
brycexrandr cleaned out (20 -> 0 bugs)02:28
pwnguin20 patches, or 20 "please test again"?02:33
RAOFOr 20 "not a bug in xrandr", or 20 "this bug is fixed" :)02:39
brycemostly "not a bug in xrandr", and moved to the more appropriate package02:48
bryce_tjaalton, jcristau: what package handles capslock toggling?  Is that -evdev or the server, or ...?  trying to figure out where bugs like 207960 go... I'm figuring xkeyboard-config probably is not the right place06:36
tjaaltonbryce_: I guess it's the server. would be nice to know if it works in jaunty though06:57
* bryce_ nods06:58
bryce_ok, seems capslock issues are scattered around, I'll pull them into xorg-server and see if some sense can be made of them07:01
tjaaltondid you see the list of deprecated input drivers by whot? what do you think if we should drop those, since I think none of them actually build anymore07:02
tjaaltonor just leave them as is until debian drops them, and fix the build in the meantime if someone needs them07:02
bryce_yep, I saw the list.  I've been thinking we should deprecate them for quite some time07:05
tjaaltonnone of them have any bugs filed, which clearly shows that no-one is using them :)07:06
bryce_whether to drop them now or wait 'til debian drops them, I'm open.  07:06
bryce_what's your opinion?07:06
tjaaltonI'll ask them first07:07
tjaaltonIIRC it has been discussed before, so probably that's what will happen07:07
bryce_btw, I'm hoping to continue my bug stomping tour through xserver and -intel before the release is out.  Those are biggies though, so dunno that I'll make it through any other packages07:13
bryce_if you have any time, it would be great if you could look through -evdev (and maybe -mouse)07:14
tjaaltonok, I'll see what I can do07:14
Alexia_DeathDoes x support any sort of per device mouse acceleration setting? I have a touchpad and an USB mouse I hotplug. the mouse is high DPI and generates a lot of jitter. However, truning aceleration down makes my touchpad unusable.08:49
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tjaaltonAlexia_Death: not that I know of09:10
Alexia_Deathtjaalton: :( that sucks.09:33
tjaaltonat least xinput doesn't show any properties09:36
tjaaltonmaybe master is better09:36
bryceheh, after all that capslock work, turns out I think the main bug I was looking at is already fixed (at least it works for me).09:41
bryceanyway, night.09:41
tjaaltonnight :)09:42
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
Ngtjaalton: hrm, it feels like the vblank change didn't really change anything11:20
tjaaltonNg: really?11:21
Ngtjaalton: workspace switches feel like they get stuck for a fraction of a second and then just redraw the desktop. sometimes it does the smooth swipe, but some/most times it feels like it's jumping11:22
Ngit's kinda hard to describe ;)11:22
tjaaltonsounds familiar11:22
tjaaltonI need to check it out later11:22
NgI suppose, for fairness, I should reset my compiz settings to the defaults11:22
tjaaltonplease do, or test with a new user :)11:24
Ngwell that was fun, I switched profile in ccsm and X wedged11:26
Ngfew of these in dmesg: [  648.929470] [drm:i915_get_vblank_counter] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe 011:26
tjaaltonyou've rebooted since the new mesa?11:26
Ngmy last reboot was about 15 minutes ago, my last update was within the last couple of hours11:27
NgI have mesa 7.3-1ubuntu211:27
tjaaltonI'm thinking if the patches that are already applied cause some regressions11:28
tjaaltonbut since we are not going to use vblank those could probably be dropped11:28
tjaaltonfrom the kernel11:28
Ngeven with pretty much default compiz settings I'm still seeing it, I guess I'll try a fresh user later11:36
mvo_I'm seening very strange behaviour sometimes with jaunty X, some mouse actions (like clicking on the panel do not work) and some keys (like alt-tab, alt-f1) do not work. buttons in apps (like thunderbird) can not be clicked. its as if something has a grab on the mouse/keyboard and not letting go of it or something. have you seen bugreports like this?12:46
mvo_IIRC evan had something similar during the sprint, so I think its not my spooky hardware12:47
tjaaltonI've not seen that12:48
tseliottjaalton: did you read this? http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzA4Ng16:25
tjaaltontseliot: the nouveau article?16:30
tseliotit looks like they will use it instead of nv16:31
brycemvo_, I've seen some reports of weird grabbing behavior, in xserver-xorg-input-evdev iirc16:33
tjaaltontseliot: what's weird about it? :)16:34
brycesounds like very good news to me; we've been needing someone to volunteer to guineapig it, so we can use it in karmic :-)16:34
tseliottjaalton: does it mean that it works better than "nv" already? It would be great news16:34
mvobryce: I have no idea where to even start debugging this, but I get it every now and than, nothing really unusual in the logs AFAICS 16:35
brycetseliot: if it didn't, I'm not sure that would stop fedora ;-)16:35
tjaaltontseliot: for some chips it actually works, so16:35
tselioteven better16:36
brycemvo: well, on the theory that it's an -evdev bug, if you have steps to reproduce reliably, an easy start might be to try running an older release of -evdev16:36
bryce(assuming this is a regression for you)16:36
bryceanother possibility is a bug in the xserver, so reverting that back might be the next step, if it's not too difficult16:37
mvobryce: ok, that sounds good. I will start with going back with -evdev . the trouble is that it seems to be not reliable to reporduce (or at least I have no pattern yet)16:39
brycemvo: next two times it happens, check what processes are running to see if there are commonalities16:42
bryceit is possible there is something which is triggering the grab.  There is one bug I'm aware of I looked at yesterday, let me find it again16:43
brycetjaalton: thoughts on bug #320632 ?16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320632 in xfree86-driver-synaptics "tap-to-click and edge-scrolling broken in Jaunty" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32063216:45
tjaaltonbryce: tseliot has been working on it recently, but I think there are some related fixes in 2.6.2916:47
* tseliot has a look at the bug report16:48
tseliotbryce, tjaalton: there are some problems with ALPS touchpads but, since I don't own one yet, there is very little I can do16:51
tseliotthis might change though ;)16:51
bryceok, tseliot can I put you in touch with SteveA on 320632?  He has reproduced the issue on a recent upgrade and has some questions about it16:53
tseliotbryce: ok16:53
thomasdelbekeHi there17:41
thomasdelbekeI was referred to here by seb12817:41
thomasdelbekeI reported earlier:17:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 323694 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "xorg + VGA driver + BIOS incompatibility ; Symtom: right keypad does no longer work." [Undecided,New]17:42
thomasdelbekeNow I have a new one:17:42
thomasdelbekeIs it the same?17:45
Laneyhttp://pastebin.com/f6da02497 is this normal? I'm experiencing incredible slowness on my desktop21:30
* Ng wonders if bug 296167 would be worth an SRU - it's the top bug in a "by number of users affected" search on xorg-xserver, by some margin21:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296167 in ubuntu "X.org will stop responding to mouse clicks on Ibex with Xinerama. Occurs frequently, Fatal Error." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29616721:48
NgI do like that search mode :)21:48
bryceNg: is there a regression-free patch identified?21:49
NgI had a quick poke in the linked fedora bug and it doesn't look like they've linked/attached a patch, just pointed at a cause and a build with it fixed :/21:50
bryceheh, I see I asked someone already to locate the patch, and the responses are just "is it fixed yet?"21:50
bryceyeah I tried to poke at it myself but couldn't find the patch21:50
bryceso no SRU until we have a patch21:50
LaneyI just filed bug 33406622:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334066 in xorg "xorg is terribly slow after Intrepid -> Jaunty upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33406622:09
Laneyquite welcome to bisect if someone can assist22:09
tjaaltonLaney: purge fglrx22:15
Laneytjaalton: It happens with -ati too though22:16
tjaaltonit doesn't support the new xserver, and having the module loaded means that you get no DRI22:16
Laneybut right, I will do that anyway22:16
maxbThis is a bit perplexing. Many times today, I have: right clicked the update notifier, chosen "install all updates". Waited. Brought the "Untitled window" of synaptic to the front. At this point compiz crashes.22:17
maxbmetacity seems to autostart in its place22:18
maxbany thoughts on things I could include to make a useful bugreport?22:18
tjaaltonmaxb: more in the -desktop territory22:18
maxbah, fair enough22:18
Laneyactually that bug isn't right22:30
Laneyif I disable the metacity compositor it returns to normal speed22:30
albert23Ng, bryce: 296167 seems to be http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18668. Steven Harms reports the fix works in Intrepid. 22:37
ubottuFreedesktop bug 18668 in Server/general "Mouse buttons sometimes stop responding when moving from one xinerama screen to another" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]22:38
albert23Pushed as 9fe9b6e4ef669b192ee349e3290db5d2aeea273c and nominated for 1.622:38
bryceLaney: see wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting  and the bit about fglrx conflicting with ati and how to fix22:38
brycealbert23: thanks, can you update the lp bug report?22:39
albert23bryce: sure, I will22:40
Ngalbert23: win :)22:42
Laneybryce: It all seems removed (that uninstallation script is nowhere to be found though)23:16
bryceLaney: ok, and after rebooting is the issue still present?23:17
Laneybryce: With the metacity compositor off it's mostly fine23:17
Laneymoving/resizing windows is much better23:17
Laneybut scrolling in applications seems pretty sluggish still23:18
bryceLaney: lspci | grep VGA ?23:21
Laney01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X1950 GT23:21
brycehmm, that's a r58023:22
brycein theory that should be well supported by -ati, however the support is relatively new so there could still be bugs23:23
bryceLaney: is there anything of interesting note in your Xorg.0.log?  In particular look to see if you're using XAA or EXA acceleration23:23
brycealso if you're using EXA, test if XAA makes a difference (or vice versa)23:24
brycebeyond that, please file a bug via `ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-ati` and we can follow up on launchpad.23:24
Laney(II) RADEON(0): XAA Render acceleration unsupported on Radeon 9500/9700 and newer. Please use EXA instead.23:29
Laney(II) RADEON(0): Using XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA)23:29
Laneyis that normal?23:29
Laneynot supported, using it anyway :(23:29
Laneylooks like I should wait for 6.1223:57

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