
olskolirc~/.kde/share/wallpapers$ StR|Sangreal00:01
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kaddii keep having trouble with plasma on kde 4.2 everyting worked fine till yesterday, now i get the following message when i try to activate any desktop effect:00:12
kaddiFailed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values.00:12
kaddiCheck your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.00:12
kaddii haven't changed anything in x configuration where should i start to check for changes?00:13
SJr|Work Whenever I leave my X-session for a console then come back my console never re-appears I have to do a CTRL+ALT+BKSP to get myself all straigtened out.00:13
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* DaddyLonglegs can't update to KDE 4.2 :(00:16
=== music_off is now known as musical
voglsteranyone have experience with setting up bluetooth audio in kubuntu?00:17
StR|SangrealStR|Sangreal feels sorry for DaddyLonglegs :(00:17
voglsteri dont know where to start and googling hast really helped much00:17
kaddiwhere do i ged the debugging symbols for kopete?00:18
DaddyLonglegsStR|Sangreal: Can you please help me update it? A couple of guys tried last night, but they didn't succeed.00:20
StR|Sangrealkubuntu intrepid?00:20
StR|Sangrealwere you recommended a website how to upgrade?00:21
DaddyLonglegsYes. http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.200:21
musicalIm experiencing a problem. Im using kubuntu 8.1. Dolphin and/or Konqueror have suddenly slowed to a crawl! Thunar works normally. Any ideas?00:21
StR|Sangrealno result?00:22
DaddyLonglegsAdept keeps saying "Failed" when trying to connect to PPA and some official repos.00:23
StR|Sangreal1. sudo apt-get remove koffice-data-kde4 package kdeplasma-addons00:23
StR|Sangreal2 add repo and enable restricted00:23
StR|Sangrealand reccomended00:23
replmanHi! Someone here to help me getting sound of quake3arena working?00:24
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment00:24
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:24
StR|Sangrealand then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:25
DaddyLonglegsStR|Sangreal: I tried that sudo command you just gave me. Nothing happened though.00:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about traceback00:25
StR|Sangreal!silence | kaddi00:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about silence00:25
replmanMy problem is that if i have sound enabled and run a multiplayer-game it hangs00:25
musicalDaddyLonglegs: see if kdebase workspace was installed...00:25
replmansingleplayer works00:25
musicalit doesnt always install during the upgrade and its key to 4.200:25
DaddyLonglegsAll kdebase packages are installed.00:26
kaddiStR|Sangreal if you dont have answers to my questions you could at least let me try the answers for myself.. this is supposed to be a help channel afaik00:26
kaddi+to find00:26
StR|Sangrealkaddi, was just a joke00:26
StR|SangrealDaddy, use apt-get dist-upgrade and then restart x00:27
StR|Sangrealsimple update is not enough, you need distupgrade00:28
DaddyLonglegsStR|Sangreal: I did it last night, but nothing happened.00:28
StR|Sangrealand if that doesnt work, i have no clue00:28
StR|Sangrealthats because the repository isnt listening00:28
StR|Sangrealyou must have coppied it in a wrong way, misspellt or so00:28
DaddyLonglegsStR|Sangreal: I'm sure there's no misspelling in my repos.00:29
StR|Sangrealtry that again, make sure its copied ok, with the word main at the end00:29
musicalyou said that 4.4.2 Kdebase workspace is installed?00:29
StR|Sangrealdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main00:29
DaddyLonglegsStR|Sangreal: This is how my sources.list looks like: http://pastebin.com/d497043cd00:31
DaddyLonglegsPPA repos are added at the end00:31
musicalDaddyLonglegs: you said that 4.4.2 Kdebase workspace is installed?00:31
DaddyLonglegsLet me see, musical.00:32
wildbatanyone know y my lib button don't work before i suspend the machine to ram ?00:32
DaddyLonglegsmusical: I have kdebase-workspace-bin 4:4.1.4 installed.00:33
DaddyLonglegsI haven't updated to 4.2 yet, but I'd like to.00:33
musicaldid you update after you installed the ppa repository?00:33
wildbatany how do it make kubuntu read the sleep and hibernate button work on my laptop?00:34
DaddyLonglegsAdept fails to connect to PPA repo.00:34
musicalI see00:34
DaddyLonglegsYes, I did.00:34
musicaltry synaptic package manager00:34
StR|Sangrealhmm a good idea00:34
StR|Sangrealhowever the repo file is the same00:34
DaddyLonglegsI have to install it.00:34
musicalshouldnt make a difference - but its better than adept, imho00:34
StR|Sangrealinstall gnome and all the stuff00:34
StR|Sangrealubuntu-desktop is the package00:35
DaddyLonglegsNo. Not gnome :(00:35
* DaddyLonglegs hates gnome00:35
musicalsame here....lol00:35
musicaldont like gnome!00:35
StR|Sangrealyou can use them simultaneously and use kdm even on gnome00:35
musicaltrue, but thats just bloat00:35
DaddyLonglegsSo, you say that's my last option?00:36
StR|Sangreali use kde for common household chores, windows for negotiations with customers (damned my company) and gnome if i code sth or make calculations...00:36
StR|Sangrealgnome is freaking stable00:37
musicaldoes adept ask for the admin password when you open it?00:37
StR|Sangrealomg sure it does00:37
DaddyLonglegsIt's ugly at the same time.00:37
StR|Sangrealit isnt ugly, it is only plain00:37
musicalDaddyLonglegs:  does adept ask for the admin password when you open it?00:37
DaddyLonglegsYes. It does.00:37
musicalcant think why you cant use ppa repository00:38
DaddyLonglegsYou know what?00:38
DaddyLonglegsI can ping PPA without any problems.00:38
DaddyLonglegsAdept cannot connect to PPA though.00:39
DaddyLonglegsThat's really strange.00:39
musicalis this ticked in your repostory list?00:39
StR|Sangrealthen install ubuntu-desktop and use synaptic00:39
DaddyLonglegsOf course it is.00:39
musicalyou dont have to install ubuntu to use synaptic!00:39
DaddyLonglegsWould I be able to remove ubuntu-desktop afterwards?00:39
musicalI use it all the time - in KDE00:40
StR|Sangrealits not recommended00:40
StR|Sangrealto remove destops00:40
StR|Sangrealthen install just the package00:40
DaddyLonglegsI can't stand it to be installed on my machine. I really hate it.00:40
musicaljust install synaptic00:40
DaddyLonglegsI'm trying00:41
DaddyLonglegsMan, it was already installed!00:41
musicaltry using that00:41
StR|Sangrealbtw whats kubuntu 8042 about?00:41
musicalPPA should be underthird party software00:41
musicalwith a tick00:42
DaddyLonglegsmusical: Yes, it is.00:43
DaddyLonglegsNow what?00:43
musicalinstall kdebase-workspace 4.4.200:44
musicalthats a start00:44
musicalusing synaptic00:44
chairmanare they gonna have something like time machine for kubuntu?00:44
DaddyLonglegsSo, don't I have to first remove kdebase-workspace 4.1.4?00:44
musicaldo you see 4.4.2?00:45
musicalin synaptic?00:45
DaddyLonglegsIt's too slow.00:45
DaddyLonglegsIt says "downloading package information".00:46
DaddyLonglegsWho supports KDE?00:47
musicalfollow the instructions under http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.200:47
StR|Sangrealdaddy, pls dont listen to musical00:48
DaddyLonglegsmusical: I tried them all last night.00:48
StR|Sangreali am afraid for you not to damage the system00:48
musicalwhy not, StR|Sangreal?00:48
StR|Sangrealwe are messing around, but we canot really solve your problem00:48
musicalwhats wrong with following the instructions under that link?00:48
StR|Sangrealhe has done that zillions of times00:49
musicalahh - i didnt know that00:49
musicalbut I dont accept that it will damage the system..lol00:49
musicalunless youre trying to be sarcastic...:)00:49
kaddiis kde.org down? i can ping it just fine, but i can't reach it with firefox00:50
Wargasmicanyone here familiar with gigabyte mobos?00:50
musicalI just went there, kaddi00:50
* DaddyLonglegs wipes his tears.00:50
kaddikk, must be something on my end then00:51
StR|Sangrealaccessible from my opera00:51
kaddikopete just deleted all my accounts AGAIN >:(00:51
StR|Sangrealuse libgaim00:51
kaddii get the feeling something is royally screwed ab hier00:51
* DaddyLonglegs is dreaming of KDE 4.200:52
StR|Sangrealist kaddi ein deutscher?00:52
kaddiniemals :p00:52
StR|Sangrealund wer denn?00:52
StR|Sangrealok :)00:52
musicalDaddyLonglegs: did you add your package key?00:53
DaddyLonglegsmusical: Yes. I did.00:54
StR|Sangrealits proceedable without key as well00:54
musicalthen I have no further idea....:(00:55
* DaddyLonglegs watches KDE 4.2 videos on Youtube and wishes he could have KDE 4.2 installed on "leno" one day.00:57
StR|SangrealSanreal is really sorry for Daddy and wishes him better mood00:58
chairmandoes anybaady have flyback?00:59
kaddiDaddy don't be too sorry KDE 4.2 deleted all my plasma settings two days ago and since then kopete decided to erase all my accounts every 10 hours... i'm almost ready to step back down.. nothing but troubles00:59
DaddyLonglegsKDE 4.1 also has its own troubles.01:00
DaddyLonglegsThis is Linux world.01:00
kaddii know, but i found they were less damaging in my daytoday life01:00
musicalwell the one odd thing Ive found in kde 4.2 is that both dolphin and konqueror have suddenly started to run slow!01:02
musicalIm using Thunar instead01:02
StR|Sangrealand i nautilus01:02
kaddithe troubles of 4.1, yes... i'm currently having some bad luck... everything is acting up and i haven't found out why... but basically every kde application does a complete revert to default values every day or so01:02
DaddyLonglegsHave they fixed tray's icons background to be transparent in 4.2?01:03
kaddisome of them, yes01:03
StR|Sangrealseit nicht bōse auf linux01:03
musicalanother thing is that kubuntu (intrepid) is only seeing 2.5G! It should see 3.2 - I have 4G installed!01:04
kaddii'm going to reboot brb01:04
StR|Sangrealkarmic would resolve that01:05
musicalusing lmsensors etc - Im seeing a sys temp of 86 degrees! Does anyone know what is sys temp? My CPU temp is 4601:06
musicalevga mobo01:06
StR|Sangreal86 Farenheit = 46 celsia or not?01:06
musical86 celsius01:07
StR|Sangrealhmm might be a hdd temp as well01:07
musicaland that reading never varies...;p;01:07
musicalits possible - except wher would the tehrmistors be?01:08
musicaldont think its the hd01:08
musicalmobo temp in bios seems normal01:08
musicalchipset, maybe01:09
* DaddyLonglegs decides to stick with KDE 4.101:10
musicalhas anyone been successful in getting the Hauppauge HVR 1950 to work in mythtv?01:11
musicalcat /proc/bus/usb/devices lists it01:11
musicalbut blank in myth!01:11
berpencan someone direct me to an online resource on creating device drivers?01:16
MoopiesHello, when I go to shut down my computer I get "Unable to iterate IDE devices: no such file or directory "01:16
Moopiesand it halts01:17
MoopiesI am using Hardy , how would I go about fixing this ?01:18
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wildbatanyone know y my lib button don't work before i suspend the machine to ram ?01:34
wildbatany how do it make kubuntu read the sleep and hibernate button work on my laptop?01:34
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wildbatwrong channel01:36
giovannySoy nuevo en K01:45
bobosohow do i make bash my default shell?02:03
macoboboso: set it in /etc/passwd02:04
bobosomaco: i did r3db0x:x:1001:1001::/home/r3db0x:/bin/bash is that right?02:05
bobosowonder why its not working then02:06
macohow do you know it's not working?02:06
macoopen a terminal and type "ps"02:07
macoit should say that only ps and bash are running in the terminal02:07
jamesjedimasterboboso: start a new session02:07
bobosops and sh02:07
macoah yeah you have to log out in between02:08
bobososo i have to log out of kde and come back in?02:09
boboso ty02:09
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bobosoty i have bash now02:22
=== musical is now known as music_off
jordo2323I run Gnome as my main Window Manager, but when I start KDE I get no sound. Sound works perfect in Gnome.. I have an audigy 2zs sound card, and it seems to be picked up in mixer....any ideas?02:33
foxtroany can helpme?02:36
foxtrowhy i cant burn the last kubuntu iso image02:37
jordo2323I run Gnome as my main Window Manager, but when I start KDE I get no sound. Sound works perfect in Gnome.. I have an audigy 2zs sound card, and it seems to be picked up in mixer....any ideas?02:39
imbezolwhen trying to upgrade to 4.2 i'm getting the following funness02:51
imbezol  kde: Depends: kdepim (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed02:51
imbezoli've removed everything in the system i can find that's kde related but still running into troubles02:52
iliaspour installer firefox?03:16
iliasje fait comment?03:16
paonline1i need conect remote another pc or desktop03:20
paonline1i speak spanish03:21
foxtropaonline1, instala krdc03:21
paonline1lo tengo03:21
paonline1pero me trato de conectar y falla la clave03:22
foxtroa que maquina te estas conectando?03:22
foxtroun windows?03:22
paonline1a un deskt en mi propia red desde un laptop03:23
paonline1no ambos kubuntu03:23
paonline1no reconoce clave03:24
foxtroque error especificamente te entrega?03:25
paonline1no covta error 903:26
paonline1conecta error 903:26
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paonline1buenas noches03:29
paonline1gracias de todas maneras03:29
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jithinexorg 70% cpu with desktop effects on kubuntu using kde 4.2? can any one help me foxong this out03:47
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sortealjithine : What cpu specs04:10
jithinesorteal: intel core 2 duo t7300 @ 2Ghz04:11
jithinesorteal: and intel 965 GM graphics chipset04:11
sortealWell it's surely up to par.  Compiz-Fusion can be rather buggy though so I'd recommend turning the desktop effects off unless you need them or just want to show off to your Windows friends :)04:12
jithinesorteal: its not compiz its the desktop effects with kwin04:13
sortealOr you could try messing with the compiz settings and only using the effects you want and turning off the ones you don't really need or want04:13
sortealWait the standard desktop effects in kubuntu are powered by compiz though04:14
sortealhave you tried adjusting the settings?04:15
jithineonly settings i can see are that of some open gl vsync etc04:17
jithinei tried that .04:19
jithinethis 70 % cpu by xork is not happening instantaneouly04:19
sortealk are you using nvidia or ati drivers?04:19
jithineit starts at aroung 20-30 and at some later point jumps to 7004:19
jithineno i have intel graphics04:19
sortealoh ok might have just been a process "hiccup"04:19
jithinebut it happens always04:19
sortealSorry I wasn't more help04:20
sortealHmm if I find anything out about it I'll be sure and pass it along04:20
sortealkde 4.2?04:20
jithinesorteal: thanks for listening me out.  u are the first one responded :)04:20
jithineyesy kde 4.204:21
sortealk I'll search around see what I can find04:21
jithinesorteal: ok04:21
goofeysorteal: it's no compiz in kde 4.204:26
sortealoh ok thx I thought it was based on the same code.  Glad you corrected me thx04:27
goofeysorteal: kwin's effects are written from scratch (IIRC)04:28
sortealoh nice04:28
DaemonFCKWIN is more bloated04:29
sortealI'm still not totally familiar with kde 4 just to much of a die hard 3.5 fan I guess :)04:29
DaemonFCtop says it uses about 340 megs of RAM04:29
DaemonFCforget Desktop Cube04:31
DaemonFCI've got Desktop Octagon B-)04:31
DaemonFCNow I have a Desktop Dodecahedron04:33
sortealDoes 4.2 solve the multiple monitor problem when using nvidia or ati drivers?04:33
DaemonFChasn't given me trouble04:33
DaemonFC20 virtual desktops04:34
DaemonFCis where it stops you04:34
liboltanyone know how to get Kopete to stop sending HTML tags to other messenger clients?04:35
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wildbatanyone know y my lib button don't work before i suspend the machine to ram ?04:41
wildbatand how do it make kubuntu read the sleep and hibernate button work on my laptop?04:41
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g_hey this thing said I was banned yesterday wtf?04:45
g_I havent been on this thing for months04:45
ibuffyhow can you tell what version of kubuntu you are running from cli?04:49
ibuffyit's kde 4.204:50
ibuffyagain, from the cli or any other means... but cli preferablly04:50
goofeyibuffy: i think apt-cache showpkg konqueror will work04:53
slartibartfastibuffy find /etc/ -name *release*04:54
slartibartfasti thought there was a file about that ...... not sure04:54
ibuffy:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 - www-browser man-browser info-browser04:54
ibuffy4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 - www-browser man-browser info-browser04:54
ibuffy4:4.1.2-0ubuntu4 - www-browser man-browser info-browser04:54
dillinjahis anyone real good with chmod?04:55
slartibartfastibuffy i am now online with debian ... so need to check ... wait a moment :-)04:56
ibuffyso what version am i using o.O04:57
ibuffyor ya know, 4.1.204:57
goofeyibuffy: the easy way to find is go to konqueror -> help -> about kde04:57
goofeyibuffy: not sure how in cli04:57
ibuffygoofey: that shows what version of kde04:58
ibuffynot kubuntu04:58
slartibartfastyou seem to want to know the version of kde instead of kubuntu ....04:58
goofeyibuffy: oops - sorry05:00
slartibartfastwhat does "cat /etc/issue" say05:00
dillinjahdoes anyone know how to prevent a specific user account from having write access to a volume located on /media/sdb105:00
dillinjahwould I use chmod?05:00
slartibartfastibuffy: for the distro version you also can use lsb_release -a05:02
goofeydillinjah: what's the owner:group of /media/sdb1?05:02
dillinjahroot:root i believe05:02
dillinjahdrwxrwxrwx 1 root      root 634880 2009-02-13 20:25 sdb105:03
dillinjahthats whats listed when i do ls -l /media05:03
goofeyok, that's chmod 77705:03
goofeyso, if we remove write for "all" that would be 766?05:03
dillinjahthe thing is, I would like other users to be able to write to it05:03
dillinjahjust not a specific user05:03
goofeydillinjah: not 776, 77505:04
goofeycreate a group that everyone is part of but them05:04
goofeyand then makde that dir that group05:05
goofeyand use 775 to keep world from write access05:05
goofeydoes that seem right?05:05
dillinjahthats what they pay you the big bucks for05:05
dillinjahyeah it does05:05
bonek1002kok sepi05:07
dillinjahso, i am trying to figureout what it would look like, lets say i created a group called nowrite05:07
bonek1002pada kemana aja05:07
goofeyit should look like drwxrwxr x 1 root      nowrite 634880 2009-02-13 20:25 sdb when you're done05:07
goofeychown root:nowrite and chmod 775 are the commands05:09
dillinjahok, i am going to try that,there is no way that I could screw up the hard drive is there?05:10
dillinjahlike make it impossible to read?05:11
goofeynot with those 2 commands, no05:11
goofeythe full commands are sudo chown root:nowrite /dev/sdb1 and sudo chmod 775 /dev/sdb105:11
dillinjahnice....let me try this....05:11
goofeyafter you create the nowrite group05:11
dillinjahok, makes more sense to name it writetodisk , cause the group will be able to write to the disk, the other user I dont add will not be able to...05:14
dillinjahlets run the commands and see what happens05:14
dillinjahits weird. if i run the commands it doesnt show a change when i run ls -l05:21
dillinjahit does if I do it for dev/sdb105:21
dillinjahbut not for media/sdb105:21
dillinjahso I ran05:25
dillinjahdillinjah@conang:/$ sudo chown root:writetodisk /media/sdb105:25
dillinjahdillinjah@conang:/$ sudo chmod 775 /media/sdb105:25
dillinjahdillinjah@conang:/$ ls -l /media05:25
dillinjahgoofey you still there?05:28
keith__where can I get the most current source.list05:31
slartibartfastkeith__: there is no such thing as most current source.list05:42
bazhanghttp://www.kubuntuguide.org/Intrepid#Manually_add_repositories keith__ here is a sample one you can tailor to your needs06:02
DaemonFChmm, Ktorrent is not included in Kubuntu as of yesterday's daily build06:06
DaemonFCshould I file a bug or is there something up with this?06:07
bazhangDaemonFC, jaunty?06:08
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that06:08
DaemonFCthe kubuntu-desktop package does not reference it06:08
DaemonFCI'm gonan file a bug06:09
bazhangwrong channel for jaunty discussion06:10
=== jamie is now known as Huru
mitancswhat wiould be the way to forward ip with two networking cards installed as eth0 to internet and eth1 goes to routher that makes wireless? Thank you.06:22
slartibartfastmitancs: that can be done with iptables rules ..... google search on iptables forward and you'll will find what you need to do06:27
ibuffynice, thanks a lot slartibartfast06:36
ibuffyi was away for a bit, my bro IMed me needing help w/ a paper for school06:37
ibuffynotice how i don't have color options06:37
ibuffythis is a kde issue06:37
ibuffyoh right.. #kde-bugs06:37
slartibartfastHmm ... i see that there are updates for you :-) ...06:39
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=== ubuntu__ is now known as test1234
test1234hey, I am using an old Dapper live CD in this computer, anyone know the default root password?06:48
slartibartfasttest1234: there is no root password ... why you need that?06:49
slartibartfastfor administrative things use sudo06:50
test1234slartibartfast: well i locked it by mistake, and to unlock it it wouldnt take blank password06:50
slartibartfastin a terminal you can do sudo -i to get a root shell06:51
slartibartfasta live cd is not writable so you can not change anything in its default behaviour06:51
Omoikane_How do you install adobe reader in ubuntu?06:52
test1234but if I pressed "Lock Session" by mistake, how do I unlock it?06:52
test1234I go to a terminal and open new session?06:52
slartibartfastlock session ? .... like the the X session ?06:53
slartibartfasttest1234: sorry no idea ... you have important programs open in that xsession? ..06:54
test1234no, not really :P06:54
test1234just curious06:54
slartibartfastotherwise i would say just restart06:55
slartibartfastkillall Xorg in terminal ?  // or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart .. but it is not for unlocking06:56
slartibartfasttest1234: But a livecd should not be for general computing i think. More just for testing purposes - see if you like the software.07:01
slartibartfastah, already gone :-)07:01
noaXessgood morning..07:05
noaXessis it really simple to configure syslog.conf like that: *.emerg my@email.com, so all emergencies will sent to a spec. email-adress?07:07
slartibartfastnoaXess if you have a good working SMTP server, yes, i would think07:07
noaXessslartibartfast: okay.. then.. :) fine.. thanks07:10
anil_kumarhi...can anyone tell me how to add a user to the sudoers file07:12
slartibartfastanil_kumar: edit the sudoers file with 'sudo vimsudo'07:13
anil_kumarok...but i dont know the construct of the file07:14
macoman 5 sudoers07:14
anil_kumarwhere do i add the user's name07:14
anil_kumari'll try man...07:14
macoi could try to answer, but id just be quoting the manpage at you anyway....07:14
v6lurhi. when trying to send a note to another kubuntu machine on lan, knotes says: "Communication error: connection actively refused"07:21
v6lurhow can i send the note?07:22
v6lur(kubuntu 8.04, kde 3.5.10)07:22
noaXesswhat need i restart if i change /etc/syslog.conf?07:25
noaXesswhy is it named sysklogd? with the 'k'07:26
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ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper08:20
bennycan somebody urgently update http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 ?08:36
bennyfollowing that guide breaks upgrade from 8.10 as kde base moved to backports instead of ppa08:36
bennyor change the main page to no longer link to that page08:37
chairmandoes anyone have stacks or awn for that matter?08:39
sandGorgonbenny: i still have ppa in my sources.list - should I change it ?08:42
bennysandGorgon: don't know, normally things don't downgrade, so you should be save.08:43
bennyI think the problem is only for people installing 8.10 then following the guide08:43
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bennyI'll talk on kubuntu-devel and see what they say08:45
bennyfor those interested, a new news item should be forthcoming to change the site with the new way to08:58
bennyupgrade to 4.208:58
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DaddyLonglegsI'm running Intrepid on KDE 4.1 and gonna upgrade to KDE 4.2. I followed the instructions on kubuntu website, but it failed to fetch updates. Here is the output from "apt-get update": http://pastebin.com/de0e2401 Can anybody please see if there is anything wrong with that?09:29
chairmani got STACKS!!!!09:33
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chairmandoes anybody know how i can get Flyback?09:45
vltHello. I removed an RSS feed subscription from Akregator. When I re-add it as a new entry, all the old articles are shown (and articles I previously removed are still missing). How can I clear the feed cache for this subscription?09:48
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ChaosRHello, I have a problem with desktop effects, for some reason when I enable them all my videos stutter, and while playing videos I see short, but huge drops in FPS a lot. I have kubuntu 8.10 with KDE4.2 and a NVidia 8600GT. Is this solveable or should I just disable effects?10:13
chairmanwhat abbbout flyback?10:19
MaGicKanGaRooDaddy Long legs you there?10:24
MaGicKanGaRooit looks like you havent got hte experimental repo's in your /etc/apt/sources.list10:25
MaGicKanGaRoodeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main10:25
MaGicKanGaRoodeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main10:25
carpiiis there a command line tool that will interrogate kde's inferred MIME association for a given file?10:27
heinkel_111is the icedtea6-plugin supposed to work with konqueror in kubuntu 8.10?10:27
heinkel_111I can't find a java plugin...10:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about javaplugin10:28
heinkel_111anyone know how I can locate the icedtea6-plugin?10:32
MaGicKanGaRooheinkel it seems to be in jaunty10:36
heinkel_111well that will take another few months :)10:37
MaGicKanGaRooyes but you can download the deb on the page ...10:38
heinkel_111I have installed the plugin in 8.10 with sudo apt-get install, but konqueror does not appear to recognize it (not in the list of plugins)10:38
heinkel_111so I think the files are in some weird location I will need to point at?10:39
MaGicKanGaRoohave a look at where the files were installed?10:40
heinkel_111yes, I guess it is not in the list of locations that konqueror looks for plugins?10:40
MaGicKanGaRoohave you tried to dpkg-reconfigure it?10:41
MaGicKanGaRoomight be worth a go10:41
MaGicKanGaRoobrb desktop broke :S damn fiddling10:42
MaGicKanGaRoodid the dpkg-reconfigure help?10:44
heinkel_111haven't tried, how do I do it?10:45
MaGicKanGaRooin konsole10:45
MaGicKanGaRoodpkg-reconfigure package name10:45
heinkel_111with sudo?10:46
MaGicKanGaRooyes sorry10:46
MaGicKanGaRoowhats the package name again sorry?10:47
heinkel_111the only plugin I et is flashplugin-alternative-so and kaffeineplugin.so10:47
heinkel_111I get10:47
MaGicKanGaRooapt-file list icedtea6-plugin10:48
MaGicKanGaRoois i think the actual plugin10:48
MaGicKanGaRooso try10:48
MaGicKanGaRookonquor -> settings configure10:49
MaGicKanGaRoothen plugins10:49
MaGicKanGaRooplugins tab10:49
MaGicKanGaRooand add the folder /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/I10:49
MaGicKanGaRoosorry /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/10:49
prodigelhi all. I'm having real problems using kde 4 with it's new plasmoid thing, and I want to revert to the previous kde version.10:50
heinkel_111MaGicKanGaRoo: what was the correct apt command lo list the files again?10:50
MaGicKanGaRoomine picked up on the flashplugin-alternative i have though in /usr/lig/firefox/plugins/10:50
heinkel_111to list the files10:50
MaGicKanGaRooapt-file list icedtea6-plugin10:50
MaGicKanGaRooyou need apt-file if you dont have it already10:50
MaGicKanGaRooits not installed by default10:51
MaGicKanGaRooso apt-get install apt-file10:51
MaGicKanGaRoothen apt-file update10:51
MaGicKanGaRooits usefull for finding specific files its a bit more specific that apt-cache10:51
heinkel_111installing apt-file10:51
heinkel_111the correct path for me is /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/10:53
MaGicKanGaRoook cool10:53
heinkel_111MaGicKanGaRoo: - but it still doesn't work :(10:53
heinkel_111thank you anyhow10:53
prodigelMaGicKanGaRoo, ?10:54
MaGicKanGaRooyou should just be able to install kde310:54
MaGicKanGaRoowhat version of ubuntu are you runing?10:54
prodigelMaGicKanGaRoo, i don't know. it's with plasmoids, 4 something10:55
prodigelMaGicKanGaRoo, intrepid10:55
MaGicKanGaRootheres a thread on it here but i think there are offical repos to install kde 310:55
MaGicKanGaRooheinkel, did you add that into the plugin list in konq?10:55
prodigelMaGicKanGaRoo, thanks, I'll take a read10:56
prodigelMaGicKanGaRoo, yes11:03
MaGicKanGaRooi think you can install with the kde-core package11:03
MaGicKanGaRooyou should then be able to select which one you want to use in the kdm11:03
prodigelMaGicKanGaRoo, I'm waiting for ubuntu-desktop to finish. I hope gnome will work well(no offense ment to the channel)11:04
prodigelMaGicKanGaRoo, brb11:04
yoritomohello all11:06
yoritomoi would like to edit a BIN,CUE image, which one is the best soft ?11:06
vltHello. I removed an RSS feed subscription from Akregator. When I re-add it as a new entry, all the old articles are shown (and articles I previously removed are still missing). How can I clear the feed cache for this subscription?11:07
mefisto__hi. what is the difference between the desktop kernel installed in k/ubuntu desktop and the server kernel? as I understand it, the server kernel supports PAE (can access more than 4GB ram). are there any disadvantages to using the server kernel in a desktop system? why isn't PAE enabled in all the ubuntu kernels?11:08
hansenmefisto__: just use a 64bit kernel instead11:11
mefisto__hansen: can I download a 64bit processor to go with that?11:12
hansenoh, you're one of the few who has an old CPU but lots of RAM.11:12
mefisto__hansen: my question is about desktop vs server kernels, not 32bit vs 64bit11:12
yoritomonobody edit cd's images here?11:13
mefisto__hansen: plenty of people have old CPUs11:13
hansenI have a bunch of servers running ubuntu. The only noticable difference is that they use lilo instead of grub for some reason, and that the kernels have "server" in the name11:13
mefisto__hansen: I'm assuming the difference is more than just the name, otherwise the same kernel would be used, surely11:14
hansenbtw, maybe stupid question: I get mail about secutiry updates for ubuntu thru11:15
hansenis there something for all the other updates too?11:15
ubottumail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com11:15
bazhanghansen, check above11:15
hansenI'm kind of curious to know what the weekly updates of most of KDE is good for for example :)11:15
hansenlooks like the Intrepid-changes list if what I want11:18
mefisto__yoritomo: you might be able to convert it to an ISO image with k3b. I'm not sure, but I think k3b can open them. if so, just save as ISO instead of burning11:19
humpbackHello all. In Jaunty what is the correct way to configure networking? I installed yesterday from CD and manually started knetworkmanager. I then configured my wireless and it was working. I updated the system and now I can only have networking using cable. And knetworkmanager will never auto-start.11:20
bazhanghumpback, #ubuntu+1 for jaunty discussion11:20
humpbackbazhang: thanks11:21
yoritomomefisto i was no able to open the image for edition with k3b11:21
hansenmefisto__: of course there any many systems running with older CPUs. What I meant is that probably very few of them have >4GB RAM. But nice that the kernel supports that.11:21
yoritomoit is a windows bin, no mather ?11:21
mefisto__yoritomo: I don't think so. it's just a disk image as far as I know and OS shouldn't be important11:23
mefisto__yoritomo: you mean the image was created in windows, right?11:23
yoritomolooks like notcompatible on k3b and isomaster11:24
yoritomoso strange11:24
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ghostcubeyoritomo: shouldnt matter where it was build11:25
=== root is now known as passaris
passariscan help me11:26
yoritomomefisto__ ghostcube when i browse it on isomaster it is no action on cue or bin when clicking11:27
ghostcubehave u tried acetone iso11:27
passarisi have a error, when start linux ...can start face tool etc...11:27
mefisto__yoritomo: in my k3b, if I go to Tools menu, burn CD image, then the open dialog, the filter menu where it says "Image Files" says CUE files11:28
yoritomonot yet, i did not find directly in package then first i tryed the ones i had11:28
EagleScreenhi, is there any ppa to install Qt4.5 in Kubuntu Intrepid?11:29
yoritomok3b is frozen i will try to kill the app11:30
EagleScreentry 'killall k3b'11:30
=== root is now known as passaris
passariscan help me smb11:35
passarispls i have a big error11:35
yoritomothe cue is enlighted too, but can't edit11:35
bazhangpassaris, ask a question11:35
passariswhen I start unbutu appears on startup an error like this:11:36
bazhangpassaris, ubuntu or kubuntu11:36
passarisfence_roo : waitin gor cman to start11:37
passarisunable to connect to cluster11:37
passarisfence_tool : waiting for cman to start11:37
passariscman_admin_init error 211:38
bazhangpassaris, what are you trying to accomplish11:38
bazhangpassaris, explain your issue, in greater detail, all on one line.11:39
labhi all11:39
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passarisI installed a lot of application programs, add remove, after I gave everything wrong reboot, then this error started thousand when buteaza linxu: starting daemons: groupd fanced .... etc. .. cman_admin_init error 2; fance_tool: waiting for cman to start, unable to connect to cluster11:43
passaris 11:43
passaris 11:43
bazhangpassaris, stop11:43
mefisto__yoritomo: installing bchunk will let you convert bin/cue to iso image, then you can easily work with the iso11:43
bazhangpassaris, paste.ubuntu.com11:43
adn_hi everybd :D11:44
carpiiis there a command line tool that will interrogate kde's inferred MIME association for a given file?11:49
mefisto__carpii: "interrogate kde's inferred MIME association" ?  can you explain that further?11:53
=== florian__ is now known as floh
flohHi, kennt hier jemand mit aptitude/apt-get etc. aus? Ich habe folgende Problem: Bei der Installation von mysql erscheint dann ein Dialog, wo man die root-Passwort für MySQL eingeben muß.11:56
flohAn sich ist das korrekt. Allerdings muß bei mir die Installation automatisch erfolgen (ohne eingabe von der Passwort).11:56
mefisto__!de | floh11:56
ubottufloh: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.11:56
flohOh... this is English spoken channel?11:57
flohI'm sorry!11:57
flohI'll tranlate. :D11:57
mefisto__floh: no problem11:57
flohHi, do anyone know aptitude/apt-get etc.? I've got following problem: While installing mysql aptitude shows a display, which the user should enter new password for mysql (for root). How can I surpress such dialog, so the install runs automatically (unattended)?11:59
yoritomomefisto__ bchunk is only commandlines?11:59
mefisto__yoritomo: yes, but it's easy to use11:59
mefisto__yoritomo: install it, then do: man bchunk12:00
mefisto__yoritomo: or you could burn the bin/cue image to CD with k3b (it won't save as ISO like I said), then copy the files to hard disk and make a new disk image12:02
yoritomoyes bu my purpose is to add some files inside the image before burning12:03
yoritomo<image.bin> <image.cue> <basename> what is basename ? my target iso file?12:03
larsaamHi! Anyone know how to store the pinentry key password in kwallet?12:05
mefisto__yoritomo: yes. see here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-convert-bincue-files-to-iso-in-ubuntu.html12:07
yoritomoi made my iso image, and seems like i can edit in isomaster, it looks nice thanks12:09
yoritomothanks very much mefisto__ then i will keep in mind bchunk and isomaster :)12:11
mefisto__yoritomo: glad it worked out for you :)12:11
kopertonkde4 sucks kde3 rocks12:13
mefisto__koperton: but kde4 will one day rock harder :)12:14
kopertonmefisto__: one day xD btw i have tried 4.2 i prefer kde312:15
mefisto__koperton: me too12:15
kopertonmefisto__: well i am going to create Nwc service menu for konqueror now :)12:16
mefisto__koperton: what's Nwc ?12:17
kopertonmefisto__: it's my universal mencoder ffmpeg ffmpeg2theora gui12:17
kopertonyoutube-dl , mm photo converter and slideshow12:17
kopertonmefisto__: it's this http://www.nowardev.netsons.org/?q=node/712:18
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larsaamHi, I'll try to refrase, how to make kwallet remember kmail gpg key?12:24
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mefisto__koperton: looks interesting. how well does it work at this stage? and have you tested the "ubuntuinstaller" on hardy? intrepid?12:46
kopertonmefisto__: it's working very fine on hardy, on intrepid you have to pay attention for ffmpeg version12:46
kopertonmefisto__: but it's on developing so... i need of time12:47
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!13:19
zumbii want to install kde 4.213:19
zumbii am following the topic guide13:20
zumbiwhen removing plasma libs it also removed kubuntu package13:20
zumbiis it ok to just dist-upgrade the system to get kde 4.2 with the right repos?13:21
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giarcazumbi: after put the kubuntu-experimental repo in your list13:25
giarcayou have only to get a simple update - upgrade13:25
giarcaand the 4.2 raise up13:25
giarcaa lot of package of KDE4.2 raise now from intrepid-backport, check if you have enable it13:26
zumbigiarca: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid ???13:26
zumbi??? = kubuntu-experimental ?13:27
zumbishould i just s/intrepid/intrepid-backport?13:27
zumbifor not familiar with this repos13:27
giarcaread the official news and then I think you can only go with intrepid-backports13:28
zumbigiarca: i already read that, but it does not say about where are the repos13:28
giarcadeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse13:29
giarcais intrepid backports13:29
giarcadeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu/ intrepid main13:29
giarcais ppa repo13:29
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.13:30
giarcaI enable either but you can try only with intrepid-backports13:30
zumbigiarca: should i disbale the rest of repos?13:30
giarcaabsolutely not13:31
giarcayou can simply add13:31
zumbiok - thanks, i am just updating now13:31
giarcazumbi: perfect13:32
zumbikdebase-runtime 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 :)13:49
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giarcazumbi: installed?13:51
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zumbigiarca: not yet13:55
zumbistill downloading13:55
giarcaah have you disabled all plasmoid?13:56
giarcadisable all before upgrade , i forgot to tell you ;)13:56
alkisg_Using kubuntu 9.04, I see kdm, I login, and then I get a blank screen. X runs ok though; I can use XAUTHORITY/IDSPLAY to launch programs on this blank screen. So something is not running, what would that be? kdeinit?13:59
alkisg_E.g. now I run quassel, but I don't have the panels or the background etc.14:00
zumbigiarca: i remove --purge all plasma stuff i found14:01
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:01
giarcazumbi: you're perfect! :)14:01
alkisg_giarca, if that was for me, I don't think it's a jaunty specific problem, it's a user (=me) misconfiguration... I just don't know when/what I tinkered. :(14:02
zumbigiarca: i wish :) you & others are the ones making this possible14:02
giarcaops alkisg_, yes it was for you, I forgot | nick :P14:02
giarcaalkisg_: I told you to try in specific channel because it's possible that januty has different base setting or routine much different from intrepid...14:03
alkisg_giarca: thanks, I'll try there... :)14:05
giarcaalkisg_: and then you can try here! :D14:05
alkisg_giarca: I think a simple `ps -ef` from someone else running kubuntu would help me see what am I missing...14:06
zumbigiarca: should i install intrepid-backports/main kdebase-plasma 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 and friends ?14:12
zumbii guess so14:13
giarcazumbi: so do I14:13
XPS_M1330what's the simplest way to install Kubuntu from Ubuntu?14:24
giarcasynaptic I think14:24
XPS_M1330I bet14:24
MaGicKanGaRooapt-get install kubunt-desktop14:24
giarcaLOL you're right, withthe14:25
XPS_M1330it's just that in Mandriva there's a megapackage that contains the latest versions of everything you need, I figured there would be something like that14:25
XPS_M1330kubuntu-desktop package? thanksQ!14:25
giarcaMaGicKanGaRoo: exactly what i was writing14:25
MaGicKanGaRoosorry to pip you to it :)14:25
giarcayeah XPS_M1330that package14:25
MaGicKanGaRooyeah its a metapackage that installs all your bits and bobs14:25
XPS_M1330once I have both DE installed, will me menus all be flooded with both base gnome apps and kde apps?14:27
MaGicKanGaRookde4 has quite a good menu system, kickstart iirc, so shouldnt be to flooded14:27
MaGicKanGaRoognome when i used to have it was a bit flooded yes14:27
MaGicKanGaRooon the plus side it will encourage you to launch more via alt f2 :)14:28
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XPS_M1330anyway most apps I open regularly have a launch button on the top panel14:29
XPS_M1330what's the best documentation page out there, say, that's got all the basic commands and explains stuff?14:29
MaGicKanGaRoohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ is pretty good14:30
XPS_M1330Is KDE4 stable now? A couple' months ago I used to run KDE 4.1 with Mandriva, it was so buggy I switched to gnome14:30
MaGicKanGaRooand https://help.ubuntu.com/community/14:31
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XPS_M1330thanks, MaGicSkiPpy14:31
MaGicKanGaRoowell ive been using its a lot better than k 4.014:31
MaGicKanGaRooim running 4.2 atm which is pretty good14:31
MaGicKanGaRoobut its personal taste14:31
XPS_M1330isn't the 4.3 out already?14:31
XPS_M1330well I actually love it, all its features, but several bugs got really annoying on the long run14:32
MaGicKanGaRoosometimes its a bit vista ish, but you can take most of the fancy stuff out, dont really use the applets14:32
MaGicKanGaRoonot sure about 4.3 sure, its in dev14:32
XPS_M1330I liked the fancy stuff14:32
MaGicKanGaRoosee, personal choice :)14:32
MaGicKanGaRooi like that it doesnt hide things from you like i felt gnome did14:33
MaGicKanGaRoobut then the ultra purest in me likes the idea of ion or something like that, strip it down completly14:33
XPS_M1330biggest problems I had was apps crashing all the time (especially kmail), Amarok couldn't handle iPod, and that applet to mount USB flash drives didn't work most of the time14:33
MaGicKanGaRoobut kde does me fine 99% of the time which is fine by me :)14:33
MaGicKanGaRoomaybe you should try 4.2?14:34
MaGicKanGaRoothe usb flashy thing was ok for me in 4.1 and it defo is in 4.214:34
XPS_M1330I ended up liking gnome, but I find it's not very powerful, can't customize it as much as I want to14:34
XPS_M1330that was 4.1, yes14:34
MaGicKanGaRooi dont have an ipod so i dont know about that; and i use swift dover rather than kmail14:34
sushiXi am trying to use remote desktop and i am getting an error -> Connection to host "" was closed14:35
XPS_M1330I do want to try the 4.2. I'll just wait a few days for spring break, right now is not the time to invest a lot of time in the computer (exams). I'll download it today at university though (download limit at home!)14:35
XPS_M1330swift dover?14:36
XPS_M1330never heard of that one14:36
MaGicKanGaRoo*switftdove and swiftfox14:36
SandGorgonl created a VM for virtualbox from a commandline install and put minimal install on KDE on it. Work really well14:36
MaGicKanGaRootheyre cpu optimized versions of firefox and thunderbird with enlightenment14:36
XPS_M1330I was using thunderbird, was the less annoying one, but I don't like any email client out there, they seem all incomplete and buggy and not customizable14:36
XPS_M1330now I use evolution14:36
BluesKajwow swiftfox..haven't heard that name for a couple of yrs14:36
sushiX i am trying to use remote desktop and i am getting an error -> Connection to host "" was closed any idea what could be the problem14:37
MaGicKanGaRoois their a vnc server running on
MaGicKanGaRoowhat do you use blueskaj?14:37
BluesKajFF & T-bird , but I'm a bit lazy ...iwas a kmail and konq user til kmail changed it's look14:38
MaGicKanGaRoonever tried kmail.  had a go with evolution as i would sync with my phone out of the box14:39
BluesKajkonq is nolonger worth fighting for IMO14:39
napterkHello! i started kde with "X & DISPLAY=:0" startkde from the terminal, but i get now "kstartupconfig4 does not exist or fails. The error code is 3."14:39
BluesKajI even use dolphin as the file manager now14:40
SandGorgonBluesKaj: konq was never the point, it was the webkit engine... and that's a better renderer than FF. Look at the new Safari benchmarks14:40
MaGicKanGaRooi use konq quite often, we have an RT server that just runs a million times quicker in konq14:40
SandGorgonWebkit with Firefox's XUL plugins.... yummm14:40
napterki renamed my . kde and .kde4 because i couldnt login after the login screen14:40
MaGicKanGaRoowhat appens when you try to login via kdm?14:41
BluesKajBTW safari has anew version out for windows & mac , supposedly 10 X faster than IE and 3 X faster than FF14:41
MaGicKanGaRoosounds good :) tried it a few weeks ago in wine... it didnt go well :(14:42
XPS_M1330what's the deal with all the fuss around browser speed? it depends more on the connection speed14:42
BluesKajXPS_M1330 , yeah, all things being equal except the browsers i guess14:43
XPS_M1330you have to wait 5 secs on the first load... big deal!14:43
MaGicKanGaRookdm = the login manager, where you have your username and password14:43
XPS_M1330I think opera is best14:43
MaGicKanGaRoonot so much for me XPS, alot of the servers i use browsers with are on a Lan/wan14:44
SandGorgonXPS_M1330: not entirely, the gecko webpage renderer vs the webkit renderer and the squirrelfish javascript engine vs the tracemonkey javascript engine is waht makes them different14:44
XPS_M1330I'm in an Opera window right now! internal chat engine14:44
sven_hello all, is their software in (k)ubuntu available to recover date from an usb-harddisk? the disk seems to be corrupt (ntfs d-drive is corrupt) but has all my personal files :s how can I recover it?14:45
MaGicKanGaRoosven was it formated with extfs3?14:46
SandGorgonsven_, try spinrite - it is a bootable CD . It is a paid software, but as I have heard - well woth it14:46
sven_SandGorgon: no paid software please:s14:47
MaGicKanGaRooyou could give autopsy a go before spending money14:47
MaGicKanGaRooits on the backtrack live cd14:47
ActionParsnip1!info autopsy14:57
ubottuautopsy (source: autopsy): graphical interface to SleuthKit. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.08-2.1 (intrepid), package size 370 kB, installed size 1376 kB14:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sleuthkit15:01
BluesKaj!info sleuthkit15:02
ubottusleuthkit (source: sleuthkit): Tools for forensics analysis. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.52-1 (intrepid), package size 1915 kB, installed size 4768 kB15:02
sam_i upgraded the other day and now I can no longer use caps-lock and the top toolbar from everything has gone15:04
PodeCoetIs it possible to upgrade from 7.04 to 8.04 without breaking anything?15:08
MaGicKanGaRooshould be15:09
MaGicKanGaRoowhen you change the repo's15:09
MaGicKanGaRoodo apt-get update; then upgrade15:09
MaGicKanGaRooit will list all the packages its going to upgrade without removing anything15:09
MaGicKanGaRoowhen theyre done start installing the remaining packages with apt-get install packages15:09
MaGicKanGaRooa few at a time15:09
MaGicKanGaRooand watch if it says its going to remove anything15:10
MaGicKanGaRoosuually it will be replacing it with a newer version15:10
MaGicKanGaRooor something that covers the same functions and has superceeded it15:10
MaGicKanGaRooso if you do it carefully like that you have control along the way15:10
PodeCoetsounds like a pain :P15:11
PodeCoetbut cool at the same time15:12
MaGicKanGaRooheh :) just being doing it myself over the last few weeks with debian 300mhz boxes in the states .. took a while lol15:12
PodeCoetwell I've been working on this automounting problem for ages, cant figure it out (got a Seagate FreeAgent 500GB drive that just wont work as writable or automount under 7.04)15:14
PodeCoetworks under 8.04.2 (AMD64), figured an upgrade is quicker/better15:15
MaGicKanGaRoocool ,well hope that it fixes it15:16
PodeCoetsame, otherwise it'll be back to windows server for that box :P15:16
MaGicKanGaRooouch .. no box deserves that :)15:17
PodeCoetyeah I feel bad for the box tbh, but the users are morons, no choice :(15:17
MaGicKanGaRoothat old chess nut eh :)15:18
MaGicKanGaRoo!hi el15:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi el15:18
MaGicKanGaRoo:( didnt work exactly as intended..15:18
PodeCoetfail :P15:18
ForzaPalermohey guys i have 3 internal haredrives, one 200gb for my ubuntu OS, the other two (1.5TB each) i want PURELY for storage and will LVM.... my question iswhen i format it iusing fdisk... do i make it a primary partiiton??? and how do i know im getting all 1.5TBS..... it asks questions about cylinders.. i am confused please help!15:18
MaGicKanGaRooyou can have 4 primary partions per hard disk15:19
MaGicKanGaRooif you arent partitioning up those 1.5 drives15:19
MaGicKanGaRooyou should be ok to do them as 1 primary partion a piece15:19
MaGicKanGaRooare you raiding them?15:19
ForzaPalermowell either raid or LVM15:20
ForzaPalermowhatever is better/easier15:21
ForzaPalermoi jsut want to the two 1.5TB drives to be seen as one15:21
PodeCoetMaGicKanGaRoo: Wait a sec, you're not Australian, YOU'RE BRITISH!15:21
MaGicKanGaRoothis is true :)15:22
mefisto__that's the magic!15:22
MaGicKanGaRoook well for them to be seen as one thats not the partitioning really15:22
MaGicKanGaRooyou need to raid them either as raid 0 or raid 1 striping or mirroring15:23
MaGicKanGaRoothen when you install then they will be seen as one drive15:23
ForzaPalermobut i dont want to install, i already have my OS setup15:24
PodeCoetheehee... oldie but goodie :D15:24
ForzaPalermoi want to do this without my OS setup on that drive, just for storage nothing else15:24
nicolaialexanderi just installed ubuntu and i need to have root access does anyone know how to gain root access i know the password but i cant access the root from the log in screen.  I am also dual booting.15:25
mefisto__PodeCoet: so old and good, I know what it is without looking at it :)15:26
ForzaPalermoso when you do an fdisk /dev/sda and pick primary partioin, and go through all the steps15:26
ForzaPalermowill it give me all my 1.5tb in that parition15:26
ForzaPalermois ther ea limit?15:26
user32768i am trying to mount a samba share, ideally so that it can be mounted from kde.  its set up in fstab and can be mounted from a shell with sudo mount, but seems to require sudo?  and i have found no way to doing this via kde, either.  can anyone here help?15:29
Rioting_pacifista 1.5Tb drive is only 1.36 Tib15:29
Rioting_pacifisterm you can make it user mountable15:30
ForzaPalermoright but goign throuhg the default motions will give me 1.3615:30
ForzaPalermois my question15:30
Rioting_pacifistyou will loose a few bytes (litterally a few) to the partition table but yes15:31
ForzaPalermook now my next question15:31
PodeCoetmefisto__: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/brick_archway.png15:31
PodeCoetwhyat about that one :P15:31
ForzaPalermoso ive done that for my two drives15:31
ForzaPalermothen i ahve to give it a format15:32
ForzaPalermolike ext3 or ext4?15:32
Rioting_pacifistyeah you will need to format /dev/sda1  and /dev/sdb115:32
MaGicKanGaRooif you want it to be 1 drive on your machine15:32
MaGicKanGaRooyou need to use raid to merge the two logical drives to present them as 1 logical one to the os15:33
Rioting_pacifistor lvm15:33
MaGicKanGaRooyou can either do that in software or usually in hardware15:33
ForzaPalermoive tried hardware with raid controller15:33
ForzaPalermobut it still 2 sepearate15:33
ForzaPalermoin ubuntu15:33
elnico: have you ever logged onto your machine with the root account?15:33
MaGicKanGaRoooh sorry, i forgot about lvm ... rioting is right15:34
ForzaPalermoso i dont have to do this command sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda115:35
ForzaPalermoto each15:35
Rioting_pacifistno you setup the raid/lvm 1st and then there will be a device on your system that represents both /dev/md0 or /dev/mapper/md0 or something like that, you format that 2.72Tb drive15:36
ForzaPalermook can you help me setup the raid or lvm.. again whatever is easier is fine15:37
lovrehi all15:37
elhi lovre.15:38
mefisto__user32768:  if it's in fstab it should automount (unless you've told it not to)15:38
lovrei have a simple question. I have a pc with kubuntu 8.10 installed. I have another pc (laptop) with windows XP installed. I have a crossover cable. How do i connect theese two machines into LAN? What settings do i set up15:38
ForzaPalermolovre: i think you need to set up samba if not mistaken... put them on the same network so that they can see and talk to eachother15:39
lovreForzaPalermo: do i have to set static IP and if yes, how to do this?15:39
ForzaPalermoi guess you dont have a router?15:40
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:40
ForzaPalermothere you go... you can get all your instructions from there15:40
ForzaPalermoif you dont have a router its probabnly best to setup static ip and piut them in the same range for both15:40
Rioting_pacifistlovre: you will need to play with /etc/network/interfaces to set it up manually, it may be doable in NetworkManager but NetworkManager seams to be a PITA when i do anything unusual15:41
lovreForzaPalermo: thanks for the links15:41
ForzaPalermothank mefisto__15:41
lovreRioting_pacifist: ok, ill try it both ways, thank you15:41
ForzaPalermoRioting_pacifist: would you be able to help me setup raid or LVM with the OS already installed15:41
Rioting_pacifistsamba is what youll want once the networking is done eitherway (using Networkmanager or editing config files)15:42
ForzaPalermothen get system-config-samba... makes it easy to setup15:43
Rioting_pacifisthttp://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/ is what you need it may look daunting but just read the relevnat sections, first install lvm215:43
ForzaPalermoRioting_pacifist: i have installed and followed those directions15:44
ForzaPalermobut i cant get past the first part of doing a pvcreate15:45
ForzaPalermosays that disks are mounted or in use... i dont remmebenr the exact error15:45
ForzaPalermobut this was after i did an fdsik to both drives, and then gave them both a ext4 file structure on their respective partiions.. maybe that waas a mistake?15:45
Rioting_pacifistmake sure they are not by running mount and checking if the disks are there15:45
ForzaPalermohow do i do that?15:47
mauricioI need help15:47
mauriciosomebody can help to me15:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:47
Rioting_pacifistjust type mount in a konsole and check the output for the drives15:47
mauricioI have SAmsung NC10 mini notbook, my atheros wifi adapter is not reconigzed by ubuntu 8.1015:47
=== goofey_ is now known as goofey
ghostcubemauricio: lscpi -v | grep atheros15:48
ghostcubeto www.pastie.org15:48
ForzaPalermook i guess i have to wait till i get home15:48
mauricioNetworkManager and wifi-radar say No wifi-device found. Exiting.15:49
ForzaPalermonow lets say i get past my issue and i do the pv create for both drives15:49
ForzaPalermothen all i have to do is create the voliume15:49
ForzaPalermoand i wouldk be done?15:49
ForzaPalermowith vgcreate15:49
mauriciolscpi -v | grep atheros COmmand not found15:49
ghostcubelscpi -v15:50
ghostcubelspci -v15:50
ghostcubedamn typo15:50
Rioting_pacifistmauricio:  lspci -v i think you have a typo15:50
ghostcubemy fault15:50
ghostcubehavent seen it twice lol15:50
mauriciois runung15:50
ghostcubei need the output for the atheos device to www.pastie.org15:51
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: you will have a volume group of 3tb, inside that you will need to add a logical volume, that logical volume will be 3tb, then format just the logical volume15:51
mauriciono Athero Output15:52
ghostcubewhat is the output for lspci15:52
ghostcubepost all to www.pastie.org15:52
mauriciono output15:52
mauriciohere is15:53
ghostcubelspci isnt showing you anything ?15:53
mauricioyes , yes is output here15:53
mauricioim pasting the output for you15:53
mauriciois donde paste15:54
Rioting_pacifistmauricio: its case sensitive lspci -v | grep Atheros should work15:54
mauricio02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)15:56
=== reinhold is now known as reinhold_away
ForzaPalermoRioting_pacifist: would i use these commands to create the logical volume15:56
ForzaPalermo# vgdisplay testvg | grep "Total PE"15:56
ForzaPalermoTotal PE              1023015:56
ForzaPalermo# lvcreate -l 10230 testvg -n mylv15:56
ForzaPalermo        15:56
ForzaPalermoand make sure that i get my whole 2 drives?15:56
mauricioyou saw the atheros info rigth15:58
mauricio02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)15:59
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: yeah lvcreate -l100 -n<name for your partiton> <name of the volume group>16:00
Rioting_pacifistmauricio: yes thats you atheros card16:01
ForzaPalermoRioting_pacifist: ok so after i create that, i need to format that partion/volume before i can use it?16:02
Rioting_pacifistmauricio: stupid question, but is it the hardware switchedon (asin the light on the card is definatly on)?16:02
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: yes you then format the logical volume16:02
mauriciois on16:02
ForzaPalermook... now for storage whats the best format16:02
mauricioby bios setup is always on, and the ligth ison too16:02
yao_ziyuani mistakenly pressed ctrl+alt+f12, and i entered a black screen. then i pressed ctrl+alt+f7 to get back. has i done anything harmful or vulnerable?16:03
Rioting_pacifistyao_ziyuan: no16:03
bipolaryao_ziyuan: nope. thats exected.16:03
yao_ziyuanhas i opened up a new session?16:03
mauricioyou have som knowledge how to fix it16:03
bipolaryao_ziyuan: you've found teh virtual consoles... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_console_(PC)16:04
mauricioto ubuntu reconigze the card16:04
Rioting_pacifistmauricio: i dont no much about wireless setup, all i can suggest is having a look at the atheros drive page16:04
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:04
yao_ziyuanbipolar: actually i know them. but the problem is the new session is all black and i can't exit from it16:04
yao_ziyuanother than switch from it16:04
mauriciodoesnt to  much16:05
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: the process goes something like this install lvm2, partiton disks(fdsik), add physical volumes to a volume group,create logical volume in that volume group,format logical volume (mkfs.ext3), play16:05
bipolaryao_ziyuan: by defaut only 1-8 are running16:05
bipolaryao_ziyuan: there are no gettys runing on 9-1216:05
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: id recomend ext4 but each file system has pros/cons16:05
Rioting_pacifistis anybody on jaunty is it usable yet?16:07
ForzaPalermoRioting_pacifist: yeah i like ext4... now when i was playing around with mkfs... it seemed that it created a root filesystem16:07
ForzaPalermolike you would see int he OS16:07
ForzaPalermois that right16:07
White_PelicanI was on it till my last upgrade16:07
White_Pelicanthat broke it16:07
mauricio02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)16:07
Rioting_pacifistWhite_Pelican: so not sutable as a dropin system till i wait for 9.0416:08
mauriciowho can help me16:08
mauricioubuntu doesnt reconigze the module16:08
mauricioroot@mauricio-laptop:~# wifi-radar16:09
mauricioNo wifi-device found. Exiting.16:09
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: it will create a partition with nothing on it, which can be used for anything and mounted anywhere (/ , /home, /data, etc)16:09
ForzaPalermoRioting_pacifist: ok a few more questions if u dont mind.. i know im asking alot!16:10
Rioting_pacifistmauricio: try reloading the wireless modules sudo modprove -r ath_pci ; sudo modprobe ath_pci16:10
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: no problem im just waiting to see if anybody can help me with my segfaults16:10
ForzaPalermoRioting_pacifist: when formating the partion using mkfs.... what will be the location... will it be /dev/sda1 or whatever or will it be the naem of the logical volume by itself?16:11
mauriciocommand not found16:11
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: it will be the name of the logical volume by itself16:11
ForzaPalermoso if i call it storage,, then thats all i need?16:11
Rioting_pacifistmauricio:  stupid typos it should read "modprobe -r ath_pci ; modprobe ath_pci16:12
ForzaPalermo2nd question... do i have to MOUNT this voliume to see it>16:13
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: no youll need /dev/mapper/<volume group>-<logical volume> and you will need to have activated the volume group16:13
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo:  yes to interact with it you will have to mount it somewhere16:14
mauriciothw command pass16:14
mauricionothing happend16:15
mauricioill be back16:15
Rioting_pacifistmauricio: it should have reloaded the atheros module i dunno if it will help, all i can think is perhaps atheros needs some proprietary firmware so you need to run the hardware manager to set it up16:15
Rioting_pacifistbut as i said before i dont really know how the networking stuff works16:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cdbrun16:16
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:16
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:16
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:17
ghostcubemauricio: i have the fix16:17
ghostcubei did it last night on an samsung R71016:17
ghostcubeyou should highlit if you talk important things16:17
ForzaPalermonow i waws reading we have to active the volume group every time we boot the pc16:17
ForzaPalermocan we automate this ?16:17
Rioting_pacifistForzaPalermo: no you only need to activate the volume group once, you can automate the mounting though16:18
ghostcubemauricio: pls open terminal16:18
ForzaPalermook that i know :)16:19
ghostcubethere disable the atheros card support  mauricio16:19
ghostcubethen install this package and reboot sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid16:19
ghostcubecheck inside jockey that only the atheros 500x driver are enabled16:19
mauriciowhere  is that instruction16:19
ghostcubemauricio: german wiki16:20
=== kar is now known as palaiokwstas
palaiokwstasscrollbar fix for firefox doesn't work in kde4.2 for me. anyone with same problem? anyone solved it?16:22
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lovrehi all16:24
ghostcubemauricio: have u tried it ? is it clear what to do ?16:25
lovrei have my eth0 interface configured via wpa_supplicant and config file. Now i want to change that configuration to be static IP and to overwrite the settings from the file. How do i do this? is is enough to write the static ip into /etc/network/interfaces?16:26
mefisto__lovre: there's examples in  man interfaces16:28
ForzaPalermoRioting_pacifist: sorry i got booted...16:29
ForzaPalermoRioting_pacifist: now if i ever wipe the OS and install it over... will i ahve a proiblem reading from the lvm?16:29
Rioting_pacifistnot from linux aslong as you install lvm and activate the volume group, from windows i think its imposible16:30
ForzaPalermook great so in the future all i ahve to do is afctivate a voluime group even if i wipe the HD with the os completely?16:34
Rioting_pacifistyes, its tricky to mount from a livecd as by default a livecd doesnt load the correct modules, but it is doable (i think the command is modprobe loop ; modprobe lvm)16:35
ForzaPalermook well i think thats it.  i will give this another go tonight16:37
Rioting_pacifistno problem16:37
sven_hello all, I have a usb-lacie-harddisk, and one partition seems to be corrupt. I have opened the usbdrive,and put the harddisk in my computer directly. But now in kubuntu, it asks me a password to access the partitions, why????16:40
whut_Where does Kubuntu mount DVD by Default?16:41
Rioting_pacifistwhut_: run mount to see but i think its /media/dvd16:42
Rioting_pacifistsven_: what happens when you try and mount i manually16:42
sven_but it mounts automaticly, but when I click on it, it asks a password16:42
Rioting_pacifistits because it requires root privilages to mount then, you can edit fstab to avoid this16:43
mefisto__mine mounts at /media/cdrom016:43
sven_Rioting_pacifist: how?16:43
XPS_M1330if I install the kubuntu-desktop package from HardyHeron, will I get KDE 3.5 or KDE 4.2 ?16:44
Rioting_pacifistsven_: erm find the relevant line and add user to the option in /etc/fstab16:44
fosco__XPS_M1330, hardy = kde 3.516:44
XPS_M1330I would have thought KDE4 but when I look at the packages it sesms like it's KDE3<16:44
XPS_M1330What if I upgrade to intrepid first?16:44
sven_Rioting_pacifist: can you be more specific?16:44
Rioting_pacifistXPS_M1330: hardy has kde4 as an option ibex has kde4 as default with no kde316:45
XPS_M1330SHOULD I upgrade to intrepid?16:45
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or !QtParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter16:45
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:45
XPS_M1330I don't want to end up having to troubleshoot my computer during the whole spring break16:45
mefisto__XPS_M1330: don't upgrade then16:46
XPS_M1330mouahaha noted16:46
XPS_M1330but KDE4 is fine with hardyheron?16:46
mefisto__XPS_M1330: I'm not saying it's going to be difficult upgrading. just that there are no guarantees it will be trouble-free16:47
Rioting_pacifistsven_: read though https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab#options bascially you have to add a line like /dev/sdb1 /media/lacie <filesystem> defaults,user 0 016:49
mefisto__sven_: the line for your dvd drive will probably start with  /dev/scd016:51
XPS_M1330I read someone with the same system saying at first wome things (including wifi) weren't working initially, but eventually they got fixed in subsequent releases. Does that mean I have a pretty good chance that everything's gonna work? Besides, I have a dell supported  ubuntu laptop16:51
mefisto__XPS_M1330: try an intrepid livecd to see how well your hardware goes out of the box16:52
gothpawhat's the dd command to backup/copy an entire raw image of a 250GB partition (that has gone bad) for backup in case a restore doesn't work on the damaged hdd16:52
palaiokwstasGuys how do you see the idea for kde 4 to have another discreet notification method, like blinking the scroll lock light for a few seconds?16:52
gothpawhat's = what's16:52
XPS_M1330mefisto__:  good idea, thanks16:54
jbwivcan someone remind me how to start up another Xserver on port :1 and point it to kdm ?16:56
XPS_M1330the standard iso from http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download is a live CD?16:56
jbwivI remember the X :1 part....that works16:56
jbwivbut I need to get a kdm login screen on that X server16:56
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mefisto__gothpaw: I think it's just dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/path/to/backup/image    if the partition is /dev/sda116:59
palaiokwstasplease vote16:59
gothpawok, so I would just replace sda1 with sdd1 ?16:59
gothpawsdd1 being the drive in question17:00
mefisto__gothpaw: yes, and of= where you're saving the backup17:00
gothpawmefisto__: is 'image' to be the image name? do I need to give it anything specific for the image name?17:01
keldronahi guys, I have kubuntu 8.04, but I would like to use xfce interface. What do I have to download? Thank you17:01
mefisto__gothpaw: look at man dd for other options17:01
gothpawmefisto__: thanks much, greatly appreciated17:01
mefisto__gothpaw: no, choose any name you want17:01
mefisto__gothpaw: check out testdisk. I think that can do backups for you, as well as repair partitions. never used it myself though17:04
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gohmifunedoes anyone have problems with audio not playing when multiple sources are active?17:13
* gohmifune is away: Gone away for now17:14
* gohmifune is back.17:14
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phitooHello! I'm looking for a way to disable krunner. How can I stop it from running?17:18
macogohmifune: that's an ancient problem17:18
macoi supposed kmix is used in kubuntu...17:19
gohmifunethe kids in the kde room say its pulseaudio17:19
gothpawmefisto__: well I've been hearing some things about testdisk though, like how if it fixes a partition you loose all your data17:19
mefisto__phitoo: you could rename /usr/bin/krunner to krunner.disabled or something. that would probably do it.17:21
phitoomefisto__: I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.17:22
draik_I am on Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE4.2. I initially thought there was an audio problem, but it turned out to be an amarok issue with xine. How do I go about fixing the engine within amarok?17:22
Tm_Tdraik_: what Amarok version?17:23
draik_Tm_T: Just a sec17:23
draik_1.4.10 Tm_T17:24
Tm_Tdraik_: I see, what problem you have and how it is determined?17:24
yao_ziyuansuppose a program freezes the system,17:24
yao_ziyuanand launching ksysguard to kill it takes a long time17:24
yao_ziyuanso i press ctrl + alt + f117:25
yao_ziyuanto go to another terminal17:25
SlimeyPeteyao_ziyuan: ctrl-alt-x17:25
yao_ziyuanand what command can i use to kill that problematic program?17:25
SlimeyPetethat executes xkill, I think17:25
SlimeyPeteor from the console: "kill -9 <pid>"17:25
yao_ziyuanno result17:25
SlimeyPetefind the pid by using "ps -ef"17:25
Tm_Tyao_ziyuan: or you can use "killall <appname>"17:25
yao_ziyuanbut alt + ctrl + x doesn't take effect17:25
Tm_Tand many other methods17:26
draik_Tm_T: When I upgraded to KDE4.2, I wasn't getting audio to play with amarok. shadeslayer and I had the same issue after upgrading. Upon further review, however, it appeared that it wasn't an audio issue as I suddenly heard tones from kopete. I then noticed it only applied to amarok as minirok was working.17:26
draik_Tm_T: Nevermind. It started working now. Weird.17:26
pahanj #kubuntu-ru17:26
yao_ziyuankillall worked17:26
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mefisto__yao_ziyuan: you could also do ctrl-alt-esc and click the window you want to kill17:28
draik_I created an alias for killall... alias die='sudo killall'17:29
pahanрусский канал17:29
draik_!ru | pahan17:30
ubottupahan: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:30
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bipolarnow that 4.2 has hit intrepid backports, I'm having some trouble with mysqld-akonadi. Specificly, it fails to run on my workstations with nfs mounted home directorys.17:44
bipolarI can get akondai to start by using the system installed mysql server, but then I have to create the database and permissions by hand.17:45
bipolarhas anyone else seen this?17:45
dr_Willisive never even heard of that.. :)17:46
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dr_WillisHeh - I recall years ago - there being issues with nfs mountd homes.. but that was the last i ever even tried it. :)17:46
bipolarBeen using it for a couple of years now17:46
bipolarI wish I could pin down the issue.17:47
bipolarit might be because the root user on the workstaion does not have access to the nfs shares.17:47
rimvislaba :)17:54
sven_hello all, how do I mount ntfs in kubuntu via terminal?18:08
Dr_willis_AAOwith the ntfs-3g command18:08
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:08
zumbiDr_willis_AAO: are you the same Dr_Willis that was interested on GP2X device ?18:12
Dr_willis_AAOI am he.18:12
Dr_willis_AAOI am on my AcerAspireOne at the moment. :)18:13
Dr_willis_AAOdr_Willis,  - is the pc in the basement :)18:13
zumbiwhere you doing kernel stuff on GP2X?18:13
Dr_willis_AAOnot me.18:13
Dr_willis_AAOI just play games on it.18:13
Dr_willis_AAOactuyally ive not even had it out in ages...18:14
zumbioh! ok18:14
shurik2k5hi, where can i find ktorrent 3.2 deb for kubuntu 8.10?18:14
Dr_willis_AAOIt just sucks down the battery so fast. i cant stand it.18:14
zumbihehe, i have a plug to the wall18:14
Dr_willis_AAOi do also.. but its a 'handheld' :) hard to do that all  the time18:14
Dr_willis_AAOI normally used mine to watch videos.18:15
Dr_willis_AAObut now my phone can do that. :)18:15
zumbii bricked mine, i use it to waist time, brick it and debrick it18:15
zumbicurrently it is bricked18:15
Dr_willis_AAOcant say that i ever flashed the rom on mine.18:16
Dr_willis_AAOI think the AcerAspireOne Guys need to make a 'AAO handheld' :) that way ya got a full pc as a handheld.18:16
Dr_willis_AAOand itd be cheaper then the new GPXXXXXX-made by yet another company-whatever it is called this week.. gizmox18:17
zumbii got one of those too, now, i.MX51 netbooks are coming up18:17
* zumbi &18:18
Dr_willis_AAOyea - i maysave up and get a new netbook at xmas time. this one is just sooo handy18:19
Dr_willis_AAOI wish this one had a svideo out.18:19
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mauricioI have SAmsung NC10 mini notbook, my atheros wifi adapter is not reconigzed by ubuntu 8.1018:21
Dr_willis_AAOhmm.. My atheros works fine in ubuntu. It may  depend on exactlywhich chipset you have18:22
rajathello dougl18:22
Dr_willis_AAOthers also i think 2 different 'drivers' out for those chipsets18:22
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:23
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mauricio02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)18:23
mauriciothis i my chipset18:24
keldrona_hi guys, I have kubuntu 8.04, but I would like to use xfce interface. What do I have to download? Thank you18:24
mauricioubottu doesnt rigth info that file18:25
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels18:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:25
mauricioyou are<018:25
Dr_willis_AAOubottu,  is a bot.18:25
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.18:25
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!18:26
cuzntgood bot18:26
Dr_willis_AAOi got 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)18:26
Dr_willis_AAOit worked in ubuntu here - just fine18:27
mauriciocan you help  me18:27
cuznthow does one find these things with a terminal? OR is there a place that might show these commands.18:27
Dr_willis_AAOproberly not.. all idid to mine was click the confiogure network icon thing in the panel. and enter my info ssid/passwordkey18:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:27
Dr_willis_AAOcuznt,  what things? the bot factoids?18:27
cuzntsorry..... im dumb today....18:28
cuzntyou may have to make a new connection18:28
cuzntfor the ethernet.. i did, but only once.18:29
cuzntnope the !ask was dumb pardon18:29
Dr_willis_AAOim not in Kubuntu, or Ubuntu at all - right now.. so cant check/help/handhold :)18:29
cuzntno like finding out your pc's hardware18:30
carpiihow can i tell KDE's mime file associations that i want it to treat *.TPL files as if they were *.PHP files ?18:30
cuzntthere is a command to find out what yout ethernet adapter is18:30
carpiithe interface is incredibly unintuitive18:31
cuznttry right clicking carpii18:31
carpiion the TPL ?18:31
cuzntchoose properties18:31
cuzntthere should be a choice for progs to open files with prefs (if more than one assoc.)18:32
Dr_willis_AAOcuznt,  lspci18:32
carpiihm i think theres more to it cuznt. My tpl files are already set to open in KDevelop by default (and properties lists PHP script)18:33
carpiibut in kdevelop, some TPL files just open as text, and the KDevelop guys told me that thats because KDE is inferring its a text file18:33
cuzntthere is an icon that should let you find other programs to open it with18:33
carpiiplain text, rather than TPL text18:33
cuznti had to do that with my furthurnet browser18:34
cuzntits java based18:34
cuzntand i wanted it to auto start18:34
carpiiits already associated18:35
carpiidouble clicking any tpl will open in kdevelop18:35
carpiibut some open as text (no syntax highlighting) and some open with syntax highlighting18:35
carpiiand the icons for these differ in dolphin too, even though theyre all TPL files18:35
carpiii was told its not just based on extension, but KDE has a quick look at the file to see what type it is18:36
shamananyone know how to get koffice-kde4 installed in Intrepid18:36
carpiiand for some reason KDE is thinking this small bunch of TPL files are just plan text18:36
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Shaman666error: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions/object-order-back.png', which is also in package kde-icons-oxygen18:36
cuzntwhen you choose properties there is an icon on the right that looks like a wrench18:37
Shaman666more fool me for using koffice to write business documents, I guess18:37
cuzntthen you can add an application18:37
cuzntand choose which one it is supposed to open with first18:37
cuzntit thought my java was script and opened it with kate18:38
cuzntand that is a .jar18:38
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Shaman666anyone know how to force apt to let me install koffice?18:39
gorgonizerShaman666: you can use dpkg to force the overwrite of that file..18:39
gorgonizerShaman666: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite [path-to-package]package-name18:40
Shaman666dpkg --force-overwrite -i  <------ worked18:40
yaa_ti cho tak bazarish18:42
ncfi1013can anybody tell me of the simplest way possible to install a graphics driver for an nvidia geforce 6100 gpi graphics card that doesn't screw anything up like having to go into recovery mode to stop using the driver and getting a b.s.o.d.?18:52
BluesKajncfi1013, look in adept search by typing your card model there , a recomended driver will be listed with your card in properties18:54
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ncfi1013blueskaj will cause me any problems like the ones i listed or any other problems i didnt think about?18:55
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BluesKajncfi1013, did you find the nvidia graphics driver like the version 177 for example , if you click on properties of that driver you'll se a list of supported nvidia cards18:58
BluesKajncfi1013 , i see the 177 version driver supports the  GeForce 6100...install that driver and relogin , then you'll have the option of installing it without any probs19:00
BluesKajinstalling = choosing as default after relogin19:01
lucypherHi, how do I print odd/even pages of a document? I'm used to print front-rear pages this way.19:01
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duronI'm French and i want change langage, how I do ?19:10
ncfi1013i already tried to install the 177 and the problems that i listed happened blueskaj so why did i have problems installing it if it is supported?19:10
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mauricioI fixed19:12
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mauricio02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)19:14
JampiterIs there a way to change the blue colour of the 'taskbar' in 4.2 without changing the Plasma theme? It doesn't go with any wallpaper other than the default one.19:14
mauricioworks in ubuntu19:14
JampiterOk, nevermind.19:15
mauriciohere the sol19:16
mauricioNC10 Samsung19:16
mauricioDownload and install madwifi driver19:16
mauriciothats all19:16
mauricioI have a HSPA module19:17
mauricioI have HSPA module how can set it up to connect to Internert19:18
ncfi1013can anybody tell me why i cant get the themes to work in amarok? does it have anything to do with not having a driver installed?19:18
olskolirccan someone look at my pastebin and tell me why I can't play .avi files please?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/123477/19:20
fosco__olskolirc, try dissabling all plugins in totem, it seems some plugin is failing19:20
olskolircthanks fosco19:21
olskolircthanks fosco_19:23
mauricioI have HSPA module how can set it up to connect to Internert?19:23
peachesanyonone knows how to fix the error "Warning: unsupported audio format" trying to record from mic with arecord -f cd -t raw | lame -x - record.mp319:24
ncfi1013can anybody tell me why i cant get my ipod to connect in amarok when my new device manager sees it and mounts it with no problem?19:26
ncfi1013can anybody tell me why i cant get the themes to work in amarok? does it have anything to do with not having a driver installed?19:26
ncfi1013can anybody what it means when amarok asks for the pre-connect and post-disconnect commands for connecting an ipod? if anybody knows what it means can they tell me what they are?19:29
JampiterHow do I adjust the cursor speed in 4.2?19:36
HappySmileManMove your hand faster19:37
HappySmileManOr slower19:37
HappySmileMan(Alternately go to System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Mouse -> Advanced19:38
HappySmileManAnd change Pointer acceleration19:38
JampiterThanks :)19:39
olskolircfosco_, can you help me with this pastebin please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/123495/19:41
fosco__it seems that avi is broken19:47
olskolircok thanks fosco_19:48
bipolarI'm trying to debug a problem with the akonadi mysql server on my workstations with NFS home dir's. I've pastebin'd the error at http://pastebin.com/m8dc719b19:49
bipolarMy first troubleshooting direction is to try to find out if any of the database creation code somehow runs as root19:50
bipolarsince my home directories are root_squash'ed19:50
bipolarcan anyone help me debug this?19:50
goofeybipolar: not sure that #kubuntu is the best place for mysql and NFS questions....19:53
sorsetwhere can i find libtool 1.5 package ?19:54
bipolargoofey: this is about the 4.2 packages released in intrepid-backports19:54
bipolarThere must be a configuration script that creates the inital akonadi database when first run. For some reason it's not creating what it needs to, and I can't find any debuging output whatsoever from that process.19:56
bipolarthe only thing I have is the output of the mysqld-akonadi process that fails to start19:57
goofeybipolar: still doesn't sound #kubuntu related to me, but that's just me - just trying to make sure you get the best help possible19:57
bipolargoofey: they are kubuntu packages, this is the only channel to get help with them.19:57
palaiokwstaserror 28: selected item cannot fit in memory19:58
palaiokwstasi cannot get into win xp19:58
goofeybipolar: first of all, mysql packages are generic to *buntu, not specific to kubuntu19:58
palaiokwstaswhat can i do?19:58
lovrei have accidentally deleted some content from my USB memory. Is there some kind of recovery tool i can use to try to recover this data? I havent written anything on the memory since.19:59
jamesjedimasterbipolar: perhaps you can try on #mysql channel19:59
david__Hi folks... quick question:  Is there any repo I can add to Intrepid to get PostgreSQL 8.2?  (8.3 is the only one available by default, and that won't work for a specific application I need to install... sigh)19:59
bipolargoofey, jamesjedimaster: I'm talking about mysqld-akonadi. that is kubuntu specific, unless gnome started using akonadi....19:59
bipolarit's a seperate binary then the standard mysql package.20:00
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palaiokwstasanyone for the grub error?20:01
venikHow do I change the icon of a file that is on the desktop in Kubuntu 8.10 KDE 4.2?20:02
david__Gak.. sorry, got to run... I'll ask later ;-)20:03
compilerwriterWhen I look at my desktop viewer I seem to have an invisible terminal window that won't come up to the desktop to be terminated.  How can I raise this thing to fix it?20:03
compilerwriterShould I just remove the viewer from my panel and then put it back?  Is this probably a phantom window in the viewer widget?20:05
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venikany news on changing an icon of a file on the desktop in Kubuntu 8.10?20:10
lovrehow do i check kernel version20:11
PymerOnehiya all20:11
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PymerOnerun for cover everyone...i am a complete noob ;)20:12
PymerOneand for being a noob, i have maaaaany questions20:13
PymerOnehas anyone any ideaś about vrml?20:13
PymerOnehi guest ;)20:14
PymerOneoh my....ppl at my door....have to go cya ;)20:15
MooqballHow do I manually configure internets in kubuntu?20:16
carpiinano /etc/network/interfaces20:16
carpii/etc/init/d/network restart20:16
carpii/etc/init.d/network restart20:16
Mooqballi cant get kubuntu to go on the net even directly plugged in to the modem20:16
Mooqballfresh install20:16
Mooqballbefore i was using ubuntu20:16
carpiiis the modem connected?20:16
Mooqballyeah, im dual booting because im noob like that20:17
carpiiwhat are you using now?20:17
Mooqballvista ultimate20:17
carpiicould be anything, hard to say since youre not in kubuntu20:18
Mooqballcouldnt get on the internet20:18
carpiicheck dhcp hasnt failed and youve been given a diff ip20:18
Mooqballubuntu works out of the box with my internet20:18
unkohmm not that many people using kubuntu huh20:18
unkocompareed to ubuntu's 1.5k of users20:18
Mooqballlike thing cranks and it gives me the option to configure wan0 or eth020:19
carpiilots of kde people just use #ubuntu20:19
jalsquestion, i currently eject my ipod by typing sudo eject /dev/sdb1 or whatever20:19
Mooqballunko: my university uses kubuntu in its "Linux Labs" =P20:19
jalshow do i make it so i don't have to do "sudo"20:19
jalsi've read that i can add myself to a group or something?20:19
Cranky_old_goathi ...anyone that can tell me how to get knetworkmanager working?   i have no problems connecting with gnome, but kde4 is no-go20:19
bipolarlovre: the easy way to check kernel version is to open up konsole and run 'uname -a'20:19
unkook guys...i might switch to kubuntu from ubuntu... kubuntu updates the stuff more than ubuntu so i thinking about it...and i love amarok wich i can't get in ubuntu cuz i don't feel like compiling it20:20
Mooqballi guess im too lame for kde since gnome has more support20:20
Mooqballfor noobs20:20
Mooqballi should go cry and run back to ubuntu20:20
bipolarlovre: 'uname -r' will give you JUST the kernel version without the other stuff20:20
unkoi don't know what to do20:20
lovrebipolar: thank you20:20
carpiimooqball, its hard to help when someone just says 'it doesnt work'20:21
MooqballOkay, I appreciate you trying to help me I'll be descriptive as possible. I right mouse click the grey globe thing. I set up new wireless connection (wan0 it says). I click on my home wireless network. I type in my key. I click next. It cranks for 2 min and then stops. So then I plugged directly into my modem20:22
Mooqballand it recognizes that its an ethernet cable and starts to crank. status: IP Configuration. Then it stops, and returns to grey globe.20:22
valgaavdo you have dhcp ?20:23
valgaavor manual IP ?20:23
MooqballI have the thing where every computer has the same IP and the router assigns a random IP to every computer20:24
carpiiyou mean you use dhcp20:24
Mooqballlocally from my understanding. I am not sure what DHCP is.20:24
valgaavdhcp then20:24
carpiithey dont all have the same ip, but nevermind :D20:24
carpiidid you try restarting network after plugging the ethernet cable in?20:24
=== martinez is now known as Ramix
Mooqballwell you know what i mean, the local ip20:25
carpiiyeah, i do20:25
valgaavif your wireless is hidden20:25
carpiiand what version of kde is this20:25
valgaav(no ssid broadcast)20:25
valgaavthen that may be the problem20:25
Mooqballthe one that comes with 8.10 fresh install. 1.x something20:25
carpii4.1 i guess20:25
Mooqballthe router broadcasts the ssid20:25
=== Ramix is now known as Ramix_
carpiireboot into kubuntu with the cable attached, then run ifconfig and make a note of the ip and gateway settings20:26
valgaav4.2 has the knetworkmanger20:26
carpiithen see if you can access your routers web interface20:26
Mooqballi know the ip and gateway of my isp20:27
carpii this is different20:27
=== Ramix_ is now known as _Ramix_
carpiiif dhcp isnt giving your machine a good ip, you wont be able to connect to anything, even if your router is online20:27
carpiiyou should probably thin about upgrading to kde 4.2, too20:28
=== _Ramix_ is now known as Ramix_juy
carpii3.5 is great, 4.2 is ok, but 4.1 is pretty bad20:28
valgaavI second that20:28
Mooqballi will when i get on the internets20:28
Mooqballok so boot back into kubuntu and run ifconfig20:28
valgaavthe plasmoid for networks in jaunty is a lot better20:28
valgaavand jaunty is already quite stable20:29
valgaavmaybe download daily build of jaunty ?20:29
valgaavtry on livecd if you will have more luck with yuor connection20:29
valgaavdo you want a link for jaunty daily builds ?20:30
Mooqballif i download jaunty alpha or whatever how do i install it over the kubuntu partition or is that not possible20:30
Mooqballbecause i do the ubuntu over windows thing and it uses grub20:30
Mooqballsure ill dl jaunty20:31
valgaavI would suggest formating that partition and installing it there20:31
=== xiq is now known as xiqxiq
xiqxiqhello i have a BIG problem with kubuntu20:31
Mooqballusing the installer or some other method?20:31
valgaavyes the installer20:31
MooqballWe'll give that a go!20:31
valgaavthe manual method in it afaik20:31
olskolircfosco_, can you help me with this pastebin please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/123495/20:31
olskolircoops sorry fosco__20:32
xiqxiqmy computer was formatted, and the only disc i had was kubuntu feisty... how can i upgrade it now?20:32
xiqxiq(sudo apt-get update doesnt work, it says feisty files not found)20:33
Mooqballvalgaav: where can I get the latest jaunty build?20:35
xiqxiqhello anyone?20:35
valgaavhere : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/20:36
valgaavit's best that you play with it a bit from a livecd mode20:36
valgaavand decide if you like it20:37
Mooqballi should prob stay away from 64 bit for now right20:37
valgaavit also has ext4 support20:37
valgaavwell I'm using 64 bit20:37
Mooqballyeah but you are smarter than i20:37
valgaavand I'm happy with it20:37
valgaavI guess flash and jave is still a bit problem with 64 bits20:38
Mooqballill go for 32 for no20:38
valgaavand ext4 is nice but I guess you shouldn't play with just yet too :P20:38
Mooqballthanks for your help20:39
Mooqballwhat's the release date on 9.0420:40
valgaavapril afaik20:40
valgaav9.04 = 2009 . 04 :)20:41
Mooqballi see20:41
=== martinez is now known as Ramix_juy
Enayemj'aurais une question ^^20:56
Enayemje suis developpeur, dans une société de service, je vais être en inter contract bientôt (pas cool) et je voulais en profiter pour contribuer à un projet open source (cool ^^)20:57
Enayemcomment faire pour commencer ?20:57
Enayemou trouver les projet français20:58
Enayemcomment contacter des team de developpement20:58
david__Does anyone know a repository I could add on Intrepid to get PostgreSQL 8.2?  (PostgreSQL 8.3 seems to be the only one available by default; I need 8.2 for a particular application)21:00
EnayemSorry i think is a french chan !21:02
valgaavthought :P21:02
gmiernickiit is?21:02
Enayemthat the cause what i search a franch project :D :D21:03
tripolibonsoir a tous !21:07
david__Is PostgreSQL 8.2 even available for Intrepid?  Might have to build from source.... sigh.21:08
tripoliest ce que qqun parle francais ?21:10
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:10
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=== saer is now known as nahoo
slerderHey guys. Anyone know of a little linux app for ubuntu that lets me see the transfered speed of a certain nic like eth1?Thanks21:17
carpiiwell theres superkaramba, might be a bit overkill though21:19
bipolarok... the problem with mysql-akonadi and nfs moutned home directorys is all about apparmor :(21:21
bipolarbut I'm not sure how to fix it21:22
bipolar /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld-akonadi has @{HOME}/.local/share/akonadi/ listed, but something about /home being nfs mounted is making it fail.21:23
bipolaranyone have any ideas?21:23
SuspectZerohey there. i just ran apache2ctl and it gives me a page that says "it works" on i changed the default file to say something custom but when i go to it still gives the "it works" method21:23
bipolarSuspectZero: Web Browser Cache21:28
staggaaudacity with logitech usb dosen't work21:29
staggacan someone please help21:31
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=== tellme is now known as tellmehowplease
jarcoI became uncle today for the second time21:33
tellmehowpleasehow to get the usb mic to work in audacity21:35
tellmehowpleaseto get the usb mic to work in audacity21:37
tellmehowpleasecan anyone tell me how to get a logitech mike to work in audacity21:38
carpiitry http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=651894621:39
drahmailsalemo 3alaycom21:40
senorpedrowhy cant i play the streams from somafm.com in amarok?21:41
senorpedroi always get like 'not supported multiplexer format' or somthing like that21:42
senorpedrobut i have mp2  installed etc21:42
senorpedroffmpeg blabla21:42
senorpedroi can watch avi, divx, mp321:42
senorpedrowhy not the radio stream?21:42
senorpedroin windows it works21:42
senorpedroeven in macosx21:42
senorpedroor freebsd21:43
senorpedrodos 6.221:43
drahmailplease i can't see the animation desktop in may system "ubuntu"21:43
carpiisenor, can you just type on one line plz21:44
senorpedrook sorry21:45
senorpedrowont happen again21:45
senorpedroplease   help21:45
senorpedrocarpii: can you listen to somafm radio stations in amarok?21:45
carpiiim looking21:46
carpiiit seems to use some aacPlus stream format21:46
carpiiyoud need to find a codec for that21:46
senorpedrook thx buddy21:47
carpiiold thread, but maybe his solution at bottom works21:47
tellmehowpleasehowto add killall pulseadudio to your sessions21:47
gmiernickianyone recommend kde4.2 on intrepid? or would it be best to wait for jaunty?21:47
Mooqgmiernicki: prob best to wait for jaunty21:49
Mooqbut im no expert =P21:49
gmiernickiim tempted to do it, cuz theres a few things in 4.1 that irk me pretty bad21:50
gmiernickibut i also need a stable box21:50
drahmaili cannot install the skype in ubuntu8.10?21:51
Mooqi just finished downloading the latest alpha build21:51
athlon1Hallo. Can any tell me a plugin for watching http requests (get, post) for firefox. What I want is that before sending a form it shows me the header. Thanks21:52
HappySmileManathlon1: LiveHTTPheaders21:52
HappySmileManI think it's called21:52
athlon1I'm going to try...21:53
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athlon1HappySmileMan: But it doesn't display headers... It's a very small window on the left and I can't watch its content.22:01
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:01
HappySmileManathlon1: I thought you could bring up a dialog box which shows more, but I haven't used it in a while, maybe I'm thinking of something else22:01
athlon1It opens a window, but I use spanish firefox an may have some bug because it seem to work, but can see the text...22:02
valgaav@gmiernicki kde 4.2 in jaunty seems more stable then the one in intrepid22:04
valgaavjust my impresion though22:04
valgaavI'm rruning jaunty at the moment22:04
gmiernickiguess i can hold off for another 60 days then22:04
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valgaavwell it's already in a feature freeze22:05
valgaavand from my point of view it is stable ... though I'm running it for just one week time22:06
ActionParsnipi tried jaunty recently, didny fly too wel22:08
ErtheHey folks.22:08
ErtheI'm a little new (or my knowledge is gone from a time I knew) with .deb, wondering how I determine which files are owned by a package I have installed?22:09
ErtheEquivalent of rpm -ql <package>22:09
ActionParsnipErthe: use apt-file22:10
ErtheThanks  :)22:12
noren_!hi | chrischi22:12
ubottuchrischi: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!22:12
ActionParsnipErthe: apt-file search <some file name>22:13
ErtheOh, it's the reverse action I'm interested in22:13
ErtheLike: dpkg -someoption <packagename>22:14
ErtheI installed a package with adept and I can't find the executable for it.22:14
vbeltraoWhat happened to kubuntu 8.04? it stopped finding the updates like 2 ago22:14
chrischisorry im a noob with konversation... does anybody know how to get on quakenet? there are no preset servers... :(22:14
ActionParsnipErthe: apt-cache search <something>22:14
ActionParsnipErthe: apt-get -reinstall install <whatever>22:15
vbeltrao2 days ago, the list was full of updates.. right no? it's says that it's to most current version but IT'S NOT!.. I left many updates behind and I nedd 'em now22:15
vbeltraoright now22:15
ErtheActionParsnip: Found it, thanks.  :)22:16
ActionParsnipvbeltrao: then contact the repo managers22:19
ActionParsnipErthe: sweet22:20
ErtheJust want to put it out there that Kubuntu was a godsend22:21
ErtheSuSE's support for KDE has gone down the drain22:21
ActionParsnipErthe: install a different DE on SuSE22:21
ErtheKDE under Kubuntu is almost entirely stable22:21
ErtheWell, I've installed Kubuntu, won't be using openSUSE anymore22:22
ActionParsnipErthe: i use kde but not kwin22:22
ErtheKWin has been pretty good to me so far22:22
ErtheOnly bugs I've had are with Konqueror to be honest22:22
ErtheIt consistently believes my cache is enabled.22:23
ActionParsnipi dislike it, i find it slow. i use fluxbox22:23
ErtheMy hardware is pretty pimp22:23
ErtheThis is a gaming PC22:23
ActionParsnipmine is mid range, i just liek speed22:23
ErtheWell, with my hardware, this is fast.22:23
ActionParsnipmy system is primed for speed22:23
ErtheI'm not sure if I could speed this up at all  :)22:24
ActionParsnipno animations no loading things bobbing up and down22:24
ActionParsnipoh i bet you can22:24
ErtheResizing windows with wobbly windows on is a bit odd, but other than that, everything else is highly responsive, quick, crisp and clean.22:25
macoActionParsnip: i sit there saying "boun-cy! boun-cy! boun-cy!" in my head when i see the loading things22:25
ErtheWaiting to use KDE4 with all the bells and whistles enabled was worth the time spent waiting  :)22:25
ActionParsnipif you disable all window animations it'll be faster22:25
ErtheBut it's .. fast now..22:25
ActionParsnipmaco: i turned those off, waste of time22:25
ActionParsnipErthe: if you run a local dns server your web access will speed up a little22:26
ActionParsnipErthe: you can compile apps to remove unnecessary features22:26
ErtheHonestly, I'm happy with the way this is functioning  :)22:26
ErtheAlthough I'm still not sure I like Dolphin over Konqueror22:27
ActionParsnipthen uninstall dolphin and install konqueror22:27
ErtheThey're both installed.22:27
ErtheI'm just expressing an opinion on KDE422:28
ErtheI've been using KDE since 0.9x days22:28
ErtheKonqueror was really really useful to me in KDE322:28
ErtheNot sure if I could use Dolphin over it22:28
gmiernickidolphin has issues22:28
ActionParsnipErthe: uninstall what you dont need22:28
gmiernickibut it feels ok after using it for a while22:28
ActionParsnipuse cli for file management :)22:29
ErtheDolphin is kind of featureless22:29
carpiiyeah the options screen is like barren22:29
gmiernickithe thing i hate is that it freezes for 5-30 seconds sometime on copy/move operations22:29
carpiii use dolphin on kde 3.5, i just had to get used to it22:29
ErtheActionParsnip: When I'm working, my Konqueror window has 5 panes, one for each of the source modules I'm working on22:29
ErtheIt's DnD to Kate that I use a GUI FM for22:30
drostieEvery time I set up Kubuntu, I have to reconfigure Dolphin. --_--;;22:31
ErtheTook me a while to get it to appear the way I wanted22:31
ErtheOnce they flesh out the app it'll be great22:32
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draik_I have nepomukserver running at 100%.22:35
draik_I can't kill it either22:35
draik_What gives?22:35
draik_It is fluxing between 99 to 100% right now. :(22:36
draik_BTW, is it needed?22:36
ActionParsnipdraik_: sudo kill -9 <pid>22:36
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draik_ActionParsnip: Is it needed?22:37
ActionParsnipdraik_: let me websearch22:38
draik_I'm only seeing that it is a "Social Semantic Desktop"22:38
ActionParsnipdraik_: http://dev.nepomuk.semanticdesktop.org/download/22:39
draik_ActionParsnip: I don't need a download. It's running on my computer at 100%22:40
draik_Well, not anymore.22:40
draik_I'm just wondering if it is necessary.22:40
drostieErthe: Kate is ok, but it has a rendering bug that annoys me.22:40
UnixOneCan somebody send me the sources.list for kde4.2?? I will install ubuntu -server-txt-mode 8.10 to install a custom kde4.2 installation.22:40
drostieUnixOne: kde 4.2 doesn't have a sources.list, as it is a desktop environment, not a Linux distribution.22:42
drostieDid you mean the default Kubuntu sources.list?22:42
draik_I'm just curious, but what happened with source-o-matic that it isn't advised for use?22:42
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ActionParsnipdraik_: i'm just showing you what it is22:43
ActionParsnipdraik_: kill it off and see what difference the system has, you can always reboot22:44
blahjakeUnixOne: you need this line added: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main22:44
blahjakeUnixOne: assuming you're on intrepid22:44
drostieah, if UnixOne wanted the repository for kde 4.2, that would explain something ^_^;;22:45
draik_ActionParsnip: It stops my computer from freezing22:46
draik_I don't have a net connection though22:46
blahjakedrostie: yep as kde 4.2 is not in the default sources.list on intrepid22:46
lovreis there a way i can run my python scripts directly from Kate (eg by pressing F5 or something?)22:46
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ActionParsnipdraik_: thats all i can suggest22:47
Erthelovre: You can execute it with the terminal in Kate easily enough22:48
draik_How can I restart the eth0 connection? It just seems to die there22:48
ActionParsnipdraik_: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart22:49
lovreErthe: i just see "Pipe to terminal" but that sends the text to terminal, which cant work since its not bsh but python22:49
UnixOnedrostie: I wanted to repository for kde4.222:49
Erthelovre: You can sync the terminal location with the directory the file is in.22:50
Erthelovre: So you can hit the up arrow key, enter22:50
UnixOnedrostie: because I just wanted to install an up2date intrepid + kubuntu including some of my favorite apps in one wash.22:50
ErtheOtherwise you'd have to build a plugin.22:50
ActionParsnipUnixOne: KDE 4.2 out http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.222:50
ErtheKate is, after all, only a text editor22:50
UnixOneActionParsnip: I know that.. I wouldn't ask for kde4.2alpha ;)22:50
ActionParsnipKDE advanced text editor == kate22:50
drostielovre: at the bottom of the Kate screen, look for a button labeled "terminal."22:51
lovreErthe: yea, i know, but when i saw it has plugins abillity, i thought someone maybe made something like this22:51
Erthelovre: Enable the External Tools plugin22:51
ActionParsnipUnixOne: i dont know of anything else, you could ask in #kde22:51
UnixOneActionParsnip: they send me over her22:51
Erthelovre: You'll have to setup the script to execute files in the way you want, but that should work out well for you22:51
drostielovre: if it's not there, try Tools > Focus Terminal, should be underneath the "pipe to terminal" option or so.22:52
ActionParsnipUnixOne: lame22:52
drostieJust save your python script and then run it from the built-in terminal.22:52
Erthelovre: I agree, it's faster just to execute it by hand22:53
lovredrostie: yes, i see it. thank you22:53
lovreErthe: imma look into external tools plugin, thank you22:54
UnixOneActionParsnip: what?22:54
ActionParsnipUnixOne: how the kde lot shot you here22:54
UnixOneah indeed22:54
ActionParsnipUnixOne: all i can suggest is the ppa repo, its prety decent22:54
Erthelovre: You can configure the script to bind to a hotkey too.22:55
Erthelovre: Kate should give you enough variables to play with to do what you want though22:55
UnixOneyes, that's true. but I wanted something official if possible. I won't have anything in the sources.list when I run ubuntu-server that's why I'm kindly asking you here. The ppa is nice, but the official kde4.2 *.list would be sufficient22:56
draik_Where are screensavers stored?22:56
UnixOneand this sould be something #kde could answer.. but didn't22:57
lovreErthe: ok, thank you for your time :)22:57
Erthelovre: np  :)22:57
martynhHi all - anyone know if kdevelop4 beta1 has been removed from the intrepid ppa?22:58
lovrejust a quick question, why doesnt my kate upgrade automatically, its on version 3.2.0, i think there is a bigger version....22:58
ErtheCurrent version is 3.2.022:59
drostiedraik_: in your mind. ^_^;;22:59
martynhI have installed it on my jaunty machine, but apt-get (or adept) don't seem to find kdevelop-kde4 after adding the PPA and (and keys)22:59
drostiedraik_: but seriously, /usr/share/applications/screensavers/ or /usr/share/kde4/services/ScreenSavers/ or /usr/lib/xscreensaver or so.23:00
lovreErthe: then i turned out dumb :D hehe23:02
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Luijaoh my god guys23:02
Luijai need help23:03
Luijai am really tired of the problem of ubuntuwith the wifi23:03
Luijai already do the:23:03
Luijablacklist ath_hal23:03
Luijablacklist ath_pci23:03
ErtheTime for food, bbl.23:03
Luijathing, but at the 3 days, i am not able to use wifi again23:03
Luijasomeone can help me? i am really pissed off23:04
Luija(i am talking from wired)23:04
drostieLuija: you're saying that wifi was working, then it stopped working? Or it never started working to begin with, and this is the third day you're working on the problem?23:04
Luijait worked23:05
Luijait stopped23:05
drostieOkay. What changed between wifi_working and wifi_not_working?23:05
Luijaand there is not a button in my laptop that makes wifi stop working23:05
Luijathan it is not able to use the wifi23:05
Luijaits unable to connect23:05
drostieNo, I mean, what did you do with your computer that stopped wifi from working? What were you doing at around the type that you lost your wireless signal?23:06
Luijai just turn off the latop23:06
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Luija3 days after it worked23:06
Luijait stopped23:06
Luijaand router is perfect23:07
cuzntwas there an update inbetween?23:07
jussi01did you accidentally switch the hardware wireless switch?23:07
drostieheh. What version of KDE are you running, and how is your wireless network managed? KNetworkManager, or what?23:08
drostie!hi | MachinTrucChose23:13
ubottuMachinTrucChose: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!23:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Zombies23:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Velociraptors23:13
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MachinTrucChosehow can I make it so that Kubuntu runs two commands ("hamachi start" and "hamachi login") as a "system" service, so that whenever the computer boots up, it does that. (But NOT everytime a user logs in, justr in case that messes up hamachi)23:14
luis__i have a little problem23:15
luis__when i click the turn off the laptop, most of the time, the OS log out, and it turns into a black screen than I manually most turn off, something than is damaging my laptop, can someone help me to solve this?23:16
drostieMachinTrucChose: possibly with the entries in /etc/init.d or so.23:16
luis__click the turn off the laptop button*23:16
DaSkreechluis__: Did you install any services?23:17
MachinTrucChosedrostie: thanks, I'll look into that23:18
DaSkreechLuija: Does it have a kill switch?23:18
luis__i am not "Luija"23:19
luis__nop, than i remember nop23:19
luis__maybe firefox...23:19
drostieluis__: he knows. There is another person named Luija who was also asking questions, earlier.23:19
luis__oh, srry DaSkreech :)23:19
luis__but than i remember no23:20
luis__appart from the black screen23:20
DaSkreechluis__: What happens right before the black screen ?23:20
luis__the OS log off23:20
luis__than goes to black screen23:20
luis__also, the music than u can hear when u log in, is not working, BUT, when u log off, i can hear it23:21
* DaSkreech blinks23:22
DaSkreechSo you play music and can't hear it in the desktop23:22
DaSkreechbut when you logout it starts playing?23:22
luis__the music23:22
luis__when u log off23:22
luis__u can hear a music23:22
luis__the music from welcome to kubuntu23:22
luis__u know what i am talking about?23:23
luis__when i log in23:23
luis__it sounds cut, and it stops23:23
luis__but when u log off23:23
luis__u can completely hear it23:23
drostieUgh, that was weird. I jumped to a TTY and got logged out of my KDE session. --_--;;23:23
DaSkreechYeah I know of that but that used to happen on KDE3 cause of a kubuntu bug23:24
DaSkreechDon't know of it happeneing since KDE423:24
DaSkreechThat's a minor problem though23:24
luis__so... u dont know a solution so i can hear the welcome music when i log in?23:24
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DaSkreechYour computer won't shut down ?23:24
marcreichelthi there23:24
luis__nop, it wont shut down23:24
luis__it goes to black screen23:24
luis__and it remains doing nothing23:25
luis__i have to manually shut it down, thing than i dont like too much23:25
DaSkreechluis__: try pressing Ctrl+C when it's on the black screen23:26
DaSkreechI think something is trying to shutdown and is hung23:26
luis__but the use of the shut down button is than it shut downs automatically -__-23:26
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luis__let me try and i tell u23:26
marcreicheltI am using cryptsetup with LUKS to encrypt external USB disks. Where can I define under which path the disks are mounted? Right now I am using /etc/fstab, but I think there must be something like udev doing this...23:26
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ActionParsnipluis__: does sudo shutdown -h now    work?23:28
drostiemarcreichelt: udev isn't respecting the mount points listed in /etc/fstab?23:28
fleoil y a tu quelqu'un qui parle français ici????23:28
marcreicheltdrostie: it seems so23:29
drostie!fr | fleo23:29
ubottufleo: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:29
fleook merci23:29
marcreicheltdrostie: if I plug in an encrypted disk, a Qt dialog pops up and asks me for the password23:30
marcreicheltthat is working well23:30
marcreicheltbut after that, another dialog of KDE pops up - when I perform it to mount the partition it fails23:31
marcreicheltconfusingly, a "mount /mnt/mymountpoint" on the console works well23:31
marcreicheltas by now, I am always opening a console to do the mount23:31
marcreicheltdo you know if there is a solution to say udev which mount point it should use?23:32
ActionParsnipmarcreichelt: you can nadd an entry to /etc/fstab23:34
marcreicheltActionParsnip: that is what I did23:34
marcreicheltas I told before ;)23:34
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:34
luis__the thing i see23:34
luis__is than sometimes23:34
luis__it turns into balck screen23:34
luis__and others it turn oof23:34
DaSkreechYeah I've actually had that happen to me last night23:35
luis__50% than it turns off 50% black screen lol23:35
marcreicheltluis__: do you use a thinkpad?23:35
marcreicheltah, you mean the shutdown process23:36
marcreicheltsorry, I've got a different problem with my ThinkPad ;)23:36
marcreicheltsometimes the screen turns black if the lid is closed23:37
marcreicheltugly bug23:37
austinit's a miracle i installed the alpha ver of jaunty23:37
marcreicheltoh, I meant the screen stays black if the lid is opened ;)23:37
austinjaunty looks great23:37
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DaSkreechMooqball: cool23:39
Mooqball64 bit ver23:40
DaSkreechluis__: If the ctrl+c works then you ahve service that is ignoring shutdown calls or trying to do something that never stops. That can beasil fixed23:40
drostieI just tried to do a bit of testing between udev and a usb flash drive, and now the taskbar and "Devices recently plugged in" window have become unresponsive. :-(23:40
studentEvening all23:42
Mooqballwow 64 bit rocks23:42
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dash84whats so great about 64 bit23:42
Mooqballdunno looks nice23:42
Mooqballon my new laptop23:43
dash84what are you using?23:43
Mooqballjaunty 64 vit23:43
Mooqballjaunty 64 built alpha ver23:43
draik_I installed kcometen4 on my desktop and it is not showing up on the list. Where is the .kss file intended to go?23:43
drostiejaunty 32-bit looks just as nice, probably. :-P23:43
Mooqballyeah it's the kde ver23:43
Mooqballbut still23:43
dash84what is jaunty23:43
Mooqballnext ver of ubuntu23:43
Mooqballjaunty jackalope23:43
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.23:43
dash84you got a 64bit laptop?23:47
drostieSo, puzzle for you guys: I have access to TTYs and Alt-F2, but not to the actual desktop, which has crashed. How do I get back to the Kubuntu login screen and re-login?23:47
dash84what processor23:48
DaSkreechdrostie: alt+F2 -> plasma23:48
drostieDaSkreech: does nothing.23:49
DaSkreechdrostie: kde 3 or kde 4 ?23:49
zombineAnyone know if a xine version compatible with Amarok 2.x is on the repos somewherE?23:50
drostieDaSkreech: KDE 4.223:50
DaSkreechdrostie: konsole23:50
drostieDaSkreech: one step ahead of you. Plasma in Konsole sayeth: plasma(17017): Communication problem with  "plasma" , it probably crashed.23:51
DaSkreechdrostie: run it again23:51
drostieDaSkreech: yep. ^_^ pkill plasma, plasma worked.23:52
DaSkreechdrostie: kquitapp23:52
DaSkreechkquitapp plasma && plasma23:52
drostieMy way has the word kill in it, and is therefore superior. :-P23:53
pisnazHeya folks23:53
DaSkreechdrostie: quitter :-P23:54
pisnazohhhhh a kill command ..fun fun lol23:54
ActionParsnipkill is better than kill -923:54
Mooqballi bet kubuntu will be more popular in 9.0423:54
ActionParsnipMooqball: depens how you judge popularity23:54
pisnazyou running it atm <ooqball?23:54
zombineBetter yet, how do I install amarok 2 on Intrepid?  Adept tells me that amarok-kde4 requires a version of xine not on the list... Anyone know what's up with that?23:55
ricochetneed help - I'm on 8.10/KDE 4.2 via ppa.  I'm running a perforce VCS client, and certain actions (like trying to open a file in the app) results in it not working, and this error is printed to stderr:  /usr/bin/kate: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtSql.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv23:55
ricochetgoogling only turned up fixes for removing nessus libs from ld.conf23:56
ricochetwhich I don't have23:56
pisnazcool, may have to run it in a VM or such23:56
ActionParsnipzombine: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/05/howto-install-latest-project-neon.html23:57
drostiezombine: you can always download the xine .deb manually from the jaunty repository, via packages.ubuntu.com.23:57
ActionParsnipzombine: you wil need to install a deb or find a repo with the new xine23:57
ActionParsnipzombine: if you are using jaunty you are in the wrong place23:58

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