charlie-tca | I broke something. I can not get the Xubuntu Desktop cd to manual partition | 04:28 |
charlie-tca | Trying to get the logs so I can file a bug | 04:28 |
charlie-tca | bug 334341 | 05:01 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 334341 in ubiquity "Ubiquity: device or resource busy error message" [High,Confirmed] | 05:01 |
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ara | good morning :) | 07:29 |
ara | morning davmor2 | 08:23 |
davmor2 | ara: Morning | 08:24 |
ara | davmor2: I am preparing the MM testing day wiki page | 08:25 |
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davmor2 | cool :) | 08:25 |
ara | davmor2: which applications do you think we should we testing? | 08:25 |
ara | davmor2: amarok, totem and rhythmbox? | 08:25 |
davmor2 | are you covering kubutnu too? | 08:25 |
ara | davmor2: what do you think? | 08:27 |
ara | davmor2: totem and rhythmbox should be enough' | 08:27 |
ara | ? | 08:27 |
davmor2 | ara: If your doing amarok then you need to do dragon player too to round things off | 08:28 |
ara | davmor2: well, the thing is that testcase wiki are not ready for those | 08:28 |
ara | davmor2: totem is not migrated either | 08:28 |
davmor2 | ara: I don't think Rhythmbox is either but I can get those done for Monday :) | 08:29 |
ara | davmor2: so you would go for totem and rhythmbox? | 08:30 |
davmor2 | Yes I think we can concentrate on Kubuntu when we get the test days more on track and involve the Kubuntu team who probably know more about it anyway :) | 08:31 |
ara | davmor2: ok, do you think in another mm application? | 08:32 |
davmor2 | ara: the only other one would be banshee but that isn't in by default which I think is where we should concentrate for now :) | 08:33 |
ara | davmor2: ok, let's say then totem and rhythmbox | 08:33 |
ara | davmor2: apart from the normal test cases, I will see which are the new features, so we can put some efforts also in the new stuff (more fun to test) | 08:34 |
davmor2 | ara: the only other thing would be MM plugins for firefox | 08:34 |
davmor2 | FF should have ogv support now | 08:34 |
ara | davmor2: maybe for another UTD, maybe. one covering ff plugins :) | 08:35 |
davmor2 | cool :) | 08:35 |
davmor2 | Yay finished rsync time to start testing Baby | 09:03 |
arnaud__ | is it known at what time will alpha5 be released today? Or the time is when it is ready ? | 09:03 |
* ara takes a break | 09:10 | |
davmor2 | arnaud__: when it's tested and works | 09:18 |
davmor2 | LVM may still be an issue | 09:42 |
arnaud__ | ok, thanks davmor2 | 09:44 |
cjwatson | arnaud__: we never, ever, ever give exact times of day for this | 09:59 |
cjwatson | so you can stop asking :-) | 09:59 |
arnaud__ | cjwatson, makes sense! | 10:56 |
Riddell | I can't seem to log into the iso testing site, can other people? | 12:05 |
davmor2 | Riddell: I'm logged in don't forget to do the confirmation box to see that your not a bot :) | 12:12 |
* davmor2 lunch for a bit can't do much else | 12:39 | |
apw | schwuk, can you remind me how to run a specific suite in checkbox ? | 13:06 |
apw | the incantion is arcane and i cannot find any docs | 13:06 |
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schwuk | apw: suite ITO a specific question? | 13:11 |
apw | i have a new suite.txt file i want to test without installing it, i can incant at checkbox to get it to run that only via --config | 13:12 |
apw | just can't remember the incationation ... and can find no documentation on config options at all | 13:12 |
apw | and adding debug to the config object hasn't helped, so .... asking instead | 13:12 |
schwuk | apw: are you using a branch or the installed version? | 13:13 |
* ara -> lunch | 13:13 | |
apw | schwuk, am in a branch as it happens | 13:13 |
schwuk | apw: in which case just make sure your .txt is the only file in the suites folder | 13:16 |
apw | and if i wanted to use an installed version? | 13:16 |
apw | schwuk, having it in the suites directory doesn't seem to work | 13:17 |
apw | apw@dm$ ls suites/ | 13:17 |
apw | suspend.txt | 13:17 |
apw | both gtk and cli just gather infor and send it to launchpad, no tests run | 13:18 |
schwuk | apw: 2 secs | 13:18 |
schwuk | apw: if it's skipping the tests completely, it might be becuase checkbox_backend is running | 13:26 |
schwuk | have you got the latest (0.7) version installed? | 13:26 |
schwuk | it's in our PPA (~checkbox-dev) | 13:26 |
apw | nope not installed at all on this machine | 13:26 |
apw | i am using the version in the trunk branch | 13:27 |
schwuk | right, run `sudo ./bin/checkbox-backend` in one terminal (or background it) | 13:27 |
schwuk | then run `./bin/checkbox-gtk` in another | 13:28 |
apw | the backend dies | 13:28 |
apw | dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Connection ":1.657" is not allowed to own the service "com.ubuntu.checkbox" due to security policies in the configuration file | 13:28 |
apw | is the front end trying to start that? and not noticing it blowind up? | 13:29 |
schwuk | If you want to separate out your suites from the default ones, make a new directory, put your suite in there, and run checkbox-gtk with `--config="checkbox/plugins/suites_info/directories=./my_suite"` | 13:29 |
apw | schwuk, thats handy thanks | 13:32 |
apw | now to find out whats wrong with dbus | 13:32 |
schwuk | Not sure why it's crashing. | 13:32 |
schwuk | Jaunty, right? | 13:32 |
apw | this is on an intrepid box, i assume some dbus config is missing | 13:33 |
apw | schwuk, this application is missing some serious error handling | 13:36 |
apw | if it cannot tell its own backend is missing | 13:36 |
schwuk | apw: noted :) | 13:36 |
apw | right finally, sorted | 13:37 |
schwuk | What was it? | 13:38 |
apw | i had to hand intstall the checkbox dbus permissiosn | 13:38 |
apw | as i don't ahve it installed | 13:39 |
apw | and i also needed to run checkbox as root | 13:39 |
apw | though it doesn't tell me that | 13:39 |
apw | i assume sudo checkbox-gtk is the normal incantion? | 13:39 |
schwuk | OK, I'll raise those with cr3 this afternoon. | 13:40 |
* apw is filing bugs, i assume thats the right thing? | 13:40 | |
schwuk | With the new backend (when it's working) you don't need sudo for the main checkbox client. | 13:40 |
schwuk | Yes, bugs are good. | 13:41 |
apw | ok cool | 13:41 |
apw | and that sounds better | 13:41 |
apw | its not going to be a persistant daemon is it? | 13:41 |
schwuk | apw: AFAIK the backend is instantiated by the DBUS call, but I'm not sure what makes it go away afterwards. | 13:49 |
apw | magic :) | 13:50 |
schwuk | or maybe not :) | 13:50 |
ara | davmor2: how is alpha 5 going? | 14:54 |
davmor2 | ara: :( Install keeps breaking some sort of races issue | 14:55 |
ara | davmor2: :( | 14:55 |
davmor2 | ara: plus side is I get to write docs instead :) | 14:57 |
ara | davmor2: hehehe :) | 14:58 |
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Guest54113 | hello im very new but been doing lots of reading and i like to sit in this comeing monday and soak up some knowledge and would like to help with testing in the future. I have a newbie ? with my ati wonder capture card i need help configuring would this not be the place for that i guess? my biggest problem with some of irc channels is too much activity and cant follow the screen. well take care all in the unbuntu teasting communi | 18:45 |
Guest54113 | ty | 18:45 |
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fader | Guest54113: You're more than welcome to sit in and learn (and contribute as you are able!). You are right though, this channel is probably not the best one to get support. Your best bet is to ask on #ubuntu and wait a few minutes for someone to help. | 19:26 |
fader | You'll also be better served asking specific questions (even if it's something like "How do I configure $foo?") rather than general things like "Can anyone help me with graphics cards?". | 19:26 |
Guest54113 | k thanks fader ill keep that in mind | 19:28 |
fader | Guest54113: you're welcome :) Try not to let the traffic on #ubuntu overwhelm you... I realize it can get confusing but it is a good place to get help. | 19:29 |
davmor2 | Guest54113: also you'll find that if someone responds and uses your nick that it will be highlighted in most irc clients | 19:30 |
davmor2 | Guest54113: and don't worry if things go scrolling off the screen either you can simply scroll back up :) | 19:31 |
Guest54113 | right u can scroll but peeps keep entering so fast just goes up up lol | 19:32 |
davmor2 | Guest54113: no when you scroll back up you need to scroll down to get to the end it remains where it is :) | 19:33 |
Guest54113 | talking about nick i like to change to my name in preference say my nick is my name but show up as guest???? | 19:33 |
fader | Guest54113: It varies depending on what IRC client you are using. If you set a nick in the preferences before logging on but got a "Guest" nick instead, you might have picked a nick that someone else has registered. | 19:34 |
fader | Though this is also another good topic for #ubuntu ;) | 19:35 |
davmor2 | fader: how you settling in now? | 19:35 |
Guest54113 | k i use xchat | 19:36 |
fader | davmor2: Pretty well, I think. Making a lot more progress on getting the testing working and schwuk has put together some nice reports that we can show off tomorrow. | 19:36 |
fader | davmor2: I'm hoping to have a lot more results by then... right now it's a bit scary how many machines we're not testing :/ | 19:37 |
fader | How's life on your end? Need a hand with the test scripts or anything? | 19:37 |
davmor2 | fader: no I just needed working cds to test so we're going to have crap coverage this time and then better next :) | 19:38 |
fader | davmor2: I can't help you much there, unfortunately :) | 19:39 |
davmor2 | fader: No it's taken the devs a while to fix it :) But hey that's what I'm here for :) | 19:39 |
fader | Hehe | 19:40 |
charlie-tca | davmor2: are they going to respin again or are we good today | 19:43 |
charlie-tca | Lightning storm this morning took out one of my machines | 19:44 |
davmor2 | charlie-tca: some machines still die during partitioning but there is going to be a report about it rather than a re-spin | 19:44 |
davmor2 | charlie-tca: :( | 19:45 |
charlie-tca | Thanks | 19:45 |
charlie-tca | It just took a while to get another one up | 19:45 |
charlie-tca | Still got four running now | 19:45 |
davmor2 | :) Yay | 19:45 |
charlie-tca | I'll keep going | 19:46 |
davmor2 | charlie-tca: Hope it was too costly for you :) | 19:47 |
charlie-tca | No, I have a couple extra sitting around! | 19:48 |
davmor2 | :) Sounds nothing at all like my place then tum, te, tum, te ,tum | 19:49 |
charlie-tca | I didn't think anyone else would be the same, haha. Might be good to have one die now and then. :-) | 19:51 |
davmor2 | But only so I can bin it and buy a new one :) | 19:56 |
fader | If anyone wants to send me shiny new hardware, I'll happily send them some old cases or 486 motherboards O:-) | 19:58 |
charlie-tca | got the old cases and motherboards. | 20:07 |
charlie-tca | misread that first. Thought fader would take the old cases | 20:08 |
fader | Hah! No, I have enough of those, thanks | 20:08 |
fader | I'm trying to get rid of the junk^Wvaluable antiques. | 20:08 |
charlie-tca | I seem to have enough of them "antiques" here. | 20:12 |
davmor2 | No idea what you mean ;) | 20:14 |
charlie-tca | :-) | 20:20 |
davmor2 | fader: great to know you got some old hw means you can do ltsp test ;) | 20:32 |
fader | Hehe... most of it is too old to have ethernet | 20:32 |
fader | And broken :( | 20:32 |
davmor2 | Isn't that then classed as junk rather than antique :) | 20:33 |
fader | Nah, very valuable... that's why you should let me give it to you as a gift! Yeah, that's the ticket! | 20:36 |
alanbell | hi all, I am trying to get Jaunty daily CD using jigdo-lite script but I have 6 packages giving me a 404 error. Anyone else seeing this? | 21:38 |
davmor2 | alanbell: No but then I don't use jigdo sorry | 21:39 |
sbeattie | alanbell: I'm not using jigdo-lite at the moment, either, but you can then take the nearly finished iso and rsync it the rest of the way off of | 21:40 |
alanbell | sbeattie: oh, interesting approach, I didn't realise that would work! | 21:41 |
sbeattie | yeah, it works quite well, actually. | 21:42 |
alanbell | so that would be the jaunty-alternate-i386.iso.tmp file then. | 21:43 |
alanbell | oh, looks like there isn't an alternate CD available at the moment | 21:45 |
alanbell | guess it is building? | 21:45 |
alanbell | would rsyncing my partial alternate CD against the desktop one work or is that a step too far? | 21:46 |
alanbell | sorry, me being daft. It is there | 21:47 |
alanbell | so what is the difference between and | 21:49 |
sbeattie | daily-live is the live cd, you want the daily/current to get the alternate cd | 21:50 |
sbeattie | 'rsync -zthhP rsync:// jaunty-alternate-i386.iso.tmp' should work (and then do s/.tmp$//) | 21:51 |
alanbell | sbeattie: thanks, it appears to be working | 21:56 |
alanbell | although it does look to be taking a long time. not sure it is any quicker than a full download | 21:57 |
alanbell | 33.84M 4% 92.04kB/s 2:05:30 | 21:58 |
davmor2 | alanbell: the first time it isn't however if you just rsync the image from then on it is :) | 21:58 |
sbeattie | hrm, I guess it depends on what the 6 missing packages were. | 21:59 |
alanbell | oh well, it will get there in the end | 21:59 |
alanbell | jigdo seemed like such a great idea | 22:00 |
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