
pteaguehere's output from lshw - http://pastebin.com/mc78a6f000:07
pteaguethat's under the 32bit...  x86-64 is listed under capabilities for the cpu, but i'm wondering if it's the fact that it has hyperthreading that's causing issues?  it's a dual core & appears to have 4 cpus due to the hyperthreading00:08
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].00:09
pteagueok, this is fun... now the 32bit is dumping me in X with an error message stating "No Exec line in the session file: mythbuntu.  Running the GNOME failsafe session instead" ??00:19
pteagueclicking ok on that gives me 'Could not find the GNOME installation, will try running the "Failsafe xterm" session'00:20
darthanubismv: cannot stat `/var/run/motd.new': No such file or directory00:47
darthanubiseven after I created such a file/dir00:47
foxbuntupteague, this 9.04? 8.10? 8.04?00:47
pteague8.04 32bit00:47
foxbuntupteague, try the alternate disk00:48
foxbuntufor 8.0400:48
foxbuntudarthanubis, sounds like a permissions thing, why are you trying to mv a file from /var/run?00:48
darthanubisI am not00:48
darthanubisit seems myth is00:49
darthanubisI did not know about it, until I installed the exim package to get local mail00:49
darthanubissince I have been getting cron daemon reports of this error00:49
darthanubisI suppose I could just stop the particular cron job?00:50
foxbuntudarthanubis, motd is the daemon mytharchive uses00:51
foxbuntudarthanubis, no, Im just screwing with you00:51
darthanubiswhat shall I do?00:52
foxbuntudarthanubis, do you use mytharchive?00:53
darthanubisI'd like to, thats why I have it installed. But I've yet too00:54
foxbuntudarthanubis, do you have a pastebin of your logs?00:56
darthanubisnot at this moment but I can make it so00:57
foxbuntudarthanubis, Im not seeing anything that seems concerning, you prob need to enable cron job logs and watch the error logs of that for more information01:20
foxbuntudarthanubis, google for how to enable cron job logging01:21
darthanubisit's logging rright ot my inbox01:21
foxbuntudarthanubis, um, the cron daemon has its own logging01:22
egaudetI can't get a pvr-150 working01:28
Guest88892I have TWC and they have the option of renting dvr (i dont want this) or a HD cable box.  If i use the cable box it would hook to my mythtvbox just like it would to my TV, right?  My tv only has on analog tuner and a  Digital Tuner ATSC, QAM....so as long as I get a capture card like a pcHDTV 5500, I should be golden, right?01:29
egaudetis the averTV pvr-150 the same as the happauge pvr 150 i've been reading about on the wiki?01:29
foxbuntuegaudet, no01:29
egaudetis the avertv pvr-150 supported with any driver under linux?01:30
foxbuntuegaudet, check the wiki01:30
egaudeti see no mention of avertv 150 anywhere01:30
foxbuntuegaudet, look in the forums01:31
foxbuntuegaudet, if there is no mention of it and it doesnt init, then its likely not supported01:31
egaudeti see it now on the wiki, i must have been on a different wiki page01:32
foxbuntuGuest88892, Correct (obviously there is some work in there)01:32
egaudetsorry for the noob/lazy question, thanks for the help, i'll continue reading01:32
Guest88892I guess my question is that since the tv can't read encrypted qam, a capture card that can't read it too is alright...am I understanding that right?01:33
foxbuntuegaudet, no problem, don't worry about "noob" questions, but do put effort into googling first01:33
egaudetyea the other pvr 150 kept getting in the way of my google'ing, should have just found the proper mythtv wiki first, thanks01:34
Guest88892foxbuntu: yeah, I know....I can't tell from the wiki list which ones are closer to plug and play than others.  wish I knew more about it to be able to discern better.01:35
foxbuntuGuest88892, Im not quite sure what you are asking, but Capture cards do not read Encrypted QAM directly. You have to go through a Set-top-Box first or other "cable card enabled" device01:35
Guest88892foxbuntu...I expect to go through the box01:36
foxbuntuGuest88892, the haup. PVR-150 is highly supported and common01:36
Guest88892foxbuntu, I thought that one was just analog, I was going to get one to do ATSC QAM too...I guess I said that right...LOL01:37
foxbuntuGuest88892, if its an HDTV (not just digital) cable box, You will have a few options, clear QAM recording, HD-PVR External Tuner, Firewire01:37
Guest88892well I know firewire is out01:38
foxbuntuGuest88892, Clear QAM with the right tuner will work 100%, HD-PVR is experimental at this point, and Firewire is hit and miss depending on the Cable CO and area01:39
Guest88892i guess I will go with clear qam.  That's prolly what my tv uses now would be my guess01:39
foxbuntuGuest88892, Clear QAM HD channels are usually only a few channels, local channels are the common choice, if you have the lower 70-80 channels, thats "Digital" Cable01:41
Guest88892k...even if I run it through the cable box first?  I wouldnt expect the card to tune. my guess is that the settopbox would tune.  I am just not sure what comes out of it01:42
tritiumWhy have there been no daily builds the past two days?01:43
foxbuntutritium, one is coming tonight01:43
tritiumfoxbuntu: ok, that will be good to try.  I haven't been able to get past the partitioner since 2/1601:43
foxbuntuGuest88892, you didnt mention you ran your tv through the cable box01:43
foxbuntuGuest24284, what connection options does yout cable box have?01:44
foxbuntuGuest88892 ^01:44
Guest88892foxbuntu...yeah...sorry...not sure what to ask or say...right now I have STB -> HDTV....I think I want STB->Mythtv->TV01:45
Guest88892hold on with the other01:45
foxbuntuGuest88892, yes, that is how myth works01:45
Guest88892STB outs: cable out, s-video out, component out....it also has a IR port and optical audio01:47
foxbuntuGuest88892, ok, I assume it also has composite audio out01:48
Guest88892rca out L R, RCA digital audio, and the optical audio01:49
Guest88892its a SA 3250 HD01:50
foxbuntuGuest88892, does it have a DB9 serial port?01:50
Guest88892no, it does have usb on the front, dvi in the back, and a IR port that looks like a headphone jack01:51
Guest88892i am not sure what is actually on though.... ;)01:51
foxbuntuGuest88892, ok, you will need an IR Blaster of some type, you will need a tuner that accepts s-video01:53
Guest88892cool...thats what i figured.01:53
Guest88892could I use one that uses 75ohms thick net?01:53
foxbuntuGuest88892, I havent heard anyone call RG6 that in a very long time01:55
Guest88892networking  I understand.....cable services...not so much ;)01:56
foxbuntuGuest88892, no, you wont be able to get all your channels with that, you can use it for your clear QAM however01:56
Guest88892I guess I figured that for the tv to work, the STB would massage Shotime into a unencrypted qam for the tv01:57
Guest88892or use the ATSC01:57
Guest88892I guess I am mistaken02:01
egaudetI open mythtv and click watch TV but nothing happens02:02
egaudetn/m I was gonna ask something on top of that but realized my error.  BTW the avermedia just needed a cold boot02:08
Guest88892so how does the STB get Shotime or HBO to a TV via RG6?  wouldn't it have to unencrypt the stream so the tv's clear qam tuner could "see" it?  or does it convert it to analog over the RG6?02:15
foxbuntuGuest88892, they are seperate streams of video data...the digital channels are encoded so the STB has to read them02:21
foxbuntuGuest24284, encrypted QAM essentially02:21
lenswipehey all02:33
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].02:33
ZinnSorry I don't know about02:33
egaudetI have gotten video but I have no sound with pvr-150 card in mythtv02:35
hadsThat doesn't make a lot of sense02:40
egaudetbah I give up02:53
hadsThe PVR-150 encodes MPEG from the audio and video input so it should just work.02:54
egaudetthat's what I thought02:55
egaudetbut it's making me insane02:55
rhpot1991egaudet: have you tested sound with something else to make sure its not a system issue?02:58
egaudetrhpot1991, you mean just making sure my soundcard/speakers work02:58
egaudetinteresting mplayer /dev/video0 sound doesn't work either02:59
rhpot1991egaudet: yep03:01
egaudetyea so I can play movies with sound, music, youtube etc...03:01
egaudeti guess i'll try to reboot03:08
egaudetwell a reboot fixed it03:12
pteagueit's fun when you finish installing 131% ...06:04
rhpot1991pteague: now with extra features :)06:04
pteaguehad to run dpkg manually to update settings before i could install anything with apt06:24
Mike909any idea how to send mythtv-frontend & mythtv-backend log messages to a remote syslog server?07:03
Mike909I see the "--logfile" option, but don't know how to have it send to a remote host.07:04
superm1Mike909, perhaps via netcat or saving the log via NFS07:04
Mike909yea, I guess i could just save the files to a share, but that sort of relies on another layer to be functioning for it to work.07:06
Mike909that said, if smbfs, or nfs is down...it  is likely the network is down in which case, no logging anyway.07:06
Mike909come to think of it, I would really like to have it log in the same fashion as a syslog facility...this way I have it both local and remote.07:09
superm1Mike909, i think nfs would probably be best.  if the network is down, at very worst you'll log locally07:09
superm1well logging for myth doesnt use syslog style logging though07:10
superm1then you are probably better just rsync'ing logs every so often07:10
hadsAlthough NFS being down is good at bringing other things down07:11
superm1soft mounting07:12
Mike909if I had it logging to a share, and that share went down, would it still log locally?07:14
hadsI wouldn't have thought so.07:16
hadshard mounts will put things into uninterruptible sleep, soft mounts will error after a while.07:16
Mike909yea, I wouldn't think so either...which sucks, cause if network layer goes out...I get no logging at all.07:16
Mike909thanks for the ideas. cya07:23
hadsOh. tail -f /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log | logger -t mythfrontend07:25
hadsToo slow07:25
pteaguecrap, seems i have several package conflicts... is there a way to get an entire list of conflicts?09:58
pteaguehmm...  i have conflicts on libapr1, libaprutil1, libdebconfclient0, libvncserver0, update-inted, & ntp ... removing them doesn't *seem* to hurt anything on a front end10:06
pteagueanybody know what the name of the sound applet is in xubuntu? i can't seem to get it added to the panel10:49
=== Guest24284 is now known as bogus-
psicobrahi guys i know my aerial isn't great so i am not getting all the channels from an automatic scan so i want to add them manually but where do i get the info from to fill in all the boxes?18:29
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darthanubisCron <root@core2duo> [ -x /etc/init.d/mythtv-status ] && /etc/init.d/mythtv-status reload > /dev/null20:12
darthanubismv: cannot stat `/var/run/motd.new': No such file or directory20:12
darthanubiswhy is mythtv-status trying to write to a non-existent file?20:13
olskolirchow do I take the mythbuntu out of my selected sessions at the login screen?  I uninstalled mythbuntu-desktop and even the entry is still there23:55

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