
mruizhi all01:29
mruizI want to know about OP levels 01:30
ubottufreenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml01:34
FlannelAnyone awake with -ot?  Someone's having a bad day, and will likely need some help cooling off03:25
PiciFlannel: hm?03:29
FlannelPici: meoblast for a minute looked like he (she?) was going to go on a tirade, but not so much currently.03:30
FlannelI meant removal with temp ban so they could cool off/etc03:30
* Flannel realises he was being cryptic in initial request.03:30
PiciTis okay03:30
* Pici sighs03:54
FlannelHi sfer21, how can we help you today?03:55
Picior not03:55
Pici@bansearch sfer2103:55
ubottuNo matches found for sfer21!n=hayden@ppp121-44-127-195.lns10.syd6.internode.on.net in any channel03:55
Flannel@bansearch f_newton03:58
ubottuNo matches found for f_newton!n=bleep@ppp-70-129-154-91.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net in any channel03:58
* Flannel knows its not a full moon, wonders what's going on.04:06
MezSeeker`: keybuk, lamont and ogra are still active (and keybuk and lamont are canonical employees!)06:42
Mez(both ex TB members, if not current TB members)06:42
MezFlannel: it's a full moon in the UK06:42
Mezoh, sorry, new moon in the UK06:43
ikoniamorning all08:25
FlannelHowdy ikonia08:26
jussi01morning ikonia08:31
topyligood morning jussi01. sateessa = in the rain08:43
jussi01topyli: *g*  thanks, Myrtti already said :)08:43
topylishould have disagreed, would have been more interesting!08:45
topyli"no! it means paris in the spring!"08:46
Tm_Tno, it's duck hunt08:47
jussi01topyli: I have at least basic knowledge of finnish, and can work out her translation is a little more likely :P08:47
topyliit's just because you like her face more than mine :(08:49
Tm_Ttopyli: you should try lipstick next time08:53
topylii'm doing the best i can!08:57
topylisomeone from the sweadish radio news just called me for an interview. of course they wanted my famous namesake not me08:59
topylione of these days i'll start giving those interviews, lectures and all sorts of appearances they suggest09:00
topyli"sure, i can come to the cristmas party of your embassy"09:00
Tm_Ttopyli: and I don't even know how your name is famous09:05
topylithe guy is a history professor, he writes about the "mental history" of finland and more generally of small nations in general. he's also a pretty good critic of wage labor and its demise09:07
* Myrtti looked it up from Wikipedia09:08
topylihis biggest contribution is in the work research, and my attempts are at the same field albeit from a different angle. since we work at the same university, our emails and phone calls are always about 50% correctly connected09:09
topylimaybe someone should talk to Hansapallo on -fi-ot about his quit message when he comes back09:44
Myrtti™ topyli I agree09:48
Myrttioh wheee10:45
Myrttiasus-tek is back10:45
ikoniawhere ?10:45
Myrttiat -ot10:45
ikoniaunder what nick ?10:46
ikoniajust ban him then10:46
ikoniaI thought that had been agreed10:46
ikonia(good few weeks ago)10:46
MyrttiI'm not sure I want to ban him personally - I don't want to have him all over my pm10:49
ikoniawell shout when you want him gone - I'll remove him I think it's gone on long enough with him10:50
MyrttiI'm fine with whenever. Nothing that he's done currently warrants for a ban in my eyes, but that was the problem earlier too10:50
ikoniahe's not done anything on this occasion, but I was under the impression that after his last incidents it was time for him to go 10:51
ikoniadue to the ammount of warnings he'd had10:51
MyrttiI'm glad I wasn't actively present when that decision was made.10:57
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ikoniaI could be wrong on that10:57
Myrttiand in this case, with "actively present" I mean "I can't remember the decision being made, and I'm happy with that fact"10:58
Myrttitopyli: BEWARE OF THE DRAGON10:59
Myrttihe'll find you and hunt you down10:59
Myrttihe found me on skype...11:00
Myrttihe'll find you on SIP11:00
ikoniajust block him11:01
ikoniait's easy11:01
Myrttiikonia: I did.11:01
ikoniaproblem solved :)11:01
Myrttitopyli: is there a way to block users on ekiga?11:03
Myrttiplease say there is11:03
topylino idea :)11:03
Myrttiyou're no use11:03
topylido you feel you will soon get a nice phone call from hynix? :)11:04
Myrttithat's what I'm afraid11:04
Myrttinow that's new. "Your wife will love new Ro Lex"11:59
Myrttiit's combining the both sure sell items of spam11:59
Myrttiviagra and fake watches11:59
* Myrtti has to watch Achmed the Dead terrorist for the comedy value12:02
bazhangok he's getting seriously creepy now12:05
Myrttifor gods sake12:05
bazhangto rival sp0rtily imo12:06
ikoniafed up now12:06
ikoniathis is pointless 12:06
MyrttiI wish I had never heard of him12:11
bazhangwhy not add him to the list of cant reform12:11
Myrttilast week I surprised myself standing in the bus looking at some Nokia's Indian engineers and wondering if any of them are those "highranked Indian relatives" he mentioned to me in pm12:12
Myrttiand almost freaked out12:12
bazhangupwards of 90% of what he says is straight out fiction12:13
Myrttiprobably yes12:13
Myrttidoesn't stop me from freaking out though12:13
bazhangie he is an automobile engineer12:13
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Myrttiyay. he's back. FOR GODS SAKE14:15
Myrttiasus-tek aka hynix aka kavita aka godknowswhat14:17
Myrttibazhang: he *needs* you... *rolleyes*14:18
PiciI thought he was banned.14:20
ikoniaPici: as did I 14:20
Tm_Twhat nick now?14:21
MyrttiI'm not going to ban him, as I've said before14:21
ikoniahes also got Anand14:23
ikonia(the username Anand)14:23
Myrttihe's like a plague14:23
Myrttionce he finds out your name or something personal about you, he digs it up with google and starts hammering you through every possible medium14:24
MyrttiI wouldn't be surprised if he'd some to my door knockin' some day based on the information he's found about me. And that thought FREAKS ME FUCKING OUT. sorry bout the language.14:25
Tm_TI wonder why he needs two nicks14:25
Myrttihe needs several14:25
MyrttiI've lost count of them14:25
Tm_Tanyway, I wonder why14:26
Myrttithat's an issue he's been told several times14:26
Myrtticurrently he needs it, because he's banned and is circumventing the ban14:26
Myrtti@search ASUS-tek14:26
ubottuThere were no matching configuration variables.14:26
Myrtti@search ASUS14:26
ubottuThere were no matching configuration variables.14:26
Myrtti@bansearch ASUS-tek14:26
Myrttithere we go14:27
ubottuNo matches found for asus-tek!*@* in any channel14:27
Myrtti@bansearch asus-tek!n=kavita@
ubottuMatch: asus-tek!n=kavita@ by bazhang in #ubuntu-offtopic on Jan 14 2009 16:50:01 (ID: 9045)14:27
Tm_TMyrtti: so if he should be banned in -ot, why he is now there, even when we know this?14:27
Myrttiall I know is that I'm not going to ban him.14:29
Myrttifor several reasons14:29
Tm_Tand I don't have powers there14:29
MyrttiI'm not going to bend a hair of his head, since a) I'm not objective anymore b) I don't want him pm'ing me c) I'm suspicious if what he is doing is actually against any rules - I've been told yes. I know he freaks me out.14:30
PiciI'll try to keep an eye on his behavior, but since he has a history I'm not going to give him any chances.14:31
ikoniaPici: probably the most sensible approach14:31
PiciI'm also in a class, so I'm more distracted than usual.14:32
ubottushadeslayer called the ops in #kubuntu ()15:05
Picijuste a paster15:05
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== Ursinha is now known as aham
=== aham is now known as Ursinha
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore15:32
=== Ursinha is now known as ra
=== ra is now known as Ursinha
ubottufosco__ called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:52
LjL-Temptritium: those three are from the same ip18:54
nickrudaestevez , 'is your willy big?'18:54
tritiumLjL-Temp: ah, right18:54
tritiumHello, nickrud.18:55
nickrudtritium, hi. he just parted, anyway18:55
* nickrud is ill, is going to go home he thinks18:55
tritiumGet better soon, nickrud.18:56
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
PiciPricey: Were you able to help ehloreverse?19:55
PiciI'm only asking because hes asking again in #ubuntu19:55
Priceyquit now19:56
Picier, Ah19:56
=== fdoving_ is now known as fdoving
jussi01Myrtti: ping22:13
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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