
=== ja1 is now known as jam
jelmerjam, where does subvertpy live on Windows?00:04
jelmerigc: btw, it would still be nice to see your RevisionImporter class land00:06
ronnyjelmer: basically i'd have to store blobs, then generate the tress - and finish with the commit00:07
jelmerronny, yeah, that's very well possible00:08
dirkDjames_w: i don't understand why it still keeps looking for "/usr/lib/libpython2.4.so", even if i set 'PYTHON_LIBS = -L/usr/lib64 -lpython2.4' and 'PYTHON_LIB_LOC = /usr/lib'00:08
ronnyjelmer: bascially i want to write up a client/server that can start a content-addressed repo for backups, and then send added/removed files00:09
james_wdirkD: no idea00:09
ronnyi think git is an almost ideal store for incremental backup00:09
lifelessigc: cool00:12
jelmerronny, yeah, I agree it seems quite well suited for something like that00:13
lifelessronny: seen duplicity?00:13
ronnylifeless: yes, dont like it00:15
=== montywi is now known as montywi|zzz
dirkDjelmer, james_w: i had to change PYTHON_LIB_LOC and PYTHON_LIBS not only in ./Makefile, but also in ./src/Makefile . But it doesn't work yet: http://pastebin.com/m9691f8400:17
igcjelmer: I haven't forgotten about that, though its now a bit more than just revision loading because I needed a thin veneer over a repository and that become it00:17
jelmerigc: I might also have a look at preparing it for bzr.dev after finishing InterBranch, if that's ok with you?00:19
james_wdirkD: maybe because you are using nautilus-python that is meant for the new API00:20
dirkDok, but isn't it related to libnautilus-extension?00:20
poolieigc, thanks <https://wiki.canonical.com/Bazaar/Sprints/Brisbane09?action=diff&amp;rev1=13&amp;rev2=14>00:22
dirkDjames_w: i think i have the right version00:25
dirkDjames_w: http://pastebin.com/m16eae94d00:25
spivjml: btw, the probable fix for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/331823 has landed, please let us know how it works out for you00:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 331823 in bzr "Pushing an update of a stacked branch to Launchpad sometimes takes nearly an hour" [Critical,New]00:27
james_wdirkD: I'm not really sure what's going on, and it's far too late for me00:27
dirkDfor me too :P (1:27)00:27
dirkDfor jelmer too00:27
jmlspiv: thanks. I'm running the nightly build, so it'll be easiest to tell when that updates.00:28
igcjelmer: sure. Make sure you grab the latest fastimport - revision_store.py is the latest code00:28
jmlOr I guess I can just pull dev and push up an LP branch00:29
lifelessjml: bug 331823 fix hath landed00:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331823 in bzr "Pushing an update of a stacked branch to Launchpad sometimes takes nearly an hour" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33182300:31
spivlifeless: you're four minutes behind the times!00:32
lifelessspiv: heh00:32
jmlwhat revno?00:34
spivjml: 4043 pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com-20090225000405-09p33ue22l4h19yk00:34
lifelessigc: great work vis-a-vis emacs00:36
jmlhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/122611/ that's r4041 on initial push -- that hasn't happened before00:36
lifelessspiv: my sink fix is merging now00:36
jmlas in, this bit hasn't happened: "Source format does not support stacking, using format: '1.6'00:36
jml  Packs 5 (adds stacking support, requires bzr 1.6)"00:36
igcthanks lifeless00:37
jamjelmer: subvertpy the python files lives inside 'library.zip' with all the other python files. The '.dlls' are in lib/*, IIRC00:37
lifelessjml: what is your source branch format?00:37
jmllifeless: source branch == the branch I'm pushing?00:37
lifelessjml: I hope00:37
jml        branch: Branch format 700:38
lifelessjml: please file a bug00:40
jmllifeless, spiv: the critical bug is fixed. pushing up a single revision change took only "HPSS calls: 274" and "136.763  return code 0"00:43
lifelessjml: 'ugh'00:43
lifelessjml: you might like to try a copy of bzr.dev on the server too00:44
jmllifeless: haha00:44
jmllifeless: the server in this case is Launchpad.00:44
lifelessjml: I know00:44
jelmerjam: Thanks00:44
jelmerigc: thanks, will do00:45
jmllifeless: anyway, two minutes for a single revision sucks, but it was what 1.12 was doing, so the regression is gone.00:45
lifelessjml: Im serious though, I posted details on using a bzr.dev on e.g. people yourself00:45
lifelessjml: be great to know if you get the sort of improvements we're seeing in our testing00:47
jmllifeless: yeah, well I'm not going to install bzr.dev onto Launchpad this week00:48
jmllifeless: I can try setting up a toy server to experiment with later.00:49
lifelessjml: some checkout bzr into your homedir on people :P, if you havetime00:49
ronnycan someone point me to docs for conviently using the apis to do things like pull/push/branch00:51
lifelessronny: I don't think we've got great docs for that. To reproduce exactly the UI I'd go to builtins.py cmd_pull|push|branch00:53
lifelessronny: but generally you can just do branch.push(other_branch), branch.pull(other_branch), and branch.sprout(new_url)00:53
ronnylifeless: the ui thing seems to do a toon of things more (like handling stacking)00:56
lifelessronny: yeah; so big picture I want to put a layer of ui-but-not-cli into bzr, but its not there yet; things like push.py are heading in that direction00:57
dirkDjames_w, jelmer: thanks a lot, it works!00:57
dirkDand goodnight00:58
lifelessronny: the push UI specifically handles 'need a new branch' 'target dir is missing' 'explicitly stack' and a couple more01:00
ronnyi think i want to avoid replicating that in anyvc01:01
lifelessyou could use show_push_branch01:01
ronnyyeah, less to replicate01:02
lifelessyay, sink refactoring landed01:16
poolielifeless: dude, put your stuff on the wiki so that maria can book our hotel plesae01:18
lifelesspoolie: sure think01:19
lifelesspoolie: didn't realise it was blocked, I've put the core details on01:22
lifelesspoolie: I'll dig up the itinery thing and get exact flights soon01:22
poolieflights wbn, but dates are of course necessary to make the booking01:23
lifelessI had no idea it was blocked, I've known dates for ages (since I told you I'd booked)01:23
jelmerWhen I add tests for InterBranch.update_revisions(), should I remove the old tests (except for a trivial one) for Branch.update_revisions(source, ...)01:27
pooliejelmer: probably yes01:28
pooliemaybe just a test that it's finding the interoject that you expect01:28
* igc lunch01:29
igc(probably a long one - back later)01:30
grettkeHi folks. Question for you. I've got a bzr repo and I would like to keep a svn repo in sync with the bzr repo. How would you go about doing that? Is there a standard approach?01:44
lifelessinstall bzr-svn01:45
grettkelifeless: done01:45
lifelessif you want to go svn->bzr use bzr svn-import or even just bzr branch svn://path/to/branch (and then bzr pull to incrementally update)01:45
lifelessfor the other way, its bzr push01:45
grettkelifeless: When I push, it complains that: bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  Try using "merge" and then "push".01:46
grettkeI do just want to branch as I am primarily sharing out to svn in this case, bzr is the master.01:47
lifelessgrettke: try push --overwrite01:47
lifelessjelmer: ^01:47
grettkelifeless: Entered. It is working.01:48
grettkelifeless: I mean "running".01:48
Peng_Um, I'd do "bzr missing" to help figure out why it thinks they're diverged.01:50
jelmergrettke, are you pushing a new branch?01:50
grettkejelmer, It is "new" in that I just created it and there is nothing in it. I created it via svn mkdir before pushing.01:51
Peng_With a new enough bzr-svn, you don't need to do that.01:51
grettkeI've got 1.12.101:51
grettkePeng_: Understood. I shouldn't have had to.01:52
lifelessgrettke: the svn mkdir is what made the branch history different01:53
mwhudsondoes anyone here have access to IE?01:54
grettkelifeless: I see. From here forward, I can just push right to it?01:54
lifelessgrettke: yes01:54
grettkemwhudson: Internet Explorer?01:54
grettkemwhudson: yes01:55
mwhudsongrettke: have you used loggerhead before?01:55
grettkejelmer: I can't find a subvertpy directory in the Windows installation01:55
grettkemwhudson: no01:55
jelmergrettke, I've just replied to the bugreport after asking jam01:55
mwhudsonin any case, if you could look at http://bazaar.staging.launchpad.net/%7Eabentley/bzrtools/bzrtools.dev/changes and see if it looks ok and the js behaves that would be awesome :)01:55
jelmergrettke, it's in a zip file in the lib directory01:56
grettkejelmer, oh I see you posted, agreed!01:56
grettkemwhudson: is a change in the UI supposed to occur after clicking on the downward facing arrow icons?01:57
mwhudsongrettke: yes01:58
mwhudsongrettke: i take it from your question that it doesn't?02:00
grettkegrettke: The arrows facedownards, but nothing else.02:00
mwhudsongrettke: it works ok in safari and ff if you can try those to compare02:00
grettkemwhudson: I Can screenshoot if you like.02:00
* mwhudson swears02:00
grettkemwhudson: How about opera?02:00
mwhudsongrettke: haven't tried that either02:01
grettkemwhudson: It does the same thing in Opera.02:11
poolieigc, we're now getting a decent graph in http://benchmark.bazaar-vcs.org/rrd/runtime-common-suite-all.png03:42
pooliei haven't reenabled all the branches yet03:42
pooliehowever we're getting an error in generating the summary.html so i'm going to look at that03:42
Stanlinhow to use bazaar with eclipse?03:43
lifelessStanlin: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrEclipse03:49
Stanlinit doesnt work in windows03:50
lifelessverterok: ^ you have a fan03:50
Stanlinit simple cant pull03:51
Stanlincommits, but doesnt pull03:51
lifelesswhat happens03:52
Stanlinno traffic, just fails03:52
Stanlinin debian works fine03:52
lifelessStanlin: well for starters please report a bug03:54
lifelesson bzr-eclipse03:54
Stanlinis bazar cvs or vsc?03:54
lifelessBazaar is Bazaar.03:55
Stanlini mean03:57
Stanlinis this a control system?03:57
Stanlinor versioning system?03:57
spivStanlin: I don't know what you mean by those terms04:00
thumperStanlin: some people refer to it as one of the "distributed version control systems" (DVCS)04:11
pooliespiv/lifeless: in http://bazaar-vcs.org/SmartPushAnalysis1.13 in case 2/3 (push one revision), there are lots of get_parent_map calls after we've inserted the stream04:11
poolieapparently caused by bug 33182304:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331823 in bzr "Pushing an update of a stacked branch to Launchpad sometimes takes nearly an hour" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33182304:11
spivpoolie: not since this morning04:11
spivpoolie: :)04:11
poolieway to go robot you found kitten04:11
thumperspm: on bzr.dev?04:11
spivpoolie: new numbers are 28.7s, 19 HPSS calls04:11
spivpoolie: I'm just digging into why case 4 is still apparently suffering from that bug, though.04:12
spivpoolie: also, the only VFS calls in that 19 are read-only ones04:12
spiv(gets and stats)04:13
spiv(Actually, it looks like case 4 is suffering from a different bug that happens to be superficially similar, but it's still worth figuring out exactly what it is)04:14
spivIt looks like the fix to 331823 also fixed a previously unnoticed bug with update_revisions of a stacked remote branch, which has in turn revealed this issue.04:15
pooliethumper: ^^04:16
pooliespiv, we should add some tests about stacked branches...04:17
thumperspiv: a smart push analysis I think poolie means04:17
thumperspiv: case 8 (or 9), push a new stacked branch04:17
lifelesspoolie: already planned04:17
spivYes, definitely.04:17
thumperthanks guys04:17
pooliethose tables are good04:18
pooliei changed one of them to have three row headings: version, wall time, rpcs04:18
spivthumper: push a new stacked branch, also push onto an existing stacked.04:18
thumperspiv: right04:18
spivpoolie: thanks, I was intending to do that :)04:18
jkakarHow can I create an empty Bazaar branch in a temporary directory, for use in a unit test?  It seems to be missing from http://bazaar-vcs.org/Integrating_with_Bazaar.04:19
spivthumper: possibly also with different combinations of modifying new files vs. modifying files whose bases are already present in the stacked branch.04:19
thumperspiv: I defer to your knowledge on the tests needed04:19
lifelessjkakar: self.make_branch('foo')04:20
lifelessjkakar: in TestCaseWithMemoryTransport or any subclass thereof04:20
spivjkakar: use TestCaseWithMemoryTransport (or a subclass) -- what lifeless said04:20
jkakarlifeless: Cool, thanks.04:20
lifelessjkakar: you _want_ to use that to get full isolation of bzr04:20
spivjkakar: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/developers/testing.html#test-support04:21
Stanlinhow to make Zend work with bazaar?04:21
Stanlinzend studio04:21
jkakarspiv: Awesome, thanks.04:21
lifelessStanlin: no idea sorry04:24
Stanlini meant04:24
Stanlinis bazaar a CVS or a SVN?04:25
igcpolie: that graph looks good; let me know if I can help with the summary.html issue04:25
thumperStanlin: what?04:25
igcpoolie: ^^^04:25
thumperStanlin: its a VCS04:25
thumperStanlin: a DVCS even04:25
poolieigc i'll get back to it when thumper lets go of my ear :)04:25
poolieStanlin: it's like both but much better04:26
spmthumper: ? i gather you were after andrew not me?04:26
Stanlinwell im asking that, because Zend has the option for CVS and SVN, dunno what to use04:26
thumperspm: yes04:27
thumperspm: tab completion sometimes gets you fist04:27
spmand here was me thinking 'fist' was you being excessively NZerish for 'first'... ;-)04:27
thumperStanlin: what is Zend?04:27
spivStanlin: Bazaar is not a drop-in replacement for CVS or SVN04:27
spivStanlin: it works in a different (and better) way, but tools that expect to invoke CVS or SVN won't automatically work with Bazaar.04:28
lifelessthumper: zend is a proprietary php ide04:29
Stanlinoh i see, thats why bazaar doesnt work in windows04:29
spivStanlin: Bazaar works in windows.04:29
lifelessStanlin: bazaar works fine in windows; did you file the bug on bzr-eclipse I asked you to? (The primary developer of bzr-eclipse is in argentina and won't be awake at the moment, so if you want the problem fixed he needs a bug report)04:30
Stanlinok ill prepare it04:31
pooliethumper: End getting all value/timestamp matches to Function End took 0.0423979759216 seconds04:40
Stanlinwhat connection type uses bazaar?04:42
pooliehttp, ssh, sftp, https, etc04:42
Stanlinpserver? ext? extssh? pserverss?04:42
poolieit has equivalents to those but it's not the same protocol as cvs or svn04:43
pooliethumper: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Roadmap, http://bazaar-vcs.org/Roadmap/BrisbaneCore, http://bazaar-vcs.org/Roadmap/SmartServer04:44
poolie... https://wiki.canonical.com/Bazaar/Migration, Bazaar/Projects <https://wiki.canonical.com/Bazaar/Projects>04:45
poolieDraft Specs/Easy Workspace Setup <http://bazaar-vcs.org/DraftSpecs/EasyWorkspaceSetup>04:47
Stanlinhow to specify the protocol for bazaar? aint working with https05:05
Stanlindo i need to point to the trunk?05:05
thumperStanlin: what are you trying to do?05:06
spivStanlin: you may find http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/ helpful, in case you haven't already seen it.05:10
Stanlinim trying to connect from zend05:12
Stanlinusin svn05:12
lifelessStanlin: bzr is not svn, if you're using svn you should seek help in a svn channel - e.g. #svn05:13
Stanlinbut i want to use bzr05:13
lifelessStanlin: if the code you want to get access to is in a bzr branch you need to use bzr.05:13
Stanlinyeah i want to force bzr to become svn05:14
spivbzr isn't svn.05:14
spivIt's a bit like asking for WordPerfect to be MS Word ;)05:15
spivPerhaps try asking the Zend community if anyone has integrated bzr?05:17
Stanlinwhats the channel for zend?05:19
Stanlini mean, i like eclipse but we use zend framework which zend studio is perfect05:20
Stanlinok brb05:20
Stanlini need to sleep05:21
berto-hi, if i want to submit a merge directive is the email address: bazaar@lists.canonical.com ?05:26
=== chx is now known as chx_sleeping
bialixvila: ping06:05
bialixhmmm. I don't think he's sleeping. fullermd said real hackers never sleep06:07
bialixvila: please look at my comment for https://bugs.launchpad.net/qbzr/+bug/33389206:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 333892 in qbzr "selftest crashed if qbzr installed without pyqt4" [High,Confirmed]06:17
bialixubottu say vila about my fix06:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:17
bialixubottu: next time try harder and say this to vila06:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:18
bialixubottu -- you're empty can06:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:18
bialixyeah, yeah. train yourself06:19
lifelesspoolie: I'm done for the day, but perhaps you'd like a small chat ?06:23
poolielifeless: sure, call me?06:24
vilahi all07:01
creek23hi, how do i output a diff on a patch file? it only displays it on command prompt -- im on windows.07:26
* igc dinner07:42
lifelesscreek23: I'm not sure08:03
lifelesscreek23: is this in the gui or the console?08:03
vilalifeless: Are you still there long enough to talk about some _commit_write_group problem I encounter in bbc ?08:07
lifelesscreek23: I thought windows supported '> filename ' syntax08:09
creek23...? how do i do that?08:09
ignaswhy logger head has revisions "inverted", i mean - when looking at a revision through the web - let's say 2534 "next" button points to 2533, while previous to 2535... shouldn't it be the other way08:09
lifelessbzr diff > foo.patch08:09
creek23thanks lifeless... its working now.08:18
lifelessvila: always, but there will be latency08:26
lifelessI'm in the middle of other things08:26
vilalifeless: high latency is better than infinite latency :-)08:27
vilaSo, the problem I encounter is that during a commit on a MemoryTree the _write_group is None when  self.work_tree.update_basis_by_delta(self.rev_id,  self.builder.get_basis_delta()) is called in Commit.commit()08:28
lifelessvila: seems appropriate to me08:28
lifelessvila: it should be None08:28
vilaThe problem is we can't build an CHKInventory then. This is where I want some input: should we even try to build one and if not why do we end up trying ?08:30
lifelessvila: you shouldn't be building on in the working tree object :)08:30
lifelessvila: you can _construct_ a CHKInventory, for an existing CHKInventory in the repository, outside of a write group08:31
lifelessbut update_basis applies a delta to a inventory08:31
lifelessso this is MemoryTree08:31
lifelesswhich has no persistent basis08:31
lifelessprobably it just needs an overridden update_basis_by_delta - see the one in MutableTree and think about what MemoryTree needs :P08:32
vilabut how comes commit can work for chk without that ?08:33
vilaFirst test ever trying to run with a MemoryTree ?08:34
ronnywhen is on-disk stability for brisbane-core planned?08:34
lifelessronny: soon, a few weeks08:37
lifelessvila: WorkingTree4/5 have a real apply_delta thing in there08:38
lifelessvila: MutableTree is for WorkingTree3 and MemoryTree08:38
vilalifeless: right, so that's because it's the first test using a memory tree for chk repo, right ?08:42
lifelessI imagine so08:45
lifelessat least the first doing a commit08:45
vilalifeless: ok, thanks, that gives me the right context :)08:46
=== serg_ is now known as serg
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
mwhudsonignas: i guess the idea is that you start at the tip09:00
mwhudsonignas: i agree it's a bit ass-backwards09:00
ignasmwhudson: i think being backwards is a binary choice - it either is or is not ;)09:01
CokeHi guys. I'm confused about the distinction of repository and branch. I have my repository under DIR A, I check it out under DIR B. The strange thing is, DIR A is completely empty aside from .bzr. Is that correct?09:01
mwhudsonignas: not really, it's backwards or not depending on your state of mind :)09:02
ignasmwhudson: there is no spoon?09:02
ignasCoke: did you commit anything to DIR A?09:02
lifelessCoke: a repository is a database, a branch is what you push and pull and checkout09:03
lifelessyou *cannot* 'check out' a repository :)09:03
Cokeignas: yes09:03
ignasahh, you tried checking out a shared repository?09:04
CokeRight, still though, just did init on a new repos, did a co, added files and then ci. The repos still only has .bzr files09:04
ignasi did not even know you could do that09:04
lifelessCoke: so you did something like "bzr init-repo A" "bzr init A" "bzr checkout A B" ?09:05
Cokelifeless: not init-repo, just init09:05
lifelessCoke: ok09:05
lifelessCoke: so A is a *branch*09:05
lifelesspure and simple09:05
CokeI have to make them into repositories then?09:06
lifeless'bzr init' makes branches09:06
lifelessno you don't need to do anything else09:06
lifelesswhat does 'bzr log' report in A09:06
ignasCoke: you should bzr update the A branch09:06
ignasCoke: then the files you have commited in B will appear09:06
Cokeignas: yes09:07
Cokeso, how can I make it a real repos from this branch?09:07
ignasCoke: it's a "real" repo09:07
lifelessCoke: its already real.09:07
ignasCoke: but the working tree is only updated explicitly i think09:07
lifelessCoke: I'm gonig to guess, that A is on a remote server09:07
lifelessCoke: would that be right ?09:07
Cokelifeless: yeh, but it's mounted locally09:08
lifelessCoke: as far as bzr is concerned, is it seeing the local mount for A, or are you using a network protocol09:08
Cokelocal mount09:08
Coketold you09:09
ignaslifeless: i just tried it locally, bzr ci in a checkout of a branch, does not update the working tree of the original branch09:09
lifelessI'm not doubting you, I'm just making sure we're communicating clearly09:09
lifelessignas: right, its not == push09:10
lifelessCoke: ok so here is whats going on; the checkout command is designed for folk wanting to emulate svn/cvs where there is a centralised spot that all commits go to09:10
CokeI don't need to emulate it .09:10
ignaslifeless: oh, so bzr ci is not just "commit locally + push", it's just something simmilar to it09:10
CokeI've done init-repo on my source repos now09:10
CokeSo, what do I do to make my working copy in my home dir? not co?09:11
lifelessignas: bzr ci with a bound branch is a two-phase commit direct to the branch object thats checked out09:11
CokeI think they should have ditched the SVN terminology, if you're switching from svn it's confusing09:11
lifelessCoke: well, given that svn repositories are also just a .svn directory on the server, I don't agree. But lets get you up and running ?09:12
lifelessCoke: you can use checkout if you want.09:12
Cokewhat is the bzr way09:12
lifelessCoke: alternatively you can use branch and then use push to push commits back to the other branch09:12
lifelessCoke: bzr supports a few different ways, for different use cases09:13
Cokeit says I cannot check out, my repos is not a branch09:13
Cokewhat the hell?09:13
Cokethe repository has to be a branch?09:13
lifelessright, repos are not branches. As I said above you *do not need to do anything*09:13
Cokelifeless: I want to see the files in the actual repos09:14
lifelessCoke: repositories are not branches, you don't need to care about repositories at all.09:14
lifelessCoke: Ok. We can do that. Can I ask, why you have both A and B?09:14
CokeWhat I did before 1) bzr init /sourcedir  2) bzr co /sourcedir /projectdir09:14
Cokelifeless: because I want versioning09:15
Cokeall the files on the server are backed up09:15
Cokeif you're going to question/make me change our entire network setup to accomodate bzr I'll just switch source tools09:15
lifelessI'll be slightly delayed for a bit here, real life things happening09:15
lifelessCoke: I am not trying to do that, I'm trying to make sure I actually give you what you want.09:15
CokeI don't know what I want.09:16
CokeHow is it done with BZR?09:16
CokeRight now I'm not even sure my commits are working properly09:16
Cokeno files in the "repository"????09:16
ignasCoke: why do you want to see the source code in /sourcedir?09:16
ignasCoke: you don't expect that from svn do you?09:16
Cokeignas: comfort?09:16
Cokeignas: yes09:16
ignasCoke: nope, svn repository is an opaque object, that you can't see inside of09:17
ignasCoke: so if you want to use bzr co and bzr ci - just trust it ;)09:17
CokeWhat should I use?09:17
ignasand when you don't trust it - go over to /sourcedir and bzr up09:17
CokeLike I said, I don't WANT to use anything09:17
Cokeignas: bzr up does not work on one of the ... I don't even know what to call it09:17
CokeIt's NOT a repository, because I used init, not init-repo09:18
CokeWhat the hell is it?09:18
ignasbranches, you don't need repositories09:18
lifelessCoke: if you used 'bzr init' it is a branch09:18
ignasdon't think about repositories09:18
lifelessCoke: what does 'bzr info' report in that directory09:18
CokeWe are iterating the same thing over and over.09:20
CokeI still don't know, do I want a repository or a branch as the one true source for my files?09:20
lifelessyou want a branch09:20
CokeOk. So branch has left it's original english and programming meaning to become what used to be "repository"?09:20
lifelesswe're reiterating because you're not answering the questions I'm asking which are designed to let ignas and I know what you have configured so we can tell you what it will do09:21
Cokelifeless: like I've said, nevermind what I want or what I have, I want to know how to do it bzr style09:21
lifelessCoke: no, a branch is a branch - its a line of development, the tip of a DAG09:21
Cokelifeless: but the main source repository isn't a branch09:21
Cokeit may contain branches09:21
ignasCoke: no09:21
Coke(in the SVN sense)09:21
Cokeignas: ok09:22
ignasCoke: no, the main source is not a branch container09:22
Cokeif not, let me ask you this: what did my branch actually branch off from?09:22
ignasCoke: the main source is a branch, branches are all over the place09:22
Cokea branch needs something branch off from, this is the one and only source I have09:22
lifelessCoke: your branch B branched off the branch A that you inited.09:22
Cokeno wonder I didn't get it, branch is misused09:22
lifelessCoke: in fact, because you made B using 'bzr checkout' you have one branch - A, and a checkout of A called B09:23
Cokeit's a bzr branch even though by english and svn meaning it's not09:23
lifelessits a branch in svn meaning09:23
Cokelifeless: branches are grown from the main repos in svn09:23
lifelessthough svn is vague on that; its a branch in CVS and git and hg meaning09:24
Cokewell, svn is shite, that's why I'm switching09:24
ignasCoke: you are confusing branches, repositories, branch containers and working trees09:24
Coketried both hg and git, didn't like the way they handled stuff09:24
Coke"branch CONTAINERS"?09:24
Cokeworking tree?09:24
CokeIs there a bzr primer?09:24
lifelessignas: I think you're adding confusion :)09:24
CokeI just want 1, 2, 3, 409:24
lifelessignas: cause I don't know what a branch container is09:25
lifelessCoke: there sure are docs09:25
Coke1) bzr command of some sort -> your main source is setup correctly, 2) bzr command of some sort -> your main source is copied to my local project dir ready for commits09:25
Cokethat's just two steps09:25
lifelessyou've done that09:25
lifelessand if you would run 'bzr log A' you'd see that your commits are there safe and sound09:26
Cokeso no worries that the files are missing?09:26
lifelessno worries at all09:26
lifelessI really regret that you've had some confusion here09:26
Cokecvs -> svn -> bzr   I basically got through that by using svn and bzr as I would cvs09:28
lifelessCoke: 'bzr log A' will show the commits A has09:28
lifeless'bzr log -v A' will show you more details09:28
CokeI think compatibility with the older, lesser versioning systems is the mistake09:28
ignaslifeless: http://info.wsisiz.edu.pl/~blizinsk/git-bzr.html "Differences between Git and Bazaar" (the document I got the branch container term from)09:28
Cokeone just just empty the cup completely and start anew09:29
lifelessthe big difference betwen bzr and cvs is that branches in CVS are just labels, but in bzr they are separate directories (which is close to svn, but not as free-form)09:29
ignasCoke: yeah, i think so too, which is why I use Darcs for my small hobby projects ;) (wouldn't suggest it to you though)09:29
Cokelifeless: yeh09:29
Cokehere's waht my impression is though, bzr has no main repository09:29
lifelessthe big difference between bzr and svn is that bzr doesn't need a server or main repo at all09:29
lifelessit can start in a single location and scale up from there09:30
ignasthe Distributed part ;)09:30
Cokeit's just a collection of branches, you just decide on a per-branch basis where you wan to put your changes?09:30
Cokethat's quite different from svn09:30
Cokewell, glad that's cleared, was worrying that all my commits had gone missing09:30
Cokeit does make sense now09:30
CokeI could init my project direcotry and check the files in from the same dir09:31
lifelesswe _do_ have a hidden repository object, but its *solely* for disk-space optimisation, so in common use you don't need it. And as its just a database its not very useful on its own, so we try to avoid talking about it.09:31
ignaslifeless: sometimes I think that you should have named it "shared something" instead of "shared repository" to reduce the confusion09:32
bialixmonsieur vila?09:33
vilabialix: yup09:34
bialixvila: my fix is just better version of your yesterday patch09:34
bialixI've tried to use Unavailable Feature but failed09:34
bialixbecause it seems I can;t use lazy import in test modules09:34
bialixit failed with traceback then09:35
CokeOk, so here's the deal.09:35
vilabialix: May be I can help ? Where is your fix ?09:35
vilabialix: lazt_import is not for tests, that's for sure09:35
Cokebzr init /myreposmount/someproject; bzr co /myreposmount/someproject mylocaldir09:35
Cokethen I just use ci -m, update, log and status inside mylocaldir as I please09:36
Cokeam I still within the comfort zone of bzr there?09:36
lifelessCoke: totally09:36
bialixvila: I'm not sure this problem require too much efforts09:36
CokeSweet. Thanks boys!09:36
lifelessmy pleasure09:36
bialixvila: my branch https://code.launchpad.net/~qbzr-dev/qbzr/bug-33389209:37
vilabialix: sure, but easing selftest use is worth it IMHO :)09:37
bialixvila: actually I'm just wrap addTestFromModuleName into tre-except ImportError09:37
bialixvila: this way I'm skipping not all qbzr tests, but only those that required PyQt4 libs09:38
vilabialix: that's indeed better than my fix09:38
bialixvila: with qt libs we have 30 tests to run; without - 13 test09:38
bialixvila: I'm just want to ask you about my warnings09:39
CokeI switched to launchpad just for their bzr support09:40
bialixvila: here is my diff: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~qbzr-dev/qbzr/bug-333892/revision/63009:40
vilabialix: pulling your branch, just a sec09:40
CokeThen it turns out that it doens't provide any way to upload files or screenshots.09:40
CokeWhich is complete suckage.09:40
lifelessCoke: it can upload files09:40
lifelessCoke: you just need to have a release09:41
lifelessCoke: not sure about screenshots, have you asked on #launchpad ?09:41
bialixvila: I hope you excuse moi for my harmless game with ubottu :-)09:41
vilabialix: hehe, bots are our friends, we should take care of friends, always ;)09:42
bialixyou think I offend it?09:42
bialixpoor ubottu :'-)09:43
Cokelifeless: yeh, screenshots on their website faq is "not yet"09:43
Cokelifeless: I'll try that release thingie09:43
mwhudsonignas: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/297930 fwiw09:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 297930 in loggerhead "When browsing revisions, next should go up, previous should go down, numerically" [Undecided,New]09:43
CokeI'm currently making a barcode library, so far all EAN encodings work nicely. Going for code-128 today.09:44
CokeI was planning on making it available on launchpad just because it's easy for me to switch the, uhmm... "branch root" (?) to launchpad.net09:45
ignasmwhudson: that makes me sad...09:45
mwhudsonmaybe i should change the links to "older" and "newer"09:46
CokeWhat do I call the "original" branch? the one you want people working against09:47
bialixvila: so you qbb:approve my fix? ;-)09:50
vilabialix: ok, I think what you've done is best than what existed, the way you did it doesn't allow using UnavailableFeature, which is a bit unfortunate, but certainly the best you can do09:51
bialixvila: UnavailableFeature cannot be used because to load modules we need to import PyQt409:52
lifelessCoke: 'trunk'09:53
bialixvila: I've tried and failed09:53
lifelessCoke: or 'mainline' sometimes, but most folk call it 'trunk'. Oh, another possible term is 'project.dev'09:53
CokeOki doki09:53
vilabialix: the idea is that you should wrap the import pyqt4 or define some TestFeature that tests can then use, but that would certainly be far more invasive than your actual fix09:56
bialixwrapping import pyqt4 does not help, because the tests will try to import qbzr modules, and these modules in turn also will try to import pyqt409:57
vilabialix: in the end, that's your code, for me, as a user or even occasional contributor, the most important point is being to run selftest without the need to enable/disable the plugin 40 times a day :-)09:57
vilabialix: yes, you should wrap everywhere... that's why I say invasive :-)09:57
bialixvila: I've asked you about those warnings09:57
bialixis it ok?09:57
vilabialix: warnings are fine, I can visual-grep-v them :-)09:57
bialixI've used trace.note, so IIRC they could be suppressed with bzr selftest -q09:58
bialixwill push to trunk shortly09:58
awilkinsCoke: What's your barcode library written in?10:03
bialixvila: why you say all the time "qbzr is my code"? it's not fair and actually incorrect.10:03
bialixqbzr is written by luks, me, garyvdm and markh10:04
bialix4 men, most of them much better hackers than me alone10:04
vilabialix: saying that it's not your code isn't true either, I don't forget the orthers, but it's not like I was talking to someone who didn't *en *know* the code10:07
vilabialix: yet, it's more your code than mine because you know it far better than me10:08
bialixok, I forgot that in English you and you written by the same word.10:08
bialixin Francais is not IIRC10:09
vilabialix: you (singular) and you (plural) are indeed different in French tu (singular), vous (plural)10:10
Cokeawilkins: Pythohn10:11
bialixyep, I'm sorry. OK10:11
vilabialix: I had a fight with my gf long ago because one day I said *my* house instead of *our* house :-)10:11
vilabialix: in the end qbzr is GPL right ? So it's really *our* code, whoever we are :)10:11
Cokelifeless: where's the release stuff in launchpad?10:11
CokeI see no way to upload files to launchpad. "Downloads" is empty and no way of adding any files there.10:13
bialixbranch format 7 != 1.9?10:15
bialixCoke: you have to create release first10:17
CokeThere's no option to create a release10:17
CokeI can register a series10:17
CokeI can make announcements.10:17
Cokectrl+f doesn't find "release" anywhere on the page10:18
bialixgo to your series10:18
bialixyou'll see "make release" link10:18
Cokei have a series named "1.0"10:19
CokeHoly crap.10:19
CokeI'm 100% sure that programmers have built the interface for launchpad10:20
CokeWhen you have to use the search function to find menu options in an UI you know programmers have designed it10:20
CokeThe option to make a release is via "series" (doesn't even mention "release" on the details)10:20
CokeThere are FOUR option menus that switch around depending on where you are.10:20
CokeEither you use top tabs, and then there's the middle tabs, you have links in the middle of the page and now it seems releases are handled via a special menu to the right.10:21
CokeI might consider buying the Appple bible of UI design and send it to the launchpad crew.10:21
CokeHow can BZR know about launchpad-login??10:24
bialixyou told it10:24
Cokeso bzr can run any arbitrary command name?10:26
bialixalmost. but I won't do the sandwitch for you10:27
bialixeven if you say "sudo"10:27
CokeOh, it supports plugins10:29
bialixheh. s/I won't/bzr won't/10:29
CokeHere's what I don't understand, it took the svn guys years to complete svn and it was a total failure. When did Bazaar start as a project?10:30
bialixbetween 2004 and 200510:30
CokeHow does bzr obtain my email address when I commit to trunk?10:31
bialixrun `bzr whoami`10:32
Cokehow do I change it?10:32
gnomefreakis it known that bzr is saying you dont have permission to push branch (its a brand new branch10:33
bialix`bzr whoami "My Name <foo@example.com>"10:33
bialixbzr whoami -h ftw10:33
gnomefreakto be exact http://pastebin.mozilla.org/62816210:34
bialixgnomefreak: perhaps you're trying to push with http:// URL10:34
Cokewhat would be the "bzr way" to do tags10:35
gnomefreaknope im using the lp:~gnomefreak/....10:35
gnomefreakbialix: ^^10:35
bialixgnomefreak: try again with -Derror option10:35
bialixyou should have your SSH key registered at LP10:36
bialixCoke: bzr way?10:36
bialix`bzr tag` is not good enough for you?10:36
gnomefreakbialix: i do10:36
bialix-Derror will print more info about problem10:37
bialixgnomefreak: you can't use this URL10:37
bialixlp URLs has 3 parts: username/projectname/branchname10:38
bialixyou have 410:38
gnomefreaki think i see that. i changed it and ill let you know10:38
gnomefreakyep i used extra it has created it. thanks10:38
bialixyou need to choose another branchname instead of "greasemonkey/greasemonkey.upstream"10:38
CokeIt's just tooooo complicated to make proper releases in launchpad.10:39
CokeI don't get it, I made a series, it's a competely new branch now10:39
CokeHow do I tag 1.0 ?10:39
bialixfirst time everything is hard, is not?10:40
Cokesourceforge was quite pleasant10:40
Cokealbeit slow10:40
Cokeok, so each version is it's own branch10:40
bialixCoke, look at http://bialix.com/qbzr/docs/make_release.html10:41
bialixthis is my instruction how to do QBzr release10:41
bialixI wrote it for myself and other QBzr guys10:41
bialixCoke: you can tag the trunk with "1.0" label or use separate branch and tag it. does not matter10:42
CokeI tagged it now10:44
Cokeand I have a separate branch10:44
Cokebzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)10:46
CokeHPSS calls: 1 <bzrlib.smart.medium.SmartSSHClientMedium object at 0x138fa90>10:46
Cokepermission denied, public-key10:46
Cokebialix: is it possible to add a release on a trunk tag?10:48
CokeI'm quite possitive this could not have been made any more complex.10:50
CokeIt appears that you have to link a branch in launchpad to get it into a release10:54
CokeThat means tags can't be used.10:54
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CokeBleh, sorry for pestering you with these bullshit noob questions...11:03
CokeI think I've managed to make my first release.11:03
CokeI did tag the revision, so 1.0rc1 should be "frozen" in time, but I'm using the same branch (trunk) for the 1.0 series. Don't see the point of forking unless there are simultaneous changes in trunk and 1.0, but im the only developer so...11:05
CokeTime for lunch.11:05
* bialix back11:05
bialixthis will work11:06
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jamnight igc, morning vila13:50
jamjelmer: why did you mark bug #334326 as invalid after reporting it?13:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334326 in bzr "Creating working tree for OOo takes ages" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33432613:52
jelmerjam: It was a cold cache issue13:52
jelmerjam: running bzr st on the wrong disk13:53
jelmerjam: it takes less than 2 seconds on a disk with a warm cache13:53
vilajam: hi !13:53
jelmerjam: Which I think is reasonable for 2Gb and 75k files :-)13:53
jamjelmer: can you just mention that on the bug?13:53
jamI think we could be doing better in cold-cache situations, though that isn't the current focuse13:53
jelmerjam: I did, but it looks like it hasn't come through yet on lp13:53
jamhi vila13:53
jamjelmer: ah, ok, np then13:53
jamI just saw the "invalid" change13:54
jelmerjam: The checkout one is valid though, and quite annoying13:54
jamjelmer: what version are you running?13:55
jamI just submitted a couple patches for review which might address this specifically13:56
jelmerjam: my own strange mix of brisbane-core and my own patches that haven't been merged yet13:56
jelmerjam: Ah, cool13:56
jamjelmer: so phase one of the patch was this: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C49A45A9D.5040303%40arbash-meinel.com%3E13:57
jamYou might want to try *just* that fix, and see what it does for you13:57
jam(When extracting fulltexts, we weren't reading in forward-sorted order, which is a bit naughty)13:57
jelmerjam: checkout is a pity, since most other things seem to work well (status, commit, log)13:57
jelmerjam: Thanks, I'll give that a try13:57
jamI have another patch on top of that, which may help more13:58
jamthough the fact you are hitting such high memory consumption is a bit strange13:58
jamcertainly if you are swapping13:58
jamthings get uber-slow13:58
jelmerI'm not swapping13:58
nicolaidei have some problems try download from launchpad using bzr... the error is that13:59
nicolaidebzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Enotify-osd-developers/notify-osd/main/.bzr/repository/packs/f8097ae6b0b6a1353502801617edd7cf.pack: Expected a boundary (Wb_/GvfIMKppD)jWz:C-) line, got ''13:59
nicolaidesomeone can help me?13:59
jamnicolaide: sounds like you have a broken squid proxy13:59
jam(known issue that has been fixed in squid for a year or 2)14:00
jamI think we have a workaround14:00
nicolaidemmm....and how can i fix that problem?14:00
jamnicolaide: so the bug is #19864614:01
jambug #19864614:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 198646 in squid "Invalid http response ... Expected a boundary" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19864614:01
jamnicolaide: I assume you can't do anything about your squid proxy, right?14:02
nicolaidei dont have any idea of that14:03
jamnicolaide: the easy fix is to use "bzr launchpad-login" with your launchpad username14:03
jamafter which we'll connect via ssh rather than http14:03
nicolaidemmm... i try...14:03
nicolaidestay tunned14:03
nicolaideNo Launchpad user ID configured.14:03
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jelmerabentley: hi14:47
abentleyjelmer: Hi14:49
jelmerabentley: I put up a patch a couple of days ago that merges clean-tree into bzr core14:49
jelmerabentley: Are you still ok with moving it?14:49
abentleyjelmer: I have mixed feelings.14:51
jelmerabentley: What about in particular?14:53
abentleyI don't like the core command set getting bigger, and I don't like everything good getting ripped out of bzrtools.14:54
jamjelmer: do we still get the performance benefits in 0.5+ if you use the old mapping?15:02
jelmerabentley: I agree we shouldn't end up merging all of bzrtools into bzr core, but clean-tree is common enough to be in core imo15:03
awilkinsjelmer: Yes, when you push revisions to a 1.4 repository using 1.5 libraries, the bzr: properties are revprops and not fileprops.15:04
awilkinsjelmer: Sorry, latency on that was a bit long15:04
jelmerawilkins, ah, cool15:04
jelmerawilkins, :-)15:04
jelmerjam, some of the benefits, yes15:04
jamjelmer: so specificaly, I'm thinking of the python.org conversion. What would they gain by switching mappings?15:04
jamAs blowing away an existing conversion has a lot of knock-on effects15:05
jelmerjam: pushing back into subversion wouldn't need svn file properties15:05
jamjelmer: isn't that only with svn >= 1.5 ?15:06
jamI guess they are using 1.5.1 according to: http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk/15:06
jelmerjam: Also with newer 1.4's, as awilkins just reported15:06
jamjelmer: so the big win there is just that they aren't *visible* ? Or does it scale better, or ?15:09
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jelmerjam, it also scales better15:14
jelmerjam, file properties require one roundtrip per revision15:14
jelmerjam, revision properties come in with the log data15:15
jamjelmer: though if someone else is doing the conversions for you... it doesn't change much, does it?15:15
jelmerjam: Well, you also need to fetch that data when you push15:16
awilkinsjelmer: Not with 1.4 ; with a 1.4 repository as long as you are using 1.5 libraries (the specific scenario I was using was the 1.5 file:/// provider)15:17
jelmerjam: "bzr co" on OOo trunk is now down to 43 minutes15:17
jelmerwith your sort knit fetch patch15:18
jamjelmer: down from?15:18
jamjelmer: the next step is to check out: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C49A47EDF.2050001%40arbash-meinel.com%3E15:19
jamWhich may or may not improve things15:19
jelmerjam: Down from somewhere between 45 to 55 minutes.15:20
jamaka, a little, but not very significant15:21
jamwe should really teach pack about grouping texts together...15:21
jelmerjam: Yeah, a significant amount of time is spent in seek()15:23
jelmerduring the actual import itself it was close to 20%15:23
jamjelmer: that is converting from bzr-svn, right?15:25
jamDo you know if you cache parent texts?15:25
jelmerjam: yes, I cache parent texts (in bzr-svn)15:25
jelmeractually, that code wasn't there yet when I was doing the import15:27
jelmerso it may actually be better now15:27
jamjelmer: when converting texts from subversion, you just use "get_record_stream()" which passes FulltextContetFactory, is that right?15:28
jam(btw, it would probably be better to use ChunkedContentFactory, so you don't have to ''.join(lines))15:29
jamwhich causes the target repo to switch over to "foo.add_lines()"15:29
jambut that doesn't use any caching.15:29
jelmerjam: well, svn deltas are on the fulltext15:29
jelmernot on lines15:30
jamjelmer: I'm talking about "versionedfiles.py line 78"15:30
jamline 70: lines = stream.readlines()15:30
jamline 7815:30
jamFulltextContentFactory(..., bytes=''.join(lines))15:31
jelmerjam: ah15:31
jelmerjam, That's only used during stacking, but worth optimizing anyway - thanks15:31
jamjelmer: ah, so what is the code path for "bzr branch $SVN" ?15:31
jelmerjam, all in fetch.py15:32
jelmerRevisionBuildEditor is the object that Subversion reports changes to15:32
jamjelmer: line 56115:37
jam    FulltextContentFactory((self.file_id, text_revision),15:37
jam        [(self.file_id, revid) for revid in text_parents],15:37
jam        text_sha1,15:37
jam        fulltext)])15:37
jamSo my earlier comment is still correct15:37
jamyou insert the texts 1 at a time15:37
jamas a Fulltext15:37
jamwhich then is translated in '.insert_record_stream()' into an add_lines() call15:37
jamwhich doesn't cache the parent_texts15:37
jelmerjam, That's a corner case situation though15:38
jamjelmer: I haven't been able to track down the bulk-insert yet, then15:39
jelmerjam: FileRevisionBuildEditor._close()15:39
jamThat is line ~561 isn't it?15:39
jamself.editor.texts.insert_record_stream([]), and inserting a stream which is 1 entry long, and uses a FulltextContentFactory15:40
jelmerjam: It used to be add_lines() but IIRC lifeless recommended using insert_record_stream() here to avoid splitlines()15:41
jamjelmer: I'll write up a patch.15:41
jamthe big win is being able to cache recently inserted texts15:41
jamI'll ping you with a patch in a second15:41
jelmerjam: thanks15:41
Peng_You mind if I mark someone's bug as a duplicate?15:42
jamunfortunately, there is some munging you have to do to get between fulltexts and a Content object15:42
jambut I'll still see what I can do15:42
jamit could be pretty big15:42
jamjelmer: is _text_cache used for anything else? Or could I put 'lines' in there, instead of 'fulltext' ?15:48
jelmerjam: you could put lines there15:49
jamand self.file_stream15:50
jamI can do "readlines()" instead of '.read()' ?15:50
jelmerjam, It's a LRUSizeCache though, so the max size of it would have to be reduced15:50
Peng_(Bug 328148 and bug 321750.)15:50
jelmerjam, yeah15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328148 in bzr "Less spaff from unshelve, please" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32814815:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321750 in bzr "unshelve emits "UserWarning: ProgressTask(0/3, msg='Merge phase') is not the top progress task ProgressTask(None/None, msg='')"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32175015:50
jamjelmer: I can change the "measure length" function15:50
jamso as to remain accurate15:50
jamsum(map(len, lines)) :)15:50
jam(I've done this before :)15:51
jelmerjam, :-)15:51
jelmerpeng_: go for it15:51
barryjam: so, i want to get the c.p.o mirrors updated, packed, and mirroring the svn masters again.  do you have some time to help me set that up the right way?15:54
jambarry: first, you need to install bzr-svn on the appropriate machine15:55
jamThen we will need to look at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122880/15:55
barryjam: @dinsdale[~/python:1006]% bzr plugins15:55
barrybzrtools 1.1215:55
barry    Various useful commands for working with bzr.15:55
barry    Launchpad.net integration plugin for Bazaar.15:55
barry    Use ~/.netrc as a credential store for authentication.conf.15:55
barrysvn 0.515:55
barry    Support for Subversion branches15:55
jambarry: any chance to get svn 0.5.2 ?15:56
jamjelmer just mentioned he has done perf improvements and bugfixes15:56
jam0.5 is good enough if it is hard to do others15:56
barryjam: is that in a ppa?15:56
barryjam: this is a debian lenny box but i've hacked in the ppa for bzr from hardy15:57
barryjam: and it seems to work okay :)15:57
jambarry: it isn't yet. jelmer?15:57
barryjam: we have svn 1.5.1 on the machine15:57
jambarry: so for now, we'll go with what you have15:58
barryjam: cool15:58
jelmerbarry: 0.5.2 is in experimental15:58
sevenseekerI have code that is neither in svn or bzr, if I init the bzr environment, and I need to eventually import this into svn, can I then update the svn repos?  If so, where do I supply the svn info?15:58
barryjelmer: i don't want to do too much admin tweaking on this box, but adding a ppa would be okay15:59
Peng_jelmer: :)15:59
jambarry: we just need to get jelmer to update the ppa :)15:59
jambut for now 0.5.0 is probably good enough15:59
barryjam: cool15:59
jambarry: so it seems the next step is to log in as the user that will be doing the conversions16:00
jam(whoever runs the cron script)16:00
jamand set "default-mapping =v3" in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf16:00
barryjam: can we trigger the update from an svn hook?16:00
jambarry: I know there are ways to do something like that. *I* don't know them16:01
sevenseekershould I first import to svn, then checkout a fresh copy via bzr and go from there?16:01
jamI think the ones I've seen trigger on the email generated by the svn hook16:01
jelmersevenseeker, either would work16:01
jamI don't know svn well enough16:01
barryjam: okay, no worries.  for now i'll do the updates as a cron16:01
jamI would guess it would be something simple16:01
jelmerbarry, doing it inside of the post commit hook means svn commit won't finish until the bzr mirror has updated16:01
sevenseekerjelmer: thank you, just looking for best practices is all :)16:01
jelmersevenseeker, committing to svn first would probably be easiest16:02
jamjelmer: would you expect that to take long for simple updates?16:02
barryjelmer: i hadn't thought about that16:02
jelmerjam: In 0.5.0, it could be noticable16:02
jelmerjam, barry: is there any particular reason for going with the v3 mappings? Lots of existing branches that depend on it?16:03
barryjelmer: ok, for now i think i'll just run it from a cron every minute...?16:03
jamjelmer: "lots"? not sure, but we had trouble getting them to upgrade to 1.916:03
jelmerbarry: yeah, that should work16:03
barryjelmer: yeah.  i really don't want to ask the py-devs to have to update their branches after i've just asked them to update their clients ;/16:04
barryjelmer: these are experimental mirrors so when the experiment is over, we can make real ones using the better format16:04
jamjelmer: when is "apply_textdelta" used?16:05
barryjelmer: iow, i hate to require that people blow away their branches right now16:05
jelmerjam: apply_textdelta is called to report delta's for a particular file16:05
jelmerjam: it's called for any text change16:06
jamjelmer: k, but is/isn't it used during conversion?16:06
jelmerjam: it's used heavily during conversion16:06
jamdon't worry, I think I have it sorted out16:06
jamyou hide its actually calls behind the VF api16:06
barryjam, jelmer we have a bzrdev user that owns the branches currently, and holds the ssh authentication tokens.  should we make that user also do the mirroring?16:06
jambarry: makes the most sense to me16:07
barryjam: no security issues that you can think of?  (i can't)16:07
jambarry: it seems like it is a trusted user already16:07
jamand it only needs *read* access to the svn repo16:08
barryjam: so, add a ~/.bazaar/subversion.conf for that user?16:08
jamIt looks like you can put it in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf, but having subversion.conf is probably still a good thing16:09
barryjam:  we have no bazaar.conf right now16:09
jamjelmer: so when converting, you insert a text of "link XXX" for symlinks?16:10
jelmerjam: yes, and set a magic file property16:10
jamjelmer: but why do that for bzr?16:10
jamsince bzr never pays attention to the texts of symlinks16:10
jelmerjam: where do I set that?16:11
jamI just see you doing "if fulltext.startswith('link' )"16:11
jamand I'm trying to figure out how to handle it16:11
jamYou insert the fulltext *before* you check for whether it is a symlink or a file16:12
jamand I was trying to understand why16:12
jam(I would insert empty lines for a symlink, though I don't think it specifically hurts anything)16:12
jelmerjam: A symlink can be magically changed into a regular file16:12
jelmerjam: and in that case we need to know the base against which we'll receive delta's16:13
jambarry: sorry we didn't tell you about the "don't disconnect my internet" flag16:13
barryjam: not sure if this made it through:16:13
barry% cat subversion.conf16:13
barrydefault-mapping = v316:13
barryjam: man, my router is so royally f'd ;)16:14
jambarry: looks right to me. what about you jelmer?16:14
jelmerbarry, it should be in the relevant [UUID] section16:15
jamjelmer: can it just be the default?16:15
jamfor what they are doing at least16:15
jelmerin that case it should be in bazaar.conf16:15
barryjelmer: yeah, i don't know what that means ;)16:15
jambarry: put it in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf :)16:16
barry% cat bazaar.conf16:17
barry# Use the old bzr-svn mappings for now so that users don't have to re-get16:17
barry# any of their existing branches.  This should be removed and the new16:17
barry# mappings used when the experiment is over.16:17
barry# barry 25-Feb-200916:17
barrydefault-mapping = v316:17
barryjam, jelmer ^^16:18
jam+1 (AFAIK)16:18
barryjam: cool, thanks.  now we have to set up the cronjob, right?  what's the command for updating the existing branches?16:20
barryjam: is it a (cd wherever; bzr pull http://svn.python.org/blah) ?16:20
jamjelmer: does "svn-import" update? Or is it just "for branch in branches: bzr pull" ?16:20
jambarry: that should be fine, I'm just not sure if there is a svn-import command that would bring in all branches at once16:20
jelmerjam: It will craete new branches when they appear in svn16:20
jelmerbarry, you probably want to use "bzr svn-import --incremental"16:21
jelmerthat will only fetch new svn revisions16:21
barryoh, i should note that we don't want to import all svn branches, becuase we have a bazillion of them16:21
jambarry: branches are cheap in bzr, are you sure?16:21
jamI suppose the total history may get bigger16:21
barryjam: right now we have just 2.5, 2.6, 3.0, py3k and trunk16:22
barryjam: hmm.  we have 77 branches in svn.python.org/python/branches16:23
barryi guess it wouldn't be too bad.  let's do what's easiest16:23
barrywe've got 188GB free, so that shouldn't be a problem16:23
jamI would think "svn-import --incremental" would be easiest16:23
jamsince it runs across the whole repo in one pass16:24
barryjam: okay cool.  since this is running on the svn machine, should i use the svn repo file path as the FROM_LOCATION?16:25
jamyou probably want to run it manually once16:25
jamto make sure16:25
barryand TO_LOCATION would be the shared repo dir containing the .bzr directory, right?16:26
barryjam, jelmer okay cool, thanks.  so --incremental is the only svn-import switch i'll need?16:28
jelmerbarry, yep16:28
barryjelmer: great, thanks.16:29
barryjam, jelmer now i know you wanted me to do a pack. can i just do that after the svn-import runs?  note that we haven't been updating the mirrors in many days16:29
jelmerbarry, bzr should be autopacking16:30
jamjelmer: I want an explicit pack, because it changes the indexes16:31
jambarry: should be fine16:31
barryjam: so just to make sure: bzr svn-import --incremental followed by bzr pack, right?16:34
jambarry: right. You don't need to "bzr pack" during cron16:36
jamjust this one time16:36
barryjam: gotcha16:36
barryjam: thanks16:36
barrylet me run these commands and see how they go!16:36
sevenseekerrunning 'svn checkout http://foo.com/bar/trunk bar-trunk' works for me, but with bzr 1.12 switching 'svn' with 'bzr' like 'bzr checkout http://foo.com/bar/trunk bar-trunk' does not work and says...16:44
sevenseekerbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://foo.com/bar/trunk"16:45
jelmersevenseeker, do you have bzr-svn installed?16:45
sevenseekergot this from http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html#bzr-svn16:45
sevenseekerjelmer: I did... its possible it is messed up I guess, so let me reinstall16:46
jelmersevenseeker, you can check by running "bzr plugins"16:46
sevenseekerargh! not there16:46
jamjelmer: I'm seeing test failures with svn "trunk"16:46
jamreplay_snapshot() takes at least 5 arguments (4 given)16:47
sevenseekerits been awhile since I installed it... maybe I didn't reinstall when I upgraded bzr to 1.1216:47
jelmerjam, your bzr-rebase is outdated16:47
sevenseekerok, I reinstalled 0.5.2 via easy_install from source, but it is not showing up in the plugins16:50
jamjelmer: now I'm getting a failure in: test_fetch_signature16:51
jamhas no revision svn-v4:137f067b-b28 ...16:51
jam(this is with trunk, to make sure the test suite is clean before I apply my changes)16:51
jelmersevenseeker, I don't think easy_install works for bzr plugins16:52
sevenseekerjelmer: oic16:53
jelmerjam: trying here16:53
jelmerjam: all tests pass here17:01
jelmerjam: lp:bzr-svn ?17:01
jamjelmer: yep, and bzr.dev17:02
jam$ bzr revision-info17:02
jam2675 jelmer@charis.vernstok.nl-20090225162227-tr0271cjv6ta6gli17:02
jamjelmer: does it matter that I'm using subvertpy 0.6.1?17:07
jamI'm also getting failing "dpush" tests17:08
jelmerjam: What's the error message for the dpush failures?17:08
jamAssertionError: not equal:17:08
jama = 'unknown:\n  foofile.BASE\n  foofile.THIS\nconflicts:\n  Contents conflict in foofile\n'17:08
jamb = 'modified:\n  foofile\n'17:08
jamand another with "Unexpected return code"17:09
jelmerjam: Perhaps you have bzr-git installed as well?17:09
jamI also see: ValueError: Only svn:log can be set with Subversion 1.417:09
jamSo maybe my local SVN is old?17:09
jelmerjam: Ah, yeah, that would explain the failures17:09
jamjelmer: nope, no bzr-git17:10
jelmersvn 1.4 would explain it though17:10
jelmerthe dpush thing is a bug though; it seems to accidently be setting revprops there while it shouldn't17:10
jamI just need a baseline so I know my code isn't breaking *more* stuff :)17:11
jamI think I have a reasonable patch, which I can let you test in a second17:16
jamfinishing the test suite run now17:16
rodolfohi all17:24
rodolfoyesterday i installed bzr-gtk and still didnt figure out how to use: 1) nautilus integration, 2) what's that notification icon on my tray all about?!17:25
jamjelmer: do you create a new RevisionBuildEditor for each revision?17:26
jelmerjam: Yes17:27
jamjelmer: so the text_cache is regenerated each rev17:27
jamI'm inserting something into self.editor._XXX17:27
jambut then I never find it again17:27
jelmerjam: yeah, you're right17:28
jelmerpointless cache :-)17:28
jamjelmer: so we might want to rethink  the text_cache17:28
jelmerjam: Pushed a fix17:32
Peng_jelmer: Did you mean to make a change to commit.py in your "Fix import." commit?17:39
GoundyHow to commit and push a branch by keeping the commits messages got from a merge ?17:40
jelmerpeng_: Yes17:40
jelmerpeng_: The commit message is incomplete :-)17:40
Peng_jelmer: Ok, just making sure. :)17:41
Peng_Goundy: If you run "bzr merge" and "bzr commit", the merged revisions will be listed in the log. (Unless you did a cherrypick.)17:41
GoundyPeng aborting commit write group: BzrCommandError(empty commit message specified)17:42
GoundyPeng and if I specify a message I'm screwed cuz I loose my messages got from merge17:43
Goundywhat's a cherrypick ? ôO17:43
jamjelmer:  care to try out: http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/plugins/svn/add_lines_cache/17:44
jamWith my trivial testing, it makes a modest improvement17:44
jelmerjam: checking17:45
jelmerjam: Are chunks random blocks of data?17:46
jelmerjam: or is there more to it?17:46
GoundyPeng any hint ? :-)17:46
jam"chunked" means that it is a list of strings17:50
jamso "lines" is a chunked17:50
jamas is [fulltext]17:50
Goundywell guys are you sure nobody have a little idea about my issue ?17:51
GoundyIt's making me stuck...17:51
GoundyAnd I already screwed my history tree I don't want to put more rubbish inside it :/17:51
jamGoundy: I doubt you are "screwed"17:52
jamtry committing with a message17:52
jamand then doing "bzr log"17:52
jamit should show the commit messages for the merged revs17:52
jam(just indented)17:52
pickscrapeIs anyone aware of any integration between bzr and cruisecontrol?17:53
Goundyjam well I know that it works but I'm just trying to keep my meaningful messages for each file that comes from the merge destination....17:53
jamI'm pretty sure "bzr log file" will also give you what you want17:54
jamas would "bzr gannotate file"17:54
KhaZpickscrape: No, I'm not sure.  That said, check out TeamCity - it rocks Cruise Control.17:54
KhaZpickscrape: (Not sure if it works with bzr either, however.  We use it at work tho, and prefer it over CC).17:54
pickscrapeKhaZ: does it handle PHP projects well?17:54
jelmerjam: so ideally, bzr-svn should be working with chunks?17:55
jamjelmer: for some values of "ideally".17:55
jamI think they are generally better17:55
jamas they are more trivial to convert to lines or fulltexts17:55
jamand you can have *part* of your content shared17:56
pickscrapeKhaZ: ah, it's not free is it...17:56
jam(so 2 texts for the same file can share 90% of the content, just the lines that have changed are diff)17:56
jelmerjam: Any reason you call chunks_to_lines() ? Is that really necessary?17:57
jamjelmer: chunks aren't guaranteed to be lines17:57
jamso if you want to work in *lines* (like for .add_lines()) you have to call it17:57
jamthat said, chunks_to_lines() was written with that in mind17:57
jamchunks_to_lines(lines) is very fast17:57
jamand returns the original object17:57
=== gorozco is now known as p4tux
Goundyjam ah indeed bzr log gives all what I want but not loggerhead so it's a launchpad problem and not a bzr one17:58
GoundyThank you17:58
jambarry: how's it going?18:01
jam(I don't see any updates to code.python.org yet)18:01
barryjam: nope, i got nervous so i'm doing a fresh import into a test directory, which is still running.  i wanted to see what branches it ends up with because i forgot that that svn repo has the sandbox an dlots of other crud18:02
jelmerjam, We don't seem to actually require chunks to be lines anywhere18:02
jamjelmer: does 'bzr svn-import' use a 1.9-r-r format by default?18:02
jelmerjam: Except when self.file_data wasn't changed18:02
jelmerjam: No, it uses rich-root-pack18:03
jamjelmer: we do during the "add_lines()" call18:03
jambut yes, that is the only time18:03
jelmerjam: But we call read_lines() to obtain the data we feed to add_lines()18:03
jamIt was more to leave "file_data" as always lines18:03
jambut we can make it always chunks18:03
jelmerjam: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/122932/18:04
jamjelmer: fine with me18:04
barryjam, jelmer opps, i'll need to import to a 1.9-r-r format i guess.  when i do the real incremental import will that work automatically if the target branches are 1.9-r-r?18:05
jelmerbarry, it won't change the format of existing items18:06
barryjelmer: but all the new branches?18:06
jelmerbarry, so if you create a 1.9-r-r repo before you start, it should work fine18:06
Peng_When will bzr stack without me explicitly requesting it? When branching from LP? When pushing to LP? What?18:15
beunoPeng_, pushing18:16
Peng_beuno: Do I ever have to worry about it on "bzr branch"?18:16
beunoPeng_, why would you worry?18:17
beunoif you want it stacked, you add --stacked to the branch command18:17
beunobut it doesn't stack at all by default18:17
beunoLaunchpad can't force you to  ;)18:17
Peng_beuno: Alright. That's what I wanted to make sure of. Thanks.18:18
jelmerjam: Merged, thanks!18:25
thumperbeuno: actually stacking by default on LP does work18:55
thumperbeuno: the branch will be stacked on the development focus branch18:55
thumperbeuno: if and only if your local repository format supports it18:55
thumperbeuno: unless there were more bug fixes I haven't checked18:56
thumperbeuno: and you're running with a bzr later than 1.718:56
thumperPeng_: if you have a local branch in format 1.6 and push to LP for a project that has a dev focus branch set, LP will try to stack it for you18:57
thumperPeng_: actually LP tells the bzr client to stack it18:57
LarstiQthumper: I suppose lp doens't have shared repositories for multiple branches in the same (owner, project) combo yet?19:11
LarstiQ(if ever)19:11
jamjelmer: so did you see a performance difference?19:20
KhaZpickscrape: There's a free version of it, but it is limited somewhat.19:21
jamLarstiQ: I think with stacked, they are working around the issue19:26
LarstiQjam: that is indeed why I asked :)19:26
bialixyo LarstiQ, how your vacations?19:29
LarstiQbialix: too short, but good! Thanks for asking :)19:31
LarstiQhad good weather (snow out, -8, clear sky and sun)19:31
* bialix wanna get vacation too, but can't19:31
bialixthat's nice19:31
bialixI'm reworking UI of the scmproj19:32
fullermdVacations are so exhausting.  You always have to deal with people saying things like "Oh, where are you going?"19:32
bialixnow it's much more usable19:32
fullermd...   what do you mean, going?  I'm locking the door, taking the phone off the hook, and sleeping for 2 weeks straight...19:33
LarstiQfullermd: in my case it's usually "Finland, visiting my girlfriend"19:33
bialixfullermd: ya, I know what you talking about19:33
fullermdGoing somewhere is something you then have to lock the door, take the phone off the hook, and sleep for 2 weeks straight to _recover_ from.  Defeats the purpose.19:34
LarstiQbialix: so how is scmproj coming along?19:37
bialixI've starting actively uising it at work.19:38
bialixI think nested trees should rocks19:38
bialixbut even with my emulation I've got measurable boost19:39
bialixI can finally implement very complex build configuartion for my project19:39
bialixand this is fantastic.19:39
bialixToo bad nested trees was in coma so long19:40
bialixI'm working on tutorial now.19:40
LarstiQbialix: that's good to hear19:41
bialixI've forced to rework model a bit, but in the end it's just improve usability (based on my dogfooding experience)19:42
bialixI hope it's no more so clunky as before19:43
bialixit was really is19:43
bialixI found many interesting ideas in git submodules19:45
bialixbut in the same time their submodules are so "spartan"! you have to do many boring operations manually19:45
bialixit seems just like a half-hour hack19:46
bialixbut bzr still don't have anything, so git won by scores 1:019:47
bialixok. thanks for listening. have to go. bye.19:52
barryjam: bzr: ERROR: parent_id {18549@6015fed2-1504-0410-9fe1-9d1591cc4771:python%2Fbranches%2Frelease20-maint:Lib%2Fidlelib} not in inventory20:24
jambarry: can't say I've seen that specific issue. But it is claiming that "Release20-maint:Lib" isn't present, when  its child "idlelib" is being addedd20:26
jrydberg__anyone here installed bzr using fink?20:26
jamthis certainly wasn't one of the branches you used to be converting20:26
jamI don't know if jelmer knows what would cause that sort of traceback (but he may be sleeping by now)20:27
barryjam: right.  i think it's a byproduct of running 'bzr svn-import' over the whole svn repo20:27
jambarry: sort of. I don't see how bzr-svn wouldn't be able to convert something that could be represented in svn, without giving a different error.20:27
barryjam: might be interesting to check out that branch over svn and see i end up with?20:28
jambarry: probably a good starting point20:28
jam(I could understand if it was a path that svn supports that bzr doesn't, like with a '\', but I don't see that happening here)20:29
barryjam: that's probably a pre-svn branch iirc.  i don't remember when we upgraded from cvs to svn20:29
jamIf it helps, it looks like revno 18549 is when this file was originally introduced20:29
jambarry: considering you are at 44k or so, I would guess it is also a cvs time20:29
jambut still, if it is valid in svn, I don't see why we couldn't represent it at this poin20:30
jamoh, and it idlelib is the directory which is missing20:30
jamI misread the original error20:30
jamthe *parent_id == ...idlelib* is missing20:30
barryjam: yep.  i just checked out the branch, which went fine, but there is no Lib/idlelib20:31
jambarry: can you try an older rev?20:31
jamto see if there used to be one20:31
barryjam: let's see if i can remember how to do that :)20:33
jamsvn co -r 20000 should work, IIRC20:33
jameither that or20:33
jamsvn co $URL@2000020:33
barryjam: thanks20:33
barryjam: cvs2svn was run at r18549 and nothing before that appears to be 'svn up'able20:36
barrysvn: Target path does not exist20:36
jamdoes that mean you already had a svn repo, and then you pulled in things from cvs?20:37
jamor that the existing svn was pure conversion up to r18549?20:37
barryjam: svn log says...20:37
barryr18549 | (no author) | 2001-01-02 12:07:49 -0500 (Tue, 02 Jan 2001) | 2 lines20:37
barryThis commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch20:37
jambarry: so can you do "svn co -r 18549 $SVN/python/branches/release20-maint"20:40
jambarry: and is there a Lib/idlelib in there?20:40
jammorning lifeless20:40
jelmerbarry, hi20:40
barryjam: nope20:40
jelmerbarry, that's caused by a bug in 0.4 that's now fixed :-/20:40
jamjelmer: so is it the old mappings causing the problem?20:40
jamhe's using 0.5.020:41
barryjam: yeah20:41
jelmerjam: Well, sortof20:41
jelmerjam: An import using the new mappings would of course never cause problems since there's no older interpretation you could conflict with20:42
barryjam: otp w/thumper20:45
jelmerbarry, This is importing into an empty bzr repository ?20:45
jamjelmer: that is what he said earlier20:46
jamon a machine that didn't do the earlier import20:46
jamso it wouldn't have anything cached20:46
jelmeroh, hmm20:46
jelmercouldn't be the different interpretation then20:46
jelmerbarry, and this is the python repo?20:46
jamjelmer: yes20:47
jamsvn.python.org/python/ IIRC20:47
lifelessbug 33432620:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334326 in bzr "Creating working tree for OOo takes ages" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33432620:48
lifelessjelmer: ^ why invalid?20:48
jelmerjam: I'll give that a try20:48
jelmerlifeless, crap I closed the wrong one20:48
jelmerlifeless, the "bzr st" one is invalid20:49
jelmerlifeless, fixed20:50
jelmerjam: btw, do the tests for InterBranch look ok ?20:56
barryjelmer: it is importing into an empty bzr repository20:57
jelmerbarry, I'm trying to reproduce it20:57
jamjelmer: http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk is the trunk branch20:57
jamI had the wrong url20:57
jelmerbarry, whereabouts does it fail?20:57
barryjelmer: time bzr svn-import --incremental /data/repos/projects/ experiment20:58
barryjelmer: bzr: ERROR: parent_id {18549@6015fed2-1504-0410-9fe1-9d1591cc4771:python%2Fbranches%2Frelease20-maint:Lib%2Fidlelib} not in inventory20:58
calcis there any way to have a partial repo checkout like what is normal with cvs and svn?20:59
calceg i want to have dirs a/b a/c a/d and be able to just checkout a/b20:59
jamcalc: in general, checkout granularity is at the *branch* level, so you can checkout less than a whole repository, but not less than a whole branch20:59
lifelesscalc: its intended but not implemented21:00
barryjelmer, jam would it make sense to switch to updating only the handful of branches i really care about (for now)?21:02
jambarry: it may save *you* some time :)21:03
jamjelmer: I just sent in a review21:03
jamI'll also comment that some of this may conflict with stuff like RemoteBranch and streaming code.21:03
jamotherwise it seems ok21:04
calclifeless: ok21:04
calchmm well this will create a bit of a mess in my lp repo21:04
calci'll have something like 15 branches per release now :-\21:04
barryjam: ;)  what's the best way to do that. not svn-import i'm guessing.21:05
* calc wonders if he can add more to the lp bzr path eg sub repo's21:05
jambarry: for the *first* time 'bzr branch svn...' for later times 'cd XXX; bzr pull'21:06
jamanother alternative is to use a 'custom' layout21:06
jamwhich defines just the branches you want to convert21:06
jamlet me see if I can come up with that quickly21:07
barryjam: ah yes!  duh.  i can just bzr pull in the directories we already have21:07
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jelmerjam: Thanks21:08
jelmerbarry: Hopefully I'll have a fix more the main issue in a few minutes21:08
barryjelmer: ok, cool.  any chance of a ppa? :)21:08
jambarry: something like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123015/21:09
jelmerbarry: For which Ubuntu release?21:09
barryjelmer: debian lenny :)  but so far hardy has been working for bzr/bzrtools21:10
jamHardy, I believe21:10
barryjam: is that hex string an example, or specifically what i should use?  i have no idea what that means21:10
jelmerI'm trying hard to stay away from being the maintainer of various things in PPA, as there's plenty packages I have to worry about as is21:10
barryjam: and that goes in subversion.conf, right?21:10
jambarry: the hex string is specifically what you should use21:10
jambarry: it is the UUID for your svn repository21:10
jam(I took it from the error message you gave)21:10
barryjam: gotcha21:11
barryjam: thanks21:11
* barry tries21:11
jamI don't know if "projects" is in there or not, as I don't know where your svn root is21:11
jambut it *looks* like that may be correct21:11
barryjam: projects is the root of the filesystem repo, but i don't believe it's in the urls21:12
jamjelmer: do you have debian lenny packages then? I know you do the "debian/experimental" stuff21:12
jelmerjam: I've been looking at providing backports for lenny21:13
jelmerjam, Also so they can be used on alioth21:13
jelmersince the bzr 1.5 smart server (which is in lenny) is kinda slow21:13
lifelessjelmer: have you tried push with .dev to .dev this week ?21:14
jelmerlifeless: "No revisions to pull." :-P21:14
jelmeroh, right (-:21:14
jelmerlifeless, what do you mean exactly?21:15
barryjam: the paths in branches: are those svn paths or bzr paths?21:15
jambarry: svn paths21:15
barryjam: cool, thanks21:15
jamjelmer: he wants you to test the latest streaming code in bzr.dev21:15
jelmerjam: ah21:15
jamwhich has a couple new smart verbs, etc21:15
jelmerlifeless, no, I haven't tried that yet21:15
lifelessjelmer: I sent a mail to the list21:16
jelmerproblem is I don't control most of the bzr smart servers I connect to21:16
igcjam: fyi, lifeless had tweaked his groupcompress branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/+junk/bzr-groupcompress/revision/2921:16
lifelessjelmer: andrew and I have landed streaming push etc21:16
jelmerlifeless, Yeah, I saw some interesting things fly by21:16
igcjam: the second part of that is missing from your branch - don't know how much it matters21:16
lifelessjelmer: and you can use a homedir checkout on the server21:17
igcmorning all21:17
lifelessjelmer: its all in my mail :)21:17
lifelessh igc21:17
igcmorning jelmer, lifeless21:17
jelmerlifeless: ah, neat21:18
jelmerlifeless, is there a plugin yet for installing a new bzr on a remote server ? :-P21:18
jamlifeless: I don't know if you noticed, but I created a bzr-groupcompress project, so there should be a shared location we can work on it.21:19
lifelessjam: cool, I hadn't21:19
jamigc: I think my 'experimental' branch did21:19
jamI need to put that back in 'trunk'21:20
jamsince we have --development5 now21:20
Peng_Is there any reason to use "lp:///foo" instead of "lp:foo"?21:21
domasmore slashes21:21
jamPeng_: technically you can use lp://dev/foo21:21
domaslooks like URI, too21:21
jamand some other lp special names21:21
Peng_Cool, "lp://///foo" works. :P21:21
jamlp:/foo doesn't :)21:22
igcjam: ah, ok. I guess I should stick with testing/using the main branch though, shouldn't I?21:22
jamlp:foo == lp:///foo == lp://edge/21:22
jamigc: I would stick to using "lp:bzr-groupcompress"21:23
jamI'll probably land my stuff there now21:23
jamsince you need it for d5 anyway21:23
Peng_Why does it still use edge? Just because of the redirect for testers?21:23
jamPeng_: not sure, something to do with how the xmlrpc code is set up21:24
Peng_Yeah, I think it's that xmlrpc doesn't like the redirect.21:24
jamI know that *used* to be the case21:25
jamnot sure if it is still true21:25
jamigc: I just pushed up my latest21:26
igcjam: thanks21:26
jamigc: I'll mention that the only "hack" I need to make conversions fast is the xml8.py change21:27
jamAnd I can convert mysql 525 in 1m45s21:27
jam(bzr branch mysql-5.1 -r 525, which is 1063 revs)21:27
igcjam: so which gc format should I be testing? gc-plain-chk?21:27
jamIf I was picking one, 'gc-plain-chk255'21:28
jamnot sure if that is the pure winner21:28
jambut it is my best choice right now21:28
igcjam: sure. I guess my goal is to tell you the answer :-)21:28
igcbut I want one to work firstly :-)21:28
jamigc: oh, and I should mention that I think GC+CHK repositories don't autopack right now21:28
jamThey may not even "bzr pack"21:29
jamI need to work on that21:29
igcjam: please21:29
igclack of autopack will certainly distort benchmarks21:29
jelmerdev5-subtree is not GC, right?21:30
jamigc,lifeless: so I'm thinking that for a first-cut, to go ahead and have 'autopack' fully rebuild the groups21:30
jamjelmer: correct21:30
lifelessjam: sure21:30
jambasically, just stream the expected revs in "gc-optimal" order21:30
jamand shove them into the target21:30
lifelessjam: well, calculate pack count, and for the ones to redo, do tht21:30
jamlifeless: right21:31
jamnot the whole repo21:31
thumperwhy is bzr lying to me?21:34
thumperSource format does not support stacking, using format: '1.6'21:34
thumperbzr info -v tells me it is branch format 7 and packs 521:34
thumperwhich AFAIK --1.621:34
jamthumper: I bet you upgraded the repo and not the branch. Also, are you checking the *target* or the *source* ?21:35
thumperthe branch is branch format 721:35
thumperand it is the source21:35
thumperthe target is lp21:35
thumpera new branch21:35
thumperthe command appeared to work21:35
thumperbut it is telling me it is in the wrong format when it isn't21:36
* thumper wishes there was a `bzr info --format` that just showed the formats21:36
lifelessbug 33411421:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334114 in bzr "Bazaar tells me my source branch format doesn't support stacking, even though it does." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33411421:36
thumperlifeless: thanks21:36
* thumper me tooed21:37
Peng_bzr info -v is reasonably fast now, so it can work.21:42
jelmerthumper: is there an easy way in lp to sort by how many people have me tooed?21:43
jelmermaybe an "AOL" button ? :-P21:44
thumperjelmer: no idea21:47
jelmerthumper, found it: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-users_affected_count&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=21:48
barryjam: i'm catching up on the bzr thread now.  that "12 minute" branch time; was that using bzr 1.5, 1.6 or something else, and was that from c.p.o, lp.net or someplace else?21:53
jambarry: so testing from people.ubuntu.org/~jameinel/python/trunk21:54
barryjam: also, when do you think the --stacked fix will hit bzr.dev?21:54
jama full "bzr branch" took 16m40s21:54
barryjam: bzr version?21:54
jama 'best case' 'bzr branch --stacked' took 3m30s21:54
jambarry: bzr.dev21:54
jam(with patches)21:54
jambarry: pqm is finishing up running the tests now21:54
jamso... 5 min ?21:54
barryjam: wow!  that's impressive.  do i get all my wishes fulfilled so easily? :)21:55
jamI think 3m40s with the patch over bzr+ssh. versus 6m50s over http21:55
jamplain http21:55
jamI think you could get 3m40s there if you had a smart server running21:56
jambecause it seems to be the http Range request issues21:56
lifelessdoes anyone know why we intercept failing hooks?22:01
lifelessit make it really hard to see whats going on22:01
barryjam: can you sanity check: https://pastebin.canonical.com/1426522:02
jambarry: the patch has landed.22:05
barryjam: excellent!22:05
jamany chance you could try' bzr branch --stacked' and see how it compares with your 8min ?22:05
barryjam: yep.  'course my router sucks :)22:05
jambarry: well do whatever you did to get around the router earlier22:06
barryjam: basically, it's yank my internet connection.  my wife's about to go out for a bit, so i'll do it then.  i like being married :)22:06
pooliehello barry22:06
barrypoolie: hi!22:06
barryjam: that pastebin is my response to brett.  i wanna make sure i'm not telling fibs22:07
jambarry: yeah, I haven't seen any fibs yet, but having your timing would be a real asset there22:07
barryjam: cool.  i'll do that in a bit22:08
jambarry: you may want to do timings against http://people.ubuntu.com/~jameinel/python/trunk and bzr+ssh://rookery.canonical.com/home/jameinel/public_html/python/trunk22:13
jamjust to see what adding a smart server would get you22:13
barryjam: anything special i need to do on the client?22:16
barryjam: other than --stacked22:17
jambarry: I don't think so22:17
barryjam: cool.22:17
lifelessjam: if you wanted to finish tuesdays chat, I can do that22:19
jamigc, lifeless: I just landed a few patches that make 'groupcompress' compatible with the new network streaming changes22:22
jamigc: in the meantime, to get around autopack, you can branch to a new standalone branch22:22
jamlifeless: I think for tonight, I'm just going to try to get gc autopack working22:24
jamI think I'm close22:24
lifelessok cool22:25
igcjam: I'm out of here for several hours real soon (so I'll wait till the autopack stuff is going)22:25
lifelessspiv: that hook race condition fix is up for review22:26
lifelessspiv: it also leads into setting the stacked branch during init so that will be a less round trip or so22:27
spivlifeless: just reviewed22:33
pooliekfogel: thanks for the thoughtful comments on our release docs22:39
kfogelpoolie: you're welcome22:40
lifelessspiv: so, I'm going to work on _real_repository in push22:46
maxbIs there any documentation which explains "ghosts" ?22:57
kfogelmaxb: "ghosts"?23:00
fullermdWell, usually they're just pockets of swamp gas...23:00
kfogel"Rodents of Unusual Size?  I don't believe they exist."23:01
garyvdmmaxb has asked a good question.23:03
garyvdmqbzr has code in it to deal with "ghosts: - which I don't understand, and don't know how to test.23:03
garyvdmHow do you end up with a ghost?23:04
fullermdGhosts are revisions that are referenced but not available.23:04
lifelessjam: ping23:04
fullermdThe usual way AIUI is conversions, especially from arch.23:04
jamlifeless: pong, though I'm going out the door now23:04
jamautopack is now working23:04
lifelessyou added a bug, I need to ask you about it23:04
jamand does a pretty good job23:04
fullermdStacked branches are sorta a special case of ghosts, but I'm not sure if they actually "look like" ghosts...23:04
lifeless:!bzr diff -c 3871.4.423:04
lifelessjam: cool23:04
lifelessbug 30484123:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304841 in bzr "bzr push raises RevisionNotPresent" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30484123:05
garyvdmfullermd: how can you create a branch that has a ghost to test that your code is ghost friendly?23:05
jamsorry I can't talk more now23:05
lifelessjam: ok, I'll just delete the offending line :)23:06
lifelessjam: I think its bogus23:06
fullermdgaryvdm: No idea.  I think there's something in the bzr test suite that does it...23:15
* fullermd refers all questions that require actual knowledge to lifeless :p23:15
lifelessgaryvdm: do a commit with a parent that is a ghost23:15
lifelessgaryvdm: one easy way is tree.set_parent_ids([tree.last_revision, 'blah blah blah']); tree.commit()23:16
lifelessgaryvdm: testing a ghost on mainline is a little more compelx23:16
garyvdmlifeless - thanks23:16
garyvdmfullermd, lifeless: I really need to work on qbzr testsuit.23:17
* igc out for a few hours - back later23:18
lifelesspop quiz, moving _fetch_order and _fetch_uses_delta to RepositoryFormat ?23:30
james_werm, the ides of March?23:36
james_woh, wrong sort of quiz23:37

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