
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
=== Sancas_ is now known as sancas
avutonI'm running in a 256M environment, would xubuntu take less memory then ubuntu (which seems to tap at the sight of my ram)00:37
charlie-tcaavuton: yes00:44
charlie-tcaIf you use the Xubuntu packages00:45
avutoncharlie-tca: then it will take significantly less ram?00:45
charlie-tcaIf you chose to install open-office.org and other resource grabbers, it won00:45
avutonOK, I'll give it a shot then00:46
charlie-tcaI don't know how significant, but it is less.00:46
[AfZ]TomServo1so how long do i have to lurk before i can ask questions here01:16
zoredacheyou can ask them immediatly, and if someone knows the answer, and they are awake they may answer01:17
[AfZ]TomServo1awesome ;)01:17
[AfZ]TomServo1i need to figure out how to install my proprietary graphics driver, or at least how to roll back to the one i know works in case01:19
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:20
[AfZ]TomServo1and i have an intel 82845G onboard vid chip01:20
[AfZ]TomServo1thanks for the link, though01:23
rollthediceFor some reason during Xubuntu installation the installer hangs and crashes when starting the Partition editor, anyone experience this??02:04
rollthedice8.10 / 8.04 both CD's and alternate disk installation.02:05
charlie-tcaDo the cd's pass integrity checks02:06
charlie-tcaVery strange, but I think there is a bug on it. If not, please file one, but make to give what your hardware is.02:07
rollthediceIt is an old computer, I assume it is an issue with my harddrive02:07
charlie-tcaI had it happen with cd-rw's before, but not with cd-r's02:07
charlie-tcaCould be a bad hard drive, too.02:08
rollthediceWhen I start xubuntu in live CD mode, I can start the partition editor though.02:08
rollthediceIt just fails on the install.02:08
charlie-tcaYeah, it formats the disk during the install, after collecting the information02:08
rollthediceI assumed it would allow you to select the partition to format.02:09
rollthediceIt just crashes before Checking Disk.02:09
charlie-tcaOh, yeah. It is also determined to have 80 pin IDE cables02:09
rollthediceIs there a way to work around that?02:09
charlie-tcaIf you have 40 wire cables, it will crash02:09
rollthediceThat could be a possibility.02:09
charlie-tcaNew drive cables. ATA-133, I think they sometimes call them. the 80-wire cables02:10
rollthediceShould be compatible with my current hardware02:10
charlie-tcaThe end on the motherboard is normally blue. They are compatible with all the hardware except extremely old systems. Like the mid-90's or earlier won't work with them02:11
charlie-tcaI have only come across one P2 motherboard that would not accept them02:12
rollthedicenice, could be a cheap fix02:12
charlie-tcayes, if that is it. It makes it look like the hard drive is dead.02:13
rollthediceRather not spend a lot of money on a 10 year old computer02:13
charlie-tcaYou could try 7.10 and see if it works. It doesn't require the new cables.02:13
rollthediceI'm on it02:13
charlie-tca8.04 and 8.10 both insisted on them, and they have to be connected correctly. The long end on the motherboard.02:14
charlie-tcaEven 80-wire cables fail, if they are not connected correct.02:14
rollthediceI'll try 7.10 first.02:15
charlie-tcaIt will rule out the hard drive, at least.02:15
rollthediceAre the updates from 8.10 and 7.10 that noticable?02:15
rollthediceEr 7.10 and 8.1002:16
rollthediceIf it is I might just try a different OS.02:16
charlie-tcayes. I think so. 8.10 has better wireless networking, easier configurations.02:16
charlie-tcaThe cable thing is the linux kernel. All distrobutions ran into it.02:17
charlie-tcaI think it was found by redhat originally, but I am not sure.02:17
=== Sancas_ is now known as sancas
rollthediceWell anything is better than XP S102:18
charlie-tcaWell, yeah.02:18
charlie-tcaIf 7.10 worked, you would know to get the new cables, right?02:19
rollthediceIt would rule out the HD02:19
rollthediceI'd just slap new cables on and allow it to update02:19
rollthediceIf not, a cheap HD might be in order02:20
rollthediceI might have one laying aroundd02:20
charlie-tcayeah, that too.02:20
[AfZ]TomServo1what cmd do i use to find what video driver is currently being used by my vid card02:27
[AfZ]TomServo1i tried the online docs already02:27
charlie-tcalspci -vv02:27
rollthediceThanks for the help charlie, have a good evening.02:31
[AfZ]TomServo1well, maybe i should ask if i'm right before i try to change my video driver02:34
[AfZ]TomServo1will the proprietary drivers run the video more efficiently than the prepackaged ones02:35
[AfZ]TomServo1i mean, in general02:36
charlie-tcait's Intel?02:37
charlie-tcaTo the best of my knowledge, they are equal for Intel video02:38
charlie-tcaSorry. I don't think that was what you wanted.02:39
[AfZ]TomServo1well not really, but i don't want to try something that could destroy my installation if i don't have to02:40
charlie-tcaUnless it is some of the latest stuff, it won't make much difference02:41
[AfZ]TomServo1it isn't, heh02:42
[AfZ]TomServo1but even so, i don't think my graphics should be running as slow as they are02:43
charlie-tca8.04 or 8.10?02:43
charlie-tcaThat seems to be one of the drawbacks to 8.10. I have heard that a lot.02:44
charlie-tcaWe're hoping Jaunty fixes whatever it is.02:44
[AfZ]TomServo1i hope so too02:45
[AfZ]TomServo1well thanks for your help02:47
charlie-tcagood luck02:49
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
whabooguys i need some help .. in xubuntu how do i change screen resolution? its not under settings04:47
MoodSettings->Settings Manager->Display04:50
whabooMood okay what if i have an external monitor?04:51
whaboohow can i see both under settings?04:51
Mooddefine "external monitor"04:51
whabooi have a laptop connected on an external monitor04:51
Moodso you have two monitors?04:52
whabooits on a 19 inch screen04:52
whaboono im only using the 19 inch screen not the laptop's monitor04:52
Moodand changing the Desktop resolution under Settings Manager doesn't do it?04:53
whaboono it only gives me 800x60004:53
Moodwhat's your max resolution of your 19 inch?04:53
whaboomy video card is recognised04:53
whaboo1600x1200 i think04:54
whaboonot sure04:54
whabooi know u can do it through the terminal somehow04:54
whabooit used to work under pclinuxos and mint04:54
Moodi only use one monitor myself04:55
Moodbut looks like some people have different levels of luck w/ different solutions:04:55
Moodseems dependent on video card04:56
whaboowell its a laptop .. but the laptop's screen is broken so i have a 19 inch monitor connected04:56
whaboosomehow it only sees the laptop's resolution04:57
whaboolaptop's screen resolution04:57
Moodyeah it seems from the online chatter that x/k/ubuntu have issues w/ dual monitors... goto that link i sent ya and start there04:57
rollthediceAnyone around?06:22
Sw3RvEyea but im not an expert.06:23
Sw3RvEroll do you need help with something?06:31
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
rollthediceAh sorry, I was wondering why Xubuntu would fail installation when the partitioning part came around; yet when I run Wubi it installs fine.06:43
rollthediceAnd I was wondering if there is any disadvantage to running a dual boot(Wubi) compared to regular installation.06:44
Sw3RvEi cant help you with that. im sure someone here or in #ubuntu could help you with that.06:44
rollthediceYou have no experience with Wubi?06:45
Sw3RvEi dont even know what it is. lol06:45
Sw3RvEi have dual boot with XP/Xubuntu using GRUB and it works fine.06:45
rollthediceAh, well i assume the only disadvantage to dual-booting is a loss of HD space06:46
rollthediceOf which I have no concern since I have externals.06:46
Sw3RvEwell yea of course06:46
Sw3RvEyea same here i dont keep a lot of things that i need on the computers drive.06:46
Sw3RvEi need a new external my 120gb is full06:46
rollthediceYeah, they are super cheap now06:48
rollthediceOnly problem is that the 250s are about 10 bucks cheaper than the 1TB's06:48
Sw3RvEi need a job so i can finish buying the rest of the parts for my new pc.06:48
rollthediceYou get laid off or you schooling?06:49
Sw3RvEi still need: ram, cpu fan, motherboard, and a video card06:49
Sw3RvEi got fired and im in school now06:49
Sw3RvEi was making good money but i hated the job06:49
rollthediceService Industry is booming now, I'd become a bartender.06:49
rollthediceI make around 56g a year and have a LOT of free time.06:50
rollthediceThanks for the help.06:50
Sw3RvEquiet here tonight06:56
zoredachea little too quite...06:56
Sw3RvEzored brad is having trouble with his desktop06:57
Sw3RvEwhen he enabled xfce to manage his desktop his menu and icons went crazy.06:58
Brad450something is wrong with XFCE can i like reset it or something??06:59
Sw3RvEzoredache you there?07:00
Brad450my icons keep vanishing with any input. if i right click anyware on the desktop gone. if i try and start it gone. i already had ¨places¨ disapear i dont know how to bring it back? can somone please help me07:03
Brad450my icons keep vanishing with any input. if i right click anyware on the desktop gone. if i try and start it gone. i already had ¨places¨ disapear i dont know how to bring it back? can somone please help me07:10
landwhat's this place?07:13
zoredacheI know nothing...07:15
zoredache!hi | land07:15
ubottuland: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!07:15
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels07:15
* land says hi zoredache, ubottu07:16
landguys, i need some help07:16
zoredacheask a question, if someone knows they answer, they might just anser you07:18
landi'm on Mint; i'm havin' a hard time activating proprietary driver for my ATI graphics07:18
Brad450Xfce keeps fucking with my desktop icons they keep vanashing with a click. evertime this happens i need to go into desktop settings and un check and re check allow Xfce to manage desktop07:18
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:20
rinovanhi all12:15
rinovanwhere is xorg.conf xubuntu 8.1012:15
Reno`what do you want make with xorg.conf12:23
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=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
rinovanI do X -configure12:45
AngolaresI have a problem with compilation libraries:   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/122363/12:45
Angolaresthats only happen at Xubuntu, i dont have this problem on ubuntu12:46
Angolaresany idea?12:46
MyrttiI suppose the version of hylafax you're trying to compile has some very distinct differences to the one that can be installed with the package manager12:51
AngolaresIf i try with another older it could be better?12:53
MyrttiAngolares: why are you trying to compile it?12:53
Myrtti!info hylafax-client12:54
ubottuhylafax-client (source: hylafax): Flexible client/server fax software - client utilities. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:4.4.4-7 (intrepid), package size 367 kB, installed size 964 kB12:54
Myrtti!info hylafax-server12:54
ubottuhylafax-server (source: hylafax): Flexible client/server fax software - server daemons. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:4.4.4-7 (intrepid), package size 868 kB, installed size 3440 kB12:54
Angolaresbeacuse i only have the source12:55
Myrttiso why don't you install it with the package manager so you'd have the binaries?12:55
Myrttiyou don't need to compile it12:56
Angolareswhere can i find it?12:56
Angolaresthe binaries?12:56
Myrttiin synaptic, search for hylafax12:56
Angolaresok, i found it12:56
Angolaresi tried and the OS said that could not find hylafax-doc12:58
AngolaresHylafax is installed13:18
Angolaresyou know hylafax?13:19
MyrttiI've used a fax machine about twenty years ago13:19
Angolaresi have one how to of suse and hylafax... but i think is not the same13:19
Angolaresi write faxsetup and not really runs setup13:20
sebanioDid anyone ever get OpenArena running in Xubuntu? It just doesn't start for me, any ideas?13:27
viddhello cybernaut16:07
cybernauthello, this is english-speaking, ok16:07
cybernautdoes anybody know if it exists for xfce: i am looking for something wich shows me when a cd is inserted and offers me the possibility to eject the cd within xfce16:08
viddyou mean "the drive shows up on the desktop"?16:08
SiDiWhen you put your CD in the drive, it should popup in Thunar's mounted devices list, and if you right click it, you should get the "Eject" option16:08
SiDiHe "ejected" himself :p16:08
SiDiWhen you put your CD in the drive, it should popup in Thunar's mounted devices list, and if you right click it, you should get the "Eject" option16:09
charlie-tcaSiDi: I think that was broke in Hardy, wasn't it?16:10
SiDiDon't know, i never used Xubuntu Hardy16:11
osde8infoare you starting xfce from gdm or startx ?16:11
cybernautSiDi: thank you, so thunar is the solution16:11
cybernautvidd: the drive should show on desktop, i wish :16:11
cybernautbtw, i am  using intrepid16:12
cybernautwhich windowmanager do you use ?16:13
viddcybernaut, it used to do that...but that functionality has dropped16:13
cybernautdropped ? hmm sounds strange16:13
* vidd uses slim on some machines and gdm on others16:13
cybernautslim sounds interesting, never heard of16:14
osde8infowith ootb xubu 8.04 xfce 4 and thunar 0.9.0 cd has popped up on desktop and a window of files16:14
SiDicybernaut: you can use nautilus's desktop at worse (i feel someone's gonna slap me for this)16:14
SiDifeel like *16:14
vidd*slap* SiDi16:15
cybernautso you think xfce is not the worst :)16:15
SiDiDoes thunar/Xfce use the gconf settings for displaying volumes on the desktop ?16:15
* vidd actually prefers openbox/slim combo over xfce/gdm16:15
charlie-tcacybernaut: We do show the cd drive in Jaunty. Also, putting in a cd makes it show up on desktop16:18
cybernautHi charlie-tca, jaunty is a new information for me. i will check it out. thank yo16:20
viddcybernaut, jaunty is the next release....still in testing...due out in april16:20
cybernautjaunty is post intrepid. wow16:22
cybernautand jaunty with xfce has new options you mean16:22
SiDibtw, when will xubuntu come with its own human-based theme ? :O16:24
viddive heard that ubuntu is leaving dirt-brown behind in 9.1016:25
charlie-tcaWhy would we?16:25
SiDiBecause it'd look better after a fresh install, charlie-tca :p16:28
SiDii don't like xfce's default xfwm :(16:28
cybernautthank you for your infos16:42
brandonban6i like xfce's default theme....I think it's sharp. Each to their own I suppose.17:13
* wormsxulla likes the rat17:14
cybernautits a rat ? i thougt it is a mouse17:18
wormsxulla:) i prefer to think of it as a rat (black rat for me)17:19
charlie-tcaI thought it was a mouse, too17:19
* wormsxulla sulks17:20
charlie-tcait could be a rat, maybe?17:20
* wormsxulla smiles17:20
charlie-tca(for somebody)17:21
viddits a mouse....17:24
wormsxullayou guys are destroying my dreams17:25
viddthe rat's tail is proportinally larger compared to the body17:25
knomewormsxulla, your dreams are faulty. come up with replacement ones.17:29
wormsxullathat's my wallpaper, you can see it's a big RAT :p17:32
charlie-tcalooks like a mouse to me...17:33
charlie-tcaAll the rats I have seen are definitely different17:33
wormsxullai actually can't really tell the difference, it's a matter of perspective17:34
viddwormsxulla, you see a rat, you will be able to tell =]17:35
* charlie-tca nods17:35
crazygirwhich vm application (vmware/virtualbox) runs nicely on xubuntu?17:47
charlie-tcais the one I use17:48
_Pete_vmware server runs/installs nicely on my xubuntu17:48
_Pete_and also have virtualbox17:49
zoredache_Pete_: v1, or v2?17:49
crazygir_Pete_: would you suggest one over the other?17:49
_Pete_zoredache: v217:49
_Pete_crazygir: it depends how you like to use those17:50
crazygirI've really only used vmware, but having watched a friend bang his head through vmware/ubuntu, I'm starting to wonder17:50
zoredache_Pete_: did you have to do something special to get the firefox-plugin for the console to work?17:50
glitsj16is there a way to get xfce 4.6 (rc1) into Xubuntu using a dpkg repository ?17:50
_Pete_zoredache: no17:50
crazygirtrying to install vb returns an error, any way to find out what the actual error was?17:51
zoredachepersonally I prefer vmware over virtual box, but then I have a farm of 15 ESX servers, so I have a bit of a bias towards building vms compatible with the rest of our infrastucture.17:51
crazygiryou sure do :)17:52
charlie-tcaglitsj16: it is in jaunty17:52
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/17:52
_Pete_one thing that prevents me to use virtualbox is it's missing ability to run vm's in background which can be done with wmware workstation and server17:53
crazygirwhat do you mean by background?17:53
crazygirwithout the console up?17:53
glitsj16charlie-tca: thanks, i was specifically looking to see if the recent xfdesktop is able to present the right-click menu when compiz wallpaper plugin renders wallpapers on all workspaces17:53
_Pete_crazygir: yes17:53
crazygirin this case that's ok17:54
crazygirbut yea, I see why that would be frustrating17:54
crazygirwhy does the package manager complain about errors but not *give* you the errors?17:54
zoredachecrazygir: because errors frightten some people? So they hid them?17:55
crazygirzoredache: hiding is fine, but no "click here for more info" ?17:55
crazygirthat's completely unacceptable17:55
crazygirsure, dumb down the system, that's fine, but don't limit the people who might know how to fix something17:56
crazygiror be able to figure it out17:56
crazygir*enable* the user17:56
crazygirzoredache: how would you find out what the package manager b0rked on?17:56
zoredachethere is always the terminal if you want the nitty-gritty details17:56
crazygirthat'd be nice if I knew how to use the package manager in the terminal :P17:57
crazygirguess I'll have to figure that one out17:57
zoredacheah, to install a package you use a command like 'apt-get install packagename'17:57
crazygirstill seems unacceptably lame not to at least give you a way to get the error17:57
zoredacheto update the package definitions do a 'apt-get update'17:58
zoredacheto apply updates do a 'apt-get dist-upgrade'17:58
zoredacheput an sudo in front of all of those if you aren't  already in a root shell17:58
crazygirto search?17:58
zoredacheapt-cache search pattern17:58
crazygirah apt-cache17:58
crazygirsilly linux17:58
zoredacheor just look on packages.ubuntu.com17:59
* crazygir nods17:59
crazygirthanks zoredache17:59
crazygirHAH, so it works with apt-get18:00
crazygirsilly silly silly18:00
crazygirI guess the gui package manager didn't like figuring out dependencies and installing them18:00
zoredachemaybe, it usually works mostly ok, but then I almost never actually use it18:02
crazygirquestion.. I'm using xubuntu at work cause it is (hopefully) simple and usable, and windows drives me insane. When I reinstall my own unix systems, I simply backup/restore /etc and /home to get my settings back. Is this as simple/straightforward in xubuntu?18:03
cody-somervillecrazygir, yup18:03
crazygir(ie, could I simply backup/restore /etc and /home?)18:03
zoredachecrazygir: there are some things under /var you would want to backup too maybe.18:04
cody-somervillethere shouldn't be18:04
crazygirwhich apps/services?18:04
zoredacheI for example really like knowing the list of packages installed which is found int /var18:05
crazygirthe idea is to be able to get back up and running after a wipe/install/upgrade as simply and quickly as possible18:05
crazygirzoredache: good to know :)18:05
zoredacheif you are running a web server or database server your data would be in /var/www or /var/lib/mysql18:08
crazygirthat's not config though18:08
zoredacheno, but it is data.  That is the type of thing you would want to backup/restore if you do a full system wipe18:09
Angolarescould someone help me?? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/122496/18:10
zoredacheAngolares: try doing an 'apt-get install build-essential'18:11
crazygirI created a new partition and want to modify fstab to mount this, how do I determine what the UUID should be?18:11
zoredachethe command  vol_id /dev/name would work18:12
zoredacheyou could also just put the device name into your fstab instead of the UUID18:12
Angolaresi did it18:12
Angolaresbut always the same message18:12
crazygircool cool18:13
zoredacheAngolares: just out of curiosity, is there some reasy why are you trying to compile it instead of using the version from the repositories?18:13
zoredacheAngolares: apt-get install hylafax-server hylafax-client18:14
Angolaresi did it too apt-get... but one part of that have an error and do not install faxgetty, and after that they said that the solutio is do a new compile ...18:16
m4rkhi there! where can I get a fresh sources.list for my 7.10 xubuntu install?18:18
Grraio/ !18:19
zoredacheI see, you might try doing an apt-get build-dep hylafax-server hylafax-client and then an apt-get source hylafax and rebuilding from that18:19
Angolaresok, iḿ gonna trty18:20
zoredachem4rk: did you delete the old one, or what?  If you are just needed the standard repositories then you should be able to copy a source.list for a current and replace the release name with fiesty or whatever 7.10 was18:20
m4rkzoredache: my old one is funted18:21
m4rkI messed it up. I just want a new one with standard repositories18:22
Angolaresno, I think the problem is that the repositories is not saving at the correct place18:22
charlie-tcam4rk: I will get one and pastebin it for you.18:22
m4rkcharlie-tca: thanks :-)18:22
GrraiI am about to install nvidia's driver for Geforce 9series, and I am recommended to set default run level so that system boots to vga-console. how do I do that? I know how to stop x, but not how not to boot to x... edit bootoptions in grublist?18:23
charlie-tcam4rk: 386 or amd64?18:23
zoredachecharlie-tca: does your sources.list have the architecure listed in it?18:25
charlie-tcaIt should; let me bring it up and see18:25
charlie-tcabringing up 7.10 now18:26
charlie-tcazoredache: Only for the cd18:27
AngolaresSerial port that modem is connected to [ttyS0]?   How can I know where is my modem conected to?18:27
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:28
Angolaresare u talking to me?18:28
Angolaresahh, ok18:29
zoredacheAngolares: gernerallyIf I don't know, generally, I just have to start guessing numbers it is usually something like /dev/ttyS?18:29
Angolaresbut there are a lot of ttyS18:29
zoredacheit might be easier to find if you install minicom.18:29
charlie-tcam4rk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122502/18:30
zoredachereally, on my system there are only 418:30
charlie-tcaGrrai: use recovery mode from the Grub menu; select root session18:31
whabois there a way to get more than 800x600 resolution? on a 19 inch monitor connected to a laptop? help anyone?18:32
Grraiah right, thanks charlie-tca18:34
charlie-tcawhabo: try booting to recovery mode with it connected, select XFix from the menu.18:35
whabook thank you18:36
charlie-tcaIf it doesn't work, let us know18:36
tempuserTrying to get printing work by HP Laserjet 3100.18:37
Trijntjedriver manager doesnt accept the sudo password. Any ideas whats wrong?18:38
tempuserCould I apply this: http://www.kivela.net/jaska/projects/lj3100/18:38
Angolarescould someone tell me if found what port is conected to the modem??  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/122504/18:39
tempuserI suppose I should downgrade ghostscript and find some alternative to printtool at least.18:39
m4rkcharlie-tca: thanks for that mate. just about to eat my dinner, I will let you know how I go though!18:39
m4rkzoredache: thanks also :)18:39
charlie-tcaYou may need to login as the original user when Xubuntu was installed and use that password.18:40
charlie-tcaTrijntje: ^ ^ ^18:40
tempuserPrinting does not work in Xubuntu 8.10: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip/+bug/33218818:40
TrijntjeThats is what i do. I can use the password to do sudo apt-get install foo, but not to acces driver management18:41
charlie-tcatempuser: That pretty well says it. Did you got to the answers link given?18:41
charlie-tcaWhat version, Trijntje18:42
whaboguys i tried xfix no luck18:43
whabojust that as im using an external monitor its just letting me use the max resolution on 800x60018:44
Trijntjecharlie-tca: I have just installed kubuntu 8.04 while keeping the home directory from ubuntu 8.0418:44
Pres-GasWow, there are just too many people in #ubuntu18:45
* Pres-Gas wonders how questons get answered in there with so many people.18:45
charlie-tcaTrijntje: that may be the problem. The config files might be fighting each other, I don't know.18:45
Trijntjecharlie-tca: that is too bad, i thought it was quite possible to do that sort of thing with linux18:46
nikolamok :) My girfriend is coming this evening18:47
nikolamAnd i can`t see external USB disk with movies18:47
nikolamIt worked just hour ago and I umounted it and turned off18:47
TheSheepnikolam: does lsusb show it?18:47
nikolamNow I can`t see it in Xubuntu18:47
charlie-tcaTrijntje: most things are possible. Sometimes though, it doesn´t quite work18:47
nikolamlsusb showed just the hub and mouse18:48
TheSheepnikolam: check the cable then18:48
charlie-tcaTrijntje: that would be something to file a bug on, though18:48
nikolamAnd after re-connecting hub,  lsusb get stuck for few minutes18:48
nikolamand now it displays the same. no hub, no disk18:48
nikolambut i have partition`s icons on desktop18:49
Trijntjecharlie-tca: i just tried again and i get a different 'password required' windows (without the option to remember) and it works now18:49
zoredachedo you have enough ports to connect it directly without the hub?18:49
nikolameven after it is disconnected18:49
Trijntjeits magic..18:49
TheSheepnikolam: what dmesg | tail  says?18:49
nikolami have just a sec18:49
TheSheepnikolam: use a pastebin18:49
nikolami think that dmesg | tail is useless because it is full of ppp0 output18:51
nikolamstill no device on usb18:52
nikolami mostly can connect usb disk on machine only once per boot18:52
zoredachedo you properly unmount it before you disconnect it?18:53
nikolamit is 690g amd motherboard with sb600 south bridge18:53
nikolamyes i use panel applet, desktop umount, thunar umount and nothing18:53
whabocan anyone please help me .. i cant get a higher resolution than 800x600 :S i am using a laptop with an external monitor ... (19 inch wide) i really want a higher resolution i can't see anything TOO big. help18:53
nikolamonly pcmanfm umount says it can umoumt it18:53
nikolamAnd i umount it with sudo18:53
nikolamwhabo, lspci to find out what graphics chip you use. Also check maximal resolution for external monitor in nbook specifications. What is model?18:54
nikolamI am on 64-bit hardy18:55
whabook i will 1 sec18:56
tempusercharlie-tca: Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by getting the answers link given.18:56
charlie-tcatempuser: from the bug report: There is more information in https://answers.launchpad.net/hplip/+question/54810 (Read especially my comments.)18:57
charlie-tcaDid you read the question and answers?18:57
whaboyep its an ATI  and the max resolution is Resolution: 1,680x105018:59
tempusercharlie-tca: Yes. I actually made the bug report.19:00
nikolamwhabo, what ati19:01
charlie-tcatempuser: I see19:01
whaboATI 340 M19:01
whaboits intergrated laptop graphics card19:02
TheSheepnikolam: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=16499619:02
tempuserhttp://www.kivela.net/jaska/projects/lj3100/ I got from the answers page.19:02
=== Grrai is now known as Ghrr|ost
nikolamwhabo, it is RS200 chip http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_ATI_chipsets19:03
charlie-tcatempuser: Didn't look to me like the lj3100 is really gonna work in Ubuntu19:03
whaboyes it is that19:04
TheSheepnikolam: also http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18880219:04
whabothast what the lspci told me19:04
whaboRS200/RS200m chip19:04
nikolamTheSheep, great, maybe i will set it on internal drive in that external case. but i think it foes the same for usb memory flash drives, nevermind, i will reboot for now..19:05
nikolamwhabo, it seems that open source driver is best for that chip19:06
whabofglrx << should i try this one?19:06
whaboit says its for media accelerator drivers19:06
nikolamwhabo, see #radeon, #radeonhd19:06
TheSheepnikolam: it's generally a hardware error, check the cable, the hub, the jumpers, etc.19:07
nikolami don`t think you should try it19:07
whabonikolam i am only getting 800x600 resolution19:07
nikolamTheSheep, ok, i think that is something about usb sontroller support on sb600 south bridge19:07
nikolamwhabo, try to install radeon driver19:08
whabook thank you19:08
nikolamTheSheep, i found it : 690g/sb600 with usb: http://groups.google.com/group/x1250/browse_thread/thread/89b59d62236488e8?hide_quotes=no#msg_d7fee782ac1f720119:14
nikolamTheSheep, http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=120782765829450&w=219:15
nikolamno luck for me, seems that it is fixed in 2.6.25+19:15
TheSheepnikolam: I bet iot's the cable, 99% of the time it is the cable19:16
=== Ghrr|ost is now known as Grr|oltergeist
nikolamTheSheep, in this case it`s not. on other machine works fine and flash have probs too19:16
nikolamnevermind TheSheep , will reboot19:17
tempusercharlie-tca: maybe so, but could http://www.kivela.net/jaska/projects/lj3100/ applied somehow in ubuntu?19:19
=== Grr|oltergeist is now known as Grrai
Myrttitempuser: Last modified: Sat Sep 27 16:26:16 EET DST 200319:21
whabohow can i switch from XOrg to Xrandr because my log file of XOrg says that Xrandr output would be 1680x1050 > here is my log file thank you guys for everything http://pastebin.com/m5121401c19:22
TheSheepwhabo: you are confused19:23
TheSheepwhabo: xrandr is part of xorg19:23
TheSheepwhabo: see xrandr --help19:23
TrijntjeHi all, i'm trying to get flash working in firefox on a fresh install. I have flashplugin-nonfree installed (via firefoxs ´install missing plugin') but somehow firefox cant use it19:24
tempuserMyrtti: so it was working a long time ago.19:24
Myrttitempuser: what I mean is that I wouldn't blindly go attempting to use that page since it's quite old19:24
TheSheeptempuser: don't use that, install flashplugin-nonfree with synaptic19:25
TheSheeptempuser: sorry19:25
TheSheepTrijntje: that was for you :)19:25
nikolamwhabo did you install radeon driver, also check #radeon and #radeonh channels for support19:26
Trijntjethesheep: I already have that installed, i think firefox did that19:27
viddTrijntje, no... install it via synaptic or it wont install correctly19:28
Trijntjevidd, ok, ill uninstall it first, and then reinstall it19:31
Trijntjevidd, Plugin is not installed: md5 mismatch19:33
Trijntjesays apt-get19:33
Trijntjewell, ill try to fix it some other time, cu later all19:48
likemindeadThe following packages have been kept back:19:48
likemindead  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic19:48
likemindead  linux-restricted-modules-generic lp-solve openoffice.org19:48
likemindead  openoffice.org-base openoffice.org-base-core openoffice.org-calc19:48
likemindead  openoffice.org-common openoffice.org-core openoffice.org-draw19:48
likemindead  openoffice.org-filter-binfilter openoffice.org-impress19:48
likemindead  openoffice.org-math openoffice.org-officebean19:48
likemindead  openoffice.org-style-human openoffice.org-writer python-uno19:48
likemindeadWhy is this?19:48
zoredache!pastebin | likemindead19:49
ubottulikemindead: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:49
likemindeadAnd how do I get them to install?19:49
likemindeadAny help?19:50
zoredachedon't know, whatever it was that you tried to post didn't come through for me19:50
likemindeadAh... one sec.19:50
crazygirlikemindead: use a fscking paste bin service damn it19:51
likemindeadWhy are they being "held back" & how do I rectify?19:52
zoredacheah, I was expecting more detail.  What are you doing, what command did you run that gave you that output?19:52
likemindeadJust a good ol' sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade is all.19:53
zoredacheyou probably want to use 'dist-upgrade'19:53
zoredacheupgrade will not add/remove packages19:53
likemindeadAh. Those are Jaunty packages?19:53
zoredacheif a package depends on something new, then it won't be allowed to be upgraded19:53
likemindeadOh. So this is normal for 8.10 users?19:54
zoredachelikemindead: I don't know, are they?  Are you pointed at jaunty in your sources.list?19:54
likemindeadNegative. Ibex all the way.19:55
zoredacheI don't know if it is normal.  I have mostly been letting the update manager do all that stuff lately19:55
likemindeadYeah, if I run the GUI update mangaer it warns me that I can only do a "partial upgrade" but doesn't say why.19:56
zoredachedo you have backports, or some other unofficial repositories enabled?19:57
zoredacheanyway run the dist-upgrade.  Apt will tell you exactly what it wants to add/remove19:58
likemindeadNo backports. Maybe the Banshee and OOo 3.0 repos.19:58
likemindeadAh. Cool.19:58
likemindeadJust "sudo dist-upgrade" ?19:59
zoredacheapt-get dist-upgrade19:59
zoredachesudo as well, if you aren't in a root shell19:59
likemindeadThanks. Also: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122536/19:59
crazygirhow come some packages are available from apt-get (cli) and not the gui package manager?20:09
Myrtticrazygir: depends on what package manager you use20:10
Myrttigui one, I mean20:10
MyrttiI've noticed that Add/Remove doesn't list them all20:10
Myrttisynaptic has everything, though20:10
zoredachecrazygir: I almost never use the gui except for automatic updates... It sure seems like the same should be avaiable in both though20:11
crazygiryea, add/remove sucks :P20:13
crazygirits searching capability is also rather blah20:13
crazygirI don't quite understand why both are distributed though20:14
crazygirseems like a good place for confusion20:14
Myrttithe other is for beginners, other for intermediate/experts20:17
Sw3RvEwhats that ubuntu and xubuntu?20:17
Myrttino, add/remove and synaptic20:18
Sw3RvEoh they seem to work about the same for me. lol20:19
crazygirSw3RvE: not everything is available in add/remove20:22
* crazygir curses GNU mv20:23
crazygirwhy can't it operate the same as every other unix mv?20:23
* crazygir growls20:23
zoredachewhats does it do differently?20:23
Sw3RvEi wish i could get the internet to work on dsl20:23
tempuserMyrtti: There is newer upload at http://www.linuxprinting.org/download/printing/hplj_3100_3150/ bu the msgs are from year 2000.20:45
charlie-tcazoredache: apt-get, synaptic-package-manger, and add/remove use different databases, as I understand it.20:58
atrox_Could somebody help me with repository indexes failing to download?21:12
cody-somervilleWhat error are you getting?21:13
Sw3RvEis there a way to install a network adapter driver using terminal21:13
atrox_hold on a sec, im just about to pastebin it21:13
atrox_im a new linux user, so still finding my way around the system21:14
atrox_any ideas?21:16
TheSheepatrox_: try a different mirror21:19
whabocan anyone help me with screen resolution21:24
brandonban6what is the issue exactly?21:25
brandonban6whabo,  i meant :)21:25
whaboi want to change my LVDS to VGA-0 permanently . as my laptop screen is broken .. and its only giving me a 1024x768 on a 19 inch wide screen21:25
whaboi can show you my xorg.log21:26
whaboand my xrandr file21:26
whaboit is only giving me what my laptop's screen resolution is on my 19 inch wide screen21:26
brandonban6are you using ati or Nvidia drivers? how are you editing the screen resolution?21:27
whaboi am using an ATI21:27
whaboits a 340 m laptop intergrated chip21:27
whaboi am editing my screen resolution through the settings manager in xubuntu21:28
brandonban6so are you trying to set this with ATIconfig in terminal or through a GUI?21:28
whaboits only giving me what my aptop is capable of21:28
whabohowever i tried xrandr command to shutoff LVDS woked but when i made VGA-0 as auto i lost my menu and icons i couldnt see anything but only the opened window21:29
whabobrandon do you want me to paste bin any logs?21:30
brandonban6i sent you a message whabo21:32
whaboi saw it i sent u 1 back thx21:33
m4rkcharlie-tca: are you still here?21:56
m4rkcool. I am getting connection timeoutes from some of the sources in that sources.list you gave me... us.archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com21:57
m4rkis that just me? some of them seem to work21:58
charlie-tcaThey may just be real busy. You can try removing the us. from them. Then it goes straight to the main server.21:58
m4rkok dokey21:59
charlie-tcaUpdates all over the USA go through us.archive for all versions21:59
m4rkwhat about the security. ones?21:59
charlie-tcaI don't know any other server for them. It's just a very busy server right now.22:00
m4rkokey dokey22:00
m4rkI am in the UK, but I was getting timeouts from UK server also22:00
m4rksounds like we need more mirrors :)22:00
charlie-tcaYeah, as the user base grows, so must the servers22:01
m4rkI got http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/main/debian-installer Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80]22:12
m4rkis this significant?22:13
charlie-tcaYou should not have any feisty sources22:14
charlie-tcaIs that in 8.10?22:14
charlie-tcaFeisty has no more sources, so that should give a 404 error22:15
m4rkI dunno, I got it when running apt-get update using the sorces.list u gave me :(22:15
charlie-tcaNope. There are no Feisty sources in that list22:16
m4rkyeah I see that, I dunno what is going on22:17
zoredachedo you have anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/22:18
m4rkhowever I can now boot to the xfce again, so this is progress22:18
charlie-tcano, not for 7.1022:18
m4rkno, I don't have sources.list.d22:18
* charlie-tca keep my mouth shut. He wasn't talking to me.22:20
m4rkI ran apt-get dist_upgrade which seemed to finish but did not update a bunch of stuff. now I can get into xfce again (it kept dying before) and wicd seems to be working again. The Update Manager is offering me a partial upgrade now22:21
charlie-tcaDid you run an apt-get update first?22:21
m4rkcharlie-tca: yep22:21
charlie-tcaMaybe it could only apply part of the updates, then it needs a restart, then update again22:22
m4rkoh crap, I actually do have a bunch of stuff in sources.list.d22:25
m4rkmedibuntu.list, medibuntu.list.save and prerequisits-sources.list22:25
charlie-tcaThen you need to make sure they get changed from feisty to gutsy22:27
m4rkdo I just change "feisty" to "gutsy" in those files or do I need to get the latest files?22:40
charlie-tcaYes, you should be able to do that.22:41
zoredacheyou can try changing them from fiesty to gutsy.  If it doesn't work, then you'll need to disable/update them22:41
* charlie-tca nods. What zoredache said.22:42
m4rkwell thanks guys. it is "running partial upgrade" with about 1 hours 5 minutes remaining22:55
m4rkI am gonna go and hit the sack now. I'll check it out in the morning. thanks for your help! :)22:55
brandonban6man.....i could sure use some sleep right now........tis only 4:00 in the afternoon though23:08
pteagueseems the 64bit doesn't have support for atom 330 yet :(23:24
charlie-tcaWhat is atom 330?23:24
pteaguefrom intel23:24
pteaguehere's the kernel panic trace i got - http://pastebin.com/m10cd6b0e23:25
pteaguei've tried adding hpet, nohpet, noapic, acpi=off ... i keep getting same trace23:30
charlie-tcaWhat does uname -m give you?23:30
pteaguethe problem is i can't get past the install screen... only thing that successfully works that i've tried is "test memory"... "boot from first hard disk" should probably work as well... but i can't even check cd for defects23:33
pteague& yes, the atom 330 is a 64bit...  so is the atom 23023:33
charlie-tcaOnly thing I could suggest then is install the 32bit version23:33
charlie-tcaIt will work.23:34
rockowhy is xubuntu so buggy ?23:57
charlie-tcaYou will have to expand greatly on that one.23:58

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