
cwilludied on 85 again :(00:01
bruce89Epiphany died on level 1 for me00:01
cwillubruce89, you ever play starraiders, like, 20 years ago?00:03
cwilluthe repair stations in the lightyears clone are a great knockoff :)00:03
bruce89I'm not even that old00:03
cwilluyou're missing out :p00:03
bruce89can't do much about that00:04
* bruce89 wondered where "Wood" was, but it was the surname of the captain of one of the teams00:16
VolkodavI can't add the sensor plugin to xfce panel anymore for some reason00:16
unixdawgok I have a major break00:19
unixdawgok just fixed my issue i think00:24
unixdawgok all fixed00:27
unixdawgthat was a close call00:29
cwilluhow so?00:29
unixdawgi had some pkgs that did not upgrade fully00:31
unixdawgbut I was able to boot into recover mode and then fix them00:31
unixdawgall back to working order00:31
TurlI need to check if my CPU supports SSE3, but in /proc/cpuinfo I can see ssse3 (with 3 s)00:35
Turlis that SSE3?00:35
bruce89no, that's kind of SSE400:36
rwwTurl: all SSSE3-capable processors also support SSE3, as far as I know.00:36
Turlok rww, it said sse & sse2, but I was confused with the 3 s's in ssse3 :p00:37
siegieare kubuntu jaunty user who are also experiencing flickering of the icons in dolphin?00:38
bruce89incidentally, why do you need to know your CPU supports SSE3?00:38
Turlbruce89: I was talking with a mac fanboy, who asked me whether I could install macos on my laptop or not, and as far as I know, you need sse3 for that, so I checked on /proc/cpuinfo to answer him00:40
Turlbut I won't install macos on this anyway, I just don't like that apple SO00:40
TuTUXGthere are patches for sse2 compatible00:40
TurlI just upgraded my good ol' pentium3 from Intrepid to Jaunty, everything went smooth :)00:41
TuTUXGi dont think atom support sse3 neither00:41
bruce89I'm slumming it without SSE300:42
unixdawgintel atom does not have sse2/300:42
* DanaG doesn't like Apple's attitude.00:43
Turlnow the pentium3 is a fast-booter, it boots even faster than my dad's P4 2.8Ghz HT with XP. Jaunty rulz :p00:43
* Turl doesn't like apple bricks00:43
TuTUXGwell, actually the new 45nm atom does support ssse300:44
TuTUXGn2xx series00:45
TuTUXGP4s are sinkers00:46
Turlwell, even a livecd on that same pc boots faster that the hadr00:47
Turlhard-disk installed xp*00:47
bruce89yikes, Qt looks interesting in GNOME00:51
TuTUXGi remember how my first laptop (p3 256mb) boots xp00:51
Turlqt on gnome looks like win95 windows :p00:52
TuTUXGi like using ktorrent under gnome00:52
TurlTuTUXG: how many Ghz? my pc matches your ram/cpu config :p00:52
TurlTransmission works best for me00:52
TuTUXGTurl, i think it was 800mhz00:52
TuTUXGor even slower00:53
TurlTuTUXG: mine is a bit faster, 1Ghz00:53
TuTUXGnot comparable, mine was a laptop00:53
TurlI think that it can be a decent machine if I add a little more ram, my lappy is most of the time just using 800Mhz :p00:53
bruce89Turl: not now it doesn't, it uses GTK+ for the drawing, so the effect is rather odd00:53
Turlbruce89: cool, I'll install picard later and check it out :=00:54
TuTUXGTuTUXG, i miss that laptop, it was a lenovo before they bought ibm00:54
bruce89so it looks the same, but acts differently (buttons wrong way round etc.)00:55
TuTUXGbruce89, i really cannot tell the difference of a kde4 app under gnome rather than kde400:56
bruce89I can't help but feel as if it's EEE00:57
TuTUXGeeepc i guess he means00:58
bruce89I was going for something else, but never mind00:58
Turlwhat about the dell mini 9?00:59
TuTUXGi rather choose hp mini00:59
TuTUXGor the new eeepc with 10' led01:00
* bruce89 sees a 10 inch screen with only one pixel on it01:01
TuTUXGhow so01:01
bruce89LED being a Light Emitting Diode01:02
TuTUXGled backlighting lcd01:04
Turlbtw, what was broken in udev? haven't noticed anything odd recently01:04
hggdhTurl, a loop on boot while mounting/recognising LVMs01:11
ubuntu_how can i mount ext4 as ext3?01:13
Turlhggdh: can you explain me what a LVM is? I was always offered to make one on the setup program, but always answered no01:13
Turlubuntu_: iirc, if your ext4 uses extends, you simply can't01:14
ubuntu_ah i see01:15
hggdhLVM is Logical Volume Manager: you can set up your harddisk under LVM, allowing for extending the partitions, even across different physical disks01:15
ubuntu_but intrepid has support for ext4 right? is it ext4dev or something? the reason im doing this is last batch of updates broke my jaunty, grub says error 13: unknown or unsupported executable format when trying to boot into jaunty. Anyone else experiencing it?01:16
bruce89I got 24 myself01:21
Turlhggdh: is LVM compatible with other OSes? (windows vista/xp mainly)01:22
cwilluubuntu_, grub doesn't have support for ext4 while using extents, you need to use grub2 or a seperate boot aprtition01:22
cwilluTurl, no01:22
Turlcwillu: and can I use part of my disk with LVM and another part without?01:23
bruce89cwillu: ah, is that why it didn't work01:25
hggdhTurl, no01:26
Turlhggdh: is LVM related with M$ "dynamic disk" ?01:26
cwillubruce89, and it's cute too, because if you upgrade an existing partition, and turn on extents, your old kernels will still boot, because only new files will use extents :)01:27
cwilluTurl, similar idea, yes01:27
cwilluTurl, yes, you can make any particular block devices part of an lvm01:28
bruce89cwillu: so in other words, I need to use grub201:28
cwilluTurl, hell, I've got a raid10 for testing that is across 4 partitions on a single drive :p01:28
cwillubruce89, or a separate boot partition01:28
cwillubruce89, grub2 is pretty painless though01:28
bruce89right, just as well it is01:28
Turlcwillu: heh :p01:28
Turlcwillu: try to use a USB flash drive :)01:29
cwilluTurl, well, it's on a usb external right now, but it's a rotary drive on that, not flash :p01:29
bruce89out of interest how do I get the "change theme" thing appear in KDE's system settings, I want to change kstars' theme01:29
* cwillu is behind the times, is still using gnome :p01:30
Turlcwillu: do you have any idea how much does an internal2external disk "converter" costs?01:30
cwillunot very much01:30
TurlI mean, that boxes you put your hdd inside and plug it with usb01:30
bruce89so am I, I can just about tolerate kstars01:30
cwilluhell, with a sata drive, there isn't even any electronics necessary01:30
cwillu(in that alot of enclosures have an esata port, which is preferable to a usb port if you have one01:31
Turlcwillu: my PC doesn't have an eSATA port :p01:31
cwillufix that first :p01:31
Turlwell, it says esata, but it's covered and has no connector :/01:31
Turlit's a laptop, so I guess I cannot do anything (apart from hoping you can get an esata port using ExpressCards :p01:32
ubuntu_anyone else experiencing problems with today's update, ubuntu wont boot grub says error 13: unsupported/unknown executable format01:34
siegiejust booted, and had no problem01:37
Turlubuntu_: I didn't upgrade grub nor kernels so I don't see why this would happen?01:39
bruce89och well, bye kstars01:40
hggdhturl, the idea is similar, but I would bet the implementations are very different01:41
ubuntu_Turl: there was a kernel update, whats strange it didnt have a minor version so basically it update 2.6.26-8 with 2.6.28-801:41
ubuntu_Turl: also im using ext4 here converted from ext3 with extents and all the feauters of ext4 enable01:41
ubuntu_err enabled01:41
Turlubuntu_: I didn't get a kernel upgrade today, maybe your apt mirror is  broken or something?01:42
ubuntu_can reinstall grub from intrepid? does it know about ext4?01:42
Turltry reinstalling the kernel and see if it fixes grub01:42
Turlubuntu_: intrepid kernel doesn't know about ext4 :(01:42
ubuntu_Turl: yesterday maybe? i havent updated for two days01:42
Turltry using a jaunty live cd01:42
ubuntu_is there any way to chroot into an installation and enable network?01:47
Turlubuntu_: I believe so01:47
Turlchroot /your/mounted/install01:47
Turland then do /etc/init.d/NetworkManager start01:47
Turlyou might need to mount your devices and whatelse too01:47
bruce89is there anything interesting that you need to do when installing grub2?01:50
Turlbruce89: install the grub-pc I think, and it'll copy over your config etc01:51
bruce89nothing else?01:51
Turlthen you boot with grub2 and if it works, you run a command that deletes grub legacy01:51
bruce89right, that's fine01:51
bruce89I assume kernel upgrades are transparent01:52
Turl(when you install grub2, you'll have grub1 chainload grub2)01:52
Turlbruce89: yes, if you install the grub2 from the repos01:52
bruce89good, (hopefully) will be bacl01:52
Turlbruce89: bear in mind the way of modifying the grub config is totally different01:52
Turlso if you want to, for example, put XP first in the list, you'll have to investigate a little01:53
bruce89doesn't matter, I've only got Jaunty and Fedora, and I don't care about the order01:53
Turldo you have the "remote backup server (rsync)" thing on your "service configuration" window?01:54
Turljust disabled it, hope nothing bad happens01:55
TurlI think I'll install grub 2 too :D01:55
Turlgrub 1 is slooooooow :p01:56
Turlwell, I'm leaving02:02
Turlbye guys!02:02
bruce89error 1102:12
bruce89although I managed to boot into Fedora02:12
usserwow that update really broke something, something screwed up, kernel grub i dunno.02:41
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
heloi'm still having trouble getting anything besides the 'pc speaker' to produce any sound on this 82801G in my hp mini... worked great in intrepid03:29
heloall audio players act as if they are playing, and the mixers are all settable with alsamixer03:29
heloi just don't get any sound03:29
Stralytichelo, did you install jaunty or upgrade from intrepid?03:30
heloi upgraded from intrepid03:30
Stralytici installed jaunty, and wasnt added to the audio group03:30
Stralytictry killing pulseaudio and then:03:33
Stralyticaplay /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/dialog-question.wav03:33
helono errors, but no sound :/03:35
Stralyticlsmod, see if you have snd_hda_intel there03:36
Stralytici assume that is what the hp mini uses03:37
heloyeah, it is there (and was what worked in intrepid)03:37
Stralyticdoes that aplay thing work with a sudo in front of it?03:38
helobehaves exactly the same03:39
helopulseaudio keeps restarting itself though...03:39
Stralytici assume you've upgraded to the latest packages? i think there was a  bug in pulseaudio a few weeks ago03:40
heloyeah, just did a full upgrade a few hours ago (and rebooted)03:41
helomaybe i'll try it without X running03:41
helono pulse for sure then... heh03:41
Stralyticyeah, good idea03:41
helook, i may be back in a bit... thanks for the suggestions03:42
helohmm... no luck03:53
heloshould there be a mute option on the PCM alsamixer meter?03:53
helothere is not one... maybe it is forced muted?03:54
Stralyticnot sure, there is a mute option on mine03:54
Stralyticif the aplay doesn't work with pulseaudio killed then i'd say it's a mixer issue03:54
heloif i plug something into my headphone jack, it plays through my laptop's speaker... hmm04:06
helohrm... well it did for a minute... wth04:07
helonow it is just popping and clicking04:07
helowhat determines whether an audio jack is output or input?04:10
Guest10853can anyone help me with a livecd customization issue?04:55
Guest10853I'm trying to remove packages to make the image smaller. I had a 720mb image so I used apt-get remove --purge gnome-games* ubiquity evolution* which freed up about 135mb, but now when I build the image it's 745 mb (actually 25mb BIGGER) ! Anyone have any idea why?04:56
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo
=== rww_ is now known as rww
Adysthe keybind problem is back again... was fixed for like a couple of days :/05:36
Adysalt-f1 always opens the panel menu, even if i tell it to open a terminal05:36
tech404I am finding contradicting information with google.... could someone please tell me what kind of support jaunty will have for GPT?05:42
WT-Udevtech404: I don't use GPT with ubuntu my self, however I do have another system, and I can't remember how I did it, but GPT and grub (1) aren't completely incompatiable.  Though like I said, I don't remember the voodo I did to get that working.  I have no idea what Jaunty's position on it will be though, so I can't really give you a good answer.05:45
tech404WT-Udev: Thank you for your reply anyways. Maybe someone else will see my question in a bit.05:55
WT-UdevOh there is one thing I can tell you05:56
WT-UdevLinux, at least recently, still hasn't supported > 15 partitions per disk05:56
tech404WT-Udev: I unpacked the jaunty kernel and the config file says its compiled to support it and the jaunty version of grub2 says it supports it. I guess thats enough to give it a try. Thanks again for getting back to me.06:12
WT-Udevtech404: yes, grub 2 is supposed to support it; if you can get grub2 working06:26
tech404I've got it working with intrepid... it really takes its time drawing windows but it boots without fail for me.06:28
WT-UdevYeah, I remember 'drawing' using bios calls in my x86 assembly class.  -massively- slow06:28
LoungeWT-Udev: i was wondering if "network-manager' is gonna make a come back in jaunty?06:29
WT-UdevLounge: dunno, but it's already the default for network configuration on my laptop.  It actually understands different wifi networks and types too06:29
Loungewhen i type 'sudo network-manager' it returns 'command not found' im i doing it wrong?06:30
WT-UdevNetworkManager << case sensitive?06:31
WT-Udevalso, shouldn't you call it via06:31
anderskNetwork Manager is started via its initscript: sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager start06:31
WT-Udev/etc/init.d/NetworkManager start/stop/restart ?06:31
WT-UdevLounge: what issue are you actually having though?06:32
WT-Udevtech404: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/Grub2ByDefault06:32
WT-UdevGRUB2 will not be included on any CD images for jaunty, due to space considerations; it will only be available for installation to users who can download it from the network.06:32
WT-Udev* grub2 is 1.3M+96K (.deb sizes). grub-common will be needed on the CDs anyway for jaunty to support XFS, but the grub-pc package probably won't fit.06:32
Loungewell i just don't see "network" in the system-->administration anymore.. it made things so much easier for me06:32
WT-UdevI use xubuntu, no clue where that is06:33
Loungenot sure if it got deprecated06:33
WT-UdevI do know you can configure it in xubuntu by right-clickign on the network icon in the tray06:33
Loungedoesn't allow me to unlock it06:36
tech404yeah I was planning on installing grub2 from chroot after the install.06:37
Loungeand so i'll need to know the terminal command to launch it with with root06:37
WT-UdevWell, technically you can grab grub2 during install and it should present it as an option according to what I read, at least that's the idea.   However even if not, chaning boot-loaders can be done in normal mode.06:39
WT-UdevThe change will only matter on next boot06:39
tech404Lounge: I don't remember the name but what you are trying to launch is not NetworkManager. It's some kind of front end.06:40
tech404Sorry that's not more help.06:41
* WT-Udev searches for the package owning that init file, then for it's files06:41
Loungeyeah the network managing get real complicated in intepred :(06:43
WT-UdevI know, I liked a little simple text file06:44
WT-UdevI can't even find a way of bashing changes in to it from shell mode06:44
LoungeWT-Udev: thanks for finding it for me ^^06:44
Loungei guess the upside for the new networking is that it works better with wireless06:46
tech404I'm off to tinker.... thanks for your help WT-Udev06:47
WT-UdevLounge: there is a small downside06:49
WT-Udevit only really does one connection at a time06:49
LoungeWT-Udev: i have a 2nd nic card (eth1) hooked up to an older tower via crossover cable, but i'll need to give eth1 a static06:52
WT-UdevLounge: dunno if it will work06:52
WT-Udevyou might have to check out server style configurations06:52
Loungeseems that without the other tower powered up, i can't really edit eth1 with nm06:53
Loungeactaully i stand corrected, i can't edit it at all06:54
Loungegonna have to edit /etc/network/interfaces manually06:54
Loungeok added eth1 as static and address as netmask gateway, saved and restarted the network07:08
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askandWhere do I find the bugreport about poor intel performance in Jaunty?08:47
askandaskand: yep found it08:50
macoyou're talking to yourself?08:50
iandanhi folks, i need some help: I'm planning to buy a new laptop with a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3430 video chipset. do you know wherther I can find drivers for it?08:57
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macoyou can always try a live cd, but if the card's been in existence for > 4-6 months, you should be fine09:00
iandanmaco, I don't have it yet :), I'm planning to buy it09:02
macooh not  in a store then, you mean?09:03
macowell ati cards are supported in general09:03
iandanNo. I want to buy it from an online shop09:03
macoati has drivers on their site, and ubuntu ships whatever ati has made available around release09:03
macothe hardware driver manager thingy can download and install the ati drivers for you09:04
iandanso... should I risk and buy it?09:04
macoiandan: you could check ati's site and see if that card is listed currently09:05
macoif they have drivers for it for linux right now, then jaunty will very very likely support it09:05
macoat worst, you use vesa and miss out on 3d acceleration til karmic09:05
macoor until ati makes drivers available and you manually install them09:06
iandanI checked ATI support site and they support ATI Radeon 3000 series, but it says nothing for ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3430 (or mobility 3000 series)09:07
macocould possibly call during business hours and ask them what drivers to use for that card on linux09:08
macoi doint know if they differentiate the mobility ones for drivers09:08
iandanI think they do because they have listed Radeon and Mobility Radeon09:09
iandanI'll try to call them, or something09:09
iandanthank you!09:11
scizzo-anyone else using dual monitors in jaunty with notify-osd enabled?09:21
scizzo-I want to see if anyone can reproduce the bug: #33422609:22
scizzo-!bug 33422609:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334226 in notify-osd "Dual monitor keeps notify on right most window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33422609:22
baojiHello. Has anyone had trouble with garbled fonts for KDE4 in Jaunty? GTK and KDE3 apps still display properly. Updating the font-cache doesn't seem to have helped.09:30
mnemofor the last few days I've been unable to open JPG, PNG files from nautilus... all I get is the "opening file blah..." thing in the taskbar but the file never finishes loading and eye of gnome never comes up.... does anyone else have this problem? is it a known bug; if so what the LP bug num??09:58
macomnemo: can you open them in eog from the cli?10:03
mnemonope, then it says "error while loading shared library libgnome-desktop-2.so.7"10:04
mnemono such file or dir10:04
macowell there you go10:05
macoeog cant run because of that error10:05
macoid suggest searching for that library name10:05
mnemoindeed, yeah I just did10:05
mnemonothing in LP it seems10:05
mnemoand I assume it didnt repro on your machine?10:05
WT-Udevlibgnome-desktop-2-11 - Utility library for loading .desktop files - runtime files10:08
WT-Udevmnemo: are you using mixed repositories?  That is 9.04 and something else?10:08
mnemoits jaunty10:08
mnemoi got mediubuntu too, is that a problem?10:08
mnemothe only thing I installed from there was skype10:08
WT-UdevNot if you're using mediubuntu jaunty10:09
WT-Udevtry opening a terminal10:09
mnemoyea I am10:09
WT-Udevsudo apt-get update10:09
WT-Udevsudo apt-get upgrade10:09
mnemoyeah I did, i got the latest10:09
mnemoi also rebooted10:09
WT-UdevJust to make sure you haven't missed anything10:09
mnemoi had this problem for 3-4 days now10:09
macowith 2.25.91, i can launch eog10:10
mnemodpkg -l | grep libgnome-desktop says I got two versions installed10:10
mnemo-2-11 and -2-710:10
mnemois that what you have as well?10:10
mnemowait no... the -2-7 has status (rc) at the left10:11
macothat's 2.25.91 of eog10:12
mnemothis is what I got:10:13
mnemoi wonder if the (rc) version of libgnome left some cruft in the config files or something?10:13
mnemomaco: if you start eog under gdb and do "info sharedlibrary" inside it, which version of libgnome-desktop is your eog using??10:14
mnemomaco: actually, can you run "ldd `which eog` | grep desktop" ??10:15
macono sharedlibraries loaded at this time10:15
macolibgnome-desktop-2.so.11 => /usr/lib/libgnome-desktop-2.so.11 (0xb7f3c000)10:15
WT-UdevThat's correct then10:15
mnemoahh, so your eog loads the proper libgnome-desktop then but mine decides to look for some old version?10:16
mnemothis is what my ldd says: http://pastebin.com/m7200c10310:16
WT-Udev    --- libgnome-desktop-2-11 (>= 1:2.25.90)10:17
WT-Udevthat's what my package manager says10:17
WT-UdevYour eog is static linking the wrong thing10:17
WT-Udevls -l /usr/lib/libgnome-desktop*10:17
WT-Udevlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     28 2009-02-18 08:06 /usr/lib/libgnome-desktop-2.so.11 -> libgnome-desktop-2.so.11.2.110:18
WT-Udev-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 160688 2009-02-17 05:34 /usr/lib/libgnome-desktop-2.so.11.2.110:18
WT-UdevThat's all I get on my system10:18
WT-UdevYou should get something very similar10:18
mnemoi get: http://pastebin.com/m5d4c812010:19
mnemoi also tried "sudo apt-get install --reinstall eog" now and it didnt solve it either10:19
d-bhi there i'm having some problems removing / making an initrd for the 2.6.27-11-server kernel whilst i'm upgraing10:19
d-bis this a known issue ? if so how should i fix it ? hold the package or ...10:19
WT-Udevd-b: the bugs database would be much more helpful10:20
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:20
d-bWT-Udev: yes but i was wondering if some one hit it recently10:21
d-band more importantly how should i fix it the best way10:21
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d-bthe bug is actually related to changes in udev (i'm guessing)10:21
WT-Udevbug 33227010:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227010:22
WT-UdevRead that then10:22
WT-Udevmnemo: sudo apt-get check10:23
d-bWT-Udev: that would be an issue if that as my default kernel i boot from.10:23
d-bthank you for the link ^^10:23
WT-Udevd-b: generally, upgrading you shouldn't re-make the kernel/initrd anyway, at least not until after it's already upgrading.10:24
d-bmmm odd i can only see a 2.6.27-11 in my repos but i know there is a 2.6.2810:25
WT-Udevupdate-manager -d10:30
WT-Udevmnemo: any luck on the apt-get check?10:32
DPicdid the latest update break sound for everyone?10:33
mnemoWT-Udev: no, but I just found out what it was... for some weird reason I had a eog binary in /usr/local... I must have accidentally ran make install with that prefix while testing some patch..10:33
mnemoWT-Udev: thanks for the help though, it works now10:33
WT-Udevthat's annoying10:34
TuTUXGhow do i reload alsa?10:35
WT-Udevoh that's annoying, ubuntu doesn't have an init level alsa service....10:35
TuTUXGI lost all my sound devices10:36
WT-UdevIt's got pulseaudio, but no alsa10:36
TuTUXGnow in sound control i only have null output(pulseaudio mixer)10:37
TuTUXGWT-Udev, any idea?10:37
WT-UdevTuTUXG: I told mplayer to use Alsa when that happend.10:37
WT-UdevI had bigger issues (udev) to worry about at the time.10:37
DPicTuTUXG, i think the latest update did this to everyone10:39
mnemoyeah my audio certain is broken10:40
TuTUXGDPic, sweet10:40
macoWT-Udev: sudo alsa force-reload10:40
DPicmaco, didn't work10:40
macothat's how you force it to reload the modules and junk10:41
macothat's all i was answering10:41
DPico, sorry10:41
WT-UdevOh that's -nice-10:41
WT-UdevThanks maco10:41
TuTUXGDPic, any work around?10:41
DPicTuTUXG, don't think so. looks like we'll all just have to wait for a fix to be released10:42
TuTUXGso now im force to work10:42
d-b-ubuntuhi WT-Udev what was that link /10:43
DPicTuTUXG, haha me too10:43
WT-Udevupdate-manager -d10:43
d-b-ubuntuAn upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'intrepid' is not supported with this tool.10:44
WT-Udevd-b-ubuntu: what are you trying to upgrade from?10:45
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: nar i'm on jaunty now... which is the funny part.10:45
d-b-ubuntuwell i should be ... meh WT-Udev what was that link i'm trying to fix my issue. so i can finish the upgrade10:45
WT-Udevd-b-ubuntu: lsb_release -r10:46
d-b-ubuntunm got it10:46
d-b-ubuntusb_release -r10:46
WT-UdevHum... you're already upgraded10:47
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: mmm yeah but i'm still stuck at the initrd problem :(10:48
WT-Udevd-b-ubuntu: have you tried sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade?10:48
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: .... yeah of course10:48
d-b-ubuntui did that before now the initrd is being stupid.10:48
d-b-ubuntui don't want a 2.6.27 kernel ...10:48
WT-Udevsudo update-initramfs -c -k `uname -r`10:49
WT-UdevOh, replace the `` section with 'all'10:49
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: i know10:49
WT-UdevYes, any errors resulting from that?10:49
d-b-ubuntuah ?10:49
WT-Udevupdate-initramfs -c -k all10:49
WT-Udevany errors?10:49
d-b-ubuntudone that already10:49
d-b-ubuntucpio: ./bin/udevinfo: Cannot stat: No such file or directory10:50
d-b-ubuntuand no i can't apt-get update and apt-get upgrade because it will complain to dpkg ... can't i force it to ignore the updating of initrd ?10:51
WT-Udevd-b-ubuntu: there's something wrong with something on your system10:52
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: why ?10:52
WT-UdevMy 9.04 has -no- udevinfo in the initrds and no udevinfo anywhere that which looks10:52
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: mmm. interesting.10:53
d-b-ubuntuin that case are there 9.04 cds out atm ? /on mirros (for alpha)10:53
WT-Udevsudo aptitude reinstall busybox-initramfs initramfs-tools initscripts module-init-tools10:54
d-b-ubuntuah i have no initscritps10:55
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: manual install time ?10:55
d-b-ubuntuif you give me a link i can click it ...10:55
WT-Udevd-b-ubuntu: just drop re from the install10:56
d-b-ubuntuah ?10:56
d-b-ubuntucan't i get it to hold the making of the initrd ?10:56
d-b-ubuntulike i asked earlier ...10:56
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WT-Udevd-b-ubuntu: I don't believe you can10:57
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: and why not .. its just an instructions somewhere ... telling my install to do it10:57
d-b-ubuntui dont' want that kernel..10:57
WT-UdevThere are some things you can try if you absolutely must, but just try sudo aptitude  install busybox-initramfs initramfs-tools initscripts module-init-tools  first10:58
WT-Udevd-b-ubuntu: it doesn't matter, you don't -have- to reboot10:58
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: cant unless there is a magic force option10:58
WT-UdevLet it make an initrd you won't need10:58
WT-UdevJust -try- installing the packages it needs to make one first.10:58
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: like i said dpkg goes oh no you need to fix this first10:58
d-b-ubuntuE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.10:59
WT-UdevPastebin ( paste.ubuntu.com ) ... Ok, run that THEN pastebin what that says.  If nothing else we can force it to remove the package, I think...  Hum, that might not work either.10:59
d-b-ubuntu WT-Udev sure your not oing to see anything extra11:00
popeyanyone else seeing audio breakage on intel in jaunty today?11:06
WT-Udevd-b-ubuntu: that last one was from running 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' ???11:06
d-b-ubuntummm can you tell me what /bin/udevinfo is11:07
d-b-ubuntuas it seems ok to have blank files for the rest of it11:07
WT-UdevLike I said, I have NOTHING there11:07
d-b-ubunturofl ?11:07
WT-UdevThere IS no such file11:07
d-b-ubuntuits fine i think i have worked how it is a link to /sbin/udevadm11:09
d-b-ubuntui win11:09
d-b-ubunturofl at lulz in the files i wanted but didn't reallyneed11:09
WT-Udevd-b-ubuntu: Don't forget to remove that file and do the initrd regeneration before rebooting11:11
d-b-ubuntuWT-Udev: i'm not stupid11:11
d-b-ubuntusorry but yeah well i just had some fun with making an initrd with some 'lulz' as required files so ... i'm not going to leave it in a non-working state ^^11:12
d-b-ubuntuthank you for you help ^^.11:13
urkkiHow do I install Skype?11:27
urkkiAh, medibuntu...?11:27
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:28
WT-Udevhum... no11:28
ubottuWhen we use the term 'non-free', we mean that it is not Open Source. Software that is not open source cannot be fixed or improved by anyone except the software authors -- which is not us :(11:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mediubuntu11:28
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:28
WT-UdevThere you go, you had the right spelling11:28
BonezAUhi, I want to play with jaunty in a VM. If I want the most current install, am I better off downloading Alpha 4 then downloading all update with apt or the daily build?12:03
dns53they should end up the same so it should not matter, there could be occasinally problems with the upgrade scripts but they are extreemly rare12:04
BonezAUbasically what i want to know is, does the current daily build have any major known issues or should it be ok to use that?12:04
BonezAUok thanks12:04
BonezAUso alpha 4 + fully updated is identical to the 'daily-live' ISO?12:05
dns53yes, it's only when you get a buggy package that does not uninstall then install the new version there may be a problem with that package12:06
BonezAUsweet thanks...12:06
BonezAUgotta reboot my pc... bbl12:06
AlanJenkinsLaptohey can someone wiht the jaunty sound issues confirm something for me?12:15
AlanJenkinsLaptocan you please try doing these commands:12:16
AlanJenkinsLaptosudo -i12:16
AlanJenkinsLaptopulseaudio &12:16
AlanJenkinsLaptopaplay /usr/share/sounds/question.wav12:16
AlanJenkinsLaptosee if you hear anything12:16
marijusmy pulseaudio douesnt work since todays updates...12:16
AlanJenkinsLaptomarijus: yes I know12:17
AlanJenkinsLaptojust try those commands12:17
AlanJenkinsLaptomine is in the same boat but for some reason under root pulseaudio works12:17
AlanJenkinsLaptoI believe there has been some change somewhere that is denying normal users pulseaudio from accessing the cards12:18
marijusim using 0.9.15 from ppa though...12:18
AlanJenkinsLaptoah ok im still on 0.9.1412:19
AlanJenkinsLaptostill run those commands see if the sound plays12:20
marijusanyway... it works12:20
marijusas sudo12:20
aprilharehello: i'm trying to connect to my wireless router using my laptop and jaunty. the router uses WPA-PSK security. will WPA Personal work?12:20
TuTUXGaprilhare, works here12:24
TuTUXGwpa2 personal12:25
aprilharedoesnt here. might need to experiment more12:27
aprilharepops up "authenication required by wireless network" and gives me a choice between wep, leap and dynamic wep12:28
AlanJenkinsLaptook guys found a way of getting sound working after the pulse update12:34
AlanJenkinsLaptoas I guessed its something to do with permissions12:34
AlanJenkinsLaptoif you open a terminal and cd /dev/snd/12:34
AlanJenkinsLaptoand run sudo chmod 777 *12:34
AlanJenkinsLaptoand then restart pulseaudio12:34
AlanJenkinsLaptoyou can then listen to your music or whatever12:35
usserAlanJenkinsLapto, thats not the right way, actually12:35
marijusfor me it says: Failed to open module "module-alsa-card": file not found12:35
usserAlanJenkinsLapto, look at what group owns the files in /dev/snd and make sure you are a member of that group12:36
AlanJenkinsLaptousser: did that12:36
shadowhywindhay all random issue, knetworkmanager lately, when i select a wireless network, it doesn't even act as it is trying to connect to it12:36
AlanJenkinsLaptousser: for some odd reason didnt work tho12:36
usserAlanJenkinsLapto, hm12:36
AlanJenkinsLaptousser: unless the user needs execute rights on it O.o12:36
usserAlanJenkinsLapto, no not really12:36
usserAlanJenkinsLapto, crw-rw----+ thats my permissions12:37
AlanJenkinsLaptomine were until I just did 777 to test my theory12:38
AlanJenkinsLaptojust changed em back now (gonna see if i can get the group working again)12:38
TuTUXGAlanJenkinsLapto, that does work12:38
TuTUXGAlanJenkinsLapto, how to change them back?12:38
AlanJenkinsLaptoTuTUXG: sudo chmod 660 *12:39
usserAlanJenkinsLapto, also i remember i had to fiddle with it, groups that i remember i needed is plugdev and audio12:39
TuTUXGAlanJenkinsLapto, so which group should be add to?12:39
AlanJenkinsLaptousser: ah I just did audio didnt think of plugdev12:39
AlanJenkinsLaptothats probs why it did not work then12:40
aprilhareaww jaunty doesn't support my laptops built-in memory card reader12:40
aprilharegot the wireless working though12:40
usserAlanJenkinsLapto, make sure that files there are owned by root:audio12:41
AlanJenkinsLaptommm usser i was already a member of plugdev12:41
AlanJenkinsLaptousser: they are checked that12:41
usserAlanJenkinsLapto, can u run alsamixer without 777 perm?12:42
AlanJenkinsLaptonope doesnt detect the cards12:42
AlanJenkinsLaptoalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory12:42
AlanJenkinsLaptoanyway brb gonna reboot to make sure it has realised I have added myself to the audio group12:43
usserdid you relogin after you added yourself to audio12:43
AlanJenkinsLaptousser: I did but it didnt seem to work12:43
AlanJenkinsLaptogonna try a reboot12:43
usserok good luck12:43
AlanJenkinsLaptommm still not working usser12:47
usserAlanJenkinsLapto, well i guess leave it at 777, cant see any harm in that :)12:47
AlanJenkinsLaptommm suppose not12:48
WT-UdevOh what a lovely upgrade12:49
WT-UdevMake a new group 'audio' and don't add existing users to it on upgrade12:49
IntuitiveNippleThe Silence of the Linux ?12:50
AlanJenkinsLaptoWT-Udev: it does however add the pulse group to the list12:51
AlanJenkinsLaptobut that obviously doesnt work =)12:51
TuTUXGhum, my epson printer's not working12:52
Sa[i]nTIs there any screenshots of JJ up yet?12:53
usserWT-Udev, what a lovely upgrade, bork a new kernel setup stage, so grub doesnt recognize it, its still alpha you kind of expect things like that ;)12:57
WT-UdevDid anyone file the audio owner stuff yet?13:00
aprilharetrying jaunty using alpha 4 cd and i think it has audio issues - a "popping" sound after audio is played13:04
aprilhareis this expected?13:04
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diginuxi just did the latest updates for jaunty, now after my computer is finished booting, both the monitors just turn off, no X or console or anything :(14:00
diginuxhow do i tell ubuntu to just boot into terminal mode with no x?14:00
WT-Udevdiginux: I think that's the recovery mode option14:00
diginuxWT-Udev: yeah, i am in recovery mode right now, i'd like to boot into normal mode though, with just text, and see if I can figure out what is going on14:01
WT-UdevYou need to disable gdm14:01
WT-UdevUnfortunately I set my laptop to shut down... so I don't ... actually my router might be close enough14:02
diginuxok, also, how do i stop the plash screen from appearing during boot, so i can see whats going on14:02
WT-Udevls /etc/rc?.d/*gdm14:02
WT-Udevupdate-rc.d -h14:02
diginuxyeah, i know how to do that14:03
diginuxi also want to know how to drop into text mode during the actual booting process14:03
WT-Udevdiginux: that's easy hit e in grub, and then select the quiet line, press d to delete it14:03
diginuxWT-Udev: thanks14:03
WT-Udevdiginux: you also14:03
WT-Udevwant to get rid of splash or whatever it is14:03
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diginuxquick question, what would cause gdm to fail, but Xorg to not have anything in the error log?14:15
diginuxnm, think I found it...14:15
gwernso I just upgraded to jaunty for a bug report, and I've noticed something - .gnomerc seems to be getting ignored, ie I have 'export WINDOW_MANAGER=xmonad' and that worked fine in intrepid, but in jaunty GNOME comes up with Metacity every time. any ideas?14:25
gwern(obviously I've been unable to find any existing bug reports)14:26
gwernchanging it to WINDOW_MANAGER=/home/gwern/bin/bin/xmonad doesn't help either, so I don't think it's any sort of path problem14:27
gwern(maybe I'll just symlink metacity to xmonad...)14:31
diginuxWT-Udev: got my problem fixed, how do i re-enable gdm? update-rc.d gdm add gives me some error missing LSB information14:56
WT-Udevupdate-rc.d [-n] <basename> defaults14:56
WT-Udevupdate-rc.d gdm defaults14:56
diginuxgot it, thanks!14:56
diginuxforgot it was a different syntax14:56
diginuxtoo used to gentoo yet :)14:56
cwillugdm is missing the lsb header block though, kinda a long standing problem :)14:57
gwernso, turns out there's something funky in my ~/.gconf that's causing this15:00
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UnixDawg_wow I just update dmy laptop 2 days ago and now there is a full update15:16
PiciI always do a full-upgrade15:18
UnixDawg_it will have to wait till tonight15:18
UnixDawg_well 2 days ago it was 256 megs of updates15:18
UnixDawg_now it seems to be about the same15:18
charlie-tcaJaunty updates are hitting hard right now.15:21
diginuxWT-Udev: so its weird, if i boot into text mode and start gdm manually, it works, if i let it start itself it gives me nothing15:21
diginuxill wait until things settle with the latest round of updates before making a big fuss though15:21
WT-Udevdiginux: that sounds like a timing issue to me15:22
WT-Udevls /etc/rc?.d/*gdm*15:22
WT-Udev/etc/rc0.d/K01gdm  /etc/rc1.d/K01gdm  /etc/rc2.d/S30gdm  /etc/rc3.d/S30gdm  /etc/rc4.d/S30gdm  /etc/rc5.d/S30gdm  /etc/rc6.d/K01gdm15:22
WT-UdevIs that where your GDM is set?15:22
UnixDawg_jaunty the new windows os15:22
diginuxWT-Udev: hmm, it appears to only be set in init.d15:24
diginuxWT-Udev: i could have sworn it said it was making the symlinks though to the other rc levels..15:24
CarlFKwhats the command to generate a vanilla xorg.conf?  (so I can add a line)15:24
WT-UdevRun the command and test again15:24
CarlFK-bash: xorgconfig: command not found - I was thinking soemthing like dpkg -reconfigure xorg-something15:28
WT-UdevUnixDawg_: it's gdm, diginux had to disable it to fix something... but now the sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults15:28
WT-Udevisn't fixing it15:28
UnixDawg_CarlFK, seems ubuntu does not include15:30
WT-UdevYou know, that is a bug15:31
diginuxhas anyone here been having firefox+flash issues with jaunty?15:31
charlie-tcaCarlFK: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg15:31
WT-UdevEven if it's not including it should at LEAST be a nearly empty shellscript to do the damn thing15:31
diginuxwhenever i listen to npr(which uses flash), then close that window, it crashes ff15:31
CarlFKcharlie-tca: that's the one.  thanks15:32
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:32
danbhfivediginux: I have found flash to be a bit unstable15:43
diginuxdanbhfive: any chances it will stabilize in jaunty? flash was also hit and miss in ibex15:44
WT-Udevdiginux: I think you'd have to ask Adobe that question15:45
diginuxWT-Udev: :P15:45
danbhfiveyou know what would be cool?, is an easy way to switch between gnash and adobe.  That way, you could at least use gnash where it works...15:49
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BUGabundodanbhfive: how about using galternatives?15:56
danbhfiveBUGabundo: Ill take a look, thanks15:56
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danserdoes anyone else notice heavy cpu usage by the latest firefox update?17:14
diginuxdanbhfive: yes17:16
diginuxdanser: yes17:16
diginuxdanbhfive: sorry17:16
diginuxdanser: for me it seemed to be only when i was using flash though, but i havent had time to test extensively17:16
danserdiginux: ah, will test with flash disabled then17:16
danserhaven't disabled flash yet but restarted the browser after updating some hal packages, not sure whether it's related but firefox seems to act normal for now17:19
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urkkiTouchpad in my laptop is not working, it has worked ok in hardy and intrepid17:39
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martijn81can someone backport ktorrent 3.2 to intrepid please?17:45
danielsan474there will be a chance for the new upstart version in 9.04?17:49
VolkodavI just did an upgrade and I only have Null Output for Pulse18:02
Volkodavthat's it18:02
VolkodavAnybody else another pulse f**k up ?18:03
martijn81danielsan474: reading tweakers.net it is only going to be included on 9.1018:03
DoYouKnowhow come in the latest ubuntu I can't do "cat /bin/ls > /dev/audio" anymore?18:12
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DoYouKnowas a user18:13
DoYouKnowmy permissions got borked somehow18:17
DoYouKnowhad to do sudo chmod 666 /dev/audio18:17
UnixDawg_151 pkgs to update18:19
UnixDawg_wholly crap18:19
cwillu151 packages of whole crap?  I somehow doubt that :p18:19
Volkodavchmod 666 /dev/audio was my solution too18:40
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shadeslayerwill there be  any harm to my machine if i install alpha on a Vbox??19:36
shadeslayerand arent the alpha CD's available on a torrent??19:37
fosco__no to the first19:37
fosco__yes to the second19:37
shadeslayertorrent please19:37
shadeslayerwhere can i find it??19:38
ubottuIntrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).19:38
shadeslayerwhich one is the torrent??19:39
shadeslayerfound it19:39
shadeslayerthanks guys19:40
FFForeverafter running this morning updates i have no sound and whne i launch alsamixer i get alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory19:50
SwedeMikeI lost sound as well.19:51
FFForeverSwedeMike, do u get the same thing on alsa mixer?19:51
SwedeMikelet me see19:52
FFForeverdtchen, any idea?19:52
IenorandAre there any plans on fixing the way the desktop icons work for Jaunty, it's basiacally same old pain as ever...20:00
yofelhm /dev/audio isn't the only one with wrong permissions - on my intel 945GME graphics card hardware rendering is disabled unless i chmod 666 /dev/dri/card0 :(20:12
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yofelwhich reduces fps in glxgears from 600 to 10020:13
macowhat are teh permissions before you chmod that?20:14
macoand how'd you get 666 as opposed to something more...sane?20:14
yofelit was 660, i tried 664 but that didn't help, 666 works20:16
FFForeveranyways to increase this?, chris@chris-laptop:~$ glxgears 7489 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1497.722 FPS20:24
yofelFFForever: graphics card?20:25
FFForeverlaptop =\, nvidia something20:26
yofeland what does 'glxinfo | grep render' give you?20:26
FFForeverdirect rendering: Yes20:27
FFForeverOpenGL renderer string: GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!20:27
FFForever    GL_NVX_conditional_render, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, GL_SGIS_texture_lod,20:27
yofelno idea then, sry20:28
FFForeveryofel, any idea on how 2 fix meh sound?20:29
yofelno, same problem here20:30
yofelFFForever: add yourself to group audio 'gpasswd -a your_name audio' and re-login20:36
nroot7I am using Jaunty with compiz and my notifications are not well formed. Like volume bar's dont come up - only a translucent black box20:46
nroot7how can i fix this20:47
DoYouKnowhi... for some reason my /dev/audio keeps losing its user group permissions20:59
DoYouKnowin the current build of jaunty21:00
DoYouKnowso sound doesn't play21:00
DoYouKnowbrb, let's see if it sticks if I just logout and don't reboot21:01
DoYouKnowwell, some sounds play - like the login drumbeat21:03
DoYouKnowbut not after I log i21:04
DoYouKnowit shows up as pulseaudio null output21:04
DoYouKnowin sound settings21:04
DoYouKnowE: alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device hw:0: No such file or directory21:07
DoYouKnowafter killall pulseaudio && pulseaudio21:07
DoYouKnowthis is a ati ixp ac9721:08
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carlFK_lthttp://dpaste.com/1555/  pidgin crashs - how can I get a better bt?21:49
carlFK_lt(gdb) bt22:08
DoYouKnowah, backtrace22:10
DoYouKnowso you're looking for a backtrace of pidgin with more information?22:11
DoYouKnowthat will help you debug the problem?22:11
carlFK_ltwell, not me personally - bu someone22:11
carlFK_ltill just post a bug report to lp22:11
DoYouKnowwell, I'm just a beginner and programming and stuff22:12
DoYouKnowso I don't know much about it22:12
carlFK_ltno prob22:14
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SjimmiecarlFK_lt: kill -s QUIT $(pidof banshee-1); cp ~/.config/banshee-1/log ~/Desktop/banshee.log22:22
Sjimmiethat creates an extensive logfile for the banshee-1 process, should work for any other process aswell I supose22:22
Sjimmieand attach the banshee.log file that is now on your Desktop. The kill -s QUIT part of that command doesn't actually close Banshee; it tells Banshee to output more information useful for debugging.22:23
carlFK_ltpgrep pidgin shows 7131, so kill -s 7131- where do I find it's log?22:25
Sjimmiehmmm good question, in banshee's case in it's config dir, but I doubt if thats the same for pidgin22:33
Sjimmiedid you check pidgin bug reporting procedures?22:33
SjimmiecarlFK_lt: or start it from a terminal and then watch in there?22:35
SjimmiecarlFK_lt: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/TipsForBugReports22:40
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UnixDawg_135 updated pkgs since sunday22:48
UnixDawg_carl killall -9 pidgin22:49
carlFK_ltsiegie: did you look at the url I posted?22:52
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akioI wonder where I would find a guide to using vanilla kernel in ubuntu?22:57
akioa moderatley easier one22:57
akioIt would be a first for me though.22:58
carlFK_ltakio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CarlKarsten "My kernel howto"  not exactly what you asked for, but maybe wat you want23:00
akiocarlFK_lt: thanks, I was dreaming about using KMS23:02
bruce89without the #23:02
akioi see the kernel-ppa/mainline23:08
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marijus2akio: this kernel doesnt have kms enabled23:14
akiohence the usage of the word "dreaming"23:16
akioI believe it is enabled in 2.6.2923:16
akioAnd that was what I was looking to learn more about using in my current environment.23:16
bruce89out of interest, what is it?23:17
marijus2kernel mode setting23:17
akioextreme currently is a centos webhosting account23:17
akioi have two machines with jaunty23:17
akioone has a 915 and the other a 945 Intel GM(E) graphics chipsets23:18
* bruce89 feels very stupid23:18
* akio wonders why23:19
Sa[i]nTMy laptop has 945GM intel vid card lol.23:19
akiothey run smooth as silk23:19
marijus2how do you get the stars infront of nickname?23:20
* bruce89 does /me23:20
akiouse "/me"23:20
* marijus2 :)23:21
bruce89I couldn't figure out what Kernel Mode Setting meant, but I suppose it doesn't matter23:24
akiogoogle it23:25
bruce89ah, seamless mode setting23:27
akiowhat interests me most is using the computer like the old days, console mode the whole time - only23:28
akiocurrently that is almost impossible with one of my machines, a 1024x600 screen using intelfb23:29
akioI have seen it accomplished but after much hacking.23:29
akioKMS should make things a LOT easier23:29
zookoArgh.  I just upgraded my box to jaunty, and it has somehow screwed up23:32
zooko        my grub menu.  It gives a prompt saying "grub press escape in the next23:32
zooko        X seconds to see the menu", and then X counts down from 2.23:32
zookoBut, if I hit escape then it flashes the menu (or something) for a23:32
zooko        split second before going ahead and trying to book the jaunty kernel.23:32
zooko        :-(23:32
zookoalso, once the jaunty kernel boots and everything starts, then when I log in it hangs instead of giving me a bash prompt.  :-(23:33
zookoSame over ssh.23:33
bruce89I doubt that's recoverable23:34
zookoOh wait, nevermind about the hanging part.23:34
zookoIt just wasn't showing me the prompt.23:34
zookoNow I can experiment with grub.23:34
bruce89perhaps the motd updating thing23:34
zookoYeah, it showed the motd and then didn't show the prompt for a while.23:35
zookoYeah, now it doesn't do that since the motd is now upgraded.23:35
* zooko sees what happens if he joins #ubuntu+2...23:36
zookoNot invited.23:36
ian1is patch testing needed for this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/33047623:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 330476 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[965] render defects in google earth / atunnel screensaver (intrepid and jaunty-as-of-feb-3rd)" [Unknown,Confirmed]23:37
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule23:38
zookoThis time it definitely showed the grub menu for a second before going ahead and booting the first kernel in the list.23:45
zookoI guess I can just edit my grub menu.lst and re-run update-grub if I ever want to boot a different kernel.  ;-)23:45

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