
zoredachexubuntu doesn't seem to be any more or less buggy then any other linux distro00:00
pteagueit's less buggy than windows00:12
kereswhat is the o-shaped button in the top-left corner of the window for?00:16
keresah, nm00:16
keresit sticks it to each deskto00:16
benlinnoobhi guy00:18
benlinnoobanyone know how to fix xubuntu's fan related problem?  I'm running a laptop, but xubuntu keeps having my laptop's fan running 100% of the time00:19
benlinnoobit's acting like as it it's a server lol00:19
rockowhat does this command do "host hermes jerkface.net01:12
rockoUsing domain server:01:12
rockoName: jerkface.net01:12
rockohermes has address
qwerkusi'm looking for a tool to paste together a large amount of small images01:14
qwerkusformat is jpg01:15
qwerkusany ideas ?01:15
zoredacheqwerkus: are you looking for cli tools, or just an image editor?01:16
zoredachegimp is graphics editor01:16
qwerkusi know gimp01:17
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qwerkusbut pasting 1024 files together with gimp seems unfeasable01:17
qwerkuswhat about command line alternatives ?01:17
zoredache!info metapixel01:19
ubottumetapixel (source: metapixel): generator for photomosaics. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-5ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 48 kB, installed size 160 kB01:19
zoredachethat may be an option01:19
zoredache!info nip201:20
ubottunip2 (source: nip2): spreadsheet-like graphical image manipulation tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.14.4-1build1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 5811 kB, installed size 10624 kB01:20
qwerkuslets check this out01:21
qwerkusthanks a lot01:21
zoredachethat is about all I can can come up with a search...  I believe gimp can be scripted....  Past that you are looking at writing a program using GD or something01:21
zoredacheyou might want to ask in #ubuntu, #linux or other channels.  This isn't really distro-specific question01:22
keisangihi there, how do i edit menu in current xfce ? i tryed this: http://wiki.xfce.org/faq#menu04:08
keisangibut ~/.cache/xfce4/desktop/* doesn't exist04:08
keisangiwhere is located the autogenerated menu list ?04:08
keisangii think i need to copy it to my home point xfce menu to use a custom file, and then edit the file to my liking.. would that be correct ?04:09
keisangioh, and it seems the best i could install is xfce4 beta1, but xfce RC seems out already how can i update? is there's a ppa i could use ? or the package for ubuntu simply don't exist yet ?04:11
keisangixfce4-about says: Xfce 4.6 BETA104:21
MysticKitsune1what/where is the file i should edit to have my system logon with a new session every time?04:36
keisangiMysticKitsune1, yes i'd like to know about this too, i even tryed to delete ~/.config/xfce4* and it still didn't work ..04:40
keisangieach time i logged in previous session application were all restored.. xchat, terminal,firefox ...04:41
keisangithis was annoying04:41
keisangii ended up deleting the whole .config* and all .gtk* and it then it worked .. empty new session .. there has to be a less radical approach ;)04:43
zoredache_MysticKitsune1 , keisangi try editing .config/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc and changing SaveOnExit=false05:59
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keisangizoredache, for me the problem was solved by deleting .config*06:00
keisangiand .gtk*06:00
keisangii guess there was some conflicting setting somewhere06:00
keisangicause i tryed to delete .config/xfce4* first, without success06:01
keisangibtw editing menu in xfce is a pita ..06:01
zoredachedon't try and edit it then... :/  Just accept it the way it is06:02
keisangihaving to mess with .desktop files (adding Hidden=true or having to create own .desktop file)06:02
keisangithis is unacceptable answer, cause i needed to add eclipse launcher in the menu06:03
zoredacheYou should be able to add things new items without having to mess around to much06:03
keisangimy eclipse isn't the one packaged with ubuntu, i just downloaded it from eclipse.org06:03
keisangiso i add to manually create an eclipse.desktop, and add a <Filename>eclipse.desktop</Filename> entry in xfce-applications.menu06:04
zoredachewell, or you could just create it and drop it in the directory /usr/share/applications06:05
keisangibut first i had to copy xfce-applications.menu in .config/menus/06:06
keisangizoredache, yes, but then the autogenerated menu was filed with unnecessary stuff, like all kde stuffs06:06
keisangii wanted to have a clean menu for testing xfce.. i didn't need all the apps from all the other desktop i have06:07
keisangiwell maybe it's freedesktop.org fault i don't know .. but i feel like just for editing a menu, it's ridiculous the number of necessary step one must take..06:10
keisangiall's needed is a name, a path and icon..06:14
zoredachemaybe, but it gets complicated when you try and build a system to allow programs to update the menu...  It is even more complicated because many people want menus to be the same from enviroment to enviroment (gnome,kde,xfce,etc..)06:16
keisangisorry for the rent but i had to spent nearly 1h just to figure what files were used, how to edit them, and remove all unnecessary entries and add 1 new entry (eclipse)06:16
keisangianyway .. is there package for xfce greater than beta1 available for ubuntu (intrepid) ?06:19
daddaHi, I can't change my screen resoultion06:36
keisangidada you could try manualy with xrandr06:47
keisangixrandr --query06:48
keisangito see all the available modes06:48
keisangithe first listed one is 0 next is 1 next is 2 .. etc06:49
keisangiuse xrandr --size 0 or anyother number to change the resolution06:49
daddaI whant 1920x120006:49
daddaHow do I set that up?06:50
daddaIf I change it will it stay the same allways?06:51
keisangixrandr --output DVI --on06:51
keisangixrandr --output VGA --off06:51
keisangiand then06:51
keisangiuse xrandr --size 006:51
keisangishould output on the dvi06:51
keisangiusing the first listed resolution which seems to be : 1920x120006:52
daddaI get a error while running xrandr --output DVI --on06:52
daddakeisangi, are you there?06:54
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daddaI can't get xrandr to work07:01
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labhi. when I maximize windows, the bottom right corner is not accessibile and I cant resize them....09:38
labwhat could I do ?09:39
wormsxulla(move the windows top-left so that you see the right-bottom corner?)09:49
labwormsxulla: already tried09:50
wormsxullanot possible?09:50
labwormsxulla: no09:50
wormsxullaerf. what about click+ALT to move the windows? (it works on my eee pc)09:51
labit doesn't work09:52
wormsxullai remember i had this problem with gaim long ago, but not with all windows09:52
wormsxulla(not in other applications)09:52
wormsxullalab: you'll have to wait for a real xubuntu guru i'm afraid :)09:53
ablomenlab, you can set up margins somewhere09:57
ablomenlemme check09:57
ablomenah yeah in the workspaces and margins window in the settings manager09:58
labablomen: where exactly ?09:58
ablomenlab, menu => settings => settings manager => workspaces and margins => 2nd tab09:59
labablomen: sorry I have italian labels... let me check09:59
dquestionsi cant install open ssh10:08
labablomen: it doesn't solve but thanks anyway10:10
dquestionsi have 7.1010:15
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ethhello anybody give a newbiw a hand?11:16
Myrttijust ask and we'll see11:17
ethThanks Myrtti.  I want to install flash player for utube and am confused. i have zubuntu 8.1 forst time user11:18
ethsorry xubuntu11:18
Darth_Tuxmorning all11:21
TheSheepeth: just install flashplugin-nonfree from synaptic11:22
TheSheepeth: go to system->synaptic11:22
TheSheepeth: search for flashplugin-nonfree11:23
TheSheepeth: and install it there11:23
ethThe Sheep: Thanks  - will try11:23
ethSuccessfully downloaded and installed using synaptic, but netscape still wants me to install on utube website. Is there more to do?11:39
Myrttirestart firefox11:39
ethMyrtti done that already. Also i have javascript turned on11:41
knomeeth, sometimes firefox doesn't close properly even if all the windows have been closed. try to log out and back in.11:43
G-Bleezyhow do i check the owner of a file?11:44
knomeG-Bleezy, on thunar, right-click > properties > permissions11:44
G-Bleezyhmm..k...what is 644 permission?11:45
knomeG-Bleezy, read and write for owner, read for group and others.11:47
ethknome : back again firefox is still looking for flash plugin. I logged out and re-started!11:53
knomeeth, interesting.11:54
ethKnome; I had trouble earlier trying to install openoffice suite. it hung up at the last moment.11:55
ethknome I can see flashplayer in the synaptic list11:58
knomeas installed?11:58
ethknome yes  marked in green11:59
knomeok... then it should work11:59
knomecan you check some other site with flash12:00
ethname one12:00
knomemyspace? :P12:01
ethknome  just a blank space where the movie should be.12:05
wormsxullaeth: you're not running greasemonkey by any chance?12:05
ethknome no its a black space with instructions it turn on javascript and download flash player 9 or higher12:06
ethwormsuxulla. Im a noob just insalled xubuntu last night.12:07
wormsxullaeth: ok12:08
ethnot sure what greasemonkey is12:08
wormsxullaforget it :)12:09
ethI may have screwed things up with my earlier attempt to install openoffice suite(not completely successful)12:10
knomeif you were trying to install from synaptic, there is no reason why it should've broken anything.12:11
ethI used applications>system>add/remove12:11
knomeno reason then either.12:12
knomedo you got any error message about why the installation was not succesful?12:12
ethIK any other suggestions? This is a sacrificial old pentium III made up from bits I found lying around.12:13
knomeeth, are you running out of hard disk space? how much ram do you havve?12:13
eththe office install hung up the machine. I had to pull the plug to get control back12:14
eth320 mb ram12:15
knomeok, that should not bring you those problems12:15
ethi installed inside windows  15gig i think12:15
wormsxullaeth: what does about:plugins say in firefox?12:17
ethno mention of flash player in about:12:20
ethno mention in addons either.12:20
wormsxullaabout:plugins (in the url bar)12:20
ethyes, in the url bar. its  not mentioned at all12:21
wormsxullanot installed then12:21
ethno not installed .12:22
ethis there another way to do it - for a noob12:23
wormsxullamaybe you don't have enough ram and flash 10 refuses to install12:23
eth320mb  i noticed it on the post screen last time i re-booted12:25
wormsxulla(it's an odd amount of RAM)12:25
eth 128 + 128+ 6412:26
wormsxullaoldskool computer!12:26
ethhttp://kb.mozillazine.org/Flash  thats a lot of reading for a linux beginner.12:27
ethas i said. A re-cycling centre special12:27
wormsxullayou could try asking on moznet in #firefox, if nobody here has a better idea12:28
wormsxullairc://irc.mozilla.org/ then /j #firefox12:28
ethmaybe a re-install12:28
ethis a 470mb p3 fast enough for this?12:30
wormsxullasure it is12:30
wormsxullai would _not_ re-install, not for the life of me!12:31
ethwell I have (spit!) win xp home  on the same drive and it seems faster.12:31
ethI installed xubuntu inside windows12:31
knomewith wubi, you mean12:31
ethit took ages to do12:31
ethyes i suppose it was wubi. Im not up on the jargon, but I got ubunti 8.1 installed on my main pc the same way.12:33
ethIt works fine there12:33
ethreal ubuntu 8.1 i mean. not xubuntu12:34
ethsorry if i offend :)12:34
ethis there some sort of sudo apt-get invocation I can make?12:40
ethwormsxulla, knome, Oh dear I've offended. Im sorry. Come back!12:44
mario_love for all beings12:48
ethWormsxulla, <eth> it took ages to do12:48
eth<eth> yes i suppose it was wubi. Im not up on the jargon, but I got ubunti 8.1 installed on my main pc the same way.12:48
eth<eth> It works fine there12:48
eth<eth> real ubuntu 8.1 i mean. not xubuntu12:48
eth<eth> sorry if i offend :)12:48
eth<eth> is there some sort of sudo apt-get invocation I can make?12:48
mario_i've installed xubuntu on a pentium4 and spanish language have been correctly set up, but not the menu title Application and Places12:49
mario_any help to change this items into spanish. items inside menus are in spanish12:49
mario_thanks in advance12:49
mario_the only that changes is the X environment, there is not a real one eth :) just your X environment selection, gnome-ubuntu, kde kubuntu, xfce4 xubuntu12:50
mario_window manager more closer12:50
mario_what are you looking for eth ?12:51
ethmario_ : this is my first xubuntu and I think I'll write this install up to experience, and wipe and install again. I'm not giving up,  I'll be back.12:55
ethcu all.12:55
mario_you will learn more if you try to set it up, not reinstalling, usually there is no need to reinstall reboot, this is M$ windows way :12:55
mario_goo dluck12:56
ethWell I make a living fixing M$ PCs. The MAN's way is the only way I know:)12:57
PU160hi everybody13:19
vision4ceHello everyone. Has anyone had a problem with their LAN in 8.10? I just recently installed 8.10 and the LAN was working fine, then after downloading and installing the upadates it has suddenly stopped working13:29
Myrttisounds like the bug I've seen couple of times13:30
vision4cethanks for the link13:36
PU160i can't find applications > system > network. so i can't configure proxy settings. Alt+F2 > network-manager > run > Failed to execute child process "network-manager" (No such file or directory)13:39
PU160what can i do?13:40
TheSheepPU160: right-click on the network icon besides your clock13:40
TheSheepPU160: and select 'edit connections'13:40
TheSheepbesides, proxy settings are configured in the browser13:41
PU160i use it. i can arrive internet connection via firefox. but i can't arrive internet in terminal. i guess for terminal i need network-manager of system13:43
landguys, is there a chance i too can write my own Bot?14:01
diginuxwhat do you mean?14:02
diginuxbots are easy to write14:02
landcreate a my own Bot14:03
diginuxyou mean an irc bot, or some other type of bot?14:03
landan irc bot, diginux14:04
diginuxland: what programming language do you want to use?14:04
_Pete_land: http://www.jibble.org/pircbot.php and there's also channel #jibble for that14:04
_Pete_in this network14:04
TheSheepPU160: just set the http_proxy environment variable14:05
TheSheepPU160: programs that can use it, will use it14:05
landdiginux, i dunno really14:05
TheSheepland: I really think this is not the right place to ask that :)14:05
PU160TheSheep: thnx14:06
landthesheep, i'm sorry14:06
PU160TheSheep: i will try it later.14:06
TheSheepland: it's nothing wrong, it's just there are no people here who can help you with it :)14:07
landi see14:08
_Pete_TheSheep: actually here is at least me :)14:08
* land smiles14:08
_Pete_but join #jibble for instance and there's more it's irc bot using Java14:08
landtnx, _Pete_14:09
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userethhi all15:16
userethi have a problem installing flash player for utube on xubuntu 8.115:17
charlie-tcaDid you install through Synaptic-Package-Manager?15:17
userethI installed using wubi and re-installed again but my problem remains. Can anyone help?15:18
userethCharlie, Yes, Flash-nonfree plus other dependencies.15:18
charlie-tcaand it still don't work?15:19
userethmozilla does not seem to pick up the install15:19
ablomeni had this problem a while back.. the flashplayer package not downloading the needed files15:20
userethI did a re-install of xubuntu to make sure there were no other issues clouding things.15:20
userethMozilla did not pick up on the flash player at all15:20
ablomenusereth, try removing the package in synaptics, and then downloading and installing this: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.deb15:21
ablomenthats the deb from the adobe site15:21
userethMaybe the packmanager is missing something. Is there a way to tell?15:21
ablomenwhen you click on that link you should be able to choose open with... gdebi installer or something like that15:22
charlie-tcareinstalling the os is a windows/microsoft thing, and seldom needed in Xubuntu15:22
userethAblomen Phew that looks tough. I am new to linux.15:22
ablomenusereth, it should be point&click :)15:23
ablomenusereth, try downloading the file and then dubble-clicking the file15:23
ablomenjust like your typical windows exe :)15:24
userethChoose an application to launch?15:25
ablomenusereth, does it ask that when you try to download it or when you double-click it?15:25
userethafter download.15:25
userethSorry, Back Again. Yes it installed this time . Thanks. Now to work on getting the sound working.15:41
gray_does anyone know how to keep conky from minimizing when i click show desktop?15:53
charlie-tcagray_: show desktop is designed to minimize all the applications so that you can see the entire desktop15:54
gray_can conky be left out?15:55
charlie-tcaI don't think anything can be left out15:55
crazygircharlie-tca: conky could be told to write to the desktop background17:14
charlie-tcaSo it is possible to leave apps out of getting minimized?17:15
crazygirnot necessarily, but with specifically for conky, it's output can be written to the root window (desktop)17:17
crazygirI dunno if stickying a window will change the minimize-all behaviour17:17
charlie-tcaI see. Thanks for explaining that one.17:19
crazygirI don't want to automagickally update my kernel when updating the system.. how do I prevent these packages from updating on their own?17:29
zoredacheyou should put the linux-image package on hold17:31
zoredachesomething like this would probably work - dpkg --get-selections | grep 'linux-image' | sed -e 's/install/hold/' | sudo dpkg --set-selections17:32
zoredacheyes?  The command finds what linux-image packages you have installed, changes the state to 'hold'17:35
crazygiryea, that makes sense17:36
crazygirit'll work, I was hoping for something a little less hackish, but that's cool :P17:37
charlie-tcaProcess called holding: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Introduction%20to%20Holding%20Packages17:37
crazygirthanks :)17:37
zoredachesynaptic does have a method to hold stuff?  I swear I couldn't find that last time I looked... It was a couple years ago when I looked though, perhaps it is a more recent addition?17:38
zoredachecrazygir: remeber you'll probably want to undo your holds when you do a release upgrade to something like jaunty17:40
crazygirthat's a xubuntu system (version) upgrade, correct?17:40
crazygirlike 8.4 versus 8.1017:40
charlie-tcayou're right, zoredache . It never used to be able to lock the version17:40
zoredachetrying to hold some backages will break the upgrade.  Yes like intrepid to jaunty17:40
crazygirI'd probably just do a new install17:40
=== wormsxul is now known as wormsxulla
exonhello all18:04
exoni just installed xubuntu on this old pc-laptop runs smooth18:05
neozenwelcome to the fold18:06
exondoes anyone know how i can put a icon for example the launcher of terminal on my desktoopscreen?18:06
zoredacheexon: does right click and choose 'create launcher' work for you?18:07
knomeright-click > create launcher > command: xfce4-terminal18:07
exonand how do i get this same launcher in my top panel18:09
exonit seems not to be in the list when i try to add18:09
knomeright-click > add new items > launcher > command: xfce4-terminal18:10
* exon says @ knome nope it's not there18:14
knomeexon, which menu item can't you see?18:14
exoni managed the icon on desktop  but i want the terminal icon also in my panel18:15
knomeyes. if you follow the instructions (right-click > add new items > launcher > command: xfce4-terminal), which part of that you can't do?18:16
exonso i went to top panel ad new item > but if i type  xfce4-terminal there is nothing18:16
exonthat icon ain't there18:17
knomeexon, no, select "laucher" from the list18:17
knomeexon, and then in the opening dialog, write xfce4-terminal in the command input18:17
exondoes anyone know if skype runs on xubuntu18:20
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto18:21
crazygirgah! skype!18:21
* crazygir runs18:21
crazygirxubuntu == ubuntu + very little18:21
zoredachethe directions should be the same...18:22
exonok i give it a try18:23
zoredacheexon: you might want to make sure your sound is working before you start with skype18:24
exonmmm i have a fat32 partition on this laptop somewhere how can i access that18:27
exonin gnome i could find this partition18:28
zoredachedo a 'sudo fdisk -l' to list the partitions then 'sudo mkdir /media/mountpoint ; sudo mount /dev/whatever /media/mountoint'18:31
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:32
crazygirin the MountWindowsSharesPermanently ubuntu wiki, there are explanations for various ad/windows share configurations18:48
crazygirone uses libpam_mount, which is what I've attemped18:48
crazygirbut there isn't much info regarding how to mount the share by hand18:49
crazygiranyone familiar with this process?18:49
exoni need access to fat32 /dev/sda518:49
crazygirexon: did you follow the instructions from ubottu?18:50
zoredachesudo mount -t cifs -o username=username //server/share /mountpoint18:50
zoredacheif the computer you are connected to is a domain member username may need to be domain\\username18:50
spaceBARbarianhow can i set up samba for xubuntu ?18:51
crazygirspaceBARbarian: server or accessing shares?18:51
zoredachespaceBARbarian: are you wanting to server, or access?18:51
spaceBARbariani am trying to shared folder for acces with windows18:51
exonyes i was reading but i'm a newbie18:51
spaceBARbarian*create a shared18:51
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:51
ubottufusesmb is a tool that allows easy access to shared folders (smb) on a network.  Links with more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb18:52
crazygirexon: well, newbies can still explain a). what they did and b). what went wrong18:52
crazygirzoredache: those wikis need to be updated18:52
crazygirlibpam's config is totally different18:52
spaceBARbariancrazygir=> so i shouldnt use that link ?18:53
zoredachecrazygir: yes, but they are a starting point18:53
crazygirspaceBARbarian: no, use those links18:53
crazygirspaceBARbarian: what i mentioned pertains to one type of configuraiton18:53
crazygirzoredache: so this tests fine, but I'm not so sure about how to test the libpam configuration18:54
spaceBARbarianhmm for some reason i cant to the archive18:54
crazygir(or get the system to mount using libpam_moutn)18:54
spaceBARbariani just installed gedit tho18:55
crazygirmeh, learn vim :)18:55
crazygiryou'll be happier in the long run18:55
crazygirand a lot more efficient ;)18:55
crazygirzoredache: are you familiar with the libpam method? I'm not too sure I understand the last bits of the config options18:56
exonmount: can't find /dev/sda5 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab18:56
spaceBARbariani keep getting this error with apt-get : connect (113 no route to host)18:57
exonso i need to edit fstab18:57
crazygirzoredache: cifs gets passed: -o "user=domainuser,uid=user,gid=group%(before=\",\" OPTIONS)"18:57
zoredachecrazygir: I had tried using the libpam thing working about a year ago.  it didn't really work they way I wanted18:57
crazygirI'm not so sure I understand the %(before....) stuff18:57
crazygirexon: yes18:58
zoredachecrazygir: I don't remeber seeing that when I last looked at it18:58
crazygirthe config is different18:58
crazygirzoredache: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81024718:59
crazygirzoredache: but either way, I'm still not sure how to get the share mounted without doing it by hand19:00
spaceBARbariancrazygir=> i keep getting this error with apt-get : connect (113 no route to host)19:00
crazygirso check out your routes19:01
zoredacheyou could use fusesmb.  Or I use autofs.  But the flaw with both is that you must store you username and password in a text file... :|19:01
crazygirnot going to happen :)19:02
zoredachecrazygir: I encrypted my entire hard drive last time I installed.  Just so I could get things like this working without having to worrry to much19:02
crazygirzoredache: I'm a domain admin, and while my user's password wouldn't offer the keys to the car, it's infinitely harder to get those keys without my user's credentials19:02
crazygirzoredache: but that's meaningless when you keep your system running 24/719:03
crazygirencrypted volumes are only helpful when the volume *isn't* mounted19:03
spaceBARbariancrazygir=> will i be able to mount an xubuntu folder with samba ? i am trying to map a network drive in windows to a xubuntu folder19:03
zoredachethat isn't entirely true.  If my system is up and 'secure' nobody will be able to access anything but me.  The encryption prevents them from rebooting and getting access to anything19:04
crazygirspaceBARbarian: eventually19:04
zoredacheSo I simply have to hope that linux/gdm/etc doesn't have any bugs in the login code19:04
crazygirmight help to figure out your network settings first spaceBARbarian19:04
spaceBARbariancrazygir=> i can already ping the IP ( windows to xubuntu and back)19:05
crazygirzoredache: or that xubuntu and the stuff it depends on doesn't fail miserably19:05
crazygir..like with the debian debalacle last year19:05
crazygirspaceBARbarian: but you can't install packages.. so fix your network settings :)19:05
spaceBARbariancrazygir=> i am running apt-get update, like it suggested after that error19:06
spaceBARbariancrazygir=> but even the update thing is throwing the same error, however it says its 20% done19:06
crazygirzoredache: so with the libpam_mount info on the wiki, it sort of leaves you hanging19:06
crazygironce you've made the proper configuration changes, how do you use it?19:07
crazygirspaceBARbarian: FIX YOUR NETWORK SETTINGS19:07
zoredachecrazygir: log out and login again19:07
crazygirthat's annoying :P19:07
zoredacheby integrating with pam, it mounts when you login19:07
* crazygir nods19:08
zoredacheif you have updated your pam configuration correctly, you can test by ssh to localhost19:08
crazygirit totally makes sense19:08
crazygiroh sweet, that's a good point19:08
zoredachecrazygir: I had tons of problems with it unmounting things correctly though...19:08
crazygirhopefully they've actually written code in the last year :)19:08
crazygirzoredache: is ssh not available by default?19:09
zoredachecrazygir: no, no network servers are install by default...19:09
zoredachecrazygir: apt-get install openssh-server19:09
crazygirso ssh has to be installed, then configured19:09
zoredachethe default config is usually fine, unless you want to be paranoid and disable password authentication19:10
zoredacheand work purely with keys19:10
charlie-tcaAnybody testing the ISO images for alpha5 should grab the new images. They were just rebuilt19:11
crazygiryea, I'm from the openbsd world, ssh makes my life simple :)19:11
crazygirzoredache: how are services controlled?19:12
zoredachecrazygir: what do you mean, are you asking how to start/stop them?19:12
crazygirstart/stop and whether they start on boot or not19:13
zoredachefrom a cli you can call the script it /etc/init.d/service (start|stop|restart)19:13
zoredacheor you can use more generic 'invoke-rc.d service state' which basically just calles the script in /etc/init.d19:13
crazygirhow do you define which services start on boot?19:14
zoredacheor you can choose the 'services' off the menu under 'system'19:14
* crazygir nods19:15
crazygirwoah.. permit root is on by default :|19:16
crazygirsilly silly ubuntu19:16
zoredacheroot isn't enabled by default.  There isn't much a person can do with that being enabled19:16
zoredachethough, I kinda agree with you, it would have been better to have it disabled, and expect people to be enable it if they need it for some reason19:17
crazygirzoredache: no, ssh has permit root login enabled by default19:17
zoredacheI know, but I am saying the root account is disabled.  You can't login as root by default19:18
charlie-tcacrazygir: but ssh-server is not installed by default19:18
zoredachedoesn't really matter if ssh allows it by default or not19:18
zoredacheor at least that is what some people think19:18
crazygircharlie-tca: doesn't matter19:18
crazygirI'm not talking about xubuntu defaults, but the *package* defaults19:19
* charlie-tca should be quiet and pay attention19:19
crazygirzoredache: sure it does19:19
crazygircharlie-tca: no worries :)19:19
charlie-tcaNo? I could learn though. :-)19:19
zoredachecrazygir: well you could submit it as a bug, but I think it has already been submited several timees and closed as wontfix19:20
crazygirmeh, someone is being silly19:20
crazygiropenbsd only has the default because no users are created in the installer19:20
crazygirhrm.. libpam failed somewhere19:21
KenBW2my networkmanager applet has disappeared from my xfce4-panel - how do i restore it?19:21
crazygirhave you checked the xfce panel settings?19:21
KenBW2crazygir: settings?19:22
zoredachebut 2213619:23
zoredachebug 2213619:23
zoredache!bug 2213619:23
KenBW2crazygir: was your comment @ me?19:23
knomebug #2213619:23
zoredachefine... be that way... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/2213619:24
crazygirKenBW2: yes19:24
KenBW2crazygir: which settings am i looking at19:24
crazygirKenBW2: xfce's panel settings...19:24
crazygirthat's what's broken..19:24
crazygirKenBW2: also check the network manager's settings19:25
zoredachecrazygir: see the link and see /usr/share/doc/openssh-server/README.Debian.gz for the arguement about PermitRootLogin19:25
KenBW2crazygir: how do i get to the settings19:25
crazygirzoredache: it's ok19:26
crazygirI'll let the debian folks argue19:26
crazygirKenBW2: dunno. you'll have to hack around with it19:26
crazygiruse your brain :)19:26
KenBW2crazygir: all i can find is the one that lets me change its position, size etc19:27
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX19:27
zoredacheKenBW2: have you tried something simple like logging out/in or rebooting... it isn't really a great long term solution but sometimes it will help you diagnose if it was just a temporary issue, or if it really broke19:29
KenBW2zoredache: yea i have19:30
KenBW2but ive since found its autoconnected to my wireless so i dont need it... for now19:30
zoredachetry running 'nm-applet' and see if the icon shows up?19:31
KenBW2zoredache: crazygir suggested that19:31
KenBW2zoredache: oh wait, that was someone in #ubuntu19:32
_Pete_what is good/simple/noinstall.exe vncviewer for winxp?19:38
zoredachetightvnc is probably the better choice, but pretty much all of them are the same19:39
_Pete_ok ty will try that19:39
Sw3RvEcan xubuntu run from a usb flash drive?20:36
Sw3RvEi found a tutorial i just want to make sure the version doesnt matter like 6.10 vs. 8.1020:36
KenBW2Sw3RvE: i am doing now :)20:36
KenBW2Sw3RvE: do you know you can use the tool built into Intrepid?20:37
zoredacheif you go to a really old version you'll have problems.  Pretty much everything recent works20:37
Sw3RvEo i can?20:37
Darth_TuxSw3RvE, there is also an app called unetbootin that will set it up for you20:37
Sw3RvEKenBW2 where is it located? or do i need to install the app first?20:38
tempuserXubuntu 8.10 installation did not put diskette drive in fstab. Is that intentional?20:39
KenBW2Sw3RvE: do you have Ubuntu 8.10 anywhere?20:40
Sw3RvEyea on my desktop. im running xubuntu 8.10 on my laptop now.20:40
TheSheeptempuser: I think it might be handled by HAL20:40
Sw3RvEi want xubuntu tho not ubuntu...20:40
zoredachetempuser: are you talking about a cd or floppy?20:40
Sw3RvEor will i still need the ISO to make it20:41
KenBW2Sw3RvE: System > Administration > Make a bootable USB disk or similar20:41
zoredacheon my usb floppy drive I just click on it and it mounts.20:41
Sw3RvEken will i need the iso?20:41
zoredachethe floppy drive in my old computer doesn't do that though20:41
KenBW2Sw3RvE: yea20:42
Sw3RvEi need to download the 32bit version then so it will be more versatile20:43
tempuserzoredache: I am talking about floppy.20:45
KenBW2Sw3RvE: youll need to allocate it some reserved storage space20:45
Sw3RvEthe app doesnt do that for me?20:45
KenBW2Sw3RvE: well, it has a slider on it to set the amount20:46
KenBW2take a look20:46
Sw3RvEoh alright20:46
Sw3RvEwhat is the minimum needed. im going to use a 1GB usb drive.20:46
KenBW2it might tell you20:47
zoredacheSw3RvE: the livecd will fit on a cd, so a 1GB drive should work.  It won't leave you much room for other stuff20:48
Sw3RvEthe iso is 589 mb20:48
Sw3RvEzored couldnt i just select discard on shutdown20:56
tempuserTheSheep: how would floppy drive be handled by HAL. I don't see any automount here.20:57
zoredacheif you don't wany anything then what is on the livecd, then yeah20:57
TheSheeptempuser: I don't know, haven't had a floppy drive since years20:57
Sw3RvEso if i saved space i could add apps?20:59
tempuserTheSheep: It seem that ubuntu has forgotten them, too.21:04
charlie-tcatempuser: I think 8.10 you have to start the system with the floppy in the drive; it then picks it up21:04
tempusercharlie-tca: odd21:06
charlie-tcavery. There should be a bug report on it.21:07
Sw3RvEit says Invalid or damaged Bootable partition21:07
Sw3RvEwhen i try to boot from the USB drive21:07
tempuserAnyone know how could you do the step "Configure LPRng printing using printtool" of http://www.kivela.net/jaska/projects/lj3100/ in Xubuntu?21:11
tempuserand suppress ghostscript package from being updated, if you need the special version of it to print by HP LaserJet 3100?21:12
charlie-tcaProcess called holding: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Introduction%20to%20Holding%20Packages21:14
Sw3RvEill try to get this usb thing to work later. i have to go to class.21:14
tempusercharlie-tca: thanks21:18
KholbyI can't get my Broadcom wireless card to work with Xubuntu.21:55
spaceBARbariancrazygir=> i fixed my network problems can you help me with the samba setup21:57
KholbyCan anyone help with a Broadcom wireless card?22:01
crazygirspaceBARbarian: what's up?22:05
spaceBARbariancrazygir=> i installed the samba package (sudo apt-get install samba), i am trying to share a folder with my windows pc22:11
spaceBARbariando i just add the information in /etc/samba/smb.conf ? or is there an easier way ?22:11
crazygirspaceBARbarian: you'll have to look at those wiki files about sharing directories from linux --> windows. I have only setup samba to read windows shares22:15
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:15
crazygirspaceBARbarian: ^22:15
MoodI've never seen this behavior before, but "ls -l" is showing me all .* files/dirs... is this normal behavior?22:18
zoredacheMood: you could force something like that to happen with an alias22:19
Moodzoredache: "env|egrep -i ls" is not showing any aliases... anywhere else i can check?22:20
crazygirMood: look at the manpage22:20
Moodok- i got it... alias...22:22
Moodstrange... no man for alias...22:24
brandonban6spaceBARbarian, in nutshell you need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to add your linux machine to same workgroup as your windows box, next you can create a share either under the [shared definitions] section of the same file, or simple right click and edit the sharing permissions of a folder from the GUI.22:28
spaceBARbarianbrandonban6=> yeah i got it just had to uncomment two lines in smb.conf22:29
Brad450can someone help me get passed this22:31
Brad450                     brad450@PS3-LINUX:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:31
Brad450xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration22:31
Brad450   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009022517303422:31
brandonban6Brad450, .........what do you mean by "get passed this", does that come up at bootup? were you editing your xorg/video card settings?22:39
crazygiris mpd required for listen?22:39
crazygirlisten doesn't seem to go through my library?22:40
Brad450yes editing resolution22:40
Brad450in termianl22:40
brandonban6it seems like you just need to reboot or restart the xserver? have you tried that? .... that isn't really error message, just notifying you that it created a backup. Or am I mistaken on what you are asking?22:42
Brad450brandonban6: do u know how to do this?22:42
brandonban6Brad450, my above comment was direct to you, sorry forgot to tag your name22:42
Brad450i want to change the resolution on my PS3 my screen is runing at 1920x1080 but my desktop is running in a box at like 720p22:43
Brad450and is surounded by black22:44
Brad450how do i change my resolution??22:45
brandonban6Brad450, and then when you edit the xorg.conf file it gives that message you posted, but then doesn't change anything?22:45
Brad450well how do i get there? my desktop envi.. is all screwed up i can open filesystem or places it just crashes22:46
rockohow are you guys ?22:47
brandonban6hi rocko, i'm good yourself?22:47
rockothanks I am good22:48
rockogl-17 doesn't work :(22:48
rockoit starts up22:48
rockobut doesn't allow me to click on any of the menu options22:48
brandonban6Brad450, i'm not sure....not familiar with envi :(22:50
Brad450****that was short for my desktop environment lol22:50
brandonban6Brad450, OH GEEZ.......lol........I totally misread that.........try running gksudo <insert favorite text editor> /etc/X11/xorg.conf ...that's the configuration file for your xserver22:53
brandonban6try to edit the resolution..........if that doesn't work, you can try rebooting into to recovery mode and there is an option to fix your xorg server listed there.22:54
Brad450lol what text editor should i use i just started this linux mjo yeterday lol22:54
Brad450iam a windows guy this is a little complicated lol22:55
brandonban6no problem, you have to start somewhere :) I believe mousepad is the default one on xubuntu.........so run "gksudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:56
Brad450ok how do i change my resolution in that file23:00
DaemonFCis there a way to easily make XFCE look normal?23:05
Brad450whats normal?23:07
Brad450to u i mean23:07
DaemonFCthe default layout23:07
Brad450settings> system manager>user interface then just choose XCFE23:09
Brad450did that do it??23:10
DaemonFCI'm on 4.623:10
DaemonFCso they've changed it a bit23:10
rockothat is pretty small man are you sure it is 4.6 ?23:10
Brad4504.6??? what u mean by that23:11
rockowhat is 4.6 ?23:11
DaemonFCXFCE 4.623:11
Brad450what are we talkin bout here lol23:11
brandonban6Brad450, there wasn't a resolution already listed in the xorg.conf file?23:11
DaemonFCIntrepid uses 4.423:12
Brad450lol where do i find that??????23:12
_Pete_lol, lots of lols23:12
spasticteapotI turned on my USB soundcard while it was plugged into the computer, and my audio programs crashed.23:12
spasticteapotI restarted my computer, and now none of the panels (toolbars?) are present.23:12
spasticteapotWhat do I do?23:13
brandonban6spasticteapot, Hit ALT+F2 then type xfce4-panel23:14
spasticteapotI technically restarted it twice - will I need to do this each time Linux boots?23:14
brandonban6you restarted panel or the machine?23:15
spasticteapotThe machine.23:15
brandonban6no, you shouldn't need to do it each time you boot....I forget where you check that though...23:16
spasticteapotUbuntu usually tries to boot previously loaded programs - perhaps it had crashed, and was removed from the list.23:18
Brad450ok my XFCE icons jsut disapeared with me just clicking on them lol so did places whats happening23:21
disassembleri'm a new linux user and i'm having some problems with my desktop. i was wondering if someone could help me figure this out.23:25
Brad450iam having problems too maybe we can help each other out23:25
disassemblermy app and workspace bars aren't loading just the background and the icons on the desktop.23:26
zoredachedisassembler: try pressing alt-f2' and running 'xfce4-panel'23:26
disassemblerthanks. :]23:26
Brad450did you say something i accidentally closed my window23:26
disassemblerBrad450: yeah. "my app and workspace bars aren't loading just the background and the icons on the desktop."23:27
Brad450lol i seem to have the exact problem just that my icons and ¨places¨ are gone23:28
Brad450toolbar fine tho23:28
zoredacheBrad450: gone from where?  the desktop?23:28
disassembleri'm not sure why they disappeared.23:28
Brad450ya i zoredache i asked you this like 2 days ago you never answered23:28
disassemblerzoredache: thanks! it worked they're back!23:29
zoredacheBrad450: did you?  try doing an alt-f2 and running 'xfdesktop'23:29
Brad450you mean with in my desktop??23:29
disassemblerbrad450: try that it works.23:29
zoredachehe needs to work on not closing his windows23:30
Brad450sorry pidgin crashed23:30
Brad450what was that zoredache23:31
disassembler_"zoredache: Brad450: did you?  try doing an alt-f2 and running 'xfdesktop'"23:31
zoredachetry doing an alt-f2 and running 'xfdesktop'23:31
Brad450whats xfdesktop23:31
zoredachethe application that is responsible for desktop stuff23:32
zoredacheif it isn't running, then you won't have a desktop23:32
Brad450can u give me a sudo code lol iam confused23:32
Brad450ok lol iam on xubuntu now lol23:32
disassembler_one other thing i'm not sure how to do on linux is compiling packages that don't have a .deb extension.23:33
zoredachepress alt-f223:33
Brad450like its what iam using23:33
zoredachethen type the pits in quotes 'xfdesktop' and hit run23:33
Brad450ok that did appsolutally nothing lol23:33
Brad450alt-f2 does nada23:33
zoredachecan you start a terminal then?23:34
Brad450ya sure23:34
zoredachetry running 'xfdesktop &' in a terminal23:34
Brad450can you give a sudo code for that please iam new to the whole linux thing lol23:35
zoredacheyou don't need sudo for that, infact if you try and do that with sudo it will screw things up23:35
zoredache'xfdesktop &' is the entire command23:35
Brad450ok my icons poped up for like a split second then vanished again23:36
DaemonFCI've so far filed 7 bugs on Jaunty23:36
DaemonFCand have been using it 1 day23:36
DaemonFCone got fixed the same day23:36
zoredachewhere there any errors displayed in the terminal?23:37
DaemonFC"GRUB cannot boot XFS"23:37
DaemonFCit can now B-)23:37
R1cochetLaughing Out Loud23:37
Brad450it gave me this [1] 613123:37
R1cochetwhats XFS?23:37
DaemonFCfastest file system on Linux23:37
Brad450brad450@PS3-LINUX:~$ xfdesktop &23:38
Brad450[1] 613123:38
Brad450[1]+  Segmentation fault      xfdesktop23:38
R1cochetlike ext3?23:38
DaemonFCwell, fastest one that isn't completely experimental23:38
zoredacheBrad450: hrm... so xfdesktop is craching for some reason...  that doesn't sound good...23:38
DaemonFCXFS is 15 years old and still happily eats Ext4 for breakfast23:38
disassembler_has anyone used the enlightenment desktop environment?23:38
brandonban6DaemonFC, what standards are used to measure FS speeds?23:39
disassembler_is it a lot faster than xfce?23:39
R1cochetso then i could install linux on an XFS drive just fine?23:39
Brad450well ive installed it 3 times on my PS3 with the same problem all the time23:39
R1cochetdisassembler i tried it recently23:39
zoredacheDaemonFC: where are you getting your speed numbers?  I believe I saw an article suggesting that ext3 was ok or better for some types of workloads23:39
DaemonFCbrandonban: Fastest for creating, mounting, and checking the file system, fastest reads and write for files above 500 megs, and usually the fastest on file operations with smaller files than that23:39
R1cochetlooks nice but found it a lil diff to navigate around and the network manager sucked23:40
DaemonFCXFS also wastes almost no space, less than 0.5% of the volume23:40
DaemonFCExt3 wastes about 8%23:40
DaemonFCif you con't count the additional 5% reserved blocks :D23:40
Brad450zoredache: whats going on man you have any clue what this might be???23:41
R1cocheti only see 8.10 on ubuntu site not jaunty23:41
zoredacheBrad450: no idea23:41
DaemonFCthat's cause Jaunty isn't released23:41
DaemonFCI'm using the Alpha23:41
disassembler_jaunty comes out in april.23:41
Brad450know someone who might??23:41
zoredacheR1cochet: jaunty is still alpha, you can download an iso from the testing pages23:41
disassembler_zoredache: how is it?23:42
R1cochetahh ok thank you23:42
DaemonFCwell, I'd advise against running the Alpha unless you're OK with some bugs ;)23:42
DaemonFCit seems to have calmed down a bit, but there's still some regular crashers23:42
R1cochetnope just wondering cuz i hear peeps talking bout using but couldnt find it on dl pag23:42
zoredacheBrad450: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=31876 maybe?23:43
Brad450zoredache: would it be possible to intall gnome without reinstalled the whole system???23:43
DaemonFCI switched to the alpha today cause the installer from todays daily build is the first Ubuntu release that can have XFS on /boot B-)23:43
DaemonFCwith no workarounds23:43
zoredacheBrad450: search google for 'xfdesktop segmentation fault' and try and work through what people suggest23:43
zoredacheBrad450: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' to add the gnome enviroment23:44
Brad450ok ty23:44
Brad450ill try it23:44
disassembler_is there anything i can do to permanently fix my desktop situation. pressing alt+f2 and running xfce4-panel fixes it, but the panels go away when i log in again or restart. :[23:45
Brad450will i be able to stay in pidgin while its changing environments?23:45
zoredachedisassembler_: try deleting everything in ~/.cache/sessions/23:46
disassembler_ah, how do i do that? :]23:46
Brad450zoredache: will the problem be brought over to gnome or would it like completetly chage everything23:47
zoredacheBrad450: no idea23:47
zoredachedisassembler_: one way would be to run a command like this rm ~/.cache/sessions/23:47
disassembler_okay. i'll try that.23:48
zoredachedisassembler_: correction rm ~/.cache/sessions/*23:48
disassembler_zoredache: thanks.23:48
Brad450i recently updated the system its like the first thing i did and thats what the guy in the post you sent me said what he did iam thinking it was related. are any of the XFDE files being braight over to GNOME or just system files?23:49
Brad450hey zoredache: my terminal is stuck at ¨86% [waiting for headers] this normal23:50
R1cochetsometimes it may stick for a while but will resume23:50
Brad450k ty rico23:51
Brad450lol for all you regular IRC users : thhis is my first session lol23:51
zoredacheBrad450: it means the mirror apt selected is being slow....23:51
Brad450ok ty zoredache: whats your name from lol23:52
Brad450ok its resumed23:52
* _Pete_ goes bed to se lol dream23:54
DaemonFCMy Xubuntu Jaunty :P23:54
Brad450hey zoredache: gnome will work on the PS3? do you know if its slow?23:55
zoredacheno idea...23:55
zoredacheit may work...23:56
DaemonFCBrad450: I wouldn't23:56
Brad450to my knowledge its like PPC64 what u think?23:56
Brad450can you send a jped threw IRC23:58
zoredacheit is possible, but not easy23:59
DaemonFCBrad450: The PS3 has 192 megs of system RAM available for the guest OS23:59
DaemonFCI wouldn't use GNOME23:59
zoredacheboth the sender and reciever must support ctcp23:59
disassemblerzoredache: can you send that command again? i'm on linux now.23:59
Brad450please explain i want to show you my background ( for some reason)23:59

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