
pooliei have some strange behaviour in malone01:40
pooliebug 332960 is a duplicate of bug 33311001:40
ubottuBug 332960 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/332960 is private01:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333110 in usb-creator "stupid illegible "Installation Failed" dialog box" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33311001:40
pooliebut this is not shown on the page of bug 33311001:40
wgrantpoolie: Can you see 332960?01:41
poolieand the web site says it's public01:41
wgrantBug 33296001:44
ubottuBug 332960 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/332960 is private01:44
wgrantI can wget +text fine...01:45
MTecknologybug 333988 got fixed but hasn't been pushed yet01:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333988 in launchpad-bazaar "Duplicate Projects Listed" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33398801:49
MTecknologywrong chan, sorry01:49
mwhudsonMTecknology: right01:49
mwhudsonpoolie: i don't see any evidence that bug 332960 is a duplicate of bug 33311001:49
MTecknologyI meant to put that in that ^ channel01:49
ubottuBug 332960 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/332960 is private01:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333110 in usb-creator "stupid illegible "Installation Failed" dialog box" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33311001:49
mwhudson332960 is a dup of 331327 though01:50
pooliewow, in place title editing!01:51
MTecknologymwhudson: It gets confusing - http://www.petaimg.com/uploads/1235610957.png01:51
poolieMTecknology: "invalid"01:52
poolieok i see01:53
poolieso the problem here is that 332960 is public, but it's a dupe of a private bug01:53
pooliethat being bug 33132701:54
ubottuBug 331327 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/331327 is private01:54
pooliemwhudson: anyhow i filed bug 33413002:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334130 in malone "misbehaviour in marking duplicates of a private bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33413002:01
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MTecknologyspm: how annoying am I getting?02:40
spmMTecknology: you need to work much harder at being annoying ;-)02:41
spmMTecknology: I think I've just finished all the stuff you wanted in 62115 btw02:41
MTecknologythanks for taking care of all that junk for me :)02:43
spmMTecknology: I've had to support windows users in the past. trust me, you aren't a patch on them for sheer irritation/annoyance/wish-that-murder-wasn't-illegal factor. :-)02:44
spmMTecknology: "({)" ? am not familiar with that one, and feeling too full from lunch/pizza to chase down :-)02:47
MTecknologyspm: emiticon(MSN) - hug02:48
wgrantI thought that was rather ironic, actually.02:49
spmahhh. thank you! :-)02:49
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MTecknologywgrant: I know, it felt funny02:49
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MFencprov: i haven't tried the copy API, and i'm not having problems with the UI. but the wording of the API is kindof weird and not what i was expecting03:39
MFenin particular it reads as if it will always copy the source, but the ui will not let me copy the source in a such a way03:39
cprovMFen: copySource() ?03:40
cprovMFen: err, sorry, it's called syncSource()03:41
cprovMFen: API will fail on source-only (rebuild) copies in the same way API does.03:43
cprovin the same way WEB UI does, actually03:44
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MFencprov: ok, so source AND binary copies are ok?03:49
MFeni usually do binary copies without source03:49
cprovMFen: source-only (rebuilds) are also OK between different archives.03:50
cprovMFen: bin-only copies are not possible03:50
cprovMFen: you have to carry the source reference across suites and archives.03:50
MFenin the ui i just check the binary package to copy and say copy03:51
savvaswhat does the bomb icon mean? http://ppa.launchpad.net/medigeek/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/b/03:52
lifelesssavvas: its apaches default icon for a 'core file', which its mistakenly identifying that file as03:53
savvaslifeless: I think I removed that source file, I thought it meant a crash or something - thanks for the tip :)03:54
MFenit means apache has identified you as a terrorist03:55
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savvasthat's right - fear me! heh :)03:57
iShockHi, I know I had a launchpad account, because I ordered Ubuntu CDs with it, however, I'm no longer sure which e-mail I used, and are they case-sensitive?04:19
spmiShock: emails are not case-sensitive - I think is the question you're asking. ???04:29
iShockPartially, but I remembered the e-mail04:29
ovnicrafthi, anyone knows why launchpad support Other/Proprietary in type license?05:11
poolieovnicraft: launchpad offers commercial hosting for proprietary projects05:12
ovnicraftpoolie, yes i am reading now.. thx05:14
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MTecknologyDid anyone ever think about a feature to keep track of a users max karma?07:12
MTecknologyso if they work hard for a year, then walk away for a year, it's not magically gone07:13
MTecknologyor should that be a feature request?07:13
MTecknologyhi barry maybe you know - I asked this right before you came in07:15
MTecknologyDid anyone ever think about a feature to keep track of a users max karma?07:15
MTecknologyJanC: what's with the constant join/part?07:16
BjornTMTecknology: you mean somehow show that a user had a lot of karma before, even though he hasn't much now?07:19
MTecknologyBjornT: ya07:19
BjornTMTecknology: that's a nice idea, but i suspect it's quite hard to actually do due to karma normalization. for example, i once had millions of karma points; something that is probably impossible to get today.07:22
MTecknologyBjornT: it just sucks that a year after being inactive, you get 007:24
MTecknologyBjornT: I had an awesome idea..... but it would probably take a while to impliment, that max would be easy07:27
MTecknologya graph - the way stocks are done07:27
BjornTMTecknology: yeah, that's true. i guess bug 287625 is more or less what you want.07:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287625 in launchpad-registry "feature request: karma timeline / chart" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28762507:28
MTecknologyheh - brainstorm.u.c uses drupal too? wow07:33
MTecknologyBjornT: I added a solution to that - that was exactly what I meant :)07:40
=== BjornT changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: BjornT | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
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KIAazewhat do I have to do to be able to push to my bzr branch from another PC?11:26
KIAazeI used bzr launchpad-login , but I get an error when trying to push11:27
KIAazeprocess_config_line: Unimplemented opcode 211:27
KIAazebzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)11:27
juanjeKIAaze: do you have uploaded the public ssh key for this other pc?11:33
savvasKIAaze: post at www.pastebin.com the output of this command: ssh -v yourusername@bazaar.launchpad.net (where yourusername is your launchpad username)12:04
savvasKIAaze: or don't, for privacy reasons :)12:06
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KIAazeno, I haven't uploaded the public ssh key yet12:17
KIAazeit's been a long time since I set up my launchpad account12:17
KIAazeforgot how to do it. But I'll google12:17
beunoKIAaze, https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys12:19
KIAazeif I already have a id_rsa.pub for another server, can I use it for launchpad too?12:22
KIAazeor is this unsafe?12:22
beunoKIAaze, it's perfectly safe to use your ssh key in as many places as you like12:24
KIAazeok, thx12:25
wgrantbeuno: You mean the public key, I hope.12:25
beunowgrant, of course I do  :)12:25
wgrantIt wasn't entirely obvious, and it's a really bad thing to be ambiguous about.12:25
beunosure, paranoia es healthy to some extent12:26
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KIAazeis there also a way to change the names of public keys for security reasons?12:39
KIAazeinstead of user@host12:39
kikoKIAaze, you can just edit the key file12:40
LarstiQthat's determined by how your key is generated, but I'm willing to bet it is purely descriptive12:40
LarstiQwhat kiko said12:41
KIAazemmh, still not working12:46
KIAazeprocess_config_line: Unimplemented opcode 212:46
KIAazebzr: broken pipe12:46
KIAazeredid bzr launchpad-login and now I get the same error message again:12:50
KIAazeprocess_config_line: Unimplemented opcode 212:50
KIAazebzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)12:50
KIAazewhere is  -Dhpss supposed to be used?12:50
KIAazecould it have something to do with the real name linked to the user@host in "bzr whoami"?12:52
KIAazeprocess_config_line: Unimplemented opcode 212:57
KIAazebzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)12:57
KIAazeHPSS calls: 1 <bzrlib.smart.medium.SmartSSHClientMedium object at 0xeea050>12:57
beunoKIAaze, so are you doing:  bzr launchpad-login YOURLAUNCHPADUSERNAME?12:57
beunook, can you try doing:  ssh username@bazaar.launchpad.net12:58
KIAazessh worked12:59
beunotry adding to ~/.ssh/config13:01
beunoHost bazaar.launchpad.net13:01
beuno     User yourusername13:01
beunothose two lines13:01
juanjeKIAaze:  Also, could be a good idea to put in your "~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf":13:04
juanjelaunchpad_username = juanje13:04
juanjeyour username13:04
juanjelaunchpada username13:05
KIAazestill not working :(13:06
KIAazebazaar.conf already contained my username13:06
KIAazeI can't even use bzr branch13:06
KIAazesame error message13:06
LarstiQKIAaze: coud you pastebin the output of where you get the Unimplemeneted opcode, but with -Derror -Dhpss added to t ecommandline?13:07
LarstiQKIAaze: ie, bzr -Derror -Dhpss branch foo13:07
juanjeKIAaze: a simple "bzr branch lp:something" doesn't work?13:08
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KIAazeit worked before I used launchpad-login13:08
LarstiQright, that makes sense13:09
juanjeKIAaze: and if you try with: bzr branch bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/PATHTOTHEBRANCH  ?13:09
juanjeKIAaze: so before the login was working and now not.... interesting...13:10
KIAazewell, yes, anonymous checkout worked basically13:10
LarstiQjuanje: before login it uses http, not ssh13:10
juanjeLarstiQ: that's true13:11
LarstiQKIAaze: the proces_config_line seems to come from OpenSSH13:12
juanjebut I got somtimes problem with lp:foo and then http:// or bzr+ssh:// did work13:12
LarstiQKIAaze: do you have a non-standard openssh config?13:12
KIAazeI'm not sure13:12
KIAazeI'm on openSUSE 10.313:13
KIAaze[3][~]$  ssh -v13:14
KIAazeOpenSSH_5.1p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8e 23 Feb 200713:14
juanjeKIAaze: this is kind a random thought but... are you on your ~/.ssh directory? (seems so at the pastebin) could be the problem the pemissions there? (probably not, but...)13:14
KIAazethat's when I posted on the pastebin13:14
KIAazeI tried in a normal directory before, but thought that maybe using the same terminal would change something13:15
geseris the data displayed on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+builds accessible from the LP API? I see in the API doc that there are "build" object with the data I'm interested in, but I'm still looking how to get there13:16
beunobigjools, cprov, ^13:17
kikogeser, yeah, it should be since last week13:18
cprovgeser: it's not exposed in the API in the same way it's in the way the UI yet, i.e you can't get builds for Ubuntu or Jaunty.13:19
KIAazeit worked13:19
KIAazeyes, there was something wrong with the ssh binary13:19
JanC_MTecknology: flaky ADSL connection  :-(13:20
cprovgeser: you have to get the ubuntu primary archive, select a source publication and then call getBuilds() on it.13:20
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gesercprov: thanks, I'll try it out. I'm trying to get http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ use the LP API instead of screen scraping13:22
cprovgeser: I see, It won't be sane before we export something like 'jaunty.getBuildRecords(status=FAILED)'13:24
gesercprov: do I understand the docs correctly that I can with archive.getPublishedSources(disto_series = "jaunty" (or the object for it), status = "published") get a list of published sources for jaunty?13:24
cprovgeser: yup, that's correct and huge ;)13:25
geserand then iterate over this list to get the build records13:25
geserhmm, I guess the screen scraping is probably faster than going through the LP API13:25
LarstiQKIAaze: how did you fix it?13:26
cprovgeser: right, that's my impression, too :( But we could export the bits you need very quickly (this week) in edge for you.13:27
KIAazeI installed ssh from source without X forwarding13:27
juanjekiko: hi. do you have a minute to talk about our (for Guadalinex) distro request?13:27
KIAazeso I just replaced the binary with the old one I had backed up13:27
gesercprov: thanks. Should I open a bug for it?13:27
LarstiQKIAaze: ah ok13:27
KIAazebut why would bzr require X forwarding?13:28
LarstiQKIAaze: it doesn't afaik13:28
cprovgeser: yes, please, open a bug and we will find someone to get it done very soon for you.13:28
LarstiQKIAaze: but it would explain the unimplemented opcode13:28
KIAazeopcode=options code?13:29
* LarstiQ wonders how to figure out what causes that.13:29
LarstiQKIAaze: no, more like an instruction13:29
LarstiQKIAaze: an opcode for a cpu would be "add two numbers together"13:29
LarstiQKIAaze: could you confirm you get the same error if you try to ssh manually and request X forwarding?13:30
gesercprov: what's the right project to file bug for?13:32
cprovgeser: soyuz13:32
KIAazeworks: http://pastebin.com/d3a10ee4f13:32
LarstiQKIAaze: hmmm.13:33
KIAazeit was with the standard ssh of course13:34
KIAazethe one I compiled doesn't work with -X13:34
LarstiQsince your modified binary doesn't include -X?13:34
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KIAazeok, managed to get an ssh without X11 and working bzr ;)14:44
LarstiQKIAaze: how does it differ from before?14:45
KIAazeit has the missing opcode14:45
KIAazethere was no disable-X11 option in configure, so I hacked the code myself14:46
KIAazenow I did it the right way14:46
LarstiQhah :)14:47
LarstiQKIAaze: still, it would be nice to find out what tries to use X forwarding in bzr so we can get rid of that dependency14:47
KIAazeit might be because it reads an ssh config file14:48
KIAazethe opcode stuff is in readconf.c from the openssh source package14:48
LarstiQeek, you can get that just by reading the config file?14:49
KIAazethere's a switch(opcode) statement14:49
KIAazeI think I just commented out the cases for forwardX11 last time (didn't have the modified source anymore)14:50
KIAazethis might have caused the opcode error if the ssh conf file contained a forwardX11= statement14:50
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MTecknologyJanC: that sucks16:08
savvasin case a launchpad bug is "won't fix", and other people came afterwards and really wish for it to be reconsidered and fixed, can I set it back to new? bug 27368816:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273688 in loggerhead "loggerhead - doesn't detect new line" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27368816:14
smmorning all.. is there a feed for blueprints ?16:15
mptsavvas, the meaning of "Won't Fix" depends on the project, so it would be better to ask the project's maintainer or QA team16:16
savvasmpt: you mean to ask on answers.launchpad.net/launchpad ?16:17
mptsavvas, oh, I thought you were referring to a bug in loggerhead, I didn't realize it was a bug in Launchpad itself.16:21
beunosavvas, as I said in the bug, the breaks the layout16:22
beunoso fixing it in the way proposed, isn't an option16:22
savvasbeuno: ok, thanks - I was about to highlight your nick :)16:23
beunosavvas, I'll try to explain better why it breaks16:23
beunoin the bug16:23
savvasI'd be grateful :)16:24
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mptBjornT, there's an unhappy indirect subscriber in bug 48860, maybe you could spare time to help him17:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 48860 in malone ""Also notified" makes difficult to unsubscribe" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4886017:14
javaJakeLaunchpad is timing out on me: "(Error ID: OOPS-1152H2074)"17:16
* javaJake realizes that the entire site is timing out, so he sits tight and waits for the storm to pass.17:24
javaJakeNvm, just that bug :P17:25
BjornTmpt: i'll see if i can help him17:42
apwhas anyone been complaining about update performance18:18
apwfor some bugs i've been seeing it take up to 40s to load a bug18:18
apwsomewhere in the range of 10s right now, that seems pretty slow18:19
BjornTapw: is it better now? which bugs are you looking now. the one i tested took around 2 seconds to load.18:56
=== BjornT changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
apwBjornT, yeah its looking much better now, 2s ish18:57
tgm4883on bug reports, what populates the "also notified" list?19:06
tgm4883I don't know if there is a policy on what to do here, but a user posted his launchpad login info in a bug comment19:18
kikotgm4883, it's already on the mailing lists.19:18
tgm4883kiko, I don't follow, the login info or the policy?19:19
kikothe bug comment :)19:19
javaJakeIs anyone else able to load this page? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/17389019:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install due to md5sum mismatch" [High,Fix released]19:19
javaJakeOh, good, it's loading19:20
javaJakeIt's just taking unbelievably long to do it19:20
intellectronicajavaJake: works fine for me. what's the problem?19:20
tgm4883kiko, so it's being discused then?19:20
kikotgm4883, no, it's just too late to do anything useful about it19:20
javaJakeintellectronica: slow loading times. Launchpad complained of timeouts earlier today19:21
javaJakeintellectronica: I may still get an error, give me another few seconds...19:21
javaJakeYep, Timeout: "(Error ID: OOPS-1152F2268)"19:21
intellectronicajavaJake: yeah, it's one of those ultra-popular bugs, and they do take a bit longer to render. should improve considerably after thursday's release - we've done some work on optimizing that this cycle19:21
javaJakeThis is after trying to submit changes to that bug19:22
intellectronicajavaJake: are you using edge or the normal server? i'll only be able to see the oops in a few minutes19:22
javaJakeintellectronica: normal server19:22
javaJakeintellectronica: it appears after ~20 seconds19:22
javaJakeI can wait :)19:23
intellectronicajavaJake: right, so i can imagine that it times out a lot for you. everything will be much better after the release (or you can join our beta team and start using new versions before everyone else :)19:24
javaJakeI'll join the beta team! :P19:24
javaJakeI don't mind testing and bug reporting (that's why I'm here)19:24
javaJakeIs it a "commitment" or is it a simple checkbox?19:25
intellectronicajavaJake: excellent! if you join the team now i can make sure you're accepted immediately so it would be ineresting to see if it improves for you19:25
intellectronicajavaJake: i don't understand the question19:25
javaJakeWell, I don't want to be someone who joins in and then doesn't give anything back.19:26
javaJakeI forsee some lengths of time in which I won't be using Launchpad actively.19:26
intellectronicajavaJake: no requirements from you, other than to report problems when you can19:26
javaJakeSo as long as you don't mind members who are periodically idle...19:26
javaJakeOK, sounds good to me then :)19:26
javaJakeHow do I join up?19:27
javaJakehttps://launchpad.net/~launchpad-beta-testers ?19:27
intellectronicajavaJake: ping me when you've requested to join19:30
javaJakeintellectronica: blast, join page timed out19:31
javaJakejk, joined. ;)19:31
intellectronicajavaJake: approved19:31
intellectronicatry that bug page now, let's see if it works better for you19:31
javaJakeInteresting. edge.launchpad.net will not allow me to edit the status, while stable allows me. This must be an upcoming change in permissions.19:34
intellectronicareally?! i can't think of any relevant change. are you logged in?19:35
javaJakeHeh, no. I just realized that and switched to my IRC client to tell you. :>19:35
javaJakeintellectronica: it works. All's well!19:38
intellectronicajavaJake: great!19:38
Adri2000when a branch is linked to a bug, where do I change the status of it, like "fix available"?19:40
javaJakeOne last thing I'd like to ask (as I read the beta-tester page one last time before closing) is: does my "real name" in my profile have to be a real name? Can it be my alias (Jacob Godserv) instead?19:41
javaJakeProfile page: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~fun2program819:42
intellectronicajavaJake: we'd rather you used your real name, because we feel it contributes to the cultivation of a better community, but iirc that is no longer a requirement19:46
javaJakeOK, thanks.19:48
Adri2000https://code.launchpad.net/~adri2000/merge-o-matic/dev/+merge/572 there if you look at the linked bug reports, it says "fix available" but I'm unable to change it19:49
Adri2000and it seems it isn't shown (anymore) on the branch page itself and on the bug page19:49
intellectronicarockstar: maybe you know what's going on here? ^^^19:51
rockstarAdri2000, I see that linkage on bug page.19:52
rockstar...and on the branch page.19:52
Adri2000I do as well19:52
Adri2000but I don't see "fix available"19:52
rockstarAdri2000, ah, I see.  Yes, we removed the ability to change that.  I think it should also be removed from the merge proposal page.19:53
rockstarAdri2000, don't you think Fix Available is rather redundant?  "Here's a branch with the fix.  Also, there is a fix available."  :)19:59
Adri2000wasn't there also "best fix available" and others I don't remember?20:02
rockstarAdri2000, yeah, but if you don't think you have the best fix, then why are you working on it.  :)20:02
rockstarAdri2000, we just need less things with their own status.  Bugs have a status, branches have a status, bug-branch linkages don't need a status.20:03
rockstarIt can be deduced by looking at the bug and branch statuses (stati?)20:04
Adri2000yeah, actually I don't care that much, just wondered why it disappeared from some pages and I wasn't able to change it :)20:05
=== Kilin is now known as kilin
calccan i make sub repos in code.l.n?21:06
calceg lp:~openoffice-pkgs/openoffice/subrepo/branch ?21:07
calcsince bzr won't let me do a partial branch checkout my repo will otherwise get very messy21:07
mwhudsoncalc: nope21:08
MTecknologywhat is a super project?21:08
mwhudsonMTecknology: same thing as a project group, like launchpad.net/mysql21:08
calchmm you can put a / in the project name which halfway achieves what i want but it doesn't have a way hide detail of the projects21:10
MTecknologymwhudson: what changes with it?21:17
mwhudsonMTecknology: i don't understand sorry21:17
MTecknologymwhudson: Metcalfe suggested I see if I can have ubuntu-drupal turned into a super project.21:18
mwhudsona super project/project group is a container for other projects21:18
MTecknologymwhudson: Is there anything I'd need to change to have ubuntu-drupal changed to a super project?21:19
mwhudsonwell, i don't think you can convert a project into a project group21:19
mwhudsonyou'd have to get a project group created, add your project to it21:19
mwhudsonand then probably rename things around to suit21:19
MTecknologymwhudson: so rename ubuntu-drupal to ubuntu-drupal-releases, then have an ubuntu-drupal superproject created?21:20
mwhudsonsomething like that21:20
MTecknologymwhudson: then the owner for the projects would become the super project?21:21
mwhudsonMTecknology: not owner, in the edit details of the project there's a field where you can set the containing project group21:22
MTecknologymwhudson: would it make more sense to have ubutnu-drupal the super project or create it as ubuntu-drupal-project?21:25
MTecknologyI'm guessing the first?21:25
mwhudsoni can'21:25
mwhudsont answer that  for you21:25
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=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is going down from 00:00 UTC until 01:00 UTC for a code update |https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
wgrantmwhudson: LP's Loggerhead confuses me.22:47
wgrantIt is reporting unknown revisions (in a strange way), but checking out the branch over HTTP and running Loggerhead on it locally works perfectly.22:47
lifelesswgrant: what branch22:48
wgrantlifeless: lp:~wgrant/ivle/trunk-mirror22:49
wgrantThe merged revision in r1119 is the problem one.22:49
wgrantIt *was* a ghost, but it is clearly no longer, even on HTTP.22:49
lifelessmwhudson: cache?22:50
maxbwhat is a ghost, ooi, google "bzr ghost" is remarkably uninformative :-/22:50
mwhudsoncould, but shouldn't be22:50
mwhudsoni guess if you fill a ghost without changing the tip loggerhead might not notice22:51
wgrantAh, loggerhead does internal caching?22:51
mwhudson(until it's next restarted anyway)22:51
wgrant... which is in an hour, I suppose.22:51
mwhudsonyeah, it caches the merge sorted revision graph22:52
wgrantPlus it'll have a changed tip in about a minute or two, I suppose.22:52
wgrantI'll see if that fixes it.22:52
mwhudsonlet us know :)22:53
mwhudsonwgrant: when did you fill the ghost?22:53
mwhudsonmaxb: a ghost is a revision not present in the repository22:53
wgrantmwhudson: I'm not entirely sure, but at least an hour ago.22:54
wgrantI'm not sure which upgrade would have caused the full remirror.22:54
maxb.... but still somehow referenced within the repository?22:55
mwhudsonloggerhead hasn't been restarted in a while i think22:55
mwhudsonmaxb: yes22:55
wgrantThe reason this branch had them is that it's a bzr-svn import.22:55
mwhudsonmaxb: they frequently showed up in conversions from arch, where people would convert the mainline but not every merged branch22:55
wgrantAnything merged from a bzr branch into svn trunk becomes a ghost when you check out with bzr-svn again.22:55
mwhudsonoh, indeed, bzr-sv22:55
wgrantI wonder if I can convince my update cronjob to fetch-ghosts from all recently merged branches automatically...22:56
wgrantOtherwise I have to do the fetch-ghosts, upgrade, upgrade dance.22:57
wgrantmwhudson: Changing the tip fixed it.23:19
wgrantThanks mwhudson, lifeless.23:19
mwhudsonwgrant: good, that means my mental model isn't completely broken :)(23:38
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
mwhudsonwgrant: i guess you should file a bug, but i don't think it's tremendously important, feel free to argue otherwise23:39
wgrantmwhudson: Will do. I do have to get it to do a full remirror to fix ghosts, don't I?23:40
sorenI uploaded a package 20 minutes ago, but still don't see it on the source package's overview page. Has upload processing already been turned off or am I experiencing a different problem?23:45
mwhudsonwgrant: um, not sure23:46
mwhudsonmy experience with ghosts fits in here ><23:46
mwhudsoni think bzr is fairly aggressive on filling them, but not sure23:46
wgrantI don't think LP filled them when pulling, but it may have (and just loggerhead was out of date).23:47
spmsoren: most of the cron tasks are disabled in prep for the release in 10 mins - that could the issue you're experiencing?23:47
sorenspm: I believe so, yes.23:47
sorenspm: Thanks, I'll stop sitting around waiting for it to be picked up.23:47
spmsoren: sorry! :-)23:47
sorenspm: Oh, don't be. It gives me an excellent reason to stop hacking and go to bed.23:48
sorenGood night.23:48
spmlol! night!23:48
wgrantUnfortunately, these days LP is often back quickly enough that it's not worth stopping hacking.23:49
wgrant(although it's still inconvenient having it vanish in the middle of the working day on a release day...)23:50
sorenwgrant: I intend to run off before I have a chance to test that hypothesis.23:50
wgrantsoren: Good idea.23:50
sorenAs in... Right *now*!23:51
* soren goes *poof*23:51
Andre_Gondimafter something being translated and reviewed, how the translation reaches the end user?23:54
Andre_Gondimthe translation is packaged only once each release or there are periodic updates to the lang pack?23:54
wgrantAndre_Gondim: In Ubuntu, there are regular updates after release.23:56
wgrantFor other projects, it is up to their maintainer.23:56
Andre_Gondimwgrant, but how long is happens?23:57
Andre_Gondim I mean, how much is in how long?23:58
Ursinhawgrant: do you know if those updates are periodic? or it varies?23:58
wgrantAndre_Gondim, Ursinha: It seems to vary greatly.23:59

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