
dtchenfta: thanks, fixed.01:02
dtchenfta: (libtool error, will be pushed to git HEAD shortly)01:02
dtchenfta: http://colin.guthr.ie/git/pulseaudio/patch/?id=dd3c96dede6439ee5dec9e3b22bce9cf7b53d2ff01:03
dtchenfta: fix has been uploaded, should appear soon in Luke's ppa02:41
asac!info firefox09:06
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB09:06
asacok i am here ;)09:07
BUGabundoguud morning everyone10:26
BUGabundohi asac fta [reed] and all the usuals (but quiet guys/galls around)10:26
BUGabundoasac: humm have got any critical NM bugs recently?10:26
BUGabundo'cause I'm having a few probs with it10:27
BUGabundoneed to start opening bugs on them10:27
asacBUGabundo: wifi?10:27
asac-> driver10:27
* gnomefreak almost forgot. asac any plans on fixing the n-m icon?10:27
BUGabundowifi, and now wired10:27
asacgnomefreak: huh?10:27
asacBUGabundo: what wired behaviour?10:27
BUGabundoI get disconnect while still being connected10:28
asacgnomefreak: whats the prob?10:28
BUGabundostrange, yeah I know10:28
gnomefreakasac: the icon shows the "x" as in there is not a connection but im here so i do have one.10:28
asacBUGabundo: when you hover the mouse over the icon, what text to do get?10:28
BUGabundoeven my netspeed applet shows my wired as offline10:28
asace.g. when being in such a state10:28
BUGabundobut I'm talking to you10:28
asacgnomefreak: oh. so the same as BUGabundo ;)10:29
gnomefreakasac: is he seeing this too?10:29
BUGabundo"wired network connection DHCP active10:29
asacgnomefreak: same question when you click on applet what are you seeing?10:29
asacgnomefreak: seems so10:29
BUGabundoand that DHCP is a manual one, cause I accidently deleted the auto10:29
gnomefreak"vpn" is all i can click on10:29
BUGabundoasac: gnomefreak I see the 2 monitors on it10:30
gnomefreak^^ is left click10:30
asacBUGabundo: so the applet also knows its connected?10:30
gnomefreakyep me too10:30
BUGabundoConnection Information is ok10:30
asac but still it has he cross? e.g. disconnected?10:30
asacBUGabundo: so its just the applet icon?10:30
BUGabundono disconect here from NM applet10:30
BUGabundobut some apps think I'm offline10:30
gnomefreakright click menu is fine i can click on everything in dropdown10:30
BUGabundokmail, firefox, netspeed applet10:30
asacBUGabundo: ok. thats different then ;)10:31
gnomefreak^^ not seeing any apps failing10:31
BUGabundoasac: no no .... NM applet seem fine10:31
asacgnomefreak: left click10:31
BUGabundobut Network-Manager service, no10:31
asacgnomefreak: what does it tell you there?`10:31
asacBUGabundo: well, you dont know. maybe its the apps10:32
asacBUGabundo: please paste output of nm-tool10:32
BUGabundoall ?10:32
BUGabundo$ nm-tool | pastebinit -i -10:32
gnomefreakasac: left click shows me "wired" "device not managed" and "VPN connections" all is greyed out except "VPN connections"10:32
asacBUGabundo: State: connected10:33
asacalso wired is connected10:33
gnomefreaknm-tool | pastebinit -i -10:33
asacmeaning -> apps10:33
asacBUGabundo: also applet is also "just an" app ... even though a bit more advanced10:33
gnomefreakis my output incase you need it10:33
asacgnomefreak: so what do you see when you left click applet?10:34
BUGabundoquiet strange... I make a normal boot, cable connect since boot10:34
asacgnomefreak: its unmanaged10:34
gnomefreak.:05:32:58:. <      gnomefreak > asac: left click shows me "wired" "device not  managed" and "VPN connections" all is greyed  out except "VPN connections"10:34
asacgnomefreak: pleast paste /etc/network/interfaces10:34
asacgnomefreak: yeah10:34
asacBUGabundo: doesnt matter. i mean this is apps problem10:35
BUGabundoand then, firefox stays offline, kmail hangs, and netspeed applet fail to detect network10:35
asacBUGabundo: which ffox version?10:35
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/62833110:35
BUGabundowhen I can, I'll just reapply the connection10:35
BUGabundo3.1 daily ppa10:35
BUGabundoit was set offline last night (I had not net)10:36
asacBUGabundo: 3.1 has network manager integration disabled by default afaik10:36
asacso this is completely unrelated10:36
gnomefreakit does say unmanaged10:36
BUGabundobut AFAIK it should use NMs intel to be set online automagicly10:36
BUGabundoahhhhhhh ok10:36
BUGabundothen that fixs one10:36
asacBUGabundo: toolkit.networkmanager.disable10:36
asacthats the pref10:36
asacset that to false to get networkmanager integration10:36
asacBUGabundo: it just remembers the last state10:37
asacso if you set it to offline and shutdown it might stay in offline on next start10:37
asacgnomefreak: why do you have the eth0 entries in there?10:37
BUGabundook ok10:37
asacremove them ... pronto10:37
BUGabundodidn't know10:37
BUGabundoI thought it was enabled10:37
asacgnomefreak: to apply those changes you have to run sudo killall nm-system-settings once10:37
asacBUGabundo: no upstream folks disabled it after too much whining10:38
asacits a shame10:38
gnomefreakasac: its been like this for a month or so I would assume that on shutdown/reboot nm-system-settings would have been killed10:39
asacBUGabundo: i would suggest to keep it enabled10:39
asacgnomefreak: read what i said ;)10:39
asac11:37 < asac> gnomefreak: why do you have the eth0 entries in there?10:40
asac11:37 < asac> remove them ... pronto10:40
asacgnomefreak: ^^10:40
BUGabundoasac: you mean TRUE=10:40
asacBUGabundo: no10:40
asacBUGabundo: in ffox about:config -> search for "toolkit.networkmanager.disable" -> set that to false10:40
asacand keep it tha way ;)10:40
gnomefreakin /etc/network/interfaces? im not seeing etho in there10:40
asacgnomefreak: you just pasted it10:41
asacgnomefreak: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/628331 -> eth0 + pan010:41
asacremove this shit10:41
BUGabundoasac: done10:41
asaconly auto lo ... if you want10:41
asacBUGabundo: good ;)10:41
asacso it should work now10:41
BUGabundocan't the ubuntu-mozillateam do that locally?10:41
BUGabundoit seems that upstream doesn't like "us" deltaing much right?10:42
asacwe can ... but we need permission for these kind of changes ... not now, but once 3.1 becomes "branded"10:42
gnomefreakthats everything except "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" everything else has etho in the or pan0" in it10:43
gnomefreakill try it10:44
BUGabundoohh asac did you manage to get the NM PPA bump in ?10:45
gnomefreakthe "x" is gone :) but am i still here?10:47
BUGabundognomefreak: pong10:48
gnomefreakBUGabundo: thanks :)10:48
asacgnomefreak: yeah ;)10:48
BUGabundoI'm afraid to even touch my NM10:48
BUGabundopidgin tends to crash10:48
asacgnomefreak: in fact you can also have a empty interfaces10:49
BUGabundoits hell, when my 3G goes from 3G to 2G10:49
asacNM is doing that for you10:49
asacBUGabundo: i know ;) ... feels more like 1G ;)10:49
asaci usually can be happy when i am able to close the screen and log out10:49
BUGabundono idea why both gwibber and pidgin HATE to be reduced to 5KiB/s networks10:49
* gnomefreak checks email than i will update SM2 and maybe try to figure out why problems with fsh patch (most likely need autof-2.1310:49
asacBUGabundo: the world is not made for such low bandwidth nowadays10:49
gnomefreakasac: if empty how does it connect?10:49
asacsimilar to how the world is not made for 8Mb Mem ;)10:50
BUGabundoasac: still is that a critical bug!10:50
BUGabundoI have net none the less10:50
asacgnomefreak: NM is sometehing different ;)10:50
BUGabundowhy would a chat program crash?10:50
BUGabundoNM is still on...10:50
asacgnomefreak: interfaces is the old ifupdown thing10:50
asacwe have now legacy support for interfaces10:50
gnomefreakasac: ah so is n-m strictly just an icon?10:50
asacbut that has the issue you described10:50
asacwhich shouldnt hurt10:50
asacits just the applet icon10:50
asacgnomefreak: he? NM is a daemon ... and a applet in the user session10:51
gnomefreakbut it is not used to connect? since you dont need X to be connected10:52
asacwell. the daemon is root10:52
asacits running all the time10:52
asacit can connect to auto connections10:52
asacand to globally configured connections10:52
asacglobally configured connections can be either down in keyfile format (thats the real thing) or in legacy format using /etc/network/interfaces10:52
* gnomefreak didnt relize it was a daemon10:53
asacits a daemon aka server that handles all your interfaces on low level10:53
asacapplet is just a frontend so you can steer it10:53
asacgive instructions what to do ... set configurations ... and provide secrets through user input10:53
gnomefreakBUGabundo: are you usig firefox-3.1? does it open homepage/show bookmarks?10:54
asacalso apps dont talk to the applet ... they talk to the daemon10:55
asacso the applet is just another app10:55
asacwhich has a bit more sophistication ;)10:55
gnomefreakthat makes sense10:55
BUGabundognomefreak: I have mine to blanck10:56
BUGabundoand no ubufox10:56
ftaPPA exceeded its size limit (1027.00 of 1024.00 MiB). Ask a question in https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/ if you need more space.10:57
ftaucd full, damn10:57
gnomefreakubufox is only extension that works however i dont think the blank screen is being caused by ubufox10:57
* gnomefreak only gets 2 gigs10:57
asacfta: ucd?10:57
asaci would really do that weekly ;)10:57
asacits really huge10:58
asaca single build probably takes all the space10:58
gnomefreakit is ubufox10:58
gnomefreakthats odd10:58
gnomefreakyep it sure is10:59
gnomefreakstill dont have bookmarks let me see if i can re-import them10:59
gnomefreakimporting works so i blame ubufox (sure asac doesnt want to here ubufox is borked)  :)11:01
asacgnomefreak: in 3.1?11:01
asacgnomefreak: are you running compiz?11:02
BUGabundoasac: did you happen to get those too side bugs from the original fix?11:02
BUGabundothe one that search box could not be resised?11:02
gnomefreakasac: yes 3.1 no compiz never11:03
BUGabundolet me go nag pitti11:04
gnomefreakmaybe ill go through feeds while im here. be back need a smoke11:05
asacBUGabundo: dont know what you are talking about ;)11:06
BUGabundoasac: when I reported back on the ubufox bug11:07
BUGabundosaying that the lasted trunk build fixed the bookmarks & TBP bug11:07
BUGabundoI also stated it added 2 new bugs11:07
BUGabundoand it needed to be tested11:07
asacBUGabundo: which bug?11:07
BUGabundothe ubufox one, and tab mix plus11:10
BUGabundobug 27302011:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273020 in ubufox "i cant add icons to my Navigation Toolbar (dup-of: 281348)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27302011:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281348 in ubufox "Firefox only shows default icons in toolbars with tabmixplus and ubufox installed" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28134811:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 281348 in ubufox "Firefox only shows default icons in toolbars with tabmixplus and ubufox installed" [High,In progress]11:11
BUGabundoI'm using it right now, and the bug seem to be fix on both 3.0 and 3.1. on a side note i found two new bugs:11:12
BUGabundo* cant resize the search bar;11:12
BUGabundo* some SSL sites fail to open (like launchpad)11:12
asacBUGabundo: hose issues are 3.1 only?11:14
BUGabundonot sure11:16
BUGabundohave to retest again11:16
BUGabundothis is stuppid!11:26
BUGabundoI'm getting that nag popup on FF11:26
BUGabundoevery time I open a new Window11:26
asacBUGabundo: please be more specific11:33
asaci cannot ask for details everytime you post something vaguely ;)11:33
armin76this ff bumbs!11:35
asacBUGabundo: want some more latest crack?11:36
asacBUGabundo: take the https://edge.launchpad.net/~pythoneers/+archive/ppa and run a dist-upgrade11:36
asacits basically the python2.6 transition11:36
asacand once hte packages are uploaded you will automatically return to vanillla jaunty11:37
asacso no risk ;) ... except for temporary breakage ;)11:37
asacgnomefreak: ^^ :)11:37
gnomefreaktemp breakage with internet is very hard to fix since you cant run dist-upgrade11:38
gnomefreakill be back i need to make coffee11:40
BUGabundoasac: doestn that only messes python?11:40
BUGabundois NM in python?11:40
BUGabundobut I want to keep gwibber11:40
BUGabundoso no breakge now11:40
asacBUGabundo: dont think it would break gwibber ;)11:45
asaci am trying now ... will let you know11:45
BUGabundoif then you need me to test more, sure fine11:46
BUGabundoalso I need to add the ~moz ppa to test font config11:46
BUGabundoforgot that yesterday11:47
asachmmm internet is really slow12:00
BUGabundois it?12:01
fta<asac> i would really do that weekly ;) <= why? i push that in a few seconds from a server12:01
BUGabundonot here12:01
asacfta: not sure ... arent the sources kept around for quite some time?12:01
ftakept around?12:02
ftamy bot has a local cache so it's just a svn update, pack, merge, push12:02
asaci dont say its a problem on your side12:02
asaci say that launchpad storage might be a bit offensive12:03
asaci mean its really lots of crap in that tarball12:03
asaceverything duplicated all over the place12:03
ftai guess they will complain if it becomes a problem12:03
ftathe packaging is ready to start dropping deps from the source tarball, but the build system is not12:04
asacpackaging is usually not a problem when the build system can do it12:09
asacwell ... at least build system is usually the harder part to fix12:10
jtvones current)14:09
=== beDrung is now known as bdrung
ftaasac, can't we do something about ia32 nss in hardy, this is really becoming messy: http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/d3f6b7f4eadb43a318:07
asacfta: we can provide build packages outside the archive. the result should be compatible18:26
asacwith everything18:26
asachardy, fedora, ...18:26
ftaasac, I think i will create a lib32nss package for hardy onward, depending on ia32-libs. it will be empty for jaunty, but that will only help my ppa, not google :(18:39
ftaasac, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxBuild64Bit  :(18:40
ftabug 31473919:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314739 in ia32-libs "[jaunty/amd64] flash plugin no longer has any sound" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31473919:33
dtchenfta: is luke's ppa 0.9.15-test3 working for you now?21:01
ftadtchen, is there an update? > ppa1 ?21:02
ftadtchen, i'm back in test2 but with the new alsa and it's far better.21:03
dtchendtchen: alsa -> alsa-lib?21:11
dtchenerr, s/dtchen/fta/21:11
dtchenwe really should just try and get an FFe for it, then21:11
ftare-upgrading to test3 ppa221:11
ftatoday, i got a few:21:12
ftaE: module-hal-detect.c: D-Bus error while parsing HAL data: org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchProperty: No property info.capabilities on device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_45e_29_noserial21:12
ftaE: module-hal-detect.c: D-Bus error while parsing HAL data: org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchProperty: No property info.capabilities on device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_45e_29_noserial_if021:12
ftaplenty of: W: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally21:13
dtchenbut much better performance?21:16
dtchenif so, that's due to lennart's workarounds for snd_pcm_avail_*() being utterly broken in alsa-lib21:16
dtchenthe driver (alsa-kernel) side isn't any better :/21:17
ftais there any activity on the driver side?21:18
dtchena little21:18
dtchenmuch of the work is working out whether an alsa-lib workaround is feasible21:18
dtchenis jaunty's alsa-lib (libasound2, ...) giving you poor performance with 0.9.15-test3~ppa2?21:19
dtchenif so, i'll look at a possible FFe and mass-rebuild of the revdeps21:20
ftai will try21:20
ftaboooh, lots of errors in ubuntu-docs21:21
=== asac__ is now known as asac
dtchenfta: thanks much. it'll help me prioritise audio stack effort for the next week.21:23
ftadtchen, test3 and the new alsa are really better, i can almost play openarena under heavy i/o like i used to in intrepid (and before)21:46
ftaand the "crispy" sound is almost gone21:47
dtchenfta: ok, so regardless of 0.9.1[45], new alsa-lib is definitely better?21:48
ftadtchen, i don't know that yet. new alsa-lib is better in test[23] than old alsa-lib (still from luke's ppa) with test[12]21:50
dtchenfta: right, that's because test2 and test3 both have a different error handling path if alsa-lib 1.0.19 is available at compile-time21:51
ftadtchen, downgrading pa to jaunty's version21:52
dtchenfta: thanks, you're a trooper21:54
ftadtchen, hm, is it the same list of debs?21:55
dtchenremember the libpulsecore* change21:56
ftayeah, guessed so. apt-get is not nice with multi-packages downgrade21:56
fta  pulseaudio: Depends: libasound2-plugins but it is not going to be installed22:01
dtchenprobably need to downgrade libasound2-plugins if luke's ppa has a never version22:01
ftadtchen, but if i do, it wants me to downgrade libasound2 too22:03
dtchenfta: right22:04
dtchenfta: i think you answered my question above with "new alsa-lib is better in test[23] than old alsa-lib (still from luke's ppa) with test[12]"22:04
dtchenas long as "old alsa-lib" refers to 1.0.1822:05
ftai'm afraid not, old alsa-lib referred to the alsa lib that was in luke's ppa (or yours) before test322:06
dtchenwhich version?22:06
ftalet me check my apt logs22:06
ftadtchen, yes, libasound2 1.0.19-0ubuntu1~ppa1 far better than 1.0.18-1ubuntu7 with pulse 0.9.15~test222:25
ftabut i can't easily downgrade pulse without alsalib to test 1.0.19 with the pulse in jaunty. sorry22:26
dtchenfta: that's ok, that's the data point i needed to confirm.22:27
dtchenluke and i will be considering an FFe for alsa-lib 1.0.1922:27
ftajcastro, Title: gwibber crashed with SIGSEGV in pango_layout_get_empty_extents_at_index()23:08
ftajcastro, that's one of the crashes i have, i can provide a full stack trace if needed23:10
ftadtchen, E: rtpoll.c: Assertion 'usec <= ((pa_usec_t) 1000000ULL)*60ULL*60ULL' failed at pulsecore/rtpoll.c:548, function pa_rtpoll_set_timer_relative(). Aborting.23:37
dtchenfta: interesting.23:38
dtchentest3~ppa2, i presume?23:39
dtcheni may have an alsa-lib workaround for you tomorrow23:39
dtchenright now, i need to finish rebuilding my ~ and get back to pulseaudio/ubuntu and pulseaudio/timing23:40

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