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meoblast001why does it say Braden Walters at https://code.launchpad.net/~mysticgalaxies/grandwing/devel instead of meoblast00100:42
meoblast001only the ones from my laptop say meoblast00100:42
thumpermeoblast001: because the older revisions didn't have a real email address associated with them00:55
thumpermeoblast001: you need to have done a `bzr whoami` to tell bzr who you are00:55
thumperwhen launchpad sees this name, it looks to see if it knows the email address00:56
thumperif it does, it links the revision to the LP person00:56
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fallenpegasusthe mercurial http server can make a link that pulls a tarball of a given branch...  does launchpad have anything like that?05:28
fallenpegasusor do i have to register a release, then generate a tarball locally and push it up as an associated file for that release?05:29
mtaylorfallenpegasus: that's what I do06:06
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=== noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - noodles775| Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
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cumulus007I was wonering if it is possible to filter out all Ubuntu-specific programs from a list of translatable programs?14:02
noodles775-afkdanilos: ^^^^^14:03
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evandIs setting a contact address the only thing I need to do to prevent core-dev from getting spammed by being a member of another team?14:22
noodles775barry: ^^^^14:30
salgadoevand, yes14:38
evandthanks salgado14:38
cumulus007 I was wondering if it is possible to filter out all Ubuntu-specific programs from a list of translatable programs?14:39
beunocumulus007, danilos knows14:41
beunoI think not14:41
beunobut danilos will tell us14:41
cumulus007it seems like he's not available :|14:42
beunowell, we also have henninge_14:42
henninge_Hi cumulus007!14:43
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henningecumulus007: No, there is no such flag on our data.14:44
cumulus007I think I remind you from yesterday14:44
henningecumulus007: did you get my e-mail?14:44
cumulus007pity, because there are about 1800 projects in the list I'm talking about14:44
henningecumulus007: is this still about resetting translations to their packaged versions?14:45
cumulus007not anymore14:45
cumulus007How many times in a year gets Launchpad synced with the upstream translations?15:08
noodles775cumulus007: Sounds like another question for henninge :)15:09
henningecumulus007: I think you mean "Ubuntu translations in Launchpad".15:09
cumulus007Yes, but afaik Ubuntu is the only translatable OS on Launchpad.15:10
henningecumulus007: Whenever a new version of the source package is uploaded and build, the translations contained in the source package are uploaded to Launchpad.15:10
henningecumulus007: Not really, but certainly the largest.15:11
henningecumulus007: Also, we have tons of projects unrelated to Ubuntu that use translations.15:11
cumulus007okay. So, when I have updates in my Ubuntu update manager, these can contain updates translations?15:12
henningecumulus007: About Ubuntu: Remember that what is in Launchpad is only from the "main" comonent and that these get put in to language packs.15:12
cumulus007Main component as in universe, restricted, etc. ?15:13
henningecumulus007: If the update is from "main", they will not contain translations because those are in the language packs.15:13
henningecumulus007: yes.15:13
jblountIs there a feed for bugs with a specific tag? Like a feed for this page: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bugs?field.tag=patch15:13
jblountI only see feeds for release targetted bugs.15:13
noodles775gmb: ^^^^15:16
henningecumulus007: If the update is from universe or the like, they must bring their own translations with them.15:17
cumulus007henninge: okay, sounds much clearer now15:17
henningecumulus007: Language packs (for main) are released about once a month (just checked with Arne who is doing that)15:18
Mirvnoodles775: so are you on duty, or allenap who should be on 27th? I just clicked "Apply for mailing list", because I thought I could link the existing lists.ubuntu.com mailing list to our team page, but apparently it created a request for lists.launchpad.net list...15:21
noodles775Mirv: I swapped with allenap...15:22
noodles775But I'll try to find a mailing-list person to answer your question...15:22
Mirvnoodles775: ok. just interested if it's so that lists.ubuntu.com lists cannot be properly linked to from launchpad. and anyway, the request made should be removed, since we don't want to migrate from ubuntu.com to launchpad.net15:23
noodles775Mirv: OK, I'll remove the mailing list request with a comment to that effect.15:24
Mirvnoodles775: thank you15:24
gmbjblount: I don't know, let me just check...15:26
cumulus007Why is it actually so hard to translate Ubuntu properly on Launchpad?15:27
cumulus007That needs to be improved, seriously15:28
gmbjblount: No, there's no such feed. Nor can I find a bug for adding one, which is odd because I'm sure I've seen it.15:28
jblountgmb: I'd be pleased to file a bug if you think it's a reasonable request.15:28
gmbjblount: Definitely. Please do. If I find an extant bug I'll just merge them. Thanks.15:31
jblountgmb: np, #33549715:35
mptpopey, thanks for taking care of Dropbox for us. :-)16:02
popeynp mpt16:02
popeympt: what do we do about apps that have notifcation area icons but dont popup, e.g. miro uses the notifcation area to hold a bunch of menu items to "skip back" "skip forward" etc. Should bugs be filed against those apps to remove their notifcation area presence entirely?16:03
popey(there is an "Enable tray icon" option which is on by default AIUI)16:04
mptpopey, not yet. :-) We still have design work to do for alternatives to that sort of thing.16:05
=== noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
MTecknologykiko when off to lunch?16:08
mptRecent polls16:21
mpt* Nomination of Matthew Garrett to the Tech Board - closed on 2005-10-2916:21
mptHm, that's a definition of "Recent" of which I was unaware :-)16:22
* mpt reports the bug16:24
jordi__mpt: hey16:48
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mptHi jordi__! Long time no see16:48
* MTecknology commands kiko to come here16:52
jordi__mpt: yeah, if you go to Barcelona, we might meet16:56
jordi__mpt: do you think I could mail you with a pair of ui questions for a small package I maintain?16:57
jordi__it's about a connection dialog we're trying to figure out16:57
mptmpt at myrealbox dot com16:57
mptand yes, I will be in Barcelona :-)16:58
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jordi__mpt: great :)17:13
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iahello. I play with Python LP API - https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib - and it looks amazing. But I have a question - does provide this api means to find out which bugs/packages/branches/projects related to some user? I'm talking about something like this : people = launchpad.people; user = people['user']; print user.bugs #(or .packages/.branches); i've thought about it, because "print user.karma" works well and it's very right way(I think) to provide18:00
ia such type of information about user.18:00
kiko-afkia, not sure if we expose personal bug listings that way -- you rather need to do a query18:01
kfogelmrevell: ping18:03
mrevellhey kfogel, just about to head off to pack for next week's sprint18:03
kfogelmrevell: I think we had a call that we'd moved to this morning, and that I wasn't there.  Is that correct?18:04
mrevellYeah, no worries though, I think I  need to head off now. We can catch up next week18:05
kfogelmrevell: I'm so sorry.  I shouldn't have scheduled for 10am in the first place; am normally an early-morning person, but am sick right now and decided last night not to set an alarm.  Well, 11 hours later, here I am.18:05
kfogelSorry about that.18:05
mrevellkfogel: Oh man, sorry to hear you're sick :( I hope you recover quickly.18:05
kfogelmrevell: will see doctor, some kind of chest thing.  Anyway, sounds like you need to head off now.  Talk to you next week18:06
iakiko-afk: what kind of query? I've just thought, that if exists possible to get bug info by its number, than should some way to get bugs related to user. However, I will be very appreciate for any example snippets about this or something similar :-)18:07
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kfogelbarry: ping18:13
kfogelbarry: whups, mischan, never mind18:13
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mrevellthanks kfogel, best wishes :) Speak to you next week (when I'll be sprinting in Argentina but we can catch up as normal)18:21
kfogelmrevell: heh, I just realized now that we were speaking in the public channel, but what the heck :-)18:23
mrevellheh :)18:23
kfogelmrevell: Argentina is way better time zone wise anyway18:23
kfogel(which sprint is this again?)18:23
mrevellkfogel: Translations UI -- I'll be working with the guys on translations docs etc. I think Argentina is three hours ahead of you18:24
kfogelmrevell: have a great time!18:24
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primes2hHi, this bug 259505 has been fixed upstream on 19, but it's still set as "New" on Launchpad in the upstream package. Could anyone have a look please?18:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259505 in gvfs "impossible to copy files with p (pipe) flag" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25950518:27
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primes2hbac: could you have a look please?18:41
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knomehello. i see launchpad maintaining a list of ubuntu mirrors. would it be possible to create a similar list for xubuntu OR is the code that does this for launchpad public/available?20:11
primes2hgmb: Hi, there is this bug 259505 that has been fixed upstream on February 19th but in Launchpad it's still set as "New". Could you have a look please?20:50
wgrantknome: Xubuntu has the same mirrors... it's part of the Ubuntu archive!20:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259505 in gvfs "impossible to copy files with p (pipe) flag" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25950520:50
knomewgrant, yes, but it's not *required* for an *official* mirror (on the list) to have xubuntu images.20:52
elmowgrant: he means CD mirrors, not archive20:52
wgrantAh, images, I see.20:52
knomewgrant, or will the launchpad script look for those as well and drop an image if it doesn't have xubuntu? i doubt that.20:52
wgrantThe code is certainly not available.20:53
wgrantAnd I'm not sure if it will be on the 21st; it's technically part of Soyuz so might come under the bit they're not releasing.20:53
elmowgrant: it's not part of soyuz20:53
wgrant(the 21st being 21st of July)20:53
knomeso i shall write my own script. 21st of july is quite a long way ahead, you know.20:53
wgrantelmo: "We also consider the mirror management and other distro-related portions of Launchpad to be part of the Soyuz subsystem."20:54
elmowgrant: wow, ok20:54
wgrant(from launchpad.net/soyuz)20:54
wgrantBut that might be out of date, I don't know.20:54
elmoyou may be right.  I can't speak to the open-sourcing side of things20:54
elmobut I personally never thought of it as soyuz; probably because it's got different maintainers *shrug*20:55
wgrantI can't find anywhere details on what specific parts of LP aren't covered under the open-sourcing. At UDS, I believe it was said that only the archive publisher and buildd management code wasn't, but then at that point codehosting was still in...21:07
knomei can't remember attending any launchpad session.21:08
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ploumI've a full python application in a bzr repository on launchpad and I want to make a deb on a ppa out of it21:18
ploum and I've no experience with building python deb files or ppa21:18
ploum can anyone help me ?21:18
ploum or give me some pointers ?21:18
salgadoploum, #motu I think21:19
panattangood night.21:22
ploumsalgado: I'm asking here because I was told so on #motu ;-)21:22
primes2hsalgado: Hi, there is this bug 259505 that has been fixed upstream on February 19th but in Launchpad it's still set as "New". Could you have a look please?21:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259505 in gvfs "impossible to copy files with p (pipe) flag" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25950521:28
salgadoploum, do you have a debian source package already?  before you can build a .deb package on a PPA you'll need to assemble one.  we can help you with using the PPA itself, but I don't think there's many people here who'd be able to help you in assembling the source package21:31
salgadoprimes2h, looks like a bug in Launchpad itself.  care to report it?21:35
ploumsalgado: ok, thanks. I will try to make a source package then go back here for the ppa part21:36
primes2hsalgado: ok, I'll do it. Do I have to assign it to someone?21:37
salgadoprimes2h, nope21:38
primes2hsalgado: ok, thanks21:39
salgadothank you21:40
mrooneyThe upstream helper for firefox, that sends you to file a bug, files against mozilla "Core", shouldn't it be Firefox?22:36
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