
Keybukquest procwatch% sudo ./forkwatch01:24
Keybuk16484 -> 1942001:24
Keybuk19420 -> 1942101:24
Keybuk19421 -> 1942201:24
Keybuk(daemonising process being watched)01:25
sadmacKeybuk: how?01:57
Keybukdarkest magic ;)01:58
sadmacKeybuk: open source??01:58
sadmacKeybuk: url then?01:59
Keybukno url01:59
Keybukjust on my machine01:59
sadmacI don't believe you then X:(02:01
sadmacwhoa, I waay mistyped that smilie02:01
sadmache's gonna have to go to a special school02:01
Keybukwhich bit don't you believe? :p02:01
sadmacYou didn't do the forking! Code or GTFO!02:01
Keybukthe code of forkwatch won't look that interesting to you02:02
Keybukit opens a netlink socket and listens on it02:02
Keybukreading the messages containing the parent and child pids02:02
sadmacmy lkml dump doesn't have anything interesting from you...02:03
sadmacKeybuk: did you look into pjones' suggestion of just "write a utrace module?"02:04
KeybukI also looked into other people's suggestions as well of interesting ways to do it02:05
Keybukand when I got to the bit of the kernel which I had to modify02:05
Keybukfound out that somebody had already got there before me02:05
sadmacso this is already upstream?02:06
* sadmac pulls open the documentation folder in his git tree...02:06
Keybuksince 2.6.1402:06
Keybukah, see02:06
Keybukthat's the rub02:06
Keybukit's almost completely undocumented02:06
Keybukwhat documentation there is was written by somebody with only a passing familiarity with English02:07
KeybukI had to pretty much figure it all out from first principles02:07
Keybukbut now I have, I get messages when a process forks (or just calls clone)02:07
Keybukand when a process calls exit02:07
Keybukand when it calls exec02:07
sadmacKeybuk: oh, KERNEL 2.6.1402:07
sadmacKeybuk: I thought it was one of those weird british dates for a second02:07
Keybukyou know you guys are unique in writing the date middle-endian, right?02:08
Keybukand that middle-endian is batshit insane whichever way you look at it?02:08
sadmacwhat's wrong with bat shit?02:09
Keybukit leaves a bad taste in the mouth02:09
sadmacyou're doing it wrong. Put it on toast wedges, then melt cheese over them in a toaster oven, and sprinkle with cayanne02:10
Keybukyou're American02:10
Keybukyou don't even deserve to use the word "Cheese"02:10
sadmacKeybuk: http://www.ratemyeverything.net/post/2277/The_Typical_Mac_User.aspx02:13
Keybukhey, you started it :p02:16
sadmacKeybuk: I clicked on a female friend's blog in my feed reader yesterday, thinking it was yours. After reading 2 paragraphs of her feminist critique of a novel she read there was a full 15 seconds when I thought you were a transexual and had neglected to mention :)02:18
KeybukI'm sure you would have noticed02:18
sadmacKeybuk: I'm slow at 3am, and my feed reader is text only so no visual cues. But yeah, it sounded nothing like you.02:20
keesjKeybuk: how to you do most development, do you use a virtual machine?10:15
keesjalso would this new tracing core posibly make it possible to have sub inits possibly running as user process10:16
Keybukkeesj: most development I just use the test suite15:24
Keybukotherwise I replace the running init on my system ;)15:24
Keybukor use vmware15:24
sadmac2Keybuk: what? no kvm?15:46
KeybukI hate freedom15:50
sadmac2Keybuk: Hitler would have used vmware.15:51
Keybukand Hitler would have preferred a nation of Blond haired, Blue eyed boys15:51
=== sadmac_ is now known as sadmac

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