
=== fabrice_sp__ is now known as fabrice_sp
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gnomefreak!info gwibber08:40
ubottuPackage gwibber does not exist in intrepid08:40
gnomefreak!info gwibber jaunty08:40
ubottuPackage gwibber does not exist in jaunty08:40
_Tsk_Are there any plans to add Thunderbird to http://mozilla.qa.ubuntu.com/ ?09:18
gnomefreak_Tsk_: that page has to be updated for a few packages but when depends when time for it comes up09:21
gnomefreakasac: is it possible to update ubufox to be compatible with 3.1 and 3.2? there are others but i think when i get time i will update them most likely not today though. if you are going to edit the qa page please see me for ideas on what to add. im thinking all of our packages09:35
gnomefreakok smoke before hitting email09:36
ftaresult = [x for x in result if x]10:01
ftawho said python was more readable than perl?10:01
asacyou can mess with all languages10:02
ftafirefox-3.1_3.1~b3~hg20090221r23413+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 3.1~b3~hg20090221r23413+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 <= 3.1~b3~hg20090222r23369+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd110:06
ftadamn hg10:06
ftai should not depend on dates from mozilla10:07
ftain perl: @result = grep { $_ } @result;10:12
gnomefreakanyone else try to push a branch and it give a permissions error?10:32
asacfta: maybe dump the version and use the revision number10:33
asacat least in front10:33
asacdump the date i mean ;)10:33
asacgnomefreak: most likely this means you are trying to push somewhere where you dont have permissions ;)10:34
asacgnomefreak: what url are you pushing to?10:34
gnomefreakasac: ^^10:34
asaceither remove firefox-extensions/ or greasemonkey/10:35
gnomefreakasac: why would the patch cause issues?10:36
asacgnomefreak: PATH10:36
asacgnomefreak: launchpad only supports the three elements from above10:36
asacyou used four10:36
gnomefreakis this new feature?10:37
asacits always been that way10:37
asacon lauchpad10:37
gnomefreakoh crap i see10:37
asacgood  ;)10:37
gnomefreakasac: that worked thanks :)10:38
gnomefreakasac: ubufox max version cant be bumped to 3.2*10:39
gnomefreaki tried and it still didnt help10:39
asacgnomefreak: i think 3.1 should work10:44
gnomefreakit does but i use 3.2 as default to im testing a few extensions to see if any are able to be updated (i really dont feel like working on SM2 for intrepid or hardy today) should be a simple autoconf2.1310:45
* gnomefreak smoke than work on this extension10:46
gnomefreakasac: the fix for tb-3 landed in yesterdays morning umd build10:52
gnomefreakslower to respond but works10:53
asaci alreawdy have the 24th feb build ;)10:53
gnomefreakyep me to :) i'm guessing todays asnt been finished yet10:54
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
asacgwibber crashed10:59
asacfta: will gwibber ever make it?11:00
gnomefreak3.1 is borked11:39
gnomefreakbe back while i update packages11:40
gnomefreakumd 3.1 is broken. nothing shows up in the address bar unless you type it in it will not open set homepage the bottom panel of firefox-3.1 doesnt show done or anything for that matter11:52
asacgnomefreak: can you disable bounce mails for ML until we have sorted the icedove bugmail?12:05
asaci will revert the maintainer change on next update i guess12:06
asacso we get rid of this again12:06
gnomefreakasac: not sure. ill look as soon as i find 3.1 issues, borked in 3.1~b3~hg20090205r23182+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 also12:06
gnomefreaknew profile doesnt fix it12:07
asacgnomefreak: maybe your disabled extension compatibility test?12:08
gnomefreakasac: none work working12:08
asachmm. new profiel ... hmm12:08
* gnomefreak cant find link to admin for list12:09
gnomefreaki found it12:11
* gnomefreak not seeing a way however accepting them works. what needs to be delt with for icedove bugmail? 12:12
gnomefreakonly think i can do is place those on hold accept or not accept12:12
gnomefreakim reading https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/admindb/ubuntu-mozillateam?details=instructions12:13
asacgnomefreak: you can at least say that there should be no bounce mails12:13
asace.g. silent moderation12:13
asacgnomefreak: and in the end accepting them12:13
asacgnomefreak: yes12:13
asacgnomefreak: can you send me the pass through pmsg?12:14
asaceither it changes all the time or i am just dump12:14
gnomefreakit stays the same since i cant figure out how to change it12:15
gnomefreakok ill be back i need to do breakfast12:17
asacgnomefreak: ok found it12:31
asacgeneral options: "Send mail to poster when their posting is held for approval?12:32
asaci set that to no now12:32
gnomefreakasac: oh ok13:11
* gnomefreak getting pissed off at the devel and devel-discuss seems im not getting them13:12
gnomefreakasac: you didnt make any changes to the icedove posts to ML?13:28
asacgnomefreak: no13:29
asaci can do that after lunch if you dont get to it13:29
gnomefreakok thanks13:29
asacsorry ... got distrated with disabling the moderation mails ;)13:29
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[reed]gnomefreak: http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/calendar/2009/02/even_more_on_the_sunbirdlightn.html14:25
gnomefreak[reed]: thanks ill look in a few14:26
gnomefreaksomeone please remind me why i bother checking email anymore. takes >2hours and i get nothing done14:41
gnomefreakasac: before you decide to push seamonkey i need to fix one more thing by the looks of it but since it hasnt been pushed yet i guess im not in a hurry ;)15:00
asacgnomefreak: i didnt know there was anything to push15:01
gnomefreakasac: its been done you did jauntys i did hardys nad intrepids15:02
asacor do you mean from ~gnomefreak to ~mozillatem branch?15:02
asacah ok15:02
gnomefreakasac: push to ubuntu archives15:02
gnomefreakbut seems there is a problem with depends15:02
gnomefreakmozilla (<< 2:1.8) is the problem as i can tell since seamonkey is not >1.815:02
gnomefreakshould read >>2:1.815:03
gnomefreaksee bug 20051915:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 200519 in screenlets "ClearWeatherScreenlet.py crashed with IOError in connect() (dup-of: 217643)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20051915:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217643 in screenlets "ClearWeatherScreenlet.py crashed with IOError in connect()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21764315:03
gnomefreakbug 30051915:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300519 in mozilla "Uninstallable due to invalid dependencies" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30051915:03
asacgnomefreak: so the problem is that semonkey doesnt have an epoch element in its version?15:06
gnomefreakasac: right15:07
asacgnomefreak: we might be able to tweak the version of just the "mozilla" package15:07
asacso it gets an epoch too15:07
asaci will think about it15:07
asacits not reawlly that urgent imo15:07
gnomefreakits built with seamonkey so shouldnt tweaking seamonkey fix all?15:07
asacas its just a transicional package15:07
asacgnomefreak: yes, but i dont want to add an epoch to seamonkey if its avoidable somehow15:08
gnomefreakasac: ok sounds good here but you are right no important.either we fix itin 1.1.14 or push 1.1.14(security release ") and we can fix after wards but i wont get to it this week at all15:09
asacgnomefreak: we should wait fo rthe securityupdate that is going out sson15:10
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakok im going to work ill be back in morning15:12
* BUGabundo fta mail going your way15:43
stefanlsdasac: alive?16:09
reedwhat's the difference between flashplugin-nonfree and adobe-flashplugin?16:11
BUGabundo1humm the same?16:11
reedthey aren't16:11
BUGabundo1no ?16:11
BUGabundo1the plugin is just a wrapper to download it ?16:12
reedflashplugin-nonfree currently has an exploitable version16:12
reedadobe-flashplugin has the latest16:12
asacstefanlsd: not really. i have a bad cold16:12
stefanlsdasac: aah. sorry to hear that. you should move somewhere with nice weather :)16:12
asacstefanlsd: good advice ;)16:13
asacreed: nonfree will be updated today16:13
reedasac: what's the difference?16:13
asaci have to kick someone for not communicating16:13
stefanlsdasac: i still am unclear around what exactly i should be doing with gg 64.16:13
asacreed: flashplugin-nonfree is an installer package16:13
asacreed: with nspluginwrapper support (optional on i386)16:14
asacadobe-flashplugin is hosted outside of ubuntu main archives16:14
asacbecause of distribution terms16:14
asace.g. partner package16:14
reedah, k16:14
stefanlsdasac: should i be packaging the xpi that i compiled (although it contains two .so files), or should i be doing the 64 bit patching to gg source code and building the xpi that way16:14
asacand it doesnt support amd64 for now16:14
* reed swaps to adobe-flashplugin for security reasons16:14
asacreed: thats half a day ;)16:15
asacand given that flash has no auto update on windows, there are probably zillions of easier targets out there ;)16:15
asacstefanlsd: we need to use sources if an extension has binary components16:16
BUGabundo1reed: asac do you know if adobe also launched a 64 bits version update?16:17
stefanlsdasac: i need to investigate more, but it links against the xpcom stuff. gg source actually provides it and builds against it. the gg source is approx 300mb tho16:17
BUGabundo1stefanlsd: how is going the work to work on 3.1 and 3.2?16:18
asacBUGabundo1: its not even final. i am not sure if they support amd6416:18
stefanlsdBUGabundo1: no progress :)16:18
asacstefanlsd: we need to fix it so it builds against our xulrunner16:18
BUGabundo1asac: I've been using the beta or alpha for a whiloe16:18
BUGabundo1since week 116:18
asacBUGabundo1: offering download != supported16:18
stefanlsdasac: i did that when i built the xpi. (as we need the 64bit xulrunner anyways)16:19
BUGabundo1but since reed is bashing the security, I would like to use a patched version too16:19
asacwell ... reed just found out and thinks its a big issue ;)16:19
asacwhile flashplugin-nonfree will hit mirrors in a few hours16:19
stefanlsdasac: ok, so i should be looking at building from source and then installing the xpi, as opposed to taking the built xpi and making a extension16:19
asacstefanlsd: the build yields an .xpi right?16:20
stefanlsdasac: right16:20
asacstefanlsd: so what yo should do in the packaging is implement a build: target ... that does that16:20
asacand then let xpi.mk from mozilla-devscripts do the rest16:20
asace.g. proper install of extensions in the file hierarchy ... linking to appropriate apps16:20
stefanlsdasac: kk. thanks. just wanted to see if i could get around building the source to xpi.16:21
stefanlsdasac: i guess then it would need to go thru revu16:21
asacstefanlsd: no. i can review and sponsor16:21
asacit will come back to me anyway16:21
asacwe can do a revu update to get a third party look at it though16:22
asacbut thats more as a safety-belt thing16:22
stefanlsdasac: ok. thanks. (my first package also, so i'll give it a try).16:23
stefanlsdi wanna see if i can repack the tar and remove the things we dont need to cut the size down16:23
asacstefanlsd: first get a quick review from me. then we put it on revu16:23
asacand i get someone look at it16:24
asacthen i do a final review and upload16:24
asacstefanlsd: yes, please remove mos tof the 300M cruft16:24
asacthats a mess16:24
stefanlsdasac: kk. thanks for your advice16:24
asacindicate that in the upstream version by adding +nomozillacopy ;)16:24
asacor something16:24
asace.g. gg_1.1+nomozillacopy.orig.tar.gz16:25
asacor something else more or less meaningfull16:25
stefanlsdyeah. its also out of svn.  :)16:26
asacstefanlsd: tag or snapshot?16:27
asacstefanlsd: we should also get that to debian fwiw16:28
asacat lesat open a ITP bug for it there16:28
asacotherwise someone from debian will take the package and either make your efforts void or duplicating work16:28
stefanlsdasac: k.16:30
BUGabundoasac: today's NM wifi keeps failing16:30
asacstefanlsd: dont they do releases we can track?16:30
BUGabundoalready lost sync 4 times16:30
BUGabundoit won't last more then 10-15 min16:30
stefanlsdasac: not sure. no branches. only a trunk. cant see anything in the svn log.  do you know if there is a command to check for tags or something?16:32
asacwhere is the tree?16:33
stefanlsdasac: http://code.google.com/p/gears/source/checkout16:33
asacstefanlsd: if there is only trunki then there are no tags :/16:34
asacso snapshot is the way16:35
asacstefanlsd: http://code.google.com/p/gears/source/detail?r=3226 seems to be .1216:36
asacbecause they bump the version right in next commit16:36
asacr3227   16:36
asac[Author: andreip] Bump version number after cutting Gears for Android16:36
asacstefanlsd: so r3226 is the best guess i would say16:36
stefanlsdasac: aah yeah. ok. thanks. will work from there16:37
surfazasac, ¿?18:36
ftaoh, p-a 0.9.15~test3! let's see if it helps me21:29
ftadtchen, E: module.c: Failed to open module "module-alsa-card": file not found, again?21:55

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