
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
pittiGood morning07:11
mnemogood morning pitti07:11
pittixhaker: seems that asac already replied to the firefox translation problem?07:13
pittiasac, bryce: this deletion came from Debian, so was semi-automatically07:13
pittihey mnemo!07:14
brycepitti: yes asac noted that.  I think we sorted it out though.  xtrace seems to have superseded xmon07:14
brycealthough it's not clear if maybe xmon was still worth keeping, but I'll leave that to asac to say07:15
didrocksgood morning07:56
hyperairhi. what's the WM_CLASS of the notify-osd popups?08:14
hyperairor any other thing i can use to match in ccsm?08:14
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mnemohyperair: maybe you can use "xprop | grep WM_CLASS" and then point to the notification window in order to find out?08:17
hyperairmnemo: doesn't work.08:18
hyperairmnemo: i tried, and it went right through to the window underneath08:18
didrocksmvo: Hi :) seb128 told me "ok" yesterday in respond to what I pasted to you08:20
mvodidrocks: ok, doing it now08:24
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mnemohyperair: try "xlsclients -l" and find the app hosting the popups, then use "xwininfo -name BLAH" to find the window id, and finally do "xprop -id WIN_ID"08:25
hyperairhmm okay..08:25
didrocksmvo: thanks :)08:25
seb128hello there08:26
pittibonjour seb12808:26
seb128guten tag pitti08:26
seb128how are you?08:27
pittiseb128: grumpy at the retracers which broke again... investigating08:27
pittiseb128: but in general, well08:27
pittibut horribly behind on TODO and email08:27
* seb128 knows this feeling08:27
pittiI ought to not sync any email and not look at IRC for two days and catch up with everything08:28
seb128I spent my day cleaning evolution bugs yesterday I think that was productive, I managed to get upstream to fix some of the issues directly after doing IRC debugging08:28
pittiseb128: that didn't happen to include fixing google calendar by any chance? :-)08:28
seb128no, that one is known to be buggy and not trivial work08:29
pittiI don't see the gcal entries at all any more, neither in clock nor in evo itself08:29
pittiseb128: I guess they just disabled it for now until it's fixed, to avoid the hangs?08:29
pittiretracers> oh, loks like launchpad rollout08:30
seb128I don't know, I would have to check, the jaunty hang which has been fixed was a one liner bug fix to not do buggy libical calls08:30
seb128pitti: ah right that would explain that08:30
pittilots of LaunchpadURLError08:31
hyperairmnemo: i nailed the issue with name=notify-osd =p08:33
hyperairmnemo: thanks for your help08:33
hyperairmnemo: notify-osd was transitioning out twice. one by notify-osd, one by compiz08:34
didrockshey seb128 :)08:34
seb128didrocks: hello08:35
mvoseb128: we are still in soft-freeze, right? no sposnoring ...08:40
seb128mvo: indeed, at least no CD sponsoring08:40
asacbryce: i cannot say. i didnt get xmon to work ;) ... and xtrace doesnt follow forks ;)08:42
asacArneGoetje: have you figured why current langpacks are borked?08:43
asace.g. for mozilla: -fi -> empty, -pt -> no pt-PT, etc.08:43
asaci looked into it yesterday and found a few issues that can be improvd in po2xpi transformer, but in general i think it must be kind of base vs. incremental export thing08:44
* asac gets a tea08:59
seb128vuntz: hello09:20
loolasac: Hey, I managed to understand a bug I have since some weeks with firefox, but it's a bit weird and I wanted to check with you whether it makes sense to track it in launchpad: I open middle-click in a fresh tab to load an URL, then I switch back to some other app with alt-tab because I know it will take some time to load09:29
loolasac: If I'm too quick, middle-mouse-click is followed closely by <Alt> and firefox opens the "Save as" dialog and offers me to save the page at the URL as a .html09:30
loolI suspect the events are reordered (I open have this problem when I type in a terminal e.g. « " » + middle-click to paste + « " » => « "" <URL> » instead of « "<URL>" »09:31
loolasac: Does that sound like something useful to report to firefox?  or to xorg?  perhaps it's expected behavior that these events are in two queues and might mix09:32
loolI had in mind that perhaps firefox could check whether the alt modifier is set in the middle-click event, but I don't know whether the info is present09:32
asaclool: sounds a bit related to the "random menu item activated" bug we have09:36
asacthough middle mouse is a bit unsure09:36
asaclool: why is it important to have middle mouse followed by ALT in your case?09:37
asaclool: maybe you use "middle mouse button emulation" and in fact its right click?09:38
loolasac: As I was saying, I often paste into a new tab and switch back to the app (usually a terminal, for instance my mail reader), with alt-tab09:38
loolasac: Emulate3Buttons is indeed turned on, but I'm using the real middle mouse button (I'm on a thinkpad which has both a three buttons and a two buttons mouse)09:39
asaclool: heh. i think i could reproduce ;)09:40
asacthats really annoying09:42
asacagain i need a good xevent tracer09:43
loolasac: There was this X proxy09:43
loolasac: I think it's xtrace09:43
asacxtrace seems to be the new hot thing09:43
asacbut that doesnt support -f (like strace)09:43
asacso firefox just forks away09:44
asacand no events are ever retrieved09:44
loolxtrace is actually an old thing, it used ot be broken for me, but it was updated recently09:44
asacalso has no pid or windowid option :(09:44
loolCan't you run the firefox bin directly, disregarding any running firefox?09:44
asaccould be. ... seems that debian thinks it superseeded xmon ... and removed it09:44
loolHmm I used to use xmon too I think, blah09:45
asaclool: no. it always forks on startup09:45
asacdont ask me why09:45
asaci needed to use -f since ever with strace ;)09:45
asaclool: i have xmon now ... do you know how i can simply monitor a process for X events ;)?09:46
loolWeird, I wouldn't expect a fork to help startup time09:46
asaclike button/key09:46
asacthe UI is really complex09:46
loolNo, I don't recall at all :-)09:46
asacwell. if you start early ;) the process is still small09:47
asacfork early i mean09:47
asacthe reason they do that is that they need to restart ffox in case there are component/chrome/extension updates09:48
asacat least i would think thats the reason ;)09:48
asaclool: so you are right. the openUILink stuff is used generic fashion and if there is "alt" it will save10:03
asacbut there is a "true" for ignoreAlt to prevent that10:04
asacstrange that it hits the case anyway10:04
asaclool: are you using ffox 3.0 or 3.1?10:07
loolasac: 3.010:07
asaclool: please replace your browser.jar with http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/tmp/browser.jar10:11
asacand use it for a while10:11
asachopefully its gone10:11
asacits in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.*/chrome/10:12
loolWill try10:12
asacfiled mozilla bug 48029010:18
ubottuMozilla bug 480290 in Tabbed Browser "with openurl on middlemouse paste followed by "Alt" key quickly triggers file save dialog" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48029010:18
asacok pach attached10:21
asacseb128: do you need more input/help on the evolution network-manager integration thing? not sure if you said that upstream is on it now or not.10:43
seb128asac: it's fixed to svn and I verified the fix10:44
seb128asac: I told you on IRC yesterday but you probably didn't notice ;-)10:44
asacseb128: great10:47
Nghmm, my keyring stuff is still borked after rebooting11:14
ftaseb128, thanks for gwibber!11:25
seb128fta: you're welcome, thanks to slangasek who double check too to make sure it was ok since that was after the freeze now ;-)11:25
tjaaltonnice, hot-logging in gnome takes only 5s now11:28
ftaseb128, excellent. I'm sorry it took 3 rounds to let it pass but now it's history ;)11:28
seb128fta: that's ok11:33
sabdflwe love gwibber :-)11:40
* seb128 lucnh11:41
hyperairdoes anyone know how the indicator-applet is supposed to work?12:01
hyperairi've got.. indicator-applet, evolution-indicator, both enabled, and all i see is "No Indicators"12:01
davidbarthhyperair: you need to add the indicator to your panel12:14
davidbarthhyperair: make sure also to disable the old mail notification plugin in evolution, or you'll get notifications twice, and one of them will display in a dialog box at that...12:16
asacdavidbarth: for me there is no icon nor text next to the indicator applet grib in panel12:32
davidbarthasac, hyperair: the indicator only appears when you have a new message and the application is not focused12:45
davidbarthasac, hyperair: ie, if you have evolution opened and focused, the indicator applet will never annoy you with something you already know12:46
hyperairasac: i've added the indicator applet to my panel12:54
hyperairi mean12:54
hyperairdavidbarth: ^12:54
hyperairand the indicator applet says "No Indicators"12:54
hyperairalso i have the notification plugin enabled12:55
hyperairand it pops up the icon12:55
hyperairbasically i've got the window de-focused12:55
hyperairand the indicator applet says "No indicators"12:55
hyperaireven when i've got new mail12:55
kenvandine[work]good morning all13:04
pittihey kenvandine[work]13:06
ArneGoetjeasac: I didn't know mozilla translations were broken until you mentioned it.13:07
ArneGoetjeasac: only in Jaunty or also Hardy and Intrepid?13:08
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asacArneGoetje: i havent looked. not sure if you rolled them oput13:27
asacArneGoetje: so far i only heard of jaunty13:27
asacArneGoetje: check dpkg -L language-pack-pt  | grep langpack.*mozi13:27
asacArneGoetje: and dpkg -L language-pack-fi  | grep langpack.*mozi13:27
asacand -base13:27
ArneGoetjeasac: the -pt ones have been changed from pt_PT -> pt13:38
ArneGoetjeasac: fi should be there though...13:38
asacArneGoetje: so what i found out is that previously to jaunty we had pt-BR.po and pt.po ... now we have pt-PT.po on top13:40
asachowever, that didnt cause the issue; the po2xpi processor had a bug, but that shouldnt have led to the removal13:40
asacsame for es*.po13:40
asacwe should tell jtv about those bogus exports13:40
asacArneGoetje: what we need is a log13:41
asacArneGoetje: from the langpack-o-matic run of po2xpi13:41
asacmaybe the problem is also related to base vs. update export13:41
ArneGoetjeasac: langpack-o-matic -> pitti. he knows more about that.13:43
asacpitti: ^^13:43
ArneGoetjeasac: I just approved your xulrunner fi upload.13:44
asacArneGoetje: my?13:44
ArneGoetjeasac: yep.13:44
asaci didnt upload anything for ages13:44
ArneGoetjeasac: it was stuck in the queue...13:44
ArneGoetjeasac: ha... tha's why fi is missing...13:45
asacArneGoetje: dont you preserve logs for runs?13:45
asacArneGoetje: dont understand. its just a langpack update; the old bits should still be there?13:45
ArneGoetjeasac: we do13:45
asacbut could be of course13:45
asacbut pt-PT is still a mystery13:45
asacArneGoetje: can you get that log?13:45
ArneGoetjeasac: fi was stuck in the import queue, if that one is not approved, newer updates won't go in either.13:46
* ArneGoetje is looking13:46
ArneGoetjeasac: right... fi is broken, pt and es are missing... I will investigate13:54
asacArneGoetje: do you merge the base + incremental tarballs? otherwise please check whether there are really three pt.*po in the incremental pack13:55
asacmaybe its just pt-BR - which might cause the po2xpi converter to run into troubles13:55
asacArneGoetje: maybe you have added some santizing code that removes the bogus exports for pt and es and other?13:57
asacArneGoetje: which causes the mozilla files to be removed by accident?13:57
ArneGoetjeasac: no, I think that was my mistake when importing them in the first place... because Rosetta asks me which language the xpi should be imported into. For pt-PT I chose pt_PT and not pt, like I should... same for es-ES: should have gone into es, but went into es_ES14:01
asacArneGoetje: well. as i said, i ran the po2xpi processor on the full export and it had no issues with fi nor pt14:01
ArneGoetjewill ask jtv to marge those back where they belong.14:02
asacits just that we have pt-PT and pt in there now ;)14:02
asacbut that doesnt hurt. the files that are produced are definitly not in the packages ... so if you have logs i can see whether the problem is before quickly14:02
ArneGoetjeasac: yep, according to the log, they were not in the updates tarball14:04
ArneGoetjeasac: I will ask jtv14:08
asacArneGoetje: could be that pt.po didnt change while pt-BR.po did14:09
ArneGoetjeasac: yes14:09
asacArneGoetje: i think lang-pack-o-matic would need some magic to merge missing sub-langs from the base tarball14:09
ArneGoetjeasac: that's why they have to be merged14:09
asacright ;)14:09
asacArneGoetje: but why the hell did this start to happen now?14:09
asacArneGoetje: you need to merge them in langpack-o-matic i think14:09
asacdont wait for launchpad ... that will probably take too long ;)14:10
asacArneGoetje: also the -base packages are empty wrt to mozilla14:11
asacmaybe thats the real problem here14:11
asacand we just need to force another full export?14:11
ArneGoetjeasac: we will have a new full export before release, but if we need one earlier, I can request one.14:12
asacArneGoetje: so if fi.po is missing in the partial export and the pt + es things too14:13
asacArneGoetje: then please request one14:13
ArneGoetjeasac: ok14:13
asacsounds unnecessary risky to wait until last export before release14:13
asaclets do that then and see how well it works out ;)14:14
ArneGoetjeasac: ok14:14
asacif fixed po2xpi to properly dfeal with the "bad" exports. so that shouldnt be a problem either14:14
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loolmvo: Around?  Not very interesting but this merge into compiz https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lool/compiz/ubuntu/+merge/1869 is open since November   O:-)14:32
seb128pitti: your camera issue is bug #32602914:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326029 in gvfs "gvfs-gphoto2 mount 4 devices when plugin one camera" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32602914:33
mvolool: *cough* I merge it now14:42
mvolool: I think I did something wrong with LP, I want to get mails for merging proposals, but I don#t get them14:42
james_wmvo: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~compiz/compiz/ubuntu/+addsubscriber14:44
james_wadd yourself or compiz packagers there14:44
james_wand choose the type of mails you want14:44
james_wthe defaults are probably what you want14:45
james_wI believe the branch owner is now subscribed by default, but I don't think that was retro-active14:45
mvojames_w: aha, ok. thanks a lot14:47
mvojames_w: I do that for all my projects now14:47
mvolool: merged, sorry for the delay14:51
* hyperair wonders if there will be a way to configure notify-osd to allow actions/custom timeouts/whatever in the future14:55
loolmvo: that's fine; FYI there's another merge pending14:56
loolnot by me though14:56
looljames_w: ah it's not the default14:57
loolWeird, I see Default Review Team compiz packagers, I'd expect these to receive a note15:01
seb128lut huats15:03
huatshello seb12815:03
seb128huats: how are you?15:03
huatsseb128: a bit better... but not that weel yet :(15:04
huatshow are you ?15:04
seb128huats: oh what do you have? I just though you were busy due to work change15:04
seb128huats: good thank you15:04
huatsbusy and sick :(15:04
huats(fever and all that nice things)15:04
seb128take care then15:04
huatsI am trying to recover :)15:05
huatsI think I will ask for a FF for anjuta15:05
seb128I can grant freeze exception for desktop component in universe so it's granted15:05
loolmvo: Sorry to bother again, I'm going through old team merge requests I got: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~brian-thomason/app-install-data-commercial/partner/+merge/1658 can't find the missing revs though, and you seem to know this branch; mind having a look?15:06
huatsok thanks :)15:06
huatshum ?15:06
seb128huats: what?15:07
huatsseb128: there was a graphical glitch with previous lool msg but it is ok :)15:07
* lool glitches15:08
dashuamvo: How did you make out with the adding the protobuf dependencies for Compiz?15:08
dashuaNeed testing for your PPA?15:09
mvolool: thanks, merging that too15:10
mvodashua: I put it into my ~mvo ppa for now along with a compiz version that has some profiling output. if you want to run it, that is very welcome, for me it gives ~2s startup time (with protobuf and cache) compared to 3s without15:11
mvodashua: that sounds encouraging, unfortunately some other things in libcompizconfig changed (notably global.xml got removed) so updating is a bit of owrk because our default options need now applied as indivial pactches on the core, plugins-main,extra packages15:12
mvo(profiling information is printed on stdout)15:12
dashuaAh, alright.  Maybe a future endeavor then?15:13
dashuaSounds like a lot of extra work for a sec =/15:13
mvodashua: I have a fast machine, I happy to do the work if its worthwhile especially on lower end machines15:15
dashuaMy laptop is fast as well, so this may make a big difference on a lower end box.15:16
kenvandine[work]seb128: jcastro said you guys decided at the sprint to revert that horizontal volume slider15:16
dashuaOk cool :)15:16
mvoand at some point the needs needs to be done anyway. so I'm leaning toward adding it, but I wait for futher feedback15:16
kenvandine[work]seb128: is there an open bug to do that?15:16
dashuamvo: I'll uninstall master and test your packages later on :)15:17
mvothanks dashua :)15:17
seb128kenvandine[work]: we decided that?15:17
kenvandine[work]according to jcastro15:17
kenvandine[work]jcastro: ^^15:17
seb128kenvandine[work]: we decide to use the alsa, gstreamer controls and not the new pulseaudio ones15:17
seb128which we did15:18
seb128gnome-volume-control is the intrepid version15:18
seb128we rolled back the gnome-settings-daemon volume actions15:18
seb128we build gnome-sound-properties15:18
seb128and we don't build the new notification area control but the gnome-applets volume applet rather15:18
seb128upstream did some changes to the look and feel of this one this cycle though15:18
seb128ie, changed the orientation and added the button15:19
seb128I'm not decided if that's worth changing back15:19
seb128the issue we had was to let users run alsa only if they want15:19
seb128not to fight every ui change15:19
seb128does what I write make sense? ;-)15:19
seb128I'm open to discussion about changing the slider15:20
seb128I think upstream did the change to add the volume control button and mute box15:20
kenvandine[work]yeah... it feels awkward to me15:20
pittiIMHO there's no reason to deviate from that15:20
kenvandine[work]but completely convinced it is wrong15:20
seb128kenvandine[work]: maybe you can open a gnome-applets bug on bugzilla about that?15:21
kenvandine[work]but not completely convinced it is wrong15:21
seb128one issue we have with the new one is that it goes out of screen if placed near a border15:21
pittiif that's going to be reverted, then it should happen upstream, yes15:21
pittiseb128: I think that was fixed15:21
jcastrowait, so is the new slider horizontal or vertical?15:21
pittiI had that problem, and it's gone now15:21
seb128pitti: oh indeed15:21
kenvandine[work]jcastro: horizontal15:21
seb128pitti: I didn't try for a while but you are right15:21
* seb128 goes to close the bug15:22
pitti♪ another one bites the dust ♫ ♬15:22
seb128pitti: indeed ;-)15:22
kenvandine[work]horizontal feels awkward to me... but i am tainted from years of vertical15:22
kenvandine[work]it is nice to have mute and volume controls button there on a left click15:23
kenvandine[work]people struggle knowing when to right click imho15:23
kenvandine[work]like i said... i am not convinced15:23
seb128right, that's why they did the change15:23
kenvandine[work]jcastro: what do you think? should we open a bug upstream for more discussion?15:23
seb128I think calum did that15:23
* kenvandine[work] knows jcastro always has opinions15:23
jcastroif we feel strongly, sure15:24
seb128"we" being?15:24
* kenvandine[work] doesn't feel strongly15:24
jcastrowhat do you think seb?15:24
seb128we didn't get any user complain so far out of the "out of screen" issue which is fixed now15:24
seb128I think I don't use this applet15:24
seb128I use the mouse scroll on the icon not the slider15:24
jcastropeople were complaining about it the first time.15:24
seb128they were complaining about it getting out of screen rather15:24
kenvandine[work]seb128: i didn't know that worked!15:25
jcastrothough tbh I started using my wheel on my keyboard so I can see the new notification bling.15:25
jcastrokenvandine[work]: that works on app volume controls too (totem, etc.)15:25
kenvandine[work]should we see the notify-osd if we use the mouse scrollwheel over it?15:25
seb128I'm not sure15:25
* kenvandine[work] thinks we should... but we don't15:26
seb128I think that's rather a power user thing and they might not like getting too much visual noise15:26
kenvandine[work]true, it isn't obvious15:26
kenvandine[work]but it is the only way those of us without multimedia keyboards can get the bling :)15:26
kenvandine[work]but i don't really care much :)15:26
kenvandine[work]i guess i will when i get that new t400... can't wait!15:27
kenvandine[work]seb128: do you generally use rythmbox?15:28
seb128when I listen to music on the computer yes15:28
kenvandine[work]i hate that word... i never spell it right15:28
kenvandine[work]seb128: does it stutter to you when you do things that spike the cpu?15:28
kenvandine[work]i never use it, but in my notify-osd testing i noticed it stutters a fair bit when i alt-tab with compiz on15:29
kenvandine[work]but banshee doesn't15:29
seb128bug #19357815:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193578 in xorg "Scrolling Firefox interrupts Rhythmbox audio" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19357815:29
seb128try enabling the crossfading option maybe15:29
kenvandine[work]in rb?15:29
seb128I think that's suggested in this bug, that will change buffering15:29
seb128you can also try without pulseaudio, that's another cause of frequent issues15:30
pittiit'll almost certainly work without pusle15:30
pittiplain alsa never caused me such problems :/15:30
kenvandine[work]ok, enabling crossfading did help15:31
james_wseb128: I heard a couple of grumbles about the horizontal orientation. Nothing on the level of some of the other changes though :-)15:31
kenvandine[work]i wonder if we should enable that by default, just to improve the user experience15:31
kenvandine[work]that stutter sucks... not that i ever plan to use rb more than just testing stuff :)15:32
* kenvandine[work] hugs his banshee15:32
seb128kenvandine[work]: look at crossfading bugs, there was some side effects issues15:32
* pitti hugs rhythmbox15:32
* kenvandine[work] looks15:32
* seb128 hugs rhythmbox15:32
kenvandine[work]ha... we all have opinions15:32
seb128I hate banshee15:32
kenvandine[work]i hate rb :)15:32
jcastroI can see where this conversation is headed ...15:32
seb128for whatever reason it's started when doube clicking on a ogv on my new desktop15:32
kenvandine[work]jcastro: you gotta chime in15:32
seb128I opened it by mistake twice this week15:32
seb128then closed it immediatly15:33
seb128to notice later that it didn't close15:33
kenvandine[work]seb128: yeah... we should change that15:33
kenvandine[work]it is registered to handle videos15:33
seb128the stupid thing understand close as go to notification area15:33
kenvandine[work]but if we ship totem, we don't want that15:33
kenvandine[work]in foresight i have a patch to make it not register as the default for videos15:33
seb128well, we can tweak the defaults.list to make totem default15:33
kenvandine[work]i already have a patch :)15:33
kenvandine[work]i will open a bug and attach a debdiff :)15:34
seb128the defaults.list is in desktop-file-utils15:34
seb128ok thanks15:34
kenvandine[work]isn't defaults.list modified when apps are installed?15:34
kenvandine[work]depending on mime data... in the .desktop15:34
seb128the cache is updated when app are installed15:34
vuntzseb128: btw15:35
kenvandine[work]so my patch will work15:35
kenvandine[work]hey vuntz!15:35
seb128the defaults.list is a way to say "if several alternative are listed prefer this one"15:35
vuntzseb128: did you see the thread sbrabec started about generating defaults.list?15:35
seb128vuntz: hey15:35
seb128vuntz: no15:35
vuntzkenvandine[work]: hello there15:35
seb128vuntz: makes me think I need to try this gnome-panel patch to see if it fixes my xrandr intel issue ;-)15:35
vuntzseb128: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2009-February/010208.html15:35
seb128vuntz: I knew that was your fault ;-)15:35
seb128vuntz: I'm subscribed to the list but I tend to not read everything, reading the mail now15:36
pittiseb128: you mean killal gnome-panel after you increase screen resolution, to make the panel follow suit?15:36
seb128pitti: right15:37
seb128pitti: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gnome-panel?view=revision&revision=1153015:37
vuntzseb128: actually, the latest panel patch shouldn't be needed15:37
vuntzseb128: was a gtk+ bug15:37
vuntzseb128: I'll revert this in 2.2715:37
seb128vuntz: right I read the comment but it's faster to build gnome-panel than gtk ;-)15:38
vuntz(don't want to revert just before 2.26)15:38
* seb128 hates the debian gtk build15:38
seb128it's building15:38
seb128and then building static15:38
seb128and then building directfb15:38
didrocksbuilding this package seems so fun... (hi vuntz) :)15:39
davmor2Guys will notifyOSD get plugged into totem at all?15:51
kenvandine[work]davmor2: does totem send any notications now?15:52
davmor2kenvandine[work]: I don't think so which is odd in itself considering most media apps do15:53
dobeytotem isn't quite the same as banshee/rbox15:54
seb128totem is a video player15:54
seb128you don't play videos in the notification area usually15:54
dobeyit's not a media library manager crackbox15:54
seb128you want those on screen not in a bubble15:54
pittiplease, no more notifiactions just because they are bling :)15:54
davmor2seb128: No I was thinking more of the fact that it now has the jamendo plugin15:55
seb128which is weird15:55
seb128totem is a video player15:55
seb128people should use rhythmbox to play audio15:55
davmor2plus any media you download tends to be opening in totem and not rhythmbox15:55
seb128well, when you download and open something that's usually to get to it now15:56
seb128bubbles are nice for things which go on in the background15:56
hyperairactually in the case of banshee, it registers itself as the default =\15:56
hyperairand yeah i agree regarding that.15:56
hyperairthings which go in the background.. generally totem doesn't go in the background15:56
seb128that was discussed 15 minutes ago and is a banshee bug15:56
hyperairah whoops15:57
davmor2seb128: I entitled to agree but it seemed to be the main multimedia app so I was just enquiring :)15:57
hyperairi should scroll up next time =\15:57
seb128you joined just after the discussion ;-)15:57
hyperairsomeone just filed it15:57
seb128so not your fault15:57
hyperairi see15:57
hyperairwell anyway15:57
hyperairregarding the banshee issue...15:57
hyperairit looks like maintaining an ubuntu-only patch will be needed, unless we can persuade upstream to change this behaviour15:58
seb128we just need to change the defaults.list to list totem for all video types15:59
hyperairhow does an app register as default anyway15:59
seb128it already lists most of those15:59
seb128but not ogv for example15:59
hyperairwhere's that15:59
hyperairi see15:59
davidbarthif the app is not listed in the list in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD then chances are it is not using notifications15:59
hyperairdavidbarth: more like it's not using notifications that have actions16:00
seb128davidbarth: those guys are speaking about adding notifications to other applications because those are so cool nowadays ;-)16:00
davidbarthwe're updating apps that already have support for libnotify16:00
davmor2davidbarth: I saw it wasn't listed I was wondering if it would be as it wasn't listed :)16:00
davidbarthhyperair: correct!16:00
davidbarthsorry, yes not using actions16:00
hyperairdavidbarth: =)16:00
hyperairdavidbarth: by the way, we were talking about the issue about evolution-indicator (and everything else that uses the indicator-applet)16:00
davidbarthwhich means, that if they do have support for libnotify, they can enjoy the shinny new visual16:00
davidbarthbut if they don't, well, back to the beginning, they're not listed, and so won't be updated for the moment16:01
hyperairdavidbarth: i just got a new email, and with that i got a black bubble saying "1 new email" and a blinking icon.16:01
davidbarthhowever, we encourage people to add support to libnotify in their favorite app16:01
davidbarthtake a look at the development guidelines recently posted by mirco: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDevelopmentGuidelines16:02
hyperairi think the usb startup disk thing could use the libnotify popup thing16:02
davidbarthhyperair: you mean you've got the message indicator running now?16:02
hyperairdavidbarth: that's right.16:02
hyperairdavidbarth: and it has the text "No Indicators"16:02
hyperairdavidbarth: is it supposed to register in dbus or anything? d-feet doesn't reveal anythingg16:03
davidbarthhyperair: err... then it means that no application is loaded that provides "indicators"16:03
hyperairdavidbarth: but i have evolution-indicator loaded16:03
davidbarthhyperair: do you have evolution or pidgin running? with the plugins that is16:03
hyperairdavidbarth: as well as pidgin-libnotify which is patched to support indicators16:03
hyperairdavidbarth: yeah i have both, and they both don't register16:03
hyperairto be fair, i'm on intrepid16:03
davidbarthhyperair: the app registers at runtime, ie no app loaded, no indicator16:04
hyperairi backported some pacakges to my ppa16:04
davidbarthhyperair: evol and/or pidgin loaded: the message indicator is declared and multiple apps contribute content to the menu16:04
davidbarthhyperair: should work as is, we were developing on intrepid too16:04
hyperairdavidbarth: okay, here's what happened. i added indicator applet, then i started evolution, and then i started pidgin. nothing.16:04
hyperairdavidbarth: i backported notify-osd, indicator-applet, pidgin-libnotify, gobject-introspect, and evolution-indicator from jaunty to my ppa16:05
hyperairam i missing something?16:05
davidbarthyou need indicator-message too16:05
davidbarthindicator-messages - GNOME panel indicator applet for messages16:06
hyperairwait a sec, this is a panel applet as well?16:06
hyperairhow's that differ from indicator-applet16:06
davidbarthyes, that's a lot of little modules, but it's part of a (overly inflated) grand scheme to make indicators better16:06
davidbarthindicator-applet is a sort of shell for indicators16:07
hyperaira shell eh16:07
davidbarthin the future, we'd like to have more indicators using the new scheme16:07
davidbarthand message indicator is the first16:07
davidbarthif you add indicator-messages, it will remove the "no indicators" message, and you will see... nothing!16:08
davidbarthbut when evolution and pidgin register to it (with the new plugins)16:09
davidbarththen you will see an envelope icon (with two states whether there are new messages or not)16:09
davidbarthhyperair: you're almost there, just need to rebuild a last package... ;)16:09
hyperairdavidbarth: alright thanks =)16:20
seb128vuntz: the gnome-panel change fixes the xrandr case16:22
seb128grrrr, xulrunner broke on closing again which breaks all authentifications, brb16:33
seb128_ok, back to working desktop now16:40
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
seb128didrocks, Laney: could you review bug #327747 too?16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327747 in ubuntu "Please promote new package "nautilus-sendto-universe" to universe" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32774716:45
Laneyseb128: There is a bad dependency in the control file16:46
Laneynautils-sendto (= ${Source:Version}) or similar16:46
seb128Laney: why do you consider that incorrect?16:47
Laneybecause it means they always have to be the exact same revision16:47
Laney-sendto and -sendto-universe16:47
seb128well, they should be the same source, I'm not sure how much you can fix versions16:48
seb128rather "how much you can mix versions"16:48
Laneyit should express that they should be the same upstream version in some way16:48
seb128not sure if upstream version is enough16:48
seb128anyway that should not be a blocker for upload16:49
seb128that can be fixed easily or later16:49
seb128would be nice to get things moving16:49
seb128we have libpst evolution-mapi and nautilus-sendto-universe which are stucked for a while on review16:49
Laneyare you sure? I can see it really being a problem16:50
seb128I'm sure it's easy to fix yet16:51
seb128just delete the (= ${Source:Version}) before uploading16:51
seb128yet -> yes16:51
Laneyright, well if that's acceptable then fine16:51
seb128I don't have a strong opinion either way16:51
seb128I would just like to get things not stucked for week on such details ;-)16:52
LaneyI do have a strong opinion that it's wrong and will easily and frequently cause uninstallability16:52
seb128right it's a bit too strict16:52
Laneybut the rest of the packaging is fine IMO16:53
seb128can we get an upload? ;-)16:53
Laneypossibly later tonight16:53
LaneyI'm still at work16:53
seb128(yeah I could do that myself but I'm trying to encourage new motus to take over such tasks ;-)16:53
seb128ok thanks16:54
Laneyactually, does it even need to depend on nautilus-sendto?16:55
seb128no point to have those if you don't have the nautilus-sendto binary installed16:56
seb128ie no user interface to use16:56
LaneyI didn't know it was a binary, thought they were just plugins to nautilus16:56
seb128no, it adds a "send files" menu entry16:56
seb128which opens nautilus-sendto16:56
seb128which has a combo listing choices16:57
Laneygot it16:57
seb128would be too many menu items otherwise ;-)16:57
LaneyI see an open sponsorship request for sendto-1.1.216:57
Laneywould be nice to have this updated too16:57
Laneybut I won't block on that16:57
seb128Laney: I think somebody (mvo?) commented on that, I expect it to be uploaded after the freeze16:59
seb128does anybody has an opinion on bug #310353?16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310353 in gnome-control-center "Default font size too large if using native DPI" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31035316:59
seb128I'm not sure what is right with this dpi settings against font settings16:59
mvoLaney: waiting for the freeze to end :)17:00
seb128I've to admit that auto-dpi sucks in many cases, ie in a Xephyr session fonts make the UI not usable17:00
LaneyI resized all of mine to 917:00
mvobut I will not be around tomorrow, so anyone is free to take it17:00
Laneyone of the first things I did after upgrading17:00
pittiseb128: hm, I just looked at that screenshot, and it seems fine to me17:02
pittiseb128: I guess many people just got used to tiny fonts :)17:03
pittiseb128: personally I don't think that auto-dpi is wrong, so if at all, then our default font sizes are too big17:03
seb128pitti: can yo try to sudo apt-get install xserver-xephyr and gdmflexiserver --xnest?17:03
pittiI tried that with xnest, looks fine17:03
* pitti purges xnest and installs xephyr17:03
seb128pitti: you have xnest or xephyr?17:04
seb128you can keep xnest, xephyr is prefered over it17:04
pittias I said, xnest; trying xephyr now17:04
seb128I've to admit I find the default value a tide too high on d63017:05
pittia "tide"?17:05
seb128it detects 120 dpi and 96 looks much nicer17:05
seb128but changing 10 points to 9 is ok too17:05
pittiah, I think I know17:05
pittiI guess the effect is that higher dpi screens are generally smaller17:05
pittiand people are sitting closer to it17:06
seb128pitti: "a bit"17:06
pittiso maybe it's not so much the dpi that counts, but rather the screen width/height17:06
seb128there was lot of discussions upstream about that17:06
pittia 24" 150 dpi monitor at 10 points would just look fine17:07
pittiand with intrepid would be pretty much unreadable, I guess17:07
pittieww, xephyr is using an insane resolution17:08
seb128you can change that easily17:08
seb128it supports xrandr17:08
pittiit's much bigger than my actual screen ;)17:08
seb128right, I get 1600 there17:08
pittiI get the big fonts, too17:09
ubottuGnome bug 104341 in font properties "gconf DPI ignores system settings" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]17:09
seb128is interesting17:09
pittixephyr reports 135 dpi, which is clearly wrong17:10
pittiit should have the exact same dpi value than the host x server17:10
pittixnest gets that right17:10
pittiif I correct it to 96, it looks fine17:11
calcseb128: if we force dpi in gconf it doesn't seem to be picked up by gdm, is that a known issue?17:20
calcpitti: well you can get 300 dpi large screen monitors (aiui) for large sums of money, but i doubt any of our users have one17:22
seb128calc: yes, gconf is an user thing gdm is a system thing17:23
seb128calc: and the current gdm doesn't use gconf too17:23
calcwhat the users seem to miss is that most monitors are ~ 96 dpi natively, except for higher end laptops (more expensive), netbooks (due to tiny screens), and HDTV's17:25
calcand the govt spec monitors i mentioned earlier that are large screen (nearly tv sized) and 300 dpi17:25
calcseb128: ah ok17:25
calcto 'fix' this issue for users with much higher native DPI than 96dpi we probably need to just document it in the release notes, for much lower dpi (eg TVs) we may need to bump the default font size up substantially, since the fonts won't have enough pixels to be drawn17:27
calcsince for much higher than normal we don't know if it is laptop (relatively small screen) or one of the expensive high res large screens that would be viewed for more of a distance17:28
seb128xorg does a if dpi < 50 then dpi = 96 apparently17:28
calcseb128: cool :)17:28
calcseb128: that helps a lot, i played with ~ 35 dpi a few years ago on a large tv and it was completely unusable until the dpi was set higher (since at the time it was hard to adjust font sizes for all apps)17:29
calcmy current tv has ~ 36 dpi (61" 1920x1080)17:30
* Tm_T would love to have ~160 dpi display17:31
calcseb128: is it considered a feature that nautilus desktop truncates mount point names (eg doesn't show storage-2_ instead shows storage-2 )?17:31
Tm_Tas I cannot use small enough fonts with ~100 dpi17:32
calcseb128: because if you have duplicate mount points the automounter adds a _ to the end but then the desktop seems to truncate that and then you can't tell your mount points apart17:32
seb128calc: not sure, that would required to look at the gvfs code17:33
calceven in the nautilus file manager window its truncated except in the window title17:33
seb128and in gvfs-mount -li?17:33
calcthe reason i noticed it was i am backing up a drive to a new drive which has the same fs label and it showed up17:33
calc    Mount(0): storage-2 -> file:///media/storage-2_17:34
calc    Mount(0): storage-2 -> file:///media/storage-217:34
calcso calling them both the same thing :\17:34
calcthey are technically the same label on disk, but it was mounted as storage-2_ to avoid duplication, so probably should keep that change throughtout the stack17:35
calcesp since you can't rename labels anyway not much need to keep it the same as on disk17:36
calcseb128: would this be a bug to file against gvfs or somewhere else?17:36
seb128gvfs I guess17:37
seb128since gvfs-mount lists the same naming17:37
calcbug 33503217:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335032 in gvfs "gvfs displays confusing mount name when duplicate label" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33503217:46
slomo_seb128: you want to sync gst-plugins-base0.10 0.10.22-3 from unstable for the alsamixer fix ;)17:48
seb128slomo_: thanks!17:49
seb128will do later today after the freeze17:49
slomo_np :)17:49
didrocksLaney: you are afraid that if (= ${Source:Version}), most of the time, this package will not be installable?17:57
didrocksseb128: mvo just put it "in progress", no comment. Well, it will be sponsored after freeze, as you said17:58
didrocks(ok, sorry if I repeat something already said, 1h of backlog :))17:59
* didrocks don't see nautilus-sendto-universe in REVU18:03
seb128didrocks: it's not in revu but on launchpad18:04
didrocksseb128: ok, so no advocate for the moment, once reviewed, we just comment on the bug report to advocate (or not) or ask explicitely to put it in REVU.18:06
seb128didrocks: no, just do review and upload, don't use revu ;-)18:07
seb128but Laney seems to be on it already18:07
didrocksok, I will have a look at evolution-mapi so18:08
crevetteI'm seeing you're talking about n-sendto-universe18:08
didrocksseb128: hum, some comments from james_w the 16 Feb and no upload since then18:08
didrockscrevette: yep18:09
james_wtalk to jelmer if you want to move it along18:09
crevettedidrocks: are you waiting for something from me18:10
* crevette is out of sync for 2 weeks18:10
didrockscrevette: see the little worry on Laney about (= ${Source:Version})18:11
didrockscrevette: appart from that, Laney is on it ;)18:11
crevetteI've been ill last week, and my work is sucking all motivation to do something when I'm home :/18:12
didrockscrevette: apparently, the package is good, just discuss with Laney :)18:13
didrockscrevette: btw, do you follow the last news from nautilus-sendto?18:23
crevettethe last news ?18:23
crevetteI seen a new upstream release, I started to package but didn't finished18:24
didrockscrevette: I updated it already18:24
didrockscrevette: if you looked at NEWS file, it says that18:24
didrocks"Add new evolution plugin"18:24
crevetteI tested it18:24
didrocksI can see the plugin in evolution, enable/disable it18:24
didrocksbut can't see what it is used for :/18:25
crevetteit adds a send to action in mail with attachement18:25
didrocksSo, the use case is:18:25
didrocksI open evolution18:25
didrockscreate a new mail and add attachement18:26
didrocksand I will be able to send the mail? :)18:26
* didrocks is lost18:26
crevettedidrocks: no for mail you receive18:26
didrocksI receive a mail with attachement and I can do what ? :/18:27
crevetteexample: you have a pdf in a mail you should have an action with the same send-to plugins as you find in nautilus18:27
didrockslet me check18:27
crevettelike send to burn://, removable medias18:27
didrocksI right-click on the pdf?18:27
crevetteno, there is a banner under the message, and a button with all actions you can do18:28
* didrocks checks now18:30
crevetteI can do a screenshot if you need it ?18:30
didrockscrevette: let me launch my jaunty vm and see if I can figure it out before bothering you with that :)18:30
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
didrockscrevette: got it, thanks :)18:40
crevetteokay, super18:40
didrocksbut evolution sucks in a 800x600 VM :/18:40
crevettefor sure18:40
mvodidrocks: I will not be around tomorrow, so anyone can take it18:43
didrocksmvo: no pb. I will ask seb if he will have time :)18:44
didrockstime for dinner18:45
chrisccoulsonhi tedg, are you about?18:53
chrisccoulsondavidbarth - i just saw your response to bug 283095. are you suggesting that we remove the existing session options from the FUSA and replace them with "Shut Down" and "Log Out", which call the existing gnome-session dialog?18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283095 in fast-user-switch-applet "logout needs confirmation" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28309518:58
thewrathhey is anyone using 9.04 alpha19:00
davidbarthchrisccoulson: hi19:00
davidbarthchrisccoulson: fusa is now the only exit path now19:01
davidbarthchrisccoulson: so yes it needs to call a confirmation dialog and i'm looking for the best option19:01
chrisccoulsoni think calling the existing session dialog from the FUSA is quite good. i actually ran a patch locally on my intrepid machine which did exactly that, although it was a bit of a hack19:02
davidbarthchrisccoulson: i'm not talking directly about simplifying the entries in the menu, though i would love to do so if it removes bugs19:02
davidbarthchrisccoulson: eh, i'm interested in the patch!19:02
chrisccoulsoni'll dig it out later and try and improve it19:03
chrisccoulsoni did some changes to the FUSA recently, so if you want more changes and everybody is really busy, i might be able to help out a little19:03
davidbarthchrisccoulson: that would be great!19:04
davidbarthchrisccoulson: can you first send your existing patch19:04
chrisccoulsoni'll do that - i'll have to find it first as i'm not running that version anymore19:04
davidbarthchrisccoulson: and then you should get in touch with ted to see how to share the work19:04
chrisccoulsonno problem19:05
* kenvandine_ seems to have crashed his box by selecting the guest session19:05
davidbarthchrisccoulson: thanks19:05
davidbarthkenvandine_: eh...19:05
davidbarthkenvandine_: can i also take some of your time to try to debug a gnome-session pb?19:06
kenvandine_not cool...  no consoles19:06
kenvandine_davidbarth: yes19:06
kenvandine_no ssh... but network is up19:06
davidbarthkenvandine_: i haven't seen bugs about that, but it seems to happen on my mac mini but not my notebook19:06
kenvandine_davidbarth: got a bug  you want to assign to me?19:06
kenvandine_intel graphics on the mac mini?19:07
davidbarthkenvandine_: a xterm failsafe session works (then i had metacity, etc.), but starting gnome-session locks the machine (the mouse moves, but the cursor spinner freezes)19:07
davidbarthkenvandine_: ideas?19:07
davidbarthintel graphics, gma950 or something19:08
davidbarth(not yet the new mac mini with the nvidia card ;)19:08
kenvandine_that is the same as i have in this box19:08
kenvandine_i would think an xorg bug19:08
kenvandine_probably related to trying to see if composting is supported19:08
* kenvandine_ still doesn't know how we check for that19:09
davidbarthkenvandine_: yeah, but what's strange is that i can run metacity + compositing from the xterm failsafe session (adding things piece by piece)19:09
kenvandine_can you run compiz though?19:09
kenvandine_i wonder if we think compiz will work, and try it19:10
kenvandine_although compiz does actually work on mine19:10
kenvandine_just not very fast19:10
kenvandine_i have seen some weird behavior... hangs, etc19:10
davidbarthtrying again19:10
didrockscrevette: does nautilus-sendto-universe have the same source than nautilus-sendto?19:11
davidbarthkenvandine_: ok, you were right, this is compiz that crashes/locks19:14
davidbarthkenvandine_: i thought my preferences were already set to metacity, but starting compiz reproduces the same black screen, locked cursor behaviour19:15
kenvandine_i really need to figure out what we do to check to see if compiz should work, and enable it automatically19:15
crevettedidrocks: ouaip19:16
crevettethis is the same tarball19:16
didrockscrevette: how do you choose plugins that goes on universe, libdep are in universe?19:17
davidbarthkenvandine_: my appearance settings are set to 'no effects': do you know which gconf/etc setting to look for?19:17
kenvandine_it isn't gconf19:18
kenvandine_all though... no effects should disable that...19:18
kenvandine_i would think19:18
kenvandine_look at startup applications19:18
kenvandine_is compiz enabled?19:18
davidbarthkenvandine_: except if gconfd is not yet running19:18
didrockscrevette: I don't see how you choose plugins you want exclude/include19:19
didrocksjust remove b-d and let configure choosing the right things to build?19:20
kenvandine_davidbarth: gconfd should start on demand19:26
kenvandine_so if something queries it, it starts19:26
crevettedidrocks: that's simple  look in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebmillemathias/%2Bjunk/nautilus-sendto-universe/annotate/head%3A/debian//nautilus-sendto-universe.install19:28
crevettehttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebmillemathias/%2Bjunk/nautilus-sendto-universe/files/head%3A/debian/ rather19:28
crevettein rules I added DEB_DESTDIR := $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp19:28
crevetteand I created a nautilus-sendto-universe.install which only copy so of the plugins I need19:29
didrocksoh, you specify only what you want to install in .install. Ok19:29
didrocksseems the right way :)19:29
didrocksbe careful with DEB_DH_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS_ALL19:30
didrockslet me check one thing19:30
didrocksok, you don't b-d on it19:30
crevetteb-d ?19:30
didrocksbuild-depends :)19:30
didrocksfor the evolution plugin, it does not install usr/lib/nautilus-sendto19:31
didrocksbut in usr/lib/evolution19:32
tedgchrisccoulson: Not really.  My son is sick, and he's napping right now.  If you have a quick question I can probably answer it.19:32
didrocksso, add a depends (and not suggests) on evolution, which is not what we want :)19:32
didrockscrevette: you can remove Conflicts: evolution (<< 2.4)19:32
crevettedidrocks: yeah I guess19:33
chrisccoulsonit was about bug 283095, but it can wait :)19:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283095 in fast-user-switch-applet "logout needs confirmation" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28309519:33
tedgchrisccoulson: Okay.  I was going to work on that one.  I think we're going to have to give up on gnome-session really working :)19:34
chrisccoulsonno problem. i wasn't sure whether the intention was that the FUSA should call the session dialog. if it was, then i could probably work on tha19:35
crevettedidrocks: this is the code of the 4 weeks old nautilus-endto-universe, so evolution pluging didn't exist and evo plugin is for nautilus-sendto package19:36
didrockscrevette: yes, I was just explaining this to you :)19:37
didrockscrevette: btw, for your previous gedit-plugins update, think to bump depends regarding configure.* file :)19:38
tedgchrisccoulson: I don't think so.  I think we're going to have to make our own dialogs.  The problem is the session manager has you make a choice of what you want to do, which you've already done with the menu.  I was thinking more a "Logging out in 5 seconds, hit cancel to stop" type of thing.19:38
didrocks(you forgot to bump the dependency to 2.25.2 for gedit)19:38
crevettedidrocks: did it depend on this version ?19:39
didrockscrevette: yep, cf configure.ac19:39
crevetteI obviously forgot to check configure.?19:39
chrisccoulsonah, ok. i wasn't sure whether you could replace the multiple options in the FUSA with just "Shutdown" and "Logout", similar to what was in the System menu19:39
didrocksapparently ^^19:39
didrocksno matter, I update it now :)19:39
davidbarthkenvandine_: works; i changed desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default19:50
RainCTJust wondering, has anyone thought about adding GMail as a "Mail Reader" option in "Preferred Applications"?19:56
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
wgrantIs it intentional that I now get a notification dialog whenever a new email appears in my inbox?20:57
kenvandine[work]wgrant: not really, we have a fix coming for that20:58
kenvandine[work]wgrant: evolution right?20:58
kenvandine[work]in evolution, go to Edit->Plugins the select the Mail Notification plugin20:59
kenvandine[work]then the Configuration tab20:59
kenvandine[work]and uncheck "Show icon in notification area"21:00
wgrantkenvandine[work]: OK, thanks. It's not another instance of the new pop-unders-are-better policy?21:01
kenvandine[work]it is :)21:01
kenvandine[work]we favor the message indicator applet for mail notification now21:02
wgrantThat notification is, without a doubt, the most annoying thing in Jaunty.21:02
kenvandine[work]as opposed to the build in mail notification plugin21:02
wgrantBut this window pops up every few minutes in the background, and has to be dismissed manually!21:03
kenvandine[work]that is what we want to avoid21:03
kenvandine[work]we have a fix for it, but it needs to get committed21:03
wgrantAh, so it's not part of the pop-under policy.21:03
wgrantI thought you just said that it was...21:03
kenvandine[work]i guess i missunderstood :)21:04
wgrantAh, good.21:04
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Laneygrr, I wish there would be some movement on gnome bug 52497722:34
ubottuGnome bug 524977 in sftp backend "Can't connect to some SFTP servers using gvfs" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52497722:34
seb128Laney: could be gnome bug #570977 which has been fixed today22:37
ubottuGnome bug 570977 in sftp backend "sftp backend sends trailing zeros to communication data" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57097722:37
seb128Laney: you can test the svn patch if you want22:37
LaneyI can and will!22:38

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