
ubotturegeya_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:27
ubottu_VIM_ called the ops in #ubuntu (Stumbles + ascii art X3)02:28
mneptokdum dee dee04:43
mneptoki need to be sleepy, but ain't.04:43
Flannelmneptok: Go eat some human souls, then count sheep.04:44
mneptokcan't i eat the sheep, too?04:46
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
Myrttijussi01: pong07:33
Mezhey bluesmoke - forgotten your old nick ?08:36
Myrtti!search bitchx08:52
ubottuFound: bitchx08:52
ubottubitchx is <alias> irc - added by Pici on 2007-10-25 18:38:0408:52
MyrttiWHAT THE HELL08:52
Myrtti!no bitchx is <reply> bitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi instead.08:58
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti08:58
MyrttiI know far too much about irc clients.09:01
Myrttiand yay. hynix is back again09:25
elkyyou know, i'd say 'oh, joy' sarcasticly... but it's a waste on him09:33
Myrttisnake oil of the month, via #elsewhere: http://www.singularics.com/products/encryption/10:18
Tm_Tnice attitude that bullguard4 has10:52
ikoniaTm_T: %50 is a language issue10:52
ikoniaTm_T: where are you looking ?10:52
ikoniahe's doing that sort of thing10:53
ikoniahe's been spoken to a few times about that10:53
ikoniaif he wants "fact" he should contact the developer10:53
bazhanghe's a bit rude at times though imo10:58
ikoniahence why he's been spoken to10:59
bazhanghynix is back? can't see him now10:59
bazhangah he quit10:59
Myrttijust a thought11:00
Myrttiwhy does https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Windows mention the IsoBurner?11:01
bazhanggood point11:02
bazhangisorecorder2 I thought worked (freeware)11:02
Myrttinot that I have anything specific against it, but it's not FLOSS11:02
bazhanginfrarecorder then?11:02
MyrttiI thought it was one of sabdfl's goals to promote FLOSS in general too...11:02
Myrttibazhang: exactly11:02
Myrttiit's mentioned there already, you see11:02
MyrttiI don't understand why Isoburner is there11:03
ikoniado as I say, not as I do ?11:03
Myrttialso, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Xubuntu is wrong11:03
Myrttixubuntu comes with brasero these days11:04
* Myrtti considers editing instead of complainin11:04
ikoniaright attitude11:04
ikonia<ding> 11:04
* Myrtti puts it on her todo list and continues paid work11:04
ikoniajussi01: ping !11:09
jussi01ikonia: pong11:10
bazhangerrieta (aka erry) makes Panarchy look restrained11:51
* jussi01 prods ikonia12:12
* Myrtti bangs her head on the keyboard gently and artistically13:05
MyrttiI need a sed/awk/grep cookbook13:08
PiciMyrtti: was that for 'crap' ?14:19
PiciI personally don't concider that a swear... but if you do, thats fine.14:23
jussi01me neither, but yeah...14:24
Myrttisorry, I'm being interviewed for a telly prog, can't really concentrate now14:25
PiciCongrats :)14:27
Myrttithey want to come and shoot in my apartment14:29
MyrttiDEAR GOD14:29
Garyyou'll have to tidy!14:32
* Myrtti screams and runs around the apartment, trips on a pair of dirty jeans and hits her head on an empty energy drink can14:34
PiciWhats the interview for?14:34
Myrttinew ways of consuming media and news, the breakdown of traditional media14:35
Tm_TMyrtti: hahaha14:48
Tm_TMyrtti: you didn't know what you were volunteered for14:48
Tm_TMyrtti: you have to put Ronja to your desktop wallpaper(s) !14:48
MezMyrtti: sounds interesting, but I guess it'll be in finnish?16:22
MyrttiEnglish.... pffffffffffft16:23
Myrttisuch a minority language with unelegant syntax and grammar16:24
MezMyrtti: my finnish is non-existant :(16:24
MyrttiMez: not my fault16:24
MezMyrtti: but you could have done it in french, or german, or spanish, or itialian, or english, or portuguese and I'd have had a chance of understnading it16:24
Myrttior I could have done it in Swedish and you still wouldn't have had a chance.16:26
Tm_Tor poruski16:29
PiciOr swahili16:29
Myrttithose I don't personally speak16:29
PiciMe either.16:30
* nickrud lurks until english completes it's assimilation16:40
* nickrud runs out of lurking time16:41
* jussi01 puts a vote in for sami... :P16:49
Mezshush! I dont have a chance with finnish so :P16:50
MezMyrtti: you have to tell us when you do it though, so if you have your PC on screen, we can see our avatars pop up in gwibber updates @D16:51
MyrttiMez: then it wouldn't be truthful, would it?16:51
MezMyrtti: how do you mean, truthful?16:51
Myrttiif you people would rig it to have you popping up while it's being shot16:52
MyrttiI've got about 500 contacts altogether in gwibber, I bet there's some popups even without intentional tweets/jaikus/dents/facebook statuses16:52
* Mez just assumed your PC would be in the background or something while they're talking to you, not the focus of it :P16:52
Mez500 ? OW!16:53
pop79hi, i got banned from 2 channels the other day, and of cource, i do know why... ill do anything at all to get back in!16:54
pop79i wont do anything bad again, promise, hands on heart16:55
MyrttiMez: facebook 205, twitter 60, identica 88 (13 groups), jaiku (79 including channels), flickr (45), all my launchpad bugs, 16:56
jussi01pop79: so why do you think you are banned?16:56
pop79because i was acting like an idiot in #ubuntu-offtopic, and i tried to come into #ubuntu16:57
jussi01pop79: do you know hwo banned you?16:57
* Myrtti lost count16:57
pop79jussi01: yes, Myrtti and ikonia16:58
pop79i was very badly tempered16:58
jussi01Well as Myrtti is present, Ill let her hear your case16:58
pop79i was tired and grumpy16:58
Myrttithanks jussi01 >:-)16:59
pop79oh, hi16:59
Myrttio hai16:59
pop79Myrtti, anything you want me to do, illl do16:59
pop79as long as i can get back in after it17:00
* pop79 is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry17:01
MyrttiI just checked our ban log17:01
Myrttiand you have ten markings there...17:02
pop79what? ten?17:02
Myrttinot all of them are bans or kicks, but marks17:02
pop79im sure i have been banned just 4/5 times17:02
pop79Ill make backround music for ubuntu... art for the desktop... anything!17:03
MyrttiI don't want any of that17:04
pop79ok, ill cut it out17:04
pop79and... if i get back in, i wont be acting like an idiot17:05
MyrttiI could tell you about the Code of Conduct, which you've read many times17:05
pop79Code of Conduct... whats that? (only joking :)17:05
Myrttior about the IRC guidelines, which you have also probably read17:06
pop79can i read it once more???17:06
Myrtti!coc > pop79 17:06
ubottupop79, please see my private message17:06
Myrtti!guidelines > pop79 17:06
pop79thanks, be back in a few minutes, readding17:06
Myrttigraaaah I hate lag17:09
Myrttiwhen you're done reading, I'm going to give you one piece of advice and tell you when you can come back.17:12
Myrttithe advice: when you're tired and frustrated, leave the computer and do something else.17:12
MyrttiI've personally had to learn that during the years I've spent on computer17:14
Myrttiranting and raving on the computer isn't productive and it does more harm than good.17:15
Myrtti@mark pop79 *sigh* the saga continues.17:17
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:17
* Myrtti goes back to work17:18
Myrttidid I just see what I saw?17:35
Myrtti@mark IceStar [n=umakant@] yet another alias for ASUS-tek in addition to hynix [n=kavita@]  17:37
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:37
Seeker`Myrtti got moominland winter?18:15
Myrttior Taikatalvi in Finnish18:16
Tm_TTaikatalvi <3<318:16
* Tm_T hides18:16
* genii crawls to the coffeepot and puts a batch on18:16
Seeker`I remember watching a moomins cartoon when I was younger18:16
Tm_TMyrtti: when you come visit us, you will see a lot moomin stuff18:16
Myrttiand I also just solved my foobar problem18:17
FlannelMTecknology: fix your hackergotchi!18:19
MyrttiFlannel: he can't hear you!18:20
FlannelWhat do you mean U isnt the same as 7?18:20
Flannel(yes, -ops is window 17 and -offtopic is 7)18:24
Piciops is 7, -ot is 418:26
Myrttiops is 3, ot is 4, irc is 5, monitor 6, women 7, u 8.18:27
Garyoh, ops for me is 1318:27
Pici13 is ops-monitor18:27
Garybut it does go to 67 at the mo, damn too many channels18:27
Seeker`-uk is 2, ops is 3, scribes is 4, ubuntu is 5, "hilight" is 6, ot is 7, +1 is 9, -irc is 0, -devel is q, -mythtv is w, bots team is e18:28
Myrtti2 is for bitlbee.18:29
* Nafallo sniggers18:29
GaryI need to join another 2 channels for lols18:30
* Nafallo won't list his channels18:30
Nafallonot to 24:#ubuntu-ops anyway ;-)18:30
* Myrtti gives Nafallo a lollipop18:32
Tm_Tyou should know you're 918:41
owen9376When i try to join #ubuntu i get redirected to here can anyone help?19:02
Tm_T@bansearch owen9376 19:03
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:03
Tm_T@bansearch owen9376 19:03
ubottuNo matches found for owen9376!n=chatzill@unaffiliated/ciaran9376 in any channel19:03
* Tm_T fails19:04
owen9376could it be an ip ban cause i share ip with other people19:04
Tm_Tcannot be when you use your cloak IIRC19:04
Tm_Tsomeone willing to volunteer on this?19:05
* Myrtti looks19:05
MyrttiI can see nothing in the bantracker for you, owen9376 19:07
owen9376ok i will try to connect again later then.19:08
Seeker`@bansearch ciaran937619:11
ubottuNo matches found for ciaran9376!*@* in any channel19:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:11
Tm_Tinteresting things happening in -ot19:44
MyrttiI'm watching like a hawk19:44
jussi01ikonia: Ping19:59
* Myrtti started to compile and package NetworkManager 0.7.1 just for the fun of it20:02
MyrttiI need to check my medication20:04
Myrtti*snif* dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: ppp-dev (>= 2.4.5~) libudev-dev20:06
Tm_TMyrtti: build those too20:08
MyrttiI'm wondering how far building libudev-dev would take me20:09
Myrttifor a project that I'm doing just for fun, and not for any of my own use, and not even for the person who asked it since he has 686...20:10
* Myrtti gives up20:10
Myrtti@bansearch FarmCretin_ 20:25
ubottuNo matches found for farmcretin_!n=chatzill@ool-4573ebd3.dyn.optonline.net in any channel20:25
Meznalioth: can I have your oline for a moment? I have an urge to /kill20:31
PriceyMez: What's up?20:32
Seeker`Pricey: see his rant in -uk?20:32
MezBill from nPower for 1917.76 for an address I was at for 6 months... and paid the bills for...20:32
ubottuFlare183 called the ops in #ubuntu (phantomcircuit)21:16
MyrttiMez: you need to fix your scripts/whatever you're using21:17
Myrttiand your language too...21:18
Mez21:16 -!- Irssi: Channel not fully synchronized yet, try again after a while21:18
Myrttiand that as well21:18
MezMyrtti: sorry bout the language, just a little ... annoyed at the moment21:18
Mezand thats why the /kb wasnt working21:18
PriceyMez: its in the logs on how to fix that, will find it later if you don't21:18
MezPricey: please, no idea where to start looking21:19
* Mez needs a hug21:19
Myrtti/set channel_max_who_sync 200021:20
Myrttigoogle: site:irclogs.ubuntu.com inurl:html "not fully synchronized"21:21
Mezty Myrtti 21:21
MyrttiHTH, HAND21:21
* Mez hugs Myrtti his thanks21:21
Myrttiand for the kb...21:22
* Myrtti digs her aliases and puts them online21:22
Mezit just didnt work because of the sync, apparently21:22
MyrttiMez: http://myrtti.fi/temp/aliases21:33
MezMyrtti: cheers, I think I've got most of yours anyways (though, from a couple of months ago)21:34
Myrttithat has few new ones21:35
Myrttilike /csr /csrb21:35
Myrttiwhich are also the same as /csk and /cskb21:35
Mezbut with remove :D21:36
* Myrtti huggles her pink emacs (which is pink also on the terminal)21:36
MyrttiMez: I don't ever use kick in freenode21:36
Myrttialways remove21:37
Myrtti[23:16] ~~~phantomcircuit was kicked from #ubuntu by Mez [Mez]21:38
Myrtti[23:16] ~~~phantomcircuit [n=phantomc@netcollect.org] has joined #ubuntu21:38
Myrttihe had autorejoin on - using remove wouldn't have triggered autorejoin21:38
Mezyeah, I know 21:39
Meznight all21:49
Garynight pet21:49
* Myrtti slaps Gary on his bum21:49
* Mez slaps everyone in the channel on the bum (except mneptok)21:50
Garywhats wrong with mneptok?21:50
Mezhe scares me :D21:51
Myrttithere went that day.22:00
* mneptok oscillates erotically22:03
Seeker`what frequency is an erotic frequency?22:05
PriceyI would call that an invitation.22:07
Tm_TPricey: keep your pants on, thanks22:08
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-fud

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