
rbelemhi all04:27
rbelemwhere can i download the arm toolchain?04:27
rbelemor should I build my own?04:30
loolrbelem: We use a native toolchain, you can install Ubuntu on an ARM device directly09:15
rbelemlool, I bricked my board :-(11:41
rbelemlool, I'm trying to build a new u-boot and another tools to rescue the board :-/11:43
loolrbelem: You could build natively within qemu11:45
loolThere's also the possibility of building a cross toolchain or using a non-Ubuntu prebuilt one11:46
loolI don't know what uboot expectations are, if it's only a naked cross gcc I have that, if it's with libgcc I have not11:46
rbelemlool, well, i'm following this guide http://nishanthmenon.blogspot.com/2008/12/towards-creating-beagleboard-nand.html11:48
rbelemlool, and what it says about toolchain is "Cross compiler: arm-none-eabi-gcc: 2007q3-53 (4.2.1)"11:49
rbelemlool, it seems to be the codesourcery toolchain11:49
armin76rbelem: you probably want crosstool11:50
armin76or use gentoo *g*11:50
ograrbelem, eh ? why dont you just create an SD card with a recovery u-boot image ?11:51
loolrbelem: Yes, it's likely to be the code sourcery toolchain; you can download it from code sourcery directly11:51
ograthere are plenty around you can just dd to the card to fix your board11:51
rbelemogra, I tryied all day long, yesterday, using the mmc method, but it did not work for me. I was looking for another way to recover, so I found that one.11:57
ograwhat exactly does your board do on boot? do you get any output on the serial console ?11:58
rbelemlool, I searched their website and I just found the sources, maybe I did not look very well :-)11:59
rbelemogra, I try again and will paste the result to you12:00
loolrbelem: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoard#Cortex_A8_ARM12:05
rbelemogra, I guess it worked, like a miracle. \o/. I just used the same sd card, but it stuck12:07
rbelemthanks very much lool12:07
rbelemogra, yesterday I was getting a different error12:08
rbelemogra, i will wait for a while to see what happens12:11
rbelemogra, nothing happens, I will reset12:26
rbelemogra, now I got the same error12:27
rbelemand another12:29
loolrbelem: That sounds like hardware issues, but I could be wrong; for PCs, ECC means your RAM is checksummed12:58
loolOr rather has a parity bit12:58
rbelemlool, I read somewhere that this error is common when nand is wrongly flashed13:01
loolOh ok, might be ECC in the flash then13:02
rbelemlool, I downloaded a MLO that done that.13:03
rbelemlool, from here http://code.google.com/p/beagleboard/13:03
rbelemlool, "There are some broken MLO (x-loader) out there which fail to boot if something wrong is in NAND. E.g.: "13:05
rbelem"This seems to happen with both MLO's from Beagle source code page (381MHz and 500MHz one) independent of U-Boot version. "13:06
loolHmm no idea13:11
rbelemhi all, i'm on the way to unbrick my beagle :-D14:58
rbelemi'will describe later what was done in details14:59
rbelemthanks to you all14:59
rbelemogra, which kernel fits better for beagle? this? http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/arm/beagle/kernel/15:05
ograno, thats pretty old, i guess the mojo kernels are better for now15:05
ograor build something based on the openembedded tree15:05
ograthey have all the patches for the framebuffer that are missing from linux-omap atm15:06
rbelemcool! thanks ogra15:06
ograask koen in #beagle where to get it :)15:07
rbelemogra, nice! ;-)15:08
ograi'd suggest a xubuntu desktop and a lot of swapspace btw15:12
ograthats what i run on mine, runs half way decent15:12
ogra(not actually fast, but usable for the patient soul ; ) )15:13
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