
Keybukquest procwatch% sudo ./forkwatch01:26
Keybuk1 -> 1941401:26
Keybuk1 -> 1941501:26
Keybuk1 -> 1941601:26
Keybuk1 -> 1941701:26
Keybuk1 -> 1941801:26
Keybuk1 -> 1941901:26
Keybukwhy does the kernel keep spawning things01:26
Keybuk(at least I assume it's the kernel and not init :p)01:26
Keybukhmm, something to do with threads01:38
Keybuk1/1 -> 20348/651301:41
Keybuk'evolution --component=mail '01:41
Keybuk1/1 -> 20349/650601:41
Keybuk'/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.6/firefox '01:41
KeybukI'm being stupid01:44
Keybukif you clone() to make a new thread, the new thread shares the same parent as the old one01:44
Keybukfirefox and evo's parents are init01:44
Keybukso a new thread will also have a parent as init01:44
mjg59Keybuk: Oops01:45
Keybukmjg59: don't laugh :p01:47
mjg59Keybuk: I spent half of today trying to debug something before realising that I'd stubbed out the functionality last month01:48
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LaibschI'm sure DKMS is nice and all, but I wonder if we're not going to see Ubuntu-supplied kernel modules as a separate package anytime soon (compiled with the help of dkms, I suppose)12:35
LaibschI hope this is on-topic here, if not suggest a better channel, please12:36
sorenLaibsch: I don't think I understand what you're saying.12:36
LaibschAlright, I'll retry12:36
Laibschvirtualbox has a module.  that module used to ship in a separate package, but was available for ubuntu supplied kernels12:37
LaibschThat is not the case anymore.  I have to install dmks, linux-headers, lots of dev-packages and lots of other stuff pulled in by virtualbox-ose-source these days to compile the module myself12:38
LaibschI wonder if ubuntu couldn't handle packaging that module (probably with the help of dkms) so everybody (including me) doesn't have to do that12:39
LaibschRight now, I don't see any obvious reason it couldn't be done12:39
sorenOn the other hand, you'll never more upgrade your kernel and suddenly have virtualbox not working because noone bothered to upload a new virtualbox-modules-2.6.xx-newabi-foobar package and go through the whole process of getting it accepted, through the various queues and stuff.12:39
LaibschI'm here to understand the situation12:39
soren...which is exactly the problem dkms solves.12:40
LaibschBut it still is inconvenient12:40
LaibschI'm wondering if a PPA might help?12:40
sorenHow is it inconvenient?12:40
sorenIt's all automatic.12:40
LaibschBut I don't think dkms works in a PPA environment12:40
sorenWhat do you mean+12:41
sorendkms runs on the target system, not on the buildd's.12:41
IntuitiveNippleI put DMS packages in my PPA 12:41
LaibschYes, that is what I was basically saying12:41
Laibschsoren: I think the previous situation was preferable, at least speaking from my POV12:42
sorenIntuitiveNipple: You mean packages that actually run dkms on the buildd's or just a package that uses dkms when it's installed in the final system?12:42
sorenLaibsch: Why?12:42
sorenLaibsch: How is it inconvenient? It's /automatic/.12:42
IntuitiveNipplesoren: Just regular DKMS packages... built on the target client12:42
sorenIntuitiveNipple: Right, there's no reason that wouldn't work. They're regular packages.12:43
IntuitiveNippleI wrote a tutorial on how to do the packaging, if it would help12:43
sorenIntuitiveNipple: We're not discussing how to create packages that use dkms.12:43
IntuitiveNippleahh, sorry.12:43
Laibschsoren: i don't like all the packages pulled in.  You may have a fat HD, unlimited bandwidth and whatnot, I may not.  I just see the sources and all the associated things on my system as cruft.  If I wanted LFS, I'd go gentoo.12:43
LaibschIt's basically the same reason I use Ubuntu over Gentoo.  In that sense, I'm a binary-type-of-guy12:45
LaibschI hope that makes sense12:45
sorendkms solves a very real problem:12:45
LaibschI'm not disputing that12:45
sorenWe have lots of kernel modules that are built outside the kernel, but needs to be in sync with the kernel.12:46
sorenDuring development, this is not all that bad, but if, after release, a security problem comes up that requires us to bump the ABI, there are a few options:12:46
sorena) Don't install the updated kernel until someone else has taken care of updating *all* the other packages.12:47
sorenb) Install the new kernel and lose the functionality provided by the other packages.12:47
sorenNeither is very useful.12:47
LaibschUnderstood, if the kernel team itself can't handle *all* out-of-source kernel modules, fine12:48
sorenThey can't, and shouldn't.12:48
sorenWhat if you have an extra module from a PPA?12:48
LaibschI'm wondering if there isn't a way to make dkms one more step12:48
Laibschsource -> binary -> package12:48
Laibschdkms stops at dkms AFAIK12:49
sorenAgain: How about the packages you get from a PPA?12:49
LaibschI want package ;-D12:49
Laibschsoren: what do you mean?  what about them?12:49
sorenLaibsch: They will obviously not be rebuilt by the kernel team or anything else automatic. Only your system knows that the package even exists.12:49
soren...so you end up having to choose be between the two options I mentioned a few minutes ago.12:50
LaibschI'm not following you12:50
LaibschLet's concentrate on virtualbox for a minute12:50
Laibschso things are clearer (at least for me)12:50
sorenSo, say you wanted a more up-to-date version of virtualbox than is in the archive, and you go and install it from a PPA.12:51
LaibschThat is also the case I'm most interested in, I don't use proprietary drivers, for example12:51
Laibschno, that is not what this is about12:51
sorenSays who?12:51
sorenIt's my example :)12:51
LaibschUbuntu vbox and Ubuntu kernel12:51
sorenOk, then.12:52
LaibschLet's not make things complicated before I understand the basics fully12:52
LaibschSituation before dkms: ubuntu provides package12:52
sorenSo, say you have linux-image-2.6.27-22-generic installed and virtualbox-modules-2.6.27-22-generic as well.12:52
sorenBoth from the archive.12:52
Laibschafter dkms: ubuntu provides source and automatic system for user to compile binary12:52
sorenNote: Virtualbox is in universe.12:53
sorenA security problem comes up that forces us to update the kernel in a way that breaks the ABI.12:53
sorenSo, to be safe from whatever was the security problem, you need linux-image-2.6.27-23-generic.12:53
soren...but since it's not the kernel team that maintains virtualbox-modules, it might take hours, days, or weeks before there's a virtualbox-modules-2.6.27-23-generic.12:54
Laibschvirtualbox-modules-2.6.27-22-generic isn't currently available, right? It's just to illustrate your point, do I understand correctly?12:54
sorenRight, these are made up version numbers.12:54
LaibschYes, and that is where my PPA suggestion came in12:54
sorenOh, no.12:55
LaibschWhy not?12:55
sorenIf I don't get to talk about PPA's, neither do you :)12:55
LaibschI for one would prefer that over the current solution12:55
LaibschBe serious now, will you ;-)12:55
sorenSo, during the time between linux-image-2.6.27-23-generic comes out and virtualbox-modules-2.6.27-23-generic comes out, you can choose between being safe or having virtualbox.12:55
LaibschI'd be OK with that12:56
sorenRight, because virtualbox is not a critical function to you, or you don't care about security.12:56
LaibschGiven that the recompilation is automatic12:56
* amitk thinks Laibsch is misunderstanding how PPAs work12:57
LaibschGiven that the recompilation is automatic it shouldn't take a dedicated team too long to update their modules packaegs12:57
Laibschamitk: I think I do12:57
sorenBut it's not automatic!12:57
LaibschI'm not a DKMS expert, though12:57
sorenThat's why we added dkms to /make/ it automatic.12:57
Laibschyes, dkms is a good thing -> see my first sentence in this channel12:57
amitkLaibsch: someone has to upload a _new_ version of vbox to the PPA to make a new version available to you12:58
amitkit is not automatic, it brings us back to the original problem12:58
LaibschWhat I don't think is so great is that currently things stop at the very first step in "source -> binary -> package"12:58
sorenLaibsch: Your first sentence in this channel was the one I completely didn't understand. At all.12:58
LaibschI'm wondering if it isn't possible to officially or inofficially continue to ship modules (can be a subset of those depending on dkms currently)12:59
amitksoren: Laibsch doesn't like things being compiled on his machine. He wants it to be available _automatically_ through PPAs12:59
Laibschsoren: vbox has to be rebuilt?  I think that isn't ture12:59
LaibschIt's the module that needs to be rebuilt13:00
Laibschamitk: yes13:00
Laibschthanks for clarifying13:00
sorenLaibsch: Of course. I didn't mean to discuss userspace at all.13:00
LaibschPPAs, or some other official or inofficial channel13:00
sorenLaibsch: Well, you're free to set something like that up.13:00
LaibschI'm willing to put some work into that13:01
LaibschBut I need help13:01
Laibschhelp and guidance with what dkms does and how it works13:01
sorenThen you need to find someone who /can/ and who also thinks it's useful. I'm only in one of those categories :)13:01
amitksoren: Laibsch: something like this - a new kernel upload (abi bumper) should automatically trigger a rebuild of all dkms packages in the archive and make their binary .debs available.13:01
sorenamitk: That seems to be the stated goal.13:02
Laibschamitk: Yes, that is what I'm looking for.  I think currently, it isn't done, or is it?13:02
amitkLaibsch: currently it can't be done13:02
sorenIt all means that the time from known vulnerability to patched system is longer.13:02
Laibschamitk: because dkms doesn't do it and there is nothing else, right?13:03
LaibschI wonder how complicated it would be to either extend dkms to also churn out packages or wrap something around dkms like is done with pbuilder and friends13:03
amitkdependencies handling in external kernel modules, automatic trigger support, package naming issues,13:04
sorenLaibsch: Are you familiar with module-assistant?13:04
amitkand several other issues wil have to be solved. You should probably check on #ubuntu-devel for experts on this sort of thing.13:04
sorenLaibsch: It's how some packages used to do this. It builds packages that you can install, but it can't be run automatically for various reasons.13:05
Laibschsoren: I used to run m-a a few times in the past13:05
LaibschI wouldn't call myself familiar with it13:05
LaibschBTW, this isn't really automatic13:12
LaibschError! Could not locate vboxnetflt.ko for module vboxnetflt in the DKMS tree.13:12
LaibschYou must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.28-2-386 (i686) first.13:12
LaibschWhatever that means, I hope google will tell me13:13
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=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
apwjbuncher, cool.  this a kernel issue, so we might as well have it here, #u-bugs is not really the right venue16:04
* apw goes look at the build logs16:04
apwjbuncher, could you confirm the /proc/version string from the .4 version16:06
jbuncherapw:  I just rebooted, hang on16:07
jbuncherapw:  "Linux version 2.6.24-02062404-generic (root@zinc) etc etc"16:14
jbuncherapw:  I have not been installing the headers, btw.16:23
apwjbuncher, yeah no worries if you'd needed them you would know by now16:24
apwseems that iwl has moved to l-u-m, will try and work out what to do to test this next16:25
jbuncherapw:  l-u-m = linux-ubuntu-modules?16:25
apwof course there isn't one of those for a mainline kernel16:26
apwso ... we need anything 'moved' there turned on in mainliine builds16:26
apwnot somethign thats trivial to detect automagically16:26
apwa royal pain16:27
jbunchershould I just enable "Intel Wireless WiFi Link Drivers" in the kernel config?16:28
jbuncheror would that not work (e.g., if the source ot make those modules has been physically removed from the source debs you posted)16:30
apwthey are in there.16:30
apwi was jsut going to try a rebuild of the .4 with that enabled16:30
apwneed to figure out how to do this in a safe manner16:31
jbuncherapw:  what would the "danger" be?16:31
apwthe problem is how do i reenable it in such a way that each time i build a new .24.N build16:32
apwit will happen right and automatically without intervention16:32
apwgive me a couple of mins to think on it16:37
jbunchersure thing16:37
apwjbuncher, ok i think i have something workable.  am rebuilding the .24.4 now, will let you know when its done so you can test before i rebuild and others16:56
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apwsadly it will take somewhat over an hour so no holding of breath16:59
jbuncherapw:  you don't happen to know of a tool that scans your hardware and then auto-configs a kernel, so you don't have to build modules for stuff you don't have/use, do you?17:03
apwjbuncher, nope, that would be nice.  i bought some bigger build engines to get round that issue17:04
IntuitiveNippleI saw something that does exactly that last week... let me see if I can remember what it was17:08
apweasier than waiting for godot17:09
apwIntuitiveNipple, intresting17:09
apwjust when i've stopped being allowed to make small kernels :(17:09
=== aguai2 is now known as aguai
IntuitiveNippleTrouble is, when you're visiting tons of search-engine hits a day, it's hard to remember when or where :)17:10
apwKeybuk, the work you are doing with netlink, does that make the work on pselect et al for arm less urgent?18:01
apwjbuncher, ok the is rebuilt if you could test that sometime18:05
jbuncherapw: alright, I need to head to work and get some lunch, but I should be able to get to it this afternoon.  Is it on the same page as before?18:06
apwjbuncher, yep replaced the originals with some with iwl stuff turned on i hope18:07
apwif you could report back in the bug too that would help me keep track18:07
jbuncherapw:  sure thing, thanks again for all your work.18:07
apwno problem, be nice to get that one nailed18:08
mgolischanyone here?18:32
mgolischwhich dump facilities does ubuntu provide?18:32
Keybukapw: no, it has nothing to do with udev18:37
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jbuncherapw:  Success on both counts.  The .4 recognized my wireless card, as well as being able to connect to the wireless.  I'm posting in the bug thread now19:36
=== aguai1 is now known as aguai
apwjbuncher, i will re-build the remainder and let you know when they are done23:09
mgolischcrash dump facilities in ubuntu kernels?23:27
apwi think crash dumping is a jaunty goal23:32
mgolischi wonder why its not there yet23:35
mgolischfor example ubuntu ships the crash tool for debuging crashdumps since ages23:35
mgolischi allways wondered why there is no crashdump stuff23:35
mgolischi mean srsrrly they try to do server stuff, i wouldnt want a server without the ability to get dumps of kernelpanics23:36
mgolischenough ranting :) ill wait for the next release then23:37
apwi would't take my word for it, i know some stuff is going on in that space for jaunty23:38
apwit may be workable if you have the recipe on server23:38
apwmgolisch, have you asked on #ubuntu-server ?  they would have the definative answeer23:39
mgolischill try that23:39

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