
xhaker_Hello doko16:14
xhaker_sorry to bother you directly on irc16:14
dokoxhaker_: ?16:14
xhaker_I'm triaging some bugs and foung bug #28978416:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289784 in openjdk-6 "netbeans is not well rendered using openjdk" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28978416:15
xhaker_I wonder if the patch to fix the cosmetic issue can be backported to hardy and intrepid16:16
xhaker_what do you think?16:16
dokoxhaker_: sure, you could look at the openjdk ppa as well, but I currently don't have the time for this and other backports16:49
=== xhaker_ is now known as xhaker
maxbThe current build of openjdk-6 on armel has now been building for over a week!22:25
maxbThat's a lot longer than the last successful build22:26

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