
jbuncherapw:  I tried booting one of the kernels and my wireless card is not recognized.  I believe I need the file iwlwifi-3945.ucode to be installed in something like /lib/firmware/newkernel/  Is there something else I need to install, or should I just ln -s to one of my existing kernel firmware directories in /lib/firmare?00:07
apwjbuncher, yes i would copy that in manually, i have nothing built there.  thanks for your persistance00:07
jbuncherapw:  No problem, I'm just glad that someone is looking into the bug :)  I'll try rebooting again.00:09
jbuncherapw:  I still can't seem to get my wireless card to be recognized in those kernels.00:20
apwjbuncher, getting anything in dmesg relating to it at all?00:21
jbuncherapw:  I checked, didn't see anything obvious00:21
apwcan you paste in a dmesg from one of them00:22
apwi will have to think about it tommorrow, am too tired to do think on it further today00:23
jbuncherapw:  would that be /var/log/messages.0 for the previous boot?00:23
apwthe version should be in the dmesg i think00:23
jbuncherapw:  sorry, dmesg.000:23
jbuncherapw:  I found a dmesg log, I'll attach it to the bug report.  I need to be getting home too anyway.  Thanks for your help though.00:24
apwwill see what else we can come up with tommorrow00:24
jbuncherapw:  Sounds good.  The dmesg is attached to the bug now.  Have a good night.00:32
btmshould be importance: wishlist -- #205528 (needs-packaging)02:03
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dholbachgood morning05:42
macoasac: you around?06:57
macodholbach: hello?07:03
dholbachmaco: hello? :)07:03
macodholbach: are you on jaunty?07:05
macobest case is you have a computer other than the one you're using that's running jaunty07:06
dholbachwhat are you looking for?07:06
macoif you configure an interface in /etc/network/interfaces, does NM in jaunty remember to ignore that device?07:06
macobecause NM on here is showing wireless networks when i have wlan1 configured in /etc/network/interfaces07:06
dholbachI hvae no idea07:06
macowell i dont think it's *supposed* to07:07
macoim just wondering if you can reproduce that behaviour07:07
LaibschWhat is the best way to get a bug that I triaged up to the point of providing a verified debdiff against current Jaunty sources on the radar screen of the release managers?07:25
LaibschSome team I should subscribe?07:25
LaibschSome flag?07:26
Laibschsomething else?07:26
macowhat part of the archive?07:26
macomain or universe?07:26
Laibschcan be either07:26
LaibschI mean, I triage both main and universe07:26
LaibschSo, eventually, I will need both07:26
macoah ok07:27
macowell its ubuntu-main-sponsors07:27
maco(i meant for this package, but whatever)07:27
macofor main07:27
macoand ubuntu-universe-sponsors for universe07:27
macojust subscribe them to the bug07:27
Laibschhm, OK07:27
LaibschThey deal with a lot of stuff, though07:27
LaibschIIRC, I had a few things linger for weeks even after subscribing them07:27
macoit happens07:28
LaibschThis was not for Jaunty, granted, but a few weeks delay could invalidate the work I did, Jaunty is fast-moving and I'd have to rebase07:28
LaibschPlus, it's not that many more weeks until release07:28
LaibschI'll add those team to cc07:28
LaibschIf anybody else knows some other trick, let me know.  Thanks maco07:29
macowell i suppose you could try to figure out how to poke them and hope they dont get annoyed at you...07:29
macoLaibsch: any chance you're running jaunty?07:29
maco(i'm trying to get someone to replicate this bug)07:29
macohasnt been posted yet. id like to be sure its not my usual encounter with heisenbugs07:30
Laibschyes, I'm running jaunty07:31
macothe trouble is i have my wireless configured in /etc/network/interfaces.  somehow, network manage still displays available networks for my wireless card. AFAIK, nm is supposed to ignore any manually-configured-in-the-interfaces-file interfaces07:31
* maco digs out other laptop for comparison testing07:43
macoit'll be *very* interesting if i manage to make a heisenbug migrate from one laptop to another07:43
YoBoYbug 334207 -> wishlist07:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334207 in bash "Bash 4.0 in Ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33420707:46
YoBoYgood morning :)07:48
Laibschmaco: I'm very happy with my wifi on Jaunty, more than on Hardy initially and I'm not really willing to fiddle with that, sorry.07:51
macoi just tried on my other laptop and it doesnt reproduce there. now im wondering if NM is looking at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and going "2 wireless cards are listed, but i cant find one and the other is manually configred...meh, use it anyway"07:52
macoso im going to see if it still shows up when i remove the old wireless card from the config07:53
Laibschmaco: I think you're drifting towards a support request08:02
HobbseeLaibsch: there's a mail that deals with this.  let me find it08:02
HobbseeLaibsch: oh, and we're on irc too, fwiw08:04
HobbseeLaibsch: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-October/000508.html08:04
Laibschyou got me confused now08:04
LaibschWill read08:04
Hobbsee(i'm belatedly replying to your "how do I get my bug on the release managers watchlist?" question)08:05
LaibschI see08:05
Hobbseehowever, the release managers don't automatically sponsor things, so ubuntu-*-sponsors is usually the queue to put it on (although they can if they wish)08:05
Hobbseeyou're welcome08:05
LaibschExactly what I was looking for08:05
macomy hypothesis failed08:13
Hobbseemaco: btw, we're on IRC - we're not too hard to poke08:13
macoHobbsee: its more of knowing *who* to poke08:14
Hobbseemaco: that's true.  ~ubuntu-release &/or ~motu-release on launchpad's usually a good start ;)08:14
macolaserjock and scottk are the ones im totally sure of, and they like to stick to edubuntu and kubuntu respectively08:14
macoyou said "we" though so i guess now you're on the list?08:15
macook so neither weird networkmanager junk i'm experiencing is linked to having 2 interfaces that are not present listed in my udev rules08:16
macohowever, my other laptop exhibits neither of the bugs08:16
macoi really wish i could get a reproducible bug once in a while08:17
Hobbseemaco: i released one of the alphas for gutsy, and am still on that list, yes.08:20
macoby "now on that list" i meant i just put you on my mental list :P08:21
Hobbseeoh :)08:21
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macozinzin: well now that youve asked the first thing to do would be to search on launchpad09:34
zinzinmaco: i did, but dont see such a report09:35
macook then file the bug09:35
zinzinok, will put it here first, then file a bug later. lets see if anybody knows the problem09:36
zinzini am using 8.10 on GPU i915 Intel. i got the problem when run glxgears, like "Failed to initialized GEM. Falling back to classic". Now OpenGL doesnt run anymore. Anybody knows this problem?09:36
zinzinit didnt happen with me before, so perhaps the recent update of xorg is the culprit??09:36
zinzini mean glxgears doesnt run anymore09:36
macozinzin: run "apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel" and paste hte Installed: line09:37
zinzinInstalled: 2:2.4.1-1ubuntu10.309:38
zinzinmaco: is there any way to fall back to older version, to see if that can fix my problem?09:38
macook, now wait and maybe someone else can say "yes i see it too, you're not crazy" and then you guys can file a bug with confirmation09:38
macoyes, you can install the older one with dpkg -i --force-downgrade09:39
macohave to find it though09:39
zinzinmaco: then how to know which version to downgrade to?09:39
zinzinand how about other related packages? need to downgrade, too?09:39
macomight still have it in /var/cache/apt/archives09:39
macomaybe. i dont know what all it'd depend on, and im not using 8.1009:40
zinzinmaco: hmm, i find that in /var/cache/apt/archives only 1 package, that has exactly version i am using09:42
zinzinso it seems i never upgrade it in the first place (?)09:43
macoor you ahve it set to remove old versions automatically09:43
zinzinmaco: i think i found the problem: the PAE kernel doesnt work with GEM10:05
macooh ok10:06
zinzinso i have to turn off PAE in the compiled kernel10:06
zinzinthe bug was reported upstream10:06
ubottuFreedesktop bug 17993 in Driver/intel "[GEM] kernel with PAE panics when starting X" [Normal,Assigned]10:06
zinzini think that is the case. i am recompiling kernel now, to see if the problem is gone10:06
=== shiyee is now known as abemad
askandIs it possible that latest inteldriver may fix bug 303011 , info in the last comment10:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303011 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] 2.5.1 driver poor performance" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30301110:45
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
LaibschI'm sure DKMS is nice, but I wonder if we're not going to see Ubuntu-supplied kernel modules as a separate package anytime soon (compiled with the help of dkms, I suppose)12:33
* Laibsch really hates to have all that cruft on his laptop just to have a simple module which was packaged before12:33
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=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
jbuncherapw:  still no luck with recognizing my wireless card on those kernels15:53
apwwell thats balls isn't it15:53
jbuncherapw:  is there a way I can download the source and have it use my current config settings?  Like with make oldconfig?  I've done that before, though I largely forget the steps.15:53
apwyep, you can slurp down the kernel15:54
jbuncherapw:  slurp?15:54
apwcopy your current config from /boot/config-<uname -r>15:54
apwmake oldconfig, and then make it15:54
apwi don't find install works as nice as i might hope15:55
apwbut, that is in theory exactly what my mainline builds did (the second time round)15:55
apwjbuncher, which of those builds did you test?15:55
apw(and did it throw that dependancy warning this time?)15:56
apwjbuncher, btw, this is probabally more appropriate to #ubuntu-kernel, see you over there16:01
jbuncherapw:  I installed all 3, but I tried booting the build.  No dependency warning this time on any of the installs.16:02
apwjbuncher, /join #ubuntu-kernel16:03
* skorasaurus is away: Away16:18
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
askand1If I should file a bug about removing PalmOS from the preferences menu, what package should I file it against?16:34
btmthere is a bug status 'wont fix' but I assume regular users can't access it?17:35
savvasyes btm17:36
savvasI think it's reserved for the bug triagers and the coders17:36
bdmurrayOnly the ubuntu-bugcontrol team can set a bug's status to won't fix.17:41
btmis there a process for getting them to look at a bug? subscribe a user? or just leave it for them to stumble across?17:41
bdmurrayyou could mention it here ;-)17:43
btmsure, just didn't want to spam over all these join/parts ;)17:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 290648 in libpgsql-ruby "code needs to require 'pg' instead of 'postgres'" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:43
mrooneyFor a bug that is new in Jaunty and gets fixed with an update, that gets marked Fix Released right?17:46
charlie-tcabtm: done17:47
MrKanistermrooney: Yes, if the fix made it to an Ubuntu release the bug that belongs to the package can be set to "fix-released"17:47
bdmurrayIf you definitively know the cause and fix17:48
bdmurrayIf it was magical I'd prefer it became Invalid17:49
mrooneyMrKanister: well Jaunty isn't released yet, hence the question17:49
mrooneybdmurray: yeah it is narrowed down to a specific commit in the source package so I'll do released, thanks!17:50
MrKanistermrooney: But the fix is in Jaunty...so in the jaunty release :)17:50
MrKanisterThe final release does not have to be released to mark a bug as fix releasd17:51
mrooneyreally, I thought we did Fix Committed in that case for some reason17:52
MrKanisterThe bugsquad usually uses "fix commited" if the bug has been fixed in the upstream project, but an updated package is not yet in Ubuntu17:54
btmthis should be wontfix for ubuntu (gems pkg drama) and fixed upstream [or not] (debian) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgems-ruby/+bug/24474218:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 244742 in libgems-ruby "ruby1.8-dev should be recommended, not suggested" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:07
DaemonFCdoes the bot not bring that up anymore?18:09
charlie-tcabug 33447618:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334476 in libv4l "Webcam applications in Ubuntu still cannot address VFL1 devices" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33447618:09
calcdtchen: ping19:10
calcdtchen: is AlsaInfoOutput something you want lots of data points for? I was considering bringing it up at the desktop meeting to have everyone gather data for it...19:11
calcdtchen: if i read the email correctly this is just for known broken setups, but I am not certain...19:14
=== maco_ is now known as maco
bdmurraysbeattie: do you recall where update-manager finds the new upgrade tool for devel releases?20:38
bdmurrayeh found it20:38
sbeattiebdmurray: dists/jaunty/main/dist-upgrader-all/current or something else?20:44
bdmurraysbeattie: that's the one I always think its in pool for some reason20:45
bdmurrayI'm looking at bug 32845220:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328452 in update-manager "do-release-upgrade reboots computer if user enters something other than n when being prompted for reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32845220:45
bdmurraysome how the default is Y instead of N20:45
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bdmurrayOkay, I got it20:55
carlFK_ltpidgin crashed - gdb bt: http://dpaste.com/1531/21:17
carlFK_ltis this worth reporting on lp?21:17
carlFK_ltnow with debugsym, kinda http://dpaste.com/1555/21:48
jbrinkmannHi. What would be correct way to handle bug 330067 ? There is no Google Earth package which caused the trouble.22:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330067 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "X server crash while running Google Earth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33006722:19
macowell it's x's problem, not google earth's so it's properly assigned22:20
seb128ogasawara: hi, could you get somebody to look at bug #197762? it's open for several cycle and seems to get quite some users frustrated by the lack of anybody triaging or replying or considering the bug22:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197762 in linux "file transfers on USB disk are very slow" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19776222:46
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