
JontheEchidnawow, lzma compression is quite impressive00:04
JontheEchidnakdebase-workspace-bin is down from 4.4 MB to 2.5 MB00:05
JontheEchidnathe -dbg is down from 50 MB to 30-something00:05
JontheEchidnafrom 57 to 3100:05
JontheEchidnaI haven't gotten figures for -data yet00:06
JontheEchidnabecause i386 hasn't built yet I assume00:07
JontheEchidnaand it won't build for at least an hour :/00:09
JontheEchidnakdebase-runtime seems like a good candidate for lzma too00:12
lex79JontheEchidna: festival is installed by default in jaunty?00:29
vorianare we set with a standing ffe for core kde packages?01:03
ScottKvorian: You'd have to ask Riddell for Main.  For Universe whatever Riddell says goes too.01:03
ScottKI'm pretty sure that adds up to yes.01:04
JontheEchidnaSo we have bug 33262702:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332627 in intrepid-backports "package kjots 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 failed to install/upgrade: попытка перезаписать /usr/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/actions/edit-delete-page.png, который уже имеется в пакете kmail" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33262702:21
JontheEchidnabut kjots already conflicts/replaces on any kmail version earlier than 4.1.8002:22
JontheEchidnaConflicts: kjots-kde4, kmail (<< 4:4.1.80)02:22
JontheEchidnaReplaces: kjots-kde4, kmail (<< 4:4.1.80)02:22
JontheEchidnaoh, because I fixed it yesterday02:23
* JontheEchidna is tired02:23
JontheEchidnawell, 2 days ago02:23
* JontheEchidna prepares a backports upload02:26
JontheEchidnaScottK: I've uploaded a new kdepim to -backports02:33
ScottKGreat.  I'll have a look in a few minutes.  Any change you'd do kdebase-runtime too.  I know we need that.02:34
JontheEchidnaSure. I'm feeling much more motivated than I was earlier this evening02:35
JontheEchidnahmm, is there a special dput argument I need to upload to -backports?02:36
DaSkreechWhat did I miss? :)02:40
ScottKJontheEchidna: No, just use intrepid-backports as the target in debian/changelog02:50
JontheEchidnaAh, that's what it was. Wrong target.02:51
ScottKNo wonder I don't see it.02:51
JontheEchidnaScottK: reuploaded, and a kdebase-runtime fix is being committed to bzr03:00
JontheEchidnaScottK: it doesn't like me trying to upload to main03:01
ScottKUrgh.  OK.03:04
ScottKJontheEchidna: Shove a debdiff somewhere and I'll sponsor it.03:05
JontheEchidnais batpaste good?03:05
ScottKIf that gives me a pastebin I can click on, sure.03:05
* ScottK grabs03:06
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you look and see if there were any other worthwhile improvements to backport into kdepim at the same time?03:07
JontheEchidnathere haven't been any bzr commits since the ones that riddell backported03:08
ScottKOK. Thanks.03:09
ScottKDid you test build this in a PPA?03:09
JontheEchidnaMeh, the biggest package in kdebase-workspace barely decreased in size with lzma03:10
JontheEchidna(wallpapers don't compress well I guess)03:11
JontheEchidnaIn kdebase-workspace's case I think we lose 5 MiB of size when using lzma03:14
ScottKJontheEchidna: What do you think about deleting all the packages from kubuntu-experimental that are in backports and setting kubuntu-experimental to build-dep on backports?03:15
JontheEchidnaI think it would make it much easier to test koffice backports03:16
JontheEchidnaplus it would help us not go over the limit so much03:17
ScottKPlus we aren't really consistently updating experimental, so people should go to backports.03:17
ScottKOK.  I'll work on that.03:19
JontheEchidnaSo why isn't lzma compression used by default? It seems to save space03:22
JontheEchidnathe -dbg packages went down from 56 MB to 32 MB03:24
ScottKIt also takes longer to compress/decompress so you slow down install and increase buildd usage.03:31
JontheEchidnaDo you think it'd be worth it for 5 MB for kdebase-workspace?03:32
rgreeningJontheEchidna: kdebase-workspace built in my PPA with the notification patch. want to try it03:34
JontheEchidnaI'm in the midst of testing lzma-compressed kdebase-workspace03:34
rgreeninghmm... why compress?03:35
ScottK5MB would be a lot.03:35
ScottKrgreening: More space on the CD.03:35
rgreeningah. cool03:35
rgreeningwill that slow the live part?03:36
rgreeningto boot/login time?03:36
JontheEchidnaI'd have to downgrade to use your ppa packages :(03:37
JontheEchidnaThe testcase for the bug was: -Make an icon hidden in the systray. Close dialog. Repeat. get something to knotify you03:38
rgreeningJontheEchidna: so the patch seems to be applied correct.03:38
rgreeningok. will try03:38
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ok, msg me a couple of times.03:39
JontheEchidnargreening: pang03:39
JontheEchidnargreening: plong03:39
JontheEchidnargreening: pling03:39
JontheEchidnargreening: got a nice tower of knotify yet?03:39
rgreeningholy $hi+03:40
rgreening3 for each ping03:40
rgreeningthat makes no sense03:40
JontheEchidnathey said it works in trunk03:40
rgreeningok, repeat the test JontheEchidna03:41
JontheEchidnargreening: hai2u03:41
JontheEchidna~order coke for rgreening03:41
* kubotu slides a cold can of tasty Coca Cola(r) down the bar to rgreening.03:41
rgreeningok, if I disable the 2 options in notifications under system tray, I get one old stype notification at the top of the screen.03:42
JontheEchidnayeah, that bit always worked03:42
rgreeningok, try again...03:43
JontheEchidnargreening: should be 4 now that you've changed the config... maybe 5 per03:43
rgreeningonly got one that time.03:43
rgreening1 sec...03:43
rgreeningJontheEchidna: again?03:44
JontheEchidna~order vodka for rgreening03:44
* kubotu slides vodka down the bar to rgreening03:44
rgreeningok, got 4 that time.03:44
rgreeningso, it only happens it you add/remove to hidden icons03:44
rgreeningtry it now. I'll not mod anything03:45
JontheEchidnado you have a trunk install handy that you could test this with rgreening03:45
JontheEchidnamaybe a neon install?03:45
rgreeningunfortunately no.03:45
JontheEchidnaremoving the patch stops the dupes though, so at least I think we should disable it until we've fixed it03:46
rgreeningI wonder why hiding icons triggers it03:46
rgreeningi have an idea... try it once nore03:47
JontheEchidnargreening: ZOMG LOLLERCOPTER\03:47
rgreeningok, I thought <I might see something in plasma output... nope.03:47
JontheEchidnaI am guessing it's doing something like connecting some slots when it saves config03:48
rgreeningoh. maybe03:48
rgreeningI wonder whats different in trunk then03:48
JontheEchidnaI had a similar problem where I had this timer that was being connected each time I pressed the stop/start button03:49
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
JontheEchidnaso the timer would advance one more second per second with each stop/start03:49
JontheEchidnabecause I was making a new connection each time I pressed the button03:49
JontheEchidnathat one commit really looked like it'd fix it :(03:51
* JontheEchidna goes to bed03:51
rgreeningScottK, Riddell: i think the double notification is fixed here: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=90318304:18
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ^^04:18
rgreeningIm gonna try a patch with that.04:18
ScottKOK, I think I finally got all the typos out of the kipi-plugins patch.04:26
rgreeningI think I have the fix for notification dups04:31
rgreeningit'll be in my ppa later...04:32
rgreeningnm. it was already bp to 4.2. doh05:01
ScottKWould someone please double check I'm not seeing things?05:24
ScottKIs the current konq-plugins package in Jaunty a Debian Native package?05:24
a|wenScottK: LP says 4:4.2.0a-0ubuntu105:34
ScottKYes, but note there's no diff.gz.05:34
a|wenuh oh, looks like a mistake to me05:36
a|wenprobably the .orig.tar.* didn't get renamed to 4.2.0a05:36
ScottKWe'll need to fix that after the Alpha 5 is out.05:45
ScottKJontheEchidna: Uploaded.06:17
ScottKRiddell: I just sponsored a kdepim fix for JontheEchidna.  It's simple enough, but figure since I uploaded it, I shouldn't accept it.06:17
=== cmvo_ is now known as cmvo
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ScottKRiddell: Did you get kdesudo sorted (slangasek's comment on -release)?11:15
RiddellScottK: tonio seemed to do an upload reverting his last change11:16
ScottKOK.  As long as it's handled...11:16
ScottKRiddell: Would you please accept the kdepim in intrepid-backports.11:45
ScottKAlso FTBFS on konq-plugins and kipi-plugins are all fixed.11:49
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.11:58
Luredo we have kde 4.2 in backports?12:13
ScottKWe do.12:13
LureScottK: so kubuntu-experimental is not suggested anymore?12:14
ScottKLure: Correct.12:14
LureScottK: should we bacport digikam/kipi-plugins too (rc2), or we better change digikam-experimental to be built with backports?12:15
ScottKI'd wait until they are released to backport them.12:16
LureScottK: bug 33293712:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332937 in digikam "digikam has a dependency problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33293712:16
ScottKI'd change digikam experimental to use backports.12:16
ScottKI didn't consider the impact on you guys when I cleaned up the PPA last night.  Sorry.12:17
LureScottK: the only problem is that we have existing kubuntu-experimental users that are not aware of backports12:17
ScottKI'll add a not.12:17
LureScottK: no problem, that is why it is called experiemntal ;-)12:18
LureScottK: will there be announcement that people should switch to backports (and drop kubuntu-experimental)?12:18
ScottKI just made a note on the PPA page.12:19
ScottKryanakca: We should probably have a news item on this ^^^12:20
* Lure is considering opening new digikam-backport ppa12:20
ScottKBTW, did you see I fixed the kipi-plugins FTBFS in Jaunty last night?12:21
Riddellooh, I got amarok compiling!12:22
LureScottK: yes - thanks for that12:23
ScottKRiddell: That's great.12:24
Luremore than I think about, less I understand why KDE 4.2 in backports should break KDE3 digikam... :-(12:24
Luregetting KDE4 digikam is a workaround, but some users might not like to upgrade yet (at least before final release)...12:25
ScottKRiddell: kdebase-runtime in Jaunty has a versioned build-dep on libsoprano-dev (>= 2.1.67).  The intrepid-backports -runtime build-dep isn't versioned and we only have 2.1.64 in backports.  Do we need to backport a newer one or just ignore it?12:37
RiddellI think it can be ignored12:37
ScottKOK.  I'm updating -runtime with some improved conflicts/replaces.  I'll ignore it.12:38
ScottKRiddell: Would you please accept the kdebase-runtime in intrepid-backports.13:56
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.14:31
Riddellsorry for the delay, mdebdiff was doing funny things14:32
ScottKThat takes care of any known package conflicts issues with the intrepid backport.  We still need to backport the universe plasmoids.14:32
ScottKNo problem.  It's probably just as well not to have two huge KDE packages building for backports at the same time while where in the Alpha freeze anyway.14:33
Riddellnew alpha candidate live CDs up for testing14:34
davmor2jjesse: in your blog post yesterday did you know your bug is incorrect :)14:40
jjesseno it isn't did i link to the worng bug?14:40
jjesseyes yes i did14:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 33103 in gconf-editor "Dapper Drake: Gconf-editor does not show menu icon like it should" [Medium,Invalid]14:41
jjessei'm retratred14:41
jjessemissed a 314:41
jjessebug 33310314:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333103 in ubiquity "unable to format partitions on SSD for Dell 910" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33310314:41
jjessethanks davmor214:42
rickspencer3julian_: hi14:52
jjessemorning rickspencer314:53
rickspencer3jjesse: good morning14:53
rickspencer3Hi ScottK14:53
julian_rickspencer3: Hey rick14:53
rickspencer3hey everyone, julian_ is the head of design for Canonical14:54
jjessehello julian_14:54
ScottKWelcome julian_.14:54
seelecan someone log this? i have to run off for a class in 5 minutes14:54
jjessehe's the one that did the presentation at UDS Mountain View14:54
rickspencer3JontheEchidna: Tonio_: seele: rgreening: nixternal: etc: ^^^^14:54
rickspencer3jjesse: yes14:55
julian_hi everyone - it's great to meet you14:55
rickspencer3julian_: is a general cool guy and I thought since this is such a design centric group, you all should hang out14:55
rickspencer3probably have a lot in common14:55
Riddellhi julian_14:55
rgreeningo/ julian_14:55
julian_thanks for the introduction rick14:56
rickspencer3let's see ...14:56
rickspencer3mpt is on julian_'s team, and so is ken, and beuno14:56
rickspencer3plus I think think there is a user researcher comming on board?14:57
julian_i really want to get to know you guys so we can move these fantastic products onwards and upwards14:57
julian_yes - she joins us in 2 weeks14:57
rickspencer3so thoughts about how to make Kubuntu + Canoncial Design Team = Awesome ?14:58
julian_as i said in my presentation at UDS, this is very much a collaborative effort14:58
rickspencer3ScottK: thoughts?14:58
Riddelljulian_: how does your process work in respect to looking at what's already out there?  what part of the process do you look at what's already in the desktops and how that fits around what you're planning?14:59
julian_well, we've taken the first step right here :-)14:59
ScottKUnfortunately none of the notifications presentations at UDS were remotely accessible.14:59
jjessealso is there a mailing list or irc channel for those interested to join and have ongoing disucssion?14:59
ScottKSo far I don't get the impression of any collaboration.14:59
rickspencer3ScottK: abstract from the notifications and looking forward at 9.10: what's the vision for a great collaboration?15:00
ScottKJust here's what we're doing ....15:00
rickspencer3ScottL: again, looking forward :)15:00
* rickspencer3 switches L and K keys on keyboard15:00
ScottKIn my experience most engineering problems are at least 80% social.15:00
julian_Riddell: we're beginning to put competitive reviews in place. once our user experience/researcher begins, she'll feed this into the early designprocesses15:01
jjessethe user expereience/researcher should spend a lot of time with seaLne15:01
jjessesorry meant seele15:01
ScottKSo I think it's important to recognize that (at least from my perspective) there has not been a lot of community input so far.15:01
* jjesse grumbles at tab completition15:01
* seaLne grumbles at nick highlighting :)15:02
jjessesorry seaLne15:02
seaLnejust joking15:02
rickspencer3jjesse: I think that seelse and mpt are working together on the uber spec for getting a users attention15:02
julian_jjesse: agreed. they have similar interests and ambitions - to work together to move us all on in a co-ordinated way15:03
ScottKA related point is that Kubuntu is a small, primarily community team.  We don't have a lot of resources available to maintain differences from upstream.15:03
julian_i worked with her extensively in my previous role so know her abilities really well15:03
Riddelljulian_: don't you find that means there's issues you havn't considered until you come closer to the implementation stage?  (one I'm thinking of is file transfers which I don't think there's any plans for)15:03
ScottKrickspencer3: Were you able to get an answer to the question I asked yesterday about Canonical's intended implementation strategy for KNotification?15:05
rickspencer3ScottK: I have a meeting to talk about it today, but I think I know the answer15:05
* ScottK listens15:06
rickspencer3davidbarth: you might want to tune in in case I get this wrong15:06
rickspencer3my understanding is this (and julian_ please correct me)15:06
julian_Riddell: not necessarily- it's all down to timing. done at the correct time and in the correct way, features can be included that meet our and users needs15:06
rickspencer3the question is: is Canonical planning to replace KNotification, or work with KDE upstream to improve KNotification?15:09
rickspencer3here's my understanding, the answer is "yes"15:09
julian_ScottK: i recognise the scale of the community and the issues this brings. resource is a scarce commodity. i'll be lloking to develop great and honest relationships with you guys to feed requirements in to us15:09
rickspencer3I think that the focus of many people right now is on the little bubbles, but the focus of the design team is on how desktops alert users in general15:10
julian_we're here to work with you - i firmly believe that. i've been astonished by the volumeof willingness and talent since i joined this project. i love that15:10
rickspencer3so there is a four part structure outlined in some detail about the four ways to notify users15:10
ScottKYes, not all of which is really suited to the KDE4 desktop.15:11
rickspencer3that four part structure should apply to all desktops, and Canonical intends to be bold and experimental in bringing this forward15:11
ScottKParticularly not as it may exist in the KDE4.3 and later timeframe.15:11
rickspencer3ScottK: yes, I am aware of your opinion there, but I respectfully disagree15:11
rickspencer3I think the framework is desktop agnostic15:12
ScottKThis is a different point than I've made before.15:12
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ScottKThe one I've focused on before is that I think removing functionality (actions on notifications) is a really bad idea.15:12
* Riddell thinks that's a non-issue15:12
rickspencer3So in terms of canonical experimenting and bing bold, I think people who want to contribute to moving Linux desktops forward should contribute to the spec, design, and participate in the experiment15:13
ScottKThe point I'm trying to make now is that the KDE view of the desktop is about to start changing significantly.15:13
ScottKrickspencer3: If there were an experiment, I would agree.  Experiments aren't part of default installations.15:13
ScottKOnce you make it the default, that's not an experiment, it's a production decision.15:14
rickspencer3so I would ask, ScottK, given that the KDE desktop is about to change, how do we collaborate and make the whole more than the sum of it's parts?15:14
ScottKLast time we were here having a group discussion I was told that Canonical had figured out how to make notifications better for KDE.15:14
ScottKWhen I asked the individual in question if they'd tried notifications in KDE 4.2, they had not.15:15
rickspencer3ScottK: hold on, I'd like to see if anyone else has any thoughts regarding team work15:15
rickspencer3JontheEchidna: nixternal ?15:15
Riddellnot sure they're here just now, jjesse and rgreening were lurking15:16
jjessestill lurking15:16
jjesseits what i do best15:17
rgreeningon a conf call $work :)15:17
rickspencer3let's consider it an ongoing conversation for now15:17
jjessei've been playing with the latest in Jaunty and I guess I am really enjoying how the notifications work in regards to downloading files, updates are ready, power state changes, etc15:17
jjesseand it is a great improvement since early KDE415:17
rickspencer3julian_: still there, or did ScottK and rickspencer3 bore you to death?15:17
rickspencer3jjesse: do you me Ubuntu Jaunty or Kubuntu Jaunty?15:18
jjessekubuntu jaunty15:18
rgreeningKDE notifications are coming along rather nice.15:18
RiddellKDE 4.2 notifications are a great improvement over what went before but it's far from a done job, there's still a lot that could be improved15:18
jjesseits purty15:18
ScottKrickspencer3: I agree that there is a lot that can be done to improve things and that working in a collaborative manner to accomplish them is good.15:18
julian_still here15:18
rgreeningThe notification system in KDE is quite extensive.15:18
jjessergreening: and has improved a lot15:18
Riddellrgreening: it's not, that's why apps like amarok don't use it15:18
rgreeningI'm sure it could use enhancements, but those should be developed in consult with upstream.15:19
jjesseprevious notifications took too much screen real estate on my Dell Mini 9, jaunty looks so much better15:19
rickspencer3jjesse: when you say "notifications" are you just referring to little bubbles, or is there a whole system?15:19
* jjesse notes he is only running the live cd though15:19
a|wenrickspencer3: there is a whole system; and it is really starting to come along great in kde 4.215:19
rgreeningI think working directly with this team and upstream KDE is going to be critical.15:20
jjessewell when i am notified there is a new message in kmail, or my powerstate changes or when i have new updates15:20
jjesseare those "bubbles" or something more invovled?15:20
rgreeningIm sure asiego (KDE) has a list of todo's for notification. if we can implement those in a sane way, that would be a plus for Kubuntu with KDE15:20
rickspencer3julian_: do you have a link that describes the four ways of getting a users attention handy? The one that mpt and seele are working on?15:21
julian_ScottK: can i just re-wind 5 mins - i got caught on a call. did you mention that you disagreed with non actionable notification bubbles?15:21
mptrickspencer3, seele and I have not been working on anything (I invited her to do so, but she's been busy).15:21
rickspencer3julian_: ScottK: please don't go there now!15:22
rickspencer3that is well tread ground :)15:22
jjesseseele is teaching a lot of classes and taking classes15:22
ScottKjulian_: Absolutely and we can leave it at that.15:22
rickspencer3I see sorry seele for being presumptuous :)15:22
mptrickspencer3, you may be thinking of the notification design guidelines I wrote. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDesignGuidelines>15:22
rickspencer3That's the one15:22
rickspencer3I'm sure everyone here know's mpt, right?15:23
* mpt waves15:23
rgreeningRiddell: do you know of a todo list or have a list of limitations that we can look at in KDE for notifications?15:24
rgreeningIf we attempt to work the todo's in coop with the Dx team and KDE upstream, this would be a great benefit15:24
rickspencer3jjesse: rgreening: aside from notifications, the design and dx team are going to be working on a lot of other cool stuff, and I think we want to ensure that Kubuntu benefits from this15:25
Riddellrgreening: I don't know of a list, I guess I could come up with stuff I'd like to see done15:25
rickspencer3so given "foo" new thing that they are working on, how do kubuntu developers engage with them to make foo work great on Kubuntu?15:26
rgreeningRiddell: I think this would be beneficial. we could approach KDE about it and offer to assist, working then internally with Dx and Kubuntu team15:26
ScottKrickspencer3: I do think that document captures what I view as the fundamental logical flaw in the design.  It incorrectly equates not requiring and action with not allowing one.15:26
rickspencer3ScottK: you're talking to the wrong person :) that's mpt and julian_15:27
rickspencer3perhaps we should arrange a separate meeting to discuss that?15:27
jjessejust so i understand under the new system, if i get an irc message, i will get notified that i have new message but not be able to click on it to open up my irc client?15:28
ScottKjjesse: Yes.15:28
Riddellno, that's covered by the message indicator15:28
jjessei don't like that all15:28
rgreeningrickspencer3: I'd suggest that if the Dx team has an idea, we meet, discuss the idea and see how it fits. If it fits, or can be modified to fit with our ethos, then we put together an action plan to dev/implement/test/deploy15:28
ScottKYou'll have something else you can click on instead.15:28
ScottKRiddell: That's exactly the problem.  Instead of clicking on the thing that notified you, you have to go somewhere else.15:29
jjessewhy wouldn't i click on the irc notification?15:29
rickspencer3I was hoping to not debate the merits of the design today, as it's kind of a moot point for 9.04 and Kubuntu anyway15:29
jjessesorry i'm a little slow15:29
rgreeninghmm.. get a bubble npotifying me of a message and havoing to look elsewhere for the app/message/whatever seems counter intuitive to me15:29
* jjesse apologizes for opening up that can of worms15:30
a|wenjjesse: that's what some of us are asking us self as well :)15:30
rgreening:) (ill hide)15:30
Riddellas rickspencer3 says, this is not really what we're looking at now, although a meeting to discuss the design proposal with Kubuntu, the UX and DX people would be useful15:30
rgreening+1 Riddell15:31
rickspencer3I think that is sounds like:15:31
a|wenRiddell: s/useful/needed/ +115:31
jjessewill there be a way to go back to default kde4 notification system?15:31
rickspencer31) design team should work with Kubuntu (the product) and understand it and it's design ethos15:31
ScottKRiddell: While I agree we aren't going to solve it today, I think it's important to highlight that this isn't just we don't understand the design.  I think we undertand it very well and we don't like it.15:31
sabdflhello all15:31
rickspencer32) design team should engage early and often regarding their design concepts15:31
julian_that's what we're here for15:31
rickspencer3hi self appointed benevolant dictator for life :)15:32
rgreeningcool julian_15:32
a|wenhi sabdfl15:32
rickspencer33) some kind of list or other space for easy design discussion15:32
rickspencer34) at some point in the future, a deep dive with kubuntu-devel on the four parts of the notification system15:33
ScottKrickspencer3: This has to happen before the design is crystalized.15:33
julian_i repeat my earlier statement - design is a collaborative activity. the best way of getting the best for our users is to have these kind of discussions15:33
* jussi01 waves to the sabdfl15:33
ScottKjulian_: I agree.  It's unfortunate that wasn't done so far.15:33
rickspencer3I agree with julian_ design can be messy and weirdly iterative15:33
jjesse+1 ScottK15:33
julian_ScottK: noted15:34
julian_that's why its great to start our working relationship right now15:34
* rickspencer3 knows I will sound defensive15:35
jjessehrmm son waking up from nap, me goes back to lurking15:35
sabdflRiddell: from scrollback, you were asking about how we review what's out there? mainly by having folks on the team with background in gnome, kde, apple, microsoft, and partly through participating in existing processes like FD.o, gnome ui hackfests, and soon hopefully kde equivs15:35
Riddellsabdfl: mm, maybe when our qt/kde guys are on board they could go to the plasma sprints15:36
ScottKrickspencer3: I'm willing to accept that's what's been done so far was done with good intent, but that it wasn't well coordinated due to time pressures.15:39
rickspencer3ScottK: As the case may be, we are in a very different position going into 9.10. The Dx and Design teams at Canonical are no longer in "boot strap" mode, the Engineering Manager for the Desktop Team is no longer in "boot strap" mode ;), ...15:40
sabdfljjesse: your questions about the IM are very relevant15:41
rickspencer3The Dx team is bringing on skilled KDE developer(s?)15:41
sabdflthey clearly show the importance of persistent vs ephemeral notifications15:41
sabdflthe key question is whether you should have to *race* to respond, or be able to respond at leisure15:41
sabdfland whether you need to know about those messages even if you were away from your desktop15:42
sabdflsince we think you do, there needs to be a persistent indicator15:42
ScottKI'd say the key question is if you happen to get there in time why not let something happen?15:42
sabdflthat's the messaging indicator15:42
sabdfland there will be more categories like that over time15:42
sabdflwhere we identify a category like that, we make it general, so multiple apps can use it rather than each having their own one15:42
sabdflso *one* messaging indicator / icon for thunderbird, evolution and kmail, gwibber and whatever other social networking messaging app you can think of15:43
sabdflcleaner, leaner15:43
sabdfli hope that explains it better15:43
rickspencer3hey guys, I have to tune out for a while ... I have some calls to make, etc...15:44
sabdflRiddell: yes, bo and aurelien would both be welcome to go to the kde sprints15:44
sabdfland we could potentially host them in london too15:44
julian_rickspencer3, thanks for the introductions15:44
rickspencer3please feel free to ping me15:44
sabdflwe'll be inviting key upstreams to come and work directly with the teams15:44
sabdflso that we can bring the best ideas together15:45
ScottKsabdfl: Speaking for myself, I don't feel my problem is not understanding the design.15:45
sabdflScottK: i hope you'll agree that it would be useful to have GNOME and XFCE apps able to take advantage of KDE@s notifications15:45
sabdflthe only way to achieve that is to achieve a common understanding and common standards, protocols15:45
sabdflthat's why we've focused on FD.o15:45
ScottKYes.  I agree with that idea.15:45
ScottKFrom 10,000 meters I think this is all good.15:46
sabdflas excited as I am about KDE's notifications work, there's been an element of disregard for the need for outreach and standards15:46
sabdflso, i'd very much like to engage with the KDE notifications team to improve that15:46
sabdflboth ways15:46
ScottKUnfortunately on the ground the road has some potholes.15:46
sabdflin Ubuntu, we have the gnome-stracciatella-session or something like that package15:46
sabdflwhich enables a gnome session that uses the older notification-daemon instead of notify-osd15:47
sabdfli think it would be healthy for kubuntu to include an equivalent, if you are up for it15:47
sabdfl(thanks rickspencer3 :-))15:47
ScottKI think it's good that you are providing that.  I think if this were truly an experiment that would be the default and the experiment would be opt-in.15:47
sabdflwhich would mean folks could easily switch between both15:47
sabdflthere are limits - we won't provide two different versions of a package15:48
sabdflso where behaviour changes aren't modular ("this display agent or that display agent") then that will require folks to do more work15:48
sabdflbut in principle, we would be very happy to support that15:48
sabdfli really don't want us investing in KDE work to turn into a pissing contest15:48
ScottK+ a bunch on that.15:49
sabdfli'm excited to be hiring several KDE developers, and want them to do great work that makes free software better15:49
sabdflthey're all guys with deep roots in KDE, and who care for it15:49
ScottKI think we're all very happy about that too.15:49
sabdflas for the potholes, let's all put on fat tires, and work together :-)15:49
davidbarthRiddell: can you send me a link for the plasma sprints?15:51
julian_scottk: i'm interested in the potholes too to make sure we can fix what went wrong going forwards15:51
ScottKPretty universally among the community Kubuntu developers I've discussed it with we have not felt that collaborative approach from Dx so far.  I for one am glad to hear it will be different in the future.15:51
julian_scottk: i'm not one to hide behind things that haven't worked so i'm listening from this point onwards15:52
Riddelldavidbarth: they just had one earlier this month http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Tokamak215:52
julian_my first and main objective, is to keep focussed on whats important - user experience.15:53
julian_sorry if that sounds high-level, but its whats important and i'll work with you and the community to achieve that15:54
ScottKIn many respsects we (Kubuntu devs) are the small fish caught between two big ones (Canonical/Ubuntu and KDE).15:55
ScottKSo it is critical for us to be working well with both.15:56
sabdflScottK: it's fair comment that we haven't been collaborating well15:57
sabdfli don't mind you calling us out on that, it's true15:57
sabdfland will change15:57
sabdfldavidbarth will setup a mailing list for discussion across ubuntu, kubuntu and upstreams15:57
sabdflof the work we're doing15:57
sabdfli hope you will participate!15:58
ScottKI will.15:58
sabdflsome things we're working on for specific netbooks or partners15:58
sabdfland the good news is, they have agreed to open source the results15:58
sabdflthose we can't discuss openly till their products ship15:58
ScottKThat is good news.15:58
sabdflbut much of what we want to do is stuff we can ONLY do with healthy engagements upstream and in both desktops @ubuntu.com15:59
ScottKOf course.15:59
sabdfldavid, mpt, rick and others are very sensitive to that15:59
sabdfli hope you'll call BS on me if we don't have those forums up and running next week15:59
* ScottK makes a note.15:59
sabdfli'm heading out to a meeting, but will lurk here from now on, feel free to ping me any time16:02
* ScottK nods. 16:02
ScottKHave a nice meeting....16:02
Riddellthanks for chatting sabdfl16:02
ScottKOne thing I like from the spec is the idea of having notifications last different amounts of time based on the amount of text/classification.16:04
ScottKIn KDE 4.2 (as far as I've discovered) they all last the same amount of time, which is generally too short or too long.16:04
mat_tScottK, that has already been specified16:05
mat_tnice to meet you btw :)16:05
ScottKYes, and that's something that I think KDE would benifit from.16:05
ScottKNice to meet you too.16:06
mat_tJust as a short introduction - I'm with Canonical's design team and was responsible for large part of notifications' design16:06
mat_tScottK, absolutely16:07
ScottKI don't know the timing of the arrival of your KDE developers, but KDE 4.3 is open for business now ....16:08
* agateau will be aboard on the 16th of march16:09
* ScottK waves ...16:09
agateauScottK: thx :)16:09
jjessethanks for the interesting discussion16:09
ScottKmat_t: I will honestly tell you that this notion of prohibiting actions on notifications seems so completely wrong to me (yes, I understand MI is there) that I have a very hard time getting past that to see the rest of the design.16:11
Riddellbut you get notified by the MI, and you can click on that16:13
ScottKRiddell: Sure, but if I'm sitting there and a notification comes up that has a useful action associated with it, I see no benfiit in no-oping that action.16:14
ScottKI see benifit in not requiring it, but not in prohibiting it.16:14
Riddellthe bubble notification goes away, there is only the MI for messages16:15
Riddell(as I understand it)16:15
ScottKI think that's problematic too.  Currently if I get highlighted on IRC and IRC isn't my active window I get a notification with the contents of the highlight.16:16
ScottKI wouldn't want that to go away.16:16
Riddellmat_t: does the MI replace that so people who want to see their highlighted messages get them immediately?16:17
agateaummm... maybe the notification bubbles could appear like they are coming from the MI, so that they do not look too disconnected?16:24
ScottKWell the thing is, I know me.  I'm going to click on the bubble.  Please don't make that not work.16:25
ScottKThe one public statement I've seen from a major KDE upstream developer wasn't very positive about that aspect of the proposal either.16:26
agateauif the bubble fades out before you can click it, you won't :)16:26
ScottKTrue, but I'm fast.16:26
ScottKI've used systems that were spec'ed to respond to actions every 250 milliseconds and stressed them.16:27
ScottKBeyond my personal distaste for that aspect of the design, the likelihood that such a change wouldn't go upstream presents practical problems for us too.16:28
mat_tScottK, please bear in mind that "no action" principle applies only to the notifications that would not require them in the first place :)16:29
ScottKmat_t: That doesn't seem to be the case currently as people are busily patching packages to not require them.16:29
mat_tScottK, for any other ones we'll use either persistent indicator in the panel, or (in special cases only) a dialog window16:29
ScottKNone of which really suit my case of an IRC highlight that I'd like to see (and click on if I'm here) but not requiring a persistent window, just some indication I've been highlighted.16:31
mat_tScottK, yes, that is the case - it is based on the assumption, that if anything requires action/decision, it should be presented to the user directly16:31
ScottKBut this doesn't require an action.  It has the option of one.16:31
mat_tScottK, well, I guess there's always a case when "it would be nice" to have actions. Thing is, once you allow them once, the whole idea will get dissolved16:32
ScottKThis is where i disagree with the design.16:33
rgreeningi think the fundamental difference between Gnome/KDE is that KDE likes to have things configuarble. if this were configurable, then not so much an issue. we set the default desired behaviour but allow the user the choice.16:34
ScottKrgreening: +116:34
rgreeningchoice is key16:34
mat_tWell, you have every right to. We always appreciate critical feedback, and if it becomes a trend, we will not ignore it :)16:34
rgreeningfor kde... I can rhyme too16:34
ScottKmat_t: So far in the discussions we've had here, I don't recally ANY of the community developers liking the no actions idea.16:36
mat_tRiddell, sorry I don't understand your question16:36
rgreeningthe reason I like KDE and dev for it is the choice it allows for its userbase. As part of the Kubuntu team, we try to follow as close to KDE as possible, providing patches back to kde for things we believe beneficial and hope they agree. We also try to set sane defaults for the user, but never try to remove choice16:37
Riddellwe do only have one notification with an action currently, which is kopete16:38
rgreeningKPAckageKtit has actions Riddell16:38
ScottKQuassel has one too, but it's currently bugged.16:38
mat_tScottK, I personally know a few that think differently. Also, we have to also cater for users who may not be developers. And previous solution wasn't really working out for most of them :-)16:38
rgreeningyou can click to apply updates via it16:38
ScottKmat_t: That's fine, but then give choice.16:39
* rgreening chants *choice* *choice*16:40
mat_tScottK, developers always have choice, because they know how to change software themselves. Most users would not recognize that as a lack of choice, they make their choices elsewhere.16:40
ScottKmat_t: I'm not a C++ coder, I'm a Debian packager.  From that perspective, I'm a user too.16:41
sabdflScottK, Riddell: we'll have to work hard to make the MI feel slick and useful16:41
rgreeningI'd hate to see Linux degrade into a "point-n-stupid" windows clone.16:42
sabdfli agree with you, that it should feel easy and convenient16:42
sabdflpersonally, i've enjoyed it, though the MI has some glitches with pidgin16:42
rgreeningI represent my family and friends as well, all who use Kubuntu.16:42
sabdfli want to see the pidgin plugin extended so that i can also instantly create a message for someone who i see signing in16:42
sabdflso, the MI menu includes the people who've IM's me and the last n that just signed in16:43
sabdflso if I see a notification that a friend signed in, i can trivially open up a chat16:43
mat_trgreening, a good software is a software that let's you do stuff, regardless of how smart you are. I've seen great photos taken with the simplest point-and-shoot cameras16:43
sabdflwe deferred landing notifications in kubuntu because we didn't think we could get it all slick with the MI for KDE in time, agateau will put us ahead of the curve for 9.1016:44
rgreeningAh, but you can do the same with a DSLR and as simple, but you have the option to choose to modify the settings. Thats a fundamental differnece between Gnome and KDE.16:45
rgreeningI personally would never go back to a point and shoot after using a DSLR16:45
ScottKsabdfl: I think a notify-osd alternative implementation that replaces part of KDE core functionality is not a good approach.16:45
rgreeningand neither would my non-technical wife :)16:45
sabdflrgreening: let's not turn this into a G vs K philosophy thing16:46
mat_trgreening, I take photos with both, and I appreciate both :)16:46
sabdflbecause in reality, there are tons of options on both sides16:46
rgreeningsure, not meaning too...16:46
sabdfland both sides also have embraced the "less is more" approach to design, depending on who you read16:46
sabdflso, usually, saying "KDE believes this, and GNOME believes that", is (a) untrue and (b) just a reason not to work together16:47
rgreeningI dont mean that. sorry. :)16:47
sabdflrgreening: no offense taken or intended16:47
ScottKI'm in favor of working together.  I don't see ripping out chunks of KDE as working together.16:47
rgreeningI do understand there are different approaches for the same goal.16:47
sabdflScottK: what would be a good approach?16:47
rgreeningIf Riddell can get a list of outstanding issues with notifications, lets work to improve them.16:48
ScottKWork with KDE upstream to extend the current KNotification implementation so that it can be configured to meet your goals.16:48
rgreening+1 scottk16:48
Tm_Thi sabdfl (:16:48
rgreeningthere is a great benefit in doijng it this way: All KDE desktops will benefit.16:49
ScottKExtending what's there is more collaborative, extensible, and maintainable.16:49
rgreeningI agree.16:49
sabdflhowdy Tm_T16:49
Tm_Tsabdfl: I have some things to talk with you when you're free, if that's ok16:49
sabdflTm_T: you have me here for a while, go for it16:50
Riddellrgreening: I'm sure tickboxes can be added as needed16:50
sabdflScottK: we can look into that16:50
RiddellScottK: the exact implementation details have only been looked at briefly with me and davidbarth at the berlin sprint but we were looking at ways to work with knotify not replace it16:50
sabdfli'd like to embrace FD.o technologies across both GNOME and KDE desktops16:51
rgreeningRiddell: thats good to know16:51
sabdflrather than have multiple implementations, too16:51
ScottKRiddell: I'm glad to hear that.  That's the direction we should be headed.16:51
rgreeningsabdfl: +1 on that16:51
rgreeningI wish someone would develope transporter technology already. We all need to be in one room to hash this out :) ... (I hope I get sponsored to UDS so we can chat in person again.. most beneficial).16:52
ScottKRiddell: All I know is what's been publically disclosed and as we discussed (I know you said different) the spec reads like an alternative.  Also rickspencer3 was not very reassuring on that point earlier today.16:52
Tm_Tsabdfl: I msg'd you16:53
rgreeningI think the KDE implementation has support for the notification icon like Dx is suggesting. When I download something, I get this indicator that hides the dl progress and I can click on it.16:53
rgreeningso those stack.16:54
rgreeningand hide16:54
mat_tScottK, rgreening, thanks for the interesting discussion, it's very good to meet you. From now on I'll be popping in more often, always happy to discuss stuff.16:54
rgreeningmat_t: glad to have you here. We a really good guys, who are very passionate (and sometimes it shows too much).16:55
rgreeningbut we mean well16:55
QuintasanDo we want a raptor-menu package?17:12
rgreeningwhats it look like?17:13
Quintasanrgreening: http://www.raptor-menu.org/17:14
rgreeninglooks interesting.17:14
Quintasanhmm the svn doesnt work :/17:15
shtylmanI personally think that all the current menu options suck... :/17:15
* seele is back17:16
seelehmm.. lots to read17:16
Tm_Tseele: usually good thing in development channel (:17:17
* Tm_T goes back to play with baby17:17
seelerickspencer3: i have not been working on the spec w/ mpt.17:18
rickspencer3seele: noted, thanks17:18
rickspencer3I was being presumptious, sorry about that17:18
seelerickspencer3: (oh, just saw the note where mpt clarifies this)17:20
* seele is reading backlog17:20
shtylmanbiggest problems I see with the current menu system is that I have a screen that is X by X pixels...why are you using only a small corner of it!17:21
* seele is also not keeping up with current chat since it isnt visible..17:21
rgreeningshtylman: the menus can be resized17:29
rgreeningby grabbing the corner and stretch :)17:29
* seele hopes she never has to lead a meeting with you people. talk about herding cats! :P17:30
shtylmanrgreening: yea..but why doesn't my computer do it for me?17:30
rgreeningpassionate bunch seele17:30
shtylmanI open the menu to find something...not to resize it :)17:31
rgreeningshtylman: if you do it once, it remembers the size you set.17:31
rgreeningotherwise, hack a feature in for auto-sizing into the current :)17:31
shtylmanrgreening: might be doing the latter17:31
rgreeningshtylman: if you do it nicely, maybe we'll add it :)17:32
rgreeningRiddell, scottK: you see this? http://bjknows.com/index.php/news/linux/726-ubuntu-904-sneak-peek17:37
rgreeningTHe menu is nice and uses pretty icons :)17:38
Riddellwhich menu rgreening?17:42
rgreeningIn the login screen (bottom left). THe shutdown options..17:43
rgreeninglooks Oxygen'ish :P17:43
RiddellI don't think that's new.  the icons are copying the crystal ones17:44
rgreeningoh, maybe its the whole theme thats appealing17:44
rgreeningit does look rather slick.17:45
Riddellthat last screenshot isn't the default setup is it?  that is oxygenish17:46
ScottKIt says not in the fine print.17:46
rgreeningWe need Ken Wimer to help us spiff up our Login screen :)17:50
Quintasanhmm looks like raptor uses some "features", http://wklej.org/id/57286/   anyway to fix this?17:52
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rgreeningQuintasan: yep, the CMakeLists.txt needs updating for 4.2 in that package17:56
rgreeningQuintasan: paste me the CMakeLists.txt file17:56
Quintasanrgreening: http://wklej.org/id/57290/17:57
Quintasanrgreening: the svn didnt work so I found a git tree and I cloned it17:59
rgreeningQuintasan: try commenting out line 6 (FIND_Package(Plasma REQUIRED). It's part of KDE... so shouldn't need to find it.18:01
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rgreeningRiddell: have you looked at my PPA for qtjambi?18:06
rgreeningIf you are happy with my changes, we can upload it.18:06
Riddellshtylman: muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/ubiquity.png  that's not so good18:07
rgreeningI took the easy route for now.18:07
Riddellshtylman: othhe rest are lovely and will be in this alpha18:07
Riddellrgreening: busy testing CDs I'm afraid18:07
wubbbihey :) I want to fix this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/kubuntu-default-settings/+bug/309419) where can I find the default Panel size in the kubuntu-desktop-settings package?18:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 309419 in kubuntu-default-settings "jaunty: Kubuntu panel doesn't extend all the way across desktop on all intel machine" [Undecided,New]18:07
Riddellshtylman: having the bars disappear when you select another option is offputting too18:07
shtylmanRiddell: the reason I made the bars dissapear was specifically because of that screenshot18:08
shtylmanwhen the user has too many disks...it overcrowds the installer18:08
Riddellhmm, there must be a way to make it just fit18:09
RiddellI wonder what the gtk side does18:09
rgreeningscrollable area if > 2 disks?18:09
rgreeningby default hide scrollbars.18:09
rgreeningseems reasonable18:09
shtylmanthe problem with the scrollable area is that it doesn't bring your attention to the disk you are working with18:10
Riddellwhy oh why does compositing work great from a live CD but not from an installed system18:10
rgreeningif you have a ListView widget you can set focus on the list iten18:10
shtylmanand can be a bit confusing because the disks arn't labeled18:10
Tm_TRiddell: different driver?18:10
RiddellTm_T: dunno, how would I tell?18:10
wubbbiRiddell: but is that really a KDE bug? I think its just a config bug which needs to be changed18:10
Riddellah, [    3.006453] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//intel_drv.so18:11
Tm_TRiddell: and/or differently discovered Xorg settings, maybe you should compare /var/log/Xorg.0.log files18:11
Riddellwubbbi: which?  the panel problems?18:11
wubbbiRiddel: yes18:12
Riddellshtylman: is the border on the bottom of the partition bars ment to be different from the other three sides?18:12
Riddellwubbbi: it's to do with our config file confusing the app18:12
Riddellwubbbi: but it doesn't affect everyone18:12
wubbbiRiddell: hmmm k18:13
shtylmanRiddell: border on the bottom? it is meant to have a bit f white on it18:13
shtylmanas well as grey18:13
shtylmanoxygen people said it gives it the definition it needs or something like that18:13
wubbbiRiddell: so how to fix this now? doing a patch or changing the config file?18:14
Riddellwubbbi: if you can find a way to get the config file to have the applet layout we want without causing problems that would be preferred18:14
wubbbiRiddell: k I will try :)18:15
rgreeningwubbbi, Riddell: is this another scale vs 100% on Wide Screen setup issue? Cause I have seen it on my system as well (Acer 6930 - Intel chipset)18:16
seaLneis live.2 ok today? my eee701 has been sitting for ~10min since i clicked forward after selecting keyboard18:16
wubbbiRiddell: Isn't it possible to set a 100% scale? that would be much easyier ;)18:18
RiddellseaLne: I've got it installing now18:18
RiddellseaLne: but check /var/log/installer/ for erros18:19
seaLnehmm its run out of disk space weird, looking more18:21
seaLneyeah weird / and /rofs are both 100%18:23
seaLneshould they be?18:24
Riddell /rofs will be but / should have space18:24
RiddellseaLne: how much memory does that machine have?18:24
seaLnewas only 124M which kind of explains why it ran out?18:24
seaLne / was18:24
Riddellthis live session has / at 489MB using 187MB18:25
Riddellhave you succeeded with this before seaLne?18:26
seaLnehardy was ok18:27
Riddellhmm, things may have changed since then18:28
Riddellif you were booting from CD I'd suggest try the install only mode18:28
seaLnedosen't work as you can't drag the installer about to access the off screen stuff18:30
seaLnejust now seems like a good time to replace the 512 with the 1Gb sitting on my desk18:30
RiddellseaLne: so it doesn't fit on the screen?  what's the resolution size?18:30
Riddelland it should use kwin so you should be able to use alt-<drag> no?18:31
seaLne4xx can't remember, but its known to be to small18:31
seaLnei'll try it again18:31
a|wen-Riddell: alt+<drag> works as default in kde418:32
seaLneworks in live but didn't when i tried earlier in the install, trying again18:32
rgreeningRiddell: alt+drag is not nice. It would be better to have a smaller window and scrollable areas (IMO)18:33
rgreeningfor the installer bits...18:34
Riddellshtylman: something for the ubiquity todo, let is adapt to screens like seaLne's18:35
seaLneeven having the scrollable area on the left inside an entire scrollable window would probably be preferable to alt+drag and that would just involve not specifying min size?18:37
shtylmanRiddell: what does his screen look like?18:37
seaLneeee 70118:38
shtylmancause I test ubiquity at 800x600 in a virtual machine18:38
shtylmanbut I guess eee go even smaller18:38
RiddellseaLne: there's no min size specified other than what the individual widgets need, it would mean adding a scrollview with all the widgets within that (which is fiddly not generally a good idea)18:40
seaLneah, my crapy knowledge of Qt18:40
Riddellwait, I mean it's fiddly but is a good idea so long as you get it right and it doesn't cause problems on large screens18:40
shtylmanseaLne: can we see a screen cap? cause that would better help me understand where to cut it down...18:41
seaLneshtylman: basically it fits to just above the buttons18:41
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shtylmanI am thinking that the eee has just one disk and such...so there may be an easy way to clip it18:41
shtylmanseaLne: gotcha18:42
ScottKI found liw's mail message on excessive notifications timely.  It came in while I way busy disabling a bunch of power management notifications.18:43
seaLnei have that problem with kopete messages (from nagios) in intrepid with 4.2.0 often i have a black area on the screen until restarting18:44
seaLnethe notification thingy dosen't seem to like trying to handle a few hundred notifications18:45
animeshcan anyone tell me about how to install kde in ubuntu other than the basic one apt-get install kubuntu-desktop like using cmake i want the brief of it18:56
rgreeninganimesh: that's really the best way to get the kde desktop18:57
rgreeninganimesh: what is it you really want?18:57
rgreeninganimesh: do you just want to use certain apps? or you want the plasma desktop?18:59
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allquixoticAnyone know if/when we'll see Firefox-Qt available? Jaunty? :)19:07
DasKreechallquixotic: Holding your breath would be a mistake19:08
allquixoticDasKreech: Heh, I figured :)19:09
jussi01allquixotic: better option right now is to look towards arora...19:10
DasKreechallquixotic: Been a few years since it was coming soon19:10
shtylmanRiddell: so what do you want me to do about the ubiquity disk bars? display all or just the selected?19:10
allquixoticjussi01: Yeah, but Arora doesn't have bookmark sync :(19:11
allquixoticI use FoxMarks but I'd be willing to jump to another system19:11
jussi01allquixotic: yeah, Its annoying I must say19:12
DasKreecharora sucks but it's here19:12
DasKreechFirefox sucks in a whole different way but it's compelling and not here19:13
DasKreechchoose which annoying thing to be sad about :(19:13
allquixoticand if you use Konqueror, you get to live with it still thinking it's a file browser (would you just be a web browser? Dolphin is my file browser)19:14
allquixotic...and with most websites not working19:14
rgreeningKonq sux but its sukiness is between arora and firefox19:14
rgreeningbrowser agent tag is evil and has caused the degradation of the internet as a whole. it should be abolished and instead focus on feature capability.19:15
rgreeningif css ver x, do y.19:15
rgreeningrather thna if browser ff do x, else fail cause you dont have ff19:16
allquixoticI like how Arora is an open source browser that gets 100/100 on Acid319:16
rgreening+100 on that19:16
allquixoticKonqueror flunks19:16
rgreeningbut IE flunks a lot worse19:16
allquixoticOpera gets 100/100 and is blazingly fast, but it's closed source, they hate x86_64 (or lazy), and they stopped shipping the shared qt4 version that lets you pick your theme19:17
allquixoticthey ship cleanlooks by default which is not even close to what i want19:17
DasKreechrgreening: I'm unsure that IE can be considered an open source browser19:17
allquixoticDasKreech: Ouch, that's snarky :)19:18
seaLneit must be look at all the "patches" people write for it :)19:18
DasKreechAnyway I think that with the steps Qt is making and the pushes that chrome is doing a Qt Firefox port is at least in the interest of trying a good project19:19
allquixoticthis is interesting, does Opera use WebKit as its core?!?!?! it doesn't, does it? because Arora is behaving very very much like Opera19:19
DasKreechIt may live and be marginalized like seamonkey is now19:19
DasKreechbut that's fine19:19
rgreeningff is worse than konq for acid3 as well. 71 vs 85 for konq19:19
allquixotichttp://www.plurk.com/allquixotic <--- almost perfectly fluid - only Chrome on Vista/Nvidia is faster, and I'm on Kubuntu/Intel, so the lag might be in the Intel 2d driver layer19:20
a|wen-works fluidly here in konqueror19:21
allquixotica|wen-: Dragging the timeline left or right?19:22
allquixoticThe performance measurement is, as you left-click and drag on the timeline, it should scroll like a sliding window19:22
allquixoticif it's choppy then that's bad :-p19:22
allquixoticmy observations is that scrolling the timeline on plurk (which is an intensive graphics/rendering/JS operation) is, fastest to slowest: Vista/Chrome/Nvidia; Kubuntu/Opera/Intel; Kubuntu/Arora/Intel; Ubuntu/FF-3.1/Intel; Ubuntu/FF-3.0/Intel... haven't tested the Nvidia box on Linux19:22
seaLneseems exceptable to me in konq19:23
allquixoticheh, everyone's concept of acceptable is different I guess :) once you get spoiled with Chrome, responsiveness that's on the order of 50ms longer is noticeable19:23
allquixoticthe difference between Chrome and Arora is slight, but I really notice if I regress to Firefox stable19:23
a|wen-konqueror is much much better than FF19:24
allquixoticI am annoyed that konqueror doesn't do Gmail right though19:25
jussi01Im having crazy issues with ff atm, crashes most times I visit a page with flash...19:25
rgreeningjussi01: if your icedtea6-plugin missing? My buddy was experiencing weirdness and the java (which some flash sites use) was missing and caused crashes.19:26
jjesseRiddell: got my stickers today, you rock thanks19:26
DasKreechallquixotic: Google messes with a lot of stuff. Very little that they do is standard19:27
=== maco_ is now known as maco
a|wen-allquixotic: in most cases pretending that you are something else than konqueror works (it's a google decision that it shouldn't work)19:28
allquixoticIt seems to like Arora though!19:28
a|wen-allquixotic: it likes webkit i suppose19:28
jussi01rgreening: which package do I need for that?19:29
jussi01rgreening: although I expect its flash as  Im using the 64 bit beta plugin19:30
DreadKnighthello i've upgraded one laptop to jaunty and i can't find the network manager anywhere... the network plasmoid is not installed as well...19:31
DreadKnightwtf to do ? no internet connection...19:31
rgreeningjussi01: oh19:31
rgreeningjussi01: look for icedtea6-plugin19:32
DasKreechDreadKnight: Pigeon Protocol19:32
seaLnesudo dhclient if its wired?19:32
jussi01rgreening: nah, already had it. I guess its the flashplugins fault19:32
DreadKnightcan i get the network plasmoid for 64bit from somewhere and just install it on that laptop?19:33
DreadKnight.deb file19:33
DreadKnightas far as i know ubuntu has some repository site with the packages or something19:34
allquixoticoy, I just dragged the system-settings icon in the Favorites menu from the top to the bottom and plasma crashed19:37
DreadKnightfound this a few mins ago http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/plasmoid-network-manager19:37
DasKreechDreadKnight: iwconfig ?19:37
a|wen-DreadKnight: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/plasma-widget-network-manager19:39
DreadKnighti can't even find the network manager... perhaps of the native language19:39
a|wen-at least that is the one kubuntu-desktop recommends19:39
DreadKnightanyway... i think kubuntu devs should fix this crap19:40
allquixoticnm-applet (the GNOME one) works fine in Kubuntu now19:42
allquixoticyou just have to launch it19:42
allquixoticHmm, it seems the manually saved session has died again! (again..!)19:43
DreadKnightwith no internet i couldn't install shit19:43
norenspeed up konqueror ??19:43
a|wen-DreadKnight: according to the seed the plasma-widget-network-manager should be on the cd19:44
DreadKnightbut i got the widget package on this pc and transfered it / installed in on that one.. everything fine now.. but if i only had one pc it would have sucked19:44
DreadKnighti don't have the damn cd.. i upgraded from lower version19:44
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a|wen-DreadKnight: do you have "kubuntu-desktop" installed ... and be sure to tell your package manager to install recommends19:45
DreadKnightthe older kubuntu just had too many errors.. even erased .kde... not sure what was the deal19:45
allquixoticIn KDE 3.x, there was a menu item for "Save Session" which would store your open programs in a list that the session manager restores when you login... this was great... KDE 4.0's session manager still supports manually saved sessions, but there's no way to save them. annma in #kde brought it back with a patch to 4.1-pre. Now it's gone again!?!19:46
a|wen-if that is the case it should be installed automatically19:46
norenspeed up konqueror ?? help anyone, i want faster web surfing !!19:46
allquixoticnoren: WYGIWYG...19:46
allquixoticif you want a faster browser, use a different browser19:46
DreadKnightkonqueror sucks with khtml.. and the webkit plugin has long way to go19:47
norenallquixotic:  nothing ccan be done to konqueror i guess then19:47
DreadKnightallquixotic: most of the errors i think where related to session saving... heh19:47
a|wen-allquixotic: works for me in kde4.219:48
a|wen-you need to set it to "restore manually saved session" then you get the save session option where the logout option is as well19:49
a|wen-(or works in the sense, that the option is there)19:49
allquixotica|wen-: I set that and the option doesn't show up19:49
allquixoticmaybe i have to log out of my session19:50
a|wen-allquixotic: it took a few moments, and a few open/closes to get it to appear here19:50
allquixotica|wen-: Oh! Yes, I see it now19:50
allquixoticit's far from instant :)19:50
allquixoticI like19:51
a|wen-it isn't instant at all ... i've learned that about the menu19:51
a|wen-DreadKnight: did/do you have kubuntu-desktop installed?19:51
DreadKnighttry arora perhaps? :P19:51
DreadKnighta|wen-: of course19:51
DreadKnightbah... brasero so pawns k3b and doesn't have gtk dependencies19:52
DreadKnightexcept the nautilus plugin19:52
a|wen-strange ... i just double-checked; it is a recommends of kubuntu-desktop, so should be installed; at least with default settings of aptitude/apt19:52
DreadKnighthow come kpackage doesn't gets installed in jaunty?19:53
DreadKnightas far as i used it... it still skips installing some stuff, so i still depend on the crappy adept19:53
ScottKWould someone please explain to me how an error like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebindings/4:4.2.0-0ubuntu3/+build/882830/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-hppa.kdebindings_4:4.2.0-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz can happen only on one arch?19:54
a|wen-DreadKnight: kpackagekit should be installed as well (is a recommends) ... are you sure that apt is set to install recommends on your machine?19:54
DreadKnighta|wen-: i don't usually use that since it's no where activated by default19:55
DreadKnightand in kde not even sure how to set that up19:55
a|wen-how did you update to jaunty?19:56
valgaavI hate both and use synaptic :P19:56
DreadKnighti replaced intrepid with jaunty mainly :P19:56
* DasKreech loves Adept19:56
a|wen-DreadKnight: using what application / package manager?19:56
DreadKnightadept sucks hard and it's not even developed anymore19:56
DreadKnightthe gui's usability of adept is horrible overall19:56
* ScottK finds the security features of both Adept and Kpackagekit fatally deficient and uses neither.19:56
shtylmankpackagekit doesn't work for me...so I just use the command line for now..19:57
DreadKnighta|wen-:  editing the sources.list file :P with kate19:57
a|wen-and what then...19:57
DreadKnightdistr-upgrade command never really worked out for me in kubuntu/kde19:57
DreadKnightin ubuntu works just fine19:57
a|wen-did you use adept / apt / aptitude to do a full-upgrade?19:58
DreadKnightusually use apt / konsole19:58
DreadKnightbecause adept used to not install all the stuff, i think that's fixed recently19:58
rgreeningshtylman: if kpackagekit isnt working, you prob dont have kpackagekit installed. There seems to be a dep issue (Tonio_)20:01
rgreeningsry, meant packagekit20:02
a|wen-DreadKnight: any output from running "cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/* | grep -i recommends" ?20:02
shtylmanrgreening: I see....lemme try to install it20:02
DreadKnighta|wen-: nope20:02
a|wen-and "cat /etc/apt/apt.conf | grep -i recommends" ?20:03
DreadKnightcat: /etc/apt/apt.conf: No such file or directory20:03
shtylmanrgreening: the program runs...but I can't search for software or update with it...or really do anything useful :)20:04
valgaavmaybe a stupid question but why isn't kgtk included in jaunty or even available at some ppa ?20:06
valgaavthat aplication is really nice when it comes to integration with gtk+20:06
a|wen-DreadKnight: uh, my bad ... apt-get does not install recommends as default20:11
a|wen-DreadKnight: that's why aptitude is recommended to use (apt-get is rather low-level)20:11
DreadKnighti heard long time ago that aptitude deprecates apt-get20:11
DreadKnightthen get rid of apt-get already >_<20:11
ScottK-desktopa|wen-: Apt does install recommends by default.20:12
a|wen-ScottK-desktop: are you sure?20:12
DreadKnightnever ever did for me20:13
* ScottK-desktop goes and installs something.20:13
DreadKnighti am using ubuntu/kubuntu for years now20:13
DreadKnightit just lists the recommended packages, nothing more20:14
a|wen-ScottK-desktop: thought so to ... but just tested; it spits out the recommends so you can choose to install it, but didn't install it20:14
DreadKnightand i think there is a command to install them for a certain package.20:14
a|wen-DreadKnight: but in general ... aptitude is your friend ;(20:14
macoit installs recommends by default as of last december20:14
macolike december 200720:14
DreadKnightnot here20:14
a|wen-neither here20:15
macoi think it was december...it's on debian-announce20:15
a|wen-(and this is a new install after the intrepid release)20:15
DreadKnightwtf is going on? conspiracy ?20:15
rgreeningSuggest <> Recommends and Recommends are supposed to be by default, but I think Adept == broke for this20:15
ScottK-desktopInstalls Reccomends here.20:16
DreadKnightanyone has any idea in gnome when pressing alt +f2 how to i start the terminal thing?20:16
ScottK-desktopapt-get install spamassassin yields: libmail-spf-perl libsocket6-perl libsys-hostname-long-perl libsys-syslog-perl re2c spamassassin spamc20:16
macoDreadKnight: type "gnome-terminal" into it20:16
ScottK-desktopSome of those are recommends.20:16
DasKreechDreadKnight: gnome-terminal20:17
a|wen-ScottK: is it somewhere in your apt.conf ?20:17
DasKreechDreadKnight: or sudo apt-get install xterm && xterm20:17
DreadKnightthanks guys, been stumbling into that for years >_<20:17
ScottK-desktopNot that I've changed, but let me look.20:17
macoit is toggle-able in a config file20:17
rgreeningshtylman: if you didn't have packagekit installed, the boxes would be greyed out. installing packagekit, will also require you killall kpackagekit and kpackagekit-smart-icon in order for the app to make use of the newly installed packagekit. If not, it will remain greyed out.20:17
maconope, it was october 200720:18
ScottK-desktopa|wen-: Nope.  No mention of it in the conf file.20:18
shtylmanrgreening: indeed...now it works...thanks20:18
rgreeningbeen there done that myself shtylman... :)20:19
ScottK-desktopDuring Intrepid we based a huge number of assumptions about packaging on recommends by default.20:19
rgreeningI cursed on it for a while too20:19
macoTo turn this feature off, pass --no-install-recommends to apt or set,20:19
macoin your apt configuration, APT::Install-Recommends=False.20:19
macothat's what the announcement says20:19
ScottK-desktopOh, and install recommends for metapackages like kubuntu-desktop has been here since Feisty.20:20
arcoshHi I can't find binary packages of kdebase-runtime-4.2 and some some other important kde4.2 packages in the ppa experimental repository. I was in the #kubuntu channel they sent me here20:20
ScottK-desktoparcosh: They are in intrepid-backports now.20:20
arcoshah ok thank you20:20
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DreadKnightcan you guys make brasero default until k3b gets ported? and get rid of that lame nautilus plugin dependency (nautilus not even installed)20:23
DreadKnightdoesn't have gtk dependencies and it's way better overall... k3b's file browsing menu sucks.. can't even pick up usb drives and has crap in it20:23
DreadKnightk3b is phail overall actually20:24
a|wen-ScottK-desktop, maco: okay, thx for clarification20:25
ScottK-desktopDreadKnight: No.20:26
macoDreadKnight: brasero lacks gtk dependencies? O_o20:27
DreadKnighthmm .. or just gnome perhaps20:27
seaLnepretty sure gnome has gtk dependancies :)20:29
DreadKnighti meant "or just lacks gnome dependencies"20:29
a|wen-ScottK-desktop: ahh, the difference is that apt installs only recommends on the package in question, while aptitude will do it recursively also for packages being pulled in further down the chain20:30
ScottK-desktopI see.20:31
a|wen-DreadKnight: did you try a "sudo apt-get install --fix-policy --install-recommends" ?20:32
DreadKnighta|wen-: holy shit.. wants to install a ton of crap there20:33
a|wen-DreadKnight: maybe "sudo apt-get install --fix-policy --install-recommends kubuntu-desktop" is better20:33
a|wen-it should pull in all the recommends that you for some reason missed20:34
DreadKnightsomewhat better20:34
DreadKnightdeskbar-applet? usplash-theme-ubuntu? ubuntu-keyring? wtf?...20:34
valgaavyey for installing with recommends ... with this with firefox you will also get gnome-mount ...20:35
valgaavluckilly you can switch recommends off20:35
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
DreadKnightinstalling firefox is so sucky.. apt-url... synaptic.. gnome keyring and a lot of shit ..20:35
Tscheesythis is this ubufox-packet.. you don't need20:35
valgaavnot really20:35
DreadKnightwell how should i instlal firefox then?20:36
valgaavapt-get --no-install-recommends install firefox20:36
DreadKnightphail T_T20:37
DreadKnightit's not cool for ubuntu to throw shit at you if you want to install firefox... it should have it's own shit in another metapackage for synaptic and so on20:38
DreadKnighti only use pidgin and have nautilus because of the dropbox client... don't want to have all the gnome thing20:38
valgaavDk install synpatic with the same command20:39
DreadKnightand use firefox as well, which is not really part of gnome20:39
DreadKnighti don't want synaptic20:39
valgaavso why to write about it ? :D20:39
DreadKnighti only want firefox and base deps to install when i'm installing it20:39
DreadKnightnot half of gnome crap20:39
valgaavso does my method fail ?20:39
DreadKnightyou're method is a bit more obscure20:39
DreadKnightand using a package manager doesn't cuts it20:40
DreadKnightbash geeks20:40
Tscheesyuse Aptitude20:40
valgaavin synpatic in preferences20:40
valgaavyou can turn off installing reccommended packages20:40
DreadKnightin synaptic,,.... but i don;t use synaptic20:40
DreadKnighti have adept and kpackagekit which are rather lame jokes atm20:41
DasKreechDreadKnight: That's not synaptic's fault20:41
valgaavwell yes20:41
valgaavuse synaptic then20:41
DreadKnighthope adept will get kicked out... i might do some mockups for kpackagekit's interface20:41
rgreeningkpackagekit is a new beast and much a work in progress, but will be better than Adept.20:41
valgaavwith qt-gtk-engined it integrates nicelly with kde420:41
DreadKnighti really wonder why devs didn't worked with shaman from arch20:41
DreadKnightwith a bit of help would have supported apt backed etc20:42
valgaavDK why do you don't want to use Synaptic ?20:42
DreadKnightreally looking forward to when kde will be usable without any gnome stuff20:43
DreadKnightguess that's still far away from now20:44
a|wen-DreadKnight: when konqueror uses+works with webkit and the new k3b arrives together with koffice2...20:45
DreadKnightyeah... and a lot of polish to be made in other parts20:46
DreadKnightbut arora is getting kde integration as well20:46
DreadKnightmight be a better choice20:46
DreadKnightbetter name as well20:46
a|wen-firefox + oo.org is the only gnome-apps i have20:47
DreadKnightkde distros usually bundle konqueror... which is krap20:47
macoheh, i use pidgin, gwibber, terminator, firefox..20:47
DreadKnightand the web browser is one of the most used apps to say so20:48
macokontact is the only kde app i actually use in kde20:48
a|wen-konqueror performs quite well imo; but it fails miserably at some sites (and might need some polishing too)20:48
DreadKnighti use firefox, pidgin (kopete is epic phail atm), gimp, inkscape, have nautilus as well just for dropbox... hmm what else...20:48
DreadKnighti use google docs a lot and it's phail with konqueror, even with webkit it seems20:49
DreadKnightyou can't bundle something that doesn't works with many sites well into a distro20:49
macoDreadKnight: i forgot about inkscape and gimp20:49
* a|wen- likes kopete20:49
DreadKnightkmess is so way nicer than kopete in chat windows etc20:50
macoi dislike kopete for the same reason i dislike empathy: forced alphabetizing20:50
DreadKnightthe new version of kmess i mean20:50
macoin pidgin i can put similar groups near each other20:50
DreadKnightwished that kde would just have a great jabber client out of the box and not give a fuck about closed source IM protocols... just like apple does with ichat20:51
_StefanS_which one is best for kde4, fglrx, or nvidia as it is right now ?20:51
yao_ziyuanhas kubuntu 9.04 frozen new features?20:51
macoi thought iChat was an oscar client20:51
a|wen-maco: i'd call that a minor issue ... but apart from that kopete does the job20:51
macoa|wen-: its an annoyance20:52
DreadKnightkopete doesn;t even have a first time wizard... and has a lot of annoying bugs atm... and it's not very intuitive to find the accound manager.. and the chat window is fugly and default emoticons are krap20:52
DreadKnighttango emoticons are 100x way nicer than the old msn ones20:52
DreadKnighta ton of small annoyances like this that add up20:53
DreadKnightcan't even receive files over yahoo.. or see avatars... and default config is "eeeek >_<"20:53
yao_ziyuani just want to inform you guys that over recent weeks, Crystal kwin and QtCurve KDE4/KDE3/GTK2 style have evolved better than ever20:53
_StefanS_yao_ziyuan: evolved, how ?20:53
DreadKnightyao_ziyuan: screenies ?20:54
yao_ziyuanmore beautiful, more bug-free, should be selected as default theme20:54
DreadKnighti wonder why it's called "QT"-curve.. shitty name20:54
macoa|wen-: i put a tech blog, then devchix, then linux, then hackers (sometimes figuring out if someone goes in linux or hackers is hard), then different cities i've lived in (so when i'm in one i can easily grab someone nearby to see if they want to hang out)...etc20:54
macoDreadKnight: the toolkit is qt20:54
macosimple enough reason20:54
* _StefanS_ is pretty impressed with the speed of jaunty over intrepid all around20:55
DreadKnightusing qt to make a theme that also works on gtk2? >_<20:55
_StefanS_feels alot more smooth20:55
DreadKnightand if you use a certain toolkit.. you shouldn't make the name of the thing shit like that20:55
yao_ziyuan_StefanS_: well, for Crystal kwin, it has fixed a long standing bug which causes hollow edges when a window is half-maximized and minimized and restored20:55
jussi01!ohmy | DreadKnight20:55
ubottuDreadKnight: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!20:55
a|wen-DreadKnight: so most of all you dislike the default settings ... then help make up some new ones, that everybody can agree on :)20:55
_StefanS_yao_ziyuan: are they on kde-look?20:55
_StefanS_gotta try it out20:55
yao_ziyuan_StefanS_: yeah20:56
DreadKnighta|wen-: you working on kopete? neat20:56
yao_ziyuani'm going to convince you guys with some screenshots20:56
a|wen-maco: i see it is an annoyance (and i hope it get fixed as well)20:56
DreadKnightjussi01: that "g" and "k" fanaticism when naming stuff is really not cool at all20:56
DreadKnight"gnome do" is the worst20:56
_StefanS_DreadKnight: right on :)20:56
DreadKnight"it can even be used in xfce and kde" ... heh20:56
a|wen-DreadKnight: no; but changing the chat-window, emoticons etc. can be done as part of the kubuntu's default settings20:57
DreadKnightwhat the heck does gnome does in kde? xD20:57
DreadKnighta|wen-: i see :) so when do you think it's a good time? :)20:57
a|wen-DreadKnight: as 4.2 is in the archive, it should be possible to start now20:58
DreadKnighta|wen-: ok, firing up kopete20:58
a|wen-DreadKnight: i'm quite sure that everybody is open for change, as long as they also agree, that it is for the better20:59
rgreening+1 for making things prettier :)20:59
DreadKnighta|wen-: yeah, don't worry... i'm a graphic person, soon to be usability 'expert' (graphic designer etc)21:00
rgreening\o/ DreadKnight21:01
a|wen-DreadKnight: sounds like you are the right one for helping out with default settings21:01
hungerDreadKnight: ... or at least be the right one soon:-)21:01
* a|wen- will leave for now ... and go to sleep21:01
rgreeningI wish we had new artwork for Kubuntu :(  I hate those dam circles. I like Ken Wimers work for Ubuntu. He's awesome :)21:02
macorgreening: funny, people usually whine about what goes into ubuntu's wallpapers...21:02
DreadKnightreally looking forward to improving the desktop experience regarding open source especially with kde, then gnome; and i studied a lot the HIG stuff as well as how Apple does things.. and used most of the IM clients on windoze21:03
rgreeningmaco: have you seen he login screen ken did?21:03
macorgreening: no21:03
a|wen-DreadKnight: i'm leaving ... but i'm sure that some of the others can help you with how the whole kubuntu-default-settings cirkus works :)21:03
macoand then they say how fedora and suse and kde all have these pretty blue and green wallpapers and call ubuntu's brown ugly and....well one person called the ibex a skull, most called it a coffee stain, and then there were the people claiming the heron was bleeding out of its neck...21:03
DreadKnighta|wen-: um... ok.. if you're in a hurry...21:04
DreadKnighti'm around here most of the time (or on irc)21:04
yao_ziyuannote that qtcurve's author once made a gtk-qt-engine like thing but now he only focuses on the cross-DE style QtCurve.21:04
hungermaco: The bleeding was fixed before the final release though.21:04
yao_ziyuani guess he's right.21:04
DreadKnightthat theme is rather ugly.. making the buttons in faded squares like that = not cool21:04
macohunger: and then i went and found the original and put it back to my wallpaper21:04
macothat one was so much nicer21:04
* a|wen- needs some sleep (getting late in my time-zone) ... but feel free to catch me again!21:04
DreadKnighti used that theme for a while21:04
macoall the colors were taken away for release. bleh.21:05
yao_ziyuanwait. i didn't show you guys how cool qtcurve's new menus are21:05
DreadKnighta|wen-: cool , talk with you tomorrow, ok? night!21:05
a|wen-DreadKnight: sure!21:05
hungermaco: Dunno. Never used it, only read about the heron pic. I always set custom images.21:05
DreadKnightyao_ziyuan: are you working on those themes yourself?21:06
DreadKnightyao_ziyuan: are you working on those themes yourself?21:06
yao_ziyuanno but i made bug reports and suggestions to their authors and they're adopted21:07
macohunger: http://troy-sobotka.blogspot.com/2008/03/hardy-heron-wallpaper-fela-kuti-botch.html21:07
yao_ziyuanthe authors of crystal kwin and qtcurve kde/gtk style are extremely responsive21:07
DreadKnightyao_ziyuan: it's cool overall, the text boxes are too squarish.. but the window's decoration buttons (minimize/maximize/close/etc) are fugly imho21:07
DreadKnightso a no-no to that part21:08
yao_ziyuanDreadKnight: qtcurve lets your customize controls with a wide variety of options21:08
yao_ziyuanlike Dull Glass, Shiny Glass, Flat, ...21:08
DreadKnighthmm... well i like the idea of bridging gnome and kde's look21:08
hungerDreadKnight: It is fine as long as they do *behave* identical, too. Most of the time they do not and then I really appreciate having visual feedback where the app comes from.21:09
yao_ziyuansexy menu separators: http://i43.tinypic.com/5eagdz.png21:10
DreadKnighthunger: agree21:11
yao_ziyuanhunger: qtcurve has options such as enforcing kde button order for gtk apps21:11
DreadKnighti used that theme for a while (crystal?) when it was default in kubuntu 7.10 or something i recall21:12
macohunger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/Fela_Kuti scroll to Remixes to see Troy's first version21:12
yao_ziyuanDreadKnight: right21:12
hungeryao_ziyuan: What about instant apply? There are lots of differences in all the details of event handling.21:13
DreadKnightoxygen phails when not having a nice border for some of the elements... in gnome i like glossy theme a lot21:13
yao_ziyuanhunger: what do you mean by 'instant apply'?21:13
hungeryao_ziyuan: With kde apps you have cancel and apply buttons to accept settings.21:14
hungeryao_ziyuan: Gnome has "instant apply" where settings are applied directly.21:14
yao_ziyuanwell, it seems gedit and pidgin's Preferences dialog boxes only have "Close"21:14
hungeryao_ziyuan: Yeap. That is due to instant apply.21:15
yao_ziyuanbut such differences never caught my attention21:15
yao_ziyuani just thought it was app-specific21:15
yao_ziyuannever thought it's DE-specific21:15
DreadKnightyao_ziyuan: so what are the packages ? kde4-style-qtcurve and kde4-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig ?21:15
yao_ziyuanDreadKnight: no you have to download the latest versions from kde-look.org21:15
yao_ziyuanDreadKnight: and for gtk2 apps to really use the same font as that of kde, you must run "gnome-settings-daemon" at kde startup21:16
hungeryao_ziyuan: Putting the same paint on every app is a very broken idea IMHO, even is some of the differences are plastered over.21:16
hungerPlease don't do that! That baby drags in so much unnecessary dependencies!21:17
yao_ziyuanhere is a complete guide:21:17
DreadKnightyeah, sort of like what kopete tries doing and phails in all the places21:17
yao_ziyuan1. download and compile QtCurve's sources (KDE4 and GTK2 ports) from http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=4049221:17
yao_ziyuan2. download and compile Crystal's source from http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Crystal?content=7514021:18
yao_ziyuancompiling them in kubuntu 8.10 is always like:21:19
yao_ziyuan(go into the uncompressed folder)21:19
yao_ziyuanmkdir build21:19
yao_ziyuancd build21:19
yao_ziyuancmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..21:19
yao_ziyuansudo make install21:19
DreadKnighti'm heading out for now, must catch up with some game development21:20
rgreeningRiddell: we need to get an updated kpackagekit 0.4, and packagekit 0.3.14-0ubuntu3 (both available in packagekit PPA). The updates include a couple of patches required for our new Add/Remove programs and some enhancements to Search/Find which came as a result of those discussions.21:20
yao_ziyuan3. start a Konsole and run "gnome-settings-daemon". this will let newly started gtk+ apps to really use kde font, especially firefox as seen in http://i41.tinypic.com/2i7075k.png21:21
yao_ziyuan4. optionally, there is a Firefox theme "Oxygen 1.0" which will enhance firefox's appearance for kde 421:22
rgreeningRiddell: The find is infinately more useful now that you can choose based on package name, description, or file name (desktop file name).21:23
yao_ziyuanrecently i also found a nice thunderbird extension that can dock tb into linux tray, but this is going too far21:25
yao_ziyuanthe current status of gtk-qt-engine for kde4 is disappointing. it hasn't done well for firefox.21:26
yao_ziyuani miss gtk-qt-engine for kde3.21:26
yao_ziyuanwell, gnome-settings-daemon is optional.21:30
yao_ziyuani've heard you can modify the gtkrc file to get gtk apps using a font you specify but i never succeeded.21:30
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yao_ziyuanDreadKnight: yeah the Crystal kwin in my screenshots has button style "Kubuntu Edgy" but this old thing still rocks21:34
valgaavwould be nice if gtk-qt engnes get some more love and merged in something alike to kgtk21:35
valgaavgnome file dialogs are really bad21:35
valgaavI guess something for print dialogs would be also nice :P21:35
yao_ziyuanthe good thing for crystal + qtcurve is its appeal is enduring21:39
yao_ziyuanthere was a even more shiny kde style Polyester back in kubuntu 7.1021:39
yao_ziyuanunfortunately it has no gtk port21:39
yao_ziyuanbut qtcurve has evolved to match it21:40
valgaavbtw what about firefox qt port ?21:42
valgaavit was supposed to be finished with ff 3.121:42
yao_ziyuanbut i'm not a credible source21:43
yao_ziyuani actually downloaded and compiled once21:43
yao_ziyuanit barely runs21:43
yao_ziyuanalso it's not necessary for every major app to have a qt port21:44
yao_ziyuani use realplayer and adobe reader daily21:44
yao_ziyuanthey are gtk+ apps21:44
valgaavoh noh ....21:45
valgaavit was looking so good few months ago ...21:45
yao_ziyuanfirefox is the only app that gtk-qt-engine doesn't handle well21:46
yao_ziyuanwhich prompted me to watch firefox-qt's progress for a while21:46
yao_ziyuanbut people in irc.mozilla.org/#firefox said there is no definite release schedule for it21:47
valgaavI see21:48
valgaavthanks for sharing that info21:49
yao_ziyuanand finally i found peace with qtcurve21:49
valgaavbtw gtk-qt engine doesn't handle well OOo too21:49
valgaavin fact it is not usable with it21:49
yao_ziyuanyes, also not well for tcl/tk apps such as amsn which i used for a while21:50
valgaavqtcurve solves the file dialog issue ?21:50
valgaavor is it just a theme ?21:51
yao_ziyuanqtcurve calls gtk+ file dialogs for gtk+ apps21:52
yao_ziyuanqtcurve/gtk works with ooo well except the menus are still custom-drawn by ooo21:55
yao_ziyuanvalgaav: what is "the file dialog issue"?21:57
yao_ziyuanvalgaav: trying to use kde file dialogs for gtk+ apps?21:57
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shtylmanwhat is the best way to apply a diff.gz file to already extracted sources?21:57
valgaavI actually am auite annoyed with havig 3 different file dialogs on mys system21:57
valgaavthe Qt4 one the kde4 one and the gtk+ one21:58
yao_ziyuani didn't pay attention to these differences at all...22:01
yao_ziyuanbut i believe there are tools to make this happen22:01
yao_ziyuangoogle tells me KGtk22:03
valgaavwell kgtk is a hack ... I'm quite envous of gtk+ based environments which thanks to qt 4.5 will get good integration with both gtk+ and qt out of the box22:18
ghostcubewhen will qt 4.5 be final :)22:32
yao_ziyuanthe case for openoffice is special.22:34
yao_ziyuanopenoffice 3.0.0 running under kde4 will only detect the environment as kde3,22:35
yao_ziyuanand will use the current kde3/qt3 style.22:35
yao_ziyuanso unless you download and install the latest qtcurve/kde3, you won't get the latest qtcurve look and feel in ooo
yao_ziyuancan anyone with kde3 help me comple and make a deb package for qtcuve/kde3 at http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=40492 ?22:38
ScottKThis is because the OOo KDE support hasn't been ported to KDE4 yet.22:38
yao_ziyuankubuntu 8.10 doesn't provide kde3/qt3 dev packages22:38
yao_ziyuanhow do i get these dev packages now?22:38
jussi01!info kdelibs4-dev22:42
ubottukdelibs4-dev (source: kdelibs): development files for the KDE core libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 1371 kB, installed size 7656 kB22:42
yao_ziyuanbut that will remove kdelibs5-dev...22:42
ScottKYes,  the -dev packages aren't co-installable.22:42
yao_ziyuani'd just leave ooo alone.22:43
ScottKGood plan.22:43
yao_ziyuancan anyone update kde-style-qtcurve ?22:43
yao_ziyuanrunning ooo is disastrous22:45
yao_ziyuanit will automatically set my current kde4 style to Oxygen22:45
yao_ziyuanhow do i trick ooo into believing it's running in gnome?22:46
yao_ziyuanbecause if ooo believes it's running in kde 3 then it will do harms22:49
yao_ziyuansuch as resetting my current kde4 style back to Oxygen22:49
shtylmanI have no problem running ooo22:49
shtylmanahh I see22:49
yao_ziyuanshtylman: you're using Oxygen?22:49
yao_ziyuanOxygen the kstyle.22:49
shtylmanyea...that is why22:49
yao_ziyuanso i want to fool ooo to believe it's running in gnome22:50
* jussi01 is happy, just fixed all my sound issues... Pulse was installed...22:59
jussi01so I removed it, and everything works again22:59
claydohyao_ziyuan: uninstall openoffice.org-kde package23:00
claydohthat will remove the kde integration bit23:00
yao_ziyuanthere is no such package for ooo 3.0.023:02
yao_ziyuanall there is:23:02
yao_ziyuansoon i realized even if i compiled qtcurve/kde3,23:09
yao_ziyuanand ooo 3.0.0 can use it23:09
yao_ziyuanooo will still abduct my current kde4 style23:10
macokde does weird things23:11
yao_ziyuanno, it's ooo's fault23:11
yao_ziyuanonly if i can fool ooo into believing it's running in gnome...23:11
maconot talking about ooo23:12
macotalking about the fact that i plugged in my power adapter and everything disappeared, showing just the wallpaper...no windows, panels or anything23:12
macothen after about 5 seconds, it brought he desktop back23:12
yao_ziyuankde is fragile23:12
ghostcubekde is a diva :P23:13
yao_ziyuankde developers are artists but not logicians23:13
yao_ziyuanmaybe i should try ooo brought by ubuntu23:15
yao_ziyuanso i can remove the kde integration23:15
Riddellshtylman: tried the gnome version http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/ubiquity-gnome.png23:18
Riddellshtylman: it only shows the current disk selected so there's only every two bars on the screen at the same time23:18
ghostcubehmm anyone tested the new nvidia drivers ?23:19
Riddelltop bar is before and bottom bar is after.  there's no labels so it's not clear which is which and I don't get why radio buttons appear between the two23:19
Riddellshtylman: also there's that notice about which OS you're replacing which I don't think we have23:20
Riddellshtylman: same on the manual partitioning page, it only shows a bar for the one you've currently selected23:21
ScottK-palmStickers arrived here today too.  Thanks sabdfl.23:22
nhandlerWas it jono who was looking for some stickers for his laptop? If so, we should send him a few Kubuntu stickers23:32
macoyes he was23:33
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yao_ziyuanjust installed openoffice.org 2.4 from ubuntu repository23:43
yao_ziyuanand openoffice.org-style-crystal23:43
yao_ziyuanit doesn't hijack my current kde4 style any more23:43
ghostcube180.29 is cool23:43
ghostcubecool this new driver fixes the rdraw errors on nvidia and compiz loose-binding as it seems23:44
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