
anakronyes :-)00:00
LaneyA couple of other things - the version should have been 1ubuntu100:00
anakronim not too familiar with this00:00
Laneyand you should put the .xpm inside debian/00:00
anakronhow i can do it00:00
anakroncreate a new patch?00:00
Laneyanakron: I wonder if this patch is really necessary anyway? The bug is really minor in any event and introducing the change in Ubuntu means we have to maintain the patch until Debian or upstream take it00:02
anakronyes i know it00:02
anakronand this one?00:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 301603 in firestarter "Impossible to launch firestarter" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:03
anakroni edit a patch that changes su-to-root -X -c to gksu -X -C, but gksu does'nt have these options00:03
Laneyshouldn't su-to-root work fine?00:04
anakronyes It will work00:04
anakronbut the package have this patch00:04
anakronthat change su-to-root to gksu00:04
anakroni don't know why00:05
anakronbut add gksu with -X -c00:05
Laneywhat about kde users who don't have gksu?00:05
LaneyYou need to add a dependency on it for it to be available00:06
anakroni know that su-to-root its better for upstream than gksu00:06
anakronbut, the maintainer set it00:06
anakroni could change it00:06
anakronor set it as dependence00:06
Laneyaha, I misunderstood you00:06
LaneyI thought you removed su-to-root ;)00:07
anakronthe problem is that the patch set gksu with -X -c00:07
anakronso, i remove -X -c00:07
Laneyyeah, I get it00:07
LaneyI don't understand the original patch though - drop it and it seems to launch fine00:08
anakronbut i can change it and add gksu in dependences00:08
anakroni can't too00:08
Laneyanakron: I think whoever did the last merge was wrong00:10
anakronill see debian package00:10
LaneyFrom reading bug 5269 it looks like the package originally used gksudo00:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5269 in firestarter "Menu location" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/526900:11
Laneybut Debian changed to use su-to-root with -7, so we should have gone with this change00:11
Laneyanakron: If you do a debdiff which drops the patch (and confirm it works) then I will be happy to sponsor that00:12
directhexLaney, monodevelop debuggers, tuppence a bag!00:13
directhexLaney, got X going again then?00:14
Laneydirecthex: metacity compositor was the culprit here00:14
Laneyalthough scrolling is still pretty slow especially in FF00:15
directhexsilly metacity00:15
LaneyI want my freedom-hating fglrx back :(00:15
anakronLaney, how i can take this patch away? it use dpatch00:25
anakronim trying00:25
jmarsdenanakron: edit debian/patches/00list00:27
anakronthat is all?00:27
anakroni thought in it00:27
jmarsdenWell, you can delete the actual patch file too, once you are sure you want to get rid of it.00:28
Laneydelete it from 00list and then delete the actual file00:28
anakronactual file, patch file?00:29
anakronthe last and first patch says that desktop file should use gksu00:29
Laneyuh, confusing00:30
anakronits weird00:30
anakronbecause first00:30
anakrondesktop file says that Exec=firestarter, then apply 1st patch to > gksu firestarter00:30
anakronthen i dont know which one but it changes to su-to-root00:31
anakronand the last patch changes it to gksu00:31
anakronI'll take away the last patch00:31
Laneyyou aren't vim!00:31
Laneyanakron: grep -r su-to-root . in the package directory will find it00:32
LaneyIt seems like there were three patches touching the same line in Ubuntu00:32
* Laney spanks everyone concerned00:32
anakronhi mruiz00:33
mruizanakron, hi00:33
Laneyanakron: please write in the changelog that no Ubuntu changes remain00:34
mruizanakron, sync?00:35
anakronyes it seems00:35
Laneyso that the next uploader knows this00:36
anakronI'll look at debian package00:36
mruizanakron, if Ubuntu changes are dropped they must be included by upstream or Debian00:36
Laneyor more correctly, the person who merges it next00:36
anakrongrep -r su-to-root still looking for, but nothing appears00:37
Laneylaney@chicken> grep -r su-to-root .                                ~/dev/ubuntu/packaging/firestarter/firestarter-1.0.300:38
Laney./debian/patches/11_desktop_file.dpatch:+Exec=su-to-root -X -c /usr/sbin/firestarter00:38
anakronmm here nothing happens00:39
anakronit seems that the first patch must be deleted  and this one must be edited00:40
anakronand the last patch must be deleted too00:41
Laneywhat happens if you just delete 25?00:41
anakronbut the first patch is useless00:42
Laneyyou should report a debian bug about it00:42
anakronit's more easy to just delete 2500:42
savvasScottK: I found a patch that might fix the bmpx build for ppc/powerpc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122614/ - http://www.mail-archive.com/pld-cvs-commit@lists.pld-linux.org/msg149860.html00:43
Laneywe don't want to make additional changes over Debian if we can help it00:43
anakroni think that for this bug I only delete 2500:43
anakronand then I'll do changes and report it to debian directly00:43
Laneyyes, that's a good way to do it00:43
savvasScottK: I'm trying the patch in PPA, to see if it works for normal architectures as well: http://launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive/ppa/+builds?build_text=&build_state=pending00:43
ScottKsavvas: Great.  Let me know how it goes.01:04
btmScottK: with gems drama and all, we're back in sync with debian, right?01:05
ScottKIf the sync from experimental gets done, yes.01:05
btmScottK: I guess I meant policy wise / culture wise. Cool.01:05
ScottKThe one gems diversion did not stand, so I don't think it ended up being a significant diversion.01:06
ScottKIt was mostly a question of enough people knowing.01:06
Laneycan we start uploading notification fixes?01:12
LaneyI am about to rip Banshee's face off01:12
ScottKLaney: Got FFe?01:14
LaneyScottK: Is it a feature?01:14
ScottKCertainly.  Changing the system to integrate with a different notification system is definitely a feature.01:15
ScottKNot complying with something that isn't even a spec is not a bug.01:15
LaneyWell the feature was introduced in the new notify-osd package. Is not what we have now a series of bugs in upstreams (not checking for capabilities)?01:19
LaneyI guess you could argue that making notifications-with-actions into alerts is a misfeature01:19
ScottKLaney: Where is there any standard that requires checking for features?01:20
ScottKOne can't take a draft, unapproved standard that is still under negotation, implement something new from it and then declare all non-supporters of this new feature buggy.01:21
ScottKWell one can, but it's really not cricket IMO.01:21
LaneyRight; it has been done, and now we must implement the fixes.01:22
LaneyI don't see the point in requiring paperwork to do so, since there is really no way we are going to leave the behaviour as it is now01:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 301603 in firestarter "Impossible to launch firestarter" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:23
anakronLaney, here it is01:24
Laneyanakron: It doesn't build01:29
Laneyapplying patch 01_use_gksu to /build/laney-firestarter_1.0.3-7ubuntu2-amd64-hUSBIB/firestarter-1.0.3-7ubuntu2/debian/patches ... failed.01:29
anakroni built it and then i create a debfile01:30
anakronand runs ok01:30
anakronmmm ill see it01:30
anakroni make debuild -S01:34
anakronand then dpkg-buildpackage01:34
Laneyanakron: You should use pbuilder or sbuild to build packages01:37
Laneyoften problems can be missed by using debuild/dpkg-buildpackage alone01:37
tonyyarussoWould someone be willing to explain gdb breakpoints to me?  I'm trying to examine the values of a variable at various points in the execution of a program (finch), and when I try setting one it tells me the source file isn't found.01:37
mruizLaney, good point01:37
StevenKtonyyarusso: You need to instruct gdb where to find the source01:38
tonyyarussoStevenK: aaaah.  How do I go about that?01:39
StevenKtonyyarusso: Step 1) Get the source01:40
tonyyarussoGot that.01:40
xooxIs there a way to check from the command line what the version of a package is in a given release?01:40
StevenKxoox: rmadison01:40
StevenKHowever, that will only cover supported releases01:40
StevenKIt requires Launchpad and a shovel to find out for unsupported releases01:41
tonyyarussoIs it just cd?  (http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemnet/use/info/gdb/gdb_5.html#SEC20)01:41
xooxThanks StevenK01:41
StevenKtonyyarusso: Sounds plausible01:41
Laneyanakron: I fixed a problem with a missing build-dep and now it's OK01:42
anakron:) i do it when i try to do dpkg-buildpackage01:43
tonyyarussoStevenK: That gets me to a different error at least, so progress.  Now it says "No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command."  (just typing 'file' says "No executable file now, No symbol file now")  I passed -g and -gstabs in CFLAGS when I compiled, but I'm entirely certain what that does / how to make use of it.01:44
StevenKtonyyarusso: Why did you feed into gdb to get that error?01:45
tonyyarussouh, "Why" or "What"?  I had just said 'break save_pounce_cb' (that being a function I want to stop at)01:45
savvasScottK: good news, lpia built! https://launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive/ppa/+build/882034 - still waiting for i386 and amd64 though01:49
tonyyarussoSounds like I have to tell it how to load symbols?01:50
tonyyarussooh, found that.  'file /usr/bin/finch' is what it wanted.01:52
tonyyarussoStevenK: I was able to get a bit further now.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/122638/  a) I'm not sure why I'm getting that message about No such file or directory, b) How do I make sense of 0x8242158?  (dialog->on_status is what I'm concerned with)01:58
Laneyanakron: I just uploaded it, thanks for your contribution02:05
anakronthanks to you02:05
Laneynow to see if it also ftbfs on sid02:07
Laneythen I should go to sleep02:07
anakronwhen is UDS?02:09
StevenKanakron: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS02:11
LaneyI just applied for sponsorship \o02:12
Laneyshot in the dark, but might as well try02:12
anakronhey laney02:12
anakronone question, what can i do for this desktop file http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/122641/02:12
Laneywhat's wrong with it?02:13
tonyyarussoI'm guessing 0x8242158 is a memory register address or something, but I need to be able to see the actual data (a pointer that actually just contains an integer, I want to know the integer) stored there.02:13
Laneydo you know about desktop-file-validate?02:13
anakronbecause desktop-file-validate says that is not valid character02:13
ScottKsavvas: If you think you have it figured out, we should ask TheMuso if he'll do a powerpc test build.02:13
anakronbut i can't validate it02:13
Laneyyou can replace it with ö02:13
Laneythe utf-8 character02:13
LaserJockwhat's a good practice for changelog entries when Debian hasn't released yet?02:13
anakron:O ok02:13
anakronhow i do it02:14
LaserJocki.e. when you're uploading something based on a Debian VCS version02:14
Laneyanakron: But this is the kind of change we don't need to make02:14
LaneyLaserJock: I like -1~ubuntu1, but personal preference02:14
Laney-x~ubuntu1, generally02:14
LaserJockLaney: and do you keep the Debian entry even if it hasn't been uploaded yet?02:14
LaneyLaserJock: I keep it, but add a comment at the top under my name: "uploading Debian SVN revision"02:15
Laneythen the reason02:15
tonyyarusso~ubuntu1?  I thought it was -0ubuntu1.  :S02:16
LaneySome people like that too (for new upstream versions). I think that ~ubuntu1 makes the heritage of an upload clearer02:16
LaserJockthe problem is that Debian has a -1 entry, and then I'm going to add on top of that a -0ubuntu1, a lower version02:17
LaserJockthat seems weird to me02:17
LaneyI don't think LP would even let you upload02:17
LaserJockI would think it would02:17
LaneyOh, *debian* has it02:18
Laneyyeah, that would work02:18
Laneyyou could either rename -1 to -0ubuntu1 or -1~ubuntu1. Doesn't matter really02:18
LaserJockDebian has an un-uploaded -1 entry02:18
LaserJockwell, I guess it doesn't matter a bunch, but I am going to make it UNRELEASED02:18
savvasScottK: I'll try and test it locally in about 10-15 minutes02:18
LaserJockjust so people know Debian hasn't uploaded it yet02:19
ScottKOK.  Great.02:19
Laneynight all02:19
ScottKLaney: -0ubuntu1 is the standard way to do it.02:19
theholyduckif say. i wanted ubuntu to come with a non horribly broken x264, ffmpeg and mplayer, could i volenteer to motu and make updated packages for them?02:24
superm1theholyduck, what's wrong with those packages?02:26
theholyducksuperm1, ffmpeg is built from a horribly old svn snapshot. x264 is built from a horribly old git snapshot. and mplayer is built from a release from 2007 instead of a svn snapshot02:26
theholyduckall 3 packages are unsported and unstable for anything OTHER than latest svn02:27
theholyduckbut ubuntu still packages bad versions of them02:27
superm1theholyduck, well for mplayer, that's the latest stable release02:27
theholyducksuperm1, well yes :P02:27
theholyduckbut svn is WAY stabler02:28
savvasScottK: it works on amd64 :)02:28
theholyduckfaster, and more usable02:28
theholyduckthan that release02:28
theholyduckmplayer doesnt DO releases02:28
theholyduckwich is why its their "Latest stable"02:28
superm1theholyduck, well you can certainly do the work to file a group of FFe's for these and have the motu-release time evaluate them if you are interested02:28
superm1there would be no guarantees such things would be accepted, but that would be the process02:28
superm1theholyduck, you might want to talk to siretart before you do so though02:29
theholyducksuperm1, well i currently resorted to writing a script for dling all deps and building and making a .deb for local system use02:29
theholyduckso that all the ubuntu users who clog up #Mplayer #ffmpeg and #x264 could get up to date pacakges02:30
theholyduckit doesnt do actual .deb packaging just checkinstall02:30
theholyduckbut i cant see why ffmpeg and x264 gets developement versions but mplayer doesnt.02:30
theholyduckand why the developement versions dont get updated more frequently02:30
theholyduckx264 and ffmpeg both enjoy very rapid developement02:31
superm1theholyduck, i would imagine they generally have implications on other packages02:31
superm1such as the gstreamer stack (for ffmpeg)02:31
theholyduckdoesnt gstreamer use its own package with its own ffmpeg02:31
theholyduckgstreamer-ffmpeg or whatever?02:31
theholyduckno reason you couldnt have a ffmpeg-svn x264-git and mplayer-svn package that fills the depends for their respective "stable" packages02:32
theholyduckbut for people who want a usable system02:32
superm1theholyduck, no, it uses libavcodec from the system ffmpeg02:33
theholyduckarghh. why do everyone persist in dynamicly linking everything :P02:33
superm1saves space, encourages stable ABI & API02:33
theholyducksuperm1, in a perfect world yes :P02:34
theholyduckbut all its doing in this case is stagnating your ffmpeg02:34
theholyducksince people depends on how that stagnated ffmpeg work02:34
superm1theholyduck, so you will have more likelyhood of getting FFes on the parts that don't have potential to hurt other packages (such as mplayer)02:34
anakronping Laney; hey, how i can see which dependecies are needed to add02:34
theholyduckthe world isnt perfect thus dynamic linking doesnt work.02:34
superm1theholyduck, but feel free to file the set of FFes and let the release teams evaluate them and talk to siretart about ffmpeg02:35
anakronups sorry02:35
theholyducki might just stick to my supply a script that compiles x264, ffmpeg and mplayer statically. then integrates it into the packagemanager plan02:35
theholyduckmore ideal since ffmpeg should be updated every day02:36
xooxtheholyduck: Use rvm's PPA. http://ppa.launchpad.net/rvm/ubuntu02:36
theholyduckstill no ffmpeg :)02:37
anakronsomeone here02:37
theholyduckbut atleast mplayer is alteast sorta usably built02:37
anakronif when i use pbuilder and it says that "E: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed"02:38
superm1theholyduck, you might consider setting up a PPA for daily ffmpeg builds then02:38
anakronwhat can i do?02:38
theholyduckx264 is still horribly  outdated on that one xoox02:38
superm1theholyduck, it would probably be useful to these same people who use your script02:38
savvasTheMuso: Can you test a powerpc package of bmpx 0.40.14-1ubuntu1 on jaunty using this debdiff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122614/02:38
theholyduck20080917 is so anicent its not really worth mentioning in x264 terms02:38
xooxtheholyduck: I would try searching people's PPA's before trying to build it yourself.02:39
anakroni must look at debian/control and see which  things are needed to add as build-depends?02:39
TheMusosavvas: I will try it later, still don't have a build environment up yet sorry, will get to it as soon as I do.02:39
xooxtheholyduck: I agree with you about the poor support for tracking rapidly developing packages.02:39
savvasTheMuso: thanks :)02:39
hggdhanakron, look at the output of the pbuilder run to find what was missing02:40
hggdhanakron, and add it in debian/control02:40
anakroni try to see it doing a dpkg-buildpackage02:40
anakronand it says that are some deps that are needed to install02:40
hggdhthere you go02:41
anakronbut all of thm are used by pbuilder02:41
theholyducksuperm1, do i need to setup a launchpad team or project or something to get my own ppa?02:44
theholyduckgoogle to the rescue02:46
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tonyyarussogah, I don't understand gdb at all.  I've managed to get output for 'print variable', but it looks nothing like what I expect to see in that variable.  :(04:20
StevenKYou mean, it's a pointer?04:20
tonyyarussoWell, at least originally I was working with a pointer, but then I (thought I) created another dummy variable to hold the value of just the integer (gotten from GPOINTER_TO_INT()), and that doesn't help either, so I'm not really sure what's going on.04:21
tonyyarusso(Keep in mind though that I just started trying to have the concept of pointers explained to me yesterday.)04:22
StevenKI'm guessing the variable you're interested in is a struct?04:22
tonyyarussoI don't know?04:23
StevenKtonyyarusso: Well, what is the type of the variable you're interested in?04:24
tonyyarussohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/122663/ - I'm trying to find out the value of dialog->on_status, so I can figure out why things aren't behaving like I expect around lines 200-207 and/or 468-473.04:24
tonyyarussoStevenK: I believe it's an integer that's been converted to a pointer (to match what the function is expecting), and then I try converting it back.04:25
StevenKtonyyarusso: And when you break at line 200, what is on_status_as_int ?04:26
tonyyarusso$1 = -121049597204:27
tonyyarussoactually, wait - that's a few lines earlier I think.04:28
tonyyarussostill get the same thing.04:29
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=== fabrice_sp__ is now known as fabrice_sp
tonyyarussoStevenK: any idea why it's not 1, 2, or 3?04:41
StevenKPerhaps it's not an int ...04:41
tonyyarussoTime to hit the documentation for GPOINTER_TO_INT?04:43
StevenKSounds like a good first step04:43
tonyyarussosadly, this stuff seems to be quite poorly documented :(04:46
tonyyarussoThis is the clearest thing I've found so far, but it seems to say I had it right - http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-app-devel-list/2001-July/msg00246.html04:47
tonyyarussoAlso, http://library.gnome.org/devel/glib/unstable/glib-Type-Conversion-Macros.html, but that page is gibberish to me.04:47
tonyyarussooh, wait a second04:50
tonyyarussoI'm not entirely clear about how things are stored in the combo box I think.  Looking for examples of that too...04:51
tonyyarussoI found a file that does similar things - http://paste.ubuntu.com/122670/.  Looking through that - hopefully it will help.05:02
dholbachgood morning05:42
dholbachhi fabrice_sp05:42
fabrice_spHi dholbach :-)05:43
fabrice_spdholbach, I've just update the debdiff of Bug #334035. I forgot to close the bug in the changelog :-/06:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334035 in transcalc "Transcalc FTBFS with error "call to '__open_missing_mode' declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT in second argument needs 3 arguments"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33403506:04
fabrice_spand I saw too late your comment :-) Do you want me to update the patch?06:04
dholbachfabrice_sp: no, I uploaded it already - just close it manually06:05
fabrice_spok. Thanks!06:06
fabrice_spA small question: what would be the Ubuntu's version for 0.99.5+cvs20070914-2.1~lenny2 ?06:14
fabrice_spdch propose me 0.99.5+cvs20070914-2.1~lenny2ubuntu106:14
dholbachsounds good06:15
dholbachjust add ubuntu106:16
fabrice_spok. Just seemed to me a too long version number! :-)06:18
dholbachnot our problem, we just add 7 characters to it ;-)06:18
siretarttheholyduck: I wouldn't call the ffmpeg snapshot from a few weeks ago 'horribly outdated'...06:18
theholyduckwell im talking hardy currently :P06:19
theholyducki only deal with what i have to support06:19
theholyduckand the one in hardy is from sometime in 200806:19
siretarttheholyduck: it should even provide VDPAU, but I couldn't find someone to actually test it06:19
theholyducksiretart, well ffmpeg doesnt REALLY provide vdpau :P06:19
theholyduckatleast not fully :P06:19
dholbachfabrice_sp: are you going to forward the transcalc fix upstream?06:19
theholyduckyou need to get the nvidas own build for that06:19
siretartwell, ffmpeg in hardy is indeed nearly a year old, that's right.06:19
siretartwe could update it in -backports, but this would break nearly all media players in ubuntu06:20
theholyducksiretart, yes. and there is no reaon you cant keep updating it:P06:20
fabrice_spdholbach, I didn't find a up-to-date upstream page (2007, it seems), so I was opening a bug report in Debian06:20
dholbachfabrice_sp: sounds good06:20
theholyducksiretart, well a ffmpeg older than 1 weeks is way outdated06:20
theholyduckby ffmpeg standards06:20
dholbachfabrice_sp: do you use "submittodebian" for that?06:20
siretarttheholyduck: breaking all media players *is* a very good reason06:20
theholyducka x264 outdated by 3 days is outdated by x264 standards06:20
siretartsays who?06:21
StevenKtheholyduck: An ffmpeg outdated by one *commit* is ancient, for crying out load06:21
theholyduckthe guys CREATING the damn software06:21
fabrice_spdholbach, I generally use reportbug, with manual email :-/ I'll check submittodebian :-)06:21
theholyduckStevenK, well yes. but when it hits a week its horrible :P06:21
StevenKtheholyduck: Hardy is released. I can't see us updating it.06:21
siretarttheholyduck: well, then try to provide a PPA with updated versions of x264 and ffmpeg. you don't even need to be a developer06:22
theholyducksiretart, well if players just built in the version of ffmpeg they used.06:22
dholbachfabrice_sp: the nice thing about it is that it makes use of the stuff in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Usertagging for you06:22
siretarttheholyduck: I documented the update procedure pretty cleary in debian/README.upstream-upgrade06:22
theholyduckinstead of insisting on the idiocy of dynamic linking06:22
theholyduckthis wouldnt be a problem now would it?06:22
theholyduckffmpeg isnt really THAT large a binary anyway06:22
siretartthen maintain all media players with static copies of ffmpeg in your PPA06:23
ScottKWe're pretty much in favor of dynamic linking around here.06:23
theholyduckScottK, im not though :P06:23
theholyduckit encourages not updating packages06:23
theholyduckbecause other packages would break06:23
siretartffmpeg is just about 8 MB of code (on i386). I would call that rather large...06:23
ScottKNot if they're sanely designed.06:23
theholyduckScottK, well ffmpeg isnt sanely designed or developed06:23
theholyduckand never will be.06:23
theholyduckmost apps wont be06:23
StevenKtheholyduck: No, it involves updating one package in the case of a security flaw, rather than 15.06:24
ScottKThere I disagree.06:24
theholyduckdynamic linking is perfect in a perfect world :P06:24
fabrice_spdholbach, I see. I'll check all that before submitting to debian. Tahnks for the pointers!06:24
theholyduckbut the world is far from perfect. thus it doesnt work06:24
dholbachfabrice_sp: anytime06:24
* ScottK declines to really get into it and goes to bed instead.06:24
siretartdynamic linking is okay for ubuntu & debian. I'd say we do a fairly good job so far, of course there is always room for improvements06:24
dholbachScottK: sleep tight06:24
siretartScottK: good night!06:24
ScottKGood night all.06:25
theholyduckand then you got softwares like x264.06:25
theholyduckwith THIIIINY binaries.06:25
fabrice_spgood night ScottK06:25
theholyduckthat makes even LESS sense to dynamically link06:25
siretarttheholyduck: are you willing to actually help to improve the situation or are you only trying to make people work for your pleasing?06:25
theholyducksiretart, well i'll start working on trying to package usable mediaplayers for ubuntu. but it sorta saddens me since i wouldnt ordinarily use it :P06:26
siretartubuntu already has rather useable media players: ffplay, gxine, vlc, gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg using packages like totem, phonon + applications...06:26
theholyduckthe only reason im willing to do it is because there are more and more people using the horrible abomination of mediaplayers known as vlc instead of mplayer because the mplayer in ubuntu is outdated06:27
theholyducksiretart, gstreamer and vlc are abominations.06:27
theholyduckffplay isnt MENT to play files06:27
theholyduckit cant even demux propperly06:27
siretartwhat media players are missing?06:27
theholyducksiretart, well the problem with linux is that all the playback solutions are horribly flawed in some way06:28
theholyduckmplayer from svn is currently the only close to usable one06:28
theholyduckbut no distros package it :D06:28
siretartwell, then try to update the mplayer package06:29
siretartpreferably based on this git branch: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-multimedia/mplayer.git;a=summary06:29
siretartI could then consider uploading it to debian06:29
theholyduckwell again. unless its a svn build its no good,,06:30
theholyduckactually you shouldnt even be packaging mplayer svn, but one of the custom git reps.06:30
theholyduckbut thats another discussion alltogether06:30
theholyduckthen some users might want mplayer with ffmpeg-mt, or mplayer with a non sucky libass.06:31
theholyducketc :)06:31
theholyduckmplayer is not a package that lends itself to sanely be used in a packagemanager06:31
siretartthen don't use the package at all, but install it in your ~/local or something. problme solved06:31
theholyducksiretart, wich is basicly what the script i've been working on does anyway06:32
siretartyou could also craft script to automate this. just keep them out of ubuntu, please06:32
theholyducksiretart, anyways the idea was to create a interactive script to pick if you want uau's improved git. or plain mplayer svn, libass patches, gradfun patches, ffmpeg-mt and what not06:33
theholyduckthen grab the deps and compile and install.06:33
theholyduckand the same for x264 and ffmpeg.06:34
theholyduckthough alot of the situation would be fixed if ubuntu did the same thing with mplayer as they did with ffmpeg. as in package atleast a semi recent svn06:34
theholyduckits better than nothing anyway06:34
siretartas said, feel free to update the package. I even told you the url to the branch06:35
theholyducksiretart, seems pretty old if you ask me. but whatever. i'll think im going to stick with the script it approach for now, trying to stick to all the ubuntu packaging rules that i quite frankly think are idiotic isnt exactly my idea of fun06:37
dholbachtheholyduck: I think it's a good idea to accept that the Ubuntu approach is a bit different because of our commitments wrt releases - if you want bleeding edge, that's fine too06:38
theholyduckdholbach, another thing i never understood about ubuntu. is that while SOME of the packages are pretty up to date. others seems to orginate from debian stable06:39
dholbach"live and let live"06:39
dholbachtheholyduck: we import source packages from sid06:40
theholyduckdholbach, all of them?06:40
dholbachuntil DebianImportFreeze06:40
siretarttheholyduck: bashing developers for doing something you don't understand is not a good way to get people do what you want them to do06:40
siretartanyway, need to hurry to work now, cu later06:40
dholbachhave a great day siretart06:40
theholyduckanyways. i just think its annoying when distros dont listen to upstream. and then you get all the people reporting bugs that have been fixed ages ago. but the distros dont package the relevant versions06:43
dholbachtheholyduck: I understand your problem - the problem we have is that we need to be conservative with changes we make to something that is released already06:44
theholyduckwell ffmpeg/mplayer/x264 was never MENT to be stable consistent software that you could just depend upon and forget.06:46
StevenKWhy? Because API/ABI stability is pointless?06:46
theholyduckStevenK, because ideas and techniques to encoding and decoding keep changing06:47
StevenKThat doesn't answer my question.06:47
theholyduckStevenK, well if you say you're going to stick to a api. you loose the ability to break compitability06:47
theholyduckfor performance or cleanness reasons06:48
dholbachusers of a release are not interested in having compatibility broken :)06:48
theholyduckthe inability to break compitability is what makes things stagnate06:48
dholbachlike my mom06:48
dholbachwe can break it in the next release all we like06:48
theholyduckand stagnation is bad.06:48
theholyduckStevenK, like x264 added alot of major features not long ago06:49
theholyduck"psyvisual" optimizations06:49
dholbachand it's cool to add features in a new release, no? :)06:50
theholyduckthat instead of trying to replicate how the video looks. you try to replicate how the video SEEMS to the human eye06:50
siretartStevenK: don't listen to him. lately, ffmpeg tracks API/ABI changes pretty carefully and adds lots of compatibility #ifdefs to avoid SONAME bumps...06:50
theholyducksiretart, well its still known for breaking things06:51
siretarttheholyduck: whom do you tell that?06:51
theholyduckdholbach, once you start doing real releases. you start focusing on the releases. and deadlines and stuff. instead of writing new intresting features when you want to write new intresting features06:52
dholbachI'll give it a rest now - I'm not member of any ffmpeg team, so I don't feel I should discuss their release politics06:55
dholbachI'm just glad that a lot of projects do manage to do both: have predictability of releases and hack on new features06:56
* theholyduck always used debian unstable/exprimental06:57
theholyduckpredictablillity is overrated06:57
siretartdholbach: my impression of both ffmpeg and mplayer is that there is a lot of pressure from quite some very talented and good programmers who want to focus on writing code and improving quality instead of focusing on producing something usable for less active projects06:57
siretartdholbach: which is a pain for distros :-(06:58
siretartdholbach: but I'm in good contact with ffmpeg upstream about that06:58
theholyducksiretart, wich is why they reccomend people building their own svns :P06:58
dholbachas I said... I'm out of the discussion now06:58
AnAntHello, can someone please review: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=webstrict ?08:49
dholbachToadstool: good you're coming back!09:58
dholbacheverybody give Toadstool a hug!09:59
* dholbach hugs Toadstool09:59
Toadstoolheh :)09:59
Toadstoolhi everybody!09:59
dholbachhiya bdrung_10:00
=== shiyee is now known as abemad
Teddy__ScottK-desktop: Ping?10:43
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ScottKTeddy__: Pong11:12
Teddy__ScottK: "mandos" 1.0.8-1 has now been uploaded to Debian.11:19
ScottKOK.  I'll have a look.11:20
* ScottK waves to Toadstool.11:20
Toadstoolheya ScottK11:28
ScottKWelcome back.11:29
Toadstoolthank you :)11:29
ScottKTeddy__: Bug #33429512:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334295 in mandos "Please sync mandos 1.0.8-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33429512:03
ScottKThat will likely get processed by an archive administrator in the next few days.12:04
Teddy__ScottK: Cool, thanks!12:08
ScottKYou're welcome.12:08
Teddy__ScottK: ITYM "wave", not "waive"?12:09
Teddy__ScottK: Thanks (got a little confused there). :)12:09
savvasScottK: bugs launchpad has commands like bts? is there a tool or a list with those commands?12:14
ScottKYou still need to be registered.12:14
savvasI am :)12:15
ScottKSorry, got confused who I was talking to.12:15
ScottKsavvas: There is a email interface and there's a help page on it.  I don't recall where.12:15
savvasgreat, thanks nhandler :)12:16
nhandlerYou're welcome savvas12:17
pkernHi there.  Is it possible nowadays to push things from a PPA into universe?12:24
pochupkern: nope12:25
pochuyou have to reupload12:26
* Laney cuts banshee12:26
LaneyScottK: Can I have your ack #1 to upload a fix?12:26
Laneybug 327640, but I haven't done any paperwork on it12:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327640 in banshee "Need to check notification daemon for actions capabilities" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32764012:27
pkernpochu: *grmbl* Ok.12:27
* soren seems to have missed something.12:28
sorenLaney: Why would you need an ACK for something like that?12:28
Laneysoren: ScottK says so12:28
LaneyI intend to take it to the mailing list, but I want to fix this particular case first12:29
ScottKsoren: Featureful changes need FFes.12:29
sorenScottK: Ah.12:29
sorenScottK: I just wondered why he needed an ACK rather than a sponsor.12:30
* pochu still thinks those are bug fixes12:33
* Laney too12:33
Laneypochu: do you want to kick off a ML thread?12:33
* james_w three12:33
pochuI already said it in #ubuntu-devel some days ago and in ubuntu-devel@ yesterday12:35
LaneyConsensus from -release would be good12:35
pochuLaney: do -release think otherwise?12:57
Laneyno, and motu-release seem to think that they do require FFes12:57
Laneyhopefully we can get a standing FFe at the next ubuntu-release meeting12:57
pochuthey're clearly bug fixes12:59
james_wI've only heard the opinion of one member of motu-release so far13:00
Laneyjames_w: nhandler and DktrKranz agreed in #ubuntu-release when I solicited input13:03
james_wLaney: agreed that they needed FFe?13:03
james_wok, thanks13:03
LaneyI asked ScottK if he wouldn't mind bringing it up at the next ubuntu-release meeting for a standing FFe (or a dx delegate), but he didn't reply yet13:04
pochuIMHO the feature is notify-osd, fixing apps to follow the specification are fixes, not features13:04
james_wwhen is the next meeting?13:04
james_wwe're almost ready to request the FFe for them all anyway13:05
LaneyI'd rather avoid as much of the busy work as possible13:05
james_wall the ones currently reported sorry13:05
james_wLaney: well, they've already stated they want busywork IMO13:05
james_wis the motu-release meeting the best place for that discussion?13:06
Laneyyeah, but getting a blanket exception will reduce it13:06
Laneythis is the ubuntu-release meeting13:06
pochuwe could promote all of them to main and fix them there, then put them back to universe13:06
* pochu runs :)13:06
Laneyto SAVE paperwork?!13:07
pochujust kidding ;)13:07
* Laney notes http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/02/20/%23ubuntu-meeting.html - slangasek at 15:0713:07
* Laney spies muddy waters13:07
james_wit's less work for me to promote to main than apply for an FFe :-)13:08
Laneyyou and your l33t powers13:08
james_wnot sure I'd risk the wrath of the MIR team though13:08
pochuwhat looks weird to me is that they are treated as bug fixes in main but features in universe13:08
pochunow tell me what new feature you see in this patch: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22833022/notification_check_for_actions_support.patch13:09
asacplease dont misuse main ;)13:09
pochuasac: archive reorganization FTW :)13:10
pochuis that a new API? :)13:10
asacpochu: no. thats how the patch is called13:11
asacpochu: is that in libnotify?13:11
ScottKActually the next meeting is next week.  ubuntu-release meetings are every other week.13:11
asacseems not13:11
Laneythe fridge lies then13:11
pochuasac: nope, the liferea patch13:12
Laney"Jaunty Weekly Release Meeting"13:12
james_wScottK: how do you want to proceed with this?13:12
ScottKIMO adding features needs an FFe.13:12
james_wScottK: fine13:12
pochubut theose are not features!13:12
james_wScottK: that's not what I asked13:12
ScottKMy expectation is that Ubuntu Release will give one archive wide, but I'm not aware of them doing so.13:13
james_wScottK: at the last ubuntu-release meeting it was stated that these can be considered bug fixes, and you are welcome to re-open that discussion if you like, but you were not present at the time to do so13:13
james_wScottK: so would you like to re-open the discussion13:14
ScottKjames_w: They aren't bugs.13:14
james_wunanimously declare them features?13:14
james_wgrant a blanket exception?13:14
ScottKThey are unless you redfine the words.13:14
james_whave FFe for each?13:14
ScottKI'd like to understand how these are going to be maintained.13:14
pochuScottK: if you need to check for something but fail to do so, how is not that a bug?13:15
ScottKpochu: there is no requirement to check.13:15
pochuand how is *fixing* that to check for the support, a new feature?13:15
pochusure there is13:15
pochuthere is a spec13:15
ScottKThere is no approved spec.13:15
ScottKThere is an unagreed draft.13:15
pochuapproved by whom?13:15
james_whttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess makes no mention of some requirement for maintainence to be declared13:16
pochuwhy should it be in FDO?13:16
james_wthere is a de-facto spec13:16
pochuit was written by the very same guy who wrote libnotify and notification-daemon13:16
ScottKjames_w: Normally we don't creat permanent divergence from upstream.13:16
pochubut upstreams are merging them13:16
james_wScottK: it is not permanent13:16
pochuliferea, decibel-audio-player, banshee13:16
ScottKjames_w: How do you know that.13:16
james_wScottK: more than half of the current patches are upstream before Ubuntu13:16
pochubecause they are already upstream13:16
ScottKThat's all I want to hear.13:17
Laneywhat is the alternative anyway?13:17
pochubut that's irrelevant13:17
ScottKI was starting to say I don't see a need for full FFe for there.13:17
pochuif they are bug fixes, there's no need to request a FFe13:17
Laneywe cannot leave the behaviour as it is13:17
james_wI think Laney said it best last night, we're not really going to leave things as they are, so requiring two ACKs is silly13:18
pochuI'm dissapointed we are requiring FFe for this13:18
james_wyou can request a bug documenting what happened if you like13:18
pochuit looks to me people are trying to block the move because they don't like notify-osd13:18
james_wpochu: +113:18
ScottKI'm dissappointed Canonical dumped this into the archive without really considering the impact on the community.13:19
james_wI think you are wrong there13:19
ScottKAll I ask is that if these patches go in we have someone committed to maintain them.13:19
ScottKIf they are accepted upstream, that's taken care of.13:19
pochubut why do that for this and not for other things?13:20
james_wright, and you sounded satisfied on that point a moment ago13:20
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ScottKjames_w: If the changes are upstream, then I'm perfectly fine with them.13:20
james_wso can we move on from that, and you tell us what we are required to do so we can leave this all behind and move on to other things?13:20
pochuif they are bug fixes, they can be fixed. there's nothing else to discuss13:20
ScottKThey aren't.13:20
pochuOK, so we disagree there13:20
ScottKChanging requirements are features and that's exactly what this is.13:20
pochuno, this is fixing apps to check for a capability they must check13:21
james_w"user gets an annoying pop-up" sounds like a bug to me13:21
ScottKThere is no must.13:21
pochuthere is13:21
ScottKThis is all because notify-osd landed at FF.13:21
ScottKIf it had been delivered on a more timely sched, we wouldn't have this discussion.13:21
pochusure, but that's orthogonal13:22
ScottKNo, if you land features before FF, no FFe is needed.13:22
ScottKSince notify-osd landed at FF, it makes it rather hard for Universe to accomodate it.13:22
james_wI think we would have had discussions that would have followed much the same pattern13:22
ScottK... before FF.13:22
pochuI'll mail -motu tonight13:23
pochugtg to uni now, later13:23
LaneyI don't want to have to have endless discussions which amount to the same thing13:25
Laneyin the end, we have to implement these fixes one way or another13:25
dholbachScottK: can you tell me which problem you're trying to fix at the moment?13:25
ScottKdholbach: If we are going to land these patches late in the release cycle (and I'm reasonably certain we are), I'd like to ensure that we have someone who is going to mind after them if there are problems.  If that's upstream has accepted the patches and so we can expect them to support the change, that's fine, if it's a community developer that agrees to maintain it, that's fine, if it's Canonical Dx, that's great too, I just don't think we sho13:29
ScottK injectling late changes into packages without someone who is paying attention.13:29
dholbachTo me this all sounds like integration fixes and integration is what we do every day.13:31
ScottKdholbach: I disagree.13:33
james_wScottK: "late in the release cycle (and I'm reasonably certain we are)" <- when do you mean?13:35
ScottKdholbach: I think if you go back and look at the other FFe I've commented on in previous releases, wanting to know who is going to keep track of it and fix it if there's a problem is a pretty consistent theme of mine.13:35
ScottKjames_w: Post FFe is what I'd consider late.  This all should have been done already.13:35
james_wScottK: ok13:35
james_wScottK: but there's a reason we have FFe.13:36
james_wScottK: and to me it feels like you are making it later13:36
ScottKI don't htink I understand.13:36
ScottKthink even13:37
james_wI'm still yet to learn what you want to happen13:37
RainCTjames_w: If I've understood him correctly, he wants someone to say «poke me if there's some problem with the patch or it need to be updated for a new release»13:38
LaneyCan I please upload Banshee, given that the fix is upstream?13:38
james_wRainCT: that's fine13:38
ScottKLaney: I'm good with that then.13:38
ScottKI have several sets of wants around the notification changes.  The ones that are related to MOTU release involve wanting to make sure that these changes are going to be minded after and we aren't going to be stuck with last minute problems and no one to turn to.13:39
ScottKAdditionally, I'd like for these changes not to be a long term maintenance burden on the community.13:39
Laneyhow would you have liked the releasing into the archive to have been different?13:40
james_wScottK: so FFe per package?13:40
Laney(banshee uploaded, thanks)13:40
ScottKjames_w: I think so, but not necessarily a full one (we don't always require that).13:40
james_wwhat does that mean?13:40
pkernhttp://paste.debian.net/29195/ <-- Is that ok changelog-wise, or will bad things happen when 0.7.15-1 is synced from Debian at some point?13:41
ScottKLaney: I'd like for there to have been a spec at UDS that was approved through the normal process and then for notify-osd to have landed soon enough for this work to have been done before FF.13:41
dholbachI disagree - this should be of no concern to MOTU Release - there's still no charter for the team and the FreezeExceptionProcess is all there is. It only speaks about new upstream releases and NEW packages.13:42
RainCTpkern: it is fine13:42
RainCTI think13:42
dholbachIf you're really concerned about too much changes on the Ubuntu community's shoulders, you could raise it at a TB meeting or something.13:42
ScottKdholbach: The freeze is called a feature freeze exception.  Feature has a plain language meaning.13:43
dholbachStill I think that these are integration fixes.13:43
RainCTdholbach: +113:43
pkernRainCT: Ok, thanks.13:44
james_wScottK: could you please explain what a "not full FFe" would be?13:45
ScottKMy main concern is that these changes be supported.13:46
ScottKI'm not particularly concern about build/install logs.13:48
Laneyhave any upstreams refused to accept patches?13:48
LaneyI see no problem with requiring that they are upstreamed first13:49
james_wLaney: not that I have seen13:49
ScottKI have no idea.  I'd like to hear that they are upstream or an Ubuntu Dev is willing to deal with them.13:49
james_wLaney: there is one that has been un-reviewed upstream for a couple of weeks13:49
james_wScottK: I would appreciate it if you helped me to understand what to do13:49
james_wI've already wasted too much time on this13:50
james_wScottK: if you want me to just file a bunch of FFes in the normal manner then just say so13:50
ScottKjames_w: Do you have a package for one of these notification patches pending?13:50
ScottKI do.13:50
james_wI'll live with the extra hassle so that users can get these fixes13:51
dholbachI still don't think it's the MOTU Release team's call to do so.13:51
ScottKdholbach: Who's is it then?13:51
james_wdholbach: can we postpone this discussion for a few minutes please?13:51
james_wI'd like to fix the problem, then we can discuss the issue13:51
dholbachjames_w: ok... ping me in a bit then13:52
LaneyHow about, in the case where a bug is upstream but not reviewed yet, a MOTU may upload if he/she commits to merge if the committed patch is different?13:52
* dholbach needs to finish a letter13:52
ScottKLaney: and also to watch the package for bug reports and deal with regressions.13:53
ScottKI'm more worried about that for this cycle than if the eventual upstream solution is different.13:54
ScottKdholbach: I don't think I'm doing anything that's not inherent in motu-release processes FFe for Universe/Multiverse, so I don't see as there's really anything to discuss.13:55
savvastonyyarusso: here? are you willing to work on packaging the new version of kompozer? There's a new package at Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=406553 http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/k/kompozer/13:55
ubottuDebian bug 406553 in wnpp "RFP: kompozer -- HTML WYSIWYG editor - bugfixed NVU" [Wishlist,Open]13:55
james_wScottK: you are using your definition of feature to select what things you have to review for one thing13:57
ScottKjames_w: Certainly, but what else could I do?13:57
james_wScottK: use the uploader's definition of feature?13:57
james_wScottK: use the general consensus?13:58
ScottKAll I'm asking is that these are sent upstream and there is someone who agrees to watch over the packages in question for problems.  If there's a consensus against that, I should just quit.14:01
james_wI don't see why that's any different to any other change14:01
ScottKBecause it's being driven by Ubuntu unique requirements.14:02
RainCTI think being responsible for your changes (in case they case breakage) is implicit with uploading the package14:02
james_wScottK: that's not what I meant14:02
james_wI meant we should have that for every change14:02
ScottKThat's why it's different.14:02
ScottKRainCT: I agree, but that's not consistent among developers.14:03
ScottKjames_w: I see from my bugmail that I'm now in a minority of motu-release in thinking these are features.14:04
ScottKSo while I still think it's wrong, I'll desist.14:05
slytherinpersia: do you have any idea if visualvm builds with latest netbeans packages? If it does then that should knock out 3 packages from NBS list.14:05
RainCTIf there are developers uploading broken stuff and not caring about it, we have a more serious issue14:05
ScottKRainCT: I agree.  When I notice it I do chase after people.14:06
james_wScottK: so I am free to upload?14:11
sistpoty|workhi folks14:11
ScottKjames_w: Yes.14:11
james_wScottK: thanks14:11
Laneyglad we got there in the end14:12
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
LaneyScottK: And I do think you have a point about it landing sooner, and the potential community implications this has. I'd be interested if you were to raise this to some kind of governing body to see if lessons can be learned14:13
ScottKRainCT: For webboard it sounds from your bug like it's currently in a 'not working' state.  Is that correct?14:13
ScottKLaney: The response has been "It was discussed at UDS so you all should have known it was coming."14:13
RainCTScottK: It works, but you have to manually change the language every time14:13
RainCTit's only the "Plain text" entry which is broken14:14
ScottKLaney: Unfortunately for those of us that didn't go to UDS, none of the notifications related discussions were remotely accessible.14:14
ScottKRainCT: Thanks.14:14
RainCTScottK is right here. I hadn't heard anything about it neither, until it came up on Mark's blog.14:14
LaneyPerhaps the TB or CC would be interested in hearing some views14:15
iulianHi sistpoty.14:15
sistpoty|workhi iulian14:15
ScottKI think they're getting an earful on the ML already.14:15
RainCTScottK: (btw, I think I'll get the webboard upload in through Debian, if I find a sponsor soon -which shouldn't be a problem with PAPT :)-)14:17
ScottKI ack'ed it in mail.14:17
RainCTScottK: Thanks :)14:17
* RainCT is off to school now.. Will be back in 2-3 hours14:18
ScottKJFTR, I'd have been happier if Python 2.6 landed earlier too, but at least we had a spec for that.14:18
Laneyis debian moving to 2.6 any time soon?14:20
ScottKSoonish, but not soon enough to give us much help for Jaunty.14:21
slytherinIf a package was synced from debian-mutimedia, has not been updated after warty, and is not present in debian-multimedia now, is it good candidate for removal?14:22
LaneyScottK: I see you're in the modules team. You might be interested in the patch on bug 332053 - installability of nevow is broken with 2.614:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332053 in nevow "Unable to install in jaunty" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33205314:23
pkernOh and does Ubuntu indeed miss debtags completely?  Then goplay should be removed.  At least on intrepid it didn't work at all to lookup something with it.14:23
slytherinpkern: just because it doesn't work does not mean it should be removed.14:24
mok0pkern: on the contrary, it should be made to work14:25
mok0pkern: and we should use it14:25
pkernmok0: As debtags is very much infrastructurial, i.e. I think would need Launchpad support...14:26
pkernHm, or maybe the tag DB is still separate.  Let's try it.14:26
mok0pkern: probably. LP should be using it14:26
mok0pkern, bug 394514:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3945 in launchpad-foundations "Support debtags in Launchpad for products and packages" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/394514:28
pkernOld.  Very old.14:28
mok0pkern: sadly sp14:28
ScottKHopefully as debtags get more momentum in Debian the priority will rise in LP.14:29
mok0ScottK, yes14:29
slytherinCan anyone please answer my question - If a package was synced from debian-mutimedia, has not been updated after warty, and is not present in debian-multimedia now, is it good candidate for removal?14:30
mok03945 even has "medium" importance14:30
Laneyslytherin: does it still work?14:31
mok0slytherin: what do _you_ think?14:31
Laneyis the functionality elsewhere? what is the popcon score? is there a new upstream version that we could update to?14:31
mok0slytherin: ... and most importantly, is it maintained upstream?14:32
slytherinOk. The tools is cpvts. The functionality is available in other package (vobcopy, dvdbackup). The tools is not maintained upstream since 2003. So IMHO it is a candidate for removal.14:36
ScottKSounds reasonable to me.14:37
slytherinfiling a bug14:38
mok0ScottK, only 1 FTBFS left for r-cran-*14:52
ScottKmok0: Great.14:53
mok0ScottK, but a strange one14:53
mok0Error: package 'maps' required by 'mapdata' could not be found14:54
mok0I'll see if I can find out where "maps" should come from14:54
sistpoty|workjames_w: did you mean to subscribe motu-sru instead of motu-release for bug #86685?15:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 86685 in clearsilver "trac BROKEN on AMD64: "neo_cgi.so: undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4"" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8668515:00
james_wsistpoty|work: I think I did that last cycle15:01
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sistpoty|workjames_w: oh, I see... no... seems like you actually subscribed motu-release during last cycle *g*15:02
* sistpoty|work unsubscribe motu-release15:02
sistpoty|workthat's really funny, I guess I noticed only now, because someone posted a comment to an old bug... how irritating15:03
mok0ScottK, apparently it's missing a build-depends, but why did the other archs succeed? I am puzzled15:05
savvasmok0: package?15:05
savvasmaybe it's the way it looks for the package?15:07
mok0savvas: perhaps15:08
* savvas looks15:08
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RoAkSoAxheya guys, we have to put XSBC-Original-Maintainer on the control file always right?15:17
Adri2000if you're introducing ubuntu changes in the package yes15:18
Adri2000put the debian maintainer in there, and put the appropriate ubuntu team as maintainer15:19
RoAkSoAxthnks :)15:19
Adri2000(see update-maintainer in ubuntu-dev-tools for doing that with one command :))15:19
slytherinRoAkSoAx: more appropriately, use update-maintainer script from ubuntu-dev-tools package15:19
mok0ScottK, I get the same build failure on my sbuilder. Perhaps the missing package was installed on the buildd's for some freak reason15:20
mok0ScottK, except for one15:20
ScottKOdd.  Or maybe some build-dep of this package depended on it and then dropped it so this got build without due to archive skew.15:21
RoAkSoAxslytherin, i'm packaging from scratch an setting XSBC-Original-Maintainer to myself and Maintainer to MOTU devs.15:21
mok0ScottK, yes15:21
slytherinRoAkSoAx: right15:22
mok0ScottK, it builds for intrepid15:22
mok0ScottK, the package wasn't compiled for jaunty on the other platforms; only armel was added15:24
ScottKSounds like a missing depends then.15:26
mok0hah, lintian dies on the source package!!15:33
savvasmok0: I think it has something to do with the file R/zzz.R (or maybe not)15:36
mok0savvas: on the system?15:36
savvaswell the way I understood it, it gets the maps package from there15:37
savvasits location I mean15:37
mok0savvas: the problem is that it's not installed15:37
mok0savvas: it used to be (apparently)15:37
savvasoh.. so it needs r-cran-maps ?:P15:38
mok0savvas: that solves it15:38
mok0savvas: I haven't figured out why it didn't need it before... but the package hasn't been compiled since hardy on the other platforms15:38
savvashow come it builds for debian? https://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=r-cran-mapdata :\15:38
mok0savvas: don't know, but those builds are old too15:39
savvasah wait, you're right, I think it's not built for armel yet15:40
ScottKmok0: You might toss that package as is at a PPA and see what happens.15:41
mok0ScottK, ... what would that do?15:42
mok0ScottK, I don't follow15:42
mok0ScottK, ah, you mean it would fail on all archs?15:43
ScottKIf it builds on the archs it built on before, then you have a mystery.  If it FTBFS then you know you have an archive skew issue and a missing builddep15:43
mok0ScottK, it builds on jaunty when I add the build-depends, so should I just upload it?15:43
ScottKI think that's reasonable and then I'd mail the Debian maintainer and ask.15:44
mok0ScottK, right, will do that15:44
james_wis anyone with a CD drive able to get goobox to do anything?15:47
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savvasjames_w: tried with a dvd-rw drive, used an audio cd, sound juicer works, but goobox says "invalid device"15:52
james_wsavvas: yeah, me too15:54
hggdhdholbach, ping15:59
dholbachhggdh: about to have a call in just a bit15:59
hggdhdholbach, np15:59
dholbachhggdh: if it's about libpst - can you ask seb128 please?15:59
dholbach... or wait :)16:00
hggdhdholbach, yes, I have, and he proposed one more change -- already done16:00
hggdhdholbach, I will wait ;-)16:00
dholbachif seb is cool with it, I'm a too16:00
hggdhdholbach, he is. I am just unsure on what to do now... I will wait for you16:00
dholbachhggdh: ask him to sponsor it :)16:01
hggdhdholbach, will do16:11
dholbachrock on16:12
* skorasaurus is away: Away16:18
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LaserJockc_korn: ping16:58
LaserJockc_korn: I'm looking at scilab and sivp16:59
LaserJockc_korn: the debdiff you put on the sivp bug has a lot of .svn junk17:00
LaserJockgenerally it's good to remove VCS files from a source package17:00
c_kornLaserJock: the .svn directory is in the debian directory. not in my package I uploaded to revu17:01
c_kornwith debian directory I actually mean the debian directory in the debian package :P17:01
LaserJockc_korn: ah, ok17:02
LaserJockc_korn: is mok0 going to upload scilab and sivp if the FFe are approved?17:03
c_kornehm, I think so17:06
c_kornhe also pushed jeuclid in the jaunty queue17:06
LaserJockc_korn: I've ack'd both bugs and he's assigned to them17:07
LaserJockc_korn: so poke him about uploading ;-)17:07
c_kornwell, jeuclid has to go into jaunty before scilab can be compiled17:09
c_kornand scilab has to go into jaunty before sivp can be compiled17:09
LaserJockc_korn: they can all get uploaded at the same time though17:10
LaserJockc_korn: and they'll just debwait until the others have built17:10
c_kornah, great17:11
slytherindoko: do you think it is time to kill the openjdk build on armel? It has been running for 6 days now.17:22
dokoslytherin: does it hurt you? the buildds seem to keep up17:23
slytherindoko: no it does hurt me anyway.17:24
dokoI know, it's slow17:24
a|wen-if anyone wants to help finally getting aRts kicked out of the archive; three small debdiff's avaible at the bottom of bug 320915 still needs a sponsor17:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320915 in ktimetrace "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32091517:26
slytherindoko: looking at the logs, it looks like the tests (assuming unit tests) have very large timeout value.17:27
ScottKa|wen-: I thought we were done?17:28
a|wen-ScottK: I thought so too, but there were some build-depends left17:29
dokoapparently the timeout value is not big enough17:29
a|wen-ScottK: some dangling build-depends i presume? as no arts-stuff was included in the real depends17:30
ScottKThat'd make sense.17:30
ScottKIt seems the old kde.mk config settings pulled it in for everything.17:31
gesera|wen-: I will take care of the sponsoring for the three debdiffs17:31
a|wen-geser: thanks a lot!17:32
a|wen-ScottK: none of them has kde.mk referenced in debian/rules ... would it then have any effect?17:33
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ScottKNo.  That's not it then.17:33
gesera|wen-: what's the connection of mcopidl to arts? (currently looking at the ktimetrace debdiff)17:35
a|wen-geser: mcop = Multimedia Communication Protocol, an arts component17:36
gesera|wen-: I see that two packages are KDE3 programs. Do they still work with KDE4? (/me is no KDE user)17:43
ScottKgeser: If they only depend on kdelibs they should be fine.17:44
a|wen-geser: they start and the gui works for me ... one is for collecting data from some serial-devices (or something like that) so couldn't test that part17:44
* sistpoty|work heads home... cya17:57
gesera|wen-: all three debdiffs sponsored18:00
a|wen-thanks a lot geser!18:01
mrooneyCan anyone take a peek at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/333639 and see if there is anything else I should do?18:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 333639 in wxbanker "Please update wxbanker to" [Undecided,New]18:26
mrooneyI am not sure what the normal response time should be from u-u-s18:27
Laneylonger than a day ;)18:28
james_wmrooney: please attach the .diff.gz from your updated package to the bug18:30
james_wmrooney: the diff you have attached has "Binary file changed" in it, so applying it won't give the new file18:30
mrooneyjames_w: okay so do I use the version in jaunty as the .orig.tar.gz and then the updated version as the extracted? Is that what you mean?18:32
james_wmrooney: no18:33
james_wmrooney: if you build an updated source package, based on
james_wyou will have a wxbanker_0.4.1.0-0ubuntu1.diff.gz file18:33
james_wthat's what we need18:33
james_wwe will download the tarball and combine it with that to get the updated package18:34
james_wthen create diffs to review as needed18:34
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mrooneyjames_w: hm okay, I'll give it a try. I don't understand what the diff.gz will contain but I'll find out!18:45
mrooneyjames_w: isn't the diff.gz what is different from the orig.tar.gz?18:47
a|wen-mrooney: the diff.gz is all changes we have to the upstream tarball ... whereas the debdiff is an incremental changeset18:47
mrooneyjames_w: yeah I am still confused. I downloaded the upstream tarball, extracted, and debuild -S but I obviously don't get the diff.gz from the ubuntu version.18:55
mrooneywhat am I missing? (sorry, I am new to this :)18:55
james_wmrooney: you've got to add the packaging18:55
james_wmrooney: presumably you updated the packaging when you did this originally?18:56
mrooneyjames_w: well the packaging is already there, already up to date for
james_wis that shipped in the upstream tarball?18:56
mrooneyjames_w: yeah18:56
james_wthat'll be why then18:56
mrooneyyeah the upstream tarball is literally ready to build and upload18:57
mrooneydo I need to change something?18:57
mrooneyI plan on moving the packaging to a different branch in the 0.5 series18:57
mrooneythat seems saner perhaps18:57
james_wthat is ok18:59
james_wthough you may get complaints :-)18:59
mrooneyjames_w: yeah, at the time I thought it would make everything way easier for MOTU if it was all in one place19:00
mrooneynow I have learned :)19:00
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mrooneyso what should I do now? Use the one in jaunty now as the orig?19:01
james_wthat would just be confusing19:02
RainCT(lol.. Just found this http://utils.eurion.net/hosted/bug_sebner.png on my webspace.. those were times XDD)19:02
mrooneyjames_w: ah okay, is there something I *should* do then?19:05
james_wmrooney: I don't think so19:06
mrooneyjames_w: okay thanks, I'll just wait :)19:06
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RainCTAdri2000: is it merged? \o/20:07
Adri2000RainCT: merged into Keybuk's branch, and the server just got mod_python support enabled. last thing to do is to push the branch to production :)20:09
RainCTAdri2000: awesome, that was about time! :)20:11
RainCTAdri2000: can I use that module I had for the UI?20:12
Adri2000RainCT: that module?20:17
RainCTAdri2000: I don't even remember myself what it was.. :P20:17
RainCTAdri2000: well, I'll reformulate: if I get the new UI ready, what are the odds that it will be merged in less than a year? :P20:18
savvasanyone using flashplugin-nonfree ? do you get an md5sum error when you install it?20:18
RainCTsavvas: I reinstalled it yesterday in Intrepid and it worked fine20:18
jpdsDon't we use adobe-flashplugin now?20:19
savvasbug 173890 is reopened20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install due to md5sum mismatch" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17389020:20
savvasjpds: isn't adobe-flashplugin in archive.canonical.com ?20:21
savvasI think it's considered third-party and not checked by default20:21
* savvas bbl20:22
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Adri2000RainCT: eheh, I hope it'll be easier than it's been for the comments...20:24
tonyyarussosavvas: Yeah, I've been speaking with the guy who was working on the Debian package.  I am hoping to get it put together for Ubuntu soon.20:44
mdkehiya. Can someone help me with signing a package - I get the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/123023/ and as far as I know my secret key is present and working ok21:28
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maxbmdke: run "gpg --list-secret-keys" and check whether the EXACT uid "Matthew East <mdke@ubuntu.com>" is present21:35
mdkemaxb: ah, that must be the problem21:36
mdkemaxb: mine says Matthew East (Ubuntu) <mdke@ubuntu.com>21:36
mdkeI'll try and edit that I guess21:37
macousing debuild to make a .dsc so i can make a debdiff to close a bug. debuild's lintian says the standards version is out of date. does this have to be updated?22:07
maco(not in general, but rather...now)22:07
maxbNo - For a package synced from Debian, Ubuntu doesn't change Standards-Version at all.22:19
jamesrflaVote for nhandler!!!22:44
Laneywhat am i missing?22:44
jpdsLaney: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+polls22:46
Laneywas there an email?22:46
nhandlerLaney: Not yet22:46
nhandlerPolls open in 15 minutes though22:46
LaneyI demand hustings22:46
Laneyand campaigning22:47
pochunhandler: were you jamesrfla with a different nick? :P22:47
nhandlerpochu: No22:47
pochuI guessed ;)22:47
nhandlerLaney: Why do we need campaigning? We are not competing against each other22:48
Laneyin that case I want an email even more22:48
nhandlerThey are expanding the MC to 7 people22:48
nhandlerLaney: Read the Tech Board meeting logs from the other day22:48
ajmitchwhy are 7 people needed?22:48
nhandlerAlthough I agree, an email would be nice22:48
RainCTWow, 3 candidates I like :)22:49
nhandlerajmitch: I'm not really sure what caused that decision. Although I do know they are trying to get some non-canonical people on the MC22:49
RainCTGreat, so I don't have to decide between one of them :922:49
LaneyRainCT: you fail at reading the preceding lines!22:50
RainCTLaney: you too :D22:50
Nafallojpds: did you just fall of the jabber?22:50
LaneyRainCT: No, I fail at reading IRClogs22:50
Laneyminutes from the TB haven't been sent out yet22:51
* ajmitch shall have to dig up the TB meeting logs, since they haven't been posted22:51
nhandlerLaney: But the IRC logs are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com22:51
ajmitchamongst several other meetings22:51
RainCTwell, good night all22:52
nhandlerNight RainCT22:52
RainCTnhandler: btw, I'm waiting for an email from you :P22:53
* ajmitch still can't find the appropriate meeting log22:56
nhandlerajmitch: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/02/24/%23ubuntu-meeting.html22:57
* ajmitch wonders if he should vote23:03
Laneyhmm, weird23:03
Laneythe selection process doesn't seem very transparent23:03
ajmitchit's not23:03
nhandlerI agree. The first part (request for nominations) was fine. But after that, there really haven't been any updates23:04
ajmitchyou get the right to approve/disapprove of the candidates listed23:04
macoyou know the wtf command in bsdgames that defines acronyms for you? dholbach found this morning that it doesn't know how to define twss, so i filed a bug and attached a debdiff. is this something that requires an FFe?23:09
macoits adding 1 line to a text file, not code23:10
ScottKI'd say not.23:10
macoScottK: so does that mean universe-sponsors or universe-release or um...who to subscribe?23:11
ScottKUniverse sponsors23:12
macook then23:13
macobug 334574 is waiting then23:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334574 in bsdgames "wtf doesn't know twss" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33457423:13
james_wmaco: would you forward the change to Debian please?23:15
nhandlerjames_w: I was just about to request the same thing ;)23:15
james_wwe're like a broken record :-)23:16
macojames_w: er...i dont know how to do debian's rules23:16
james_wit's even QA maintained, so you could get it uploaded there :-)23:16
macolike i know the maintainer changes when going from debian to ubuntu23:16
james_wmaco: for something like this just sending the bug is fine23:16
macobut debuild wont let me do it as just debian-way (without changing the maintainer)23:17
macooh ok23:17
james_wmaco: someone should be able to work out how to add the necessary line :-)23:17
macoheh :23:17
nhandlermaco: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/ForUbuntuDevelopers#Forwarding%20bug%20reports23:17
macobah i fail at typing!23:17
macooh hey it explains the control file shtuffs23:19
macojames_w: how does one login to bts? i see no login link on bugs.debian.org23:23
macoi assume forwarding a bug involves logging in23:23
james_wmaco: heh, seems like that page needs a little bit of work :-)23:23
macois it to force you to look for dups before logging in?23:24
james_woh, it does link to http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting23:24
james_wno, there is no login23:24
james_weverything is done by mail23:24
james_w"reportbug -B debian bsdgames" will get you started23:25
macoooh you can tell reportbug that you're not talking to ubuntu this time? well that's helpful23:25
macoLOL at this bug: bsdgames: number claims English output, but outputs in Americ23:26
macojames_w: i made a -0ubuntu1 package for spim in ubuntu. i should also send that to debian too now, but what should i say?23:32
macoi assume needs-packaging goes to the bts as well23:32
nhandlermaco: Ask them to upgrade to the latest upstream version of the package23:33
macowell it was removed from debian's archive completely23:33
macoit was unmaintained23:33
nhandlermaco: Are you planning on maintaining the package?23:34
james_wmaco: what you need to do is send an "RFS", which is like requesting sponsorship in Ubuntu, but outside the BTS23:34
nhandlermaco: See if there is a bug filed against wnpp regarding that package23:34
james_wthey have the equivalent of needs-packaging, called ITP23:34
james_w(and RFP)23:34
nhandlerITP=Intent to Package and RFP=Request for Package23:35
james_was nhandler says, these are bugs against the "wnpp" package23:35
macoso which of those TLAs is the thing to do?23:35
james_w"reportbug -B debian wnpp" knows how to handle these23:35
macocheating, with those 4-letter acronyms....23:35
james_wsorry about the acronyms :-)23:35
macoactually, THERE's some to check23:35
maco$ wtf rfp23:35
macoGee...  I don't know what rfp means...23:35
james_wwnpp is for something like "work needed on packages package" or something equally bizarre23:36
macook so slowly and in the proper order.....23:37
macofile a wnpp bug with ITP in the title?23:37
james_wreportbug will give you a menu of the possible choices and get the template right for you23:37
james_wthat's like filling a needs-packaging bug and assigning to yourself23:38
nhandler_maco: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Abbreviations23:38
james_wonce that is done you can make your package ready for Debian23:38
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
james_wand then send an "RFS" (request for sponsorship) to the debian-mentors@lists.debian.org list23:38
james_wwhere an interested DD would pick it up, review it, and possibly upload it23:39
james_wso it works a bit like REVU, but over email23:39
james_wthere is mentors.debian.net where you can host a package for review like REVU, but you should still send the email23:39
james_wfeel free to ask again if that's a bit much in one go :-023:39
nhandlerThere is also a #debian-mentors channel on irc.oftc.net23:40
macowhy is reportbug asking me about 2792 outstanding bugs?23:41
nhandlerProbably to verify it isn't a duplicate23:41
james_wone of the options is "skip this, I know it's not there"23:41
* directhex reckons an unupdate-maintainer could be helpful for applying ubuntu patches to debian23:41
james_wif you already searched on the web interface23:41
Laneydirecthex: I thought about this todayyyyyyyyyy23:46
Laneysubmitttttttdebbbbiaaaannnnnnn should do it23:46
Laneyspot the broken keyboard23:46
* pochu waves good night23:46
RAOFIs that gash in your leg really wide?23:46
nhandlerNight pochu23:47
nhandlerTalk about nice planning. Launchpad will be going offline just as the MC vote begins23:47
* Laney grumbles at 0ubuntu1s23:48
directhexLaney, they're ever so polite, especially with sid in full swing ¬_¬23:49
Laneytell me about it23:51
ajmitchLaney: what do you have against them?23:51
LaneyI would rather they were done in Debian23:53
ajmitchI'm sure ubuntu doesn't have that many packages which don't exist in debian :)23:53
RAOFLaney: Of course, the fact that gnome is uninstallable in Sid makes 0ubuntu1s a bit more palatable.23:53
Laneyajmitch: I mean updating to new upstream releases in divergance from Debian23:53
ajmitchLaney: just because debian was frozen for a year or so23:54
LaneyRAOF: Yeah, but team-maintained packages can always be staged in VCS23:54
RAOFRight.  Which is what I've done for beagle; but that's still a 0ubuntu1, because it can't be uploaded to sid.23:54
Laneyof course23:54
ajmitchso what's the plan for getting all these dumped over the fence into sid?23:55
Laneyajmitch: I appreciate that. My problem is when we do such a diversion without consulting maintainers23:56
LaneyI'd rather Ubuntu developers personally worked with Debian maintainers to get  0ubuntu1s turned into -1s23:56
Laneys/rather/like it if/23:56
Laneynow that they are out of freeze23:57
ajmitchof course, then they'd stand a much higher chance of not just being neglected & being yet another merge to botch23:57
directhexdebian NEW is a valid reason for 0ubuntu123:58
Laney"Are you planning on updating foo to version frobble soon? We'd like the new version in Ubuntu and if you aren't then I am happy to do the work and forward you the changes."23:58
directhexon a related note, has anyone sponsored monodevelop-debugger-* yet? :p23:58
* ajmitch hasn't23:58

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