[18:12] newz2000: hi [18:12] hey Turl [18:12] could you see popcon2? [18:12] I saw it last week, did you want me to check it again? [18:13] but did you see it working? I mean, the last time I told you, the database was down. [18:13] yeah, I checked the next day and saw the flash movie that had the chart [18:15] ok then :) [18:15] did you try searching for things or using the list? [18:16] no, I just played with the movie [18:17] http://popcon2.ecchi.ca/ search for your prefered package then :p [18:38] Turl: slick. That really brings back the "popularity contest" part of it. [18:38] A nifty feature would be to filter out packages that are installed by default. So the most popular add-on packages. [19:12] newz2000: any idea on how to get a list of the packages installed by default? [19:13] Hmm. No, not off the top of my head. [19:13] I'll bet the Ubuntu Developers know. [19:16] * Turl asks in #ubuntu-devel