
UnixDawg_all updated00:13
* bruce89 hopes MS aren't suing TomTom over the "map patent"00:24
bruce89oops, this isn't #osm00:25
carlFK_ltxserver-xorg-input-elographics: Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2: but it is not going to be installed00:39
carlFK_ltwhy the @#$@ not?00:40
ussercarlFK_lt, incomplete update? try running sudo apt-get update00:40
ussercarlFK_lt, and after it sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:40
carlFK_ltdid both00:41
usserwhat happens if you try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core00:41
usserthat should give exact error00:41
bruce89xserver-xorg-core conflicts with xserver-xorg-input-2.1 (provided by xserver-xorg-input-elographics)00:42
carlFK_lt apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-core00:42
carlFK_ltxserver-xorg-core:  Installed: 2:
* DanaG wonders when ATI will release a new fglrx.00:43
carlFK_ltshould't that satisfy >= 2:1.4 ?00:43
ussercarlFK_lt, yea same error here00:43
ussercarlFK_lt, maybe its not ready yet, its an alpha release not all packages are in consistent state00:43
bruce89looks like xserver needs inputs which provide -input-4, not older versions00:44
DanaGyay for freefall detection!00:45
usseryay for synaptics multitouch gestures00:45
DanaGAnd yay for 2.6.29 kernel packages (not actually on a PPA).... my suspend has never been so perfectly reliable, even in Windows.00:45
DanaGBoo for Synaptics locking OUT multi-finger detection on this laptop's touchpad.00:45
bruce89carlFK: the conflict was introduced on the 21st of January, with xorg-xserver 2:
bruce89carlFK_lt: even00:47
carlFK_ltbruce89: is there anything I can do to help move this along?00:47
bruce89I don't know the reason, but I can only assume the driver wouldn't work, I suppose a bug could be filed for xserver-xorg00:48
bruce89but not just now, LP is being upgraded00:48
RAOFYes: the reason is that the driver wouldn't work.00:49
DanaGOh yeah, I tried nouveau again the other day... and it was just as cpu-devouring as the last time I'd tried.00:49
usserDanaG, nah nouveau sucks, i really dont understand what all the fuss is about, nvidia is great when it comes to drivers, api's etc i mean look at cuda. What a godsend.00:51
carlFK_ltI have been using nouveau for over a month - seemed OK to me00:51
carlFK_ltusser: wen I use nvidia, if I unplug/plug in my firewire express card, the screen fills with a pretty pattern and my box hangs00:51
usserfirewire express card? wow that is cool!00:52
xxploitanyone else getting a boot warning about synaptics being reset on resume?00:52
carlFK_lti try the "dont do that" work around, and can't avoid it enough00:52
usserxxploit, yes thats normal00:52
usserxxploit, as is cpufreq: no nforce2 chipset detected, they will remove those warnings once its released00:53
xxploitah ok thx for the headsup00:53
carlFK_ltif I don't have a gdm installed, but just xorg, whats the right way to restart X from an ssh shell?00:56
carlFK_lt"reboot" works. but I am sure there is better00:56
ussercarlFK_lt, killall Xorg00:57
carlFK_lthttp://dpaste.com/1626/  what is it using for "Adding input device Elo TouchSystems" so I can read docs and see what I can tweak?01:04
carlFK_ltcuz i think it is ignoring my MinX" "4061",  "MaxX" "51" (yeah, something whacky going on in general)01:05
carlFK_lt(EE) TouchScreen: No device specified. - guess thats a problem ...01:07
snuffmeistercan't install jaunty01:12
snuffmeisterinstaller doesn't open/work01:12
snuffmeisterany ideas?01:13
bruce89which installer?01:13
macolive cd01:13
bruce89probably not a good idea to use that installer01:14
bruce89actually, what age is the CD01:14
snuffmeistersolved in another channel, i guess01:15
snuffmeistercd is from one or 2 days ago, daily01:15
snuffmeisterand it was broken01:15
* bruce89 doesn't trust ubiquity anyway01:15
snuffmeisterwhat are the disadvantages of upgrading against installing01:16
snuffmeisterbecause i've got an image of ibex here01:16
bruce89upgrading can be problematic if you have any strange packages installed, or even if not01:17
bruce89mind, I've never had any issues01:17
snuffmeisteri've always felt it leaves the computer full of junk01:18
bruce89that too, but I do my best to clean it01:18
charlie-tcaCd's from today work. yesterday and earlier may be broke01:18
snuffmeisteryes, but ubuntu-devel says alpha5 comes out tomorrow afternoon01:21
snuffmeisterso 've got mixed feelings about downloading the daily now01:22
bruce89och, it's going to be almost exactly the same01:22
bruce89and that's what rsync is fo01:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync01:23
charlie-tcaThat daily is the one that gets used if it passes all the testing01:29
charlie-tcaIf you install from it and run the updates, you have the alpha5 on your system01:29
snuffmeisterrsync is possibly one of the best tools i've seen01:30
bruce89indeed, it's quite good for backups too01:31
milkhow i can get wine in jaunty jackalope? i need .1502:17
macoisnt wine at 1.0?02:19
bruce89!info wine02:19
ubottuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 7325 kB, installed size 54496 kB02:19
milkno it has 1.1.1502:19
macooh i thought you were saying 0.1502:20
macoi was like "er...thats ancient"02:20
bruce89there never was a 0.15, the earliest with numbers was 0.9.002:21
milk$ pulseaudio --version02:21
milkI: caps.c: Limited capabilities successfully to CAP_SYS_NICE.02:21
milkI: caps.c: Dropping root privileges.02:21
milkI: caps.c: Limited capabilities successfully to CAP_SYS_NICE.02:21
milkN: main.c: Called SUID root and real-time and/or high-priority scheduling was requested in the configuration. However, we lack the necessary privileges:02:21
milkN: main.c: We are not in group 'pulse-rt', PolicyKit refuse to grant us the requested privileges and we have no increase RLIMIT_NICE/RLIMIT_RTPRIO resource limits.02:21
milkN: main.c: For enabling real-time/high-priority scheduling please acquire the appropriate PolicyKit privileges, or become a member of 'pulse-rt', or increase the RLIMIT_NICE/RLIMIT_RTPRIO resource limits for this user.02:22
milkpulseaudio 0.9.1402:22
milkFeb 25 19:57:49 ubuntu kernel: [  103.707088] warning: `pulseaudio' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)02:22
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:26
milkpulseaudio is broken in ubuntu02:27
milkits implemented by a monkey02:27
milkit does not integrate02:27
bruce89not this again02:28
milkthe guy who put pulseaudio in ubuntu must read the documentation02:28
milkso he can put it correctly02:28
milkcuz he dont know how do it right02:28
milkthat why it put errors on my log and tells bad things02:29
milkgood bye!!02:29
dyfwhy doesn't ubuntu adapt one sound system and stick with it instead of 4 different systems conflicting with each other (alsa, esd, pulseaudio.. etc)?02:32
bruce89not you now02:32
bruce89someone appeared here, ranted, then disappeared about 3 minutes ago02:33
rwwdyf: they're trying to adopt Pulseaudio only, but people keep bitching about it.02:35
dyfrww: people wouldn't care as long as the sound works.. right now, it's pathetic.. each application screws up with sound02:36
dyffrequent crashes02:37
dyfis this the case with ubuntu 8.10?02:37
bruce89http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/123110/ if you're interested in the rant, it was rather fun02:37
dyfi'm not ranting.. just saying02:38
xxploiti always end up just removing pulseaudio02:38
bruce89yikes, the time on pastebin's wildly wrong02:38
dyfbruce89: that was an obvious rant02:39
macohey how about you all stop and let me explain why pulse is breaking right now?02:40
macothis is a development release. breakage is expected. many of pulse's reasons for breaking are actually due to craptastic drivers. those driver bugs are most easily exposed with pulse, so by enabling some experimental things in pulse, we can all find out which drivers are utterly broken and those drivers can be fixed to perform all around better02:41
macoif the stuff cant be fixed by release, pulse will go back to the old, less experimental ways of usage02:41
macobut since the experimental ways also fix some bugs, it'll be a matter of figuring out, closer to release, which way has fewer bugs02:42
maco(obviously, right now experimental has more bugs, but people are working to fix that)02:43
dtchentoo bad milk didn't read http://drowninginbugs.blogspot.com/2009/02/pulseaudio.html02:44
dtchendyf: read the above link, please02:46
macodtchen: you got a blog?!02:46
bruce89or http://blogs.gnome.org/jamesh/2009/02/25/pulseaudio/02:46
bruce89that list could go on02:47
* maco snorts at filesystem-munching bugs02:47
macodtchen: talking about 2 days ago, eh?02:47
bruce89I remember after the (Hardy?) beta tag, there was a bad update to libc which broke everything02:49
dtchenbruce89: yes, of course. that URL is from the perspective as the audio stack maintainer in Ubuntu.02:49
macobruce89: dtchen's link isnt a complaint about pulse02:49
macoit's him telling us to suck it up and file bugs so he can fix it02:49
bruce89I know, I read it02:49
macoyes that was hardy, but libc wasnt the problme02:50
dtchenrather, we already know where the problems lie, but the fix is not straightforward, and we will have to break backward compatibility02:50
macoit was the compile flags02:50
dyfbruce89: he's not supposed to rant.. i mean he's using a development release.. he shouldn't be expecting it to work as if it was stable02:50
dyfthat's just ignorant02:50
macodtchen: so, will we be seeing you on Planet Ubuntu?02:50
bruce89dyf: no, clearly not02:50
dyfmaco: do you think pulseaudio is mature enough to be included?02:50
bruce89I think that the whole "it's alpha" is a wee bit of an excuse in some cases02:51
dyfit can be02:52
bruce89things can be messed up in some non-critical, but big breaks shouldn't happend02:52
macodyf: pulseaudio itself hasnt caused me any problems, but my realtek codec's suckiness does present problems when glitch-free is enabled02:52
macoproblems in the form of sounding like my record player instead of my mp3 player02:52
dtchenmaco: no. i'm not a member.02:53
macodtchen: planet ubuntu users, then?02:53
macoyou're not still in one of the development teams?02:53
macocuz dont those give auto-membership?02:54
dtchenno, i resigned my upload privileges.02:54
dyfbruce89: did you read Fred's comment in your last link?02:54
dyfit's interesting02:54
dtcheni omitted the "it's just alpha; suck it up" bit, because that's *not* why pulseaudio is currently broken02:55
dtchenread my OLF presentation, then reread my blog post02:55
bruce89ich, blog comments are the lowest form of pondlife apart from Speak your branes02:55
dyfbruce89: don't look at who said it, look at what's been said02:56
dtchenthe culprits lie in alsa-kernel and alsa-lib02:56
dyfi am reading the other links atm02:56
dyfjust thought that comment had interesting opinion02:56
bruce89TBH, I don't know enough to have an opinion on this02:57
macoreading his presentation is easy....it's all pictures02:58
* bruce89 hardly ever has any need for speakers03:00
bruce89actually, the only issues I've had with sound was back in Hoary03:01
MrGoodkat_will the alpha 5 have better support for intels psb cards?03:08
macoaudio, video, net...?03:11
MrGoodkat_sorry, video03:12
ian1MrGoodkat_: intel video works OK, what problems are you having?03:12
MrGoodkat_intels poulsbo is not supported03:12
MrGoodkat_like the intel gma50003:12
MrGoodkat_its intels video card for umpc's03:13
MrGoodkat_quote from wiki: "There is no sufficient driver support for the GMA 500. The driver wasn't developed in-house and will not work with kernels newer than 2.6.24. Newer distributions like Ubuntu 8.10 with a newer kernel will not work properly."03:14
MrGoodkat_so if im using 8.04 i could have graphic drivers (which according to ubuntu forums are not working properly) but no wifi, because the new atheros is not supported in 8.0403:15
MrGoodkat_and if i use >8.10 i have wifi but no graphics driver03:16
MrGoodkat_and vesa sucks03:16
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snuffmeisteruum, i just got today's daily live04:09
snuffmeisterput it on a pen drive and booted from this04:09
snuffmeisterinstall doesn't work04:09
snuffmeisternever did on any jaunty try04:09
snuffmeisterit doesn't even start, the first time there's actually a crash report04:09
snuffmeisteri tried ubiquity from the console but nothing04:10
snuffmeisterany ideas?04:10
ian1anyone seeing jitter in Firefox?04:22
lwsHey, question.   I can't get ath_pci to load at start04:23
lwsmodprobe ath_pci works fine however.04:23
lwsI put ath_Pci in /etc/modules, and it still doesn't load at startup04:23
lwsAnyone know why ath_pci won't load at startup despite not being blacklisted in modprobe.d04:52
lwsand also being SPECIFIED in /etc/modules?04:52
crdlbdid you blacklist ath5k?04:53
crdlband check dmesg?04:53
danbhfivelws: maybe a leftover from intrepid?  Try installing linux-backports-modules04:54
lwscrdlb: Yeah04:59
lwsI blacklisted ath5k and I have backports, but not for this card05:00
lwsI can modprobe ath_pci manually and all is well05:00
lwscrdlb: You still around?  Or dnbhfive?05:05
* crdlb has no idea05:06
lwsI really wish that ath_pci would load. *sigh*05:06
lwsmaybe because of where it's at?05:07
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burneranyone know how to get sound working in flash in firefox in kde?05:59
burnera ha, nevermind06:01
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z0d14kI am running Jaunty and like it a lot.  I recently noticed a problem with my wireless.  My router is a dual radio.  I have 802.11b/g on 2.4GHz and 802.11n on 5GHz.  I used to use the 802.11n network for my laptop, but since going to Jaunty, I can't see the AP anymore, nor can I connect by manually specifying it.06:52
z0d14kI should probably also mention Intel WiFi Link 5300 in a Lenovo, fully updated, and booted into the latest kernel.  Any ideas?06:53
matt__kismet won't even see the AP.06:57
z0d14kSorry.....  I should know better than to run kismet while connected....  That comment from matt__ about kismet not working was me.  /me feels like a n00b....06:59
billybigriggermaybe this kernel update will give my back my 5s on boot time07:18
^law^anybody here can help me for installing db2 v8 in ubuntu ?08:22
flyapenwhat problem do you have with it ?08:24
^law^i dunno how to install it08:24
flyapenwich version do you want to install .08:26
^law^v8.1 fixpack1708:26
^law^i've downloaded the source from ibm it contains a lot of rpm so confusing @@08:27
scizzo-flyapen: is this under jaunty or under intrepid?08:30
flyapenyou can try to install alien to convert it to a deb08:30
flyapenscizzo: its law that has the problem08:31
scizzo-flyapen: yeah saw that now08:31
scizzo-^law^: read what I asked flyapen08:31
^law^how do i know my ubuntu version ==''08:31
^law^i 4got08:31
^law^8.04 or 8.1008:32
scizzo-^law^: lsb_release -c08:32
flyapenjoin the ubuntu channel then, this is for the jaunty release08:32
BUGabundoguud morning09:39
BUGabundodtchen: are you around ?09:39
BUGabundomaco: ping09:39
BUGabundohi scizzo-09:45
BUGabundothis seems calm today!09:45
scizzo-BUGabundo: yes it really does09:46
* scizzo- got his first bug report approved yesterday for notify-osd at least09:46
tgpraveenscizzo-: link for gub report?09:48
remoteCTR1hi all!09:49
BUGabundoI've filed 4 by now09:49
remoteCTR1how can i actually upgrade from a standard release to the releasecandidates?09:49
BUGabundoand have a new one on the queue09:49
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: update-manager -d09:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 33422609:49
scizzo-!bug 33422609:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334226 in notify-osd "Dual monitor keeps notify on right most window" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33422609:50
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: but PLEASE RTFM aka release notes, and techical overview09:50
BUGabundonice scizzo-09:50
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: thanks man09:50
BUGabundothe spec says monitor with mouse09:50
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: if you need the links ping me09:50
BUGabundoone is already on /topic09:50
scizzo-remoteCTR1: if you are not familiar with how to do that then I would suggest to try things out on a virtualbox session or the like09:51
macoBUGabundo: sorry, i'm working on homework09:51
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: but i think i will skip the reading stuff; my prob is i got a brand new imb t500 here and hw support for that is ... errr... well i guess you know what i wanna say...09:51
BUGabundonp maco.09:51
BUGabundoI was going to make you a kestion09:51
BUGabundobut it can wait09:51
macoyou dont by any chance know how to get those cute little calendar widgets that you choose the date in java, do you? gtk has them built-in...09:51
BUGabundokmail is having data corruption for me09:51
BUGabundono I don't maco09:51
BUGabundoanybody else here using kmail ?09:52
scizzo-tgpraveen: 334226 that is the bug09:52
remoteCTR1scizzo-: BUGabundo ok now you are making me suspicious, what is the problem with that, is it so tricky?09:54
scizzo-remoteCTR1: no09:54
scizzo-remoteCTR1: but the candidates can also break system.....they _SHOULD_ not break but they can09:54
* BUGabundo $ pkill notify-osd 09:55
remoteCTR1err i meant i am getting scizzo- well i am gonna risk that as i got nothing to loose09:55
remoteCTR1omg sry it is a bit late already...09:56
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scizzo-remoteCTR1: if you really want to upgrade then you need to read the topic of this channel09:56
remoteCTR1/msg NickServ identify j3rusalem09:56
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:56
remoteCTR1nice i think i am getting nuts:D09:56
scizzo-remoteCTR1: good choice of password09:56
remoteCTR1scizzo-: ok i got one more: how do i do that for kubuntu?09:57
remoteCTR1/msg NickServ identify j3rusalem09:57
remoteCTR1what the hell?:D09:57
scizzo-remoteCTR1: I am sorry its not out of rudeness but out of actually helping you learn....you need to read the instructions for the upgrade09:58
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: nice knowing your password09:58
BUGabundoscizzo-: that is the stable upgrate wiki09:58
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: yaya i know, no idea why it writes it into the channel, theres no leading blank and nothing09:59
scizzo-remoteCTR1: I am not going to help someone that has no idea of howto in the first sentence to upgrade to a alphaX or RCX release....09:59
scizzo-BUGabundo: ooo..09:59
remoteCTR1scizzo-: fair enuff, got a link for me pls?09:59
scizzo-remoteCTR1: in the topic09:59
scizzo-remoteCTR1: of this channel09:59
BUGabundothere are too links I recommend09:59
* BUGabundo fetchs bookmarks09:59
scizzo-remoteCTR1: the links that BUGabundo mentioned are the goodie ones10:00
remoteCTR1very nice guys, thanks so far10:01
remoteCTR1err.. one more question: how unstable do you consider it to be?10:01
scizzo-remoteCTR1: for me jaunty works just fine10:02
tgpraveenff 3.1 aint gonna be in 9.04 is it?10:03
scizzo-tgpraveen: as standard browser you mean?10:03
remoteCTR1scizzo-: pls dont laugh at me but my basic problem is i gotta deliver this laptop to a workmate, he needs it urgently (for productive purposes) and intrepid dont operate the hardware properly...10:03
tgpraveenas the default version of firefox10:04
scizzo-remoteCTR1: I am not laughing... :)10:04
remoteCTR1scizzo-: thanks cos i am desperate:D10:05
scizzo-tgpraveen: hmmm firefox are still developming 3.1 aren't they?10:05
tgpraveenyeah but they are at beta3 or something10:05
tgpraveenand ff3 was included at these stages.10:05
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: no known yet! depends on mozilla working fast10:05
BUGabundobut 3.1 (and 3.2 and fennec) are available on PPAs10:06
scizzo-tgpraveen: well there are standalone packages for 3.1....its not the standard browser....10:06
BUGabundo !info firefox-3.110:06
BUGabundo!info firefox-3.110:06
ubottufirefox-3.1 (source: firefox-3.1): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1~b3~hg20090205r23182+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 882 kB, installed size 3444 kB10:06
BUGabundo!package firefox-3.110:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:06
scizzo-BUGabundo: ;)10:07
tgpraveenI upgraded from intrepid to jaunty and now in system->preferences->database access properties is addeed? what is this? why is it needed?10:07
remoteCTR1gosh fglrx doesnt work with alpha410:07
remoteCTR1i am so doomed10:07
BUGabundotrunk versions are available on fta's, mozillateam, and daily-mozillateam PPAs10:07
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: PLEASE don't give a laptop with a DEVEL version to a friend/cowork10:07
BUGabundothat MAY not be used to or prepared to use a devel version10:08
BUGabundofile bugs on HW, and talk to kernel team about getting possible fixs backported10:08
BUGabundoyou are better at testing the daily images, from CD or liveusb10:08
BUGabundo !daily10:08
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/10:08
BUGabundotgpraveen: didn't even noticed it10:09
tgpraveen I upgraded from intrepid to jaunty and now in system->preferences->database access properties is addeed? what is this? why is it needed?10:09
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: well i seriously dont want to, believe me, but the guy needs a working device and 8.10 doesnt recognize half of the hardware...10:09
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: a new ati driver has added a few days agao10:09
BUGabundoto fix many bugs and provide supppot for r6xxx/7xxx10:09
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: err.. on the link you gave me it says fglrx is not working in alpha 4?10:10
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: let me guess: SIS hw?10:10
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: alpha5 will be out shortly10:10
BUGabundoand you also have daily isos10:10
remoteCTR1nope its the wireless module mainly that gives me a headache and even the gigabit connection is not working as it should10:10
BUGabundotgpraveen: its quite rude to repete the question10:10
BUGabundodo you want to be ignored?10:10
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: can you pastebin the lspci -vv?10:11
BUGabundo !paste10:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:11
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: yaya i am familiar whith that;) gimme a sec, pls10:11
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: you never know who is on the other side10:12
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: true, well i am a systems administrator:)10:12
BUGabundoI am one too... just without a current job :(10:14
BUGabundodo you need one extra guy?10:14
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: here we go: http://nopaste.org/p/aVD0Mc1YL10:14
BUGabundofluent on foss and MSFT (grrr)10:14
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: where u @ home?10:14
* BUGabundo would like to recommend !pastebinit .... its great and its on archive10:15
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: Portugal. you ?10:15
remoteCTR1guess that answers the question*g*10:15
BUGabundoSubsystem: Lenovo Device 20ee10:15
BUGabundohummm it should be FULLY supported10:15
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: sorry to hear about not having a job... whats the problem, it specialists are always required somewhere, right?10:16
BUGabundoif I were u, I would file a bug, and nag Leann on IRC10:16
BUGabundomaybe it just needs a quirk10:16
BUGabundofound your prob10:16
remoteCTR1did you?10:16
BUGabundoenable backports, and install the kernel you have there10:17
BUGabundoand the backports module!10:17
BUGabundoit fixed e1000e bugs10:17
remoteCTR1cos i tryed out lenny before and that wouldnt accept e1000e -.-10:17
BUGabundothere was this BIG bug that corrupted some of those cards10:17
BUGabundohi gnomefreak guud morning10:17
remoteCTR1oh rly??10:17
BUGabundoit was a mess.10:17
BUGabundoit was close to release10:17
gnomefreakBUGabundo: good morning10:18
remoteCTR1as a matter of fact it IS a mess o'er here:D10:18
BUGabundoand got everyone, I mean EVERYONE on their thoes to get that fix10:18
BUGabundosome subsystems only got fixed POST release10:18
remoteCTR1BUGabundo:  that is interesting to hear, when di that happen?10:18
BUGabundoplease get the newest kernel10:18
remoteCTR1cos i installed it like 2 months ago?10:18
BUGabundofrom backports10:18
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: right around ibex release10:19
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: err.. i heard the term before but actually i have never used backports, is there a howto on that?10:19
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: then it oughta be fixed by now, shouldn't it??10:19
BUGabundoIntel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 510010:19
BUGabundothat should be also FULLY supported10:19
BUGabundo !repositories10:20
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:20
BUGabundo !backports10:20
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging10:20
BUGabundothe bot knows it all ehehehehe10:20
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: most systems got fixed BEFORE release10:20
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: should, well... it does work but it doesnt10:20
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: as said i installed this like in december...10:21
BUGabundobut a few only post release, that's why I'm asking you to install the the kernel and the backport module10:21
remoteCTR1mhm, i see10:21
BUGabundoIF that doesn't fix it, then file bugs10:21
BUGabundokernel team tends to be fast (at least on bug, not on IRC, lol)10:22
BUGabundobut I bet your memory card reader doesn't work10:22
BUGabundoits a ricoch10:22
Rafikhi, the items when you select sessions in gdm are not readable (dark grey on black) : http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/4940/screenshot26.png10:23
Rafikis a bug report needed ?10:24
remoteCTR1you won the bet10:24
remoteCTR1uhuh i see you just add the repos10:24
BUGabundoRafik: I let it to the artwork team to decide! fire it way10:24
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: what?10:24
BUGabundoRafik: uau... that looks ugly10:25
BUGabundolamego: tas bom joao?10:25
RafikBUGabundo> yeah.. otherwise, the other menus are ok10:26
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: what what?10:26
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: you won the bet10:27
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: uhuh i see you just add the repos10:27
remoteCTR1ya i was recherching on how to enable backports and i saw that you just add the repositories to sourcces.list and that should already do the trick10:28
remoteCTR1and you said you bet that the ricoh card reader isnt working, and i said you won the bet10:30
BUGabundono need for that10:31
BUGabundoits already there! just need to activate it from the sources manager, remoteCTR110:32
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: which probably dioes the same job...10:32
* remoteCTR1 is installing 295MB10:33
remoteCTR1gawd how i hate kde10:34
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: clean your mouth!10:40
BUGabundothey do a great job!10:40
BUGabundoand I've met personaly 16 of them10:40
BUGabundoand had the pleasure of organizing a summit right here in Portugal for them10:40
BUGabundo5 days @ Tokamak10:41
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: not speaking about quality i just prefer gnome over kde but our institutes poilcy is to use kde so i HAD to install kubuntu here and i just dont find anything here10:45
remoteCTR1like you got network settings in the system settings menu but there is no way to set an ip adress in there10:45
BUGabundoI like gnome desktop best10:46
BUGabundobut I really like many KDE apps10:46
BUGabundoplus 4.2 is lovelly (but I still prefer gnome)10:46
BUGabundobut I have to admit that being stuck with those guys and galls for 5 days, and see how they work, and their specs10:46
remoteCTR1ok guys have you changed my password?:D10:47
BUGabundomakes one really wonder10:47
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: I didn't10:47
remoteCTR1well i guess knowing those dudes is great and they definitely have my full respect for what they achieve, yet still i am having a hard time in befriending kde...10:48
BUGabundois ANYONE having sound work on jaunty?10:48
BUGabundoI dont since last week10:48
cumulus007hi, what's the command of Cruft Remover?10:48
cumulus007BUGabundo: sound works fine here, at least on KDE10:48
cumulus007on GNOME, it's horrible10:48
macoits pulseaudio10:48
macoa bug has been filed10:48
macodtchen and themuso know about it10:48
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: ok NOW i got network settings after the upgrade but if i click it it says error: could not parse the XML file ()10:49
BUGabundocumulus007: KDE uses phone.... not PA10:50
BUGabundomaco: do you have the ID?10:51
BUGabundoall I find are old and dupes10:51
flyapenaudio in gnome is working fine with me10:51
* BUGabundo is sad!!!10:51
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: jump on #ubuntu-mozillateam and chat with asac10:52
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: humm i just found another way to configure that and that is via the applet in the taskbar10:52
remoteCTR1which - phunny enuff - opens a completely different dialog10:53
BUGabundomaco: that wiki to collect audio cards, can it be run from my current system, or does it need to be LiveCD ?10:53
macoit just has to be a jaunty system10:53
macono i dont know bug numbers, i just know that dtchen and themuso are definitely aware of the issue10:53
macoits possible a bug's not filed, but im pretty sure one of them has to at least open one so the changelog can say it's fixing something10:54
BUGabundorunning now10:54
macoBUGabundo: dtchen mentioned it in his blog http://drowninginbugs.blogspot.com/2009/02/pulseaudio.html10:54
macooh and here's the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/33081410:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 330814 in pulseaudio "pulseaudio[4255]: segfault " [Medium,Confirmed]10:54
macoput the link on the wiki, dont give it to me10:55
BUGabundodoing so now10:55
BUGabundomaco: added!10:59
BUGabundoeveryone else, add your https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/AlsaInfoOutput10:59
lamegoBUGabundo, tou11:07
BUGabundofazes bem11:10
* BUGabundo YAY just got a call back, from a company interested on scheduling a job interview.11:20
BUGabundoremoteCTR1: it seems talking to you gave me extra luck11:20
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: why is that?11:21
humpbackHello all. In Jaunty what is the correct way to configure networking? I installed yesterday from CD and manually started knetworkmanager. I then configured my wireless and it was working. I updated the system and now I can only have networking using cable. And knetworkmanager will never auto-start.11:21
humpback(kubuntu Jaunty)11:22
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: ah i see! congratulations, dude, wish you the best for your interview!11:22
BUGabundohumpback: KDE network manager is broke!11:23
BUGabundoneeds a all lot of love11:23
scizzo-BUGabundo: its a feature... haha ;)11:24
=== humpback is now known as HumpBack
BUGabundoscizzo-: ROFL11:25
scizzo-BUGabundo: its the new move towards twm you know... haha11:25
scizzo-I just have a random question.....out of nowhere....anyone else but me that feels the keybinding/hotkey features are lacking a bit of easy usage?11:30
remoteCTR1all right im starting to get really P*** here...11:31
scizzo-BUGabundo: really?11:32
remoteCTR1BUGabundo: to whom do i talk about the following: if i edit the connection settings in this taskbar applet and want to save the settings it just does not save it11:32
remoteCTR1i tell it where to find the certificates, i input a password, i reopen the settings -> all gone11:33
remoteCTR1what the frack??11:33
scizzo-remoteCTR1: jaunty?11:33
scizzo-remoteCTR1: or intrepid?11:33
scizzo-remoteCTR1: wrong channel to ask11:34
scizzo-remoteCTR1: this channel is for jaunty questions11:34
scizzo-remoteCTR1: follow what bazhang said you will be able to get better answers there...11:35
remoteCTR1scizzo-: basically i am aware of that but i started here by asking how to upgrade to jaunty, one word lead to another and BUGabundo helped me alot so far with the backports hint asf aso11:37
scizzo-remoteCTR1: I understand that...11:38
scizzo-remoteCTR1: but asking in a channel where 95% is using the same system might help a little more....11:38
BUGabundohey remoteCTR1 np!11:38
scizzo-remoteCTR1: don't you agree? ;)11:38
BUGabundoif you wanted help with gnomes NM I would point asac11:38
BUGabundobut since its knm, I have no idea how works with it11:39
BUGabundomaybe ridell knows11:39
remoteCTR1scizzo-: sure do11:41
remoteCTR1allright guys, thanks alot so far for your help11:45
remoteCTR1see ya along:)11:45
slytherinCan anyone running jaunty please do some testing with DVD playing?11:57
IntuitiveNippleWhat kind of DVD? regular video? any particular player app?11:58
BUGabundoslytherin: no DVD here11:58
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: regular video DVD, totem (gstreamer) or vlc will do. I just need to check if latest libdvdread is working fine.11:59
IntuitiveNippleok... Trying "28 days later"12:00
IntuitiveNipple..."searching for plugins..."12:01
IntuitiveNipple"! No packages with the required plug-ins found"12:01
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: Can you manually install gstreamer plugins? I am not sure how good that auto plugin finder works. I am not involved in that part.12:02
IntuitiveNippleWhich libdvdread should it be? v3 or v4 ?12:03
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: 4.12:03
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: Both gstreamer plugins and vlc depend on 4 now12:04
IntuitiveNippleok. apt-cache policy showed me both aren't installed12:04
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: installing gstreamer plugins should pull proper version12:08
IntuitiveNippleOK. Totem doesn't want to play even with libdvdread4 installed, so installing VLC now12:08
IntuitiveNippleAny idea of the precise package-name to get those?12:08
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: yes, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bas and gstreamer0.10-plugnis-ugly12:09
IntuitiveNippleThanks. vlc is totally borked... the menu-bar looks like braille!12:09
IntuitiveNippleTotem now trying to do something...12:10
IntuitiveNippleGrrr! "Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the appropriate plugins"12:10
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: do you have libdvdcss2 installed?12:11
IntuitiveNippleThis is fun :) Instead of installing all the packages that were in the previous release installs I am installing Just In Time ... so many packages!12:12
IntuitiveNippleThat's a medibuntu package isn't it?12:13
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: yes.12:13
IntuitiveNippleok, best add the repo then :)12:13
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: you can try - sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh12:14
BUGabundothis is a great way12:14
IntuitiveNippleI've got it12:15
IntuitiveNippleStill no joy with Totem.12:15
slytherinMy mistake, the install-css.sh script is missing from the package :-(12:16
IntuitiveNippleVLC seems to be doing something... it's playing something although very badly12:16
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: what do you mean by very badly?12:17
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: garbled screen?12:17
IntuitiveNippleStuttering, flickering screen. But as I said, VLC's windows had no text fonts, looked like braille, all GUI components looked corrupted12:19
IntuitiveNippletotem --debug doesn't reveal anything about what's missing12:19
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: Ok. Now I am not aware of that problem.12:19
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: Can you please try one more command - gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=dvd://12:20
IntuitiveNippleI'll try another disc just-in-case12:22
IntuitiveNippleOK, "Ice Age" plays apparently fine.12:23
IntuitiveNippleTotem is playing it OK too12:24
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: Ok. So that means it is not broken completely. It also means that there is some other problem on my machine. :-)12:26
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: Thanks for all your help.12:26
IntuitiveNippleVLC screenshot here: http://tjworld.net/ubuntu/bugs/vlc/12:27
=== NeoBlaster130 is now known as NeoBlaster
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: something wrong with VLC installation.12:44
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: by the way, did you see the DVD menu in totem?12:44
* IntuitiveNipple thinks12:44
IntuitiveNippleI can't remember!12:44
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: anyway, thanks for help.12:47
IntuitiveNippleJust checked... no, no menu; straight into the movie... got caught up in it :)12:49
GeForce88i'm trying to enable twinview  on a geforce 8800 gts and when i click apply i get " failed to set metamode (2) 'crt-0:1024x768 @1024X768 +0 +0, crt-1: nvidia-auto-select @ 1-24x768 + 1024+0' (mode 2048x748, id: 53) on X screen 012:54
GeForce88is twin view not the dual monitor option of ubuntu ?12:55
IntuitiveNipple"1-24x768" ??13:00
IntuitiveNippleWas that a typo or a copy/paste ?13:00
GeForce88that should be a 013:01
GeForce88was a typo13:01
IntuitiveNippleokay, you didn't copy/paste the error message then?13:01
GeForce88it was in the little pop up box. no. i typed it out13:01
IntuitiveNippleok... that solves the obvious observations then13:02
GeForce88is twin view not the *nix version of dual monitors ?13:02
IntuitiveNippleYes, for all monitors on one screen, that is correct.13:02
IntuitiveNippleI use multiple X screens instead13:03
GeForce88so when i enable seperate screens, it shuts off the primary one, and enables the secondary one.13:03
GeForce88i had it working under 8.10 so i wonder if it's something i'm doing13:04
siegieGeForce88: have you tried running xrandr in terminal.13:04
GeForce88just did.13:04
siegieand then run nvidia-settings13:04
GeForce88shows one screen, but i want to have seperatly configured monitors13:04
siegieDetect screens?13:05
GeForce88both monitors show up in the window, when i click twinview i get that error, when i click seperate X screen it disables 1st monitor and enables 2nd monitor.13:06
GeForce88could it be because theres no 'xorg.conf' for the nvidia-settings' to write too ?13:07
GeForce88cause if i try to save the file the error is can not parse file /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:08
siegieGeForce88: there is still a xorg.conf13:08
siegieGeForce88: are you running nvidia-settings with sudo/gksudo13:09
GeForce88siegie, if i may, VALIDATION ERROR:  Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.13:10
GeForce88Undefined Device "(null)" referenced by Screen "Default Screen".13:10
GeForce88this is a fresh install with all current updates installed.13:10
siegiethere is still that bug, that you need to run xrandr everytime you make a change in nvidia-settings13:11
GeForce88so this is known, ok, good, then it's not me forgetting somethign simple13:12
siegieGeForce88: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-settings/+bug/32511513:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 325115 in nvidia-settings "nvidia-settings no longer changes screen mode" [Undecided,Invalid]13:16
GeForce88ok. guess this is why it's called alpha. :)13:17
siegieIf you're running alpha, you must a least know where to find the bug reports :)13:18
GeForce88to be honest i was hoping it was me forgetting to enable something and not a bug13:20
=== humpback_ is now known as HumpBack
GeForce88siegie, one last thing, how do i make it give me the icon in system tools like it did in 8.10 ? (nvidia-settings)13:23
siegiemaybe you could enable it using the menu editor, (but i'm running kde13:24
GeForce88thanks for your time.13:25
Pihhan1is it normal that jaunty does not start xserver for me?13:32
Klanticushi ppl, I've just installed the robot-player package, but I can't run it. It's complaining the file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt could not be found. Where is this file?13:36
IntuitiveNipplePihhan1: Assuming you installed the -desktop flavour, no it isn't normal (unless you started the Recovery option)13:36
Pihhan1no, i started normal version13:37
Pihhan1IntuitiveNipple: ah, you are vaio user, aren't you?13:37
IntuitiveNippleI am13:38
Pihhan1IntuitiveNipple: does work headphones switch in jaunty in your model?13:38
IntuitiveNippleKlanticus: I suspect what it is looking for is "/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt" in the package "x11-common"13:39
Pihhan1i dont hear anything without module configuration13:39
IntuitiveNipplePihhan1: I've not tested it13:39
KlanticusIntuitiveNipple: I don't have this file.13:40
KlanticusIntuitiveNipple: the package x11-common is installed13:40
IntuitiveNippleKlanticus: sorry; I was looking at Intrepid13:41
IntuitiveNippleIt was removed. see LP: bug #30093513:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300935 in xorg "non-existent rgb.txt file and broken link to it" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30093513:42
Pihhan1can i somehow display what processes use some module? i want remove snd-hda-intel, but i get only FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.13:44
Pihhan1i tried muting and killing pulseaudio, still it is in use by something13:44
IntuitiveNippletry 'stopping' the alsa service, maybe?13:46
IntuitiveNipplePihhan1: Just tested headphones here; works correctly13:48
Pihhan1IntuitiveNipple: have you changed anything in default install? it does not work for me13:53
Pihhan1alsa service is not there, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils does not help, still the same13:54
IntuitiveNipplePihhan1: nothing changed regarding the module that I can think of.13:56
Pihhan1i had to use model=vaio parameter in hardy, but i am not able to try it in live session, as i cannot remove module13:57
Pihhan1i will try reboot, maybe it will work better13:57
Pihhan1huh, where is some logout or reboot when i start Xorg using startx?13:59
alkisg_Using kubuntu 9.04, I see kdm, I login, and then I get a blank screen. X runs ok though; I can use XAUTHORITY/IDSPLAY to launch programs on this blank screen, and I can resize the windows I start this way. So something is not running, what would that be? kdeinit?14:04
GeForce88what happens if you type : 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start' ?14:08
GeForce88oh wait, your not using gnome. soryr14:08
alkisg_GeForce88: should I try with "kdm start"?14:09
GeForce88if thats the kde way of starting it's disply manager.14:09
alkisg_I do see kdm, and I logon normally; but after that something doesn't run, so I just see a blank screen14:10
GeForce88can you opt to a login prompt from the 'blank' screen ? ie: alt+ctrl + f2 ?14:11
alkisg_GeForce88: Yes, I did that, and I set DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY and I got an xterm inside this blank screen14:11
alkisg_And I run quassel (irc client) and konqueror, everything runs OK, I just don't see the background / panels etc14:12
alkisg_After gdm gets the username/password from the user and authenticates, what program does it run next?14:12
GeForce88i wouldn't have a clue.14:12
alkisg_Thanks for your try, though... :)14:13
LunksAlpha 4 already? hmmm =)14:16
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hanasakiwhat package needs to be installed for jaunty 64 bit to play flash youtube.com in firefox?14:50
SiDiflashplugin-nonfree ?14:51
hanasakiits isntalled already :(14:51
hanasakieither have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player14:51
TheInfinityhanasaki: installed gnash or something like this, too?14:52
hanasakilet me try14:52
scizzo-or check noscript if that is allowing the stream14:52
LunksShould I expect Alpha 5 today? :)14:53
hanasakihmm should that be needed if I have teh nonfree? never used it in intrepid 32bit14:53
scizzo-which one?14:53
hanasakiTheInfinity:  no dice... gnash installed but no plugins playing14:54
TheInfinityhanasaki: you dont need gnash, but gnash + adobe flash = conflicts. thats why i ask :)14:54
scizzo-Lunks: if its ready and they have done the ISOs then yes14:54
hanasakiah lol guess I shouldnt have installed it14:54
Lunksscizzo-: well, it's scheduled14:57
GeForce88those of us with 4 shoulld be able to udate via the package manage then ?14:58
SiDihanasaki: i personally would remove any gnash/flash/mozilla-swfdec or whatever (with purge option), and then install flashplugin-nonfree14:58
SiDiit *should* work14:58
LunksGeForce88: you are actually running alpha 4 until you update some package, then it's not specifically alpha 4 anymore. :P15:04
aboSamoor1ok, I upgraded to jaunty I had many errors :( where can I find the log for the errors ?15:07
PiciWhat sort of errors?15:08
aboSamoor1certificates-ca problems and many others [I am not sure]15:10
* scizzo- is wondering how aboSamoor1 upgraded15:12
scizzo-GeForce88: if you are updated with the latest packages then you are already on alpha5.....15:12
aboSamoor1scizzo-: I just upgraded from intrepid, I want your help. Because nothing is working15:14
aboSamoor1I can here sound anymore15:14
scizzo-aboSamoor1: yes but...._HOW_15:14
aboSamoor1can not*15:14
scizzo-aboSamoor1: I mean did you do update-manager -d or how did you do it?15:14
aboSamoor1scizzo-: I am still not that expert. I got many messages and I am just asking how can I find them, so I know what type of problems I am facing :)15:15
scizzo-aboSamoor1: you can check in /var/log/dpkg.log15:16
scizzo-aboSamoor1: I think15:16
scizzo-aboSamoor1: /var/log/ should contain all the logs needed for that purpose at least15:17
hggdhaboSamoor1, most system messages will be stored under /var/log15:17
GeForce88scizzo-, as far as i know all my updates are current15:17
scizzo-GeForce88: then there you go... :)15:17
GeForce88in fact, i've only got the one bug thats been identifyed with xserver and nvidia. everything else seems to work ok15:18
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.15:18
GeForce88compiz is a bit tricky in setting up plugins15:18
scizzo-compiz + xserver upgrade == very crazy most of the time15:20
GeForce88yes, alot of little bugs and things not working exactly like they should, but, all the fun of alpha software15:21
aboSamoor1scizzo-: I used update-manager -d15:21
GeForce88aboSamoor1, when i upgraded, the setting for volume were off and muted. did you check to see if your levels were all the way down ?15:22
shadeslayerguys please seed the alpha CD release15:25
shadeslayerim getting only 1.1 kBps15:25
scizzo-shadeslayer: the alpha 4?15:25
aboSamoor1GeForce88: it is not muted and it is not working15:25
shadeslayerthe one released yesterday i think15:26
shadeslayeryup alpha 415:26
GeForce88aboSamoor1,  what about right clicking your speaker icon, selecting preferances, and changing audio device ?15:27
SiDishadeslayer: upload more and you'll download more, tho :p15:28
shadeslayerstill stuck at 10 kBps15:28
scizzo-shadeslayer: I am getting it in 1.1Mbit/s15:28
SiDiWell, if you'ld be kind enough to mail thhe person managing my network and ask for a few ports and a nat static redirection i'd be very pleased to seed, shadeslayer :)15:29
shadeslayer:) well i have downloaded only 20 ps15:29
shadeslayerscizzo-: :O15:29
scizzo-shadeslayer: where did you fetch the torrent?15:29
CosmiChaossometimes when i open up new windows (compiz and nvidia) all windows turn white, only the boarders are left, then i click on my startmenu and everything got back, any solutions for this whitescreen bug?15:29
shadeslayeri can run that on a vbox right???15:30
SiDishadeslayer: check your router for nat-pmp / upnp support, or for a correct port redirection. you usually get this kind of speed with a dialup connection xD15:30
GeForce88i downloaded the alpha 4 from the ubuntu download site via http @ over 400 kbps15:30
shadeslayerwell my download maxes at 19 kBps15:30
SiDishadeslayer: on a vbox i'm not sure other clients can reach you. and if they cant they wont upload to you15:30
shadeslayer128kbps connection15:30
SiDishadeslayer: what about your upload rate ? is it 0 ?15:30
CosmiChaostry bittorrent always downloading latest lpha with full speed15:30
shadeslayerXD well i cant afford that type of a connection,nor can my ISP provide it15:31
CosmiChaoson 16Mbit DSL15:31
shadeslayerSiDi: yeah15:31
shadeslayerbut downloading at 16kBps15:31
SiDishadeslayer: don't download from a VM then :) you're at dialup mode cause other peers cant contact you15:32
shadeslayerSiDi: im on xfce right now,actual install15:32
shadeslayeri was asking if i can run the alpha 4 on the Vbox15:32
shadeslayerthe torrent pasted above15:32
SiDiah ok15:33
SiDithen its your network configuration that sucks :P15:33
CosmiChaossometimes when i open up new windows (compiz and nvidia) all windows turn white, only the boarders are left, then i click on my startmenu and everything got back, any solutions for this whitescreen bug?15:33
SiDicheck that your input connection port is open on your router and redirected to your PC, and check if upnp / natpmp is enabled in your router, shadeslayer15:33
shadeslayerSiDi: can i run that alternate install CD to install a fresh copy on my vbox15:34
SiDishadeslayer: yeh15:35
shadeslayersorry for thay15:36
shadeslayerso can i install a fresh copy from the alternate CD??15:37
SiDiYes you can15:40
=== Adys_ is now known as Adys
tgpraveenhi mifritscher16:41
milkis the new GDM theme a joke or something?17:20
milkit is horrible17:20
milkwho approved that? i dont think anyone could have voted on that17:20
milkthat would never be approved at apple or microsoft, its just too horrible17:20
danbhfivewhats wrong with it?17:20
milkmost people are using LCD monitors these days, and since its black background, you see a lot of backbleeding17:21
milkand it looks like it was made by a 12 year old17:21
milkit doesnt look pretty17:22
milkcompare it with the login screen at Vista17:22
danbhfiveIll have to check it out17:22
rippsMeh... who cares about gdm. I just autologon past it. What I want to see is a really good gtk theme.17:22
milkor even the old GDM theme was better17:22
danbhfiveripps: hehe, you just reminded me that I do that too.17:22
milkwell by default ubuntu does not, and GDM gives a horrible first impression of amateurism or nepotism17:24
danbhfive_jauntyheh, for some reason, my autologin got nixed.  So, I got to check it out!!  I don't have any problem with a black screen + LCD myself.  It does look more sleek and it matches usplash17:26
hanasakiwhat is the status of beagle  in +1?17:34
rippsDoesn't ubuntu use Tracker instead of beagle?17:57
maconowadays, it should17:57
rippsHas anybody noticed any python apps acting weird lately. I use the python app GrNotify (Google Reader Notifier) since Intrepid. It work fine after I upgraded to Jaunty well over a week ago. But only last couple days has it been acting weird.18:01
macopython 2.6 was just added18:01
macoits probably incompatible18:01
rippsIs there some way to force the app to use 2.5 instead of 2.6? They're both installed right?18:04
funkyHatI like the new GDM theme :)18:07
rippsI think I figured it out. Just replace the first line "#! /usr/bin/python" with "#! /usr/bin/python2.5"18:09
macois that a packge in the repos?18:10
macoripps: ^18:10
rippsyes, I believe that grnotify is apart of the Jaunty repos. Intrepid, I had to use a PPA.18:11
rippsmaco: ^18:12
macohrm...checking with rmadison18:13
macoi assume the package name is grnotify18:13
macook yeah it is. file a bug saying it needs to explicitly call python 2.518:13
macoand depend on python 2.518:13
macothe package currently says >= 2.5, but i guess it should be =18:13
rippsmaco: I've already opened a bug about it's flakyness, I just add that it was because of python2.6.18:14
hggdhdarn! Sorry18:14
slabbehHi, do we know if Jaunty (9.04) will be shipped with Gnome 3 (2.3)?18:23
Picislabbeh: No. It will ship with 2.26. 2.3 isn't even close to release iirc.18:25
slabbehCool thanks18:25
thebishopis it looking like Intel drives will support DRI2 in Jaunty?18:47
macothebishop: it will be disabled by default18:48
macobut you can enable it18:48
macothough it may have side effects...like X crashing on suspend if using a compositing window manager18:49
maco(that's bug is for i965)18:49
CarlFKI am installing u-server - I need to test touch screen drivers, so I need X to come up and let me move the mouse around.  what package will give me that ?19:01
CarlFK(trying to avoid the time it takes to install u-desktop)19:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about timeline19:02
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule19:02
deepb_danbhfive: thanks!19:02
fosco__is alpha5 out?19:03
danbhfivecarlFK maybe one or all of the xserver-xorg-input packages?19:03
danbhfivecarlFK probably just the one that has the touch screen drivers19:04
CarlFKdanbhfive: I have been using "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" in an ssh shell - I won't have that,right?19:05
CarlFKit's a pretty small screen, so much easier to do the edits from my normal box, and reach over poke the screen when I need to19:06
danbhfivecarlFK um, I don't know.  Isnt gdm part of gnome?    I've actually installed xserver without gnome.  Its super basic.  It just starts a terminal and a mouse I believe19:07
IntuitiveNipplestartx should get it moving :)19:07
CarlFKyeah - just fuzzy on how to restart it each time I tweek xorg.conf19:08
danbhfiveI was thinking that installing the driver would draw in the xorg-xserver package, but maybe not.  You need that.      And then yeah, startx19:08
IntuitiveNippleWhich touchscreen driver are you using?19:08
IntuitiveNippleThe Elo right?19:08
lanoxx-hi, im wondering, what is the meaning of "Fix Commited" in Launchpad? and how long does it take from the point where a fix was commited until it appears as an update in update manager?????19:08
CarlFKIntuitiveNipple: yes19:09
danbhfivelanoxx-: I think soon, for jaunty19:09
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: You using that with Jaunty ? I thought last time you mentioned that it was on #ubuntu ?19:09
lanoxx-how about intrepid?19:09
lanoxx-by soon, do you mean hours, days or a couple of days?19:09
danbhfivelanoxx-: maybe never, you could ask in the bug report19:09
lanoxx-so why do they commit a fix if its not intended to be fixed?19:10
CarlFKIntuitiveNipple: I saw some stuff on the net that said it worked fine with 8.04, so I tired that.  now I am back to jaunty19:10
IntuitiveNippleThe elographics driver for Jaunty isn't built yet so you won't be able to install it. We've got to sync with the new upstream version 1.2.319:11
cwillulanoxx-, if it was committed upstream, it might take some time.  'Fix released' is generally more immediate19:11
CarlFKIntuitiveNipple: well, out of the box 'something' works19:11
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: really? find out what it is then!?19:11
IntuitiveNippleMaybe it's emulating a mouse?19:11
CarlFKthats what I have been trying to figure out19:12
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: You never did tell me which model number touchscreen it is - that can make all the difference19:12
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: try grep input /var/log/dmesg19:12
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: That should show which devices are on which inputs19:13
CarlFKlsusb says 04e7:0020 Elo TouchSystems Touchscreen Interface (2700)19:13
CarlFK[    7.717101] input: Elo TouchSystems, Inc. Elo TouchSystems 2700 IntelliTouch(r) USB Touchmonitor Interface as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-2/2-2:1.0/input/input319:13
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: Or you can do ls  -l /dev/input/by-path/19:13
lanoxx-cwillu, thx19:14
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: OK, that's good. "2700" isn't supported by that X driver from all the reports I've seen19:14
roe_today is the day for alpha 5?19:14
CarlFKhttp://dpaste.com/1961/  ls  -l /dev/input/by-path/19:15
CarlFKno touch?19:15
lanoxx-one more question, do i understand it right that all the series targeted bugs which are e.g. here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid are intended to be actually fixed in this particular release, while any bug thats not there, will only be fixed in any later release?19:15
lanoxx-or if not, whats the actual concept of series targeted bugs?19:16
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: Joystick... pci-0000:00:1d.0-usb-0:2:1.0-event-joystick -> ../event319:17
danbhfivelanoxx-: which bug are you interested in?19:17
IntuitiveNippleGot to go now CarlFK. Dinner.19:18
lanoxx-a cuple of, for ex. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/99740, but also sometimes i come across bugs that affect me and it reads fix commited but i dont know when it will actually be released19:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 99740 in firefox-3.1 "Firefox problems with desktop-effects" [Undecided,Fix released]19:19
CarlFKah! joystick... interesting19:19
lanoxx-the fix is only released for 3.1 not for 3.019:20
danbhfiveyeah, so I think thats what the current status is19:20
lanoxx-also there is a bug about network manager disabeling network functionality after resuming from suspend that im interested, i dont find the bug report right now19:21
danbhfiveso at least its fixed in the latest release.  Then, someone needs to decide whether its worth backporting to earlier releases, or just having people upgrade19:21
lanoxx-ok, i see19:22
lanoxx-anyway i gotta go, thx for answering my questions19:23
danbhfivetake care19:23
CosmiChaossometimes when i open up new windows (compiz and nvidia) all windows turn white, only the boarders are left, then i click on my startmenu and everything got back, any solutions for this whitescreen bug?19:29
CosmiChaos im using nvidia 180.35, jaunty alpha5, and latest compiz19:29
CosmiChaos any ideas about whitewindows?19:29
roe_ooo, sexy gnome login screen19:29
rippsI'm disappointed that Jaunty won't see Kernel
ali1234speaking of the login screen... i had autologin turned on, why am i even seeing it?19:36
ripps So, is anyone else's Totem-Gsteamer and it's thumbnailing daemon experiencing trouble? Mine won't work with most avi's and mkv's19:46
scizzo-anyone that knows a good way to fix a error 11 from grub upon bootup?19:58
scizzo-I may have found a little grub bug20:15
scizzo-anyone here that knows a lot about grub in general?20:20
scizzo-how it should read the root <> stuff and so on?20:20
pihhanwhat do you mean by root <> stuff?20:21
scizzo-in menu.lst20:23
scizzo-in my menu.lst it lists the UUID as the root partition20:24
pihhando you mean what is (hd0,0) ?20:24
scizzo-I know what that is20:24
scizzo-I am just wondering why grub2 or grub installed using UUID as the root partition20:24
pihhangrub does not understand UUID to my knowledge. it passes that as kernel parameter and kernel handles it itself20:24
pihhani think you need initrd image with udev to map it to device path20:25
scizzo-I installed grub2 (for testing purposes) after that the root values in the menu.lst changed to UUID values instead.....causing error 11 when trying to find the device20:26
scizzo-changing them back to hd(0,6) worked for me and I can boot into my system again20:26
pihhani dont know, i havent tried grub220:26
pihhanare you sure grub should support UUID somehow?20:26
scizzo-pihhan: well no20:27
scizzo-pihhan: I wondering if this effect is suppose to happen when installing grub2.....and if so how to fix it so that it does understand UUID as the root20:27
scizzo-Alexia_Death: you know a lot about grub and grub2? :)20:27
pihhani had problems with booting kernels when not using initrd, it did not boot with UUID parameter also, only with /dev/sda like path20:28
pihhani think UUID it too highlevel to be used in grub20:28
IenorandWould anyone care to have a look at bug#329146 I've added a bunch of info and is wondering whether there is anything more I might provide, or if someone could mark as confirmed?20:37
Picibug 32914620:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329146 in nautilus "nautilus unable to start on login" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32914620:38
* Ienorand is somewhat peeved by not being able to figure out the auto linking, duh!20:39
CaneToadhow can a 8.10 install be upgraded to Jaunty?21:03
dtchenCaneToad: one way: sudo do-release-upgrade -d21:06
denndaIs the harddrive clicking bug still present in jaunty?21:19
denndaAnd: What version of KDE4 is included in jaunty?21:20
cwillu4.2, and what clicking bug?21:20
denndaThe one that makes the harddrive click every once in a while (very frequent). That bug is present in at least 8.04 and 8.1021:21
denndaAnd it is annoying.21:21
bruce895 seconds perchance?21:21
denndaProbably. Didn't measure21:22
denndaA little less often perhaps21:22
bruce895 seconds is the default commit time for an ext? filesystem21:22
denndaNo; There was a real bug related to that21:23
bruce89ah, a number would be useful21:23
cwillu...which is related to the commit time21:23
denndaNo idea. I just do `sudo hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda` when it occurrs to ease my pain21:24
denndacwillu: Yeah I know21:26
cwillubug #5969521:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59695 in pm-utils "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5969521:28
* cwillu wishes the bug report was being spammed by irrelevant comments though :(21:30
cwilluwasn't, rather21:31
bruce89LP tends to attract spam21:32
ian1why am I seeing ugly normal dialogs in addition to the pretty new notifications ?21:32
cwillubruce89, only the bugs that people on ubuntuforums talk about for months before somebody reports the bug :p21:32
bruce89indeed, I'd like a vetting process21:33
bruce89ian1: because someone thought that actions are evil, and dialogues are a fallback21:33
cwilluwell, actions aren't notifications21:34
bruce89och, don't start now21:34
ian1bruce89: do you mean this is expected behavior?21:34
ian1to see it twice??21:34
cwilluand like it or not, in my experience, most users have no idea what the star means21:34
bruce89maybe not that21:34
cwillu(re: updates, etc)21:34
ian1the latest message was that my USB stick had data to be written to it before removing21:35
cwilluso popping up the update manager in the background with the glowing taskbar button is quite a good solution in my opinion :)21:35
ian1I saw it in the corner notification and also as a popup dialog21:35
bruce89cwillu: do people know what the envelope button is?21:35
bruce89and is spamming the user with auto-opening dialogues a good thing?21:36
cwilluthings that the user needs to deal with?  yes21:36
bruce89updates do not need to be dealt with, security ones should be installed automatically21:36
cwilluthey don't open in front of apps, hard to be less intrusive then that and still have the required effect21:36
bruce89I can think of a way - not bothering21:37
bruce89it's a bit like saying "People can't do maths, let's not bother teaching it any more"21:37
cwilluno, it's like saying 'people can't do maths, we should probably have it in the curriculum so that they learn it'21:38
pihhanshould i report problem with aiglx acceleration?21:38
bruce89instead of educating people as to what the icon meant, you are forcing a window to appear21:39
pihhanwhen i run glxgears and start moving its window around place, it leaves its parts over desktop21:39
pihhansee http://www.pihhan.info/sony/Screenshot.png21:39
ian1that's so you can remember where the gears used to be21:40
cwillu"instead of educating people what the window meant, you're forcing an icon to appear"  how is that any different?21:40
cwilluthe window is self explanatory21:40
cwilluthe icon is opaque21:40
bruce89it's bloody annoying more like21:40
bruce89doesn't matter, I disabled it21:40
cwilluooooo, you have a window open, that's not on top of anything.  How annoying :p21:40
bruce89Compiz doesn't work properly21:41
pihhanyeah, that's reason i have it disabled in hardy21:41
bruce89and I find windows appearing without reason wrong21:41
bruce89the user should be the one to decide what to do, not the computer21:42
cwilluif we weren't planning on fixing the bug, then you'd have a point, but as it stands, that's like complaining about a new restaurant that ran out of coke, as if they're never going to order it21:42
bruce89does Evolution auto-open on new mail?21:42
cwilluthat a debatable opinion21:43
bruce89fact is, it doesn't21:43
bruce89clearly for good reason21:43
cwilluno, it'21:43
cwilluno, it's not clear.  It's debatable.  And the different between free software and the proprietary junk is that we can try these things21:44
cwilluwith the right support (which is pretty much already there, aside from the compiz bug), it may turn out to be a far superior approach21:44
bruce89interesting is that the "proprietary junk" hasn't thus far21:44
=== DBO2 is now known as DBO
bruce89a window list seems to be a new notification area now21:45
bruce89incidentally, why did Compiz change their behaviour?21:46
AaronMTHi, where might I find Alpha 5 link?21:48
charlie-tcaAaronMT: Don't think you will, yet. but it is coming21:49
AaronMTAh, the release schedule needs to be revised than.21:50
charlie-tcaNo, it should still release tonight21:50
charlie-tcaoops, depends on where you are, huh?21:50
_VIM_what time?21:51
_VIM_sorry i came in late21:51
charlie-tcaWe are still hoping21:51
charlie-tcaIf not, it will be out tomorrow21:51
_VIM_If i have alpha 4 can I update it to 5 with dist upgrade?21:51
bruce89probably a bit late now, AFAIK they usually appear in the day here at UT+021:51
_VIM_or do i have to burn new disk?21:51
bruce89_VIM_: if you have been upgrading packages, that's fine21:52
_VIM_I havent been21:53
yofelhm, wouldn't alpha4 with all updates be alpha5?21:53
_VIM_I just got the alpha 4 cd just an hour ago :(21:53
_VIM_I hope so yofel :)21:53
bruce89actually, I've thought of something else about autolaunching21:54
bruce89the old notification system would have a bubble which said "updates available" with a pointer pointing to the notification icon21:55
bruce89the new system doesn't have such visual indicators21:56
charlie-tca_VIM_: If you have alpha 4 with all updates, you are at the equivalent of alpha521:56
cwillubruce89, the pulsating taskbar ('attention requested') is supposed to serve that21:56
_VIM_ok ty charlie-tca21:56
bruce89why's that better than a wee balloon pointer thing?21:57
cwillubruce89, the bubble has been a source of confusion though, with people clicking on it, and wondering why nothing ever pops up21:57
cwillubecause it doesn't appear over anything :)21:57
cwilluand it's the same mechanism used by other applications to request attention21:57
bruce89where's the testing data?21:57
cwillusorry, I didn't take notes on it when people asked me why it didn't show up21:58
cwilluI'll do that next time21:58
* cwillu looks into voip-to-mp3 archival :p21:58
cwillu"This call may be monitored for quality control and training purposes" ftw! :)21:59
cwillumy favourite was actually when my dad said he had been installing the updates as he saw them for months, but had just been clicking the bubble and thought that did it :)22:00
bruce89surely the solution is to just auto-install updates22:00
cwilluyay seniors :p22:00
cwilluright, because _that_ isn't a violation of 'the user should be the one to decide what to do, not the computer' :p22:01
cwillugranted, I think installing security updates automatically should be the default, but it still doesn't defeat my point22:01
bruce89at least it doesn't require the user to know anything's happening22:01
cwillusure it does, on a lot of machines, updates have a dramatic affect on performance while they're running22:02
bruce89update-manager isn't exactly light22:02
cwillueven on an adsl connection, merely downloading the updates will disrupt latency sensitive communications (quake being my particular poison)22:02
cwilluupdate-manager isn't the cause of that22:02
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
cwilluit's the packaging processes hitting the disk that hurts performance22:03
bruce89well, I'm sure it's not just me against it22:04
cwilluI know it's not just you22:04
cwillubut if alpha's aren't the right time to experiment with new ways of interaction, when _is_ the right time?22:04
pihhanyou can try running updater using nice, but it will not help much22:04
cwilludennda, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerManagement suggests that in intrepid, "ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE=true" in /etc/default/laptop-mode is all you need (it has lines for 8.04 as well)22:05
cwillupihhan, ionice set to idle is the appropriate settings22:05
pihhanoh, what is ionice, i never head of such thing22:05
bruce89Ubuntu's done some barmy stuff in the past in development series22:05
cwillupihhan, there's some block settings that really need different defaults for idle to be really useful though22:06
cwilluman ionice :p22:06
aboSamoorI upgraded to Jaunty and I have jerky sound on my laptop speakers ! can you help me ?22:06
cwillucompiz, network manager, update manager (originally), rounded corners, aiglx on by default (before compiz), easy-installing proprietary drivers, all things that people complained about grievously22:07
RomDany ISO download for alpha 5 already?22:07
cwilluRomD, alpha4 + updates will largely get you up to alpha5 (at least, once it's official)22:07
cwilluaside from any packaging/defaults that might need tweaking by hand22:08
bruce89I remember something odd about 2 years ago22:08
RomDgotta download it anyway, so an alpha 5 iso would be simpler ;)22:08
cwillucould use a nightly22:08
cwillua5 isn't out yet afaik22:08
RomDI'll just wait then22:08
bruce89no real need to22:09
=== Ahmuck_ is now known as Ahmuck-Jr
aboSamoordo you have any idea how can start to figure what is my problem ? I have a very bad sound on my speakers !22:12
cwillupihhan, """ echo 0 | tee /sys/block/sd*/queue/iosched/slice_idle """ is the line I have in my rc.local, improves idle priority22:12
billisnicehave anyone tried 9.04 on dell mini 9?22:12
cwilluaboSamoor, bit late now, but any particular reason for upgrading to jaunty other than testing?22:12
pihhancwillu: how it does improve idle priority?22:14
cwillupihhan, gives it less priority :p22:14
aboSamoorcwillu: I am trying to help ubuntu by testing on my thinkpad. Also I hope to get my microphone working, I don't want to use XP any more and also I want to talk to my friends in Jordan using google talk.22:15
cwilluokay, carry on :p22:15
cwilluwas just hoping that you weren't under the impression that things are stable :)22:15
* DanaG ♥ 2.6.29 kernel + radeon.22:17
aboSamoorcwillu: I know it is stable. But I wan to know what are the problems, are they from jaunty or because I made mistakes here and there. What is the supposed alsa packeges versions that come with Jaunty ?22:18
cwillupihhan, actually, that was a lie.  slice_idle->0 tells the io scheduler to service other processes immediately rather than waiting for some period of time in case the current process wants to read/write something again (the idea being that it probably wants something near the same place on the disk)22:18
cwilluaboSamoor, don't confuse me for somebody who knows much about alsa :p22:18
DanaGFor the first time ever, suspend and resume works essentially perfectly reliably.22:18
* cwillu huggles DanaG 22:19
bruce89aboSamoor: the point was actually that Jaunty isn't stable22:19
DanaGYou know, people kept suggesting that I'd regret buying ATI... but I really don't.22:20
dtchenaboSamoor: 1.0.1822:20
dtchenaboSamoor: all across the board. i've patched them as necessary.22:20
dtchenaboSamoor: we're evaluating whether to bump alsa-lib to 1.0.19 for the people who want to use pulseaudio 0.9.1522:21
aboSamoorbruce89: I installed alsa 1.0.19 on my intrepid. it was from a user's ppa and it did not work, my package manager still tells me that I have 1.0.19 ! What can I do to downgrade to 1.0.18 ?22:21
dtchenaboSamoor: which ppa? and what do you mean by "it did not work"?22:22
cwilluaboSamoor, from synaptic, select it and hit 'force version'  Note, if there are alot of dependant packages as well, this isn't very easy to do22:22
bruce89have a look at the source list thingy in synaptic too22:24
aboSamoordtchen: cwillu: the ppa was https://launchpad.net/~pgquiles/+archive/ppa I meant by not working that mic problem was not solved just by upgrading alsa packages22:24
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
dtchenaboSamoor: the only ppa i recommend tracking for sound would be that of themuso, who helps me maintain the audio stack in Ubuntu22:25
dtchenaboSamoor: also, your internal mic issue is not an alsa-lib one but an alsa-kernel one, meaning that the bug lies in the `linux' source package. upgrading `alsa-lib' (rather, `libasound2', etc.) will not help.22:26
dtchenaboSamoor: i'm aware of the internal mic regressions from intrepid, and i'll be devoting time this weekend to fix them for HDA codecs.22:27
RomDdid they fix the problem of apps and folder shortcuts always getting opened on the primary screen in a multi monitor environment in alpha 5?22:30
IenorandWould anyone care to have a look at bug 329146 . I've added a bunch of info and is wondering whether there is anything more I might provide, or if someone could mark as confirmed?22:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329146 in nautilus "nautilus unable to start on login" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32914622:34
aboSamoordtchen: I am ready to help in testing any code added or modified. Should I add any repos ?22:34
dtchenaboSamoor: announcements are made to ubuntu-devel{,-discuss} and/or my blog22:43
aboSamoorHi, how I should report bugs to Jaunty ? I have problems with sound, graphics and nautilus23:08
cwilluaboSamoor, launchpad.net; also, you were just talking to the guy you need to about sound bugs23:10
aboSamoorcwillu: Thanks. What about the graphics. Compiz is not working any more !23:12
bruce89same place23:12
=== Teiseii is now known as Teisei
* ethana2 can never remember what mailing list to watch for alpha release announcements23:16
* bruce89 doesn't understand the excitement about an alpha tag23:18
ethana2dtchen: maybe I misspelled it..23:19
* ethana2 tries again23:19
ethana2ohh, I did, I had two dashes or something; thanks dtchen23:19
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
Mooqballi installed using ext423:45
Mooqballwoot jaunty23:45

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