
ENERGIZEis it just a different wireless card00:00
Plughsnowlapp: It might be via the driver links section rather than via the printer selection area. Last time I needed a PPD file from the site it was still known as linuxprinting.org00:00
plaziaENERGIZE, I would speak to you but I'd be beaming the away team back every time i said your name.00:00
Wunderbarhow do I completely reset irssi to defaults??00:00
steve678im using ubuntu 810. i want to upgrade brasero from 0.8.2 to latest 0.8.4, is this the right command  , sudo apt-get upgrade Brasero  ?00:00
pHreaksYcleENERGIZE: Intrepid is Ubuntu 8.1000:01
steve678i got this back 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgra00:01
ENERGIZEwhen did that come out00:01
ENERGIZEis it alot better then 8.0400:01
blodskisome month(s) ago00:01
_VIM_Wunderbar: delete /home/Wunderbar/.irssi00:01
RomD8.10 stands for year.month00:02
poseidonWhat is the package name for foxit reader?00:02
WunderbarI can see irclogs00:02
Wunderbarbut no irssi00:02
_VIM_its hidden00:02
WunderbarI suck :(00:02
_VIM_Wunderbar: if you're using like nautilus type ctrl+h00:03
ENERGIZEis intrepid better then 8.0400:03
blodskiok, now im in a world of semi-shit00:03
McShanesteve678, the newest brasero stable is 0.8.2, so you won't find any newer version in the official repositories00:03
Jack_SparrowerUSUL what does LC_ALL=C Do ?00:03
d_rugs420anyone know how to fix firefox from random crashing?00:03
_VIM_Wunderbar: or in terminal rm -rf /home/Wunderbar/.irrsi00:03
blodskii tried to make it auto-start a program on login, but got an error saying i was logged in less than 10 s00:03
pHreaksYcleENERGIZE: The newest RELEASED version is always better00:03
RomDnot sure if it's in the repository poseidon. I installed it manually, but it seemed very unstable. why don't you use evince?00:03
Jack_Sparrowd_rugs420 disable your addons00:03
pHreaksYcleENERGIZE: most of the time anyway00:04
pHreaksYcleENERGIZE: dont use alpha versions, and beta is prob. not for you either00:04
ENERGIZEok thanks do you think it will fix my wireless problem00:04
pHreaksYcleENERGIZE: I'm pretty convinced, I own the laptop00:04
pHreaksYcleENERGIZE: Fixed mine :P00:04
Wunderbarthanks VIM00:04
d_rugs420Jack_Sparrow, i need my addons00:05
ENERGIZEwhats the alpha and beta versions00:05
poseidonRomD, I just opened a pdf file with it, and the text is barely readable.  I use foxit reader on windows and the pdf looks perfect00:05
Jack_Sparrowd_rugs420 not if they are crashing ff00:05
Wunderbarnow I could do with some help vis-a-vis my wireless- it asks for authorisation and won't connect even though the key is correct...00:05
d_rugs420seems like javascript or flash is causing it00:05
pHreaksYcleENERGIZE: alpha and beta are testing, people test stuff and give feedback00:05
Jack_Sparrow!compile > hotbabvy100:06
ubottuhotbabvy1, please see my private message00:06
ENERGIZEoh ok00:06
Jack_Sparrow!info build-essential00:06
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB00:06
Jack_Sparrow!info build-essential > hotbabvy100:06
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB00:06
ENERGIZEso my next problem is the black screen i get everytime i boot00:06
hotbabvy1hey jacksparrow00:06
pHreaksYcleENERGIZE: *Sigh* Explain00:06
hotbabvy1i have one question00:06
RomDposeidon, that's weird. did you try to reopen it? I sometimes get a bug of evince loading forever, never hear of yours though. I used foxreader on windows too, but evince if definitely the better choice on ubuntu.00:07
ENERGIZEnothing shows up just the black screen and i have to ctl alt del to reboot it and then it works fine00:07
Jack_SparrowENERGIZE can you get a console by typing ctrl-alt-F200:07
RomDposeidon, did you try a different pdf file?00:07
steve678there is a document hang problem with it and launch pad says its fixed in 0.8.4, so i was wondering00:08
steve678McShane: there is a document hang problem with it and launch pad says its fixed in 0.8.4, so i was wondering00:08
ormenare not peapole to excited on this linux thing.. im getting all kinds of problem all the time usiing ubuntu, now i cant open the maps on the right side on gnome...00:10
cocacoolhi all00:10
=== Tachibana_no_Mor is now known as kaPiPi
ormeni can get into the file system using firefox thoug00:12
RomDormen, you have to be more specific. what "maps"?00:12
ormenroml:hi: well video,desktop ,etc00:13
RomDthe shortcuts to the folders?00:13
M1DLGhow do I change the owner of a partition from root to a normal user00:13
ormenromd: yes there00:14
RomDormen, so what happens if you click the shortcuts in the places menu00:14
ormenroml;aint get any kind of msg just seems tostart but the nothing happend..00:15
mrpocketsFF in 8.10 seems kinda buggy...00:15
RomDormen, you can always launch the filemanager through the terminal. it's called "nautilus"00:16
RomDormen, or just press alt+f2 and type "nautilus"00:16
ormenroml:ifi klick on the things on the leftt side allthings work like aps00:16
mystilleefIs there a script for Ubuntu to migrate from python2.5 to python2.6?00:16
RomDormen, maybe something broke the shortcuts. just use alt+f2 and type "nautilus". you can then click the shortcuts on the left side00:17
ormenroml:yes thank you for that tip. but one want it to work00:18
ormenRoml:okej tanx00:19
axso after 8.04 -> 8.10 i don't seem to have any modules for my soundcard..00:19
axi also seem to be running an older kernel version than i had in 8.0400:20
benlinnoobhello peep00:20
RomDormen, sorry can't help you there, you should check the ubuntuforums.org00:20
sebsebsebbenlinnoob: hi00:20
TuTUXGax, you compile your own kernel?00:20
axTuTUXG: no00:20
benlinnoobanyone here can help me?  since xubuntu channel is quiet, and I guess ubuntu is pretty much the same as xubuntu, i'm having fan problem, xubuntu keeps making my laptop runs its fan 100% of the time00:21
benlinnoobact like as if it's a server00:21
TuTUXGax, that's impossible you can get an older version of the kernel00:21
TuTUXGax, in 8.10 last time i checked the up-to date kernel was 2.6.27-1100:22
unkobenlinoob: what version of xubuntu are u running?00:22
axhmm, maybe you're right.. it looks like the installer installed 2.6.27 today but also 2.6.25 [which is what booted by default]00:22
benlinnoobthe latest unko00:22
sebsebsebmneptok: you work for Canonical?00:22
Jack_Sparrowbenlinnoob from terminal  uname -r00:23
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:23
TuTUXGax, so boot the new kernel and if it's fine just get rid of the old one00:23
mneptoksebsebseb: for another 3 days, yes.00:23
axTuTUXG: okay, i guess i just won't let it go to the default..00:23
sebsebsebmneptok: oh right didn't know actsaul  Canocial suppourt people came in here00:23
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unkobeninnoob: hmm cuz when i was running hardy my old desktops fans had the opposite effect...they were running at like 10%00:24
benlinnoobthat's weird00:24
unkoi know00:24
benlinnoobi google and got no where00:24
TuTUXGax, sure if the old one can do you any favor00:24
neydercan someone help me? X restarts whitout reason and says (EE) intel(0): [DRI] Locking deadlock.00:24
benlinnoobthough i'm running compiz00:24
unkoben: how is the xubuntu cannel quite? just ask and wait00:24
benlinnooblol been waiting unko00:25
unkobenlinnoob: whats you specs...00:25
benlinnoobit got like 78 peep00:25
Jack_Sparrowbenlinnoob Keep your responses to one long line.  it makes your text easier to read and is nicer for others trying to work as well00:25
unkobenlinnoob: ha00:25
benlinnoobhow u whisper in irc?00:25
RomD /msg nick message00:26
unkojack_sparrow: thank your for telling us that...ha rember me (jkristheking) hahah1!!!!00:26
SlimeyPeteyou can private-message by typing /query nickname00:26
unkoor right click and open dialog00:26
ENERGIZEhey sorry i put in ctl alt f2 but it put me to a black screen with no writing and did the same thing i does when i boots up so i missed everything that was said00:26
NonPE I was hoping someone could tell me why my second monitor stops functioning after connecting my new SATA card and HDD00:27
Jack_Sparrowunko Please behave. and thanks for losing the nick00:27
unkojack_sparrow: yeah... so jack what was wrong with my last one? you said it was offensive..00:27
TuTUXGNonPE, probably want to reinstall/compile your video driver00:27
asunderHow can I distinguish between failed and successful login attempts from /etc/passwd ?00:28
Jack_Sparrowunko offensive is the wrong term, we dont allow religious, political etc..  trying to stay non-gender-race-religion00:28
NonPETuTUXG, I'll try that. Why though?00:28
ENERGIZEso about the black screen on the boot do you think that if i upgrade to 8.10 that will fix it also00:28
n8tuserfasunder-> thats not where you look it up, look into /var/log/messages or /var/log/auth.log00:28
ENERGIZEor will that just fix the wireless00:28
unkojack_sparrow: jkr stand for joker aka i do graffiti...my tag was joker and jkristheking means joker is the king...so i have no clue whats wrong with that 0.o00:29
TuTUXGNonPE, if you are loading some new module/harddrive, something could be wrong00:29
Jack_Sparrowunko Other possible interpetations00:29
axTuTUXG: okay, i have sound now, sweet00:29
unkojack_sparrow: list them please....00:29
Jack_Sparrowunop offtopic00:29
TuTUXGax, nice to hear00:30
NonPETuTUXG, thanks, I'll do that now00:30
unopJack_Sparrow, was i? :)00:30
unkojack_sparrow: pm me with them cuz im very confused...00:30
TuTUXGJack_Sparrow, where is my gold?00:31
ENERGIZEi have a problem with a black screen on boot00:31
ENERGIZEnothing happens00:31
ENERGIZEwill 8.10 fix this problem00:31
wayneomacnot sure if anyone can help me but i have a ati x200 graphics card and experiencing a flashing screen when any 3-d app is running00:32
wayneomacif anyone can help me or point me in the right direction that would be great00:33
Madpilotwayneomac, disable the screen effects - right-click anywhere on the desktop, choose "Change Desktop Background"00:33
unkowatneomac: pm me00:33
unkowayneomac: pm me00:34
KageeIs there anything like "libpam_send_mail_on_login_attemt" ?00:34
Madpilotwayneomac, then go to the "Visual Effects" tab and select None.00:34
Madpiloteasy to turn them back on later, if you miss them00:34
mrweswayneomac: or you can install the compiz-icon so you can turn it on and off as needed00:34
ENERGIZEso who here is using 8.10 intrepid00:34
NonPETuTUXG, didn't work00:35
mlbarnesI am looking for a HOWTO at installing an email server that allows multiple domains and aliases with spamassassin and clamav. Anyone have a recomendation?00:35
Wunderbardoes anyone know hot to make xchat transparent?????00:35
mrwesENERGIZE: I am00:36
wayneomacthanks turning off desktop effects worked thank you very much00:36
MadpilotENERGIZE, lots of us are00:36
mrwesBeen running Intrepid for several months00:36
ENERGIZEso should i update my hardy to it00:36
Wunderbardoes anyone know how to make xchat transparent????? (correction)00:36
Abueleitoryou cannot do that00:36
Abueleitori think00:36
Madpilotwayneomac, had the same problem when I installed UFO:AI - these days I just leave Desktop Effects (Compiz) turned off and use Metacity all the time. Yay for window managers for grownups...00:36
LincidYou can with the chatscreen only, in preferences, Wunderbar.00:37
blodskihow do i really maximize a window, not just alt+f10, since the menu bar is still showing00:37
mankashI upgraded to ubuntu 8.1o from 8.0400:37
mrwesENERGIZE: you can download the Live CD and try it out00:37
Abueleitori have a webcam and its going to make me crazy00:37
LincidYou can't make the whole application itself transparent, though.00:37
AudaciteeWunderbar, look in xchat preferences00:37
Abueleitorcan someone help me to configure it?00:37
mankashnetwork Manger applet do not able to get the network details00:37
ENERGIZEis it alot different or better00:37
mankashnetwork Manger applet do not able to get the network details after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.1000:37
durtAbueleitor: just click the check box00:37
mrwesENERGIZE: that is a matter of opinion00:38
NonPEsudo poweroff00:38
WunderbarI know about that- I was hoping for some hidden setting where I could make the whole thing transparent...00:38
Wunderbaralso, what's the advantage to using irssi over xchat??00:39
monihi..,,, how 2 enable 3d accelaration in ubuntu...i have an intel onboard graphics card..on intel D946Gzis??? please help00:39
MadpilotWunderbar, geek cred. irssi is hard to use, therefore geekier. :)00:39
mrwesheh Madpilot00:39
__dean__irssi runs in the terminal00:39
ENERGIZEi was actually just wondering if it would fix my wireless problem where i have to disable and then enable my wireless STA and also my black screen on boot00:39
sebsebsebWunderbar: irrssi is  more cool n a way I guess, because it runs in the terminal I think.   Xchat is pouplar, but not that good.  Konversation is better for a GUI IRC client00:39
Vantrax|WorkAnyone set up dual monitors on an ATI x2600 under 8.0400:39
=== tony__ is now known as cottean
Madpilotreal xchat FTW. Note that xchat-gnome is an abortion of a program and should be drowned.00:40
WunderbarI've found kde apps cumbersome in gnome...00:40
__dean__Emacs includes an irc client00:40
mrwesENERGIZE: it might, wireless support seems much better in Intrepid00:40
plazia__dean__, there are several irc clients for emacs aren't there?00:40
benlinnoobpeep thanks for the help i guess i have to google more or get off xubuntu and find another flavor that my fan can act normal00:40
Madpilot__dean__, emacs is an OS disguised as a text editor, isn't it?00:40
Vantrax|WorkMadpilot, yes00:40
Vantrax|WorkMadpilot, even the creator runs from it...00:41
cotteanif I wwere looking for the kernel include files but they didnt come with my dell, where could I look?00:41
Vantrax|Workcottean, they should be in the repositories00:41
__dean__cottean install the linux-headers package00:41
mrwesyou could use Pigeon to IRC too00:41
kernelpannikwhat are you looking for, cottean?00:41
cotteanim attempting to install vmware and it  needs them00:42
poseidonIs there a way you can use a Scanner class on a String object?00:42
monihi..,,, how 2 enable 3d accelaration in ubuntu...i have an intel onboard graphics card..on intel D946Gzis??? please help00:42
poseidonlol, sorry.  wrong channel00:42
mrwesmoni:system | preferences | appearance00:43
ENERGIZE<mrwes> so is that the newest ubuntu00:43
monimrwes: yes and now00:43
cotteanhow do i know which one to install?00:44
mrwesENERGIZE: Jaunty comes out in April00:44
=== floating` is now known as floatingman
Anacranommoni, have you looked here?  http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&hs=toS&q=how+2+enable+3d+acceleration+in+ubuntu+8.10+intel&btnG=Search00:45
rwwcottean: If VMWare is like VirtualBox, installing the build-essential package should be fine.00:45
kernelpannikyou dont even need it, really00:45
kernelpanniknot for VirtualBox00:45
mrwesAnacranom: wow!? that's from google? :)00:45
cotteanvirtualbox wont install at all00:46
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
cotteansays my netbook wont support it00:46
mrwesI run Virtualbox without issues00:46
ENERGIZEthanks mrwes00:46
cotteanon a netbook?00:47
thefallingNeed name suggestions for a battleship game, any suggestions?00:47
M1DLGI have spent the last 4 hours trying to make me owner of a partition and it still says root is the owner. anyone able to help me?00:47
pHreaksYclethefalling: linux game?00:47
unkothefalling: are you running the game with wine?00:47
thefallingwindows too00:47
pHreaksYclecottean: which netbook00:47
glenrock`thefalling: apt-cache search battleship  returns a couple00:47
kernelpannikM1DLG, what kind of file system?00:47
cotteandell mini 900:47
ENERGIZEwhats the best app to download for ubuntu00:47
thefallingno, im coding a battleship game, but need name suggestions00:48
kernelpannikENERGIZE, i think Axel or Wget is00:48
thefallingi cant think of anything good00:48
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:48
dtoljis there a tool that can convert RAW to ISO00:48
* chalcedony smiles00:48
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free00:48
jribdtolj: bchunk00:49
chalcedony!info unrar-free00:49
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB00:49
kernelpannikM1DLG, have you tried   sudo chown myusername:myusername /path/to/mountpoint/of/the/filesystem -R     ?00:49
M1DLGI'll try that, I googled and came up with something similar00:50
M1DLGit failied then00:50
unkosamsom: heya00:50
kernelpannikthat should work00:50
kernelpannikmake sure you have the proper permissions too00:50
chalcedonycan you apt-get from universe ? or how do you get there?00:50
samsomHi, I am having trouble reburning DVD+RW. I was wondering if anyone could help me out?00:51
kernelpannikyou can "own" something and still not have read write or execute permissions00:51
kernelpannikonce you own it tho, that will be easy to fix00:51
M1DLGtrue, but even when I sudo nautilus and changed it it was unchanged when I rebooted00:52
Jose_GasparWhat is the best virtual machine software for ubuntu?00:52
_VIM_!gksudo | M1DLG00:52
ubottuM1DLG: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:52
=== glenrock` is now known as glenrock
bommeli have a serial of questions and i really need some help00:52
kernelpannikare you mounting it in the same place every time?00:52
Pici!ask | bommel00:52
ubottubommel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:52
Jose_Gasparbommel; what questions ask00:52
bommelok sorry00:52
bommelfirst time in here00:53
Jose_GasparWhat is the best virtual machine software for ubuntu?00:53
_VIM_!best | Jose_Gaspar00:53
kernelpanniksamsom, im not sure how i can help, but whats going on?00:53
ubottuJose_Gaspar: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:53
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare-laptop
samsomunrelated query, where exactly is the wastebasket located in the file system?00:53
kernelpannikits usually .TRASH or similar00:53
Jose_Gasparin the taskbar at the bottom lol00:53
bommelactualyy im using windows xp, but i wanna use ubuntu the only reason i dont change is because i really need that the aplications i use on windows run on ubuntu to i work00:53
M1DLGI formated a second drive and called it data it's mount point should be if I have done it correctly is /media/data00:54
bommeli need compatibility with cubase00:54
chalcedonyi have a manual for my monitor in a .rar .. unrar gives me a list.. not the files. what do i need to do?00:54
ubottuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.00:54
bommelsome vst's00:54
samsombut how do i access the wastebasket from the terminal00:54
bommelphotoshop  cs300:54
bommelguitar rig 300:54
bommelguitar pro 500:54
samsomis there an absolute path i can type to get to it?00:54
Iron_Chefcan you install "the slab" on ubuntu?  (the suse menu)00:54
Jose_Gasparbommel; get wine to run windows programs in ubuntu00:54
bommeli dont know if this programs will run00:55
kernelpannikwhat i usually do is make a dir inside the filesystem called data and put everything of mine in there, (after chown ing it and chmod ing it) that way no matter where its mounted the mount point's ownership wont affect things00:55
M1DLGtry it then00:55
bommelwine run all programs?00:55
unkojose_gaspar: not all programs work in wine00:55
_VIM_CS4 works in wine, so they say00:55
Pici!appdb | bommel00:55
ubottubommel: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:55
Nytrixboomel | !wubi00:55
Nytrix!wubi | bommel00:55
ubottubommel: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:55
Anacranom!wine | bommel00:56
ubottubommel: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help00:56
=== john is now known as Guest89422
nando_alguien habla espanol00:56
Pici!es | nando_00:56
ubottunando_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:56
nando_thank you00:56
Audaciteesamsom, go to ~/.local/share/Trash00:56
Jose_Gasparwow lol can i get just a quick response on what youfeel the best VMware program for ubuntu is?00:56
samsomcheers audacitee00:56
_stijn_Jose_Gaspar, virtualbox00:57
_VIM_dont poll here Jose_Gaspar00:57
bommelso you think if i migrate to ubuntu i dont will have problems?00:57
AnacranomJose_Gaspar, none00:57
bommelJose_Gaspar es portugues?00:57
unkobommel: try live cd first00:57
Jose_Gaspar_stijn_; thanks.. _VIM_; I am new from windows I dont know00:57
_stijn_bommel, you'll have problems :p everybody does00:57
HuufartedAnybody here ever set up Ubuntu as a wireless router?00:57
bommelcan i istall things in live cd?00:57
Jose_Gasparbommel, no , Florida ;-)00:58
bommeland see if it works?00:58
Anacranombommel, yes00:58
unkobommel: i have no clue 0.o00:58
Iron_Chefthis chan is getting too big00:58
bommelwhere can i download a live cd for the last ubuntu version00:58
jker1a live TV show about linux starts in about half an hour at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-wftl-show come join the fun00:58
_stijn_bommel, www.ubuntu.com00:58
unkojker1: nice00:58
bommeloh another very important question?00:59
jker1it si hosted by Marcel Gagne of the Linux Journal00:59
unkojker1: is it really live?00:59
bommelwhat kind of format my drives have to be?00:59
bommelto work on linux?00:59
monican anyone help regarding 3d accelaration on intel drivers?01:00
M1DLGkernelpannik - thank you (n I can start teh copying of file to make room and tehn got to bed now!!!) I was telling it to change permitions on the sdb5 location not the mount point- as soon as i did that the window refreshed and i now can create foldrs01:00
M1DLGmany thanks01:00
Xamuskhow can I debug what's causing a kernel panic? I get nothing on the logs01:00
lenswipecan someone help me with MythTV?01:00
lenswipeim thinking of installing it01:00
Audaciteebommel, ubuntu will make it's own ext3 partition to install itself on01:00
lenswipebut im not sure if it meets my needs01:00
bommelbut i have i cant delete all my partitions01:00
lenswipecan i use MythTV as an audio media server???01:00
bommelbecause i have important stuff on there01:00
Audaciteebommel, if you have enough free space it will add a partition on the end of a drive (it should do this by default)01:01
lenswipei have a media bridge app on my ipod touch and i want to access the songs on my media server from my ipod touch media server style, can i do this with MythTV???01:01
lenswipeanyone know?01:01
rdw200169lenswipe, mythtv runs on top of ubuntu, right?01:01
rdw200169lenswipe, then, yeah01:01
lenswipeok cool, so i can use it as a media server out of the box?01:02
fearfulcan someone help me with xmms2 getting a error I cannot fix and its really annoying!01:02
rdw200169lenswipe, i've tried some audio webserver things, but they don't work w/the itouch01:02
Anon6255hi everyone!01:02
Anon6255can I boot windows xp with grub?01:02
lenswiperd200169: well this one does cos i have a special app for the itouch for connecting to media servers01:02
fearfulAnon6255, yes01:02
paliois there suport in spanish?01:02
lenswipeits in the app store01:02
sharif_alyI cant switch to kubuntu in ubuntu ?01:02
unkoanon6255: u have to configure grub to boot windows xp01:02
fearfulAnyone with xmms2 help?01:02
fearfulsharif_aly, try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:03
paliohow can i set the time on grub?01:03
L3TumQuestion about DATABSES: Are there any free decent database programs similar to MS Access for linux/ubuntu? I've tried Kexi, but it doens't allow relationships between multiple tables, and ooBase is really complicated and I don't like how it is set up. I want something with a gui also. Any suggestions?01:03
sharif_alyI did   but not working'01:03
fearfulHere is my error http://paste.ubuntu.com/122617/01:03
fearfulsharif_aly, you have to logout and in the Login screen (gdm) click sessions and KDE01:03
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unkol3tum: are you looking for office programs?01:04
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blodskiis http://www.dustinhome.se/pd_5010111307.aspx supported by ubuntu 8.10?01:04
Xamuskthe kernel panic is somewhat random01:04
L3Tumunko, I need to create a database, with tables and queries, forms, and reports01:04
XamuskI have no idea what's causing it01:04
samsomhi, i am unable to reburn my dvd+rw. Can someone advise please01:04
Xamuskhow can I find its source?01:04
L3Tumunko, I already have OpenOffice for other things01:05
unkol3tum: oh well... i have no clue 0.o01:05
L3Tumunko, thanks for trying :)01:06
samsomi even tried to force format it from the terminal. But then the DVD becomes unmountable01:06
Xamuskthe only hint I have is that caps lock and scroll lock start blinking01:06
monican anyone help regarding 3d accelaration on intel drivers..please01:06
Jack_Sparrowsamsom Does K3B offer an erase rw option in the menu01:06
samsomi tried k3b01:07
samsomit says "no need to reformat as disc empty"01:07
samsomso i burned an avi file on to it and tried to access it01:07
Jack_SparrowXamusk Give more info with your question , like which release, what mb, video networking etc01:07
samsomwherupon it is unable to mount the dvd01:07
Jack_Sparrow!enter > samsom01:07
ubottusamsom, please see my private message01:08
monican anyone help regarding 3d accelaration on intel drivers..please?01:08
quentusrexHow do I take the pgp key that I've created and use that for my ssh key?01:08
quentusrexor are they not compatible?01:09
XamuskI got a Dell Vostro 1310 laptop, Intrepid, 4GB RAM, nvidia 8400m (already removed proprietary drivers) networking via broadcom wireless BCM431201:09
Jack_Sparrowquentusrex not the same01:09
Jack_Sparrowmoni Ask a better question with details about your problem would help us help you01:10
XamuskI removed nvidia proprietary drivers because I thought they were the problem, but the system still hangs01:10
fearfulAny ideas for this problem on launching xmms2d http://paste.ubuntu.com/122617/01:10
samsomjack_sparrow, i have tried to mount from the terminal and it does not recognise the dvd format. I can provide the output of the dmesg |tail command if it will be useful01:10
Jack_Sparrowsamsom Not for me..  I only have a few minutes here and there this afternoon (here)01:11
moniJack_Sparrow: i have intel 946gzis..and 3d accelaration doesnt work..01:11
axhmm, upgrading to 8.10 seems to have lost all of my local calendar data, anyone have any idea if there is a way to revover that?01:11
jcbHey guys01:11
Xamuskthe only thing that may be causing would be the wireless driver, but this shouldn't be the problem, since that chipset is around for some time01:12
Jack_SparrowXamusk what release etc are you running01:12
XamuskJack_Sparrow, Intrepid01:13
satansaunti too have wireless internet issues- it won't connect, justs ask for authorisation as if the password is no good- which it is...01:13
samsomJack_sparrow, how did you send me that bot thing..and what is it?01:13
Jack_SparrowXamusk HAve you added anyting yourself, or modified sources etrc01:13
innocivhow many connections/s can ubuntu handle before it starts saying that the ephemeral ports are used up?  Or does it not have such a problem?01:14
Jack_Sparrowsamsom IT was to ask you to keep your comments on one line so you dont spam the channel01:14
Xamuskproposed, backports, updates, universe, multiverse01:14
samsomyeah, i got that and i am sorry. Was wondering how did you change your command into a long message for me in private01:15
Quontrex_Ashimiis there any way to make the sound work on a thinkpad t21 with ibex? without reinstalling gutsy I mean, it works with gutsy but (silly me) upgraded01:15
fearfulAny help with xmms2 heres my error http://paste.ubuntu.com/122617/01:15
XamuskJack_Sparrow, the only addition to the kernel was virtualbox drivers01:15
Xamuskvia dkms01:15
Quontrex_Ashimiany help with ibex sound?01:16
Jack_SparrowXamusk And vbox you installed was not from our repos either.01:17
octoberdanUgh, I have a computer that has a WUSB54G attached for wireless and is loaded with Ubuntu Gutsy. I need to load drivers on it to get the wusb54g working, but the only way I can transfer data is through a CDrom drive. What should I do?01:18
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers01:18
Rioting_pacifistfirefox keeps segfaulting (among many other programs) and it compalains about libxul.so :( please help!!!01:18
XamuskJack_Sparrow, nope, downloaded directly from the vbox site01:19
octoberdanubuntu: I don't have another ubuntu installation of that version01:20
Quontrex_Ashimiwhich upgrade did they change the sound system in?01:21
XamuskJack_Sparrow, by the way, I'm also using the server kernel because of the 4GB of RAM01:21
axhmm.. so firefox doesn't seem to work unless i run gnome [i usually use a very minimalist windowmanager and disable gdm], this is after an upgrade from 8.04 to 8.1001:21
XamuskJack_Sparrow, but the lockups also happen when I use the generic kernel01:21
axwell, i guess firefox does run, but it gives me an error01:21
GB1I install Ubuntu in IBM R30 but it say "Disabled IRQ #15" and do nothing?01:23
woltercheck http://paste.ubuntu.com/122620/, why does line 45 return an error?01:23
NonPEHey, TuTUXG, I just wanted to let you know, I figured it out. Turns out I moved one of my video cards into a different slot without realizing it, and since Xorg couldn't find it, it didn't display. Thanks for your help.01:23
wolteroh nvm..01:23
fearfulxmms2 help please http://paste.ubuntu.com/122617/ < this error can't fix it01:24
qwerkusi'm looking for a tool to paste together a large amount of small images01:25
qwerkusany ideas ?01:25
jribqwerkus: checked if imagemagick can do it?01:26
Quontrex_Ashimixaralx can gimp can01:26
qwerkusimagemagick doesn t work for me01:26
Quontrex_Ashimitry xaralx01:26
jribqwerkus: "doesn't work" isn't really that informative...01:26
qwerkuswell: it ends always with the weired error " missing an image filename "01:27
jribqwerkus: pastebin the command and full output01:27
XamuskJack_Sparrow, okay, I've removed virtualbox, so I guess it's just wait for the next lockup :( unfortunately I find nothing in the logs01:27
qwerkuscommand: montage 10_[0-999].jpg test.jpg01:28
Quontrex_Ashimigrrrr ibex detects my soundcard, lspci sees my sound card, why doesnt it make any sound?01:28
qwerkusoutput: montage: unable to open image `10_[0-999].jpg': No such file or directory.01:28
qwerkusmontage: missing an image filename `test.jpg'.01:28
jribqwerkus: isn't the problem obvious?01:29
spaceBARbarianis there a way i can uninstall "dropbox" from ubuntu ?01:30
homeskilldo any of you have those new dell inspiron mini netbooks (http://www.dell.com/home/netbooks)? They say they run ubuntu 8.04 but i want to know if they run ubuntu 8.1001:30
Quontrex_Ashimiwheeeee turn on pcm and out comes sound!01:30
Quontrex_Ashimithanks for all your help :P01:30
jribhomeskill: You can install 8.10 on it of course.  You should ask dell if they sell it with 8.1001:30
mrpockets_how to start emerald?01:31
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homeskillis a 8.9" display goin to give me much problems in gnome?01:31
jribqwerkus: no?  your not globbing correctly.01:31
jker1Join a live Linux TV show hosted by Marcel Gagne of the Linux Journal at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-wftl-show  It starts any minute now !!01:31
jribyou're even01:32
qwerkusi tried this one: montage 10_*.jpg test.jpg01:32
unkojoin it :]01:32
jribqwerkus: and?01:32
unkojker1: better hope you don't get kick for possible adverstising01:32
jribjker1: yes, please don't01:32
qwerkus"missing an image filename"01:32
jribqwerkus: pastebin full command and full output...01:33
=== speedmaster is now known as Audactiee
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qwerkussorry: not possible for the moment; after the last command, my comp just froze01:34
jribqwerkus: it's probably doing what you asked...01:34
qwerkusi think so01:35
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qwerkusthanks a lot01:35
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jdmnynjaCan anyone help me with system freezing?01:36
spaceBARbarianhow do you remove programs from the startup in ubuntu ?01:36
orudiehow to change the ip address in apache2 server ?01:36
jribspaceBARbarian: how did you add them?01:36
spaceBARbarianjrib=> trying to get rid of dropbox, which was installed from a .deb01:37
unkospacebrabarian: go to system, pref, than seesions01:37
jribspaceBARbarian: removing the package in synaptic doesn't make it go away?01:37
jdmnynjahow do i run memtest 86?01:37
jribjdmnynja: should be an option in the grub menu01:38
spaceBARbarianjrib=> synaptic ?01:38
fearfulxmms2 help anybody?01:38
jribspaceBARbarian: system -> administration -> synaptic01:38
jribfearful: be more specific01:38
homeskilljrib do you know if the ubuntu that comes on the dell mini 9 netbook is a stripped down version or can it run the full ubuntu?01:38
jdmnynjawhat do i do if memtest finds something wrong with my RAM? I think it is what is locking up my computer01:38
jribhomeskill: I don't know (ask dell)01:38
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:38
fearfuljrib, let me get you link been sending it for a while now01:38
spaceBARbarianjrib=> i dont see dropbox in here01:38
jribjdmnynja: contact the manufacturer01:39
jribfearful: ask the channel, not me01:39
jribfearful: you should assume the channel has 0 lines of memory01:39
fearfulhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/122617/ this error when opening the xmms2 daemon01:39
jribspaceBARbarian: well find out what it is called.  If you installed it with a deb, it will be there01:39
Audactieeguys i can't seem to get ubuntu to show my local ip - here is pastebin of ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/122627/01:39
jribAudactiee: inet addr: no?01:40
spaceBARbarianjrib=> thks it was called nautilis-dropbox01:40
Audactieejrgp, that's public IP i want to know local ip01:41
jribspaceBARbarian: that's the ip you are getting from your router afaik01:41
jribspaceBARbarian: you're connected here now with
Audactieejrib, yeah - thx anyway it's not my router broke into next doors01:42
jriboops, wrong name01:42
fearfulhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/122617/ this error when opening the xmms2 daemon01:43
atriushello everyone01:43
Audactieeit should assign an internal ip anyway01:43
fearful!hello | atrius01:43
ubottuatrius: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:43
Reformer81How do I connect with Remote Desktop if all I have is an IP address?  The host has already okayed it, but when trying to connect with the IP address, nothing happens.01:43
atriusReformer81: define "nothing"01:43
AudactieeReformer81, maybe they have ports blocked01:43
=== Audactiee is now known as Audacitee
spaceBARbarianjrib=> what does the IP have to do with this ?01:45
orudiehow do i change bound ip for apache2 in ubuntu 8.10 server01:45
jribspaceBARbarian: nothing, ignore those comments (they were for Audacitee )01:45
Reformer81atrius: As in, with "Remote Desktop Viewer", I get a blank screen... and the host is never prompted to allow me access.01:45
Reformer81They're running the 8.10 LiveCD01:46
atriusReformer81: ah, hmmm...01:46
atriusoh.. the thing i actually came here for.. i seem to be missing startkde01:47
mystilleefIs there documented way to migrated python apps from 2.5 to 2.6? This used to be so easy on Gentoo, but I can't find any info on how to do this on Ubuntu/Debian.01:47
jribmystilleef: what do you mean exactly?  Isn't this a pure python question?01:48
mystilleefI installed python2.6 on Ubuntu, how do I get python apps to use it?01:48
jribmystilleef: #!/usr/bin/env python2.6      right?01:48
Reformer81I've never tried a remote desktop connection with Gnome.  Worked great with Krfb/Krdc... but I can't get Vinagre to connect....01:48
spaceBARbariani have a ubuntu guest on a windows host (vbox) and for some reason i cant get my static IP settings to save, they get reset to automatic DHCP when i restart01:49
mystilleefjrib: How do I get installed apps to use python2.6?01:49
bonhofferi lost write access to my filesystem01:49
mystilleefjrib: Is there a migration script?01:49
McShanemystilleef, there's a pretty big #python channel here on freenode01:49
jribmystilleef: what installed apps?01:49
bonhofferi just booted with livecd . . i need to run fsck or something right?01:50
mystilleefjrib: A whole bunch.01:50
jribmystilleef: you don't want to make python2.6 default if that's what you are asking01:50
mystilleefjrib: See /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages01:50
mystilleefjrib: Why not?01:50
fearfulhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/122617/ this error when opening the xmms2 daemon01:50
topo_any one knows whats faster eee pc with xp or with ubuntu or eeebuntu01:50
jribmystilleef: because scripts will break...01:50
orudieby default, where does apache2 bind ip ?01:51
mystilleefjrib: I know. I'm asking for migration script? Like other distros have. Where's the one for Ubuntu.01:51
topo_any one knows what's faster an Eee pc with xp or with ubuntu or eeebuntu01:51
bonhofferjrib, you were helping me two days ago and recommended live cd to get my write access back01:51
fearfultopo_, any ubuntu will run faster, but for best performance try xubuntu which is for lower-resource computers (even if its not the case) its still real good.01:51
jribmystilleef: whenever 2.6 becomes the default in a release, you upgrade to that release01:51
bonhoffernow i am here in ubuntu off the live cd01:51
IndyGunFreaktopo_: guess it all depends, does it have an SSD, or a regular hard drive01:51
Audaciteebonhoffer, fsck is and integrity check tool for file system - it has nothing to do with permissions01:52
bonhofferAudacitee, someone said here my filesystem was corrupted01:52
mystilleefjrib: I'm a developer I need to get 2.6 on it so I can test my app.01:52
jribmystilleef: ubuntu isn't a rolling release01:52
topo_ any one knows what's faster an Eee pc with xp or with ubuntu or eeebuntu01:52
bonhofferthere is no way i can log on -- even as root -- i get "to write access"01:52
IndyGunFreaktopo_: if you're not going to answer a response, then why repeat the question?01:52
fearfultopo_, I just answered and so did IndyGunFreak01:52
jribmystilleef: didn't you say you already had 2.6?01:52
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Audaciteebonhoffer, possible, what's the error when you try to write to it?01:53
bonhofferhold on . . .01:53
mystilleefjrib: Yes, I do. But it's not the default python on Ubuntu.01:53
Audaciteeput in pastebin if it's huge please01:53
topo_IndyGunFreak: sorry i missed that : (01:53
IndyGunFreakfearful: i had ubuntu 8.10 on my eee, and it ran fine, but i didn't like the SSD.. so i sold it, bought an AAO w/ a 120gig drive(and XP), removed XP, installed 8.10, and its awesome.01:53
mystilleefjrib: I just need a script that will update ubuntu from python2.5 to python2.6, that's all.01:54
jribmystilleef: right, because that would break important scripts that were written for 2.5.  If you want to use 2.6, then put that in the shebang line for your app.  Why won't this work?01:54
topo_IndyGunFreak: its a Eee pc 1000 ha so its a 160 gb hd01:54
fearfulIndyGunFreak, yea I bet, just simply in my opinion its always better to have Ubuntu over any Windows01:54
mystilleefjrib: Because the python libraries on Ubuntu are still using python2.501:54
IndyGunFreaktopo_: then i don't think you'd see a difference between any ubuntu, eeeubuntu or xubuntu... my AAO runs fantastic w/ 8.1001:54
fearfultopo_, then yes definitely ubuntu01:55
IndyGunFreakfearful: no doubt about that, my disdain for xp is.... well known :01:55
fearfulIndyGunFreak, topo_ you will see a difference between XP and Ubuntu tho01:55
vocxAnyone know how can I force a port to be freed? I was running azureus and it crashed, but the forwarded port remained blocked so when I started another azureus instance it had connectivity problems.01:55
mystilleefjrib: gentoo had python-updater for moments like this.01:55
DJNomadIndyGunFreak,  I am a hoosier also01:55
IndyGunFreakfearful: yeah, indeed. my AAO came w/ XP, i used it for about 20min to test everything then booted ubuntu, and it really runs great on there...01:56
IndyGunFreakDJNomad: oh ya?.. where at01:56
DJNomadIndyGunFreak,  anderson01:56
topo_fearful: i hate xp to i've been using linux for over a decade but the eee pc come with windows01:56
fearfultopo_, doesn't matter, my computer came with Vista (eww) wiped that Ubuntu over any Windows thats my opinion tho01:56
jribmystilleef: see if reinstalling the library after installing a packaged version of python2.6 (https://edge.launchpad.net/~doko/+archive/ppa) just works or not (I'm not sure)01:56
myk_robinsoncan someone help get the built-in microphone on my laptop's webcam to work? using Ubuntu 8.10 on a gateway m-688101:56
fearfultopo_, I say you boot in LiveCD and check out how it runs. I'm sure it'll be much better.01:57
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McShanevocx: azureus crashing caused your router to block a port that you forwarded?01:57
IndyGunFreakDJNomad: have some old friends up that way.. most of them worked at the prison01:57
topo_fearful: its there any benchmark on that issue01:57
mystilleefjrib: It's installed but it doesn't do the migration from 2.5 to 2.601:57
DJNomadIndyGunFreak,  yeah i got a few friends work there also maybe a feew in there too lol01:57
egaudetHas anyone successfully gotten TV out of avermedia pvr-150 PLUS01:57
jribmystilleef: you installed that python2.6 package?01:57
fearfultopo_, I'm sorry I don't understand benchmark?01:57
mystilleefjrib: I don't want to have manually recompile/reinstall all the python pacgkes.01:57
IndyGunFreakDJNomad: lol... sorry to say, me to.01:58
Audaciteevocx, Vuze will use upnp afaik - mine worked out of the box01:58
Hakumecrdlb: What was that command input I needed for the wireless device that had 'ath5x' at the end? I had to reinstall due to Gparted crashing while I was resizing my Linux partition to become larger.01:58
mystilleefjrib: Yes, I have python2.6 installed. But it's useless because nothing uses it.01:58
topo_fearful: those tests like phoronix one01:58
vocxMcShane, that's a way to put it. Apparently the processed remained as zombie, that is the parent being init, so it was weird. A reboot would fix it, but I just wanted to know of a way to reboot ports or something.01:58
jribmystilleef: is that a "yes" to my question or a "yes, I have python2.6 installed" (this wasn't my question)01:58
topo_fearful: to compare in actual numbers01:58
mystilleefjrib: I have python2.6 installed.01:58
McShanevocx: just kill the process01:58
IndyGunFreaktopo_: why don't you just either 1... boot an ubuntu cd, or 2... put ubuntu on a thumb drive, and boot it, and see how it goes.01:59
ultratekhow do i disable and re-enable compiz? i am trying to get suaerbraten to work with my mouse...01:59
fearfultopo_, umm.. I'm not sure to be honest, but you can boot with LiveCD and monitor using the system monitor and then doing the same with xp..01:59
vocxMcShane, A zombie process cannot be killed, it has finished but it remains on the process table.01:59
fearfultopo_, or maybe I misunderstood the question01:59
IndyGunFreaktopo_: id o know, your wireless probably isn't going to work out of the box... do you know if you have the atheros wireless device, or the realtek one?01:59
jribmystilleef: good luck with your issue.01:59
Audaciteeultratek, what window manager are you using ? to enable it's compiz --replace01:59
topo_IndyGunFreak: i belive its the realtek one02:00
vocxAudacitee, I'm using UDP too that's not exactly the problem.02:00
IndyGunFreaktopo_: yeah, those are kind of a pain02:00
DJNomadI've connected my cell phone via usb cable,in terminal what command to find out location of it ,dmesg?02:00
topo_IndyGunFreak: i've search the forum and apparently they do run with the eeebuntu mod kernel02:00
ultratekaudacite, window manager?02:00
fearfulIndyGunFreak, that's because of the ipv4 issue correct? I might have a fix for topo_ if its that case, some where in my history02:01
topo_IndyGunFreak: hows the boot time one Aao02:01
Audaciteeultratek, like gnome, kde etc...02:01
atriusanyone know why startkde would be missing?02:01
IndyGunFreaktopo_: well, you can get it to work w/ "regular" 8.10... just take some works, but that might be one reason to choose eee, is for the kernel w/ the realtek driver02:01
bonhofferAudacitee, i can't get the error without rebooting out of the live cd02:01
McShanevocx, I don't know, then. You could try starting and stopping eth0/eth102:01
ultratekaudacite, gnome02:01
IndyGunFreaktopo_: i have no complaints about its boot time.. i've never timed it, but its similar to my workhorse laptop.02:02
McShanevocx, that is, restarting the ethX device02:02
HakumeWhat was that command input I needed for the wireless device that had 'ath5x' at the end? I had to reinstall due to Gparted crashing while I was resizing my Linux partition to become larger. Therefore, my Atheros chipset wireless network card isn't in the list of devices.02:02
topo_IndyGunFreak: thats amazing02:02
Audaciteeultratek, well to disable compiz - i'd just go metacity --replace02:02
Audaciteeultratek, use terminal or alt+f2 for those commands02:02
IndyGunFreakHakume: which atheros device is it?02:02
ultratekauda, thank you02:02
vocxMcShane, As I said, it was kinda weird. Just wanted to know if anybody had experience with that. For instance, "netstat -t -u" will show the TCP and UDP ports in use. So it would show my port as in use, even when azureus was zombie.02:03
Audaciteebonhoffer, yeah - can't really say if it's a permission thing or a corruption thing without seeing the error02:03
Audaciteebonhoffer, you can try log in as root and write to the disk to see if it's a permission thing though02:04
bonhofferAudacitee, in live cd mode -- can i do some housekeeping02:04
IndyGunFreakHakume: which atheros device is it?02:04
HakumeIt is....02:04
KFPHmm this is odd.02:04
topo_IndyGunFreak: fearful: i'm going to go with the eeebuntu version thx for all the help, my only concern is that the win xp versions boots on la 35 seconds hope i can match it02:04
Audaciteebonhoffer, yep you can02:04
KFPI can't get Adobe Flash installed on 8.04 LTS.02:04
Hakume(trying to remember the command input to display the device)02:04
bonhofferAudacitee, sorry -- i am a noob -- what can i do02:04
tritiumKFP: the package name is flashplugin-nonfree02:04
IndyGunFreaktopo_: probably a good idea w/ that realtek deiice good luck02:05
IndyGunFreakHakume: lspci02:05
Hakume07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)02:05
Audaciteebonhoffer, what do you want to do besides fsck?02:05
IndyGunFreakHakume: go to system/admin/hardware drivers02:05
HakumeI already got the driver.02:06
bonhofferAudacitee, is there anything else?02:06
Kagee I want to run pam_exec if a user types his password wrong once, is that possible?02:06
IndyGunFreakHakume: are you using 32bit?02:06
IndyGunFreakHakume: do you ahve 1 or two options in hardware drivers for atheros.02:06
bonhofferAudacitee, how do i even find my old file-system02:06
Audaciteebonhoffer, not particularly for your problem02:06
Audaciteebonhoffer, it's not mounted?02:07
HakumeI disabled the one that doesn't work, have already rebooted, and am using (having activated it before the previous reboot) the correct driver.02:07
KFPtritium: "Couldn't find package".02:07
IndyGunFreakHakume: thats odd, and you still don't have wireless?02:07
tritium!info flashplugin-nonfree02:07
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)02:07
tritiumKFP: ^^02:07
bonhofferAudacitee, i can't find my /home files in it02:08
tritiumKFP: perhaps you've not enabled the multiverse component, then02:08
bonhofferwould live cd allow someone into my home filesystem anyway?02:08
HakumeI just need the command that is something like 'get ath5x'02:08
HakumeI just can't remember.02:08
KFPtritium: I first tried the "Add/remove software" tool but it complained about 64 bit or something.02:08
IndyGunFreakHakume: you shouldn't need to do that.. did you install the backport modules?02:08
bonhofferfsck shows /dev/sda6 contains a file system with errors, check forced02:08
HakumeThat's what I did.02:08
tritiumKFP: ah, that may be it.  It may not be available for 64-bit.02:09
IndyGunFreakHakume: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic02:09
dynamic_batteryumm.. hello ^^02:09
KFPtritium: I have it running on my 64 bit desktop which has the exact same Ubuntu as this laptop. Hmm. :\02:09
Audaciteebonhoffer, I would boot the recovery kernel and run fsck to do a disk check, then keep your error if it re-occurs when you boot normal kernel and put it in paste.ubuntu.com and come back here02:10
HakumeI installed it from Synaptic, and am using the driver that worked perfectly last night before I tried to expand the Linux partition this morning.02:10
KFPtritium: I don't recall having problems there but it's been a while so I don't remember exactly.02:10
tritiumKFP: then double-check that you have multiverse enabled, and an updated package list02:10
KFPtritium: How can I check that? :)02:10
Hakumecrdlb gave me a command last night that fixed my problem completely.02:10
IndyGunFreakHakume: dunno, i've got that same device on 3 different laptops, installing the backport modules, and disabling that driver, has always worked02:11
bonhofferAudacitee, lots and lots of Inode xxxx was part of the orphaned inode list02:11
Reformer81Isn't there some kind of GUI app that will let me setup partitions to automount?  I shouldn't have to manually edit the fstab just to get a hard drive to be available.02:11
bonhofferlots of deleted inode 4406xx has zero dtime.02:11
HakumeI just can't remember the full command.02:11
IndyGunFreakHakume: you don't need a command02:11
bonhofferAudacitee, is this standard (btw, thanks for your help - i really appreciate it)02:11
IndyGunFreakthats what i was trying to tell you02:11
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tritiumKFP: it would be listed in your /etc/apt/sources.list02:11
vocxReformer81, as a matter of fact that is expert knowledge so yes, you have to do it by hand. It says so in the fstab manual.02:12
IndyGunFreakHakume: do you have two atheros options in system/admin/hardware drivers02:12
HakumeOne disabled and one enabled.02:12
Hakume5xxx enabled, and generic disabled.02:12
Reformer81vocx: So... it's expert knowledge and everyday computer users don't deserve to have access to their files when using Linux?  Fascinating.02:12
IndyGunFreakthen your wireless should work, you don't need to disable anything else..02:12
Audaciteebonhoffer, yeah that error seems like an integrity problem, as I said boot recovery kernel and start at console and run fsck and see what it does02:12
donavan01Im looking for a good video editing program that will do AVI (I have 2 AVIs I want to smash back together)02:12
KFPtritium: Yes, seems to be enabled. Hmm.02:13
bonhofferAudacitee, anything special to boot the recovery kernel (i take it i need to do that in addition to the fsck i am doing now)02:13
bonhoffernow getting block bitmap differences02:13
dynamic_batteryhey, how can i fix the glitch when using compiz i always need to switch back on extra graphics, how can i do so, so it'll stay that way and i won't need to switch back on startup all the time?02:13
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fdkjsljfskdjlI need a copy of airodump because it is not included with the aircrack-ng package.02:13
vocxReformer81, well, it's more complicated than that of course. Because typically you set up the disk partitions once, and you do not change them every day, and if you do (running a server) then you are expert.02:13
HakumeThe device isn't in the list though, causing wireless to not work.02:13
bonhofferFree blocks count wrong for group #5402:13
Audaciteebonhoffer, just boot the recovery kernel in the grub list - I wouldn't do it from live cd unless your system won't boot to a console at all02:14
Reformer81vocx: But this isn't a partition that changes every day... it has all of my photos and music on it.  I'd like it to be accessible in Linux... but right now I'm needing to manually mount it every time.02:14
bonhofferAudacitee, thanks02:14
fdkjsljfskdjlWhere can I get airodump-ng?02:14
fdkjsljfskdjlnevermind I have it02:14
fdkjsljfskdjlI had forgotten to include -ng02:14
IndyGunFreakHakume: i don't know what instructions you've followed before, but disable the atheros generic driver, install the backports, and restart, and your wireless should work... if youv'fe had to do something else in the past, thenn i cant explain that, like i said, i have that device on 3 different laptops, and it works fine doing just that02:14
Reformer81vocx: I can figure out how to add it to fstab, but I was hoping that Ubuntu had finally realized that not everyone knows how to do that.02:15
Audaciteebonhoffer, np, gl02:15
wolterwhat do I have to echo to know which is my default webbrowser?02:15
n8tuserfReformer81-> once you have the entry in the /etc/fstab  you dont need to fiddle with it again02:15
vocxReformer81, now, I recall that when you right click on a drive there is some tab there with information about the mount point and options, but I've never used it... maybe it works for what you want.02:15
HakumeThat's what I did.02:15
HakumeHowever, the driver is working, but the wireless card isn't listed.02:15
bonhofferAudacitee, doing it -- what is an inode?02:15
HakumeTherefore making the point of my wireless driver null.02:16
Reformer81vocx: Ah.. never knew about that.  Thank you; I'll look into that.02:17
Audaciteebonhoffer, it's part of the ext3 file system linux uses02:17
redvamp128donavan01:  you could try this one it says it works with avi Application Information - Avidemux <http://www.getdeb.net/app/Avidemux>02:17
bonhofferAudacitee, o.k.02:17
Jack_SparrowReformer81 Edit fstab to mount your drive every boot02:17
dynamic_batteryhey, where can i get some tuts or something how to customize my ubuntu?02:18
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:18
vocxReformer81, do you have the mounter applet in the top panel? It lets me see every partition I have, and I can mount them with a single click. No need to mess with fstab either.02:18
HakumeI'm running 32 bit on a 64 bit machine, if that makes a difference...02:18
dynamic_batterybut, i dont kinda wanna use themes.. :(02:18
toxygenhi, image referred from wiki.ubuntu.com (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/attach.png) is missing02:19
lchihow do I upgrade to the latest nvidia drivers? I think the latest version is 180.22, and the repos haven't been updated.02:19
n8tuserf!remaster | dynamic_battery02:19
ubottudynamic_battery: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility02:19
toxygensomeone should fix that02:19
Reformer81vocx: Hmm... the whole point of this is so Amarok can see my music collection.... but even when that drive is mounted, Amarok can't see it.  So I guess I have more problems lol02:19
HakumeAcer Aspire 4520 laptop02:19
vocxReformer81, in fact, since this mounter applet now works perfectly for my needs, I no longer use the fstab to hard code the mount point, I let them automount to /media. I like it that way.02:19
dynamic_batterythanks n8tuserf ;)02:19
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Flanneltoxygen: Which page?02:20
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toxygenFlannel: main page02:20
toxygenFlannel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/02:20
toxygenthird image from the left, in the middle of page02:21
toxygennext to earth image02:21
vocxReformer81, I've never liked the idea of a huge media application like that. I like minimalistic.02:21
Reformer81vocx: I just have so much music that I NEED some kind of organized player.02:21
crdlbHakume: the only other bit was that for some reason ath5k was not being automatically loaded; so I had you try 'sudo modprobe ath5k', but that isn't persistent02:22
Flanneltoxygen: I see a book, then a bug.02:22
linny1Reformer81 : after the drive is mounted you need to rebuild the library in amarok oh and make sure it hads the correct path02:22
toxygenFlannel: before book02:23
Reformer81linny1: I can't even direct Amarok TO the path...02:23
toxygenFlannel: what icon do you have before book02:23
linny1Reformer81:whats stopping you ?02:23
vocxReformer81, I've heard that's what Amarok and Rhythmbox do, but seriously... what kind of organization do you need? Can you just put them in albums and be done with it.  Yeah I know, you probably have 500 GB of music so I don't know...02:23
Reformer81linny1: The path is /media/Media/Music ... I can get amarok to /media/Media.... but it shows it as empty.02:23
lchihey i have a question02:23
Reformer81vocx: Well, not 500GB, but I do have close to 20 :P02:24
linny1oh resart amarok and try it ?02:24
Flanneltoxygen: The globe02:24
HakumeIt has been solved...again.02:24
lchihow do i update my graphics driver to the latest version?02:24
lchimy current repos don't have it02:24
Reformer81linny1: Nope... same thing.  I can browse the location just fine, but Amarok is blind to it.02:24
toxygenFlannel: exactly, there should be one more icon between them02:25
linny1lchi:what card and driver we are no psycic02:25
toxygenFlannel: check source02:25
vocxlchi, you can't, unless you compile the driver yourself, or update the distro. That's the simple answer.02:25
toxygenlchi: either find some other repos or make you own (either package or directly)02:25
linny1Reformer81: 1 sec02:25
Flanneltoxygen: Alright.  You might try informing the people in #ubuntu-doc02:25
linny1Reformer81:ill check mine my library is on separate disk too02:25
lchican i change my repos to the jaunty repos for only my graphics driver?02:25
octoberdanSo am I shit out of luck if I want to use RT2570 in Intrepid Ibex?02:26
Reformer81linny1: I'm using Amarok 2, btw02:26
ubuphoneI am looking to get a new phone. Had a black berry, really liked it. Now I am looking at something with; with android, the new palm device, or an iphone. Suggestions?02:26
LogicFanubuphone, what do you want to do with it?02:26
Reformer81linny1: Which, granted, is about as unstable a piece of software you can find, but its oh, so cool. :)02:26
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vocxlchi, it is not advisable to do that. It's better to wait. Because drivers may need a slightly different version of X, or drm so things may break.02:26
toxygenFlannel: ok, you could've told me that as first :)02:27
ubuphonemax web interactivity, would be nice to ssh to my ubuntu box but i would bet most new phones have soemthing that i could run02:27
bonhofferAudacitee, all works -- thanks02:27
LogicFanubuphone, personally, i think the iphone has the best web experience02:27
ubuphoneyeah, thats what i thouhg, been hearing rumblings about a new one. may wait a min to see if it comes out02:27
dynamic_batteryoh s*** its 04:26 AM... Ill better go to sleep.. and do some customization after getting some sleep... :D02:27
pestilencein hardy, evolution would wait (after say, a suspend/resume) for network-manager to be connected to a network before attempting to refresh IMAP folders.  in intrepid it no longer does this.  does anybody know a fix?02:27
Jack_SparrowFlannel http://paste.ubuntu.com/122646/ Current progress on my script02:28
lenswipehey can someone help me with mythtv please02:28
LogicFananyone feel like trying to help me get my memory card reader to work? :)02:28
lenswipei want to stream music to aclient with a mythtv server02:28
yang_hello everybody02:28
dynamic_batteryhey, does ubuntu has a task manager or something where can i see processes on my PC?02:28
linny1Reformer81: nope it works for me in 1.4.10 i unmounted the disk and remounted it in a different location and rebuilt/rescanned the library and it works02:28
lenswipedynamic_battery: open terminal and type top02:28
LogicFandynamic_battery, yes.  its called system monitor02:28
IndyGunFreakdynamic_battery: system monitor02:28
Reformer81dynamic_battery: System > Administration > System Monitor02:29
dynamic_batteryOh thanks02:29
lenswipecan someone help me with streaming using mythtv please02:29
dynamic_batteryill try the terminal thingy... ^^02:29
lenswipei want to stream my music but idk how to point mythtv at my music folder02:29
lenswipeanyone got any ideas?02:29
aranyikhello everybody , I was under ubuntu gnome  but i installed some packacges changing it into a xubuntu, it first worked but after a couple of reboot i now have lost my menu bar and bottom bar... i need help! plz02:29
fearfuldynamic_battery, top on the terminal, or install htop too02:29
dynamic_batteryomg it looks so cool.. ^^ :D02:30
pestilencelenswipe: try #mythtv ?02:30
fearfularanyik, try pressing alt + f2 then gnome-panel, I'm pretty sure that will work on xubuntu02:30
lenswipepestilence: thx02:30
tritiumlenswipe: also, #ubuntu-mythtv02:30
=== administrator__ is now known as Palermo_
Palermo_hey guys how can i setup software raid in ubuntu? ive already installed the system and i want to raid two 1.5tb harddrives together?02:31
lenswipepestilence: nobodys home in #mythtv lol02:31
worldcitizenhow can I use tinyirc? I type in terminal "tinyirc irc.ubuntu.com" but get an error of 461 USER Not enough parameters. It connects to the server but times out after the 46102:31
dynamic_batteryfearful, sudo apt-get install htop? or something?02:31
dynamic_batterysorry for n00bnes.. :S02:32
fearfuldynamic_battery, correct or just use the standard top02:32
pestilencelenswipe: how about tritium's suggestion02:32
lenswipedynamic_battery: i just use normal top, works for me :)02:32
dynamic_batterycool, thanks02:32
fearfuldynamic_battery, no problem man, were here for all your questions.02:32
lenswipepestilence: never saw that, what was it?02:32
linny1Palermo_:what type of raid do you want?02:32
dynamic_batterydarn it says not valid ><02:32
pestilencelenswipe: #ubuntu-mythtv02:33
fearfullenswipe, dynamic_battery htop is nicer to see the CPU/RAM usage but just typing top on the terminal will list your processes02:33
lenswipepestilence: ok, ill try that...02:33
dynamic_batteryill just use the install/unstall tool.. :D02:33
aranyikfearful, oh! these bars are part of gnome....i see...thanks a lot! :D02:33
Palermo_raid 002:33
Palermo_want it to see both as 1 drive combined storage02:33
fearfularanyik, your welcome02:33
AngryElfI should be getting some 1280x800 resolution but the highest I can choose goes up to 1024x768 -- I've got an Intel integrated graphics chip -- how am I supposed to install that correctly?02:33
linny1Palermo_: cant you just use lvm ?02:33
dynamic_batteryfearful, htop sounds cooler ^^ need to get it then sleep!!02:34
njdubeI'm a new Gnome user, used to be a long time KDE user.  I've been reading some history on Gnome lately.  What I haven't seen are screenshots of old Gnome versions.  Where can I get some screenshots of all older Gnome versions?  I'l like to see how it's changed visually since it's birth.02:34
fearfuldynamic_battery, then sudo apt-get install htop is what you need.02:34
Palermo_linny1:  LVM?02:34
dynamic_batteryfearful, so now i type htop instead of top in terminal?02:35
pestilenceAngryElf: you used to have to install an additional package, but it has been a while since i've used a intel graphics card02:35
linny1Palermo_: logical volume manager you will see as one volume but its no striped or anything02:35
fearfuldynamic_battery, correct.02:35
pestilenceAngryElf: i believe the package was something like 810resolution or something02:35
Palermo_linny1: how do i se that up?02:35
ENERGIZE_does anyone know if theres a good CAD program for CNC or a scan to CAD program02:35
linny1well you can set it up upon install with the ubuntu alternate istall cd02:36
dynamic_batteryoh this is fun ^^02:36
fearfulnjdube, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ there are all the versions listed with information for screenshots just google them with the version :p02:36
linny1errm i think you can do it after install but ive never done it that way 1 sec ill google02:37
Golf_hi, I've installed Windows and now I'm locked out of my Ubuntu partition, I don't have a Live CD and unentbooting only gives me the option to install to f:\ and that does not work, is there any way I can get back without reinstalling?02:37
pestilenceAngryElf: i think it was 915resolution, actually02:37
pestilencebut that only exists in versions before intrepid.02:38
dynamic_batterywhat does PID mean? Process ID? or something?02:38
ENERGIZE_looking for a cad program for cnc anyone know of a good one02:38
fearfuldynamic_battery, correct again.02:38
egaudetmythtv pvr-150 video but no sound?02:38
AngryElflspci doesn't say it's the 810 or 915 chipset02:38
pestilenceAngryElf: i had to do it on a 855gm chipset02:39
fluvvelldoes anyone know how to set the ntpdrift file to a suitable number? I've installed ntp, which was supposed to be already installed as the clock has been loosing about 4 minutes over 4 hours02:39
dynamic_batteryfearful, thanks ^^ im trying to02:39
daeoi, i just installed Ubuntu  8.04, after the reboot and I log into Gnome, i hear the login music and then am prompted to log in again, only if i go into failsafe gnome can i log in successfully.  Any Ideas what would cause this? maybe a video setting that my monitor doesn't support? how would I change it if that is the case?02:39
fearfuldynamic_battery, anytime.02:39
pestilenceAngryElf: from the package info:  845G, 855G, and 865G chipsets, as well as 915G, 915GM, and 945G chipsets02:39
tmurderanyone else unable to play flv files with mplayer?02:40
linny1Palermo_: heres some info that may be relevent http://beginlinux.wordpress.com/2008/05/30/raid-lvm-and-acls-on-ubuntu-804/ but imo its much easyer to setup lvms during installs i personally use encrypted lvms on all my pcs theres a tut here http://kuparinen.org/martti/comp/ubuntu/en/cryptolvm.html02:41
tmurderunsupported video codec.. it used to work02:41
LuckyZhangWeiis there anyone familiar with the makefile?02:41
dynamic_batteryhmm.. strange.. why it says im using 330mb of memory?02:41
dynamic_batteryisnt that a bit much?02:42
pestilenceLuckyZhangWei: "the makefile"?02:42
Madpilotdynamic_battery, Linux will use as much RAM as it can find for caching. Makes stuff run faster.02:42
LuckyZhangWeiG__main.obj: G__main.cxx02:42
LuckyZhangWei$(CXX) $(CXXMACRO) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CCOPT) $(LINKSPEC) $(CINTIPATH) -Fo$@ -c $<02:42
fontpegdoes anybody know what happened to snapshot.madwifi.org I see links to DL from there and i cant02:43
hotbabysexylinux device driver02:43
hotbabysexyi'm back.02:43
WebcamWonderIs there a command to check the current active connections?02:43
daeoAny ideas why I can't log into Gnome normally?02:43
dynamic_batteryMadpilot, hmm.. that makes some sense.. i think :D02:43
pestilenceWebcamWonder: netstat02:44
fontpegdoes *anybody* know what happened to snapshot.madwifi.org I see links to DL from there and i cant02:44
WebcamWonderpestilence: Ahh, awesome. Thanks!02:44
dynamic_batteryok, im off... bye...02:44
=== DarkPassenger is now known as DDrKPssNgR
daeohow can i check the login log files? or are there any?02:45
=== dynamic_battery is now known as dynamic_batteryO
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pestilencedaeo: system->administration->system log02:45
pestilencedaeo: auth.log02:45
=== DrKPssNgR is now known as DDrKPssNgR
colehi all, im trying to run a command in cron, ive edited /etc/crontab how ever the command i entered in there does not run, any ideas?02:46
pestilencecole: look in the logs?02:47
daeohrm i think i found the error02:48
hotbabysexyi'm using the above code02:48
hotbabysexycan't compile02:48
FloodBot3hotbabysexy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:48
hotbabysexyheaders file r missing02:48
daeoFeb 24 20:35:01 fae gdm[6196]: PAM unable to dlopen(/lib/security/pam_smbpass.so)02:48
daeoFeb 24 20:35:01 fae gdm[6196]: PAM [error: /lib/security/pam_smbpass.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]02:48
daeoFeb 24 20:35:01 fae gdm[6196]: PAM adding faulty module: /lib/security/pam_smbpass.so02:48
daeothat look like my problem?02:48
pestilencedaeo: what is your problem?02:49
StonebrewI'm playing around with Jaunty, strangely synaptic (and others) seem to use gksu now instead of gksudo.. is this something I did?02:49
daddaHi, I'm going to partition my filesystem with LVM2 and wondering how large just the main / should be? I'm going to use open LVM2 partitions for /tmp /var /usr /home02:49
colepestilence: where are the logs for cron stored?02:49
daeoI just installed Ubuntu, and when I try to log in, I get bounced back to the login screen. I am only able to log into failsafe gnome02:49
nellmathewanyone know about the "timer not connected to IO-APIC" error?.. i tried noapic but my system freezes at login02:49
hotbabysexyhow to load kernel headers file?02:49
Palermo_thanks linny102:49
hotbabysexyhow to compile the code below02:49
Palermo_but i dont see how to implement it02:49
FloodBot3hotbabysexy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:49
Flannel!compile | hotbabysexy02:49
ubottuhotbabysexy: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:49
Palermo_i know u can do LVM when u install ubuntu02:49
Palermo_but how so aftgerwords02:49
pestilencecole: /var/log/syslog02:49
linny1Palermo_: what do ypu mean ?02:50
hotbabysexyi tried it before02:50
hotbabysexyi forgot the command02:50
mindslantHowdy I just replaced my old CRT monitor with a new dell 1905.  I'm trying to get the native resolution or 1024.  I'm stuck at about 800.  I've installed and activated nvidia 173 and my rez was actually downgraded to 640.  I think my nvidia setup thinks I'm still using the crt.  any advice or howto's to point out?02:50
hotbabysexywhat is the command again?02:50
Flannelhotbabysexy: That wiki page explains it.  Also, please stop using the enter key as punctuation.02:50
pestilencehotbabysexy: you are asking in the wrong room.02:50
WebcamWonder!resolution | mindslant02:50
ubottumindslant: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:50
daeopestilence: did you read my answer?02:51
Flannelhotbabysexy: See also: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~beechung/ref/gcc-intro.html  And yes, this isn't really the place to go for basic C compiler questions.02:51
daddaCan someone maybe post there disk usage/free to me so I can see how much space each partition/directory takes?02:51
rootfailHelp with this, anyone, please.02:51
Palermo_linny1: i didnt see instructions on how to set up lvm02:51
islanwhen I try to watch this DVD movie with commentary, it just plays the movie with subtitles turned on and no commentary02:51
islanis this normal?02:52
pestilencedaeo: sorry, just saw it.02:52
redvamp128islan:  you usually have to select an alternate audo track -- in order to hear the commentary02:52
linny1Palermo_:http://beginlinux.com/index.php/server_training/server-managment-topics/116-server-management/982-creating-logical-volumes-on-ubuntu-804 like i said tho its much easyer to do it when you install02:52
* foreveryou hah02:52
daeopestilence: no problem man, im not in serious hurry02:52
islanredvamp128: thanks02:52
WebcamWonder!atheros | rootfail02:52
ubotturootfail: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:52
pestilencedaeo: can you open a terminal in failsafe gnome?02:52
Juravialare there any wireless experts here? Could use some help...02:53
colepestilence: no i dont see my created job in the log02:53
Palermo_i can reinstall no big dela02:53
daeopestilence: yeah i have it up now02:53
Palermo_funny thing is that it doesnt see the right size harddrives02:53
Palermo_sees a RAID of 800GB02:53
Palermo_which is less than one HDD02:53
redvamp128islan:  even with normal dvd players-- that is all the commentary is just an alternate audio (most dvd's are multilingual as well as have the 5.0 and the standard stereo) plus some have the commentary02:53
linny1Palermo_: what doesnt see the correct size ?02:53
AthenonHey, my hd is 80% full, but i dont know whats eating it all up...how can i figure it out?02:54
Palermo_when i installed ubuntu02:54
mindslanthey, thanks for the wiki point.  Is xrandr supposed to take hold immediately or is there a trigger event to try the new rez?02:54
Palermo_im using this machine for meida purposes02:54
Palermo_hooking it up to a big screen02:54
Palermo_watching movies02:54
pestilencedaeo: i would try "sudo aptitude reinstall libpam-smbpass"02:54
jribAudacitee: Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer02:54
egaudetWhat's the best software to watch/record live TV02:54
Palermo_playing games02:54
linny1Palermo_: what do you get from sudo fdisk -l02:54
FloodBot3Palermo_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:54
linny1Palermo_: and df -h02:54
pestilencecole: paste your crontab into http://paste.ubuntu.com02:54
Palermo_/dev/sdc1               1       23330   187398193+  83  Linux02:55
Palermo_/dev/sdc2           23331       24321     7960207+   5  Extended02:55
Palermo_/dev/sdc5           23331       24321     7960176   82  Linux swap / Solaris02:55
daeopestilence: ok , once its done installing all 348 files i'll try that02:55
pestilencedaeo: ha02:55
linny1Palermo_:pm if you like to save spam :)02:55
Palermo_/dev/sdc1             176G  2.5G  165G   2% /02:55
Palermo_tmpfs                 1.4G     0  1.4G   0% /lib/init/rw02:55
Palermo_varrun                1.4G  100K  1.4G   1% /var/run02:55
Palermo_varlock               1.4G     0  1.4G   0% /var/lock02:55
Palermo_udev                  1.4G  2.8M  1.4G   1% /dev02:55
FloodBot3Palermo_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:55
WebcamWonder!pastebin | Palermo_02:55
daeopestilence: updates taht is02:55
ubottuPalermo_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:55
IcemanV9cole: in crontab, you'll need to use full path to the program/script that you're trying to run. create the log file in the crontab for troubleshooting; 0 3 * * * /bin/sh script.sh > /tmp/script.log 2>&102:56
Palermo_linny1: what do u think from my pasting?02:57
linny1lol its hard to read its all split up02:57
daeopestilence: normally i use my box for pc games.. and decided to install a sata drive i got out of a dell someone threw outside.  The fool had pr0n all over it, I bet he had to lie to his wife in order to get rid of it and get another.02:58
linny1 Palermo_: http://paste.ubuntu.com pls02:58
JmzOff to sleep night night all02:58
Palermo_i will im sorry02:58
Palermo_did u get all of what i pasted02:58
colekool, thanx for that02:59
FlannelPalermo_: Use pastebin, paste.ubuntu.com02:59
daeowhip out the ban hammers02:59
pestilencedaeo: either that or his wife is the one who put it outside03:00
linny1Palermo_: no, btw did you partition the disks manually or did ubuntu do it ?03:00
Palermo_there you go03:00
Palermo_i just partitioned my 200gb hd03:00
Palermo_dont think i touched the two 1.5tb drives03:00
evride1hey dudez03:00
evride1got a question03:00
daeopestilence: hehe, i think you might be right.  it was a good find too... p4 ht, can't tell speed (no stickers) .. DDR2 ram, sata hhd, dvd burner.. only thing wrong with it was the power supply is dead.03:01
evride1when i shut down my computer my screen gets all garbled up and doesnt shut down03:01
linny1Palermo_: ok it sees the disk fine03:01
evride1any ideas?03:01
Palermo_linny1: and you see that from the first command you gave me right?03:02
linny1yes sda is 1500.3 gb03:02
Palermo_got ya03:02
islanredvamp128: it seems that the video player doesn't let me choose any other audio files03:02
Palermo_also if i do lvm2 and i have to reformat my 200gb hd with the OS will it still be seen as one when i install it again03:03
islanalthough mplayer does, I prefer to use the video player since it can use the controls on my keyboard03:03
Palermo_is it linked to the OS thats installed i guess is my question03:03
mindslantI ran xrandr -q and it told me my output device is Screen 0, when I tried testing another output rez nothing happened.  the command I use was"xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768 --rate 75"  If I put a space between Screen & 0 it give me a list of possible commands03:04
linny1Palermo_ i dont really understan what you are asking but if you use lvm all disks will apperar as on for file managment purposes yes03:04
linny1soryy about spelling its late :)03:04
Palermo_linny1: lets say instead of upgrading to 9.0403:04
Palermo_i want ot do a clean install... will 9.04 from a clean isntall03:04
Palermo_see the lvm2 setup from 8.1003:05
daeoubuntu is at 9.04 already? jeeze... guess my cd i ordered is out of date >.<03:05
Palermo_daeo: no its whats coming out in april03:05
daeoi installed 8.03 hehe03:05
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Flanneldaeo: That's good.  You've got a LTS release.  You won't have to upgrade until 2011 on the desktop03:06
daeoyes, the LTS one03:06
taz_hello guys... any one u know how using with virtualbox ?????03:06
fearfulWhen's the next LTS coming out03:06
linny1Palermo_:well 9.04 is still beta maybe even alpha i dunno but it should do btw lvm2 doesnt come with ubuntu just lvm does if i was you i would seriously conside a fresh install03:06
fearfultaz_, whats the problem?03:06
Flannelfearful: 10.04 is scheduled03:06
daeonot sure what LTS means but itsays 8.04LTS on the cd case03:06
Flannel!lts | daeo03:06
Jack_Sparrowtaz_ /join #vbox03:06
ubottudaeo: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.03:06
fearfulFlannel, aww so long03:07
linny1 daeo: lts long term support03:07
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daeoAh good.03:07
Palermo_does performing an lvm delte whats on the drives?03:07
daeoOrdered 20 of them and handed them out to friends.. barely installing it now after about 6 months.03:07
taz_right now i using this ubunut 8.10 ... already i did download from add/remove  virtualbox.. so how i can get window xp??03:07
daeobuy it ?03:08
Flannelfearful: Its only a year away03:08
fearfultaz_, I would suggest to download the new version of Virtual Box, 2.1 I think, then you need a XP install disc and I'll guide you through it03:08
antoinexubuntu intrepide + eeepc 900 + atheros ar242X + madwifi possible ????????????,,03:08
linny1Palermo_: i really dont know as i said ive never done it after the installation but i think its possible to do it and save the data03:08
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Jack_Sparrowtaz_ We cant help you with that.  and you need to /join #vbox to learn how to set it up and use it03:08
fearfulFlannel, I know, but it can feel a long time03:08
Palermo_ok i will try03:08
fearfultaz_, or what Jack_Sparrow said.03:08
millertime_018hey, i just installed blueman and i'm having trouble updating03:09
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linny1Palermo_: from what ive just seen from google tho it looks much more difficult than the way i normally do it03:09
taz_fearful.. great.. thanks for help..so what start with??03:09
millertime_018W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6B15AB91951DC1E203:09
Palermo_linny1: is there a speed difference between raid0 and lvm03:09
millertime_018that's what's shown when i update03:09
redvamp128evride1:   Incomplete shutdown issue - Ubuntu Forums <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=359190&amp;highlight=Incomplete+shutdown+issue>03:09
redvamp128#3 on the list03:09
savvasmillertime_018: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105609903:09
Jack_Sparrowfearful thanks, take him to PM and walk him through it03:09
homeskillhow much hard drive space does a full install of ubuntu 8.10 take?03:10
millertime_018savvas: how did you know about this?03:10
savvasmillertime_018: about what? I made that perl script :)03:10
daddaHow large should / be if I use LVM for /tmp /var /usr /home /opt03:10
Jack_Sparrowhomeskill YOu can get it down to very tiny but call it 4 gigs or so03:10
millertime_018savvas: why did you give it to me?03:10
linny1linny1: prolly yes in theory raid 0 should be faster i dont know if there will be much difference03:10
redvamp128evride1:  also look at post 1003:10
dsafa2ubuntu ldap cleint.  non-local account logins fail to server.  ideas?03:10
millertime_018savvas: i just want to know how to fix blueman03:11
Flanneldadda: put / on LVM.  You just can't (easily) put /boot on LVM03:11
millertime_018or the update process i mean...03:11
millertime_018i don't know03:11
savvasmillertime_018: please read the link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1056099 - it will update your PPA links and get the GPG keys you need03:11
daddaI whant / to be standalone if my system fails03:11
millertime_018savvas: well there's one thing that might change the conditions of the script you wrote03:12
daddacan 386MB be enough for / if I use LVM for /var  /usr   /home   /opt    /tmp   /var/tmp   ?03:12
savvasmillertime_018: I'm listening03:13
spaceghostWhats going on everyone03:13
millertime_018Savvas: in the process of installing blueman, the .list file was placed in a new directory i think03:13
savvasmillertime_018: the script is updated and supports sources.list.d :)03:14
Flanneldadda: Probably not.03:14
millertime_018also, is there any way i can speed up my boot time in ubuntu?03:14
millertime_018savvas: wow.03:14
Titan8990Jack_Sparrow, any chance you know why this busy channel never has a moderator?03:14
daddaHow large then?03:14
FlannelTitan8990: this channel does have operators.  They just follow freenode guidelines.03:14
millertime_018savvas: i think i'm behind... i want to be able to program...03:15
millertime_018what's the definition of script kiddie?03:15
Flanneldadda: If you can spare a gig, I'd go with that.  Otherwise maybe 768M?03:15
savvasmillertime_018: boot time is about 20-30 seconds in jaunty, the current release in development03:15
spaceghostHey What do you guys think of this idea on ubuntu brainstorm?  http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/18273/03:15
daddaI will spare a 1GB03:15
rootfailubottu : Thanks, I'll read into that.03:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:16
daeopestilence: time to reboot, i'll see if the update did any good03:16
millertime_018savvas: well, I don't want to download anything and update until the official release of Jaunty comes out03:16
millertime_018savvas: no beta testing I mean03:16
spaceghostWhen is Jaunty coming out?03:16
savvasmillertime_018: then.. I don't know :)03:16
savvasspaceghost: around the end of april probably03:16
millertime_018savvas: ok thanx for the help03:16
linny1spaceghost: never use the gui synaptic anyways allways cache searc and apt-get03:16
savvasspaceghost: ubuntu jaunty 9.04 => 2009.04 => 2009-April => April, 2009 ;)03:17
Flannelspaceghost: #ubuntu-offtopic is the appropriate place for discussing brainstorms, not here.  Thanks.03:17
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.03:17
spaceghostwell whats this chat for?03:17
blackbytehi !103:17
Flannelspaceghost: this is for Ubuntu support03:17
savvasspaceghost: ubuntu 9.04 is not released as stable yet03:18
blackbytesomebody talks spanish?03:18
Flannel!es | blackbyte03:18
ubottublackbyte: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:18
blackbytethanks !!03:18
savvasmillertime_018: anytime :)03:18
MrWizeGuy1983i think my opengl is messed up03:19
MrWizeGuy1983where can I get help with opengl on ubuntu 8.10?03:19
cybercomi want to do automate backup using grsync .... the sync was done successfully .... i cant do it by automatically ......... in the  cronjob.... any other option03:19
KurtKrautIs there a email CLI client that is close to mutt but does not require extra MTU/MUA software ?03:20
doxieubuntu sucks03:20
FlannelKurtKraut: I think most people just use nullmailer or something similar03:20
cybercomdoxie:  watch ur words /......03:20
Flanneldoxie: Please stay on topic, thanks.03:20
doxieubuntu is not that good03:21
FlannelKurtKraut: Or esmtp is a popular (and easy) one03:21
linny1doxie: thanks for your input now go back to playing with yourself goodbye03:21
cybercomdoxie: reason y r u telling likethat03:21
MrWizeGuy1983what's better than ubuntu then?03:21
Flanneldoxie: Did you have a support question we could help you with?03:21
doxielinny1: watch your mouth03:21
Flannellinny1: Please don't03:21
KurtKrautFlannel: nullmailer seems to lack a lot of features for my need. I'll check. esmtp03:21
maxxistquit feeding the doxie troll03:21
doxieyeah linny1, stfu!03:21
FlannelKurtKraut: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/08/configuring-mutt-to-use-an-alternate-mta-esmtp/03:21
cybercomok ......03:22
KurtKrautFlannel: let me explain my scenario. I want a CLI email client for my Eee03:22
cybercomi want to do automate backup using grsync .... the sync was done successfully .... i cant do it by automatically ......... in the  cronjob.... any other option03:22
FloodBot3cybercom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
MrWizeGuy1983ok, that was fun and all, anyone know how to fix opengl on ubuntu?03:22
cybercomya i didnt flood03:22
prince_jammysyou probably should fix your keyboard first03:22
cybercomtats right prince_jammys03:23
Yang1anyone ever heard of 2x application server?03:23
Flannelcybercom: You should use rsync, which grsync is a frontend for.03:23
cybercomi'm using grsync at tis moment03:23
MrWizeGuy1983Flannel do you know anything about opengl?03:23
qwerkusI'm a total noob at bash scripting who's trying to get a 10-lines script doing its job - without success; would someone agree to share his mighty coding wisdom with me, and review my 10 lines to get it work finally ?03:23
FlannelMrWizeGuy1983: Not as far as technical support, no.03:23
Jack_Sparrowqwerkus /join #bash03:23
Jack_Sparrowqwerkus sudo apt-get install abs-guide03:24
MrWizeGuy1983Flannel do you know where I should look?  it's probably not complicated, I just never had to mess with it before03:24
FlannelMrWizeGuy1983: Nope03:24
Yang1anone heard of 2x application server client for linux i am having some problems with parameters that im trying to pass03:24
Jack_Sparrowprince_jammys Thanks for your help on that sed command earlier today03:24
prince_jammysJack_Sparrow: ah, no problem03:25
MrWizeGuy1983apparently there's an opengl room, who knew03:25
lufisHi. I've got a vga-vga connection between my laptop and my widescreen tv on intrepid. I can't seem to configure the two screens correctly. I can only view one at a time --- the screen on my tv works great now, but the one on my laptop is skewed and mis-shaped... what's up with that?03:25
cybercomFlannel: about my problem .... any other option from that03:25
redvamp128Yang1:  you could try asking that one in #ubuntu-server room.03:25
Dmolegoogle is not helping me find gmplayer key bindings examples...help?03:25
Flannelcybercom: I'm sure there are other commad line sync programs sure.  But why don't you want to use rsync?03:26
erossis there any such thing as quality and somewhat cheap VR glasses yet?03:26
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pestilenceDmole: isn't that in /usr/share/doc/gmplayer?03:26
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Dmolepestilence:"No such file or directory"03:27
daeopestilence: well it seems that did not fix my problem03:27
Yang1thanks redvamp12803:27
daeoin fact, when i rebooted, the new kernal version doesn't even startup gdm correctly.03:27
pestilenceDmole: sorry, look at /etc/mplayer/input.conf03:27
redvamp128Yang1:  I am sure someone in that room should be able to help you configure the server and the client03:27
Dmolepestilence: thanks  :))03:28
pestilencedaeo: you reinstalled libpam-smbpass ?03:28
Yang1redvamp128: thanks i just need some help with passing parameters though but thanks03:28
erk71Hi. Is there a simple binary clock panel app for gnome, like what is available on the kubuntu desktop?03:28
daeopestilence:  i don't get the error anymore but it still goes right back to login prompt03:28
daeopestilence: yes i did03:28
pestilencedaeo: is ubuntu-desktop installed?03:28
daeopestilence: you would think so, but lets find out03:29
Titan8990redvamp128, he is talking about commercial proprietary software, I would actually say that its unlikely03:29
daeopestilence: yes it is03:29
savvaserk71: install screenlets :)03:29
bartekHi there, For some reason all of a sudden I am having major issues with upgrading deluge-torrent. Here's what happens when I try to do apt-get upgrade: http://dpaste.com/1252/ .. I've tried apt-get install -f with no luck (same error) .. any tips?03:29
daeopestilence: also, if i try to boot directly to shell, greeter crashes and before I even get the login screen, my monitor is set to above 1280x1024, how can i change the default resolution for the shell?03:30
cybercomFlannel: i use grsync to sync my data from my old backup machine to a new high end backup machine.... and i'm doing it manually everyday ...... so what i need is i want it to be automatically sync all my data every morning and send me a log of the results after the sync is successfull.03:30
pestilencedaeo: look at ~/.xsession-errors03:30
daeopestilence: ok03:30
savvasbartek: you are using PPA, non-ubuntu packages03:30
jribbartek: are you mixing repos?03:30
barteksavvas: right, just the one for deluge-torrent03:31
bartekI never had an issue until today, so it confuses me03:31
daeopestilence: this looks like it: ** (nautilus:5923): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Not supported03:31
daeognome-session: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0.03:31
daeoICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 5903, errno = 003:31
FloodBot3daeo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:31
savvasbartek: try this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall deluge deluge-common deluge-core03:31
pestilencedaeo: try "the google"03:32
erk71savvas: thanks, i will try that!03:32
cybercomFlannel: are you there?????03:32
nyxHas anyone noticed Ubuntu slowing in speed and stability from 7.04 -> 8.10?  And will Canonical be focusing on speed and reliability for their 9.04 release instead of *just* updating packages?03:32
barteksavvas: same error :/03:32
savvasbartek: if it doesn't work, you should /join #deluge03:32
bartekalright, thanks03:32
Flannelcybercom: right.  Why don't you want to use rsync?03:32
redvamp128bartek:  I don't know if this will help you but getdeb.net has 1.1.3 and its in a .deb Application Information - Deluge <http://www.getdeb.net/app/Deluge>03:33
cybercomto sync my data03:33
Flannelcybercom: That doesn't make sense?03:33
cybercomtats y i use the rsync03:33
mlindeblomBootup speed in jaunty is fast - much faster than 8.0403:33
Jack_Sparrownyx This is support.. try #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions etc03:33
bartekredvamp128: thanks for the link :)03:33
Flannelcybercom: rsync will work, and will work with cron too.03:33
cybercomFlannel: y?03:33
daeopestilence: this looks promising, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83053103:33
cybercombut it doesnt03:34
redvamp128bartek:  though you may have to uninstall the prior version and install the current03:34
nyxJack_Sparrow: Thanks03:34
cybercomok i give u the command in the paste03:34
Flannelcybercom: grsync won't wok with cron.  rsync will.03:34
daeopestilence: this sound safe -> rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity03:34
cybercomooo ok03:34
Flanneldaeo, pestilence: there's no reason to include the -f03:34
Jack_Sparrowdaeo yes03:34
daeoi am looking at a ubuntu forums post03:35
cybercomso, what is the solution Flannel03:35
savvasbartek: try with aptitude: sudo aptitude reinstall deluge deluge-common deluge-core03:35
daeoill try it and reboot03:35
Flannelcybercom: Use rsync03:35
Titan8990cybercom, +1 rsync03:35
pestilencedaeo: yea.  NOT.03:35
cybercombut grsync is the GUI based03:35
pestilencegreat, he already did it :-D03:36
cybercomalso the its based on the rsync03:36
barteksavvas: I found it, it was a deluge issue, on their forums they provided a temp solution03:36
Flannelcybercom: Yes.  You'll have to use rsync.  What are you having trouble following?03:36
Jack_SparrowTo Reset All of Gnome: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/       In terminal type:         rm -r .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity03:36
Titan8990cybercom, many of the helpers here are more familur with CLI application and can assist you better that way03:36
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore03:36
Titan8990cybercom, and like flannel is pointing out, GUI application often have limitations that the CLI back end does not03:36
cybercombut i'm not expert in the rsync ...... its all based in the command rite03:37
pestilenceJack_Sparrow: it is better to have people just move files like that out of the way03:37
savvas!ask | solid_liquid03:37
ubottusolid_liquid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:37
pestilenceJack_Sparrow: that way, if they find "my favorite settings that i spent years perfecting" are now missing, it is easy to restor03:37
daeopestilence: that didn't work03:38
daeopestilence: the command worked obviously but it did not resolve my issue03:38
pestilencedaeo: ok.  did you see this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5841400&postcount=603:38
Flannelcybercom: Yes, any program you use cron with will be command line.  You may see if grsync has an ability to output an rsync command for you (which seems like a long shot, but who knows).  If not, you'll need to figure out rsync (at least a little bit)03:38
Titan8990cybercom, rsync is not difficutlt....    rsync [options] <source> <destination>03:38
Jack_Sparrowpestilence Noted.. but people should also have backups and things like that.  If you spent years perfecting your settings I would assume you backed them up and knew how to restore them03:38
madmikeis there a way to purge your memory?  in windows I used to have a program that freed up memory that was being used, but was still reserved for programs that were closed03:39
erossto get xplane to play on my 64bit ubuntu os, i had to copy over some 32bit shared libraries. Is there a way to avoid this when creating a 32bit game?03:39
Flannelcybercom: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync covers some stuff03:39
pestilenceJack_Sparrow: sure.  but you will soon realize that virtually nobody in here actually has backups.03:39
RoC_MasterMindmadmike, not necessary, linux has good memory management, windows doesn't.03:39
sfer21madmike: Linux uses memory differently03:39
Jack_Sparrowpestilence I am aware.  I have been here for years03:39
Titan8990madmike, that defeats the purpose of memory doesn't it?03:39
pestilenceJack_Sparrow: k :-D03:39
daeopestilence: trying it now.. but im not finding the file it talks about...03:40
Titan8990madmike, if something else needs to space of a closed application, linux will give clear it up03:40
Titan8990madmike, but it stays there in case you open the app again03:40
ussereross, if it doesnt come in 64 bit then, theres basically two options 1 copying 32bit libs and 2 creating a 32bit chroot environment03:40
f_newtonpestilence, not only is that bad advice... backup is the first word in responsible computing, but why would you want to be known a a barren scourge?03:40
RoC_MasterMindany memory not in use by a process is used as disk cache.03:40
madmikelol, i mean, i know it has better management, but it still uses more memory after it's been on a while, even if I haven't done anything.  But I'll take that as a no :)  Thanks03:40
RoC_MasterMindmadmike, then you need to close whatever apps are using more and more memory :-D03:40
pestilencef_newton: excuse me?03:40
sfer21madmike: Yeah, that's because it uses memory differently as a kind of cache.03:41
Flannelmadmike: Unused memory is wasted memory.  It'll grab stuff it thinks it might need and stick them in memory03:41
cybercomthanks Flannel ... will look on it03:41
daeopestilence: ok i removed it, rebooting again.03:41
madmikealright, i didn't know that03:41
f_newtonpestilence..... a scourge of disease baring insects03:41
pestilencef_newton: if you look back, i wasn't advocating against backups.03:41
madmikelike pre-fetching03:41
usserlike super-mega-prefetch-everything or whatever they call it on windows03:41
madmikethanks again03:41
f_newtonwell I am just saying that suggesting people dont do backups is not really a good thing03:41
pestilencef_newton: i was just acknowledging that most people are irresponsible03:42
madmikei have nothing worth backing up03:42
Jack_Sparrowf_newton no one is suggesting you NOT do backups03:42
madmikeit can all be downloaded again :)03:42
Jack_Sparrowmadmike How is that old timex Sinclair working these days03:42
f_newtonwell ... back up backup BackUp...03:43
f_newtonIve got a sinclair!03:43
madmikeJack_Sparrow:  I'm guessing that was a joke, and i didn't get it :(03:43
Jack_Sparrowmadmike np..  f_newton  did03:43
usserf_newton, oh, great little machine...03:43
f_newtonlol for what?03:43
Jack_SparrowSorry all, I did not mean to start a bunch of offtopic03:44
f_newtonmy commadore was a good little machine03:44
ussertsk tsk tsk03:44
madmikewas it an old computer type or something?03:44
madmikeoh ok03:44
madmikei get it now03:44
hotbabysexyhttp://pastebin.com/m6555139d << help03:44
Paco_Pacohow do i install and configure samba?03:44
f_newtonmadmike, they were offered on the back page of science digest etc back in the early '70s03:44
qcjnhi, i wan t to add a lyricwiki to gmpc, ho can i find if the requirements are there ? cause the plugin is there but it doesn't work ?03:44
savvaseross: there are 32-bit libraries for 64-bit ubuntu: ia32-libs - you have to use linux32 when running it, e.g.: linux32 sh ./somescript03:44
daeono dice03:44
vvinetIs there a way to manually choose the sound output between the speakers and headset regardless of the presence/absence of a headset?03:44
Jack_Sparrowhotbabysexy Please dont do that03:44
Tr3y-Hey anyone have any innformation about ventrilo in wine not getting anything in #winehq03:44
aptigois there a way to output the time a process has taken after it's finished03:45
ussereross, also theres a great little utility around on the web getlibs, it looks at what 32 libraries are used by an app and downloads them for you03:45
f_newtonmy brother had an amiga and I had a commadore 6403:45
daeoTr3y-: Rogue Games ring a bell?03:45
crdlbaptigo: 'time process' will time it03:45
f_newtonthen I got a tandy  :)   I  was a stud03:45
TylerdurdenI just did my first ubuntu install and everything is working great except my Dvd burner isn't working03:45
aptigothank you!03:45
Tylerdurdencan someone help03:45
pestilenceaptigo: or /usr/bin/time03:45
Veinoranybody here know how to keep sshfs from timing out?03:46
daeopestilence: hrm, anymore ideas ?03:46
Tr3y-daeo: ?03:46
daeopestilence: i'd hate to have to reinstall.. took 30 mins of my time03:46
Paco_Pacohow do i install and configure samba?03:46
daeoTr3y-: nevermind, you have name similar to friend of mine03:46
daeoTr3y-: he uses ubuntu also03:46
Tr3y-daeo: ahh Was going to say I played a rogue :-P03:46
Tr3y-daeo: in wow lol03:46
pestilencedaeo: dunno.  one of those posts made it seem like a problem with ATI drivers.  do you have an ATI card?03:46
f_newtonPaco_Paco, samba has a pretty good website documentation page set up03:47
daeopestilence: >.> and if i said yes?03:47
Titan8990!samba | Paco_Paco03:47
daeopestilence: yeah i do03:47
ubottuPaco_Paco: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:47
redvamp128!samba | Paco_Paco03:47
daeopestilence: pos x200 onboard03:47
pestilencedaeo: do you have the proprietary drivers installed?  i know nothing about ATI drivers, though03:47
Paco_Pacothey redirected me to this channel in #samba f_newton03:47
pestilenceyou could probably get it to work using the vesa drivers03:47
Paco_Pacoits distro specific03:48
f_newtonIm running an ati and the ubuntu driver is better  then the ati proprietary driver for my card03:48
pestilencePaco_Paco: sudo aptitude install samba03:48
daeopestilence: i wish i knew... as i just installed and ubuntu in its awesome glory installed on its own03:48
f_newtonPaco_Paco, excuse me?03:48
pestilencePaco_Paco: then it is no longer distro specific.03:48
Paco_Pacopestilence the installing isnt the issue its the configuring03:48
kavinskytr3y what's the problem with Vent on wine? Specifically?03:48
shazoori want to install drivers for my intel g31/33 chipset.. can anyone kindly help me please03:48
pestilencePaco_Paco: i don't think configuring is distro specific03:48
Tr3y-kavinsky: can't get gsm to work anymore03:48
sfer21Paco_Paco: then if it's the configurin, it isn't really distro specific03:48
f_newtoninstallation managers are distro specific03:49
Tr3y-kavinsky: also getting no real sound through the speex codec03:49
pestilencedaeo: i think you have to install the "restricted" drivers.  google that.03:49
f_newtonpackages for linux are pretty much distro inclusive03:49
Paco_Pacoi am not here to debate semantics03:49
pestilencewe're just trying to say that they blew you off, Paco_Paco03:49
pestilencego back there and tell them we told you that03:49
shazoorare these drivers provoded by intel?03:50
TylerdurdenHaving some trouble getting ubuntu to read my dvd drive, shows the drive but when i open it, it says unable to mount location03:50
FlannelPaco_Paco: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html03:50
f_newtonpestilence, he'll get booted and he may need their help later03:50
daeopestilence: this -> ?? http://www.michaellarabel.com/index.php?k=blog&i=11403:50
Paco_Pacoty Flannel03:50
daeopestilence: i don't have this option03:50
f_newtonPaco_Paco, you can use google ya know... it works03:50
FlannelPaco_Paco: for what its worth, Titan8990 gave you that answer a few minutes ago.03:50
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:50
Paco_Paconot really i am in china yahoo and google violate human rights03:50
pestilencedaeo: ^^^^03:51
pestilencein particular, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI03:51
daeofollowing !!03:51
Titan8990Paco_Paco, google is a major supporter of open source applications03:52
rdw200169Titan8990, yeah, i think android is open too03:52
Titan8990rdw200169, it is, they recently got xserver to run on it03:52
Paco_PacoTitan8990 so?03:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:53
daeothanks guys this looks promising!03:53
Titan8990Paco_Paco, so companies like google, novell, and etc need to be supported if linux is to succeed in the desktop market03:53
Paco_Pacothis isnt the place to discuss politics, so you should have posted that offtopic command the instant f_newton told me to google it Flannel03:53
Paco_Pacogoogle is offtopic also03:54
sfer21Paco_Paco: Now it's just getting offtopic even more. No need to debate it, you've got a solution now.03:54
PiciUbuntu is on topic, so please cease the semantics discussion.03:54
FlannelPaco_Paco: He's already been dealt with, actually.03:54
Paco_Pacoi'm sorry for being offtopic03:54
JordiGHAre there any horror stories about ntfs-3g? My brother reported one, but it's starting to sound like El Chupacabras or a UFO sighting to me... all the alleged evidence is blurry and out of focus.03:56
Mean_AdminI plan to build a HTPC, I"m wondering if Ubuntu can handle the HDMI out for the ATI HD 345003:56
Titan8990Mean_Admin, yes, but nvidia offers better support on linux03:56
Mean_AdminTitan8990: is it worth shelling out more ?03:57
daeowow, it looked promising until the 2nd command gave me an error03:57
daeoand it looks like i can only do this is normal mode not safe mode03:58
tritiumMean_Admin: personally, I think so.  Also, for a HTPC, you don't need 3D acceleration, and a mobo with integrated graphics such as the GeForce 9300 or 9400 would do quite adequately.03:58
daeowhich is crazy03:58
MarfiWhy can't Adobe or canonical make it easy to install flash? md5 sum. Some people don't know how to use wget. =P03:58
FlannelMarfi: The flash package means you don't have to use wget.03:58
Tylerdurdenis there a reason ubuntu would see the dvd drive and everything but not be able to read media put in?03:58
savvasMarfi: install flashplugin-nonfree03:58
tritiumMarfi: it has been made easy03:58
MarfiFlannel: I know, but it will kick back an md5 error from tiem to time03:58
Mean_Admintritium: so basically any card with HDMI will do ?03:59
Titan8990Mean_Admin, actually, the top chipset for HTPC is the 780G, unfortunatly, its linux support is not great03:59
crdlbMarfi: that's because adobe is too dumb to version their tarballs03:59
Titan8990Mean_Admin, but I have seen reviews to show that integrated chips are fine03:59
Marfisavvas: tritium did that and got an md5 sum. crdlb03:59
tritiumMean_Admin: no, newer chipsets support H.264 better.  I'd get a very recent nVidia card, or ATI.03:59
savvasMarfi: not anymore, there are talks to host flash on canonical partner archive03:59
MarfiI know that everyone, I'm just saying. Some people don't know how to get it to work without the easy way. =)03:59
Marfisavvas: that would be amazing03:59
sfer21Marfi: If you knew that, why did you bring it up in this channel?04:00
Mean_AdminTitan8990: yeah I have motherboard without integrated graphics, and I need a card and since it's not for games but for HTPC, I'm looking for stuff that can render 1080p with HDMI out04:00
daeoubottu: i followed the how to and encountered an issue not covered on the "How-To"04:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:00
savvasMarfi: i think it's already being hosted, enable canonical partner from System > Administration > Soft. Sources > Third-party software04:00
JordiGHSo everyone thinks that ntfs-3g works marvelously?04:00
Marfisfer21: because I am giving the channel a heads up04:00
MarfiJordiGH: YES!04:00
Titan8990Mean_Admin, AMD 780G can04:00
daeopestilence: the "How-To" didn't work04:01
JordiGHMarfi: I'll have to figure out how my brother claims that Windows Vista erased some files during some sort of scan which he put in there from Linux... :-/04:01
Mean_AdminTitan8990: ok, em, any ati card with the amd 780g chipset ?04:01
Marfisavvas: so is that one put out by adobe and canonical, or just canonical?04:01
Titan8990Mean_Admin, the card would void the chipset.....04:01
MarfiJordiGH: MS hates Linux04:01
tritiumTitan8990: actually, the nVidia 9400 is the top chipset now04:01
savvasMarfi: I don't know :)04:02
JordiGHMarfi: But could it have actually happened?04:02
tritiumMarfi: you don't need a card unless your current mobo doesnt' have an adequate IGP04:02
bobbob1016Trying to run an application in a terminal from the gnome panel, I get this when running it "Failed to execute child process -x"04:02
Mean_AdminI'm really not looking for top,  I just want it to output HDMI/DVI and have a 1080p resolution :(04:02
hotbabysexyhi.i want to install linux kernel 2.6.2504:02
MarfiJordiGH: files being deleted from windows scannign linux, or linux scanning windows?04:02
Titan8990Mean_Admin, there ya go, nvidia 940004:02
hotbabysexyiam running ubuntu04:02
Mean_Adminand work with linux, of course :S04:02
Mean_AdminTitan8990: thanks04:02
JordiGHMarfi: Windows scanning the ntfs drive to which ntfs-3g wrote.04:02
Titan8990Mean_Admin, but what we are suggesting is cheaper than you are spending with the ati card....04:02
Mean_AdminTitan8990: can't I go with the 8400 since it's basically the same thing (or so the great powers that be say) ?04:02
skeletalPeople, why if can't access to irc.blackhat.ru????04:02
savvasMarfi: adobe-flashplugin is Adobe's: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/ - ubuntu uses flashplugin-nonfree04:03
Titan8990Mean_Admin, we are talking about chipsets, not discrete cards04:03
Marfisavvas: then what is the flashplugin-nonfree?04:03
hotbabysexymy question is will it mess up my ubuntu O/S if i install linux kernel 2.6.25 on my ubuntu?04:03
tritiumMean_Admin: phoronix.com is a good resource04:03
daeopestilence: getting this error now after following "How-To" -->  insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': -1 Operation not permitted04:03
savvasMarfi: debian: http://packages.qa.debian.org/flashplugin-nonfree04:03
skeletalWhen i try access to irc.blackhat.ru, say in the scrren "there isn't route to server."04:03
MarfiJordiGH: If anything, you would have lost files on the Linux side. Windows shouldn't have scanned, though04:03
ENERGIZEi have 8.04 now and was looking into changing to 8.10 but can i take my installed files i have on 8.04 and put them on 8.1004:04
Mean_Admintritium: thanks !04:04
tritiumMean_Admin: this isn't too old to be useful: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_hdmi&num=104:04
hotbabysexyyou there?04:04
FlannelENERGIZE: you can upgrade to 8.1004:04
MarfiENERGIZE: yes, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:04
Flannel!patience | hotbabysexy04:04
ubottuhotbabysexy: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:04
Mean_AdminTitan8990: ok sorry I though you meant the 9400 model04:04
JordiGHMarfi: I'm confused, then. "Can't reproduce". I'll have to ask him again what exactly he did and saw.04:04
sfer21!hi | hotbabysexy04:04
ubottuhotbabysexy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:04
Izinucsnobody here but us geeks.04:04
JordiGHHey, how come I didn't get greeted?04:04
Mean_Admintritium: that's basically brand new article ! :)04:04
hotbabysexymy question is will it mess up my ubuntu O/S if i install linux kernel 2.6.25 on my ubuntu?04:05
sfer21hotbabysexy: Why do you need to?04:05
=== JordiGH is now known as nicebodchick
sfer21If you don't need to, don't mess with it.04:05
MarfiJordiGH: ntfs-3g is in Linux. Imo...it works better than MS's ntfs. there is always a possibility of data being lost, but i don't see him looseing specific files04:05
sfer21Nice try, JordiGH ;)04:05
tritiumhotbabysexy: why would you do that?  2.6.27 is the current kernel in intrepid04:05
nicebodchickMarfi: Yeah, it's really weird. I'm gonna have to interrogate him.04:05
hotbabysexyhttp://www.cs.fsu.edu/~baker/devices/xref.html  << i want to compile the code which only works with 2.6.2504:06
ENERGIZEMarfi: i just tryed that but it says im already updated04:06
Flannel!upgrade | ENERGIZE04:06
ubottuENERGIZE: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:06
IcemanV9ENERGIZE: if you're already updated, then check to see what version; lsb_release -a04:07
Mean_Admintritium: that article is basically saying 'chances are if you have ati 2000 series or up and you're fine"04:07
tritiumMean_Admin: not exactly.  In fact, I'd advise you to go for nVidia over ATI.04:08
Mean_Admintritium: all righty then04:08
d_rugs420anyone have a problem with komodo edit?04:09
Hilikushey guys, im trying to install the binary nvidia driver but the process crashes when trying to compile it, is anyone using it with the latest ubuntu ?04:09
d_rugs420it dont show my autocomplete in foreach loops04:10
tritiumMean_Admin: check out the Gigabyte GA-E7AUM-DS2H04:10
Mean_Admintritium: if found a ASUS EN8400GS04:10
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys i need help with my  vostro 1400 bluetooth adapter04:10
Mean_Admintritium: the motherboard is already present and unchangeable :S04:11
tritiumMean_Admin: ok04:11
Mean_Admintritium: but thanks for recommendation04:11
ENERGIZEi downloaded and burned 8.10 onto a disc and i can boot it but if i install it will it just upgrade ubuntu and keep my files or will it just install the base version of 8.1004:11
HammerheadHi all, having a weird one.  Have a 3ware 8600 RAID controller. Ubuntu see's the mirrored 80Gig drive fine. Install and partioning go fine as well. Halfway through the install at %50 it fails with an error about unable to write to the harddrive?!?!? any ideas?04:12
HammerheadGoogle and fourms are no help04:13
ohletmeinnowjesudoes any one know anything about setting bluetooth on a vostro 1400 running intrepid?04:13
usserENERGIZE, regular desktop cd doesnt update, the only option is clean install04:13
usserENERGIZE, upgrade from within your existing installation04:13
usser!upgrade | ENERGIZE04:13
ubottuENERGIZE: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:13
daeowow, now it works04:13
daeothanks guys04:14
HammerheadIf I boot into the desktop, I can not run fdisk or cfdisk on the logical drive either...04:15
Hammerheadany help would be greatly appreciated.04:15
ohletmeinnowjesudoes any one know anything about setting bluetooth on a vostro 1400 running intrepid?04:15
Hilikushey guys, im trying to install the binary nvidia driver but the process crashes when trying to compile it, is anyone using it with intrepid?04:16
tritiumHilikus: compile?  All you have to do is install the ubuntu package.04:17
Hilikusor does anyone know if the opensource nvidia driver now supports svideo04:17
tritiumHilikus: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers04:17
Hilikustritium last time i checked (in hardy) the opensource driver didnt support svideo output04:17
tritiumHilikus: no, I'm talking about nvidia-glx, the restricted drivers.04:18
Hilikusoh really?04:18
tritium!nvidia | Hilikus04:18
ubottuHilikus: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:18
phantomcircuitIs there an SVN client that integrates with nautilus?04:19
egchas anybody ever noticed that the output of "ps -ef" has their UID instead of their username?04:20
egcmine does, i wonder if thats wrong04:20
Flannelphantomcircuit: http://marius.scurtescu.com/2005/08/24/nautilus_scripts_for_subversion04:20
spaceBARbariani have a ubuntu guest on a windows host (vbox) and for some reason i cant get my static IP settings to save, they get reset to automatic DHCP when i restart04:22
ecret2how do I extend the konsole past the default 502 lines?  I know I could manually copy the .bash_history to a backup but I figure theres a easier way.04:23
sfer21egc: Mine gives the UID - as a matter of fact, that's what the first column is called.04:24
egcsfer21: heh, i guess youre right ;)04:25
egchowever, other usernames appear, and it looks like may be a bug04:25
=== redhat is now known as Guest73868
xshellHi everyone04:25
ubottuxshell: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:25
egcsfer21: is youre username > 8 chars?04:25
redvamp128spaceBARbarian:  you have to shut down the vm-- then go into the settings for the vm and set them there-- changing them in the GUest OS has no effect.04:26
iShockIf you order CDS online, how long do they usually take to get to the USA?04:26
sfer21egc: No, I only have one that's 8 characters, nothing more04:26
haris__hey guys... my gnome-panel (taskbar thing) is not showing up anymore...i dunno why...please help04:26
egcsfer21: ah ok, maybe its >= 804:27
fearfulharis__, Press alt + f2 and type gnome-panel04:27
iShockIf you order CDS online, how long do they usually take to get to the USA?04:27
haris__fearful, i do that and nothing happens04:27
egcusers with short names on my system do show up in the output04:27
egcoh well04:27
mikewuecret2: if you want to extend the scroll bar, its probably under preferences/options if you want to extend the command history size, put export HISTSIZE=10000 in your .bashrc04:27
sfer21egc: actually, hold on a second...04:27
egcmaybe not a biggie, but i thought it was related to a problem i had with fast user switching04:28
iShockIf you order CDS online, how long do they usually take to get to the USA?04:28
fearfulharis__, did you try sudo killall gnome-panel that should restart it04:28
haris__fearful, i've tried that before too...let me try it again04:29
sfer21egc: Yeah, I have a few that turn up as their number - maybe it happens if it's 3 characters or less, too04:29
fearfulharis__, give me a second04:29
=== TheMiNd is now known as xTheMiNd
usseriShock, i got mine in about a week04:29
d_rugs420should i upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?04:29
fearfulharis__, have you tried re-installing the gnome-panel?04:29
xTheMiNdI need help.  Is anyone here a psychiatrist?04:30
haris__fearful, yup tried it again... nothing happens... when i do ps ax | grep gnome-panel i do see it running04:30
sfer21!offtopic | xTheMind04:30
ubottuxTheMind: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:30
egcsfer21: interesting04:30
=== homer is now known as Guest14634
ubottuhomer: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:30
iShockusser, mine were approved and sent to the shipping company on 1-06-09, it's been over a month04:30
Guest14634how can i do C++ development in Unbuntu04:30
sfer21egc: Yeah, sounds like a pretty unusual bug04:30
xTheMiNdOh, yeah, this isn't the psychiatry channel.04:30
haris__Guest14634, use the g++ library04:30
xTheMiNdWell I was right when i said i needed help.04:30
usseriShock, well they do say it may take a lot of time, so :)04:30
fearfulharis__, remove the gnome panel completely, sudo apt-get purge gnome-panel then re install it sudo apt-get install gnome-panel04:30
xTheMiNdI need help getting my QuickCam working in ubuntu, for starters04:31
sfer21xTheMiNd: Go ahead, ask04:31
FlannelGuest14634: you need to install build-essential, after that, you'll be able to compile.04:31
xTheMiNdSo how do I install my webcam... i am ubuntu newb and anything thats not coming from the package manager frightens me04:32
ecret2mikewu: thank you, HISTSIZE worked great.04:32
sfer21xTheMind: What software are you using with it? What are the problems you're having, if any? Is it just not noticing that it's there?04:32
fearfulharis__, get back to me if it worked04:33
sfer21xTheMiNd: Try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64201504:33
littledragonNew user here.. I am trying to run a game server program, anytime I load it I get the message Server: Unable to use port 5122   Any suggestions?04:33
spaceBARbarianredvamp128=> i am talking about editing a connection in my guest (ubuntu) so that it uses a static IP instead of automatic (DHCP), i cant change that in vbox anywhere can i ?04:34
sfer21littledragon: Could it be an issue with the program?04:34
TGM1good evening, i did a clean install of ubuntu 8.04 from a cd onto my IBM T-40 laptop, and my wireless didn't work, then I downloaded 8.10 alternate iso via the wire, and updated by mounting the ISO, now I can see networks in the "NetworkManager Applet 0.7.0", but when i try to connect to MyNetwork (which is my network secured with WPA-PSK), it brings up the "Wireless Network Authentication Required" window, but the wireless security dropdown/combob04:35
haris__fearful, ok i purged it reninstalled it...and ran sudo killall again...and then i got this message saying there was an error with the fastwitchuser applet, do u want to delete the configuration...so i said yees...04:35
haris__fearful, but its still not working...nothing is coming up04:35
littledragonshouldn't be.. I had a similar prob with the program in Windows.. too many programs trying to use a port04:35
blackhathey guys04:35
xTheMiNdit can't find it!04:35
fearfulharis__, wierd...04:35
blackhati need to install ubuntu 7.4 on mi laptop04:35
crdlbTGM1: you got cut off after 'dropdown/combo'04:35
fearfulharis__, have you tried google? I don't really know anything else04:36
TGM1crdlb: thanks04:36
blackhati have partition size error04:36
Flannelblackhat: 7.04 isn't supported anymore.  You really should use a newer version.04:36
haris__fearful, i have .... nothing yet...thanx anyways04:36
crdlbTGM1: is it an atheros chipset?04:36
TGM1is empty, so i cannot proceed because i cannot select WPA-PSK.  i have pasted my lspci and iwlist output at http://paste.ubuntu.com/122667/  anyone have any idea what a good next step would be?04:36
blackhati know it04:36
TGM1crdlb:  i believe it's cisco aironet04:36
blackhatbut i lik this realease04:36
fearfulharis__, sorry couldn't help I'll look into it and see if I find an answer for you04:36
spaceBARbarianredvamp128=> i am talking about editing a connection in my guest (ubuntu) so that it uses a static IP instead of automatic (DHCP), i cant change that in vbox anywhere can i ?04:36
TGM1crdlb: which means not atheros right?04:36
multiverseHi all.  I have installed Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit MINIMAL.  I log into the console and the up and down arrows don't work.  When I ssh in, they do work.  Any idea?04:36
xTheMiNdsfer21: its not working, it can't find one of the packages04:37
crdlbTGM1: indeed04:37
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crdlbTGM1: I'm not familiar with that chipset at all, but there are lots of hits on google for people failing with WPA on that chipset04:40
xTheMiNdroot@zakalinux:~# apt-get install module-assistant camorama xawtv gspca-source spca5xx-source qc-usb-source04:40
xTheMiNdReading package lists... Done04:40
xTheMiNdBuilding dependency tree04:40
xTheMiNdReading state information... Done04:40
xTheMiNdE: Couldn't find package spca5xx-source04:40
FloodBot3xTheMiNd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
xTheMiNdhow do i find the missing package04:41
crdlbTGM1: you know, thinkpads have mini-pci wifi located under the palm rest, so you might consider upgrading that to an atheros or intel 802.11g card from ebay04:41
Hilikuscan someone tell me what executable is System->Administration->Hardware Drivers04:42
Hilikusi dont have it in my menu04:42
crdlbHilikus: jockey-gtk04:42
Hilikusthanks crdlb04:42
TGM1crdlb: i may have to consider upgrading, i'll look into it, thanks for your help04:43
xTheMiNdanyone help meee?04:44
sfer21xTheMiNd: Which one is missing?04:45
sfer21aah, i see04:45
blackhatso is imposible install the 7.4 release04:45
blackhatin dell d60004:45
cybercomFlannel: are you still ther04:45
xTheMiNdso what do I do :D04:46
Titan8990!7.04 | blackhat04:46
ubottublackhat: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.04:46
Titan8990!eol | blackhat04:46
ubottublackhat: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases04:46
cybercomor anyone know about the rsync ?????? here04:46
slipshoti just want to know one thing what video cards are best to use and find/install drivers for?????04:46
Titan8990cybercom, what do you need help with?04:46
Titan8990slipshot, nvidia cards04:46
Nytrixhow do i save an installed program so i can install it to another ubuntu? so i wont have to config everything again?04:46
cybercomok i'm currently using grsync and i want it to be automate04:47
slipshotthanks titan04:47
blackhatthanks man04:47
Titan8990cybercom, didn't we already have this discussion?04:47
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:47
cybercomnope Titan899004:47
Titan8990cybercom, I am only familar with rsync04:48
sfer21xTheMiNd: It's available in the Gutsy repositories: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/spca5xx-source - but that probably won't be of any help to you04:48
Titan8990cybercom, I know nothing about grsync or how you could get a gsync script to automate via cron04:48
Titan8990cybercom, I doubt that its possible04:48
cybercom\ok .... then the grsync is GUI based and frontend to rsync04:48
Cyntekevening all, i'm running running ubuntu-server 8.10 and i want to add an additional hard drive for my home network. The hd is formated as ntfs, and i would like to have it as read & write accessible. how can i get ubu-server to allow this?04:48
Titan8990cybercom, and you could have just learned rsync and been done with it04:48
Hilikusis lirc supposed to be running on dkms?04:49
xTheMiNdsfer21: nope i'm running ... intrepid04:49
cybercomi'm still new to ubuntu and rsync as well04:49
Nytrixcynic, is the HD hooked up already?04:49
NytrixCyntek, is the HD hooked up already?04:49
Cyntekfyi, i have Putty and am able to access via openssh.04:49
cybercomwelll when i run the grsync ...... it will show the rsync command04:49
sfer21xTheMiNd: You could check out this and download it from here: http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html04:49
CyntekNytrix, yes.04:50
cybercomlet me  copy and paste it in here04:50
NytrixCyntek, did you try mounting the HD?04:50
Nytrixanyone...how do i save an installed program so i can install it to another ubuntu? so i wont have to config everything again?04:50
CyntekNytrix, no.04:50
Flannel!cloning | Nytrix04:50
ubottuNytrix: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate04:50
tritiumsfer21: that's what the gspca-source package is for04:50
NytrixFlannel, thnx04:50
NytrixCyntek, mount the HD04:51
ubuntu_Hi Scott04:51
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tritiumsfer21: and double-check with "modprobe -l | grep spca".  You should already have those modules available.04:51
cybercomrsync -r -n -t -o -g -v --progress /home/cybercom/.gvfs/cybercom on /media/disk/backup04:51
ubuntu_Hi mr obvious04:51
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning04:51
cybercomTitan8990: this is the command04:52
CyntekNytrix, is this command: mount /dev/sdb04:52
Guest10853this is totally weird.. I'm customizing the ubuntu LiveCD.. trying to remove packages to make space. I had a 720mb image so I used apt-get remove --purge gnome-games* ubiquity evolution* which freed up about 135mb, but now when I build the image it's 745 mb (actually 25mb BIGGER) ! Anyone have any idea why?04:52
Titan8990cybercom, your destination is wrong04:52
cybercomTitan8990:  are you ther04:53
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap04:53
Nytrixi think so04:53
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:53
CyntekNytrix, sudo mount /dev/sdb says, mount: can't find /dev/sdb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:53
Titan8990cybercom, if it is going to a rsync daemon the format is:   rsync -rntogv --progress /home/cybercom/.gvfs/cybercom
spaceBARbarianis there a way to edit an ethernet connection to use a static IP through terminal ?04:54
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FlannelspaceBARbarian: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html04:55
Titan8990spaceBARbarian, depends on the distro04:55
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Titan8990spaceBARbarian, sorry, didn't realize the channel....04:55
FlannelTitan8990: Safe to assume Ubuntu here. ;)04:55
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spaceBARbarianTitan8990=> lol04:55
CyntekNytrix, http://rafb.net/p/JO8BZ868.html04:55
NytrixCyntek, im not sure how. google it04:55
cybercomthis are the commmands04:55
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cybercom rsync -r -n -t -o -g -v --progress /home/cybercom/.gvfs/cybercom on /media/disk/backup04:56
slipshotim new to this ubuntu thing but i found this web site with step by step how to for mounting a second hard drive at http://tombott.com04:56
batman_ramirezhow can i add screenlets to e16 on startup04:56
batman_ramirezwhere is the config file on e1604:56
JimmymaniacHi. Quick question: i'm one of those that leaves his PC on for quite a while, and nautilus uses more and more ram all the time. Is there a way to restart *ONLY* nautilus without logging off and all that?04:56
slipshotit has screen shots of the whole process04:56
Titan8990cybercom, I saw that, im telling you the destination is wrong04:56
Guest10853anyone have experience with liveCD modification?04:56
NytrixCyntek, try sudo mount /dev/sdb504:56
Titan8990cybercom, you can't just send data over a network without a protocol04:56
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cybercomhuh.... but this is the command that the grsync show to me04:57
Izinucsslipshot: check out www.ubuntupocketguide.com .. you can download it for free.. good reference04:57
Titan8990cybercom, and it worked when you executed it?04:57
NytrixCyntek, do dit work?04:57
Titan8990cybercom, throw it in a script and edit cron then04:57
cybercomits successfully worked ... Titan899004:57
CyntekNytrix, no04:57
NytrixCyntek, dit it work?04:57
cybercombut its not work in the cron04:58
Titan8990cybercom, that command does not look right to me though04:58
Titan8990cybercom, all scripts work with cron04:58
Titan8990cybercom, well, generally....04:58
petersonCan someone guide me to some link from where i can learn how to make a firefox plugin.. or some place where i can get readymade plugin and guidance for its installation04:58
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NytrixCyntek, hang on a sec04:58
Flannelpeterson: You should probably ask in #firefox on irc.mozilla.org04:58
CyntekNytrix, k04:59
cybercomok...... Titan8990 ;;;;; can u create a rsync script which is i  gave the grsync command for me ????04:59
petersonFlannel:  ok will do04:59
wxjeaceni am a new gay here04:59
Titan8990cybercom, no, because then you don't learn anything, and like I said, I doubt that command will work04:59
Dxbash | Dx04:59
Titan8990cybercom, what protocol are you using to send the data accross the network?04:59
Flannelwxjeacen: Howdy.  How can we help you today?04:59
Dx!bash | Dx04:59
ubottuDx, please see my private message05:00
cybercomhow do i know the protocols????? Titan899005:00
Titan8990cybercom, you would have had to set them up in order for them to work05:00
NytrixCyntek, try to mount it with gparted05:01
xshellhaving fun with my hp remote control :P05:01
cybercomno ... Titan8990 i never set any protocol05:01
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Titan8990cybercom, so how is this data getting from one computer to another?05:01
cybercomthrough network05:02
wxjeaceneverybody knows that through net .05:02
PeddyCan someone please tell me how to open a shell on bootup using a xinitrc?05:03
Nytrixsudo apt-get install gparted05:03
Titan8990cybercom, its not magic05:03
Titan8990cybercom, I recommend setting up an rsync daemon on the computer that will be recieving the files05:03
cybercomTitan8990:  ya its not  but ...... wa05:03
cybercomoo ok05:04
wxjeacenwhat is up?05:04
cybercomisit can be run automate05:04
Titan8990cybercom, then your command will look like this:   rsync -av /path/to/files 192.168.1.x:mybackup05:04
usserPeddy, put xterm & in ~/.xinitrc05:04
xMopxHey guys - I was getting a cannot start X on my ubuntu, so I booted into recovery mode, removed gdm and now I can't install it because I don't have a network connection - what can I do?05:04
Nytrixthen sudo gparted05:05
Titan8990cybercom, then you will add that to a text file, make it executable, then edit cron05:05
Titan8990!cron | cybercom05:05
ubottucybercom: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm05:05
usserPeddy, problem is i think .xinitrc is ignored completely when you're running gnome or kde05:05
Nytrixthen find the HD and mount05:05
Titan8990usser, its not a gnome/kde thing, its a log-in manager thing that ignores .xinitrc05:06
Jimmymaniacto answer my own question, something like "nautilus -q && nautilus &" should restart it safely. Seems to have worked now.05:06
usserTitan8990, hm gdm, kdm, xdm?05:06
cybercomTitan8990:   rsync -r -n -t -o -g -v --progress /home/cybercom/.gvfs/cybercom on /media/disk/backup ...  isit it will come like rsync -av /home/cybercom@
Peddyusser, I'm trying to get a terminal to run on an embedded system. There isn't even an xterm executable05:06
usserPeddy, eh? if you have X server you should have xterm05:07
Peddyusser, it uses a modified tinyx05:07
NytrixCyntek, sudo apt-get install gparted05:07
Titan8990usser, all the above05:07
CyntekNytrix, Gparted says: (gpartedbin:5369): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:05:07
CyntekNo Gui.05:08
Cynteki suppose!05:08
Titan8990cybercom, you shouldn't have to specify a username05:08
Nytrixgparted is gui05:08
Nytrixsudo gparted05:08
Titan8990cybercom, but the path to your homedirectory is not your username05:08
cybercomTitan8990:  i can get you05:08
cybercomTitan8990:  i cant get you05:08
usserPeddy, do you have any kind of gui terminal emulator on there?05:09
Cyntekim running ubuntu-server05:09
Cyntekno gui installed, only command line.05:09
Peddyusser, no, it's hacky (it's not meant to have a terminal at all, it's Asus' Expressgate)05:09
xMopxHey guys, what can i do if /etc/fstab is gone?05:09
Titan8990cybercom, I don't get you... you changed my command and your question doesn't make sense05:10
Nytrixdid u type in terminal "sudo gparted"?05:10
CyntekNytrix, yes.05:10
Izinucs xMopx look for /etc/fstab~05:10
cybercom rsync -r -n -t -o -g -v --progress /home/cybercom/.gvfs/cybercom on /media/disk/backup05:10
Nytrixthen inserted you password?05:10
IzinucsxMopx: or ~fstab05:10
cybercomthis is the command that  i get from grsync05:10
spaceBARbarianFlannel=> i used the interfaces file to set up the static IP but now ubuntu doesnt detect the adapter at all...05:10
cybercomhow to convert it to rsync05:10
Nytrixand it just stays command line? nothing pops up?05:10
xMopxIzinucs: Thanks, but neither are showing up =(05:11
CyntekNytrix, (gpartedbin:5369): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:05:11
usserPeddy, i suppose you could get xterm sources and try to compile it, im not sure how it'll work cause you'll need to link to tinyx libraries use its .h files, sounds like you're in for one hell of a ride05:11
IzinucsxMopx: did you do something to make it disappear?05:11
Titan8990cybercom, I can't comprehend how that command could possibly work because it is illogical05:11
Titan8990cybercom, I am telling you the way I know how to do it05:11
xMopxIzinucs: I don't think so - I've had ubuntu booting from a flash card for a few weeks, and this issue came up today05:12
Peddyusser, according to some people I need a statically linked xterm, how would I achieve this?05:12
cybercomTitan8990:  ok guide me05:12
Titan8990cybercom, you can choose to do it my way or continue to do what you are doing, its your choice05:12
cybercomhow to do it05:12
CyntekNytrix, gparted is not working!05:12
Cyntekon ubuntu server 8.1005:12
usserPeddy, whats the architecture of the device? is it intel, arm?05:12
Titan8990cybercom, are both machines running linux?05:12
Peddyusser, intel05:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync05:12
Cyntekwithout gtk gui.05:12
NytrixCyntek, sudo apt-get remove gparted05:13
Peddyusser, it's like an embedded linux in my main motherboard, which boots in 3 seconds.05:13
cybercomTitan8990:  yess the source is running on ubuntu 6.06 and the dest is running on ubuntu 8.0405:13
Titan8990cybercom, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync05:13
Titan8990cybercom, on the destination follow the steps in the section "configuring of rsync daemon"05:13
Nytrixanyone, how do i save a specific program that is already installed so i wont have to config everything all over?05:14
cybercomi tried tat 1 but the command "sudo rsync --delete -azvv -e ssh /home05:14
cybercomis this gonna05:14
bizkithey can i get some help setting up ubuntu server as a gateway05:14
usserPeddy, you can try the binary05:14
usserPeddy, hang on05:14
Mystok im having some problems with my IPtables... right now my server does not have internet access when i apply the rules... i am wondering if anyone knows what i need to set to ensure my server has internet05:15
Titan8990cybercom, that wasn't what I was talking about but just for sake of getting you through this, we will use ssh05:15
Brack10Hey there.  Ubuntu keeps corrupting my microsd card on my blackberry when I unplug it.  It doesn't recognise it half the time.  Anyone know what's going on?  How I can fix this?05:15
Titan8990cybercom, on the destination machine do:  sudo apt-get install open-ssh05:15
usserPeddy, http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Terminals/xterm-1781.shtml05:15
hmwI am working on a system_info.sh script. Please test the current version http://paste.ubuntu.com/12267205:15
Peddyusser, I had a look there, it's the source05:15
CyntekNytrix, okay05:15
Peddyusser, someone said I need to 'USE='static' emerge xterm && qpkg x11-terms/xterm', what does that mean?05:16
Titan8990Peddy, that is for gentoo linux or freebsd only05:17
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Titan8990Peddy, ubuntu does not use USE flags, emerge, or qpkg05:17
usserPeddy, thats from gentoo, it basically build an xterm binary statically linked, if your motherboard runs gentoo its the way to go05:17
PeddyTitan8990, ah, thanks.05:17
Nytrixanyone, how do i save a specific program that is already installed so i wont have to config everything all over again for another pc?05:17
usserPeddy, if not then that command is not much use05:17
Peddyusser, ah, so he meant to *build* a static xterm05:18
Titan8990!clonning | Nytrix05:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clonning05:18
Titan8990!clone | Nytrix05:18
ubottuNytrix: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate05:18
Titan8990Nytrix, ehh, backup the config files?05:18
Peddyusser, how would I build a static xterm in ubuntu?05:18
Titan8990Nytrix, or look into how to build your own .deb files05:18
usserPeddy, yea basically but it wouldnt matter if you build it statically or not, it still has to link to your X server libraries. Its just that in case of static compilation all the libraries are going to be compiled into xterm executable thus making it bigger05:19
usserPeddy, i suppose you could compile it statically on a gentoo box like that, and then copy over the resulting executable05:19
Peddyusser, does it have to be gentoo, or is there a Windows equivalent?05:20
usserPeddy, no windows05:20
usserPeddy, regarding ubuntu: sudo apt-get source xterm05:20
Peddyusser, does it have to be gentoo, or is there a Ubuntu equivalent*05:20
PeddyI don't even use Windows, what was I talking about -.-05:20
usserPeddy, yes sure use above command to obtain source file05:21
Titan8990Peddy, there is not ubuntu equivilent of the gentoo package manager, but USE flags can still be used when compiling from source05:21
Titan8990Peddy, it is rather difficult without the portage package manager though05:21
hmwI am working on a system_info.sh4script. Please someone test the current version http://paste.ubuntu.com/12267205:21
PeddyTitan8990, I meant an 'equivalent' to that command :) but thanks for the info, how would I use those flags? configure --use=static? :P05:22
usserPeddy, actually you dont have to use sudo to obtain source05:22
Brack10Here's my syslog when I unplugged my blackberry.  It corrupted my filesystem.  Anyone know how I can fix this? http://pastebin.com/m44b7606a05:22
usserPeddy, once you get the source go through usual ./configure, make cycle05:22
Peddyusser, yeah, if you do it messes up permissions :)05:22
Titan8990Peddy, you would have to edit the makefile05:22
usserPeddy, make should have a whole bunch of options among which im sure is statically compile all libs05:23
Peddyusser, how would I set these options?05:23
usserPeddy, also if ./configure complains about missing libraries etc. use sudo apt-get build-dep xterm to obtain all the packages xterm depends on for compilation05:24
PeddyTitan8990, how should I edit the makefile?05:24
Titan8990Peddy, I prefer nano05:24
PeddyTitan8990, which parts should I change?05:24
usserPeddy, usually make --statically-link-or-something-like-that --with-colors --with-scrollbar. you basically just pass parameters to make script, or you can modify the Makefile in the root of your xterm sourcecode directory05:25
Titan8990Peddy, not entirely sure05:25
Peddyusser, I see a bunch of options, but nothing static-related...05:26
error404notfoundI have a SATA 2, 500GB WD. When I attach it, I got something like "{ DRY ERROR }" and "{ DRY }" at bootup or during any operation. Do I need a special kernel module to support sata disks? It does show up in fdisk -l.05:26
illumin8Hello everyone, im using Firefox 3.0.6 in ubuntu 8.04 32bit, im experienceing the browser hangs when opening multiple pages or scrolling (freezes for up to a minute) any suggestions?05:26
spaceBARbariandoes anyone use virtualbox on windows hhere ?05:26
usserPeddy, hang on let me download the source i'll try to compile it over here05:27
Peddyusser, thank you :)05:29
Peddyusser, I'm going to try rxvt as well05:30
Sa[i]nTWhat's a good video editing program?05:30
mobodoI have a keyboard with no FKey, is there a way to boot in runlevel 1 without a FKey?05:31
Flannelmobodo: hit escape to access the GRUB menu, then choose 'recovery console'05:32
mobodothanks :)05:32
Peddyusser, rxvt has the exact same make options.05:33
Mal3kohow do you supply password in ssh cmd? is there -p switch?05:33
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Peddyusser, I just found './configure --enable-static'. I'm on a 64-bit arch, but the embedded machine is not. Will static-linking make the executable fail on a 32-bit architecture?05:35
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Sa[i]nTI want an eyecandy text editor.05:35
Hilikuscan someone help me configure lirc, irw doesnt report any errors but it doestn show my key presses05:35
usserPeddy, compiling on 64 bit will produce 64 bit executable which will fail on 32 bit yes05:35
Titan8990Mal3ko, ssh@ipaddress05:36
Titan8990Mal3ko, then it asks for password05:36
Peddyusser, are you on 32-bit?05:36
Mal3koTitan8990, no switch for supplying the password?05:36
Titan8990Mal3ko, if you don't want to it ask for a password (for automated scripting) you need to configure public key authentication05:36
usserPeddy, yea05:36
Titan8990Mal3ko, no05:36
tech404Does anyone know if jaunty can be installed on a GPT disk withough a EFI chip?05:36
Titan8990Mal3ko, they try to keep ssh very secure05:36
Peddyusser, would it be too much trouble to ask you to compile rxvt statically for me? I'd *really* appreciate it, because I have no access to a 32-bit machine.05:37
usserPeddy, hang one05:37
Peddyexcept, of course, the embedded thing, but I can't compile anything on that.05:37
ScoTTiewith mdadm, if you --fail --remove a device, and --add it back will it show up as a spare until its finished rebuilding?05:38
usserPeddy, cant find that --enable-static option05:38
usserPeddy, its not listed as an flag to ./configure05:39
Peddyusser, oh no, I thought that if configure doesn't fail it means it configured sucessfully... but it doesn't return errors even when random stuff is entered.05:39
usserPeddy, yep05:40
Peddyas a flag05:40
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.05:41
HuufartedCan anybody suggest a good VNC flavor for Ubuntu?  Right now I'm using the standard "Remote Desktop" which seems to be a decent remake of VNC, but is it the best?05:41
Peddyusser, I'm going to look at some different approaches to getting a terminal, thanks for your help :)05:41
Nytrix!best ! Peddy05:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about best ! Peddy05:42
usserPeddy, hang on one sec05:42
Nytrix!best | Peddy05:42
ubottuPeddy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:42
Nytrixpeddy, maybe tightvnc05:43
PeddyNytrix, you don't understand what we've been talking about :)05:43
tech404Nytrix: while I would agree there is usually no "best" tightvnc is a great choice for most people05:43
Peddyusser, ok.05:43
usserPeddy, i got it, never done much compiling it was a compiler flag in the environment variable $CFLAGS that you have to set05:45
Peddyusser, what is the variable?05:45
TraceRouteI got some software that I run on ubuntu that is a .bin file and I want to make it so I can add an launcher icon instead of always having to do run it in a terminal how do I do this?05:46
error404notfoundwhat's the partition code for XFS when I am doing it in fdisk?05:47
usserPeddy, its an environent variable that a compiler parses every time it compiles it basically tells it with what options to compile05:48
Peddyusser, I mean, what *is* the variable :)05:48
usserPeddy, how can i send it to you05:48
Peddyso I can set it05:48
usserPeddy, $CFLAGS05:48
Peddyusser, I'll PM you05:48
usserPeddy, im not registered so i dont think i can send files05:49
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CyberSurferWhat codec for Mplayer I need to play .mkv?05:50
HuufartedAnybody know a decent way to test network throughput between 2 PCs on a LAN?05:50
cooldduuudde1cybersurfer you can use vlc05:50
Peddyusser, check your PMs05:51
Huufarted!vlc | cybersurfer05:51
ubottucybersurfer: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:51
HuufartedOk, weak description of vlc05:51
Huufarted!videolan client05:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about videolan client05:51
usserPeddy, here try that http://www.mediafire.com/?xdy0d3szyme05:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about videolan05:51
Peddythanks usser05:51
CyberSurferKay, I don't like VLC that much, I rather use Mplayer05:51
cooldduuudde1totem can play mkv too05:52
CyberSurferThe video works but the sound doesn't05:52
HuufartedCyberSurfer, the benefit of VLC is it's inclusion of all major codecs, negating the need for additional installs05:52
crdlbCyberSurfer: matroska is just a container format, which mplayer definitely supports05:52
crdlbit may or may not support the format of the video and/or audio streams muxed _inside_ the mkv container05:52
CyberSurfer"Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound."05:52
blackhat_no body have the last ubuntu version 9.405:53
rd80770Hi, I need help because I have a blur effect on my screen (I have a ATI HD 4550 with proprietary FGLRX driver)  Who can help me ? ? ?05:53
Titan8990!jaunty | blackhat_05:53
ubottublackhat_: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.05:53
MrPocketzhow long you think until we can start playing CS in Ubuntu?05:53
Hammerheadanyone seen the error no5 during install. input output.05:53
Hammerhead%52 done then error #505:53
crdlbCyberSurfer: oh, in that case, it's an audio output problem05:53
CyberSurferHmm, but other videos are playing fine05:54
Titan8990MrPocketz, never, valve has no plans for a port05:54
Titan8990MrPocketz, if you don't mind a bit of lag and graphical glitches, you can play it via wine now05:54
Uplink_how can i install OpenDNS05:54
MrPocketzTitan8990, yeah i know, but its kinda sheisty05:55
Titan8990!opendns | Uplink_05:55
ubottuUplink_: To set up OpenDNS in Ubuntu, see https://www.opendns.com/start?device=ubuntu05:55
CyberSurferOh, it's working now, just changed the decoder from FFmp"something", to RealAudio decoder05:55
christian_ok, wierd question, but I printed a lot of text in a terminal (cat command), and then deleted the source on accident, is there anyway I can get this data back from the terminal, logs? etc?05:55
Titan8990MrPocketz, agreed, which is why one of my computers still has a crappy copy of windows on it05:55
IcemanV9Uplink_: there is instruction on opendns.com05:55
MrPocketzyeup, i've got a dualboot for when I get the itch05:56
Titan8990MrPocketz, windows is nothing more than a gaming system to me now....05:56
MrPocketzthe directory /usr is where programs i DL go yes?05:56
christian_is there a logfile somewhere while a terminal session is open that displays everything that is printed out?05:56
Titan8990MrPocketz, /usr/ often contains application binaries, yes05:57
crdlbchristian_: no05:57
HuufartedMrPocketz, the binary goes there, however there may be other locations where the rest of the files go05:57
MrPocketzi need to know where Azureas just DL's to so i can point my .torrents to the right application05:57
christian_so if something was printed out, and then I deleted the file, and it has gone up past the point where I can scroll, it is gone forever?05:57
Titan8990MrPocketz, run the command:   which azureas05:57
HuufartedMrPocketz, first I'm going to recommend using a different BitTorrent client.  That being said, Check Azureus' settings05:57
crdlbchristian_: yes, that buffer is stored in memory05:58
MrPocketzHuufarted, i've alwys used it, no problems. What do you use?05:58
Titan8990MrPocketz, and with what Huufarted, I personally like transmission05:58
_VIM_christian_: with Konsole you can have unlimited buffer :)05:58
christian_crdlb, is there anywhere I might try looking for that information? Or is it just gone/binary in memory only05:58
christian__VIM_, what is console? I am guessing it is something that I have to set up before hand?05:58
HuufartedMrPocketz, honestly I haven't in Linux yet, but if it's anything like Windows, it's a disgusting implementation with it's Java usage05:58
MrPocketzoh gosd05:59
_VIM_christian_: sudo apt-get install konsole               then in konsole's preferences you can set unlimited buffer05:59
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Huufartedhundreds of megabytes of RAM easily05:59
MrPocketzhah, Vuse (what they call Azureas for windows) actually raped my dads box last night05:59
christian_and if it was over SSH, then is that transmission also gone, i.e. printed and then deleted?05:59
Titan8990MrPocketz, yeah, just do: sudo apt-get install transmission05:59
MrPocketzwithin 5 minutes of running it my IDS started spitting out logs of attempted proxy connections and trojan deployments06:00
HuufartedTitan8990!  There you are.  I got my rsync situation handled no problem.06:00
Titan8990christian_, if you have a need to keep that, you can always direct stdio to a file06:00
Titan8990Huufarted, good to hear :)06:00
HuufartedTitan8990, check this out.  You might like this.  http://www.brentnorris.net/rsyncntdoc.html06:00
Hammerheadgentoo installs just fine.... ;-)06:01
Titan8990Huufarted, nice, had to give up on delta copy?06:01
HuufartedTitan8990, it's not as pretty as your implementation, but it works incredibly.  I also removed my Fat32 partition and moved it all to Ext3.06:01
HuufartedTitan8990, I don't know the deal with DeltaCopy.  the rsync daemon REFUSED to load on that PC, but it did on all the others06:01
Titan8990Huufarted, odd06:02
HuufartedTitan8990, agreed.  Either way, this one uses a very simplified wrapper and it works incredibly well.06:02
Titan8990Huufarted, I have done something similar before to get ssh to run on a window server 2003 for openvpn06:03
HuufartedTitan8990, this is really strange and something I'm working on.  Transfers from that PC using rsync pulls about 10-12 MB/second max (usually 7-8MB/sec) and it's on 100 MBit.06:03
Titan8990Huufarted, thats actually about right06:04
Huufarted2 PCs both with Gigabit, attached directly with a single cable pull about 6-7 MB MAX.06:04
Titan8990Huufarted, I have never seen any protocol pull much more than that on gbit network06:04
Titan8990Huufarted, I personally don't know the bottleneck is either06:05
HuufartedTitan8990, gigabit should be able to push 100 MB/sec easily06:05
HuufartedTitan8990, No, I'm not asking for help, I was just mentioning it.  :)  Small talk I suppose.  I suck at it.06:05
Titan8990Huufarted, you would think, but your drives can only handle 30-60 mb/s06:05
Huufartedyeah, that's true.06:05
Titan8990Huufarted, I am also not good with small talk, a bit easier when both are geeks though :P06:06
Gautamhi i was using dreamweaver for web development ...is there any other editor for linux which provides functionality like dreamweaver06:11
IcemanV9what?! no parprouted package for dapper (it's LTS! for pete's sake). dang. looks like i have to update dapper to hardy (another LTS) soon. :/06:12
TraceRoutehow do I make a script so I can run a .bin file from desktop?06:13
oh_noesCan I remove the "lost+found" directory on a mount point?06:15
tri__I have one .asm file and I want to copy that file to MBR of floppy. Can any one help me?06:15
oh_noesOr, make it hidden from nonroot users?06:15
roadrockTraceRoute: why? move the bin to home and run it06:16
tri__I have one .asm file and I want to copy that file to MBR of floppy. Can any one help me?06:17
sparrwhat program can i use to see activity on my audio input(s)?  I am trying to figure out which channel on which device corresponds to my actual mic jack06:17
TraceRouteroadrock well when I click it, it doesn't do anything it'll only run when I do it in a terminal06:17
furqonramudeng aku06:20
roadrockTraceRoute: so just move it06:20
blankthemuffinHi, I'm wondering how to connect to a shared printer when both sides are linux. ( doesn't seem to be as easy as a windows shared printer. :P )06:20
trapline91Can someone tell me the ubuntu off topic channel?06:22
_VIM_trapline91: #ubuntu-offtopic06:22
trapline91Thank you06:22
xSlackWhats the chmod to set full access to a file for a user06:24
xMopxHey guys, I just re-installed gdm and ubuntu-desktop, and now my keyboard and mouse don't work on the login screen, but when I alt-ctrl-f1 to a terminal, the keyboard works. Also, in both the light on my usb mouse is on. Both used to work before I reinstalled the packages.06:24
Titan8990xMopx, try booting recover mode and select the option to fix x06:27
Titan8990xMopx, if that doesn't work try:   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:28
Titan8990xMopx, sounds like your keyboard and mouse drivers are not being loaded by xorg.conf06:28
xMopxTitan8990: Thanks, ill try those06:28
xMopxOh, I already restore the xorg.conf from before I reinstalled06:28
Th0rzhow do i get cgi irc to work on ubuntu06:29
Titan8990Th0rz, have you checked the repos?06:31
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Th0rzi read the website and readme if thats what your asking06:31
Titan8990Th0rz, do you have it installed?06:31
Th0rzsudo apt-get install cgiirc06:31
Th0rzi ran that06:32
Th0rzinstalled fine06:32
xMopxTitan8990: I tried those both and restarted, but no luck06:32
Titan8990Th0rz, and?06:32
petersonhow to copy something into /usr/bin06:32
petersonwhich has rights only for the root06:32
norty#j javascript06:33
Titan8990peterson, sudo cp /file/to/copy /usr/bin06:33
Th0rzsudo mv file /usr/bin06:33
alex__I've got a fresh install of Ubuntu on a macbook pro using Wubi- I've gotten everything to work: video, sound, network, etc. Except I have a problem. About 10 or so minutes uptime, the sound server begings looping the last half a second of audio, as if it had frozen, and if I try to restart alsa-utils it still happens. So, where can I get logs for ALSA, or if ALSA isn't the culprit, for another, and how can I fix this? Thank you. :306:34
Th0rzTitan8990 it installed fine but how do i use it.... like as a website thing i dont understand how it works on this os06:34
Titan8990Th0rz, its a CLI IRC client....06:34
Titan8990Th0rz, just run it and go from there06:34
e-typehi all06:34
Th0rzbut how?06:35
petersonthans Titan899006:35
Titan8990Th0rz, most likely it added the binary somewhere in your PATH06:35
jeeveshas anyone here installed bluediving yet?  I can't seem to get it launched06:35
e-typethe ubuntu installer doesn't seem to detect my XP installation and doesn't offer to resize it's NTFS partition. What might be causing this?06:35
Titan8990Th0rz, so you just need to run it with something like:   cgiirc06:35
jeevese-type, as in an e-type Jag?06:36
Th0rz-bash: cgiirc: command not found06:36
e-typejeeves: not originally, but like it as well ;-)06:36
e-typejeeves: not as in the swedish band either :p06:36
jeevese-type, lol.  I'm normally in the #jag-lovers channel.  that's why I asked06:36
Titan8990Th0rz, ah, it is a GUI application06:37
trapline91How can I use Ext4 in Ubuntu 8.1006:37
AirwulfI updated my system from 7.x to 8.04 LTS. How can I upgrade to 8.10 the manager doesn't show me the upgrade dialog?06:37
Titan8990Th0rz, try to tab complete the name of the command starting with cg06:37
daddaI can't change my screen resolutiob06:37
rwwAirwulf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades06:37
panesar_sandeephow to make use of swap space to achieve efficiency06:38
rwwtrapline91: Ubuntu 8.10's kernel doesn't have ext4 support, so you can't. The next version, Jaunty 9.04 will.06:38
Titan8990panesar_sandeep, not using it would be the most efficient use since it is MUCH slower than real RAM06:38
panesar_sandeepi have created a swap space but don't know whether its used aur not06:39
alex__anyone? ):06:39
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Titan8990panesar_sandeep, cat /etc/proc/meminfo06:40
daddaWhy can't I choose my correct screen resolution? I have a 24inch monitor which I want a screen size of 1920x1200 but I have 1152*86406:40
panesar_sandeepk i'll try it out06:40
DustyL(Paste again) I've got a fresh install of Ubuntu on a macbook pro using Wubi- I've gotten everything to work: video, sound, network, etc. Except I have a problem. About 10 or so minutes uptime, the sound server begings looping the last half a second of audio, as if it had frozen, and if I try to restart alsa-utils it still happens. So, where can I get logs for ALSA, or if ALSA isn't the culprit, for another, and how can I fix this? Thank you. :306:40
creauxDustyL: you could try: sudo alsa force-reload06:42
Titan8990dadda, most likely not using the correct drivers06:43
DustyLlots of errors in the terminal o.O but it worked!06:43
bobbidadda: did you install the video drivers06:43
Titan8990dadda, or other improper configuration of xorg.conf06:43
DustyLwhere can I find the logs for alsa?06:43
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daddaI just installed xubuntu directly and I have a ATI RADEON X850 Platium as my video card06:44
daddaWhich drivers should I use and how do I switch?06:44
_VIM_DustyL: what might seem like a lot of "errors" might just be debugging info06:44
DustyLThank you :3 this is awesome06:45
e-typehm, running ntfsresize manually on the partition sais that there's errors on the disk. Could this be the reason why the installer silently decides not to show the resize option?06:45
petersonwhen i do echo $PATH06:45
dadda01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc R480 [Radeon X850XT Platinum (PCIE)] [1002:5d4d]06:45
petersoni get /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games06:46
petersonnow which is my Path06:46
petersonnew to ubuntu sorry :-)06:46
glitsj16peterson: all of those06:46
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:46
peterson /usr/local/sbin and /usr/local/bin06:46
petersonlike this06:46
glitsj16peterson: they are separated by the colon yes06:46
DustyLDo you know how I could find the logs, though, guys?06:47
Titan8990dadda, pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:47
IcemanV9DustyL: /var/log06:47
petersonok so if i want to add something to the path06:47
petersoni will have to add to all of them separated by :06:47
petersonam i correct06:47
Titan8990peterson, yes06:47
Titan8990peterson, but you always want to include your existing path06:47
Titan8990peterson, like so:   export PATH='$PATH:/new/path'06:48
DustyLit wasnt in /var/log, iceman06:48
petersonuhh not getting u but onto something06:48
Titan8990peterson, I am saying you can't just add a new path like:   export PATH='/new/path'06:48
Titan8990peterson, because then you don't keep your existing paths06:49
glitsj16peterson: if you would export PATH only mentioning the new path, things get overwritten and you end up with only the newly added path06:49
panesar_sandeeptitan8990, it gives output no such file or directory06:49
DustyLit wasnt in /var/log, IcemanV906:49
Titan8990panesar_sandeep, it may just be the command: meminfo06:49
IcemanV9DustyL: it could be in syslog or dmesg06:50
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fooHm, anyone have any howtos on how to install compiz-fusion. otherwise, this looks good: ttp://compiz-fusion.org06:51
FloodBot1foo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:51
askvictoris there a way to send a running process into a background state (like Ctrl-Z, bg) but so that its detached i.e. I can close the shell and the proc continues?06:52
fooSorry about that. This link is the one I was looking at: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-58113.shtml06:52
fooaskvictor: ./program &06:52
askvictorfoo: the program is already started06:52
fooaskvictor: ohhh, I see.06:53
askvictorfoo: and that won't work anyway; the program would still be attached to the erminal06:53
Titan8990askvictor, you could just run it from a tty06:54
DustyLIcemanV9 : It just shows the device initialising, theres no reports of it crashing or anything.06:54
IcemanV9askvictor: nohup ./script &06:55
panesar_sandeeptitan8990, command not found06:55
IcemanV9DustyL: ah. well. i don't know where else to look for. hmm.06:55
Titan8990cat /proc/meminfo06:56
askvictorIcemanV9, Titan8990: the proc is already running, I don't want to stop it06:56
Titan8990is that what I gave the first time?06:56
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DustyLhmm, IcemanV9, how can I see what version of ALSA and pulseaudio I'm running?06:57
Titan8990DustyL, I THINK,   dpkg -l | grep alsa06:59
Titan8990DustyL, not currently on a ubuntu system06:59
DustyLthat worked ^^ 1.0.17.dfsg-2ubuntu107:00
Titan8990DustyL, nice07:00
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jeevesI need a hand to get BlueDiving working.  Right now, it' s crashing on rfcomm_shell  any ideas?07:01
active9why when I used  grep "CIT502*" it grep all data07:01
DustyLis there a way to upgrade my version of ALSA?07:01
IcemanV9DustyL: OR aptitude show alsa-base |grep Version07:02
daddaI have installed the correct drivers but I can't still change my screen resolution to 1920x120007:02
ljlolelFailed to load interface for `Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras': no package matching X11-1.4.1 was found07:03
ljlolelhow do I fix that error?07:03
Titan8990dadda, I have been waiting to see your xorg.conf....07:04
unopactive9, how do you mean??  do you have an example to show us?07:04
daddaTitan8990, here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/122689/07:05
|HSO|SadiQwhen I press ALT+Ctrl+F1 I can't see a login prompt...my screen turns black...how can I fix it??07:05
twainhello i need talk someone help solve with firefox tab07:05
Titan8990dadda, you are using vesa drivers....07:06
DustyLis there a way to upgrade my version of ALSA?07:06
crdlb|HSO|SadiQ: what video driver?07:06
twaini need help07:06
|HSO|SadiQcrdlb,  nvidia 180.2907:06
crdlb|HSO|SadiQ: I believe it's a pretty common problem with nvidia when using compositing07:06
daddaTitan8990, How do I activate open-source radeon drivers then?07:07
|HSO|SadiQcrdlb, how do I disable it then??07:07
twainanyone will help me solve with firefox 3.0?07:07
crdlb|HSO|SadiQ: compositing? system > prefs > appearance > visual effects > none07:08
wangyuan270/msg nickserv identify 36923804607:08
|HSO|SadiQcrdlb, ahhh...it is set to none already...no compiz stuff here07:08
Ademanwangyuan270: ...07:08
glitsj16twain: what is your issue ?07:09
Ademan!ask | twain07:09
ubottutwain: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:09
crdlb|HSO|SadiQ: it's probably still caused by the nvidia driver; you don't have shadows around your windows do you?07:09
Titan8990dadda, do this:   sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak07:09
|HSO|SadiQcrdlb, no...07:10
daddaTitan8990, Done07:10
twainok  firefox website there has no "x" on tab to quit website or close07:10
Titan8990dadda, then replace the contents of xorg.conf with mine that I modified for your resolution: http://pastebin.com/d38ac02e307:10
Ademan|HSO|SadiQ: i have a similar issue, if your ttys aren't working it's probably your nvidia driver07:10
Titan8990dadda, its not perfect and a bit messy but should work07:10
crdlb|HSO|SadiQ: I ask because metacity (the plain ubuntu window manager) has a builtin compisiting manager that you might have enabled07:10
bobbi!ati | dadda07:10
ubottudadda: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:10
Ademan|HSO|SadiQ: http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=58749&pid=320147&mode=threaded&show=&st=&07:11
Titan8990bobbi, those are for the proprietary drivers07:11
daddabobbi, That is for the non open source drivers yes07:11
Ademanmainline metacity has compositing support already?07:11
Ademangoodbye xcompmgr :-(07:11
crdlbAdeman: basically an integrated xcompgr :P07:11
|HSO|SadiQcrdlb, I don't even know how to enable it...no compositing line in xorg also07:12
Titan8990|HSO|SadiQ, you may have to add the line yourself07:13
Titan8990|HSO|SadiQ, I did, had to add the whole section actually07:13
daddaTitan8990, Done I have replaced the Xorg.conf what now?07:13
bobbiDadda yes07:13
|HSO|SadiQTitan8990, can u paste those lines please07:13
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Titan8990|HSO|SadiQ, yes, let me finish helping dadda07:14
crdlb|HSO|SadiQ: it's probably unrelated to compositing07:14
Titan8990dadda, alright, if this doesn't work to referse the settings we made:   sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:14
Titan8990dadda, hit CTRL+ATL+backspace to restart xserver07:15
Titan8990dadda, and you should then be using the open source radeon drivers07:15
Mal3kohow do you tell cp cmd to overwrite all files?07:15
Mal3kooverwrite all existing files in dest07:15
twainjmatrix y know lots about linux?07:15
glitsj16twain: i use an add-on for all things tab-related in firefox, tab mix plus .. but there are numerous others available, try to install one and play with the settings i'd suggest07:16
zhjaweHi,everyone,please recommend a IRC Room that studying machine vision,Thank you.07:16
Titan8990|HSO|SadiQ, Section "Extensions"07:16
Titan8990Option "Composite" "Enable"07:16
twainglitsj16 can i send file to you so u can see picture07:16
|HSO|SadiQTitan8990, I'll paste those an log out07:16
to3000april 2307:16
bobbiDadda : install proprietary fglrx drivers they work niceley07:16
crdlbTitan8990: he doesn't want compositing07:16
to3000cant wait07:16
Titan8990crdlb, thats what he asked me for???07:17
glitsj16twain: can't stop you from posting a url with a screenshot :)07:17
crdlb|HSO|SadiQ: the composite extension is already enabled, but it doesn't really do anything unless you enable effects07:17
clearzenDo I need to run a 64 bit system to use more than 3.2GB of ram?07:17
daddaTitan8990, correct resolution on my monitor but my desktop manager are not useing my entire monitor07:17
hmwis wget available in a fresh install?07:18
ardchoilletwain: you can change the tab button behavior in about:config -> button07:18
Titan8990dadda, does your monitor have an auto-adjust feature?07:18
crdlbTitan8990: he has blank ttys with the nvidia driver and I thought it might have been caused by having a compositing manager enabled07:18
clearzenhmw:  yes07:18
crdlbwhich isn't the case, apparently07:18
twainglitsj16  it jpg file..07:18
glitsj16clearzen: yup07:18
daddaTitan8990, Yes running it now07:18
PeddyHow would I remove the first 32 bytes of a file?07:18
daddaTitan8990, It still looks the same07:18
glitsj16twain: ardchoille answered your question07:18
clearzenglitsj16: hmm, Well I guess I need to reinstall *sigh*07:18
|HSO|SadiQcrdlb, so...any other aproach to my tty's problem besides compositing?07:18
clearzenHow much ram can I run with a 64bit OS?07:19
Titan8990dadda, try a full reboot, if it doesn't work, I have one more idea07:19
Titan8990clearzen, more than any modern board can handle07:19
deepzanyone knows how to compare two params file which is generated after building a testcase?07:19
crdlb|HSO|SadiQ: get nvidia to fix their driver? :/07:19
ActionParsnip1clearzen: a few Tbs07:20
clearzenTitan8990: Thats good news at least07:20
deepzusing shell script07:20
ActionParsnip1deepz: diff07:20
crdlb|HSO|SadiQ: you could try asking about a workaround in the #nvidia channel07:20
petersonhow to install adobe acrobat reader
|HSO|SadiQcrdlb, that's why I need those tty's...to install the latest nvidia driver07:20
petersoni am on linux07:20
petersonubuntu 8.0407:20
Titan8990clearzen, 2^6407:20
clearzenTitan8990: makes sense07:21
deepzhow to diff using a shell script07:21
daddaTitan8990, My login page is smaller than my screen resolution that includes the desktop manager07:21
twaintab button behavior in config button where?07:21
xemacsclearzen Titan8990, most 64bit OSs only use 48bit fpr memory adressing07:21
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xemacs-which is still quite enough ;)-07:22
ActionParsnip1clearzen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit07:22
Titan8990dadda, and it does not take up the entire screen?07:22
ardchoilletwain: open a new tab, type in about:config in that new tab you will see a textbox next to "Filter:", type in closebuttons and change the number to what you want07:22
tri__Can dd command help to write to mbr07:22
ActionParsnip1Titan8990: 64bit OSes usually have funky ram managers so it can be even more than 2^6407:22
daddaTitan8990, correct I have a strip of un used space below and on the right side07:22
ActionParsnip1tri__: sure07:22
Titan8990tri__, yes, dd can write to mbr07:22
ardchoilletwain: changing the "Value" to 1 will result in "X" on each tab07:23
Titan8990dadda, odd, are you sure it is using 1920x1200 resolution?07:23
tri__ActionParsnip1, can u give me complete syntax07:23
daddaTitan8990, Yes07:23
Titan8990tri__, we don't know what you are trying to accomplish07:23
clearzenso, if I am running a 64bit os with 32 bit software lets say firefox. Would 32bit firefox be able to use more than 3.2GB of Ram?07:23
daddaTitan8990, How do I take a screenshot so you can take a look at it07:23
Titan8990dadda, prtscn button07:24
crdlbclearzen: no, since it stores the memory address in a 32bit int07:24
Titan8990tri__, if you wanted to say, write zeros to only the mbr it would be like:   dd if=/dev/sdx bs=512 count=1 of=/dev/zero07:24
crdlbthe system memory limit for 32bit can be worked around, but not the per-process one07:25
clearzencrdlb: ok that's what I thought. Thanks for the help07:25
BoohI have a movie file without extension, how to know wich video format is?07:25
twaini cant find it,.. in file,edit,view,history,tools,07:25
ActionParsnip1tri__: well i dont know what you want to write there, or even why07:25
xemacs(08:25:02) (crdlb) the system memory limit for 32bit can be worked around, but not the per-process one <- photoshop had such a workaround07:25
Titan8990Booh, you could vlc, so it doesn't matter, but otherwise, google07:25
glitsj16peterson: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/06/23/install-adobe-acrobat-reader-812-on-ubuntu-804/ .. despite the reference to 8.1.2 it works for recent 8.1.3 as well07:25
|HSO|SadiQTitan8990, adding compositing didn't solve my tty's :(07:25
xemacsit could use more than 2gb (which is the limit for 32bit apps in windows)07:25
crdlbxemacs: ok, but I mean generally :)07:26
BoohTitan8990, I need to know because facebook need extension to import...07:26
Titan8990|HSO|SadiQ, xorg does not effect the TTYs07:26
crdlblike without modifying apps07:26
clearzenBooh: well technically the linux kenel doesn't care about extensions but gnome does. Just name it .avi and vlc will play it more than likely07:26
|HSO|SadiQTitan8990, you know what does then??07:26
BoohTitan8990, it's my own video extracted from a vhs... to vcd07:26
Titan8990Booh, then google would get my vote07:26
Titan8990|HSO|SadiQ, umm framebuffer setting in /boot/grub/menu.lst07:26
Brando753hey guys, why is it when i delete something (BIG) from my jumpdrive it shows the same amount of storage left?07:26
tri__Titan8990, ActionParsnip1  I want to write to MBR of floppy? Reason behind it is I am student of MCA and has project about it in OS.07:27
glitsj16Booh: open it with a decent player and get the exac info from in there, and rename accordingly07:27
daddaTitan8990, How do I get Print Screen Button Image into a picture file?07:27
petersonthanks glitsj1607:27
ActionParsnip1tri__: grub can do that for you07:27
glitsj16peterson: you're welcome07:27
Titan8990tri__, floppies do not have MBRs07:27
ActionParsnip1tri__: i dont know the bits and bytes to write an MBR, grub does07:27
|HSO|SadiQTitan8990, is it "normal" that I have to manually change that line or is it a bug?07:27
Titan8990ActionParsnip1, its the first 512 bytes of a disk07:28
Brando753how do i actually delete a file from my flash drive07:28
Titan8990|HSO|SadiQ, I use a different distro, and it is normal for me07:28
ardchoilletwain: you can't find what?07:28
tri__ActionParsnip1, I have a .asm file and I want to write to MBR of floppy and create img of it.07:28
|HSO|SadiQTitan8990, can u tell me what vga line/number to add and how???07:28
twainardchoille please look picture on file i am send you now07:28
ardchoilletwain: you can't send me any files07:29
Titan8990Booh, looks like vcd uses mpeg-1 codec07:29
twainit just picture.. of firefox07:29
ardchoilletwain: you can't send me any files07:29
tri__ActionParsnip1, I hope that .asm file make floppy bootable07:29
Titan8990|HSO|SadiQ, I don't even know whats wrong with your TTY....07:29
ActionParsnip1tri__: the file extension doesnt mean much in linux07:29
ardchoilletwain: open a new tab, type in about:config in that new tab you will see a textbox next to "Filter:", type in closebuttons and change the number to what you want07:30
|HSO|SadiQTitan8990, when I press ALT+CTRL+F1 I get a black screen07:30
ardchoilletwain: Which part of that is not clear?07:30
Titan8990|HSO|SadiQ, but this is after xorg fails, correct?07:30
tri__ActionParsnip1, Its assembly language file from Fasm.07:30
|HSO|SadiQTitan8990, xorg works...I'm using it now to post here07:30
xSlackWhich format do standard webpages generally go with when it comes to - elastic, dynamic, and static07:31
Titan8990|HSO|SadiQ, ah, idk honestly07:31
twainopen new tab  where?   website top say "file,edit,histoy,tools,help i click "file" then not show it07:31
ActionParsnip1tri__: you could try: dd if=<asm file> of=/dev/<floppy drive>07:31
ardchoilletwain: in firefox07:31
Titan8990twain, ctrl+t opens a new tab07:31
ardchoilletwain: ctrl+t07:31
twainok hold07:31
tri__ActionParsnip1, tks07:32
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Titan8990tri__, did you write the code?07:32
IcemanV9Brando753: depends ... in the terminal, rm /media/<usb flash>/filename OR open nautilus and go to usb drive. delete the file07:32
ActionParsnip1tri__: might not work. i have no idea what you are doing, or what this file is07:32
mysticdarkhackhello all07:32
twainnot that one   can i send you in email  picture07:32
BoohTitan8990, I try mpeg...07:32
ardchoilletwain: you can upload pictures to http://imageshack.us/07:33
mysticdarkhackanyone know where the usplash image and folder located?07:33
ardchoilletwain: but you need to give me the url of the uploaded pic07:33
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork07:33
ActionParsnip1mysticdarkhack: that may tell you07:34
ardchoilleActionParsnip1: wow, I didn't know it was that easy (re: usplash)07:34
Titan8990Booh, I am just going off of wikipedia claims: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vcd07:34
Brando753Icemanv9 i was in nautilus and hit delete on a 1.3 gb file, however it didnt even show an extra mb of free space on the flash drive ;(07:34
tri__ActionParsnip1, The thing I want to do is : I want to make a bootable floopy which shows some message on boot.07:34
ActionParsnip1ardchoille: message him and learn his wisdom ;)07:34
IcemanV9Brando753: refresh the nautilus?07:35
Boohok thanks.  but I ever used a console command to tell meta-data but I don't remember07:35
Brando753IcemanV9, of Course :P07:35
tri__ActionParsnip1, The .asm file contain boot code.07:35
ActionParsnip1tri__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy07:35
daddaTitan8990, Heres a screenshot ... take a look http://bayimg.com/OanFkAAbM07:35
git_how does one view the content of .bz2 ?07:35
git_bzip2 -l bzip2.file.bz2?07:35
twainsee there no "x"07:36
Brando753hey guys, why is it when i delete something (BIG) from my jumpdrive it shows the same amount of storage left?07:36
ardchoilletwain: ok, I completely misunderstood what you wanted. From that picture I can see that your window manager isn't running07:37
xemacsBrando753 f*cked up filesystem?07:37
tri__ActionParsnip1, I simply wants to know command that write files to boot sector of floppy?07:37
ardchoilletwain: go back to firefox and hit f1107:37
twaini am trying close firefox  but there no "x"07:37
twainok hold..07:38
ActionParsnip2i cant advise out anything like that.   .asm means nothing. if you run: file <.asm file> you will see what you system sees it as07:38
ardchoilletwain: forget f11, sorry07:38
ActionParsnip2twain: alt+f407:38
ardchoilletwain: to close firefox, ctrl+q07:38
twaini am back   ok07:38
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ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.07:38
twainalt f4   or ctrl q ?07:38
ardchoilletwain: sorry for the misunderstanding07:39
Brando753what is tty screen for?07:39
Brando753what does it stand for?07:39
twainno  not your fault  i dont speak english very good. that why07:39
Brando753<---- Beginer :P07:39
ardchoilletwain: in my firefox, File -> Quit = ctrl+q07:39
glitsj16git_: bunzip2 <filename>07:40
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ActionParsnip2Brando753: tty = http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tty_(Unix)&ei=2fWkSd6bO8H7tge8kOXbBA&sa=X&oi=spellmeleon_result&resnum=1&ct=result&cd=1&usg=AFQjCNE_EdRu17-wvTvQO89SK1QY4X20Cg07:40
ActionParsnip2god i hate google07:40
twainok but how can i put "x" ?07:40
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twainthere is no 'X' on firefox i dont know why07:40
ActionParsnip2Brando753: its teletypewriter07:40
IcemanV9other word ... tty == console07:41
ActionParsnip2twain: type fire in terminal and press tab a few times07:41
mnguyenAnybody here who can provide a good iTunes alternative? I have a very lightweight system right now... so i'm hesitant to install Amarok since it'll install all the kdelibs...07:41
ardchoilletwain: are you using an nvidia 5 or 6 series video card with compiz?07:41
Brando753and any help why my flash drive wont free up space when i delete stuff?07:42
mysticdarkhackmrgutried songbird07:42
twaini am use nvida  8200 compiz yes07:42
ActionParsnip2ardchoille: i used a 6 series with compiz, was fine07:42
IcemanV9mnguyen: audacious?07:43
ardchoilleActionParsnip1: I was told by the compiz folks that nvidia geforce 5 and 6 series had problems with the titlebar in compiz and gave me a great fix07:43
twaini never had problem until today "x" is gone. on firefox07:44
ardchoilletwain: you might try asking in #compiz-fusion07:44
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ardchoilletwain: the problem is you're missing your titlebar in firefox07:45
twaineverything is fine special firefox windows there no "x"07:45
twainyes it miss titlebar on firefox so how can i solve w it?07:45
glitsj16mnguyen: http://lifehacker.com/394046/copy-music-from-your-iphone-or-ipod-to-your-computer-for-free presents a short overview of your options, could be a starting point07:45
ardchoilletwain: I don't know, you might try asking in #compiz-fusion07:45
twainok where can i ask?07:46
IcemanV9twain: did you change the firefox theme today?07:46
bohemian_hi anyone who can take a look in my xorg config?07:46
mnguyenglitsj16: thanks07:46
bohemian_i can't serparate the 2 screen properly07:46
twainiceman  no07:46
ntty350salut tout le monde07:46
Viking667hey there.07:47
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Viking667Sorry about this question, but in Ubuntu, to make an initrd, do I use "mkinitramfs"?07:47
GB1When I install Ubuntu in IBM R30 it say " Disabled IRQ #15" and do nothing? How to do next?07:48
Viking667I'm helping another user, who's pretty new to the whole process.07:48
ActionParsnip2bohemian_: you arent using an nvidia driver, only the stock nv one, nvidia has great support for dual monitors07:48
Viking667He's installed a kernel sourcetree, compiled a kernel, stuffed in to /boot, edited grub's menu.lst, now we're making the initrd07:48
phrozendeadWhat is a good iTouch manager for Ubuntu?07:49
ntty350j'ai un problème, hier je réinstall ubuntu (changement disque dur raid) et après réinstallation des drivers propriio ati plus d'image sur mon 24" hdmi, même au boot plus rien alors que ca fonctionnait avant, en vga ca fonctionne, et si je branche un dvi et que je fait pause sur le boot et que je le remplace par l'adaptateur hdmi dvi j'ai l'image quelques secondes donc ca vient pas du câble ni de l'adaptateur...07:49
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ActionParsnip2GB1: did you md4 check your iso before burning, as well as verify the burned cd was 100% correct?07:49
ActionParsnip2!fr | ntty35007:50
ubottuntty350: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr07:50
IcemanV9!fr | ntty35007:50
ntty350oh sorry, I think it is french but not, sorry???07:50
ActionParsnip2!bootoptions | gb107:50
ubottugb1: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions07:50
Viking667c'est Anglais-pas07:50
ActionParsnip2GB1: try disabling some hardware in bios, like lan and sound and other useless junk while you install07:51
scrow213Anyone able to help me with a problem?07:51
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Seveas!anyone | scrow21307:52
ubottuscrow213: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:52
scrow213lol ok07:52
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scrow213Well I am having a problem with Firefox and Flash programs07:52
GB1IRQ #15 is slave IDE (cd rom)?07:52
scrow213I already have Adobe 10 installed07:52
scrow213But, for instance, YouTube frequently does not work07:52
Seveasdescribe 'does not work' :)07:53
scrow213Well some videos I attempt to load just show a blank white spot07:53
scrow213Some load fine07:53
scrow213Some just say they are loading but do nothing07:53
ActionParsnip2scrow213: 32bit or 64bit linux?07:53
Seveasare you using any adblocker?07:53
scrow213Not to my knowledge07:53
Seveasah, 64bit flash is still quite buggy afaik07:54
scrow213But I can't explain it07:54
scrow213For instance07:54
scrow213I can view parts of the site which is entirely flash (I think)07:54
Viking667Okay, I'm out of here.07:54
scrow213and other parts I cannot load properly07:54
scrow213I just don't know what to do07:56
paul68hi I have a problem with ssh  I can succesfully connect from my laptop => server, laptop => desktop , desktop=> server however I am not able to connect from my server or desktop to my laptop even removed the known hosts and reinstalled everything on my laptop  please adviced?07:56
Seveasscrow213, wait for adobe to fix it or use 32bit version :)07:56
scrow213How do I switch to 32?07:56
ActionParsnip2scrow213: here's how i do it: http://johnbokma.com/mexit/2008/11/25/64-bit-adobe-flash-ubuntu.html07:56
Seveaspaul68, is openssh-servr installed and running on the laptop? It's not installed by default07:57
ActionParsnip2scrow213: if you manually download the 64bit .so and put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins you win07:57
scrow213Grr... such a computer tard...07:57
scrow213I will try to figure this out07:58
paul68Seveas: yes its running07:58
Seveaspaul68, what's the error you get then? Could you pastebin the output of 'ssh -vvv laptop' ?07:59
WarriorSlayerppl how i get rid of a package that tried to install and could not be installed and now is locked in apt-get?07:59
SeveasWarriorSlayer, dpkg --remove --purge name_of_package08:00
WarriorSlayerSeveas: ty ^^08:00
AnRkeywhere does gnome-main-menu store it's settings for the "start" icon08:01
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SeveasAnRkey, I wouldn't be surprised if it's somewhere in gconf08:01
Milkehhow come my openoffice is a bunch of symbols?08:02
crdlbI believe it's just an image somewhere in /usr/share08:02
jxanderis there any usb 5.1 sound card working great with ubuntu?08:02
Seveascrdlb, that's also very well possible. Something with 'vendor' in the name iirc08:02
scrow213Can someone assist me with Terminal? I am attempting to manually move this file but I am not sure how to terminal my way into the folder08:02
SeveasMilkeh, the document or the application interface?08:02
paul68Seveas: solved the problem it was a username issue08:03
Seveaspaul68, ok :)08:03
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davbranis there a way to filter out the channel announements, the coming and going?08:03
ApOgEE-hi all... how to select/highlight text in terminal using keyboard?08:03
Seveasdavbran, with x-chat: rightclick on the channel name in the left area and find the option :)08:03
llragsllI have an ubuntu gateway hare through which all traffic goes. I need a way to monitor the data transferred through this machine. any suggestions?08:04
Seveasllragsll, iptraf, bwm, wireshark/tshark08:04
Stralyticllragsll, monitor in real time, or over a period?08:05
llragsllthx Seves...08:05
MilkehSeveas, application interface08:05
Seveasllragsll, or mrtg or cacti if you want graphs08:05
phrozendeadHow do I manage my iTouch on ubuntu 9.04?08:05
llragsllmonitored in realtime will be better...08:05
SeveasMilkeh, missing font package? is ubuntu-desktopp still installed, is apt-get giving errors?08:05
llragsllactually I was using munin..08:05
Seveasmunin will do as well08:06
llragsllbut I munin doesn't give the data transfered08:06
Stralyticllragsll, i like trafshow in package netdiag08:06
llragsllit just give the rate...08:06
SeveasStralytic, is that like iptraf?08:06
MilkehSeveas, nope and nope08:06
Stralyticllragsll, you want to capture the actual packets?08:06
MilkehSeveas, wait sorry, I think ubuntu-desktop is still installed, and geting no apt errors08:07
SeveasMilkeh, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop then (unless you're using kubuntu/xubuntu)08:07
StralyticSeveas, yeah similar08:07
llragsllStralytic, not to capture, but to get the data going thru the gateway08:07
llragsllsort of a counter, in and out08:07
scrow213Can someone look at this page and see if it loads normally for them? http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail.html08:07
SeveasStralytic, bwm is what you want then08:07
Seveasit's a commandline app that just shows line rates08:07
crdlbAnRkey: it looks like the easiest way to change it is indeed via gconf, run 'gconf-editor /apps/panel/objects', look in menu_bar_screen0 (if you use the menu bar), enable use_custom_icon and set custom_icon to the file you want08:08
llragsllthere are tools to get the data rate...but wht abt the total transfered...like so-so gb's...08:08
scrow213Anyone at all? I cannot figure out why it won't work!08:08
Stralyticscrow213, it's flash08:08
scrow213Right, and I have flash installed, Flashblock disabled08:09
AnRkeycrdlb, thanks, i just wanna take that tiny black arrow off the top of the icon08:09
scrow213And I tried the manual method that was linked.08:09
scrow213Still won't load properly08:09
crdlbAnRkey: that's not actually part of the icon08:09
AnRkeycrdlb,  it would be perfect if it was not there08:09
AnRkeycrdlb, i know, it's an overlayed icon08:10
Seveasllragsll, sudo iptables -L -v -n. That'll tell you the amount transfered since booting08:10
scrow213Is it Gnash that is not working properly?08:10
Seveas(I'm sure there are better ways of getting that info, but this one works too :))08:10
* AnRkey scurries off to try crdlb's suggestion08:10
Th0rzi installed cgi irc on my server... but where is the conf files?08:11
ApOgEE-is it possible to select/highlight text in gnome-terminal using keyboard only?08:11
ununkhi for all08:11
Th0rzi installed via "apt-get"08:11
Stralyticllragsll, if you want to graph your usage over a month to make sure your isp is not ripping you off ... or similar... try cacti, with snmp installed on you linux box08:11
scrow213Well clearly I am failing at Ubuntu08:12
glitsj16scrow213: could be gnash, hard to tell ... did you test the official adobe flash plugin to compare both ?08:13
bohemian_ActionParsnip2: thank for the reply, my synaptics says i'm using 173 nvidia driver. how do i reconfigure  this config to use the driver properly?08:13
AnRkeycrdlb, do you know where that extra little icon/arrow thingies conf is?08:13
crdlbApOgEE-: not that I know of, but you can if you run screen inside of it08:13
crdlbAnRkey: hardcoded I'm sure :/08:13
scrow213I honestly don't know. Here is how it went after I installed Ubuntu08:14
AnRkeycrdlb,  NO!!!! please don't say that08:14
Milkehso can anybody possibly fix my openoffice?08:14
scrow213Went to YouTube, Firefox said I need plugins. Installed all 3 options08:14
scrow213Nothing worked08:15
AnRkeyMilkeh, what is it doing or not doing?08:15
AnRkeyhave u consulted the oracle? (google)08:15
MilkehAnRkey, my whole interface is a silly symbol font, besides the document itself08:15
glitsj16scrow213: you shouldn't opt for all 3, things conflict that way .. what plugin is active at the moment in your firefox ?08:16
rjbhello all, I am new to all this and I just installed Ubuntu and have already messed sudo up some how when I try to do something that requires a su login I get an error saying I don't have permissions to do that08:16
bohemian_ActionParsnip2: here's my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/d17ec6c8608:16
bohemian_ActionParsnip2: here's my Mxorg.conf which created based on Xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/d35faa66008:16
rjbis there a config file I can edit to fix things08:16
AnRkeyMilkeh, create a new user and log in to it. See if it's still borked, if it's not then it's a profile issue08:17
bohemian_Mxorg.conf is the xorg used by userful multiplier which i use to create multiseats in ubuntu08:17
bohemian_buy wasn't able to separate the 2 screens properly08:17
rjbI cannot even get into do the user configs08:18
cooldduuudde.mp4 files open with realplayer by default. what can i do to make it totem?08:18
rjbeven tried to su in a bash terminal and it would not accept my password08:18
rwwcooldduuudde: Right-click a .mp4 file, click Properties, then click Open With. You should be able to change it to Totem from there.08:18
Milkehcooldduuudde, right click an .mp4 document, properties, Open With08:18
cooldduuuddegot it08:19
cooldduuuddeok now the second thing. how 2 change filetype icons?08:19
scrow213How do I check to see which is active?08:20
Stralyticscrow213, go to about:plugins in your browser08:20
cooldduuuddei want .torrent files to have Vuze icon. how 2 do dat?08:21
|HSO|SadiQhow do I add a rule to unblock the port 27960 on both UDP and TCP08:21
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:22
scrow213about plugins? Where is that?08:22
ubottuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)08:22
cooldduuudde!change icons08:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about change icons08:22
rwwscrow213: type it into your address bar (the same place you'd usually type addresses of websites)08:23
ApOgEE-crdlb, thanks08:23
glitsj16scrow213: enter "about:plugins" in the urlbar, if you set about:config key plugin.expose_full_path to true you get the exact file system location of each installed plugin, handy if you want to test a few by renaming temporarily instead of removing things08:23
scrow213I have a lot08:24
scrow213You want the list of plugin names or the list of filenames?08:24
=== Blacki_ is now known as Blacki
glitsj16scrow213: which ones are enabled for the swf and spl mime-types ?08:25
scrow213I think I know what you are asking08:25
scrow213Shockwave Flash08:25
cooldduuuddei want .torrent files to have Vuze icon. how 2 do dat?08:25
scrow213Another one called Shockwave Flash08:26
scrow213And a third one called the same thing08:26
glitsj16scrow213: there you have it :) open the add-ons menu option, tat has a plugin section, and disable the redundant ones to test08:27
scrow213So just disable any two of them08:27
scrow213And see if that does it?08:28
glitsj16scrow213: to test yes, if you're happy with one, i'd say remove the others from your system (the file location can help here)08:28
fooI have the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver activated, but apparently it's not "actively in use." What would I need to do to make it used?08:29
scrow213I tried and one of them does exactly what it does now08:29
scrow213The other two do nothing at all if they are the only ones enabled08:29
rwwfoo: copy your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link to the past URL here.08:30
foorww: thanks. http://x03.ath.cx/temp/xorg.conf08:30
glitsj16scrow213: i realize the official adobe plugin isn't open source, but personally i have no issues with it .. in other words, i'd keep that one ... if you enable only that one, does your issue still exists ?08:31
foorww: ultimately trying to enable compiz, eg. visual effects = extra. I get this error: Desktop effects could not be enabled. thanks08:31
rwwfoo: That looks correct. Have you restarted the X server (either with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace or restarting the computer or gdm) since installing fglrx?08:31
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scrow213Like I said, one of them changes nothing. The other two don't load anything at all08:31
rampageoberonWhat exactly is the feature in the ubuntu bash shell that tells you what to install for a particular binary?08:32
scrow213So not one of them works right08:32
xlevel1hi, I can't get fglrx to work.  I can't enable it in restricted drivers manager (the gui just sits there...)08:32
foorww: yes. hard reboot, restart twice, etc. Definitely something else, hmm.08:32
scrow213There is just one that does exactly what my computer already does08:32
xlevel1how can I do it from the command line?08:32
rwwfoo: What video card do you have?08:32
rwwrampageoberon: It's the "command-not-found" package.08:33
rww!info command-not-found | rampageoberon08:33
ubottucommand-not-found (source: command-not-found): Suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions. In component main, is standard. Version 0.2.26ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 104 kB08:33
foorww: Radeon X800Pro PCIE08:33
rampageoberonthanks rww :)08:33
Milkehwhat's the update command?08:34
DJNomadhi all08:34
rwwfoo: Okay, give me a sec to check some things.08:34
foorww: I've gotten this to work in the past, not sure exactly what's up. I've been in fluxbox for a while and it seems like something broke, hmm.08:34
foorww: no problem, thank you!08:34
DJNomadI mount my phone and i dont have permission to do anything with it08:35
Iradieh__If I want to TOTALLY remove xfce4 and every trace of it, what do I type then? I tried sudo apt-get autoremmove --purge xfce4 but the file size seemed smaller then when I installed08:35
KazaLiteis it recommended to install firewall on desktop machine or not?08:35
DJNomadI very easily could of mounted it wrong08:35
scrow213I am totally lost on what to do08:35
glitsj16scrow213: to compound the issue ... youtube uses flash video (flv), so you'll need another plugin for those as well .. do you find something enabled for flv suffixes in your about:plugins page ?08:36
DJNomadsudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdd1 /media/usbdisk   I mounted using this08:36
Milkehhow would I go about updating openoffice?08:36
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rwwfoo: Okay. Can you pastebin your Xorg log? It should be in /var/log/ somewhere.08:37
scrow213I have Totem Web Browser Plugin 2.24.3 for that08:37
rwwMilkeh: What version of Ubuntu are you using?08:37
foorww: thanks. http://x03.ath.cx/temp/Xorg.0.log08:37
glitsj16scrow213: i would try removing all 3 shockwave flash related plugins you have now, install the flashplugin-nonfree through apt-get and try again from scratch, god knows what is left conflicting on your system right now08:38
scrow213Ok, one moment please08:38
glitsj16scrow213: no rush08:38
xemacshow can i switch from xubuntu to ubuntu?08:38
Iradieh__If I want to TOTALLY remove xfce4 and every trace of it, what do I type then? I tried sudo apt-get autoremmove --purge xfce4 but the file size seemed smaller then when I installed08:38
rwwMilkeh: Ubuntu 8.10 ships with OpenOffice.org 2.4 because 3.0 came out too late for Ubuntu developers to test it. Since Ubuntu doesn't upgrade packages to new major versions after Ubuntu versions are released, OO.org 3.0 will not be released to intrepid-updates. For various reasons, it's also not in intrepid-backports. You can either wait until Jaunty, which will have OO.org 3, or use an...08:39
rww...unofficial method like http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml08:39
scrow213When I did the nonfree it said that is what was already installed08:39
scrow213How can I remove all plugins/addons08:39
scrow213And just start all over08:39
Milkehrww, alright, thank you very much08:39
AnRkeyMilkeh, did you create a test account?08:39
Nom-Hi All.  Does anyone know if /etc/fstab.d/ works in Ubuntu Hardy ?08:40
iandanhi, I need an advice over a laptop, whether it works or not with Ubuntu08:40
MilkehAnRkey, oh no I still need to do that :)08:40
AnRkeyu don't have to log out even08:40
AnRkeyjust create the user and switch from the task bar tool08:40
MilkehAnRkey, what if I just use the guest acc?08:40
AnRkeysame idea08:40
iandanI'm planning to buy a HP Compaq 6730s, Intel Core 2 Duo T5870, ATI HD 3430 256MB08:40
glitsj16scrow213: open synaptic and run a see if you have those installed there, and completely remove them .. if that doesn't do it, let me know, we can try manual removal08:40
MalksHey guys, I'm following this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6722478 guide to get channel bots working on Ubuntu 8.10 (I have also started on Linux about 12 hours ago) can someone explain to me exactly what this line (sudo chmod 777 /usr/lib/eggdrop -R) tells the server to do08:41
iandando you think I'll have problems with the video chipset08:41
scrow213Ok I have synaptic open08:41
rwwfoo: Looks like fglrx is being loaded, but it's complaining about DRI problems. Since Compiz needs DRI, this is likely what your problem is. What version of Ubuntu are you using, and are you using the version of fglrx in the Ubuntu repositories, or from ATI's website?08:42
scrow213What am I looking for now?08:42
Iradieh__How do I completly remove every trace of xfce408:42
MilkehAnRkey, guest account is working fine with it08:42
Iradieh__If I want to TOTALLY remove xfce4 and every trace of it, what do I type then? I tried sudo apt-get autoremmove --purge xfce4 but the file size seemed smaller then when I installed08:42
Iradieh__Or do I need to reinstall08:42
glitsj16scrow213: anything gnash related, and flashplugin-nonfree08:42
rwwxemacs: install the ubuntu-desktop package08:43
scrow213How do I view what I have already installed?08:43
rwwIradieh__: what do you want to use instead of xfce? GNOME, KDE, etc...08:43
AnRkeyMilkeh, do you mind losing any settings that u have stored for open office?08:43
Iradieh__rww: gnome08:43
Nom-Hmm... looks like fstab.d is a bleeding edge thing, or maybe not even in linux :(08:43
MilkehAnRkey, not at all08:43
glitsj16scrow213: bottom-left, status08:43
Iradieh__rww: I just want ever trace of xfce4 gone, I got issues (mental) so I will probarly reinstall Debian if I cant remove every trace if ut08:43
dec3164hey guys08:43
AnRkeyMilkeh, try this from the command line08:44
AnRkeyrm ~/.openoffice.org* -Rf08:44
scrow213Ok, all I have under "installed" is:08:44
AnRkeycopy and paste it before u do a / by mistake :)08:44
foorww: hm, I see. /me looks at logs to try to find that. I see. I'm on intrepid. Not sure about fglrx version. Looks like xorg-driver-fglrx = 2:8.543-0ubuntu4.1 from dpkg -l |grep -i fglrx08:44
iandananyone knows whether the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3430 will work with Ubuntu?08:44
scrow213Thats all08:44
Iradieh__AnRkey: me?08:44
mick02Folks, I was trying to do an update yesterday when I was told that I had to do a partial upgrade instead of just the normal update. When I tried to run it I got the following error in my /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log file http://pastebin.com/f6a608dbb08:44
AnRkeyIradieh__, no Milkeh08:44
rwwIradieh__: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome -> try the line under "remove xubuntu"08:45
glitsj16scrow213: the mozilla-plugin-gnash is the one you want to mark for complete removal08:45
MilkehAnRkey, done done08:45
AnRkeyiandan, check if it's black listed08:45
Iradieh__rww: I did08:45
Iradieh__rww: It didnt remove anything08:45
iandanAndelkrag, where?08:45
iandanAnRkey, where?08:45
AnRkeyMilkeh, open OOo08:45
AnRkeyiandan, one sec08:45
dec3164could someone help me with SSHing into a computer behind a router?08:45
MilkehAnRkey, same deal08:46
mick02dec3164, have you forwarded the ports on the router?08:46
foorww: if you'd like me to do anything, let me know. I know I've gotten this to work before, hmm.08:46
illumin8What is the best method for knowing if someone is connected to your machine in ubuntu?08:46
glitsj16scrow213: what was the third one you installed through firefox besides flashplugin-nonfree ? try to do a search on that in synaptic with the info from the about:plugins page in firefox08:46
Apedec3164: You have to forward the port 22 to the target computer from your router08:46
scrow213Ok completely removed08:46
rwwfoo: Okay, so you're using the Ubuntu repository versions, your video card is supported by fglrx... so it's just DRI failing to initialize for some reason. Hmm.08:46
dec3164yeah, but i haven't been able to get it to work08:47
AnRkeyMilkeh, did you have openoffice closed when u did the command?08:47
foorww: trrying apt-get --reinstall --purge install xorg-driver-fglrx  ... not sure if it's going to work, but I'm not having much luck elseware :) /me restarts X08:47
dec3164i used the IP that the router recognizes the computer as, would that be rioght?08:47
glitsj16scrow213: ok, restart firefox to get those changes activated, and reinstall the flashplugin-nonfree as only one through synaptic08:47
MilkehAnRkey, sure did08:48
AnRkeyone sec08:48
Nom-Ugh... anyone have any suggestions on some way I could nicely add an NFS mount when a package is installed, and remove it when the package is removed ?08:48
mick02dec3164, what type of router have you got? Have you looked at the website www.portforward.com to make sure that you've forwarded the ports correctly? You also have to make sure that you have your ssh server running on the target machine08:48
Nom-I was hoping fstab.d was there, but looks like that's really, really new and doesn't work with 8.04 or 8.1008:49
glitsj16scrow213: any improvement ?08:49
StyleSheepis it possible to activate headphones and disable the speakers on a laptop? i often work in the train and i don't want that if i pull out the headphones, that the sound goes over the speakers08:49
scrow213You, sir or ma'am, are my hero!08:50
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glitsj16scrow213: lol, glad it's solved08:50
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MalksWhen i'm trying to run my egg drop I type malcolm@linux:~$ /usr/lib/eggdrop -m ~/simple.conf08:50
Malksbash: /usr/lib/eggdrop: is a directory08:50
foorww: hm, nothing. What bugs me is I still see: No proprietary drivers are in use on this system when I go to "hardware drivers"08:50
scrow213You and me both08:50
Malkswhat does the second line mean?08:50
Michael-I am using iPod touch chatting here,hahaha08:50
scrow213Thank you so very very much!!08:50
computer_how do i change my login screen's background image??08:51
scrow213I am glad someone knows something about computers08:51
glitsj16:) very welcome, enjoy the flashes08:51
dec3164dynex, and yeah, i read the section for my router on portforward, i'm just not sure i'm feeding it the right IP... it's the, no?08:51
Michael-Too many people here08:51
mick02dec3164, Each macinh on your LAN will have different IP addresses. You need to make sure that you are pointing port 22 to the right IP address08:52
glitsj16scrow213: see ya, keep well08:52
rwwfoo: Do you have a linux-restricted-modules package installed?08:52
iandanAnRkey, have you found something? I tried google but have found no results08:52
AnRkeyiandan, no nothing yet08:52
dec3164yeah, the 101 is the one i want it to forward to... that's what the router recognizes it as...08:53
mshkajihi computer_  you just go to the shutdown icon right click it ....u will see setup login screen...08:53
rwwfoo: Oh, you could also try some of the stuff on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Troubleshooting . It might help, I guess.08:53
the_gamerhi folks08:53
iandanAnRkey, :(08:53
mick02dec3164, for example, if you have a webserver with IP address and a SSH server on you would need to get your router to forward all http requests on port 80 to and all traffic requests to port 22 to IP
AnRkeyiandan, u having the same issue as Milkeh ?08:54
the_gameri need the video/x-pn-icm-plugin but i can't find it in the synaptics packet manager, could anybody tell me in what package it is or how to install it?08:54
mick02dec3164, can you ssh into the box when you're at home?08:54
mick02dec3164, i.e. so that your router doesn't need to forward the port08:54
dec3164mick02, if i plug the box directly into the wall, i have no problems08:54
foorww: I do08:54
Michael-I think there are a lot of network manager here08:55
Michael-Am I right ?08:55
iandanAnRkey, No, I'm planning to buy a new laptop which has this video chipset and I'm not sure whether I cand find drivers for it or not08:55
AnRkeyoh yes soz man got side tracked08:55
iandanon the ATI support page it does not exist08:55
AnRkeyiandan, you need to find out if that product is blacklisted08:55
iandan...and the retailer delivers the laptop FreeDos08:55
AnRkeytry ubuntu+1 and ask the devs08:56
foorww: hm, I wonder, should I try to get the open source drivers working?08:56
camjayHi guys, i have a question about installing ubuntu 8.10 32bit using UNETBOOTIN, I've installed it and selected unetbootin from the boot menu, but it gives me an error saying it cant find "GRLDR" on all drives. i imagine its looking for that grub-loader thing.08:56
camjayanybody know how i could fix that?08:56
iandanAnRkey, I'll try. Thanks for help08:56
BiosElementQuestion, How do I go about backing up my gnome panel settings? Because I want to see how I like removing one but I want a backup so I don't have to re-arrange the icons and such.08:56
rwwfoo: Compiz doesn't work with the open source drivers for most cards.08:56
foorww: ah, darn, ok. let me check out that troubleshooting guide, I suppose, thanks!08:56
AnRkeyiandan, ok no probs (btw, go for nvidia, it's always less trouble)08:56
StyleSheepis it possible to activate headphones and disable the speakers on a laptop? i often work in the train and i don't want that if i pull out the headphones, that the sound goes over the speakers08:57
AnRkeyStyleSheep, yes it is08:57
AnRkeyStyleSheep, one sec08:57
mick02dec3164, Where are you trying to access you home PC from? Are you in work? If so maybe the firewall that you're behind now doesn't allow traffic through port 2208:57
StyleSheepAnRkey, okay08:57
Bert_2Hi, I'd like to lower down the maximum volume of my ubuntu system or lock the volume in some way, is that possible ?08:57
glitsj16the_gamer: isn't that part of realplayer ? if so, websearch for medibuntu and how to enable that repository and install that08:57
rwwfoo: You could also try adding `Busid "PCI:5:0:0"' to your xorg.conf's Device section.08:57
camjayCould i have a second of somebodys time here? I just need help using UNETBOOTIN with ubuntu 8.10 ISO, using a hard drive install08:57
AnRkeyStyleSheep, double click speaker next to time > edit > prefs > enable everything > then go to options tab and it should be in there somewhere08:58
Ethosseranyone see any issues with that, or has tried it before?08:58
rwwfoo: and, if none of that helps, the people in #ati channel on this server might :)08:58
the_gamerglitsj16, i just googled and found that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3490653 there's someone with the same problem, but he doesn't ahve a solution, either08:58
dec3164mick02, my plugin is behind the campus firewall, and when behind it or vpn'd in, i have no problems connecting not through the router08:58
camjayCould i have a second of somebodys time here? I just need help using UNETBOOTIN with ubuntu 8.10 ISO, using a hard drive install08:59
foorww: thank you :)08:59
foorww: I'll let you know what it is08:59
camjayi wanna get ubuntu running tonight08:59
rwwIradieh__: Sorry, I kinda abandoned you there. Did you figure out how to get xfce removed?08:59
Iradieh__rww: nah08:59
Iradieh__not other then08:59
Iradieh__apt-get autpremmove --purge xfce408:59
dec3164mick02, my forwarding is set up: port 22, ip, protocol: all, status: enabled08:59
StyleSheepAnRkey, thx, found it... i didnt notice that before, although it is so obvious...08:59
Iradieh__rww: Doing gnome install now08:59
camjayTo anybody in this chatroom: How do i fix the "Error: Cannot find GRLDR on all drives. press ctl+alt+del to reboot." problem08:59
FeliciaHi, what's your problem?08:59
Iradieh__gonan give it  a try08:59
Iradieh__if it doesnt work out I will reisntall with xfce4 again09:00
mick02dec3164, Can you go to www.ping.eu and check to see if your current firewall is blocking traffic through port 22. You'll need to find your WAN IP address first, you can do this through something like www.ipchicken.com09:00
AnRkeyMilkeh, You can wipe your entire profile's settings if you want (backup first and make sure to unhide files when u do) > try ctrl+alt+f2 > sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop > rm ~/.* -Rf  > sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start09:00
AnRkeyMilkeh, if you are sure that it worked in a new profile that is09:00
MilkehAnRkey, It's alright, I'll just use gedit for my assignment, I'll just work this out another day09:01
foorww: fwiw, http://x03.ath.cx/temp/fglrxinfo.txt ... output of fglrxinfo, hm.09:01
dec3164well i know it can't, i'm behind the campus firewall... but i'm trying to access from behind the firewall as well09:01
MilkehAnRkey, thanks for all your support09:01
AnRkeyMilkeh, somehow your profile got it's openoffice settings borked it seems. You can search for config file locations just for OOo on google too if you like09:01
glitsj16the_gamer: don't have other clues on this one, hope someone chimes in09:01
AnRkeyMilkeh, soz for not giving you a shweeter answer09:01
MilkehAnRkey, it's fine, you've given me more support then anyone else has09:01
AnRkeyMilkeh, just pay it forward bro09:01
arooni-mobile__what port does virtual desktop function over?09:02
rwwfoo: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-609467.html -> "All I had to do was type: sudo depmod -a into the terminal, reboot, and VOILA! everything was back to normal."09:02
dec3164mick02, well i know it' can't, i'm behind the campus firewall... but i'm trying to access it from behind the firewall as well09:02
rwwfoo: Looks like that person was having a similar problem to you; perhaps try that.09:02
foorww: will do09:02
AnRkeyMilkeh, always remember it's a gamble in this # cause someone that knows the answer to your question might not always be here. I sometimes come back after a few hours and try again.09:02
rww!msg | camjay09:03
ubottucamjay: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:03
giulio//join #ubuntu-it09:03
camjayHow do i fix the "Error: Cannot find GRLDR on all drives. press ctl+alt+del to reboot." problem09:03
camjayIm using UNETBOOTIN09:03
camjayand ubuntu i381 8.1009:03
AlanJenkinsanyone know how I can connect to a wireless network in a tty with network manager?09:04
foorww: gah, nope. /me tries to google09:05
rwwcamjay: Are you using one of the installation guides at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation ?09:05
rwwcamjay: which one?09:05
camjaythat one^09:06
camjayand i used the suggested program09:06
camjayit installs the bootloader to your HDD09:06
camjayand all that09:06
akhil_My package manager is not able to download files for ubuntu.com although i am connected. How to set it back to default settings?09:06
camjayso i can install ubuntu w/o removable media09:06
dec3164mick02, i suspect that it has something to do with the router's mac address... when i plugged it in, the campus network recognized it as windows, so perhaps it doesn't want to support port 22? or does that even make sense?09:07
rwwcamjay: Okay, I see. Have you considered using Wubi instead? It tends to be easier to set up than unetbootin09:07
camjayrww: well, i tried wubi, had problems with it aswell, and also i generally just dont like the fact that it uses its own filesystem09:08
camjayi want to use unetbootin so i can use a seperate partition09:08
camjayclean n clear09:08
camjayyou know?09:08
mick02dec3164, Here goes nothing ... YOU ---> CAMPUS FIREWALL ---> ROUTER ---> SSH SERVER. First of all your CAMPUS FIREWALL has to have port 22 open to allow traffic to pass to your ROUTER. If your CAMPUS FIREWALL doesn't allow traffic on port 22 then the traffic will not even make it to your ROUTER hence no ssh request will be sent or received by your ROUTER. Does this make sense? Sorry about the caps I thought it might make it a bit easier to read!09:08
camjaywubi = hindered disk access performance09:08
camjayi want the perfect linux experience09:08
rwwcamjay: Yeah, I see what you mean. Hmm. If you have a USB drive you're not using, and your BIOS supports USB boot, unetbootin to USB tends to work very well.09:09
camjayi have a usb drive but its only 512mb09:09
Nytrix why does my theme go away after i logout? it goes back to some other theme?09:09
camjayim pretty set on using the HDD install09:09
camjayi mean09:09
camjayi got to my boot screen09:09
camjayselect unetbootin09:09
camjaythen it says09:09
Nytrixi mean the task bar goes back to normal09:09
camjay"error cannot find grldr on all drives"09:09
Milkehcamjay, talk to me through private chat?09:09
bulwynkl! flash 1009:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flash 1009:09
bulwynkl! flash09:10
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:10
dec3164mick02, i've SSH'd into this machine through this connection outlet before, no problem... so neither the campus network nor my computer is the problem... the only difference with this setup is the router...09:10
rwwcamjay: what does your current partition layout look like? is it just one Windows NTFS partition, or is it more complicated?09:11
camjayone NTFS09:12
foorww: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/293012 , hmm, seems to be a bug.09:12
camjayabout 78GB09:12
camjay15GB free09:12
camjayfor a new partition09:12
camjayi was gona put ubuntu on a new 15gb09:12
mick02dec3164, Sorry, I miss understood your problem. So is the router the only thing that's changed then? The Router isn't set up to allow MAC Address access only is it? Some routers will only allow connections from certain mac addresses09:12
FloodBot1camjay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:12
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dionysiandoes a typical ubuntu livecd include the debs of installed packages?09:13
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Dr_willisdionysian,  not that ive noticed.09:14
dionysianthe /var/cache archives09:14
Dr_willisdionysian,  the alternative isntaller cd - i hear can be used as a 'upgrade' repositoruy - so that may have them.09:14
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dec3164mick02, np, mm... wdym allow connections from certain mac addresses? the computer i try to connect with has been the same, if that's what you're getting at... do you think using a cloned mac address on the router would make any difference?09:14
rwwfoo: Have you tried https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/293012/comments/9 ?09:15
dionysianwell, i'm trying to make a custom livecd09:15
dionysianand i did a dist-upgrade from within the chroot09:15
dionysianso... i'm just wondering if i can delete the debs that were downloaded09:15
dquestionsgod damn i cant even install openss-server?09:15
dquestionsi went to my sources.list ... uncommented the multivers and univers lines09:16
dquestionsnow what?09:16
Dr_willisdionysian,  I normally set up a apt-cache server. :) so everything stays on there.   But not sure what you are doing exactly. so cant advice.09:16
rww!info openssh-server09:16
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 278 kB, installed size 764 kB09:16
dionysianthat's what i'm doing09:17
mlbarnesHow do I get bind9 to start automatically at boot? There is a file in /etc/init.d but it doesn't load at boot for some reason. What can I do?09:17
rwwdquestions: openssh-server is in main, not multiverse or universe...09:17
foorww: I actually just tried that, no luck.09:17
dquestionshmm how do i get it then09:17
mick02dec3164, I'm not sure to be honest, the MAC address may not even be the problem.09:17
rwwdquestions: sudo apt-get install openssh-server. If that doesn't work, copy and paste the entire output you get from that command.09:17
foorww: going to try the other option... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/293012/comments/1609:17
rww(paste into paste.ubuntu.com, not here)09:17
* foo tries09:17
dec3164mick02, it's ok, i've been fighting with this thing for a few weeks...09:18
rwwfoo: You already had the load glx line in your xorg.conf, I think09:18
dionysianok i guess apt-get clean does it and i'm instructed to do that in the howto09:18
Nytrixwhy does some of my theme effects go away after i logout?09:19
rwwdquestions: do "sudo apt-get update", then try the command again.09:19
dquestionsrww:  i tried that09:19
shesekcan I add upgrade for security patches as a cronjob?09:19
rwwdquestions: okay. paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file09:19
dquestionsi might just install from source09:19
dquestionserrr that computer is not fully working09:19
dquestionsand i'm not about to type up the entire thing09:20
dec3164mick02, thanks though : )09:20
Nytrixwhy does some of my theme effects go away after i logout? the task bar doesnt stay the way it was when i first installed the theme. any ideas?09:20
dquestionsso any other suggestions would be apprciated09:20
dec3164Nytrix, what desktop are you using?09:20
dquestionsthe reason i'm trying to install ssh09:20
mlbarnesNo help on auto starting Bind9?09:20
ikoniamlbarnes the init script should do that for you09:20
rwwdquestions: do you have internet access on the machine?09:21
ikoniadquestions: what is the ssh issue ?09:21
mlbarnesikonia: yeah but for some reason it is not loading at boot09:21
dquestionsyes, but the video card is flaky09:21
ikoniamlbarnes: does the init script start it manualy ?09:21
rwwdquestions: what version of Ubuntu do you have?09:21
Nytrixdec3164, this one: http://www.ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Windows+Vista+Inspired+Theme+?content=9925209:21
zinzini am using 8.10 on GPU i915 Intel. i got the problem when run glxgears, like "Failed to initialized GEM. Falling back to classic". Now OpenGL doesnt run anymore. Anybody knows this problem?09:21
dquestionsrww:  i'm not even sure..   .... i just dont see why i can't install openssh09:21
dquestionsits so simple09:21
ikoniadquestions: please show me the output of "uname -a"09:22
RomDI just discovered a nasty bug in hardy's network settings manager. if I disconnect my dsl modem by unchecking the pppoe connection's checkbox and check it again afterwards to reconnect the following happens:09:22
RomDthe check is there for two seconds and disappears again, leaving me without internet connection. the only way to establish the connection is to click on the box and then on "close", before the check has a chance to remove itself.09:22
RomDtook my a while to figure that out...09:22
FloodBot1RomD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:22
foorww: yeah, I did, scratch that idea. /me tries to recreate his xorg.conf with dpkg-reconfige xserver-xorg and tries to re-enable proprietary drivers09:22
rwwdquestions: because your package manager doesn't think the package exists, whcih is a good sign that your package manager is misconfigured. hence me wating to see your package manager's sources.list09:22
dquestions2.6.22-14-generic ?09:22
ikoniadquestions: tha's not the output of uname -a09:22
Nytrixdec3164, this one: http://www.ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Windows+Vista+Inspired+Theme+?content=9925209:22
mlbarnesikonia: if I run /etc/init.d/bind9 start it will start09:23
ikoniadquestions: please show me the output of uname -a and pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a"09:23
dec3164Nytrix, i mean KDE, Gnome, etc?09:23
ikoniamlbarnes: ok - so using update-rc.d make sure bind is set to start at run level 209:23
dquestionsUbuntu 7.1009:23
ikoniamlbarnes: also look in the syslog after boot to see if bind started/reason why it didn't start09:23
Nytrixim using gnome09:23
ikoniadquestions: if you don't paste the responses I'm asking for - I can't help09:23
ikoniadquestions: I asked for the output of specific commands09:24
dquestionsdude, i can't... i would have to type it out09:24
dquestionsi told you09:24
Nytrixnever mind i think i didnt follow the instruction correctly from the website, brb if i need help09:24
dquestionsi'll scp i guess09:24
dec3164Nytrix, lol that'll do it, good luck : )09:24
ikoniadquestions: how are you trying to install ssh  ?09:25
foorww: if this doesn't work, I'm tempted to do09:26
fooany reason not to do apt-get --reinstall --purge ubuntu-desktop? =)09:26
foohaving some problems that I can't seem to fix09:26
mlbarnesikonia I am not familiar with that command. From the man it looks like update-rc.d -n bind9 start runlevel 209:27
ikoniamlbarnes: ok09:27
ikoniadquestions: how are you trying to install ssh ?09:29
mlbarneshmm it is not working09:30
ikoniamlbarnes: define not working09:30
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mlbarnesikonia it is giving me a syntax error09:31
mlbarnesI am not typging the command corectly but I don't see what it is suppose to be09:31
ikoniamlbarnes: no09:31
mlbarnesno what?09:32
ikoniamlbarnes: hang on, let me see if I can get access to a box with update-rc.d on09:32
akventurehow do i change the name of my computer when running my Ubuntu 8.04 partition?09:32
ikoniaakventure: /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts09:33
dquestionsso there is my sources.list09:33
ikoniadquestions: how are you trying to install ssh09:33
dquestionssudo apt-get install openssh-server09:33
ikoniamlbarnes: try "sudo update-rc.d named start 20 2 stop 2009:33
ikoniadquestions: and what is the error ?09:34
ikoniadquestions: and I assume you've done a "sudo apt-get update" first09:34
ikonia!info openssh-server gutsy09:34
mlbarnesikonia: I get this error update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/named: file does not exist09:35
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.6 (gutsy), package size 243 kB, installed size 644 kB09:35
ikoniamlbarnes: what is the name of the init script09:35
mlbarnesI tried switching it to bind9 and it gives me the syntax error message again09:35
ikoniamlbarnes: what is the name of the init script09:35
ikoniamlbarnes: so you did "sudo update-rc.d bind9 start 20 2 stop 20"09:36
illumin8Hmm, is possible the repositiry for his version doesnt contain ssh?09:36
mlbarnesyeah tried that and I get the syntax error message again09:36
SerWougot my new Wireless card : Alfa AWUS036H. I'm using ubuntu and I've compiled the r8187. I have several issue : "iwlist wlan0 scan" doesn't work at all, the "Gnome-NetworkManager" doesn't work neither, I tried to use wicd but it seems to work anymore when I specify the wirelessinterface is wlan0. That's a lot of trouble, anyone had the same issue before ?09:36
ikoniadquestions: if you do an apt-cache search openssh-server do you get a response / what version does it offer09:36
dec3164could someone help me with connecting to a remote printer?09:36
ikoniadquestions: what happens when you do a "sudo apt-get update"09:37
dquestionsstuff scrolls by.. ends with Reading package lists ... Done09:38
mlbarnesikonia I also get this message with that new command. update-rc.d: error: expected runlevel [0-9S] (did you forget "." ?)09:38
ikoniamlbarnes: I did forget the .09:38
illumin8dquestions, The final release of version 7.10 is scheduled for 18 October 2007 and will be supported for 18 months on both desktops and servers.09:38
mlbarnesikonia where does it go09:39
ikoniamlbarnes: just a moment09:39
click170Hey, I had a crash while synaptic was running, and now it says its unable to lock the list directory.  Does anyone know where the lock resides so I can delete it, or how to fix this?09:39
mlbarnesafter the first 20?09:39
illumin8dquestion have you considered going with 8.04? or 8.10?09:40
dquestionsi would rather do this...09:40
dquestionsi can upgrade later..09:40
illumin8dquestions, there has to be an offsite ssh for 7.1009:40
ikoniamlbarnes: just wait09:40
illumin8dquestions, ill see if i can find manual download.09:40
dquestionskool thanks09:40
dec3164could someone help me with connecting to a remote printer?09:40
dquestionsand then is there a way to upgrade my stuff from the command  line/09:41
dquestionsi dont care about settings or anything09:41
dquestionsi just want ssh09:41
dquestionsand upgrade09:41
dquestionsssh first09:41
FloodBot1dquestions: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:41
dquestionsthen upgrade =-(09:41
ikoniadquestions: yes, you can update from the command line09:41
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ikoniadquestions: can you please go into "/var/cache/apt" and remove "pkgcache.bin09:44
BattleStarJesusHello characters, do any of you have knowledge about printer configurations?  I am using HP printer and I want to print double sided, I do not seem to have this optin.  Suggestions?09:45
mlbarnesikonia: did I miss the new command?09:45
ikoniamlbarnes: no09:45
macoBattleStarJesus: print one side, flip the piece of paper, print the other side?09:45
ikoniamlbarnes: as there is already a "profile" for named, you should just be able to do "sudo update-rc.d bind9 defaults"09:46
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click170Hey does anyone know where I can either disable totem-video-indexer, or tell it not to index a directory?09:46
BattleStarJesusI have a larg document to pirint, I want to print 2 pages per side, and on each side.09:47
bona-adminhow do you open gkedit as root?09:48
camjayyo guys09:48
camjayim on ubuntu live cd right now09:48
camjayi got the unetbootin working09:48
FloodBot1camjay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:48
camjayI'm going to install ubuntu fully09:49
camjaybut it doesnt list any partitions09:49
ikoniacamjay: are you using raid09:49
camjay"Prepare Partitions" it says09:49
camjaymy HDD is just one NTFS partition09:49
ikoniacamjay: ok - so that will need to be resolved first09:49
ikoniacamjay: if there is no unallocaed space there may be no space to resize it09:49
glitsj16bona-admin: gksudo gedit09:50
zoltronanyone know how to adjust LCD brightness on a ThinkPad? the keys aren't working...09:50
camjayhow can i create unallocated space ?09:50
camjayto create a new partition09:50
camjaythat is09:50
ikoniacamjay: please stop using enter for one word responses09:50
bona-adminthanks glitsj1609:50
camjayOkay. Sorry about that. just a habit.09:50
ikoniacamjay:  you will have to look at a re-sizing tool if the ubuntu partitioner does not have space to resize it for you09:51
Dr_williscamjay,  use gparted to resize an existing parition.  th09:51
ikoniacamjay: the partition tool maybe able to resize it if there is some unallocated space09:51
Dr_williscamjay,  if resizing a NTFS - i find the vista resize tools to be MUCH MUCH faster.09:51
camjayim Dualing ubuntu live cd and XP sp209:51
mlbarnesikonia: is this what I want? Example of a command for installing a system initialization-and-shutdown script:09:51
camjaynot vista, so in xp sp2 what tools would i use?09:51
mlbarnesupdate-rc.d foobar start 45 S . start 31 0 6 .09:52
ikoniamlbarnes: yes09:52
ikoniacamjay: thats not dual booting09:52
ikoniacamjay: you don't dual boot a livecd09:52
Dr_williscamjay,  no idea. I rarely mexx with XP any more.  not sure it even has the tool. ask in #windows09:52
ikoniacamjay: a livecd boots from it's self09:52
camjaywell, its not a live "CD", its a live ISO09:53
camjayi guess i should have said that..09:53
ikoniacamjay: where is the ISO stored ?09:53
camjayon my windows NTFS partition09:53
camjayI used unetbootin with Grub-loader09:53
ikoniacamjay: thats why it can't resize it - that partition is in use09:53
camjayAlright, well i have no form of removable media09:55
ikoniacamjay: you'll have to delete the windows partition then09:55
ikoniacamjay: and / or buy some removable media09:55
camjaywell i know theres programs such as partitionmagic09:56
Dr_willisive seen 2gb thumbdrives for $5 on sale recently :) just the right size.09:56
camjaywhat about that?09:56
illumin8by defualt where does wget store downloads?09:56
Dr_willisillumin8,  where you ran the command from.09:56
jimcooncatDr_willis: where? pm me if you like09:56
Dr_willisillumin8,  if you are in /home/user/Desktop     its tehre..09:56
ikoniacamjay how can you run that09:56
ikoniacamjay: that's not an ubuntu support issue, I'd check partition magic support for that09:57
Dr_willisjimcooncat Walmart.09:57
dquestionshow do i upgrade from the command  line?09:57
SingAlongHi all09:57
illumin8dquestions, wants to know how to upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10 from the command line.09:57
jimcooncatDr_willis: Really! I hate going there. Need about 10 of 'em, I'll send my gf09:57
dquestionsi'm using 7.10 right now anc cant install anything at all09:57
illumin8Dr_willis, thanks09:58
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SingAlongIs there any temporary mount file in ubuntu except fstab?09:58
Dr_willisjimcooncat  this was at xmas time.. they may be out by now. its ahrd to tell. :) the had a rack of proberly 500+ of the things at this store.09:58
SingAlongI want to reset the mount points of my partitions. something screwed up and my partitions dont mount09:58
SingAlongso is there any temporary mount file?09:59
camjaySo if i am able to create new partitions, which filesystem will i want?09:59
Dr_willisSingAlong,  not in the way you are talking about.. If you want to mount them someplace else.. you can manually mnount them whever you want.09:59
camjayWill i want 3 partitions? One for linux swap and one for ext2?09:59
camjay(the other being windows ntfs)09:59
Dr_williscamjay,  how i normally do it (windows)(Linux)(swap)09:59
camjayHow big does swap need to be?10:00
SingAlongDr_willis: no I actually set the mount points by rightclicking and now I get an error "illegal characters in mount point"10:00
SingAlongDr_willis: so none of my partitions mount10:00
Dr_willisSingAlong,  ive never heard of anyone ever getting that right click stuff to 'work' :) those settings as far as i know are not in the fstab. they are a per user setting.. so are in your gnome settings somewhere.10:00
akventurewhat is the proper way to use the +x command to help mask an ip on irc?10:01
SingAlongDr_willis: how do I find that out?10:01
Dr_willisSingAlong,  most likely a space  in the mountpoint - from what i am imagining.10:01
Dr_willisSingAlong,  make a new user - see if they mount for him. would be a good test.10:01
SingAlongDr_willis: the character it said was GD_DIR_SEPARATOR10:01
SingAlongDr_willis: but anyway where can I reset those settings?10:02
camjayHmm. I might have to use a floppy drive and use partition logic, argh10:02
camjayi wish there was a way i could partition the drive while im using it10:02
camjaythe trouble is that i dont have a floppy drive, i'd have to go steal it from the other computer10:03
camjayafter i copied the partition program on it from the other pc. Hmm. sigh. brb10:03
Dr_willisSingAlong,  hard core way would be to reset all the gnome settings by removing the .gnome* and .gconf* directories.. which is why i said to test with a new user first.. befor going that hardcore10:03
dec3164camjay, just use a live ubuntu disc with gparted10:03
SingAlongDr_willis: oh ok10:04
camjayI would bro but i cant burn CD's10:04
camjayi have two cd burners, one fails to work anymore, the other: when i tried to burn the image to a CD-R it told me i had a bunk removable media, saying that the blank CD-R disk speeds didnt match up with the CD writers speeds10:05
camjayso i assume the media was incompatible with my other cd burner10:05
dec3164camjay, is your bios new enough to be able to boot from a flash drive?10:05
camjay4 yrs old10:05
camjayalthough i do have a flash drive10:05
camjay512MB, but thatd enough to hold a partition boot program10:05
camjayAh, ur a genius, hold on.10:06
cooldduuuddecamjay, to test that you can check the boot menu wen the pen drive is inserted. if you see the drive in the menu, your bios supports it.10:06
dec3164camjay, if you can't set your bios to boot from US, it's a moot point...10:06
illumin8could he resize the drive from inside wubi?10:07
SingAlongDr_willis: nope doesnt work10:07
SingAlongDr_willis: so is it dangerous to reset my gnome settings?10:07
camjayok guys, i got the USB drive10:08
camjayits 512MB10:08
camjayplugging it in now10:08
ikoniathat won't be big enough for a livecd10:08
camjayno i dont need it to be10:08
camjayi want to boot a partition program from it10:08
ikoniacamjay: check your bios first10:09
camjaythen i can create my partitions and re-run my grub loader unetbootin10:09
kosharicamjay get the gparted live iso, the wheel is already invented10:10
ikoniacamjay: check if you bios supports boot from USB first10:10
cooldduuuddeok guys i have a question. how 2 change filetype icons?10:11
ikoniacooldduuudde: it's managed through themes10:11
cooldduuuddeso how do i do it?10:12
ikoniacooldduuudde: look at existing themes to see how icons are defined in the themes10:12
cooldduuuddeikonia ok i have ubuntu studio theme and that's all i know.10:13
dec3164cooldduuudde, icons are kept in /usr/share/icons10:14
ikoniacooldduuudde: look / download a theme and look at how the icons are defined in the thtme files10:14
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petersonbrowser plugin for pdf ?10:15
petersonso tht pdf can be rendered in the browser window itseld10:15
petersonsorry.. :-)10:16
cooldduuuddei think what dec3164 said is right10:16
lokeshsir lenovo y500 seris keyboard&mous not working give me sulotion10:17
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo10:18
Dr_willisSingAlong,  you wuill lose all yoru settings.. but if it dosent work for your other new user.. it may not be a gnome setting issue10:18
lokeshhelp me sir10:18
Dr_willis!ask | lokesh10:19
ubottulokesh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:19
SingAlongDr_willis: it seems to be a HAL setting issue in gnome. as per the error msg10:19
SingAlongDr_willis: googled :)10:19
SingAlongDr_willis: but no solution10:19
Dr_willisSingAlong,  this is linux.. thers always a solution.. You could just mount the things manually.10:19
lokeshsir lenovo y500 seris keyboard&mous not working10:19
Dr_willisif you count a work around as a solution. :)10:19
ActionParsnip1lokesh: let me websearch10:20
NativeAngelsanyone know how you fix error #2002 on mysql10:21
ActionParsnip1lokesh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90210610:21
ikoniaNativeAngels: what ar eyou trying to do10:21
ActionParsnip1lokesh: you need some extra boot options. Otherwise its fine.10:21
lolipophello, when i type lsusb, i can see my thumbdrive, Bus 004 Device 005: ID 0951:1607 Kingston Technology , but how can i mount on it?10:21
ActionParsnip1lokesh: im suprised. Lenovo are awesome with linux10:21
NativeAngelsmy linux box shut down due to powerfailure10:21
NativeAngelson restarting mysql10:22
ActionParsnip1lolipop: run sudo fdisk -l   in terminal10:22
NativeAngelsand i got fail10:22
illumin8ikonia, just to update you, dquestions tried to do a dist-upgrade, apparenlty this whole time hes been running xubuntu. So hes going to burn a livecd and do a full install.10:22
ActionParsnip1lolipop: you will see the partition, is it ntfs formatted?10:22
ikoniaillumin8: xubuntu should still have openssh server10:22
NativeAngelsand in phpmyadmin getting error #200210:22
ikoniaNativeAngels: check if mysql is running - connnect on the command line and run a health check10:23
illumin8ikonia, right, but its 7.10 not supported anymore, so the repositories could be effected no?10:23
ikoniaillumin8: 7.10 is still supported10:23
lolipopthanks ActionParsnip110:23
NativeAngelshow do i do that ikonia10:23
ikoniaillumin8: it has a few months left10:23
ikoniaNativeAngels: use the "mysql" command to login10:23
ActionParsnip1illumin8: its on the repos so as long as your system has the oficial repos (more than likely does) it can be installed with: sudo apt-get install openssh-server10:23
ActionParsnip1lolipop: is it ntfs formatted?10:24
NativeAngelsi got this error ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)10:24
dquestionsso i think ssh should work10:24
dquestionsbut its not10:24
ikoniaNativeAngels: sounds like mysql is not running10:24
dquestionsand iposted my sources.list file10:24
dquestionsso hmm some help would be great10:24
ikoniadquestions: it should, did you delete the cache file like I asked ?10:24
dquestionsi'm actuallly using xubuntu10:24
NativeAngelshow do i fix it10:24
FloodBot1dquestions: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:24
ikoniaNativeAngels: start mysql10:24
suboubuntu 8.04 32bit  lenovo y500 seris keyboard&mous not working ?10:25
ActionParsnip1dquestions: try ssh username@localhost   from the system running ssh, this will test the ssh server is actually running10:25
illumin8ikonia, k sending him back to you for more help :)10:25
ActionParsnip1subo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90210610:25
lolipopActionParsnip1 : it is a fat3210:25
ActionParsnip1subo: are you lokesh??10:25
Vincemanthere is no music chatroom! :O10:25
lolipopActionParsnip1: but i dont know it cant auto mount anymore10:26
ActionParsnip1lolipop: then mount away :D. FAT32 is super supported.10:26
lolipopi dont know why*10:26
ActionParsnip1lolipop: what device is the partition (E.g. /dev/sgb2) and i'll give you the command10:26
ActionParsnip1lolipop: i dont use automount myself, it annoys me10:27
NativeAngelsi got start: unknown job: mysql10:27
lolipopActionParsnip1: hehe, i got it working now, thanks10:27
ActionParsnip1lolipop: cool :D no worries then. WTG!!10:27
Dr_willisit just magically started working?10:28
ActionParsnip1lolipop: sometimes they take their time cos usb is slooooow10:28
dquestionsso hmm ikonia10:28
ikoniaNativeAngels: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start10:28
dquestionsany ideas?10:28
petersonthts the first time i found someone with such a tempting name ..hehehehehe10:28
dquestionsdid you look at my sources.list?10:28
lolipopActionParsnip1: oh10:28
ikoniadquestions: did you remove the cache as I asked10:28
lolipoppeterson : yeah, cute right10:28
dquestionshmm i must have missed that? ikonia10:28
dquestionshow do i do that?10:28
ikoniadquestions: remove /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin10:29
NativeAngelsikonia when i did that i got fail10:29
ikoniaNativeAngels: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop10:29
NativeAngelsok now do i restart it ?10:30
jadohi i have a problem using svn+ssh : usually when i connect to the remote server i use the command "ssh user@blah.com" but when i try svn co "svn+ssh://blah.com:/mydirectoty/ myproject" i have this : "ssh: Could not resolve hostname blah.com:: Name or service not known"10:30
ikoniaNativeAngels: try start again now10:30
NativeAngelsstill getting fail10:31
ActionParsnip1jado: try pinging first and use the ip10:31
ikoniaNativeAngels: you need to look in the logs in /var/log to find out why it's not starting10:31
dquestionsikonia:  i did that then did .. update && install10:31
ikoniaNativeAngels: or use the safe_mysqld to see what it says10:31
dquestionsno luck10:31
ikoniadquestions: I didn't tell you to do that10:31
dquestionsso what do i do then ikonia10:32
jadoActionParsnip1: ping blah.com does not work but ssh user@blah.com works10:32
ikoniadquestions: I wanted you to check "sudo apt-get update" recreated that file first10:32
dquestionshere's my sourdces.list filea gain: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122732/10:32
ikoniajado: ssh+svn is not a command10:32
ActionParsnip1jado: try nslookup blah.com10:32
dquestionsikonia: yes it does10:33
ikoniadquestions: and is the date stamp correct ?10:33
ikoniajado: it's svn+ssh10:33
dquestionswhat does that even mean?10:33
ikoniajado: sorry - thats what you did10:34
jadoActionParsnip1: i got a "Non-authoritative answer" that gave me the ip10:34
ikoniadquestions: it means is the date stamp on the file today10:34
jadoikonia: np :)10:34
dquestionsikonia: if you mean ls -l, then yes10:34
ikoniadquestions: if you do dpkg -l | grep -i ssh  do you get any results ?10:35
dquestionsunder what directory?10:35
dquestionshome dir?10:35
dquestionsikonia: ?10:36
jadoActionParsnip1: i try "svn co svn+ssh://ip_address:/mydirectory/ myproject" and it says "Could not resolve hostname ip_address"10:36
NativeAngelswhen i did the safe_mysqld i got command not found10:36
ikoniadquestions: doesn't matter where10:36
jadoActionParsnip1: there may be to much securities on the remote server ?10:36
ikoniaNativeAngels: sorry, it's mysqld_safe10:36
dquestionsyes i get something about a  client and server....10:36
ikoniadquestions: ok - so ssh is already installed on that machine, at least as a client10:37
dquestionsrc openssh-server  1.4.6p1-5ubuntu0.6 secure shell server, rshd replacement10:37
NET||abuseaaaaaaacchchh,,,, i've lost the ability to alt+click to move windows around10:37
dquestionsyes it is10:37
ikoniadquestions: so why are you trying to install it ?10:37
NET||abusei've googled, i don't see a solution.10:37
ActionParsnip1jado: i don't think svn+ssh is a command (not one i've seen)10:37
dquestionsi need it as a server...10:37
Dr_willisNET||abuse,  Im constantly seeing people in here  that WANT to disable that.. :)10:37
NET||abuseDr_willis, i LOVE it10:37
Dr_willisNET||abuse,  i recall there being some 'compiz' way to get that on/off.10:37
dquestionsso i can connect to my machine removtely10:37
dquestionsthe screen dies when it tries to do anything raphic intensive10:38
Dr_willisNET||abuse,  I found a tool that enables the feature in windows also.10:38
dquestionsit freezes10:38
ikoniadquestions: the server is installed according to that package10:38
dquestionsso how do i install it then10:38
dquestionsstart it10:38
Dr_willisNET||abuse,  a Must have for 'netbooks' with little screens10:38
dquestionsssdh start?10:38
NET||abuseDr_willis, catmouse  in windows enables it as well as unfocused window scrolling10:38
ikoniadquestions: so you have /usr/sbin/sshd ?10:38
dquestionsno such file or dir10:38
NET||abuseDr_willis, but this is ubuntu, and it's the default, and somehow it's gone!!!! arrrg10:38
ikoniadquestions: was this always an ubuntu 7.10 install or have you upgraded from an earlier release ?10:39
dquestionsit was installed as xubuntu 7.10 clean10:39
NET||abuseDr_willis, even in metacity it's missing.10:39
ikoniadquestions: do you get anything from "ls -al /etc/init.d/ | grep ssh"10:39
Dr_willisNET||abuse,  check yoru compuiz settings, or disable it if you are using it as a test.. wats 'catmouse' in windows? an extra app? or some setting ive never seen befor.10:39
NET||abuseDr_willis, also i can't alt+mouse1+2 to resize the windows10:39
Dr_willisNET||abuse,  Hmm.. sure your alt-key is working?10:39
NET||abuseDr_willis, extra app10:40
jadoActionParsnip1: i made it work it was not "svn co svn+ssh://user@blah.com:/mydirectoty/ myproject" but "svn co svn+ssh://user@blah.com/mydirectoty/ myproject" (without the ' : ' after blah.com)10:40
NativeAngelsi got nohup: ignoring input and redirecting stderr to stdout10:40
NativeAngelsStarting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql10:40
NativeAngelsmysqld_safe[28693]: started10:40
NativeAngelsSTOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid10:40
NativeAngelsmysqld_safe[28703]: ended10:40
FloodBot1NativeAngels: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:40
Dr_willisNET||abuse,  googling now. : but comming up empty.10:40
dquestionssomething with root...    ssh.dpkg-new10:40
NET||abuseDr_willis, yeh, ctrl+alt+[left|right|up|down] are working fine for workspace switching10:40
ikoniadquestions: tht suggests there has been an ssh server install on that box, but some how you've removed the binary10:41
int256what is samba server ?10:41
riaalIm trying to install java1.4 (for a special application) on a 8.04 64bit realease, anyone know how I can do this? the one binary I have found won't work, and not sure what to install using apt-get10:41
ikoniadquestions: the version that is installed on the box also looks a little odd10:41
dquestionsikonia:  err hmm so how do i fix it10:41
int256sorry for asking. i will use google firts10:42
int256sorry for asking. i will use google first10:42
ikoniadquestions: just pondering - there is a bit of the puzzle missing here10:42
ikoniadquestions: is there anything that has happened to this machine that you've not mentioned, you've installed anything from an external place for example10:42
lianimatoris there a channel for OpenOffice?10:43
NativeAngelsikonia did you get what i pasted10:43
dquestionsthe first thing i tried to install was literally..sssh10:43
ikoniaNativeAngels: no10:43
NET||abuseDr_willis, found that app for windows   http://ehiti.de/katmouse/10:43
ActionParsnip1int256: samba is a way to share files with windows systems10:43
NativeAngelsill put it in pastebin10:43
ActionParsnip1int256: it will make your system look like a windows system sharing folders10:43
int256ActionParsnip1: is it a server. like apache10:43
dquestionsbig concern is how mesed up my damn sudo apt-get install is10:43
=== MartyMcFly is now known as Guest48871
ikoniadquestions: I don't think that's messed up10:44
dquestionsthen what10:44
dquestionscant i just isntall from source?10:44
dquestionslike the open ssh stuff10:44
dquestionsand just get on with it10:44
FloodBot1dquestions: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:44
ikoniadquestions: no, I'm just tyring to peice this together10:44
ActionParsnip1int256: it runs as a service like apache, if you browse to it with \\computername\sharename like in windows, the shared files will appear10:44
ikoniadquestions: if you chose to do that, your welcome to, but your 7.10 dependencies will be messed up10:44
NativeAngelsok its in paste bin ikonia10:44
ikoniaNativeAngels: I need a link10:45
ActionParsnip1int256: depending on credentials and samba's setting you will be able to read and/or write10:45
int256ActionParsnip1: i tried to download the binaries. but there is none for Ubuntu.10:45
ActionParsnip1int256: sudo apt-get install samba10:45
int256ActionParsnip1: ok10:45
ActionParsnip1int256: you are complicating things, you dont go to sites and download debs much in ubuntu10:45
ikoniadquestions: you said "apt-cache search ssh" returned no results ?10:45
riaalanyone? java1.4 on ubuntu 8.04 64bit10:46
ActionParsnip1!java | riaal10:46
dquestionsnow it rturns something10:46
ubotturiaal: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:46
NativeAngelsikonia http://paste.ubuntu.com/122754/10:46
NativeAngelsif thats right10:46
dquestionsno server.. just some java... and openssh-client10:46
ActionParsnip1riaal: there is ia32-sun-java5-bin - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (32-bit) and ia32-sun-java6-bin - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (32-bit). Or you can used icedtea10:47
dquestionsikonia: so.. no server in that list10:47
ikoniadquestions: what is the name of the mirror your using10:47
dquestionserr.. i have no clue?10:47
ikoniaNativeAngels: that meants it's starting and dieing straight away10:47
int256ActionParsnip1: any good software to use my webcam as security camera.10:47
ikoniaNativeAngels: look in the logs to see why - probably disk corruption, or lock on the socket file10:47
ikoniadquestions: it was in the sources.list you posted10:47
ikoniadquestions: name of the server10:48
NativeAngelshow do i sort the lock on the socket file ?10:48
grokencan anyone here assist me with a xen/jailtime install?10:48
dquestionsi have no clue where to find that name of server crap10:48
dquestionsbut there is my sources file10:48
illumin8ikonia, i checked out his pastbin on his source package. i think i see the error10:49
ikoniadquestions: I think I'm being a moron - I see it10:49
ikoniaillumin8: I've just seen it too10:49
illumin8ikonia, notice all the sources are commented out on his pastebin10:49
ikoniadquestions: yup10:49
ikoniaillumin8: only multiverse and partners exists10:49
FlynsarmyAny aussies with Internode on?10:49
ikoniaillumin8: only just spotted it10:49
int256any software to use my webcam as security camera.10:49
illumin8ikonia, so i was right?! :D10:49
ikoniaillumin8: bang on10:49
ikoniadquestions: you need to uncomment the repositories for gutsy main10:49
dquestionswhnat line?10:50
illumin8dquestions, your retrieving dependancys only from your cd rom atm accoriding to your ist10:50
dquestionsikonia:  what line though10:50
dquestionsillumin8: what line?10:50
thibaultjoin #Ubuntu-fr10:50
ikoniadquestions: #deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted10:50
NativeAngelshow do unlock the socket file then ?10:51
riaalActionParsnip1: whats idedtea?10:51
ikoniaillumin8: well spotted,10:51
illumin8ikonia, thanks :)10:52
dquestionsso then i do sudo apt-get update?10:52
dquestionsthen install?10:52
dquestionsno luck10:52
ikoniadquestions: what do you mean "no luck"10:52
ikoniadquestions: stop running ahread10:52
oCean_NativeAngels: stop running mysql server using "/etc/init.d/mysql stop"10:52
shadeslayerhi i was wondering if someone coul help me make a proposal to submit to my college to start a LUG10:52
dquestionsso what do i do now then10:52
dquestionsi uncomment line10:52
dquestionsthen what10:52
FloodBot1dquestions: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:52
dquestionsit still gives the same error10:52
ikoniadquestions:show me the line you just uncommented and what it looks like now10:52
oCean_shadeslayer: think #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place to ask10:53
dquestionsdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted10:53
ikoniadquestions: also uncomment #deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates main restricted10:53
dquestionsi also need deb-src no?10:53
ikoniadquestions: no10:53
dquestionsnow what10:53
shadeslayeroCean_: thanks10:53
int256any software to use my webcam. just to use it. pls any body help10:54
ikoniadquestions: now do a "sudo apt-get update" and pay close attention to the output, as the reason they where commented out was because they couldn't be used at some point10:54
ActionParsnip1riaal: its an open solution to java and can be 64bit10:54
ikoniadquestions: look for any errors/warnings in the output of the update10:55
zeltakanyone know whre i can get mpd 0.14 pacakges/ppa for intrepid?10:55
ActionParsnip1riaal: sudo apt-get install icedtea6-plugin10:55
ActionParsnip1!info icedtea6-plugin10:55
ubottuicedtea6-plugin (source: openjdk-6): web browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java applets. In component main, is extra. Version 6b12-0ubuntu6.1 (intrepid), package size 69 kB, installed size 276 kB10:55
dquestionsstill says Failed to fetch cdrom crap10:56
dquestionswhen i do a sudo apt-get update10:56
ikoniadquestions: comment out the CD line in sources.list10:56
ikoniadquestions: and please control your language - we know what "wtf" means10:56
dquestionsokay now there are no error ikonia10:57
dquestionsi tried sudo apt-get install  w/e10:57
dquestionsno luck10:57
ikoniadquestions: ok - so now "sudo apt-get upgrade"10:57
ikoniadquestions: STOP doing what you want to do10:57
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ikoniadquestions: I've asked you to STOP running ahead10:57
riaalActionParsnip1: but I need java 1.4 its for an old custom app10:57
saadi559596i am using pidgin messenger it crashes after some time ...what can be the reason?10:57
dquestionsokay its updating10:57
dquestionsnow... what should i do?10:57
ikoniadquestions: ok - wait for it to finish updating so we know your at the correct current versions first10:58
ikoniadquestions: this way all the current dependencies should be met or highlighted if there are any problems10:58
ActionParsnip1riaal: isnt it backward compatible?10:58
zeltakanyone using mpd in intrepid? (music player deamon)?10:59
dquestionsikonia: how do i know that?10:59
ikoniadquestions: it does it all automatically - any problems it will tell you10:59
dquestionsso its no errors then ic an do the sudo apt-get install10:59
ikoniadquestions: ok - now look at apt-cache search ssh10:59
ikoniadquestions: what options are offered ?10:59
riaalActionParsnip1:  I tought so, but the app is complaining11:00
saadi559596anyone know some close to the real yahoo messenger thru which i can see others cam?11:00
larsweyHello, Is there a way I could use a proxy for programs running in terminal?11:00
ActionParsnip1riaal: in what way complaining?11:00
NativeAngelsoCean_ i did that11:01
Dr_willislarswey,  depends on the terminal program. theres a enviroment variable  PROXY  (i think) that many support.11:01
NativeAngelswill it work now ?11:01
saadi559596anyone know some close to the real yahoo messenger thru which i can see others cam?11:01
riaalActionParsnip1: "Install a supported viritual... release"11:01
ActionParsnip1riaal: you could look in backports for olde java11:01
larsweyokey Dr_willis, Do you know where I can find it?11:02
oCean_NativeAngels: I only saw the paste you did, I don't know what the actual problem is. Starting mysqld from commandline will conflict with already-running mysql11:02
riaalActionParsnip1: where is that?11:02
Dr_willislarswey,  google? :) check the docs for the app you are interested in?  check its man pages?11:02
hay_ig2000hi all, is there a program to draw on desktop before taking a screen shot? as firegestures addon in firefox11:02
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:02
ikoniaNativeAngels: did you look in the log files as I suggested ?11:02
oCean_NativeAngels: what is it that you want to do?11:02
NativeAngelsmy linux box rebooted due to power failure11:02
ikoniaoCean_: mysqld isn't starting at boot - which looks like it's due to either DB corruption, or a locking problem on the socket file because his machine was shut of11:03
dquestionsstill scrolling by stuff11:03
ikoniaMrNouty|MartinN0: why ar eyou posting that here ?11:03
NativeAngelsand on going to phpmyadmin i got erro #200211:03
MrNouty|MartinN0ikonia: cause11:03
NativeAngelswhere do i find the log file11:03
ikoniaNativeAngels: forget phpadmin11:03
Dr_willislarswey,  a fast google shows --> http://kryptoz.wordpress.com/2007/09/19/the-http_proxy-environment-variable-setup-proxy-setting-in-a-linux-machine/11:03
ikoniaMrNouty|MartinN0: because what ?11:03
MrNouty|MartinN0cause this11:03
ikoniaMrNouty|MartinN0: this is ubuntu support only - your link spamming, plese do'nt11:03
Markosomg ati' drivers are so bad11:04
oCean_ikonia: ah, ok.11:04
NativeAngelstheres nothing in the mysql folder11:04
ikoniaNativeAngels: what directory are you looking ?11:04
=== MrNouty|MartinN0 is now known as MrNouty|Martin
Markoschanging my res just crashed my xserver, and curroped my amdpcsdb11:04
NativeAngels>> /var/log11:05
Markosreplaced it with the default, tv out was permantley disabled11:05
Markosfound a old amdpcsdb, and it works again11:05
Markoscurse you ati11:05
oCean_NativeAngels: if logging is not enabled (in my.cnf file) there probably is no logging. First: the mysqld is -at this moment- *not* running? And in /var/run/mysqld is there a file called mysqld.sock?11:06
Ian__does intel support server 1.6 yet?11:06
hay_ig2000is there a special irc channel for opensource programs?11:06
ikoniaNativeAngels: you don't have mysql.log and mysql.err in /var/log11:06
ikoniahay_ig2000: each program has it's own specific channel, check the freenode URL for info11:07
=== Ian__ is now known as Ian_Corne
Vincemanpermission to ask musical questions here11:07
ikoniaVinceman: are they related to ubuntu ?11:07
Vincemanikonia, no, where can I go11:07
Dr_willisThe Offical Ubuntu Them Song! :011:07
ikoniaVinceman: not here pleae11:07
Dr_willis#music ? ;)11:07
Vincemandoesn't exist11:07
badpHello. My laptop does not support any fancy HW-level acceleration capability. Does that cut me off from using KVM?11:07
NativeAngelsnothing in that folder ikonia11:07
oCean_NativeAngels: did you read what i asked?11:08
ikoniaNativeAngels: show me the output of "ls /var/log | grep -i mysql"11:08
ikoniabadp: cpu virtualizaion - yes11:08
badpNo cpu virt, no KVM then? Cool11:08
ikoniabadp: pretty much yes11:09
badpI don't need to figure out how to network the thing then :D11:09
ikoniadquestions: how's it looking ?11:09
dquestionsikonia:  i think it installed fine11:10
dquestionsimma try /etc/sbin/sshd start?11:10
dquestionsor should i do restart intead?11:10
ikoniadquestions: openssh-server did ? or just the updates11:10
ikoniadquestions: openssh-server did ? or just the updates ?11:10
NativeAngelsto ikonia11:10
ikoniaNativeAngels: ok - so what's in those files?11:11
ikoniadquestions: ahh great, so it's installed11:11
dquestionsikonia: but i dont think its  starting11:11
ikoniadquestions: what makes you think that ?11:11
RussianHey everyone11:11
dquestionshmm maybe its really slow11:11
dquestionsi'm doing a ssh localhost.. that seems to work11:11
dquestionshow do i make sure it starts on restart?11:11
ikoniadquestions: great, so it's working then11:11
dquestionslike on its own11:11
ikoniadquestions: that's auto setup for you already11:12
dquestionsokay wish me luck then11:12
ikonia"your welcome"11:12
RussianI am doing a small research on How many people have a webcam, could you please leave a vote =) -->  http://c0mmand.co.uk/Poll/WebcamPoll.html11:12
ikoniaRussian: please do'nt take polls in here11:13
Russianikonia: sorry11:13
ikoniaRussian: thanks11:13
Dr_willis"Helping to prevent Rick-Rolls" is our job. :)11:14
NativeAngelshow do i read those files ikonia11:15
ikoniaNativeAngels: the files - the ones you said to me 2 times where not there ?11:15
ikoniaNativeAngels: you open them in a text editor11:15
NativeAngelssorry i did nano and the filenames but they was blank11:16
shadeslayerhi how do i install open office 3??11:16
NET||abuseI've got a real problem, i can't get the alt+mouse1 drag window and alt+mouse2 resize window shortcuts to work at all,, i've checked ccsm and the move window and resize window plugins are on, exiting out to metacity doesn't have the controls either.. something is broken11:17
NET||abusecan anyone tell me where in metacity to check, the default gnome setting in preferences->keyboard shortcuts don't mention any resize or drag window options11:17
shadeslayeralso the keypad on my laptop keyboard wont wok11:17
oCean_NativeAngels: "cd /var/log" and do a "grep -i mysql daemon.log" That's where the logging went probably11:17
gmathewsHi, I would like to isntall xchat on intrepid but I don't know how to without an internet connection11:19
dquestionsthanks everyones, works great now11:19
ikoniagmathews: you'd have to put the packges on a cd11:19
NET||abusegmathews, that's insane, no internet connection, and you want to install xchat???11:19
glitsj16zeltak: did you find that mpd 0.14 intrepid repo yet ?11:19
zeltaknot yet11:19
gmathewsNET||abuse: its for a local irc server on our lan11:20
zeltaki can only find packages for jaunty11:20
glitsj16zeltak: http://philip.magicalforest.se/, just added the repo, upgraded mpd and all's working well11:20
gmathewsikonia: but each package needs a dependacy...;/ using 8.1011:20
zeltaksweet thx :)11:20
ikonia!aptoncd > gmathews11:20
ubottugmathews, please see my private message11:20
glitsj16zeltak: very welcome, mpd is just the max :)11:20
zeltakwhich client do you use it with (ive never used it before just starting with it :)11:21
NET||abusegmathews, oh,,, on an interpid with the same architecture as the target machine, do apt-get install --download-only xchat, then you should have the xchat deb in your apt cache11:21
gmathewsikonia: that doesnt help since I dont have an ubuntu machine on the internet at the moment ;/11:21
ikoniagmathews: then you can't be helped11:21
gmathewsthat sucks...11:21
ikoniagmathews: unless you want to manually download the packge from the repos on another box11:21
gmathewsubuntu without internet is a headache11:22
NET||abusegmathews, your apt cache incase you need to know, is in /var/cache/apt/archives.11:22
ikoniagmathews: not really - it's the same for any program you download from the internet11:22
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NET||abusegmathews, ok, can you get the office to setup an apt mirror or apt-cacher11:22
gmathewsNET||abuse: using winblows at varsity now11:23
ikoniagmathews: it's called "windows" please11:23
NET||abuseok,, well, i always thought aptitude show [package] should show the deb url11:23
NativeAngelsoCean_  that opened11:24
gmathewsexe's are easy to download and install11:24
gmathewsno dependencies etc...11:24
glitsj16zeltak: i use gmpc11:24
gmathewsiw as checking packages.ubuntu.com for xchat11:24
FloodBot1MrNouty|Martin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:24
gmathewsthere is a good long list for dependancies there11:24
oCean_NativeAngels: can you paste output in pastebin?11:24
zeltakk gotcha. so basiclly i need to edit the etc/mpd.conf and install gmpc right??11:24
NET||abusegmathews, the other nasty is you would have to resolve all dependancies by hand.11:25
glitsj16zeltak: hang on, i'll give you a link for gmpc11:25
gmathewsNET||abuse: each dependancy has other dependancies ;[11:25
zeltakthx glitsj16 i appriciate it11:25
NET||abusegmathews, yep :)11:25
FloodBot1MrNouty|Martin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:25
NET||abusegmathews, the beauty of a working internet connected package manager11:26
bazhang!ot > MrNouty|Martin11:26
FloodBot1MrNouty|Martin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:26
ubottuMrNouty|Martin, please see my private message11:26
NET||abusewhat the heck is that about?11:27
ikoniaNET||abuse: sorted, don't worry11:27
NativeAngelsoCean_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/122775/11:27
glitsj16zeltak: http://gmpc.wikia.com/wiki/Gnome_Music_Player_Client11:27
zeltakthx man.11:27
glitsj16zeltak: gotta go out for a few minutes, if you need additional info, i might catch you later, very welcome11:27
NET||abuseright, have to figure out this annoyance i'm having,, i can't alt-drag or alt-resize windows, metacity or compiz :(11:28
zeltakthx again11:28
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts11:28
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts11:28
gmathewsSomeone should create a program to create a file of installed files on ubuntu, then you bring that file to a working internet connection and you can download programs that you need..that is for those of us who dont haev a working internet connection11:29
NET||abuseshadeslayer, yeh, my keyboard shortcuts don't have the alt-drag or alt-resize settings in there, are they meant to be in there?11:29
NET||abuseshadeslayer, not sure if you were refering to my questions, but i have checked the compiz resize and move plugins and gnome keyboard settings,, they're not available.11:29
Favoritgmathews: eh?11:29
CK-TECHhow to format HDD to NTFS in ubuntu 8.1011:30
Favoritgmathews: write those down in a text-file then apt-get those when you're in the internet-enabled zone? :)11:30
oCean_NativeAngels: ok, one of the errors is "Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Cannot assign requested address", followed by "Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306"11:30
shadeslayerNET||abuse: well i  was having problems of my own11:30
shadeslayerwith the keyboard11:30
grokencan anyone explain what version i would want from here? http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/11:30
NativeAngelsno but when the power went down got another localip11:31
NativeAngelsthe ip changed11:31
shadeslayermy numeric pad isnt detected11:31
oCean_NativeAngels: type "sudo netstat -anp | grep 3306"11:31
FavoritCK-TECH: apt-get install ntfsprogs, man mkfs.ntfs11:31
NET||abuseshadeslayer, ah, ok ;) i'm actually having window focus changing issues, i can't click on the window to just change thej active window.l.... wtf is going on???11:32
=== Blacki_ is now known as Blacki
shadeslayerhi does anyone run a Dell XPS M1530 ??11:32
NativeAngelsthat showed nothing oCean_11:32
NET||abusei have to alt-tab to change window focus..11:32
shadeslayerwith Ubuntu11:32
ikoniashadeslayer: is doing here on a 133011:32
shadeslayerikonia: whats the keyboard layout set??11:32
NET||abusei havn'jt installed anything new in the last 24 hours, it was working yesterdayu11:32
oCean_NativeAngels: now type "ls -al /var/run/mysqld/"11:33
ikoniashadeslayer: eb_gb for me11:33
NET||abusethe updates ran thismorning is the only other occurance i can think of ...11:33
NET||abusearrrrrrgggggg,,,,, freaking hell.11:33
Favoritshadeslayer: if you upgraded your ubuntu from older release, you want to clear your profile data, since I've heard from people that ev* layouts changed.11:33
shadeslayerikonia: where's that??11:33
ikoniashadeslayer: thats in the setup11:33
shadeslayerFavorit: installed Ubuntu over kubuntu11:34
shadeslayeri.e GNOME11:34
shadeslayerikonia: where?? System>prefrences>keyboard??11:34
ikoniashadeslayer: oh, I set it up at install time, don't know what it is in the gui11:35
oCean_NativeAngels: Hmm .. that's empty too, so there is no conflict with (non)existing socket file.11:36
oCean_NativeAngels: when you try to start mysqld_safe (from cli) you tried is as root, I mean using "sudo" ?11:36
=== Guest81944 is now known as markus_
NativeAngelsoCean_ i got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/122782/11:38
GeneralGustavAny conky users here?11:39
oCean_NativeAngels: yes, that was using "sudo" !?11:39
GeneralGustavNativeAngels, Was that a yes to my question? lol11:39
oCean_NativeAngels: errors in previous output imply that there *is* a process running on port 3306.11:39
oCean_NativeAngels: but "sudo netstat -anp | grep 3306" gives nothing ,right11:40
GeneralGustavNativeAngels, Do you know if its at all possible to turn conky into a sidebar? So to speak?11:40
snadgei have enabled simultanous output device with paprefs, and im trying to get sound to come out both my usb headset and my onboard audio.. when i move the mouse over an mp3 to preview it, i can hear the mp3.. if i double click with totem, i can see that its playing the song.. but i cant hear anything, also same happens with firefox.. can anyone suggest what to do?11:40
grokenhow do i know if i should use debootstrap_1.0.10_all.deb or debootstrap_1.0.10ubuntu3_all.deb or one of the many other version available?11:40
NativeAngelsno it oCean_11:41
oCean_NativeAngels: ok, I'm wondering what latest errors in daemon.log are .. "grep -i mysql /var/log/daemon.log | tail -40"  <-- paste that output. That should be from the last time you tried to start...11:42
Antithesis7hey all noob alert11:43
Antithesis7how do I list all the systems users at root prompt?11:43
shadeslayerAntithesis7: huh?? like GNOME and such??11:44
BoohbahAntithesis7: cat /etc/passwd11:44
rwwAntithesis7: "cat /etc/passwd" will show all of your system's users, including those used by system processes, and various information about them. "man 5 passwd" for info on the format of the output.11:45
shadeslayerhi i need to remap my complete keyboard the numpad keys dont work11:45
cristihello! i have a problem with eclipse for cpp, after a few secconds of running eclipse i get an error: http://pastebin.com/m3f6e6c9011:46
Antithesis7I've found the one I want now I want to change their passwd11:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remap11:46
Antithesis7actually let me look that up11:46
prodigelhi all. I've just upgrade one computer to intrepid, and kde won't start anymore. after I give him the user and password it doesn't show anything.11:46
rwwAntithesis7: You can change a user's password with sudo passwd usernamehere11:46
Antithesis7thanks rww11:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xkb11:47
prodigelI would like to make a default session start, but donno how11:48
CurtmanHow do I stop ubuntu from ever installing pulse audio again?  Every time it does my audio breaks horribly.11:48
DIFH-icerootCurtman: just dont use sudo apt-get install pulseaudio11:49
cristi hello! i have a problem with eclipse for cpp, after a few secconds of running eclipse i get an error: http://pastebin.com/m3f6e6c90 . Can anyone help me? it's most likely a java problem...11:50
CurtmanDIFH-iceroot, I would never ever do that.  I would rather apt-get shootmyselfintheface11:50
rwwcristi: What version of Ubuntu are you using?11:51
* Curtman hates pulseaudio more than he's ever hated any software before11:51
shadeslayerhi my keyboard has some keys not working11:51
cristirww: 8.04 , eclipse used to work just fine untill today11:51
BoohbahCurtman: E: Invalid operation shootmyselfintheface11:51
ubottuhate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy11:51
CurtmanIs there nothing like Gentoo's /etc/portage/package.mask, where I could add a package that I specifically never want installed?11:52
Etheraelhey guys, does anyone know if you can use a symbian based phone with bluetooth as a remote control for linux?11:52
Curtmanubottu, Why keep installing a piece of software that I've removed probably 20 times now?11:52
cristirww: i think i removed a package with sudo apt-get autoremove or something11:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:52
prodigelsorry for my insistence, can anyone help me with my kde error? thanks11:53
shadeslayerprodigel: whats the problem??11:53
NET||abuseanyone who cares, my window drag/resize issues were something to do with my usb mouse,, i just fiddled with the 7 didfferent buttons ont he damn thing, reseated the usb dongle and it all works again, must have been an anciliarry button held pressed in or something...11:54
Master_J./configure --with-showlistmodes --enable-hub --enable-prefixaq --with-listen=5 --with-dpath=/home/shady/Unreal3.2.7 --with-spath=/home/shady/Unreal3.2.7/src/ircd --with-nick-history=2000 --with-sendq=3000000 --with-bufferpool=18 --with-hostname=amir-desktop --with-permissions=0600 --with-fd-setsize=1024 --enable-dynamic-linking11:54
Master_Jchecking for gcc... gcc11:54
Master_Jchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:54
Master_JSee `config.log' for more details.11:54
Master_Jhow can i fix this?11:54
Master_JI am not being able to compile Unrealircd.11:54
Master_JI am new to ubuntu.11:54
FloodBot1Master_J: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:54
Master_JPlease guide me.11:54
shadeslayer!paste | Master_11:55
ubottuMaster_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:55
shadeslayerooh FloodBot1,2 and 311:55
cristihello! i have a problem with eclipse for cpp, after a few secconds of running eclipse i get an error: http://pastebin.com/m3f6e6c90 . Can anyone help me? it's most likely a java problem...11:55
prodigelshadeslayer, now it just logs me out after I give him the credentials11:55
SPFMaster_J: check if you have permission to create the executable or overwrite it11:55
prodigelshadeslayer, previously was displaying the wallpaper but nothing more11:56
shadeslayerprodigel: i cant quite get you,please paste in one line11:56
SPFMaster_J: or type tail config.log11:56
BoohbahMaster_J: sudo apt-get install libc6-dev11:57
Master_JSPF how can i check the permissions/11:57
zipperUsing umbrello (UML modeling tool) i'm unable to find a way to export the diagrams to PNG or any other kind of pictures although their website indicated that it's possible. Anyone know how?11:57
Master_Jchmod -R-urx ./configure --with-showlistmodes --enable-hub --enable-prefixaq --with-listen=5 --with-dpath=/home/shady/Unreal3.2.7 --with-spath=/home/shady/Unreal3.2.7/src/ircd --with-nick-history=2000 --with-sendq=3000000 --with-bufferpool=18 --with-hostname=amir-desktop --with-permissions=0600 --with-fd-setsize=1024 --enable-dynamic-linking11:57
Master_Jchecking for gcc... gcc11:58
Master_Jchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:58
Master_JSee `config.log' for more details.11:58
BoohbahMaster_J: please do not paste in here11:58
shadeslayer! remap11:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remap11:58
prodigelshadeslayer, :). I've upgraded to intrepid, after reboot kde wasn't working anymore. first it gave me an error about the current session(an alert box). I've tried to log in, but nothing showed on desktop except the wallpaper. Tried rebooting, changing session settings, no success. Now after another reboot it's kicking me to login screen just moments after it accepts my credentials11:58
zipper! umbrello11:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about umbrello11:58
cristirww: so, can you help me?11:58
rww!b-e | Master_J: you need to install the build-essential package11:58
ubottuMaster_J: you need to install the build-essential package: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:58
rwwcristi: sorry, had to leave the computer for a minute. I'm looking for info now.11:59
cristirww: yay! :D11:59
garouHi. I feel a bit like a sloth coming out of winter sleep, but... What distribution do we have? Is it still Ibex?12:01
oCean_cooldduuudde: garou, jaunty is the development version. Not stable, will break things12:02
garouIs there something like sid these days?12:02
garouIs jaunty that?12:02
oCean_garou: so intrepid is current version indeed12:02
rwwcristi: Looks like the bug you're experiencing was has been reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/174759 with a possible solution here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/174759/comments/5912:02
DIFH-icerootgarou: yes12:02
DIFH-icerootgarou: #ubuntu+112:02
cristirww: i'll take a look now12:02
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!12:03
rwwgarou: Intrepid is the current Stable version. Jaunty is the current development version, and will become stable in April (probably). Ubuntu doesn't have a perpetually unstable distro like Debian's sid.12:04
garouOkay, now for the big one. I want to build an Ubuntu-based Live- and Install-CD for a system that I tweaked. What tools are there to use?12:04
cristirww: so i should do this? -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/eclipse/core/internal/dtree/DataTreeNode,forwardDeltaWith12:04
SPFMaster_J: could you send tail config.log to pastebin?12:04
cristirww: in eclipse.ini12:04
GeneralGustavAnyone here a conky boffin?12:04
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:04
rwwcristi: looks like it, yeah12:04
cooldduuuddeis jaunty same as interpid updated till april?12:04
garourww: You're treading on my dreams. :(12:05
Master_JSPF wait a minute12:05
wxjeaceni can speak english well12:05
Master_Jwhat`s the link to pastebin/12:05
wxjeacenit doese not mater12:05
dinesh372what is the architecture of ubuntu12:05
rwwdinesh372: i686 and amd6412:05
quibblerwxjeacen: welcome12:05
SPFMaster_J: http://pastebin.com/12:05
rww!paste | Master_J12:05
ubottuMaster_J: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:05
wxjeacen<quibbler>thank you12:06
tablaUPTIME = "eval exec - expr `date +%s` - \\$F | awk '{print \"Irssi uptime: \"int(\\\\\\$1/3600/24)\"d \"int(\\\\\\$1/3600%24)\"h \"int(\\\\\\$1/60%60)\"m \"int(\\\\\\$1%60)\"s\" }'";12:06
dinesh372rww: thanks12:06
bauer_how to create a new user ?12:06
rwwcooldduuudde: No. Ubuntu doesn't update its distributions with new major versions of software after they become stable so, for example, Intrepid will never have OpenOffice.org 3, but Jaunty does.12:06
dinesh372rww : is it i686 or i38612:06
akhil_I get a "Can't connect RFCOMM socket: Host is down" message when i try to connect to my mobile using "sudo rfcomm connect obexaddress 1". Is there any other way i can connect to my mobile?12:06
quibblerbauer_: system-administration-user and groups12:06
cooldduuudderww okay cool12:07
bauer_quibbler, i am there , but no way to do it ?12:07
petaflothello! I have a problem with my ssh server. I'd like to allow keys in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to login, I've uncommented the line and restarted ssh but no success, I still get prompted for a password12:08
rwwdinesh372: I'm not sure. The 32-bit .iso file is labeled as i386, but the kernel reports as i686.12:08
quibblerbauer_: you have to unlock and then you can add user12:08
=== sale_ is now known as sale
bauer_quibbler, unlock ?12:08
rwwdinesh372: What is it you're looking to download?12:08
NativeAngelsoCean_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/122790/12:08
dinesh372rww : I want to download bochs12:09
bauer_quibbler, unlock is shaded12:09
quibblerbauer_: in the window do you not see a unlock button?12:09
SPFMaster_J: please include your paste id as well12:09
rwwdinesh372: There's a bochs package in Ubuntu's universe repository, you know.12:09
Master_Jhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/122791/ << check this link12:10
rww!info bochs | dinesh37212:10
ubottubochs (source: bochs): IA-32 PC emulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3.7-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 923 kB, installed size 2964 kB12:10
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quibblerhe's gone?12:11
cooldduuuddeyeah he is.lol12:11
SPFMaster_J: could you also include config.log ?12:11
Master_Jthat config.log12:11
rwwMaster_J: your logfile still says "C compiler cannot create executables", which is a good indication that you didn't install the build-essential package.12:12
dinesh372rww : i know that but i want to use pint \os in which instructions are given that the distribution along with operating system has bugs so it need to install manually12:12
Master_J*that`s config.log12:12
Master_Ji am downloading libc6-dev12:12
SPFrww: good point12:12
Master_JWill that work?12:12
GeneralGustavAnyone good with conky here?12:13
SkyNetMasterhow stable is Jaunty  alfa for install on work laptop?12:13
SPFMaster_J: I would install build-essential12:13
orflonhello, I have ubuntu 8.10, I want to make vmc (vodafone) card work. I have Internet connection, only after I edit resolv.conf and changing the nameservers to opendns. Can that be automatically?12:13
rwwSPF: and one which I made 15 minutes ago. I guess Master_J missed it ;)12:13
SPFMaster_J: apt-get install build-essential12:13
rwwSkyNetMaster: Not very. It's alpha for a reason. Don't use it in a production environment, please.12:13
dinesh372rww: i have send u the response have u read it12:13
rwwdinesh372: What version of Ubuntu are you using?12:14
dinesh372rww: this is the link http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs140/projects/pintos/pintos_12.html#SEC16412:14
dinesh372rww : i am using 8.1012:14
mobodoI would like to resize a partition that's on two raid 1 drives - anyone is familiar with mdadm and this kind of procedure wants to confirm a few things with me as I do it? I just don't want to screw things up....12:15
oCean_NativeAngels: ok. It seems to me that you've tried to start the mysqld_safe twice. First without using SUDO, hence the errors like "does not have acess rights" etc, etc .12:15
rwwdinesh372: oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, since you have specific patches you need to apply, you can't use the repository version. Yeah, you should be fine using the version on bochs' website.12:15
cristirww: i guess it works now, thank you!12:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubot312:16
oCean_NativeAngels: a bit after that, you started as root, but then it complains on not being able to connect to localhost port 3306. Even when you say nothing is running on 3306. So we may try starting mysql using another port. Just for test/debug purposes12:16
SkyNetMasterrww thanx, I just so exaited to use it :) so I want it on my laptop12:16
oCean_NativeAngels: that'll be something like "mysqld_safe --port=3308" (for example)12:16
homercyclesI installed cairo but found it was crap, so I removed it. When I also told it to remove libcairo2 Synaptic also wants to remove a hell of a lot more, such as Compiz, etc. How could this be?12:17
quibblerGeneralGustav: nice long thread in the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20586512:17
oCean_NativeAngels: and don't forget to use sudo, else we mix up the error messages12:17
Master_JGot disconnected12:17
=== Keith is now known as KeithGS
Master_JI just installed ubuntu, what are the required programs that i need to install?12:18
GeneralGustavquibbler, I'll take a look thanks.12:18
Master_Jyou there?12:18
rwwMaster_J: Again, in case you missed it, you need the "build-essential" package to be able to compile software.12:19
=== KeithGS is now known as Keith
Master_Jrww how am i suppose to do that/12:19
Master_JCan you please guide me/12:19
aprilharehello: i'm trying to connect to my wireless router using my laptop and jaunty. the router uses WPA-PSK security. will WPA Personal work?12:19
bazhangaprilhare, #ubuntu+1 for that12:20
Master_Jits working12:20
rwwMaster_J: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager. Type "build-essential" in the search box. Click the box next to the build-essential package and click "Mark for installation", then click Apply.12:20
SPFMaster_J: apt-get install build-essential12:20
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo12:20
ActionParsnip1SPF: that'll need sudo12:20
SPFActionParsnip1: unless you're root12:21
quibblerGeneralGustav: another nice long thread in the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86932812:21
ActionParsnip1SPF: no one should be root12:21
sschillachiWhenever I try to open any picture with eye of gnome I get an error that 'The given locations contain no images.' I ran it in the terminal and I get lots of libgnomevfs-CRITICAL errors. Can anyone help?12:21
ActionParsnip1sschillachi: can you open it with outher apps, just to test12:21
rwwsschillachi: copy the terminal error output to paste.ubuntu.com, then link the paste page here12:22
SPFActionParsnip1: I know, I was too lazy to put sudo in front12:22
sschillachifirefox web browser works, but not f-spot12:22
dinesh372rww: yes i downloaded the .rpm file but it is not opening saying the archeiving format is not supported12:22
ActionParsnip1SPF: should be second nature with apt, due to it needing sudo, plus s/he sounds like sounds like s/he is new to ubuntu so full commands are good12:22
vigoHow do I fix or make a Grub detect and display a second HDD with a different OS on it? (not windows)12:23
GeneralGustavquibbler, Yeah I saw those two but I cant seem to find a way of making conky stay on top but also restrict the windowspace. Like a google sidebar for instance.12:23
ActionParsnip1vigo: you will need extra entries in /boot/grub/menu.list that point to the other partitions on the other drive12:23
Master_JSPF will it auto install after i down that package?12:23
rwwdinesh372: You downloaded the wrong file. You want the .tar.gz file, not the .rpm.12:23
vigoActionParsnip1: Thank you12:24
CurtmanHow do I stop ubuntu from ever installing pulse audio again?  Every time it does my audio breaks horribly.12:24
steveccchi all - did anyone have a similar fault a few weeks ago where after an update the sound stopped working and now has a no entry system on the volume control?12:24
=== im is now known as alfaromeo
ActionParsnip1sschillachi: try reinstalling the app you are having issues with12:24
steveccccurtman: are our problems linked - was that following a standard update?12:24
ActionParsnip1!grub | vigo12:24
ubottuvigo: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:24
ActionParsnip1vigo: that may give some clues12:24
jonaskoelkerI mount some devices with fuse (some iso files and a single sshfs).  How do I make them not show up on my desktop?12:24
Curtmansteveccc, Pretty much every update of any kind, Ubuntu thinks it knows better than me and reinstalls pulseaudio.12:25
vigoActionParsnip1: Thank you again!12:25
sschillachii have done. I get similar errors with eye of gnome and f-spot though, both libgnomevfs-CRITICAL errors, which is making me think that's the problem12:25
cooldduuuddehow do i obtain the uuid of my hds?12:25
ActionParsnip1jonaskoelker: theres a setting in gnome-something12:26
steveccccurtman: in my case sound was working fine and i installed all updates (must admit I didnt read what they were) and then i find sound doesnt work.  What was your resolution - just remove pulseaudio files?12:26
rww!uuid | cooldduuudde12:26
ubottucooldduuudde: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:26
jonaskoelkerActionParsnip1: zsh: command not found: gnome-something12:26
Master_Jhow can i check my ip`s?12:26
Master_Jlike i type ipconfig/all in windows12:26
rwwMaster_J: ipconfig -a12:26
sschillachiActionParsnip1: here are the two outputs http://paste.ubuntu.com/122796/, http://paste.ubuntu.com/122797/12:26
quibblerGeneralGustav: it was so long ago that i did something with conky...but that sort of thing is discussed in those thread...i know they are long but you can always ask there.12:26
arvind_khadriMaster_J,sudo  ifconfig -a12:26
Curtmansteveccc, "killlall -9 pulseaudio" then restart whatever app is hanging/cracking/no-sound-from-sub12:26
orfloncan I put nameservers and network manager not to change them??12:26
midots l monde12:27
jonaskoelkerActionParsnip1: I know nautilus has show_desktop in gconf, but that hides all the icons I *want* to look at12:27
jonaskoelkerActionParsnip1: is there something else?12:27
ActionParsnip1!uuid | cooldduuudde12:27
ubottucooldduuudde: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:27
Master_Jcommand not found12:27
arvind_khadriorflon, ya... put them i resolv.conf12:27
Curtmansteveccc, "killall -9 pulseaudio" (not with 3 L's)12:27
GeneralGustavquibbler, Cool. Thanks for your help!12:27
arvind_khadriMaster_J,sudo  ifconfig -a12:27
midoyou speak french12:27
orflonarvind_khadri, network manager changes them when I restart.12:27
ActionParsnip1jonaskoelker: then you could hide them then create shortcuts to the ones you want12:27
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:27
rwwjonaskoelker: there's one that can show or hide all volume icons. There isn't one to show or hide particular volumes, as far as I know.12:27
arvind_khadri!fr | mido12:27
ubottumido: please see above12:27
quibblerGeneralGustav: ok good luck12:27
ActionParsnip1jonaskoelker: thats all i can really suggest12:27
ActionParsnip1jonaskoelker: maybe someone else can pitch in12:28
Master_Jthanks arvind12:28
jonaskoelkerActionParsnip1: I don't understand that...12:28
NativeAngelsoCean_ do i need to change the ip for mysql12:28
steveccccurtman: I will try that - thanks.  How can I fix it permanently - remove a package?12:28
arvind_khadriorflon, there is a package resolvconf donwload that...12:28
orflonarvind_khadri, and what is that?12:28
jonaskoelkerActionParsnip1: create shortcuts where?  On the desktop?  They'd be hidden just like the things they point to...12:28
Curtmansteveccc, If I knew that I would be a very happy person.12:28
jonaskoelkerrww: where's that?12:28
dinesh372rww; i downloaded the tar.gz file then how to proceed next with installation12:28
rwwjonaskoelker: /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible in gconf-editor12:28
Curtmansteveccc, apt-get remove pulseaudio will get rid of it for now, but it will come back like an evil beast from hell.12:28
ActionParsnip1jonaskoelker: make new ones yourself12:28
arvind_khadriorflon, it saves your nameservers on reboot... you will have to enter the nameservers within its config12:29
jonaskoelkerActionParsnip1: make new what?12:29
git_anyone here tried ubuntu 9.0?12:29
arvind_khadri!info resolvconf | orflon12:29
ubotturesolvconf (source: resolvconf): name server information handler. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.42ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 52 kB, installed size 264 kB12:29
orflonarvind_khadri, ok, i'll try it out, thanks.12:29
steveccccurtman: so is it that a differnt sound system is in use and the problem we are having is that pulse is the new system they are trying to impose on us and hence it is in the updates12:29
NativeAngelsi got the same thing12:29
dinesh372rww: does i need to install from source code12:29
arvind_khadri!jaunty | git_12:29
ubottugit_: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.12:29
rwwdinesh372: Follow the instructions in the pages you linked to me. Patching and compilation of software according to instructions provided by someone else is outside of the bounds of on-topicness for this channel.12:29
arvind_khadri!hi | jully12:29
ubottujully: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:29
rwwdinesh372: I'd imagine so, yes.12:29
Curtmansteveccc, Alsa works just fine for me, and I can't for the life of me figure out what benefit pulseaudio is supposed to give me.12:29
jullyi m having a dell system with ubuntu12:29
jonaskoelkerrww: thanks12:29
NativeAngelsoCean_ do i have to change the ip as the ip changed when the power went12:29
MetatronI'm using ubuntu 8.10. The Network Manager included (0.7) connected once using my wifi adapater, but refuses too anymore.  Using wifi radar I can get a conneciton but after an hour or so drops and wont reconnect.  I've had better luck with wicd, but it too drops and wont reconnect after a while.  Ideas?12:30
Stargazedudes and dudettes12:30
jullyi wanna install wireless on that12:30
arvind_khadri!ask | Stargaze12:30
ubottuStargaze: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:30
arvind_khadri!ask | jully12:30
ubottujully: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:30
BoohbahCurtman: it does software mixing of multiple sound streams if you don't have hardware mixing support12:30
MetatronNote: when wicd or nm drops, i can reboot into windows xp and the usb net adaptor is still dead until i unplug and replug it12:30
Stargazemy girlfriend username disappeared from the gdm login list12:30
Curtmansteveccc, Maybe they think it would be better if my subwoofer didn't work.  Maybe its one of my neighbours that keeps installing it.12:30
dinesh372rww: ok at least send me a good link for this because i am new to linux12:30
Stargazeher directory still exists12:30
CurtmanBoohbah, But I do have hardware mixing support.12:31
steveccccurtman: isnt there a way to block that as an update?  Just hope more stuff doesnt follow which has it as a dependancy :(12:31
rwwdinesh372: Again, if you're following someone else's instructions, you'll need to talk to them about it, not me.12:31
Curtmansteveccc, That's what I'm trying to find out.12:31
jullyi m having a dell system with ubuntu i wanna install wireless on that wireless divce is invild in that12:31
jullyso what should i do12:31
arvind_khadri!wifi | jully12:31
ubottujully: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:31
rwwStargaze: Try the following at the command-line and tell me if you get any output or not: grep herusername /etc/passwd12:32
dinesh372rww: ok thanks12:32
NativeAngelsoCean_ is there a config file or something that you set the ip for mysql12:32
jullyok i know but how to install driverfor that12:32
arvind_khadrijully, whats the device name??12:32
Stargazegrep: /etc/password: No such file or directory12:33
steveccccurtman: you on 8.04 or 8.1012:33
rwwStargaze: passwd, not password12:33
jullyi don't this inwiled in dell leptop12:33
rwwStargaze: You didn't get any output? That means that your girlfriend's user account got removed somehow.12:33
ActionParsnip1Stargaze: cat /etc/passwd12:34
ActionParsnip1rww: forsome reason nano wont display the file12:34
arvind_khadrijully, ok open the terminal and type lshw -C12:34
rwwActionParsnip1: What?12:34
Stargazei see my name but not hers12:34
Curtmansteveccc, 8.1012:34
ActionParsnip1rww: i had this yesterday, nano showed an empty file for /etc/passwd yet cat showed it, system was fine so I ignored it12:35
steveccccurtman: oh ok - i have the issue on 8.04 but my laptop is 8.10 with no probs but obviously different hardware so that may be why12:35
rwwActionParsnip1: nano /etc/passwd works fine for me, as does the grep command I listed. Weird.12:35
jullyafter than12:35
arvind_khadrijully, sorry its lshw -C network12:36
petaflotanyone here knows about openssh packages?12:36
arvind_khadrijully, with sudo12:36
Metatronanyone having issues in 8.10 with the network manager and wifi using wpa12:36
rwwpetaflot: Yes. What do you need help with?12:36
arvind_khadri!anyone | petaflot12:36
ubottupetaflot: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:36
ActionParsnip1rww: it was12:36
jullyok no need to sorry friend12:36
Metatronor have had issues would be better12:36
BoohbahNativeAngels: /etc/mysql/my.cnf12:36
shadeslayerhi can anyone help me with this http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_8.1012:37
jullyafter than12:37
Boohbahshadeslayer: what seems to be the problem?12:37
petaflotrww: I have three boxes on which I can't login with pubkey. sshd config is the same, permission on the files is the same.12:37
shadeslayerBoohbah: well my keyboard is going haywire12:37
shadeslayeri cant use the numpad12:38
petaflotubottu: I already asked the first question ;-)12:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:38
arvind_khadrijully, paste the output on pastebin12:38
arvind_khadri!paste | jully12:38
ubottujully: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:38
yinlongdo you know how to12:38
jullyafter than12:39
shadeslayerBoohbah: you see xev says my keys function as they should BUT they actually dont12:39
Vartzgood day12:39
* petaflot talking to bots :-/12:39
StR|Sangrealhi... i just have installed dropbox onto my kde platform (but i have ubuntu-desktop installed), it integrates with nautilus and offers me to set up... as i press connect, it says i should setup proxy... where can i do that for gnome/nautilus/dropbox pls?12:39
jullyr u there12:40
Stargazehow do I add an existing user to the gdm list - the /home/$user directory is still there12:40
arvind_khadrijully, give me the url...12:40
arvind_khadri!who > jully12:40
ubottujully, please see my private message12:40
StR|Sangrealubottu, how are you?12:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about how are you?12:40
shadeslayerBoohbah: can you point me to something which can remap my keyboard for me,through GUI ??12:40
Vartzhey, any one i can PM and can answer a few darn door nob newbish questions? :D12:42
NativeAngelsBoohbah im have trouble restarting mysql12:42
jullysorry arvind i don't understand which type of url12:42
soreau! anyone | Vartz12:43
ubottuVartz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:43
jullyi this interface is disebled .   arvind12:43
petaflotubottu: you're stupid12:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you're stupid12:43
StR|Sangrealah hi soreau12:44
jullyarvind   :how to enable this and install driver.12:44
arvind_khadrijully, when you paste the output on pastebin you have to press submit... after that in the address bar you will get a new url...give that me12:44
StR|Sangrealpls could you help me with setting up the connection for nautilus dropbox module?12:45
arvind_khadri!wifi | me12:45
ubottume: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:45
yinlongi am a student here12:45
jullywhat paste12:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:45
jully arvind what paste12:45
NativeAngelsoCean_ are you there12:45
bazhangjully, paste.ubuntu.com in a browser12:45
jullyok ok12:46
bazhangjully, ie dont paste info here, just give us the url12:46
jully arvind  :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dropbox12:47
yinlongcan i have a question?12:47
arvind_khadrijully, huh ???  please follow this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessNetworking?highlight=(AND)|(ManufacturerModel)12:47
yinlongi am a new student12:47
arvind_khadriyinlong, ask12:48
yinlongthank you12:48
MFenhow do i delete my keyboard settings and start over? upgrading to intrepid completely screwed my keyboard over. i've figured out how to fix it in bits and pieces, but it's like playing whack a mole. other stuff keeps breaking. i just want to delete all my keyboard config and start over with whatever the system detects. is that possible? is there a config file i can delete?12:48
yinlongi am chinese12:48
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:48
arvind_khadriMFen, you can see System->preferences -> keyboard12:49
shadeslayerok how do i revert back to the original settings of my keyboard12:49
yinlongthank you12:49
StyleSheepis it possible to configure the sound so that if i pull out the headphones the speakers will stay silent12:49
NativeAngelsdoes anyone else know about sock errors on mysql ?12:50
soreauStyleSheep: Unplug your speakers too?12:50
MFenarvind_khadri: yes, i can see it.. it hasn't helped me a bit so far12:50
StyleSheepsoreau, sorry, forgot to mention, its a notebook :)12:50
arvind_khadriMFen, what exactly do you want to achieve?12:51
MFenarvind_khadri: do you want a list? there's about 8 things that worked in hardy and will not work (all at once) in intrepid12:51
=== moversti is now known as MM2
shadeslayerwth is this12:51
soreauStyleSheep: Maybe see what the audio properties say with 'alsamixer'12:51
arvind_khadriMFen, like?12:51
MFenarvind_khadri: i want to destroy any config that there currently is for my keyboard and start over fresh12:51
shadeslayerxmodmap:  commandline:1:  bad keysym name '*' in keysym list12:51
shadeslayerit doesnt recognise '*' :|12:52
adantehi guys, how can i get a single file out of a package?12:52
arvind_khadriadante, download the source and then get it12:52
MFenarvind_khadri: http://pastebin.com/m4022108612:52
MFenarvind_khadri: mostly it boils down to being able to right/middle click with keys on the keyboard, and having super key always working12:53
StyleSheepsoreau, i've already tried that, but if i only leave "Master", "PCM" and "Front" on, there's still sound on the speakers12:53
MFenarvind_khadri: i was doing the first one with xmodmap and the second one with the alt/win key set to "mapped to super"12:53
MFenneither of those works reliably now12:54
StyleSheepsoreau, if i turn off either one of these three, i dont have no sound at all (neither on the headphones nor the speakers)12:54
MFeni just want to scrap keyboard onfig and start over, that's all i need help with12:54
arvind_khadri!keyboard | MFen12:54
ubottuMFen: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts12:54
MFendude, i know how to switch my layout12:54
soreauStyleSheep: Then maybe your hardware doesn't support the feature you want12:54
MFeni've done that many times. i've hit the reset button many times12:54
arvind_khadriMFen, ok just a sec ...12:54
MFeni'm asking how do i set it to NOTHING.12:54
MFenarvind_khadri: i think that advice is out of date anyway12:55
MFenxorg.conf to configure keyboard doesn't seem right12:56
shadeslayereverybody trying to set their keyboards right12:56
shadeslayergo here : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-354969.html12:56
shadeslayerit works for me12:56
Skiessido I have to recompile stuff to get libdvdcss working?12:56
shadeslayerthe num pad works even when num lock is off12:57
jribSkiessi: no12:57
jrib!dvd > Skiessi12:57
ubottuSkiessi, please see my private message12:57
tellyhi arvind12:57
NET||abusehow can i get the input names from my mouse, i have a complex multibutton mouse and i wanted to try use some of the mouse keys12:57
tellysory for disconetion12:57
MFenshadeslayer: i alreayd know how to use xmodmap, intrepid broke it12:57
arvind_khadritelly, hi12:58
* shadeslayer hits Interpid12:58
AcidRoflarvind_khadri, could you give me a clue of how resolfconf works?12:58
tellyi  m haveing wifi driver install problem12:58
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arvind_khadriMFen, no idea... sorry... /etc/init.d/keyboard-setup may help... you can stop it or restart it12:59
MFenok, that might help, didn't know about that12:59
AcidRoflarvind_khadri, can I add just: dns-nameserver ip's, and not address,netmask etc.?12:59
MFenactually, no it won't13:00
MFenthis is for console13:00
arvind_khadriAcidRofl, i used to use it in 7.10 to keep my nameservers fixed.... resolvconf.d/<something>13:00
tellyplz help me13:00
arvind_khadri!wifi | telly13:00
ubottutelly: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:00
arvind_khadriAcidRofl, nameserver <dns ip>13:00
AcidRoflarvind_khadri, resolfconf.d/original maybe?13:01
tellythis is not provide finel solution13:01
tellyhave u another way13:01
cam|stonedI have a simple quick question: what partitions should i make before installing ubuntu?13:01
arvind_khadriAcidRofl, no... just ls that thing you will get it... but that was 7.1013:01
cam|stonedHow many partitions, and what size?13:01
arvind_khadritelly,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessNetworking?highlight=(AND)|(ManufacturerModel)13:02
cam|stonedOh and also which filesystem13:02
jribcam|stoned: you can do that through the installer13:02
cam|stonedjrib: i have 12GB of unallocated disk space but13:02
cam|stonedthe installer doesnt seem to recognize it13:02
cam|stonedso it wont allow me to create new partitions on it13:02
jribcam|stoned: did you read the release notes?13:02
soreautelly: Which card do you have?13:02
AcidRoflarvind_khadri, there are four files in resolvconf.d, 2 of them empty. Another one with nameservers and one saying something like DO NOT EDIT etc.13:02
yinlongi  want to instal a software that can let me use chinese .who can help me?13:02
cam|stonedjrib: no, i didnt, im a relative newcomer to ubuntu13:02
Siliciumhttp://pluto.htu.tuwien.ac.at/How-To_Live-CD_verändern <-- If i create a usplash for the Live CD with this tutorial on Ubuntu 8.10 it will not displayed while booting the CD13:03
AcidRoflarvind_khadri, the one with the nameservers is called "original".13:03
Siapahow to enabled s-video on my acer aspire 4520 laptop??13:03
arvind_khadriAcidRofl, the one which says do not edit??whats the name?13:03
AcidRoflarvind_khadri, head13:03
jribcam|stoned: there's a bug where some partitions won't be recognized by the 8.10 installer (you need to unmount all of your partitions in the live session, then restart the installer).  See if this is biting you13:03
jrib!notes | cam|stoned13:03
ubottucam|stoned: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81013:03
arvind_khadriAcidRofl, sorry gtg...13:03
Siapahow to enabled s-video on my acer aspire 4520 laptop?? anyone?can help me?13:04
carpiihow do i 'safely remove' a usb stick? normally there is an icon on the desktop but this time it hasnt appeared13:04
cam|stonedjrib: what is it to "unmount" a partition?13:04
soreaucarpii: umount it13:04
carpiithats all 'safely remove' does?13:05
cam|stonedall i have is a 80GB HDD, 1 partition = NTFS windows xp, 63GB13:05
jribcam|stoned: umount /mount/point13:05
soreauMore or less13:05
cam|stonedthe rest is all unallocated13:05
carpiicos i unmounted it a while ago and started getting data errors13:05
cam|stonedunformatted space13:05
carpiiso had to reformat etc13:05
soreauWhat errors?13:05
carpiijust like corrupt filesystem13:05
tellyi m having dell leptop with intel dual core and i wanna ask about wifi driver installion13:05
cam|stonedjrib: ok im making the partitions needed right now13:06
ActionParsnip1carpii: sudo umount /mount/point will safetly remove it13:06
telly arind   ;i m having dell leptop with intel dual core and i wanna ask about wifi driver installion13:06
carpiiok, thanks13:06
cam|stonedjrib: how many partitions do i need for linux? and how big should they be?13:06
soreautelly: Which card do you have?13:06
shadeslayerhow do i reset my keyboard to as it was on my first install13:06
ActionParsnip1telly: lspci will identify the hardware, you can websearch from that13:06
cam|stonedi know one has to be like a "swap" partition13:06
cam|stonedor whatever?13:06
jribcam|stoned: you only *need* two (/ and swap).  I'd recommend a separate /home as well though13:06
ActionParsnip1cam|stoned: its preffered but is optional13:07
jribyeah, you could get by with a swap file on / instead of a partition too I guess13:07
cam|stonedso for my swap partition, how large should i make it13:07
jribcam|stoned: how much ram do you have?13:07
cam|stonedand what filesystem, linux swap? (i assume?)13:07
cam|stoned1GB ram13:07
jribcam|stoned: 1gb should be fine13:07
cam|stonedi want the fastest possible experience13:08
ActionParsnip1cam|stoned: usually its RAM x 2, yu need to set it to be swap, swap doesnt have a file system13:08
ActionParsnip1per se13:08
zichois there a script/application to split a flac-file into several files using  cue-sheet?13:08
cam|stonedso make a 2GB swap partition?13:08
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: can i bother you??13:09
tellyi m not understand what r u saying13:09
cam|stoned@ ActionParsnip113:09
Siapajrib how to enabled s-video on my acer aspire 4520 laptop?? anyone?can help me?13:09
tellyarvind    r u there13:09
soreautelly: From a terminal, run 'lspci' and pastebin the output13:09
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: sure13:09
soreau! paste | telly13:09
ubottutelly: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:09
jribSiapa: I don't know.  You should provide the channel with more details (what card?)13:09
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: thanks alot,well i used xmodmap to map keys,but now i want to go back to the settings i used during the installation13:10
shadeslayerof Ubuntu,any idea how to do that??13:10
cam|stonedOk do i make my swap partition PRIMARY? or LOGICAL?13:10
Siapajrib : nvidia13:11
shadeslayerActionParsnip1:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup,will that work??13:11
jribSiapa: you can probably just use nvidia-settings if you've enabled the nvidia drivers13:11
AndrewMohawkwhats the latest LTS from ubuntu?13:11
NativeAngelsanyone else here know about error #2002 on mysql13:11
Siapajrib : owh..ok13:11
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: won't editing ~/.Xmodmap do that?13:11
Siapajrib : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-963265.html <-- can i follow this tips?13:11
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: no idea13:11
quibblerAndrewMohawk: 8.0413:12
petaflotrww: I have three boxes on which I can't login with pubkey. on 12 other boxes it works as expected, sshd config is the same, file permissions the same as well13:12
cam|stonedjrib: So my 2GB swap partition, should it be a primary or logical partition? which one?13:12
petaflotI have a problem with sshd: I have three boxes on which I can't login with pubkey. on 12 other boxes it works as expected, sshd config is the same, file permissions the same as well13:12
GMC386hey whats this "linux unified kernel" and how to install it in ubuntu 8.1013:12
AndrewMohawkquibbler: according to wikipedia it is only supported till 2009-10, but it was released 2008-0413:12
AndrewMohawkLTS should be 3 years on desktop i thought?13:13
telly00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)13:13
telly00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)13:13
telly00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)13:13
telly00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 03)13:13
telly00:1a.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #5 (rev 03)13:13
FloodBot1telly: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:13
telly00:1a.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #2 (rev 03)13:13
quibblerAndrewMohawk: it is 3 years13:13
AndrewMohawkquibbler:  so 8.04 was released in 2006?13:14
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.13:14
AndrewMohawkthank you13:14
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.13:14
quibblerAndrewMohawk: no april, 200813:14
mobodojust checking: it's ok for me to plug a sata disk while the system is running?13:14
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: wny wild guesses??13:15
GMC386whats this "linux unified kernel" and how to install it in ubuntu 8.1013:15
quibblerAndrewMohawk: wikipedia is good but far from perfect13:15
AndrewMohawkyeah but i see the same on the kubuntu download site13:16
trask1GMC386: think its from kernel.org13:16
AndrewMohawk8.04 - Featuring the mature KDE 3 and maintained until October 200913:16
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: i think dpckg-reconfigure will be the best option13:16
=== nbah is now known as Who-s_me
AndrewMohawkah, my apologies quibbler, on ubuntu.com i see Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop: Released April 2008 and maintained until April 2011 – ideal for large deployments13:16
subcheehello everybody13:16
ActionParsnip1telly: use pastebin dude13:17
quibblerAndrewMohawk: ;)13:17
punzadayeah, figured it would be longer then '09 for lts13:17
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: do you have a ~/.Xmodmap file?13:17
shadeslayerwhere,i do not knoe13:17
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: i'm giving you the full path13:18
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: run: file ~/.Xmodmap13:18
trask1is it easy go move my / from the old disk to a new? or is reinstall recommended?13:18
tellyaction        where13:18
ActionParsnip1!paste | telly13:18
ubottutelly: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:18
ActionParsnip1telly: paste all that in there, click paste, then give us the address ofthe page you go to13:18
shadeslayer/home/rohan/.Xmodmap: ERROR: cannot open `/home/rohan/.Xmodmap' (No such file or directory)13:18
ActionParsnip1telly: imagine if everyone did that, the channel would be useless13:18
subcheecan anybody help me in installing Icecast2 server, please?13:19
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: what next???13:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about icecast13:19
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: did it sy no such file or did it say something else?13:19
tellyok  i know13:19
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: /home/rohan/.Xmodmap: ERROR: cannot open `/home/rohan/.Xmodmap' (No such file or directory)13:20
subcheewhy no Icecast? what should I use instead of that?13:20
xulescuhi all. I've stumbled on plasmoid, played with panels and now I don't know how to add windows list to the main panel.13:20
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ActionParsnip1!shortcuts | shadeslayer13:20
ubottushadeslayer: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts13:20
tellydo u know ubuntu os is very bad os13:20
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: how do i reinstall the complete keyboard13:20
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: all i can suggest is setting them back, maybe theres a defaults button. Im not sure as I dont use gnome13:20
tellydo u know ubuntu os is very bad ,dog ,13:21
cam|stonedlol telly: wtf?13:21
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: i can switch to KDE13:21
tellyi m saying that13:21
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: back in 1 minute13:21
tellythis is very poor13:21
Myrtticam|stoned: mind your language13:21
soreautelly: The problem is you're having trouble communicating, particularly understanding what we're saying to try and help you13:21
soreautelly: What is your native language?13:22
tellyu r nothing13:22
soreauugh, one of these now13:22
tellyi know13:22
Myrttitelly: perhaps you can find some help at #ubuntu-in13:23
tellynobody provide good risolution13:23
ActionParsnip1telly: all that stuff you pated in the room, paste on the pastebin site and click paste, you will then generate a site automatically with your data on it, the address at the top of the page where you usually type the url where you want to visit needs to be copied and pasted into here13:23
mac9416_2Hello, looks like everyone is having a good time! I can't find the ubuntu server room. Is it supposed to be #ubuntuserver?13:23
Myrttimac9416_2: #ubuntu-server13:23
ActionParsnip1telly: ive just written that out so a child can grasp it13:23
* zaggynl sniffs the air, smells like troll13:23
soreautelly: We tried to help you but you don't understand English. Try #ubuntu-in so maybe you can speak your native language13:23
mac9416_2Ah, how stupid of me. Thanks Myrtti!13:23
quibblersubchee: maybe this can help: http://sudosys.be/?q=icescast2_ices2_audio_streaming_server13:23
tellyu know13:24
ActionParsnip1telly: or try: sudo apt-gte install pastebinit; lspci | pastebinit13:25
alltuhi help me!13:25
nomingziany text files created using gedit, when those text files open in windows, all lines are merged together and there is no special characters to handle the end of line. please advice how to enable text be used between Gname and Windows systems. thanks13:25
soreau! ask | alltu13:26
ubottualltu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:26
subcheeI know Icecast2+Ices2, but my problem is that Ices2 supports on .ogg files... I'd like play .mp3 files as well13:26
tellyubuntu is successful on celron prosser or not13:26
calwiganyone here know anything about Kmail13:26
soreaunomingzi: Use a real text editor :p13:27
Myrttitelly: yes.13:27
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nomingzisoreau: what is the real text editor ?13:27
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code13:28
tellysystem performance is slow13:28
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jxanderwhat usb sound cards have good support in ubuntu?13:28
soreaunomingzi: Notepad doesn't understand how to read the file correctly. I use MS++ 6.013:28
AndrewMohawkis there a repo for tomcat6.x? since doing an apt-cache search only results in tomcat 5.5 ?13:29
erUSULnomingzi: dos2unix and unix2dos13:29
soreaunomingzi: I open the files in a developer studio13:29
erUSULnomingzi: unix uses only LF as line ending windows uses LF+CR13:29
alltuhi help me!! i need help... i have a PC compaq presario CQ 50-103la and i install ubuntu 8.10 alterntative  AMD64 and the opertive system dont run, what i do?13:29
tellyi m haveing a dell shystem with intel dualcore and 1gb ram but my hasbeen hang some time ..13:29
tellyfor what should i do for this13:30
nomingziI remember Kate (in Opensuse) do have an option to enable the created text file to be able to be read by Windows text editor. But why it is not available in Gnome ?13:31
tellyr u there13:31
ActionParsnip1telly: its fine, it will run slow visually until you install video drivers13:32
zirodaytelly: whatever you want to, donate it to a charity if you're really not sure,13:32
zirodaytelly: woops sorry, ignore me13:32
samsomIs low volume on laptops with Ubuntu a common problem? and does anyone know of a solution?Thanks13:32
zirodaysamsom: try raise PCM volume and make sure all the sliders are up to the max13:32
samsomziroday, i have13:32
samsomused alsamixer and everything is on max as well, ziroday13:33
tellyaction how to install vidio driver13:33
bazhangtelly, what video card13:33
zirodaysamsom: you switched to pulseaudio in the volume mixer and made sure its at max?13:33
ziroday!ru | taran13:33
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:33
ubottutaran: please see above13:34
samsomwhats pulseaudio?13:34
zirodaysamsom: in the volume mixer did you use the drop down box to go to other sound controllers?13:34
samsomjust did...on max13:34
zirodaysamsom: for all the devices?13:34
tellyi m asking action13:34
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bazhangtelly, ati/nvidia/intel?13:35
tellyaction r u there13:35
tellyintel bazang13:36
samsomziroday, there are 5 options for the devices and all are turned to max now...one of the mic capture options was around 80%, but thats max as well now13:36
bazhangtelly, which card of intel13:37
zirodaysamsom: only thing I know is that you could have headphones plugged in or the headphone switch on. Otherwise I'm out of ideas, sorry.13:37
tellywhat do u wanna ask13:38
samsomit does play..but the volume is far lower than when i use xp..and it is reasonably loud when i use headphones13:38
samsomthanks anyway, ziroday13:38
tellyu r really nothing13:38
bazhangtelly, you seem to be saying that your system is slow13:38
bazhangtelly, you need to provide more info than 'just hangs'13:39
zeltakcan anyone recommend a good command line podcast aggregator that DOES NOT download ALL episodes onlt the last 2-3?13:39
tellyya i know said this13:39
tellybazhang           i wanna solw hang problem so what should i do13:40
lanoxx-is there any good tool that can take std input data and make a 2d plot from it?13:41
bazhangtelly, in what circumstances does it 'hang'; please specify13:41
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telly bazang any time not a purticuler13:41
bazhangtelly, then no way to help with your issue, absent some concrete info.13:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about podcast13:42
shadeslayerhow do i reset everything in GNOME???13:42
ianaduslanoxx-, gnuplot?13:42
tellyi think this is very big problem for ubuntu13:42
lanoxx-ianadus, can that plot live from stdin?13:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reset13:43
viggewhats the default root password?13:43
tellybazhang         i think this is very big problem for ubuntu13:43
bazhangtelly, not here. please give more specifics13:43
viggeit says authentication failed when I type my password13:43
bazhangvigge, there is none13:43
NativeAngelscan anyone tell me how i fix this error  Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!13:43
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:43
tellyi how much ram is need for ubuntu13:44
oCean_NativeAngels: till not fixed?13:44
Pici!requirements | telly13:44
ubottutelly: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu13:44
viggewell, sudo doesen't work in this install13:44
NativeAngelsno oCean_13:44
oCean_NativeAngels: did you try and start the server on another port?13:44
trask1!requirements | trask113:44
ubottutrask1, please see my private message13:44
vigge"/bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/include/bluetooth': Permission denied"13:44
viggeeven with sudo13:44
NativeAngelsi change the ip from to the local ip13:44
NativeAngelsit worked13:44
camjayok guys13:44
NativeAngelsbut then i changed it to localhost13:45
shadeslayerhow do i reset GNOME13:45
NativeAngelsin the my.cnf file13:45
slap_stickhey where can i get a document on how to install the ATI driver for openGL support on ubuntu?13:45
camjayI'm on ubuntu live right now, I'm trying to install ubuntu fully, but when i get to step 3, to select partitions, it doesnt show ANYTHING.13:45
slap_stickdoes the native ubuntu drive ship with the latest ATI open source driver?13:45
oCean_NativeAngels: so it's something in your network setup.13:45
NativeAngelsi paste what im gettin gnow13:45
ikoniaslap_stick: no13:45
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tellyi m having 1gb ram13:45
soreauslap_stick: Which video card model?13:45
slap_sticksoreau: one mo let me find out13:46
bazhangtelly, that is more than enough13:46
slap_stickati 980013:46
soreauslap_stick: That card is compatible with the open driver, no need to install the proprietary one13:46
camjayikonia: How can i get ubuntu live to recognize my swap(swap) and root(ext3) partitions during the install?13:46
oCean_NativeAngels: if it works with in my.cnf, what's the problem at this point?13:47
camjayI'm on step 4 of 7, it says "Prepare Partitions"13:47
NativeAngelsoCean_ thats what im getting now http://paste.ubuntu.com/122822/13:47
camjayBut theres nothing in the box13:47
slap_sticksoreau: oh thanks, how did you find that out?13:47
camjayIf anybody can help please13:47
ikoniacamjay: just assign them in the partition tool13:47
soreauslap_stick: The open driver supports ati cards up to the x1950 | I just know ;)13:48
ikoniacamjay: it asks you your partition options, select "manual" and using the interface, select which partitions you want to use as which file systems13:48
oCean_NativeAngels: first: you said "it worked" at certain point.13:48
slap_sticksoreau: ok so how do i install openGL ?13:48
soreauslap_stick: Which version of ubuntu? (it's already installed)13:49
oCean_NativeAngels: *what* worked. Changing the port number?13:49
NativeAngelswhen i changed the ip to the localip of the server oCean_13:49
camjayikonia: There is no option to select "manual"13:49
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ikoniaNativeAngels: it sounds like a.) your socket file does not exist b.) your db permissions for that database are not set13:49
camjayOk: in the installer, after i select my time zone and all that, the next step is 4 out of 7, it says prepare partitions13:49
ikoniacamjay: you should see "guided, full or manual" - or words to that effect13:49
camjaybut it doesnt show any13:49
NativeAngelsso how do i do this ikonia13:49
oCean_NativeAngels: ok. Do you have a firewall running that might be blocking ports?13:50
ikoniacamjay: are you running this install from the Disk you want to partition ?13:50
NativeAngelsthe ports unblocked13:50
ikoniaNativeAngels: look at the socket file in the error - check that first13:50
camjayYes, but its already partitioned13:50
shadeslayerwill rm -rf ~/.gnome* && rm -rf .gconf* work to reset GNOME??13:50
camjayI've got 1 HDD, 3 partitions13:50
camjay1 is NTFS windows13:50
camjaythe other two are swap and sys313:50
NativeAngelsit can find the socket file13:50
oCean_ikonia: he sais changing the ip from in my.cnf to local ip will start server.13:50
ikoniacamjay: are you running the installer from the disk13:50
ikoniacamjay: as in the hard disk13:50
NativeAngelsi think thats what the error is13:50
ikoniaoCean_: probably because is not localhost in ubuntu13:51
oCean_ikonia: right.13:51
camjayi am running it from the hard disk13:51
ikoniacamjay: that is probably the problem13:51
camjayusing unetbootin and grub13:51
ikoniacamjay: it's not looking at "itself" as it thinks it's the cd13:51
NativeAngelsikonia theres nothing at all in that folder13:52
ikoniacamjay: I've not seen that exact problem, but similar13:52
camjayOh.. hmmmm13:52
ikoniaNativeAngels: thats a problem then as it means mysql is not running13:52
ikoniaNativeAngels: or it is running and has not created a socket file13:52
oCean_ikonia: NativeAngels we've established the server is not running13:52
NativeAngelshow do i resolve this13:52
din_osI have modified some keys in gconf-editor, ..interface/gtk-theme and gtk-icons13:52
ikoniaoCean_: then why is he even checking / trying to connect ???13:52
NativeAngelsthanks for the time byt13:52
camjayso ikonia13:52
camjaysurely theres a way to install it still13:53
oCean_ikonia: NativeAngels errors during startup imply it cannot connect to port 3306.13:53
din_osand now i can't edit them again, it says 'this key is not writable'13:53
lenswipei cant get VLC to run can someone help me?13:53
ikoniacamjay: yes a.) use external media b.) check to see if your disk controller is supported by ubuntu13:53
soreaudin_os: Did you run gconf-editor as root with sudo at any point? If you did, you shouldn't have13:53
din_ossoreau: yes I have13:54
oCean_NativeAngels: what do you get when "ping localhost"13:54
vigge"/bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/include/bluetooth': Permission denied" even when I run it as sudo, why?13:54
viggethe tutorial says I should change my status to root13:54
din_ossoreau: i have set these keys as mandatory too earlier13:54
camjayikonia: one sec13:54
camjayikonia: in the 8.10 release notes it says "Hard disks potentially not shown when installing in Live CD mode"13:54
din_ossoreau: but now i cannot edit them, i can unset them but when i restart gconf-editor they are back to the old ones13:54
soreaudin_os: Alright, you need to change the permissions back. As Your User run 'sudo chown $LOGNAME -R ~/.gconf'13:55
camjay"To use a mounted disk for installation, first unmount the drive before attempting to install."13:55
camjayhow do i unmount it?13:55
NativeAngelsto oCean_13:55
soreaucamjay: umount /path/to/mount/point13:55
oCean_NativeAngels: yes, ok. So it resolves to Changing bind_address in my.cnf to local ip.. that'll make the server start right? The mysql server13:56
camjaysoreau: how can i find out the path to the mount point?13:56
oCean_NativeAngels: wait13:56
NativeAngelswhen i changed the bind ip to which is the local ip for the linux box on mynetwork13:57
oCean_NativeAngels: your paste... you did not get any ping reply13:57
lenswipecan someone help me with getting VLC working?13:57
oCean_NativeAngels: *that* is your problem. Your system does not know what localhost is13:57
oCean_NativeAngels: if we fix that, mysql can bind to localhost:3306 :)13:57
oCean_NativeAngels: edit /etc/hosts file13:58
M1DLGis there as special process to follow when upgrading hardware? I have just brought a new video card (AGP ATI HD3850) to do away with the onboard VIA gfx chip13:58
oCean_NativeAngels: no wait. That's not what I wanted to say... try "ping"13:58
oCean_NativeAngels: mind the 1.1 at the end, not 0.113:59
din_ossoreau: no deal, ic what you want to achieve but it doesn't work i think i have the same problem as this guy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70946013:59
Siliciumhey, i cant replace the bootsplash on my liveCD13:59
JuJuBeeI have an HP officejet 6110 connected to my server (usb).  How do I use it from my laptop? ipp:// or socket:// ?14:00
soreaucamjay: Just run 'mount'14:00
camjaysoreau: ok, how would one go about doing that14:00
camjayAll i need is for the live ubuntu installer to recognize my HDD/partitions14:01
soreaucamjay: 1) Open a terminal 2) Type mount 3) Press Enter14:01
camjayi did that14:01
NativeAngelsoCean_ i got exactly the same as before but with the ip you showd above14:01
soreaudin_os: Then I don't know, sorry14:01
din_ossoreau: ok i'll mess around a bit, thx14:01
oCean_NativeAngels: ok. Something is wrong with your loopback interface. Type "ifconfig -a" and look for "lo" interface14:02
plaziaIs there anything I need to do for 2 monitors? I've just hooked up another one into the second DVI slot and gone to screen resolution in preferences. clicked detect display but nothing's happened thus far.14:02
shadeslayeryayy keyboard fixed14:02
shadeslayerthanks to the people @ #kubuntu14:02
soreauplazia: Which card and driver?14:02
hector__Hi people14:02
plazia05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8800 GT (rev a2)14:03
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama14:03
soreauplazia: Run 'nvidia-settings' and see what it says there14:03
hector__Does anyone know a good beginners guid on learning how to program in C++ for ubuntu?14:03
plaziasoreau, good idea thanks.14:03
Jack_Sparrowhector__ /join #c14:03
soreauhector__: C++ is not specific to any distro or OS for that matter14:03
hector__well I just want one that will teach from beginning to end14:04
Jack_Sparrowhector__ there is no such thing14:04
carpiiC++ has no end14:04
hector__i know14:04
soreauhector__: /j #c++14:04
carpiijust google for tutes, theres thousands14:04
M1DLGWhat open's a .run file?14:04
hector__i just don't know how to explain14:04
carpiior get C++ for dummies or something14:05
NativeAngelsoCean_ can we continue this in pm14:05
oCean_NativeAngels: yes ok14:05
Jack_Sparrowhector__ Please understand that your question is offtopic in Ubuntu Support14:05
hector__This is for support14:05
Jack_SparrowoCean_ Hey nice to see you14:05
carpiiM1DLG, its probably a binary file.  Run it from shell  by  chmod 700 filename.run    then ./filename.run14:05
Jack_Sparrowhector__ No it is not.. please find an appropriate channel14:05
oCean_Jack_Sparrow: :)14:06
M1DLGcarpii it's the ati driver - do i install it before waping over or after?14:06
camjayman this is a nightmare..14:06
hector__Well I thought asking for a guide was asking for some kind of support14:06
Jack_SparrowoCean_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/122646/14:06
M1DLG*swaping over14:06
carpiiive no idea M1DLG. What do the docs say?14:06
soreauM1DLG: Which card model do you have?14:06
carpiihector, C++ questions are not related to ubuntu in any way14:06
M1DLGIm still looking for instructions14:06
carpiigo to #c++14:06
Jack_Sparrowhector__ Please stop, we told you what you needed to know.14:07
hector__I'm sorry.14:07
M1DLG(AGP ATI HD3850)14:07
hector__I just thought my question was a legitimate support question.14:07
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:07
JuJuBeeCan anybody help me set up a remote printer?14:07
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows14:07
soreauM1DLG: Then you definitely need to use the proprietary driver, but you should try first to install it via jockey (Sys>Admin>Hardware Drivers)14:08
M1DLGThanks guys - i'll swap the card over in the other machine now and see how i get on.14:09
giacoI've launched a cp of a single file of 450gb from one disk to another, I don't have any physical access to the drive so I can't check if it's physically working or not and cp doesn't return any feedback on the process ... what' can I do?14:09
norbert79good day14:09
Jack_Sparrowgiaco If you have already started the process.. just wait14:10
renan_saddamMorning... are there moments when root can not change ownership of files?14:10
soreaugiaco: Either wait or if you cancel the process you can try 'cp --verbose /source /dest'14:11
renan_saddamcause I do "sudo chown -R www-data:www-data projetos" and get chown: changing ownership of `projetos/file.txt'': Operation not permitted permitted14:11
sipiorgiaco: ls -l will show you the file size of the file on the other disk. try "watch ls -l <filename>"14:11
giacoJack_Sparrow, isn't there any proc file where I can read the disk utilization?14:11
norbert79renan_saddam: Maybe, like with SE_Linux, or when the file is locked. I guess14:11
giacosipior, good idea, let me try14:11
Jack_Sparrowgiaco Nothing that I can think of that would give you real info14:11
renan_saddamnorbert79: the files returns owner root, group plugdev14:12
sipiorrenan_saddam: yes, if the file or parent directory has been set as immutable14:12
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sipiorrenan_saddam: or if it has been mounted via nfs with root_squash in effect14:12
norbert79renan_saddam: Those are not real files... You are probably referring to the /dev filesystem14:12
norbert79renan_saddam: right?14:12
norbert79biv6: works14:12
renan_saddamnorbert79: I dont think so, I just copied all files from a mounted secondary HD14:12
ComputechHello everyone, i got an unfixable problem i need help with: at a customer of us the openoffice headtoolbar (above file/edit etc) dissapeared and openoffice looks like it is full screen (it goes over the lower bar and the higher bar with applications, system etc): 2 screenshots: http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/7700/schermafdruk1.png    and   http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/5209/schermafdruk2.png  we have already tryed a lot but couldn14:13
Computecht fix it (we use vnc to help him but this is not the cause of the problem because it was already before we used vnc)14:13
dustyHey guys, I have a strange problem with my DVD Drive un Ubuntu 8.10 (I dual boot with windows, in windows it plays dvd's etc).   In Ubuntu, it does not automatically mount the DVD, when I issue a mount /cdrom I get: mount: No medium found I have no idea why it's suddenbly stopped playing DVD's it used to ?14:13
norbert79renan_saddam: I see14:13
soreauComputech: Which window manager is the system using?14:13
renan_saddamsipior: the parent directory are the same owner/group, and its win3214:13
Computechi tried compiz and gnome14:13
Computechbut compiz now14:13
Computech(compiz --replace)14:14
Computechi also tryed the workarounds build in in compiz but that didnt work around :)14:14
soreauComputech: Try disabling Legacy Fullscreen Support in ccsm>Workarounds14:14
norbert79Computech: Call me a grammar nazi, but it is written "tried" and not tryed" :)14:14
soreauThen try F11 on the OO window?14:14
renan_saddamnorbert79, sipior: the parent directory is a fat32 partition14:14
Computechil try that what soreau said again14:15
Jack_SparrowComputech Please behave and keep responses to one line14:15
norbert79renan_saddam: Normally the plugdev group is the group which has the authority on plugging in and out devices14:15
Computechbut there were 2 things i needed to response to, so how can i put that on 1 line14:15
norbert79renan_saddam: And in default every device is mounted with root/plugdev. Your normal user should belong to the group of plugdev for 'normal' use :)14:16
giacosipior, I didn't know about the watch utility, it's pretty cool!14:16
giacoit works :-)14:16
sipiorrenan_saddam: do yourself a favour and use a proper filesystem :-) i've given up dealing with the retarded nature of ntfs, vfat, &cet, especially regarding permission issues.14:17
Jack_SparrowComputech You know what I mean..  Pleas hold down the number of random one word entries14:17
soreauComputech: FWIW, I don't see anything wrong in those screenshots other than having the Reflection plugin enabled makes the nonfocused title bar ugly IMHO14:17
sipiorgiaco: yeah, watch is pretty handy14:17
norbert79sipior: Please be a bit more kind.14:17
sipiornorbert79: that's as kind as i can manage, friend14:17
norbert79renan_saddam: And in default every device is mounted with root/plugdev. Your normal user should belong to the group of plugdev for 'normal' use :) Don't care about the authority, if you will copy those files to the home directory, it will be changed14:17
renan_saddamsipior: yes, I know. but I'm sharing this partition with Samba.14:17
Computechsoreau, the bar with the name of the screen is gone and the bar down of the screen is gone (look in the vnc window and not in the system the picture was made on)14:18
norbert79sipior: I am sorry, but I am not your friend. You are way away from it14:18
carpiippl still need to use vfat for somethings, even if it is retarded14:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:18
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renan_saddamnorbert79: hmm, but I dont want to move to the home directory, the files must stay on that partition to continue sharing with Samba14:18
webterrorBefore i used gnome x windows, I often used short key that let windows close, that ALT + CTRL + D,14:19
norbert79renan_saddam: So what exactly are you trying to accomplish?14:19
renan_saddamnorbert79: is there other way to set properly?14:19
tokico_i have a problem: can't compile anything. always gives tons of errors on make. have build-essential and 8.1014:19
norbert79renan_saddam: FAT32 does not support any UNIX authorisation flags, the owner/group is showing only the 'default' 'flags'14:19
Jack_Sparrownorbert79 trying to set permissions on a fat32 system..14:19
norbert79Jack_Sparrow: I see, but that makes not much sense :))14:20
webterrorbut my linux is going to different console, when i insert "ALT + CTRL + D"14:20
Jack_Sparrownorbert79 I fully agree14:20
webterrorwhat problem is this status?14:20
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:20
norbert79tokico_: Having build essential is not enough. You must have the proper developer files for the specific application it needs.14:21
webterrorBefore i used gnome x windows, I often used short key that let windows close, that ALT + CTRL + D,14:21
renan_saddamnorbert79: there are files that I must access via browser, I had configured apache to display the files, but its giving 302 ("Permission Denied"), so I thought I could change permissions from the files to be able to acess via browser.14:21
webterrorBefore i used gnome x windows, I often used short key that let windows close, that ALT + CTRL + D,14:21
webterrorwhat problem is this status?14:21
Jack_Sparrowtokico_ and kernel headers14:21
FloodBot1webterror: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:21
tokico_Jack_Sparrow I also have kernel headers14:21
webterrorok, i''m sorry14:21
Jack_Sparrowtokico_ Just checking..14:22
ubuntistasanybody with multirma pc expert problem screen14:22
norbert79renan_saddam: Oh jeez, so you are hosting some files on a directory, which is mounted from a different machine using FAT32?14:22
danbhfivewebterror: that key combo makes my windows minimize14:22
ubuntistasanybody with multirma pc expert problem screen?14:22
Jack_Sparrownorbert79 sheesh.. thats a handfu;14:22
ComputechAnyone else know how to help me?14:22
tokico_I've tried several ncurses games, hydra and danpei14:22
norbert79renan_saddam: You were talking just plain Samba share, but now you are talking about Apache too... Was apache and Samba well configured?14:22
webterrorok i know that14:22
norbert79Jack_Sparrow: Aye, pretty complicated :)14:22
Jack_Sparrow!patience > ubuntistas14:22
ubottuubuntistas, please see my private message14:22
mads-I need some server-side inventory database system - I need to be able to add a computer and say which software it has installed etc. Anyone know of such opensource application?14:22
renan_saddamnorbert79: can I use sambe with ext3?14:22
tokico_Could someone indicate me a simple program to try and compile?14:23
norbert79renan_saddam: Sure you can, but why you would need Samba?14:23
renan_saddamnorbert79: I thing so. I really thing its well configured14:23
webterrorbut my key combo is going different console that like "CTRL + ALT + F4"14:23
tokico_without dependencies, etc.14:23
renan_saddamnorbert79: windoze users14:23
Jack_Sparrowtokico_ try /join #c++14:23
norbert79renan_saddam: Think or are you sure?14:23
gwernso I just upgraded to jaunty for a bug report, and I've noticed something - .gnomerc seems to be getting ignored, ie I have 'export WINDOW_MANAGER=xmonad' and that worked fine in intrepid, but in jaunty GNOME comes up with Metacity every time. any ideas?14:23
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:23
dustyHey guys, I have a strange problem with my DVD Drive un Ubuntu 8.10 (I dual boot with windows, in windows it plays dvd's etc).   In Ubuntu, it does not automatically mount the DVD, when I issue a mount /cdrom I get: mount: No medium found I have no idea why it's suddenbly stopped playing DVD's it used to ?14:23
tokico_Jack_Sparrow I was compiling pure C, not ++14:23
Jack_Sparrowtokico_ try /join #c14:24
renan_saddamnorbert79: there is a problem authenticating Samba users via LDAP, but its ok. And Apache is perfectly running14:24
MacGyverNL_Synaptic "remembers" the gnome proxy settings, even after I've applied "no proxy" systemwide.14:24
webterrorif in console, ALT+CTRL+D is like "CTRL+D"14:24
MacGyverNL_How to fix without a relog?14:24
Nevisbuntuhi. I have trouble with my nvidia geforce 6600. I get  "NVRM: not using NVAGP, an AGPGART backend is loaded!" in dmesg, although agpgart is included in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. what should I do?14:24
norbert79renan_saddam: Lets get some parts clear. Regarding authority and access limitation: Samba has ceratin levels of control for file access. First of all, it's a plain Fat32 fs. You don't have muich to deal with it there. You can also limit the access through the directory, to which this Samba FS is mounted to. You should also check Samba config for the limitation of that particulkar directory.14:24
sipiortokico_: have you got autoconf, automake and friends installed?14:24
norbert79renan_saddam: UN*X and Linux has different levels of controlling authorisation14:25
tokico_sipior hmm... don't know. gonna search aptitude right now14:25
norbert79renan_saddam: Make sure, that the directory, where the FAT FS is mounted to has right authorisation, and the SAMBA is configured well too14:25
tokico_sipior but I can run make and configure, except on make it gives tons of errors and I can't nor checkinstall nor make install14:26
norbert79renan_saddam: I would really advise you on reading the samba documentation or checking for examples in /usr/share/doc/samba14:26
sipiortokico_: could you pastebin some of these errors, so we can se what you're talking about?14:26
norbert79renan_saddam: and also the same goes for Apache... Apache can be also limited as well, sounds pretty complicated, tough it's needed at today's standard14:27
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renan_saddamnorbert79: nice tips dude. I'm going to check everything you said. thank you!14:27
norbert79renan_saddam: You are welcome!14:27
norbert79renan_saddam: Good luck!14:27
tokico_sipior: going to download Hydra and compile, then pastebin the errors14:27
ubuntu_hey, sorry, do you know if its possible to defrag an NTFS partition using ubuntu live cd??14:27
Nevisbuntuhi. I have trouble with my nvidia geforce 6600. I get  "NVRM: not using NVAGP, an AGPGART backend is loaded!" in dmesg, although agpgart is included in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. what should I do?14:28
norbert79ubuntu_: No. AFAIK there are no good tools for NTFS partitions14:28
ubuntu_norbert79: ok, thanks14:28
norbert79ubuntu_: Use plain Windows for such actions14:28
ubuntu_norbert79: just that my windows wont boot...14:28
norbert79ubuntu_: I see. use your install CD for recovery tasks14:28
ubuntu_norbert79: yeah, gonna try that, thanks14:28
norbert79ubuntu_: Which you own, I guess, right? :)14:28
ubuntu_norbert79: I dont :D14:29
norbert79ubuntu_: That will be a problem then :)14:29
ubuntu_hah yeah14:29
SkyNetMasterhi, I want to install GNUM16C v0901 Linux Toolchain, on 64 bit system, but I get error that architecture is suported, is there a way to run it?14:29
norbert79ubuntu_: Get yourself a legal copy of Windows then... :)14:29
tokico_norbert79: problem... :D14:29
stevecccanyone here using spotify on linux - does it work well14:29
ubuntu_norbert79: haha ok, thanks14:30
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)14:30
norbert79Jack_Sparrow: hang on, chroot might not solve everything...14:30
renan_saddamnorbert79: I think I found the problem. To fastly access the /shared/projetos in browser I just created a symbolic link from /var/www/projetos to /shared/projetos. And now I'm getting "Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible", to I think there is a problem with Apache Configuration.14:30
ramontayag_sorry if this is a double post - i got discon as i pressed enter and i'm not sure if it got thru -- hey everyone. i want to be able to pass some parameters in a destroy link_to.. how do I do that? I want these params to be available in the destroy method.14:30
norbert79renan_saddam: Check the directory's authorisation settings too14:30
norbert79renan_saddam: just to make sure14:31
Jack_Sparrownorbert79 It is the first thing I would look at.14:31
norbert79Jack_Sparrow: First I would like to figure out what exactly this GNUM16C v0901 Linux Toolchain is :D14:31
webterrorwhen i use windows, and press alt + ctrl + d,  all windows should be closed, but let this key combo go a different console.14:32
coleHi all, im trying to run a command through cron, ive tried it 3 ways but stll getting errors in the log14:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cd14:32
norbert79webterror: System/Settings/Short key commands...14:32
Jack_Sparrownorbert79 based on that error, he is trying to use 32 bit on his 64 bit os14:32
norbert79webterror: You can set anything inside it14:32
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:32
tokico_what is ubottu?14:32
webterrorok, i check it out14:32
_VIM_!bot | tokico_14:33
ubottutokico_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:33
sipiorcole: what sort of errors?14:33
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:33
tokico_ubottu: Thanks!14:33
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:33
=== ubuntu_ is now known as gstreamex
tokico_talking to a bot... i'm so stupid.14:33
norbert79Jack_Sparrow: Just FYI: http://www.kpitgnutools.com/releaseNotes.php?view=RNDET&RN=33414:33
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:34
colesipior: if i pastebin them would you have a look at them?14:34
sipiortokico_: eh, it happens :-)14:34
webterrorwhere is it "System/Settings/Short key commands..." ?14:34
webterrori used gnome session14:34
norbert79SkyNetMaster: Chroot might solve your problems, tough I would recommend on using a 32 bit enviroment tough, as this compiler has been compiled to 32 bit systems14:34
sipiorcole: that's why i asked :-)14:34
tokico_sipior: I'm new to the IRC ubuntu channel, so i didn't know!14:34
gstreamexwebterror: system menu, settings submenu, and short key.. option14:34
=== rajiv_ is now known as ragan
colesipior: kool thanx, which pastebin should i use?14:35
sipiorcole: doesn't matter14:35
RxDxi have a notebook and i want to install ubuntu.. was that HD OVER CYCLES problem fixed?14:35
webterrorok i found it14:35
colesipior: ok14:35
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : it seems waiste of laptop to use 32 bits sytem on 64 , just becouse one compiler wonts it14:35
norbert79SkyNetMaster: Well, did you check the repositories if this application might be availble after all?14:36
webterrorok i found it "Hide all windows and focus desktop"14:36
norbert79SkyNetMaster: Still, if you stick to the 64 bit system (you could still emulate the 32 bit) use chroot14:37
SkyNetMasterit not in repositories, it is compiler suplied by KPIT Cummins Infosystems14:37
renan_saddamnorbert79: Do you think I should format the partition with ext3 ?14:37
norbert79renan_saddam: Not necessary14:37
webterrorbut, it was set already.14:37
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : Im trying to set it upp now14:37
renan_saddamnorbert79: to avoid this authorisations issues14:37
norbert79SkyNetMaster: Good luck :)14:37
norbert79renan_saddam: I would suggesting on understanding how authorisation works inside Linux/UNIX and in all the services so you can understand things more clear14:37
norbert79renan_saddam: Check some basic documentation, it's worth it :)14:38
chengchang_My computer 's DELL  1420   .but there is not a  Webcam  driver  for it  .Please  help me14:38
tokico_sipior: here it is, compiling vitetris: http://pastebin.com/m6c9e14b914:38
thomasfeistyis there any way to still upgrade feisty to gutsy?14:38
chengchang_My computer 's DELL  1420   .but there is not a  Webcam  driver  for it  .Please  help me14:38
renan_saddamnorbert79: hmm, going to do that. Cause Apache seems well configured. The problem is the partition14:38
norbert79chengchang_: Don't repeat yourself often. Second: did you buy the laptop first hand?14:38
mads-I need some server-side inventory database system - I need to be able to add a computer and say which software it has installed etc. Anyone know of such opensource application?14:39
M1DLGI got my video working (although no dual heasd yet) many thanks guys really appreciated.14:39
tokico_thomasfeisty: you should update to hardy or intrepid, not gutsy14:39
tokico_gutsy is old and not so reliable14:39
chengchang_Yes   I buy a first hand one14:39
norbert79tokico_: Disagree, still owning it ;-)14:39
thomasfeistytokico , yes thats what i want to do, from feisty to gutsy -> hardy -> intrepid14:39
norbert79chengchang_: Did you try Dell's official support already?14:40
thomasfeistyif theres a way to go to intrepid directly i would be happy14:40
norbert79thomasfeisty: full Reinstall only14:40
ikoniathomasfeisty: no - you need to go through the ugprades14:40
norbert79thomasfeisty: Or through the upgrades14:40
ikoniathomasfeisty: with that in mind it may be better to do a backup - and install 8.10 directly as a new system14:40
tokico_norbert79: yes, but agree that intrepid is better, right ;)14:40
norbert79tokico_: Naaaah, jsut to disagree ;-) But thats offtopic right now :D14:41
sipiortokico_: interesting. where'd you find these sources? your compiler seems to be fine, at any rate.14:41
thomasfeistyikonia , thats impossible, the only ressources i have are an internet connection and a feisty cd, no possibility to burn an intrepid iso :(14:41
norbert79thomasfeisty: You have to go through the updates then... Do you have a pendrive?14:41
ikoniathomasfeisty: why can't you burn the ISO ?14:41
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : should I when run schroot aliens **** to unpack rmp?14:42
thomasfeistyikonia: cause i dont have cd-rs, explaining the whole situation would be tedious :)14:42
tokico_sipior: at the official website: http://victornils.net/tetris/14:42
tokico_sipior: I don't think the problem is with the sources... But i'm no expert!14:42
colesipior: i think thats sent14:42
thomasfeistynorbert79: ikonia , the dist upgrade fails cause the upgrade manager needs to get something from the ubuntu archive, BUT they are non-existant for feisty...14:42
renan_saddamnorbert79: btw, dealing with ext3 partition is best than dealing with fat32, right?14:42
sipiorcole: sent? did you get a pastebin url?14:42
Nasrahello.....Can any1 tell me why when I hit shut down computer (ubuntu) it reboots automatically?14:43
Droopsta915What program can I use to create an .iso of a dvd and get sound to play on the movie. The image looks fine, but I get no sound.14:43
norbert79renan_saddam: It's up to you14:43
thomasfeistyi know of the old-releases.ubuntu archive but that doesnt work for dist-upgrade...14:43
colesipior: oh one mo14:43
renan_saddamnorbert79: :)14:43
norbert79renan_saddam: Read the documenations first, and compare all the filesystems. Try to understand some basics first14:43
Nasramy computer ( ubuntu) does not to shut down...14:43
tokico_sipior: know what's the problem?14:43
sipiortokico_: working on it14:44
Nasrahello.....Can any1 tell me why when I hit shut down computer (ubuntu) it reboots automatically?14:44
colesipior: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122849/14:44
ja_does anybody here??14:44
norbert79SkyNetMaster: I have never had to deal with the application unfortunetally... I don't know what it needs.14:44
ikoniaja_: hear what ?14:44
tokico_sipior: oh, sorry.14:44
Jack_Sparrowthomasfeisty deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty main restricted universe multiverse deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-security main restricted universe multiverse14:44
sipiortokico_: could you show the output of ./configure?14:44
hwildeHi I have two monitors running two xscreens.  When I am working in the second xscreen both monitors will dim and go into powersave mode.  It only recognizes mouse and keyboard activity in xscreen0.  How can I get it to recognize both?14:44
Jack_Sparrowthomasfeisty change to just those lines for your sources list and update, updrade then dist-upgrade14:45
BashiiiCan anyone tell me how to disable mouse1+mouse2 being paste?14:45
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto14:45
norbert79SkyNetMaster: chroot will chain down the started application "chroot /bin/bash/" for example to a directory defined14:45
tokico_sipior: http://pastebin.com/m3333410114:45
thomasfeistyJack_Sparrow:  while dist-upgrading the upgrade makes a new file called prerequists-sources.list and fills in an non existent archive14:45
NasraHas any1 experienced any problem when shutting down computer and just reboots itself up?14:46
tokico_sipior: have to leave, please send solution to tokico.pt[at]gmail.com14:46
sipiorcole: ah, you're trying to start an X-based program from a script, but there is no server running that can be accessed by the cron user. you won't be able to use kppp in this manner, i'm afraid.14:46
thomasfeistyJack_Sparrow:  the files the upgrader needs are on old-releases, but the upgrader wont touch them14:46
Jack_Sparrowthomasfeisty did you update and upgrade first14:46
Nasrait does not want to shut down....14:46
nectarNasra iam having issues with shut down14:46
thomasfeistyJack_Sparrow: i did14:46
thomasfeistyJack_Sparrow: nothing left14:46
nectarit does not shut down also suspend and hibarnate is not working roo14:46
Nasranectar thanks for replying ...how to fix it14:47
nectari could not fix it yet14:47
nectaris your computer is a packardbell14:47
Jack_Sparrowthomasfeisty Were you using other sources besides the supported repos prior to this upgrade14:47
sipiortokico_: after you ran ./configure, you issued the make command in the same directory, right?14:47
nectarbecause there is a bug report about it whic is still exist Nasra14:47
Nasranectar: it's a compaq14:47
tokico_sipior: yes14:47
vltHello. When I run a nice'd process, the cpu doesn't run full speed. How can I avoid this? I want to run this process with lower priority than (all) others but with max available cpu power.14:47
thomasfeistyJack_Sparrow: no, i had only those you also pasted in my sources.list14:47
ubuntu_who can give me a  hand?14:47
=== ubuntu_ is now known as huajl8443
nectarNasra it might be the same problem i dont know about it but i think is a an acpi problem.14:48
* norbert79 gives a hand to huajl8443. There ya go14:48
Nasranectar: I am a newbie...so that means that I have re-install....correct or just wait14:48
Jack_Sparrowthomasfeisty gotta run..14:48
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : is there a way to tel alien to ignore that there is no i386 architecture in rpm packet?14:48
colesipior: im trying to kill kppp at certain times, as the kids are having a little trouble getting out of bed for school in a morning due to 3.00am internet adventures. is there any way i can do this? perhaps a user friendly gui app?14:48
thomasfeistythx anyway14:49
nectarNasra if you just installed it if you dont have anything to lost you can try to reinstall it but i tdont think that will solve the problem. You might try to update you bios14:49
BashiiiJack_Sparrow: thank you for your links, they answer to how I could get all my mouse buttons working, which already do, but now how to disable some preset mouse binds? (Pressing mouse 1 and mouse 2 buttons at the sametime pastes a highlighted text, which I want to get rid of)14:50
sipiorcole: ah :-) you can just kill the process with "killall kpppd", which will work just fine from the crontab.14:50
norbert79SkyNetMaster: Hang on14:50
Nasranectar: lol.....but how to update bios ....(stupid question) sorry to be so naive.....the only thing I have is very important application on it thats it ...but not abig deal....14:51
nectarNasra if you can find out something about this problem let me now because iam having this issue for a long time.14:51
sipiortokico_: do you have the package libc6-dev installed?14:51
colesipior: do i just do the command "killall kpppd" or would i have to include a path to it?14:51
nectarif you check out your computers support page you can see probably if there is bios update14:52
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
norbert79SkyNetMaster: I doubt so, but this might be interesting for you: http://alioth.debian.org/docman/view.php/30192/21/debian-amd64-howto.html#id274293 |14:52
Nasranectar: I am trying to find out by researching  and asking question....14:52
nectarand also write how to update bios in google14:52
erUSULBashiii: middle click is paste in Xwindows you mouse is configured to emulate middle click when you press both buttons at the same time14:52
Nasranectar: it's a big deal for you or you just keep it on all the time?14:52
sipiorcole: no path needed. the string is matched against the one found from the process list. test it out manually first, and inspect the list with "ps auxww | grep kpppd", to make sure the name is correct.14:52
norbert79SkyNetMaster: You might also try on installing the 32 bit version of alien14:52
mishuHi. Is Ubuntu Intrepid known to have bad wireless signal? At least worse than Windows? I have a wireless Linksys WRT54GL router. The 2 laptops in my house (with Windows), get 3 times the signal, my laptop with Ubuntu gets (even in the same exact place). I recently changed my Laptop from a Toshiba M70 to a Toshiba L300.. could it be from ubuntu? i really don't believe it's the laptop... if yes.. any idea if it's the antenna or wireless card ?14:52
nectarno iam pushing the power button to shut it down.14:53
sipiorcole: actually, kppp is just the interface to the pppd daemon, yes? so just "/etc/init.d/pppd shutdown" should work.14:53
tokico_sipior: yes14:53
nectarit is comming until the last splash screen but it is not cutting power off. so iam cutting power manually14:53
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : ah ok.  thanks! will try with 32 bits alien first14:53
norbert79mishu: certain wifi devices have problems, you might consider using ndiswrapper14:53
Nasranectar: even if I push down button down it reboots itself up....oh lol...14:53
colesipior: kool, thanx for that :) your a star!14:53
BashiiierUSUL: got any idea how to get rid of that?14:53
sipiorcole: heh, an astronomer, actually :-)14:53
nectaryou have to keep your finger on power button about 5 second to cut the power14:53
mishunorbert79, what is ndiswrapper ?14:54
Klaz168hi, after booting up my swap partition does not get mounted, i've recently shrinked down my swap partition to save up some space. I tried commenting the swap in fstab so the file gets updated with the new UUID but had no success. any help?14:54
=== Oxide is now known as OxideZA
norbert79mishu: an application with which you can use Windows WIFI drivers to make it work under Linux14:54
erUSULBashiii: what the emulation or the fact that: highlight + middle click --> copy and paste?14:54
nectarif you just push it one time it just reboot it is not a problem.14:54
sipiortokico_: you mentioned that this was the latest ubuntu, yes? it seems to build fine on my system.14:54
colesipior: lol :)14:54
mishunorbert79, ok, i'll check it out, thanks14:54
tokico_sipior: yes, I run 8.1014:54
Nasranectar: so you and me are having similar problem and nobody else....----> that is strange , isn't it?14:54
nectari think all packardbell users having the same problem.14:55
norbert79mishu: same way like my Atheros 5212 works under Gutsy at the moment. A card with bad support foir Wifi under Linux, but it works well with ndiswrapper14:55
tokico_sipior: please, when you  have the solution email it to tokico.pt[at]gmail.com14:55
nectarat least packarbell laptop users.14:55
eNons3nsecan you guys please help???  all of my programs are crashing with Segmentation Fault errors.  everything was running fine, then one day i woke up and my computer froze as soon as i moved the mouse.  i had to hard shut-down.  now it's all messed up.14:55
tokico_sipior: many thanks14:55
nectaror they know how to fix it. but i could not find really effective solving method for that still.14:55
mistryniteshhello all! need link to edubuntu bit-torrent file14:55
erUSULBashiii: in xorg.conf file iirc14:55
mishunorbert79, ok, thanks a lot ... looking for it now in synaptic14:55
Klaz168helly anyone reading?14:55
norbert79eNons3nse: I would consider of running fsck on the partition... Could be anything so far, or maybe memory issues... run fsck on the partition and memtest14:55
Nasranectar: so it 's packarbell related problem have nothing to do with Ubuntu, correct?14:56
BashiiiI believe I checked the xorg.conf already yesterday, and found nothing like that :<14:56
nectarNo it is not about packardbell. i think it is about acpi support14:56
erUSULBashiii: in the mouse conf    Option         "Emulate3Buttons" "true" (change to false)14:56
nectaror it is about kernel parametters14:56
Klaz168after booting up my swap partition does not get mounted, i've recently shrinked down my swap partition to save up some space. I tried commenting the swap in fstab so the file gets updated with the new UUID after reboot but had no success. any help?14:56
OxideZAcan you tell me what is a good linux that i can use as a server?14:56
norbert79mishu: You might also consider installing linux-backport-modules, which is a kernel add-on in Ubuntu, it might have some modules for your wifi cards... Same way goes Wifi on my Eee 701 4G14:56
eNons3nsenorbert79: could it be memory?  i just added a gig of ram like 5 days before.  it was brand new but it was fine for 5 days.14:56
nectarİt is about what your system is using for power management.14:56
norbert79eNons3nse: Nah14:57
erUSULOxideZA: ubuntu server. other options are offtopic here14:57
nectarAnd also it might be about your video driver too.14:57
groparuba ovidiu14:57
groparusuji pula14:57
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:57
eNons3nseok.  i'll try fsck14:57
Nasranectar: acpi problem  or kernel parameters.....any suggesting to conclude?14:57
rondnelly_hi o/14:57
nectarat least suspend and hibarnate option is related with video driver14:57
norbert79eNons3nse: Yes, it could be also RAM issues14:57
sipiortokico_: well, i'm not a repair service...ensure that you have the package libncurses5-dev installed.14:57
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nectaryou can check out some acpi parameters14:58
BashiiierUSUL: in which file again?14:58
eNons3nsenorbert79: thanks14:58
nectarsuch as you can start your computer with acpi=off14:58
erUSULBashiii: /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:58
BashiiiAbsolutely nothing concerning the mouse there :/14:58
erUSULBashiii: it may not be there. you may have to add it yourself14:58
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : stupid question, but should I uninstall 64 bits first?14:58
nectarbut it did not worked for me. maybe it works for you14:58
norbert79SkyNetMaster: Not neccesary14:58
BashiiiDo I need to add "Section "Mouse""?14:58
erUSULBashiii: well that's becouserecent xservers autoconfigure most of the things14:58
Bashiiiand EndSection?14:58
Nasranectar: I think tried that the other day with help with a good buddy of mine in here....think did not work ar all....14:59
erUSULBashiii: probably. never done that myself14:59
BashiiiLet's see what happens :D14:59
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org14:59
nectaryea i think we are having the same issues?14:59
norbert79SkyNetMaster: Where the question is good. If you will have some issues, do an apt-get purge, but lets try it first without14:59
nectardoes suspend or hibarnate works?14:59
BashiiiI'll be here in some time just booted up in Windows trying to get things running like they are now since nothing will boot up anymore or something :D14:59
Klaz168how can i update fstab with swap's new UUID?14:59
Nasranectar: so anyway if you see or find out let me know I am alwasy here to reading/learning about Ubuntu.>>>thanks alot15:00
erUSULBashiii: i find the fact that i can copy and paste like that to be a very valuable feature (that i miss in windows)15:00
norbert79Klaz168: just open up /etc/fstab and modify it manually. I guess :)15:00
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : on apt-get I only get 64 bits version, should I build a 32 version?15:00
erUSULKlaz168: edit it with a text editor15:00
OxideZAanyone help me?15:00
BashiiierUSUL: I can do it with middlemouse15:00
norbert79SkyNetMaster: apt-get install alien.i38615:00
nectarNasra yea same here. and if you find some thing let me know too.15:00
erUSULBashiii: i see15:00
Klaz168yeah, but i need to modify the new swap UUID, how to get that.15:01
BashiiiBut as I kill some time playing random games, sometimes I need to be able to press mouse1 and mouse2 buttons at the same time15:01
sipiorOxideZA: difficult to say until we hear what your question is :-)15:01
Nasranectar: done deal....15:01
BashiiiAnd would prefer not having to boot into Windows just to play a game or two :/15:01
OxideZAi just want to install linux or what ever onto my box15:01
OxideZAwhere can i download it from?15:01
nectarNasra see you later15:01
norbert79!wine | Bashiii15:01
ubottuBashiii: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help15:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crossover15:01
Nasranectar: bye15:01
erUSUL!download | OxideZA15:01
ubottuOxideZA: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!15:01
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : I get error can't find package15:01
SneekyPocketsIs Ubuntu server a different distro than Ubuntu Workstation?15:01
cweinhauplInteresting problem, the date on my server is out by two hours and I have tried updating from a time server and the timezone is set correctly.  What can I check next?15:02
BashiiiI know of Wine... :P15:02
OxideZAis this easy?15:02
OxideZAto work?15:02
erUSULSneekyPockets: some things are different some are the same15:02
norbert79SkyNetMaster: Make sure you have enabled the i386 repository as well... I guess you will need to do that first :)15:02
sipiorSneekyPockets: not really. just a smaller (and slightly different) set of default installed packages.15:02
OxideZAis ubunto better than debian?15:02
erUSULOxideZA: the instalation process?15:02
tokico_sipior: no I don't have it installed15:02
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BashiiierUSUL: one more thing...15:02
SneekyPocketsbut its a different disk?15:02
OxideZAtalk privately to me15:02
tokico_sipior: hope installing it solves the problem15:02
BashiiiTo get these changes working... I gotta reboot?15:02
OxideZAto many pepple talking15:02
erUSULOxideZA: pretty easy if you install the desktop version15:02
sipiortokico_: there's your problem, i believe.15:02
tokico_sipior: many thanks.15:03
BashiiiOr can I get them working without a reboot?15:03
OxideZAis it staill 100%stable?15:03
sipiortokico_: no trouble15:03
norbert79Bashiii: No... What exactly are you trying to accomplish?15:03
BashiiiI added a few lines to xorg.conf15:03
BashiiiAnd would like the changes to take place15:03
erUSULBashiii: just restart the xserver sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart15:03
tokico_sipior: that's why i love ubuntu. great support.15:03
OxideZAwhere are you oaks in the world?15:03
norbert79Bashiii: I see.. Just restart your gui. This will close application, but will be musch fatser than restart. Ctrl+Alt+backspace15:04
norbert79!ot | OxideZA15:04
ubottuOxideZA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:04
erUSUL!install | OxideZA15:04
ubottuOxideZA: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate15:04
Vegancheesesteakubuntu 8.04 lts server question...which is the easiest/best way to get php mail() working? is sendmail not the way to go?15:05
Siliciumhi there, i have a Problem while creating own usplash, so, i have created a 16colored indexed png 640x400 and converted into c-code, then i compiled it with gcc into a shared library like some differend tutorials. but it doensnt display while booting - any ideas?15:06
Siliciumis it a LiveCD15:06
erUSULVegancheesesteak: postfix is default mta for ubuntu15:06
norbert79Silicium: This might be interesting for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62201815:06
VegancheesesteakerUSUL: ok, thanks.15:07
Siliciumnorbert79: thanks, i will read15:07
norbert79Silicium: detailed, step by step tutorial also for usplash15:07
MoLootWhat is the most powerful or most comperable software to dreamweaver or Expression for linux (GPL)?15:07
norbert79MoLoot: Guess that would be Blender, but thats not a support question really :)15:07
Siliciumnorbert79: is it a live-cd15:07
Siliciumit hasnt grub15:07
erUSULMoLoot: aptana if you do not use wysiwyg editing to much15:07
Siliciumi used that one: http://pluto.htu.tuwien.ac.at/How-To_Live-CD_verändern15:08
SneekyPocketsMoLoot: look into Komposur15:08
norbert79Silicium: Grub is the partitioon loader, usplash is the animation which you see during boot15:08
Siliciumi know oO15:08
MoLootThanks everyone... I am looking for some wysiwyg...  :)15:08
Siliciumusplash isn just the animation15:09
Siliciumist it more, the image is just a shared object15:09
SneekyPocketsMoLoot: yeah that'll do it for you then15:09
BactaHow can I make my wireless connection more stable?15:09
norbert79Silicium: Are you in need of support, or are you here to teach others? Now make up your mind, please15:09
BubbaSparkstin foil15:09
norbert79Silicium: You have been given a pretty detailed entry on creating own usplash.15:10
norbert79Silicium: This is what you have asked for. Anything else?15:10
Siliciumi dont need to know GNU internals mate15:10
Siliciumi already know that15:11
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : how do I now which alien is runing now? I have installed 32 bits version using getlib15:11
SneekyPocketsGod, so i have an 8.04 VM install on my box here at work, mainly for screwing around when i'm bored.15:11
SneekyPocketsBut i can never remember the password for it15:11
SiliciumSneekyPockets: boot in single user mode15:11
norbert79SkyNetMaster: I guess the 32 bit version goes to a different subdirectory, right?15:11
Siliciumadd prefix init=/bin/bash in the grub15:11
SneekyPocketsSilicium: yeah, i know how to reset a password15:12
SneekyPocketsjust a PITA15:12
Siliciumnot prefix :D15:12
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:12
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norbert79SkyNetMaster: I would refer to it using like: /usr/bin32/alien15:12
norbert79SkyNetMaster: (Last time I used a 64 bit Linux system was with FC5, so I am all doing this from heart)15:13
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joerackhelp- What is the best Dvd Player for Ubuntu?15:14
jungarhi guys.... im using ubuntu 8.10 x64 ... how do i get SOPCAST to work on it???????????????????????????????15:14
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:14
sipiorjungar: you're missing a couple of question marks.15:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sopcast15:14
SkyNetMasternorbert79: , thanx! but problems still continue :S15:15
norbert79jungar: I guess by reading the documentation :)))15:15
DanI found the fix to the no audio on Ubuntu!!!!!15:15
norbert79Dan: Good for you!15:15
norbert79SkyNetMaster: I see... Whats the error?15:15
jungarnorbert79, what documentation ??  i didnt find anything that works with a 64bit architecture :(15:15
norbert79jungar: sopcast's documeantion I guess :)15:16
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : firs there is no bin32 directory so I not sure I have to alien's15:16
norbert79SkyNetMaster: You can easly query dpkg or aptitude on displaing where the 32 bit binaries get installed15:16
DanDon't do /list on freenode15:16
norbert79SkyNetMaster: thats... hang on15:16
DanYou get spammed15:16
jungarnorbert79, http://www.sopcast.org/download/  theres nothing here for 64bit linux .... or at least i cannot find anything15:16
norbert79Dan: Thank you for today's moral advise, we won't.15:16
norbert79jungar: Did you try using apt-cache search sopcast? :)15:17
jungarnorbert79, i dont know what that is... but i'll try it15:17
norbert79SkyNetMaster: dpkg -L <package>15:17
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)15:18
norbert79!apt-get | jungar15:18
ubottujungar: please see above15:18
norbert79!synaptic | jungar15:18
ubottujungar: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto15:18
erUSULjungar: 32 bit apps work on 64 bit linus is lib32 libs are installed15:18
erUSUL!find lib3215:19
ubottuFile lib32 found in brother-lpr-drivers-extra, brother-lpr-drivers-laser, brother-lpr-drivers-laser1, brother-lpr-drivers-mfc9420cn, fakeroot (and 58 others)15:19
jungarguys this is too complicated... isnt there a .deb file that i could install?15:19
norbert79!find sopcast15:19
ubottuPackage/file sopcast does not exist in intrepid15:19
SkyNetMasternorbert79 : but the package is rpm yet, not deb15:19
norbert79jungar: Ehm, actually, this is the best method. Using the application manager. If you have chosen on using 64 bit Linux you have to deal with the 32 bit compatibility issues too...15:19
norbert79SkyNetMaster: I was more referring on finding out where the 32 bit alien was installed too15:20
norbert79SkyNetMaster: I was more referring on finding out where the 32 bit alien was installed to15:20
norbert79SkyNetMaster: In case you have managed on getting the 32 bit version installed.15:20
SkyNetMasternorbert79 :  no info about that, but I will work a bit later on it . have to run. and thank you for your help, I see the light now :)15:21
jungarnorbert79, do you know anyone who actually installed SOPCAST?15:21
norbert79SkyNetMaster: Me too, good luck further on!15:21
jungarhas anyone here used SOPCAST?15:21
norbert79jungar: Doubt so, but there are lot of other applications too.. Guess you want to build an internet radio, right?15:21
orudie-workhi, i need help changing hostname , name of the computer15:21
hackelHas anyone backported kvm-84 for Intrepid?  I compiled it, but it claims to be incompatible with this version of udev.15:22
jungarnorbert79, its an internet TV .. live and free15:22
ninixanyone has already got this problem after an dist-upgrade ? (hardy to intrepid) :  * Starting kernel log daemon... .. my apt-get install freeze there15:22
SneekyPocketsso hi15:22
norbert79orudie: right click on Network-Manager, Manual settings, and delect the 'default' window15:22
norbert79jungar: Aaaa, right15:23
norbert79jungar: Now I remember... I have experimented once with it. Let me find the documentation for that15:23
jungarnorbert79, thanks man15:23
norbert79jungar: https://launchpad.net/sopcast.sh - this one worked for me15:24
gordonjcphas anyone got the Novatel U740 HDSPA card working in 8.10?15:24
jungarnorbert79, are you using intrepid 64 ?15:24
norbert79jungar: Gutsy 32bit15:24
gordonjcpor alternatively, has anyone got a certain amount of module-assistant wisdom?15:25
norbert79jungar: but VLC is available for 64 bit too, including the applications listed in the description15:25
norbert79jungar: there are no real clients available for Ubuntu yet (none I am aware of), but this one works... Bit of a workaround, but works15:25
jshriverHow can you kill a print job that's currently sending (not queued) from the cli15:26
norbert79jungar: I mean sopcast clients15:26
norbert79jungar: Dunno if Miro supports it already... Might be the case15:26
norbert79jungar: Check Miro too just in case15:26
jungarnorbert79, whats miro?15:26
norbert79jungar: It uses Mozilla Firefox engine. it's also a media client15:27
norbert79!miro | jungar15:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about miro15:27
FloodBot1norbert79: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:27
norbert79jungar: ^^15:27
orudie-workhi, i need help changing hostname , name of the computer15:27
gordonjcpDoes 8.10 come with the nozomi drivers, or do I still need to install nozomi-source and m-a a-i nozomi?15:28
dr_Willis!hostname | orudie-work15:28
ubottuorudie-work: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab15:28
jungarnorbert79, ok .. im on this page and will follow what they say... i hope it works :(   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82877915:28
norbert79orudie-work:  right click on Network-Manager, Manual settings, and delect the 'default' window15:28
berriopI have several servers, I want to manage all of them simultaneously, eg. install or edit an application in all of them at the same time, any idea of a good application?15:28
orudie-worknorbert79, i'm using ubuntu server15:28
sadiq_how can I enable tab completion on my server if I'm connected trough ssh???15:28
norbert79jungar: The documentation seen there worked for me for sure... I was watching ESPN baseball.. Was fun :)15:29
BubbaSparksdo you guys think 7200 is expensive tuition fees?15:29
norbert79!hostname | orudie15:29
ubottuorudie: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab15:29
BubbaSparksfor university education15:29
norbert79!ot | BubbaSparks15:29
ubottuBubbaSparks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:29
jungarnorbert79, sopcast is amazing... its a shame they havent included it in www.getdeb.com15:29
sipiorberriop: the clusterssh package might be useful to you.15:30
berriopsipior: thanks I ll av a look at it :)15:32
natschil_hello, I am trying to install ubuntu onto a usb flash drive without having to burn a cdrom. I have qemu installed, and can load the cdrom image fine. The problem is that I cannot directly seem to connect the usb flash drive qemu. Is there a way to do it?15:33
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gordonjcpcan anyone help me install a Novatel U740 HDSPA card in Ubuntu 8.10?15:33
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=== natschi_ is now known as natschil
gordonjcpcan anyone help me install a Novatel U740 HDSPA card in Ubuntu 8.10?15:36
norbert79gordonjcp: Guess getting no answer means no15:36
norbert79natschil: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-552897.html15:36
gordonjcpnorbert79: always the case with the tricky questions15:36
norbert79gordonjcp: Yeah, I also use Google first all the time15:37
gordonjcpnorbert79: yes, which is what I've been doing15:37
gordonjcpnorbert79: all I've been able to find is "do 'm-a a-i nozomi'" which doesn't appear to work in 8.1015:37
colesipior: still a no go, cant get it to kill the processes im getting kpppd: no process killed15:37
ManInTheIronMaskhi all15:38
norbert79gordonjcp: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=253466 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=353917 did you check these already?15:38
sipiorcole: the program is kppp, right? and it controls the pppd daemon, which is  the name you should feed killall15:38
gordonjcpnorbert79: yes to both15:38
gordonjcpnorbert79: they're not relevant15:39
c0p3rn1cI'm having problems with open-sasc-ng, I'm getting the following error"Could not open /dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend1. Error was: 14 Open failed: Bad address" after running ./sasc-ng -j 0:115:39
c0p3rn1cI'm trying to get it working for days now :(15:39
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norbert79gordonjcp: Accidentally: Do you speak german?15:39
sipiorcole: does "ps aux | grep pppd" return anything?15:39
norbert79gordonjcp: http://wiki.ubuntu-forum.de/index.php/Novatel_Merlin_U74015:40
gordonjcpnorbert79: no, well a *tiny* bit and mostly with the aid of Google translate15:40
norbert79gordonjcp: You might give that a try after all15:40
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gordonjcpnorbert79: the most recent one mentioned there is Hardy15:40
gordonjcpnorbert79: I'm using Intrepid15:40
norbert79gordonjcp: You might give it a try after all15:40
amikropCan ls `yes` be killed? And if yes, how? And why can't it be killed by Ctrl-C and why does it hang the whole system?15:41
gordonjcpnorbert79: I think I should probably "upgrade" to Hardy, nothing works in Intrepid15:41
hwildeHi I have two monitors running two xscreens.  When I am working in the second xscreen both monitors will dim and go into powersave mode.  It only recognizes mouse and keyboard activity in xscreen0.  How can I get it to recognize both?15:41
gordonjcpnorbert79: it works in Hardy, the module can't even be built in Intrepid15:41
norbert79gordonjcp: Weird, I had the exactly opposite experience :)15:41
norbert79gordonjcp: What about linux-modules-backports?15:41
Kingsy101hmmm I have just installed xubuntu on my laptop but its still running really slow (its really old) does anyone know of a lighter version with a nice GUI than xubuntu?15:41
norbert79gordonjcp: maybe it's included inside15:41
danbhfiveKingsy101: maybe fluxbuntu15:42
_VIM_Kingsy101: have you tried IceWM15:42
colesipior: yes i type killall kppp and nothing happens, it wont kill with the pid id either15:42
gordonjcpnorbert79: I'll switch back to Hardy15:42
gordonjcpnorbert79: it's a lot less broken than Intrepid15:42
scunizihwilde, you might have to turn on xinerama.  If you're using nvidia it will be an option in nvidia-settings15:42
norbert79gordonjcp: As you wish, but I won't give up that easy15:43
sipiorcole: what about the question i asked you earlier?15:43
gordonjcpnorbert79: well, I've got no usable sound or usb-midi in Intrepid either15:43
mads-I need some server-side inventory database system - I need to be able to add a computer and say which software it has installed etc. Anyone know of such opensource application?15:44
danbhfivegordonjcp: don't forget to file bug reports if they don't exist already15:44
gordonjcpnorbert79: that article suggests the ubuntu network panel, and I'm using Xubuntu which doesn't appear to have it15:44
gordonjcpdanbhfive: they do, no-one seems interested in fixing them15:44
norbert79None we are aware of mads-. I would suggest on reading documentation on dpkg and apt-get15:44
colesipior: yes kppp is the name of the app, and it controls pppd, however in /etc/init.d/ there is no kpppd in there15:44
gordonjcpdanbhfive: they will never be worked on because they're not about adding more shiny graphics and wobbly window effects15:44
mads-norbert79 : What would you search for there?15:45
sipiorcole: i meant the question about pppd. if you run "ps aux | grep pppd", what gets returned?15:45
norbert79mads-: " and say which software it has installed"15:45
sipiorcole: also, you'll be looking for /etc/init.d/pppd. note the lack of a "k".15:45
colesipior: yup sorry thats what i meant15:46
NativeAngelsits there anyone that can help me sort out msyql error #200215:46
nosycwhere's the sshd failed logins log stored?15:46
SneekyPocketsnosyc: /var/log/secure15:46
carpiitry /var/log/secure15:46
Picinosyc: /var/log/auth.log15:46
colesipior: im getting:  "ps aux | grep pppd15:46
carpiiso drop the quote15:47
ConstantineXVIMy Add/Remove Applications is totally empty, how can I fix it?15:47
sipiorcole: i used quotes to set the terminal command off from the rest of what i wrote :-)15:47
norbert79ConstantineXVI: pardon? :)15:47
sipiorcole: you should leave them out.15:47
hwildescunizi, I saw that checkbox but I could not find any clue as to what it means15:47
NativeAngelsmy linux box went down due to a power failure and on trying to start mysql it fails15:47
colesipior: im getting ps aux | grep pppd15:47
coleroot      9342  0.0  0.0   2872  1172 ttyACM1  Ss+  15:40   0:00 pppd 921600 -detach call kppp-options crtscts defaultroute usepeerdns user user15:47
coleshane     9698  0.0  0.0   2984   772 pts/0    S+   15:47   0:00 grep pppd15:47
ConstantineXVInorbert79, when I go to Apps -> Add/Remove, there's nothing listed15:48
NativeAngelsgetting a error #200215:48
sipiorcole: so "pppd" is the string you want to feed to killall15:48
norbert79NativeAngels: Try to to an sudo apt-get update inside your console15:48
satansaunthaving problems connecting to wireless- is there anything i should be checking for? it attempts to connect only to ask for the authorisation key which has already been entered- thanks for your help15:49
NativeAngelsits a socket file error norbert7915:49
nosycPici: thanks15:49
ManInTheIronMaskhow to uninstall gyache?15:49
norbert79NativeAngels: Thats not good... What did you do?15:49
danbhfivesatansaunt: dmesg may have some useful info15:49
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norbert79NativeAngels: Did you remove anything from the system?15:49
danbhfive!terminal > satansaunt15:50
ubottusatansaunt, please see my private message15:50
NativeAngelsno the linux box went down when the power failed15:50
colesipior: yes that woked great! thanx very very much :)15:50
norbert79NativeAngels: I would recommend on doing an fsck on the filesystem in single mode15:50
sipiorcole: yep, no trouble.15:50
norbert79NativeAngels: reboot your linux in single mode15:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about single15:50
NativeAngelswhats that15:50
sadiq_I use ssh to test my server but I have no Tab Completion...how can I fix it??15:51
NativeAngelswhen the power went the local ip changed of the linux box15:51
gray_does anyone know how to keep conky from minimizing when i click show desktop??15:51
ConstantineXVIWhen I start Add/Remove, it shows the message "There is no matching application available." where you normally see the description15:52
ConstantineXVIalong with not showing any apps15:52
gray_does anyone know how to keep conky from minimizing when i click show desktop??15:53
satansaunti've dmesg'd and i don't really know what i'm looking for- there's a lot of info here..15:53
norbert79ConstantineXVI, NativeAngels: I would suggest running fsck on your disks: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-boot-ubuntu-linux-rescue-mode/15:54
NativeAngelsdont think it needs rescuing15:55
NativeAngelsits the sock file15:55
gordonjcpnorbert79: did you use the network manager thing or command line to set up your card?15:55
norbert79gordonjcp: I don't own any card...15:55
gordonjcpoh, okay15:55
gordonjcpthought you said you'd got it working15:55
danbhfiveNativeAngels: rescue mode is the same as single user mode, AFAIK15:55
skorasaurushi, my generic mp3 players is detected and mounted when i insert it, but I am receiving vfat errors with it.15:55
norbert79gordonjcp: No, not me15:55
gordonjcpthis is too hard to use, is there a command-line version?15:56
norbert79skorasaurus: Do a filesystem check on the device15:56
gray_does anyone know how to keep conky from minimizing when i click show desktop??15:56
Wandererhmm, did a dist-upgrade on my intrepid box last night.  Now pager is down to 1 desktop,  the window widgets aren't working and andokai server dies15:57
=== roshan is now known as DarkKnight
norbert79Wanderer: Jaunty is still in alpha... I expect that was to be expected.15:58
saurabhhow can i create my keyboard shortcuts for the launchers that i make15:58
skorasaurusnorbert79, I issued sudo fsck /dev/sdd1 (where it's located) and it returned: FATs differ - using second FAT.15:58
skorasaurus(among other lines)15:58
DarkKnightcan anyone tell me how to install virtualbox15:59
norbert79skorasaurus: Thats not good anyway... I would suggest on securing all the songs, and reformatting the device (recreate the partition too)15:59
norbert79!virtualbox | DarkKnight15:59
ubottuDarkKnight: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox15:59
saurabhhow can i create my keyboard shortcuts for the launchers that i make15:59
DarkKnightnorbert79; hi...nice to see you after a long time16:00
shadeslayerhi i want to create a login theme from this:http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=95049&forumpage=0'16:00
norbert79DarkKnight: Hi! Yeah, been busy with my life... Not much time for support16:00
J-_!virtualbox | DarkKnight16:00
ubottuDarkKnight: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox16:00
skorasaurusnorbert79, is there a way to back any of them up via the mp3 player (i have most of them backed up in other players, but there's a few i'd still like)16:00
shadeslayerand replace the background image16:00
shadeslayerwith another image16:00
shadeslayer i replaced the image but i cant package the thing back together16:00
saurabhhow can i create my keyboard shortcuts for the launchers that i make16:01
norbert79skorasaurus: Just get the files to your PC, recreate thew partition using gparted, format it to fat32, and upload the songs...16:01
DarkKnightnorbert79, J-; which do you think is better... is it virtualbox or VmWare16:01
skorasaurussaurabh: on the desktop click 'system' (in the panel) then preferences, then keyboard shortcuts.16:01
mac9416_2Hey, ya'll, is it OK to do an apt-get update by hand? I don't have the net, and when I install new software it breaks the dependency tree because the newer software isn't supposed to exist.16:01
norbert79DarkKnight: Depends... Virtualbox has the cooperative feature, where VMware is more know. I would pick Virtualbox, because it has also an open source version too16:01
mac9416_2I know what lists to use, but I don't know if it's safe.16:01
=== richard is now known as Guest94371
Wanderernorbert79: I'm not on Jaunty, I'm on Intrepid16:02
skorasaurusnorbert79, k. thanks.16:02
HexTasymy server keeps haning on "Starting Munin-Node"16:02
DarkKnightnorbert79; thnk you16:02
norbert79skorasaurus, DarkKnight : You're both welcome16:02
saurabhskorasaurus:thats for normal applications.i want for those that i have created through launcher.........16:02
norbert79Wanderer: I see... Didn't do any update from Hardy to Interprid yet...16:02
J-_vbox in my opinion has been faster than any other ones I've tried. But YMMV16:03
=== doppler|zzzZZZzz is now known as dopplerdeffect
=== Co_27_Ehem is now known as arVhy_fuNN
glitsj16gray_: if you use compiz, the 'window rules' plugin might do that, add conky to the non-minimizable windows ... or use an app called devilspie to do that regardless of running compiz (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie)16:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about launcher16:03
danbhfiveWanderer: do you know what was installed?16:03
DarkKnightnorbert79; so can i install other OS using virtualbox?16:03
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support16:03
RondnellyDarkKnight, yes u can16:03
norbert79DarkKnight: Yes, of course. Cooperative mode is a feature, where an application started in the 'guest' os starts in the Host OS, and is being shown as if it would run in your main OS16:04
saurabhskorasaurus:i have written a shell script and(right click on desktop create launcher) through this i have created few applications i want for them keyboard shortkuts16:04
HexTasyanyone else have problems with munin-node stalling at boot, or even just restarting the munin-node service itself?16:04
HexTasydoes it really need to run as root?16:05
DarkKnightRondnelly, norbert79; i first thought of making dual boot with ubuntu and XP and OpenSolaris. But then i heard about VirtualBox and decided to go for this. DO you think what i am doing is right?16:05
Wandererdanbhfive: no, it had what appeared to be a number of updates like a normal upgrade after a few weeks16:06
Wandererbut afterwards kde was all screwed up16:06
Wandererapt-get install kde didn't help either16:06
norbert79DarkKnight: I think you have to know what you want. We cannot help you with this furthermore, decide how you would like to go on. Emulating a machine is slow, but causes less trouble16:06
norbert79DarkKnight: But I think this is not a support question16:06
Wanderera long time back an install of "kde" would get all the packages in the meta package.  Seems to not be the case anymore16:07
HexTasymunin problems? anyone?16:07
nectarDarkKnight just install Vbox you gonna see what you have to do then16:07
danbhfiveWanderer: try: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop^16:07
norbert79HexTasy: Doubt it... Otherwise you would have received an answer16:07
HexTasynorbert79: cute. thanks.16:07
=== Administrador is now known as rslrdx
norbert79HexTasy: I would suggest using Google. It might spit out something useful16:08
HexTasyyou're just full of useful information.16:08
shadeslayerhey can someone help me package a GDM theme together16:08
sipiorHexTasy: best just to ask again every so often. the composition of the channel changes pretty regularly.16:08
norbert79HexTasy: What do you think I am using all the time? ;-)16:08
HexTasylol, i'm pretty good with google myself16:08
HexTasyi'll just ask again later ;) if I haven't figured it out by then.16:09
rabidweezlehey, I try to change my screen resolution after I did it in vnc so it would fit on my laptop's screen, now it won't change back16:10
nantes_geeki try to use ldap for user auth, i see my users into getent passwd, i can make a su - my_username, but i can't change my password ( with passwd or ldappasswd)16:10
nantes_geekany idea ?16:10
rabidweezlenot here16:11
rabidweezlenever got into ldap16:11
nantes_geeklet's go to the openldap chan :)16:11
=== jay is now known as Guest62002
Droopsta915How can I unmount a dvd that auto mounted?16:12
norbert79right click on the icon, eject16:13
norbert79or use plain umount /media/cdrom16:13
rabidweezleoh I got it...16:13
norbert79depending on what you try to accomplish16:13
rabidweezlehad to load up prefferences>appearance, and it magically fixed itself lol16:13
Wandererhmmm, doesn't seem to have helped16:13
danbhfiveWanderer: did it install anything?16:14
drcodehi all16:14
drcodeany one know replace meant for ms sharepint?16:14
drcodeany one know replace meant for ms sharepoint?16:15
norbert79drcode: whats that all about?16:15
Wandererabout 5 packages16:15
drcodeI am looking for gpl replacement to oss in ms16:15
norbert79drcode: We got you, but what does MS Sharepoint do?16:16
norbert79drcode: never used it before16:16
drcodeIts Portal for users16:16
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drcodethay an open there web site, share docs and so16:16
=== shadeslayer is now known as cyborg
MaticHae all, how do you remove files that have windows files permissions as Read-only in ubuntu16:17
nite_johnboyIs there a way to have Nautilus list files by "Type" - Example - same name of file - one is .flac - other is .mp3 ? ?16:17
piovisquican someone look at this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/334410 sudo does not work due to a postfix error!!16:17
norbert79drcode: e-directory from Novell might be similar16:17
drcodeits web server16:17
drcodeI mean somthing gpl16:17
norbert79drcode: e-directory is GPL, but you have to pay for it too16:18
norbert79drcode: GPL means not free, but free as beer you see :)16:18
=== cyborg is now known as shadeslayer
vagkhi! I had 8.04 and updated to 8.10. Things work fine except minor things. Example: I have in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf the SoundOnLogin, SoundOnLoginSuccess yet I get sound when I login successfully16:19
vagkany ideas?16:19
vagk SoundOnLogin, SoundOnLoginSuccess to false I mean16:19
norbert79drcode: http://www.xoops.org/ | http://www.mamboserver.com/16:20
norbert79drcode: Maybe16:21
Wanderernorbert79: additinal side effects, I don't get the window frames to move windows, etc and only 1 desktop (used to have 12)16:21
drcodethanx norbert7916:22
norbert79Wanderer: I would suggest a full reinstall. Never did a Hardy -> Interprid before16:22
norbert79I skipped Hardy to be honest16:23
_VIM_Wanderer: Ive heard upgrading is a problem, like norbert79 it's better to just fully install intrepid clean, rather than update16:23
Wandereryeah, just painful16:23
WandererI'm looking for blanks to burn now16:24
danbhfiveWanderer: wait, did you use dist-upgrade to upgrade from hardy to intrepid?16:24
norbert79it always depends on the way you use your Linux. It works normally, but if you have a highly customized system, like i have my Gutsy, I just do a full reinstall if needed.16:24
Wandererdanbhfive: weeks ago,  problem only came out 2 days ago16:24
Wandereronly image I see to download on kubunu site is 8.1016:24
Wandererisn't that hardy?16:24
norbert79no, 8.10 is Ibex16:25
_VIM_Hardy is 8.04 LTS16:25
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81016:25
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.16:25
danbhfiveWanderer: do you have linux-generic installed?16:25
alvin_3any documentation that i can find for installing samba on ubuntu server?16:25
norbert79!samba | alvin_316:26
ubottualvin_3: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:26
hwilde!samba | alvin_316:26
hwildedang too slow16:26
danbhfiveWanderer: btw, dist-upgrade isn't supported.  You are probably better off using do-release-upgrade next time if you want to it from the cli16:26
Wandererdanbhfive: apt-get says I do16:26
norbert79hwilde: ;-)16:26
=== Juhaz_ is now known as Juhaz
raiI am having compaq presario c740 laptop. I am not able to change the visual effect.16:26
raiHow can i know the version of my graphic card? How can i overcome this problem?16:26
Droopsta915Is Gnome Baker an ok software?16:26
Wandererok, new command, gotcha16:26
amikropHello. How can I set a per-process memory limit?16:26
_VIM_alvin_3: I'm possitive if you google Samba + Ubuntu server + 2008,  you'll find at least 1000 hits16:26
alvin_3hwilde: if i install samba on my ubuntu server, can my mac machine map that ?16:27
HuufartedQuestion about Gnome menus.  I've installed a few programs, gparted and tightvnc, but they haven't created icons in the Applications menu.  Anybody know why this would happen?16:27
danbhfiveWanderer: yeah, its the upgrade command that gets tested and debugged16:27
amikropHow can I set a per-process memory limit?16:27
_VIM_!swat | alvin_3 This might also help...16:27
ubottualvin_3 This might also help...: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:27
Wandererok, I'll track that one16:27
hwildealvin_3, sure16:27
carpiialvin, i suspect apple can probably access nfs shares, which is much nicer than samba anyway16:27
amikropHow can I set a per-process memory limit?16:27
norbert79amikrop: Stop repeating yourself this often.: man limits.conf16:28
deamoonhi ppl16:28
deamooni need some help16:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:28
=== doppler_ is now known as dopplerdeffect
deamoonwhat do i need to install that i could c videos on web brovser16:28
anton_flash ;)16:29
norbert79deamoon: Please stick to true english16:29
carpiiand a web browser16:29
HuufartedAnybody know why gparted did not install an icon when I installed it through Synaptic?16:29
anton_тру инглиш!16:29
deamooninstall that still cant c em16:29
norbert79!ru | AntiSpamMeta16:29
ubottuAntiSpamMeta: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:29
norbert79!ru | anton_16:29
ubottuanton_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:29
Huufartedc em?16:29
norbert79Damn TAB16:29
Huufarteddeamoon, we can't under stand you. What is 'c em'16:29
deamoonsee them16:30
_VIM_deamoon: please bother to type out the added 2 letters for 'see' it's not that hard :)16:30
Huufartedah, there we go.16:30
Huufarteddeamoon, you need to install a flash plugin16:30
deamooncould you write command for it16:30
norbert79deamoon: apt-get install flash-nonfree I guess16:30
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash16:30
Huufarted!google | deamoon16:31
ubottudeamoon: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux16:31
norbert79!flash | deamoon16:31
ubottudeamoon: please see above16:31
AlbaThi ppl16:31
raiI am having compaq presario c740 laptop. I am not able to change the visual effect.16:31
raiHow can i know the version of my graphic card? How can i overcome this problem?16:31
gordonjcpis there a way to get rid of all the UUID crap in /etc/fstab without it entirely killing Ubuntu?16:31
AlbaThas anyone had problem with insalling ftprush with wine and has low download speed16:32
raiI am having compaq presario c740 laptop. I am not able to change the visual effect.16:32
raiHow can i know the version of my graphic card? How can i overcome this problem?16:32
_VIM_Huufarted: O.o i'm in here like all day for months, never seen the !google factoid used LOL, nice one :)16:32
Huufarted_VIM_, hehe, I think I found it on accident.16:32
Huufarted_VIM_, but it is useful16:32
tyler_d1I'm looking for an ssh client that is available through a website?16:32
tyler_d1ie. a plugin for a site...16:32
DarkKnightnorbert79; support question in the sense?16:33
norbert79DarkKnight: ?16:33
Huufarted_VIM_, just kinda bugs me sometimes when an answer that simple doesn't get googled first.  'install flash plugin in Ubuntu' would have found that answer in about 1 minute.16:33
gordonjcpis that another question that's too difficult for #ubuntu?16:33
gordonjcpseems so16:33
glitsj16rai: to check your graphics card, enter "lspci | grep VGA" into a terminal (without the quotes)16:34
DarkKnightnorbert79;I asked u a question on virtualBox and u said that its not a support question16:34
DarkKnightnorbert79;I didnt get what u meant by support question16:34
stream13Hi, everybody! does someone knows the channel, where newbies can get tech support?16:34
HuufartedDarkKnight, what was your question, would you mind repeating it?16:34
glitsj16stream13: this is it :)16:34
Huufartedstream13, this is the channel16:34
gordonjcpstream13: there isn't one16:34
norbert79stream13: If it's connected to Ubuntu strictly, yes16:34
gordonjcpstream13: no-one gets support in Ubuntu16:35
Huufartedspam OMG!16:35
khaije1gordonjcp: you should be certain that is what you want, uuid is a evolutionary improvement over the relativistic nameing scheme16:35
norbert79gordonjcp: Will you stop fooling around, and stop taunting?16:35
shadeslayerhow do install compiz themes16:35
_VIM_Huufarted: yeah I hear ya. In fact I think there's even a google site just for that very thing http://letmegooglethatforyou.com or http://lmgtfy.com/16:35
gordonjcpnorbert79: I will when Ubuntu stops breaking stuff16:35
Huufarted_VIM_, I love it!16:35
gordonjcpkhaije1: I can't see what the improvement is, then16:35
norbert79gordonjcp: Get a life, and stop flooding with nonsense16:35
gordonjcpkhaije1: if I've got a disk partitioned up, I know what /dev/sda6 is and where to find it16:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about compizthemes16:36
glitsj16rai: what did that command return ? in other words, what graphics card do you have ?16:36
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:36
DarkKnightHuufarted; i asked norbert79 whether its better not to use dual boot when i wanted to install XP and Fedora along with Ubuntu. I may work with OpenSolaris temporarily. So i thought instead of dual booting its better to use VirtualBox on ubuntu16:36
gordonjcpkhaije1: what I don't know is how to deal with the alphabet soup that's in /etc/fstab now16:36
=== administrator___ is now known as ForzaPalermo
ForzaPalermohey guys i have a question. i just bought two 1.5tb harddrives16:37
khaije1gordonjcp: if for any reason you rearrange the disks uuid will prevent your system from breaking, sometimes this reordering can happen accidentally or surprisings16:37
glitsj16gordonjcp: using UUID's isn't that hard, they rarely change anyway ... to find those, run "sudo blkid"16:37
shadeslayerhow do i install a compiz theme??16:37
gordonjcpkhaije1: I rearranged the disks, and now it's completely knackered16:37
ForzaPalermoi would like to raid or lvm them... what is better, and then how can i go ahead and do that... i dont want the OS installed on the two hd16:37
gordonjcpkhaije1: none of the disks mount in the right place, I have no swap, and I have no way to figure out how to put it right16:38
khaije1gordonjcp: in fstab it's best to use uuid then add comments with the sda1-style names above or below them16:38
gordonjcpkhaije1: okay, but how?16:38
gordonjcpkhaije1: do I just make up a random string of letters or what?16:38
Huufarteddarknight, if it's going to be temporarily, VirtualBox might be a great solution for you.16:38
stream13Ok, people, thaks! More definite question: I need to install audio drivers for laptop ASUS M50VC; lspci in terminal says I've got "Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)16:38
stream13" ad it has not recognized automaticaly.16:38
gordonjcpkhaije1: I don't even *want* UUIDs16:38
raihow can i know the graphic card version?16:38
gordonjcprai: lspci16:38
khaije1gordonjcp: do you understand what the benefit of uuid is?16:39
=== renan_saddam__ is now known as renan_saddam
gordonjcpkhaije1: no, I don't16:39
glitsj16gordonjcp: run sudo blkid to find those UUID's16:39
Rioting_pacifistim getting errors running almost any program, gdb keeps mentioning "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" how do i fix this?16:39
gordonjcpglitsj16: it only returns /dev/sda1's UUID16:39
DarkKnightHuufarted; i may work with XP for a long time16:39
rai glitsj16:how can i know the graaphic card version?what is the code for that?16:39
Huufartedthen I'd recommend a dual boot Ubuntu/XP16:39
gordonjcprai: lspci16:40
glitsj16rai: like mentioned earlier --> lspci | grep VGA16:40
gordonjcprai: type in "lspci" and look for your graphics card16:40
Corganiscan anybody help me with some newb questions?16:40
vagkI had 8.04 and updated to 8.10. Things work fine except a lot of minor things. Example: I have in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf the SoundOnLogin, SoundOnLoginSuccess to false, yet I get sound when I login successfully16:40
gordonjcpglitsj16: what happens when I create new partitions, then?16:40
glitsj16gordonjcp: are your other partitions/drives unmounted perhaps ?16:40
gordonjcpglitsj16: yes, of course they're unmounted16:40
gordonjcpglitsj16: there's no UUID16:41
glitsj16gordonjcp: new partitions get a new UUID, track those down with sudo blkid and add them to /etc/fstab16:41
rai Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)16:41
shadeslayerhow do i install a compiz theme??16:41
dr_WillisYou can change the uuid if you want :) with the tune2fs command i recall16:41
gordonjcpglitsj16: I just told you, sudo blkid only returns a UUID for /dev/sda116:41
shadeslayerhow do i install a compiz16:41
khaije1gordonjcp: uuid = universally uniqe ID, its a way of getting a unique fingerprint for a partition or disk and then using that to locate it rather than a name based on the order it is discovered on the device bus16:41
n8tuserfgordonjcp-> try  sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart    to reinitiate the udev and sysfs naming of these UUID16:42
IdentifyTargetI'm using the minimal install for 8.04. Will it be pretty easy to install the files necessary for bluetooth mouse/KB?16:42
glitsj16gordonjcp: i saw that, no need to repeat16:42
raigordonjcp: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)16:42
gordonjcpkhaije1: I would never ever want to do that under any circumstances16:42
gordonjcpglitsj16: ok, so what generates new UUIDs for new partitions?16:42
khaije1gordonjcp: it's a hash16:43
gordonjcpkhaije1: you can say that again16:43
glitsj16gordonjcp: did you try producing an /etc/fstab without UUID's ? i believe that should still work if you are so inclined16:43
DarkKnightHuufarted; not only XP but also Fedora...16:43
gordonjcpglitsj16: I did, it threw an error16:43
gordonjcpkhaije1: I really can't think of a situation where I'd want to refer to disks by a big long string rather than just the name16:44
HuufartedDarkKnight, install XP first, then go with the Linux installations16:44
IdentifyTargetIs adding bluetooth to ubuntu easy?16:44
khaije1gordonjcp: it seems like you don't understand, but if you want to use it the old way you may still do that16:44
Seveasgordonjcp, the /dev/* names change when adding/removing disks. The UUID's do not16:44
gordonjcpSeveas: yes, that's right16:44
gordonjcpkhaije1: I don't see the advantage16:44
xeeHi everyone, regarding Conky, I want someone who is actually using it to tell me the usage pattern, do you launch it whenever you want to check system stats or do you keep it running, if it's running how do you display it, etc16:45
gordonjcpI *want* the /dev/ names to change when I add or remove disks, that's the whole point16:45
Seveasgordonjcp, also, when mixing ide and sata (what people do), the names can change every reboot due to timeing issues16:45
dr_Willisxee,  runs at login, and stays running all the time.16:45
gordonjcpokay great fine16:45
dr_Willisxee,  if its confifgured right it shows up on the desktop  same as the wallpaper16:45
gordonjcpyes, you're all absolutely right16:45
Seveasgordonjcp, yes, they should change. But we don't want people to have to edit /etc/fstab when adding/removing disks16:45
gordonjcpUUID is the best thing in the world ever16:45
n8tuserfgordonjcp->  here is a link that explain how udev and sysfs works together to create that UUID  http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html16:46
gordonjcpUUID is better than bacon, chilli jam and Jesus16:46
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_VIM_!attitude | gordonjcp16:46
ubottugordonjcp: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:46
gordonjcpnow how the hell do I get it to work?16:46
glitsj16gordonjcp: just checked the man for blkid, you can specify the device, i left that out, in which case the system reads info from /proc/partitions, so if you know the device names, you should be able to produce all needed UUID's16:46
_VIM_not having a meltdown helps, breath ;)16:46
Seveasgordonjcp, find the UUID with blk_id or vol_id and use it )16:46
KenBW2im not getting an IP address through an ethernet connection - is there a bug in intrepid's dhclient?16:46
SeveasKenBW2, what's /var/log/messages saying about it?16:47
gordonjcpSeveas: *HOW*?>16:47
gordonjcpI've been asking for ten bloody minutes16:47
xeedr_Willis: yes, that's correct it shows on the desktop for me as well, something else, I want to assign a hotkey or something to make conky foreground so I can check the status every while16:47
Seveasgordonjcp, man blkid16:47
khaije1gordonjcp: click your heels three times, then do a little reading16:47
xeedr_Willis: currently I use show desktop(I'm using KDE) which is a little slow and inconvenient16:47
gordonjcpkhaije1: stfu, okay?  I've been at this all afternoon16:47
gordonjcpkhaije1: the last thing I want is more smartarse comments16:48
KenBW2Seveas: erm, quite a lot16:48
gordonjcpthis *ought* to be simple16:48
Seveasgordonjcp, watch your attitude ok, we're not here to be your loyal servants...16:48
khaije1gordonjcp: you are using a powerful advanced system, it is garanreed to be comprehensible, not simple16:48
sky_anyone can me help how i can record my desk ?16:48
dr_Willisxee,  no idea on that.. check the conky homepage - it has tons of tips. You can make it run in a normal window.. but not sure how you would make it hide.appear  as you want.16:48
SeveasKenBW2, can you pastebin the last 20 lines from that file that mention dhcp?16:49
sky_how i can record my desk ?16:49
* khaije1 wants gordonjcp to know i've been sincerely trying to assist until now16:49
xeedr_Willis: so for you, you just show desktop when you want to look at conky?16:49
gordonjcpSeveas: I can't see anything helpful in the manpage for blkid16:49
gordonjcpkhaije1: ok, sorry16:49
_infidelmaybe a stupid questionm but what is your default domain? localhost? i am installing openldap16:49
fosco__sky_, gtk-recordmydesktop16:49
florkleany ideas on making dpkg stop choking on an error?16:49
n8tuserfgordonjcp->  here is a link that explain how udev and sysfs works together to create that UUID  http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html  <--- read this yet?16:49
loupi just installed ubuntu 8.1016:49
Seveas_infidel, localhost.localdomain is the full name of
KenBW2Seveas: grep dhcp /var/log/messages | cat ?16:49
gordonjcpI'm just starting to get deeply pissed off with something that has been trivially easy for about 15 years, and has now been utterly messed up16:49
loupi have a nvidia 8400gs16:49
gordonjcpn8tuserf: read it, doesn't help16:50
florkleE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:50
glitsj16xee: you could add conky on a compiz layer and add a mouse/keyboard shortcut to show/hide that16:50
SeveasKenBW2, grep -i dhcp /var/log/messages | tail -n 2016:50
_infidelSeveas: thank you16:50
loupwill i have a better desktop performance when i use the ubuntu nvidia driver or when i use the newest nvidia driver?16:50
n8tuserfgordonjcp-> if you refuse to read that page, where it explains it well, we cant help you16:50
gordonjcpn8tuserf: I've read it.  It doesn't answer my question16:50
sky_fosco: can you help me ..how i can use it ?16:50
fosco__sky_, it is very easy to use, just test it16:51
xeeglitsj16: thanks for the help but I have compiz off, trying to keep my desktop as responsive as possible, I have KDE running but haven't found anyway to raise/activate a window16:51
KenBW2Seveas: no output16:51
fosco__loup, same performance more or less16:51
DaDa|UrkaDoes anyone know, if the nfs-option timeo works correctly?16:51
gordonjcpall I really need to do is work out what the UUID is for my swap partition, which has moved on the disk16:51
gordonjcpthat's all16:51
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gordonjcpit *ought* to be easy16:51
n8tuserfgordonjcp-> did you focus on the sysfs portion? it does utter how it goes about doling those uuid out16:51
gordonjcpit looks like the only way to do this is to reinstall from scratch16:51
MattiasAnyone knows how I can search files from terminal for a certain sentence, and if it finds it in the files, then print the file name in the terminal?16:52
chinguywhat ?16:52
XeNiXi have a problem to run vmware under ubuntu 8.1016:52
XeNiX/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_thread_gettime16:52
chinguyi want know16:52
XeNiXwho can help ?16:52
glitsj16xee: i understand, not familiar with KDE myself to be of any use :)16:52
florkleE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)E: Sub-process /usr/bi/quit16:52
fosco__Mattias, use find command16:52
florklecat /bin/ls16:52
sky_how i can make screenshot if i click on super button and tab button ?16:52
gordonjcpn8tuserf: yes, I read it.  It's a good answer to a different problem.16:52
fosco__florkle, execute sudo apt-get -f install and paste the whole output to pastebin.com16:53
xeethanks glitsj16 and dr_Willis16:53
nety350salut tout le monde (re)16:53
prince_jammysMattias: grep -Frl 'the sentence' /top/level/dir16:53
nety350une tite question (encore...)16:53
sky_none know ?16:53
_VIM_!english | nety35016:53
ubottunety350: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:53
prince_jammysMattias: maybe with -i for case insensitive16:54
Seveasgordonjcp, as you've been told twice, blkid can do that for you. Read its manpage to see how to use it.16:54
nety350avec randr et un dual screen ma video plein ecran avec vlc s'affiche en même temps sur les deux ecrans... comment faire pour qu'elle n'en utiolise qu'un16:54
fosco__!fr | nety35016:54
ubottunety350: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:54
_VIM_!fr | nety35016:54
gordonjcpSeveas: I've read the manpage, I don't see how to do it16:54
gordonjcpSeveas: I see how to find out the UUIDs of already-mounted drives16:55
LakesProseshould 8.04 be able to use KDE 4.2 ?16:55
Seveasgordonjcp, blkid /dev/foo16:55
fosco__!uuid | gordonjcp16:55
ubottugordonjcp: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)16:55
DIFH-icerootLakesProse: sure16:55
Seveaswhat's so difficult about that?16:55
DaDa|UrkaAnyone familiar with NFS?16:55
DIFH-iceroot!anyone | DaDa|Urka16:55
ubottuDaDa|Urka: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:55
KenBW2im not getting an IP address through an ethernet connection - is there a bug in intrepid's dhclient?16:55
gordonjcpfosco__: yes, that doesn't actually work16:56
LakesProseDIFH-iceroot: was asking 'cause kubuntu download 8.10 is the only one coming with bleeding edge cool KDE4.216:56
LakesProseDIFH-iceroot: thanks :)16:56
Seveas!doesn't work | gordonjcp16:56
ubottugordonjcp: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:56
gordonjcpfosco__: we've been through all this, but basically it only shows UUIDs of devices it knows about16:56
gordonjcpokay, thanks for all the help16:56
gordonjcpobivously it's something to do with blkid16:56
DIFH-icerootLakesProse: kde 4.2 is not in normal ubuntu 8.04 repos but it is not a problm to use another repo16:56
gordonjcpbut quite what, I can't figure out16:57
n8tuserfKenBW2-> is your cable good? attached to the device doling out the ip addresses?16:57
glitsj16gordonjcp: feed the sudo blkid the /dev/xxx of your swap and it will produce it's UUID16:57
KenBW2n8tuserf: yep, ubuntu detects it and supposedly connects to it16:57
gordonjcpglitsj16: nope16:57
harushimohi I have quick question for everyone16:57
gordonjcpglitsj16: again, doesn't work16:57
nite_johnboyWhat would be best app to use to convert a file from either .flac or .mp3 to a (regular music cd file) < .wav > ? ?16:57
n8tuserfKenBW2-> what does it meant by that ? supposedly connects? what indicators are you using?16:58
harushimois their a special version of ubuntu that runs on tablet pc?16:58
gordonjcpglitsj16: it doesn't return anything at all16:58
glitsj16gordonjcp: odd indeed16:58
Seveasgordonjcp, if blkid doesn't show the partition, it doesn't exist :)16:58
gordonjcpSeveas: it exists alright16:58
gordonjcphang on hang on16:58
KenBW2n8tuserf: NetworkManager does some swirling and tells me im coinnected, but ifconfig doesnt list an IP address16:58
harushimodoes ubuntu run a tablet pc?16:58
MaticHi, other that gedit and openofficeword which other simple wordprocessor can I install and use in ubuntu Hardy?16:58
gordonjcpSeveas: good point, what if the swapfs has been twatted16:58
glitsj16Matic: abiword perhaps ?16:58
_VIM_Matic: Abiword maybe16:58
gordonjcpSeveas: is UUID stored as part of the fs or part of the partition table?16:58
_VIM_stop that glitsj16 ;)16:58
n8tuserfgordonjcp-> lets approach this differently,  cat /sys/block  and post it in pastebin16:59
GooD2KnoWhas anyone some repos with up2date apache / php etc. ?16:59
gordonjcpn8tuserf: no, hang on, I think I'm onto something here16:59
Seveasgordonjcp, I believe it's not part of the fs16:59
_VIM_!backports | GooD2KnoW16:59
ubottuGooD2KnoW: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:59
Seveasgonna mkswap my swap partition and see16:59
glitsj16_VIM_: if i see the winning lotto numbers for your zip-code, i won't publish them here .. agreed :p16:59
gordonjcpSeveas: yeah I just did mkswap and it returned a UUID16:59
gordonjcpand now blkid is returning a UUID too17:00
Maticglitsj16, _VIM_ thanks man!17:00
Seveasgordonjcp, so it is part of the 'fs' (swapspace isn't really an fs)17:00
n8tuserfKenBW2-> if ifconfig does not give you an ip address then you dont have an ip address, maybe the nm is funky17:00
gordonjcpSeveas: some sort of magic metadata, certainly17:00
gordonjcpSeveas: weird17:00
glitsj16Matic: you're welcome, abiword is quite nice and responsive17:00
KenBW2n8tuserf: i established that already, but this has happened on 2 PCs when i try to run Intrepid on my network17:00
CorganisIm using xchat and my userlist disapeared, how do I get it back?17:01
Seveas  gordonjcp actually, if you (and me) had read the manpage properly, we'd have known already. First few lines17:01
Seveas The blkid program is the command-line interface to working with libblkid(3) library.  It  can  deter‐17:01
Seveas       mine  the  type of content (e.g. filesystem, swap) a block device holds, and also attributes (tokens,17:01
Seveas       NAME=value pairs) from the content metadata (e.g. LABEL or UUID fields).17:01
_VIM_Corganis: look in Window menu17:01
gordonjcpSeveas: hah17:01
Mattiasprince_jammys, do you know how fast grep is? say it has 850~MB of data to go through?17:01
SeveasCorganis, view -> userlist (or ctrl+f7)17:01
gordonjcpSeveas: what, instead of just jumping ahead to the options?17:02
n8tuserfKenBW2-> so try to use command line instead17:02
prince_jammysMattias: "pretty damn fast"17:02
Corganisthanks guys!17:02
KenBW2n8tuserf: using what command(s)?17:02
n8tuserfKenBW2-> you want the interface up?  sudo  ifup eth0;   down?  sudo ifdown eth017:02
prince_jammysMattias: keep in mind your "sentence" must appear all on one line for it to match. grep is line-based17:02
gordonjcpSeveas: there's some sort of header in my swap partition17:03
Mattiasprince_jammys, including white space?17:03
prince_jammysMattias: huh? whatever you are matching must appear all on one line17:03
EurysilasI doubt I'll get a response, but.....I'm VERY frustrated; every few boots, my X Server stops working. After the splash screen, the monitor goes amber, and begins shutting on and off. The only solution I've found is to reconfigure the X server from the recovery console. After that, things are fine for another few boots. The ONLY error I get is the (it seems) famous MTRR error.17:03
Mattiasprince_jammys, nvm, I read that wrong ^.^  yeah, it's on the same line in the middle of a sentence, or rather code17:04
KenBW2n8tuserf: "Ignoring unknown interdace eth0=eth0."17:04
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gordonjcpright well, seriously, thanks for the help and advice17:04
prince_jammysMattias: run the command somewhere where you know it is, to make sure there's no mistake in the way you typed the string17:04
gordonjcpand just remember, fdisk might not leave things alone even when it looks like it should17:04
n8tuserfKenBW2-> then you have to insert the   iface eth0 inet dhcp; auto eth0  in the interfaces file17:04
KenBW2n8tuserf: where's the interfaces file17:06
DIFH-icerootKenBW2: /etc/network/interfaces17:06
Mattiasprince_jammys, recently had a hacker exploit a non updated calendar called thyme. it had a bad vulnerability -.- allowed the hacker to upload php scripts. found 2x copies so far without using a search. hopefully there are no more left.17:06
prince_jammysMattias: ah17:07
Mattiasthey used the php script to send spam -.-17:07
DIFH-icerootMattias: if there was an attack, reinstall the system with other passwords17:07
KenBW2n8tuserf: then ifdown and ifup again?17:07
n8tuserfKenBW2-> as root or use sudo  yes17:08
MattiasDIFH-iceroot, updated and changed all passwords, this is on a webhost. so can't reinstall the actual system.17:08
MattiasDIFH-iceroot, http://www.extrosoft.com/About/Thyme/Thyme_Vulnerability/ <-- thats what they used17:08
DIFH-icerootMattias: hm, ok17:09
EurysilasCome now....surely SOMEONE has some experience with X?17:09
DIFH-icerootEurysilas: just ask your question17:10
rubydiamondhow do I upgrade to latest subversion in ubuntu gutsy?17:10
carpiiah the old 'throw down the gauntlet' tactic17:10
sebsebsebEurysilas: what's your problem?17:10
EurysilasDIFH-iceroot, I already DID. No response.17:10
sebsebsebrubydiamond: Gutsy is on the verge of no longer being suppourted upgrade to Hardy Heron 8.04  or Intrepid Ibex 8.1017:10
carpiirubydiamond, you mean latest svn, or latest version thats in the repositories ?17:10
rubydiamondI want latest command line svn...17:11
KenBW2n8tuserf: "No network leases in persistent database - sleeping; RNETLINK answers: No such device; run-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/avahi-autoipd exited with return code 2"17:11
Eurysilassebsebseb,  every few boots, my X Server stops working. After the splash screen, the monitor goes amber, and begins shutting on and off. The only solution I've found is to reconfigure the X server from the recovery console. After that, things are fine for another few boots. The ONLY error I get is the (it seems) famous MTRR error.17:11
carpiii tend to just compile svn from source, though most ubuntu people would scorn me for it ;)17:11
n8tuserfKenBW2-> post your /etc/network/interfaces file17:11
rubydiamondI am getting an svn client tooo old error17:12
sebsebsebEurysilas: which version of Ubuntu?17:12
Eurysilassebsebseb: Intrepid Ibex.17:12
carpiiyeah ruby, the repositories were upgraded from svn 1.4 to svn 1.517:12
sebsebsebEurysilas: how old is your graphics card?17:12
rubydiamondcarpii, sebastien_ ^17:12
rubydiamondcarpii, nope17:12
GooD2KnoWhas anyone some repos with up2date apache / php etc. ? (backports arent up2date)17:13
Mattiascarpii, I used to use gentoo, and compiling is fun ^.^ mplayer from svn is a must ^.^17:13
rubydiamondsvn, version 1.4.4 (r25188)17:13
rubydiamondcarpii, ^17:13
KenBW2n8tuserf: "auto lo; iface lo inet loopback; iface eth0 inet dhcp; auto etho" ( ; = newline)17:13
Mattiascarpii, aah, compile svn itself even -.-17:13
Mattiaswell don't forget mplayer too :P17:13
carpiimattias, i did ffmpeg a bit back, ive found ubuntu repo's supprots some features which the author claims never existed17:13
carpiiso i dunno wtf thats all about :p17:13
rubydiamondcarpii, getting this error svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'; please get a newer Subversion client17:14
n8tuserfKenBW2-> post your  sudo lshw -C network   results17:14
sebsebsebEurysilas: Nivida or ATI?  #17:14
carpiiok ruby so working copy has been upgraded17:14
carpiithis isnt relevant anyway, you need a newer version ;)17:14
renan_saddamso, I have files in renan:sambashare and its files are already acessible by Samba, but not for Apache. How can I allow? If I change to www-data:www-data it works on Apache, but breaks Samba.17:15
n8tuserfKenBW2-> it seems like you dont have a good cable between your host and your dchp server or bad nic card?17:15
carpiiruby, have you actually tried getting it from repository ?17:15
gnomehow to setup OperaTor in ubuntu 8.04 ultimate edition17:16
Eurysilassebsebseb, Intel. i81017:16
Eurysilassebsebseb, (Sorry, I was away.)17:16
cvwIf I wanted to customize the graphical settings in Ubuntu, which package would I need to download?  Compiz's ccsm?17:17
carpiidepends which settings, and whether youre using compiz17:17
MaticHi, after installing abiword and try to launch it, I get the error "Could not launch menu item. Failed to execute child process"abiword"(No such file or directory)" why this. tnks17:17
KenBW2n8tuserf: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/560750/network17:17
cvwcarpii: default gnome installation, does it use compiz?17:17
n8tuserfKenBW2-> a bin file?  try again17:18
rubydiamondcarpii, hmm17:18
carpiii dont remember, i always move to kde as soon as i can afte an install17:18
KenBW2n8tuserf: same command?17:18
cvwAlright, does anyone here know if the default gnome installation uses Compiz?17:18
n8tuserfKenBW2-> what you posted is a bin file?17:18
n8tuserf!pastebin | KenBW217:19
ubottuKenBW2: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:19
rubydiamondcarpii, how to get it from repository?17:19
rubydiamondlink for gutsy17:19
KenBW2n8tuserf: i thoiught i had used a pastebin17:19
rubydiamondfor subversion command line tools17:19
KenBW2ill try a different one17:19
carpiiruby, apt-get install subversion17:19
carpiiruby, sudo apt-get install subversion17:19
n8tuserfKenBW2-> no you have not,17:19
KenBW2n8tuserf: somes up as text here17:19
Eurysilassebsebseb: I already tried searching in launchpad. I found people with MTRR errors, but, there were WAY too many bugs that fall under that to attempt to use them for a workaround strategy.17:19
n8tuserfKenBW2-> use that pastebin i recommended or else am not going to be able to view it17:20
KenBW2n8tuserf: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2453917:20
rubydiamondcarpii, all are old http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/i386/subversion/download17:21
renan_saddamhow do I add a user to a group?17:21
Corganisis it possible to get xcompmgr and conky to play nice?17:21
rubydiamondcarpii, , I want 1.5 +17:21
carpiiruby, ok then you will need to compile from source, until some nice person upgrades the repositories17:21
savvasrenan_saddam: sudo adduser youruser yourgroup17:21
renan_saddamsavvas: the same when the user already exists/17:22
n8tuserfKenBW2-> your Attansic Technology Corp. nic seems crappy, even though it says it uses  at12 driver..17:22
Droopsta915I using k9copy. When I insert my dvd, it doesn't detect. What can I do?17:22
KenBW2n8tuserf: meaning17:22
renan_saddamsavvas: yeah. Thank you dude17:22
n8tuserfKenBW2-> worthless17:22
KenBW2n8tuserf: worked fine with gutsy17:22
Mattiasprince_jammys, this grep also checks all hidden files?17:22
FloodBot1zecky: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:22
savvasrenan_saddam: "sudo adduser youruser yourgroup" is used when the user and the group already exist, it doesn't create neither of them :)17:22
KenBW2n8tuserf: its an eeepc 701 if that helps17:23
renan_saddamsavvas: ok then. :)17:23
prince_jammysMattias: i believe so17:23
Droopsta915where is a dvd mounted, when inserted?17:23
prince_jammysMattias: yep, just tested17:23
n8tuserfKenBW2 -> that wont help me, it should be pretty straight forward eth interface..17:23
KenBW2n8tuserf: so where do i go from here17:24
turncoatgreen /whois yourname17:24
n8tuserfKenBW2 -> you tried to make it work with livecd?17:24
DIFH-icerootDroopsta915: /media/17:24
KenBW2n8tuserf: intrepid is installed on it now17:24
KenBW2n8tuserf: xubuntu17:24
n8tuserfKenBW2 -> try to unload the driver and attempt to reload see if it awakens correctly17:25
KenBW2n8tuserf: how do i do that17:25
Eurysilassebsebseb: You still with me?17:25
n8tuserfKenBW2 -> rmmod   or modprobe -r17:25
KenBW2n8tuserf: modprobe -r on its own?17:26
n8tuserfKenBW2 -> modprobe -r modulename17:26
turncoatgreen/whois turncoatgreen17:26
KenBW2n8tuserf: i dont know the modulename17:26
n8tuserfKenBW2 -> look for the module that starts with at12 ?17:27
error404notfoundIf I want to create a backup of everything month for 12 months and then for that year, what would be rsnapshot config for that?17:28
KenBW2n8tuserf: look where?17:28
sebsebseb 17:28
n8tuserfKenBW2 -> lsmod17:28
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer17:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about logofont17:29
ubottuOfficial Ubuntu artwork including the Ubuntu logo can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official17:29
error404notfoundinterval monthly 1 and interval yearly 2, will create a backup for every month, and one for every year, keep 2 years backup on hold.17:29
JampiterWhere can I get the official font used in the Ubuntu logo?17:31
carpiisudo apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title17:31
skryptHow do I unrar files larger than 4gb?17:32
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skryptI have a 6g file broken up into many smaller rars (.r00-.r56) and I can't extract it17:33
KenBW2n8tuserf: apparently the module at12 doesnt exist17:33
roshancan anyone tell me tools which can convert documents to pdf17:33
jamiejacksoni'm interested in changing the ionice of the system update to use a very low priority (idle class). I see that in /etc/cron.daily/slocate, there's the following line: ionice -c ${IONICE_CLASS:-2} -n ${IONICE_PRIORITY:-7} -p $$17:34
Piciskrypt: Please be patient.  Which unrar utility did you install?17:34
jamiejacksonthe class i'd want is "3"17:34
Jampitercarpii: Thank you17:34
n8tuserfKenBW2 -> then find a good driver for your nic card,  am stepping out for a while..17:34
skryptPici, Unrar and 7zip17:35
skryptroshan, http://www.pdfonline.com/convert_pdf.asp17:35
KenBW2n8tuserf: well thanks for the help anyways17:35
jamiejacksonso, here are my questions: 1) what's this syntax ${IONICE_CLASS:-2} mean? is "-2" the default? and what is "IONICE_CLASS"?17:35
Piciskrypt: unrar-free or just unrar?17:35
skryptPici, just unrar17:36
jamiejacksonmy other question is, if -2 is the default, what does that mean, considering negative values are not listed among the options of ionice's class values: ${IONICE_CLASS:-2}17:37
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BEX_UberMonkeycould I get some helpz?17:39
Piciskrypt: And which filesystem is the file stored on?17:39
Pici!ask | BEX_UberMonkey17:39
ubottuBEX_UberMonkey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:39
BEX_UberMonkeyfair enough:P17:39
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jamiejacksonokay, i've figured out both answers to the ionice questions17:40
Rioting_pacifist im getting "0x0000003000009a1a in ?? () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" from gdb, how do i reinstall ld-linux-x86-64.so17:40
BEX_UberMonkeyI downloaded ubuntu, and whenever I go to load it up, "try before installing", it gets past the loadscreen thingy, then the screen goes all....like SNES when you take the cartridge out...17:40
skorasaurusumm...i just tried to copy some data from a corrupt hard drive to my other harddrive, and nautalis has crashed, and my terminal is blank...17:40
jamiejacksonnow another... in /etc/cron.daily/slocate, where do the values for IONICE_CLASS, IONICE_PRIORITY, and NICE come from? they have defaults specified, but where do these var values potentially come from17:41
Rioting_pacifistskorasaurus: anything usefull in dmesg17:41
Piciskrypt: I know that the unrar utilities have some limitations, but I can't seem to find any hard documentation on it.17:41
Piciskrypt: I've heard reports of some people having to run winrar in wine to extract some rar files.17:42
dr_WillisI use wine and winrar.exe all the time. :)17:44
dr_Willissome newer rar types, with multiparts and passwords  - are not supporred by the older unrar packages17:44
mario_hello, i've installed flash player nonfree but firefox still ask for the plugin, what i need to set up  please ?17:44
skrypthmm, thanks anyways pici17:45
elburcosmeque tal???17:45
Piciskrypt: Sorry I couldnt be of more help17:45
Pici!es | elburcosme17:45
ubottuelburcosme: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:45
skryptnp, Pici17:45
mario_when i say install flash plusgin firefox tell me the plugin is installed17:45
mario_please one help, i am trying to set it up for a friend now17:45
mario_thanks in advance17:45
elburcosmehow are they?17:46
mario_anybody please17:46
kbrosnanmario_: tools -> addons -> plugins is shockwave flash listed?17:46
danielsan474same problem with flash17:47
danielsan474i just added from browser the flash non-free but I can't use it17:48
melrockzHey! My gnome-panel icons (ubuntu 8.10) get rearranged each time i restart the PC. I've tried 'Lock to panel' but it doesn't seem to work.17:48
LogicFanmelrockz, did you lock each icon into place?17:50
GnomeKingHi :) How cna I find the maximum file size for my ext3 drive? wikipedia says its dependant on the block size, but I've no idea how to check that...17:52
Gumersindoi'm bored17:52
melrockzYes, I did.17:52
LogicFanmelrockz, my only other suggestion is to try editing gconf17:52
LogicFananyone have an idea of why my sound dies whenever i close the lid on my laptop?  even when no power management features are enable for lid closure (it just blanks the screen)17:55
carpiii created a .bash_profile and did added JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/.   After closing the terminal and reopening it, the var still isnt set.   Must I log out of X and everything in order for .bash_profile to be reread ?17:55
LogicFannothing but a total system restart fixes the sound17:55
LogicFanrestarting alsa or pulseaudio or both doesn't help17:55
melrockzhow to do that? What to edit?17:56
scampbellGnomeKing:  It depends on the file system.  To get the block size of a ext3 fs on /dev/sda1 do:  dumpe2fs /dev/sda1 | grep -i 'block size'17:56
jonkennyi just installed mondo rescue on unbuntu 8.10.,.. i can't see it anywhere.. does anyone know where i can find it and how to run the program?17:59
dushkoohello, where to buy ubuntu cd online?18:00
axso i run gnome apps [gvim, evolution, (i guess even firefox is using gnome stuff)] in a non-gnome window manager.  this used to work fine but now that i've updated to ubuntu 8.10 any gnome app i run spits out errors about enabling TCP/IP in ORBit, or having a stale NFS lock.. it points me to a website which talks about locks but i dont' actually have those locks present..18:00
LogicFandushkoo, you want a CD?18:00
axthis is not a problem if i run the gnome window manager..18:00
axit used to not be a problem with my normal wm.. any ideas?18:00
dushkooyes i want cd or dvd, where to buy?18:01
Incarus<ax>, whats the problem?18:01
LogicFandushkoo, they're free from canonical18:01
paitonhi guys18:01
dushkooi know can download online but god it could take about a week to finish18:01
paitonhow to configure freeradius + pppoe in ubuntu 8.10 server?18:02
LogicFandushkoo, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu18:02
Ingensisnt it around 800 mb?18:02
LogicFanthe CDs are shipped free as well18:02
paitonnothing in google18:03
LogicFanpaiton, there are guides for that, check the wiki18:03
naxahi. how can I find out / generate uid for a hard drive? i want to add more drives to the grub list but i dont know their uids and i want to do it with uids18:03
LogicFanany standard linux tutorial for setting it up will work18:03
axIncarus: evolution gives me the configure screen each time i run it, firefox is majorly slow becase of it [it seems], gvim.. all of these give this, FAiled to contact configuration server.., error when i start them18:03
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)18:03
nick_h[laptop]i'm going to install Ubunto on my MacBook Pro. however, i want to use KDE rather than Gnome. Should I install Kubuntu, or install Ubuntu, then remove Gnome and install KDE?18:03
Incarus<ax>, try to reboot18:03
axi have18:04
Incarus<ax>, maybe a permission error18:04
axif i run gnome instead of my normal wm i don't get these problems..18:04
LogicFanNick__, simpler to just install kubuntu18:04
Incarus<ax>, whats your normal wm?18:04
* Gumersindo olas18:04
axIncarus: dwm18:04
nick_h[laptop]LogicFan: thanks18:05
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axwhat group do i have to be in to create dbus connections?18:05
Incarus<ax>, could be a bug in dwm18:05
axi'm 99% sure it is not a bug in dwm18:06
paitonpessoal, alguem tem algum material atualizado sobre como configurar o freeradius + pppoe no ubuntu 8.10 server?18:06
Incarus<ax>, try "ps -u username" next time and paste it18:06
LogicFanholy crap, a force reload of alsa fixed the sound problem!18:06
LogicFannow, to figure out why its happening in the first place18:07
Incarus<LogicFan>, did you "standby"18:07
LogicFanIncarus, no, i have preferences set to do nothing except blank the screen when the lid is closed18:07
Incarus<LogicFan>, yes, it didnt "rewake" alsa, its a bug18:08
natschilhello, I installed ubuntu onto a usb drive, but it doesn't seem to be bootable. Is there a way to make it bootable18:08
LogicFanIncarus, why would alsa go to sleep based on closing the lid?18:08
mgolischnatschil: it should18:08
mgolischnatschil: whats the problem?18:08
unkonatschil: set your sytem to boot from usb18:08
LogicFanNathan1995, it depends on your usb drive18:08
LogicFansome aren't bootable18:08
Incarus<LogicFan>, dont know, its a bug18:09
* LogicFan checks bug db18:09
axit seems that these apps are requireing dbus connections and not being able to make them. how do i allow my user to start dbus connections?18:09
Incarus<ax>, try "sudo apt-get -f install"18:09
stevr1itwhy intrepid does not recognize a new hard disk of 1000 gb formatted with gparted? can you help me?18:09
Incarus<stevr1it>, ext3?18:10
axthere are no broken packages18:10
stevr1itit si a sata under pci sata controller18:10
Incarus<ax>, try to reconfigure your hole system "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a"18:10
_VIM_whole* :)18:11
Incarus<stevr1it>, i think 1 tb is to big for ext3, try ext418:11
natschilmgolish: I'm not sure what the problem is, but when I put the flash into the computer at boot, and look at the boot options and expand a section that says hard-drive, the usb drie isn't there18:11
stevr1ithumm under gparted i can find it?18:11
Incarus<stevr1it>, yes, experimental, google it18:11
stevr1iti don't have under gparted18:11
Incarus<natschil>, in grub?18:12
stevr1itcan i solve the probelm with a partition?18:12
sn1ffer72Has anyone seen an issue when the windows SNMP agent just stops responding?  It's still running, but stops responding.  When I go in and change anything and hit apply it comes back to life.18:12
swingmy player couldn't play RM and RMVB,what should i do18:12
_VIM_sn1ffer72: try asking in ##windows18:13
swinganyone could do me a favour18:14
alvin_3i have installed samba on my server, but i'm not sure how to connect it via my mac ?18:15
mgolischalvin_3: like any windows machine18:16
stevr1iti can see it now but the system hasmounted my /home/under /media/sdb1  there si something wrong18:17
_VIM_swing: I've heard smplayer can play just bout anything, might give it a try.18:17
Incarus<swing>, which player?18:17
Incarusswing, which player do you use?18:17
sn1ffer72_VIM_ thanks18:17
dremitshi all of a sudden now when I insert my pen drive into my computer in windows i am prompted to format it. I don't mind doing this as there's nothing of use on it but when doing this I get the error "Windows cannot format the drive". In ubuntu the drive isn't even detected. I've asked at the windows IRC channel for suggestions but wondering if you guys have any sggestions for fixing the drive...18:17
dremits...(you seem to be more technically minded).  Is there software (either windows, linux or boot from cd) that can just completly wipe and format my drive as I think it may be corrupt18:17
swinghi Incarus18:18
Incarus<dremits>, try to wipe it in windows -> secure wiper18:18
dremitswhere is secure wiper?18:18
Titan8990dremits, when you say ubuntu doesn't detect, it, it doesn't show up in fdisk -l or lsusb?18:18
Incarus<swing>, you have to install extra codecs, or try vlc, it plays everything18:18
Incarus<dremits>, google it18:18
swinghow to get it18:18
_VIM_!medibuntu | swing18:19
Titan8990!vlc | swing18:19
ubottuswing: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:19
ubottuswing: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:19
Incarus<swing>, extra repositorys18:19
Incarus<swing>, oh, vlc "sudo apt-get install vlc"18:19
_VIM_medibuntu should give you all the codecs that's needed18:19
dremitstital8990. it just doesn't show up in nautilus or desktop. tried gparted but that just hung for ages before not detecting it18:19
swinglet me try18:19
cmdbbqwhat document would i want to edit to add additional actions to those taken when I suspend my laptop?18:19
Titan8990dremits, that isn't "undetected" that is "failed to automount"18:19
_VIM_!codecs | swing (This might help too)...18:20
ubottuswing (This might help too)...: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:20
Incarus<dremits>, the file system is defect, you have to force a format18:20
nythackerHi everyone!18:20
_VIM_I think ubottu needs a restart, he's laggy18:20
dremitstitan8990 sorry not the most technical person18:20
Incarus<nythacker>, 1457 users on = no hi18:20
dremitshi nythacker!18:20
_VIM_I have a 80ms ping to freenode so im not lagging :)18:20
dremitsis there a command do to wipe the drive in ubuntu tital8990?18:21
Incarus<dremits>, no, you have to install a tool18:21
nythackerI've been helping my brother with his Mozilla Firefox QuickTime problem and couldn't find any other solution on the web. Figured maybe you guys here could help me out.18:21
Titan8990dremits, repartition it with fdisk and then format with mkfs.vfat18:21
dremitsok thanks18:21
Titan8990dremits, but honestly, it sounds like the drive is bad18:21
mgolischyou dont value your data do you?18:21
dremitsnot on my linux machine at the moment but will try later18:21
dremitswill drop into irc later as well18:22
Plughnythacker: what is the problem?18:22
dremitsthanks for the help titan899018:22
Titan8990dremits, np18:22
NativeAngelshello i have apache running18:22
dremitsmgolisch don't worry i;ve long since resigned to the fact the data is gone18:22
nythackerwhen playing Quicktime from apple's quicktime movie trailers page, a message comes up which says "Get the latest QuickTime"18:22
Incarus<nythacker>, i havent a plugin, try the totem or vlc plugin18:23
nythackerI figured that this might be a mozilla-mplayer problem so I removed all plugins esp totem-mozilla18:23
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Incarus<nythacker>, run mozilla in the terminal and give us an output18:24
nythackerOnly installed mozilla-mplayer as the only plugin installed in firefox but same thing18:24
MarkJonesCan anyone say if its possible to install ubuntu with the install option of having everything on one partition, but I have decided to place my home folder on a seperate phisical drive in my PC. Is it possible to change the mount point of my home directory to the other drive?18:24
Incarus<MarkJones>, yes it is18:25
Incarusthe 2.18:25
Titan8990!fstab | MarkJones18:25
ubottuMarkJones: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:25
MarkJonescool thank you very much~18:26
nythackerI found some article in the web that you have to update mozilla-mplayer to the latest one which is version 3.55 so I did but about:plugins in firefox still displays version 3.50 of mozilla-mplayer plugin.18:26
_VIM_photorec is nice recovery software (does a lot more than photos too)18:26
crist1hy. uhm i have ubuntu 8.04 and i'd like to install windows xp sp2 and dual boot. how can i do that properly without messing up grub?18:26
nythackerUsing Ubuntu hardy18:26
Titan8990crist1, you can't, you will have to mess up grub and fix it18:26
Titan8990!grub | crist118:26
ubottucrist1: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:26
crist1Titan8990: thanks18:26
Titan8990crist1, very easy fix though18:26
ubottukde4 is KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 | 4.2 packages http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 | Support in #kubuntu18:26
Incarus<nythacker>, copy the plugin from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins18:27
strangehey guys i cant get my built-in microphone to work in my asus g1s laptop18:27
Incarus<strange>, wow, thats strange! set up the volume in "alsamixer"18:28
nythackerThanks, Incarus. I'll try that one out when I do another remote desktop session with my brother. I'll get back here if I encounter more probs. Thanks again18:28
Plughcrist1: There was a time when Windows wanted to be in the first partition of a drive. Not sure if that is still the case with XP or not.18:28
Incarusnythacker, np18:29
Incarus<Plugh>, i think its fixed18:29
crist1Plugh: so if for instance i have only one hard drive i have to install windows in the primary section and not extended?18:29
strangeIncarus: i did :(18:29
Incarus<strange>, then its a driver problem = no help18:30
Incarus<crist1>, yes18:30
Plughcrist1: If the problem has been fixed as Incarus believes, you may be ok.18:30
Titan8990crist1, yes, faily certain that windows must be a primary, active partition18:30
PlughI've just always had Windows in the first partition.18:30
Titan8990crist1, linux can run from an extended18:31
Plughright. Primary partition.18:31
crist1Incarus: omg! the hell with it then.18:31
strangeIncarus: driver seems installed just fine intel hda with alsa18:31
strange00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 04)18:31
Incarus<strange>, change standard recording device to microphone18:32
Titan8990strange, snd_hda_intel18:32
crist1Titan8990: it's more compled, i have ubuntu installed with mount points for / /home and /opt, and / is on the primary partition so i can't fuck that up, it has only 20 gb anyway18:32
strangeIncarus: did that18:32
strangeTitan8990: elaborate please18:32
Titan8990crist1, you can have 4 primary partitions on each hard disk18:32
Droopsta915I ripped a dvd into .iso. Then I burned the image to dvd. It plays fine in my computer, but I can't play it in my regular home dvd player?18:32
Titan8990strange, I was just pointing out that the drivers for that chipset were snd_hda_intel18:32
Titan8990strange, unsure on the rest of your problem18:33
Incarus<Droopsta915>, yes, mbr is lost18:33
crist1Titan8990: how so lol, i thought it's partitioned in primary and extended, and i can have more than 1 extended but just 1 primary18:33
Titan8990crist1, 4 primary, unlimited extended18:33
alvin_3what do i put in workgroup for when setting up samba ?18:33
Titan8990crist1, what you are thinking of is active, you can only have 1 active18:33
Droopsta915Incarus: What did I do wrong? I'm using k9copy.18:33
crist1Titan8990: i'll give it a tought, thanks a lot anyway!18:34
Titan8990crist1, np18:34
Incarus<Droopsta915>, i think your prog did wrong18:34
Plughtechnically, it would be 3 primary partitions with the fourth being an extended one.18:34
runaheyas :) where are the shortcut config settings for gnome-terminal? I would like to change the Move-to-tab shortcut for Ctrl+N!18:34
cmdbbqwhat document would i want to edit to add additional actions to those taken when I suspend my laptop? i know there is a text file somewhere, but i know not what it is called nor where it would reside18:36
din_osif I put a <afile> inside /home/<auser>/Desktop with [chown root:root <afile>] and [chmod 700 <afile>] it is still erasable by <auser>. WHY?18:36
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Titan8990din_os, because user still has full rights to the desktop folder the file is in?18:37
Titan8990din_os, just an idea18:37
din_os[note] <auser> != root18:37
mlbbarnesI have been configuring my server to run postfix and dovecot. I used this tutorial to setup the entire email server, http://chiralsoftware.com/linux-system-administration/ubuntu-postfix-imap-dovecot-setup.seam;jsessionid=480FCA35FE35F3B49AD718259107C0EC  I have come accross an error and can't figure where it is. This is the error, postfix/smtpd[7522]: warning: problem talking to server Connection refused18:38
din_osTitan8990: so folder permissions override file?18:38
axIngens: reconfiguring the whole system didn't help..18:38
cmdbbqspecifically, i want my laptop to mute the volume when i suspend it so if i open it later in a class or something it won't make any unexpected noises18:38
Titan8990din_os, I am not certain, change the folder perms and check18:38
Ingensax ??18:39
Incarus<ax>, do you use debian? or jaunty?18:39
aestevezolaaaaaaaaa a todo18:39
fabiolaana estad18:39
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Incarus<Ingens>, not you, wrong name18:39
Titan8990din_os, your desktop could run some kind of daemon that always allows the user to change the desktop files and folders, like they have daemons to allow users to shutdown18:39
rob```din_os: try: sudo touch ~/Desktop/test; rm ~/Desktop/test18:39
din_osTitan8990: change folder permissions of users desktop? i think it's not... recommended?18:39
aestevezsi  y ut esta fabiola18:39
Incarus<aestevez>, english18:39
animeshhi ! everyone please tell me that a sound bug is there even i have done modprobe -a hda-intel-snd and m-a a-i and other such activities18:39
Titan8990din_os, well, it sounded to me like you were just playing around with it anways18:39
rob```din_os: it seems to be correct behaviour :>18:40
Titan8990din_os, make a new user in case you bork it18:40
Titan8990din_os, and test with the new user18:40
Incarus<ax>, do you use debian? or jaunty?18:40
aesteveztio tio pero aqui se abla con mucha gente18:40
fabiolaola ana18:40
axIngens: jaunty?18:40
fosco__aestevez, english please18:40
aestevezola as leido lo que te escrito18:40
fosco__fabiola, english please18:40
Incarus<ax>, do you use debian? or jaunty?18:41
Incarusor debian?18:41
Incarus<aestevez>, english18:41
din_osrob```: your command is exactly what I do18:41
fabiolano  speak english18:41
aestevezfabi yo boy a escribir como  adicho el cura18:41
aestevez y  tu18:41
fosco__!es | fabiola18:41
ubottufabiola: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:41
fabiolapos no se18:41
Incarus<fabiola>, wrong chat -> english18:41
africamanany 1 here want to do business pm me18:41
mlbbarnesI have been configuring my server to run postfix and dovecot. I used this tutorial to setup the entire email server, http://chiralsoftware.com/linux-system-administration/ubuntu-postfix-imap-dovecot-setup.seam;jsessionid=480FCA35FE35F3B49AD718259107C0EC  I have come accross an error and can't figure where it is. This is the error, postfix/smtpd[7522]: warning: problem talking to server Connection refused18:41
din_osrob```, Titan8990: is there a way to make a read only file on one's desktop?18:41
fabiolaola a ana18:42
fabiolaola ana18:42
Incarus<mlbbarnes>, configure iptables first18:42
aestevezyo si porque asi escribimo s sin mirar18:42
Incarus<din_os>, chmod 66618:42
Incarus!es | aestevez18:43
ubottuaestevez: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:43
aestevezboy a tardar mucho pero me da igual18:43
aestevezdi tu si o no18:43
Incarus<majax>, english18:43
animeshplease tell me i have installed kubuntu-desktop and kde-3.5.5 was installed by default  ,as , i want to use kde-4.3 how can i do18:43
fabiolapos ami si k me ada igual18:43
ThaRabbitdin_os: chmod -w ~/Desktop/filename18:43
Incarusstfu, <aestevez>18:43
ThaRabbitthough you'll still be able to delete it18:43
majaxoui d'ailleur pk c en anglais18:43
Titan8990animesh, upgrade to 8.10, believe it uses kde-4.218:43
fosco__!fr | majax18:43
ubottumajax: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:43
aestevezpero bas aescribir como 4el cuar adi dsi o no18:43
Incarus!es | aestevez18:43
ubottuaestevez: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:43
fabiolaes mu pesao18:44
aestevezporque no18:44
fabiolanome gusta18:44
africamanany 1 here want to do business pm me18:44
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:44
africamanany 1 here want to do business pm me18:44
aestevezpues a mi si me gusta18:44
Incarus<africaman>, business?#18:44
aestevezporque asi escribe s sin mira r18:44
WarriorSlayerppl i've compiled my own kernel under ubuntu generating deb packages with make-kpkg, but when i've installed the package returned some errors but the kernel went fine, i'm even using it now, but now apt-get is locked with that package trying to install it every time i try to make something under apt-get, how can i unlock this package from apt-get?18:45
axIncarus: i don't know what jaunty is.. i solved my problem, : sudo chown -R <myuser> ~/.dbus18:45
tom_It's a shame 9.04 won't have Firefox 3.1, since that looked to have some cool features. Is it definite that 3.1 won't be in 9.04?18:45
aesteveztio yo no quiero chatear con este destos con quien mas estas chateando guapa18:45
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, kernel compilation not recommended/supported in ubuntu18:45
din_osThaRabbit: I can still rm test it successfully. it just asks me if I want to18:45
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, because of that reason, it breaks apt-get18:45
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: hmm18:45
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, specifically, apt-get's ability to install modules18:46
WarriorSlayerbut i've seen ppl using custom kernels18:46
BoogeI have a Ricoh SD reader built in my notebook. This card works fine in knoppix, but doesn't work in ubuntu. anyone able to help?18:46
fabiolakonleo de mecina y alba18:46
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, with tons of issues.....18:46
aestevezbut i de18:46
=== BeerMonkeee is now known as Kryzler
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, for custom kernels, I would recommend slackware, gentoo, or arch18:46
aesteveza abel i as leido lo otro18:46
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: so i should forget about that compiled kernel and stick with the generic one?18:46
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, ubuntu is a "just works" distro that should not require kernel compilation18:46
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, that would be my recommendation18:46
WarriorSlayeri know, i was just trying to optimize it for my processor and everything else18:47
Incarus<aestevez> + <fabiola>, detenerlo18:47
aestevezlo de que no quiero chatear con este meseger sabes porque18:47
WarriorSlayerto make it more fast and lighter18:47
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, then your using the wrong distro18:47
MionWarriorSlayer: sounds like you want gentoo18:47
WarriorSlayerMion: ppl told me about gentoo18:47
WarriorSlayeri've already used slack/arch for that18:47
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, all my systems are gentoo18:47
Incarus<fabiola>, i think ana = no18:47
fabiolano espeak english please18:47
aestevezto make it more fast and lighter18:47
Incarus<fabiola>, use provat chat18:48
WarriorSlayerbut ubuntu have all on the fly so is quickier to get it running by my way18:48
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, it is a pure "geek" distro, requires a lot of work to be put into it18:48
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WarriorSlayerTitan8990: sounds cool18:48
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aestevezou yes o nou18:48
Incarusfabiola, uso privado de chat18:48
WarriorSlayeri was wondering about trying gentoo or freebsd18:48
fabiolayou his wily is big18:48
IncarusWarriorSlayer, why?18:48
WarriorSlayerthe only thing that i miss about ubuntu is the fonts18:48
Incarus<fabiola> ?18:48
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, freebsd requires less work, but you have 0 option of kernel reconfiguration18:48
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: hmm the kernel of bsd isn't configurable?18:49
aestevezyes is big big big18:49
Incarus<aestevez>, stop spamming18:49
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, no, thats one reason it is considered a bit more "stable" in server production envirnments18:49
spooktinohas anyone tried to install Ingres Alfresco bundle?18:49
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: oh, didn't know that, so i think i gonna try gentoo18:49
emptystrAny one here whit GigaByte GA-EX58-UD5 (for i7 proc...)18:49
aestevezescribe señora fabioñla18:49
emptystrDoes it work out of the box ?18:50
aestevezcore queno bamos18:50
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: btw there's any way to put gentoo iso on a usb device and boot from it?18:50
Incarusstop spamming, dudes!18:50
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WarriorSlayeri'm not into burning some cdr :/18:50
marimar_YOUR WILLY IS BIG ¿¿18:50
=== BlackWolf is now known as BlackWolf90
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, you can install gentoo on any live media that includes a web browser18:50
Incarus<marimar_>, stfu18:50
fosco__aestevez, fabiola last time, please, use english in this channel or go to #ubuntu-es for spanish chatting18:50
aestevezYES YU BIG18:50
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, you could do it from a ubuntu live cd if you wanted18:51
jeeeezhello, can someone suggest a good download manager [like flashget for windows]?18:51
noiz_Hi , i have a problem whit my keyboard on linux18:51
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, the gento installer.... is a handbook18:51
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: hmm how do i do from a ubuntu live cd?18:51
noiz_can somone help_18:51
Incarus<noiz_>, yes, whats the problem?18:51
marimar_O LOVE TITAN899018:51
noiz_Well first it was all wroking fine18:51
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, same way you would it from a gentoo minimal18:51
marimar_OLA NA18:51
noiz_until i changed few shortcuts18:51
noiz_and i opened cs 1.6 and could not use any keys on it18:51
Incarus<noiz_>, and then?18:51
noiz_cs 1.6 - is a game18:51
aestevezYOU LOVE PALOMO18:51
Incaruscounter strike18:52
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: but how do i start the gentoo installer from a ubuntu live?18:52
noiz_And now it just wont work on it18:52
Incarus<aestevez>, burn in hell18:52
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:52
noiz_i changed the sound shortcuts only18:52
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, there is no "installer"18:52
Hans_join #c3f2m18:52
noiz_But , i changed the layout too18:52
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: @_@18:52
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, the installer is yourself18:52
felixsullaI am installing Ubuntu on a box that already has Win XP on it. I got to the partition part and it shows partition one "/dev/sdb1" and then it shows the part it will make for Ubuntu. The sizes dont match my drive. Is /dev/sdb1 Windows?18:52
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: in the gentoo page have some tutorial on how to install then? @_@18:52
IdentifyTargetis xorg the same thing as x11?18:52
noiz_So no help incarus?18:52
noiz_Somone else can help me?18:52
sushiXcan you tell me a good software to transfer files between to machines18:53
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, yes, their install documentation is excellent18:53
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, with the only real difficult part being configuring the kernel, which you seem to have done before18:53
tom_sushiX: There are various tools. You'll have to give more information for a good answer.18:53
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: yep, i have the .config here18:53
Sadata@sushix - FileZilla18:53
rrplaynoiz__    seems like you may have fouled your rc.xml file18:53
felixsullaDoes anyone know?18:53
WarriorSlayerso is like just make install :]18:53
WarriorSlayerinitrd and everything else18:53
noiz_But how? i did not touch anything18:53
tritiumaestevez, marimar_: /j #ubuntu-es, por favor18:53
Sadata@sushix - or use sftp (install Open SSH)18:53
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, the kernel config uses initrd18:53
noiz_important i mean18:53
IdentifyTargetis xorg the same thing as x11?18:54
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, a gentoo install does not use initrd18:54
Incarustritium, bann the spammer18:54
noiz_rrplay i only changed my layout , and then few shortcuts18:54
Incarus<IdentifyTarget>, no18:54
noiz_rrplay but what is the fix for this dumb mistake i did?18:54
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, becuase initrd is what allows linux to run on different hardware, you are configuring for YOUR system so initrd is not used18:54
rrplaynoiz that file contains all of your desktop keyboard and mouse settings18:54
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: oh @_@, and how do i configure my grub/lilo?18:54
noiz_rrplay the thing is i the settings are same18:54
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, page 10 of the install guide18:54
sushiXi dont want to use terminal and i want to transfer files on a LAN not the internet18:54
rrplaynoiz_ it also has all the info for keybindings18:54
noiz_rrplay and the other keybinds are there  and one thing more , my mouse works on cs18:55
WarriorSlayerTitan8990: ty very much dude, gonna read a lot here ^^18:55
noiz_rrplay just the keyboards does not18:55
Titan8990WarriorSlayer, good luck man18:55
tom_sushiX: You shouldn't be so afraid of the terminal. however, over LAN you might want to try samba. You can configure this in System -> Admin -> Shared Folders, I think.18:55
SadataYou can use SFTP via the Nautilus GUI on a network --- it doesn't have to be over Internet18:55
MionTitan8990: a gentoo install uses a initrd if you set one up :p18:55
rrplaynoiz_ sometimes a gui interface can acidentally change it18:56
tom_sushiX: If not samba, then dc++ might also be a good idea, but you'll need to run a dc++ server.18:56
noiz_rrplay oh and one more things , left from the number 1 is ^ button , and well after i changed the keyboard stuff  i went on cs and try'd to open console but it did not open18:56
sushiXany other options other than samba since both machine are ubuntu18:56
Incarus<noiz_>, do you play cs in wine?18:56
noiz_rrplay so what , you advise me to reformat? not again no please18:56
noiz_rrplay yes , ofcourse18:56
tom_sushiX: You can use samba on ubuntu. Send and receive.18:56
Titan8990sushiX, NFS, http, ftp, rsync18:56
Sadatasushix, just install OpenSSH on each Ubuntu machine ... then just connect the machines using Places -> Connect to Server and select SSH18:56
noiz_rrplay any other way to play it ? +.+18:56
Incarus!fr | majax18:57
ubottumajax: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:57
Titan8990sushiX, I recommend against the slow crappy SMB/CIFs protocol18:57
SadataEverything will be GUI-based over Nautilus18:57
rrplaynoiz_ this file is usually in ~./config   mamybe get another rc.xml that's a new install18:57
tom_sushiX: Yea OpenSSH is another good solution.18:57
jevangelohi, i want to browse a CVS repository, what app can i install on ubuntu 8.10 server that can help me18:57
tom_Titan8990: Sorry. :P18:57
Incarus<noiz_>, do you play cs in wine?18:57
noiz_Incarus yes18:57
SadataWith OpenSSH everything is encrypted18:57
sushiXthanx guys i will try it out18:57
noiz_incarus tho the graphix suck on wine18:57
rrplaynoiz_ or if you create another user for your pc you will have a neew default with all the default keybings and settings etc18:57
Incarus<noiz_> yes18:57
noiz_Incarus cant get my frames per second over 30 +.+18:57
Incarus<noiz_>, "glxinfo | grep direct"18:58
noiz_rrplay what does that do?18:58
Incarus<noiz_>, install latest wine release (unstable)18:58
felixsullaWhat do you do if the Ubuntu install disk doesnt see windows?18:58
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Titan8990felixsulla, define "doesn't see"18:58
noiz_incarus oh really? does it increase better graphix?18:59
Incarus<noiz_>, maybe18:59
jeeeezhello, can someone suggest a good download manager?18:59
Incarus<noiz_>, run the last command18:59
Incarus<jeeeez> , wget18:59
LjL-Tempjevangelo: "curves" perhaps18:59
rrplaynoiz_ is this just on a game or the desktop in general18:59
Titan8990Incarus, lol18:59
jeeeezsomething with a GUI?18:59
noiz_Incarus where do i run it_18:59
Titan8990jeeeez, just search synaptic for download manager18:59
noiz_rrplay only on game18:59
noiz_rrplay how else can i type :D18:59
Incarus<noiz_>, in the terminal18:59
noiz_Incarus nothing happened19:00
Incarus<noiz_>, and give me the output19:00
felixsullaTitan8990: When I go to install Ubuntu, it doesnt see Windows XP (in the repartition screen)19:00
LjL-Tempjeeeez: d4x perhaps19:00
rrplaynoiz_   ooops   then the advice you are getting from others is spot on19:00
Incarus<noiz_>, "glxinfo"19:00
Titan8990felixsulla, does the partition show in fdisk -l?19:00
Incarusnoiz_, privat chat19:00
felixsullaRight now the machine has only one XP NTFS partition.19:00
Titan8990felixsulla, does the drive show up?19:00
rrplayIncarus, :sorry about that    my bad19:00
felixsullaI was under the impression the Ubuntu installer can repartition to add Ubuntu to the computer?19:00
Ma5t3rw1tthey everyone19:01
axisysis there a ubuntu pkg for secondlife viewer?19:01
Titan8990felixsulla, if you don't mind losing all your data19:01
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
Titan8990felixsulla, we get tons of people that think the same thing, and they accidently wipe their windows partition19:01
Titan8990felixsulla, nothing is magic19:01
felixsullaHow do you install without wiping out windows?19:01
Titan8990felixsulla, first, backup all important data19:01
=== xun is now known as Guest67854
Titan8990felixsulla, then resize the partition using gparted from the livecd19:02
felixsullaTitan8990: Its an older box, so the data is already safe.19:02
LjLaxisys: not a tested official one, but http://www.getdeb.net/app/Second+Life (and google has more)19:02
felixsullagparted? Is that an Ubuntu thing or a windows thing?19:02
felixsullaWhat is the livecd?19:02
LjL!gparted > felixsulla    (felixsulla, see the private message from ubottu)19:02
mgolischits quite easy, backup stuff, resize partition, create new, install on that19:02
Titan8990felixsulla, the livecd is the standard ubuntu installer19:02
axisysLjL: thnx19:02
Titan8990felixsulla, lets you "try" before you install19:03
felixsullaSo, boot to the "live" version, then use apt-get to install gparted, then make a partition for UBunutu, then reboot using teh cd?19:03
LjLactually the installer *can* shrink down the windows partition fine, without using gparted manually19:03
LjLof course, a backup *is* important to have19:03
Titan8990felixsulla, gparted is already on the livecd, not need to use apt-get and no need to reboot the cd19:03
Guest67854hello, what's the ubuntu equivalent of the "slice tool" in PS. I need to code a site from a design and I've played around with Gimp but couldn't find anything similar.19:03
felixsullaSo Gparted is in the Ubuntu bootable on the live cd?19:04
Titan8990LjL, and you trust that?19:04
Titan8990felixsulla, yes19:04
LjLTitan8990: yes i do - it just uses the same backend that gparted uses, after all. of course, i only trust it to the same extent that i trust gparted, i.e. i'd never run it without a backup19:04
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Titan8990LjL, gparted uses partman backend?19:05
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felixsullaSo there is no difference between using gparted and using the livecd installer as far as partioning is concerned?19:05
Titan8990felixsulla, seems that way19:05
LjLTitan8990: there is currently no "partman" package, it's all in the "ubiquity" package. and you can see that "ubiquity" depends on "libparted1.7-1" (your version may vary, i'm on hardy), that's the same thing that "gparted" depends on19:07
winnerzsome one like talk19:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:08
Titan8990LjL, alright, I get it now19:09
Titan8990LjL, parted is the backedend, gparted is the GUI based front end and partman is the TUI front-end19:10
felixsullaSo Ibex uses ubiquity too?19:10
SeveasTitan8990, does partman use parted?19:10
Seveasdidn't know that :)19:10
Seveasfelixsulla, ubiquity for gui installes and d-i for text-based instals19:11
LjLTitan8990: i guess, though partman doesn't seem to be an available package in hardy. anyway, it's to be said that parted itself doesn't support NTFS resizing, so gparted relies on ntfsprogs for that (i think), while ubiquity doesn't depends on it19:11
LjLTitan8990: my guess, though, is that it uses it anyway even without depending on it19:11
SeveasLjL, partman is part of d-i, it probably only exists as udeb package for use there19:11
LjLSeveas: ah ok. it is referenced in my package list as a matter of fact, just not available19:12
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KenBW2my networkmanager applet has disappeared from my xfce4-panel - how do i restore it?19:12
areayi'm getting a grub error 21. here's my menu.lst: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122958/ and my fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/122959/19:12
SeveasKenBW2, in the terminal: network-manager-applet &19:12
Titan8990KenBW2, right click -> add new item19:12
Titan8990Seveas, by default does xubuntu use gnome applets?19:13
Seveasif that says the applet is running, add the notification area/system tray/whatever xfce calls it applet19:13
SeveasTitan8990, network-manager-applet isn't really an applet. The icon appears in the notification area instead of as a separate applet19:13
Suickyalguien abla español ?19:13
Seveas!es | Suicky19:13
ubottuSuicky: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:13
streenzbeat me to it19:13
Titan8990Seveas, but is it dependent on xfapplet?19:13
felixsullaIt can see it as windows, but I have to go to manual to change it.19:14
felixsullaWhat manual setting doesnt nuke windows? heh19:14
SeveasTitan8990, the notification area thing is cross-desktop, works in gnome, kde and xfce19:14
incorrectI am trying to figure out how to improve my dvd player performance,  I seem to get a weird gainy effect on fast motion19:14
areayi can't boot into ubuntu, i'm getting a grub error 2119:15
KenBW2Seveas: it says command not found19:15
StooneyWhat's the linux equivilent to windows server active directory?  and what distro should I use for such thing?19:15
SeveasKenBW2, sorry, it's called nm-applet19:15
crist1how can i download with resume with sftp / via ssh ?19:15
Seveascrist1, rsync19:16
dustyHey guys say I wanted to test out the KDE desktop on 8.10.  Would I just install kubuntu-dektop package, and then would that be safe as I want to keep my gnome desktop in case i don't like kde /19:16
Seveasdusty, correct19:17
Huufartedyes, dusty19:17
dustyAwesome, how do I switch between them ?19:17
KenBW2Seveas: "Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken. Return: 3"19:17
LjLdusty: you're given a choice in your login screen19:17
PlughOn my machine, nash-hotplug starts on boot, has the same PID each time, and uses 100% CPU. I've read it is part of Xen but I don't seem to have Xen on my machine. The file name /bin/nash mentioned in the output from ps doesn't exist on my computer. Any ideas what is starting this process?19:17
Izinucsdusty: yep.. just change "sessions" on the user name password screen.. also look for instructions on the kde site for bumping to kde vs. 4.219:17
areayi can't boot my pc because of a grub error. what can i do19:18
Izinucsdusty: that is the ubuntu kde references.19:18
SeveasKenBW2, that means it's already running. Add the notification area/system tray applet back to the panel19:18
KenBW2Seveas: it's not listed19:18
Huufartedtesting timestamp, ignore this19:18
dustyAwesome, thank you guys.19:18
Charliehorsehow much room do i need for ubuntu, if i just am going to install OS plus Open Office. All my media will be on main partition?19:18
imri303anyone have any experience with desktop launchers in gdm 2.2219:18
KenBW2Seveas: i tried killall nm-applet and then nm-applet & again and it makes all the right noises, but does nothing19:18
Charliehorselike i have a macbook and want to dual boot, how big should i make partition19:19
animeshtoday i had somefiles shared on ubuntu over ethernet lan and opened my ip on windows on a remote system then it showed all the files i shared and started copying from my system to that system, but it stopped after some time19:19
nbeebohow to make my sound output also be my sound input?19:19
imri303Charliehorse I think the minimum install by default is about 2.2 GB19:19
Charliehorseokay so liek 5gb would be good?19:20
imri303Yeah I would think so.  as long as you aren't going to be storing data there as well19:20
SeveasKenBW2, I have no experience with xfce so I don't know the exact name of the system tray applet. Maybe #xubuntu knows/19:20
Charliehorsei'm a moderatly advance computer user19:20
Plughareay: the nice thing about grub is you have a chance to recover by using the grub command line.19:20
Izinucsdusty: the other way is to run Jaunty's alpha in a vm in Virtualbox.. in fact you can do that with just about anything :)  ..19:20
Charliehorseimri303 yeah i won't be storing data19:20
areayi can't boot into ubuntu, i'm getting a grub error 21/19:20
KenBW2Seveas: there's #xubuntu? oops19:20
areaysh** sorry19:21
imri303Charliehorse I have thin clients running with OO on 4GB disk on modules :)19:21
imri303Charliehorse so 5 should be fine19:21
areayPlugh, i've tried loads of stuff but nothing's working... i followed like 9 different blogs19:21
crist1Seveas: thanks a lot!19:21
Charliehorseperfect, i mainly work from google docs anyways, just installing linux for fun19:21
galatrancannot mount a NTFS partition that still has an old ReiserFS filesystem somehow.... ideas ?19:22
imri303Charliehorse cool :) it is nice imo.  I have been playing with the netbook remix interface too its nice.19:22
areayPlugh, its all cuz i needed to copy my main filesystem from one hdd to another...19:22
Charliehorsei used to have an old PC running linux, just yesterday i remebered how fun it is19:22
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areayPlugh, i've copied all the partitions as needed but obviously grub is messed up because of the different disk19:23
Charliehorsehey does anyone know any good linux games? strategy? Like battle for wesnoth19:23
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:23
rubydiamondguys svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'; please get a newer Subversion client19:23
areayPlugh, here's my menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu.com/122958/ I'm not sure if that's even the file i should be looking in for this but i think it is19:23
rubydiamondgetting above error19:23
Huufartedhmmm...  I got a question for you guys.  I'm running Intrepid on a netbook.  THere are hotkeys like Fn+F12 for volume up.  Is it possible to map these in Ubuntu?19:23
Droopsta915i have a dvd+r rw. Do I have to erade anything on it to rewrite on it or does the rewrite erase automatically?19:24
rubydiamondubuntu 7.10]19:24
Mr_SpeedyHuufarted: they should be mapped in default19:24
Plughareay: someone pasted the following a little while ago --> See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:24
frostburnwhat would cause the trash icon on the toolbar to appear 1pixel wide?19:24
HuufartedMr_Speedy, mapped IN default or mapped BY default?  If you meant to type 'in', I'm not sure I understand what you mean19:25
carpiia trash compacter ?19:25
streenzHuufarted, in the menu... System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts   .... but as Mr_Speedy said they should be in there by default...19:25
Huufartedstreenz, thanks19:25
Plughareay: I can't check the link you posted at the moment. My ubuntu install is a bit unstable when it comes to the GUI side of things and I've just lost firefox until I reboot.19:25
areayPlugh, ahh i see... can i paste it in a pm?19:26
PlughI should really do a fresh install of Ubuntu on this new machine but it always says it will update the partition tables of the HD and I don't want it doing that since it could mean I lose the contents of some of my other existing partitions.19:27
Charliehorsearwe the ubuntu servers slow right now? i'm only getting 70kb/s19:27
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Charliehorselike downloading the CD19:27
IndyGunFreakCharliehorse: thats a little slow.. try a torrent, those are usually pertty fast19:27
Mr_SpeedyCharliehorse: what about torrent?19:28
Charliehorseyeah i started at work, didn't want to use torrent19:28
Jocke1Hi, Do anyone know if there is support for flashplayer when im running 64bits ubuntu? Cannot make it work. Sry if u are taking me for a noob but im new to linux.19:28
Charliehorseif its not donw when i get home, switch then19:28
IndyGunFreakCharliehorse: the torrents are really best, but thats still pretty slow, in my experience19:28
galatrani formatted a ReiserFS HD into NTFS in windows, but now ubuntu wont mount that drive... it still says reiserfs but ntfs filesystem... how to fix this ?19:28
Charliehorsei read somewhere once flash did not work on Ubuntu 64 in FF. Has this been fixed?19:29
Charliehorseusing 8.1019:29
Mr_SpeedyCharliehorse: yes19:29
Plughareay: So far, all but two lines of the file you are sending me are commented out.19:29
Mr_SpeedyCharliehorse: i'm on 8.10x64 and works perfect in FF, but i'm using opera ;)19:29
Jocke1okey, but did u download it from flashplayers homepage?19:30
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Charliehorseanothert question: What version of Java does ubuntu have? 1.6? because Apple has only given their users 1.5 :(19:30
Plughoops... closed wrong tab19:30
Droopsta915A website is calling for the lates version of macromedia player, I click to insall and it says I already have the lates version. How do I use it?19:31
Guest67854hello, what's the ubuntu equivalent of the "slice tool" in PS. I need to code a site from a design and I've played around with Gimp but couldn't find anything similar.19:31
areayPlugh, sorry it's long and there's loads of comments... i think it's just the default file...19:31
areayPlugh, yea sorry19:31
Plughit looks that way.19:31
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/19:31
Mr_SpeedyGuest67854:  PS via wine?19:31
holyguyverWhat does this mean? Gtk-WARNING **: /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.9/gtk/gtkwidget.c:8547: widget class `GtkPizza' has no property named `row-ending-details'19:32
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=== omg is now known as narutard
Guest67854<Mr_Speedy>, that probably would work, doesn't ubuntu should have something native for that though?19:33
Mr_SpeedyGuest67854: GIMP ;)19:33
Charliehorsecan I use my Java 1.6 apps in ubuntu?19:33
Charliehorsesorry i'm a nOOb at linux19:33
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SeveasCharliehorse, unless they expect some windowsnesses like having a c:\, they'll work :)19:34
Guest67854<Mr_Speedy>, ya i'm in it, but which tool?19:34
Vladimir[LV]how i can view process list and how many RAM is used?19:34
cmarquesHey, just installed 8.10 and things are lot slower than in 8.04... I saw this thred ==> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/252094 about issues with Intel video cards (mine included). Does anyone know how to solve it?19:34
CharliehorseSeveas yeah perfect, i use them on my mac and win, so they should work19:35
holyguyverWhat does this mean? Gtk-WARNING **: /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.9/gtk/gtkwidget.c:8547: widget class `GtkPizza' has no property named `row-ending-details'19:35
Jocke1how do u make your user root authorization? cannot copy files to where i want :S19:35
holyguyverHey what is a GTK WARNING?19:35
rrplayVladimir[LV], run top or htop19:36
Mr_Speedyholyguyver: msg that sth goes wrong ;)19:36
Seveasholyguyver, an indication that the programmer of the app you are using was slightly sloppy. Nothing too serious usually19:36
Charliehorserrplay is there a GUI at all?19:36
carpiiJocke, use sudo <command>19:36
holyguyverSeveas the app is Audacity.19:37
rrplayCharliehorse, that deponds on your desktop19:37
SeveasMr_Speedy, given that pretty much all nontrivial gtk apps occasionaly spew an error, it's not an indication of impending doom :)19:37
Vladimir[LV]rrplay: thank you19:37
Seveasholyguyver, if the app works as it should, just ignore it19:37
rrplayVladimir[LV],  sure you bet19:37
holyguyverSeveas, the app does not work as it should.19:37
Plughareay: I don't like using uuid's in grub. I prefer to use the device names.19:37
Mr_SpeedySeveas: i'm ignoring it at most cases ;)19:38
Seveasholyguyver, then you should file a bug :)19:38
Mr_SpeedySeveas: and in most cases i'm running apps via alt+F2 or dosk instead of shell ;)19:38
travian_geekis there a command to se what run-level Im running? And is there a command to change it?19:38
holyguyverSeveas, but with how many people on Ubuntu use Audacity should this have been found earlier after all it says this every time I try to start Audacity.19:38
rrplaytravian_geek, telinit19:38
Mr_Speedytravian_geek: what about telinit?19:39
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:39
mlbbarnesI am trying to use amavis with clamd to scan my incoming email. When I receive an email I get this error. amavis[9653]: (09653-06) (!!)ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED: run_av error: Too many retries to talk to /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl (Can't connect to UNIX socket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl: No such file or directory) at (eval 98) line 309.19:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about telinit19:39
Mr_Speedy!google telinit19:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about google telinit19:39
mlbbarnesIn my clamav.conf I have that set and everything matches but it would appear that clamd is not running. Only freshclam19:39
Plughareay: which partition contains your boot files?19:39
areayPlugh, do i use the format /dev/* or (hdX,Y)? the partition i need to boot from is /dev/sda519:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel19:40
Plughareay: (hd0,4)19:40
holyguyverSeveas, but with how many people on Ubuntu use Audacity should this have been found earlier after all it says this every time I try to start Audacity.19:41
Vladimir[LV]www-data  8798 95.0  0.8  30376  8356 ?        R    Feb23 2643:07 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start19:41
areayPlugh, ok so i just change wherever it says the uuid to hd0,419:41
Vladimir[LV]Why this process uses 95% cpu?19:41
Charliehorsehow well does ubuntu work with intel intergrated graphics?19:41
halakarhey all.  I don't use ubuntu, but I was wondering if you guys have the same nightmares I do with regards to Broadcom wireless chipsets19:41
chasbozboot floppies are ok but you need to create one on installation of the os19:41
areayPlugh, whats the property name instead of "uuid"?19:41
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Charliehorsei have an "Intel GMA 950"19:41
travian_geekMr_Speedy, How can i see what run-level im runnniing? Can i do that with the telinit?19:42
mike3_Charliehorse, works pretty good.19:42
mlbbarnesI am trying to use amavis with clamd to scan my incoming email. When I receive an email I get this error. amavis[9653]: (09653-06) (!!)ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED: run_av error: Too many retries to talk to /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl (Can't connect to UNIX socket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl: No such file or directory) at (eval 98) line 309.19:42
HoboPrimatewhat tool do ubuntuers use to convert downloaded .flv videos to mp3?19:42
mike3_Charliehorse, I use a GMA 850 and it works fine.19:42
Charliehorsemike3_ sweet19:42
Titan8990HoboPrimate, you want to convert video to audio???19:42
halakaranyone?  wow, this room is fast paced eh19:42
Mr_Speedyok, now i'm on turn :D what can force my GDM to reset randomly?19:43
Titan8990halakar, yes, i do19:43
ThirasHoboPrimate, i think ffmpeg can do that19:43
travian_geekrrplay, How can i see what run-level im runnniing? Can i do that with the telinit?19:43
HoboPrimateTitan8990: yes, its a music video from youtube, and I want to convert it to mp3..19:43
HEP85Charliehorse: I have a 965GM. Worked out of the box19:43
Vladimir[LV]www-data  8798 95.0  0.8  30376  8356 ?        R    Feb23 2643:07 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start19:43
Vladimir[LV]Why this process uses 95% cpu?19:43
Mr_SpeedyHoboPrimate: http://jdownloader.org ;) DL+converting19:43
Titan8990HoboPrimate, I believe it is against the youtube TOU to download their videos19:43
HoboPrimateThiras: I keep getting Unsupported codec for output stream #0.019:43
halakarTitan8990: how to fix it?  I can connect to my network at home just fine, but if i go somewhere else, it's crappy! it takes forever to connecto to any access points19:43
halakarUsing broadcom BCM3418 w/ b4319:43
Mr_SpeedyTitan8990: it isn't19:43
chasbozi have a 915gm19:44
Titan8990halakar, using ndiswrapper?19:44
Mr_SpeedyTitan8990: but it will be19:44
halakarNo, b43 module19:44
Titan8990Mr_Speedy, I thought thats how it always was19:44
Thirasehm maybe google knows19:44
halakarI've already used b43-fwcutter to extract the firmware to /lib/firmware19:44
rrplaytravian_geek, runlevel19:44
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Vladimir[LV]www-data  8798 95.0  0.8  30376  8356 ?        R    Feb23 2643:07 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start19:44
Vladimir[LV]Why this process uses 95% cpu?19:44
Titan8990halakar, I always had to use ndiswrapper because I had a broadcom 9xxx19:44
Mr_SpeedyTitan8990: but it is possible ;) it wouldn't be :(19:44
HoboPrimateMr_Speedy: thanks, will check out that program19:44
halakarI'm about to go and buy an Intel card for the farking laptop.  I was just wondering if you Ubuntu guys have the same problems with Broadcom.19:44
Titan8990halakar, eventually, I gave up and just ran linux in a VM19:44
halakarTitan8990: Sorry to hear that duder19:45
Mr_SpeedyHoboPrimate: but after few hours of usage it's eating pretty much RAM ;)19:45
Titan8990halakar, my best experiences have been with atheros19:45
Titan8990halakar, I have seen bugs in the intel iw3945 drivers too....19:45
holyguyverSeveas, every time I try to start Audacity it freezes instantly19:45
Mr_SpeedyHoboPrimate: needs java to run, and it's the best universal DL-er i know19:45
Mr_Speedyholyguyver: problem with sound cfg19:46
holyguyverMr Speedy what is Sound CFG?19:46
Droopsta915adobe flash player isn't working and when I go to reinstall, it says already have the latest version?19:46
HoboPrimatedoes ubuntu's ffmpeg come without mp3?19:46
HoboPrimateor installing mpg321 is enough19:47
Mr_Speedyholyguyver: try to # aptitude install pulseaudio and then $ padsp audacity19:47
holyguyverMr_Speedy, that is how I get this error19:47
Mr_Speedyholyguyver: and before thet u can remove ~/.audacity ;) that should help19:47
Mr_Speedyholyguyver: u r running it with pulseaudio?19:48
holyguyverMr_Speedy, I cannot do that second one as there is something I am trying to recover.19:48
Mr_Speedyholyguyver: what r u trying to recover?19:48
holyguyverMr_Speedy, I already did this # aptitude install pulseaudio and then $ padsp audacity a few weeks ago & I always run it as padsp audacity.19:48
rubydiamondguys svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'; please get a newer Subversion client19:48
rubydiamondubuntu 7.10]19:48
hackelDoes anyone know how to disable cpu scaling or force it to the highest level?  cpufreq-selector doesn't work, nor does setting the "performance" governor.  It's really frustrating!19:49
holyguyverMr_Speedy, I am trying to recover an audio recording I recorded myself in it, but every time I tell it to recover it it freezes.19:49
HEP85Droopsta915: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree19:49
Droopsta915Whats the command to install adobe flash player?19:49
Mr_Speedyholyguyver: i've never met sth like this, i'm sorry ;)19:49
holyguyverMr_Speedy, what is sth?19:50
Mr_Speedyholyguyver: something ;)19:50
Mr_Speedyholyguyver: i'm forced to leave, bye19:50
Jocke1where do i find a nice beginners linux manual? :P cannot even make flashplayer work, i want linux to work im sick of MS19:50
holyguyverMr_Speedy, Understandable, very few people have met something likle me.19:50
Titan8990!flash | Jocke119:50
ubottuJocke1: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:50
holyguyverMr_Speedy, bye19:50
Mr_Speedyholyguyver: so lucky :D19:50
Titan8990Jocke1, the ubuntu wiki documentation is pretty good19:51
Titan8990Jocke1, some of it is a bit outdated though19:51
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Jocke1okey thanks for the tip i shall look it up19:51
holyguyverWell back to the old salt mines. Anyone know how to fix this? (audacity:20890): Gtk-WARNING **: /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.9/gtk/gtkwidget.c:8547: widget class `GtkPizza' has no property named `row-ending-details'19:51
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nomasteryodaJocke1, are you using Intrepid?19:51
Droopsta915HEP85:It says download failed, the flash plugin is not installed.19:51
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rrplayhackel,: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets19:52
jacekowskiholyguyver: that's just warrning19:52
Jocke1What is intrepid? :P19:52
Pici!intrepid | Jocke119:52
ubottuJocke1: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81019:52
nomasteryodaJocke1, latest release of ubuntu19:52
hackelrrplay, if you were referring to root permissions, I was already running it as root.19:52
holyguyverjacekowski, but I am unable to run audacity.19:52
Jocke1yes im running 8.1019:52
jacekowskiholyguyver: that's not a problem19:52
rrplayhackel, ;; http://wlmtips.com/2008/06/13/enable-cpu-scaling-in-ubuntu-linux-friday/19:52
jacekowskiholyguyver: you need search somewhere else19:53
ehloreverseHi everyone19:53
holyguyverjacekowski, it is if you want to run audacity.19:53
ehloreverseI'm search a staff of irclogs.ubuntu.com19:53
nomasteryodaJocke1, you should be able to install the flashplayer using the package manager - System, Administration, Synaptic Package Manager19:53
ehloreversefor a urgent issue19:53
HEP85Droopsta915: Strange. Maybe the link is dead. What Ubuntu version do you have?19:54
nomasteryodaJocke1, search for Flash19:54
hackelrrplay, aha, I think the applet was actually undoing the changes I tried to make running cpufreq-selector manually.  It's taking it now, hopefully it will continue working. :)  Thanks.19:54
rrplayhackel: you bet19:54
holyguyverHow Can I Get AUDACITY To Work In Ubuntu?!19:54
jacekowskiholyguyver: but i have same message and it's working19:55
nomasteryodaJocke1, also there is a great Free book on Ubuntu - its PDF format  - www.technospot.net/blogs/download-free-ubuntu-guidok/19:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nowplaying19:55
holyguyverjacekowski, well I am getting the messege & it is not, it feezes at startup.19:55
nomasteryodaJocke1, also there is a great Free book on Ubuntu - its PDF format  - www.technospot.net/blogs/download-free-ubuntu-guide-ebook19:55
nomasteryodasorry about that ... laptop keyboards are not my friend19:55
HEP85Droopsta915: Try this package: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.152.0ubuntu1~hardy1_i386.deb19:56
Droopsta915I just reinstalled adobe through synaptic and it wont work, any help please?19:56
Jocke1hmm isnt it the flashplugin-nonfree that is the "flashplayer"?19:56
Droopsta915HEP85: I'll be back19:56
Titan8990Jocke1, yes19:56
tehborizwhat's the best irc program for unbuntu? I'm looking for SSL and simplicity19:57
Titan8990Jocke1, it is the adobe flash player19:57
Titan8990tehboriz, thats personal opinion, but I like xfire19:57
Blaizetehboriz, xchat19:57
Droopsta915HEP85: It says error: a later version is already installed, I'm going to remove it and reinstall, see waht happens19:57
Titan8990tehboriz, xchat is what I meant19:57
nomasteryodawhat i use19:57
Jocke1okey so i shall get the macromedia?19:57
tehborizis xchat really availible for it?19:57
tehborizi'm using xchat on my windows right now19:57
Titan8990Jocke1, just do:   sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree19:58
tehborizim noob at linux do all i do is sudo apt-get xchat ?19:58
Titan8990Jocke1, make sure enabled the restricted repos19:58
Blaizetehboriz, sudo aptitude install xchat at command line19:58
Titan8990!flash | Jocke119:58
ubottuJocke1: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:58
tehborizthanks Blaize19:58
Titan8990!restricted | Jocke119:58
ubottuJocke1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:58
IndyGunFreaktehboriz: or if you can't figure that out, install xchat-gnome (not quite as robust as xchat, but it'll get you on IRC)19:58
nomasteryodaJocke1, and that book link i posted... its a good ebook to read up on ubuntu19:58
tehborizi wanna be pro at linux lol19:59
holyguyverWhen I try to run audacity in ubuntu I get this error "padsp audacity (audacity:20772): Gtk-WARNING **: /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.9/gtk/gtkwidget.c:8547: widget class `GtkPizza' has no property named `row-ending-details'" & then Audacity freezez & will not let me use it at all.19:59
wikzoI am unsure of how to install Notefinder in Ubuntu 8.10. Can anyone help me telling me exactly what to type in the terminal? http://code.google.com/p/notefinder/19:59
bbelt16aghey peeps for some reason my right click open link in web browser is  broken in every app i try it in, am using  8.10  ubuntu with gnome atm  what can i do to set this . use to  work in kde..19:59
IndyGunFreaktehboriz: you gotta crawl before you run a marathon19:59
rubuntuCan someone help me out a bit on Bash-scripting?19:59
tehborizoh has anyone tried BT3? Are there skins for ubuntu that mimic it?19:59
ninomhello all. just installed ubuntu on my toshiba laptop p205d satellite. I am wondering is there a way like in windows to see wireless connections that are around you, in the neighborhood? and if yes, how to do this?19:59
HEP85Droopsta915: I get a MD5 mismatch. It seems the file from Adobe is newer than the package. So you can only wait or try it manually19:59
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mikkysixx@nimon there's the network manager icon next to the clock in your upper right corner20:00
tehborizis there a way to have ubuntu stop asking me for keyring pw and all that uac kind of stuff?20:00
nomasteryodaninom, kismet would be a geeky, yet very good tool for that20:00
DIFH-iceroottehboriz: use a blank password for keyring20:00
tehborizit didn't let me do that when i installed 8.1020:01
DIFH-iceroottehboriz: hm dont know, 8.04 works fine with blank keyword20:01
ninommikkysixx, yes i saw the network manager, but it doesnt list any connections around me or my wireless connection i have to manually type the ssid and so on20:01
nomasteryodaninom, you can add gps data and have it speak the names/status of those access points too20:01
ninomnomasteryoda, how to do this ?20:01
tehborizDIFH-iceroot, i'm looking for more of stuff like "this lets you modify essential parts of the system, plz enter password" - workaround20:02
nomasteryodaninom, sudo apt-get install kismet20:02
sitenezayou are doing software20:02
ninomok i gotta switch my connection to my router and than i ll connect and do this20:02
Jocke1how do i make  repositories enabled?20:02
ninomnomasteryoda, i will try this and if nothing i ll be back :)20:02
noiz_so i asked some help before and the guy i asked screwed absolutly everything up20:03
hackelrrplay, bah, just like before, it worked for a while, and now it resets to the lowest speed no matter what I do. :/20:04
noiz_now i cant use absolutly no good graphix20:04
rrplayJackel add then to /etc/apt/sources.lst20:04
noiz_rrplay who was the guy who was helping me? , he ruined everything :(20:04
Titan8990noiz_, how did he manage that?20:04
noiz_rrplay he told me to edit some config20:04
rrplayhacke; see here as well http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/11/04/enabling-cpu-frequency-scaling/20:04
Titan8990noiz_, which config? did you make a backup?20:04
rrplaynoiz_,  which config ??20:04
noiz_titan8990 no but he told me to change only 1 thing20:05
noiz_rrplay it was the graphix thingy or something20:05
noiz_rrplay he told me to add "driver" "fireijorwwhatevertherewas"20:05
rrplaynoiz : was /etc/X11/xorg.con ??20:05
Titan8990noiz_, that would be xorg.conf20:05
noiz_rrplay yes really familiar20:05
Titan8990noiz_, just change it back20:05
Titan8990rrplay, always have the user make a backup of config files before changing them20:06
rrplayTitan8990,  thanks20:06
noiz_Titan8990 but how i get my graphix how they were before20:06
noiz_titan8990 thank you20:06
hackelrrplay, I've seen that before, setting it manually doesn't work either, unfortunately.  I guess it must be some larger bug.20:06
=== Brucey is now known as Brucee
Titan8990noiz_, what was it before you changed it?20:06
Titan8990noiz_, or, what graphics card are you using?20:06
Pokshunguys, if I change my MAC address in Linux (Ubuntu)... will this also reflect on my Windows dual-boot installation?20:06
noiz_titan8990 the problem was20:06
Titan8990Pokshun, no20:06
noiz_titan8990 that i did have bad graphix at cs so he asked what i told ati radeon20:06
noiz_titan8990 then he talked something that i dont have any working drivers20:07
rrplayTitan8990,  I did not have noiz edit his file someone else20:07
noiz_rrplay it was somone else.20:07
noiz_it was the guy whos name started whith i >d20:07
Titan8990noiz_, alright, change whatever the driver was to:    Driver "radeon"20:07
noiz_titan8990 noo titan20:07
Titan8990noiz_, but make a backup first:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak20:07
Titan8990noiz_, alright, then don't....20:08
noiz_titan8990 no you dont get it20:08
rrplayhackel:  from the looks of it you are not alone with your chipset and scaling problems20:08
noiz_titan8990 the thing was there was no "driver" there before20:08
Titan8990noiz_, what don't I get?20:08
Titan8990noiz_, alright, but I am telling you what driver will work20:08
wikzoI am unsure of how to install Notefinder in Ubuntu 8.10. Can anyone help me telling me exactly what to type in the terminal? http://code.google.com/p/notefinder/20:08
Titan8990noiz_, the open source radeon driver will always get you in20:08
PokshunTitan: if I change my MAC address using the macchanger utility, how do I revert back to the original MAC address?20:08
noiz_titan8990 i have ati radeon 920020:09
Titan8990noiz_, you just won't be able to get 3D going20:09
Titan8990noiz_, that, you can worry about after your system boots20:09
noiz_titan8990 but can you help me whith that after?20:09
Titan8990noiz_, possibly20:09
thewrathhey is the alpha release of 9.04 out?20:09
noiz_titan8990 how i open that xorg stuff anyways ? :/20:09
RxDxwas the bug that makes over cycles on hd fixed on ubuntu 8.10?20:09
newmemberubuntu keeps kicking my putty session off.  How do I stop this20:09
Titan8990noiz_, AFTER you make the backup:   sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:10
noiz_titan8990 sorry i have been on linux only for 4 months and i am not the birghtest kid around the block20:10
bernzthewrath, see #ubuntu+1, i think, for best news on that20:10
DanI'm using the latest version of Ubuntu. I bought a DJ effects processor, I pluged it into my pc (through USB) and now I would like to ask how do I set it so the music that comes out of my laptops speakers is the music run though the effects processor20:10
noiz_titan8990 it says permission20:10
noiz_titan8990 permission denied20:10
adamw9678Hello all, I am using virtualbox to run ubuntu is there something i can do so that I can change the screen resolution at the mo I only have one choice?20:11
Titan8990noiz_, thats because you didn't use sudo20:11
icarushello, whats the preferred driver for an ati radeon x300?20:11
icarusto play a commercial game in wine20:11
bernzdan, does the effects processor have a native (its own) driver for linux?20:11
knusperfroschhab qt4.5 über ein ppa installiert. wie werd ich's wieder los?20:11
Danbernz, it does'nt need one, it does'nt use anysoftware.20:12
Droopsta915Anyone know why my latest version of adobe flash isn't working?20:12
knusperfroschgot qt 4.5 from a ppa, how do i get rid of it?20:12
noiz_titan8990 he made me open in a notepad somehow20:12
DIFH-icerootDroopsta915: not working is a very good description20:12
noiz_titan8990 alot easyer to find it there :O20:12
Danbernz, what do you think I have to set?20:12
bernzdan, ...but it's in fact a USB device? (i didn't know devices like that would have a "common" driver, like mass storage (MSD), for example)20:12
nomasteryodaninom1, ok .. now you need to put in your card model like this site says... its a little bit of editing the /etc/kismet/kismet.conf file, but not much unless you want to do GPS and speech too. ... i'm finding a good howto url for you... I just keep copying my kismet.conf file into /etc/kismet/ from a backup as it always is the same for my wireless card20:13
Jimi_Hendrixhi...i am not at a linux pc, so can someone tell me a US server that has the ubuntu repo on it?20:13
Danbernz, it's not a USB device, I had a special wire that switches it from RCA to USB20:13
macrobad_adamw9678, generally, you have to install Virtual Box guest additions on the *guest* OS, but I recall it didn't work for me with Ubuntu 8.04, although worked with most other linuxes.20:13
noiz_titan8990 this does not look the same :/20:13
noiz_titan8990 it looks alot diffrent20:13
Droopsta915DIFH-iceroot:Yes it is. lol20:13
DIFH-iceroot!download | Jimi_Hendrix20:14
ubottuJimi_Hendrix: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:14
noiz_titan8990 can we talk in private ? alot easyer20:14
noiz_ok he bailed on me20:14
noiz_Somone want to help me out whit my graphix? ;/20:14
bernzdan, ahhh... so are you using line-in/line-out to put your fx processor "inline"? (sounds like that would be the way) -- in that case, your soundcard and driver need to support full duplex (most modern ones do)20:14
macrobad_noiz_, so did you backup and edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file as he advised?20:15
noiz_macrobad_ yes20:15
Danbernz, Yes, how do I switch it on my ubuntu computer to be able to hear the music run through the effects processor?20:15
bernzDan, if you have a brand/model number, i could "see" the device on the Web and get a better idea20:15
DanOne second.20:15
noiz_macrobad_ but it still seems weirder than the one i saw when the other guy told me to change it before the problem20:15
agreenmacquestion: i have a wd external firewire hard drive.. can i partiton off a few 100 gigs for ubuntu and boot off of that on my macbook pro?20:15
eseven73what filesystem is a dvd? I'm trying to mount it but getting "wrong fs type[...]" errors20:15
noiz_macrobad_ there is alot more stuff on it20:15
AchothHello. Sometimes when I boot my server, a dialouge appears where I can choose from resuming regular startup, repair filesystem, repair broken packages and so on. I want it to always just resume startup. Is this possible?20:16
Titan8990noiz_, yeah, you can send me a PM but I am working on some stuff of my own20:16
rrplayhackel, ; your problem solved if not try this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39491120:16
Danbernz: PM20:16
jhonnyboyHey guys. I just finished installing vbox and i am having trouble setting up my first Virtual Machine.20:16
Jimi_HendrixDIFH-iceroot, i ment a mirror that firefox would be downloaded from if i do sudo apt-get install firefox20:16
macrobad_noiz_, what kind of picture do you have now? Is it 640x480 or what? What do you call weird? I do not quite understand what exactly is your problem.20:16
noiz_macrobad_ it is 800*600 cant go bigger20:17
agreenmaccan anyone help with installing ubuntu on a macbook pro though duel booting?20:17
Droopsta915DIFH-iceroot:I can't see videos. It says I need to upgrade, when I upgrade, it says I already have the latest version.20:17
noiz_macrobad_ and when i go to cs my fps now 10 times less20:17
eseven73what filesystem is a dvd? I'm trying to mount it but getting "wrong fs type[...]" errors20:17
hackelrrplay, I'm still having trouble, but I don't think these tools will work because even the low-level proc interface doesn't work, it seems like a kernel issue.20:17
macrobad_noiz_, run 'lsmod -l | grep radeon' to check whether radeon driver is properly loaded20:17
chasbozif you are using virtual box have you installed additions?20:18
rrplayhackel  that's why we sometimes config a custom kernel20:18
noiz_macrobad_ Usage: lsmod20:18
King_tiger_clawHi guys20:18
macrobad_noiz_, sry, I meant 'lsmod | grep radeon'20:19
rrplayhackel,  : because those options in a custom kernel are avail and specific20:19
noiz_macrobad_ np, radeon                123296  020:19
noiz_drm                    80660  1 radeon20:19
King_tiger_clawI never use linux. But I want to use linux.20:19
hackelrrplay, yeah, maybe I'll get around to that eventually!20:19
noiz_macrobad_ before he told me to write alot of stuff to terminal and paste the output20:20
noiz_macrobad_ but i am too dumb to fix :/20:20
=== Mud is now known as Mud|shower
noiz_macrobad_ he was talking abaut something ati drivers not working properly20:20
rrplayhackel I know for sure that those are options would very likely solve your problem done corecctly20:20
rrplayhackel: the kernel is the heart of linux anyhow20:21
noiz_macrobad_ so i dont actually know what to do anymore20:21
noiz_macrobad_ now i am stuck on even worse graphix than before and i cant fix it :)20:21
macrobad_noiz_, well if you have loaded the right radeon driver, and it still works worse then it used to, there are two solutions. 1. try to configure it. 2. reset xorg.conf into default settings20:21
DIFH-icerootJimi_Hendrix: you cant download firefox directly from the repos apt-get is using but apt-cd is maybe what you need20:21
DIFH-iceroot!apt-cd | Jimi_Hendrix20:21
adamw9678jhonnyboy what the prob?20:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-cd20:21
noiz_macrobad_ how i do that?20:21
DIFH-iceroot!aptoncd | Jimi_Hendrix20:22
ubottuJimi_Hendrix: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers20:22
noiz_macrobad_ :/20:22
hackelrrplay, heh, yes I realize that, I've been compiling kernels for 10 years.  The problem is I still want the CPU to scale normally, it's just that I need it to be at the highest level for Flash video.20:22
macrobad_noiz_, I know how to do the second, you run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg', but let's try to configure it first20:22
rrplayhackel:: me too20:23
noiz_macrobad_ would it be easyer on pm?20:23
Jimi_HendrixDIFH-iceroot, ok well what server (or just a list of servers is fine) would i download x from when i do apt-get install x20:23
rrplayhackel: thought i saw a few script a while ago adressing the same isssue hang on20:23
macrobad_noiz_, ah, let us discuss it on the channel. Maybe there is someone with Radeon here, who could help you, because I don't even have it. :)20:24
DIFH-icerootJimi_Hendrix: look at /etc/apt/sources.list20:24
=== diego is now known as Guest79720
noiz_macrobad_ oh pellets , ok well20:24
noiz_macrobad_ so where should i start?20:24
Jimi_HendrixDIFH-iceroot, can you just post one...i am not on a linux computer20:24
Tamagohas anoyone gotten compiz fusion working with the nvidia driver?20:24
macrobad_noiz_ just a sec, I'll check one thing20:24
noiz_macrobad_ he even gave me some page20:25
DIFH-icerootJimi_Hendrix: just a german  http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/20:25
Jimi_Hendrixthat will do i just want to see something20:25
noiz_macrobad_ i still have the page if you would like20:25
noiz_macrobad_ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xgl/+bug/14571520:25
noiz_macrobad_ he explained that , my drivers are not working and my pc is trying to 3d render or sumth20:26
macrobad_noiz_, btw, which system do you have?20:26
noiz_macrobad_ amm ,ubuntu20:27
noiz_macrobad_ i accidently run into linux few months ago when my box was intruded by some skiddie20:27
macrobad_noiz_, I mean, which Ubuntu?20:27
noiz_macrobad_ i replaced my windows whith linx / bad mistake20:27
noiz_macrobad_ amm .. i am not shure >D20:27
noiz_macrobad_ and if it is helpful then i think i am not using a dvi / what ever that is20:28
noiz_macrobad_ how i find out what ubuntu i am on20:28
macrobad_noiz_ :) 'cat /etc/lsb-release' would show the contents of the specified file, and it should be written there20:29
noiz_macrobad_Ubuntu 8.04.1"20:29
noiz_macrobad_ ubuntu 8.04.1 :D20:29
macrobad_noiz_ Oh, I have almost the same: Ubuntu 8.04.220:30
tommy179c u20:30
noiz_macrobad_ that should make things a little easyer i think :d20:30
noiz_macrobad_ heh all the things i do for my gaming and linux , missing top gear atm :D20:30
noiz_macrobad_ ah the agony20:30
Droopsta915How can I view videos if I cant use flash mediaplayer?20:31
noiz_macrobad_ so what should i do? or are you looking in to it already ? :)20:32
mani_can anybody send me full port scanner i.e fin,null etc20:32
noiz_Oh god20:33
macrobad_noiz_, what?20:33
rrplayhackel, :: what processor are you running and kernel ??20:33
noiz_Anyone here whit a radeon ati 9200 and know's how to actually make it work ?20:33
=== picca-afk is now known as picca
noiz_macrobad_ eh nothing .20:34
erUSULnoiz_: i used to have one of those that worked fine with the free radeon driver20:34
hackelrrplay, Intel Core2 Duo T8300, 2.6.28-6-generic.20:34
noiz_erUSUL well .. it does but not 3d render20:35
macrobad_noiz_, 'aptitude show xserver-xgl | grep State' should tell us whether you have XGL rendering enabled or not. it might be a problem20:35
rrplayhackel,   really sweet man !20:35
Sw3RvEwill any version work via usb flash drive/20:35
erUSULnoiz_: iirc it is blacklisted for compiz but it can do other 3d stuff just fine20:35
hackelrrplay, heh yeah you would THINK a cpu like that could handle playing a simple flash video!  If it weren't such garbage software...20:35
noiz_macrobad_  it actually did give no output20:36
JWCould someone please tell me briefly: is apt-get the "standard" "preferred" way to install software on Ubuntu or is there some other "standard" tool that's usually used?20:36
noiz_macrobad_ State: not installed20:36
linny1when you renice a user does/should the nice value get reset on reboot ?20:36
macrobad_noiz_ ok, then one possible reason is invalidated20:36
noiz_macrobad_ ok .20:36
rwwJW: apt-get is fine. aptitude and synaptic and kadept are fine too. they all use the same package management system.20:37
erUSULJW: all tools are just front ends for the same package database apt aptitude synaptic etc20:37
noiz_macrobad_ should i go put my water boiler working to make some coffe , as i can already see it will be going to take time :)20:37
JWyeah ok I know about all the front-ends but I wasn't sure if there was some special one that is supposed to be used by most folks.20:37
linxehis there a command line tool for reconfiguring network settings? or should I just edit the config manually ?20:37
rrplayhackel  you got more than enough speed man    is it just playing flash vids or just speed in general20:38
macrobad_noiz_ yeah, why not. I hope, it won't take more then 20 minutes though20:38
linny1when you renice a user does/should the nice value get reset on reboot ?20:38
darkhelmetliveis it possible to configure network manager to use different dhclient.conf configs for different interfaces? i need it to prepend different DNS servers for wireless and wired interfaces.20:38
hackelrrplay, it's just flash.  Also have an nvidia card so have to use their awful proprietary drivers which slow things down.20:38
noiz_macrobad_ that really depends on you and my cooperation :D20:38
macrobad_noiz_ can you paste you current xorg.conf to pastebin.org20:38
noiz_macrobad_ yes shure20:38
Izinucshackel: did you install nvidia's 180.29 driver or use the one with ubuntu?20:39
noiz_macrobad_ i cant copy it all together20:39
rrplayhackel     oh man   this is not the same problem     this is way easier then cpu throttling20:39
noiz_macrobad_ when i scroll down the other stuff dissapears and when i scroll up it appears again20:39
macrobad_noiz_ why? btw, it is pastebin.com and not pastebin.org20:39
noiz_macrobad_ i am not that dumb >D20:40
macrobad_noiz_ which editor do you use?20:40
rrplayhackel previously in this chat others were installing macromedia flas as well20:40
noiz_macrobad_ its in my terminal.20:40
macrobad_noiz_ :) sry20:40
noiz_macrobad_ xD20:40
macrobad_noiz_ can you open it with gedit?20:40
noiz_macrobad_ how i do that20:40
noiz_macrobad_ i know if i had the command to do that yes i can20:40
macrobad_gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:41
fiftyonehowdy, is there anyone here who knows about fluxbox?20:41
hackellzinucs: I'm on 180.29.20:41
fiftyoneor knows the channel for fluxboxbuntu?20:41
hackel2D performance is just terrible for this speed CPU.20:41
=== trumee_ is now known as trumee
noiz_macrobad_ http://pastebin.com/m2bd6b61a20:41
fosco_fiftyone: #fluxbuntu20:42
hackelrrplay, the problem is that for some reason with the default settings, when flash is running it is not elevating the cpu, causing it to run at 800mhz.20:42
fiftyonefasco_ thank you20:42
puremichaelhmm.. i'm downloading with epiphany and got 100%, but nothing happens... any ideas?20:42
trumeeguys, i installed asterisk 1.4.21 on ubuntu intrepid 8.10. It is crashing with this error terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'  what():  vector::_M_fill_insert20:42
trumeeanybody uses asterisk here?20:43
rrplayhackel   and you still got slow 3d   ?? as well20:43
noiz_macrobad_ http://pastebin.com/m2bd6b61a if you didn't see it yet :)20:43
macrobad_noiz_ I did. It's pretty messy. :)20:43
rrplayhackel: is that nvidia driver installed properly20:43
hackelrrplay, no, 3d is decent.20:43
hackelrrplay, yeah, I'm pretty sure that it's working fine.20:43
rrplayhackel  nvidia-xconfig --help20:44
Dorisanelo all. - im using ibex, the network manager is driving me nuts. a) it wont keep any settings i put in it. b) after saving a setting it sometimes disappears. currently on every boot i have to set the eth0 ip manually20:44
din_oshow can make jedit open .txt files by double-clicking with nautilus for ALL users? (using console preferably)20:44
almostthere is a bug in dcc-client if i install from source tar ball will it make a diffrence20:44
hackelrrplay, I've already enabled all the optimisations I could find.20:44
noiz_macrobad_ well atleast you can understand few things from it , i cant understand a thing20:45
linxehhow do I reconfigure networking (IP etc) from the command line ?20:45
rrplayhackel:: then it appears to be multimedia codecs20:45
carpiinano /etc/network/interfaces20:45
hackelrrplay, well yes, it's Flash, like I said.  It's just extremely poorly written and proprietary, it doesn't use hardware acceleration the way mplayer or gstreamer does (which work fine).20:46
carpii/etc/init.d/networking restart20:46
Melikhey guys, my /var/lib/dpkg/status file is missing.. and i can hardly do anything. how can i rebuild a new dpkg status file?20:46
rrplayhackel, it's probably just a matter of reinstalling your flash player20:46
erUSULlinxeh: use ifconfig from command line20:47
gescapeI am trying to change the position of the mouse pointer after X is started. Can anyone help me to find some tips, config or something?20:47
hackelrrplay, I highly doubt that.  It's just one library, I'm not using a packaged version.20:47
RodyaI am attempting to use the Connect to Server option in the Places menu to connect to my ssh server, and I am getting an "Unkown error code: 6"... I can ssh into the same machine via a terminal just fine (its actually how I am using irssi right now), but the Connect to Server dialog always fails (and I've double and triple checked the information). Any ideas?20:47
noiz_macrobod_ you editing it or something?20:48
gescapeGnome sets cursor in the middle of the screed (desktop)... I want to change it20:48
Chill619Can someone help me out I just installed 8.10 fresh on a 64 Bit Desktop. Post install if I run from HD I can't get past a Starting bluetooth hang20:48
gescapeso when I log in the cursor is for example in the bottom left corner...20:48
macrobad_noiz_ It seems though that you have ati driver loaded.  Anyway, just generally, there are three drivers for ATI Radeon cards, and these are fglrx (fastest, but buggy from Adobe), radeon (stable but slow open source for old ati cards), and radeonhd (stable open source for new ati cards). You seem to use the correct driver, and the correct server version. The only two reasons it can be broken are improper config, and compiz running and preventing20:48
rrplayhackel, are you talking about standalone flash your browser20:48
linxeherUSUL: sure, but for reboot? are there no scripts that manage the configs in /etc/network ?20:48
fiftyoneI am trying to get two partitions i have  to automount at startup one works the other dosent for some reason  one if fat32 the other is NTFS I got the NTFS to moount nicely but the fat 32 dosent want to automount20:48
gescapehas anyone tried to change this ever?20:48
Melikhey guys, my /var/lib/dpkg/status file is missing.. and i can hardly do anything. how can i rebuild a new dpkg status file?20:48
rrplayhackel, :or your browser20:48
darkhelmetliveis it possible to configure network manager to use different dhclient.conf configs for different interfaces? i need it to prepend different DNS servers for wireless and wired interfaces.20:49
hackelrrplay, in-browser (youtube, hulum etc,).  Other people have reported similar issues, so I've accepted that it and am just trying to set the cpu frequency as a work-around until Adobe (or gnash) gets their act together.20:49
noiz_macrobod_ so what happened? he told me to change something and it ruined everything20:49
linxeherUSUL: and similarly for wireless configs etc20:49
rrplayhackel::  did you try opera ?? go no problem with firefox on 1.8720:49
Dorisanetheres no way the network manager can be this broken, surely20:49
trumeeguys, does anybody use asterisk here?20:49
hackelrrplay, no I haven't tried opera, I don't want to add even more proprietary software to the mix!20:50
noiz_macrobod_ i rebooted and it start then the screen scrambled and then it asked me if i want to configure or run on slow graphix i puted it on configure set everything i could tought on , that was choosing ati drivers and then it didnt let me choose bigger resolution20:50
noiz_macrobod_ that guys whith the name starting whith I sUCKS!20:50
noiz_macrobod_ he ruined everything :/20:50
macrobad_noiz_ Make a backup of xorg.conf with 'sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.macrobad' and reset the settings into default with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'. It should make at least the desktop look ok.20:51
rrplayhackel so maybe just check your flash plugin20:51
illumin8hackel please see this site reguarding flash http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/20:51
macrobad_noiz_ That's why a). backups are essential; b). I never trust anyone on the IRC. ;)20:51
hackelillumin8, I'm already running the latest version from there.20:51
noiz_macrobod_ and now i will reboot?20:52
illumin8hackel specificly the 64 bit version?20:52
prince_jammysnoiz_: look in your irc logs for what you changed. apparently, you did it in private20:52
hackelI've had this issue since I got this computer, through all Flash versions, including the 32-bit versions run via ndiswrapper.20:52
noiz_macrobod_ yes i did,  i cant find how i see the logs?20:52
macrobad_noiz_ Now reboot to ensure everything is updated.20:52
illumin8hackel, the website i linked you is in reguards to the 64 bit version released 2/24/0920:53
NecrosanAny of you use snes9x?20:53
Titan8990!ask | Necrosan20:53
ubottuNecrosan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:53
hackelillumin8, Ahh, sorry, I'm running 10.0d21 which was released a month or so ago.  I'll try the latest one now.20:53
johan12hi all! is ~4.16 MB/s an resonable speed when copying ~450 GB from one portable hdd to another with both useing usb2.0 and 7200rpm?20:55
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:55
bernzjohan12, seems a *little* slow, but nothing too bad... i think my best (observed) results are around 6 MB/s, but copying only 300 GB (on identical 500 GB drives)20:56
rrplayillumin8, thanks he hackel should be ok now20:56
noizmacrobod_ thank you20:56
illumin8rrplay,  :)20:56
noizmacrobod_ actually this is much better20:56
macrobad_noiz: great!20:56
noizmacrobod_  lol now to find some help whith my keyboard dumb mistake20:56
rrplayillumin8,  yeah thanks20:56
noizmacrobod_ i cant use my keyboard on cs anymore for some reason20:56
NecrosanI cannot get snes9x to recognize both of my joypads, my config is at http://www.necrosan.com/snes9x.conf20:57
NecrosanAny ideas, anyone?20:57
bernzjohan12, also, that was almost all large contiguous files (typically at least 150 MB)20:57
noizmacrobod_ and ty god i remember what i did before it started happening20:57
macrobad_noiz: just a sec, I'm preparing for a networking presentation with a classmate20:57
johan12bernz: what's the best app to use when doing these kind of large "backups"?20:57
macrobad_noiz_ check if cs if still slow, btw20:57
noizmacrobad_ oh i cant play20:57
rrplaynoiz, :: see it can all work out20:58
noizmacrobad_ i cant join the server because i cant open console because the keyboard :d20:58
noizrrplay because there are helpful guys like you and macrobad around20:58
bernzjohan12, not sure, because so far i've generally just copied the entire volume with dd, or a partitioning program (i even tried just a straight 'cp', but that was painfully slow)20:58
rrplaynoiz,  about 147520:58
noizmacrobad_ but yes i have it showing fps on the game start screen and it was better20:58
noizrrplay and yes :D20:58
noizSo hey , can somone help me out , i messed whit some keyboard shortcuts (sound shortcuts only) set my num numbers to play sound n etc on my totem player20:59
noizand then after that pretty much something happened and my keyboard does not work on cs21:00
Droopsta915Can someone help me get the adobe flash player to work again? It was working earlier today I don't know what I did, but I cant watch videos anymore. I've reinstalled an older version, the latest version, but nothing seems to work?21:00
philux-dijondoes anyone know how to change the way that cheese names the pictures ?21:00
johan12bernz: currently copying with roadkil's unstoppable copier (used in the past many times in winxp) through wine now, could that be a "problem"?21:01
bernzjohan12, in fact, my plan (when i get 'round to it) is to use rsync for backups, and just turn on the "backup drives" once a week, and have a script that does whatever necessary to kickstart the sync21:01
billiard_junkiegot a little problem here.  I have an Belkin wireless g card (Atheros chipset 2413) and I installed Ubuntu 8.04, which did not have good support for the card.  I tried madwifi, but I could not get it working.  I read around a bit and came to the conclusion that 8.10 would have better support for such things.  So, I went and installed it. Voila! the wireless works flawlessly; however, when I reboot, wireless connectivity is lost.21:01
bernzjohan12, oh yeah, as "cool" as wine is, it can't avoid some wasted processing on translation, and on top of that, if it craps out for any reason, Windows tends to abandon the whole operation or whatever, which can be annoying (even if it just means a 'chkdsk')21:02
Titan8990billiard_junkie, i have the same card and it works perfect with madwifi21:02
Titan8990billiard_junkie, but you have to blacklist ath5k21:02
stablerdoes anyone know of a good walkthrough on using google smtp for sendmail21:03
adamw9678I am trying to add some screen resolutions but when I open gedit /ect/X11/xorg.conf I cant find the resolutions at all?21:03
hackelillumin8, rrplay, unfortunately, I'm not noticing any improvement with this Flash version.  Still causing 100% (single core) cpu usage.21:03
noizCan somone help me , i got a problem whit my keyboard on counter strike , it has worked JUST fine until today when i set some keyboard settings (shortcuts (only few) the keyboard works everywhere besides counter strike . i play counter strike whit wine.21:03
Poundohow do I install an editor like bluefish on a GNU/Linux distro.21:03
Titan8990billiard_junkie, my guess on why it didn't work for oyu21:03
eseven73A really easy GUI way of auto backups I found is, grsync (gui for rsync) and gnome-schedule (gui for cron), you can thank me later ;)21:03
bernzjohan12, so i would say if you actually want a "mirror" of your drive, and the drives have the same size and geometry, use dd because it won't waste time analyzing the file system; it just copies straight -- this only makes sense if your volume is mostly full, however; if you're less than 75%, i dunno the best method21:03
Poundois there an rpm or deb on it how do I find out21:03
billiard_junkiethanks Titan8990, I will look into how to do that21:03
eseven73don't use RPM's21:03
Poundook what then21:03
eseven73ppa or debs21:03
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.21:03
Titan8990Poundo, is EMACs not good for you?21:04
johan12bernz: i'll stick with current method, only ~400GB left............. ;P21:04
Droopsta915!flash player21:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flash player21:04
stablerdoes anyone know of a good walkthrough on using google smtp for sendmail21:04
Titan8990Poundo, anyways:   sudo apt-get install bluefish21:04
_VIM_Titan8990: Emacs?!! VIM!! ;)21:04
Titan8990Poundo, always search the repos first21:04
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adamw9678I am trying to add some screen resolutions but when I open gedit /ect/X11/xorg.conf I cant find the resolutions at all?21:05
fiftyonei was wondering if someone could look at this information i have been trying to automount a partition but it wont seem to mount correctly. 80gb disk /dev/sda3 file system fat32 mountpoint /media/disk-221:05
PoundoTitan8990: apt-get not on the machine21:05
macrobad_noiz_ as for cs keyboard shortcuts, can't you just reset them to default? I recall there was such a setting.21:05
rrplayhackel: do you have another user acount avail or even temporarily create a temp user and try the flash player ?21:05
satansaunthow would i go about adding eac to the list of apps in wine???21:05
noizCan somone help me , i got a problem whit my keyboard on counter strike , it has worked JUST fine until today when i set some keyboard settings (shortcuts (only few) the keyboard works everywhere besides counter strike . i play counter strike whit wine.21:05
Titan8990Poundo, are you not running ubuntu? this is the ubuntu support room21:05
AdamDVHello, I'm wirting a MOTD, but  want it to echo the output of "users", how do i do this?21:05
noizmacrobad_ no it is not that21:05
Poundono uname says GNU/Linux21:05
billiard_junkieTitan8990: the thing that really bugs me is that I am connected right now using that card.  First boot after install it works fine21:06
noizmacrobad_ the mouse works fine, but i can not even WRite init21:06
Titan8990billiard_junkie, odd, probably is in need of a blacklist though21:06
macrobad_noiz_ as for cs performance, if it is still bad, you can try disabling compiz effects. that should boost up all video games.21:06
Titan8990Poundo, im guessing you didn't install this os?21:06
billiard_junkiealright, will try it out21:06
noizan somone help me , i got a problem whit my keyboard on counter strike , it has worked JUST fine until today when i set some keyboard settings (shortcuts (only few) the keyboard works everywhere besides counter strike . i play counter strike whit wine.And i cannot even write in cs i cant open the console nor do anything whit the keyboard on cs, only whit the mouse21:06
hackelrrplay, I've tried this before, it doesn't make a difference, nor does disabling compiz.  I've been working on this for ages. :)21:06
Droopsta915I've installed the swf player and still, I cant play videos! I'm going to reinstall this.21:07
noizmacrobod_ to play cs i need my keyboard to work on cs :P ty for the suggestion i will do that :)21:07
Poundotitan8990: no it's on some host somewhere21:07
kristian_i got a clean install of ubuntu and i went to youtube.com with firefox, and i need to install flash. how can i do it in terminal? sudo apt-get install ???21:07
Titan8990Poundo, alright, so let me get this straight, you have an OS, but you don't know what it is21:07
Titan8990Poundo, you want a program, but you don't know what package manager it uses21:07
rrplayhackel it could very well be that some of the flash player files in your /home dir are corupted period21:07
Titan8990Poundo, are you being serious?21:07
PoundoTitian8990 no I know it's GNU/Linux according to uname -a21:07
Chill619Can someone help me out I can't get my fresh install to boot? running 8.10 and getting stuck on Starting bluetooth or if I run from the CD its a USB error and mouse and keyboard don't work21:08
Titan8990Poundo, all linux is GNU/Linux....21:08
Titan8990Poundo, so now we have narrowed it down to around 100 distros21:08
macrobad_noiz_ np. Then I'll finish preparing for my presentation meanwhile.21:08
noizmacrobad_ is there a way i can reset all keyboard settings on linux? like the shortcuts and etc21:08
hackelrrplay, there is only one file, and I've just downloaded the latest version of it.21:08
prince_jammysAdamDV: i don't know that that is possible with motd, though it is with issue21:08
PoundoWell then i am being serious, the shell is bash thats about all I know21:08
Titan8990Poundo, where did you get this computer?21:09
SpEcLeDx2hello everyone I am having an issue with flash audio while using nxclient to connect to an LTSP 5 server,  when I play any flash with audio I get this error on the command line...ALSA lib pcm_pulse.c:625:(pulse_prepare) PulseAudio: Unable to create stream: Invalid argument....Could not set hardware parameters21:09
rrplayhackel; but as with others and rewriting a new flash player and others have had the same problem from previous versions on the pc21:09
macrobad_noiz_ I think you just did it for half of those with dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg. The other half is sitting somewhere in the gnome keyboard settings, and then several more keyboard shortcuts are served by compiz.21:09
JmzBrb restarting and booting into xubuntu21:10
PoundoTutian8990:It is an outfit that provides muntile hosting environments21:10
hackelrrplay, yeah, you have to make sure to delete the old library, restart firefox, and then put the new one in place, then it works fine.21:10
Poundosorry Titian899021:10
rrplayhackel: the problem lies with the 'dot files' in ~/.fooXXetc21:10
Titan8990Poundo, with the given information, the best I can do is recommend you manually compile the source code21:11
porter1Anyone know where I can find more recent OGRE libs for ubuntu?21:11
porter1In repos?21:11
hackelrrplay, Ah, right, that's just a cache though.  Removing ~/.adobe has no effect.21:11
Titan8990porter1, check the official ogre site to see if they have their own repo21:11
satansaunthow would i go about adding eac to the list of apps in wine???21:12
Titan8990satansaunt, gnome menu editor?21:12
PoundoTitan8990; thanks i figure it out package managers and unix are new to me obviously21:12
jaymes0i'm having install issues on a machine with an intel ich9r controller, it seems to install grub on one of my bios raided disks, and not on the one i'm selecting to install the os on21:12
rrplayhackel: .~?.macromedia21:12
noizmacrobad_ nahh the keys dont work21:12
noizmacrobad_ it is just soo weird21:12
Titan8990Poundo, which package manager are you using?21:12
satansauntyou mean main menu editor- cos i tried that, first place i went21:13
Titan8990Poundo, nvm, I thought you were saying you figured out the package manager....21:13
hackelrrplay, Ah yes, I'm removing that too.  I've set my flash preferences not to store anything locally.21:13
satansauntthen i tried to add via 'add application' option in wine21:13
satansauntno luck21:13
noizCan somone help me , i got a problem whit my keyboard on counter strike , it has worked JUST fine until today when i set some keyboard settings (shortcuts (only few) the keyboard works everywhere besides counter strike . i play counter strike whit wine.And i cannot even write in cs i cant open the console nor do anything whit the keyboard on cs, only whit the mouse21:13
Titan8990satansaunt, you are just trying to get it to appear in the menu?21:13
PoundoTitan8990: Thats the question which package manager can i use on RPM shows up but some one said that was a bad idea21:13
stablerdoes anyone know of a good walkthrough on using google smtp for sendmail21:13
noizIs there a way to reset all your keyboard settings?21:14
satansauntjust for ease of access21:14
Titan8990Poundo, its dependant on your distro21:14
acuI want to stop krdc - how can I do that - how can I know whether it is on at all ?21:14
PoundoTitan8990: round and round. How do i find out what the distro is?21:15
Titan8990Poundo, debian, ubuntu and derivitives use aptitude,  suse and derivitives use yast,  rhel and dervitives use yum,  and gentoo, bsd and dervities use portage and pkg21:15
Titan8990Poundo, ask the person that installed it21:15
CUJOacu  type in a shell ps -ef | grep Krdc21:15
jief-hello. did something happen to ubuntu's packages signing keys? everytime we update our machines through our local repo, we get a warning about the key for ubuntu-security21:15
noizTitan8990 how can i update my wine to the latest version?21:15
Titan8990Poundo, sometimes uname -r will do it, not always21:15
noiztitan8990 if i may ask21:16
CUJOthat way you'll know if it's running21:16
Titan8990noiz, you really can't unless they have thier own repos21:16
CUJOthe if it is type kill -9 and the number of the process21:16
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Titan8990noiz, or don't mind manual compilation21:16
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macrobad_noiz: Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do ir currently. I've told you there are at least three places: xorg.conf (which we reset), System->Preferences->Keyboard shortcuts of GNOME, and then in CCSM General options->Key bindings. Go there and check the keybindings you want.21:16
ninomhave a problem with finding wireless connections aroound me, any good program wireless network connections for ubuntu 8.10 with graphic interface21:16
Titan8990noiz, http://www.winehq.org/download/deb21:16
n8tuserfninom -> you should only access your own AP21:17
ninomwifi radar doesnt seem to work on my ubuntu21:17
jief-ninom: not completely GUI, but look into kismet21:17
Titan8990ninom, iwlist wlan0 scanning21:17
ninomi cant find my own either21:17
jief-it has a nice ncurse interface21:17
noizmacrobad_ but i got the num things disabled and there is nothing else wrong there21:17
ninomif i want to find my own network i have to type the ssid21:17
jief-ninom: kismet scans the air for wifi access points21:18
ninomwifi radar doesnt work, kismet doesnt have graphic interface i believe21:18
Titan8990ninom, sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning21:18
macrobad_noiz, so is your problem about keyboard accelerators, or special media keys?21:18
n8tuserfninom -> make sure your driver is working first,  do you know what chip you have on your nic card?  sudo lshw -C network21:18
noizmacrobad_ i dont have a idea :/21:18
bernzninom, you're sure your WAP is not set to prevent broadcasting of its SSID?21:19
billiard_junkieTitan8990: If all works well, I will be back21:19
macrobad_jief, ubuntu ppa repositories were finally signed. could it be the reason for your warnings?21:19
macrobad_noiz: what kind of keys do not work?21:19
ninomn8tuserf i did what you said and i got something21:19
noizmacrobad_ NONE21:19
noizmacrobode_ even the console wont work21:19
macrobad_noiz: only in cs?21:20
noizmacrobod_ yes21:20
ninomAR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter atheros communications21:20
rrplayhackel: let me know what's up with that21:20
macrobad_noiz, ah, so outside cs all the keys work. right?21:20
noizmacrobod_ yes21:20
noizmacrobod_ but it is not cs's fault21:20
noizmacrobod_ but wait ima tell what happened few minutes ago21:20
hackelrrplay, No change.  High cpu usage, lots of video tearing, etc.21:21
daddaI followed this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=713874 and now I can access the internet with my machines on my local lan but they can't ping the gateway nor each other it seems?21:21
noizmacrobod_ i went on cs and i used my mouse to navigate myself to new game , and then when you are already in the game you need keyboard to get out so is tarted cliking random keys as i dont know how you close a windows whit linux, and then it started lagging and i saw my "applications" on top of cs so i moved my mouse, while i was moving my mouse i was moving in cs21:22
daddaMy gateway can't reach the local area network but it can give them internet access21:22
noizmacrobod_ but yes no other key besides mouse keys work in cs for some reason21:22
noizmacrobod_ the thing is it can not be cs's fault .21:22
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rrplayhackel, unbelievable just with the flash vids try updatedb  and log back in with the new install21:22
jaymes0is there a way to make the desktop installer 'ignore' all disks in a system bar the one selected for install?21:23
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macrobad_noiz weird. So, it worked ok before you tried to exit with random keys?21:23
noizmacrobad_ nahh21:23
noizmacrobad_ only the mouse worked21:23
Titan8990jaymes0, easiest way would be to just unplug them21:23
Milkehwhat were the parameters in rm to remove a directory21:24
noizmacrobad_ noone never had this problem before :/21:24
Titan8990jaymes0, but the installer won't install on drives that you don't tell it to21:24
prince_jammysMilkeh: -r ,or you can use the rmdir command if it's empty21:24
rrplayhackel,  by the way firefox was NOT running when you reinstalled any of this right ??21:24
jaymes0Titan8990: I just tried an install, and it put grub on a different disk than the os was installed to21:24
macrobad_noiz: No idea. I suppose it must be a problem of messed up wine configs then.21:24
jaymes0and 'broke' a raid 021:24
noizmacrobad_ for some reason i think that too21:25
Milkehprince_jammys, thank you21:25
hackelrrplay, No.  I don't think flash or firefox uses the locate database for anything.21:25
Titan8990jaymes0, are you aware that raid0 is slower and less fault tolerent then two single disks?21:25
noizmacrobad_ as the problem started after i added a keyboard layout21:25
noizmacrobad_ and maby that messed wine up21:25
macrobad_noiz: In this case the most reasonable way is to reset wine to default settings with dpkg-reconfigure -phigh, but then you'll have to reinstall CS.21:25
noizmacrobad_ so u advise me to reinstall wine and cs?21:25
Milkehhow come my icons have gone big all of a sudden?21:25
noizmacrobad_ oh ok shure ty21:25
rrplayhackel,  what I asked you was if firefox was NOT running at the time you reinstalled21:25
Milkehin my drop down menus21:25
jaymes0it's just a fakeraid thing on an ich9 controller, and yes im aware about the tollerence and marginal speed differences :)21:26
macrobad_noiz No problem. Hope, it works finally!21:26
hackelrrplay, yes, that was my first answer.21:26
noizmacrobad_ wait tell me the exact command how to reconfigure wine?21:26
Titan8990jaymes0, anyways, does the installer recognize your raid0 or is it displaying both disks seperatly? softraid, fakeraid, or hardraid?21:26
jaymes0its displaying the raid0 disks seperately21:26
tiskerHello, all!21:26
jaymes0and im installing on a different, non raided disk that is connected to the same ich9 controller21:26
Milkehdoes anybody know how to make my icons in my drop down menus smaller?21:26
Nytrixwhat do i type in terminal to install GTK+ themes engine?21:27
Titan8990jaymes0, I would just manually install grub then21:27
Titan8990!grub | jaymes021:27
ubottujaymes0: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:27
Droopsta915Is there a way to get my machine working to an earlier date? Kinda like a restore point.21:27
Titan8990jaymes0, that is, if thats all that its missing21:27
Nytrixwhat do i type in terminal to install GTK+ theme engine?21:27
jaymes0can i stop grub from being installed on the desktop installer?21:27
Titan8990jaymes0, no21:27
Titan8990jaymes0, not even on the alternate installer21:27
jaymes0it's missing yes, but my issue is that it installs on a different (and raided...) disk, breaking it21:28
macrobad_noiz The command is dpkg-reconfigure, and it has to be run as root, i.e. with sudo. One argument is '-phigh', which means to do everything automatically and don't ask questions, and the other is the name of the package you want to reconfigure. Putting it together, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh wine'21:28
fiftyoneI stated to install KDE yesterday from apt-get but my internet connection died half way in. now when I try and install again it says all of the packaages are missing and cant download21:28
Droopsta915I cant get my flash players to work, so I need to reinstall Ubuntu, but if I can restore the system to an earlier time that would be better.21:28
Titan8990jaymes0, alright, but you already installed everything but grub on the intended disk, correct?21:28
rrplayHacke: did you download a deb file or a tarball21:29
Titan8990jaymes0, alright, so install grub, in the future, unplug your raided drives during installation21:29
noizmacrobad_ lol i actually did not ask for the explanation of the code but just for the exact code >D21:29
Titan8990jaymes0, or prior to installation I should say21:29
jaymes0yeah, i should have done21:29
tiskerI have troubles with terminus font. I did install it by aptitude install xfonts-terminus then do something with fonts on suggesions in web  now I can't use terminus at all21:29
noizmacobad the funny thing is that command did not work :D21:29
tiskerI did remove and install - no result21:29
MilkehI'm trying to make my icons in the applications menu smaller, can anybody help me21:29
macrobad_noiz, and don't forget you might need to clean out '~/.wine' before reinstalling CS.21:29
jaymes0i think the installer should be more careful though :)21:30
noizmacrobad_ how can i just remove it :D21:30
noizmacrobad_ and then reinstall alot easyer that way21:30
noizmacrobad_ that made me just feel dummer21:30
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:30
Droopsta915I uninstalled my flashplugin-nonfree, now it wont reinstall.21:30
macrobad_noiz I know, but I though you could have figured out the command for reconfiguring wine yourself, and told the story in case you'll need this command any more. As for ~/.wine, yes, just delete it.21:31
macrobad_noiz it would delete all windows programs in wine21:31
Nytrixwhat do i type in terminal to install GTK+ theme engine?21:31
J_A_Xis there a way to 'restart' the mouse?21:31
Droopsta915Whats the command to install adobe flash?21:31
J_A_XI'm getting a weird image corruption on it, and it's really annoying21:31
Slart!flash | Droopsta91521:31
ubottuDroopsta915: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:31
Synnysup guise21:31
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noizmacrobad_ i think i found out21:32
noizmacrobad_ i think i know what is the matter21:32
Gnea-!- There is no such nick guise21:32
mustanggwould someone please kindly clarify - concerning RSYNC. If I have a few "daily" backups and wish to archive only the necessary files, can I just grab " the very first + very last"  directories?21:32
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Slartsup test21:33
macrobad_noiz, great. I have to go though.21:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync21:33
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kristian_nobody knows, nobody cares. :-)21:34
Nytrixgoogle it21:34
Nytrixwhat do i type in terminal to install GTK+ theme engine?21:35
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fosco_Nytrix: sudo apt-get insatll gtk2-engines-enginename21:36
SlartNytrix: you own advice doesn't work for you? =)21:36
bohemian_anyone used userful multiplier?21:36
bohemian_sort of multiseat thing?21:37
bohemian_i can't separate my screens properly21:37
gigasofti have problem with instaling oracle 11 g on a linux ubuntu21:37
gigasoftany help?21:37
bohemian_anyone ?21:37
NytrixNytrix: sudo apt-get insatll gtk2-engines-enginename?21:37
kitty_I need help as well21:38
Nytrixwhats the engine name?21:38
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:38
mustanggNytrix:  I' ve already gone over the man, a few faq's and some personal websites with " tutorials". I still can' t get tell :) hence my question in the chan.21:38
fosco_Nytrix: the one you want to install21:38
bohemian_bohemian_: anyone?21:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:38
kitty_:) 'k21:38
fosco_Nytrix: example, for ubuntulooks engine: sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks21:38
kitty_does anybody know how to get sound back on Ubuntu. I have no sound whatsoever21:39
rrplayNytrix look here http://twodayslate.wordpress.com/2008/01/06/installing-a-new-gtk-engine-in-ubuntu/21:39
Gnea!sound | kitty_21:39
ubottukitty_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:39
kitty_I did some upgrades and my sound is gone21:39
kitty_TY  :)21:39
Nytrixfosco_, i try to install a theme and it tells me i need "GTK+ theme engine" but doesnt tell me exactly the one i need to install21:40
mustanggforget that "still can' t get tell" which made no sense. I only meant that the info is incomplete (in regards to my experience) for answering my question21:41
rrplayNytrix,  are you installing Aurora Gtk Engine ??21:42
Nytrixi try to install a theme and it tells me i need "GTK+ theme engine" but doesnt tell me exactly the one i need to install21:42
Nytrixrrplay, i guess i will try and see if that works with the theme21:43
rrplayNytrix,  :: did you look here http://twodayslate.wordpress.com/2008/01/06/installing-a-new-gtk-engine-in-ubuntu/21:43
Nytrixyeah im looking now21:43
bernzNytrix, you *might* have some luck with 'aptitude'; i could be wrong, but i think it has a good ability to find dependencies and automagically add them to your "shopping cart" for installation21:43
rrplayNytrix,  this is probably what you want21:44
=== adam is now known as Guest54361
Jezsterdoes anyone have a recommendation for the linux distro on a machine like the MSI wind?21:44
Guest54361how exactly do you instal a tarball in terminal21:44
JezsterI'm currently playing with Ubuntu based Crunchbang .21:44
bernzNytrix, (in which case, you can probably select the "main" thing you need -- gtk+ theme engine -- and it'll select everything else you need for htat)21:44
mustanggguess I'm looking for the voice of experience; for an rsync backup can I grab the first+last directories it made and have a "whole" backup? or must I keep all increments in between as well..21:44
Titan8990!compile | Guest5436121:44
ubottuGuest54361: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:44
Titan8990Guest54361, its not recommended....21:44
SlartJezster: as for all small, "weak" computers that run on battery.. something light.. xubuntu, slimmed down ubuntu/kubuntu or DSL or siilar21:44
enhazedHello. Could someone please (try to) help me set up internet connection sharing via wlan from ubuntu to XP? Thank you.. (couldn't find any working tutorial for this online so i ended up here) :)21:45
Titan8990enhazed, its called ip masquerading and it is a very advanced networking topic....21:45
Guest54361let me try it21:45
Slartmustangg: why not try it.. create a folder, run some backups, change some stuff.. see if you can restore it21:45
Jezsterslimmed down ubuntu ... hmm... so apt-get remove stuff or is there a minimalist version?21:45
Slartmustangg: it doesn't look like anyone here can answer your question.. you could perhaps tell us how it works21:46
enhazedTitan8990: is there no program that might do this? I saw something involving Firestarter, but for some reason it doesn't work for me... (says it can't access wlan0)21:46
SlartJezster: well.. there is a minimal version.. you could start from that and add only what you need.. but I think keeping the stuff running at a minimun is more important than just not having stuff installed21:46
Titan8990enhazed, firestarter is a dead project... you should use ufw or edit iptables directly21:47
Guest54361ok im pritty new to linux and im running xubuntu21:47
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:47
Titan8990Guest54361, and why the need to compile something from source?21:47
Guest54361i could really use the actual command to instal a tarball thats not in package manager21:47
JezsterSlart: thanks - have you got a pointer to the cutdown version of ubuntu ...21:47
Jezsterany help would be great21:48
Titan8990Guest54361, it doesn't work like that....21:48
Slartenhazed: for a standard setup it's something like 3 iptables commands.. I'm not sure if wlan is going to make it any different though21:48
Slart!minimal | Jezster21:48
ubottuJezster: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:48
Titan8990Guest54361, you need to view the documentation that came with the code21:48
Jezsterthanks all :)21:48
SlartJezster: also you could google for "tweak ubuntu".. there are good advice out there.. (along with some not so good)21:49
Titan8990Guest54361, what is that you are trying to compile?21:49
Guest54361ok ok well i just wanna run a few benchmarks anyone know a program i can instal with the pakage manager21:49
HuufartedGuest54361, is it .bz2 or .gz?21:49
SlartJezster: try "powertop" too.. it might give you a few minutes extra from your battery21:49
Titan8990Guest54361, just search synaptic for "benchmark"21:49
Guest54361ok 1 min21:49
enhazedSlart: where can i find those three commands? :)21:49
mustanggSlart: I wish I knew what could help, but that's why I'm here. I basically created an incremental rsync backup using flyback.  And now I'm just trying to recover from *something*(?!),  which killed my fakeraid+lvm and partitions and a few other complaints from both the hardware and linux utils..21:49
HuufartedHey, Titan8990 got a question for you on that note sorta related.  What's the difference between Add/Remove and Synaptic?21:50
Jezsterthanks - I have just ordered a 6cell battery for my advent4211 ... should last about 4-5 hours :)21:50
fearfulHuufarted, nothing21:50
Titan8990Huufarted, not sure, I always use apt-get and apt-cache21:50
Slartenhazed: I usually just google for "ip masquerading iptables" or something like that.. it's the same for most linux distros so it doesn't have to be ubuntu specific21:50
fearfulHuufarted, there both from aptitude21:50
Titan8990Huufarted, I don't really use GUIs21:50
fearfulHuufarted, just add/remove is more basic than Synaptic you have more options to view dependencies and all the rest on synaptic unlike Add/Remove where its just the program itself.21:51
HuufartedTitan8990, I'd like to use the command line version as well, but I'm fairly new to repositories in general and the GUI provides a real easy way for me to search21:51
Slartenhazed: here's some good reading material... perhaps a bit more than necessary but knowledge is always good, right? =)21:51
Slartenhazed: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/21:51
Huufartedfearful, thanks that makes a lot more sense.  That's kinda what I thought it was.21:51
Guest54361ugh titan can you suggest a all around benchmark?21:52
HuufartedGuest54361, benchmark for what?21:52
fearfulHuufarted, you can use search with command line too, apt-cache search <name> (and wildcards can be used)21:52
Slartmustangg: oh.. I thought you were trying to setup some kind of backup system21:52
Huufartedawesome, fearful.  :)  I like that.21:52
Guest54361just an all in one sorta benchmark21:52
Slartmustangg: I don't really know much about rsync.. I've tried using it once or twice but it never agreed with me21:53
Titan8990Guest54361, time....21:53
enhazedallright, i will read up on that and try to do it myself, if it doesn't work i'll be back for help.  thank you very much :)21:53
Titan8990Guest54361, using this syntax:   time COMMAND21:53
Titan8990Guest54361, will display the length of time that it took to run the given command21:53
mustanggSlart: I was originally and did sorta using suggestions from the chan which is how  ended up with flyback. It's just a gui really for rsync.21:53
Slartenhazed: do that..you have to .. setup ip masquerading.. enable ip forwarding.. setup NAT21:54
Guest54361titan do you know a good all in one kinda benchmark program21:54
Titan8990Guest54361, no21:54
HuufartedGuest54361, for instance if you wanted to benchmark the 'rm' command, you could type 'time rm -rf /*'21:54
Titan8990Guest54361, search synaptic21:54
enhazedok :)21:54
Huufartedguest54 but I wouldn't recommend it21:54
Slartenhazed: you might want to start a dhcp server too.. but it isn't really necessary for just one or two computers21:54
bernzmustangg, i haven't looked closely at rsync yet, but it's highly likely to require all the "intermediate" files because a delta scheme is very typically done that way21:54
Slartenhazed: you can skip the parts about compiling kernels and such.. all that stuff is already done for you21:54
nickrudHuufarted, that's straying really near the edge of malicious advice ...21:55
Huufartednickrud, true that.  Should have made it more abundantly clear it was in jest.21:55
KenBW2is there a command to open a new image in gimp without having to go to File > New?21:56
mustanggbernz:  fair enough. any idea on data integrity? ie: is there any mechanism i place to maintain it? I' ve had to recover these off a corrupted ntfs partition..21:56
Synnyhow do i start compiz21:56
Synnyi installed the packages21:56
mishuHi ... I'm running Ubuntu Intrepid on a Toshiba L300 notebook ... My wireless signal was very bad, so i tried to install the windows drivers with ndiswrapper ... it didn't work any better, it was actually connecting worse ... now i removed them, but i can't seem to get the original generic ubuntu driver to get auto re installed ..21:56
SlartKenBW2: ctrl+N ?21:56
nickrudHuufarted, a lot of people here don't use english as a first language, and nearly all jests are obscure. Jesting with dangerous commands will cause serious issues for you ;)21:56
mishuSo how do i get the wireless card to work on the ubuntu generic dirver ?21:56
SlartKenBW2: at least that what it says in the menu21:56
SynnyHow do i run compiz21:56
KenBW2Slart: i mean one i can add to a launcher21:56
SynnyHow do i run compiz21:56
Titan8990mishu, there isn't a generic wireless driver21:56
SynnyHow do i run compiz21:56
FloodBot1Synny: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:56
Titan8990!wireless | mishu21:57
ubottumishu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:57
AckerMANn-SabinI need help .. co can help me ?21:57
Titan8990!compiz | Synny21:57
ubottuSynny: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:57
Huufartedmishu, what chipset21:57
mishuTitan8990, ... well the wireless was working before ... without me doing anything ... now how do i get it back21:57
nickrud!ask | AckerMANn-Sabin21:57
ubottuAckerMANn-Sabin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:57
Titan8990!ask | AckerMANn-Sabin21:57
bernzmustangg, hmm... nothing i've read so far suggests there are error recovery mechanisms :-( but that does't mean there aren't necessarily, just that i don't know of 'em21:57
SynnyHow do i run compiz21:57
guntbert!repeat  | Synny21:57
ubottuSynny: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:57
mishuHuufarted, it's a realtek21:57
Titan8990mishu, few the troubleshooting in the wifidocs page21:57
AckerMANn-SabinI have installed on my ubuntu: /usr/lib/libavcodec.so.52: undefined symbol: av_lfg_init21:58
Huufartedmishu, k.  I can't help you with that one, sorry.21:58
mishuk, thx21:58
Huufartedsynny, have you bothered checking the menus for Compiz?21:58
bernzmustangg, i suspect you'll have to read the rsync docs semi-deeply to discover whether there's some way of saving your data21:58
Huufartednevermind, Synny left.21:58
SlartKenBW2: there seems to be a -b switch for adding batch commands.. sounds useful21:58
n8tusermishu -> do you remember which driver it was?21:58
bernzmustangg, i *do* think that rsync can use different methods (other than standard "delta" histories), and they might offer better redundancy21:59
spaceBARbarianhow can i share a folder over samba through commandline ?21:59
spaceBARbariani am using xubuntu as a vbox guest21:59
mishun8tuser, no .. the wireless card just worked when i installed ubuntu and updated it21:59
NecrosanI cannot get snes9x to recognize both of my joypads, my config is at http://www.necrosan.com/snes9x.conf22:00
NecrosanAny ideas, anyone?22:00
n8tusermishu -> well, do this instead  sudo lshw -C network   lspci -vvv   and post it in pastebin22:00
mishuwill do22:00
n8tusermishu -> those are two separate commands22:00
mustanggbernz/ Slart:  I have no choice today as it's sorta a done deal, though I hope not a _done in_ deal.. but thanks for sharing what you could.   later22:00
mishun8tuser,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/123031/22:01
n8tusermishu -> well, do this instead  sudo lshw -C network ; lspci -vvv   and post it in pastebin, note the sudo22:02
protodoghi i need help changing the 'Download From' source URL, because I'm trying to upgrade Feisty Fawn to 7.1022:03
KenBW2Slart: seems to be a bit more powerful than what i want22:03
mishun8tuser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/123032/22:03
protodogdoes anybody know how I can do that? the us.archive.com URL gives a 404 because the URL no longer exists for feisty fawn...i need to override it with backports URL22:04
n8tuserKenBW2 -> eh, i saw an article that you have to compile your own driver for that unknown name brand of wifi you have22:04
acuguys, I want to uninstall krfb (since it sucks and x11vnc is working) - how can I do that - if I try to unistall krfb from synaptic package manager, it forces me to uninstall the whole kde ?22:04
=== im_ is now known as alfaromeo
KenBW2n8tuser: ah, thats solved now22:05
rrplayNytrix, : did you get your gtk engine 'aurora'  'clearlooks' installed ??22:05
n8tuserKenBW2 -> which driver you found?22:05
KenBW2n8tuser: i installed linux-modules-backports-intrepid and all was well22:05
n8tusermishu -> did you try to understand the output of the commands I gave you?22:05
n8tuserKenBW2 -> okay, cool, you got it figured out22:06
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.22:06
KenBW2n8tuser: thanks for the help earlier though :)22:06
mishun8tuser, didn't yet.. doing something else .. will now22:06
n8tuserKenBW2 -> no sweat, no name brand sometimes creates headaches22:06
AckerMANn-SabinI need help with ffmpeg on my linux machine.22:06
AckerMANn-Sabinwho can help me ?22:06
Slartprotodog: there is a repository for out of date releases.. I think it's something like old-releases.ubuntu.com but I'm not sure22:06
protodogSlart: hi thanks. i'm using the out of date releases repo, but in the update manager the "Download From" URL keeps overwriting prerequeists-sources.list22:07
SlartAckerMANn-Sabin: just ask your question.. if someone knows they will answer22:07
protodogSlart: which keeps using the us.archive.ubuntu.com URL22:07
AckerMANn-SabinI have problem with my ffmpeg from my ubuntu machine.22:07
Slartprotodog: oh... that's annoying22:08
protodogSlart: is there a way for me to override that to use the backports URL?22:08
Slartprotodog: you could edit the sources.list file directly.. and not run the software sources thingy22:08
SlartAckerMANn-Sabin: that's not a question.. not even close22:09
Slart!details | AckerMANn-Sabin22:09
ubottuAckerMANn-Sabin: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:09
protodogSlart: if i do a apt-get update; apt-get upgrade, it still runs the sources.list-d/prerequisits-sources.list file...22:09
n8tuserprotodog -> wouldnt you just run apt-get update   to get the updated list?22:09
protodogn8tuser: apt-get update works fine, but when you go to dist-upgrade it somehow fetches the "prequisites-sources.list" URL22:09
Slart!ro | AckerMANn-Sabin22:10
ubottuAckerMANn-Sabin: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro22:10
n8tuserprotodog -> where is that coming from?  prequisites-sources.list ?22:10
protodogn8tuser: actually sorry. apt-get update INCLUDES prerequisites-sources.list22:10
protodogn8tuser: /etc/apt/sources-list.d/prerequistes-sources.list22:11
eseven73Is there a way to have Firefox automatically be sent a kill signal if taking like 40%+ CPU for more than like 2 minutes? I've only found a way to kill any processes but not application specific.22:11
n8tuserprotodog -> mine is empty22:11
durthey folks, how do I find out what's using a module when it's not listed in lsmod.22:11
protodogn8tuser: i think it only puts it in if you're doing a dist-upgrade...also i'm using feisty fawn so that might have something to do with it22:12
n8tuserprotodog -> oh i see..22:12
chronicguys i downloaded a movie and can't play it , it's a avi, player just crashes22:12
_VIM_chronic: do you have all the codecs? And what player and what version of ubuntu?22:13
protodogn8tuser: yeah i'm trying to upgrade to 7.10 but i want to specify an alternate URL. i know it's using the URL from 'Download From' in Update Manager, cuz if i change that URL, prerequisites-sources.list will change to that URL as well22:13
n8tuserprotodog -> whynot do a fresh install instead? upgrade seems to be problematic22:14
FreshPrincegood night22:14
protodogn8tuser: well i feel i'm so close! if i can just find out where it's stuffing that URL, and override it, i'd rather do that22:15
chronic_VIM_,  player is totem. i think i have codecs, how do i check?22:15
erUSULchronic: try another player vlc is popular22:15
_VIM_chronic: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras or added medibuntu's repos, or gstreamer stuff? If not, you prolly are missing the codecs22:16
_VIM_!codecs | chronic22:16
ubottuchronic: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:16
chronici'll check22:16
_VIM_chronic: I think dpkg -l gstream* might list the gstream ones, if you have them...22:17
_VIM_yep that 'dpkg -l gstream* will show you if those are installed or not chronic i just checked on mine :)22:18
chronicnope dont have restricted extras installed22:18
_VIM_ah, well do that as a last resort, from what ive heard the meta packages are kinda messy, although i've had no issues22:19
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
chronici have whole bunch of gstreamer stuff listed22:21
_VIM_chronic: try installing totem-gstream and maybe even VLC, that should do the trick22:22
chronicok, thank you22:22
mikevankuikI'm trying to install sendmail to be used by php so I can send information forms to my mailaddress but something doesn't work22:23
mikevankuikI get this warning:"warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory"22:23
Nytrixcan some1 tell me how i can fix this??? http://s491.photobucket.com/albums/rr271/w3bmast3r/?action=view&current=x.png22:23
_VIM_dont thank me until your player starts playing what you want :)     if all else fails sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras  chronic22:23
[S8]KaSzohow come in new ubuntu installs, I get blank screen, the older versions of any linux distro worked great.22:23
R3N0V4D0anybody for ubuntu ultimate 2.1?22:24
DVA5912I have created a user called webmaster on my machine i have proftpd installed and the users home direcoty is /var/www/ the user can login and get a listing but can not create a file or directory. anyone know why?22:24
SjimmieDVA5912: that must be because of permissions, check which group is the owner of that /var/www directory and subdirs and put your webmaster user in that group aswell22:24
n8tuserDVA5912 -> whats the entry for your webmaster looks like on /etc/passwd  ?22:25
Sjimmiethen set your group perms to +w for that dir22:25
[S8]KaSzoI used to be able to run Live Cd (anylinux) with no difficulties...22:25
DVA5912Sjimmie: i dont think so because i can create diretorises with sudo22:25
[S8]KaSzoI still have the same box, yet any new distros I get blank screen (optnrm)22:25
DVA5912using terminal22:25
DVA5912Could it possibly be wanting the webmaster user added to the apache group?22:26
taz_Can some one tell me the command to open a file in the console under sudo22:26
erUSULtaz_: what kind of file22:26
n8tuserDVA5912 -> whats the entry for your webmaster looks like on /etc/passwd  ?22:26
taz_I need to open it to edit it its a .conf file22:26
chronici uninstalled totem and installed totem gstreamer but it also crashes the same way22:26
erUSULtaz_: gksudo gedit file.conf22:27
fearfultaz_, gksu gedit /file22:27
_VIM_vim /path/to/file22:27
n8tusertaz premitive ways  ed  filename.conf22:27
fearfultaz_, read my pm22:27
=== [S8]KaSzo is now known as kadazzy
Nytrixcan some1 tell me how i can fix this??? http://s491.photobucket.com/albums/rr271/w3bmast3r/?action=view&current=x.png22:27
erUSULvim is useless for beginers...22:28
_VIM_woot privative editors ftw :)22:28
arghh2d2sudo nano filename22:28
DVA5912n8tuser: webmaster:x:1004:1004:,,,:/var/www:/bin/bash22:28
Droopsta915_Would having swf movie player affect my adobe flash player?22:29
chronicvlc is open source?22:29
erUSULchronic: yes22:29
chronicill give it a go22:30
=== josspyker__ is now known as josspyker
DVA5912how do i add webmaster to the www-data22:30
vale_maiohello everybody22:30
erUSULDVA5912: sudo adduser user group22:31
Nytrixcan some1 tell me how i can fix this??? http://s491.photobucket.com/albums/rr271/w3bmast3r/?action=view&current=x.png22:31
vale_maioi'm having a bad time configurating my tv card22:31
Droopsta915_I'm reinstalling my system because I can't get the flash player to work. Anyone got any better solutions?22:31
vale_maiocan somebody help me?22:31
Jimi_Hendrixhow would i check what version of ubuntu is running from bash?22:31
Droopsta915_vale_maio:whats up22:31
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »22:31
=== automatix is now known as ortsvorsteher
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:32
vale_maioDroopsta915_: i can't configurate tvtime to receive tv channel from my tv card22:32
Nytrixcan some1 tell me how i can fix this??? http://s491.photobucket.com/albums/rr271/w3bmast3r/?action=view&current=x.png22:32
HuufartedI have a problem guys.  3 programs so far.  TightVNC, gparted, and now Bonnie.  I install the apps, but I get no icons in my Applications menu. A ny ideas?22:32
Droopsta915_vale_maio:sorry, i've never used tvtime.22:32
Droopsta915_I'm reinstalling my system because I can't get the flash player to work. Anyone got any better solutions?22:33
vale_maioDroopsta915_: no problem :)22:33
fearfulHuufarted, right click the applications panel and hit edit menus and see if they're there22:33
Nytrixcan some1 tell me how i can fix this??? http://s491.photobucket.com/albums/rr271/w3bmast3r/?action=view&current=x.png22:33
MarmadukeSo I just enabled desktop effects, now whenever I click anything I get a black box, so I can not do anything.  I have no idea what the problem is, I reinstalled ubuntu-desktop, and deleted compiz, and the same problem.  Can anyone tell me how to turn off desktop effects from text mode?22:33
vale_maioDroopsta915_: can you help me configurating my OS?22:33
Huufartedfearful, checking22:34
vale_maioi mean, to install my tv card properly22:34
Brad450can someone help me get past this22:34
Brad450brad450@PS3-LINUX:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:34
Brad450xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration22:34
Brad450   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009022517303422:34
FloodBot1Brad450: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:34
chronicvlc crashes too, must be codec problem22:34
Huufartedfearful, no they are not listed.  Well, gparted is but that's because I added it manually.22:35
Droopsta915_vale_maio:no, sorry I don't know what that is.22:35
Marmadukethanks brad 450 I saw that in a forum and tried it, I forget the exact result but I believe it said something like that directory does not exist.22:35
Huufartedfearful, a small bit of background, a few days ago, I somehow butchered a dependency or so and was forced to run a reinstall over top of the previous one.22:35
Brad450brad450@PS3-LINUX:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration    file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009022517303422:35
Nytrixcan some1 tell me how i can fix this??? http://s491.photobucket.com/albums/rr271/w3bmast3r/?action=view&current=x.png22:35
=== adam is now known as Kirsch
Droopsta915_vale_maio:I haven't had any luck fixing my flash player today. It doesn't play any videos. I can't watch youtube videos or nothing.22:36
fearfulHuufarted, I've had that issue too for some applications, I just added them manually like you say but I noticed some come up there, if it continues then it could be a problem22:36
Kirschhey guys, someone deleted "chattr" from my server, what package does that come in so i can reinstall?22:36
Kirschthis is 8.04 LTS22:36
Huufartedfearful, that's the thing.  The last 3 apps I've installed have done this.22:36
fearfulHuufarted, which dependency22:36
Huufartedfearful, I couldn't figure it out.  It dealt with gtk+ though22:36
vale_maioDroopsta915_: cool... :P22:36
=== Droopsta915_ is now known as Droopsta915
Brad450    how do i get past this what command do i use22:37
Brad450xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration    file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009022517303422:37
fearfulHuufarted, yea I thought of that too weird that three, give me a second22:37
vale_maioNytrix: have you tried with sudo apt-get?22:37
Huufartedfearful, I couldn't figure it out and it kept running me in circles with the required dependencies, so I was forced to do a reinstall so I would ASSUME it overwrote anything that was jaked22:37
fearfulHuufarted, yea I really don't know what to say I'm stuck without knowing the name22:38
Droopsta915Help please, I uninstalled my flash player, then reinstalled itand it still doesn't work. I go to adobe and it says I have the latest version installed, but it doesn't play any videos for me, anyone ever have this problem?22:38
=== Dadsy is now known as Dad`
Brad450brad450@PS3-LINUX:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration    file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009022517303422:38
Brad450HOW DI I GET PASSED THIS ^^^^22:38
=== Milligan is now known as milligan_
vale_maioNytrix: what package are you trying to install?22:40
Brad450brad450@PS3-LINUX:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration    file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009022517303422:40
Brad450HOW DO I GET PASSED THIS^^^^^^^^22:40
drbobbKirsch: e2fsprogs: /usr/bin/chattr22:40
Pulpiei want to change a user passwd without getting asked for the old one. I heard this can be done with sudo and passwd but im not quite sure how.22:40
mikevankuikhow can I check what's running on port 25?22:41
drbobbPulpie: sudo passwd username (i think)22:41
mikevankuikmy mailserver won't bind to it...22:41
haz_Guys, when i run a movie in any player my video flashesh, anybody knows what's the problem, i've been installing all kinds of codecs all day22:42
Pulpiedrbobb: thanks i was trying sudo -u username passwd22:42
mishuHi, how do I reinstall the free wireless drivers from ubuntu (like b43) ?22:42
mikevankuikhaz_: what player are you using?22:42
haz_mplayer , movie player, vlc22:42
haz_on any player the same...22:42
drbobbmikevankuik: man fuser22:42
sock3thow do i install windows under linux?22:43
Huufartedfearful, lol I'm debating on a format/reinstall.  It's only a week-old Ubuntu installation anyhow.22:43
mikevankuikdrbobb: tx :) I'll look in to it22:43
Huufartedfearful, it will let me get things the way I want without having to bumble through it.  Especially since it's my first foray into *nix on a personal level22:43
mikevankuikhaz_: what is the package your trying to play? .avi .mpg ?22:43
fearfulHuufarted, that always work when I'm completely stuck22:43
haz_.avi .mkv22:43
Huufartedwell I would hope so22:43
yubbiyubbihaz_: try turning visual effects off22:43
haz_how? (:22:44
forkyhi all :)22:44
yubbiyubbihaz_: appearance prefs22:44
drbobbmikevankuik: fuser 25/tcp gives the PID22:44
fearfulHuufarted, read my pm22:44
haz_yubbiyubbi, youre a daysaver22:45
mikevankuikdrbobb: tx :) worked perfect ^_^22:45
sock3ti ran 'rm -fe /' and now nothing works?22:46
mikevankuikhaz_: strange... mkv is suported by vlc as far as I know... so it shouldn't be an issue22:46
sock3tnevermind no one is even on22:46
yubbiyubbihaz_: in VLC go to video prefs and change video output to X11 video output, you may be able to keep your visual effects on that way22:47
mikevankuikdrbobb: tx ^_^ my mail is beïng send perfectly now ^_^ oh yeah :D22:48
eepberrieshow do you run .glx files?22:49
taliogladius irc.whatnet.net22:50
unkohey all, how do i list my laptops harware? is there a comand to list it? like cpu, g-card, audio, ect..22:51
Huufarted!google eepberries22:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:51
Huufarted!google | eepberries22:51
ubottueepberries: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux22:51
fsufitchunko: lshw22:51
eepberriesHuufarted: already tried google to look for the answer, have you?22:51
unkofsufitch: thank you22:51
eepberriesdidn't turn up anything helpful22:51
eepberriesi wouldn't be here if i couldn't figure it out myself22:51
Marmadukehelp  http://paste.ubuntu.com/123054/22:51
fsufitchhi, i'm having an issue with my desktop background. in the remote desktop settings, i set it to not display my wallpaper when another computer is connected, but now it won't show my wallpaper anytime, even though i unset that option and no computer is connected. how can i get my wallpaper back?22:52
James296has anyone here had any success enabling hardware acceleration on an Acer Aspire X1200 desktop?22:52
unkofsufitch: thank you :]22:53
fsufitchunko, no prob22:53
Guest26876fsufitch: use tightvnc :P22:53
fsufitchGuest26876, i guess i will in the future, since vino seems rather stupid, but that doesnt solve my current dilemma22:54
DecemberWolffsufitch: tightVNC is awesome :)22:54
Marmaduke anybody have any ideas about this http://paste.ubuntu.com/123054/22:54
neohave problem with ubuntu 9.04 and wpa222:54
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drbobbbtw don't be so quick to tell people to google for answers; google is at least as likely to turn up wrong answers as correct ones22:55
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fsufitchneo: this is a support channel for the current version of ubuntu. for 9.04 support, go to #ubuntu+122:55
Sa[i]nTGoogle should be renamed awesome.com22:55
spaceBARbariani am trying to install a nicer terminal (Konsole) and it says the thing will take up 136mb, anyone know why its so much ?22:55
unkofsufitch, thank you so much haha i didn't even know my laptop had a gigabyte network controller!22:55
eepberriesso do any of you know how to run a .glx program?22:56
Sa[i]nTspaceBARbarian, It might have to install the core KDE to run, it is (K)onsole.22:56
fsufitchunko, oh, the wonders of knowing  what your hardware is actually capable of o_O22:56
unkofsufitch, ha i knew alot about it i mean im no noob when it comes to computers, some networking. but i never knew this command22:57
Guest26876eepberries: yah22:57
eepberriesGuest26876: how is it done then?22:57
drbobbdoesn't every piece of crap sold today have a gigabit NIC?22:57
shlorkanybody know of any tar.bz extractor/compiler utilities/scripts?22:57
Guest26876eepberries: glx is a linux hardware layer for video drivers22:57
VieQhello all22:58
eepberriesGuest26876: so uh, how do i run it22:58
Guest26876shlork: rarlabs use winzip22:58
Guest26876eepberries: is for linux you dont need to run it..22:58
=== Guest26876 is now known as Heroin
eepberriesGuest26876: i need to run the game somewhow. is it the .svga file i want to run instead?22:58
VieQguys I tried running (sudo chroot /mnt/root /bin/bash) from the live cd after I mounted the desired linux partion under /mnt/root22:58
VieQbut it returned this chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error22:59
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fsufitchunko, this channel is where i learned about it too, so i dont take credit ;)22:59
VieQwhats wrong22:59
unkofsufitch, haha22:59
VieQany one?23:00
fsufitchi'm re-asking because apparently nobody had an answer for me last time: after setting vino to hide by wallpaper when VNCing once, I can't get my wallpaper back anymore by just unsetting it. does anyone know a way around this?23:01
Marmadukehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/123054/ anybody have any ideas about this?23:01
=== c is now known as Charitwo
fsufitchjust a notice, i found a way to fix it via gconf-editor23:02
fsufitchi'm filing it as a bug though23:02
Uplinkhow can i scan documents from my printer?23:03
eepberriesUplink: never done it myself, but this might help you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo23:04
Uplinkeepberries: thanks budd23:04
zimnyxI got "/dev/sda3 /media/Kokos defaults 0 0" in fstab, and despite /media/Kokos exists I get such error: mount point /media/Kokos  does not exist. Why?23:04
zimnyxwhen mount -a23:05
zimnyxmount /dev/sda3 /media/Kokos works fine23:05
Crooperhello everybody :) .... how can i set up virtual name based hosting with dhcp and wireless?23:05
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eepberriesCrooper: what do you mean by virtual name based hosting?23:06
Droopsta915How can I see if Java Script is turned off?23:06
eepberriesCrooper: you want to run a web server on your computer?23:06
Crooperi develop sites on my laptop and would like the customer to view the site ahead of time while i'm on the phone with them23:07
eepberriesalright you want to install a webserver then i guess23:07
tangentcollisionI need help with getting shoutcast working again on my server computer, I have once before gotten it working, but no matter what I do, I keep getting <02/25/09@18:05:39> [main] error opening client socket! FATAL ERROR! Some other process is using this port!23:07
eepberriesdoing this wirelessly from your laptop isn't really ideal but i guess you could do it23:08
eepberrieslook into apache23:08
Crooperi have lamp server set up and a registered name but i connect to the Internet thru dhcp23:08
eepberriesyou're saying you can't access it from whatever its domain name is?23:08
carlFK_ltCrooper: http://localhost23:08
eepberriesCrooper: did you set up the port forwards for your server?23:09
Crooperi use dynamic service too but i can't assign my nic a ip address23:09
eepberrieswhy not23:09
Croopercuse it  isn't my isp service.... it's public23:09
Droopsta915How can I see if Java Script is turned off?23:10
eepberriesyou should be able to do that in your router's settings23:10
carlFK_ltCrooper: http://localhost  <do you understand that?23:10
eepberriesCrooper: oh wait, you're trying to do this over a network that isn't yours? not going to work23:10
eepberriesCrooper: in order for people on the internet to access your webserver, you have to be able to forward the correct ports (port 80) to point to your server. if you don't own the network then you can't do that23:11
Crooperyes CarlFK  but i wouldn't be on the phone with the customer if i had them where they could see when i did http://localhost23:11
JEEBczhow easy would it be to set up such a thing on a dynamic hostname if the *.host.ex points to my PC? http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/736/network.png I'd like to try and make routing issues a bit easier when having multiple PCs serving something :/23:11
eepberriesCrooper: you have to have access to your local network's router control panel for this to work23:11
tangentcollisionexcuse me, where would I find better support on how to better start a server process (shoutcast) on my server computer?23:11
eepberriesCrooper: if you aren't using your own home network, then it isn't going to be possible23:11
carlFK_ltCrooper: ah, i figured you were there in person23:11
eepberriesCrooper: are you using your laptop with a wireless network in your own home?23:12
ceekaytrying to set my system up to use kgdb... do i need to recompile the kernel just so i can create the uncompressed, unstripped vmlinux file? i know vmcoreinfo is now included in kernel packages... it is possible to use this with gdb?23:12
hph_guyIn my preferences->Screen Resolution I only have 640x480 and 320x240 to choose from. Anyone know how I can fix these so at least 800x600 is shown also?23:12
Crooperi live on a boat... unfortunately having a home network is impossible for me right now23:13
unkoyes. i was wondering that too how do you make a ustom res isn't that in the X.org23:13
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unkohow do i get to that?23:13
eepberriesunko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:14
Jordan_UCrooper, You could send the site ( especially if it's static ) to someone who does have a publicly accessible server, or the customer ( though I am guessing they wouldn't know what to do with it )23:14
unkoeepberries, thank you23:15
Crooperhph_guy, try loading the right driver in xorg23:15
eepberriesCrooper: well,  it will be impossible for other people to access your web server23:15
eepberriesyour best bet is to pay for hosting23:15
pabloarroyo06hello people23:15
unkoeepberries, so this way i can test resolutions???23:15
eepberriesunko: that will let you change your resolution23:15
eepberriesand i think it will also add that mode to the gui too23:16
unkoeepberries, thank you23:16
eepberriesat least it did for me23:16
unkoeepberries,  no wait...THANK YOU VERY MUCH23:16
eepberriesunko: did it work?23:16
unkoeepberries, kinda... im at max res it say buy one day my drivers got updated and i could use the res 1600xX and i updated again and now i can't23:17
CrooperJordan_U,  i have a server set up at my mom's but didn't want to develop, transfer, develop, transfer...etc.23:17
eepberriesunko: did you try changing it through the command line?23:17
eepberrieslike described in that article23:17
unkoeepberries, ha i just saw that im doing that now... whats the res 1600 by what..23:17
nEtZaRiMWhats good with everyone23:17
Jordan_UCrooper, You could foreward traffic from your mom'23:18
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CrooperJordan_U, it's already forwarded23:18
Jordan_UCrooper, ... From your mom's server to yours over ssh ( a session initiated on your end ) but it would probably not be worth the trouble23:19
carlFK_ltCrooper: the develop/transfer/test/rinse/repeate loop is good to get into before the customer gets involved23:19
Crooperjust tried to skip a couple of steps in the development and proofing process23:19
unkoeepberries,  can i PM you23:19
eepberriesunko: sure23:19
unkoeepberries,  ty23:20
CrooperJordan_U,  thnx but that is already set up23:20
Jordan_UCrooper, If that is already setup then why can't the customer access your server through the one at your mom's ?23:21
CrooperCarlFK,  you're right but alot of these customers don't get involved except for the "OK" and payment23:21
nEtZaRiMAny here using ArtistX23:22
CrooperJordan_U,  I was trying to shorten the process for the customer23:22
nEtZaRiMJust so folks know this ArtistX Distro is AMAZING23:24
nEtZaRiMRuns smooth on the older Gateway Desktop23:24
Jordan_UCrooper, I am not sure that you understand what I mean, ssh has some fancy tricks and you can foreward packets from port 80 on the server at your mom's over an ssh tunnel to your machine, even without having a publicly accessible ip on your machine.23:24
SlartnEtZaRiM: do you have a question about ubuntu? if not there is an offtopic channel23:24
Slart!ot | nEtZaRiM23:24
ubottunEtZaRiM: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:24
mobodoare there other ways to change the mtab other than the fstab file?23:24
nEtZaRiMBet That Start didn't realize it was Forbidden to speak about any other Distro than Ubuntu23:25
tangentcollisionI need help there23:25
Crooperoh... ok. No i didn't understand you... I will check into that. I was just reading about port forwarding with ssh... thnx Jordan_U23:25
SlartnEtZaRiM: there are many other distros.. but this channel if for ubuntu support only23:25
Jordan_UCrooper, np23:26
nEtZaRiMThats what I'm saying I didn't realize it was "Forbidden" to speak about other distros here23:26
nEtZaRiMI apologize23:26
Atomic_UEFor some reason Thunderbird cannot receive mail. Evolution can but not Thunderbird. Thunderbird can send mail, but when it tries to receive it just has 'Connected to mailserver....' at the bottom but it never actually prompts for the password. Clean first run of thunderbird23:27
SlartnEtZaRiM: no worries23:27
benovici have copied a server access logfile to my ubuntu box. i need to analyze the file - is there some idiot-proof gui thingie for that?23:27
TR103please can you tell me the bame of the server of the language C23:27
Mox`hi, is there a "cleanup" guide for ubuntu server somewhere?23:27
shlorki am a linux noob23:28
SlartTR103: not sure what you're looking for.. I think there is ##programming for general programming.. there might be a ##c channel too.. not sure23:28
shlorki got some psycho error with aircrack-ng23:28
shlorkwhen trying to make it23:28
CentHOGGHi, how do you rename the mounts that appear on the desktop? The names are ok it's just that I don't need to see that xtra info on how big the partition size is. Thx23:28
HfuyI'm looking for a tool to mount ISO images as virtual devices, as in Daemon Tools for windows.23:28
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shlorkmight i get some help?23:28
HfuyI assume there's a way to do this under ubuntu?23:28
Slartshlork: don't use enter instead of punctuation.. it gets very hard to read23:28
Slart!ask | shlork23:29
ubottushlork: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:29
Slart!mountiso | Hfuy23:29
ubottuHfuy: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify downloaded ISO images using !MD5 before !burning.23:29
drbobbHfuy: mount -o loop IIRC23:29
shlorkalright, fair enough23:29
Slartshlork: there's no guarantee you'll get an answer.. but your chances will improve by actually asking a question instead of just asking for help23:30
shlorkOk, so i got some crazy error when doing making the .deb for aircrack ng, it says that it's missing a bunch of folders, and i really havent mucked around with anything in the directory23:30
NeoTubNinjahow can I install something from a third party through aptitude from the command line? do I have to first put the src in /etc/apt/sources.list?23:30
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WaltzingAlongHfuy: there are23:30
SlartNeoTubNinja: yes, afaik23:30
HfuyI'll try the mount -o loop thing.23:30
shlorkshould i just throw the entire error in a pastebin and give the link?23:31
McShaneNeoTubNinja, many third-party repositories have instructions for adding their repos23:31
dredhammercan someone give me the link to the wiki on installing the nvidia drivers manually23:31
Slartshlork: you might want to include the verbatim error message.. if it's more than one line I recommend a pastebin.. !pastebin for more info23:31
zookoArgh.  I just upgraded my box to jaunty, and it has somehow screwed up my grub menu.  It gives a prompt saying "grub press escape in the next X seconds to see the menu", and then X counts down from 2.23:31
Slartshlork: that what most people do, yes23:31
NeoTubNinjathis one has instructions through the synaptic package manager, but I prefer the command line23:31
shlorkalright, just wanted to make sure23:31
Slart!jaunty | zooko23:31
ubottuzooko: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.23:31
zookoBut, if I hit escape then it flashes the menu (or something) for a split second before going ahead and trying to book the jaunty kernel.  :-(23:31
shlorkhttp://pastebin.com/m17c62d39 there ya go.23:32
Slart!nvidia | dredhammer23:32
ubottudredhammer: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:32
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:32
=== shady is now known as Master_J
Slartshlork: it doesn't need a /configure before you do make?23:32
Master_JHow can i install apache on ubuntu?23:33
Slartshlork: from the looks of that error message you might be missing some dependencies..23:33
SlartMaster_J: "sudo apt-get install apache" should work23:33
Slart!info apache23:33
ubottuPackage apache does not exist in intrepid23:33
Slart!info apache223:33
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.9-7ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 43 kB, installed size 100 kB23:33
NeoTubNinjathink you have to specify 223:33
SlartMaster_J: sorry.. "sudo apt-get install apache2"23:33
Master_JWhat about cpanem and WHM panels23:33
SlartMaster_J: I have no idea, sorry23:34
hovisSo, what's the verdict on wubi?  Good way to install Ubuntu?23:34
Slarthovis: some people hate it.. some use it.. haven't found anyone that loved it yet23:34
McShanehovis, it's the easiest way, and the easiest method to revert23:34
shlorkoh wait lol23:34
shlorktheres an aircrack channel!23:34
hovisI'm not that worried about reverting.  Am I going to be able to boot a wubi installation that's on a software raid array?23:35
Master_JSlart thanks23:35
dredhammer@Slart is this wiki relevant for 8.10?23:35
SlartMaster_J: you're welcome23:35
ardchoilleWhen I connect a USB device to Ubuntu, what exactly is responsible for mounting and/or messaging about the newly plugged in device? Is it the HAL daemon (hald)?23:35
wolterwhere do i have to put fonts at home to use them?23:35
Slartdredhammer: I haven't looked at it for a while.. but it ought to be.. do the instructions not work?23:35
Slartwolter: in the folder .fonts in your home folder23:36
Slart!fonts | wolter23:36
ubottuwolter: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer23:36
CentHOGGwolter: usr/share/fonts23:36
wolterCentHOGG, at home..23:36
wolterbut thanks23:36
McShane!fstab | ardchoille23:36
ubottuardchoille: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:36
chmacAny idea how I can forward an ssh connection via -D? I want to proxy my connection through an intermediate host without changing the hostname23:36
chmacSo ssh -D 2000 host1, then ssh -proxy=localhost:2000 blah23:36
Slartardchoille: udev might be involved too23:37
LogicFananyone know of a full-feature audio player (akin to rhythmbox or Banshee) that will remember play positions for multiple tracks?23:37
Atomic_UEFor some reason Thunderbird cannot receive mail. Evolution can but not Thunderbird. Thunderbird can send mail, but when it tries to receive it just has 'Connected to mailserver....' at the bottom but it never actually prompts for the password. Clean first run of thunderbird. According to thunderbird log it's Sending Authentication or something, but it never prompts me for the password it requires to login23:37
McShaneardchoille, sorry, I was thinking USB external drives, not USB devices in general23:37
SlartAtomic_UE: try to run thunderbird from a terminal..see if you get any error messages23:37
ardchoilleMcShane: ok, thanks23:38
SlartAtomic_UE: what kind of mail account are you trying to access? pop3? imap? something else?23:38
Atomic_UESlart, pop23:38
Atomic_UESlart, thunderbird never outputs to terminal23:38
SlartAtomic_UE: and you're sure there are mails for fetch?23:38
tharveymy ubuntu 8.04 system is repeatedly locking up occasionally (typically several times a work-day) when I'm doing a lot of usb device insertions/removals and sometimes even loading/removing a usb device module23:39
Atomic_UESlart, yes there are23:39
tharveyhow best can I troubleshoot this?  I added a 'console=ttyS0,11520023:40
Atomic_UESlart, i can do a clean install of thunderbird with clean settings and attempt to get mail for first time, but it doesn't prompt for pass to login23:40
tharveyto my kernel cmdline and am monitoring it on another system but it seems the console isn't going there perhaps23:40
Atomic_UESlart, which i think is the problem...so far23:40
SlartAtomic_UE: and you're not using proxies and such?23:40
Atomic_UESlart, nope23:41
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SlartAtomic_UE: weird.. thunderbird can be quirky.. but I've never had any basic networking issues with it..23:41
Slartwell.. I'm off to bed.. good night everyone23:42
tozetreSo, sorry for jumping into it, but (how) can I use shell variables in yafc?23:43
* tozetre looks around hopefully.23:43
C-S-BAnyone using adeona?23:43
oh_noesuser ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD:/root/script.sh,chown23:43
oh_noesthat doesnt work23:44
oh_noeshwo do I give that user the ability to ALSO run 'chown' ?23:44
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NeoTubNinjadont you have to specify and absolute path for chown?23:46
GreedyBCan anyone recommend another program to burn cds besides brasero?23:47
McShaneGreedyB: K3B, Gnome Baker23:47
Ingenscould someone tell me how to disable ALL sounds in linux :((23:47
Ingenskismet makes me crazy23:47
Uplinkhow can i create pdfs?23:49
tozetreUplink: ghostcript, yo!23:49
ohletmeinnowjesudoes anyone know the official chat room for tremulous?23:50
tozetreUplink: *ghostscript23:50
odderis there a file that ifconfig reads from?23:50
NeoTubNinjaoh_noes: try /bin/chown23:50
NeoTubNinjasee if that works23:50
Uplinktozetre: what?23:50
ohletmeinnowjesudoes anyone know the official chat room for tremulous?23:50
tozetreUplink; you can use ghostscript to create pdfs.23:51
Uplinktozetre: oh do i aptitude it?23:51
DaDa|Urkai think my nfs mount options in my fstab are corrupt23:52
KenBW2how do i change the location of ~/Templates?23:52
tozetreUplink: you should be able to, yeah.23:53
yuri_I have a usenet client d/ling using rss feeds into a folder. I need an app that will not allow the download folder to exceed x gb by eliminating the oldest file in the folder. any ideas?23:53
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Uplinktozetre: i cant =[23:54
tozetreUplink; with ghostscript installed, you should be able to install pdf print drivers, or save directly to pdf from OOo.23:54
tozetreUplink; can't like you don't have permissions or can't like you can't find the package or what?23:55
Mox`hi, is there a "cleanup" guide for ubuntu server somewhere?23:58

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