdamDHthe whole project is a mess and missleading17:19
AdamDHso it seemed better to show what upstream version I was working on17:19
maxbThe cvs repo you pointed me to contains "binutils/NO_LONGER_MAINTAINED" that requests people now use official binutils releases, so where's the patch coming from?17:21
maxb"The standard binutils package, available at http://sources.redhat.com/binutils, now contains this MSP430 support. " says the website17:21
AdamDHthat is not true, the patches are inside packaging/patches17:22
AdamDHthe mailing list discusses what patches need to be applied to create a working version, nothing has been taken upstream17:22
AdamDHso there is 3 patches to be applied to 2.18 before it will work with all msp430 devices17:22
maxbYou might consider asking upstream to fix their website, then :-)17:23
AdamDHmaxb its all a mess so my packages were supposed to take the headache out and leave programmers to programme instead of spending hours getting a working toolchain17:24
AdamDHmy binutils package works and so does gcc just need to work on libc17:24
maxbRight. The nicest way to package this is to use the *original* *upstream* binutils-2.18 tarball, and to include the three patchfiles from mspgcc cvs within the debian/patches/ directory of your package, and to apply them in debian/rules17:25
maxbYour version number then can simply be 2.18-0ubuntu117:27
AdamDHmy package uses the orginal upstream tar ball and inclues the patches in a folder called patches, the patch as they just give the modified files on the cvs and expect you to copy over to the upstream source, I instead created a patch that could be applied to the upstream source. But how do I show what revision the patch is as that comes from CVS?17:27
AdamDHif I keep with the 2.18-msp430-cvs.0.0.20090224 in the control for gcc that depends on binutils what do I put? just msp430-binutils and it uses what ever version is in the ppa?17:28
maxb<AdamDH> my package uses the orginal upstream tar ball and inclues the patches in a folder called patches, the patch as they just give the modified files on the cvs and expect you to copy over to the upstream source, I instead created a patch that could be applied to the upstream source. But how do I show what revision the patch is as that comes from CVS?17:30
maxbI see three patch files for 2.18 in the cvs directory you pointed me to17:30
AdamDHah there are now, gcc has no patches tho that is the same case as before17:33
maxbOK, but since binutils does have patches, I stand by what I said.17:35
AdamDHso you would just call it by its upstream name in the case of binutils?17:39
maxbAdamDH: I suggest you've reached the point where you should put your binutils package at least to REVU17:49
AdamDHI have a PPA on launchpad will that do?17:55
maxbAdamDH: PPAs build binaries, REVU doesn't, but it allows users to add comments.18:02
AdamDHi will take a look at revu18:02
hyperairdoes anyone knoew if karmic packages will be reviewed? =\18:04
hyperaircan you even get a chroot for testing on karmic?18:04
RainCThyperair: that depends on how generous you are :P18:04
ScottKNot until after Jaunty release most likely.18:04
hyperairRainCT: how generous *I* am?18:05
hyperairRainCT: if i'm very generous, then the revu queue will grow bigger ;)18:06
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fabrice_sp_Hi, pigment-python is marked as FTBFS in qa.ubutnuwire.org/ftbfs, but I've built it successfully with an updated sbuild. I think that the dependency was compiling when  the build was running (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23007901/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.pigment-python_0.3.10-1_MANUALDEPWAIT.txt.gz). Is it possible for some admin to relaunch the build? Or do I have to force a new version with a debdiff?19:00
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pochufabrice_sp: if it's in universe, I can retry it19:02
fabrice_spHi pochu! yes, it's in universe19:02
pochufabrice_sp: it didn't FTBFS, it's DEPWAIT19:03
pochufabrice_sp: it will be built once the dependency it needs is available19:03
savvasScottK: I forgot who, but someone in the channel suggested that we could also debug the atlas problem: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/atlas/+builds19:03
pochuso nothing to retry ;)19:03
ScottKsavvas: atlas is a hairy mess.  I'd prefer to avoid it if we can.  If you can fix that, it'd be wonderful.19:04
savvaspochu: in PPA? they're automatically retried once the dependency is satisfied?19:04
pochusavvas: no, in the archive19:04
savvasah, I was prepared for a hug :P19:05
pochusavvas: I guess it's the same in the PPA, but I'm not sure19:05
fabrice_sphmm: pigment 0.3.14 has been build :-/19:05
savvasScottK: I'll try both sides, see what can be done :)19:05
fabrice_sppochu, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23033637/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.pigment_0.3.14-1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz. (14 hours ago). What is the frequency of the retry?19:06
a|wenfabrice_sp: did the binaries get out of binary new?19:07
fabrice_spa|wen, good point. How can I check that?19:07
a|wenfabrice_sp: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pigment/0.3.14-1/+build/879857 ... look to the right19:08
a|wenfabrice_sp: "Binaries awaiting acceptance:" so not yet19:08
fabrice_spgot it!19:09
fabrice_spthanks and sorry for the noise :-)19:09
savvasarchitecture armel in ubuntu is arm in debian?19:21
ScottKsavvas: No.  armel in bother19:22
ScottKDebian released Lenny with arm and armel, but arm is to be dropped soonish.19:22
savvasoh, ok :)19:22
savvasScottK: is it similar to arm, something like i386 with lpia?19:25
savvaswith = and19:25
ScottKNot exactly, but not so far off.19:25
ScottKI don't recall exactly.19:25
* savvas crosses fingers19:31
savvasI've noticed that in atlas there's not a folder for lpia nor for armel in debian/, but there is one for the rest of the architectures19:32
savvasI'll have to make a pbuilder for lpia for this one, seems quite big to upload to a ppa :)19:33
salty-horsehi. vlc on jaunty has the video detached from the controls, and it seems to not respect the "integrate video in interface" option. compiled from git it works fine... known bug?19:35
savvassalty-horse: known :)19:36
salty-horseI'm not worrying then :D19:37
savvassalty-horse: you should be - it's a killer bug, if they allow integration, vlc will crash: bug 31403819:38
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/314038/+text)19:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 314038 in vlc "Integrated video interface is broken in Jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:38
savvassalty-horse: I have a package for it integrated, but vlc crashes when I press stop :P19:39
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iantoWith the Debian Policy Manual, does anyone know what section a code analyser for C++ would come under? “utils” perhaps?20:02
RainCTianto: devel?20:05
RainCTianto: Btw, if you look at http://packages.debian.org/unstable/, you have the sections there but with a description :)20:05
RainCT(they have fancy names there, but if you look where the URLs point to you'll get the real name)20:05
iantoRainCT: Ah right OK thanks, I thought that devel was more for the compilers & coding tools themselves rather than analysers; although I guess that it is too a development tool :-/20:06
_rubenwhen using module-assistant, is it possible for a -source package to have a dependency on package-x.y.z-dev, where x.y.z is the kernel version for which you want to build a kernel using module-assistant?20:06
directhexm-a? how retro20:07
_rubennever got the hang of dkms20:07
_rubenand dkms doesnt produce "distributable" packages, or does it? like i said, never really got the hang of that one20:08
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RainCT_ruben: afaik it compiles the modules at boot, so that if the kernel version changes they are just recompiled on the user's systems and the users don't have to wait for a new version20:08
superm1it also has support for mkdeb or mkdsc if you want to build distributable packages20:09
_rubenRainCT: which is not what i want really, as i dont want a build environment on all machines20:09
_rubensuperm1: interesting20:09
_rubenbut the question kinda remains the same .. is just a dependency possible?20:10
superm1_ruben, it's almost inevitable to have a build environment on all machines unless you can control them to never run different kernels20:10
_rubensuperm1: i upgrade my "m-a packages" when i upgrade kernel .. no build env needed20:11
_rubengot a buildhost to build new packages when needed20:11
superm1_ruben, well you can do the same thing with dkms, it's the same tools you need for building20:12
stefanlsdRainCT: i have a gg 64 ff3.0+ xpi built20:12
superm1_ruben, DKMS can just handle that portion for you20:12
RainCTstefanlsd: as a .deb?20:13
_rubensuperm1: i'll definately look into dkms once again, hopefully 3rd time's a charm ;-)20:14
stefanlsdRainCT: xpi mainly. i just built a test .deb of the xpi following the mozilla-team extensions guidlines. so i do have a .deb and it installed. its just not really clean yet.. (changelog, copyright etc)20:14
RainCTstefanlsd: OK. Got the source from Google Code?20:15
stefanlsdRainCT: yeah20:15
RainCTstefanlsd: Great. Poke me once it's ready and I'll review it :)20:15
* RainCT hugs stefanlsd 20:15
_rubenas for the initial query .. i currently have 2 -source packages, but the 2nd has a dependency on a Symbols.symvers file that's created by the first .. which unless im missing something is a nasty dependency to properly fix ;)20:15
stefanlsdRainCT: do you know if it will be acceptable to use the compiled xpi?20:15
RainCTstefanlsd: the .xpi should be created at build time20:16
stefanlsdRainCT: the mozilla team currently uses .xpis they get. maybe those xpi's dont contain .so's tho20:17
stefanlsdRainCT: source is bout 300mb :|20:18
RainCTstefanlsd: Oh (yeah, it took some time to checkout the source here but I haven't looked at it yet). Where does the xpi come from then?20:18
RainCTand, how are you patching it for 64bit?20:18
stefanlsdRainCT: the make of the source generates the xpi.  the source is patched to get it to compile20:19
RainCTstefanlsd: So what's the problem?20:20
RainCTstefanlsd: that you want to generate the xpi locally and only put the xpi into the source package to avoid the 300mb, or what?20:20
stefanlsdRainCT: yeah. essentially20:21
ScottKsavvas: https://launchpad.net/~kitterman/+archive/ppa/+build/88157020:21
tonyyarussoAll right, I'm back at this and need a bit about gdb usage explained to be, specifically breakpoints and printing variables.  So far whenever I've tried to set a break I get Function not defined, make depend on future shared library?20:21
RainCTstefanlsd: 19M  gears/20:22
RainCTstefanlsd: did you get ride of the .svn directories?20:22
stefanlsdRainCT: i did. i also builds against some of the 3rd party stuff. need to check exactly what. i know gecko_1.8 and gecko_1.9.20:23
stefanlsdand theres a hack there also. You need to copy the xulrunner-dev  xpcom 64 .so's over those...20:24
RainCTstefanlsd: that third_party directory looks really evil :P20:24
savvasScottK: that's great! one more to go then :)20:24
RainCTstefanlsd: well, best ask asac if you have any problem, he's the real Fx master :)20:24
ScottKsavvas: mok0 filed a removal bug for btk-core, so I think we're done.20:25
stefanlsdRainCT: kk. will do. I essentially wanna find out if we need to go from source. if so, i'll start cleaning it up, hopefully get the size down20:25
savvasScottK: does that mean that atlas wasn't necessary?20:25
stefanlsdRainCT: at least then we can also link against the ubuntu build time libaries.20:25
ScottKIt will build without it.  If you look in debian/control you'll see it's excluded on quite a number of architectures.20:26
savvastrue, I missed that20:31
ScottKsavvas: You've been a big help on this.20:34
savvasScottK: I wish I could provide more help, but my knowledge in programming and packaging is limited - it was good for learning and practice! Do you have anything else similar on transitions? :)20:40
Teddy___Ubuntu has an old version of my package.  How can I make sure the newer (actually working) version is included in Jaunty?20:41
ScottKTeddy___: What package?20:41
ScottKsavvas: Nothing comes immediately to mind.20:42
ScottKGetting rid of old GCC versionsis always 'fun'.20:42
Teddy___ScottK: "mandos"20:42
savvasmandos seems to be taken from debian20:44
Teddy___savvas: Yes, it is.20:44
ScottKTeddy___: Is it just bug fixing between what we have and what's in Debian?20:45
Teddy___savvas: But Debian now has version 1.0.5-1, and will soon have 1.0.7-1, but Ubuntu is still on 1.0.2...20:45
Teddy___ScottK: Yes, more or less.20:45
ScottKTeddy___: Ubuntu works on 6 month release cycles.  In the first part of the cycle we automatically sync packages from Debian that we get unmodified from them.  At this point a sync would have to be requested.20:46
Teddy___ScottK: ...  So what do I do?  The 1.0.2 version has some rather bad bugs, and 1.0.7 is completely compatible with only minor feature additions.20:47
ScottKTeddy___: Or since the latest version isn't in Debian yet, you could file a bug in Launchpad and attach the .diff.gz to the bug.  If you 1.0.7-1/-0ubuntu1 and unstable/jaunty your package should be equally good for Ubuntu20:47
ScottKTeddy___: Since we are post feature freeze for this release you'll need to give the information for a feature freeze exception.20:48
savvasI think it fits the freeze exception :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze%20Exceptions20:48
Teddy___ScottK: ...And what information is that?  And to whom do I give it?20:49
ScottKYou put it in the bug and subscribe motu-release to the bug.  It's described in the link savvas just gave you.20:49
Teddy___ScottK: Thanks, I'll check it out.20:50
Teddy___ScottK: To report a bug on launchpad, I'll have to register Yet Another Damn Account...20:58
ScottKYes.  Yes you will.20:58
Teddy___ScottK: And it doesn't even support OpenID20:59
ScottKIt does, but only as a provider.  It'd actually be better if supported it less from a security perspective.21:00
ScottKFor developers Launchpad passwords have actual security implications which makes OpenID completely inappropriate.21:00
aeg37hello everyone21:06
Teddy___ScottK: I'll drop this for now; I don't like registering new accounts all the time.  Maybe someone else has an existing Launchpad account.21:12
ScottKTeddy___: Ping me after it's in Debian21:13
Teddy___ScottK: Ping?  Sure, will do.21:14
jdstrand\sh: hi-- on bug #331410, were you able to reproduce it?21:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331410 in net-snmp "CVE-2008-6123: not fixed in latest security releases" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33141021:15
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ScottKsavvas: If you want another puzzle, there is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bmpx/0.40.14-1ubuntu1/+build/87659621:28
ScottKThat will also block the boost removal.21:28
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savvashm.. checking for C64_clockSpeed in -lsidplay... no21:38
savvasconfigure: error: libsidplay 1.x not found!21:38
savvasdependency error?21:38
savvasI'll check it out21:39
RainCTjpds: What do you think about backporting espeak?  (The version in Jaunty has support for Catalan :)).21:55
ScottKI suspect it'll end up being a kernel bug, but I don't know for sure.  I didn't have time to research it.21:55
RainCTbah he's away21:55
savvascan I use pbuilder to create powerpc packages?22:42
mdkehi there. I've been looking through the various guides on the wiki and it is all very good. But I can't see how to actually upload a package to ubuntu, short of "use dput". Is there a more detailed document?22:43
ScottKsavvas: No, you need powerpc hardware for that.  TheMuso might be able to help you out.22:44
mdkeLaunchpad has some quite good instructions on dput for PPAs but I wondered if there is an equivalent guide for Ubuntu22:44
TheMusosavvas: Is there a specific reason you need to make powerpc packages?22:44
savvasTheMuso: I'm looking at a failed build on bmpx powerpc: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bmpx/0.40.14-1ubuntu1/+build/876596 - but no, not yet, I'll let you know if I come up with something :)22:46
TheMusosavvas: hrm ok. Unfortunately I can't currently help, since I don't have a working powerpc jaunty install, due to various testing, and discovering some bits of breakage, however I should have that sorted by later today.22:48
mdkeah, I've found this now, looks to be what I'm after - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperGuide/Uploading22:49
savvasTheMuso: ok, thanks!22:50
savvasScottK: could we possibly disable sid in debian/rules? --disable-sid instead of --enable-sid ?22:53
RainCTmdke: see also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/New22:53
ScottKsavvas: Dunno.  I haven't taken a look at it.22:53
mdkejames_w: thanks for that page (DeveloperGuide/Uploading), very useful - I think it would be useful to put a link on UbuntuDevelopment22:53
mdkeRainCT: ok, thanks22:53
james_wmdke: too much of a WIP for that yet in my opinion22:54
mdkejames_w: ok, your call, but I found it very clear22:55
mdkejames_w: so thanks :)22:56
james_wmdke: glad to help22:56
* RainCT agrees, nice page :)22:56
RainCTjames_w: ppa:<name> is only available on Jaunty, or?22:56
james_wyeah, I think that's right22:57
james_wCody's clever idea22:57
RainCTYeah, it's *much* better than having to edit dput.cf22:57
savvasWhen using -lsomelibname does it retrieve libsomelibname.so (as in, "lib" in filename) ?23:10
savvasah, yes23:15
slicerquadrispro: Hi. About bug #333573. I was told earlier today by james_w to edit the original sync request once the bug was fixed in debian (it now is, 1.1.7-3 was released a few hours ago -- just waiting for PPA build on i386 to finish to be absolutely sure). Should I still do that, or should I create a new sync request?23:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333573 in mumble "Please sync mumble 1.1.7-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33357323:35
quadrisprohi slicer, no, updating #333573 is good23:37
anakronhi all23:37
anakronping Laney: Hi !! how are you? im interested to show you some things that i worked23:38
Laneyanakron: Hi! Sorry I've been away23:38
slicerquadrispro: Ok. So I just set it back to it's original state (new, undecided) and post a comment with the changelog? (Assuming the PPA build finishes successfully)23:38
Laneylet's have a look23:39
quadrisproslicer: setting "new" again and change the description (instead of adding another comment)23:39
quadrisprois good :)23:39
slicerquadrispro: Ok, will do. Thanks.23:39
quadrisproslicer: I'm already subscribed, feel free to assign that but to me23:41
anakron https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtpfsgui/+bug/30974023:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 309740 in qtpfsgui "no menu icon" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:42
anakronI'll review one now and then I'll tell iy to you Laney23:44
anakronHI again23:57
anakrondamned mplayer23:57
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Laneyhi anakron23:58
Laneyanakron: Are you familiar with patch systems?23:58
LaneyI notice you changed project.pro without using it, when the package uses quilt23:59

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