
nothingman_anyone here have experience with using an airport-attached USB disk for the /home partition?01:01
LaserJockogra: I just closed 8 moodle bugs ;-)01:50
LaserJockthanks to moquist and the Debian moodle maintainers01:51
LaserJockthat makes 24 CVEs fixed, 20 Debian bugs, and 8 Ubuntu bugs in one upload01:51
LaserJock*and* I made my milestone01:52
LaserJockmorning all16:03
vorianmorning LaserJock16:05
highvoltagemorning LaserJock16:53
LaserJockhi vorian and highvoltage16:54
LaserJockI just tested the Alpha 5 .iso16:54
LaserJockvorian: I don't suppose you have a spare Jaunty install somewhere you could test with?16:55
vorianLaserJock: install alpha 5?16:55
LaserJockvorian: I'd like a test of edubuntu-desktop-kde on alpha516:56
vorianI can to that16:56
LaserJockI don't have a kubuntu VM up so if you've already got one I'd appreciate it16:56
vorianLaserJock: i'll do it after the MC meeting16:57
LaserJockvorian: awesome, thanks16:58
LaserJocksweet, mvo made the Add/Remove changes for the app bundle spec18:52
vorianLaserJock: edubuntu-desktop-kde4 is HUGE!20:48
voriani've been downloading/installing for about 35 minutes now20:48
LaserJockvorian: you didn't use the CD?20:49
LaserJockvorian: also, are you 32 or 64bit?20:50
voriani'm on 32 for my virtual machine20:50
vorianLaserJock: no, i used ..install edubuntu-desktop-kde20:51
voriani didn't see an iso20:51
LaserJockvorian: oh, well, I guess that'll work to20:51
* vorian looks again20:51
LaserJockvorian: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/cdimage/edubuntu/daily/current/20:52
vorianahh, i went to qa.ubuntu.com20:52
LaserJockah, well you can do that too20:52
LaserJockbut you gotta go to Edubuntu20:52
LaserJockvorian: get it installed?21:24
vorianyes, just playing around with it now21:25
vorianeverything looks good21:25
vorianno obvious bugs so far21:25
LaserJockI supposed it brought in quite a bit of Gnome stuff?21:25
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