
tozetreUplink: I gotta run, sorry. I know the package name is ghostscript and more info about gs can be found here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostscript00:00
=== dynamic_battery is now known as dynamic_bat
=== dynamic_bat is now known as dynamic_batt
SJr|WorkWhenever I leave my X-session for a console then come back my console never re-appears I have to do a CTRL+ALT+BKSP to get myself all straigtened out.00:01
dynamic_batthow can i get rid of multiple ubuntu's on bootscreen?00:03
unkocan someone pleae help me make a new mode for my monitor? i need to add the res 1600x1024. and it says i need to add a newmode00:03
Miondynamic_batt: boot with nologo or get a single core cpu00:03
Mionunko: O_o00:03
Mionstrange res00:03
jerknextdoorcan any one help with a "device is unmanaged" error with NetworkManager?00:03
unkomion: how00:03
dynamic_battMion, ummm.. how can i boot with no logo? :D00:04
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS]
shlorkout of curiosity, after netbooks came out, how much busier did this channel get?00:04
Miondynamic_batt: nologo00:04
dynamic_battwhat is that? Mion?00:04
unkomion: how is it a strange res? im not using a lcd thats why00:04
dynamic_battim a noob on this.. :S00:04
Miondynamic_batt: actually, I think it's logo.nologo00:05
Mionit's a kernel parameter00:05
eraldoI can not view event details or calendar settings anymore in google calendar. It works on other machines using the same browser. I disabled all plugins to make sure it's the same.00:05
Miondynamic_batt: trow it at the end of the kernel line in menu.lst00:06
eraldothe effected links are javascript links00:06
dynamic_battso.. what should i type in terminal? (or what i need to do?00:06
eraldoany ideas... how to solve this issue?00:06
unkocan someone pleae help me make a new mode for my monitor? i need to add the res 1600x1024. and it says i need to add a newmode00:06
Mionopen /boot/grub/menu.lst in any editor you want00:06
eraldoUbuntu 8.0400:06
Mionjust make sure you do it as root00:06
Mionand add logo.nologo to the end of the kernel line00:07
dynamic_battok, ill do that now..00:07
Mionthat will remove the logo, so that you don't get any at all00:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lista00:07
Miondynamic_batt: the reason for why you are getting more than one logo, is that you have a multicore cpu00:07
shlorkhow do i make a makefile?00:07
Mionshlork: depends on what you want to make it for00:07
Mionplain make? automake? cmake?00:08
unkowhats the command to list all my hardware?00:08
shlorklcpci i think00:08
unkono it's like lsh00:08
unkothats for the pci00:08
unkoi need all00:08
Mionunko: hwdetect, lshw, lshwd, hwd00:09
Mionlots of options00:09
unkolshw thats it00:09
Mionshlork: there probably are a .deb of Komodo-Edit floating around somewhere00:09
Mionshlork: or switch to arch :p00:10
Mionwe got it in aur00:10
dynamic_battMion, sorry for n00b question, but what the line looks like where i need to add logo.nologo? there are multiple kernel lines.. (i feel so confused ><)00:11
frostburnis tehre a linux equivalent to manic time?00:11
Mox`how do I "uninstall" lighttpd?00:11
shlorkI''m a flaming tard, so please elaborate00:11
innocivshlork, archlinux00:11
carlFK_ltwhat is the command to gen ssh keys so I dont get: /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found00:11
innocivmox, apt-get uninstall lighttpd?..00:11
shlorkarchlinux eh?00:11
innocivapt-get remove00:11
Miondynamic_batt: add it to the one you are booting00:12
shlorkthis lady next to me has a sandwich that smells of death00:12
frostburnMox`, sudo apt-get remove lighttpd00:12
MionMox`: man apt-get00:12
dynamic_battMion, ok.. ill try to understand :D im kinda new to all of this..00:12
shlorkMion; don't make suggestions like that to me, i'm very impressionable.00:13
Mionshlork: ?00:13
innocivi like centos *shrugs* But the default repos suck ass and it's annoying messing around with other ones00:13
innocivso i'm using ubuntu now00:13
* ProfeticX has switched from fedora to ubuntu "till something better comes along"00:14
shlorkMion; I might accidently listen to someone who makes a suggestion like that, and i'll end up septuple-booting00:14
Franky_the_Pier_Amarok:  My mp5 player is not recognized...  so I can't synch my songs...  is there any way I make make Amarok recognize my player?00:14
Mionshlork: ?00:15
usserinnociv, its not repos its rpm that sucks ass00:16
shlorkoh nevermind00:16
dynamic_battMion, umm.. cant i just delete those boots i dont need?00:16
Mionshlork: looks like komodo-edit is in ppa00:16
fiftyonecan somoene help me with a mounting issue? I have two partitions I am trying to auto-mount one fat32 and the other NTFS i got the NTFS to mount fine but when I edit fstab to mount the Fat32 drive It locks up and I cant access it until I remove it from fstab.00:17
Miondynamic_batt: since you don't really know what you are doing, no00:17
shlorkMion: which is....?00:17
Mionshlork: Ubuntu Personal Package Archives00:17
fiftyoneanyone have experiance using fluxbox?00:18
dynamic_battMion, ok... so the logo.nologo needs to be added at this line? kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic root=UUID=087d4f93-e09c-4846-a893-2c2c23a080f7 ro quiet splash , and the other lines that looks kinda the same ill leave alone?00:18
prosxAnyone recommend a wep key cracker for ubuntu?00:18
prosxI want to do some testing...00:18
laughyn1nj4I like "critical updates" , but how can i stop the "recomended updates"?  i don't wan 'em.00:19
shlorkaircrack or kismet00:19
Miondynamic_batt: if you are booting the .27-11 kernel, yes00:19
prosxshlork which one is better?00:19
prosxand is it almost instant or does it take time?00:19
shlorktakes time i believe00:19
jerknextdoorprosx: lots of time00:19
shlorknothing is instant baby00:20
dynamic_battMion, so, if i understand correctly this command will hide all other boot options?00:20
Mionno, it will only hide the n logo's you get when the kernel is booting00:20
carlFK_ltwhat do I need to do to allow this to work: holla@testing-base:~$ xclip /var/log/Xorg.0.log = X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. Error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0 holla@testing-base:~$00:20
shlorkprosx check out both, i don't know enough about the both of them to make a recommendation00:21
dynamic_battMion, so, i will have my XP and Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-11-generic only yes?00:21
dynamic_battthen what i will have? :D00:22
Miondynamic_batt: are you talking about the multiple menu entries in grub instead of the actuall logo you get when you boot?00:22
laughyn1nj4right click the Updates Icon, choose preferences, then turn "recomended updates" off --- DUH00:22
Mionif so, just comment out the entries you don't want in menu.lst (and don't add logo.nologo)00:23
dynamic_battMion, yes.. the screen where i need to chose OS00:23
Mionjust comment out the entries that you don't want00:23
dynamic_battMion, put # thingy in front yes?00:23
dynamic_batt^^ that makes sense... :D00:24
MionI hate the autogenerated menu.lst in debian derivates :/ it's so messy00:24
dynamic_battyea... it is.. but it is understandable... ^^00:25
odder_is there a way to display a total download of a chosen interface without using ifconfig?00:26
MionI usually strip away all the crap in it00:26
GargantuaHow can I install a font from a .ttf or a .fon00:26
dynamic_battMion, oh.. memtest86+... whats that for? :D00:27
LewisSharpI was wondering if anyone could tell me how to find the root mail's folder. I thought I'd find it under /var/mail/root but that directory is empty and I have logs into syslog saying email were sent to root (warnings about update-rc.d task probably not launching without errors). I can't debug this until I can get the mail content but I can't find it..00:27
GB1check memory00:27
Mionodder_: bwm.ng is nice00:27
Mionodder_: er.. bwm-ng00:27
Miondynamic_batt: testing your ram sticks for errors00:27
timebombhello. i used to have an autodeploy script for installing ubuntu headless. but now itll say this ebconf: (Can't locate Debconf/FrontEnd/Newt.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 20) line 2, <> line 1.)00:27
timebombi havent changed anything in the preseed00:28
prosxOk, i cant apt-get install aircrack-ng00:28
timebombso i have no idea what the issue is. the only difference that i have in the script is that it spawns another bash00:28
prosxcan someone walk me through why? I know it has something to do with repos possibly00:28
timebombwould anyone know what the issue is?00:28
prosxcan someone help me fix it please00:28
dynamic_batthmm.. and, if i have some errors (last night i ran it) it found about 4 or 5 red things...00:28
dynamic_batthow i fix em? >< :D00:29
dynamic_battthe errors are in red? yes?00:29
odder_Mion: I actually need to display the number on a webpage00:29
odder_the numbers*, but my www-data user is not eligible to run ifconfig00:30
Droopsta915I like Linux Ubuntu, I don't know how I got by without it! I've use it for 8 months now. Is there a way I can make money with Ubuntu? Get  job or somethng. I would love to have a job and use Ubuntu while at work.00:30
Mionodder_: netop?00:30
prosxcan someone help me?00:30
shlorkkeep it in pms with me00:30
prosxyes sir00:30
prosxthank you boss00:30
Mionodder_: er.. ntop I ment00:30
prosxyou rock ;) def helpful00:31
dynamic_batttitleOther operating systems: OMG i can type anything in here and it will show that in my Boot menu? :D00:31
Jiffah, I installed Ubuntu upon reccomendation, but its not working right00:31
Mionodder_: or if you just want a simple network io/total, just script something yourself. asuming you have access to read /proc00:32
oh_noesAny idea why this sudoers file fails parsing?   http://pastebin.com/m219bba0500:32
JiffWhen I select which OS, it results in a command prompt like area00:32
Jiffjust text00:32
odder_yeah, but dunno what file should I read?00:32
dotsignhello everyone00:33
dynamic_batttitleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional00:33
FloodBot1dynamic_batt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:33
dynamic_battthis means the xp will be the first option?00:33
shlorkif that's the first item on the menu.lst00:33
dotsigni need MSN with sound and cam00:34
dynamic_battoh... then... what does the makeactive command do?00:34
IndyGunFreakdynamic_batt: no, i believe that just adds that option00:34
mohan43udotsign: ask m$ :)00:34
dynamic_battand savedefault?00:34
Mionodder_: /proc/net/dev iirc00:34
squarebracketif i have a free dns hostname, is there any way i can make that hostname resolve inside my router?00:34
luclucasalguien habla espaniol00:35
odder_Mion: that's right. That's the file I was actually looking for00:35
odder_!es | luclucas00:35
ubottuluclucas: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:35
dynamic_battok... i think i edited all.. its time for test-run00:35
odder_Mion: thanks, I'll script something myself with that file00:35
vigoJiff: Is Grub installed?00:35
dynamic_batt>< lol.. hey how can i log in as root? :D00:36
MrElendigdynamic_batt: you have to enable the root acount00:36
IndyGunFreak!root | dynamic_batt00:36
ubottudynamic_batt: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:36
MrElendigtho, logging in as root is generally a stupid idea00:36
Mox`isn't it possible to remove all old directories from programs that don't exists any more?00:36
MrElendigjust use sudo -i instead00:36
dynamic_battMrElendig, thanks...00:37
Jiffgrah, I just got ignored >_>00:37
MrElendigdynamic_batt: sudo -i ~ su -00:37
MrElendigit spawns a new shell with root privs00:37
vigoHox: yes00:37
JiffCan someone help me00:37
=== MrElendig is now known as Mion
Dethronedooh...is this the ubuntu help channel?00:38
MisterKMhey all how do i check what kernel i have?00:38
vigoJiff: I asked if Grub was installed.00:38
mohan43uMisterKM: uname -a00:38
fearfulIs there anyway I can get the line numbers on the text editor in ubuntu I'm programing c++ and it'll be much more helpful00:38
IndyGunFreakMisterKM: uname -r, or uname -a.. can't remember which00:38
JiffI wouldn't know howto install anything to it since I'm dual booting00:39
vigoHox: FSlint sorta works for that.00:39
Dethronedis Ubuntu compatible with the Intel 845 graphics controller?00:39
mohan43uIndyGunFreak: what editor you are using?00:39
IndyGunFreakmohan43u: ?..editor?.. like text editor.. usually gedit or mousepad00:39
GeorgeAScotthi, wonder if anybody can help me.  i've got a logitech quickcam express plus.  using gspca module.  it's working with ekiga, but the video was too dark.  so i opened xawtv and adjust the exposure.  because the video settings in ekiga wouldn't move00:40
vigoJiff: Grub has to be installed, Grub is the bootloader, let me see if I can find that for you on the forums.00:40
GeorgeAScottbut the exposure made the video really crappy.  is there no way to just adjust the brightness?  or to get ekiga proper permissions to adjust the video setting?00:40
mohan43uIndyGunFreak: In Gedit goto Edit->Preferences->Display Line Numbers.. thats it.00:41
DethronedI was wondering if it was compatible with the Intel 845 graphics controller because I get Ubuntu to install via Wubi...but it freezes up immediately after I login00:41
IndyGunFreakmohan43u: what are you talking about?.. i don't need help00:41
mohan43usorry dude!! its for 'fearful'00:42
JuravialFolks I need some help with my wireless card ... can anyone point me in the right direction?00:42
vigoJiff: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=text+mode+boot  or in command mode, update grub00:42
dynamic_battMion, it just says home/.../ is a directory00:42
fearfulmohan43u, the standar ubuntu one00:42
IndyGunFreakJuravial: what device is it?00:42
JuravialTrendnet TEW-421PC00:42
Miondynamic_batt: just type `sudo -i`<enter>00:42
IndyGunFreakJuravial: how does lspci identify it,.00:42
mohan43ufearful: goto Edit->Preference->Display Line Numbers00:43
dynamic_battnow i get the root@...-desktop im now in root yes?00:43
fearfulmohan43u, ah thank you very much00:43
oh_noesAny idea why this sudoers file fails parsing?   http://pastebin.com/m219bba0500:44
Miondynamic_batt: now you have root privs until you do an `exit`00:44
Miondynamic_batt: so be caregfull00:44
JuravialWould that be cardbus bridge or PCI Bridge?00:44
dynamic_battMion, if i exit terminal im back to user?00:44
IndyGunFreakJuravial: i think it should show up in lspci00:44
Mionit's more or less the same as su -00:45
Mox`how can i see diskspace on my server? :S00:45
dynamic_battso i need to edit that menu.lst with terminal?00:45
MionMox`: df and du00:45
Juravialwhen i do an lspci in terminal I get a who slew of stuff .. not sure how to identify00:45
DethronedI was wondering if it was compatible with the Intel 845 graphics controller because I get Ubuntu to install via Wubi...but it freezes up immediately after I login00:45
Mox`Mion thanks00:45
bernzdynamic_batt, you're not exiting the terminal, you're exiting the *shell* (a shell can "contain" another shell, and that's really what you're doing -- starting a super-user shell)00:45
dynamic_battbernz, oh... thats does make some sense...00:46
bernzdynamic_batt, (it's no big deal, but encouraging correct terminology makes it easier to describe and solve problems ;-)00:46
MionMox`: carefull with du, it might take a long time if you do du / :p00:46
Mox`Mion heh, I've found out :], how can I see the space in mb or gb? with df :O00:47
Mionman df00:47
Mionyou are looking for the -h flag00:47
bernz"human readable" (to remember it)00:47
Mox`oke thanks :D00:48
JuravialIndygunfreak: I get a whole slew of stuff when I run lspci. I am not sure how to identify it00:48
Mox`hmm, can I see size of a directory? :O00:48
IndyGunFreakJuravial: does any of them look like a wireless device?.. if you can't tell, put it in pastebin and give me the link..00:48
IndyGunFreak!pastebin | Juravial00:48
ubottuJuravial: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:48
shlorkholy shit00:48
dynamic_batt-bash: /boot/grub/menu.lst: Permission denied00:49
dynamic_batt ;(00:49
dynamic_battwhy is that?00:49
IndyGunFreakdynamic_batt: why don't you just use sudo?00:50
=== mattsz_ is now known as jksz_
dynamic_battsudo /boot/grub/menu.lst00:50
Mionsudo $EDITOR /boot/grub/menu.lst00:50
fiftyonehi, has anyone had a problem with ubuntu sometimes automatically password protecting .rar files? I have downloaded a couple different .rar files that I know are not password protected yet Ubuntu keeps prompting me for a password.00:50
dynamic_battMion, oh ok00:50
IndyGunFreakdynamic_batt: no, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst00:50
bre4kbeatanyone running quake3 for ub 8.0400:50
Juravialindygunfreak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123086/00:50
Mionchange $EDITOR to whatever you want00:50
bre4kbeatwell does anyone run quake 3 through wine?00:51
IndyGunFreakJuravial: it looks like you have an intel internal wireless device, why don;t you use it?.. intel usuallly works out fo the box, i do believe.00:51
DethronedI was wondering if it was compatible with the Intel 845 graphics controller because I get Ubuntu to install via Wubi...but it freezes up immediately after I login00:51
JuravialI have had a problem with this thing since the very first time I formatted it. Default driver from Acer would never work00:52
bre4kbeatoh yea ub has great support...its called getting ignored00:52
dynamic_battill need to learn this console language... ><00:52
DethronedIt seems like that...or nobody has the answer00:52
dynamic_battok.. so finnaly its time for test-run :D00:52
vigoman man is your friend.00:52
IndyGunFreakJuravial: wouldn't work under Windows, or wouldn't work under Ubuntu?00:52
slideAre there any good gnome music notation applications?00:52
IndyGunFreakwell that doesn't make much sense.,,, did it not work at all, or just not correctly?00:53
Mox`hmm colors gone in putty, how to fix that? :S00:53
WarriorSlayerppl i've created a new partition with cfdisk while running my ubuntu installation, but now i don't have /dev/sda4 loaded, how i can reload all the devices?00:53
WarriorSlayerwithout having to reboot?00:54
vigoslide: Like tabs or sheet music?00:54
DethronedIs WUBI known for causing problems?  I have a live cd coming in the mail...but I'd like to know if the problem is my computer, WUBI, or something else.00:54
JuravialWhen I first got the laptop it worked fine, a few years ago ..got virused, formatted, tried to reinstall but the default drivers from Acer wouldn't work. I was never able to find a driver so I picked up the trend net onw00:55
slidevigo, more sheet music00:55
slidebut I also want to synthesize it00:55
MionJuravial: ipw2200 works perfectly, just install the firmware and load the module00:56
vigoslide: Amorok/Alsa/TuxGuitar/ and a buch of others, look at fsf.org00:56
nite_johnboyCan you run more then one session of K3b ? - I have (2) DVD burners - Would like to burn both CD's at the same time ? ?00:56
dynamic_battyeey it works ^^00:56
Dethronedkk...I'll just wait for my cd to come in the mail...hopefully WUBI is the problem00:56
Juravialok, i'll try it out00:56
_VIM_Dethroned:  why not just download one?00:56
IndyGunFreakJuravial: did you upgrade from 8.04?00:56
DethronedMy cd drive doesn't read blank cds00:57
vigoslide: http://directory.fsf.org/ That is a good place to start00:57
_VIM_time for a new drive Dethroned :)00:57
IndyGunFreakMion: was just reading on another link, that users who upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10, ahve had some probs, but if they clean installed 8.10, its fine00:57
=== segosa is now known as segosu
_VIM_don't feel bad my Dell will not boot from USB :(00:57
Juravialno, I am fairly new, just started with 8.0400:57
Mox`hmm.. i'm running ubuntu server, the "usr" folder, is that nesserary?00:57
Dethroned_VIM_ I'm getting a new computer this year for college, but I just wanted to try it out on my current computer00:58
Master_JWhen i try to install any php package00:58
_VIM_Dethroned: does your computer boot from USB?00:58
Master_Jit tries to download the file00:58
Master_Ji am not being able to install00:58
Master_Jpackage lai phpbb300:58
Dethroned_VIM_ I've never tried it.00:59
afallenhope Mox` you're running the recent kernel yes?00:59
snuffmeisterhey, dunno if this is the right channel but i-m trying to install jaunty, and the install crashes, doesn't even open from the live cd00:59
snuffmeisteranyone can guess why?00:59
vigoslide: I think Lilypond is one of the most used...00:59
_VIM_!unetbootin | Dethroned00:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin00:59
_VIM_!info unetbootin00:59
ubottuPackage unetbootin does not exist in intrepid00:59
_VIM_oh geez01:00
FloodBot1_VIM_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:00
slideI found "Linux MultiMedia Studio" which looks pretty nice01:00
ImSadI don't know if you guys can help me, but I've got windows 7 on a USB to install, but it won't start the install on this computer, it starts fine on my other though ( which runs vista)01:00
Dethroned_VIM_  If I were to put the ISO on a USB and try to boot from it would it install normally with partitioning and everything?01:00
DethronedBest case scenerario01:00
dynamic_battok now that problem is solved... then to the next one... How can i get compiz fusion to work all the time (when i boot my Ubuntu i need to enable the Extra visual effects again and again, and all settings i use i need to re-set all the time) how can i fix this?01:01
_VIM_it will be the same as cd but on usb01:01
vigoslide: There are two listed for sheet music: http://directory.fsf.org/search/?query=sheet+music01:01
_VIM_hang on Dethroned trying to find you a good link01:01
=== dopplerdeffect is now known as doppler|away
Mox`how do i add a user who can sudo root? :O01:02
_VIM_Dethroned:  try this it looks pretty good http://www.sizlopedia.com/2008/10/31/install-ubuntu-810-usb-flash-drive/01:02
ImSadWELL, the error when I try to boot is missing /Boot/BCD/01:03
Dethroned_VIM_ Would it allow dual boot?01:03
ImSadis this just a problem because of Ubuntu?01:03
DethronedOther than that question it looks pretty good01:04
_VIM_Dethroned: well it acts as a cd, that's all i know :)01:04
bernzso if i'm installing gtk+ and friends via source, can i untar them in /usr/src? (is that "good" because they are supposed to be system-wide shared libs?)01:04
Dethronedand cds allow dual boot?01:04
techqbertHow do I add the German dictionary to Open Office?01:04
_VIM_Dethroned: whats in windows you need so badly? you can always run a Vmware or Virtualbox to accewss windows while INSIDE ubuntu01:05
techqbertII have it selected but it doesn't seem to be functional01:05
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:05
Miontechqbert: you probably have to install the german language pack01:05
Dethroned_VIM_:  My parents will most likely use this computer when I go to college and I bought it used without any windows cds.  I don't want to leave Linux on it and have them be confused and start yelling at me.01:05
passwordoffomg 1350 in channel01:06
DethronedThey don't even know what an operating system is.01:06
bernz_VIM_, (is 'bochs' any good compared to the other VMs you mentioned?)01:06
_VIM_not tried that one bernz, most people around here say Virtualbox is the way to go01:07
bernz_VIM_, okay, i'll give that a try, thanks01:07
techqbertMion: Doing so now.  Thanks01:07
Dethroned_VIM_: If I were to set it up for dual boot with XP, how would I go about uninstalling Ubuntu if I needed to?01:08
sveakexDethroned: reinstall the mbr and then remove the ubuntu partitions01:08
sveakexDethroned: master boot record, you need the windows xp cd for that01:08
_VIM_yep you'll need windows cd01:09
sveakexDethroned: but i don't think you would want to remove the ubuntu partition ;)01:10
JuravialMion: SHould I follow this? http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/01:10
sveakexholy crap this channel is not fludded as it usually is01:10
_VIM_sveakex: well his parents might :P01:11
MionJuravial: no, just install the firmware with apt-get if you don't have it already, and then modprobe ipw220001:11
techqbertMion: I've installed the pack and I still don't get any corrections coming up.  This is under Ubuntu 8.10.  Yes I restarted OOo.01:11
MefachedHey, my sound just died on me. I've been using Ubuntu for a long time now, and I've never had this happen. It was just working on Windows five minutes ago.01:12
MefachedI already checked Alsamixer; everything is at 100%.01:12
sveakexJuravial: i suggest looking for instructions in the ubuntu forums or wiki rather than official instructions01:12
LordDragonhey guys01:12
asherwinIf you still have a trusty Win 98 boot disk, you can re-write the MBR much easier then getting your hands on  a XP cd01:12
zim1hi all got a encfs/samba question is it possible to view/add delete files from the fused folder via samba ?01:12
sveakexMefached: try sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart01:12
LordDragoni just installed ubuntu but only have had experience with mandriva. how do i go about installing tools for compiling and such ?01:13
sveakexMefached: sudo /etc/init.d/alsamixer restart01:13
sveakexMefached: in the console01:13
Dethronedsveakex:  If not able to completely uninstall it...would it be possible to decrease the Unbutu partition enough so that it doesn't limit the XP partition?01:13
akorncan someone help me out with my USB audio adapter? whenever i open any program that uses sound (i.e. a movie, or even worse any program under Wine) i get a really loud whining sound out of my speakers...the adapter has both a microphone and a speaker jack...i know that in windows, i can Mute the Microphone and the whining stops but i can't seem to figure that out in ubunut...im running 8.04 64bit and it's the C-Media Usb adapter01:13
sveakexDethroned: you can if you have the windows xp cd.. there are also different sources to get one *cough*01:14
MefachedCommand not found, sveakex01:14
DethronedSay, the internet? *cough cough*01:14
MionDethroned: as long as you got free space, yes01:15
sveakexDethroned: yes ;) i mean you are just using it reinstall the mbr, so i think it's fair enough01:15
asherwinDethroned:  You should be able to resize your existing partitions (relatively safely) with a GParted and re-write the MBR with an XP cd or an old windows boot dosk01:15
DethronedI currently have Windows XP pro...but I have a windows cd for XP home edition...close enough? lol01:16
sveakexDethroned: i'd rewrite the mbr before removing ubuntu01:16
zim1is there anyone in here using encfs ?01:16
sveakexDethroned: that might work, but i am not sure01:16
Titan8990Dethroned, no, not close enough01:16
asherwinDethroned:  Does it have a floppy drive?  http://boot.oldos.net/boot98.exe01:16
MoopiesHello, when I go to shut down my computer I get "Unable to iterate IDE devices: no such file or directory "01:16
asherwinthe win98 boot disks support "fdisk /mbr"01:16
bernzakorn, does "ALSA mixer" mean anything to you? if not, try typing '!sound' (i think, maybe '!alsa') into the channel here01:17
Moopiesand it halts01:17
DethronedLet me dig in my drawer of crap...01:17
Titan8990Dethroned, wait... close enough to rewrite the MBR, not close enough for reinstall, repair install, etc01:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:17
techqbertMion: File -> Wizard -> Install Language works so long as you have enough preficiency to get through the menu with the corresponding language.01:17
MoopiesI am using Hardy , how would I go about fixing this ?01:18
jlopes83\join #gentoo01:18
bosco ok i am running linux and i am connecting to my site via ssh in terminal i changed my ssh port so how to i type that in to use the correct port and not 22 in terminal01:18
bosco<bosco> ???01:18
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:18
Miontechqbert: don't care, I use vim + aspell + texlive :p01:18
wartalkeri want to install kde4.2, someone help01:18
sveakexbosco: use the -p flag to choose port01:18
akornbernz neither one's working haha01:18
akornoh nvm sorry01:18
ugliefrogubuntu on my laptop hangs during boot i have to hit the enter keys before it will finish loading01:18
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs01:18
trapline91wartalker,  in termenal type sudo apt-get install kde01:18
bernzakorn, sorry, i still haven't memorized the bot commands01:18
jdimondMoopies: It does this when you shutdown?01:19
sveakexbosco: ssh blah.ath.cx -p 133701:19
Moopiesjdimond, correct01:19
techqbertMion: just for future reference01:19
sveakexbosco: to enter port 133701:19
zim1bosco: ssh -p (the port)01:19
n8tuserfugliefrog -> remove quiet and splash to see the debugging log while booting01:19
boscothank you never done it before sounding like a noob01:19
DethronedHmm...the best i can find is windows XP home reinstallation cd01:19
sveakexbosco: try ssh -h01:20
sveakexbosco: or man ssh01:20
asherwinDethroned:  that should be fine, if you startup the "recovery console" there are some tools available.  "fdisk /mbr" will re-write the MBR01:20
asherwinif thats all you're looking to do01:20
DethronedWould it delete Ubuntu?01:20
wartalkertrapline91: The following packages have unmet dependencies, how can i install the dependencies one time01:21
MionDethroned: no, just overwrite the mbr01:21
asherwinre-writing the MBR will make windows startup automatically instead of your bootloader (GRUB)01:21
DethronedSo essentially it would avoid the Ubuntu partition?01:21
sveakexDethroned: rewriting the mbr removes grub, after that you remove the partitions and make your ntfs partition larger01:21
joker42hello everyone I was wondering is anyone else using avast antivirus?01:22
trapline91wartalker, Was it 4.2 that you wanted?01:22
Moopiesjdimond, any ideas?01:22
sveakexDethroned: if you only remove the ubuntu partitions you can't boot01:22
zim1anyway all is it possible to user the mounted unencrypted mount of encfs with samba?01:22
Titan8990!ask | joker4201:22
ubottujoker42: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:22
sveakexjoker42: this is a linux channel01:22
joker42Im having trouble installing01:22
DethronedMaybe he's installing it on linux01:22
Mionjoker42: o rly?01:22
sveakexjoker42: you don't need avast on linux01:22
joker42i know i have the linux version01:22
trapline91wartalker, try this http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.201:23
IndyGunFreakjoker42: why?01:23
Titan8990!virus | joker4201:23
ubottujoker42: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2101:23
techqbertMion: One last thing.  Does your vim method support grammar checking too?  Mine doesn't.  I used a genitive preposition and OOo throws no errors around my nominative definite article.01:23
joker42if you guys say so01:23
malibuDoes anyone know what I can use to forward yahoo messenger traffic coming in through a VPN?01:23
Dethronedsveakex: So fixing the MBR would make it boot up in Windows...then I would have to manually adjust the partitions?01:23
MoopiesI thought ClamAV was available01:23
malibuI think the protocol uses 505001:23
joker42ok thanks01:23
raylutechqbert: vim solution to what? vim has some degree of grammar checking.01:23
Titan8990Moopies, clamav is available in the repositories01:23
Miontechqbert: I only use it to catch plain old typos etc01:23
IndyGunFreakjoker42: only reason you'dneed antivirus, is if you're filesharing w/ Windows machines, and you need to scan the files before sending them to windows users01:24
jdimondMoopies: You could add -h switch in the halt script.01:24
MoopiesTitan8990, I don't really see a need for it01:24
techqbertraylu: vim aspell texlive is the software collaboration in question01:24
Moopiesjdimond, halt script ?01:24
Titan8990Moopies, well, if you are running an email server that has windows clients, you want a virus scanner01:24
jdimondMoopies: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/193125 <--- There launchpad bug explaining01:24
MoopiesOh yes.01:24
raylutechqbert: i happen to use that too :D01:24
sveakexDethroned: yup, i think you can use the ubuntu cd to remove the partitions, just start gparted when you are inside the cd, or sudo gparted, if you are lucky windows might have a built in tool for adjusting partitions01:24
dsmith_hello, somehow in /etc/passwd file, root was renamed as oot, now I have no root account on this machine. Simple fix??01:24
raylusveakex: last time i told windows to remove an ext3 partition it did so... and then screwed up the partition table01:25
Titan8990dsmith_, backup that file and manually fix it01:25
sveakexDethroned: you can also use partition magic to resize partitions... you download it from the internet *cough*01:25
Miondsmith_: live cd + mount + text editor01:25
techqbertraylu: ;D it doesn't throw any errors around grammar mistakes does it?01:25
Titan8990dsmith_, although I have trouble believing that happened without direct user intervention01:25
LogicFanno reason to use partition magic, its very old and hasn't been updated in years01:25
sveakexDethroned: ok don't use windows to remove the ubuntu partitions01:25
LogicFanjust use gparted01:25
zim1dsmith_: boot up the machine with a live cd and change it01:25
dsmith_i must have edited, without seeing the r being removed, duhhh01:25
raylutechqbert: it does, though rarely. it highlights spelling mistakes in red and grammar mistakes in blue01:25
Dethronedsveakex: Thanks.  Hopefully this works and everything works.  If I need any more help I'll track you down or something...lol *cough*01:25
dsmith_I was thinking along the lines of a live cd :)01:26
LogicFanyou can boot with the ubuntu live cd and use gparted01:26
sveakexraylu: did you rewrite the mbr?01:26
dsmith_thx guys01:26
sveakexDethroned: yeah, but try using the ubuntu cd to rewrite the mbr01:26
techqbertraylu: hrm maybe I'll give that solution a shot with Deutsch.01:26
raylusveakex: overwrite the mbr with windows? no01:26
DethronedNow all I have to do is rely on the mail service01:26
sveakexDethroned: um01:26
raylutechqbert: are you familiar with vim?01:26
sveakexDethroned: i meant the partions01:26
Moopiesjdimond, I am guessing you want me to follow  "Joe Philipps  wrote on 2008-07-11:  (permalink) " 's ideas?01:26
zim1LogicFan: why gparted? just a text editor01:26
sveakexDethroned: not the mbr :P01:26
TraceGreenHello, I desktop can not be shown on projector while I am using Ubuntu 8.04 LiveCD, my video card is geforce 7150m01:27
_VIM_zim1:  you're thinking of gedit01:27
techqbertraylu: at an intermediate or amateur level yeah.01:27
sveakexraylu: you need to rewrite the mbr with a windows install cd if you want to remove ubuntu01:27
Dethronedsveakex:  Windows cd=MBR  Ubuntu cd=Partitions...right?01:27
sveakexDethroned: yes sorry if i mixed it up a little :P01:27
jdimondMoopies: Yes. I had similar issues with my wifes laptop and those instructions solved it.01:27
Dethronedsveakex:  I think I've got it figured out01:27
TraceGreenI mean, projector just show nothing when I am in Ubuntu 8.04 LiveCD, how can I do to fix this problem?01:27
sveakexDethroned: good :)01:27
zim1was responding to this (01:26:07) LogicFan: you can boot with the ubuntu live cd and use gparted01:28
LogicFanzim1, yes, you can do that.01:28
_VIM_zim1:  ah :)01:28
Dethronedsveakex:  Now watch my usb drive blow up...ha!01:28
sveakexDethroned: usb? :P01:28
LogicFanzim1, gparted is the gnome partition manager01:28
Dethronedsveakex:  I'm gonna try and install Ubuntu from a flash drive01:29
TraceGreenCan anyone help me to configure my projector? I use compaq v3000 and my video card is geforce 7150m01:29
raylusveakex: right. i wasn't removing ubuntu; i was actually messing around with some other distros01:29
zim1LogicFan: yes i know but it wnt help with editing the user file01:29
Moopiesjdimond, OK, but I'm not understanding this jokers jibber jabber on what to do , mixed with ranting01:29
sveakexraylu: i reccomend having on distro at once per computer ;)01:29
der|kunstlerwhen I set an X11 cursor, it only works w/o desktop effects, when enabling desktop effects, then it goes to the default cursor, any ideas >?01:30
raylusveakex: that's what i had. but i had a partition for / and a partition for /home01:30
raylusveakex: to make distro-switching easier :D01:30
bartek_hello all01:30
Moopiesjdimond, It appears after " log_action_msg "Will now halt" " , I go down two lines to halt -d -f -i $poweroff $hddown01:30
zim1I am still looking for anyone who uses encfs01:30
Moopiesjdimond, And remove halt ?01:30
sveakexraylu: then something weird happened, i suggest to edit partitions in linux then, with live cds01:31
raylusveakex: yep. that's what i ended up doing...after recovering my data using some linux tools01:31
raylusveakex: closest i've ever come to losing data01:31
jdimondMoopies: don't remove halt01:31
sveakexraylu: hehehe :P01:31
Moopiesjdimond, OK.  Just remove -h ?01:31
raylusveakex: it was funny for the person i had told the day before that "backups are excessive"01:32
sveakexjdimond: what do you want to do?01:32
jdimondMoopies: Yes, that's what I did.01:32
sveakexraylu: hehehe :)01:32
Moopieswait, I don't see a -h01:32
Moopies    halt -d -f -i $poweroff $hddown01:32
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:32
zim1there must be some one in here with something to hide is anyone using encfs?01:33
=== odder_ is now known as odder
_VIM_How come Ubuntu doesn't have photorec? It's a really good file recovery (and not just for photos) It's in OpenSuSE's repos but I'm not seeing it in Ubuntu :/01:33
Moopiesjdimond, what line is -h in?01:33
Mox`whats best to install as server? ubuntu 8.04 x63 or ubuntu 8.10 x64?01:34
shlorkwhy are so many people derisive of ubuntu?01:34
sveakexMox`: debian01:34
deathtechHello gurus of all that is Ubuntu  /  linux . I have a usb external drive that i use the mount command to mount up to a specified directory. Using Samba, if i share the folder out, and then mount with the sudo command to that directory, it appears root takes ownership. Is there a way to use the mount command and say to doso as a different user ? or am i going about this the wrong direction ?01:34
n8tuserfMoopies -> why are you using halt instead of shutdown?01:34
gaokaihow to make the computer run my command when powering on my PC?01:34
Moopiesn8tuserf,  ?01:34
jdimondMoopies: It should have been in that line you referenced01:34
Mox`sveakex I don't wan't debian?01:34
zim1Mox`: how long do you need support for 8.04 has longer support LTS01:35
sveakexMox`: :p01:35
jribdeathtech: what filesystem?01:35
deathtechjrib : Heya jrib, i beleive you have helped me before :) its an ntfs filesystem01:35
Mox`zim1 hmm didn't understand that? :S01:35
gaokaihow to make the computer run my command automatically when powering on my PC?01:35
sveakexMox`: if you want a server you want something stable01:35
shlorkfat32 baaay-bee!01:35
zim1Mox`: I think 8.04 will update till 201301:35
Mox`sveakex and ubuntu isn't stable? :O01:35
der|kunstlerwhen I set an X11 cursor, it only works w/o desktop effects, when enabling desktop effects, then it goes to the default cursor, any ideas >?01:35
Mox`zim1 oke01:35
jribdeathtech: what command are you running to mount it?01:35
Moopiesjdimond, it goes log_action_message "will now halt" | sleep 1 | halt -d -f -i $poweroff $hddown | }01:36
sveakexMox`: well it used to based on debian unstable01:36
deathtechjrib : sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc101:36
jrib!ntfs | deathtech01:36
ubottudeathtech: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE01:36
jribdeathtech: you need to pass proper fmask/dmask options01:36
Titan8990deathtech, you have to specify a mount point if its not in /etc/fstab01:36
jdimondMoopies: I bet removing the $hddown would solve it, but I don't know if it will have any negative effects.01:36
deathtechI do i just didnt include that in the command :)01:36
jribdeathtech: ok, what do you actually run?01:37
jdimondsomething like halt -d -f $poweroff01:37
Mox`sveakex hmm okay, currently i run 8.04 ubuntu x64 on the server and it works quite good, I don't know if I can feel any difference if I picked debian instead?01:37
zim1jrib: have you used encfs?01:37
deathtechsudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 ~/Mount01:37
jribzim1: no01:37
dynamic_battconfigure: error: The important program kde-config was not found!01:37
dynamic_battPlease check whether you installed KDE correctly.01:37
sveakexMox`: well what are you using the server for?01:37
dynamic_battwhats wrong?01:37
n8tuserfMoopies -> why are you using halt instead of shutdown?  i dont think its a good idea using shutdown, it does not do syncing if i recall01:37
jribdeathtech: where is the fmask/dmask options?01:37
Titan8990Mox`, debian is considered to be more stable, becuase it upgrades the kernel less01:37
Mox`sveakex virtual webhosting01:37
deathtechjrib : that may be what im missing, i dont include those01:37
Mox`Titan8990 hmm, well now I don't need kernel upgrade all the time? :O01:38
Titan8990Mox`, a lot of breakages can occur in ubuntu after the like monthly kernel upgrade01:38
dynamic_batthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/KSmoothDock i did everything like it said :(01:38
n8tuserfMoopies -> rather its not a good idea to use halt..01:38
Mox`Titan8990 okay01:38
Titan8990Mox`, no, you don't have to, just saying, most distros will only use a couple kernels doing that version's lifecycle01:38
sveakexMox`: then you would want something as stable as possible since it is a business, so i would reccomend debian over ubuntu01:38
Mox`Titan8990 ye okay01:38
Moopiesn8tuserf, "Hello, when I go to shut down my computer I get "Unable to iterate IDE devices: no such file or directory " "01:38
LogicFansveakex, or BSD :)01:39
Mox`sveakex well allright, you are right :),. hmm well is debian as easy as ubuntu?01:39
sveakexLogicFan: yeah, OpenBSD hasn't had a bug for ages i have heard01:39
Mox`can I convert directly?01:39
n8tuserfMoopies -> all the time? or one time?01:39
LogicFanFreeBSD is more modern in terms of what it supports01:39
Moopiesn8tuserf, all the time01:39
Moopiesn8tuserf, " Moopies: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/193125 <--- There launchpad bug explaining "01:39
josher4How do I get the "cube effect" for compiz? I have the settings manager but still only have two desktops and no cube...01:39
ugliefroghow do i do------>boot with pci=noacpi01:39
sveakexMox`: it can't be so much more difficult ;) but i don't like the debian documentation, you can use the ubuntu wiki and the gentoo wiki as a base01:39
Titan8990josher4, general options -> desktop size: 401:40
LogicFanOpenBSD works well if your hardware and whatever software you need is 100% supported, but a lot of common stuff doesn't work yet.  however, its ultra secure01:40
Mox`sveakex the gentoo wiki is down? :O01:40
Dethronedsveakex: I was just wondering how I boot the computer from the flash drive when I reboot.01:40
n8tuserfMoopies -> okay01:40
Mox`sveakex but ye, I don't like the documentation too, last time I used debian I remember the doc sucked01:40
LogicFanDethroned, you need to enter your BIOS and tell your machine to boot from the USB port instead of hdd or cdrom01:40
Titan8990sveakex, the gentoo wiki recently lost its entire database01:40
techqbertAny German speakers in the house?  I think OOo is throwing an incorrect error.  Wahrend des Wochenendes is correct right?  Wochenendes -(genitive)-> es not en right?01:40
Titan8990sveakex, it is in the rebuilding proccess01:41
Moopiesn8tuserf, jdimond, it appears others have replaced it with "halt -d -f $poweroff $hddown "01:41
DethronedLogicFan: How do I go about doing that?01:41
sveakexMox`: http://gentoo.wiki.info is a backup01:41
zim1Dethroned: try looking at you bios boot settings01:41
Nytrixwhat is a good program to reduce the size of multiple images, i really dont want to do 1 picture at a time...anyone?01:41
LogicFanmost bios options have some sort of boot option menu that will allow you select which device to boot from and what order01:41
ConstantineXVIjosher4, also, make sure desktop cube and rotate cube are turned on01:41
Moopiesjdimond, n8tuserf, taking out the " -i "01:41
MrZHi, what I update my sources.list? Please Help me01:41
jdimondMoopies: I bet it will work.01:41
sveakexTitan8990: http://gentoo.wiki.info is a backup01:41
LogicFanDethroned, generally, there is a key that you press when your computer boots up.  most of the times its the del key or f101:41
_VIM_Nytrix:  imagemagic01:41
LogicFandepending on your computer01:41
Titan8990!repos | MrZ01:41
ubottuMrZ: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:41
Nytrixok thnx i will try that01:41
LogicFanyou should see something like "press f1 to enter setup"01:41
arghh2d2Nytrix: tar?01:42
sveakexDethroned: try going inside the BIOS and look for what order it tries to boot from01:42
acuI have a high definition camcorder (Canon HG20) - it creates .mts files  (AVCHD) - however it seem that none of the players can play this files - what is the solution ?01:42
josher4Titan8990: I am on the desktop size page, there is horizontal and vertical sizes...01:42
Titan8990MrZ, its a plain text config file, just add or remove what you need and when your finished:  sudo apt-get update01:42
jdimondMoopies: Now that I think of it, I believe it was -i i removed on my wifes laptop. Sorry about that.01:42
Mox`sveakex the link doesn't work here :S01:42
Moopiesjdimond, OK.  I'll see01:42
Moopies(if it works01:42
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:42
zim1I am still trying to find anyone who has worked with encfs HELP01:42
Titan8990jdimond, horzontal virtual size01:42
sveakexMox`: sorry www.gentoo-wiki.info01:42
jdimondMoopies: Check your reboot too.01:42
_VIM_acu:  my Sony HandyCam records in AVCHD too, so annoying,01:42
Titan8990sorr jdimond01:43
Mox`sveakex thanks :D01:43
jdimondTitan8990: No sweat.01:43
DethronedLogicFan: Even if I want to run it from a flash drive just once, will I have to alter it again to run from the hard drive?01:43
josher4Titan8990: And only one desktop?01:43
felixsullaSo, Gparted should, in theory, be able to change the size of an NTFS drive, right?01:43
Titan8990josher4, yes01:43
LogicFanDethroned, yes, but you can set the order01:43
sveakexMox`: but remember it is just a base to help you do what you want :)01:43
LogicFanso, 1:USB, 2: HDD, 3:CDROM01:43
ugliefroghow do i do------>boot with pci=noacpi01:43
Moopies" Iterates configured network interfaces and brings them down before shutting down "01:43
LogicFanso if there's no USB present, it will go to HDD, and so on until it finds a bootable device01:43
dynamic_batthey, whats the easiest way to install ksmoothdock?01:44
Titan8990ugliefrog, add it to the end of the kernel line in grub01:44
acu_VIM: it seem that it was a need for a format to record high definition - the question is whether we can at least play the files in linux (and if possible edit them)01:44
MoopiesWhat's the point in that anyway ?01:44
n8tuserfMoopies -> ummm.. curious as to the results if you do a sync; sync; sync;  sudo telinit 6   if same results?01:44
Mox`sveakexye :)01:44
Titan8990ugliefrog, you can use e to edit from the menu or you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:44
Titan8990ugliefrog, whichever you prefer01:44
josher4Titan8990: Still only two desktops and no cube. And the effects are enabled01:44
boot_loopanyone have a good site to find awesome desktop wallpapers, possibly linux oriented (other tham gnome-look.org)01:44
sveakexdynamic_batt: synapitc?01:44
Moopiesn8tuserf, a who what01:44
LogicFanboot_loop, deviantart.com01:44
Titan8990josher4, did you turn on desktop cube and cube rotate?01:44
boot_loopok cool, thanks LogicFan01:44
prince_j1mmys!themes > boot_loop01:44
ubottuboot_loop, please see my private message01:44
Mox`hmm CentOS? :S have any of u tried that system?01:44
josher4Titan8990: Yes01:44
n8tuserfMoopies -> sync is a must before you shutdown,  telinit 6 puts it in runlevel 6 which is shutdown01:45
Titan8990josher4, I would suggest joining #compiz-fusion01:45
LogicFanMox`, yes, its a free version of red hat enterprise linux01:45
LogicFanfor servers01:45
sveakexMox`: is is based on Reh Hat Enterprise Linux, so it should be safe01:45
_VIM_acu I seriously don't know, but please PM me or something when you find out :)01:45
dynamic_battsveakex, whats that? i kinda dont understand (my language isnt english..) :D01:45
Mox`okay, so centos vs debian? who wins? :)01:45
Moopiesn8tuserf, So this is all done for me though ? When I click "shutdown" or "restart" ?01:45
n8tuserfMoopies -> but runlevel 6 runs bunch of script01:45
sveakexdynamic_batt: do you use kubuntu or ubuntu?01:45
Titan8990Mox`, you don't get the paid professional support of RHEL though01:45
dynamic_battsveakex, ubuntu01:45
LogicFanMox`, as always, the questions is "for what purpose"01:45
sveakexdynamic_batt: press alt f2 and you should get a dialog, type synapitic inside and see if something opens01:46
=== GooDMaX is now known as Scaryteam
acu_for playing I understood that VLC 0.9 might do it - however the repositories cannot pe updated01:46
_VIM_!best | Mox`01:46
ubottuMox`: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:46
dynamic_battsveakex, ok01:46
n8tuserfMoopies -> should be done for you automatically clicking those you mentioned, but since you're having issues, am curious if telinit 6 would have same results as your ide not being found01:46
Mox`LogicFan well, virtual webhotel hosting :)01:46
dynamic_battYou will not be able to apply any changes. But you can still export the marked changes or create a download script for them. :(01:47
dynamic_battroot again..01:47
LogicFanis add/remove just another apt-get gui?01:47
sveakexMox`: is webhotel hosting any profitable?01:47
Mox`sveakex well it's just as an start.. just to try it out01:47
sveakexdynamic_batt: um, try adding sudo infront of it, so sudo synaptic01:47
sveakexdynamic_batt: i mean gksudo01:47
dynamic_battsveakex, gksudo synaptic?01:48
Mox`sveakex I have a really okay server with alot of space and so on, so why not try it out :D01:48
sveakexdynamic_batt: yeah give that a shot :)01:48
Mox`sveakex on a 100mbit connection too01:48
LogicFani'm trying to figure why don't synaptic installed apps show up in add/remove?01:48
sveakexMox`: your customers might get pissed off if something does not work :P01:48
dynamic_battsveakex, oh.. thanks01:48
sveakexdynamic_batt: you're welcome :)01:48
Mox`sveakex hehe ye, that's why I need to do the right choice01:48
prince_j1mmysLogicFan: add/remove only has some of what's available. it's mostly for popular applications01:48
LogicFanprince_j1mmys, even if you install popular apps through synaptic, they don't show up in add/remove.  is add/remove just another apt-get gui?01:49
sveakexMox`: well debian or centos would be the best choice, ubuntu would also work but i'd put the other two infront01:49
prince_j1mmysLogicFan: yeah, it's like a simplified synaptic, more "user-friendly", except when it's confusing, like now01:49
LogicFanprince_j1mmys, gotcha, thanks01:50
brotherhandmy navigation buttons and bookmarks in firefox aren't working, has anybody else experienced this? forums are not helping01:50
Mox`sveakex can u tell me what's the benefit of using centos? :D01:50
LogicFanMox`, distrowatch.org01:50
ScubidusHey could someone help me out with installing a Linksys WPC54G on Ubuntu 6.0601:50
jdimondbrotherhand: did you recently do a update?01:50
sveakexMox`: um, it is based on red hat enterprise linux, a business oriented linux01:50
sveakexMox`: and i think ubuntu is pretty unstable01:50
n8tuserfLogicFan -> add/remove uses  /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/gnome-app-install   while synaptic runs  /usr/sbin/synaptic01:50
Tamagouhm.. when I try to start compiz, I get: Checking for nVidia: not present. It then segfaults.. help?01:50
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
mike_hurleyso is there a known workaround for gnome-screensaver after suspend ignoring user activity?01:50
sveakexMox`: on the other hand i have only used ubuntu as a desktop01:50
LogicFann8tuserf, thanks!01:51
brotherhandI have since, but it just started mid-session, before any update01:51
sveakexbrb one minute01:51
jdimondbrotherhand: Did you restart firefox?01:51
Mox`sveakex ye oke, I think theres a big difference there.. well I've only tried ubuntu and gentoo as server, and gentoo, damn stable, but is pretty hard to configure and setup01:51
LogicFann8tuserf, which one is considered best practice for your average desktop ubuntu user?01:52
brotherhandyes, tried reboot too01:52
LogicFann8tuserf, because just about all docs say to use apt-get or synaptic01:52
n8tuserfLogicFan -> id say synaptic01:52
mike_hurleyi've found that killing and starting gnome-screensaver in a terminal will fix my problem, but i can't get gnome-screensaver to start from within a script01:52
mike_hurleysomething about it not being able to open the display01:52
jdimondbrotherhand: Save your bookmarks and try uninstalling firefox and reinstalling.01:53
yuri_Q: im looking for a gnome-do/kicker like thing for xfce4. any reccs?01:53
azlonhow can i find out what version of linux i am running?01:53
LogicFann8tuserf, yeah it seems unfriendly to have add/remove be more prominent in the default menu, but conventional best practices say to use apt-get or synaptic01:53
prince_jammysLogicFan: synaptic is more comprehensive. there is also aptitude, which can be used instead of apt-get and also has a text-mode interface. try "aptitude" (sudo not necessary just to check it out)01:53
jrib!version | azlon01:53
ubottuazlon: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:53
n8tuserfmike_hurley -> could be like cron where it does not have access to a terminal?01:53
brotherhandok i'll try it01:53
LogicFanprince_jammys, thanks01:53
Nytrixwhat is a good multiple image compressor for ubuntu?01:53
ScubidusDoes anyone here consider themselves an Ubuntu guru01:53
sveakexMox`: i love gentoo, but it is not user friendly which is bad because you are not 100% sure of what you are doing... and it is easy to screw gentoo up :P01:54
Moopiesjdimond, n8tuserf, I'm gonna go try shutting down then restarting now I reckon01:54
jrib!ask | Scubidus01:54
ubottuScubidus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:54
_VIM_Nytrix: as stated earlier ImageMagic01:54
ScubidusI did ask01:54
jdimondMoopies: Good luck!01:54
Nytrixvim i try it but didnt work01:54
Moopiesjdimond, May the power of the goat side be with you!01:54
n8tuserfMoopies -> try that  telinit 6 too, just curious..01:54
sveakexMox`: but it is good for a home server or a desktop, and a business server if you are good at it01:54
jribScubidus: ok, this channel is just for ubuntu support.  #ubuntu-offtopic for other conversations.  Thanks01:54
Nytrixi couldnt even load the program01:54
ScubidusHey could someone help me out with installing a Linksys WPC54G on Ubuntu 6.0601:54
Moopiesn8tuserf, If I knew what it did..01:54
mike_hurleyn8tuserf: probably...it's being done within a script in the /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d directory01:54
MoopiesI'd do it01:54
n8tuserfMoopies -> if you google for runlevel, this a common practice of the original unix systems..01:55
mike_hurleyn8tuserf: is there a way to kick off gnome-screensaver in that case?01:55
Mox`sveakex indeed :D heh01:55
sveakexMox`: gentoo is good because of it's speed and because it can do exactly what you want it to01:55
Mox`exactly.. you chose what will be installed 100%01:55
k33s_hello ubuntu friends!01:56
n8tuserfmike_hurley -> i think the get around solution to cron was export the DISPLAY variable and then execute the command01:56
Moopiesn8tuserf, so I just run telinit 6 in a console ?01:56
k33s_you're all going onto to youtube! :D01:56
sveakexMox`: arch is also a really good distro but it would never reccomend it for any other purpose than being a desktop or a HOME server01:56
=== tabidachi_study is now known as tabidachi
n8tuserfMoopies -> run sync several times. though first01:56
Mox`sveakex okay, never heard of that one :O01:56
_VIM_Hi youtube! :)  /me waves01:56
Nytrixwhat is a good multiple image compressor for ubuntu?01:56
sveakexMox`: it gives you control in a simple way at cost of stability and reliability01:57
Scubidusubottu: Do you know how to get the drivers for a Linksys WPC54G without the disk and get it working on version 6.0601:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:57
Moopiesn8tuserf, sync didn't do jack01:57
Mox`sveakex okay01:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Linksys01:57
n8tuserfMoopies -> you would not see the effect displayed on the screen,  man sync to get an understanding o f wht it does01:57
jrib!wireless | Scubidus01:58
ubottuScubidus: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:58
Moopiesn8tuserf, then you want me to do telinit 6 ?01:58
mike_hurleyn8tuserf: for instance, the line "DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver &" still has the problem01:58
n8tuserfMoopies -> yes after the sync01:58
n8tuserfmike_hurley -> export it01:58
Mox`sveakex have u worked with virtual hosting before?01:58
sveakexMox`: no, all i have done is installed gentoo on virtualbox :P01:58
mike_hurleyi thought putting the var on the same line as the command was the equivalent in the scope of that command01:59
sveakexMox`: and i had a home server for 2 months01:59
mike_hurleyn8tuserf: i thought putting the var on the same line as the command was the equivalent in the scope of that command01:59
Mox`sveakex hehe okay, It's because I don't really what's the best solution regarding partitions :O01:59
Mox`sveakex hehe okay :)01:59
brotherhandcomplete removal and reinstall of firefox didn't work, still broken navigation controls01:59
n8tuserfmike_hurley -> but the command forks a shell?01:59
meoblast001a few emulators on my system won't make sound... what should i do?01:59
Titan8990Mox`, for stability, ext3 accross the board01:59
sveakexMox`: virtual machines have their own "hard disk" file afaik01:59
Titan8990Mox`, for increase speed, reiserfs for rootfs01:59
provohi can i get some help please, when I try running synaptic package manager this is the error i get.......E: Type '<html>' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list02:00
Mox`Titan8990, okay, how big shoud swap and boot be?02:00
provoE: The list of sources could not be read.02:00
provoGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.02:00
provoE: _cache->open() failed, please report.02:00
FloodBot1provo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:00
Mox`Titan8990, 4gb swap, 512mb boot?02:00
n8tuserfmike_hurley -> heres a reference for cron  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-105250.html02:00
sveakexTitan8990: but he needs stability so isn't ext3 better?02:00
Titan8990Mox`, the standard is 2x the RAM but really, 4gb is a big swap partition02:00
Titan8990sveakex, yes02:00
Mox`Titan8990n, the machine have 2gb of ram02:01
sveakexTitan8990: afterall it is a business and not a home server..02:01
Titan8990Mox`, and 512 is perfectly fine for boot02:01
Titan8990Mox`, if you plan to do a lot a webserver stuff, you may want to have the server root on its own partition02:01
sveakexTitan8990: why 512 for a boot partition? the kernal and those files don't take more than 50mb02:01
Mox`Titan8990, what do you mean? :O02:02
Titan8990sveakex, mine is only 30mb, but a bit larger doesn't hurt02:02
Titan8990Mox`, if this is primarly a web server, you may want a partition for /var/www02:02
Mox`Titan8990, the basic system on one parition and everything else on a partition with rest of the space?02:02
Mox`Titan8990, ye oke, the server shall run dns, mail, db and apache ofc02:03
chroniccan someone help get a movie to play?02:03
ldleworkIf this is my cfdisk output : http://ldlework.pastebin.com/m133dd964 : How can I give sda1 some of the gigs of sda2? I am currently running mounted sda502:03
sveakexTitan8990: 512 is a bit larger? :P if he has 50mb packages he loses 8 customers :P02:03
Mox`Titan8990, so I should make a partition with the base system on it? or?02:03
n8tuserfchronic -> i used vlc and am happy with it02:03
whalesaladHey guys. Have a feisty box that can't seem to do anything at all with apt-get. Looking at the sources file, it appears all of the source url's 404. Is feisty no longer supported or something? http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/02:03
Titan8990Mox`, yes, that is a requirement02:03
chronicn8tuserf, i have that , still not working02:03
SuperMoopiesn8tuserf, that shut the computer down and restarted02:04
ldleworkIf this is my cfdisk output : http://ldlework.pastebin.com/m133dd964 : How can I give sda1 some of the gigs of sda2? I am currently running mounted sda502:04
n8tuserfSuperMoopies -> okay, isnt that what you wanted?02:04
Mox`Titan8990, how big should the base system be then?02:04
Titan8990Mox`, I would make it about 50-100GB02:04
Titan8990Mox`, use the rest for /home and /var/www02:04
sveakexldlework: try using gparted02:04
SuperMoopiesn8tuserf, yes, and shut down02:04
Titan8990Mox`, 50-100GB02:04
FloodBot1Titan8990: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:04
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:04
Dethronedsveakex: well it didn't work lol02:05
Mox`Titan8990 50gb just for the system :O?02:05
sveakexDethroned: so what is the situation?02:05
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:05
Titan8990Mox`, applications don't take that much space02:05
Dethronedsveakex:  The computer refuses to boot from the usb drive02:05
Mox`is a tmp parition nessarary?02:05
SuperMoopiesn8tuserf, how would I do 'shutdown' ?02:05
n8tuserfSuperMoopies -> but do you still get the no IDE something found?02:05
Titan8990Mox`, most would recommend less than that02:05
SuperMoopiesn8tuserf, negative02:05
n8tuserfSuperMoopies -> i use  sudo shutdown -h now02:05
Mox`Titan8990 okay, so 20gb space should be fine for the system?02:06
sveakexDethroned: is usb the first item in the boot priority list in the bios?02:06
Mox`Titan8990, 20gb for all the programs etc. right? :)02:06
Titan8990Mox`, should be, but I personally wouldn't make it that small, especially with how cheap storage is these days02:06
sveakexMox`: what is the question now? :P02:06
Dethronedsveakex:  I set is at #1 for priority in the boot sequence window dealy in the bios02:06
n8tuserfSuperMoopies -> well thats good that the problem of missing ide devices has been resolved eh?02:06
Mox`Titan8990 ye oke02:06
devilsF00dHi I'm having some serious issues I switched internet providers today and I just got my servers back online but I'm having some sever slowness connecting to my webserver intermittently... I've also been getting lots of log messages on my router saying that it blocked packet ... blah blah  wrong network interface (IP address spoofing)... This goes away as soon as I take the ubuntu server off the network02:06
Titan8990Mox`, tmp partition is your call, I have never used one but I have only had one CMS that stored files in /tmp and it wasn't in a production env02:07
sveakexDethroned: well.. i never booted with the usb before so you should ask somebody else who knows how to make it work :/02:07
Mox`sveakex I'm making the partitions :) is a tmp partition needed? ::O02:07
Dethronedsveakex:  I'll just wait for my cd to come in the mail and hope my compy can boot from that02:07
DethronedI don't want to mess around with this any more tonight lol02:07
sveakexDethroned: ok :)02:07
Mox`Titan8990 so I should just screw the tmp partition? :)02:07
Dethronedsveakex: Thanks for the help though02:07
curtisabHello, I need help! I cannot get Flash 10 to run in Firefox on Ubuntu 8.10. Have tried to download it and install it, but it won't work! Any tips?02:07
sveakexMox`: isn't tmp just for temporary files?02:08
n8tuserfdevilsF00d -> how does the ubuntu host come into the picture? perhaps you can explain what you are hosting on? and what the network layout is like?02:08
Mox`sveakex I think so :)02:08
ldleworkTitan8990, you seem to be giving some partitioning advice. Do you have any ideas for me?02:08
SuperMoopiesn8tuserf, I reckon , let me try shutdown02:08
sveakexMox`: just make your / larger x)02:08
whalesaladHey guys, apt-get no longer working on a feisty box. It's not mine... its a small SVN server in our office that I am working with. All the sources 404. Any ideas? Is there some vanilla sources.list file I can replace mine with?02:08
sveakexMox`: i'd make it 30gb large02:08
Mox`sveakex, root? :)02:09
Titan8990ldlework, sorry, I didn't see what you were asking02:09
ldleworkMy original question was02:09
sveakexMox`: yeah the partition mounted on /02:09
ldleworkIf this is my cfdisk output : http://ldlework.pastebin.com/m133dd964 : How can I give sda1 some of the gigs of sda2? I am currently running mounted sda502:09
jribwhalesalad: feisty is End Of Life02:09
jrib!eol | whalesalad02:09
ubottuwhalesalad: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases02:09
ldleworkgparted says it can't read the contents of the ntfs partitions02:09
sveakexldlework: use gparted02:09
Mox`sveakex ye oke02:09
ldleworkand hence can only delete them, not resize02:09
sveakexldlework: gparted02:09
whalesaladjrib: I was looking for an answer like that. Does that mean I can no longer use apt-get at all with it? What are my options here? Surely I don't need to upgrade the box?02:09
Titan8990ldlework, it is likely that you can't02:09
Mox`should I use rest of the space for /home or /var?02:09
ldleworksveakex, I just said that I am using gparted X|02:10
Titan8990ldlework, because data gets written to the beginning of a partition02:10
Mox`/var/www or something02:10
Titan8990ldlework, the space you want to give to sda1, will already have stuff on it from sda202:10
ldleworkIf I delete the sda2 ?02:10
brotherhandsolution: the missing firefox navigation controls is caused by corrupted profile.ini. delete it and firefox will make a new one that works02:10
sveakexldlework: oh, make on smaller and then the other bigger :P02:10
Titan8990ldlework, then yes, you should be able to give that size to sda102:10
jribwhalesalad: it doesn't make sense to run a box without updates.  You should upgrade02:10
jrib!upgrade | whalesalad02:10
ubottuwhalesalad: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:10
Titan8990ldlework, using parted or whatever GUI frontend for parted you want02:10
whalesaladjrib: Alright, thanks for the tips. My only worry here is that this is a server which is pretty important in my company right now. What kind of risks do I have with doing this? It's a headless machine, no gui or anything...02:11
Supermoopiesn8tuserf, jdimond : still happens on shutdown , i repeat SHUTDOWN , not restart02:11
sveakexMox`: make the rest of the space go where you have the webhosting stuff02:11
GargantuaDoes the mysql-server apt package include all the C header files?02:11
Supermoopies(so it hasn't been fixed )02:11
ldleworkTitan8990, deleting sda2 did not allow me to resize sda1 =x02:11
Mox`sveakex ye, I just don't know what directory I should use :D02:11
jribwhalesalad: should be fine, that's not really a special case02:12
Titan8990ldlework, using what?02:12
sveakexMox`: it's not so important which directory you use.. just aslong as you know it and it's on the right partition02:12
Mox`sveakex ye oke, i'll just use /home02:12
ldleworkgparted reports for sda1 (where windows is installed) "Unable to read contents of this filesystem! Because of this some operations may be unavailable."02:12
jribwhalesalad: personally, I'd make an image of the drive just in case, then upgrade to gutsy, then to hardy (this way you have support on the server until 2013)02:13
regeya_anyone here using ext4 yet?  curious to know if it's even remotely sfe yet02:13
regeya_safe even02:13
sveakexMox`: on my home server i moved apache or lighttpd root folder to a folder inside /home from /srv02:13
whalesaladjrib: It's fairly basic... all our data is backed up to S3 nightly. I'll do some looking around though before I do anything. Thanks for your help.02:13
ldleworkTitan8990, could it be because sda1 is flagged as boot?02:13
Mox`sveakex, ye oke02:14
Titan8990ldlework, possible, you could try removing the boot flag, but I don't recommend doing anything until all your data is backed up02:14
devilsF00dok so I have a lnksys switch with several lan computers connected to it and a d-link router connected to the switch twice, internet in from switch, and one from port one on d-link.  Then I have a free-nas server connected to the switch on eth-0 and the router on eth-1, and finally the ubuntu server connected to the router on eth-0 with ip 192... and to the switch with ip 98... (from net provider); the Router is on the same 98. but di02:14
ldleworkThat didn't work either02:14
Mox`sveakex now it's installing :D02:14
jribwhalesalad: the update link will give you working feisty repos so you can get up to date before upgrading, but it is a pretty bad idea to keep an unsupported version on there02:14
Titan8990ldlework, removing the boot flag didn't02:14
sveakexMox`: with ubuntu? debian? centos?02:14
devilsF00dsorry that is crazy but it's the best I could gather from this inherited set up02:14
ldleworkTitan8990, correct.02:14
Mox`sveakex debian x64 minimal :D02:14
ldleworkTitan8990, I don't need to apply the deletion of sda2 to make that effective right?02:15
Titan8990ldlework, can you mount the windows partition? is marked as "locked"?02:15
devilsF00doh and the broadband modem is in the swtich also02:15
Titan8990ldlework, not to make it effective, to make it actually happen, yes02:15
ldleworkTitan8990, I can mount sda1 just fine from Ubuntu and use it freely.02:15
ldleworkIt is not currently mounted02:15
Mox`sveakex It's my first time using their rescue system :D so' its a bit exciting if this works02:15
danchoany from cuba?02:16
sveakexMox`: installing from rescue systems is fun, that's how i always install linux :P02:16
Mox`sveakex, hehe last time I tried something just as exciting were when I recompiled the kernel :D damn I was screwed if the kernel was fucked hehe02:17
_VIM_!ohmy | Mox`02:17
ubottuMox`: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!02:17
sveakexMox`: i don't like configuring and recompiling the kernel... i don't know what parts i need and what i don't... :(02:17
n8tuserfdevilsF00d -> perhaps  a drawing of the layout would be easier to follow, put as much info on it so we can sort out and trace where the packet goes trhough and mention were is the firewalling in it too02:18
milksveakex, thats part of the fun :D02:18
Mox`sveakex hehe okay, the standard kernel I got with the server really stinked.. it wasn't running the right cpu frequency and alot of unnessarary stuff was enabled :S02:18
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
n8tuserfdancho -> are you chatting now from cuba?  great to hear if you are02:19
sveakexmilk: yeah, but my kernel was always much larger than everybody elses *cries*02:19
sveakexMox`: was linux reinstalled?02:19
_VIM_cuba has interwebs? O.o02:19
Mox`sveakex ye ubuntu 8.04 x6402:19
Supermoopiesn8tuserf, jdimond : perhaps I want 0 instead of 6 with telinit ?02:20
sveakexMox`: computers should come without an os imo :P02:20
danchoi think so02:20
n8tuserf_VIM_ -> we should welcome them, if this is their chance to get into the freeworld eh? :P02:20
Supermoopiesn8tuserf, jdimond if i wanted to do it manually02:20
_VIM_dancho: hehe cool02:20
Mox`sveakex hehe, well I wanted to try ubuntu :D02:20
devilsF00dis there somewhere I can reference standard network symbols?02:20
_VIM_n8tuserf: it would be a change if nothing else.02:20
sveakexlinux goes commie again02:20
n8tuserfSupermoopies -> try it, also try  runlevel  command instead of telinit02:21
Platypus-ManI'm trying to install irssi IRC client, I ran sudo apt-get install irrsi, and it appears it succeeded - but the program is not listed under Applications - Internet, or anywhere else for that matter02:21
danchoi have a question02:21
_VIM_Platypus-Man: you have to type irssi in terminal, better yet screen irssi02:21
n8tuserfdevilsF00d -> just a box, and a label it as router or switch or whatever is enuff02:21
sveakexMox`: hehe, i remember that either the sound or flash kept breaking for me on 8.04 or 7.10, i remember having issues with youtube X)02:21
n8tuserfdancho -> ask away02:22
_VIM_Platypus-Man: once you're on irssi then /server irc.freenode.org02:22
sveakexMox`: if ubuntu can't do youtube i wouldn't use it as a production server :P02:22
Mox`sveakex damn!! before my I had 427gb free on my /, now my /home is 838gb :O02:22
Mox`sveakex hehe true :D02:22
Platypus-Man_VIM_: thank you, seems like that was what I were looking for :)02:22
sveakexMox`: how big is / now?02:22
Mox`sveakex root is 30gb and /home is 838gb02:22
_VIM_geeze must be nice to have that much space, i got a 40 gig hdd ;((((02:23
sveakexMox`: hehe, who is your target audience?02:23
sveakex_VIM_: but you are not a webhost ;P02:23
Mox`sveakex people who doesn't need a file hosting server, but a webhotel where they get almost everything :D02:23
_VIM_meh i used to have a home server actually, but that's offtopic02:23
Mox`sveakex, ½gb and 1gb of space so far02:23
sveakexMox`: 500mb and 1gb packages?02:24
Sw3RvEwhen i try to boot my usb flash drive i get Invalid or damaged Bootable partition. How do i fix this?02:24
Mox`sveakex ye for now it is02:24
sveakexMox`: imagine how much effort you need to put in if you are going to have many customer02:24
Stumbles _    _ _ _     _02:25
Stumbles | | _(_) | |   (_) _____      _____02:25
Stumbles | |/ / | | |   | |/ _ \ \ /\ / / __|02:25
FloodBot1Stumbles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
Sw3RvEcan someone help me with a bootable usb drive02:25
Mox`sveakex hehe, If the system is made right, I should be able to let the server run it self02:26
Stumbles _    _ _ _     _02:26
Stumbles | | _(_) | |   (_) _____      _____02:26
Stumbles | |/ / | | |   | |/ _ \ \ /\ / / __|02:26
Stumbles |   <| | | |   | |  __/\ V  V /\__ \02:26
Stumbles |_|\_\_|_|_|  _/ |\___| \_/\_/ |___/02:26
FloodBot1Stumbles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:26
Stumbles              |__/02:26
* regeya_ facepalm02:26
Mox`sveakex ofc I need to update the system one in while, but not that often02:26
_VIM_jrib ^^^^]02:26
danchois about the next LTS version02:26
danchowill be the 9.10?02:26
fearfuldancho, no the next LTS is scheduled 10.402:26
fearfulyea 10.04*02:27
danchothanks.. that will be in server edition to?02:27
bohemian_can anyone explain me this error?02:27
bohemian_Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".02:27
sveakexMox`: yeah be careful about that, i hate it when they add new features which break old configs so you have to modify it create a new one *cough* awesome wm *cough*02:27
Mox`sveakex haha apt-get also works in debian :D02:27
Stumbles _    _ _ _     _02:27
Stumbles | | _(_) | |   (_) _____      _____02:27
FloodBot1Stumbles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:27
Mox`sveakex true02:27
sveakexMox`: you mean it also works in ubuntu? ;P02:27
n8tuserfdancho -> you were going to ask a question?02:27
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:27
_VIM_!ops | Stumbles + ascii art X302:27
Stumbles| |/ / | | |   | |/ _ \ \ /\ / / __|02:27
Stumbles |   <| | | |   | |  __/\ V  V /\__ \02:27
ubottuStumbles + ascii art X3: please see above02:27
FloodBot1Stumbles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:27
_VIM_x4 now02:28
Mox`sveakex hehe ye oke :D02:28
danchomy question was that my friend02:28
sveakexMox`: debian is the mother of like 30 distros or so :P02:28
Mox`sveakex, nice, only 17 processes, before there were 85 :S02:28
sveakexMox`: 85 in ubuntu?02:28
n8tuserfdancho  what?02:28
Mox`sveakex hehe nice :P didn't even know that,.. I knew that ubuntu is made on debian02:28
Mox`sveakex, ye02:28
fearfulMox`, I got 132, how did you drop them?02:28
Mox`fearful clean install of debian :O02:29
danchoabout the next LTs version02:29
sveakexMox`: install htop and tell me how much ram you are using :P02:29
danchoand i have an answer02:29
Mox`fearful only sdd, rsyslogd, acpid and cron is running02:29
danchothanks to all you gays02:29
Mox`sveakex i'm looking in htop :D02:29
fearfulMox`, nice02:30
sveakexMox`: btw you should use aptitude to install instead of apt-get, apparently aptitude resolves dependancies better :s02:30
Mox`fearful heh ye.. just wait till I install all the other programs :S02:30
Mox`sveakex okay :)02:30
Titan8990sveakex, Mox` yes, aptitude makes "smarter" descisions then apt-get02:30
danchobye bye02:30
Mox`Titan8990, okay, does it work just the same as apt-get?02:31
sveakexMox`: yes almost02:31
fearfulMox`, yea:p02:31
Mox`sveakex okay, something I should watch out for?02:31
JuravialLol, I am definitely not cut out for Linux ... lived in the windows world too long02:31
sveakexMox`: not what i know of02:32
Mox`sveakex, oke :)02:32
sveakexMox`: there might be a few flags which are different or so02:32
narcarsissjuravial it is easy once you get you head out of Windows02:32
sveakexMox`: but it is more or less the same, just better02:32
Titan8990Mox`, no, aptitude actually calls apt-get02:32
Mox`Titan8990, can't i clean up all unnessarary stuff? :O02:32
Mox`Titan8990 oke :D02:32
Titan8990Mox`, yes02:32
Mox`sveakex ye oke02:33
Mox`Titan8990, how? :)02:33
narcarsisseveryone can do linux if i can teach my 9YO syster to be my linux admin you can learn02:33
sveakexi hardly use linux these days... i need.. my.. games..02:33
Titan8990Mox`, aptitude remove applicationidontneed02:33
narcarsissapt-get moo02:33
Titan8990Mox`, or update-rc remove programidontwantoautostart -f02:33
sveakexnarcarsiss: that's an awesome command02:33
bazhow can check the health and status of my software RAID that i installed using the alternate installer02:33
Platypus-Man_VIM_: I tried to reading the start-up manual for irssi, but didn't understand much... I connected to Quakenet, and then when I connected to Freenode it disconnected me from the first network02:34
narcarsissyeah i know was reading the apt man and found it02:34
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Titan8990!mdam | baz02:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mdam02:34
Titan8990!raid | baz02:34
ubottubaz: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:34
Mox`Titan8990, I was thinking of a autocleaner or something like that02:34
fluvvellbaz: cat /proc/mdstat02:34
Titan8990baz, check out the software raid wiki page02:34
RBrennerquick question02:34
Titan8990Mox`, there really shouldn't be that much crap, especially if you used the minimal installer02:34
RBrennerim using UNetbootin to make a Bootable USB02:34
JuravialI tried reading the forums on how to install the driver and firmware for ipw2200... I am a fairly intelligent person, but I am truely humbled ..I feel stupid right now02:35
Mox`Titan8990, ye oke02:35
RBrennerwhen i go to boot it, it says "syslinux 3.63 debian 2008 07 15 ebios... peter anvin" and prompts me to boot02:35
moniis ther any tool 2 hide my ip?02:35
_VIM_Platypus-Man: well i think you have to do /server irc.freenode.org then once connected you do /connect irc.quakenet.net/org that should do the trick, then you do ctrl+x to toggle them i think02:35
fluvvellrtfm is becoming a familiar answer around here.02:35
RBrennernothing i type results in anything02:35
RBrenneranyone have any ideas?02:35
monii tried squid proxy....but it doesnt hide the ip02:35
bazfluvvell, would it tell me in there if there were errors or problems? it shows the setup, which is cool, but no the health02:36
_VIM_i switched to Konversation a while back,,,Platypus-Man so Im a bit rusty with irssi :)02:36
=== Guest12173 is now known as sveakex
bazit would be nice to have a little sys-tray applet that monitored my RAID02:36
mikewuPlatypus-Man: it probably didn't disconnect you, it probably just made one default. usually you can add a -server flag so /j -freenode #ubuntu02:36
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monipls help02:36
n8tuserfRBrenner -> you read the tutorial on how to install unetbootin?02:36
sveakexdid anybody write to me?02:36
nikuhello room - I just got a dell mini9 and was looking for any recommendations to make better use of screen realestate - any suggestions?02:36
mikewuPlatypus-Man: you can check what your connected to with /server too02:36
bohemian_anyone has an answer for me?02:36
bohemian_regarding Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".02:36
sveakexi screwed cgywin up :P02:36
RBrennerno, it seemed pretty self explanatory but i guess not?02:36
chroniccan someone help me to play xvid movie?02:37
narcarsissfor those that want to keep linux clean read this [but be warned that you can brake packages when removing the so make sure you know what you are doing]  http://maketecheasier.com/8-ways-to-maintain-a-clean-lean-ubuntu-machine/2008/10/0702:37
sveakexwho had issues with irssi?02:37
_VIM_Platypus-Man: you can always type /help when inside irssi too02:37
narcarsisschronic: i can02:37
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RBrennern8userf: what tutorial are you referring to?02:37
fluvvellbaz: are you on a desktop or server?02:37
chronicnarcarsiss, whenever i open it all the players crash, or quit i guess02:38
|ns|nR8anyone know if its possible to mount FATX ( xbox fs )02:38
moniis ther any tool 2 hide my ip.....?02:38
curtisabAnybody able to help me get Flash 10 working on Firefox / ubuntu 8.1002:38
sveakexPlatypus-Man: did you have issues with irssi?02:38
chronictotem, vlc,02:38
narcarsisshave you tryed VLC player02:38
hmwmoni - no.02:38
narcarsissand they all crash02:39
Platypus-Man_VIM_: ctrl+x worked changing from freenode\quakenet, but then I joined a quakenet channel and now nothing happens when I press ctrl+x anymore02:39
threefcatahow to see if a kernel module is compiled or not?02:39
bazfluvvell, desktop02:39
Platypus-Manoh wait, saw what you said about server flag now02:39
RBrennerdoes anyone have any experience using UNetbootin on Linux?02:39
sveakexPlatypus-Man: use alt and a number to switch rooms02:39
fluvvellbaz: mdstat would tell you if it was faulty, or if rebuilding anyway.02:39
narcarsissdo you have compix installed02:40
sveakexPlatypus-Man: and queries02:40
_VIM_Platypus-Man: to change channels yiou have to do ESC+ a number  (the number the channel is on) or ALT as sveakex suggested02:40
Platypus-Mansveakex: that works, thanks02:40
_VIM_Platypus-Man:  type /help inside irssi02:40
sveakexPlatypus-Man: to change network be in the first window and do control x, you can also type /win 1 to switch to the first window02:40
_VIM_Platypus-Man: also you can set a million options by typing /set02:41
bazfluvvell, should i be checking it everyday or something, I don't want to be left in the dark one day because 1 of the drives had failed 6 months ago02:41
narcarsissif you have compiz/fusion installed disable it then try again02:41
sveakexMox`: you stull there?02:41
platypus2success! thanks guys :)02:41
Mox`sveakex ye ofc :)02:41
sveakexMox`: how's it going with the server?02:41
=== O_O is now known as Guest67746
HuufartedAnybody able to tell me how you can tell the link speed on a network adapter?  Not the current bandwidth being used, but the speed it's connected at?02:41
Mox`sveakex setting up sudo :)02:41
sveakexMox`: that's easy :P02:41
narcarsiss1344 users could be helping to lag02:41
Mox`sveakex hehe, haven't done it that many times, but ye, i'm adding the user :)02:42
sveakexMox`: if you have sudo set up you can remove the root password making it impossible to log in as root, with the exception of sudo su ;)02:42
remuHeya folks! I've got a quick question. I've been trying out this new program, f.lux, I want to run it at the start of my session. How can I do so? It is a single executable. Normally, to run it, I have to type "/.xflux -z <zipcode>". Any ideas on how to run it at the start of my session?02:42
* kdubois hates computers02:42
Platypus-ManI have a printscreen from last time I was here, 1337 users02:42
RBrennerdoes anyone here have any experience using UNetbootin in LInux?02:42
sveakexMox`: everybody in the wheel group has access to sudo afaik02:42
crazyryan_aIs there anyway I can execute a cron as nobody?02:42
Mox`sveakex that's right, and that' what I intended to do :D02:42
bazHuufarted, if you right-click the sys-tray icon and choose "connection properties" it should tell you there02:42
narcarsisschronic: > if you have compiz/fusion installed disable it then try again02:42
threefcatahow to see if a kernel module is compiled or not?02:42
prince_jammyssveakex: 'admin' in ubuntu02:43
HuufartedThanks, baz.  :)02:43
chronicnarcarsiss, ok02:43
sveakexMox`: yeah. that is one very good security standard in ubuntu02:43
redvamp128curtisab:  quick and easy-- remove any of the others you installed (gnash) -- then goto software sources- enable the multiverse and the restricted. close and let it reload-- then open up synaptic package manger and flash should then be listed there - (or after you enable you can use this 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree')02:43
Mox`sveakex I can just change so root cannot login through ssh02:43
bazHuufarted, pleasure02:43
sveakexprince_jammys: admin..? :P02:43
Mox`sveakex true :)02:43
prince_jammyssveakex: 'wheel' in some other distros/BSDs02:43
fluvvellbaz: i've got software raid systems over 6 years old now, just upgraded one of them to 320Gb without fuss02:43
sveakexprince_jammys: oh, i almost never use ubuntu, i just enjoy being here to help other people02:43
prince_jammyssveakex: cool02:44
fluvvellbaz: I just troll the logs occasionally.  I assume you mean mirrored raid 1 ?02:44
narcarsisschronic: also if you have rythembox open close it [it's a bug that has not been addressed yet]02:44
bazfluvvell, i have raid502:44
sveakexprince_jammys: the distros are different, but in the end, all distros can use the same programs and ultimately.. it's all linux :)02:44
fluvvellbaz: even better :-)02:44
fluvvellbaz, how many drives02:44
bazfluvvell, so check the logs every once a while eh, that kinda suxks no :)02:45
sveakexMox`: how do you set up virtual hosts?02:45
bazfluvvell, 402:45
Mox`sveakex dno yet :)02:45
Mox`sveakex But i've found a good guide02:45
narcarsisssveakex: hold on i have a link for you02:45
Mox`sveakex I also need quota first :O02:45
remuAnyone know how I can run an executable at startup? I normally run it by typing "./xflux -z <zipcode>" in the terminal02:46
fluvvellbaz, yep. You should check out the page that ubotu recommended. I've only used them on servers so far, so not on my desktop, i've heard of developments that may be of use, probably gparted for one.02:46
akornhey can anybody help me when i reboot i end up in terminal and can't get out of it02:46
akornor when i boot up*02:46
narcarsisssveakex: http://articles.slicehost.com/2008/12/17/ubuntu-intrepid-apache-virtual-hosts-1/02:46
bazfluvvell, ok thanks for helping out, i'll check em out02:46
salmonhey real quick question that someone may or may not have the answer to. so my friend has a mac, i know nothing about them. he is trying to download the World of Warcraft addon "questhelper" and he can't figure out how to get it to load anyone know?02:46
fluvvellbaz, which version of ubuntu?02:46
bazfluvvell, 8.1002:47
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:47
jribsalmon: ask the osx channel02:47
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fluvvellbaz, definitely look at gparted.02:47
akornit says "trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/etc..... then it says "No resume image, doing normal boot" and goes to terminal screen instead of the GUI02:47
=== zanoni is now known as ixnow
Supermoobiesn8tuserf, jdimond , it's still screwing up02:47
Mox`hmm, how do I add something to boot? :O02:47
Supermoobiesn8tuserf, jdimond , could I just remove all of the switches for halt ?02:47
Supermoobiesn8tuserf, jdimond , and try that02:47
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:47
fsufitchhey, is there a way to easily make "contect sheets" out of a photo directory in ubuntu (print 30 thumbnails per page)? the way that windows picture and fax viewer can do it02:48
RBrennerdoes anyone here have any experience using UNetbootin in Linux?02:48
darkhelmetliveremu: define at startup. OS startup or login/startup?02:48
sveakexnarcarsiss: that doesn't seem to so awfully difficult, can i create subdomains that way?02:48
remulogin, start of the session02:48
HuufartedGRRRRR....  just  upgraded the entire network infrastructure in my house...  and my laptop that I use the most I just realized it wasn't gigabit02:48
darkhelmetliveremu: in gnome you can go System->Preferences->Session and configure things02:48
Huufartedso everything but my laptop is capable of gigabit...02:48
crazyryan_aHow do I list all the folders in the current dir?02:48
narcarsissas far as i know yes but i'm on debian and it took me ages to get it working02:48
Huufartedcrazyryan_a, ls -ld *02:49
remudarkhelmetlive, I know I can do that. But what should I put in the command?02:49
SirGrokHello channel, I am wanting to install Ubuntu on my Motion Computing m1300 [tablet pc, without an ODD]... How do Ii properly go abouts doing this?02:49
frenchhey how is the best way to netboot ubuntu with pxe?02:49
Huufartedcrazyryan_a, ls -ld02:49
_VIM_crazyryan_a: Folders is a windows term :P02:49
darkhelmetliveremu: if the command is in your path, you should be able to just put in what you type on the command line02:49
sveakexMox`: hehe, do you think it is possible to set a lot of things automatically? like creating the virtualhost, mysql account and such02:50
prince_jammysls -ld *  is the same as ls -l02:50
Huufartedbah, ls -ld apparently isn't the one in Ubuntu.  It is in SCO...  doh!02:50
prince_jammysls -d */ for only dirs02:50
remudarkhelmetlive, It is a lone executable that I downloaded off of the internet. It is currently sitting in a folder called "Startup" in my home folder.02:50
Mox`sveakex I'm planning to write a perl backend for the system, so I can control everything from a controlpanel :)02:50
SirGrokI've come across instructions to get the wacom/stylus functionality up and operational, but I do not know how to initially get the OS onto the unit [I have a ubs to ide bridge at my disposal]02:50
remudarkhelmetlive, I normally do "cd ~/Startup" then "./xflux -z 32065"02:51
darkhelmetliveremu: then, if you browse it should put in the full path. otherwise, just type in the absolute path to the file02:51
sveakexMox`: awesome :) btw what is your guide?02:51
remuDo I need to put in a dot somewhere in there?02:51
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Mox`sveakex for the virtual apache server? :)02:51
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oh_noesIn my sudoers, why does "Cmnd_Alias CHOWN = /bin/chown" work, BUT "Cmnd_Alias CHOWN = /bin/chown -R root:root /foo/bar" doesn't work?02:51
akorncan anybody help me figure out why ubuntu is loading straight to terminal?!?!02:51
oh_noessays parsing error02:51
sveakexMox`: yeah02:51
sveakexMox`: is it the one narcarsiss sent me?02:52
Mox`sveakex found it on the internet, want' the link?02:52
remudarkhelmetlive, well, I tried with browse, hope it works02:52
sveakexMox`: sure02:52
remudarkhelmetlive, thanks for your help02:52
redvamp128akorn:  what did you do prior to that (install a video driver) or is this a fresh install?02:52
akorni uninstalled/reinstalled ALSA02:53
crazyryan_aIs there anyway I can search folder and file names for a string and return the path to them in terminal?02:53
akornredvamp i uninstalled/reinstalled ALSA and i also ran autoremove i think it removed some old kernel settings or something im not sure wasn't really paying attentino heh02:53
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darkhelmetlivecan i configure network manager to use different dhclient.conf configs for different interfaces?02:54
_VIM_crazyryan_a: locate <file> or <dir>02:54
Huufartedcrazyryan_a:  find /foldername -name "filename" -print02:54
fsufitchis there a way to print 30 small thumbnails of pictures per page? f-spot only lets me to up to 9 pictures per page02:54
sveakexMox`: you sent a guide for ubuntu, just keep that in mind when you are following it :)02:54
Huufarted_VIM_, that's way easier than mine....02:54
josher4I have a M1730, which has a small LCD screen in the top right corner. Usually in Vista, it would display the  ram usage and CPU performance along with other things. Is there a controller or a driver for Ubuntu 8.10 that will make this show up?02:54
Mox`Titan8990, how do I see what run at start? :O02:54
Mox`sveakex hehe ye, but that shouldn't have anything to say02:54
_VIM_oh you might want to use a '|less' at the end of that locate command, hehe locate tends to overload the terminal with a LOT of text02:54
darkhelmetliveremu: did it work?02:54
jmknsdI have a problem, I can no longer play my movies or music, any app I use tried to play it, and then just stops, even VLC, but if I log on another user accout, I am able to listen/watch anything02:55
_VIM_Huufarted: your's sounded cooler ;)02:55
Titan8990Mox`, in general, all starting application will be in /etc/init.d02:55
duelbootMox`, you can also go to System --> Sessions02:55
Titan8990Mox`, if you have not removed anything, everything in the /etc/init.d dir will be starting at boot02:55
sveakexMox`: exactly02:55
Mox`Titan8990 I meant @ boot, update-rc :O02:55
Titan8990duelboot, mox has not gui....02:55
duelbootahhh, thx Titan899002:56
akornredvamp128:  i uninstalled/reinstalled ALSA and i also ran autoremove i think it removed some old kernel settings or something im not sure wasn't really paying attentino heh02:56
n8tuserfjmknsd -> compare the permission and group membership of the user that can use vlc and play to the non-playing user02:56
sveakexMox`: apache.conf files are built slighty different in some distros02:56
Mox`sveakex ye oke :)02:56
Titan8990Mox`, those commands are distro specific, and im not completely certain on debians but mine is:   rc-update show02:56
Huufarted_VIM_:  find / -name "base" -user "your" -exec chown us {} \;02:56
Titan8990Mox`, so maybe:  update-rc show ?02:56
narcarsissdont forget when edditing you host file you dont edit hosts.conf02:57
Mox`Titan8990 ye oke, it's not here :\02:57
jmknsdn8tuserf:  the account I am having problems with is my main acct, the other us hardly used, both have default permissions, and own the files trying to be viewed02:57
prince_jammysoh_noes: the colon in root:root has to be escaped, i believe, in the sudoers file02:57
n8tuserfjmknsd -> look at their respective group membership,   see /etc/group02:58
curtisabafter trying to download and install Flash 10 on ubuntu 8.10 I get this "Download done.02:58
curtisabmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz02:58
curtisabThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.02:58
FloodBot1curtisab: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:58
Titan8990Mox`, check out man update-rc02:59
josher4I have a M1730, which has a small LCD screen in the top right corner. Usually in Vista, it would display the  ram usage and CPU performance along with other things. Is there a controller or a driver for Ubuntu 8.10 that will make this show up?02:59
Mox`Titan8990 did that :), anyways how do I remove pw for root?02:59
akornredvamp128: any ideas?02:59
ussercurtisab, adobe updated flashplayer, its not yet reflected in the repos, it expects checksum from previous version. Thats my guess anyhow02:59
Scubidus1400 people in this room and not one person could even point me in the right direction!!!! WOW, and this is called a support channel HA!02:59
redvamp128akorn:  try rebooting then hit the escape key- then select the option of repair02:59
Titan8990Mox`, passwd root -l02:59
Titan8990Mox`, make sure sudo is configured first02:59
jmknsdn8tuserf: hmm ,some of the groups have the new acct as a member, but not the main acct03:00
redvamp128akorn:  also try 'gnome-session' see if it gives you any errors?03:00
Mox`Titan8990 thanks :), and I have.. I've added my user so I have access to root03:00
oh_noesprince_jammys: thanks.  That fixed it03:00
akornokay hopefully this works thanks redvamp03:00
n8tuserfjmknsd -> there's your clue..03:00
akornredvamp128: okay thanks hopefully this works03:01
lwswhy does networking depend on a non-existant service "ifupdown"?03:01
jmknsdn8tuserf: fax, tape and fuse03:01
redvamp128akorn hold on03:01
Mox`hmm.. sudo says, unable to resolv host everytime I run the command sudo? :S03:01
dtchenlws: ifupdown is not a service; it's a suite of scripts03:01
crazyryan_aHow do I check if a file exists in terminal?03:02
jmknsdfuse... that sounds relevant03:02
q0_0pis SD usb adapter dongle ok for booting ubuntu for install or do i need to buy USB jumpdrive?03:02
n8tuserfjmknsd -> umm..maybe fuse is more essential03:02
redvamp128akorn: if that does not work though I have found on one page this command-- though still some researching on it -- said it fixed a borked desktop install -' sudo dpkg --configure -a'03:02
lwsdtchen: Yes I know.03:02
jmknsdchanged, is there a way to restart the sound service?03:02
lwsdtchen: Yes, but /etc/init.d/networking says: Required-Start:    mountkernfs ifupdown $local_fs03:02
baz/proc/mdstats has it all, you just gotta read the instructions to know what it all means... seems like it would be pretty easy to make a little gui app for it that displays the information nicely - and maybe pings it once a minute to check the health... if only i knew how to code in whatever language i would use to make that :)03:02
hmwcrazyryan_a - either you simplay ls /path/to/file.name  or in a script with test -e (like if [ -e FILENAME ]; then ... fi)03:03
dontbestupidhi guys, have an I have an old compaq lying around with two nics and wanted to setup a little networking monitoring device that would sit behind the modem, but in front of the router. Wasn't sure if ubuntu was the right distro to use or if there was something better?03:03
lwsdtchen: It can't start as long as ifupdown doesn't start, and since ifupdown isn't a service, it can never start.03:03
roadrockMox`: /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname need to have  the same hostname or sudo problems can occur.03:04
dtchenlws: that's because it's a "service" (meaning it ships an /etc/init.d/ifupdown) in Debian's package03:04
n8tuserfdontbestupid -> its good enuff, any linux should do ok for tht functionality03:04
lwsdtchen: Why don't I have it then?03:05
Mox`roadrock ok thanks03:05
dtchenlws: are you running Ubuntu instead of Debian?03:05
roadrockMox`: welcome03:05
dontbestupidn8tuserf do you know of any good tutorials?03:05
lwsdtchen: Yes, that's why I'm in #ubuntu03:05
ubottureiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html03:05
dtchenlws: Ubuntu does not ship an /etc/init.d/ifupdown03:05
n8tuserf!ics | dontbestupid03:05
ubottudontbestupid: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php03:05
dtchenlws: instead, we use a udev rule (/etc/udev/rules.d/85-ifupdown.rules)03:06
lwsdtchen: Then why does /etc/init.d/networking depend on it?03:06
n8tuserflws -> what are you looking for?03:06
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yun-haowwhat a difrent xchat genom and xchat only?03:06
dtchenlws: hence, in Ubuntu, it does not matter that the initscript for ifupdown is not shipped03:06
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lwsdtchen: It does if I set networking to start via chkconfig03:07
lwsdtchen: NetworkManager is a piece of **** that keeps messing up my resolv.conf and custom AP setup.03:07
dtchenlws: feel free, then, to file a bug affecting netbase to have it fixed03:07
n8tuserflws -> chkconfig is also not an ubuntu feature03:07
lwsn8tuserf:  My problem is I disabled NetworkManager. and I would *Like* my network interfaces to come up on startup still.  Thus, adding networking to the default runlevels.03:08
Mox`roadrock, hostname in /etc/hosts og /etc/hostname is now the same, but i still says it? :S03:08
dtchenlws: you don't need to add networking to the default runlevels to have that happen03:08
lwsdtchen: Well it isn't happening, what do I need to do then?03:08
dtchenlws: you need to edit interfaces(5) and use auto iface foo ...03:08
n8tuserflws -> post your /etc/network/interfaces  file please03:09
lwsdtchen: I do have that setup.03:09
roadrockMox`: what was the error?03:09
n8tuserflws post it so we can make comments03:09
dontbestupidn8tuserf i'm looking to create a machine-in-the-middle box (transparent) in between the cable modem and router with wireshark (preferably gui), so that i can see what kinda packets are flowing thru the connection03:09
Mox`roadrock sudo: unable to resolve host03:09
keresif you were to make a 'sudo xchat' on startup, would the user be able to exit out of it without being root?03:10
lwsn8tuserf: http://pastebin.com/d2eb97c8a03:10
keresi am looking to have xchat alway s on so my family cannot exit out of it03:10
kizzahelp i have 8.10 and weneva i try 2 run a game it runs it but gliches difrent coulourd ect.\03:10
n8tuserfdontbestupid -> well you have to configure your router (ubuntu) as if it was not even there even though it is acting as router or if yo uwant as a bridge(expensive)03:10
sveakexkeres: why would you use an irc client as root?03:10
roadrockMox`: I'm thinking a reboot might do it.03:10
keressveakex: simply so my family won't exit out of it while they are on03:11
keressveakex: i have problems with that. Will that work or is there a better way?03:11
kizza help i have 8.10 and weneva i try 2 run a game it runs it but gliches difrent coulourd ect.03:11
sveakexkeres: i don't think it would work, but you could use irssi and screen03:11
n8tuserflsw: line 1 is incorrect, onl y have one interface there  ie  auto lo   more comments to follow03:11
kizza help i have 8.10 and weneva i try 2 run a game it runs it but gliches difrent coulourd ect.03:12
sveakexkizza: play a different game03:12
kizzaevery game03:12
Mox`roadrock, just tried that :O03:12
lwsn8tuserf:  eh..  I didn't make most of that line, it comes shiped with eth0 on it.03:12
n8tuserflsw: you can delete line 10 and 12  no need to mention if you wanted it manually activated03:12
kizza help i have 8.10 and weneva i try 2 run a game it runs it but gliches difrent coulourd ect.03:12
keressveakex: i am unfamiliar with those. could you explain? could a shell script be looped to just restart the app if it ever gets quit?03:12
crazyryan_aHey, let's say I create a crontab. How can I reference that in future when I want to edit it from command line?03:12
n8tuserflws nope it never gets installed like that.. so correct it if you want a working one03:13
lwsn8tuserf: That's true *if* you don't have networkmanager running, otherwise it tries to do stuff with them and screws up my bridge setup.03:13
sveakexkeres: irssi is an irc client for the console, screen is a program for the console which you can close the terminal and "revive" that window03:13
roadrockMox`: what sudo command did you run? are you certain /etc/hosts is 'correctly' written?03:13
fearfulIs it normal to have 135 running processes but only 3 are used the rest 132 are sleeping, that sounds a bit wierd03:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openbsd03:14
n8tuserflws also delete line 12 to line 1803:14
usserfearful, yes thats normal03:14
sveakexkeres: you start screen in a terminal, open irssi, close the terminal, and then you can use screen to get irssi back03:14
fearfulusser, ok thanks03:14
keressveakex: oh, i'm looking so there's really no way to exit out of the program unless you are root03:14
Mox`roadrock it doesn't matter which sudo command I run :)03:14
dontbestupidn8tuserf so if i understand you. i'd have to setup the ubuntu box to act like a router. So then I'd have modem<=>ubuntu(1st router)<=>linksys (2nd router) <=>pc desktops03:14
sveakexkeres: well just have different accounts03:15
roadrockMox`: pastebin your /etc/hosts03:15
lwsnt8userf: I put those manual lines in there to fix NetworkManager mucking with the services.  My interfaces config is fine.   It's been working for a year.03:15
n8tuserfdontbestupid -> yes, like that03:15
turtle_KDE 4 wont work with 64bit?03:15
akornredvamp128: it won't work haha gnome-session won't load, it says it can't load the display and i don't know when to push ESC to run Repair03:15
darkhelmetlivekeres: running a GUI application as root won't prevent people from closing it...03:15
FlynsarmyWould i notice any speed improvement switching to 64-bit intrepid? Are there any major caveats?03:15
sveakexkeres: gnome has a switch user function03:15
akornredvamp128: keep in mind im running 8.0403:15
keressveakex: im well aware of that03:15
crazyryan_aHey, let's say I create a crontab. How can I reference that in future when I want to edit it from command line?03:15
redvamp128akorn:  like right after you turn the machine on during/grub load ( i am running that as well)03:15
darkhelmetlivekeres: except of course they can't kill it from the terminal unless they are also root03:15
dontbestupidn8tuserf thanks for the help, appreciate it03:15
rwwFlynsarmy: probably not, and not really. Intrepid 64-bit has fixed most of the flash/driver/etc. problems.03:15
ussercrazyryan_a, crontab -e03:16
n8tuserflws -> thats an odd way of config i have not seen before, but if you claim it works for you, i can not dispute that,03:16
keresdarkhelmetlive: so there's no shell script you could write to restart the application if it gets exited out of?03:16
akornoh i thoguht it woulda been after it goes thru the grub menu where i choose between ubuntu's different kernels?03:16
lwsn8tuserf:  It does work, and running /etc/init.d/networking start after boot causes all my interfaces to load.03:16
darkhelmetlivekeres: well yes, but as already suggested, try irssi + screen. it's what i'm using right now03:16
usserkeres, sure you could do that03:16
sveakexkeres: using that feature may seem usefull, having different accounts03:16
akornredvamp128:  oh i thoguht it woulda been after it goes thru the grub menu where i choose between ubuntu's different kernels?03:17
n8tuserflws if it loads and works, then perhaps I mis-understood the issue which what again?03:17
lwsn8tuserf:  I don't think the inserv stuff is working because of the ifupdown depend.  Maybe if i just delete that from the dependencies it will work03:17
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darkhelmetliveyou just detach the screen session and the terminal keeps running and hence irssi keeps running. so you can close the terminal, and come back to it later03:17
keressveakex: once again i choose to have only one account :/03:17
sveakexkeres: bad choice :P03:17
lwsn8tuserf:  I disabled NetworkManager so that it wouldn't ruin my resolv.conf file after pppoe sets it up.   But now my interfaces don't load at startup03:17
Flynsarmyrww, what're the advantages of the 64-bit version if not speed?03:17
redvamp128akorn:  unless you can edit your menu.lst and comment out the hidemenu with #hidemenu03:17
sveakexlws: use wicd instead of network manager03:18
rwwkeres: there is no way for you to run a program as a non-root user that can't be terminated by that non-root user.03:18
lwssveakex: what is that?03:18
sveakexlws: it's like network manager but better03:18
akornredvamp128: well it shows a list because i have windows on another partition (which isn't loading either believe it or not haha)03:18
n8tuserflws resolv.conf can be re-written depending on your dhclient or perhaps maybe with how you config your ppp also03:18
lwssveakex: I don't need any networkManager.  I've been configuring my interfaces file since Debian 2.003:18
sveakexlws: i use it to handle my network, but i don't know if it supports pppoe03:18
keresrww: if i run a program as root can a non-root user use the program but not exit out of it?03:18
turtle_64 bit is normal evolution03:18
lwsAll I want is something to run the auto line from my interfaces file *sigh*03:19
usserlws, you dont have to disable network manager in order for your dns server settings to stay put03:19
turtle_for HD streams and such03:19
usserlws, just edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf03:19
GargantuaThe apt-get package mysql-server doesn't come with the mysql C headers, anyone know what package that is in?03:19
lwsusser: ???03:19
rwwkeres: it depends on the program. not irssi, no.03:19
sveakexlws: you can have a script which load the interfaces03:19
keresrww: xchat?03:19
usserlws, what gets screwed up in /etc/resolv.conf?03:19
redvamp128akorn:  there should be an option of recovery mode03:19
MFendoes ubuntu contain any nice packagings of vnc that would be suitable for running a desktop app on the web?03:20
n8tuserflws and also looking at the man pages of interfaces, you way of doing  iface ath0 inet manual    is not even mentioned,.. manual? an undocumented feature?03:20
lwsusser: my ppp stuff setups up resolv.conf and NetworkManager is apparently overwriting it occasionally with nothing.03:20
akornredvamp128: not on the disc, but when i boot off my hard drive right is what you mean?03:20
rwwFlynsarmy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36860703:20
anarchman1Hi, I installed hplip by downloading via hp's website instead of the package manager, and now that process is constantly taking up 60-80% of my cpu? how can I remove this hplip?03:20
MFeni'm looking for something a little prettier and simpler to configure than 'tightvncserver :1 -optionsblahblah'03:20
GargantuaThe apt-get package mysql-server doesn't come with the mysql C headers, anyone know what package that is in?03:20
redvamp128akorn:  yes from your grubmenu03:20
lwsn8tuserf: there is a manual method in the man page.03:20
MFena nicer web interface would be useful too.. i'm interested in anything flash-based rather than java-based03:20
lwsn8tuserf: man interfaces -> "The manual Method"03:21
akornredvamp128: oh yea wow im dumb, but it's all text based isn't it? so what would i do when i reach it?03:21
n8tuserflws but not the way you have done it,03:21
sveakexlws: disable nm and have some sort script which loads your interfaces?03:21
lwsn8tuserf: What?03:21
darkhelmetlivecan i configure networkmanager to use different dhclient.conf's for different interfaces03:21
lwsn8tuserf: what do you mean the way I've done it?  How's it supposed to be done?03:21
n8tuserflws man interfaces again and show me your style of  iface ath0 inet manual03:21
turtle_is there a mathematica for Linux?03:22
usserlws, you can add stuff to /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf, like prepend domain-name-servers;03:22
usserlws, just set it to one of the public dns servers like opendns03:22
darkhelmetliveturtle_: octave is what you want i believe03:22
darkhelmetliveturtle_: well, that's matlab compatible stuff....03:22
lwsn8tuserf: My Method?  it's only a "manual" in the method section of an interface definition.   That is not different any other way03:23
redvamp128akorn:  when you get there-- try the following-- sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  (if that does not work) then I would suggest trying this-- sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop (that way you will have an XFCE working to fix your ubuntu) then you can later remove the xubuntu03:23
spaceBARbarianis there a way to delete all your message queues at the same time ?03:23
Mox`sveakex, hmm a good directory to place firewall script and so on? :O03:23
lwsusser: Bleh03:23
lwsusser: NetworkManager is annoying period.03:23
usserlws, whatever is in resolv.conf doesnt have to be connection specific you can override whatever ppp gets from the provider.03:23
usserlws, ok :)03:23
lwsusser: thanks for the hint though.03:23
n8tuserflws no samples at all like you did, but again am not disputing that it works for you, i have not seen that kind of configurations..03:23
lwsusser: true, but there's less latency from my ISP03:23
akornredvamp128: yea i was considering either that or the KDE desktop makes sense, sorry im being quite a noob right now haha thanks a lot03:23
lwsn8tuserf: look under iface options.03:24
usserlws, yea i guess03:24
redvamp128akorn:  once you get into xubuntu-- then you should be able to use synaptic package manger to reinstall the ubuntu-desktop03:24
sveakex/var/firewall ? :P it doesn't really matter aslong as you know where it is :)03:24
Mox`sveakex heh oke, it's because I want to remove the script from /home03:24
n8tuserflws my eyes maybe deceiving me, idont see the same like your style03:24
lwsn8tuserf: Under the examples directory specified there are a few of them.03:25
akornredvamp128: great i'll try that now thanks a lot!03:25
roadrockMox`: hostname in /etc/hosts should be the same as the output of the command 'hostname' in a term.03:25
sveakexMox`: /etc/firewall make sense aswell since it configures your firewall03:25
roadrockMox`: correction, hostname in /etc/hosts should be the same as the output of the command 'hostname' in a term.03:25
Mox`sveakex I also have a vt server eg. :)03:25
Mox`roadrock okay 2sec03:26
n8tuserflws  under my /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/  those are scripts not config files03:26
mishuHi. I have a problem with my wireless driver. When I first installed ubuntu, after running Update, a wireless driver was auto installed, and it worked. Now, i thought i can make my wireless get better signal if i used a windows driver with ndiswrapper. Problem is, none of the windows drivers work properly, and i can't get the original driver that worked back.. the one from Ubuntu .. i'm on Intrepid... I've been trying all day, looking everywhere .. any ide03:26
mishuany ideas on how to get the original driver back.03:26
Mox`roadrock, hmm in my hosts file, the hostname is a WAN ip? and not local?03:26
lwsn8tuserf: I'm not understanding what my 'style' is.   you specify iface <name> <addrfam> <method>  so: iface ath0 inet manual03:27
redvamp128akorn:  and if that still does not work then you could try this page -- How to repair a broken Ubuntu Desktop installation — Dharwadkar's Home on the web <http://www.dharwadkar.com/weblog/ubuntu04>03:27
n8tuserflws yes that style, i have not seen it before, nor documented in the man pages03:27
lwsn8t8userf: It's right there,  that's the style for the interface specification, and manual is a method that is listed.03:27
sveakexMox`: what? :P03:27
lwsn8tuserf: You're confusing me :P03:28
Mox`sveakex I have a vt server running on it, where should I place that? :)03:28
n8tuserflws all am saying is your style of  iface ath0 inet manual is something thats not documented nor i have seen in man pages03:28
mishuHi. I have a problem with my wireless driver. When I first installed ubuntu, after running Update, a wireless driver was auto installed, and it worked. Now, i thought i can make my wireless get better signal if i used a windows driver with ndiswrapper. Problem is, none of the windows drivers work properly, and i can't get the original driver that worked back.. the one from Ubuntu .. i'm on Intrepid... I've been trying all day, looking everywhere .. any ide03:29
mishuas on how to get the driver that was installed by ubuntu on the first update?03:29
lwsn8tuserf: Are you talking about "manual" or ath0, or what?  Because iface <interface> inet manual *is* in the man page.  I'm looking at it right now.03:29
roadrockMox`: I need a pastebin, can have that, 2nd line should be actual hostname03:29
sveakexMox`: /home maybe? there is a lot of space on home03:29
lwsn8tuserf: No example is given for it, but it manul is a "method" under the "INET ADDRES FAMILY" type03:29
n8tuserflws  can you kindly pm me that portion of the man pages?03:29
sveakexMox`: you don't want / to run out of space03:29
Mox`sveakex hehe no :] I think i'll put it in /opt :)03:29
Platypus-irssiI am trying to install a script for irssi, and the page tells me to put them into ~/.irssi/scripts/ , but I can't find the dir.03:30
sveakexMox`: that works aswell, but keep in mind you don't want / to get full03:30
darkhelmetlivePlatypus-irssi: just make the directory and put them there.03:30
roadrockI read drinking is bad for you so I gave up reading.03:30
lwsn8tuserf: Alright, hang on.03:30
jribPlatypus-irssi: create it03:30
roadrockwrong chan, sorry.03:31
Mox`sveakex ye, but I have 30gb, what should fill / ?03:31
scuniziPlatypus-irssi, mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts03:31
sveakexMox`: nu clue, my / got filled up somehow, but i am running a desktop computer :P03:31
lwsn8tuserf: I don't feel like reading the specification for the iface stanza.  But can we agree it goes iface <interface> <addrfam> <method> ?03:31
Mox`sveakex ye oke :) hehe03:31
Mox`sveakex log files maybe?03:32
lwsn8tuserf: If you agree that is how the iface stanza works, search for manual method on this page:  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/en/man5/interfaces.5.html03:32
n8tuserflws okay i agree with you, am not even disputing its not working, im just saying i have not seen it before03:32
sveakexMox`: very possible, but i might have turned the syslog off... :P03:32
lwsn8tuserf: If you scroll up you'll see manual is specified under the "inet" address family allowed methods.03:32
Mox`sveakex hehe oke :)03:32
poutineI have this stupid popped up window with half a filled progress bar, and something that looks like a mine above it03:33
poutineanyone know wtf this is03:33
poutinein gnome03:33
n8tuserflws and its says no options but you have options of up ....  so am perplexed, anyhow if it works for you, thats cool03:33
lwsn8tuserf: Oh.03:33
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.03:33
lwsn8tuserf:  If you'll notice "up" is not an method option at all.03:33
sveakexMox`: yeah but opt or var shoud work03:33
mishuHi. I have a problem with my wireless driver. When I first installed ubuntu, after running Update, a wireless driver was auto installed, and it worked. Now, i thought i can make my wireless get better signal if i used a windows driver with ndiswrapper. Problem is, none of the windows drivers work properly, and i can't get the original driver that worked back.. the one from Ubuntu .. i'm on Intrepid... I've been trying all day, looking everywhere .. any ide03:34
mishuas on how to get the driver that was installed by ubuntu on the first update?03:34
sveakexMox`: well of course they work but i meant it makes sense03:34
Platypus-irssiscunizi: I didn't get any errors, but I can't see any new folders in the root dir03:34
lwsn8tuserf: Read the text below the manual method about the "Up and down commands"03:34
sveakexmishu: ndiswrapper is your last resort :P03:35
lwsn8tuserf: I agree though, the interfaces man page is SEVERELY lacking.03:35
lwsn8tuserf: I removed the depend on the ifupdown service in networking.  I'm going to reboot to try it.  BRB03:35
scuniziPlatypus-irssi, any directory that begins with a period ".".. is hidden.. ls -a will list all directories even hidden ones.. or you could just do cd ~/.irssi03:35
mishusveakex: u didn't understand .. the diver ubuntu genericly had, worked. but i don't know how to get it back on now03:35
scuniziPlatypus-irssi, then ls to list what's there.03:35
Mox`sveakex :)03:35
n8tuserflws am always open to learning new things everyday, i learned something new..03:36
* GreeenEyes Saluda -> Said HI03:36
sveakexmishu: you can start with removing ndiswrapper03:36
tesseracterwhy is the disk usage analyzer so inaccurate?03:36
sveakexmishu: if the original driver is still on there it might work afterwards after a reboot03:36
mishuyea, i did .. but where do i look for the ubuntu wlan dirver, and how do i install it ? :)03:36
poutineI have a popup window that'03:36
mishunope .. i tried uninstalling and rebooting03:37
mishunot working03:37
sveakexmishu: reinstall the driver03:37
poutineI have a popup window that's GTK looking, it has half a filled progress bar, and something that looks like a mine above it, anyone have any clues on how I can get it to go away?03:37
GreeenEyesDAAAA, UNA MINA NO HAY?03:37
sveakexmishu: synaptic is able to install a lot of things, press alt f2 and do gksudo synaptic03:37
sveakexMox`: :)03:38
mishuCan anyone tell me where i can find the default ubuntu intrepid wireless driver ?03:38
Platypus-irssiscunizi: looks like it kinda worked, how do I move a file from desktop into that folder now? probably need to do it in text because as you said, folder is hidden03:38
scunizisveakex, why bring up synaptic for mishu that way .. when system>admin>synaptic works just the same03:38
=== Guest73868 is now known as zenlunatic
bazwhat language would i use to build a gui for mdadm?03:38
poutineit was gnome-power-manager03:39
Platypus-irssiit is on the Desktop now03:39
Travis-42I'm trying to get a ide to usb device to work in linux.  when I plug it into the computer, the drive spins up, but nothing seems to be recognized, and no new device shows up in fdisk.  Is there something else I might need to do to enable it?03:39
scuniziPlatypus-irssi, you would mv ~/Desktop/<filename> ~/.irssi/scripts/03:39
sveakexscunizi: because i haven't used ubuntu since december 0703:39
GargantuaThe apt-get package mysql-server doesn't come with the mysql C headers, anyone know what package that is in?03:39
sveakexscunizi: and because i would never remember that long path if i used ubuntu03:39
scunizisveakex, bit rusty huh.. same place it's always been :)03:39
prince_jammysGargantua: you might have luck at #mysql03:39
sveakexscunizi: i always everything from a prompt, i don't like menues03:40
mishuCan anyone tell me where i can find the default ubuntu intrepid wireless driver ?03:40
Gargantuaprince_jammys, nope, I asked there already.03:40
GargantuaNot to mention this is a package question.03:40
sveakexmishu: what card do you have?03:40
scunizisveakex, don't blame you.. which begs the question how come you didn't just recommend aptitude?03:40
Platypus-irssiscunizi: it worked, thanks for the help03:41
Nytrixhow do i change the usplash screen?03:41
scuniziPlatypus-irssi, cool.. what script were you trying to install?03:41
mishusveakex: realtek ...and stop arguing about synaptic guys, i know how to use it, aptitude and everything .. i just need to know where i can find the damn generic driver03:41
tritiummishu: calm down, please03:42
Platypus-irssiscunizi: just a test-scipt for now, so many scripts for irssi it will take an hour atleast to browse them all, but I'm confident that I will find something usefull there :)03:42
sveakexscunizi: clicking is easier for a lot of people03:42
mishutritium: i'm calm, sorry if the way i wrote seemed anxious03:43
strebor                      ${OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY}03:43
strebor                      ${OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY}03:43
FloodBot1strebor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:43
streborbah, sorry03:43
scuniziPlatypus-irssi, couple of things.. have you checked out using screen with irssi and other theme's?  screen works great and if you know how to split it you can use irssi in the top and elinks or mutt or terminal in the bottom03:43
streborGargantua: i meant have you tried libmysqlclient-dev?03:44
tritiummishu: do you know which driver you're referring to?  Perhaps the name of the chipset, or the kernel module?03:44
sveakexmishu: which model?03:44
bomzaiyahello all03:44
sveakexbomzaiya: hello03:44
bomzaiyaI need support about ubuntu 8.10, firewire and external HDD03:44
mishutritium: from what i understood, ubuntu ships with a generic wireless driver ... i don't actually know the name of it (the one that worked) cause it auto installed on first update after i installed ubuntu03:45
mishusveakexx: realtek RT8187B... i got the original windows drivers, tried all of them with ndiswrapper .. none working properly03:45
akornredvamp128: any idea how i can download the files i'd install in recovery?03:45
tritiummishu: there are various drivers, depending on which hardware you have03:45
scunizimishu, missed what kind of driver it is but ubuntu-restricted-extras carries the atheros driver.03:45
akornredvamp128: it's not working when i try says it can't fetch the files needed...even tho i have my modem connected directly...03:46
=== Qtpaxa2 is now known as Qtpaxa
Nytrixi moved one of my windows way passed my desktop border and now i cant see it to move in back within my desktop window...what do i do?03:46
tritiummishu: for example, a kernel module named rtl818703:46
mishutritium: is that in synaptic ?03:46
bomzaiyafirewire problem03:46
GargantuaI'll install it and see strebor.03:46
bomzaiyaNeed help!03:47
bomzaiyaI have an ext hdd03:47
bomzaiyaI partiioned 4 drives03:48
tritiumThe file is /lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187.ko, which is part of the linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic package.  You should already have it installed.03:48
sveakexmishu: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/troubleshooting.html#troubleshooting-driver03:48
anti_theoconno ound lenovo after upgrade...logon sound works but apps dont have sound03:48
bomzaiyathey are FAT3203:48
=== jmb_ is now known as julzmb
redvamp128akorn:  checking03:48
mishutritium: thanks, i think that's what i need .. yes, i know, the driver was already installed .. but i got it overwritten03:48
bomzaiyaThey are about 140 gig each.03:48
SingAlonghi all03:49
bomzaiyaHi SingAlong03:49
bomzaiyaThen I use this HDD03:49
bomzaiyawith Debian03:49
anti_theoconhey all03:49
redvamp128akorn:  do you happen to remember all what you did-- uninstalled/reinstalled also -- then ran autoremove- if I get this right03:49
tritiummishu: then reinstall that package03:49
bomzaiyaDebian, Mac, Windows, I got no problem03:49
bazif i have a software raid5 and I want to re-install ubuntu and wipe out the / partition but keep /home, is there anything to be aware of during re-installation?03:50
bomzaiyaBut with ubuntu 8.1003:50
SingAlongI wrote a bluetooth app that communicates with my phone via python in ubuntu but seems like like the data is sent repeatedly. I connect via sockets03:50
bomzaiyaMy files are lost!!!!03:50
mishutritium, that's exactly what i'm doing now.. i just maked it for reinstallation03:50
mishutritium: if this works, thanks a lot03:50
tritiummishu: sure03:50
redvamp128akorn:  is the system connected and at a prompt now?03:50
akornredvamp128: im in the live cd right now03:51
neil_dis there a command line program to find out what the default printer is for a user ?03:52
mishutritium, dunno yet if it worked, but have to restart .. so bye, thanks again.03:52
JPSmanwhat channel do I join for programming?03:52
akornredvamp128: i know i just installed ubuntu, then installed updates so it updates the kernel...i uninstalled alsa and reinstalled it via terminal, then it said i can autoremove some kernel file (not sure what it was) and i ran autoremove03:52
akornredvamp128: only reason im going thru all this is because i ahve some work i dont feel like losing, i might just reinstall the OS :S03:53
redvamp128akorn:  you should be able to if you get a prompt -- to get network to work-- use the sudo ifup eth003:53
jdimondbaz: i think it will be fine. you will have to reinstall raid support once you have ubuntu reinstalled.03:53
JPSmanShould I learn C or C++?  does all C work in C++?03:53
jdimondbaz: just dont change the partition layout from the prior install03:53
=== edson is now known as orochimaru
redvamp128akorn:  then see if you are online by ifconfig03:54
acu_VIM_ in order to edit AVCHD (high definition video) I only find ImageMixer 3 tool for windows (coming with the Canon Vixia HG20) - it seem that the editor works - so far I am not aware about any high definition choice in linux based system (sadly even a player is not yet ready to work with high def video formats)03:54
akornredvamp128: so when im at prompt i type in " sudo ifup eth0 " it should connect?03:54
crdlbJPSman: no, in practice, they are very different languages03:54
redvamp128akorn:  once you get it online-- then you should be able to sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop03:54
=== orochimaru is now known as edson
redvamp128akorn:  yes but you may have to sudo ifdown eth0 (then the sudo ifup eth0)03:55
akornredvamp128: okay i hope this works haha03:55
bomzaiyaWho knew firewire? need to talk03:55
redvamp128akorn:  unless someone knows an easier way-- unless you could try -- sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm03:56
jasongWow, lots of people in here03:59
sitenezayes have fun03:59
jasongI have a problem with my new Ubuntu box, it has 4 broken packages.  Synaptic claims it fixes them, but they're staying broken.04:00
sitenezafix then my ubuntu is broken too04:00
sitenezayou have ubuntu04:01
jasongIs there a way to check the integrity of ALL the files? I'm thinking it may be a dirty dvd reader04:01
ResistolDoes anyone here have the answers to the 10 minute mind test at themindquiz.com ?04:01
ResistolThey wont give me my results without giving them my cell number04:02
Scunizijasong: in terminal do " sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade "  and see if that fixes ot04:02
Resistolit's so frustrating that they don't ask you till after04:02
sitenezaubuntu is the best site04:02
Melik`where does aptitude download the .deb packages to?04:02
sitenezai like that04:03
usserMelik`, /var/cache/apt04:03
joejcis there a channel for server?04:03
wxjeacenand me too04:03
wxjeacenthis is04:03
redvamp128joejc:  #ubuntu-server04:03
Melik`usser, after it finishes installing can i remove these .deb files?04:03
Melik`as i really dont need them anymore?04:03
wxjeaceni confused04:03
wxjeacenas well04:03
usserMelik`, yes there's a command to do that04:03
usserMelik`, sudo apt-get clean04:03
sitenezai like that04:03
wxjeaceni see04:03
akornredvamp128: man i owe you04:03
wxjeacenand me too04:03
sitenezaubuntu in my machine04:04
redvamp128akorn:  which one fixed it?04:04
akornredvamp128: had to use the --force option but it worked thanks SO MUCH !04:04
redvamp128akorn:  the force sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?04:04
unknown_this is chat for unbutu?04:04
akornredvamp128: i reinstalled ubuntu-desktop using the sudo ifdown --force eth0 and then ifup04:04
=== unknown_ is now known as K_Passaris
akornredvamp128: then just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:04
Resistolsorry my question isn't about linux, i just figured someone in here might be just as pissed as I am and might've figured something out04:04
lstarnesunknown_: according to the /topic, it is the official support channel for ubuntu04:04
redvamp128akorn:  you must have autoremoved a package it needed.04:05
sitenezawhere i can find the history of ubuntu04:05
sitenezaall the history04:05
akornredvamp128: yea i never use the autoremove always get bad vibes haha i dont know why it would tell me i dont need those packages if i do...haha04:05
K_Passarisi have a questio04:05
K_Passariscan ask ?04:05
K_Passariswhich is the command ssh Portuale close to 22?04:05
lstarnesK_Passaris: you don't need to have permission to ask questions04:06
jasongbroken package dude here:  it keeps telling me to use sudo apt-get -f install , but that doesn't do anything except generate the error in a different way04:06
rww!ask | K_Passaris04:06
ubottuK_Passaris: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:06
sitenezawhere i can find the history04:06
akornredvamp128: you really saved me a big hassle though thanks so much04:06
sitenezaof ubuntu04:06
lstarnessiteneza: what kind of history are you looking for exactly?04:06
ussersiteneza, here? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu04:07
sitenezawhat people use ubuntu and the mening of ubuntu.04:07
unkohey all, i need a favor what is the best music player for ubuntu. i was using rythem box i loved it. tried out songbird hated it. now im using exaile...not so bad i like04:07
Flannelsiteneza: This question might be better asked in #ubuntu-offtopic04:07
lstarnessiteneza: there is no list anywhere of all the people that use it04:07
K_PassarisI say to me how someone close ssh Portuale 2204:07
lstarnesK_Passaris: are you trying to close port 22?04:08
lstarnesK_Passaris: just stop ssh04:08
lstarnesK_Passaris: using sudo invoke-rc.d ssh stop04:08
Resistolunko, I found that rhythmbox was the best.  KDE's Amarok is pretty good, but I found the older version had more functionality than the latest one.04:09
jasongCould someone give me a webpage or search terms on dealing with stubbornly broken packages?04:09
lstarnesK_Passaris: if you don't want it so start automatically anymore you may also want to do sudo update-rc.d -f ssh remove04:09
K_Passarissudo invoke-rc.d ssh stop04:09
squarepeghaving trouble opening synaptic package manager. error message says I should use 'dpkg --configure -a' . I tried that in the terminal. It said I need to be super user. now what?04:09
K_Passarisis work04:09
unkoresistol, hmm rythem box dosn't have alot of plugins tho. and i hate armarok04:09
Gargantuastrebor, where would I expect to find the headers after I installed that package?04:09
jasongsquarepeg, type su -04:09
Gargantua/usr/share/mysql has no include/04:09
jasongthen enter password04:10
usserGargantua, /usr/include04:10
prince_jammyssquarepeg: put 'sudo' before the dpkg command04:10
redvamp128jasong:  you could if you know the package name- use packages -- Ubuntu -- Ubuntu Packages Search <http://packages.ubuntu.com/>  that will download a .deb then install using the .deb04:10
unkoanyone else recommend any nice music players?04:10
jasongbe careful though, superuser is dangerous if you keep it around without thinking about it04:10
MrWizeGuy1983is kernel 2.6.28 out yet?04:10
usserunko, audacious is a really nice minimalistic winamp like player04:10
qcjnanybody knows about rsync, cause i'm starting to wonder if i made in error in the path or whatever, Cause it take,s so long ??04:10
lstarnesMrWizeGuy1983: it's been out for a long time, but it likely won't be in ubuntu until ubuntu 9.0404:10
usserMrWizeGuy1983, yes04:10
Gargantuaah, now it's there, thanks usser / strebor04:10
unkousser, nah i like somthing with a nice gui not simple at all :]04:11
jasongthanks redvamp128, I'll try that04:11
ParisMrWizeGuy1983: you are able to build it yourself, if you choose to.04:11
MrWizeGuy1983usser there's supposed to be an intel driver fix in that kernel, do you know if they did it?04:11
unkoanyothers? i heard banshee was nice never tried it tho04:11
ParisMrWizeGuy1983: www.kernel.org has the current release build.04:11
usserMrWizeGuy1983, fix for what?04:11
usserMrWizeGuy1983, whats the problem with intel driver?04:11
trippsok my compiz is borked. Machine worked perfectly. Hibernated. Started up into wrong boot up choice (a Xen startup kernel - why does it always mess this up every time there's an update?). Quickly rebooted, chose proper boot up option, no hibernate recovery and no window effects. Even restored compiz profile to no avail. Ugh.04:11
streborGargantua: that's alright04:11
MrWizeGuy1983usser it's supposed to fix the G45 intel video problem04:11
Turtle_why would the system monitor not show my other cores?04:12
usserMrWizeGuy1983, is that the one that they licensed from somebody else?04:12
MrWizeGuy1983not sure honestly, but i heard it was a bug in the kernel04:12
squarepegprince_jammys: thanks a lot04:12
usserTurtle_, happens sometimes. do cat /proc/cpuinfo. how many processors it lists?04:12
streborGargantua: remember you can also try packages.ubuntu.com e.g. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=mysql.h&mode=exactfilename&suite=intrepid&arch=any04:13
MrWizeGuy1983when loading the latest intel drivers on the G45 the screen is totally blank, have to use mesa drivers04:13
Turtle_ussr: it list one, i have 404:13
GargantuaWow I didn't know that, I usually use apt-cache, which doesn't tell much about the content of the package, thanks.04:13
Turtle_maybe in the bios?04:13
prince_jammyssquarepeg: welcome.  sudo allows you to run commands as superuser.04:13
usserMrWizeGuy1983, i wouldn't know sorry04:13
MrWizeGuy1983thanks for trying usser04:14
MrWizeGuy1983i've been trying to fix that for my friend for 2 months, there's not even a fix online04:14
usserTurtle_, really just one? can you pastebin the results of cat /proc/cpuinfo?04:14
MrWizeGuy1983lots of reports of the issue, no fix04:14
tripps"Desktop effects could not be enabled." What is wrong??04:14
trippssame kernel, same everything, just a reboot/failed hibernate04:15
usserTurtle_, also pastebin uname -a command results04:15
joejchow do i get my server on my network?04:16
doc``hmm flash playback in firefox is very slow when i maximize the window04:17
MrWizeGuy1983doc`` do you use macromedia flash or something else?04:17
doc``im not sure04:17
joejcdoc``:  install adobe flash04:17
MrWizeGuy1983i've had terrible luck with things like sfwdec and others04:17
doc``how can i check04:17
MrWizeGuy1983you can go to synaptic or the other programs thing and search flash04:18
redvamp128doc`` - (about:plugins) in the firefox address bar-- also are you running compiz?04:18
Turtle_usser: i dont understand that input?04:18
dumb_questionproblem with KVPNC: connection established properly, I am in, http://www.whatismyip.com sees the new IP address, but then it loses the connection after ~ a minute, and is unable to reconnect - error msg is "remote modem has hung up" so it seems like I'm missing a hadshake to tell it I'm still here or something - any ideas?04:18
doc``i am running compiz, but it was slow before aswell04:18
usserTurtle_, use pastebin please04:18
usser!pastebin | Turtle_04:18
ubottuTurtle_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:18
doc``however i will disable it for now04:18
Dorobo18jpcan anyone tell me how to change my screen res to wide screen04:19
usserTurtle_, open  terminal type uname -a and pastebin the results04:19
MrWizeGuy1983doc`` let me know what flash you're using04:19
redvamp128doc type about:    plugins no space between to find out what version of flash you are on04:19
MrWizeGuy1983adobe/macromedia works well for it, i haven't seen any others that do04:19
Turtle_i dont understand pastebin04:19
Turtle_ uname -a04:20
Turtle_Linux william-desktop 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:28:32 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:20
usserdumb_question, run a script in a background that constantly pings the server :)04:20
Turtle_ill learn it04:20
doc``Shockwave Flash 10.0 r1504:20
usser!pastebin | Turtle_04:20
MrWizeGuy1983doc`` i think that's the right one, could you verify that in add/remove or synaptic?04:20
MrWizeGuy1983i'm almost certain it's the right one, do you have any conflicting plugins?04:21
Turtle_what do you think is the problem?04:21
MrWizeGuy1983multiple different flash players?04:21
usserTurtle_, you go to pastebin.com paste your text there, and give us the url04:21
anarchman1Hi, I installed hplip by downloading via hp's website instead of the package manager, and now that process is constantly taking up 60-80% of my cpu? how can I remove this hplip?04:21
Turtle_ohh ok i get it04:21
usserTurtle_, alright, i'll need some more info04:21
usserTurtle_, you can install pastebinit so you wouldnt have to go to the site manually, so sudo apt-get install pastebinit04:22
dumb_questionusser -> sample code anywhere? I am new to this...04:22
usserTurtle_, then cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinit04:22
usserTurtle_, dmesg | pastebinit04:22
usserdumb_question, hang on04:22
Dorobo18jpin monitor resolution settings how can i make wide screen availible04:23
usserTurtle_, cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinit -04:23
usserTurtle_, and dmesg | pastebinit -04:24
usserTurtle_, sorry04:24
TimStarlingwhy is ufw so complex and intrusive?04:24
usserdumb_question, http://pastebin.com/f473b621204:24
doc``flashplugin nonfree : Adobe Flash Player plugin installer04:24
doc``is isntalled04:24
MrWizeGuy1983that's the good one, is there anything else installed too?04:24
doc``yes some extras when i sears for flash in synaptic04:24
TimStarlingis there any alternative which provides a simpler wrapper for iptables?04:25
dumb_questionI tried pinging the IP from a terminal without being connected - no response - is that a bad sign?04:25
doc``ubuntu restricted extras04:25
YchkaraHow do I make it so that winkey opens the start menu as in windows?04:25
MrWizeGuy1983that package installs the one you have, it's not a duplicate04:25
trippscould someone assist me with why compiz is borked now after a reboot? Guessing the "no restricted drivers in use" has something to do with it. Clicking activate on the dialog shows "downloading driver  . . " dialog for a second then nothing happens.04:25
Turtle_http://pastebin.com/d736a8b4f, usser04:25
MrWizeGuy1983doc`` is swfdec or any other thing similar installed?04:25
redvamp128Ychkara:  system- preferences - keyboard shortcuts04:25
Ychkararedvamp128, ok, thanks04:26
MrWizeGuy1983you can also go to tools, addons, plugins and check to see if there's anything else that says flash04:26
doc``in firefox_\04:26
MrWizeGuy1983the tools menu in firefox04:26
MrWizeGuy1983lets you disable and enable plugins, just making sure before trying something else04:26
MaggieI installed kubuntu desktop on my PC and chose kdm as default display manager but kde environment has never run and shut down and restart options have also gone?04:27
usserTurtle_, thats not entire dmesg, run this command dmesg | pastebinit -04:27
Turtle_what is that line?04:27
dillinjahi just setup openssh server, I have chrooted user into a directory, but I want to give them access to a mounted volume , but only execute, no write (i.e.. I do not want them to be able to delete any of the files, but I do want them to be able to download them), does anyone know how I would do this. I tried creating a symbolic link but that didnt work04:27
redvamp128doc``:  pm?04:27
lwsI'm having trouble getting ath_pci to load at startup, despite having entered it in /etc/modules04:28
usserTurtle_, type it in the terminal it pastebins the results of dmesg command, instead of you copying it from terminal and cutting stuff off04:28
dumb_questionussr: server doesn't respond to ping, when I'm connected or otherwise04:28
doc``no other plugins says anything about flash, but how do i disable compiz_04:28
usserdumb_question, hm, can you ping google.com, i mean ping should keep you connection active so it shouldnt time out04:29
dumb_questionja, tried that, worked for a while then started saying "Network is unreachable" as the VPN died04:29
dillinjahim sorry i meant sftp04:29
MaggieI installed kubuntu desktop on my PC and chose kdm as default display manager but kde environment has never run and shut down and restart options have also gone! anyone plz help me04:30
rrplayMaggie, : check out the files that you have in /etc/init.d/04:30
usserdumb_question, i dont know much about vpn, ping was kind of a first thing to come to mind, sorry :(04:30
dumb_questionussr: where would you go for help on this?04:30
Maggierrplay : what do i look for04:31
usserdumb_question, kvpn? #kde i guess04:31
Dorobo18jpIs there a place to get support for wide screen settings? Cant find it in the help section.04:31
krielCan't uninstall vmware server. I generated a .deb package off of the .rpm from vmware's website using alien. It had an error. Any attempt to remove or reinstall it makes dpkg puke with http://pastebin.com/m410be236 . Any ideas?04:31
dumb_question'k thx04:31
krielIt had an error *while trying to install it*. Sorry.04:32
rrplayMaggie the name of the files  like gdm    so sudo /etc/init.d/gdm or kdm04:32
upgrdmanim using vmware inside of ubuntu to run windows and want to prevent ubuntu from using one of my usb devices (a dongle it recognized as usbhid) ... how can i acheive this?04:33
danbhfivekriel: you could nuke the post remove script04:34
danbhfivekriel: there might be a way to force the removal with dpkg too, im not sure04:34
rrplayMaggie, the command should be /etc/init.d/kdm restart04:35
Maggierrplay : i got this output "http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/123131/"04:35
rrplayMaggie,  for gnome ;  /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:35
krieldanbhfive: can you elaborate on 'nuke the post remove script'? I'm not used to sticking my head under linux's hood...04:36
danbhfivekriel: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/vmware-server.postrm                 I think that should do it04:39
trippswhy does my ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX driver not activate when I click activate?04:39
Chikkishi everyone04:39
krieldanbhfive: Now can you tell me what I just did? hhos...04:40
krieldanbhfive: It worked; by the way.04:40
ScottG489How do I add a folder to my places menu on the top gnome panel? If i right click on it and go to "edit menus" you cant change whats in the places menu.04:41
Dorobo18jpHello i am still learning Ubuntu and am having a problem i just switched to a wide screen monitor but Unbuntu will not show my desktop in wide screen can some one  help ?04:41
ScottG489Dorobo18jp: Hold on04:41
YAHOOOOanyone on, and willing to help me with a grub issue?04:41
usserDorobo18jp, what video card? what does xrandr say?04:41
crdlbScottG489: the file chooser has an add button04:41
Chikkisi am new here on ubuntu04:41
crdlbnautilus can also edit it04:41
ScottG489crdlb: file chooser?04:41
Dorobo18jpnvidia 920004:42
rrplayMaggie   hang on a sec04:42
Chikkisi have very little knowledge about ubuntu04:42
usserDorobo18jp, do you have nvidia drivers installed?04:42
danbhfivekriel: its just the script that was failing that dpkg was trying to run when it was removing that package.  Deleting it, dpkg just removes the package without running the script.  It might leave your system messed up a bit, but its better than where you were at I suppose04:42
crdlbScottG489: yes, the gtk+ file chooser04:42
ScuniziScottG489: find the folder you want to add and right mouse click on it .. you'll see the right selectionin the menu04:42
ScottG489Dorobo18jp: pastebin your output of xorg.conf04:42
crdlbany app will work04:42
ScottG489Dorobo18jp: its in your /etc/X11 dir04:42
krieldanbhfive: fair enough. That works. Thank you very much.04:42
YAHOOOOanyone on, and willing to help me with a grub issue? i've got a missing NTLDR04:43
ScuniziScottG489: xorg doesn't have much in the way of configuration in it for the monitor these days... it's handled by xrandr04:43
usserDorobo18jp, do you have nvidia-config installed?04:43
Dorobo18jpi dont think so04:43
rrplayMaggie  already gave you both for kde it is /etc/init.d/kdm restart04:43
usserDorobo18jp, do sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings04:43
ScottG489Scunizi: I had a problem with my login screen where the reso was set too high in my xorg.conf file04:44
usserYAHOOOO, its not a grub issue, its windows issue once ntldr is involved04:44
ScottG489Scunizi: everything looked like it was pushed to the right04:44
rrplayMaggiei :  for gnome gdm it is /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:44
ScuniziScottG489: maybe on something prior to hardy or intrepid04:44
ScottG489Scunizi: I have 8.104:44
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Dorobo18jpok did that04:46
ScottG489Scunizi: I dont see anything to add it to the menu when i right click on a file04:46
Dorobo18jpusser got it04:47
JSonHello everyone in 8.04  is there a file where i can edit and give my wifi wep key and other info so that system then thinks i have had manage to connect previous attempt04:47
Dorobo18jpnow ?04:47
usserDorobo18jp, now run nvidia-settings from terminal04:48
Dorobo18jphwo lol04:48
crdlbScottG489: look in any gtk+ file chooser04:48
usserDorobo18jp, open terminal and type nvidia-settings<ENTER>04:48
Dorobo18jpgo it04:48
crdlbScottG489: the list on the left is the same one that shows in the places menu04:48
usserDorobo18jp, try settings the resolution from there04:48
ScottG489crdlb: ooh your right04:49
ScottG489crdlb: haha problem solved :)04:49
Chikkisi am cisco guy04:49
Chikkisand wannted to make a cisco lab using gns304:50
Chikkison ubuntu04:50
Chikkisi wonder how it will be04:50
ScottG489crdlb: How would I make a sub menu?04:50
crdlbScottG489: just add too many bookmarks :)04:50
crdlbit overflows into a Bookmarks menu past 5 iirc04:51
xshellrunning 7 desktops simultenously and running less than 400 meg ram lol :P04:51
ScottG489crdlb: you recall quite well :)04:51
taz_hi fearful04:52
=== wwinthan is now known as kcufyou
kcufyoumy dell wireless WLAN card is not working on ubuntu04:53
kcufyou :(04:53
kcufyouhow to make it work?04:53
ScottG489crdlb: Well what if I wanted them in like different sub menus though and not just all in 1? Like what if I wanted my music and video folder in a sub menu called "Media" and my workspace and scripts in a sub menu called "coding" ?04:53
kcufyouit doesn't light up04:53
crdlbScottG489: you'd be out of luck04:53
taz_fearful:  do u know how to set up with crossloop on ubuntu ?04:53
krielSomething in Make broke in this script; and I have no idea what. http://pastebin.com/m246b3ff6 relevant part starts around :36 the rest is just for completeness.04:53
ScottG489crdlb: :O04:54
JSonkcufyou https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper04:54
ScottG489crdlb: something ubuntu cant do!04:54
ScottG489crdlb: IM GOING BACK TO WINDOWS04:54
crdlbmaybe you should try kde on the way out ;)04:54
ScottG489haha i have been meaning to04:54
kcufyoueasy to install?04:55
ScottG489tried to go back and try it out a week ago but it freezes half way to startup04:55
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taz_anybody know about crossloop ?04:56
=== hotbaby is now known as hotbabysex1
JSonkcufyou yea just follow the instruction and you'll findout whats going on04:56
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>04:56
hotbabysex1sudo apt-get install ndisgtk04:56
wildbat~$ locale04:57
hotbabysex1hello JSon04:57
hotbabysex1it downloaded04:57
hotbabysex1it installs i suppose04:57
hotbabysex1what's next?04:57
wildbathow do i change the LANGUAGE?04:57
hotbabysex1where can i find that link?04:57
Flannel!enter | hotbabysex104:57
ubottuhotbabysex1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:57
JSonkcufyou https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper04:59
hotbabysex1hi JSon04:59
hotbabysex1sudo apt-get install ndisgtk  << i type this04:59
hotbabysex1i think it is already installed04:59
hotbabysex1is it a program or?04:59
JSonyes is a program for you to load your windows driver for you wifi05:00
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hotbabysex1sudo apt-get install ndisgtk  << i type this05:01
hotbabysex1where is the program shortcut?05:01
=== sleepy_cat is now known as peterson
hmwi want to use "while getopts :ab:cd" but when i issue "./script.sh -b -c" my script tatkes -c as argument for -b. Please give me a hint, how i can check for the missing argument or testing, if the argument begins with a "-"05:06
jasonghow can I check a particular file for corruption?05:08
mrpocketsI wanna do something cool05:09
hmwmrpockets - install celestia05:09
hotbabysex1hey jasong05:09
mrpocketswhat is it?05:10
doink1212i am having difficulties installing true type fonts...05:10
Ellementquestion: is it possible to install ubuntu via usb key if i can boot from it?05:10
hmwmrpockets - 3d star map - you can "fly" to other stars, it even has several exoplanets (all data is real)05:10
mrpocketssounds tight05:11
mrpocketsbut like a resource hog05:11
hmwmrpockets nah05:11
hmwmrpockets - if you dont want to look into the sky, help me finding out, how to use "getopts" in a shells script properly05:12
doink1212anybody, help with installing true type fonts? I found a website... but so far I haven't gotten the thing to work05:12
Ellementquestion: is it possible to install ubuntu via usb key if i can boot from it?05:13
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:13
Ellementhmw: thanks05:13
hmwi want to use "while getopts :ab:cd" but when i issue "./script.sh -b -c" my script tatkes -c as argument for -b. Please give me a hint, how i can check for the missing argument or testing, if the argument begins with a "-"05:13
hmwgoogle is not very friendly today05:14
Ellementhmw: i dont want to run unbuntu from a usb key just install from a usb key to a hdd05:14
hmwEllement - thats why there is a setup built in - like the live cd. maybe you want to look into the windows installer, wubi i think05:14
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.05:14
hotbabysex1hi everyone05:15
hotbabysex1https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper  << i type "sudo apt-get install ndisgtk"05:15
hotbabysex1i don't know what to do next05:15
Ellementhmw thanks05:15
hotbabysex1does that command install ndisgtk?05:15
hotbabysex1if so where can i find the shortcut of that link?05:15
hotbabysex1what to do next?05:16
hotbabysex1i just wanna make my wireless work05:16
jasongWhat's the best way to check if a particular file is corrupt.  It's a partially updated 8.04 kernel05:16
Titan8990hotbabysex1, ndiswrapper -i WINDOWSDRIVER05:16
hotbabysex1install argument must be .inf file05:17
hotbabysex1i got above error05:17
hmwmrpockets - another cool thing to do: install windows in a virtual box, make your cube have 2 sides only, enable always on top for the VM and you got windows on the back of your desktop. looks pretty cool.05:17
Titan8990hotbabysex1, thats because the windows driver needs to be an inf....05:17
mrpocketshmw, already a step aheadaya on that05:17
hotbabysex1ndiswrapper -i WINDOWSDRIVER  << i type what u said05:17
mrpocketsexcept its a 4 sdied cube with windows on the back05:17
millertime_018hey does anyone know the channel for blueman??05:17
hotbabysex1and i got install argument must be .inf file05:17
Titan8990hotbabysex1, WINDOWSDRIVER is a variable05:17
Titan8990hotbabysex1, you replace it with your windows driver05:18
empiricguys any work on Joomla?05:18
hotbabysex1how to find what driver or version is my wireless WLAN card(dell)?05:18
sveakexhotbabysex1: type lspci in the terminal05:19
hotbabysex105:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)05:19
hotbabysex1which name should i choose?05:19
migihdhhi all. Who know how to force 8.10 livecd work with casper-rw from hdd?05:21
hotbabysex1hey <sveakex>05:21
hotbabysex1i type it05:21
migihdhI do this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence but it doesn't work05:21
migihdhchanges not saved05:22
migihdhafter reboot05:22
sveakexhotbabysex1: it should tell you your hardware05:22
hotbabysex105:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)05:22
jewboyalerthello is good OS any good?05:22
hotbabysex1ndiswrapper -i WINDOWSDRIVER05:22
hotbabysex1  << what is WINDOWSDRIVER be in my case05:22
Leviathanmigihdh: Smash your CD with a life hammer05:22
hotbabysex1should i choose BCM?05:22
hotbabysex1or ??05:22
hotbabysex1i'm confused05:22
waylandbillhotbabysex1, you need the inf and sys files from a windows driver.05:23
migihdhLeviathan: another ideas?05:23
Leviathanjewboyalert: No05:23
sveakexhotbabysex1: does your network card not work with linux?05:23
hotbabysex1it doesnt light up05:23
hotbabysex1it's built in wireless05:23
hotbabysex1wlan card(Dell)05:23
sveakexhotbabysex1: and it doesn't work?05:24
Leviathanmigihdh: Maybe a sledge hammer05:24
waylandbillhotbabysex1, bcm43xx.... did you run the firmware cutter to get firmware downloaded?05:24
hotbabysex1doens't give me inf name05:24
hotbabysex1lspci give me 05:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)05:24
hotbabysex1not inf name05:24
mrpocketshmw, the VM doesnt look as cool because I'm running three monitors05:24
migihdhLeviathan: I think you should try this on your head05:25
sveakexhotbabysex1: BCM4311 seems to be you model05:25
waylandbillhotbabysex1, ndiswrapper would not give you an inf name. The windows driver is not supplied with ndiswrapper. no drivers are. You have to supply your own windows driver for use with ndiswrapper.05:25
sveakexhotbabysex1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_(ndiswrapper)05:25
trippswhat is the effect where I can dynamically opacify a window in compiz by clicking Alt+ mouse wheel? I can't seem to find it05:26
* Leviathan slaps migihdh with a large trout05:26
waylandbillhotbabysex1,  you may not need the ndiswrapper though. you may be able to install the firmware for it. Have you tried that yet?05:26
waylandbill!info b43-fwcutter05:26
ubottub43-fwcutter (source: b43-fwcutter): Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component main, is optional. Version 1:011-4ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 15 kB, installed size 100 kB05:26
sveakexhotbabysex1: look at my link05:27
Leviathan!info build-essential05:27
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB05:27
hotbabysex1hey waylandbill05:27
hotbabysex1how to install firmware05:27
hotbabysex1hey sveakex05:27
hotbabysex1i saw your link05:27
FloodBot1hotbabysex1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:27
waylandbillhotbabysex1, apt-get install b43-fwcutter05:27
hotbabysex1should i type all the command given there?05:27
sveakexhotbabysex1: yeah, read what it says05:28
wildbatanyone know y my lib button don't work before i suspend the machine to ram ?05:28
wildbatand how do it make kubuntu read the sleep and hibernate button work on my laptop?05:28
waylandbillhotbabysex1, try the firmware first, not the ndiswrapper first.05:28
waylandbillndiswrapper is a last resort, not a first resort.05:28
freegoohey guys i have grub installed on a partition sda3. but i want to install grub on the harddrive root so its booted first by the bois. whats the command???05:28
freegooi tryed grub-instal /dev/sda05:28
hotbabysex1installing firmware05:29
sveakexhotbabysex1: go to step one and do the things from there, and use some common sense before you execute the commands, not all computers are the same05:29
hotbabysex1i just finished installing firmware05:29
hotbabysex1waylandbill u there?05:29
supertankerUbuntu/Xine/VLC/whatever the underlying library is seems to be *extremely* sensitive to slightly dirty/scratched DVDs that play just fine in the DVD player out in my living room. Any way to make it less paranoid about scratches, even at the expense of slightly glitched frames?05:29
hotbabysex1i installed as you said05:30
hotbabysex1what is next?05:30
supertankerBesides, of course, asking Netflix to send me a less scratched CD (in which case I'm never going to be able to watch my movie, because it just won't happen)05:31
ImSadI'm having trouble finding how to set up an internet connection in virtual box, does anyone know how to do this?05:31
trippsI figured out why I wasn't getting compiz from earlier - it was booting into a new menu.1st choice of server kernel. my ibex has like 20 menu choices, half xen couple of servers and completely wrong default choice. borks everything if there's a power outage. Why does ubuntu do this with updates and not know which should be default?05:31
beachwoodhey, how do you switch from the KDm login to the GDM login?05:31
ImSadI know it's not supposed to be that hard. I'm either spacing, or just being downright retarded.05:31
waylandbillhotbabysex1, you can 'modprobe -r b43 && modprobe b43' and the card will activate if it is supported by the b43 firmware. If not, then you will need to download a windows driver from somewhere as the next step. Most likely from the laptop manufacturer.05:32
dillinjahyou have to shutdown the vm, then go into settings, then network tab05:32
felixsullaImSad: I use the "PCnet+FAST III (host interface, Intel(R) Wifi Link 5100 AGN)" option.05:32
felixsullaVista host, Ubuntu gues.05:32
hotbabysex1module b43 not found05:32
trippsdoes grub menu start at 0 or 1 for choosing default?05:33
chrislabeardis it hard to mount and read/write on an os x drive ?05:33
musikgoat|maintripps: 0 is first05:33
JSonwhen you are connected on your wireless the info on the network your connected to will be saved somewhere ...right and does anybody know what files that is05:33
musikgoat|maintrips like first hard drive first partition is 0,005:33
dillinjahdoes anyone know why running sudo chown root:writetodisk /media/sdb1 followed by sudo chmod 775 /media/sdb1 does not change anything05:33
ImSadfelix: o_o05:33
ImSadis there just a button i press? lmao05:34
dillinjahif i run ls -l /media i still see root:root for sdb105:34
felixsullaImSad: Is the VM running?05:34
beachwoodhow do you sitch from the KDM login screen to the GDM login screen?05:34
felixsullaIt needs to not be running ot change the setting Im talking about.05:34
trippsmusikgoat|main, thanks. can I use an alternate human readable tag for default or does it only take numbers? My default needs to be 20 now, and it's a pain to scroll and count to figure it out05:34
petersonhi i opened the file in gedit and i could not save the file so any other means of opening the file05:34
dillinjahi cant figure this out for the life of me05:34
felixsullaDo you have to shut down IRC to shut down the guest?05:35
Scunizidillinjah: what is sdb1? a spare data disk you want to use?05:35
freegoowhat does this mean??? "Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)"... failed (this is not fatal)"05:35
ImSadIt's off.05:35
musikgoat|maintrips, i only know referencing numbers05:35
dillinjahi want all users to have write access except for one05:35
felixsullaOk, in Vbox interface05:35
ImSadvirtualbox is open, but XP is shut down.05:35
waylandbilldillinjah, does the filesystem on the removable media have a filesystem that supports *nix permissions?05:35
Scunizidillinjah: and it won't let you write to it under your normal logon?05:35
n2diypeterson, open gedit with gksudo gedit05:35
felixsullaMake sure you have your guest highlighted, then go to "settings" button05:35
musikgoat|maintripps: what section?05:35
dillinjahit will let me write, i have created a group called writetodisk and added users I want to have write access05:36
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DDrKPssNgRhi folks, my gnome-app-install was with two languages, one for list of programs, and other for the program, them i removed all the content of /var/cache/app-install, and fixed than language problem, but my gnome-app-install is really slow to load, how can i "rebuild" this cache?05:36
dillinjahi installed the ntfs application so that I can write to it05:36
dillinjahso I can write to it fine05:36
felixsullaThat should open a dialog for JUST that VM. On the left there wll be a section for "Network"05:36
dillinjahi just want to limit write access to a specific user05:36
mrpocketsEvolution or Thunderbird?05:36
dillinjahso I am excluding that user from the group05:36
Scunizidillinjah: what user?05:36
trippsmusikgoat|main, not following. i currently have 39 kernel booting options. so every time I upgrade I have to go through and count which one to use. seems kinda silly05:36
dillinjahthooser is the name of the user05:36
dillinjahi did not add him to writetodisk group05:37
jeffwheelerWhat would be the "correct" way to limit the amount of memory/CPU a process in the terminal can use?05:37
felixsullaSo now on Adapter 1 tab05:37
upgrdmanhow do i make linux not try to lead a driver for a particular usb device>05:37
dillinjahi couldnt figure out any way of limiting write access to one specific user or group05:37
jeffwheeler(As opposed to some off hack.)05:37
dillinjahright now everyone can write to it05:37
n2diytripps, seems silly to have 39 kernels?05:37
musikgoat|maintripps: sorry, i thought you were referring to hard drive mapping05:37
felixsullamake sure "enable network adapter" is clicked05:37
benhhi !05:37
dillinjahi want to prevent user "thooser" from being able to delete files05:37
waylandbilldillinjah, chmod'ing won't help on an ntfs filesystem. You have to mount with write permission mask set.05:37
musikgoat|maintripps: do you want that many?  you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and drop it to 205:37
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beachwoodis it possible to switch from the KDM login screen to the GDM login screen? I have both installed already...05:38
benhhas anybody packaged evolution 2.24.5 for intrepid yet ?05:38
Scunizidillinjah: if you exclude that user they can't write to it.. you include the user and as a result exclude everyone else.  sudo chown <user:user> /media/sdb1  then sudo chomod 744 /media/sdb105:38
felixsullathen choose one of them.. heh. Like I said, I use Adapter Type: PCNET fastIII, and Attached To: Host interface05:38
musikgoat|maintripps: latest and one fall back05:38
victoriai have a dumb question.. im using e17 on top of ubuntu.. and well.. i cant found synaptic.. i cant use synaptic inside e17?05:38
trippsn2diy, yes. updates to kernels don't change the proper default choice in grub05:38
felixsullaNone of hte other settings ever worked for me :/05:38
trippsmusikgoat|main, yes definitely will do that05:38
benhI'm still having all sorts of problems with .3, mostly all new problems introduced by the switch to sqlite05:38
dillinjahyeah, i want to exclude the user so they cant write05:38
ImSadit's already set up like that.05:38
musikgoat|maintripps: just remember after editing menu.lst to run update-grub05:38
redline5653hi all05:38
JSonwhen you are connected on your wireless the info on the network your connected to will be saved somewhere ...right and does anybody know what files that is05:38
n2diytripps, it would be nice to disable kernel updates, I'm happy with the one I'm using.05:38
musikgoat|maintripps: as root05:39
felixsulla5100 AGN highlghted under "Host interfaces"?05:39
dillinjahum, i dont really understand the whole mask thing05:39
felixsullaAnd "cable connected" is checked?05:39
Scunizidillinjah: then "you" own it with 744 permissions..05:39
felixsullaAnd you have a MAC address showing for that piece of "hardware"?05:39
redline5653morning all05:40
ImSadeverything is all set up.05:40
trippsmusikgoat|main, indeed. I was using grep '^title' /boot/grub/menu.lst | awk '{print NR-1":" $0}' to figure out which to use ;)05:40
felixsullaOk, fire it up and see if it works :)05:40
felixsullaOr was it already all set that way?05:40
musikgoat|maintripps: ahh, just for fun :-P05:40
JSoni've got my wireless network and other neihbours as well detected but am unable to connect to my wifi05:40
ImSadyeah, it was already set up. lol05:41
beachwoodhow do you switch from KDM to GDM login screens05:41
dillinjahthis is complicated05:41
ImSadI dunno what's wrong.05:41
waylandbilldillinjah, this page explains masking in regard to mounting filesystems: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/05:41
supertankerUbuntu/Xine/VLC/whatever the underlying library is seems to be *extremely* sensitive to slightly dirty/scratched DVDs that play just fine in the DVD player out in my living room. Any way to make it less paranoid about scratches, even at the expense of slightly glitched frames?05:41
felixsullaImSad: Would a firewall mess it up?05:41
dillinjahthank you05:41
felixsullaIn the host or the guest maybe?05:41
McShanetripps, in your grub menu, I recommend keeping the most up-to-date kernel, its recovery mode, then the 2nd-most up-to-date kernel, its recovery mode, and memtest05:41
corinthWhat's the difference between i386 and i586? Both are 32-bit, right?05:41
McShanetripps, and keep a backup of your menu.lst, just to be safe05:42
JSoncorinth yes05:42
trippsMcShane, that seems reasonable. I wonder how all my Xen kernel and server kernel options snuck in here along the way05:42
waylandbilldillinjah, ntfs isn't designed for linux in mind so it will be more complicated. Linux native filesystems are a breeze in linux naturally as windows filesystems are under windows.05:42
Milkehhow do I make the icons in my drop down menu smaller?05:42
corinthWhat's the difference, then?05:43
McShanetripps, well I'm not too familiar with Xen functionality (the virtualization software?), so I'd hang on to those too, if you use that05:43
dillinjahgotcha, so how is it working now that I can access it and everything05:43
beachwoodhow do I change the login from KDM to GDM?05:43
dillinjahis it able to mount it, just not with the ability to do more advanced stuff?05:43
dillinjahbecause I can read and write to the hard disk fine, it just seems that the permissions cannot set, would this be because its ntfs?05:44
dillinjahi did install an application in ubuntu to allow me to write to the ntfs drive, but I guess maybe that there are still serious limitations, is this correct?05:44
waylandbilldillinjah, the mask is basically a default value for permisions since individual file permissions are not supported under ntfs.05:44
ScoTTieis there an ncursors style cli apt-get program ?05:45
ccc_kickaxehello everyone05:45
dillinjahah I see, so I could set a default value for the drive and still keep it as ntfs?05:45
waylandbilldillinjah, no. the ntfs-3g driver can read-write safely these days.05:45
jribScoTTie: aptitude05:45
n2diybeachwood maybe they would know how in #gnome?05:45
ScoTTiejrib: thanks05:45
dillinjahthe reading and writing is fine...but is the ntfs whats preventing me from using chmod on the drive...05:46
dillinjahi have to read the web page...05:46
hotbabysex1sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`05:46
waylandbilldillinjah, right. you set the mask and it will apply to all the files on the drive (when mounted under linux) ... it doesn't apply to when you later mount under windows.05:46
ccc_kickaxewhat is everyone's recommendation for setting up a git repo to manage a plesk web server?05:46
hotbabysex1E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.2505:46
hotbabysex1sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`05:46
hotbabysex1E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.2505:46
redline5653on xchat how do you save channels to favs its not the same as on windows05:46
FloodBot1hotbabysex1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
dillinjahah, okay05:47
aprilharequestion: what does port 6969 do and why is it upnp opened on my router?05:47
dillinjahsee, the real reason I wanted to do it was so that I could restrict a user connected by way of SFTP05:47
waylandbilldillinjah, if you need more advanced features, you should create a linux based file system which could be in addition to the ntfs one, since removable media supports partitioning just like internal media.05:47
dillinjahi want them to be able to read that disk but not delette files05:47
redline5653on xchat how do you save channels to favs its not the same as on windows05:47
aprilharemy ubuntu box is accessing port 6969 ut i have no idea why05:48
aprilharebut even05:48
dillinjahbut if I wanted to eliminate that one user, you think that masking would work?05:48
hotbabysex1sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`05:48
hotbabysex1E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.2505:48
dillinjahby eliminate I mean prevent from being able to delete05:48
stealth-whats a graphical python debugger in the respritories?05:48
dillinjahso now I just need to figure out what mask setting to use for that drive05:49
Milkehhow do I change the icon size in drop down menus?05:49
dillinjahmount it using that mask05:49
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yuri_i have a mobo with built in ati hd3200. when i use proprietary drivers my screen flickers with black bars in random places. any solutions?05:50
waylandbilldillinjah, restricting only one user isn't really possible. You'd have to restrict more than one user. You'd end up restricting everyone but the owner and/or everyone outside of a group.05:50
dillinjahok, I would be willing to restrict everyone outside of the group05:50
dillinjahi created the group writetodisk05:50
dillinjahand added  theusers I want to be abale to write to tit05:50
dillinjahand want to exclude everyone else05:50
waylandbillthen you want to mount with the umask option.05:51
bruenighotbabysex1: apt-cache search linux-headers05:51
dillinjahok, they use umask=0222, i assume I will have to figure out the correct mask, I do not know what that means rights now05:51
mtholdensshey whats the aus ubuntu channel?05:52
ubottuThe Australian Local Community Team has channels here on Freenode. They are #ubuntu-au for technical discussion, and #ubuntu-au-chat for social chatter.05:52
* aprilhare listens keenly05:52
dillinjahwaylandbill, would fstab be the place to do it so that it automatically occurs at startup?05:53
waylandbilldillinjah, it's a mask of bits, with the lsb being execute and the next bits being write and read. there are 3 sets of bitmasks one for each of owner, group, and world05:53
waylandbilldillinjah, if that's what you want it to do then yes.05:53
dillinjahah, i see, so I would use like umask=077505:54
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redline5653on xchat how do you save channels to favs its not the same as on windows05:54
waylandbillumask is the bits that are not set, so flip that to 0002.05:55
PeddyCould someone please tell me how to compile source code into a statically-linked binary (so all libraries are included in the executable)?05:55
waylandbillPeddy, link to the .a, not the .so.05:56
McShaneredline5653, right-click on the channel button at the bottom of the screen05:57
Peddywaylandbill, how would I do that? I have a .tar.gz package of xterm and I want to compile a statically-linked exe :)05:57
SeveasPeddy, static linking is considered a bad idea05:58
waylandbillPeddy, I didn't write xterm so I wouldn't know. You could see if it has a configure switch if it uses automake05:58
PeddySeveas, I'm doing it for an embedded system05:58
Seveasespecially on embedded systems it is a bad idea, it muches more space05:58
Peddywaylandbill, I meant it isn't a single source code file compiled with gcc, it uses configure and a makefile.05:59
Milkehhow do I shrink my iconsss?05:59
PeddySeveas, I can't stick in the libraries manually (yet), I need xterm to have a look inside the filesystem.05:59
waylandbillPeddy, I don't know if it is going to save you much room especially if other programs share the libraries. You may end up using more space.05:59
rayne_I'm trying to install the Flash 10 64bit alpha and I get "md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz05:59
rayne_The Flash plugin is NOT installed.05:59
rayne_" after running " sudo aptitude install nspluginwrapper flashplugin-nonfree"05:59
ftabHow do I install OpenGL development files on Ubuntu?>05:59
jribrayne_: what version of ubunut05:59
jribrayne_: pastebin: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree06:00
SeveasPeddy, this *might* work: CFLAGS=-static LDFLAGS=-static ./configure06:00
PeddyThanks Seveas, I'll try that.06:01
waylandbillPeddy, If it is configurable with automake, then that's where I recommend looking. Other than that, you'll need to contact the project developers. They'll know how to do it.06:01
rayne_jrib, http://pastebin.com/df365b006:01
ftabHow do I install OpenGL development files on Ubuntu?06:01
Peddywaylandbill, --enable-static or something similar isn't in the configure or make options, but I'm trying Seveas' method.06:02
jribrayne_: adobe must have moved the tar.gz again then.  Just download the tar.gz from adobe and drop libflashplayer.so in your ~/.mozilla/plugins/06:02
waylandbillPeddy, if not in the config options, then Seveas may not work either.06:02
PeddyIt's looking hopeful, at the end of the config output it said 'testing if libfoo' is needed...06:03
rayne_jrib, Thanks, trying now06:03
acu_VIM_ are you awake ?06:03
PeddySeveas, how can I install the binary to a set directory rather than /usr/bin?06:04
waylandbillPeddy, --prefix06:04
lstarnesftab: libgl1-mesa-dev is one implementation of opengl's development files06:05
somethingcleverhey i have a problem i get this error whenver i run package manger http://paste.ubuntu.com/123150/06:05
somethingcleverPlease help06:05
Peddywaylandbill, look like that worked.06:05
ftabwhy Mesa not Op-enGL on linux06:05
acu_VIM_  KDENLIvE can edit AVCHD (high definition format from Canon HG20) - Power to The PEOPLE !06:05
waylandbillPeddy, of course it did. :-)06:06
rayne_jrib, you have a linky by chance for that file?06:06
Peddywaylandbill, thanks for your help :) the static didn't work, but I'm going to copy in all the libs to see if it works.06:06
bazhangsomethingclever, what version of ubuntu06:06
dillinjahwaylandbill, I did sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0002 /dev/sdb1 /media/blam but when I i do ls -l /media I have blam coming up as root root, and I can still delete from under that file06:06
jribrayne_: nope, just go to download flash on adobe.com06:06
somethingcleverbazhang, i run 8.1006:06
dillinjahi mean under that user that I excluded06:06
rayne_jrib, oh, so I am just downloading the whole flash player?06:06
jribrayne_: the tar.gz, yes06:07
rayne_jrib, I got it now, thanks. Extracting.06:07
somethingcleverbazhang, any ideas whats goin on?06:07
bazhangsomethingclever, and where did that package come from; do you have a 3rd party repo in sources.list06:08
somethingcleverbazhang, im not sure, should i disable all third party repos then slowly add them back in until the problem starts again?06:08
waylandbilldillinjah, sorry. I'm not sure what's up with that. Usually read-write is a good thing. I don't know if I've even tried restricting that way under ntfs in quite a while.06:09
hmwhow can i enter ESC into a text with gedit? (like ^v in vi)06:09
bazhangsomethingclever, how about paste.ubuntu.com with sources.list06:09
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dillinjahgotcha. i should just convert the drive i guess06:09
waylandbilldillinjah, usually if I can't trust someone to not delete something they shouldn't, they don't get write access. :-)06:09
dillinjahwell, i really only want it to get execute access i guess06:09
dillinjahi think i explained it wrong06:09
rayne_jrib, The file goes in ./mozilla/extensions?06:10
dillinjahi want them to be able to access all the files in sub directories, just not delete anything06:10
dillinjahthey dont need to be able to write06:10
rayne_jrib, anything else or just put it in there? Or Do I need to create a new folder called 'plugins'06:10
waylandbilldillinjah, just mount it read-only then.06:10
somethingcleverbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/123152/06:10
jribrayne_: no, ~/.mozilla/plugins/06:10
jribrayne_: you need to create a new folder06:10
dillinjahdont i need execute in order to download from it?06:10
waylandbilldillinjah, no. just the ability to read from it06:11
bazhangsomethingclever, that seems to be a truncated sources.list06:11
Milk_Rulzcan ANYBODY help me shrink the icons in the applications drop down menu?06:11
rayne_jrib, once in the folder, do I need to run it?06:11
somethingcleverbazhang, thats my list lol06:11
jribrayne_: just restart firefox06:11
dillinjahso that would be 0003 or 0004? I just started learning this...yikes06:11
waylandbillif you are going to just mount r/o, don't both with the mask... just mount with -r06:12
rayne_jrib, I restarted firefox, but still nothing06:12
dillinjahsounds good06:12
Templar_XionI have a few partitions, and my main EXT3 partition starts at about 70% into the drive. I want to move it towards the beginning of the drive since there is less space and then make it larger. How would I go about doing that?06:12
migihdhis there a way to create "live hdd" with liveUSB creating tool?06:13
afazelhello, how is everyone doing?06:13
Templar_Xionmigihdh: Wouldn't a live hdd just be a regular install?06:13
migihdhthis would be livehdd06:14
somethingcleverbazhang, so, whats up?06:14
migihdhi don't want to install ubuntu06:14
bazhangsomethingclever, no idea where you got that package06:14
rayne_jrib, Flash still not functioning, is there something else I was supposed to do?06:14
waylandbillmigihdh, what are you trying to accomplish with that? make the filesystem not modifyable?06:14
bazhangmigihdh, you want to mount an ubuntu.iso?06:14
jribrayne_: pastebin the contents of the "about:plugins" page when you visit it in firefox06:15
afazelmigihdh, can't you just install it to the usb hdd and allow your bios to boot from the usb hdd?06:15
somethingcleverbazhang, it was a deb file, but it didnt work, it was a printer driver. so how do i fix my system?06:15
bazhangsomethingclever, you installed it how06:15
migihdhI want to have livecd image with the ability of saving configuration06:16
bazhangmigihdh, so a mounted iso with persistent features?06:16
afazelmigihdh, that's the only solution I can think to us06:16
ussermigihdh, just install ubuntu regularly, and carry it around with you, it'll boot06:16
somethingcleverbazhang, DEB file!06:16
nickrudsomethingclever,   sudo dpkg -i /path/to/downloaded/deb , put any error on paste.ubuntu.com06:16
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migihdhbazhang: how to do it? I try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence but this doesn't work06:17
bazhangsomethingclever, ok; care to elaborate on how that was installed? using gdebi, or other06:17
somethingclevergdebi, yes06:17
rayne_jrib, http://pastebin.com/d78c4f34d06:17
bazhangmigihdh, that is for flash sticks, not usb hdd06:17
somethingclevernickrud, deb file is gone06:17
rayne_jrib, doesn't look like it is installed to me06:18
afazelI just got a new tv that I'm also using for my computer monitor. Ubuntu recognizes it as 1080p (1920x1080 (16:9)), but instead of giving me tons of screen real estate it just made my desktop larger06:18
nickrudsomethingclever, then try  sudo dpkg -r  /path/to/deb/file , if it fails you'll need the deb back06:18
ussermigihdh, just install it on a external hdd regularly.06:18
dillinjahone question wayland, do i remove the ,umask=0002 and add the -r to the end?06:18
jribrayne_: pastebin « ls -l ~/.mozilla/plugins/ » including the command06:18
Templar_XionCan you grow a partition to the left?06:18
somethingclevernickrud, if fails on ANY deb file, so, could it be any deb file?06:18
usserTemplar_Xion, nope06:18
waylandbilldillinjah, oh. mounting into the fstab are ya?06:18
nickrudsomethingclever, no, the problem is with fax4100lpr06:19
migihdhInstead of using a USB stick, you can use a file on your hard disk to store persistent information.. <- this is from that tutorial06:19
PeddyHow do I compile software in 32-bit, with the machine I'm compiling on being 64-bit?06:19
Templar_Xionusser: :<06:19
somethingcleveralright, ill find it06:19
usserPeddy, gcc -m3206:19
dillinjahi was thinking about it, i am just trying to mount it right now as read only...but my syntax is wrong and it istellling me the resource is busy06:19
nickrudsomethingclever, until you get that one fixed, apt will refuse to do anything06:19
bazhangmigihdh, and what part of the tutorial are you stuck on?06:19
usserPeddy, rxvt didnt work eh?06:19
jzjzjzhello, can anyone tell me how to restart pulseaudio? i just kill -9ed it cuz sound wasn't working06:19
rayne_jrib, http://pastebin.com/d463d65b806:19
dillinjahi havent gotten the ntfs drive to mount as read only yet06:19
migihdhUsing a Loopback File06:19
Peddyusser, nope :/06:20
waylandbilldillinjah, from command line you mount -r ... from fstab you put ro as one of the options06:20
nickrudsomethingclever, try running  sudo dpkg -r fax4100lpr06:20
jribrayne_: close firefox, run « ps -ef | grep firefox »06:20
migihdhpersistent doesn't work06:20
bazhangmigihdh, /msg ubottu iso06:20
migihdhchanges not saved06:20
nickrudsomethingclever, I had a bit of a brain fart on the exact command I gave earlier06:20
Peddyusser, but I made some progress, I can now use qemu to very quickly simulate flashing the thing, so I can see how it works.06:20
usserPeddy, what did it say, when u tried to run it?06:20
Peddyusser, it just failed to open06:20
usserPeddy, no error messages?06:20
Templar_Xionusser: Thanks.06:21
rayne_jrib, okay. what do I do after that?06:21
jribrayne_: also, what is the output of « uname -m »06:21
usserTemplar_Xion, no problem06:21
dillinjah okay so outside of fstab, if I was just in terminal, where would I put the r in......sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0002 /dev/sdb1 /media/blam06:21
migihdhbazhang: and how could mounting iso help me? 606:21
dillinjahand do i need to take the mask out?06:21
Peddyusser, no, because I was faking xterm as Firefox (one of the embedded programs), and it just didn't open...06:21
somethingclevernickrud, http://paste.ubuntu.com/123155/06:21
usserdillinjah, mount -t ntfs mounts read only by default, ntfs doesnt support writing06:21
Peddyusser, wasn't there an environment variable or something for compiling 32-bit? because I want to use a configure and makefile to build.06:21
usserPeddy, yea $CFLAGS06:22
waylandbilldillinjah, yes. lose the mask. you don't need it. the -r comes after the mount. You can see the syntax in mount's man page along with all the supported options... "man mount"06:22
rayne_jrib, http://pastebin.com/d3d9655006:22
usserPeddy, $CFLAGS="-O -static -m32" ./configure06:22
Peddyusser, thank you06:22
dillinjahgreat, thank you wayland06:22
arooni-mobileubuntu ibex seems like battery life is really poor;;;; is this really the case?06:22
usserPeddy, err CFLAGS="-O -static -m32" ./configure sorry06:22
nickrudsomethingclever, yep, you need the deb.06:22
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waylandbillarooni-mobile, I get 2.5 - 3 hours. I think it's average.06:23
usserdillinjah, you dont need -r in your case at all06:23
somethingclevernickrud, im lookin for it online06:23
arooni-mobilewaylandbill, maybe its cuz they changed battery icon;  when its 50% it looks like it has nothing left06:23
nickrudsomethingclever, did you use alien to create this deb by any chance?06:23
arooni-mobilewaylandbill, i have t6106:23
dillinjahso I would have something like sudo mount -t ntfs  /dev/sdb1 /media/blam206:23
jribrayne_: ah ok.  You're using 64 bit ubuntu, but you downloaded 32bit flash (the default).  You have two options.  You can use nspluginwrapper (which is what would have happened if flashplugin-nonfree worked) or you can download the beta 64bit flash from adobe06:23
dillinjahi need to read these man pages06:23
dillinjahthis is complex06:24
rayne_jrib, lol, so the one I just downloaded was the wrong version?06:24
Peddyusser, it says 'C compiled cannot create executables', any idea what this mean? do I have to install 32-bit dev libraries or something?06:24
jribrayne_: wrong architecture, yes06:24
usserPeddy, it means you dont have a compiler installed :) sudo apt-get install build-essential06:24
waylandbilldillinjah, usser the -r is needed for read-only isn't it?06:24
jribrayne_: but you can use it if you install nspluginwrapper06:24
usserwaylandbill, ntfs driver as opposed to ntfs-3g doesnt support writing to ntfs partitions06:25
somethingcleverIf i cant find it, then what?06:25
Milk_Rulzdoes anybody know how I can make the terminal window transparent?06:25
mitancswhat wiould be the way to forward ip with two networking cards installed as eth0 to internet and eth1 goes to routher that makes wireless? Thank you.06:25
Peddyusser, I think I may need 32-bit build-essential :P06:25
Peddyusser, because of course I have regular build-essential installed06:25
rayne_jrib, I am not seeing the 64bit one06:25
somethingclevernickrud, what if i cant find it?06:25
afazelMilk_Rulz , Edit > profile preferences06:25
rayne_jrib, I was looking to try it out to see how it worked06:25
usserPeddy, no you dont need 32 bit compiler for that06:25
usserPeddy, can you run gcc on the terminal?06:26
afazelMilk_Rulz , then select transparent background, and set the transparency06:26
Peddyusser, just 'gcc'? yes, I can06:26
nickrudsomethingclever, then fixing the problem needs someone more familiar with the packaging system than I am.06:26
usserPeddy, yea gcc. does it work?06:26
waylandbillusser, I don't think it's been established that ntfs is being used in leiu of ntfs-3g. They were about to delete files so it's probably very likely that ntfs-3g is being used.06:26
taz_hello guys.. i need some one will help me.......  i have dvd movie ... it wouldnt show movie ??06:26
n2diySomethiingclever: worry about that if it happens?06:26
Peddyusser, yep, I've used it a lot in the past, I'm 100% sure it's not a gcc installation problem06:26
quibblerrayne_: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html06:26
rayne_jrib, It looks like on the x86 architecture is available from adobe's site06:26
somethingclevernickrud, damn, know anyone off hand?06:27
usserwaylandbill, well he pasted his mount command which was mount -t ntfs06:27
afazeltaz_ it won't run in Totem?06:27
nickrudsomethingclever, sure, but they don't come here often at all ;(06:27
rayne_quibbler, Thanks06:27
Milk_Rulzafazel, thanks06:27
taz_afazel: totem ?06:27
Peddyusser, I enter the CFLAGS variables and ./configure at the same time, right?06:27
usserwaylandbill, besides it'd be easier anyway to mount it with ntfs whose main feature is inability to write :)06:27
usserPeddy, yea06:27
nickrudsomethingclever, that doesn't mean people that I don't know don't appear though06:27
dillinjahum, i can still delete06:27
jribrayne_: they have a beta, it's up to you which you want to use.  Personally, I use nspluginwrapper06:27
afazeltaz_: applications, sound and video, movie player06:27
* nickrud reads that triple negative again06:27
dillinjah sudo mount -t ntfs  /dev/sdb1 /media/blam206:28
somethingclevernickrud, yeah, i get it06:28
dillinjahi ran that, it mounted06:28
somethingcleveranyone help me with my package manger error???06:28
taz_afazel: i will look at it06:28
somethingclevernickrud, thank you06:28
dillinjahbut if I open it up I can delete files from within it06:28
usseri dunno06:28
Peddyusser, so this: CFLAGS="-O -static -m32" ./configure , right?06:28
afazeltaz_, I used that to watch a dvd just last night, didn't take any special fiddling06:28
ussermaybe they remove ntfs altogether and use ntfs-3g exclusively now06:28
usserPeddy, yea06:28
dillinjahi do have the ntfs-3g in my fstab06:29
dillinjahand thats how I guess I write to it06:29
taz_mplayer -video06:29
rayne_jrib, just installed the 64bit, seems to be working great.06:29
Peddyusser, removing the -m32 option configures sucessfully.l06:29
jribrayne_: k06:29
OngaKingHeya Saludadierie!06:29
usserPeddy, oh, weird06:29
taz_afazel: mplayer  video ??06:29
dillinjahi just want it mounted somewhere else where it cant delete, oh well06:29
usserPeddy, i guess you do need 32bit libs06:29
afazeltaz_, movie player and mplayer are 2 different programs06:29
Peddyusser, yeah, is there a quick command to install 32-bit build-essential? I already have ia32-libs installed06:29
afazeltaz_, movie player is totem, mplayer is mplayer, although it should play your dvd just fine as well06:30
taz_afazel: really how i will know ?? which one right one06:30
usserPeddy, search for ia32-libs-dev or something similar06:30
taz_afazel: how i will find   totem ?06:30
afazeltaz_, you should be able to use either06:30
taz_afazel: i dont have totem06:30
afazeltaz_, well totem should be installed already, but you can try sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer06:31
taz_afazel: where i can download ??06:31
waylandbillntfs-3g is the default ntfs driver now anyway. doing a -t ntfs would use ntfs-3g.06:31
Peddyusser, testing06:31
taz_afazel: ok06:31
error404notfoundI have just upgraded my hardy to intrepid and there this a widget on desktop which says "cannot find component : folderview", I have seen it on a friend's desktop, it shows files in a specific folder. Any ideas?06:31
afazeltaz_, and it will be called movie player under sounds and video06:31
usserPeddy, ok06:31
ChaorainI have a standard ubuntu install and I want to install software from my Ubuntu UE dvd. How can I do this?06:31
dillinjahso would that mean I am out of luck?06:31
dillinjahis there a way of restricting the access through ssh?06:32
usserdillinjah, try substituting ntfs-3g for ntfs in fstab06:32
usserdillinjah, unmount your partition06:32
dillinjahits ntfs-3g in fstab06:32
n8tuserChaorain -> mount your dvd and then search for the deb file you wanted then install it via dpkg -i06:32
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usserdillinjah, change it to ntfs06:32
nickrudsomethingclever, you might find it here: http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/index.html06:32
afazelI want my 1080p display to act as it would in windows, where the icons become smaller and the desktop real estate becomes larger. my colleagues tell me it should be automatic when setting 1920x1080, but it is not. Any suggestions? The google has been no help to me.06:32
taz_afazel: done with terminal06:32
romihow to install opera?06:32
afazeltaz_, yes, but you should be able to find it in synaptic just as easily if you're not comfortable with the terminal06:33
usserdillinjah, and mount with this command sudo mount /dev/sdb206:33
quibblerromi: http://www.opera.com/browser/download/06:33
taz_afazel: that ok ... where synaptic ?06:33
KemionHello..  I just bought the Die Hard DVD at Wal-Mart for like five bucks and it won't play no matter what player I install.  Am I missing something ?06:33
Nytrixsudo apt-get install opera06:33
afazeltaz_, system > administration > synaptic package manager06:34
sweeneyHi, I was wondering if anyone knows what state the x-fi alsa driver is in?  I know creative released the source awhile back but I haven't heard or been able to find anything about the drivers progress.  I am not looking to install this driver or help with it.  Just a status update.06:34
taz_afazel: i will look at it06:34
romii have already download form that but how to run this06:34
somethingclevernickrud it says its the LPR Driver06:35
romigubbler         i have already download form that but how to run this06:35
Nytrixis opera as good as firefox?06:35
Nytrixdouble click on the .deb file06:35
quibblerromi: it is a deb file ...just double click it06:35
somethingclevernickrud,  but the Package name is different from the driver06:35
taz_afazel: ok i can see synaptic package manger06:35
Nytrixim trying out opera out myself06:35
usserdillinjah, if that doesnt work try adding umask=004 like that /dev/sdb2 /media/blam ntfs umask=004 0 006:35
romiok i have double click on this06:35
KemionI've tried ogle, gxine, kmplayer, etc..  nothing works.  It plays the FBI warning and then crashes or stops.06:36
nickrudsomethingclever, it needs to be the exact file you used06:36
Nytrixnow click install06:36
dillinjahok, thank you06:36
Chaorainn8tuser, I found lots of .deb but I don't see everything. Would I be able to use Synaptic?06:36
DDrKPssNgRwhich spell checker pidgin use?06:37
somethingcleveri think it is, but the package name is brmfcfaxlpd-1.0.0-1.i386.deb06:37
n8tuserChaorain -> dont know, maybe if the dvd is on the sources.list ? i never tried it myself06:37
taz_afazel: i can see synapitic package manger06:37
nickrudsomethingclever, it will begin with fax4100lpr ; that's part of the package name06:37
somethingcleverfeck i dunno06:38
romigubbler      .exe ig not here so need for any cammand06:38
afazeltaz_, now just type totem in the search box06:38
nickrudsomethingclever, unless brother did something really strange and outside my experience06:38
taz_afazel: ok06:38
aj_i am using ubuntu 8.04 ...suddenly my laptop speakers have stopped working...can anyone help06:38
taz_afazel: already type totem  what am i look for06:38
afazeltaz_, make sure you select totem and totem-plugins in the results06:39
taz_afazel: ok06:39
afazeltaz_, you'll want to mark for installation. After you're done, click apply06:39
somethingcleveri guess im just screwed06:39
nickrudsomethingclever, http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/download_prn.html#FAX-4100 ?06:41
aj_i am using ubuntu 8.04 ...suddenly my laptop speakers have stopped working...can anyone help06:41
LogicFanaj_, did you close your laptop lid?06:41
taz_afazel:  it already marked it like green06:41
afazeltaz_, that means it's installed06:41
taz_afazel: totem-plugins06:41
taz_afazel: ok06:42
afazeltaz_, so click applications > sound and video, and tell me what is listed06:42
Nytrixif u want to play any vidoes/dvd/music file get VLC player06:42
aj_no i didnt06:42
taz_afazel: ok06:42
LogicFanaj_, any other power mangement settings recently kick in?06:42
LogicFansleep, hibernate06:42
aj_it was workingfine yesterday06:43
somethingclevernickrud, thats wher ei got the file06:43
cooldduuuddesrin english please06:43
somethingcleveri have the lpr file downloaded, whats the command?06:43
taz_afazel: kino,,, movie player,,, mplayer movie play06:43
afazeltaz_, movie player is totem06:43
aj_i can hear some sound....like on radio when you are not on the right frequency06:43
taz_afazel: ok i will try06:44
LogicFanaj_, is the volume set properly?06:44
aj_yes..its full06:44
afazeltaz_, so open that and you should be able to play your DVD in there. Of course, you have to make sure you have a DVD drive in your computer and not just a CD drive06:44
ubuntistasmy vlc appearance changed because i installed kubuntu any clue to change it again?06:44
nickrudsomethingclever, ok, let's try this cuz it's easy and may work. cd to the dir with the file and run   sudo dpkg -i file06:44
taz_afazel: yes it words totem06:44
iGmailhow perfect with watch movie with Mplayer?06:44
dillinjahthis is way over my head, do you think there is a way to restrict it when the user logs onto ubuntu by way of SFTP06:44
dillinjahcan i restrict an SFTP user from deleting files?06:44
LogicFanaj_, open up a terminal06:44
taz_it both cd/dvd all in one place06:44
cooldduuuddeubuntistas: system>preferences>qt 4 settings06:44
dillinjahthe user is just a username of an account in ubuntu06:44
LogicFanaj_, type this: sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload06:45
taz_afazel: how it start ?06:45
LogicFanafter the command completes, do this: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart06:45
somethingclevernickrud, wasnt the right file06:45
LogicFanlastly, do this: killall pulseaudio06:45
aj_showing some error06:45
LogicFanon which command?06:46
Incarus<aj_> five output06:46
aj_voluome control has quit unexpectedly06:46
LogicFanoh yeah06:46
afazeltaz_, click on Movie and then select your DVD drive from the list. It should be something like cdrom006:46
LogicFanthats fine06:46
z0d14kI am running the Jaunty alpha, and for some reason my network card can no longer see 802.11n AP's.  My wireless radio is a dual radio, I have 802.11g in 2.4 GHz and 802.11n in 5GHz.  I always used the 802.11n AP on my laptop, but I don't even see if anymore since going to Jaunty.  Any ideas?06:46
LogicFanjust click past those volume control errors06:46
CubexI need help getting my wifi working on an older HP laptop running 8.1006:46
taz_afazel: ok i will look at it06:46
Incarus<z0d14k>, downgrade to intrepid06:46
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:47
taz_afazel: yes  see it movie then cdrom006:47
aj_there was just one error.... it said reload to bring back volume launcher to panel06:47
afazeltaz_, so click that cdrom006:48
rww!jaunty | z0d14k06:48
taz_it go dark06:48
ubottuz0d14k: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.06:48
taz_afazel: it dark ... seem like cant do anything ??06:48
afazeltaz_, click play06:48
LogicFanaj_, did you complete all the commands?06:48
z0d14krww:  Thanks.06:48
=== zunihar is now known as c_cantik
taz_afazel: seem cant click..06:49
aj_i did this command06:49
taz_afazel: u know dim on totem06:49
Incarus<taz_>, whats the problem?06:49
afazeltaz_, I don't know. that's the basic way it works, I'm at a loss otherwise06:49
somethingclevernickrud, thanks for your help, but i think im just boned06:49
taz_seem cant start movie06:50
Incarus<taz_>, whats the problem?06:50
afazeltaz_, I know it's an obvious question, but are you sure you have a DVD drive and not a CD drive? and you remembered to put the DVD into the drive, yes?06:50
CubexOK I have a BroadCom card so I checked here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx But there is no Intrepid driver?06:50
andreici need a question06:50
taz_itself dvd06:50
LogicFanaj_, sound working yet?06:50
aj_sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload06:50
LogicFanthen do the second command06:50
afazelIncarus, he's not able to play a dvd06:50
LogicFanaj_, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart06:50
Incarusafazel, k06:50
Incarusafazel, any errors?06:51
andreichow cand i change my bash prompter for all the users?06:51
afazelIncarus, no errors, just not working06:51
taz_afazel: it only for dvd  drive06:51
Incarusk, give me a try06:51
OmoikaneHow do you install adobe reader in ubuntu?06:51
afazelIncarus, please do :) maybe you can help me with my problem when you're done :P06:51
aj_no luck...still not working06:51
Incarus<taz_>, can yuo start totem in the terminal / did you try vlc?06:52
LogicFanOmoikane, do you mean the official adobe reader?06:52
aj_did the second command as well06:52
LogicFanaj_, did you complete all three commands?06:52
cooldduuuddeomoikane you can install in wine but why would you need it?06:52
andreichow cand i change my bash prompter for all the users?06:52
OmoikaneLogicFan yes06:52
LogicFankillall pulseaudio06:52
taz_incarus: yes06:52
OmoikaneI'm trying to convert a pdf to doc06:52
Sativahello how do i reinstall grub?06:52
Incarus<taz_>, are where any errors in the totem output?06:52
taz_incarus: vlc??06:52
LogicFanOmoikane, http://get.adobe.com/reader/06:52
aj_i completed two06:53
Incarus<taz_>, yes, a player06:53
cooldduuuddeomoikane you can't do it wid reader you gotta have acrobat06:53
Sativai installed onto USB and i guess it install GRUB on my internal drive, and i get the error 2106:53
Incarus<taz_>, exists /dev/dvd?06:53
taz_incarus: ?? i lost06:53
Incarus!grub | Sativa06:53
aj_ sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload   and   sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart06:53
ubottuSativa: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:53
Incarus<taz_>, ?06:54
dillinjahwayland and user, i found a workaround : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57957206:54
n2diyAndreic, find the .bashrc file that is not in any /home directory?06:54
dillinjahapparently i can set a mask for the sftp user06:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm06:54
dillinjahthank you guys for your help06:54
taz_incarus: u said  exists /dev.dvd?06:54
dillinjahi really appreciate it, im sure your advice would have worked if I knew anything06:54
Incarus<taz_>, no, /dev/dvd, its a file06:54
tienhelp me06:54
Incarus<tien>, call 91106:55
taz_incarus: where i will look at it ?06:55
Incarus<taz_> in the directory /dev06:55
Incarus<taz_>, "ls /dev/dv*"06:55
ZeRo_FeniXI'm setting up a ubuntu server as a web server and I'm almost finished with the install, I believe. It's asking me what type of server I would like to setup, does anyone know which one I should pick?06:55
tienubuntu 8.1006:56
taz_incarus:  for terminal ?06:56
Incarus<ZeRo_FeniX>, do you want to have a file server or something?06:56
Incarus<taz_>, yes06:56
taz_i got it06:56
tienhelp me  theme mac os for ubuntu 8.1006:56
Incarus<taz_>, wait, i know the answer06:56
ZeRo_FeniXI'm installing it on my windows computer using virtual box so I can build server side php sites and beable to test them without actually connecting to a webserver on the internet.06:57
Incarusafazel, he dont got libdvdcss06:57
bullgard4Error message "Evolution crash detection does not respond; Wait | Force Quit". If I press 'Wait' I can wait indefinitely. If I press 'Quit' Evolution will quit altogether. What should I do to bring up Evolution again?06:57
afazelIncarus, how'd you get that out of what he's said? hehe06:57
Incarus<ZeRo_FeniX>, you can set up a file or webserver server06:57
cooldduuuddeZeRo_FeniX: you can just install apache or IIS on windows and test it at localhost06:57
Incarus<afazel>, what?06:58
afazelIncarus, that's interesting, though, I didn't have to do anything special with my installation to be able to play DVDs06:58
taz_incaurs: done.. it all blue06:58
afazelIncarus, that he didn't have libdvdcss06:58
Incarus<afazel>, do you use vlc?06:58
Incarus<taz_>, k, one sec06:58
afazelIncarus, I have it installed, but I've been using totem as my dvd player06:58
tien113 police in vietnam06:59
ZeRo_FeniXYes, I plan on installing apache on it and I wanted it to be a linux server so I don't have any problems once I transfer programs over to my linux server because windows has different symantics than some of the linux protocal.06:59
=== carlos is now known as Guest70241
Incarustien, 112 in europe07:00
tienu can help me?07:00
Incarustaz_, "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2"07:00
cooldduuuddeguys i gotta go and start studyin. see you all later07:00
Incarusin terminal07:00
taz_incarus: ok07:01
MightyTweekI've just discovered that I have the adobe-flashplugin and the flashplugin-nonfree packages both installed on my system. Shouldn't they be set to conflict with each other?07:01
Incarustien, whats the problem?07:01
Incarus<MightyTweek>, no#07:01
ImSadI can't figure out how to get a internet connection going in virtualbox, can anyone help me?07:01
Incarus<ImSad>, wrong chat07:01
LogicFanMightyTweek, you should only be using one07:01
afazelImSad, do you have the latest version?07:01
ZeRo_FeniXSo should I select: DNS, LAMP, Mail, OpenSSH, PostgreSQL database, Print, Samba file, Tomcat Java, or Virtual Machine host?07:01
Incarus<afazel>, whats the problem?07:02
Guest70241i have a problem installing opera browser using konsole i hope u can help me thanks http://pastebin.com/d9f0d36d07:02
LogicFanthey tend to cause problems with each other.  flashplugin-nonfree is the default07:02
ImSadI went to add/remove and got that version.07:02
taz_incarus: look other room that i paste it so u look07:02
Incarus<Guest70241>, goto opera page and download latest .deb07:02
afazelIncarus, I've attached my computer to a 1080p widescreen tv, and when I set Ubuntu to use 1920x1080 (16:9) instead of giving me more screen real estate, all it did was make everything larger07:02
Cubexwhere do i go to get the linux wireless extensions for wpa2-psk?07:02
ImSadIncarus:  why is this the wrong chat? #vbox is a ghostland07:03
Incarus<taz_>, ?07:03
raevolhey guys, i'm trying to back up my one hard disk to the other using dd in the ubuntu live cd, but i can't see the drives in /dev, any suggestions?07:03
MightyTweekLogicFan, that's kind of what I thought. I'm just wondering why apt would allow me to have both installed07:03
Guest70241i have a problem installing opera browser using konsole i hope u can help me thanks http://pastebin.com/d9f0d36d07:03
LogicFanMightyTweek, they are separate packages07:03
Guest70241Incarus i downloaded yesterday07:03
taz_incarus: look private chat07:03
Incarus<afazel>, try another.07:03
Incarustaz_, k07:04
Incarus<Guest70241>, k, whats the problem?07:04
afazelIncarus, another resolution or another monitor? I've already tried different resolutions with the same results07:04
afazelIncarus, previously I was using this computer on a CRT monitor at 1280x1024, and after changing to this one the icons and desktop stayed proportionally the same size07:05
Incarus<afazel>, resolution, should be something like ZZZZx100007:05
MightyTweekLogicFan: Right, but they both provide the same functionality, right? So shouldn't each package list the other as a conflicting package? Just wondering if I should be reporting a bug here or not07:05
Guest70241i cannot install Incarus http://pastebin.com/d9f0d36d07:05
LogicFanno, its not a bug07:05
GeneralGustavAnybody know why i wouldnt be able to install dhcpd??07:05
LogicFanMightyTweek, its like having two text editors installed07:05
LogicFansame function, different packages07:05
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, sudo apt-get install dhcp07:06
Incarusdhcpd is the demon of dhcp07:06
GeneralGustavIncarus, No install candidate....07:06
MightyTweekLogicFan: That makes sense, thanks07:07
Incarus<Guest70241>, download and install this: http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?id=31876&location=244&nothanks=yes&sub=marine07:07
taz_incarus: is it have problems ?07:07
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, sudo apt-get install dhcp3-client and dhcp-client07:07
bullgard4Fehlermeldung: "Evolution-wiederabsturzverhinderung; Es scheint, als ob Evolution bei der letzten Nutzung nicht korrekt beendet wurde. Als Vorsichtsmaßnahme wird der Vorschaubereich nicht angezeigt... Ignorieren | Wiederherstellen" Das Programm reagiert dann nicht auf Klicken weder auf 'Ignorieren' noch auf 'Wiederherstellen'. Wie kann ich das Programm Evolution neu starten?07:08
GeneralGustavI think they're already installed. Im trying to set up a dhcp server.07:08
eugeniowhello all I am in need of some help with my 7.04 ubuntu07:08
eugeniowI need to get it upgraded07:08
Incarus<bullgard4>, 1. englisch, 2. erst evolution "Killen", 3. dann neustarten07:08
Incarus<eugeniow>, "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"07:09
eugeniowto run some of the newer development IDE07:09
Incarus<tien>, tien07:09
ZeRo_FeniXSo I got it all installed and it's saying "Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU." When I used the  i386 install on an intel Q6600 cpu using virtual box.07:09
laldadahello i just installed ubuntu onto a USB drive..and it installed GRUB on my windows partition, but i get a mount error, because it wasnt shut down properly..and i cant boot into windows because GRUB is messed up on it..any suggestions?07:10
eugeniowthanks incarus but the problem is the upgrade sites07:10
eugenioware old07:10
bullgard4Incarus: After killing Evolution and restarting, the same situation persists. Thus your advice is no help.07:10
eugeniowand I've tried to edit the sources07:10
eugeniowbut it installation fails07:10
GeneralGustavZeRo_FeniX, Enable PAE/NIX07:10
eugeniowdue to communication issues07:10
laldadaany help?07:10
GabrielAlguien habla español?07:10
ZeRo_FeniXAh, will do07:10
Incarus!es | Gabriel07:11
ubottuGabriel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:11
GeneralGustavIncarus, Any idea as to why it wont install?07:11
afazelIncarus, there is no resolution that is zzzz x 1000. Also, the native resolution for my tv is 1920x108007:11
GeneralGustavZeRo_FeniX, Works now?07:11
n2diyeugeniow, just download the 8.04 CD07:11
GeneralGustavZeRo_FeniX, I had the same issue with Ubuntu Server edition and JeOS...07:11
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, no07:11
GabrielGracias Ubottu07:12
GeneralGustavIncarus, lol. All good. Hmmmmmm...07:12
laldadai just want to..install GRUB on my USB partition..07:12
ZeRo_FeniX@GeneralGustav, well it's booting up now :)07:12
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, why do you need it?07:12
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, isnt it allready installed?07:12
GeneralGustavZeRo_FeniX, Sounds good to me! Same happened to me. Ubuntu installs the wrong kernel. But thats the easy way to fix that lol.07:12
GeneralGustavIncarus, dhcp3-client is yes but Im trying to install dhcpd. not the cline.t07:13
quibblertien: what is the problem?07:13
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, dhcpd is the demon of dhcp, if you install dhcp-client, it should work07:13
DigitalKiwilol 'demon'07:14
Pushhola alguien me lee?07:14
viththe nvidia settings or 'screen resolution' won't let me set my monitor to the correct refresh rate.  how do i specify it manually?07:14
Guest70241i have a problem, i have a program i use running .07:14
Pushalguien habla español??07:14
DigitalKiwi!es | Push07:14
ubottuPush: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:14
GeneralGustavIncarus, Nope. It doesnt. Isnt dhcp-client just the client though? Im trying to set up a dhcp server...07:14
ZeRo_FeniXAnd server version has no GUI right07:14
n2diy! es | Push07:14
DigitalKiwiI hope that was spanish07:14
OngaKingBuenos Dias Push hombre07:14
n2diy! es07:15
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, dont know07:15
Guest70241i have a problem, i have a program i use running ./Tibia but how can i install it07:15
Pushla verdad es que estoy medio perdido jejeje07:15
GeneralGustavIncarus, God im an idiot... Its dhcp3-server DUH.07:15
Pushsoy nuevo fanatico de linux y me meti aca jejej07:15
Incarus<afazel>, or something with x900?07:15
OngaKingPush, LOL07:15
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, k07:16
drcodehi all07:16
Incarus<Push>, english!!!07:16
Minnlov03hey all07:16
drcodeany one know linux replace ment for sharepoint ?07:16
Incarus1317 users = no "hi"07:16
quibblerPush: type:  /join #ubuntu-es07:16
n2diyIncarus, and you would preferr 1317 hellos?07:17
Incarus<n2diy>, no07:17
Minnlov03hey can anyone take a few mins and help me with ubuntu?07:17
hovisI just tried to install 8.10 (I'm a new Ubuntu user) and it crapped out during install, error says that the display server has been shut down 6 times in the last 90 seconds.  Does anyone know of 8.10 has drivers for GeForce 9600?07:17
=== sagada is now known as cakey
Incarus<Minnlov03>, whats the prob?07:18
Incarushovis, yes, it has07:18
Minnlov03i can't get ubunut to load or work07:18
ccc_kickaxecan anyone direct me to the best place to get advice on how to deploy git for a webhosting environment?07:18
Plankyhovis: it does, but they are not enabled by default07:18
Minnlov03after i setup a raid07:18
Incarushovis, try fglrx07:18
cakeyen taro adun07:19
Incarus!fr | philux-dijon07:19
ubottuphilux-dijon: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr07:19
Incarus!es | cakey07:19
ubottucakey: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:19
isleshocky771using rsync Is there a way to compare files in directory1 and directory2, but copy the missing and updated files to directory3 instead of directory2?07:19
n2diyis a there a backup and restore system that works? Sbackup didn't work in 5.10, 6.06, or, now in 8.10?07:19
philux-dijonjust a question07:19
hovisIncarus: How would I try that? It dumped me to CLI. My only CLI experience is on an old Gentoo machine :/07:19
andreichow cand i change my bash prompter for all the users?07:19
tienu known install driver crseativer soud blaster liver 5.1 for unbuntu?07:19
n2diyAndreic, find the .bashrc file that is not in any /home directory?07:19
Incarus<hovis>, edit xorg07:19
philux-dijonI can't rename files with thunar ...from 01 ,02,03 to a,b,c07:20
Chousukeandreic: /etc/bash.bashrc07:20
hovisis fglrx the name of a driver?07:20
Incarus<tien>, no07:20
andreicChousuke i've changed there but no luck07:20
hovisI'm not sure what fglrx is, or how to "try it".07:20
Incarus<hovis>, yes07:20
hovisok, ty07:20
Chousukeandreic: is your local file overriding it?07:20
nandemonaiHeya peoples.07:20
andreicmaybe but how i change07:21
Incarus<philux-dijon>, check permission07:21
Minnlov03I got one Ide hard drive and 2 sata drives I setup has a raid and now it likes only boots into windows even after ubunut is intalled07:21
n2diyloki_, an in a small engine?07:21
Chousukeandreic: if so, there's no way to change it for all users without editing their .bashrc07:22
philux-dijonIncarus> 77707:22
Incarus<philux-dijon>, k07:22
tienno playing game in ubuntu :(07:22
Incarus<philux-dijon>, u can use another file manager07:22
philux-dijonIncarus: All other changes are possible, but not this one07:22
isainhuuni hao..07:22
Brian8MEJ0mntWould there be any functional reason NOT to install Ubuntu to an external(USB 2.0) hard drive? It whirrs and vibrates when I use it so I assume its just a regular HDD, not SSD07:23
philux-dijonIncarus: What do you sugest ?07:23
isainhuucan you speak chinese07:23
n2diy! cn07:23
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:23
eternalswdi'm on intrepid.  Can't seem to get the compiz plugin "Place Window" to work when trying to place an application on a viewport.  any tips?07:23
ludditeanyone ever cloned a virtualbox guest through ubuntu host?07:23
Incarus<philux-dijon> , dont know07:24
ludditeclonezilla using07:24
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philux-dijonIncarus: I considered using metamorphose...but I'm not sure it's a good idea07:25
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quibblereternalswd: try in #compiz-fusion07:25
dagihow to install safari browser07:26
Incarus<philux-dijon>, try nautlius07:26
dagianybody help me07:26
dagihow to install safari browser07:26
Incarus<dagi>, dont use safari07:27
philux-dijonIncarus: I can rename with Nautilus ? I didnt know !07:27
Incarus<dagi>, try opera07:27
Incarus<philux-dijon>, right click, rename07:28
rwwdagi: Apple doesn't provide a native version of Safari for Linux. You could try installing the Windows version through WINE ( http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=5293 ) or use one of the Linux browsers that uses webkit (like Epiphany Webkit) if you just need Safari to test websites against webkit.07:28
dagii have already install opera07:28
quibblerdagi: look here: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/03/howto-install-safari-on-ubuntu-with.html07:28
Incarus<dagi>, and why do you need safari?07:28
dagii wanna more option for browosing07:29
jim_phi people07:29
Incarus<dagi>, lol, more as opera?07:29
jim_phow can i make pidgin NOT to send me messages that i received while offline?07:30
rww!browser | dagi07:30
ubottudagi: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)07:30
Incarus<jim_p>, check settings07:30
rwwdagi: check out those then ^^07:30
jim_pIncarus, i am, but where?07:30
Incarus<jim_p>, or disable offline messages emulation plugin07:31
Incarus<jim_p>, or check google07:31
dagiok thanks07:31
Vincemanis it legal to download movies with kTorrent?07:32
philux-dijonIncarus: Lol, ok, but that don't work for more than file at once07:32
BintangSelatanAnyone knows why my usb hd clicking periodically07:32
BintangSelatanXubuntu 8.1007:32
jguzman__alguien hablas español??07:33
Incarusrofl, <<google+mozilla+opera vs. microsoft>>07:33
rww!es | jguzman_07:33
ubottujguzman_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:33
Incarus<philux-dijon>, bulk renamer07:33
Brian8MEJ0mntVinceman, using torrents is legal, stealing copyrighted files isn't.07:33
n2diy! es07:33
Vincemanin every country?07:33
Incarus<Vinceman>, no07:33
rwwVinceman: depends on where you are, which movies you're downloading, and other factors.07:33
Peddy!es | jguzman_,07:33
n2diy! es07:33
ubottujguzman_,: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:33
rww!ping | rww07:34
* ]K[^Omegadoom Ping | Could not be resolved to an IP address07:34
ubotturww, please see my private message07:34
Incarus<rww>, haha!07:34
Incarus!ping | Incarus07:34
* ]K[^Omegadoom Ping | Could not be resolved to an IP address07:34
ubottuIncarus, please see my private message07:34
rww]K[^Omegadoom: might want to turn that off, please.07:34
jim_pIncarus, plugin is disabled07:35
Incaruscheck google07:35
Brian8MEJ0mntWould there be any functional reason NOT to install Ubuntu to an external(USB 2.0) hard drive? It whirrs and vibrates when I use it so I assume its just a regular HDD, not SSD07:37
n2diyis a there a backup and restore system that works? Sbackup didn't work in 5.10, 6.06, or, now in 8.10?07:37
rwwn2diy: sbackup works fine for me in 8.1007:37
n2diyrww, that's good to hear, have you tried doing over a lan? I'm trying to clone this box to my test box.07:38
Incarus<Brian8MEJ0mnt>, yes, u need grub for booting it07:38
allan8904hi, i'd like to get my Laptop to boot into a console screen instead of the KDM screen, is it hard to do?07:38
Incarus<allan8904>, no, press ctrl+alt+f107:38
Incarus<allan8904>, or change session settings in grub07:39
allan8904yeah thats what i'm doing now but its annoying07:39
Brian8MEJ0mntIncarus, couldn't I just set the BIOS to boot from external drives first? No bootloader nonsense, it just boots to external if its plugged in, internal if its not07:39
allan8904oh hwo do i change it in grub?07:39
Incarus<allan8904>, boot till you're in grub, and then press all buttons you find07:39
Incarus<Brian8MEJ0mnt>, 1. i dont know, check your bios, 2. you NEED grub on your hd. its the os loader07:40
Incarus<allan8904>, i dont know, where are just two buttons, try it07:41
allan8904i think you've mis understood what i'm asking07:41
allan8904if you press C it brings up a dgrub commandline07:42
Brian8MEJ0mntIncarus, I know the boot order thing works(That was default, had to switch it for when I forgot to unplug iPod), and couldn't I just install grub on the external drive along with ubuntu?07:42
Incarus<Brian8MEJ0mnt>, yes07:42
Incarus<allan8904>, dont do this, boot kdm, then press ctrl+alt+F107:43
syadow /VERIFY AAAAAcIA0AYzBWQS6/8AAA-107640007507:43
Incarus<syadow>, ...07:43
IncarusVERIFY :Unknown command07:44
Incarusgot anybody a problem here?07:45
redline5653what distro would be best to use as a main os?07:45
Incarus<redline5653>, for you: opensuse07:45
redline5653can you say why?07:46
lstarnesredline5653: the majority of users here would say ubuntu07:46
Incarusyes, its an ubuntu chat07:46
BintangSelatanyes my usb hd clicking07:46
BintangSelatanuse it to boot xubuntu 8.1007:46
DigitalKiwiarch linux <307:46
redline5653i have ubuntu on this box but thinking about putting linux on my main rig07:46
lstarnesredline5653: ##linux isn't biased towards any particular distribution so that may be a better channel to ask in07:47
Incarus<redline5653>, test opensuse, its a great distro07:47
travian_geekwhat does the * do in a regex? just trying to learn, any good sites?07:47
Incarus<travian_geek>, * is a place holder07:47
travian_geekIncarus, which means...?07:48
lstarnestravian_geek: it matches 0 or more matches of the previous expression in regex.  In glob patterns. it can match anything07:48
travian_geeklstarnes, so if a typ a* it vill match all a?07:49
pyrohotdogSo, my harddrive is encrypted. Which means it asks for a password upon boot. Well, I just installed startupmanager and changed the boot screen, now it waits for ever on the boot screen, and I think it's asking for my password but I can't see it...?07:49
lstarnestravian_geek: just an a or an a followed by anything else07:49
lstarnestravian_geek: in real regular expressions the equivalent would be a.*07:50
Incarus<pyrohotdog>, disble boot screen first and try again07:50
travian_geeklstarnes,  so if vill match all, at, an or just an a07:51
lstarnestravian_geek: it will match all of those07:51
pyrohotdogIncarus: How can I? I can't even get to the system. It just sits here on my newly installed boot screen saying it's loading.07:51
Incarus<pyrohotdog>, boot a live cd07:52
pyrohotdogI never go to enter my harddrive encryption password so I'm figuring that's what it's wait for...07:52
travian_geeklstarnes, okey., Do you know any good sistes to start lerarning?07:52
lstarnestravian_geek: for learning regular expressions?07:53
pyrohotdogDisable boot screen in startup manager?07:53
travian_geeklstarnes, yeah07:53
Incarus<pyrohotdog>, try it07:53
Incarus<pyrohotdog>, you will see07:53
lstarnestravian_geek: is there a specific programming language that yo9u want to use them with?07:54
aboSamoorhow  can I upgrade to jaunty ?07:54
travian_geeklstarnes, No i dont thinks so, Bash I guess07:54
ImSadCan anyone help me with virtualbox? I can't get a connection to the internet for some reason.07:54
Incarus<aboSamoor>, "update-manager -d"07:54
lstarnestravian_geek: bash generally uses glob patterns instead of regular expressions for things07:54
aboSamoorIncarus: It does not work nothing show up !07:55
Incarus<aboSamoor>, "sudo update-manager -d"07:55
travian_geeklstarnes, okey,  why wont this work: echo "Hello mor mur mar" | egrep 'm.r'07:55
Incarus<travian_geek>, "echo "Hello mor mur mar" | grep m*r"07:56
lstarnestravian_geek: egrep looks for matches based on lines, not words07:56
lstarnestravian_geek: it's the same with regular grep07:57
jerrylinit does work doesn't it?07:57
jerrylinIt looks like it works when I run it07:57
ImSadCan anyone help me with virtualbox? I can't get a connection to the internet for some reason. I've been trying for hours with no luck. Please help.  :/07:57
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Incarus<jerrylin>, ?07:57
victoriaa lot of things of e17 are not working for me.. is this normal.. when i add a new application to the ibar is not working when i change the font does not work, etc07:58
victoriaor maybe is not working fine for me07:58
travian_geeklstarnes, but I want do match mor mur mar but not hello and I use this command:  echo "Hello mor mur mar" | grep 'm.r' why dosent it work?07:58
rayluvictoria: i've never used it before, but if you just installed it, consider restating X07:58
TankadoWhat is ubuntu equivelant for windows Ctrl+Alt+Del in case a process just stuck ?07:58
Incarusi go out07:58
quibblerImSad: try in #vbox07:58
raylutravian_geek: egrep07:58
rayluTankado: kill, killall, top, htop07:59
travian_geekraylu, no differens07:59
aboSamoorterminal starts in with http_proxy="" how can I solve that ? cat .bashrc | grep proxy give nothing !07:59
lstarnestravian_geek: try replacing the spaces with newlines07:59
rayluTankado: and some funky guis07:59
Tankadoraylu : i am talking about a non terminal commands like some keys07:59
ImSadquibbler: I've been in there for hours, only one person said something, and that was just someone telling me they've been trying for hours also.07:59
travian_geeklstarnes, how do I do that?07:59
ImSadthat place sucks, that's why i'm here.07:59
raylutravian_geek: oh, it highlights lines with it08:00
dwibantu aku dong08:00
Tankadoraylu : i get stuck and cants open a terminal, is there atleast some keys to open a terminal window?08:00
raylutravian_geek: you don't need egrep, you need some flag for grep08:00
lstarnestravian_geek: try echo "Hello mor mur mar" | sed "s/ /\\n/g" | egrep "m.r"08:00
cooldduuuddedwi english08:00
rayluTankado: alt+f2, gnome-terminal. also, ctrl+alt+f1 gives you tty108:00
lstarnestravian_geek: the sed command in that will replace the spaces with newlines08:00
Tankadoraylu : thanks08:00
mgolischtravian_geek: use grep -o that should only display the macthing parts of the line08:01
travian_geeklstarnes, well that worked and so did grep -o08:01
toddhi there ,how to know the graphics driver's version?ps:intel 945 GM08:01
travian_geekmgolisch, thanks :P08:01
lstarnestravian_geek: egrep -o without the sed makes more sense08:02
quibblerImSad: your internet connection is wifi or cabled08:02
travian_geeklstarnes, whats the diffrents between grep and egrep08:02
lstarnestravian_geek: grep uses glob patterns but egrep uses regular expressions08:03
raylulstarnes, travian_geek, just "grep -o" without sed is sufficient, actually08:03
ImSadquibbler: cabled08:03
toddegrep is grep -e08:03
travian_geeklstarnes,  and (Yeah I now, Im a newbie) what is glob patterns compared to regex08:04
lstarnestravian_geek: glob patterns are much simpler and aren't as flexible08:05
travian_geeklstarnes, okey thanks for all help08:06
arooni-mobiletrying to get scrolling working on my t61 laptop on ibex:  http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_8.10_(Intrepid_Ibex)_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#Emulate_Wheel_.28Middle-click_scrolling.29 .... it worked first time but now doesnt work anymore;  help?08:06
Ethosserhow do I get crontab to run as root?08:06
quibblerImSad: what  network setting are you using for your virtual drive08:07
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atm0sphEtherael: sudo crontab -e?08:07
ImSadit's just on LAN now.08:07
ImSadi mean, NAT08:07
ImSadI have no idea what to put in host interface08:08
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=== Guest97079 is now known as Jasmine1212
ScixI have two servers. One in production and one for testing. At the testing server BIND and DHCP works perfect. When a DHCP address is leased, the zone in bind gets updated. But at the production server, who is identical to the testingserver I'm getting this error from named: client found no private keys, unable to generate any signatures. And then from dhcpd: Unable to add forward map from lku130.skole.lk.local to timed out. The ne08:10
Scixxt entry in syslog says: "RRSIG/NSEC update failed: not found". Anyone who have a idea about why it doesn't work? Paste from config from testingserver:  http://pastebin.com/d64afe62108:10
Jasmine1212hi all! Can somebody help me. I have Ubuntu with gnome. And the automatic update shows me to update Adeobe flashplayer but i have the newest one from adobe. how can i deactivate the updater?08:11
quibblerImSad: i,m running xp in virtualbox if i check network settings i have to give adapter type ...what is your's?08:11
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ImSadright now it's NAT08:11
ImSadbut that's only because I have no idea what to put if I choose host interface08:11
ImSadoh nvm08:12
ImSadI've tried both PCnet-FASTIII, and PCnet-PCI II08:12
quibblerImSad: you get a mac number? and is cable connected checked?08:13
ImSadI've got a MAC address, and cable connected is checked08:14
CrashNerdI have a question I had a application that would not shutdown so I issued the xkill command and have now lost the task bar down the bottom on Unbuntu 8.10 and idea's as to how I can get it back08:14
quibblerImSad: try it now and see08:15
ImSadBut I didn't change anything....08:15
ImSadthis is what I get if I have it on host interface08:15
ImSadFailed to initialize Host Interface Networking.08:15
ImSadVBox status code: -3100 (VERR_HOSTIF_INIT_FAILED).08:15
ImSadResult Code:08:15
ImSadNS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)08:15
FloodBot1ImSad: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:15
kholerabbifriend imported csv/windows contacts to evolution in intrepid. Contacts listed in address book but can't be inserted in a new mail dialog. The list doesn't populate anything.             Help!08:16
ImSadstill not working btw08:17
bleryhello, I would like to import to thunderbird my .pst files from my windows machine. What is the proper way of doing it? I've tried some, but didn't work out. Any hints? Thanks.08:18
Jagoanyone here using Ubuntu on an EEE PC 900 (the EU slow SSD version) ? Whats the recommended filesystem for fast performance?08:19
quibblerImSad: when you click on adapter type do you get more than one type?08:20
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ImSadI only get two.08:21
CokeNCodeis google chrome available on linux yet or what08:21
quibblerImSad: did you try both?08:22
bullgard4Where can I find a description or tutorial of the Evolution Crash Detection?08:22
flyapenchrome isn't available for linux yet I think, unless I missed something08:23
DigitalKiwiuse it in wine ;p08:23
quibblerImSad: attached to is set to nat08:23
ImSadyes now it is.08:24
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quibblerImSad:  what was it?08:25
ImSadwhen i got the error ( and was banned by floodbot) it was host interface08:25
ImSadwhat was NAT?08:25
ImSadthat's all it says.08:25
FloodBot1ImSad: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:25
flixportyhello, anyone can give me some mdadm hints08:27
lyk3nfinally a human08:27
quibblerImSad: write everything on one line don't use enter as punctuation....OK it is now NAT right?08:27
quibblerImSad: click OK and try again08:29
trimetaOpenOffice.org 3.0.1 was released nearly a month ago. I understand the decision to not include 3.0.0 when Intrepid was released, but when is 3.0.1 going to be added to the Backports repository?08:29
ikoniatrimeta: probably never08:30
lstarnestrimeta: it may be included in ubuntu 9.0408:30
Vincemanoh man, did I sleep08:30
ImSadquibbler: nothing.08:31
trimetalstarnes: May? I mean, 3.0.0 has been out a few months now, I kind of assumed it'd definitely make it into Jaunty.08:31
ikoniatrimeta: OpenOffice 3 packages are in jaunty08:31
flixportyI have deleted my superblock on one of the raid0 partitions, how can i fix this08:31
jelly12gentrimeta: backports?08:31
quibblerImSad: you tried both adapter types?08:31
ikoniaflixporty: how did you delete it08:31
quibblerImSad: with nat08:32
ikoniaflixporty: what type of raid array is it - hardware/software/fakeraid08:32
flixportymdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb308:32
flixportysoft mdadm08:32
ikoniaflixporty: why did you do that?08:32
ikoniaflixporty: you'll have to rebuild the array08:32
trimetaikonia: Good to know. Still, the relevant Brainstorm page implied that they were going to add 3.0.1 to Backports.08:32
zeno___should the image produced by dd if=/dev/zero of=debian2.img seek=2500999999 bs=1 count=1 be 12kb? i thought was supposed to be 2.5gb08:32
trimetajelly12gen: It's an additional repository one can add to include newer updates of some packages.08:32
flixportywrong partition, i wanted to remove other mdadm raid08:32
ImSadquibbler: yes.08:32
ikoniatrimeta: brainstorm is ideas by random people, not an implementation plan08:33
ikoniaflixporty: need to rebuild the aray08:33
trimetaikonia: I'm referring to the developer comments on said Brainstorm, not some random posting.08:33
ikoniatrimeta: brainstorm is ideas by random people, not an implementation plan08:33
trimetaikonia: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/14433/08:33
ikoniatrimeta: it's not a release plan08:33
mayurhi leader08:33
flixporty mdadm --incremental --rebuild ??08:34
trimetaikonia: So one of the devs who has sufficient access to leave a note at the top labeled "Developer Comments" counts as random whinging?08:34
mayuri m not able to get any audio08:34
mayuri m using ubuntu 8.1008:34
TheLeaderdid you try to install drivers?08:34
TheLeaderwhat is your sound card model?08:35
ikoniatrimeta: I didn't say he was a random comment08:35
jelly12genmayur: please give us your sound card08:35
trimetaikonia: You said he was a random person, though.08:35
ikoniatrimeta: it is not an implemenation plan or road map08:35
quibblerImSad: you are on a stand alone machine?08:35
ikoniatrimeta: yes, and he is08:35
ikoniatrimeta: as are the other people08:35
mayurhow do i know it08:36
mayurjelly12gen: how do i know what make my sound card is?08:36
^law^is anybody know how to install db2 UDB v8.1 fixpack 17?08:36
jelly12genmayur is it pci or usb?08:36
trimetaikonia: I wasn't including "devs on the Ubuntu OpenOffice team" as random people. But I suppose random ideas by said devs don't count as concrete plans.08:36
* aman a08:36
mayurjelly12gen: pci i guess08:37
ikoniatrimeta: exactly, the whole of brainstorm is "random ideas" - not a roadmap, release plan etc etc08:37
TheLeaderjelly12gen: probably pci08:37
jelly12genmayur: run this in the command line:  lspci | grep audio08:37
depapehello. Is there an easy way to use the new nvidia drivers from jaunty in intrepid? I'm not that familiar with ubuntu and apt-get, but I need the new drivers for GL 3.0 development. Can somebody give me a hint?08:37
pteagueif eth0 is set up with 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' in /etc/network/interfaces does it need the line 'auto eth0' ?08:37
quibblerImSad: then i'm stumped ...whose are my settings and i have no trouble connecting08:37
depapeI just want to use these (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/180.29-0ubuntu1) on my intrepid-box08:37
ikoniadepape: why ?08:38
ikoniadepape: what that specific package ?08:38
depapeikonia: i need GLX_ARB_create_context08:38
mayurjelly12gen: done08:38
Jagoanyone here using Ubuntu on an EEE PC 900 (the EU slow SSD version) ? Whats the recommended filesystem for fast performance?08:38
ikoniadepape: and what are the current drivers your using ?08:38
jelly12genmayur what does it say?08:38
quibblerImSad: you have only one network adapter?08:38
ikoniajelly12gen: ext3 is the norm08:38
mayurjelly12gen: i got all the switches08:38
ikoniajelly12gen: sorry no tyou08:38
ikoniaJago: ext3 is the norm08:38
depapeikonia: nvidia-180-modaliases, nvidia-glx-180, and so on08:38
jelly12genext4 kicks ass:P ikonia08:39
depapeikonia: all the ones listed on the link i pasted08:39
ikoniajelly12gen: it's not in ubuntu, so that's not a response to his question08:39
ikoniadepape: so you're already using them then ?08:39
mayurjelly12gen: it gave me the shortcuts saying what key is for what08:39
depapeikonia: no, im using the ones from intrepid, but i need the ones from jaunty (180.29)08:39
jelly12genmayur: did you run it in de cli?08:39
ikoniadepape: then you'll need to build your own package or wait for a backport08:40
jelly12gendepape: you could intall ext4 with the newest beta or rc?08:40
^law^is anybody know how to install db2 UDB v8.1 fixpack 17?08:40
ikoniajelly12gen: jaunty discussion is in #ubuntu+108:40
mayurjelly12gen: what is de cli08:40
depapeikonia: i will try to build it, maybe it works08:40
jelly12genmayur: open a gnome-terminal08:40
TheLeadermayur: command line interface, in pther words console08:40
mayurjelly12gen: i did it in the terminal08:41
jelly12genpost the outpout08:41
ImSadquibbler: yes, I only have one.08:41
jelly12genbut i have to go, got college08:41
quibblerImSad: it attached to a cable modem08:41
flyapenlaw: you could still try to convert your rpm to a deb, not sure that this would work though08:41
depapeso one last question: is there a nice way to build the tar.gz source of the new driver as a package ? intregrate it in apt-get ?08:41
ikoniadepape: no -08:42
TheLeaderjelly: i'll continue with mayur08:42
depapeikonia: okay :/08:42
ikoniadepape: check out the deb build instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com08:42
jelly12genTheLeader: ok good luck08:42
mayuri lov microsoft08:42
TheLeaderto you too08:42
jelly12genmayur: dont flame here08:42
mayurjelly12gen: i m sorry guys08:43
TheLeadermayur: xD08:43
bullgard4Where can I find a description or tutorial of the Evolution Crash Detection?08:43
mayurlotsa nerds around here08:43
PytlaskHave a quick (and probably simple) linux question. When I apply chmod to something, it only lasts until my computer reboots. How would I get it to be permanent?08:43
ikoniabullgard4: evolution site E?08:43
ikoniabullgard4: evolution site ?08:43
TheLeadermayur: ok then, post ur output08:43
quibblerImSad: again then i'm stumped ...maybe try in the ubuntu forums08:43
mayurjelly12gen: damn kids08:43
ikoniaPytlask: chaning the ownership is perm08:43
jelly12genmayur: and don't tell lies :P08:43
trimetaPytlask: It should normally be permanent...is something changing it on startup?08:43
ImSadWell damn.08:43
ImSadI've been trying for hours.08:43
mayurjelly12gen: i was serious08:44
ImSadI guess I'm just screwed.08:44
bullgard4ikonia: I will do some more snooping using your suggestion.08:44
TheLeaderjelly: you remind me of the bad teacher from harry potter 508:44
TheLeaderwhat was her name..?08:44
ikoniaTheLeader: it's offtopic08:44
flixportyikonia: what to run with mdadm08:44
flixportyinteractive and rebuild did nothing08:45
ikoniaflixporty: you need to rebuild your array08:45
Pytlaskikonia/thrimeta: That's what I thought. I am trying to change /proc/acpi/ibm/light. Perhaps the fact that it is not a true file brings this about?08:45
TheLeaderikonia: yea i guess so08:45
flixportyshould i add the partiotion08:45
flixportyor recreate08:45
ikoniaPytlask: proc is not a file system - it's held in memory08:45
flixportythe whol08:45
quibblerImSad: I'll look further and see what i can find..good luck08:45
ikoniaPytlask: any chanes you make there will be removed and re-set at reboot08:45
ImSadThanks for trying. :/08:45
ikoniaflixporty: you can try re-adding, but I don't think that will work08:45
DinkyDogghi, got a question for you guys:08:45
ikoniaflixporty: I believe you'll need to rebuild08:45
Pytlaskikonia: ah, I see. So I would just want to set up a script to run on-login as root to apply the change?08:45
TheLeadermayur: ok run lspci | grep audio and post the output08:45
DinkyDoggI'm restoring a system from a backup i made, and i restored the /var folder08:46
ikoniaPytlask: that's one way yes08:46
DinkyDoggwhich appears to have contained my list of installed packages in apt08:46
DinkyDoggbut the thing is08:46
DinkyDoggthose packages are not actually installed anymore08:46
Pytlaskikonia: Is there a better way you would suggest?08:46
DinkyDoggbut apt is convinced they are08:46
ikoniaPytlask: you may want to see if there is a config file/kernel parameter needed to set that08:46
flixportyikonia: how to rebuild08:46
DinkyDoggany way to get apt to figure out which packages are in fact installed, and which are not?08:46
ikoniaflixporty: same way you built08:46
trimetaDinkyDogg: aptitude search isn't giving useful answers?08:46
ikoniaDinkyDogg: your apt database is corrupt08:47
DinkyDogghi there again, ikonia08:47
TheLeadermayur: if you already give up i have no reason to continue helping you, just go back to vista\xp\whatsoever.. anyway good luck08:47
DinkyDoggyeah, it is08:47
Pytlaskikonia: Got it. Much thanks :)08:47
ikoniaDinkyDogg: you'll need to make a re-index of that database - if possible08:47
DinkyDoggikonia, any idea how?08:47
DinkyDoggit seems to me that it wouldn't really be feasible :/08:47
ikoniaDinkyDogg: one of the reasons you're not meant to move /var around08:47
DinkyDoggikonia, this is a server of mine, /var is where i kept most of my media (movies, music, etc)08:48
DinkyDoggthere a better place to put it?08:48
DinkyDogg/srv maybe08:48
ikoniaDinkyDogg: put it where you want but moving the whole /var file system for just your data content is crazy08:48
ikoniaDinkyDogg: http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Debian/package-database-rebuild.html08:48
DinkyDoggikonia, thanks08:49
depapethe deb-building instructions don't work with "debian.binary" folder in the source, they expect sth like "debian" folder, what can I do?08:49
ikoniadepape: they do work08:49
ikoniadepape: which guide are you using ?08:49
depapeikonia: i've searched web, and didnt find one where "debian.binary" is mentioned08:49
ikoniadepape: which guide are you using ?08:49
DinkyDoggikonia, btw, i have my whole file system from the previous build backed up. The only thing I changed on my system were some partition sizes, and i started using LVM on top of a raid instead of primary partitions on top of a raid. Can you think of an easy way to restore all the backups without screwing up the new setup?08:50
depapeikonia: http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ for example08:50
ikoniaDinkyDogg: put together a proper backup method08:50
ikoniadepape: you're not using debian08:50
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jigphello anybody use bitchx here?08:51
Myrtti!bitchx | jigp08:52
ubottujigp: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:52
SirGrokHello world.08:52
ikoniadepape: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware08:52
SirGrokI am so lonely...08:52
ikoniadepape: on the website I told you to look on08:52
ikoniaSirGrok: thats sad, this channel is for ubuntu support only, you may want to look at freenodes channel list for general chat08:53
SirGrokiikonia, I was actually just kidding, I have an Ubuntu related question lined up and ready.\08:53
Myrttijigp: bitchx has been abandoned and dropped from ubuntu and debian long time ago08:54
SirGrokAnywho, I was wondering if anyone knew if the information in this guide [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=316093] was still applicable to version 8.10 [the tutorial is on how to install Ubuntu on a unit with an ODD]08:55
Myrttijigp: we offer no support it due to that.08:55
jigpMyrtti why ubuntu/debian abandoned it?08:55
Cyntekhi all, how do change the user name in ubuntu-server ? andrew@Home to Family@home and to change the passwd as well?08:55
ikoniaSirGrok: overall approach should be the same08:55
ikoniaCyntek: I suggest you create a new user and delete the old one rather than changing the username08:55
Myrttijigp: it had security issues that were not taken care of.08:56
depapeikonia: okay, thanks for your help08:56
SirGrokikonia, Do you know of a better/more efficient way? I am technically competant, and have a USB to IDE bridge at my disposal.08:56
Myrttijigp: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=451373.08:56
ikoniaSirGrok: what's the problem with that forum post ?08:56
depapeikonia: i just found a backport package, so i wont have to build it myself08:56
SirGrokI haven't even attempted it at this point, I am just getting my research done before I delve into formatting and whatnot. I am attempting to install Ubuntu on a Motion Computing 1300 [slate/tablet computer], but my Linux/Unix skills are a whee rusty.08:58
ikoniaSirGrok: use the usb-ide bridge with a cdrom or use that forum post08:59
SirGrokI've been a "user" for 8+ years, but my old debian machine went down a year or so ago, and I haven't the resources to get it up and a going.08:59
larsweySirGrok ♦ i would recomend opensuse for tablet, saves alot of work09:00
Cyntekis this the right command: sudo deluser andrew09:00
SirGrokikonia, can I install to the bridged hdd on my desktop machine and the hdd properly function in the tablet, once installed? [I've been in a Windows technician world for too long]09:00
SirGroklarswey, Why do you say that? I have this guide [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4972622] and it seems straight-forward.09:00
PytlaskIs there any way to set a startup program to run as root by default? (It is just a small bash script)09:01
Nytrixhow do i change my timezone in ubuntu?09:01
ikoniaSirGrok: depends on the support of the hardware09:01
ikoniaPytlask: all init scripts are run as root09:01
larsweySirGrok ♦ ok, I got my pen working on mine but it wont click etc, only move09:01
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larsweyopensuse have native support for alot of tablets09:02
Pytlaskikonia: Including those set through the System -> Preferences -> Sessions GUI?09:02
ikoniaPytlask: no, they are user based09:02
SirGroklarswey, do you mind resotring to a wireless mouse? I actually prefer using my little Microsoft mouse with the tablet.09:02
MyrttiPytlask: the ones in /etc/init.d/09:02
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto09:03
MyrttiPytlask: and timing them is based on /etc/rc* ones09:03
SirGrokOf course, to remain true to the cause, I've electrical taped over the word "Microsoft" on it.09:03
larsweySirGrok ♦ the point of the tablet is using the pen, if you dont need the tablet functions i dont see why you would need a tablet :p09:03
PytlaskMyrtti: Do you know of anywhere with a fairly good explanation of all of this?09:04
IdentifyTargethello. I'm trying to get autologin working with ubuntu minimal so I edit /etc/event.d/tty109:04
EMPulsehey guys, i read somewhere that you can enable a program in ubuntu that encrypts and decrpts read/write to the harddrive, do you guys know how I can enable this?09:04
SirGroklarswey, Portibility, ability to function as an awesome e-reader [I've got a stand], and it cost me $75 [not illegal].09:04
PytlaskMyrtti: Or is placing the script into the /etc/init.d/ folder enough?09:04
gulashhi. can somebody help me with playing flash on an ubuntu ibex?09:04
IdentifyTargetI change exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty1 to exec /sbin/rungetty tty1 --autologin username"09:05
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81009:05
IdentifyTargetnow it gets stuck on 'Running local scripts /etc/rc.local'09:05
IdentifyTargetwhich is an empty file09:05
Nytrix!flash | gulash09:05
ubottugulash: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:05
MyrttiPytlask: place it there and make a symbolic link to it in /etc/rc2.d/, starting with S<the-order-in-which-you-want-it-to-be-run>name09:06
EMPulsehey guys, i read somewhere that you can enable a program in ubuntu that encrypts and decrpts read/write to the harddrive, do you guys know how I can enable this?]09:07
gulashnytrix, i have flash installed, i need help about it because it started failing today, after a upgrade. it now wants to run all the flv files with swfdec, which doesnt work.09:07
NytrixEMPulse | !encryption09:07
lstarnesNytrix: you have it reversed09:08
Nytrix!encryption | EMPulse09:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption09:08
PytlaskMyrtti: For example, if the name were "test", I might name the symbolic link "S999test" (if I don't care when it is run, but later would be nice)09:08
PytlaskMyrtti: ? (That was supposed to be a question to confirm my understanding :P )09:08
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt09:08
arnaud__EMPulse, search engine, first result: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory09:09
EMPulsearnaud__, ah, thanks, that's what I was looking for : D09:09
arnaud__EMPulse, google.com you mean ? ;)09:09
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MyrttiPytlask: yes09:09
PytlaskMyrtti: Thanks a ton!09:09
EMPulsearnaud__, lol, the page, I couldn't find it, prob was using the wrong search terms09:10
Cyntekits not letting me delete due to " userdel: user andrew is currently logged in /user/sbin/deluser: 'usr/sbin/userdel andrew' returned error code 8. Exiting09:11
gulashanyone who can help me?09:11
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rayluCyntek: well, the error is pretty obvious...09:11
Cynteki also did sudo  -i to see if im able to delete the account.09:12
Uplinkis there safari for linux?09:12
Uplinkno huh09:12
rayluUplink: it might be fun running the windows version of safari in wine09:12
zirodayUplink: why do you need safari?09:12
Uplinkraylu: that would be lame then09:12
rayluUplink: that's ok. safari is lame09:12
Uplinkziroday: cause safari 4 owns chrome and firefox together09:12
lstarnesUplink: I think that may be the only way to run safari in linux09:13
Uplinkand whipes his ass with IE809:13
zirodayUplink: well then nope, you won't get safari with native speeds for linux. Sorry.09:13
Uplinkthats a shame09:13
rayluUplink: consider running os x or windows in a virtual machine09:13
rayluUplink: many users report that xp runs faster that way than natively09:13
zirodayUplink: feel free to ask apple to support linux.09:13
Uplinkraylu: i dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu09:13
rayluUplink: hey, so do i!09:13
Uplinkraylu: isnt windows 7 the best OS ever made by MS?09:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:14
UplinkWindows 7 is Vista on steroids lol09:14
rayluUplink: no... but i didn't need vista, wanted to try new things, and i need a way to play my games and print =\09:14
Uplinkoh my bad... ok im leaving :]09:14
Uplinkraylu: games and print? u can do that here in ubuntu :D09:15
rayluUplink: canon = proprietary usb/networked printing protocol09:15
gulashhi. can somebody help me?09:15
Uplinkraylu: i got canon mp150 and it scans and prints in ubuntu09:15
zirodaygulash: sure, but we need to know whats wrong :)09:15
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo09:16
Uplinkyo yo ActionParsnip1 :]09:16
ActionParsnip1i got a question about SSH + X forwarding09:16
UplinkActionParsnip1: whats up ask09:17
ActionParsnip1I'm using XMing to create an X server on a windows system and I'm using Putty to form the SSH link09:17
gulashziroday: i had everything working smooth. today morning apeared to me an opgrade of adobe-flashplugin. i upgraded. since then, firefox tries to run flash files with the swfdec, which doesnt plays the files09:17
taz_hello roomies09:17
UplinkActionParsnip1: and? :]09:17
zirodaygulash: you can remove swfdec :)09:17
gulashand if i try to uninstall swfdec, it tries to uninstall all gnome09:17
UplinkActionParsnip1: you want someone to try it or something?09:17
ActionParsnip1is there any way to improve speed, I'm using Gig eth to my router but then it's wifi to my laptop and its sucking hard, is there a way to minimise traffic so that its faster09:17
rayluActionParsnip1: NX09:18
UplinkActionParsnip1: you mean cat6 cable09:18
zirodaygulash: sorry, you recently updated adobe-flashplugin or firefox?09:18
taz_i have problems with movie player....... it said an errror occurred    failed to connect steam ???09:18
ActionParsnip1Uplink: its a 1000Mb connection09:18
gulashadobe flashplugin09:18
zirodaytaz_: restart pulseaudio09:18
gulashtoday morning09:18
ActionParsnip1raylu: is that synonymous with forwarding X or is that more like VNC?09:18
taz_zirioday: reoboot ? already i did09:19
travian_geekwhats the diffrents between executing a command in qouats (" ") and not? Example "ls" and ls09:19
UplinkActionParsnip1: why does speed affect u in SSH?09:19
zirodaygulash: can you pastebin the output of sudo apt-get remove swfdec-mozilla please09:19
rayluActionParsnip1: it's a way of compressing X09:19
ActionParsnip1raylu: oooh i like09:19
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX09:19
UplinkActionParsnip1: try tweaking ur network settings :]09:19
ActionParsnip1Uplink: when i switch between app windows theres a decent redraw delay09:19
zirodaytaz_: try do sudo kill -9 <pidofpulseaudio> and then pulseaudio -D09:19
rayluziroday: that sounds more like a network issue...09:20
gulashhow do i pastebin?09:20
ActionParsnip1Uplink: and my system is working so i figured i'd try make it sweeter09:20
ziroday!pastebin | gulash09:20
ubottugulash: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:20
UplinkActionParsnip1: oh i see... and can i ask the purpose of your X server?09:20
taz_ziroday: ok09:20
ActionParsnip1raylu: thanks for the tip duder09:20
zirodayraylu: sorry? I don't quite follow09:20
rayluziroday: taz_'s movie player issue sounds more like a network issue09:20
ActionParsnip1Uplink: its my desktop, I check my thunderbird emails remotely, it also runs ktorrent and amarok which are al accessible via http09:20
zirodaytaz_: are you playing media on your local computer?09:21
taz_ziroday:  frist  with    sudo kill -9  then pulseaudio   ?? is correct ??09:21
UplinkActionParsnip1: oh i see... leave a "server" at home and access it from work... totally kickass09:21
rayluActionParsnip1: there are non-gui alternatives to all of those09:21
zirodaytaz_: are you playing media on your local computer?09:21
UplinkActionParsnip1: try TeamViewer4 ;)09:21
zirodayraylu: ^09:21
rayluActionParsnip1: i use mutt for e-mail, rtorrent, and there's mpd/mocc09:21
taz_ziroday: yes09:22
ActionParsnip1raylu: i know but ktorrent has a rad web interface using php and XUL remote works bob-on with my G1 phone ;D09:22
zirodaytaz_: you need to sudo kill -9 the pid of pulseaudio. You can find it with pidof pulseaudio09:22
gulashziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123209/09:22
gulashas you can see, it wants to remove gnome09:22
ActionParsnip1raylu: its like iphone+itunes = G1phone + amarok XUL remote09:22
rayluziroday, taz_: killall -9 pulseaudio should work fine too09:22
UplinkActionParsnip1: so your shoutcasting through ur amarok?09:23
zirodayraylu: sure, but only if it finds the pulseaudio09:23
taz_raylu: ok09:23
rayluziroday: and if it doesn't, it's already killed anyway09:23
ActionParsnip1Uplink: no, the xul remote allows you to control what amarok plays, the sound comes out of the server sound card09:23
rayluActionParsnip1: i have no idea why you would want iphone+itunes. i do everything remotely too, but everything runs in screen09:23
zirodaygulash: okay, do sudo apt-get remove swfdec and then sudo apt-get install gnome ubuntu-desktop. You should be good09:24
ActionParsnip1Uplink: so i can remotely control the server09:24
taz_it said no process killed09:24
SirGrokLinux nerds are nifty.09:24
ActionParsnip1raylu: mine runs on my g1 phone, i can do the same with mplayer09:24
UplinkActionParsnip1: uhhh thats dumb... why would u play songs on ur server? lol09:24
zirodaytaz_: okay. Do ps aux | grep pulseaudio. Look for the pid of pulseaudio. Then do sudo kill -9 thatpid. Do you understand?09:24
zirodaySirGrok: do you have something we can help you with?09:24
ActionParsnip1Uplink: so i can wash the dishes and change songs, or control the music at my partys without having to hover over a keyboard / monitor09:25
ganeshmonitor goes to sleep after reboot..how to fix it?09:25
ActionParsnip1ganesh: sounds like your gfx settings are too high09:25
razorxi need help :)09:25
UplinkActionParsnip1: hmmm well u can do that with Winamp too...09:25
taz_ziroday: done kill..  then what09:25
Cyntekyikes, i did sudo -i  and i then created a new user account and deleted the andrew account, but now my new account is not in the sudoers file?09:25
zirodaytaz_: pulseaudio -D09:25
Cyntekhow can fix this.09:25
rolandhi all09:25
razorxi got a problem with cron09:25
ActionParsnip1Uplink: but i run linux purely09:25
UplinkActionParsnip1: amarok and winamp are my 2 fav music players...09:25
UplinkActionParsnip1: oh i see... yea then amarok is the way to go... =]09:26
SirGrokziroday, I doubt it...09:26
ActionParsnip1i know, thats why i got it, if amarok didnt need X it'd be sweet but i dont mind the overhead09:26
taz_ziroday: it said failed to find original dlopen loader09:27
rolandi'm a bit green with shell scripting, i have my ubuntu connected to two ISPs one of them is my default route, and the other works as backup. i'm trying to figure out a script that would work as a failover solution. if ping times out on one interface, to immediatly change default route to the other... any advice?!09:27
zirodaytaz_: when doing pulseaudio -D ?09:27
ActionParsnip1Uplink: actually, my work lappy is winxp but i dont wanna put tonnes of awesomeness on it09:27
taz_yes already with pluseaudio -d09:27
UplinkActionParsnip1: hmm there is a script somewhere i believe... should make the job easier09:27
ziroday!offtopic | SirGrok then #ubuntu-offtopic might be handy :)09:27
ubottuSirGrok then #ubuntu-offtopic might be handy :): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:27
ganeshActionParsnip1:no always...sometimes it goes to login screen sometimes it goes to sleep..09:27
zirodaytaz_: pulseaudio -D or pulseaudio -d?09:28
ActionParsnip1ganesh: what if you turn the monitor off and on?09:28
taz_pulseaudio -D09:28
SirGrok#ubuntu-offtopic has 1 person in it... Me.09:28
gulashziroday: thank you, it worked09:29
zirodaytaz_: okay, can you play video now?09:29
zirodaygulash: awesome!09:29
Sith|wrknever seen soo many people in 1 channel!09:29
taz_ok brb09:29
lstarnesSirGrok: you joined ##ubuntu-offtopic instead of #ubuntu-offtopic09:29
rayluSirGrok: you put two #s09:29
SirGrokI copy pasted.09:29
rayluSirGrok: we helped you with something :D09:29
Cyntekhow can i add the new user to the %admin group?09:30
SirGrokI am going to go now... I woudn't want to continue this horrible spamming spree that I've been commiting.09:30
ganeshActionParsnip1:on reboot if it goes to sleep then only solution is restart...09:30
rayluCyntek: usermod -G admin -a username09:30
ActionParsnip1ganesh: so turning monitor off and on doesnt help?09:30
taz_ziroday:  when i saw it run movie then it failed ... an error occured failed to conncet stream09:30
ganesh ActionParsnip1:sometimes it takes 3 boot to login..if i am lucky in 1st boot itself it goes to login screen09:31
=== Frogzoo_ is now known as frogzoo
zirodaytaz_: okay, in a terminal do totem /path/to/file and then pastebin the output please09:31
rolandi'm a bit green with shell scripting, i have my ubuntu connected to two ISPs one of them is my default route, and the other works as backup. i'm trying to figure out a script that would work as a failover solution. if ping times out on one interface, to immediatly change default route to the other... any advice?!09:31
ganeshActionParsnip1: ya it wont help09:31
ActionParsnip1ganesh: have you tried lowering the resolution of your login page09:31
zirodaytaz_: please keep it in channel09:31
zirodaytaz_: I said pastebin.09:32
zirodaytaz_: please do sudo pulseaudio09:32
ganeshActionParsnip1:no..how do i do dat? actually it was working fine..from last 1 month this problem started09:32
zirodaytaz_: for the last time. Do _not_ pm me. Please keep it in channel.09:34
zirodaytaz_: also you should be able to play the video now09:34
ActionParsnip1ganesh: edit xorg.conf09:35
taz_ziroday: now it run movie. let me wait and see what happned ok brb09:36
zissisdoes anyone knows wy utube does not stream in my ff ? all plugins intalled but nothing09:36
zirodayzissis: do you have flash installed?09:36
zissisziroday: yes09:36
ActionParsnip1zissis: does flash work in other sites, do you have javascript enabled?09:37
zissisall anebled09:37
ganeshActionParsnip1: what change shuld i do?09:38
lolleri need to cut corner from image and then to export only the cut part to image and to apply it for css can somebody instruct me how to export the image with gimp?09:38
rolandi'm a bit green with shell scripting, i have my ubuntu connected to two ISPs one of them is my default route, and the other works as backup. i'm trying to figure out a script that would work as a failover solution. if ping times out on one interface, to immediatly change default route to the other... any advice?!09:38
zissisflahs is working i dont have streaming09:38
ActionParsnip1ganesh: make the left most resolution be one that will give 800x60009:38
taz_ziroday: it work run fine now.. thanks09:39
ganesh ActionParsnip1:i did not get ou..shall i pastebin my xorg.conf?09:40
ActionParsnip1ganesh: sure09:40
zirodayloller: its pretty easy. You can just select the portion you want and the crop the canvas to the selection. Then you just save/export it09:41
lollerziroday thnx  anyway i`ve already manage to do this09:42
zak_what command shall i use to foramt a usb disk ?09:42
zirodayloller: sure09:42
zirodayzak_: you might gparted the easiest way to do it.09:42
ActionParsnip1zak_: depends what file system yuo want it formatting?09:42
ganeshActionParsnip1  http://paste.ubuntu.com/123213/09:43
banisterfiendhelp!! i was forced to restart my computer because it froze up and now i have no icons on my desktop! what do i do? and i restart and the situation is the same!09:43
zak_ziroday: just want to know what command shall i use to format a disk in a ntfs filesystem09:43
zirodaybanisterfiend: can you open up a folder?09:43
ActionParsnip1ganesh: you havent configured video drivers09:44
ActionParsnip1banisterfiend: i'd run an fsck09:44
banisterfiendziroday: how can i do that? there's nothing for me to click to open?! :(09:44
zirodayzak_: I guess you could use fdisk. But I strongly recommend you use gparted09:44
Daft_Punkis there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)09:44
zirodaybanisterfiend: your panels are missing too?09:44
zak_ziroday: why ?09:44
ganeshActionParsnip1: how do i configure?09:44
ActionParsnip1zak_: sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs09:45
banisterfiendziroday: well ihave my 'start bar' (the equivalent for linux) but that's all09:45
ActionParsnip1ganesh: run: lspci | grep VGA09:45
zirodayzak_: because its simipler, you are less likely to break something09:45
zirodaybanisterfiend: well go to places and open a folder from there :)09:45
ActionParsnip1ganesh: paste the output in here (you can do it direct)09:45
banisterfiendziroday: yes, i can't open a folder :(09:45
zirodaybanisterfiend: can you open a terminal and pastebin the output of nautilus please?09:45
ganeshActionParsnip1: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 20009:46
ActionParsnip1!ati | ganesh09:46
ubottuganesh: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:46
banisterfiendkillall nautilus09:46
banisterfiendziroday: http://gist.github.com/7076409:46
ganesh ActionParsnip1: but ccsm is working fine...09:47
zirodaybanisterfiend: ah, nautilus is seg faulting. That is really not good09:47
zirodaybanisterfiend: what version of ubuntu?09:47
banisterfiendziroday: it's actually linux mint but it's based on ubuntu :( (also there's no linux mint help chans....pretty  much just consider it ubuntu...now how do i find the version? :D)09:48
lstarnesbanisterfiend: I think this channel only supports official versions of ubntu09:48
=== htrejh_ is now known as htrejh
zirodaybanisterfiend: unfortunately linux mint and ubuntu are very different. I can try to help you but I doubt we will get very far. Futhermore that looks like a reasonably simple issue09:49
ziroday!version | banisterfiend09:49
ubottubanisterfiend: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »09:49
ziroday!derivatives | banisterfiend09:49
ubottubanisterfiend: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce)09:49
ubottucut off...09:49
zirodaybanisterfiend: err not simple, complicated sorry :)09:49
banisterfiendziroday: http://gist.github.com/7076609:49
ActionParsnip1ganesh: all I can see is your xorg.conf not having any video configured. This may be why your display doesnt always come up don't you think. Get the card fully installed and it wil be ok09:50
zirodaybanisterfiend: could you start rythmbox and pastebin the output please09:50
banisterfiendziroday: rhythmbox is working fine09:50
zirodaybanisterfiend: sure, but I need to see the terminal output09:51
ganeshActionParsnip1: ya first i ll try from system->hardware drivers..09:51
ActionParsnip1ganesh: however makes it work09:51
banisterfiendziroday: there was no terminal output, i mean i went into the terminal and typed 'rhythmbox' and there was no output, it just ran09:51
A[D]minShow to open network manager using command line?09:52
zirodaybanisterfiend: right09:52
A[D]minSnetwork-admin ?09:52
zirodaybanisterfiend: try remove the package libnautilus-extension09:52
zirodaybanisterfiend: actually before that try do sudo nautilus09:52
zak_waht command shall i use to delete all the folder in a disk without putting them in the trash09:53
banisterfiendziroday:  i tried that now, same error as before09:53
zirodaybanisterfiend: okay, try remove that package09:53
zirodayzak_: rm09:54
banisterfiendziroday: i did this: sudo apt-get remove libnautilus-extension                    and it said the package does not exist :(09:54
zirodaybanisterfiend: try libnautilus-extension109:54
zak_io have 120 folders09:55
zirodayzak_: then rm -r09:55
ghindoQuick question - what kernel ships with Ubuntu 8.10?09:55
zak_shall i repeat rm - r 120 times??09:55
zirodayghindo: 2.6.2709:55
ghindoziroday: Thanks!09:56
zirodayzak_: err no, do it in the root dir09:56
zirodayghindo: however ubuntu cherry picks patches from the upstream kernel, its far, far from being the vanilla upstream kernel :)09:56
kholerabbievolution is importing my outlook or gmail contact csv wrongly- email addresses are filed as names or postal addresses. And so I can't add contacts to my email.09:56
kholerabbiSHould I report this as a bug09:56
Daft_Punkis there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)09:57
zirodayzak_: as in if you want to remove all the stuff under /home/zak/stufftoremove do cd /home/zak/stufftoremove and then do rm -r *09:57
banisterfiendziroday: ok done :)09:57
banisterfiendziroday: now i should apt-get install it again?09:57
ActionParsnip1kholerabbi: could export as a txt file and try again09:57
zirodaybanisterfiend: does it work?09:57
zirodaybanisterfiend: no, leave it removed09:57
banisterfiendziroday: does what work? you want me to try opening a folder again? (i tried, nothing happens)09:58
kholerabbiActionParsnip1: thank you for that solution. If I have to I will. however this is a real crunch for a friend of mine and I'd just like it to work..09:58
=== jwy is now known as jeawy
banisterfiendziroday: i also tried running nautilus at the terminal, nothing :(09:58
zirodaybanisterfiend: well I really don't know sorry.09:59
ziroday!mintsupport | banisterfiend ask here09:59
ubottubanisterfiend ask here: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org09:59
banisterfiendshall i try reinstalling nautilus-extension again?09:59
ComputechSomeone know what a cupswrapper driver is for a brother laser printer (deb file) http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/download_prn.html#MFC-5440CN10:00
banisterfiendziroday: should i reinstall nautilus-extension1 ?10:00
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ActionParsnip1kholerabbi: makes sense, maybe it will allow you to tell it what each entry means. Unless you can edit te file you have I dont think you will be able to modify how it imports it. I've not done it any other way than the txt way10:01
=== Yaz is now known as yaz
ComputechSomeone know what a cupswrapper driver is for a brother laser printer (deb file) http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/download_prn.html#MFC-5440CN    ???10:05
zeltak_sorry mistype :) learning irssi10:06
razorxannyone knows how to use VI ?10:07
=== yaz is now known as yaztalk
Basilikumhello everyone10:08
ActionParsnip1razorx: I'm a nano kinda guy10:08
razorxyeah me to10:08
Basilikumgot a problem with my new videocard, right place to ask it?10:09
yaztalkcan you receive me ?10:09
Basilikumi can hear you, yaz10:09
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: ask  away10:11
Basilikumgot a black screen after the loading bar10:11
yaztalkwhat is your problem with your videocard?10:11
Basilikumnot able to install any driver this way10:11
Basilikumas soon as i take it out, i can start ubuntu normally10:12
yaztalkdo you have another computer near ?10:12
Basilikumthats why i can talk to you.10:12
yaztalkdid you install openssh-server on the computer with the problem ?10:13
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: drop to root recovery console and run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:13
Basilikumi just happened to manage an ubuntu standard installation without any extras10:13
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: this will give you a default xorg.conf which will boot with any graphics card, if you have an onboard video card, disable it10:14
yaztalkok one solution is:10:14
yaztalk1) remove the problematic card and start Ubuntu normally10:14
Basilikuminteresting... now the screen is white where it has been black before...10:15
yaztalk2) install the ssh server10:15
ActionParsnip1yaztalk: nice one10:15
Basilikumi can boot the root console via grub, is that ok too?10:15
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: i'd shoot for ssh server10:16
yaztalk2) (sudo apt-get install open-sshserver)10:16
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: yes when your system post beeps, press esc and choose recovery mode for your kernel10:16
yaztalk3) put again the card that have the problems10:16
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: i'd go for ssh server to reconfigure video10:16
yaztalk4) start the computer with the card - the screen will go blak (or white)10:16
yaztalk5) using a second computer connect to the problematic one10:17
yaztalk(the second computer shoudl have ssh client on, do you have experience with ssh ?)10:18
Basilikumwhat is ssno10:18
Basilikumoh, sorry10:18
yaztalkssh ?10:18
Basilikumfirst i typed what is ssh10:18
Basilikumthen no10:18
yaztalkdo you know "telnet" ?10:19
Basilikumjust expect me to be a noob10:19
yaztalkno problem.10:19
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: its a command line based server, when you do stuff in terminal, you can do that but over a network with encryption10:19
Basilikumsounds nice10:19
yaztalkwhat is the second computer an XP or another linux system ?10:19
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: it doesnt need an x server to run so that fact the screen is white / black / pink / spotty it doesnt matter10:19
Basilikumubuntu 8.0410:20
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: you can still interface with the system and configure it10:20
yaztalkso for sure you already have on a ssh installed10:20
Basilikumand the not working one has ubuntu 8.110:20
yaztalkjust tyme "ssh" at the prompt you will se the help coming out10:21
toddooni search a mysql designer tool can someone advice me?10:21
armedkingHey guys i was wondering is there a software app (One with a gui or web frontend) to make Online available Hard disk?10:21
ActionParsnip1!ot | toddoon10:21
ubottutoddoon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:21
blodskiwhat's the mysql package called for apt-get?10:21
cooldduuuddearmedking try GmailFS10:21
ActionParsnip1armedking: hfs, nfs, samba, ssh10:21
yaztalkyou just need to know the IP address of the problematic computer then you can connect in it from your working one.10:22
loupis it possible to tune ubuntu?10:22
ActionParsnip1armedking: ftp, sftp10:22
Basilikumis it ok to install the driver via the root shell of grub recovery mode?10:22
loupcompared to mandriva and fedora it feels slow10:22
ActionParsnip1loup: how do you mean "tune"10:22
oCean_blodski: mysql-server10:22
blodskiah, thx10:22
yaztalkdo you have experience with IP addresses ?10:22
ActionParsnip1loup: have you installed video drivers?10:22
Basilikuma bit10:22
loupActionParsnip1, yes, newest nvidia driver10:23
yaztalkthese two computers are connected to the same internet line?10:23
loupActionParsnip1, the system response(klicking etc...) is slow10:23
ActionParsnip1loup: if you websearch: speed up ubuntu    there are some great guides, some are simple and some can be dangerous. Just read the warnings. hdparm is a good way to get better harddrive throughput but can damage them if you push too far10:24
armedkingActionParsnip1: They idea is that i have to offer some people backup disks that they can conect with tru a windows box for online storage. that acts like a hard disk. And has to be kinda Noob proof10:24
ActionParsnip1armedking: then ftp sounds groovy10:24
=== sadfdsaf is now known as WindowsXP_Rocks
Basilikumbut i didnt get a connection without the video card10:25
ActionParsnip1armedking: of sftp using ssh server10:25
cooldduuuddearmedking microsoft skydrive is also a good idea10:25
WindowsXP_RocksWho likes windows?10:25
carpiii dont like trolls10:25
armedkingcooldduuudde i want to keep it open source like all the other services that i offer10:25
WindowsXP_Rockscome on XP is pretty cool10:25
oCean_!ot > WindowsXP_Rocks10:25
ubottuWindowsXP_Rocks, please see my private message10:25
carpiiso go use it, noones stopping you10:26
Basilikumactually im in the shell of the recoverymode, with installed videocard10:26
blodskidont be a troll10:26
yaztalkconnect to the "ill" computer with ssh username@111.22.333.4410:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:26
oCean_!who | yaztalk Basilikum10:26
ubottuyaztalk Basilikum: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:26
blodskialso, stop being a flame bait10:26
WindowsXP_RocksI'm using it atm10:26
carpiiis there a command line tool that will interrogate kde's inferred MIME association for a given file?10:26
yaztalk111.22.333.44 is the correct IP address of it10:26
armedkingcopy WindowsXP_Rocks /dev/null10:26
yaztalkyou will have the prompt of it10:26
Andry_WorkZarmedking: lol10:26
yaztalkyou are inside the other computer10:27
WindowsXP_Rockshehe, you only copied me, the original me is still here10:27
* carpii yawns10:27
ActionParsnip1WindowsXP_Rocks: its not too bad, it has its uses, Just like linux and mac, it is offtopic for the channe; as this is a pure support channel10:27
WindowsXP_Rocksyou should of cit me10:27
Basilikumwhat is it with this shell? isnt it a full working one?10:27
armedkingWindowsXP_Rocks maby when you delete something in windows it is still there but when i use shred your gone m8 haha10:27
yaztalknow from there you can see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file make some chages and try10:27
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: its a full shell, you can do anything you can do in gui, except flash in web pages10:27
WindowsXP_Rocksif linux is so good, how come most people use windows?10:28
oCean_!who | yaztalk Basilikum10:28
ubottuyaztalk Basilikum: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:28
armedkingWindowsXP_Rocks: we can do all sorts of neet stuff, give it a go m8 you'll love it10:28
razorxcox most people r stupid?10:28
oCean_WindowsXP_Rocks: don't start that discussion here.10:28
ActionParsnip1WindowsXP_Rocks: its offtopic here, go to #ubuntu-offtopic10:28
carpiiguys, just ignore him. hes just trying to get a reaction10:28
razorxwell i need a reaction.. annyone knows how to use crontab?10:28
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm10:29
cooldduuuddeWindowsXP_Rocks: NOTHING BEATS LINUX10:29
armedkingWindowsXP_Rocks: because people are forced to use it when they buy computers for example. When i buy a computer the dude dont ask me you want Windows or linux on that system10:29
ActionParsnip1razorx: thats all i know10:29
ActionParsnip1cooldduuudde: bsd does :P10:29
oCean_razorx: can I help? Do yo have a question in particular?10:29
WindowsXP_Rocksoh well, until that changes, looks like we'll all use windows10:29
WindowsXP_Rockswith the _few_ geeks who use linux10:29
ActionParsnip1WindowsXP_Rocks: go to #ubuntu-offtopic10:29
razorxoCean_, yes i do can i take it in pm.. the chat is getting flooded10:29
ActionParsnip1WindowsXP_Rocks: if you want to chat about the advantages and shortcomings of each OS then head to offtopic or PM me10:30
armedkingWindowsXP_Rocks: What ever makes you happy m8. Your free to choose but let us keep that right as well ;-) Try reading the terms of use for xp and after that read the GPL, last option is mutch easyer to read10:31
ActionParsnip1WindowsXP_Rocks: but as yuo are told, its offtopic here10:31
BasilikumYaz: im in the shell10:31
manoharhi all10:31
manoharany one interested in talking to me?10:32
BasilikumYaz: can you guide my how to install the driver via consoletyping?10:32
cooldduuuddemanohar: depends on what you wanna tlk about10:32
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yaztalknot sure but probably10:32
yaztalkcan you wait 5 minutes10:32
Basilikumof courst10:32
manoharwell.... what r u interested in???? i dont know what kind of guys are here..10:32
manoharhow many people are here.... and what they wanna talk about with me...10:33
cooldduuuddelol... this is ubuntu discussion forum10:33
manohari see...10:33
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>10:34
manoharmy update manager is not working...10:34
manoharcan anyone here help me regarding that?10:34
cooldduuuddemanohar: not working automatically or not workin at all? i can help wid the first case10:35
manohar@cooldude, it just hangs at the 80 of 89 files downloading when i click on the check button after launching update manager..10:35
Daft_Punkis there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)10:36
manoharwait a min... i will just post u the error msg it is going to give me now...10:36
manohar@ cooldude... sorry for typing ur spelling wrongly....10:36
cooldduuuddemanohar: its okay10:37
manoharsee... here is the error msg i get...10:37
manoharshall i paste it here???10:37
cooldduuuddeif its not too long10:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:37
manoharif u say yes....i willl10:37
manoharW: Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/Intrepid/Release.gpg  Could not resolve 'medibuntu.sos-sts.com'10:38
manoharW: Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/Intrepid/free/i18n/Translation-en_IN.bz2  Could not resolve 'medibuntu.sos-sts.com'10:38
manoharW: Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/Intrepid/non-free/i18n/Translation-en_IN.bz2  Could not resolve 'medibuntu.sos-sts.com'10:38
manoharW: Failed to fetch http://akirad.hfbk.net/dists/akirad-intrepid/Release.gpg  Could not connect to akirad.hfbk.net:80 (, connection timed out10:38
FloodBot1manohar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:38
manoharW: Failed to fetch http://akirad.hfbk.net/dists/akirad-intrepid/main/i18n/Translation-en_IN.bz2  Unable to connect to akirad.hfbk.net http:10:38
manoharW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]10:38
cooldduuuddei said only if it is not long. and it is long10:39
manohari see..10:39
manohari didnt know how long it was...10:39
manohardid u see that error???? what could be the problem???10:39
cooldduuuddesystem>administration>software sources10:39
cooldduuuddethird party software tab10:40
manohari am in there..10:40
=== Sniper is now known as Guest36688
cooldduuuddeselect the medibuntu thing and click edit10:40
manoharwhich one???? free one or non-free one?10:41
bleryhello, I need a gui to access files of a windows server on lan. Is there anything? Thanks in advance!10:41
manohari mean source code one or simple one?10:41
bleryor any link?10:41
cooldduuuddeders just one checkd.10:41
manoharok.... fine, what should i edit in that????10:42
cooldduuuddeURI http://packages.medibuntu.org/10:42
cooldduuuddedistro intrepid10:42
cooldduuuddecomponents free non-free10:42
cooldduuuddeand at top type binary10:43
cooldduuuddeand save10:43
manoharok done boss...10:43
manoharshould i reload it?10:43
cooldduuuddeit should work and i gtg. gotta study. I'm in 12th standard and tomo is my board exam10:43
manoharwhere r u from?10:43
manohargood luck10:43
manoharstudy well10:43
manoharu r a genius....10:44
manoharhow come u know about ubuntu so well????10:44
cooldduuuddei just use it10:44
manohari am from bangalore....10:44
kholerabbithanks ActionParsnip1. btw a kohlrabi is a parsnippy thing. WE ARE BROTHERS :O10:44
manohari started using a computer when i finished my medicine..10:44
ActionParsnip1hahaa killer10:44
yaztalksorry I have to disconnect now10:44
sveakexuibuntu isn't that difficult :P10:45
kholerabbiau revior10:45
Basilikumkk, im still waiting10:46
=== carlos is now known as Guest23274
ikoniaBasilikum: what is the issue ?#10:47
Guest23274hi i downloaded the tar.vz but how can i install look http://pastebin.com/d1206740710:47
=== a1 is now known as prodigel
ikoniaGuest23274: those are python scripts10:48
prodigelhi all. I want to remove kde 4 and it's plasma thing, and don't know how. help appreciated10:48
manoharanyone here to help me with ubuntu?10:48
ikoniamanohar: `if you ask a question we can try10:48
prodigelmanohar, what's your problem?10:48
manoharin update manager.... it hangs at some point.... and at the end it says that error occured while udating....10:49
Guest23274what can i do for install the program and have the shortcut in the desktop10:49
manoharif u people want i can post that error msg10:49
ikoniamanohar: pay attention to the error10:49
ikoniamanohar: put it in a pastebin10:49
Guest23274what can i do for install the program and have the shortcut in the desktop ikonia10:50
manohari really dont understand what it means...10:50
Myrtti!paste | manohar10:50
ubottumanohar: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:50
Basilikumikonia: trying to install ati drivers via console10:50
ikoniaGuest23274: you'll need to read the documentation of the application as it's a python script application10:50
ikoniaBasilikum: what part are you having problems with10:50
ikonia!ati > Basilikum10:50
ubottuBasilikum, please see my private message10:50
ikoniaBasilikum: check the docs from ubottu and see what you don't understand10:50
Guest23274manohar look for your problem copy the text enter www.pastebin.com and paste there10:51
petr_zdarec, je tu nekdo  ? nevím jak se to tu používá10:51
Myrtti!pl | petr_10:51
ubottupetr_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:51
Myrtti!cz | petr_10:52
ubottupetr_: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.10:52
Guest23274ikonia but im not very good im new i understand to first use mkdir and something but i dont undersand10:52
ikoniaGuest23274: what does the document say to do - where did you get it ?10:52
ikoniaGuest23274: where did you get the package10:52
manoharwait a min....10:53
loupwhen i login in ubuntu, there happens for about 5 seconds nothing, like a freeze, before my desktop starts to be loaded10:53
manohari am trying to post the error...10:53
loupjust as when my system freezes for 5 seconds10:53
bleryhello, I need a gui to access files of a windows server on lan. Is there anything? Thanks in advance!10:53
manoharafter that how can i give a link here?10:53
Guest23274from the webpage www.emesene.com ikonia10:53
Guest23274copy the link and paste here manohar10:54
manoharwhat does this mean????10:54
manohar    * Sorry, your post tripped our spam filter - let us know if you think this could be improved10:54
ikoniaBasilikum: rdesktop10:54
ikoniamonstah: it means you've pasted too long a line into the windows10:54
dayo_What is the skype port? i need to block in on the firewall10:54
ikoniamonstah: use the pastebin10:54
ikoniablery: rdesktop sorry10:54
manohari am using the paste bin....10:54
ikoniablery: search for "remote desktop viewer" in the package manager10:55
manohari am sorry this is the first time....i dont know how to use it....10:55
ikoniablery: sorry - remote desktop client10:55
manoharaanyone pls tell me how to use pastebin?10:55
bleryikonia, I want to retrieve files.. not just controlling the machine10:55
bazhangmanohar, open a browser to paste.ubuntu.com and paste there then save and give us the url10:55
ikoniaGuest23274: that website - is a domain holder - that is not where you got the package from10:55
ikoniablery: scp/ftp/samba10:56
=== rww is now known as Guest68927
bleryikonia, how can i use samba to access files on the windows machine? shouldn't it run samba server?10:56
=== Guest68927 is now known as rww
Guest23274manohar select the web adress from your browser secondary click select copy and then here put secondary click and select paste10:56
corey__what command is used to list open windows in the terminal?10:56
bleryikonia, it has no ftp.10:56
bleryikonia, from windows I can access them if I go to network places.10:57
Guest23274ikonia i downloaded from ther10:57
manoharis this what u people r talking about??? i mean the URL???/10:57
loupi enable the real root account in ubuntu10:57
louphow can i disable it again?10:57
manohardid i do the homework?10:58
craryfansl'm coming10:58
Myrttimanohar: yeah :-)10:58
rwwloup: sudo passwd -l root10:58
ikoniaGuest23274: you didn't10:58
Andrew``Hi all.. I know this is strange, but what program in windows do I need to burn an ISO image (ubuntu 8.10) to CD?10:58
ikoniaGuest23274: there is nothing on that site10:58
=== Nick is now known as Guest99325
louprww, thanks10:59
rwwAndrew``: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Windows10:59
MyrttiAndrew``: try infrarecorder10:59
Guest23274well ikonia try these http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=emesene&filename=emesene-1.0.1.tar.gz&use_mirror=internap10:59
oCean_blery: If you go to Places > Network, there's also the windows network. Seems that (samba) shares should appear there..11:00
manoharso what am i supposed to do for my error?11:00
ikoniaGuest23274: yes - that is the real site11:00
manoharwill i get any help for my error?11:00
ikoniaGuest23274: not the site you gave me11:00
maxagazhow to check which users are part of a group ?11:00
ikoniamaxagaz: id $user11:01
maxagazikonia: how to do it from the group name11:01
bleryoCean_, yeah but i get an error like that: Failed to retrieve share list from server.11:01
manoharhello... anyone aware of my problem????11:01
Guest23274s0rry ikonia11:01
ikoniaGuest23274: you need to contact the developers then and ask them for install instructions, they are listed on the sourceforge website11:02
quibblermaxagaz: system-administration-users and groups  unlock manage groups go to group and check11:02
ikoniaGuest23274: this is not a problem that is anything to do with ubuntu11:02
maxagazquibbler, i'm not sure to understand...11:03
manohar@quibbler.... is that piece of advice for me?11:03
manoharcan anyone give a solution to this problem????   http://paste.ubuntu.com/123249/11:03
quibblermanohar: no11:03
Guest23274ok another think im using kubuntu, a friend told me ubuntu is better supported give your opinion please11:03
manoharwill u be my helper?11:04
ikoniamonstah: it means your repo mirror is down11:04
ikoniamonstah: contact the maintainers of those mirrors - they are not ubuntu mirrors11:04
quibblermaxagaz: open users and groups...it is under system-administration11:04
ikoniamaxagaz: type id $user whre $user is the username you want to check11:04
manohar@ikonia..... i have a problem with update manager....11:05
ikoniamanohar: yes, I can see that and I've just explained the problem11:05
manohari want ur help..... can u lend me ur helping hand????11:05
ActionParsnip1ikonia: you can use $USER, it is the name of the current user in the terminal11:05
manoharto me????11:05
ikoniaActionParsnip1: true11:05
ikoniamanohar: you need to contact the owners of those mirrors that you've added to your /etc/apt/sources.list file - as they are currently down11:05
ikoniamonstah: those mirrors are nothing to do with ubuntu11:06
apostlehow to unsubscribe to bugs in launchpad11:06
ikoniaapostle: join #launchpad for launchpad support11:06
Guest23274ok another think im using kubuntu, a friend told me ubuntu is better supported give your opinion please11:08
manoharikonia.... i am waiting for ur answer11:08
ikoniamanohar: I've told you what to do11:08
ikoniaGuest23274: both the same11:09
ActionParsnip1manohar: if they are 3rd party repos then theyare not the responsibility of Ubuntu. Only the official repos are. If yo are having a problem with a repo you have manually added it is your responsibility to sort out any troubles you may have. You may have to contact the maintainers to see if there is an issue11:10
Guest23274i used sudo apt-get install emesene but nothing in k menu and downloaded it11:10
manohari am sure u have not i guess... i searched ur posts..... but i dont see any of ur post mentioning what i am supposed to do11:10
ActionParsnip1manohar: if you were having dificulty with the official repos (the ones yuo have when you first install) then yes it is ubuntu's issue but we cannot support some random servers you are adding to your repository11:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nat11:10
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php11:11
manoharu mean,,,, i should remove repo links other that ubuntu main link?11:11
ActionParsnip1manohar: we cant support 3rd party repos, only the official ones11:12
ActionParsnip1manohar: we can get gpg keys if you didnt import them for a particular repo11:12
manoharwhat all the official repos?11:12
bullgard4How can I install the Evolution plugin 'Mail Notification'?11:13
ActionParsnip1but if the repo isnt responding or doesnt have the app it says it has, how can we influence that?11:13
manohari am a noob here...11:13
manohari am learning whatever u people r trying to explain....11:13
ActionParsnip1manohar: i can give you my sources.list if you want, it has the official repos on it for intrepid11:13
ikoniamanohar: you are supported to contact the people who maintain the software repo's you've installed11:13
manoharso pls tell me what i am supposed to do now for that error...11:13
ikoniabullgard4: is it packaged as an ubuntu package ?11:13
ikoniamanohar: remove those lines from /etc/apt-sources.list11:14
ikoniamanohar: remove those lines from /etc/apt/sources.list11:14
ActionParsnip1manohar: when you use synaptic / apt-get you use the internet to access repositorys which are huge servers with packages on11:14
bullgard4ikonia: I don't know that.11:14
=== administrator_ is now known as QingShan
ikoniabullgard4: worth checking11:14
QingShanHow can I use mtools?11:14
YaronIs there any chance that I can get some help with classifying a bug in Ubuntu Server edition?11:14
ActionParsnip1manohar: sounds like you have added some repositorys to your sources.list and they dont work / dont exist so are breaking your updates11:14
ikoniaYaron: in what way (also be aware of #ubuntu-server)11:14
ActionParsnip1manohar: so if you remove them, it will work11:14
Yaronikonia: thanks, i'll go there11:15
QingShanI wan't write a program in a disk11:15
manoharits not letting me to remove also...especially that videolan thing11:15
manoharhow do i remove it?11:15
ikoniamanohar: `how did you add it11:15
QingShanwhich file name like *.img11:15
manohari really dont know....11:16
manohari said i am a noob11:16
QingShanCan I get Some Help?11:16
ikoniaQingShan: what do you want11:16
ActionParsnip1QingShan: you can use img2iso to convert it11:17
ActionParsnip1!info img2iso11:17
ubottuPackage img2iso does not exist in intrepid11:17
manohar@ikonia.... i am seeking ur help11:17
gldtnhello.. I had to reinstall ubuntu.. so now Iḿ trying to get everything working again.. but I'm stuck with sonata and mpd... I got everything working fine, it evens connects but I cant see my music database under sonata. What can possibly be wrong here?11:17
ActionParsnip1QingShan: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-447855.html11:18
quibblerbullgard4: in a terminal type: sudo apt-get mail-notification-evolution11:18
bazhangmanohar, problem with sources.list?11:18
QingShanThank YOU11:18
manoharwhat to do???? its not allowing me to remove those resources also....11:18
=== Gamestah|007`AF is now known as Bond
bazhangmanohar, did you pastebin the sources.list ? I missed it11:19
lstarnesmanohar: how are you trying to remove them?11:19
manohari will do it now11:19
bazhangmanohar, not in channel but paste.ubuntu.com11:19
ikoniabazhang: he pasted it - 3rd party repos are causing a problem11:20
ikoniabazhang: the 3rd party repos appear down11:20
bazhangikonia, ok I missed it11:20
silv3r_m00nhi there11:20
ikoniabazhang: no sweat, just didn't want to cover old ground again11:20
ActionParsnip1!hi | silv3r_m00n11:20
ubottusilv3r_m00n: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:20
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip1: I am looking for a gcc documentation like msdn11:21
manoharok...here is the link to my error11:21
manoharbazhang... i have pasted the error on this link.....11:21
Yaronthere's no answer in ubuntu-server so i'll consult you guys about the bug11:22
YaronI booted from cd11:23
YaronI selected a keymap (Hebrew)11:23
ActionParsnip1Yaron: did yu md5 check the iso before you burned it as well as checking the cd was ok at the first bootup screen?11:23
ActionParsnip1Yaron: which, both?11:24
Yaronit happened with few cds11:24
ActionParsnip1Yaron: md5 checks and checking the cd is hugely important11:24
Yaronit happened with couple of CDs... which downloaded from different computers11:24
bazhangmanohar, you having problems with medibuntu? or some other repos11:24
bullgard4quibbler: Indeed, this DEB program package was not installed on my computer. I am going now to restart that computer.11:24
Yaronthis bug has nothing to do with integrity11:25
ActionParsnip1Yaron: its worth checking so you can rule it out as the cause11:25
ikoniabullgard4: the repo didn't install it or did you install from a 3rd party deb  ?11:25
ActionParsnip1we'llassume the cd is ok11:25
Yaronits not the cause i'm sure!11:25
quibblerikonia: it's in the repos11:26
Yaronnow, after selecting Hebrew as keymap11:26
Basilikumquestion: how can i install a videocard driver via console without internet-connection?11:26
ikoniaquibbler: I know, but did he install it from the repo ?11:26
YaronI finished the installation11:26
bazhangBasilikum, which driver downloaded from where11:26
YaronI couldn't type in English after the installation has finished because my keymap was set to Hebrew11:26
Yaronand CAPSLOCK commands does not work11:26
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf11:26
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts11:27
quibblerikonia: i asked him to sudo apt-get mail-notification-evolution11:27
YaronIts pure CLI now GNOME!11:27
Yaronnot GNOME i mean11:27
Basilikumbazhang: saphirre hd 4870 is the card, there is no driver downloaded actually11:27
bullgard4ikonia: I do not understand your question. A repro is a copy of a painting or document. And I cannot decipher the meaning of the message.11:27
ActionParsnip1Yaron: oic11:27
jscinoz_Hmm i'm noticing a slight problem with virt-manager11:27
ActionParsnip1Yaron: let me websearch11:27
vigoYaron: is it Vowel Points?11:28
YaronI can't type anything11:28
Yaronthere is not Hebrew support in CLI11:28
bazhangBasilikum, that is ati? nvidia? you would need to download at some point11:28
Basilikumbazhang: ati11:28
YaronConnecting externally is not an option11:28
jscinoz_if i already have dnsmasq running, it fails to create the bridge for virtual networks, as dnsmasq is already providing dhcp... even if i have except-interface=virbr0, it still fails, any ideas?11:28
Yaronalthough it work11:28
vigoYaron: Did you try Israel?11:28
YaronWhat? how can I try Israel?11:29
YaronI can't switch my keyboard to anything beside the Israeli Keymap (Hebrew)11:29
vigoYaron: It is in the Keyboard selection, one sec11:29
Basilikumbazhang: but all the driver installation guides i found need a internet connection, cause they are just wizards for many videocards11:29
bazhangBasilikum, will this box have internet at some future point in time?11:29
ActionParsnip1Yaron: so do you have something like this: http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il/msg47241.html11:29
YaronIts not a problem, i'm pretty sure its a bug11:29
Basilikumbazhang: it has, as soon as i deinstall the videocard11:29
ActionParsnip1Yaron: here is my xorg.con with default options: http://pastebin.com/f7e8b929811:30
gldtnmay someone help please?11:30
ActionParsnip1!ask | gldtn11:30
ubottugldtn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:30
bazhanggldtn, need a question11:30
gldtn I'm stuck with sonata and mpd... I got everything working fine, it evens connects but I cant see my music database under sonata. What can possibly be wrong here?11:30
Yaronyes but I can't edit it because I can't type anything11:30
=== jwy is now known as jeawy
ActionParsnip1Yaron: hmm, you could ssh in maybe11:30
YaronI need to connect externally in order to edit my Xorg.conf11:31
YaronIf i need to connect externally its a bug!11:31
ActionParsnip1Yaron: i think sshd is installed by default11:31
YaronI know...11:31
YaronThat's what I did, guys I need you to help me to classify the bug...11:31
YaronUnder what category or package should I report it11:32
jeawyis there a ./runInstaller in ubuntu 8.04?11:32
Yaronand also if this bug happens with other keymaps11:32
ActionParsnip1Yaron: ive never heard anyone else experience this, does it do it every install? Maybe you could rerun the cd then see if it autoselects hebrew, then try to re-select a different language11:32
ActionParsnip1Yaron: not sure, if its wrong Im sure it will be moved11:32
Yaronit doesn't, I selected Hebrew11:32
shadeslayerhi GNOME says CPU frequency scaling is disabled11:32
jeawyis there a ./runInstaller in ubuntu 8.04?11:32
Yaronit is not autoselected...11:33
shadeslayerany idea how to fix it??11:33
ActionParsnip1jeawy: you can get them yes, for many apps, not ubuntu though, ubuntu is installed via a cd, usb or iso11:33
YaronMy suggestion of fix is to be able to write in Hebrew but only if the proper xkbmp command is typed11:33
ActionParsnip1Yaron: you could boot to a bootable cd of some other kind (desktop ubuntu, even gentoo minimal will do) and edit the xorg.conf file11:34
Yaronso the default for server or any CLI will be english11:34
YaronI guess I can, but its still a bug...11:34
ActionParsnip1Yaron: then put that in your bug report11:34
bullgard4quibbler: This provided a new Plugin 'Jean-Yves Lefort's Mail Notification' but not 'Mail Notification'. What is the difference?11:34
ActionParsnip1Yaron: i think you are right11:34
Yaronthanks but under what package?11:34
ActionParsnip1Yaron: installer maybe11:34
ludanhi guys11:35
Yarondebian installer?11:35
ActionParsnip1Yaron: sure11:35
ActionParsnip1Yaron: if its wrong it will be moved11:35
ludanI have a funny realtek ALC262 sound chip and the damn internal mic does not work11:35
jeawyActionParsnipl:why cann`t I find it?11:35
ludanis there any work around for this??11:35
ActionParsnip1jeawy: find what?11:35
Yaronthank you guys! ubuntu is the best OS ever!11:35
jeawythe file i just say.11:35
ActionParsnip1ludan: make sure its not muted for starters11:35
ActionParsnip1!sound | ludan11:36
ubottuludan: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:36
ActionParsnip1jeawy: that is a little vague, what are you trying to achieve?11:36
elatiodear ubuntu; why does the GRUB bootloader have several different versions of ubuntu and how can I remove the old ones11:36
vigoYou found the Deb installer?11:36
ludanActionParsnip1: I tried but look at here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SndHdaIntelSoundProblems11:36
ludanit seems there is nothing to do but I can't believe it :(11:36
ActionParsnip1elatio: those are old kernels, you can uninstall the old kernels to save ~30Mb a kernel11:36
elatiothanks, how would I do that?11:37
gldtnok I got that fixed seemed like a permission problem11:37
quibblerbullgard4: i thought you had mail-notification and were looking for the plugin...you have to install mail-notification  as well    sudo apt-get install mail-notification11:37
ActionParsnip1ludan: run: lspci in terminal11:37
ActionParsnip1ludan: it will tell you what it is11:38
Basilikumquestion: can i install a video card without the card physically installed in the computer?11:38
Basilikumi mean can i install the drivers11:38
elatioif you know which drivers you need then yes11:38
C-S-Belatio, You could also comment out the kernels you don't want listed if you want to keep them on the system for compatibility11:38
gldtnjust another question guys: Where is the configuration for double clicking a application title bar so it scrolls up? do I need compiz fusion for that(gnome)11:38
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: you can certainly install the drivers and configure xorg.conf11:38
ludanActionParsnip1: I have a couple of sound chip: Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 Audio device [Radeon HD 34xx Series] and this one Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)11:38
Basilikumi just know what card i have11:39
ActionParsnip1ludan: then i'd suggest disabling one until you get the other working11:39
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: what card is it?11:39
ludanActionParsnip1: how to disable then?11:39
Basilikumaction:sapphire hd 4870 1gb11:39
yinlongi am a new user11:40
yinlongi dont know11:40
Basilikumati radeon11:40
yinlonghow to use sicm11:40
yinlongwho can help me ?11:40
ActionParsnip1ludan: if its onboard you want to disable then disable it in bios11:40
ActionParsnip1!ati | Basilikum11:40
ubottuBasilikum: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:40
ludanActionParsnip1: it is a silly bios, basically you can do nothing11:40
C-S-Bthe bios, it does nothing.11:41
shadeslayerhi gnome says CPU frequency scaling unsupported11:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scaling11:41
ActionParsnip1ludan: i'd read themanual for your motherboard11:42
shadeslayerhow do i restart it??11:42
Basilikumactionparsnip1: already have that link, just didnt help11:42
XB23whats the best MTA for ubuntu11:43
XB23postfix seems to overload my CPU11:43
ubottuA Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA11:43
ErriettaHello. Ever since I installed Ubuntu 8.10 I get this: Errors were encountered while processing: g15daemon g15macro E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) why?11:43
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87870911:44
C-S-BTalking of cpu scaling, any way of controling it on the acer one so that it always drops automatically to 80mhz when on battery? The option in gnome conf editor isnt there.11:44
shadeslayerC-S-B: yes11:44
shadeslayerC-S-B: theres an app for it11:44
ActionParsnip1Basilikum: the driver wont work until you put the hardware in11:44
C-S-Bshadeslayer, cool, whats it called?11:44
phaithey all, I'd like to downgrade from ibex to hardy, is it as simple as changing 'ibex' to 'hardy' in the various sources list?11:45
shadeslayercpu freq-selector11:45
bazhangphait, no11:45
phaitbazhang, can you tell me what would be involved?11:46
shadeslayerbut CPU has specific frequencies11:46
Erriettaam i invisible here?11:46
bazhangphait, backup and full re-install11:46
ErriettaThen why isn't anyone answering what I asked11:46
Errietta<Errietta> Hello. Ever since I installed Ubuntu 8.10 I get this: Errors were encountered while processing: g15daemon g15macro E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) why?11:46
shadeslayermaybe we dont know11:46
bazhangErrietta, be patient11:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patient11:46
ActionParsnip1Errietta: do you have more than one package app open/11:46
Erriettabazhang, that would go against being myself11:46
ikoniashadeslayer: stop that11:46
ErriettaActionParsnip1, don't think so11:46
phaitbazhang, ok, thanks.11:46
shadeslayer:| :|11:47
ErriettaActionParsnip1, Well my update manager doesn't work so i have to use the command line..11:47
ActionParsnip1Errietta: well if synaptic is open its not gonna work with apt-get11:47
ActionParsnip1Errietta: make sure its not still open11:47
Erriettabut it doesn't say "couldn't lock whatever because another proccess is using it" as it usually does11:47
phaitbazhang, do all the dirs under my home folder get deleted? I read somewhere that they do not.11:47
bazhangshadeslayer, behave11:47
ActionParsnip1Errietta: then try: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install11:47
C-S-Bshadeslayer, I must have that installed, as the monitor applet is working11:47
=== Administrador is now known as rslrdx
C-S-Bbut I cant get it to auto switch on battery11:48
shadeslayerC-S-B: well left click on it11:48
bazhangphait, you have a separate home partition?11:48
Errietta Errors were encountered while processing: g15daemon g15macro E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:48
phaitbazhang, butts, no I don;t ok. Full back up it is then.11:48
C-S-BI'm sure thats all go left clicking to set, but it would be nice to have it do it automatically when on battery11:48
ActionParsnip1!fixapt | Errietta11:48
ubottuErrietta: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:48
ActionParsnip1Errietta: try that11:48
Erriettabut uh11:48
Erriettaall other updates DO install11:48
ikoniaErrietta: has your machine "crashed"11:48
Erriettait';s just gd whatever11:48
shadeslayerC-S-B: hmm well you can install kpowermanager11:48
bazhangphait, you may wish to repair it, or wait the eight weeks or so for next release11:49
carpiiis there a command line tool that will interrogate kde's inferred MIME association for a given file?11:49
Erriettaikonia, it depends on what u mean11:49
ActionParsnip1Errietta: just a sec, i websearched and your errors turned up11:49
ikoniaErrietta: do me a favour, please drop the text speak - it's "you" not u11:49
C-S-Bshadeslayer, isnt that a kde app?11:49
bazhangErrietta, dont type one word and enter key11:49
Erriettaok sorry11:49
ikoniaErrietta: has your machine lost power/shutdown unexpectedly11:49
ikoniaErrietta: have you had to power off your machine due to a lock up ?11:49
shadeslayerC-S-B: works for me11:49
phaitbazhang, hmm, well the Jaunty page reports that the nvidia drivers are screwy which is stopping me right now. It's mainly for the php release as 2.6.2 appears to have some memory leaks11:49
C-S-BI'll look into it thanks.11:50
shadeslayerC-S-B: actual name kpowersave11:50
broonsparrowhi. im trying to move files into /var/www/ and I'm getting an error "Error moving file: Permission denied". what am i doing wrong? i guess i'm missing something basic!11:50
ikoniabroonsparrow: use sudo11:50
Erriettaikonia, actually iv'e had to shutdown using the power button cause sleeping makes Ubuntu die..11:50
ikoniaErrietta: ok - so it has lost power then11:50
Erriettawhich is another prob id like to fix if possible11:50
shadeslayerhi CPU freqency is currently unsupported11:50
ikoniaErrietta: there is a common issue where a process/file is locking or currupting the database ActionParsnip1's suggest should give more info on that11:51
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys11:51
ikoniashadeslayer: on what cpu ?11:51
quibblershadeslayer: look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/cpu_frequency_scaling_ubuntu11:51
ActionParsnip1Errietta: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a11:51
ErriettaActionParsnip1, http://pastebin.com/m36c9396111:52
ohletmeinnowjesuHi guys, Im downloading a .tar package, how do I install it?11:52
bazhangohletmeinnowjesu, which package11:52
ActionParsnip1ohletmeinnowjesu: whats the name of the file?11:52
ikoniaErrietta: thats a warning11:52
ikoniaErrietta: it's saying one of your applications is not configured11:52
ohletmeinnowjesuActionParsnip1: http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=juploadr&filename=jUploadr-1.2alpha1-linuxGTK-amd64.tar.gz&use_mirror=waix11:52
ohletmeinnowjesuActionParsnip1:  juploadr11:52
shadeslayerohletmeinnowjesu: just hit the install button11:52
ohletmeinnowjesushadeslayer: huh?11:53
shadeslayerohletmeinnowjesu: where you want to install the app11:53
ActionParsnip1!info juploader11:53
ubottuPackage juploader does not exist in intrepid11:53
Erriettaso what now?11:53
hay_ig2000hi all, i installed ktorrent but can't find any plugins installed?11:53
ohletmeinnowjesuActionParsnip1: thats why im downloading it manually11:53
hay_ig2000using intrepid11:53
broonsparrowikonia, how do i do that when i'm dragging a file from one folder to another?11:53
ActionParsnip1ohletmeinnowjesu: tar zxvf jUploadr-1.2alpha1-linuxGTK-amd64.tar.gz11:53
ActionParsnip1ohletmeinnowjesu: you need your terminal in the same directory as the file11:54
remoteCTR1can somebody pls point me the way to a download location for the alternate cd please? somehow i only find torrent links here...11:54
Erriettaikonia, how do i fix it11:54
Erriettaplz hurry i have to eat11:54
blodskihow can i fix /etc/sudoers accidently screwed it up11:54
FloodBot1Errietta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:55
shadeslayerhow do i start the frequency app11:55
blodskiremoteCTR1: ubuntu.com ?11:55
shadeslayerit says scaling not supported11:55
remoteCTR1blodski: well thats what i thought, yepp11:55
emegionHello does anyone know if I can get vmware server packages for ubuntu linux?11:56
remoteCTR1there only seem to be torrent links there unless i am completely blind...11:56
ActionParsnip1emegion: sure  can11:56
fastaIs there a way to go to a state where the sound system (whatever is the one Ubuntu is using today!) is like it would be when one would run it from a LiveCD?11:56
ActionParsnip1!vmware | emegion11:56
ubottuemegion: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware11:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoers11:56
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)11:56
fastaI would like to submit a test report for the hardware so that my broken sound system is reported in the hardware testing system, but the sound test is not being run.11:56
ActionParsnip1blodski: boot to recovery root console, then add your user to the admin group, or take it out then in11:57
boot_loopAnyone know how I can get taskbars in gnome to stay put? I have two task bars aligned at the top of my screen, but when I log out and back in they flip flop and the wrong one is on top of the other11:57
ActionParsnip1blodski: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1436611:57
hawodiHello all. Am having trouble activating nvidia restricted driver for ubuntu intrepid on sony vaio VGN-N21z11:57
SchmidtI want to add a PCI WLAN card to one of my machines so it can act as an AP, I'm doing some research into it now, but does anyone have any tips on brands that works well?11:57
banisterfiendthis is a song for carol!11:58
bullgard4quibbler: There are two packages installed: mail-notification and mail-notification-evolution. Still there is no plugin entry 'Mail Notification' to be seen in the list Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager. Why s that so?11:58
bazhang!ot > banisterfiend11:58
ubottubanisterfiend, please see my private message11:58
banisterfiendyou're into japanese fast food!11:58
hawodiI have installed the 177 restricted drivers and rebooted but I still can't activate the nvidia drivers! Any suggestions pls.11:58
ivveHey, I have a question regarding ubuntu requirements, could someone help me answer?11:58
banisterfiendok sorry bazhang11:58
Prophetushow i can enable cgi on apache2 ?11:58
banisterfiendbut do you like the pixies bazhang?11:58
lexrexis there a way to delete all empty directories11:58
lexrexperhaps using find -exec {}11:59
fastalexrex: just use find to find all directories in the system then write some code which tests whether a directory is empty and do that in a loop, rm if the test is true.12:00
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements ivve12:00
ivvewell yeah i am running it, i know, but i wonder how major the difference in performance is between xubuntu and ubuntu?12:01
vigolexrex: There is a thing called FSlint12:01
quibblerbullgard4: i have no idea ...i use mail notification with thunderbird not evolution the mail-notification-evolution says only that it provides support for mail notification12:01
hay_ig2000any help with ktorrent plugins?12:01
bazhangivve, some minor gains iirc12:01
sveakexivve: i don't think there is any, xfce comes with compiz12:01
ivverunning a 1.6ghz intel mobile and 1 gig ram, is it worth even trying ubuntu or is it going to be slow as?12:01
ivveshould i go for xubuntu straight away?12:02
bazhangivve, that is plenty for gnome12:02
sveakexivve: ubuntu minimal and install what you need12:02
ivveon this machine ubuntu is really heavy and itÃ's 1.0ghz p3 512mb ram12:02
ivveso i'm a bit sceptic about running ubuntu at all, seems to eat so much memory?12:02
bazhanghay_ig2000, which plugins?12:02
hay_ig2000ktorrent plugins12:03
hay_ig2000they are not shown12:03
J-_!xubuntu | ivve12:03
ubottuivve: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels12:03
bazhanghay_ig2000, yes; which ones12:03
rrplayivve : try #!crunchbang    open box desktop12:03
ivvei'm running xfce on this one over ubuntu but damn it's still slow.12:03
ivveWell i'm a total newbie in linux, and openbox demands some configuration.12:04
sveakexivve: xfve sucks :P12:04
ivvebut i've had my eyes on it12:04
ivvesveakex well yeah i thought it would be faster, but after going from gnome to xfce on this machine it didn't make such a difference.12:04
J-_ivve: Check out Openbox, or Fluxbox. They're windows managers, not a full desktop environment, but you can intregrate nautilus along with gnome daemons in Openbox, or Fluxbox and I'm sure others12:04
rrplayivee :: loads at abot 130MB12:04
sveakexivve: try something like fluxbox12:04
bazhangrrplay, please dont recommend that here; its not supported and offtopic12:05
ivvedoes it have graphic configuration?12:05
J-_I find Openbox to be easier to setup than fluxbox.12:05
ivveagain, total newbie and cannot handle the terminal very well12:05
rrplaybazhang, ok    got it12:05
lexrexvigo, thanks -- i'll look into it12:05
etfbOpen Office 3.0 has been out for a while.  Why isn't it included in Ubuntu?12:05
ivveand openbox seems to need some configuration no?12:05
sveakexivve: openbox menu is done in xml and it is a pain the ass12:05
ivveyeah, that's what i thought12:05
vigolexrex: I have used it for a while now, it is a GUI thing, but works12:06
J-_ivve: Query me, and I'll give you some recommended sites that will help you setup openbox really nice. YMMV though.12:06
rrplayivve: there is a gui config tool for openbox12:06
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hay_ig2000settings>configure ktorrent>plugins>empty12:06
ivvei'm coming straight from windows so i'm damn lost in this, but i really want to learn12:06
Stef1Hi, is there any way to have a translation 'widget' on my desktop so I don't have to go to the translate website?12:06
sveakexivve: openbox doesn't have a panel by default12:06
ivveNo, I noticed.12:06
ivveHow fast is openbox then? I'm a bit sceptic, when I was running gnome people were going "Oh no man go Xfce, it's sooo much fasterÃ."12:07
ivveWhich I can't really say i feel12:07
sveakexivve: fluxbox/open are only window managers, not an entire DE12:08
vigoStef1: You can use AbiWord or your fave text editor with extra language packs.12:08
ivvesveakex oh real12:08
ivvei thought it was.12:08
Stef1thx vigo12:09
vigoStef1: Then create a launcher, after it is set up12:09
Erriettahi im back12:09
sveakexivve: openbox is just a window border, and a menu, fluxbox is the same thing with a panel12:09
Erriettaso how do  solve my problem12:09
sveakexivve: you can also take a look at lxde, it is a real lightweight DE12:10
ivvesveakex what's it like design wise?12:11
sveakexivve, openbox with a panel and some session features, with a sucky terminal which you should replace with rxvt-unicode/urxvt12:12
hay_ig2000i restarted ktorrent once again and plugins are shown now :)12:13
blodskiafter i accidently fucked up sudoers, it doesnt autologin anymore, just ends up at the console login prompt, and not ubundu desktop login, how can i fix that?12:14
blodskiany ideas?12:17
evocallaghanHey, Anyone ever ordered from System76 from the UK ?12:17
rrplayblodski, :: language ??12:17
khirrhello, i'm lookin for a program to make bash scripts on gnome, with colors and more for sintaxis12:17
evocallaghanEngland yea12:18
blodskireplied to rrplay12:18
IndyGunFreakevocallaghan: i've heard of them, but never boguht anything of course.12:18
=== ape is now known as Ape
rrplayblodski,  english  clean12:19
evocallaghanRight o; Thanks12:19
blodskioh men för fan12:19
blodskilet me rephrase for sensitive ppl: after i accidently messed up sudoers, it doesnt autologin anymore, just ends up at the console login prompt, and not ubundu desktop login, how can i fix that?12:19
blodskithere, can u help me now?12:20
evocallaghanThat's a bit gay, they do such a good price on the kind of laptop I want.12:20
IndyGunFreak!uk | evocallaghan you might find more people familiar w/ them here.12:20
ubottuevocallaghan you might find more people familiar w/ them here.: Join us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk12:20
evocallaghanlol Queen's12:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about autologin12:21
rrplayblodski, : so what is your problem ?12:21
blodskiit doesnt auto start startx12:21
netmanhi , i have problem recently when i try to use vi or vim on remote console text not alwyas appears or dont show correctly12:21
blodskijust gets me to the login prompt in console mode12:21
netmanany have some ideas ?12:21
dimebarnetman: thats because your local settings aren't on the remote box12:22
* G69 Bom dia!12:22
rrplayblodski, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:22
blodskiwill it always start that then?12:22
dimebarif you're going to be regularly working on a remote box i suggest scp-ing your .vimrc12:22
rrplayblodski, if you have gnome12:22
blodskii do12:22
rrplayblodski, kdm for kd12:22
netmanmmm im not sure that the problem dimebar this problem appears aprox 2 weeks ago12:22
dimebarnetman: what way is the text showing incrrectly?12:23
netmansome characters are not displayed for exmample12:23
blodskithx rrplay12:23
rrplayblodski, sure12:24
mundoes anyone know how to change the colour of the menu (with File, Edit, etc.)? i've tried changing themes from Appearence Preference, but it's still the same.12:24
netmanfor example i try to open a file and sometime for show text i need to star scroll up and down the document12:25
almostunder ssh what does under netstat -a what does SYN_RECV mean12:26
blodskirrplay: after reboot, it's the same thing again tho :(12:27
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broonsparrowinstalling mysql - i;m getting an error 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' when i ry and set up a root account(?) any idea what I'm doing wrong?12:27
q0_0panyone here can help me with unetbootin installing ubuntu through usb?12:28
blodskidid u login using mysql -u root -p ?12:28
rrplayblodski, did you type that in at a prompt ??12:28
q0_0pi have SD card in a usb dongle12:28
q0_0pdo i treat it like usb12:28
q0_0pit will boot if i boot usb through grub12:28
q0_0pbut if i boot on a computer that has windows12:28
q0_0pit will not boot12:28
quibblermun: in nautikus?12:29
munquibbler, yeah, and other windows like the terminal, evince, etc.12:29
rrplayblodski try startx  runlevel as well as su-  even recovery mode at the grub menu and get back12:30
quibblermun: with appearance and themes works for nautilus and terminal12:32
=== devries is now known as defrysk
munquibbler, somehow the menu panels stay in the same colour though12:33
quibblermun: not for me...it depends on what theme i use12:34
blodskiwhen i run startx runlevel, it mentions, bad command line option "xterm"12:35
blodskistill boots to prompt, can i put the restart in fstab or somethin?12:35
blodskior start12:35
rrplayblodski you still got a problem with your sudoers files and gdm restart12:36
bleryhow can i mount a network place??12:36
freddyhabe ein problem mit ubuntu habe es auf einem compaq armada 1750 installiert und kriege trotz snd1688 keinen sound12:36
munquibbler, ok i'll keep looking then. thanks12:36
bleryit doesn't work using smbfs12:36
blerywaits for hours. any ideas?12:36
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:37
rrplayblodski, I make a pastebin file so not to flood   hang on12:37
blodskik, thx12:37
rrplayblodski,  in a bit12:37
Incarus<freddy>, englisch12:37
quibblerfreddy: /join #ubuntu-de12:37
Michael-Hey, friends12:41
iamcalledrobI know i can use the command line to for example, rm -f file100* to delete all files beginning with file100, but is it possible to delete files in a range. for example, files between file500 and file750?12:41
remoteCTR1iamcalledrob: it is, if you use a for loop but dont ask me for the precise sysntax...12:42
=== NeoBlaster130 is now known as NeoBlaster
iamcalledrobremoteCTR1: ahh, so there's no way I can do it in a simple way?12:43
rrplayblodski, here http://paste.ubuntu.com/123282/12:43
remoteCTR1iamcalledrob: basically it is a simple way if you know how to syntax it12:44
remoteCTR1lemme think12:44
iamcalledrobahh :)12:44
blodskii was able to run gdm restart tho12:44
blodskiit just didnt fix it for the next reboot12:44
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Incarusblodski, whats the prob?12:46
rrplayblodski, did you check your sudoers file ?? and post in pastebin any errors fo xterm  whatever12:46
blodskii'll try again12:46
rrplayblodski, ok12:46
remoteCTR1iamcalledrob: and the winner is: rm file{500..750}12:46
iamcalledrobremoteCTR1: wow, that is simple!12:47
iamcalledrobthank you!12:47
remoteCTR1no prob:)12:47
Incarusblodski, whats the prob?12:47
khirrhello, how can i make a form with zenity?12:47
blodskimessed up my sudoers file12:47
blodskiand now startx wont autostart12:47
iamcalledrobremoteCTR1: is that feasable if I have range of, say, a million? will it run rm a million times?12:48
remoteCTR1iamcalledrob: well that'll be the purpose of it, right?12:48
rrplayblodski, watch for pastebin info12:49
iamcalledrobremoteCTR1: that's true, hah, sorry12:49
remoteCTR1iamcalledrob: hehe np12:49
kfir27Hello , i need help please does ubuntu have dc++ client ?12:49
ikoniakfir27: search the repo for dc++12:50
ubottuDirect Connect clients: linuxdcpp, dcgui (GTK), Valknut, dc-qt (Qt), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P12:50
rwhi. does anyone know how to get the internal mic working on a asus eeepc 900?12:50
blodskiyep, i've done so, rebooting12:50
Incarusrw, turn up the volume in alsamixer12:50
rwIncarus: already done so, doesn't seem to work12:51
ikoniablery: ?12:51
ikoniablery: what was all that abou12:51
blodskigaah, it's the same thing, boots to login prompt in console12:51
Incarusblodski, paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:52
Incarusadham_afk, 1364 users on = no "hi"12:52
blodskiif [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ $(tty) == /dev/tty2 ]; then12:52
blodskithat's my .bash_login12:53
FloodBot1blodski: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:53
Incarusblodski, paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log!!12:53
adham_afkhow can i save history?12:53
adham_afklets say i if had a conversation with some one12:53
blodskisry, didnt see it12:53
adham_afkand i wanted to save the conversation on a text file12:53
Incarus<adham_afk>, history of what?12:53
asulaohello. problem using ndiswrapper with amd64 kernel: http://rafb.net/p/Lym4Th68.html what may be wrong?12:53
AlbumCOPY PASTE!12:53
adham_afkmirc chat12:53
Incarus<adham_afk>, pidgin?12:53
adham_afkits big12:53
adham_afkits alllot of information within 6 hours12:54
Albumi have my client auto log convos12:54
Incarusyeah, adham_afk -> copy paste12:54
kaushalis there a way to find out the files contained in not yet installed package in the system ?12:54
remoteCTR1kaushal: apt-cache info <package>12:55
adham_afki said its 6 houtrs long12:55
blodskiIncarus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123288/12:55
adham_afkits impossible to copy and paste12:55
Incaruscopy all12:55
adham_afkit doesnt do sellect all12:55
kaushalremoteCTR1, E: Invalid operation info12:56
Incarusrw, http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?pid=29080312:56
Albumwhat client are you using12:56
remoteCTR1kaushal: err. sry apt-cache showpkg <package>12:56
Incarusblodski, look at line 55112:57
Albumin mirc, right click the chat window and go to buffer and then save as12:57
remoteCTR1kaushal: but i just see this also more shows dependencies than contents...12:57
blodskihmm, worked before12:57
Albumclick the top left corner icon of the chat window i mean12:57
Albumnot right click12:58
Incarusblodski, k, 551 is ***, but the rest looks good12:58
blodskiguess i have to reinstall drivers then12:58
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys , im trying to run a java app, but i keep running into a "could not find the main class error..." what do i do?12:58
kaushalremoteCTR1, yeah12:58
kaushalremoteCTR1, any other way to find out ?12:58
remoteCTR1kaushal: but you can download it with apt-get install -d whcih causes it ONLY to be downloaded, then youre supposed to be able to have a look at the contents12:59
tesseracterit totally pisses me off when firefox covers my desktops with a "download complete" message. a bug report should be filed.12:59
remoteCTR1!language | tesseracter12:59
ubottutesseracter: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:59
tesseracterdesktops being the little boxes next to the trash.12:59
rrplayblodski, for sudoers  here http://paste.ubuntu.com/123287/12:59
Albumfamily friendly? really? lol its a nerd chat.13:00
tesseracterremoteCTR1, i said pee?13:00
Incarus<tesseracter>, and?13:00
remoteCTR1gawd troll alarm...13:00
sipiorkaushal: it's a long-standing flaw of apt, i'm afraid.13:00
blodskithe sudoers is fixed, thx13:00
kaushalsipior, using dpkg ?13:00
tesseracterIncarus, im not sure if its a FF bug, or an ubuntu add-on bug.13:00
ohletmeinnowjesui guys , im trying to run a java app, but i keep running into a "could not find the main class error..." what do i do? The app is a desktop app for batch uploading of images onto a flickr like social image hosting site called zooomr... error o/p: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123290/13:00
sipiorkaushal: same difference :-)13:00
Incarus<tesseracter>, the window on the bottom? its a firefox feature13:01
tesseracterIncarus, gracias (or are foreign languages not allowed either?)13:01
ohletmeinnowjesui guys , im trying to run a java app, but i keep running into a "could not find the main class error..." what do i do? The app is a desktop app for batch uploading of images onto a flickr like social image hosting site called zooomr... error o/p: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123290/13:02
Incarus<tesseracter>, whats the problem?13:02
Incarus<ohletmeinnowjesu>, yes, wait13:02
ohletmeinnowjesuIncarus: thnx13:02
blodskiIncarus: but if i run startx, it starts13:02
blodskijust auto that doesnt work13:02
Incarus<blodski>, did you try "X" or "Xorg" or "xinit"13:02
quibblertesseracter: it disappears after a couple of seconds13:03
blodskihere's another problem when starting startx: /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...13:03
blodski/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...13:03
blodskiSetting IM through im-switch for locale=en_US.13:03
blodskiStart IM through /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/all_ALL linked to /etc/X11/xinit/xinpu$13:03
blodskiSegmentation fault (core dumped)13:03
Incarus<blodski>, start computer (and dont start X), copy the new xorg.0.log and start again and paste the file13:03
FloodBot1blodski: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:04
Incarus<ohletmeinnowjesu>, dont know13:04
tesseracterquibbler, still, its a design flaw that stops me from doing stuff for a couple seconds.13:04
Incarus<tesseracter>, http://ilias.ca/blog/2005/11/turn-off-the-downloads-complete-alert-in-firefox/13:05
quibblertesseracter: your time must be extremely valuable13:05
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:05
tesseracterquibbler, its like youre driving and someone takes away the steering wheel for a couple seconds. freaks me out.13:05
asulaohello. problem using ndiswrapper with amd64 kernel: http://rafb.net/p/Lym4Th68.html what may be wrong?13:05
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde413:05
etsmHi! I have install Ubuntu 8.10 in my laptop (compaq presario C751NR) but wireless card does not work at all. How do i solve this?13:06
remoteCTR1tesseracter: so why dont you tell it to the m,ozilla channel?13:06
=== ubuntu_ is now known as illmat
quibblertesseracter: ride a bike it's more relaxing13:06
Incarus<tesseracter>, http://ilias.ca/blog/2005/11/turn-off-the-downloads-complete-alert-in-firefox/13:07
[[thufir]]how do you upgrade to a new version of netbeans?  aptitude just shows "netbeans" with no version number...13:07
cooldduuuddeincarus wich client you using?13:07
quibblertesseracter: Incarus found your solution13:07
Incarus<cooldduuudde>, XChat, why?13:07
tesseracterremoteCTR1, i thought it was a feature of the ubuntu addon. i was wrong. hush, your aren't being productive.13:07
rrplayblodski, check this out for all your current problems http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8949113:08
blodskiIncarus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123302/13:08
Incarus<[[thufir]]>, "sudo apt-get upgrade"13:08
cooldduuuddeincarus.....k because i wondered how you are able 2 write names enclosed by <>13:08
tesseracterthanks again Incarus, a temporary solution. (best would just be to pick the alert up 20 pixels so it doesnt cover the menu)13:08
Incarus<cooldduuudde>, i just mark the names13:08
Incarus<tesseracter>, k13:08
Incarus<tesseracter>, np13:08
cooldduuuddeincarus you mean copy and paste?13:08
StuartDIs there anyway to create a TAR without including all the subdirectories? And also without having to be in a directory? For example "tar -czf /batch/11.gz /home/batch/1235652240/*" When I open 11.gz it has the /home/batch/ directories... all i want is the actual files within and not the subdirectories13:09
blodskiofc, it wasnt auto started13:09
Incarus<blodski>, ha! look at line 688+68913:09
cooldduuuddeokay. a feature shud b added in the clients to automatically type the name wen you click on the user. it would save time13:10
Incarus<blodski>, thats your problem: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -113:10
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy
jatthi do the scripts on /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ run when using wireless?13:10
[[thufir]]Incarus: how do you know what upgrade will do, thought?  I mean, how do you know whether the repository has the new version?13:10
Incarus<cooldduuudde>, yes13:10
tesseracterremind me not to come to #ubuntu in the morning again...some of you talk a lot without saying anything(yes, im talking about you, the people who want to respond to this message)13:10
Incarus<[[thufir]]> you just know it13:10
mcphail[[thufir]]: use "apt-cache policy packagename"13:10
blodskik, it's starting, thank you! :D:D13:11
Incarus<tesseracter> no panic13:11
remoteCTR1tesseracter: havent yopu had your morning poop yet?13:11
StuartDDoes anyone know much about ar?13:11
Incarusblodski, you can disable the MIT cookie13:12
[[thufir]]heh.  thanks13:12
blodskialright, working now tho, wont play anything more with it hehe13:12
Incarusblodski, sure?13:13
shadeslayerhi i am havin a problem with my configuration file13:13
shadeslayeri cant scale my CPU frequency13:13
shadeslayerand yhis is eating away my battery,please help13:14
=== Kartagis is now known as so
shadeslayerthe gnome app CPU frequency selector is not working too13:15
Incarus<shadeslayer> http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/16/cpu-scaling-ubuntu-battery-life-and-you-how-to-scale-your-cpu/13:15
=== so is now known as suigeneris
illmataww, i screwed up my x-server after i changed the resolution via the ati control center13:15
* shadeslayer loves helping himself13:15
mcphailshadeslayer: the gnome thing is disabled by default13:15
illmatchanged -> directly freezed13:15
Incarus<illmat>, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"13:16
shadeslayermcphail: well it was working till yesterday13:16
illmati don't get a shell ;)13:16
illmati'm on a live system atm13:16
shadeslayergnome works in mysterious ways13:16
Incarusillmat, mount the partition with ubuntu13:16
Incarus<illmat>, k13:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zenity13:16
Incarus<illmat>, then start terminal13:17
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Incarus<illmat>, then type "sudo gedit /MOUNTPOINT/etc/X11/xorg.conf"13:17
sipiorprobably best to use gksudo there13:18
Incarus<illmat>, sorry, Xorg.conf, X not x13:18
Incarussipior, no13:19
Incarus<illmat>, k?13:19
illmatsec i pastebin it, seems emtpy13:19
mcphailIncarus: why not. Has sudo been fixed?13:19
khirrwhat is better gdialog or zenity? what will you use?13:19
Incarusis where a bug?13:19
Incarusillmat, k x, not X, my mistake13:20
mcphailIncarus: sudo + graphical app can mess up permissions13:20
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:20
shadeslayerIncarus: haha file doesnt exsist13:20
Incarusk, then gksudo13:20
Incarus<illmat>, "gksudo gedit /MOUNTPOINT/etc/X11/xorg.conf"13:20
shadeslayerIncarus: i think i need to reconfigure everything13:21
shadeslayerhardware that is13:21
Incarusoh, illmat, xorg.conf is correct13:21
illmatyeah i pasted the right file13:21
titusgI want o upgrade hardy->intrepid but the option doesn't appear in update-manager. apt-get dist-upgrade does nothing either, even though I'm up to date in hardy...?13:21
Incarus<illmat>, and ubuntu is freezing?13:22
shadeslayerIncarus: cat: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies: No such file or directory13:22
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
Incarusk, dont know13:22
illmatyes it doesn't even start13:22
illmatbooting up normal13:22
illmatbut the login screen never shows up13:23
Incarus<illmat>, are you sure that this is the right file?13:23
mcphailtitusg: the update manager "hides" updates from a longterm support release to a normal release13:23
illmatyep, aren't there other possibilties like a problem with gdm?13:23
titusgmcphail: yes, I changed that in software sources13:23
Incarus<illmat>, hm, paste your /MOUNTPOINT/var/log/Xorg.0.log13:24
shadeslayerIncarus: i am reconfiguring GNOME apps and it asks if the cpu frequency selector should run as root or not13:24
shadeslayerwhat do i select??13:24
poramet I got an error : illegal attempt to update using time 1235654027 when last update time is 1235783055 (minimum one second step). Could you help me may be issue is rrdtool.13:24
Incarusyes, as root13:24
rrplayillmat, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start13:24
shadeslayerIncarus: nope13:24
mcphailtitusg: the ubuntu website has a link on how to update from hardy->intrepid13:24
Incarus<poramet>, yes, set your clock13:25
Incarus<shadeslayer>, dont know13:25
titusgmcphail: I've just been reading that http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#Upgrading_Hardy_to_Intrepid -- still not working for me13:25
illmatIncarus, http://pastebin.com/m7bbd203813:25
porametIncarus:  You mean date time ?13:25
mcphailtitusg: ubuntuguide isn't the ubuntu website13:25
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo13:26
titusgmcphail: whoops :-)13:26
illmatrrplay, i don't even get a shell, i'm on a live system atm13:26
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: im having problems again ><13:26
mcphailtitusg: in text terminal here, so can't chase links. In general, though, best not to follow ubuntuguide13:26
rrplayillmat, sorry13:27
=== nick|here is now known as nick
Incarus<illmat>, hm, paste your /MOUNTPOINT/var/log/gdm/:0.log13:27
Incarusillmat, (EE) fglrx(0): Unknown EDID version 013:28
illmatit worked before13:28
Incarusjust a sec13:29
ActionParsnip1sup shadeslayer13:29
shadeslayercpu frequency selector13:29
ActionParsnip1not used it dude13:29
shadeslayerit doesnt work in GNOME.KDE,or xfce13:29
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: that battery icon13:30
shadeslayerin KDE13:30
Incarus<illmat>, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96219413:30
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: are you using cpufreqd ?13:30
shadeslayerit showed frequency ealier,now zip13:30
ActionParsnip1!info cpufreqd13:30
ubottucpufreqd (source: cpufreqd): fully configurable daemon for dynamic frequency and voltage scaling. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.3-1 (intrepid), package size 79 kB, installed size 384 kB13:30
porametIncarus: I use UTC timezone long time. I changed to use another time it's not work.13:31
porametIncarus: I use UTC timezone long time. I changed to use another time it's not work. Still got same error.13:31
ActionParsnip1poramet: does it work after a reboot?13:31
porametactionParsnipl: yes13:31
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: No cpufreq interface found, not starting cpufreqd.13:32
illmatk i try to disconnect the tv ;)13:32
frenchcan someone point me in the direction netbooting ubuntu using pxe?13:32
porametactionParsnipl: actually I reboot many time then I got that error. I don't know How to solve it.13:32
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:32
Incarus<poramet>, try to set your time later then the last update13:33
remoteCTR1i want to connect to a wireless network that is wpa2 professional encrypted, but if i enter all of the necessary information the connect button stays greyed out... whats wrong (same in connection applet as in system/preferences/networking)13:33
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: check what that means, maybe it only works on certain cpus13:33
porametIncarus: Thank you I will try .13:33
ActionParsnip1remoteCTR1: have you installed and configured wpa_supplicant?13:33
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: well i get only performance mode now,i tried sudo modprobe acpi_cpufreq13:33
Charliehorsehow long does it take to install ubuntu13:34
=== richard is now known as Guest83464
Incarus<remoteCTR1>, check wpa2 lenght13:34
ActionParsnip1Charliehorse: which method of install?13:34
Charliehorsedefault install 8.1013:34
George2i'm trying to get flv's to play in totem, but it's telling me that it won't play without a flash demuxer. what do i need to dl in order to play it?13:34
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors13:34
shadeslayer gives performance13:34
ActionParsnip1Charliehorse: about 20 -30 mins on a PATA 7200 hard drive13:34
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remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: actually the wireless module works with the unencrypted guest hotspot so i suppose software sided we are fine? (hi dude btw:) )13:34
Incarus<George2> you can use vlc media player13:34
Incarus!vlc | George213:35
ubottuGeorge2: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs13:35
ActionParsnip1!wpa | remoteCTR113:35
ubotturemoteCTR1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:35
remoteCTR1Incarus: what ya mean by length?13:35
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: yeah i know that, thanks, but i believe that will not help me find out why those buttons stay grey, right?13:35
Incarus<remoteCTR1>, the lenght of the wpa code. add some letters or something like this...13:35
ActionParsnip1George2: you can also convert flv to avi13:35
kalehi i need some help to remove a package13:35
ActionParsnip1remoteCTR1: try running the config app with gksudo13:36
Incaruskale, "sudo apt-get remove XYZ"13:36
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: err... i ran it from out of the menu?13:36
George2Incarus: i'm trying to encode an mp4 to something else using ffmpeg, but what ever output format i use, i get no audio being played in either totem / vlc13:36
kalething is i believed that 64M would be enough for /boot, but ubuntu managed to fill it up anyways. i tried to remove a kernel package, but i failed because the package wanted to make an initrd (on removal???), then the files were deleted, but the package is still there13:37
IncarusGeorge2, check your ffmep syntax13:37
ActionParsnip1remoteCTR1: check what command it runs, and if in the menu it has gksudo in the item13:37
George2and video is very jumpy, even on hte original mp4 input video :/13:37
Incarus<kale>, try sudo dpkg -r with force option13:37
roshani just wanted to install drupal and it requires that i copy the files into /var/www/  but i am not able to install into this directory through the terminal. can anyone help13:37
ActionParsnip1George2: have you installed video drivers?13:38
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: aye, sec pls13:38
Charliehorseis VLC included in default install?13:38
Incarus<roshan>, use sudo before13:38
Incarus<Charliehorse>, it is in the default repo13:38
ActionParsnip1Charliehorse: no its not, its optional13:38
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: basically it can't cos it's in the preferences menu nowadays...13:38
IncarusGeorge2, use a graphical converter13:38
ActionParsnip1Charliehorse: it can be installed onoce the basic system is in13:38
George2ActionParsnip1: yes, the ffmpeg codec library, and gstreamer ffmpeg video plugin13:38
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: Fixed!!!!!!!!!13:39
George2Incarus:  i want the conversion to be via a websiote13:39
Charliehorseyeah i know that, just wondering what i would have to go get. Like isn't FF included?13:39
roshanIncarus; oh yes i used but i get an error saying that /var/www/ is not a directory13:39
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: awesome13:39
shadeslayerActionParsnip1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24886713:39
kaleIncarus: dpkg --remove --force linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic13:39
shadeslayernow to update13:39
Incarus<George2>, k check your command13:39
kaleIncarus: unknown force/refuse option `linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic'13:39
ActionParsnip1shadeslayer: you have the most issues ive seen dude but you also fix em good :D13:39
Incarus<roshan>, "sudo mkdir /var/www"13:39
mcphailroshan: any reason you're not using drupal from the ubuntu repositories?13:40
Incarus<kale>, type it right13:40
Charliehorsek bye guys, rebooting to CD to install ubuntu 8.10.13:40
iLLmaThey Incarus thx for the link13:40
lenswipecan someone help me please, i cant get VLC to open13:40
iLLmaTback on my system ;)13:40
lenswipei click vlc in the menu and nothing happens13:40
Incarus<kale>, "sudo dpkg -r --force-all PACKET"13:40
Incarus<iLLmaT>, np13:40
lenswipewhen i run it from command line i get this : http://pastebin.com/m7646c07c13:40
roshanmcphail; its not available in the repos13:40
Incarus<lenswip>, enter vlc in the terminal and paste the output13:41
mcphail!info drupal513:41
ubottudrupal5 (source: drupal5): a fully-featured content management framework. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.10-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 761 kB, installed size 3384 kB13:41
George2Incarus: it's a simple: /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i 'test/vid.mp4' -acodec ac3 -ar 32000 -ab 128k -b 200k -r 25 'output/vid.h264'13:41
Incarus<lenswipe>, k13:41
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: run it from terminal, you will get intelligent output13:41
lenswipeActionParsnip1: i have, want to see it?13:41
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: use pastebin to show the output13:41
lenswipeActionParsnip1: http://pastebin.com/m7646c07c13:41
kaleIncarus: that seems to have done it, now how do i avoid ubuntu uses all my space for earlier kernels?13:41
connarhi lenswipe13:41
porametIncarus : I alread updated and then use command   dpkg-reconfig tzdata  , chose  UTC but  still got error: illegal attempt to update using time 1235654027 when last update time is 1235783055 (minimum one second step)13:41
lenswipeconnar: hello13:41
connarlenswipe: i m having problems with my audio13:42
Incarus<kale>, dont know13:42
mcphailroshan: 'tis there in universe13:42
lenswipeconnar: same13:42
roshanIncarus; i created but i am unable to move the contents13:42
connarlenswipe: i m not able to hear any audio although the file plays13:42
kaleIncarus: i'll just create an empty file then, and delete it when i run out of space, so i have some room, and ubuntu doesn't fail on me13:42
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: well no difference there the only thing that i can see now thanks to opening it via console is the following error taht keeps coming:" ** (nm-connection-editor:6789): WARNING **: Invalid setting Wireless Security: Invalid wireless security" and this one appears as soon as i pick wpa&wpa2 enterprise from the drop downs menu13:42
Incarus<poramet>, the update before was later then yet, try to change your clock to a later time13:42
connarlenswipe: even u r having the same problem?13:43
lenswipeconnar: check your speakers, speaker cables and sound drivers, after that idk13:43
Incarus<roshan>, ?13:43
lenswipeconnar: no VLC wont open for me13:43
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xorg-server/+bug/18531113:43
Incarus<kale>, k, i donno13:43
connarlenswipe: i am running on a lenovo n20013:43
lenswipeActionParsnip: so its a bug then?13:43
lenswipeActionParsnip: is there a workaround posted?13:43
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --purge remove vlc; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get installvlc13:44
lenswipethanks :)13:44
kubuntusebagood morning13:44
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: looks like it, i'd try that command :)13:44
roshanIncarus; http://paste.ubuntu.com/123321/13:44
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:44
connarActionParsnip1: i m having problems with my audio13:44
mcphailroshan: have you installed apache?13:44
roshanmcphail; now how do i get to the universe repos13:44
roshanmcphail; ya installed apache213:45
Incarusroshan, check directory: "drupal-x.x/*: No such file or directory"13:45
connarActionParsnip1: actually the file plays but i m not getting any sound13:45
Incarusi have to go13:45
mcphailroshan: from where? apache from the ubuntu repos?13:45
roshanmcphail; one of my friends who use debain told me that he just copid the drupal files directly into this /var/www/ and hasn't installed apache and still its working13:45
roshanmcphail; yes13:45
=== roshan is now known as DarkKnight
DarkKnightmcphail; i have changed my name from roshan13:46
oCean_roshan: a webserver (most likely apache) has to be running for that13:46
mcphailroshan: if you installed apache via the repos, then /var/www will exist already.13:46
porametIncarus: sorry   I just update and then change clock vai command  dpkg-reconfig tzdata but still got same error13:46
lenswipeActionParsnip1: can u give me that command again, my IRC client crashed13:46
mcphailDarkKnight: ^^13:46
kaleDarkKnight: you need some kind of webserver to make drupal work13:46
DarkKnightIncarus; i have changed my name from roshan13:46
ActionParsnip1 lenswipe: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --purge remove vlc; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get installvlc13:47
DarkKnightkale; i have installed apache2 and mysql13:47
lenswipeActionParsnip1: thanks13:47
DarkKnightmcphail; yes13:47
oCean_DarkKnight: that'll do13:47
oCean_DarkKnight: make sure apache is running /etc/init.d/apache2 start13:47
DarkKnightmcphail; so how do i get the universe repos13:47
mcphailDarkKnight: with respect, you might want to take some time to read about setting up services on ubuntu prior to installing drupal (particularly if you aren't intalling from repos)13:47
wirginiado i have to add repositories to install allegro?13:48
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys13:48
wirginiai can't find it13:48
PiciDarkKnight: They should be enabled by default.13:48
mcphailDarkKnight: you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list or change the settings in synaptic13:48
kalethis stuff where ubuntu fills up my /boot partition actually prevented me from getting important security updates13:48
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:48
aaljeethis is really urgent can someone please tell me how to give a group of users complete permissions over a group of files? something like chown -R username but for a group (group is made by me)13:49
mcphailDarkKnight: CMSs are regualarly attacked by crackers and script-kiddies. You need to make sure they are regualrly updated and locked down tight13:49
oCean_aaljee: chgrp13:49
DarkKnightmcphail; yes i got it and now i am installing it13:49
aaljeeoCean_ thanks :)13:49
DarkKnightoCean_;roshan@roshan:~/Desktop$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start13:50
DarkKnight * Starting web server apache2                                                  apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName13:50
DarkKnighthttpd (pid 9982) already running13:50
porametIncarus: I follow you suggest me still got error.   next step to do?13:50
FloodBot1DarkKnight: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:50
aaljeeoCean_ could you by any chance also tell me how to create that group and add users to it?13:50
mcphailDarkKnight: if you are struggling with permissions for /var/www you have a bit of reading to do13:50
oCean_DarkKnight: open a browser and go to
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: *sigh* another bug report...13:51
DarkKnightmcphail; well i have a deadline tomorrow to get a website done for my college... so somehow i need to get it done13:51
oCean_aaljee: in gui System > Admin  Users and groups. Or do you want/need commandline?13:51
DarkKnightoCean_;I got the message IT WORKS13:51
ActionParsnip1remoteCTR1: welcome to linux :)13:51
oCean_DarkKnight: great!13:51
lenswipeActionParsnip1: i tried that command, VLC still wont open :'(13:51
=== ahti_ is now known as Starkie
DarkKnightoCean; wat next]13:51
aaljeeoCean_ commandline would be nice :D13:51
oCean_DarkKnight: that means that the drupalfiles can now be copied to /var/www .. and your ready to go13:51
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: welcome to fedora?13:51
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: ah, what you just did is completely remove vlc and its dependancies and reinstall a fresh version13:52
remoteCTR1i am really starting to have it up to here...13:52
oCean_aaljee: "groupadd <groupname>" wil create a new group.13:52
sanjudDarkKnight -> the good ole nighter burning the midnight candle of college days.... good thing you are not carrying a boxfull of punch cards..lol13:52
lenswipeActionParsnip1: yeah, what im saying is tho, VLC still wont run even with the fresh version :'(13:52
ActionParsnip1remoteCTR1: no way dude, i used redhat 6 ages ago and it sucked13:52
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys need a quick cmd line "assist"13:52
ohletmeinnowjesui have an ntfs partition that i would like to unmount and then remount13:53
lenswipeActionParsnip1: whoah, weird it runs from command line,. just not from clicking in the menu.... weird...13:53
ohletmeinnowjesuwhats the cmd that i need to be using?13:53
porametActionParsnipl : I  already updated and then use command   dpkg-reconfig tzdata  , chose  UTC but  still got error: illegal attempt to update using time 1235654027 when last update time is 1235783055 (minimum one second step)13:53
kaleohletmeinnowjesu: umount /dev/device; mount /dev/device mountpoint13:53
ActionParsnip1ohletmeinnowjesu: sudo umount /mount/point; sudo mount /dev/<partition name> /mount/point13:53
hmwohletmeinnowjesu: umount /mnt && mount /dev/...13:53
oCean_aaljee: "usermod -g <newlycreatedgroup>" will set the primary group for that user to your newly created group. However, you might not want to change the user's defaultgroup. Then you have to add the newgroup as a secondairy group13:53
hmwhmw take ActionParsnip1's version13:54
lenswipeActionParsnip1: ok i take that back it still doesnt work...13:54
DarkKnightoCean_; roshan@roshan:~/Desktop$ sudo mv drupal-5.16/* drupal-5.16/.htaccess /var/www/13:54
DarkKnightmv: cannot stat `drupal-5.16/*': No such file or directory13:54
aaljeeoCean_ got it :D13:54
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: i'd use another player, or keep an eye on tat bug report13:54
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: ya well since ages ago they surely did some work and i ham hearing way less complaints about silly bugs than in ubuntu... i am kinda disapointed meanwhile, really13:54
* kale onders what all this sudo is about13:54
oCean_aaljee: typo: "usermod -g <newgroup> <username>"13:54
porametActionParsnipl :  I reboot but got error. What/Where is problem?13:54
remoteCTR1!sudo | kale13:54
ubottukale: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)13:54
brettalton1Hi everyone, does anyone know how to register a 'session' (e.g. have a program run on startup) using CLI/bash tools? I'm trying to install conky and parcellite and have them run on start up in one of my scripts. I'm thinking of a tool like 'gconftool-2' but for sessions. Thanks!13:54
DarkKnightoCean_; i just followed this http://drupal.org/getting-started/6/install/download13:54
aaljeekale are you serious?13:54
mcphailDarkKnight: _please_ install drupal from the repos13:54
aaljeesudo is the shit13:54
oCean_aaljee: to add as secondairy group: "usermod -G <newgroup> -a <user>"13:55
kaleaaljee: thats why i'm wondering! i just set a root passwd13:55
oCean_aaljee: it is, but don't express it that way here :)13:55
lenswipeActionParsnip1: i want to watch a DVD though, and i dont like totem because to be honest with you... its shit. lol13:55
jussi01!ohmy | lenswipe aaljee13:55
ubottulenswipe aaljee: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!13:55
remoteCTR1brettalton1: go to system/preferrences/sessions13:55
DarkKnightmcphail; i have started that installation...so you mean i dont have to copy the files i have downloaded13:55
aaljeeheh have i heard that before ;D13:55
brettalton1remoteCTR1: in a script though, using the command line13:55
oCean_DarkKnight: let me know if I can help13:56
mcphailDarkKnight: no.13:56
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: try mplayer13:56
lenswipeActionParsnip1: Just wondering if  you knew of any other good players out there for playing dvds ive even tried MythTV but it has stopped recognising my drive in mythtv, got any ideas?13:56
mcphailDarkKnight: got to get back to work. Using the repo version will mean you will get security updates automatically13:56
DarkKnightoCean_; thank you very much for that. I'll surely contact you13:56
mcphailDarkKnight: good luck13:56
kalei need some advice on ubuntu here. i had an issue where my /boot partition was filled up with kernel stuff. this resulted in security updates didn't come in. how do i solve this in the future?13:56
kavityFilled with kernel stuff?13:57
remoteCTR1brettalton1: i am afraid i dont quite get the point here... you want to add sessions via scripts? why dont you just use rcS.d?13:57
yingouqlj这个 不 是 中文 的 ?13:57
kalekavity: package manager put a lot of kernels in there13:57
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: sudo apt-get install smplayer13:57
quibblerlenswipe: what error do you get when you run vlc in terminal?13:57
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:57
lenswipeActionParsnip1: cool thanks :)13:57
DarkKnightPici, kale, oCean_, mcphail; one of my friends has already done the website cmrcet.org    My HOD has asked me if I can do something better. SO i took it as a challenge13:58
Aragoncan someone tell me where the boot.log is located?13:58
ActionParsnip1quibbler: do you mean vlc-vox13:58
DarkKnightmcphail; thatnk you for ishing me13:58
remoteCTR1Aragon: /var/log/dmesg13:58
DarkKnightmcphail; thatnk you for wishing me13:58
quibblerActionParsnip1: he was trying to get vlc working13:58
remoteCTR1Aragon: just type dmesg to view it13:58
oCean_DarkKnight: and it should be done by tomorrow?13:58
x-ipHi!, which is de developer channel from ubuntu ?13:59
ActionParsnip1!info vlc-vox13:59
ubottuPackage vlc-vox does not exist in intrepid13:59
remoteCTR1x-ip: what you wanna develop?13:59
ActionParsnip1!info vlc-nox13:59
ubottuvlc-nox (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer (without X support). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu3.1 (intrepid), package size 2651 kB, installed size 7268 kB13:59
oCean_DarkKnight: basic setup can be done within an hour, however you still have to master the backend too...13:59
DarkKnightoCean_; i have idea about html...no idea about javascript or anything.... so i kinda hope to do it13:59
AragonremoteCTR1, thanks... yea the problem is that i cant boot linux ;)13:59
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: try using vlc-nox13:59
lenswipeActionParsnip1: thanks, i got smplayer install but it wont play the DVD for some reason O_o13:59
remoteCTR1Aragon: oh i see!13:59
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: you need the dvd codec14:00
lenswipeActionParsnip1: ah, where do i get that from?14:00
brettalton1remoteCTR1: because I need it on an individual basis14:00
DarkKnightoCean_; if i can show some static content with good features...he may give me another 3 days to get it done with backend14:00
x-ipremoteCTR1, i want to develop a gnome-applet-reminder, a simple field where u put some event, and then use some kind of 'notifications' that remember you what you have to do, like the ubuntu updates and upgrades notifications ...14:00
x-ipin fact i want to use that 'bubble' x'D14:00
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:00
mranostayhttp://pastebin.com/m3a800240  <---- any ideas on this?14:00
Poundohow do i escape a character using grep sya I want to find {$bob --}/ if I grep -r $bob --}/ * I get results but {$bob --}/ * does not return anything14:00
brettalton1remoteCTR1: individual basis, just like system > preferences > sessions. gconf only edits preferences on an individual basis, that's why gconftool-2 is so invaluable14:00
DarkKnightoCean_; but that's only an expectation...anyways i am putting up effort14:01
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: any player can play anything as long as it has codecs14:01
oCean_DarkKnight: ok. So you 'mv' the files to /var/www ?14:01
bernzPoundo, generally, a backslash will escape the next immediate char14:01
remoteCTR1x-ip: hummm... i dont know the suitable channel for that purpose, i am sorry..14:01
x-ipnp :)14:02
x-ipmaybe it should be ubuntu dev channel and gnome dev channel14:02
remoteCTR1brettalton1: humm no clue...14:02
Poundoberns: I tried that and /{$bob --}/ returns nothing either14:02
stonegrinderHi folks,14:02
stonegrinderBeen googling for a while :(14:02
stonegrinderHow do I restart cups in Hardy??14:02
remoteCTR1x-ip: there's more then one...14:02
FloodBot1stonegrinder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:02
bernzPoundo, well, you have a slash there (not a backslash)...14:02
DarkKnightoCean_; i am installing drupal from the repos as been said by mcphail... so i haven't copied yet14:02
remoteCTR1stonegrinder: /etc/init.d/cupsd restart14:03
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bernzPoundo, but if you mean you want grep to interpret a bunch of chars literally, put it in double quotes14:03
bernz(single quotes may work too)14:03
kaletry matching a !14:03
ActionParsnip1stonegrinder: sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart14:03
bernzPoundo, check your PM14:03
ActionParsnip1stonegrinder: maybe14:03
oCean_DarkKnight: ok. That'll be version 5 I guess. Should not be any problem though. Indeed it might be less confusing to use mysql and drupal from repos.14:03
ActionParsnip1stonegrinder: try tab completing after typing cup14:03
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: i was faster and righter:P14:04
Poundobernz: yikes you are right tried \ and same diff whats PM14:04
ActionParsnip1remoteCTR1: what is?14:04
bernzPoundo, check your private message window(s)14:04
brettalton1remoteCTR1: thanks anyway!~14:04
kaledoes privoxy sort flash commercial stuff by default?14:04
DarkKnightoCean_; will installing from repos be alright...will it work14:04
jussi01!br | Anatel14:04
ubottuAnatel: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:04
Anatelubottu vlw14:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vlw14:04
oCean_DarkKnight: yes, I would think so.14:04
remoteCTR1actionparsnip1 (03:03:03 PM) remoteCTR1: stonegrinder: /etc/init.d/cupsd restart ... never mind;)14:05
ActionParsnip1!info vlw14:05
ubottuPackage vlw does not exist in intrepid14:05
lenswipeActionParsnip1: ok i installed the codec and it still wont play the DVDs, any ideas?14:05
connarstonegrinder: i am installing xmind but it is prompting me to insert an apton cd14:05
ActionParsnip1remoteCTR1: its too late for me dude, sorry14:05
lenswipeActionParsnip1: the screen on the program goes black like its gonna do something and then it does nothing....14:05
DarkKnightoCean_; and this is what I got on starting apache2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/123333/14:05
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: yeah and your are a cluster-solver so actually i am glad if i ever ansver anything before you:D14:06
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: try: mplayer dvd://114:06
disappearedngHey everyone my totem keeps crashing, my firefox doesn't play anysound in youtube,  any1 here knows why?14:06
ActionParsnip1remoteCTR1: if yo uwanna jump in ;)14:06
oCean_DarkKnight: that's not a real problem. It means you cannot connect through hostname, but we can fix that too14:06
DarkKnightoCean; so how can we fix it??14:06
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip1: sure, always glad to help -- provided i can...14:07
oCean_DarkKnight: does your machine have a hostname?14:07
ActionParsnip1disappearedng: http://www.codecguide.com/fix_for_flash_sound_problems.htm  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20402214:07
lenswipeActionParsnip: it gives me a lot of feedback in terminal telling me how many subtitles there are on the DVD and stuff and it says playing dvd1, but its not doing anyuthing....14:07
ActionParsnip1disappearedng: http://forums.opensuse.org/applications/multimedia/405321-no-sound-flash-64bit-opensuse-11-1-a.html14:07
lenswipeActionParsnip1: it used to work before, its just stopped playing DVDs recently14:07
DarkKnightoCean_; hold on upon that question...we'll get back to that later....after installing drupal...its asking me POSTFIX CONFIGURATION....what should i enter in mail config14:08
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: hmm strange, you could reinstall the dvd plugin. I hve a leeting now14:08
quibblerlenswipe: do you have medibuntu repos in your source list ...you need to install libdvdcss214:08
alex^^whats a good syslog monitor/manager for linux? i have around 50 machines..14:08
lenswipequibbler: well like i said, it used to play DVDs, its just randomly stopped doing so...14:08
oCean_DarkKnight: well, that's up to you .. if you NEED mailconfiguration and if you HAVE setup a postfix environment.14:09
quibblerlenswipe: what did you use?14:09
lenswipequibbler: no error messages, i just click either a DVD playing program such as VLC or i press play DVD in the likes of smplayer and it just does nothing14:09
DarkKnightoCean_; i have no idea about that...can you be clear14:09
lenswipequibbler: however if i press play DVD under totem it says unable to read from resource14:09
oCean_DarkKnight: well, postfix is a way to send mail from your machine.14:09
George2ok, so i've installed ubtuntu-restricted-extras, but still get jumpy playback :/14:10
quibblerlenswipe: do you have the medibuntu repos14:10
kaleGeorge2: what are you playing?14:10
lenswipequibbler: idk, how do i check?14:10
George2kale - an mp414:10
oCean_DarkKnight: actually it's called a "transfer agent". Using that, mailclients can send mail from your computer. Can't you skip that part in the setup? If you don't need the mail function14:10
kaleGeorge2: is that video?14:10
quibblerlenswipe: look in your software sources14:10
LunksHi, I'd like to force Ubuntu to change its behaviour on my CPU, it seems it has lost its Speedstep abilities14:11
lenswipequibbler: just under synaptic?14:11
DarkKnightoCean_; i dont need that if its not necessary for drupal14:11
George2m\ybe it's my video driver, and yes kale14:11
DarkKnightoCean_; should i cancel it14:11
LunksI'd like to change its behaviour to conservative or something, or at least know how to do it to test it. :P14:11
kaleGeorge2: are you using mplayer?14:11
LunksRight now it's awfully stuck at max cpu freq and no need of it.14:11
oCean_DarkKnight: I'm not sure if 'cancel' is the cancellation of the install or just the postfix setup14:11
quibblerlenswipe: system-administration-software sources14:11
lenswipequibbler: no it doesntlook like i do have the medibuntu repos14:12
George2kale totem and vlc14:12
erUSULLunks: sudo cpufreq-set -g ondemand14:12
kaleGeorge2: sorry cannot help on those, i can on mplayer14:12
LunkserUSUL: thanks a lot14:12
quibblerlenswipe:  go here and add them: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu14:12
lenswipequibbler: thanks14:13
DarkKnightoCean_; i just skipped that...now its configuring drupal514:13
oCean_DarkKnight: ok14:13
oCean_DarkKnight: you're almost there14:13
LunkserUSUL: thanks!14:13
quibblerlenswipe: then you are done doing that go to synaptic and install libdvdcss214:14
erUSULLunks: no problem14:14
DarkKnightoCean_; there's a text box with: configuring database  for drupal5 with dbconfig-common...its already selected...should i click Forward14:14
LunkserUSUL: weirdly, setting it to 'ondemand' kept it on 100%, so I manually chose 800Mhz and it's down at last14:14
LunkserUSUL: and it *stills* go to 2GHz from time to time14:14
LunksIt appears there are 2 things managing the same problem, does it sound reasonable, erUSUL? :P14:15
oCean_DarkKnight: don't really know, seems to be default (right) choice at this point14:15
erUSULLunks: really do not know what may be happening my athlon64 x2 works well with ondemand. i do not have to force it14:15
DarkKnightoCean_; soclick Forwar?14:15
DarkKnightoCean_; soclick Forward?14:15
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LunkserUSUL: thanks =)14:16
DarkKnightoCean_; and database mysql???14:16
lenswipequibbler: ok i added the medibuntu repos14:16
lenswipequibbler: what now?14:16
oCean_DarkKnight: If you have installed mysql and its running, yes14:16
Starkieanyone know how to get usb mouserate poll to 500hz in ubuntu ?14:16
mohan_i have some partition on ntfs with lots of data on it.. Is it possible to convert the partition into ext3 from ntfs directly?14:16
erUSULLunks: which cpu are you using?14:17
quibblerlenswipe: then you are done doing that go to synaptic and install libdvdcss2 and w32codecs14:17
lenswipequibbler: thanks14:17
LunkserUSUL: It's a Turion, single-core14:17
rubydiamondHi guys..14:17
helohow do i change my qt app fonts? (kdevelop)14:17
erUSULmohan_: without loosing the data nor doing a backup?14:17
erUSULhelo: install qtconfig14:17
mohan_yes.. is ti possible erUSUL?14:17
Lunkshmm looks like it's somehow 'fixed', erUSUL14:17
DarkKnightoCean_; which webservers should be configured automatically...there's a list14:17
erUSULmohan_: no; i'm afraid it is not14:18
erUSUL!yay | Lunks14:18
ubottuLunks: Glad you made it! :-)14:18
Lunksnot sure what I did, but now the cpufreq panel works again, erUSUL... thanks =)14:18
oCean_DarkKnight: it's all up to you. I think default is best choice at the moment. Through backend it can all be modified after install14:18
mohan_ok.. is there any way to increase my linux ext3 partition size with empty partition?14:18
DarkKnightoCean_; apache is default...but i have installed apache2 as well14:19
mohan_i am low on diskspace in ubuntu..14:19
erUSULmohan_: yes a resize can be lossless (the empty space mast be at the endo of the ext3 partition14:19
lenswipequibbler: synaptic cant find the libdvdcss2 codec, it just comes back with no results :(14:19
khirrhelp wieh this script please14:19
kalei'm unable to completely remove a package, can you help?14:19
mohan_ok.. thanks erUSUL.. which software should i use to do resize?14:19
erUSULmohan_: gparted can do it graphically14:19
kale LANG="C" dpkg --remove linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic14:19
kaleFATAL: Could not open '/boot/System.map-2.6.22-15-generic': No such file or directory14:20
mohan_thank you erUSUL...14:20
quibblerlenswipe: search for libdvdcss14:20
DarkKnightkale; go to repos and right click and select completely remove14:20
oCean_DarkKnight: err.. I only have apache2 installed. It seems odd that apache1 is installed. Maybe it means apache = apache2?14:20
erUSULmohan_: do it from a livecd. you must not edit mounted partitions14:20
kaleDarkKnight: err.... click?14:20
lstarneskale: try doing sudo touch /boot/System.map-2.6.22-15-generic14:20
mohan_hmmm... ok.. i will.. thank you..14:20
DarkKnightoCean; i get an error installing drupal5  what do i do????14:21
lianimatorhow do I (on startup) run a script from the terminal with a specified terminal profile?14:21
George2hwo do i determine what video drivers i have?14:21
lstarnesDarkKnight: it depends on the error14:21
kalelstarnes: it tries to run update-initramfs14:21
XB23exim or postfix thats the question14:21
kalelstarnes: Cannot find /lib/modules/2.6.22-15-generic14:21
lstarneskale: which version of the ubuntu kernel are you using?14:21
DarkKnightkale; ya point your mouse on the box beside the package you wnat to uninstall and you can just click as well14:21
lstarneskale: *linux kernel14:21
kalelstarnes: right now this is running: Linux radiator 2.6.24-22-generic #1 SMP Mon Nov 24 18:32:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux14:22
lenswipequibbler: any ideas?14:22
George2DarkKnight: ask in #drupal-support ;)14:22
kaleDarkKnight: no gui14:22
DarkKnightlstarnes; well i faced this many times before..dont know why14:22
quibblerlenswipe: do you have 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?14:22
lenswipequibbler: 3214:22
DarkKnightkale; that's bad14:23
hanasakihello all - in general what do your hardrives run at for temperature?  average? max? whats a reasonable max sustained ?14:23
kaleDarkKnight: thats good!14:23
quibblerlenswipe: you can't find w32codecs?14:23
XPS_M1330what's the simplest way to install KDE4 from Ubuntu?14:23
mohan_How to take backup of entire softwares i compiled and using in ubuntu? (Precaution: If my hard disk crashes!!)14:23
lenswipequibbler: didnt try w32 ill try that now14:23
kaleDarkKnight: try for once to compare the time loading that gui stuff, to just getting the job done14:23
hanasakiquibbler:  fyi... w32codecs does seem to be missgin in jaunty14:23
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DarkKnightkale; faster then typing commands all the time14:24
lenswipequibbler: the only thing synaptic finds is mingw32, min232-binutils and mingw32-runtime14:24
Slartmohan_: there are many backup solutions.. type !backup to get some bot info14:24
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:24
lstarnesDarkKnight: I find that the commands are often faster14:24
quibblerlenswipe: you are in ubuntu 9.04?14:24
lenswipequibbler: nope, 8.0414:24
kaleDarkKnight: how long time does it take you to tell the gui to install bwm? it takes me 2 secs "apt-get install bvm" <hit return>14:25
quibblerlenswipe: are you sure you have the medibuntu repos14:25
Slartmohan_: if we're talking about commercial deployment here I would go with a complete system backup.. disk imaging or something like that, for home use I would just recompile14:25
lenswipequibbler: i did!14:25
bernzmohan_, one easy way to do it is to divide your main disk into two "halves", and keep duplicates of your partitions (copy the entire partition to the spare); if anything goes horribly wrong, you can boot from a live gparted cd and copy the backup partitions back over the main ones, restoring to an earlier time. if you mirror your "good" partitions weekly, it should be good enough14:25
DarkKnightlstarnes;there's not many people there who can help me14:25
quibblerdid you reload after adding it14:25
DarkKnightlstarnes;there's not many people there who can help me in that channel14:26
Slarthanasaki: hang on.. let me check14:26
lstarnesDarkKnight: what was the error message?14:26
lenswipequibbler: any ideas?14:26
Slarthanasaki: between 30 and 40 degrees celsius14:27
DarkKnightlstarnes;no reason givem; its just asking me whether i want to abort or retry...i tried the retry many times before...but i never got it14:27
bernzmohan_, but what i suggested *does* cut your "useful" disk space in half, plus it requires you to resize existing partitions to make room for creating the spares, which can take some time14:27
lstarnesDarkKnight: does it say anything else?14:27
quibblerlenswipe: if you have the repors then w32codecs is there in synaptic14:27
hanasakiSlart:  hmm mine run at 45C14:27
achilles hello, I have a directory called Sales, here is the line drwxrwx---  3 nobody MnS     4096 2009-02-26 07:58 Sales ,and I have a user called Saler , in the group MnS but he can't access14:27
lenswipequibbler: well not for me14:27
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George2where are the video driver settings for ubuntu, i can't find them anywhere14:28
hanasakiSlart:  what about your CPU temps?14:28
quibblerlenswipe: pastebin your source list and give me the url14:28
lenswipealright gimme a second14:28
bernzmohan_, oh, and obviously, the most significant drawback to my suggestion: if the disk controller fails, or an otherwise integral part of the physical disk fails, your backup partitions may be inaccessible (but not really to a professional recovery service, in the case of really important losses)14:29
lenswipequibbler: where can i get them as a text file?14:29
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George2bernz - but pro recovery services are mucho expensive14:29
quibblerlenswipe: do you know pastebin?14:29
DarkKnightlstarnes;i went to the help and i got this error:  ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MYSQL server through socket 'var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)14:29
tritiumlenswipe: /etc/apt/sources.list is a text fine14:29
Iceman_B^Ltopdoes anyone know if how I can quickly set a disk quota for a newly created user ?14:29
Slarthanasaki: not really sure.. there are several sensors.. 50-60 degrees celsius, I think14:29
lenswipequibbler: yes14:29
bernzGeorge2, oh yeah, i'm talking about like... an artist's masterpiece or something you'd actually want to save, as opposed to stuff that can always be recreated easily14:29
lstarnesDarkKnight: is mysql running?14:30
lenswipequibbler: what im asking is where can i get my source list as a text file to put into pastebin.14:30
DarkKnightlstarnes;i dont know14:30
DarkKnightlstarnes;what do i need to do?14:30
lstarnesDarkKnight: run ps aux | grep mysqld14:30
quibblerlenswipe: tritium told you  /etc/apt/sources.list14:30
lenswipequibbler: oh, never heard it14:31
lenswipequibbler: saw it even14:31
DarkKnightlstarnes; roshan   11047  0.0  0.0   3004   744 pts/0    R+   20:01   0:00 grep mysqld14:31
* bernz simply uses something like 'cp -a' to an external HD for backups ATM (rsync when i have more time to set it up)14:31
lstarnesDarkKnight: then mysqld isn't running.  Do you have mysql installed?14:31
George2darknight - use xampp - trust me14:32
George2if you install apache and mysql, you'll run into clean url problems on drupal14:32
xiroVHow do i make an external screen work with my ubuntu-laptop?14:32
George2Darknight - ^^14:32
lstarnesGeorge2: I haven't had those issues when using apache and mysql14:32
DarkKnightlstarnes;yes i checked it says unable to connect mysql when its trying to install drupal14:32
lenswipequibbler: http://www.pastebin.com/m57e02f914:32
bernzIceman_B^Ltop, i guess it requires a little background knowledge about 'quota' ('sudo apt-get install quota', 'man quota' maybe)14:32
lstarnesDarkKnight: try running sudo invoke-rc.d mysql start14:32
marcoshello, I installed ubuntu 8.10 on a ibook g3 (powerpc) I have a blank screen at startup; looking some posts on-line the only solution is reinstall 8.04, but I'm doing a network install, there is no other solutions? I can't do the network install again. at the boot prompt just say linux or old the options Linux nosplash video=radeonfb won't work14:33
quibblerlenswipe: the link is to an empty pastebin14:33
bernzIceman_B^Ltop, (in other words, answer is probably "no", nothing quick)14:33
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tritiumgaby: /j #ubuntu-fr14:34
DarkKnightlstarnes;invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/mysql not found.14:34
marcoshello, I installed ubuntu 8.10 on a ibook g3 (powerpc) I have a blank screen at startup; looking some posts on-line the only solution is reinstall 8.04, but I'm doing a network install, there is no other solutions? I can't do the network install again. at the boot prompt just say linux or old the options Linux nosplash video=radeonfb won't work14:34
tritiummarcos: no need to repeat14:34
gabythank you ^^14:34
lstarnesDarkKnight: you might want to try installing mysql-server-5.0 again14:35
xiroVhow do i make an external screen work with my ubuntu-laptop?14:35
bernzmarcos, if you don't object to KDE, maybe 'kubuntu' will work -- i had better luck with it for my laptop (though a PC one) than with ubuntu14:35
auraxsup all14:35
lenswipequibbler: hhm weird, sec14:35
bernzmarcos, (that is, if you can try another distro)14:35
ScunizixiroV: does the laptop have an nvidia board installed?14:35
xiroVScunizi, ye14:36
auraxI'm trying to install pptp client with multi NIC's, any idea how to bind the pptp client correctly?14:36
ScunizixiroV: and have you enabled the restricted drivers?14:36
quibblerlenswipe: be right back..gone for coffee14:36
lenswipequibbler: try that: http://pastebin.com/m57e028f914:36
Iceman_B^Ltopbernz: I see. well whilst googling, it seems like I need to do some shuffling around with partitions or so14:36
xiroVScunizi, yea.. the graphic driver works fine on my laptop.. i just want to connect an external screen to it14:36
Iceman_B^Ltopand thats still beyond my knowledge14:36
bernzaurax, (only an idea: the client probably has a config file, and it probably refers to the network device to use, e.g. "eth0"... look in that diretion)14:36
Iceman_B^Ltophonestly, I think it's ridiculous that something like user quota's can't be implemented by default, and also in an easy way14:37
auraxbernz: nothing there mate...14:37
marcosyes but how to start at least in text mode? no solution? possible? all the linux version is possible why not ubuntu? the only solution is reinstall? worse than windows 9814:37
bernzIceman_B^Ltop, hmm... it shouldn't require partition changes -- keep looking for a better explanation on the Web :-)14:37
ScunizixiroV: if you haven't already you'll need to install nvidia-settings.  then with the laptop shutdown plug in the other monitor then turn it on.  Boot the lappy and load nvidia-settings to turn dual monitor support on or off..14:38
bernzaurax, well, unfortunately, that exhausts my store of ideas :-]14:38
lenswipequibbler: that worl for you?14:38
bernzaurax, which PPTP client is it anyway? i'm not being facetious, but did you read its docs? ;-)14:39
DarkKnightlstarnes; its taking me 50 minutes to install mysql-server-5.014:39
quibblerlenswipe: i'm back...you don't have the medibuntu repors there14:39
srgzi try to configure openvpn on my ubuntu pc14:39
xiroVScunizi, So it only works if it's already plugged in while booting?14:39
srgzit display14:39
srgzThu Feb 26 15:38:11 2009 Cannot load CA certificate file ca.crt path (null) (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations): error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory: error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file: error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib14:39
cristihi! how can i create more than one primary partition using gparted? i currently have 1 primary and 2 extended + swap14:40
lenswipequibbler: WTF? thats weird, i ran the command from a link thats sposed to add them to the source list, and when i run software sources from the administration menu they show up in there O_o14:40
srgz sudo openvpn /etc/openvpn/server.conf14:40
xiroVScunizi, and what exactly do you mean about "load nvidia-settings" ?14:40
auraxbernz: sure man.. got one line up and running, it's just that i have 8 internet lines here and they all using pptp to dial out.14:40
srgzby running that command14:40
srgzcan anyone help plz14:40
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ScunizixiroV: typically that is correct.. espicially if the external is a flat screen tv as well.  At least with mine if I don't have the monitor/tv plugged in before booting the lappy then the resolution gets all messed up14:40
quibblerlenswipe: go here  : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu  and follow the instructions on adding the Repositories14:40
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bernzIceman_B^Ltop, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=289571 -- it looks complicated, but doesn't require repartitioning, just changes to your fstab; if you are very careful and plan everything out in advance, you should be able to do it safely -- if it doubt, back up the partition you're adding quota to first ;-)14:41
quibblerlenswipe: for hardy14:41
lenswipequibbler: i did that, i ran the command it told me and the medibuntu repo shows under System>Administration>Software Sources....14:41
ScunizixiroV: nvidia-settings is a program to activate the second monitor with an nvidia card.. it does other things like tweeking but you'll need it regardless.14:41
lenswipequibbler: just for some reason its not in the text file....14:41
bernzaurax, well, it's an interesting problem, so if you tell me the name of the client you're using, i'll read a bit about it, and if i come across anything useful, i'll update you14:41
ScunizixiroV: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings14:41
crazy2kHi. I'm running Intrepid's kernel. There's a bug they say it's fixed in Jaunty's kernel. What is the best way to update to that kernel (or at least have it as an option to boot from)?14:42
auraxbernz: it's the well know pptp-linux package14:42
quibblerlenswipe: run again in terminal: sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/intrepid.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list14:42
quibblerlenswipe: no14:42
xiroVScunizi, i already have it :) Thanks a lot.. i think i've sorted it out :D THanks14:42
ScunizixiroV: np :)14:43
quibblerlenswipe: sorry this: sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list14:43
bernzcrazy2k, basically: 1) get jaunty kernel sources 2) compile 3) place result (kernel file) into boot volume 4) reboot, and instead of running the default kernel, give it the name of the newly-compiled one; 5) when finished playing, reboot14:43
Nevishi guys. I have a gigabyte geforece 6600 graphics card I just installed. I'm using 180.11, but it seems later versions are available. Should I upgrade? if so, how, as that's the latest version from intrepid repositories.14:43
quibblerlenswipe: then this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update14:43
bernzaurax, okay, cool14:44
ScuniziNevis: nope that should work fine.. if you find any anomolies you might even try using the 173 driver.. use to work great for me.14:44
auraxthanks bernz!14:44
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo14:45
tbalthazarHi, I would like to install MySQL on Ubuntu without being prompted to enter the root password (because I use a script to automate the install and I change the root password later in the script). The script use this command "aptitude install -y mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev" to install MySQL, but I'm still asked to change the root password (with Ubuntu 8.04.2). Any solution?14:45
lenswipeActionParsnip1: hey, still same problem14:46
ActionParsnip1tbalthazar: you can make apt-get not need sudo14:46
lenswipequibbler: ok i ran that, still not working, i cant find the codecs in synaptic O_o14:46
Iceman_B^Ltopbernz: ah thanks, I'll take a look14:46
ActionParsnip1lenswipe: does vlc-nox work?14:46
lenswipequibbler: want a screenie of my sources list gtk app?14:46
Iceman_B^LtopI also found a switch in Wwbmin14:46
Iceman_B^Ltop"enable quota's"14:46
ActionParsnip1!webmin | Iceman_B^Ltop14:47
ubottuIceman_B^Ltop: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.14:47
PiciRand: Do you have a support question?14:47
tbalthazarActionParsnip1: I don't understand what you mean.14:47
quibblerActionParsnip1: i'm trying to get lenswipe to add the medibuntu repos14:47
ActionParsnip1tbalthazar: you can set certain commands to not need sudo14:47
lenswipequibbler: i have done, several times.....14:47
lenswipequibbler: want a screenshot?14:47
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:47
lenswipequibbler: http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd12/lenswipe/?action=view&current=Screenshot-SoftwareSources.png14:47
psypher246hi all. i was hoping someone can tell me how do i run xubuntu without starting the xserver. it used to be so easy bu just changing a number in the inittab. how do i do it now?14:48
RandPici: No, just retarted friends14:48
Iceman_B^LtopActionParsnip1: best to remove webmin then?14:48
tbalthazarActionParsnip1: and that will prevent apt-get from asking to change the mysql root password?14:48
unopActionParsnip1, I don't think he has a sudo problem .. he doesn't want the mysql postinst script to ask for a root password14:48
=== jwy is now known as jeawy
tbalthazarunop: that's it14:48
Scunizipsypher246: you mean you don't want to restart x to get xubuntu up? like run it in a different TTY?14:49
unoptbalthazar, you might be able to change the debconf priority to high and get away with it -- but i am not sure.  try.   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow debconf14:49
quibblerlenswipe:put a check also medibuntu source14:49
ActionParsnip1unop: surely if he adds the command to whatever file makes that happen it can be done without sudo or password?14:49
unoptbalthazar, after that - try installing mysql14:49
lenswipequibbler: it isnt checked????14:49
lenswipequibbler: :O! how could i miss that???14:49
ActionParsnip1Iceman_B^Ltop: its advised but if its working for you i can't see why not. I dont use it and can only tell you what the factoid says14:50
unopActionParsnip1, the mysql installer asks for a password to be set for the mysql entity 'root' (not the system user) - that's what he's looking to avoid14:50
quibblerlenswipe: reload and check in synaptic again14:50
lenswipequibbler: ok i checked the box and got another error message, ill screenshot it...14:50
Daft_Punkis there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)14:50
lenswipequibbler: gimme a sec...14:50
psypher246Scunizi: no i want to change the run level so that x does not start on boot14:50
ActionParsnip1unop: ahhh to set the root mysql password on the other system14:50
jribpsypher246: forever?14:51
unopActionParsnip1, well, not set it - but rather, don't set it14:51
banisterfiendhey guys i've lost my taskbar, what do i do? how do i get it back?14:51
ActionParsnip1unop: i gotcha14:51
Scunizipsypher246: ok.. sorry I missunderstood.. don't know the answer to that one but could have had you running 2 occurances of x with xubuntu in one and ubuntu or kde in the other.. :)14:51
tbalthazarunop: when I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow debconf, it launches an interactive blue screen, which is what I want to avoid with my install script14:51
cristidoes anyone have any idea what does window require besize the fac that it wants to be installed on a primary partition?14:51
jribpsypher246: system -> administration -> services.  Disable graphical login.  runlevels 2-5 are identical on debian, so you just want to disable the specific service on runlevel 2 (the default) (at least)14:51
KazaLitehi all14:51
banisterfiendanyone? im freaking out!14:52
KazaLitewhich is the best ide that can be configured with gcc for ubuntu?14:52
dtcrshrwhat bothers you banisterfiend14:52
Slartpsypher246: does this thread help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=646014:52
psypher246jrib: can i not just change the runlevel to one that does not boot graphical?14:52
jribcristi: it doesn't even require that really, but you shouldn't need to do anything else special14:52
banisterfienddtcrshr: ive lost my taskbar :(14:52
unoptbalthazar, I don't see you getting out of this one easily -- are you creating a script that you will distribute to other people or is it just for yourself?14:52
kalebanisterfiend: right click some other panel, open preferences, and a a new panel14:52
jribpsypher246: if runlevels 2-5 are identical by default then that's not possible, right?14:52
banisterfiendkale: i dont have any other panels14:52
kalejrib: runlevel 2 is not used14:52
lenswipequibbler: http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd12/lenswipe/?action=view&current=Screenshot-synaptic.png14:53
jribkale: runlevel 2 is default...14:53
tbalthazarunop: it is already open source : http://github.suitmymind.com/ubuntu-machine/14:53
kalebanisterfiend: not even the usual top panel14:53
Scunizijrib: then on reboot psypher246 would have no gui.. once in that position how do you reverse the process?14:53
psypher246and text only is 3 right?14:53
ActionParsnip1unop: couldnt you edit the post install scipt somehow?14:53
banisterfiendkale: no, all i have are the icons on my desktop, that's all14:53
psypher246Scunizi: YOU HAVE THE COMMNAD LINE14:53
psypher246oops sorry14:53
psypher246nnot screaming14:53
jribScunizi: /etc/init.d/gdm start, System -> Administration -> Services.  Or use sysv-rc-conf or bum14:53
kalejrib: then ubuntu really sucks14:53
tbalthazarunop: I installed a ubuntu server in a breeze with my script yesterday, and today, it do not work anymore ... :-/14:53
bernzaurax, perhaps this config tool would be helpful: http://quozl.linux.org.au/pptp/pptpconfig/0-README.phtml14:53
jribkale: I guess you mean "debian really sucks".  But no, not really14:53
cristijrib: uhm, however is it ok to have 2 primary partitions? and also a friend told me that windows needs the first bytes from the disk in order to be succesfully installed. That is not correct isn't it?14:54
psypher246all you used to have to do is change the runlevel number in inittab14:54
ActionParsnip1kale: you can get runlevel 2, its single user mode command line14:54
RandAnyone here tried to run multiple x servers, with two keyboards and mouse?14:54
kalejrib: runlevel 2 i undefined14:54
Scunizijrib: ah.. early for me.. forgot about init.d to start the gui.. :/14:54
kaleActionParsnip1: thats runlevel 114:54
jribkale: if you are using ubuntu, run « runlevel »14:54
lenswipeRand: i guess thats what u might call a mainframe computer eh?14:54
psypher246jrib: is right14:54
bernzaurax, but besides that, it looks like there's a file '/etc/ppp/options.pptp' which might contain something useful14:54
lenswipequibbler: i managed to pickup w32, what was the other one called?14:54
kalejrib: hey hold on, i'm wrong here. runlevel 2 is singleuser with net, its runlevel 4 that doesn't exits14:54
jribpsypher246: this is debian policy.  If you want, use sysv-rc-conf or bum to modify just runlevel 2 to not start gdm, doesn't really matter14:55
Rand:P hehe, wondering if it is possible... would have been really cool:P14:55
ActionParsnip1kale: aahhhh RL2 = Multi-User Mode Does not: configure network interfaces or start daemons14:55
weerluishi guys, how do I setup fetchmail to use a catch all account?14:55
jribkale: on debian (and ubuntu) runlevels 2-5 are identical by default14:55
ActionParsnip1kale: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) and later contain Upstart as a replacement for the traditional init-process, but they still use the traditional init scripts and Upstart's SysV-rc compatibility tools to start most services and emulate runlevels.14:55
kalejrib: i do not believe so14:55
Picikale: jrib is correct.14:55
kalejrib: one of those is without networking14:55
ActionParsnip1kale: wikipedia14:55
quibblerlenswipe: libdvdcss214:55
afancyHi,  could anybody know why my cursor on screen jump everywhere when i am typing.14:55
Iceman_B^LtopActionParsnip1: I'll go with phpsysinfo14:55
cristiafancy: do you have a touchpad?14:56
lenswipequibbler: right.14:56
unoptbalthazar, i'm guessing you could create a .cnf file that contains the password and place it in /etc/mysql .. the installer should use that configuration instead14:56
kalejrib: also runlevel 5 should be with gui, and 3 without gui14:56
psypher246as far as I knew runlevel 1, single user, 2, gui, 3 just text. another forum said add text to the kernel boot line but that didn't work either14:56
quibblerlenswipe: try a dvd14:56
Daft_Punkbanisterfiend, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=303438 (try pressing alt+f2 and search panel and run it)14:56
jribkale: on some distros that is their policy, sure.  Not on debian14:56
afancycristi: maybe, how can i close it?14:56
tbalthazarunop: great idea, I'll try that14:56
afancycristi: disable touchpad14:56
kalejrib: that is very weird14:56
unoptbalthazar, to understand how the installer works, you might have to look at the preinst/postinst script in  /var/lib/dpkg/mysql*inst14:56
cristisystem->preferences->mouse->touchpad and you have the disable option14:57
lenswipequibbler: thanks man, it works now, except there is no sound and the color looks like a 50s TV14:57
lenswipequibbler: any ideas?14:57
fastaIs there some way to lower the speed of the touchpad scoller?14:57
fastaIt seemed it is 3 times faster than with the previous update.14:57
lenswipequibbler: nvm i got sound....14:58
quibblerlenswipe: what player14:58
disappearedngHey my totem crashes whenever I play a file any ideas?14:58
ActionParsnip1fasta: set scroll speed somewhere in gnome settings i'd imagine, set it to fewer lines14:58
lenswipequibbler: smplayer14:58
ActionParsnip1disappearedng: run it from terminal, you will get intelligent output14:58
quibblertry vlc14:58
banisterfiendDaft_Punk: alt-f2 doesn't do anything, in fact none of my old shortcut keys seem to work14:58
quibbleror totem14:58
Daft_Punkbanisterfiend, did you try restarting the system a few times? seems like something didnt load properly14:58
cristiafancy: system->preferences->mouse->touchpad and you have the disable option14:58
banisterfiendDaft_Punk: for example i had Control-ALT-t bound to open a gnome-terminal but now it says it can't even locate the command 'gnome-terminal' anymore!14:59
kalejrib: seems you are right about those runlevels in debian. long time since i used it14:59
unopbanisterfiend, but do you know if gnome-terminal is installed?14:59
afancycristi: many thanks14:59
cristiafancy: no problem ;D15:00
banisterfiendunop: im installing it now...do you think it got uninstalled when i went 'apt-get remove nautilus-extensions1' ?15:00
disappearedngActionParsnip1 http://pastie.org/40096215:00
unopbanisterfiend, it's possible15:00
unopbanisterfiend, but i am not sure about that15:00
banisterfiendwell im confused to all hell15:01
ActionParsnip1disappearedng: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/27412415:01
banisterfiendis there anything i can type at a terminal to bring back the taskbar?15:02
unopbanisterfiend, errm..  gnome-panel  perhaps15:02
cristiwhat do i need to learn in order to get involved in the motu project? i mean making packages and stuff15:02
kalebanisterfiend: you can delete your gnome settings15:02
banisterfiendkale: im not sure about that, mightn't that just make things worse? :(15:03
banisterfiendunop: gnome-panel, it says the command doesn't even exist.... :/15:03
unopbanisterfiend, does the panel come up when you log in?15:03
banisterfiendno it doesn't15:03
unopbanisterfiend, i guess you need to install gnome-panel too then15:03
oCean_cristi: think ppl in #ubuntu-motu can help15:03
cristioCean_: thank you15:04
banisterfiendunop: do you know the name of a package that just has all that stuff with it? like gnome-terminal and gnome-panel etc15:04
banisterfiendi think i uninstalled something pretty fundamental when i was following the advice i was given :/15:04
unopbanisterfiend, errm, ubuntu-desktop perhaps15:05
aboSamoor1where can I find support for ubuntu 9.04 ?15:06
unop!jaunty | aboSamoor115:06
ubottuaboSamoor1: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:06
banisterfiendunop: if i install ubuntu-desktop it's not going to screw everything is it? (btw installing gnome-panel did get my task bar back thanks! but im scared that there's a mbunch of other wtuff i need to install too that i dont know about)15:06
hay_ig2000hi all, i used supergrubdisc to reinstall grub..afterwards booting into ubuntu has been slower by nearly 10 seconds15:06
bsdbanditim trying to configure my wireless from the command line do i need to restart to make the changes take effect15:07
n8tuserfbsdbandit -> nope15:07
unopbanisterfiend, well, what i would do is examine /var/log/dpkg.log to see exactly what was removed after you 'followed that advice' .. and reinstall those packages15:07
user32768i am trying to mount a samba share, ideally so that it can be mounted from kde.  its set up in fstab and can be mounted from a shell with sudo mount, but seems to require sudo?  and i have found no way to doing this via kde, either.  can anyone here help?15:07
utkuaydinCan you suggest a software like Quanta Plus? I don't want to install KDE libs.15:07
bernzaurax, sorry, it looks like i can't get enough understanding of the pptp stuff without installing it and playing around a bit; but i'm pretty sure you should be able to list your 10 NICs in '/etc/network/interfaces', and then put 'eth0', 'eth1', etc into your pptp configs... something like that. good luck!15:08
unopbsdbandit, they will probably be lost -- unless you save them in /etc/network/interfaces15:08
bsdbanditim going to give that a try15:08
bsdbanditim running fluxbox15:08
unopbsdbandit, but that file has specific syntax .. see  man 5 interfaces15:08
CarlFKIntuitiveNipple: mind giving me some help with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EloTouchScreen15:10
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: Not sure I'll be any use; I only spent an hour with an Elo :)15:11
CarlFKIntuitiveNipple: well, for openers I am not sure I am getting the xorg.conf settings recognized... or something15:12
mercutio22What is a good tool to create a DVD with custom subtitles?15:12
oCean_!hi | faria15:13
ubottufaria: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:13
CarlFKIntuitiveNipple: here is my xorg.conf and log http://dpaste.com/1882/15:13
DykamOh no, a hello bot15:13
fariai installed ubuntu now plz tell me is NIC cards matter for speed?15:13
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: As far as I recall, it 'just worked' when I set it up (aside from the inversion issue) so I didn't really look closely15:13
bernzNIC == network interface card15:13
disappearedngActionParsnip1: hey there isn't a fix for this though15:14
bernzit matters for speed of your LAN, but as a human, you'll never notice15:14
AJC_Z0What's the correct way to set a user defined search path in /etc/resolv.conf?15:14
bernz(even 10 Mb/s card is faster than most people need)15:14
DuelandHow can I change the name of my HDD? :P15:14
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix_da_catz
fariai mean i have builtin NIC so can i use pci NIC card for good speed?15:14
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support15:14
bernzfaria, yes, definitely15:14
tritiumAJC_Z0: /etc/resolv.conf has to do with DNS, not search paths15:14
bernzfaria, some built-in NICs even come at gigabit speed (1000Mb/s)15:15
fariabrenz wich one is the best ?15:15
SiDiDueland: if you mean change the label of the partitions on your HDD, you can do it with Gparted, but you'll have to unmount them before you change the names (thus you might have to do it via a LiveCD)15:15
CarlFKIntuitiveNipple: out of the box it kinda worked - but the X was flipped - up down is fine, move finger to the right, mouse goes to the left15:15
jin_122how come i get an error just typing in ./configure in my terminal ?15:15
bernzfaria, there is no particular "best" one; as long as it works, it's good enough15:15
ForzaPalermohey guys i have 3 internal haredrives, one 200gb for my ubuntu OS, the other two (1.5TB each) i want PURELY for storage and will LVM.... my question iswhen i format it iusing fdisk... do i make it a primary partiiton??? and how do i know im getting all 1.5TBS..... it asks questions about cylinders.. i am confused please help!15:15
lstarnesjin_122: it depends on the error message15:15
bernzfaria, in other words, your mobo probably has a 10/100 built-in, maybe a 100/1000 -- both are "best" ;-)15:16
fariaso u advice me to use pci NIC card15:16
SiDijin_122: obviously the configure script can't end because you're missiing something.15:16
unoptritium, you can set a search domain in /etc/resolv.conf to use to resolve non-FQDNs15:16
DuelandSiDi: Is it necessary if i don't use any of them to boot up the system with? There's nothing on them15:16
jin_122java -jar /home/thesleepingox/Desktop/jIRCii/jerk.jar15:16
jin_122thesleepingox@ubuntu:~$ ./configure15:16
jin_122bash: ./configure: No such file or directory15:16
jin_122that's what i get15:16
unopAJC_Z0, i don't think you can15:16
CarlFKIntuitiveNipple: trying to add the Section "InputDevice" results in it not working at all - touch anywhere, mouse doesn't move15:16
bernzfaria, yes, PCI NIC is just fine (PCI is able to easily handle it)15:16
tritiumunop: yes, search *domain*, not $PATH15:16
unoptritium, he might have used 'path' as a loose term there15:16
AJC_Z0unop: That's not good. A search path is part of a network environment15:16
bernzfaria, but if you have a built-in one, it's just as good (and saves a slot)15:16
tritiumunop: fair enough15:16
SiDiDueland: well you need to unmount a partition in order to change its name so you cant rename your system partition without using a LiveCD. any other partition should be ok :)15:16
fariathanx bernz15:17
bernzfaria, in fact -- the built-in one could be *slightly* better, because it might be more "directly" connected to a bus (but probably, it's just hanging on the PCI bus anyway)15:17
unopAJC_Z0, well, edit /etc/resolv.conf and place your domain there then15:17
jin_122thesleepingox@ubuntu:~$ ./configure15:17
jin_122bash: ./configure: No such file or directory15:17
Duelandok thnx15:17
unopjin_122, you need to be in a source directory for that to work15:17
bernzfaria, no problem15:17
fariathanx bernz15:17
Droopsta915My flash drive doesn't auto mount sometimes, when it doesn't my computer freezes and I have to reboot. Anyone having this problem?15:17
AJC_Z0unop: Of course that doesn't last longer than until the next DHCP refresh. I could mess with dnclient.conf, but with per-user session based network config that would be suboptimal15:18
bernzDroopsta915, i've had lock-ups just after POST (before OS loads) if a USB stick was plugged in on some motherboards15:18
fariabernz how can i set my ubuntu for shell service with vhost15:19
bernzDroopsta915, the only one i can recall for sure what an XPC "shuttle" machine15:19
sinantoday apt updated my flash player, now FF doesn't know the player is there, it asks me to "download a new plugin"! Any ideas?15:19
IdentifyTargetI'm migrating from FreeNAS (FreeBSD) to Ubuntu. I have a 3 drive Software RAID0 UFS that was setup in FreeNAS. Will I be able to access the data in Ubuntu without reformatting the disk, and if so how? (I'm new to linux).15:19
bernzfaria, i don't understand; do you mean you want to log into a shell from a remote machine?15:19
hothollasis there a messenger where I can use my microphone with?15:19
unopAJC_Z0, well, that's by design - the network is controlled by the administrator - you can't have users hijacking the policy you set out15:20
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: I'm guessing this is a clue "Unable to ask Elographics touchscreen identification"15:20
hothollasis there another messenger- other than pidgin- that it's possible to use the mic with ?15:20
CarlFKIntuitiveNipple: how do I figure out  device="?"15:21
ForzaPalermospeaking about pidgin... i cant stop the system beep when you hit backspace in the chat window15:21
ForzaPalermoanyone know how to stop that15:21
AJC_Z0unop: Setting an appropriate search path is hijacking? I didn't know I was a terrist15:21
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: You must know what port the device is connected to? Maybe the device model isn't supported by that driver?15:22
bernzForzaPalermo, you *might* be able to just disable the system beep (globally) from the sounds control panel15:22
ForzaPalermoit is but only in pidgin15:23
unopAJC_Z0, yes, because as an administrator - you want users to use the domain (and policies associated with it) and a contravention of this is termed 'hijacking'15:23
ForzaPalermoit stays!15:23
ForzaPalermoso annoying15:23
slerderHi everyone. I just noticed that the motherboard I ordered from newegg has an 8 pin connector for the cpu but my powersupply only has a 4 pin connector for the cpu. Can I use my 4 pin connector or some sort of adapter? What should I do? Thanks.15:24
Scunizislerder: you need to buy a new powersupply15:24
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.15:25
Dillizari have problems with mounting my phone i can see it but i cant open it15:25
kaleDillizar: bluetooth?15:26
rmzeppelinive got a problem i just installed xubuntu 8.10 and theres no x button or - button up top of applications and i cant resize or move the applications does anyone know how to fix this15:26
kaleDillizar: you need to set the phone to be an usb-storage-device15:26
bernzDillizar, is it a MSD/MSC (mass storage)?15:26
rmzeppelinive had xubuntu before never had this problem15:26
Dillizari did kale15:26
Dillizarbernz,  i dont know what is that :)15:27
bernzDillizar, in that case, it's probably at least showing up in /dev/sd*, no?15:27
kaleDillizar: fdisk -l15:27
bernzDillizar, MSC == mass storage class (a USB device class), sometimes also called MSD (mass storage device)15:27
bernzDillizar, it makes your device's storage (usually flash, sometimes a removable drive, like SD or micro-SD) appear as a typical "disk drive" to the OS15:28
ForzaPalermowhen you do fdisk to a drive, and make it a primarmy partion and just hit enter till the end, does the partiion take up the whjole space of the drive15:28
rmzeppelin i just installed xubuntu and i dl newest nvidia drivers and installed them also with xubuntu if anyone can help i would be more than thankfull15:28
ForzaPalermomine is 1.5tb i just want to know if there is a limit15:28
Dillizarbernz, i can see the card and the phone but i cant enter15:28
bernzForzaPalermo, newer BIOS and kernels support up to [insane limit] disk drives15:29
ghostlineshow do i detect the mac address from a pc on my local network?15:29
Dillizarkale fdisk -l doesnt work15:29
bernzwhere [insane limit] is at least in the PBs, i think (petabytes... 1000s of TB)15:29
kaleghostlines: arping15:29
bernzDillizar, 'sudo fdisk -l'  ;-)15:29
ForzaPalermobernz: right, but im just wondering if its a limitiation of the funtion15:29
ForzaPalermocause it asks about cylinder size15:29
tcrIs there a way to find out what packages were recently updated?15:29
ForzaPalermoand i get confused cuase i have no clue what it is15:30
kaleDillizar: id15:30
bernzForzaPalermo, nope, it's only asking if you want to make the partition smaller than the whole disk (if the table is empty already)15:30
nicolaialexanderhi everyone i just installed ubuntu and i need root access does anyone know how i could do that?15:30
tcrI updated something yesterday through UpdateManager, and it seems the change made my system instable15:30
kalenicolaialexander: sudo bash15:30
tcrnicolaialexander: In a Terminal, type `sudo su'15:30
DillizarBernz and kale i have this i sure hope i will not flood :)15:30
DillizarDisk /dev/sdc: 11 MB, 11403264 bytes15:30
Dillizar1 heads, 22 sectors/track, 1012 cylinders15:30
DillizarUnits = cylinders of 22 * 512 = 11264 bytes15:30
DillizarDisk identifier: 0x0000000015:30
atrox_Could somebody help me with an error I get when trying to update package information?15:30
FloodBot1Dillizar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:30
bernzDillizar, use a pastebin site (e.g. pastebin.ca) for multi-line output ;-)15:31
ForzaPalermobernz: so going through the defualt motions will give me maximum partiion size of 1.5tb or whatever that transition to when fomratted?15:31
dsdeizhi, i'm having trouble with my connection speed in ubuntu.. i have 8.10 any ideas what i should start on researching? :S15:31
kaledsdeiz: tcpdump, bwm15:31
bernzDillizar, anyway, so the phone's storage is 'sdc'; with 'fdisk -l /dev/sdc', you'll see if it has any usable partitions15:31
mohanohihi guys..15:32
mohanohii am getting E: Type 'wget' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list..15:32
mohanohiHow to reolve this issue?15:32
bernzForzaPalermo, yep; after you create the partition, it will not yet be written to disk; at that point, display the table ('p' i believe) and confirm that the sizes are correct15:32
atrox_Could somebody help me with an error I get when trying to update package information?15:32
nicolaialexanderis there a reason its called a bash:?15:32
ForzaPalermook then hit w to wr ite15:32
nicolaialexanderthanks a lot15:32
bernzDillizar, then you need to mount them (probably there is only '/dev/sdc1')15:32
Dillizarbernz, i dont have SDC15:32
dsdeizkale: uhm, i'm kinda new to ubuntu.. may i ask what are those for?15:33
tcrnicolaialexander: It stands for Bourne Again SHell15:33
bernzDillizar, ahhh... hm... well... you should unplug the phone, then 'ls -l /dev/sd*', then plug it in, then same command, and see if there's a new 'sd?' device (where '?' is a letter)15:33
kaledsdeiz: tcpdump, dumps network traffic, bwm shows bandwidth usage15:33
mohanohiwhen is open synaptic package manager I get E: Type 'wget' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list error and closes..15:33
bernz Dillizar, because maybe it's 'sdb' or 'sda' or even 'sdd' (depending on what else you have connected, whether your boot drive is SATA, etc)15:34
mohanohican anybody pls help me out from this?15:34
skyworldhow to set scim15:34
mohanohii did some wrong thing with tee command..15:34
unopmohanohi,  put the contents of that file up on a pastebin for us to see.15:34
Rioting_pacifistmy ubuntu install is unussable, everything keeps segfaulting, can somebody help!?!15:34
IdentifyTargetI'm migrating from FreeNAS (FreeBSD) to Ubuntu. I have a 3 drive Software RAID0 UFS that was setup in FreeNAS. Will I be able to access the data in Ubuntu without reformatting the disk, and if so how? (I'm new to linux).15:34
Dillizark bernz ok i can see it so is there a command to mount it :)15:34
skyworldi will but i can not15:35
nicolaialexanderthanks a ton15:35
bernzmohanohi, if you are missing 'wget' (i'm not saying you are, but i can't make sense of that error), you could try 'sudo apt-get update' and then 'sudo apt-get install wget'... but i don't think that'll really help15:35
bernzDillizar, awesome, so.. to mount it, you just need to create a "host" directory somewhere (an empty dir, say in '/media' or '/mnt')15:35
unopbernz, he's got the word 'wget' in that file -- and APT doesn't understand the meaning of the word15:35
scout_This is the way the world ends; not with a bang, but a whimper.15:35
axyjohi all, is 686-SMP support built in to the default intrepid kernel?15:35
mohanohioh.. sorry.15:35
bernzDillizar, call it 'phone' or something; and you gotta super that ('sudo mkdir /mnt/phone')15:35
hesselinkhi, I'm having trouble writing to my 3rd gen ipod over firewire in 8.10. USB works, reading over firewire works.15:36
atrox_nevermind, I fixed it15:36
bernzunop, ahh... hmm... that's tough to fix (particularly if the file has been edited)15:36
unopmohanohi,   sudo aptitude install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list15:36
kaleaxyjo: uname -a15:36
axyjokale: thanks i'll see it.15:36
IdentifyTargetpastebin it?15:36
unopbernz, errm, no, just edit the file and take the odd bits out15:36
IdentifyTargetcan you pastebin directly from CLI?15:37
spideyman<hesselink> the only way i could get mine to work was in amorok and i had to manually write the firewire id to the ipod15:37
unopIdentifyTarget, sure15:37
Rioting_pacifistIdentifyTarget: check with a livecd but id guess you can, im not sure what UFS read/write speed will be like though15:37
Dillizarbernz, thats awesome too :D but can you tell me step by step :D15:37
hesselinkspideyman: haven't tried Amarok yet, but even just "touch test" doesn't work...15:37
IdentifyTargetRioting_pacifist: EXCELLENT IDEA! Thank you15:37
mohanohii am getting E: Type 'wget' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list15:37
mohanohiE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)15:37
mohanohiE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:37
mohanohiE: Type 'wget' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list15:37
mohanohiE: The list of sources could not be read.15:37
FloodBot1mohanohi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:37
Dillizarbernz, what is a HOST directory15:37
shadeslayercan someone send me free ubuntu stickers??15:37
shadeslayerim in India15:38
bernzunop, yeah, but one has to identify the "odd bits" (to avoid further damage); that's the tricky part (unless one is already "good" at doing so)15:38
shadeslayerLike the ones ised for windows15:38
hesselinkspideyman: do you have any more info about writing the firewire id?15:38
shadeslayerand Intel15:38
Dillizarshadeslayer, if you order a free cd you will get them :)15:38
spideyman<hesselink> http://mandrivausers.org/lofiversion/index.php/t50594.html15:38
axyjohmm it has SMP, but how would i go about optimizing it for a 686 processor as opposed to a generic? there's no such package as a linux-image-686, but there is a linux-image-38615:38
bernzDillizar, it's the directory that you will bind your device's storage volume (the phone's internal "disk drive") to15:38
unopmohanohi, when you're ready ... that command returns a url, paste that in here15:38
shadeslayerDillizar: not those,too big15:38
bernzDillizar, and through which you will access that data15:38
IdentifyTargetWhat does Ubuntu 8.04 LTS stand for?15:38
n2diyhow do you tell when sbackup has finished?15:39
shadeslayerDillizar: like the small windows and Intel ones15:39
shadeslayerIdentifyTarget: Long term support15:39
hesselinkspideyman: thanks, I'll go read, and try amarok.15:39
shadeslayer!LTS | IdentifyTarget15:39
ubottuIdentifyTarget: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.15:39
Dillizarbernz, dont want to sound like a an asshole but you are speaking Japanese to me :D15:39
lionanyone can help me to manage my bandwith15:39
mohanohino.. when i typed the command you had specified in terminal it didn't returned url.. It gave series of error..15:39
unopDillizar, language15:39
bernzDillizar, okay, say when you've created the directory that will act as your mount point (the "host" for your device's storage) :-)15:39
Dillizarshadeslayer, you can buy them or make them15:39
wh4vnHi everyone! I try to install gyachi on my ubuntu 8.10 but cannot, it shows many errors, I corrected some, and stop when this happened: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123383/ Someone can help? Thank you!15:39
Dillizarbernz,  tell me how to create it :)15:40
shadeslayerDillizar: where can i make them,any specific shops,coz im starting a LUG15:40
unopmohanohi, ok.  sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list{,.bak} && sudo aptitude install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list15:40
ubottulion: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:40
Moncsiwhere do you live?15:40
lionhi shades15:40
shadeslayerMoncsi: gurgaon,India15:40
lionany ur help15:40
Dillizarshadeslayer, use GIPM15:41
bernzDillizar, okay, no worries... basically, on unix-like systems, "everything is a file" (there are exceptions); so, everything is in a "file system"... that' s like FAT & NTFS (Windows), ext2fs, jffs, etc... a file system is stored in a "volume", which is like a disk (of course, physical disks can be broken into pieces, each of which is a volume, containing a file system)15:41
wh4vnHi everyone! I try to install gyachi on my ubuntu 8.10 but cannot, it shows many errors, I corrected some, and stop when this happened: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123383/ Someone can help? Thank you!15:41
shadeslayerDillizar: i already have a logo file15:41
unopmohanohi, ahh sorry, make the last part. pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list.bak15:41
Moncsishut up!15:41
shadeslayerlion: ??15:41
bernzDillizar, Linux can "attach" (mount) a file system on an existing file system (your ubuntu is the main file system, onto which you are going to "glue" (temporarily) the phone's file system)15:41
wh4vnsorry! can you stop chatting?15:41
uanemei have a problem with wired network, before update it worked after update it is not connecting, (also not with static ip)15:41
ikoniawh4vn: who ?15:42
Dillizarok bernz understand so far :)15:42
uanemeis this a known issue?15:42
bernzDillizar, once attached, file systems can interact (copy/move files, etc)15:42
Moncsiwhat do you do?15:42
ikoniawh4vn: some what ?15:42
bernzDillizar, when you're finished using the guest file system, you unattach (unmount) it15:42
Scunizi!ot | Moncsi15:42
ubottuMoncsi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:42
bernzbernz, (and then physically unplug it if necessary, like a USB storage device)15:42
ikoniaubottu: define does not work15:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:42
ikoniaubottu: oops15:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oops15:42
ikoniauaneme: define does not work - what type of card is it15:42
Moncsii try to get ubuntu but i dont15:43
bernzDillizar, so, right now, we're creating a spot for your to "graft" your phone's file system onto your ubuntu (main) file system, so it can be accessed15:43
wh4vn@ikonia: sorry15:43
shadeslayerDillizar: so where can i make them??15:43
bernzDillizar, to create that spot, you can do 'sudo mkdir /mnt/phone' -- that is, "as super user, create a directory in '/etc' called 'phone'15:43
uanemeikonia:  i'll look it up one sec15:43
Dillizarshadeslayer, take gimp play with it and then print them on paper15:43
wh4vnI have a problem: I try to install gyachi on my ubuntu 8.10 but cannot, it shows many errors, I corrected some, and stop when this happened: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123383/ Someone can help? Thank you!15:43
shadeslayerDillizar: but i want plastic ones :P15:44
spasticteapotDoes anyone know where Ubuntu (technically xubuntu) runs the script that launches xfce4-panel? My system crashed a few days ago, and now I have to keep running it manually.15:44
shadeslayerDillizar: ill show you what i have15:44
shadeslayerone sec15:44
Dillizarwait shadeslayer lemme fix my stupid french phone k?15:44
bernzDillizar, let me know when you've created that directory, and we'll proceed15:45
uanemecan't find it... it is a acer netbook15:45
shadeslayerspasticteapot: sure i know15:45
dsdeizuhm, i have installed bwm-ng, what does rx tx means?15:45
Dillizarbernz, ok i have made a /mnt/phone :D now what :D15:45
shadeslayerspasticteapot: xfdesktop15:45
shadeslayerspasticteapot: worked??15:46
shadeslayerspasticteapot: run it in Alt+F215:46
wh4vn_I have a problem: I try to install gyachi on my ubuntu 8.10 but cannot, it shows many errors, I corrected some, and stop when this happened: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123383/ Someone can help? Thank you!15:46
=== im__ is now known as alfaromeo
spasticteapotshadeslayer: Will that cause xfce4-panel to load every time I boot?15:46
shadeslayerspasticteapot: uh which panel,thats for the desktop15:47
pressherehow can i set nautilus to show me always file extention?15:47
bernzDillizar, last step... mounting the device: 'sudo mount /dev/sdx1' where 'sdx1' is replaced by the correct name of the device's storage volume (look in /dev again if you forgot... 'ls -l /dev/sd*' and find the one that "appeared" when you plugged in the phone, and with a '1' after the letters)15:47
bernzDillizar, oops, rather 'sudo mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt/phone'15:48
wh4vn_someone can help? :(15:48
spasticteapotshadeslayer: The rest of XFCE works fine. It's just XFCE4-panel that's broken.15:48
Dillizarbernz, to make the directory in etc i need root access :) i forgot how to get there :)15:48
bernzDillizar, you are then saying "as super user, mount storage volume at this place '/etc/phone')15:48
orifice_workI have a program that is grabbing images from a remote camera but saves them as jpgs.  Is there a way I can serve those jpegs up in a live stream over http ?15:48
bernzDillizar, 'sudo x' == "run 'x' as super user"15:48
bernz(and use your login user name as password)15:49
unoporifice_work, you can convert the jpegs to a mpeg movie15:49
khirrhow can validate a empty field in bash?15:49
shadeslayerspasticteapot: the thing at the top??15:49
orifice_workunop:  I wanted to do that but I couldn't find out how to do it live15:49
blodskiwhat's the easiest way to clone the hdd in ubuntu, so i can reproduce the same for another machine?15:49
bernzDillizar, also, i noticed you said "to make a directory in /etc', but i might have mistakenly said to do that; you should create it in '/mnt' rather (e.g. 'sudo mkdir /mnt/phone')15:49
orifice_workI can make a movie from a series of jpegs, but I don't know how to dynamically generate a stream from incoming jpegs.15:49
unoporifice_work, http://electron.mit.edu/~gsteele/ffmpeg/15:50
wh4vn_I have a problem: I try to install gyachi on my ubuntu 8.10 but cannot, it shows many errors, I corrected some, and stop when this happened: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123383/ Someone can help? Thank you!15:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gyachi15:50
spasticteapotshadeslayer: And bottom. I've got two of them.15:50
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:50
wh4vn_@shadeslayer: why?15:50
unopkhirr, where is the field coming from?15:50
oCean_khirr: field? or string [ "$string" = "" ] or test -z $string15:50
wh4vn_@shadeslayer: why?15:50
Dillizarbernz i have made in mnt so now i need to sudo mount something15:51
uanemeikonia: its an acer 802.11 netcard with signal up tech15:51
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning15:51
shadeslayerspasticteapot: and they do not work from the begining??15:51
shadeslayerwh4vn: ??15:51
khirrunop oCean i'm trying while [$name == ""]; do15:51
DykamHmm, my dpkg is broken. It doesn't want to install stuff from command-line anymore15:51
bernzDillizar, yes, you're almost there -- we need to identify the storage volume in '/dev'... something like 'sdc1' (or 'sda1', 'sdb1', etc...)15:51
wh4vn_@shadeslayer: you said "!gyachi"15:51
khirrunop oCean but i see ./montar.sh: 14: [l: not found15:51
unopkhirr,  if [[ -z $name ]]; then ...15:52
Dillizarbernz, Disk /dev/sdc: 11 MB, 11403264 bytes this??15:52
spasticteapotshadeslayer: Not when I boot, no. They used to but I had a big system crash a few days ago and I have to run them manually.15:52
bernzDillizar, FWIW, USB storage volumes show up in /dev as 'sd?' because they are considered to be "(S)CSI (D)isk" (hence 'sd')15:52
tk3is there an ubuntu / gnome tool that sets up dual head / desktop spanning or is it an edit xorg.conf job?15:52
khirrunop i need a while15:52
oCean_khirr: yes, what unop said is a possibility15:52
unopkhirr, if you use [  you need a space between [ and it's argument .. [ is just another command15:52
shadeslayerspasticteapot: try #xfce for a really good response15:52
spasticteapotshadeslayer: I've also got a problem with my computer crashing every time I shut it down.15:52
unopkhirr,  while [[ -z $name ]]; do ...; done15:52
bernzDillizar, almost -- /dev/sdc is that actual disk (partition table and all); if it contains usable data, it will have at least one partition (probably labeled 'sdc1')15:52
spasticteapotshadeslayer: There's a #xubuntu channel, actually. It's just empty.15:52
khirrunop when i use space i see this message [: 7: ==: unexpected operator15:53
oCean_khirr: use '=15:53
oCean_only once15:53
bernzDillizar, do you have more than '/dev/sdc' (e.g. also '/dev/sdc1' (possibly more, like '/dev/sdc2', ...))15:53
shadeslayerspasticteapot: #xfce is specifically for the desktop environment,not empty15:53
wh4vn_I have a problem: I try to install gyachi on my ubuntu 8.10 but cannot, it shows many errors, I corrected some, and stop when this happened: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123383/ Someone can help? Thank you!15:53
uanemehow do i rollback network updates15:53
Dillizarbernz,  i have /dev/sda 115:54
unopkhirr, right, yes, that's because the shell expanded your expression to.  while [ whatever_was_in_name == ]; do ...15:54
kristian_what is a good alternative to vso convertxtodvd for windows on linux?15:54
=== he_chu is now known as hechu
ikoniauaneme: acer isn't the chipset - check out the chipset with lspic15:54
ikoniauaneme: acer isn't the chipset - check out the chipset with lspci15:54
uanemeok ikonia15:54
bernzDillizar, let's switch to PM15:54
gnr`what is the command to make the next line in terminal root, so i can run commands like ./configure15:55
DykamHmm, my dpkg is broken. It doesn't want to install stuff from command-line anymore15:55
unopgnr`, ctrl+c15:55
spideyman<gnr`> you shouldnt need to be root to configure15:56
uanemei see.. ikonia its realtec RTL8101E/RTL8102E15:56
unopDykam, put the contents of your commands up on a pastebin for us to see15:56
uanemeand also an atheros wifi15:56
CarlFKIntuitiveNipple: what mail list/form/#chan would you suggest I poke around in (re: touch screen)15:56
gnr`spideyman, sudo ./ddrescue-1.10.tar.gz  ??15:56
IntuitiveNippleCarlFK: I've not idea; it's not something I use15:56
Dykamunop, just aptitude (re)install randompackage15:56
Dykamit displays which pakcages it is going to install (nill) how ,many (nill) and ends15:57
unopDykam, that's the command, we're interested in the output it generates15:57
Dykamunop, it's dutch...15:57
unopDykam, that's fine .. i can translate15:57
wh4vn_noone can help?15:57
n2diyhow do you tell when sbackup has finished?15:57
spideyman<gnr`> unzip the package with tar -zxvf filename15:57
wh4vn_I ask a question many times15:58
uanemestrange thing is that auto eht0 worked fine BEFORE the update   .. and it is a brand new install15:58
unopDykam, hmm, how did you ascertain that dpkg is broken then?15:58
Dykamunop, becasue it doesn't install it?15:59
gnr`and then spideyman?15:59
hesselinkspideyman: no luck with amarok or the firewire-id. The firewire-id can't be found (it's an old 3rd gen, not a 3rd gen nano) and amarok gives errors on transfer.15:59
=== marius is now known as Guest50767
oCean_wh4vn_: libtoolize package is called 'libtool'16:00
spideyman<gnr`> then cd into the unzipped directory look for configure if you see it ./configure16:00
Dykamunop, no idea?16:00
unopDykam, what does this give you?  apt-cache policy monodevelop-query16:00
unop!info monodevelop-query16:01
ubottuPackage monodevelop-query does not exist in intrepid16:01
spideyman<hesselink> gtkpod might automount it16:01
wh4vn_oCean: I will try, thanks!16:01
unopDykam, heh -- see what ubottu just said ^^16:01
oCean_wh4vn_: however, Seems you're trying to build ddrescue, which is also in repos (apt-get install ddrescue)16:01
uanemeikonia: is the realtek nic a problem kid?16:01
Dykamunop, why does it then display in the search results...16:01
hesselinkspideyman: it's mounted, and all apps can read it, but writing doesn't work16:01
Dykamand doesn't give an error16:01
sureisHi, do a lot of people use Elementary OS?16:01
hesselinkeven though mount tells me: /dev/sdc2 on /media/IPOD type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,flush)16:01
wh4vn_oCean: ddrescue?16:01
unopDykam, are you on intrepid?16:02
ikoniauaneme: well it's a closed source driver as I recall16:02
Dykameuhm, think so, wait16:02
wh4vn_oCean: why I must install it?16:02
ikoniauaneme: so the update may have broken that16:02
uanemeo hell16:02
Dykamyes unop16:02
oCean_wh4vn_: sorry, I am mistaken16:02
unopDykam, it appears to be a virtual package - that's why - http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=intrepid&keywords=monodevelop-query16:02
spideyman<hesselink> yes thats why i had to manually write the firewire id cause it sees it but cannot write to it16:02
oCean_wh4vn_: that had nothing to do with you16:03
uanemeikonia: is there a way to rollback that update?16:03
unopDykam, seems like it is provided by monodevelop-database16:03
ikoniauaneme: not really - I'd look at fixing the issue16:03
hesselinkspideyman: ok, but the tool on your link says "Couldn't read xml sysinfo from /dev/sdc", and the manual method doesn't turn up an ID either16:03
Dykambut, unop, I based my opinion of dpkg being broken, because of an error message when about someting saying  ->cache() when updating16:03
unopDykam, hmm, well, do you still have that error message?16:03
Dykamnope... few hours ago16:04
oCean_gnr`: Saw that you tried unpacking ddrescue-xx.tar.gz ... ddrescue is also in the repos, install it using apt-get16:04
spideyman<hesselink> Im outta ideas persistence is the key16:04
Dykamproduced by the gui-updater intregrated into ubuntu16:04
wh4vn_oCean: I still get another error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123396/16:04
unopDykam, well, if you get it again .. come back and we'll see what we can do16:04
hesselinkspideyman: I've already spent a day googling... but thanks, I'll keep looking16:05
uanemeive read about a post where the firewall was locked after an update but far as i can see ip tables are accepting all traffic16:05
oCean_wh4vn_: sorry, dunno anything about that16:05
spideyman<hesselink> sorry i couldnt be more help16:05
wh4vn_oCean: :) Not at all16:06
outlierHow does one find the changelog or readme or whatever for different version of a package?  I have flashplugin-nonfree in like 4 versions in the repository (9.0.124, 9.0.152, 9.0.159, and one marked
Dykamunop, are there nog logs of the update-manager?16:06
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unopDykam, errm, i dunno - i don't run a standard gnome desktop16:06
Dykamanyone else?16:07
ubuntistasadobe air is a bin file how can i install it?16:07
unopDykam, maybe someone else knows?  but i doubt it anyway16:07
ubuntistasany clue?16:07
Dykamubuntistas, hmm, I've done it few months ago16:07
unopubuntistas,  chmod +x /path/to/file.bin;  /path/to/file.bin16:07
methodsis the new catalyst driver supported ?16:07
Dykamexec <binfile>?16:07
uanemeikonia:  what if i boot with the other kernel?16:07
Dykamoh, yeah16:07
giacoI've made "dd if=mydiskimage.img of=/dev/sdb1" . How can I check the progress of the execution? Any feeback?16:08
ikoniauaneme: try it, it will probably still work16:08
ubuntistasunop no file or directory man16:08
unopgiaco,  kill -USR1 $(pidof dd)16:08
unopubuntistas, you have to substitute the right path and file there16:09
uanemenow booting with 27-7 kernel16:09
bernzgiaco, unless you provided a switch that shows feedback (some kind of "verbose" option), if there is one, there isn't an wasy way16:09
ubuntistashow i can't get it unop iam anewbie16:09
bernzthere isn't an easy way, either16:09
oCean_unop: kill ?16:09
unopbernz, sure there is .. see my response16:09
wh4vn_oCean: :) I16:09
tbalthazarunop: just to tell you that your solution did the trick. I can now bypass the mysql root password prompt. FYI, the commit : http://github.com/suitmymind/ubuntu-machine/commit/a0eb036b56a3a95e58e669944920767d08912097  Thanks.16:10
hesselinkAnyone have any ideas: I'm still having trouble writing to my 3rd gen ipod over firewire in 8.10. USB works, reading over firewire works. It says it's mounted rw, but no apps (gtkpod/amarok/rhythmbox) can write.16:10
unopoCean_, yes, kill16:10
unop$ whatis kill16:10
unopkill (1)             - send a signal to a process16:10
wh4vn_oCean: :) I've found a deb pakage for gyachi, it16:10
bernzgiaco, i stand corrected :-)  (and now i know something new too ;-)16:10
Travis-42hello, how do I restart sound?  I was listening to pandora, and now my sound is playing an annoying repeated noise and won't stop16:10
unoptbalthazar, cool16:11
uanemehehe .. on 27-7 network still works ikonia16:11
SeveasTravis-42, time to shoot pulseaudio in the head.16:11
ubuntistasunop i don't get iam a newbie16:11
oCean_unop: yes, i understand kill very well. It seems the guy was asking 'how to check progress on dd command'16:11
SeveasTravis-42, killall pulseaudio && pulseaudio &16:11
uanemebut how to fix it for 27-1116:11
unopoCean_, ok then, what does kill do?16:11
unopubuntistas,   where did you save the .bin file?16:11
Travis-42Seveas: not stopping the sound16:12
Travis-42I think I'm actually using ALSA16:12
unopubuntistas,  cd ~/Desktop;  chmod +x the_file_name.bin && the_file_name.bin16:12
unopubuntistas, sorry, made a mistake.    cd ~/Desktop;  chmod +x the_file_name.bin && ./the_file_name.bin16:13
unopoCean_,  man dd | grep -i kill16:13
Travis-42"/etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop" stops the noise, but when I turn it back on, the noise is back?16:14
giacounop, are you sure that that command wont stop the dd execution?16:14
bernzTravis-42, perhaps then it's another process that's creating the sound which has gone zombie?16:15
unopgiaco, no as SIGUSR1 is not a termination signal16:15
Travis-42bernz: Hmm, I'll start exiting things16:15
bernzgiaco, if you're thinking "kill" would be better named "sig", i'd agree.. but it's too late for that ;-)16:15
unopgiaco, see the dd(1) manpage16:15
uanemeikonia:  i found a few posts on the forum regarding Realtek on 27-7 and 27-1116:16
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yuri_ive got an onboard ati hd3200. with the fglrx drivers I get screen flickering. i updated to the latest drivers but still get flickering. any ideas?16:16
giacounop, I've a problem, my pid is 1499 but $1499 returns "kill: (499) - No such process"16:16
giacoit trips the leading 116:16
Picigiaco: Drop the $16:17
unopgiaco, who asked you to put a $ there?16:17
outlierWhat is the correct version of flashplugin-nonfree to install into Hardy (or Intrepid) at this time?16:17
oCean_unop: aha! have to admit I did not know that the USR1 signal did that to dd.16:17
giacoI've interpreted your suggestion in a wrong syntax16:17
giacoit's working :-)16:18
giacothank you! I didn't know about this USR1 trick16:18
unopgiaco,  kill -USR1 $(pidof dd)  # would have worked quite literally16:18
giacoI wrote $1499 instead of 149916:19
il_padrino!package lftp-ssl16:19
unopgiaco, what i mean is.   $(pidof dd)   would have found the PID of dd and passed that on to kill16:19
il_padrino? lftp-ssl16:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:19
ubuntistasunop the file name is AdobeAIRInstaller16:19
bob999hi - is anyone aware of an channel for skype for linux?16:19
il_padrinoi'm looking for lftp-ssl for ubuntu :S16:20
il_padrinoany idea?16:20
unopubuntistas, sorry, made a mistake.    cd ~/Desktop;  chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin && ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin16:20
Dykamunop, can't find it, only plain logs of succesfull operations16:20
Seveasil_padrino, apt-get install lftp16:20
bernzunop, on that subject, what if there's more than one same-named process running -- how does the shell evaluate $(pidof x) then?16:20
arvind_khadri!hi | mimilus16:20
ubottumimilus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:20
il_padrinoSeveas, there is only lftp no with ssl16:21
Seveasil_padrino, the lftp in the 'lftp' package can do ssl as well16:21
bob999can anyone tell me how i can read the chat history in the Ubuntu skype release?16:21
hesselinkAnyone have any ideas: I'm still having trouble writing to my 3rd gen ipod over firewire in 8.10. USB works, reading over firewire works. It says it's mounted rw, but no apps (gtkpod/amarok/rhythmbox) can write.16:21
reanimationhey guys i am having a problem16:21
shadeslayerhi i need help with lm-sensors16:21
unopbernz, it'd fail .. the extra PIDs would become arguments to kill (which it wouldn't understand)16:21
ScottG489How can I allow files to be renamed when I click on them when highlighted? Right now the only way i can rename a file is by right clicking on it and selecting rename16:22
shadeslayerreanimation: go ahead all of us are listening16:22
reanimationsome of my data is not removed from the trush16:22
Seveasunop, kill can kill multiple processes at once just fine :)16:22
mimilusCan I make a dist upgrade from gutsy to hardy with my personnal ubuntu mirror, it contains hardy components, if not what must i put on my mirror to do it ?16:22
dieselHow do I change my default window manager?16:22
shadeslayerdiesel: logout>options16:22
SeveasScottG489, make sure to click on the name, not the icon16:22
ScottG489Seveas: Yea ive tried clicking pretty much every way lol16:23
reanimationeven after changing the permission i am not able to remove that data16:23
SeveasScottG489, well taht WFM in gnome :)16:23
reanimationplease help me16:23
shadeslayerdiesel: then change sessiom>window manager16:23
ScottG489Seveas: lol wait what?16:23
arvind_khadrimimilus, use the standard repos16:23
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Seveasreanimation, you want everything in the trash gone?16:24
SeveasScottG489, WFM == Works For Me :)16:24
ScottG489Seveas: Oh. hm :/16:24
mimilusarvind_khadri, I have a poor internet connection16:24
reanimationno !!! i just delet some data from a folder but these data is not removed from trush16:24
SlimeyPeteis there any way to install Eclipse without it depending on GCJ?16:24
SlimeyPeteI want to use the Sun JVM16:25
SlimeyPete / JDK16:25
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SeveasSlimeyPete, I was wondering the same recently. Habg on while I find out16:25
mimilusarvind_khadri, and maybe i'll have to dist upgrade some other gutsy to hardy16:25
arvind_khadrimimilus, its better to do it that way...or get a alternate cd from somewhere and use it to upgrade16:25
arvind_khadri!alternate | mimilus16:25
ubottumimilus: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent16:25
testiWhere can I find e binary debian linux kernel package for asus eee, that won't have any problems with SD cards like the current newest kernel available from array.org or whatever kernel easypeasy comes with?16:25
Picitesti: I'd start by asking in #debian16:26
reanimationhey guys how to update hardy to interprid16:26
tonyyarusso!upgrade | reanimation16:26
ubottureanimation: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:26
ChousukeSlimeyPete: looks like you just need something to provide the java2-runtime virtual package16:26
mimilusarvind_khadri, When i've done my own mirror it was for can dist upgrade directly with it :(16:26
testiPici, no - for ubuntu16:26
ChousukeSlimeyPete: sun-java6-jre provides it16:26
SeveasSlimeyPete, install the sun things first and apt-get -oApt::Get::InstallRecommends=false install eclipse16:27
testiPici, Ubuntu Intrepid16:27
Picitesti: You aren't going to find one, thats why projects such as EasyPeasy exist.16:27
uanemeubuntu really needs a rollback system for kernel upgrades16:27
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bernzunop, i dropped there for a second and maybe missed your response: how does $(pidof x) evaluate when there's more than one x process running?16:27
Chousukeuaneme: rollback? just boot the old kernel and uninstall the new one? :/16:27
SeveasChousuke, eclipse-platform Recommends: eclipse-platform-gcj, so if you don't disable the installation of Recommended packages, you'll end up with gcj anyway16:27
testiPici - Is easy peasy dead?16:27
arvind_khadrimimilus, i guess you can16:28
klystikHi, I edited the cron.deny file, removed the user "nobody" and added "nobody" in cron.allow. I can now create a cron command like "crontab /path/to/command.txt", how would I edit this cron in the future from command line though? Without editing the file where crons are listed?16:28
ChousukeSeveas: right, forgot that they're installed by default on Ubuntu :/16:28
Picitesti: I don't think so.  Its just not an official Ubuntu variabnt.16:28
unopbernz, with regards to kill .. it would send the signal to each one of them16:28
SlimeyPeteSeveas: thanks16:28
uanemethx Chousuke16:28
Seveasklystik, crontab -e16:28
bernzunop, oh i see, it's 'kill' who understands '$(pidof )'... :-) cheers16:28
unopbernz, so i'd say it depends on what the entire command was and whether or not multiple PIDs pose a problem16:29
unopbernz, no, bash does the expansion and passes it on to kill16:29
bernzunop, oh, okay, got it16:29
MenothusisMy firefox will not start, i always get the message "Firefox is alredy running, but is not responding", I have rebooted my computer three times now and still get the same message.16:32
Sigkillhi guy's and gals16:32
Sigkillim having some trouble using my id_dsa, Im connecting to my home ubuntu server, and im trying to connect to another machine16:33
bernzMenothusis, i've had that happen on firefox-XP as well, so it must be that FF has some kind of state file somewhere that should have been erased, but still exists, and it's "blocking" the startup16:33
Sigkillthe ssh client ask's for password to unlock my id_dsa file, but it should not be password protected... it has something to do with gnome-keyring i think16:33
Menothusisbernz, any idea where i could find this file?16:33
bernzMenothusis, that's just a wild guess, and even if on the right track, i have no idea specifically which file or where it might be ;-/16:33
diginuxSigkill: when you seutp the key did it have a password on it?16:33
n2diyI've been playing with sbackup, and just did a restore on my test box, now I can't open a terminal on it!?16:33
Menothusiscould removing and re-instaling fix the problem?16:34
unopMenothusis,  find ~/.mozilla/firefox/ -iname "*lock*" -type f -exec rm -vi {} +16:34
bernzMenothusis, however, on 'nixy systems, it's easier to guess; check your home folder for one starting with '.' ("hidden"), for firefox's local settings; maybe there's a file in there called "something-session" or "something-lock" or similar which just needs erasing16:34
unopMenothusis, that command should find the lockfiles and ask you if you want to remove them16:34
klystikSeveas: how do I exit from crontab -e? (ssh n00b)16:34
bernzthere, unop's suggestion sounds good16:34
Sigkilldiginux: no, and i use it without password all the time, when im using gnome without problems.. but know when im connecting frmo remote, it doesnt work16:34
unopklystik, if the editor is vi.   ESC :wq16:35
Seveasklystik, depends on your editor. I think you're using nano, so ctrl+O and then ctrl+X16:35
diginuxSigkill: so if you open a shell, and ssh, the key works fine, but some gui program you try to use asks you for a pw to unlock the key?16:35
Sigkilldiginux: indeed, the first time after i've logined16:36
Menothusisunop, i get the message cannot find command "iname"16:36
diginuxSigkill: what program is asking for it?16:36
unopMenothusis, that entire line is one command16:36
Sigkilldiginux: im not at home right know, so im not 100% sure. but i think its the gnome-keyring-manager?16:36
unopMenothusis, copy and paste it in your terminal16:36
MenothusisI get ".mozilla/firefox/: is a directory" now16:37
ubuntistasadobe air is slow and it's crap16:37
Menothusisunop, nvm16:37
* bernz . o O ( someone needs to invent typable delimiters that are widely-intuitively-understood to mean "do not type these, but everything between them" :-)16:37
erUSULbernz: « » ¿?16:38
bernzerUSUL, those look good: how are they done on a "standard" (US) keyboard? :-)16:38
Menothusisunop, would it make any difference if the profile i'm using is in a different directory?16:38
erUSULbernz: most people do not know how to get those out of their keyboars ;)16:38
erUSULbernz: dunno in my spanish keyboard are AltGr + z or x16:39
unopMenothusis, yes, you have to remove the lockfiles from the directory that contains the profile firefox will use16:39
twistedrdoes nybody have some idea where i could get some php related helpo16:40
bernzerUSUL, yeah, i guess i would need to remap or something - my AltGr is not "special", just a regular Alt (without switching layouts)16:40
Seveastwistedr, #php16:40
Menothusisunop, that didnt fix the problem16:41
unopMenothusis, did it ask you to delete any files?16:42
Menothusisyes several, including a file called .parentlock16:42
unopMenothusis, are you sure firefox isn't running now?   ps aux | grep -i firefox16:43
ubuntistasi have an adobe air gadget folder how can i delete it ?, it has a root permision16:43
gotgenesI have an Alternate Install CD. Is it still possible to do a minimal install per the Server CD using this installer?16:44
n8tuserfubuntistas -> root ownership?16:44
smthnelseHi, I'm using Debian 5.0 and X just crashed! I can't get it to start again and I know this is the wrong channel but I get a message saying I'm banned, I can't see any reason for that other than being there with Xchat before X crashed and maybe only 1 connection allowed..? Anyway, anyone think you could help me out? Possibly in pm since it's a bit OT16:44
tonyyarussogotgenes: yes.16:44
Picismthnelse: Try asking in #debian16:44
ubuntistaswhat do u mean?16:44
smthnelsePici: read my message16:44
Menothusisunop, it returns one result, grep -i firefox16:44
ubuntistasi installed it now and i wanna delete it16:44
tonyyarussogotgenes: I believe it's a pretty obvious option from the menu.16:44
gotgenestonyyarusso: I selected "command-line system"16:45
Picismthnelse: We do not handle Debian support here.  YOu can ask in #freenode for help figuring out your ban reason16:45
unopMenothusis, run the find command again.. see if it finds anything16:45
gotgenesfrom the F4 menu16:45
smthnelsePici: I'm getting a message saying I'm banned but I haven't done anything.16:45
StevethepirateHi. I installed firestarter, trying to basically have NAT for the internal network [eth0] to our external network [connected to eth1]... But, in effect, its not working, giving an Unknown Error when trying to start the firewall... Can anyone help?16:45
bernzubuntistas, it's not always the case, but if a file/dir is root-owned, you should ask yourself "should i really be deleting this?" (and if sure, 'sudo rm x' or 'sudo rmdir x' where 'x' is the thing to lose)16:45
tonyyarussogotgenes: That'll do it, yeah.16:45
gotgenestonyyarusso: rock on, thanks so much16:45
n2diyI'm trying to do an sbackup over ssh to my test box, and I'm getting permission errors. The target dir. is /var, which is owned by root, and is in the admin group. Should I enable "others" to write to the dir, or add myself to the group?16:45
Menothusisunop, still just returns grep -i firefox as the only result16:45
unopMenothusis, the find command shouldn't return that :)16:46
bernzubuntistas, also 'man rm' to find out about '-r' option (CAREFUL!)16:46
ubuntistasMINI Cuckoo Clock16:46
Menothusisunop, the process no longer exsists, so i cannot kill it16:46
ubuntistasthis the file how can i remove it?16:46
Menothusisunop, oops16:47
Menothusisunop, no results16:47
bernzubuntistas, you could do 'sudo rm -r "MINI Cuckoo Clock"' with the double quotes included, but not the single quotes16:47
bernzubuntistas, and this requires you to be in the directory which contains "MINI Cuckoo Clock" subdirectory16:48
Daremonaiis there a tool i can us to see if my domain is at risk?16:48
unopMenothusis, you mentioned something about your profile being in another directory? is that the case?16:48
bernzubuntistas, but if you are thinking to remove an application/library just by deleting it, perhaps reconsider and use apt/synaptic/aptitude/etc to do a "proper" removal16:48
Menothusisunop, yes, i ran your command in both directories16:49
Menothusisunop, no results16:49
bernzDaremonai, at risk of what? the only actual risk is social engineering -- if a human can convince the human who is "safeguarding" the data that contains domain info (registry), with money, or whatever, to make that data insecure, all bets are off... otherwise, no one can just "steal" your domain16:50
siekeni have some problem with my internet connection on my aspire one ebook, or whatever they're called. after i installed some updates i hasn't been able to connect on either wireless or the normal wired eth0-thing. anyone know whats up?16:50
unopMenothusis, errm, did you run the command in or on both directories - there's a difference16:50
bernz(obviously, if you let it expire, it can be scooped up by people)16:50
StevethepirateHi. I installed firestarter, trying to basically have NAT for the internal network [eth0] to our external network [connected to eth1]... But, in effect, its not working, giving an Unknown Error when trying to start the firewall... Can anyone help?16:50
unopMenothusis, to run it in a directory.     find . -iname "*lock*" -type f -exec rm -vi {} +16:50
Menothusisunop, on, i changed the path in your find command16:50
bernzso, ubuntistas, you have an app you want to remove from your system, right?16:51
unopMenothusis, hmm .. ok, try backing up your profile directory then deleting it16:51
ubuntistasno just a folder bernz i just delted it with the command u sent me16:51
unopMenothusis, you can always import settings, bookmarks, etc if firefox works later16:52
Daremonaibernz, I'm talking about the possibility for someone to find a vulnerability and perhaps do malicious acts to it, or some bad configuration that allows intruders to take advantage of my system. I was on dnsstuff.com I ran the domain health check, it told me i have 2 'vulnerabilities' or smth, but it wouldn't tell me what they were.16:52
bernzubuntistas, okay, great... again, be careful when using "rm -r" because it can be VERY destructive; always double-check your command line when deleting (or massive modification) is involved ;-)16:52
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n2diyI'm trying to do an sbackup over ssh to my test box, and I'm getting permission errors. The target dir. is /var, which is owned by root, and is in the admin group. Should I enable "others" to write to the dir, or add myself to the group?16:53
ubuntistasok why destructive>16:53
blodskiis ubuntu picky when moving settings etc to a new pc with different hw?16:53
bernzDaremonai, oh, i see... well, not that there *aren't* risks, but keep in mind a lot of "businesses" depend on your fear of the unknown (e.g. anti-virus makers, *fake*-anti-virus makers, etc)16:53
bernzDaremonai, but does it actual describe the vulnerabilities, or does it want you to sign up to find out more?16:54
Daremonaibernz, true... which is why i'm asking here to see if there's a way to check for current known vulnerabilities, etc.16:54
bernzDaremonai, i think they might be referring more to ways your actual site can get hacked16:54
Daremonaibernz, sign up and pay.16:54
Menothusisunop, didnt work either, could re-installing firefox fix the problem?16:55
ubuntistasdoes the terminal has a history16:55
bernzDaremonai, yeah, so to me, it sounds kinda sketchy (they just want your money)... it's like those 'you are the 100000th visitor' ads -- how could they possibly be real, right? so therefore it's just a "lure" to get your money16:55
Daremonaibernz, that's basically it, I would like to see if there are some empty holes that need to be shut, and where they are.16:55
StevethepirateHi. I installed firestarter, trying to basically have NAT for the internal network [eth0] to our external network [connected to eth1]... But, in effect, its not working, giving an Unknown Error when trying to start the firewall... Can anyone help?16:56
jester7is anyone here familiar with setting up LVM?16:56
bernzDaremonai, unfortunately, there's no quick and simple scan to do that, but more general stuff: e.g. check ALL  open ports on your gateway (e.g. router) -- ONLY open those that you actually need (e.g. 80 for HTTP, and so on)16:56
unopMenothusis, it might do - yea16:56
Daremonaibernz, possibly, which is why i am not going to pay them for such stuff.. but am still looking for a way to like 'scan' it.16:56
BlinnyWhat packages create/use the ~/.wapi directory ?16:56
MightyTweekDaremonai: The tests that dnsstuff.com performs aren't for "vulnerabilities" per se, they are for problems which could affect people's ability to reach your site. Check their sample report to see what kind of stuff they check: http://private.dnsstuff.com/tools/dnsreportsmpl.ch?domain=amazon.com16:56
bernzDaremonai, also, set your gateway to block/ignore/drop all unsolicited ICMP stuff (PING, etc) because it makes it harder to "feel" the server from the other side (hacker's end)16:56
Daremonaibernz, I run netstat all the time with a (watch), the ports that are open are the ones that i want.16:56
jbwivcan someone remind me how to start up another Xserver on port :1 and point it to gdm ? I know how to start X on a different port "X :1" but not how to point to gdm...16:57
g00se_Can someone tell me which java plugins are available for jaunty and Firefox 3?16:57
_infidelCan somebody explain me this error please http://pastebin.com/m6af3435c16:57
Daremonaibernz, my ISP already has those done... I cannot ping or be pinged atm.16:57
leet0sHi, anyone knows ICMP tunneling ?16:57
bernzDaremonai, awesome -- from the sounds of it, you've already got the basics covered (and often that's enough for 99% of the time)... just keep reading this and that about security, and you'll be fine -- it's a constant uphill battle, security, because the hackers are always one step ahead ;-)16:57
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Menothusisunop, didnt fix it either16:58
bernzDaremonai, i've heard of a "hardened ubuntu" project which (besides being topical) might be of interest to you  :-)16:58
Daremonaibernz, true.. am also taking an Internet Security course at uni so I can understand more about this stuff and to see how to prevent or at least try to :)16:58
Menothusisunop, fixed it, deleted .mozilla16:59
Daremonaibernz, cool, will check it out16:59
unopMenothusis, i'm just wondering if you are actually using the profile you think you are using.16:59
unopMenothusis, ahh16:59
jester7anybody at all using LVM?16:59
Menothusisunop, i was using the profile  i thought i was, its shared between windows and linux16:59
_infidelCan somebody explain me this error please http://pastebin.com/m6af3435c. Perhaps missing ssl packages? Just guessin16:59
StevethepirateHi. I installed firestarter, trying to basically have NAT for the internal network [eth0] to our external network [connected to eth1]... But, in effect, its not working, giving an Unknown Error when trying to start the firewall... Can anyone help?17:00
bernzunop, could Menothusis put a "watch" of file-touches, and then run FF, and check what files it grabbed at to see what needs deleting? (i don't know if such a "watch for handle attempts on a file" util exists, but...)17:00
Stevethepirateleet0s: I've used ICMP tunnels before17:00
HuufartedAnybody know of a good package used through Apache that would let me browse and play my music collection?  Perhaps adds a flash or java plugin with play/pause/ff/rew buttons?17:00
unopbernz, strace firefox17:00
bernznice! :-)  short 'n' sweet17:00
DaremonaiMightyTweek, thanks for this, I just changed amazon.com to my site, and i got some statistics :)17:00
* bernz runs 'strace firefox' for fun17:00
kristian_i used to use vso convertxtodvd when i was on windows, to automatically convert and burn xvid movie to dvd so it would be playable on a dvd player. now that i have changed from windows to ubuntu, i want to find an alternative for this operations, is there any programs that can do this in one go, such as vso convertxtodvd can do, or is there simply no program for this? thanks to anyone who can help. :-)17:01
bernzOMG, that is the BEST new thing i've learned in months17:01
MightyTweekDaremonai: Nice!17:01
DaremonaiMightyTweek, it showed I only have 1 warning:17:01
Daremonai"WARNING: Your SOA (Start of Authority) record states that your master (primary) name server is: rack4.easydns.com.. However, that server is not listed at the parent servers as one of your NS records! This is legal, but you should be sure that you know what you are doing. "17:01
* bernz invokes any listening deities to bless the creators/maintainers of 'strace'17:02
MenothusisI have three hard-drives installed in my computer, each time i reboot, the drive changes its /dev/ location. For example on of my HDs went from /dev/sda5 to /dev/sdb5, making my /etc/fstab rules invalid.17:02
DaremonaiMightyTweek, hmm I might be wrong about something :S17:03
MightyTweek_infidel: looks like the FOO-req.pem file does not exist17:03
* bernz . o O ( i can't believe i've never run into 'strace' before! )17:03
sipiorbernz: wait until dtrace makes it to linux: strace seems like a flint-tipped spear in comparison.17:04
khirrhow could i use permision 666 when i mount a unit?17:04
sipiorkhirr: what sort of filesystem? (i assume unit == disk :-)17:05
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest77606
khirrsudo mount owner -o sync -w -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/sony17:05
MightyTweekDaremonai: I'm afraid I might not be much help without knowing the specifics of your hosting configuration17:05
khirrsipior sudo mount owner -o sync -w -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/sony but i just can copy files how root, i'd like can copy how user17:06
bernzsipior, i'm salivating... :-D17:06
DaremonaiMightyTweek, such as?17:06
bernzsipior, (P.S. awesome metaphor)17:06
craigbass1976trying to mount up a windows drive that crapped out on me.  Unable to open /dev/sdb  Ran chkdisk in windows first, and THAT crapped out eventually.  Any ideas?  I need a file on this drive17:06
DaremonaiMightyTweek, do you mind if we take it to PM or smth?17:06
bernzcraigbass1976, can you run the chkdsk again (and again if necessary) until it "succeeds"?17:07
ProfeticXare there any wubigurus here?  I'm having trouble with my virtual disks...17:07
bernzcraigbass1976, AFAIK, the ntfs-3g driver [you're probably using] wants windows volumes to be cleanly dismounted by windows; if they are "dangling", it knows, and it's afraid to touch them; you can force it, however, with a switch17:07
khirrsudo mount owner -o sync -w -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/sony cant write how user, but i can how root, what could i do?17:07
sipiorkhirr: have a look at the umask option for mount.17:08
ubuntistaswhy firefox only tells me close tabs and not save and quit?17:09
khirrsipior how use umask opt? when should i write this17:09
geirhakhirr: you can make yourself the owner of all files with -o sync,uid=$USER17:09
ubuntistasany clue?17:10
khirrgeirha thanksssssssssss, it works17:11
bernzubuntistas, either some option is disabled (go to 'Edit | Preferences' and tab around a bit), or you have a weird build that can't save (early version?)17:11
* bernz . o O ( dad gummit, too slow! )17:12
ProfeticXare there any wubigurus here?  I'm having trouble with my virtual disks...17:12
craigbass1976bernz, it would have helped if I was sudoing.  DOH!17:12
=== g_ is now known as george3
mohanohihi guys..17:12
=== george3 is now known as george222
george222hi, why isn't ffmpeg compiled with --enable-libmp3lame?17:13
george222i can't get any sound frmo it at all :/17:13
mohanohii am building openmovieeditor software from source, it asked many dependency and i am downloading and building the building next dependent files..17:13
unopgeorge222,  MP3 isn't an open standard/format17:13
mohanohisome of the files are already installed according to synaptic package mananger..17:13
siekenanyone know about the aspire one and a non-working connection?17:14
mohanohiwhy doesn't it show up for the compiler?17:14
george222unop - oh. so why then do i get no sound when encoding with ffmpeg? isn't that kinda useless?17:14
vigge_sWewhy can't I post on the ubunut forums?17:14
Huufartedissue with vsftpd.  Anonymous login, I'm trying to set the home directory to /music, but since I'm chroot'ing the anonymous login, it gives me an error because it doesn't match what the anonymous user is jailed to.  Anybody know how to change the chroot directory for a specific user (anonymous) in vsftpd?17:14
bernzcraigbass1976, doh indeed! but did it complain about the "dirty" state of the windows volume, or that's okay now?17:14
unopgeorge222, what are you doing with ffmpeg .. encoding an mp3?17:15
mohanohinow that software needs portaudio2.0 file.. i am unable to find the source from internet. But actually according to synaptic its already installed.. Why is it so? can pls anybody help me..17:16
* ProfeticX will just burn the damn disk next time... Wubi is toooo much trouble17:16
diginuxmohanohi: did you install the -dev version?17:16
mohanohihmmm.. need to check it out..17:16
george222unop - i'm transcoding a movie from mp4 to h26417:17
vigge_sWedoes an admin need to activate my forum account before I can post?17:17
lstarnesmohanohi: you most likely need the -dev package that goes with it for the headers needed for development17:17
unopgeorge222, what audio container are you using? if any?17:17
mohanohiok.. thanx guys now i am installing..17:17
cmdr_awesomequestion, is there a room for people working on mobile technologies?17:17
mohanohithose dev files..17:17
george222unop - i'm not specifying one17:17
arvind_khadricmdr_awesome, #openmoko17:18
cmdr_awesomearvind_khadri: I am talking like sms and mms17:18
arvind_khadricmdr_awesome, no idea sorry17:18
* ProfeticX haxors his wubi install with old Redhat 6 install madia checked out from the public library17:18
bernzProfeticX, i'm still waiting to hear that someone has figured out how to boot from .ISO file contained in another file system on a USB stick so we can stop burning endless CDs for no good reason -- unless isolinux or something can already do that17:18
frank_bI want to connect my netbook to my desktop computer via an usb cable. both are running ubuntu. is there anything special I have to do or something to watch out for?17:18
unopgeorge222, hmm. maybe you should specify one?17:19
george222unop, i've tried, and it's failed :(17:19
cmdr_awesomearvind_khadri: okies, I will ask in the openmoko room17:19
george222unop - should i rebbuild ffmpeg with libmp3lame?17:19
cmdr_awesomeI was just looking for a simple mms webservice I could hook into, and I wasn't finding anything on google.17:19
unopgeorge222, yea, no harm in that .. it might also fix your problem17:20
* ProfeticX predicts only losers will use wubi in the year 300017:20
bsniderwhere is the mount point for the archivemounter?17:20
siekenis there some way to restore old drivers? because my connection worked fine before i updated it, så i just want to check if that's the reason.17:20
george222unop - what audio container would you recommend? ac3?17:21
Daremonaiis there a way to know which program is listening on a certain port?17:21
danbhfivesieken: boot with an older kernel17:21
Nasraany1 in here having related problem with Ubuntu box.....rebooting ...after shutting down all by itself?17:21
siekenhow do i do that?17:21
siekeni'm still fairly new to this.17:21
danbhfivesieken: pick it at the grub menu17:21
unopgeorge222, it depends on the device that will play the transcoded file .. generally for PCs, ac3 will do fine17:21
george222thanks unop, i'll have a go at rebuilding17:22
Stevethepirateleet0s: I've used ICMP tunnels before17:22
StevethepirateHi. I installed firestarter, trying to basically have NAT for the internal network [eth0] to our external network [connected to eth1]... But, in effect, its not working, giving an Unknown Error when trying to start the firewall... Can anyone help?17:22
unopgeorge222, you could try aac too17:22
bernzDaremonai, some mutation of netstat might work17:23
mhikuwhat can i download similar to wget but have multithreading capabilities?17:23
vigge_sWedoes an admin need to activate my forum account before I can post?17:23
Daremonaibernz, yeah, I thought netstat can give that.. mmm.. i should find out what the command is17:23
unopvigge_sWe, you could ask in #ubuntu-forums17:23
xubuntuhello every body I would like to set up a mail server with xubuntu just locally for the moment and I have no domain17:24
hay_ig2000hi all, i resized my ubuntu partition and after that the boot time was prolonged by nearly 10 seconds17:24
PMantisHi guys... not sure where else to ask, but a school system has 8.04 installed, and OpenOffice Writer won't spell check for any user that logs in. Trying to figure out what is missing.17:24
* ProfeticX despises and nashes his teeth on wubi, shaves his head, and rues the day he chose to use WUBI17:24
bernzDaremonai, the '-p' option yields PID and process name ... that's probably useful... 'man nestat' away!  :-)17:24
hay_ig2000why is that?17:24
Daremonaibernz, thanks :)17:24
bernzerm, 'man netstat', that is17:24
xubuntuwhen i try to get mails with thunderbird it asks for a password for ubuntu and I set it to blank because there is no passwd17:24
bernzno worries17:24
xubuntuI have a login failure anyone has an idea ?17:24
ma5t3rw1ttI was wondering if anyone knew anything about getting 1280x800 resolution on a intel integrated chipset 954gm?17:25
bernzxubuntu, caps lock inadvertently on? (don't know if there's a "warning")17:25
xubuntuthere is no password17:25
xubuntuit is the default ubuntu user17:26
iGmailHow to uninstall the *.sh package?17:26
xubuntumaybe if you have e link to a simple tutorial using mail server just for local ?17:26
bernzxubuntu, hmm... is this the first attempt, or is this a "known good/working" user account?17:27
siekentried to reboot with an older kernel, but no difference. can't connect.17:27
sipiorxubuntu: surely thunderbird is asking for the password attached to the mail account you're fetching from? or are you looking at a local spool?17:27
xubuntuI think it is asking for the account password but the account has no passwd17:28
vigge_sWedoes an admin need to activate my forum account before I can post?17:28
iGmailIs there any one could tell me How to Uninstall the *.sh package?17:28
lstarnesvigge_sWe: I don't think so17:28
lstarnesiGmail: which package was it?17:28
khirrsdb is only for usb-units and diskettes?17:28
vigge_sWebecause I can't post or view imnages :'(17:28
danbhfive_jauntyiGmail: .sh is a very generic extension for a script.  You will probably have to look for uninstall directions from where ever you got it17:28
lstarnesvigge_sWe: try logging out then logging back in17:28
iGmaillstarnes: autojump17:29
=== Mud|lunch is now known as Mud|afk
vigge_sWestill same17:29
lstarnesiGmail: the makers of that script likely have documentation for it17:29
vigge_sWeI never got an email either17:29
lstarnesiGmail: it might not be possible to uninstall it through the script17:30
=== kilian_ is now known as Bumswara
danbhfive_jauntyiGmail: what is it?17:30
bernzokay, well, it's a shame that ma5...whatever left so quickly, but for the log, i'll answer: to get 1280x800 working on intel 945gm chipset systems (many laptops), you're looking for the '915resolution' hack package17:30
iGmaillstarnes: so How to uninstall that package?17:30
arvind_khadriiGmail, read the README in the source for uninstall instructions17:30
iGmaildanbhfive_jaunty: autojump, the packages name.17:31
lstarnesiGmail: there might not be a way to uninstall it other than removing every single file it installed and reverting every change it made to other files17:31
xubuntuI think my problem is in the postfix config17:31
vigge_sWecan anyone download the wallpaper from here and upload it elsewhere so I can have it?17:31
xubuntuall the tutorials are for domains17:31
iGmailarvind_khadri: i did it. but have no any one word like "uninstall"17:31
=== joost is now known as Guest65513
Guest65513can you tel me any commando's17:32
arvind_khadriiGmail, you would have to remove every file the installer installed...17:32
bernzvigge_sWe, if you want it, i presume you've seen it (in a browser), in which case, you already have it (in your browser cache)17:32
arvind_khadriGuest65513, to do what?17:32
mohanohibuilding openmovieeditor now it shows that i had to build libquicktime with lame enabled17:32
vigge_sWebernz, no, that is the only one on the net17:33
xubuntuI leave bye17:33
vigge_sWesearch google and you wont find the hp mie wallpaper17:33
iGmailarvind_khadri: so needs i type "dpkg -L autojump" for got all the files?17:33
bernzxubuntu, sorry, i don't know much about domains (yet), in terms of mail configs and stuff... i've never run an MTA17:33
mohanohiwhen go to libquicktim and do ./configure --with-lame it shows lame: Missing (Go to http://www.mp3dev.org)17:33
danbhfive_jauntyvigge_sWe: you want the black wallpaper with faint white swirls?17:34
mohanohiBut actually libquicktime folder contains lame folder which has some build files..17:34
arvind_khadriiGmail, no... you will have to manually find it.... locate <name>17:34
lstarnesmohanohi: do you have liblame-dev installed?17:34
bernzvigge_sWe, oh, is it a file attachment you can't get at somehow, you mean?17:34
vigge_sWethe forums isn't sending any mails, it seems17:34
vigge_sWelike the mail server is down or something17:34
jpdsvigge_sWe: Try #ubuntuforums17:35
siekenis there any way to emulate windows drivers?17:35
mohanohii think no..17:35
mohanohisynaptic doesn't show that package..17:35
danbhfive_jauntyvigge_sWe: are you getting anything from me?17:35
vigge_sWewell, it said connection failed17:35
kristian_i found the kernel!17:36
lstarnesmohanohi: do you have the multiverse repositories enabled?17:36
iGmailarvind_khadri: My god, if the packages has so much files, it's big jobs for me..17:36
bernzvigge_sWe, it's a pretty nice wallpaper; i can send you a copy somehow probably, as long as it's okay with the originator (i assume so, correct me otherwise -- it's laissez-faire honor system in my world :-)17:36
arvind_khadriiGmail, i know... thats why we should avoid compiling :)17:36
mohanohiwhere to enable lstarnes?17:36
george222grrr - faad test failed when trying to configure ffmpeg :/17:37
lstarnesmohanohi: system > administration > software sources17:37
bernzvigge_sWe, PM me contact info (email addy or something) for receipt of file (size approx 715KB)17:37
khirrhow can i create .deb packages?17:38
mohanohii can't find multiverse repositories word in that dialogue box..17:38
HuufartedAnybody know how to chmod all of the DIRECTORIES and subdirectories to a+x?17:38
glitsj16mohanohi: lstarnes: isn't the package called libmp3lame-dev ?17:38
arvind_khadrikhirr, read the maintainers guide at debian.org17:38
arvind_khadrikhirr, and go to #ubuntu-motu17:38
HuufartedCorrection to the above.  Anybody know how to chmod all of the DIRECTORIES and subdirectories of for example /ftproot to a+rw?17:38
lstarnesglitsj16: according to the output of aptitude search lame, it shows liblame-dev17:39
lstarnesHuufarted: including their files?17:39
mohanohiyes.. now i got the package..17:39
danbhfive_jauntyHuufarted: -R  ?17:39
lamegoHuufarted, chmod -R ?17:39
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shadeslayerhi does ubuntu support USB modems???17:39
HuufartedNo, not the files, just the directories17:39
shadeslayerdial up ones specially17:39
Huufartedthe directories need execute unless I"m mistaken, but the files I only want r17:39
whut_Hi there Ubuntu, can't mount my cdrom using "sudo mount /media/cdrom0/ -o unhide" - get an error message "mount: /dev/scd0: can't read superblock" - what options shall I try, what can be causing this? As far as I know, the disk was recorder on a Windows machine.17:39
lamegoHuufarted, find /path -type d -exec chmod a+rw {} \;17:39
danbhfive_jauntyHuufarted: yeah, they need execute17:40
Huufartedlamego, I figured...  didn't want to use find because I"m lazy, but thanks.  :)  I appreciate it17:40
Huufartedthanks, danbhfive_jaunty17:40
mohanohithanx lstarnes, and thanx glitsj16..17:40
unopHuufarted, heh, find is the lazy man's tool :)17:41
mohanohiI hope installation of software was as simple as double clicking..17:41
insignUbuntu is for any user?17:42
lasivianI had a crash while I had an mtp device mounted and I could not unmount it, will that damage it? thanks17:42
Huufartedlol unop, I guess you could say that yeah.  :)17:42
defryskubuntu s even for me17:42
bernzinsign, yes, even "bad" users... but they won't prosper :-D17:42
zimbresI installed pgplot5 via apt-get but I am not able to find the libraries in /usr/local/lib where should them have been placed?17:43
reza1972اینجا کسی ایرانی نیست؟17:43
kupesoftIs there a way to mark a USB flash drive partition as hidden and it actually be hidden and not automount?17:43
arvind_khadri!ar | reza197217:43
ubottureza1972: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe17:43
lstarneszimbres: try /usr/lib.  /usr/local/lib is used for libraries which aren't managed byt he package manager17:43
lstarnes*by the17:44
unopHuufarted, well. if you are wanting to set execute on directories only   chmod -R +X /path/to/directory17:44
bernzkupesoft, you could probably write a udev rule to detect specifically that drive or partition and "do nothing"17:44
kupesoftbernz: I mean a generic way, ie on some unknown machine17:44
zimbreslstarnes, so where can I find them?17:44
Huufartedunop, yeah but that will give execute to all of the files as well as directories.  I used find and got files to have 644 and directories to 75517:44
insignbernz, because i want use ubuntu, its is very fast, But I'm afraid of having problems with usability17:45
unopHuufarted, no, +X does not affect files17:45
bernzkupesoft, in that case, my answer would be "probably, but i don't know exactly... maybe 'man fdisk', etc"17:45
unopHuufarted, +x does but not +X17:45
HuufartedOh, gotcha17:45
HuufartedI did not know that.  That's hot17:45
ubottuFor the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية17:45
kupesoftbernz: I've already marked the partition in question with the hidden flag, it works on osx/win32 but not with whatever Ubuntu is using to automount,17:45
bernzinsign, well, TBH, i'm not an amateur by any means, but i *still* haven't got my onboard USB host controllers working (primarily because of the combination of my laziness, and a working IO card with USB controllers on it ;-)17:45
jtabyhey, how do I check the md5sum of an ubuntu image i just downloaded?17:45
unop!md5 > jtaby17:46
defryskmd5sum blah17:46
ubottujtaby, please see my private message17:46
=== wildbat_ is now known as wildbat
reza1972Ubottu, I'm persian, not arabian17:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:46
bernzinsign, so, imagine if i had no IO card -- i'd have no USB -- that's a pretty big usability problem, to me... otherwise, i'd say you need at least intermediate skills to have any "joy" from ubuntu at this point. people still intimidated by windows details should probably take it slow17:46
ubottu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.17:47
Huufartedjtaby, just do this:  md5sum <filename>17:47
reza1972ok thanks17:47
lasiviansomething is still accessing a previous mount point for a device that was unplugged rather than dismounted, how can I fix this?17:47
bernzkupesoft, yeah, good old unix systems -- you can't fool them ;-) i think it might come down to "dirty tricks" like making a driver to recognize the special partition on the systems you *do* want, and then "damaging" the partition table to hide the "secret" one17:48
kupesoftbernz: It's not all that secret or important, I was just wondering if there was a quick way -- google wasn't helpfu17:48
kupesoftbernz: Thanks :)17:49
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:50
bernzkupesoft, yeah, those kinds of techniques are usually documented on only one little web page, if at all, which is usually drowned in the sea of SEO and other detritus on the Web... google is useless these days :-]17:52
HuufartedAnybody know of a way to provide a media interface to apache to play media files over http with a built in interface to play, pause etc from the browser?17:53
george222how do i update my version of libx264??17:53
lasivianhow can I kill all processes accessing a mount point?17:54
bernzkupesoft, you could almost argue that ubuntu is behaving "badly" if the hidden flag is respected by other major OSes (assuming it's intention really matches its name), so maybe someone should petition the ubuntu masters to change this for jaunty onward :-)17:54
lasivianor how do I force something to dismount that is hung?17:54
devilsF001Hi i'm having an issue with a network interface... well actually I believe the problem lies on the cox network but they are convinced that it is an issue with the "device" basically what is happening is they are not able to see a device connected to the modem on the IP... The box is running fine the network is loading with out error and I can ping the ip from my router is which is using the same gateway,netmask and is on the same net17:54
lasivianI cannot get this mpt filesystem to work right17:54
kupesoftbernz: Well, it's just a flash in the partition table for a disk, it's nothing more magical than that -- respecting it is up to the OS,17:55
bernzlasivian, if you know which process is at fault, you can find it's PID and just 'kill -kill x' where x is the PID17:55
kupesoftbernz: s/flash/flag/ -- I just bought a flash drive :P17:55
bernzlasivian, probably also you should put 'sudo' in front of that17:55
lasivianbernz: no, I don;t, there are no processes active that I think are accessing it17:55
bullgard4There are two packages installed: mail-notification and mail-notification-evolution. Still there is no plugin entry 'Mail Notification' to be seen in the list Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager. Why is that so?17:55
t2phagetry fuser -km mountpoint17:55
bernzkupesoft, heh, yeah, i mean it's more of a political or philosophical thing: if the hidden flag exists at all, should it not be respected by all OSes? if not, what is its use, and isn't a lack of its support a "missing feature" in an OS? and so on... but i don't want to actually get into that myself ;-)17:56
lasiviant2phage: that just crashed Gnome17:56
x_ich bräuchte ubuntu sticker,17:57
bernzlasivian, maybe i don't understand: you attached USB storage, mounted it, used it, yanked it -- uh oh, something is still trying to use it -- now what? ... is that correct?17:58
t2phagelasivian, try lsof | grep mountpoint | xargs kill -917:58
lasivianbernz: i'm trying to move files to an mpt device but it keeps hanging during copy17:59
lasivianand when it's hung it refuses to dismount17:59
bernzlasivian, so when it hangs, do you find the process that was doing the transfer, and kill it, and then it still isn't unmountable?18:00
lasivianI was using these instructions: http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=32817 to mount it, but it doesn't like the file copy18:00
bernzlasivian, this might be off-topic, but can you set the device to be MSC/MSD instead of MTP?18:01
lasivianbernz: oh snap, now I know what it was the terminal window was in the device18:01
bernz(not off-topic, but rather a tangent)18:01
lasivianbernz: I don;t think so, it's a creatifve Zen18:01
bernzoooooooooooooooooooh, classic18:01
kupesoftbernz: I'm not sure I could be bothered to put together the bug report, it doesn't *really* matter, and in some cases, I'm sure it's nice for users who don't know how to manually mount to have access hidden partitions.18:01
Jack_Sparrowhmw Good morning.  Here anyhow..   PM me when you get a sec.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/123453/18:01
kupesofts/access/access to/18:01
bernzkupesoft, fair enough :-)18:02
lasivianAmarok and gnomad have crappy interfaces and just dump all the files in the root18:02
n2diyI've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas?18:02
bernzlasivian, perhaps it's about time someone made a tool just for the purpose of giving the user a zen-slap when attempting to unmount a device with a shell "inside" it :-D18:03
lasivianbernz: too bad I lack the needed skills18:03
* lasivian heads to lunch18:03
tomlikestorockafter I do sudo apt-get install cgiirc, what else do I need to do to access it?18:04
tomlikestorockI've already set up apache18:04
bernzlasivian, well, as long as you have tons of time... you can always get more skills ;-) but time is only abundant to prisoners :-D18:04
tomlikestorockto run, but not necessarily to work with ircii18:05
HakumeHow do I get the file browser to be capable of reading and writing DVDRWs?18:06
mohanohihi guys18:06
mohanohiI caught up with another problem while building openmovieeditor18:06
mohanohiwhile building it now shows: Lame Codec in libquicktime not found, reinstall libquicktime with lame enabled18:06
mhiku which is better than prozilla? or a multithread download client can be used in cli18:06
mohanohieven though i have installed lame with libquicktime..18:06
frog_hi, what does convert to searchable pdf?18:07
frog_or extract the text from png?18:07
bernzmohanohi, it sounds like you need to rebuild quicktime with lame enabled inside it (as opposed to just having lame installed somewhere on your system)18:07
frog_*hi, what does convert pn to searchable pdf?18:07
Dr_willis_AAOpn ?18:08
mohanohiyes i gave command while installing like ./configure --with-lame while installing libquickitme..18:08
hwildehey everybody - i need to make a command line based interface with slider bars aka alsamixer - is that curses or what? anybody know how to do the color sliders?18:08
frog_Dr_willis_AAO: eh... png18:08
Dr_willis_AAOfrog_,  converting a image file to a searchable pdf. would be a neat trick.18:09
mohanohibut previously i didn't give that option and it installed anyway..18:09
bernzmohanohi, you mean you built libquicktime after configuring using "--with-lame", or?18:09
n2diyI've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas?18:09
Dr_willis_AAOfrog_,  there are 'ocr' tools out to convert them to text.. that may work  :)18:09
mohanohinot like that..18:09
tozetreOkay, so I'm trying to automate an FTP download of files named by date (ie 2009-01-12.tar). I can script the ftp connection and gets all right, but how do I get a variable of the name/date passed into the ftp client?18:09
frog_Dr_willis_AAO: yea, ok, i thought someone could recomend me something18:10
bernzmohanohi, see, if you say "installed" i don't know if you mean "grabbed a standard build and installed" or "built custom and installed"18:10
Dr_willis_AAOfrog_,  ocr stuff is basicallywhat you want..  img -> txt -> pdf -- I guess18:10
teelessfrog_: as Dr_willis_AAO said, try with ocr tools like ocrad or gocr18:10
bernzmohanohi, based on your description of the errors, it sounds like something wants a special build of libquicktime18:10
mohanohisorry.. ubuntu is new for me.. i meant built custom and installed without givign that option..18:10
bernz(and you have a "regular" build)18:10
bernzokay, i think i'm with you now18:11
mohanohibut now i have to reinstall18:11
bernzperhaps you should remove the existing one, then do the custom build with the special options as necessary, and then install that18:11
unoptozetre, date="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)";  do_something_with  "$date"18:11
mohanohihow to uninstall the previous installation of libquicktime?18:11
sebsebseb 18:11
frog_Dr_willis_AAO, teeless: thank you18:11
bernz(i can't say what the exact problem is, only that it might help to do a "clean up and try again")18:11
unopmohanohi, sudo aptitude remove libquicktime=version18:11
bullgard4There are two packages installed: mail-notification and mail-notification-evolution. Still there is no plugin entry 'Mail Notification' to be seen in the list Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager. Why is that so?18:12
bernzmohanohi, i don't know specifically for quicktime, but look for a file "INSTALL" or similar; it should contain the specific instructions to install and uninstall18:12
ftab_when I run an OpenGL application I get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/123458/18:12
tozetreunop: sweet, I'll try that. Thanks very much.18:12
bernz(it might be as simple as 'sudo apt-get -r libquicktime' or similar)18:12
teelessfrog_: maybe give a try to gscan2pdf, it supports ocr and is very nice tool :)18:13
scout_this is the way the world ends; not with a bang, but a whimper.18:13
static07Hi, I've just installed 8.10, but I have no network, when I change eth0 to manual, it resets to auto on reboot, /etc/network/interfaces has no eth0 settings in it. When I manually ad the settings in interfaces, nothing changes18:14
sebsebsebstatic07: hardwired or wireless?18:14
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:15
satansauntwhere would i got to find the keyboard shortcuts for audacious- i used to know them but i forgot and i can't find them online (most annoying)18:15
bernzstatic07, i guess you are using "network manager"?18:15
static07aye, fresh install18:16
ftab_static07: google Wicd Network Manager that will solve your problem as that solved mine :)18:16
bernzstatic07, i know it's not the "easy" answer, but: http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/18:16
bernzfrom their homesite, you can probably figure out which "magic" files its using to store your connection profiles18:17
Dr_willis_AAOwicd is handy.18:17
n2diyI've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas?18:17
bernzand then hack those18:17
bernzits -> it's (for BtAF)18:17
tozetreunop: hokay, so, uh... in an ftp client (using yafc just for example), is there any way to access shell variables, such as that defined date?18:17
NevisMy intrepid is booting into low graphics mode after installing nvidia 180.35 driver. how can I remove it?18:18
sebsebsebNevis: remove the driver?18:19
Nevishow does one go about that? installation wasn't with synaptic, i used the script from nvidia18:19
Nevisthe intrepid repo has 180.1118:20
sebsebsebNevis: ok maybe you can disable  or remove it from hardware drivers, if not   using  the recovery mode from Grub and fixing xorg should do the trick18:20
Neviswhich I had before the attempt.18:20
Dr_willis_AAOI wonder what reinstalling the repo version would do..18:20
NevisI know recovery mode, how do you "fix xorg"?18:20
sebsebsebNevis: choose it as the option in there18:20
Nevisshould I try reinstalling the repo version?18:21
_DELanyone know of a good tutorial to compile a wireless driver?18:21
sebsebsebNevis: could do, but  probably best to try and get a clean no drivers xorg18:21
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:21
sebsebsebNevis: before putting repo version on18:21
slabbehHi, do we know if Jaunty (9.04) will be shipped with Gnome 3 (2.3)?18:21
=== luis_lopez is now known as luis_lopez_away
Nevisok. how do I get that clean xorg going?18:21
sebsebsebslabbeh: wrong channel try #ubuntu+118:22
paddysteedi have a load of avi divx movies that i need to convert into  mpeg4 for my portable dvd player which needs avi's but encoded with mpeg4. any help?18:22
Neviswhat do I do after booting into recovery mode?18:22
unoptozetre, hmm, i'm not sure18:22
defrysk_DEL, http://wireless.kernel.org/18:22
sebsebsebNevis: by using recovery mode an fixing xorg with it18:22
tozetreunop: oh damn. I could just use SCP. Never mind my foolishness. :P18:22
bernzNevis, it might be worth a look at the current one; if it contains settings for various resolutions, maybe some are just missing, and you can add them yourself...18:22
sebsebsebNevis: recovery mode  gives options and provides commands18:22
Nevisok. I'll go try.18:22
paddysteedi have a load of avi divx movies that i need to convert into  mpeg4 for my portable dvd player which needs avi's but encoded with mpeg4. any help?18:23
unoptozetre, if it's FTP, i would do.  wget "ftp://somewhere/$date.tar.gz"18:23
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
defryskpaddysteed, man ffmpeg18:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about conversation18:23
Dr_willis_AAOpaddysteed,  winff can do that in a nice gui.. or mencoder. or ffmpeg.  -18:23
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications18:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:23
Dr_willis_AAOI thought divx was a mpeg4 variant.18:23
=== anthony is now known as Guest47319
Dr_willis_AAOor just mpeg4+ some extra bits. But i may be wrong.18:24
paddysteedi dont know but the player wont accsept it18:24
satansauntwhats the keyboard shortcut to change volume in audacious????18:24
paddysteedmy spelling bad18:24
=== Guest47319 is now known as anthonyplay
paddysteedand appenently grammer18:24
Dr_willis_AAOpaddysteed,  winff is  a nifty tool.  theres others gui tools to the other tools as well.18:24
paddysteedis it in synaptic18:24
Dr_willis_AAOI forget if winff is in the repos.. or not.18:24
Dr_willis_AAOlook for it perhaps?18:24
Dr_willis_AAO!info winff18:25
=== Alain is now known as Guest5933
bernzsatansaunt, Edit | Prefs | Keyboard18:25
Dr_willis_AAOIt may be on medibuntu, or some unofficial repos i found.18:25
ubottuPackage winff does not exist in intrepid18:25
Dr_willis_AAOor just get it from the programs homepage. :)18:25
bernzsatansaunt, i expect you mean 'audacity'18:25
ktstzo!info winff18:26
ubottuPackage winff does not exist in intrepid18:26
paddysteedwhere do i get winff then18:26
XPS_M1330How do I change file associations?18:26
satansauntno, audacious...18:26
paddysteedi have the divx codecs already18:26
bernzXPS_M1330, if you are still using nautilus (the bundled file system browser), right-click a file, and there's a tab for its handler18:27
XPS_M1330"still" using nautilus? Do you suggest a better filebrowser?18:27
paddysteedis there a way to turn off the logging in/off notices in pidgin18:27
bartek-Hi, I'm trying to generate a gpg key but I always get "Not enough random bytes available."  ... Any tips on how I can prevent this?18:28
bernzXPS_M1330, i wish i could... i'm not a fan of its constantly greying out while it reads a simple bunch of directories18:28
bartek-It says please do some other work to give the OS a chance to collect more entropy18:28
bartek-But, even after dinking around for 5 minutes nothing happens18:28
XPS_M1330try dolphin ;)18:28
bernzin any case, i meant 'right-click -> Properties' and then the tab18:28
jtabyHey, I keep having installation problems. I got the ISO, checked its md5 sum, checked the cd when I booted up18:28
XPS_M1330yes I saw, thanks!18:28
jtabybut when I install, it keeps giving me errors18:28
bernzbartek-, i *thought* it was collecting entropy -- that or counting bogoMIPS again18:28
XPS_M1330kinda weird that I configured Opera as the default web browser and it still opens htm files with firefucks18:29
bartek-bernz: so just keep waiting it out?18:29
bernzbartek-, oh sorry, i thought you were explaining nautilus' rather frequent "jamming"18:29
PiciXPS_M1330, Please watch your language in this channel, thank you.18:29
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: calling Firefox names hummmmmmm,  well  at least Firefox is much better than IE, and is also opensource, unlike Opera!18:29
XPS_M1330sorry did I mispell something?18:30
PiciXPS_M1330: This is a family friendly channel, mind the language.18:30
XPS_M1330indeed, way better than IE!! And opensource. I agree. Sorry I didn't mean to offend, it just slipped18:30
=== joborociroboroqu is now known as sdfc
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: oh Opera software make a resonablly nice product, but it would be much better I expect, if it was Open Source!18:30
StevethepirateWhere would I drop a networking based script that has to be run on startup before anything on the PC actually touches the networking modules [ghosting a MAC here]18:30
XPS_M1330sebsebseb: I agree!18:30
n2diyI've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas?18:30
bartek-ah, I got it18:31
sexcopterhi, does anyone know how to suspend a computer from command line?18:31
Stevethepiratesexcopter: I've seen it before, used an xset command.18:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xset18:31
StevethepirateOr not.18:31
PiciStevethepirate: Not every command has a factoid.18:31
bernzsexcopter, "man shutdown" ?18:31
Dr_willis_AAOi was thinking the shutdown/halt/suspend command could do that.. or one of those commands had an option to do it...18:31
bullgard4In Ubuntu 8.04.2 I installed two packages: mail-notification and mail-notification-evolution. Still there is no plugin entry 'Mail Notification' to be seen in the list Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager. Why is that so?18:31
Dr_willis_AAOsome maybe alias's to the others18:31
=== nicholas is now known as Guest54113
sexcopterbernz: shutdown doesn't have a switch for suspending, not that i see at least18:32
khirrcan i use glade with bash? make bash scrit and use glade for GUI18:32
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: You didn't say it, but they say it: Opera the fastest brower. Ha!   try Konqueror18:32
bernzsexcopter, well, i'm out of ideas :-]18:32
sexcopterStevethepirate: xset? not heard of that18:32
XPS_M1330I don't care about the "speed". The browsing speed depends more on the connection than the browser loading time18:33
StevethepirateWhere would I drop a networking based script that has to be run on startup before anything on the PC actually touches the networking modules [ghosting a MAC here]18:33
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: not quite sure about that, but Konqueror runs faster than Firefox  for me.18:33
XPS_M1330sebsebseb: good for you. but to me konqueror lacks basic features, which makes it a lesser browser18:34
=== Sniper is now known as Guest91889
Guest54113hello every one new to irc, just admiring is their really 1500 users in this room18:34
bernzStevethepirate, what about booting from the network itself? bootp?18:35
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: maybe we make an exception for Opera, altough I hardly use that browser,  but  at  the end of the day it is evil, well according to Richard Stallman.  restricts our freedoms and locks people into a vender.   Just like Desktop Linux users make an exception for Mac OS X, because it is Unix based,  but people that use that still get locked into Apple.  Anyway we are off topic!18:35
_VIM_Guest54113: yes but most of them are probably afk/idle18:35
bernzStevethepirate, if you're ghosting, you don't really need an OS, just enough to do the copying, right?18:35
StevethepirateI mean spoofing a MAC18:35
XPS_M1330opera restricts freedom?18:35
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: yes  read articles on gnu.org in about free software section and that18:36
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: that is in the philosophey section18:36
StevethepirateNormally i would go sudo ifconfig eth0 down && sudo ifconfig hw ether de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe && sudo ifconfig eth0 up18:36
CentHOGGHi, I've just installed on a DualBoot with windows and everything works ok. Just that the User can't modify items on the Windows Partitions, but the Root can. How do you adjust that so that the User can work on partitions like the root can (permissions, groups or what)? Thx18:36
bernzGuest54113, yes, but at any given time, only about 2 dozen appear awake, and only about half the users are actually awake/nearby :-)18:36
shadeslayerhi i installed  laptop-mode-tools,but how do i use them??18:36
Guest54113k i like to figure her for sec to registure so i can see myself oout of being guest ????18:36
Dr_willis_AAOStevethe1irate,  you could do it in rc.local  but thats one of the last things that gets ran.18:36
sebsebsebCentHOGG: the normal user should be able to  access  the Windows partition18:37
XPS_M1330sebsebseb: ok. well even though it's an evil corporate software, it's been offering me the best browsing experience for 10 years, and no other browser comes close (except firefox after adding a bunch of addons) to its convenience18:37
StevethepirateBut I would like that to be run before my pc connects  to the network18:37
sebsebsebCentHOGG: maybe you got  to  set up permissions for your Windows partition a bit, so normal user can use it18:37
rabbymysql -p requires an input and it looks like that's why i can not add a & after it to make it run and run... :/18:37
CentHOGGsebsebseb: yeah I can access, just cant write18:37
mercutio22My system crashes every time I insert my password in the gksudo dialog window... what is going on?18:37
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: ok18:37
rabbyis there a way to get it work with & though?18:37
CentHOGGsebsebseb: root can write, user cannot18:38
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:38
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: hi i am XPS M1530 youre bigger brother ;)18:38
bluefox83is dh -f the only command to view all drives on a system?18:38
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: hey!18:38
Dr_willis_AAOCentHOGG,  install/run the ntfs-config tool and it has some options to allow that - o belive18:38
bernzStevethepirate, right, that might be tricky, because network cards try to get right in there as soon as they're plugged in... if you're trying to masquerade a MAC address, you probably need a card that can store the custom MAC address in non-volatile storage, so it's right there when the PHY powers up18:38
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: wassup18:38
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: how's the M1530 with ubuntu?18:38
yorky501Graphics drivers....... I need to install the drivers for the graphics card on my laptop, they are in this repo but i dont know how to add it as a source18:38
sebsebsebCentHOGG: try what Dr willis said, plus I have a slightly bad way on how you can get the permissions.  I say bad way, because you would be running root for more than one little thing18:39
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: awesome,GNOME breaks down things a bit18:39
Stevethepiratebernz: Hmm, I could do this in windows np18:39
mercutio22can anyone help me diagnose that?18:39
shadeslayerKDE rocks,xfce is *light*18:39
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: what do you mean, breaks down things?18:39
=== ZeRo_FeniX_ is now known as ZeRo_FeniX
Dr_willis_AAOStevethe1irate,  and i can find 100+ things i can do in03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)18:39
Dr_willis_AAOtter. linux - that are next to impossible in windows.. :) so it dosent really ma18:39
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: it changes files which it shouldnt18:39
CentHOGGDr_willis_AAO: hi, it's win98 :)18:39
sebsebsebStevethepirate: Linux distros are not Windows, and  Windows is the OS of choice by most computer users, because of the monoplolgy and their computer ignorance18:40
bernzStevethepirate, well, it's possible to have the card join the network as its original "hardwired" MAC, then get re-assigned at run-time, "leave", and "come back" as the new custom MAC, sure... i don't know enough about that to tell you where to start, though, sorry :-/18:40
Dr_willis_AAOCentHOGG,  dosent matter. :) tjhe tool sets the settings for vfat and ntfs18:40
Stevethepirateyeah, it was a dig.18:40
shadeslayerlike today my CPU frequency could not be activated,i was stuck at 2.10 Ghz18:40
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: did you try KDE?18:40
n2diyI've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas?18:40
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: Kubuntu+GNOME+XFCE18:40
StevethepirateI was hoping to add something to rc0 so it runs as the networking module comes up.18:41
khirrhow can i make exec calls in C from bash?18:41
Dr_willis_AAO!info sbackup18:41
ubottusbackup (source: sbackup): Simple Backup Suite for desktop use. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.5ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 68 kB, installed size 512 kB18:41
gldtnhello guys.. I'm having a problem installing gtk2 themes where all of them keeps giving me a warning in Appearance saying that "This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine is not installed"18:41
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: I used to run KDE4.1, I liked it a lot, but it was too buggy so I got exasperated and installed gnome instead. Got used to it, but now that 4.2 is out I'm gonna try it again18:41
sebsebsebshadeslayer: as  GUI  Kubuntu KDE4 :(  ,but  Kubuntu KDE3 :)     apps   KDE3 :)   KDE4 :D18:41
=== eric is now known as talntid
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap18:42
Hjubeny polisz pipul hir??18:42
bluefox83hrm >.>18:42
bullgard4There are two packages installed: mail-notification and mail-notification-evolution. Still there is no plugin entry 'Mail Notification' to be seen in the list Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager. Why is that so?18:42
sebsebsebshame the KDE3 GUI got ruined by all that KDE4  rubbish18:42
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: haha,you should try 4.2, you dont know what youre missing18:42
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: I read about a desktop environment I still have to try: FVWM218:42
gldtnhow can i solve this?18:42
CentHOGGDr_willis_AAO: Ok, but since Root can work normally, why can't the User just be enabled like root can (some setting somewhere?)18:42
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: I just downloaded it :)18:42
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: btw does the m1330 get hot??18:42
bernzStevethepirate, well, one possible way, though super convoluted, is to modify udev rules to detect-and-do-nothing for your NIC, then when the system has booted to your shell, re-run udev with a different config, allowing it to "see" the NIC this time, but overriding the MAC18:42
oCean_!pl | Hjub18:43
ubottuHjub: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl18:43
sebsebsebshadeslayer: 4.2  looked like 4.1 when I tried it, but I guess I never gave it a proper look around, because I don't like KDE418:43
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: do tell how it os18:43
Neviswell, that didnt help much. still in low graphics mode. I tried installing 180 from synaptic. it removed 177. I'm going to reboot again.18:43
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: I'm bit afraid that I would have to spend too much time to troubleshoot my computer18:43
Dr_willis_AAOCentHOGG,  you MOUNT the filesystem woth the proper permissions.. and the user can access it fully... thats all there is to it. :)18:43
shadeslayersebsebseb: KDE 4.2 is nice to you if you have a powerful graphics card18:43
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: yes. It's burning my legs right now18:43
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: huh??18:43
Dr_willis_AAOCentHOGG,  and that tool i think sets up HAL to use those 'less secure' settings18:44
shadeslayeryeah the M1530 does that too18:44
sebsebsebshadeslayer: my graphics card is  over 2 years old, but it's alright18:44
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: http://samwel.tk/laptop_mode/faq18:44
Dr_willis_AAOCentHOGG,  or mount them manually with ntfs-3g command and the proper arguments, or via fstab.. :) again wit the proper options18:44
Risawahi i need help getting an xbox 360 controller working for ubuntu on my comp does anyone know how to do this?18:44
Stevethepiratebernz: Surely I can just add the ifconfig commands to run in rc?18:44
bernzStevethepirate, well, i could only say "hopefully", because i don't rightly know ;-/18:45
shadeslayersebsebseb: ah :) kde 4.2 rocks,i cant even imagine what Jaunty will look like18:45
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: I meant, if  I upgrade to another DE, like if I upgrade to ibex then install KDE4 I might have to spend a lot of time reconfiguring apps and f***ing around to make the wifi work, stuff like that18:45
jwl007I'm having issues getting my ethernet card to show up and wondering if someone could help18:45
sebsebsebshadeslayer:  KDE3 :) ,but I still went with Gnome18:45
shadeslayer:) wifi works perfectly for me,from first install18:45
sebsebsebshadeslayer: KDE4  ewww,  except apps got better18:45
shadeslayersebsebseb: personal choice18:45
Risawacould anyone help me?18:45
sebsebsebshadeslayer: ,but if they make a really nice looking  Kubuntu KDE 4.2 :D18:46
Stevethepiratebernz: Ok, well.surely, rc{x} is run as root?18:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbox18:46
Hfuydoes "not contiguous" just mean "fragmented"18:46
bernzStevethepirate, i'd bet at least a few bucks on that, though i'm not certain18:46
HfuyFair enough.18:46
HfuyHow do I fix it?18:46
shadeslayersebsebseb: hehe,i love XFCE for the light DE,Kubuntu for eye candy,GNOME makes things easy to do i.e. daily tasks18:46
sebsebsebshadeslayer: XFCE is alright yeah18:47
SlimeyPeteHfuy: what fs?18:47
HfuyNo idea. It's an Eee PC, so it's flash anyway - it may not be a big deal.18:47
Hfuyextsomething, I assume.18:47
paladinhi... how can i make the console beep? echo -e /a doesn't work18:47
bernzStevethepirate, one question i'd have is: are rc{x} run *after* udev (at which point, the card probably becomes "alive", and it's too late to pretend to be another MAC without others on the network noticing, if that's the goal)18:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about beep18:47
erUSULpaladin: \a18:47
selocolHow do I hibernate in Ubuntu/Fluxbox? Is there a command I can run that hibernates? What program is responsible for hibernation? Thanks.18:47
SlimeyPetefragmentation shouldn't be an issue on ext18:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate18:47
Stevethepiratebernz: Hmm, that could be true.18:47
SlimeyPeteI wouldn't worry about it18:48
HfuyWell, fragmentation will be an issue on any filesystem.18:48
Risawadoes anyone here use an xbox 360 controller for there ubuntu OS? i wanna try it for ZSNES on the comp18:48
paladinerUSUL: doesn't work either18:48
bernzStevethepirate, the key is to figure out overall startup process for the distro you're using, to best pick the "wedge" point18:48
HfuyI'm not sure it's that bothersome on an SSD with near zero seek times, though.18:48
paladinerUSUL: all I get is an "a"18:48
Guest54113would someone private chat me and help me change from guest to a register user?18:48
SlimeyPeteHfuy: indeed, but ext is generally happy unless it somehow manages to get 40% fragmented or something18:48
StevethepirateWho would definitively be able to answer the questions though?18:48
XPS_M1330When you download ubuntu, which one is a live version: "desktop", "dvd", "alternative"? And how do I get the CRC to know if the download is fine?18:48
lstarnesGuest54113: just switch to a different unregistered nickname using /nick18:48
SlimeyPeteit'll sort itself out18:48
erUSULpaladin: maybe is the built in echo. /bin/echo -e '\a'18:48
HfuyIt auto-defrags?18:48
HfuyIn many ways we'd rather it didn't, since it'll exercise the flash18:49
CarlFKdoes it matter what filename i use for files in /etc/hal/fdi/information?  I am trying to do https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/21207318:49
HfuyAlso, the "non-contiguous" count seems to continually increase.18:49
gldtnhwo do I few which GTK engines I have installed or what are the default for a fresh installed ubuntu intrepid ?18:49
bernzXPS_M1330, desktop is live18:49
n2diyI've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas?18:49
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: do you have an led light that's a lock with a number 9 in it?18:49
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: yeah18:49
bernzXPS_M1330, as for the CRC -- your download is guaranteed accurate (with some technical exceptions) by TCP protocol (used to download the image file)18:49
paladinerUSUL: thanks!!!18:49
HfuyHow do I find out what filesystems are in use? df -h doesn't list FS types.18:49
StevethepirateHey bernz.. who would be able to answer the question?18:50
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: what is it about? it just got on today and won't come off!18:50
StevethepirateI know that in windows, using a program like MAC makeup pushes a pre-load command onto its network stack.18:50
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: see the fn key??18:50
oCean_Hfuy: "mount" command18:50
StevethepirateFrom what I have heard.18:50
XPS_M1330bernz: all right. it's just that I stopped and resumed the download at some point18:50
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: press FN+P18:50
HfuyoCean_: They already are mounted, I just want to find out what FS is in use.18:50
shadeslayerit should output *18:50
shadeslayerlike above18:51
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: it does nothing!18:51
shadeslayerits basically a numpad18:51
shadeslayerwait what keyboard layout??18:51
oCean_Hfuy: "mount" (no arguments) outputs what is mounted + type + options etc18:51
bernzStevethepirate, not sure, just watch the channel a bit, and those who Get It will make themselves known (i don't want to name anyone specifically, because my opinions of the Clueful are personal ;-)18:51
HfuyAh. OK. /dev/sdb1, which I think is the internal flash, is ext2.18:51
HfuyLots of things mounted on this machine.18:51
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: i can help you reset the keyboard18:51
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: so THAT'S HOW you can use the numpad! I was wondering this eek18:51
Hfuyproc, sys, varrun, varlock, udev, devshm, devpts, securityfs, binfmt_misc.18:52
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: "reset the keyboard"?18:52
HfuyIs that ususal?!18:52
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: num pad works then18:52
Stevethepiratebernz: my spam keys are autobound :D18:52
shadeslayeras well as the num lock key18:52
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: did you get it with the 150$ LED screen?18:52
bernzXPS_M1330, if you're using a modern browser, it will resume the download correctly also (it has checks for "breakage")18:52
StevethepirateWhere would I drop a networking based script that has to be run on startup before anything on the PC actually touches the networking modules [spoofing a MAC here]18:52
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: sorry??18:52
lstarnesHfuy: that looks fairly common18:52
XPS_M1330bernz: I'm using evil corporate opera :)18:53
Hfuylstarnes: Crikey.18:53
PhotoguyIs there a way to switch to the XFCE desktop enviroment without installing Xubuntu?18:53
bernzStevethepirate, that's probably a bad idea; i won't say this channel is super strict, but people appreciate a lack of redundancy (and rightly so)18:53
MacFlecknoei have a que‭stion... i need to change my X configuration but xorg.conf hardly has ANYTHING in it anymore... what happened to this and how can i change X's settings?18:53
Stevethepiratebernz: Yeah i know.18:53
jwl007Im getting eth0: No such device found, eventhough my network card comes up when i run lspci, any ideas?18:53
StevethepirateI mean, I will post every 100 lines or so?18:53
bernzXPS_M1330, there's a lot of worse corporations than Opera, at least ;-)18:53
HfuyOn the upside, we managed to install compiz, which looks fairly impressive on an eee.18:53
StevethepiratePraps every 20018:53
* Hfuy turns the desktop into a cube, and makes it spin around18:53
HfuyWootz0rz, etc.18:54
bernzStevethepirate, or perhaps once an hour or less ;-)  heheeh18:54
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: when you customize the laptop before ordering, you get to choose between the regular LCD screen or a fancy, slim LED screen that costs an extra 150$. It's slimmer, lighter, and more energy-efficient. I think it must be better visual quality also18:54
* kristian_ wonders how Hfuy does that?18:54
* shadeslayer does it too18:54
sebsebsebbernz: yeah Microsoft and AOL18:54
PhotoguyIs there a way to switch to the XFCE desktop enviroment without installing Xubuntu?18:54
XPS_M1330sebsebseb: yes, and lockheed martin!18:54
HfuyPointless. Zero usability bonus.18:54
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: ah i get it, i have the CCFL variant,i didnt have the led option18:54
HfuyBut it makes Vista users drool.18:54
Stevethepiratebernz: Heh18:54
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: lockheed Martin???????18:54
StevethepirateI need to fix this problem for a while.18:54
shadeslayerthough i wanted the LED18:54
danbhfivePhotoguy: install xfce or xubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop^18:54
MacFlecknoeanyone know where the xorg.conf settings went??18:54
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: not heard of them18:54
bernzsebsebseb, well, i was thinking monsanto and stuff, but yeah, those promoters of laziness are also shun-worthy :-)18:54
XPS_M1330sebsebseb: one of the biggest arms manufacturer in the world18:55
Stevethepirate*in a while18:55
yorky501 Git repo's.. can anyone shed any light on what they are and how i get content from them18:55
sebsebsebXPS_M1330: oh ok18:55
HfuyAlso, all the windows wobble like undercooked mince when you move them around. It's sickening.18:55
XPS_M1330comparing apples and lizards18:55
kristian_Hfuy : i want teh cube. how do i get it? :o18:55
Hfuykristian_: Install Compiz, plus all the supporting stuff it needs.18:55
HfuyI seem to recall it was fairly painful to get going, but then, I'm used to windows, so all linux config issues seem painful to me.18:56
XPS_M1330say, Monsanto could be considered an evil corporation. they don't do open-source GMOs18:56
* Hfuy ducks18:56
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup in termina18:56
danbhfive!ccsm > kristian_18:56
ubottukristian_, please see my private message18:56
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: what does that do?18:56
Pipotany body know how to install bluetooth on toshiba satellite L31018:56
lstarnesyorky501: if you have git installed, you can copy git repos using git clone <path>18:56
Pipotany body know how to install bluetooth on toshiba satellite L31018:56
Pipotany body know how to install bluetooth on toshiba satellite L31018:56
FloodBot1Pipot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:56
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: reconfigures the keyboard and that '9' light should go off18:56
malek-rikAnyone using eclipse for php dev?18:56
HfuyI was astonished that Compiz worked so well on an eee, but it does.18:56
danbhfivemalek-rik: i tried it out18:56
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: it's must simple to hit "numlock" to make that light disapear ;)18:56
malek-rikdanbh: did you have any issues getting it started?18:57
bernzif you install compiz, you should also install the compiz fusion "tray icon" switcherooney app18:57
yorky501Istarnes, do you just get source from git repo's or are they packages18:57
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: well i thought you said it didnt go away??18:57
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: how long your battery lasts?18:57
PipotFloodBot1, any body know how to install bluetooth on toshiba satellite L31018:57
lstarnesyorky501: git repos contain source18:57
bernz(it will let you quickly switch back to metacity from compiz to disable fx, and possibly fix misbehaving apps)18:57
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: I didn't realise it goes away when I hit numlock18:57
shadeslayer9 cell varian==4 h 50 m18:57
PipotFloodBot1, did you know how to install bluetooth on toshiba satellite L310 on ubuntu 8.1018:57
olskolirccan someone look at my pastebin and tell me why I can't play .avi files please?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/123477/18:57
paddysteedI need help using ffmpeg18:57
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: you a n00b @ computing??18:58
bih_denohi please visit my blog bihdeno.blogbugs.org 4 free portable applications. new posts daily! check it out. thanks18:58
XPS_M1330shit! I get 3½ hours with the 3 cells18:58
HfuyShould we expect ext2 to auto-defrag this device at some point, then?18:58
olskolircpaddysteed, i think ffmpeg messed me up today18:58
XPS_M1330sorry for the language18:58
paddysteedolskolirc: what18:58
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: well i have a more powerful configuration,larger display,etc18:58
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: I was playing with MS-DOS 5 when I was 5 years old18:58
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: I'm fairly new to linux though18:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nat18:59
StevethepirateI OAT YOU DO18:59
olskolircpaddysteed, never mind18:59
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).18:59
* bernz . o O ( app-roulette: in compiz, hold ALT+SPECIAL+TAB with a nice high repeat speed on your keyboard, then let go at random to decide what app will receive your attention next )18:59
paddysteedi need to convert to mpeg418:59
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: then how come you didnt know about num lock??18:59
Pipotubottu, any body know how to install bluetooth on toshiba satellite L31018:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:59
Pipotubottu, , did you know how to install bluetooth on toshiba satellite L310 on ubuntu 8.1018:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:59
=== patrick is now known as Guest80974
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: I'm new to having a laptop as well!18:59
bullgard4There are two packages installed: mail-notification and mail-notification-evolution. Still there is no plugin entry 'Mail Notification' to be seen in the list Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager. Why is that so?18:59
olskolircpaddysteed, never mind18:59
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:59
olskolirccan someone look at my pastebin and tell me why I can't play .avi files please?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/123477/18:59
HfuyMan, this channel is busy19:00
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: btw install powertop,its an intel app to reduce heat and power consumption19:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ffmpeg19:00
StevethepirateAnyone here willing to help me with some firestarter problems?19:00
* Hfuy shouts over the hubbub19:00
Pipotubottu, thanks19:00
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:00
sebsebsebHfuy: yes Ubuntu is pretty popular19:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about winff19:00
paddysteed!info ffmpeg19:00
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg-debian): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component main, is optional. Version 3:0.svn20080206-12ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 232 kB, installed size 864 kB19:00
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: yeah my first laptop==M1530,3 months19:00
Hfuysebsebseb: I've been working on the basis that Ubuntu is the least-bad linux distro for a while :)19:00
PhotoguyHow do I switch between XFCE and Gnome desktops? I mean what is the terminal command?19:00
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:00
shadeslayer!powertop | XPS_M133019:00
sebsebsebPipot: no thank me, I got him to tell you about bluetooth19:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about powertop19:00
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: powertop installed, is it a command line?19:00
sebsebsebHfuy: well not exactly,  I could name plenty of other good distros19:01
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: in terminal >sudo powertop19:01
panglossIm having problems installing a program from source in ubuntu. For some reason, some of the symbolic links are not being found when I actually run the program. Does anyone know a good channel to get some help for this problem?19:01
shadeslayerthen press keys as it says19:01
mrfeltonjoin #civicrm19:01
kristian_thanks! :-)19:01
Huufarted!compile | pangloss19:01
ubottupangloss: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:01
HfuyThat's based almost entirely on the "hfuy press install button, hfuy use program" basis.19:01
shadeslayerS-SATA managemnet etc19:01
HfuyI'm no software engineer.19:01
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: it gives a whole bunch of suggestions19:02
PhotoguyHow do I switch between XFCE and Gnome desktops? I mean what is the terminal command?19:02
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: do you have a bluetooth mouse?19:02
olskolircsomeone say my name please19:02
sebsebsebPhotoguy: do it on the log in screen19:02
Pipotubottu, , did you know how to install bluetooth on toshiba satellite L310 on ubuntu 8.10 i mind a driver19:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:02
Huufartedmy name please19:02
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: nope19:02
olskolircok im not blinking19:02
Pipotsebsebseb, , , did you know how to install bluetooth on toshiba satellite L310 on ubuntu 8.10 i mind a driver19:02
olskolircsay it with a message this time XPS_M1330 ?19:02
HuufartedXPS_M1330, yes?19:02
sebsebsebPipot: no, but19:02
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup19:03
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: did you try wifi?? the wifi light blinks19:03
StevethepirateHaving some firestarter problems here.... anyone willing to help? Not getting traffic on eth1 to any internal clients x(19:03
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: I paid 20$ to have internal bluetooth and 30$ for a bluetooth mouse and I can't use it without pluging the USB receiver19:03
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:03
XPS_M1330yes I'm on wifi right now19:03
panglossHuufarted, this isn't a simple problem. I have all the build tools installed, run ./configure and everything seems to work. But after I $sudo make install   I try to run the program and the program is not finding ome .so links19:03
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: lol19:03
Pipotubottu, thats just info to connected for ponsel19:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:03
Pipotubottu, nop a driver19:03
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: does the light blink??19:03
Stevethepiratesebsebseb: I've checked out firestarter oke.19:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nop a driver19:03
StevethepirateAnd the website19:03
XPS_M1330olskolirc: what is it19:03
Pipotubottu, not a driver19:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about not a driver19:03
sebsebsebStevethepirate: Firestarter maybe you don't really need it19:04
lanoxx-hi, im wondering, what is the meaning of "Fix Commited" in Launchpad? and how long does it take from the point where a fix was commited until it appears as an update in update manager?????19:04
olskolircim not blinking XPS_M1330 :-(19:04
oCean_Pipot: the usre ubotu is just a bot, no sense in talking to that.19:04
XPS_M1330Huufarted: I was saying your name please ;)19:04
sebsebsebStevethepirate: have you got a hardware firewall?19:04
olskolircoh well, anyway19:04
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: the wifi light blinks not the BT19:04
sebsebsebStevethepirate: if you got a router you probably got one as part of that19:04
olskolirccan someone look at my pastebin and tell me why I can't play .avi files please?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/123477/19:04
PipotoCean_, thanks19:04
bernzokay, i want to get my remote desktopping going from anywhere... i need VPNage. when i was using windows, i mostly used hamachi, which was pretty solid, and it has a linux version. should i go for that? i need something with a windows client as well... anyone got a beef with/warning about hamachi?19:04
PipotoCean_,  did you know how to install bluetooth on toshiba satellite L310 on ubuntu 8.10 i mind a driver19:04
Stevethepiratesebsebseb: No hardware firewall.. Internet -> This PC with 2 network cards <-> switch <-> clients19:04
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: :( maybe tleds helps??19:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tled19:04
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)19:05
XPS_M1330shadeslayer: tleds?19:05
sebsebsebStevethepirate: ok find out about iptables as well then19:05
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:05
StevethepirateI know iptables quite well19:05
StevethepirateIts an actual problem with eth1 configuration IMO19:05
paddysteedi wanted it to say i dont know anything about sex19:05
shadeslayerXPS_M1330: package, type " sudo apt-get install tled " in terminal19:05
sebsebsebStevethepirate: ok I don't know19:05
StevethepirateAnd firestarter is causing part of the problem, or being afffected.19:05
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.19:05
panglossIm having problems installing a program from source in ubuntu. For some reason, some of the symbolic links are not being found when I actually run the program. Does anyone know a good channel to get some help for this problem?19:05
paddysteed!lots of beer19:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lots of beer19:05
shadeslayerpaddysteed: :)19:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intellegence19:06
oCean_Pipot: I don't. Have some patience before repeating the question. if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait.19:06
paddysteedha ha19:06
panglosspoor ubottu...19:06
Guest54113ok can someone help me configue my capture card?19:06
sebsebseb!botabuse |  paddysteed19:06
george2_ok, so i've rebuilt ffmpeg, but when i encvode to h264, i lose the audio. any ideas?19:06
ubottupaddysteed: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:06
_dbd_l12would restoring an image of a ubuntu-server install made with partimage work on (slightly) different hardware? or is this a definite no-no. Other (non-raid) ways to have a quick imaging/backup system ready (for in case of hardware failure) ?19:06
shadeslayeri still cant figure out how to use laptop mode19:06
ubottuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.19:06
oCean_!fishing > paddysteed19:06
ubottupaddysteed, please see my private message19:06
Jack_Sparrowpaddysteed Please stop19:07
lanoxx-!fishing | lanoxx-19:07
ubottulanoxx-, please see my private message19:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about feelings19:07
thedude420hey can somebody help me I have a problem with nvidia x server19:07
shadeslayeryeah i was getting annoying19:07
shadeslayerthedude420: sure19:07
linky51Bonjour !19:07
gldtnhello all... I need help with gtk+ themes engines.. may someone help please?19:07
sebsebsebJack_Sparrow: how come you or other mods,  like always turn up when something is going on?19:07
linky51Hello !19:08
Myrttisebsebseb: because we've got x-ray vision19:08
gldtnthe problem is that every theme I install I get a warning saying that I dont have the required engine installed19:08
sebsebsebMyrtti: right19:08
lanoxx-hi, im wondering, what is the meaning of "Fix Commited" in Launchpad? and how long does it take from the point where a fix was commited until it appears as an update in update manager?????19:08
Jack_Sparrowsebsebseb We are here, just usually working in a diff window19:08
shadeslayersebsebseb: www.gnome-look.org19:08
sebsebsebshadeslayer: yes what about it?19:08
eshearI'm running Hardy; I can't find ip_conntrack_max anywhere in /proc....does anyone have any idea why it would be missing?19:09
shadeslayersebsebseb: it has gtk themes19:09
sebsebsebJack_Sparrow: you mean doing something else as well?19:09
sebsebsebshadeslayer: yes I know, but I didn't ask about themes19:09
Jack_Sparrowsebsebseb yes, writing code this am19:09
ubottulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic19:09
sebsebsebJack_Sparrow: code for what?19:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:09
sebsebsebJack_Sparrow: yes I know19:09
shadeslayergldtn: www.gnome-look.org19:09
n2diyI've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas?19:09
lstarneslanoxx-: I think http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=605808 might have an answer to your question19:10
EanHi all! :) What is the service "SSDP". This service is trying to connect at port 1900. Any malicious? It's another Ubuntu computer in the net that is trying to do that... Also a Unknown service from the same computer is trying to connect at port 21328...:/19:10
StevethepirateHaving some networking [possibly firestarter] problems here... Can't configure eth1 to communicate with loacl network.19:10
shadeslayersebsebseb: sorry19:10
shadeslayermy bad19:10
lanoxx-lstarnes, thx19:10
eshearlstarnes: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/31784319:11
sebsebsebshadeslayer: try blubuntu from the repo19:11
thedude420shadeslayer: I am using the 177 version, I have a nVidia GEFORCE GO 7400. This is on an HP DV6000t. The main LCD works fine but when I can not figure out how to get it to work through the external VGA. I do see that it does not have th EDID for the display that I have pluged in. It says that it is a CRT and it is an LCD.19:11
lstarnesEan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Service_Discovery_Protocol19:11
LakesProseI've installed unbuntu using a graphic card. Can I shut down my system, swap it for another card, boot up the system and expect ubuntu to say ''I see you swapped cards you dirty humon, lemme just adjust my drivers in function of your new card'' ?19:11
shadeslayerthedude420: even i could not get my TV to work with my 8600M GT19:11
SlartLakesProse: something like that, yes19:11
shadeslayerthrough s-videp19:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dualdisplay19:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about duel19:12
_dbd_l12eshear: i think you can set it like this "sysctl -w net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max=xxxx". You can set it systemwide in /etc/sysctl.conf iirc19:12
lstarneslanoxx-: btw, that was the 4th or 5th result when doing a google search on "launchpad fix committed"19:12
LakesProseSlart: thanks :)19:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dueldisplay19:12
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings19:12
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1219:12
shadeslayerSlart: thanks19:12
PistosI have tried all manner of hand-waving and lever-pulling, but I cannot install Ruby 1.9.1-p0 under ~/usr.  The [main] error is that it can't find stringio.  Any suggestions?19:12
Eanlstarnes: yeah, I looked at that. But I didn't really get he message...19:12
shadeslayerthedude420: look up19:12
n2diy! twinview19:13
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings19:13
StevethepirateHaving some networking [possibly firestarter] problems here... Can't configure eth1 to communicate with loacl network.19:13
eshear_dbd_l12: sysctl claims net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max doesn't exist (unknown key)19:13
Eanlstarnes: Why would it send that to me? Or is that something Ubuntu normally does? ;l19:13
_dbd_l12eshear: hmm, strange, i'll have to see if google has answers ;-)19:14
bullgard4There are two packages installed: mail-notification and mail-notification-evolution. Still there is no plugin entry 'Mail Notification' to be seen in the list Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager. Why is that so?19:14
eshearI've been googling, and no dice19:14
eshearI found someone else who had the same problem, but no solution appeared19:14
eshearsysctl -a | grep ip_con shows that there is no ip_conntrack_max key tracked by sysctl19:15
eshearmaybe I'm missing a module or something?19:15
eagleis it possible to get networkmanager to control br0 ? (have to use bridge since im running kvm)19:15
olskolirccan someone look at my pastebin and tell me why I can't play .avi files please?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/123477/19:15
lstarneseshear: what about /proc/sys/net/nf_conntrack_max ?19:15
bartek-Has anyone here used duplicity before? Got a question about it19:15
eshearah, i see19:16
eshearyes, nf_conntrack exists19:16
eshearthank you!19:16
Jack_Sparroweshear what are you doing to generate that error, what release of ubuntu are you using and have you added any software outside official repos19:16
eshearit was a naming issue; I wasn't aware ip_conntrack is sometimes called nf_conntrack19:16
khirrhow can i login how superuser in ubuntu?19:16
Myrttikhirr: no, you can't.19:16
ardchoille!root | khirr19:17
ubottukhirr: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:17
_dbd_l12eshear: i suppose that maybe it's just the "conntrack" package to install (not tested)?19:17
erUSUL!root | khirr19:17
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gldtnshadeslayer, I can't find anything under gnome-look regarding the engines.. how can I view witch engines I have installed?19:17
fosco__gldtn, dpkg -l | grep engines19:18
Guest54113hmmm guys are busy19:18
khirrbut i want to do a script in bash, how could i do to request the password and log in how superuser?19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about engine19:18
george2_i've done an svn checkout and builld of ffmpeg, installed x264 and --enable-libmp3lame, but still, i loose all audio when encoding to h264 - why? google hasn't been any use19:18
sebsebsebGuest54113: hi what do you want help with?19:18
shadeslayergldtn: sorry dont know anything else19:18
eshearthanks so much, that totally solved my problem19:18
shadeslayerbye all gotta go19:19
ardchoillekhirr: you don't log into the root account, use sudo or gksudo19:19
Guest54113configureing ati capture card it partial working in tvtime19:19
gldtnthanks fosco_, shadeslayer19:19
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:19
khirr<ardchoille> thanks, i will try19:19
KDB9000How do I make ubuntu forget the password for sudo as soon as I use it? (meaning it isn't saved, i have to enter it in everytime I do sudo)19:20
sebsebsebKDB9000: that is the default19:20
Jack_SparrowKDB9000 You can set the default time19:20
ardchoillekhirr: also you need to make sure you know what the script is suppoed to do before running it with admin privs19:20
SlartKDB9000: check the man page.. there is a switch iirc19:20
khirr<ardchoille> yes, is for mount a unit19:21
ardchoillekhirr: ok, for a script in bash, you would do: sudo scriptname19:21
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KDB9000sebsebseb, no, it isn't. If i went into the package manager, put the password in, then closed it, if I go back in right away or within a minute or 2, it doesn't ask me for the password. I want it to ask for the password.19:22
sebsebsebKDB9000: ok19:22
sebsebsebKDB9000: well I don't know19:22
KDB9000Jack_Sparrow, Where do I set the default time?19:22
khirrardchoille yes19:22
FrozenFireDoes anyone know of a way to install Windows on top of Ubuntu, like Wubi, except the other way around? I don't want to disturb Ubuntu, but I'd like to avoid using a second disk, or resizing my partitions.19:23
FrozenFireXP, specifically.19:23
Jack_SparrowKDB9000 One sec.. I agree with slart there is a switch19:23
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox19:23
Jack_SparrowFrozenFire vbox19:23
sebsebsebFrozenFire: you can run Windows inside Ubuntu in a virtual machine, which will be fine except for 3D stuff19:24
oCean_KDB9000: Jack_Sparrow it's something like timestamp_timeout in /etc/sudoers19:24
paddy1FroxenFire: wine19:24
sebsebsebFrozenFire: Virtualbox yeah19:24
FrozenFireI already know of Virtualbox, and use it regularly. I want to install XP. I don't want Wine. I don't want a VM.19:24
zimbresWhy there is no gmake command on my system? Is it the same as make?19:24
FrozenFireLet's just assume I know what I want to do ;)19:24
paddy1vbox good19:24
bullgard4There are two packages installed: mail-notification and mail-notification-evolution. Still there is no plugin entry 'Mail Notification' to be seen in the list Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager. Why is that so?19:24
StevethepirateHaving some networking [possibly firestarter] problems here... Can't configure eth1 to communicate with loacl network.19:24
sebsebsebFrozenFire: Wubit is for noobs that can't partition their hard disk,  just like  a similar thing, but the other way round, would be for noobs that can't partition their hard disk19:24
danbhfiveFrozenFire: hehe, well, lets assume that we dont know what you want to do :p19:25
lstarneszimbres: on gnu-based systems such as most linux distributions, the version of make installed is gnu make.  on bsd variants, gmake is gnu make and make is bsd make19:25
Jack_Sparrowsudo -k19:25
sebsebsebFrozenFire: what you want I don't think is even possible19:25
dayo_how much do hard drives of about 200gb cost, these days?19:25
sebsebsebFrozenFire: Microsoft do not play nice with other OS's,  neither do most  people that program anything that is Windows related19:25
danbhfivedayo_: offtopic, but I just got 500g for $60 american19:25
FrozenFiresebsebseb: Fair enough. Just wanted to know if it has been done, effectively.19:26
KDB9000Jack_Sparrow, thx19:26
khirr<ardchoille>for use installer in gtk? in bash is apt-get but i will use gksudo, and what is the comand for install in grafic mode?19:26
sebsebsebFrozenFire: Virtual machine is the way to have WIndows inside Ubuntu19:26
FrozenFiresebsebseb: This is for running games that do not work well under Wine.19:26
Jack_SparrowFrozenFire Lets assume you are asking in the wrong room19:27
sebsebsebFrozenFire: oh  and MS do sometimes play nice with open source and other OS's well kind of,  but only if enough business customers  demand it, but this is off topic19:27
dayo_danbhfive: sorry. and thanks19:27
ardchoillekhirr: the easiest way to install a package in graphic mode is to use synaptic19:27
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danbhfiveFrozenFire: I think you just need to install windows to a separate partition, and then restore your grub19:27
ardchoillekhirr: However, use sudo for bash and use gksudo for gui apps needed admin privs19:27
_dbd_l12how could issuing mkfs.ext3 on a sata disk (sda) interfere with grub/mbr on a working bootable install on another sata disk (sdb). I forgot cfdisk but mkfs ran fine. I reinstalled grub after getting error5 but i still don't get why this was happening...19:28
Nevisstill no luck. anyone knows how to fix intrepid that boots to low-graphics after installing an nvidia driver?19:28
sebsebsebFrozenFire: dual boot and have a real Windows install for  gamse that won't work in Wine or virtual machine19:28
khirr<ardchoille> mean, for the command un my scrip19:28
Jack_SparrowKDB9000 Did you get that info19:28
FrozenFiredanbhfive: If I'm installing Windows on a disk directly, it'll be on a different disk entirely. I'm not risking the Windows installer clearing off my development OS.19:28
KDB9000Jack_Sparrow, ya. I am testing it right now19:28
ardchoillekhirr: if you're calling a gui app you need to use gksudo19:28
khirr<ardchoille> gksudo "synaptic install smbfs", is it correct?19:29
ardchoillekhirr: oh, no, use:  sudo apt-get install smbfs19:29
FrozenFireJust a note, by the way, I realize that many new users might not know what they're doing, but it's best not to jump to the conclusion that someone is new to Ubuntu when they ask questions like mine. I've been using Ubuntu for years, and know more about it than most. It's best to answer a question directly, than to make assumptions as to what the person _really_ means.19:29
khirr<ardchoille> but i'd like install in GUI mode, is there a way? i have seen script that use that19:30
ardchoillekhirr: synaptic is a graphical package manager, the command equivalents are apt-get or aptitude19:30
khirr<ardchoille> yes, i want in grafical mode19:30
ardchoillekhirr: I don't know of a way to do that19:30
sebsebsebFrozenFire: that was the other guy, I already knew what you wanted19:30
freedumManwhat command can i find out what is killing the hard drive, my system is slaming I/O activity19:30
sebsebsebFrozenFire: when you said.    Windows in Ubuntu partition.  a bit like Wubi, but other way round19:31
MyrttiFrozenFire: starting the answers from bottom and working up covers all the chances, including those you haven't thought yourself and have considered them perhaps irrelevant to the issue.19:31
FrozenFireMyrtti: I agree, it works in many cases, but it's infuriating to receive nonsensical answer like "Use Wine" or "Virtualbox," which do nothing to answer the initial question.19:32
FrozenFireEspecially when someone indicates that they know what they're doing ;)19:32
Jack_SparrowFrozenFire What you are asking for help with is outside the scope of Ubuntu Support.. Thank You.. Perhaps a more open discussion channel on how to accomplish your task would be #Ubuntu-offtopic19:32
Hilikushey guys, i'm having a problem with (it seems) the ivtv driver on 8.10. like 1/4 times the sound is all metallic. has anyone else encounterde this?19:32
FrozenFireJack_Sparrow: Yes, I'm finished. Just felt like ranting a bit ;)19:32
Hilikusit used to happend pre 8.1 as well but it seems to be more common now19:33
HuufartedfreedumMan, try 'top' at the console19:33
Hilikusim using a happauge 15019:33
freedumManHuufarted, its I/O activity not cpu usage19:33
HuufartedI know that, but a lot of times, the offending program will also be top (or near) with CPU19:33
freedumManHuufarted, both cpu's are 1.3%19:33
yorky501hi, how go i check if I have any open gl drivers installed??19:34
freedumManHuufarted, hard drive light is almost solid19:34
HuufartedfreedumMan, try a 'netstat -an' to see if you have multiple users downloading from you?19:34
BlatzHello, I am getting the following error when try to update the system: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04.1 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080702.1)]/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs19:34
shadeslayersebsebseb: what was that about blubuntu that you were telling me??19:34
HuufartedfreedumMan, granted, I can't picture net activity causing that much of a bottleneck, but I don't know...19:35
D-rewI have a question regarding networking...19:35
Titan8990!ask | D-rew19:35
ubottuD-rew: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:35
Huufarted!ask d-rew19:35
sebsebsebshadeslayer: the theme itself is not that good,  the wallpaper is alright, and the  gdm screen is very nice indeed!19:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask d-rew19:35
glitsj16khirr: zenity might be of interest to you, quoting the man page of it: "... will display GTK+ dialogs, and return (either in the return code, or on standard output) the users input. [...] allows you to present information, and ask for information from the user, from all manner of shell scripts."19:35
Huufartedhaha Titan8990 you beat me to it19:35
sebsebsebshadeslayer: it's in the repo19:35
shadeslayeroh ok19:35
_dbd_l12hm, it seems my own question (mkfs.ext3 / grub troubles) seem described here: http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/6480/1/19:35
Titan8990Huufarted, hehe, hiya man19:35
shadeslayeri thought it was a DE19:35
Huufartedgood afternoon,  Titan899019:35
jiffe92there anyway to make apt-get quiet (i.e. not ask for any input like mysql-server does?)19:35
shadeslayerblubuntu-look right??/19:35
freedumManHuufarted, nothing out of the oridinary19:35
D-rewFor some reason, Ubuntu flunks out on detecting my router's DHCP settings, I have to go into the network manager and set my IP address manually. This works fine, but the settings don't save, meaning I have to set them all over again every time I restart my system.19:36
khirr<glitsj16> yes, i'm was using, now i'm trying with gdialog19:36
HuufartedfreedumMan, try 'ps -ef' and see which ones seem to be going nuts?  Might not show anything useful, but you never know19:36
Titan8990D-rew, you should try to configure your interface for dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces19:36
miss_firefighterhey guys how do i register a new IRC name?19:36
D-rewTitan8990, I did.19:37
D-rewTitan8990, Didn't work, either.19:37
Titan8990D-rew, what happens if you call dhcpclient directly?19:37
lstarnesmiss_firefighter: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup19:37
Titan8990D-rew, sudo dhclient eth019:37
khirrfor exameple, when you make click in apt://sun-java6-plugin i't will show a package install in grafic mode19:37
D-rewTitan8990, let me try...19:37
BlatzHello, I am getting the following error when try to update the system: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04.1 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080702.1)]/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs19:37
Titan8990Blatz, comment out the cd line in /etc/apt/sources.list19:37
JWI have a fit-PC that came with Ubuntu preloaded. It does not have any virtual consoles enabled - only F7 (where X11 lives) - is that normal for Ubuntu?19:38
Titan8990JW, no19:38
_dbd_l12JW: that's not standard behaviour, no19:38
freedumManHuufarted, looks good it was adobe air for linux bugging out on an app i tried this morning19:38
Jack_Sparrow_dbd_l12 Great article..19:39
D-rewTitan8990, Guess what.19:39
Titan8990D-rew, yep?19:39
D-rewTitan8990, Checked my router settings. I had the DHCP server turned off. :P19:39
Titan8990D-rew, well, good to hear you solved the problem :)19:39
BlatzTitan8990: Worked like a charm, thanks.19:39
HuufartedfreedumMan, so that found your answer for you?19:39
Titan8990Blatz, anytime19:40
_dbd_l12Jack_Sparrow: well i'm glad it explains why i was having these grub troubles today ;-)19:40
kristian_what is the following: vlc-plugin-esd, mozilla-plugin-vlc?19:40
Titan8990kristian_, does it not have a description in the repos?19:40
Jack_Sparrow_dbd_l12 I only skimmed it.. but what partition types were you running19:41
StevethepirateHaving some networking [possibly firestarter] problems here... Can't configure eth1 to communicate with loacl network.19:41
Titan8990kristian_, if you are using CLI I believe it is this to see a full description:   sudo aptitude show vlc-plugin-esd19:41
freedumManHuufarted, yup but i wish there was a way to find the program eating hard disk I/O usage19:41
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:42
lstarneskristian_: vlc-plugin-esd allows vlc to use esd for sound.  mozilla-plugin-vlc allows firefox to embed vlc for certain media19:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about driver19:42
black_eagleHow i can see thread count for same proccess?19:42
NemesisDhow on earth do i kill X in order to install nvidia drivers? if i log in and do /etc/init.d/gdm stop, i get to a terminal i can't enter text to19:42
HuufartedfreedumMan, if there is, I don't know it.  However, that doesn't mean much.  I'm glad you found your answer.19:43
Jack_SparrowNemesisD  hit clt-alt-f2, login. run  sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop. do your nivida stuff, using sudo. sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start to restart X . ctl-alt-f7 to get back to gui, if needed  is the normal way19:43
Titan8990black_eagle, different threads usually show up as different procs so you can just grep ps:    ps aux | grep pocimlookingfor19:43
kristian_Titan8990 : thanks for the cli command. :-)19:43
freedumManHuufarted, thanks19:43
rondnelly_Hello there D:19:43
Titan8990kristian_, np19:43
shadeslayerthe theme is yuck19:43
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shadeslayerbut gdm is real rocking19:43
sea-gullHi, All! Will ubuntu participate in Google Summer of Code?19:43
erUSULBlatz: disable the cdrom on software sources. System>Admin>Software sources19:43
shadeslayersebsebseb: nice find19:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about summerofcode19:44
shadeslayeryeah bte19:44
sebsebsebshadeslayer: indeed19:44
kristian_lstarnes : i did a "sudo apt-get install vlc" just now, but when reading on vlc official page it say to install vlc-plugin-esd and mozilla-plugin-vlc, i was just wondering if i need any of this if im just using vlc for .avi (xvid) and .mp3 and possibly flac.19:44
Titan8990kristian_, no19:44
Hix-Nixj #club-ubuntu19:45
_dbd_l12Jack_Sparrow: logical/extended on ext319:45
kristian_Titan8990 : ok, thanks. :-)19:45
nikoshello, i logged in my feisty installation after a very long time and I find that I cannot add new packages19:45
kristian_again. :-P19:45
Titan8990kristian_, there is a good guide for multimedia here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668319:45
_dbd_l12Jack_Sparrow: (sata although that's of no relevance here)19:45
Titan8990kristian_, anytime19:45
nikoshave the repositories been abandoned ?19:45
StevethepirateHaving some networking [possibly firestarter] problems here... Can't configure eth1 to communicate with loacl network.19:45
lstarnesnikos: feisty has reached the end of its life19:46
nikoslstarnes: I know, but I have some important old work on that installation that i can't migrate right now19:46
kristian_Titan8990 : and thanks for the link. :-D19:46
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, did you try disabling firestarter? Did it ever work?19:46
FrozenFireEasier question this time: Apparently, I'm suddenly not in the sudoers file. I'm the only user, other than root. I've been in the sudoers file until today. Do I have to drop to a root shell to fix this?19:46
nikoslstarnes: is there a place to find old packages ? I'm interested in libmdbodbc ..19:46
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases19:47
StevethepirateTitan8990: Hmm, I can try that.19:47
Titan8990FrozenFire, select Ubuntu recovery mode from the grub menu19:47
Titan8990FrozenFire, you will be prompted to select "drop root shell"19:47
FrozenFireTitan8990: Yes, I know how to drop to a root shell ;) I was just wondering if there was some known reason for this.19:47
oCean_FrozenFire: maybe you're no longer in the 'admin' group?19:48
FrozenFireUbuntu 8.10. The only thing I can think of is that I added myself to the sshfs group19:48
oCean_FrozenFire: using usermod?19:48
Titan8990FrozenFire, by default your first user is the admin group19:48
lstarnesnikos: you might be able to use http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/19:48
oCean_FrozenFire: to see your groups, type "id"19:49
Titan8990frostburn, unlike some other distros that use the "wheel" group19:49
n2diyI've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas?19:49
nikoslstarnes: thank you19:49
lstarnesnikos: I don't think those repositories don't recieve anymore updates19:49
FrozenFireHrmm... Seems to have put me entirely in the fuse group.19:49
FrozenFireThat's odd.19:49
FrozenFireWell, off to a root shell I go.19:49
lstarnesnikos: if you can use a newer version of ubuntu you defintiely should19:49
NemesisDlovely, nvidia broke my xorg.conf19:50
StevethepirateTitan8990: Doesn't make a difference.19:50
Nevishi guys. I'm runing around in circles with a graphics driver (nvidia 180) problem. anyone has patience to help me out?19:50
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, did eth1 ever work? what type of interface is it?19:50
nikoslstarnes: hmm.. i'm in a strict deadline until tommorow so I can't really migrate everything to a newer installation overnight. thanks for the page :)19:50
NevisNemesiD: your's too?19:50
Huufarted!ask | nevis19:50
ubottunevis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:50
NemesisDNevis: yes, but probably for different reasons19:51
StevethepirateTitan8990: its a normal onboard NIC card.19:51
StevethepiratePlgged into a switch.19:52
JWTitan8990: _dbd_l12 Do you know what it is that might need to be reconfigured to get the other virtual console renabled19:52
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Titan8990JW, honestly, if you just got the laptop I would contact the manufacturer to see if they altered something to get that behavior19:53
NevisI'm runing intrepid with kernel 2.6.27-11 generic. I recently installed a new geforce 6600 agp card. All worked fine, even with 180.11 which was installed with synaptic from the ubuntu restricted repo. today I decided it would be a good idea to install 180.35, and since then I can't boot to anything but "low graphics mode".19:53
StevethepirateTitan8990: any ideas?19:54
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, does it get an ip address from your dhcp server?19:54
Synnysup  homo domes19:54
_dbd_l12JW: what does "sudo chvt n" give  (with n=5 for example)19:57
yorky501have just installed google gadgets, any one know how to run it?19:57
_dbd_l12JW: i'd read here for some suggestions (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/24073)19:58
lovrei have accidentally deleted some content from my USB memory. Is there some kind of recovery tool i can use to try to recover this data? I havent written anything on the memory since.19:59
zashlovre: what type of content?19:59
zashlovre: there is a automated jpeg recovery tool20:00
michaelsnetwork-manager says I'm connecting using mobile broadband but I can't actually do anything on the internet... what could it be?20:00
zashlovre: otherwise you could start by copying /dev/your-usb-device to somewhere20:00
lovrezash: i dont see how data type influents recovery, but no, its not images, text files and maybe some in binary format20:00
zashand grepping20:00
NemesisDargh, halp. It seems like the most recent nvidia drivers i just installed put Load "type1" in the Module section of xorg.conf. X can't load that module though20:01
lovrezash: what would i get with grepping? since there are no files listed in the file allocation table20:01
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zashlovre: you grep the raw partition for the actual data20:01
zashthere might be better ways20:01
erUSULlovre: use photorec from testdisk package20:02
zashbut i dont know them20:02
sprinkmeierlovre, start by taking an image of the device, use dd_rescue20:02
michaelscan someone please help? it's kind of urgent. :( network-manager says I'm connecting using mobile broadband (via a usb stick) but I can't actually do anything on the internet... what could it be?20:02
Huufartedlovre, have you checked in the .Trash directory where you deleted it from?20:02
erUSULlovre: sprinkmeier sugegestion is a good one make a backup just in case20:02
BlatzI am looking for information on how to install Beryl(or something like it) on Hardy, is there a quick link someone could give me?20:02
erUSUL!info testdisk | lovre20:03
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.9-1.1 (intrepid), package size 1196 kB, installed size 3768 kB20:03
lstarnesBlatz: hardy has compiz-fusion by default20:03
lovreHuufarted: the deletion took place on a windows machine, i dont know what it did to the data20:03
StevethepirateTitan8990: For now, I am just trying static IPs on the internal network [external NIC gets a dhcp addy though]20:03
erUSULlovre: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec20:03
Blatzlstarnes:  I see, is it something I have to enable?20:03
lstarnesBlatz: try enabling it with system > preferences > appearance > visual effects20:03
Huufartedlovre, since Windows rocks....  it wouldn't have put it in any directory more than likely. If the stick is currently in ubuntu, try looking in the recycled directory on the root of the drive20:04
Huufarted(that was a big sarcastic comment about how Windows rocks)20:04
Huufartedoff topic XChat question:  Is there a way to suppress all of the joins, leaves, and quits in a channel?20:05
khirrhow could i use a conditional for example, if alsa is intalled, then......20:05
erUSULHuufarted: right click on the channel tab20:06
wormdrlnkhow can I give preference to entries in /etc hosts over dns20:06
HuufartederUSUL, thanks.  No wonder I couldn't find it.20:06
wormdrlnkso that it doesnt try dns first for them20:06
NevisI'm runing intrepid with kernel 2.6.27-11 generic. I recently installed a new geforce 6600 agp card. All worked fine, even with 180.11 which was installed with synaptic from the ubuntu restricted repo. today I decided it would be a good idea to install 180.35, and since then I can't boot to anything but "low graphics mode".20:06
Titan8990wormdrlnk, hosts list will always be used before dns20:07
Titan8990wormdrlnk, that is the way of tcp/ip20:07
wormdrlnkhmm, its not20:07
wormdrlnki have entry for www.facebook.com and it goes to dns first20:07
johan12evening all. here's the problem, a portable hdd stoped working and i tried it with another hdd enclosure and in my desktop computer (an old ide-ata), neither xubuntu or winxp couldn't find it. the hdd is buzing and on, what more can i do?20:07
Titan8990wormdrlnk, most likely because it is cached20:07
Titan8990wormdrlnk, it goes    cache -> hosts list -> dns20:08
glitsj16khirr: there's a package called abs-guide, which installs the Advanced Bash Scripting guide, all kinds of scripting knowledge is gathered in there, also conditional testing like you asked20:08
Dinand_MentinkHello. I have a question regarding webcam drivers. What channel do I need?20:08
lstarneswormdrlnk: domain.tld is handled differently than www.domain.tld20:08
Nevis<slaps forehead> you mean there are special channels for various topics?!20:08
vjacobhow do I allow netbooted install of ubuntu linux on my iBook over my LAN using my other ubuntu install pc as netinstall server?20:08
Dinand_MentinkThere aren't?20:08
NevisI'm sure there are, i just hadn't thought of it before. :-)20:09
Huufartedholy crap IRC is so much more tolerable without the /joins and /parts20:09
chaihi all, i got a kind of cool project idea, i want to use cron to take a picture every day of my backyard using a webcam, but i can't find any way to export a webcam photo with a command line... is there one? or is there a better way?20:09
NevisI'll go look for the nvidia problem channel20:09
khirr<glitsj16> thanks, i will checkit out20:09
Huufartedchai, I haven't looked this up in awhile, but if you google 'webcam automatic upload ubuntu' you will find your answer20:10
erUSUL!info webcamd | chai20:10
ubottuwebcamd (source: webcamd): Capture images from video devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.6-5 (intrepid), package size 11 kB, installed size 104 kB20:10
n2diyI've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas?20:10
ZeRo_FeniXI'm thinking about building a file/webserver for my home network and I was wondering if there's a way that I can browse files on the server from my windows machines other than using like apache over the web?20:11
Dinand_MentinkIs there someone here who can help me with installing drivers for my webcam on an Asus F5r laptop?20:11
wormdrlnki fushed dns cache20:11
wormdrlnkstill doing it20:11
erUSUL!samba | ZeRo_FeniX20:11
ubottuZeRo_FeniX: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:11
chaithanks both Huufarted and erUSUL for the pointers20:12
Daft_Punkis there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)20:12
bigzedOr you can install NFS support on Windows but it's more complicated than using Samba20:12
ZeRo_FeniXAlso, I don't have much experience with command line nix stuff atm any recommended place to start and learn quickly for my server purposes?20:12
bigzedDo you want to use Ubuntu as a server?20:13
vjacobanyone here setup lftp?20:13
erUSULZeRo_FeniX: you can use some fire and froget distribution for this like openfiler20:13
n2diyZeRo_FeniX, Look up "The Rute Manual" on google.20:13
erUSULZeRo_FeniX: or frenas (freebsd based)20:14
erUSULZeRo_FeniX: or freenas (freebsd based)20:14
prince_jammysrutebook is available through apt20:14
Huufartedchai, You're welcome20:14
shakilhow do i get rid of this error ? W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60487016493B306520:14
erUSULvjacob: didn't know it needed set up... is a cli ftp client20:14
ZeRo_FeniXI'm interested in learning about the OS too, that way when something goes the hell I can trouble shoot it.20:14
n2diyMy USB drives stopped automounting? Nothing happens when I plug them in?20:15
vjacoberUSUL, yup just found out. thought it was used for netboot setup20:15
quieti have an install of ubuntu working but I want to convert it to kubuntu...  aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop removes just the metapackage name while leaving the entire setup...  is there a switch to full remove all components of ubuntu-desktop so it can be clean before i install kubuntu-desktop?20:15
boscocan someone tell me a good wifi manager for ubuntu20:15
unkois there anyone good at making .deb packages? i want someone to make a amarok for me...please :]20:15
prince_jammys!purekde > quiet20:16
ubottuquiet, please see my private message20:16
StevethepirateTitan8990: Hey?20:16
erUSUL!ppa | bosco20:17
ubottubosco: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.20:17
quietprince_jammys: that doc is rather out of date20:17
quietthis is for intrepid/jaunty20:17
HuufartedI'm confused.  Went to install MPD through Synaptic just now and in the details of the install, I get 'XOpenDIsplay() failed', but synaptic says it was successful.  Should I be worried?20:18
glitsj16shakil: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1054906.html has an explanation and a fix for that20:18
shakilThank you glitsjle20:18
prince_jammysquiet: i doubt it makes much of a difference, other than perhaps a stray package. anyway, you need not remove kde stuff before installing ubuntu-desktop. you can do it after.20:19
prince_jammysquiet: err, the other way around.20:19
erUSUL!ppa > unko20:19
ubottuunko, please see my private message20:19
erUSULbosco: sorry that was not meant for you20:19
liliana06are u all on linux?20:20
bigzedI hope so20:20
chailol webcamd tells me to RTFM20:20
unkoerUSUL, thanks20:20
Titan8990liliana06, you can do a whois on people to see what IRC client they are using, granted they don't have a cloak20:20
MyrttiTitan8990: not exactly...20:21
n2diyMy USB drives stopped automounting? Nothing happens when I plug them in?20:21
frog_pngtopnm -text testtext Desktop/books.png <-- should it extract the text part into file? or do i get something wrong?20:21
Titan8990Myrtti, explain20:21
MyrttiTitan8990: you can't tell that from whois. There is another command that you can use to find out what IRC client people are using, but using that on this channel will get you banned.20:21
MyrttiTitan8990: feel free to /whois me and guess what client I'm using.20:22
vjacobwhat's a very light weight httpd server?20:22
Titan8990Myrtti, interesting, I already did20:22
kristian_Myrtti : irssi?20:22
bernzn2diy "sudo tail -f /var/log/messages" and then plug in your device and look at the output to see if it detects the plug-in event20:22
erUSULvjacob: boa; nginx20:22
n2diybernz, ok20:23
erUSULvjacob: with more features you have lightppd or cherokee20:23
red-lichtieHi, atm I'm using pidgin for irc but for some reason I find it lacking. What irc client "should" I be using (Ubuntu, 8.10) ?20:23
vjacobthanks erUSUL. I just found http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_web_servers also20:23
glitsj16vjacob: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/wa-ltwebserv/index.html?ca=dgr-lnxw07LW-WebServers&S_TACT=105AGX59&S_CMP=grsitelnxw07 presents an overview of options20:23
dayo_red-lichtie: irssi20:24
bernzred-lichtie, xchat is pretty great20:24
bigzedred-lichtie, xchat20:24
kristian_if i unexpectedly shutdown my computer, and rtorrent is running and downloading a torrent, is there any chance that the content may become corrupt? once my computer has started up again and i run rtorrent, rtorrent will do a hash check and resume download, so i assume there will be no uncorrect data when the torrent is done?20:24
n2diybernz, the USB is found, and assigned sda1, but Nautilus didn't open, as it used to do?20:25
bernzkristian_, i can't say for sure that it does, but it wouldn't even be beta-ready if it lacked error-detect-and-reget-bad-blocks20:25
erUSULkristian_: correct; you can force a check on many torrent clients if you want to be extra sure20:25
Huufartedred-lichtie, what is 'lacking' on it?20:25
Huufartedon pidgin that is?20:25
crdlbkristian_: that's my understanding; I've even heard of people feeding bad linux .isos downloaded normally fed into a torrent client to get fixed up20:25
glitsj16kristian_: that depends on the way you shutdown i suppose, if you mean unexpectedly but via the regular shutdown routine chances are all will be well .. if you yank out the power-cord ....20:26
bernzn2diy, maybe you have disabled "autoplay" or whatever it's called, in nautilus20:26
tom760`if there are certain programs i want to use newer versions of then ubuntu has packages for, is that pretty easy?  does it mess things up mixing packages with source compiled installs?20:26
n2diybernz, maybe, let me go check.20:26
HuufartedDoes anybody here use Ampache?20:27
lstarnesHuufarted: pidgin doesn't have full support for the irc protocol and lacks features that other clients have such as mask-based ignores for specific types of messages or certain channel oprtation functions20:27
erUSULtom760`: it certainly can mess things up if you compile them from source, you can try to enable backports20:27
erUSULtom760`: that repo has newer versions of some packages20:27
kristian_thanks! :-)20:27
Huufartedlstarnes, gotcha.  Didn't realize he meant it was lacking for 'irc'.  I thought he meant for the general IM protocols20:27
red-lichtieHuufarted: Highlight (bold) lines (all of the lines that I post), audio notification if I'm in another window/on another desktop is a msg comes up with my name, simple "reply to xxx" without having to copy/paste name, etc20:27
kristian_glitsj16 : yeah, power went, so pc loses power.20:28
ecret2I downloaded a binary of cmake.  I extracted to /home/me/cmake.  I need to be able to access the binaries from anywhere so I need to use ln correct? Is it "sudo ln /usr/bin /home/me/cmake/bin/ccmake"20:28
lstarnesred-lichtie: first couple letters of nick then TAB key?20:28
erUSULecret2: why not install the one from the repositories?20:28
erUSUL!info cmake20:28
ubottucmake (source: cmake): A cross-platform, open-source make system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.0-4ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 7325 kB, installed size 18668 kB20:28
asdfqwerwhats a good screen casting app for gnome?20:28
vjacobglitsj16, thanks20:28
ecret2erUSUL: repository is 2.4, i need 2.620:28
lstarnesred-lichtie: I'm not sure if pidgin can do that, but I know most irc-specific clients can20:29
erUSULecret2: you are in hardy?20:29
erUSUL!info cmake hardy20:29
ubottucmake (source: cmake): A cross-platform, open-source make system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.7-1build1 (hardy), package size 4694 kB, installed size 12084 kB20:29
bernzkristian_, be sure to invest in a UPS soon ;-)20:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ampache20:29
glitsj16tom760`: besides backports, there is a whole range of extra repositories on ppa.launchpad.net that offer bleeding edge versions, and then there's getdeb.net that offers .debs of recent apps20:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mpd20:29
lstarnesHuufarted: do you mean "apache" instead of "ampache"?20:29
erUSUL!info grecordmydesktop20:29
ubottuPackage grecordmydesktop does not exist in intrepid20:30
Huufartedlstarnes, no.  ampache is a web based media player20:30
red-lichtie"lstarnes: red-lichtie: first couple letters of nick then TAB key?" nope, well not on my system20:30
AethelredI'm running 8.10-amd64, upgraded a while ago from Gutsy. Since the upgrade, my vmware server (is gone)/(doesn't work).  I've never looked into it before, but I'd like to fix it now. My old .vmdk files (et al) are still there (a WinXP and a 32-bit Ubuntu). I'd like to install vmware again and have the old virtual machines work. Which vmware product and version should I install?20:30
eseven73 does Kubuntu use KDE 4?20:30
Titan8990!ask | eseven7320:30
ubottueseven73: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:30
Huufartedlstarnes, it's a play off of apache's name, though.20:30
eseven73that was a question Titan899020:30
ecret2erUSUL: is using ln the way i said correct?20:30
red-lichtielstarnes: exactly the reason for my asking :)20:30
carpiieseven, 8.10 uses 4.120:31
lstarnesHuufarted: ah, that makes sense.  Unfortunately I know nothing about it20:31
carpii8.04 uses 3.520:31
Titan8990eseven73, but when someone asks, it your going to ask another question right?20:31
Huufartedlstarnes, thanks anywho.  :)  It's pretty neat, you should check it out20:31
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lstarnesred-lichtie: try xchat (not xchat-gnome) or irssi20:31
=== erth is now known as x-erth-AutoX
unkohow can i install amarok on ubuntu? i don't feel like compiling it so i needanother way...and i didn't find any debs yet..20:31
Titan8990erth, err answers, what that factoid is saying is don't ask something like "does someone use xxx application" just state the question or problem you are having with said application20:32
eseven73Titan8990: what are you smoking?20:32
* red-lichtie fires up synaptics and installs xchat20:32
kristian_bernz : :-D anyways, since rtorrent did a hash check when i ran rtorrent again, i guess it would remove bad data if any, also when torrent is done rtorrent does a hash check so it should be 100%, because the .torrent file can not be corrupt otherwise i wouldnt be able to download in the first place. at least this is what im thinking now.20:32
Titan8990eseven73, drug free as of 8 days ago20:32
Titan8990eseven73, thank you20:32
tehborizgrats eseven7320:32
eseven73carpii:  thanks, at least you gave me a real answer :)20:33
Titan8990eseven73, and thanks for attempting to insult me for explaining how the support proccess works here20:33
bernzhaha, Titan8990, in other words, you ran outta bud 8 days ago :-D20:33
Huufartedlol served20:33
tehborizi've got an ubuntu 8.10 loaded up right now. Skype doesn't seem to recognize my sound or webcam mic. Is it because the version is too old? looks like version two is the newest for linux20:33
eseven73Titan8990: I'm on here 14 hours a day under a different nick, I think I know how #Ubuntu works20:33
Titan8990bernz, hehe, actually quit a job and will be need a new one :P20:33
_VIM_this nick in fact :)20:34
Titan8990eseven73, then you are familar with the ask factoid :)20:34
tehborizguys, i need an help plz :)20:34
=== hoeq^_ is now known as hoeq
Nevis!ask | tehboriz20:34
ubottutehboriz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:34
tehborizNevis, scroll up then20:34
Nevisah. :-)20:34
Nevisand I thought I was being clever. :-(20:35
tehborizi was just about to repaste lol20:35
tehborizany ideas?20:35
_VIM_Titan8990: I asked a simple question, it was not necessary to give me the !ask factoid, but whatever, lets drop it before the ops use the !ot factoid on us or worse :P20:35
Neviswhy not update to version two then?20:35
Huufarted!offtopic | _VIM_20:35
ubottu_VIM_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:35
HuufartedSorry, I coudln't resist20:35
bernzkristian_, yes, exactly. typical (i.e. useful) clients always verify that every block is "good", before marking the torrent complete20:35
kristian_bernz : well, then i should be fine. :-) thanks for confirming.20:36
Titan8990_VIM_, actually if you were using your current nick, I wouldn't have said anything lol20:36
tehborizNevis, i have version two already20:36
tehborizit sees my webcam and the test works20:37
tehborizbut the sound options are really weird, none of the options work20:37
johan12anyway of defraging an ntfs-portable hdd in xubuntu?20:37
gafirwhat's the best text editor for let's say, HTML / CSS and such that would allow to do search and replace in all open documents, etc... thanks20:37
dayo_speaking of webcam. what's the easiest way to use yahooIM with webcam on ubuntu?20:37
guntbert!best | gafir20:38
ubottugafir: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:38
bernzjohan12, gparted *might* be able to do it20:38
LakesProseI've a ubuntu box and I'd like to connect it dorectly to a Winxp box. Do I need a crossover cable ?20:38
gafirguntbert: the most appropriate20:38
erUSULjohan12: there is no ntfs defrag utlility for linux that i know of20:38
johan12any way of emulating?20:38
gafirguntbert: I am using gEdit but it doesn't allow to do searcha nd replace within more than one document, there is a plugin but i couldn't make it work20:38
bernzLakesProse, most modern NICs are auto-sensing, making a crossover cable unnecessary; you should be fine with anything20:39
erUSULjohan12: emulate what?20:39
LakesProsebernz: thanks :)20:39
guntbertgafir: try different editors and build your own opinion :)20:39
erUSUL!wine | johan1220:39
ubottujohan12: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help20:39
Michelec sn ragazzi italiani?20:39
LakesProsebernz: I know that in the time of my dad, he and his pet T-rex had to use crossover cables and I hoped this problem had been solved20:39
guntbert!it | Michele20:39
ubottuMichele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:39
ZeRo_FeniX@gafir, Could VBox a windows and use dreamweaver I believe it does it. Nvu might do it too I'm not sure I never really messed with it.20:40
lymecaI dual-boot XP and Ubuntu on my laptop.  Why would I get good wireless reception in XP and only like 5% with constant drops in Ubuntu?  Can I fix this in software because XP is proving my hardware is fine?20:41
gafirZeRo_FeniX: I just think it's kind of sad to use dreamweaver just for search and replaces. that no text editor on linux can do more than 1 file at a time :(20:41
satansauntif i need to watch a film where the audio is wma which would be the best app to use???20:41
tehborizNevis, do you know?20:42
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:42
Huufartedgafir, technically vi and grep can handle it with a bit of regex20:42
dayo_speaking of webcam. what's the easiest way to use yahooIM with webcam on ubuntu?20:42
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gafirHuufarted: I've tried both too, but it's terminal based, and it's kind of tough just to do little search and replaces around20:42
anger_anyone using hugin?20:42
ZeRo_FeniX@gafir, I haven't done much in linux yet so I'm not really sure. I was just suggesting because I use dreamweaver for all of my web design and program because of it's direct upload capabilites. Granted mine is a much older version because I don't want to pay to upgrade but it still works great.20:43
anger_for me it complains about missing enfuse command20:43
Huufartedgafir, are you looking for a WYSIWYG editor or just a text based one?20:43
UlraskHello !20:43
satansauntif i need to watch a film where the audio is wma which would be the best app to use???20:43
UlraskWould you mind helping me not being killed by my gf ?20:43
guntbert!anyone | anger_20:43
ubottuanger_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:43
gafirHuufarted: just text based, don't care about wysiwyg, but just something that can allow me to do like replace something in ten different html files at once20:43
gafirwithin opened documents20:43
anger_satansaunt, tried mplayer already?20:44
gafirHuufarted: I like gEdit but it doesn't offer this functionality20:44
tehborizis there an alternate version of skype for ubuntu that works?20:44
satansauntyeah, smplayer, vlc20:44
Huufartedgafir, ever use Notepad++ on Windows?  If so, apparently 'scite' is the Linux program it's based off of and it is in the repositories20:44
UlraskI installed her an Ubuntu to try, and now her windows won't boot. I installed Ubuntu on a physically different hard drive I added, hoping the windows hard drive would be left untouched, but when I try to boot on the windows hard drive, I have grub popping up with an "error 17"20:44
satansauntthose are the ones that supposedly play all the codecs...they've been great until now...20:44
gafirHuufarted: I have used Notepad++, I like it, that's pretty much what i'm looking for. I have instaleld and used Scite. I was wondering if there was another program than scite.20:45
Huufartedsatansaunt, because the wma/wmv protocols are very proprietary, there is no open-sources alternative that provides quality like the native Windows applications, unfortunately.20:45
anger_guntbert, it would be useful to know if someone has actually managed to create panorama pictures with hugin20:45
gafirHuufarted: but thanks for your help20:45
dayo_!grub | Ulrask20:46
ubottuUlrask: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:46
UlraskWhen I boot the Ubuntu hd, I can't try to see if there is a "windows" option as, for some reason, the PS/2 keyboard never worked outside of a graphical manager or the bios20:46
anger_or with any other software20:46
Huufartedgafir, others are "geany" and "Eclipse"20:46
UlraskPlus, I can't do any windows restore as the system was sold with Windows preinstalled and the CD was neither never shipped with or lost long ago20:46
Huufartedgafir, some people swear by them, others abhor them20:46
Aethelredanger_ I use Hugin, on Ubuntu 8.10-amd64, and I have created many panoramas successfully.20:46
gafirok, i'll check those. I know Eclipse, but not geany20:47
Huufartedgafir, yw20:47
Aethelredanger_ I recall having to noodle a few things around to get it working properly, but I don't recall what they were.20:47
guntbertanger_: so your question should be something like: "How can I create panorama pictures with hugin?"20:47
UlraskThanks dayo_ for the link although I already read that before asking20:47
gafirHuufarted: I'm trying Geany, thanks for your help.20:48
ZeRo_FeniXUlrask, do you atleast have the cd-key for your windows install?20:48
anger_Aethelred, what do you have as enfuse executable?20:48
Huufartedyou're welcome, gafir20:48
UlraskErr yeah should be somewhere in the documentation ZeRo_FeniX20:48
anger_guntbert, I know how it's supposed to work20:48
Aethelredguntbert: I think his question is if anyone else is getting the same error he gets, and - if so - how they were able to fix it.20:48
satansauntwill i get any joy if i try to use windows media player in wine?? i haven't wmp in 5 years...at least20:48
UlraskAnyhow I don't think system restore would be any good, as the keyboard never worked outside of a graphical windows manager (neither grub nor the windows "F8" menu ever reacted with this kboard)20:49
Aethelredanger_ well, I don't know. I guess I can check. Is this a separate executable, or is it in Hugin?20:49
ZeRo_FeniXUlrask, in that case, if all else fails you could bittorrent a copy of the cd and burn it a disc, I believe they are actually dvds now. Fair game in my opinion since you have the CD-key.20:49
UlraskUnless you have an idea how to make it work (enabling legacy USB didn't do any good.)20:49
bernzulrask, it should be mostly a matter of getting ahold of a windows MBR/boot sector for GRUB to use; it sounds like you are using a USB kbd, with no legacy support in the BIOS (or disabled)20:50
guntbertanger_:, Aethelred : all right, I give up :-))20:50
icewatermanhow come                                 outfile="run $i fe $gen txt bla" echo $outfile20:50
anger_Aethelred, it should be a separate executable but it seems to be missing from ubuntu20:50
icewatermandoes print txt bla?20:50
anger_Aethelred, in preferenced in the enblend tab20:50
bernzultrask, you should be able to unjam yourself with a windows MBR/boot sector if you can copy one from another working XP installation20:50
UlraskNah for some reason guntbert even a PS/2 keyboard don't work on this motherboard. You have any idea what else could cause that ?20:50
guntbertUlrask: excuse me?20:51
UlraskAh yeah that could be a solution bernz, how do I obtain it from a working windows install and how could I copy it ? Any software name I can google ?20:51
Aethelredanger_ the "Enfuse executable" listed in my prefs is:   enfuse20:52
UlraskSorrt guntbert I meant bernz20:52
UlraskI'm no good at this multiplayer ICQ20:52
bernzulrask, search for utilities with 'mbr' in the title, like 'copy-mbr' or something similar20:52
bernzUlrask, also check out "boot disk" sites; they usually have these kinds of tools20:52
anger_Aethelred, do you have also the enfuse executable somewhere? Can you check the package where you got it?20:52
onthefence928is it me or does the default calculator in ubuntu suck major ass?20:53
onthefence928it's giving me all kinds of wrong answers20:53
ubottuPlease watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!20:53
bernzUlrask, i think one of the utils is just called "bootsect"20:53
Aethelredanger_ already looking.   :)20:53
ZeRo_FeniXJust something random but everytime I read Ulrask I think Ultralisk.20:53
StevethepirateTitan8990, still having problems with my dual-network setup.. just spent the last hour trying out various ideas.. Still broken.. Willing to spend some time helping? [No traffic on eth1 on an internal network, eth0 is working fine on dhcp'd external network]20:54
_VIM_onthefence928: besides, ubuntu has over 30K packages, im sure there's at least 10 calculator apps you could try if you don't like the default one :)20:54
guntberticewaterman: what are you trying to do?20:55
obiim trying to install a wireless driver, i dont kinow how to build it after downloading the zipped file20:55
Titan8990Stevethepirate, have you brought down eth0 to ensure traffic is moved using eth1?20:55
bernzUlrask, basically, you will copy sector zero (the boot sector) from the primary (boot) disk of a working windows box (laptop nearby, etc)... to a file... of size 512 bytes20:55
icewatermanguntbert: doesnt matter, i want to echo "foo $x bar $y foo2" and it only prints foo220:56
ToKicoobi: what model is your wireless card?20:56
onthefence928_VIM_: well before i get a new one, any idea why the program is rounding everything?20:56
Titan8990Stevethepirate, also, does eth1 get a dhcp address?20:56
adamciao a tutti20:56
bernzUlrask, then you will place this file on your ubuntu's boot partition (perhaps/probably all the same on most systems), and then you can point grub to it and do a chain load (i think)... see grub manual for details... it's not hard, but takes some reading and learning20:56
_VIM_onthefence928: that's the reason I stick with Ubuntu, so much software for it, it's mind boggling, and the community of course :)20:56
Titan8990Stevethepirate, I know I already asked but I missed the reply20:56
paddy1!other peoples feelings20:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:56
obiToKico: atheros 5007 i think, i have the proper driver i believe, so thats not the issue, its installing the driver.20:57
j0nrok so i just reinnstalled ubuntu... i have a seperte /home part. how do i go about reinstating other users...when i try to add them and associate their old/existing /home directories, it won't let me as it says the destination (for /home/user) already exists?20:57
_VIM_onthefence928: i can look at some of them and check, but offhand I don't have an answer just yet for that, you gonna be on for awhile?20:57
guntberticewaterman: ok, no idea, sorry, it just looked kind of weird :-))20:57
paddy1floodbot1, ffmpeg20:57
ToKicoobi: you're trying to use ndiswrapper? or it is a native linux driver and trying to compile it?20:57
onthefence928_VIM_it just rounds everything to whole numbers20:57
obiToKico: its madwifi driver20:58
NicadorHello. How do i see if I have my soundcard installed? (ubuntu server, no GUI)20:58
icewatermanguntbert: echo "bla foo bar" should NEVER print only "bar"20:58
bernzj0nr, i'd probably recreate the accounts on the new separate /home partition, and then just copy the old user's home dirs over the newly created ones20:58
erUSULNicador: lspci | less20:58
obiTokico:so i think the answer to your question is compile. its a native driver right?20:58
CaneToadhow does one install the latest Jaunty?20:59
spencer_My computer does not see the floppy drive, ant suddestions?20:59
Sa[i]nTWhen did they stop making opera for Ubuntu?20:59
NicadorerUSUL: It's there: 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)20:59
Titan8990!jaunty | CaneToad20:59
ubottuCaneToad: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:59
ToKicoobi: yes, it is native. try this: http://linux-wireless.org/Install-HOWTO/Drivers/madwifi/0.Howto.Install.Madwifi.txt20:59
NicadorerUSUL: How do i exit now ?20:59
j0nrbernz: i have one partition for /home so all users have a home directory on there...i suppose i could rename the old one... create new users with desired names...then overwrite?20:59
Titan8990CaneToad, same way you install any other ubuntu varient20:59
lstarnesspencer_: try running sudo modprobe floppy20:59
ToKicoobi: I don't have a wireless card, so I can't try anything...20:59
CaneToadTitan8990, then where can it be downloaded from?  I can't find it.20:59
erUSULNicador: press q20:59
markupdudei have a windows xp laptop and and a ubuntu cpu, can i use xp to use that monitor-less ubuntu machine? from starting the PC to logging in to shuting down21:00
lstarnesspencer_: you may also want ro add floppy to /etc/modules21:00
qt-xhow do i mount a partition ext3 ?21:00
ZeRo_FeniXI'm trying to install the VirtualBox Guest Utilities on a Kubuntu install, how do I tell it to run the program as admin?21:00
NicadorThank you erUSUL. Have a nice day.21:00
llрусские есть?21:00
bernzj0nr, yes, i'd do that -- rename is a good way to "temporarily delete" stuff :-)21:00
guntbert!ru | ll21:00
ubottull: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:00
erUSULNicador: less is the pager it is usefull to learn how to use it as is used with man pages and other stuff21:00
lstarnesspencer_: it's no longer a default module because floppies have been obsoleted by cds and dvds21:00
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:00
Titan8990CaneToad, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/21:01
linxehis there a good C/C++ IDE in the repos that supports completion of things like include names, method/class names that are available, etc, and has some language + api referencing in (e.g. like Eclipse can do)21:01
hanasakimy CPU runs at 2.5Ghz   I overclocked it in bios to faster however the gnome cpu applet never shows over 2.5 even under load.   at boot dmesg does show the faster clock speed.   whats going on?  why doesnt it go ver 2.5 in gnome?21:02
erUSULlinxeh: Eclipse + gdp ? anjuta; kdevelop; vdk builder etc...21:02
CaneToadTitan8990 how can a 8.10 install be upgraded to Jaunty?21:02
guntbert!ide | linxeh21:02
ubottulinxeh: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, netbeans, pida, monodevelop21:02
ll8.0.4 rulezzzz!21:02
ZeRo_FeniXHow do I run an application with admin privilages?21:02
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:02
davidjayhawk1Need help with an Ubuntu install on usb... keeps freezing ever so often21:02
lstarnesCaneToad: #ubuntu+1 is currently the official channel for ubuntu 9.0421:02
linxeherUSUL: ok I'll give those ago. they all support completion and docs etc ?21:03
ToKicoobi: have you tried it?21:03
snowcombvi/vim/emacs do not support completion.21:03
Titan8990CaneToad, it cant yet?21:03
linxehsnowcomb: obviously, and neither are they ides (I'm an emacs user fwiw with an extensive .emacs collection)21:03
obiToKico: no i dont think that works for the particular driver i have. i think i jsut need to learn how to build from the .tar file21:03
linxehsnowcomb: though I have limited completion for some languages in Emacs now21:04
snowcombCorrect. As to an actual IDE, I've no idea.21:04
HuufartedZeRo_FeniX, if it's a GUI application, use gksudo21:04
Huufarted!gksudo | zero_fenix21:04
ubottuzero_fenix: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:04
hanasakiwhat is a good tool to tell what the cpu is running at?21:04
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snowcombhanasaki: top21:04
jtaby_hey, i run the cd rom integrity test and it's successful, but when i install, i get errors21:05
jtaby_any idea how i can debug this?21:05
Huufartedhanasaki, the current load on the CPU or the current speed of the CPU in a mobile CPU?21:05
ToKicoobi: it should be how any "normal" package compiles: extract the tar, and inside of the folder containing the extracted file, run "./configure", then "make" and then "sudo make install". That should install it.21:05
jtaby_when i downloaded, the MD5 sum checked out21:05
kristian_how can i make firefox go back when i hit backspace button on keyboard?21:05
ZeRo_FeniXAnd what if I'm using the KDE gui how would I go about doing that?21:05
Caplainkristian_: it should already do that21:05
Huufartedkristian_, if it doesn't work, click the web page content itself, then try to backspace21:05
hanasakiHuufarted: current clock speed its a K8 amd and powernowd is running...21:06
lstarnesZeRo_FeniX: try kdesudo21:06
kristian_Caplain : doesn't happen here. :-/21:06
lla blunt vapros possible? that it is better to reinstall firefox to delete the older version, or not important?21:06
hanasakisnowcomb: top does cpu load not clock speed21:06
guntbertkristian_: ask in #firefox21:06
kristian_Huufarted : yes, tried that, doesn't work. :-/21:06
Huufartedhanasaki, right-click a panel, add to panel, "CPU Frequency Monitor"21:06
kristian_guntbert : alright, thanks. :-)21:07
Caplainguntbert: lol21:07
Sa[i]nTWhat's a good site ripper for Ubuntu?21:07
ToKicoHuufarted: could someone tell me why my Intel P4 3Ghz doesn't work with that function?21:07
CaplainSa[i]nT: wget21:07
Huufartedtokico, elaborate.  What function?21:07
guntbertkristian_: I remember, I had to tweak something once, but forgot it21:07
guntbertCaplain: ??21:08
Sa[i]nTCaplain, Something with a gui?21:08
ToKicoHuufarted: "CPU Frequency Monitor"21:08
boingboinghello! I have installed ubuntu 8.04 on my sata drive (partition sda2) and the boot loader on a USB pen (sdb) but when i try to boot from the grub on the pendrive it says: GRUB and doesn't load the system on the SATA HDD. can you help me?21:08
CaplainSa[i]nT: real geeks don't use guis :-P21:08
StevethepirateTitan8990: I dont need eth1 to act as a DHCP server for the local network.. I don't mind doing the static setup on the clients [\24, GW]21:08
HuufartedTokico, I don't know.  I use an Intel Atom and it works fine21:08
AethelredI'm running 8.10-amd64, upgraded a while ago from Gutsy. Since the upgrade, my vmware server (is gone)/(doesn't work).  I've never looked into it before, but I'd like to fix it now. My old .vmdk files (et al) are still there (a WinXP and a 32-bit Ubuntu). I'd like to install vmware again and have the old virtual machines work. Which vmware product and version should I install?21:08
HuufartedCaplain, real geeks use anything at their disposal21:08
markupdudei have a Ubuntu and a XP pc, a router [got both wireless and wired options] and a crossover cable, can i connect both PCs for file transfer/basic networking?21:08
boingboing(i don't want that ubuntu boot loader sobstitutes the vista one...)21:08
hanasakiHuufarted:  hmm at boot the kernel said cpu of 2.8... (it is overclocked) not overclocked it is a 2.5 dual core amd x2.   even under heavy lead that cpu applet never goes over 2.5.  any ideas?21:09
ToKicoHuufarted: ok... hoped you could help me...21:09
Titan8990Stevethepirate, I wasn't talking about acting a server, can it recieve an address using a dhcp client (dhclient in ubuntu), I am trying to verify that the interface is functioning properly before we get in to routing troubleshooting21:09
shadeslayerhow do i undo a command i just executed in terminal21:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about undo21:09
lstarnesshadeslayer: it depends on the command21:09
kristian_guntbert : try to remember. :-P21:09
Known_problemsname of one programs for edition of Icons .ico for gnome?21:09
shadeslayer sudo apt-get autoremove ubuntu-artwork21:09
HuufartedHanasaki, it just reads from what the OS has.  I don't know the filename it reads it from.  It's the OS that's reporting it wrong, then21:09
shadeslayerit un-installed  alot of packages21:10
Huufartedhanasaki, please stand by21:10
lstarnesshadeslayer: for that you would need to reinstall the ubuntu-artwork package21:10
guntbertkristian_: no chance, its been more than 3 months :(21:10
hanasakiHuufarted:  ok.  IM if you like.  fyi its64but ubuntu21:10
GlowballIs it possible that Ubuntu only takes alphanumeric characters as a passphrase for a wireless connection?21:10
shadeslayerlstarnes: it also uninstalled kpowersave and some other packages21:10
=== delf is now known as Guest32365
Aethelredmarkupdude: your need (or lack of need) for a crossover cable is mostly independent of the OS. Why not just connect both of them to the router?21:11
GlowballWith "ThisIsATest", I can connect without any problems, but with my normal passphrase, with characters like {ù&, I can't21:11
Huufartedhanasaki:  cat /proc/cpuinfo21:11
obiTokico: when i enter ./configure into terminal it says no such file or directory21:11
StevethepirateTitan8990: Well, eth0 is the external device, which is getting a DHCP address. []21:11
shadeslayeroh wait i knoe21:12
StevethepirateBut eth1 is the internal NIC, and its not getting any DHCP addy [it shouldn't though]21:12
=== e_e is now known as innociv
hanasakiHuufarted:  yup.. says 2.5 same as the gnome applet.  dmesg says  0.000000] Detected 2874.904 MHz processor.21:12
ZeRo_FeniXokay in a terminal prompt I want to run this file at this location with admin privilages. /media/cdrom0/VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run what do I type to run it with admin privilages?21:13
almostdvsafter the ubuntu loading is all done it takes forever for the login window to come up,  anyone have some insight?21:13
Huufartedhanasaki, I'm sorry but that's out of my league at that point.  I can only tell you what I used that worked.21:13
markupdude1how to transfer files between two xp and ubuntu PCs?21:13
Titan8990Stevethepirate, go ahead and run:  sudo dhclient eth121:13
ToKicoobi: because you have to change into the extracted files. imagine that the files extracted to a certain "madwifi-obi" folder. you have to type "cd madwifi-obi" to change into that directory.21:13
StevethepirateTitan8990: Doesn't find one.21:13
Huufarted!samba markupdude21:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:13
Huufarted!samba | markupdude21:13
ubottumarkupdude: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:13
hanasakiHuufarted:  what specifically did u use?21:13
GlowballIs it possible that Ubuntu only takes alphanumeric characters as a passphrase for a wireless connection?21:14
hanasakimarkupdude usbdrive or samba server21:14
obiToKico: oh so the individual files. there are a ton of files, need i do this to all of them?21:14
Huufartedhanasaki, I used the CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor that I pointed you to.  For my CPU it works fine.  I apologize, but I don't know how to help you with it displaying the wrong freq on your PC21:14
phantomcircuitLISTEN TO SOME RADIO http://www.raidchan.org/radio/listen.pls21:14
obiToKico: or jsut the make files?21:14
hanasakiHuufarted:  thanks..what cpu do you have?21:14
Flare183!spam | phantomcircuit21:14
ubottuphantomcircuit: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...21:14
markupdude1hanasaki: i have a router and crossover cables, so was kind of thinking if i can have a permanent lan between the two PCs21:14
kristian_guntbert : figured it out, if your wondering: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/12/21/fix-firefox-backspace-to-take-you-to-the-previous-page/21:14
Huufartedhanasaki, Intel Atom processor.  1.6 GHz, very low power usage (45w whole system under full load)21:15
markupdude1hanasaki: and may be control that monitor-less ubuntu PC from XP?21:15
reeseare there any virtual midi keyboards, as vkeybd?21:15
moijkhi. how do i get gimp in english? it is in my native language, and that's so confusing to use. Translating applications should be prohibited by law!21:15
phantomcircuitATOMIKU IS LIVE PRO DJ SET WITH AWESOME TECHNO + DANCE + TRANCE + HANDSUP + HARDSTYLE MUSIC http://www.raidchan.org/radio/listen.pls21:15
ZeRo_FeniXUse VNC for controlling it I believe21:15
ToKicoobi: no. i'm going to guide you step by step. delete all the files extracted. tell when done.21:15
ecret2!info hardy libboost-system21:15
ubottulibboost-system is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']21:15
Huufartedsomeone take care of phantomcircuit please21:15
ToKicoobi: it's just more simple :D21:15
hanasakimarkupdude search for vnc for the remote control and samba for the file shares21:16
Flare183!ops | phantomcircuit21:16
ubottuphantomcircuit: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:16
=== quantum is now known as Guest23118
guntbertkristian_: now I remember :-), thx for reporting back21:16
hanasakibbl .. thanks Huufarted21:16
obiToKico. ok21:16
phantomcircuitlol my bad21:16
ecret2!info libboost-system hardy21:16
atomikuSUPER STAR DJ21:16
obiToKico: do you mind PMing me?21:16
Flare183phantomcircuit: Quit advertising21:16
ubottuPackage libboost-system does not exist in hardy21:16
ToKicoobi: ok.21:16
almostdvsafter my ubuntu loading bar is done it takes a long time (5 min+) for the login window to appear. any insight21:16
Huufartedphantomcircuit, spamming is not tolerated in this channel.  It is off topic and bothersome to the entire channel21:16
satansaunti really hate microsoft right now..21:16
Huufartedwoot!  Mez, you rock21:17
phantomcircuitlol my bad i put an a before msg and got amsg on accident21:17
trask1thers nothing good about microsoft21:17
slerderHey guys. Anyone know of a little linux app for ubuntu that lets me see the transfered speed of a certain nic like eth1?Thanks21:17
boingboinghelp please! I can't load ubuntu, I'm from a livecd...21:17
ZeRo_FeniXwhat's the command to run a .run file?21:17
Mezffs, why doesnt /kb work21:17
Huufartedslerder, I use an app called "Netspeed'.  It is in the repositories21:17
Flare183boingboing: Explain21:17
slerderhuufarted thanks, and nice name ;)21:17
Huufartedslerder, thank you.  :)  My goal is to make people laugh.21:18
lstarnesZeRo_FeniX: the file's path21:18
slerderhuufarted, worked on me21:18
ZeRo_FeniXand just put sudo before it to run it as admin?21:18
obiToKico: done, all deleted21:18
lstarnesZeRo_FeniX: yes21:18
eseven73slerder: have you tried iptraf?21:19
boingboingFlare183: I have installed the ubuntu 8.04 OS on the sda2 drive and the bootloader on a FAT32 1GB usb pen in order to not sobstitute the original vista bootloader. I tried to load from usb pen but it says: GRUB21:19
ZeRo_FeniXIstarnes, ah that worked, thank you.21:19
StevethepirateTitan8990: .ping21:19
reeseare there any virtual midi keyboards, as vkeybd?21:19
lstarnesZeRo_FeniX: btw, your font should display the first letter of my nick as a lowercase L, not an uppercase i21:20
=== TwoD__ is now known as TwoD
boingboingFlare183: the usb pen is sdb and the partition of the hdd where ubuntu is "/" sda221:20
Titan8990Stevethepirate, does lshw -vv  show eth1 as "unclaimed"?21:21
slerdereseven73 thanks, i installed iptraf just now an i can see al the connections and packets and bytes transfered, but how can i see the total up and down speed of an interface? thanks21:21
Flare183boingboing: GRUB is the boot manager21:21
ZeRo_FeniXlstarnes, true, though it looked kinda like an I :/ What about in a KDE terminal it's not taking sudo or kdesudo says command not found.21:21
ZeRo_FeniXactually nvm21:21
boingboingFlare183: yes i know...so how can i edit the grub on my sdb in order to boot my sda2 ?21:22
ecret2!info hardy boost21:22
ubottuboost is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']21:22
ecret2libboost-system does not appear in the hardy heron repository where as the other libboost libraries are there.21:22
ZeRo_FeniXLol, it helps to type things correctly.21:22
guntbertslerder: goto "GENERAL INTERFACE statistics"21:22
raibuhello, I have a problem using Nautilus to copy files via LAN - anybody here to help me?21:22
Nasrahello everyone....just want to let you know that my Ubuntu Box did not want to shut down.....until I findout the problem just now.....it was a problem with a sound card mci < ----just be carefull you might run  into problem as well...thanks all for your help21:23
yorky501im having snags running google  earth,  it just closes itself when i open it,  anyone any ideas21:23
carpiiopen it again21:23
GlowballIs it possible that Ubuntu only takes alphanumeric characters as a passphrase for a wireless connection?21:23
yorky501then it closes again21:23
scudis there a way to use your pc speaker to play audio?21:23
carpiiopen it a...  ah ok ;)21:23
carpiicheck your using latest wine maybe?21:24
ZeRo_FeniXGlowball, since you didn't get a responce before I'm just going to say I have no idea so you don't feel ignored.21:24
GlowballOh, ok21:24
yorky501im running the linux version21:24
hackelscud: I remember doing that about 15 years ago with a very fancy Windows 3.1 driver...it was awesome!21:24
carpiioh, i didnt know there was one21:24
Jack_SparrowGlowball some cards are not going to work on encrypted networks that do work on open networks21:24
yorky501yeah only just found it,21:25
Cyntekhi all, i am now trying to access my newly installed 300 gb hd and its directory on ubuntu-server 8.10. However, when i log in via windows xp i get an error: \\HOME21:25
scudhackel: so you're telling me you probably dont have that fnacy windows 3.1 driver anymore, huh?21:25
d_rugs420anyone know if there is a keyboard shortcut to open the terminal? I clicked on the clock up at the top right corner and everything locked up except for xchat21:25
loupcan i disable the avahi daemon?21:25
GlowballJack_Sparrow: so it's my network card that's not compatible, not Ubuntu?21:25
carpiitry launching it from a terminal, and when it bombs out maybe itll give you some juicy troubleshooting messages21:25
Jack_SparrowGlowball Not necessarilly21:25
hackelscud: heh, no.21:25
=== sale_ is now known as sale
scudhackel: darnit.21:25
GlowballBut it does work with another, simpler password21:25
raibu"file operations" does not move anymore - do I need to start copy again (5 GB)?21:25
eseven73slender ok in the iptraf options you'll see up/down rates for the network card you choose21:26
hackelscud: http://www.geocities.com/stssppnn/pcsp.html21:26
slerderguntbert thanks21:26
Jack_SparrowGlowball Just suggesting that you verify your card will work wpa2 or whatever21:26
eseven73slender its the 3rd menu21:26
Cyntekhi all, i am now trying to access my newly installed 300 gb hd and its directory on ubuntu-server 8.10. However, when i log in via windows xp i get an error: \\HOME\Public Folder Sharing is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have acces permissions. The network path was not found.21:26
GlowballJack_Sparrow: I can get connected with WPA2 with the pass "ThisIsATest"21:26
Jack_SparrowGlowball then you are fine21:26
eseven73slender "Detailed Interface Statistics" is what you want :)21:26
GlowballBut I can't with my normal passphrase21:26
boingboingI need to create a GRUB to load my sda2 from my sdb (usb pen) please help me21:26
Glowball(Which is 59 characters long and has non-alphanumeric chars in it)21:27
rootzighow if speack ubuntu?21:27
lstarnesGlowball: I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, but try using the hexadecimal version of that passphrase21:27
Jack_Sparrow!hi > rootzig21:27
ubotturootzig, please see my private message21:27
StevethepirateTitan8990: http://rafb.net/p/D9Mry986.html21:28
ZeRo_FeniXIs linux coding similar to php at all?21:29
HuufartedZeRo_FeniX, not at all21:29
lstarnesZeRo_FeniX: linux isn't a programming language, it's a kernel21:29
hackelZeRo_FeniX, php is very (very) loosely based on C, which most Linux software is written in.21:29
=== eseven73 is now known as _VIM_
linxehZeRo_FeniX: depends how you define linux coding. you can write applications for linux in PHP if you want.21:29
HuufartedZeRo_FeniX, linux uses 'c' mostly and php is recognizable as merely looking like it could be related to c21:30
ZeRo_FeniXFair enough.21:30
linxehphp should generally be avoided at all costs though21:30
Huufartedphp is not a programming language.  It is a scripting language.  Treat it as such and you will do well.21:30
lstarnesHuufarted: it is a programming language under some definitions of the term21:31
almostdvsi need to vnc into my other computer  (ccfl for screen dieing)  and it keeps telling me connection to host was closed21:31
ZeRo_FeniXPHP is very much a programming language in my opinion. It consists of all of the logic and boolean functions that most programming languages have.21:31
GlowballCould somebody maybe try it for me? If it is a bug indeed, it should be fixed in Jaunty21:31
linxehlstarnes: well, a scripting language is a programming language, its just dependent on a script interpretter21:31
Huufartedzero_fenix, treat it as a scripting language, don't treat it as a programming language.21:31
linxehZeRo_FeniX: indeed, its a scripting language though. and a bad one at that.21:31
yorky501quick one......How do i get the 'cube' visual effect?21:32
Huufarted!compiz | yorky50121:32
ubottuyorky501: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:32
_VIM_lol theres too many chefs in this channel :P21:32
ZeRo_FeniXnot planning on writing something for linux in php just curious because I saw some familiar commands.21:32
linxeh_VIM_: better than none21:32
_VIM_yeah :)21:32
ToKico!hi > tokico21:32
ubottuToKico, please see my private message21:32
HuufartedZeRo_FeniX, php is based off of Perl from my understanding (could be wrong on that).21:33
hackelIs there any point to ubottu announcing private messages in the channel?  Kind of annoying, if you ask me.21:33
Huufartedhackle:  /ignore ubottu21:33
jarcoI became uncle today for the second time21:33
sebsebsebHuufarted: and then he won't get Ubuntu's help21:34
Huufartedjarco:  congrats  :)21:34
_VIM_gratz jarco!21:34
Huufartedsebsebseb, true but you can't get one without the other21:34
ToKicojarco: that's... hum... a little strange21:34
jarcoi did it in here aslso :p21:34
Cristihy! 6 hours ago i had 1 primary partition with ubuntu and now i have 2, one with ubuntu and one ntfs, however why is that the windows installer does not see any use-able hard disks to install windows on?21:34
jarcoamsg :D21:34
sebsebsebHuufarted: yeah21:34
jarcosorry and thx21:34
Huufartedcristi, what are the partitions formatted as for the file system?21:34
CristiHuufarted: ubuntu is on ext3, while the other primary is ntfs21:35
CristiHuufarted: should i set the boot flag on the ntfs partition?21:35
Huufartedcristi, couldn't hurt.  The installer should still see it I would think.21:36
CristiHuufarted: note that i struggled to make so that the ntfs partition not only that is primary, but also the first partition from left to right21:36
HuufartedCristi, I did it a bit easier.  Installed XP first using only a small partition (let the installer create it) then installed Ubuntu on the remaining space21:37
CristiHuufarted: i wish for ubuntu games god damn windows xD21:37
Huufarted!wine | Cristi21:37
ubottuCristi: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help21:37
j0hnhello everyone , i've got a prob with icecast  .... the /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml is empty , there is nothing21:37
chuckh19581I originally installed kubuntu, then later the gnome desktop. I've decided I like gnome better. Is there a simple way to uninstall all of the kde stuff that came with kubuntu?21:37
Huufartedchuckh19581, You can try and remove it through synaptic21:38
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »21:38
torkel_I'm running ubuntu intrepid under vmware-fusion right now (development purposes) and I am trying to connect my bluetooth phone to it. I've connected the usb-bluetooth (internal macbook one) in the virtual machines settings and it actually pops up in ubuntu. Still I'm unable to connect my phone to it; lsusb got this output Bus 001 Device 006: ID 05ac:1000 Apple, Inc. Bluetooth HCI MacBookPro (HID mode)21:38
Huufartedoh snap.  _VIM_ is all over it like Rosie ODonnel on a Ho-Ho21:38
CristiHuufarted: wine ... ok righ uhm however i'd like not to erase my ubuntu partition. I am also using mounting points for / /home and /opt so who knows how would that work out "for the best" if i'd do that21:38
sadiq_how can I find wich package contains some header file (usefull for compiling stuff)21:38
ZeRo_FeniXXubuntu uses the Gnome desktop, correct?21:38
StevethepirateTitan8990: http://rafb.net/p/D9Mry986.html21:38
chuckh19581Huufarted: remove what package though? Or do I have to remove them all one by one?21:38
lstarnesZeRo_FeniX: it uses xfce21:38
Neil`hey peeps can anyone help by pointing me in the right director for setting up a mail handler like sendmail (pref not?) that i can set my isp's server as the upstream handler? as hotmail and guessing others doesnt like emails being sent from a dynamic IP21:38
Huufartedchuckh19581, listen to _VIM_ not me on this one21:38
lstarnessadiq_: which header are you looking for?21:39
Huufartedcristi, wine doesn't replace anything....21:39
kane77sadiq_, apt-file can search in content of packages21:39
Titan8990Stevethepirate, sorry, trying to work on a project euler problem while helping you21:39
sadiq_lstarnes, libopenal.so.021:39
Titan8990Stevethepirate, if you statically set eth1 and then do:  sudo ifconfig eth0 down    followed by pinging your gateway, what error do you recieve?21:39
lstarnessadiq_: that's a library not a header21:40
chuckh19581Huufarted:  there's a kubuntu-desktop package but I think it's just a bunch of dependencies to make it east to install kde. I dont think it works in reverse does it?21:40
ZeRo_FeniXWhat does standard ubuntu use as it's gui?21:40
Huufartedchuckh19581, listen to what _VIM_ said about !puregnome21:40
jarcognome ...21:40
lstarnesZeRo_FeniX: gnome21:40
ZeRo_FeniXthank you21:40
Huufarted!puregnome | chuckh1958121:40
donalCan someone here help me set up a dual boot?21:40
ubottuchuckh19581: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »21:40
sadiq_lstarnes, sry :( ...mixed stuff21:40
sebsebsebdonal: yes I can21:40
lstarnessadiq_: libopenal0a might be the package according to aptitude search openal21:40
sebsebsebdonal: and other things if you want21:40
sadiq_kane77, sudo: apt-file: command not found21:40
donaldo you want to PM? sebsebseb21:40
sebsebsebdonal: ok PM me21:40
StevethepirateTitan8990: Heh, np, Which problem btw? ... I can't bring down eth0 for a while... Doing a sync for the next [potentially 4 days :( ]... is there something else I can do?21:40
StevethepirateWant me to paste route -n?21:41
kane77sadiq_, you should install it first :)21:41
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:41
Titan8990Stevethepirate, ehh, thats the only way that I know of to ensure that the interface that you want to use, actually is being used21:41
oHnoezhow do i recover master password from firefox?21:41
Titan8990Stevethepirate, multiple interfaces are set up to provide redundency or advanced routing, only in the later are both used at the same time21:42
Huufarted!firefox | ohnoez21:42
ubottuohnoez: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins21:42
chuckh19581that purges gnome. I want to purge kde.21:42
Huufartedohnoez, it didn't include it, but please join #firefox for that question21:42
carpiioHnoez, im kinda guessing you dont21:42
Titan8990Stevethepirate, and im on problem #3, greatest prime number for 60085147514321:42
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rwwoHnoez: You can't.21:42
sadiq_lstarnes, only libopenal1 with aptitude...and it's installed21:42
carpiioh, im wrong21:42
oHnoezi must recover it21:42
CristiHuufarted: wine has support for very few games, i am familiar with wine, i have 1.1.15 i think21:43
StevethepirateTitan8990: I did PE a long time ago... Did around 30 problems21:43
StevethepirateI think.21:43
carpiitho maybe its changed since 200721:43
UlraskErr I'm a gamer and I'm using Wine21:43
carpiia master password thats recoverable seems pretty dumb to me21:43
StevethepirateTitan8990: surely, route -n should show this?21:43
rwwoHnoez: You still can't. The whole point of a master password is that you can only access your passwords if you know it. If there was a recovery mechanism, that would defeat the purpose.21:43
Ulrasknot only most games work, although sometime with a little bit of messing around21:43
CristiUlrask: and what are you playing on wine?21:43
Ulraskbut the performance hit is not even that big21:44
CristiUlrask: so, i guess you can play games such as need for speed or assasin's creed21:44
UlraskCristi > Oblivion, WoW...21:44
lstarnessadiq_: libopenal-dev does exist if you need libopenal's development files21:44
UlraskI have tried neither21:44
Titan8990Stevethepirate, yes it should21:44
carpiiah its using a plaintext brute forcer, like how you decrypt zip files21:44
CristiUlrask: yeah i had wow on wine, it works pretty nice, indeed21:44
UlraskLook at the AppDB on winehq.org for a list of compatibility21:44
SupertankerHow likely am I to break something updating with apt-get's dist-upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10?21:44
Zenjiver irc.epiknet.org21:44
StevethepirateTitan8990: well, I will pastebin that.21:45
=== DBO2 is now known as DBO
UlraskOnly problem I have with it is the minimap not working indoor21:45
rwwSupertanker: not very, but it's possible.21:45
sadiq_lstarnes, yes...but they're openal1 not lobopenal021:45
StevethepirateTitan8990: http://rafb.net/p/bHB7aC30.html21:45
UlraskUsually there is some little things like that that won't work, the experience isn't as smooth as on a native windows platform, but still, it's very usable21:45
UlraskEven for a big gamer like me21:45
Titan8990Stevethepirate, looks like you need to set a static route for eth1, the one listed there will not do much21:46
coderminuswho translated ubuntu.ru to russian?21:46
shadeslayerhi what is the lightest DE for ubuntu??21:46
rwwsadiq_: libopenal.so.0 isn't in the Intrepid repositories. Ubuntu generally removes old versions of libraries when new ones come out and nothing else in the repository requires the old one.21:46
Cristiuhm, whatever, i still prefer a dual boot, and the windows installer says that it can't find any usable partition to install windows, can anyone help me out with that?21:46
rwwCristi: Did you install Ubuntu before Windows?21:47
sadiq_rww, so the program I'm trying to run is too old??21:47
Cristirww: yes i did21:47
StevethepirateTitan8990: Sorry, could you help me do that?\24 is the local eth1 network...21:47
rwwCristi: Are you trying to install Vista, XP, or another version?21:47
StevethepirateSurely firestarter should have done this for me?21:47
Cristirww: xp21:48
chazcoHi... there is a bug with the iwl3945 driver (hw kill switch issue) which has been marked as fixed in Jaunty, but wont-fix in Intrepid. Any workarounds for this issue?21:48
Titan8990Stevethepirate, firestarter only alters iptables, iptables does not handle routing21:48
dreamdigitalanybody know how to make the GLMatrix Screensaver Color Blue?21:48
Huufartediptables = firewall rules21:48
Cristirww: i created a primary ntfs partition and it still doesn't work. why and how can i fix this?21:49
AaronMTHi, where might I find Alpha 5 link?21:49
dreamdigitalanybody know how to make the GLMatrix Screensaver Color Blue?21:49
_VIM_alpha 5? i only see 421:49
Myrtti!jaunty > AaronMT21:49
ubottuAaronMT, please see my private message21:49
StevethepirateTitan8990: ok, so how do I add said route?21:49
AaronMTRelease date says today21:49
yorky501how do I go about checking and installing graphics card drivers???21:49
MyrttiAaronMT: today on what timezone?21:49
rwwAaronMT: if it's out, the channel topic of #ubuntu+1 will link to it.21:50
_VIM_... i just burned a alpha 4 :(21:50
_VIM_oh well21:50
j0hn i've got a prob .... the /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml is empty , there is nothing in it21:50
AaronMTMyrtti, I'm simply looking at the Release Schedule which dates the 26th.21:50
rwwCristi: When I installed Vista I had to mark the partition bootable and active through the command prompt in Vista's installer. I'm trying to figure out how to do it in XP now.21:50
MyrttiAaronMT: and it's still 26th of Feb... for ten minutes... here in Finland...21:51
MyrttiAaronMT: what I'm saying "26th of Feb" is a bit fuzzy timeframe21:51
rwwCristi: Try the guide at http://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/show/68 , maybe?21:51
Cristirww: i set the boot flag on the ntfs partition with gparted but that doesn't work21:51
Titan8990Stevethepirate, try: route add -net netmask dev eth1 gw 192.168.x.x21:52
Titan8990Stevethepirate, and use route del to delete the existing route21:52
Stevethepirate192.168.x.x: Unknown host21:53
StevethepirateMust this be
frogerhey guys- any idea why the Wireless Network Authentication window won't allow me to select WPA2 as the wireless security. I've used this wireless card to connect with previous distros...21:53
rwwCristi: ( unfortunately, the server of the guide I usually use doesn't seem to be working for me right now :(: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm )21:54
Titan8990Stevethepirate, yes21:54
Stevethepirate196.24.233.1 is the gw of eth021:54
Stevethepiratethe external NIC's network21:54
Stevethepiratenoxville@virtue:/var/www/forums/styles$ sudo route add -net netmask dev eth1 gw
StevethepirateSIOCADDRT: No such process21:54
_VIM_rww does google cache have a archived copy of that site?21:55
rootzighow starting samba?21:55
_VIM_or Coral21:55
ed0n0nI need help killing the wineserver21:55
rww_VIM_: I can't find one.21:55
Titan8990Stevethepirate, have a look at man route, maybe it is different in ubuntu then the distro I am currently on, but I wouldn't think so...21:55
Cristirww: this how to looks very nice, i'll give it a try21:55
ed0n0nI try killing with "sudo kill PID" and even with the system monitor, but it is not ending. How can I kill that wineserver process21:56
Huufarteded0n0n, try 'kill -9 <pid>'21:56
StevethepirateCould it be my NIC drivers borked?21:56
ZeRo_FeniXI installed Xubuntu on a virtual box and I restarted it but now the two utility bars at the top and bottom are gone. how do I get them back?21:57
Ulraskas root : ps -A | grep wine, and then kill -9 (all PIDs)21:57
Huufarteded0n0n, it WILL kill it, but it doesn't allow the program to clean up after itself.  It just kills it NOW21:57
Cristirww: it's not very clear though, should i leave unpartitioned the space for windows? i formated it to ntfs21:57
ed0n0nHuufarted: Yea! What does -9 stand for? You mean NOW?21:57
=== adam is now known as Kirsch
StevethepirateTitan8990: Like, _SURELY_, if I have set eth1 to be statically to\24, then it should be able to ping clients?21:57
Huufarteded0n0n, -9 is the signal it sends and it means kill it without regard to whether the program really wants to.21:57
Huufarted!hi | meximan21:58
ubottumeximan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:58
Huufartederr...  wait.  wrong one21:58
rwwCristi: leaving it unpartitioned, then creating the ntfs partition in the Windows installer, might work better.21:58
ed0n0nHuufarted: Thank you :)21:58
Huufarted!welcome | meximan21:58
ubottumeximan: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.21:58
Titan8990Stevethepirate, not with the routes that are configured21:58
Huufartedlol darn it.  that wasn't it, either.21:58
Cristirww: that's a good idea, i'll give it a try21:58
Kirschhey all, i'm having a little hacker issue on my server, somehow they keep getting into my server and I have no idea how, is there any guide that may be able to help?21:58
Huufartedno problem, ed0n0n.  Always try a standard 'kill' first, if that doesn't work, then use -921:58
Titan8990Stevethepirate, looks at your routes for eth1 and compare it to eth021:58
NevisI succeeded! 180.35 runs ok now. Thanks for the help guys.21:59
cafreeCan someone walk me through how to set up my eclipse IDE with apache so I can run/debug a web app I'm working on?21:59
HuufartedKirsch, when they're logged in, use 'netstat -an' and find out what port they're connected on.  That will tell you what service21:59
KirschHuufarted: sounds like a good idea, any other tips? or do u think that would be the ideal answer?22:00
HuufartedKirsch, that's the best and fastest way to find out how they're getting in.22:00
Huufartedkirsch, 'netstat -an' will show all current connections on the box and on what port/IP they're connecting on.22:00
Huufarted!hello | starvingartist22:01
ubottustarvingartist: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:01
StevethepirateTitan8990: I'm sorry.. I'm really tired, and confused here.. x( Could you help me out a sec please? Spent the entire day fixing linux problems x(22:01
starvingartist:) i love ubuntu!22:01
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:01
Titan8990Stevethepirate, let me see if I can find a good article for you22:01
ActionParsnipstarvingartist: not bad is it22:01
starvingartistnope nope!22:02
unkois there anyway to get amarok on ubuntu besides compiling22:02
Huufartednot sure, Unko.  The repositories have 1.4...22:03
HeXiLeDi just had a problem with my sata cdrom. it was "seen"by  the system as /dev/sr0 and now it's gone. other than reboot is there another way to "get it back" ?22:03
KirschHuufarted: got it thanks!22:03
Huufartedglad to hear it, Kirsch.22:03
ActionParsnipunko: theres the nightly buillds22:03
Titan8990Stevethepirate, I found an article that looks promising, but it will require that you restart networking via /etc/init.d/networking restart22:03
Titan8990Stevethepirate, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/configuring-static-routes-in-debian-or-red-hat-linux-systems.html22:03
starvingartisti'm wondering...can i read newsgroup stuff with comcast?!22:03
Titan8990Stevethepirate, it explains how to set the static routes in /etc/network/interfaces22:03
ActionParsnipunko: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/05/howto-install-latest-project-neon.html22:03
starvingartisti have comcast, but i want to learn how to use the usenet!!22:03
Titan8990Stevethepirate, and I am sorry, but I have to eat dinner, I will be back in about 30min if you are still in need of assistance22:04
HuufartedHeXiLeD, SATA drives are designed to be able to be hot-swapped (EXCEPT THE MOUNTED HARD DRIVES!!!!) so can anybody else think of a reason not to unplug the SATA cable and plug it back in?22:04
Huufartedstarvingartist, your internet provider doesn't have have any bearing on if you can.  You just need to find a usenet service to use.  I'd recommend Google Groups22:04
HeXiLeDHuufarted ??22:04
ActionParsnipHuufarted: unless its powered off gracefully and power to the controller is turned off you can blow the IDE22:05
Huufartedwrong person?22:05
HeXiLeDno. just wrong answer22:05
Huufartedbah....  that sucks.  So just E-SATA will allow it apparently, then.22:05
ktstzowhat about a binary Usenet Service for free, does any ones knows?22:05
ActionParsnipHuufarted: you can only do that sort of thing with advanced hardwares that allow you to power off the drive22:05
StevethepirateTitan8990: will be here.22:05
ActionParsnipHuufarted: yes that will be fine, internal sata wont do that22:05
ActionParsnipHuufarted: dell perc controllers allow it too22:06
Huufartedwell that sucks...  I thought E-SATA just meant the SATA cable was mounted to the outside of the case22:06
Huufartedlearn something knew every day...22:06
ActionParsnipHuufarted: it is, id imagine youd need software to control the system somehow22:06
starvingartisto ok.  is there a way to use usenet readers through a console with a comcast isp?? sorry for the complicated questions..it would be cool to have a gui news reader or a console news reader on ubuntu.  ....any other things besides google? i'm a little hesitant with them... :P22:06
rwwstarvingartist: Comcast doesn't provide its own usenet server, so you'd need to get usenet service from a third party company.22:07
yojimbo-sanI'd like to run a process with a specific user/group combination for which there is no user defined (specifically, daemon:adm). 'su' and 'sg' need the user to be defined in system files AFAICS, GNU su would work I think, as would chpst from the runit package, but is there any way to do this with standard tools in a reasonably-default U8.10 install?22:07
Huufartedstarvingartist, that is a question for Comcast.22:07
ktstzowhat about a binary Usenet Service for free, does any ones knows?22:07
ActionParsnipstarvingartist: try a few, see what you like. thunderbird does news stuffs i believe22:07
starvingartisto ok..great!! so i should look for newsnet services? got it? but like ktstzo asked...is there a free one?!22:08
ZeRo_FeniXI lost the top and bottom bars in Xubuntu, how do I get them back?22:08
starvingartistthank you for all the help btws!22:08
Cristirww: it still doesn't work, can't find any devices to install on22:08
Flare183ZeRo_FeniX: run xfce-panel22:09
AethelredI'm running 8.10-amd64, upgraded a while ago from Gutsy. Since the upgrade, my vmware server (is gone)/(doesn't work).  I've never looked into it before, but I'd like to fix it now. My old .vmdk files (et al) are still there (a WinXP and a 32-bit Ubuntu). I'd like to install vmware again and have the old virtual machines work. Which vmware product and version should I install?22:09
ActionParsnipZeRo_FeniX: i'd ask in #xubuntu22:09
Cristirww: i don't even get to the part where i should create partitions22:09
ActionParsnipAethelred: you wil need to compile the vmware kernel from intrepid22:09
rwwCristi: what part /do/ you get up to?22:09
ActionParsnipAethelred: install vmware from fresh and you will be fine22:10
yojimbo-sanZeRo_FeniX: rightclick on desktop, select Settings/Settings Manager, choose the "Panel" menu and add them from there22:10
mundoes anyone know how to change the colour of the menu (with File, Edit, etc.)? i've tried changing themes from Appearence Preference, but it's still the same.22:10
Huufartedstarvingartist, you want to look for 'usenet' or 'newsgroups', not 'newsnet'.  That's not a real term.22:10
Cristirww: of that tutorial? none basically, because i skipped the grub one22:10
AethelredActionParsnip:  Any particular version?  Is it in the repositories?22:10
ActionParsnip!vmware | Aethelred22:10
Cristirww: i just have some unused file space out of extended where i want to install windows22:10
ubottuAethelred: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware22:10
oingoboingocan anyone direct me to a guide to installing a display driver in ubuntu? i dont have internet at home so have to download it and then try to install it there. it's a .run file22:11
nOStahlhey all im having issues with wifi. when i try to do sudo ifconfig wlan0 up  it say SIOCSIFFLAGS: no such file or directory22:11
nOStahlwhat does that mean22:11
AethelredActionParsnip:  Will QEmu or VirtualBox run my vmware virtual machines?22:11
sebsebsebVirtualbox will22:11
rwwCristi: Does XP setup tell you that it detected your hard-drive? if you're using a SATA drive, it's possible that XP won't see it without a driver disc.22:11
rwwCristi: I haven't installed XP for a while, though, so I'm not sure. Perhaps the people in ##windows might be able to help.22:12
ToKicoAethelred: and so will QEMU.22:12
GlowballPosted in 2006: "NOTE: For some reason there seem to be problems if the WPA key is longer than 52 characters and/or contains non-alphanumeric characters."22:12
Cristirww: it says that it didn't find any suitable drives to install on22:12
ActionParsnipAethelred: not sure, i dont use them. i just know of them and bits of info.22:12
GlowballBut if it's known for over 2 years, it probably should have been fixed?22:13
GlowballNo? :/22:13
Aethelredsebsebseb and ToKico: that's great, as long as they will run them without any futzing around. Why would I want one of them over the other? Why are either of them better than vmware?22:13
Huufartedvmware isn't open source, is it?22:13
Cristirww: if i try installing windows vista, i'll still have this problem ? :/22:13
rwwCristi: I don't know, it depends on what the problem is. If XP's not detecting your drive, Vista might.22:13
RomDoingoboingo, just press crtl+alt+f1, log in, type "sudo killall gdm" and run the file with "sudo sh *.run"22:13
ActionParsnipHuufarted: no its not22:13
AethelredActionParsnip: thank you. You said "install vmware from fresh"  ... do you recommend a particular version?22:14
ActionParsnipAethelred: the latest i'd imagine22:14
Cristirww: i'll try other ways tomorrow, thank you anyway22:14
oingoboingothanks RomD!22:14
Cristirww: cheers22:14
RomDno problem oingoboingo22:14
Huufartedthis channel is evil, btw...  I've spent more time on here at work today than I have on doing real work issues.  I do not take any of the blame for that...  it's the fault of everybody in here right now.22:15
AethelredHuufarted: No, vmware is not open source. I'm willing to trade that for ease of installation and compatibility with my existing VMs. I'd be willing to convert soon enough, but I need to get it up and running fastest.22:15
ActionParsnipHuufarted: then leave ;)22:15
HuufartedUmmm..  I can't.22:15
ActionParsnipAethelred: i see vbox as easier to install but that was a few months back22:15
lorasHeeeey... in xorg.conf, when it says "configured video device", where exactly is it configured? I need to change its config22:16
Huufartedserious question.  And slightly off topic.  In GNome XChat, there are small progress bars that show up underneath the list of people in the channel.  Anybody know what they represent?22:16
RomDHuufarted, they have a tooltip22:16
rwwloras: xorg does autodetection by default, now. If you need to add manual configuration stuff, just add it to the file.22:16
RomDjust move the mouse over them22:16
HuufartedRomD, then the tooltip doesn't show for me.  :(  weak sauce.22:17
Huufartednevermind, now it does22:17
lorasrww: so it won't try to "reconfigure" it, every boot? Well, thank you :) :) :) Will try it22:17
RomDit's lag and network send queue22:17
HuufartedOk, I'm going to go sit in the corner and shut up now22:17
rwwloras: correct, settings you put in there override any autodetected ones.22:17
lorasSweet, TY :)22:17
churlCan I get Thunar to display the "artist ", "title", and "album" in a folder of mp3's?22:19
linux_guyi installed unetbootin, how do i start the program?22:19
linux_guyi tried terminal > unetbootin22:19
ActionParsnipchurl: install it and try22:19
rixtr66can anyone help me with using xchat in ubuntu,i want to add a channel but dont know how?22:20
Huufartedrixtr66, /join #channelname22:20
churlActionParsnip: oh it's installed, and i have tried22:20
maherI want to add some bookmarks to firefox package to be ready when installed.22:20
starvingartistthank you all again! peace!22:20
ActionParsnipchurl: thunar is designed to be light and quick so im not sure what they have included22:21
ActionParsnip!unetbootin | linux_guy22:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin22:21
rixtr66Huufarted;i know that bit,but how do you put the server in the list?22:21
Nasraany1 know a good sound card for my Ubuntu Box (Compaq Presario )?22:21
Huufartedrixtr66, there are 2 XChats.  Gnome XChat and regular XChat.  I assume you're using the normal one?22:21
carpiimaher, not quite the same but you might like to look at FEBE extension, which can backup and restore bookmarks and whole profiles22:22
rwwNasra: http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/soundcards22:22
HuufartedI'm using GNome Xchat, but I'll TRY and help you...22:22
Huufartedrixtr66, look for an 'Options' bit or 'Preferences'22:22
Nasrarww: thanks alot22:22
TacoI deleted my top panel, I right clicked on the bottom panel and clicked new panel, but it deleted everything. What's the easiest way to fix this?22:23
rixtr66ok found preferences!22:23
joaopinto!pt | stanley_22:24
ubottustanley_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:24
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
wadI've been using Linux (SUSE then Kubuntu) for the past 3 years, as my primary desktop. Got a new laptop today, so I decided to try Ubuntu. Installed, logged in, and it wanted to update packages. I let it download and install 250 or so of them. It wanted to reboot, so I let it do that. Now the windows manager is lost. Console-only available (CTRL-ALT-F7 shows blank screen). Is this problem common?22:24
Huufartedwad:  that's just nasty...  and no, it's not very common.22:25
twainHi  i need your help to solve firefox there is no titlebar with "x" on firefox windows22:25
wadHmm. Okay.22:25
linux_guywad, is a new install appropriate?22:26
wadYes, brand new install.22:26
Huufartedlinux_guy, new PC22:26
twainlinux_guy  can u help me?22:26
wadLenovo T500 laptop, pretty high-end.22:26
linux_guytwain, try F1122:26
wadlooking through dmesg now.22:26
twainlinux guy  it work quit but i need put titlebar back on firefox22:26
linux_guyHuufarted, what i mean is that since he JUST installed, maybe he could reinstall22:27
Huufartedah, gotcha.  Sorry, I'm a bit slow on the uptake today, sorry.22:27
linux_guytwain, im afraid i don't understand.  did F11 work?22:27
twaini am sorry  you right!! it WORK!!!  thank you LOTS! linux_guy  i am learning..22:28
ActionParsnipwad: http://www.retrevo.com/s/Lenovo-T500-Laptops-review-manual/id/21457ag115/t/1-2/    Budget product   • Better than average features22:28
=== fader is now known as fader|afk
* linux_guy doesn't know WHY he bothers trying other linux distros22:28
ActionParsniplinux_guy: others have different advantages22:29
ActionParsniplinux_guy: thats why they exist22:29
wadlinux_guy, is a new install appropriate? The laptop came with Vista. First thing I did was install XP on a little piece of the drive, then Ubuntu on the rest.22:29
linux_guyActionParsnip, i know, i know i tried puppy today.... it was a joke22:29
linux_guyActionParsnip, for MY purposes22:30
wadI don't want to run Vista, I have work to do. Win XP is just so I can play games with my kids.22:30
linux_guywad, youre not going to be able to run xp very easily22:30
ActionParsniplinux_guy: its made t be cut down and fast, if you start bloating it with all the usual guff of a desktop you are not using it right22:30
ActionParsniplinux_guy: then puppy isnt the distro for you22:30
linux_guywad, your hardware is newer than your OS and drivers will be a PITA22:30
wadlinux_guy, why do you say that? It runs just fine, when I choose it from grub...22:30
wadlinux_guy, heh, well, I don't care much.22:30
linux_guywad, in my personal experience with dell22:30
wadDell? This is a lenovo T500. There is no dell here.22:31
linux_guyActionParsnip, the desktop was LOADED with junk to be a mini distro22:31
Huufartedlenovo = IBM22:31
* wad points to the name of the channel. ;)22:31
linux_guywad, i had vista problems on MY Dell22:31
linux_guywad, so i went to xp22:32
ActionParsniplinux_guy: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=27785422:32
=== Yasumoto_ is now known as Yasumoto
linux_guywad, at which point drivers became hell22:32
Huufartedwad, I would try a fresh Ubuntu install on that partition.  Let it wipe and re-create the partitions.  I'd recommend using Ext3 FS.22:32
linux_guywad, so now i'm all ubuntu =)22:32
wadWell, dmesg doesn't help me much. I rebotted it again, still nothing.22:32
linux_guywad, consider ubuntu as primare and maybe vmware?22:32
wadHuufarted, I just finished a fresh install of Ubuntu...22:32
Hekoshey, i installed 8.10, lan worked. then i did a update now network wont connect22:33
wadIt finished, and the first thing it wanted to do was download and install some updates. Now gnome is hosed.22:33
Huufartedwad, I understand that.  But didn't you say that it won't let you get past the console now?22:33
ActionParsniplinux_guy: its tool for the job to me, my router runs bsd, my file server runs gentoo and my desktop runs ubuntu22:33
Hekoswhat can i do ?22:33
wadNo, I can log in via the console... but there is no X running that I can seem to get to.22:33
Huufartedwad, during boot up, does it list the problems it had loading Gnome?22:33
Titan8990Stevethepirate, any luck?22:33
wadDuring boot up, it shows a useless progress bar.22:33
ActionParsnipHekos: did your network work out of the box?22:33
wadI can turn that off in grub, can't I?22:33
cafreeI'm trying to set UserDir in my apache2.conf, but keep getting the error "Invalid command".  Can anyone help me figure out why?22:34
Huufartedwad, for the life of me I can't remember how to disable that progress bar...22:34
HekosActionParsnip, yes22:34
Huufartednot sure, wad22:34
Huufartedwad, looking it up now.22:34
Titan8990cafree, what command are you running?22:34
ActionParsnipHekos: wired or wireless?22:34
HekosActionParsnip, wired22:34
* linux_guy is happy his rig is back at his house22:34
* wad is in menu.ldy22:34
cafreeTitan899: the command to restart the apache server?  service apache2 restart22:34
Huufartedwas, yes.  Remove the word "splash" from the "kernel" line in /boot/grub/menu.lst22:34
ActionParsnipHekos: can you pastebin the output of the lspci command22:34
wadlst, rather22:35
linux_guywad, let's consider reinstalling the OS22:35
ifroog!find toshiba_acpi.ko22:35
odinnhey guys anyone tried the ubuntu 8.10 does it support the IPW3940 module for the intel pro wireless cards?22:35
ubottuFile toshiba_acpi.ko found in linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic, linux-image-2.6.27-11-server, linux-image-2.6.27-11-virtual22:35
cafreeTitan899: the command in the apache2.conf is UserDir public_html22:35
ActionParsnip!paste | Hekos22:35
carpiiwad, if youre reinstalling, you might like to try 8.04 instead of 8.1022:35
ubottuHekos: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:35
donavan01can anyone tell me where my USB drive is mounting too... I know its /media/disk but what  Im trying to get ubuntu installer loaded onto a USB drive and its says it cant find the drive when I issue  the  '   sudo parted /media/disk set 1 boot on  '  command to it I think it should have something like /dev/whatever  but I dont know what to find that out22:35
Huufartedcarpii, explain why Hardy instead of Intrepid?22:35
Titan8990cafree, when do you recieve that error?22:35
HekosActionParsnip yes but it will take a bit.. no network on the pc what so ever22:35
carpiii just find it has less issues personally22:35
cafreeTitan899: When trying to restart the apache server22:36
* wad reads up....22:36
linux_guyCarpii, i'd like to know too22:36
linux_guyespecially on a laptop22:36
Titan8990cafree, did you enable the module needed for userdir?22:36
Huufartedpersonally the only issue I saw was the lack of support for Atheros in Intrepid that was fixed with a quick download and make install22:36
cafreeTitan899: I.... don't know22:36
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
carpiii had enormous problems with sound on 8.10, that werent present in 8.04. Also some networking oddities, although I never got to the bottom of that22:37
ActionParsnipHekos: just give the lines for the network device22:37
HekosActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/123564/22:37
ActionParsnipHuufarted: my atheros works out of the box22:37
wadIs 8.04 less troublesome than 8.10?22:37
Titan8990cafree, are you following a guide or just going off the comments in the config file?22:37
cafreeTitan899: Neither.  Just searching the web22:37
ActionParsnipwad: it varys from system to system22:38
gmiernickianyone kno what version of jackd will be in jaunty?22:38
HekosActionParsnip, the ralink device is not in function atm, will get that later22:38
HuufartedActionParsnip, you had better luck than I.  I just had to download ath5k, though22:38
Huufartedwad, my recommendation is 8.10.22:38
Titan8990cafree, sudo a2enmod user_dir && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart22:38
Titan8990cafree, that should do it22:38
StevethepirateTitan8990: 'lo22:38
carpiii should probably point out im referring to kubuntu rather than ubuntu22:38
s3ahow do i make firestarter launch itself at boot?22:39
cafreeTitan899: Could you explain what that does so I understand it?22:39
Titan8990cafree, a2enmod is a command implemented in debian based distros, it enables modules in apache so you do not have to manually link them22:39
ActionParsnipHuufarted: i buy my hardware so its fully linux compliant :)22:39
donavan01can anyone give me a link to a good howto on install ubuntu from a usb thumb drive (not from a windows machine)22:40
ActionParsnip!usb | donavan0122:40
ubottudonavan01: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:40
Titan8990cafree, the && means run this next command only after the first has finished, and the 2nd command restarts apache22:40
cafreeTitan8990: Oh, ok so do I put in the literal 'user_dir' or should I substiiitute that with something22:40
Titan8990cafree, user_dir is the correct name of the module that you need to enable22:40
Hekosdonavan01, http://sourceforge.net/projects/unetbootin works just fine22:41
HekosActionParsnip, any idea ?22:41
cafreeTitan8990: hm, apparently the module doesn't exist22:41
Titan8990cafree, run a2enmod without specifying a module, this will give a list of available modules22:41
churlI just added a desktop environment for the first time to my server.  How do I get it to run the new gnome desktop environment?22:42
HuufartedActionParsnip, mine is linux compliant, but the 8.10 kernel left out the right driver for the AR5007EG.  /shrug22:42
ActionParsnipHuufarted: 01:09.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)22:43
Titan8990cafree, also, it appears that this user encountered the same problem and was able to get it resolved: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14335022:43
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
HuufartedActionParsnip, where did you garner that from?22:43
pfHELO :)22:43
cafreeTitan8990: it looks like the module was just "userdir"22:43
cafreeI changed it and it restarted properly22:44
StevethepirateTitan8990: 'lo?22:44
pfjest tu jakiś polak22:44
oCean_!pl | pf22:44
ubottupf: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl22:44
Titan8990Stevethepirate, did you have any luck with /etc/network/interfaces?22:44
ActionParsnipHuufarted: www.efficientpc.co.uk22:44
Titan8990cafree, good, is it working for you?22:45
=== Circle-fusion is now known as Circlefusion
ActionParsnipHuufarted: all hardware they sell and their systems are 100% linux friendly22:45
cafreeTitan8990: I'm getting permission issues, but I'll see if I can fix that22:45
Titan8990cafree, sudo22:45
StevethepirateTitan8990: Um, no.22:45
HuufartedActionParsnip, mine's VERY linux friendly.  The 8.10 kernel broke the drivers, though.  lol22:45
Titan8990cafree, or if you are referrring to the webserver, check .htaccess22:45
ActionParsnipHuufarted: its down the road from me22:45
cafreeI'm getting a forbidden error when going to the page22:46
Titan8990Stevethepirate, im still curious as to why my static route command gave that wierd error22:46
Huufartednow THAT'S nice to have.  You're in the UK?22:46
Hekosstupid updates :(22:46
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
Hekosis there anywhere i can check for connection errors ?22:47
Hekossometing more than only knowing it wont connect22:48
HuufartedHekos, what won't connect?22:48
mais_Hi guys! I'm trying to "install" my Bluetooth Gps receiver but it won't work. Does anyone know why sdptool doesnt browse my device? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/105655/22:49
freegoohey guys, i have macbook pro (intel) and i am having trobble setting up grub22:49
Hekosmy ethernet card, broke after a update. worked ootb when i installed 8.1022:49
ActionParsnip!grub | freegoo22:49
ubottufreegoo: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:49
StevethepirateTitan8990: as am I ;D22:50
ActionParsnipHekos: try ping, nslookup, traceroute22:50
freegooi tryed that ubottu22:50
=== edgex-_ is now known as EdgeX-[A]
sshc!release histor22:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about release histor22:50
sshc!release history22:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about release history22:50
Titan8990Stevethepirate, if you still have it in your bash history, try removing the gw part22:50
McShaneHekos, when you do ifconfig in a terminal, is there an entry for "eth0" or "eth1"?22:51
Fedexi need some help22:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:51
HekosActionParsnip, network is unreachable.. ifconfig says eth0 doesnt even have a ip22:51
sshcwhat are the release names?22:51
McShaneHekos, can you do a pastebin of your ifconfig output?22:52
oCean_sshc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames22:52
McShane!paste | Hekos22:53
ubottuHekos: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:53
ActionParsnipHekos: then you device is failing dhcp for some reason, if you set static ip does it work?22:53
HekosMcShane, http://paste.ubuntu.com/123570/22:53
Hekoslet me try that.22:53
Fedexim using ubuntu from live cd, to backup data from a laptop that has got windows not wanting to boot, so i start ubuntu and go to computer and when trying to access the HDD it gives an error, so I followed some comands:sudo /bin/bash22:54
chaihi all, i'm back. Huufarted and erUSUL just to follow up, got webcamd working, wrote a three-line bash script to refresh the image and copy into a "timelapse frames" directory labeled by date, and put used cron to run that script every 15 minutes. my timelapse project is in effect!22:54
Fedexmkdir /media/disk22:54
Fedexmount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk -o force22:54
David_EI have an issue with booting ubuntu 8.10.  The progress bar stops and I have to hold down the enter key until the login page appears.  When I shut down the computer hangs once the progress bar shows that the process is complete.  Any ideas?22:54
Fedexfrom a webpage that had this tutorial to backup windows data, but it gives me an error, saying that the NTFS has inconsistencies, may be hardware error, error of entrance/exit or sth like that, sth about softraid/fast/raid, to use chkdsk from win which i cant access...22:54
Fedexany help plz? :D22:54
FloodBot1Fedex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:54
ZeRo_FeniX_So I'm trying to install the 8.10 i386 ubuntu on a virtual box but it locks up whenever I select anything past the language. I've successfully installed 3 different distros of ubuntu on the same computer too.22:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rss22:54
ZeRo_FeniX_Any ideas?22:54
kinja-sheepHmm.  Any excellent RSS software?22:54
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: I tried that just now. :)22:55
zashthere is liferea22:55
pressherekinja-sheep: Atom22:55
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: apt-cache search rss reader22:55
zashsearch in add/remove22:55
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: Thanks.  In that case, I should try rss alone. :)22:55
eweb100eyyyy whats up?22:55
McShanekinja-sheep, thunderbird and akregator are pretty good22:55
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: theres about 15 in that result, try a few, see which yo ulike22:56
eweb100thunderbird is betterz22:56
McShanegoogle also has an app for it22:56
ActionParsnipeweb100: not always22:56
McShanegoogle reader22:56
eweb100ActionParsnip, example?22:56
chaiActionParsnip, that apt-cache search just changed my ubuntu experience lol, good tip22:57
ChrisiPKhey everyone, i manged to get my tv card (winfast tv 2000 xp rm) working with tvtime. only problem is: i can't get any sound. this tv card has a sound output which needs to be connected to the motherboard (i connected it to cd-in). the cd volume is at max, but i can't hear anything. works fine under winXP, though. any ideas?22:57
Stevethepirate sudo route add -net netmask dev eth122:57
Stevethepiratedone that22:57
Titan8990Stevethepirate, without error?22:57
HekosActionParsnip, McShane , i setup static, ifconfig says i have the ip/mask i set. i cant ping anything at all22:58
ActionParsnipeweb100: it may not have the features s/he needs. there may be a client that has different features taht fit his/her needs closer than thunderbird, this will make thunderbird a poor choice22:58
Titan8990Stevethepirate, can you now ping your gateway?22:58
ActionParsnipHekos: are you attatched to a router?22:58
Saippua_hi everyone i am your favourite business consultant22:58
StevethepirateNot from any clients22:58
StevethepirateWhich are set\24 , no GW22:59
ActionParsnipeweb100: so better and best are only individually guagable22:59
eweb100ActionParsnip, You can say that about every program. "It might not be right because she might not like it"22:59
ActionParsnipeweb100: exactly, so no app is beter or best22:59
eweb100ActionParsnip, but thunderbird has uber 1337 sause.22:59
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
Saippua_hi everyone i am a business consultant23:00
ActionParsnipeweb100: i always say "try a lot of them see which YOU like then use that"23:00
oCean_!ot | Saippua_23:00
ubottuSaippua_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:00
Fedex>from a webpage that had this tutorial to backup windows data, but it gives me an error, saying that the NTFS has inconsistencies, may be hardware error, error of entrance/exit or sth like that, sth about softraid/fast/raid, to use chkdsk from win which i cant access...23:00
FloodBot1Eljugador: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
ActionParsnipeweb100: maybe to you, some users may think it sucks, its all preference23:00
McShaneHekos, do you have an ethernet port on your motherboard, in addition to the ethernet card? If so, you may want to switch to the onboard ethernet23:00
HekosActionParsnip, yes, and ive cleard all the dhcp tables and restarted the whole network23:01
HekosMcShane, no theres only 1 port i can use,, its a laptop23:01
ActionParsnipeweb100: its like any app you can name. even linux and windows. Linux is not better than window sand windows is not better than linux23:01
McShanehekos, wireless or wired?23:01
zichois there anyway to use the * (like "xmms *.mp3") without it being case sensitive?23:01
Hekosim quite sure its a update issue23:01
ActionParsnipHekos: can you ping your routers ip?23:02
ActionParsnipHekos: are the busy lights flashing on your adapter to show activity?23:02
Hekosits trying to connect but allways fails23:02
=== fader|afk is now known as fader
ActionParsnipHekos: try: sudo ifup eth023:02
Hekosoh, they are showing connection, not acctivity23:02
eweb100ActionParsnip, Well then you might as well just say google Email cliants for mac23:03
Titan8990Stevethepirate, sudo route add default gw 192.168.x.x eth123:04
Daft_Punkis there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)23:04
HekosActionParsnip, "ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0"23:04
ActionParsnipeweb100: they wont run on linux unless there is a linux port, you are missing the point, also please use websearch, google implies only using google when there are vast multitudes of search engines23:05
ActionParsnipHekos: i would run: dmesg | less23:05
ActionParsnipHekos: make sure the sytem is bringing up the interface ok23:05
ActionParsnipHekos: its gonna be a lot of text but it shows your kernels activity23:05
ActionParsnipHekos: including bringing up hardware23:06
Fedexim using ubuntu from live cd, to backup data from a laptop that has got windows not wanting to boot, so i start ubuntu and go to computer and when trying to access the HDD it gives an error, so I followed some comands:23:06
Fedexsudo /bin/bash23:06
Fedexmkdir /media/disk23:06
Fedexmount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk -o force23:06
FloodBot1Fedex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:06
Fedexfrom a webpage that had this tutorial to backup windows data, but it gives me an error, saying that the NTFS has inconsistencies, may be hardware error, error of entrance/exit or sth like that, sth about softraid/fast/raid, to use chkdsk from win which i cant access...23:06
=== kevin_ is now known as uvacav
mikeypizanoi need some help with open office 323:06
PastorBonesMy flash quit working after that update yesterday...anybody know how I can fix it?23:06
mikeypizanohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6639054#post6639054 i followed this guide and all my menu bars are missing23:06
HekosActionParsnip, i uhm,  rebooted and tried the old kernel. networking works now.23:07
eweb100ActionParsnip, People actualy use yahoo and msn search??23:07
denndawhat do you have to type in gnome-do to make it open a nautilus window?23:07
Fedexim using ubuntu from live cd, to backup data from a laptop that has got windows not wanting to boot, so i start ubuntu and go to computer and when trying to access the HDD it gives an error, so I followed some comands:23:07
Fedexsudo /bin/bash23:07
Fedexmkdir /media/disk23:07
Fedexmount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk -o force23:07
FloodBot1Fedex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:07
ActionParsnipPastorBones: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree23:07
Fedexfrom a webpage that had this tutorial to backup windows data, but it gives me an error, saying that the NTFS has inconsistencies, may be hardware error, error of entrance/exit or sth like that, sth about softraid/fast/raid, to use chkdsk from win which i cant access...23:07
ryanpriorI've got a .rar file that should contain an archive, but appears to be empty when I open it or try to extract it with "unrar e". Is there some likely cause for this failure?23:07
AE|broken archive?23:08
=== AE| is now known as blodski
PastorBonesActionParsnip, yeah, I've already apt-get remove and re-installed it...still grey box23:08
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ActionParsnipeweb100: i use www.ask.com as well for quick pointless stuff, google is fine, for something in depth I use as many as I can get my hands on. Using only google is like researching in only one library23:08
PastorBonesActionParsnip, it worked for half a second then went to a grey box23:09
ActionParsnipPastorBones: are you 32bit or 64bit23:09
PastorBonestried the Adobe installer too, but won't work on 6423:09
eweb100ActionParsnip, Yes, but that one library is towhundred times bigger than any of the others23:09
uvacavwhats a good javascript editor? I've been using gedit but would like something with a little more features, maybe some autocompletion.. preferably nothing as in depth as Aptana or Eclipse, those seem to get in my way23:09
PastorBonesuvacav, I prefer to use Geany23:09
PastorBonesdoes PHP, JavaScript, all that23:09
ActionParsnipPastorBones: download http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
eweb100ActionParsnip, And ever sence Jeves left ask,com i dont like it23:10
eweb100g2g peace23:10
ActionParsnipPastorBones: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins23:10
uvacavPastorBones: cool I'll check it out thanks23:10
ryanpriorUpdate: I used "file" on it and found out that it's a zip. Dunno why I named it .rar23:10
Stevethe1irateThat wasn't so nice23:10
ActionParsnipPastorBones: copy the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins23:10
Stevethe1irateTitan8990: x(23:10
Daft_Punkis there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)23:10
Stevethe1irateKilled my network23:10
ActionParsnipPastorBones: restart firefox, job done23:10
Fundwhat is the command to see users that are currently on the SSH.. (I am root)23:10
ActionParsnipeweb100: i just think its immature to only use 1 search engine23:10
Fedexhow do you use wi fi?23:11
HekosActionParsnip, what now, do i just keep on using the old kernel ? need i report a bug ?23:11
dudusFund: w or who23:11
PastorBonesthanx ActionParsnip trying now23:11
Fedexlol kinda nwb23:11
ActionParsnipHekos: if you wana, ive always manually installed that way23:11
Funddudus, how can I see the added users23:11
Hekoswell, this certenly ruined my day.23:11
uvacavFedex: system->preferences->network configuration23:12
ActionParsnipHekos: if you run lspci and websearch your wifi you may have to compile drivers or install an extra package23:12
PastorBonesActionParsnip, where do I put that .so file?23:12
dudusFund: added?23:12
Fedexlol thnks23:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about beep23:12
ActionParsnipPastorBones: i told you: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins and then copy the file to the new folder23:12
Fedexand can somebody answer my first and most important question? http://paste.ubuntu.com/123577/23:12
PastorBonessorry, didn't read that part...lol23:12
Daft_Punkwhat is a command to see your hard disks and their total size and free space (for terminal)23:12
ActionParsnipFedex: run lspci , it will identify all hardware in your system, you can then websearch from there23:13
Funddudus, yes that I added them23:13
Stevethe1irateTitan8990: ___23:13
wadFigured out the problem, guys....23:13
ActionParsnipFedex: if: sudo iwlist scan     shows your AP then you dont have to do squat23:13
Fedexsry, but whats lspci and how do i use it?23:13
HekosActionParsnip, yeah i will, i will only be using wireless anyway. if i can get it to run23:13
ActionParsnipFedex: its a terminal command23:13
dudusFund: added where?23:13
Fedexso what do i type?23:13
Michael-Good morning guys23:13
Fundon the VPS23:13
wadThe Lenovo T500 comes with two video chips in it. I went into the BIOS and disabled one of them, then ran aticonfig to get xorg.conf happy.23:13
Titan8990Stevethepirate, no luck?23:13
ActionParsnipHekos: lspci again will identify the device, you can websearch from that on how to get it rolling23:14
=== Teiseii is now known as Teisei
Stevethe1irateIt killed my internet23:14
Stevethe1iratebut indeed23:14
Stevethe1iratecould not ping from client23:14
Stevethe1irateto GW23:14
Titan8990Stevethepirate, it killed the internet for eth0??23:14
snuffmeistertrying to install opencv23:15
snuffmeisterand following the tutorial23:15
snuffmeisteri'm stuck at 'sudo make install'23:15
ActionParsnipwad: nice, i never understodd those 2 video card systems, seems retarded23:15
wadYeah, pretty strange.23:15
ActionParsnipsnuffmeister: make install will copy the binaries to the relevant places on your system23:15
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, wad it's so that 1 video card has the power of 2 video cards, so that you dont need to use SLI23:16
Fundhow can I see the list users23:16
PastorBonesActionParsnip, anything else I should have to do? I put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins/ and restarted FF, but still had grey box, so removed flashplugin-nonfree, just to see and it says I need to install a plugin23:16
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: its to switch between a low power one and a high power one23:16
bernzActionParsnip, if lspci shows my MCP51 (NVidia chipset) USB 2.0 host controllers (and knows to use ehci-hcd module), what might be still stopping it from fully initializing the controllers? (no plug events show in kernel log for those host controllers) ... maybe special switches for ehci-hcd?23:16
ActionParsnipPastorBones: a default instal of FF will look at ~/.mozilla/plugins23:17
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, a video card with 2x gpu is to switch between a low and high power what?23:17
snuffmeisteri got a make error23:17
bernzsorry, i don't mean lspci initializing, as i made it sound, but rather what's preventing the kernel from seeing USB events (why is controller "dead")?23:17
snuffmeistermake[1]: Entering directory `/home/snuff/Downloads/opencv/trunk/opencv/src'23:17
snuffmeistermake[1]: *** No rule to make target `clapack.h', needed by `all-am'.  Stop.23:17
snuffmeistermake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/snuff/Downloads/opencv/trunk/opencv/src'23:17
snuffmeistermake: *** [install-recursive] Error 123:17
FloodBot1snuffmeister: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:17
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:17
Fedexhan sb help me? >http://paste.ubuntu.com/123577/23:17
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: they usually have some garbage intel crap then a nicer nvidia/ati thing with a way to switch between so you can prolong battery life23:18
Daft_Punk!pastebin | snuffmeister23:18
ubottusnuffmeister: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:18
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: its a PITA for linux23:18
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, oh its for a laptop? nvm..., i thought it was for desktop23:18
PastorBonesActionParsnip, where would I find out where it's looking for it for or change that at?23:18
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: nope, LT23:18
Daft_Punkis there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)23:19
Stevethe1irateTitan8990: yeah, all network died.23:19
wadOkay, so I've got an easy question: Now that I'm using gnome instead of KDE, I'm using this gnome terminal program (instead of konsole). I want to change the default keys, though. I want to disable the key for creating a new window. How do I remove a shortcut key in this dialog?23:19
ActionParsnipPastorBones: i'd remove any flash packages you have and then reinstall flashplugin-nonfree then have to .so in n~/.mozilla/plugins23:19
snuffmeisterActionParsnip: this is my problem... i've also tried rooting but it's the same http://paste.ubuntu.com/123579/23:19
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, that seems odd as that command should have only effected eth123:19
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snuffmeisterwad: Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts...23:20
Stevethe1irateTitan8990: well, all 50 of my remote shells died23:20
ActionParsnipsnuffmeister: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=9746&page=723:21
wadsnuffmeister, I'm there. But note that some of the shortcuts are "disabled".23:21
wadI'd like to disable some more, specifically the one to create a new window.23:21
sexypantshello all23:21
wad(because I want to use it to create a new tab, instead)23:21
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snuffmeisterwad: to disable a shortcut i believe it's backspace23:21
David_Ehas anyone fixed the boot issue with 8.10 yet?23:21
wadsnuffmeister, That's it!23:22
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, sorry :\23:22
wadI had tried "delete"23:22
sexypantsi have same question as david...I kep getting to the initramfs screen and nothing23:22
wadSomeone should make a bug report, and add this to the help section or something.23:22
Fundhow can I see the users that I added them as a root?23:22
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, I would say now is a good time to try to set persistant routes in /etc/network/interfaces23:22
vermonthi, how can I "print screen" in ubuntu. ( I dont want to print, I just want to copy the screen)23:22
n8tuserfvermont -> you dont have a print screen button?23:23
ActionParsnipFund: only root can add users, if you want a lost of users who have admin access the look at the members of the admin group23:23
snuffmeisterwad: i learned this when trying to edit general gnome keyboard shortcuts from the system preferences, it says it there i think..23:23
Stevethe1irateTitan8990: Um, ok, how?23:23
snuffmeisteri guess it became standard in gnome23:23
Daft_Punkis there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)23:23
Veselushkovermont -> applications -> accessories -> take screenshot23:23
Fundn8tuserf, man I added users.. I want to see the list of these users.. what is the command23:24
PastorBonesActionParsnip, no go...any other ideas?23:24
vermontI do, n8tuserf, but I hit ctrl+PrtSc and then I go to paste it and it tells me nothings on the clipboard23:24
vermontthanks veselushko23:24
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/configuring-static-routes-in-debian-or-red-hat-linux-systems.html23:24
Stevethe1irateLike Titan8990, I mean, dude.. I can't even PING GW to client... How is routing going to help.23:24
n8tuserfFund  cat /etc/passwd23:24
sexypantsso can anyone wsp me to talk about the Initramfs problem please?23:24
quentusrexHelp. I edited /etc/resolv.conf. Now I want it to go back to being auto generated.23:24
Stevethe1irateLike, I just don't get it.23:24
redvamp128vermont:  The command is - alt+printscreen to take an application screenshot and just print screen to take the whole desktop.23:25
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, because to be it looks like it trying to reach your gateway via the network
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, err to me23:25
Stevethe1irateWell, then surely I can just remove that fail route23:25
Stevethe1irateand it will autoroute?23:25
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, if you are using dhcp it all autconfigure routes23:25
vermontredvamp128, thanks for the info23:26
Stevethe1iratenoxville@virtue:/etc/network$ route -n | grep eth123:26
Stevethe1irate0.0.0.0   U     0      0        0 eth123:26
Stevethe1irate192.168.0.0   U     0      0        0 eth123:26
Mox`Why can't I install my new kernel? I get this error http://paste-it.net/public/j6e2e8c/ - what to do? :S23:26
vermontI'm really never disappointed when I leave this chat, thanks all.23:26
n8tuserfStevethe1irate -> per your post you dont have a gateway23:26
ChrisiPKhey everyone, i manged to get my tv card (winfast tv 2000 xp rm) working with tvtime. only problem is: i can't get any sound. this tv card has a sound output which needs to be connected to the motherboard (i connected it to cd-in). the cd volume is at max, but i can't hear anything. works fine under winXP, though. any ideas?23:27
quentusrexHelp. I edited /etc/resolv.conf. Now I want it to go back to being auto generated.23:27
AndrEeehow can i get OOo 3 via package manager?23:28
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, the 2nd command I gave you should have set the gw on that first line....23:28
Stevethe1irateHa? Which command?23:28
AndrEeei only get 2.2 :(23:28
Stevethe1irateThe one that killed the network?23:28
Titan8990Stevethepirate, sudo route add default gw 192.168.x.x eth123:28
shacklohello where can i get xubuntu help?23:28
rwwAndrEee: what version of Ubuntu are you using?23:29
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, but I believe this will be much easier if you just configure it in /etc/network/interfaces23:29
rwwshacklo: here or #xubuntu23:29
Stevethe1irateTitan8990: ok, what would I add?23:29
Stevethe1irateto /etc/network..... .23:29
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/configuring-static-routes-in-debian-or-red-hat-linux-systems.html23:29
quentusrexHelp. I edited /etc/resolv.conf. Now I want it to go back to being auto generated.23:29
ActionParsnipAndrEee: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml23:29
Titan8990Stevethe1irate, look at the example there for eth1, you can almost copy and paste that and replace it with your addresses23:29
Stevethe1irateK, loading23:30
=== im_ is now known as alfaromeo
Daft_Punkis there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)23:31
Stevethe1irateK, check my ip route show23:32
HuufartedQuestion, folks.  I'm looking to find a single command I can use that will put or get a file to an FTP server similar to how rsync handles transfers.  Any ideas?23:33
quentusrexSomeone... Help. I edited /etc/resolv.conf. Now I want it to go back to being auto generated.23:33
Huufartedquentusrex, reboot23:33
casHi, I've got an USB gadget as present (a rc tank) but unfortually it only supports windows. After searching the web I didn't find any information about drivers/software for this type of tank. Is there some sort of general project/driver/howto how to figure out how to use the USB adapter?23:35
graysonHi all, are all the ubuntu servers overloaded at this time. Please and Thank you.23:35
donavan01I need to get ubuntu to boot from an SD card (trying to get my eee pc working) I am running 8.10 on my desktop and dont have an XP machine with a cardreader ... can anyone give me a link or some help getting my SD card bootable  all the howtos I find are for windows23:35
Huufarteddonavan01, what size is your SD Card?23:36
lineman60danavan01 look at knoppix or  damn small linux they have howto's and there debian basied23:36
Stevethe1irateTitan8990 @ http://rafb.net/p/Ccsr9v87.html23:36
Huufarteddonavan01, k, that's size enough.  A few quick questions for you.  Got an external Hard Drive enclosure and a CD Drive or perhaps a portable CD drive already?23:36
donavan01lineman60 .... didnt know DSL was debian based23:37
Huufarteddonavan01, or perhaps a Linux server already on your LAN?23:37
shumpihello World! I am having a problem. Am trying to program "Hello World" in Ubuntu. The code should be ok, it compiles ok, but I cant get it to run... help?23:37
Huufartedshumpi, what language is it written in?23:38
Huufartedshumpi, what are you typing to run it and what is the error?23:38
Saippua_business consultants are more importhant thaan programmers!23:38
shumpi#include < stdio.h>23:38
shumpivoid main()23:38
shumpi    printf("\n");23:38
shumpi    printf("Hello World");23:38
shumpi    printf("\n");23:38
FloodBot1shumpi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:38
ryknow_How do I go about networking both of my Ubuntu 8.10 machines?23:38
Huufartedhaha oh snap23:38
lineman60donavan01 did you look here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC23:38
donavan01huufarted : I have an USB cd/dvd ... tried booting from it but nothing but it was a no go ... I have a IDE to usb (also a 2.5 pata to usb)  and I have 2 ubuntu machines and 1 xp lappy23:38
ryknow_I have a Laptop, and my main machine. Just want to network the two, and transfer some stuff from the Laptop to the main rig.23:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:39
shumpisorry bout the flood23:39
Huufarteddonavan01, I had that problem also.  You NEED to go into the bios so it will see the CD drive, then it should boot to it23:39
donavan01lineman60: actually no somehow I missed it23:39
lord_hypnoshey, I have a simple question. where is the pidgin config stored? I didn't find anything like .pidgin23:40
bazwhats a good app to *proxify* any other app even if it doesn't support it... is "tsocks" one? or "proxychains"? They both haven't been updated since 2006 i think23:40
shacklohey, how can i give an account admin rights if i cant access the admin account?23:41
shacklo(on xubuntu)23:41
grayson Hi all, are the Ubuntu servers overloaded at this time. Please and Thank you.23:41
donavan01huufarted ... I checking my settings again but it look like that was how I had it setup before... cd1st , sd 2nd, SSD 3rd23:41
Huufartedlord_hypnos, try .pidgin in your home directory23:41
dano1Is there a room for Ubuntu beginners?23:41
Huufarteddonavan01, do you see the CD Drive's manufacturer listed in the bios at all?23:41
lord_hypnos.pidgin isnt there23:41
lord_hypnosthis is the reason I'm asking23:42
Huufartedlord_hypnos, stand by23:42
AndrEeerww:  i use an old version23:42
AndrEeeits eeeXubuntu23:42
adjesorry to interrupt, but did you do ctrl+h hypnos?23:42
AndrEeethis method is only for newer versions+23:43
dano1anyone?  Trying to find a room for newbies.  Can you help?23:43
Stevethe1irateTitan8990: thanks for help... but alas.. its past my bedtime in ZA23:43
AndrEeemy hard drive is to small so i cant do a distribution update23:43
Huufartedlord_hypnos, try /usr/lib/pidgin23:43
shumpiHey dano1, I think this is the place,23:43
Stevethe1irateI will give it another bash tomorrow....23:43
Stevethe1irateBut until then, adios, ciao.23:43
Huufartedlord_hypnos, nevermind, that's not it23:43
Huufartedsorry, lord_hypnos I don't know.23:44
shumpiI get the a.out file, but it doesnt run, after Ive compiled Hello World23:44
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lord_hypnosok thanks anyway huufarted23:44
donavan01huufarted: that a big negative ... but honestly that doesnt suprise me much I dont think the extrenal cage is very good ... got a cheap one ... should have spent more23:44
Huufartedlord_hypnos, we're looking for the wrong stuff.  Look for .purple23:45
=== kilian_ is now known as bumswara
Huufarteddonavan01, to answer your question about booting from SD Card:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick23:45
Huufarteddonavan01, got another PC on your LAN running Ubuntu?23:45
lord_hypnosthanks huufarted23:46
Huufartedyou find it, lord_hypnos ?23:46
donavan01huufarted ": yeah 2 of them one running 8.1 and another running 8.0423:46
Huufarteddonavan01, another option you have is installing over the network.23:47
lord_hypnosyeah huufarted, it works, I'm just copying stuff from my old /home folder to the new one23:47
ActionParsnipshumpi: then make sure you: chmod +x ./a.out23:47
ActionParsnipshumpi: then execute it with: ./a.out23:47
larsemilquick question, i am buying a new computer. nvidias graphic driver has always been better. but what should i go for now as the ati one is up and coming? :)23:47
lord_hypnosand it worked23:47
donavan01yeah but wouldnt I still need to have a bootable usb/sd card to get this working ?23:47
shumpithx do you mean I should typt that in the terminal?23:47
ActionParsnipdonavan01: i gave you the link dude23:48
ActionParsnipshumpi: yeah man23:48
shumpiIt works!!!!23:48
donavan01actionparsnip:  working on it too many pages to read ... thanks though23:48
bernz larsemil, both will be equally "difficult" to install for ubuntu, so it's not a big deal really; either should be good if you're going for something high-end.. by "difficult", i mean it *might* be difficult, but it might go smoothly too23:49
Huufarteddonavan01, no you can boot ENTIRELY over the network23:49
ActionParsnipdonavan01: well what you are wanting isnt simple. I think the live cd has an install to usb option23:49
Huufarteddonavan01, I stand corrected, the bios has to support it and TBH I'm not 100% certain the Asus bios does.23:49
shumpiwhat does chmod do?23:49
Huufarted!chmod | shumpi23:49
ubottushumpi: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview23:49
Huufartedshumpi, it changes permissions on files23:49
Sa[i]nTHow come I can't install Opera?23:50
ActionParsnipshumpi: makes files executable, readbale, writable and the opposite23:50
donavan01Actionparsnip: sorry I miss spoke ... its not too much to read ... I just have too much all at once I havent made it to the page you sent.... didnt mean I was too lazy to read it ... just havent gotten to it yet23:50
ActionParsnipusb | donavan0123:50
donavan01huufarted I have "Onboard lan boot ROM (disabled currently)23:51
bernzerror: missing '!'  ;-)23:51
Huufarteddonavan01, that means it supports it23:52
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:52
snuffmeisterso, trying to install opencv23:53
snuffmeisterthis is the problem23:53
snuffmeisterany ideas?23:53
snuffmeisterit's on the 'sudo make install'23:53
larsemilquick question, i am buying a new computer. nvidias graphic driver has always been better. but what should i go for now as the ati one is up and coming? :)23:55
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:55
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support23:55
ranokI had a kernel oops this morning, where should I report it?23:55
donavan01ok I think I got the SD card to work with the creat USB startup.... that wizard is way easier than all the command line crap (that didnt work)  from the other howtos I found23:56
donavan01thanks everyone ... heres hoping it boots23:56
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:56
snuffmeisterActionParsnip: i read the thread you gave me back there, there was nothing on this23:56
Yud_Zrocranok: look at that last ubotu thingy23:56
* jspiros polls for good VPS and dedicated providers for serious sites23:58
cwickerthow to search LP only for a single component?23:59
Yud_Zroccan anyone give me one on one duel network card support?23:59

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