
bryceLaney: https://edge.launchpad.net/~bryceharrington/+archive/ppa - git snapshot of what will be going into 6.12.000:48
LaneyI'll give it a test00:48
* Laney restarts x00:53
Laney(did -ati used to support compiz? I think I remember it doing so but maybe I'm wrong)00:56
bryceon 5xx and earlier it does00:57
Laneyanyway I think this driver is a bit better00:57
bryceI've got it on my ati system right now00:57
Laneyhttp://www.nibbledish.com is very choppy when scrolling in FF though00:58
Laneyand metacity's compositor still brings it to a crawl00:58
bryceworks fine for me, with compiz00:58
LaneyI cannot enable compiz00:59
bryceoh I see, you still have fglrx installed00:59
Laneydo I?00:59
brycelook at your bug report - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/33406600:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 334066 in xorg "xorg is terribly slow after Intrepid -> Jaunty upgrade" [Undecided,Invalid]00:59
bryceNonfreeKernelModules: fglrx00:59
brycethat's your problem00:59
LaneyI killed it all since then01:00
Laneytjaalton already told me this01:00
bryceok hmm, not sure.  try the ppa driver I posted once it's finished building.01:02
LaneyI already built it myself and installed it :)01:03
bryceah gotcha01:06
* bryce kicks ppa01:06
Laneywoah, wait a second01:07
LaneyI don't know what I did, but it's alive now01:07
LaneyI did a full restart (had done one after killing fglrx but not after installing the PPA version), that must have done the trick01:08
Laneythanks for your help bryce \o/01:09
bryceLaney: no prob, thanks for testing that01:09
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mvobryce: re focus/grab problems I described yesterday. I reverted to the jaunty version of -evdev - the problem has not reappared yet. I keep a eye open09:51
Ngtjaalton: somewhat subjectively, it feels like this sluggish X I'm seeing is very much tied to system load - I'm applying the morning round of updates atm and even opening menus is crawling. Obviously load will hurt X, but it feels subjectively much worse than Intrepid10:08
tjaaltonNg: you had a G45?10:14
Ngtjaalton: that machine isn't jaunty yet, this is on my X3100 laptop10:15
NgGM965, whatever10:15
Ngsunbird isn't being wildly gentle with the CPU, but it's not munching all of one core, let alone both, and there don't seem to be an unusual number of interrupts or other vmstat type things10:25
tjaaltonmine works fine, so I'm not sure what's wrong10:25
mnemointel 2.6.2 is out, that's nice.. i wonder what kind of stuff they fixed in it10:28
Ngtjaalton: EXA, right?10:32
tjaaltonNg: yes10:32
* Ng hmms, the log looks normal, it's showing direct rendering10:33
Ngout of interest, can I make it use UXA?10:33
NgI'm not expecting it to be better, but I'm curious to try it10:34
Nghttp://pastebin.com/f1ecd0032 is my log - the only bits I see that I'm not used to seeing are the dumps of PIPEBSTAT before and after something10:36
Ngand dmesg has errors from i915.ko about vblank counts for disabled pipe 0, presumably because I'm using pipe B10:36
Ngtjaalton: (would that be with Option "AccelMethod" "UXA" ?)10:46
tjaaltonNg: (yes) :)10:46
NgI hope I can figure out what's straining X, this is going to be very hard to live with for 6 months ;)10:48
tjaaltonheh :)10:54
tjaaltontry a livecd too10:54
Ngtjaalton: yeah good plan11:11
popeyNg: normal or extra effects in compiz?11:17
NgI reset my settings with ccsm yesterday, but I've not tested it with a fresh user or a livecd yet11:18
popeyif i have extra (on my 945) and banshee is starting up, resizing a terminal window results in one frame of wobbled sides followed by the full screen terminal11:18
popeyin fact with one core flat out (thanks banshee) i get much the same11:19
popeyif i close banshee (getting a core back) then it seems to recover somewhat11:19
popeystill not stellar11:20
tjaaltonhmm, suspend/resume works again, even with UXA11:33
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tjaaltonbryce: filed bug 334578, could you confirm and subscribe u-a? :)22:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334578 in xserver-xorg-input-dmc "Please remove unmaintained drivers from the archive" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33457822:31
brycetjaalton: sweetness, yes I'll confirm22:32
brycetjaalton: btw will you be merging the xserver 1.6 once alpha-5 freeze is over?22:32
tjaaltonbryce: sure, it needs some other bits too though22:33
tjaaltonat least the new libdrm22:33
* bryce nods22:34
RAOFIs bug #328944 or either of your radars?22:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328944 in libdrm "DRM_PROP_NAME_LEN undefined" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32894422:56
tjaaltonRAOF: yes, will get in together with libdrm 2.4.522:56
RAOFI wasn't sure what wanted to happen there, otherwise I would have done it :)22:57
tjaaltonI never got to uploading it22:57
RAOFThe version of libdrm with libnouveau-drm patched on?  I noticed :)22:59
tjaaltonI bet23:00
RAOFEh.  It's not exactly critical.23:02
RAOFI wonder if nouveau gallium builds again...23:02
tjaaltonI know, that's why you haven't been pushing it since ;)23:03

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