
kwwiiandreasn: to be honest, I don't think we have to get rid of mist01:37
kwwiibut crux and co can go ;)01:37
andreasnwhat ones are currently installed by default?01:37
andreasncrux, mist, glossy, clearlooks, glider, HighContrast01:38
andreasndid I miss someone?01:38
kwwiicrux, glider an glossy can go, if you ask me01:39
* _MMA_ says toss 'em all but Human, Clearlooks and HiContrast.01:39
kwwii_MMA_: but you are a long-haired metal head01:40
SealVscrew it, just have redmond I say01:40
_MMA_kwwii: I *know* you've seen the pics with my hair gone. I shaved it almost a year ago. ;)01:40
kwwiino shit?01:41
kwwiihonestly, I haven't seen them01:41
* kwwii wishes he had hair to shave01:41
* _MMA_ thinks he didn't put 'em on Flickr yet actually. (just new kids ones. http://www.flickr.com/photos/metalmusicaddict01:42
kwwiiandreasn: so, we are honestly looking at taking out those themes and splitting thingssss01:42
kwwiiman, I need to update my pics...it has been like 2 months01:43
andreasnI wouldn't really mind throwing some of them into -extras01:43
kwwiiwell, I know that I cannot change things upsteam01:43
andreasnI think you can actually01:43
andreasnthos is just a bit stubborn01:43
kwwiibut maybe if ubuntu sets an example and leads things in advance for once01:44
SealVwhy glider?01:45
kwwiii am in the process of setting up a contest on deviantART as well as having contacted several design schools to fund projects around ubuntu design01:46
andreasnit does, in some places, like not showing app launchers for stuff like the pdf reader, image viewer and package app01:46
andreasnbut upstream didn't apply those, either because they didn't notice01:46
andreasnor because noone offered patches01:46
kwwiiSealV: heh? you are a glider fan?01:46
SealVclean, minimal, looks good with right fonts, yeah I guess so..01:47
andreasnso we might end up with the same situation with the themes, especially if we don't communicate with eachother01:47
kwwiiandreasn: sure, and to be honest, at this point I am looking to find the most amazing artwork/mockups/etc that I can find01:47
SealVwhat about that willibex thing that went around01:47
kwwiiandreasn: definitely01:48
andreasnI tried to look around a bit in the ubuntu wiki as well, but didn't find much that wasn't just a wallpaper and some other small thing01:48
kwwiiSealV: did you see the wallpaper brief for the release?01:48
kwwiiandreasn: yeah01:48
SealVwallpaper brief?01:48
SealVyup saw that01:49
kwwiiit was posted to the art mailing list a while ago01:49
andreasnbut it would be good to discuss what upstream and downstream want out of the gnome-themes package01:53
andreasnprobably we have similar goals. if it turns out that they differ, it would be a good thing that ubuntu did it's own thing01:53
andreasnbut otherwise we're just going to end up with a massive amount of bugs all over the place01:54
andreasnmaybe the desktop summit would be a good place to discuss it?01:54
andreasnwho is responsible for those menu changes btw? I wonder what the reason for not sending those upstream was. Was it the very stubborn group of people on desktop-devel-list (that never manages to come to real conclusions), or was it a active move to differentiate from the other distros, or just pure laziness?01:58
SealVoh hey! sorry to go all ADD: http://www.aldolat.it/grafica/jaunty-jackalope-cover-etichetta-poster/01:59
SealVhow awesome is that? he mailed me a link01:59
_MMA_It's ok. He just stuck together a bunch of pre-existing images. That's not to say it's a bad thing. Just that it's, ok. meh.02:01
SealVits awesome because he used miffan :P, I would have used a diff font02:02
_MMA_I also /think/ his reflection is off.02:02
SealVon the poster02:02
SealVso the deviantart idea is still around? I remember seeing that on brainstorm02:05
kwwiiandreasn: at this point, I would be happy if they moved them anywhere02:10
kwwiibooooaaahhhh, it is 3 am02:12
andreasnyes, I need to go to bed02:13
andreasnand you too02:13
kwwiiandreasn: it would be a really good idea for us to tie things together02:13
andreasnyes, have a good nights sleep now!02:13
kwwiino doubt, I just got back from london at 1am02:14
kwwiisee you soon02:14
SealVideapurge: http://www.piccdrop.com/images/1235702538.png03:16
_MMA_"Days to go:" gets a little lost IMO. Maybe fill it in.03:17
SealVhmm better or worse? :http://www.piccdrop.com/images/1235704915.png03:22
_MMA_SealV: Little bit. Thing is, if the pencil lines on the smaller font matched the "30" on thickness you would be fine. The weight/strength on the text I think is lacking.03:25
_MMA_Maybe you could convert the text to path and stroke the test with the same color in order to thicken up the feel?03:26
SealVgood idea,  think i understand what you mean03:27
_MMA_That's *if* you're doin' think in Inkscape. The page curl looks like a GIMP effect.03:29
kwwiierm, my email introducing julian_ didn't make it to the list, did it?12:35
_MMA_Not that I saw.12:35
kwwiihrm, I will have to resend it12:36
kwwiiI just realized that like half of the emails I wrote yesterday did not make it12:37
julian_kwwii: i'm inhere though :-)12:50
thorwilhello julian_. i saw your uds video. i'm curious to see how things will change now :)12:54
thorwiljulian_: are you subscribed to the ubuntu-art mailing list?12:54
kwwiihrm, apparently most of my emails haven't been sent in the last two days :(13:15
julian_thorwil, hi - yes - kwwii subscribed me yesterday (right kwwii)?13:16
_MMA_kwwii: I thought you just didn't love us anymore. :(13:16
kwwiijulian_: yepp13:16
kwwii_MMA_: I'll always have a special place in my heart for you, baby :)13:16
julian_kwwii, just while i'm here, could you take a look at the email i sent regarding the 3 artwork deadlines for rickspencer3?13:17
SiDiDoes anyone mind checking this link : http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x0E5E4ECB and telling me if this key is present on the ubuntu keyserver ? i got port 11371 closed here13:18
kwwiijulian_: yepp, responding now13:18
julian_kwwii, thanks.13:20
_MMA_SiDi: Links comes up no prob for me.13:21
julian_kwwii, also, the 1st release of the best of the best... (sorry)13:21
kwwiijulian_: right, I wanted to ask you a couple of questions about taht13:21
julian_go for it13:23
SiDiThanks _MMA_ :)13:25
SiDiBe right back13:28
SiDioh noes i have to go to a programming course in 14 mins :(13:46
thorwilkwwii: so, what's the situation with backgrounds?15:39
kwwiithorwil: I'm in the process of putting information together on this and other issues atm15:46
kwwiithorwil: I collected a bunch of pics and we went through them...there are good ideas and I'll highlight them, etc15:47
SiDiWho's made the Human Reprise theme ? can't find his name15:47
kwwiiSulley Mansford <jws141@yahoo.com>15:48
kwwiithat was not nice15:48
SiDihuh ?15:48
kwwiiI shouldn't have posted the email address like that15:48
SiDiwell, true :)15:49
SiDiis it the theme's author, though? i won't mail him/her anyways, it's just that i posted a comment on the theme's wiki about a bug with firefox but apparently noone saw it15:49
SiDithus i guess i'll just post on the mail list15:49
thorwilone of the participants in the free culture showcase complained that he saw an increase in spam because of having his email adress on the wiki15:50
SiDiwell, i got my mail address all over launchpad, etc, and i dont receive spam15:51
SiDisounds like i dont interest many persons :D15:51
thorwilmy mail provider filters ... and i still have collected 865 mails in my junk folder15:52
SiDiand i complain about receiving 20 mails per day.. :D15:53
thorwilah, finally i get to know who that Cory guy is!15:54
americanportalHey guy18:13
americanportalI need some feedback on the Wallpaper I just uploaded for Jaunty18:14
americanportalLet me know what you think18:14
americanportalAnyone get my message?18:44
shadowh511hey there19:50
shadowh511hows it going?19:53
userofubuntuare you a contributer to ubuntu artwork?19:54
shadowh511i just can't upload my submission to the wiki :P19:54
shadowh511this is a n00b question, but how do you upload stuff 2 the wiki?19:55
userofubuntuI had a bit of problems myself until I caught the hang of it19:56
userofubuntuwhat are you going to upload?19:56
userofubuntuhave you created an account?19:57
shadowh511png image, firefox icon19:57
kwwiishadowh511: add "attachment:name_of_file" (replacing the name_of_file with the name you want to give the file on the wiki19:58
userofubuntuwell you have to already have the file uploaded onto the wiki19:58
kwwiiwhen you save it, the page will then show what to do to upload the file19:58
userofubuntubefore you can do that19:58
userofubuntuOh take that back then19:59
shadowh511nope, that didnt work :( u.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/New Firefox Icon For Edubuntu20:00
shadowh511wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/New Firefox Icon For Edubuntu20:00
kwwiiuserofubuntu: no, it should then show you a link in which you can upload the file20:00
userofubuntuoh ic20:01
kwwiishadowh511: {{attachment:testtest.png}} for instance20:01
userofubuntushadow511: are spaces allowed like that?20:01
* shadowh511 lsaps face20:01
shadowh511id didn't work20:03
kwwiiit hsould be [[attachment:filename.png]]20:05
kwwiithen it will be a link when you save it20:05
kwwiiwith the name of the file20:05
shadowh511i used curly braces :D20:05
userofubuntuthere's your problem20:06
shadowh511http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/New Firefox Icon For Edubuntu20:07
userofubuntuit says it does not exist yet20:07
userofubuntuthat is the webpage20:07
kwwiiyou're not getting all of the text20:08
shadowh511look in jaunty plz20:08
shadowh511i forgot how to change page names :D20:08
kwwiiwhen I look at that page I see that I can click on the firefox.png link to upload the pic20:08
kwwiiwhat is the problem?20:09
userofubuntuwhat is the title of your page?20:09
shadowh511idk, it wont upload 4 some reason20:10
shadowh511there, it works now20:10
userofubuntuoh there just saw it20:10
shadowh511do you like it?20:11
userofubuntuits alright yeah20:12
kwwiilol, don't think you're allowed to do that20:12
userofubuntuoh yes20:12
kwwiiin fact, I know your not ;)20:13
shadowh511do what?20:13
kwwiichange the firefox logo in any way20:13
shadowh511just in the icon theme20:13
userofubuntushouldn't it be under edubuntu instead of ubuntu?20:13
shadowh511i added it to the edubuntu wiki20:13
shadowh511kwwii:is it aginst the rules to change the firefox icon for edubuntu?20:18
shadowh511kwwii: is it aginst the rules to change the firefox icon for edubuntu?20:19
swalko_thorwill: hi20:26
swalko_thorwil: hi20:27
thorwilhi swalko_20:42
swalko_thorwil: now i am trying to do calculator icon20:44
swalko_thorwil: as base i used calc from oxygen and modified it20:44
thorwilgiid night!21:12
thorwilgood, even21:12

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