
brad_alright, i used openvpn00:02
=== andy is now known as Suiko
Suikoahhh good morning dudes00:03
Suikoanyone already up ?00:03
brad_it's 6:00pm here00:03
Suikothen good evening =D00:03
brad_but good moring to you00:04
Suikowell i have a question00:04
Suikoto terminals00:04
brad_I'm not terminals00:04
Suikoto the topic terminals =D00:04
brad_with that, I can help00:05
Suikohow can i alter them?00:05
brad_ok, i need just a little more00:05
Suikoto change the backround color00:06
brad_ok, so i can't help, but i tryied00:06
Suiko^^ that is was counts00:06
chairmanok i got a problem. i can't get my multiple desktop. i went to appearance and put how many i want and still got only 200:07
Suikognomeuser ?00:08
Suikowith compiz ?00:08
Suikochairman: are you a gnomeuser?00:09
Suikodo you use compiz?00:09
Suikothat was a problem i had to face to00:09
chairmanjust installed kubuntu 8.1000:09
yao_ziyuancan i install kde3/qt3 dev libs in kubuntu 8.10?00:09
yao_ziyuani want to compile QtCurve/KDE300:09
Suikoyao_ziyuan its not possible...its not availiable in 8.1000:10
Suikobrad_ i wanted it to look more like this here http://polishlinux.org/stuff/screenshots/gentoo/gentoo_2007.1_Podstavsky.png00:11
mefisto__Suiko: what is not available?00:11
yao_ziyuanthis is all because of kdocker.00:11
yao_ziyuanis there a kde4 app that can dock any app to system tray?00:11
mefisto__!info kde-style-qtcurve00:11
ubottukde-style-qtcurve (source: kde-style-qtcurve): This is a set of widget styles for KDE3 based apps. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.59.3-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 217 kB, installed size 684 kB00:11
Suiko!info cedega00:12
ubottuPackage cedega does not exist in intrepid00:12
GWildanyone have an issue with CUPS 'disappearing' from the system under Intrepid?00:13
yao_ziyuanbut this one is outdated00:13
yao_ziyuanthis old one has cyan color scheme00:14
yao_ziyuanthe latest qtcurve/kde3 can use a blue color scheme00:14
yao_ziyuananyway i'm trying to retire kdocker which is a kde3 app00:14
mefisto__yao_ziyuan: so all you want is an icon to start an app?00:14
yao_ziyuanmefisto__: yes, like alltray and kdocker00:15
mefisto__yao_ziyuan: or you want a running app docked in the tray?00:15
yao_ziyuanit seems kde 4.2's "run a program in the tray" already works00:16
yao_ziyuannot really00:20
=== muhammad is now known as Guest84109
brad_kde 4.2 is not that bad00:27
chairmanhello did anyone get my question00:28
mefisto__yao_ziyuan: doesn't alltray work?00:29
yao_ziyuanalltray no longer works undre kde 4.200:30
mefisto__yao_ziyuan: really?00:30
yao_ziyuanit seems alltray has a new version than ubuntu's00:32
yao_ziyuani'm trying it out00:32
mefisto__yao_ziyuan: some things won't work. konqueror doesn't, but dolphin does00:37
mefisto__yao_ziyuan: I can't get konqueror to unhide00:38
mefisto__yao_ziyuan: and it won't work from commandline at all with some00:38
solifugusI set my sources for third party stuff.. now how can I upgrade from kde 4.1.4 to kde 4.2.x ??00:40
yao_ziyuanmefisto__: what are you talking about? alltray?00:40
mefisto__yao_ziyuan: yes00:41
yao_ziyuanactually i want to dock thunderbird.00:42
mefisto__solifugus: you added the repo at http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 ?00:42
yao_ziyuanalltray doesn't work.00:42
ganymedehttp://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu <-- does anyone know where i can find the changelogs for package updates in this repo? I keep on getting updates in here through sudo apt-get update, then upgrade,but they're all 4.2.0 packages00:43
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solifugusmefisto__: i will do that right now00:44
mefisto__solifugus: you could also just enable backports and update/upgrade00:45
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
solifugusmefisto__: after adding that repo and hitting "close".. adept crashed and won't restart.00:46
chairmani need help please00:46
=== dragomir is now known as rainbow
solifugusHow do you enable backports?  I'll have to reboot to make adept come up again (been through this before)00:47
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mefisto__solifugus: sudo killall adept    to make sure it's really not running00:47
mefisto__!aptfix | solifugus00:48
ubottusolifugus: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:48
solifugusnot letting me type in konsole...  this happened earlier today, too..00:48
solifugusmaybe I can try a virtual console00:48
mefisto__solifugus: can you copy/paste the command from here?00:48
Guest12419hi there00:49
Guest12419can I ask you how can I uninstal ubuntu?00:49
Guest12419I want to try kubuntu00:49
solifugusmefisto__: I cannot copy paste from gui to virtual console.. but i can type in the virtual console.. but not konsole00:49
solifugussudo killall adept says there's no adept00:50
mefisto__solifugus: sudo killall adept   in virtual console then00:50
BluesKaj!ask | chairman00:50
ubottuchairman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:50
solifugusmefisto__: that's what i did.. all i could do00:50
chairmani had asked earlier tht i 'm having a problem w/the multiple desktops .i can get as many tht i want to perform the cube display rotation.00:51
solifugusI just want all these damn bugs to go away so I can work.....00:51
BluesKajsolifugus , sudo apt-get update ..might work00:51
AzzcoFor some reason mplayer processes keeps popping up for me a little now and then. Is this normal?00:52
mefisto__solifugus: do you still have windows looking normal? anything else not working? or just keyboard?00:52
solifuguskde 4.1.4 is just horrid..   everything's ok except cannot type in certain windows..00:52
ign0ramusHey all.00:52
solifugusmefisto__: I'll just reboot now so my system will work normally until something breaks again.. in the mean time, try to get updated to kde 4.200:53
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare-laptop
yao_ziyuanso i recally can't comple a qt3/kde3 style in kubuntu 8.10?00:53
yao_ziyuanor a qt3/kde3 app?00:53
solifugusmefisto__: actually.. it's 5:00pm and time to go home.. I'll start again after dinner.00:54
ign0ramusI just installed the latest version of gstreamer and plugins, and now certain apps aren't working (Songbird & Cheese).  Cheese complains I'm missing gconfaudiosrc and gconfvideosink... these aren't packages. Anyone?00:54
DaddyLonglegsI'm running kubuntu 8.10 and gonna cleanly upgrade to KDE 4.2. Could anybody guide me through the safest way?00:55
Silentstrianyone can tell me how to install stuff on Dapper?00:59
=== muhammad_ is now known as mdxz
Silentstrianyone can tell me how to install stuff on Dapper?01:01
Shaunprobably a long shot, but does anyone here know how to successfully pair a keyboard and mouse in jaunty01:01
mdxzanyone can help me, my browser cant connect internet01:01
mdxzbut i cant chat here01:01
pisnazhello all01:06
Silentstricould anyone tell me how to install stuff on Dapper or direct me to somewhere/someone who can?01:07
calamariSilentstri: I prefer synaptic01:07
calamariwait.. Dapper is kinda old, isn't it?01:08
pisnazYeah I was just thinking is that not like 7.04 or so?01:08
calamariif it's old, they take down the repository info, so you can't install stuff01:08
jker1a live TV show about linux starts in about half an hour at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-wftl-show come join the fun It is hosted by Marcel Gagne of the Linux Journal. You can call in via Skype to ask questions or make comments01:08
Silentstrino, its LTS01:08
Silentstrii just have no internet01:08
Silentstrioh wait01:09
SilentstriIll hardwire and get the driver01:09
Silentstriwhats the syntax?01:09
pisnazfor apt-get?01:09
Silentstriim new01:09
pisnazsudo apt-get --help01:09
pisnazin the terminal01:09
Silentstrioh ok ty01:09
pisnazand to browse sudo apt-cache search01:09
Silentstriso ctrl+alt+f1-f601:09
pisnazto install is sudo apt-get install [package]01:10
pisnazor open a terminal window through X01:10
pisnazbut if the repository info is down as calamari said...01:11
Silentstrino, dapper is LTS01:11
Silentstriits up till June01:11
Silentstriat least01:11
pisnazahh kk01:11
Silentstrimight be early july01:11
Silentstriquestion, whats root?01:12
calamarifor what?01:12
Silentstrishutdown comman01:12
Silentstriit says shutdown: you must be root t do that!01:13
mefisto__sudo shutdown01:13
=== Guest12419 is now known as dragomir
pisnazSo anyone noticed this issue and ideas or links to info re solving it?  Running a high resolution video file on a low res output results in major chopping/dropped frames.01:13
calamarisudo shutdown -h now01:13
Silentstrity mefisto01:13
pisnazor use -r for reboot01:13
HappySmileMan"sudo reboot" for reboot I think01:14
Silentstriwhat does sudo mean?01:14
HappySmileManAnd "sudo halt" for shutdown01:14
calamariswitch user and do something01:14
HappySmileManThey're aliased01:14
pisnazit allows you to run a command as root without being root01:14
calamariby default it switches to root user01:14
pisnazlol yeah old habits here :P01:14
mefisto__HappySmileMan's suggestions are easier to remember and do the same thing :)01:14
calamarilol I guess we do it the hard way :)01:15
pisnazalt+ctrl+del is aliased also is it not ?01:15
yao_ziyuanfound a thunderbird extension FireBird that can send thunderbird to tray01:15
mefisto__pisnaz: that usually brings up the logout/shutdown menu01:15
pisnazlol true mefisto :P  Think me and claimari may just be showing our age01:15
mefisto__yao_ziyuan: yes I was thinking of that but couldn't remember its name01:16
pisnazahh sry true in X was not thinking about being in X01:16
Silentstriit worked xD01:16
pisnazSilent being new to *nix be warned there is usally a few dozen ways to do something depending on who you ask lol01:17
Silentstriive realized xD01:17
pisnazso anyyone seen the issue I mentioned?  It is not a huge issue but one of those quirky ones.01:18
mefisto__and sometimes no way to do something :)01:18
tonolá amigos01:18
tonalguém aqui fala portugues ?01:19
pisnazblasphemer mephisto01:19
tonalguem ?01:20
pisnazsry ton I'm barely able to handle english on a good day01:20
mefisto__pisnaz: what issue? I can't find what you said01:21
tonninguem fala portugues ?01:21
mefisto__!pt | ton01:21
ubottuton: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:21
pisnazahh k.  Playback of a high res video on a low res output is choppy.  for example I have the high res copy of elephants dream and playing it back on my system (@ 1024x768) results in massive dropped frames01:22
mefisto__pisnaz: using restricted graphics driver?01:23
pisnazany other file plays back fine and is not apperaing to be codec dependent01:23
pisnazon Intrepid with the nvidia driver through hardware drivers so yes01:24
mefisto__pisnaz: and what player are you using?01:24
pisnazI will give the fact that I am on teh 96 driver01:24
pisnazXBMC, VLC,01:24
pisnazevery other file runs great01:25
pisnazbut the only differene is they are usually at a lower resolution01:25
mefisto__pisnaz: do you have kaffeine or mplayer installed? if you do, change it to use xv video01:25
pisnazI can try that01:25
pisnaz1 sec01:25
pisnazlol ok you have to many systems when ....I have to grab them they are installed on my other system may be a few01:27
yao_ziyuanmefisto__: that one is very good. i dislike the tray icon that shows the number of unread messages so i modified the extension.01:28
bdizzleis there a way to install that blasted silverlight on kubuntu?01:28
mefisto__bdizzle: you can install it as an extension for firefox01:29
mefisto__bdizzle: it's called moonlight I think01:29
mefisto__bdizzle: microsoft open source :)01:29
pisnazoh?  never even use silverlight on my win systems lol hoping to avoid it as long as I can01:29
bdizzleyeah, I've got it01:30
bdizzlefirefox is giving me errors01:30
mefisto__bdizzle: maybe with wine ?01:31
jker1Join a live Linux TV show hosted by Marcel Gagne of the Linux Journal at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-wftl-show  It starts any minute now !!01:31
bdizzleyeah, I'll have to try that next01:31
bdizzlewhat is the sudo apt-get for firefox 3.0 ?01:32
Wargasmit should automatically grab 3.0, right?01:32
mefisto__bdizzle: firefox-3.0     but just firefox should get it too01:32
bdizzlegah, I'm so tired, the brain isn't thinking anymore01:32
Wargasmdid you sudo apt-get update01:32
bdizzleyeah, I got it01:32
bdizzleoiy? or not01:33
pisnazwell I'll be.  Mephisto the playback works via mplayer using xv video (default)01:33
mefisto__pisnaz: smplayer uses mplayer but has a nicer interface, if you want to try that01:34
maggis there any possibility to solve the scrollbar error in firefox 3 on intrepid ibex kde 4.2?01:35
pisnazmplayer is ok lol, intresting though  wonder why vlc and XBMC peter out doing it and if I can set them in a similar fashion01:35
maggit looks a little bit weird01:35
mefisto__pisnaz: I think vlc uses its own codecs. it's hard to configure too much without breaking it01:36
maggthink so too, cause it works fine in windows an mac too without installing any codecs01:37
pisnazI have a lead now though which is better than typing chaos into gogle and taking my chance lol01:37
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs01:37
mefisto__!info vlc01:37
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1628 kB, installed size 3616 kB01:37
mefisto__its in multiverse because of the codecs. not completely open source01:38
pisnazI had a codec issue when I tried to use to convert the file yesterday when I was testing01:38
pisnazof course that was at 2am so my memory may be a bit off lol01:39
jithin1987_Hi any laptop users with intel chipset facing high cpu usage with kde 4 desktop effects01:39
pisnazohh just noticed something...have sysnc issues with mplayer playing it01:39
mefisto__pisnaz: audio out of sync?01:40
pisnazsry jithin mine is on an amd01:40
pisnazyeah nbd that can be fixed01:40
maggi have a core2duo01:40
maggand no probs so far01:41
maggcpu usage is normal01:41
pisnazwhat is the gpu though jithin?01:41
pisnazan intel one?01:41
mefisto__pisnaz: did you try kaffeine with xv video? it uses xine and on mine it usually plays audio in sync, but doesn't look as good as mplayer (I have ati graphics)01:42
pisnazodd that kaffine is not fount through adept01:43
pisnazjust checking soemthing mephisto01:44
pisnazsomething* (egads typing is going downhill fast) it looks to still be dropping frames though not as jarring via mplayer01:44
pisnazyeah it is it just smoothes it out a ton better01:45
pisnazrunning in 1/2 size setting01:46
pisnazoh dagnabit would help if I spelt kaffeine correctly eh? :P01:48
ghoststriwhats ndiswrapper known as for the sudo apt-get command01:51
ghoststriits sudo apt-get ndiswrapper-common.???01:51
Wargasmi think so01:52
Wargasmwhen in doubt, use adept01:52
ghoststriadept is messed01:52
Wargasmdon't hate the GUI01:52
ghoststridunno how to use01:52
Wargasmits easy01:53
ghoststriim sorta rushin01:53
ghoststriso Im using konsole01:53
ghoststriis it .gz or .pkg or something?01:53
Wargasmyou could have found it faster than asking in irc01:53
Wargasmnot sure01:53
ghoststrii like I r c01:53
pisnazuse apt-cache search ndiswrapper*   ?01:53
Wargasmwell i do too but it's not the fastest way01:53
ghoststriin konsole pisnaz?01:54
ghoststriwtf is a regex compilation error?01:54
pisnazshould give you the package names matching that with the wildcard01:54
pisnazerr lol01:54
mefisto__ghoststri: what did you type?01:55
ghoststriapt-cache search ndiswrapper* ?01:55
mefisto__ghoststri: you don't need the * because it finds everything with "ndiswrapper" anyway01:55
ghoststrioh ok ty01:56
ghoststrisame error01:56
pisnazndiswrapper-common - Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper   was what I got here as one01:56
ghoststrii used apt-cache search ndiswrapper ?01:56
ghoststriso I need sudo apt-get ndiswrapper-common?01:56
ghoststriim on dapper01:57
mefisto__ghoststri: that's a weird error01:57
pisnazthat is just to see package names not to install though sounds like you may have a issue with your cache01:57
ghoststrioh boy -_-'01:57
mefisto__why are you still on dapper?01:57
ghoststriim new to kubuntu01:57
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.01:57
ghoststriand I found a live cd for it01:58
ghoststrii dunno how to upgrade01:58
ghoststriand this is 7yr old comp01:58
pisnazwhat hardware does it have roughly?01:58
ghoststripentium 301:58
mefisto__ghoststri: might be easier to just download a new livecd and do a fresh install.01:59
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:59
pisnazin console type cat /proc/cpuinfo01:59
ghoststriill type01:59
ghoststrihold on01:59
pisnazand as mephisto said it may be easier to get a new cd01:59
ghoststriProcessor: 001:59
ghoststrivendor_id       : GenuineIntel02:00
ghoststricpu family      : 602:00
pisnazin the cpu info look for model name02:00
ghoststrimodel           : 1102:00
ghoststrimodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) III Mobile CPU      1133MHz02:00
ghoststricache size      : 512 KB02:01
ghoststrito old?02:01
pisnaznp I know the rest :P02:01
pisnaznot sure02:01
ghoststriim a 14 yr old kid, gettin good comps is a challenge02:01
pisnazmy old p-111 is a dual proc set up as a server :P02:01
pisnazpentium 302:02
mefisto__ghoststri: I have an older laptop, pentium 2, running xubuntu. that's ok02:02
ghoststritoo bad its my first kubuntu as well02:02
ghoststrioh well02:02
pisnazyeah Mephsto think that may be the nest idea eh intrepid may be a bit to hungry for that old p-iii?02:02
ghoststriok, so I need to install ndiswrapper to get my external anntenna working, ive brought down my whole wireless network to connect this pile of junk02:02
mefisto__pisnaz: maybe. the video hardware would probably make it slow02:03
pisnazyeah That is what I am thinking...trying to recall my old p3 it had a rage gpu so if it is similar ..or a olf gf2 series02:04
ghoststrimy goal is to learn about kubuntu in general, im building a good comp in the summer and Im going to put kubuntu on it02:04
ghoststriso I really just need the basics right now02:04
pisnazbut xubuntu or possibly 8.04 kubunut?02:04
pisnaznp ghost just thinking if you can get a newer copy you should have less issues but we can not get you to new or else it will run nasty lol02:05
ghoststrii c02:05
ghoststriI downloaded ndiswrapper-1.54.tar.gz02:06
ghoststribut I dont know what to do with it02:06
ghoststriah my other comp dced02:06
=== ghoststri is now known as silentstri
silentstriI downloaded ndiswrapper-1.54.tar.gz02:07
silentstribut I dont know what to do with it02:07
silentstrisomething to do with adept right?02:07
pisnazok you may be able to get that working ghost but ndiswrapper is by nature a nasty fellow, why using a package wuld of been good02:07
silentstrioh boy.....02:07
pisnazsry not ghost meant you silent02:08
silentstriis there02:08
silentstrianother way to make the driver work?02:08
pisnazextract you silent it should drop into a dorectory (use ark)02:08
silentstrii did02:08
pisnazis there a readme in the contents?02:08
silentstrik got it02:09
silentstriit is referring me to INSTALL text file02:09
silentstrilooking some more02:09
pisnazkk read through it it should (usually) walk you through02:09
silentstrii need a kernal that is atleast 2.6.16 with header files for the kernal. Do I have that?02:10
pisnazI am a bit foggy (it has been a while) but I think you will need the windows driver file for that wifi card also02:10
silentstriya, got that too xD02:11
mefisto__what card is it anyway?02:11
silentstrithis isnt a new problem02:11
silentstrimefisto: WPC54G02:11
silentstrierrors already02:12
silentstriit said to use this command02:12
silentstritar zxvf ndiswrapper-version.tar.gz02:12
silentstribut when used, it gives me this02:12
pisnazif you used ark you already extracted it :P02:12
silentstritar: ndiswrapper-version.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory02:12
silentstritar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now02:12
silentstritar: Child returned status 202:12
silentstritar: Error exit delayed from previous errors02:12
silentstrioh ><02:12
pisnaztype uname -r in the terminal02:13
=== mike is now known as Guest80116
pisnazthat will tell you your kernel version02:13
silentstrigave me 2.6.15-23-38602:13
silentstriim 1 short02:13
pisnazoh boy02:14
silentstrii need 2.6.1602:14
mefisto__did you try with b43-fwcutter? don't know much about wifi so I'm not sure if that will help with your hardware02:14
pulaskiHello,  I have a few lines of javascript in an html page here ; http://paste.ubuntu.com/122640/   My firebug console indicates that line 85: var str = document.frm1.txtinput.value;  has an undefined term or varible "src" I'd appreciate any suggestions as to why this is so or even better, an explanation of what the assigned value "document.frm1.txtinput.value"  means or how it works?02:14
silentstriso for me, its upgrade or go internet-less02:15
mefisto__silentstri: are you the same person as ghoststri ?02:15
silentstrithats the key02:15
silentstrii appear as Silent, Ghost and like.... quantum or something02:15
silentstrinot sure02:15
silentstribut its always Stri02:15
mefisto__silentstri: you can upgrade to hardy from dapper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades02:16
pisnazI would suggest upgrade and if/when you do hook the system to a wired lan first get updates and check for a driver prebuilt (restricted drivers)02:16
Guest80116anyone feel like helping a newb install a printer?02:16
silentstriwill that wipe all my stuff?02:16
silentstrithis is my work laptop02:16
silentstriI can deal with no internet02:16
pisnazif you do it the way mephisto said no.02:16
silentstriIll buy a LAN cable02:16
silentstrii hope02:17
pisnazbut you will need inet access on that system02:17
mefisto__silentstri: no, but it might not work for some reason. but your data will be safe if it's in your home dir02:17
pisnazunless that is an offline way mephisto?02:17
mefisto__pisnaz: no, that link is network (internet) upgrade02:18
silentstriwhere do I find the updates repository02:18
pisnazguest what type/connection is the printer?02:19
silentstriuhm..... where do I find this upgrade repository02:20
Guest80116mfc-7820n on a network02:20
pisnazsmb share or?02:20
mefisto__silentstri: in /etc/apt/sources.list   or in adept I think you can enable it. don't know how it is in dapper02:20
pisnazSilent: It should say in that file mephisto linked02:20
silentstrino, it doesnt02:21
pisnaz!JOY! lol02:21
mefisto__silentstri: look in sources.list and find the line that says dapper-updates and remove the # at the beginning of that line02:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about JOY! lol02:21
pisnazrofl even funnier02:21
mefisto__lol. poor bot02:21
pisnazsad sad bot02:22
pisnazguest how is it linked into the network?  directly or through another pc on *nix or windows?02:22
Guest80116it tcpip02:22
Guest80116to the router02:22
silentstrii dont have /etc/sources.list02:22
silentstrior anything in etc called sources02:23
mefisto__silentstri: /etc/apt/sources.list02:23
pisnazok and lastly whay version of Kubuntu are you on?02:23
silentstrio ok02:23
silentstriaha ty mefist02:23
pisnazk bear with me I am on 8.10 so may not be exactally oin the same locations I mention02:24
mefisto__silentstri: after you change and save that, sudo apt-get update02:24
PSiL0So, has anyone successfully used a projector 08.10 with fglrx installed (8.543)?02:24
PSiL0which entries should I add to my xorg.conf?02:24
pisnazgo to the menu ans system/printing02:24
PSiL0also, has anyone managed to install the sesame2 backend to get strigi working?02:25
silentstriwhy is it telling me I dont have write access?02:25
magganyone knows a repo where i can get the nvidia 180.29 driver?02:25
Guest80116what to check?02:26
pisnaznew printer02:26
maggmix dist is intrepid ibex02:26
BluesKajsilentstri , alt+F2, kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list02:26
mefisto__silentstri: what are you editing with (it needs sudo for commandline or kdesu for gui editors)02:26
maggmy dist, sry02:26
silentstriok, Im typing what blueskaj said02:26
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
mefisto__silentstri: if kdesudo doesn't work, use kdesu02:27
pisnazawwww mephisto I was gonna get him to use pico :P02:27
BluesKajcopy and paste works too, silentstri02:27
Guest80116k, i'm walking thru it, now at backend selection, do I need network printer?02:27
pisnazohhh or vi mmmmm02:27
silentstrioh lol02:27
pisnaznetwork printer02:27
silentstrio crap02:28
silentstrilots, i mean LOTS of errors02:28
silentstriX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16802:28
silentstri  Major opcode:  14502:28
silentstri  Minor opcode:  302:28
silentstri  Resource id:  0x002:28
silentstriFailed to open device02:28
silentstria lot of that02:28
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:28
BluesKaj!paste  | silentstri02:28
ubottusilentstri: please see above02:28
silentstriis 1 line ok?02:28
silentstriX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16802:28
silentstri  Major opcode:  14502:28
silentstri  Minor opcode:  302:28
silentstri  Resource id:  0x002:28
silentstriFailed to open device02:28
Guest80116k, trying to remember the ip address :)02:29
silentstriWARNING: Can't open /root/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml this is another thing it gave me02:29
BluesKajsilentstri, are you using the alt key and F2 key then entering kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list in the dialog box ?02:30
silentstrino, im using the konsole to do that02:30
silentstribut I used kdesu02:30
Guest80116what is the normal port?02:30
silentstricause kdesudo didnt work02:30
mefisto__BluesKaj: he's on dapper, maybe kdesudo doesn't exist02:30
silentstriit doesnt work02:30
BluesKajsilentstri ok, kdesu then02:30
mefisto__silentstri: kdesu instead02:31
silentstrii did02:31
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silentstriit opend eventually02:31
pisnazack now I am offguard guest I forget 1 sec02:31
silentstriand it says a lot of my lines are commented out e the installer because it failed to verify02:31
silentstrishould I open those?02:31
BluesKajbbl ..phone02:32
mefisto__silentstri: paste the whole thing in pastebin so we can see02:32
Palermo_hey guys how can i setup software raid in kubuntu? ive already installed the system and i want to raid two 1.5tb harddrives together?02:32
Guest80116did a scan and looks like it found the printer02:32
pisnazhrrmm on a whim Guest try typing the ip of your printer into a web browser it may give you the web access which should list the prot02:33
pisnaz9100 is the default I think02:33
pisnazahh kk perfect :P02:33
Guest80116thx, figgered that out, actually pinged it02:33
pisnazgood then?02:33
Guest80116so far, just running thru the setup, will advise02:34
silentstrihey Dakreech02:35
Guest80116got good test page  :)   do i need to set up any allowed/denied users?02:36
pisnazerr Pal I am not positive (only played with HW raids) but I believe you have to specify this at first install02:36
pisnazmost likely not Guest this a home network?02:36
mefisto__silentstri: line 10 is dapper-updates02:36
Guest80116yes, home net02:37
pisnazyeah just leave it open then02:37
silentstriso now I go to konsole and type.... ?02:37
pisnazlol reminds me I should set up my network printer lol02:38
mefisto__silentstri: and lines 35 and 38 too (the security ones)02:38
DaSkreechHi silentstri02:39
DaSkreechI'll assume that was for me ;)02:39
Guest80116kewl!!! Thx!!!  now how 'bout the scanner functions ;)02:39
pisnazerrr this is a MFD I gather02:39
Guest80116mfc ya02:39
pisnazwhat is the mnake/model number again?02:40
pisnaznot sure if twain is done via tcp/ip or not never played with one02:40
pisnazMFD = multifunction device btw :P02:41
Guest80116mfc= multifunction copier :)02:41
=== agrossman is now known as neothecat
silentstriok i did that02:42
silentstrinow what do I input to konsole02:42
pisnazrofl dang acronyms02:42
neothecati have a stupid non-ubuntu question...  if i am the only one editing a doc on several machines, is there any reason to choose to use webdav over, say, SVN?02:42
pisnazok digging a tad re the scanner functions02:43
Guest80116thx, preciate you walking an old windoze head into greener pastures :)02:44
DaSkreechneothecat: Ease of use?02:44
pisnaznp ok open adept02:44
DaSkreechGuest80116: Welcome to Linux and Kubuntu!02:44
pisnazand search for sane02:44
neothecatDaSkreech: ok, thanks02:45
mefisto__silentstri: so you saved sources.list? then sudo apt-get update02:45
silentstrimefisto tyvm02:45
silentstriit did stuff02:45
Guest80116uh....where is that?02:45
silentstrilots of stuff02:45
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
silentstriill tell when its done02:45
Guest80116got it02:45
silentstrik done02:46
silentstrinow what?02:46
mefisto__silentstri: do you want to try the update to hardy now?02:46
silentstrihow long that take?02:46
pisnazk now need one more thing looking one sec.02:46
silentstriah what the heck02:47
silentstrilets go02:47
DaSkreechUpdate to hardy?02:47
mefisto__silentstri: not sure, but it will take some time to download everything02:47
silentstriill try02:47
mefisto__DaSkreech: from dapper to hardy02:47
DaSkreechYeah I wanna see that :)02:47
mefisto__sudo apt-get install update-manager-core02:47
silentstriyay more pros02:47
silentstriSHES GONNA BLOW02:48
DaSkreechSure hope he has a /home partition02:48
DaSkreechassuming that silentstri is a he :)02:48
silentstrii do02:48
silentstrii think02:48
silentstriand i am02:48
DaSkreechOk then upgrade away :)02:48
=== AlanasAnikonis is now known as Guest42936
silentstricouldnt find the package update-manager core02:49
=== Guest42936 is now known as AlanasAnikonis
silentstriand by a home partition02:49
silentstriyou mean02:49
mefisto__silentstri: when you did sudo apt-get update where there any errors downloading packages?02:49
silentstrithis right? /home/silentstri1602:49
pisnazguest.. try these instructions02:49
silentstrino, it said02:50
silentstriread package lists... Done02:50
silentstriBuilding dependency tree... Done02:50
Guest80116k, will take a look, thx02:50
silentstriE: Couldn't find package update-manager-core02:50
pisnazbrb coffee02:52
mefisto__silentstri: does it find it with: apt-cache search update-manager-core02:52
silentstriit didnt do anything02:52
silentstriwent like this02:52
silentstrisilentstri16@silentstri16:~$ apt-cache search updage-manager-core02:53
silentstrithen blinked02:53
silentstriand moved on02:53
mefisto__update not updage02:53
silentstriback to silentstri16@silentstri1602:53
silentstrigettin a bit tired02:53
silentstriim still sick ><02:53
pisnazlol...been there done that waht 30 min ago was it:P02:53
silentstrisame result though02:53
silentstriit just blinks02:54
silentstriand goes back to the input mode02:54
silentstri:~$ and w/e02:54
pisnazsilent just to clear up my fuzzy mind this is the same system you are currently on right?02:54
silentstriim on dapper02:55
silentstritryin to get to hardy02:55
pisnazbut same pc?02:55
silentstrias when?02:55
pisnazas you are working on right now02:55
silentstrilike an hour earlier?02:55
silentstriim hardwired to my modem right now02:55
pisnazfor some reason I thought the pc was a different system02:55
pisnazk answers all my questions :P02:56
mefisto__silentstri: do you have "software sources" in kmenu > system ?02:56
silentstriwhy is this happening to me?!02:57
mefisto__silentstri: kdesu software-properties-kde02:57
silentstriprobably cause I was offline when I did the install02:57
BentFranklinI want to use my NAS to hold a full system backup of my Kubuntu system.  I guess I could use tar or rsync.  But in recovery mode on a new hard disk, how woudl I go about bringing those files back without the Samba packages?  Or, if I did enough of an install from disk and apt-get to install Samba, when I do a restore from the NAS, how would I make sure my restored system doesn't have any cruft left over from the disk in02:57
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:57
BentFranklinThanks Sckreech, I've seen some of those already, I'll check out the rest.02:58
mefisto__silentstri: kdesu software-properties-gtk  ?02:59
silentstriwith ? mark?02:59
silentstrisame thing03:00
pisnazbent partimage is a nice system I have used in the past03:00
silentstribut with GTK instead of KDE03:00
DaSkreechmefisto__: Did that exist on dapper?03:00
mefisto__DaSkreech: not sure. I never used dapper03:01
DaSkreechI don't think it did03:01
DaSkreechwe used sourceomatic then03:01
DaSkreechWhich is dead now of course03:01
DaSkreech what are you trying to acheive03:01
silentstrioh boy.... I gotta go03:02
silentstrisrry all03:02
silentstriwill redo tomorrow03:02
Daemonbuntumy thanks to whoever made it so GRUB in 9.04 can boot off of XFS03:02
ZombineSo Konqueror used to have this search for file managment where you could type what you were looking for and it would only show the files you wanted to see... what happened to that?03:02
mefisto__DaSkreech: he enabled dapper-updates but update-manager-core can't be found. going from this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades03:02
Daemonbuntuis Dapper even supported?03:02
DaSkreechWell he's gone03:02
DaSkreechDaemonbuntu: yes for 4 more months I think03:03
silentstriya srry guys03:03
DaemonbuntuQuassel is pretty bad, I think I'll get Konversation back when this finishes installing03:04
Zombinein KDE4, it looks like they got rid of konqueror's progressive search thing completely... Can anyone like... verify this?03:04
Zombinenever mind I found it03:04
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Daemonbuntuhmmm, looks like they didn't fix GRUB, they just removed the warning not to put /boot on XFS03:06
DaemonbuntuMandriva can boot off XFS, so I know it is possible to make GRUB not stupid03:07
Daemonbuntumeh screw it, Ext4 it is03:08
DaSkreechDaemonbuntu: What's wrong with Quassel?03:08
pisnazlol Daemon03:08
DaemonbuntuQuassel is like the Tiger Tank of IRC clients03:08
DaSkreechi've never driven a tiger tank03:09
DaSkreechwhat's the properties?03:09
DaSkreechother than being able to hide in tall grass03:09
Daemonbuntuthey were German tank from WW2 that had a huge anti aircraft gun mounted on them that their engine couldn't quite handle the load of03:09
Palermo_guys is lvm better then raid?03:09
DaemonbuntuI think the analogy to Quassel is appropriate03:09
DaemonbuntuI know the main guy behind XFS, he said it's possible to make GRUB boot it but most distributions don't bother to03:10
Daemonbuntubut he's also done a lot of work on Ext4 too03:11
Daemonbuntuvery helpful fellow03:12
Daemonbuntubut Ubuntu's installer telling you no to /boot on XFS has been a pet peeve of mine for years now03:12
DaemonbuntuI wonder what they'd do if I filed a bug on it03:13
* Daemonbuntu proceeds to03:14
pisnaz*get spoon* *find pot* *stir*03:15
linuxloverhello room03:19
begleysmhello, im trying to do a net install and H:/install/netboot/pxelinux.0 is 0kb which seems wrong... any ideas?03:20
linuxloveri have installed kubuntu 8.10 and now it is being updated online. Adept shows that it still need 1hr 30mins. to complete the update procedure. I cannot stay more than 1 hour as I have an urgent call from my office and I have to leave home. So, I need to turn off the computer before I leave home. Will there be a great problem if I turn on the adpet after returning from office? I don't see any pause option for downloading the updates, is it really03:22
DaSkreech!hi | linuxlover03:22
ubottulinuxlover: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!03:22
pisnazerr I have not looked at pxe setup of kubunut yet but yeah 0kb does seem off03:23
DaSkreechlinuxlover: It will pick up exactly where it left off assuming none of the packages have changed on the server03:23
mefisto__where did Zombine find the file filter searchbar in konqueror? I can't find it03:23
linuxloverhello <DaSkreech>, i need to stop the update, can i do that?03:24
DaSkreechlinuxlover: If you like03:24
JontheEchidnathere should be a cancel button03:25
pisnazlol mephisto looking atm03:25
linuxloverthere is a cancel button. So, I can cancel it safely and turn on later when I like and it will not affect my computer... am I right?03:26
pisnazctrl+f :P03:27
pisnazthat was not for you Linuxlover03:27
DaSkreechlinuxlover: Yes03:27
DaSkreechIt downloads all the files to a directory then when done checks them and installs03:28
DaSkreechWhen you restart anything already downloaded it will skip03:28
DaSkreech and you will not have affected anythign since none of them have installed yet03:28
linuxloverDaSkreech: Thank you for this info. OK, my problem is now solved. My best regards Sir.03:29
DaSkreechI love how with Linux the right way to help someone is to educate them :)03:31
DaSkreechNot reboot03:31
DaSkreechOh that didn't fix it?03:31
DaSkreechFormat and reinstall03:31
pisnazwhat is this reboot you speak of ? :P03:32
DaSkreechpisnaz: It's what happens when you install a new kernel or do MAJOR change to all system components03:32
DaSkreechOr when Word doesn't start with the right toolbars03:32
pisnazI nearly tossed a win 2k3 server out the window once after being told I had to reboot and then having to tell the system why I was rebooting it...after a while my message got more and more vulgar lol03:33
pisnazohhhh that lol03:33
pisnazrofl re word03:33
pisnazoh funny odd thing happened to me with intrepid on my desktop...the cpu is throttled but can not be sure it is a bug or just a quirk due to me using a old throw away compaq system03:36
DaSkreechpisnaz: can't it be both?03:39
pisnazcould be but not sure it would replicate on another system...compaq's are evil and ths system is not exactally 00% proper shall we say03:40
AnarchOn two kubuntus, `xmodmap -pp` shows buttons 2 & 3 reversed; but on one kubuntu they're /really/ reversed & on the other they're not.  Settings|Mouse seems irrelevant.  How is reversing buttons 2 & 3 done?03:43
natschilpiznaz try adding -noapic as a kernel argument, there is a bug in the bios of some compaqs that puts the maximum cpu temp ridiculously low, which makes acpi unhappy...03:43
pisnazyeah that is what I am going to do but just keep forgetting lol so I just adjust it after I boot03:43
pisnazI curse compaq al the time but seems all my servers and donated systems end up being em lol03:44
BentFranklinAfter an upgrade, I constantly get the "Newly updated software needs your system to be rebooted before it can be used."  Repeated reboots don't make that go away.  How can I flush that and/or find out which package is failing?03:44
mikorn2I have installed the latest updates on Kubuntu 8.10, and now when I put my machine to sleep and wake it up, it doesn't lock the machine a require a password to access the system. I certainly didn't change any settings, so what happened to my security?!? Any idea how can I make sure that waking up locks the system and requires a password?03:45
pisnazthink it is under system settings and power options mikorn03:46
pisnazthe power settings are in teh advanced tab btw mikorn03:47
BentFranklinI have stopped upgrading because I can't afford to have upgrades break things on the machine at work that serves the corporate wiki.  I would get crucified.  On the other hand, it's nice that people have taken to the wiki so well.03:50
pisnazBent people took to it ?  I have been tossing the same idea around at my work03:50
BentFranklinYep adn they aren't techies at all.03:51
pisnazuse media wiki or?03:51
BentFranklinI use Mediawiki03:51
pisnazyeah I was looking at that same one.03:52
BentFranklinSo far, "it just works"03:52
pisnazand possibly forums...we are a conglomeration of techs with info sitting in our skulls but not shared well figure this may help put it all in one spot03:52
BentFranklinwhich is nice because sysadmin is my after hours duty, not my day job\03:52
BentFranklinyes i want a forum too real soon03:53
p_quarlesmikorn2: in System Settings >> Advanced >> Power Management, there is a checkbox for "Lock screen on resume" - make sure that's on03:54
BentFranklinany ideas which forum to use?  should use php/mysql since i already have that for mediawiki03:54
pisnazGlad I am not the only one with these ideas lol.  Also glad to hear it is working for now03:54
pisnaznot offhand have not delved to hard into the forum research yet03:54
pisnazlike you doing this stuff on my offtime lol03:54
mikorn2I will check, but why would it/how would it have been disabled when doing a routine update? System updates shouldn't muck with my settings!03:54
BentFranklintats why i can only adopt mature technologies, cant afford bleeding edge03:55
BentFranklinUpgrades scare me.  They frequently break this or that, and on my home Kubuntu, apt is completely hosed03:55
pisnazheh I upgraded to kde 4.2 and actually solved a good number of my quirks oddly though it is still growing I find03:56
BentFranklinAfter one upgrade, emacs would not run in GUI,  Some upgrade actually removed rgb.txt from X windows.  Woudl never have fixed that without help from the people in #emacs.03:58
pisnazoh wow03:58
p_quarlesmikorn2: system updates do change settings; that's a pretty well-known fact03:58
p_quarlesI don't see why that should have changed, specifically, but I don't know the code, either03:59
pisnazyeah think that is why if/when my wiki idea gets off the ground looking at a deb stable03:59
pisnazdagnabit sitting on my media system and just noticed no media playing ...you'd think I would use it for it's main purpose eh :P04:04
mikorn2Yeah, 4.2 is good. Or was good, been getting some odd quirks after the recent update. Like system starts and then automatically falls asleep. System starts, then hangs when loading the KDesktop. Increased delays where I can't switch between any running app open. - sigh -04:07
pisnazreally?  could you humor me for a sec?04:09
pisnazI had a similar issue thought it may just be my system but... run in terminal cat /proc/cpuinfo and look at model name and then cpu Mhz04:11
dwidmannHmm, I seem to be having a really weird issue with my mouse cursor. It's like ... doubled over or something, and restarting X doesn't fix.04:19
socceroos_pisnaz, mikorn2: I'm having the same issues.04:19
mefisto__dwidmann: doubled over? the way the pointer/cursor looks?04:21
dwidmannmefisto__: yes04:21
dwidmannlet me see if I can get a screenshot of it04:21
pisnazcan you check output from cat /proc/cpuinfo socceroos?  a long shot but I found out I was running my cpu at 1/2 it's speed and could swear it happened after the system had been running fins for a while04:21
pisnazas I said my of just been my system but curious :P04:22
socceroos_ i have a  Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q6600  @ 2.40GHz04:24
dwidmannI managed to get a screenshot of it including cursor with GIMP but it looked normal in it ...04:24
socceroos_each core is running at: cpu MHz         : 1600.00004:24
pisnazsame issue I had04:24
dwidmannsocceroos_: probably power management04:24
socceroos_........power management? I'm on a desktop04:25
pisnazexactally what I had04:25
pisnazdang...it was a bug lol04:25
dwidmannsocceroos_: doesn't matter, powernowd is probably still running, throttling the cpu while not in use.04:25
pisnazpower management is not suppose to work on a desktop it only kicks in when it senses a battery04:25
dwidmannI know mine is throttled to 2.0GHz while not in use04:25
pisnazproblem is it will not unthrottle04:25
dwidmannpowernowd works on its own04:26
pisnazor would not for me04:26
socceroos_nope, powernowd is not running04:26
pisnazI was running full screen media and atill running 1/2 speed04:26
pisnazlet me recall the stepsI did to sort of workaround it socceroos04:26
elizabethgood nite guys i am looking for help since i havent been able to get my wireless card recognized by kubuntu intrepid i have a notebook compaq presario series v3000 model v3417la and i downloaded this for 32 bit: http://broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php once i did i am following the readme file: http://pastebin.com/m5ec26a3d i already untar the tar program since i got 3 folders on my desktpo just like the guide says:04:27
elizabethhybrid_wl; lib; src and also a sheet that says Makefile the thing is that i am stok at line numer 4 can somebody help me pls???????????????? iam so new on this and for me is been very hard to complete all the steps pls help!!!!04:27
dwidmannmefisto__: I think I'll take shot of it with a camera, seems to be the only way.04:27
mefisto__dwidmann: have you tried a different mouse cursor?04:28
mefisto__dwidmann: you get 2 cursors, is that it?04:28
dwidmanntried switching cursor sets (all of them I have installed), and it affects all, additionally, same problem is present in kdm04:29
=== socceroos_ is now known as socceroos
pisnazok found/remembered it04:33
dwidmannmight have finally got a shot that didn't suck .. up close shots of lcds are hard04:35
pisnazterminal:sudo apt-get cpufrequtils04:35
pisnazterminal: modprobe speedstep_centrino04:36
pisnazterminal: modprobe cpufreq_performance       this failed for me but modprobe cpufreq_ondemand set my core to proper settungs04:38
dwidmannmefisto__: http://www.xnowherex.com/images/screwy_cursor.jpg04:41
mefisto__dwidmann: I see. and it's just the mouse cursor that does that?04:42
dwidmannmefisto__: yeah04:43
dwidmannmefisto__: just started this the other day after some upgrades04:44
mefisto__dwidmann: have you done anything else to try to find the cause? maybe see if X running in vesa?04:45
dwidmannmefisto__: not really, haven't had time to deal with it til now04:46
pisnaznow modify /etc/init.d/cpufrequtils            lines 43, 44, 45 ( mine was set to ondemand already and 0 and 0)04:46
dwidmannmefisto__: I'm thinking on the same page right now actually, grabbing the latest version of ati catalyst and seeing if that makes a difference04:46
pisnazand terminal: echo "driver_module_name" >> /etc/modules   and terminal : echo "policy_module_name" >> /etc/modules04:49
pisnazdwid I peeked at the pic those green vertical bars visable on the main screen or just a result of the capture?04:49
ibuffywill someone please help me fix my dependency issues?04:52
pisnazin terminal run sudo apt-get check04:53
ibuffypisnaz: http://dpaste.com/1268/04:54
pisnazkk now apt-get -f install04:55
ibuffyit's not going to be that easy04:55
pisnazuhoh lol04:56
pisnazdoes not work ?04:56
ibuffyi knew it wouldn't04:56
dwidmannmaybe things will work after you dpkg --remove the problem packages04:56
pisnazas dwid said ..04:56
mefisto__ibuffy: if you do sudo apt-get upgrade does it say anything is "kept back" ?04:57
pisnazor could try just doing a sudo apt-get install kde-icons-oxygen which seems to be the hangup04:58
pisnazthat peer guy is always resetting connections :P04:59
dwidmannpisnaz: he does it because he loves you05:00
ibuffysorry, i encountered another problem i have05:01
ibuffyever once in awhile applications become unresponsive to my keyboard05:02
pisnazok you should see how this thermal paste was applied to this systems cpu rofl looks like they used 1/2 a tube and ran their finger down through it and mashed together....05:02
ibuffywill do what dwidmann suggested05:02
mefisto__koffice-data-kde4 is the problem05:02
mefisto__ibuffy: assuming this is kde 4.2, right?05:03
pisnazhrrmm think i had this issue05:03
ibuffymefisto__: yes05:03
pisnazcan not overwrite cause they are in use05:03
ibuffyrestart X and use a tty screen?05:03
pisnazmay be another way but this worked for me05:03
mefisto__http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 mentions that package05:03
mefisto__ibuffy: do you use koffice?05:04
ibuffymefisto__: yeah, i downloaded it for krita05:04
ibuffyso try following the instructions on http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.205:04
pisnazctrl+alt+f1  login     sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop     then run the apt-get -f install    then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start05:05
ibuffypisnaz: after restarting X and not logging into kde?05:05
mefisto__ok you could try what I did earlier today: sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-icons-oxygen_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1_all.deb05:05
mefisto__sorry not that05:05
mefisto__sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-icons-oxygen_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1_all.deb05:05
pisnazoh that works mephisto?05:06
ibuffywe're about to find out05:06
ibuffyit may have worked...05:06
ibuffyi'm going to attempt to apt-get install a package05:06
pisnazmefisto dang been spelling that wrong all night eh?05:06
ibuffyit worked o.O05:06
mefisto__pisnaz: yes it worked and haven't found any negative consequences yet. just overwrites a few icon files05:06
ibuffyvery nice05:07
ibuffythank you much mefisto__05:07
pisnaz*makes a note, and promptly misplaces it* lol05:08
pisnazhrrm quick q is bluetooth running around 2.5Ghz?05:09
mefisto__dpkg --force-help   to see all the "force" options05:09
pisnaznm got it05:11
ibuffywill do05:11
pisnazhrrmm either my dinono mini is dying or something is draining it like crazy thinking an abherent signal may be polling on it...05:15
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AnarchOn two kubuntus, `xmodmap -pp` shows buttons 2 & 3 reversed; but on one kubuntu they're /really/ reversed & on the other they're not.  Settings|Mouse seems irrelevant.  How is reversing buttons 2 & 3 done?05:18
mefisto__Anarch: with xmodmap?05:19
Anarchmefisto__: `xmodmap -pp` indicates the buttons are already swapped; but on one kubuntu this is true, on another it's false.05:19
mefisto__Anarch: with same type of mouse?05:20
DaddyLonglegsI'm runnning kubuntu 8.10 on KDE 4.1. I followed the instructions on this page: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 to upgrade to KDE 4.2, but I don't seem to get updates from PPA repository. It keeps saying "FAILED" whenever I try to fetch update list. Can anybody help me please?05:20
mefisto__Anarch: maybe xorg.conf can do the button swapping too. see if there's anything in there05:21
Anarchmefisto__: No, one's a Logitech optical (the swapped one), the other's a Logitech ball mouse.05:21
Anarchmefisto__: Neither xorg.conf has relevant configuration.05:21
mefisto__Anarch: see what mouse modules are loaded05:23
Anarchmefisto__: Ah, didn't think of that: but on the swapped kubuntu, `lsmod` has 115 lines, so I'm scrolling thru them.05:24
mefisto__Anarch: are you trying to understand why? or just trying to fix it?05:24
mefisto__Anarch: try lsmod | grep -i mouse05:24
Anarchmefisto__: It WBN to understand why ... my employer foolishly considers me to be good about this stuff.05:24
Anarchmefisto__: Both boxes have psmouse, nothing else matching /mouse/.05:26
DaddyLonglegsHasn't anybody come across the same problem I just described above?05:27
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: checked for typos in sources.list ?05:28
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Yes. I just copied and pasted the address from the webpage.05:28
pisnaz oh wow I was reading a web page or 10, what did I miss?05:29
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: any errors about the signing key?05:30
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: How can I figure out if there is any?05:31
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: I copied the line into konsole, and it just said "OK".05:31
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: I mean when you try to do the upgrade, does it say anything about authentication problems?05:31
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: No.05:31
pisnazyou did not copy a space or drop a d etc when you c&p'd from the web page ?05:34
DaddyLonglegsSee guys: http://imagebin.ca/view/iVNy22b.html05:34
DaddyLonglegspisnaz: I don't think so. I double check it.05:35
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: close adept and try in konsole: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:36
pisnazyou mean the failed in black up top on that image?05:36
pisnazI get the same no issue to update to 4.2 here on 3 systems05:37
DaddyLonglegsIt gives the same messaege for PPA repositories as well.05:37
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.05:37
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: did it say "kept back" anywhere?05:38
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: try    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:38
DaddyLonglegsThe following packages have been kept back:05:38
DaddyLonglegs  kdebluetooth phonon-backend-xine plasmoid-quickaccess05:38
DaddyLonglegsAgain: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.05:39
pisnazcan you screen your sources ?05:39
mefisto__any errors or other messages after the dist-upgrade?05:40
DaddyLonglegspisnaz: http://pastebin.com/d497043cd05:41
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: No. Nothing.05:41
pisnazlooks good05:43
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Guest16102hola alguien en español????05:43
Guest16102algun mexicanito???05:43
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pisnazon a whin sudo apt-get update ?05:44
DaddyLonglegswhat's "on a whim"?05:45
pisnazrun apt-get update   though this should not be the issue05:45
DaddyLonglegsI did.05:46
pisnazoh are a canuck by chance?05:46
pisnazit has relevance05:46
DaddyLonglegsI'm not canuck, but I live in Canada.05:47
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: kdesudo software-properties-kde  and try changing the download location to something else (maybe "main server")05:47
pisnazahh just here leeeeching upall our lovely cold eh :P05:47
pisnaznailed it mefisto :P05:47
mefisto__pisnaz: you're in canada too?05:48
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Oh, I guessed it might be the issue. I changed it to main server. Nothing changed though.05:48
pisnazthough atm i'd consider a move to tropical climes05:48
DaddyLonglegspisnaz: My English sucks. I can't understand those sophisticated sentences. Sorry.05:49
mefisto__pisnaz: the 14 y.o. kid who was trying to upgrade from dapper had canada sources too and had problems05:49
pisnazyeah I switched em early on slow and as you said issues05:49
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: so you tried to update and upgrade again?05:49
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Yes. Nothing changed.05:50
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pisnazsry daddy, it was a joke in a sense05:50
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: and dist-upgrade too?05:50
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Let me try it.05:50
pisnazodd done up 3 systems here and never a problem getting kde 4.2 unless the repository is offline?05:51
mefisto__kde4.2 is in backports now. could try enabling that instead05:52
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: No change.05:52
pisnazhrrm would it be out of experimental though?05:53
DaddyLonglegspisnaz: You mean the problem is from repository server?05:54
pisnaza thought only daddy05:54
DaddyLonglegsMaybe. I'm gonna change my internet connection to another one and retry.05:55
DaddyLonglegsBe back.05:55
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: you could try enabling backports to get kde4.2 but you might get other upgrades along with it that you may not want05:55
pisnazmefisto_: he'd just have to be careful when selecting though could he not?  and disable the repository when done the upgrade?05:57
mefisto__pisnaz: not sure what you mean by selecting05:57
mefisto__you mean when it asks to confirm the package installation?05:58
pisnazyes thinking adept may be easier just uncheck etc05:59
pisnazsorry mind is getting numb lol concurrent reinstall of a cpu and late night is doing me in :P06:00
mefisto__pisnaz: well you could do that if you knew which packages are which. do you remember how many upgrade with 4.2 ?06:01
pisnazrofl yeah which is why I thought it may be easier then trying to go pkg by pkg via apt-get :P06:02
mefisto__I didn't really pay attention so I don't know if it was 20 or 200 packages :)06:03
pisnazSame here I just walked away for a while06:03
pisnazoh something just pinged in my head06:04
pisnaz1 sec06:04
norenhi all06:05
pisnazsudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop06:05
pisnazheya noren06:05
norenpisnaz: do u know how to activate the preview in the dolphin06:06
mefisto__pisnaz: yes that should work I suppose. good idea06:06
norenhi mef06:06
pisnazI usually feed it a few fish noren :P06:06
mefisto__noren: hi. preview is in view menu. you can add a button to the toolbar too06:07
norenpisnaz ??06:07
pisnazyep mine was on my tool bar by default06:07
pisnazlol it was alame joke noren06:07
norenits therre but i wanted to get the preview of the avi fies thats not happening06:08
Wargasmyou might not have the codec installed to allow previews06:08
norenwhich codecs are needed for the same06:08
pisnazas war said :P06:08
Wargasmdepends on the video file06:09
Wargasmcould be any number of codecs06:09
Wargasmtry installing codec packs06:09
norenWargasm: but i am able to play the files in the player so tt means i have the codec dont i ??06:09
Wargasmit would seem that way, but i think the video player has the codec while your system does not06:10
Wargasmall i know is that installing codecs fixes it06:10
noreni hav already installed all the codecs i cud think of !!06:10
mefisto__video previews where?06:10
Wargasmis it just showing a file type icon or is it a black preview06:11
mefisto__oh, like the first frame or something?06:11
norenmefisto__: the preview files yes icons in the dolphin06:11
Wargasmif it's black it's because it has previewed a black frame06:11
pisnazview/adjust view prefrences/show preview  to always use preview06:11
norenin mine if i activate the preview the size of the icon becomes large thats it nothing more06:12
Wargasmyou might still be missing out on the codec06:12
norenhow to trace back which codec like eg for AVI files06:13
Wargasmanyone know how to figure out which codec he needs? i don't know if it even says in file properties06:13
noreni am using kde4.206:14
pisnazcan dolphin preview vid files?  I have codecs galore but can not see previews of the files06:14
Wargasmmaybe it can't. i was speaking out of experience in windows :x06:15
norenit was not a problem in ubuntu it was there by default06:15
Wargasmyeah, but dolphin is different06:15
* DaddyLonglegs can't upgrade to KDE 4.2.06:16
WargasmDaddyLonglegs: have you added the new repo?06:16
pisnaznot sure at all war know it does a good # of stand filestypes but..06:16
DaddyLonglegsWargasm: Yes.06:16
WargasmDaddyLonglegs: what happened when you tried?06:16
Wargasmpisnaz: yeah i know, i thought it would just be a codec issue, not dolphin's problem06:17
norenWargasm: are u able to preview the files06:17
Wargasmnoren: i don't have any video files on this system. i could maybe find something though.06:17
sparrwhat program can i use to see activity on my audio input(s)?  I am trying to figure out which channel on which device corresponds to my actual mic jack06:17
norenthe image files like jpg are working fine06:18
pisnaznoren: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71254806:18
DaddyLonglegsWargasm: I just got a bunch of FAILED messages when adept tried to reach PPA.06:18
DaddyLonglegsWargasm: See http://imagebin.ca/view/iVNy22b.html06:18
pisnaza tad old but..06:19
WargasmDaddyLonglegs: does the repo require a key? I forget, but I think it does. Did you see if the key was added sucessfully?06:19
noren[11:48] <pisnaz> noren: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712548 <<< did not say much other than some kdemultimedia package06:20
DaddyLonglegsWargasm: Yes. I did. There was no problem with the key.06:20
WargasmDaddyLonglegs: what happens when you run "sudo apt-get update" ? same thing?06:20
DaddyLonglegsWargasm: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.06:21
Wargasmdid it contact the repo correctly?06:21
DaddyLonglegsI guess so. My repos: http://pastebin.com/d497043cd06:22
WargasmDaddyLonglegs: i can't see anything wrong with your repos06:24
DaddyLonglegsWhy sudo apt-get update gives me: Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid/main Packages06:24
mefisto__noren: apparently installing mplayerthumbs enables video thumbnails, but it doesn't work for me06:24
DaddyLonglegsWargasm: mefisto__ and pisnaz also said so.06:25
norenmefisto__: i guess the problem is with kde4 only it wassnt there in kde3.506:25
Wargasmare you sure your internet connection isn't preventing it, DaddyLonglegs06:25
Wargasmany firewalls?06:25
DaddyLonglegsNo idea really. How can I test it?06:26
Wargasmyou could try pinging http://ppa.launchpad.net maybe, i'm not really sure on that06:26
Wargasmi successfully pinged ppa.launchpad.net06:27
Wargasmsee if you can do the same06:27
DaddyLonglegsWargasm: Ping successful.06:27
Wargasmthat's weird then06:27
DaddyLonglegsAll the weird things happen to me :(06:27
Wargasmthis is out of my expertise lol. i don't know what else could go wrong if you can contact the repo server06:27
* DaddyLonglegs is wishing KDE 4.2.06:28
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: try changing download server again. go to "Other..." and try some others in canada, or maybe something in U.S.06:28
Wargasmthat might work06:28
Wargasmworth a shot06:28
DaddyLonglegsI tried one in US and one in Russia, both failed.06:31
Wargasmyou're on a fresh install right06:32
Wargasmrelatively fresh anyway06:32
DaddyLonglegsPurely fresh.06:32
Wargasmwtf lol06:32
Wargasmi bet it's something really elementary then06:32
Wargasmyou tried just simply running "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" right?06:33
DaddyLonglegsYes. Nothing happened.06:33
Wargasmapt-get update doesn't do anything other than refresh your repos06:33
pisnazgah fix the thermal paste application by a blind monkey and now no usb this pc is just a ball of fun06:34
DaddyLonglegsNo. Same bunch of hits and Igns.06:34
Wargasmthat's pretty strange, DaddyLonglegs06:34
pisnazdid we try for fun sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop-?06:35
* DaddyLonglegs is dreaming of KDE 4.206:35
Wargasmi guess that's another way of doing it...06:35
DaddyLonglegsWhat should I do for that?06:36
pisnazjust type that in the terminal06:36
pisnazsee what happens06:36
DaddyLonglegsWith the ending -?06:36
pisnazno ignore that06:36
mefisto__noren: got video thumbnails working!06:37
Wargasmshould he keep the last - though?06:37
norenno not yet06:37
pisnazwhat the ...how?06:37
Wargasmdoesn't seem right06:37
norenstill googling around to find a fix06:37
pisnaznope that is just my flail typing06:37
mefisto__noren: no, I've got it working06:37
DaddyLonglegsAgain nothing.06:37
norenmefisto__: how06:37
Wargasmslap your computer for me, DaddyLonglegs06:37
mefisto__noren: you need to install the jaunty version of mplayerthumbs http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/mplayerthumbs06:37
* DaddyLonglegs slaps "leno".06:38
pisnazrofl war06:38
Wargasmmaybe it will work after a good kick06:38
pisnazodd bugger eh I am still curious is the repository is offline or something is up with it atm06:38
Wargasmat first06:39
Wargasmi thought the repo server was offline06:39
Wargasmthat's why i had him ping it06:39
norenso i need to install one more movie player for tht06:39
pisnazohh threaten it with a windows 95 install !!06:39
Wargasmgood idea06:39
pisnazok so it was online then..06:39
Wargasmhe pingged it successfully06:40
pisnazwe do a apt-get check and autoremove ?06:41
Wargasmhadnt thought of that06:42
pisnazDaddy try that sudo apt-get check06:42
Wargasmidk a whole lot about repo management, so im not the best person to fix this06:43
pisnazsudo apt-get autoremove06:43
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: after changing servers, do you still get Ign next to the official servers? or just for the ppa.launchpad.net ones?06:43
DaddyLonglegspisnaz: I did.06:43
pisnazkk nm then lol06:43
pisnazI'm out of ideas sadly it makes no sense should go like snot after you get it set in06:44
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: also, after the autoremove, try    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    again06:44
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Both for PPA, and officials.06:45
DaddyLonglegsGood news!06:46
pisnazoh if you say it just magically worked...06:46
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade works!06:46
mefisto__so autoremove then dist-upgrade was the key06:46
mefisto__now there will be those overwrite errors06:46
* DaddyLonglegs is upgrading to KDE 4.206:47
pisnazit is worth it imho06:47
DaddyLonglegsThanks guys!06:47
mefisto__oh yeah, very much worth it06:47
DaddyLonglegsI really appreciate your kind help!06:47
pisnaznp just to make sure slap the pc again lol06:47
pisnaznot to hard though avoid HD damage lol06:48
mefisto__hmm, maybe the slap is what did it :) fonzie IT support06:48
pisnazway your luck seems you'd crash the drive06:48
DaddyLonglegsSure. After upgrade I will.06:48
pisnazis the fonzie tech support not the hip bump?06:48
DaddyLonglegsI just skip some comments which I don't understand (because of my awful English).06:50
DaddyLonglegs75% \:D/06:50
pisnazon a bright note here the dead system is up and being stresstested for anymore hoverheating issues06:52
DaddyLonglegsAll done!06:53
pisnazcool no errors?06:53
norenmefisto__: i did not see any change after getting the mplayer do i need to restart06:53
DaddyLonglegsNo. Nothing06:53
DaddyLonglegsNow I have to restart X?06:53
DaddyLonglegsI tried Alt + E several times, and my system froze with my Caps Lock LED blinking.06:54
DaddyLonglegsI had to physically power down.06:54
macowhat is alt+e?06:55
DaddyLonglegsWhen log out, it restarts X.06:55
* DaddyLonglegs goes for a X restart.06:56
pisnazkk folks I am off it is dang late here06:56
pisnazhave fun06:57
mefisto__noren: I didn't restart after installing that mplayerthumbs for jaunty. but I already had mplayer installed from intrepid repos07:00
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
* DaddyLonglegs is still on KDE 4.1 :(07:01
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: update upgrade and dist-upgrade again ?07:01
norenoh i had installed mplayer i guess ineeded  mplayerthums07:03
DaddyLonglegs0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 19 not upgraded.07:04
norenDaddyLonglegs: what happened dady still no update07:05
DaddyLonglegsnoren: It updated a couple of things, but I'm not sure what they were.07:06
DaddyLonglegsnoren: I'm still on KDE 4.107:06
norendid it ended with any error mesage07:07
DaddyLonglegsnoren: No. Neat and tidy.07:07
norenwhen i updatee it ended with dpkg error and i had to sudo apt-get -f install07:07
DaddyLonglegsNo, I didn't face any errors.07:07
norenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/122691/   i have been getting these quite often is any one else also getting the same07:11
lovrei have an offtopic question, please forgive: why is there is device manager (winXP) an network adapter and ethernet controller? Im asking because i installed network adapter, but it still shows ethernet adapter in Other Devices. I cant find driver for this on official web pages (its a laptop)07:23
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Sorry again. Don't you know why it couldn't be updated to 4.2 after all those tries?07:31
Ron__sorry new to linux (3 days :) ) where can i download kernel with support for atheros wireless in it....it comes up in the package manager when i search for atheros..but no internet connection so i can't download. Marvel Yukon wired doesn't work either.....oh HI ! :07:33
macoRon__: using 8.10?07:34
Ron__maco: Yes I am07:34
macoactually, just what's the output of "uname -r" in your terminal?07:34
chairmani911 please07:34
Ron__i had to book into windows to access the net :(07:34
Ron__er boot07:35
macooh right07:35
macohave you installed any updates at all since installing ubuntu?07:35
chairmani'm tryin g to get my cube effect but they won't let me get the desktops07:35
Ron__maco: no, can't :)07:36
norenhi all07:36
macowait your *wired* internet doesn't work? that's freaky07:36
macoanyway, are you using 32bit or 64bit?07:36
Ron__maco: yeah I know..7.10 and 8..something esle worked with wired though07:36
hepatittürk varmı aranızda07:37
Ron__maco: 32 bit...i have 64bit but was told to grab the 32 bit...maybe thats the problem?07:37
macono that wouldnt do it07:37
macotheyve got basically the same hardware support...except that 64bit wont boot on a 32bit cpu07:37
norenRon__: how are u connecting now ?? for the chat then07:38
macoim looking for the file for you07:38
maconoren: dual boot07:38
Ron__yeah vista..07:38
norenRon__: was that a fresh install or upgraded from some distro07:39
Ron__fresh install from livecd07:39
macowhat the....why is there no cd listed on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/release/ ? only dvd is listed07:40
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
macoRon__: ok if you download http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-backports-modules-2.6.27/linux-backports-modules-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.4_amd64.deb and save it to a flash drive then boot ubuntu you should be able to double click on it in the flash drive and install it to make your wifi work07:41
noreneven i installed from the kubuntu 8.10 cd07:41
Ron__maco: thats all? wow...i thought i'd have to do weird ...ug linux things :)07:41
Ron__er meant uh not ug...linux is not "ug" in anyway so far :)07:41
macowell you might have to reboot after installing it...07:41
Ron__thats not big deal...i think i can do that :) i know this sounds funny...but linux is so cool07:42
macobut if youve got one of the atheros cards that dont work by default, it should work with the backports modules07:42
allenis there any way to change the background behind the files like in other distros?07:42
macoof course its cool :)07:42
Ron__its an atheros ar5008x07:43
Ron__cool gonna go check :) thanks all07:45
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: hi. I was just catching up on what's happened. so you're still in 4.1 right?07:47
allenanyway in 8.10 to change the digital clock from military time?07:47
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Yes.07:48
DarkriftXdoes kde really take 1g?07:48
DarkriftXinstalling it on my phone and i have about 1 gig left, and it refuses to install07:48
Wargasmici've only installed a few apps and i've used 8.6GB07:55
Wargasmicout of a 120GB drive, it doesn't matter.07:56
DarkriftXim installing on a phone with a 2g drive08:01
Wargasmicyou should be able to fit some version of linux on there, but i'm not sure about kubuntu08:01
DarkriftXhad to go with lxde instead08:01
DarkriftXi have linux, just now installing X08:01
Wargasmicoh i see08:01
DarkriftXi dint think kde would run well, just wanted a screenshot lol08:01
Wargasmicbut the full version is nearly 8gb08:01
Wargasmiclmao, it would be cool08:02
ActionParsnip1DarkriftX: fluxbox is another option08:02
DarkriftXi think i tried that before08:02
Wargasmicfluxbox would probably work better08:02
DarkriftXi hated icewm08:02
* ActionParsnip1 loves fluxbox08:02
Wargasmici prefer kde and gnome much more than any other08:02
Wargasmici don't see the appeal in fluxbox other than being "light"08:03
ActionParsnip1kde is fine, just not kwin08:03
Wargasmicmaybe i just love aesthetics too much08:03
ActionParsnip1i run kde apps in fluxbox08:03
Wargasmicyeah im talking about the actual appearance though08:03
ActionParsnip1i dont care for prettys, gets in the way of what you are doing08:03
Wargasmic:P I like to have both08:04
Wargasmicgood function and looks08:04
wrinkliezhey guys, what brand of laptops do you think is best for linux?08:04
Wargasmicwrinkliez: generally speaking, something popular. drivers are very important.08:04
Wargasmicpick something that has good support08:05
Wargasmicas in, good drivers being developed for the hardware08:05
ActionParsnip1Wargasmic: depends how good you are with it ;) http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/images/shots/exoduz_fluxbox.jpg08:05
WargasmicActionParsnip1: ,very true, it's mostly up to preference. but at least linux offers so much in the way of preference.08:06
ActionParsnip1wrinkliez: lenovo rank high, and ibm love linux.08:06
ActionParsnip1!hcl | wrinkliez08:06
ubottuwrinkliez: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:06
Wargasmiclenovo/ibm are good.08:06
ActionParsnip1Wargasmic: indeed, i just like bog standard gui so everything does what i say when i say it,not do a dance along the way08:07
Wargasmici'm on an old gateway and it has good support, everything works on it. but that's only because it's old i think08:07
ActionParsnip1Wargasmic: more than likely :)08:07
wrinkliezlenovos are so ugly though haha08:07
Wargasmiclol, i can see the appeal, ActionParsnip1, maybe i'll have to give fluxbox a try.08:07
Wargasmicwrinkliez: don't worry, plenty of brands are well supported. you really have a lot of choices.08:08
ActionParsnip1wrinkliez: dell can be good, check the exact hardware in each model though, buy smart rather than whats cheap and you save hassle08:08
Wargasmici was going to mention dell, they are very popular08:08
wrinkliezi seee08:08
ActionParsnip1wrinkliez: if its got a broadcom wireless its good to avoid :)08:08
wrinkliezlol ok08:09
DarkriftXhow would i install kde on debian without all the un-needed stuff (like open office and other large stuff)?08:09
wrinkliezill probably get a lenovo08:09
DarkriftXi tried apt-get install kde and it was over a gig08:09
wrinkliezjust sacrifice some prettyness08:09
Wargasmici'm on a broadcom wireless driver right now. it was a pain in the ass a year or two ago08:09
DarkriftXi just want kde itself08:09
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: We have an official repository in our department. Tomorrow I'll try it from our department local network to see if I can get it updated. Hope it works there. Once again, I appreciate your kind help. See you :-)08:09
Wargasmicwrinkliez: just check that hardware list, if your hardware is listed there you'll have a great experience.08:09
ActionParsnip1DarkriftX: sudo apt-get install kdebase08:09
DarkriftXahh, nice08:10
chairmannevr mind i got it thanks08:10
Wargasmichey ActionParsnip1, i'm installing fluxbox now :P i think i'll see how it runs. maybe the performance gain will persuade me to use it08:13
Wargasmicbrb, gonna give it a go08:13
Wargasmback :D08:15
xlevel1hi, I can't seem to get flash player to work... i installed flashplugin-nonfree and it installs but firefox doesn't seem to recognize its existance08:25
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox08:25
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:26
xlevel1hi, I'm having a lot of trouble with fglrx. Can someone help me?08:30
jussi01!ask | xlevel108:37
ubottuxlevel1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:37
xlevel1jussi01: well thats the thing08:38
xlevel1I don't really know whats wrong08:38
xlevel1I just don't have the accelerated rendering I want and restricted drivers manager seems to awesomely fail08:39
jussi01xlevel1: elaborate a little, tell what you did, wht happens etc08:39
jussi01what hardware you have08:39
xlevel1well, restricted drivers manager hangs when I click enable08:39
jussi01How long for?08:39
xlevel1Mobility Radeon X140008:39
xlevel1forever I assume.  I don't really let it run for long... about 2 or 3 minutes08:39
jussi01the thing Ive noticed is that the restricted dreivers manager sometimes takes a bit to connect and download the software.08:41
jussi01seems to be doing nothing, but actually is. I assume the PC is net connected?08:41
jussi01xlevel1: just to confirm, you dont have any other programs running?08:42
xlevel1okay, let me try it and give it more time08:43
jussi01xlevel1: ok. let us know how you go. ;)08:43
xlevel1man, the way it works if feels like its not doing anything at all08:45
jussi01xlevel1: yeah, It may still be broken, but I need to make sure ;)08:46
xlevel1okay, well it doesn't seem to be doing anything08:47
xlevel1it would be much more reassuring if I could do what jockey is supposed to be doing but from the command line08:47
xlevel1still doing nothing08:48
xlevel1the thing is, I'm pretty sure I already have fglrx, but its not working correctly08:48
jussi01xlevel1: yeah, you can do it, I just dont know how, not having a fglrx card. However maybe someone who knows will come along.08:48
jussi01!fglrx | xlevel108:48
ubottuxlevel1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:48
jussi01xlevel1: have a look there, maybe some help08:48
xlevel1I looked there. It said once I get jockey to enable fglrx, which like I said I think I've already done08:49
xlevel1then to run a couple of obscure volitle modules commands-08:50
xlevel1sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko08:50
xlevel1thats two seperate lines08:50
xlevel1the second line fails on my system08:50
xlevel1its says it can't find the file08:50
macomaybe you need to reboot in between?08:51
macosince its looking for the one for the currently running kernel08:51
xlevel1maco: possibly but the instructions don't say so08:53
xlevel1jussi01: okay, jockey is still broken08:54
xlevel1I'm going to try rebooting08:54
timjjI installed Skype 2.0 on Kubuntu 8.04.2, running KDE v3.5.10 . But the 'Sign Up' button on the 'Create a new Skype account' screen is disabled...any way to fix this ?08:58
xlevel1_okay, its not working08:59
timjjxlevel1_: u talking about Skype ?09:00
xlevel1_anybody here know fglrx?09:01
Dr_willistheres lots of info on fglrx on the wikis and forums. :)09:13
Dr_willisI no longer have a fglrx based machine.09:13
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macoDr_willis: he's wondering if ati's drivers support a specific model because the listing is ambiguous09:16
macohe's going to call them and ask explicitly09:16
Dr_willisCall? heh. yea.. good luck with that.09:16
Dr_willisGoogle would proberly be faster.  Or the detailed docs on the ati web site about the fglrx drivers09:17
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kaIs there a way to make nm-applet run as standard instead of knetworkmanager?09:22
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macotake knm out of your autostart and add nm-applet to the autostart09:23
macothe plasmoid-network-manager (if youre using kde 4.2) is nice by the way09:23
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DarkriftXinstalling kde now09:26
kaI can't see knm in my autostart folder. In fact there is nothing there...09:26
DarkriftXgotta get that running at least once09:26
kaDo I have to install plasmoid-network-manager?09:27
macoka: in system settings -> advanced -> autostart, knetworkmanager's not listed?09:28
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kano, ther is no entry for anything except gtk-qt-engine09:30
macooh. maybe you ran it once and now you have kde set to save your session?09:31
macoif that's the case, killing knm and starting nm-applet then logging out and in would swap it, i think09:31
kahm. I think I have done that several times. SInce I kill knm every time i log in and start nm-applet instead...09:34
skamsterhey all09:37
skamsteri had a problem with installing kmail.. it had depences which aren't exist.. and i don't know why, i install kubuntu lot of times on other computers09:38
skamsterand on these, kmail is including09:38
macoaptitude why-not kmail09:38
skamsterbut on my personal computer, i play more with sources09:38
skamsterhere are the console-infos09:38
skamsterand the sources.list09:38
skamstermaco: i make it with apt-get09:39
skamsteris there a great diffrent?09:39
macothe "aptitude why-not" command tells you the exact reason something cant be installed09:39
skamsterit's just say, it had no base to REMOVE kmail09:40
skamsterbut kmail isn't install09:40
macooh >< ok09:40
skamsteror, just the kmail-version from the kde-neon-project09:40
skamsterbut i don't think that make's conflicts09:41
macocan you do this09:41
macoLC_ALL=C sudo apt-get install kmail09:41
macoand then pastebiin the output09:41
macothat way i can see the error message in english?09:41
skamsterah, sorry09:42
skamsterfirst i posted for kubuntu-de, but these peobles are sleeping09:42
macowell my german is limited to um, "guten tag" and er...i can spell München and Vien correctly09:43
skamsterif you came to siwtzerland, you could also learn "chuchichäschtli"09:43
macooh youre getting stuff from a ppa09:44
macothat looks too hard to pronounce09:44
skamstermost peoble from germany and all other lands think it's difficult, so if you could this, you're a swissgerman-crack :p09:44
macohrm, whats it say when you try to install akonadi-kde (using LC_ALL=C)?09:44
skamsteryeah, i think, it's a repo-problem09:46
skamsterbut i don't know, which repo make the problem09:46
skamsterone time, i deactivated all ppa's, make a apt-get update and tried again, but it doesn't work09:48
skamsterand, if akonadi is installed, it's perfect..09:49
macoskamster: oh i can tell you how to find out which repo you're getting things from09:52
macoapt-cache policy <package>09:52
macooh i see. it has a dependency with a version = but a newer version is in the repos09:53
Dr_willisWhen in doubt . update, upgrade, try again. :)09:53
Dr_willisSo its depending on an older version?09:53
skamstermmh, so i couldn't deactivate a repo to make it work?09:56
Dr_willistit could be a repo issue if you have a lot of them09:57
Dr_williswhen in doubt.. deactivate all the extra ones.. and try again09:57
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skamsternow it seems to work..10:00
skamsterdeactivated the backports, but activate kde experimental10:00
skamsterskamster@skamster-laptop:~$ kmail10:02
skamsterkmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM8KMeditor16contextMenuEventEP17QContextMenuEvent10:02
skamsteri make a reboot, cause akonadi is new.. maybe, that's the problem10:03
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ActionParsnip1yo yo yo10:18
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Dr_willismo mo mo10:26
ActionParsnip1brap brap kernels in the owse!!10:29
Dr_willisKubuntu Kornel Konfiguration10:30
Dr_willisIe Karamba!10:30
ActionParsnip1apt-built my whole system yesterday..its spiffy10:30
Dr_willisI noticed earlier today - i could get to #ubuntu  with Mibbit.. but every time i tried to join #kubuntu, it rerouted me to #ubuntu-proxy, then back to #ubuntu :()10:31
ActionParsnip1is it ok now?10:31
Dr_willisNot tried it since ive gotten home10:31
ActionParsnip1id give it a whirl10:31
Dr_williswas at the Hospital earluier today. their firewall blocks irc.10:31
Dr_willisso it was mibbit or IRC:CGI or nothing :)10:32
ActionParsnip1oh yeah iremember you trying to connect to that dudes stuff10:32
ActionParsnip1smart hospital dmins eh10:32
Dr_willis:) couldent ssh out at all..10:32
Dr_willisdident try anything else. I think they even had hulu.com blocked..10:32
Dr_williscouldent ping anything either. Got some neat error messages id never seen befor.10:33
ActionParsnip1sounds like they locked their system down nice10:33
Dr_willisOpen Wireless network in a Hospital - In the Middle of a College Campus.. yea.. they better lock it down good.10:33
Dr_willisi couldent even ssh out on port 80 :)10:34
Dr_willisI will try it again here in a few days when im back there.10:34
ActionParsnip1btw, i'd suggest installing dnsmasq on your desktop systems if you dont run a LAN dns server, makes browsing a bit faster10:34
chalcedonyhas anyone else had problems with thunderbird looking new and refusing to connect to the mail server?10:36
Dr_willisIm just visiting the hospital :)  i dont work there.. heh10:36
chalcedonyand where can i go for help?10:36
ActionParsnip1Dr_willis: no like on your home PCs10:36
ActionParsnip1chalcedony: can you ping the mail server by ip and name10:36
chalcedonygreetings Dr_willis :))10:36
Dr_willisOh. :) heh .  just me and the wife at home. No big deal for her.10:37
ActionParsnip1chalcedony: can you telnet to the mil server on port 2510:37
chalcedonythose are good questions.. im on my computer.. problem is on my husband's10:37
ActionParsnip1can your husbands pc web browse10:38
ActionParsnip1caan it ping sites by name and ip10:38
chalcedonyyes his browser is ok10:39
ActionParsnip1ok cool10:39
ActionParsnip1can you ping the mail server defined for his account?10:40
chalcedonyi can ping him from here10:40
chalcedonyi dont know that one10:40
chalcedonyit's got to be .. umm10:40
ActionParsnip1look in thunderbirds account settings, it wil lsay what he is using10:40
chalcedonyaho k10:40
chalcedonyi'll go see10:41
ActionParsnip1don't go by what it SHOULD be. Go by what his settings say10:41
chullActionParsnip1, chalcedony here, port 110 but it's refusing the connection according to the error.10:47
* ActionParsnip1 didnt see there error message10:48
ActionParsnip1chalcedony: if you telnet to port 25 you can actually send an email using that (old skool stylee)10:49
ActionParsnip1unless your mail server uses port 11010:50
chull"could not connect to server mail.b5, connection refused10:51
chulli don't know the ip.. that doesn't dns10:51
ActionParsnip1sure its not mail.b5.com10:52
ActionParsnip1b5.com is
SylisHey everyone?10:54
chullhi Sylis10:54
SylisHow are you?10:54
chullActionParsnip1,   b5.com mail is handled by 0 nullmail.warnerbros.com.10:55
chullthat isn't us :)10:55
SylisI just got kubuntu, my first time away from windows >.<10:55
SylisAnd I need more than just a little help heh10:55
chullSylis, how wonderful for you :)10:55
chullSylis, it's a great adventure, ask and people will try.10:56
ActionParsnip1Sylis: ask away10:56
ActionParsnip1chull: so surely you need to change the settings to nullmail.warnerbros.com10:57
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
SylisWell, I just installed it on my HP Pavilion Tx2000, I have a walk through to get everything working properlly (it's actually for ubuntu, but I imagine it can't be much different), and I have no idea how to do anything it tells me to.... here's the walkthrough, http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79266910:57
ActionParsnip1Sylis: are you on hardy or intrepid?10:58
Sylisum....on what or what? haha10:58
ActionParsnip1Sylis: also the guide is wrong in places. If you see "sudo gedit" it is WRONG. Use "gksudo gedit" instead10:59
ActionParsnip1Sylis: ok...in konsole run: lsb_release -c10:59
etfbHow do I connect to a Virtual Private Network at work from my Kubuntu laptop?  Do I use kvpnc (which appears to be hopeless) or is there something that actually (gasp!) works?10:59
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD10:59
chullActionParsnip1, our b5 is NOT warnerbrothers.10:59
etfbSylis: Or kdesu kate, since this is Kubuntu...11:00
chullis there a way to look for ips on the lan?11:00
ActionParsnip1that too (ty etfb)11:00
ActionParsnip1Sylis: k menu -> system -> terminal11:01
etfbHow do we edit ubottu's database?  That !vpn link is worse than useless.  Easier to remove it from ubottu than turn a page full of gibberish into something worthwhile.11:01
Sylisis there a way to pm people, I'm in java, not IRC unfortunatly, and I see no konsol11:01
ActionParsnip1Sylis: check pm11:02
chullSylis, you're brave :)11:02
chulli'm going to email our son from my computer and go to bed. he built it, he can fix it. (we hope he has time, and sees mail.)11:03
ActionParsnip1and gone11:03
ActionParsnip1if you have a working account on another pc you could compare account settings11:03
etfbSo: has anyone here ever successfully connected to a Windows VPN from a Kubuntu computer?11:04
ActionParsnip1etfb: never had to11:04
Dr_willisWould it make you feel better if we all say No? :)11:04
etfbActionParsnip1: Then I envy you for that.11:04
ActionParsnip1etfb: theres a guide and there is a cisco vpn client11:05
ActionParsnip1etfb: i use one daily for work but its under windows11:05
etfbDr_willis: It would help me to realise that my life is futile...11:05
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Dr_willisive honestly - neer messed with VPN stuiff11:05
larsaamHi! Anyone know if Kubuntu use ~.xinitrc or ~.xsession?11:05
Dr_willisone of those things ive heard about. but never used.11:05
Dr_willislarsaam,  it can use either one11:05
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD11:05
etfbActionParsnip1: My work VPN is Microsoft PPTP, not Cisco; I gather it's less intelligent.11:05
Dr_willislarsaam,  if you want you could link one to the other. :)11:05
larsaamDr_willis: thanks!11:06
Dr_willislarsaam,  and i thinkits .Xsession11:06
Dr_williswith a UPPER case X11:06
ActionParsnip1etfb: ours is cisco, yeah i'd say MS werent as smart as cisco11:06
etfbActionParsnip1: MS aren't as smart as Crisco, some days...11:06
Dr_willislarsaam,  i think theres a 'Start X session' entry in kdm/gem that uses the .Xsession   startx may just use .xinitrc first.. then the other.. not sure how they all interrelate.11:06
Dr_willisI have mine linked. :)11:06
etfb"Dumb as a bottle of vegetable oil" could be the new "dumb as a box of hammers"!11:07
ActionParsnip1etfb: i just use what i'm given , its a work laptop11:07
etfbAh well, I'll keep googling then.  Currently, KVPNC's defaults are just plain wrong (ie the Microsoft PPTP settings don't match the default Windows settings) and the documentation is even worse than usual for a KDE project (which is saying something - KDE doco always sucks).11:08
ActionParsnip1etfb: apt-cache search vpn11:09
PodeCoetI tried to upgrade to Intrepid + KDE4 and it broke my machine, so I did a complete reinstall of it, and it was DEAD slow or my c2d, so I reverted to 8.04.211:12
PodeCoetI want to install the latest kdenlive, but it's written for KDE4... is the re any way to install the KDE4 libs WITHOUT actually installing and using kde4?11:13
etfbPodeCoet: Took me two weeks to decide to give up on Intrepid and retreat to Hardy, so you're clearly cleverer than me.11:13
PodeCoetetfb: heh yeah, I've learnt my lesson with these types of issues, no more weeks of googling and hoping someone will help :P11:14
etfbPodeCoet: I think your best bet is to do a fresh install of Intrepid as a dual-boot, and install it there, if you really need the latest.  I gather developers love KDE4 because it's easier to program.  It's certainly unencumbered by features, reliability or stability, so it must be much simpler than KDE3...11:15
jadodoes kate have a history for its konsole ? if yes, in which file can i access it ?11:16
PodeCoetDamn. I already dual-boot to XP to run Premiere Pro, might just stick to that. Under virtualbox both programs are expectedly slow11:17
PodeCoetetfb: I found KDE4 was crap, too vista'ish, everything is just too different11:18
etfbPodeCoet: I got used to the eye candy after a while, and upgrading to 4.2 made it a bit more bearable, but ultimately there were too many things I needed that didn't work, like hibernate/suspend (which is flawless under 3.5).11:18
etfbPodeCoet: But I think KDE4 will go down in history as the Vista of the Linux world...11:19
etfbPodeCoet: I expect KDE5 will be excellent!11:19
PodeCoetyeah definitely11:19
PodeCoetKDE5 == Windows 7 :P11:19
PodeCoetthat said they're definitely on the right path with it11:19
etfbPodeCoet: http://xkcd.com/528/11:20
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:20
ct529anyone who knows how to reverse engineer a dll? (everything legal!)11:20
PodeCoetetfb: hahaha, thats classic!11:21
PodeCoetct529: hexedit? :P11:21
etfbct529: I'll answer that question if you tell me how to program a game.  (Because both questions are equally vague and unanswerable.)11:21
ct529etfb: it does not seem so unanswerable to me: you have a .dll and you want to decompile it?11:22
ct529etfb: possibly in the original language (c /C++)11:22
PodeCoetnot doable in the original language11:22
etfbct529: Decompile it?  That's not a solvable problem.  There's no way to do it.11:23
PodeCoetyou'd be lucky to get ASM11:23
etfbct529, PodeCoet: and the ASM you get will be unreadable, because there'll be no labels, no macros, no comments...11:23
ct529PodeCoet: I though decompiler were available for a variaty of languages ....11:23
etfbct529: Nope.11:23
macono ive heard that too, that there are decompilers for c11:24
etfbct529: The problem is probably NP-complete, ie can be mathematically proven to be insoluble.  Not merely very hard, but how-do-you-unscramble-an-egg insoluble.11:24
bazhangplease take non-support chat to #kubuntu-offtopic11:25
etfbct529: Yeah, I was going to mention that.  DLLs are a Windows thing, not Kubuntu.11:25
ct529etfb: unless you want to port to kubuntu, you mean11:25
etfbct529: Yeeeesss... except, that's like: "I have a book written in invisible ink in Russian, and I want to translate it to Dutch, so I'll ask on the #dutch channel for help..."11:26
etfbct529: Would WINE help, perhaps?11:27
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help11:27
ct529etfb: nope wine does not help ....11:28
bazhangct529, how does this relate to kubuntu support11:28
etfbct529: I'm curious enough to ask you more, but I don't want to give poor bazhang a mental hernia.  Unfortunately, I have no idea how to open a private message.  You can message me though if you're more familiar with IRC...11:30
ct529bazhang: I want to reverse engineer on kubuntu, to port something to kubuntu .... so what I am asking is: is there a reverse engineering tool for .dll files on  kubuntu? would you be so kind to explain how does that not relate to kubuntu?11:30
ikoniact529: it's not a "tool"11:31
ikoniact529: it's a long term analitical approach11:31
ct529ikonia: how long is the term .... :D?11:32
ikoniadepends a.) how hard / tricky the project is b.) how good the guy is doing it c.) what tools are at his disposal11:33
ct529!info r-base11:33
ubottur-base (source: r-base): GNU R statistical computing language and environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.1-2 (intrepid), package size 29 kB, installed size 72 kB11:33
ct529ikonia: shall we talk about (c)? to answer to (a) not very, the answer to (b) is very poor ....11:34
ikoniact529: nothing to talk about11:34
PodeCoetI'm trying to install ffmpeg on hardy 64bit, but I keep getting the following errors: http://pastebin.com/m4ffdf39611:35
ct529ikonia: what tools do you know?11:35
ikoniact529: the tools depend on the job11:36
ikoniaPodeCoet: what repo are you pulling that from11:36
ct529ikonia: the job is to reverse engineer a very small dll, written in C++ on Visual Studio, on kubuntu ....11:37
PodeCoetikonia: thanks, that fixed it :P11:37
ct529PodeCoet: did you update before pulling?11:37
PodeCoetct529: yeah, had a dodgy repo, forgot to disable11:37
ct529PodeCoet: :)11:37
PodeCoetdamn repos :P11:38
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:38
ikoniact529: I suggest you grab some notes on reverse engineering, it's not really a common day thing11:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about speedup11:38
ct529I do not understand why the upgrade process is keeping back 3 packages today11:39
timjjmic not working in Kubuntu 8.04.211:39
norenhi all i am looking some info aboiut speeding up Konqueror11:39
timjjany way to fix mic issues ?11:39
ct529timjj: depends on the issue11:40
kardoes anyone uses "Folder View" in KDE4.2 ? if so, do you see a "chess pattern" while first time mouse moves over an icon?11:40
norenkar?? what do u mean11:41
MaGicKanGaRookar do you mean in dolphin?11:42
karno in desktop11:42
karin appearence settings11:42
kari have chosen at desktop activity "folder view"11:42
karin order to view my desktop as kde 3.511:43
MaGicKanGaRooah right11:43
MaGicKanGaRoono i dont11:43
MaGicKanGaRoohave you tried11:43
karhave you enabled desktop effects?11:43
norenkar: i dont have anyprob in that i m using 4.211:43
MaGicKanGaRoothe folder view plasma plugin11:43
SylisI can't wait to get IRC back >.<11:48
impyCan I adjust the time for the auto-hide on my menu bars?11:49
prodigelhi all. I've just upgraded to intrepid and after reboot kde won't start anymore. I usually use gnome, and have little experience with kde's inner workings. More precisely after I fill the username and password, I see the wallpaper, but nothing more11:50
=== root is now known as Guest66330
MaGicKanGaRoohi kar sorry was on phone11:54
MaGicKanGaRooyes i have kde 4.2 and desktop effects and dont have that chess effect11:54
MaGicKanGaRooi do have other foybles with my dual screen but havent had a chance to look at it11:55
norenkar: i do get the chess effect only when i try to redjust my screen ressoution !!11:56
norenprodigel: he was the upgrade succesfull11:57
karnoren: do you have your default resolution on you have changed it?11:58
norenwen i log in its 800x600 but i had to change it to 1024 x 72812:00
karMaGicKanGaRoo: maybe it is because i don't have desktop effects enabled so my plasma doesn't use OpenGL, i will check it12:00
karmine was 1100xsomething and turned to 1024x72812:00
zipperIn umbrello i cannot export my diagrams to anything but DocBook and XMI. Can this really be true? No way to export to PNG, JPG or any picture format?12:00
tablahi ppl12:03
noren!hi | tabla12:03
ubottutabla: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:03
Syliscould someone help me real quick, I just got a fatal error message12:03
Sylisand I'm new12:03
norenSylis: whats tht12:04
karno, it happens with opengl enabled also12:05
Sylisum I just used the command sudo apt-get nvidia-glx-177 nvidia-settings, and when it go tto the point of the ldconfig deferred process now taking place, it came up with the line where I can enter commands and immediatly got an error stating "The application Kmix crashed and caused the signal 6 (sigabrt).12:07
noreni want a faster konquror12:07
Riddellzipper: Diagram -> export as picture12:07
Sylisso uh, are those two things completely unrelated or what?12:09
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo12:20
Sylisheya, welcome back ActionParsnip112:22
SylisI need your assistance haha12:22
ActionParsnip1Sylis: wassup bro?12:24
SylisI got a fatal error message12:24
Sylisnot sure how fatal, fatal errors are haha12:25
Dr_willissemi-fatal vs Non-Lethal ?12:26
=== richard is now known as Guest38016
Dr_willis'Sharp punch in the kidneys Level Error! - Program will  act funny for a few days'12:26
Sylisand for a little bit it'll pee blood?12:26
Dr_willis'Stubbed Toe Level Error! - Program will  keep stubbing the same toe for several days'12:27
=== darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke
Syliswouldn't that be a bad karma level error?12:27
Sylisthis guide tells me to unzip this zip file, but it doesn't tell me where I unzip it to12:28
Dr_willis'Stepped on a butterfly  Error! - Program will have bad karma.'12:28
Sylisand also how do you create folders >.<12:28
Dr_willisbash basics. :)12:28
Syliswouldn't that be a total system crash?  Butterfly effects12:28
ActionParsnip1Sylis: are ou on about the cabextract command?12:28
* Dr_willis is unsure of the origiianl problem. or whats going on.12:28
Dr_willis :)12:29
Sylisum no, the guide for wifi, tells me to download a zip file which I've done through the web browser and then tells me to unzip it, but doesn't tell me where to12:29
ActionParsnip1Sylis: anywhere you want, i'd suggest in /home/<your username>12:29
Dr_williswhever you want.12:29
ActionParsnip1Sylis: or desktop12:29
Dr_willis /home/MySuperSpiffyDownloadPlace12:29
ActionParsnip1Dr_willis: his wifi need ndiswrapper12:29
SylisI'm used to windows, and I hate clutter >.<12:30
* Dr_willis runs away from Wifi and Ndiswrappers12:30
ActionParsnip1Sylis: its only for now while we get set up, you can delete after12:30
Sylisok sounds good12:30
Dr_willisSylis,  windows and 'clutter' go hand in hand...12:30
ActionParsnip1Dr_willis: i know but its all we have to run at12:30
Sylisalso I'll cut and paste my fatal error bit, since noone answered me earlier >.<12:30
ActionParsnip1not if you cut it down, windows can be quite small. Ive seen Win98 on 8Mb falsh rom12:30
Dr_willisI got ndiswrappers working on a machine once..12:31
Sylisum I just used the command sudo apt-get nvidia-glx-177 nvidia-settings, and when it go tto the point of the ldconfig deferred process now taking place, it came up with the line where I can enter commands and immediatly got an error stating "The application Kmix crashed and caused the signal 6 (sigabrt).12:31
Dr_willisActionParsnip1,  on the next vista machine you see check out   the Windows/winsxs directory...12:31
Dr_willisAparently updates and stuff go there.. and it can grow over 30gb in size.. and theres no 'real' way to clean it :)12:31
ActionParsnip1Dr_willis: thats for all the compatibility mode stuff12:31
ActionParsnip1Sylis: dont sweat kmix crashing, its for sound12:32
Dr_willisActionParsnip1,  yep.. its 3x the size of the rest of the install on the wifes laptop.. and   on this new windows 7 beta install - its growing every day.. go figure.12:32
Syliscrush windows! >.>12:32
ActionParsnip1Sylis: did you run: sudo nvidia-xconfig12:32
ActionParsnip1Sylis: and reboot12:32
SylisI'm fairly certain I did12:33
ActionParsnip1Dr_willis: its entertaining12:33
Sylislet me start over12:33
ActionParsnip1Sylis: ok then run: kdesudo nvidia-settings12:33
ActionParsnip1Sylis: then you can set your video resolution12:33
Sylissuod apt-get install ndisgtk is first  yea?12:34
Sylismy first day on kubuntu and I just got avalanched in information12:35
ActionParsnip1Sylis: that will install the tool so you can configure wifi with the files from the zip file you downloaded12:35
Dr_willisMy wireles cards just 'worked' :) dident even need to download a thing. heh.12:36
Sylisok I'll skip that12:36
Dr_willisor corurse nvidia and ati both need slapped a bit more - for being such  pests with their drivers.12:36
ActionParsnip1Dr_willis: mine too, good ol atheros :D12:36
Dr_willisYep. thats what the netbook has i think.. but it raises a question..12:37
Syliswhen I do the sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 nvidia-settings it says 0-upgraded 0-newly installed, 0-to remove, and 0-not upgraded12:37
ActionParsnip1Sylis: thats fine12:37
=== darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke
Dr_willisWHY do some network wireless cards drivers use wlan0 vs ath0 vs.. (what was the others?)12:37
ActionParsnip1Dr_willis: not sure, but if you want you can change its name if it gives you nightmares ;)12:37
Sylisso sudo nvidia-xconfig and reboot12:37
ActionParsnip1Sylis: yep12:38
Dr_willisYep.. i was thinking the Atheros ones used ath0 - but aparanely on archlinux in my netbook its 'wlan0'12:38
ActionParsnip1Sylis: it will also boot your new kernel if you got one in your updating (likely)12:38
sofysyshi i am sorry for my bad english i have a probleme with firefox12:38
ActionParsnip1sofysys: wassup?12:38
sofysysmy firefox close all the time12:39
ActionParsnip1sofysys: what have you changed to it?12:39
sofysysjust when i open  more then 4 page12:39
StR|Sangrealhi... i just have installed dropbox onto my kde platform (but i have ubuntu-desktop installed), it integrates with nautilus and offers me to set up... as i press connect, it says i should setup proxy... where can i do that for gnome/nautilus/dropbox pls?12:39
ActionParsnip1Dr_willis: the quesion is...how much ass does the new lamb of god album kick12:39
shadowhywindhay all random issue, knetworkmanager lately, when i select a wireless network, it doesn't even act as it is trying to connect to it12:39
sofysysActionParsnip1:  nothing i use 3.0.612:40
ActionParsnip1shadowhywind: have you tried renaming /etc/network/interfaces and rebooting12:40
Sylisfucking fantastic, now I just need to use kdesudo nvidia-settings everytime I need to adjust my visual settings?12:40
ActionParsnip1sofysys: run firefox from konsole, you will get outputs when it crashes12:41
Dr_willisActionParsnip1,  none for me.. never heard of them. :)12:41
ActionParsnip1Sylis: is it rebooted?12:41
* Dr_willis is old and jamms to Kenny G.12:41
StR|Sangrealplease guys its totally dead on #ubuntu and i need to upload my files...12:41
shadowhywindActionParsnip1: renaming the interface file iteself or just the device?12:42
SylisI'm going to need some very personal help with the wlan part12:42
ActionParsnip1Sylis: if it is then yes kdesudo nvidia-settings   you will need to click write settings to make them stick12:42
ActionParsnip1shadowhywind: the file12:42
ActionParsnip1shadowhywind: you will get a stock one when you get back round, if this helps, delete the old. if not, rename back12:43
shadowhywindActionParsnip1: well this is interesting, I just looked in there, and all i have is the Auto lo lines.. and thats it...12:44
ActionParsnip1StR|Sangreal: ive not used dropbox, did you setup your proxies in the gnome settings place12:44
ActionParsnip1!info dropbox12:44
ubottuPackage dropbox does not exist in intrepid12:44
ubuntu_hi all12:44
ActionParsnip1shadowhywind: you could populate that file manually but it will superceed anything NM wants to do12:45
Sylisthis guide isn't working for me12:45
ActionParsnip1Sylis: have you set your video settings ok?12:45
shadowhywindActionParsnip1: k, I just deleted, had to wait for a few updates to finish, going to reboot and see if it helps12:45
StR|SangrealActionParsnip1 i have set it up in kde settings place12:46
Sylisyea, they were fine as they were12:46
ActionParsnip1StR|Sangreal: i'd figure itd use the gnome settings. im not sure how that flys in a mixed environment12:46
ActionParsnip1Sylis: awesome, 1 step down12:46
ubuntu_all jelp me12:47
ubuntu_all help me12:47
ubuntu_I ive in spain12:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:47
ubuntu_but don-T UNDERSTAND INGLES12:47
ubuntu_youu help me_12:47
bazhangubuntu_, /join #ubuntu-es or #kubuntu-es12:48
ubuntu_Where install program in kubuntu_12:48
bazhangubuntu_, what program12:48
StR|Sangrealescribes /join #kubuntu-es12:48
ActionParsnip1Sylis: where are you stuck. I just read http://mirosol.kapsi.fi/tx2020/tx2000howto.htm12:48
ActionParsnip1Sylis: it pretty much walks you through12:48
StR|Sangrealo tambien /join #ubuntu-es12:48
SylisI know12:49
SylisI'm trying to get my wifi to work12:49
ActionParsnip1Sylis: ok so where are you up to?12:49
ubuntu_com puedo instalar un programma en kubuntu_12:49
bazhangubuntu_, what program12:49
ubuntu_estoy en clase de informatica y tenemos que instalar alguna aplicacion12:49
SylisI unzipped the files to home/username and then I went on to step 3 of the wlan guide using command sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwlf.inf and it says it can't open bcmwl5.inf12:49
Sylisbecause there's no such file12:50
bazhangubuntu_, and use english or join the espanol channel12:50
Dr_willisYou give the full path to the file Sylis12:50
Dr_willis sudo ndiswrapper -i /home/username/whatever/bcmwlf.inf12:50
shadowhywindActionParsnip1: interesting part, reboot didn't recreate the file12:50
ActionParsnip1Sylis: you need to find the file12:50
Dr_willisif that is the proper file name. :) check that it was in the archive and did extract.. it may be in a subdirectory12:50
ActionParsnip1shadowhywind: fine, use NM now12:51
shadowhywindActionParsnip1: still nothing12:51
ActionParsnip1Sylis: you need the .inf and .sys to be in the same folder (expect this) and yuo need to ndiswrapper -i <inf file>12:52
Sylisok so both the inf and sys file are in home/username12:53
ActionParsnip1shadowhywind: you could --purge remove the program then reinstall it12:53
norenDr_willis: is there a way to speedup konqueror12:53
ActionParsnip1Sylis: then run: sudo ndiswrapper -i /home/$USER/bcmwl5.inf12:54
ActionParsnip1noren: could apt-build install it with high optomisation12:54
bambixhi all12:54
ActionParsnip1noren: konqueror has a tonne of functionality so will be bulky12:54
ActionParsnip1Sylis: any good?12:55
Sylisnow that's far more simple12:55
bambixI just installed thee recent version of kubuntu but when I change my display settings and reboot, display settings are reverted to 800x60012:55
Sylisas far as I know anyway, I didn't get an error so I imagine it worked haha12:55
bambixis there a solution?12:55
bambixit seems a x setting but the xorg.conf is empty12:55
ActionParsnip1bambix: it will be. What video card do you have?12:55
ActionParsnip1then you need to use the vesa driver12:56
norenActionParsnip1: no i meant i wanted to increasse the sped of my acessing the net12:56
ActionParsnip1bambix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103439512:57
noreni hear that i have to install a dns server at my end is that true12:57
shadowhywindActionParsnip1: so any other ideas?12:57
ActionParsnip1shadowhywind: could --purge remove the network manager, then reinstal it12:57
ActionParsnip1noren: buy a faster connection, is it fast in real browsers like opera / firefox12:58
bambixactionparsnip, normally i'd set the driver in xorg.conf, but that one is empty it seems to get it's settings somewhere else? so i'm not sure where to define the use of the vesa driver12:58
bambixoh thanx didn't notice the url, got it cheking it out now, thnx mate12:59
ActionParsnip1bambix: you set it there, just that other stuff like mouse / kb is handled by hal now12:59
ActionParsnip1bambix: ;)12:59
shadowhywindActionParsnip1: interesting part, is Knetworkmanager isn't installed, network-manager is.. could that be part of the problem?12:59
shadowhywindActionParsnip1: oh, its a dummy package, nevermind12:59
ActionParsnip1shadowhywind: its network-manager-kde now I think13:00
ActionParsnip1shadowhywind: apt-cache search manager kde13:00
norenActionParsnip1 yes its fast in firefox13:00
ActionParsnip1noren: check your web settings in konqueror, is knoqueror set to use any proxies for example13:01
shadowhywindalso just to double check it would be apt-get remove network-manager-kde --purge right?13:01
bambixactionparsnip1, i checked the url, but it's someone with a similar question, only he's using the xorg.conf mine is completely empty so I'm not sure what to use without mucking up this freshly installed system13:01
bambixal be it vmware so i could clone it as a backup13:02
ActionParsnip1bambix: it will be fairly bare, thats why your display is low13:02
norenActionParsnip1: no proxys13:02
ActionParsnip1noren: stuff like that, hunt around in its settings13:02
ActionParsnip1noren: see if theres anything that might slow it13:02
norenso i guess thers nothing to do with the dsn and chace13:02
ActionParsnip1bambix: you will have a monitor section a video card section and a screen section, yuo need to populate them13:03
bambixactionparsnip, I see, i used to be able to run an x config that would ask me what settings to use, I'm pretty handy but a linux noob, so a guide or gui would be the bomb13:03
ActionParsnip1bambix: that got thrown out in gutsy and sucked :(13:03
Sylisok now I'm at step 4, am I just trying all of those commands to see which work?13:03
bambixi see13:03
bambixok I'll try to populate the xorg.conf and see what happens, thanks for the help mate13:04
ActionParsnip1Sylis: those take out and put in modules to make hardware work, they are synonymous with drivers13:04
ActionParsnip1when you run: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper it will jump into life, the other make sure there are gonna be no other things in the way13:05
=== ubuntu__ is now known as alexmlw
bambixgoing for a reboot, i hope to be back soon =))13:07
Sylisit's telling me ERROR: Module b43 does not exist in /proc/modules same all the way down13:07
ActionParsnip1Sylis: thats fine, you are just trying to remove something that doesnt exist13:09
ActionParsnip1Sylis: the guide is just covering all bases13:09
Sylisoooooh alright gotcha13:09
Sylisalright last question for the wlan13:11
SylisI did the last step and it came back with bash: o: command not found13:11
ActionParsnip1i dont like that command, let me read it13:12
SylisI cut and pasted13:13
ActionParsnip1its pointless13:13
ActionParsnip1just use: kdesudo kate /etc/modules13:14
ActionParsnip1and add the word 'ndiswrapper'  (without the 's at the bottom of the file and press enter on the end of the line13:14
ActionParsnip1thats majorly overly complicated13:14
Sylisok is there anything I need to do in the window that opens?13:15
ActionParsnip1Sylis: add the line ndiswrapper to the bottom of that file, press enter on the end of the line, save anad exit kate13:16
Sylisand if it's already there? o.o I assume I just save and exit yea?13:17
ActionParsnip1sure job done13:19
ActionParsnip1now in terminal run: sudo iwlist scan13:19
Sylisinterface doesn't support scanning13:19
ActionParsnip1does it find APs13:20
ActionParsnip1try a reboot13:20
StR|Sangrealpls what is SHOME and where is shome folder?13:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about SHOME13:22
StR|Sangreali am following this article http://antrix.net/journal/techtalk/dropbox_kde.html to install dropbox13:23
ActionParsnip1StR|Sangreal: it will be /home/<your username>13:24
Sylissame message again ActionParsnip113:24
ActionParsnip1StR|Sangreal: it is abbreviated to ~/13:24
ActionParsnip1Sylis: ok try: ndiswrapper -l13:24
ActionParsnip1Sylis: does it say driver present hardware present13:25
bambixhi actionparsnip1 I'm back, it seems to swallow the vesa driver but I can't set it to the correct resolution, I'm guessing I have to add it to the xorg.conf13:25
Sylisit says....nothing13:25
Sylisjust moves to the next command input line13:25
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: back13:26
shadeslayerin KDE now13:26
ActionParsnip1bambix: yep you set the res in there too, there were resolutions set in the page i gave you, you need to add some lines to your screen section13:26
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: theres a keyboard section in systemsettings have a dig in there13:26
StR|Sangrealofftopic @ ActionParsnip1: are you the same one as ActionParsnip without 1 ?13:27
ActionParsnip1StR|Sangreal: yep, my home system is logged in13:27
StR|Sangrealaha :D13:27
shadeslayer:O the keyboard works now13:27
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: cool, then its the gnome settings screwing it up13:27
shadeslayerill log out to see13:28
StR|SangrealActionParsnip1, do you have experience with dropbox?13:28
SylisActionPasrnip1: It saying nothing just moves on to the next command input line13:28
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: you could rename the .gnome folders in your home dir and log back into gnome13:28
shadeslayerto what??13:28
ActionParsnip1Sylis: then i'd try another guide13:28
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: something different so gnome has to generate new ones13:28
casper_how wonderfull ubuntu ultmte 213:29
casper_i like it13:29
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: if someone says "rename <something>" just give it a different name13:29
shadeslayerill just log out too check it once13:29
ActionParsnip1casper_: ultmte2?13:29
shadeslayerthen ill rename13:29
bazhangcasper_, ultimate?13:29
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: you will lose all gnome settinsg13:29
bambixactionparsnip1 do i use the modeline? it says: Modeline "1024x768@75" 85.52 1024 1056 1376 1408 768 782 792 8013:29
bazhangcasper_, not supported here13:29
Sylisso all that stuff I just did was for nothing I suppose13:30
bambixbut i don't know what those numbers mean nor wich ones to use13:30
ActionParsnip1!ultimate | casper_13:30
ubottucasper_: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition13:30
ActionParsnip1Sylis: maybe you need a different broadcom driver, if you are using ubuntu 64 you will need the 64bit driver13:30
SylisI sure am using the 64bit13:30
ActionParsnip1Sylis: then you need 64 bit wifi broadcom drivers13:31
ActionParsnip1Sylis: and 64bit ndiswrapper13:31
StR|SangrealActionParsnip1 the folder ~/SHOME doesnt exist13:32
ActionParsnip1StR|Sangreal: ~/ is your home folder13:32
StR|Sangrealomg i am a piece of idiot13:32
ActionParsnip1~/SHOME == /home/<your username her>/SHOME13:33
StR|Sangrealhave said nothing13:33
ActionParsnip1or /home/$USER/SHOME13:33
Sylishardy and what's the other one13:33
ActionParsnip1Sylis: there have been many13:33
ubottuUbuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.13:33
Syliswhat's mine I forgot haha13:33
ubottuUbuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu.  End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details.13:33
ActionParsnip1sylis yours is intrepi13:33
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81013:34
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.13:34
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour13:34
* ActionParsnip1 misses his gibbon :(13:34
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: yeah its GNOME13:35
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: if you rename all your gnome folders you will lose all gnome settings13:35
shadeslayercant i use config files from KDE??13:35
ActionParsnip1so you could dig around withing the folders to see where the kb is controlled13:35
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: no, kde configs are for kde13:36
shadeslayereh so itll be back to defaults??13:36
shadeslayergnome that is13:36
Sylisalright so how do I go about getting a 64 bit driver for broadcom, do I just google it? lol13:36
ActionParsnip1its on of the resons I dont use gnome, gnome-config manager thing sticking its nose in where its not needed13:36
ActionParsnip1Sylis: sure, or you can go to the manufacturers site13:37
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: stuff like sounds / sceensavers / menus maybe / app settings13:38
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: im sure its other stuff too. I just dont use gnome, ask in #ubuntu or #gnome13:38
ActionParsnip1i see gnome like clippy in MS office13:38
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: http://www.faculty.english.ttu.edu/barker/4367/images/ClippySuicide.jpg13:39
Sylisalright next question how do I figure out which broadcom wlan I have13:40
ActionParsnip1Sylis: lspci | grep -i broadcom13:41
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: how about reinstalling the whole of ubuntu desktop13:46
=== diego is now known as Guest2739
ncfi1013i have the hardware drivers manager open. there are listed 3 nvidia drivers - 96, 173, 177 - can anybody tell me which one to activate because it is giving me that option13:51
JuJuBeeI have an HP officejet 6110 connected to my server (usb).  How do I use it from my laptop? ipp:// or socket:// ?13:53
SylisI'm having a hard time finding the driver >.<13:57
Sylisanyone on?14:02
Syliscould you help me a little14:03
shadeslayeranyone know how to use usplash14:03
shadeslayerSylis: sure14:03
shadeslayerbut please be quick14:03
shadeslayerSylis: the problem is regarding........14:04
DarkTanok this is really getting old. My laptop /still/ won't display anything but 640x480 and it used to have the full range when i first did the install14:04
DarkTanscrewed up after running dual screens with a projector14:04
DarkTani have edited the xorg.conf file, only to have it re-written on reboot every time14:05
shadeslayerDarkTan: tried editing xconfig??14:05
* DarkTan points up14:05
shadeslayerused sudo to write to file??14:05
shadeslayeryeah saw that14:05
DarkTanwell actually used "kdesudo kate" to edit14:06
shadeslayertry dropping to recovery mode and edit the file again14:06
shadeslayertry sudoedit14:06
ubottuTo edit files with !superuser access using the user's standard editor (as set in the EDITOR !shell variable) and its normal configuration, the command « sudoedit <filename> » is available. It creates a local copy of the file, and runs the editor with the user's permissions.14:06
DarkTanrecovery mode?14:06
* shadeslayer points up14:06
shadeslayeryou HAVE to use sudoedit14:06
shadeslayernot sudo kate14:07
shadeslayeras that launches kate in sudo not the file14:07
shadeslayeralso never use sudo to launch apps14:07
MaGicKanGaRooanyone know how to check which repository something is installed from?14:08
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:09
DarkTanwell i used kdesudo, not sudo, and i assume sudoedit has to be run from terminal?14:09
=== sinclair_ is now known as sinclair
shadeslayerDarkTan: sudoedit <pathname>14:09
sinclairhi everyone14:09
ubottusinclair: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:10
sinclairis there a shockwave/flash tutorial/guide available for kubuntu?14:10
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:10
DarkTanok, opened the file, pasted in a completely rewritten file, now how do i save it?14:11
shadeslayerDarkTan: opened in nano??14:12
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
* DarkTan shrugs14:12
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code14:12
shadeslayerwell not like kate,it opens in terminal itself14:13
DarkTanyeah, it opend in the terminal, but i just checked the file, nothing changed14:13
shadeslayerreplace againn14:13
shadeslayerand then14:13
shadeslayerthen save it in the same path as original file14:14
DarkTanwould it be /etc/x11/xorg.conf or \etc\x11\xorg.conf?14:14
MaGicKanGaRoohi shade, not sure that the community documentation covers that14:14
shadeslayerDarkTan: nano saves it in a temporary location14:14
shadeslayer /etc14:14
DarkTanok, so, open it, edit it, exit from terminal, then restart x?14:15
shadeslayeryeah,thatll probably work14:15
shadeslayerhow do i install a splash .so image??14:17
DarkTanstill no change14:17
shadeslayerDarkTan: what about the file??14:17
shadeslayeranyone here with a experience of using usplash??14:17
DarkTanre-written back to the original14:17
shadeslayerthat sucks14:18
ubottuTo edit files with !superuser access using the user's standard editor (as set in the EDITOR !shell variable) and its normal configuration, the command « sudoedit <filename> » is available. It creates a local copy of the file, and runs the editor with the user's permissions.14:18
shadeslayerhmm,did you save it at the same place,not at the temp place14:18
DarkTani dunno, hang on sec brb14:19
dboehmerhello everyone14:20
jithineany one having the problem of xorg 70% cpu in kde 4.214:20
jithinewith kwin desktop effects enabled14:20
dboehmeri am currently using kubuntu and want to use the drive encryption14:20
dboehmerdo i need to install the whole system or can i switch somehow?14:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption14:20
=== root is now known as Guest82870
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about driveencrypt14:21
jithinei dont know whats wrong with xorg it just shoots to 70% but not always making my laptop useless14:21
dboehmershadeslayer, i know how encryption works in general and how to set up via the system installer14:21
SylisI need help with my NDIswrapper14:21
dboehmeri am just wondering if it would be possible to backup my system, create an encrypted system and import e.g. installed programs14:21
DarkTanok, somehow managed to increases to 800x60014:22
shadeslayerdboehmer: no idea14:22
dboehmerit would cost much time and download traffic to save the list of installed programs and install them all again14:22
* shadeslayer dances on the screen14:22
=== io80 is now known as sumiso28
DarkTanpasted my modified file in using kate as root. rebooted. got strange graphixs14:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about strange14:23
DarkTankde crashed, X wanted me to configure the gfx card14:23
larsaamHey! I migrated from MacOSX to Kubuntu this week. I'm so happy now! KDE4 is so flexible and nice to work with! Really hope the Kubuntu team follow up on the rapid KDE4 bugfix cycle, thanks!!14:23
Syliswhat about NDIswrapper >.<14:23
ncfi1013i recently restored my ipod to factory settings. it works fine on playback. it mounts in the new device manager. but it won't mount in amarok. can anybody tell me what the preconnect and postdisconnect commands are for a 3rd gen ipod?14:23
* shadeslayer is frustrated with ubottu14:23
DarkTanso now i haz one step higher in the food chain14:23
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:23
Syliscan anyone help me slam my head against a wall then? haha14:24
* DarkTan offers to gelp Sylis14:24
DarkTanok, gonna try one more thing14:24
shadeslayerSylis: whats the exact problem14:24
shadeslayerwifi not working(card not intitialized) etc??14:26
Sylisok, well I'm following this guide http://mirosol.kapsi.fi/tx2020/tx2000howto.htm and I've isntalled the 64 bit driver, and done everything it's said, but to no avail14:27
shadeslayerSylis: type iwlist scan in konsole14:27
Sylislo, eth0, pan0 don't support scanning, I had wlan on there earlier, but I unplugged the catV cable, and didn't have internet14:28
Sylisyes, I'm confused14:29
shadeslayerso basically you didnt plug a wifi card cable??14:29
SylisI've tried it a good 3 times now and I have no idea what I'm doing14:29
Syliswifi is built in14:29
willowcan u help me14:29
shadeslayerso whats the problem14:29
=== willow is now known as Guest14885
Sylisand I had a CatV cable in for internet so I could pull up the guide14:30
Guest14885i have a problem with kobuntu 8.1014:30
Syliswifi won't bloody work14:30
ubottuGuest14: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:30
shadeslayerSylis: do this14:30
shadeslayerdisable wireless and then reenable it14:30
Sylisfatal error14:31
Guest14885i have download flash playe but it doesnt work14:31
shadeslayerwhat KDE14:31
ubottuGuest14885: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:31
Sylisuh..in...i something14:31
Sylisthis is twice I forgot now14:31
shadeslayerpaste the backtrace then14:32
Sylisbare with me it's my first day on linux >.<14:32
shadeslayeroh n00b14:32
shadeslayerme too14:32
shadeslayernot first day but first month14:32
Sylismy head hurts14:32
Sylisthe driver is installed14:32
SylisI took out all the bb43 etc14:32
shadeslayerGuest14885: use sudo apt-get install flash in terminal14:32
shadeslayerSylis: please paste the backtrace of the crash14:33
ubottuSylis: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:34
AimoParruHello all!14:34
Sylishaha it says, This backtrace appears to be of no use.14:34
Riddell** new alpha candidate live CDs up for testing, come join us in #kubuntu-devel if you want to help with the alpha14:34
SylisUm I'm not on the internet with it, I'm on a seperate computer14:34
shadeslayertry replicating it again14:35
AimoParruDoes anyone know how to reinstall kde 4.2 to 8.10 kubuntu?14:35
Sylissame thing14:35
shadeslayerok is this install from a canonical kubuntu CD14:36
shadeslayerSylis: ??14:36
ncfi1013i recently restored my ipod to factory settings. it works fine on playback. it mounts in the new device manager. but it won't mount in amarok. can anybody tell me what the preconnect and postdisconnect commands are for a 3rd gen ipod?14:36
bambixcan someone help me with display settings in the recent version of kubuntu?14:37
DarkTani am a damn evil genious!14:37
SylisYou rang shadeslayer14:38
bambixok so in vmware i installed kubuntu, and added the vesa driver in xorg.conf14:38
bambixthen added the subsection display with 1280x800 as resolution14:38
DarkTani negleced to tell the x gfx config window that my monitor has way higher capabilities than 800x600. now i have the res i want, tho i don't think i have the full ranges.14:39
bambixbut it starts in 600x800 and doesn't give the option anymore to change it to 1280x80014:39
DarkTanbut what ever, i can use the think now14:39
shadeslayerDarkTan: wb,everything fixed??14:39
DarkTannot quite everything, but it's to the point of "good enough"14:40
bambixhow do i cahnge the resolution for x and kde?14:40
shadeslayerDarkTan: your turn to help14:40
bambixwould be nice =)14:40
* DarkTan thinks for a moment14:40
DarkTanthere is a diaglog in X for changing the graphics options, i don't know how to get to it tho. I had to crash KDE to find it :P14:41
DarkTanso, if you want i can tell you how to crash KDE to get there?14:42
bambixbut serious i set the driver and the display section in xorg.conf14:42
shadeslayerbambix: edit your /etc/X11/xconfig file14:42
bambixbut somehow it doesn't take the resolution14:42
shadeslayer!sudoedit | bambix14:43
ubottubambix: To edit files with !superuser access using the user's standard editor (as set in the EDITOR !shell variable) and its normal configuration, the command « sudoedit <filename> » is available. It creates a local copy of the file, and runs the editor with the user's permissions.14:43
DarkTanto be honest, everythig i did in xorg.conf went out the window when i figured out to actually fix it14:43
bambixi did sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:43
DarkTanthat did nothing for me14:43
bambixand added the vesa driver and the display subsection with correct resolution14:43
bambixkubuntu right?14:43
DarkTani used kdesudo kate to edit the file, savedit, the restarted X with ctrl+alt_backspace14:43
bambixused xorf14:43
bambixah ok14:44
shadeslayerbambix: sudoedit -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:44
bambixnano is the console way to edit stuff14:44
shadeslayerbambix: sudoedit  /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:44
shadeslayerthats better14:44
shadeslayerthen save the file at the same location nano saves it in a temp location14:45
bambixand what should I add there?14:45
bambixnano asks to overwrite wich i do14:45
shadeslayerDarkTan: any idea what you added??14:45
bambixthing is what do i add to xorg.conf14:45
SensHello! I've got enormous problems after updating kubuntu 8.10 today: Sometimes the keyboard works, sometimes it doesn't. The window-borders are gone. Some windows can't be shut donw (not even with [Alt] + [F4]). Therefore the login backgrund changed.14:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about borders14:45
bambixi added the vesa driver and the subsection for display14:45
DarkTanthat's the thing, i added in a completely re-written file, which was dumped when it crashed on the X restart14:46
DarkTannothing i added is in there now14:46
AimoParruSens: I had the same problem14:46
AimoParrusudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop14:46
SensAimoParru: How did you solve them?14:46
AimoParruSens: look above14:46
bambixI added14:47
bambixSubSection "Display"14:47
bambix        Depth           1614:47
AimoParruSens: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop14:47
bambix        Modes           "1280x800"14:47
SensAimoParru: THX. And then reinstall the kubuntu desktop?14:47
AimoParruSens: yes14:47
bambixSection "Device"14:47
bambix        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"14:47
bambix        Driver          "vesa"14:47
SensAimoParru: Thanks. I'll try. BRB.14:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:48
AimoParruBut now I don't know how to reinstall KDE 4.2, it installed 4.114:48
bambixbut it reverts to 800x600 and removes the 1280x800 setting from kde's display settings14:48
DarkTanbambix: i in this entire file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121277/14:48
DarkTani put in*14:48
AimoParruThis cannot be done twice:14:48
DarkTanbut i warn you, saving that as the xorg.conf /will/ crash on x restart, go in to low graphics mode and then give you options to reconfigure everything14:49
bambixI'll give it a go14:49
DarkTanmake sure you know what gfx card you have first14:49
AimoParruMy firtst istallation eas corrupted because of mysql. (I didn't have loopback)14:49
shadeslayerpower outage14:49
phoenixis anyone here?14:50
=== phoenix is now known as Guest58637
Guest58637this is like my second time on an IRC :)14:50
DarkTanshadeslayer: bambix is going to try my "crash it and start over" method14:50
AimoParruI got mysql working, but it won't install KDE 4.2 anymore. Why?14:50
Guest58637could be dependency hell :P14:51
AimoParruGuest58637: Talking to me?14:51
AimoParruapt-get son't say anything about missing depencies.14:52
Guest58637try a lesser version of kde 414:52
Guest58637like .114:52
Guest58637I dont care much for kde 4 myself :P14:52
AimoParruBut when I try to apt-get install kde, it will tell about missing libraries14:52
AimoParruHow to start the whole 4.2 installation again?14:53
Guest58637did you go apt-get -f install with nothing specified ?14:53
Guest58637you have to get rid of kde 414:53
Guest58637go to a seperate non gui shell14:53
Guest58637and type14:53
Guest58637sudo apt-get remove --purge kde4 (or whatever main package)14:54
Guest58637it might be kde vs kde4 but thats the jift of it14:54
Guest58637then you re install14:54
Guest58637sudo apt-get install kde-core or whatever14:54
DarkTanwell, Bambix dropped, lets see if it work from him too ;)14:54
Guest58637or you could always download latest kde 3 version (just this week kubuntu 8.04.2 came out)14:55
Guest58637or dist upgrade14:55
Guest58637sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:55
Guest58637just my 2 cents14:55
AimoParruI tried dist-upgrade14:55
AimoParrunothing to upgrade14:55
shadeslayernope thats not the command14:55
Guest58637hang on14:55
shadeslayersudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop14:55
AimoParruit installs kde 4.114:56
Guest58637should be a command.14:56
Guest58637google it14:56
AimoParruI've tried14:56
shadeslayerwhat do you want then??14:56
Guest58637try a lesser version kde 4.114:56
AimoParruREinstall kde 4.214:56
AimoParrunow it installs 4.114:56
Guest58637you sould like a friend of mine :D he is an upgrade freak :D14:57
Guest58637he always likes the best packages/newest14:57
Guest58637even though he hates kde 4 :P14:57
Guest58637go figure14:57
vbgunzcan anyone here using intrepid please tell me, what version of konsole is running on intrepid?14:57
AimoParruActually it's my wifes computer and there is better power management in KDE 4.214:57
Guest58637thats a good reason14:57
Guest58637you could always try upgrading kpowersave14:58
Guest58637sudo apt-get install kpowersave14:58
AimoParruShe wanted to try 4.2 and I fucked it up14:58
Guest58637but you still need mysql?14:58
shadeslayerAimoParru: install 4.1 and upgrade to 4.214:58
AimoParruMysql is running14:58
AimoParruI've got 4.1 now running in it14:58
AimoParruit won't upgrade to 4.214:58
BluesKajkonsole is using kde 4.2 on intrepid, vbgunz14:58
Guest58637that is very weir14:58
AimoParruthat is the problem14:58
Guest58637boot synaptic14:59
Guest58637and take a  look14:59
Guest58637at kde14:59
Guest58637might have a diff package name14:59
Guest58637like how kde3 had kde and kde414:59
Guest58637as packages14:59
BluesKajvbgunz , what's the prob?14:59
SensAimoParru: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop did not work.15:00
AimoParruI'll check adept manager15:00
Guest58637yeah, not everyday someone saiys damn for no reason :D15:00
Guest58637i hate adept tho15:00
Guest58637luv synaptic15:00
AimoParruSens: Take desktop effects off15:00
Guest58637ive played with a couple other easy install stuff, like tuxsoftware, cnr etc... but dont work.15:00
Guest58637kwin --replace15:00
Guest58637gets off 3d15:00
* DarkTan has both due to running KDE and XFCE15:00
shadeslayerDarkTan: hows xfce??15:01
Guest58637if you got emerald it disables that too15:01
shadeslayeri have GNOME and KDE15:01
SensAimoParru: I'll try. BRB.15:01
DarkTanit's good for low end computers. runs quick, doesn't have many of the nice littel graphical features15:01
Guest58637you dont have to restart x for that persay..15:01
Guest58637yeah those graphical features are what I miss (darktan)15:02
Guest58637i like my desktop looking niiiice15:02
AimoParruI tried install kde:15:02
shadeslayerDarkTan: what about the heat produced??15:02
DarkTanwell i have a low end laptop with 64meg of video ram, so i run Xubuntu on it15:02
shadeslayerfrom the GPU,significantly less??15:02
AimoParruSorry, wrong paste15:02
AimoParruSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have15:02
DarkTanit's a laptop15:02
AimoParrurequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable15:02
AimoParrudistribution that some required packages have not yet been created15:02
AimoParruor been moved out of Incoming.15:02
AimoParruSince you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that15:02
AimoParruthe package is simply not installable and a bug report against15:02
AimoParruthat package should be filed.15:03
AimoParruThe following information may help to resolve the situation:15:03
AimoParruThe following packages have unmet dependencies:15:03
Guest58637bummer :(15:03
AimoParru  kde: Depends: kdepim (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed15:03
DarkTanit does run cooler under XFCE tho15:03
Guest58637oh now you got dependency hell (aimoparru)15:03
* shadeslayer installs xfce15:03
AimoParruYes, how to resolve it15:03
Guest58637upgrade your os15:03
Guest58637get the latest kubuntu release15:03
Guest58637i hate dependency hell :(15:04
shadeslayerno ways15:04
Suikoattention attention please; i have a proposal to make: Wrestling is not a fluke;15:04
Guest58637were did you come it?15:04
Guest58637wrestling ?15:04
DarkTanhmmm...Bambix has be gone a long time...15:04
shadeslayerman Xfce is LIGHT15:04
AimoParruI tried upgrade:15:04
Guest58637lemme see15:04
vbgunzBluesKaj: downgrading Konsole in Jaunty, fixes a problem with Yakuake splits15:04
AimoParrusudo apt-get upgrade15:04
AimoParruReading package lists... Done15:04
AimoParruBuilding dependency tree15:04
AimoParruReading state information... Done15:04
DarkTandan spam bots....15:04
AimoParruThe following packages have been kept back:15:04
AimoParru  akregator kaddressbook kdebluetooth kdepim-kresources kdepim-strigi-plugins15:04
AimoParru  kdepim-wizards kmail knotes kontact korganizer ktimetracker libkdepim415:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!15:04
AimoParru  libkholidays4 libkleo4 libkpgp4 libksieve4 libmimelib4 phonon-backend-xine15:04
AimoParru  plasmoid-quickaccess15:04
AimoParru0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 19 not upgraded.15:05
DarkTanshadeslayer: yes, it is small and doesn't have a whole bunch of stuff with it15:05
Guest58637he left  a long time ago :P15:05
PiciAimoParru: Please don't do that.15:05
vbgunzaaroncampbell__: try apt-get dist-upgrade15:05
shadeslayerAimoParru: !paste15:05
gnomefreakAimoParru: please use pastebin15:05
Pici!paste | AimoParru15:05
ubottuAimoParru: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:05
vbgunzaaroncampbell__: sorry15:05
vbgunzAimoParru: try apt-get dist-upgrade15:05
Guest58637he says it dont work15:05
ubottujoomla information can be had here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joomla15:06
AimoParruYes, won't work15:06
Guest58637jumla ?15:06
Guest58637what about it?15:06
gnomefreakAimoParru: dist-upgrade wont work? i saw you tried upgrade15:06
Suikohas someone got any experience on joomla so far=15:06
Guest58637:P no offense suiko but you always come in on strange topics :P XDXD15:06
Guest58637yes i do15:06
Suikoand how is it?15:07
Guest58637fine its a CMS system for websites15:07
Suikoeasy to handle?15:07
Guest58637but not too good for real websites15:07
Guest58637more for news/blog stuff15:07
Guest58637not websites that much15:07
Guest58637nice thing is when you change something it changes the whole thing15:07
Guest58637so like theme15:07
Guest58637you dont have to go back through everything15:07
Guest58637and change it15:08
Guest58637just one spot15:08
Guest58637but i dont use it too much cuz i like real websites :)15:08
Suikowell, that is natural; everything is trough outsourcing15:08
Suikoi plan to use joomla in cooperation with ruby on rails15:08
Guest58637thats a good idea :D15:09
Guest58637i am more a php guy myself but ruby aint bad i must admit15:09
Guest58637on rails at least15:09
Guest58637if i had to use ruby might as wel just use c15:09
Suikoyeah, its a nice invention15:09
Guest58637most of my dev is with php, html & shell scripting15:10
Guest58637its a killer, but hey its a job :)15:10
Suikoi prefer c15:10
Suikobut i am still learning =D15:10
SensAimoParru: Didn't work either.15:10
Guest58637who here likes kde 4 ?15:11
Guest58637just out of curiosity15:11
SensWill there be problems downgrading from Kubuntu 8.10 to Kubuntu 8.04?15:11
Guest58637dont downgrade15:11
Guest58637just download15:11
Guest58637there will be problems i assure you if you try to downgrade :P15:11
Guest58637major major dependency hell15:11
Guest58637you couldnt even do an apt-get hardly :P15:12
Guest58637and you have to tweak repos :P15:12
Suikoohhh man, the new kde4* is a pain in the arse15:12
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Guest58637its ugly too15:12
Guest58637 :P15:12
Suikomy whole database is mixed up15:12
Suikocant find anything anymore15:12
SensGuest58637: I'd do a clean reinstall (leaving the /home-partition)15:13
Guest58637hmm.. not bad idea15:13
Guest58637just cp home dir15:13
Guest58637did you know15:13
Guest58637if you copy the home dir15:13
Guest58637(hidden files included)15:13
AimoParruSens: Try to rename ~/.kde ~/.kde_old15:13
Suikoi think i will install gentoo on my laptop now15:13
Guest58637you are going to kill youself15:13
Guest58637even debian is horrible :P15:13
AimoParruSens: and restart kde15:14
Suikowell, on my desktop it works fine15:14
Guest58637I wuz making a cutom debian spin the otherday15:14
Guest58637and debian sucks15:14
Guest58637you have to configure sudo by hand!15:14
Guest58637and it looks like win2k :P15:14
Suikodebian is nice too, but the install management is horrible15:14
Guest58637kpackage never wuz anything special :P15:14
Guest58637i just got sick of it15:15
Guest58637so i pulled together15:15
Suikoin gentoo you know exaclly what you have and where you have what15:15
Guest58637a web based database15:15
Guest58637do you have to compile from source?15:15
Guest58637 :P15:15
Guest58637i hate that :P15:15
Guest58637pain in the arse15:15
Suikobut therefore you have your scripts; dont you think?15:15
Guest58637cuz it always gives erros15:15
Suikoto compile your stuff15:16
Guest58637but they almost always fail15:16
Guest586379 out of 10 :P15:16
Guest58637and then you have to fix everything15:16
Guest58637the deb was the best thing invted XDXD15:16
Guest58637does gentoo have portage?15:16
Suikoi had the same problem at start...but then i changed some preferences and baam it worked fine15:16
Guest58637use that :)15:16
Guest58637slack has slapt-get15:16
Suikoi do; i guess15:16
Guest58637RH has yum rpm and apt-rpm15:17
Guest58637but still i hate RH :P15:17
Suikoradhat sucks balls15:17
Guest58637i guess thats why we on kubuntu irc XDXD15:17
Suikogentoo is the one and only15:17
Suikowell; i updated to 4.215:18
Guest58637*buntu does fine for me :) easy to use, sudo, apt-get :D15:18
Suikowhere is my mysql frontend?15:18
Guest58637no clue15:18
Suikothat is the problem15:18
Suikoi tried to install xampp15:18
Guest58637see i am an ease of use guy. my job is to make linux easy to use.15:18
Suikobut mysql is already running15:18
SensAimoParru: Thank you for your effort, but I'm done with KDE 4 so far. I'll use KDE 3.5 as long als KDE 4 isn't usable for everyday work.15:19
Guest58637good for you15:19
Guest58637im waiting for kde 515:19
Guest58637I was mad dissapointed with kde 415:19
Guest58637good timing too15:19
Suikokde4.* really isnt stable15:19
Guest58637cuz kubuntu 8.04.215:19
Guest58637just came out15:19
Guest58637kubuntu 8.04.2 just saves you upgrade time15:20
SensGuest58637: KDE 5 would be probably too long to wait for.15:20
Suikohow can i kill mysql through the terminal?15:20
Guest58637a few years15:20
Guest58637hang on15:20
AimoParruSens: Ok. You're right, KDE 4.X ain't that goo yet15:20
Guest58637ill find15:20
Guest58637btw anyone every tried xkill?15:20
Guest58637wonderful :)15:21
Suikomom i try it15:21
SlimeyPetexkill is very handy.15:21
SensAimoParru: I hope that will change with KDE 4.2 respecrively Kubuntu 9.0415:21
Guest58637"/sbin/service mysqld restart"15:22
Guest58637without quotes15:22
Guest58637might not work15:22
Guest58637but worht a shot15:22
Guest58637you know15:22
Guest58637someone should take a poll :D15:22
Suikohow can i kill the mysql deamon?15:22
Guest58637users under 18 of15:22
Guest58637google it15:23
Suikodont have time, tell me15:23
Guest58637"How can i stop/kill mysql daemon"15:23
giarcaSuiko: ps xa |grep mysql15:23
Guest58637thats what I did :P15:23
giarcaSuiko: sudo kill -9 PID15:23
Guest58637i just googled it15:23
Suikoahhh thanks15:23
Guest58637*buntu has to be the most popular unix based os on earth15:24
Guest58637maybe mac is more popular15:24
dr_Willis'linux'  would be a better term - in your statement. :)15:25
Guest58637*nix based15:25
Guest58637its more popular than FreeBSD15:26
Suikoit will not die !15:26
Guest58637windows outnumbers *nix 9:115:26
Guest58637on netbooks15:26
Guest58637and thats only XP15:26
Guest58637windows 7 comes out this summer :(15:26
Guest58637and it runs better than XP on netbooks :(15:26
dr_WillisIm running windows 7 now.15:27
dr_WillisI couldent get it to install on my netbook.15:27
Guest58637why you here then XDXD15:27
Guest58637well i got a ton of friends that got it15:27
dr_WillisI got win7 on this box.. and wifes laptop right now.15:27
Suikowindows 7?15:27
dr_Willisit DOEs run better on it - then vista did15:27
Suikoare you a msdnaa student?15:27
Guest58637wun of my friends his head of win viena forums15:27
Guest58637i am always molesting them XDXD15:27
dr_WillisI do NOT plan on paying $200+ per machine just to get windows715:28
Guest58637well trial only lasts till aug 31 right?15:28
dr_WillisNo idea.15:28
Guest58637thats wut i heard15:28
Guest58637d*mn microsh*t15:28
dr_WillisI will either restore her pc back to vista - or perhaps buy 7 for her.. if she likes it..15:29
Guest58637i am using Kubuntu 8.04.1 atm15:29
dr_Willisbut  if its like $200 - id just save up and buy her a whole new laptop :)15:29
Guest58637uless they is 600 with win 7 :P15:29
dr_WillisI  think the ms claims abouit netbooks will be overrated.15:29
Guest58637we will see...15:30
dr_Willisa $400 laptop is not going to get another $200 put in it - for windows715:30
dr_WillisIll put Kubuntu on it . and call it Windows815:30
Guest58637you need to theme it15:30
Guest58637then you can call it vista XDXD15:30
Guest58637even tho all hate vista15:30
Guest58637even vista users :P15:30
dr_Willisshe ran windows95 inside virtualbox on linux.. for  close to 2 years...15:30
Guest58637thats a windows fanatic15:31
Guest58637windows sucks15:31
Suikoman, i hate this new kubuntu !15:31
Guest58637all do :D15:31
Guest58637xcept for a few M$ loves XD15:31
dr_WillisDemand a refund!15:31
Guest58637here is your 0.00 refund :)15:32
Suikoget me bill gates15:32
Suikohe is behind this all !15:32
Guest58637well im gonna leave, got some progrmmin to do, maybe back later dis afternoon15:32
Suikohe created a "rival" that sucks so much that everyone goes back to his evil breed15:33
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user123deutsche hier15:34
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:34
AimoParruI tried a big paste15:35
AimoParruWhat to do next=15:35
AimoParruaptitude almost works15:35
AimoParruHmm, is this the paste?15:36
Sensuser123: Schon, aber für Diskussionen auf Deutsch gibt's den Kannal: #kubuntu-de.15:38
juanescobarsamur¿Como tengo que hacer para comenzar Mysql Administrador?(How I have to do to start to use MYSQL Administrator?)15:41
DarkTan! esp juanescobarsamur15:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:44
DarkTan!esp juanescobarsamur15:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about esp15:44
* DarkTan gives up15:44
fabio_como entro na sala br?15:49
Suikonothing works correctly15:49
Suikonor server; nor interfaces15:50
Suikoand no backends15:51
fabio_i want enter in room br15:52
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:53
gray_does anyone know how to keep conky from minimizing when i click show desktop??15:54
Suikoi guess; kubuntu in his current version is just good for beginners, ordinary user and porn15:54
user123Sens : ja habe ihn schon gefunden15:55
SlimeyPetegray_: try in #conky ?15:55
gray_thank slimeypete15:55
SlimeyPeteSuiko: the previous version of kubuntu is rather a lot more reliable & functional15:56
fabio_thank you15:57
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linuskeBonjour !16:03
linuskeCOmment rejoint on le canal ubuntu?16:03
benny_Hi, I try to upgrade 8.10 to kde 4.216:05
benny_however, only some packages appear of 4.216:05
benny_upgrade then removes kdm, ....16:05
benny_are the instructions on http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 no longer correct ?16:06
AimoParrubenny_: I'm having same problems.16:07
AimoParruI don't know the answer yet16:07
benny_it looks like the repository no longer has the base package16:07
benny_only som applications still live there like kmail and akregator, ....16:07
AimoParruCould it be the reason?!?!16:07
benny_but doing upgrade of only those breaks the system16:07
AimoParruoh deer!16:08
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JampiterWhere abouts are the default system sounds kept in KDE 4.2?16:13
sampattuzziI'm trying to upgrade to kde 4.2 on intrepid but I can't upgrade because there are dependency errors.16:17
sampattuzziI had neon updates installed previously16:17
benny_It looks like http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/main/binary-amd64/16:17
benny_is not correct16:17
benny_the packages fail to list eg the new networkmanager for kde 4.216:18
knusperfroschi installed qt-4.5 from a ppa. how can i get rid of it?16:18
JampiterWhere abouts are the default system sounds kept in KDE 4.2?16:18
knusperfroschi removed the ppa from my surces-list but packages aren't downgraded automatically16:18
knusperfroschis there some option for apt-get?16:19
benny_is it not apt-get update16:19
benny_then apt-get upgrade ?16:19
knusperfroschi need apt-get downgrade ;)16:19
knusperfroschqt4.5 packages are kept unless there is some newer version16:19
benny_I just downgraded after failed 4.2 upgrade, and I used upgrade ;-)16:20
JampiterWhere abouts are the default system sounds kept in KDE 4.2? Does anybody know?16:20
benny_Jampiter: locate sound16:21
Suikois cedega open source or not?16:21
knusperfroschhow do i get exact package versions in apt-get upgrade?16:21
benny_gives me /usr/share/sounds/KDE-Sys-Log-In-Short.ogg16:21
sampattuzziSuiko: not16:22
knusperfroschbenny_: right, apt-get upgrade does it. aptitude not.16:22
sampattuzziadding the repos from the kubuntu site for 4.2 and all I get is a message telling me that packages are being kept back.16:25
JampiterThanks benny_16:26
AlbaThi ppl16:34
AlbaThas anyone had problem with slow download speed16:34
AlbaTi installed a ftprush with wine and speed is only 1 mb/s16:34
AlbaTbut with kftp i get 8mb/s16:35
AlbaTsame place16:35
AlbaTcan anyone tell me where is catsh?16:35
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Rioting_pacifistim getting errors running almost any program, gdb keeps mentioning "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" how do i fix this?16:41
PenguiniatorDoes anyone know if bash 4.0 will be backported to 8.04?16:41
Rioting_pacifist!find /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.216:41
ubottuPackage/file /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 does not exist in intrepid16:41
Rioting_pacifistPenguiniator: i doubt it it may be in some ppas though16:41
Rioting_pacifist!find ld-linux-x86-64.so.216:41
ubottuFile ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 found in libc6, libc6-dbg16:41
PenguiniatorRioting_pacifist: thanks16:42
ForzaPalermohey guys i have a question. i just bought two 1.5tb harddrives16:43
ForzaPalermoi would like to raid or lvm them... what is better, and then how can i go ahead and do that... i dont want the OS installed on the two hds16:43
dr_WillisI thought you could raid a lvm.. or use lvm on a raid...16:44
dr_Willisor somthing like that. :)16:44
dr_Willisid just use one.. and use the other to backup to on a regular basis...16:44
dr_Willisbut im lazy16:44
ForzaPalermoi dunno, i just want to implenet one or the other so the drives are seen as one volume16:46
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: what do you want lvm offers many, features, raid offers a performance vs stability trade off ?16:46
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: if you want it too look like 1 big 3tb drive, then raid0 will give you a performance boost at the expense that if either drive breaks all you data is lost16:47
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: both are fairly easy to do with the alt install CD but i recomend you give raid (i think wikipedia has a good article, you can only setup 1 or 0 simply on 2 drives though) and lvm (the lvm howto may be good) pages a read to figure out what you want 1st16:49
AlbaTi have raid utility wiht my mobo16:53
AlbaTbut yeah if some of those hdds broke all data is lost16:53
i3ooi3ooAlbaT: is it software based or hardware based16:53
AlbaTbetter if you leave them as different16:53
i3ooi3oobecause many mobo support software raid not true hardware raids16:54
AlbaTbut does anyone have answer to my question16:54
AlbaTwhy i get so slow speed in ftprush16:54
Rioting_pacifistAlbaT: it depends what raid you are running16:55
leon__hi all, I want to remove kubuntu (kde3) from a partition and enlarge another (kde4) by the removed one. can anyone pls advise?16:55
Rioting_pacifistleon__: which kubuntu do you have installed16:55
leon__Rioting_pacifist: both 8.04 and 8.10 at the mo16:56
leon__sda1=win, sdb1=8.04, sdb6=8.1016:57
leon__kept original (8.04) 'till I was happy that all my dev stuff worked properly on 8.1016:57
dr_Willisgparted can delete/resize.. be carefull with grub.. you are letting 8.10 controll grub?16:58
leon__and had moved all over to it16:58
dr_Willisproblem with resizing is it MIGHT change the uuid's and confuse grub and the fstab files16:58
leon__i think it's the 8.10, lemme quickly check...16:59
AlbaTRioting_pacifist i dont use any raid just linux hdd 300g sata drive16:59
leon__yep, 8.10 now controlling16:59
leon__i was thinking to delete 8.04 and enlarge 8.10 by what i gain from the delete?17:00
leon__am a bit worried that the 8.10 sits in extended, or shouldn't I be?17:01
dr_Williscat on the keyboard?17:02
dr_Willisor did you fall asleep17:02
fosco__vali: switch off the cat :-)17:02
dr_Willisleon__,  shouldent matter what partition its in17:02
dr_WillisYou could delete the 8.04 and just move /home to  the new space17:02
Rioting_pacifistleon__: i was going to ask about that why is it on 6? anything real between the disks17:03
leon__Rioting_pacifist: just the way i installed 8.10 at the time17:03
leon__b1 and 2 were the original 8.04 install17:04
leon__had to move postgreSQL with all my data and didn't want to take too much of a chance, I guess17:05
leon__but all that working well now17:05
leon__dr_Willis: so, delete sdb1 and 2, then create a /home partition in the space, then move current home to that new space?17:08
leon__guys, gotta run to fetch someone quickly, brb (30mins or so), thanks so far dr_Willis and Rioting_pacifist17:10
dr_Willisleon__,  You dont have to delete them...17:11
dr_Willisoh well :) he could have a /home and a /stuff ;)17:11
Rioting_pacifistyeah but it makes a much cleaner setup if theres nothing to lose to delete then and have just /home17:12
Rioting_pacifistim getting errors running almost any program, gdb keeps mentioning "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" how do i fix this?17:12
JampiterWhat is the name of the KDE4 screensaver package?17:17
=== root is now known as Guest84190
vbgunzquick screen question17:22
vbgunzgoing through man screen, I keep missing how when I create a new region, how to actually make it useful17:22
vbgunzhow can I get a bash prompt in the new region?17:22
dr_WillisHmm Not sure. :)17:24
dr_Willismost of the screen docs ive everf seen sort of skip over the complex stuff like that17:24
Rioting_pacifistbrb my hdd died (stupid mobo)17:35
leon__dr_Willis: Rioting_pacifist - tks for the heads-up, appreciate17:42
Rioting_pacifistnp, resizing and rearanging should work fine, but as always backup any important stuff, probably tar it up then stick it on the windows drive17:44
SuperTonkiesDo I need to try to install my manufactor's audio ? Or is leaving it at the defaults OK ?17:46
=== kar is now known as palaiokwstas
palaiokwstashow can i mount an internal hd in kde4 forever if i hadn't done it on installation?17:53
palaiokwstasin system settings there is no more that choice17:54
fosco__palaiokwstas, set that drive in /etc/fstab file17:55
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palaiokwstasthanks fosco__17:55
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out17:57
martijn81i would leave it at the defaults17:58
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solifuguswho actually supports kubuntu?18:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hola18:06
DasKreech!hi | ubuntu_18:06
ubottuubuntu_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:06
DasKreechsolifugus: A fair amount of people here18:06
solifugusDasKreech: ok.. great.. I thank them for their work.. does anyone know when kde 4.2 will be considered stable in kubuntu?18:07
DasKreechsolifugus: Probably when It's released by KDE18:07
solifugusah.. ok18:07
DasKreechWhich about a month ago18:08
Slartibartfasthuh? ... So you think kde 4.2 is not yet released ?18:09
Tm_TSlartibartfast: it is18:09
DasKreechSlartibartfast: his question was when would it be considered stable by Kubuntu18:10
Slartibartfastyes i thought so ... http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.2/index.php  ... maybe a misunderstanding but it looked like if you were saying it first had to be released by kde18:11
Slartibartfastrunning jaunty already on my desktop and it really looks great18:14
Slartibartfastwith kde 4..218:14
DasKreechSlartibartfast: I was saying whenever it's released bu KDE18:15
DasKreechfollowed by that happened a month ago18:15
DasKreechsolifugus: If you would like to try out KDE 4.2 the link is in the topic18:15
SlartibartfastOK .. Sorry DasKreech, seems i misread your comments18:16
SlartibartfastSeems KDE 4.2 is now also already in the back-ports repostories18:17
Slartibartfastfor 8.1018:17
Rioting_pacifist im getting "0x0000003000009a1a in ?? () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" from gdb, how do i reinstall ld-linux-x86-64.so18:17
deus_Does anybody know in kubuntu how I swich between my usb headset and my boxes? I can see both my soundcard and my headset, but I don't know how to switch to my headset18:31
BluesKajdeus, look in alsamixer, make sure your line out is unmuted18:32
deus_BluesKaj: hm, how do I get there? via the graphical interface or via the command prompt?18:33
BluesKajdeus, type alsamixer in the terminal18:34
jonahhey guys - i've had kubuntu 8.10 for a while now and i want to install on a new computer. but in order to get kde 4.2 do you still have to add the testing repos/launchpad repos etc in and remove 4.1 - it all seems abit messy. is there anywhere i can download an iso of kubuntu which is upto date 8.10 with kde 4.2 and default repos etc?18:35
Daskreech2jonah: I thnk that 4.2 is in packports now18:36
Daskreech2So you should be able to install enable that repo in adept and update18:36
deus_BluesKaj: there is no such thing as 'line out', but there is something that's called 'line'18:36
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jonahDaskreech2, that would be good, if i could install from cd and then it just updated without all these launchpad and testing repos in there. also amarok new version which you currently have to add different repos for18:37
deus_BluesKaj: I think he selects my audio card as output device, but he should use my usb headset18:37
Daskreech2jonah: I don't think that's in backports.18:38
Daskreech2jonah: It's currently at the stage that KDE 4.0 was. Interesting for those who want to use it but shouldn't be given to users who don't expect it18:38
Assurbanipalhi, i am running kubuntu 8,10 with kde 4,2. is there  a way that the "open with" dialog box of firefox shows me the program list instead of getting me to browse through my drive?18:38
BluesKajdeus_, line is usually line out , llok for a seperate line , just to be sure18:39
deus_BluesKaj: 'line' was indeed muted, I increaded the volume of line18:39
BluesKajdeus_ , I meant to say look for a seperate line in18:40
deus_BluesKaj: there is no 'line in'18:40
BluesKajline in is usually unmuted , without a vol ctrl, but not always..depends on the audio card18:40
deus_BluesKaj: when I scroll through the options, I can only see options related to my sound card. Nowhere they mention my logitech *USB*  headset18:41
BluesKajon board soundcard or pci ?18:41
=== Daskreech2 is now known as DasKreech
deus_BluesKaj: on board18:41
BluesKajdeus_, that is probably a seperate issue , did your headset come with a cd /driver for windows ? If so you might find one for linux18:44
deus_BluesKaj: I'm quite sure kubuntu recognizes my headset18:45
deus_at least its listed on the system under audio settings18:45
deus_BluesKaj: all I need to to CHANGE the audio output device from my sound card to my headset18:46
deus_Windows has a very easy option: sound input output devices->set audio device. I suppose there is something similar for kubuntu, isn't there?18:47
BluesKajdeus_ aplay -l , see if the headset is listed18:47
deus_When I look at the kmix mixer, I see 2 tabs: 1. my soundcard for my boxes, and 2. my usb headset. Also aplay -l perfectly displays both my sound card AND my headset18:48
solifugusIs kubuntu 9.04 very usable or bugy?18:50
iulianpojaryou can install kde 4.2 in kubuntu 8.10 , and its very stable18:52
BluesKajdeus_, try this , altho you may need run the command each time you decide to change audio setups: asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard"18:53
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BluesKajdeus_, for your USB set up use the name given in the aplay-l listing and the same goes for your onboard when you want to change back18:54
deus_BluesKaj: well at least the sound is now coming from my headset. You wonder whether ubuntu still lives in the middle ages. why can't you just select this in a menu?18:56
deus_BluesKaj: problem is not yet completely resolved. When I say something, the microphone records this and I can hear my voice on my headphones: not convenient. Furthermore the program teamspeak still thinks there is no headset18:59
BluesKajdeus_, dunno, there maybe a GUI setup for exactly that, but not using USB for sound I haven't relly looked into it ...try google linux or USB sound in adept search and see what comes up .18:59
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leon__hey all, how come gparted sees NOTHING on a disk with Linux partitions on it?19:07
leon__i know they're there cos i'm running off them now!19:07
DasKreechleon__: Maybe it's locked? I always run Gparted from a Live Cd19:08
mandycomo les va19:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:12
mandyhow are you19:12
mandyhi robinr19:13
skoleI need some help. I'm currently in madagascar installing kubuntu on PCs in schools here. But the machiens don't have internett. I need to download a package (libdvdcss) with all its dependencies and put them on a CD. What to do?19:13
DasKreechskole: packages.ubuntu.com19:13
fosco__skole, go to pakcages.ubuntu.com and dowload the package and all its dependencies19:13
DasKreechskole: Once you have them you can put them in the directory /var/cache/apt/archives and then apt-get install them19:15
DasKreechskole: You may want to look into setting up a local repo19:15
mandyespak spanish?19:15
DasKreech!es | mandy19:15
ubottumandy: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:15
skoleok I try19:15
=== kar is now known as palaiokwstas
mandyi need help19:16
jamesjedimastermandy> i suggest you to clear your questions at #ubuntu-mx or kubuntu-es19:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:16
jamesjedimasteri'm on that channles too19:16
mandyplease wait a moment19:17
palaiokwstason fstab i mount an ntfs partition with umask=0022, but mount lists the partition as rw19:17
palaiokwstasalthough, i cannot write19:17
palaiokwstasis just a bug in mount? or i am wrong?19:17
palaiokwstas(is 0022 = ro) ?19:18
skoleA serach returns no packages found. The package in question is libdvdcss219:18
jamesjedimasterpalaiokwstas> do you have the module kernel to write on ntfs?19:19
mandyi need help witk pidgin19:19
palaiokwstasjamesjedimaster: well, i also have mounted another ntfs with umask=007 and am able to write19:20
DasKreechmandy: What do you need ?19:20
DasKreechDoes ntfs care about umaske?19:21
DasKreechskole: It's not on the normal repos19:21
DasKreech!dvd > skole19:21
ubottuskole, please see my private message19:21
palaiokwstasDasKreech: 007 - i can write, 0022 i cannot, i suppose it cares. although, when i type mount i see in both partitions "rw"19:22
jamesjedimasterpalaiokwstas: did you install ntfs-config?19:23
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cj__so i'm having a hard time getting icons on my desktop. it always comes out as a black dot. how do i fix this?19:23
=== Galactica is now known as Reyz
jamesjedimasterpalaiokwstas: open ntfs config tool in Applications>System Tools and enable read/write support for internal volumes.19:24
palaiokwstasthank you jamesjedimaster, ill try19:24
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=== Syed is now known as Zyed
jamesjedimasterpalaiokwstas: another thing: 022 only the owner can write on ntfs19:27
DasKreechcj__: Which KDE ?19:27
mandyalguien me puede ayudar con pidgin?19:27
DasKreechmandy: escribo /join #ubuntu-es19:27
=== maco_ is now known as maco
jamesjedimastermandy> post your question or post it in spanish at #ubuntu-es19:28
DasKreechok I think mandy is ok now19:29
DasKreechcj__: open Konqueror and go help -> about KDE19:29
DasKreechWhat do you want on the Desktop ?19:30
cj__firefox or what ever shortcut i might need19:31
DasKreechOk Do you have files in the Desktop Directory you want? or you would just like those launchers ?19:31
cj__just the launchers19:32
DasKreechOk one second let me try something19:32
cj__I've been using ubuntu 8.04 for the last year and I'm trying to learn this to swap them out19:33
DasKreechHmm I know how I do it but there should be an easier way ...19:34
norenhi all19:35
DasKreechhi noren19:35
DasKreechcj__: ok Looks like a .desktop file works best19:36
norenDasKreech: in screen saver ssetting how can i add more screen saver  i am not getting that option19:36
DasKreechnoren: Don't know if that option is there. I think screensavers aren't installed by default look for the screensavers package19:36
skoleHow can I download libdvdcss2 and all its dependencies and sub-dependencies?19:37
DasKreechcj__: I can just drag the Firefox executabe there but then I don't get a pretty firefox icon19:37
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:37
norenskole: apt get install19:37
DasKreechskole: ^^^^19:37
cj__so it sounds like I may just have to leave it where it is or do the .desktop file19:38
skoleBut I need to put all those packages on a CD. Im going to install all of this on computers in africa without internet19:38
DasKreechcj__: can you try something for me?19:39
DasKreechYou have kickoff?19:39
DasKreechthe default KDE 4 menu?19:39
cj__not sure19:39
DasKreechWiththe tabs and the search bar at the top19:39
cj__i believe so. It looks like you described19:40
norenDasKreech: if i could increase my web surfing speed in konqueror ??19:41
DasKreechcj__: drag somethign from ther to the desktop19:41
DasKreechnoren: ha ha Similar discussion going on in #kubuntu-devel if you want to join it19:42
cj__all it does is leave the little black dot. I can resize it or x it out but thats it. I cant use it to connect19:42
norenlemme check19:43
jonahDaskreech2, ok cool so i don't have to add any repos if i install fresh now, i can just tick the extras in software sources and bang, kde 4.2!!??19:47
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DasKreechcj__: Hmm ok19:49
DasKreechalt+F2 -> dolphin /usr/bin19:49
DasKreechcj__: actaully19:51
DasKreechYou get a black dot?19:51
DasKreechWhat happens when you resize it?19:51
norenDasKreech: no    help thre19:52
DasKreechah well I don't know of any personal tips to get it faster19:53
DasKreechWebkit should help but that's still buggy19:53
DasKreechmaybe try !opera  ?19:53
cj__when I resize it the black dot just gets bigger. Doesnt change outside that though19:53
DasKreechcj__: Werid19:54
DasKreechI get a button with icon and everythign19:54
cj__I'm reading the basics right now. I think I'm on a good track to figuring this thing out.19:55
DasKreechcj__: try remove the launcher add it back19:55
cj__you mean delete the black dot and do it again? I've done that a number of times with the same result19:56
DasKreechcj__: No delete the Appication menu19:56
cj__oic. Like delete firefox and reinstall it?19:56
DasKreechcj__: No19:57
DasKreechHa ha ok lets try this a simpler way19:57
DasKreechright click and create a new panel19:57
cj__sorry man. still new to this19:57
DasKreechright click on the panel and add widgets19:57
DasKreechfilter for lance19:57
DasKreechadd the lancelot menu19:57
DasKreechlet me know when you have done tat19:58
cj__ok. I opened the new panel then went to add widgets but its not showing a lancelot menu when i search for it20:01
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cj__i do have some application launchers. would that help?20:02
yoktoHi i've tried updateing to kde 4.2 from the ppa experimental repo. but it doesn't work because there are important packages missing for instance kdebase-runtime. or did i miss some thing?20:02
DasKreechcj__: Sure.. the first one20:02
DasKreechyokto: no just try installing that one by itself20:02
DasKreechyokto: Or do a dist-upgrade instead of a normal upgrade20:03
deus_BluesKaj: thnx for your help with the usb headset20:03
DasKreechcj__: try pulling from that one instead20:03
deus_still not fixed, but a bit closer to what I want20:03
DasKreechcj__: You should have a lancelot though I wonder if yo uhave 4.2 widgets20:03
cj__i'll see if there are any updates i'm missing. its the only thing I can think of. I'm going to go through the tutorial20:04
yoktoyea i tried that of course but the problem is aptitude doesn't find a >=kdebase-runtime-4.1.96 there is only 4.1.420:04
cj__thanks for your help20:04
DasKreechyokto: woah That's a problem :) you did sudo apt-get update of course?20:05
yoktoi looked through the package list manually and i couldn't find it either20:06
skoleIs it possible to list up all the packages a package needs to run (dependencies) with all the sub-dependencies?20:06
DasKreechskole: yes20:07
DasKreechyokto: let me see your sources.list20:07
DasKreechskole: apt-cache depends <package>20:07
yoktocat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep ppa20:07
yoktodeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main20:07
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DasKreechskole: man apt-cache it should be useful20:07
DasKreechyokto: you can just grep ppa /etc/apt/sources.list :)20:08
yoktoyes true20:08
DasKreechapt-cache policy kdebase-runtime20:09
DasKreechWhich repo is it coming from ?20:10
yoktoperhaps it helps when i say that i use 64 bit20:10
mandyhi i need help with kopete20:10
yoktoyes it doesn't show up but kmail 4.2 shows up if i do the same thing with kmail20:11
DasKreechmandy: hi :)20:11
DasKreechyokto: Umm try enabling backports on the sources and see what that does20:12
giarcaUbufox is useful or not? (Ubuntu Firefox extension)20:13
DasKreechgiarca: On Kubuntu? no20:13
giarcaDasKreech: I love that no20:14
giarcago erase20:14
DasKreechIf you have Gnome installed on Ubuntu and you use firefox it's useful20:14
yoktoI think it's just not there lock for your self20:14
yoktowget http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/main/binary-amd64/Packages20:14
DasKreechother than that it's not20:14
yoktogrep "Package: kdebase-runtime" Packages20:14
DasKreechyokto: Ok can you jump to #kubuntu-devel and inform them?20:15
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yoktook you where right they said it's in the backports20:26
yoktohow do i activate that?20:26
DasKreechopen adept click on sources  -> Edit Software sources -> updates -> backports20:29
yoktoits not there there s only important security, recommended, pre-released, unsupported20:32
DasKreechHmm hold on :)20:32
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:34
DasKreechyokto: it's unsupported updates20:35
yoktook now i works thank you very much20:37
DasKreechyokto: Cool20:39
DasKreech!hi | sinep20:41
ubottusinep: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:41
sinepI am having a problem with Amarok
sinepI do not know what name Amarok's GUI has for its elements, but they are not displaying at all.20:42
sinepThe three columns are not there at all.20:43
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DasKreechthree coloumns?20:43
sinepCollection(and some other options)\Trac Information\Playlist20:44
sinepThe play bar at the top is the only visible element20:44
DasKreechsinep: Ah I'm totally out of Amarok mind space right now20:44
DasKreechMaybe ask in #amarok ?20:44
sinepAh, ok. Thanks. ^_^20:45
sinepWhen I figure it out, I will let you know in case this isn't an individual case.20:45
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sinepAch, Konversation. :p20:46
norenbye guys20:49
sinep#amarok appears dead. I guess I will go back to google. :) Later.20:50
norensinep: what is the prob i am using amarok20:51
glow_wolfHow ddo you setup a 56k dialup account in 8.10 with out a internet connection21:05
anuphhi anybody  here 2 be my friend21:06
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up21:06
DasKreech!ot | anup21:06
ubottuanup: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:06
anupi'm a    completely new  user 2 linux21:06
DasKreechanup: Welcome to Kubuntu and Linux!21:07
lcampagnI can't install kubuntu-desktop in 8.10 (using ppa repos):  "phonon-backend-xine: Conflicts: kde-icons-oxygen (< 4:4.1.73) but 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 is to be installed"21:07
lcampagnAnybody else seeing this?21:07
StR|Sangrealpls where are the wallpaper files downloaded from kde-look stored by default?21:08
AimoParrulcampagn: You should enable Unsupported updates21:12
AimoParruEdit software sources -> Updates -> Unsupported sources21:12
AimoParruEdit software sources -> Updates -> Unsupported updates21:13
lcampagnHM! What's that look like in apt/sources.list?21:13
lcampagnIt's a pretty bare system right now21:13
lcampagnI've got the PPA repo and deb http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted universe multiverse21:14
AimoParruhmm. good question21:15
lcampagn..maybe intrepid-updates? I'll try that.21:15
AimoParrubackports i thinks21:16
AimoParrubackports i think21:16
AimoParrudeb http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports restricted main multiverse universe21:16
lcampagncool, backports seems to have fixed it. Thanks very much!21:18
AimoParruYou're welcome21:18
lcampagnSeems like that would be useful to have on the kubuntu announcement for KDE4.2? Unless I'm just blind and it's already there..21:19
chairmancan i sync my blackberry curve 8330 on kubuntu21:25
ubuntu__Alguiien que hable español?21:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:28
woozleIs printing supposed to be working in ku9 Alpha 4? Or is that still in progress?21:29
anuphow dod iknow my KDE version21:33
anupplease tell me21:33
lcampagnIn almost any KDE application, you can look under Help -> About KDE21:34
wrinkliezi wish theyd get rid of the dragon :/21:34
musicalhi folks!21:35
AimoParrulcampagn: Did you mean the backports thing by announcement?21:35
cuznt"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself." - Mark Twain21:36
musicala question: Im using kubuntu 8.1, Dolphin and Konqueror have suddenly slowed to a crawl! Thunar works normally. Any ideas?21:36
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compilerwriterI seem to have a perpetually minimized window showing in my destop switcher any ideas on how to bring it forward so that I can close it.  Restarting X doesn't seem to work.21:41
enhazedcould someone help me with configuring internet connection sharing from ubuntu 8.10 to win xp via wlan? Thank you...21:42
enhazedcouldn't find anything that works via google so this is my last resort :)21:43
musicalenhazed: are you using DSL ?21:49
enhazedno, net comes in through lan21:49
musicalwell a small switch would allow you to add on as many computers as the switch has ports21:50
musicallan to switch - switch to other puters21:50
tutti_hello everybody21:52
musicalif you get your ip adresses via DHCP, its even easier21:52
JampiterThis image shows more than one pack in KDE Wallpaper http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/KDE_4.png . Are these available on the internet?21:52
JampiterI do not have them21:52
musicalhope this helps, enhazed21:53
enhazedwell, i'll try to read up on some more documentation and if it doesn't work i'll be back with questions, i guess. thanks :)21:53
musicalIm experiencing a problem. Im using kubuntu 8.1. Dolphin and/or Konqueror have suddenly slowed to a crawl! Thunar works normally. Any ideas?21:55
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julioboa tarde22:11
JampiterThis image shows more than one pack in KDE Wallpaper http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/KDE_4.png . Are these available on the internet?22:15
julioestou configurando o KNetworkManager e não estou encontrando Configure Dial-Up Connections...'.22:17
julioalguem pode me ajudar22:17
jussi01julio: english only please22:19
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:19
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:19
jussi01(can never make out the difference...)22:19
macojussi01: see that a with a ~ on top? those dont happen in spanish22:20
juliosorry, idont speak english22:20
macojussi01: only n's get that (ñ) so if you see it on any other letter, it's portuguese22:21
jussi01maco: ahh, thnnks :)22:21
jussi01!pt | julio22:21
ubottujulio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:21
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macoi assume obrigado = arigatou22:22
javituneshey noob here22:22
javituneshow this work?????22:22
macoyou ask questions, people who can answer and are at their computers do so22:22
macowhen you get good at it, you become an answer-giver22:22
javitunesthx for the first answers22:23
javitunescan i install cod 2 on kubuntu?22:24
yao_ziyuancan anyone with kde3 help me comple and make a deb package for qtcuve/kde3 at http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=40492 ?22:38
StR|Sangrealpls what do i need to enable google gadgets in plasma?22:39
v6lurhi. when trying to send a note to another kubuntu machine on lan, knotes says: "Communication error: connection actively refused"22:46
v6lurhow can i send the note?22:46
v6lur(kubuntu 8.04, kde 3.5.10)22:52
yao_ziyuanis anyone using kde3?22:59
yao_ziyuandrbobb: can you help me compile a kde3 style?23:00
drbobbnever done that.23:00
yao_ziyuandrbobb: i can teach you step by step23:01
drbobbso why ask me for help?23:01
StR|Sangreal!flood | drbobb23:02
ubottudrbobb: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)23:02
StR|Sangrealoh sry, wrong window23:02
StR|Sangrealpls accept my apology23:03
yao_ziyuandrbobb: because i can't install kde3 dev packages23:04
drbobbwhy can't you?23:04
yao_ziyuandrbobb: i'm in kubuntu 8.10 and it no longer provides kde3/qt3 dev packages23:05
yao_ziyuanwhich are required to compile kde3/qt3 apps23:05
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Guest95789hi, i have a problem installing opera, can somebody help me please,look, thanks http://pastebin.com/d269ca40e23:06
drbobbso install 8.04 in virtualbox (for instance)23:06
xainHello everyone.23:07
claydohyao_ziyuan: not true, I compile kmymoney2 (kde3 app) in 8.1023:07
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yao_ziyuanclaydoh: how did you install kde3 dev packages?23:07
xainIs it possible to increase the performance of the Intel 945gma chipset?23:07
yao_ziyuandrbobb: ok if you don't help me...23:08
drbobbsorry but the time i have to spare isn't so excessive23:08
HappySmileManAnyone know of any ways to reduce RAM usage on Kubuntu, like any unnecessary services or something... I have 512MB RAM and am pretty much constantly using like 4-500MB of swap, it gets incredibly slow to use my comp with Firefox23:09
Guest95789hi, i have a problem installing opera, can somebody help me please,look, thanks http://pastebin.com/d269ca40e23:09
claydohyao_ziyuan: the main package is kdelibs4-dev don't  let the '4' fool  you23:09
zer0oany idea how to get rid of wga on vista?23:10
zer0osorry, that was offtopic...23:10
yao_ziyuanclaydoh: i realized something else so i close this topic now23:10
drbobbHappySmileMan: get some more RAM for your box, you'll be glad you did23:18
olskolirchey can anyone tell me how I can go back to my kubuntu boot up splash stuff?  I'm stuck with this mythbuntu when i boot down and boot up.  I uninstalled mythbuntu-desktop but its still in the sessions menu.  I'm on Intrepid23:35
bobosodoes anyone know of any data recovery software that works well?23:43
PSiL0!kubuntu | zer0o23:46
ubottuzer0o: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE23:46
PSiL0there's the fix for vista wga ^^23:46
olskolirchow do i go back to my kubuntu boot up splashes23:47
wildbatboboso: easy recovery ? ;p23:47
PSiL0olskolirc: alt-f2->"login manager"->(4)Themes23:49
olskolircwhat is the (4)23:49
olskolircgot it thanks PSiL023:50
olskolircno not that screen PSiL0 I'm talking about the one that makes you wait while the meter boots over - its stuck on mythbuntu how do i get it back to Kubuntu23:51
PSiL0olskolirc: Oh, that.... hmm, good question.. I don't know the answer to that one..23:52
olskolirchow do I take the mythbuntu out of my selected sessions at the login screen PSiL0 ?  I uninstalled mythbuntu-desktop and even the entry is still there23:53
PSiL0olskolirc: Since I never used mythbuntu, I cannot say that I can be any of help, sorry..23:54
StR|Sangrealpls where are downloaded wallpapers located by default?23:58
olskolirc/usr/share/wallpaper StR|Sangreal23:59

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