
=== manuel__ is now known as samhain
DaSkreechMooqball:  Have you tried Gnome Jaunty ?00:00
zombinedrostie and ActionParsnip: Thanks guys. I'll try to find a deb... Not on Jaunty so that shouldn't be a bit deal00:00
luis__ei guys i have another problem00:02
luis__with what program I must open a zip?00:02
luis__i tried with ark, but it says the internal visor cant visualize the archive00:02
ActionParsnipluis__: unzip or ark00:02
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free00:03
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression00:03
luis__thx :)00:03
ActionParsnipif its .rar once you install rar stuffs, ark will handle it00:03
pisnazif ark can not open it either it may be corrupt or passworded..not sure how ark handles the last type00:04
luis__its zip00:04
PSiL0hmmm, my akondi is not operational.  Is this due to an already pre-existing mysql install along with its already running daemon?00:04
luis__but i dont understand00:05
luis__tell me the name of the program so i can download it in console :)00:05
luis__its .zip00:05
pisnazark will open zip files00:05
ActionParsnip!info ark00:05
ubottuark (source: kdeutils): archive utility for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 (intrepid), package size 221 kB, installed size 820 kB00:05
pisnazbut the error makes me think the file may be bad00:05
luis__i tried to open the zip with ark00:06
luis__then i tried to extract a exe00:06
luis__and it says these:00:06
luis__el visor interno no puede previsualizar el archivo00:07
luis__someone knows spanish? lol00:07
luis__oh i know why now00:07
luis__because the exe is a excutable from windows00:07
luis__someone knows how to open it?00:08
pisnazdid you try to run the exe?00:08
luis__extract it00:08
ActionParsnipto extract exe you need cabextract00:08
luis__but it cant00:08
macoluis__: it says you cant preview the archive00:08
macoin spanish00:08
ActionParsnipluis_first you said its zip, then its exe....00:08
luis__i open it with zip...00:08
pisnazyou should be able to extract the exe from the zip though00:08
macoum, ive had success with unzipping a .exe before00:08
luis__but its DOS/Windows00:09
macohow do you think i got the pcf to decode the group secret to get on my school's "linux users could never possibly get on here" wireless?00:09
DaSkreechluis__: Do you have an .exe inside a .zip ?00:09
pisnazzip file contains the exe, but when you try to extract the exe from the zip it gives you an error right?00:09
ActionParsnipluis__: to extract zip you need cabextract00:09
ActionParsnipluis__: extract the exe to you home directory, then cabextractt the exe00:10
pisnazthe zip file is corrupt is my say.  you can extract exe's just can not do much with them (unless you work at it)00:10
macoActionParsnip: i think you have it inside out00:11
draik_What is the name of the app for nepomuk?00:11
maconepomukservicestab has crashed and ... <-- that one?00:11
ActionParsnipmaco: pretty simple stuff, just sharing the love00:11
maco(i've been working on java)00:12
macoActionParsnip: the exe is inside the zip00:12
draik_whichever it is. It is causing my system to freeze00:12
macoActionParsnip: so you're inside out00:12
ActionParsnipmaco: then they can use some fuzzy logic ;)00:12
pisnazsideout in? :P00:12
pisnazno fuzzy logic...it leaves fuzz balls on my sweater00:14
luis__i dont understand anything00:14
luis__i tried to download cabextract with konsole00:14
luis__i do it00:14
luis__and now i cant found the program, WTF??!!00:15
pisnazbecause the exe/program is still in the zip00:15
luis__i am not talking about that00:15
luis__i downloaded cabextract00:16
luis__and now i cant found it :S00:16
pisnazoh the cabextract prog?00:16
luis__(and says the download was sucessful)00:16
pisnazerr may be fuzzy on my memory but that has no gui00:16
pisnaztry via terminal?00:17
luis__do that00:17
samhaini have a problem00:18
DaSkreechsamhain: This may be the right place to be00:18
pisnazodd runs here in terminal00:18
DaSkreechwe will tell you when you let us know what the problem is00:18
DaSkreechluis__: How did you install?00:19
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drostieluis__: find the file in the terminal. Then type "unzip filename" to unzip it.00:19
luis__but what i am triying to do is to open a exe drostie00:19
drostieluis__: extract the .exe from the .zip file first. THEN worry about opening it.00:20
luis__already do that :)00:20
drostieOk. Now, to open a .exe on an Ubuntu system, you will probably need wine. Is wine installed?00:21
pisnazdid it not fail when you tried with a "can not visualize file error"?00:21
draik_How do I enable Num Lock at startup? The option seems to have vanished with 8.1000:21
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pisnazerr where did I see that the other day?00:22
ForzaPalermohey guys in trying to format my logial volume on an LVM i get the following error00:22
ForzaPalermocan someone help me?00:22
DaSkreechluis__: What is the file supposed to do ?00:22
luis__to open a program to test my connection00:22
=== QuiPane is now known as takoski
luis__but it says: OS windows XP, and vista :S00:22
luis__its a program than will test my connection so i can see if i can play without problems MGO in my ps300:23
luis__yah? :)00:23
DaSkreechluis__: A port scanner ?00:23
DaSkreechWhat is the name of the program ?00:24
luis__yep :)00:24
luis__but is specially designed for a videogame00:24
luis__what i mean00:24
luis__is than the test00:24
Haza1Evening gents. How can i tell my kubuntu desktop not to display the items in my taskbar on all desktops?00:24
luis__will throw a result00:24
pisnazerr not trying to teach iptables via chat :P00:24
luis__than will say me if i am able to play MGO or not in my ps300:24
DaSkreechHaza1: Which version of KDE ?00:24
luis__u know?00:24
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:24
Haza1KDE 4.1.400:24
luis__i will go to vista to open the exe00:24
Haza1@ DaSkreech00:25
luis__ubuntu is giving to much problems with exes :S00:25
drostieForzaPalermo: why aren't your lvm devices under /dev/mapper ?00:25
DaSkreechluis__: You can run it in wine then00:25
DaSkreech!wine | luis__00:25
ubottuluis__: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help00:25
ForzaPalermodrostie: i didnt know they had to be00:25
DaSkreechHaza1: That abilty was added in KDE 4.200:25
draik_DaSkreech: The freezing issues was caused by nepomuk. I am now having issues with maintaining a connection to my network. It keeps on failing.00:25
DaSkreechdraik_: Do you know on which level?00:26
drostieForzaPalermo: I'm not sure they *have* to be, but they should be by default. What does [ls /dev/mapper] say?00:26
DaSkreechhardware? driver? network? protocol ?00:26
ForzaPalermodrostie: your a genius00:26
ForzaPalermothat idd it00:26
draik_DaSkreech: Nope. I just don't have an IP anymore. Manual setup does nothing.00:26
ForzaPalermoits formatting00:26
ForzaPalermobut why does the volume appear in dev/00:26
DaSkreechdraik_: how do you get your IP? Manually or DHCP ?00:26
ForzaPalermoi have /dev/STOARAGE00:26
draik_DaSkreech: DHCP00:26
ForzaPalermothen /dev/mapper/STORAGE-STORAGE00:26
Haza1DaSkreech: hmm, maybe i asked my question wrong. (Ive done this before on my old desktop KDE 3.5.10)00:26
DaSkreechdraik_: sudo dhclient00:26
DaSkreechHaza1: Yes I know but it wasn't in KDE 4.100:27
DaSkreechHaza1: Is that really important to you?00:27
drostieForza: You might have to [ls -al /dev/STORAGE*] for me to answer that question, but if I had to guess, the mkfs command might have created blank files there when it saw that the destination file didn't exist.00:28
Haza1well i usually have alot of windows open on my machine so have 4+ desktops worth of open eindows in one desktop worths taskbar is pretty squashed :)00:28
draik_DaSkreech: Ok. It's listing off eth0 and pan0 (never seen/heard of pan0)00:28
kenny__How do I install bugzilla under ubuntu(8.10)? I have installed bugzilla3 with all dependencies (including mysql and apache2), hope I set the right db_user and db_pass in localconfig, but there is no http://localhost/bugzilla site.00:28
kenny__ How do I tell the apache server to display the bugzilla pages under http://localhost/bugzilla?00:28
pisnazpan 0 ?00:28
drostiedraik_: pan0 is an interface often used for cooking delicious bacon. See also the HTTP 418 error code, "I'm a teapot".00:29
draik_DaSkreech: No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.00:29
ForzaPalermodrostie: drwx------  2 root root   60 2009-02-27 00:14 .00:29
ForzaPalermodrwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4200 2009-02-27 00:14 ..00:29
ForzaPalermolrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   27 2009-02-27 00:14 STORAGE -> /dev/mapper/STORAGE-STORAGE00:29
DaSkreechHaza1: If you would like to you can update to KDE 4.200:29
ForzaPalermothats theoutput00:29
ForzaPalermosorry for not using psate bin for that00:29
* pisnaz goes looking for my pan0....getting hungry00:30
DaSkreechdraik_: Hmm Ok Is the computer plugged into the network?00:30
Haza1DaSkreech: I can do that but can you quickly tell me (so i understand better in the future) why i can do this with KDE 3.x.x but not 4.1.x ?00:30
draik_DaSkreech: It works when I first boot, but then goes away after a minute or two.00:30
draik_I was in the middle of an upgrade00:30
DaSkreechHaza1: There was no code retained from KDE 3 to KDE 400:30
pisnazcan you manually assign your ip? and ping the nwk?00:30
DaSkreech Or rather very little00:30
draik_pisnaz: Nope. I tried. Nothing.00:31
Haza1ahh i see. Okay thats fine.00:31
DaSkreechHaza1: It was all ported and rewritten00:31
drostieForzaPalermo: that basically tells you that /dev/STORAGE is a symbolic link to the correct device. Did you ever type in some sort of [ln -s] command? Because I wasn't aware that the LVM created those.00:31
Haza1DaSkreech: One last quesation. updating from KDE4.1.x to 4.2.x... its not a big deal right?00:31
DaSkreechHaza1:  for the Desktop KDE 3 code was thrown away as unmaintainable and everything was written from scratch00:31
ForzaPalermodrostie: no00:31
ForzaPalermodrostie: so i can just remove that folder?00:31
draik_Haza1: Nope. I did it and I'm using it on this laptop.l00:31
DaSkreechHaza1: Not that big a deal. You go to adept and enable unsupported updates and then update00:31
Haza1DaSkreech, draik_: Perfect! Thank you :)00:32
draik_Haza1: You're going to like 4.200:32
drostieForzaPalermo: well, it's not a folder, but yes. [sudo rm /dev/STORAGE] should remove the symbolic link.00:32
Haza1draik_: Oh? :)00:32
DaSkreechHaza1: The desktop gains a lot of functionality each .x release since they are adding in lots of new (and old) features00:32
ForzaPalermoyep done00:32
draik_It looks so purdy00:32
ForzaPalermoi have a quesation00:32
* Haza1 is getting excited already!00:32
ForzaPalermoif i ever wipe my HD with the OS not on the LVM00:33
DaSkreechHaza1: 4.2 is quite nice :)00:33
Haza1i loves the new version as it is!! :D00:33
kenny__How do I install bugzilla under ubuntu(8.10)? I have installed bugzilla3 with all dependencies (including mysql and apache2), hope I set the right db_user and db_pass in localconfig, but there is no http://localhost/bugzilla site.00:33
kenny__ How do I tell the apache server to display the bugzilla pages under http://localhost/bugzilla?00:33
ForzaPalermoand i put a fresh ubuntu on it00:33
ForzaPalermowill it recognize the LVM00:33
pisnazdralk_]sounds like a cable or server/router issue00:33
Mooqballim on a fresh install on today's build of jaunty it seems pretty stable00:33
* Haza1 is not going to waste any time and gets on it staright away00:33
pisnazok brb need a normal kb hooked in this mini is brutal for chat lol00:33
DaSkreechkenny__: point it to the ugzilla install as it's RootDoc00:33
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:33
drostieForzaPalermo: if you install lvm2 on the new ubuntu install, then yes, it should recognize the existing lvm.00:34
ForzaPalermoawsome thank you sir!00:34
DaSkreechHaza1: We should be here if you have any troubles00:34
Haza1DaSkreech: Thank you. Its appreciated :) Not aleays the easiest to get a *nix OS working... especially on a laptop ;)00:34
drostieI feel like my obligatory warning about upgrading to KDE 4.2 from Ubuntu 8.10 needs to be reiterated here.00:35
DaSkreechHaza1: :-)00:35
ForzaPalermodrostie: also i have to mount the lvm still like a regular hdd right?00:36
DaSkreechdrostie: pleasedo00:36
kenny__DaSkreech: Bugzilla contains this web directory: /usr/share/bugzilla3/web/index.html How do I set it in apache2's httpd.conf as RootDir?00:36
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DaSkreechkenny__: can you browse there and see the bugzilla?00:36
drostieWarning: an upgrade of 8.10 to KDE 4.2 may or may not require lots of work to setup and/or break your current setup. Just saying.00:36
draik_DaSkreech: What do you speculate on this issue? Why would the IP suddenly be dropped?00:36
DaSkreechdraik_: No idea what happened -> no speculation00:37
DaSkreechNetwork stuff really needs to not be troubleshot in the dark00:37
kenny__DaSkreech: Browsing there blinks up some text, then says /cgi-bin/bugzilla3/index.cgi not found.00:37
pisnazdrostle: really?  no issues here on my systems, personally it seems to of fixed some quirks I had.00:37
kenny__DaSkreech: Trying to symlink bugzillas web directory into htdocs...00:38
drostieForzaPalermo: you don't need to mount the lvm as a whole, but you may well need to mount the individual volumes. This may happen automatically on bootup if you tweak /etc/fstab.00:38
kenny__DaSkreech: symlink didn't help either00:39
DaSkreechkenny__: http://howto.landure.fr/gnu-linux/debian-4-0-etch-en/install-bugzilla-3-on-debian-4-0-etch00:40
drostiepisnaz: I have met some people who could not log in. When I personally tried to upgrade via the experimental ppa, I could log in, but lots of useful stuff was broken. Like wireless. And keyboard input. ^_^;; Since debian is crap at downgrading packages, I had to reinstall fresh from the Jaunty alpha.00:40
DaSkreechSimialr process00:40
pisnazdralk I had my network suddenly stop working no ip etc but I could use ifconfig and set my ip and get on so it seems odd yours is totally dead, unless it is external to the system affected (and mine just magically started working after I had messesd around without any action being the main source)00:40
ForzaPalermohow do i get it to show as a drive or volume in places in kde 4.2?00:40
ForzaPalermoi mounted it00:40
WalzmynAnybody else have flash break on them?00:40
ForzaPalermodo i need to reboot?00:40
pisnazdrostle: You reminded me I lied, I had a huge error broken permissions and such once.00:40
WalzmynForzaPalermo, look on your task bar, just to the left of the time00:41
drostieForzaPalermo: Right click in the "Places" panel and click "Add Entry..." ...?00:41
ForzaPalermoits not a last plugged in device00:41
drostieWalzmyn: I don't think LVM drives are automatically noticed by udev.00:42
WalzmynForzaPalermo, sorry, missunderstood the question00:42
ForzaPalermoi dont see it drostie00:42
ForzaPalermoim in places but nothing about add entry pops up00:43
ForzaPalermooh i got it00:43
pisnazdagnabit looks like I have to replace a keyboard connector fuse...ugghh00:43
drostieForzaPalermo: yeah, Dolphin is annoying like that. ^_^;;00:43
ForzaPalermook i got it00:44
ForzaPalermogood night guys!00:44
ibuffyagain! argh!00:44
pisnaznight Forza00:44
drostiepisnaz: "when the gas runs out, just wreck it -- you insured the thing." ^_^00:44
ibuffy  kde-devel: Depends: kdebase-dev (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed00:44
ibuffyE: Broken packages00:44
WalzmynFlash was working, I got an update for it this morning and now it's not working - anybody else having issues?00:45
DaSkreechWalzmyn: Same site?00:46
pisnazdrostle: rofl nah this system is working now but the ps/2 port for keyboards seems to be dead pointing tme to the fuse on the mobo, easy job just have to tear system down...and yes I have spares rofl.  Since the system was free and works good it is a small price to pay for a htpc00:46
drostieibuffy: what repository are these packages in?00:46
* DaSkreech puts up a notice00:46
WalzmynDaSkreech, yeah, youtube00:46
ibuffyone sec i may have fixed it00:46
ibuffysame 'ol dpkg -i --force-overwrite00:46
DaSkreechI'm herebut if anyone wants me then ping me or say my name00:46
DaSkreechWalzmyn: Firefox ?00:46
WalzmynDaSkreech, F and Konq00:47
DaSkreechOh Hmm I dunno00:47
DaSkreechI was on yutube about 4 hours ago00:47
DaSkreechWorked then00:47
* Walzmyn frowns00:47
khalidmianhi missing ktorrent icon when i go into menu editor and choose icon it never keeps it any clue why?00:48
ibuffyargh.... i have packages that keep removing other packages00:49
ibuffythey all need to be on the same page00:49
ibuffythis is annoying00:49
pisnazcould use pat-get :P00:49
ibuffyi should never had used that crazy psycocats 'pure kde' stuff00:49
ibuffypisnaz: right, yeah.. i've used that... sign00:49
ibuffydrostie: any advice?00:49
draik_DaSkreech: I guess I'll just reinstall Kubuntu and go from there.00:50
drostieibuffy: my advice is that this guy shares your pain? (http://www.miketaylor.org.uk/tech/wxinmfpl/debian.html)00:50
DaSkreechdraik_: You can hunt down errors00:50
DaSkreechdraik_: you say that even a static Ip address doesn't work ?00:50
khalidmianicon help pls00:50
draik_System froze.00:50
DaSkreechdraik_: uuuuggh00:50
DaSkreechdraik_: /home partition ?00:51
draik_It's all on one drive00:51
draik_Nothing important00:51
draik_Not anymore anyways.00:51
DaSkreechdraik_: Right backup00:51
drostieibuffy: the bottom of that page suggests that, if you include a particular option, you can convince apt-get to tell dpkg to --force-overwrite, which may fix your problem.00:52
draik_:( now the reinstall is frozen. I have chosen the keyboard and now it is not responding to the hard drive options for installation. :(00:52
pisnazibuffy:I totally missed what was wrong, and I was semi serious about apt-get I use it a bit00:52
fernandoalguien que me pueda ayudar00:52
draik_DaSkreech: Make a backup of what? Nothing is there.00:52
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draik_!es | Guest702800:52
ubottuGuest7028: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:52
DaSkreechdraik_: Never mind :)00:53
drostie(I'm assuming that all of these packages are in the experimental PPA and that the experimental PPA is self-consistent, either of which may be false and hence invalidate that advice.)00:53
ibuffyyeah.. didn't work00:53
ibuffygeez i left rh9 back in the day to get rid of dep hell00:53
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Haza1DaSkreech: I may be as think as a whale omelette but... i check the unsupported packages tickbox, fetched headers and updated (about 121 mbs)00:54
Haza1Do i need a restart to see changes in KDE from 4.1.x to 4.2.x ?00:54
DaSkreechHaza1: Logout  on the login screen press alt+E then login00:55
pisnazibuffy: err ..sudo apt-get -f install00:55
pisnazibuffy: and try a sudo apt-get check00:55
DaSkreechHaza1: wait00:55
ibuffyis there a way to get all programs to be on the same page00:55
DaSkreechDo you know how to get here if X breaks ?00:55
pisnazvia adept?00:56
ibuffymaybe make sure most of them are from one certain repo?00:56
drostieibuffy: what if you just try to do all at once? [sudo apt-get -f install kde-devel kde-core kdesdk kdelibs5-dev libkonq5-dev kdebase-workspace-dev  kdepimlibs5-dev libphonon-dev libqimageblitz-dev libxkbfile-dev -o DPkg::options::="--force-all"] or so?00:56
ibuffydrostie: i'll try it00:56
Haza1DaSkreech: "Trying to migrate resource" <--- sound good?00:56
pisnazas drostie said that should work00:56
DaSkreechHaza1: Yay! KDE 4.2 :)00:56
Haza1DaSkreech: :D00:57
Haza1DaSkreech: Thank you :D00:57
ibuffydrostie: http://dpaste.com/2163/00:57
Haza1ooooooh. it looks pretty00:57
DaSkreechRight click the task bar and see if hte options you seek are there00:57
drostieibuffy: blargh.00:58
Haza1DaSkreech: There are indeed more options00:58
Haza1DaSkreech: Just looking through them now00:58
pisnazibuffy: you trying to isntall kdedev or just kde 4,2??00:58
DaSkreechHaza1: The permanent song of KDE :)00:58
DaSkreechHaza1: The important part is does it have the options yo uant ?00:58
jin_122i get this error when i try to do the update. =  e-jat: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version00:59
drostieibuffy: Are the packages that "are not going to be installed" already installed (in different versions) on your system00:59
jin_122how do i fix it?00:59
ibuffypisnaz: kde-devel00:59
ibuffyi need kdevelop00:59
ibuffydrostie: yes00:59
khalidmianpaleeeezeee help with icon proble i am having00:59
ibuffyi need to work on a proposal for gsoc but can't without me kdevelop00:59
pisnazsudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop will get KDE en mass may be similar for kdevelop00:59
DaSkreechkhalidmian: what is it?00:59
drostieibuffy: can you apt-get remove them and then apt-get install kde-devel normally?01:00
pisnazgive me a sec01:00
ibuffyand it was installed previously but i think it was automatically removed the other day o.O01:00
ibuffydrostie: apt-get remove what?01:00
drostieibuffy: the old copies of these packages.01:00
ibuffydrostie: i wouldn't know how01:00
khalidmianDaSkreech: program shows ? as an icon when i go into menu editor and choose icon and save it it doesnt save icon or my choice and leaves it as ? how do i resolve that01:01
Haza1DaSkreech: Back, i went to get a cup of tea01:01
Haza1DaSkreech: I'll see if i can find the options i need01:01
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help01:01
Haza1DaSkreech: Yay! it does.01:02
drostieibuffy: [sudo apt-get remove kde-core kdesdk kdelibs5-dev libkonq5-dev] etc, then [sudo apt-get install kde-devel] to reinstall them all automatically.01:02
DaSkreechkhalidmian: Which menu ?01:02
khalidmianmenu editor01:03
ibuffydrostie: http://dpaste.com/2164/01:03
DaSkreechkhalidmian: which one doesn't have an icon ?01:03
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khalidmianDaSkreech: isnt that where i can edit menu for icons?01:04
DaSkreechkhalidmian: Yes I just went in and found one with ? and changed it from Lancelot01:04
DaSkreechWorked here01:04
khalidmianDaSkreech: ktorrent shows ? instead of ktorrent icon01:04
Guest36123good morning01:04
DaSkreechtrying to figure out what's different with you01:04
pisnazibuffy: you try sudo apt-get kde-devel-extras?  That will require kde-core and kde-devel should pull everything01:04
Guest36123hi evbody01:05
pisnazheya guest01:05
DaSkreechkhalidmian: and you click save before you quit?01:05
DaSkreech!hi | Guest3612301:05
ubottuGuest36123: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:05
khalidmianDaSkreech: yes 2-3 times all times no avail01:05
ibuffypisnaz: install or remove?01:05
Haza1DaSkreech: wow. you were not lying about kde 4.2.x01:05
Guest36123i have eror message with firefox01:05
Guest36123can u help me?01:05
DaSkreechkhalidmian: remove the menu and add it back01:05
drostieibuffy: you've officially baffled me. ^_^ I thought you said you already had old versions of some of these packages. Which ones do you have old versions of, if aptitude doesn't know about them01:05
DaSkreechGuest36123: Maybe What is the error message?01:06
ibuffypisnaz: http://dpaste.com/2165/01:06
Guest36123actually it's about DansGuardian01:06
ibuffydrostie: i don't know what i have01:06
Guest36123can i uninstall DansGuardian01:07
Guest36123what the effect with firefox?01:07
pisnazibuffy: you run a sudo apt-get check?01:07
DaSkreechGuest36123: What is dansguardian ?01:07
drostieibuffy: [sudo apt-get remove libkonq5-dev kdepimlibs5-dev libphonon-dev libqimageblitz-dev libxkbfile-dev] ...?01:07
ibuffypisnaz: yes01:08
ibuffydrostie: :)01:08
ibuffyalready tried that01:08
ibuffydidn't work01:08
ibuffysame error as before01:08
ibuffyexact same01:08
drostieNone of those packages are installed either? o_O01:08
tellmehowpleasecan anyone tell me how to get a logitech mic to work in audacity01:08
Guest36123it's something like firewall or else but i don't know yet01:08
ibuffydrostie: http://dpaste.com/2170/01:09
Guest36123hi... anybdy know how to uninstall dansguardian?01:09
drostieegads. --_--;;01:09
=== Guest36123 is now known as adam
adamhi... anybdy know how to uninstall dansguardian?01:10
DaSkreechadam: How did you install it?01:10
khalidmianDaSkreech: damn lol i forgot the command now! tehsucks01:10
=== adam is now known as Guest20930
* DaSkreech ponders. Which command?01:10
BsimsI am wanting a simple amarok based web dj software01:10
khalidmianDaSkreech: example akregator %i -caption "%c"01:11
pisnazGuest36123: sudo apt-get remove dansguardian via the terminal01:11
pisnazibuffy: sudo apt-get -f install had no effect?01:12
khalidmianDaSkreech: i forgot the command i should put when i creat icon01:12
khalidmianDaSkreech: the icon doesnt work without command01:12
DaSkreechkhalidmian: ah so it works noe?01:12
jin_122is it possible that i didn't install ubuntu correctly but still be able to use it?01:13
pisnazdrostie: should we just say burn it? lol01:14
khalidmianDaSkreech: actually it doesnt if i put put a command01:14
drostieibuffy: I think there's an inconsistency in the package system itself. When I [aptitude show libphonon-dev], it suggests that the current version replaces kdelibs5-dev. When I [aptitude show kdepimlibs5-dev], it suggests that this depends on kdelibs5-dev.01:14
khalidmianDaSkreech: actually it doesnt if i dont put a command i mean01:15
DaSkreechjin_122: Yes. It's pretty hard to break Linux so a number of thigns could have gone wrong and it will still work to some extent01:15
pisnazdrostie: that could explain, I had a similar error but I used -d so01:16
drostieSince your package depends on both libphonon-dev and kdepimlibs5-dev, it doesn't know what to do. And if I had to guess, the libphonon-dev "replaces" field is wrong, and should be a "depends" field. (Not sure, but seems decently plausible.)01:16
jin_122:/ thanks DaSkreech. I just installed Ubuntu and I get some errors that I couldn't solve via google01:16
khalidmiani give up ill just have to reinstall kubuntu01:17
ibuffydrostie: know where i could check that?01:17
ibuffyit's driving me mad01:17
ign0ramusHey all.01:17
DaSkreechjin_122: This wuld be the place to try solve them01:17
DaSkreechkhalidmian: To get an icon ?01:18
ign0ramusI'm compiling the latest gstreamer plugins on Hardy, but autogen keeps telling me that xvimagesink will not be built (dependencies).  Anyone have any idea what I need? I've searched the forums, but no luck :(01:18
khalidmianDaSkreech: i give up because everything is so complicated01:18
khalidmiani mean01:18
jin_122DaSkreech: how do i fix this ?? >> E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version01:18
DaSkreechkhalidmian: Take a screenshot of the menu editor and pastebin it for me01:18
khalidmianhow do i pastebin?01:19
DaSkreechkhalidmian: open ksnapshot and take a screen of the application then drag the picture from off ksnapshot into the pastebin widget01:19
DaSkreechjin_122: How much space tdo you have on the hard drive?01:19
jin_122plenty of space for that update package01:20
DaSkreechjin_122: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.2701:21
drostieibuffy: I'm not sure how you would check that. When I [apt-get --simulate install kde-devel], no problems are reported.01:21
jin_122DaSkreech: i got this E: Couldn't find package linux-image02.6.2701:21
drostieAnd I can't try the install for myself, because I'm on a 8 KBps internet line.01:22
khalidmianDaSkreech: http://imagebin.ca/view/Sjsr46O.html i think01:22
pisnazibuffy: let me try it01:22
drostiemaybe you could try installing all of those dependencies except libphonon-dev?01:22
ibuffydrostie: not for me: http://dpaste.com/2179/01:22
DaSkreechjin_122: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic01:23
pisnazibuffy: Yeah seems I get similar errors here also01:24
khalidmianDaSkreech: http://imagebin.ca/view/NqyZol-X.html01:24
jin_122DaSkreech: I got this , linux-image-generic is already the newest version.01:24
jin_1220 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.01:24
khalidmianits gwenview01:24
drostieibuffy, pisnaz: Are you guys on 8.10 with the experimental ppa, or on jaunty?01:24
draik_What would cause the LiveCD to not see my hard drive?01:24
DaSkreechjin_122: which not upgraded?01:24
khalidmianjin_122: gwenview needs updating01:25
DaSkreechdraik_: not plugged in?01:25
draik_Take that back. I can mount it, but I can't install to it01:25
DaSkreechdraik_: How are you trying to install to it?01:25
draik_The install seems to be unable of finding my HDD01:25
khalidmianjin_122: use adept search for gwenview it wil tell you gwenview is upgradable01:25
pisnazdrostie: I am yes01:26
jin_122this is not upgraded maybe? linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb ??01:26
ibuffydrostie: intrepid01:26
drostiepisnaz: I gave you two options. Neither one was "yes." :P01:26
jin_122where can i access the adept search01:26
ibuffydrostie: 8.1001:26
pisnazdrostie: lol sorry long day 8.1001:27
khalidmianDaSkreech: did you take a look at image?01:27
ibuffypisnaz: lsb_release -a01:27
ibuffyfor future ref01:27
DaSkreechjin_122: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic01:27
DaSkreechkhalidmian: That's quite bare why is there no command?01:27
ibuffyman i have no patience tonight01:27
drostieok. so the --simulate works in jaunty, the --simulate and install are both broken on the experimental PPA?01:27
ibuffysrsly i am so close from wiping this filesystem clean and starting over01:28
pisnazibuffy : :P01:28
* drostie scratches his head.01:28
khalidmianDaSkreech: i forgot what the command is i accidently deleted the actual icon01:28
DaSkreechktorrent %i -caption "%c" %u01:28
jin_122DaSkreech: this showed up after I input command E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)01:28
jin_122e-jat: Unable to lock the download directory01:28
DaSkreechjin_122: Do you have adept open?01:29
jin_122i don't know what it is. so i assume no01:29
draik_DaSkreech: BTW, LiveCD was also killing off the IP address. What would cause that to happen?01:29
DaSkreechdraik_: sounds like anetwork issue01:29
drostieibuffy: can you at least stop getting this error mesage by [sudo apt-get remove kde-devel kdebase-dev] ?01:29
pisnazdrostie: is there not a way to use apt-cache to check for more info?01:30
ibuffydrostie: holy jizz.01:30
ibuffyit's removing01:30
drostie:-D something, at any rate.01:30
ibuffynow what to do..01:30
draik_I can't re-install Ibex onto my HDD.01:30
ibuffyi'll try installing kde-devel01:30
drostieokay, but don't force it.01:31
ibuffyi didn't01:31
ibuffyand it didn't install01:31
draik_It gets stuck on step 3 of 601:31
pisnazcool it removed.01:32
drostieibuffy: and, I'd try [sudo apt-get install kde-core] to see whether one of those dependencies from before works, too.01:32
ibuffydrostie: http://dpaste.com/2188/01:33
khalidmianDaSkreech: OK  finally i have an icon how to i move it up or down?01:33
felixhummelhi! pressing alt+tab and holding it shows a border around the next selected window. is it possible to change this border's color?01:33
Guest20930oh god... i've been unistall dans guardian but i now can't open the web anymore.01:33
ibuffydrostie: it's installing kde-core01:33
Guest20930"Proxy Server Refused Connection" just after i uninstall dansguardian01:33
Guest20930help me please01:34
Guest20930what shoud i do?01:34
ibuffyreally why do we even still have juk? :P01:34
DaSkreechkhalidmian: Hooray!01:35
drostieibuffy: yay, progress!01:35
Guest20930"Proxy Server Refused Connection" just after i uninstall dansguardian01:35
DaSkreechkhalidmian: what did you get to get the icon ?01:35
ibuffyi loved it back in the day, but wow, amarok is leagues ahead of it.. we could use the juk devs on amarok01:35
Guest20930"Proxy Server Refused Connection" just after i uninstall dansguardian what should i do... help me please01:35
ibuffytons to be done01:35
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:35
ibuffyyes, progress01:35
DaSkreechjin_122: ^^^^01:35
DaSkreech sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a01:35
drostieibuffy: try to also manually install kdesdk, kdelibs5-dev, libkonq5-dev, kdebase-workspace-dev, kdepimlibs5-dev, libqimageblitz-dev, and libxkbfile-dev.01:36
khalidmianDaSkreech: http://imagebin.ca/view/XjtBIw5d.html see this i have another question01:36
Guest20930"Proxy Server Refused Connection" just after i uninstall dansguardian what should i do... help me please01:36
drostieThat's all of the dependencies except for libphonon-dev.01:36
khalidmianDaSkreech: i actually had to remove the icon with a ? and redo the icon as you said01:37
DaSkreechkhalidmian: for future there is a drop down on the ksnapshot you can take a picture of just the app01:37
pisnazGuest20930: I am assuming you have your proxy info.  Go to system settings Network settings and setup your proxy there01:37
DaSkreechkhalidmian: Ok you want to move where it is in the menu ?01:37
ibuffydrostie: http://dpaste.com/2196/01:38
yao_ziyuanis there somewhere like nopaste and tinypic but can let me upload small binary files?01:38
ibuffywere you referring to me installing via ./configure make and make install?01:38
ibuffyyao_ziyuan: filebin.ca01:38
khalidmianDaSkreech: OOOOOOOOPS didnt know anyways see how ktorent icon is on the very top? how do i move it underneath kopete for example01:39
yao_ziyuanmany thanks01:39
drostieibuffy: no, just apt-get.01:39
Guest20930"Proxy Server Refused Connection" just after i uninstall dansguardian what should i do... help me please01:39
ibuffyokay, didn't work then :P01:39
ibuffy(paste above as i'm sure you saw)01:39
draik_Why does nepomukservicestub take 99-100% of CPU?01:40
DaSkreechkhalidmian: nothing big. Just makes it easier to show what you are talking about01:40
drostieibuffy: let's try to trace this out. If you [sudo apt-get install libical-dev], what happens?01:40
DaSkreechkhalidmian: Menu editor and just drag and drop01:40
yao_ziyuanQtCurve 0.61.2 for KDE3: http://filebin.ca/mtyntc/qtcurve-kde3_0.61.2-0_i386.deb01:40
Guest20930"Proxy Server Refused Connection" just after i uninstall dansguardian what should i do... help me please01:40
drostieDoes it say that libical0 is not going to be installed?01:40
ibuffydrostie: http://dpaste.com/2198/01:42
drostieGood lord, it's 2:40 am in my time zone. I am definitely not going to wake up in time for tomorrow morning's classes ^_^;;01:42
ibuffydrostie: sorry for the mess above01:42
drostie:-D no, it's fine. I think we just found the problem.01:43
ibuffythat would be excellent news01:44
Guest20930"Proxy Server Refused Connection" just after i uninstall dansguardian what should i do... help me please01:44
drostietype [aptitude show libical-dev] -- does it say "Depends: libical0 (= 0.33-1)" ...?01:44
drostieGuest20930: um, that's fascinating, but I was asking ibuffy, since that's the setup that I need to fix. :-P01:46
ibuffyit does01:46
ibuffyDepends: libical0 (= 0.33-1)01:46
pisnazGuest20930: You behind a proxy and if so do you have the info for it?01:47
drostieibuffy: okay. That's the difference (or, at least, *a* difference) between the jaunty and the experimental ppa.01:47
ibuffyif we have solved this, i would actually get out of my chair for a few seconds for a celebratory dance... and then almost collapse of a heart attack, but that wouldn't stop me from immediately reaching to the side of the screen for another bite of my big mac01:47
Guest20930the proxy in my firefox was blocked...01:49
drostieibuffy: okay. Download Jaunty's libical-dev package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/libical-dev01:50
pisnazhrrm need food but to dang curious to see if this will work lol01:51
drostieInstall that with dpkg or by clicking it in Dolphin, then try to [sudo apt-get install kdepimlibs5-dev].01:51
Guest20930sorry... can u help me with the command in the terminal?01:51
ibuffydrostie: http://dpaste.com/2202/01:51
ibuffycouldn't install it01:51
pisnazneeds libcal6 and txdata according to apt-cache for the 0.33.-101:52
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=== CyberDemon is now known as Xerba
drostieibuffy: hm. Download libical0 from the jaunty repository too, and install that first? :-D01:53
pisnazsry tzdatd*01:53
pisnazdagnabit **tzdata01:53
ibuffyGuest20930: i don't think pisnaz was telling you to download libcal6, that's for me i do believe01:53
pisnazibuffy: yeah just info01:53
ibuffydrostie: that was from the juanty repo01:53
ibuffylibcal 001:54
ibuffyon it01:54
pisnazGuest20930: I aske you and sent you a few questions or info and you did not respond to that yet01:54
ibuffynot found01:54
pisnazmmmm wildcards :P01:55
drostieheh. http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/libical001:55
ibuffyThis package is uninstallable01:55
ibuffyA later version is already installed01:55
pisnazbroke the drums? :P01:56
yao_ziyuanQtCurve 0.61.3 for GTK2: http://filebin.ca/edzvp/qtcurve-gtk2_0.61.3-0_i386.deb01:56
ibuffy^ drostie01:56
drostieibuffy: [sudo apt-get remove libical0], iff it doesn't remove half of your system with it. ^_^01:56
draik_Does anyone have 'nopemukservicestub storage' running at 99-100% CPU?01:56
ibuffydrostie: no worries, 4 to 5x was removed just yesterday01:57
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare-server
ibuffyas a heads up, this is what's being removed: http://dpaste.com/2203/01:58
ibuffyso now...01:58
ibuffylet's gdebi this mofo01:58
ibuffyalright, jaunty libical0 is installing01:58
draik_Sorry, that was to be nepomukservicestub01:58
pisnazfunny eh we could of reinstalled about 4 times over by now but never was a suggestion rofl01:58
=== Flare-server is now known as Flare-laptop
ibuffynow for libical-dev01:59
pisnazholy hell that is gonna be messy lol01:59
ibuffyi'm prepared for it01:59
DaSkreechpisnaz: Depends on the person01:59
drostieyeah, this looks like a Bad Idea(tm) that will Fail Gloriously(tm) ^_^01:59
ibuffyi have to get this proposal submitted soon01:59
=== Xerba is now known as Cyber-Demon
DaSkreechI have stuff that I can fix with a 20 minute re-install but I prefer to spend 8 days fixing it01:59
pisnazDaSkreech: Just a glaring contrast to a windows helproom rofl :P02:00
drostieibuffy: can the damn kdepimlibs5-dev be installed yet?02:00
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pisnazlol same here02:00
ibuffydrostie: yup02:00
ibuffynow the big question... kdevelop....02:00
pisnazbeen told oh that is unfixable reghost the system and gone oh yeah watch me :P02:00
DaSkreechpisnaz: Windows helproom: Close it and open it back. That didn't work? Ok try reboot. Hmm came back again? OK Format yoor machine and reinstall everything but that one application02:01
ibuffyi just want to use it for script-kiddie business, that's all02:01
pisnazDaskreech: ROFL!  And even worse is that fact that they all seem to be 1. unknowledgable of the basic comp info, and 2. jerks.02:02
DaSkreechThey aren't all jerks02:02
luis__in linux, there something similar to a firewall???02:02
ibuffydrostie: kdepimlibs5-dev installed02:02
drostieDaSkreech: you forgot, "have you tried updating your antivirus software and running a full system scan?"02:02
pisnaztrue though a few of the rooms I hit when bored made me nearly cry02:02
DaSkreechbut if they don't fit into the category of one then they are far too technical to help anyone02:02
pisnazlol drostie02:02
ibuffydrostie: http://dpaste.com/2204/02:02
Slartibartfastluis__ something like iptables ? :-)02:02
DaSkreech!firewall | luis__02:02
ubottuluis__: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:02
pisnazslap your system ibuffy :P02:03
drostieibuffy: trace it out. What does [sudo apt-get install kdelibs4-dev] tell you?02:03
ibuffydrostie: it tells me i'm pretty02:04
ibuffybut aside from that...02:04
SlartibartfastSeems still no nice graphical frontend for iptables in Kubuntu, right02:04
pisnazyou know it will be the very last package that is the broken/problem one eh :P02:05
pisnazlol ibuffy02:05
DaSkreechSlartibartfast: Guarddog?02:05
SlartibartfastMmmm ... let me see ...02:05
ibuffyo my! o my!02:05
uihI using gufw.. that's so simple02:05
ibuffyi want to dance but it would look really bad if i was dancing and crying at the same time :')02:06
ibuffykde-devel is installing02:06
* ibuffy reaches for the big-mac instead02:06
ibuffythank you drostie and you too pisnaz for rooting me on the entire time02:07
pisnazcry-dancing is all the rage i hear :P02:07
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pisnazlol np I learnt som stuff also :P02:08
pisnazlike I can not type on the keyboard dagnabit02:08
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drostieibuffy: I'm not sure you're out of the fire yet ^_^ but the experimental PPA is apparently all sorts of messed up right now, if you're getting all of these errors.02:08
ibuffyi want to think my family for always screaming through the walls that i can do it but to "turn that damn music down", mcdonald's for of course supplying your wonderfull burgers and greasy fries, [que the cheesy outro] and everyone.. you're the true heroes. thank you all and goodnight (not really)!02:09
DaSkreechdrostie: Missed it what's happening ?02:09
wildbathow do i change the LANGUAGE in locale in KDE 4.1?02:09
drostieDaSkreech: ibuffy is getting closer to a solution.02:09
pisnazyeah the question now is what is broken by the extreme methods to get it to install and what will happen when you start rebuilding ?02:10
DaSkreechWhat was the problem ?02:10
drostiekdevelop packages in the experimental ppa have paradox dependencies.02:10
ibuffymy computer has issues with newer and better versions of itself02:10
ibuffyor what drostie said02:10
pisnazshould of called the makeover show before trying to redefind it's self image :P02:11
drostieIf you're still having trouble, get the jaunty alpha cd and reinstall, because I'm frickin' tired and want to sleep. ;-P02:12
pisnazscreaming at it saying "you look fat in that GUI" really is detrimental02:12
DaSkreechYou should probably either be on backports or experimental02:12
DaSkreech not both02:12
ibuffykde may just need to lose weight and with nepomuk finally getting rid of java, it may just do that02:12
DaSkreechibuffy: It did get rid of java02:12
DaSkreechhoora KDE 4.302:12
pisnazgood to know02:13
ibuffydrostie: hehe, thanks a billion02:13
ibuffyi will do get out a jaunty cd if it actus up again02:13
DaSkreechIs that in fries or hamburger billion ?02:13
ibuffybecause i can't handly the madness again02:13
hallownamewhere can i get jaunty kde4 debs > 4.2.00?02:13
ibuffyUSD which is worth less than both02:13
DaSkreechhallowname: pacakages.ubuntu.com02:14
hallownameDaSkreech: thx :D02:14
pisnazstill somehow pulled back above the loonie dagnabit02:14
drostie'kay. g'night everybody!02:14
=== Guest20930 is now known as adam
ibuffythank you again02:14
pisnaznight drostie02:14
pisnazset 4 alarms lol02:14
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luis__okay people02:15
luis__before i say than if kubuntu has firewall02:15
luis__but i need the firewall because i need to desactivate the firewall in my router02:15
luis__can someone help me'02:16
luis__me router is a linksys WRT54G02:16
yao_ziyuanQtCurve 0.61.3 for KDE4: http://filebin.ca/foptmu/qtcurve-kde4_0.61.3-0_i386.deb02:16
yao_ziyuanDISCLAIMER: i uploaded these binaries from within china to filebin.ca via an insecure connection. use them at your own risk...02:16
yao_ziyuanbut i strongly recommend you guys to test drive these 3 debs in a virtual machine02:16
pisnaziptables is there luis02:17
DaSkreechluis__: Anyone else on your network?02:17
luis__just me :)02:17
pisnazthough why do you have to take down the routers firewall?02:17
luis__u know whats metal gear solid 4 tru?02:17
DaSkreechpisnaz: Gamezz!02:17
pisnazjust specify the system as a DMZ or open ports02:18
luis__the problem is pisnaz02:18
luis__than there is a error code02:18
DaSkreechpisnaz: Thanks of volunteering to help :)02:18
pisnazhey how am I affecting your router? :P02:18
SquidyHi there,, I'm trying to configure servicemenu to run xine when I click in a video file.... but nothing happens... and when I configure that to run mplayer or gmplayer it works... I think the trouble is in variable %F that xine is not recognizing... I'm using this: Exec=DISPLAY=:0.1 xine -f -g %F02:18
luis__than dont let me create rooms in metal gear online02:18
luis__i have checked some pages02:18
luis__and some say02:18
luis__than i have to activate UPnp, BUT, i have a lot of problems with this02:18
luis__others say than i have to open a port02:19
luis__but i tried this and nothing02:19
SquidyCan anyone help me? :)02:19
luis__others says i have to take down router firewall, but i dont know how to do this, yah?02:19
luis__the problem with UPnP is than i am disconnected from Playstation Network, thats why that solution is discarded, so i am triying the firewall thing :)02:20
pisnazdid you map the prot in the router ?  mind is fuzzy let me open my wrt45g config :P02:20
luis__u have a wrt54g???!!!02:20
pisnazof course great for modding :P02:21
pisnaznothing says fun like getting wifi up to nearly 10 km, though it can be tricky to get the angles lol02:21
luis__then, can u explain me why the UPnP gives so much problems with my ps3??02:21
pisnazcause upnp is s**t ? :P02:22
luis__then what i must do :S02:22
luis__take down the firewall??02:22
pisnazyou have the latest firmware?02:22
luis__i have 8.0002:22
pisnazdang you think I know the #'s in my head lol02:23
luis__then why u ask me the firmware lol02:23
pisnazasked if it was the latest :P02:24
pisnazcause the released a firmware fix for it a bit ago if I recall right02:24
pisnazcan you open the routers config web page?02:25
luis__lol of course, who no?02:25
pisnazkk remember I deal with all sorts :P02:26
luis__then f*cking help me :S02:26
luis__where i can download the lastes firmware then???02:26
pisnazbut.  the easy way is to just put the ip of the ps3 in the dmz02:27
pisnazleave the computers protected by the firewall but opens the p23 wide open02:27
luis__pisnaz, i tried that, AND NO!!!!!!!! lololol02:27
luis__dmz not work02:28
luis__i cant still create rooms :(02:28
luis__i already puted the ip for my ps302:28
pisnazwb da02:28
queazelwhy do I keep getting joined to this channel - is there a way to turn it off?02:28
luis__wb da?02:28
pisnazkk then check for the latest firmware and upgrade02:28
luis__that will help?02:28
pisnazcause it is not a firewall or port issue if it is in the dmz and still not working02:29
pisnazyour only feasable option02:29
luis__and if than dont work...02:29
luis__i am fucked? >_>02:29
pisnazgoogle dd-wrt02:29
pisnazif the firmware fails02:30
pisnaztry the firmware first02:31
DaSkreechqueazel: yes02:31
DaSkreech!ohmy | luis__02:31
ubottuluis__: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!02:31
luis__i am in linksys02:31
pisnazDaSkreech: tks02:31
luis__and i dont know where r the firmwares lol02:31
queazelDaSkreech:ok, thx02:32
pisnazclick the support button02:32
=== adam is now known as Guest32670
wildbathow do i change the LANGUAGE in locale in KDE 4.1?02:32
pisnaztop right hand02:33
luis__i clicked support02:33
queazel.. got it sorted02:34
* pisnaz seriously should of restocked my guinnesss supply02:34
pisnazfollow the directions on screen02:34
DaSkreechwildbat: check in system Settings02:35
luis__okay so02:35
luis__how i can now if my wrt54g is 1.0 or 1.102:35
tobbohello there02:35
pisnazturn it over should say on the bottom02:35
Slartibartfastluis__ check at the bottom ... the specifications will say02:36
luis__now i am downloading firmware 8.2 :)02:36
pisnazreally that high?  guess i should upgrade from 4 eh02:37
SuspectZerohmm this is weird. when i type the command "firefox -remote 'openUrl(http://www.google.ca/,new-tab)'" into console it works but when i type it into the run command field it doesnt do anything. any ideas why?02:41
mauricio_I have Samsung NC1002:41
mauricio_Audio is not working anymore, can you help me?02:41
pisnazluis__: err chech that again your model must match your fw.  8.2 refers to a version/model of wrt54g not the fw's02:42
asobiwhy does some flv files play in vlc but not others?02:42
Luijaok pisnaz02:42
Luijaactu installed02:42
Luijaso now02:42
Luijathe DMZ with this new firm will allow me to create rooms in MGO :D02:42
Luijaok, the moment of the truth lol02:43
Luijalet me click the "create room" button02:43
pisnazif you have not bricked the router ..02:43
Luija"u cant create room".............................02:43
pisnazcheck the model #, get the right firmware for the medel02:44
pisnaz8.2 refers to a model#02:44
Luijabut its upgraded02:44
Luijathats the firmware now02:45
pisnazgive me a few phone02:45
wildbatDaSkreech: $locale>>LANGUAGE=en_US:en  so how do i change to UTF8 ?02:49
DaSkreechwildbat: UTF-8 is not a language02:51
=== unknown__ is now known as Queef
peachesdoes this recording audio work for anyone in intrepid? it used to work in hardy now it's broken: "arecord -f cd -t raw | lame -x - audio.mp302:52
uihexport LANG=en_US:utf802:52
Queefeatin autin gootin02:52
=== Queef is now known as I-Sniff-Butts
I-Sniff-ButtsSo, what is going on?02:53
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!02:55
Picivorian: just dealt with it02:55
DaSkreechThanks Pici02:55
Wargasmthank you02:55
vorianPici: awesome02:55
Picier, Rather I just dealt with it.02:55
* DaSkreech laughs02:56
DaSkreechvorian: You aren't even in the list of names :)02:56
DaSkreechThanks too02:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ps303:01
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ03:01
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.03:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about really03:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rly03:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about f*ck03:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbox03:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbox36003:05
luis__lol ubutto dont like videogames lololol03:05
DaSkreechshe likes one03:06
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php03:07
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.03:08
tobboanybody have 3d display driver for sys 672?03:09
DaSkreech!botabuse > luis__03:10
ubottuluis__, please see my private message03:10
jin_122how do i fix this error? Errors were encountered while processing:03:11
jin_122 /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb03:11
jin_122e-jat: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:11
jin_122i got that error from this sudo get-apt install linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic03:11
DaSkreechjin_122: rm /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb && sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic03:12
DaSkreechjin_122: Sudo the first command03:14
DaSkreechluis__: That's a really long phone call03:14
jin_122rm /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb && sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic03:14
jin_122DaSkreech: i'm getting it ...03:17
DaSkreechtobbo: sudo lshw -C Video and pastebin03:17
=== Flare183 is now known as Flare-laptop
tobboHardware Lister (lshw) - B.02.1303:20
tobbousage: lshw [-format] [-options ...]03:20
tobbo       lshw -version03:20
tobbo-version        print program version (B.02.13)03:20
tobboformat can be03:20
tobbo-html           output hardware tree as HTML03:20
tobbo-xml            output hardware tree as XML03:20
tobbo-short          output hardware paths03:20
tobbo-businfo        output bus information03:20
tobbooptions can be03:20
tobbo-class CLASS    only show a certain class of hardware03:20
tobbo-C CLASS        same as '-class CLASS'03:20
tobbo-c CLASS        same as '-class CLASS'03:20
tobbo-disable TEST   disable a test (like pci, isapnp, cpuid, etc. )03:20
tobbo-enable TEST    enable a test (like pci, isapnp, cpuid, etc. )03:20
tobbo-quiet          don't display status03:20
tobbo-sanitize       sanitize output (remove sensitive information like serial numbers, etc.)03:20
tobbo-numeric        output numeric IDs (for PCI, USB, etc.)03:20
jin_122xDasSkreech: the same error popped out. Errors were encountered while processing:03:20
jin_122 /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb03:20
jin_122e-jat: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:20
=== Danu is now known as SPIB
=== SPIB is now known as Danu
jin_122i went into my /bin and i dun see any dpkg. is that a problem?03:22
DaSkreechjin_122: for a kernel? no not a problem03:23
DaSkreechjin_122: Oh wait you are looking for dpkg ?03:24
jin_122i'm trying to install that package. but it seems like i keep getting into trouble03:24
DaSkreechjin_122: try apt-get -f install03:24
jin_122 e-jat: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)  <--- so i went to cehck if the dpgk folder is there03:25
DaSkreechtobbo: What was the command you used?03:25
DaSkreechjin_122: dpkg is in /usr/bin03:25
jin_1220 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.03:25
DaSkreechnot /bin03:25
jin_122that's what i get when i run ur -f install03:25
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »03:26
DaSkreechtru sudo dpkg --configure -a03:26
jin_122nothing happen"03:26
[Tequila]How can I obtain the full history of Klipper03:27
[Tequila]for ex if I have 8 links in klipper history how can I select and copy all of them03:27
[Tequila]How can I obtain the full history of Klipper, for ex if I have 8 links in klipper history how can I select and copy all of them03:28
maze12salut à tous03:28
jin_122DaSkreech: I can't locate my dpkg folder in usr/bin either03:29
DaSkreechjin_122: run which dpkg03:29
DaSkreechjin_122: which dpkg03:30
jin_122this come up /usr/bin/dpkg03:30
DaSkreechjin_122: ls -l /usr/bin/dpkg03:31
DaSkreech!hi | diana03:31
ubottudiana: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!03:31
dianahola que tal ???03:31
DaSkreech!es | diana03:31
ubottudiana: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:31
jin_122-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 375340 2009-02-04 12:34 /usr/bin/dpkg03:31
jin_122what now?03:31
DaSkreechjin_122: That's correct then03:31
jin_122DaSkreech: what does that mean? how come i can't install my package03:32
[Tequila]How can I obtain the full history of Klipper, for ex if I have 8 links in klipper history how can I select and copy all of them03:32
DaSkreechuno momento03:32
DaSkreech[Tequila]: You don't03:33
[Tequila]I need too :)03:33
[Tequila]or another ustility DaSkreech03:33
DaSkreech[Tequila]: You can paste them one after anoher if you like I think03:34
GWildanyone here running Intrepid Ibex and an NVidia GeForce 6200 ?03:34
DaSkreechthen just highlight them and you have them in one shot03:34
DaSkreechtobbo: How did you get that error?03:34
DaSkreechjin_122: do you have anything in /var/lib/dpkg/info ?03:35
[Tequila]DaSkreech: I need to be able to "copy" mass amounts of links to a .txt of some sort03:35
[Tequila]DaSkreech: without going from copy link > to .txt file > paste03:35
jin_122DaSkreech: I have 5229 items in that folder03:36
tobbotobbo: sudo lshw -C Video and pastebin03:36
DaSkreechjin_122: delete them then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic03:38
DaSkreechtobbo: take off the and pastebin03:38
DaSkreechtobbo: just sudo lshw -C video03:38
jin_122DaSkreech: delete all 5229 items ????03:38
tobbook.what should i do then03:39
DaSkreechjin_122: Or you can hunt down the .list for that file03:40
DaSkreech!paste | tobbo03:40
ubottutobbo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:40
DaSkreechpastebin it03:40
jin_122DaSkreech: are these files important ? if yes, how do i hunt down the .list for that file i'm trying to install03:41
DaSkreechjin_122: not really03:44
jin_122DaSkreech: it says permission denied when i tried to delete these files?03:44
DaSkreechjin_122: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/*03:45
DaSkreechtobbo: Oh ... sis03:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sis03:45
DaSkreechOf course you don't03:45
tobbois there no 3d driver for sis?03:46
DaSkreechtobbo: No good ones03:46
DaSkreechtobbo: What are you trying to get running?03:47
jin_122pDaskreech: permission denied.....03:47
DaSkreechjin_122: hmm ok hold on03:47
DaSkreechjin_122: does it say for which file ?03:49
jin_122DaSkreech: @ first it says that argument was too long so i did the comand again w/o the * and i did it for each file .. the first 10 files was denied permmision03:50
DaSkreechjin_122: What are the first files ?03:50
jin_122killermach: remove write-protected regular file `/var/lib/dpkg/info/acl.list'? y03:52
jin_122killermach: cannot remove `/var/lib/dpkg/info/acl.list': Permission denied03:52
jin_122that's first file03:52
DaSkreechthat's with sudo ?03:52
jin_122thesleepingox@ubuntu:~$ sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/*03:53
jin_122[sudo] password for thesleepingox:03:53
jin_122sudo: unable to execute /bin/rm: Argument list too long03:53
jin_122sudo give me this03:53
DaSkreechjin_122: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/l*03:53
jin_122ok. that removed about 2000 files off my info folder . should i go ahead and excute that install command linux package?03:55
DaSkreechupdate and then yes03:55
DaSkreechrun sudo apt-get clean first03:55
jin_122DaSkreech:  /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb04:00
jin_122e-jat: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:00
jin_122that same error happened again04:00
jin_122DaSkreech:  /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb04:01
jin_122e-jat: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:01
jin_122that happened again :(04:01
DaSkreechjin_122: It downloaded it first right ?04:01
jin_122yes. it downloadd and install but failed04:01
SJrAnyone know if UT 2004 Linux is purchasable online (like Steam)04:01
DaSkreechSJr: Don't know04:03
EtFbAnyone know how to defined global shortcut keys in Windows?  This is more on-topic than it seems for #kubuntu: I got hooked on being able to start all my apps in Kubuntu using various keys -- Win+F for Firefox, Win+W for Open Office Writer, etc -- and now I want to do the same in Windows.  WITHOUT installing KDE there!  Has anyone scratched a similar itch?04:03
SJrEtFb can't you just create a shortcut04:03
SJrthen assign a key combo to the short cut04:03
EtFbSjr: Hmmm... I don't know.  Let me check...04:04
jin_122EtFb: get a macro program. then u can set up different shortcut keys04:04
SJrAnd that is so off topic I would not only ban you off this network, I would break into your house and anally rape your mother for trying to use that line. You are also switching from Linux which is in excusable04:04
EtFbSjr: Nope, only allows Ctrl+Alt+[letter], whereas I want to use Win+[letter], cos I use Emacs so everything else is already defined...04:05
DaSkreech!coc | SJr04:05
ubottuSJr: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:05
SJrHmmmm let me see EtFb04:05
EtFbSJr: Switching from Linux?  Rinse out your mouth, ye varlot!!!  Naah, I just have to use Windoze at work.04:05
SJrlol yeah I'm just messing around04:05
DaSkreechSJr: Don04:05
SJrNo I mean the switching from Linux remark :P04:06
jin_122DaSkreech: anyother ways ?04:06
EtFbSJr: Absolutely, DaSkreech - I was quite unoffended.  Quite a reasonable response when someone appears to be using Windows.  They kill you for that in Moslem countries...04:06
SJrmuslim :P04:06
DaSkreechjin_122: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb04:07
SJrSpeaking of short cut keys, how is gods name do I get the K menu to pop up when I press the windows key04:07
DaSkreechYou can't under X04:08
SJromg that is so lame04:08
DaSkreechWithout hacking04:08
DaSkreechThe WIndows key is a modifer key04:08
DaSkreechLike Shift04:08
DaSkreechbyitself it's not allowed to do anything04:08
DaSkreechThough you can get around that04:09
DaSkreechjin_122: done ?04:14
jin_122DaSkreech: done downloading. how do i install this?04:14
DaSkreechsudo dpkg -a linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb04:15
SJrDaSkreech how can I get around that? with a keyboard map by chance.04:15
DaSkreechyeah I would guess04:15
DaSkreechI didn't see how it was done but I know someone made that one button pop up an app04:16
DaSkreechcourse then he couldn't use itfor anything else04:16
jin_122thesleepingox@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -a linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb04:16
jin_122[sudo] password for thesleepingox:04:16
jin_122dpkg: need an action option04:16
jin_122thesleepingox@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -a linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb04:16
jin_122[sudo] password for thesleepingox:04:16
jin_122dpkg: need an action option04:16
jin_122thesleepingox@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -a linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb04:16
jin_122[sudo] password for thesleepingox:04:16
jin_122dpkg: need an action option04:16
DaSkreechjin_122: sorry! -i not -a04:16
jin_122thesleepingox@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -a linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb04:17
jin_122dpkg: need an action option04:17
jin_122it says dpkg: need an action option04:17
jin_122which one do i choose?04:17
DaSkreechjin_122: sorry! -i not -a04:17
jin_122DaSkreech: sorry, i didn't know i pasted so much. my mirc was scrolled up04:17
DaSkreechjin_122: you were about to get kicked04:18
jin_122sorry :(04:18
macoholy crud04:18
jin_122this come up : Errors were encountered while processing:04:19
jin_122 linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb04:19
jin_122i think this is what you might want Unpacking replacement linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic ...04:20
jin_122dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb (--install):04:20
jin_122 unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version: Operation not permitted04:20
DaSkreechjin_122: do you have a /boot partition ?04:21
tobboups. no 3d driver?:(04:21
jin_122DaSkreech: what do you mean? I installed my linux to my external hd04:21
DaSkreechtobbo: what are you trying to get working ?04:21
DaSkreechjin_122: on one partition ?04:22
jin_122yeah all in my ex hd04:22
xlevel1hi, I have kde compositing working nicely on my login, xlevel1, but on the other login, neil, it complains about X configuration problems.  Why?04:25
xlevel1I even copied and pasted ~/.kde and it didn't help04:26
CMcCombsHi everyone, I just installed 8.10 on my laptop and so far everything's seemed to work fine, except for the audio.  I hear nothing from the speakers...  I'm not sure where to start trouble shooting this either.04:29
DaSkreech!sound | CMcCombs04:34
ubottuCMcCombs: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:34
DaSkreeche-jat: what file system did you use?04:34
DaSkreechjin_122: ping04:35
DaSkreechHow did you install linux04:36
DaSkreechfrom wubi or from the live CD ?04:36
xlevel1one of the users on this computer can use kwin desktop effects just fine but the other gets an error message.  I tried copying and pasting the ~/.kde but it didn't help.04:36
jin_122DaSkreech: i don't know what do you mean my ile system. :/ . i installed it windows mode to my external hd. then i reboot computer into linux os.04:36
DaSkreechjin_122: read that04:37
jin_122ok. Daskreech: thank you very much or helping me, you're a saint. Hope to speak with you again. Good night.04:38
=== scott_ is now known as Guest57767
Cyntekhi. im running ubuntu-server 8.10 and i have installed a second hard drive in ext3 filesystem. i want to create directories e.g: /videos ; /documents; /music; and /photos. but when i mount each one successfully, and when i start the filetransfer04:46
Cyntekif i transfer photos to the /photos directory it seems that it will show up in the /music; /documents/ directories as well, how can i fix this?04:47
szalCyntek: sounds like you mounted all these folders to the same partition/directory..04:48
Cyntekwell when i formatted the hard drive i made it as one partition.04:49
Guest57767 hi i just installed kmldonkey  should it create a fo;der for my downloads , if so where can i fine it04:50
szalCyntek: how exactly did you mount the dirs?04:50
Cynteksudo mount /dev/sdb1 /music04:50
Cynteksudo mount /dev/sdb1 /documents04:50
Cynteksudo mount /dev/sdb1 /photos04:51
Cyntekjust like that.04:51
SlartibartfastCyntek: better not mount the same partition several times04:51
Cyntekis that why it keeps dupicating the files in each directory.04:52
szalCyntek: so I was right04:52
Cyntekhmm. so what i need to do, create seperate partitions for different directories.04:53
Slartibartfastmount the partition once, and then make softlinks to the dirs04:53
szalCyntek: mount /dev/sdb1/music /music ; mount /dev/sdb1/photos /photos       and so forth04:53
Cyntekokay, so im gonna reformat the drive and start over.04:55
szalCyntek: no need to, just make sure the directories from/to which to mount exist and put the files where you want them04:56
GWildSlartibartfast: Don't Panic (sorry - couldn't resist)05:04
Slartibartfast:-D OK ... wave to towel :-P05:05
szalSlartibartfast an Archer? ;)05:05
GWildI need 2 beers05:05
GWildand quickly05:05
Slartibartfastand give me a PanGalactic Gargle Blaster :-P05:05
GWildwith infinite improbability...05:06
GWildgood stuff lol05:06
DaSkreechCyntek: It's not duplicating them05:11
CyntekDaSkreech, what's it doing ?05:11
DaSkreechyou are creating multiple views of the same thing05:12
DaSkreechThe hard drive is where things are stored05:12
DaSkreech the directories you see are just a way for us humans to make sense of it05:12
DaSkreechIn UNIX you can tell any directory to point at a file system on a hard drive05:12
DaSkreechso you just told a whole lot of directories to point to the same place05:13
DaSkreechIt's not taking up any more space or doing anything wrong05:13
DaSkreechYou just set it up so you could see the same files from multiple places05:13
Cyntekhmm. k05:14
DaSkreechCyntek: Did that make sense ?05:14
Cyntekthis is what im following: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Adding_a_New_Disk_Drive_to_an_Ubuntu_Linux_System05:14
DaSkreechok If you unmount all but one then you will have all the files just viewable from one place05:14
Cyntekso instead of calling it /photos i should call it as /store05:15
DaSkreechSure :)05:15
DaSkreech then in store you make multiple directories05:16
DaSkreechthen when ever you mount it all the directories will appear05:16
DaSkreechCyntek: Want me to run through some exercises to demonstrate?05:16
DaSkreechCyntek: That walk through is overly complex btw05:16
CyntekThank you.05:17
DaSkreechOk you have the partition mounted ?05:17
Cyntekyes: /dev/sdb1 on /photos type ext3 (rw)05:18
szalas for the theory..  basic assumption: in Unix everything is a file05:18
DaSkreechand mounted where else ?05:18
DaSkreechszal: Just about :)05:18
Cynteki dont think its mounted anywhere else.05:19
DaSkreechCyntek: you can type mount | grep sdb105:19
DaSkreechTo see05:19
Cyntekonly at: /dev/sdb1 on /photos type ext3 (rw)05:20
Cyntekshould i rename /photos to /store05:20
draik_I have uploaded a *.sh file to my Linux server. My error message is this... ./application.sh: ./setup.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied05:21
draik_I'm SSH'd onto the server as root05:22
szaldraik_: files are executable?05:22
draik_szal:  I already 'chmod a+x application.sh'05:22
CyntekDaSkreech, can i pm you?05:25
yao_ziyuan1my ksysguard shows 'gnome-screensaver' running. is it normal?05:25
DaSkreechCyntek: ok make a directory under /photos05:26
DaSkreechcall it photos05:26
DaSkreechtobbo: What are you trying to get working05:27
DaSkreechCyntek: So you have /photos/photos now ?05:27
DaSkreechCyntek: touch /photos/photos/see.jpg05:28
draik_How can I install 'application.sh' on a server?05:29
DaSkreechCyntek: sudo umount /photos05:29
DaSkreechmkdir ~/notphotos && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/notphotos05:30
DaSkreechYou should have a directory named notphotos in your home directory now05:31
DaSkreechLook inside it05:31
Cynteki see it.05:31
DaSkreechWhats in it ?05:32
Cyntekthe photos i uploaded to.05:33
DaSkreechand a directory photos? With a see.jpg inside ?05:34
DaSkreechok mkdir ~/notphotos/videos05:34
DaSkreechthen sudo umount ~/notphotos && rmdir notphotos05:35
DaSkreechThe directory is gone ?05:36
DaSkreechsudo mkdir /mnt/store && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/store05:37
DaSkreechCyntek: So you can put directories anywhere you want and mount hard drives there05:45
DaSkreechIf the hard drives aren't mounted then the normal files will be there05:45
DaSkreechIf the drives are not mounted you can even delete the directories05:46
DaSkreechonce you remount them then all the files they had show up05:46
CyntekAh, i understand now, how it works.05:46
Cyntekthanks for the understanding.05:46
DaSkreech!fstab | Cyntek05:47
ubottuCyntek: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:47
DaSkreechmight want to read !fhs as well05:47
DaSkreechCyntek: So your /mnt/store directory exists now :)05:47
Slartibartfastdraik_: you can start a shell script with "sh shell_script.sh" ... or by doing ./shell_script.sh05:48
DaSkreechCyntek: That link will show you how to get it to be there every boot05:48
CyntekAlright., thanks for the help05:49
DaSkreechCyntek: you can even mount other computers as a directory in your computer :)05:50
DaSkreechit's quite a nice system05:50
CyntekDaSkreech, Thank you!05:52
=== chris____ is now known as Tukon
Tukonanyone know how to enable raster graphics in jaunty alpha 5?06:08
macoyou mean like to not use svg images on the icons in the menu and stuff? why?06:09
Tukonknow the rendering mode in x/qt4.506:09
macooh....um *shrug*06:09
bazhangjaunty questions in #ubuntu+106:09
macohes getting no answers there either06:10
macoah nevermind. crdlb answred06:11
Tukonwe'll see06:12
olskolirccan someone just give me the repository line to put in my sources.lst?  Ive been getting the run around for an hour and i really have to go06:12
macoolskolirc: what repository line?06:14
bazhangsample list here--> http://www.kubuntuguide.org/06:15
olskolircthe repository to upgrade to kde 4.2 maco06:15
=== brad__ is now known as skyion
bazhangthought it was in backports now06:16
olskolirci don't know06:16
olskolirccan someone point me out please? geeze06:16
macoit is in backports now06:16
bazhangenable backports then06:17
Slartibartfastdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports main restricted universe multivers06:18
Slartibartfastor another mirror near you06:18
macosoftware-properties-kde doesnt have checkboxes for backports like the gtk one does?06:19
olskolircthank you soooo much Slartibartfast lap dance for you and dont worry, imma girl :-P06:19
Slartibartfast:-) ... np06:20
macowell that's awkward06:20
macoolskolirc: what if Slartibartfast is too?06:21
Slartibartfast:-P But he is not06:21
olskolircway cool?06:21
olskolirclol Slartibartfast06:21
* Slartibartfast likes lapdances06:22
macoim just wondering...because if i'd been faster than him...06:22
macoolskolirc: so you know, there are a bunch of other girls in #ubuntu-women if you want to hang out with us06:31
olskolircohhhh wowwwwwww06:33
olskolircI didn't know that maco thank06:34
olskolircmy kde 4.2 is installing yay me06:36
* olskolirc doing a butt dance06:36
draik_olskolirc: I installed it last week. It's been acting quite stable than 4.1.4 (which is expected) and it also seems to make things a bit smoother on my end.06:37
DaSkreechmaco: It's called unsuppoerted updates06:38
macoDaSkreech: they dont say backports anywhere?06:38
DaSkreechmaco: Not that I know of06:38
draik_DaSkreech: I think I will concretely agree with you and believe the 1TB HDD is a goner. I'm going to nuke it later tonight if not early tomorrow and then get it exchanged.06:38
olskolircI'm reinstalling draik_ I don't know what I did but I permenently lost audio and video codecs in vlc06:38
DaSkreechI think Since Ibex Gnome does the same06:39
DaSkreechdraik_: Yeah06:39
DaSkreechCheck your cables as well06:39
draik_olskolirc: I did too. I just restarted and it was all back. Specifically, amarok was giving me issues.06:39
HollowPointhey folks, who knows more than I do about KDE4 Bluetooth?06:39
* DaSkreech slowly puts down his hand06:39
macoDaSkreech: in gnome it says "Unsupported updates (jaunty-backports)" for me06:40
draik_DaSkreech: I have and it's all pointing to the HDD. It fails at different times so I can't narrow it down to anything non-HDD related06:40
olskolircoh i fought tooth and nail since last night draik_  then i went over to the gnome side and tired and got a popup message that unfortunately it can't be fixed06:40
DaSkreechmaco: ok probably says the same in the jaunty for Kubuntu then06:40
olskolircim all done brb06:40
draik_I was just going to wish olskolirc luck. :(06:41
draik_Would anyone happen to know how to install app.sh within a server? I can't seem to get it accomplished.06:43
draik_I have uploaded a *.sh file to my Linux server. My error message is...       ./application.sh: ./setup.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied06:43
Slartibartfast./app.sh doesn't work ?06:44
draik_Slartibartfast: That's the error message I get06:44
Slartibartfastis there and /bin/sh ? .... maybe change that in /bin/bash06:44
Slartibartfastor make a symlink from /bin/bash to /bin/sh06:45
pteagueany idea if i'll have any issues switching from an nvidia 8600gts to a 9600gt ?06:45
macoSlartibartfast: other direction?06:45
Slartibartfastwell i have a /bin/sh06:46
draik_How do I make a symlink again? I recall that it's backwards06:46
draik_I have both06:46
draik_I have /bin/bash and /bin/sh06:46
macoSlartibartfast: /bin/sh symlinks to /bin/dash06:46
macoin ubuntu06:46
Slartibartfastso application.sh wants to start setup.sh06:46
draik_Seems that way06:47
draik_I put the app.sh in it's own App folder06:47
pteaguedraik_: man ln06:47
Slartibartfastyes here in jaunty too06:47
draik_ln -s bash sh or is it ln -s sh bash ?06:47
luis__ei guys06:48
luis__just to ask a question06:48
luis__i needed to unistall guarddog because it was not letting me connect to my router06:48
luis__why was that problem?06:48
Slartibartfastln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh06:48
Slartibartfastbut remove the old /bin/sh first06:49
DaSkreechholycow: blessedbeef!06:51
draik_Slartibartfast: Still getting the same error06:51
Slartibartfastmmm ... maybe first reverse your steps :-) ..... rm -fr /bin/sh && ln -s /bin/dash /bin/sh06:53
Slartibartfastwhat kind of application.sh is this? ..06:53
draik_Small game06:53
Slartibartfastmaybe it is something similar as what they speak about in this URL ... http://forums.opensuse.org/archives/sf-archives/archives-software/347172-setup-sh-bin-sh-bad-interpreter-permission-denied.html06:54
Slartibartfastone answer was: Your setup.sh file has DOS line endings (CR-NL) instead of Unix line endings (NL). Fix it with a decent text editor.06:55
draik_I have installed the game locally a while back on my 2 laptops and 1 desktop. Same file, never had an issue.06:57
Slartibartfastmmm ... and never opened the shell script under windows ?06:58
Slartibartfaststrange ... i'm googling your error message now ...07:00
draik_Thanks. I'm not sure where to begin looking so I thought I'd ask here first for some insight.07:00
Slartibartfastwell the error " ./setup.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied" give quiet some results07:02
DaSkreechdraik_: run it with bash07:02
draik_How? I'm just typing     ./game.sh      and that's it07:04
DaSkreechdraik_: bash game.sh07:08
draik_Nope. Still the same issue07:08
shadeslayerhi i want to detect the leds on my keyboard07:08
shadeslayerand run this command sudo iwconfig eth1 rate autoSubstitute your interface07:08
shadeslayerill be using scroll lock to monitor my ethernet connection07:09
draik_shadeslayer: Have you gotten your audio to work?07:09
DaSkreechdraik_: Where is setup.sh ?07:09
shadeslayerdraik_: long time ago,why??07:09
shadeslayerdraik_: i just restarted my notebook after a update07:10
draik_shadeslayer: ditto, I just had to restart.07:10
draik_DaSkreech: It is in my domain's httpdocs/Game/game.sh07:10
shadeslayerdraik_: do you know how to detect the scroll lock led device name??07:10
DaSkreechand it's called via ./setup.sh ?07:11
draik_shadeslayer: Nope.07:11
draik_DaSkreech: That's what is says per error message07:12
shadeslayeri cant find the command though ive seen it somewhere before07:12
HollowPointAnyone in here yet that knows about Bluetooth in KDE4?07:12
shadeslayerwhat about it?07:12
DaSkreechdraik_: swap that line out to bash setup.sh07:12
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup07:12
draik_There isn't a setup.sh file in there, just game.sh07:12
shadeslayerDaSkreech: may i trouble you??07:13
DaSkreechI suppose07:13
HollowPointyeah thanks for that, I'm a 3rd line I.T. engineer, LAMP developer and I haven't checked the default setups yet, that helps. So anyone here that knows a lot about Bluetooth in KDE4?07:13
shadeslayerDaSkreech: remember when i asked you  about the scroll lock key??07:13
DaSkreechdraik_: grep setup.sh game.sh07:13
draik_Binary file game.sh matches07:14
shadeslayerDaSkreech: ok,well can you give a command which detects my led device(scroll lock )07:14
DaSkreechdraik_: you have the file on another computer that works?07:14
DaSkreechled device ?07:14
shadeslayerScroll lock led at the top of the keyboard07:15
draik_I have it saved on a CD.07:15
shadeslayeri want to use it to monitor eth007:15
shadeslayerDaSkreech: something like tleds07:15
shadeslayeronly for ethernet07:15
DaSkreechdraik_: run a md5sum on it07:16
DaSkreechso when the ethernet gets activity that flashes?07:16
draik_4aa689cb5a073364173046f8fb4af6be  game.sh07:16
shadeslayersudo iwconfig eth1 rate autoSubstitute your interface07:16
shadeslayerthat command should work07:16
shadeslayeri just need the interface name07:17
DaSkreechdraik_: that matchines the one on your computer?07:18
DaSkreechfor the light?07:18
draik_DaSkreech: That's what I have on the laptop07:19
draik_Let me get the one from the net07:19
DaSkreechOh I'm not sure ask in ##linux maybe ?07:19
shadeslayerDaSkreech: me??07:19
Slartibartfastdraik_: it is possible that your "environment variables" are not set correctly .. you can test this, by adding another user and try to execute as that user ... i just read a long thread about some similar problem one person had in Mandriva:http://mandrivausers.org/lofiversion/index.php/t8604.html07:21
draik_DaSkreech: Nope. 7940e213b7894968152cec9146e611ef  game.sh07:22
draik_4aa... goes to the local file and 794... goes to the one online.07:23
draik_I now have a new error07:23
Slartibartfastdraik_ try to execute that one from online then07:23
draik_Never mind. I was accidentally trying to execute from the local, not online07:23
shadeslayerDaSkreech: any idea??07:24
DaSkreechshadeslayer: Yes you. ##linux might know07:24
draik_I just uploaded the game.sh again and now I have "Permission denied"07:24
Slartibartfastand /bin/bash game.sh?07:25
draik_Whoopsie. Forgot to a+x this new upload.07:25
draik_Ok, new error message07:26
draik_Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: ef8837186f11f8d9dda303c375e38917 is different from c348f24b17db79da7729183e6eb1516e07:26
draik_Now I have 4 different md5sum07:26
draik_Before I blow my brains out with the bad HDD issue and the newly acquired game.sh issue, I'm going to watch a movie of others blowing their brains out and go to sleep. I've got minutes to midnight.07:31
draik_Thank you all for your help. Maybe all I need is a new pair of eyes, aka rest.07:32
draik_Thanks again.07:32
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
staggai have a problem08:13
staggaaudacity could not find lame lib08:14
staggahow do i solve08:14
Slartibartfaststagga: maybe install lame first .... enable the medibuntu repostorie and sudo apt-get install lame08:16
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:16
Dbeaverim trying to instal google earth and i have no clue how08:22
SlartibartfastDbeaver: sudo apt-get install googleearth08:23
Dbeaveri have a google earth. bin file already form the site does that make a differance08:24
Slartibartfastopen a terminal and type: sh GoogleEarth.bin and follow the intructions08:25
Dbeavernow the full name of the file is googleearthlinux.bin so should i type that in08:26
Slartibartfastyes ... when i download it it say GoogleEarthLinux.bin ...... the capitals should not be changed into non-capitals08:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xtleds08:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xtled08:28
shadeslayer1where can i find xtleds ??08:28
shadeslayer1theyre not in the standard repos08:29
Dbeaverso neither one of those things worked08:30
SlartibartfastNo ? .... got an error message08:31
Dbeaveryeah said it cant open it08:31
Slartibartfastdid you type "sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin" ?08:32
Dbeaverwait i think i got it08:32
Dbeaveryay i did08:32
Dbeaveryeah i did08:32
Dbeaverthat didnt work08:32
Dbeaverwhat i did was type sh the drageed the file onto my terminal08:33
Dbeaverand pasted the path08:33
Dbeavernow it works08:33
tom76anyone else new to this?08:33
Dbeaverim way new08:33
Slartibartfastwell i just did the same ...... sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin08:33
Dbeavermy cousin gave me this computer08:33
SlartibartfastVerifying archive integrity... All good.08:33
Dbeaverso i barley know anyhtign08:34
Slartibartfastncompressing Google Earth for GNU/Linux 5.0.11337.1968.........08:34
Dbeaverthats what mine said08:34
tom76you installing apps?08:34
=== erik_ is now known as Guest27432
Slartibartfastthen it pops up a QT installation window .....08:35
Slartibartfastand then i got an error about "version OPENSSL_0.9.8 not defined in file libcrypto.so.0.9.8 with link time reference" :-P08:37
tom76back - Dbeaver08:38
Dbeaverso when i try to open it isays my resoluton isnt high enough and then my computer resarts08:38
=== jp is now known as Guest62238
Slartibartfastand then i rename libcrypto.so.0.9.8 in the google directory into somthing else ..... and restart .08:41
=== Guest62238 is now known as CarnageX
ak_venturehas anyone here installed ZNC on Ubuntu 8.04 before?08:42
Dbeaverslart are you having the same problem08:43
ak_ventureSetting up libcrypto++-dev (5.5.2-1) ...08:43
ak_ventureProcessing triggers for libc6 ...08:43
ak_ventureldconfig deferred processing now taking place08:43
ak_venturebut then...08:44
ak_venturewhen i run08:44
ak_venture ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-openssl08:44
ak_venturei get08:44
ak_venturechecking for BIO_new in -lcrypto... no08:44
ak_ventureconfigure: error: Could not find libcrypto. Try --disable-openssl08:44
SlartibartfastDbeaver no problem here on my 17"" screen with 1280x1024 resolution08:44
Dbeaverlol im on a projector08:45
ak_venture--prefix=/usr/local is my problem isn't it...08:45
Slartibartfast:-P but even on a projector you can have 800x60008:45
ak_venture72" inch plasma08:45
ak_venturej/k 13.5" laptop08:46
Dbeaverhow can i change my resolutuion08:46
Dbeaverima gonna try and open it again so if i get loged out you know what happend08:47
SlartibartfastOK :-)08:47
ak_ventureso if a readme has:08:47
ak_venture./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-openssl08:47
ak_ventureas a terminal step...08:48
Dbeaverbefore i click ok it says i gotta have atleast1024x76808:48
ak_venturehow should you modify it?08:48
Slartibartfastsomewhere in Kmenu > System > Screen Resize08:49
Dbeaverso google earth starts to open than the screen goes black08:49
Dbeaverany one have any ideas for me08:52
Slartibartfastmmm sorry don't know08:53
Dbeaverugh my adept manager is messed uo08:56
bazhangDbeaver, what error message08:56
Dbeaverits aying it can commit changes08:57
bazhangdo you have more than one process running?08:57
Dbeaverits been acting funny for a while08:57
Dbeaverjust one adept08:58
bazhangof apt?08:58
Dbeaveratleast i dont ting08:58
bazhangthe exact error message please; if more then one line paste.ubuntu.com08:58
DbeaverThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.08:59
bazhangDbeaver, this was doing what? ie what gave that error message08:59
Dbeaveranytime i try to use the manager to instal anyhting09:00
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:00
Dbeaverso i just copy and paste that in a terminal09:02
Dbeaversame thing happens09:03
bazhangDbeaver, you did both commands?09:03
bazhangDbeaver, that was awfully fast09:03
Dbeaverwait what do you mean both09:04
bazhangsudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock09:04
bazhangsudo dpkg --configure -a09:04
Dbeaversame thing09:05
bazhangDbeaver, please paste.ubuntu.com with /etc/apt/sources.list09:06
Dbeaveri dont understand09:06
Dbeaveryou want me to gothere09:06
bazhangDbeaver, type this in konsole: cat /etc/apt/sources.list09:07
bazhangDbeaver, then open a browser and type paste.ubuntu.com09:07
bazhangDbeaver, copy the first to the second, then save and give us the url09:07
Dbeaverk i did09:09
bazhangwe need the url09:10
chaoslanghelllo  everybody09:10
Dbeaverwhats happinin chaos09:11
bazhangDbeaver, this is hardy, correct?09:11
chaoslangnothing . this is my first time coming here!09:12
bazhangDbeaver, the version of kubuntu you are using09:12
Dbeaveri have no clue09:12
Dbeavermy cousin set this up for me09:12
Dbeaverive never used linux09:13
SlimeyPeteDbeaver: do you know how to open a terminal?09:13
bazhangDbeaver, in konsole type: lsb_release -a09:13
SlimeyPeteokay, open a terminal and type what bazhang said :)09:13
SlimeyPeteit will tell you which version of kubuntu you are using09:13
neofoxhi i have a problem! i have vista on the HDD and have now kubuntu install on a pation und the bootloader have not vista how can a gat vista on the bootloader? sorry for my bad englisch09:14
Dbeaverit said hardy at the end09:14
bazhangneofox, fix grub09:15
bazhang!grub | neofox09:15
ubottuneofox: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:15
bazhangneofox, vista second?09:15
bazhangDbeaver, in konsole type : sudo apt-get update09:16
neofoxno vista ist first09:16
bazhangneofox, that is odd; did you choose correctly when installing to partition? manual or guided?09:16
bazhangneofox, and you installed to the correct partition?09:18
Dbeaverok i did that now what09:18
bazhangDbeaver, what errors if any09:18
Dbeavererorrs with what09:18
neofoxyas a use linux moment but viste will not09:19
bazhangthe command you ran in konsole: sudo apt-get update Dbeaver09:19
Dbeaverno errors09:19
Dbeaverbut adept still doesnt work09:20
bazhangDbeaver, now : sudo apt-get upgrade09:20
bazhangDbeaver, forget about adept for the moment09:20
Dbeaverthats what it said09:22
bazhangDbeaver, now: sudo apt-get -f install09:22
liquidatHi there - after an update yesterday I restarted my machine today, and dolphin freezes for seconds as soon as I click (not start) on a pdf. In the background, pdftotext spikes and eats my cpu. Has anyone seen that yet?09:24
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Dbeaverok now im to this screen http://paste.ubuntu.com/123710/09:25
bazhangDbeaver, hit tab then enter09:25
Dbeaverk its done now what09:27
bazhangtry the two commands I gave you earlier: sudo apt-get update09:28
bazhangsudo apt-get upgrade09:28
Dbeaverk ts running09:30
Dbeaverhey is any one near dallas09:30
bazhangtype /join #ubuntu-dallas09:32
bazhangeveryone will be from dallas then :)09:33
Dbeaververy cool09:33
Dbeaverand thansk again for being so helpful09:33
bazhangfrom there ^^09:34
bazhangDbeaver, the konsole is easier to be honest09:36
bazhangDbeaver, sudo apt-get install packagename09:37
bazhangDbeaver, or to search: apt-cache search package/related term09:37
Dbeaveroh for instaling09:37
bazhangsearching installing pretty much everything09:38
bazhangie sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble09:38
Dbeaverwhats that?09:38
bazhang!info frozen-bubble09:39
ubottufrozen-bubble (source: frozen-bubble): Pop out the bubbles!. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.1.0-2ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 150 kB, installed size 712 kB09:39
bazhanga very fun game09:39
Dbeaverugh no one is in the dallas or az room09:40
bazhangnot no one but pretty empty09:42
Dbeaverlol no one is talking09:43
bazhangyou need to start the convo :)09:43
Dbeaveri tried09:43
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab09:43
misafirhayırlı cumalar09:49
bazhangmisafir, indonesia?09:50
misafirI m turkish09:51
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.09:51
bazhangmisafir, /join #ubuntu-tr09:51
Dbeaverso baz where you from09:52
ActionParsnipDbeaver: resolve his/her ip to a country ;)09:53
bazhangget past my cloak first :)09:54
=== nikolas_ is now known as Assurbanipal
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks09:54
ActionParsniphaha tinfoil hat time09:54
bazhangDbeaver, you can get one too :)09:55
ActionParsnipunfortunately the cloak wont hide direct file transfer ips09:56
ActionParsnipso :P09:56
Dbeaverlol why exactly would i need one09:56
ActionParsnipno idea09:57
Dbeaverso this brings me back to my question where yall from09:57
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:57
Dbeaverlol ok09:58
Dbeaverso my update is done10:00
bazhangadept should work now as well10:00
bazhangjust dont try to install via konsole when it is running or vice versa :)10:01
Dbeaverright on10:02
Dbeaverit works10:02
Dbeaverso i tried to open google earth again lol10:04
bazhanginstalled from google or medibuntu10:04
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository10:04
Dbeaveri downloaded it form google10:05
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bazhangand it was a deb? or a tar.gz10:06
Dbeaverwhat lol10:06
ActionParsnipDbeaver: you can get googleearth from repos10:07
bazhanghow did you install it Dbeaver10:07
Dbeaverthrough knosol10:07
bazhangDbeaver, what command? sudo dpkg -i googlearth.deb ?10:08
Slartibartfastpeople can download googleearth 5.0.xxxxx beta from google ... which has some nice features10:09
Dbeaversh then the path10:09
bazhangah a bin file10:09
bazhangand it comes up black screen?10:10
Dbeaveri installed it then when i click the google thing it acts like its opening10:10
Dbeaverthen blank10:10
Dbeaverthen restart10:10
bazhanghow much ram, what video card, what drivers and how installed10:11
Dbeaverlol i dono10:11
Dbeavershould i uninstal it10:12
bazhangdid you check in hardware drivers/restricted drivers to see what drivers you are using10:13
bazhanglet me check the hardy wiki :)10:14
bazhangbeen a long time since I used kubuntu 8.0410:14
bazhangif you look in the kmenu, there should be a listing for restricted drivers, cant remember which folder, peek in a few10:19
SlartibartfastDbeaver: otherwise open the konsole again and type: glxinfo |grep direct10:23
Dbeaverwhere do i go?10:23
Slartibartfastif yes, there is a restricted driver10:24
Dbeaverit says no10:24
Slartibartfastthen need to get the restricted driver installed ...10:25
Slartibartfastin the kmenu > system > hardware drivers ..... or something like that10:26
bazhangrestricted drivers in hardy iirc10:26
Dbeaverit said there was this nvida10:27
Dbeaverthat was not enabled and not inuse10:27
SlartibartfastSo enable it ... probably after that need to restart the computer10:28
bazhangenable it, then also install nvidia-settings10:28
Dbeaverk ill be bacl10:28
* Slartibartfast is getting some food10:31
Dbeaverso everyhtign is all big now10:32
bazhangnow run nvidia-settings once you have it installed10:32
marek__hi i have a problem with grub - i have kubuntu on one partition and XP on second, but i dont see winXP option in grub, how can i add it?10:33
bazhangmarek__, xp installed 2nd?10:33
marek__bazhang no, as first10:34
bazhangmarek__, and when installing kubuntu, it did not properly set up grub?10:35
marek__bazhang yup,10:35
Dbeaverhow do i get to the settings10:35
marek__but i think it was my fault10:35
marek__Dbeaver kde4 or kde3?10:35
bazhangmarek__, you used the guided install or manual10:35
marek__bazhang it was alternate cd10:35
bazhangDbeaver, sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings10:35
marek__i partitioned manually10:36
bazhangmarek__, how so your fault?10:36
bazhangmarek__, is the xp partition still there?10:37
bazhangor do you just need to fix grub10:37
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:37
Dbeaverok i did that now what10:38
bazhangDbeaver, installed it or ran it10:38
Dbeaverit installed it im pretty sure10:38
bazhangshould be in kmenu then10:39
marek__bazhang i can see grub, problem is that i cannot boot into winXP from grub, partition is still there10:39
marek__on sda210:39
bazhangI'm on intrepid so not sure where that is in hardy10:39
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub marek__ this link may be of some use10:41
Dbeavereverythign is too big10:43
Dbeaverlike i cant move stuff around10:43
bazhangthus the need to run nvidia-settings10:44
bazhangalt and mouse grab to move10:44
Dbeaverwhere do i go10:45
bazhangDbeaver, can you log in? and do you see the kmenu?10:45
Dbeaveryeah im in the settings thing all ready10:46
bazhangand what options are offered in terms of resolution?10:46
Dbeaverand 320x24010:47
Dbeaverand auto10:47
timjjim using KUbuntu 8.04...my mic is not working..ive played a lot with kmix settings..but still mic doesnt work10:47
timjjsound works10:47
timjjbut mic doesnt10:47
timjjis this some driver issue ?10:48
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Dbeaverand it wont let me take it out of use on that hardware thing10:48
bazhangDbeaver, and the drivers are now shown to be enabled and in use?10:49
Dbeaverwhen i try to turn off the nvida10:49
Dbeaverthis message ops up10:49
Dbeaverand it like runs off the screen10:50
timjjwhen i do lspci|grep Audio, i get : 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)10:50
Dbeaverso i dont know exactly what the end of it says10:50
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto10:50
timjjubottu: sound is working, only mic doesnt capture anything..will that page still help ?10:50
bazhangDbeaver, try alt and left click to grab and move so you can read it10:51
Dbeaverit wont let me10:52
Dbeaverwhen the top hits the top of the screen it stops10:52
amerigoheilà kubunters....10:52
Dbeaveruigh now im pissed10:53
amerigoI'd like to know if is possible to set several login user and have for each one different language setting.... such as an user in Italian, an user in french, an user in arabic... etc etc ...10:54
bazhangDbeaver, then perhaps better to take a break10:55
Dbeavertrue ima have a smoke10:56
bazhangyou already learned how to fix  a lot  today :)10:56
Dbeaverlol but i kinda made it wors11:00
bazhangnot really11:00
Dbeaveri need it smaller11:01
bazhangjust need to get those drivers configured and you'll be good to go11:01
Dbeaverlol what shoul i do all the resolution settings dont do anyhting for me11:01
Dbeaverand google erth tries to run11:02
Dbeaverbut the just quits11:02
bazhangDbeaver, in konsole type lspci and see which exact nvidia card you have11:03
bazhangthe geforce 610011:06
Dbeavernow what lol11:06
=== Roozbeh|Away is now known as RoozbehOnline
bazhangjust want to be sure you have the drivers installed; when you launched nvidia-settings did it prompt for a password, and if not, are any of the options grayed out?11:08
Dbeaverno on both11:09
bazhang!info nvidia-xconfig hardy11:10
ubottunvidia-xconfig (source: nvidia-xconfig): The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+20070502-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 54 kB, installed size 184 kB11:10
Dbeaveri went to nivida x server settings11:10
bazhangnvidia-settings is what you installed, correct?11:10
Dbeaveri believe so11:10
bazhanglets quit that and try with nvidia-xconfig11:11
Dbeaverk what do i do11:11
bazhangsudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig11:11
skarnspellcheck not working in intrepid11:12
bazhangin what app11:12
skarnkde apps11:12
skarnkopete kmail konqueror11:12
bazhangnot here11:12
skarni come from opensuse11:13
skarnprobably it's some config11:13
Dbeaverk i did that now what11:13
bazhangDbeaver, its installed? then run it11:13
skarnsorry, my mistake11:14
Tinasonis there a way to upgrade my kubuntu to jackalope a5?11:14
skarnspellchecking works11:14
skarnit just doesn't spellcheck during tiping11:14
bazhangmaybe need to kdesu nvidia-xconfig11:14
bazhangTinason, #ubuntu+1 for that11:14
altrortlahello ... I want to install driver for my LAN printer... IT's a SAMSUNG ML-2850... I have download .TGZ archive but I don't know how to proceed... with ARC i've browsed that archive and all them start with a folder called cdroot. When a try to decompress files with ark in the same folder where i've download them... it gives me something like that "process not complete" ... and a list of several files ... like drwx-xr-x root/root 011:15
altrortla2007-02-13 08:16 cdroot/ .... at the end of this list appears gzip: stdin: decompression OK trailing garbage ignored ... tar: child returned status 2.... tar: Exit for error to be late from previous error...  WHAT appens? what should i do?11:15
Dbeaverwhere would it be11:15
altrortlaThanslation is fro italan11:15
altrortlasorry for mistaken11:15
bazhangDbeaver, try alt f211:15
Dbeaverand type what11:16
bazhangkdesu nvidia-xconfig11:17
Dbeavernothin happens11:19
arshadHI I have a prob with Ubuntu 8.1011:22
arshadHelp PLzzzz11:22
bazhangubuntu or kubuntu11:22
arshadUbuntu 8.1011:23
bazhangwrong channel though you can ask if you wish :)11:23
Dbeaverugh im extra pissex11:24
arshadwhere can i find the right source than11:25
Dbeaveri would rather take that driver off11:25
Dbeaveris there a command to do so11:25
Dbeaverfor konsole11:25
arshad. . . . . . when the system is locked and left for an hour or so it restarts automatically11:25
bazhangDbeaver, sure; though adept will be easier in this case11:25
bazhangDbeaver, you would search for nvidia and uninstall the one it has marked as 'installed'11:26
arshadAny suggestions plzz . . . . . . when the system is locked and left for an hour or so it restarts automatically11:28
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bazhangarshad, system is locked? could you elaborate please?11:28
Dbeaverk only thins that came up were those two setting things11:29
bazhangDbeaver, as an option you may wish to run the following command to tweak resolution11:29
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:29
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:30
altrortla!info printer lan11:30
ubottulan is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']11:30
Dbeavernow what11:31
altrortla!info printer11:31
ubottuPackage printer does not exist in intrepid11:31
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about samsung11:31
bazhangDbeaver, could you paste.ubuntu.com with your /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:32
arshad__      <bazhang>    I mean when i lock the screen, through the option avaliable with logout, suspend ,HIbernate, reatart,...11:32
bazhangarshad__, only when you lock the screen?11:33
Dbeaverwhat do you want me to paste11:34
bazhangDbeaver, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:35
Dbeavertype that in konsole11:35
arshad__<bazhang>   , only after locking the screenyes11:38
arshad__<bazhang>              yes11:39
bazhangarshad__, I would seriously advise you to /join #ubuntu for help with that11:40
bazhangDbeaver, I would go ahead and disable those drivers, then a restart may be required; I have to take a break for dinner here though :)11:41
Dbeaverhow do i disable11:42
bazhangin the restricted drivers manager11:42
Dbeaverk ill try11:42
Dbeavertalk to ya later11:42
kopertonDbeaver: jockey-kde11:43
kopertonit should be the drivers manager11:43
kopertonof couse you have to use kdesudo11:43
cfenixwho can help me?11:47
cfenixplease!, i need help i new in kubuntu..11:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:48
cfenixsorry i'm new for IRC channels too, well, how i can change the resolution on kubuntu?11:49
bazhang!fixres | cfenix11:50
ubottucfenix: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:50
kopertonmmm i have an intel 945gm and i have S-video output but ... how could i set it ?11:51
TheWoozleIs there any way to minimize the KDEtwitter applet if it covers up the system tray?11:52
kopertonyou can't move it?11:52
cfenixi think, it is problem of my video card, cuz i just install kubuntu, and i didn't config. nothing yet11:52
TheWoozleNo... that should be fixed, too.11:52
TheWoozle(running ku9 alpha 4)11:53
cfenixhow i can config my video card?11:54
kopertonTheWoozle: here is not the right place11:54
TheWoozleIs there a chan for ku9?11:54
kopertonalpha is not supported here11:54
TheWoozleI guessed as much.11:54
kopertoni think #kubuntu+111:54
Slartibartfastcfenix as described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:00
cuzntsuddenly my flash has stopped working12:07
Wazmyncuznt: i had the same problem yesterday after the upgrade12:10
cuzntay idea?12:11
Wazmyncuznt: you need to do a complete removal (I suggest using synaptic) and then re-install it12:11
cuzntright on12:11
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Laeborgis there anything like SAM Broadcaster/Virtual DJ for linux ?12:24
labfemale where are you12:37
skarnin kubuntu intrepid, with automatic spellchecking enabled, wrongly spelled words don't get hilighted.12:37
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ShakaGoldSainthi there, i just downloaded jaunty alpha 5 iso and it's giving me the "Invalid CD detected", md5sums are fine though. Does anyone know what else might be causing this issue?, i'm using magicdisc to mount the iso file13:17
kopertonShakaGoldSaint: you could re-download13:21
kopertonShakaGoldSaint: or try to use usb flash card , if you have one big,13:21
compilerwriterAnyone here playing with Jaunty?13:23
ShakaGoldSaintkoperton, since md5sums matches i see no point in downloading again, but yeah that's always an option. Unfortunately i don't have big enough flash card around... and of course no cdrs either xD13:26
ShakaGoldSaintcompilerwriter, i wish i could :(13:26
kopertonShakaGoldSaint: mm i have installed my debian with a zen creative mini xD13:27
kopertonan mp3 \ usb storage device no cd13:27
kopertonbah with 20 bucks you can get one flash storage device13:27
kopertonwhat's the point13:28
ShakaGoldSaintkoperton, all I have is a 256MB usb flash drive around13:28
kopertonif your bios supports usb booting you can buy one you will spend less money with an usb flash card xD expecially if you test a lots of distro13:28
kopertoni leave13:30
kopertonbye bye13:30
ShakaGoldSaintsee ya! thanks for the tips13:30
compilerwriterWhat is stoping you shakagoldsaint?13:30
ShakaGoldSaintthe fact that i have no cdrs and no big enough usb drive to try it, wubi is giving me some troubles13:31
compilerwriterWhere are you in the world shakagoldsaint?13:32
ShakaGoldSaintbarquisimeto, venezuela13:32
ShakaGoldSaintok ok, i'm just lazy ¬¬13:32
compilerwriterooh It would take an act of Congress for me to help youout then.13:32
ShakaGoldSaintsay what?13:33
compilerwriterIf you were here in the US I could burn you a copy and fire it off to you for a buck or two, but to get it to you in Venezuela would be another story.  Getting it past customs would be a royal pain not to mention the time it would take to get to you.13:34
SlartibartfastShakaGoldSaint, what you need ? :-)13:36
Slartibartfastif it is a (k)ubuntu cd, there is a shipit service which sends cd's all over the world ... for free13:38
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ShakaGoldSaint_compilerwriter, yeah well the point here is that i'm just lazy and wanted to try jaunty right now :P, i'll buy cdrs tomorrow13:41
ShakaGoldSaint_i really really want to try kde 4.2 :D13:41
compilerwriterYou can try 4.2 without using Jaunty.  I am running 4.2 with Ibex now.13:42
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joey__New to linux does someone no what i need to do to update from Jaunty alpha 4 to alpha 5 ?13:44
Slartibartfast:-) hehehe ... new and then running a development version? :-) ... you are asking for problems13:45
joey__I no but i love to lean and I do a lot of beta testing on Mac as well as windows13:46
Slartibartfastjust keep doing "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"13:46
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Slartibartfastyour system gets newer and newer13:46
ShakaGoldSaint_but that's nasty xD... just kidding13:47
SlartibartfastShakaGoldSaint_: who are you talking to :-)13:48
ShakaGoldSaint_you, the apt-get-upgrader guy13:48
Slartibartfastheheeh .... it's just how it goes13:48
joey__Thank you and that was what I been doing was just checking to make sure i was doing it right.13:49
Slartibartfastyes ... sometimes have a lot of updates ... but with a good inet connection thats no problem13:49
ShakaGoldSaint_joey__, i believe you have to do nothing but keeping your installation updated13:50
ShakaGoldSaint_joey__, no need to add repos or anythings like that to be on alpha513:51
joey__thats what i thought but was not sure. kewl thanks13:51
Slartibartfastjoey__: if you do this in a terminal, you sometimes see there are packages kept back ... this is sometimes because there are some other dependencies ... to also get those newer version you can do an apt-get dist-upgrade instead of apt-get update13:51
White_Pelicanare there any programs out there for kubuntu, or Linux for that matter that can open Microsoft reader (.lit) files?13:52
joey__k wrote that down too13:52
Slartibartfast* instead of apt-get upgrade :-)13:52
ahello all, who can  tell me how 2 use secondlife ? It doesn't work soemtimes13:54
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SlartibartfastWhite_Pelican: maybe this URL is helpful for you: http://ubuntuliving.blogspot.com/2007/02/converting-lit-files-in-ubuntu.html13:55
basyhow to setup more mouse buttons ?13:59
basyi have mouse vith 7 buttons13:59
White_PelicanSlartibartfast, it helped find me a converter program, but I would love to find a reader program. Is there such an animal?14:03
SlartibartfastWhite_Pelican: well the format of the files are proprietary formats ..... so a reader should have a license and i think there is no such free program which has a license for importing these files14:07
Slartibartfastcan try to convert them into a free format14:08
Slartibartfastthen you can use them in windows and in other more free software14:08
White_Pelicanwonder if I should install Windows through Virtual Box and install Windows Ebook reader or find a converter program in Windows14:11
SlartibartfastBut if you're going to convert, can't you do that in linux ? ...14:13
Slartibartfastin this URL http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49232 somebody already has compiled the program ... if you trust it you can try if it works for you14:17
silentstriwhats the command to update from dapper to hardy?14:21
silentstrisudo apt-get ________________ or something right?14:21
JohnFluxsilentstri: google's first link on this is http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/04/03/dapper-to-hardy-direct-server-upgrade-works/14:22
silentstrikk ty14:23
=== marioc is now known as Guest27232
SlimeyPeteHowwwwwdy ho!14:26
silentstriClick the Check button to check for new updates.14:29
silentstriA message will appear informing you of the availability of the new release.14:29
silentstriClick Upgrade.14:29
silentstriFollow the on-screen instructions.14:29
silentstriNetwork Upgrade for Kubuntu Desktops (Recommended)14:29
silentstriTo upgrade from Kubuntu 6.06 to 8.04 over the Internet you can use a special mode in the server upgrade system.14:29
silentstriEnable the "dapper-updates" repository.14:29
silentstriInstall the new "update-manager-core14:29
silentstrii didnt type that.....14:29
silentstrianyways, what do I do if I cant find the update manager core?14:30
altrortlaoh buddy... is impossible14:30
altrortlai have just installed unifiedlinuxdriver for my printer ... it seems to work but configuration form have line text so little that i can't read nothing of what is written...14:31
altrortlai can't see nothing... i've just tried to set a configuration for the screen more little... but the result is the same14:32
altrortlaany tips14:33
silentstrihow do I install the update manager core when I cant find it with apt-cache search ???14:34
bazhangsilentstri, what are you trying to achieve?14:35
silentstriupdate from dapper to hardy14:35
bazhangsilentstri, to go from  lts to lts?14:35
silentstriis hardy lts?14:35
silentstrithen yep :P14:36
bazhangdid you enable the dapper new repo?14:36
bazhangthen sudo apt-get update?14:36
silentstrii believe so14:36
silentstriubn .list?14:36
bazhangmake sure you updated after adding that repo :)14:36
silentstrihow i do?14:37
bazhangshould be in /etc/apt/sources.list14:37
bazhangif you wish to paste.ubuntu.com then we can look at it14:37
silentstrii already enabled the .list in there14:38
bazhangcat /etc/apt/sources.list -->paste.ubuntu.com14:38
bazhangsilentstri, line 9 needs to have the # removed14:43
silentstrio ok14:43
bazhangkdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list14:45
gpciao a tutti, anche io avrei un problema con konversation14:45
BentFranklinInstead of "sudo chmod +w foo/*" I accidentally typed "sudo chmod +w foo /*".  Here is what my root dir looks like now http://paste.ubuntu.com/123834/.  Oddly it doesn't appear to have done anything.  Did I do any damage to my perms?  If not, why not?14:46
bazhangsilentstri, now save, close and sudo apt-get update14:46
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:46
silentstriawesome u rule bazhang14:47
gpok thanks14:47
bazhangsilentstri, you fixed it?14:47
bazhangsilentstri, its going to be a big update/upgrade :)14:47
silentstriits done14:48
bazhang!info update-manager-core dapper14:48
ubottuupdate-manager-core (source: update-manager-core): manage release upgrades. In component main, is optional. Version 0.56~dapper5 (dapper), package size 9 kB, installed size 116 kB14:48
bazhangsudo apt-get install update-manager-core14:49
silentstriwow ty been tryin to get that to work for ages :D14:50
bazhangnp :)14:51
silentstriit stopped14:52
silentstriit said setting up update-manager-core then it stopped14:52
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silentstrikk got it working nvm14:54
silentstrithanks for everything baz14:54
silentstrioh ya why ur name purple?14:54
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BentFranklinInstead of "sudo chmod +w foo/*" I accidentally typed "sudo chmod +w foo /*".  Here is what my root dir looks like now http://paste.ubuntu.com/123834/.  Oddly it doesn't appear to have done anything.  Did I do any damage to my perms?  If not, why not?  Could someone paste what their root perms look like?15:03
roberto_join #kubuntu.it15:08
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musicalhi folks15:14
musicalyou know...I cant get google earth to work (intrepid, kde 4.2)15:15
SlimeyPetethere's a fix for it. You have to symlink a file.15:15
musicalwhere do I find it?15:16
SlimeyPetethat's a slightly different solution to the one I used but the principle's the same.15:16
=== nasir_ is now known as nasir29
nasir29anybody using kubuntu here?15:21
SlimeyPeteI used to, and I'm planning on doing so again in the future15:21
SlimeyPeteas soon as KDE4 stops being such a mess15:21
nasir29I just try it right now. look a bit messy compare to ubuntu15:22
venikIs there a way to save the dolphin window settings, so it always opens the way I want it, and not in a tiny window?15:23
SlimeyPetenasir29: Kubuntu 8.04 was smart & clean15:23
SlimeyPeteand worked well15:23
SlimeyPeteand is still very usable, really.15:24
nasir29I'm using Kubuntu 8.10 now.15:24
musicalso am I - minor problems only15:24
musicalI like it15:24
bazhangkde4 seems solid here15:24
nasir29Okey, it's pretty nice in graphic anyway15:24
nasir29I use to work with "sudo" command all the times but a bit messy with Kubuntu15:25
bazhanghow so15:26
SlimeyPeteI don't hate it, but for a start it doesn't work with my dual-monitor setup15:26
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why15:26
nasir29Okey thanks bahzang , ubottu...many,many thanks15:27
bazhangsudo is find though 90% plus of the time15:27
bazhangerr fine15:27
bazhangno real difference if you use the konsole :)15:28
nasir29could we do animated pop up like compiz in kubuntu?15:28
venikKDE 4.2 is much less responsive than the old 3.5 was, at least on my graphics card/driver (nvidia 180.11)15:29
bazhangyou can get compiz on there sure15:29
nasir29sorry for silly question because I'm totally new in kubuntu15:29
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion15:29
bazhangkubuntuguide.org is good as well15:29
nasir29okey thanks ubottu15:30
bazhangthough with the effects built into kde4 its a bit of an overkill :)15:30
bazhangnasir29, she's a bot :)15:30
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:30
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!15:30
nasir29ok... you guys so cool ....15:31
bazhangnasir29, there are no silly questions :)15:32
bazhangnasir29, we all began with zero knowledge of ubuntu/kubuntu15:32
nasir29thanks bazhang for this motivation15:33
bazhangnasir29, new install?15:33
nasir29Yup, 2 hours ago15:34
bazhangyou probably want to install kubuntu-restricted-extras then15:34
Authorityis there a 'pick the fastest mirror' helper for apt/kubuntu repos?15:34
nasir29now is dowloading update using "Adept"15:35
bazhangAuthority, in adept?15:35
nasir29Do you think kubuntu is better than OSX?15:35
bazhangAuthority, or synaptic running with kubuntu15:36
Authoritybazhang: sure, apt, adept, aptitude, whatever15:36
bazhangAuthority, well it would be in the front end ie adept/synaptic etc15:36
nasir29Basically, after fresh installation, some update is required technically15:37
firewirehow do i determine what graphics csrd i have installed?15:37
Authoritybazhang: it would be or it is?  i don't use the GUI tools much15:37
bazhangfirewire, lspci in konsole should list it15:37
firewireis there a cmd i can run in terminal?15:37
firewirethank you15:37
Slartibartfastfirewire: lspci will show it15:38
bazhangAuthority, I can check adept if you wish; I would use synaptic were I to use gui (gnome/kde/lxde here)15:38
bazhangor perhaps that is in add/remove15:39
BentFranklinKubuntu 8.10 here.  How can I check what are the proper default permissions for files in the root directory?15:39
bobbob1016I'm trying kde4 again.  My bottom panel crashed, and after logging out and back in, it won't start up again.  I read on the forums that removing all the settings in /usr/share/kde4/config/plasma*, and still nothing.  I saw it just now when I booted up, but it went away.  Any ideas?15:39
Authoritybazhang: naw, thanks for the offer.  I'll just do some more poking around15:40
nasir29bazhang, could we setup our broadband connection using terminal command?15:40
bazhangnasir29, via router, or directly to adsl modem15:41
nasir29adsl modem15:41
firewireare there any tools that will detect and install my graphics card drivers for me?15:41
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE nasir29 that may have info15:42
nasir29ok thanks15:42
nasir29which is better , OSX or Kubuntu15:45
bazhanga bit offtopic for this channel :)15:45
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!15:46
bobbob1016Ok, I realized the problem was somehow auto-hide was on, and it went under compiz.  New question, how can I get the panel to be on top of everything, but below mplayer fullscreen windows?15:46
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nasir29sorry, because I'm betting with my friend on this. She spend USD3,000 for a Mac Book Pro and I'm using cheap PC (less than USD 200)15:47
bazhang#kubuntu-offtopic nasir29 :)15:48
nasir29sorry then ...:)15:48
cuzntthats right,,,, if you have to ask... whats the point?   of course kubuntu is better15:48
bazhangask in there :)15:48
nasir29ok cuznt, sorry,sorry,sorry ...:)15:49
* cuznt was playin15:49
venikIs there a way to edit the new K menu (or is it an appllication launcher?) in KDE 4.2?15:49
cuzntright click venik15:50
cuznton the kmenu15:50
venikTHis only allows me to switch to the old menu15:51
venikWHich was editable15:51
nasir29Finally, thanks to bazhang,ubottu,cuznt for advice and motivation. Time to sleeps now. I'm from Malaysia and really nice to meet you guys.Thanks again15:52
firewireanyone know if there are drivers for an old blade 3d card?15:52
bazhangbye nasir2915:52
nasir29bye,bye :)15:52
cuzntvenik why not switch to the old menu and edit it15:52
venikWould that edit what appears on the new menu?15:53
cuznti dont think so15:53
venikprogress here is removing nice features of stable applications15:53
cuzntbut if you dont like the new menu15:53
venikor rather, replacing the applications with new ones with fewer useful features15:54
bazhangthis is 4.2 of experimental unsupported variety?15:54
veniksee, for instance, the new System Settings15:54
venikI thought that 4.2 was officially released, but I have been wrong b415:54
bazhangthe one from backports or ppa?15:55
venikI think ppa, but this alphabet soup can get confusing for peasants like me15:55
bazhangofficially released by kde, not made an official part of intrepid15:55
bazhangthat is for next release jaunty15:55
bazhangthus the backports15:56
venikwhen is that coming?15:56
musicalSlimeyPete: google earth 5 s working fine now! thanks!15:56
bazhangapril this year15:56
=== milian__ is now known as milian
=== Slartibartfast is now known as Riesh
venikcan anyone tell me how to change the icon of a file on the desktop?  The instructions are outdated and do not work on KDE 4.216:13
Rieshvenik right click on the file, properties > click on the icon and change16:15
=== Riesh is now known as Slartibartfast
venikthat does not work-- these are the old instructions referred to in my previous message16:16
Slartibartfastwell here it works .... in kde 4.216:16
venikhmmm... maybe it fails because I am in NYC?16:17
venikKubuntu 8.10?16:17
venikI must be missing a library or something-- here nothing happens when I do that, and it USED to work in much older Kubuntus16:18
Slartibartfasthow does it fail? ... not possible to click the icon in the properties dialog?16:18
venikOf course it is possible-- I click but nothing happens16:18
Slartibartfastmmmm... strange16:18
veniklet me try another machine16:18
Slartibartfastwell it is all part of plasma workspace ...so there would the bug be16:20
venikdoes not work on another machine16:20
venikI am using 64 bit kubuntu, but on the other machine it is 32 bit, and no joy there either16:20
venikmaybe I should reinstall plasma, if I knew how to do that16:21
Slartibartfastit just suddenly not working anymore ? ..... what did you do before?16:21
Slartibartfastsee what you have installed with "dpkg -l *plasma*"16:23
Slartibartfastreinstall with "apt-get --reinstall xxxxx"16:23
venikit never worked in the new kubuntu/kde, but it did work on much older version-- maybe 7.04 or so16:23
=== nicolas_ is now known as Bou
Slartibartfastno problem here16:23
venikI just checked the plasma packages with synaptic-- no option for reinstalling them16:24
Slartibartfastshould be in the menu options i think .......16:24
Slartibartfastotherwise just use a terminal16:24
altrortlaHow can I change language interface?16:30
venikI types: sudo apt-get --reinstall kdebase-plasma but got: Invalid operation kdebase-plasma16:30
multoffесть кто живой16:31
ubottumultoff: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:32
altrortlamultoff: your language is?16:32
altrortlait's possible to have several user on kubuntu with different language interface?16:33
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Slartibartfastprobably it should be apt-get --reinstall install16:33
Slartibartfasti think so ... altrortla.. just depends on what your personal settings are ... and these are stored in your homoe -dir16:34
Slartibartfastvenik: use apt-get --reinstall install kdebase-plasma instead16:36
michael__what language I can to speak in there?16:52
fosco__here? english only16:52
SlimeyPetebut there are ubuntu channels for other languages too16:52
SlimeyPeteWhat language do you want?16:53
michael__In this IRC-net I can to find Russian?16:53
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:53
SlimeyPete<-- fastest fingers in the west16:53
michael__I vary Happy, thanks16:53
fabio_how to start strigi for nepomuk searches?16:57
fabio_there is someone that made it working in kubuntu?16:58
=== carlos is now known as Guest87145
joe_Im not abel to get Adept or the Synoptic package manager working i16:59
fabio_hi joe...seems all busy here17:00
Zeelot3khey guys17:06
Zeelot3kim using kde 4.2 in kubuntu 8.10 but firefox does not seem to know about any outside apps (cant even do "open containing folder" because it doesnt know about dolphin), anyone have a solution?17:06
mefisto__Zeelot3k: doesn't it let you choose which app to use ?17:10
Lynx_Hi all! I uninstalled Katapult, which I had set to Ctrl + Space as a hotkey. Now I assigned that hotkey back to the KDE menu, but it does not work. Is there some other place except the KDE settings where I have to change hotkeys?17:11
mefisto__Zeelot3k: edit, preferences, applications tab, has a list of mimetypes where you can choose default applications too17:11
Zeelot3knothing useful there17:12
Zeelot3kits supposed to use the kde default apps17:13
mefisto__Zeelot3k: nothing useful? don't you have a list of mimetypes?17:14
Zeelot3kyes but thats not what I need17:14
Zeelot3kim talking about every filetype17:14
mefisto__Zeelot3k: then I don't know what your question is about17:15
Zeelot3kfor example torrents dont open17:15
Zeelot3kand I cant open the containing folder17:16
Zeelot3kthose things are not on the list in the settings17:16
mefisto__Zeelot3k: when you click a link to a torrent, for example, do you see a dialog asking you what to do with it?17:16
Zeelot3kright but my only option is to save it17:17
Zeelot3kI cannot run it17:17
bazhangin firefox?17:17
bazhangwhy not set it then17:17
Zeelot3kset what17:17
Zeelot3kwhy doesnt firefox know I have KTorrent installed?17:18
bazhangthe way ff handles the file17:18
bazhangie hand off to ktorrent/transmission/etc17:18
Zeelot3kyou cant17:18
bazhangcan do it here17:18
mefisto__Zeelot3k: firefox 3 ?17:21
mefisto__Zeelot3k: look in your firefox profile folder. do you have mimetypes.rdf in there?17:26
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
mefisto__Lynx_: is this in hardy?17:31
Lynx_mefisto__: i believe so, erm, how do i find out the version again?17:31
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:32
Lynx_thx. It's intrepid.17:32
mefisto__Lynx_: how did you install katapult?17:33
Lynx_mefisto__: i think via apt-get, if i remember correctly17:33
mefisto__!info katapult17:33
ubottuPackage katapult does not exist in intrepid17:33
Lynx_ok, then not ;)17:33
Lynx_i guess via the tarball they provide17:34
mefisto__Lynx_: the reason I ask is because the alt-F2 dialog has the same functionality as katapult now, which is why katapult is not available for intrepid in official repos17:34
mefisto__Lynx_: you can set the keyboard shortcut to be alt-space instead of alt-F2 if that's what you're used to17:35
Lynx_mefisto__: ok, thank you, didn't know that17:35
mefisto__Lynx_: and there are a few different places where you can set keyboard shortcuts in kde 4. it's kind of confusing17:36
Lynx_mefisto__:  it seems so, because no shortcut I set up for the application launcher in the kde settings works17:37
Lynx_but alt-space for the run command works, so thats what i want17:38
mefisto__Lynx_: application launcher as in the menu? with the big K ?17:39
Luijaoh my god guys17:39
Lynx_mefisto__: yes. or is that not what it's called int he keyboard settings?17:39
Luijai am so tired of ubuntu wifi problems17:39
mefisto__Lynx_: that's what it's called. just making sure17:40
Luijanow the problems is than I actu the firmware of my router, ALL my other pc with vista can connect to wifi, except, of course... ubuntu17:40
mefisto__Lynx_: right-click the K icon of the menu, Application Launcher settings17:40
mefisto__Lynx_: try setting the shortcut there17:40
Lynx_mefisto__: there is only one option in that windows, switch tabs on hover17:41
Luijai installed guarddog, it was messing so i desinstalled it, and after that, temporaly solve the wifi problem, but i turn off the pc, guarddog is no more, and i cant still connect to wifi17:41
Luijaguys if u dont give me a solution, is an adios to linux in my house17:41
Luija"<Luija> now the problems is than I actu the firmware of my router, ALL my other pc with vista can connect to wifi, except, of course... ubuntu"17:42
Lynx_mefisto__: the run command thing is not great either, unless i'm missing options: when I type "ko" in the application launcher text box it suggests Komodo, but in the run command thing I have to type out the whole of komodo17:42
=== mike is now known as Guest27693
=== user_ is now known as Makedon
Guest27693Is there any free accounting software for Ubuntu that installs easily17:44
fosco__accounting for what17:45
bazhang!info kmymoney17:45
ubottuPackage kmymoney does not exist in intrepid17:45
bazhang!info gnucash17:45
ubottugnucash (source: gnucash): A personal finance tracking program. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.6-2ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1791 kB, installed size 5388 kB17:45
mefisto__Lynx_: if you type "kon" does it suggest konqueror, konsole, etc ?17:45
Guest27693home and business17:45
Lynx_mefisto__: hmm, yes it does. must be because i manually added komodo to the menu17:46
Guest27693gnucash does not have a debain install package17:46
esdanielguest27693: http://tinyurl.com/and2cw17:46
bazhangGuest27693, you are using debian?17:46
mefisto__Lynx_: what's the actual command for komodo? that is, what would you type in a terminal to start it?17:47
Guest27693Ubuntu and the installer will only run debain17:47
Lynx_mefisto__:  I figured it out, the command is actually komodo, it works if I put komodo into the description box in the menu editor also17:48
Lynx_mefisto__: thanks for your help!17:48
mefisto__Lynx_: ok, that's handy to know. thanks to you too17:48
bazhangGuest27693, gnucash is in the ubuntu repos17:48
=== giuseppe is now known as Guest4204
Guest27693let me go look for it...thanks17:49
newUbuntuUserhi.  I'm totally new to linux and was trying to install but ran into a bit of an error.17:49
carpiiim clicking a link to a video, and firefox instead downloads a .3gp file.   Is this some form of stream, and is there any software which can use it?17:49
bazhangGuest27693, sudo apt-get install gnucash17:49
newUbuntuUserIt seems that when I tried to install kubuntu decided to completely corrupt my partition table.17:49
newUbuntuUserI've tried gparted to no luck.17:50
mefisto__carpii: 3gp files are video files commonly used in phones17:50
newUbuntuUserfsck says Error 2 on the main drive.17:50
newUbuntuUserDoes anyone know who I can recover my windows partition?17:50
mefisto__newUbuntuUser: fsck is checking your windows partition?17:51
newUbuntuUserIt says the entire disk is Ext3 now.  There was an error while partitioning.  Something about writing to disk.17:51
carpiiGuest27693, this doesnt really help you right now, but Im writing a web based accountancy software like MS money. You can track its progress here https://sourceforge.net/projects/openassets/17:51
newUbuntuUseranyone, any ideas on how to fix my partion table?17:52
mefisto__newUbuntuUser: does gparted show the windows partition?17:53
newUbuntuUserI know it still exists since gparted shows it to me, but cant' recover.17:53
newUbuntuUserWhen I do check on it, it errors out.17:53
newUbuntuUserIt has a warning.  ntfsresize 2.0.0 (libntfs ...17:54
newUbuntuUserthen it says a whole ton of "missing cluster" errors17:54
Mooqballis kubuntu feb 25 build that much different from jaunty alpha 517:54
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wallabeeJust a quick question..is there a terminal command similar to the "ipconfig/all" windows command??17:54
fosco__wallabee, not sure what it does, but try ifconfig -a17:55
mefisto__newUbuntuUser: and you can't start windows?17:55
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newUbuntuUserI think i'll try chkdsk /f in safemode.  Maybe that'll fix it.17:55
=== newUbuntuUser is now known as newUbuntuAway
gersonde onde fala?17:57
itsatrickIs anyone else getting funky plasmoid porblems with OpenOffice.org?17:58
Luijai will repeat my problem: i cant connect to internet in any form: wired/wifi, i actu the firm of my router, and now the only pcs than can connect to the router r the ones with vista, this is my face: WTF?????!!!!! i uninstall guarddog, and that was a temporal solve, but after I turn off pc, same poblem17:58
Luijaguys if u dont give me a solution is a adios to linux in my house17:58
Luijaby the way i am talking from vista17:58
itsatrickI'm not trying to insult your intelligence, Luija, but do you have knetworkmanager installed?17:59
antonio_ciao ragazzi18:00
mefisto__!it | antonio_18:01
ubottuantonio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:01
gersonTem brasileiro aí gente?18:02
mefisto__!br | gerson18:03
ubottugerson: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:03
Luijaitsatrick: of course yes....18:03
Luijai could connect to internet18:03
Luijawithout problems18:03
Luijabut after the actu of my router firmware, the only ones than can connect r the ones with vista18:04
Luijasrry got d/c18:04
Luijaitsatrick of course yes...18:05
Luijawhat i am triying to tell u18:05
Luijais thab before i could connect without any problems to wifi18:05
Luijabut now, after the actu of the firm of my router18:05
Luijathe only ones than can r the ones with vista and my ps318:05
SJr|WorkKubuntu 8.04 or Kubuntu 8.1018:05
Luijathis is my face: WTF????!!!!!18:06
mefisto__Luija: sounds like your router is the problem18:06
itsatrickI had trouble connecting after the last update...I found that all my saved networks vanished.18:06
Luijanot possible18:06
Luijabecause i hvae 4 laptops18:06
Luijathe only one than cant connect is mine18:06
Luijaand i could before without problems18:06
tobbonight evbody18:07
mefisto__Luija: before what?18:07
Luijathe actu of the firmware18:07
Luijabut what i am triying to tell u18:07
tobboanyone know spoof for konversation?18:07
Luijais than my other laptops with vista can connect18:07
Luijamine with kubuntu not -___-18:07
mefisto__what is "actu" ?18:08
=== newUbuntuAway is now known as newUbuntuUser
newUbuntuUserWOW!  Well chkdisk worked, it fixed kubuntu's corruption of the partion table.18:09
newUbuntuUserthansk all18:09
Luijaactualization lol18:09
Luijatoo lazy to write it complete :)18:09
bazhangfirmware ?18:10
mefisto__actualization ?18:10
bazhangno idea what actualization is18:10
Luijathe firmware...18:11
bazhang!enter | Luija18:11
ubottuLuija: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:11
Luijathe update to my firmware!!18:11
Luijathats the correct word :) (i thing lol)18:12
bazhangLuija, dont type two words then hit enter18:12
bazhangsounds like a router issue18:12
Luijamy laptops from vista can connect18:12
NotForResale-UScan someone help me.. im trying to run command sudo apt-get install mercurial linux-headers-$KERNEL_VERSION build-essential18:13
NotForResale-USbut it says mercurial is not found18:13
Luijai am talking from vista in this moment, but kubuntu dont wanna connect either wired or wireless :S18:13
Luijamercurial not found'? no lol18:13
bazhangLuija, connect an ethernet cable to the kubuntu machine18:14
mefisto__Luija: can you ping the router?18:14
NotForResale-USE: Couldn't find package mercurial18:14
Luijabaz, i tried to that and not connection either18:14
bazhangLuija, do you seek assistance?18:14
Luijayes mefisto, i can ping the router (if u mean than i can connect)18:14
Luijayes baz :S18:14
cuzntdid knetwork get turned off or uninstalled?18:15
Luijano cuznt18:15
cuzntright on18:15
bazhangLuija, then a) easy on the enter key, and b) follow the instructions we give18:15
venikSlar-- Here is what I got: apt-get --reinstall install kdebase-plasma18:16
Luijaok, but i will need to log off from vista and enter kubuntu lol18:16
LuijaAND the problem is than18:16
Luijakubuntu dont wanna get internet18:16
Luijaby either wireless or wired18:16
Luijafrom my router18:16
bazhangLuija, then better write down what to do18:16
Luijaok baz18:16
Luijabring it lol18:16
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:17
Luijabe the way18:17
venikSorry-- Reinstallation of kdebase-plasma is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.18:17
Luijai installed guarddog18:17
bazhangLuija, after connecting the ethernet cable, make sure that your nic is seen by typing in konsole ifconfig18:17
LuijaI uninstalled it, and after that the problem solved, BUT i turned off, and the same :S18:17
bazhangLuija, it should be named something like eth018:18
bazhangLuija, then sudo dhclient eth018:18
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Luijawrite everything, i am gonna print18:18
bazhangI am still guessing it is a router issue though, and not to do with kubuntu, in light your just disclosing this was just after a firmware upgrade18:19
venikcan someone tell me why kdebase-plasma cannot be downloaded?18:19
venikI installed it, but things are not working correctly-- cannot change icons18:20
bazhangif your router is fine, then sudo dhclient eth0 will bring you a working internet connection18:20
mefisto__the router firmware upgrade may have created a new eth# eg eth118:20
Luijabut vaz, my pcs with vista can connect :S (i am talking from vista18:20
bazhangLuija, in future, use tab-completion for users nicknames18:21
Luijaok so18:22
Luijau can repeat me what i have to do pls?18:22
bazhangjust scroll up ^^18:22
mefisto__venik: how did you install it if you can't download it?18:22
venikI also want to know the answer to that question.  All I know is that it is installed (probably as part of the initial installation), but since it is not working right, I'd like to reinstall it18:28
mefisto__venik: sudo apt-get update18:29
gersonOlá como devo proceder para entrar no kubuntu.br18:29
mefisto__gerson: /join #ubuntu-br18:31
joergHello! Iam new.18:54
Luijacould not connect..........................18:56
Luijaunknown hardware or something -___-18:56
Luijai am pissed off as hell18:56
joergHello! Whats happen?18:58
Luijanot any solution?18:59
=== rraphink is now known as raphink
eugowhy does krdc (kde remote desktop client) look all blurry or 'jagged' in my realvnc client?19:15
eugoi have to select "raw mode" to get the picture clear, but still then the pic is "jagged"19:16
=== edulix_ is now known as Edulix
nightwlkri just got a new ATI Radeon X1650 vga ... vga is working fine but i can't seem to b able to activate the driver :S19:45
mefisto__you mean it doesn't work when you activate it and reboot?19:47
nightwlkrit just doesn't activate... nothing happens19:48
nightwlkrATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver i press on activate it just foes nothing19:49
mefisto__did you have the fglrx driver installed before getting the new ati card?19:50
nightwlkrno i just installed a fresh copy19:50
nightwlkrthought my built in vga had messed up my xconfig so i installed a fresh copy still the same19:51
mefisto__your built in vga is ati?19:51
nightwlkrnope it's sis19:51
mefisto__so you put the new ati card in, then installed the fglrx driver? or you tried to enable it from "hardware drivers" in the menu? what did you do first?19:53
nightwlkrok i plugged in my ati vga card, installed a fresh kubuntu then i went into system / hardware Drivers .. then i press activate it just doesn't work19:54
mefisto__and then?19:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about akondi19:57
nightwlkrtried rebooting and all that..my max resolution is 800 x 60019:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about akonadi19:57
mefisto__nightwlkr: you said "no i just installed a fresh copy"19:57
nightwlkrya i did... after it wasn't working19:58
mefisto__nightwlkr: you installed the fglrx driver?19:58
nightwlkri had kubuntu for a while now using my built in sis vga.. i got the ati plugged it, resolution max 800x600 compiz and desktop effects working though and they weren't on my sis vga so that was good..19:59
nightwlkrno..it just gives me this ati/amd thing on hardware drivers.. and doesn't activate, haven't installed anything20:00
nightwlkri'll try finding that20:00
mefisto__ok, so when you said you installed a fresh copy, you meant you reinstalled kubuntu?20:01
mefisto__ok, got it20:01
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hallownamei keep getting 'no space left on device' errors from dpkg, but none of my partitions are full :( tips?20:03
mefisto__nightwlkr: enable restricted sources and try to enable again20:04
nightwlkrall restricted sources r enabled already20:05
nightwlkram trying this now .. " sudo apt-get install fglrx-amdcccle20:06
mefisto__nightwlkr: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic jockey-kde20:08
mefisto__nightwlkr: fglrx-amdcccle is the "Catalyst control center" app, which is unnecessary20:10
nightwlkryikes 23.4 mb :P20:10
mefisto__nightwlkr: but it will probably install the fglrx driver package with it20:10
nightwlkrya i already cancelled the previous installing this 120:11
mefisto__!ati | nightwlkr20:13
ubottunightwlkr: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:13
mefisto__hallowname: sudo apt-get clean    will remove all the deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives/20:15
jerikhi, i entered "/usr/sbin/groupadd -g dbus" but should have had 81 lik "/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 81 dbus", now when i do what I think should be the obvious "/usr/sbin/groupdel dbus" I get an error saying that I cant remove the users primary group...20:16
jeriksomeone who knows what 81 is for? and how i get around this?20:17
hallownamemefisto__: it will indeed :) but i dont have any there. my dpkg is reporting disk full on a disk with 3gb empty...20:17
mefisto__hallowname: and none of your partitions are close to full?20:20
hallownamemefisto__: nope20:20
mefisto__hallowname: what are you trying to install?20:21
hallownamemefisto__: pidgin, its not a package problem i dont think...20:22
hallownamei beleive apt has a setting for how much cache to use when i might have overwritten :( im off to see, thx for the [attempted] help :D20:22
mefisto__hallowname: is it trying to install loads of dependencies?20:23
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nightwlkrmefisto__: also there's the issue of graphics suddenly freezing and i can't do anything..amarok was still playing the song though, no keyboard or mouse response20:29
mefisto__nightwlkr: I'm confused about 1) which video card you are currently using 2) what you have installed/are trying to install20:32
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nightwlkrcurrently i have ATI Radeon x1650 plugged on my pc, trying to install linux-restricted-modules jockey-kde like u told me.. but pc freezes no response when i use keyboard or mouse, though music was still going on in the background20:35
nightwlkri rebooted to b able to work again20:36
mefisto__nightwlkr: did those 2 things install properly?20:36
nightwlkrwell it's 23.4 mb so am waiting..so far 7.2 mb done and since there's a storm outside 15.4 kb/s it's gonna take a while20:37
mefisto__nightwlkr: ok, if things freeze up on you again, you might want to try installing them without X running. eg, you could boot in recovery mode and go to text mode login, install them, then reboot normally and try enabling again as normal20:39
nightwlkrmefisto__:  ya i can do that, thnx for the help :) will wait and c what happens,20:41
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carpiidont be a moron plz20:49
usuario_my name is diego20:50
usuario_hablo español20:51
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usuario_alguien abla español??????20:51
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genii!es | diego_20:51
ubottudiego_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:51
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alesanhi do you know how to remove KDE4?21:01
HappySmileMansudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop21:01
alesanthat is already removed... but I still have some KDE4 packages around....21:03
mefisto__alesan: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome21:03
alesanthe installation of KDE3.5 restored my happyness21:03
alesanno gnome please :)21:03
mefisto__alesan: what do you have installed?21:03
mefisto__alesan: hardy?21:04
alesanI think it was you who gave me the link on how to install KDE3.5 on intrepid21:04
drbobbHappySmileMan: removing kubuntu-desktop doesn't really remove anything21:04
HappySmileMandrbobb: It depends on everything, si I assumed once you remove that an auto-remove would remove everything it depends on21:05
alesanmefisto__, I am using the repository at http://ppa.launchpad.net/kb9vqf/ubuntu21:05
drbobbnot sure about autoremove21:05
HappySmileManUnless I guess you installed some KDE packages manually, in which case those need to be removed too21:05
drbobbbut just removing kubuntu-desktop removes, uh, just the kubuntu-desktop package21:06
alesanHappySmileMan, an apt-get autoremove removed quite a few packages actually21:06
Laeborg-lapany programs for linux to stream music to a shoutcast server?21:06
myo[ot] why everbody says kde 4 sucks?  i 'm using it with no problems... (almost.... but its ok)21:06
alesanmyo, you would love windows vista I suppose21:06
myoi don't21:06
myoim a .net developer21:07
myobut i ise linux21:07
myoat home21:07
myoand kubuntu with kde 421:07
myowhat's wrong with kde421:07
myoi can't understnad..21:07
mefisto__alesan: you could remove the kde4 packages listed at the puregnome link I just gave you, then install kubuntu-desktop to make sure you have everything required for kde321:08
alesanI *personally* think everything in KDE4 is just so unconvenient. I tried hard to use 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, there are improvements but so far KDE3.5 is much better. again, PERSONAL opinion.21:08
drbobbit's not so much that anything's wrong with kde421:08
HappySmileManWell people have different opinions, and don't need to explain them, but real question is why people can't keep it to themselves unless it's actually relevant21:08
drbobbjust that a lot of ppl still find 3.x a lot better21:08
myoalesan... it's ok yur opinion... but why do u say i unconvinient?21:09
alesanthe only thing that KDE4 is better is that if I open a vi in a konsole4 I can use the mouse scroll wheel to scroll, while in konsole3 I cannot.21:09
alesanwell I will just name a few21:09
mefisto__myo: some people are still in love with kde321:09
alesanif I set the crystal icon theme, he K menu gets the icon of a left arrow.21:10
myomefisto__:  yep... looks like thats the reason21:10
alesanto suspend my laptop, I have to click several times and open a drop down menu, while kde offered a simple button21:10
drbobbif anyone really asked for a totally subjective opinion, i'd say kde4 is butt-ugly (yeah i know nobody asked)21:10
alesanthe quick launch tray area is a new thing found in 4.2 only but it's hard to add anything21:11
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alesandrbobb, if it is my wife's butt then KDE4 would be beautiful21:11
myoalesan:  lol21:11
drbobblucky you alesan21:11
alesanthe fact is, beauty is irrelevant :)21:11
drbobbyeah but ugliness sucks21:12
alesanI want convenience and a low click-count to do things. I love to have access with a single click. KDE4 is worse than 3.5 under this aspect21:12
myoanyway is just about if is beauty or not..21:12
mefisto__drbobb: kde4 looks different depending on themes, icons, distribution, etc. it's not kde4 itself21:13
myoi'm using kubunt with the default theme21:13
myoand is working good21:13
drbobbyeah, all themes i've seen look ugly to me21:13
alesanmefisto__, but sane dafaults have to be provided. I found myself spending hours to make KDE4 look like KDE3.521:13
myois stable and let me doo everythink i want to21:13
alesanand at the end I switched to gnome21:13
myothat's all i need21:13
alesanuntil you told me how to install 3.5 on intrepid21:13
drbobbwell a lot uglier than i can make 3.5 look with just a few clicks21:13
alesandrbobb, indeed21:14
alesanthen the worst thing is dolphin21:14
alesanwhy don't give us just the good konqueror!!?!21:14
myojoin #trojan21:14
drbobbeasy to get rid of dolphin21:14
myojoin #miro21:14
mefisto__alesan: I don't think making kde4 look like kde3.5 is sane. kde4 works differently, so making it look like 3.5 would mean hiding a lot of its features21:14
drbobbbut a lot harder to purge the ugliness from the default llok21:15
drbobbanyway hardy is still supported, so..?21:15
mefisto__alesan: kubuntu still has konqueror. and kde3.5 has dolphin21:16
drbobbi simply decided hardy stays on my desktops until EOL21:16
alesanmefisto__, but in KDE3.5 you can disinstall dolphin21:17
drbobbby then, hopefully kde4 won't be too far behind 3.x21:17
alesanwhile in KDE4 if you disinstall it it will bring down the entire kde421:17
mefisto__alesan: really?21:18
alesandrbobb, I need intrepid's kernel, my thinkpad didn't work well with hardy's (suspend/resume)21:18
alesanmefisto__, are you sarcastic?21:18
mefisto__alesan: no, I'm surprised you can't remove dolphin21:18
drbobbalesan: oops, that sucks21:19
alesanThe following packages will be REMOVED:21:19
alesan  dolphin kdebase-bin kdebase-data konqueror konqueror-plugin-searchbar21:19
alesankonqueror depends on dolphin? this is ridiculous21:19
alesaninsulting even :)21:20
mefisto__insulting how?21:20
alesandolphin took the bad of gnome and implemented it :)21:20
alesanlike the absence of a address bar21:20
alesanwhere you can copy and paste the current path21:20
mefisto__alesan: dolphin has an address bar21:20
alesanI've opened it in front of me I see no address bar21:21
drbobbalesan: not sure whether this works on kde4, but on kde3.5 you did not need to remove dolphin, it was enough to edit file associations to make folders open in konqueror by default21:21
geniialesan: Please don't paste multiple lines into this channel, use the pastebin instead21:21
alesangenii, I used the pastebin watch one line above21:21
mefisto__alesan: click to the right of the where the location is shown and it appears. click the curved arrow again and it turns into buttons/menus again21:21
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alesanmefisto__, mh...21:22
alesanyou mean click on "edit"?21:23
alesanyes there is an address bar but if I close and open it again it's gone21:23
mefisto__alesan: konqueror is now "using" dolphin because it is better21:23
alesanon nautilus you can press ctrl+L or something for the same21:23
alesanmefisto__, don't tell me what is better and what not, I told you that my opinion towards KDE4 was personal21:24
alesanand now I am happy with KDE3.521:24
alesanin my HUMBLE opinion it is MUCH more convenient, and KDE4 doesn't give me *anything* other than a better konsole that supports wheel mouse in vim21:25
alesanI knew I shouldn't have started this :)21:25
mefisto__alesan: if you don't like what I say, ignore it. you can set dolphin to always show the address bar21:26
geniinano ~/.kde/share/config/d3lphinrc        and change under [General]  section: Editable URL=false             into: Editable URL=true21:26
alesanmefisto__, konqueror showed an address bar by default without having to google or IRC to understand how21:26
mefisto__alesan: it's in dolphin's settings. it's not hard to discover21:27
alesangenii, interesting. So KDE4 improves the experience by having to muck with config files?21:27
alesan(nothing against text file config)21:28
alesananyway, lunch break's finished, I should go back to work21:28
HappySmileManYou don't have to use text file21:28
NotForResale-USim having an issue installing v4l-dvb i keep getting errors making  source21:29
geniialesan: That is for dolphin/kde 3.5 url bar fix21:29
ethiotechI am having issue with KDE21:32
ethiotechMy firefox keep freezing every few minutes21:33
ethiotechI think a lot of times is when I open a flash page21:33
ethiotechany fix to this? is this a bug?21:33
mefisto__ethiotech: look at about:plugins in firefox. do you have more than one "Shockwave Flash" listed? and is it version 10 ?21:34
ethiotechmefisto__: how do I check about:plugins?21:36
ethiotechare you talkin about "About Mozzila firefox"?21:36
ethiotechor is this a file?21:36
HappySmileManethiotech: Type "about:plugins" into the address bar in Firefox21:37
HappySmileManIt's a special page that lists info about your plugins21:38
ethiotechI have more than one and shocksave is listed21:38
ethiotechand its version  10.0. r1221:38
ethiotechI have VLC Multimedia Plug-in21:39
HappySmileManOh well I'm not too sure, my Firefox freezes constantly anyway since I'm always running out of ram21:39
ethiotechhmm I have enough RAM(4GB)21:39
mefisto__ethiotech: there is a newer flash plugin. do you have just one "Shockwave Flash" or more than one?21:39
ethiotechjust one21:40
mefisto__ethiotech: how did you install the flash plugin?21:40
ethiotechnot sure21:40
ethiotechI probably just clicked ok when it asked to install flash when visitn a flash page21:41
mefisto__ethiotech: ok to remove the current one you can try: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree21:42
mefisto__ethiotech: or this: sudo apt-get remove adobe-flashplugin21:42
Luijar u there21:44
ethiotechI only see flashplugin-nonfree21:44
ethiotechis that the only flashplugin?21:44
Luijamefisto__ or bazhang21:44
Luijathe problem persist21:44
Luijai cant still connect to internet in kubuntu..............21:44
mefisto__ethiotech: that's the one. did it remove?21:44
ethiotechshould I  apt-get install ?21:45
mefisto__ethiotech: to make sure it's completely gone now: sudo updatedb && locate libflashplayer.so21:45
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mefisto__ethiotech: that should not find the file libflashplayer.so if it's completely removed21:46
ethiotechmefisto__: ok whats next?21:46
hallownameok ok if i accidentally 'rm /tmp -rf' how can i fix this?21:47
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mefisto__ethiotech: reinstall the flash plugin: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:47
mefisto__ethiotech: then close firefox, and restart it. go to a flash site to test21:48
ethiotechok thanks21:48
mefisto__ethiotech: I've seen some mention of installing adobe-flashplugin instead of flashplugin-nonfree because it apparently updates more reliably21:49
Luijamefisto__ >_h>21:49
mefisto__ethiotech: so you might want to try installing it that way first21:49
Luijai want internet in my kubuntu again21:49
ethiotechokay I will try my home box21:49
ethiotechI am now at work and just  removed and reinstalledflashplugin-nonfree21:50
ethiotechthanks for the help21:50
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SJr|WorkI'm trying to install Kubuntu off of a USB drive, and I keep getting "A monitor has been connected", "A monitor has been disconnected" and the prompts keep coming up and I can never install.21:52
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carpiii take it youve checked for loose connection ?21:53
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racecar56stupid tap to click, can't get rid of it... xorg dies if i do it the xorg way, shmconfig on also fails my xorg, what the heck am i going to do?21:56
SJr|Workcarpii I yanked out the other monitor21:57
SJr|Workcarpii how can I just kill it entirely21:57
mefisto__hallowname: have you recreated /tmp ?21:58
hallownamemefisto__: i have, but dunno wut perms to set it to22:00
mefisto__hallowname: all perms. it should be accessible by any user/group22:01
mefisto__hallowname: so +ugowrxt22:01
hallownamemefisto__: thx :D22:01
mefisto__hallowname: t = the "sticky" bit22:01
hallownamemefisto__: i get an 'invalid mode' error22:02
mefisto__hallowname: it should look like this when you ls - /       drwxrwxrwt22:02
hallownamemefisto__: simple enough :) thx for the help22:03
mefisto__*ls -l /22:03
hallownamemefisto__: ahh the cmd for it is 'chmod usoa+wrxt' :)22:04
mefisto__hallowname: ok, sorry about confusing you22:04
hallownamemefisto__: got it :D thx a ton22:05
hallownamenow for dpkg issues :( /var/lib/dpkg/status: no space left on device ...22:05
mefisto__oh no! racecar crashed!22:06
hallownamehow can /var have no space left when the / partition its on has 3gb left? :(22:07
Unksiits on different partition?22:08
mefisto__hallowname: just to make sure, does df -h /var/cache/apt/archives say you have 3GB left too?22:08
carpiiwhats reporting it has no space left?22:08
hallownamemefisto__: 'df -h /var/cache/apt/archives' shows 6gb free...22:09
hallownamecarpii: dpkg itself... :(22:09
mefisto__hallowname: also, it probably uses /tmp to unpack the packages, so if /tmp was not right, that may be the cause of the error22:09
hallownamemefisto__: but now /tmp is fixed and writable, but i still get the 'no space' error...22:10
SJr|WorkKubuntu USB Installers?22:11
talonstrikerI can't connect to secured (WPA/WEP) networks22:11
hallownametalonstriker: likely a hardware problem (drivers?)... did this happen all the sudden?22:15
talonstrikerhallowname: nope always been like that since I upgraded to KDE4.  I could connect fine when I was using gnome22:16
hallownametalonstriker: oh, well run 'nm-applet' and use gnome's wifi utility...22:16
talonstrikerhallow: nm-applet quits with a assertion fail22:18
talonstriker(nm-applet:8143): Gtk-WARNING **: libbonoboui-2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:19
talonstriker(nm-applet:8143): Gtk-WARNING **: libbonoboui-2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:19
talonstriker** (nm-applet:8143): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 322:19
talonstriker(nm-applet:8143): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed22:19
talonstrikerah wait22:19
talonstrikeri didn't quit the current networkmanager22:19
slack_somebody know if the kubuntu-develop team is going to release a libmysql 5.1 to build amarok?22:20
slack_i'm a HOYGAN XD22:20
mefisto__hallowname: if you do: export TMPDIR='/tmp'  does that fix it?22:22
talonstrikerthanks hallow!22:22
hallownamemefisto__: failed to open `/var/lib/dpkg/status' for writing status information: No space left on device :(22:23
mefisto__hallowname: does   /var/lib/dpkg/status-old    exist?22:28
hallownamemefisto__: it does, should it not?22:28
mefisto__hallowname: try making a backup of 'status' ( sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status-backup ) then try using the old one ( sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status )22:30
DaddyLonglegsPlease somebody help me upgrade to KDE 4.2. I have added the repo for PPA, but it fails to connect to it whenever I try to fetch updates. Any idea would be much appreciated.22:30
hallownamemefisto__: ahh ok22:30
mefisto__hallowname: then sudo apt-get update22:30
hallownamemefisto__: thx ill try22:30
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Hello friend. I'm still stuck behind upgrading to KDE 4.2. I'm trully frustrated.22:31
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: hi. when you sudo apt-get upgrade   do you still have packages not installing?22:32
DaddyLonglegsNothing happens when I do so.22:32
hallownamemefisto__: umm, i cant create a 'status' file now :( no space left on device... as in 'cp status-old status' failed...22:32
hallownameDaddyLonglegs: paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list into pastebin.ca and post the link here...22:33
yao_ziyuanLatest QtCurve. Uploaded via an insecure connection from within China. Use at your own risk.22:34
mefisto__hallowname: getting weird. how big is the original    /var/lib/dpkg/status  file?22:34
DaddyLonglegshallowname: Here is the link: http://pastebin.com/d2482bcf322:35
hallownamemefisto__: 2.2mb22:35
mefisto__hallowname: ok. mine is 2.0MB so seems normal22:35
hallownamemefisto__: yea, sndz right, i think a log file may have filled my /var... and df isnt reporting it... i am on jaunty alpha ;)22:37
mefisto__hallowname: do you have an unusual partition scheme? could /var/lib/dpkg/status be on a partition not on /   >22:38
mefisto__hallowname: do you have an unusual partition scheme? could /var/lib/dpkg/status be on a partition not on /   ?22:38
hallownameDaddyLonglegs: just keep running 'sudo apt-get update' until u get an upgrade...22:38
hallownamemefisto__: it is a very unusual scheme, but i told the installer to autolocate /var (as in i didn't specify where i wanted /var)22:38
DaddyLonglegshallowname: I tried that zillions of times.22:39
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: try 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' if there are packages "held back"22:39
hallownameDaddyLonglegs: the repo is added correctly... do you get 404 errors when you 'apt-get update'?22:39
DaddyLonglegshallowname: No.22:39
Assurbanipalhi, which wysiwyg editor do u guys recomend for kubuntu?22:40
mefisto__Assurbanipal: text editor?22:40
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: No. The bottomline is: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:40
Assurbanipalmefisto__: for making web pages without using html code22:41
hallownameDaddyLonglegs: then everything is smooth, try kwrite > help > about kde to see what version of kde you have22:41
DaddyLonglegshallowname: It's 4.1.422:41
hallownameDaddyLonglegs: oh... and you want newer ones for intrepid right?22:42
DaddyLonglegshallowname: I want 4.222:42
mefisto__Assurbanipal: quanta plus for lots of features, kompozer for simple stuff22:42
hallownameDaddyLonglegs: try the kde4 nightly buildservice packages... i think they have an intrepid repo...22:42
DaddyLonglegshallowname: How can I add those repos?22:43
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: have you tried backports?22:43
hallownameDaddyLonglegs: google 'project neon repo intrepid'22:43
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: the 4.2 packages are in backports official repo now. that may work better22:44
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: No. What are they?22:44
draik_I bought a new 1TB HDD and it is still not able to process with the installation of Kubuntu 8.1022:44
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: kdesudo software-properties-kde22:44
draik_It gets as far as the keyboard inquiry, but when it comes to the HDD selection, it's null22:45
draik_Nothing happens.22:45
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: That gives me the Software Sources window.22:45
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: enable the backports repo on the updates tab (unsupported updates, I think it's called there)22:45
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Oh, I see.22:46
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Now sudo apt-get update, upgrade, dist-update?!22:46
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: but that will upgrade everything in backports, not just kde422:47
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: So, is there any way to restrict the update just to KDE 4?22:47
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mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: when you quit the software sources window, it should do the sudo apt-get update for you22:48
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Yes. It did.22:48
hallownameDaddyLonglegs: after you 'update' open 'aptitude' and pick which apps u want to upgrade... backports -usually- breaks installs...22:48
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: you could try doing an upgrade, and see what it wants to upgrade. if there are things there you don't want upgraded, just update the ones that seem like kde4 packages22:49
DaddyLonglegshallowname: Oh, I've never used aptitude so far. It looks quite new to me.22:49
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: that is, say no when it asks to upgrade, then sudo apt-get install just the kde4 ones, and it should upgrade them to newest versions22:50
hallownameDaddyLonglegs: oh, well dont then :) if it looks too complex, just use adept to pick which to upgrade22:50
hallownamemefisto__: /tmp needs 'chmod 1777' instead of 'chmod ugo+rwxt' dunno y tho...22:51
hallownamemefisto__: still cant figure out the no space on device error :( *kicks /var*22:51
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DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Even after enabling backports updates, it doesn't show me any list of packages to update.22:52
BigMike i have a 2 gig swap partition that is never used an my ram only uses about 500 megs out of 2 gigs should I delete the swap or reduce it to 500 megs22:52
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: BTW, I just updated kubuntu a couple of hours ago.22:53
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: you mean there were updates, and they installed?22:53
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Yes, there were, and thy successfully installed.22:54
Laeborg-lapI have installed steam via PlayOnLinux (Using Wine, I guess), but when I try to change the graphics to OpenGL, the game crash. Then I tried to run 'glxgears' but it only gives me 100-200 FPS. I have a Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 graphic card.22:54
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mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: ok, this is a long shot, but look in /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure there is at least one blank line at the bottom of that file. I think all text editors in k/ubuntu do that for you anyway, but doesn't hurt to make sure22:55
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Sure.22:56
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: I checked it, and the last line was blank.22:57
Xeno43If I'm having a problem when I try to install Kubuntu with Wubi, should i go to wubi support or here?22:58
Xeno43Lol, when I click on Kubuntu to boot, my monitor goes black and shows a little blue screen that it doesn't support the resolution Kubuntu is tryin to use22:59
Xeno43Is there a way to fix that?22:59
Xeno43Like change the resolution before boot?22:59
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Hey... I added couple of more blank lines at the end of sources.list, and then run apt-get upgrade, it gave me a bunch of new updates, I'm not sure what they are though.22:59
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: It says that a bunch of packages have been kept back, and a bunch of them are to be upgraded.23:01
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: if you want to make sure what they are first, you could say no, then use adept to do the upgrades. you should be able to preview the updates before applying23:01
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Aha!23:01
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: or you could turn off backports again, then sudo apt-get update to see what is upgradeable23:02
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Nice idea.23:02
HerazioI'm gonna barge right in with my question here. I'm having some trouble enabling my wireless card (Intel PRO/3945ABG). It seems to be supported by Kubuntu but doesn't seem to be able to get enabled. I tried some proprietary drivers (Ndiswrapper <-- No go). On Windows I need to press FN - F1 but this also doesn't work on Kubuntu. I've been searching on the forums, and on google. But no luck.23:02
racecar56the tap to click is so aggrivating23:03
Heraziooh I also remember on Windows I had a program that asked me to switch on or off my WLAN card. (Fujitsu Siemens Amilo LI2735)23:03
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: It's pretty strange. I haven't disabled backports yet; I ran adept to fetch updates list, and it didn't give me anything! Apt-get upgrade gave me at least 20 packages to update though.23:04
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: I suppose you could look up each package at packages.ubuntu.com if you want, or find what those packages are in adept even though it doesn't seem to want to do any upgrades23:07
mefisto__apt seems to have gone nuts for both DaddyLonglegs and hallowname23:07
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: What's kdelibs5?23:11
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: part of kde. kde libraries23:13
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Is kdebase-runtime-data is the main package to be upgraded for KDE 4.2?23:13
anitahi agaiin23:15
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: it's part of kdebase-runtime (no surprise there)23:15
anitahow do i find the channel list with konversation?23:15
mefisto__DaddyLonglegs: you can see details of packages with    apt-cache show <package-name>23:16
* DaddyLonglegs wonders if anita is Persian.23:16
DaddyLonglegsmefisto__: Ah. Thanks.23:16
jamesjedimasteranita: with the key F523:16
snarksteranyone know how to add another panel?23:17
DaddyLonglegsanita: with capital p of course.23:18
HerazioSnarkster: That is quite easy right click on your KDE Desktop and click on Add panel ! (if your Widgets are unlocked ^^)23:18
anitais that suppose to be a nick ? DaddyLonglegs23:19
DaddyLonglegsanita: I suppose it to be so.23:19
anitano sorry i''m not23:19
DaddyLonglegsNo success for today again. Time to leave.23:21
* DaddyLonglegs is shuting down...23:21
HerazioMaybe I should shorten my Question ! :P (Intel Wireless PRO/3945ABG). The FN keys are not working on Kubuntu. I've tried reinstalling proprietary drivers. Normally I need to use a GUI (in windows) to enable WLAN.23:21
snarksterthank you23:22
mefisto__Herazio: knetworkmanager is the gui in kubuntu. but many people say it doesn't work too well. I don't use wireless myself so I can't be much help, sorry23:24
Heraziomefisto__: that's alright ^^ I appreciate the answer though !23:25
TeslaTonyDoes anyone recommend any particular external hard drives/NAS for backing up a desktop with 1.1 or so terabytes of space, and two netbooks? (this is with both WinXP and Ubuntu)23:25
BsimsI am looking for a simple to use way to do web dj on linux, I want it to work with amarok if possible23:26
gaurav__is it possible for me to upgrade from kubuntu kde 4.1 version to kde 4.223:28
gaurav__any upgradation options available???23:28
BsimsWhat version are you runnung23:29
gaurav__kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4.123:29
mefisto__gaurav__: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.223:29
gaurav__so it depends on the version of kubuntu23:30
gaurav__like jaunty23:30
gaurav__or intrepid23:30
Bsimsgaurav__: nope http://www.kubuntu.org/node/5823:30
Bsimsgaurav__: enable that ppa and then do an update and upgrade23:30
mefisto__Bsims: have you looked at that lately? there is no ppa there now. just says enable backports!23:31
Bsimsunofficial archive23:31
Bsimsmefisto__: Ah Ok23:31
mefisto__Bsims: just noticed it now23:31
gaurav__i had got the cd from cannonical23:32
gaurav__how do i know which version of kubuntu do i have23:32
gaurav__intrepid or jaunty?23:32
BsimsIntrepid is what you have23:32
HazaEvening folks. I need to turn off some weird kind of notification functionality in KDE 4.2.x23:33
gaurav__thanx guys23:33
HazaI looked into the settings under notifications but was unable to find anything that would turn it off23:33
BsimsHaza: whats it doing?23:33
HazaBsims: Its being VERY annoying :)23:33
BsimsSure dcc away23:34
BsimsOr can you describe what it is doing23:34
Hazaits easier to show Bsims :)23:34
Bsimsyou are gonna have to go dig in kopete for that its annoys me too... but not enough to dig into it23:35
astrommeno, no, notifications are easy23:35
astrommeSystem Settings -> Notifications23:35
Hazaastromme: i looked there23:35
BsimsHaza: found it23:35
Hazabut was unable to find the setting23:36
mefisto__Haza: just the kopete notifications annoy you? or you want to turn off all notifications?23:36
HazaBsims: oh? :)23:36
HazaAll will do23:36
Haza@ mefisto__23:36
Bsimsin the notifications settings for kopete... Incoming message untick the show message in popup23:36
astrommeJust go to the "Kopete" and change what you need23:36
astrommeLook for the "Incoming Message" event in the Kopete notifications in System Settings23:37
HazaI see23:37
mefisto__Haza: in systemsettings > notifications, you can use the dropdown menu to choose "event source" and turn settings on/off as you like them to be23:38
Hazamefisto__, Bsims, astromme: Thanks guys. This was driving me nuts :)23:39
astrommehehe =)23:39
gaurav__how do i switch on the hibernate feature in kubuntu?23:39
BsimsHeh notifications are a pain in the butt... I can't get kde to use my system bell23:39
gaurav__it just shows basic, logout, switch, shut down and reboot23:39
gaurav__and lock as well23:39
gaurav__how about stand by and hibernate?23:39
mefisto__Bsims: yeah that doesn't seem to work at all23:40
astrommeBsims: what about the "System Bell" 'tab' in notifications?23:40
Bsimsastromme: Heh test rings it but it doesn't actually /use/ it... it plays a useless ding in my headphones which I seldom wear though23:41
astrommeBsims: That's probably an alsa/sound server thing23:44
Bsimscould be but it works with xterm23:45
mefisto__astromme: it should just do a system "beep". that wouldn't go through alsa would it?23:45
guinnessHi all23:45
mefisto__astromme: if it did, it would have to be routed through a sound card, not the system speaker23:45
astrommemefisto__: It shouldn't, but I have a feeling that alsa (or maybe motherboard, or something) interferes23:45
astrommeOn my desktop, if there is a beep without X I get system pc speaker23:46
astrommeHowever, from inside X, the same terminal app gives a beep to my soundcard23:46
astromme /shrug23:46
astrommeAnd on my laptop, there is no bell speaker, so it always comes through my speakers/headphones23:47
BsimsHrm how to I get konversation to widen the chat entry window when it reaches the end again?23:47
mefisto__astromme: oh, ok so they do intentionally send the beep through alsa23:47
BsimsWhich is broken and dumb23:47
Bsimsfound it23:48
Bsimsgetting teh bar to expand I mean23:49
=== subprocess is now known as dsa
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bipolarwell, here goes installing 4.2 on all the office workstations.... :)23:51
astrommewoah... this computer I'm helping to fix has 39000 messages in its email trash folder....23:51
astrommebipolar: woah, good luck23:51
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
bipolarI've been testing it since it was on ppa. and retested the backports packages. looks good so far.23:53
Bsimsbipolar: I've been running from the ppa as well beats the piss out of 4.123:54
bipolarBsims: yep. the only annoyance is akonadi's reliance on mysql. can't be helped I guess23:54
=== max128 is now known as HI12
bipolarI did have to disable apparmor's mysqld-akonadi profile though. It doesn't work with nfs mounted home directorys23:55
bipolarI posted a bug for it23:55
mefisto__Bsims: how DO you expand the bar in konversation :) I can't find it now23:57
Bsimsmefisto__: Hehe general and under misc23:58
mefisto__Bsims: thanks. funny how you can be looking right at it but not see it :)23:59
BsimsOh I know kde is like that23:59

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