
brycewrote up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Architecture01:56
bryce(corrections welcomed)01:56
pwnguinyou know, I'd kind of expect a maintainer of inkscape to cook up a better diagram than that ;)03:43
bryceheh, actually I didn't draw that03:44
bryceI may redo it nicely in inkscape next time I have a chunk of time03:45
brycebut other than being ugly it's not a bad diagram03:45
pwnguinwhere does the kernel stop / start?03:46
brycein the diagram, the kernel would be the box labeled "Graphics Hardware"03:46
bryceeverything above that is userspace03:46
tjaaltonwhoever drew that forgot the "DRI driver" box :)05:22
RAOFbryce: You seem to have opened a bug task for DRI2 against nouveau.  Any particular reason? :)  The 3d component is (a) not included in Ubuntu, and (b) aggressively unsupported upstream.11:00
tjaaltonRAOF: I think it's just a tracker11:01
RAOFYeah.  I just think it gives the wrong impression.11:02
tjaaltonmaybe importance could be lower11:02
RAOFI don't think it should be on that bug at all - nouveau in Ubuntu doesn't support 3d, so that bug doesn't apply, and by the time upstream stops asking me to not ship the 3d component in any packages whatsoever, it'll be supporting DRI2.11:05
tjaaltonhmm well I marked it wishlist already11:06
RAOFJust as long as it doesn't give users the impression that nouveau does 3d at all. :)11:07
RAOFAs it currently stands.11:07
tjaaltonmaybe mark it wontfix instead with a note that it can be reopened once there is something to offer?11:08
RAOFI'll do so, yes.11:09
tjaaltonhm, dexconf is not run when using the alternate installer11:16
tjaaltonmeaning that xorg.conf is empty11:19
tjaaltonlaptop wedged with UXA.. time to switch back to EXA11:21
tjaalton"geez, no ctrl-alt-bspace!".. although the only "key" that works seems to be the rfkill-switch11:22
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
ion_I have an identical problem to http://launchpad.net/bugs/330126. I wonder how to debug?19:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 330126 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in xf86_wrap_crtc_notify()" [Medium,New]19:22
ion_The backtrace is in the bug report.19:28
ion_Mine was identical.19:29
* bryce looks19:29
bryceion_: hmm, well the trace isn't showing that it's just a simple null pointer issue, so the next step for this bug is to step through the code in xf86_wrap_crtc_notify() and examine the values to see why it is segfaulting19:32
brycepossibly there's memory corruption of the config or scrn data structures19:32
ion_I’ll try to do that.19:34
tjaaltonisn't it a dupe of bug 319210?19:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319210 in xorg-server "[jaunty] segfault during X startup with randr < 1.2 drivers" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31921019:36
brycemm, maybe.  ion_ it would be helpful if you could test the patch attached to that bug.  It revises how xf86_wrap_crtc_notify works, which may prevent the segfault19:37
ion_Will do.19:37
ion_bryce: The patch (that is, the result of ‘git diff ea309e47457156b60aadbf113f04e5b6851029c8^ ea309e47457156b60aadbf113f04e5b6851029c8’ applied to the Ubuntu source package’s tree) fixed the problem.20:22
bryceion_: sweet, thanks for testing20:31
bryceion_: can you comment as such on the bug, and assign it to me, and I'll put the patch in when I get a chance20:31
bryceoh actually20:32
ion_Someone already mentioned it fixes savage in the comments of 319210.20:32
bryce319210 is already assigned to me, so comment your test findings there20:32
bryceI'll dupe your other bug to that20:32
ion_I already duped it. (It was reported by someone else than me.)20:32
bryceahh, great thanks20:33
ion_Should i still add a comment?20:33
bryceextra confirmations of a fix are always welcome20:53
tjaaltonbryce: it's already in 1.6, so we'll get it with the merge21:12
tjaaltonhm, so there's a patch to wacom that adds WcmNewInputDeviceRequest()21:35
tjaaltonmight test that some time21:35
brycetjaalton: oh right, I already mentioned that in the git changelog21:37
bryceI thought that looked familiar :-)21:37
brycetjaalton: xserver-xorg-video-suncg6 can be sync'd too can't it?21:44
tjaaltonbryce: I don't think it would build21:46
tjaalton4ubuntu1 unincludes xf86Version.h21:47
brycehmm ok21:48

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