
Stskeepscurious, does the -omap tree have fast USB on beagle these days?08:14
ogramobile team meeting (where we also often discuss arm issues) in #ubuntu-meeting in 10min11:53
Stskeepsis it open to just listening in too?11:54
ograeven to asking and giving coments :)11:54
Stskeepshehe, nah, i'm at work :P and it's easier to listen in and catch up on what U-M is doing these days11:59
Tscheesyhi ogra - did you find anything about the Hal restart-Prob in the Kubuntu-/fs_from_scratch?17:25
Tscheesyi'll give it a try again the weekend anyway17:25
ogranot really, and i built a rootfs without probs 5min ago that didnt expose that17:25
Tscheesyok.. on Daily-Jaunty?17:26
Tscheesyi mean the Build-System17:26
loolSo kexec-tools added to Pas/armel19:29
loolNow needs a merge19:29
ograi thought that was long done ?19:37
ogra(i asked NCommander in berlin to take care of it)19:37
ogra(and i thought he triggered lieb to do it)19:38
NCommanderogra, I was told it was on the TODO list for the kernel team19:51
ograright, and i catched up that pgraner assigned the task to lieb, so could you trigger him with the info lool gave above ?19:52
* NCommander notes that on his TODO list19:52
ograthanks :)19:52
NCommanderI probably won't get it today, I need to get these benchmarks done19:52

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